DECEMBER 17, 1972

10:55 O'CLOCK A .M.



' z k % t'y; '. ' .cj 4j;:7 j <è ïq (i'o b4 ,.ï ' 1-.,/-ys' .t G E N E R A L A S S E 5 1 B L Y - $- 4.,.,j - sv a v.s o .. , u u ' ,q o ls . l'fousr OF Re7e-Esc-rA'rlv'cs i' l rj;,si ': .1 ?'t.6 ï%'. ' .. , , ,. .. i ' ' . Q- ' .2 . . . '

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. A Roll Call for attendan ce was taken and indicated that '

a11 were presenk with the exception of the following :

Representative John B. Brandt - death in family; . 1 . * . Representative Robert E . Brinkmeier - no reason given; '

. Representative Richard A . Carter - no reason Jiven; i Representative Okis G. Collins - illness;

Representative John H . .conolly - no reascn given; ' Representative Lawrence Diprima - no reason given;

éepresentative Mrs. .Robert C. Dyer - nc reason given; Representative Bernard E . Epton - no reason given; Representative àaymcnd W . Euell - no reason given ; ' Representative W . Joseph Gibbs - no reason given ; Representative Richard 0. Hart - no reason given ; '

' Representative Gene L. Hoffman - no reason given; ' ..

Representative Thomas R . Houde - illness; Representative Louis Janczak - death in family ; ' Representative Harold A . Ketz - no reason givenf

. - Representative Charles F. Keller - no reason given; Representative Edward L. Mipley - no reason given ;

Representative John Henry Kleine - no reason given; Representative James G. Krause - illness;

. Representative Ed Lehman - illness;

Representative Robert E. Mann - no reason given; Representative Peter J. Miller - no reascn given ; Representative James D. Nowlan - nb reason given; Represm tative James Philip - no reason given; - I ; Representative Leland H . . Ray son - no reason given ; .

...f 7(r, 'a p'... ..' kxï k' ' r> 1. ' gj & .? . . ' .) t2%..': .4 C ?l L'j> j 'j'j G E N E R A 'L A S S E M 8 L Y . : o . , . . s v. . v e ov j t. j. , s .1 s j s ;...).j . * ' !>j')d ./ . r. . . . .1 Hokl 5E C1 F R E P R E SE N T A T 1 V E:S 2 .

Represenkative htàtt''Ropa no reason given ; Representative Gale Schisler - no reason given ; Representative Joieph G. Sevcik - no reason given; Representative Is'8atz' R. Sims - no reason given ; Rêpresentative Joitn'lh/. Thompson - no reascn given; Representakive James VonBoeckman - no reason given; Representative Gake Williams - no reason given.

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L .'T 1. . ' 7 .

, ;k:N& '. .g %4>.g . .: ' ,'; gQ c-sgbj ijt7m:> 'tX G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y 13 rsa' jgj, , ,tj .,j.. : j- j sxavc os 'uu,-ols , , ' 1* 4apz? .,. xg. j; .. ) H ow s c o s s e en ss s N 'r A v 1 v Es 3. Hon. W. Robert Blair: NA1l right, the Speciàl Session will

be 'l i in order. The invocation Will be by Dockor Johnson .

Johnson : ''We pray. Almighty God, gracious Father in Heaven ,

. You who have placed the star on high , the day star on

' high. You have once more started the niqht and restored

another morning to your World. We ask . you now for grace to live out another day of our life, with and

purpose. Open our eyes to the wonders of your love which

. surround us on every side. Help us to see anew the good- ness which is revealed in your creation and in your keeping. Above à11, grant us a renewed vision of your truth, so that by your spirit of wisdom , we may avoid

a11 false choices. this day , and walk unhaltingly on this path you would have us follow. When !ge are in doubt or in uncertainty r give ps the sense to ask you for guidance

and direction. This is the day vhich the Lord has made.

. Let us rejoice and be glad. We pray in the name of Him ' who's cAom in.g we remember, the season of light and , the prince of peace, Jesus Christr our Lord. Amen.o

. Hon , W . Robert Blair : ''Ro 1l Call for Attendance . Gentlem an ! ' from Cook, Mr. Madigan.'t Madigan: ''Mr. Speaker, would the records show that Repre-

' . sentative Graham is excused because of illness. Excuse

me, Mr. Speaker. Because öf a death in his family.'f ' Hon. W. Robert Blair: HYes, the Journal will so indicate.''

. Gentleman from Cook , Mr . Collins .'' I Collips: '6Mr. Speaker, I move that the Special Session stand

.. . . , s (; . s ... . ts.n; w4zx.

Iiè' '>% .kh-.- t).r'trisr G E N E It A j- A s s E M B L Y t . -;-p)t,hi'j s ar ,. nr s <, ,- I t- t.' -4 cy I s q. 't:;), 4/ =.*. . - ,.i s ou ss o p s sen. sse: Iq vx'rl v ss h G ilre:A. ' . - - - !

. ! 1 4. . 1 in recess until the hour of 12:00 1' . Hon. W. Robert Blair: OAl1 right, a1l those in favor of the

gentleman's motion, say 'ayel. The opposed 'no'. The 'ayes' have it, and the Special Session is in recess.''

NoW weIre back in the Special Session. Messages from

the Sen ate .'' .

F. B. Selcke: ''Message from the Senate, by Mr. Wright,

' . . - ... Secretary. Mr. Speaker., Ilm directed to inform the

Houée of Representatives that the Senate has adopted . * the following Sehate Joint Resolution the adoption

' which I 'm instructed to ask concurrence of the House

of Representatives to wit. Senate Joint Resolution #3.

' Resolved by the Senate of the 77th General Assemb ly , State of Illinois, at the First Specfal Session theçeof, ' the House of Representatives concurring therein , that when ihe two houses adjourn on Sunday, December, l7, 1972: they stand adjourned 'Sïne Dle'. ' Adopted by the Senate December 17, 1972. Kenneth Wright, Secretaryeî' Blair: ''A11 right. Now, the Gentleman from Cook, Mr. Hyde.'' Hyde: ''Ladies and Gentlemen ,of the House. This is the

. Senate Joint Resolution #3 which ah.. adjourned the Special Session Sine Die. So, aV.. I now move concurrence in Senate Joint Resolution #3.', W * Robert Blair: ''All right. Ah.. Gentleman from Union; Mr . Choate.''

' , Choate: ''We11, Mr. Speaker, Eadies and Gentlemen of the House. Certainly, I'm going to vote to adjourn the

' ...... 'JL ' 2 .. . .x... #t '' ,:;.. ; .J-u' vb-L*., è.)x c E N E R A j. A s s E M 11 L Y , j/ qstyt:.37s h j s. jkya,i :v àJ-; j t j jy s'r n'rc. o F' 4 ut-lws ch Is . . . . J l l *'Q' . .V ,/ ' .r *. .% *. ' .'. )' a o u s s o Ir n c e yz c s E N w Jk 'r l v Iz s ' 5. Special Session. But, before I Vote to adjourn the Special Sçssion, I wank to clearly and emphatically point out that as far as I'm concerned this House pf Representatfves, sometïme in :hs iate hours of yesterday , discharged its duties 'by bringing about as far as I'm concerned an effective answer to the question whieh we were called here ko consider which

is a property tax freeze. I'm saddened and I'm dismaid that the senate did not &ee fit to give this important question the consideration whlch I think it was deserving. And to say thàk it needs further study, I would like to point ouk that the bill in its entir.Ey is a little .over a half a page. If they had objections as far as some of the language, would have beep a simple matter to amend it. You know it and I know it. But as Ilve said before , Ilm proud that this House did.. This House did confront this

x' importàw.nt question and as far as I'm concerned brought

abouk a realistic solution for a period of one year so that the broader scope of tax reform could be studied

'L r.. tduring that time and maybe once and f or al1 bring a meaningful end as far as.the taxpayers are concerned to this queskion. And now Mr. Speaker, I would like to advise this House that I'm prefiling for the next session

of the General Assembly the bill which we passed yesterday and if it needed any amendments, we'll prepare them . And I would like to say to any member of this i . .it:'v7IA'1 > ;-:k.w )'Y bg -'7?, >.. ' e'jh $ G E N E R A L A S S E M B L Y ; j o'= , l. k' : ' s' f2 ?. ' 2 1 s 'r a. r e: o e l u u l rë o I s à. . .: th 'z / . r' -. ,. .. '. ,/ s o u s u o s a c p j: s s .: x v wv , v c s 6 '

House that if they desire to be a co-sponsor, they might put their name on it.n W. Robert Blair; 'îGentleman from Christian, Mr. Tipsword.'' 'ipsword: ''M r S eaker and Ladies and' Gentlemen of the Housev' . p , I'm very pleased Eo hear that Reprasentative Choate

is offering this bill which we had sent to the Senate again for our consideratipn in the.. in é Session that is to come. I'm very.. very disappointed that the Senate did not take time to read a one-page bill.

I'm very disappointed that they had to send that bill to committee without giving it a hearing which

' would really have taken anly a few minutes in the Senate if khey didnlt know whqt it was. In fact, I'm informed of some of the remarks that were made about the bill. Iits obvfous that 'they ah.. hadn't read it. Because there were some remarks about ah..

this would cause a raid on the State Treasury and I - ,A think eZverybody in the House was well-informed that the last of the levies have already been filed. That the last of the assessments have been finalized. And there couldn't have been a raid on the State Treasury in the one year's time. And we dertainly are coming back here in January when we could work out anything for the fukure to give these people of the State of Illinois, tax reform. I just hope that the bill that is being prefiled today by Representative Choate, the same bill is nok agained comissioned or

;.u:'q .' J qjj k ' p'. 't qkw.. , ( tj zz N jj x jj jy x ja x g g y; Nj jy jv y '/ kl I è ;?.( 7)7-, r.t) G , ï U' $ r ) $ .)tt L, . ) , . s . . w s o .. 1 u u I r.' o 1 s 1. jkt ,.L' ip?t' .' n' z . -..' ) vtousc os tqcpnescwwnwtves comn itteed to death in the Senate. And I hope that . for once they start to realize that'taxes are an . issue ih the State of Illinois. And an issue that must be resolved. And that We must have reformation and tax relief for the people in thd State of'lllinois and not just on the State level buk all levels of government. And that excessive spending wherever it may be must be

farroted and ended so that thé People of the State of

Illinois can Pay for only that government that they want and that they need and can get the services that

they really deserve and that we should show them ïn both Houses the respect khich the people of this state deserve. And I commend this House for the kespect thak it has shown to the people of the State af ' Illinois. I commend Répresentative Mccormick for the bill that he put in. For Representative Choate in the amendment that he provided and for the fair' considerat 'on

it received in the House.. the General Assembly of Illinoi .N

W . Robert Blair: ''Any further discussion. A11 right. Questionîs on the Gentleman's motion to concur in the adoption of sJR 3. Al1 those in favor say 'aye'.''

Mltrrlbe rs : '' A y e ''. W . Robert Blair: ''opposed? 'no'. Thq 'ayes' have it and the Speeial sossion's adjourned sine die-''

G E N E R A . L A S S E M B L Y ' srartc op- lt-ul-tals Id clusE o Ir R E PF/ ES C-'P AT I &? E:S