Washington, Wednesday, September 29, 1943
Æ\ FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 193 Washington, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 The President acquired by courts of a cobelligerent CONTENTS hereunder and to all proceedings had or THE PRESIDENT judgments rendered in exercise of such PROCLAMATION 2594 jurisdiction.” P roclamation : PaSe WHEREAS the Government' of Can Capture of prizes on the high C a p t u r e o p P r iz e s ada, a cobelligerent, has consented to the seas, jurisdiction,__________13217 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercise of the jurisdiction conferred by OF AMERICA the said act with respect to prizes of the REGULATIONS AND United States brought into the territorial NOTICES A PROCLAMATION waters of Canada and to the taking or WHEREAS the act of August 18, 1942, appropriation of such prizes within the A l i e n P r o p e r t y C u s t o d i a n : 56 Stat. 746, contains in part the follow territorial waters of Canada for the use Vesting orders: Crespi, Giovanni B ----------------- 13271 ing provisions: of the United States: - NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Geffcken, F. H. H., and H. R. “Be it enacted by the Senate and House Richter___________ 13271 of Representatives of the United States ROOSEVELT, President of the United I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G , (2 States of America, acting under and by of America in Congress assembled, That documents)_______ 13272,13273 virtue of the authority vested in me by the district courts shall have original Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motor- the said act of August 18, 1942, do pro jurisdiction of all prizes captured during enwerke A.
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