Washington, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

The President acquired by courts of a cobelligerent CONTENTS hereunder and to all proceedings had or THE PRESIDENT judgments rendered in exercise of such PROCLAMATION 2594 jurisdiction.” P roclamation : PaSe WHEREAS the Government' of Can­ Capture of prizes on the high C a p t u r e o p P r iz e s ada, a cobelligerent, has consented to the seas, jurisdiction,______13217 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercise of the jurisdiction conferred by OF AMERICA the said act with respect to prizes of the REGULATIONS AND United States brought into the territorial NOTICES A PROCLAMATION waters of Canada and to the taking or WHEREAS the act of August 18, 1942, appropriation of such prizes within the A l i e n P r o p e r t y C u s t o d i a n : 56 Stat. 746, contains in part the follow­ territorial waters of Canada for the use Vesting orders: Crespi, Giovanni B ------13271 ing provisions: of the United States: - NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Geffcken, F. H. H., and H. R. “Be it enacted by the Senate and House Richter______13271 of Representatives of the United States ROOSEVELT, President of the United I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G , (2 States of America, acting under and by of America in Congress assembled, That documents)______13272,13273 virtue of the authority vested in me by the district courts shall have original Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motor- the said act of August 18, 1942, do pro­ jurisdiction of all prizes captured during enwerke A. G. (2 docu­ claim that the Government of Canada the present war on the high seas if said ments) ______13268,13270 shall be accorded like privileges with re­ capture was made by authority of the Kurtz-Hahnle, Carl, et al____ 13267 United States or was adopted and rati­ spect to prizes captured under authority of the said Government and brought into Legerlotz, Helmut------13271 fied by the President of the United States Les Usines des Melle______13269 and the prize was brought into the ter­ the territorial waters of the United States or taken or appropriated in the Lieberknecht, Paul, and M a­ ritorial waters of a cobelligerent or was schinenfabrik Einsiedel taken or appropriated for the use of the territorial waters of the United States G. m. b. H ______13272 United States on the high seas or in such for the use of the said Government. Metallgesellschaft A. G ------13273 territorial waters, including jurisdiction IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ N. V. Internationale Oxygen- of all proceedings for the -condemnation unto set my hand and caused the seal of ium Maatschappij Nova- of such property taken as prize. the United States of America to be ***** affixed.1 del______^______13268 DONE at the City of Washington this Orkla Grube Aktiebolag, et al_ 13268 “Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of prizes Peterson, Waldemar______13270 brought into the territorial waters of a 27th day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and Raddatz, Martha______13267 cobelligerent shall not be exercised un­ Société Anonyme des Ateliers der authority of this Act, nor shall prizes [ s e a l ] forty-three, and of the Inde­ pendence of the United States Brillie Freres_;______13272 be taken or appropriated within such F e d e r a l C ommunications C o m m i s ­ territorial waters for the use of the of America the one hundred and sixty- s i o n : United States, unless the government eighth. F r a n k l i n D R o o s e v e l t Orlando, Fla., hearing------13262 having jurisdiction over such territorial F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e S e r v ic e : waters consents to the exercise of such By the President: Wichita Mountains Wildlife jurisdiction or to such taking or appro­ A d o l f A. B e r l e , Jr., Refuge, Oklahoma; admin­ priation. Acting Secretary of State. istration______13262 * * * * * [P. R. Doc. 43-15715; Filed, September 27, G e n e r a l L a n d O f f i c e : “Sec. 7. A cobelligerent of the United 1943; 12:39 p. ra.] Nevada, land withdrawal______13261 States which consents to the exercise of I n t e r s t a t e C o m m e r c e C o m m i s s i o n : the jurisdiction herein conferred with Fruit and vegetable cars; diver­ respect to prizes of the United States Regulations sion, reconsignment or or­ brought into its territorial waters and to ders______;______13262 the taking or appropriation of such Icing permits: prizes within its territorial waters for the TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Atchison, Topeka, and Santa use of the United States shall be ac­ Chapter X—War Food Administration Fe Railway Co. (2 docu­ corded, upon proclamation by the Presi­ (Production Orders) ments)______13263,13265 dent of the United States, like privileges Common carriers by railroad [F P O 14] with respect to prizes captured under au­ (7 documents)______13264, thority of such cobelligerent and brought P art 1202— F a r m M a c h in e r y a n d 13265,13266 into the territorial waters of the United E q u ip m e n t Long Island Rail Road Co 13264 States or taken or appropriated in the n e w f a r m m a c h in e r y a n d e q u ip m e n t Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. territorial waters of the United States The fulfilment of requirements for the (2 documents)____ 13263,13264 for the use of such cobelligerent. Re­ Southern Pacific Co______13263 ciprocal recognition and full faith and defense of the United States has resulted credit shall be given to the jurisdiction (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 13217 13218 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued lH j O f f ic e o f P r ic e A dministration — W ar D e p a r t m e n t : Page Continued. Page U. S. Military Academy admis­ FEBERALMREGISTER4? Licensing— Continued. 1934 sion, miscellaneous amend­ ' tíAílTtO V Termination dates— Con. ments ------______— I— 13224 Iron and steel products W ar F ood A dministration : sellers (SO 17, Am. 2)_ 13243 Farm machinery and equip­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Lumber and building mate­ ment, new: and days following legal holidays, by the rials dealers (SO 18, (FPO 14)------13217 Division of the Federal Register, The National Am. 2 )______13243 (FPO 14, Supp. 1) ------r ___ 13221 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Meat and meat products Rice, delegation of authority___ 13279 in the FederalJRegister Act, approved July 26.. W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard : 1935 (49 Stat, 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., sellers (SO 14, Am. 2)__ 13243 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Paper products distributors • Acetone and diacetone (M-352) _ 13235 Administrative Committee, approved by the Chemicals, maintenance, repair (SO 19, Am. 3 )______13243 a n d operating supplies President. Distribution is made only by the Second-hand machine tools Superintendent of Documents, Government (P -8 9 )------13238 Printing Office, W ashington, D. C. dealers (BO 20, Am. 2) _ 13243 Flags (M-166)------13233 The regulatory material appearing herein is Waste and scrap dealers Mica (M-101)_____ 13230 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, (SO 5, Am. 4 )___ 13242 Newsprint paper (L-240)______13231 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Yarn and textiles sellers Pigs’ and hogs’ bristles(M-51) __ 13234 to section 11 of the Federal Registër Act, as amended June 19, 1937. (SO 36, Am. 1 )______13243 Power division, Office of War The Federal R egister will be furnished by Lumber: Utilities, table (M-293, Table mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Douglas fir doors (RPS 44, 8) ------13232 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Am. 2) — ______13246 Priorities regulations: extension vance. The charge for individual copies Rotary cut southern hardwood of preference ratings (PR 3, (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Am. 2 )------13228 box (MPR 176, Am. 6)___ 13250 size of the issue. Remit check or money Reagent chemicals: West coast logs (MPR l(Jl, order, made payable to the Superintendent (P-135)------L« ------13237 of Documents, directly to the Government Order 30)______13274 Printing Office, W ashington, D. C. (P-135-a)___ 13237 Motor transport carriers, ad­ Refrigeration condensers, coil or There are no restrictions on the republica­ justment application (SR tion of material appearing in the Federal tube assemblies (L-126, Sch. R egister. _ 15, Am. 10)______13255 in )------•_------13229 Paperboard products (MPR 187, Rubber, synthetic rubber, balata, Am. 6) ______13256 etc. (R -l, Am. 4 )______13240 CONTENTS—Continued Regional and district office or­ Suspension orders: ders: Deisroth', W. H., Inc______13228 N a v y D e p a r t m e n t : Page Pood and drink sold for im­ Southwest Manufacturing Co_ 13228 Executive orders and proclama­ mediate consumption, tions applicable to Navy__ 13258 Oklahoma City district, O f f ic e o f E c o n o m ic W arfar e : Okla------13252 in a shortage in the supply of rationed General in-transit licenses, Ice, Mesa, Ariz______13275 farm equipment for défense and for pri­ amendments______13228 Lettuce, Cheyenne and Casper, vate account and for export; and the fol­ O f f ic e o f P r ic e A dministration : lowing order is deemed necessary and Adjustment orders filed, list____ 13274 „ Wyo------13275 Milk: appropriate in the public interest and to Adjustments, exceptions, etc.: promote the national defense: Pacific Lumbfer Inspection Grand Island, Nebr______13275 Bureau, Inc______13255 Okanagan County,Wash__. 13275 DEFINITIONS AND PURPOSE OF THIS ORDER West Coast Bureau of Lumber Plumbing services, Sioux Falls, § 1202.260 Definitions. When used Grades and Inspection___ 13255 S. Dak______13275 in this order or in any order supple­ Ammunition (Rev. SR 14, A m .. Scavenger services, Monroe mentary hereto: 35)------13257 County, N. 13274 (a) “Deputy Administrator” means Apparel, fall and winter outer­ Sanitary napkins and tampons the Deputy Administrator in charge of wear (MPR 438, Am. 2 )____ 13257 (MPR 140, Am. 5 )______13247 the Office of Materials and Facilities of Automotive parts (MPR 453, Tires, tubes, recapping and the W ar Food Administration. Am. 1)______r______13256 camelback (RO 1A, Am. (b) “Manufacturer” means any per­ Beef and veal carcasses and cuts 50)------_*------13247 son engaged in the business of making or (RMPR 169, Am. 28)______13249 S e c u r it ie s a n d E x c h a n g e C o m m i s ­ assembling rationed farm equipment. Gasoline and mileage rationing s i o n : (c) “Mail order house” means any (RO 5C, Am. 74)______13251 Hearings: person engaged in the business of trans­ Glass containers, wide mouth Consolidated Electric and Gas ferring rationed farm equipment for use (MPR 382, Am. 4)______13251 Co. and Bluefield Gas Co_ 13279 directly to the transferees upon orders Licensing: Engineers Public Service X)o. received primarily by mail. Provisions in certain price and subsidiaries______13276 (d) “Distributor” means any person engaged in the business of transferring schedules and regula­ General Water, Gas and Elec­ rationed farm equipment other than for tions, changes (SO 72) __ 13244 tric Co., et al______13277 use. Registration: North American Co. and sub­ (e) “Dealer” means any person en­ Second-hand machine tool sidiaries______13277 gaged in the business of transferring ra­ dealers (Licensing 3)__ 13241 Ogden Corp. and subsidiaries. 13276 tioned farm equipment for use. Waste and scrap dealers People’s Light and Power Co., (Licensing 2 )______13241 et al. (2 documents)_____ 13275, N ote : As the words, “manufacturer”, “mail Sales made under price con­ order house”, “distributor” and “dealer” are 13276 used in this order, a single person may be trol (Licensing 1) ______13240 Scripps-Howard Investment classified in more than one such group, de­ Termination dates: Co------13278 pending on whether he is engaged in more Chemical and drug distrib­ United Gas Corp., et al______13278 than one business as described in these utors (SO 11, Am. 2) _ 13242 T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m e n t : definitions. Container sellers (SO 39, Foreign funds control (4 docu­ (f) “Person” means any individual, Am. 3 )______13243 ments) ______13227,13228 partnership, corporation, association, FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13219 business trust, or any organized group tioning committees shall perform their shall be required in the case of a transfer of persons, whether incorporated or not. functions and duties under this order in of rationed farm equipment which is The term “person” shall also include the accordance with instructions issued not a transfer for use. United States, or any agency thereof, through the State and County USDA (b) Any manufacturer may make a and a State or territory or any political W ar Boards. transfer and any person may accept a subdivision or agency thereof. § 1202.263 County Farm Rationing transfer of rationed farm equipment (g) “Transfer” means any actual or Committees. The establishment of a without a purchase certificate if such purported act or transaction, whether or county farm rationing committee in transfer: ( 1) is of equipment manufac­ tured by such manufacturer; ( ) is being not evidenced by writing, the purpose, each county having a substantial agri­ 2 intent, or effect of which is to create, sur­ cultural area is hereby authorized. Each transferred for the primary purpose of render, release, change, or alter, directly county farm rationing committee shall experimentation rather than agricul­ or indirectly, any right, title, -interest, or consist of three regular members, none tural production; (3) is in accordance possession'with respect to any rationed of whom shall be dealers. One of the with such manufacturer’s previous usual farm equipment. The use of rationed regular members shall be the chairman practice of conducting experiments with farm equipment in agricultural opera­ of the county agricultural conservation equipment manufactured by him; and tions by a dealer, distributor, mail order committee, who shall be chairman of (4) is made without consideration from house or manufacturer shall be deemed the county farm rationing committee. the transferee. As soon as the experi­ a transfer. Notwithstanding the fore­ If the chairman of the county agricul­ mental use is completed, the equipment going, the delivery of rationed farm tural conservation committee is a dealer shall be retransferred to the manufac­ equipment to a carrier for shipment or or, for any other reason, is unable to turer. Such equipment shall be deemed the delivery of rationed farm equip­ serve, the County USDA W ar Board shall new equipment, until it is sold for use in ment by a carrier to a consignee shall select, as a member and chairman of accordance with this orders not be deemed to be a transfer within the the county farm rationing committee, (c) Unless otherwise provided in a sup­ meaning of this order. a regular or alternate member of the plementary order, any Federal agency (h) “Rationed farm equipment” county agricultural conservation com­ desiring any rationed farm equipment, means new farm machinery, equipment mittee who is not a dealer. The other any person desiring to acquire rationed or supplies which are listed in and con­ two regular members and the two al­ farm equipment for export from and con­ trolled by orders supplementary hereto. ternate members of the county farm ra­ sumption or use outside the continental Any such equipment which is transferred tioning committee shall be appointed by United States, its territories and posses­ in violation of this order shall continue the County USDA War Board, shall be sions, and any person desiring to acquire to be subject to this order. Imported farmers resident in the county, and shall rationed farm equipment for non-agri- rationed farm equipment shall become not be members of the county agricul­ cultural use may acquire such rationed subject to this order upon its physical tural conservation committee. The reg­ farm equipment provided there is com­ entry into the continental United States, ular and alternate members of the pliance with any and all applicable regu­ lations of the W ar Production Board in­ its territories and possessions. county farm rationing committee shall cluding, if necessary, the acquisition of a (i) “Attachment” for farm equipment serve without compensation. Vacancies priority rating. means a supplementary appliance which on the county farm rationing committee may be added to an otherwise complete shall be filled in the same manner as the ACQUISITION AND USE OF PURCHASER unit of farm equipment to extend the original committee is herein authorized CERTIFICATES utility of such equipment. to be established. § 1202.267 Applications for purchase (j) “Continental United States” (b) County farm rationing commit­ certificates. Any person who desires to means the forty-eight States and the tees appointed under Food Production acquire rationed farm equipment for District of Columbia. Order No. 3, as amended shall continue ,1 agricultural use in the continental United (k) “Type of equipment” means any to serve as though appointed under this States, for which a purchase certificate is general class of equipment, such as order. tractors, combines, grain drills, etc. required, may file with the county farm * (c) The county farm rationing com­ rationing committee for the county in mittee for Montgomery County, State of § 1202.261 Purpose of this order. which such equipment is to be principally This Food Production Order No. 14 es­ Maryland, shall also serve with respect used an application for a purchase cer­ tablishes a general procedure for ration­ to the District of Columbia. tificate for such'equipment. ing the farm equipment which is listed in RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFERS orders supplementary hereto. This or­ § 1202.268 Standards of eligibility. der should be read in conjunction with § 1202.264 General restrictions. Ex­ The Deputy Administrator may from such supplementary orders which set cept as otherwise provided in this order, time to time establish or direct States forth special procedures controlling the regardless of the terms of any contract USDA W ar Boards to establish ¡Standards transfer of particular types of rationed , of sale or purchase, or other commitment, for the guidance of county farm ration­ farm equipment. whenever made, no person shall make a ing committees in determining the transfer or” accept a transfer of any eligibility of applicants for purchase ADMINISTRATION rationed farm equipment,,except pursu­ certificates for any type of rationed farm § 1202.262 Authority of the Deputy ant to this order and orders supplemen­ equipment. Such standards may differ Administrator. The administration of tary hereto or othejp- orders of the W ar from State to State and from county to the rationing program established by Food Administrator, or pursuant to di­ county. Such standard^ shall be de­ this order and the powers of the W ar rectives which may be issued by the signed so that the maximum utility of Pood Administrator, insofar as such Deputy Administrator. the rationed farm equipment can be ob­ tained for the food program. powers relate to the administration of § 1202.265 Transfers which require this order, are hereby delegated to the purchase certificates. Unless otherwise § 1202.269 Action by county farm ra­ Deputy Administrator. The Deputy Ad­ specified in this order or in any order tioning committee on application. The ministrator shall be assisted in the ad­ supplementary hereto, no person shall county farm rationing committee shall at ministration of such rationing program make a transfer or accept a transfer for all times serve the objectives sought by by the State and County USDA W ar agricultural use of rationed farm equip­ the rationing program and allocate ra­ Boards, the county farm rationing com­ ment, except pursuant to a purchase cer­ tioned farm equipment only for uses es­ mittees, and by such employees as the tificate issued in accordance with this sential to the war effort and then in the War Food Administrator may designate order. order that such uses are most vital. The and such boards, committees and em­ determination of facts in each case shall ployees are hereby authorized to admin­ § 1202.266 Transfers which do not re­ be made by the county farm rationing ister the provisions of this order. The quire purchase certificates, (a) Unless committee upon the basis of the applica­ State and County USDA W ar Boards otherwise specified in any order supple­ tion and all other information available shall perform their functions and duties mentary hereto, no purchase certificate to such committee- under this order in accordance with in­ structions issued to them by the W ar 18 F.R. 5963, 7299, 7625, 8046, 9100, 9101, § 1202.270 Notification of applicant. Food Administrator. County farm r-a- 10343, 11607. After action upon an application the 13220 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

county farm rationing committee shall county farm rationing committee was which are accepted by such dealer. notify the applicant in writing of its not in accordance with this order. Such (This requirement has been approved by decision. If the application is denied, the appeal shall be filed with the County the Bureau of the Budget in accordance county farm rationing committee shall USDA W ar Board for the same county with the Federal Reports Act of 1942.) inform the applicant of the manner jin as the county farm rationing committee (b) Each manufacturer, mail order • which an appeal may be made. appealed from. The County USDA W ar house, distributor and dealer shall make Board shall promptly transmit such ap­ such reports and furnish such informa­ § 1202.271 Issuance of purchase cer- peal to the State USDA W ar Board,'to­ tion as may be required from time to Tificates. Upon approval of applications; gether with such other pertinent infor­ time by the Deputy Administrator, sub­ county farm rationing committees shall mation as the County USDA W ar Board ject to the approval of the Bureau of the issue purchase certificates to applicants deems appropriate. Budget in accordance with the Federal on a form prescribed by the Deputy Reports Act of 1942. § 1202.276 Action by the State USDA Administrator. Such certificates shall be (c) Each manufacturer, mail order War Board, (a) The State USDA W ar non-transferable. Unless otherwise house, distributor and dealer shall per­ Board may require the county farm ra­ specified in any supplementary order, a mit duly authorized representatives of separate purchase certificate shall be is­ tioning committee or the applicant to furnish pertinent information in addi­ the W ar Food Administration to audit sued for each unit of rationed farm and inspect his records and to inspect equipment. tion to that furnished to the county farm rationing committee with respect to' the his inventories of rationed farm equip­ § 1202.272 Expiration or revocation of appeal pending before such Board. The ment. purchase certificates. Transfer of any State USDA W ar Board may affirm, re­ ENFORCEMENT equipment described in a purchase cer­ verse, or modify the ruling of the county § 1202.280 Violations. Any person tificate must be made on or before the farm rationing committee. The action who willfully violates any provision of expiration date named in such purchase of the State USDA W ar Board shall in this order, or who, in connection with certificate. Such expiration date may be all respects be in accordance with the this order, knowingly conceals a mate­ fixed by the county farm rationing com­ provisions of this order. rial fact or furnishes false information mittee. Such purchase certificate shall (b) The State USDA W ar Board’s de­ to any department or agency of the be void if transfer is not made before cision shall be made as soon as is reason­ United States (including county farm the expiration date. The county farm ably possible, shall be in writing, and rationing, committees and State and rationing committee, however, may ex­ notification thereof shall be given to the County USDA W ar Boards), or who con­ tend the expiration date. The county applicant and to the county farm ra­ spires with another person to perform farm rationing committee may revoke tioning committee. any of such acts, is guilty of a crime and, a purchase certificate at any time before § 1202.277 Review of State USDA War upon conviction may be punished by fine the purchase of the equipment described and imprisonment. In addition, any in such certificate has been completed, Board action. If an applicant has good reason to believe that the decision of the such person may by administrative sus­ if it is satisfied (a) that the person to pension order be prohibited from receiv­ whom the purchase certificate was is­ State USDA W ar Board on his appeal is not in accordance with the provisions of ing any deliveries of, or selling or other­ sued has misrepresented his circum­ wise disposing of, or using any rationed stances in obtaining the certificate; or this order, he may, within 30 calendar days after notification thereof, file a farm equipment or any other materials (b) that the circumstances of such per­ now or hereafter authorized to be ra­ son have so changed that the acquisition written petition for review by the Deputy Administrator. Such written petition tioned or allocated by, or subject to the by such person of the equipment de­ priority control of, the W ar Food Ad­ scribed in the purchase certificate would shall set forth the specific reasons why the applicant believes the decision of the ministrator, and .may be deprived of any be contrary to the objectives sought by priority assistance. Further, the Deputy the rationing program; or'(c) that such State USDA W ar Board is not in ac­ cordance with the provisions of this or­ Administrator may recommend to the person is not proceeding in good faith Office of Price Administration or to the to acquire the equipment described in der. The Deputy Administrator may re­ quire the furnishing of pertinent infor­ W ar Production Board that any person the purchase certificate; or (d) .that who violates any provision of this order mation by the applicant, the county farm such purchase certificate was issued by or any amendment or supplement there­ rationing committee, or the State USDA mistake. to be denied the right to receive, use, sell, W ar Board. The Deputy Administrator or otherwise dispose of any other mate­ .§ 1202.273 Action by applicant. After may affirm, reverse or modify the deci­ rials which now are or in the future may receipt of a purchase certificate an ap­ sion of the State USDA W ar Board, and plicant shall sign the certificate and he may remand the matter to the county be under allocation. present it to the person from whom the farm rationing committee. The decision § 1202.281 Communications. All com­ equipment is to be purchased. of the Deputy Administrator shall be in munications concerning this order shall, § 1202.274 Action by dealer. A dealer writing and shall be communicated to unless otherwise directed, be addressed shall not honor a purchase certificate un­ the applicant, to the county farm ra­ to the Deputy Administrator in charge of less such certificate is delivered to him tioning committee, and to the State the Office of Materials and Facilities, War properly executed by the county farm USDA W ar Board, and shall be final. Food Administration, Washington 25, rationing committee and the purchaser. § 1202.278 Other appeals. Any person D. C., Ref: FPO 14. Upon transferring the rationed farm seeking relief of a type not otherwise pro­ § 1202.282 Food Production Order No. equipment described in a purchase cer­ vided for in this order may file with the 3 superseded. Food Production Order tificate the dealer shall notify the county Deputy Administrator a written state­ No. 3, as amended, is hereby superseded: farm rationing committee of such trans­ ment of the relief which he seeks and the Provided, That distribution directives is­ fer in the manner specified on the cer­ reasons why he believes he is entitlèd to sued to individual manufacturers under tificate. such relief. The Deputy Administrator Food Production Order No. 3, as amend­ APPEALS may grant such relief, if it would not de­ ed,2 for types of equipment listed on § 1202.275 Appeal to State USDA War feat or impair the effectiveness of the Schedules I and II of Supplementary Board. Any applicant for a purchase rationing program established by this Order No. 1 of this order shall remain in certificate who has good reason to be­ order and if the granting of similar relief full force and effect, except as to the lieve that the ruling of the county farm to all persons in like circumstances would tagging provisions thereof : And provided not hinder such program. The decision rationing committee' on his application further, That all provisions of Food Pro­ of the Deputy Administrator shall be in is not in accordance with the provisions duction Order No. 3, as amended,2 shall of this order may, within 30 calendar writing and shall be final. continue to remain in full force and days after written notification of such RECORDS AND REPORTS ruling, appeal to the State USDA W ar effect for the purpose of allowing or Board from such ruling. In so doing, § 1202.279 Records and reports, (a) sustaining any suit, action, prosecution the applicant shall file a written state­ Each dealer shall maintain for at least ment setting forth the specific reasons two years a file containing all pur­ *8 F.R. 5963, 7299, 7625, 8045, 9100, 9101, why he believes the action taken by the chase certificates, or copies thereof, 10343, 11607. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13221 or administrative or other proceeding, Exhibit A attached hereto, and, for 1, 1943, no county farm rationing com­ heretofore or hereafter commenced with Schedule III equipment, such report shall mittee shall issue any purchase certifi­ respect to any violation committed or be made in the form set forth in Exhibit cates for Schedule I equipment in excess right or liability accruing under or pur­ B attached hereto. This report is some­ of such number, unless expressly permit­ suant to the terms of such provisions. times hereinafter referred to as the ted to do so by its State USDA War Board. “State distribution plan.” (Changes The State USDA W ar Boards are hereby § 1202.283 Effective date. This or­ may be made in a State distribution plan authorized to grant such permission. der shall become effective October 15, under the provisions of paragraph (c) 1943. § 1202.305 Manufacturer’s transfer of (2) of § 1202.305.) listed farm machinery and equipment. (E.O. 9280, 7 P.R. 10179; E.Q. 9322, 8 F.R. (b) On or before November 5, 1943, (a) Until a manufacturer has trans­ 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 P.R. 5423) each manufacturer shall make a writ­ ferred listed farm machinery and equip­ ten report, in the form set forth in Ex­ Issued this 27th day of September 1943. ment sufficient to fill distribution direc­ hibit C attached hereto, to the State tives issued to him under Food Produc­ M a r v in J o n e s , USDA W ar Board for each State with War Food Administrator. tion Order No. 3, as amended,1 for any respect to the units of Schedule I equip­ type of Schedule I or Schedule II equip­ ment reported by him to the Deputy [F. R. Doc. 43-15709; Filed, September 27, ment, he shall not make any other trans­ 1943; 11:26 a. m .} Administrator for distribution in such fers of such type of equipment. State pursuant to paragraph (a,) of this (b) Subject to the directives men­ section. Such report shall show the [FPO 14, Supp. Order 1] tioned in paragraph (a) of this section manufacturer’s proposed distribution of covering any Schedule I or Schedule II P art 1202— F a r m M a c h i n e r y a n d such equipment by counties. This report equipment, a manufacturer may trans­ E q u i p m e n t is sometimes hereinafter referred to as fer, without reference to any distribution the “county distribution plan.” The plan but otherwise in accordance with NEW FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT State USDA W ar Board may, on or be­ this Supplementary Order, any type of § 1202.301 Purpose of this supple­ fore November .20, 1943, change a county Schedule I, Sôhedule II or Schedule in mentary order. This supplementary distribution plan by not more than 10 equipment which was produced by him order explains the procedure to be fol­ percent of the units of each type of prior to July 1, 1943. lowed in distributing listed farm ma­ equipment, but changes affecting more (c) (1) Subject to the provisions of chinery and equipment from manu­ than 10 percent of any type of equipment paragraph (c) (2) of this section, after facturers to retail outlets and it also sets may be made with the consent of the having made the reports to the Deputy forth the requirements of the rationing manufacturer. (This authority to Administrator and to the State USDA program which are of special importance change a county distribution plan shall W ar Boards pursuant to paragraphs (a ), to persons desiring such equipment. not be construed to permit an increase (b) and (c) of § 1202.304, a manufac­ This supplementary order should be read in the total number of units of any type turer shall transfer listed farm machin­ in conjunction with Pood Production of equipment to be transferred in any Order No. 14 which establishes the gen­ State under such plan.) On or before ery and equipment covered by such re­ eral rationing program, and which con­ November .20, 1943, the State USDA W ar ports in accordance with his State and tains definitions of certain terms used Board shall notify the manufacturer of county distribution plans (including any county distribution plan as changed by herein. any change in his county distribution plan or that it will make no such change. a State USDA W ar Board pursuant to § 1202.302 Scope. This supplemen­ (Other changes in a county distribution paragraph (b) of § 1Z02.304). (Pending tary order deals only with rationed farm plan may be made under the provisions a State USDA W ar Board’s action chang­ equipment as defined in Pood Production ing a county distribution plan, Schedule Order No. 14, of the types listed in Sched­ of paragraph (c) (2) of § 1202.305.) (c) If a manufacturer*is authorized at I equipment may be transferred in ac­ ules I, II and H I of this supplementary cordance with the county distribution order, which is produced for farm use in any time to manufacture listed farm machinery and equipment in addition to plan contained in the manufacturer’s the United States, its territories and report.) It is the intent of this require­ possessions. Such equipment is referred that shown in. his reports made pursu­ ant to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this ment that listed farm machinery and to generally in this supplementary order equipment shall be so distributed as to as “listed farm machinery and equip­ section, such manufacturer shall, within 30 days of his receipt of such authoriza­ be readily available in the trade areas ment." Listed farm machinery and comprising the various States and coun­ equipment, depending upon the Sched­ tion, make a supplemental report to the Deputy Administrator with respect to ties, in the quantities and typés to which ule in which it is listed, also is referred such States and, in the case of Schedule to as Schedule I equipment, Schedule II such equipment in the same form as is required by paragraph (a) of this sec­ I equipment, counties are entitled under equipment and Schedule III equipment. the distribution plans. A manufacturer This supplementary order does not tion and, in the case of Schedule I equip­ ment, shall also make a supplemental will comply with this requirement by deal with repair parts or attachments. transferring listed farm machinery and No type of equipment which is listed in report to the State USDA W ar Boards with respect to such equipment in the equipment, which is for any State or, Schedules I, II and III shall be deemed in the case of Schedule I equipment, to be an attachment or repair part. same form as is required by paragraph (b) of this section. With respect to any county in accordance with his distribu­ § 1202.303 Compliance with this sup­ such report to a State USDA W ar Board, tion plans, to a distributor or dealer plementary order. Except as provided such board shall have 15 days in which whose trade territory includes part or in § 1202.307, no person shall make a to exercise its option to change the all of such State or county, or to an in­ transfer or accept • a transfer of listed county distribution plan and to notify dividual for agricultural use in such farm machinery and equipment except the manufacturer in accordance with the State or county. Beginning not later pursuant to this order or other orders of provisions of paragraph (b) of this sec­ than November 5,1943, when a manufac­ the War Pood Administrator, or pursu­ tion. (The reporting requirements of turer transfers such equipment to a ant to directives which may be issued by paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this sec­ dealer, he shall notify such dealer of the the Deputy Administrator. tion have been approved by the Bureau State and, in the case of Schédule I § 1202.304 Manufacturer’s reports on of the Budget in accordance with the equipment, of the-county for which such State and county distribution plans. Federal Reports Act of 1942.) equipment is intended for ultimate (a) On or before October 20, 1943, each (d) On or before November 26, 1943, transfer for agricultural use. When a manufacturer shall make a written re­ the State USDA War Boards shall notify distributor receives any listed farm ma­ port to the Deputy Administrator with each county farm rationing committee chinery and equipment from a manu­ respqct to each type of listed farm ma- of the number of units of Schedule I facturer pursuant to this paragraph, he, chinerj^and equipment. For Schedule I equipment expected to be available for and Schedule II equipment, such report such county according to the county dis­ 18 F.R. 5963, 7299, 7625, 8045, 9100, 9101, shall be made in the form set forth in tribution plans. On and after December 10343, 11607. 13222 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 likewise, shall transfer such equipment W ar Board for the State in which the price of $15.00 or more shall prepare an to a dealer only in accordance with such equipment will be placed. invoice or sales ticket containing the manufacturer’s distribution plans, and, (d) Excluding Schedule I and Sched­ total sales price and a complete descrip, beginning not later than November 5, ule II equipment transferred or to be tion of the equipment transferred, and transferred in accordance with directives 1943, shall notify such dealer of the State shall forward such invoice or sales ticket issued under Pood Production Order No. and, in the case of Schedule I equipment, to the jcounty farm rationing committee 3, as amended,120 percent of each manu­ issuing the purchase certificate covering of the county for which such equipment facturer’s scheduled production of all such equipment, along with the notifica­ is intended for ultimate transfer for listed farm machinery and equipment, tion required by § 1202.274 of Food Pro­ agricultural use. The notification to a which is required to be reported to the duction Order No. 14. dealer by a manufacturer or distributor Deputy Administrator by paragraph (a) (b) Mail order houses transferring required by this paragraph shall be given of § 1202.304 shall constitute a reserve through mail order channels any unit of as early as possible, but not later than to be transferred only as directed by the Schedule I or Schedule II equipment with the date of shipment of the equipment. Deputy Administrator. The Deputy Ad­ a selling price of $15.00- or more, shall (2) State and county distribution ministrator is hereby authorized to direct transmit to the county farm rationing plans with respect to any type of listed the transfer of such reserve. In so do­ committee issuing the purchase certifi­ farm machinery and equipment may be ing, the Deputy Administrator may direct cate covering such equipment a true ■ changed at any time in the following the transfer of a manufacturer’s current statement to the effect that the price for production at any given time or inven­ which the equipment was sold by such manner: tory of such equipment. mail order house was not in excess of the (i) In the case of Schedule I equip­ § 1202.306 Transfers for agricultural price published for the equipment in the ment, a manufacturer or distributor may mail order house’s latest current catalog. use. (a) No person, other than a Fed­ change the manufacturer’s county dis­ The statement shall accompany, or may eral Government agency, shall make a tribution plan within a State with the be stamped on, the notification required transfer or accept a transfer of Schedule approval of the State USDA W ar Board. by § 1202.274 of Food Production Order I or Schedule II equipment for agricul­ In seeking such approval, such manufac­ No. 14. (The reporting requirements of tural use, except pursuant to a purchase turer or distributor shall inform' the paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section certificate specifying the type of equip­ State USDA W ar Board of the quantity,' have been approved by the Bureau of the ment being transferred. No purchase make and type "of the equipment in­ Budget in accordance with the Federal certificate shall be required in the case volved and of the counties from which Reports Act of 1942.) of a transfer of Schedule III equipment. 'such equipment would be taken and the (c) Reports made pursuant to this (b) Purchase certificates issued under counties in which it would be placed. section shall be treated as confidential (ii) If the equipment has not been Food Production Order No. 3, as amend­ and shall be open for inspection only by shipped from the factory, a manufac­ ed,8 for any type of farm machinery and duly authorized representatives of the turer may appeal to the Deputy Adminis­ equipment listed on Schedule I or Office of Price Administration or the War trator for permission to change his State Schedule n of this supplementary Food Administration, unless otherwise distribution plan. In making this-ap­ order shall continue to be valid as though directed by the Deputy Administrator. peal, the manufacturer shall inform the issued under this order until their revo­ Deputy Administrator of (a ) the quan­ cation or expiration. All purchase cer­ § 1202.309 Manufacturer’s records. tity, make and type of the equipment tificates issued on or before Noyember Each manufacturer shall maintain for at involved, (b) the-States from which such 30,1943, however, shall automatically ex­ least two years records of all transfers equipment would be taken and the pire at 12 midnight on that date. of listed farm machinery and equipment States in which it would be placed, and (c) Dealers may transfer any Sched­ made by such manufacturer pursuant to (c ), in the case of Schedule I equipment, ule I or Schedule II equipment to any this supplementary order. Such records the counties in which such equipment person holding a purchase certificate for shall show the States for which such would be placed. This appeal shall be such equipment issued by any county equipment was transferred, and, in the accompanied by a written statement of farm rationing committee. Whenever case of Schedule I equipment, the coun­ concurrence from the State USDA W ar any dealer has on hand any item of ties for which such equipment was trans­ Board for the State from which such Schedule I or Schedule II equipment for ferred. (This record keeping require­ equipment would be taken. which there is no apparent holder of a ment has been approved by the Bureau (iii) If the equipment has been shipped purchase certificate desiring such equip­ of the Budget in accordance with the from the factory to a manufacturer’s ment, such dealer shall notify any one Federal Reports Act of 1942.) branch house or to a distributor, the county farm rationing committee of the § 1202.310 Territorial application. manufacturer or distributor may change make and type of such equipment. This Supplementary Order No. 1 shall the manufacturer’s State distribution § 1202.307 Transfers for non-agricul- apply only within the limits of the con­ plan with -the permission of the State tural use and to a Federal agency. Any tinental United States. (The transfer USDA W ar Board for the State froirf Federal agency desiring to acquire any of farm machinery and equipment to the which the equipment would be taken. Schedule I or Schedule II equipment and territories and possessions of the United In seeking such permission, the manu­ any person desiring to acquire any such States is controlled by Food Production facturer or distributor shall inform the equipment for non-agricultural use may Order No. 14, Supplementary Order State USDA W ar Board of (1) the acquire such equipment, without a pur­ No. 2.) quantity, make and type of the equip­ chase certificate, provided there is com­ § 1202.311 Incorporation into Food ment involved, (2), in the case of Sched­ pliance with W ar Production Board Or­ ule I equipment, the counties from which Production Order No. 14. This Supple­ der L-2574 and £.ny and all other appli­ mentary Order No. 1 shall be added to such equipment would be taken, and (3) cable W ar Production Board regulations and become a part of Food Production the State, and in the case of Schedule including, if necessary, the acquisition I equipment, the counties in which such of a priority rating. Order No. 14 and any violation of this equipment would be placed. If the State Supplementary Order No. 1 shall be USDA W ar Board permits the proposed MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS deemed to be a violation of Food Produc­ change in the State distribution plan § 1202.308 Records and reports by tion Order No. 14. to be made, such board shall notify the dealers and others. (a) Each dealer and Deputy Administrator accordingly, in­ § 1202.312 Communications. All com­ each retail store of a mail order house munications concerning this supplemen­ forming him of (1) the quantity, make transferring any unit of Schedule I or tary order shall, unless otherwise di­ and type of the equipment involved and Schedule H equipment with a selling (2) the State and, in the case of Sched­ rected, be addressed to the Deputy Ad­ ule I equipment, counties in which such *8 F.R. 5963, 7299, 7625, 8045, 9100, 9101, ministrator in charge of the Office of 10343, 11607. Materials and Facilities, War Food Ad* equipment will be placed. The State 8 8 F.R. 5963, 7299, 7625, 8045, 9100, 9101, USDA W ar Board shall transmit a copy 10343, 11607. ministration, Washington 25, D. C., Refî of this notification to the State USDA >8 F.R. 8163, 9712, 10300, 11717. FPO 14, Supp. 1. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13223

§ 1202.313 Effective date. This sup­ duction is due 30 days from date of author­ S c h e d u l e I plementary order shall become effective ization) PLANTERS (HORSE OR TRACTOR DRAWN AND 2. Use a separate form for each type of TRACTOR MOUNTED) October 15, 1943. equipment, 1. e„ moldboard plows, cultiva­ (E.O. 9280, 7 F.R. 10179; E.O. 9322, 8 F.R. tors (horse and tractor drawn), cultivators ftem No. 3807; E.O. 9334, 8 F.R. 5423) (tractor mounted) etc. 4 Two row, corn, horse or tractor drawn. 3. When reporting supplemental production 6 Two row, corn and cotton, horse or Issued this 27th day of September 1943. omit items II and m . tractor drawn. 6 Three row and over, com, horse or trac­ M a r v in J o n e s , Name of manufacturer______tor drawn. War Food Administrator. Address of manufacturer------7 Three row and over, corn and cotton, I. Type of equipment______E x h i b i t A horse or tractor drawn. FPO-14 Supp. 1 Item N o.(s)------8 One row, corn, tractor mounted. [This form may be reproduced by n. Total scheduled production (July Units 9 One row, corn and cotton, tractor manufacturers ] 1, 1943, through July 31, 1944) for mounted. farm use in the United States, its manufacturer ’s r e p o r t o n SCHEDULE I AND 10 Two row, corn, tractor mounted. territories and possessions (Claim­ SCHEDULE n EQUIPMENT TO DEPUTY ADMIN­ 11 Two row, corn and cotton, tractor ant Agency—War Food Administra­ ISTRATOR, WAR FOOD ADMINISTRATION, WASH­ mounted. t io n )______—?------INGTON, D. C. 12 Three row and over, corn, tractor' • ■' III. No. units produced on or after mounted. Note: 1. Report is due on or before Octo- ’w July 1, 1943, and distributed from 13 Three row and over, corn and cotton, bêr 20, 1943. (Report on any supplemental July 1, 1943, through October 14, tractor mounted. production is due 30 days from date of 1943, in accordance with directives authorization.) Issued under Food Production Order POTATO PLANTERS (HORSE AND TRACTOR DRAWN) 2. Use a separate form for each type of 3...... - 14 One row'. equipment, i. e., tractors, combines, etc. Re­ IV. Net (II minus III) ------14a Tw o row and larger. port orchard sprayers and row crop sprayers as V. Distribution by manufacturer separate types of equipment. (80% of net— IV ) ------LISTERS WITH PLANTING ATTACHMENTS (HORSE 3. When reporting supplemental produc­ VT. Reserve (20% of net—IV) (To OR TRACTOR DRAWN ANV TRACTOR MOUNTED) tion insert number of units to be distributed be distributed in accordance with 17 One row, horse or tractor drawn. under item III (d) and omit items II, in (a), orders or directives issued by the 18 Two row, horse or tractor drawn. (b) and (c). , Deputy Administrator)______19 Three row and over, horse or tractor Name of m anufacturer------VII. Report of manufacturer’s dis­ drawn. Address of m anufacturer------tribution plan by States: (Total for 20 One row, tractor mounted. I. Type of equipm ent---- „------States should equal figure in IV ) ------21 Two row, tractor mounted. FPO-14 Supp. 1 Item N o.(s)— -_w_------22 Three row and over, tractor mounted.

Units State Units GRAIN DRILLS (HORSE OR TRACTOR DRAWN) n. Total scheduled production (July 1, 1943, through July 31, 1944) for 25 Fertilizer, 14 run and under. farm use in the United States, its 25a Fertilizer, over 14 run. territories and possessions (C laim ­ 26 Plain, 14 run and under. ant Agency— War Food Administra­ 26a Plain, over 14 run. tion) ______26b Press Drills. III. Computation of number of units 26c Plain Drills. (Extend list by using back side or addi­ to be distributed : . MANURE SPREADERS (a) No. units produced on or after tional sheet, if necessary.) July 1, 1943, and which have been D a t e ______—- 36 Four wheel, horse or tractor drawn. distributed in accordance with di­ Manufacturer------37 Two wheel, tractor dravfrn. B y ------rectives issued under Food Pro­ POWER SPRAYERS (ORCHARD TYPE) duction Order 3______'------T i t l e ______(b) No. units produced and to be E x h i b i t C 108a Orchard type, six to ten G. P. M., produced on or atfer July 1, 1943, auxiliary engines. and still to be distributed in ac­ [This form may be reproduced by 108b Orchard type, six to ten G. P. M., power cordance with directives issued manufacturers)' take-off. 108c Orchard type, eleven to twenty G. P. M., under. Food Production Order 3 _ ___— FARM MACHINERY MANUFACTURER’S REPORT TO (c) Total subject to "directives— ______STATE USDA WAR BOARD I auxiliary engines. (a) plus ( b ) ______- ______108d orchard type, eleven to twenty G. P. M., (d) Net (H minus in (c )) ...... N o t e : (1 ) Required for Schedule I equip­ power take-off. IV. Distribution by manufacturer ment only. (Report on any supplemental 108e Orchard type, over twenty G. P. M., (80% of n et—m ( d ) ) ______production is due 30 days from date of auxiliary engines. V. Reserve (20% of net— -n i (d ) ) ______; authorization.) 108f Orchard type, over twenty G. P. M., (To be distributed in accordance (2) Report due on or before November 5, power take-off. with orders or directives issued 1943. 108n Propeller blast type. by the Deputy Administrator)____ — __ (3) Use a separate form for each type of POWER SPRAYERS (ROW CROP TYPE) VI. Report of manufacturer’s distri­ equipment, i. e., tractors, combines, etc. bution plan by States: (Total for Report orchard sprayers and row crop spray­ 108g Field or row crop type, six to ten States should equal figure in IV .) ers separately. G. P. M., auxiliary engines. Name of manufacturer. ------108h Field or row crop type, six to ten G. P. M., power take-off. State Units Address of manufacturer------I. Type of equipm ent------108i Field or row crop type, eleven to twenty FPO-14 Supp. 1 Item No.(s)------G. P. M., auxiliary engines. II. Report of manufacturer’s distribution 1C8J Field or row crop type, eleven to twenty plan by counties: (The total for all counties G. P. M., power take-off. within the State should equal the total for 108k Field or row crop type, over twenty the State as reported to the Deputy Ad- G. P. M„ auxiliary engines. ministrator.) 1081 Field or row crop type, over twenty (Extend list by using back side or addi­ G. P. M., power take-off. tional sheet, if necessary.) 108m Field or row crop type, tractor mounted. Date...... County Units 109a Traction sprayers, six G. P. M., and over. Manufacturer______B y ------COMBINES (HARVESTER-THRESHERS) T it le ______126 Width of cut, 6' and under, auxiliary E x h i b i t B engines. 126a Width of cut, 6' and under, power take­ [This form may be reproduced by off. manufacturers ] (Extend list by using back side or addi­ 127 Width of cut, over 6', including 10'. manufacturer ’s r e p o r t o n s c h e d u l e m tional sheet, if necessary.) 128 W id th of cut, over 10'. EQUIPMENT t o d e p u t y administrator , war D a t e ______CORN BINDERS Food ADMINISTRATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. Manufacturer ______... ------132 Corn binders, ground drive. N ote: 1. Report is due on or before October By ...... — 20, 1943. (Report on any supplemental pro­ T it le ______:------132a Corn binders, power take-off 13224 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

CORN PICKERS IRRIGATION PUMPS CULTIVATORS (HORSE AND TRACTOR DRAWN) Item, No. Item No. Item No. 133 One row, mounted type. 227 Turbine pumps, 0 to 1,200 G. P. M. 93b Two row, riding, horse drawn, shovel 134 Two row, mounted type. 228 Turbine pumps, 1,200 G. P. M. and up, or disc type. 135 One row, pull type. belt driven. 94a Two row, horse drawn, listed corn type. 136 Two row, pull type. 229 Centrifugal pumps. 94b Two row, tractor drawn, listed corn type. POTATO DIGGERS AND PICKERS Sc h e d u l e III 94c Three row, tractor drawn, listed corn type. 139 One row, ground drive. BEET AND BEAN DRILLS OR PLANTERS 94d Four row, tractor drawn, listed corn type. 139a One row, power take-off. 94e Five row, tractor drawn, listed corn type. 139b Two row, power take-off. 23 Four row, horse or tractor drawn. 95a Beet and bean cultivators, four row, 139c Potato -pickers. 23a Six row, horse or tractor drawn. 23b Four row, tractor mounted. horse or tractor drawn. MOWERS 23c Six row, tractor mounted. 95b Tw o row wing and disc hoes and hillerS, potato, horse or tractor drawn. 146 Horse or tractor drawn (ground drive). MOLDBOARD PLOWS (TRACTOR DRAWN OR 96 Field cultivators, spring tooth type, 147 Tractor mounted or semi-mounted MOUNTED) seven foot and under. (power take-off drive). 47 One bottom, tractor drawn. 96a Field cultivators, spring tooth type, over RAKES 47a One bottom, two way (one fu rro w ), seven foot. 96b Field cultivators, stiff tooth type, seven 149 Side delivery (including combination tractor drawn. feet and under. side rakes and tedders). 48 Two bottom, tractor drawn. 48a Two bottom, two way (two furrow), 96c Field cultivators, stiff tooth type, over H AT LOADERS tractor drawn. seven feet. 96d Chisels and orchard cultivators, tractor 151 Hay loaders. 49 Three bottom, tractor drawn. 50 Four bottom, tractor drawn. drawn. PICK-UP HAY BALERS 51 Five bottom, and larger, tractor drawn. CULTIVATORS (TRACTOR MOUNTED) 52 One bottom, tuftctor mounted. 153 Pick-up hay balers— power take-off. 52a One bottom, two way (one furrow), 95c Two row wing and disc hoes and hillers, 153a Pick-up hay balers— auxiliary engine. tractor mounted. potato. ENSILAGE CUTTERS---SILO FILLERS 53 Two bottom, tractor mounted. 98 One row. 99 Two 'Tow, shovel type. 162 Ensilage cutters (silo fillers). DISC PLOWS (TRACTOR MOUNTED) 99a Tw o row, listed corn type; STATIONARY H AY AND STRAW BALERS 55 One disc. 99b Two row, potato cultivator. 56 Tw o disc. 99c Two row, disc type. 172 Auxiliary engines. 57 Three disc. 100 Three and four row, shovel type. 172a Belt driven. 58 One disc— direct connected (one wheel 101 Narrow row, four and six row (beet, bean, 172b Power take-off. type). and vegetable cultivators). SORTERS AND GRADERS 59 Two disc— direct connected (one wheel 101a Com bination cultivators and planters, ty p e ). two row, corn and cotton. 177 Potato sorters and graders. 59a Three disc— direct connected (one wheel lOld Field cultivator, mounted and tool bar TRACTORS type). type. 59b Three disc, tool bar type. lOle Chisel and Orchard cultivators, mounted 192 Special purpose, under 30 H.P. 60 Four disc. and tool bar type. 193 Special purpose, 30 H.P. and over. 61 Five disc. 194 All purpose, under 30 H.P. ROTARY HOES * 62 Six disc and larger. 195 All purpose, 30 H.P. and over. 102 Rotary hoes, horse or tractor drawn. ONE WAY DISC PLOWS OR TILLERS S c h e d u l e I I DUSTERS 63 UncTer five feet. FIELD ENSILAGE HARVESTERS 63a Five feet and under eight feet. ■ 121 Power duster, auxiliary engines. 137 Field ensilage harvesters (row type). 63b Eight feet and over. 121a Power duster, power take-off. 122 Traction dusters (except one and two HAYING MACHINERY MIDDLEBUSTERS--- LISTERS WITHOUT PLANTING row wheel barrow type). ATTACHMENTS (HORSE OR TRACTOR DRAWN AND 154 Field haychoppers and harvesters. TRACTOR MOUNTED) GRAIN BINDERS FEED GRINDERS AND CRUSHERS 65 Two row, horse or tractor drawn. 129 Grain binders (ground drive). 174 Power, burr type. 66 Three row, and larger, horse or tractor 130 Grain binders (power take-off). 175 Hammer type. drawn. STATIONARY THRESHERS (GRAIN, RICE AND 175a Roughage mills, combination type'with 67 One row, tractor mounted. ALFALFA) cutter head and grinders. 68 Two row, tractor mounted. 69 Three row and larger, tractor mounted. 158 Threshers, width of cylinder under 28 ELEVATORS--- PORTABLE 69a Three row ridgers. inches. 188 Elevators, portable. 159 Threshers, width of cylinder 28 inches DISC HARROWS and over. BLOWERS 80 Disc harrows, reversible, row disc, horse STATIONARY PEA AND BEAN THRESHERS 190 Blowers, grain. or tractor drawn. 190a Blowers, forage. 80a Disc harrows, single, six feet and under 160 Stationary pea and bean threshers. (horse drawn type). DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT GARDEN TRACTORS 80b Disc harrows, single, over six feet (horse 232 Portable pipe and extensions, sprinklers 196 Garden tractors (including motor till­ drawn type). (excluding law n sprinklers), valves ers) . 80c Disc harrows, tandem attachment for horse drawn type. and gates. MILKING MACHINES 80d Disc harrows, singie and tandem, six feet [F. R. Doc. 43-15710; Filed, September 27, 237 Milking machines (complete outfits). and under, tractor drawn. 80e Disc harrows, single and tandem, over 1943; 11:27 a. m .] FARM M IL K COOLERS 6 feet and under 11 feet, tractor 241 Immersion type. drawn. 242 Surface or tubular type. 80f Disc harrows, tandem “heavy duty” “cover crop”, “wide disc spacing” trac­ TITLE 10—ARMY: WAR DEPARTMENT DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL WATER SYSTEMS tor drawn. 213 Deep well, reciprocal. 80g Disc harrows, wide disc harrows over ten Chapter YII—Personnel 214 Deep or shallow well, Jet type. feet, tractor drawn. P art 75—A d m is s i o n t o t h e U n it e d S tates 215 Shallow well, 250-499 gallons per hour. 80h Disc harrows, offset— tractor drawn. 80i Disc harrows, brush and bog, tractor M il it a r y A c a d e m y 216 Shallow well, 500 gallons per hour and drawn. over. MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS POWER PUMPS 81 Disc harrows, tractor mounted and tool bar type. Sections 75.8, 75.10 through 75.16, and 217 Horizontal type, up to and including 75 81a Cane disc harrows, tractor mounted and 75.18 are hereby amended as follows. . gallons p. m. 100 lbs. pressure. tool bar type. The regulations in these sections are WINDMILLS SOIL PULVERIZERS AND PACKERS contained in Information Relative to Ap­ 222 Windmill heads. 88 Soil pulverizers and packers, single. pointment and Admission of Cadets to 223 Windmill towers. 83a Soil pulverizers and packers, double. the United States Military Academy,

l FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13225

West Point, New York, W. D., 28 Novem­ § 75.11 Schedule of mental examina­ Of the 15 units, 2 3 must be in algebra, 1 ber 1942, as amended by C 1, 18 August tions. Schedule of examinations is as in plane geometry, iy2 in English gram­ 1943, the particular paragraphs being follows: mar and composition, l x/2 in English lit­ show n.in brackets~at end of sections. (a) First day— (1) Morning. All can­ erature, and 1 in United States history.- § 75.8 Educational qualifications, how didates. Report and instructions, 9 a. m. The remaining 8 units must be chosen from the list of optional subjects, but shown, (a) The three methods of meet­ to 11 a. m., 2 hours.. West Point Aptitude ing the educational requirements for a d -, Test, 11 a. m. to 12 noon, 1 hour. cannot include commercial or other sub­ (2) Afternoon. Only those candidates jects not included in the list. mission are (1) By successfully passing the regular whose credit in United States history has (b) A properly attested certificate examination (see §75.12 (a )), or not been accepted. Special examination (form II) that the candidate is in actual (2) By submitting a satisfactory edu­ in United States history, 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., attendance in his senior year at a pre­ cational certification (secondary school) 3 hours. paratory school or public high school and passing the validating examination (b) Second day— (1) Morning. Regu­ accredited by the United States Mili­ lar examination in mathematics, 9 a. m. tary Academy, and had satisfactorily (see § 75.13), or (3) By submitting an educational cer­ to 12 noon, 3 hours. Validating exam­ completed 3l/2 years’ work at such school, tificate which does not require the vali­ ination in mathematics, 9 a. m. to 10:30 provided that the certificate shows spe­ dating examination (see § 75.14 ( a ) ). a. m., l x/2 hours. cifically by subjects and units the work (b) In addition, there are two basic (2) Afternoon. Regular examination already completed and also that to be educational requirements which all can­ in English, 2 p. m. to 5 p. m„ 3 hours. completed by graduation, and provided didates for admission to the United Validating examination in English, 2 that the course the candidate is pursuing States Military Academy must meet: p. m. to 3:30 p. m., l x/2 hours. [Par. 15] will, when completed, show proficiency in subjects amounting to not less than the (1) All candidates must take the West § 75.12 Admission by regular mental 15 units listed in paragraph (a) of this Point Aptitude Test. This is a 1-hour examination. (See § 75.8 (a) (1).) (a) section. test requiring no special preparation and All candidates who cannot qualify under A candidate submitting a certificate consisting of an elementary mathe­ §§ 75.13 or 75.14 (a) must take the regu­ showing actual attendance at and pro­ matics section and a language section. lar mental examination in mathematics spective graduation from a preparatory (2) All candidates must qualify in and English. As stated in § 75.8 (b) (2), or public high school must as a condi- 1 United States history, either by present­ all candidates must also qualify in United tion of admission continue his course ing evidence that they have satisfactorily States history.) of study and submit his diploma or other completed a standard course in United (Inasmuch as candidates from the formal evidence of graduation at the States history or its equivalent (one year United States at large and the Army of ing secondary school or one semester in time of entrance to the United States the United States are appointed to va­ Military Academy. Failure to submit college), or by passing the special exami­ cancies in the order of merit competi­ nation in United States history. The such evidence of graduation will disqual­ tively established as a, result of the regu­ ify the candidate for entrance. scope of this examination is as described lar mental entrance examination in in § 75.16 (k) (History D ) . [Par. 12] The validating examination, required mathematics and English (the examina­ with all secondary school certificates § 75.10 Entrance examination, where tion in United States history is not a (form II) except those accepted under held. Boards of officers are convened at part of the competition), such candi­ § 75.14 (a) (4), includes the subjects of certain designated places, whfch are dates cannot qualify under §§ 75.13 or mathematics (A and C) and English (A listed below, for the purpose of conduct­ 75.14 (a )). and B ) . This validating examination is ing the regular entrance examinations. (b) Mathematics. Candidates will be not identical with the regular mental The place of examination selected by the required to pass a satisfactory examina­ entrance examination. It will be of such War Department for each candidate is tion in those topics.of algebra and plane a nature as to determine the knowledge the one nearest or most-convenient to his geometry listed in §75.16 (a) 'an d (c) of a candidate, but not so difficult as to home or to the school at which he is in (Mathematics A and C). require for the desirable student an in­ regular attendance. (c) English. Candidates will be re­ tensive special preparation. Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, quired to pass a satisfactory examination A candidate whose certificate (form National Park, Ark. in English grammar, composition, and II) has been rejected must take the regu­ Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C. lar mental entrance examination. [Par. Army Base, 808 Com m onwealth Avenue, Bos­ literature as described in § 75.16 (f) and 19] ton, Mass. (g ), (English A and B ). [Pars. 16, 17 William Beaumont General Hospital, El Paso, and 181 § 75.14 Admission by certificate. (See Tex. § 75.8 (a) (3).) (a) The academic board Port Benning, Ga. § 75.13 Admission by certificate and will consider and may accept without Port Bragg, N. C. validating examination. (See § 75.8 (a) other mental requirement, except that of Canal Zone (such place as the Commanding (2).) The academic board will consider General, Panam a Canal Department, m ay § 75.8 (b) (West Point Aptitude Test ant? designate). and may accept in lieu of the regular United States history requirement): Alaska (post to be designated). mental examination a certificate1 with (1) A properly attested college cer^ Second Service Command, Governors Island, validating examination in mathematics tificate (form I) that the candidate is, N. Y. and English in the following cases. (For or was updti leaving, a regularly enrolled Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, Colo. Port Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah. alternate method of validating secondary student in good standing without condi­ Port Benjamin Harrison, Ind. ' school certificates, see §75.14 (a )_ (4 )). tion in a university, college, or technical Port Hayes, Columbus, Ohio. As stated in § 75.8 (b) (2), all candidates school accredited by th« United States Port Sam Houston, Tex. must also qualify in United States his­ Military Academy: Provided, That he en­ Jefferson Barracks, Mo. tered college with the secondary school tory.) Port Knox, Ky. credits prescribed in § 75.13 ( a ) : And (a) A properly attested certificate Port Leavenworth, Kans. provided further, That he has completed LaGarde General Hospital, New Orleans, La. (form II ) 2 that the candidate has gradu­ successfully at least one semester in col­ Letterman General Hospital, Presidio of San ated from a preparatory school or public Francisco* Calif. lege. If he lacks not more than 2 units Port Lewis, Wash. high school accredited by the United of the prescribed secondary school cred­ March Field, Calif. States Military Academy, provided that its, required or optional, he may make Port McPherson, Ga. in his school work he has shown profi­ up this deficiency in college at the rate Port Omaha, Nebr. ciency in subjects amounting to not less San Juan, P. R. -«In the case of candidates from schools so Port Sheridan, Ilf. than 15 units of the list given in § 75.15. organized as to offer only 1 years of algebra, Port Sill, Okla. y2 Port Snelling, Minn. *For lists of subjects and weights on cer­ the 1 y2 units of credit so earned will be ac­ Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, Hawaii. tificates see § 75.15. cepted as meeting the requirements in that * For supply of certificate forms see subject if the certificate shows completion of [Par. 14] 5 75.18 (a ). all subject matter listed in § 75.16 (a ). No. 193------2 13226 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 of one semester of college work to one (b) A candidate, whose certificate has Units year of secondary school study. been rejected under paragraph (a) of Economics______j Sociology------i A full record of academic work at col­ this section, will be required to take Social Democracy______i lege, giving subjects taken and grades the regular entrance examination except Problems of American Democracy____ *___i attained in each, should be presented on in cases where the academic board ap­ Contemporary Problems______i form I, which must be submitted in all proves his credits under § 75.13 for ad­ Citizenship______1/ cases where college work covers one mission subject to the validating exam­ Governm ent______y2 semester or more. ination. Civics (when not included in History D)_ y2 If the college certificate covers less The academic board may reject any Latin, first year______i Latin, second year______’____ i than 1 full year’s work in college, it must certificate (form I, II, or III) for low Latin, third year___ •______i be accompanied by a form II certificate grades, or upon any evidence, whether Latin, fourth year______i covering work in secondary school, and contained in the certificate or not, that Greek, grammar and composition______i the two certificates will be considered to­ creates a reasonable doubt as to the can­ Any foreign language, first year______i gether in determining the candidate’s didate’s mental qualifications for admis­ Any foreign language, second year______i mental qualifications. sion. A record in the entrance examina­ Any foreign language, third year______i (2) A properly attested certificate tion of a former year is considered ex­ Any foreign language, fourth year______l Physics______i (form III) from the College Entrance cellent evidence of mental qualifications Chemistry______i Examination Board that the candidate for admission and is given great weight General Science______l has shown proficiency in the examina- when certificates are being evaluated. B io lo g y ------l tibns set by the board in subjects Taking the examination, when unpre­ Botany__!______1 amounting to the 15 units listed in § 75.13 pared, merely for practice and failing on Zoology ------l ( a ) . the same may, therefore, have an adverse G eo graph y______l (3) A properly attested certificate effect if entrance by certificate is sought Drawing, mechanical or freehand______l in a later year. Bookkeeping______1 (form H I) from the College Entrance Ph ysiology______l Examination Board that the candidate A candidate, whose certificate has been Psychology______1 has shown proficiency in the examina­ accepted under § 75.14, is excused from Astronom y______y2 tions set by the board in the 7 required the mental examination but must ap­ Geology------% units from the list given below, and a pear for the physical examination and [Par. 22] properly attested certificate (form II) for the West Point Aptitude Test. He is from the preparatory or public high rejected as mentally unqualified if he In § 75.16, paragraph (1) is added as school accredited by the United States fails to pass this aptitude test. follows: Military Academy showing proficiency A candidate, whose certificate is ap­ § 75.16 Definition of certain subjects in 8 units of the optional subjects given proved under paragraph (a) (4) of this listed in § 75.15. * * * hereafter. A College Entrance Exami­ section subject to later passing of the (1) History, World History, one unit. nation Board certificate that does not College Entrance Examination Board’s A general survey. [Par. 34] cover all of the 7 required units will not Scholastic Aptitude Test,* is accepted as § 75.18 General information as to cer­ be considered. mentally qualified for admission (sub­ tificates. (a) All necessary papers, in­ (4) A secondary school certificate ject to fulfilling the requirements of cluding a set of blank certificate forms (form II) as described in § 75.13 (a) and § 75.8 (b )) if his record in this test (except form ni which is sent only upon (b) supplemented by a report from the proves satisfactory. He is rejected as Application), are furnished by The Ad­ College Entrance Examination Board mentally unqualified if it proves unsat­ jutant General, Washington 25, D. C., to that the candidate has taken its Scho­ isfactory. [Par. 20 and 21] each duly nominated candidate with his lastic Aptitude Test and Mathematics § 75.15 Subjects and credits. The list letter of appointment. All candidates, Attainment Test* (Beta Section), pro­ of subjects and of the coresponding of every category, should submit their vided the grades earned on these tests weights in units is as follows: complete educational records on these are satisfactory. In case the candidate forms, whether or not they wish to claim has graduated from secondary school (a) Required. Every certificate must exemption from any examinations. Can­ prior to the date set for the validating show evidence of proficiency in the fol­ lowing subjects: examination (March or June), the Scho­ didates whose schooling has been so ir­ lastic Aptitude Test and Mathematics Units regular or incomplete that the forms do Mathematics, A ______2 not properly describe it should submit Attainment Test* (Beta Section) must Mathematics, C ______l also have been taken and reported upon statements of their scholastic work, cer­ History, D, United States History______1 tified by their teachers or tutors, in as prior to that date. In case the candi­ English, A ------i y date is in actual attendance in his senior English, B ______ly 2 much detail as possible. year at a secondary school at the time (b) Certificates should be submitted to (b) Optional. The remaining 8 units set for the validating examination in later than February 15, A certificate may be supplied from among the fol­ March and has not yet taken these tests, received between February 15 and the lowing subjects and no others: he may decline to take the validating examination will receive consideration, examination, electing instead to un­ Units but, in view of the short time left to the dergo the Scholastic Aptitdde Test to Mathematics, B ______y2 academic board to investigate its value, Mathematics, D______y2 be given by the College Entrance Exam­ no asurance will be given that such cer­ Mathematics, E ______y2 tificate can be acted on in time to ex­ ination Board in April of the same year. English, fourth year______l This privilege «of electing to substitute empt the candidate from the regular History, A, Ancient History______l mental examination. Certificates re­ the Scholastic Aptitude Test to be taken History, B, European History______1 later is allowed for the March Validat­ History, C, English History______1 ceived at West Point to late for full in­ ing Examination only. . History, World History______l vestigation and appraisal before 9 m. on the first Tuesday in March of each year will be filed without action thereon. 4 In cases where the Scholastic Aptitude 4 In cases where the Scholastic Aptitude Test taken includes a mathematical section, Test taken includes a mathematical sec­ Candidates will be notified of the time the Mathematics Attainment Test is not re­ tion, the Mathematics Attainment Test is and date of the receipt of ' such certi­ quired. These tests, prepared by the College not required. These tests, prepared by the ficates . Entrance Examination Board, 431 West One College Entrance Examination Board, 431 (c) Candidates who submit certifi­ Hundred Seventeenth Street, New York, West One Hundred Seventeenth Street, New cates on a date which does not allow the N. Y., are the only such tests accepted for York, N. Y., are the only such tests ac­ academic board sufficient time to in­ exemption from entrance examinations. cepted for exemption from entrance exam­ vestigate their value and notify them re­ General information concerning such exam­ inations. General information concerning inations may be obtained from the CoUege such examinations may be obtained from garding the final action thereon prior Entrance Examination Board. Address it for the College Entrance Examination Board. to the day set for the examination should this purpose at P. O. Box 592, Princeton, N. J. Address it for this purpose at P. O. Box 592, proceed with the regular examination. Tests prepared by St^tte or other testing Princeton, N. J. Tests prepared by State or (d) Candidates who are informed that agencies are not accepted. other testing agencies are not accepted. their certificates have been accepted, FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1942 13227 must present themselves at the regular ment unless the requirements for en­ or make or cause to be made any false or fraudulent statements or representations, or time and place, as herein prescribed, for trance have been changed in the make or use or cause to be made or Used meanwhile. A candidate reported not physical examination and the tests pre­ any false bill, receipt, voucher, roll account, scribed in § 75.8 (b ), and, if, required, for qualified mentally in one or more subjects claim, certificate, affidavit, or deposition, the Validating examination. on one examination will be required to knowing the same to contain any fraudulent (e) A candidate submitting a second­ qualify in all subjects at any subsequent or fictitious statement or entry in any mat­ ary school certificate who has taken the examination. ter within the Jurisdiction of any department College Entrance Examination Board’s (1) Information on the Scholastic or agency of the United States * * *, Scholastic Aptitude Test should have Aptitude Test mentioned herein may be shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both. his record in this test forwarded to the obtained from the College Entrance Ex­ amination Board. Address it for this Act of April 4, 1938, ch. 69, 52 Stat. 197 Adjutant, West Point, N. Y., at the same (UJS.C., tit. 18, sec. 80). time as his school certificate. He should purpose at P. O. Box 592, Princeton, N. J. state on the letter that this is being [Par. 361 (Sec. 3 (a), 40 Stat. 412; sec. 5 (b), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, 48 Stat. 1; done. (R.S. 161; 5 U.S.C. 22) (f) A candidate in his last year in 54 Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; E.O. 8389; [ seal] H. B. L e w is , secondary school who elects not to take Apr. 10, 1940, as amended by E.O. 8745, Brigadier General, the validating examination in March but June 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July 26, 1941, Acting The Adjutant General. to depend for validation of his certificate E.O. 8963, Dec. 9, 1941, and E.O. 8938, upon the Scholastic Aptitude Test of [P. R. Doc. 43-15708; Piled, September 27, Dec. 26, 1941; E.O. 9193, July 6, 1942; April of the same year should include 1943; 11:20 a. m .] Regs., Apr. 17,1940, as amended June 14, a statement to that effect when submit­ 1941, and July 26, 1941'; Special Reg. 1, ting his educational certificate. The June 1, 1943) latter should be submitted, as in the [ seal] R andolph P aul, general case, when the blank form is re­ TITLE 31—MONEY AND FINANCE: Acting Secretary of the Treasury. ceived from The Adjutant General. In TREASURY any case he must report in March for [F. R. Doc. 43-15786; Filed, September 28, 1943; 11:27 a. m .] the physical examination and the tests Chapter I—Monetary Offices, Department prescribed in § 75.8 (b ). of the Treasury (g) A candidate whose certificate [Public Circ. 23, as Amended] qualifications have been approved, pro­ P ar t 131— G e n e r a l L ic e n s e s U n d e r E x ­ vided he completes his regular high- Appendix B—P ublic Circulars U nder e c u t iv e O rder N o . 8389, A p r i l 10,1940, . school or preparatory-school course with E xecutive O rder No. 8389, A pril 10, as A m e n d e d , a n d R e g u l a t io n s I s s u e d good grades and graduates, must bring 1940, as A mended, and R egulations - P u r s u a n t T h e r e t o I ssued P ursuant T hereto with him, and present on the day he re­ FOREIGN FUNDS CONTROL ports for admission, his^ diploma or cer­ FOREIGN FUNDS CONTROL tificate of graduation, together with a S e p t e m b e r 28, 1943. September 28, 1943. certified statement of the grades at­ ■# General License No. 13, as amended, tained in his academic work, in.order Public Circular No. 23, as amended, under Executive Order No. 8389, as that the academic board of the Military under Executive Order No. 8389, as amended, Executive Order No. 9193, sec­ Academy may determine whether or not amended, Executive Order No. 9193, sec­ tion 5 (b) of the Trading with the Enemy these provisions have been fulfilled. If tions 3 (a) and 5 (b) of the Trading with Act, as amended by the First W ar Pow­ approval of his certificate was also sub­ the Enemy Act, as amended by the First ers Act, 1941, relating to foreign funds ject to passing the College Entrance Ex­ W ar Powers Act, 1941, relating to for­ control. amination Board’s Scholastic Aptitude eign funds control. General License No. 13 is hereby Test at a later date, he should have a Public Circular No. 23 is hereby amended to read as follows: report of his record on this test sent to amended to read as follows: § 131.13 General License No. 13. A the Adjutant, West Point, N. Y., as soon (a) The provisions of § 130.3 of the general license is hereby granted licens­ as the marks are available. Regulations of April 10,1940, as amended ing as generally licensed nationals: (h) A candidate who has once satis­ on June 14, 1941, issued under Executive (a) The Bombay and Calcutta offices factorily fulfilled all the mental require­ Order No. 8389, as amended, relating to of the Nederlandsch Indische Handels- ments for entrance will be regarded as applications for licenses, are hereby bank; qualified at any subsequent opportunity waived in the following respects: (b) The Djeddah, Calcutta, Bombay which may arise for entrance with tfie (1) Applications for licenses may be and Paramaribo offices of the Neder- same class. filed in duplicate instead of in triplicate. (i) A certificate which is accepted as (2) Applications executed by persons landsche Handel Maatschappij; satisfactory for one examination will be within the United States need not be (c) The Willemstad (Curacao) offices regarded as satisfactory for any other executed under oath. • of: examination which may be set for (b) The provisions of § 137.5 (a) of (1) The Curacaosche Bank, entrance with the same class, unless it Special Regulation.No. 1 and the corre­ (2) The Maduro & Curiel’s Bank, has been voided in the meantime by fail­ sponding instructions in Public Circular (3) The Edwards Henriquez & Co.; ure in the first examination, in which No. 22, issued under Executive Order No. (d) The Oranjestad (Aruba) office of event it will be reconsidered in connec­ 8389, as amended, and Executive Order the Aruba Bank; , tion with the results of that examination, No. 9193, relating to reports on Form (e) The Buenos Aires, Caracas and should the candidate be reappointed with TFR-500, are hereby waived in the fol­ Maracaibo offices of Banco Holandes a view to admission the same year. lowing respect: Unido; (j) Any certificate accepted for en­ Reports executed by persons within the (f) The Rio de Janeiro, Santos and trance with one class is not valid for United States need not be executed under Sao Paulo offices of Banco Hollandez entrance with a succeeding class« unless oath. Unido; reapproved. It must be resubmitted, ac­ (c) In addition to the provisions of (g) The Willemstad and Oranjestad companied by a full statement of the section 5 (b) of the Trading with the offices of Hollandsche Bank-Unie; candidate’s educational work in the Enemy Act, cited in § 130.5 of Regula­ (h) The Haifa and Istanbul offices of interim, and both certificate and state­ tions of April 10, 1940, as amended on Holland Bank Union; ment will be subject to careful scrutiny June 14, 1941, and in § 137.7 of Special (i) The Netherlands Trading Society by the academic board. Regulation No. 1, attention is directed to (k) A candidate, not an ex-cadet, who East, Ltd., London; has once been declared mentally quali­ section 35 (A) of the United States (j) The London office of the Banque fied for entrance upon written examina­ Criminal Code, which provides, in part: Beige pour l’Etranger (Overseas), Lim­ tion, either regular or validating, need * * * whoever shall knowingly and ited; " \ not undergo a second mental examina­ willfully falsify or conceal or cover up by (k) The offices within the* generally tion in case of any subsequent appoint­ any trick, scheme, or device a m aterial f£[,ct, licensed trade area, as defined in Gen- 13228 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 eral License No. 53, of the Hong Kong & (5) The Bank of Athens Safe Deposit Com­ Chapter IX—War Production Board Shanghai Banking Corporation. pany of New York, x (6) The Bank of China, Subchapter B— Executive Vice-Chairman (Sec. 5 (b), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, (7) . The Philippine National Bank, A u t h o r i t y : Regulations in this subchapter 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; (8) The Nederlandsche Handel-Maats- issued under sec. 2 (a), 54 Stat. 676, as E.O. 8389, April 10, 1940, as amended by chappij; amended by 55 Stat. 236 and 56 Stat. 176; E.O. 8785, June 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July (b) The New York agencies of: E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719; 26, 1941; E.O. 8963, Dec. 9,1941, and E.O. W.P.B. Reg. 1 as amended March 24, 1943, (1) Credit Suisse, 8 F.R. 3666, 3696; Pri. Reg. 1 as amended May 8998, Dec. 26, 1941; E.O. 9193, July 6, (2) Swiss Bank Corporation; 15, 1943, 8 F.R. 6727. 1942; Regs. April 10, 1940, as amended June 14,1941, and July 26,1941) (c) Netherlands Trading Society East, P ar t 944— R e g u l a t io n s A p p l ic a b l e to t h e O p e r a t io n o f t h e P r io r it ie s S y s ­ [ s e a l ] R a n d o l p h P ath., Inc., Delaware; Acting Secretary of the Treasury. (d) Swiss American Corporation, New t e m York; [Amdt. 2 to Priorities Reg. 3, as Amended [F. R. Doc. 43-15787; Filed, September 28, (e) China Defense Supplies, Inc., 1601 August 10, 1943] 1943; 11:26 a. m .] V Street, N.W., Washington, D. C.; (f) Universal Trading Corporation, UNIFORM METHOD OF APPLICATION AND 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York; EXTENSION OF PREFERENCE RATINGS (g) The offices in the territory of Item 21 on List B of Priorities Regula­ P art 131— G e n e r a l L ic e n s e s U n d e r E x ­ Hawaii of: tion No. 3 (§ 944.23) is hereby amended e c u t iv e O rder N o . 8389, A p r il 10, 1940, (1) The American Security Bank, to read as follows: A s A m e n d e d , a n d R e g u l a t io n s I ss u e d (2) The Honolulu Trust Company, 21. Laboratory instruments and equip­ P u r s u a n t T h e r e t o (3) The Liberty Bank of Honolulu; ment (except ratings assigned by Prefer­ FOREIGN FUNDS CONTROL (h) The San Francisco office of the ence Rating Orders P-43, P -68, P-89, and Bank of Canton; S e p t e m b e r 28,1943. P-98-b and ratings assigned pursuant to (i) The offices within the United Orders P-56, P-58, and P-73). Revocation of General Licenses Nos. 14, States of the Hong Kong and Shanghai 18, 19, 21, 22, 40, 43, 62, , 69 and 81 un­ Issued this 27th day of September 1943. 66 Banking Corporation. der Executive Order No. 8389, as amend- W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, .ed, Executive Order No. 9193, section 5 (Sec. 5 (b), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , (b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; Recording Secretary. as amended by the First W ar Powers Act, E.O. 8389, April 10, 1940, as amended by 1941, relating to foreign funds control. E.O. 8785, June 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July [F. R.. Doc. 43-15713; Filed, September 27, Sections 131.14, 131,18, 131.19, 131.21, 26, 1941, E.O. 8963, Dec. 9, 1941, and E.O. 1943; 11:46 a. m .] 131.22,131.40,131.43,131.62,131.66,131.69, 8998, Dec. 26, 1941; E.O. 9193, July 6, and 131.81, General Licenses Nos. 14, 18, 1042; Regulations, April 10, 1940, as 19, 21, 22, 40, 43, 62, 66, 69, and 81 are amended June 14,1941, and July 26,1941) P ar t 1010— S u s p e n s i o n O rders hereby revoked. [ seal] * R andolph P aul, [A mdt. 1 to Suspension Order S-378] Acting Secretary of the Treasury. (Sec. 5 (b ), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, SOUTHWEST MANUFACTURING COMPANY 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; E.O. [F. R. Doc. 43-15789; Filed, September 28, 8389, April 10, 1940, as amended by E.O. 1943; 11:26 a. m .] Southwest Manufacturing Company 8785, June 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July 26, has appealed from the provisions of Sus­ 1941, E.O. 8963, Dec. 9, 1941, and E.O. pension Order S-378. The Chief Com­ 8998, Dec. 26,1941; E.0.9193, July 6,1942; pliance Commissioner has reviewed the Regulations, April 10, 1940, as amended case and received new evidence indicat­ June 14,1941, and July 26, 1941) TITLE 32—NATIONAL DEFENSE ing hardship which this suspension or­ der would work upon the company’s [ s e a l ] R a n d o l p h P a u l , Chapter VIII—Office of Economic business. He has decided that there Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Warfare were wilful violations of the orders and [F. R. Doc. 43-15788; Filed, September 28, Subchapter B— Export Control regulations of the W ar Production Board, 1943; 11:26 a. m .] and that this /suspension order should „ [Arndt. 107] not be revoked. He has also decided P a r t 802—G e n e r a l L ic e n s e s that iñ order to prevent irreparable dam­ age to the business of Southwest Manu­ g e n e r a l i n - t r a n s it l ic e n s e s [Gen. License 13A] facturing Company, Suspension Order Paragraph (d) of § 802.9 General li­ S-378 should be amended. P ar t 131— G e n e r a l L ic e n s e s U n d e r E x ­ censes “G IT ” is hereby amended by de­ Section 1010.378, Suspension Order No. e c u t iv e O rder N o . 8389, A p r il 10, 1940, S-378, issued July 24, 1943, is hereby a s A m e n d e d , a n d R e g u l a t io n s I s s u e d leting between the words “No exporta­ amended by deleting paragraphs (b) and P u r s u a n t T h e r e t o tions,” and the words “may be made” the words “except from the Canadian (c). FOREIGN FUNDS CONTROL This amendment shall take effect upon government to the British forces” and S e p t e m b e r 28, 1943. issuance. substituting in lieu thereof the words Issued this 27th day of September General License No. 13A under Execu­ “except from Canada to the armed 1943. tive Order No. 8389, as amended, Execu­ forces of any of the United Nations”. W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, tive Order No. 9193, section 5 (b) of the (Sec. 6, 54 Stat. 714; 55 Stat. 206; 55 Stat. By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , Trading With the Enemy Act, as amend­ Recording Secretary. ed by the First W ar Powers Act, 1941, 463; Order No. 3 and Delegation of Au­ relating to foreign funds control. thority No. 25, 7 F.R. 4951; Delegation [F . tí. Doc. 43-15720; Filed, September- 27, of Authority No. 31, 8 F R . 8529; E.O. 1943; 5:10 p. m .] § 131.13a General License No. 13A. A 9361, 8 F.R. 9861 and Order No. 1, 8 F.R. general license is hereby granted licens­ ing as generally licensed nationals: 9938) (a) The New York offices of: Dated: September 25, 1943. P art 10Î0— S u s p e n s i o n O rders (1) The French American Banking Corpo­ H e c t o r L azo , [S uspension Order S-385, Amdt. 1] ration, Assistant Director In Charge, (2) The Banque Beige pour l’Etranger Office of Exports. W . H. DEISROTH INCORPORATED (Overseas), Limited, (3) The Hellenic Bank Trust Company, [F. R. Doc. 43-15764; Filed, September 28, W. H. Deisroth Incorporated has ap­ (4) The Bank of Athens Trust Company, 1943; 9:50 a. m .] pealed from the provisions of Suspen- FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13229

(3) A “coil or tube assembly for cool­ Wall sion Order S~385, issued August 2, 1943, thickness and in connection with the appeal, ap­ ers” means an assembly used in a refrig­ maximum plied for a stay of execution which was erating or air conditioning “system” as inch defined in paragraph (a) (1) of Limita­ granted on August 17, 1943. The origi­ (a) Up to & including % " ------0.028 nal stay was to terminate on September tion Order No. L-126 consisting of any (b) Over % " up to & including y2" — .035 10,1943» but was continued generally by arrangement of pipes, tubing, pressure (c) Over up to & including — .049 request of W. H. Deisroth Incorporated vessels, or plates by means of which heat (d ) Over %” up to & including 1” ------. 065 in order to allow it to perfect its appeal. is absorbed by either a volatile refrig­ (e) Over 1" up to & including 1% "— . 083 The Chief Compliance Commissioner erant or a non-volatile medium such as (f) Over 1 i4'’ up to & including 2 " ___ . 095 has reviewed this case and has heard water. (g ) Over 2 " up to & including 2% "— . 120 evidence bearing upon the hardship (4) “Protective coating” means a sur­ Provided, That where external refrig­ which this Suspension Order would face coating applied to any or all parts erant working pressures exceed 400 lbs. of a “coil or tube assembly for condensers cause respondent’s business, and has de­ per sq. in. gauge, a producer may use a cided that the Suspension Order should or coolers” for the purpose of retarding or preventing corrosion. wall thickness in excess of the foregoing stand as issued, but that its dates should but not to exceed the thickness being be changed, and that the stay should be (5) “Integral fin tubing” means finned used by him on September 2,1942. continued through December 31, 1943, tubing, the fins and tubes of which are (2) In the manufacture of any coil or and thereafter be of no further force or formed from the same piece of metal by tube assembly for air-cooled condensers effect. The Chief Compliance Commis­ extrusion or by any machine operation. no producer shall sioner, after considering all of the (6) “Metallic fin bond” means a tie (i) Except for use aboard ship, use circumstances, has decided that in order between tubing and fins obtained finned tubing (other than integral fin to prevent permanent harm to the busi­ through the use of a metallic base sub­ tubing) having an average fin thickness ness of W. H. Deisroth Incorporated by stance usually applied with heat. The to the nearest U. S. standard gauge in the terms of Suspension Order S-385, fin surface of integral fin tubing shall be excess of 4% of the fin height, or a maxi­ that the Suspension Order should be considered as having a metallic fin bond. mum of 0.023", whichever is smaller; amended so that it will be in effect for (7) “Mechanical fin bond” means a tie (ii) Except for use aboard ship, use a forty-five days commencing January 1, obtained between tubing and fins by metallic protective coating (other than 1944, and ,that it should continue physical contact and without the use paint) where a mechanical fin bond is through February 14, 1944. of a metallic base substance. employed; Section 1010.385 Suspension Order No. (8) “Fin height” means the distance (iii) Use a protective coating contain­ S-385, issued August 2,1943, and the stay from the outside of a pipe or tube to the ing more than 7% tin where a metallic thereof issued August 17, 1943, are here­ nearest outside'edge of the fin. fin bond is employed; by amended as follows: (9) “Return bend” means a semi-cir­ (3) In the manufacture of any coil or 1. Stay of execution (of Suspension cular section of tubing or pipe used to tube assembly for water-cooled con­ Order S-385) issued August 17, 1943, join parallel runs of tubing or pipe. densers, no producer shall, except for use shall continue through December 31, (10) “Lend-lease country” means the aboard ship 1943, and thereafter be of no further government of any foreign country re­ (i) Use more than 7 lbs. of non-fer­ force or effect. ceiving aid pursuant to the Act of March rous metals per condensing unit nomi­ 2. Paragraph (d) of Suspension Or­ 11, 1941, entitled “An Act to Promote nal horse power for all self-contained re­ der S-385, issued August 2,1943, is here­ the Defense of the United States” (Lend- frigeration condensing units: Provided, by amended to read as follows: Lease Act). v (b) Required specifications. Pursu­ however, That where, for the purpose of (d) This order shall take effect on ant to Limitation Order No. L-126, the simplification, one condenser is designed January 1,1944, and shall expire on Feb­ following required specifications are to be used with either of two or more ruary 14,1944. hereby established for coil or tube as­ self-contained condensing units, not Issued this 28th day of September 1943. semblies for condensers or coolers: more than 9.0 lbs. of non-ferrous metals (1) In the manufacture of any coil or per condensing unit nominal horse W ar P r o d u c t io n B oar d , power of the smaller unit may be used. By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , tube assembly for condensers or of any (ii) Use more non-ferrous metals per Recording Secretary. coil or tube assembly for coolers, no ton of refrigeration, for other than self- producer shall, except for use aboard IP. R.-Doc. 43-15774; Piled, September 28, contained condensing unit condenser 1943; 11:17 a. m .] ship, assemblies, than the following: (i) Use any non-ferrous metals, 7 lbs. per ton of refrigeration for systems except having saturated refrigerant vapor suction P art 1071— I n d u s t r ia l a n d C o m m e r c ia l (a) For soldering or brazing mate­ temperatures above 30° F. R efrigeration a n d A i r C onditioning rials, or 8 lbs. per tori of refrigeration for systems M a c h in e r y a n d E q u i p m e n t having saturated refrigerant vapor suction (b) For protective coatings, or temperatures from 0° to 30° F„ inclusive. [Schedule III, as Amended September 28, (c) For any coil or tube assembly for 9 lbs. per ton of refrigeration for systems 1943, to Limitation Order L-126] water cooled condensers as defined in having saturated refrigerant vapor suction temperatures below 0P F. REQUIRED SPECIFICATIONS FOR COIL OR TUBE paragraph (a) (3) of this schedule, or ASSEMBLIES FOR REFRIGERATION CONDENS­ “Ton of refrigeration”, as here used, ERS OR COOLERS (d ) For coolers which come in direct contact with dairy or egg products means the removal of heat, at the low §1071.5 Schedule III to Limitation side,- at the rate of 12,000 B. T. U. per (whether or not the coolers have a pro­ Order L-126— (a) Definitions. For the hour; .total tons to be based on the de­ purpose of the schedule: tective coating). sign operating load of the low side con­ (1) “Producer” means any person who (11) Use any seamless steel tubing, ex­ nected to the condensing unit or units produces, manufactures, processes, fabri­ cept with which the condenser is used. cates or assembles any coil or tube as­ (a) To form integral fin tubing, or (4) In the manufacture of any coil or semblies for refrigeration condensers or (b) That which has been made into tube assembly for evaporatively cooled coolers. condensers, no producer shall: return bends but only if the radius (2) A “coil or tube assembly for con­ (i) Use finned tubing (other than in­ thereof is less than IV2 times the outside densers” means an assembly used in a tegral fin tubing) having an average*fin diameter of such tubing and the straight refrigerating or air conditioning “sys­ thickness to the nearest U. S. standard tem” as defined in paragraph (a) ( 1) of extensions thereof are not longer than gauge in excess of 4% of the fin height, Limitation Order No. L-126 consisting of 2 times the outside diameter of such tub­ or a maximum o f'0.023", whichever is any arrangement of pipes, tubing, pres­ ing; or smaller; or sure vessels, or plates by means of which (iii) Use any steel tubing (other than (ii) Use a combination protective heat is removed from the vaporized integral fin tubing) of wall thickness coating and metallic fin bond containing refrigerant. greater than the following: more than 7% tin. 13230 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

(5) In the manufacture of any cooler (1) Muscovite block and film mica of strategic mica on any order for which coil or tube assembly for air-cooling, no heavy stained quality or better, but ex­ such person will receive $10.00 or less: producer shall: cluding (a) block mica smaller than Provided, however, That no person shali (i) Use a metallic protective coating grade # 6 (or grade 1" x 1" ) ; (b) ¡Scrap fill more than three such orders in any containing more than 7% tin, except mica; (c) muscovite splittings used in one month for delivery to the same cus­ that when the coil is used in food storage making built-up mica. tomer. and the air passing over the coil is in (ii) Phlogopite (amber) block mica, (d) .Application for authorization to direct contact with the food a hot-dipped including amber bookform splittings in fabricate. Application to the War Pro­ galvanized coating or a coating contain­ grades (sizes) larger than #5, but ex­ duction Board for specific authorization ing not more than 35% tin may be used, cluding (a) block mica smaller than to fabricate or cause another to fabricate and except also that for use aboard ship grade # 6 (or grade 1" x 1" ) ; (b) scrap strategic mica shall be made by the man­ in connection with food storage the use mica; (c) other forms of amber split­ ufacturer of the product containing of protective metallic coatings is not re­ tings used in making built-up mica. strategic mica and by the person, if any, stricted by this paragraph; or (iii) The remaining portion or rem­ fabricating strategic mica for such man­ (ii) Use finned tubing (other than in­ nant of muscovite block or film mica or ufacturer, on Form WPB-1085, or other­ tegral fin tubing) having an average fin phlogopite block mica resulting from wise; and the authorization, if secured, thickness to the nearest U. S. standard fabrication if such remnant contains a shall apply to such manufacturer and to gauge in excess of 4% of the fin height, usable area equivalent to grade #6 or the person, if any, fabricating strategic or a maximum of 0.023", whichever is larger. mica for such manufacturer pursuant smaller. (2) “Scrap mica” means: to the terms of the, authorization. (c) Applicability of order. (1) The (1) That part of strategic mica re­ (e) Required demonstration of eco­ réquired specifications established by maining after a piece has been fabri- nomic use of mica. The W ar Production paragraph ( b M l ) to (5) inclusive, shall - cated, if such remainder or remnant Board may at any time require satisfac­ not prohibit: contains no piece or pieces equivalent to tory evidence from the manufacturer of (i) The production, fabrication, deliv­ grade # 6 or larger; any end product into which the product ery, acceptance, or installation of coil or (ii) Mine waste, provided no grade containing strategic mica is to be assem­ tube assemblies, the plans of which had # 6 or larger pieces can be trimmed bled or inserted, or from the manufac­ on September 2, 1942, been drawn and therefrom. turer of the product containing strategic accepted by or for the account of the mica, that a lesser quantity or a lower (3) “To fabricate” means to - cut, Army or Navy of the United States, the quality of strategic mica could not be or stamp, punch or split to predetermined Maritime Commission, the W ar Shipping could not have been used than the quan­ shape or dimensions or to change in any Administration, or Lend-Lease countries, tity or quality applied for, or that non- manner the form, shape or size of stra,- or strategic mica or other materials could tegic mica, unless such fabricating is (ii) The use (in the production or fab­ not be or could not have been used as for the purpose of making emergency rication of, or the delivery, acceptance, a substitute for strategic mica. repairs or emergency replacements to or installation of coil or tube assemblies (f) Restrictions on delivery of unfab­ prevent a threatened breakdown. for condensers or coolers) of any of the ricated strategic mica. No person (other following materials in a producer’s pos­ (4) “Product containing strategic than Metals Reserve Company or its session or control or in transit to a pro­ mica” means a product into which fab­ agents) shall deliver any unfabricated ducer on September 2, 1942: ricated strategic mica is assembled or in­ strategic mica to any person (other than (a) Steel tubing. serted, such as a spark plug, condenser, Colonial Mica Corporation, as agent of or »radio tube. (b) Coil or tube assemblies which on Metals Reserve Company), unless spe­ said date were in finished form or the (5) “End-product” means a finished cifically authorized to do so by the War parts for which had on said date been article, such as an airplane motor or Production Board. cast, machined or otherwise processed in radio set, of which the product contain­ (g) Applications for authorization to such manner that the manufacture of ing strategic mica is a component part. accept delivery. Application to the War such assemblies in conformance with (b) Restrictions on fabrication and Production Board for specific authoriza­ this Schedule III would be impractical. causing fabrication of strategic mica. ( 1) tion to accept delivery of unfabricated (iii) The use until January 1, 1944 No person shall fabricate or cause an­ strategic mica shall be made by letter, other to fabricate any strategic mica ex­ only, (in the production of fabrication which need only state the source, quan­ cept to the extent specifically authorized tity, grade (size) and quality of the of, or the delivery, acceptance or instal­ by the W ar Production Board. unfabricated strategic mica which the lation of coil or tube assemblies for con- (2) No manufacturer of a product or applicant seeks permission to acquire. If densers or coolers of the finned type end product containing strategic mica the application is granted, the original shall fabricate or cause another to fabri­ only) of seamless steel tubing where authorization will be sent by the War cate strategic mica: Production Board to the person from (a) the tubing is expanded to obtain the (i) Of a quality better than is neces­ whom delivery is requested and a copy bond between tubing and fins, or (b) sary for the particular purpose to which of the authorization will be sent to the the tubing is % " O. D. size or larger. the strategic mica will be put, unless applicant. Authorization to deliver and otherwise authorized by the W ar Produc­ accept delivery of unfabricated strategic Issued this 28th day of September tion Board; mica must be obtained not only when 1943. (ii) For use where a substitution of delivery is to be made by one person to W ar P roduction B oard non-strategic mica or other material is another person, including an affiliate or B y J. Joseph W helan, practicable, unless otherwise authorized subsidiary, but also when delivery is to Recording Secretary. by the W ar Production Board. be made from one branch, division, or section of a single person to another [F. R. Doc. 43-15775; Filed, September 28, (3) No fabricator shall fabricate 1943; 11:16 a. m.j strategic mica of a grade (size) larger branch, division or section of the same than is required to yield the particular or any other person under, common pattern desired, unless otherwise au­ ownership or control, such as from a thorized by the W ar Production Board. rifting shop or department to a fabricat­ P art 1109— M ica However, remnant mica, regardless of ing shop or department owned by the [Conservation Order M-101, As Amended size or quality, may be fabricated for any same person. September 28, 1943] purpose for which the particular fabri­ (h) Reports. The following reports cator has been currently authorized by Section 1109.1 (Conservation Order W ar Production Board to fabricate shall be filed: M-101) is hereby amended to read as strategic mica. (1) Form WPB-1276 (formerly PD - follows: (c) Small order exemption from re­ 325). Any person fabricating 10 pounds § 1109.1 Conservation Order M-101— strictions on fabrication. Any person or more of any block or film mica (a) Definitions. (1) “Strategic mica” may, without authorization from the War (strategic or non-strategic) in any one means: Production Board, fabricate and deliver month, or who on the last day of any FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13231 month possesses 100 pounds or more of (1) “Newspaper” shall include any appeal) for the current calendar quar­ such mica or of the value of $100 or more, publication usually recognized as a news­ ter: Provided, however, That deliveries shall file Form WPB-1276 on or before paper in the newspaper industry regard­ limited by the foregoing to a fraction the 15th day of the month following, less of the frequency of issuance. of one carload may be increased to one stating his inventory, receipts and con­ (2) “Printing” means the act or proc­ full carload in any month. sumption of all such mica. ess of impressing or otherwise trans­ - (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of (2) Form WPB-3168. Any person ferring onto print paper any ink, color, paragraph (d) (1), on and after August fabricating 10 pounds or more of any pigment,, mark, character or delineation. 1, 1943 no publisher, unless specifically block or film mica (strategic or non- (3) “Publisher” shall inclûde, but not authorized by the W ar Production Board, strategic) in any one month for use in by way of limitation, any person issuing may accept delivery of print paper if his more than one product shall on or before a newspaper. inventory of such paper on hand, avail­ the 15th of the following month file Form . (4) “Print paper” means any grade or able for use, or in transit is, or by virtue WPB-3168, stating the quantity of each quality of paper used in the printing of of such acceptance wiH'become, either: grade and quality fabricated for each a newspaper, or used in the printing of (1) In excess of two carloads or product. material physically incorporated into a (ii) If in excess of two carloads, more (1) Miscellaneous provisions— (1) Ap­ newspaper. than forty days’ supply« in the states plicability of regulations. This order (5) “Net paid circulation” means the named in List A below or sixty-five days’ and all transactions affected thereby are sales of a publisher’s newspapers audited, supply in the states named in List B be­ subject to all applicable regulations of or otherwise verified, in accordance with low, computed on the basis of his aver­ the War Production Board, as amended the standards of the Audit Bureau of age daily rate of consumption during the from time to time. Circulations of January 1,1942. first six months of 1943. (2) Applicability of order. The prohi­ (b) General restrictions.* (1) No pub­ L i s t A L i s t B bitions and restrictions contained in this lisher, and no person for the account of order shall apply to fabricating or caus­ any publisher, shall purchase, acquire Connecticut Alabama ing another to fabricate strategic mica or in any manner accept delivery of print District of Columbia Arizona Arkansas irrespective of whether such articles are paper except for the printing of the pub­ Delaware Illinois California manufactured pursuant to a contract lisher’s newspapers. Indiana Colorado made prior or subsequent to the date of (b) (2) In each calendar quarter com­ Iowa Florida this order. In so far as any other W ar mencing October 1, 1943, no publisher Kansas Georgia Production Board order may have the shall use or cause to be used for his ac­ Kentucky Idaho effect of limiting or curtailing the fabric Maine Louisiana cation of strategic mica to a. greater ex­ count print paper for the publication of Maryland M ontana tent than herein provided, the limitations hi§ newspapers in excess of his quarterly Massachusetts Mississippi New Mexico of such order shall be observed. quota, which shall be determined as Michigan Minnesota Nevada (3) Communications to War Produc­ follows: Missouri North Carolina tion Board. All reports required to be (1) Ascertain the weight of print paper Nebraska Oklahoma filed hereunder, and all other communi­ Oregon which was used in printing the net paid New Hampshire cations concerning this order, shall, un­ New Jersey South Carolina less othèrwise directed, be addressed to: circulation of the publisher’s newspapers N ew York Tennessee War Production Board, Mica-Graphite during the corresponding calendar quar­ North Dakota. Texas v Division, Washington 25, D. C., Refer­ ter of 1941. h Ohio Utah W ashington ence: M-101v Pennsylvania (ii) Add 3% to compensate for pro­ Rhode Island W yom ing (4) Violations. Any person who wil­ duction waste. South Dakota fully violates any provision of this order, (iii) If this figure is 500 tons or more, Vermont or who, in connection with this order, Virginia wilfully conceals a material fact or fur­ deduct 10%; if it is less than 500 tons, W est Virginia nishes false information to any depart­ deduct 10% of the amount in excess of Wisconsin ment or agency of the United States, is 25 tons. (3) The foregoing restrictions apply guilty of a crime, and upon conviction (c) Exceptions. The provisions of par­ not only to deliveries to other persons, may be punished by fine or imprison­ agraph (b) ( 1) and (2) hereof shall not including affiliates and subsidiaries, but ment; In addition, any such person may apply to: also to deliveries from one branch, divi­ be prohibited from making or obtaining (1) Any newspaper which shall usq 25 sion, or section of a single enterprise further deliveries of or from processing tons or less of print paper in any calen­ to another branch, division, or section or using material under priority control dar quarter. The publisher of any such of the samja or any other enterprise un­ and may be deprived of priorities assist­ newspaper is authorized, in addition, to der common ownership or control. ance. - , deduct from «the tonnage of print paper (e) Loans of print paper. Any loan of used by him in any calendar quarter the print paper made by a publisher shall N ote: The reporting provisions of this or­ der have been approved by the Bureau of the amount of print paper used in copies of be reported by addressing a letter in Budget in accordance with the Federal Re­ the said newspaper which he shall fur­ triplicate to the W ar Production Board ports Act of 1942. nish to the armed services of the United on or before the 30th day following the States. date of the loan. This reporting require­ Issued this 28th day of September 1943. (2) Any newspaper of eight pages or ment has been approved by the Bureau W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, less which is authorized to be admitted of the Budget in accordance with the B y J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , to the mails as second class matter un­ Federal Reports Act of 1942. Recording Secretary. der the provisions of section 521 of the (f) Miscellaneous provisions— (1) Ap­ [F. R. Doc. 43-15776; Filed, September 28, Postal Laws and Regulations of 1940 plicability of regulations. This order 1943; 11:16 a. m.J (Title 39 U.S.C. sec. 229), pertaining to and all transactions affected by it are the publications of benevolent, fraternal, subject to all applicable regulations of tradesunion, professional, literary, his­ the W ar Production Board, as amended torical, and scientific organizations or from time to time. societies. (2) Appeals. Any appeal from the P art 3133—P r i n t i n g a n d P u b l i s h i n g (d) Restrictions on deliveries. (1) On provisions of this order shall be made [Limitation Order L-240 as Amended Sept. and after August 1, 1943 no publisher, by filing a letter in duplicate, referring 28, 1943] unless specifically authorized by the W ar to the particular provision appealed Section 3133.6 Limitation Order lr-240 Production Board, may accept delivery from, and stating fully the grounds of is hereby amended to read as follows: of print paper in any calendar month in the appeal. § 3133.6 Limitation Order L-240— (a) excess of 33%% of his quota for the (3) Communications to the War Pro­ Definitions. For the purpose of this consumption of print paper (plus 33y3% duction Board. All reports required to order: of any àdditional tonnage allowed on be filed hereunder and all communica- \ 13232 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday» September 29, 1943 tions concerning this order shall, unless otherwise directed, be addressed to: W ar Applicable forms Applicable forms column1 column Production Board, Printing and Pub­ Table of scheduled Des­ Des­ igna­ Table of scheduled products products igna­ lishing Division, Washington 25, D. C. tion tion Ref.: L-240. (4) Violations. Any person who wil­ fully violates any provision of this or­ 1. Steam, hydraulic, or 8. Pulverizers and related der, or who, in connection with this or­ gas-propelled tur­ combustion equip­ der, wilfully conceals a material fact or bines unless designed ment installed for the for ship propulsion or primary purpose of furnishes false information to any de­ aircraft use______XZ 3120 pulverizing solid fuel partment or agency of the United States 2. Turbine-generator sets for firing any type of (any combination of furnace, excluding is guilty of a crime, apd upon conviction one or more turbines those for marine and and electric genera­ locomotive use...... XZ 1790 may be punished by fine or imprison­ tors built to operate 9. Automatic stokers de­ ment. In addition, any such person may as a set) unless de­ signed for burning signed for ship pro­ solid fuel, with an ac­ be prohibited .from making or obtain­ pulsion, aircraft use, tive projected grate ing further deliveries of, or from, proc­ or locomotive head­ surface in excess of 36 light service______XZ 3120 square feet, excluding essing or using, material under priority 8. Steam engine-driven stokers for locomotive control and may be deprived of priori­ generator sets...... X 3003 and marine use. The 4. Diesel and natural gas term active projected ties assistance. engines, 750 r.p.m. grate surface means and less, excluding grate surface through ^ Issued this 28th day of September 1943. equipment for ma­ which air is supplied rine use...®....:___ _ XZ 878 878 to the fuel bed, either W ar P r o d u c t io n B oar d , 5. Diesel and natural gas continuously or inter­ B y J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , engine-driven gener­ mittently...... XZ 1790 ators, 750 r. p. m. and 10. Soot blowers—any de­ Recording Secretary. less, excluding equip­ vice using steam or ment for marine use... XZ 1801 2810 air to blow soot, cin­ Interpretation 1 6. Generators designed to ders, or slag from the be propelled by a heating surfaces of PRINT PAPER steam, hydraulic or furnaces, boilers, stills gas turbine or steam and other types of di­ “Print paper”, as used in this order, in­ engine, unless de­ rect-fired heat ex- cludes paper reclaimed wholly or partly from signed for ship pro­ » changers, excluding pulsion, aircraft use, those for locomotive white or printed waste, as well as new paper or locomotive head­ or marine use...... made from virgin fibers. (Issued July 24, light service...... XZ 1801 3120 11. Steam condensers (sur­ 1943) 7. Boilers, boiler units, and face, jet and baro­ auxiliaries listed '«be­ metric), inter and Interpretation 2 low, excluding those after condensers, and for marine or locomo­ air ejectors, or any NEWSPAPERS tive use: combination thereof, a. Water-tube steam including marine con­ Paragraph (d ) (1 ) of Order L-240 (§ 3133.6) boilers having 500 densers and air ejec­ restricts the tonnage of print paper which or more square tors other than those a publisher may accept in any month. If feet of boiler heat­ produced for the ing surface (50 United States Navy this amount works out to a whole number H P), designed to for use on ships...... XZ 3003 of carloads plus a fraction of another car­ withstand a safe 12. Power frequency load, a publisher may carry the fraction over working pressure changers, 62)4 cycles and below______XZ 1790 into the next month. Thus, if a publisher’s in excess of 15 pounds per square 13. Synchronous condens­ quarterly quota of print paper would fill 25% inch...... XYZ 1790 2645 ers___ ..... ______XZ 1790 freight cars, he would be permitted to ac­ b. Fire-tube steam 14. Mercury arc rectifiers cept 8% carloads per month. However, if boilers for waste and electronic fre- heat service, dow- , quency changers for he accepts only 8 carloads in the first month therm vapor boil­ power use...... X 2792 he may accept 9 in the next month. Issued ers, mercury va­ 15. Ofi circuit breakers of Aug. 17, 1943) por boilers, and 2,200 volts or higher.. XZ 1790 electric boilers___ XYZ 1790 2645 16. Air circuit breakers ex­ Interpretation 3 c. The following boiler cept types AB, ET, auxiliaries when or similar...... XZ 1790 Paragraph (d) (2) of Order L-240 (§ 3133.6) incorporated in or 17. Metal clad switchgear containing oil or air limits the inventory of print paper which a to be installed as a part of a boiler circuit breakers listed publisher may carry. As used in this para­ unit listed in a or in 15 and 16 above graph, “inventory” includes paper on hand, b above are to be and power switch­ available for use, and in transit. If print included in reports boards...... XZ 1790 18. Capacitors for power paper in inventory is destroyed or damaged and requests for approval under a factor correction...... X 2809 to such an extent that it becomes unusable, and b above and 19. Liquid-filled power or whether this occurs while the paper is in no additional re­ distribution trans­ transit or after it has reached its destina­ ports or requests formers of 250 KVA and larger; unit sub­ tion, the publisher may accept delivery of are required: (i) Superheaters.. stations and unit additional paper to replace that which he „ (ii) Desuperheat­ load centers contain-, was unable to use. This will not constitute ers...... taining such trans­ a violation of paragraph (d) (2). (Issued ' (iii) Economizers.. formers______XYZ 2642 2643 20. Liquid-filled power or Aug. 25, 1943) (iv) Airheaters.__ (v) Water walls distribution trans­ and water- formers 1)4 K VA and fP. R. Doc. 43-15777; Filed, September 28, cooled fur­ larger; dry-type 1943; 11:15 a. m .] naces______transformers with d. The following boiler high voltage 601 volts auxiliaries when and above; dry-type not incorporated transformers with in or to be installed high voltage 600 volts as a part of a boiler and below with capac­ unit listed in a or ities 201 K VA and P art 3208— S c h e d u l e d P r o d u c t s b above: above (single phase) (i) Superheaters.. or with capacities 301 [T able 8 as Amended Sept. 28,1943 to General (ii) Desuperheat­ KVA and above ers...... (three phase)...... YZ 2643 Scheduling Order M-293] (iii) Economizers.. 21. Unit substations and (iv) Airheaters___ XZ 1790 unit load centers, POWER DIVISION, OFFICE OF WAR UTILITIES (v) Water walls containing trans­ and water- formers listed in 20 § 3208.9 Table for Power Division. cooled fur­ "•''above...... YZ 2643 naces...... 22. Hammer forged, press (a) The following amended table is is­ forged* and cast i A manufacturer of a Glass X product must file his crankshafts—finished.. XZ 878C I878C sued pursuant to the provisions of Gen­ shipping schedule on Form W PQ 8003 or 3401 dr on the eral Scheduling Order M-293. form shown in Columfi 2 at his optidn. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13233

(1) Official flags. Flags of “any coun­ through the use of such rating shall on Applicable forms try, flags of any department or agency or before October 15, 1943, report such column inventory by letter (specifying the con­ Des­ of the Federal Government (including Table of scheduled igna­ the military services and all subdivisions) structions held). In this letter the con­ products tion verter may request the release of any 1 2 8 or flags the use of which is authorized by any of them, flags of any State or part of his rayon fabric inventory, indi­ municipal government, and flags to be cating the purposes for which he wishes to dispose of it. Any portion of the in­ 23 Transformers, reactors, delivered under a military order, as de­ and chokes for non­ fined above. ventory which is not released upon such power (electronic) 3002.3T (ii) Religious flags. The officially application shall be sold only on orders adopted flag of any religious denomina­ •carrying an A-2 or higher rating placed tion or sect. after September 28, 1943 by flag manu­ A person, placing an order for a Class T facturers. product must use the form shown in Colum n (iii) Signal flags. Code flags, sema­ 3 to obtain WPB authorization unless the phore flags, or flags indicating danger or (e) Quantity restrictions. No flag product is also in Class Z and he is placing distress. manufacturer shall in any 12 months’ the order under paragraph (e) of M-293. (iv) Service flags. Flags showing that period beginning truly 1 of any year use A person placing an order for a Class Z a person or persons are serving in the in the manufacture of flags a greater product under paragraph (e) of M-293 must armed forces of the United States. quantity of fabrics than he used during use Form WPB-3003, 3400, or 3401, as speci­ (2) After October 1, 1943, no flag the period July 1, 1942 to July 1, 1943. fied in the instructions he received, to ac­ (f) Inventory restrictions. No flag company his purchase order. I f the product manufacturer shall put into process any is also Class Y, he should use that same form material for the manufacture of any flag manufacturer or converter shall accept to obtain WPB authorization instead of the having an area of more than 150 square delivery of any materials for flag produc­ form shown in Colum n 3. feet, except as required by a military tion, or cause any materials to be ac­ cepted on his behalf, if his inventory of Issued this 28th day of September 1943. order or as permitted under paragraph (g) below. raw materials and materials in process W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, (d) Assignment of preference rating. will then exceed the quantity to be used B y J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , (1)A preference rating of A-2 is hereby by him within 60 days. For this purpose Recording Secretary. assigned to purchase orders by flag greige goods delivered to flag manufac­ [F. R. Doc. 43-15778; Filed, «September 28, manufacturers for the following ma­ turers who do their own converting may 1943; 11:15 a. m .] terials to be incorporated into flags per­ be considered separately from finished mitted under paragraph (c) ( 1) above: goods, and greige goods may be accepted, by such flag manufacturers if they will (i) Cotton mercerized bunting manufac­ be converted into finished goods within tured in accordance with the then current P art 3290— T e x t i l e , C l o t h i n g a n d 60 days. L e a t h e r 1 issue of Federal Specification CCC-B-791 type A & B. This inventory restriction is in addi­ [General Preference Order M-166 as Amended (ii) Cotton sheeting, (greige goods): 40" tion to that contained in § 944.14 of Pri­ September 28, 1943] wide— 3.25 yards per pound; 48 x 40 construc­ orities Regulation 1. tion. (g) Appeals. Any appeal from the FLAGS (iii) Cotton print cloth (greige goods): provisions of this order shall be made by Section 3290.841 (General Preference 38%" 64/56—5.50 yards to pound. 39" filing a letter in triplicate, referring to Order M-166) is hereby amended to read 68/64— 4.85 yards to pound. the particular provision appealed from, as follows: (iv) Plat duck-single yarn—SO" wide— 7 ounce weight, for heading fabric only. and stating fully the grounds of the ap­ § 3290.84 General Preference Order (v) Rayon fabric: 39" wide. 110 x 60 con­ peal. M<-166— (a) Applicability of regulations. struction plain weave made with 150 denier (h) Communications to the War Pro­ This order and all transactions affected viscose or acetate bright rayon yard in the duction Board. All reports required to thereby are subject to all applicable reg­ warp and filling. be filed hereunder, and all communica­ (vi) Rayon fabric: 40" wide. 120 x 68 tions concerning this order, shall, unless ulations of the W ar Production Board, construction plain weave made with 120 as amended from time to time, except as otherwise directed, be addressed to the denier warp and 150 denier filling acetate W ar Production Board, Textile, Clothing otherwise provided herein. bright rayon yarn. (b) Definitions. For the purpose of (vii) Rayon fabric: 48" in the reed. 100 and Leather Division, Washington, D. C., this order: ends in the reed, 72 picks, plain weave. 75 Reference M-166. (1) “Flag” includes banners, bunting, denier viscose or cupprammonium rayon (i) Reports. Each flag manufacturer burgees, colors, guidons, half-fans, net warp crepe with 55/57 turns warped 2 ends shall file one copy of Form WPB-3171 as S twist, 2 ends Z twist. 75 denier viscose or banners, pennants, pull downs, rosettes specified in said form. cupprammonium rayon filling with natural All reporting requirements in this (or full-fans) and standards. twist. (2) “Flag manufacturer” means any (viii) Rayon fabric: 52" Wide. 225 x 76 or order have been approved by the Bu­ person manufacturing flags on a com­ 80 construction plain weave made with 2 reau of the Budget in accordance'with mercial scale. thread 40 denier cupprammonium 14/16 turns the Federal Reports Act of 1942. warp. 100 denier cupprammonium 12 turns (j) Violations. Any person who wil­ (3) “Converter” means any person who purchases greige goods for conver­ filling. fully violates any provision of this order, (ix) Rayon fabric: 39" wide. 140 x 64 or who, in connection with this order, sion into fabrics meeting the require­ construction satin standard finish made with ments of any flag manufacturer. • 100 denier bright viscose warp. 150 denier wilfully conceals a material fact or fur­ (4) “Military order” means an order bright viscose filling. nishes false information to any depart­ placed by the Army or Navy of .the United (x) Pro rata widths to the above men­ ment or agency of the United States, is States, the United States Maritime Com­ tioned weights and constructions. guilty of a crime, and upon conviction mission, the Panama Canal, the Coast (Xi) Cotton sewing thread: 40/3 cord 50/3 may be punished by fine or imprison- cord 60/3 cord 70/3 cord. and Geodetic Survey, the Coast Guard, _ ment. In addition, any such person may the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the Na­ (2) Such preference rating shall be be prohibited from making or obtaining tional Advisory Committee for Aeronau­ applied and extended in accordance with further deliveries of, or from processing tics, the Office of Scientific Research and Priorities Regulation 3 and General Con­ or using, material under priority control Development, the W ar Shipping Admin­ servation Order M-328, except that con­ and may be deprived of priorities assist­ istration, the Veterans Administration or verters may extend ratings only to ob­ the American Red Cross. ance. tain material which is required to fill a (c) Restrictions on .manufacture. (1) Issued this 28th day of September 1943. specific order on their books and may not After October i, 1943, no flag manufac­ W ar P r o d u c t io n B o a r d , extend ratings to replace inventories. turer shall put into process any woven By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , (3) The preference rating heretofore fabric for the manufacture of any flag Recording Secretary. (as defined above) except the following: assigned to converters by this order is hereby revoked. A converter having in [F. R. Doc. 43-15779; Filed, September 28, 1 Formerly Part 1267, § 1267.1. his inventory rayon fabric obtained 1943; 11:16 a, m .] No. 193------3 13234 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

P a r i 3290— T e x t il e C l o t h i n g a n d month preceding that in which the order (iv) Brushes for construction, main- L e a t h e r 1 for such bristles is placed: tenance, repair or operating supplies. p ig s ’ a n d h o g s ’ b r is t l e s Bristles 2 to 3J4 inches long, inclusive, Provided, That his inventory of-bristles may be used in the manufacture of [General Preference Order M-51, as Amended does not exceed and to the best of his brushes, upon specific orders: Sept. 28, 1943], knowledge and belief will not thereby Provided, That no person shall order § 3290.1611 General Preference Order exceed, the lesser of such brushes, except for necessary use in M-51— (a) Definitions. For the pur­ (a) A practicable minimum working the construction, maintenance or repair pose of this order: inventory, or of facilities required for producing any (1) “Bristles” means pigs’ or hogs’ (b) One-half of the quantity, by product or conducting any business, bristles, including riflings, 2 inches or. activity or service, listed on Schedule I or longer, whether new, reclaimed, raw, weight, of bristles consumed by him dur­ ing the period January 1, 1943 through II, as amended from time to time, an­ dressed, imported or domestic. nexed to CMP Regulation 5 or 5A, or for (2) [Deleted Sept. 28, 1943] June 30, 1943 in the manufacture of necessary operating supplies for any such (3) [Deleted Sept. 28,19431 brushes according to this order as issued purpose, or to fill specific orders therefor. RESTRICTIONS November 30,1942. (v) Painters’ brushes for construction, (4) Seller of bristle or bristle products. maintenance, repair or operating sup- (b) Importation. Notwithstanding any No person shall sell or deliver bristles plies. Bristles longer than 3y8 inches other order, rule, regulation or direction, to a person prohibited by this paragraph may be used in the manufacture of paint­ or any certificate or authorization, no (c) from buying or accepting them, or ers’ brushes, upon specific orders: person other than Defense Supplies Cor- bristles or products containing bristles portation shall import any variety of Provided, That no person shall order such knowing or having reason to believe that bristles of the categories known as “Chi­ brushes, except for necessary use in the the purchase, acceptance or use.of them nese”, “Indias”, “Russians” or “.Siberi­ construction, maintenance or repair of is not or will not be for use or to fill ans”. The importation of bristles of facilities required for producing any other categories shall be according to orders as permitted by this order. product or conducting any business, General Imports Order M-63, as amend­ (5) Buyer of bristle products. No per­ activity or service, listed on Schedule I, ed from time to time. son shall buy, accept or use products as amended from time to time, annexed (c) Purchase and sale. Unless other­ containing bristles, knowing or having to CMP Regulation 5 or 5A, or for neces­ wise authorized in writing by the W ar reason to believe that the purchase, ac­ sary operating supplies for any such pur­ Production Board: ceptance or use of them is not or will not pose, or to fill specific orders therefor. (1) Undressed domestic bristles. No be for use or to fill orders as permitted (vi) Limitation on orders. No person person other than an approved dresser by this order. shall order any brushes, referred to in shall buy or accept undressed domestic (d) Use— (1) Domestic bristles. No subdivisions (iv) and (v) of this sub- bristles from a slaughter house. “Ap­ person, without written authorization of paragraph (2), for delivery or accept proved dresser” means a person who the W ar Production Board, shall use do­ them, during any calendar quarter, in a mestic bristles in the manufacture of any quantity exceeding his requirements for grades, sorts, dresses, reclaims, or in any product. The assignment of a prefer­ such maintenance, repair and operating wise processes bristles, and who, in writ- ence rating is not an authorization to use supplies during any such quarter. ing by the W ar Production Board, is des­ bristles. (3) Manufacture exceeding specific orders and disposal of excess. The re­ ignated an approved dresser and author­ (2) Imported bristles. Unless other ized to process domestic bristles. This quirements of subdivisions (ii), (iii), (iv) uses are specifically permitted in writing and (v) in the next preceding subpara­ designation and authorization, which by the W a r Production Board and re­ may be conditioned and limited by the graph (2) that products be manufactured W ar Production Board at any time, will gardless of the assignment of a prefer­ only to fill specific orders, shall not pre­ be made when it approves of a dresser ence rating, no person shall use imported vent the manufacture of minimum com­ as capable of processing domestic bristles bristles in the manufacture of any prod­ mercially practicable quantities of prod­ ucts exceeding specific orders: according to specifications fixed by the uct, except as follows: W ar Production Board. Applications (i) Dental plate brushes. Until De­ Provided, That any excess manufactured may be made by a dresser at any time by cember 31, 1943, 3 inch bristles may be shall be sold only upon orders referred submitting samples of his product, proc­ to in said subdivisions (ii), (iii), (iv) or used in the manufacture of dental plate essed according to such specifications, (v) as the case may be, of said paragraph accompanied by a letter describing his brushes requiring not more than 1 pound (2), above. experience and equipment. of bristles for 120 brushes, in an amount (4) Existing stocks of brushes. The (2) Dressed domestic bristled. No per­ not exceeding the manufacturer’s use restrictions in this order shall not apply of bristles, nylon or both for dental plate son other than Defense Supplies Corpo­ to the manufacturer, jobber or retailer, ration shall buy or accept dressed do­ brushes in the period July 1, 1942 as the case may be, with respect to mestic bristles. through December 31, 1942. (3) Dressed imported bristles. No (ii) Military orders. Upon specific brushes in his possession prior to July 30, person other than a dealer (one who orders for delivery to or for the account 1943. purchases and sells bristles without of the Army or Navy of the United States, CONSERVATION changing their condition) shall buy or the United States Maritime Commission (e) Conservation. Unless otherwise accept dressed imported bristles, except or the War Shipping Administration. authorized in writing by the War Pro­ duction Board, no person shall use in (i) Purchase for permitted use. To (iii) Export orders. For export from the 48 states, the District of Columbia or the manufacture of any product a mix­ manufacture brushes as permitted in ture of more than 55% of pigs’ or hogs’ the Territory of Alaska, upon specific subparagraphs (2) and (3) of paragraph. bristles or a combination of both. (d), below. orders accompanied by individual export licenses issued by the Office of Economic Provided, That this restriction shall not (ii) Purchase for inventory and inven­ apply to: Warfare or upon specific orders from an tory limit. As may be necessary to en­ (1) The manufacture of dental plate able him to manufacture for inventory agency of the United States for delivery brushes as described in paragraph (d) brushes as permitted by this order, but pursuant to the Act of March 11, 1941, (2) ( i ) , above. 5- not more than the quantity of brushes as amended, entitled “An Act to Promote (2) The manufacture of any product containing bristles none of which are manufactured and delivered by him ac­ the Defense of the United States” (Lend- longer than 2% inches. Lease A ct). cording to this order in the calendar (3) The manufacture of any product N o t e : Following subdivisions (iv), (v), bought by or for the account of the Army 1 Formerly Part 1024, § 1024.1. (vi) formerly designated (iii), (iv), (v). or Navy of the United States, the United FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13235

States Maritime Commission or the W ar (i) Violations. Any person who wil­ (3) No person shall accept delivery in Shipping Administration, where a con­ fully violates any provision of this order, any calendar month from all suppliers tracting or inspecting officer of the de­ or who, in connection with this order, of more than 350 pounds but less than partment or agency concerned, after re­ wilfully conceals a material fact or fur­ 1750 pounds in the aggregate of acetone, viewing the applicable Emergency Al­ nishes false information to any depart­ or of more than 415 pounds but less than ternate Federal Specification, certifies in ment or agency of the United States is 2075 pounds in the aggregate of diace­ a signed certificate, sent to the manu­ guilty of a crime, and upon conviction tone, unless and until he shall have facturer, that a different.bristle mixture may be punished by fine or imprison­ furnished each supplier with a use cer­ is necessary for military or naval use. ment. In addition, any such person may tificate pursuant to paragraph (f) (2) be prohibited from making or obtaining hereof. EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION further deliveries of, or from processing (c) Restrictions on use. (1) No sup­ (f) Equitable distribution. It is the or using, material under priority control plier shall use acetone or diacetone ex­ cept as specifically authorized or directed policy of the W ar Production Board that and may be deprived of priorities assist­ ance. in writing by W ar Production Board, in bristles and products containing bristles^ (j) [Deleted September 28, 1943] the normal case upon application filed not required to fill rated orders, shall ^bë (k) Applicability of regulations. This pursuant to paragraph (f) ( 1) hereof. distributed equitably. In making such order and all transactions affected there­ (2) Each person who with an order distribution due regard should be given by are subject to all applicable regula­ for acetone or diacetone furnishes the to essential civilian needs, and there tions of the W ar Production Board, as certificate required by paragraph (f ) (2), shall use the material delivered on such should be no discrimination in the ac­ amended from time to time. order only as specified in such certificate Issued this 28th day of September 1943. ceptance or filling of orders as between except, as otherwise specifically author­ persons who meet the seller’s regularly W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, ized or directed in writing by W ar Pro­ established prices and terms of saleür By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , duction Board. Recording Secretary. payment. Under this policy, every seller (3) Acetone and diacetone allocated of the items, so far as practicable] [P . R. Doc. 43-15780; Filed, September 28, for inventory shall not be used for any 1943; 11:15 a. m .] purpose except as specifically authorized should make .available an equitable pro^ or directed in writing by W ar Production portion of his merchandise to his cus­ Board. tomers periodically, without prejudice (d) General and special instructions because of their size, location, or rela^ of War Production Board. (1) Author­ P a r t 3293— A c e t o n e a n d D ia c e t o n e tionship as affiliated outlets. It is not izations and directions as to deliveries [A llocation Order M-352] and use to be made by suppliers and with the intention to interfere with estab~ respect to acceptance of delivery in lished channels and methods of distribuT- The fulfillment of requirements for the defense of the United States has created quantities exceeding 1750 pounds in the tion, unless necessary to meet war or a shortage in the supply of acetone and aggregate of acetone and exceeding 2075 essential needs. If voluntary observance diacetone for defense, for private ac­ pounds in the aggregate of diacetone in of the policy outlined is inadequate to count and for export; and the following each month will generally be issued by W ar Production Board prior to the be­ achieve equitable distribution, the W ar order is deemed necessary and appro­ ginning of such month, but W ar Produc­ priate in the public interest and to pro­ Production Board may issue specific di- tion Board may at any time issue special mote the national defense rections to concerns* A failure to com­ directions to any person with respect to: ply with a specific direction shall be § 3293.541 Allocation Order M-352— (1) Use, delivery or acceptance of de­ (a) Definitions. (1) “Acetone” means livery of acetone and diacetone deemed a violation. acetone (dimethyl ketone) of any grade (ii) Production of acetone and diace­ GENERAL PROVISIONS and from whatever source derived. The tone. term does not include the product com­ (e) Applications by suppliers for au­ (g) Reports and communications— monly known as methyl acetone obtained thorization to deliver. (1). Each sup­ (1) Imported bristles. Every owner of as a by-product of wood distillation. plier seeking authorization to make de­ imported bristles shall file with the Bu­ (2) “Diacetone” means diacetone alco­ livery of acetone or diacetone during reau of the Census, Department of Com­ hol of any grade and from whatever any calendar month to apy person who merce, acting as compiling agent for the source derived. has filed with him Form WPB-2945 War Production Board, not later than (3) “Producer” means any person who (formerly PD-600) respecting a delivery the 10th day of each month, a report produces or imports acetone or diace­ in such month, shall file application on on Form WPB-431 (formerly Form PD - tone, and includes any person who has or before the 20th day of the preceding 217), showing his holdings and con­ either produced for him pursuant to toll month. The application shall be made sumption of imported bristles during the agreement. on Form WPB-2947 (formerly PD-602) preceding month. (4) “Distributor” means any person in the manner set forth in the general (2) Domestic bristles. Every owner of who buys acetone or diacetone for pur­ instructions appearing on that form, more than ten pounds of domestic bris­ poses of resale as such. subject to the special instructions ap­ tles shall file with the W ar Production (5) “Supplier” means a producer or pearing in Appendix A. If there is an Board not later than the 10th day of distributor. inconsistency between the general and each month, a report on Form W P B - (b) Restrictions on deliveries. (1) No special instructions, the special instruc­ 2287 (formerly Form PD-781), showing supplier shall deliver acetone or diace­ tions must be followed. his holdings and shipments of domestic tone to any person except as specifically (2) Each supplier seeking authoriza­ bristles during the preceding month. authorized in writing by W ar Production tion to make delivery of acetone or di­ (3) Reporting. All reports required to Board, in the normal case upon appli­ acetone during any calendar month to be filed and all communications concern­ cation filed pursuant to paragraph (e) any person who has filed with him the ing this order shall unless otherwise di­ hereof. use certificate provided for by paragraph rected in writing be addressed to the W ar (2) No person shall accept delivery in (f) (2) or to any person ordering not Production Board, Textile, Clothing and any calendar month from all suppliers more than 350 pounds of acetone or 415 Leather Division, Washington, D. C. of more than 1750 pounds (5 drums) in pounds of diacetone, shall file applica­ Ref.; M-51. the aggregate of acetone, or more than tion on or before the 20th of the preced­ (h) Appeals. Any appeal from the 2075 pounds (5 drums) in the aggregate ing month. The application shall be provisions of this order shall be made of diacetone,’ except as specifically au­ by filing a letter in triplicate referring thorized in writing by W ar Production made on Form WPB-2947 (formerly P D - to the particular provision appealed Board, in the normal case upon applica­ 602) in the manner set forth in the gen­ from and stating fully the grounds for tion filed pursuant to paragraph (f) ( 1) eral instructions appearing in Appendix the appeal. / hereof. A. If there is an inconsistency between 13236 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 the general and special instructions, the A p p e n d ix A— S p e c ia l I nstructions f o r S u p ­ (8 ) Table II. Each producer shall report special instructions must be followed. p l ie r ’s F o r m W P B 2947 (F o r m e r l y PD-602) production, deliveries and stocks as required (f ) Applications and use certificates to (1 ) Obtaining forms. Copies of Form by Table II, Columns 9 to 16, inclusive. Dis­ be filed by prospective purchasers. ( 1) WPB 2947 (formerly PD-602) may be obtained tributors shall fill out only Columns 10, 12 Each person wishing to obtain delivery in at local field offices of the W ar Production and 13. Producers and distributors shall any calendar month from all sources of Board. leave Column 8 blank. (2 ) Number of copies. Prepare an original more than 1750 pounds of acetone, or A p p e n d ix B — S p e c ia l I nstructions f o r C u s­ and three copies. File original and two cop­ more than 2075 pounds of diacetone t o m e r ’ s F o r m W P B 2945 (F o r m e r l y P D - ies with War Production Board, Chemicals (and each supplier requiring authority to 600) Division, W ashington 25, D. C., R ef: M-352, use acetone or diacetone in any calendar retaining the third copy for your files. The (1 ) Obtaining forms. Copies of Form WPB month regardless of quantity), shall file original shall be manually signed by a duly 2945 (formerly PD-600) may be obtained at application on or before the 10th of the authorized official. local field offices of the W ar Production preceding month. The application shall (3) Information at top of form. In the Board. be made on Form W PB 2945 (formerly heading, under “Name of material”, specify (2) Number of copies. Prepare an orig­ PD-600) in the manner set forth in the “Acetone” or “Diacetone”, as the case may inal and four copies. Forward original and general instructions appearing bn that be; leave “Grade” blank; under "WPB Order two copies to War Production Board, Chemi­ form, subject to the special instructions No.”, specify “M-352”, indicate month and cals Division, Washington 25, D. C., Ref: year during which deliveries covered by the M-352, forward one copy to the supplier with contained in Appendix B. If there is an application are to be made; under “Unit inconsistency between the general and whom the order is placed, and retain one copy of measure”, specify “Pounds”, under “Name for your files. The original shall be signed special instructions, the special instruc­ of company”, specify your name and the by a duly authorized official. Where the ap­ tions must be followed. address of the plant from which shipment plication is by a supplier for authorization to ' (2) Each person wishing to accept de­ will be made. use, no copy should be sent to a producer livery in any calendar month from all (4 ) Listing of customers. In Column 1 or distributor. sources of more than 350 pounds (but (except for small orders as explained in (6) (3 ) Material. In the heading under “Name less than 1750 pounds), of acetone, or below) list the name of each customer from of chemical”, specify “Acetone” or “Diace­ whom an order for delivery during the more than 415 pounds (but less than tone”, as the case may be; under “W PB Order applicable month has been received. List No.”, specify “M-352”; under “U nit of meas­ 2075 pounds) of diacetone, shall file with first the name of each customer who has filed ure”, specify “Pounds”. each supplier on or before the 10th of the with you Form WPB 2945 (formerly PD-600) (4) Month and year. In -th e heading, at preceding month a certificate stating the in connection with his order. Thereafter, top of Table I, specify the month and year use for which he is ordering the particu­ leave a space, and insert in Column 1 “Use for which delivery is requested. lar #naterial. Such certificate must be certificate”, and then list the name of each (5) Primary product. In Column 3, appli­ substantially in the form indicated in customer from whom a use certificate has cant must specify in terms of the following Appendix C. It~fieed not be filed with been received under paragraph (f) (2) with, the product or products in the manufacture respect to a delivery in the applicable month. W ar Production Board. A supplier must or preparation of which the acetone or diace- Do not list names of customers who have not tone will be used: not deliver acetone or diacetone where placed with you either Form WPB 2945 or a Acetic anhydride Other (specify) he knows or has reason to believe the use certificate. If it is necessary to use more Dénaturant Inventory purchaser’s certificate's false, but in the than one sheet to list customers, number Methyl isobutyl ke- Export each -sheet in order and show separately on absence of such knowledge, or reason to tone Resale believe, he may rely on the certificate. the last sheet the total poundage ordered (g) Miscellaneous provisions— (1) Ap- by customers filing Form WPB 2945, and (6 ) End use. In Column 4, applicant will plicability of regulations. This order the total poundage ordered by customers specify with respect to each primary product filing use certificates. the ultimate use to which such primary prod­ and all transactions affected thereby are 5. Primary product and end use. In col­uct will be put in terms of the following : subject to all applicable regulations of umn 1-a, opposite the name of each cus­ Opposite any primary product listed in W ar Production Board, as amended from tomer filing a use certificate (obtained under Column 3 which is subject to allocation, spec­ time to time. paragraph (f) (2 )), specify the product or ify in Colum n ¿4 only the allocation order (2) Approval of •reporting require­ products in the manufacture or preparation number, (for example: “Order M-243” for ments. Forms W PB 2945 and W FB 2947 of which acetone or diacetone will be used acetic anhydride). (formerly PD-600 and PD-602 respec­ by such customer, the end use to which Opposite any primary product listed in Col­ such product or products will be put, Army um n 3 which is not under allocation, specify tively), provided for in paragraphs (e) or Navy contract numbers, Lend-Lease requi­ end use in terms of the following, giving also ( 1), (e) ( 2) and (f) ( 1), have been ap­ sition or contract numbers, and export license Army and Navy contract numbers, and Lend- proved by the Bureau of the Budget in numbers, all as indicated on such use cer­ Lease requisition or contract numbers when accordance With the Federal Reports Act tificate. The quantity of acetone or diace­ available : of 1942. tone used in the manufacture or preparation Acetylene solvent ’ Nitrocellulose lac­ of each primary product for each end use (3) Violations. Any person who wil­ Artificial leather quers shall be shown separately. If the acetone fully violates any provision of this order, Cellulose acetate Nitrocellulose plas­ or diacetone ordered by a customer is for two or' who, in connection with this order (rayon & plastics) tics or more uses, indicate each use separately Cements Pain t & varnish re­ wilfully conceals a material fact or fur­ and list the quantity ordered for each use. Cleaners movers nishes false information to any depart­ It is not necessary to show primary product Dewaxing lubricating Perfumes ment or agency of the United States is or end use with respect to a customer filing oils Photographic films Form WPB 2945 (formerly PD-600). In­ guilty of a crime, and upon conviction Explosives Printing Inks stead, in Column 1-a, opposite the name of may be punished by fine or imprison­ Extraction Resins each customer filing such Form WPB 2945, ment. In addition, any such person may Fingernail enamels Rubber anti-oxidants enter merely “W P B 2945”. be prohibited from making or obtaining and enamel re­ and other rubber (6) Small orders. It is not necessary to further deliveries of, or from processing movers applications list the name of any customer to whom the Insecticides Wash thinners or using, material under priority control supplier is to deliver in the applicable month and may be deprived of priorities assist­ Linim ents Other (specify) not more than 350 pounds of acetone or 415 Medicináis & phar­ ance. pounds of diacetone, unless such customer maceuticals (4) Communications to War Produc­ has filed a use certificate, nor is it necessary tion Board. All reports required to be in the case of any such delivery to show Opposite “Export” in Column 3, specify in filed hereunder, and all communications the name of the product or end use. In­ Column 4 the name of individual, company or concerning this order, shall, unless other­ stead, write in Column 1 “Total small order governmental agency to whom or for whose account the material is to be exported, the wise directed, be addressed to: W ar Pro­ deliveries (estimated)” and in Column 4, specify total estimated quantity of acetone country of destination and the governing ex­ duction Board, Chemicals Division, or diacetone to be delivered on such orders. port license number, unless Lend-Lease, in Washington 25, D. C. Ref.: M-352. (7 ) TJse by producers. Each producer who which case merely specify the Lend-Lease Issued this 28th day of September 1943. has filed application on Form WPB 2945 requisition or contract number. (formerly PD-600) specifying himself as his Opposite “Resale'’ in Colúmn 3, distribu­ W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, supplier, shall list his own name as customer tors shall write into Column 4 “upon further B y J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , in Column 1 on Form WPB 2947 (formerly authorization” or ”for uncertified small or­ Recording Secretary. P D -6 0 2 ). ders”. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13237

Opposite “Inventory” in Column 3, specify term includes research laboratories, pro­ (ii) One hundred percent (100%) of in Column 4 “subject to further authoriza­ duction control laboratories, clinical lab­ the total dollar value of reagent chem­ tion”. oratories and instructional laboratories. icals and such material delivered, for (7) Tables II, III and IV. Fill out Tables educational purposes or for the manu­ II, III and IV completely. It does not include any person to the ex­ facture of reagent chemicals for such (8) Table V. In Column 23, list each tent that he is engaged in the manufac­ primary product produced in last month. In purposes, to the person applying the Column 24, list quantity of acetone or diace­ ture of products for commercial sale, rating hereby assigned during such tone consumed in last m onth in the m anu­ even though the place in which the prod­ twelve (12) month period: Provided, facture of such primary product. In Column ucts are manufactured may be called a however, That the dollar value of deliv­ 25, list the quantity of acetone or diacetone laboratory. eries of reagent chemicals "for educa­ allocated to you for the m anufacture of each tional purposes and of material which such primary product in last month. (3) “Distributor” means any person will enter into the production of reagent A p p e n d ix C who buys reagent chemicals for resale chemicals- for educational purposes, to c u s t o m e r ’s certificate o f in t e n d e d u s e without further processing. which such preference rating may be ap­ The undersigned purchaser hereby certifies (4) “Producer” means any person en­ plied in any four successive quarters shall to War Production Board and to his supplier, gaged in the production of reagent chem­ not exceed one hundred percent ( 100%) pursuant to Order No. M-352, that the acetone icals and includes any person who has of the total dollar value of reagent chem­ or diacetone ordered for delivery i n ______icals and such material delivered for such them produced for him pursuant to toll m onth purposes to the person applying the rat­ 194__, will be used by him in the manufacture agreement. ing during such twelve ( 12) month pe­ or preparation of the following productos) , (b) Assignment of preference rat­ riod. and that süch product(s) on the basis of order(s) filed with the undersigned, will be ings. (1) Preference rating AA-1 is (3) If during any calendar quarter or put to the following end use(s): hereby assigned to deliveries of any re­ other applicable period the dollar volume of production, services rendered, appro­ agent chemical to any laboratory to Pounds Primary product End use priations for research or number of stu­ (A ) — ------which a serial number has been assigned dents enrolled, by the person applying (B ) ------______9______under Preference Rating Order P-43, and the rating hereby assigned, is greater Nam e of Purchaser to any laboratory owned and operated by than for the corresponding quarter or By — - ...... the Army or Navy of the United States. other period of the twelve ( 12) months Duly Authorized Official Title (2) Preference rating AA-2 is hereby ended September 30, 1942, the allowable dollar value to which the rating hereby Date assigned to: assigned may be applied in terms of (i) Deliveries of any reagent chemical INSTRUCTIONS FOR CUSTOMER’S CERTIFICATE paragraph (d) (2), may be increased in to any laboratory to which a serial num­ proportion to the increase in production, (1) The certificate shall be signed by an services rendered, research appropria­ authorized official of the purchaser, either ber has not been assigned under Prefer- manually or as provided in Priorities Regula­ ence R ating Order P-43. tion or enrollment. tion No. 7. (ii) Deliveries of any reagent chemical (4) The quantitative restrictions of (2) Under “Primary product”, specify the CMF Regulations 5 and 5A shall not ap­ exact product or products in the manufacture to a distributor or producer. ply to deliveries of reagent chemicals or or preparation of which the acetone or diace­ (c) Application and extension of rat­ of material (not including maintenance, tone will be used or incorporated. Primary ing. The preference rating* assigned by repair and operating supplies) which products should be stated in terms of the pri­ paragraph (b) hereof shall, subject to will enter into the production of reagent mary products listed in paragraph (5) of the provisions of paragraph (d) hereof, Appendix B. chemicals. (3) Under “End use”, specify the ultimate be applied or extended only in accord­ (e) Miscellaneous provisions— (1) Ap­ or end use to which the primary product will ance with the provisions of Priorities plicability of priorities regulations. be put in terms of the end uses stated in Regulation No. 3, as amended from time This order and all transactions affected paragraph (6) of Appendix B. Also indicate to time. hereby are subject to all applicable pro­ whether end use is civilian, Lend-Lease, other (d) Restrictions on applications and visions of priorities regulations of the export or military, and if the product is for extensions of rating. The preference W ar Production Board, as amended from uses falling in two or more such categories, the percentage falling in each. Also, Indicate rating hereby assigned shall not be time to time. contract numbers in the case of m ilitary use, applied: y (2) Communications to War Produc­ requisition or contract num bers in the case (1) To obtain deliveries of any reagent tion Board. All communications con­ of Lend-Lease, and in the case of other export, chemical or material: cerning this order shall, unless otherwise export license numbers. A distributor order­ (1) Which will be incorporated in, or directed, be addressed to: W ar Produc­ ing acetone or diacetone for resale as such will which will enter into any chemical re­ leave blank the “End use” column. tion Board, Chemicals Division, Wash­ action directly involved in the manu­ ington 25, D. C., Ref: P-135. [P. R.^Doc. 43-15784; Filed, September 28, facture of any product, other than a 1943; 11:17 a. m .] reagent chemical, manufactured for sale; Issued this 28th day of September 1913. (ii) Which will be used in the render­ W ar P r o d u c t io n B o ar d , ing of any service other than analytical, By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , • testing, control, educational or research Recording Secretary. P art 3293— C h e m i c a l s 1 laboratory services. [F. R. Doc. 43-15781; Filed, September 28, [Preference Rating Order P-135, as Amended (2) To obtain deliveries during any 1943; 11:16 a. m .] - Sept. 28, 1943] calendar quarter of reagent chemicals, and material (not including mainte­ REAGENT CHEMICALS nance, repair and operating supplies) § 3293.5261 Preference Rating Order which will enter, at any stage, into the P ar t 3293— C h e m i c a l s 1 P-135— (a) Definitions. For the pur­ production of reagent chemicals, greater poses of this order: in dollar value than the sum of the fol­ [Supplementary Order P-135-a, as Amended September 28, 1943] (1) “Reagent chemical” means any lowing: chemical prepared and packed for rea­ (i) Twenty-five percent (25%) of the REAGENT CHEMICALS gent use in laboratories. total dollar value of reagent chemicals (2) “Laboratory” means any person and such material delivered, for analyt­ § 3293.5311 Supplementary Order P - 135-a— (a) What this order does. This engaged in the business of carrying on ical, testing, control or research pur­ order provides a standard form of certi­ scientific or technological investigation, poses (exclusive of educational purposes) or for the manufacture of such reagent fication for laboratories ordering reagent testing, development or experimentation, chemicals, to the person applying the chemicals for analysis, testing control, to the extent that he is so engaged. The rating hereby assigned during the twelve educational or research purposes. (12) month period ended September 30, 1 Formerly Part 3119, § 3119.1. 1942, and Form erly Part 3119, § 3119.2. 13238 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

This order also provides that each lab­ small orders. Where a W PB chemical (i) Any material which is physically oratory shall be entitled to the full small order conditions the-delivery or accept­ or chemically incorporated,- at any stage order exemption of each W PB chemicals ance of delivery of stated small quanti­ of production, in whole or in part, into order. ties of the subject chemical without spe- any material which the producer manu­ (b) Form of certification under small factures. ciflc authorization of W ar Production order exemptions. Laboratories and lab­ (ii) Any material which, at any stage oratory suppliers ordering reagent chem­ Board on the receipt of filing of a cer­ of production, enters into the chemical icals under the small order exemption tificate, a. laboratory may without fur­ reaction necessary to the manufacture, provided by any W PB chemicals order, nishing the certificate accept delivery of or is used in the purification (including’ may use this form of certification: that chemical in any period, and a pro­ among other things, washes, solvents’ Pursuant to Order P-135-a, the under­ ducer or distributor may without receiv­ extractants and the like) of any materiai signed represents to the seller and to the W ar which the producer manufactures. ing the certificate make delivery of that Production Board that the reagent chemicals (7) Material for maintenance, repair called for by this purchase order will be used, chemical to a laboratory in any period, and operating supplies shall include: or resold for use, in a laboratory for one or in a quantity not exceeding 10% of the more of the following purposes: Analysis, (i) Material for the improvement of testing, control, educational or research. amount which in the period may without the producer’s plant through the re­ This purchase order is placed in accordance specific authorization be accepted or de­ placement of material in the existing in­ with the small order exemption (s) provided livered, as the case may be. stallation, but only when such equip­ by the applicable WPB order(s). ment is beyond ecpnomical repair. N o te : Following paragraph (h) formerly (ii) Material for the maintenance and (N am e of purchaser) designated paragraph (g ). repair of pressure cylinders. B y ------(iii) Material, such as hand tools, cus­ (Signature and title of duly - (h) Communications to the War Pro­ authorized official) duction Board. All communications tomarily purchased by the particular concerning this order, shall, unless oth­ employer for sale to his employees for (c) Form of end certificate. Lab­ erwise directed, be addressed to: W ar use only in his business, provided such oratories and laboratory suppliers order­ Production Board, Chemicals Division, material would constitute an operating ing reagent chemicals may use the fol­ Washington 25, D. C., Ref.: P-135-a. supply under established accounting lowing form of certificate in any case in practice9 if issued to employees without which a W PB chemicals order requires a Issued this 28th day of September 1943. charge. certificate of end use as a basis for allo­ W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, C8) In addition, there may be in- cation: /----- By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , cluded as maintenance, repair and opl Pursuant to Order P-135-a, the under­ Recording Secretary. erating supplies minor capital additions! signed represents to the seller and to the War [F. R. Doc. 43-15782; Filed, September 28, the cost of which does not exceed $500, Production Board that the reagent chemicals 1943; 11:15 a. m.j called for-by.this order will be used, or resold excluding the producer’s cost of labor. for use, in a laboratory for one or more of the for any one complete addition which following purposes: Analysis, testing, control, educational or research. has not been subdivided for the purpose P art 3293— C h e m i c a l s * of coming within this definition: Pro­ (N am e of purchaser) vided, however, That such minor capital B y ...... [Preference Rating Order P-89, as Amended Sept. 28, 1943] additions shall not include additions to, (Signature and title of duly or expansions of, buildings or external authorized official) MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND OPERATING structures other than processing equip­ Attention is drawn to the fact that the SUPPLIES ment. above end use certificate is the same as § 3293.5211 Preference Rating Order the small order certificate with the last P-89— (a) Definitions. For the purpose In the case of rearrangement of an sentence struck out. of this order: existing installation, or in thé case of (d) Optional use of certificate. The (1) “Producer” means any person op­ adaptation of an existing installation!^ above standard certificate is optional. erating a plant physically situated with­ a different process, only the material The certificate specified in the applicable in the limits of the United States, its W PB chemicals order may be used in­ added to the existing installation need be territories and* possessions, or the Do­ considered in computing the $500. stead, and it is not necessary to use any minion of Canada, and ihgaged in the certificate if the applicable W PB chemi­ production of chemicals of allied prod­ (9) [Revoked September 28, 1943. cals order does not require a certificate. ucts, who shall have received a serial Former paragraphs (a) (9) (i) through (e) When the certificate may not be number from the W ar Production Board (ix) are covered by paragraph (g) (3), used. The above certificate may not be pursuant to paragraph (b ). and former paragraph (a) (9) (x) is used: (2) “Material” means any commodity, covered by paragraph (a) (8)1 (1) In place of any certificate required equipment, accessory, part, assembly, or (10) “Calendar quarter” means the to apply or extend preference ratings or product of any kind. allotment numbers or symbols. quarterly period commencing on the first (3) “Controlled material” means con­ day of the first, fourth, seventh and (2) In place of a WPB-2945 (formerly trolled material as defined in CMP Regu­ tenth months of the calendar year and PD-600) application form or any similar lation No. 1. form. ending, respectively, on the last day of (4) “Maintenance” means the upkeep (3) In any case where the applicable the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth of a producer’s property and equipment months of the calendar year, or the op­ W PB order expressly prohibits use of the in sound working condition. chemical except for one or more purr erator’s customary three months ac­ (5) “Repair” means the restoration of poses which are specified in the WPB counting period closest to such quarter. a producer’s property and equipment to order, and where the W PB order requires (11) “Unit cost” means the purchase scund working condition when the same that purchase orders carry a certificate price paid by the producer for material has been rendered unsafe or unfit for specifying one of the permitted uses; for for maintenance, repair or operating service by wear and tear, damage, failure supplies. Unit cost shall include labor example, the Quinine Order, M-131. of parts or the like. ' (f) Separate small order exemptions cost, except cost of labor performed by ( ) “Operating supplies” means any for laboratories. Each laboratory shall 6 employees of the producer, but shall not material which is essential to the opera­ be considered a separate person for the include transportation charges. An item tion of the producer’s plant including, purpose of the small order exemption for maintenance, repair or operating provisions of W PB chemicals orders, and but not limited to, lubricants, catalysts, supplies shall not be subdivided into its and small perishable tools: Provided, therefore shall be entitled to the full ex­ component parts for the purpose of de­ emption provided by each order. however, That the term operating sup­ termining unit cost. plies shall not include; (g) Limited exemption from require­ (b) Application for assignment of serial number. In order to become a ment to file or receive certificates on 1 Form erly Part 1026, $ 1026.1. producer subject to this order, any per- FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13239 son operating a plant physically situ­ such materials placed by the producer 5. Other sizes of containers used to pack- ated within the limits of the United during the calendar year 1943. age the product. States, its territories and possessions, or (e) Special applications. (X) If the 6. Average number of containers shipped the Dominion of Canada, and engaged per month (of the size ordered). producer is unable to secure delivery of in the production of chemicals or allied 7. What substitute containers have been materials for maintenance, repair or op­ products, may apply by letter request­ used or could be used. ing assignment of a serial number under erating supplies (except aluminum con­ 8. Inventory position of the requested con­ this order to specified plants. Such let­ trolled materials) because the prefer- tainer, including both new and used con­ ter shall be addressed to W ar Produc­ ence ratings or allotment numbers or tainers, and those out on deposit. tion Board, Chemicals Division, Wash­ symbols assigned hereunder are insuffi­ 9. Name of container supplier and ap­ ington 25, D. C., Ref : P-89, and shall be plicant’s order number. accompanied by application on Form cient, or because the producer’s purchase 10. Total value. WPB-1765 (formerly PD-762)2 pursuant order quota, or the unit cost limitation 11. Rating requested. tôparagraph (d) ( 1) for the current or would be exceeded, the W ar Production 12. Delivery date promised by supplier on succeeding calendar quarter. Board may, upon written or telegraphic the basis of rating requested. (c) Assignment of preference rating, íyquest, assign such special ratings or allotment symbol and purchase order allotments or additions to the purchase (g) Procedure for applying preference quota for fourth^calendar quarter ~of order quota as it deems-proper. Such ratings and allotment numbers or sym­ 1943. (1) The preference ratings, al­ bols to purchase orders. (1) Each pro­ letters or telegrams shall be addressed ducer requiring delivery of material for lotment symbols and purchase order to the W ar Production Board, Chemicals maintenance, repair or operating sup­ quotas under this order for the fourth Division, Washington 25, D. Cm Ref: plies may obtain such material by en­ quarter of 1943 shall be those assigned by P-89, and shall contain the following dorsing on, or furnishing with, the deliv­ the War Production Board to each pro­ information: ery order a certification in substantially ducer on the basis of applications on the following form, signed manually or 1. Plant location and serial number. Form WPB-1765 (formerly PD-762).* as provided in Priorities Regulation 2. Material needed. No. 7: (2) No producer shall place any pur­ 3. W.eight of the material (specify sepa­ chase order for any material for main­ __» ___ (Preference ratin g)______(Allotm ent rately weight of each controlled material number or symbol) tenance, repair or operating supplies, re q u ired ). The undersigned purchaser certifies, sub­ whether or not accompanied by prefer­ 4. Value of the material. ject to the penalties of section 35 (A) of the ence ratings or allotment symbols as­ 5. Function of the material. United States Criminal Code, to the seller and signed under this order, which would 6. Amount of such material (or equiva­ to the W ar Production Board, that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the undersigned cause the producer to exceed his pur­ lent substitute) in inventory and, in the case of processing equipment, the number of is authorized under applicable War Produc­ chase order quota for such material as­ tion Board regulations or orders to place this units in service. signed pursuant to paragraph (c) ( 1), delivery order, to receive the item(s) ordered 7. Name and address of supplier. unless authorized upon application pur­ for the purpose for which ordered, and to use 8. Purchase order number and date. any preference rating or allotment number or suant to paragraph (e). 9. Product or products affected. symbol which the undersigned has placed on (d) Assignment of preference rating, 10. Percentage- curtailment of production. this order. allotment symbol and purchase order 11. Nature of the emergency. quota for calendar quarter after Janu­ 12. Requested rating and allotment. (Name of purchaser) (Address) B y ------13. Delivery date promised by supplier on ary 1, 1944. (1) Preference rating AA-1 (Signature and title (Date) and allotment symbol MRO— P-89 are hasis of rating requested. of duly authorized officer) hereby assigned to purchase orders for (2) Any producer requiring aluminum materials for maintenance, repair and in any of the forms or shapes consti­ (2) An order bearing such certification operating .supplies placed by producers tuting a controlled material for essen­ shall be deemed an authorized controlled on or after January 1, 1944; Provided, material order in the case of controlled tial maintenance, repair or operating materials, and in the case of all'other however, That no producer shall apply supplies, in amounts in excess of 500 materials shall have the same status as the preference rating or allotment sym­ pounds during any one calendar quar­ an order bearing an allotment number bol assigned by this paragraph to any ter, shall apply by letter for an allot­ or symbol for the purposes of CMP Regu­ order for fabricated parts or equipment ment for the amount in excess of 500 lation No. 3 and all other applicable CMP regulations. having a unit cost of $500 or more, or to pounds to the W ar Production Board, (3) No producer may apply the rat­ purchase orders placed during any cal­ Ref: Aluminum and Magnesium Divi­ endar quarter for an aggregate amount ings assigned by or pursuant to this sion MRO, giving substantially the in­ of aluminum in any of the forms or order to obtain delivery of the items set formation described by paragraph (d) shapes constituting a controlled material forth in Lists A and B attached to Pri­ of Supplementary Order M -l-i. in excess of 500 pounds. Application for orities Regulation 3, as now or here- (f) Special preference ratings for con­ after amended, except where the regu- preference ratings or allotment numbers tainers. Any producer may apply to the lation permits the use of P-89 ratings for or symbols for such orders may be made W ar Production Board, Chemicals Divi­ pursuant to paragraph (e). sion, Washington 25, D. C., Ref: Chemi­ a particular item. (2) No producer shall place any pur­ cals Packaging Section, for special pref­ (h) Inventory diversion. No producer chase order for any material for mainte­ erence ratings under this order for shall use material for maintenance, re­ pair or operating supplies obtained with nance, repair or operating supplies, containers and container parts, other ratings or allotment .numbers or symbols than wooden or fibre containers as de­ whether or not obtained with prefer­ assigned by or pursuant to this order, ence ratings or allotment numbers or fined in Preference Rating Order P-140. except in that portion of his productive symbols derived from any source, which The application shall be filed by let­ facilities to which a serial number under would cause the aggregate dollar value ter in duplicate or by telegram and shall this order has been assigned. of purchase orders for materials for- specify: (i) Inventory restriction. No producer maintenance, repair and operating sup­ shall accept delivery of any non-con- 1. Product to be packaged. trolled material for maintenance, repair plies placed by the producer during the 2. Plant location and serial number. or operating supplies, whether or not ob­ calendar year 1944 to exceed the aggre­ 3. Number of containers requested. tained with preference ratings or allot­ gate dollar value of purchase orders for 4. Specification of container. ment numbers or symbols assigned by or 13240 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 pursuant to this order, which would ment. In addition, any such person may official either manually or as provided in cause his inventory of such material for be prohibited from making or obtaining Priorities Regulation No. 7 : maintenance, repair or operating sup­ further deliveries of, or from processing The undersigned hereby certifies to plies to exceed a minimum praticable or using material under priority control working inventory. Inventories of con­ and may be deprived of priorities assist­ (insert name and address of seller) trolled materials held by producers are ance. and to the W a r Production Board that subject to the provisions of CMP Regula­ (6) Communications to War Produc­ he is fam iliar with Rubber Order R -l re­ tion No. 2. tion Board. All reports required to be strictions on the use of crude rubber and (j) Applicability jo f regulations. This filed hereunder, and all communications natural latex cement and that the cement order and all transactions affected here­ concerning this order shall, unless other­ specified in the accompanying purchase order by are subject to all applicable provi­ wise directed, be addressed to the W ar will be used or sold by him only for per­ Production Board, Chemicals Division, mitted operations ^s indicated below: sions of W ar Production Board regula­ Manufacture or repair of products in the tions, as amended from time to time; Washington 25, D.C.; Ref.: P-89. manufacture of which rubber, synthetic rub­ Provided, however, That no producer Issued this 28th day of September 1943. ber or balata Is permitted. shall be subject to the provisions of CMP Manufacture or repair of shoes. Regulations No. 5 or No. 5A, and no pro­ W ar P r o d u c t io n B o ar d , ducer shall obtain any material under By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , Date Name of purchaser the provisions of either of said regula­ Recording Secretary. Authorized official tions. For the purpose of this order a [F. R. Doc. 43-15783; Filed, September 28, producer remains a producer from the 1943; 11:16 a. m .] (Use only the applicable statement of use.) time a serial number is granted to him Any person making delivery of cement until the time when the serial number may rely upon the certification of the is expressly revoked by the W ar Produc­ Subchapter D—Office of the Rubber Director purchaser, unless he knows or has rea­ son to believe that the certification is tion Board. P a r t 4600— R u b b e r , S y n t h e t i c R u b b e r , false. B a l a t a a n d P r o d u c t s T h e r e o f (k) Miscellaneous provisions— (1) (b) A person engaged in shoe repair­ Records. In addition to the records re­ [Amendment 4 as Amended September 27, ing or other repair operations may pur­ quired to be kept under Priorities Regu­ 1943, to Rubber Order R -l as Amended] chase in any calendar month a total of lation No. 1, a producer placing any pur­ Amendment No. 4 to Rubber Order twelve gallons of crude rubber and nat­ chase order or contract rated or assigned R -l, issued September 7, 1943 is hereby ural latex cement for permitted uses a CMP allotment number or symbol here­ amended to read as follows: without making the foregoing certifica­ under, shall retain, for a period of two. 1. Sections 4600.27 and 4600.28 aretion. years, for inspection by representatives amended to read as follows: The certification shall not be required of the W ar Production Board, endorsed by a seller for deliveries of crude rubber copies of such purchase orders or con­ § 4600.27 Use of crude rubber or nat­ and natural latex cement in lots of tracts, whether accepted or rejected, ural latex cement. No person shall use twelve gallons or less to a person acquir­ segregated from all other purchase or­ cement which contains crude rubber or ing the same for shoe repairing or other ders or contracts, or filed in such man­ natural latex for any industrial or com­ permitted repair operations, unless the ner that they can be readily segregated mercial purpose except: seller knows or has reason to believe that for such inspection. ( a ) 'In the manufacture, applicationthe purchaser does not come within this (2) Reports. The W ar Production or repair of any product in the manufac­ exception. Board may require each producer to file ture of~ which this order permits rubber, such other reports as may be prescribed, synthetic rubber or balata to be con­ (P.D. Reg. .1 as amended, 6 F.R. 6680; subject to the approval of the Bureau of sumed. W.P.B. Reg. 1, 7 F.R. 561; E.O. 9024, 7 F.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 F.R. 527; E.O. the Budget pursuant to Federal Reports (b) In the manufacture and repair of Act of 1942, and may issue special direc­ shoes but only in the following opera­ 9125, t F.R. 2719; E.O. 9246, 7 F.R. 7379; tions to any producer with respect to tions after October 1, 1943: sec. 2 ( a ) , Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong, as preparing and filing Form WPB-1765 (1) 'Cutting and fitting room opera­ amended by Pub. Laws 89 and 507, 77th tions limited to: Folding uppers includ­ Cong.) (formerly PD-762).» ing French cord binding. Issued this 27th day of September (3) Conservation and standardization. (2) Lasting room operations limited Each producer shall use his best efforts 1943. to: Bed, side and semi-automatic toe W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard, to conserve materials by elimination, lasting; stitchdown construction lasting simplification or standardization of types, By J. J o s e p h W h e l a n , linings to insoles and uppers to mid­ Recording Secretary. sizes or forms or by substitution of less soles or outsoles. critical for more critical materials, and (3) Bottoming or making room opera­ [F . R. Doc. 43-15714; Filed, September 27, shall cooperate in any program devel­ tions limited to: Sole laying as follows— 1943; 11:43 a. m .] oped for such purpose by the W ar Pro­ cementing bottoms and outsoles or duction Board. The Conservation Divi­ outsole midsole combinations prior to sion of the W ar Production Qpard issues, permanent attachment; prewelt bottom periodically, 'a publication showing the assembly and permanent attachment of Chapter XI—Office of Price Administra­ relative scarcity of materials, entitled, platforms and outsoles; McKay outsole tion “Materials Substitutions and Supply”. channels. (4) Appeals. Any appeal from the (4) Stock fitting room operations lim­ P ar t 1305— A dministration provisions of this order shall be made by ited to: Cementing welt insole ribs and filing a letter, in triplicate, referring to [L icensing Order 1] lips; coating and attaching gem duck to the particular provisions appealed from welt innersoles. LICENSING OF SALES UNDER PRICE CONTROL and stating fully the grounds of the ap­ (5) Special operations limited to: Re­ peal. * Pursuant to the authority vested in pairing shoes; joining leather welting. (5) Violations. Any person who wil­ the Price Administrator by the Emer­ fully violates any provision of this order, § 4600.28 Delivery of crude rubber gency Price Control Act, as amended, It or who, in connection with this order, and natural latex cement, (a) Except is ordered: wilfully conceals a material fact, or fur­ for monthly deliveries of twelve gallons I 1305.72 License required. Any per­ nishes false information to any depart­ or less for repairs as permitted by para­ son who makes a sale under price control ment or agency of the United States is graph (b) below, no person shall deliver is hereby required to have a license to any cement which contains crude rubber guilty of a crime, and upon conviction make such sales. may be punished by fine or imprison- or natural latex to another person unless such person shall attach to his purchase § 1305.73 License granted. A license to * Approved by the Bureau of the Budget order a certification in substantially the make sales under price control is auto­ pursuant to the Federal Reports Act of 1942. following form signed by an authorized matically granted to all persons who now FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13241 or hereafter make such sales. But the Issued this 27th day of September tional or different place of business is grant of this license to any person whose 1943. later established or acquired by a dealer license heretofore granted by the Office of P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , now or hereafter subject to the pro­ Price Administration is under suspen­ Administrator. visions of this Licensing Order No. 2, such dealer shall within five days after sion shall become effective for sales to [F . R. Doc. 43-15739; Filed, September 28, which the suspension applies only at the 1943; 9:27 a. m .] establishing or acquiring it, file a reg­ end of the period of suspension. istration statement with respect to such new, additional or different place of busi­ § 1305.74 License suspension. A li­ ness. cense granted hereby may be suspended P a r t 1305— A dministration (b) The Office of Price Administration in accordance with the provisions of the [L icensing Order 2] will issue to each dealer registering pur­ Emergency Price Control Act of 1942 for suant to paragraph (a) of this section, violations of the license or of one or more REQUIRING REGISTRATION OF DEALERS and for each place of business so reg­ applicable maximum price regulations. . LICENSED TO SELL WASTE, SCRAP AND istered, a registration certificate upon The provisions of all such regulations are SALVAGE MATERIAL completion of registration. made a part of each license granted Pursuant to the authority vested in the (c) All registrations made under Sup­ hereby, and a violation of any such pro­ Price Administrator by the Emergency plementary Order No. 5 are hereby con­ vision is a violation of the license. A per­ Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, tinued as registrations under this Licens­ son whose license has been suspended including Section 205 (f) (1) thereof, ing Order No. 2 and no dealer who has may not, during the period of suspen­ It is hereby ordered: heretofore registered properly need reg­ sion, make any sale for which his license ister again. has been suspended. § 1305.99 Effect of Licensing Order No. 1. Licensing Order No. 1 licenses all § 1305.100 Definitions. When used in § 1305.75 Previous licenses. Every li­ persons who make sales under price con­ this Licensing Order No. 2 the term: cense heretofore granted by the Office of trol. A license granted by the Office of (a) “Dealer” means an individual, cor­ Price Administration and in effect when Price Administration prior to the effec­ poration, partnership, association, or this order becomes effective, is merged tive date of Licensing Order No. 1 is any other organized group of persons, and continued in the license granted by merged and continued in the license or the legal successor or representative this order. The formes license no longer granted by Licensing Order No.’ 1. of any of the foregoing, whose business continues as a separate license. If the Therefore, the license granted by Supple­ includes the acquisition of any material former license is suspended by a pending mentary Order No. 5 to every dealer sell­ for the purpose of sale as waste, scrap license suspension proceeding, the license ing to a consumer (and in the case of iron or salvage material. granted by this order is suspended to the and steel scrap, to a consumer or his (b) "Consumer” has the meaning and same extent. Proceedings to suspend a broker) any waste, scrap or salvage ma­ definition, when applied to a particular license granted hereby may be begun and terial for which maximum prices are waste, scrap or salvage material, which maintained without a further warning established by price schedules and price is given it by the price schedule or the notice to any person to whom a warning regulations Nos. 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 20, 30, 47, price regulation fixing a maximum price notice under a previous license was sent. 55, 70, 87, 90, 115, 123, 302, 344 and 379, for such material. § 1305.76 Exemptions. No license is or by any other price schedule or price (c) “Price schedule” and “price regu­ required of, or granted to, a farmer as a regulation making applicable by refer­ lation” mean a price schedule effective condition of selling an agricultural com­ ence the provisions of Supplementary in accordance with the provisions of sec­ modity produced by him, a fisherman as Order No. 5, is merged and continued in tion 206, or a maximum price regulation a condition of selling a fishery commod­ the license granted by Licensing Order issued under section 2, of the Emergency ity caught or taken by him, the United No. 1. Price Control Act of 1942, issued by the States, or any agency thereof, or any (a) Registration of licensees. The re­ Office of Price Administration, or any other Government, its political subdi­ quirement of Supplementary Order No. 5 amendment or supplement to such a visions or agencies. that every dealer selling to a consumer maximum price regulation or price (and in the case of iron and steel scrap, schedule, or any regulation, order or re­ § 1305.76a Definitions. ^JVhen used in to a consumer or his broker) any waste, quirement issued pursuant to any such this Licensing Order No. 1 the term: scrap or salvage material for which regulation or schedule. (a) “Sale under price control” means maximum prices are established by price (d) “Act” means the Emergency Price any sale for which a maximum price is schedules and price regulations Nos. 2, Control Act of 1942. established by, or must, be determined 3, 4, 8,12, 20, 30, 47, 55, 70, 87, 90,115,123, Effective date. This Licensing Order pursuant to, a maximum price regula­ 302, 344 and 379, or by any other appli­ No. 2 shall become effective 12:01 A. M. tion. cable price schedule or regulation reg­ October 1, 1943. (b) “Maximum price regulation” ister with the Office of Price Administra­ means any maximum price regulation, tion on or before June 20,1942, or within (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th revised maximum price regulation, price five days after a dealer became subject Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, schedule, revised price schedule, or order to Supplementary Order No. 5, is hereby 8 FJR. 4681) establishing or providing for the deter­ continued. Dealers becoming subject to Issued this 27th day of September mination of maximum prices, issued by this order after said date, by reason of the Office of Price Administration. commencing to sell any of said materials 1943. P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , (c) “Person” includes an individual, for the first time, or by reason of mak­ corporation, partnership, association, or ing sales of a material for which a max­ * , Administrator. any other organized group of persons, or imum price is established by some other [F. R. Doc. 43-15741;, Filed, September 28, legal successor or representative of any price schedule or price regulation which 1943; 9:27 a. m .] of the foregoing. shall, in the future, make applicable the (d) “Person who makes a sale” and provisions of this order, shall register within 5 days after becoming subject "seller” include both a person who sells P ar t 1305— A dministration for his own account and a person who hereto. Registration shall be accom­ [L icensing Order 3] sells for the account of another, whether plished by filing with the Office of Price as broker, agent, auctioneer, or other­ Administration a registration statement REQUIRING REGISTRATION OF DEALERS wise. ' __ on OPA Form No. S05:l obtainable at LICENSED TO SELL SECOND-HAND MACHINE the Washington, D. C., office or at any TOOLS OR EXTRAS, SECOND-HAND MACHINES Effective date. This Licensing Order regional or district office of the Office of OR PARTS, ETC. No. 1 shall become effective 12:01 A. M. Price Administration. Every licensee October 1, 1943. Pursuant to the authority vested in the owning, operating, or maintaining more Price Administrator by the Emergency (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th than one place of business shall file a Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 separate registration statement for each including section 205 (f) (1) thereof. It F.R. 4681) place of business. In case a new, addi­ is hereby ordered: No. 193------4 13242 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

§ 1305.103 Effect of Licensing Order (b) The Office of Price Administration (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th /No. 1. Licensing Order No.. 1 licenses all will issue to each dealer registering pur­ Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328 persons who make sales under price con­ suant to paragraph (a) of this section, 8 F.R. 4681) trol. A license granted by the Office of and for each place of business so regis­ Issued this 27th day of September . Price Administration prior to the effec­ tered, a registration certificate upon 1943 tive date of Licensing Order No. 1 is completion of registration, which certifi­ P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , merged and continued in the license cate shall be posted at all times after its Administrator. granted by Licensing Order No. 1. receipt in a conspicuous place in the [F. R. Doc. 43-15742; Filed, September 28 Therefore, the license granted by Sup­ licensee’s place of business. 1943; 9:27 a. m.] plementary Order No. 20 to every (c) All registrations made under Sup­ dealer selling to any person any sec­ plementary Order No. 20 are hereby con­ ond-hand machine tools or extras for tinued as registration under this Licens­ P art 1305— A dministration which maximum prices are established ing Order No. 3 and no dealer who has by Maximum Price Regulation No. 1, or heretofore registered properly need reg­ [S upp. Order 5, Amdt. 4] second-hand machines or parts for which ister again, WASTE AND SCRAP DEALERS maximum prices are established by Max­ imum Price Regulation No. 136, as § 1305.104 Exclusions. Licensing Or­ A statement of the considerations in­ amended, or used industrial sewing ma­ der No. 3 shall not apply to any sale at volved in the issuance of this amend­ chines for which maximum prices are retail. ment, issued simultaneously herewith, established by Maximum Price Regula­ § 1305.105 Definitions. When used in has beeh filed with the Division of the tion No. 375, or commodities and services this Licensing Order No. 3 the term: Federal Register.* for which maximum prices are estab­ (a) “Dealer” means an individual, Section 1305.7 (h) is added to read as follows: lished by any other price schedule or corporation, partnership, association, or pri,ce regulation making applicable by any other organized group of persons, or (h) Termination date. This Supple­ reference the provisions of Supplemen­ the legal successor or representative of mentary Order No. 5 shall become inop­ tary Order No. 20, is merged and con­ any of the foregoing, engaged in the erative from and after the time that tinued in the license granted by Licensing business, as a principal, of purchasing Licensing Order Nos. 1 and 2 go into ef­ Order No. 1. for resale second-hand machine tools or fect, on October 1, 1943, at 12:01 a. m. (a) Registration of licensees. The re­extras, or second-hand machines or Every license heretofore granted by the quirement of Supplementary Order 20 parts, or used industrial sewing ma­ Office of Price Administration pursuant that every dealer selling to any person chines, or engaged in the business, as an to Supplementary Order No. 5 is merged any second-hand machine tools or ex­ agent or broker, of selling or negotiating and continued in the license granted by tras for which maximum prices are es­ the sale of second-hand machine tools Licensing Order No. 1. Licensing Order tablished by Maximum Price Regulation or extras, or second-hand machines or No. 2 requires the registration of licensees No. 1, or second-hand machines or parts parts, or used industrial sewing ma­ who were required to register under Sup­ for which maximum prices are estab­ chines. Purchasing for resale includes plementary Order No. 5, except that per­ lished by Maximum Price Regulation No. the purchase of any second-hand ma­ sons already registered need not re­ 136, as amended, or used industrial sew­ chine tools or extras, or second-hand register. ing machines for which maximum prices machines or parts, or used industrial sew­ This amendment shall become effec­ are established by Maximum Price Regur ing machines, for resale after repair or lation No. 375, or commodities and serv­ rebuilding. tive 12:01 a. m. October 1, 1943. ices for which maximum prices are es­ (b) “Person” includes an individual, (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th tablished by any other applicable price corporation, partnership, association, or Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, schedule or regulation register with the any other organized group of persons, or 8 F.R. 4681) Office of Price Administration on or be­ legal successor or representative of any fore November 2,1942, or within five days Issued this 27th day of September of the foregoing, and includes the United 1943. after a dealer became subject to Supple­ States or any agency thereof, or any . x P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , mentary Order No. 20, is hereby con­ other government, or any of its political* Administrator. tinued. Dealers becoming subject to subdivisions, or any agency of any of the this order after said date, by reason of foregoing. [F . R. Doc. 43-15737; Filed, September 28, commencing to sell any of said commodi­ (c) “Sale at retail” means any sale to 1943; 9:28 a. m .] ties for the first time, or by reason of an ultimate user other than an indus­ making sales of a commodity for which trial, commercial or governmental user, a maximum price is established by some or any sale made at a store or shop P ar t 1305— A dministration other price schedule Or price regulation where such sales are customarily made. which shall, in the future, make appli­ [S upp. Order 11, Amdt. 2] (d) “Price schedule” and “price regu­ cable the provisions _of this order, shall lation” mean a price schedule effective in CHEMICAL AND DRUG DISTRIBUTORS register within 5 days after becoming accordance with the provisions of section subject hereto. Registration shall be ac­ A statement of the considerations in­ 206, or a maximum price regulation is­ complished by filing with the Office of volved in the issuance of this amend­ sued under section 2, of the Emergency Price Administration a registration state­ ment, issued simultaneously herewith, Price Control Act of 1942, issued by the ment on OPA Form No. S020:3 obtain­ has been filed with the Division of the Office of Price Administration, or any able at the Washington, D. C. Office, or Federal Register.* amendment or supplement to such a at any regional or district office of the Section 1305.15 (k) is added to read maximum price regulation or price Office of Price Administration. Every as follows: schedule, or any regulation, order or re­ licensee owning, operating, or maintain­ quirement issued pursuant-to any such (k) Termination date. This Supple­ ing more than one place of business shall regulation or schedule. mentary Order No. 11 shall become in­ file a separate registration statement for operative from and after the time that each place of business. In case a new, (e) “Act” means the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. Licensing Order No. 1 goes into effect, on additional or different place of business (f) Unless the context otherwise re­ October 1, 1943 at 12:01 a. m. Every li­ is later established or acquired by a cense heretofore granted by the Office of dealer now ob hereafter subject to the quires, the definitions set forth in section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act Price Administration pursuant to Sup­ provisions of this Licensing Order No. 3, plementary Order No. 11 is merged and such dealer shall within five days after of 1942 shall apply to other terms used herein. continued in the license granted by establishing or acquiring it, file a regis­ Licensing Order No. 1. tration statement with respect to such Effective date. This Licensing Order new, additional or different place of busi­ No. 3 shall become effective 12:01 A. M. •Copies may be obtained from the Office of ness. October 1, 1943. Price Administration. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13243

This amendment shall become effec­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th P art 1305— A dministration tive 12:01 a. m., October 1,1943. Cong.; E. O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, [S upp. Ordei 20, Amdt. 2] 8 F. R. 4681.) (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th SECOND-HAND MACHINE TOOLS DEALERS Issued this 27th day of September Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, A statement of the considerations in­ 1943. 8 F.R. 4681.) volved in the issuance of this amend­ P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , Issued this 27th day of September Administrator. ment, issued simultaneously herewith, has been filed with the Division of the l943- „ P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , [F. R. Doc. 43-15730; Filed, September 28, Federal Register.* Administrator. 1943; 9:35 a. m .] Section 1305.24 (k) is added to read as fF R. Doc. 43-15728; Filed,, September 28, follows: 1943; 9:33 a. m .] P art 1305— A dministration (k) Termination date. This Supple­ [Supp. Order 18, Arndt. 2] mentary Order No. 20 shall become in­ operative from and after the time that LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS DEALERS Licensing Order Nos. 1 and 3 go into ef­ P art 1305— A dministration A statement of the considerations in­ fect, on October 1, 1943, at 12:01 a. m. [S upp. Order 14, Arndt. 2] volved in the issuance of this amend­ Every license heretofore granted by the ment, issued simultaneously herewith, Office of Price Administration pursuant MEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS SELLERS has been'filed with the Division of the to Supplementary Order No. 20 #is A statement of the considerations in­ Federal Register.* merged and continued in the license volved in the issuance of this amend­ Section 1305.22 (j) is added to read as granted by Licensing Order No. 1. ment, issued simultaneously herewith, fbllows: - ' Licensing Order No. 3 requires the regis­ has been filed with the Division of the tration of licensees who were required to (j) Termination date. This Supple­ register under Supplementary Order No. Federal Register.* mentary Order No. 18 shall become inop­ Section 1305.18 (k) is added to read as 20, except that persons already registered erative from and after the time that Li­ need not re-register. follows: censing Order No. 1 goes into effect, on (k) Termination date. This Supple­ October 1,1943, at 12:01 a. m. Every li­ '“This amendment shall become effec­ mentary Order No. 14 shall become in­ cense heretofore granted by the Office of tive 12:01 a. m. October 1, 1943. operative from and after the time that Price Administration pursuant to Sup­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th Licensing Order No. 1 goes into effect, on plementary Order No. 18 is merged and Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, October 1, 1943 at 12:01 a. m. Every continued in the license granted by Li­ 8 F.R. 4681) license heretofore granted by the Office censing Order No. 1. of Price Administration pursuant to Issued this 27th day of September This amendment shall become effec­ 1943. Supplementary Order No. 14 is merged tive 12:01 a, m. October 1,1943. and continued in the license granted by P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , Administrator. licensing Order No. 1. (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, [F. R. Doc. 43-15738; Filed, September 28, This amendment shall become effec­ 8 F.R. 4681) 1943; 9:28 a. m .] tive 12:01 a. m., October 1,1943. Issued this 27th day of September 1943. (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th P a r t 1305— A dministration P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, Administrator. [S upp. Order 36, Amdt. 1] 8 F.R. 4681) YARN AND TEXTILE SELLERS Issued this 27th day of September [F. R. Doc. 43-15731; Filed, September 28, 1943; 9:35 a. m .] A statement of the considerations in­ 1943. volved in the issuance of this amendment, P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , issued simultaneously herewith, has Administrator. P ar t 1305— A dministration been filed with the Division of the Fed­ [F. R. Doc. 43-15729; Filed, September 28, [S upp. Order 19, Amdt. 3] eral Register.* 1943; 9:34 a. m .] - PAPER PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTORS Section 1305.42 (i) is added to read as follows: ' A statement of the considerations in­ volved in the issuance of this amend­ (i) Termination date. This Supple­ ment, issued simultaneously herewith, mentary Order No. 36 shall become in­ P art 1305— A dministration has been filed with the Division of the operative from and after the time that [Supp. Order 17, Arndt. 2} Federal Register.* Licensing Order No. 1 goes into effect, on October 1, 1943 at 12:01 a. m. Every IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTS SELLERS Section 1305.23 (k) is added to read as follows: **> license heretofore granted by the Office of A statement of the considerations in­ Price Administration pursuant to Supple­ volved in the issuance of this amend­ (k) Termination date. This Supple­ mentary Order No. 36 is merged and con­ ment, issued simultaneously herewith, mentary Order No. 19 shall become in­ tinued in the license granted by Licensing has been filed with the Division of the operative from and after the time that Order No. 1. Licensing Order No. 1 goes into effect, Federal Register. * This amendment shall become effective Section 1305.21 (j) is added to read as on October 1,1943 at 12:01 a. m. Every 12:01 a. m. October 1, 1943. follows: license heretofore granted by the Office of Price Administration pursuant to Sup­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th (j) Termination date. This Supple­ plementary Order No. 19 is merged and Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, mentary Order No. 17 shall become in­ continued in the license granted by Li­ 8 F.R. 4681) operative from and after the time that censing Order No. 1. Licensing Order No. 1 goes into effect, Issued this 27th day of September 1943. This amendment shall become effec­ on October 1,1943, at 12:01 a, m. Every P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , license heretofore granted by the Office tive 12:01 a. m. October 1, 1943. Administrator. of Price Administration pursuant to Sup­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th [F. R. Doc. 43-15733; Filed, September 28, plementary Order No. 17 is merged and Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 1943; 9:33 a. m .] continued in the license granted by Li­ 8 F.R. 4681) censing Order No. 1. Issued this 27th day of September 1943. P a r t 1305— A dministration This amendment shall become effec­ [S upp. Order 39, Amdt. 3] P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , tive JL2:01 a. m. October 1, 1943. Administrator. CONTAINER SELLERS

* Copies may be obtained from the Office of [F. R. Doc. 43-15732; Filed, September 28, A statement of the considerations in­ Price Administration. 1943: 9:35 a. m.l volved in the issuance of this amendment, 13244 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

issued simultaneously herewith, has been (d) The licensing provision in para­ Schedule or filed with the Division of the Federal graph (a) is added to all price schedules Section: Regulation No. Register.* and regulations heretofore issued by the 8 a ______------139 Section 1305.52 (g) is added to read as 1314.107a... ------141 Office of Price Administration which are 1372.6a_____ follows: ------142 not listed in Group I and Group n of 1372.60a____ ------144 (g) Termination date. This Supple­ this order, and to each price regulation 1314.159a... ------145 mentary Order No. 39 shall become inop­ hereafter issued by the Office of Price 1368.6a_____ — ■...... 147 Administration, unless such price regu­ 11a______------150 erative from and after the time that Li­ 1330.172a— censing Order No. 1 goes into effect, on lation specifically provides otherwise. — . 151 1341.27a____ 152 GROUP I October 1, 1943, at 12:01 a. m. Every 1393.5a..— ------154 license heretofore granted by the Office Price schedules and regulations which add 1378.7a_____ — - 157 of Price Administration pursuant to Sup­ the licensing provision set forth in paragraph 1381.162a— ------161 plementary Order Np. 39 is merged and (a) of this order, and the applicable sections 1303.206a— ...... 166 continued in the license granted by Li* are as follows: 1337.38a— •...... 167 censing Order No. 1. Schedule or 1337.57a____ ------168 Section : Regulation No. 1389.57a____ ------172 This amendment shall become effec­ 1306.6a. ______6 2 3 ______------173 tive 12:01 a. m. October 1, 1943. 1307.7a... 7 1390.56a____ ...... 174 1306.55a. ______10 1408.6a_____ ...... 175 (56 stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th 1316.9a.__ 11 1384.6a_____ ------176 9 a ______Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 1309.56a______15 ------180 F.R. 4681.) 1334.4a___ ------16 1364.107a. ------184 1333.6a___: 17 1341.107a— ...... 185 Issued this 27th day of September 1943. 1339.7a... ______18 1377.107a... ------186 1347.408a— P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , 1337.10a______23 ...... 187 1499.162a... Administrator. 1342.6a.______24 ;------i88 1412.258a. ______28 1340.306a. _...... 189 [F. R. Doc. 43-15734; Filed, September 28, 1345.5a.______29 1420.6a_____ ------193 1943; .9:35 a. m .] 1347.57a. ______32 1384.64a____ ...... 196 1387.6a_____ 1307.60a______33 — ...... - 198 1316.57a______35 1355.109a... — . - 199 1400.159a...... 39 1309.159a— ------202 19a______1306.107a. ______41 ------204 P art 1305— A dministration 1312.155a. ______44 1362.106a...... 206 1346.57a— 1341.207a— ------207 [S upp. Order 72] ______45 1306.155a...... 49 1364.207a— ...... 209 1372.109a__. ADDING, SUBSTITUTING AND REMOVING L I­ 1351.5a.__ — _ 50 ...... 210 1351.58a. _ 1421.7a...... — . 214 CENSING PROVISIONS IN CERTAIN PRICE ...... 51 1351.108a. ______52 1384.106a. _. — ------; 217 SCHEDULES AND REGULATIONS 1.14______— — — 53 1389.311a— _ ------. . . . 221 1341.308a... A statement of the considerations in­ 1315.57a— ______56 ------226 1341.357a— — . 227 volved in the issuance of this Supple­ 1352.9a— ______57 1410.55a— 1358.58a____ 228 mentary Order has been issued simul­ ______58 1353.7a___ 69 1315.1710a...... 229 1424.9a.____ taneously herewith and has been filed 1334.57a______60 ...... 231 with the Division of the Federal Reg­ 1314.59a__ 61 1341.458a.__ ...... 232 1341.422a— ister. * 1358.6al______62 ...... 233 1350.61a____ Under the authority vested in the 1356.9a______64 ______234 1421.57a____ 1301.56a______67 ______235 Price Administrator by the Emergency 1421.109a.__ 1335.506a. ______68 ______241 Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, 1341,506a. _. 1355.5a— ------69 ______242 including sections 201 (d) and 205 (f) 1351.907a.__ 1357.5a______71 ...... 243 1421.159a— (1) thereof, It is hereby ordered, That: 13 a______74 ...... 244 1361.62a____ 1362.6a— ------75 246 § 1305.98 Applicability of Licensing 1405.60a____ 1335.703a. ------76 ...... 248 Order No. 1. (a) The following licens­ 1351.760a.______249 1345.56a.. ------77 1351.861a— ing provision is added to the price sched­ 1303.55a— ------r ___ 81 ...... 250 1864.309a— ...... 252 ules or regulations listed in Group I of 1349.11a— ------82 1379.11a______254 this order: 1336.58a__ 83 1351.708a______255 1336.107a. ______84 Licensing. The provisions of Licens­ 1351.207a___ 256 1380.7a— 86 ing Order Nô. 1, licensing all persons 6 a ______... _____ 257 1316.107a. — ...... 89 who make sales under price control, 1405.109a... — _ 258 1351.258a. 91 1351.964a— ...... 262 are applicable to all sellers subject to 1348.5a___ ------— _ 93 1364.557a___ ...... 265 this regulation or schedule. A seller’s 1401.10a— ------95 1429.6a_____ ...... 269 license may be suspended for violations 1380.56a.. 102 1351.1211a__ ...... 270 of the license or of one or more appli­ 1410.5a— ______106 17a______271 1340.196a. ------112 cable price schedules or regulations. A 1389.260a______. . . . 273 1369.8a___ ------113 person whose license is suspended may 1338.110a— ______274 1338.66a— ------115 not, during the period of suspension, 1351.1312a______275 1362.58a. ____ — 116 make any sale for which his license has 1346.306a___ ...... 276 1400.113a.. 118 1364.607a___ ...... 277 been suspended. 1315.1457a. ------119 1 2 a__...... 279 (b) The licensing provision in para­ 1340.206a.. ______120 1351.813a...... 280 graph (a) is substituted for the licensing 1340.246a_. ______121 1396.259a.______282 1340.264a.. ______122 and registration provisions in the price 1358.156a______283 1303,356a. . ------124 schedules or regulations listed in Group 1351.1259a.. ____ 285 1395.14a— . II of this order. ------125 1364.805a___ 286 15a______ï ____ 126 (c) The licensing and registration 1351.1507a— ______289 1400.79a... — _ 127 1351.1359a— . _ _ 291 provisions of the price schedules or reg­ 1400.29a... ------128 1370.82a______294 ulations listed in, Group III of this order 1347.19a— — ------129 1351.1657a... 296 are hereby removed. 1315.1306a...... 131 1372.161a.__. ______298 1315.66a— ------132 1364.657a____ 299 ♦Copies may be obtained from the Office 1399.11a— ______134 1315.1766a... — — 300 of Price 'Administration. 13a____ ...... 138 1364.858a______803 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13245

Schedule or Schedule or Schedule or Regulation No. Section: Regulation No. Section: Section: Regulation No. IRa...... 456 1499.111------165 1351.1771a. ______- 305 .______457 1364.409------169 1341.571a— ______806 10a ______458 1412.9 ______170 1358.206a— ... ______308 ______459 8 (b )------171 1437.10a----- ______309 10a ...... 460 1389.113------177 1364.767a— ______311 7a ...... 461 1389.163a______178 1351.1606a- ______312 Ifia ______462 1385.8a------179 1382.260a— ______313 314 Ra ______463 1341.61______181 1427.57a— 182 ______315 13a ______<*) 1347.308a____ — 9 a------______" 316 13 (c ) ------183 1438.59a----- 1 Second Revised Maximum Export Price ______318 8 (b )------191 1433.11a— Regulation. 8 192 1351.1917a. ______819 (b )— ------______322 G roup I I 1418.58______194 16a------1377.164a------195 1340.371a— 323 Licensing and registration provisions are 197 1337.131a— ______325 removed, and the licensing provision set forth 1341.163— ______326 1315.1420------200 1440.7a------in paragraph (a) of this order is substituted 201 1438.11a— ______327 in the following price schedules and regu­ 1418.108-___ — 203 1364.908a— ______328 lations at the sections or paragraphs des­ 1396.208 ______330 1367.58-...... 205 1389.556a— ignated : 208 1439.215a— 331 Schedule or 1389.211 _____ 1389.512a— ...... 332 Section: Regulation No. 1499.562.______211 213 1429.56a— ______333 12...... 1 1365.69______335 215 8 (b ) — - 2 2 3 ...... ______337 216 1364.11Q8a. 1303.8 (C) 3 1426.9 ______339 218 * 3 a______1304.8a— 4 1426.60 ( d ) ------______342 219 1377.260a— 1308.6 (C) 8 2 0 ______343 9 a______1314.8a „ 9 131^.1561a_____ 220 ______347 15a______1309.15 ( c ) . 12 16 1______222 ______348 223 10a------1413.11 ( d ) . 13 1382.157 ...... ______350 1306.509a— 18______19 1346.111-______224 ______351 1390.217a— 1309.67 (C) 20 1347.466-______225 8a------______356 1335.56a___ 21 1306.462______230 ______358 5a------21 ...... 26 1346.166...... 236 ...... 361 6a______1347.7 _ 30 10______237 ______362 8a______1325.206a - 31 1 1 ______238 ______363 8 a...... 1335.56a — 84 1364.157 _____ 239 ______• 364 9 a------1412.58____ 36 1367.107____ 240 ______366 1412.108 „ : 37 1415.109 _____ 245 ______369 7a 8 (b )------38 1364.261 _____ 247 ______870 16a. 1346.5a____ 40 1397.65------251 ____ ; 371 10a. 1335.456a 42 1381.410______253 ______376 9a 1306.208 43 1420.58;______259 ______377 27a. 4 46 1358.110 ------260 ____ 378 47 1346.211 ____ 261 ______55 1392.64______263 63 1315 106a. _____ 264 65 1415.59______266 6a ______387 13151210 ______66 1347.509______267 1355.59 (c ) - ______70 1428.7______- 268 ______391 1363.13— 1______- 73 9 ____ 272 ______396 1335.55a______78 1346.261 ____ 278 397 8 ( b ) ______- ______79 1396.308______281 ______401 1335.655a______80 1382.209 (d ) — 284 ____ 404 1360.57a______- ...... — 85 14 (c )------287 ______405 1315.1252______...... 87 2 0 ______288 ______406 1340.155a______88 1418.359 (c )_ . 290 ______407 1337.106 ( b ) ______90 1381.460 ( d ) _ . ______409 1381.510 ( d ) ______94 1351.1408------292 ______410 1330.106al______96 1413.61 (di.— 293 ______414 1392.109 ( d ) ______97 1412.158 ____ 295 ______415 1335.755a______98 1423.8 ______: 297 ...... 416 1306.305a______100 1315.1791...... 301 ______417 1315.1356a______107 1427.12 (C )_ — 302 ______418 1367.25 ( c ) ______108 12 ( a ) ------304 ______419 1312.356 ( d ) ______109 1347.610a— 307 ______425 1380.107a______110 1306.558______310 ______426 1370.9a______111 1346.363------817 ______427 1347.227a______114 1377.213a------320 321 12a ...... 428 1377.16a______— ______117 1350.108______18a ______430 1410.76 ( c ) ______123 14 - ______324 in« - B ____ 432 1347.279 — ______180 1364.1057_____ 334 6a ____ 433 1361.7a______133 8 ______336 6a ______437 1367.39 ( c ) ______135 10 (C )------338 fia ...... 440 1390.20a— ______136 8 ------340 ______441 1340.88a______137 1 6 ...... 341 ...... 1_ 442 1347.157a______140 1347.758______344 17a ______443 1315.1516______143 1436.8 ____ 345 19a _____ 444 1382.6a______146 2 2 ______346 7 fia ______445 1364 30 ...... 148 12______349 ______446 1315 32a ... 149 6 ______352 ...... 447 13R2 Rfia ______155 1396.55 (b )—. 353 ___ 448 8 a _ ____ 1378 67*. __ _ 156 1335.1005 (b). 354 ...... 449 9a ______158 1 0 ------355 ...... 450 9 a______159 1 1 ____ 357 ...... 451 9a 162 1347.561------359 20a______...... 452 360 1410.112...... - 163 7 ______454 1 0 865 10a___ ...... 455 1381.6a...... — 164 ______13246 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 194S

Schedule or Schedule or (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th Section: Regulation No. Section: Regulation No. Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 P.R. 7871; E.O. 9328 i l ...... ------367 1372.106 (C )...... 210 20____ „. ______368 1426.10______216 8 P.R. 4681) 15 — ._____ ...... 372 1347.467...... 225 Issued this 27th day of September 1943. 11 ( c ) _ „ ------373 1315.1707 ( b ) ...... 229 15______- ___ 374 1350.58 ( b ) ...... 234 P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , 1390.162a ______375 1361.65 ( a ) ______246 Administrator. 11 ( b ) „ . ______379 1364.265, the phrase “Section 1364.- [P . R. Doc. 43-15740; Filed, September 28 12 ______------— 380 261 and ”______247 1943; 9:30 a. m.] 9 ( C ) ------...... 381 1351.758 ( f ) ...... 249 9 (a ).------_____ 383 1351.758 ( g ) ...... 249 12_____ r...... 385 1351.859 ( g ) ...... - ...... 250 8 ______389 1351.859 ( h ) „ ______250 7 ...... ______390 1397.66-...... 251 P art 1312— L u m b e r a n d L u m b e r P roducts 1 9 ______392 1351.710 (b) ( 6 ) — ...... 255 [RPS 44,1 Arndt. 2] 20 ______393 1351.710 (b) (7 )______255 10 ...... ______394 1351.209 (b) ( 9 ) ______256 DOUGLAS FIR DOORS 11______395 1351.209 (b) (10) _ ...... 256 9 ...... 398 1420.53 (b) ( 7 )...... !...... 259 A statement of the considerations in­ 12— ...... 399 1429.9 (a ) ( 3 )...... 269 volved in the issuance of this amend­ 19...... ^ 400 1429.9 (a ) (4 )...... 269 ment, issued simultaneously herewith, 19______402 1351.1213 (b) ( 3 ) ______270 has been filed with the Division of the 17______...... 403 18, last undesignated paragraph Federal Register.* 15______408 thereof______271 Revised. Price Schedule No. 44 is 9______...... 411 1338.107 ( d ) ______274 amended in the following respects: 1351.817 (b ) (5 )______280 19-______412 1. Paragraph (a) of § 1312.159, Ap­ 13— ...... — ...... 413 1351.817 (b ) (6 ) ______280 pendix A: Maximum prices for Douglas 6------420 1351.1257 ( b ) ______285 1351.1511 ( 2 ) ...... 289 fir doors is amended to read as follows: 10______421 1351.1511 ( 3 ) ______289 13-— ______422 1351.1365 (a ) ( 2 )______;____ 291 (a) The maximum prices f. o. b. fac­ 14...... 423 1351.1365 (a ) (3 )_ ...... 291 tory shall be determined by applying the 1 4 ...______424 1370.80 ( b ) ...... 294 following discounts to the list prices set 12 ( b ) ...... 429 1315.1792, the phrase “Except as pro­ forth in paragraph (b ): 8 ( b ) ______431 vided in Section 1315.1791”______301 13— ...... '______434 Basic discount: 12 ( b ) _ — ------: ______304 13------— . 435 To persons who during the first nine 1351.1608 (b ) ( 2 )...... 312 5______436 months of 1941 received the seller’s I f ( 4 )___ 315 12______438 prevailing maximum discount_____ 69y2% I f ( 5 ) — ------315 14 _ 439 T o all other persons______, 67y2% 1433.11 ( d ) ______318 15 ______453 No. 1 Doors “A” grade______basic discount 1340.371 ( d ) ______323 1499.16______(») No. 2 Doors “B ” grade______1 point 1440.11 (a), the phrase "Except as 16 ...... - ...... - ...... - ...... - ( 3) longer than basic discount provided in paragraph (b) of this 20______(*) No. 3 Doors “C” grade______2 points section”______326 1 6 ------0 ) longer than basic discount 1440.11 ( b ) — _------;______326 M illrun iya” only______- ______1 point 1 General Maximum Price Regulation. 1389.559 (a ) ( 6 ) „ ______330 longer than basic discount * General Maximum Price Regulation for 1389.506 (a ) ( 8 ) — ______— ...... 332 Storm Doors______I __ ;____ l point Hawaii. 1429.58 ( b ) ...... 333 longer than basic discount s Maximum Import Price Regulation. - 1429.58 (C) ______333 Cupboard Doors (B & Btr. only)_____ 1 point 4 Restaurant Maximum Price Regulation 8 (b ) ( 6 ) ------— ------335 longer than basic discount No. 1. 8 (b ) (7 ) — ------335 “A” grade Sidelights______basic discount G r o u p III 9 (a ) ( 3 )— ...... — ------339 Rim and French Doors (“A” and “B” 1335.1002 (b ) ( 3 )______354 Sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs or the grades only)______'.______5 point* 1335.1002 (b ) ( 4 ) „ ...... 354 indicated portions thereof, containing licens­ • longer than basic discount 12, the phrase “except that the regis­ ing and registration provisions, of the fol­ tration and licensing provisions of When cash is paid within 5 days of lowing price schedules and regulations are hereby removed: sections 1499.15 and 1499.16 of the delivery, the maximum price is the price Schedule or General Maximum Price Regula- herein set forth less 2%. All prices are Section: Regulation No. tion are applicable to every whole­ for mixed carload quantities. saler subject to this regulation”___ 362 1401.7 ( d ) ______- ______• 95 3 (c ) (3 ) ( v ) ------386 2. Sections 1312.160 and 1312.161 are 1340.261 (a ), first sentence thereof, 3 (c) (3) (vi) ------386 and the word “other” in second added to read as follows: 4 ( e ) ------392 sentence thereof______122 4 ( f ) ------392 § 1312.160 Addition for sales by job- 1372.3 (c ), the phrase . . sections 4 ( e ) — ...... — ...... 393 bers. On sales of fir doors covered by 1499.15 and 1499.16 relating to this regulation, jobbers may add to their registration and licensing, . . .”__ 142 4 ( f ) ------— ------393 1315.1507, the phrase “Except as pro­ 2, the phrase “Except as provided in selling price as established by the Gen-\ vided in section 1315.1515”______143 Section 17”______403 eral Maximum Price Regulation for a 1372.55 ( b ) ______1______144 3 (e ) ( 5 ) ...... 404 particular door, the amount (dollars- 1315.32, the phrase “Except as pro­ 3 (e ) ( 6 ) ------404 and-cents) by which their current net vided in Section 1315.22a”______149 1 0 ( b ) - ...... — ______426 cost of the door exceeds their August 1, 14 (a) (3)— ______427 1393.7 ( 7 ) ______— 154 1943 net cost of the same door. 1393.7 ( 8 ) ______— 154 1 4 (a)(4 )______427 1378.58, the phrase “Except as pro­ 3 (d), the phrase “and 13”______435 § 1312.161 Addition for retail sales. vided in section 1378.57”______156 7.6 ( b ) ------445 On retail sales of fir doors covered by 1499.112_____ 165 - 1499.15______this (*)regulation, the seller may add to his 1389.158 (c ) ...... 178 1 5 - ...... ——•------( » ) selling price as established by the Gen­ 1420.8, last sentence thereof______193 1 General Maximum Price Regulation. eral Maximum Price Regulation for a 1418.59______194 2 General Maximum Price Regulation for 1341.168 (a), the phrase “Section particular door, the amount (dollars- 1341.163 and”...... 197 Hawaii. and-cents) by which his current.net cost 1315.1421 and 1315.1422, the phrase “Except as provided in section Effective date. This Supplementary ♦Copies may be obtained from the Office of 1315.1416”- ...... 200 Order No. 72 shall become effective 12:01 Price Administration. 1418.109______— „ 201 A. M. October 1, 1943/ 17 F.R. 1288, 7963. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13247 of the door exceeds his August 1, 1943 be used or repaired for use as any emer­ against either the transferor or trans­ net cost of the same door. gency spare tire. feree nor as a condonation of any viola­ tions of this order committed, by the This amendment shall become effective 5. Section 1315.602 (j) is added to read transferor or transferee. October 2, 1943. as follows: 12. Section 1315.806 (g) (2) is amend­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th (j) Grade III tires or new tubes for ed to read as follows: Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, automobile dealer. Application by an (2) A dealer receiving a tire, includ­ 8 F.R. 4681) automobile dealer for a tire or new tube ing a scrap tire, under this paragraph under § 1315.516 shall be filed on OPA Issued this 27th day of September 1943. must attach to it a tag on which is Form R -l- (Revised) with the Board P r e n t is s M. B r o w n , stated the serial number of the tire, the Administrator. serving the area in which his establish­ date upon which it was turned in, the ment is located. name of the certificate holder who [F. R. Doc. 43-15749; Filed, September 28, turned it in and the serial number of 1943; 9:28 a. m .] 6. Section 1315.603 (a) is amended by inserting after thé word “consumer” the the certificate. An automobile dealer words “or automobile dealer”. who removes a Grade n i tire from his 7. Section 1315.801 is amended to read stock pursuant to a certificate issued for P art 1315— R u b b e r a n d P r o d u c t s a n d as follows: replacement of a tire or a scrap tire M a t e r ia ls o f W h i c h R u b b e r I s a C o m ­ mounted on a passenger automobile § 1315.801 Prohibitions— (a) General p o n e n t which he holds for sale shall attach to [R O 1A,1 Arndt. 50] prohibition. Notwithstanding the terms the replaced tire or scrap tire a tag on of any contract, agreement or other ob­ which is stated the serial number of the TIRES, TUBES, RECAPPING, AND CAMELBACK ligation, regardless of when made, no tire, the date of its replacement and the A rationale for this amendment has person, unless permitted by Ration serial number of the certificate under been issued simultaneously herewith and Order No. 1A, or by an order, authoriza­ which it was replaced. The dealer or has been filed with the Division of the tion or regulation issued by the W ar automobile dealer must hold such tire Federal Register.* Production Board, shall: for at least thirty (30) days unless in­ Ration Order No. 1A is amended in the (1) Make or offer to make, accept or structed to hold it for a longer or shorter offer to accept, or solicit a transfer of following respects: period by an Office of Price Administra­ any tire, new tube or camelback; or 1. Section 1315.201 (a) (45) is added tion representative authorized to give (2) Use, alter, or change the physical to read as follows: such instructions. All tires held under location of any tire, new tube or camel­ this paragraph' must be segregated from (45) “Automobile dealer” means a back; or any other tires and kept readily available person regularly engaged in the business (3) Mount any tire or new tube upon for inspection. of selling passenger automobiles. a wheel or rim. The provisions of this subparagraph 2. The text of § 1315.502 is amended by (b) Removal of tires by automobile shall not apply to tires leased under a deleting the phrase “an applicant for” dealer. No automobile dealer shall re­ mileage contract. and inserting in lieu thereof, the phrase move a tire or new tube mounted on a This amendment shall become effec­ “a consumer who applies for”. passenger automobile which he holds tive October L 1943. 3. The text of § 1315.503 (a) is amend­ for sale, except for repair or recapping ed to read as follows: N o t e : All reporting and record-keeping re­ or unless it is being removed as part of quirements of this amendment have been When a consumer makes application the process of scrapping the passenger approved by the Bureau of the Budget in for a tire or tube for a passenger auto­ automobile or pursuant to a certificate accordance with the Federal Reports Act of mobile, the Board shall reconsider his issued under § 1315.516 or an authoriza­ 1942. gasoline ration before passing upon the tion granted under § 1315.802 (a) (4)., (Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong, as amended by application. Such reconsideration shall A tire or a new tube which has been re­ Pub. Laws 89, 421 and 507, 77th Cong.; be made as follows: moved for repair or recapping must be E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719, issued April 7, 4. Section 1315.516 is added to read as remounted on the passenger automobile 1942, W PB Dir. No. 1, 7 F.R. 562, Supp. follows: from which it was removed. Dir. No. IQ, 7 F.R. 9121) § 1315.516 Eligibility of passenger au­ 8. Section 1315.804-(e) (4) is added to Issued this 27th day of September tomobile held for resale by automobile read as follows; 1943. dealer— (a) Tires or new tubes for which C h e s t e r B o w l e s , (4) An authorization granted pursu­ eligibility may be established. An auto­ Acting Administrator. mobile dealer may apply for a certificate ant to this paragraph shall not act as a waiver of any suspension order issued [F. R. Doc. 43-15722; Filed, September 28, for a Grade III tire or a new tube to be 1943; 9:22 a. m .] mounted on a passenger automobile against either the transferor or trans­ which he holds for sale if the tire or new feree nor as a condonation of any viola­ tube is: tions of this order committed by the (1) To equip a passenger automobile transferor or transferee. P ar t 1347— P a p e r , P a p e r P r o d u c t s , R a w which for reasons satisfactory to the 9. The second sentence of § 1315.804 M a t e r ia l s f o r P a p e r a n d P a p e r P r o d ­ Board does not already have the number (j) (1) is amended by inserting at the u c t s , P r i n t i n g a n d P u b l i s h i n g of tires or tubes permitted for such au­ beginning thereof the phrase “on or tomobile by the Office of Price Adminis­ before November 1, 1943,” and deleting [MPR 1401 Arndt. 5] tration; or the phrase “within ninety (90) days of SANITARY NAPKINS AND TAMPONS (2) To replace on such passenger au­ the date thereof” and the commas pre­ A statement of considerations involved tomobile a tube which cannot be repaired ceding and following it. in the issuance of this amendment, issued or a tire which cannot be repaired or 10. The third sentence of § 1315.804 recapped. simultaneously herewith, has been filed (j) (2) is amended by deleting the with the Division of the Federal Regis­ (b) Spare tire. A Board shall not phrase “within ninety (90) days of the issue a certificate for a Grade III tire ter.* date of. the authorization for the subse­ Maximum Price Regulation No. 140 pursuant to this section if the passenger quent transfer” and substituting there­ (Sanitary Napkins) is amended in the automobile for which application is made for the phrase “on or before November is equipped with tires serviceable for following respects: 1, 1943.” . 1. The title of this Maximum Price use on the running wheels and a tire 11. Section 1315.804 (k) (5) is added which, regardless of its condition, can Regulation No. 140 is amended to read as to read as follows: follows: “Sanitary Napkins and Tam­ ‘ Copies may be, obtained from the Office of (5) An authorization granted pursu­ pons.” ^ Price Administration. ant to this paragraph shall not act as a 1 7 F.R. 9160, 9392, 9724. waiver of any suspension order issued 17 F.R. 3410, 5563, 7178, 8996. 13248 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

2. In the preamble and in §§ 1347.153, (b) Such persons shall submit such (8) “Price list” means a published list 1347.155, 1347.159 (a) (3) (4) (5) and reports to the Office of Price Administra­ of prices from which prices may be de­ ( 6), the words “sanitary napkins” are tion and shall keep such other records in termined. Such price list must have amended to read as follows: “Sanitary addition to or in place of the records re­ been published or circulated and in ef­ napkins and/or tampons.” quired in paragraph (a) of this section fect during the applicable specified pe­ 3. Section 1347.151 is amended to read as the Office of Price Administration may riods. from time to time require, subject to the as follows: approval of the Bureau of the Budget 8. Section 1347.161 is amended to read as follows: § 1347.151 Maximum •prices for sani­ pursuant to the Federal Reports Act of tary napkins and tampons. On and after 1942. § 1347.161 Appendices. October 27, 1943, regardless of any con­ (c) Within 21 days after October 26, A p p e n d ix A — M a x i m u m P r ic e s f o r Sa n it a r y 1943, every manufacturer of tampons tract, agreement, lease, or other obliga­ N a p k i n s tion, no person shall sell or deliver sani­ shall file with the Office of Price Admin­ Maximum delivered price per napkin for tary napkins and/or tampons and no istration, Washington, D. C., a state­ ment of all discounts, allowances, free all packages: 4 person shall buy or receive sanitary nap­ goods, and other price differentials in kins and/or tampons in the course of effect during the period June 1-15, 1943, Manu­ trade-or business, at prices higher than facturer’s Whole­ inclusive, for sales of tampons between Retailer’s the maximum prices set forth in Appen­ Count per package price to saler’s manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer; whole­ price price dices A and B of § 1347.161 and no person salers 1 shall agree, whether on condition that and copies of tampon price lists in effect during October 1-15, 1941, inclusive and this Maximum Price Regulation No. 140 1 to 7, inclusive______$0.01300 $0.01620 $0.02125 is thereafter amended or is thereafter June 1-15, 1943, inclusive. 8 to 11, inclusive...... 01220 .01460 .01900 12...... 01198 . 01441 ’ .01834 determined by any court to be invalid, or 6. Section 1347.157a is amended to 13 to 72, inclusive______.01150 .01320, .01670 on any other condition, to do any of the read as follows: 73 and above______.01100 .01220 .01500 foregoing; and no person shall offer, so­ § 1347.157a Licensing, (a) The provi­ licit or attempt to do any of the fore­ i Manufacturer’s price to retailers shall not exceed the going. The provisions of this section sions of Supplementary Order No. 19* manufacturer’s price to wholesalers by more than 6%. shall not be applicable to sales or de­ licensing distributors of paper and paper products are applicable to every distrib­ E x a m p l e : The maximum prices of popular liveries of sanitary napkins -and/or tam­ sized packages listed below are determined pons to a purchaser, if prior to October utor selling sanitary napkins and/or by multiplying the number of napkins per 27, 1943, these commodities had been re­ tampons for which maximum prices are package by the appropriate per napkin figure ceived by a carrier, other than a carrier established by Appendices A and B of in the “Retailer’s Price” colum n of the above owned or controlled by the seller, for § 1347.161. The term “distributor” shall table. shipment to such purchaser. The maxi­ have the meaning given to it by Supple­ mum prices established by this Maxi­ mentary Order No. 19. Maximum Maximum (b) The registration and licensing Count per package retailer’s retailer’s mum Price Regulation No. 140 shall not price per price per be increased by any charges for the ex­ provisions of §§ 1499.15 and 1499.16 of napkin package tension of credit, except in the case of the General Maximum Price Regulation8 sales at retail where the seller during are applicable to every person selling at 4...... $0.02125 $0.09 March 1942 required payment of a sepa­ retail sanitary napkins and/or tampons 5...... ; ...... 02125 .11 for which maximum prices are estab­ 61...... 02125 .13 rately stated additional charge for the 8...... 01900 .15 extension of credit to retail purchasers of lished by Appendices A and B of 1 2 .;...... 01834 .22 § 1347.161. The term “selling at retail” 18...... 01670 .30 the same class on sales of the same or 24...... 01670 .40 similar types of commodities. If the shall have the meaning given it by 48...... 01670 .80 seller had such a practice for the exten­ § 1499.20 (o) of the General Maximum 50...... 01670 .84: 54______.01670 .90 sion of credit, the amount of such sepa­ Price Regulation. 56...... 01670 .94 rately stated additional charge shall not 60...... 01670 1.00 7. Section 1347.159 is amended by add­ 66...... ^...... 01670 1.10 exceed the rate which the retailer ing the following: charged during March 1942 for extension of such credit. (7) “Tampons” are specially con­ A p p e n d ix B— M a x i m u m P r ic e s f o r T a m p o n s ' structed wads of cotton and/or cellulose, 4. Section 1347.152 is amended to read (a ) Retailers’ maximum price for tampons. non-medicated, with or without appli­ (1 ) The retailers’ m axim um price for Dale, as follows: cator, designed for internal menstrual Fibs, Holly, Pax, Meds, Tampax and Wix shall § 1347.152 Less than maximum sanitary protection. be as follows: prices. Lower prices than those set forth in Appendices A and B of § 1347.161 Maximum Brand Count per box Maximum price per box * price per may be charged, demanded, paid or of­ tampon fered.

5. Section 1347.156 is amended to read Dale (without applicator)_____; 1 to 10, inclusive...... $.02 as follows: Fibs (without applicator)_____ 1 to 5, inclusive...... 02 6 to 12, inclusive______Box of 12 .20 (2 for ZH)...... 0166 .0124 § 1347.156 Records and reports, (a) Fibs (with applicator)....____ .025 Every person making purchases or sales 5 to 1Ö, inclusive.-...... Box of 10 .20 (2 for 390)...... 02 of sanitary napkins and/or tampons Holly Pax (without applicator) 1 to 6, inclusive...... 0166 7 to 12, inclusive...... Box of 12 .20...... „. .0166 after October 26, 1943, excluding retail­ 13 and over...... Box of 48 .59...... 0123 ers and persons who purchase from re­ Meds (with applicator)...... Box of 3 .08...... 025 Box of 4 .10...... 025 tailers, shall keep for inspection by the 5 to 10, inclusive...... Box of 10 .20 (2 for 39£)...... 02 Office of Price Administration for so Box.of 50 .82...... 0163 Box of 60 . 98...... 0163 long as the Emergency Price Control Act Tampax (with applicator). .04 of 1942, as amended, remains in effect, .029 complete and accurate records of each .0245 Wix (without applicator).. .04 such purchase or sale showing the date 6 to 12, inclusive...... 0375 thereof, the name and the address of the buyer or seller, the price paid or re­ • This shall not be construed to prevent the changing of the count of any package, provided that the maximum ceived, and the number of sanitary nap­ price per tampon is no greater than set forth in Appendix B of this regulation. kins and/or tampons in each package purchased or sold. He shall also pre­ * 7 P E . 7434, 8996. 4 Sanitary Napkins sold by means of vend­ serve all records kept in accordance with * 7 F.R. 3153, 6058, 6007, 6216, 6615, 6794, ing machines are not covered by this Maxi-» Maximum Price Regulation No. 140 prior 6939; 8 F.R. 3096, 3849, 4347, 4978, 484, 6862, mum Price Regulation No. 140. 8511, 9025, 9991, 1955. 'Tampons sold by means of vending ma­ to October 27, 1943. chines are not covered by this Maximum Price Regulation No. 140. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13249

(2) The retailer’s maximum prices for (50 Stat. 28, 765; Pub. Law 15L 78th 5. Section 1364.452

Per curt. 12. The items listed below column P a r t 1384— H a r d w o o d L u m b e r (X II) Sliced dried beef packed In 5 lb. heading V II designated "Sliced dried [MPR 176,1 Arndt. 6J cartons______$63.29 beef” in the table contained in § 1364.452 (XIII) Sliced dried beef packed in ROTARY CTJT SOUTHERN HARDWOOD BOX 3 lb. cartons.______64. 00

(2) Tabulations of total production, 3. Section 1394.7758 (a) is amended to (1) Delivery after sale, lease or gift, stated in terms of board feet and dollars read as follows: or upon inheritance, to or for the per­ son entitled to the possession of the ve­ sales value and classified as to all items (a) The lessee of a vehicle available hicle or boat, or to his premises or a of veneer and other products manufac­ for public rental who holds such vehicle tured by .the applicant. These tabula­ place of storage; under a lease for a term of more than tions should cover the same periods as (2) Movement to a place of storage or thirty consecutive days may apply for the profit and loss statements referred a ration for use with such vehicle to to the premises of the person entitled to the possession of the vehicle or boat to in (1) above. provide gasoline for the occupational upon an acquisition of the right to pos­ This amendment shall become effec­ mileage to be driven therein during the tive October 2,1943. term of such lease. session of such vehicle or boat by virtue of a lien or security contract. (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th 4. In § 1394.7851 (b) (5) the text (b) This section shall not prohibit: Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, preceding subdivision (i) is amended to (1) Any movement of a vehicle for the 8 F.R. 4681) read as follows: distance which can be traveled through the use of a Transport ration or Basic Issued this 27th day of September 1943. (5) For use with a motor boat, or with any motor vehicle which may lawfully ration duly issued for use with such P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , vehicle; Administrator. be operated without a Certificate of W ar Necessity, for any of the following pur­ (2) Any movement of a commercial [F. R. Doc. 43-15723; Filed, September 28, poses. No ration may be issued under motor vehicle as to which the Office of 1943; 9:23 a. m.] this paragraph which would permit a Defense Transportation has certified vehicle to be moved on its own wheels that alternative means of transporta­ for a distance of more than 200 miles, tion by rail or water carrier are unavail­ able or inadequate; , P art 1394— R a t i o n in g o f F u e l a n d F u e l unless the vehicle is a commercial mo­ (3) Any movement of a vehicle in the P r o d u c t s tor vehicle and the Office of Defense course of its manufacture or assembly, [RO 5G,1 Arndt. 74] Transportation has certified that alter­ native means of transportation for the between plants engaged in its manufac­ MILEAGE RATIONING: GASOLINE REGULATIONS movement of such vehicle by rail or ture or assembly.- A rationale accompanying this amend­ water carrier are unavailable or in­ This amendment shall become effec­ ment, issued simultaneously herewith, adequate. tive October 1, 1943. has been filed with the Division of the 5. Section 1394.7851 (b) (5) KUi) is (Pub. Law 671, 76th Cong.; as amended Federal Register."' revoked. by Pub. Laws 89, 421, 507, 77th Cong.; Ration Order 5C is amended in the fol­ 6. Section 1394.7851 (b) (6) is added to W PB Dir. No. 1, Supp. Dir. No. IQ, 7 lowing respects: read as follows: F.R. 562, 9121; E.O. 9125, 7 F.R. 2719) 1. Section 1394.7551 (a) (43) is amended to read as follows: (6) For use with a motor vehicle or Issued this 27th day of September 1943. boat to return such vehicle or boat, upon (43) “Vehicle available for public C h e s t e r B o w l e s , recovery after theft, to its customary Acting Administrator. rental” means a registered motor vehicle garage or station. built or rebuilt primarily for the purpose [F. R. Doc. 43-15750; Filed, September 28, of transporting persons, having a seating 7. Section 1394.7851 (c) (4) is amended 1943; 9:28 a. m .] capacity of less than ten, which is leased by inserting after the phrase “in the from or held for rental by a motor vehicle gasoline shortage area” the phrase “or rental agency. in Area B ” and by substituting for the words “paragraph (b) (5) (i), (ii) or P art 1408— G l a s s a n d G l a s s C o n t a in e r s 2. Section 1394.7752 is amended to (iii) ” the words “paragraph (b) (5) (i) [M P R 382,1 Am dt. 4] read as follows: or (ii)”. WIDE MOUTH GLASS CONTAINERS § 1394.7752 Persons entitled to official 8. The text of § 1394.8157 is amended and fleet rations, (a) Subject to the to read as follows: A statement of the considerations in­ volved in the issuance of this amend­ provisions of paragraph (b) hereof, the Nothing in Ration Order No. 5C shall ment, issued simultaneously herewith, owner or the person entitled to the use be deemed to forbid the transfer of gaso­ of an official motor vehicle may obtain has been filed with the Division of the line actually in the fuel supply tank of an “official” ration and the owner or the Federal Register.* person entitled to the use of a registered a vehicle, boat or equipment, in con­ Maximum Price Regulation No. 382, is passenger automobile or a registered mo­ junction with a lawful and bona fide amended in the following respects: torcycle (other than an official motor transfer of such vehicle, boat or equip­ 1. Section 1.10 (d) (2) (iv) is revoked. vehicle) which is a part of a fleet may ment. The transferee of such vehicle, 2. Section 1.10 (e) (2) (i) and (ii) are obtain a “fleet” ration providing for boat or equipment may use any gasoline amended to read as follows: occupational mileage to the extent that actually in the fuel supply tank thereof (2) Submission of applications. Every such mileage is allowed by a Board in at the time of transfer except as pro­ application submitted under this para­ accordance with § 1394.7754. vided in § 1394.8183. graph shall include at least the follow­ (b) Such official or fleet ration shall ing information: not be issued and may not be obtained 9. Section 1394.8161 (c) is amended to (i) Sufficient data to identify the item for use with a passenger automob% or read as follows: in question and the prospective seller motorcycle which is held by a motor (c) No ration issued to the lessor of a vehicle dealer for sale or resale, or for and purchaser and any information vehicle available for public rental for which the applicant has readily avail­ use with a vehicle available for public use with such vehicle may be used by a rental. able as to a shortage which may be re­ lessee of such vehicle during the term of lieved by the proposed shipment. ‘ Copies may be obtained from the Office of a lease of more than thirty consecutive (ii) Any information which the appli­ Price Administration. days. *7 F.R. 9135, 9787, 10147, 10016, 10110, cant has readily available pertaining to 10338, 10706, 10786, 10787, 11009, 11070; 8 F.R. 10. Section 1394.8183 is added to read the fact that the making of the proposed 179, 274, 369, 372, 607, 565, 1028, 1202, 1203, as follows: shipment will not in turn cause or tend 1365, 1282, 1366, 1318, 1588, 1813, 1895, 2098, to cause the existence of a shortage in 2213, 2288, 2353, 2431, 2595, 2780, 2720, 3096, § 1394.8183 Limitation on distance of 3261, 3253, 3255, 3254, 3315, 3616, 4189, 4341, drive-away delivery of vehicle, (a) No any locality in the Eastern Area. 4850, 4976, 5267, 5268, 5486, 5564, 5756, 6261, person shall use gasoline to move any This amendment shall become effec­ 6179, 6441, 6846, 6687, 7390, 7455, 8009, 8180, 8680, 9021, 9022, 6980, 9062, 9202, 9304, 9334, motor vehicle a distance of more than tive October 2, 1943. 9219, 9787, 9457, 9530, 10082, 10364, 10365, two hundred miles on its own wheels for 10511, 11429, 12023. any of the following purposes: » 8 F . R. 6275, 8839, 10618, 11813. 13252 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

(56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th § 1448.407 Maximum prices for food offer in the seven-day period. You must Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, and drink sold for immediate consump­ figure your ceiling price for a food item 8 F.R. 4681) tion. Under the authority vested in the or meal which you did not offer during District Director of the Oklahoma City the seven-day period as follows: Issued this 27th day of September 1943. District by the Emergency Price Control (a) If you offered the same food item P rentiss M. B r o w n , Act of 1942, as amended, Executive Order or meal at any time during the four Administrator. 9250, Executive Order 9328, and General weeks from March 7 to April 3, 1943, [F. R. Doc. 43-15747; Filed, September 28, Order No. 50 issued by the Office of Price inclusive, and if you have adequate rec­ 1943; 9:32 a. m .] Administration, and Order of Delega­ ords of the prices you then charged, take tion of Authority issued by the Regional as your ceiling price the highest price at Administrator of Region V, Restaurant which you offered that food item or meal Maximum Price Regulation No. 5-7 (Food during that four-week period. P art 1448— E ating .and D rinking and Drink Sold for Immediate Consump­ (b) If you did not offer the food item Establishments tion) which is annexed hereto and made or meal during the five-week period from [Restaurant MPR 5-7] part hereof, is issued. March 7 to April 10, 1943, inclusive, or if

A u t h o r i t y : § 1448.407 issued under Pub. you do not have adequate records of FOOD AND DRINK SOLD FOR IMMEDIATE Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. prices charged prior to the seven-day CONSUMPTION 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681. period you must proceed as follows: (1) Determine the cost of the raw food In the judgment of the District Direc­ R e s t a u r a n t M a x i m u m P r ic e R e g u l a t io n N o . which you use in preparing the new food tor of the Oklahoma City District, the 5-7— F ood a n d D r i n k S o ld f o r I m m e d ia t e item or meal. prices of food and beverages sold for im­ C o n s u m p t io n (2) From the food items and meals for mediate consumption in the counties of c o n t e n t s Alfalfa, Atoka, Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, which you have already established ceil­ Sec. ing prices, choose, a food item or meal Bryan, Caddo, Canadian, Carter, Choc­ 1. Sales at higher than ceiling prices pro­ which currently has a raw food cost equal taw, Cimarron, Cleveland, Coal, Co­ hibited. manche, Cotton, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, t. How you figure ceiling prices for food to or less than the' raw food cost of the Garfield, Garvin, Grady, Grant, Greer, items and meals you offered in the new food item or meal. * Harmon, Harper, Jackson, Jefferson, seven-day period from April 4, 1943, - . (3) Take as your ceiling price for the to April 10, 1943. new food item or meal your ceiling price Johnston, Kay, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Lin­ 8. How you figure ceiling prices for food coln, Logan, Love, McClain, McCurtain, for the food item or meal chosen for • items and meals you did not offer in comparison. The food item or meal Major, Marshall, Murray, Noble, Okla­ the seven-day period. chosen for such comparison should be of homa, Payne, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, ^ 4. How you figure your prices for seasonal the same class as the new food item or Pushmataha, Roger Mills, Seminole, items. meal. If, however, you can find no food Stephens, Texas, Tillman, Washita, 5. No ceiling price for any food item or meal to be higher than the highest item or meal of the same class, you may Woods, Woodward, have risen and are ceiling price for a food item or meal use for comparison the most similar food threatening further to rise to an extent of the same class in the base period. item or meal of another class having a and in a manner inconsistent with the 6. Substitution of food items in meals. food cost equal to or less than your food Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, 7. Prohibition against manipulation of cost for the new food item or meal. as amended, and Executive Orders.9250 meal offerings. “Currently” as used herqin means cur­ and 9328. 8. Evasion. rent on the day you figure your price. In the judgment of the said District 9. Rules for new proprietors. 10. Taxes. (c) Once your ceiling price for a food Director, the maximum prices established 11. Records. item or meal has been fixed, it may not by this regulation are generally fair and 12. Posting. be changed except as provided in sec­ equitable and are necessary to check in­ 13. Operation of several plates. tion 4. flation and to effectuate the purposes 14. Relation to other maximum price reg­ Sec. 4. How you figure your prices for of the Act. So far as practicable, said ulations. 15. Geographical application. seasonal items. First, determine your District Director gave due consideration ceiling price for a “seasonal food item” to prices prevailing between October 1 16. Enforcement. 17. Exempt sales. (defined in section 20 (e )) in accordance and 15, 1941, and consulted with thg 18. Adjustments. with the appropriate rule of sections 2 representatives of those affected by this 19. Definitions and explanations. and 3 of this regulation. Thereafter, regulation. 20. Classes Of food items and meals. this price must be varied in proportion to A statement of the considerations in­ 21. Special orders. any seasonal charge in the raw food cost volved in the issuance of this regulation 22. Licensing. 23. Revocation. of the item: Provided, That in no event is issued simultaneously herewith. * shall the price be higher than the ceiling Therefore, in accordance with the di­ S e c t i o n 1 . Sales at higher than ceiling price as originally determined. If in the rection of the President to take action prices prohibited. If you own or operate past it has been your practice to main­ which will stabilize prices affecting the a restaurant, hotel, cafe, bar, delicates­ tain one price throughout the season, you cost of living, and under the authority sen, soda fountain, boarding house, or need not vary your ceiling price accord­ therewith delegated by the President any other eating or drinking place, you ing to this rule provided the ceiling price pursuant to the Act of Congress ap­ must not offer or sell any “food item” is based upon estimated average raw food proved October 2, 1942, entitled “An (including any beverage) or “meal” at a cost of the item for the entire season. Act to Aid in Stabilizing the Cost of price higher than the ceiling price which B ec. 5. No ceiling price for any food Living”, 77th Congress, Second Session, you figure according to the directions in item or meal to be higher than the high­ and under the authority of Executive the next two sections (sections 2 and 3). est ceiling price for a food item or meal Order No. 9250, Executive Order No. 9328? You may, of course, sell at lower than of the same class in the 'base period. and the Emergency Price Control Act ceiling prices. Under no circumstances are you per­ of 1942, the District Director of the S e c . 2 . How you figure ceiling prices mitted to charge a higher price for a food Oklahoma City District hereby issues this for food items and meals you offered in item or meal than: Restaurant Maximtun Price Regulation the seven-day period from April 4, 1943, (a) Your highest ceiling price for food No. 5-7, establishing as maximum prices to April 10,1943. Your ceiling price for items or meals of the same class offered for food and drink sold for immediate any food item or meal which you offered in the seven-day period; or consumption in the counties mentioned in the seveih-day period beginning Sun­ (b) The last price at which you sold above the prices prevailing therefor day, April 4, 1943, and ending Saturday, during the seven-day period beginning April 10, 1943, is the highest price at the same food item or meal prior to April April 4, 1943, and ending April 10, 1943. which you offered the same food item 4, 1943, provided you first file with the or meal in that seven-day period. appropriate war price and rationing •Copies may be obtained from the Office S e c . 3. How you figure ceiling prices board a menu or certified copy of a rec­ of Price Administration. for food items and meals you did not ord showing the last price charged. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1942 13253

The provisions of this section shall not (3) Itffcreasing any cover, minimum, business, however, you may apply to the apply to seasonal dessert specialties bread-and-butter, service, corkage, en­ Office of Price Administration for per­ specified in section 21 A Class 24a. tertainment, check-room, parking or mission to price under paragraph (b) of Example 1. If your highest ceiling price other special charges, or making such this section. If such permission is for any soup offered by you during the charges when they were not in effect in granted it may be subject to such condi­ seven-day period is 15 cents, you may not the seven-day period except that a cover tions as the Office of Price Administra­ offer any other soup at a higher price than or minimum charge in effect during the tion deems necessary. 15 cents. base period may be increased in accord­ (b) If you open an eating or drinking Example 2. You last sefved sirloin steak ance with customary practice, where it place after the seven-day period, you in March at $1.50. You did not serve sirloin was the practice to vary the charge in steak during the base period. The highest must fix ceiling prices in line with the price at which you can now serve sirloin accordance with the type of entertain­ ceiling prices of the nearest eating or steak is $1.50. ment offered and the increase does not drinking place of the same type as yours. cause the charge to go above the highest If the ceiling prices so fixed are too high Sec. 6. Substitution of food items in charge made during the last twelve- and threaten to have an inflationary meals. If you have already determined month period; effect on the price of food or drink, the your ceiling price for a meal you may (4) Requiring as a condition of sale Office of Price Administration may issue substitute for any food item other than of an item or meal the purchase of other an order requiring you to reduce your the entree (or main dish) in that meal items or meals when such condition was ceiling prices. You are subject to the any other food item of the same class not in effect during the base period; record requirements of section 11 and without refiguring your ceiling price, (5) Reducing the selection of meals the posting requirements of section 12 provided the new food item costs you offered at table d’hote prices when the immediately upon the opening of your approximately as much and offers cus­ food items which you customarily offered place. tomers about the same value as the food in such meals are being offered at a la S e c . 10. Taxes. If in the seven-day item' which it replaces. A meal becomes carte prices which when added together period you stated and collected the a “new*’ meal whenever the entree (or total more than the table d’hote price amount of any tax separately from the main dish) is changed or a new food item for the complete meal or give your cus­ price you charged, you may continue to is substituted which costs you less or tomers less value for their money. do so. You may also separately state offers your customers lower value than Example 1. If you customarily offered fish and collect the amount of any new tax the food item which it replaces, and you on table d’hote dinners at $1.10, you may not or of any increase in the amount of a must therefore determine its ceiling now offer fish a la carte and refuse to offer previous tax on the sale of food or drink price in accordance with the rules es­ it on a table d’hote dinner priced at $1.10. or on the business of selling food or tablished by section 3. Example 2. If you offered table d’hote din­ drink, if the tax is measured by the ners during the base period at 850 to $1.25 Sec. 7. Prohibition against manipula­ number or price of items or meals. tion of meal offerings. You must not which included dessert and beverage, you may S e c . 11. Records, (a) You must ob­ manipulate your meal offerings in a now offer the same food item excluding des­ sert and beverage at 650 to $1.05, providing serve all the record-keeping and filing manner which will force your customers you also offer dessert and beverage to be requirements of General Order No. 50 to pay more than they did during the served with the meals at prices which do not which are hereby made a part of this seven-day period. Among other things total more than 200. regulation by reference. you must not (b) Customary records. You must (a) Reduce the number of meals

For the reasons set forth in an opinion P a r t 1360— M o t o r V e h ic l e s a n d M o to r The suggested resale prices, discounts and allowances in the catalog(s), price list(s), or issued simultaneously herewith and filed V e h ic l e E q u i p m e n t with the Division of the Federal Register, discount sheet(s) of ______and [M P R 463,1 Am dt. 1] d a t e d ______(or “numbered ______’’) It is ordered: are the maximum resale prices for the parts § 1499.709 Adjustment of maximum wholesalers ’ a n d r e t a il e r s ’ m a x i m u m listed therein, in accordance with Maximum prices for the sale of lumber grading PRICES FOR AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Price Regulation No. 453 (Wholesalers’ and Retailers’ Maximum Prices for Automotive and inspection services by West Coast 'A statement of the considerations in­ P a rts). - Bureau of Lumber Grades and Inspec­ volved in the issuance of this amend­ Persons furnishing such statements shall tion. (a) The maximum price to be ment, issued simultaneously herewith, prepare and keep available for inspec­ charged by the West Coast Bureau of has been filed with the Division of the tion by representatives of the Office of Lumber Grades and Inspection, of the Federal Register.* Price Administration for so long as the West Coast Lumbermen’s Association, Section 5 is amended to read as fol­ Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as 364 Stuart Building, Seattle, Washing­ lows: ton, for its services of grading, tallying, amended, shall remain in effect, a record grade-marking, inspection, and certify­ Sec. 5. Maximum prices for sales at showing the names and addresses of the ing grades and tallies of lumber and wholesale and retail of new or rebuilt persons to whom such statements were lumber products shall be a price com­ parts when the seller has been notified sent, the date of sending and the state­ puted on the pricing formula in use by by his supplier of the maximum price ment that was sent to each. the said Bureau in March 1942, using and notification requirements. This sec­ If a person selling at wholesale prefers cost and other factors at the March 1942 tion does not apply to non-list parts. to do so, instead of following the proce­ levels except that the factor of labor Maximum prices for sales at wholesale dure described in paragraph (1), he may cost may be varied in keeping with any and retail for non-list parts are estab­ state on each invoice covering sales of change in wage scales which the said lished by section 6. parts to a wholesaler the manufacturer’s Bureau may put into effect under ap­ Manufacturers of parts are told in resale prices for sales of such parts both proval or requirement of the W ar Labor Maximum Price Regulation No. 452— at wholesale and at retail. The maxi­ Board and the Director of Economic Manufacturers’ Maximum Prices for Au­ mum price for a sale at wholesale shall Stabilization. tomotive Parts, under what conditions be indicated by the wording “Wholesale (b) This Order No. 9 may be revoked they must furnish their customers with maximum” and that for a sale, at retail or amended by the Price Administrator their resale list prices. When manu­ by “Retail maximum”. at any time. facturers must do so, they are required (b) Notification by person selling at (c) This Order No. 9 (§ 1499.709) shall to notify their customers that the re­ wholesale to retailers. After a person be effective as of August 14, 1943. sale list prices issued by the manufac­ selling at wholesale has received written turer are maximum prices. Paragraphs notice from a supplier of parts, by refer­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th (a) and (b) of this section 5 require ence to the catalog, price list or discount Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, that a person, selling at wholesale and sheet, that the maximum resale prices 8 F.R. 4681) who has been notified of his maximum are the manufacturer’s suggested resale Issued this 27th day of September 1943. resale price by his supplier shall notify prices or after the supplier has notified each customer, whether wholesaler or P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , him of the maximum resale prices for Administrator. retailer, of the customer’s maximum re­ the part by stating them on the invoice sale price. The prices stated by manu­ for the part, that person shall take the [P . R. Doc. 43-15725; Filed, September 28, facturers (in accordance with Maximum following action with respect to his sale 1943; 9:22 a. m .} Price Regulation No. 452) or by persons of such part to a retailer after October selling at wholesale (in accordance with 31, 1943: P art 1347— P a p e r , P ap e r P r o d u c t s , R a w paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section (1) On all invoices to retailers for such M a t e r ia l s f o r P a p e r a n d P aper P r o d ­ 5) to be maximum prices for sales at part he shall state the price which is the u c t s , P r in t i n g a n d P u b l i s h i n g wholesale or retail shall—be the maxi­ maximum retail price for the part ac­ [MPR 187,1 Am dt. 6] mum prices for such sales when made cording to the supplier’s statement to by a person to whom such notice was him. He shall indicate that price to be CERTAIN PAPERBOARD PRODUCTS given. Special provision is made in the maximum retail price by the wording A statement of the considerations in­ paragraph (c) of this section 5 for parts “Retail maximum”. volved in the issuance of this amend­ sold in pick-up sales. (c) Pick-up sales and sales of pick-up ment, issued simultaneously herewith, (a) Notification by person selling at parts— (1) Meaning of term. A “pick-up has been filed with the Division of the wholesale to wholesalers. After a person sale” for the purposes of this section is a selling at wholesale has received written Federal Register.* sale made by a wholesaler to another The effective date provision of notice from a supplier of parts, by ref­ wholesaler for the accommodation of the Amendment 3 to Maximum Price Regu­ erence to thè catalog, price list or dis­ lation No. 187 is amended to read as count sheet, that the maximum resale latter of a small quantity of a part made follows: prices are the manufacturer’s suggested by a manufacturer whose line the pur­ resale prices or after a supplier has noti­ chaser does not regularly stock and for This amendment shall become effec­ which he does not have a catalog, price tive April 1, 1943 and remain in effect fied him of the maximum resale prices until December 1, 1943. The Price Ad­ for the part by stating them on the list, or discount sheet. ministrator may at any time, amend, invoice for the part, person shall (2) Notification by person making a replace, extend or make permanent such take the following action with respect to pick-up sale. A person who has been amendment. his sale of such part to a wholesaler after notified of the maximum resale price of October 31,1943: a part sold on a pick-up basis shall take This amendment shall become effec­ (1) He shall furnish to the wholesaler, the following action with respect to such tive October 1, 1943. to the extent that the latter does not a sale after October 31, 1943: He shall (56 Stat. 23, 765; Pub. Law 151, 78th already have the same, copies of the ap­ furnish an invoice or sales slip for the Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F R . 7871; E.O. 9328, propriate catalog, price list or discount pick-up sale and on it he shall state the 8 F.R. 4681) sheet, and he shall furnish the whole­ price which is the maximum retail price Issued this 27th day of September saler (if he has not already done so) according to the supplier’s statement to with a statement informing the whole­ 1943. him. He shall indicate that price to be saler that the resale list prices contained C h e s t e r B o w l e s , the maximum retail price by the wording Acting Administrator. in such catalog, price list or discount sheet are maximum prices. That state­ “Retail maximum”. (3) Maximum price for person making [P R. Doc. .43-15735; Filed, September 28, ment shall be substantially in the follow­ -1943; 9:33 a. m .] ing language: a pick-up sale. The maximum price that may be charged by a person making ♦Copies m ay be obtained from the Office of a pick-up sale is the same as it would be Price Administration. ♦Copies m ay be obtained from the Office 17 F.R. 5780, 8948, 9323, 10618; 8 F.R. 4180, of Price Administration. if it were an ordinary sale of a part cov­ 7281. 18 F.R. 11582. ered by this section 5. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13257

(4) Notification to be given by a pur­ 1. The date in the third paragraph of Issued this 27th day of September 1943. chaser of a part obtained on a pick-up section 3 is amended to read January 1, C h e s t e r B o w l e s , basis. A person who has purchased a 1944. Acting Administrator part through a pick-up sale shall give 2. The date in the fourth paragraph [P. R. Doc. 43-15746; Filed, September 28, the same information to a retailer pur­ of section 4 (a) is amended to read Jan­ 1943; 9:33 a. m .] chasing such part as he would under uary 1, 1944. paragraph (b) in the case of any other 3. The date in the last sentence of sec­ part covered by this section. The price tion 6 (b) (1) is amended to read Jan­ P art 1499— C o m m o d it ie s a n d S e r v ic e s stated to the retailer to be the maximum uary 11, 1944. [R ev. SR 14 to GM PR, Arndt. 35] retail price is the maximum price at 4. The date in the fourth sentence of which he may sell at retail. AMMUNITION (5) Maximum price that may be section 6 (b) (2) is amended to read A statement of considerations accom­ charged by a purchaser of a part ob­ January 11, 1944. panying this Amendment No. 35 to Re­ 5. The date in the last sentence of the tained on a pick-up basis. The maxi­ vised Supplementary Regulation No. 14 mum price for a sale at wholesale by a text of section 6 (b) (3) is- amended to to'the General Maximum Price Regula­ person who has purchased the part read January 21, 1944. tion has been issued simultaneously through a pick-up sale shall be deter­ 6. The paragraph of the regulation herewith and filed with the Division of mined as follows: The person shall de­ entitled Effective date is amended to the Federal Register.* termine his mark-up for the same part read as follows: A new section 6.24 is added as follows: which he regularly stocks but made by a S e c . 6.24 Ammunition. This section different manufacturer. He shall add Effective date. This regulation be­ comes effective for all sellers on January establishes maximum prices of ammuni­ that amount to the invoice cost to him tion, other than hand loaded or mili­ of the part being priced. 1, 1944. But, if a seller files his division tary items, for sales at wholesale and The maximum price for a sale at retail factor forms and receives acknowledg­ retail, including sales by individuals. shall be the price named as the maxi­ ment of their filing before this date, the Ammunition consists of a casing of metal regulation becomes effective as to him on mum retail price on the invoice or sales or paper loaded with gun powder and slip accompanying the pick-up sale. the day such acknowledgment is received. containing a metallic bullet or metallic However, any seller who has received (d) Definition of “wholesaler” and shot, designed to be fired in a pistol, re­ “retailer”. For the purposes of this sec­ acknowledgment of the filing of his volver, rifle, or shot gun. tion 5, wholesaler and retailer mean per­ forms before October 1, 1943 may con­ (a) Maximum prices of jobbers. (1) sons who are normally considered by the tinue to price under section 3.5 of Revised The maximum price inclusive of Federal trade as belonging to those classes. A Supplementary Regulation No. 14 until Excise Tax, for a sale at wholesale of an person whose business is predominantly January 1, 1944, if he requests his OPA item listed below shall be the price listed a retail business but who makes a few district office to suspend the effect of for that item in the zone in which the sales at wholesale would normally be filing his forms. This request must be purchaser is located. The proper zone considered as being a retailer and vice by registered mail and must. be made may be determined by reference to the versa. It should be noted that the noti­ within 15 days after September 27, 1943. listing of distributing points in the price fication required by this section 5 in cases This amendment shall become effec­ lists of the Federal Cartridge Corpora­ of sales at wholesale must be given tive as of September 27, 1943. tion, Peters Cartridge Division, Reming­ whether the sale at wholesale is made (56 Stat. 23, 765, Pub. Law 151, 78th ton Arms Company, Inc., Western Car­ by a wholesaler or a retailer. Cong.; E. O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9328, tridge Company, and Winchester Re­ This amendment shall become effec­ 8 F.R. 4681) peating Arms Company. tive October 1, 1943. (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; Pub. Length Powder Price per M Law 151, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. equiv. Ozs. Shotgun shells inches drams shot 7871; E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Issued this 27th day of September 1943. 2 H ZH 1U $41. 78 $42.17 $42. 55 $42.92 $43.31 2 fi e 3 m ¿9.89 40.20 40.52 40.85 41.18 C h e s t e r B o w l e s , 2H 2 H i 39.89 40.20 40.52 40.85 41.16 Acting Administrator. R im fire cartridges [P. R. Doc. 43-15744; Filed, September 28, 5.12 6.14 5.17 5.19 6.21 1943; 9:32 a. m .] 3.17 3.19 3.21 3.22 3.23

Center fire cartridges 53.12 53.28 53.43 53.58 53.73 54.94 55.11 55.29 55.47 55.66 54.94 55.11 55.29 s 55.47 55.66 P art. 1389— A p p a r e l 69.40 69.57 69.75 69.93 70.12 54.94 55.13 55.31 55.50 55.68 [MPR 438,1 Arndt. 2] 61.53 61.74 61.94 62.15 62.37 79.05 79.25 79.44 79.64 79.84 manufacturers ’ p r ic e s f o r c e r t a in f a l l AND WINTER OUTERWEAR (2) The maximum price for all sales counts off manufacturers’ suggested A statement of the considerations in­ at wholesale of articles of ammunition wholesale prices which were in effect volved in the issuance of this amend­ not listed in the above table shall be the during March 1942. ment, issued simultaneously herewith, prices contained in the manufacturers’ (b) Maximum prices of retailers and has been filed with the Division of the wholesale price lists in effect during others. (1) The maximum price, inclu­ Federal Register.* March 1942, for the zone in which the sive of Federal Excise Tax, for a sale by Maximum Price Regulation 438 is purchaser is located. All maximum any person to an ultimate consumer of amended in the following respects: prices established by this paragraph (a) an item listed below shall be the price for sales at wholesale shall be subject to listed below for that item. Sales of ♦Copies may be obtained from the Office the sellers’ transportation terms and dis- Standard boxes shall be at the price of Price Administration. listed per box; sales of quantities less 18 P.R. 10503, 12712. * Copies m ay be obtained from the Office of than one box shall be at the price listed No. 193------6 Price Administration. per shell or cartridge. 13258 T able of M aximum , Prices for Sales to Consumers §9.1 Regulatory Executive Orders: declaring closed ports

Price Designation Locality No. Date Citation Length Powder Ozs. Shotgun shells (25 in a box) shell equiv. '• shot inches drains Per box Per shell or cartridge

i F. n 1613. ______Sept. 23,1912 12 gauge...... 3% 1M $1.38 $.07 16 gauge...... -...... 2% o 3 IX 1.32 .07 i 1 1.32 .07 20 gauge...... -...... 2H 2H Alaska...... R im fire cartridges (So in a box) .34 .01 .21 .01 § 9.2 Regulatory Executive Orders: establishing naval airspace reservations

Center fire cartridges (tO in a box) Designation Locality No. Date Citation REGISTER, FEDERAL L41 .09 1.46 .09 1.46 .09 ...... "V 1.85 .12 Ie .O. 5281 (for Subic Bay Feb. 17,1930 (See E.O. 8961, 1.46 .09 | see also E.O. 8718). 6 F.R. 6325)...... L64 .10 2.10 .13 /(See E.O. 8961, } e .O. 7138...... Aug. 12,1935 \ 6 F.R. 6325). Lower prices than those listed above may be charged. } e .O. 8597...... Nov. 18,1940 5 F.R . 4559. (2) The maximum price for sales to amendment to each of his customers at \E.0.8680 (see also E.O. Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R . 1014. / 8729). an ultimate consumer of a box of am­ the time of or prior to the first invoice E.O. 8681 ...... Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. K)14. munition not listed above shall be the of sale. 1 price per thousand contained in the (e) Posting. Retailers must keep ¡E .O .8682 (see also E.O. Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1015. manufacturers’ price lists, in effect dur­ posted a copy of the table contained in 8729). ing March 1942, divided by the number paragraph (b) (1) of this section at the ) of boxes in the thousand. The maxi­ place in his business establishment where ¡■E.O. 8683 (see also E.O. Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1015. Wednesday mum price per shell or cartridge for sales 1 8729). ammunition is offered for sale, so that it E.O. 8684...... Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R . 1016. to an ultimate consumer of less than one is clearly visible to purchasers of am­ E.O. 8718...... Mar. 22,1941 . 6 F.R . 1621. box shall be the price per box plus 25%, munition. divided by the number of shells or car­ (f ) Applicability. The provisions of tridges in the standard box. this section shall be applicable to the

The following is an example of how ’E.O. 8729 (corrects E.O. Apr. 2,1941 6 F.R. 1791. , 48 states of the United States and to the 8680,8682,8683). you determine the maximum price pf a District of Columbia. 29, 1943 September standard box: 12 gauge long range shot shells are packaged 25 to the standard This amendment shall become effective box. Dividing 1,000 by 25 equals 40, the October 7, 1943. E.O. 8749...... M ay 1,1941 6 F.R . 2252. number of boxes per thousand. The (56 Stat. 765; Pub. Law 751, 78th Cong.; manufacturers’ list price of $55.20 per E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; E.O. 9382, 8 F.R. § 9.3 Regulatory Executive Orders: establishing defensive sea areas thousand, divided by 40 equals $1.38, the price per box. To calculate the price 5781) per shell add 25% to the box price of Issued this 27th day of September 1943. Designation Locality No. Date Citation $1.38, or $.34 for a total of $1.72. Divide C h e s t e r B o w l e s , $1.72 by 25 (the number of shells in a Acting Administrator. E.O. 5786...... Jan. 30,1932 standard box), to obtain the price of California______E.O. 7747 (see also E.O. Nov. 20,1937 2 F.R. 2534. 8536). . $.07 per shell. [F. R. Doc. 43-15748; Filed, September 28, E.O. 8143...... May 26,1939 4 F.R. 2179. (c) Addition of slate and local taxes. 1943; 9:32 a. m.] E.O. 8381...... Mar. 22,1940 5 F.R. 1147. E.O. 8536. (amends E.O. Sept. 6,1940 5 F.R. 3606. State and local sales taxes imposed upon 7747). the sale of ammunition at wholesale or IE.O. 8680 (see also E.O. Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1014. / 8729). retail may be added to the maximum E.O. 8681...... Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1014. prices established under this section pro­ TITLE 34—NAVY ) vided they are stated as a separate Chapter I—Department of the Navy >E.O. 8682 (see also E.O. Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1015. charge on the invoice or sales slip. 8729). (d) Notification. (1) The manufac­ P ar t 9->—E x e c u t iv e O rders a n d P r o c l a m a ­ Pacific...... | turer shall forward to each of his cus­ t i o n s A p p l i c a b l e t o N a v y ¡E.O. 8683 (see also E.O. Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1015. tomers a copy of this amendment im­ 1 8729). E.O. 8684...... Feb. 14,1941 6 F.R. 1016. mediately after its issuance. (2) The Part 9, Chapter I, Title 34, is hereby E.O. 8717______Mar. 22,1941 6 F.R. 1621. jobber shall forward a copy of this amended and revised to read as follows: Subic B a y ...... Philippine Islands___ E.O. 8718...... Mar. 22,1941 6.F.R. 1621. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13259

§ 9.3 Regulatory Executive Orders: establishing defensive sea areas— Continued.

Designation Locality No. Date Citation

E.O. 8729 (Corrects E.O. Apr. 2,1941 6 F.R. 1791. 8fi80. 8fi82. 86831.

E.O. 8749...... May 1,1941 6 F.R. 2252. Philippine Islands___ E.O. 8853...... Aug. 16,1941 6 F.R. 4180. Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor. E.O. 8953______Nov. 27,1941 6 F.R. 6123.

E.O. 8970 (for Narragan- Dec. 11,1941 6 F.R. 6417. ' sett Bay see also E.O. Columbia River Entrance. ...^ Oregon, Washington.. 9342). Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Washington...... Sound.

New Jersey, Pennsyl­ E.O. 8978 ______Dec. 16,1941 6 F.R. 6469. vania.

E.O. 8987...... Dec. 20,1941 6 F.R. 6675. E.O. 9168. ______May 20, 1942 7 F.R. 3841. Nov. 6,1942 7 F.R. 9107. E.O. 9275...... Nov. 25,1942 7 F. R. 9767. Narragansett Bay...... Rhode Island______E.O. 9342 (amends E.O. May 19,1943 8 F.R. 6647. 8970).

§ 9.4 Regulatory Proclam ations: establishing m aritim e control areas

Designation Locality No. Date Citation

Proo. 2.532 ____ Dec. 27,1941 7 F.R. 1. Canal Zone...... jproc. 2536...... Jan. 13,1942 7 F.R. 301. Massachusetts...... Proc. 2540...... Feb. 10,1942 7 F.R. 963. Washington...... IProc. 2543______Mar. 25,1942 7 F.R. 2329.

New Hampshire...... >Proc. 2569______Oct. 21,1942 7 F.R. 8573.

Proc. 2573...... Nov. 17,1942 7 F.R. 9475.

§ 9.5 Executive orders, covering naval reservations

© Documents affecting- Designation ‘ State or Territory Easement or other interest No. Date Citation

E.O...... June 13, 1902 E.O. 8786.,...... June 14, 1941 6 F.R. 2941. E.O. 1133...... Oct. 19, 1909 Cold Bay-Dolgoi Island—Reservation.. Patents issued by Sec, Int. (a) Russian E.O. 5214...... Oct. 30, 1929 ► Greek Mission Reserve, U. S. Survey No. 758, Tract A, 2.18 A., Tract B, 6.84 A.'; (b) Pac.. Am. Fisheries Co., U. S. Survey No. 236, Kitchen Anchor­ age, Belfosky Bay, 12.92 A., and Sur­ vey No. 225A, Thin Point Sand Spit, Alas. Peninsula N E of Uuga Island, 5.45 A.; and (c) U. S. Survey No. 189, Pac. Amer. Fish. Co. Patent, 17.57 A. Total acreage of private rights 44.96 Acres. Do...... E.O. 8736...... Apr. 14, 1941 6 F.R. 1984. Cordova Bay: Reservation.. E.O. 1229...... ,...... July 15, 1910 Radio Station (Eyak) . E.O. 2537...... Feb. 21, 1917 Dutch Harbor (Amaknak)_____ E.O...... Jan. 13, 1899 Coal Depot E.O...... June 10,1902 Coal Depot., * E.O. 5457...... Oct. 1,1930 Radio Station..... E.O. 1456...... Jan. 6,1912 Radio Station____ E.O. 5457...... Oct. 1,1930 Hawkins Island—Reservation Alaska . /E.O. 771...... Mar. 18,1908 \E.O. 1248...... Sept. 26,1910 Icy Cape—Reservation E.O. 3797-A...... Feb. 27,1923 Jamestown Bay—Reservation.. E.O...... June 21,1890 Japonski Island—Reservation. E.O____¡...... June 21,1890 Juneau___ E.O. 9173...... M ay 23,1942 7 F.R. 3914. Kiska Islands—Reservation__ E.O. 241...... Dec. 9,1903 E.O. 2553...,...... Mar. 21,1917 Kodiak Island—Reservation . Alaska______E.O. 8278...... Oct. 28,1939 4 F.R. 4444.

\ 13260 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

§ 9.5 Executive orders, covering naval reservations— Continued

Documents affecting Designation State or Territory Easement or other interest No. Date Citation

Port Graham—Reservation. Alaska. TJ. S. Survey No. 368 patented to Russian E.O. 5214. Oct. 30,1929 Gr. Church Mission Reserve at Alexandrovsky, and U. S. Survey No. 510, patented to Fidaigo Island Pack­ ing Company. ÍE.O. 2533.. Feb. 20,1917 Seward—Radio Station—Reservation. Alaska. lE.O. 3149.. Aug. 16,1919 Resurrection Bay—Reservation...... Alaska. Subject to any existing vested rights of E.O. 773... Mar. 23,1908 persons within limits. E.O. 550.. Jan. 16,1907 E.O______June 21,1890 Sitka—Reservation—Cemetery. Alaska. E.O. 4025.. June 12,1924 E.O. 4237.. June 1.1925 Sitka Bay—Reservation...... Alaska____ E.O. 8216.. July 25,1939 4 F.R. 3430. Unalaska Island—Reservation. Alaska____ E.O. 5364.. June 5,1930 Wide Bay—Reservation...... Alaska____ E.O. 5214.. Oct. 30.1929 Yakutat Bay—Reservation___ Alaska____ E.O. 5214.. Oct. 30.1929 Alameda—Air Station______California.. E.O. 7467.. Oct. 7,1936 1 F.R. 1557. rE.O. 8790.. June 14.1941 6 F.R. 2942. Camp Elliott______California. For the use of the U. S. Marine Corps. |E.O. 8791.. June 14.1941 6 F.R. 2943. E.O ______Nov. 6,1850 Mare Island—Navy Yard.... California- E.O______Feb. 11,1853 [E.O. 487— July 28,1906 Mission Rock—Reservation. California. E.O...... Jan. 13,1899 E.O...... Dec. 13,1912 E.O...... Sept. 2,1912 Elk Hills—Reserves No. 1... California. E.O. 3862.. June 11,1923 E.O. 4225.. May 16.1925 E.O. 6444. Nov. 25,1933 Government Island____..... California. For the use of the Coast Guard; also E.O. 9343 May 19.1943 8 F.R. 6647. partly reserved for Federal Works Agency. E.O. 6897— Nov. 7,1134 San Clemente Island—Fleet Training California- E.O. 7747___ Nov. 20,1937 2 F.R. 2534 Base. E.O. 7805— . Feb. 5,1938 3 F.R. 278. San Diego—Air Station—bombing site.. California. E.O. 8883... Sept. 3,1941 6 F.R. 4585. San Diego (North Is .)...... -...... — E.O. 2676-A. Aug. 1,1917 E.O. 7215—- Oct. 26.1935 Air Station______California- Fuel Depot (Pt. Loma)______E.O. 2328.— Feb. 25,1916 Supply Depot.. — r :------E.O. 7451... Sept. 17.1936 1 F.R. 1410. E.O...... Nov. 6,1850 San Francisco (Yerba Buena Island)— California. E.O...... Apr. 12.1898 Receiving Station. E .O ...... Jan. 26.1899 San Miguel and Prince Island Reserva­ California. E.O. 6896... Nov. 7,1934 tions. San Nicolas Island Reservation------California. E.O. 6009. Jan. 31,1933 Balboa: E.O______May 26,1914 (Subject to civil jurisdiction of Canal Radio Station- [Canal Zone- E.O. 7387. June 15,1936 1 F.R. 601. Reservation___ \ Zone authorities. E.O. 7862. Apr. 7,1938 3 F.R. 734. Ammunition Depot.___ E.O. 5849. May 19,1932 Cape Mala—Radio Station. Canal Zone. Subject to civil jurisdiction of Canal E.O. 3237. Mar. 1,1920 Zone authorities. Coco Solo—Fleet Air Base.. Canal Zone. Subject to civil jurisdiction of Canal E.O. 3257. Apr. 9,1920 Zone authorities. Cristobal—Quarters___ Canal Zone. E.O. 6072. Mar. 8,1933 Gatun—Radio Station. Canal Zone- Subject to civil jurisdiction of Canal E.O. 5185. Sept. 6,1929 Zone authorities. Summit—Radio Station. Canal Zone. Subject, to civil jurisdiction of Canal E.O. 7399...... June 23.1936 1 F. R. 766. Zone authorities. E.O. 9171...... May 21,1942 7 F.R. 3842. E.O...... Dec. 6,1916 E.O. 4614...... Mar. 17,1927 Garfield County—Oil Shale Reserve___ Colorado., Homestead and other private claims___ E.O...... _*...... June 12,1919 E.O...... ; ...... Sept. 27.1924 E.O...... Jan. 9,1904 Guantanamo Bay—Naval Station. Cuba. E.O. 5281...... :.... Feb. 17.1930 E.O. 7800...... Jan. 27,1938 3 F.R. 223. E D . 7697...... Aug. 23.1937 2 F.R. 1443. Anacostia—Air Station___ ...... District of Columbia. E.O. 7215...... Oct. 26.1935 Washington—Navy Yard______.... District of Columbia. Proc. 1472..______Aug. 7,1918 40 Stat. 1820. E.O. 4060______Aug. 11.1924 Key West Islands—Reservation______Florida...... E.O. 808...... June 8,1908 Pensacola (Live Oak) Reservation_____ Florida______E.O...... Jan. 10,1838 Guam...... Guam______E.O. 108-A______Dec. 23,1898 Hanepepe (Kona, Kauai) Naval Reser­ Hawaii______E.O. 145 of Governor. Apr. 27, .1923 vation. Hilo—Radio Station______Hawaii.. E.O. 174 oí Governor- Dec. 13.1924 Honolulu—Reservation______HawaiL. Proc. 427...... Nov. 2,4898 30 Stat. 1786. Kure (Ocean) Island______Hawaii.. E.O. 7299...... Feb. 20.1936 Lahaina (Maui)—Reservation------HawaiL E.O. 146 of Governor- Apr. 27,1923 E.O. 382 of Governor. Jan. 21.1930 Lualualei—Ammunition Depot______Hawaii.. E.O. 388 of Governor. Feb. 12.1930 Radio Station____ -______E.O. 599 of Governor- Dec. 22,1933 Palmyra Island______Hawaii. Subject to civil jurisdiction of Hawaii E.O. 8616...... Dec. 19,1940 5 F.R. 5215. aùthorities. Pearl Harbor (Aiea) Reservation...... Hawaii. E.O. 5692. Aug. 24,1931 Pearl Harbor (Bishops Point) Reserva­ Hawaii- E.O. 5613. Apr. 28,1931 tion. Wahiawa District, Oahu Island, Radio Hawaii. E.O. 9362. July 21,1943 8 F.R. 10339. Station. /E.O. 79 of Governor-., Oct. 20,1920 Wailupe—Radio Station______Hawaii. \E.O. 603 of Governor. Jan. 24.1934 Great Lakes—Training Station...______Hlinois.. Proc. 1493. Nov. 4.1918 40 Stat. 1874. (E.O..8910. 89; Sept. 27.1941 6 F.R. 4963. Martin County and White River Land) Indiana. (E.O. 9160.,91( May 11.1942 7 F.R. 3541. Utilization Projects. J lE.O. 9273.92; Nov. 18.1942 7 F.R. 9629. M aryland...... Proc. 1514; Mar. 4.1919 40 Stat. 1935. Blackistone Island—Proving Ground... 40 Stat. 1820. White Plains Railroad Right-of-way___ Maryland_____ Proc. 1472. Aug. 7,1918 Massachusetts. E.O. 7138. Aug. 12.1935 Hingham—Ammunition Depot______1 F.R. 428. S qu antum—R e s e rv a tio n .______Massachusetts. E.O. 7377. May 20.1936 Boulder City Airport—Reservation____ Nevada______E.O. 8821. July 16,1941 6 F.R. 7529. E.O. 4531. Oct. 27,1926 Hawthorne—Ammunition Depot. Nevada___ ..... __ . . . . . Private land claims and mineral claims E.O. 5664. July 2,1931 I within reservation. E.O. 5828. Mar. 30,1932 E.O. 6958. Feb. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13261

§ 9.5 Executive orders, covering naval reservations— Continued

Documents aflecting Designation State or Territory Easement or other interest No. Date Citation

Cape May—Air Station------Proc. 1504...... Dec. % 1918 40 Stat. 1912. Lake Denmark—Ammunition Depot..t Proc. 1472...... Aug. 7,1918 40 Stat. 1820. Midway Islands—Reservation, ra...... — E.O. 199-A...... Jan. 20,1903 Wake Island—Reservation...... - E.O. 6935...... Dec. 29,1934 Fort Mifflin Ammunition Depot...... Proc. 1472...... Aug. 7,1918 40 Stat. 1820. Philadelphia Depot of Supplies...... Proc. 1472...... Aug. 7,1918 40 Stat. 1820. fE.0.1254...... Oct. 10,1910 Baguio—Reservation------June 19,1929 Canaco-Sangley P o in t- Reservation------Cape Bojesador...... -...... E.O. 5139...:...... June 19,1929 Romblon...... ——...... — San Fernando...... Baguio...... —...... ——...... Abuyog...... -...... — ...... Cuyo.—...... -...... June 19,1929 Cavite—Navy Yard...... -...... —- E. 0. 5139...... fE. 0 ...... June 19,1903 Cebu—Coal Depot...... -...... June 17,1910 /E. 0 . Nov. 26,1902 Olongapo—Naval Station------— Philippine Islands___ _ Feb. 13,1909 Culebra—Reservation...... --...... E. 0 ...... Dec. 17,1901 Proc. 1970...... Sept. 15,1931 47 Stat. 2482. San Geronimo—Reservation...... Feb. 11,1941 San Juan—Air Station------.... E .O . 8678...... 6 F. R. 935. Newport (Gould Island) Torpedo Sta­ Proc. 1472...... Aug. 7, If 18 40 Stat. 1820. tion...... -...... — Tutuila—Naval Station...... E. 0 ...... Feb. 19,1900 Proc. 1472...... Aug. 7,1918 40 Stat. 1820. Parris Island Marine Barracks...... Dec. 6,1916 Vernal—Oil Shale Reserve...... Utah /E. 0 ...... \E. 0 ...... Nov. 17,1924 June 10,1918 40 Stat. 1790. Dahlgren—Proving Ground...... Nov. 4,1918 40 Stat. 1885. (E. 0. 4671...... June 20,1927 Norfolk—Fuel D ep ot...... Sept. 12,1927 [E. 0. 4814...... Feb. 24,1928 Norfolk—Operating Base...—...... Proc. 1379...... June 28,1917 40 Stat. 1674. /E.O. 3179...... Nov. 25,1919 Quantico—Marine Corps Base...... Nov. 4,1918 40 Stat. 1874. Yorktown—Mine Depot; Fuel Oil /Proc. 1472...... Aug. 7,1918 40 Stat. 1820. Nov. 2,1918 Depot. 40 Stat. 1868. fE.O. 5602...... Apr. 20,1931 E.O. 7302...... »...... Feb. 21,1936 E.O. 7686...... Aug. 5,1937 2 F.R. 1374. St. Thomas—Naval Station. , E.O. 7790...... Jan. 12,1938 3 F.R. 82. E.O. 8103...... - ...... M ay 2,1939 4 F.R. 1771. E.O. 8201...... 5 ¿July 11,1939 4 F.R. 2955. E.O. 8643.______Jan. 21,1941 6 F.R. 581. - E.O. 8775...... June 10,1941 6 F.R. 2845. E.O. 2646...... June 17,1917 Ediz Hook Spit—Reservation...... {E.O. 6594...... Feb. 9,1934 E.O. 8498...... July 27, 1940 5 F. R. 2699. /E.O. 3296...... June 29,1920 Bremerton—Navy Y a rd ....------Washington...... Nov. 4,1918 40 Stat., 1874 Harbor Rocks—Reservation------E.O. 8072...... Mar. 21,1939 4 F.R. 1291. North Pacific Rock—Reservation. [E.O ...... Apr. 30,1915 Casper—Petroleum Reserve------■{E.O. 5904...... Aug. 18,1932 [E.O. 4614...... Mar. 17,1927

J a m e s F o r r e s t a l , Acting Secretary of the Navy.

[F. R. Doc. 43-15674; Filed, September 27, 1943; 9:42 a. m .]

TITLE 43—PUBLIC LANDS: INTERIOR ing the mining and mineral-leasing laws, machine gunnery, Aerial gunnery, or any and reserved for the use of the W ar De­ other type of gunnery. Chapter I—General Land Office partment for airport purposes: 2. Upon the termination of the use of Subchapter 2—Withdrawals, Restorations, Classifi­ the land for military purposes, the Fish M o u n t D ia b l o M e r id ia n cations and Executive Orders and Wildlife Service, Department of the T. 16 S., R. 56 E., sec. 8, lot 1. P art 298— P u b l ic L a n d O rders The area described contains 37.40 acres. Interior, in connection with the opera­ tion of the Desert Game Range, shall [P ublic Land Order 168] This order shall take precedence over, have the option of acquiring any build­ WITHDRAWAL OF PUBLIC LAND IN NEVADA FOR but shall not rescind or revoke, (1) the ings, structures, equipment, or other im­ USE OF THE WAR DEPARTMENT FOR AIR­ withdrawal for wildlife and other pur­ provements placed by the W ar Depart­ PORT PURPOSES poses made by Executive Order No. 7373 ment on the area, under a mutually sat­ of May 20, 1936, and (2) the order of By virtue of the authority vested in isfactory agreement to be made at that November 3, 1936, of the Secretary of time. the President and pursuant to Executive the Interior, establishing Nevada Graz­ The jurisdiction granted by this order Order No. 9337 of April 24, 1943, and to ing District No. 5, so far as such orders shall cease at the expiration of the six section 1 of the act of June 28, 1934, as affect the above-described land. months’ period following the termination amended, 48 Stat. 1269 (U.S.C., title 43, This order is subject to the following of the unlimited national emergency de­ sec. 315), It is ordered, As follows: conditions: clared by Proclamation No. 2487 of May Subject to valid existing rights, the I. The land described herein shall be 27,1941' (55 Stat. 1647). Thereupon, the following-described public land is hereby used by the W ar Department only in jurisdiction over the land hereby re­ withdrawn from all forms of appropria­ connection with an auxiliary landing served shall be vested in the Department tion under the public-land laws, includ­ field, and shall not be used for bombing, of the Interior, and any other Depart- 13262 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

ment or agency of the Federal Govern­ 11333, The Virginian Railway Company TITLE 50—WILDLIFE ment, according to their respective inter­ Tariff I.C.C. No. 2224, and any or all ests then of record. The land, however, other tariffs and amendments thereto or Chapter I—Fish and Wildlife Service shall remain withdrawn from appropri­ reissues thereof, providing rules, regula­ ation as herein provided until otherwise P art 23— S outhwestern R e g io n N atio n al tions, and charges governing diversion, ordered. W i l d l i f e R e f u g e s reconsignment, or holding for orders of A be F o r t a s, ADMINISTRATION OF WICHITA MOUNTAINS cars of fresh or green fruits and-vege­ Acting Secretary of the Interior. WILDLIFE REFUGE, OKLAHOMA tables, as described in said tariffs, is S e p t e m b e r 17, 1943. hereby suspended insofar as said tariffs Under ■ authority of section 10 of the [F. R. Doc. 43—15717; Filed, September 27, authorize or permit shipments of such Act of February 18, 1929 (45 Stat. 1222), and section 84 of the Act o f March À, 1943; 4:25 p. m.] commodities originating in the States of 1909, as amended by the Act of April 15 Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, 1924, 43 Stat. 98, It is hereby ordered: Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia § 23.967 Wichita Mountains Wildlife TITLE 49—TRANSPORTATION AND to be held at any point or points in any Refuge, Oklahoma— (a) General regu­ RAILROADS or all of such States or at'upper or lower lations. The general regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture, dated December Chapter I—Interstate Commerce Ohio River crossings, for diversion, re­ 2, 1936 (1 F.R. 2080), for the administra­ Commission consignment, or holding for orders as de­ tion of the'Wichita Mountains Wildlife fined in said tariffs, except as provided [Corrected Service Order 115, Amdt. 2] Refuge are hereby revoked. in (a) (2) below: (b) The Wichita Mountains Wildlife P art 95— C ar S er v ic e And by adding the following paragraph Refuge hereafter shall be administered under the provisions of the general Reg­ CARS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (a) (2) to § 95.306: ulations for the Administration of Na­ At a session of the Interstate Com­ (2) Shipments held for diversion, re­ tional Wildlife Refuges under the Juris­ merce Commission, Division 3, held at consignment or holding for orders as diction of the Fish and Wildlife Service its office in Washington, D. C., on the specified in paragraph (a) (1) next above approved by the Acting Secretary of 25th day of September, A. D. 1943. ahd reforwarded upon request of con­ the Interior under date of December 19, Upon further consideration of the pro­ signee, consignor or owner will be subject 1940 (5 F.R. 5284; 50 CFR 12). visions of Corrected Service Order No. to the following basis: (c) Fishing. Fish may be taken for 115 (8 F.R. 4266) of April 1, 1943, as noncommercial purposes from desig­ amended (8 F.R. 6480), and it appearing The full local or joint (not propor­ tional, reshipping or trans-shipping) nated reservoirs or lakes of the Wichita that the holding of cars of fresh or green Mountains Wildlife Refuge in accordance fruits or vegetables at .certain points in rate to the reforwarding point, plus the full local or joint (not proportional, re­ with the laws and regulations of the southeastern States, and Ohio River State of Oklahoma during such times, in crossings, for diversion, reconsignment, shipping or trans-shipping) rate from the reforwarding point in effect on the such numbers, and in such manner as the or orders is delaying unduly the use of Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service such cars; in the opinion of the Com­ date of shipment from point of origin, plus all other applicable charges pre­ may from time to time determine to be mission an emergency exists requiring appropriate, except that no live min­ immediate action to prevent congestion viously or subsequently accruing. (b) Each of such railroads or the nows, fish, or frogs may be captured by of traffic and shortage of equipment: It seining, netting, or otherwise in the is ordered, That: agents designated above shall publish, file, and post a supplement to each of its waters of the refuge for use as bait, and no person may have in his possession Section 95.306 Cars of fruits and tariffs affected hereby in substantial within the boundaries of the refuge any vegetables not to be held for diversion, accordance with the provisions of Rule seine or net that may be used in cap­ reconsignment, or orders, of Corrected 9 (k) of the Commission’s Tariff Circu­ turing such minnows or other live bait Service Order No. 115 (8 F.R. 4266) of lar No. 20 (§ 141.9 (k )) announcing the from said waters; and no person shall April 1, 1943, as amended (8 F.R. 6480) suspension of any of the provisions have in his possession on the refuge or be amended by designating, paragraph therein and making effective the pro­ use any live carp minnows for bait in (a) as paragraph (a) (1), also by visions of the above paragraph (a) (2). amending said paragraph to read as fol­ fishing in the waters of the refuge. lows: (40 Stat. 101, Sec. 402, 41 Stsit. 476, Sec. O scar L . C h a p m a n , 4, 54 Stat. 901; 49 U.S.C. 1 (10)-(17)) Assistant Secretary of the Interior. § 95.306 Cars of fruits and vegetables not to be held for diversion, reconsign­ It is further ordered, That this order S e p t e m b e r 20, 1943. ment, or orders. (a) (1) The operation of shall become effective at 12:01 a. m. Oc­ tober 1, 1943; that copies of this order [F. R.^Doc. 43-15716; Filed, September 27, Agent R. H. Hoke’s Tariff I.C.C. No. 660, 1943; 4:25 p. m.] and direction shall be served upon the Agent B. H. Henshall’s Tariff I.C.C. No. above-named railroads and agents and 24, Central of Georgia Railway Company, upon the Association of American Rail­ . M. P. Callaway, Trustee, Tariff I.C.C. No. roads, Car Service Division, as agent of Notices 3099, The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway the railroads subscribing to the car ser­ Company Tariff I.C.C. No. 12752, Illinois vice and per diem agreement under the Central Railroad Company Tariff I.C.C. terms of that agreement; and that notice FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COM­ No. A-11390, Norfolk and Western Rail­ of this order shall be given to the general MISSION. way Company Tariff I.C.C. No. 9123, The public by depositing a copy in the office [Docket No. 6550] Pennsylvania Railroad Company Tariff of the Secretary of the Commission at I.C.C. No. 2391, Piedmont and Northern Washington, D. C., and by filing it with M u n ic i p a l P o l ic e , O r l a n d o , F l a . Railway Company Tariff I.C.C. No. 228, the Director, Division of the Federal Reg­ (WPHM)

Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac ister. , NOTICE o f h e a r in g Railroad Company Tariff I.C.C. No. 1614, By the Commission, Division 3. In re application of City of Orlando, Southern Railway Company Tariff I.C.C. [ s e a l ] W. P. B a r t e l , Florida (WPHM); Date filed, May 21, No. A-10944, St. Louis-San Francisco Secretary. 1943; For construction permit for three Railway Company ( J. M. Kurn and Frank [F. R. Doc. 43-15711; Filed, September 27, additional portable-mobile units; class A. Thompson, Trustees) Tariff I.C.C. No. 1943; 11:34 a. m .] of service, Emergency; class of station, FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13263

Municipal Police; location, Orlando, roads, Car Service Division, as agent of ana; also for the Southern Pacific Company, Florida; operating assignment specified: the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ the Union Pacific Railroad Company, or the Frequency, 33,500 kc; Power, 15 watts— ice and per diem agreement under the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company (Guy A. Thompson, Trustee) to retop Ice at Kansas emission A-3; Hours of Operation Un­ terms of that agreement; and notice of City, Kansas-Missouri, PFE 94412 containing limited. this permit shall be given to the general lettuce shipped by Mill Packing Company, You are hereby notified that the Com­ public by depositing a copy in the office Salinas, California, consigned to Potomac mission has examined the, above- of the Secretary of the Commission at Yards Distributing Point, Alexandria, Vir­ described application and has designated Washington, D. C., and by filing it with ginia, in error, and ordered diverted to Quar­ the matter for hearing for the following the Director, Division of the Federal termaster Corps Assembly and Distributing reasons: Register. Point, Alexandria, Louisiana; also for the 1. To determine whether or not opera­ Issued at Washington, D. C., this 9th Southern Pacific Company (the Texas and New Orleans Railroad Company) to accord tion of the proposed station would serve day of August 1943. one additional retop icing in transit to PFE an essential military need or a vital pub­ H o m e r C. K i n g , 31412 containing carrots from Elbert D. Ball, lic need which cannot otherwise be met. Director, Bureau of Service. Ontario, California, ordered to Los Angeles, 2. To determine whether, in the light California, and diverted to Leon G. Tujague, [F. R. Doc. 43-15703; Filed, September 27, New Orleans, Louisiana. of evidence adduced on the foregoing is­ 1943; 11:02 a. m .] sue, public interest, convenience, or ne­ The waybills shall show reference to this cessity would be served by granting the special permit. application. A copy of this permit has been served The application involved herein will [Special Permit 81 Under Service Order 133] upon the Association of American Rail­ not be granted by the Commission un­ roads, Car Service Division, as agent of C o m m o n C ar r ier s b y R a ilr o a d less the issues listed above are deter­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ mined in favor of the applicant on the ic i n g o r r e ic in g o f v e g e t a b l e s ice and per diem agreement under the basis of a record duly and properly made terms of that agreement; and notice of by means of a formal hearing. Pursuant to the authority vested in me this permit shall be given to the general The applicant is hereby given the op­ by paragraph (b) of the first ordering public by depositing a copy in the office portunity to obtain a hearing on such paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of of the Secretary of the Commission at issues by filing a written appearance in Service Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, Washington, D. C., and by filing it with accordance with the provisions of § 1.382 as amended (8 F.R. 9728-29, 10941-42, the Director, Division of the Federal (b) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice 11389, 12100, 12350), permission is Register. and Procedure. Persons other than the granted for: • Issued at Washington, D. C., this 23d applicant who desire to be heard must The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail­ day of August 1943. file a petition to intervene in accordance way Company, The Texas and Pacific Rail­ with the provisions of § 1.102 of the Com­ way Company, the Louisville and Nashville H o m e r C. K i n g , mission’s Rules of Practice and Proce­ Railroad Company, or the Seaboard Air Line Director, Bureau of Service. Railway Company (L. R. Powell, Jr., and dure. [F. R. Doc. 43-15704; Filed, September 27, Henry W. Anderson, Receivers) to retop ice, The applicant’s address is as follows: 1943; 11:02 a. m .] City of Orlando, Florida, Attention: J. C. but not to exceed 15,000 pounds, at Fort Worth, Texas, SFRD 25158 containing celery Stone, Chief of Police, Orlando, Florida. from William S. Wright, Los Angeles, Cali­ Dated at Washington, D. C., September fornia, consigned to Sales Officer, Cam p Com ­ 25,1943. missary, Army Aviation Flying Training [Special Permit 89 Under Service Order 133] By the Commission. Camp, Miami, Florida; also for The Atchi­ M is s o u r i P a c if ic R a il r o a d C o . [ s e a l ] T. J. S l o w i e , - son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, the Secretary. i c i n g or r e ic in g o f v e g e t a b l e s Missouri Pacific Railroad Company (Guy A. [F. R. Doc. 43-15763; Filed, September 28, Thompson, Trustee), The Nashville, Chatta­ Pursuant to the authority vested in me 1943; 9:56 a. m .] nooga & St. Louis Railway, the Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company operated as the by paragraph (b) of the first ordering Georgia Railroad by lessees: Atlantic Coast paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of Line Railroad Company, Louisville and Nash­ Service Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, ville Railroad Company, or the Atlantic Coast as amended (8 F.R. 9728-29, 10941-42, INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMIS­ Line Railroad Company to retop ice, but not SION. to exceed 15,000 pounds, at Fort Worth, 11389, 12100, 12350), permission is Texas, SFRD 21556 containing celery from granted for: [Special Permit 80 Under Service Order 133] William S. Wright, Los Angeles, California, The Missouri Pacific Railroad Company consigned to Supply Officer in Command, (Guy A. Thompson, Trustee) to top ice ART S o u t h e r n P a c if ic C o . Camp Davis, Holly Ridge, North Carolina; 22800 containing peas and beans, but not ic in g or r e ic in g o f v e g e t a b l e s also for The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, The Texas and Pacific in excess of 4,000 pounds of ice, from Tw in Pursuant to the authority vested in me Railway Company, The Yazoo and Mississippi Mountain Produce Company, Monte Vista, by paragraph (b) of the first ordering Valley Railroad Company, or the Southern Colorado, consigned to United Fruit and paragraph (§ 95.313,8 F.R. 8554) of Serv­ Railway Company to retop ice, but not to Produce Company, St. Louis, Missouri. exceed 15,000 pounds, at Fort Worth, Texas, ice Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, as The waybill shall show reference to this SFRD 33158 containing celery from William special permit. amended (8 F.R. 9728-29,10941-42,11389, ' S. Wright, Los Angeles, California, consigned 12100, 12350), permission is granted for: to Accountable Officer, Assembly and D is­ A copy of this' permit has been served tribution Point, United States Army, Colum­ The Southern Pacific Company to retop ice, upon the Association of American Rail­ bus, Georgia; also for the Southern Pacific but not to exceed 15,000 pounds, WEX 65325 roads, Car Service Division, as agent of Company (the Texas and New Orleans Rail­ containing carrots from Elbert D. Ball,' On­ road Company), or the Illinois Central Rail­ the railroads subscribing to the car service tario, California, consigned to Fort W orth, road Company to retop ice, but not to exceed and per diem agreement under the terms Texas. • •’ . 20,000 pounds, at San Antonio, Texas, PFE of that agreement; and notice of this The waybill shall show reference to this 15913 containing lettuce from Ralph E. permit shall be given to the general special permit. Myers Company, Salinas, California, con­ signed to Quarterm aster Supply Officer, public by depositing a copy in the office A copy of this permit has been served Quartermaster Market Center, Assembly of the Secretary of the Commission at upon the Association of American Rail­ and Distributing Point, New Orleans, Louisi­ Washington, D. C., and by filing it with 13264 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 the Director, Division of the Federal Reg­ [Speolal Permit 26 Under Service Order 126] Major Distributors, Salinas, California, con­ ister, The National Archives. signed to L. Friedlander, Cincinnati, Ohio. L o n g I s l a n d R a i l R o ad C o . Issued at Washington, D. C., this 31st To retop ice at El Paso, Texas, PFE 60249 day of August 1943. ICING OR REICING OF VEGETABLES containing carrots from L. Terven, Salinas, California, consigned to Quartermaster, Ma­ H o m e r C . K i n g , Pursuant to the authority vested in me rine Corps, New Orleans, Louisiana. Director, Bureau of Service. by paragraph (b) of the first ordering To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, SFRD 3005 containing lettuco from S. V. V. X., Sa­ [F . E . Doc. 43-15705; Filed, September 27, paragraph (§ 95.308, 8 F.R. 7285) of serv­ linas, California, consigned to Zimmerman 1943; 11:02 a. m .] ice Order No. 126 of May 29, 1943, as amended (8 F.R. 7728, 8082, 9033, 11089), Brothers, Chicago, Illinois. To retop ice at Council Bluffs, Iowa, P f e permission is granted for: 94756 containing lettuce from S. V. V. X., [Special Permit 92 Under Service Order 133] The Long Island Bail Boad Company to Salinas, California, consigned to Tassini and accept for transportation and move 10 re­ Salisch, New York,. New York. M is s o u r i P a c i f ip R a ilr o a d C o . frigerator cars containing potatoes shipped To retop 'ice at Laramie, Wyoming, and by I. M. Young and Company from the River- Chicago, Illinois, PFE 34932 containing lettuce ICING OR REICING OF VEGETABLES head, Long Island, area; also 10 refrigerator from S. V. V. X., Salinas, California, con­ Pursuant to the authority vested in me cars containing potatoes shipped by the H. A. signed to H. Franzblau, Detroit, Michigan. by paragraph (b) of the first ordering Pollack Company from the Hicksville, Long To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, p f e paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of Serv­ Island, area; also 5 refrigerator cars contain­ 93466 containing lettuce from S. V. V. X., ing potatoes shipped by the Meyer Heller Salinas, California, consigned to Shoenburg ice Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, as Company, (Patchogue, New York) from the Price Company, Chicago, Illinois. amended (8 F.R. 9728-29,10941-42,11389, Hicksville, Long Island, area. All cars are To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, and Chi­ 12100, 12350), permission is granted for: consigned to the Accountable Officer, QMMC, cago, Illinois, PFE 95856 containing lettuce The Missouri Pacific Bailroad Company New Orleans, Louisiana. The Pennsylvania from Atlantic Commission, Salinas, Califor­ (Guy A. Thompson, Trustee) to accord one Bailroad Company to initially ice with no nia, consigned to G reat Atlantic and Pacific top icing to NBC 4012 containing lettuce from more than enough ice to bring the bunkers Tea Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. S. A. Gerrard, Guadalupe, California, con­ to % capacity at Potomac Yards, Virginia. To retop ice at Laramie Wyoming, and Chi­ signed to Budin Distributing Company, St. And for the Southern Railway Company to cago, Illinois, URTX 95540 containing lettuce Louis, Missouri; PFE 90241 containing lettuce reice with no more than enough ice to bring from S. V. V. X., Salinas, California, consigned from Mountain Produce Company, Gransley, the bunkers to % capacity at Atlanta, to F. F. Schafer, Buffalo, New York. Colorado, consigned to United Fruit and Pro­ Georgia. To Tetop ice at El Paso, Texas, ART 17633 duce Company, St. Louis, Missouri; ABT 15643 The waybills shall show reference to this containing lettuce from S. V. V. X., Salinas, containing cauliflower and broccoli from T. E. special permit. California, consigned to Merchants Produce, Dallas, Texas. Cook Produce Company, Canon City, Colo­ A copy of this permit has been served To retop ice at Council Bluffs, Iowa1, PFE rado, consigned to Budin Distributing Com­ upon the Association of American Rail­ pany, St. Louis, Missouri; ABT 19043 contain­ 73628 containing lettuce from S. V. V. X„ ing cauliflower from George Buss and Com­ roads, Car Service Division, as agent of Salinas, California, consigned to W. A. Soper pany, Alamosa, Colorado, consigned to L. the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ Company, Flint, Michigan. Gillarde, St. Louis, Missouri; ABT 17975. con­ ice and per diem agreement under the To retop ice at Council Bluffs, Iowa, PFE taining cauliflower from William L. Thomp­ terms of that agreement; and notice of 27447 containing lettuce from S. V. V. X., son Company, San Acacio, Colorado, con­ this permit shall be given to the general Salinas, California, consigned to American signed to L. Gillarde Company, St. Louis, Mis­ public by depositing a copy in the office Stores, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. souri; ABT 21958 containing cauliflower from of the Secretary of the Commission at To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE Atlantic Commission Company, San Acacio, 52271 containing lettuce from S. V. V. X., Colorado, consigned to United Fruit and Pro­ Washington, D. C., and by filing it with Salinas, California, consigned to H. Jacobsofl, duce Company, St. Louis, Missouri; ABT 21200 the Director, Division of the Federal Chicago, Illinois. containing cauliflower from William L. Register. To retop ice at Council Bluffs, Iowa, PFE Thompson Company, McClintock, Colorado, Issued at Washington, D. C., this 23d 35087 containing, lettuce from S. V. V. X., consigned to United Fruit and Produce Com­ day of September 1943. Salinas, California, consigned to American pany, St. Louis, Missouri; and ABT 21070 Stores, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. H o m e r K i n g , containing green peas from William L. C. To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE Thompson Company, La Jara, Colorado, con­ Director, Bureau of Service. 23225 containing lettuce from S. V. V. X., signed to United Fruit and Produce Company, Salinas, California, consigned to Justman and [F. R. Doc. 43-15768; Filed, September 28, Chicago, Illinois; also for the Chicago, Bur­ Company, New York, New York. 1943; 11:04 a .m .] lington & Quincy Bailroad Company to accord To retop ice. at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE one top icing to ABT 22006 containing cauli­ 24039 containing lettuce from Farley Fruit flower from Bocky Mountain Produce Com­ Company, Salinas, California, consigned to J. pany, Antonito, Colorado, consigned to Wesco Robinson Fruit Company, Omaha, Nebraska. [Special Permit 78 Under Service Order 133] Foods Company, St. Louis, Missouri. To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE The waybills shall show reference to this 40543 containing lettuce from Farley Fruit C o m m o n C a r r ie r s b y R ailr o a d special permit. Company, Salinas, California, consigned to ICING OR REICING OF VEGETABLES W. A. White Brokerage, Minneapolis, Minne­ A copy of this permit has been served sota. upon the Association of American Rail­ Pursuant to the authority vested in To retop ice at Kansas City, Kansas-Mis- roads, Car Service Division, as agent of me by paragraph (b) of the first order­ souri, PFE 91940 containing lettuce from R. the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ ing paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of E. Myers, Salinas, California, consigned to ice and per diem agreement under the Service Order No. 133, of June 19,1943, as R. E. Myers, Chicago, Illinois. terms of that agreement; and notice of amended (8 F.R. 9728-29,10941-42,11389, To re top ice at Laramie, Wyoming, MDT this permit shall be given to the general 12100, 12350), permission is granted for 18717 containing lettuce from B. E. Myers, Salinas, California, consigned to G. E. Coe public by depositing a copy in the office any common carrier by railroad subject to the Interstate Commerce Act: and Company, Springfield, Illinois. of the Secretary of the Commission at To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, MDT Washington, D. C., and by filing it with To retop ice at Council Bluffs, Iowa, PEE 4052 containing carrots from B. E. Myers, the Director, Division of the Federal 62159 containing lettuce from B. E. Myers, Salinas, California, consigned to Schoenburg Register, The National Archives. Salinas, California, consigned to Tassinl and Price Company, Chicago, Illinois. Issued at Washington, D. C., this 7th Salisch, New York, New York. To retop ice at Kansas City, Kansas-Mis- To retop ice at Denver, Colorado, and East souri, PFE 90434 containing lettuce from R. day of September 1943. Peoria, Illinois, PFE 33931 containing lettuce E. Myers, Salinas, California, consigned to H o m e r C . K in g , from Farley Fruit Company, Salinas, Cal­ Battistini Brothers, Chicago, Illinois. Director, Bureau of Service. ifornia, consigned to Angelo Fruit Company, To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE Boston, Massachusetts. 71686 containing lettuce from V. Edmonds, [F. R. Doc. 43-15706; Filed, ‘September 27, To retop ice at Kansas City, Kansas-Mis- Salinas, California, consigned to Sales Officer, 1943; 11:02 a. m ,] souri, PFE 90280 containing carrots from Smolan, Kansas. 1 3 2 6 5FEDERAL Wednesday, REGISTER, September 29, 1943 13265FEDERAL

To retop ice at Laramie, W yom ing, PFE Company, Guadalupe, California, consigned the railroads subscribing to the car 98414 containing carrots from Holmes and to Sidney Myers, Houston, Texas. service and per diem agreement under S e ife r t, Salinas, California, consigned to Just- To retop ice at El Paso, Texas, PFE 92195 the terms of that agreement; and notice containing lettuce from Rosemary Pack­ mas Company, New York, New York. of this permit shall be given to the gen­ To retop ice at Council Bluffs, Iowa, PFE ing Company, Santa Maria, California, con­ 32381 containing carrots from Major Distrib­ signed to Rosemary Packing Company, El eral public by depositing a copy in the utors, Salinas, California, consigned to Car­ Paso, Texas. office of the Secretary of the Commis­ bone Brothers, New York, New York. To retop ice at Fort Worth, Texas, PFE sion at Washington, D. C., and by filing To retop ice at Kansas City, Kansas-Mis- 26056 containing lettuce from Williams it with the Director, Division of the Fed­ souri, PFE 76393, containing carrots from M a­ Farms, Lompoc, California, consigned to Froe- eral Register. jor Distributors, Salinas, California, consigned ber Produce Company, Winston-Salem, North Issued at Washington, D. C., this 4th to L. Albertson Company, Boston, Massa­ Carolina. day of September 1943. chusetts. To retop ice at San Antonio, Texas, PFE To retop ice at Pueblo, Colorado, M D T 95465 containing lettuce from Williams H o m e r C. K i n g , 18471 containing lettuce from California Farms, Lompoc, California, consigned to ■Director, Bureau of Service. Farm Producers, Salinas, California, con­ Green and Milan, Atlanta, Georgia. signed to Lam antia Brothers and Arrigo To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE [F. R. Doc. 43-15770; Filed, September 28, Brothers, both at Chicago, Illinois. 44721 containing lettuce from California Veg­ 1943; 11:04 a. m .] To retop ice at Laramie, Wyom ing, and etable Growers, Guadalupe, California, con­ Kansas City, Kansas-Missouri, SP 24144 con­ signed to East West Produce Company, Okla­ taining lettuce from Atlantic Commision, homa City, Oklahoma. Eaton, California, consigned to Atlantic Com­ The waybills shall show reference to this [Special Permit 94 Under Service Order 133] mission, Detroit, Michigan. special permit. C o m m o n C ar r ier s b y R a ilr o a d To retop ice at Kansas City, Kansas-M is­ A copy of this permit has been served souri, PFE 76260 containing lettuce from ICING OR REICING OF VEGETABLES Eaton Company, Eaton, California, consigned upon the Association of American Rail­ to QMC Market Center, Columbus, Georgia. roads, Car Service Division, as agent of Pursuant to the authority vested in me To retop ice at Kansas City, Kansas-M is­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ by paragraph (b) of the first ordering souri, PFE 43891 containing lettuce from ice and per diem agreement under the paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of Serv­ Sears Brothers, Watsonville Junction, Cali­ terms of that agreement; and notice of ice Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, as fornia, consigned to C. Heitmiller, W ash ­ this permit shall be given to the general amended (8 F.R. 9728-29,10941-42,11389, ington, D. C. public by depositing a copy in the office To retop ice at Blue Island, Illinois, PFE 12100, 12350), permission is granted for 17551 containing lettuce from Sears Brothers, of the Secretary of the Commission at any common carrier by railroad subject Watsonville Junction, California, consigned Washington, D. C., and by filing it with to the Interstate Commerce Act: to Eichenbaum, New York, New York. the Director, Division of the Federal Reg­ To top ice, b u t not to exceed two tons of To retop ice at Blue Island, Illinois, PFE ister. top ice, ART 19043 containing cauliflower 90413 containing lettuce from Sears Brothers, Issued at Washington, D. C., this 5th consigned to United Fruit and Produce Com­ Watsonville Junction, California, consigned day of August 1943. pany, St. Louis, Missouri, from George Russo to Gentile Brothers, Cincinnati, Ohio. and Company, Alamosa, Colorado. To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, ^and H o m e r C. K i n g , Director, Bureau of Service. The waybill shall show reference to this Chicago, Illinois, N A D X 12887 containing let­ special permit. tuce from Atlantic Commission, Watsonville [F . R. Doc. 43-15769; Filed, September 28, Junction, California, consigned to G reat A t­ A copy of this permit has been served 1943; 11:04 a. m .] lantic and Pacific Tea Company, Somerville. upon the Association of American Rail­ To retop ice at Kansas City, K ansas-M is­ roads, Car Service Division, as agent of souri, and Memphis M D T 4047 containing the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ carrots from Pacific Coast Fruit Distributors, ice and per diem agreement under the Tranquility, California, consigned to Pacific [Special Permit 93 Under Service Order 133] Coast Fruit Distributors, Chicago, Illinois. terms of that agreement; and notice of T h e A t c h i s o n , T o p e k a a n d S a n t a F e To i;etop ice at Laramie, W yom ing, _ and this permit shall be given to the general Council Bluffs, Iowa, PFE 75759 containing R a i l w a y C o ., e t a l public by depositing a copy in the office of lettuce from A. Arean, Salinas, California, ICING OR REICING OF VEGETABLES the Secretary of the Commission at consigned to G rand U nion Company, R uther­ Washington, D. C., and by filing it with ford, New Jersey. Pursuant to the authority vested in the Director, Division of the Federal To retop ice at Laramie, Wyoming, PFE me by paragraph (b) of the first order­ Register. 23869 containing lettuce from Sears Brothers, ing paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of Watsonville Junction, California, consigned Issued at Washington, D. C., this 8th to Wesco Foods, Cleveland, Ohio. Service Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, day of September 1943. To retop ice at El Paso, Texas, PFE 93186 as amended (8 F.R. 9728-29, 10941-42, H o m e r C. K i n g , containing lettuce from H. E. Tabb, Oceano, 11389, 12100, 12350), permission is Director, Bureau of Service. California, consigned to Sales Officer, Camp granted for: Mafey. [F. R. Doc. 43-15771; Filed, September 28, To retop ice at El Paso, Texas, PFE 36488 The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail­ 1943; 11:04 a. m .] containing lettuce from California Vegetable way Company, The Texas and Pacific Rail­ Growers, Guadalupe, California, consigned to way Company, or The Kansas City Southern Guggenhime and Goldsmith, San Antonio, Railway Company to retop ice at Fort Worth, Texas. Texas, but not to exceed 5,000 pounds, PFE [Special Permit 95 Under Service Order 133] To re|op ice at Forth W orth, Texas, PFE 61304 containing celery from Associated 42131 containing lettuce from California Fruit Distributors, consigned to Camp Polk, C o m m o n C ar r ie r b y R a il r o a d Vegetable Growers, Guadalupe, California, Leesville, Louisiana; also for the Southern consigned to Exchange D istributing Com ­ Pacific Company, The Texas and Pacific Rail­ ICING AND REICING OF VEGETABLES way Company, or the Illinois Central Rail­ pany, Birmingham, Alabam a. Pursuant to the authority vested in To retop ice at Forth Worth, Texas, PFE road Company to retop ice at Fort Worth, Texas, but not to exceed 15,000 pounds, PFE me by paragraph (b) of the first order­ 90586 containing lettuce from California 31746 containing celery from G. B. Jackson, ing paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of Vegetable Growers, Guadalupe, California, Home Junction, California, consigned to Service Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, consigned to Louis Darringa Brokerage, B ir­ Sales Officer, Field Commissary, Cam p H ara- as amended (8 F.R. 9728-29; 8 F.R. mingham, Alabama. han, Louisiana. 10941-42; 8 F.R. 11389; 8 F.R. 12100; 8 To retop ice at El Paso, Texas, PFE 75467 The waybills shall show reference to this FJR. 12350), permisison is granted for containing lettuce from California Vegetable special permit. Growers, Guadalupe, California, consigned to any common carrier by railroad subject Sales Officer, Camp Swift. A copy of this permit has been served to the Interstate Commerce Act: To retop ice at El Paso, Texas, PFE 50974 upon the Association of American Rail­ To retop ice, but not to exceed 15,000 containing lettuce from Bonita Packing roads, Car Service Division, as agent of pounds, at Belen, New Mexico, and Peoria, No. 193------7 13266 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

Illinois, SFRD 32873 containing celery from [Special Permit 4 Under Service Order 147, consigned United States Army, Columbus Associated Fruit Distributors, Los Angeles, Arndt. 6] Georgia. California, consigned to Accountable Officer, To reice to full bunker capacity PFE 74690 Assembly and Distribution Point, Quarter­ C o m m o n C a r r ie r s b y R a ilr o a d containing pears consigned United States master Market Center, Union Terminal Cold Army, Camp Stewart, Georgia. ICING OR REICING OF FRUITS Storage, Jersey City, New Jersey. The waybills shall show reference to this T o retop ice, b u t not to exceed 20,000 Pursuant to the authority vested in special permit. pounds, at Kansas City, Kansas -Missouri, me by paragraph' (f) of the first order­ A copy of this permit has been served PFE 36706 containing lettuce from Icekist ing paragraph-^ § 95.317, 8 F.R. 11390) upon the Association of American Rail­ Packing Company, Salinas, California, con­ of Service Order No. 147 of August 13, signed to Accountable Officer, Quartermaster roads, Car Service Division, as agent of 1943, as amended (8 F.R. 12518), per­ Market Center and Distributing Point, Alex­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ mission is granted for any common car­ andria, Louisiana. ice and per diem agreement under the rier by railroad subject to the Interstate terms of that agreement; and notice of The waybills shall show reference to Commerce Act: this special permit. this permit shall be given to the general To disregard entirely the provisions of public by depositing a copy in the office A copy of this permit has been served paragraphs (a) and (b) of § 95.317 insofar upon the Association of American Rail­ of the Secretary of the Commission at as they apply to refrigerator cars loaded Washington, D. C., and by filing it with roads, Car Service Division, as agent of with fresh or green fruits, melons, or vege­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ tables originating at any point or points in the Director, Division of the Federal ice and per diem agreement under the Arizona, or California, waybilled on or after Register. terms of that agreement; and notice of September 1, 1943, or from Utah, waybilled Issued at Washington, D. C., this 30th this permit shall be given to the general on or after September 10, 1943, or from New day of August 1943. Mexico, waybilled -on or after September 22, H o m e r C. K in g , public by depositing a copy in the office 1943. of the Secretary of the Commission at Director, Bureau of Service. the Commission at Washington, D. C., A copy of this permit has been served [F. R. Doc. 43-15766; Filed, September 28, and by filing it with the Director, Division upon the Association of American Rail­ 1943; 11:04 a. m .] of the Federal Register, roads, Car Service Division, as agent of Issued at Washington, D. C. this 8th the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ day of September, 1943, ice and per diem agreement under the H o m e r C . K i n g , terms of that agreement; and notice of [Special Permit 13 Under Service Order 147] Director, Bureau of Service. this permit shall be given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office C o m m o n C a r r ie r s b y R ailroad [F. R. Doc. 43-15772; Filed, September 28, of the Secretary of the Commission, at ICING OR REICING OF FRUITS 1943; 11:04 a. m .] Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal Pursuant to the authority vested in me Register. by paragraph (f) of the first ordering Issued at Washington, D. C., this 22d [Special Permit 104 Under Service Order 133] paragraph (§ 95.317, 8 F.R. 11390) of day of September 1943. Service Order No. 147 of August 13, 1943, C o m m o n C ar r ier s b y R a ilr o a d H o m e r C . K i n g , as amended (8 F.R. 12518), permission is granted for any common carrier by rail­ ICING AND REICING OF VEGETABLES Director, Bureau of Service. road Subject to the Interstate Commerce Pursuant to the aifthority vested in [F. R. Doc. 43-15765; Filed, September 28, Act: me by paragraph (b) of the first order­ 1943; 11:04 a. m .] To reice to full bunker capacity PFE 43450 ing paragraph (§ 95.313, 8 F.R. 8554) of containing pears from Placerville, California, Service Order No. 133, of June 19, 1943, consigned Sales Officer, United States Army, as amended (8 F.R. 9728-29 ; 8 F.R. 10941- [Special Permit 11 Under Service Order 147] Camp Gordon, Georgia. 42; 8 F.R. 11389; 8 F E . 12100; 8 F.R. To reice to full bunker capacity PFE 44207 12350), permission is granted for any C o m m o n C a r r ie r s b y R a ilr o a d containing pears from Colfax, California,’ con­ signed Sales Officer, United States Army, Fort common carrier by railroad subject to ICING OR REICING'OF FRUITS the Interstate Commerce Act: Bragg, North Carolina. To reice to fu ll bunker capacity SFRD To accord one full bunker reicing to MDT Pursuant to the authority vested in 38062 containing grapes from Sanger, Cali­ 18369 containing lettuce from H. P. Garrin me by paragraph (f) of the first order­ fornia, consigned Commissary Officer, United Company, Hollister, California, and, if neces­ ing paragraph (§ 95.317, 8 F.R. 11390) of States Army, Fort McClellan, Alabama. sary, to retop ice at Laramie, Wyom ing. Service Order No. 147 of August 13, 1943, The waybills shall show reference to this The waybill shall show reference to this as amended (8 F.R. 12518), permission is special permit. special permit. granted for any common carrier by A copy of this permit has been served A copy of this permit has been served railroad subject to the Interstate Com­ upon the Association of American Rail­ merce Act: upon the Association of American Rail­ roads, Car Service Division, as agent of roads, Car Service Division, as agent of To reice to full bunker.capacity PFE 92391 the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ the railroads subscribing to the car serv­ containing pears from Colfax, California, con­ ice and per diem agreement under the ice and per diem agreement under the signed United States Army, Fort Bragg, terms of that agreement; and notice of North Carolina. terms of that agreement; and notice of this permit shall be given to the general To reice to full bunker capacity ART 17715 this permit shall be given to the general public by depositing a copy in the office containing pears from Placerville, California, public by depositing a copy in the office of consigned United States Army, Columbus, the Secretary of the Commission at of the Secretary of the Commission at Georgia. Washington, D. C., and-by filing it with To reice to full bunker capacity ART 21534 Washington, D. C., and by filing it with the Director, Division of the Federal containing pears from Placerville, California, the Director, Division of the Federal Register. consigned United States Army, Camp Forest, Register. Issued at Washington, D. C., this 20th Tennessee. Issued at Washington, D. C., this 31st day of September 1943. To reice to full bunker capacity PFE 95236 day of August 1943. and MDT 19886 containing pears from Placer­ H o m e r C . K i n g , H o m e r C. K in g , Director, Bureau of Service. ville, California, consigned United States Director, Bureau of Service. Army, Tampa, Florida. [F. R. Doc. 43-15773; Filed, September 28, To reice to full bunker capacity PFE 15644 [F. R. Doc. 43-15767; Filed, September 28, 1943; 11:04 a. m .] containing pears from Colfax, California, 1943; 11:04 a.m .] FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13267

OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUS­ and other rights of record held by or for therein by, nationals of a foreign country (G e rm a n y ); TODIAN. persons who are not nationals of desig­ nated enemy countries, to be held, used, And having made all determinations and taken all action required by law, Including [Vesting Order 1978] administered, liquidated, sold or other­ appropriate consultation and certification, wise dealt with in the interest, and for M a r t h a R addatz and deeming it necessary in the national in­ the benefit, of the United States. terest, Under the authority of the Trading Such property and any or all of the with the Enemy Act, as amended, and proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ Hereby vests in the Alien Property Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, propriate account, or accounts, pending Custodian the property described above, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, further determination of the Alien Prop­ to be held, used, administered, liquidated, after investigation, finding: erty Custodian. This order shall not be sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ terest and for the benefit of the United 1. That the last known address of Martha deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property Custodian to return such prop­ States. R a d d a tz is Marion Strasse 33, Kolberg, Pom- Such property and any or all of the mern, Germany, and that she is a resident erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ of Germany and a national of a designated in part, nor shall this order be deemed enemy country (G erm an y); to indicate that compensation will not propriate account or accounts, pending 2. That Martha Raddatz is the owner of the be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it further determination of the Alien Prop­ p rop erty described in subparagraph 3 hereof; should be determined to take any one or erty Custodian. This order shall not be 3. That the property described as follows: deemed to limit the power of the Alien a. The undivided one-fourth interest, all of such actions. Any person, except a national of a des­ Property Custodian to return such prop­ identified as the interest which was distrib­ erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or uted to M artha Raddatz in the Matter of the ignated enemy country, asserting any in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate Estate of Ernestine Luedke Bueermann, de­ claim arising as a result of this order ceased, in and to each and all of the follow­ may, within one year from the date that compensation will not be paid in ing parcels of real property, together with hereof, or within such further time as lieu thereof, if and when it should be de­ all hereditaments, fixtures, improvements may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ termined to take any one or all of such and appurtenances thereto, and any and all erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice actions. claims for rents, refunds, benefits or other of claim, together with a request for a Any person except a national of a des­ payments arising from the ownership of such ignated enemy country, asserting any interest, hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ (i) That certain real property situated in tained shall be deemed to constitute an claim arising as a result of this order Multnomah County, Oregon, particularly de­ admission of the existence, validity or may, within one year from the date scribed as Lots 2 and 3, Block 9, Central addi­ right to allowance of any such claim. hereof, or within such further time as tion to Portland, in the City of Portland, The terms “national” and “designated may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ Oregon, enemy country” as used herein shall have (ii) That certain real property situated in erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice Multnomah County, Oregon, particularly de­ the meanings prescribed in section 10 of of claim, together with a request for a scribed as Lot 6, Block 28, Rossmere Addition, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ to Portland, in the City of Portland, Oregon, Executed at Washington, D. C., on tained shall be deemed to constitute an (iii) That certain real property situated in August 10, 1943. admission of the existence, validity or Multnomah County, Oregon, particularly de­ [ s e a l ] t L e o T . C r o w l e y , right to allowance of any such claim. scribed as Lot 9, Block 5, Tilton’s Addition to Alien Property Custodian. Portland, in the City of Portland, Oregon, The terms “national” and “designated (iv) That certain real property situated in [P . R. Doc. 43-15684; Piled, September 27, enemy country” as used herein shall have Clackamas County, Oregon, particularly de­ 1943; 10:47 a. m .] the meanings prescribed in section 10 of scribed as part of Blocks E and P, First Addi­ tion to Jennings Lodge, consisting of approx­ Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. imately 5 acres, in Jennings Lodge, Oregon, Executed at Washington, D. C., on b. All right, title, interest and claim of fVesting Order 2027] August 25, 1943. Martha Raddatz in and to the sum of $500.00, C a r l K u r t z -H a h n l e , e t a l . [ s e a l ] L e o T . C r o w l e y , constituting a portion of a certain bank Alien Property Custodian. account in the United States National Bank Re: Interests of Carl Kurtz-Hahnle, of Portland, Portland, Oregon, which is due Hans Kurtz, and the F. Oberdörfer E x h i b i t A and owing to, and held for Martha Raddatz, G. m. b. H„ nationals of Germany, in in the name of the Estate of Ernestine Luedke All interests and rights (including all roy­ Bueermann by Anna Junor, Executrix, in­ contracts between them and The Lind­ alties and other monies payable or held with cluding but not limited to all security rights say Wire Weaving Company. respect to such interests and rights and all in and to any and all collateral for any or Under the authority of the Trading damages for breach of the agreement herein­ all of such portion of the account, and the with the Enemy Act, as amended, and after described, together with the right to right to enforce and collect the same, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, sue therefor) created in P. Oberdorfer G. m. b. H. by virtue of an agreement exe­ is property within the United Statess owned and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding: cuted November 30, 1934 and December 18, or controlled by a national of a designated 1934 (including all modifications thereof and enemy country (G e rm a n y ); / 1. That P. Oberdörfer G. m. b. 'H. is a supplemental thereto, if any) by and be­ And determining that the property de­ corporation organized under the laws of and tween said P. Oberdorfer G. m. b. H. and The scribed in subparagraph 3 -b is necessary for having its principal place of business in Lindsay Wire Weaving Company, which agree­ the maintenance or safeguarding of other Germany and is therefore a national of a ment relates among other things, to Patent property (namely, that property described foreign country (Germany); No. 1,955,517. in subparagraph 3-a) belonging to the same 2. That Carl Kurtz-Hahnle and Hans Kurtz E x h i b i t B national of the same designated enemy coun­ are residents of Germany and are therefore try and subject to vesting (and in fact All interests and rights (including all roy­ nationals of a foreign country (Germ any); alties and other monies payable or held with vested by this Order) pursuant to Section 2 3. That the property identified in sub- of said Executive Order; respect to such interests and rights and all paragraph 5a hereof is property of P. Ober­ damages for breach of the agreement herein­ And further determining that to the extent dörfer G. m. b. H.; after described, together with the right to that such national is a person not within a 4. That the property identified in sub- sue therefor) created in Carl Kurtz-Hahnle designated enemy country, the national in ­ paragraph 5b hereof is property of Carl K u rtz- and Hans Kurtz, and each of them, by virtue terest of the United States requires that such Hahnle and Hans Kurtz; ,, of an agreement dated September 23, 1927 person be treated as a national of a desig­ 5. That the property described as follows: ^ (including all modifications thereof and sup­ nated enemy country (G erm an y); (a) Property identified in Exhibit A at­ plements thereto, if any) by and between And having made all determinations and tached hereto and made .a part hereof; taken all action, after appropriate consulta­ said Carl Kurtz-Hahnle and Hans Kurtz and (b) Property identified in Exhibit B at­ tion and certification required by law, and The Lindsay Wire Weaving Company, which tached hereto and made a part hereof; deeming it necessary in the national interest, agreement relates, among other things, to is property of, or is property payable or held Patent No. 1,624,049. Hereby vests in the Alien Property with respect to patents or fights related Custodian the property described above, thereto in which interests are held by, and [P . R. Doc. 43-15685; Piled, September 27, subject toj^corded liens, encumbrances such property itself constitutes interests held 1943; 10:47 a. m .] 13268 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

[Vesting Order 2028] The terms “national” and “designated admission of the existence, validity or enemy country” as used herein shall have right to allowance of any such claim. N . V . I nternationale O x y g e n t o m the meanings prescribed in section 10 of The terms "national” and “designated M aatschappij N o v a d e l Executive Order No. 9095/as amended. enemy country” as used herein shall have Re: Interest of N. V. Internationale Executed at Washington, D. C., on the meanings prescribed in section 10 Oxygenium Maatschappij Novadel ih an August 25, 1943. of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. agreement with The Brown Instrument [ s e a l ] L e o T . C r o w l e y , Executed at Washington, D. C., ori Company. Alien Property Custodian. August 25, 1943. [ s e a l ! L e o T . C r o w l e y , Under the authority of the Trading [F. R. Doc. 43-15686; Filed, September 27, with the Enemy Act, as amended, and 1943; 10:47 a. m .] Alien Property Custodian. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, E x h i b i t A and pursuant to law, the undersigned, after investigation, finding; • All interests and rights (including all [Ve§ting Order 2030] royalties and other monies payable or held 1. That N. V. Internationale Oxygenium with respect to such interests and rights and Maatschappij Novadel is a business organi­ O r k l a G r u b e A k t ie b o l a g , e t a l . all damages for breach of the agreement here­ zation organized under the laws of the Neth­ inafter described, together with the right to erlands and is a national of a foreign coun­ Re: Interest of Orkla Grube Aktiebo­ sue therefor) created in Orkla Grube Aktie­ try (the Netherlands); lag and Nils Erik Lenander in an agree­ bolag and Nils Erik Lenander, and each of 2. That the property identified in sub- ment with Texas Gulf Sulphur Company, them, by virtue of an agreement dated July paragraph 3 hereof is property of N. V. In­ Inc. and Patentaktiebolaget Grondal- 16, 1930 executed by Patentaktiebolaget ternationale Oxygenium Maatschappij No­ Ramen. Grondal-Ramen, Orkla Grube Aktiebolag, Nils vadel; Under the authority of the Trading Erik Lenander and Texas Gulf Sulphur Com­ 3. That the property described as follows: with the Enemy Act, as amended, and pany (including all modifications thereof and All interests and rights (including all roy­ supplements thereto, including but without alties and other monies payable or held with Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, limitation, a letter dated March 17, 1932 to respect to such interests and rights and all and pursuant to law, the undersigned, N ils E. Lenander from Orkla Grube Aktie­ damages for breach of the agreement here­ after investigation, finding; bolag and Texas Gulf Sulphur Company; a inafter described, together with the right to 1. That Orkla Grube Aktiebolag is a busi­ letter dated March 31, 1932 to Texas Gulf sue therefor) created in N. V. Internationale ness organization organized under the laws Sulphur Company from Patentaktiebolaget Oxygenium Maatschappij Novadel by virtue of Norway and is a national of a foreign G rondal-Ram en; and a letter dated March of an agreement dated December 19, 1929 country (Norway); 31, 1932 to Texas G u lf Sulphur Company from Orkla Grube Aktiebolag and N. E. Lenander), (including all modifications thereof and sup-* 2. That Nils Erik Lenander is a resident plements thereto, if any) by and between of Norway and is a national of a foreign which agreement, as modified and supple­ N. V. Internationale Oxygenium Maatschappij country (Norway); mented, relates among other things to Novadel and The Brown Instrument Com­ 3. That the property described in sub- United States Letters Patent Nos. 1,850,557, pany, which agreement relates, among other' paragraph 4 hereof is property of Orkla 1,860,585, 1,862,899, 1,904,481, 1,904,482, 1,904,- things, to United States Letters- Patent No. Grube Aktiebolag and Nils Erik Lenander; 483 and 1,969,021. 1,834,987, 4. That the property identified as follows: [F. R. Doc. 43-15688; Filed, September 27, is property payable or held with respect to Property described in Exhibit A attached 1943; 10:47 a. m .] patents or rights - related thereto in which hereto and made a part hereof, interests are held by, and such property is property of, or is property payable or held itself constitutes interests held therein by, a with respect to patents or rights related [Vesting Order 2031] national of a foreign country (the Nether­ thereto in which interests aré held by, and lands) ; such property itself constitutes interests held J u n k e r s F l u g z e u g - u n d -M otorenwerke And having made all determinations and therein by, rlationals of a foreign country taken all action required by law, including (N o rw a y ); A. G. appropriate consultation and certification, And having made all determinations and Re: Interests of Junkers Flugzeug- and deeming it necessary in the national taken all action required by law, including und-Motorenwerke A. G. in Contracts interest, appropriate consultation and certification, with Boeing Aircraft Co., and others. Hereby vests in the Alien Property and deeming it necessary in the national interest, Under the authority of the Trading Custodian the property described above, With the Enemy Act, as amended, and to be held, used, administered, liquidated, Hereby vests in the Alien Property Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ Custodian the property described above, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, terest and for the benefit of the United to be held, used, administered, liquidated, after investigation, finding; States. sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ 1. That Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motoren- Such property and any or all of the est and for the benefit of the" United werke A. G. is a corporation organized under proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap- ' States. the laws of and having its principal place profcriate account or accounts, pending Such property and any or all of the of business in Germany and is a national of further determination of the Alien Prop­ proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ a foreign country (Germany); erty Custodian. This order shall not be propriate account or accounts, pending 2. That the property described in sub- deemed to limit the power of the Alien further determination of the Alien Prop­ paragraph 3 hereof is property of Junkers Property Custodian to return such prop­ erty Custodian. This order shall not be Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke A. G.; 3. That the property described as follows: erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or deemed to limit the power of the Alien Property described in Exhibit A attached in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ Property Custodian to return such prop­ hereto and made a part hereof, cate that compensation will not be paid erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or in lieu thereof, if and when it should be in part, nor shall it be deemed to in­ is property of, or is property payable or held with respect to patents or rights related determined to take any one or all of such dicate that compensation will not be paid thereto in which interests are held by, and actions. in lieu thereof, if and when it should such property itself constitutes interests Any person, except a national of a des­ be determined to take any one or all of held therein by, a national of a foreign ignated enemy country, asserting any such actions. country (Germany); claim arising as a result of this order Any person, except a national of a And having made all determinations and may, within one year from the date designated enemy country, asserting any taker\ all action required by law, including hereof, or within such further time as claim arising as a result of this order appropriate consultation and certification, may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ may, within one year from the date and deeming it necessary in the national in­ erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice hereof, or within such further time as terest, of claim, together with a request for a may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice Hereby vests in the Alien Property tained shall be deemed to constitute an of claim, together with a request for a Custodian the property described above, admission of the existence, validity or hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ to be held, used, administered, liquidated, right to allowance of any such claim. tained shall be deemed to constitute an sold or otherwise dealt with in the in- FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13269 terest and for the benefit of the United inafter described, together with the right to is therefore a national of a foreign country States. sue therefor) created in Junkers Flugzeug- (F ra n c e ); Such property and any or all of the und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue of an 2. That the property identified in sub- agreement dated March 10, 1938 (Including paragraph 3 hereof is property of Les Usines proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ all modifications thereof and supplements de Melle; propriate account or accounts, pending thereto, if any) by and between Junkers 3. That the property described as follows: further determination of the Alien Prop­ Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and Cur- (a) All right, title and interest, including erty Custodian. This order shall not be tis-Wright Corporation, which agreement re­ all accrued royalties and all damages and deemed to limit the power of the Alien lates, among other things, to United States profits recoverable at law or in equity from Property Custodian to return such prop­ Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. any person, firm, corporation or government erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or (e) All interests and rights (including all for past infringement thereof, in and to in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate royalties and other monies payable or held the patents identified in Exhibit A attached with respect to such interests and rights and that compensation will not be paid in lieu hereto and made a part hereof, all damages for breach of the agreement here­ (b) All interests and rights (including all thereof, if and when it should be deter­ inafter described, together with the right to royalties and other monies payable or held mined to take any one or all of such sue therefor) created in Junkers Flugzeug- with respect to such interests and rights actions. und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue of an and all damages for breach of the agreement Any person, except a national of a des­ agreement dated March 10, 1938 (including hereinafter described, together with the right ignated enemy country, asserting any all modifications thereof and supplements to sue therefor) created in Distilleries des claim arising as a result of this order thereto, if any) by and between Junkers Deux-Sevres S. A. by virtue of an agreement may, within one year from the date here­ Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and dated December 1, 1926 (including all modi­ United Aircraft Corporation, which agreement of, or within such further time as may be fications thereof or supplements thereto, if relates, among other things, to United States any) by and between Distilleries des Deux- allowed, file with the Alien Property Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. Sevres S. A. and U. S. Industrial Alcohol Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of (f) All interests and rights (including all Co., relating, among others, to patent num­ claim, together with a request for a hear­ royalties and other monies payable or held ber 1,912,010, issued M ay 30, 1933, inventor ing thereon. Nothing herein contained with respect to such interests and rights and E. Ricard et al„ for Direct Rectifying Proc­ shall be deemed to constitute an admis­ all damages foi breach of tlie agreement ess and Apparatus for Production of Pure sion of the existence, validity or right to hereinafter described, together with the right Alcohol, to sue therefor) created in Junkers Flugzeug- allowance of any such claim. und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue of an is property of, or is property payable or held The terms “national” and “designated agreement dated March 10,1938 (including all with respect to patents or rights related enemy country” as used herein shall have modifications thereof and supplements thereto in which interests are held by, and the meanings prescribed in section 10 of thereto, if any) by and between Junkers such property itself constitutes interests held Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and therein by, a national of a foreign country Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, which agree­ (F ra n c e ); Executed at Washington, D. C., on And having made all determinations and August 25, 1943. ment relates, among other things, to United States Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. taken all action required by law, including [ seal] L e o T . C r o w l e y , (g) All interests and rights (including all appropriate consultation and certification, Alien Property Custodian. royalties and other monies payable or held and deeming it necessary in the national with respect to such interests and rights interest, E x h i b i t A and all damages for breach of the agreement Hereby vests in the Alien Property hereinafter described, together with the (a) All right, title and interest, including Custodian the property described above, all accrued royalties and all damages and right to sue therefor) created in Junkers profits recoverable at law or in equity from Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue to be held, used, administered, liquidated, any person, firm, corporation or government of an agreement dated March 10, 1938 (in­ sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ for past infringement thereof, in and to the cluding all modifications thereof and supple­ terest and for the benefit of the United following United States Letters Patent: ments thereto, if any) .by and between Junk­ States. ers Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and Patent Number, Date of Issue, Inventor, and Such property and any or all of the Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation, proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap ­ Title which agreement relates, among other things, propriate account or accounts, pending 1,553,695, 9-15-25, Hugo Junkers, Flying- to United States Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. machine Covering. (h) All interests and rights (including all further determination of the Alien Prop­ 1,674,546, 6-19-28, Anton Flettner,. Bal­ royalties and other monies payable or held erty Custodian. This order shall not be ancing of Aircraft. with respect to such interests and* fights and deemed to limit the power of the Alien all damages for breach of the agreement Property Custodian to return such prop­ (b) All interests and rights (including all hereinafter described, together with the right royalties and other monies payable or held erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or to sue therefor) created in Junkers Flugzeug- in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ with respect to such interests and rights and und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue of an all damages for breach of the agreement agreement, dated March 10, 1938 (including cate that compensation will not be paid hereinafter described, together with the right all modifications thereof and supplements in lieu thereof, if and when it should be to sue therefor) created in Junkers Flug- thereto, if any) by and between Junkers determined to take any one or all of such zeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue of «Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and Doug­ actions. an agreement dated March 10, 1938 (includ­ las’ Aircraft Company, Inc., which agreement Any person, except a national of a ing all modifications thereof and supple­ relates, among other things, to United States designated enemy country, asserting any ments thereto, if any) by and between Jun­ Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. kers Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and claim arising as a result of this order Boeing Aircraft Company, which agreement '[F . R. Doc. 43-15689; Filed, September 27, may, within one year from the date relates, among other things, to United States 1943; 10:48 a. m .] hereof, or within such further time as Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ (c) All interests and rights (includng all erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice royalties and other monies payable or held [Vesting Order 2032] of claim, together with p, request for a with respect to such interests and rights and hearing thereon. 7 Nothing herein con­ all damages for breach of the agreement here­ L e s U s i n e s d e M e l l e , e t a l . tained shall be deemed to constitute an inafter described, together w ith the right to Re: Patents of Les Usines de Melle sue therefor) created in Junkers Flugzeug- admission of the existence, validity or und-Motorenwerke, A. G. by virtue of an and Interests in an Agreement with U. S. right to allowance of any such claim. agreement dated M arch 10, 1938 (including Industrial Alcohol Co. 4 Relating to Pat­ The terms “national” and “designated all modifications thereof and supplements ent Number 1,912,010.J enemy country” as used herein shall thereto, if any) by and between Junkers Under the authority of the Trading have the meanings prescribed in section Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, A. G. and Boe­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, and 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as ing Airplane Company, which agreement re­ Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, lates, among other things, to United States and pursuant to law, the undersigned, amended. Letters Patent No. 1,553,695. after investigation, finding: Executed at Washington, D. C., on (d) AH interests and rights (including all August 25, 1943. royalties and other monies payable or held 1. That Les Usines de Melle is a corpora­ with respect to such interests and rights and tion organized under laws of and having, its [ s e a l ] L e o T. C r o w l e y , all damages for breach of the agreement here­ principal place of business in France and Alien Property Custodian. 13270 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

Exhibit A [Vesting Order 2039] Patents identified as follows: W a l d e m a r P e t e r s e n , e t a l. Patent No. Date Inventor Title Re: Interest of Waldemar Petersen in an agreement with General Electric 1,739,919 12/17/29 E. Ricard et al...... Process for the manufacture of furfuryl alcohol & methylfurane. 1,745,028 1/28/30 E. Ricard...... *____ Process of conversion of gaseous aliphatic ethylene oarbides Company, relating to Patent Number into liquid carbides. 1,537,371. 1,839,894 1/5/32 E. Ricard et al...... Continuous process for manufacture of acetic acid in the con­ centrated state, etc. Under the authority of the Trading 1,839,932 1/5/32 E. Ricard et al...... Manufacture of anhydrous acetic acid. with the Enemy Act, as amended, and 1,850,836 3/22/32 H. Guinot...... Process for the manufacture of acetal. 1,852,063 4/5/32 E. Ricard...... Manufacture of butyl chlorides. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, 1,860,512 5/31/32 E. Ricard et al...... Manufacture of anhydrous acetic acid. and pursuant to law, the undersigned, 1,860,553 6/31/32 E. Ricard et al______Process for the extraction in the anhydrous state of fatty acids contained in dilute aqueous solutions. after investigation, finding; 1,862,706 6/14/31 E. Ricard et al______Continuous process for separating organic liquids. 1,868, 076 7/19/32 E. Ricard...... Continuous process for the manufacture of ether oxides of the 1. T h at W aldem ar Petersen is a resident fatty series either simple or combined. of Germ any and is a national of a foreign 1,884,241 10/25/32 E. Ricard et a l...... Process of extracting acetic acid from pyroligneous substances. country (Germany); 1,912,010 5/30/33 E. Ricard et al...... Direct rectifying process and apparatus for production of pure alcohol. 2. That the property identified in subpara­ 1,915,-002 6/20/33 E. Ricard et al...... Process of obtaining acetic acid in anhydrous state from aqueous graph 3 hereof is property of Waldemar solutions. 1,929,901 10/10/33 E. Ricard et al...... Process for the separation of liquids. Petersen; 1,937,272 11/28/33 H. Guinot...... Preparation of diacetone alcohol. 3. That the property described as follows: 1,965,829 7/10/34 H. Guinot...... Method of producing methyl isobutyl carbinol. All interests and rights (including all 1,969,237 8/7/34 E. Ricard et al...... Manufacture of acetic and lactic acids. 1,973,629 9/11/34 H. Guinot...... Method of rectifying alcohol. . royalties and other monies payable or held 1,982,160 11/27/34 H. Guinot...... Manufacture of acetic acid from alcohol. with respect to such interests and rights and 2,053,029 9/1/36 S . Guinot...... Process for the manufacture of esters of aliphatic acids. 2,053,193 9/1/36 H. Guinot...... Process for the manufacture of aliphatic primary amines. all damages for breach of the agreement 2,136,613 11/15/38 H. Guinot...... Process for manufacture of esters especially of ethyl acetate. hereinafter described, together w ith the right 2,139,953 12/13/38 H. Guinot...... Hydration of olefines. to sue therefor) created in W aldem ar Peter­ 2,144,053 1/17/39 H. Guinot...... Apparatus for reacting gases and liquids. 2,159,146 5/23/39 H. G u inot...... Separation of acetic anhydride. sen by virtue of an agreement dated July 9, 2,162,011 6/13/39 H. Guinot...... Dehydrogenation of saturated hydrocarbons. 1925 (including all modifications thereof or 2,164, 240 6/27/39 H. Guinot...... Manufacture of chlorohydrins. supplem ents thereto, if any) by and between 2,167, 2037/25/39 H. Guinot...... Process of manufacture of ketones and alcohols from olefines. 2,181,454 11/28/39 H. Guinot...... Vulcanization accelerators and process for their production. Waldemar Petersen and General Electric 2,194,851 3/26/40 H. Guinot...... Dehydration of organic liquids by azeotropic distillation. Company, relating, am ong others, to patent 2,237,866 4/8/41 H. Guinot...... Preparation of di-olefines. . " 2,246,937 6/24/41 H. Guinot...... Polymerization of di-olefines. num ber 1,537,371, issued M ay 12, 1925, in­ 2,273,484 2/17/42 H. Guinot...... Process for manufacturing synthetic rubber from furfurol. ventor Walderfiar Petersen, for Improvements in the Protection of Alternating Electric [F. R. Doc. 43-15690; Filed, September 27, 1943; 10:48 a. m .] Current Systems, is property payable or held with respect to patents or rights related thereto in which in­ [Vesting Order 2036] Hereby vests in the -Alien Property terests are held by, and such property itself Custodian the property described above, constitutes interests held therein by, a J u n k e r s F l u g z e u g - u n d -M otorenwerke , national of a foreign country (Germany); ET AL. to be held, used, administered, liquidated, And having made all determinations and sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ Re: Interest of Junkers Flugzeug-und- taken all action required by law, including est and for the benefit of the United Motorenwerke, Aktiengesellschaft in.an appropriate consultation and certification, agreement with Engineering & Research States. and deeming it necessary in the national Corporation. Such property and any or all of the interest, Under the authority of the Trading proceeds thereof shall be held in an Hereby vests in the Alien Property with the Enemy Act, as amended, and appropriate account or accounts, pend­ Custodian the property described above, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, ing further determination of the Alien to be held, used, administered, liquidated, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, Property Custodian. This order shall not sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ after investigation, finding; be deemed to limit the power of the est and for the benefit of the United States. 1. That Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motoren­ Alien Property Custodian to return such werke, Aktiengesellschaft is a corporation property or the proceeds thereof in whole Such property and any or all of the organized under the laws of Germany and is or in part, nor shall it be deemed to proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ a national of a foreign country (permany); indicate that compensation will not be propriate account or accounts, pending 2. That the property described in subpara­ paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should further determination of the Alien Prop­ graph 3 hereof is property of Junkers Flug­ erty Custodian. This order shall not be zeug-und-Motorenwerke , Aktiengesellschaft; be determined to take any one or all of such actions. deemed to limit the power of £he Alien 3. That the property described as follows: Property Custodian to return such prop­ All interests and rights (including all roy­ Any person, except a national of a alties and other monies payable or held with designated enemy country, asserting any erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or respect to such interests and rights and all claim arising as a result of this order in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ damages for breach of the agreement herein­ may, within one year from the date cate that compensation will not be paid after described, together with the right to hereof,-or within such further time as in lieu thereof, if and when it should be sue therefor) created in Junkers Flugzeug- determined to take any one or all of such und-Motorenwerke, Aktiengesellschaft by may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice actions. virtue of an agreement dated May 18 and 20, Any person, except a national of a des­ 1937 (including all modifications thereof and of claim, together with a request for a supplements thereto, if any) by and between hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ ignated enemy country, asserting any Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motorenwerke, Ak­ tained shall be deemed to constitute an claim arising as a result of this order tiengesellschaft and Engineering & Research admission of the existence, validity or may, within one year from the date here­ Corporation, which agreement relates, among right to allowance of any such claim. of, or within such further time as may other things, to United States Letters Patent be allowed, file with the Alien Property No. 2,010,996, The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of. claim, together with a request for a hear­ is property payable or held with respect to the meanings prescribed in section 10 of ing thereon. Nothing herein contained patents or rights related thereto in which Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. interests are held by, and such property itself shall be deemed to constitute an admis­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on constitutes interests held therein by, a na­ sion of the existence, validity or right August 25, 1943. tional of a foreign country (Germany); to allowance of any such claim. And having made all determiriations and [ s e a l ] L e o T. C r o w l e y , The terms “national” and “designated taken all action required by law, including Alien Property Custodian. appropriate consultation and certification, enemy country” as used herein shall have and deeming it necessary in the national [F. R. Doc. 43-15691; Filed, September 27, the meanings.prescribed in section 10 of interest, 1943; 10:48 a. m .l Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13271

Executed at Washington, D. C„ on Executed at Washington, D. C., on claim arising as a result of this order August 27, 1943. August 27, 1943. may, within one year from the date here­ [ s e a l ] L e o T . C r o w l e y , [ s e a l ] L eo T. C r o w l e y , of, or within such further time as may be Alien Property Custodian. Alien Property Custodian. allowed, file with the Alien Property Cus­ todian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, [P. R. Doc. 43-15692; Piled,- September 27, [F. R. Doc. 43-15693; Piled, September 27, together with a request for a hearing 1943; 10:48 a. m .] 1943; 19:48 a. m .] thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or right to allow­ [Vesting Order 2044] [Vesting Order 2040] ance of any such claim. The terms “national” and “designated H e l m u t L e g e r l o t z G i o v a n n i B. C r e s p i enemy country” as used herein shall have Re: Interests of Helmut Legerlotz, in the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Re: Reissue Patent of Giovanni B. a contract relating to patents and a Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. Crespi, Ceriana, Italy. trademark. , - Executed at Washington, D. C., on Under the authority of the Trading Under the authority of the Trading September 1, 1943. with the Enemy Act, as amended, and with the Enemy Act, as amended and Ex­ [ s e a l ] L e o T . C r o w l e y , Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, ecutive Order No. 8095, as amended, and Alien Property Custodian. -and pursuant to law, the undersigned, pursuant to law, the undersigned, after after investigation, finding; investigation, finding: [F. R. Doc. 43-15694; Filed, September 27, 1943; 10:49 a. m .] 1. That Giovanni B. Crespi is a resident of 1. That Helmut Legerlotz is a citizen of Italy and is a national of a foreign country Germany, that his last known address is (Italy ); Nice, France, and that he is a national ol [Vesting Order 2045] 2. That the property described in subpara­ foreign countries (Germany and France), graph 3 hereof is property of Giovanni B. 2. That the property identified in sub­ R. H. H. G e f f c k e n , e t a l . Crespi; paragraph 3 hereof is property of Helmut 3. That the property described as follows: Legerlotz. Re: Rights of R. H. H. Geffcken and All right, title and interest,' including all 3. That the property described as follows: H. R. Richter by virtue of a verbal prom­ accrued royalties and all damages and profits All interests and rights (including all roy­ ise made by Radio Patents Corporation. recoverable at law or in equity from any per­ alties and other monies payable or held with Under the authority of the Trading son, firm, corporation, or government for past respect to such interests and rights and all with the Enemy Act, as amended, and infringement thereof, in and to the following damages for breach of agreement hereinafter patent: Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, described, together with the right to sue and pursuant to law, the undersigned, Reissue No., Date of Issue, Inventor, Title therefor) created in. Helmut Legerlotz, by after investigation, finding; virtue of an agreement dated April 24, 1928 22,050, 3-24-42, Giovanni B. Crespi, Ceriana, (including all modifications of and supple­ 1. That Rudolf Heinrich Hermann Geffcken Italy; Method of forming basic lining of ments to said agreement, including, but and Hans Rudolf Richter are residents of furnaces, without limitation, a letter from Frederick Germany and are nationals of a foreign is property of a national of a foreign country Stearns & Company to Helmut Legerlotz country (Germany); (Italy); and Syngala, G. m. b. H., dated Ma*ch 9, 1928, 2. That the property described in sub- And having made all determinations and a letter from Syngala, G. m. b. H. to Frederick paragraph 3 hereof is property of Rudolf taken all action required by law, including Stearns & Company, dated January 16, 1936, Heinrich Hermann Geffcken and Hans Ru­ appropriate consultation and certification, and a letter from Helmut Legerlotz to Fred­ dolf Richter; and deeming it necessary in the national erick Stearns & Company, dated January 26, 3. That the property described as follows: interest, 1936) by and between H elm ut Legerlotz, All interests and rights (including all Chemische Fabrik Syngala, G. m. b. H. and royalties and other monies payable or held Hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ Frederick Stearns & Company, relating among with respect to such interests and rights and todian the property described above, to others to Patent No. 1,965,502, issued July 3, all damages for breach of the promise here­ be held, used, administered, liquidated, 1934, inventor, Helmut Legerlotz, for mak­ inafter described, together with the right to sold, or otherwise dealt with in the in­ ing Optically Active Phenylalcamines. sue therefor) created in Rudolf Heinrich terest and for the benefit of the United is property payable or held with respect to Hermann Geffcken and Hans Rudolf Rich­ ter, and each of them, by virtue of a verbal States. patents and trademarks or rights related Such property and any or all of the thereto in which interests are held by, and promise made in the year 1935 (including all modifications of and supplements to said such property itself constitutes interests held proceeds thereof shall be held in an promise) by Radio Patents Corporation to appropriate account or accounts, pend­ therein by, a national of foreign countries (Germany and France); said Rudolf H. H. Geffcken and Hans R. ing further determination of the Alien Richter, relating, among other things, to And having made all determinations and Property Custodian. This, order shall not United States Patent No. 2,094,450, taken all action required by law, including be deemed to limit the power of the appropriate consultation and 'certification, is property payable or held with respect to Alien Property Custodian to return such and deeming it necessary in the national patents or rights related thereto in which property or the proceeds thereof in whole interest, interests are held by, and such property or in part, nor shall it be deemed to itself constitutes interests held therein by, Hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ indicate that compensation will not be nationals of a foreign country (Germ any); todian the property described above, to paid in lieu thereof, if and when it And having made all determinations and be held, used, administered, liquidated, should be determined to take any one taken all action required by law, including or all of such actions. sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ appropriate consultation and certification, est and for the benefit of the United and deeming it necessary in the national Any person, except a national of a States. interest, designated enemy country, asserting any Such property and any or all of the claim arising as a result of this order Hereby vests in the Alien Property proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ may, within one year from the date here­ Custodian the property described above, propriate account or taccounts, pending of, or within such further* time as may to be held, used, administered, liquidated, further determination of the Alien Prop­ be allowed, file with the Alien Property sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­

Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of erty Custodian. This order shall not be est and for the benefit of the United deemed to limit the power of the Alien claim, together with a request for a States. Property Custodian to return such prop­ hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ Such property and any or all of the erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or tained shall be deemed to constitute an proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ propriate account or accounts, pending admission of the existence, validity or cate that compensation will not be paid further determination of the Alien Prop­ right to allowance of any such claim. in lieu thereof, if and when it should be erty Custodian. This order shall not be The terms “national” and “designated determined to take any one or all of such deemed to limit the power of the Alien enemy country” as used herein shall have actions. Property Custodian to return such prop­ the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Any person except a national of a erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. designated enemy country, asserting any in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate 13272 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

that compensation will not be paid in termihed to take any one or all of such shall be deemed to constitute an admis­ lieu thereof, if and when it should be actions. sion of the existence, validity or right to determined to'take any one or all of such Any person, except a national of a! des­ allowance of any such claim. actions. ignated enemy country, asserting any The terms “national” and “designated Any person, except a national of a claim arising as a result of this order enemy country” as used herein shall have designated enemy country, asserting any may, within one year from the date here­ the meanings prescribed in section 10 of claim arising as a result of this order of, or within such further time as may Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. may, within one year from the date be allowed, file with the Alien Property Executed at Washington, D. C., on Sep­ hereof, or within such further time as Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of tember 1, 1943. may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ claim, together with a request for a hear­ [ s e a l ] L eo T . C r o w l e y , erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice ing thereon. Nothing herein contained of claim, together with a request for a Alien Property Custodian. hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ Exhibit A tained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or Patent Date of Title right to allowance of any such claim. No. issue Inventor The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall have 1,799,429 4/7/31 Cam-shaft control for straight bar knitting machines ... Paul Lieberknecht, Germany 1,822, 597 9/8/31 Lever shaft driving device of flat-full fashioned machines- Paul Lieberknecht, Germany. the meanings prescribed in section 10 of 1,828, 935 10/27/31 Means for producing fashioned goods on straight bar Paul Lieberknecht, Germany. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. knitting machines. 1,857,099 5/3/32 Vibration-free drive for shaft and cam actuated mem- • Paul Lieberknecht, Germany.. Executed at Washington, D. C., on Sep­ bers or flat-full fashioned machines. tember 1, 1943. 1,867, 703 7/19/32 Device for coarse and fine setting of the loop length Paul Lieberknecht, Germany. in flat hosiery machines. [ s e a l ] L e o T . C r o w l e y ,^ L 867, 704 7/19/32 Device on flat knitting machines for producing goods Paul Lieberknecht, Germany. Alien Property Custodian. patterned by reinforcement. 1,867, 705 7/19/32 Auxiliary drive for flat hosiery frames...... Paul Lieberknecht, Gcrmanv. [P . R. Doc. 43-15695; Piled, September 27, 1,911,833 5/30/33 Hosiery frames...... Paul Lieberknecht, Germany. 1943; 10:49 a. m .] [P. R. Doc. 43-15696; Piled, September 27, 1943; 10:49 a. m .]

[Vesting Order 2046] [ Vesting Order 2047] P a u l L ieberknecht , e t a l . Such property and any or all of the proceeds thereof shall be held in an Re: United States Letters Patent SOCIETE ANONYME DES ATELIERS BRILLIE F reres appropriate account or accounts, pend­ owned by Paul Lieberknecht and Ma- ing further determination of the Alien schinenfabrik Einsiedel G. m. b. H. Re: Interest of Societe Anonyme des Property Custodian. This order shall Under the authority of the Trading Ateliers Brillie Freres in an Agreement not be deemed to limit the power of the with the Enemy Act, as amended, and with Jaeger Watch Company, Inc. Alien Property Custodian to return such Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, Under the authority of the Trading property or the proceeds thereof in whole and pursuant to law, the undersigned, with the Enemy Act, as amended, and or in part, nor shall it be deemed to after investigation, finding: Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, indicate that compensation will not be 1. That Paul Lieberknecht is a resident of and pursuant to law, the undersigned, paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should Germany, and Maschinenfabrik Einsiedel after investigation, finding; be determined to take any one or all of G. m. b. H. is a corporation organized urider 1. That Societe Anonyme des Ateliers such actions. the laws of Germany and each is a national Brillie Freres is a business organization Any person, except a national of a of a foreign country (Germany); organized under the laws of and having its designated enemy country, asserting any 2. That the property described in sub- principal place of business in France and is claim arising as a result of this order paragraph 3 hereof is property of Paul Lie- a national of a foreign country (France); berknecht and Maschinenfabrik Einsiedel 2. That the property identified in subpara­ may, within one year from the date G. m. b. H.; graph 3 hereof is property of Societe Anonyme hereof, or within such further time as 3. That the property described as follows: des Ateliers Brillie Freres; may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ All right, title and interest, including all 3. That the property described as follows: erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice accrued royalties and all damages and profits All interests and rights (including all of claim, together with a request for a recoverable at law or in equity from any per­ royalties and other monies payable or held hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ son, firm, corporation or government for past with respect to such interests and rights and tained shall be deemed to constitute an infringement thereof, in and to the United all damages for breach of the agreement here­ States Letters Patents identified in Exhibit A inafter described, together with the right to admission of the existence, validity or attached hereto and made a part hereof, sue therefor) created in Societe Anonyme des right to allowance of any such claim. Ateliers Brillie Freres by virtue of an agree­ The terms “national” and “designated is property of nationals of a foreign country enemy country” as used herein shall have (G e rm a n y ); ment dated December 20, 1932 and February 21, 1933 (including all modifications thereof A n d having ¿hade all determinations and the meanings prescribed in section 10 of or supplements thereto, if any) by and be­ taken all action required by law, including Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. tween Societe Anonyme des Ateliers BriHié appropriate consultation and certification, Executed at Washington, D. C., on Freres and Jaeger Watch Company, Inc., re­ and deeming it necessary in the national September 1, 1943. Interest, lating, among others, to patent number 1,826,719, issued October 13, 1931, inventor [ s e a l ] L e o T. C r o w l e y , Hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ Constant Battegay, for Self Oscillating Elec­ Alien Property Custodian. todian the property described above, to tric Clock, [F. R. Doc. 43-15697; Filed, September 27, be held, used, administered, liquidated, is property payable or held with respect to 1943; 10:49 a. m .] sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ patents or rights related thereto in which terest and for the benefit of the United interests are held by, and such property itself States. constitutes interests held therein by, a na­ tional of a foreign country (France); Such property and any or all of the [Vesting Order 2048] And having made all determinations and proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ taken all action required by law, including I. G. F arbenindustrie A. G. propriate account or accounts, pending appropriate consultation and certification, Re: Interest of I. G. Farbenindustrie further determination of the Alien Prop­ and deeming it necessary in the national erty Custodian. This order shall not be interest, Aktiengesellschaft in contracts with The deemed to limit the power of the Alien Seiden Company and American Cyana- Hereby vests in the Alien Property Property Custodian to return such prop­ mid Company arid others. Custodian the property described above, erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or Under the authority Of the Trading to be held, used, administered, liquidated, with the Enemy Act, as amended, and in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate sold or qtherwise dealt with in the inter­ Executive Order No. 9095, as am ended, that compensation will not be paid in lieu est and for the benefit of the United and pursuant to law, the undcrs-gned, thereof, if and when it should be de- States. after investigation, finding; FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13273

1 That I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesell- with respect to such interests and rights and may, within one year from the date s c h a ft is a corporation organized under the all damages for *breach of thé agreement hereof, or within such further time as laws of Germany and is a national of a for­ hereinafter described, together with the right may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ eign country (G erm an y); to sue therefor) created in I. G. Farbenin­ dustrie Aktiengesellschaft by virtue of an erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice 2. That the property identified in subpara­ of claim, together with a request for a graph 3 hereof is property of I. G. Farbenin­ agreement granting a license to I. G. Far- dustrie Aktiengesellschaft; benindustrie Aktiengesellschaft (including hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ 3. That the property described as follows: all modifications thereof and supplements tained” shall be deemed to constitute an P ro p e rty identified in Exhibit A attached thereto, if any) executed under date of No­ admission of the existence, validity or hereto and made a part hereof, vember 10, 1931 by The Selden Company, right to allowance of any such claim. which license relates, among other things, to is property payable or held with respect to The terms “national” and “designated United States Letters Patent No. 1,714,956; enemy country” as used herein shall have patents or rights related thereto in which in ­ (c) All interests and rights (including all terests are held by. and such property itself royalties and other monies payable or held the meanings prescribed in section 10 constitutes interests held therein by, a na­ with respect to such interests and rights and of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. tional of a foreign country (G e rm an y ); all damages for breach of the agreement Executed at Washington, D. C., on Sep­ And having made all determinations and hereinafter described, together with the right tember 1, 1943. taken all action required by law, including to sue therefor) created in I. G. Farbenin­ [ s e a l ! L e o T. C r o w l e y , appropriate consultation and certification, dustrie Aktiengesellschaft by virtue of an and deeming it necessary in the national agreement dated January 3, 1936 (including Alien Property Custodian. interest, all modifications thereof and supplements E x h i b i t A thereto, if any) by and between I. G. Farben­ Hereby vests in the Alien Property (a) All interests and rights (including all Cufctodian the property described above, industrie Aktiengesellschaft and National Aniline & Chemical Company, which agree­ royalties and other monies payable or held to be held, used, administered, liqui­ ment relates, among other things, to United with respect to such interests and rights and dated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the States Letters Patent No. 1,787,416; all damages for breach of the agreement interest and for the benefit of the United, hereinafter described, together with the right States. [F. R. Doc. 43-15698; Filed, September 27, to sue therefor) created in I. G. Farbenindus­ Such property and any or all of the 1943; 10:49 a. m.J trie Aktiengesellschaft by virtue of an agree­ proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ ment dated March 2, 1934 (including all modifications thereof and supplements there­ propriate account or accounts, pending to, if any) by and between said I. G. Farben­ further determination of the Alien [Vesting Order 2049] industrie Aktiengesellchaft and E. I. Du Pont Property Custodian. This order shall de Nemours & Company, which agreement not be deemed to limit the power of the I. G. F arbenindustrie A. G. relates, among other things, to United States Alien Property Custodian to return such Re: Interests of L G. Farbenindustrie Letters Patent No. 2,044,747, property or the proceeds thereof in Aktiengesellschaft in an assignment to (b) All interests and rights (including all whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed royalties and other monies payable or held Du Pont and a contract with Rohm & with respect to such interests and rights, and to indicate that compensation will not Haas Company. all damages for breach of the agreement here­ be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it Under the authority of the Trading inafter described, together with the right to should be determined to take any one with the Enemy Act, as amended, and sue therefor) created in I. G. Farbenindustrie or all of such actions. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, Aktiengesellschaft by virtue of an agreement Any person, except a national of a des­ and pursuant to law, the undersigned, dated November 22, 1934 (including all modi­ ignated enemy country, asserting any after investigation, finding; fications thereof and supplements thereto, if claim arising as a result of this order any) by and between said I. G. Farbenindus­ 1. That I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesell­ may, within one year from the date trie Aktiengesellschaft and Rohm & Haas schaft 'is a corporation organized under the Company, which agreement relates, among hereof, or within §uch further time as laws of Germany and is a national of a foreign other things, to the production of alkyd may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ country (Germany); resins. erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice 2. That the property described in subpara­ of claim, together with a request for a graph 3 hereof is property of I. G. Farbenin­ [F. R. Doc. 43-15699; Filed, September 27, hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ dustrie Aktiengesellschaft; 1943; 10:50 a. m .] tained shall be deemed to constitute an 3. That the property described as follows: admission of the existence, validity or Property identified in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, right to allowance of any such claim. [Vesting Order 2029] The terms “national” and “designated is property payable or held with respect to enemy country” as used herein shall have patents or rights related thereto in which M etallgesellschaft A ktiengesellschaft the meanings prescribed in section 10 interests are held by, and such property itself constitutes interests held therein by, a na­ Re: Interest of Metallgesellschaft Ak­ of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. tional of a foreign country (Germany): tiengesellschaft, a national of Germany, Executed at Washington, D. C., on And having made all determinations and in United States Letters Patent No. September 1, 1943. taken all action required by law, including 1,860,947. [ se a l] L e o T. C r o w l e y , . appropriate consultation and certification, Under the authority of the Trading Alien Property Custodian. and deeming it necessary in the national with the Enemy Act, as amended, and interest, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, E x h i b i t A Hereby vests in the Alien Property and pursuant to law, the undersigned, (a) All interests and rights (including all Custodian the property described above, after investigation, finding: royalties and other monies payable or held to be held, used, administered, liqui­ 1. That Metallgesellschaft Aktiengesell­ with respect to such interests and rights, and schaft is a corporation organized under the all damages for breach of the agreement dated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the laws of Germany and is therefore a national hereinafter described, together with the right interest-and for the benefit of the United of a foreign country (Germany); to sue therefor) created in I. G. F arbenin- States. 2. That the property described in subpara­ dustrie Aktiengesellschaft by virtue of an Such property and any or all of the graph 3 hereof is the property of Metallgesell­ agreement dated Novem ber 28, 1931 (inclu d­ proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ schaft Aktiengesellschaft; ing all modifications thereof and supplements propriate account or accounts, pending 3. That the property described as follows: thereto, if any, and including specifically any further determination of the Alien Prop­ An undivided y2 (50%) interest, which licenses, express or implied, granted to I. G. stands of record in the United States Patent Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft under erty Custodian. This order shall not be Office in the name of Metallgesellschaft Patents Nos. 1,709,853 or 1,809,752, whether deemed to limit the power of the Alien Aktiengesellschaft, in and to the following such licenses were created by said agreement Property Custodian to return such prop­ patent: or any document executed pursuant thereto, erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or or whether such licenses are implied in said in part, nor shall it be deemed to indicate agreement or any documents executed pur­ that compensation will not be paid in Patent Date of Inventor Title No. issue suant thereto) by and between I. G. Farben­ lieu thereof, if and when it should be industrie Aktiengesellschaft, American Cyan- determined to take any one or all of such amid Company and The Selden Company, 1,860,947 5-31-32 Aladar Pacz, Aluminum Alloy which agreement relates, among other things, actions. C leveland, Casting and to United States Letters Patent No. 1,709,853; Any person, except a national of a des­ Ohio. Process of Making the (b) All interests and rights (including all ignated enemy country, asserting any Same. royalties and other monies payable or held claim arising as a result of this order No. 193------8 13274 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

Including all royalties and all damages and [Order 30 U nder Rev. M PR 161] L. J. Mitchell Logger, Raymond, Washing­ profits recoverable at law or in equity from ton, August 12, 1943. W e s t C o a s t L o g s any. person, firm, corporation or government McIntyre & Kopperm an Logging Co., Gig for past infringement thereof to which the Harbor, Wahington, July 1, 1943. o v e r t im e a d d it io n s owner of such interest is entitled, Powers-Davis Lumber Company, Lebanon, Pursuant to the provisions of § 1381,.- Oregon, July 1, 1943. is property of, pr is property payable or held Wornstaff & Barker, Milwaukie, with respect to patents or rights related 156 of Revised Maximum Price Regula­ Oregon August 1, 1943. thereto in which interests are held by, and tion No. 161—West Coast Logs, and un­ such property itself constitutes interests held der the authority vested in the Price (b) The following persons, being on a therein by, a national of a foreign country Administrator by the Emergency Price 54-hour week, may add to the maximum (G e rm a n y ); Control Act of 1942, as amended, and prices of all logs produced and sold by And having made all determinations and Executive Order No. 9250, It is hereby taken all action required by law, includ­ them, $1.50 per thousand feet, log scale, ordered:- on sales made on and after the effective ing appropriate consultation and certifica­ (a) New authorizations. The follow­ tion, and deeming it necessary in the national date indicated: interest, ing persons, being on a 48-hour week, may add to the maximum prices of all Name, Address, and Effective Date Hereby vests in the Alien Property logs produced and sold by them $1.00 Dosser & Clark, Colton, Oregon, July 1 Custodian the property described above, per thousand feet, log scale, on sales 1943. to be held, used, administered, liqui­ made on and after the effective date in­ Elmer H. Hitchman, Garibaldi, Oregon, dated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the dicated. June 1, 1943. Looney & Winney, Salenj, Oregon, July l interest and for the benefit of the United Name, Address, and Effective Date 1943. , " —;. States. P. H. Brudevold Co., Raymond, Washing­ Miles Crossing Logging Co., Astoria, Oregon, Such property and any or all of the ton, July 5, 1943. August 1, 1943. proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ Gibson & Cattron Logging Co., Langley, J. R. Nixon, Lebanon, Oregon, August 1 1943. propriate account or accounts, pending Washington, July 1, 1943. further determination of the Alien Prop­ Haddock Construction Co., Olympia, Wash­ (c) Change of status. The following erty Custodian. This order shall not be ington, June 1, 1943. companies which have heretofore been deemed to limit the power of the Alien H. & H. Logging Co., Olympia, Washington, June 1, 1943. authorized to make specific additions, Property Custodian to return such prop­ Klement Timber Company, Fortson, Wash­ are now authorized to make the follow­ erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or ington, April 1, 1943. ing additions, since the number of hours in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ Larimore & Carroll, Hood River, Oregon, maintained have been changed effective cate that compensation will not be paid June 10, 1943. on the date indicated: in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any one or all of such New Additions actions. Name Address No. of now Effective date Any person, except a national of a des­ hours authorized ignated enemy country, asserting any claim arising as a result of this order Kay Logging Co______Seattle, Wash 48 $1.00 Sept. 1,1843 Elmer E. Watters _ _ - ___ 54 1.50 Apr. 1,1943 may, within one year from the date hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ (d) Cancellations. The following au­ Accordingly, for the reasons set forth erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice thorizations are cancelled, and no addi­ in the opinion hereto attached, and pur­ ol claim, together with a request for tions are permitted on sales made on suant to the provisions of § 1499.114 (d) a hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ and after the effective date indicated. of Maximum Price Regulation No. 165, tained shall be deemed to constitute an Name, Address, and Effective Date as amended— Services, and the Emer­ admission of the existence, validity or gency Price Control Act of 1942 as Ed Hobi Logging Company, Aberdeen, amended; It is hereby ordered: right to allowance of any such claim. Washington, May 15, 1943. ✓ (a) From and after the effective date The terms “national” and “designated Quinault Logging Company, Aberdeen, enemy country” as used herein shall have Washington, April 1, 1943. of this order, the legal maximum prices the meanings prescribed in section 10 of Thom pson Lum ber & Piling Co., Portland, which may be charged by any person Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. Oregon, July 1, 1943. who supplies refuse and garbage disposal services to individual users on a private Executed at Washington, D. C. on This order shall become effective Sep­ or contract fee basis in any community August 25, 1943. tember 28, 1943. in Monroe County, New York, including Issued this 27th day of September 1943. [ s e a l ! L e o T. C r o w l e y , the suburbs of the city of Rochester, but Alien Property Cutodian. P r e n t is s M . B r o w n , not including the city of Rochester itself, Administrator. [P . R. Doc. 43-15687; Piled, September 27, shall be as follows: 1943; 10:47 a. m .] [P. R. Doc. 43-15727; Piled, September 28, (1) For any person whose present legal 1943; 9:19 a. m .] maximum price is $1.00 or less per cus­ tomer-family per month— $1.00 per cus­ tomer-family per month; (2) For any person whose present legal OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION. Regional and District Office Orders. maximum price is more than $1.00 per customer-family per month—his present L is t o p I n d iv i d u a l O rders G r a n t in g A d ­ [Region II Order G-8 Under MPR 165] j u s t m e n t s , e t c ., U n d e r P r ic e R e g u l a ­ legal maximum price. t i o n s S c a v e n g e r S e r v ic e R a t e s i n M o n r o e (b) Any supplier of services, as defined C o u n t y , N e w Y o r it in this order, who is hereby permitted The following orders were filed with to increase his present legal maximum the Division of the Federal Register on Order No. G-8 under § 1499.114 (d) of price shall inscribe upon each bill ren­ September 25, 1943. Maximum Price Regulation No. 165, as dered to any customer the following Order Number and Name amended— Services. statement: Upon the basis of facts presently be­ RPS 56, Order 7, Great American Industries. fore it, the New York Regional Office OP A permitted monthly rate of $1.00 to RMPR 161, Order 31, William A. Arey, et al. of the Office of Price Administration has maintain supply. . Copies of these orders may be obtained decided on its own motion that a price (c) Customary allowances, discounts from .the Printing and Distribution adjustment should be made as to all or other price differentials may not be Branch of the Office of Price Administra­ those persons who supply refuse and changed unless such change results in tion. garbage disposal services to individual prices lower than the price permitted by users on a private or contract fee basis this order after the service supplier has E r v in H . P o l l a c k , applied his customary allowances, dis­ Head, Editorial and Reference Section. in Monroe County, New York, including the suburbs of the city of Rochester, but counts or other price differentials. [P. R. Doc. 43-15736; Piled, September 28, not including the city of Rochester (d) Except as expressly provided by 1943; 9:28 a. m .] itself. this order, all the service ¡suppliers af- FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13275 fected hereby shall remain subject in all Price Regulation No. 329; It is hereby as amended. Correction to Amendment respects to all of the provisions of Maxi­ ordered: No. 27. mum Price Regulation No. 165, as (a) The maximum price which distrib­ Amendment No. 27 to Order No. G-3 amended— Services. utors may pay to producers for Grade A issued under § 1499.18 (c) of the General (e) This order may be revoked or milk sold for human consumption in Maximum Price Regulation, as amended, amended by the Regional Administrator fluid form shall be $2.85 per cwt. for 3.5 issued under § 1499.18 (c) of the General or the Price Administrator through the per cent milk, plus not more than 50 for issuance, setting adjusted maximum issuance at any time hereafter of any each Yio of a pound of butter fat in ex­ prices for the County of Okanagan, in order or price regulation, or amendment cess of 3.5 per cent and minus not less the State of Washington, is redesignated or supplement thereto. than 50 for each %o of a pound of butter- as Amendment No. 28. (f) The effective date of this order fat below 3.5 per cent. (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. shall be October 1, 1943. (b) This order shall apply to all pur­ 9250, 7 F.R. 7851) Dated September 23, 1943. chases of milk by distributors selling 50 per cent or more of their total volume Issued this 18th day of August 1943. S y l v a n L. J o s e p h , Regional Administrator. of milk within Grand Island, Nebraska. L . F . G e n t n e r , (c) Unless the context otherwise re­ Acting Regional Administrator. [ F R. D o c . 43-15760; Filed, September 28, quires, the definitions set forth in § 1351.- 1943; 9:39 a.m.] 404 of Maximum Price Regulation 329 [F. R. Doc. 43-15758;- Filed, September 28, 1943; 9:38 a. m.] and section 302 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, shall [Region VI Order G -l Under MPR 251] be applicable to the terms used herein. (d) This order may be revoked, amend­ [Region VIII Order G-4 Under MPR 154, P l u m b i n g S e r v ic e s i n S i o u x F a l l s , S. D. ed, or corrected at any time. Amdt. 1] Order No. G -l under § 1397.68 (b) of This order shall become effective Au­ I ce a t M e s a , A r iz o n a Maximum Price Regulation No. 251. gust 28, 1943. Construction and maintenance services Amendment No. 1 to Order No. G-4 (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. and sales of building and industrial under Maximum Price Regulation No. equipment and materials on an installed 9250, 7 F.R. 7871) 154—Ice. or erected basis. Adjustment of maxi­ Issued this 23d day of August 1943. For the reasons set forth in an opinion mum prices for domestic plumbing serv­ issued simultaneously herewith and un­ R a y m o n d S. M cK e o u g h , der the authority vested in the Regional ices for Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Regional Administrator. For the reasons set forth in an opinion Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ Issued simultaneously herewith and [F. R. Doc. 43-15753; Filed, September 28, ministration by § 1393.8 (e) of Maximum under the authority vested in the Re­ 1943; 9:41 a. m .] Price Regulation No. 154, Order No. G-4 gional Administrator of the Office of under § 1393.8 (e) of Maximum Price Price Administration by § 4397.68 (b) of Regulation No. 154 is hereby amended as Maximum Price Regulation No. 251; It [Cheyenne Order G -l Under MPR 426] set forth below: (a) Paragraph (b) of said Order No. is hereby ordered: L e t t u c e i n C h e y e n n e , W y o . (a) Maximum prices. The maximum G-4 is hereby stricken out. customers' hourly rate for domestic For the reasons set forth in an opinion (b) Paragraph (c) is redesignated (b). plumbing services supplied by contrac­ issued simultaneously herewith, this Or­ This amendment shall become effective tors located within the city of Sioux der G -l of Wyoming District Office under upon its issuance. Falls, South Dakota, shall be 1.75 for the MPR 426 is hereby issued. (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. What this order does. Column 7, Ap­ first hour or any part thereof plus 87V20 9250, 7 F.R. 7871) for each succeeding half hour period: pendix A, Lettuce, of MPR 426 is amended Provided, That if the time consumed to read as follows: Issued this 19th day of August 1943. after any full hour of service does not Maximum prices ior less than carlot or L. F. G e n t n e r , exceed fifteen minutes, no additional less than trucklot sales to any person except Acting Regional Administrator. charge may be made. ultimate consumers. Maximum prices for carlot or trucklot [F . R. Doc. 43-15756; Filed, September 28, (b) Except as otherwise herein pro­ 1943; 9:38 a. m .] vided, the provisions of Maximum Price sales (Col. 6) plus 90 cents. Maximum prices for carlot or trucklot Regulation No. 251 shall apply. sales (Col. 6) plus 1 y2 cents per lb. (c) This order may be amended, modi­ Maximum price for carlot or trucklot sales fied or revoked at any time. (Col. 6) plus iy2 cents per lb. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM­ (d) This order shall be effective Sep­ MISSION. tember 14,1943. Applicability. The terms of this order shall apply to all wholesalers delivering [File Nos. 54-67, 59-64] (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. lettuce in less than carlot or less than 9250, 7 F.R. 7871) trucklot sales to any person other than P e o p l e s L ig h t a n d P o w e r C o ., e t a l . ultimate consumers within the State of Issued this 9th day of September 1943. ORDER PERMITTING DECLARATION TO BECOME Wyoming. R a y m o n d S. M cK e o u g h , EFFECTIVE Regional Administrator. Effective date. This order shall be­ come effective on September 20, 1943. At a regular session of the Securities [F. R. Doc. 43-15752; Filed, September 28, and Exchange Commission, held at its (Pub. Laws 421 and 729, 77th Cong.; E.O. 1943; 9:41 a. m .] office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., 9250, 7 F.R. 7871, EO- 9328, 8 F.R. 4681; on the 23d day of August, A. D. 1943. MPR 426, Region VII, Del. Order No. 16). In the matter of Peoples Light and [Region VI Order G-12 Under MPR 329] Issued this 17th day of September 1943. Power Company and Subsidiary Com­ H. D. W a t e n p a u g h , panies, File No. 54-67; Peoples Light and M i l k i n G r a n d I s l a n d , N e b r . District Director. Power Company, California Public Serv­ Order No. G-12 under Maximum Price ice Company, Texas Public Service Farm [F. R. Doc. 43-15755; Filed, September 28, Company, West Coast Power Company, Regulation No. 329. Purchase of milk 1943; 9:42 a. m .] from producers for resale as fluid milk. and Western States Utilities Company, Adjustment of fluid milk prices for File No. 59-64. Grand Island, Nebraska. [Region VIII Order G-3 Under 18 (c) of The Commission having on March 9, For the reasons set forth in an opinion GMPR] 1943 instituted proceedings under sec­ issued simultaneously herewith and un­ tions 11 (b) (^) and 11 (b) (2) against F l u i d M i l k i n O k a n a g a n C o u n t y , W a s h . der the authority vested in the Regional Peoples Light and Power Company, a Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ Order No. G-3 under § 1499.18 (c) of registered holding company, and its sub- • ministration by § 1351.408 of Maximum the General Maximum Price Regulation, sidiaries, and the said proceedings hav- 13276 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

ing been consolidated for the purpose of pany, respondents, Pile No. 59-64; Con­ It is ordered, That a hearing on said hearing with an application filed by Peo­ solidated Electric and Gas Company and matter under the applicable provisions ples Light and Power Company with re­ Peoples Gas Company, File No. 70-723. of said Act and rules of the Commis­ spect to a plan pursuant to section 11 It is hereby ordered, That the order sion thereunder be held on October 13 (e) of the Public Utility Holding Com­ heretofore published in the above- 1943 at 10:00 a. m., e. w. t., at the offices pany Act; and entitled matter in the F e d e r a l R e g is t e r of the Securities and Exchange Com­ Peoples Light and Power Company and on August 25, 1943, in Volume 8, Num­ mission, 18th and Locust Streets, Phil­ Western States Utilities Company, one ber 168, at page 11774, as Federal Regis­ adelphia, Pennsylvania. On such day the of its subsidiaries, having filed a decla­ ter Document No. 43-13777, be, and is hearing room clerk in Room 318 will ad­ ration in the form of an amendment to hereby, revoked. vise as to the room*in which the hear­ the above plan proposing the sale of all By the Commission. ing will be held. the outstanding capital stock of Western [ s e a l ] O r v a l L . D tjB o i s , It is further ordered, That any person States Utilities Company to Gerald L. Secretary. desiring leave to be heard in connection Schlessman for the sum of $142,500 in with these proceedings or permission to cash; and [F. R. Doc. 43-15675; Filed, September 27, intervene therein shall, on or before the Peoples Light and Power Company and 1943; 10:06 a. m .] 9th of October, 1943, file a written appli­ Western States Utilities Company having cation with the Secretary of the Com­ requested that the Commission enter an mission in accordance with the provisions order requiring the sale of said capital [File Nos. 54-69, 5&-65] of Rule X V II of the Commission’s Rules stock of Western States Utilities Com­ of Practice. pany as a transaction necessary to effec­ O g d e n C o r p o r a t io n a n d S u b s id ia r y It is further ordered, That William W. tuate the provisions of section 11 (b) C o m p a n ie s Swift or any other officer or officers of of the Public Utility Holding Company NOTICE OF FILING AND ORDER FOR HEARING the Commission designated by it for Act of 1935, and that such order contain that purpose shall preside at such hear­ the recitals and specifications described At a regular session of the Securities ing. The officer so designated to preside in sections 371 (b ), 371 (f) and 1808 (f ) and Exchange Commission, held at its at such hearing is hereby authorized to of said Internal Revenue Code as amend­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ exercise all powers-granted to the Com­ ed; and sylvania, on the 25th day of September, mission under section 18 (c) of said Act A public hearing having been held after A. D. 1943. and to a trial examiner under the Com­ appropriate notice, and the Commis­ Notice, is hereby given that an amend­ mission’s Rules of Practice. sion having considered the record in this ment to an application for approval of It is further ordered, That, without matter and having made and filed its a plan under section 11 (e) of the Public limiting the scope of the issues presented findings and opinion herein; and the Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 by said amendment, particular attention Commission having found that the sale has been filed by Ogden Corporation, a will be directed at the hearing held on of all the oustanding 2,500 shares of cap­ registered holding company, pursuant to the aforesaid matter to the following ital stock of Western States Utilities the applicable sections of the act and the matters and questions: Company owned by Peoples Light and rules promulgated thereunder. (1) Whether the proposed transac­ Power Company is necessary or appro­ All interested persons are referred to tions are necessary to effectuate the pro­ priate to effectuate the provisions of said document, which is on file in the visions of section 11 (b) of the Act; section 11 (b) of the Public Utility Hold­ offices of the Commission, for a state­ (2) What accounting adjustments ing Company Act of 1935; ment of the transactions therein pro­ should be made in connection with the posed which are summarized as follows: It is ordered, That the said declaration proposed transactions; of Peoples Light and.Power Company Ogden Corporation proposes to sell (3) Whether the consideration to be and Western States Utilities Company be 91,577 shares of common stock, no par received by Ogden Corporation is reason­ and hereby is permitted to become effec­ value, of Derby Gas & Electric Corpora­ able; tive; tion by means of competitive bidding (4) Whether the fees and expenses, pursuant to ihe provisions of Rule U-50 It is hereby further ordered, That the J paid directly or indirectly, are reason­ sale of all the outstanding 2,500 shares . promulgated under the Public Utility able; of capital stock of Western States Utili­ Holding Company Act of 1935: Derby (5) 'Whether it is necessary or appro­ ties Company by Peoples Light and Gas & Electric Corporation, a registered priate in the public interest or for the holding company and a subsidiary of Power Company be and hereby is found protection of investors and consumers to Ogden Corporation, owns all the out­ to be necessary or appropriate to effec­ impose any terms and conditions and, if standing stock of The Derby Gas & Elec­ tuate the provisions of section 11 (b) of so, what terms and conditions should be tric Company, The Wallingford Gas the Public Utility Holding Company Act imposed. Light Company, and The Derby Gas and of 1935. It is further ordered, That the Secre­ Electric Corporation of Connecticut (in­ By the Commission. tary of this Commission shall serve notice active) . ' [ s e a l ] O r v a l L. DtrBois, of this order by mailing a copy thereof Ogden Corporation states that it de­ Secretary. by registered mail to Ogden Corporation sires to consummate the aforesaid trans­ and subsidiaries and that notice shall be actions in order to comply with the Com­ [F. R. Doc. 43—15676; Filed, September 27, given to all other persons by publication 1943; 10:06 a. m .] — mission’s order of May 20, 1943 approv­ thereof in the F ed er al R e g is t e r . ing a plan filed by Ogden Corporation By the Commission. and subsidiaries under section 11 (e) of the Act designed to enable the Ogden [ s e a l ] O r v a l L. D u B o is, [File Nos. 54-67, 59-64, 70-723] holding company system to conform with Secretary. P e o p l e s L ig h t a n d P o w e r Co., e t a l . '' the requirements of section 11 (b) of the [F. R. Doc. 43-15677; Filed, September 27. ORDER REVOKING ORDER Act and directing Ogden Corporation, 1943; 10:05 a, m .] among other things, to divest itself of all At a regular session of the Securities its interest in all of its subsidiaries which and Exchange Commission, held at its are registered holding companies or pub­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., lic utility companies. [File No. 59-4] on the 23d day of September 1943. It appearing to the Commission that it E n g in e e r s P u b l ic S e r v ic e C o m p a n y ant In the matter of Peoples Light and is appropriate in the public interest and I t s S u b s id ia r y C o m p a n ie s Power Company and subsidiary compan­ the interest of investors and .consumers INTERIM ORDER AND ORDER FOR HEARING ies, applicants, Pile No. 54-67; Peoples that a hearing be held with respect to Light and Power Company, California said matter and that the said amend­ At a regular session of the Securities Public Service Company, Texas Public ment of Ogden Corporation shall not be and Exchange Commission, held at its Service Company, Texas Public Service permitted to become effective or granted office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ Farm Company, West Coast Power Com­ except pursuant to further order of this sylvania, on the 23d day of September pany and Western States Utilities Com­ Commission. 1943. FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13277

an amount equal to the increase or de­ The Commission having heretofore on The Commission having, made and crease in the earned surplus of Oklahoma oeDtember 16,1942 entered its order, pur­ filed its findings herein: for the period from April 30, 1943 to the suant to section 11 (b) (1) of the Public It is ordered, That The North Amer­ end of the month next preceding the Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, di­ ican Company be and hereby is granted recting Engineers Public Service Com­ an additional period of one year from date of settlement. consummation of such sale and pany and El Paso Electric Company (Del­ April 14, 1943 within which to "comply Upon concurrently with or prior to the final aware) to sever their relationships with with said order of April 14, 1942. dissolution of Walnut that company pro­ certain of their subsidiary companies and By the Commission. poses to apply part of the proceeds of to dispose of certain properties and busi­ [ s e a l ] O r v a l L. D u B o i s , Secretary. said sale to pay to International the nesses; . sum of $37,984.27, with interest from Engineers Public Service Company and [F . R. Doc. 43-15679; Filed, September 27, May 18, 1940 (amounting to $8,024.21 as El Paso Electric Company (Delaware), 1943; 10:05 a. m .] of July 31, 1943), in liquidation of the respondents herein, having on August 31, balance of a promissory note of Walnut 1943 filed an application pursuant to sec­ held by International. Walnut also pro­ tion 11 (c) of said Act for an extension poses to deliver to General by way of a of an additional year within which to [File No. 70-666, 70-786] dividend, or as a distribution in liquida­ comply with the Commission’s order of tion, all of its remaining assets and September 16,1942, above described; G e n e r a l W ate r G as & E l e c t r ic Co., e t a l . thereafter General intends to apply a It appearing to the Commission, in NOTICE OF FILING AND ORDER RECONVENING sum equal to the balance of the net pro­ view of the pendency of proceedings for HEARING AND DIRECTING CONSOLIDATION ceeds of the sale to the further reduction review, under section 24 (a) of the Act, of its bank loan, now outstanding in the of said order of September 16, 1942, that At a regular session of the Securities amount of $1,060,000. it is appropriate to extend the time for and Exchange Commission, held at its Upon the acquisition of the securities compliance with such order for an ad­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ of Oklahoma, Southwestern contem­ ditional period to and including Decem­ sylvania, on the 25th day of September, plates taking all steps necessary to effect ber 16, 1943, without prejudice to the A. D. 1943. the complete liquidation of Oklahoma, granting of subsequent extensions for In the matters of General Water Gas and in such liquidation proposes to ac­ such additional periods as may hereafter & Electric Company, Walnut Electric & quire all the properties and assets of be found appropriate; Gas Corporation and International Utili­ Oklahoma by causing Oklahoma to de­ ties Corporation, Pile No. 70-666; South­ It is hereby ordered, That the time for clare and pay a dividend or dividends western Public Service Company, File No. compliance with said order of September in complete liquidation, such dividend 70-786. 16,1942 be and hereby is extended for an or dividends to consist of all of the prop­ General Water Gas & Electric Company additional period to and including De-, erties and assets of Oklahoma as the cëmber 16,1943; (“General”), a registered holding com­ same shall then exist subject to all of its It is further ordered, That the Commis­ pany and a subsidiary of International then existing liabilities. sion reserves jurisdiction pursuant to Utilities Corporation (“International”), It appearing to the Commission that said application for extension, to grant and Walnut Electric & Gas Corporation it is appropriate in the public interest such additional extensions of time and (“Walnut”) , its wholly owned subsidiary, and the interest of investors and con­ to hold such hearing or hearings in con­ having previously filed a declaration or sumers that a hearing be held with re­ nection therewith as may hereafter be application (or both) and amendments spect to said matters and that the deemed appropriate. thereto, pursuant to the Public Utility amendment of General and Walnut and By the Commission. Holding Company Act of 1935, relating to the application or declaration of South­ the proposed dissolution of Walnut and [SEAL] OrVAL L. DuBOIS, western shall not be granted or per­ Secretary. the proposed transfer of its assets, con­ mitted to become effective except pursu­ sisting substantially of the outstanding ant to further order of this Commission; [P. R. Doc. 43-15678; Filed, September 27, securities of Oklahoma Electric & Water and 1943; 10:05 a. m .] Company (“Oklahoma”) , a wholly owned It further appearing to the Commis­ subsidiary of Walnut, to General in sat­ sion that the foregoing matters under isfaction of the remaining amount of File Nos. 70-666 and 70-786 are related promissory note indebtedness (with ac­ and involve common questions of law [File No. 59-10] crued interest thereon) due to General and fact; that evidence offered in re­ and in cancellation of its outstanding T h e N o r t h A m e r ic a n C o m p a n y a n d I t s spect to each of said matters will have shares of stock; and S u b s id ia r y C o m p a n ie s a bearing on the other matters, and that The Commission having held hearings substantial savings of time, effort and ORbER GRANTING EXTENSION OF TIME on the above matter and the record expense will result if the hearings on At a regular session of the Securities therein having been closed on April 2, these matters are consolidated so that and Exchange Commission held at its 1943; t h # may be heard as one matter, and office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on Notice is hereby given that an amend­ so that evidence adduced in each mat­ the 23d day of September 1943. ment to the aforesaid application or ter may stand as evidence in the other The Commission having, by an order declaration has been filed by General for all purposes; dated April 14,1942, entered in the above and Walnut and an application or dec­ It is ordered, That the proceeding “In styled and numbered matter pursuant to laration has been filed by Southwestern the Matter of General Water Gas & Elec­ section 11 (b) (1) of the Public Utility Public Service Company (“Southwest­ tric Company, Walnut Electric & Gas Holding Company Act of 1935, directed ern”), a registered holding company, Corporation and International Utilities The North American Company, a regis­ pursuant to applicable sections of the Corporation, File No. 70-666” be recon­ tered holding company, to divest itself, Act and the rules promulgated there­ vened and consolidated with the pro­ with minor exceptions, of all its assets under. ceeding on the application or declara­ other than the securities of Union Elec­ All interested persons are referred to tion filed by Southwestern Public Serv­ tric Company of Missouri and its sub­ said amendment and application or dec­ ice Company, File No. 70-786, the Com­ sidiaries; and having by the terms of laration for a statement of the transac­ mission reserving the right, if at any said order reserved jurisdiction to enter tions therein proposed which are sum­ time, it may appear conducive to an such further orders as it might deem marized as follows: orderly and economical disposition of necessary or appropriate; and Walnut proposes to sell and South­ any of said matters to order a separate The respondent, The North American western proposes to buy the outstanding hearing concerning such matter, and to Company, having filed an application securities of Oklahoma consisting of a close the record with respect to any of pursuant to section 11 (c) of said Act promissory note in the principal amount the matters prior to the closing of the requesting an extension of time for one of $500,000 and 17,500 shares of common record in any other matter. year within which to comply with said stock of $10 par value per share, for the It is further ordered, That a consoli­ order of April 14, 1942; and sum of $510,000 in cash plus or minus dated hearing on such matters under the 13278 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943

applicable provisions of said Act and [Pile No. 812-178] In the matter of United Gas Corpora­ Rules of the Commission thereunder be S c r ip p s -H o w a r d I n v e s t m e n t C o m p a n y tion and Central and South West utili- held on October 5, 1943 at 11:00 a. m., ties Company, File No. 70-768, and The e. w. t., at the offices of the Securities and NOTICE OF AND ORDER CONTINUING HEARING Middle West Corporation and its subsid­ Exchange Commission, 18th and Locust At a regular session of the Securities iary companies, File No. 59-5. Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On and Exchange Commission, held at its Central and South West Utilities Com­ such date the hearing room clerk in office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on pany, a registered holding company and Room 318 will advise as to the room the 25th day of September, A. D. 1943. a subsidiary of The Middle West Corpo­ where such hearing will be held. At such An application having been duly filed ration, also a registered holding com­ hearing cause will be shown why such by Scripps-Howard Investment Com­ pany, having filed a declaration and an amendment and such application or pany for an order, pursuant to section amendment thereto pursuant to section declaration shall become effective or 6 (b) and/or section 6 (c) of the Invest­ 12 (d) of the Public Utility Holding Com­ shall be granted. ment Company Act of 1940, exempting pany Act of 1935, and United Gas Cor­ It is further ordered, That any person the applicant from the provisions of poration, a subsidiary of Electric Power desiring to be heard or otherwise wishing said Act and the rules and regulations & Light Corporation, a registered holding to participate herein shall notify the promulgated by the Commission there­ company which in turn is a subsidiary of Commission to that effect in the manner under; and Electric Bond and Share Company, also provided in Rule XVII of the Commis­ a registered holding company, having sion’s Rules of Practice on or before The hearing in this matter having been filed an application and an amendment October 4, 1943. held, and the Commission, by an order thereto pursuant to sections 9 (a) and 10 It is further ordered, That Willis E. dated August 26, 1943, having permitted of the Act, both of which seek approval Monty or any other officer or officers of the applicant to file a forma] amend­ of a proposed transaction which may be the Commission designated by it for that ment to its application on or before Sep­ summarized as follows: purpose shall preside at such hearing. tember 15,1943, and having ordered that (1) Southwestern Gas & Electric Com­ The officer so designated to preside at the hearing in this matter be reconvened pany, a subsidiary of Central and South such hearing is hereby authorized to ex­ on September 28, 1943; and West Utilities Company, proposes to sell ercise all powers granted to the Commis­ The applicant having requested an ex­ sion under section 18 (c) of the Act and tension of the time within which it might and United Gas Corporation proposes to to a trial examiner under the Commis­ file a formal amendment to its appli­ acquire the gas distribution properties sion’s Rules of Practice. cation and also having requested a con­ of the former located in and between the It is further ordered, That, without tinuance of such hearing; Cities of Biloxi, Handsboro, Gulfport, limiting the scope of the issues presented It is ordered, That the applicant be Mississippi City, Long Beach and Pass by said amendment and application or permitted to file a formal amendment to Christian in the State of Mississippi as declaration, particular attention will be its application on or before October 18, well as the gas distribution business inci­ directed at the said hearing to the fol-w 1943; and dent thereto and all the assets of South­ lowing matters and questions: It is further ordered, That the record western Gas & Electric Company, real (1) Whether the proposed transactions in this matter be reopened and a hear­ and personal (except cash and cash are in compliance with applicable pro­ ing ordered by this CommissiQn under items) used in such natural gas distribu­ visions of the Act; section 40 (a) of the Investment Com­ tion business for the sum of $812,500 in (2) Whether the consideration to be pany Act of 1940 be reconvened on Octo­ cash, plus an additional amount for ac- * paid by Southwestern and to be received ber 28, 1943 at 10 a. m. eastern war time counts receivable, materials and mer­ by Walnut for the securities of Oklahoma in Room 318, of the Securities and Ex­ chandise, subject to certain adjustments is fair and reasonable; change Commission Building, 18th and covering net additions to plant between (3) Whether the acquisition by South­ Locust Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsyl­ May 1, 1943 and the date of the closing; western of Oklahoma will serve the pub­ vania; and and The Commission having on March 1, lic interest by tending toward the eco­ It is further ordered, That Robert P. 1940 instituted proceedings under sec- nomical and efficient development of an Reeder, Esquire, or any other officer or 11 (b) (1) against The Middle West Cor­ integrated public utility system and will officers of the Commission designated by poration and its subsidiary companies not be detrimental to the carrying out of it for that purpose shall preside at the (File No. 59-5); and the provisions of section 11 of the Act; hearing so ordered. The officer so desig­ (4) Whether the accounting entries to nated is hereby authorized to exercise Southwestern Gas and Electric Com­ be made in connection with the proposed all the powers granted to the Commis­ pany having requested, in the event that transactions and the adjustment of ac­ sion under sections 41 and 42 (b) of the an order of the Commission shall be counts incident thereto are in accord Investment Company Act of 1940 and to entered permitting the above-mentioned with sound and accepted principles of trial examiners under the Commission’s declaration of Central and South West accounting; Rules of Practice. Utilities Company to become effective, that an order be entered requiring, au­ (5) Whether it is necessary or appro­ Notice of such hearing is hereby given thorizing, permitting or approving the priate in the public interest or fo» the to the applicant, to thè American News­ sale of the properties above mentioned protection of investors and consumers to paper Guild, and to any other persons and approving the use of $812,500 of impose any terms and conditions and, if whose participation in siich proceeding the proceeds of said sale for the retire­ so, what terms and conditions should be may be in the public interest or for the imposed. protection of investors. ment of $812,500 principal amount of It is further ordered, That the Secre­ By the Commission. its outstanding unsecured notes as nec­ tary of the Commission shall serve notice essary or appropriate to the integration of the hearing aforesaid by mailing a [ s e a l ] O r v a l L . D u B o is , or simplification of the holding company copy of this order to General Water Gas Secretary. system of which Southwestern is a mem­ & Electric Company, Walnut Electric & [F. R. Doc. 43—15682; Piled, September 27, ber, and as necessary or appropriate to Gas Corporation, International Utilities 1943; 10:05 a. m .] effectuate the provisions of section 11 (b) Corporation, Southwestern Public Serv­ of the Act, and that such order contain ice Company and the Corporation Com­ the recitals and specifications prescribed mission of the State of Oklahoma by reg­ in section 371 of the Internal Revenue istered mail, and that notice of said hear­ [Pile Nos. 70-768, 59-5] Code, as amended; and ing be given to all persons by publication U n it e d G as C o r p ., E t A l . The Commission having on August 13, of this order in the F ed er al R e g is t e r . 1943, issued its notice of filing and order ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION, ETC. By the Commission. reconvening hearing and directing con­ [ s e a l ] O r v a l L. DtrBois, At a regular session of the Securities solidation, which order, among other Secretary. and Exchange Commission, held at its things, consolidated the proceeding un­ office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ der File No. 59-5 with the proceeding [P . R. Doc. 43-15680; Piled, September 27, sylvania, on the 25th day of September, upon the -application of United Gas Cor­ 1943; 10:05 a. m.J A. D. 1943. poration and the declaration of Central FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 13279 and South West Utilities Company, and and 12 (d) thereof, regarding the acqui­ supervision of the Chief of the Grain a consolidated hearing having been held sition and retirement of all of the out­ Products Branch: in accordance therewith and the Com­ standing First Mortgage 25-year, 5% (1) To permit the transfer of quotas mission having considered the record Gold Bonds, due October 1,1937 of Blue- with respect to any State or the District and having made and filed its findings field Gas Company in the aggregate of Columbia from one first owner to an­ and opinion herein; principal amount of $100,000, all of other: Provided, That, It is ordered, Pursuant to section Í1 which are owned by Consolidated Elec­ (a) The first owner whose quota is (b) (1) of the Public Utility Holding tric and Gas Company and pledged by to be transferred, files a written request Company Act of 1935 that The Middle it to secure its Collateral Trust Gold for the transfer and a written agree­ West Corporation cease to own or oper­ Bonds, and the creation of open account ment to refrain from delivering brown, ate, directly or indirectly, any properties indebtedness in lieu thereof, a contract undermilled, or milled rice under such or facilities now owned or operated by it, of sale having been executed for all of quota to the extent that it has been through Central and Southwest Utilities the assets,of Bluefield Gas Company, transferred, and Company or Southwestern Gas and Elec­ the proceeds thereof to be deposited (b) The first owner to whom the tric Company in the gas distribution with the Trustees of the Collateral Trust quota is to be transferred agrees in business in and between the Cities of Gold Bonds contemporaneously with the writing to the transfer; Biloxi, Gulfport, Handsboro, Mississippi release of said First Mortgage Bonds of (2) To establish a quota with respect City, Long Beach and Pass Christian, in Bluefield Gas Company; to any State or the District of Colum­ the State of Mississippi. Said declaration having been filed on bia for any first owner who now op­ It is further ordered, That the appli­ September 2, 1943 and amendments erates a mill which was not in operation cation of United Gás Corporation, as thereto having been filed on September during the base period, August 1, 1941, amended, be, and hereby is, granted, and 4 and 10, and notice of filing having been to July 31, 1942: Provided, That, such the declaration of Central and South given in the form and manner pre­ quota shall be calculated upon the basis West Utilities Company, as amended, be scribed in Rule U-23 under said Act and of historical data concerning the mill’s and hereby is, permitted to become effec­ the Commission not having received a operations in other years, or in the ab­ tive forthwith, subject, however, to the request for a hearing with respect to said sence of such data, upon the basis of terms and conditions prescribed in Rule declaration, as amended, within the the estimated production of milled rice U-24 of the General Rules and Regula­ period specified in said notice, or other­ by such mill during the 1943-1944 tions promulgated under the Act. wise, and not having ordered a hearing season; It is further ordered, That the sale by thereon; and (3) To increase or decrease the quota Southwestern Gas and Electric Company The Commission finding that the re­ of any miller affected by the said food of its said properties to United Gas Cor­ quirements of sections 10, 12 (c ), and order with respect to any State or the poration and the use of the said portion 12 (d) of said Act and Rules U-42 and District^ of Columbia, where the distri­ of the proceeds thereof for the retire­ U-43 promulgated thereunder are satis­ bution of rice from his mill during the ment of Southwestern’s unsecured notes fied and that no adverse findings are nep- base year was not representative of the in the principal amount of $812,500 are essary thereunder, and the Commission normal yearly distribution of rice from necessary or appropriate to the integra­ deeming it appropriate in the public in­ such mill, or where such action is other­ tion and simplification of the holding terest and in the interest of investors and wise deemed necessary to insure the effi­ company system of which Southwestern consumers to permit said declaration to cient and proper distribution of the avail­ Gas and Electric Company is a member, become effective; able supply of rice due to a change in and are necessary or appropriate to ef­ It is hereby ordered, Pursuant to Rule conditions resulting from Government fectuate the provisions of section 11 (b) U-23 and the applicable provisions of regulations, population shifts, changes in of the Public Utility Holding Company said Act, and subject to the terms and transportation costs, or other events be­ Act of 1935, within the meaning of sec­ conditions prescribed in Rule U-24, that yond the control of the miller; tion 371 of the Internal Revenue Code, as the aforesaid declaration be, and the (4) To .defer the setting aside of milled amended. same hereby is, permitted to become ef­ rice by any first owner for a designated By the Commission. fective forthwith. period of time, where the first owner re­ [ seal] O r v a l L. DuRois, By the Commission. quests such deferment and shows that Secretary. O r v a l L. D u B o i s , the milled rice owned by him during Secretary. such period will not grade No. 4, or better, [P. R. Doc. 43-15681; Filed, September 27, of one of the classes I to X, inclusive, 1943; 10:06 a. m .] [F. R. Doc. 43-15790; Filed, September 28, due to excess moisture: Provided, That, 1943; 11:59 a. m .] such action shall be upon the condition that the first owner shall during a des­ [File No. 70-783] ignated later period of time set aside for sale to Governmental agencies a suffi­ Consolidated E l e c t r ic a n d G as C o m p a n y WAR FOOD ADMINISTRATION. AND BLTJEFIELD GAS COMPANY cient quantity of milled rice of the grade No. 4, or better, of one of the classes I to R ic e ORDER p e r m it t in g declaration t o b e c o m e X inclusive, to constitute forty-five per­ EFFECTIVE DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTRA­ cent of the total brown, undermilled, or At a regular session of the Securities TOR OR ALTERNATE ADMINISTRATOR milled rice as to which he is a first owner and Exchange Commission, held at its Pursuant to the authority vested in during such periods. office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ the Director of Food Distribution by The authority delegated herein shall sylvania, on the 27th day of September Food Distribution Order 10, issued by be exercised in conformity with the pro­ 1943. the Secretary of Agriculture on January visions of Food Distribution Order 10, Consolidated Electric and Gas Com­ 21, 1943 (8 F.R. 1076), as amended on as amended. pany, a registered holding company, and July 14, 1943 (8 F.R. 9863), the Admin­ Issued this 27th day of September Bluefield Gas Company, a subsidiary istrator of Food Distribution Order 10, 1943. thereof, having filed a declaration and or in his absence or inability to act, the C. W - K i t c h e n , amendments thereto pursuant to the Alteinate Administrator of Food Dis­ Acting Director of Food Distribution. Public Utility Holding Company Act of tribution Order 10, is hereby authorized, [F. R. Doc. 43—15785; Filed, September 28, 1935, particularly sections 10, 12 (c), subject to the direction and under the 1943; 11:22 a. m .]