Issues and Events, 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007

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Issues and Events, 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 Polynesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 Reviews of American Sämoa, Hawai‘i, clearly designed to counter the provi- Niue, Tokelau, Tonga, and Tuvalu are sions of New Zealand’s civil union not included in this issue. legislation (CIN, 19 July 2006, 1). Government also committed itself Cook Islands to a variety of programs including the The period under review was domi- development of geotourism through nated by an unprecedented call for an agreement signed by Tourism general elections, parliamentary con- Minister Wilkie Rasmussen and Sarah fl icts, and budget approval constraints Laskin, vice president of public and that at times tested the interpretation business development for National of the powers of the head of state. Geographic. The agreement obligated Ongoing out-migration of Cook the island country to adhere to four- Islanders, environmental problems, teen geotourism principles designed and continuing infl ation slipped under to sustain and enhance the geographic the radar as politicians pushed for character of a given place, including major salary increases and most Cook the environment, culture, aesthetics, Islanders struggled from paycheck and the well-being of its people. In to paycheck. The popular American return, National Geographic prom- television series Survivor, and some ised to produce maps and brochures sporting successes, provided some “which identify the unique features of respite, but an unpredictable tourist the Cook Islands” (CIN, 2 Aug, 2006, industry, technical personnel limita- 1). The Cook Islands becomes only tions, and occasional invasive diseases the fourth country to accede to the and insects reminded Cook Islanders charter. to be constantly vigilant. In July Teina Bishop, member for July 2006 began with continuing Arutanga (Aitutaki), resigned from his concern by many observers about the cabinet post realigning himself with leak of the Queen’s Honours list from the opposition Cook Islands Party the offi ce of Prime Minister Jim Maru- (cip). Not long after, Kiriau Turepu rai, which he dismissed as “unimport- (cip) won the snap election for the ant” (CIN, 5 July, 4). Perhaps of more Matavera (Rarotonga) constituency, concern to Marurai were political potentially changing the balance of undercurrents aimed toward replac- power in Parliament and creating a ing him and the Speaker of the House footing for a change of government (CIN, 6 July 2006, 1). Meanwhile, (CIN, 20 July 2006, 1). The political one of the laws fi nalized by the Cook battle intensifi ed when opposition cip Islands Parliament was a Marriage members met in Parliament without Amendment Bill outlawing marriages Democratic Party (Demo) govern- between homosexuals. The law was ment members. After swearing in the 216 pol i t ical reviews • polynesia 217 newly elected Kiriau Turepu, they candidate Tepure Tapaitau CIN, 10 voted the Demo government out. The Aug 2006, 1). Apparently catching the event was broadcast live on national campaign committee off guard, the radio, attracting accusations of a coup Cook Islands Party failed to nominate attempt bordering on sedition and a substitute candidate, so Rasmus- treason. The extraordinary chain of sen entered the election unopposed. events became even more confusing The election was hotly contested when Queen’s Representative Sir Fred- for 23 of the 24 seats. After some erick Goodwin called for a general recounts—and allegations of bribery election. This essentially negated the involving bread, fi sh, pearls, and an by-election just won by Turepu and excavator—the Democratic Party preempted the later attempt by cip won a majority of seats and formed a parliamentarians to use a vote of no government (CIN, 14 Oct 2006, 1; CIN, confi dence to force a change of gov- 27 Oct 2006, 1). ernment (CIN, 25 July 2006). The high During this intense election period, court was drawn into the drama amid the caretaker government faced accusations of political maneuvering budgetary limitations, and the queen’s on both sides of the aisle. Meanwhile, representative issued an unprecedented caretaker Prime Minister Jim Marurai decree authorizing bridging expen- tried to reassure the general popula- diture from 20 November to twelve tion that there was no cause for alarm sitting days after the fi rst meeting of (CIN, 25 July 2006, 1). The election the newly elected Parliament (CIN, was set for 26 September 2006. 18 Nov 2006, 1). In the subsequent Sir Geoffrey Arama Henry debate over the intervention, New announced his retirement from the Zealand constitutional expert Dr Cook Islands Party leadership effec- Alex Frame warned that the claim tive 31 August 2006, and as mem- of “necessity” cited by the head of ber of Parliament representing the state was diffi cult to justify (CIN, 18 Takuvaine (Rarotonga) constituency. Dec 2006, 1). A second legal opinion Mark Brown replaced Henry as cip by Dr William Hodges, a member of candidate for Takuvaine, and Tom the Auckland University law faculty, Marsters, the member of Parlia- supported Frame’s remarks but added ment for Murienua (Rarotonga), was that the queen’s representative “does eventually elected to lead the Cook have reserve powers ‘to sustain and Islands Party in Parliament (CIN, 13 not to destroy’ peace, order and good Dec 2006, 1). The party now faces government as provided by the consti- multiple challenges: new leadership, a tution” (CIN, 21 Dec 2006, 13). seemingly overzealous head of state, The national police provided one possible court challenges, and a pend- focus for the newly constituted Demo ing general election. government when an eagerly awaited As candidates fi led their nomina- review identifi ed poor leadership, tions for the elections, Wilkie Ras- fi nancial mismanagement, and lack of mussen switched his allegiance to the public confi dence as key issues fac- Democratic Party. He had originally ing the force (CIN, 5 Dec 2006, 1). In won his seat by nine votes over Demo April, the cabinet appointed Patrick 218 the contemporary pacifi c • 20:1 (2008) Tasker, a New Zealand inspector, as Cook Islands Investments Corporation the new commissioner of police. The (ciic) board chairman Julian Dash- new commissioner will be expected wood over plans to tour Auckland to manage necessary changes while ports in February 2007. The decision sustaining police operations (CIN, 28 to terminate Beer may have also been April 2007, 1). In another change, infl uenced by a December 2006 audit local Shola Ivaiti was named to replace that claimed improper payments of Kevin Carr as fi nancial secretary (CIN, over nz$30,000 for consultancy work 23 Feb 2007, 1). Earlier, former Solici- (CIN, Feb 2007, 1). Dashwood himself tor General Janet Maki became the was later terminated after the change country’s fi rst woman ombudsman, of government. “Maybe it’s because beginning her new job 15 November I was trying to weed out corruption. 2006 (CIN, 1 Nov 2006, 1). Her stated I guess my standards are higher than goal was to provide a public service theirs,” declared Dashwood (CIN, 22 that ensures government accountabil- Feb 2007, 1). The Chamber of Com- ity (CIN, 3 Nov 2006, 3). merce weighed in on the controversy The issue of fi sheries poaching by expressing concern at the “appar- emerged in December, when long-liner ent political interference shown by FV Tim Tam was captured by a police the sacking of Dashwood (CIN, 23 squad fi shing ninety nautical miles Feb 2007, 1). Local businessman Sam south-southwest of Penrhyn Island. “Gumby” Crocombe replaced Beer as The Tim Tam had a Korean captain the new chairman of the Ports Author- and a crew made up of a Samoan, ity Board, while Tapi Taio replaced Fijian, Chinese, and three Taiwanese Dashwood as ciic chairman (CIN, 9 sailors (CIN, 6 Dec 2006, 1). About March 2007, 1). seventeen tons of mostly albacore tuna In April 2007, the Chinese-funded on board were sold off cheaply to the National Police Headquarters in general public in Rarotonga (CIN, 14 Avarua was fi nally opened with a Dec 2006, 1). Skipper Yeong Bae Han ceremony led by Queen’s Representa- was convicted and fi ned the minimum tive Sir Frederick Goodwin and the nz$100,000, a far cry from the legal Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yuan- maximum of nz$1 million (CIN, 16 yuan (CIN, 2 April 2007, 5). The Dec 2006, 1). In May 2007, a Taiwan- government revealed a Chinese-funded ese long-lining vessel FV Yin Chen nz$7.5 million road-upgrading project No 1 was caught fi shing illegally and for the 5.5-kilometer stretch of back Captain Man Liu Tsai was convicted road from Nikao to Takuvaine, to be in the high court. Noting that the ves- completed in time for the 2009 South sel had made multiple excursions into Pacifi c Mini Games (CIN, 14 March the Cook Islands exclusive economic 2007, 1). China also agreed to fund zone, the court ordered a fi ne of a new sports stadium for the Cook nz$200,000 plus nz$50,000 in costs Islands with nz$4 million in aid, plus (CIN, 24 May 2007, 1). a further nz$2 million in concessional Another focus for controversy was loans (CIN, 20 March 2007, 1). the Ports Authority Board, whose In January, Minister of Foreign chairman Don Beer Jr was sacked by Affairs and Immigration Wilkie Ras- pol i t ical reviews • polynesia 219 mussen noted an increase in foreigners In March 2007, Parliament changed illegally working in the country. He a law empowering the cabinet to give warned that it was a serious issue and, members a pay raise without being after meeting with communities of bound by the independent Remunera- Samoans, Fijians, Kiribati, and others, tion Tribunal (CIN, 8 March 2007, some twenty foreigners were given 1).
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