Washington, Wednesday, September 29, 1943
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Æ\ FEDERAL REGISTER 1934 VOLUME 8 NUMBER 193 Washington, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 The President acquired by courts of a cobelligerent CONTENTS hereunder and to all proceedings had or THE PRESIDENT judgments rendered in exercise of such PROCLAMATION 2594 jurisdiction.” P roclamation : PaSe WHEREAS the Government' of Can Capture of prizes on the high C a p t u r e o p P r iz e s ada, a cobelligerent, has consented to the seas, jurisdiction,__________13217 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES exercise of the jurisdiction conferred by OF AMERICA the said act with respect to prizes of the REGULATIONS AND United States brought into the territorial NOTICES A PROCLAMATION waters of Canada and to the taking or WHEREAS the act of August 18, 1942, appropriation of such prizes within the A l i e n P r o p e r t y C u s t o d i a n : 56 Stat. 746, contains in part the follow territorial waters of Canada for the use Vesting orders: Crespi, Giovanni B ----------------- 13271 ing provisions: of the United States: - NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Geffcken, F. H. H., and H. R. “Be it enacted by the Senate and House Richter___________ 13271 of Representatives of the United States ROOSEVELT, President of the United I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G , (2 States of America, acting under and by of America in Congress assembled, That documents)_______ 13272,13273 virtue of the authority vested in me by the district courts shall have original Junkers Flugzeug-und-Motor- the said act of August 18, 1942, do pro jurisdiction of all prizes captured during enwerke A. G. (2 docu claim that the Government of Canada the present war on the high seas if said ments) ____________ 13268,13270 shall be accorded like privileges with re capture was made by authority of the Kurtz-Hahnle, Carl, et al____ 13267 United States or was adopted and rati spect to prizes captured under authority of the said Government and brought into Legerlotz, Helmut------------------ 13271 fied by the President of the United States Les Usines des Melle__________ 13269 and the prize was brought into the ter the territorial waters of the United States or taken or appropriated in the Lieberknecht, Paul, and M a ritorial waters of a cobelligerent or was schinenfabrik Einsiedel taken or appropriated for the use of the territorial waters of the United States G. m. b. H _______________ 13272 United States on the high seas or in such for the use of the said Government. Metallgesellschaft A. G --------- 13273 territorial waters, including jurisdiction IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here N. V. Internationale Oxygen- of all proceedings for the -condemnation unto set my hand and caused the seal of ium Maatschappij Nova- of such property taken as prize. the United States of America to be ***** affixed.1 del_______ ^______________ 13268 DONE at the City of Washington this Orkla Grube Aktiebolag, et al_ 13268 “Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of prizes Peterson, Waldemar__________ 13270 brought into the territorial waters of a 27th day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and Raddatz, Martha_____________ 13267 cobelligerent shall not be exercised un Société Anonyme des Ateliers [ s e a l ] forty-three, and of the Inde der authority of this Act, nor shall prizes Brillie Freres_;___________ 13272 pendence of the United States be taken or appropriated within such F e d e r a l C ommunications C o m m i s territorial waters for the use of the of America the one hundred and sixty- s i o n : United States, unless the government eighth. F r a n k l i n D R o o s e v e l t Orlando, Fla., hearing-------------- 13262 having jurisdiction over such territorial F i s h a n d W i l d l i f e S e r v ic e : waters consents to the exercise of such By the President: Wichita Mountains Wildlife jurisdiction or to such taking or appro A d o l f A. B e r l e , Jr., Refuge, Oklahoma; admin priation. Acting Secretary of State. istration___________________ 13262 * * * * * [P. R. Doc. 43-15715; Filed, September 27, G e n e r a l L a n d O f f i c e : “Sec. 7. A cobelligerent of the United 1943; 12:39 p. ra.] Nevada, land withdrawal_______ 13261 States which consents to the exercise of I n t e r s t a t e C o m m e r c e C o m m i s s i o n : the jurisdiction herein conferred with Fruit and vegetable cars; diver respect to prizes of the United States Regulations sion, reconsignment or or brought into its territorial waters and to ders_______________ ;________ 13262 the taking or appropriation of such Icing permits: prizes within its territorial waters for the TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Atchison, Topeka, and Santa use of the United States shall be ac Chapter X—War Food Administration Fe Railway Co. (2 docu corded, upon proclamation by the Presi (Production Orders) ments)____________ 13263,13265 dent of the United States, like privileges Common carriers by railroad [F P O 14] with respect to prizes captured under au (7 documents)___________ 13264, thority of such cobelligerent and brought P art 1202— F a r m M a c h in e r y a n d 13265,13266 into the territorial waters of the United E q u ip m e n t Long Island Rail Road Co 13264 States or taken or appropriated in the n e w f a r m m a c h in e r y a n d e q u ip m e n t Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. territorial waters of the United States The fulfilment of requirements for the (2 documents)____ 13263,13264 for the use of such cobelligerent. Re Southern Pacific Co_________________ _ 13263 ciprocal recognition and full faith and defense of the United States has resulted credit shall be given to the jurisdiction (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 13217 13218 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, September 29, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued lH j O f f ic e o f P r ic e A dministration — W ar D e p a r t m e n t : Page Continued. Page U. S. Military Academy admis FEBERALMREGISTER4? Licensing— Continued. 1934 sion, miscellaneous amend ' tíAílTtO V Termination dates— Con. ments ----------______— I— 13224 Iron and steel products W ar F ood A dministration : sellers (SO 17, Am. 2)_ 13243 Farm machinery and equip Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Lumber and building mate ment, new: and days following legal holidays, by the rials dealers (SO 18, (FPO 14)------------------------------- 13217 Division of the Federal Register, The National Am. 2 )_____________ _____ 13243 (FPO 14, Supp. 1) ---------- r ___ 13221 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Meat and meat products Rice, delegation of authority___ 13279 in the FederalJRegister Act, approved July 26.. W ar P r o d u c t io n B oard : 1935 (49 Stat, 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., sellers (SO 14, Am. 2)__ 13243 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Paper products distributors • Acetone and diacetone (M-352) _ 13235 Administrative Committee, approved by the Chemicals, maintenance, repair (SO 19, Am. 3 )________ 13243 a n d operating supplies President. Distribution is made only by the Second-hand machine tools Superintendent of Documents, Government (P -8 9 )-------------------- --------- 13238 Printing Office, W ashington, D. C. dealers (BO 20, Am. 2) _ 13243 Flags (M-166)---------- --------------- 13233 The regulatory material appearing herein is Waste and scrap dealers Mica (M-101)_____ 13230 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, (SO 5, Am. 4 )___ 13242 Newsprint paper (L-240)_______ 13231 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Yarn and textiles sellers Pigs’ and hogs’ bristles(M-51) __ 13234 to section 11 of the Federal Registër Act, as amended June 19, 1937. (SO 36, Am. 1 )________ 13243 Power division, Office of War The Federal R egister will be furnished by Lumber: Utilities, table (M-293, Table mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Douglas fir doors (RPS 44, 8) ------------------------------------- 13232 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad Am. 2) — ________________ 13246 Priorities regulations: extension vance. The charge for individual copies Rotary cut southern hardwood of preference ratings (PR 3, (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Am. 2 )--------- 13228 box (MPR 176, Am. 6)___ 13250 size of the issue. Remit check or money Reagent chemicals: West coast logs (MPR l(Jl, order, made payable to the Superintendent (P-135)--------- L« -------------------13237 of Documents, directly to the Government Order 30)________________ 13274 Printing Office, W ashington, D. C. (P-135-a)___ 13237 Motor transport carriers, ad Refrigeration condensers, coil or There are no restrictions on the republica justment application (SR tion of material appearing in the Federal tube assemblies (L-126, Sch. R egister. _ 15, Am. 10)____________ 13255 in )-------- •_--------------- 13229 Paperboard products (MPR 187, Rubber, synthetic rubber, balata, Am. 6) _________ ________ 13256 etc. (R -l, Am. 4 )__________ 13240 CONTENTS—Continued Regional and district office or Suspension orders: ders: Deisroth', W. H., Inc_________ 13228 N a v y D e p a r t m e n t : Page Pood and drink sold for im Southwest Manufacturing Co_ 13228 Executive orders and proclama mediate consumption, tions applicable to Navy__ 13258 Oklahoma City district, O f f ic e o f E c o n o m ic W arfar e : Okla----- -------------------------- 13252 in a shortage in the supply of rationed General in-transit licenses, Ice, Mesa, Ariz________________ 13275 farm equipment for défense and for pri amendments_______________ 13228 Lettuce, Cheyenne and Casper, vate account and for export; and the fol O f f ic e o f P r ic e A dministration : lowing order is deemed necessary and Adjustment orders filed, list____ 13274 „ Wyo------------------------------- 13275 Milk: appropriate in the public interest and to Adjustments, exceptions, etc.: promote the national defense: Pacific Lumbfer Inspection Grand Island, Nebr_______ 13275 Bureau, Inc_______ 13255 Okanagan County,Wash__.