The War Memorial

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Entered 8S Second ClaSs MaUer .VOLUME I4--NO. 20 ~~otp~rC~~:, , , MAY 14. 1953 at the Post Office at . Mlc:h. FuJJy Paid Circulation ------~------_...:..-_------~------;~ IIEADLINES Soldiers of Anti -Aircraft Artillery Join in ,Clean- Up Drive Woods Community Youngpeople 0/ th. r-.-:-.:w':."~'-' .._.., _-.."..' ,.. ,. Assuming Big WEEK 1 b 0 Id 0 As Compiled by the CuT Ho pen Part in Drive Grosse POitlJe News All Residents Urged to Do Thursday, May 7 House This Sunday Thei, Share of Making DISPATCHES from the French Pointe More Beautiful High Command in Indochina. stated that a ,sudden withdrawal Greatly Enlarged Building Will Be Formally Presented to From the First Graders to of Vietminh Communist forces Board President; Many Residents and Organizations Seniors in High School, the northward from Laos, may mean the enemy is abandoning in- Helped Dream Come True young people is t~e Grosse vasion of .the kingdom. A high The Grosse Pointe Community Club will hold an Open Pointe community hold the command spokesman said this may be due to the approach of House, Sunday. May 17, from 2 to 5 p. m., during which the spotlight in launching the An- torrential monsoon rains, which club house itself will be presented to the board president nual Clean-Up week which are expected at anytime. It is' by the civic-minded residents of the \Voods, whose con- opens tomorrow, May 15, believed the rugged mountain tributions of time and. material made the project possible. Scouts Are Ready and jungle terrain would be un- Honored guests at the cere- ~ Some 600 Boy Scoutts, little tenable when the monsoon hits, monies will be representatives of F Ch t Scouts of 11 years, big Scouts • • • Woods officialdom; the United ree es of 13 and Big Explorers, age 14 SCORES of Americans were Community Services, metropoli- to 18, will see to it that every among those re::icued by two tan planning organization; the resident finds a Door-Hanger re- American freighters, when the United Foundation, from which X- rays Start minding him of Clean-Up. As Duke of York, a 4,190-ton vessel, is received financial support; the ' their oath is "A Scout is Clean" was sliced through in a collision Grosse Pointe Board of Educa- MI'iIY 25 they will be carrying out their with one of the freighters 40 tion; and the local Kiwanis Club, On t~,. idee Is. miles out in the North Sea. The noted for its generous aid to the The Troop leaders who have two ships saved nearly 500 people young people of the Woods. Dates and Locations for Visit organized this tremendous job \',"[10 were on the British steam. Committee Heads Of Mobile Unit Announ',ced include:- Troop 19, Maire School. ship, The English. vessel lost all Heading the various commit- John R. Glaser; Troop 61, St. her bow forward of the super- tees are: Marshall Jameson, Open By Committee Paul's, Ed R. Vernier; Troop 74, structure in the cras!l with the House; Miss Adelaide Dinwood- Richard School, Jack Buver; Post United Stat£'s Go v ern men t ie, subcommittee on publicity "It's good sense to use serv- 74, .Richard, Dan Hembel; Troop freighter Haiti Victory. Five and invitations; Mrs. E. A. Ben- ice we have already paid for," 185, Montieth, Robert Morden; known dead, including four wo- zin, refreshments and hospitality; said Lynn Bartlett, chairman Troop 86. Trombly, William .F. men. and Mrs. T. E. Jefferies, house of public information for the Frahm; Troop 96 G. P. MemorIal • • • -Picture by Fred Runnells and reception. Ch h OU E St k T 96 Even the men in the armed services who are guarding this area from possible attack from the skies The Community Club board 1953 chest x-ray campaign, in urc,. 0 • re.; roop TONS of h:ghexplosives were al'e taking their part in the annu~l Clean-Up campaign which will be observed for a week, starting tomorrow. This group members are: Marshall Jame- urging Grosse Pointers to get Grosse Pomte MemOrial Church. dropped on a huge Communist "1 h' .,' h h Ted Granger; Troop 147 Defer supply dump beneath the Kang- at the camp at the foot of Three Mile drive, is doing everything possible to make its campsite an attractive part of t e son, president; Gerald Keifer, thel~ chest x-rays w en t e School, Carlton Wyse; Troop 156. gye Dam by American Thunder- community. vice-president; Mrs. Harry N. mobIle x-ray bus starts a three Christ Church Douglas Simpson; jet fighter-bombers, only five I------...~~) • · • · · • <;>------Watson,M secretary; Mrs. JeanG week visit here on May 25. '1'roo'p 290, Ma'son School, By.ron miles from the Yalu River. It was yers, treasurer; Mervyn as- "Very few people realize," he BU,~chby; Troop 399 St. Clair f h d 1 332 D t Soldl-ers Need Help t'o Make School Bus ' one 0 t e eepest penetrations. ona e Rkin,t l'ffMrs. DT.J H.G Stahl,d LeonSt ID. pointed out, "that while the School, Marshall Bruce; Troop of the air war. The raid followed , a c I e, . . 00 row, an ey chest x-rays are taken without 479, Parcells School, Don A. Mar- the bombing of a troop and sup- $18 572 75 ''?,'' McKenzie, Mrs. George Klein, charge, the service is made pos- tin; Troop 546, G.P. Woods Pres- ply depot near Sasan-Ni by 13 I , _ t0 Green-Up TI-me ~,Mrs.Plows Into T. E. Jefferies, Harry Pratt, sible from' tax funds and con- byterian Church, King Clifford; Dewey Williams, John Hammel, tributions through the double- Troop 619, Maire School, Vince Superfortresses. The target was • - D ld C b II Th Q '1 I At Th - Be' S.t W d Sf ona amp e, omas UI - barred cross Christmas Seals. Novaks, Sr.; Troop 703, G.P. le~tAlr ForceburningsaId..and exploding, the ICenter Drlve, elr arren amp I es 00 s. ore tel' and Leonard .Findlay.S Whether we use it efficiently or C.ongregational Church, RussellM' h ------, _ Professional taff not while the program is in Grosse Allese, Jr.; Troop 709 S1. 'IC- KOREAN .pea.c • talk- have t.' t. ,Park Garden Club Has Done Wonderful Job in Donati.n .. l J St t The professional staff includes: Pointe, is very mUI'h our con- ael's Church. A I F --:--1P a r 9,..,. Th 30 d 'd reached s\.\ch a a~a&e._Lt. Gen .. 'Dn~~a. Sta.•,m,I$YL50. O'CeIPha.Idon MateriaL.Towaf,ds ....Bea~tifyin9. Sfa'T.ioii::rherej .;, ... More ... ",,: " U en 5-an Mrs;-Jane'.E:ostabile{'executive cern," he said. .p' GirlScouls Active

William K. Harrison, chief AlUed ,five 1 Q, e In Chalfonte Site Now Tackles Job '!cD~h"er "E~cape I~iury' in director; Jack Byles, social group , Don't Waste Tax Money 'Xypical of the enthusiasm of negogiator, has threatened a Goal; All Urgeetto Give Freak Accident worker; and Miss Adelaide Din- Any day the x-ray unit takes the Girl Scouts and their partici- walkout. However, he- indic"ted B EI . R '11'11 woodie, socral group wQrker. less than 400 x-rays, it is not pationt in Clean-Up is the fol- ... Y OUlse' .11 The Community Club is a field he would try a little longer to WI'th tbe annual F'lami y Twent your£ h ours a d ay, th e so ld'lel's m,. th e A n t.1 A'lr- A bIdus oa e d WI'th G rosse work placement agency for. stu- operating to capacity and con- lowing from Diana Egle of Troop find out a way to end the dead- ft B tt. . G P . tIt d d . t sequently is wasting valuable tax 424 Parcells School. "Things the lock over war prisoners resist. Participation drive of the cr~. a ~rI~s. m rosse om e ar~ a er.e , un er .stnc , Pointe children enroute to St. dents in the graduate school of dollars. This is one of the reasons Girl Scouts are doing for Clean- ing return to their homeland. The Grosse Pointe V'!ar Memorial, ~Idhtatry dnlScltph.nte, for the sa!eguardmg of a target city of Joan of Arc School, St. Clair ~otCialThWortkdat tWaYInedUntiVtehr- why the planning committee for Up week are clean up your yard general threatened that if the Center approxImately four In us ry. e r01 . ~. SI y. e.s u en space a e this program would like to see and wash your windows. You can Communists did not produce weeks old. $6,500 is still need-l A few citizens in the area re- or a shrub in sight, while pools Shores, went out of control on club are: Clarence .Lipschultz, as many Grosse Pointers as pos. clean screens. your basement something constructive in the ed to reach the goal of $25 000. sented the presence of a barren of water and brimming ditches Monday May 11 and crashed Crownie Kurian and Lottie sible have their chest x-rays. and garage. Stack and tie up all ld ' 'th 't tt d t h G d' d . " .' . h . Brunschweifer of Zurich, Switz- d t' t b search for an armistice, he wou li'igu:-es released on Tuesday arn.l~ camp, WI . I S a ~n an were. everyw ere. ra mg an through a Mack avenue s oe erland, a United Nations ex- The following dates and loca- papers an pu In car on oxes break off negotiations. actlvlty, set down m the mIdst of cleanmg out of dead underbrush h W d tions were announced by the old clothes. That is what Troop after~oon showed ~hat 1.332 an attractive residential section. was underway. repair store in t e 00 s. change student. committee: 424 is doing. Posters were put Friday, May S contnbutors have gIven a to- M t f th .'d tiN A . t. A '1 bl A Lake Shore Coach Lines bus, Part time recreation leaders Monday,. May 21;, GI'os~:ePOI'nte 11.'n windows alon.g Mack Ave. t 1 f $18572 T f - . 1 os o. e reSI en s w~ come 0 PPl'°Pl'Ja IOn val a C driven by Harold G. Yank, 39, are: Edward Wernet, !?~'ed Ste- v:: IN ~IAKING his first change a 0 . " '.;) ~o al ..,. Itl-' protec~lOn an.d are anxlOm;. to Captain Chavers explained that of 129~~9 E. Jefferson, Detroit. garth and Robert Kurvmk, all of High School, 10-12, 1-4:30,. ~~ t~t~ ~~~d~t~Vh~~~~:r:t ~~~~ in the military high command, ~t thIS pomt m yeal S ~am- show theIr gr~tItude by help!ng there was no appropriation avail- bearing at least 30 pupils, the. Grosse Pointe Board of Edu- .Tuesday, May 26, Grosse Pomte cells School." President Eisenhower n a m ~ d palgn, 591 donors had sent m a to make the SIte more attrachve abl.e for beautifica.tiort' that the sweI'ved to avol'd strl'kI'ng a car, catIOn.. '. HIgh School (Students and Fac . G N th F T .. g t total of $8,707. for the boys and their detail here ff d .' tt d th L h ' - F th H' h S h 1 St d ts en. l a an . wmm 0 suc- 0 lCers an men regre e, e whose driver is unknown, struck ottie Lletke. IS t e secretary ulty) rom e Ig c co u en ceed Gen. Ho~..t S. Vandenberg AU Gifts Appreciated less tedious. appearance of the area and would a tI'uck parked at the cu"b and of the profess.lOnal staff, and W 'd d M 27 G'I:' come many suggestions regard- as Air Force chIef. of staff. The Officials o.f the Gr?s~e Pointe I Are "Our Bo)'s" 'appreciate ~my fill, grass se~d, I crashed through the brick• ,front Catherine Birk is the building Pomte. e n~s.HIghay, School,ay (Students, osse pre~identing the Drive.of the DonaldBlue Hi-McCarty,Y. says, nomination must be confirmed War MemorIal ~ssoclalJon w~nt These skilled radar and Rrtill- f1o:ver seeds or bushes wlth I of the Woods Shoe Repair Shop, attendant. and Facul~y). . "Blue Hi-'Y is always happy to by the Se!late. Vandenb~rg re- to stress that gifts of an~ sl~e ery men from all over the coun-' whIch to ma~e a start towards a 20968 Mack. It came to a halt 16 Groups There ,!,hursd~y, May 28, GI~sse participate in community activi- que?ted retirement when hIS term I are welcome, Each famIly IS 1 try, assigned to a small unfin- green attractIve site. with the hood against a counter. There are 16 groups in opera- Pom~e HIgh School, 10-12, 1-~.30. ties not only during Clean-Up expIres June 30. Gen. Omar N. asked to donate only what it can i"hed camp have already become Mrs. Julius Petcr Pl'csidcnt of S A H t /. 1 tion at the club and three in the .Fnday, May 29, Gr~~se Pomte week but through the entire Bradley, chairman of the Joint Iafford and all gifts are appreciat- ':Our Boys': as they have contri- the Garden Club of'Michigan has ome re !Sd ~rlca h (Continued 011 Pagtl 4) HIgh School, 10-12, 1-4.30. year" Chiefs o~ Staff, and G.en. J. La\..... ed. no mattel' what the size. butcd generously to the Cancer Inow reported that this club has None of th~ chll len, W .o~e Tuesday, June 2, Grosse Pointe' . ton Colhns, Army chIef of staff,/ Checks should be made payable Fund, Red Cross and Blood Bank. voted a generous sum for gr,lss ages ranged flom 7 to ~ yeals, Pa' rk 'Employ.e Municipal Builqing, 15112 E. Jef- ~ames Yager, p.I:esident of Gold are scheduled to be replaced to the Grosse Pointe War Memor- Th G P . t US 0 seed. Mr. Harold Husband of the was hurt, but all were b~dly ferson, 10-12, 1-4:30. Hl-Y, declares:- We plan to co- later this year. ial Association and mailed to 32 fb' e. ~osseh OJ~ ~ 'M' .,IBoard of Education has directed shaken and a few were hystencal. Bzetten By Dog Wednesday, June 3, Grosse operate to the fullest ~xtent in • • • Lake Shore road, Grosse Pointe I .l~r~s, ~ ur~ es an OVI.~r d em. that the sidewalk which is to be Woods Patrolman Donald Sa- Pointe Park Municipal Building the Clean-Up CampaIgn. We SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 36, Mich. lona , en edr, aVe tP: e rbec- replaced on Fisher road be sent ble, the first to arrive at the 15115 E Jt>fferson 10.12 1-4:30: hope to set an example in ac- ' . reat IOn an en ert ammen t u t , . ' . h t . ~ " t' , . 'b'l' Charles E. Wilson announced that 7'he Center leaders especI~lly until recer.t1y nothing had' been t~ the camp for fJIlmg in the s~ene, ~xp~'e~sed rehef t at no a . William Griesbeck of 900 Not- Thursday June 4 Jacobson's cep rng our. C1VICresponsl 1 lty the United States will step up the want to thank. t~e followln,g done towards the beautification dItches. smgle mdlvldual. was hurt as a tmgham, an employee of the Kercheval •at St. Clair, 10-12: for a neat and clean community flow of American guns, tanks, groups and organizations ,for the~r of the camp sites. Stores Have Contributed result of the aCCIdent. . P~rk Water p'e.partment, was 1.4:30. throughout the entire year. planes and other equipment to generous support to thIS year s . J Sevel'al hardware stores have Especially relieved was Woods bItten on the hand by a dog Friday, June 5, Jacobson's, Ready to Help. Allied nations, The announce- drive: Gro~se Poin.te Auxiliary .pa~~ers PJOn~~red Mea. contributed vine and fIo\ver seed Police Sgt. Donald Coats, who Thursday, May 7, as he attempted Kercheval at St. Clair, 2-5, 6-8:3? Hi- Y's want everyone to know ment \\;as made behind a closed- of the American L~glOn, Post 303: WIth Clean-Up week begm. and some nursery men are con- arrived behind Patrolman Sable to enter a home to read a water r Tuesday, June 9. ~~cobson S that they are a service group and door meeting of senators, as Gen. D.U.S. Stu~ent Co~ncil; City .oi ni~g on May 15, t?e Overall ,~om- tribu~in~ excess stocks of shrubs. full of anxiety, becau~e. hi~ meter. Kercheval. at St. Clall, 10-12, CISsuch stand ready to lend a Omar N. Bradley told a group of Grosse Pomte PolIce and FIre mlttee (el,t that Green-Up £.01' ThIS IS a wonderful beginning, daughter, Nancy, was on the bus. According to Griesbeck's com- 1-4:30. helping hand and that their ser- House members, also in closed De?t.; ¥o~hers Club of Grosse Ithe battel'les ,should ~e one of Its but so bare is the land that end- Swerved to Miss Car plaint to Pal'k police, he had Wednesday, June 10, Grosse vices may be obtained by calling session, that Russia's atomic cap" Pomte HIgh Schoo): Mothers worthy proJects. rhe Grosse less numbers of small trees. privot _ , gone to the home of Dr. W. G. Pointe Woods Municipal Building, the High School. ability is rapidly improving. Health and Education Council, IPointe Park Garden Club, under hedge and bushes could be ab. y~nk told polIce that he was Bernard 1009 Buckingham to 20775 Mack, 10-12, 1.4:30. ' • • • Inc.: Senior Group of the Grosse I the enthusiastic leadership of sorbed along the street. the roads drlvmg down Mack to,wards S1. read the'meter. When he kno~ked Thursday, June II, Woods I The Y-~e~ns report that th~y PRESIDENT F~ISENHOWER I Pointe Wal' Memorial: Welcome Mrs. Arthur Fleming launched a and around the barracks. Joan of Ar~ School, ~hen an un- at the door, it was opened by Theater, 19269 Mack, 10-12, 1-4:30. are, orga~lzmg small groups m and State and Defense Depart- Wagon Newcomers Club; Grosse splendid program for the camp in Here is an opportunity for known drIver, who ha~ angle the doctor and the dog tlashect Friday, June 12, Woods Theater, th~lr nelgh~orhoods to call on ment advisors met to discuss the Pointe Brokers Association; ,The Grosse Pointe Park in this re- clubs, garden groups; countl;y park~d at the curb, cut In fro~t out and bh him on the hand, 19269 Mack 2-5 6.8:30.. buIlders urgm.g them to cooper- latest Communist proposals con- Exchange Club of Grosse POInte. spect. (Continued 011 Page 4) of hlIl~ .ad he swerved to aVOId He suffered five puncture " ate. The preSIdents of the four cernmg. a truce m, th e Korean New Cont'b1'1 Utors It was om- prIVilege. , recently ------,------at. ColliSion.k ' Ink the 'kprocessd t thhe wounds on the middle" fmger of TRAINS IN KOREA Y-Teen groups all have special War. However. nothing. officially Addi'tional donors this week to have Captain Shavers, C. O. S ll~C ~ :~uc pal e . at the his left hand. He was given -Marine Corporal Wesley T. messages. S d L h d was disclosed by the White include: Ferde Meile, Mr, and of Anti-Aircraft Battel'y A on pee er oses c~r , a~ en smas e m 0, e prompt treatment by his own Barr, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Sandra Dickely of Beta. says: House, not even to confirm that Mrs. John Hering, Jack WilHam, Chalfonte road, .conduct us around sore. ! ... • physician. Barr of 1866 Lancaster,. is un- "We live in and enjoy the ad. Korean truce terms were dis- Frank Serra, Dr. and Mrs. Edw. the can:tP and to enjoy the hospit- License and $100 Robert Hanna, pr?pne~or of Dr. Bernard was ticketed for dergoing field training with the vantages of this beautiful com- cussed. From other official quar- K. Isbey, A. M. Fleming, J./ aIity of the mess hall. the store, w~s .workmg In the the bite and for not having a First Marine Division Non-Com- (ContiJJUed on Page 12) tel's. it was stated that Commun- (Continued on Page 2) There was not a blade of grass J. B. Grace, 20, of 2154 Ander- l'ear o~Jhe ~uI1dmg when the bus license for his pet. He 'will missioned-Officers' 'School in ------_ ist truce terms have. been an-. ------_ don, Detroit, was fined $100 and came 1 to t e store.. appear in court, May 20. . Korea. F'our Seek Posts alyzed and some points objected p. C had his driver's license. revoked It happened so fast I didn't re- to. oznte on:.....~unl.ty Chorus alize, for a moment, what was . l- F d 0 Sch lB. d • • • . _ ..,~ ~~~e~~et~:~g;.~, ~::~.Ia~d,g~~ happening," he said. "I heard Bu'rglary .of Bow lng un n . 0_0 oar IN THE LARGEST ground ac- peT · the crash of glass and children s tion of the week, American in- .. resents 'oncert 'onlght 9, for reckless driving on East screaming. I 'can't get rid of the B. .A b N P f :F'our residents have filed as fantrymen fought off a 600 man • Jefferson. picture of the bus coming to-,. 0 candidates for el~ction to the Chinese attack on outpost Pork------Police cruising east on Jeffel'- wards me. and not knowing when ... rlUaS.., rrest,. ut.. roo. Grosse Pointe. Board. of Educa- chop north of Seoul. The Reds Contrast and variety of inter- accompanist, assisted by .Mrs. son, noticed Grace's car driving it would stop" . . . . est keynote the program the new George Dickey. pianist, in sev~ at an excessive raie of speed and . Determined City police .have 1er left the room, she don~ed her bon. ,The deadline for filing was hurled 400 men at the hill in the Grosse Pointe Com;nunity Chorus eral numbers where two pianos took after it. They clocked the . Seats All Sma shed been.. mvestIgating. a larceny case, coI th es an d wa tched as. th epe r_. last Saturday . first assault and 200 more in the . S' d .. h 1 ft b th t She . of more than 100 mixed voices are required. 20-year-old "outh as driving 70 He added that it was. very for- smce un ay, May 3, m WhlC a son eye rear en rance.. The terms of two. members of second. Each actian lasted about oJ 1 . f 't k th f 11 d t bl d h d . will present at its first Spring Frank J .Sladen. Jr., president miles an hQur, and when they tunate that no one was sitting arge .'sum 0 money was a. en'. en 0 o~ve a a reasona . e IS- t e boar expIre. Franklin D. 45 minutes. • Concert this Thursday eveni' g, ('( the first board of directors of stopped him, iound he was -in an in the seats located in the cen- from' .the bedroom 'of an apart- I tance u,ntll the man got Into a Doughert). of 1851 Country Club. '- May 14, at 8:30 o'clock in the the Communit" Chorus, has dir- ,intoxicated condition. tel' of the store, all of which ment lwhile the resident and a I car at Notre Dame. and Kerche- has announced that he will seek Saturday, .l\lay 9.. auditOrIum of the Charlc.. A. ected the organizationalJ work for A companion: in the car, Ray. were smashed to splinters. He . guest. were s1eepmg... . va lIt'. . re-e ec Ion. S'Igur d R. Wen d'In, the . A WHITE HOUSE announce- Parcells, Junior High School, 'P', '.~ new group ,which is co-spon- mond Siler, 19, also of the Ander- stated that it was not unusual Dolores Jones,; 24; of Hazel In the meantime, Miss McCal- other director whose term ex- ment stated that President Eise~- nier road at Mack avenue. Isored by the D~partment of Com- don address, was held for in- for that time of the morning, t~ Park,. Mich., while .a ,g!Jest ~f lum, who. too .haci gotten up, pires, has announced that he will hower and his cabinet were In Directed by Malcolm M. Johns, I'munity Services of the Gr'osse t... h I' f. d have several customers seated in Lorrame McCallum, 22, of 630 ~ called polIce. MISS Jones had ob- not run. again this year. unanimous agreement that the ves IgaLlon, W en po Ice oun t"e store . ' Notre Dame, was' a\vaken.e.d..dul'- tain,ed a good look at the culprit, choirmaster and organist 'of Pointe Board of Education. I b ttl f b d' t II The other three candidates who St. Lawl'cnce Seaway project severa O. es 0 eel', an a pm , . ing the early m~m~ing ..hours of and when the police ar.riv.ed, should include United States Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Other officers and committee of whiskey, two-thii'ds consumed The bus was ab~e to back out May 3 by Miss.'McCalluin's pet gave them.a good deSCrIptIon. will run are James w., Lee, II, of artici ation. The .decision was and ~~mber of the faculty o~ the heads for the ch~rus in~lude: in the ,car. , of the store under ItS own ~owel', parake~t • .which . ,was fluttering Miss McCalllim immediately de- 376 .Chalfonte road, J. Lamar p t d p ft th Cabinet and ~USlC School of Wayne Umver- Marshall Jameson, vice-president; Botfi stated the liquor was pur- but the amount of damage It had and screeching . cided that the description fitted Newberry of 231 McMillan road, ac e upon a er e . Slty the group has rehearsed Charles A P 11 J' t h d f caused wa test' t d ,.... . and Edmund F. McGuire of 1605 t' P 'd t h d t d'ed a r"- ' . I. . arce s, r., reas- c .ase rom a drug store on ~ no lma e. " Miss Jones noticed a movement that,of a male friend of hers. p~~t ~;Sla e~peci:l ~:"i~et con~-I :ver~ 1Wedn:~da~ eV~I1l~~ ~or j urer; ~1~'s., George A. Dickey, ;Kercheval. Th~y were turned over .. Yank was ticket.ed for not hav- I in the bedroom which she shared A search of the apartment re- Bournemouth', road. mittee named to stud the pro. sevcI.a mo~ ~ l,n nlepala~lOn j~cc:et.alY, J~mes ~. L~fer, !n:m-I to the De.trOlt !,oli.ce Clea,n.Up mg t~e bus under control, and'i with her friend, ISut \vas too vealed that $800, in $20 The school election will be held' (c f d P y 23). IfOk tne :ebt:~ ~on~~r~ J . oelshlp ch~lrman, MIS. Wilham squad foJ' InveslJgatIoll df vlolat-l must appear before Woods J)idge frightened to cry out or .l6ove, bills which were kept In' sevel'al on Monday, June 8, with the polls on mue on ale rs. ran , a en, r" IS (Continued on Page 4) ing the liquor laws. Do.'l G~odr!lw. Saturday, May 16. However, as soon as the intrud- (Continued on Pale 4). open ft:0m 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.


. .. '! .. ~ "\..:: :.:.:_-:-.~:- ";:.:.. :... ' ..:....._ .• ' ...:. ..:;... -'...... Page Two G R 0 SSE POI N T E 'N E W S .. -ThursClay, May 14, '953 HOUSEHOLD HINT and large sizes and are made of economists advise that the so(ks To Look' for socks made of the highly twisted yarn so they keep are colorfast. and as easy to care Additional Donors to Center Drive News N,otes.from D. U.S.' new helanca type nylon yarn. their shape. but do' not bind. for as regular nylon socks. (Continued from Page 1) Philip D. Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Nancy Jeffries, Louis They come in small, medium Michigan State College home At Aaron L. Evans. Schweitzer. Jas. Sheridan, Mrs. Henry Smith, Jr., R. J. Nixon, At the Friday morning assem- keep Saturday, June 13, open for Dr. and Mrs. Walter G. Ber- Howard Schafer, Mrs. E.. Radke, Chri Mr. and' Mrs. Alvin Borchardt, bly on May 1 two representatives all the festivities that will be d M M B L k: M Dr. E. A. Kotz, Mrs. J. B. Cooper, boulev Dr. and Mrs. John R. Pear, Mr. nar, rs.!. . am ms, r. Mr: and Mrs. E. H. Foersterling, of the General Motors Corpora- taking place on that day. There iul an and Mrs. D. Sherwood, David C. and Mrs. S. R. Livingstone, Mr. Mrs. Roy Quillette, John P. Kin- lion put on a science show called will be a Pied Piper Parade to song, 1 Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Stafliey and Mrs. A. F. Malow, Edwin "Parade of Progress," attended open' the day's 'fun. H. Bower,. Barbara Mushro, Jas. ville, Madeline S. Brown. most I Aylsworth, Ross Roy, Mrs. Mar.:. Mr. R. N. Harger, Eugene P. by boys of both upper and lower dayev vin Armons, H. H. Smith, Jr., D. Verner, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Hawkins, Mr. ,and Mrs. M. M. • • • schools .. The interesting demon- Lt.' John Penberthy, D.U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Freedman, V. Monahan; Mr. and Mrs. John Hentgen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. This strations and experiments were '46, is now stationed with the Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Tracy, Dr. W. Suter. Jr., Mrs. C. E. Delbos. Imhoff, Joseph N. Jennings, Klaas very well received by the stu- after 1 H. C. Rees, Howard A. Shaw, John C.. Thrasher, Cyril Paye, Third Infantry Division in Korea. is sunl Mr. and Mrs. John Mazer, Thomas Jongens, Mrs. Henry B. Joy. dents. The program was brought He has been in the Army since Jr., Dr. A. S. Neeb, Mr. and Mrs. to Detroit University School tional C. Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chas. Kanderer; Mr. and Mrs. May 1951. Lt. Penberthy is 1950 D. C.. John Owen III. Mr. and Mrs. E. through the efforts of Mr. An- a Marvin Kean, Mr. and Mrs: J. graduate of Dartmouth College. a serl1 J. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D, Allen, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. R. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. dries Cole 'of the Science Depart- ,. ,. M. Hays, Mrs. T. J. Litle, Jr., Mr. Kastenberg, Mrs. W. W. WassaIl, H L' M d ment. . song Il W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Clement B. J. Kirby. ans OVlsa, r. an The Poupard. Mrs. Ralph Lagerfeldt, John W. • • • Among boys who have recently Margaret McKenzie. Henry G. Lake, Louise A. Lake, Mr. and The 6th grade is having some qualified as approved projection- B. E. Rockhoff, Hazel M. Lin- E W L . J L H ists of the Bell and Howell Film- Weaver, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs. .' , eWlS, 1'.. eo . very exciting field trips these Earle, Lawrence Ruby, Mrs. M. tern, L. A. Reif, E. S. Ross, de Lipscomb. , days. Yesterday the boys visited sound machine are Dan French. - J. Doeren, Mrs. Helen B. Wright, Grimme Gaileries, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Lister. Selfridge Field, and on the 22nd Henry Holland, Henry Peiter, Martin R. Robertson. Howard K. John V. Coombe. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin F. Marks, Mr. Martin F, the class is also going to have a and James Howbert. Mr. Andries Gandelot, Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. F. Slavik, M. Kaplan, W. A. McCole,. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc- chance to pay a preview visit to Cole' was the. boys' instructor Kurtz. Mrs. Geo. C. Thrall, Dr. LavoiefiMrs. W. H. Meredith, Conachie, Clarence V. McGuire, the River Rouge Rot\,lI1da of the during the winter activities Lawrence A. Pratt, Paul E. Dr. John A. McKinnon, Mr. and John J. McMahon Family, Mr. Ford Motor Company where period. Baker, Marjorie Leibenger, Mrs. Mrs. Rob't J. Westrick. and MI's. Edw.- G. Miller, Jack there will be an exhibit not to be • • • Wm. W. Innes, Mr. and Mrs. . Earl E. Schaltenbrand. W. J. Mills. Joseph DiNarda. John S. opened to the public until June. At the 'D.U.S.-Country Day A. E. Seaburg, Edwin F. Storey, Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. New berry, J r., Mrs. D.. A Noble • Mrs. Allen Merrell is arranging Commencement Exercises this John A. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. K. McCarthy, Dr. A. Nahoum, Thos .. Eade W. Parcells, Mr. and Mr::. the Rotunda trip. Afterwards the year the principal speaker will be M. Welch. K. Jefferis. Jos. H. Spitzley, MHton Pappas, Mr. and Mrs. boys and their dads will engage Dr. Charles E. Odegaard, new Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hill, Waid Joanne D'Arcy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Pear, J. A. Posselius. in the annual Father-and-Son Dean of the College of Litera- H. McKnight, G. A.. Schemm, Harold A. Beatty. E. A. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Pennell, baseball game at D.U.S. ture, Science, and Arts, at the Lertie L. West, Mrs. Theodore H. Madeline Bushor, Dr: I. W. Ha:is, Howard E. Pilbeam, L. D. Proc- • • • University of Michigan. Hinchman. J. V. Jenks, Mrs. Vir- Mr. and ~Irs. Lansmg, M. Pltt- tor, R. L. Proper, R. M. Rabaley, Recent athletic contests in var- ginia Dorian, T. Vander Roost, man, Lows W. ~ohm. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Reed, ious sports at D.U.S. have been Wm. A. Morse, Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ray. L. SpItzley. Mr. and I Kenneth M. Reichle, Thomas as follows: Bike Inspection ~1 Frederick B. Watts, Mrs. Henry Mrs. Reglnald MacArthur, Mrs. Roberton, Chas. F. Schaening, Varsity Ba,seball: D.U.S. 1-8t. F. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wesson Seyburn. Mr. and Mrs. Hazen J. Schumacher, R. B. PaulO; D.U.S. 4--S0uth Lake 3; Deadline, Set Mehrer, W. F. Wead, W. B. Ham- L. J. Bulkley, A. H. Touscany, Semple, Carl E. Smith, Mrs. Gari Harper Woods 7-D.U.S. 3; Lake- mond, Wm. B. Cudlip, W. Tom Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledyard., M. Stroh. Mrs. Arthur D. Suther- view 9-D.U.S. 4. , The last day in which children S Zue Schmieok, L. R. Eastman, Mr. Frederick R. Young, Mr. and land. Varsity Track: D.U.S. 59- of the Richard. Kerby, St. Paul and Mrs. K. J. Naglkirk. . Mrs. Bud Hudson, Chas. Mann,ino, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Swan, Jr., Bloomfield Hills 48; D.U.S. 70- and the Convent schools can have Gordon or MacDonald tartan plaid tropical worsted Bermuda wall<- P. H. Townsend. Mrs. Sam Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Stetkluh, Earl Mrs. Clarence B. Swift, Mr. and A. E. Smith 36; Grosse TIe 59~- their bikes inspected has been Re! Minore. The Center Club, Mr. W. Wright, Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Mrs. Allen N. Sweeny, Mr. and D.U.S. 491;2. set for Saturday, May 16, be- ing shorts, $16.50, Fine lisle polo shirt made in Switzerland. natur.alt and Mrs. Harry A. Carson, Mrs. Sharrer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray T. Mrs. Jas. Tallman. F. W. Thomp- Varsity Tenis: Mt. Clemens tween 9 a,m. 'and. noon. - , A. C. Paradzinskl, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler C. son. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tomi- 5-D;U.S. 0; D.U.S. 4-Fitzgerald All bike owners who attend navy. or white. $6.50. Bermuda socks' made in England. $3.50. C. B. Johnson, Grosse Pointe Frenc~, D. Maxwell Teague, B. cic. Mr. and Mrs. Vasilic Turkus, 1; Ypsilanti 5-D.U.S. 0; 'Univer- these schools and wish to have Brokers Ass'n., Mrs. A. W. Theumssen, J. F. Gund?" Dr. and Dr. W. K. Usher, C. Gilbert sity High. Ann Arbor 5-D.U.S. their bicycles inspected to be- GI Lescohier, Dr. and Mrs. Fred H. Mrs. Edw. P. Ma:ckenzle. Roland Waldo, Wm. Rob't Wilson, Mr. O. ' come eligible in the Bicycle In- Gray, Grant Wl1cox, Jr., Mrs. and Mrs. David M. Whitney, Jr .• Cole. Dr. John W. MacKenzie, 8th Grade Baseball: D.U.S. 4- spection Contest, are urged to K. Mr. Fred J. &humann, Mr. Mark K. Edgar, Mr. an? Mrs. Mrs. John B. Guba, Mr. and Mrs. South ,Lake 2; Harper Woods 8- do so at the time mentioned,or Alvin Macauley, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Octave Peterson BeauvaIs, M.r. C. A. J. Hadley, Russell C. Hag- they cannot participate in draw- and Mrs. W. C. Roney, I:!avId land. D.U.S.4. 7th Grade Baseball: D.U.S. 6- ing of prizes. Proper's 1 Da' ICohoe, Mr. and Mrs. Samu~1 C. F. H. Albrecht, John Wm. South Lake 3; Detroit Country Inspection takes place at 90 Turner, Mrs. Jos. V. McQuI1l~n, Baker, Ralph Bastien, Edwin A. Day School 8-D.U,S. 3. Kerby, the Farms police station. 5 Da~ Mr .. and Mrs.. Rudolph Hlrt, Bayer, Wm. Berno, Jess H. . . .. GROSSE POiNTE Wee. Curtis W. Keeglll, Dr. and Mrs. Blackmore, Wm. G. Boales, Geo. H. Ja~kson Day, Mr. and Mrs. M. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. There will be much news about Folks spend a few years of FrederIck Cam.pbell, Emma Black. Cardwel~, G. W. Chamberlin, D. the annual D.U.S.-Country Day their lives forming habits-and For You,. spring shoppjng convenienc~ we will. remain SchQOI Fair and Carnival. Suffice Mr. and Mrs. Karl V. Schwarge, M. Carne, Dr. and Mrs. Leland the rest of their lives wishing open Thursday and Friday 8vetUngs Imtit nine. it to say that you will want to they could get rid of. them. Mr. Leland Kennedy, Marshal E. F. Carter, John C. Chapin. Are y We Recommend Templeton! Mrs. Edwin Tura- Emory W. Clark, Mrs. J. S. ~he shoff, Cyrl1 Cane, Mr. and Mrs. Dibley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Installation of Kenneth Hollidge, L. H. Rochte, Douglas, Robert J. Duff, Howard WAY Dr. Wm. A. Evans, Jr., Mrs. M. Earl, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Eckel, sell el .Honeywell's ElectronIc E. Opal, Mrs. Chas, ~anter, ~has. Miss Christine R. Edwards, Mr. Verheyden, Inc.~ \\ m. KrIeger, and Mrs. H. J. Ely. Mrs. Barbara Sr" Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Flo~ek, Emerson, Mrs. Harold H. Em- moduflow Gilbert Whelden, Nathan Fme. mons, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. B. Sweg1es. Mrs. J. Deane E. Fl~ming, J. B. Ford, Jr., Gladys temperature Rucker. C. Brooks Begg, Mrs.~. Forward. Thomas C" Fox; Jack E. Ro~ers, Dr. and Mrs. Rob t Fraser; Mr. and Mrs. Edw. F. K. Whiteley, C. B. Murphy. IGehrig, Wm. G. Gore. Tom. S. control Dr. and Mrs. Edgar James" Green. Stanley Lucinski. Mr. and Mrs,: Users will gladly tell you that tt Leslie ~. Wittman, Dr. and Mrs. • Weher Reelected Head Insures even h~at - room by room, L. B. BrIStol, l\lr. and Mrs. Albert Of G dOli I . at all times. A. Griffiths, D. J. Stuart, Adam 00 WI ndustrIes C. Cook, Mr. Samuel Barker, Gordon P. Smith, Mrs. Wm. Directors of Goodwill In- Bros, DeWitte. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shoreck, dustries of Detroit have re-elect- Whitehead Inc. Mrs. W. Warrick, Mrs. W. R. ed Robert F. Weber of Grosse Turner, Mrs. Edw. Beckhold, Mr. Pointe as president of the non- Complete Heating Systems ' and Mrs. Burns Cody. Mrs. A. profit organization which serves PR.6-1070 Zaun, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford the handicapped. Hoye. I Other officers elected are A. H. 23055 Gratiot Ave. Joseph V. Buck, C. Briggs, Mr. t Sarver, 1st vice-president; John and Mrs. W. Geo. Eversman, I D. Benfie.ld, 2nd vke-president; • ---- George J. Hopcraft, secretary; I Grant H. .Nablo, assistant secre- i tary and William Friedman, I treasurer. I New directors elected to the , board at tQe annual meeting of ... the organization are John A. Conde, assistant to the public relations director, Nash-Kelvi- Your O~ltings Begin Here! I nator Corporation; and Matthew i C. Patterson, works manager of Outdoor Giills : the' Dodge Division of the Chry- ======---"7'-.::!> .r-c...... :s':-:--'Gf ~~...... ~~:::"e:: '«,;..v'"'??i-=:::======\ ...... ------,;---- sler Corporation; Ice Chests During 1952. Goodwill In- Thermal Jugs dustries of Detroit made the greatest dollar volume gain of Fitted Picnic Baskets : any of the 103 autonomous Good- Outdoor Cooking Needs i will Industries organization in the United States. As a result of this I gain .the organization has been WATER SKIS i able to - expand its facilities to Tow Lines l provide employment for 369 physically handicapped men and Harnesses women. 44lpha Phi Plans 'Benefit ,Party I The Alpha Ph~ sorority will I hold its annual. benefit dessert I bridge party Tuesday, May 26, , at the War M~morial. The games 20099 Mack Open 9 a.m. 'till TUxedo 2-9239 I will begin approximately at 1:30. 9 p.m. Dally Chairmen for the party are - I Mrs. Murray Hentgen of McKin- ~, : !ey road -and Mrs. Stewart Par- , dee of Neff road. The project of Alpha Phi is for the Cardiac aid. Picture of a Man Relaxing I I Join Chester's Shoe Club

I . WE. FIT ":: The next time you finJ yours~lf alongside a .deep and luxurious and restful ••• the wheel rijresnes .as he relaxes. With a simple adjust~ I new Cadillac at the traffic light-take a good is perfectly positioned for the driver's' hands ment of a"singlelever, he can lower the car'. (HIlDRElfS FHT'.'QE~'TER look at the .gentleman behind" the wheel. .••• and beauty and comfort and spaciousness interior to any normal temperature he desires . 11 are in every direction. •~even in the warmest weather. The odds are overwhelming that you' see BECAUSE OF OUR EXPERT . a man relaxed and at ease. And driving a Cadillac is as r~tful as sitling ,Yes, it's little wonder that the man in the • C d.l1ac Cadillac, always .,looks so. comfortable and 'ty 1'5. part and pa.r.cel of ,th.e. gre,at In a a I • • . For serenl , '. .' 'f happy and ~elaxed, 10 plain fact-he is! S.POINI FITTING experience of driving a 1953. Cadillac. In fact, .' That great, powerful engine responds as I . WE FIT THEM FOR lENGTH owners frequently take to the highway juSt by magic, Steering is feather-light and effort- * • * • WE FIT THEM fOR WIDTH for the relaxation the ~ar provid,es. less ••• and braking calls only for the slightest Why not come in soon. and let us give you WE fIT THEM TO THE ARCH And well they might, For her~,.beyondall . pressure from,the dai.ntiest foot, a personal demonstration of the magnificent' WE fIT THEM OVER THE iNSTEP question, is one of the surest therapeutics for 'Allin all, t4e ca;r's'tide is so. smooth and:. ,1953 Cadilla~? - WE FIT THEM fOR FOOT ACTION the tens!on of work-a-day life! . levd and quiet that it's difficult not.tO relax!. We.U gladly put. you behind the wheel":" IN v Just sitting t here In. t he d". Iwer s;.seat •IS Of. cours.e, IOf t h.e., .dr'I~er. has. chosen .a . for. the. . most relaxi.n :0 hour you ever spent on enough to put a man at ~ase. The cushlon~ are Cadillac Al~ ConditIoner for hiS car, he ,the highway. *o,tioul., "It.Cost- (h\ld Life BE SURE TO HEAR THE CADILLAC CHORAL SYMPHONY EVERY SUNDAY AT 5:30 P.M. OVER WJR S~OES £HESTEB BOOT SHOP YOUR CA,DILLAC DEALE~ 15911 East VVarrcn at Buckingham \ TU~ 5-D863 open Fri. and Sat. 'to 830 ," "." ~:, c. '", ,,, .-'" } ':: ,"', : : , i", ." '.~ ";"".<': -.:-: .~.... "'. .J'.' ______. ------...... -----~.r-~.-,.-~--~ ~--.-_.-~._

Th"ursClay, May 14, 1953 G R 0 SSE P dIN T'E 'N ,EW S P~ge lliree

Its To Hold Musical Evensong Nurses to Hear United. Foundation.. .leaders Measles, Mumps re At Christ Church S.unday Bombil1,g Talks Show Big Drop George Elworthy, Chrilian De- The April report on communi- Christ Church of GrGsse Pointe Ch h t d b th Bov f D' t f G . P . t cable diseases, submitted by Dr. boulevard, will present a beauti- urc, augmen eye • I ense Irec or or '.rosse om e, Thomas S. Davies, health com- l d Choir 'will include in the pro-I' will introduce Dr. Charles G, fu_ an unusual Musical Even- missioner, showed a sharp drop song, to which aU interested are gram, Walmisley "Magnificat and ;~ohnston a~d Dr. Ichiro Toku- in the most common of the dis- most cordially invited, on Sun- Nunc Dimittis in D" and Cantata! yama of the Wayne University • eases, as compared to a report day evening, May 17., at 8 o'clock. No. 6 ".Bide with' Us," by J. S,! Medical School at a meeting in presented at the same time last Th' . Bach. 'I'he soloists will be Charles I • year. IS servIce. will be .patter~ed Grinyer and Donald Bliss while i the War Memol'lal Center on In April of 1952, a total of 234 after the musIcal servIce whIch . ' ! M d 1" 18 is sung once a month at the Na- th.e Rev. James R. WhIttemore on ay, .ay . . measle cases were reported. This ,. tiona! Cathedral in Washington. IwIll act as Precentor. '. . I Dr. Johnston and Dr. Toku- year only 22 cases came to the at- tention' of the Board of Health. D. C., with a Cantata, instead of I The Service will coincide WIth I yama will ad~ress nurses in civil , Last April 58 cases of mumps A sermon, followincY the Even-: the departure of local representa- i defense and' the destruction and are the overwhelming choice of \ song portion. 0 tives for the annual meeting of 1 . .' • were reported ; this year there , the National Cathedral Associa-: sufferlOg \\'lought by the atomiC were only 2. There were 68 ch:c- The FestIval Chorus of Ch '5t " :. f J. . W ld ur business leaders all over the coun- rI tion 10 WashlOgton. j bombmg 0 apan 10 or n ar ken pox cases last April as ------~---4--- The tremendous scope of the and show pictures. , against 51 this year. . try. Styled in unmistakable man- I'll, Other cases reported for April work of the National Cat.hedral Mrs. Verna Crowley, cO-Ol:dina- of this year are as follows:-scar- ner •. ,made and finished by a includes far more than a site for I • • ' 1 d' t at'onal i tor of nurses 10 Grosse Pomte, let fever, three in the Woods and grea t na t lona an JO ern I, d 11 11 d carefully selected group of ex- :\ ~ services and pageants. It is a iannounce t ~t a nurs~s,. octors three in Harper Woods, and one ~ ~ "House of Worship" for alii and the clelgy ,are 10Ylted .to each in the Park' and Shores; pert hatters.,. they are offered f ~ N .creeds. It has a most inclusive I aUe.nd th; meetmg whIch WIll rheumatic fever, one in the Woods ~ ~ and one in Harper Woods; pink only in stores that know how to ~ ·program of Christian Edu~ation, I begm at I :30 p.m. ~ : while its College of Preachers: eye; one each in the Farms and present• and fit them properly. Woods. I ibnSon'S ! provides ctlnferences and study Ii One case of acute conjunctivi- I : on the subject of preaching for Woods Offl.cers ~ tis was reported in the Woods, ~2S(} ~~ Jaco i aI! of the cl~rgy in the C.ount:y.1 Study First Aid and one case of pneumonia, mea- ; Added benefIts are the lIbraries I allli upwards ; f?r reference and re~earch in t~e I sles in .the Park. TU.5-7510 . fIelds of church musIc and archl-; Woods policemen and fire- Three communities reporled Exclusive witb liS in Detroit. r leCture. ; men pre tak10g first aid train- six dog bites apiece, the City, Woods and Harper Woods. The h r 0 ugh contributions and i ing every Tuesday evening, from . T Park revealed five and the Farms i memberships to the Cathedral '! to 9 p.m. as of. May 12, accord- two. : Association from inter.,sted men 109 to Woods DIrector of Public . and women all over the United Safety Vern C Bailey. The course Politics are just as, good as ; States, it has been possible to will run for nine weeks and will . . -Picture by Rod Rieser MRS. M. F. GOWTHORPE of 230 Lewiston road, new you are-for the way you vote Woodward Ave. at Grand Circus Park : carry forward the building of I be ta~ght by Frank Morgan. an creates politics. ! this great Cathedral and further ~mencan Red Cross representa- member of the board of directors of the United Foundation Als(l,in CI,kago : expand its plans Cor the future.; hve. with JOHN S. BUGAS, president. They were attending th~ . More things come to the peo. Rest. Relax. Have Fun . _----- "Many new methods have been annual meeting last week, at which plans were made for pIe who don't wait for them than developed in rendering first aid the Fifth Annual Torch Drive, Oct. 20 to Nov. 12. those who do. on a Gilbert Curries Return to accident victims," said Directo~ i From Ponte Vedra Stay Bailey, "and I feel that. a refresher I I course for those who have taken Science Museum Georgian Bay After a month in the South, the course previously this will be Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. Currie an asset, and for those who have Society to Meet have returned to their home on never taken the courSe, this will Cruise Lewiston road. Most of the time be an opportunity to learn first The Detroit Science Museum th('~' stayed in Ponte Vedra. Fla., aid." Society has its annual meeting at Your best investment 7 Days •••••••• $129.50 up ; where they stopped at the Inlet. He added that it was Celt that the International Institute on members should take advantage Tuesday evening. May 26 at 8:00 5 Days •••••••• $115.75 up' : 5'11 --d-C-' p.m. The spea-ker will be Dr. , 1 of learning the new methods, so oway an ompany Robert Hatt, diret:tor of the is the best hroadloom you Weekencl •••••• $ 35.50 up : Moves Realty Offices that in the event. of a serious accident, victims can be properly Cranbrook Institute of Science. I tak~n care of. He will speak on the subject, can:-huy for th~ money BOOK NOW Sillo\vay and Company, one of First aid' books and equipment "Museums of the Middle East." , ~rosse Pointe's out~tandiJ?g realty will be furnished bv the depart- Dr. Hatt has recently returned from the area, where he has Are you interested in a trip to i flff"!1S,has mo\'ed lts offIce from ment to each individual, but been making a study oC the plant the INDIANAPOLIS SPEED- i the sJn"l1l cott~ge at 16906 ~er~ these will remain the property and animal life, as well as visit- \A/AY RACES on May 307 We : cheval. to theIr newly acqUIred of the Woods : property at 650 St Clair, next ing t.he museums of natural his- sell excursions from $26.50 up. I . tory. The general' public is cor- i to the Standard station. J R f dially invited to this meeting. I . OCll1 ex ord Besides Director Hatt's infor- mative talk, the membership of \ VALENTE JEWELRY H Ollored at MSC the society will hear reports of progress and elect a n~w board announces the new GORHAM STERLING Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Rex- of directors. The society is com- ford, of Trombley road, spent the mitted to the very challenging palter.: May first. week-end in Lansing, task of organizing as soon as pos- ikcttt where their daughter, Joan, was sible a Museum of Science and tapped for Mortarboard, the sen- Man in The Cultural Center in A luxuriant pattern ••• sculptured. massive. bold ior honor society at Michigan . State College. AMERICA'S FINEST POWEtl I.00MUROG In Ihis rhythmic design, yet essentially feminine. Several Pointe citizens are Only thirteen girls from the serving on the' board and many ,) Gorham Sterling ."Oecor" with piercing at its citizens of the local community • entire junior class at Michigan lip Is mode ....ith 0 olle-piKe knife handle - State receive this high honor are enthuiastic about the project. Pointe board members include: ""hkh r.slsh denting. won't fOlll_ •- ..... each year. Thev are chosen for excellence in scholarship and Bert Wicking, of the Board of "n exclusive Gorham fealure. ~anz,. leadership. Education; George True, manu- Compare anybroadtoom-at'tfJe~'" -' .Jl7~Tr.""...... facturer; G. Leslie Field, attor-;, Tableau ..... you'D seethe difl'eteoee.. The impressive ceremonies are ney; Clarence Messner, Richard aoo An Individual six.piece plaee.selling (knife. usually held at 7 a.m. at the Bel- .Schoof; and Mrs. Hazel Messner, fork. teaspoon. salad fork. soup spoon. and Tableau has the thi~ springy, pile that keeps mont Tower, but rain this year recording secretary. . .J hol!ow.hondle buller spreader) costs only changed the locale to the Music ita beauty eo much Jonger..,Tahleau has dwf Hall,on campus. C Off. 'i $42.50 Including Federal Tal( The Boys' Glee Club of the cQl- en/ter erlny Iidl shadows and highlights that give you - .~ lege sang at the ceremonies CI -' · A t 10th JuxunOUl\ texture.;Tableau hae the ,~t: known as the May Morning Sing. I asses zn r ,- • FoIlo\ving the formal cere- - extra depth and softness that make:,walkiD,.g mony, Mrs. John Hannah, wife of The Grosse Pointe War Memor- I the president of MSC, received ial Center announces a series of such a pleasure. And of eourae Tableau t the new members of Mortar- summer art classes beginning on board in the President's Green Saturday, June 20. has the new high-fashion color.s that lend Room at the Union. Classes will meet from 1 to 4 I • eustom look to 8Xr'J Jo.ely room sehcmc. ( p.m. for six weeks and when the f FURRY PROWLER weather permits they will be Gull gray~nutri~ spruee green; 1 Mrs. Charles Helin of 15440 held outside in the gardens or 11'00 ID088 greeD, citron greeD; parcbment, Windmill Pointe, called the Park along the lake front. t The fee for the series of les- VALENTE JEWELRY police, late at night, Thursday, D1ltmeg. grain gold., lake blue; May 7, and stated she thought sons is $10.00 For further infor- mation call the Center, TUxedo 16601 E. WARREN a prowler was on the roof of -at Kensington her garage. There was-a rac- 1-6030 or Mrs. Stanley Dolega, Sqt.uue )'aTd coon. VA. 2-5548.

After •.•

eHa!Jdorz,dlouuJ £1_ Portrait of a French Abbe' (18th Century) eu~l:om {/nh.'t£o't~by z~t~~,

"521SGsd :Pffl.f.UJ/l • Q/a~ 2-0300 • 9f.out. !:Pof.nU.90, dl1~~4U\ ••• Restored by lie GrillllDe Gall~ries

/ , ------~ -----~-.------,------...... --.._------..------.------...... --.------_ ...._...... ---..._.------~--

Page Four GROSSE, PO I NT E N-:WS Tnurs(Jay. May'14. 'f 953 Thursday. 1 Some detours aren't even pav:' ed with good intentions. Green-Up ra~s::'~~~~~ytOinge;he~rg~c;~ Community Chorus Concert' Open House ~:.~:u~:::n~o;:~vi;;:p CentE (Continued from Pa~e 1) front'yardappearance andboththusfor improvethemselvesthe _ (Continued from Page 1) I (Continued from Page 1) '. . CUSIANO TUXEDO The s~ond '.c 0 Grosse Pointe I b t t d . d"d 1 t and the benefit of their neig~- Yeager, stage manager, -a-s-si-s-te-d-In-u-m-b-e-r,"No Man Is An Island"; gym, "nd th-~~-e-are -16 activ"e' Jox:eep~t~~~a~~f ~a~~~~ ~~~ i RENTALS is. c u s, es a es an m IVI ua s 0 bors who are wholeheartedly m '. . V h and "One World" by O'Hara a , " Duplicate Brid _-=.-m take an active part in this .year's acco~d and most willing to help ~y Mackay W,lener; JIm au~ an, . volunteers. Duting the mbnth of 'are off by motor to FI?rida for For All Occ'asl'ons 60 players last Clean Up Week as they thm out t ck t.. Mrs Fred Hyne hbra The Richard ,Rodgers number, March, . 982 pel'sons atte d'ed s,everal days. Thej" will ,spend North and ~ their ~wn prop~rties ,in any possible way. I e s, . d". 1 l' .. ' .t-. "It's- a Grand. Night for Singing" '.': '. , ,n, (most of their time at the Sea • Tuxedos • Directors Suits Will Make Pi~k-Up n~ugbt Special Seed rian; Larry'Ver ler,. ega ,assls - will start the second group, events m th.ebUlldlng; the clubj Ranch in l"ort Lauderdale. • Full Dress eluded: Mr. a w: l '. . The purchase of 500 Ibs. of lance; Mrs. Harry Schroeder, cov- which will continue with "Black has a registered membership of,! ,____ • Summer Formals Wilder, 147 I e come JI'I'ago" Maintains /I Ca1?ta.m Chavers has given .h~sIgrass 'seedhas been made by the er design for program; Mrs; Mal- Is the, Color of My True Love's 215.' .' .. ',' :. !, One advantage in starting late I Complete Tailoring and AI~erations Rosier ana Fra - "JI'I'elcoming Service" /0 r permISSIOn to use the batlelY s sponsoring Garden Club, 'with colm Johns, consultant; Mrs. Hair", an Appalachian song; CALL FOR APPOINTMENT C. Patten and J newcomersJo Grosse Poi/lie telephone number:-~u 4-222~- the assistance of Julian P. Bow- Dickey and Mrs. Charles A. Par- "Hears". by Rachmaninoff, and The Comrrniniti Club is' ~ffili- is that ~ou miss the th~usands 16233 Mack at Three ~Iile Dr. East and WE ... , so t~at an?,one WIS 109 to give en, Stephen peale and the Grosse cells, Jr., telephone committee; "The Deaf Old Woman" by Davis. ated \\rith the- foliowing 'g?=oups: .who start early. to aVOId the TV. 1-3530 Mrs. N. Craw. It /lcts on hehalf of local, (It'" growm~ thmgs, can contact th.em. Pointe Lions club. 'from Ferry Mrs. James A. Lafer, publicity. The concluding group will con- United Community Service, red crowd. Kiley, 140 pair •.•J d b h They WIll then arrange for plck- . '. . I ".. - h i U't d F d ------.------mltsue merc ants. T ey rec- ups M~rse Seed Company. A specla Posters dIstrIbuted throughout sist .of "Country Style" by James feat er's~rv ces; me oun a- ston and Mrs. Qmmetld that )'Olt • • • We Grosse Pointers have been blend was ne7essary d1:le to the the com~unity were designed Van He,usen; "Sleep, Baby" tion, torch fund; Federation of invited this Saturday aft~rnoon, heavy clay SOIL " and prod~ced through the cour- Sleep" by Bell-Shaw; "Russian Settlements and Neighbor' Cen- between 1 and 4 p. m., on Armed Many dozen pa~kets of flower tesy of Gl1 Hanna, as a. gest!1re Picnic" by Enders and "you:n tel'S of Metropolitan Eletroit; and Forces Day, to visit these Bat- seeds were don<\ted. E~ward ~. of goodwill for the new orgamza- Never Walk Alone" by Richard Wayne University. teries. Go see for yourselves the Louwers of. Greater ~etrOIt ti<:>n. Rodgers. The building' committee was vital responsibilities these sites LaJ.ldsc~pe Comp~ny. has b~en James Moore will pla~. a bas- '. Tickets for the concert may be composed, of Mervyn Gaskin; Patronize hold. They would like to wel- actlng.m an advlsoIY. capac.ty. soon solo between the fIrst two purchased in advance at the of. chairman of building construc- • Motorized Delivery Service Robert come you and you could then ap- Herb.ert L .. Heger, dIrector. of groups of choral numbers and fice of the Grosse Pointe Board tion; Edward Schultz, volunteer preciate how great their need is PublIc SerVIce. for Grosse Pomte later in the program 'the Wayne of Education, at the Doubleday contractor;! and Max ,Luce, vol- 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily. Local for green and growing things. Pa~k and DaVId Nagle of Gr?sse University String Trio-Waltrout Book Shop in the Village or at unteer architect. Why not take a bush or two with Pomte Hardware. have prOVided Warmell, violinist, William Leo the door the night of the concert. No\\' Has Seven Rooms A rdr you? the necessary eqUIpment and the Graham, cellist, and Milton, Set- The nominal tJrice of fifty cents Irwin Co. ( Business Would Bring Satisfaction men on th~ ba~e the .manpower zer, pianist, will play. . is to be used to defray expenses 'rhe building which originally • Have you'~ DC?etor'phone TU. 1.2410 of fine furr It would be Pleasant to know I under the directIon,of Lt. Gowan. I th f"' t rou of numbers and any surplus will be deposited contained one room, now has on the hot days this sll~mel' . Ro~m for l\~any More then ChO~U;I~vil1 Si~g M. Shaw's' with the Board of E~ucation's ~~vet~:'o~~'a~~e c~u~~tchen built business. when we stretch out on OUI ter- The sIte conslstsoI several "With a Voice of Singing"; Peter .~epartment of Commumty S;rv- r~ces" or porches, complacently acres and although many. shrubs De Rose's "I Heard a Forest ~ces to. ~~lp the group contmue It has been estimated that ovel' We c StlOP viewmg our well tended gardens, have been donated, there IS space P . g'" t1 e Whitney-Kramer, Its actlvItIes next season. 440 citizens and business are re- dining roor that we have had a small share for many more. While cleaning ,raym , 1 Anyone who enjoys group sing- sponsible for the 'new addition, at in bringing to these boys a touch, out or thinning shrubbery either ing is invited to participate and as are hundreds of others be- DEALERS' of green and shade, instead of a now or during t!le Clean Up per- B I ry the membership will be open longing to participating organi- PRESCRIPTION .PHARMACY NOT NEE[ dust bowl or mud ~)l' bak~d clay. iod, any donations will be grate- urg a again in the fall on the same zations working in behalf of the l\1ack at Touraine. 1 Block West of Postofficc Your s~n. or mm~ nught be fully accepted. A telephone call (Continued from Page 1) basis. youth of the Woods. All sa }-lOJ'I\EI ~nt~a~m~ardcla~.Wew~W ~ Lt.Gowan at VMl~ 2-3736 I-~~~~~~-~~_~~ ~ __ ~~_~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~_~_~~_~~~ __ ~~~_ ~Ike to. feel that the community will bring a truck to pick up any envelopes atop a dress~r, was local delivl m ~hICh. he was placed. was plant material. Hedge material is missing. The money belonged to makm~ hJm welcome .tor .hlmself especially needed. Flowering per- a girls' bowling team of the Bow- and hiS great contr:butlOn to- ennials 01' annuals will be most er Roller, Bearing company, and wards OU!' saf~ty. welcome. had been left in charge of Miss . llclp Them Out . . The project has been the direct McCallum. 1025 Brush Dnve past the camp, VISIt the responsibility of Mrs. Howard R. Acting on the description and. camp, send some green. to the Popp'en and Mrs. Arthur E. Flem- BOYS TRIM COTTON, I(~~_' ...... ~ SUMMER ROBES camp. In a few months, dnve past . h are representing their information obtained from both ,., f- WELCO~IE W 0 - I ag am. an d see th'~ lmprov emen.t mg,I b th G sse Pointe Park Gar- girls, Police Chief Thomas V. You can make thIS '53 Clean-Up e u, e 1'0 Trombly and Det. Sgt. Andrew f t" TI' den club. l'eetaert, with the aid of Detl'oit WAGON ~ne 0 ~on mumg success. liS Wh th site is no longer IS one tIme when we would all en .. e . . rotection it police, arrested. a resident of I like to see our soldiers let some needed fo! mlht~ry p 'Clairmont, DetrOit, after a trap! . is hoped It may oecome a lovely . t We ask NEIY/S readers to i grass grow undel .. thelr feet. . f' th unity and was se. . ! cool, eomJortable Parkers PIOneered park s.lte 01 e com.m will be The man, who has a DetrOIt I please pbolle liS the tlame and I Long before the dates for the the present landscap~ng 'ld I police record dating back to 1926 I nucleus around which to bUI ' i and l'efluire little address of lIell'comers 10 tbe. IGrosse.... Pomte Clean-Up were an- a f had made several phone calls to I Pointe v./J ".0'95 TV 1-' nounced, the Grosse Pointe Park for the uture. Miss McCallum, during the day i or no' ironing. • • • .. -, • f Garden Clul;>was working on its j A. Cd. f Now following the burglary. ~~oIlow- I 4703 or IFO. 1-3554. project, namely, providing grass I Ir. on I loners ing the advice. of thepol.lCe, s~e I seed, shrubs. hedge material and IAvaIlable on Chryslers . made an appomtment With hIm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iflower seeds for the beautifiea- Chrvsler Corporation's high- to have her .car ra~io fixe,d, and I Ition o! D Battery 99 AAA Gun I capaci-ty air conditioning sy~tem when he. arrlved, CIty pollee ar-I APTITUDE TESTS Battahon at the foot of Three is now available on all elght- rested hun. ~\"~~~1\6~Uc~~ t~~msu~ee~~~:: Mile drive. cylinder Chrysler cars except the When taken into. custody.. he the kind ot studies YOU should If the weatherman had coop- Crown Imperial. was found to have a conslder- toUow (For men and women, boys Ierated, the site would have been Joseph A. O'Malley, general able amount of money on his aV~c~~~~~~1Counseling Institute in excellent shape for Open sales manager of the Chrysler person, mostly in $20 bills, but ,. Daniel L. Beck, Director I' House which is slated ior May Division says the unit, \~hich police ruled this out as Poslt.ive 9S8 l\bccabees BIde. TEmple 11-S5-1 16. However, the men on the will be available an six-cy1mdet' proaf that he was the gUIlty Woodward Near Warren 'd h h d t ~ " base have been spending long models later was perfected after party. They sal tear es He'll be pleased with the trim tailoring and -~------~----.-----~- 14 years or development work thing in the world to prove is styling of these robes; you'H love and is the joint achievement of where money comes from. Chrysler Corporation's automo- The man' was held for three the easy washability and durability. -a' tive engineers and the experience days by police, and after being I .. It of its Airtemp Division, one of taken to the Wayne County Pros- Choose from a fine collection of terry 9 : f « • the world's largest manufacturers ecutor's office, was released, May club. ... ~ ., of air conditioning, heating and 6, pending further investigation. cloth, seersucker, rifle club plaid, field refrigeration units. Helpless to do anything about it, • $:. t checks • • • sizes 4 to 16. .t • ~ .. ------the money taken from him was • 4 4 t John M. Chase Wins ·returned to' him along with his UM Freshman Award personal effects. 5.95 to 10.50 John M. Chase, 261 Lewiston Chief Trambly and Sgt. Tce- , road, has received the Benjamin taert stated that the prisoner had Fishman award at the 'University consented to a lie detector test, of Michigan, announced ~ean and the results showed definitely Erish A. Walter, chairman of the that the man was not telling the scholarship committee Ior the truth abou"t'the money. University. The award is made to "mem- bers af, Michigan's Athletic Johnsons Back in Pointe Squads who have established, After Sea Island Holiday , ...... < during their career on the Mkhi-. gan campus, high reputations for' Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. John- , ~, \: scholastic achievement and sound son, of Washlngton road, returned I j character with promise. af de- to. the Pointe last week after I I velopment into alumni who will spending a month at Sea Island, I Jacobson's be a 'credit to their University." Ga. During their Southern resi-, Chase is a junior in the Col- dence, members of their family! Kercheval at St. Clair lege of Literature, Science and were guests at the home .they,1 the Arts. took on the island.


Palm Beach Sport Coat Junior Age authors these two-picce sets that lead c1 Color-Coordinated with happy summer life together and pair off with Ori

,Palm Beach~ SJack~ other separates, too • • • the sleeveless shirts with shirt " Ori tails that tuck in or hang straight, and the perfect, a'reaDy-good idea wherever style and .fjHing tailored shorts. A. Navy, red" or black with white ,'comfort .are important. this summer. Ori ,'We hav~ Palm'Beaeh'sport coats m A set, with a vivacious "little boy" charm. , . , . .~anary: bluet gray..'t sand and copperl Ori ~ ~~-- Sizes 7 fo I5, 8.95. ',25.95~ B. Navy, brown or black broadcloth shirt striped ~and for.-co1or~coordinated contrast, On ;Jimmy Demaret model Palm Beach with whitej and, white pique shorts. Size's'7 to 15. 10.95. /slacks in suIft navy, green, toast, canary (and sand - - . ------.,'12.95 ~~ Save d pleatin '. ~ for tra Whaling's " navy. \ ?Jl/J;l)J weaJt, 8 617 Woodward 6329 W. 7 Mile Road' Open' A.M. to-6 P.M. Doily) KERCHEVAt. ~ T ,51. :CLAIR


..------_._ ..-- ._"." f. -, ) ; • • m------=,------_-.._ .._------'\

Thursday, M-ay 14. 195,3 G ~ OS 5 E POINTE' NEWS Page Five Center Bridge .Club Popular Sent To France! The second session of the and Mrs. Arthur Lee, 136. To Wed in FaIIIS:~:£!~~f~at.~er~ys:. I Grosse Pointe Memorial Center The Club meet~ trom 7:30 to Clare of Montefalco will hold its May time . luncheon-card party Duplicate Bridge Club atiracted 11 p.m. on Wednesday evenin~s. 60 players last week. Mabel and Her~ Brown, are m and fashion show at the Grosse . . charge. Further mformahon may Pointe Yacht Club on Tuesday, North and South Wlnne~s. In- be obtained by calling TUxedo .May 26, at 12:30 p.m. General eluded: Mr. and Mrs. WIlham 4.2754. ' .~ Chairman of the party is Mrs. JOYCE Wilder, 147 poi.nts; Rene De At the request of many people John E. Young. . Rosier and !j'ancIs Auer, 133; N. a weekly afternoon session of Tickets:- Mrs. Hamilton Kot- keeps yo", cool with C. Patten and Mrs. M. Cress, 123. the Duplicate Bridge Club will cher, Ghairman, assisted b)r Mrs. East and West winners were: be held in the Grosse Pointe Eugene Fisher, Mrs. Thomas Mc- Mrs. N. Crawford and Mrs. P. War Memorial Center. It will be Carthy, Mrs. Earl Mossner, Mrs. Kiley, 140 points: Mrs. M. John- held each Thursday from! to 4 JosephA. ,Schulte, 'Mrs. Arthur ston and Mrs. F. Denis, 139; Mr. p.m. begining May 21. Schultz, Mrs. Joseph Bejin, Mrs. NATURAL LINEN Eugene Witchger. Food:- Mrs. Thomas J. LoCic- ero, Chairman, assisted by Mrs. Thea. M. Barthel. . "Summerleaf Sabot" • • • a wedge. NOTlc;E!' Telephone:- Mrs. Denis J. .. Bracken, Chairman, assisted' by ,that's a natural mixer, a Robert W. Irwin Co. of Grand Rapids Mrs. Robert Wright, Mrs. Frank Cronin, Mrs. Edward Moeller, shade -that will blend is Discontinuing Business Mrs. S. E. Schwikert, Mrs. Jos. Feist, Mrs. Louis J. Steiner. with every costume you own. A rare opportunity is offered you" Robert W., Door Prlzes:- Mrs. Thomas J. -}'lcture by Clinedinst DeCorte, Chairman, assisted by I Irwin Co~ of Grand Rapids, the world's largest makers Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Wade- Mrs. 'E. Ploof and Mrs. J. Rabaut. MAJ, DONALD K. SCHIL" of fine furniture for the past 80 years, is retiring from Table Prizes:- Mrs. John Mc- LING, formerly secretary-trea-' 8.95 of McKinley road announced the Grath, Chairman, assisted by Mrs. surer of Haydon House Inc. of business. engagement of their daughter, T. H. Heenan and Mrs. George Grosse Pointe has received CECILY, to John P. Steketee, son McCormick. orders reassigning him to Orly of Mr. and Mrs. John Steketee Arrangements:- Mrs. Milton B. We are offering all of the furniture including Field . in Paris, France. Since I of Grand Rapids, at a family din- Stuecheli and Mrs. William Mc- dining room, bedroom and living room AT LESS THAN' being recalled to active Air Force r ner in the Inty~e, Co-Chairmen. duty early in 1951, Schilling has DEALERS' WHOLESALE PRICES AND YOU DO on May 2. Contest:- Mrs. Clayton P. been assigned to headquarters NOT NEED A DEALER AS PREVIOUSLY REQUIRED. Cecily was graduated from the Alandt, Chairman _ assisted by Eighth ~ir Force at Fort 'Worth, University of Michigan, a member Mrs. Leo George, Mrs. Fran~ Texas, as chief of the persop- All sales dre subiect to 31'0 State Sales Tax and of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Jenney, Mrs. Robert Squires, nel services .division. local delivery. John was graduated from the Mrs. Ed Lipke, Mrs. Eugene Gib- He acted 'as aide-de-Camp to I University of Michigan and is ney, Mrs. Toby David, Mrs. Vin- Maj. Gen. Ralph Royce during Inow attending Wayne University cent Meier, Mrs. A. Bratton, Mrs. World War II, and also as com- ILaw School. . G. Jaglowicz, Mrs. C. Bahurski, manding officer of the 5th Col- Marvin Simons Co. A Fall wedding is planned. Mrs.~ .. H. Hillenbran~ .. lege Training Detachment at 1025 Brush St. PublIcIty:- Mrs. WIlham A. Capital University, Columbus, WO.2-3994 Bickel, Chairman. \ Ohio. Th~ fellow who is first to butt Financial Secretary:- Mrs, F. Schilling was awarded 'the Shoe Salon-Floor Line in is the first to back out. IE. Wilmot. Bronze Star, Unit Citation, Ameri- can Defense, American Cam- paign, European-African ribbon with four clusters, Army of Oc- cupation and the Armed Forces Reserve medals. JacofJsolfs Jacobson's Money ..Saving May He is a member of the Grosse Pointe Rotary Club and the De- SLIP CLEARANCE troit Athletic Club.

Nylon TI.i~ot • Pitre Silk • The NYIION • RAYON CREPE White Sheath: Discontinued styles Takes from famous

Van,ity Fair, Lady LY11U' A Stole Tri",ium,

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Orig. 4.95 3.00

Orig. 6.95 c Dramatic white linen. look '. .4.00 spun rayon • • • bordered with Bash. Orig. 8.95 · .. · .. 5.00 ing rqinestones on pumpkin, royal or aqua ••• and topped by a lined Orig. 10.95 /.. 7.00 fringed stole. Sizes 10 to 20. 22.95. On9. 14.95 9.00 \.

Save dollars on diese beautiful slips, lavished with lace, embroidery, l: i>to pleating and generous flounces. , , perfect for your personal wear, '. for travel and graduation gifts. Pink, white, blue, black, beige or I navy. Sizes 32 to 42.

Il- I Remember •• '. Clean-Up Campaign . Kercheval at Sf:. Clair .. May 15th to 23rd , "Keep '53 Rubbish Free!" Kercheval rat Sf. Clair Sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Garden Club Council

• , , Page Six. GROSSE POINTE NEW S Thursday. May 14, 1953 Tht ! Voiers' League Two Tliat Didn~t,Get Away' Fathers Glfests P'arty To Honor Head of C.D.S~ Be Send Them to iHolds Parley Glr~ . Miss Blanche Richardson, head-/ to pay her t~ibute for her long i }~. Of cnS . t f th Grosse Pointe term of devotIon and helpfulness. Members of Grosse Pointels ... ,',' ,\>:,~,::;, Members of the 9th, 10th and mlS ress 0 e . Invitations are being sent out i Country Day School, will. be the to alumnae, former trustees and ; League of Women Voters jour- KAY ANOS FUR CoO. ~~~f:;d~~;t S~h;o~r~~t~r~~~:~ honor'ed guest at a cocktaIl party parents .of the upper school ineyed to Lansing yesterday for :;~i\:!~{:t:;~j~~~~;::!~:'~t~;~:~:'\,(:.':\iJ I,a two-day State convention. • .. . . at a Father-Daughter banquet in in the Grosse Painte Club ,from students at Country Day. Manufacturers of Fine Furs 8:30 to 7:30 on Wednesday. May Reservations may be made by i Meeting at the Kellogg Center the school on Thursday: night, Miss 'Richardson has served the calling Mrs. Wilber Brucker, Jr., f 0 r Continuing Education at , May 7.~ . " Jor Grosse Pointe boulevard school of Merriweather road, at TUxedo Michigan State College, the de!e- Dinner was served in. uie gym- I for 30 years and the alumnae are 5-6862. Igates and officers handled busi- nasium' with' a committee of m w Iness .matters at the opening ses- mothers helping with the serv- SUMMER STORAGE sion, including a matter of by- ing.' An inspection tour of the IN OUR j3RO YEAR OF GOOD SERVICE; laws changes, introduced by Mrs. I building was conducted by, the Fully Call for John of Trombley road. girls following dinner, then all Chief topic at' the Wednesday gathered in th~ auditorium for Insured and Ievening dinner session was "Tech- a variety show presented by the' I niques for Reaching the Public",. students. ' P(ck up I which was presented to members Nan Maxwell and Joyce I Bonded as a panel discussion lead by Dr. ' Mitchell were featured in a song and Delivery Albert Cordray, Associate Pro- number and also were part of the I Drivers fessor, Department of Communi- sextet whose other members in- cation Skills at the College. cluded . Marian Ferry, Judy I Mr. Mark Brower, assistant Jeeves, Sarah Goddard and Lil- to the publisher, State Journal, lian McMath. Mr. Lansing, developed the topic from Sue Hooker soloed in a panto- of Be< , the news}?aper angle. Dr. Armand mime dance number. Sarah God- Coals Cleaned, Gla~ed and Siored !Hunter, director, Television De- dard sang a number from "Briga- engage I velopment, MSC, and Dr. LeRoy doon". Bizzie Buell and Dianne MARY IBennett, assistant professor, De- Special $4.95 Duncan were a hit' in a dance of Mr. partment of Political Science, number. FUR Iprovided information in their Dearb< ,Molly Bo\vman and' Judy - TwoStores- fields. Miss I Jeeves performed admirably on 15100 Mack Avenue, Gr,.Pte. 7338 Kercheval I Mrs. Bert L. Lindzay, of Bal- Grosse four road, president of the the cello and harp. Members of TU.2-2413 LO. 7-0200 l the Or Grosse Pointe 'League, attended the Junior Class Drama Club put on a scene from the play STORAGE is pres the meetings, together with Mrs. John Pear, Mrs. Taylor, Seeber, I1ij "Long Ago." Jane Bragaw also, pathol, Mrs. Edgar Hahn, Mrs. Edward did a number from "Brigadoon" I - Public . MARCIA FOX caught the red snapper and her brother and later teamed up with Julie Gehrig, Mrs. M. L. Van Dagens, I Rapids Bruce caught the dolphin, says the information on the back Watson in a comedy song and I - In A Vault-Like Structure Built Mrs. T. R. Springett, Mrs. Har- Mr. court Caverly, Mrs. Wm. T. Krebs, of this picture straight from Pompano Beach, Fla. They dance act. ! are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Fox of Radnor Nanette and Colleen McMahon: Especially lor Storage 01 Furs and UniveI Mrs. Charles M. Scatt, Mrs. M: D. of De Stahl, and Mrs. Richmond Rob- circle. The family returned recently from a 'vacation in the were featured in a song. Donna! Diekoff played all the accom- with 1 erts. southland. ' Other Out-ol-Season Garments. NOW! paniment and did Chopin's Waltz ernity. They Married beautifully. ember YOU CAN.GET In Plymouth Town Hall Plans For 25th Season Former Pointer Shepler's own and operate this mod~rn off-the-- ell) The twenty-fifth consecutive and John Harvey Furbay, lEd ARTHUR MURRAY A .marriage of interest to the season of Detroit Town Hall will Slated to speak on the arts S ngCtge Pointe took place in Plymouth, open October 14 in Fisher The- and education are John Mason premise stora'ge building for customers' furs and To Mich., last Saturday when Cath- atre with the Tyroliers, a gay Brown, Cecil Beaton, f~mous The engagement of Lydia Joyce other out-of-season garments and household The ryn E. Moss, of Plymouth~ be- troupe of singers. dancers, and photographer and stage des.lg~er, Crampton of Manistee, Mich., to DANCE LESSONS. Social came the bride of John F. Stef- instrumentalists from the Tyro- William F. Buckley, Jr., brl1llant former Pointer Duane Carlson ftJrnishings. It is exclusively a Shepler feature, fen, Jr.,' son of Mr. and Mrs. lean Alps. This colorful program young edu::ator, and Kathryn Butterfield, has been announced Paul E ON THE EASTSIDE John F. Steffen of Notre Dame. will be the first in a series of 18 Turney Garten, famous book re- by the bride-elect's parents, Mr., sent tl The bride is the 'daughter of Wednesday morning events es- viewer. Robert S haw, well and Mrs. Wayne I. Crampton. available to you whenever you are' ready for banqu1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moss pecially selected for Town Hall's known TV scr~pt writer will dis- Duane is the sQn of Mr. and i in the Studio Now Open whu entertained wedding guests. silver anniversary year. cuss the merIts and faults of Mrs. Duane O. Butterfield, who I storage. The the w( 10 A. M. :""10 P. M. DAILY at a reception in Botsford Inn In addition to three entertain- present day radio and TV pro- nqw make their home in Chester I following the marriage which ment features. which include grams. . road, Detroit. . of thE UNTIL 6 ON SATURDAY was solemnized in Plymouth's concerts by Columbus Boychoir ~eason reservatl~ns for the Miss Crampton will 'be grad-: The p First PresbyteriaIl: Church. and Grant Johannesen, sensa- ser~es are now avaIlable at De- uated in August from the Saint I by th Wearing white silk organdy tional young. pianist, lectures trOlt Tdwn Hall headquarters, Lawrence School of Nursing. 1 Miss ~ East Warren Ave., over taffeta and a juliet of flow- will be given by 15 internation- 1613 Kales Bldg., WO. 3-5617. Duane is a graduate of the Elec-I the to, ered organdy With silk illusion _ trical Engineering School of I Feat TU.2.4389 veil, the bride carried rubrum ally known celebrities. Bettina Wallis's Work. Michigan State College. be Lt. lilies and valley lilies in her bou- Scheduled to analyze world I ' Thcy'll be married next au- quet. problems are Dwight Cooke, Shown in Col ege Paper Police tumn. act. TI Attendants, in frocks of m,auve popular radio commentator, and Original work by Bet.tina directi, linen trimmed in violet, and car- heard nightly in Detroit 'over Wallis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Secretaries to Appear will ~il rying nosegays of French violets station WJR; Doris Fleeson, F. G. Wallis of St. Clair avenue, included Mrs. Merrill H. Walker, Washington columnist; Dr. You is illustrated in "Standard," the On Television on May .19 Mrs. matron of honor; Mrs. Victor Chang Yang, U. S. Ambassad.or literary magazine of Stephens man 0: See"At Arthur M~rray' 5" Kimmell and Mrs. Glenn Schro- from Korea; the World AffaIrs College in Columbia, Mo. ' Two young ladies from this Mrs. C man ol !del'. Council, a panel of experts from Miss Wallis is shown modeling vicinity will appear on television. I Tuesday Night al 10:30-0hannel 4 William J. Smith was best man different parts of the world earrings she created and is also As members of the National Sec- Iand the. guests were sealed by which will present lively, unre- the co-author of one of the poems retaries Association, Detroit Tran- script Chapter, Miss Margaret Bri 'Merrill H. Walker, Richard Mc- hearsed debate on international printed in the magazine. Main Office and Plant - 16901 Harper Aye., at Grayton ------:------Neilly and Joseph R. Kromula. affairs with audience participa- _ Meininger of 915 Neff road. and Mrs. Moss attended her daugh- tion. Mercy College Frosh Miss Eve Neeriemer of 17046 Giv Waterloo, will be special guests Indian Village Branch Downtown Branch ter's wedding in beige shantung Highlighting the series w~ll be Plan Birthday Party of Doris Eaton Travis. 8845 E. Jefferson, at Hibbard Penobscot Bldg. Concourse . ~. \ suit and flowered chapeau. A talks by Vicomtesse Antoinette J Sir Mrs. Travis will interview offi- ~==_=_=lllIll1!11:: ~ • 1:HIIIIIUIIIIIUnllllll!lIl.lIl1.lIIll1l!lIl11ll1l11l1l1l11l1l1l1======_Il~ erer ' gown of toast lace with match- de Bellaigue, former tutor to Rosemary Jankowski, 830. S. cers of the group, and 0 the l' ing hat was chosen by Mrs. Stef- Queen Elizabeth and Princess Oxford; will serve as a committee Flemir members. The show will be teleo &0 right. fen. Both had ?rchid c.orsag~s.. Margaret; and Raymond Schind- chairman for the Mercy Frosh Telephone' TU. 1-1900 == ~ Following theIr weddmg tnp m leI', "America's Sherlock Holm- Birthday party Tuesday, May 19, vised May 19 on Channel 4 atl I at the New England, the young S.tef-, es." By popular request, two col- at noon in the college social hall. 10:30 p.m. . . ed by In Coo,, Crisp fens will return to Grosse Pomte ored films will be presented dur- Twelve chairmen, one for each ------_.------Sharp, to make their home. ing the fall and winter, nar- month of the year, will have evenin The new Mrs. Steffen's going rated by "Singapore Joe" Fisher charge of luncheon tables, dec- I The FADED DENIM - away costume was a mauve and ------orated appropriately for each arrive< ~ I white checked suit with brown Alumnae of' Pi Beta Phi month. Guests will be seated at from: g Iaccessories. the tables, according to their week-~ .Just what you:ll want :: I To Have Supper Party birthdates. "Kid games" and New for a Summer under~'} ~ Thomas Horrigans Visit party favors will, be other fea- sojoufl the sun. In well tailored .. ".:;, : _",\ ~ ! Son Tom at Sea Island Mrs. W. B. Clark will enter- tures of the freshman mixer. guests quality denim, so easily ~ tain the Grosse Pointe Alumnae ------CLEARANCE OthE washable to keep that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Hor- Club of Pi Beta Phi at supper at Errol J. Gays. Joan . even in cool, comfortable look. rigan of Barrington road, recently 6 o'clock on Monday, May 18, in Get Back Fror'!l Florida Mrs. I Choose denim for boat- returned from a trip to Sea her home at 770 Bedford road. Mrs. L ing, picnicking, camp- Island, G eo l' g i a, where they Assisting Mrs. Clark as host- Mr. and Mrs. Errol J. Gay of A. C. ing, golfing, gardening VISl. 't e'd th ell''. son Tom. ess'es wI'll be Mrs. Jack Frye, Pemberton road, and their daugh- ' H. J. or J'ust lolling around. Tom was recen tly trans ferre d Mrs. E. P. Robertson, Mrs. H. J. tel', Joan, are back home follow- Com .5 P R IN G." 5 U ITS from the Naval Base at Key West, Fleming, Mrs. H. F. Strongways, ing a brief holiday in Lake and l Florida, to the Glynco Naval Air Mrs. J. F. Stoltcnberg and Mrs. Worth, Fla. Gay will be married Heide, = Station in Brunswick, Georgia. John Arndt. in June to Harry Downer. Mrs. 1 Orig. 79,95, 89.95, 98,00, 110.00, 119.00 mingh On' ~. I , I ~__ after womer Lady 'Relax alld Enjoy Yourself in the DE 1====_ f~J~~~c~r~~r~t~~\~e~n~b~~~~~II =_~==:_ 48.00 r::~kets. Tailored for 4. 9S ~i Welc ~I Plans The slacks in faded blue, red, ~::::===::::=I The 'Almost all types, indudinej d.ressy and casual w:,rsteas, gabarClines. comer: I g::~~::~~~~~£dCh~~~;.II meetir flannels, and imported fabrics. Miss~s and Junior sizes, WednE =,si Ne\t,I be ele lowed The walk;n, ,h"IS, 'well t~no,ed 1=_ LEISURE JEANS playin in the some colors as the slacks. 2.4345 On in zipper~~~jZ~cketsclosing. b ~ ~ ~ 3.50 i=====_=I I an SHO,RTY COATS held i Slip into these S~nfori~ed wash. Memo ~ = Shore 5= ~= lJble chambray iea'ns and you i =, ~== ~, know you're in for comfort. 1 28.00 The Full-cut for freedom of action, , us to ; ;_=1 with, ~I ;161 l)nd Jacobson styleE'J for casual Originally 35.00 Denim topped shoes, the famous :_= I, ~=_ good looks. ,Plenty of pocket ... . "Sal/ Bond" brand in faded blue, / ~ navy, wine and maple. Heavy, g I I ' • . Beautiful IOO°fc, wool fabrics in a gOOd selection of ~ soft sales for comfort- . S 9S ~i room. too. Sizes S. M. L.XL. I able, long Wir• • II 5.00 wanted colors 3 TUxedo 1-9252 ~ g!~j .. 3 =1 " I ' II - ~ II I Tan •. LIght Blue • Rust • CharcoaJ 1=_ MEN'S WEAR, Inc. ~=~=_=_-==I • Canary OJ Li.,ht Green • Medium Blue ·Jacobson's, ::I 16930 Kercheval i ....------..,= Kercheval lJt St. CI~ir I Open Every Friday Evening Until 9:00 I SHOP FOR MEN-STREET FLOOR ~ . E lumnllllllllllllillllllllllJIIlllIIUlllIlIllllIIlIIlIillllllllllullIllllllllnllUllIIJIIllllllilllllllllUllllI!llllllllmnn1II1111fl1ll1ll1ll1lllltlll1ll1ll1ll1l1ll1ll1l1l1ll1l!IUi

, ... - I ,

_ ...... _...... ~ • - - - - ...... __ ..- -.~..- ._-._------_._------...... ---...... Thursday. May 14. 1953 G R 0 SSE IS0 I NT E N EW S Page Seven To Give Be'nefit In' Klenk Garden gardens of Mrs. William C. Klenk, Betrothal Told Two Experts on "Ground Covers" Church Women Plan Meetings on Devonshire. road, Grosse Pointe. Garden Tour tickets we~ . T Ik · ,... d ' C. On Wednesday, May 20, the fol- Benedict Miller, 21227 Hunting- Mrs. Josephine Sandberg ad- cussed for a Benefit-tea to be '"''1'' o Ive a S In \.:Iar en enter lowing a~ternoon groups of ~he ton, Harper Woods. Mrs. Wade dressed .the members of the given Wednesday, May 20, in the alSo available at this. meetm ... po,' "' ''''3f~'''.T G Grosse P-OInteWoods PresbyterIan McKnight will be co-hostess. Detroit Garden Club Wednesday Call TU, 4-2221: Mrs. Standish Backus and Mrs. have made a real study of ground Church will meet: afternoon, May 13, at their lunch- Like all Old Keepsake ••• < Benjamin Warr"'n will speak on h' h d h t Deborah: at the home of Mrs. Martha: at the home or' Mrs eon-meeting at the Detroit Boat "Ground Covers;' at the Wednes- covers, w IC 0 so' muc. .0 Frank Bromley, 513 VVemier Gerald Schroeder, 50 Shoreham Club, ior which the sponsor- by day afternoon Grosse Pointe Gar- soften a garden and keep It In road. Mrs. L. D, Marr and Mrs. road. Mrs. S. Gaden will be co. member was Miss Sophie C. Bach- man, Mrs. ,Sandberg's topic was r.• den Center lecture series for order. Once a good ground cover Ray Long will be co-hostesses hostess with' Mrs. Orr Leaver- do members, held in the Garden!:s established, it helps mainte- Call TU, 4-1252 or TU. 4-1206. ton. Call TU. 2-4335, "A Low-Brow Looks at Europe". Center room of the Grosse Pointe Inance for many years and dis- Elizabeth: the Elizabeth Group Naomi: at the home of Mrs: Following the 12:30 o'clock lun- War Memorial Center from 2 to courages weed growth. will visit Delray Settlement Joseph Schem, 1338 Hampton cheon, the president, Mrs. Sidney 3 o'clock. Questions follow 'the talks at House. Cars will leave church at ~oad. Mrs, W. L. Russell will be C. Probert, conducted business This informal series is popular the Wednesday seri~s which are 10 a.m.' . , " co-hostess. Call TU. 1-0200. session, at which plans were dis- with the dirt gardeners of the open to all members of the Grosse Esther: the Esther Group WIll VISIt :( . community, who appreciate get- Pointe Garden Center. If anyone the Presbyteri:m Home for the ting practical tips from those who wishes to attend, they may pay Aged. ~rs. R. Ewart will be in know most of the answers from the $1.00 a year dues and join any charge Qf.transportation. Call TU. Nationally Known HACK'S 'arso long experience. Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs- 1-6442. The gardens of Mrs. Warren day from 10 to 12 or from 2 to Lydfa: at, the home of Mrs. and Mrs. Backus, both of whom 4 by registering in the Garden ------FIT N'OR,MAL S:HOES' are members of the Garden Club Center room. Pillar Lodge Auxiliary . To Keep of Michigan, have been photo- Because so many are active PI R B k 5 r graphed tor ntaional magazines, gardeners, the board suggested ans umfTlage, a e a e have been open to the public that people just drop their trow- NORMAL FEET FIT Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Gratzer ma'ny times for the Detroit Gar- els Wednesday afternoon and go The Ladies Auxiliary of Pillar ... den Center's Pilgrimages and are over to the talk in garden togs, Lodge will hold a Rummage and ,~., of Bedford Road announce the known to b~ among the most if they wish! The pointers they Bake' Sale in the Pillar A~i- 8,f-ii'1IJ':::;'h'~:f#r-r&

TODAY'S PROBLEM The big problem today is for us to reconcile our net income with our gross habits. CARPETS and , RUGS BOUND Colorful C!ndeC!syto wC!sh-neeas no ironing- The silver meta fie trim wilJ c per not tarnish. GuC!ranteed color-fast. , 35 yard SOLID COLOR WAMSUTTA 54"x54" Luncheon Cloth ... 2.95 12"x18" Placemat •••••••• 50c FAST SERVICE TOWELS 54"x70" Table Cloth .•••• :.3.95 17"x f 7" Napk-In ••••••••• 50c McGOY & SONS 28x46 Bath Size-l.79 Goose Down Pillows-12~95 18x28 Guest Towels •••••••••••••••••• 89 Remember ••• CARPET COMPANY '100% white goose down in a. full 20"x26" Clean-Up Campaign 13x13' Wash Cloths H •• 35 15720 HARPER II x18 Finger Tip ToweJs ' .35 woven striped down-proof ticking_ Exactly May 15th to 23rd (At Balfour) right for perfect slumbering- A .money-saving Colors: Blue, 9re~m, white. pink. yellow, aqua. - gray. "K •• p '53 Rubbish Free!" . TU.1.6088 price, too! Sponsored by the burgundy and charcoal. . i Grosse Pointe Garden OPEN !\ION. AND FRL Club Council UNTIL 8:30 P. M.


"- - ,-'.....:.. - -" ~~~--~- ---_ ...... ---"...:.. _ .....~~ --'--'- ~ - • p 5 $ $ • ,4 ,0 • ~p ,S • ..U ",,0 a ...::...... ,.r.~~.l- .. ,. .: ; ,u; .- .i.. ~, ,t ,p. , ;'. ;' .. .4. ,r.. ~. ,.5 .= .e. J , .f • ••••.'" .z "" • • .. :. ~ ... • • • p ? A= fl. . "" ,••"... .. I ,'." .,.,~r:.. ,'. •

Th Thursday, May 14, 1953 Page Eight GROSSE POIN.TE NEWS lit , Society News Gathered From All of the Pointes ------_-=._------_---:!:=---~._------_-..:..._------~-----:- Rc From Another Pointe Sh0 r t an d' to th eP 0 int e Couple Florida Bound- TE of View THE JOH~ ~v,.MULFORD~~ ..-M--S--I-.-S-h--'--M----.flY to Pai-is, :h:r:she will visit, After Pointe Nuptial's By checked in at their Provencal rs. fa~ ey . errnaf) org.a n her son-in-law and daughter. i ------Arnel i road home after a' week's fishing MR. and MRS. PHILIP B. VAN I Former Marilyn Louise Cousino and Bridegroom, Stanley .Gr }alle Schermerhorn off Florida's sUliniest key. Fish- DUSEN. \ d . G P • t ing luck was nil but their tans * * ~ Sherman Morgan, Wed Satur ay '" rosse om e Over' the week-end Judith Ann Frost and her fiance, are elegant. MR. and MRS. BERNER AN- Memorial Church; Reception at the Yacht Club A Robd~~t Hudson Kanzler completed plans for their June 26 First of th: ;ee~, USN AIR- g~~~o~ve 0~eenS~~~ai10U~:~~:~:~, When Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sherman Morgan left their show we mg.... : FOR C E LIEUTENANT (jg)' of Mrs, ~nderson's brother-in- Grosse Pointe Yacht Club wedding re~ept~on, late Satu~?fY can I And Judy stepped off the New Haven train Monday THOMAS FRITSCH took off for law and slster, MR. and MRS. afternoon, they headed for North MIamI Shor,es, FloIlua, Ciub. morning with a pretty fist full of names and parties .• , , his new post outside of Los An- CI!ARLES W. MORRIS, of York- where they'll spend the next three weeks. The They'll depart from the usual Saturday ceremony in getles. Lieukt; Fritsch, 'tWhhhospent. shIre road. Th . . . k I <.-----.------fashic 'd dd' ~ 'I r k . Ch' t a wo wee s eavel WI 1S par- * • • ell' marriage too p ace I ' gins c fa,vor 0f a F rl ay \.ve mg ... at <> 0 c oc .,. m flS, ents, MR. and MRS. HOMER C t h' 'tl d' g that afternoon in Grosse I shire road. . . C h G a c mg up WI lour rea m , POl'nte Memorl'al C h u r c h: Seating the guests were RlCh- pace .lUrc, rosse Pomte (same day of the week as Judy S i FRITSCH. of Harvard road, pre- we've come across the Riviera . ard L Barnett Geoffrey 'Nalsh- Lide SIster Sally chose). • • • viously was stationed at Chin- Times, published in Riviera, Fla., when the Rev. Frank Fltt G~orge We~t Jr. and James I funds The bride-elect's parents ••• Mr. and Mrs .. John Crawford coteague, Va~ • • and a dashing account of the hearq their wedding vows at ~~~wart. " Drive Frost Jr. 'of Merriweather road •.• will be hosts at the party recently given by MRS. a 4 o'clock ceremony. I ,Mrs. 'Cousino attended her THE RENEE LINDENS, of FRANKLIN B. HIGHT, who for- 'I'he bride was the formcr daughter's wedding in a sapphire l\Ir: wedding reception in the Country CluQ. • • • Cadicux road, are local to the merly made her home on Haw- ft four $ * :lr thol'ne l'n the POl'nte. Seventy- !\Iarilyn Louise Cousino, daugh- navy taffeta a ernoon gov.:n. Pointe a~ain after a gay week in tel' of' Mrs. Alfred Maurice finished on bodice and bl'1e£ fashit F t K I W dd. P INew York City. five guests were present and the Cousino of Bedford road and matching jacket in bead em- eightl ros - anz er e In9 arty • * • Riviera society editor raved about the latc 1\11'. COUS'f1o. broidery. Her chapeau was con- frient Sister Sally, •• now Mrs. Maurice C. Perkins Jr, ••• is Those skiing enthusiasts,' MRS. the beauty of Mrs. Hight's new Marilyn was a lovely b'ride in trived of bands of navy tende drive to be matron of honor ••• al1d Bob's sister Katrina Kanzler ALVAN MACAULEY ,JR. and ~~~:~s,itso~~~~i~t g~~~l g~~n tl~~ white Chantilly lace over satin, and net an~ she wore a hlac will 'II b .d f h ' • ,daughter, MARY, have returned y I the moulded princess lines of the colored orchid. • •• \\ I e mal 0 onor.... to this country after their latest honey beige :n~ g;a si k bodice drifting' into a great skirt Mrs. Morgan chose a turquI: • Both wore gowns of blue Nile Amolfg out-of-town guests at hostes: and Mrs. C. Stanley. Morgan of Devons~ire road, taffeta' designed' with t i g h t the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Dela., a Yale classmate ••• James D. Standish III •• , and TON, Api'll 27. MR. and MRS. RICHARD popy t bodices and very full waltz length John Carl Warnecke of Oakland, G S . • * • BLONDELL (Lillian Gillis) of St. The ary ymmgton.... :I< ljl Nothing counts until July for with MR. and MRS. I"REDER- 'rat the final 1953 Laboratory skirts caught in great poufs at Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Theodore * Clair avenue announced the birth auxili~ two cute debs. They are PAULA ICK M. ALGER JR. as hosts .• Playbill of the Department of one side. Matching net ornament- Roll of Ashtabula, 0.; Mrs. of a 6 pound 15 ounce daughter, M. Al Parties Start Today WALKER. daughter of MR. and Mr. Gardner is U.S. Ambassa- Speech at the University of Mich- ed the bodices which wer~ cov- George Brown, of Leamington, Legioli MRS. OTIS U. WALKER, of dor-Designate to Cuba. igan on May 7 and 8. LINDA MARY, at Bon Secours ered with taffeta shrugs. Their and her son, Morgan Brown. Hcspital, Thursday, May 7. is the Parties for the popular June bride begin this ver~' duy Balfour road, and Pauline Mc- * * • * • .. half hats were fashioned of tuck------I Pate}.'n

It's the talk of the town~ *SPECIAL! . Match your mood with four limited time only-to introduc. different perfumes. , . be the an exciting first to try Prince M~ltcha- ~ perfume belli's exciting new perfume -\Vild Song.

Duchess of York "Red Red" lipstick at no extra charge with new Duchess of York Cologne Par. fum.e. .. Perfume Purse Crowns a $4 value f~r $3 _ Beloved and Crown Drifts of dark, witcher)' for importattJ Jewel, imported from The new, B1ac-laden Duchess 0' France-plus 'Stradiyari "" York is longer lasting ••• more tlow-tbrough.summer' evetlitlgJ, ~d' a new perfume. potent tool And with each" oz. bottle you receive a creamy Briefly jacketed,. begllilitlgly de. "Red Red" lipstick-for a limited • $5 value $J95 time onlyl tailed; sheer as butterfly Prices plus tox wings. The prices begitl at 29,95. ~tbettler'll J 3 7 F ISH ERR D. G R 0 5 S E POI N. T E WE ARE PRESCRIPTION SPECIAlIST.S ••• TUXEDO 5-3453 Week Day Hours:-8:30 a.m. to 10 J!.m• • WALTon-PIERCE Sunday Hours:-l0 a.,m. to 10 "m. '.OSSI 'Olln KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAI~ I I I ... I

I i. . -. DC 'f eq • W 4 w, 4. .. ••••• ...... ,..-....---~ ...... ~ ~- ...... "'II"" , • ...... - -- .... ~ .... ~ ...... ~ .... __ ~---.- _ -- __ - .... _ ------__ ------...... ------.- .....------...... OW ......

Thursday. May r 4•. 1953 SROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine

Woman's Page • • •• by, of,. and for Pointe Women Ragan Fashion Marilyn Smith Mrs. Robert Skipwith King, II Parties Fete Will Exchange Lide Is May Bride Anne Hoover . Vows

At a 4 o'clock ceremony in St. Brid~~elect ~e Hoover'lAt Paul's Lutheran Church, the Rev. June 20. Weddelng'. Tea. Set For May 21 whose marriage to Russell M.: Charles Sandrock heard the nup- White. Jr., takes place June 20,! American Le' 10n A '1' U'f t S Aft t tial vows of Marilyn June Smith 9 UXI lary "' 0 ponsor ernoon a 'and Robert Skipwith King II last in Grosse POl.'nte Woods pre~bY-I ..Mildred M. Pet~rson To ~ecome Bride. of Eugene DeRosier Gros~e Pointe Yacht Club Launching Annual Poppy Saturday. afternoon. . terian Church, finds herself In a At Ceremony In St. Paul s on The Lake; Her Parents. The Dnve; Mrs. Otis U. Walker Chairman of Party The bride is the. daughter of whirl of pre-nuptial parties. Frederick J. Madels, Will Be Hosts at Breakfast . ------Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Smith, of Anne's parents are Mr. and. .' A week from this Thursday (May 21st) the big fashion Fisher road, and the bridegroom's Mrs. Robert Keith. Hoover of Joimng the June brides is Mildred Madel Peterson, show and tea being given by Ragan Lide Unit No. 13 Ameri- pareryts are Mr. and Mrs. Robert North Brys drive "and Rusty is daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Joseph Madel. of Oxford can Legion Auxiliary, takes pl~ce at Grosse Point~ Yacht S. Kll~g, of Lakeland a~enue. Club ~:----______MarIlyn was gowned In Chan- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell road, who'll be married .June 20 to Eugene Victor DeRosier, M. Wl1ite of Mount Vernon road. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C, DeRosier of Haverhill road. Th' h' d f S ' . tilly lace and candlelight satin, Already parties in her honor . . . ~ _ .e c IC para e 0 ';lmmer J. Meehan, Mrs. Ward H. Peck, the slender bodice finished with have been given by Mrs. Carl N. TheIr weddmg Will ta~e f~shlOns at the tea, WhICh be- Mrs. H. Lynn Pierson, Mrs. O. O. off-shoulder neckline filled in Hoffman and daughter, Ann, who place at 10 a. m. at St, Paul s werl! ~o-hostesses at a luncheon gms at 2 p.m. is a change of Rex, Mrs. R. J. SchoU, Mrs. with silk illusion. entertained at a miscelJaneous on the Lake Shore and will ~nd k,ltchen shower last week pace from the usual Ragan George M. Slocum, Mrs. Abram The dress swept into a great shower and luncheon, and by be followed by a breakfast at In th~lr .?n Ba~four road, Lide Spring party to raise vanDerZee, Mrs. ~d Weber and Iskirt and her fingertip-length Mrs. E. C. Laitner and Mrs. Rob- Hillcrest Country Club. complImentmg . ~he ~nde-elect. funds for the anlUlal Poppy Mrs. Alfred J. WhIttaker. veil of siik illusiO~ was held in ert Stewart who gave a ro~nd- Mildred has asked Mrs. Rod- On the t~Irty-flrst of, t~e Drive Among those who have already place by a Chanhlly lace cap, the-clock shower at the Laltner man l\-Ioesta to be her matron month. the bridegroom-elect s 51S- .'... made reservations for the fashion edged in satin and embroidered Mrs. OtIs U. ~\lalker, of Bal- tea at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club in seed pearls. home in McKinley road. of honor ami the bridesmaids tel's! Ber1?'ad~tte and Elea?or De. four. road, chalTman for the are Mrs. William T. Barbour, She carried white orchids and Last week, Mrs. John Pagel will be 1\lrs. Collin Eldredge of ROSIer wII gIve. acoc~tall party

f~shlOn tea, tells us that for Mrs. George R. Fink, Mrs. Alger I stephanotis in her bridal bouquet. and Mrs. Clyde LeMee were host- Salt Lake City, the bridegroom- for the J~ne brIdal p~lr. r'1J?hteen years m~mbers and Shelden, Mrs. William E. SCriPPS,' Mrs. Robert D. Ivelord ,was her esses at a luncheon and table top elect's sister, Bernadette De- Eugene s mother! WIll fete her frIends of t.he UnIt have at- Mrs. Joseph B. Schlotman. sister's matron of honor and the shower for Anne in Lochmoor Rosier, and 1\-lrs. Schlingman future daughter~m-Iaw at. 4 tel:'ded a ~rld&:e party for the Mrs. Adolph Jacobson, Mrs, bridesmaids were Mrs .. Robert W. Club. Partlow. luncheon on June In the DeRosIe~ . . Rodman Moesta will serve as home on June 3 and that evening drIve. ThIS mneteenth party W'lr 1amB M F d T Clarke Darlene A SmIth a cou- will concentrate on Summer I' I M Grownpe'l rs: Mre Jom - sin of' the bride; 'Diana Bartlett M~. and Mrs. John .WhIte .of best man for. Eugene whose both Mildred and Bob will be fashion In. rs. uy a met, rs. 0 hn B.arr!ngton road, have ~sued In- groomsmen are to be David Ed- honored at a dinner to be given • , R. Squire, Mrs. Russell W, Ran- and Mary Ann Queen. . ~he date of. the Ragan, Llde dall, Mrs. William Black, Mrs. ':11 wo~e frocks of she,u pmk vI~ahons for a buffet dInner ~nd gar, his cousin, James Hennessee; by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Mayer mIscellaneous shower honormg Dr. Robert .. Pinney and his Jr. or Oxford road. pal ty also ,marKs th 0pemng of Robert Plunkett, Mrs. William H. antIque SIlk s.hantung WIth off- -Picture by H. A. Powell Studio 7 The former MARILYN JUNE SM1TH, daughter of th~ Amencan Legl,o~ s Poppy Mansfield, Mrs. Richard Mc- shoulder necklmes and full, opera both Anne and her fiance on May brother, Rene DeRosier, Mrs. Rodman Moesta will give I?nve. Instead of. raisIng money Mahon. length skirts. On th~ir heads Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Smith of Fisher road, was married 23. Last FrIday. evenmg,. the Ma- ••"I'ldI re d's spms. ter d'mner.on tnrough the canmster procedure, were ringlet caps of pmk velvet on May 9 to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. King of Also in their honor is the coclt- dels gave a small buffet dinner Ju~e 9 and on .the ~leventh, the the unit has always chosen a Mrs: Gerald Queen. Mrs: Frank and they carried bouquets of Lakeland avenue. ' tail and garden party being giv- party for their daughter and her br.lde-elect agam WIll be co.m- tund-raising party instead. J. WIlton, Mrs. George Evers- pink sweetheart roses surround- en by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Voor- fiance, following which the guests p~lmented at a. shower bemg M W lk' " man, Mrs. LeRoy Payne, Mrs. d b h't h . th hees. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles attended the Detroit Historical gIven by Mrs. Wmthrop Stcvens "Urs.. ~ del' sh asslstInhg. com- Robert Bolo. Mrs. Boniface Maile, e ThY ~ !de yacI~ ~ th as Cruikshank at the lat(ers' h0":le Society's Patriotic Ball. and hel' daughter, .Mrs: Gordon ~111 eeCmlc Us es eMrco-c alrm~n, Mrs. Herbert Kelleher, Mrs. I' be t l'l egroomds , a ter w ..' rs. ar terr; rs. Earl M!l- lIe M f M J h L liS es man an gues s were From Another Pointe of View on Hawthorne road. Guests Wll1 The bride-elect was invited to Stewart. That evenmg Mr. Moe • y s take bar and linen gifts to this 'carry the Flag of 1812 for the sta will give the bachelor din- leI', finances; Mrs. William Shep- 1-1" n: r:r In'V'I/ . ~seG . seated by Robert Clarke. Rich- , . (Continued from Page 8) pard, tickets; Mrs. Fred Auch, lC ey, rs. I . oney. ard Carter of Rochester, Mich.; party. General Alexander Mac 0 m b ner for Eugene .. Lou Givens and her fiance, Leigh B. Middleditch Jr. fashion show, (Mrs. Auch is also Mrs. Matthew. MIllenbach. Mrs. James Ross Barnes and Theodore (who'll Frances Townsend and Patti Chapter, Daughter of 1812 .She On June 17, Mr. and Mrs. president of the Ragan-Lide L. L. McConachle, Mrs. Frank V. Aunger of Saginaw. be married on "June. 27)" ..••* Lawler have asked for June 15, is retiring curator-librarian for Nadell have invited Eugenc's Unit); Mrs. George Herbst, door Bark~r, Mrs. Ray T. Lyons, Mrs. A gown of hyacinth blue chif- * * in the bride-elcct's engagement the chapter and corresponding friends to a garden party at their prizes; Mrs. Robert Curtis, special Archlb~ld Chapp, Mrs. Donald fon and Chantilly lace was worn book, for the shower they'll give secretary. Oxford road home and the re- prizes; Mrs. Frank Kuhn, tea McPhail, Mrs. Carl Stever, Mr~. by the bride's mother who pinned Mrs. Shelden's Dinner at the Townsend home in Wind- Mrs. William Lee and her hearsal dinner will take place table; Mrs. Ralph Rosselle, pro- Clar~ Bryant, Mrs. Mrs. L~wls orchid!' to one shoulder. Mrs. On Sunday, June 21 ,Judy and Bob and Betty Lou and mill Pointe drive. daughter, Mrs. Waldemar Moesta, June 19. ~rams; Mrs. Alton T. Roberts, Eckhn, Mrs, Alfred S. SteIner. King chose navy blue Chantilly Leigh will share honors with another June bridal couple •• , hostesses; Mrs. Harold Aarons Mrs. E. L. Kre:tzschmar, Mrs. lace and h~i' iio'....ers were pale when Mar:r Stuart Macdonald and Gay Buhl join as hostesses popy decorations. ' Roy Dossin, Mrs. Walter Dossin, pink spray orchir;s. at a party at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Ragan Lide Unit is an Mrs. Emil Schultz, Mrs. Robert Following a recf;ption at Loch- 16726 E. Warren. at Yorkshire auxiliary of the Col. Frederick Bankirt. Mrs. Joseph Schoenith, moor Club, the newly-married Arthur H. Buhl Jr. of Provencal road ••• :\1. Alger Post of the American Mrs. Morgan Behner, Mrs. Don- Kings left on their wedding trip 'I'he third couple" is Meredith-Stewart and her fiance, Legion and Mrs. Fred T. Murphy a!d Olive.r, Mrs. John Young and to Virginia B~ach: W,hen they Harold Robson LeBlond Jr of Cincinnati who, incidentally is the honorary president. Mrs, AlbIn Fallon. return they WIll hve In Grosse has the charming nickname of Hoppy. • •• . Just a few of the' wonderful ------! Pointe Woods. Groomsman John Murphy and his parents, 1\'11'. and Mrs. projects the unit assumes is furn- 11,1 S H G Go b II The bride traveled in a beige i$hing wheel chairs to veterans if.! r. · . e e i suit wit~ which she wore brown Charles R. Murphy Jr. will entertain at a dinner ill their leavin,g De~rborn Facility (when Feted By Club I acceSSOl'les. Bedford road home for ,Judy and Bob on June 22. , , . a pat1ent's ready to leave the . And the following day. Mrs. Allan Shelden, who's Bob's hospital but needs a wheel chail: -- ,League to Help Crippled godmother, will give a dinner for her nephew preceding the • to make this possible. the Unit The regularly monthly meetmg H Id M t' . C t purchases one for him); furnishes of the Grosse Pointe Mother's osee '"g In en er FitzSimons ball when Fay and Joan bow to society ••• magazines and cigarettes to IClub was held Monday, May 4, at * * * "eterans at Marine Hospital; sup- the Memorial

be with a dinner party. Friday, ;,-. May 15, Ann will be entertained by Ruth Ulmer and on Sunday, May 17, Tess Koslowski will give a brunch and linen shower. Eliza. beth and Judy Krone will give a LENOX CHINA- bathroom shower May 19. Mrs. Louis A. Rabaut, paternal grandmother of the bride-groom- washable elect. \~i1l hostess a dinner party at. her Iroquois avenue "home on May 21. .suits! You are cordia fly invited /0 f,iJil The Jim Barkers will return from their Bermuda wedding

trip to give a bar shower on May By Duchess Royal. ....1 ..... our gallel''J whel'e [he Inany. beautiful And see how tbey'll stay Detroit's Bes,tLaundry celery. crisp even after. countless cfenox'dinn.erware pallernd are :& Dry .Cleantng Value sudsings! Of. 50% ~crori and 50% rayon; won't shrink, Thfjusanas of U""'nJOZ 511',- wrinkle-resistant and, naturally, now on Ji3pfug_ OJ 1,..~5eQGailtj cool. From a collection: Because It Saves left, navy, brown~ blue or beige u with contrasting border color. TIME, MONEY 6' WORRY ,) Righi, aqua, beige, pir,k, navy, Shirts Beautifully lautuiered Sizes 10 to 20, 75 Kercteval Avenue '- . $25. G~o••c 'pointc farm. QU.ALITY LAUNDRY and


I' •

..-.. __ ..... __ -.. --&. ~- ...... A.- __ .... _ ~ ~ .. - .-- .- ~ ._ .- .- .r ~ ._ r.' ;p, .. r ...... F . F .. '. • •• - .. • - •• 4.

.' ThursClay, May '14, '1953 Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~ Lochmoor Club to Hold Presidertt's Ball Saturday Night

William J. Athansons ~Boat Club Set Sf. Clare Church Women to Hold Party St Paul Church Fair Grosse Fo}. TlVO Galc!-s I. • . . . G.F T B H d G T4 o e onore uestsis''~:Yt:.~:e~~~~:l~~t.~~:~: Finding Many Helpers ThE Reservations Made by More Than 400 for 36th Annual dance until fall, slated for this Friday, May 15, at the Boat nual Gr Eventj Many Cocktail Parties To Precede Club. Lutheran League Members, Couple's and Mothers' Clubs of Gros: This m Dinner Dance' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Standish, Pitch in +0 Make Luth,eran Event' Great Success chairmen for the dance, will use public i The thirty-sixth annual,President's Ball will be held at lilacs "throughout the lobby and The Luther League of St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Fortv Lochmoor Club on Saturday, May 16, ponoring President and ballroom. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Church (a group of young adults from the ages of 15 to. 21 horse 51 Mrs. William J, Athanson.

75 DRESSES! Koret of California Sale of Spring and seersucker pair.offs

Well planned parts handsomely tailored SUMMER SHEERS and designed for active vacation wear. Charcoal, scarlet or chocolet striped' These are famous make dresses woven seersucker, Sizes 10 to 18. and they're marked to sell at Sportswear. Grosse Pointe ShORt a, one-piece playsuit, 1.95 b. sleeveless blouse, 4.95

C. button front skirt, 7.95 d, bra top, 3.95 e. shorts, 4.9S not sketched: smartie pants, 5.95 camisole top, 4.95

Many are fabulously redu~ed ..• far beyond the 1/3 off price! This is a Quickie, and you'll gasp at the values!

¥!!lIIl1llllllllllllllllll!lIIilllllllllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIllIllIlIIIlllll!lllllllllllll~ I/'I

Ia TOWN 'N' Is ~ ~ I I ~ ~ = ~= 3 I ~1I1111111111U1eross~ pointe WOOdSllllllllllllllli 20445 MACK AVENUE, opposite Howard Johnson's

Open Friday Evening Until 8:30-0ther Evenings to .5:30 STORE HOURS 9:15 'Tit 5:30

_'-.. _. ;_c. ...-~_- .,,'. . ~'. •

Thursday, May 14, 1953 G R O.S S E P 0 r N T 'E NEW S Page Ere~en Guild .to Hold' . t I e d 'Party to Help Vacation in Florida. Women to' Entertain Husbands All The Porn e nVIte IDetroit elillie Benefit Concert In Revue at Players' Playhouse The Detroit Alwnnae Chapter A large number of Grosse To June florse Show of Kappa Alpha Theta will'give .t-ointers are planning to attend its Fourth Annual Dance and Card the concert which is being given By BILL GRANSE, Mrs, James Markle will play in Grosse Pointe Hunt Club" to Stage Forly-Second Annuall Party for the benefit of 'the by the Seton Guild to benefit the GPHS Journalism Student Ithe Romeo and Juliet episode, St. Vincent - Sarah Fisher Home Eleven different episodes POl'- while Mrs. Arnold Lungerhausen G.P. Horse Show on June '8-'9-20-21- Count y's Detroit O~thopedic Clinic, Friday traying periods in dress and man- will be at the harpsichord as • I r May 22, 10 the ballroom of the for Children on Saturday, May Top Show H orses Wdr Take Part in 4-Day Event Dearborn Inn. . 23, at 8:30 p.m. in the,Detroit In- ners will be featured in the guest artist. Theatre Arts "Revue" on Friday Mrs. Russell McLauchlin. Mrs. Th P . t b ts f 1 ' Festivities will begin at 9 and stitute of > Arts, and featuring e am e. oas ew more co .orful events than the an- continue. until 1. Baskets of sp,ring Jacqueline Murphy, lyric so- night. May 15, at 8:30 at the Earl Allard, Mrs. David Staple- nual Grosse ~omte Hotse Show WhICh those merry members flowers will help carry out the prano and Fred Kendall, tenor, Players' Playhouse. It is one of ton, and Mrs. Thomas Keating, of Grosse Pomte Hunt Club have slated for June 18-19-20-21. Paris in the Spring theme, and both well known in musical cir- foul' performances put on this Jr. will take part in the dance This marks the forty-second year for the show and the music will be furnished by Ralph cles. year, and is the only one to which scene. husbands are invited. Many Mrs. Donald McMullen will act public is invited. {;;,' ' I Bowen's Orchestra. Proceeds will help to finance Forty-two years puts the some fifteen years spectators Dan~e C:hair~an Mrs. Eric Grosse Pointers are slated to ap- as commentator for the whole the building of a sunroom for the pear in the unusually large cast. program, while Mrs. John \Var- horse show in the "Grand Old wili be .treated to a class .for Hor~t 1S belOg ald~d by the fol. nursery an'd additional equip- In the opening Egyptian Epi- ner and Mrs. Robert Harris will Events Class" and II th heavy harness ponies (more low~g representatIves 'of each of ment for the babies. a. elk H the elght alumnae groups: Mrs. R. sode, Mrs. William Vasu, Rose- play in a skit, "He and She." pomp a~d cerel?ony It de- c0ID;tn0)nYh' nhow~Jlasb ~CknefYf Gervey Grylls. Mrs. Volney Moote Among those planning to at- mary Coleman, Mrs. George Songs will be sung by Mrs. serves WIll spotlIght the four pon-es W IC WI e run ° Mr R' h d F t M J tend are:-Dr., and Mrs. George Cushing, Mrs. Robert Mesmer. Phillip Baker, and a waltz num- b' d in six classes concluding with a s. IC ar erns rum, ~s. . J. Baer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ig ays. . . 5500 championship stake. W. Doll, Mrs. Bernard Hundley, Mrs. George Hughes. Mrs. Philip bel' will be presented with Mrs. R. Edmund Dowling, chalr- '. Mrs. James Carman, Mrs. Gordon Bayer, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Flanders, Mrs. Joseph Caskey, Mieton Rueger. Mrs. Thomas ma!1 for the Horse Show, is The sec0J.ld feature .1S the ne~. Staub, Miss Donnf Peterman, Miss Berry, Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Cros- Mrs. George' Troost, and MI':;' Keat'In,g J 1'., Mrs. J. D. Sh eets, delighted that twc new clivi- est and fastest grow 109 class 10 Louise Wetstein Mrs. Charles sen, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Julian McIntosh will take part Mrs. Anthony Font. Mrs. Leslie sions appear in this year's list horse shows. It is the new. White, Mrs. Jo~ Stickney, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Frederick S. Ford, in the Soloist Chorus, while Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Alfred Truesdell, of events. For the first time in (Continued on Page 14) Jack ..Herrald, Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Fran~ J. Feely. Leslie Putnam, Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Richard Haynes, and Mrs, =::------Griffith ahd Mrs. Floyd Luros., Mr. and Mrs. Chilton Drysdale. Font, Mrs. Harold Love, and Mrs. Melvin Huffaker as dancers. Several cocktail parties are Mr. and Mrs. Cyril G. Desmet. Thomas Keating, Jr. will play Mrs. Russell McLouchlin and !being planned preceding the Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Costley. the part of Moorish slaves. Mrs. Leslie Putnam will be in dance. Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. A. J. Grundy, Mr. and Mrs. In the Grecian scene, Mrs. Mur- charge of the choreography of Griffith have asked Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. J. Katcher, Mr. and ray Young, Mrs. John Warner: this show, Mrs. Charles Jacob- Jack Herrald, Mr. and Mrs. 11:1rs.J. P. Kinville. Mrs. David Mrs. Carl Zimmer, Mrs. Thorn- son is acting as choral director, Good Jeremy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. F. Liddell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mil- ton Waterfall, and Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Donald Worley will John Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. M. ton Setzer Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Graham will take part. head the technical staff with Mrs. A. Ruthenberg and the William E. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. G. Pat- Mrs. William Johnston and William Russell assisting. Golfing! Kerrs to their home. rick O'Connell, Dr. and Mrs. Other Pointers attending the, George G. Rieckhoff, Mro and dance will be Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. O. J. Thill, Mr. and Mrs. and MRS. GERARD HYATT are shown during Northrup, Mr. and Mrs. Paul MR. William A. Ternes. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence their recent visit to 'Florida's famed Silver' Springs. Mrs. Mrs .. Wayne Wilson, Mr. and McLeod Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Hyatt is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Meecham, Mrs. William J. Tenbusch. Mr, Jacobs Jr .• Mr. and Mrs. H. Mon- of Brys drive, Grosse Point~ Woods. - From tee-off to final and Mrs. Cyril J. Burke. Mr. tague Miller. the Richard Fern. tally, our corded cotton . strums and the Walter H. and Mrs. Edward L. Penet. separates score for Schmidt. A "Coffee Hour" in the Ameri- good looks and . AA llW to Hear Alice Cratherl1 can Room of the International comfortable action. Institute will follow the concert Sleeveless blouse with ICol, and Mrs. J. J. Hurley Dr. Alice L. Crathern, weIll Dr. Crathern. was included in small collar. Visit Old Pointe Friends known professor of English at the Women of Achievement Ex- to which 'everyone is invited to Easy-swing skirt hos I Wayne University will be .the hibition of the Sor(lptimist Club meet the artists. Tickets may be , capacious side pocket guest speaker at the anual lunch- and in April of this year she was obtained from members of the (one with zipper) When they paid a visit to the eon of Grosse Pointe A.A.U.W. selected as the "Teacher of the committee or at the Detroit Con- and its own leother belt. Pointe, May 7 and 8, Colonel and on Thursday, May 21, at 12:30 Month." At the present time she servatory. Mrs. Jerry Flanigan Both in gray, blue. or Mrs. J. J. Hurley were the guests o'clock.' is writing a book' on woman's is president of the Seton Guild. melon with white of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Trapp stripe, sizes 10 to 20. of 877. Fisher. Colonel Hurley Dr. Crathern is a native of Bos- contribution in the deyelopment served as Canadian Consul in ton, and a graduate of Mt. Holy- of Detroit. Sara Barnes is "All A" Both ••• 21.95 Detroit fol" almost three years, oke, with degrees from Western Preceding the luncheon, there leClving that post during the lat~ Reserve University and the Uni~ will be a btlsi~ess ~eeting at Michigan State Student Personalize ter part of October 1951 to as~ versity of London. She is a for- 11 a. m.,. at whIch time annual with 0 monogram . sume new duties in Ottow'a. mer preside~t of D e t r 0 i t reports }V111 b~ presented and the Sara Eleanor Barnes, of 438 I 1'h HI' 't' Id IA.A U Wand was also chairman new oiucers lOstalled. All mem- McKinley, Grosse Pointe, is one $3 and up eur eys were VlSl lOgO' . . . b . d t k th' of 122 undergraduate "All A" friends in the Pointes. before of the East~West Lecture Serles. ers a1~ urge 0 ma e elr leaving for their new post at At present she is A.A.U.W. state reserva.tions by Tue.sday, May 19, students to be honored at a din- lColombo Ceylon where Colonel chairman of the Status of Wom- by callIng Mrs. EmIl Dauch, .vA. ner given by Michigan State Col- Hurley 'will be' the Canadian en, and her curernt interests in- 4-6219 or ,Mrs. S. L. ShenefIeld, lege President John A. Hannah on Saturday, May 7, High Commissioner. elude membership in the Busi- VA. 3-9622. The students were presented Present Canadian Consul, and ness and ProfeSSIonal Group of S'how-~-e-r--H-o-nors with scrolls bearing their names Trade Commissioner B C But- the Women's Ci~y. Club as well and the' inscriptions "In recogni. ler and Mrs. Butler, ga~e a' cock. as the Public Policy Committee M C b tion of the highest attainment of tail party in honor of the Hur- of the club. ary 0 aIle scholarship during the winter leys, Thursday. May 7, Which 75 ------Mary Cobane. a June bride- term of 1953, the names of the friends of the former consul and Albert Cooney Regent following students have been in- PUBLIC SALE his wife attended. elect was the hCJnoree at a beau- ' Of Pontchartrain Chapter tifully appointed luncheon and scribed on the honor roll of Mich- 76 KerchevQ'1 Grosse Pointe Farms igan'State College." Not A,~ Auctiotl - All Items Priced I/ When a man earns his money miscellaneous shower last Satur. TU.1-7020 ' Miss Barnes attended high Ihe likes' to see it spent wisely. Mrs. Albert E. Cooney of Mer- day. The hostess was Mrs. Lutfi ~ school in Grosse Pointe. riweather road, is to be installed Sa'di of 1064 Balfour road, who as Regent of the Fort Pontchar- was assisted by her two daugh- Household Furnishings ,I train Chapter, Daughters of the ters, Misses LaBa and Selma HOUSEHOLD HINT ,I American Revolution; at the an- Sa'di. . Always watch the labels on nual meeting on Friday, May 15, Cocktails were served on the food to get information about at 1:30 p.m. at the McGregor terrace followed by luncheon in the product, say Michigan State Library. with tea following the the dining room. The spring College nutritionists. The in. Sunday, May 17, from 10a.rn. meeting. flowers in white were used along gredient of largest amount will A Memorial Service given by with ,bridal appointments in dec- be given first, with other ingredi- Mrs. Clarence W. Lyle. the Chap- orating the tables and entertain- ents placed in order of decreas- l\lr. Chris Wagner lain, and her assistant, Mrs. Paul ment rooms. • ing amounts. E. Waldorf, is featured as part The following guests attend- (Moving to Rorida) of the program. After greetings ed: Mrs. A. J. Houston, Mrs. The pathway of life is always to the new members, the annual Wanda Daniel, Mrs. William wide enough for those who wish 2081 W. Grand Blvd. reports of the work accomplished O'Reilly, Mrs .Edward Lynch. to go straight. during the year will be made by Mrs. Karl Senff, Mrs .. T. W. Rea, (E. of Dexter) the officers and the committee Mrs. D. Pucci, Mrs. Carl Erd- Summer chairmen. man, Mrs. Ralph Wirshing, Mrs. Detroit, MIchIgan The following officers for the Louis Lawson, Mrs. William Clay- year 1943-4 are to be installed: ton, Mrs. Marcus Kalbfleisch. Art Classes Regent, Mrs. Albert E. Cooney; Mrs ... William Seaborn. Mr s. now forming first vice-regent; Mrs. Rudolph E. Charles French, Mrs. Ralph Stef- Private or Group Instruction SALE CONDUCTED BY Hofelich; second vice-regent, Mrs. fak, Mrs. N. Withers, Mrs. Nor- All l\'1ediums Cosm'etic 'Revolution from Paris! LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT, Gilbert K. Pulliam; chaplain, Mrs. man Risk, Connie Crockett, Mrs. STILL LIFE Clarence W. Lyle; ,assistant chap- Mrs. Rubye Roller, Mrs. David lain, Mrs. Paul E. Waldorf; re- Write or Call Preston, and Mrs. Lee Kitchen. B. ltleNIERNEY cording secretary, Mrs. Harold D. o. The Carol Cobane, Vir- S. HOROWITZ' Harrison. Misses J. Helella .Rubinstein's ginia Apple, Warrena Rhodes, Appraiser 424 Book BuifdinC) I Corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. R. DAVIS Henry G. McCabe; treasurer, Mrs. Barbara Hous~on, Ethel Tucker, Alice Tucker, 'Susan Senff" Mary STUDIO: 9 WEST WILLIS WOodward '.9085 Louis J. Schwartz; financial sec- Phone: TE. 3-4981 retary, Mrs. Leo P. Richardson; Rea and Spotswood Withers. registrar. Mrs. Charles H. Rese; historian, Mrs. Ralph. R. .Hohn- stan; librarian, Mrs. William M. SKIN SERUM Perrett;' Jr. Directors: Conservation, Mrs. William B. Spurrier; publicity, Scofl-Shuplrine Mrs. Carle D. Macpherson; social, p1icati~n will tell you what Skin Serum caD Mrs. John R. McKinlay •. mean to your looks. Try it today-by tomor- row it will he your lifetime beauty policy! Solid The ]2.50 box con'tsins 10 vials,;-exactly the number of treatments you need lor the first three weeKS.The skin responds so mane;' ously that you need fewer treatments per week after that. The box of 30 treatments is 27.50, Prices plus tax

Many Others To Choose' From ••• $2.85 and up You will enjoy the, quiet tranquility, and homeliKe qualitieS of these WE MAKE PHOTOSTATS Knotty Pine bedrGDm pieces. Here is individual' beauty and character found in no other woods. Durably made and finished., Solid brass drawer ~liveries - TU. 1-5688 ruUs. Selections of beds, dressers and chests. All pieces arc priced for the Convenient POY"'8Itts :.nodest budget. . Open Mondoy, Wednesday and friday Even;n,. Bed, Cheat,' Dresser and Mirror •••••••••••••• $361.QO ~~~ Trail PHARMACY Night Table ...••..•.•..•••. >.0 _ a _ • _ • $37.50 PHOTOGRAPHI~. ACCESSORIES / Kercheval on the Hil' 1 Do, '~oto Finishiai. 6615 East Jefferson Ave. 15339 West Seven Mile BeL ,Adams Square at Woodward Ave. 163~7 E, Warren ot Courville LOraiJ,. 7.2035 Vlrmollt 8-6484, Hear Gr.enfield Birmingh•• , Mich" MIdwest 4-8834 Open Eves,. 'Ti-II '9 - TV•. 5-7418

\ . ,

______~_ ~ -.. __~_~ __ ~_~_~._~ .. _.~._, ~._-~ __ _ ...- -. ..;..:: _0 ' -.. -...... -.. .IIlo..aL _.-...... ~ .. -... '-.. _ -.. ______...... :...-..-...---...--...... ::- ,.:-:- _.:-•• ~ ;.-:-'.;- .::- .': •.r .... & ...... - .. - •

Page Twelve G R OS S E P 0 f N T E. NEW S ThursClay, May 14, '1953 . Grosse Point' N~wl lVhat Goes On PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, Memorial Center Schedule INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD. Grosse'" :I OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEV AL, GROSSE! at MAY 15-MAY 21 OPEN! SUNDAYS 12-5 P,1U. POINTE ,FARMS 36, MICHIGAN Ezallerations Phone TU. 2-6900 34 ~ 52 / litAll Center Sponsored Activities Open to Public J Your Lihrary Three Trunk Lines A.PRY0R By Jean Taj'hJI' NOTICE:, Please call for lost articles at the office. Member Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial Ass'n; They will be, held for 30 days, ------,--,- UBllt words are things, "nd a small drop of ink, ROBERT B. EDGAR ...Hm ,EDITOH and GENERAL MANAGER Falling like dew upon a thought, produces Grosse Pointe Garden Center Room and Library MATTHEW M. GOBBEL ADVERTISING M~NAGER open for consultations from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon and JANE SCHERMERHORN FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY. That which makes thousands, perhaps mitliO!IS, thi111t, FRED RUNNELLS , SPORTS EDITOR 2 to 4 p.m,-Tuesdays, \Vednesdays and Thursda)'s. JAMES J. NJ AIM : NEWS And glory long has mttde the sages smile, (Call TU, 1-4594,) ARTH UR R. ,BLYLER ADVERTISIN G 'Tis something, tlothittg, words,' i!lusion,. witlds" , * * * ~IARY DENNIS H H ACCO UNTS JOANNE HARGIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Depending more UP011the Historian's st'J'le Friday, May 15 FLORA HARDING :.••..•_...... CIRCULATION Tha11 on the name It person leaves behind." radom Cluh-Mee.ting-8 p.m. and ...... ' Antique Show-sponsored by the Assistance League Entered as second-clau matter at the post office, Detroit, .... Guild of Bon Secours Hospital-l to 10 p..m. Michiean. under the Act of March 3. 1897. Someone gave us a calendar book for marking down daily • FULLY PAID CIRCULATION happenings and on each page is a srnjlll blurb aboutgre'at • • events. on that day, giving the. year, It also :conta~ns the Saturday, May 16 Subscription Rates: $3.00 Per ~ear by Mail. All News and names of famous people born on that day, etc., etc. For ex- Advertising Copy Must Be In Thp. News Office by *Ballet Classes-Olga Fricker, Instructol':...-9:30 a.m, Tuesday Afternoon to Obt ..Un Insertion That Week ample, it was TODAY in 1812 that the Army Ordnance was Antique Show-sponsored by the Assistance League and founded; also Gainsborough was bprn on' this' date and the Guild of Bon Secours Hospital-:-l to 10 p.m. Rockefeller Foundation 'was established. All very important ...... Batting a Measly .100 stuff. Four weeks have passed since- the annual Family Par- We thumbed back to OUR birthdate to see what great Monday, May 18 ticipation Drive of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial Asso- goings on occurred on that memorable date and found. one Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon and Meeting- ciation was launched. The campaign will continue through lone entry. It read: "The French Fleet was scuttled." It made 12:15 p.m. Memorial Day. A goal of $25,000was set as the minimum re- us feel rather unnecessary! *Ballet Classes-Olga Fricker, Instructor-4:30 p.m. quirement to carryon the present program of activities and ... Watercolor Class-Renee Kaupiz, Instructor-l p.m. meet the expenses of properly maintaining and operating We were mildly surprised'" last'" week to hear of the out-of-town Sculpture Class-Margaret Gifford, Instructor-7;30 p.m, this beautiful property on the lake front. visitor to the Pointe, a bridegroom Of a month or S0, who telephoned Michigan Society for Mental Health-Discussion for Expect- 'While it is heartening to learn that more residents are his wife long distance the minute he arrivef!. and asked, "How is ant Parents-7:30 p.m, ,. participating in this campaign than in last year's, it is hard Inky?" ,A moment ,later he thought to ask how his wife was. ' He O.C.D. Lecture for Nurses-"Bombing in Japan"-7:30 p.m, to understand how, after four weeks, gifts have been re- explained that "Inky," his faithful dog, was his greatest concern American Legion Post 303. Women's Auxiliary-Meeting- ceived from but one family out Of every 10 in the Pointe area. and weakness for a very good reason. 8 p.m. . The latest census showed there are more than 13,000families It seems that a few years ago our hero had a heart attack and Square Dance Group-8 p.m. ip the community. The total number of gifts so far received had to spend some ten or twelve weeks in bed at his home in Ohio. Ii< ...... is 1,332 and the lists of. contributors which this paper has' During this siege. his Grosse Pointe friend telephoned to see how Clea~.Up published weekly indicate that in many cases donations have he was getting along. The little man replied: "I'm all right, but come in from two, three or four members of the same family. everyone is worried about me. My mother is worrying from Mon- The annual dr~ve will undoubtedly succeed from the treal where she's visiting friends; my fiancee -is worrying from financial standpoint. As in the past, a few will supply the California and my doctor is worrying from a vacation spot in Ari- funds so badly needed to keep the Center going and provide zona. The only one who isn't worried is my dog 'Inky' ••• bec;ause for continuing development of this magnificent memorial HE'S HERE with ME!" , to the heroes of World War II, The fact that such a small segment of the Pointe resi- * * ... dents participates in this movement poses a disturbing ques- A friend of ours attended the Derby and told us of an amusing . tion, The ideal financial setup for this Center, which is de- incident witnessed by him. He sat near some front row boxes that signed to serve as a living memorial whose programs and contained various big Brass and government men. In one of the facilities all may share, would be to have 'everyone share boxes was Senator McCarthy •. , and nearby. in a different box in its upkeep and expansion. The one-out-of-lO.percentage sat Gov. Williams. As the horses were coming onto the track before of present givers is a far cry from that goal. Why is this? the race, a bottle-happy gent wove down to the boxes and yelled Officials of the Center place emphasis on the fact that at McCarthy: "Hey there, do you think Native Dancer is a Com- gifts of any size will be greatly appreciated. No one need be munist?" Our pal tells us everyone within earshot laughed, •• but ashamed to give a single dollar, if that is all they can afford. Williams guffawed the loudest. Those ,...ho give nothing, have good cause to be ashamed. * * * idl those who have not donated are urged to send in their contributions immediately. Metke checks payable to the Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association and mail them to 32 Lake Shore road, Grosse Pointe 36, Mich, ... • Thursday, Ma~' 21 Dolphines-Bridge-Luncheon-12:30 p.m. Detroit Coterie Club-Luncheon and Meeting-12:30 p.m. *Memorial Duplicate Bridge Club-Mabel and Herb Brown, Dear Mr. Edgar: that they can continue to exist . Supervisors-l p.m. May I use your newspaper as and grow. a medium to express my appre- We liked Mr. Runnells' picture ciation to the more than 1,400 of the Chorus published last week people who helped make the re- and we are confident that our Art Directors cent Mothers' Club bridge party announcement of the first spring Optimistic and tea such an outstanding suc- concert Thursday, May 14, in Present Awards cess. I th;nk I am safe in saying your paper will fill the Parcells And ftealistic this event has become Grosse The Detroit Art Directors Club Junior High auditorium with an I Pointe's lar~est annual party. enthusiastic audience! held its 5th annual exhibition of By Fred Kopp, R.Ph •. To you, for your generous pub- Thank you for your generous Detroit Advertising Art at the licity; to each individual who assistance, . , yesterday, May 13, To be optimistic is a re- bought a ticket; to the 165 mer- Florence B. Lafer and its second annual award din- warding attribute, to be real- chants and friends who so gen- Publicity Chairman ner at the Hotel Statler, the istic is no less a virtue. A erously

~~ ~~ WANTED II Our organization. serving all 5 Grosse Pointe com- ~ ~ i~ munities and the Warren-Harper-7 Mile territory, I'I;~~. I offers a splendid money-making opportunity to anyone ~ ~ "• .~ . now in the real estate business and contemplating a ~ change of association, or to new men or women want- ing to enter this interesting and profitable profession. MICHIGAN BANK . qolJ G«J g~ e~ Training - supervision' ~ 'complete equipment - advertising - floor days and full cooperation given.

PAY yOU:' 1/ at We think our company, with its 5 permanent offices, 2 • I S'ate and Municipal Bonds are exempt from INTEREST ~ . / 2 ,0 all present Federal Income Taxes. Do'you above average, personnel and its proven method. of know what this means in tax savings? obtaining business, is outstanding in its operations, In a Taxable Non-Taxable Yields are Equal to PER YEAR FOR 5 YEARS Income Bracket o.E 'Taxable Returns of and that this is an opportunity to make a connection 1 1'9111ar Sayings Aeeollnls Pay 11h.4 3% 3 ,i% £&. not readily found elsewhe,re. In'.rel' ',r Year Up To $5000, $25,000 8.82% 10,29% 11.76% 14.28% 40,000 10.71% f2.50% For complete information colttact 50,000 13.04% 15.22% 16.00% 75,000 17.65% 20,59% 23.53% the man a CJ e r of the office in 100,000 30.00% '35.00% 40.00% which you would like to operate. A current list of available tax-exempt bonds and a table of comparative yields .. 11500 ~Iorang .' Deh'oit l\Ir. Johnstone will be sent on request. 1-5300 11610 Mack...... Grosse Pointe Park l\Ir. A.nderson 19790 Mack...... Grosse Pointe Woods Mr. Sankar • 5 Conveniently Located Branches • 90 KerchevaL...... Grosse Pointe Farms Mr. Birdsall \ Gratiot at Harper Woodward at Boufevard Grand River at Livernois Grand River at Northlawn Grand River a't McNichols Road Johnstone & Johnstone, Inc. Dtposi's 'nsllred to $10,000 by Federa' D'poli' 'nlllrane. Corp. Hammond Building n n.lJ:~_L~1Ask about our low, low rates I':'~ -JlV~. on LOANS and AUTO .FINANCING

,I , . • • General News SECTION TWO GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN Thursday, M,ay 14, 1953 Page Thirteen • Gross~ Pointe N~ws' Ray Whyte Garde'n to be Open for. Tour 'Col. Allard SucceedsNeff Plan Open House Pointers Given High Posts At A.A.A. Camps As United /!'oundation Meets On Center Veterans' ,Group Citizens of Grosse Pointe are G~osse Pointers were chosen will be the campaign chairman. The Grosse Pointe' War Memo- other commemorating those who invited to visit the local camp . 1 h t C 1 W It sites of the 99th A.A.A. Gun for lmp~rtant posts in the United The amount to be raised for 150 rla announces t. a 0 • a er Imade the supreme sacri~ice. Each Battalion on Armed Forces Day. FoundatlOn at the annual meeting h 1 h .. Allard .has gr~clously accepted Armistice and Memorial Day has Saturday, May 16. today at which Joh S B . ea 1. and commumty serVIces the chalr~anshlp of the Center's . n . uga:s, '11 b d t . d 1 important Veterans' Committee. been marked by an appropriate Conducted tours w111 be shown Ford Motor Company vice-preSi-/ WI e e erm10e ateI'. Col. Allard will be in charge of service organized b~' Mr. Neff. the Orderly room, Supply room, dent, was named president. New members named to tge the 11 a m MemoI'I'al Day SeI' " f . . Iday room 'and living quarters. Plans for the fifth annual "Give' executive committee, the top . . - The 0 fleers and Board \~Ish A tour of the radar park will be Once for All" Torch Drive, Octo- management group which has vice at the Center honoring those to express t~lanks for these Im- followed by a demonstration of bel' 20 to November 12, were dis- directed the UF through four who gave their lives 'during and portant serVIces, and for all the the. Gun Battall'on l'n aetl'on. In- since World War II in the service th th gS h h d cussed. Ray R: Eppe~t, Burroughs Torch Drives in which $43,000,000 o er many ,1!1 . e . as ~me teresting movies on atomic bomb Corp. executive v;ce-president, was raised, were three. Grosse of their country.. for the Center smce Its InceptIon. tests will be shown in the MesS While welcoming Col. Allard, • • • Hall. Refreshments will be sprved. --- 1 Pointe residents. They are:- Mrs. the War Memorial is extremely The War Memorial is still The 99th personnel extend an 'E. O. Bodkin of 64 Muskoka; Wi!- sorry to announce the resig?a-. h d .'t/tII(JHam C. Ford of Provencal road, tion of Norbert P. Neff from the anXIOUS to ave all families invitation to all their frien s. a director of the Ford Motor chairmanship of Veteran's affairs whose members have served, or The camp sites will be opened :;f1a Company; and Mrs. John L. at the Center. At their monthly are serving in Korea, return the from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ~ , . Kenower of 16844 Village lane,' meeting May 11 the Board of information blanks mailed to ------r :hairman of the wome~'s canvas Directors unanimously passed them by the Center. The Memo- If marriage is a lottery, then ~ H EL P C H IL 0 • m last year's Torch Dnve. the following resolution: rial is anxious to prepare its alhnony must be a gambling R EN Korean honor roll. debt. Chosen to serve on the board of ~'BE IT RESOLVED, that the" --- _ directors were James W. Bartrop Officers and Board of DirectOrs of 465 Washington, a member of of the Grosse Pointe War Memo- SERVING THE POINTE FOR 18 YEARS the UF's corporation gifts com- rrial Association hereby extend mittee; Lem W. Bowen, 755 Bed- sincere appreciation to Norbert Grosse Pointe Radio ford; Mrs. Richard W. Jackson, P. Neff for his excellent and 124 Merriweather road, Arnold F. unselfish service as Chairman of and TELEVISION Service Malow, 520 University, a team the Grosse Pointe War Memorial captain in the industrial unit of Center's Veterans Committee. ALL MAKES the Torch Drive; and A. G. Ropp, "Mr. Neff worked tirelessly, of 1250 Whittier, president of the with the assistance of the library Industrial National Bank and a TV Service I staff and others to accummulate team captain in the pre-campaign an accurate and complete record solicitation. of all persons from the Grosse ALL MODELS TU. 5-6313 Selected to serve on the ad. Pointes who served in World visory boa~d were W. E. Ander- MRS. RAY WHYTE, of 22 17. The Whyte's garden is one of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Whyte's gar- War II. -l' See us for top trade-in man, 20 Harbor Hill, publisher of Oxford rd., and her pet poodle, WANT A NEW TV SE • allowance on your old TV. . eight in Grosse Pointe which will den boasts 8100 tulips, in vary- "As a result of his efforts, we ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• K ••••••• the Detroit Times and a former "MARTINI", inspect the formal UP board member, Selden "B. be opened to the public over this ing shades of pink, rose, red and have our two magriificent bronze Grosse Poi'lte Farms gardens that surround their placques, the one giving our J 8520 Mack Ave. Daume, 272 LaSalle, president of week-end, for the benefit of the purple, as well as evergreens, in the Village house, in preparation for the citizens' records of service, the, Formerly Located the Detroit Trust Co.; Mrs. Wes- first of four Gar den Pi!- Detroit Garden Center. Tickets flowering shrubs and fruit trees son Seyburn, 16850 E. Jefferson; grill'lages which will begin Sat- are $1.00 for each tour and will in great abundance. and Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy, 54 urciay and Sunday, May 16 and be available at each of the Garden Picture by Fred Runnells INSURED ' Kerby road. •.• RefJ.igerated COLD STORAGE Park Gardeners GPHS Symphony Orchestra Cancer Pftds Hold ElectiollS To Give Concert on' Friday Badly Needed FURS • Fine mirrors are a constant aid Your old bed sheets are needed and all to good grooming • • • whether The members of the Grosse The Grosse Pointe High School The orchestra numbers about by the American Cancer Society vsed on doors or as occasional Pointe Garden Club held their Symphony Orchestra will present 45 members. Almost every sec- for use in making dressings for Out-of-Season Gar1l1enls 'Wall-brighteners • • • they focus annual meeting on Monday, May its second annual spring concert tion that is found in a major cancer patients, it was disclosed children's attention on clothing. 11, at the home of Mrs. Frederick tomorrow evening, May 15. Direc- We use, exclusively, the and appearance. Most important. symphony orchestra is repre- by the Southeastern Mid :gan G. Jones of Yorkshire road. tor Dewey D. Kalember has sented in this group. The orches- Division of the American Can- famous "Lusterwoy"- process top qllality can &,e assured whe.. Luncheon was served at 12:30. chosen works to please all tastes such mirrors orf nlcJde with Libbey. tra has advanced greatly during eel' Society. Owens' Ford Polished Plote Gloss•. Mrs. Arhtur Fleming is the in symphonic music for ~the pro- the past two years and this will Anyone having old sheets to MONDRY new president, assisted. by Mrs. gram. be its third appearance this year. contribute is asked to contact Howard Poffcn and Mrs. Vernior Included in the program will Tickets are now on sale by mem- CLEANERS Johnson, first and second Vice-I be "Symphony NO.1 in F Major," bers of the orchestra and will Mrs. Walter Bernard, VA. 2-1122; IXl G~~~S presidents. by Carl von Dittersdorf; "The be sold at the box office. The Mrs. James Atkinson, VA. 2-2258; 5-4800 375 FISHER ROAD Mrs. Frederick Gould is record- And a I u cia Suite," featuring concert will be held in the Pierce Mrs. George Cossaboom, TU. Grosse Pointe ••• since 1920 19822 Mack Ave. ing secretary and Mrs. Allyne "M~leguena" b)' Ernesto Lecuo- Junior High School Auditorium 2-5460; or Mrs. Joel Leete, TU. Litchfield, corresponding secre- na; The overture to the opera and will begin at 8:15 p.m. . 2-3955, TUxedo 4-0494 tary. Mrs. Richard W. Larwin is "Lucile" by Gretry and an ar- treasurer. rangement of "Over the Rain- bow" by Harburg and Arlen. Featured on the concert will be Dennis Sm'aga, pianist, who .. will play the difficult "Capriccio Brillante" by Felix Mendels- I sshon. 'He will be accompai\,:d by "I the full orchestra. I David Stalker, violinist will ,solo on the evening program and I Marcia Murphy and Richard Osium a cello duo who just re- I cently placed in First Division in both the Regional and State I Contest, will present their win- I ning selection .. ICruising Police I Have Close Call I William Zerilli, 42, of 20830 Cedar avenue, S1. Clair Shores, picked a Park police car to have You know what a difference a good bath makes in an accident with Monday, May 11. th: appearance of a dog-its dingy fur becomes Park Patrolmen Al Boone and Adam Mouton were cruising east brIght and lustrous. \Vell, your rugs get even dirtier on Mack avenue, when they than a dog's fur-and a thorough Star cleaning is noticed the car driven by Zerilli needed to make your rugs look bright, luxuriant and crossing the center line and beautiful! Star's workmaf!ship is careful and expert J pointing for a head-on collision -and their prices are attractively low, So send I with their vehicle. your rugs to Star toda}'! ! Patrolman Boone, who was driving the scout car, blew his horn, and the other driver swerved in time to avoid what might have been a, serious acci- dent, hut not enough to avoid damaging his left fander. The STAR • only damage to the police car, CARPET CLEANING CO. I was a stuck horn button, I When questioned, Zerilli ad- i mitted to falling asleep at the LOrain 7-3400 :wheel, and said that he had been RIIg and Carpet Cleal1ing EvclmivelJ' lor 60 YEARS! ~wa.kened by the police horn, just Im tIme to prevent a seri.ous acci- 1 dent. •

Look to Summer "with a

IT'S A NEW KIND OF CAR! Yes, look to summer with new coiffure smartness! Let our skilled hair Here's the Hudson Jet, a com- price, made in this country~ WANT Because it's wonderfully I pact, new kind of car-with stylists give you a chic, Not only will it deliver top PROOF? compact, it's a delight performance, safety and road- performance, but it will do it easy-to-manage, longer-lasting to handle, drive and ability that can be compared at a lower cost (gas, oil, tires Come in now and with nothing lessthan the fabu- permanent. They will create the park in today's traffic- and maintenance) than any we'll take you for lous Hudson Hornet itself. other car in .the lowest-price very hair-do that best becomes ana there', ampl. room a ride that will , lor six. The Hudson Jet is the, most field, Buy no car till you tr.y your features and personality. powerfuJ car, for its weight and the wonderful, new Hudson Jet~' prove every word! APPOINTMENTS Standard trim and otb", epeciliClItiolD aa4! Acceeeoriefl lIUbject to cbange without notice. TU. 1-0761 . . - J-ERRY/ l YN CH HU0 SON SALES, INC. GROSSE POINTE WOODS SALON 13245 E. JEFFERSON AND 3366 GRATIOT Also - Chlldren'l Ralrcuttfor; and Permanenta .J 9877 MACK Between 7 and B Mile Roadl GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS ••• CHECK YOUR CAR

... "J' \ ••••• ~----- e PIlllllt elllll e.. alllll $.s••~ Q IIIlI C , e,.p- ,. W IIIl•." ~ $~•.••1IIlI4,.. "..,....lIlu,.,., 'OP.U""IJIlP ,..., ,"" ,.,.4"'l ,...1IIlI , "';.JIlu ~Q lIIlIe q ' ~.P..q e_. __ lIIe_. ~~

I Thu Pag, Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 14, 1953 Bayard Johns'on Receives HonoJ. Ne Horse Show Pointers Dance Thiev 3 NAMES tllDt MEAN' year. 1953-54. He is in his junior (Continued from Page 11) At. May Party HANOVER, N. H. - C. Bay- into t Harness Pony Class, never be- Welcome to New Teachers ard Johnson, of Grosse Pointe, year at present. Sales c 7, by c fore seen at a'Michigan show. . When Mr. and Mrs. David '1'. Mich.) has been elected treas- Johnson, a graduate of Gross~ . Because tIJe growth of the Grosse Pointe community made QUALITY DEPENDABILITY It will consist of' three classes of Marantette, of LaSalle place, urer of the Undergraduate Coun- Poin~e High School, holds two IIDtI and will conclude with a $200 a,Ji/. the subsequent itlcreased enrollmetlt itl the public tires a planned their May 9 cocktail- . . varsity letters in football and is strippe championship stake. schools, the Grosse Pointe School Board has made'some 50 dinner-dancing fete at the Detroit eil at Dartmouth College for ~e Both of these classes enjoy captain-elect of the 1953-54 foot- A Pa appointments to ihe different faculties. Athletic Club, they decided upon I great vogue at smart ~stern a decor designed entirely around J, Fitzgeralds, Mr. and Mrs. ball team. He was treasurer (If that thi shows but have neglected These appointmetlts have also been made because of the been an old-time M~y Party theme. Henry Forster, Jr., the Pierre V. Green Key, the college's honor- from th in our home state too IQng,. the need to replace those teachers leaving the Public' School stole fi In happy mood, their 175 guests Heftlers, the Herbert G. Henchels ary service organization, this Grosse Pointe Show Committee system fOT reason of tramfer or retirement. tires an year. .OLDSMOBILE feels. arrived at the club to find the the Peter J. Koenigs" Mr. ~and from n By way of introduction 10 the parents of ehildren who Johnson, a member of Beta During the dates -of the Pointe three big adjoining dining rooms Mrs. Wade Leach, the Harry J. er store show, the eyes of the Horse Show 1fJill attend or who art now attending the public schools, glam orously transformed into a Ml\Cks, the Howard' A. Shaws, Theta Pi fraternity, is preaently World will be focused on the the NElJ7S is publishing weekly short hiographies of those gar den scene. the Richard A. Schroeters, the recuperating from an automo. The s eachllac Hunt Club. Many past national whose appointments ha've been confirmed. During the com.. Maypoles wound,with greenery Edward J, Schoenherrs, the John bile accident, sustained while re- covered champions such as Velvet Lassie, ing months lit/tit school reopens in the fall, the biographies and vivid geranium blooms cen- D. Reindels, the Robert M. turning to college after spring Open Jumper Champion; My Bill of tIe'll) teachers will appear in each issue. tered each room from floor to Rahaley and the John Moth- vacation and was elected in ab- and Ermine Coat, National Hun- chandelier, with canopies of pas- schaUs. sentia. ter Champions; and Ottawa's : Wheelock University, Boston. For tel-hued streamers overhead. I KOTCHER Empress, National Fine Harness the past two years' she has taught Huge vases of flowering kindergarten in the schools of Champion, have competed in the branches and lovely spring blos- Medford, Mass. She will be teach- Hunt Club ring. soms topped green-twined May- The third week in June is ",' .ing kindergarten at Poupard. • • • pole .standards in eacli of the traditionally Horse Show Week high windows. Myriad r;lusters of BRUSH UP ON Kotcher Oldsmobile Co. in the Pointe and bemg also the balloons floated airily from their largest hOI:se show in the nation moorings. ' 15554 East Warre n Aven ue ••• TU. 1-6600 that week-end, it attracks en- YOUR HOME SKILLS THE ernUN'S IIANDBOOK fOI WAI Oldsmobile-Cadillac Sales & Servlc. thusiasts and exhibitors from a Coming especially for the party great many states. from their home in Rye, N. Y.} East Side Detroit's uPreferred" Dealer Judges who' will officiate at were Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay John- the show' include _ Christopher son who were the Marantettcs' Wadsworth of Doylestown, Pa., week-end house guests. Wartime nece .. lty and who'll judge Hunters and Jump- The hosts received in the common sense dicta t. .that you take care of the ers and Hackey Ponies; L. R.' I Club's big private dining room. ",:::. / Duncan of Lexington, Ky., who'll Here, cocktails initiated the fete ,thlnts you have. We enn .s help you! Plax and other ,tZ\f.t~' judge Saddle and Fine Harness and strolling players furnished Lowe Brothers finishes will ... ;:>:. Horses and Harness Show Ponies; background music during this protect and prese::ve your looKin~ Louis J. ,Collister of Gates Mill, merry hour. homes and ponesslons,; 0., who'll judge Hunters Seat In the old-fashioned theme, :'1~ Equitation. nosegay arrangements of pansieJ .Lowe Brothers .EasJ to apply, quick todly. W, J. Other officials will be J, Vin- centered the small tables at which 'A tough Mauty gloeafinbh around? cent Wholey, of Pittsburgh, who's that r .. 1sts W •• S' anfll,: guests were seated for dinner. to be ringmaster of the show, and IMISS'PAULINE KILBRIDE of Then there was dancing and abu... !'THIS isn't my picture, PLAX Theodore E. Buell of New York 109 Handy road, will be assigned more dancing around and among PEII but it represents me, City, who will do the announc- to teach the fourth grade at the Maypoles to an orchestra's THE UNIVERSAL FINISH .PlItT. I'm your local Packard ing. , Trombley School when the fall gay strains. FOR ALL ENAMEUHG dealer and I've got two The first three days the show term begins. She is a 1949 gradu- Mrs. Marantette was dressed in will begin at 9 a.m. and on Sun- I things to say that'll prob- ate of St. Ambrose High School, navy silk shantung, the full, day, June 21, the events begin and will receive her degree in MISS JOAN BRUSH of 1138 cocktail~length skirt having a ably interest you a good deal. at 1 o'clock and last through Education this JU:le from St. Lakeview, graduated from South- deep border of white shantung 2 11 p.m. eastern High School, Detroit, in "First, folks tell me from all Mary of the Spring, Columbus, attached with narrow beaded em. A number of festivities have 1949, and will receive her degree Lowe 8rothel$ Lowe8rotllm over that this new Packard broidery. A band of white finished been planned by members of the o. frpm the University of Michigan the off-shoulder neckline of the CLIPPER is the buy of the Hunt Club for the out-of-town • • • this June. She served as a coun- MELLO-GLOSS HIGH STANDARD .navy bodice. She wore her hus- (SEMI' CLOSS) $.. year! You can't fool Americans exhibitors and on Saturday "'0' selor in Girl Scout Camps as well HOUSE PAINT . about an automobile.When they evening, June 20, the club will as supervising childrens' activi- band's gift corsage of white WAll PAINT orchids. Sa9.. money. Cover. stage a horse show ball for all ties on playgrounds in Detroit Ita beautiful, long-last; give a car the boost they've given the Clipper-ifs in! solidly more the members and guests. She will take over the fifth grade Among the guests from Grosse ing, satiny $5 Pointe were the Raymmond M. aquar. f •• t 95 "I'm lucky to have a few Clippers and I'd appreciate Still on the subject of the club at Tro'mbley School. lustre finish i8 $595 per oaUon, == it if you'd come by and take 8 look, or a ride-or both. itself, members welcomed Spring Whytes, the Simon D. Den Uyls, eaaily cleaned = • • • with soap and spreads euil, PO CAl.lON You'll find a lot of automobile that's making news every- last Saturday evening at a May the Louis A. Fishers, the William and. evenly •. P. Fishers, Mr. and Mrs_ Alfred wate2'. . PDt CMUlII where in performance and price-the only medium- ball which started with cocktails , and dinner and ended in dancing J. Fisher, Jr., the J. F. Forsters, priced car in Amenca built in the fine-car tradition, till the wee hoUrs. Mr. and Mrs. Glendon H. "Here's the other thing: we're celebrating Packard Sidney S. Hall wa.s chairman Roberts, the Lloyd Ecclestones. Invitation Month in honor of the new Packard Pro- for the May Ball. He and Mrs. The lis! continued with .the Hall were hosts to six guests at gram-and the factory is awarding 12 new Clippers, . Oscar L. Olsons, Mr. and Mrs. the fete. Others who entertained Clyde M. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. 12 new Packards, and a Grand Award of the sensa- parties included Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Baker, Dr. and Mrs. E. C.' tional sports car, the Packard Caribbean!-to people I D. David Boynton and Mr. and Baumgarten, the Lewis F. who participate and follow the rules. It's a fine time Mrs. Theodore Osius; Mr. and Browns, the Frederick K. Codys, to come by and let us give you the story." I Mrs. Gilbert Jerome, Mr. and the William F. Connollys, the Mrs. Henry Hopkes, Jr., Mr. and Richard K. Degeners, Dr. and Mrs. Geo;-ge Christensen, Mr. Mrs. Nelson W. Diebel and the Sl~~»:~ and Mrs. Harry Fru'ehau!, Mr, John E. Eblens. 18626 MACK, next to the New Post Office APacKard CLIPPER and Mrs. Frank Donovan, Mr. Still more were the Thomas and Mrs. John W, Mulford, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Pratt, Mr. 4-Door Sedan *delivered in Is only $2 '598 Grosse Pointe and Mrs. Edwin O. Bodkin. Dr, MISS PATRICIA GORMAN is and Mrs. Charles F. Dodenhoff, a graduate of schools of Utica, N. , Mr. and Mrs. Ethan. Prewitt and Y., and is a 1951 graduate of Mr, and Mrs. Marshal Temple- Take Ten ..-Ius state and I~ tu~,. i(any. Optional equipment and whlte IIdewall tit" • • • • atnI. Price. may VlUYslightly in neMby communities due to IhlppiDll ch.irge •• ton were in a party, On the thirtieth of May another or. maybe twenty ~inutes at brilliant evening is planned. That Smiths' Return KENNETH COOK attended GROSSE POINTE PACKARD day the club's beautiful swim- public schools in Indiana, and is INCORPORATED ming pool opens lor the season Van Loke,,'en's to see wool broadloom and From Trip East . a graduate of St. Paul University and in the evening there'll be a w 15205 E. Jefferson Ave. Grosse Pointe, Mich. in that state. He has a Masters .supper dance at poolside. cotton broarllooln~ We guarantee tbere will " Mr. and Mrs. George Burton Degree in Education from the Smith of Rivard boulevard re- University of Iowa, and also a WELCOME WAGON turned from the East on Tues- Masters Degree in Biochemisti'Y. be no better value in town. day, They were the guests of Mr. He has seven years of experience and Mrs. Robert .Walker at the as a public school teacher in 81 Piping Rock Country Club' in Iowa, and is currently studying Sysosett, Long Island. at the University of London, The families gathered to mark England. He saw five years of the engagement of Muriel, daugh- service during World War II, carpeting -co. tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Walker, to with the American Army. He I TUxedo '-6022 Charles A. Chidsey III, son. of will teach chemistry at Grosse I 15839 t. WARREN near Buckingham Mrs. Smith. Joining the group Pointe High School. was Mrs. Smith's father, Mr. The- -4--.----.--.--===-.------....::.:=~~~~~~~=~=~~~======::::::======odore Dunn, who flew from his! AN home in Port Huron to Long Is- land for the occasion. t}uee" lJlal,es ti,e Pointe! Mr. Chidsey is attending the IUJ Physicians and Surgeons Medical School in New York. City. The couple expect to set a wedding date next spring. Featuring A Marvelous, New Cleaning Method! Arthur Stock to Marry You'll find tbe "Qucc1l1y" Method . Better-bj'-every There's IS difference in the Girl From Minneapolis. is a fabric saver • • , a re'velation! Standard! Preferred! , rtfeel" a,ul "ppearanct, too! Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Finch I BRANCHES IN GROSSE POINTE of Minneapolis, Minnesota, an- 1 USE OUR TWO BUSY nounce the engagement of their : daughter, Barbara Alice, to Al'- i thur J, Stock, son of Mr. and: Mrs. H. Thompson Stock, Moran ' Road, Grosse Pointe Farms. Miss Finch was -gr.aduated . from Northrop Collegiate School, Minneapolis, and is graduating this June from Vassar College, : Poughkeepsie, New York.. " Mr, Stock was graduated from I Taft School,' Watertown, Con- necticut, and is attending Yale University, New Haven, Con- I necticut. I ~. ! I

Horne I . ~h, Wood. 19834 Mack - - - 111 ~ .Appliances TU. 5-3100 GERALD PRESIDENT' • Refrigerators • Washers •. Ranges • Small Appliances WE SPECIALIZE IN

TV SALES SERVICE . ... ~,.,. He's down •• ~!lets up! He old-fashioned water & ~.". . heater. But there's no need for you to run 10", legs off } Phon. ueen Cleaners W -not when you have I truly modem. water heater. II TU.1-5042 Electric, of course. It's automatically work-fr~_ ••• worry-free. Save time ••• save steps. Go BJteme. Antennas Installed and DYERS For Pickup Suburban Appliance ./pLOIlB ".IIl.,1l '.f'f."""., You Can't Choose ,.,1."'., wl,t., ••Il SEEYOUR DEA~ERor Detroit Edison and Service Better,.ither! .... _ wifiHf cIr«J .. 1'954 Harper TU. t -5042 We have been' honored in belng selected byJ. L. Hudson Co. to open a complete cleaning unit in its new N.W. development WO~ 5-6100 Do It ~. , , Do it E~ • EJedrical Week,M~y 17-24 .Open 9 to 9 - .. , ~ \ : 1." ,

r 7 7 . s $, Crt ....-...... -... ,•• _LA •••• net S 7 ••••• 7 as. - •••• CO,. « ft ••• • • •••••••••• , •••• « •••••• T at _ M _ -._ --~---...... -~--__-..-~QS--;-.- -_ _._ _----- _-_ -.,...~-- ..,...... - ~. ~ "..--...----~

Thursday, May 14, 1953 Page Fifteen 53 GROSSE POINTE NE. W S Ne\v Car Stripped Of Wheels, Tires Elections Held Optimist Club. Hol,dsElection CClmera Club Complete Selection -==- or of Hand Sewn 0 , Thieves w~o gained entrance Ithe keys were left, iri the car, By Richard PT A unior mto the Fisher-Record Motor which made it easier for the cul- __ Meets May 19 .,-.,...-.:.~.:-g.::~':5.~:'...:,:?-~, - _',;.'~ ~ales car .lot ?n Thurs?ay, May prits to steal the spare tire in the I The Richard School P-TA had Making a - prin~ that really I ross,! I, by cutting Into a WIre fence trunk . , . '11 be the subJ'eet of a made off with five b d ' . Its final and one of Its most suc- smgs, WI . two t' . and wheel ;.a~ rhew Adding insult to injury, those cessful meetings for. the 1952- lecture and demonstration to be nd is J1~S d s W IC ey responsible for the theft had 53 school ~\ear on :May 7. Nearly given by Edward Ketterer, vet- P;~~1~ stnppe from a new car. jacked up the car to steal the 400 parents attended to see a film eran photographer and exhibitor, foot- ill~<;~~. A Park police report revealed I tires, and left the rear end in titled, "Meeting the Emotional before the Grosse Pointe Camera -:\:>.';;1 i-.+» . Complete Line er (If that thieves had gained entrance the air, and the front end resting Needs of Children" nal'l'ated by Club, on Tuesday evening, May Of. on or- from the alley side of the lot and on the hubs. Dr. HourihErn. Afterwards par- 19. . this stole five new white sidewall ------ents visited in the classrooms Mr. Ketterer will make actual j tires and wheels. total value $280, What is needed most in the where the'statfmembers had pre- demonstrations of taking an 01'-1 ;Op" Lamp Co. I af la~::~~i7.;~ Beta from a 1953 Chrysler New York- modern home is the family. pared special exhibits of the dinary pictur~ negative and P.ut- ently er stored on the lot. ! ______. pupil"s w?rk. ting the quality and composition I tamo- . Ib358 E. Warren TU. 1-7240 . The service manager, who dis-I The man who thinks he knows. Officers for the coming year that will make it 'a salon type, Open :'-Ion,. Thurs .• Fri. and Sat. Exes. Ie re- covered the theft, told }Jolice that it all has the most to learn. were, elected. Robert Hunter of into the print. The audience will pring n ab------~ I 88Hm~lmew~e~~dpre~ident. He is an attorney. Ebert the~ all~edvarious ~pointsuk~~~monas the work ~------~~ IWarren, an insurance broker, re- progl'esses so that they will fully' Typewrite~s ~Adding Machines I siding at 801 Lincoln was selected understand how to accomplish! Detroit's Most Modern Sales & Service Office Equipment ! as the vice-president. Mrs. Alice the same results with their own! Rein, a civic leader, is the newly negatives and prints. SALES_ - SERVICE - RENTALS I I elected treasurer, residing at 188 Following the main feature of: TU. 1-7(30 i McKinley. the evening's program, John Ap-: HUDSON 1 Miss Betty Bourg, a staff mem- plegate, president of the club, has: 16749 HARPER J bel' of the school for the past announced that the ,members will i LAVIGNE AIJTO S1\I~ES I two years,. was the choice for ":"Piclllre by Fred Runnells submit black, and white prints: at Bishop Isecretary. ; ALONZO J. O'CONNOR, right, out-going president of for judging. It will be followed: Open daily 8 a,m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays till 5 p,m. ----- the. Grosse Pointe Optimist Club, congratul~tes ED ROSE, with a discussion on each picture. i 3460 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=,;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ISchedule Hear-).ng newly elected president of the service organization. Other ld th I 14201E. Warren V, 2 t The meeting will be he at e tat !...akewood I. 3459 new officers for 1953 include: Robert Barrett, first vice- . b h d Cl b 17145 W t J:. .

Ii. On Park Budget d M d d M NeIgh or 00 u. . a er-l . pI'esi ent; Zack. Oil', secon vice-presi. ent; arvin Bou- 100 avenue, commencing at 8 ~------_ .. r..:. T Y P EW R I T ER tin, sergeant-at-arms. Directors elected include: Mr. o'clock sharp. The interested pub- -&-.....---.--~--__.--~--~--'od'a.--_---...... --~-- ...... -- ...... -- ...... -- ...... --~--~--j 'TAtS I A proposed budget for the new O'Connor, Cyril Verbrugge, Dick Warner, Herbert Taube lic has.been attend: ,. .SALES .SERVICE .REN ' fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, and Robert Forester. Installation ceremonies will be held , STUDIVB1'K~I.1~ ~ 4:' ',. Portables and All Makes I which will be reviewed at ~n at 7 o'clock on Saturday, May 16, at the Old Wayne Club, BUSIneSS DInner 't j' : WOLVERINE TYPEWRITER co. I annual public budget ,hearing, The club was chartered on April 13, 1946. SALES and SERVICE i Monday, May 25, shows an in- - - , To Be B).gEvent 13243 EAST JEFFERSON A"E, I crease of almost $89.000 ovel' that I, Factory Authorized Parts , 26 Years in the Same Location i of last year. PI.,e'fee A total of 134 local merchants J Complete Line ot Accessorle. , W. J. REHM, Manager VA. 2-3560 An increase in the collection and, professio?al men. are ser,:,- , , ~====~~~===~=~~=~====~==~~~~===~=~=~======':::of revenue was made necessary M · F tel N t F ed ing on commIttees tlllS week m J I l.' J .rI'rl'tI'~ ••• "rI"..rI" rI" rI"...... - .. . USIC es Iva ex fl ay completing program plans for the , ST••TT~ ~~--. (J I '111 If • to ~aintai~ .the mounting cost annual employe-employer (iinner J L:.. l'9 ...... l~ J Sales and Service :: of CIty go\ el nment.. ------. party of the Grosse Pointe, An Old Name in a' New Location If ~•• ilm . •• The amount of revenue to carry All parents and friends of the join in concluding the program Business Men's Association, which J , ~ slliN ~':m~e~~I~A~~t:~~~~o~.r TeJe\'lsion, :: out the various functions of localll Pierce School are invited to at- "Youth of America" by I will take place at the Grosse '. 13333 East Warren VA. 2.145~ , •• :. government is estimated at tend the annual spring music .Yoder. ,Pointe Yacht Cilib on 'ruesday , ..... ~.--..--. ~.--..--. ~ ~.--. "-' ~ ~ ...... J ~ 21 01 T\I $19995 .. $1,223,514, as compared to $1,134,- festival in .the auditorium at 8 This is the last Pierce concert evening, May 26. ! -: " ymp.JC .: 612 collecte? las~ year. p. m. on Fnday, May 22, for the follo\.ving 9A students "By the end of this week, ~~ ~ ••-.- • • • • • '. •• Compara tlve f Igures ~f . col'- The atmosphere of spring will who enter Grosse Pointe High every member in the association g.7 3, $118,264.. Virgin.ia Homeier and Carol i ton, Judy Bla,siola, Lenora Cable, ready for announcement next ~..~ The proposed budget is pub- I J d D'd Alth D C'tt k" ~ Jished in this issue and the pub-I Surbrook will. carry, slolo paArls. E~iz~bet~VI}t~~en~manaMit~i:v~i~~ W~ickets for the event which ~~ ~ I" t' '11 b h Id h The accompanIsts wl1 be nn' •. , '~ ...~ IC mee mg WI e e to ear I 1 . lette Karen Hansen Ann Mor- I'S stalJed exclusively for melll- ~ ; . t' . j' I Reeves and Joy Tayor ' . , ';> "W' AI · sugges IOns In re atlOn to t,le. r , ..,. rison, Marjori~ Pattee, Rosemary bel'S and their employes and the ~~ 00d 0rum Inum budget. II rhe B?ys Glee Club Will }Ing, ISchultz, Joy Yeager. William wives, husbands or friends, as I ~t. ~ ' ' -3-0-3-~---d SWUlell.\'SanaIlantdh~.vOI.\~eeafa~~uuer.. tbh~,Bryant, Robert LaChapelle, Cha:'- the case may be. were delivered ~t SCREENED OR GLASSED-IN ~ : rr-r-,r P OSt ~,pen s ' "les Norris, Peter Thomas, Cynthia ye,stcrday to ten d~strict. co~- ,~ ~~ . college song. Lister, Lome Schultz. Robert mlttee men who WIll assist In ...'" ~ . rrr-r-r...... $786 on Welfare Pete Thomas will sen'e as an- Bauel', Barbara Post, Joyce Bu- supervising allottmcnt, since an $ Contro-Iled Jalous.les ,,'". rr-r-r-r-1r nouncer for the choral part of shong and Bill Standifer. early sell-out is already certain. ..t ~~ ~ r-r-- the program. Miss Gwen Brock------.- ~~ I.. The Welfare Fund report sub- miller is the faculty director of ~t 711 L F . C I IN All WEATHER ~ mitted by W. R. Pierce, finance choral music. ~~ ouvres- ingerhp ontro !... ~ ofl"icer of Grosse Pointe Ameri- '\'7 .. , Fil5 all doors, old or new, can Legion Post 303, showed $786 Under the baton of Mr. Calvin ~'" CALL FOR ESTIII."ATES ~ any size. We ins(all opera(QfS as' the total amount of disburse- Daane the orchestra and band ,~m' ~2...~ 0- only, doors oniy. or doors and will present a varied pt'ogram. ~~ '~".~ operalors comple(e. \X'e also ment for the period ending' the Miss Cynthia Lister is to be the !Z._ l~ :'. last day of February. • EXTRUDED ~ service all makes. The report revealed that the student conductor of the banei. " Screen Re-wiring , balance on hand in June of '1952 . The choruses and band will ,< VISIT OUR NEW DISPLAY ROOMS totaled slightly more than $286 ------~; ALUMINUM for PORCHES ~, . r in the emergency fund; the M School's ~~ WINDOWS ~ , CALL Post's share of the Poppy day aSOlt .. ... e-wwford Salu GA~AG.E DOOR sales for that year swelled the: ~? 95 "1 " iloor eo. fund to $1160, and with the de- P 1'A to Elect Doors S47 4051 Beaufait at Forest WAlnut 4-9300 HEADQUARTERS I • ,': . = DOORS \, duction of the disbursement, the I "i,~ ~~ total remaining, was figured at! The regular meeting of the ~"~ NO MONEY DOWN _ 3 YEARS TO PAY ~i,.::, tRAWFORO MARVEL-lIFT DOORS AND OPE~ATORS almost S3i4. Mason Parent-Teacher Association .~ The following disblll'scnlcnts I will be held on Tuesday; May 19, ~~ ~'" • were made from the three wel- I in the auditorium of the school at ,~ d• C ~\ fare funds: child welfare, $279: i 8:15 p.m., following the period Veterans welfare, $357; Post l when classrooms will be open to f,~:~ Ra lo-Vac - o. ;~,,'~:; Bright, Clean Rugs members welfare, $149. ! parents. \ }-> The balance of the little more I During the business meeting ~ 17328 Mack, at St; Clair TUxedo 1.6' 30 ~ the whole house oved !han ~373 mllst cover the remai_n- I there will be an' election of \ ~ mg time through June of 19:>3.. officers for next veal'. ' ~~~~~~\ All disbursements were made by . order and approval of regular t • 2 "RENT - A - CLARK" - IT'S EASY .•• - AND YOU SAVE MONEY! ~;::.~;~p~n;:~:~:'sAnnouncing a superb new Dodge Rent-A.Oarke and Shampoo your rugs and carpets. Make them look like new again-make' them dean ShowsOur Lady ofGrowth,Grace American- W~;ji(~':~:'~a:~~'";,tv~ Italian League, which began a OORONET' tVU'I."'..' 1:1E . . ~SIX" and sanitary, year and a half ago with only 15 +". ~:&.v We will Rene-A.Clarke co you and '~:;t.t"iit\; members, now boasts a member- .,. ;>Y;jM~.::;.~.,,;.::': '~PI/1"x ~;¥[email protected]' ",~_ -supply you with everything needed. Ie's easy co do and rental ~'-4;,~2r~ ~;:~r.:ii:~~O~.~~l;£:~~o~:~~~· . :~%::;..,,;;;;" COStSare low. Beautify your rugs -:~W:..:'{:?-:~-=?;i~~~}.v-::t% social affairs to accumulate funds '" x:x.,<' ;',:>X~;t:\,;,,;::;~,~ w A new high in luxury at a new low price! now - Phone today, or better yct, to carry out its chosen tasks. / flI! .;f.;..:d':::{:;t.Y.>,~<, come in and see us! ------,,;~i~>.-.."''''::~!S'i3TI:\.jS•.-;2:..,'..'... Meet the newest addition to the Dodge family -the smart new Coronet "Six!" Here's a car that offers all the deluxe trim and quality featureS of its style-mate-the luxurious Dodge Coronet V..Eight. It's powered by the famous, dependable and economical Get-Away Six engine. Now if you want smooth, economical performance plus the added style and prestige long associated with the Dodge Coronet name. here it is. It's yours at a n~w low price-only slightly above the lowest-priced cars! See and drive this luxurious new Coronet "Six" at your nearby Dodge dealer's today! Spring .e~ r ...'t"'.~ .. _cJ'" ~- '1":!'=-- ._!-:)?;j~-}-c...\l.,;,. f_~\,'. ~J~~{=tErc:~~~~:.~1[ Coronlt' "Six" Four-Door Sedan ....~,-r~t:~ . .. , /.~ • ..3'... •••• __ .~< 5 (_OJ,~~~""""\ .. ~:~~~ .- Bpeci/kation. and equipment .ubjtet m cAalllf wilhoul not~ •

• All the style and dash of its companion V-eight • Deluxe trim and appointments throughout • luxurious "Travel lounge" interiors with foam rubber seat cushions Cleaning • Bigge~, softer, easy riding low-pressur. tires '53 • Sparkling new spring colors ,in harmonixing two.lone Specialists --for 33 years o'n DIRECT • CUrtains • Lamp Shade. V-EIGHT OR SIX' FACT()RY • Drapes ~ Bedspreads BRANCH • Slip Covers • Blankets, N'OW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR NEARBY DODGE DEALER'S. _. TAKE 'A trROAD TEST RIDE" TODAY' I • .[.8)&nw1J'i.@@OO~o ...__...... -....., ~....-,~..... -...... :- . .;...... ~-_.- ,~..-.;.: ...... ' ..'...'.- ..•..:...... ~...._,-;.. ::, .;;;, ";.' .....• .. 15701 E. WARREN at BALFOUR 4737 I-:Imhurst near Broadstreet . MICHEL MOTORS Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 'til 9 p.m. elt). and SUburban Delivery "I'hone Call WE 3 1 19391 MACK AVE.,'Grosse Pointe Woods Phone TUxedo 5-3044 DOel It AU" • -10 0 - .( ...... ~..... ~.. ." ..- , . " • ~ II • - ... , ; .." .... ",...... ¥ ...... , 'I.~ -...... • • ~ ,., .- ..__ ... - ... . -

Thursday. May ~-41 1953 Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS * * * Garden Page * * * Machines seem able to Pl"o-I ' The fellow who sings his own ' d S' -1. d G 'd S' d' .N . f . G d L Some people gel credit for tol- Looks like we might ha\'e to duce every essential except cus- ; praises is quite likely to be a 00' 0'1 0 $' . l!cessary. or .00 el'ance when t:ley are only too abolish week ends it the human G ot an ee awns, lazy to take on conviction~. race is to be prescn'eo .. tomers. : :::oloist. By V. ,It DePETRISclippings after mowing can be most of the grass blades which nate should "be made in late June --_.--_ .. A smooth velvety lawn, fl'ee answered by sayirig that unless may have been covere,d with and early Jul~r when crab grass I from obnoxious weeds, is th,e the grass has been allowed. to 2-4-D. is begining to develop. ! dream of r.very home owner. ThIS become extremely long the chp- Te be effective herbi~ides or Tl . t f t"c t' 'f th' i " d . h ld b n' d t .. . '. . le \a e 0 app I it Ion 0 IS. d ~eam may we II b e. rea, IIze pro- p1O~S s. ou e a owe ore- w~ed. Ni~ler first should ~e ap- and other herbicides is given' on ; HALL'S Famous MICHIGAN LAWN MOWER CO. vlded a few velY Important main since they offer both~ a plied while the weeds are making h' kag b th ma H I h' t 1 . t t' d 1 h f . th ' .' eac pac eye nu rac- cu ura 10 ~ .p us some Impor - prO echon an. a mu c 01' '. e rapid growth. For this reason turer and should be followed to- : Power Mower Service Cent.r ant pre-reqUIsItes are followed. grasses. If, nowevcr, the. cllp- many new 'weed killers are now th. .th th d' t'..h< ~ Beginning with t.he 1 tt 't . g h" a t slbothe . . . . ge er WI anv 0 cr Iree 10..... ~ . .a e~ I pm S are so . eavy. so.! r aet~v~te'd with nitrates ~n:order This applies aiso to the various' POTTED ROSES must be llndelstood that 10 01del' the grass then they should . be to stimulate the absorption of weed killers being sold under' to have a good lawn we must removed. herbicides by the weeds d'ff t t. d America's Finest first of all have a good fertile Watering' should be confined. • I eren 1a e names. soil which is well drained; and to the early hours of the morn-' For Crab Grass If the foregoing hints a1'e fol- • POWER LAWN MOWER secondly, we should have the ing' unless the day be quite For crab grass" which is an lowed \vith cal'e and persever- i REO proper mixture of grasses for cloudy. Watering in l~lte after- even worse pe~t 10 •open la,~!"s, ance, your re;.vard will be a green: Power mowers that only big estates could afford in the past .•• each respective area. noon is also recommended, ex- the best chemIcal IS pot.ass1\;lm velvety, lawn, 'iree from weeds! Dosen'i !\lake Sense cepting on Bent lawns. cyanate. Do not c~nfuse thiS 'Ylth throughout the season. I now engineered and mass produced to sell at prices within There is no sense in starting Vaporizes Water ~h:niddea~:rh pOison potas~Ium ...' reach of every homeowner. You'll never believe how easy. YOUl' lawn in poor soil, and fur- The heat generated on the /0 u n ~ th ough these ch~ml~als . Clean Up Fire quick and perfect mowing can be until you come in for a thel' add to your future woes bv lawn surface by the hot summer . , e. same po aSSlUm I . . , ., cyanate IS qUIte harmless where H d Al Thousands of the same top- demonstration. usmg a poor type of grass mlx- sun on a clear day, .plus the e:<~ Crab grass flourish i 'd- az' aI' S SO. quality, hard~', ~rade NO.1 ture. , tremely warm . atmosphere,. Will SUIUlue l' an d fa II In. esopenn mlex- , If those two very important tend to' vaporIze muc~ oC the posures and will ;;oon crowd o~t kick- I roses. Guaranteed to bloom first steps have been taken in water sent out from sprmklers. good grasses. It is annual in habit Calling attention to the earn-I in. june. Headquarters for The Reo Deluxe Trimalawn the wrong .direction then the It should be noted that even, and ean' only perpetuate' itself of~ of . Spring Clcan~Up '. i <:J:l1, home owner is doomed to many though lawns may turn brown I il'om d It '11 t .' .< palgn m Grosse Pomte, FHO, ~ 167 varieties, . f I k f wa t d' g tI see. WI no grow 10 Chief Edward L Rectol' of the, Trimmer Type, Knee Action Beauty hours of struggle every year in rom ae 0 th chr uIl'm ,le the shade, where shade is quite I Pa'I'k ll"ge" .,...".~ . ~ ~ J 1,000 sq " - ".81 New light Weight Champion Rolling .wlth ~ he~vy roIIcr In FortunCjtely grasses which have a- __ Vegetable plants ear~y spnng Will fmu ~he sod narrow. leaflets which grow ,up- . 141'4 whIch ma~ have been ,heaved up right take up much less of this I ·

.center. 4-XD - Ce;ttest Icw cost de'lelopment of Scotts Research. Dry compound. Apply by hand or spread. er. to clean out Dande. lions, other' broadleaved MICHIGAN weeds.

Treat 500 sq If - $ .49

.~. LAWNMOWER an Double witchery in this dry applied FOR LARGE LAWNS, up to100'x135', buy THE 20.INCH WHIRLWIND. Another orig- Scott malerial combining 2,4.0 and grass food. Subtly disposes THIS STREAMLINED l8.inch four.cycle Whirlwind is your for only $16.62 down! the husky 21-inch Toro Sport lawn. Power- inal rotary power mower by Taro. Hond pro. I of broadleaved weeds as if feeds the gross to greater health Rotary blade cuts heavy weeds, fine gross. , propelled by quick-starting four-cycle 1.6. pelled for easy maneuvering through large I COMPANY h. p. engine, Recoil starler optionol. Extra- orcas of weeds or over the finest lowns. ond beauty. -Excellent for restoring run down lawns. Treat Trims close. Lightweight and dependable, For overage lowns-up to 60'x 135'. wide diamond-tread tires. $28.12 down. $24.42 down. E 2500 sq ft. $2.95, ll,OOP ,sq ft-$11.75 Power Mower ServIce Cenfer 1 .'011' Sp,eader Handy buggies that make it easy to W. Are Also Showing the REO Line of Power Mowers y rid your lawn of weeds. $7.35 and 12.50 SJ 10622 Morang Drive The Malo, Mower and the Jacobson lower Lines BEAUPRE HARDWARE Make Fro/und's YOUR 'Garden Store LA. 7-3103 366 Kerch~vaJ Ave., near Moross GARDEN TOOLS * PLANT MATERIALS * SHRUBBERY * EVERGREENS Delit'e"ies, TV. '-9472 20377HARPER, AT LOCHMOOR - , I . ' ..


It's easy for a man to make I Wk' B d m~mcy on the sto~k market if he or s on u get Will keep out of It. _ . Automobil~ Club Honors Safety Patrol. Boys ~ .,,,,,,,,,,,.'!Ii "",.,:::<" ;?;;;:~;~:.:d.c5':ll1 I The Farms council will hold . " ~ ..,,,,~,WW{<~~~~'<".'.».~,f'~i"~~~'~;>ttFi'J.fJf~,:,,\'j,,;~r.{.;:h;,*,i' ""'Y"»:;,;,itl'." ~,.,;,,,,",,,~''1.'01:y\~*,~xI"~,,,.,:t~;'W~:;';F~7;~ir~''':;>:,::;.:'.,;,:,c::,.,;::~::",.,<,..1:::':,&;:v«"c';: ...... ~,.);".C",,,':}: ...;,J'",~<,'~:",:<"cc,;':'':'':''''''/ I several meeting to complete a :..rf~'~"-~W" .." ,..,. N, ' ," ,><, .. " .. , <'.< ;t~:llir~'''Z;«< ~ttWit\1:~ii.:\'':<:;IT~f;;'F?:~i:;J:j:',;..:;';itt!::;: >:,:,. (.:).' ;'>;;\'.i:~ Peat ~Ioss I proposed city budget for the KITCHEN MODERNIZATION SERVIC'E! (Bulk and Baled) I fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, .~~f~'li~jfj%''''.i3"'''''"''-i:>i!;i.•.;(:Ji':I;':;:;:,ri,.if,?t~ Top Soil ' Seeds I before presenting it for a public .k i{ . ". . Pea Humus Fertilizers hearing on Monday, May 25. '~A~~yi;l1;~'ft!~'''':;'ri<:tS:i;d:"~; :%}::;S;1;~~~t}:~~::1~).:i( +:<:1 ;-,,~ /<;:,t':~: LYON ••• YOUNGSTOWN ••• GENEVA A summary of the proposed Manure Insecticides iti:f~f;;tJ,(jt.%i:/fr\~'f{ill~ti#~;;~i~;j;:ii;ia, "".,".~'.,',-"'~".:,"",'{,'"\i(,,:,:.:, ".:;.:'~.~~!,;:~,'~';~:.:;&~::1)j:~~;';:fM!:ff'1;:t:;!t.,:: '.::';:,:~:;~;f..•'~? I budget shows that $880,846, is Fill Sand j:~:;~~~:j1~:1;t0fti';;,";.{;~~ii:~';st{r:T-" , , ')~,i'j;:;;;;,.~:"':} :::';:;;::tj:;:;i1:~:~~::r,;~U<,{>:~r.. AND !XL WOOD CABINETS Ineeded, with a tax lev, require- '};%mh~,fY ;'::::YJ':};", ',' ':~. ,.(::s::.:~:: ;;:>2:9}:; '::~.~?~,.;: ment of $689,913. ,:::~t~;~~~~~ff~(;.~~;{~r:~:i'\.;)::'.:'-::"S ..'~~:~~~,. A'" ... .. :t ::;.:~}:r<-:':~"'<::>;~:::r~ "!H\t FOR DELIVERY I A summary of the proposed <:~::f~:::~~':)i: '~:A:,n}:?;..Y , ":.~::~';,~;>:;.t~...J:, .::~!1::.';::I:"':?.:':;:::;{:~0~;~~::~ CALL LA. 7-9600 FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL TU. 4.9859 budget is published in this issue, ',. ,j-,.(:;:. ,i:,::;/i6,?F <~;:. . ,,::;;:~;(;f]i.!:,il:.' ':':>}~:"i: ..r"E:,}Y'. ,I and copies are on file in the office D. E. leydet i of the City Clerk for public in- 'I[~~£f~~~.~:::'iri{~;::t~'::'i[;i;l~;lt ; .:~'r't.1#~if~~~1~@i~::.!:,;Aif;'.;';,';:;~;J~:~~~~~,:\l;,i.:,;i,:.~ ,'.)5:; "'.,~, .,,,,,t,t;j~f@tL;',:;"..,: 17751 Mock, at Marseilles !spection during regular office $;::ii:;\i};L<;, :' ,";:;':;::;,;:::.:Mf,!U;F,. ,; ," I hours. ;:~;i.:':;::,::c:;tf '::'<, ~:: .' LAWN MOWER !;k::~~'~'P;ii:;''<;\.j.};: ~"};'.'". ;. ------"------iH:ih%~':;/(\::X:;;':}i:.;~.}AP~"''''''' , .. ' " ';A?:i(; .:;"'/":P'!':",:< -;, ~""~'S~~s.."u..,,~~ss..~~~ss..~s..~"'-,,~s..~~~~~"-~~ ',,:.'.::'~'rJ'~.rr%)F{~F";'" <, ;.: " , " . ;~L.; ..':( ... \:. >pi' l . ~ SPECIAL! ., :~tlli'i:· ·< C i:: ¥. J f,;k' ...•;J;iir:,y;';f:r;;}iJ:,,: . , e ~~ ',:'{<;};:)').ivt:::.';t,;> i~ 'i,~ ~!f .', ;.' ':'::' >. ':.'.:, ,:+: ':itt::?;j:i:;,."::~;::J%;::h;;'~~1~1!\fj? '.;;:;.;,~*)."iI\t"'~~}~l:"'~{~,.,. nt.f::~t1~~iIi/%('<~1:1;:(:t;,"':':", :(::: :.::::;:~;~' EVERS HARP .,f EVERGREENS ~I ., ~ ~',);li',':::'."'{ ':. ,;i::~~~~~~~l~}:?;,:7;~;2~~'~,:',/' ;'!{;:i;ic.d~;;l~.:i:;:,!:~;:;::::;;j'~'i:};!;<\:,~~!1t!TI;;\;i~;:t:j:f:8~;;,;:%'~".:'.:" :,,::'.:':.';:':::';~: ~ • Garden Tools • Plant Food ~ '.::?; $11!! 1 ;,f;f"" .I' :.,,,:ji:.;ik%+1~h'i/; .'Y;tl';',01Arro' ~NBztii!~~..::!~":.+{;~n\."V.<:').:}:'''::;: ., • Fertilizers • Fruit and 'I. 1 1;:: Regularly $1/3.95 ~ • Peat 'Moss • Shade Trees 2 .':~ r , • Seeds • Scotts Seeds ~ ~ ~ 16' 'CUT .,~ M. Viaene Nursery Sales .,~ ~ 21807. MACK AVE. Business Phone, PR. 7-0639 ~ .', 10" Rubber Tired , Between 8 and 9 ~Ille Roadl Residence Phone, PR. 7.4296 ~ .... ::.. Wheel, s .~~"'~'-~~X,,~~s.'-~S-.~~s..~s..~s..~s..,s..~~S~~~u..,,~ss..~s..,,"~,,~ Steel Handle, ,

" .-:,~' Ball Bearing ..:. ..':-:; ,j:~ :~::.:' ~" Fences 43 Years ... : :... Good for .', .. Fully Guaranteed_ .:;:~0~~.L .~ /:ii;'\V.;"W:L:0i2Iiy,...lit"'>;.~:;" "ELi:.";.' Every style 0' Fence II u !)~ erected lor you Seeing the beautiful and historic sights of their National Capital proved a thrill for e these young AAA safety patrol boys. They were among ,112 Michigan patrollers taken InCIUdl~it on a four-day honor trip here by Automobile Club of Michigan as a reward for long- SPECIAL! Chain Link All-Steel an" hours of guarding classmates at school corners. They left Detroit Thursday (May .7) 5 Rustic Styles and returned Sunday (~y 10). From left to right' they are: RICHARD F. STOREY, 'Richard school, Grosse POil:lte; PETER SAUNCE, Maxine Elementary school, St. Clair WA. 1-628~ Shores; JAMES SPRINGBORN, Ward-Cottrell school, Marine City, and WILLIAM M. Installation FLOYD, Beacon school, Harper Woods. Extral Reg. ------$19.96 ~, MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. , 10403 HARPER AVE. RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL lReckless Drivers As All Eyes and Ears Pay Up in Court IIJustrcrf.cI By Otto Rossol of 14405 Eastwood, John S. Sweeney, III '" Detroit, was assessed $35 for fail- ing to stop for a stop street and Barbecues causing an accident at Charle- Singing is the most natural forpl of musical expression. voix and Whittier, by Park Judge Complete sels of life-time castings , And the most satisfying kind of is, for most people, C. Joseph Belanger, on May 6. to d~sigr. end build .•. or porl- i group singing. On May 5, the Grosse Pointe Men's Chorus Five cases concerning reckless 16" Cut able units to loke with ~ou on s ! proved admirably how enjoyable an evening of choral music drivers who caused accidents 10" Rubber Tire your outil"gs. :<,::E,- .....; . can be for both performers and listeners. were also heard and fines im- , ---",---" Steel Handle -----., ....-.1.- The Grosse .Pointe Men's Chorus has. been in existence now for posed. These included: Darwin -.4 ' . 15 years. It is made up of men with little formal training in music, Burke of 1097 Lakeview, Detl'Oit, Ball Co. who simply like to "get together and sing." They meet for weekly fine $20; Elmer K. Grosse of 849 Bearing! Smith-Matthews Foundry Nottingham was fined $15, as rehearsals a~ the War Memorial Center, and about once a month &640 CHARLEVOIX Phone WA. '2-7155 were Ann Armour of 335 Rivard they give a program for local groups like the P.T.A., Rotary and boulevard; Paul Williamson of .... - .-.. . --- -._._------.------other service clubs, Marine Hospital, elc. Mr. John E. Finch, an old and e.-:perienced hand at choral sing- 1408 Pine; and Henry ]4';. Shan- ______..---.!'lI!iilPIJ___ non of 22911 Hayes, East De- FOR YOUR jng, is the conductor. With very few gestures, he draws forth the troit. On a similar charge, maximum range of expression from the singers. Kathrine E. Tourangeau of 1070 He chose a carefully balanced program, which showed the Lakepointe, was given a sus- F chorus off to its best advantage. pended sentence. R EE EST IMArE It cost Henry P. DeMudt of 'NS ON It began with a lively group, including the "Winter Song," > WRITE YOUR DIMENSIO "Ragtime Cowboy Joe," and others, followed by a second group of 3950 Nottingham, $11 for mak- ing a "U" turn without first TH'S PLAN "NO MA' L. TO: semi-classics with old favorites like "i\larchita" and Nevin's "The making an observation. The of- Rosary." fense occurred 'at Mack and Bea- , JALOt/SIE WINDOW G. "OOR~. Between these groups, Miss Barbara WiJIiams, aged sixteen, consfield. provided a few pleasant moments oC contrast with two very intri- i James M. Robinson of 5058' 20/87 MACK AVE..' cate lap dances. Marlborough, Detroit, paid $15 ~~O~,~ L'JQ ,.. ~ ~6 Mu-H I'or the third group, the chorus sang tJll'ee religious pieces, lor speeding on Kercheval. I "IT I J"C r' ~I"'"'E ~, If ..,. "Praise Ye the Father," by Gounod, "Hear 'l'hou Our Prayer," by Howard Holli~ of 661 Stimson, REO ELECTRIC 18" •••••••••.•. $9.6.25 ------~- Tkach, and "The Lord's Prayer," by Malotte. Detroit, was fined $7 for ob- L ~I.EN~rN Between the final groups, a very gifted young Grosse Pointe structing an intersection with a REO R;<, ..~~ of outstanding college productions, as their recent performance of ;",~, "Hamlet" proved. In general, the direction seemed rather careless. Everyone spoke These Many Extra Advantages: too fast. At moments the action seemed' needlessly hurried, at others, nothing happened at all. These things are, of course, quite' 1. Authorized Factory Service. 2. Complete forgiveable in a college production, but Wayne has proved that it Lawn Spray • can do betlel'. 13400 Littlefield Ave. Stock All Repair Parts. Every Mower Sold is Assembled and Tested There were some good things, among them the excellent cast- ing, particularly Ivan Kasacoff as "The Wreck," a perpetual athlete, Complete Underground in Our' Shop Before it is Delivered. 4. One Full Year Guarantee Against and George Ward as Mr. Appopolous, the landlord. A very fine .Sprinkling Systems Defects. S. Complete Sharpening an d Repair Service. 6. F ~ E E TRIAL setting was done by T. O. Andrus and Richard Spear. Free Estimotes - Call Wayne's last production of the season will be Eugene O'Neil's OFFER.: (Any Mower May Be Returned Within 10 Days if You Are Not "Desire Under the E!ms," starting May 22. WEbster 4-2 I 10 Fully Satisfied).

OPEN. A CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT s;)J! TEAMWORK It'. t,helt8Mi: around the clock Buy the finest • Buy Pro-lect-V • The ORIGINAL Jalousie per ',our ••• with no wasted motion, Window'. 16 yun of research, development no wastcd minutcs, means II' and improvement, exclusive patented features. that LESS, COST . per hour on every move ,by Hammel. Reg- ular training classes and re- IF YOU PREFER, PHONE DIMENSIONS TO fresher courses are maintained to keep drivers and helpers Easy to FHA abreast of newest furniture TU. 2-6606. TERMS handling techniques. Call Instein "Just a Twist of the Wrist" 3 Hammel for unsurpassed 10. for Rain - Proof, Controlled Yourself YEARS cal and long distance moving, . Ventilation. Does away with old SAVE ht TO PAY fashioned screens. WAlnut 5-8800 ( -JAI~OUSIE 5415 Conner Ave. WINDOW & DOOR CO. HAMMEL. , 9941 Hayes' 20187 MACK AVENUE . . - MOVING AND STORAGE Open Daily 7:30 a,m. to 'p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. , • •

_.-...... -....--...--..._.. «. eo ... LA +, S de. • •• 1'. to _ • r t +.. P. M. t. • he •• ' • • • • • •. .. •• .ft. &eitn ., • • • • • • • __ • • • ...... de' 4ft A, _ .... • •• .., •••• 4, ..... A. • ... .. _ ..... ~ ~ ..&...-...& • ...... ~ _ .... ,4 • -. • ... I - ...... ~ .....:....__ ...... __ .-. --. . , . r .. " .-

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May l4, J 953 Page Eighteen Christian Science Lecture by Paul.Stark Seeley, C.S.B. Given Under Auspices of the Third Church of Christ, Scientist, Detroit, Mich., May 5, 1953

(, hozen WIth frIght but as he fell nents or ChristIan SCience Mrs t a machIne made up of twenty-eight E ch Individual. ResponslbUity mortal mind On page 403 of the tulllon elec rlc cells (Dr Cnle 10 Christian SCIence textbook 'SCI- rapIdly towar d the earth he tumed Eddy observed often thlOk ot There )S one place where you and Sixth Church of Christ, to God WIth all hI:; heart and cued matter as somethmg and almost the Cosmopohtan May 1933) Do I can overcome trouble That place I ence and Health With Key to the you thmk that IS the hkeness of Ol.ituaries I the only thmg and of the thmgs IS m our own conscIOusness Only SCientist, DetrOit Tenms Scripture:> she writes The baSIC out Come on Pop help your whIch pertam to SPlflt as next to God HIS son your true manhood? there dId Jesus say the kmgdom of 1 error IS mortal mmd ' ThIS Simple boy' Down down do\\ n the Pla\m A 01 Christian SCience teaches It IS the 14730 Kercheval Avenue I plane fell He could do nothmg nothmg as vel y far I emoved God can be fOllnd The first lesson F MALCOM REID tact must be recogmzed If we are from daJlv expenence Chnstlan materIal mmd s lIkeness its mIS- each of us needs to learn IS that I Ballet ever to overcome troubl. Never WIth the controls At five hundred SCIence takes exactly the OPPOSIte conceptIon of man each IndiVIdual IS responSible for Mr Reid 53 of 1067 Devon Sunday Senlees 1030 a In. forget that when any trouble ar- feet-pel'haps five seconds from and S 00 pm \ Iew (Science and Health p 350) The obJective of Project Over- hlmself (MIscellaneous WIltlngS shlIe a vice pi eSldent and dlrec 1 gues to YQU It IS the evil, mortal the earth-the plane lighted and Sunday School 10 30 a m Tenms He began to recogmze God as hiS commg )S to overcome WIth an by Mary Baker Eddy p 119) Each to! of the Fruehauf Traller com Lecture mmd talklOg-the same talklOg came In for a perfect landmg \l ednesday f \ cnlllg Testimonial HIS command 109 officer hUlIlCd M10d al\\ 3;} s present and always understanding of God and HIS has the ablhty to control hIS Pan) dIed Monaa\ May II, m I Meeting at 8 p m I serpent that got Eve and Adam constItutmg him as Its conscIous man thIS mlsconceptlOn of man thoughts which m turn control hIS Ceram 1Oto so much trouble The way has to greet him and exclaimed " hat Sl John Hospital Reading Room Open \l eek oaYI did you do to get out of that spm? lOdlvldual representative or ex- evl1 S agent Our lepudlatlOn and hfe It has been said It a tramp t6348 E "arrcn now been found 10 Chnst18n SCI- A natl\'e of ChatfIeld 0, he Standm;;: at attention he saluted pI eSSlOn He began With spllitual demal of It must be consIstent and knocks at your door you do not 10 00 a m tQ 9 00 II m ence to nuihfy and sIlence It came to DebOlt 36 yeats ago ana Mjster on and looking hiS commander 10 the sense to discern m a meaSUle that uneqUIvocal Snubbmg the errone- have to go hampmg WIth him' Wednesday 10 on a m to 6 00 pm Pepper eye he said God pIcked It uo sir IllS true mdlvldllahty IS somethmg ous sense of sell when It sUlts our So If the trouble makmg thoughts had been With the Fruehauf Sunday 2 00 p m to 4 30 P m True Idea of God Antidotes and put It down I had nothmg to mOl e substantial than flesh blood convemence and hobnobbmg \~Ith of mortal mind knock at the rioor company for the last 25 years He Open Trouble do ,,)th It But hiS humble \\ III and bones that It lS spmtual of It when that SUltS our fancy works of your conscIOusness tempting was named ItS Vlce pICs1dent lJl Grosse Christian Now for step two WhICh Is to mgness to trust God With all hiS the substance of etelnal Mmd and our self dismIssal from ProJect you to be Sick 01' smful fearful 01' 1942 PrevIOus to that he was Carner find how to get rid ot trouble once heal t WIth death but a few seconds IS both caused and governed by Overcommg discouraged you do not have to God and so harmOniOus healthy \\ Ith both the Nelson and Pack we have found Its root, the evil, ahead of hIm brought to bear on Fractured Skull Healed keep company with them Rather GROSSE POINTE the situation the mIghty forces of and good al d automobIle con'pames Tap CI mortal mmd see and declare theIr complete Ul\- METHODIST CHURCH What we all want IS harmony dlVlllP mtelhgence available to HIS measurable un(Ierstandmg of The forces of dl\ me Mmd are relatedness to you as the son of I MI Reid was a membcl of Chess ( equal to any human need A little Science and peace So we must find the save men from the trouble \\ hlch what IS spmtually true subJugates God and you to them GlOsse Pomte Yacht Club 211 MOROSS ROAD Badmm source of these As evil negatIve cruel matenal fOIces would claim matter and compels the body to be gul of five fell from a mo\ mg auto- DehOlt Athletlc Club and mortal mmd IS the source of to )mpose on them The f01ces of mobIle when the unlatched door God gIves you and me the abIlity SUNDAY MAY 17 normal 111stead of dIscordant and to thmk tl uthfully spmtually We YMCA Entitled trouble makIng thoughts IS lt not Mmd demonstrated by man sub human expenence to eVidence swung open She was rushed to a 10 00 Church S hool for Junior Jr Girl logIcal to con"'lude that from the Jugate the fOIces of mattel 'Ihe hosp1tal where an X ray picture must use It or get mto trouble for He IS SUl vlved by IllS \\ ICe Senior and IntermedIate more of the love and goodness of departments Campti] altogether good mtelhgent and cent! al fact of the BIble wntes I showed a badly flactured skull not domg so Sometimes mOllals FIances two sons Rlcha1d and I God are too lazy to make the effort or 11 00 Mormn/it Worship anet Ser ",l'oi me Mmd come the thoughts 1\1:1~ Eddy IS the supenonty of He enJoys the zest for spmtual The parents asked that no med1- Ronald a brothel Henry and I mon Church SchOOl for TheaC which brmg harmony and peace? spllitual ovel ph) sICal power would hke someone else to do It Infant Toddler Nurser~ Christian Science: discovery 111 a reseal ch WOlk I eme be gIven her as she and (hey thee sisteis Mrs Florence Ohl The ChrIstian SCience teaches that God (Science and Health p 131) , were ChnstJan SCientIsts The doc- for them A you h called to hlS Kmdergarten and PrIm whIch m tel ms of the hmes might rIch MI s Luclile Lande1 \ Ille and ar~ departments part es a IS thIS all IOtelhgent good Mmd Who \\ rll say that there was Ir tor rephed There IS no medlcme father 10 the mght and said Dad be called Project Overcommg you d better get up and work for Mrs Hermme Rollo the one ul1lversal cause In thiS reverence 10 the aViator s bo) Ish m the world that can touch yout' REV HUGH C WHITE Pastor and Will As John puts It He that over- me I feel ver y 111 Dad ans\\ el ed God's Antidote causatl\ e good Mmd there IS not outclY to Ius hea\enly Father cometh shall 10herlt all thmgs and httle gIrl s problem Can ;}ou Sel vices wel e held thiS mOl n I TUxedo I 7878 whIch one tlouble maklOg thought Its Come on Pop help your bo" pray? They saId Yes we can JIm you d better get up and work mg Ma) 14 at the Velheyden FINALE I WIll be hiS God and he shall be for yourself Silence for a httle Idea;; produce concol d and peace when godless matter said death and we shall call a Chrlstlan SCI classes 0 my son (Rev 21 7) then came Jim s \OIce Oh well Funel al Home Bunal WaS 111Mt for Trouble Your one true selfhood and mme v; as but a few seconds away? ence pIactltlOner lIe saId Fme put on IS thIS POSitIve Mmd s untroubled It s not as bad as all that Do not 011\ et cemctelY Rath"l was there a son s mhmate twenty four hours wlll tell the every m mdlv Idual exprC'SSlOn ThIS sel!- recognttIon of hiS mIghty all How Liquor and Tobacco Harm story I leave It to your prayers be a lazy Jim theme 0 hood derives ltS substance mdl- 10\ 111gFather as mhntte cause and If hquor and tobacco have pre- Wlthm twenty four homs the MARY E i\IEL'IN JEFFERSON AVENUE v1duallt~ thoughts and faculties hIS complete unselfed rehance Viously seemed harmless lOdul- child sat up and asked to go home Where Pra~ er Comes In Sel \ Ices fOI Mrs MelVin of 470 I cruIse \\ Paul Stark Scclc\ C S B from :lhnd alone for It IS caused, Ahoy' thereon He proved that man s gences he fe exammes hiS evalua- The nurse mSlsted she must be Player of the rIght sort lS the Lake Shol e lane \\ ere held at BAPTIST CHURCH conditioned and governed by noth- extremIty IS God s OppOItUlllt\ places \I tIOn of them He sees that \\ hel eas qUIet that she had a bad cut on way by v; 11lChto overcome h ou hIe the Velhe)den Funeral Home of Portland 01egon mg else What IS capable of bemg And he dtd all thiS on the baSIS of I hiS hfe obJectIve IS to supplant the her head QUIckly the child an -not the pI aye1 that asks God for Saturday Ma:; 9 13337 E Jefferson ot LakeView club baSIC cause but absolute mtelh- man s msepalab111ty from God hIS negntllve matellal sense of selthood swered That IS not my head but personal favors as though He hked I V III \\ Member of the Boar(l of I ccturc gence and can there be absolute LIfe hiS All \\ Ith the posItive and spa Itual Adam s She went home the next to be Implored and then to gtant MI s Mel ho came hel e I The P mteillgence apart from pure Mmd? 10 yem s ago II om hel bll thplace Homer J Armstrong, Minister sense of man mcotme and alcohol day A few da) s later the doctor or wIthhold HIS favor as SUIts HIS mothers shIp of Th .. l\lother Church The As long as \\ e chng to the eVIl accentuate the material sense of exammed her head eyes and heart Clm kson NY died Mondav God l\1akes Man Ageless fancy Player writes MIS Eddy I Church School ter Dm First Church of Christ SClCntlst mortal sense of mmd and man lIfe Any supposed pleasure m and pronounced them pel fect To Mav 4 a~ St ~laIY s HospItal W Troubles mCldent to vears ea 1 cannot change the SCIence of be- I May 12 in Boston Mass lchusctts trouble gl 0\\ S In the degree we them mhel es m Ius belief that they a neighbor he saId I d d noth1ll~ 109 but It tends to brmg us mto Palm Beach FIn I Sunday 9 4S Q m a cept and exprecs the true sense not dell~e from etclnal Mmd so Jects on they cannot belong to ItS man fes add to hIS satlsfactlOl1 In an un for hel It \\as God \\ho healed halmony With It (Science and Motl er of the Rev Fl Albel t I of Mmd and man trouble goes SPI Itllal sense of belllg MORNING WORSHIP makmg The lectlll er spoke substantially tatlOn man How eould IlllmOl tal hel Health p 2) ThiS Is the motIve of I MelVin pastol of St Paul lIe sees th s IS deceptive for he ACCidents ale phenomena only Sunday 11 00 Q m as follo\ s Mmd e\ 01\ e a mOl tal m III Can pr3yer to brlllg OUI thought mto m orphal I ~re I Inked to Somethmg kno\\ s that Goel hIS only real LIfe of negative mOllal mmd An accI Chm cll In the Faulls she IS sm "e God v; ho IS pel manent 31 d ageless harmon) \\ Ith mto agleement One ot the commonest things in IS mOle to 111m than pOIsonous dent IS not c8\lsed by or known vlvcd b~ mothel son Dr Wilham Whether "'ou \\ III or no you are be eVidenced m what lS tern I (I:UY \\ Ith God and IllS la .... t( the world 15trouble Nearly every- I aleoho or tubes of volat Ie I1lCO In C two daughtels S ster Ellen Due United to somethmg greater than and agmg Goo s man IS God s to God and nevel takes place Jesus made till ee Iules for I one has some of It There are many t ne He sees that the mdulgence the un velse of POSitIve Mmd The fOl Prl\ you are Most mortals thmk of ltkeness orof False appetite IS enslavement to good Mmd out of account Chllstlan Sc ence tcaches mentallY He IS smvI\ed by hiS \\lfe PIIY \\ 111chIS the solar) ear Then the ma tel however astutely those de SometImes It IS saId Christian to tmn awa) flom the matenal Freedom from Trouble ThiS causatl\e Mmd me\iltablv slrlng to profit from promotlllg It Grace C and two sons Douglas Wednesdav BIble Study and I meamng of the solal year 1950 SCience IS good for nervous \\ orld and w th sp ntual sense find Prayer at 7 45 pm The purpose of Cnnstlan SCience contams 10 Itse f all ItS Ideas Its may dress It m garments of pceudo might be thought of as a fl act on troubles but not fOI Olgan c dIS- ever pI esent Spmt God To close S and Wallen M Is so mtlmately to acquamt men manifestatIOn How could It be Iespectab lIty and deceptll; e artis- ALL WELCOME The nume ator IS 19,,0 and ItS de eases But one trouble rates no the door means to shut out of E unel al SCIvice:> wel e held at "Itn their SOUlce God that they otaerw1se? The sun does not tiC a<1\ertlsmg nommator a mOl tal thought The higher \\ th God than another God thought matellal sense testimony, the Vel heyden Fune al Home can utIlIze the fo ces of the 10\ mg evolve sunbeams or the prlOclple l&.'~ of musIc tones and then ca~t them fractIOn IS 19:>0 part~ 0 thiS mortal heals them all as Cnnst an Sc ence be lt feal s ckness sm or de~palr Fllday May 8 under the auspIces Intelligence \\ hlch God IS to free thought called tIme SlIlce I mOl tal IS undel ~tandm<1ly applied tnemsehes from all tlouble A adrift They 1emalO coexIstent Chllstlan SCience a Revelation howe\ el aggressive To pI'lY to of '1l1mty Lodge No ;)02 F&AM thought has no substance 19<>0 A woman was affilcted w th can good start has been made toward With their source mcluded 10 and Mma naturally expresses Itself the Father means to realIze the BUllal was In WhIte Chapcl Me go. erned by theIr source It IS parts of It cannot have any sub cer of the lungs and thlOat which unlversahty of God and HIS Idea accomphshmg th s Because ItS 10 Ideas and causes these Ideas to monal cemetel ~ stance or any mfluence on man had extended to the bram causmg delllc Mmd and ItS mamfestatlon teachlngs ha\e p o\ed they are a so \\ I h the mfimte causative Mu\d be manIfest 111 man How else the expressIOn of (telna! tImeless her to be Irrat onal She had been the All and Only It means to find relIable antIdote for trouble the and man ItS hIghest Idea or ex- could caus:lll\ e M10d baSIC Illtelll 'Ili\lOTHV DAVIE HARRIS mee prpsslon Man IS mdeed lomed to M1l1d No mOle can 50 60 70 80 gence make ts nature known? gIven up by thlee dodots who so With spmt\lal sense the presence Chnstlan S" ence movem"nt has or 100 parts of thIS mOI'al thought notified her husband 10 a typed l11nothy DaVIe Harfls fiVE gro\\n from a smrtle orgamzat on somethmg greatf>r than hImself Refclrmg to hiS God given quall of God and Love s k1Ogdom WIth really affect the Mmd const tuted copy of theIr fmd ngs all of God ~ chIldren healthy yea1 old son of Ml and Mrs 10 Boston Massacnuset s In 18;9 and that somethmg IS the one ties and Ideas the Master saId He mdlvlduallty of man whose sub A fnend spoke to h m of ChriS happy and halmomous therem to over tOlrtv (\\0 hundred orgaOl causative Mmd hiS God and that hath seen me hath scen the Ho\,ald G Harns of 821 Fisher, stance IS God These truths pi 0 han SCience He consulted a prac unfettered and untroubled by mor- at e %~tlons In for v COtntnes 10 19 f) Father 1:' ather (John 14 9) died of pneumollla Wednesday VIde the baSIS for tne leahzat on t tlOner and requested her to work tal mmd matter or phYSical sense que. But Its \\ ork has only begun ChrIstIan Sc ence IS a revelatlon May 6 wlthm a few hours after of Immortallty its sOUlce IS the one Mmd 'rhe for IllS \\ Ife The pi IclltlOner leal rhe sludent must tm n thought Man s Oneness with God s Allness 1zed tha t 'II uth God 1emo\' OSeVIl completely away from the matellal bcmg I ushed to Bon Secours , ll'lere Trouble Originates levelator Man Bakel Eddy dls belief and all effects of the behe! scene If he leaves open the door Hospital by the Farms ambul You cannot be a trouble express Time Has No Effect on 'lls!>ues cerned the hue Ideas of God and I Toe first step to\\ ards gc+tmg rid She apphed to the case these state of the closet 0" sanctual y and ance of trouble IS to find out \\ hat causes 109 mortal and also the child or man because hke the spIrItual for expressIOn of God who destroys A group of phYSICians and sur mmded prophets her thought was ments flOm SClence and Health trlCs to thmk of human pel SOilS BeSides ius parents Timothy \ trouble Then one can better Judge page 151 Every functIon of the I off trouble WhIch concep. do you ac- geons recently announced that less darkened" lth mistaken mate and situations and what he Wishes leaves hIS blOthel Lynn a the means sUIted to gettmg nd of It vears :1lone ha\ e no effect In real man IS govelned by the dlVlOe God would do to them hIS player Sub( Chnstlan SCience expo!>cs Its source cept as the true? With Jesus rial concepts than the thought of grandmoUlel M r s Elizabeth Chnstlan SCIence accepts sonshlp brmgmg about the degenerat ng those about hel When tnere IS a Mind The human mmd has no IS lIttle more than an expressIon of the as bemg the aevll God s OpposIte, disorders Tune has no effect on power to kIll or to cure and It has \\ Illful dcslre He must find God Smltll and a glandiatheI Flank I not a hoofed and horned person, \~Ith God Spmt Mmd as man ~ 11ft 10 the clouds the sun sh nes I only true status and repud1ates the human tlssues Those \vho de\ elop through no control 01; er God s man H s allness the pet fectlOn and har- Hallis ed r but the one el; II matenal mmd WIthm a short pellod of t me tne claim of hiS sonsmp With matter ;lS a time neurosIs (a fear of t me) From her ear v eh lcihu 0 In New mony of Goo s kmgdom and man SelvlceS wete held al the Ver than All rouble mak ng thoughts such subscnbe to the pI evalellt supe1 woman was given an X rav at the and then real ze that 10 thIS SPlrlt heyden Euneial Home Satmda\: as sm fear hate celfishne!>s and negatlve and untrue The advan Hampsh e she ev denced a deeply I <...... tages ot be10g humble enough to stlhon that tIme lS m some \\ ay a religIOUS natm e and outstandmg hospItal WhICh showed such mar ual rea1Jtv IS the truth that re- cruelty derive from thIS e'WIlsense velous Improvement that she was Ma) 9 With bunal In White I - ..... reS1C accept your true s ams as an In pOlson exertmg a mystenous cumu faIth 10 God as Lo\ e A \ Iiderness verses and nulhfles error s he that Chapel MemOllal cem 1 _ of mmd Furthcrmore It IS thIS released Her complete healmg dl\ Idual mamfestatlOn of eternal latlve action of tlouble 10 early womanhood 10- may be argu1l1g to him evil materIal sense of mmd not It lS not tIme that brmg" de follo\l. ed and today she IS enJoymg " ...... God "hlch produces the material LIfe or causative Mmd are great cludmg the loss of her husband As :;ou come to understand some- crepltude It IS mortals !gnorant separation from her chl1d and poor perfect health MAltY l\lcLACIiLIN Adamlc concept of man \" ho IS bellef that t me nan deplete them Look up' MIS Mary McLachlm 88 of 41. • • Isl1811 mortal affilctable and as Job says what that your only eal Mmd IS health deepened her resolve to God and that as God::l expressIOn that needs to be overcome We leatl1 mOle of God and HIS power The Master foresaw the convul- 155 '1ourame \\ Ife of the late , of few days and full of trouble must stop measUll11g hfe With the 0\ ercommg' DIscordant sions that \\ ould shake human :;01 ha\ e the hmltless resources of to free men from tlouble Relationships M1 Lad Ian dIed suddeni) Sat (Job 14 1) In contrast to the true deVIl S 'iardstlck time Life IS 1m eXIstence to ItS depths before the not '\Tant" and splr tual man made as tne \IJ Isaom abllily and 10\ e whIch In 1866 not long after Lincoln s llld) May 9 belong to God ) ou begm to see measurable LI'e IS God ThIS IS grea t work for fl eedom from sla v- DIscordant human relatlonshlps material misconceptIOn of hfe and BIble says 10 God s hkeness Shl'! IS SUIvlved by five Chil Publ somethmg of the deep meanmg of lIfe eternal said he who knew ery was accomplished more spmt- -sometImes III the home often m man IS sm rendCl ed for spltltual All should know that Chnstlan that they m ght know thee the busmess -make up a large part of I eahty He tells us to stand 1IJ dlen MIS Howard Glider Mrs TodA~ through the Sclence IS based on the Bible It Je"us statement I am 10 the ual hght came to her thlough a Father and the 'l<'ather 10 me only true God and Jesus Chr 5t remarkable healmg of herself by the worle! S troubles Selfishness the holy plac" (Matt 24 15) and John Thomas MIS Carmen teaches noth ng "hlch IS at vart- I light shed upon the twenty- (John 14 11) Know thIS for your- whom thou hast sent (john 173) complete rehance on the delfic and self w 11 m many fO!ms breed \\ hen these thlllgs beg III to come Shlllg1~1 Mallon and Hazen Me ance \\Ith tne Scnptures Chns I3n fllChon anel mhal mony whIch m thIrd Psalm b'f the ChrIStIan self every day In other \\o-cls eternal Ire comes Mmd and Its government of her to pass then look up and hft up LIchlm and a stster MIS Peter SClentlst!> use tne Kmg Jamcs Ver- by kno\\ mg God as the only t!ue turn often produce phYSical dIS- ...our heads for your redemption The oneness of man not Vi Ith I bemg She then knew that God McCaIthy of Argyle Mlcillgan Science textbook ScIence and S10n of the B ole and they dlh- LIfe and by understand 109 Ch 1St orders dla\\eth mgh tLuke 21 28) He gently study It At every Sunday Ignorant emgmatlcal matter but I could and would flee men of Funel al sel vices were flom Health" Ith Ke) to the Scnp- With aU mtelhgent Mmd IS the Jesus work as the demonstrallon trouble when they understand Him On page 585 of SCIence and saw through and beyond the final serl; lce a Lesson Sermon IS read of man 5 sonshlp WIth the Father Health MI s Eddy refers to Chns chapters m the stl uggle betwcen I Velheyden Funelal Home on ttlrt'~ b) :\Iary Baker Eddy consIsting of chosen references cornel stone Of the SCience of LIfe Nme years of mtense study of the As 1t IS understood It becomes the LIfe superior as IS God to hme B hIe follo\\ ed to find the \\ ay by tlan Sqence as that With ~ luch the dragon of materiality and the I Sunday Ma) 10 and at Mrs Me Its pronllsc hn~htens mto prac- .. from the Bible and from SCIence can be dlscel ned the spllltmtl fact antidote for all trouble Says l\Irs and destructl\ e forces which God heals men sptrltual fOices of the Mmd that 15 Cal thy S lesldence m Argyle tical fulfillment ( and Health Eddy on page 91 of SCIence and I( In 1875 SCIence and Health the of \\ hate\ er the malellal senses man s LIfe and GOG Tuesda) May 12 and flOm St Health Let us nd ourselves of the behold Evety phas\; ('f dIscordant HIS command IS to look up to Stlppl) health - "hate,er f\ttack Trouble at Its Root God Causes and Also GO\ erus textbook ot Clmstlan SCIence was Josepl Chmch In that CIty Bun belief that man IS separated from pubhshed It has been read and relationship beheld by the matellal God not down mto matter to hft IS legltunatel) needful-II What causes the trouble named If we are to get nd of trouble senses IS the oppOlute of the SPIlIt al was m St Joseph s cemetelY God and obey (>nly the diVine studied by men and women of all up our thmkmg above the carnal, ...... a\ allable to man Without fall disease mus be mastered to effec here IS a pomt to lemember God ual fact-the hue 01 ! tal Woods two glandclllidren San Pl\t~ Its tC:H.:hmgs to the te~llD We need to logIcally folll w thlOu h of law and :) \lcr and lOqu ed I pI est ne It IS nature than hane s and feet God IS Health mmd and 1001 tals do not C lUS3- Chllst Jesus kept 111 the fOJe- dla and Calol VanDamme and hiS datl~ hfe \\ III find the stili Ked he saId 'nd \\hat IS nature ncater to us tnan any matenal flom the good baSIC cause and see tlve mtelhgence causes all Its m- that thiS good cause both causes Stemmetz who knew as much flont of hiS conscIOusness the un- a blothel and two slstels 10 Bel waters of the BIble promise I queried \\ Ith some heSItatIOn he thmg feet or breathmg The word about electuclty as any man of hiS dlvlduahtws to be hal momously replled I suppose nature IS God and govems man alwa)s How related to one another WIth under- alterable spmtual fact that re- glUm near Imphes closeness but With time Ieeogmzed the penetratmg \ gardless of all that the mateltal Science and Health may be • Then do ~ou beheve God IS the some space between Ever present then can godless eVIl fOIces ever standlOg and appreCIatIOn for one Funeral sel vices wer e from usurp God s government of man? discernment of Mrs Eddy not only mUld and matter claim the klllg- bought borrowed or read a' cause of all disease? I aSKed Em- Mmd God IS not near us 10 thIS another The oneness of causative the Vel heyden Funel81 Home 'Ihey cannot and do 110t To really legardmg spmtual thmgs but on dom of God IS at hand and that phatically he answered No I do sense because lt IS the substance the elligmattcal subJect of elec- Mmd ensures the umtedness of all and St Philomena Church Mon all Chnsttan SCience ReadIng not bel1e~ e God IS the cause of understand thiS knocks oul trouble thiS kmgdom IS wlth1l1 you ThIS and LIfe of us Between us and tricllv whIch was hiS hfe study of ItS mamfestatlOns day May 11 Bunal was 10 Mt Rooms 1 he coupon IS also Cor disease Reallv I do not know Can you Imagme th,e prmclple of was the cent! al theme of hlS mis- our causmg Mmd and sustam10g mathematICs glvmg up control of rhe defimtlon he referred to reads sIon Should we not spIritually OlIvet cemetelY 'four use .hat causes) Life there IS nothmg We must Tr"1l11g to ge+ nd of dIsease or any number? No mor(' can causa ElectrtClty IS the shal p surplus of 'I h~\ e no harassment' follow hIm and hIS Ime of thought, A rosary was said Sunday more constantly realIze we dwell materlahty \\ hICh counterfeIts the ------anv trouble \\ Ithout know 109 the tlve Mmd ever YIeld Junsdlctlon An OrJ~ntal w Jman WIth some confident that the ommpotent evenmg He was a member of 10 thIS secret place of the most over man whIch It exercIses true essence of spmtuahty or fOlces of causatIve Mmd Will cor- lEADING ROOM nature of Its cause 15 hke tryl11g Higu in lIvmg umty wlth tae knowledge of English became m- St Charles Society to get rId of an obnOXIOUs weed by through Its moral splfltual Intelh truth -the great dIfference bemg rectly subdue and annihilate the Stephenson Bldg. AlmIghty No trouble IS there or terested 10 ChrIstian SCIence One slash10g at. lts top leavmg ItS root gent forces or laws What God that eleclllcity IS not mtelhgent negative )gnorant fOlees of mate- I Cass at comes there In the understandmg makes God governs pnmarlly whIle spiritual truth IS Mmd day she asked a mOle advanced rIal mmdedness ever~ one? WINS HONORS AT OBERLIN to sprout agam E\ ery plant sa)d of our oneness With God s allness is student how she should thInk m Jesus whlcb my heavenly Father presently eternally From thiS SClCnce and Health has been Allce Bowen Schlaepfer was W Grand Blvd. our Sl1perlOrtty to goaless .trouble order to ovel come dIscord 10 her hath not planted shall be rooted standpomt Chr)st!an SCience re translated mto Ftench German among the students at Oberlin home The relationshIps were not Enclosed IS $3 for a copy or up' (Matt 1:> 13) To uproot the fuses to budge Spamsh and Swedish and IS avail- o hal momous It was explamed to "With A rod 01 Iron" College who were given honors "&:Ience and Health" Ilh Keylo the trouble plant you must master the able 10 BraIlle It IS m many public Definitive '1erms for God hbranes and can be read bor- her that she ShOllIe; turn her The materIal mmd would if It at the Annual Honors Day Scrlpll res by Mary Baker Edd. evll ml11d that IS Its root Chnstlan Assembly at the college on Other defimtIve words for God Project 0\ creomlng rowed and purchased 10 all Chns- thought away from the human could through organizatIOns politI- Name. _ SClence does thiS than Mmd and Spmt used by tlan SCIence Readmg Rooms It IS scene of human personalltles and calor eccleslastlcal rule the \ olld ThUl sday May 7 MISS Schlaepfer An emment physIcIan saw some- We begm to overcome matter Christian SCIence are Truth LIfe a book of seven hundred pages and confl1ctlllg WIlls to find the spmt- wlth arbItrary power But m the 1S the daughter of Mr and MIS Addrells, _ thmg of the mental cause of dls Soul Prmclple Love Each em- and the troubles that' go WIth It ual fact realIze that all men are Revelation of John he tells us that ease when he said A man cannot Clghteen chapters Many have been George L Schlaepfer of Mc phaSIzes some aspect or quality of first by subJugatmg It-compelhng healed by readmg It really God caused and God- It IS the WOld of God which Sh&ll fear he cannot hate he cannot God but all are in theIr full mean 11 to take a servIent rather than governed and hve under God s rule the natIOns With a rod of MIllan load worry mtellectually he does these mg synonymous terms for Deity a dommant place In OUl hl;es Be laws 10 harmony and peace and Iron' (Rev 19 15)- WIth a rod thmgs With all hiS organs A hate fore one sees somethmg of the Material SeUhootl a.n F nemy that the fictIon of mharmony must of Iron I Here IS the spmtual fact, , Jag or a fear or Jeall usy spllitual Idea of cause as M10d and A Present Bel]) in Troubl. 'Ihe WOISt enemy you and 1 have YIeld to thiS dlvme fact the absolute just beneficent gov- "drunk he observed does oneself man as ItS effect or manifestatIon She went home and prayerfully ernment by God of al men whIch St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church great phYSIcal harm (Dr Crl1e 10 An aVIator in the recent war a he has been mclmed to accept s the materIal sense "f self which we have been educated to believe worked along the lines mdlcated reverses and nulhfies the Iymg the cosmopolitan May 1933) Chnstlan SCIWtlSt was accus- matter nnd mortal mmd as pre A few days later she r ~turned all claim of eVil that It can and WIll PhYSICIans and psychlatnsts see s our true self The Bible por- tomed each tIme he took of! to 1 dommant in hIS hfe If the mate 10 smIles and exclaImed Now I dommate the earth With Its rod thIS What they now need to recog I turn to God reahc':mg somethmg of rial body saId You are SIck he rays two concepts of man hrst the man God makes m HIS hke have no harassment Harmony of Iron ,Olze is that the one antIdote fOI I hiS umty WIth the all embracmg I echoed 1 am SIck If mOl ta had been restored In the degree these trouble makmg thoughts ~ M10d and thougbtful1:; to repeat less second the man whc was It has been a long time since I mmd suggested You are dlSCOUl God IS understood to be the real ehphaz spoke thIS tI uth to Job to recogmze and utilize the spmt the LOId s Prayer Three members aged and afIald he was hable tl beg{ tten by Adam and eve the Mmd and LIfe of all men naturally when he was an but overwhelmed ual fact that man s only real con of hIS group then 10 trammg I concur He beheved he \\as a chIld mortal materIal sense ot man of whom Paul saId They whIch are umfymg all m the symphony 01 WIth trouble But hiS words are as SClousness IS constItuted of the har were kllled wlthm a short time m I of the flesh tied to lt and pretty the dlvme order where dIVisive momouS health-producmp. thoughtc tall spms Soon after to break the chlldren of the flesh these are true now as they were then To much governed by It He believed mortal mmd and selfish human whose substance 1S the Mmd that the fear that settled on the group not the chIldren of God (Rom everyone smcerely engaged m In God but Just how God fitted WIll are unknown the umty of all the commander ordered all planell !l 8) Project Overcommg 'heJ apply IS God mto human affairs he wondered With God and With one another Mary Baker Eddv the DIS"overel A Oh'iSIClan defines the material (Job 5 19) He shall dehver hee mto the air At the top 01 hiS hIgh I Then through Chnstlan SCience Will appeal Then we can all say and FOl nder of Christian SCience ascent thIS young Oyer s plane went man:l~ a merhaOlsm Iun bv elec- In Sl" troubles H'a III seven there he dlSCOVCled that matter IS not the 1 have no harassment names the soun:e of all trouble I mto a spm For a moment he was i all m all It clamls to be Oppo trlclty and chemlcal reactIOn, shall no e\ tl touch thee

) ; /

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Th'ursday,' May I4, 1953 .S R 0 SSE p;~ I N TEN EW S Page Nineteen

WOODS PRESBYTERIAN Soap. Box Derby Time Here Again 19950 Mack Ave. at Torrey Road Packard Holding Feature Contest Neighborhood Club News Is Andrew Rauth, Minister [ The southeastern area' Packard ., run until June 9. • Sunday, May 17: 10:00 a.m. - I lUNG SHAFT! STE RING' WHEB. First Worship Service (Nursery de~lers whi.c~ inclu.des Grosse} Prize-winning entries will be Frida~', May 15 STRIIING CAlLI coe I'IT for 3 year olds). 10 a.m.-First Pomte, has Jomed \':Ith Pack~rd Ieligible to receive one. of the 23 Oldtimers 2:00 p.m, Motor Car company. In launchmg " section of Church School. (Child- a national competition beginning Packard cars to 'tie awarded at Open Gym 6:30-9 p.m. ren 4.9 years of age). 11:30 a.m.- Boys Saturda,}', May 9 through which the close of the contest. Fir~t T}'eater Party and / Second Worship. Service' (Nur- Square Dances sery for 3 year olds). 11:30 a.m.- the public will select the features prize will be a Packard Carib- , 7:00 p.m. Children most wanted, }"re~ J. bean custom sports convertible. Saturday, l\Ia)' 16 Second section of Church School. (Boys and girls 1-18 years of age). Walters, Packard vice-preSident . . . " ? Tennis Club of marketing, has announced. AddItIonal prIzes WIll mclude 1_ 12 Noon on T.C. Members only Sermon theme at both Services: Playmates 1:00 p.m. Boys and girls 5-7 "Strengthened, For to Strength. The co~petition. highlighting Packard Clipper Deluxe four-. Ballet Class 1:00 p.m. Girls 6-12 en". '7:30 p.m. - Tuxis Club the company's nation-wide "In- door sedans, and 12 Packard Sunday. May 17 meeting - Christian Faith, Ka,}' vitation Month" activity, will Patricians. Tennis Club Noon-on Martin, chairman, Representative dealers will lal Monday, l\'Iay 18 • • • Service and Sermon: "Unitarian sponsor similar programs in othel' Beginnings in England." (Last of ays Ceramics Class 4:00 p.m. Girls 8-12 Tuesday, May 19: 4 p.m. - areas across the country. In each Tuesda~'. l\'Iay 19 Bluebird group meeting. 4 p.m. this year'.s Church HistOI'Y series. instance visitors invited to the Mystery. Club - Campfire Girls meeting. 6:30' Next year, Unit'm in USA. ), showrooms will be asked to name .m. 4:00 p.m. Pepperettes Club 7:30p.m, p.m. - Fourth . General Report Afternoon: The Pointers hope the feature most appealing to Open Volleyball meeting and Dinner, Sleward- to arrange a line party at Ciner. them, write their reasons on a 6:30 p.m. ship Program. 7:30 p.m.-Cub ama. card, and leave it. with the dealer, Grosse Pointe Sword Club 7:30 p.m. Pack meeting. 8 p.m. - Torrey • • • Camera Club 8:00 p.m. Club' - Marcia Istock, President. May 18: Monday: 6:30 p.m. - . The straw vote may never Wednesday, Ma~' 20 (tJT.AWAY VIEW OF A • • • Laymen's League Dinner. Details break the camel's back, but it Tap Class 4:00 p.m. STURDY, WELL. BUILT Wednesday, May 20: 1:15 p.m. to be announced later. gets a lot of people's goat. Chess Club 6:30p.m. -Afternoon Groups Women's As- SOAP BOX DERBY RACER. sociation will meet. 4 p.m. - Badminton 6:30 p.m. Children's Choir rehearsal. Thursday, May 21 • HOME MADE SAUSAGE - 9UALITY FRESH MEATS '. • • te Jr. Girls Gym Class 4:00 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 7 p.m.-Boy HICKORY SMOKED HAMS AND lACON Campfire Girls' Meeting 1:00 p~m. Scout meeting. Youth. Choir re- r- Our Own Home Made or Theater and Dance Parties .;.:------_ hearsal. 7:30 p.m.-Trustees will ,. meet. Hickory Smoked Braun- Cube ." The weekly Frida;\-' niaht ' b 11' ... PULLEY ROORBOARD REAR AXLE . . COTTAGE schweiCJer parties are continuing to flou~ish I y ca 109 TU 5-4600. Friday, .May 21, 6: 30 p.m.- Steaks and will do so through May 22, Pen Friends IRAKE CAaLr lUll BRAKESHOE (Smoked Liver Fifth and final report meeting Butts Sausoge) Tend'!r and Juicy which will be the GRAND Did You Know that if vou'd and dinner, Stewardship cam- FINALE~ whcn ~Il the clubs and. like a pen friend in a fo.reign Hints for Derby racing,car builders are found .in thia varioUi parts' of the car which should be studied by all paign. eu~.way drawing of a typical racer. This showl the 15c lb. 63c lb. 19c lb. c1asscs of the Neighborhood Club I .. . " entrants in the Soap Box Derby, , put on their big fun night for j co~ntl y. the Intern.atJOnal Fllend. evcry member of the famil,,'. The. ship League can fmd you a con- is ST. l\UCIIAEL'S (Episcopal) tl'Our ments are a treat to eat. Stop in any time for real Ray Whyte's Chevrolet Sales and Service, East Jefferson at Lakepointe, .the local "HOME-MADE" lunch meat, sliced to your order. All our J I h d 20475 Sunningdale Park thcme of the party will be a I' genial correspondent. Its office ea quarters for all Derby aspirants this year. Entries will be t3.ken there, and the serv- The Reverend Edgar H. Yeoman, pork, veal and IAmb 13 home dressed. We have a complete IInc of frozen foods, dnlty products. ice cruise with the password "Ship has long lists of names, certified ice department has set, aside two stalls and 4;0015 for those who have not adequate home Rector . cream and many other delicacies for house parties. Ahoy" ! ! Passports for far a\vav I by teachers from 72 countries. facilities to construct their cars. places will be a\'ailable at th~ i Ages of available correspondents Audrey McAnulty Jennings, Turkeys - Ducks - Capons - Frog Legs - Beef Tenderloin icw club. ,nm from eight through 27 years. .• •.• . (iI' Organist and Choir Di~ector Pepperettes Additional information can be ob- .Farms Pollce Chief Ho~'t, Sunday, May 17: 8 a.m.-Holy We Sell the Best. COLBY'S TU~~~7169 t...... Because We Bu) 16373 Warrell E. er The Peppcrettes honored their tained by sending a stamped. self- LlCut. Arn~ld Ho~gh, actmg chlef !• NI : Communion. 9:30 a.m. -:- Church Ch h the Best. IIr. Audubon mothers at. a Mother and Daugh- addressed envf'lope to Interna-' of the. Palk Police Department, I: urc ews' . School (Grades three and over). Open Fridays Until 8 p.m. tel' Dinner on Tuesday night tional Friend~ }p League, 40 Mt. a!ld Dlre~tor of Public Safety i. • 11 a.m. - Morning, Prayer and May 12. Other intcresting pro- Vernon, Boston 8, Massachusetts. ve~'ne Bailey of .the Woods a:e I': .: Sermon. Church School (Nursery, jects. on their. agenda include ------actln.g as a. :o:nn1Jtt~~ .. ,!,hey ';:111 ,,. & I ~indergarten, Grades One and :nakmg play thmg:; fOl' children I The day has passed when you appomt. ?ffl~el~ or clvlhan~ \\Ith I. " " '1wo). In orphanages and picnic in June. i, could measure the character of a mec.han~cal aptItude to advJse the I sr. PAUL EVAN LU1H f CALVARY LUTHERAN Tennis ; man by the number of cylinders enhants. .... 3i5 Lothrop, at Chalfonte Gateshcad (Kerby) at Mack Ave. POINTE UNITARIAN PUNCH and JUDY BAKERY

Due to the numcrous "cquc .ts I in his automobile. Each ~ntrant reglstel'lng In ~hls Thursdav Mal.' 14' _ 8 pm! Rev. Paul H. Wilson, Pastor E. Jefferson at Rivard 102 Kercheval Ave. . ..':> area will be taken to a Tiger ", J' • " "'h' . . . A' 1 Opposite Grosse Pointe New. for pn\'ate tcnOis mstluctions I ' ------b b 1 'Ascension Day Worship 9 pm L JS e ...enmg at 8 p.m. scen- Rev. Wm. Hammond, Minister ,' hb' ase al game as guests of the .. .' "1' Da S. " I th e 1Ncig orhood Club IS now! We hear a lot about cheap R ' Wh ,t H td SCOIor ChOIr. , :s on y en Ices. Thursday: May 14 - 8:15 p.m. , Now Under New Management , Providing th. a t servIce.' . .• ."trange-A. 'I mone~' th ese d'ays, but J't' s never anda).) pop ande company.transportation 0 will,ogs ... • ... I • • ... - Ch'OIl' P rac l'Ice a1 ("}~ lurc h. I mcnts for lessons should be m:1de so cheap that it isn't dear. all be p1"Ovided. " Friday, May 15: - 6:30 ]'\'lother- I Sunday School and Bible ...... Delicious Home Baked Goods ------Th b h t th h Daughter Banquet. Class, 9:30 a.m. Church Worship May 15: Friday: 6:30 p.m. -I' e oy W 0 en ers l'Oug S t d M 16 9 30 "at 11 Detroit Area Unitarian DI'nner' tl e nlh t d h th: a ur ay, ay : - : a.m. a.m. 1 n y e company an as e, C 1 I' Cl l' . J' R' I t ft . h at ChUI' h fOr Fathe Special Orders Accepted, TUxedo 1-8640 C ITY F best record on Detroit Derby Day i a ~c 11sm asses. ! a.m. unlOr 19 1. a er serVIces t.e ~en co. ~. r.' 0 Josephine Kasperek ,at Rouge Park, July 21, will be ! ChOIr...... of. the church .go to th~ ~lchIga!1 May 17: Sunda": 10:30 a.m. :"""1l : given a bicycle. I BI?ther~ood l!l the ~IVI~ Audl- J Helen OCJurek , All boys from 11 to 15 inclu-l Sunday, May 17: - 9:3~ Sun- torlllm m Sagma:v, MIchIgan for Church School. 11 a.m.-Church . sive a~'e eligi~le to c0f!lpete fOI'j da~ ~ch~ol. 10:.45 WorshIp a?d the 20th conventIOn. ; the pl'lzes, WhICh are bIgger and I Chlldren SChUl ch.. 2 p.m .. Bl 0- ...... better than ever this year. They I therhood Conventron, :,agmaw. Tuesday the Vestry meets. OPEN THURS. & FRI. EVENINGS TILL 9:00 are topped by $15,000 in college 16:30 Church, Memb~~slllP c~ass. ------scholarships. 8:15 Couples Club CandlelIght ST. JAMES LUTHERAN Notice of Hearing The Derby film, "The Son I Capers." McMillan a1 Kercheval Shines," has already been shown • ...... GCOl'ge I~. l\:urz, Pastor ; at the Parcells and Pierce Junior Tuesday. May ~9: - 8 p.m. Bro- Friday. I\lay 15: Adult class, 8 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ,High Schools and at S1. Paul's therhood. 8 Mission Society. 'p.m. Senior choir,. 8:15 p.m. I and St. Ambrose. Wednesday. May 20: - 4 p.m...... Alexander & Polen Notice is hereby gh'en that the Board of Appeals will meet in the City Hall, 90 Kerby Road on Finals of the annual Soap Box Chapel choir. 4:45 Catechism S"turday May 16: Junior choir Derby will be held in Akron on class. 6 p.m., Dinner for soldiers. , 11:1.5 a.m. ' , HIGH QUALITY FRESHMEATS . August 9. Pointe i" .. .. I ...... Monday, May 18, 1953 -.----f---.--- Thursday. May 21: 8 p.m." Sunday, May Ii: Sunday schoot MICHIGAN'S FINEST BUTCHER SHOP. at eight (8:00) o'clock in the evening to consider the re- CIty 0 Mothers' Club. 8 p.m., Senior I 9:30 a.m. Church services, 9:30 al quest of .nle Choir. a.m. and 11 a.m. Fdendship Club, , Grosse POI ------supper and social evening, 6:30 Thurs.,* I * POINTE CONGREGATIONAL p.m. CHET SAMPSON ...... Fri. & n) Notice of 240 CHALFONTE AT LOTHROP . Rd. . i for waiver of the provisions of the zoning ordinance as to Regular Marcus William Johnson, Minister Thursday, May 21: Garden Tea Sat. 15i sponsored by the Amica Division D. D. off street parking requirements on Lot Radnor Park Sunday, May 17; 9:30 a.m. and Sllbdh'ision on which it is proposed to erect a building for Council Meeting of the Guild at the home of Mrs .. tt"hum the full depth of the property. 11 a.m.-Worship Services. Ser- Arthur Wible, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. DOL Monday, May 18, 1953 mon: "Saving Habit". 9:30 a.m.- The. provisior. of the loning ordinance. requested waiv- . VICE ed reqUires that the rear 20 ieet of a lot having not more 8:00 P.M. Church School for grades foul' The Youth of Ebenezer Baptist than 110 feet of depth be reserved for parking purposes. Tentative Schedule through 10. 11 a.m.-Church Church will preset their Annual Hearin~ will be public. rntere~ted property owners or Consideration of amendment School for Nursery. Kindergarten, Missionary Presentation this Sun- residents of the City are invited. to zoning ordinance Grades 1 through 3. Nursery for day evening at i:30 p,rn. An - Infant Care at the 11 a.m. ser. offering will be taken for Mis- Suggested platting ordinance sionary work. Morning Worship HARRY A, FURlON Consideration of extension to vice ONLY, at the home of [VII'. and Mrs. Veit, 243 Chalfonte. 3:30 is at 10. in which a service for Clerk and Secretary City water mains - stand-by dedkation of little children is connection. -7:30 p.m.-CLUB 240 hosts to Board of Appeals Pilgrim F'ellowship of De1roit held. I QUARTER OR City of Grosse Pointe Farms Consideration of appointment Asso. Spring Rally. Sunday Sehool for all ages is at ! SIDE of Gity Attorney Audit .. ., '* 11 :15. U. S. Choice Publlsh~d Gro~se PoInte News ;\ray 14. 1953 Norbert P. Neff, Monday, May 18; 6:45 p.m.- Wednesday Bible Sludy and > City Clerk Men's Club Dinner Meeting. prayer is held at 7:45 p.m. to ----_ ..------_._------which evel:yone is welcome. Fri. n day, Christian Service Brigade at I Side of Beef 43~. 7 p.m. d CiTY OF City For Home Freezer of Eder's Ready to Serve U. S. Choice '. '- OVEN. HAMS Hind Quarlef (jro~~tll'ointtJnrm~ BAKED Ask to see our vast,. 'r Boned fully-tracked walk-in ~arh Hlckory.SmCJk~d It' ~rosse 1!oinfe and Oven.Baked ..Refrigerated Meat Room. 54~. 1n our own OF BEEF I. Notice of Public Hearing Michigan establishment [- 15th I. Yeal )!':., CHOICE -QUALITY MEATS ARE CHEAPEST BY FAR on ,\ "",: r n Notice of Proposed Budget for 1953.1954 U.S. Choice y U.S. Choice rJ Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the Annuaf Bu~get Hearing Pork Loin Standing n proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1953, and enning .June 30. 1954. will be held in the City Hall, 90 11 Kerby Road on Monday. lVIay 25. 1953. at i:30 p.m. The City Council of the City of Grosse Pointe Park has ROAST proposed a budget for the Fiscal Year, July 1, 1953 to June Eder'! Pot Roast IRib Roast The following is a summary of the proposed budget: 30, 1954, in. summary as follows: WHITTIER BlId~et Proposed Phone Plate Cut 59c Accounts Appropriation BUDGET REQUIREMENTS MARKET LA. 1-0100 391b. 11325 Whittier, at Whitehill Administrative S 61,842.31 General Government $ 50,540.00 Police 146,117,32 Rib End Large Finance 22,470,00 ;39lb.' E!~' Fire 101,836.07 Public Work~ 194.375.86 Public Salety 278,063.47 Sew~"'e Pumping 33,967.79 Pal'ks & Recreation 41,322.30 We Feature Alexander & Hornung Cold Meats RecreaL .. l>arks & Pier 35,699.50 Public Works 336,492.30 ..., General 120,435.11 Water Supply Extraordinary 120,014.34 107,282.63 .. Public JIealth & Welfare 5,800.00 Birds Eye Totals $ 814,288.30 Contingenc~' 60,000.00 Land 0' Lakes r>f Debt Scrvice 66,558.41 Insurance & Pension 64,051.00 Ie Debt Service 182,492.53 Totals $ 880,846.71 Improvement Reserve 75,000.00 Broccoli Spears Deduct 'j'OTAL $1,223,514.23 I c Recharge to Watcr Adm~..,...fratIve . 6,963.21 BUTTER 2 for 49 Police -0- REVENUES - Estimated Revenue 158,970.00 Propert.r Tax $ 743,875.00 Birds Eye Total Deductions S 165,933.27 Miscellaneous Revenues 232,675.00 Surplus Appropriated or Credit ($) 25.000.00 Water Department Revenues 128,700.00 Tax Levy Required S 689,913.44 Surplus Reappropriated 118,264.23 Green Peas TOTAL $1,223,514.23 Copies of the proposed' budget have been filed in the The complete proposed budget is on file for public inspec- -5 Pkgs, for 9 5 c II office of the City Clerk for public inspection during regular' tion. A public hearing will be held in the Municipal Build- office hours. ' ing, 15115 E. Jefferson Avenue, May 25, 1953, at five o'clock II P.M., at which time the City Council will hear suggestions Ca.1l TV. 4.1390 HARRY A. FURTON . Free Delivery on Older of $5.00 or More Before 10:00 a.m. City Clerk in relation to such proposed budget. City of Grosse Pointe Farms . \Villiam G. Stamman, -Next tq Michigan Chandelier Store - Publlshcd In Grosse Pointe News May 14, 1953 ~ity Clerk I~J3:J7 )11-\(;1{ GROSSE POINTE WOODS

• -.-- .. • Thursday GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 14, '1953 ---- 'eg. Twenfy Boat GPHS Nine Joe Brackl Girls Coach of Cl Boat Club. ! • Victim of . In' One~Hitter' Sports

, Coach Ed Wernet's Blue I ( ru. Devil baseball team dropped By Joanne Hargis its fourth" straight ball game Even though it is customary to \1;: nt. Sat. last Friday, May 8, when they start the results of a tournament , Ralph became the victim of another w-ith the winning team, your re- .\r "HR.:" by fDfD RUnnfllS one hit ball game and lost 3 portel' feels that Fran's Family, SOl:~1 n to 0 on Wyandotte's home dia- the volley ball team ~t the mond.. Neighborhood Club, captamed by --i\ln .• ~ll · t L t F d '. . Francis White, really deserves a ,\tadf'",~ POlD ers ose 0 or SOD, . Pet.erson had a no-hit game big hand for tl'yinghard. Sirl 10 hiS back pocket up to the I "C. start of the sixth inning but Although shorthanded through- , l.rr But Share League La,ureIs shortstop Bill Dow beat out a out th~ season, ~hey. never gave bunt single to spoil the Wyan- up trymg to wm. wed--.. tl~: d dottt~ hurler's masterpiece, to With the help of Wally, Car- EII1 After sweeping through four league opponents an one open the frame. He died on first riel' alld Mrs. Rock they managed non-league rival by lopsided scores, Coach Howard Mac when Peterson gained complete to come very close to getting that Adam's Blue Devil track team met its match and lost the control of the situation. The much wanted mark in the win '.Blue Chip" meet to Fordson, 64 to 45, last Friday, Ma~ 8, Wyandotte chucker allowed only column. on the Tractors' track. ------one hit while issuing 5 walks On top of the league, and, in- . A victory over Fortlson could Gall and Dick Westrick won the and striking out 7. cidentally undefeated, Laurie have given the Pointers their three quarter mile relay and Cal Snell Is Loser Kaltz's Jesters walked away with first Border Cities League track Bock, Bryce, Hal Drinkaus and Big Jim Snell was tagged with top honors. Close behind them title in history. but it just wasn't Tom Donahue combined to win the loss and he allowed but 2 \vas Norma DeClercq's GPAC, in the cards. The victory enabled, the 880' relay. hits. Seven walks k.ept him in and third were Gloria Strehl au's IT'S MIGHTY EASY the Tractors to climb into a Get Set for Regionals -Picture by Fred Runnells trouble throughout the cOntest Go-getters. TO ENTER THE CHJ three-way tie with G~osse Pointe Although C~ach MacAdam and Coach AL GHESQUIERE gives instructions how to execute a good ~o~f slide to He struck out 2. , Next Wednesda,y, May 20, will ~r;d Monroe for the title, Monroe his-boys were disappointed over some of the prospects of the City of Grosse Pointe's Little League base ~ payers. Mathey, the Bears leadoff b~t- mark the first practice session p,oged For?son by. on~ and one the Fordson loss they were out These and many others turned out for practice Saturday, May 9, at the Neighborhood tel', all three run~, which of the Girls' softball teams. 'I'he quarter POlOts earlier 10 the sea- on the local track last Monday Club. cam.e l.n .the first, tlurd and age limit will be from 14-16 and 1 con. preparing for the forthcoming fOUlth mnmgs. . at least 2 teams will be organized SOAPBOX Fans Shoul{1 Be Happy Regional meet at Monroe next .------I on the Monday following the The postponed Royal ~ak game I to represent the Neighborhood Although som~ local fans Saturday, May 16. I : weekend races. Call the writer at of May 1 has been resc~eduled Club. Pauline Masak revealed nlav be grum.bhn~ a. bit oecause In the Regional meet the Blue! Boa t Ban t e .r ;TU. 2-6900. for May 26 on the local diamond. , that the. Detroit Recreation the BJ~e D~vl1s dldn.t cature the Devils will be defending tf\e title! i.. • Wernet's ~a~.~?t. League is unable to accommodate DERBY champIOnshIp 0 utI' I,g h t, they they \von last year on the Tro-I I Remember a few weeks ago Coach Wernet sald I Ius would the Grosse Pointe teams because shoul~ be happy Coach Mac- ian's track. Besides' G l' 0 sse. B)' F,'ed!ls 'we ran a Jittle squib on "Why h~~e to be the year the Border they must represent Detroit play- Now it's easier than ever to build. Adam s bovs grabbed at least a '.. ] Chi' : boats are called she" anti asked CIties League produces some of racing car for the Soap Box Derby. f I • '. h h' tl' ht Pomte. SIX other schoo s. at 0 IC grounds. However, Warren-Can- Get in on the fun, thrills, and big s oare 0 t e.sP~h Ig e Devils Central, De La Salle, st. Joseph, anyone to send in ideas on the the ,best h.lgh s.chool Pltc.hers I yon has organized a Jr'. Hecrea- HI 1------11 prizes. n papel e u . Lincoln Park, Wyandotte and I subject? Well, we got an answer ~a~e seen 10 qUIte some time .. It tion League a,nd can accommo- should ~ave won by almost a Monroe, will be viei 19 for spots Wasn't it a beautiful week sailing master aboard "Eslde" all the way from 'Pearl Hal'bor Isn t that our boys are pla~lng date a team from the club. If you are between 11 and 15 years of age you are eligible. dozen P01~tS.. but a c?uple of un- in the Stale meet on Saturday, end? As a matter of fact it was says "I can't figure out where: from Torn Backman aboard the a bad brand of ~all, but the ['1v,a11 In the past, playgrounds fortunate mCldents Wiped out the M 23 so beautiful it made the river these rumors start but, when we i U.S.S. Grasp. Tom writes "I g.ot hurJers have Silenced our hlt- tI h t G Po'nte have Take mother or dad to your Chev- Y rolet dealer to sign the entry blank paper advantage and tripped the aT heo'ther BOI'der CI't'les Leaglle and Lake St. Clair buzz with do get ready to sell I II be the ,I this answer from a book A Sall- tel's" u'oug ou ,rosse 1 . b'dl f h' f t 1 k" '1'1 r.' k SI" '.. .. ,organzied girls' teams to parti- with you and receive your FREE ~evils in th~lr tl 01' t ell' Irs schools will compete in other boating activity. 1.'he o~tboar~-' first to et you now. le ~a~n.~ or's Treasll1'Y, by ..ran laY. Lookmg back ovel: the past I cipate in an intercommunity copy of the Official Rule Book. It is eague trac tl e.. _ Regional:;. Fordson will compete I ers were out.b?ardmg, t e ~rtll- is true about, "Chum" elf S It says: Quite probably it was game the Blue De':'lls haven't I, tournament. However, if this plan In the 100 yard Clash Cal Bock I at Ann Arbor and Highland Park sers were cnllsmg and the sailors Raven class sloop "Chum}ette." the early Greeks who decreed been beaten by lopSided scores. fails the Neighborhood Club will full of pictures and easy,!low appeared to edge Fordson's Way- '11 tit Y '1 nl' • were sailing-that is those who It's not fot" sale. Incidentally, that ships should be fel?1inine, On the contmry all the games ,.',,'t I diagrams, plus helpful instructions .' I l on how'to build your car. '.' pa but the judges awarded the IWI IF'aved 0 I.psC a r'd . t were fortunate enough to have the Raven Internationals will be for they dedicated all then' ves- h. b'I . It' . Of gamze I sown eague con- .':';.;., , I or son s on I en Oh' I . . did ave een c ose ones. IS In- I sisting of as many teams as Start today-Plan to win-Build win to 'Vaypa. In the re ay. I toeir ships all rigged after ex-I held at Sandusky, 10, t 11Ssum- sels to their goddesses an pace teresting to note that every team . . < • a, - . to win-Race to win. Fordson boy knockf'd the baton F'ordson fans ?eheve they have I periencing several weekends of mel' because Detroit couldn't them under their' divine protec- . tI . t 1 I t I are Interested. For further m- out of a Pointer's hand and the t~1e team t.o brmg another state I inclement flttting-out weather. provide ample mooring space for tion. A ship is far more I!ke a: ~~fe~~ sJ~ I::~ ~\~r~~~;;~e m~f formation contact Pauline Masak Sign up todayl judge:, falled to call it: then in the I htl.e to. their school to add to the • .. • the fleet that Ken' figures will woman tha~ lik.e a man: ltke a these days "POW" the Devils are or your repo:.te;. • 880 run Tom Barry was definitely I s:\'lmmmg and baske~ball ~ta~e I The outboards competed in :t reach about 35 boats. woman she inspires love and ?e- going to break out in a rash of cut off and the. judges failed to I tItles they won last. wmtel'. ThiS series of races in the lagoon at Tsk Tsk can you imagine 8 I sire,. she has enc!1antment; like hits ad really clobber an oppo- The tennis tournament will be Sponsored by call that infraction of rules, AlII makes the Blue DeVils happy b~- the head of Belle Isle under the boati~g cOI~munity such as ours a woman she ..\\1111respond to nent. going full blast in about two this didn't help the Pointer's they feel down deep In sponsorship ot the Belle Isle Out- couldn't provide 'mooring space loving treatment by her I~en; weeks. It is for any gal, whether Your Chevro'et Dealer cause and e\'cntually spelled de- I their. hearts ,that they got a bum board Association headed by fOI' 35 Raven sloops so we could and when she is old and tired, CIUl)" me,'! PI"ll'J ',. she is "not so good, good, ot" very feat. Idea~ m the Fordson meet a~d a~e Commodore Dick Gallaghel:. The have the Internationals here for even though she becomes a cran.k, l- tA l- good!" Yander.JJrug Wins hopmg to prove Grosse POI.nte IS Commodore said there will be the first time. Cummodore Bob a grumbling old hulk, there w~ll G If T . . . However. 1~e Blue De\'ils i the ~eam that should be senousl~' othel' tuneup events on the next Ken' was disappointed and right- be many who can recall hel' m 0 Ollrlley At the Grosse Pointe Athletic came back \'aliantly to come I conSidered for top honors. two Sundays in the lagoon. These 1" so because he did a tremen- her prime. As long as she has Association meeting to be held ~~mm \..... ithin 9 points of \'lctory.. Duane: I ------are being held for the pilots of dOllS.' amount of work in getting, I'fI e an d't VI nI'tI y and. keeps. her Men of the Newcomers Club of this even 109,. Th urs day, 1\1ay 14, d B I I P Van er rug was t Ie on y .0111 ter 'i L-ttlI e LeaUuers the "shingles WJth. motors " so the Association to agree on De- I g00 d nan1e s11e Will alwa"s. ..; find. Grosse Pointe, (members and WI'11 be d'Iscusse d th e new "G uys who cracked the Fordson mono- i ~ thev will have their boats ready troit fol' 1953. The DYRA offered men to Jove her, to ~el \ e hel, alumni), are checking their gl;)lf and Gals" volley ball tournament. ~~I poly in the tra('k evcnts when he: To Appear on TV for-the big 50-mile i,1emorial Day complete cooperation if the event and s~,e that she arnves home gear and seeldng practice. on Among the other tournaments to captured both the high and low Marathon race which will be was to have been held but it safely. driving ranges in preparation for be orgarIized are the tennis, out- Jefferson hurdles. Jerry Goebel was still . co-sponsored by the BIOA and doesn't have mooring ~pace to Thanks a million Tom. That's this civic organization's Annual door badminton, and softball. 15115 E. . the backbone of the Pointers' Three bo~s from. the City of the Detroit Times and has re- allot. the best definition we have re- Stag Golf Tournament and Din- These too, are offered to any girls team as he has been all season! Grosse Pomte .Llttle .League ceived th~ official sanction of Howard and Fran Girardin are ceived yet. ner which will be held at the interested in participating. at Lakepointe long. Jerry won the high jump.! baseball .teams Will be given a.n t~e. Amencan Powerboat Asso-I back from their month long va- ' • • • Lakepointe Country Club, Friday, f~nished second in the high hurd-I 0ppurtun;ty to appear on the DIZ clatlOn. cation. Fran pieked up a beau- We got a big charge out of one May 15, {t was announced by There isn't much wrong with a YAlley1.2. les and third in the lows. Martin i 1 rout K~o~k-llole G~ng half The race will start at 10 a.m. tiful 145-H.P. Asto-Martin con- of our favorite readers last S~m- George Cutler, club public re- country where you have to turn

Potter became the third Bluc; hour .t~le\'lslon shO\y prIOr to the off the Racing .As- vertible in Rome, Italy, and day, May 10, down at ~ayvICw IBtions director. to the sports pages to get a thrill. ,r Devil to sal\'agf' a win when he: televlsmg of the Tiger game on suciation dock at the head of the toured over the Alps into Ger- when she received her tickets to _ took the broad jump event. ISat.urday, Jun.e 13. . . Detroit River and t~e fleet will many, over to Paris and up to ~'South Pacific." She al.most t Johnny Wardle. unbeaten in ,.1 he boys WIll be. seen. In aC~lOn race do\ ....n to a turn.lng b~oy 10- London where they put the car Jumped out of her ..sun ~tlJt as I I the mile run, met more than his i Cilre~t from the fIeld. In ~nggs eated on the American sl~e of on the "Queen Elizabeth for the she did a gleeful Jig WIth H~ei match when he bumped into IstadlUm, und~r the dIrectIOn. of Grosse lie. at the second down- journey to New York. Howie's hard to get ~ucats. But her chm; flee \ i "heell'n"' ~ Gel'ald. Zl'tn~',_.~\"ho ITI.'out and Will work out "'.'Ith stream bn dge, from wereh the car is the twenty second one of droppe d am, lIe \\'hen she looked I unofficially broke the State rec- ~Iger bas~ball players. Invlta- races will return to the finish its kind in the ~ountry and the at the date _ July 3 - you see ord with a blazing 4:30.4 for the! tl~n for thiS appearance was re- line off the DRRA dock. I ONLY one in Grosse Pointe. that is the day Nubby ~arns distance. ~elver Tu~sday by ~aul Black- Maurice Parker, secretary of • • • "Reverly" t~kes off for ~~Icago Right To Be Confident ourn, pre~ldent 0•. L.lttle League the BIOA and co-chairman of Tile Detroit Yacht Club cat-;' t.o c6m,.pete m the anual Chlcag..o- G. . t th F d ee t baseball In the Clt}. . II . I I dour favollte omg 10 o. e or son n: One hundred and sixteen boys the event along with Ed Hi er boat fleet finally got its season i "¥ ac .:;m~c race an . the Blue D~\'Jls had e\'ery right turned out last Saturday at the of the DRRA, figures there will underway last Saturday, May 9. 'I reader IS slated to make the tl'lp. to be confldent, for they had INeighborhood Club for the second be upwards of 200 boats com- This was three weeks behind the s\:'ept past Monroe. Wyandotte, and final tryouts for the four peting. ' . originally scheduled start. Guy Dominican Fathers' Club tk Highland Park and Royal Oak by Little Lea g u e teams. The • • • McNaron, Fred Meno III and Em- Holding Party Tonight SERVICE . Wer eO \ tre":lendotls scores. ~our days schedule of tryouts called for 12, f'ive utility outboard classes mett McCoy finished in that or- ,-:. earhcr the Blue DeVils soundly 11 10 and 9 year olds to work out have been provided for in the del' in the first race and Geo(.ge At their meeting held on April HorsepO trounced Royal Oak. 87 2/3 to tat' 10 a.m., 11, 1 p.m. and 2. prog)'am. They are: E. Van led Jerry Jordan and Har- 30 the Dominican Father's Club Get Your 27. 1/.3 C:l. the l.ocal track. In I Managers of the four teams, Class A. 71,2 H.P.; Class B, old Blackman over the finish line .' I t d tl f II wl'ng of b Id 15 I d d t t I th directors e ec e 1e 0 0 - u~ 109 I 'OPSI e. 0 a . e Andy Teetaert, Forest Piche, 10 H.P.; Class C, 22 H.P.; D-1, in the second race of the day. ricers to head the club for the POl/lter~ c.aI?tured five of the I Paul Gilliland and Al Ghesquiere, 25 H.P. Mercury, D-2, all other Arnold Koppin captured the third 1953-4 term: president, Algel' seven mdlvldual track events. I were assisted bv the three 25 H.P. outboard craft. race with Jim Armour and Bob V three of the four field e\'t?nts and coaches of each t~am in rating .The entry fee is $5 and all en- Jay taking the next two places. Malo; vice-president, Jam:s . bot h re Iays. the boys on their ability in their tries are being handled by Mrs. In<:identally, if the clubs would Lemhagen; treasurer, NIChols Royal Oak's \'etera.n Bob Sharp respective age groups. Henry Forcier, 464 Manor, Grosse appoint one of their members to Van Loon; financial secretary, ~'as the. boy who mpped a pos- A players auction. selection or Pointe 36. see that the results of the races Russell Glaspie. SIble Pomte slam of all events, the boys lor each team will tal,e' • • • sailed were relayed to the press, The Father's Club is holding I when he won the broa d. Jump, I place tr>night in a closed meeting Racing skippers :vill have an local yachting would get. the pub- its Spring Stag Party on Thurs- I the 100 and 220 .yard da~hes to I of the managers with players I excellent oPP?rtunrty to brush licity it deserves. If the club day night, May 14, at 8 o'clock at i become the Acorn stop pomt get- agents George Holley and Bill up on the racmg rules and also commodores believe this sug:.::.~_ the Knights of Columbus Hall, i ... lie tel'. Durocher of the Neighborhood learn about the new changes for tion has any merit then let's get 10(;20 Whittier avenue. The com- : 16~ Jerry Goebel won the high Club staff BO\'5 who make the the 1953 season when the DRYA on the bail and do somcthing mittee is composed of chairman, : • jump and pole vault and Bill teams will be notified by the will hold a meeting at Bayview, about it. Boat Banter would wel- A. Cain; H. Casper, C. Simek, R.I Taylor captured the shot put four managers. Tuesday, May 26, acc?rdin~ .to come all club race results but Keais, F. C. Murphy, H. Stell- ,,:.-. event with a toss of 47 feet 4 % All other boys will be asked to DRY A Commodore PhIl PhIllip. we must have the information man, L. E'ischer and C. C. Lenz. I • ,-~. , . inches, which set a new school join farm club teams which will The Commodore tells us on~. of ------..' record and broke the former be organized immediately and the best interpreters of. salh~g record of 46 feet set by Marty will play a full schedule of rules, Ted 'Farnswo~th, Will be I~ I JUST WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED! lIglne une- Allard in the 1951 season. games, Just as in big league base- charge of t~e aff~lr. You can. t Duane Vander Brug won both ball, the farm club teams will be afford to TpISS t~IS one and ~f Membership in an exclusive prIvate golf and country club whert, :-'oucan ,enjoy the game and entertain in the high and lo\\' hurdles and drawn from to replace boys on you do and. get Ii! trouble thiS the frlendl~'.dlgnliled atmosphere of your own private John Wardle and Tom Barry the four major teams in cases of summer while racmg, don't for- club. ~ontinl1ed their winning ways in i1lness injury or vacation. ! get "We told you so." l\Iembershlps now available in this east side club to MAY SPECIAL' those who qualle\'. For complete information send to their speeialties the mile nm and II Every boy who is between the • '" '" Box F-fiO. Gros5ePointe News.Grosse Pointe. Michigan. • Check Engine Compression • Clean Fuel Pump Bowl and Air the 880. league ages of nine and twelve in Just to squelch the annual ru- Cleaner Donald Franck took the 440 for the City will thus be given a mol' that pops lip every year' NAME • Clean and Adjust Spark Plugs ADDRESS • Test Battery • Check Manifold Heat Control the fifth victory in the track Iposition on one of the four major about this time that Wendell An-...... :.... events. league tcams or in the farm club derson's "Escapade" has been • Clean Terminals • Tighten Manifold Bolts ~1!ke Rauth, Wilson Bryce. Pete system. sold. It aint so. Cla~k__~~~art, CITY STATE ..; .. • Clean and Adjust Dtstributor • Tighten Hose Connections and PHONE (Home) (Business) ;.. Points Adjust Fan Belt . MAKE • Check Distributor Rotor an Cap • Adjust Valves on Models with " • Check Coil and Condenser Solid Valve Tappets "'N I QUALITY DRY CLEANING ALL 45 Suits, Coats S 29' $ FOR , Dresses (Plain) , PLUS Cleaned and Pressed PARTS . (Cash' and Carry) < Any Sweater HEY KIDS! Gome in for your enrty blank 'and rule book for the Cleaned and Blocked Cas'h and Carry Big Soa'p Box Derby_ 4.Day Laundry Service - Shirts - Family Bundles Denby Cleaners ~a, .. 'ASTES IETTlI,IECAUS. 20087 Mack, at Fairholme TU. 2-6189 ~ IT'S IIIWED IETTIRI 16176 E. Jefferson at La~epointe VI. 1.2. PFEIFFU BREWING COMPANY Pic~up and Delivery Detroit _ flint. Mich. Charge Accounts Invited Open Daily 7:cio a.m. to 0:30 p.m. - Saturdays to 1:00 p,m,

II ..

' . ~ . .~.~. • • 10 , ,..... , ~ ", ,. .. .,. ., ,. .~.'. .'" ..... r ...' .... . ~.-",," :..' -.'-,

3 Thursday, May 14, 1953 Page Twe"ty~". ------G R 0 S 5 'E. PO' NT ENE W S Boat Club Needs More Oarsmen Maire ~choC?IBand .Set to Parade for Big Fair James H. Corless Expert Rifleman Joe Bracken. newly appointed IClub Naval Board on his crews., WASHINGTON, D:C., 'May 7=- aw.rd, he will be classified as a Coach. of Crews at the. Detroit [or the coming season. A two- The Expert. Rifleman Medal, .distinguished rifieman along with Bo~t Club. hall reported to the I time National Champion himself, second highest. rating in junior other top junior .hooters of the ------Bracken has been associated with shooting, has gone to James H. nation; , rvwing in Detroit since 1940. Corless, 16, son of Mr, and Mrs. A lOth grade student at Grosse • . I 'InClt.!ded in thil'l group are Lee M. Corless, 1358 GraytonSt., Pointe High School, young Cor- : Olympic oarsmen: Walt Hoover, Grosse Pointe, the National Rifle a. member. of the Detroit Jr., Pat Costcllo and John Mc- Association announced her'! to- Edison Rifle Club. His instructor Kinlay and National ~hampions: day. • is Harold D. McMahon. Ken Blue, Jim Connor, John De- In one year of shooting, young ,----- \Ia ... 15.t6 __ : Curse, Bill Heisel, Jim Mac- Corless has risen. t h f.O ugh 13 In this speed age of ours e\'ery- HI., ~a:iph dl('h;\f'dson ,I Intosh, Art McKinlay and Dick lower rankings to achieve to ex- body is under the impression that .~n21~~~dTnE Palmer. pert rating. With one more they are hard-pressed for time. "liRt.,'\n tEn" I SOli;.;D BARR • ! C 0 a c h Bracken emphasized ----- :.'that more 'candidates for import- .--s-~..)ton.. 'fUrs•• 'IS\' 11-11\-19 i ant crew seats are nceded. Brae- ""J . .. \Vinn"r ' k . I AI Aud.m ... ,,\\\3r.. , ! en salc," I newcomers will be Slril';.' nO'llh ."~ welcomp.d and give a chance to HUNGRY FOR REALLY ~FOOD1 "CO~II'; n,~c K" l,rrT"'; sUF.aA _ 'makc one of tlie crews," Young __ ------men interested in participating - S I "lay ,!11to 23 , h' Wed., thJ::be:t "raylnr m t IS well-organized, summer Elilabt'th '[aylor sport with National and Interna- "}\' ;\:-;1101';" tional competition should report

• • , al!o your FAVORITE CHAUFFEURED LIM'OUSINES COCKTAILS by Members of the Maire School Band will announce the opening of the Maire Faire on May 23 by parading through Tlteodore (uld Theodore the Kercheval shopping district at 10 a.m. The Faire will be held from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Police Chief Thomas Trombly PRescott of the City has offered the band a police escort. Mrs. Arlene Stahl, musical director of the school, is in charge of the 5-9299 band. FOR ALL OCCASIONS • • .. <', The postcrs are all being made r 24937 last JeHersoft T' tA' Lake'Shore' Drive at 10 MUe Rd. TEmple 3-1.233 by the children from the upper I' urge rCltery Wyandotte Noses Out Devi-} i!d a • WHERE THE PRIME BEEFSTEAK IS KING! rby. HOURLY RATES or BY THE TRIP : f~';dt~~'ru~t1:~~ ~~~~~~S~C{~I::'~\i1~: i Cluh Proposed TenDI.S, by r 4.3 SCOI"e big ; way and assist in the Cafe ca-/ __ ~~~ .••...... ••... ~~ _._._ _ _._._. ------1: di~lIx, the s,idewalk .cafe which We had an interesting chat 'i--'-•• • 1IWr_ • .~ .~~~-.-..- ••-•• -•• --.-.--.--.• • • .~~~ • • • .. ,~ • • • ---.--.. ~ ears ~g'Z!0';z:m~w;1Z:::ziZ:w;z:m~z..;1Zw;iZ:uz:m?Zi/./,1Zw;iZ::::zz:wp?Zw;/Zu1Zm~Wi?Zm/Z"./,1ZUiZ:IltZ!wp/Zw.i!ZuiZ:lltZ!m/Z:;r./,i!ZU?Z:@Z!z;.-.Zil*i!ZU?Z:"*Z!m/ZU(ZjuiZ!mZ!m/ZWii!ZWiiZ:nZ!w.F./Z'01Z4iZ!uZ!wp/Zwi!ZziZ:w~;? wlll be ..offerIng, all kll1ds of food, I ..\'ith an avid archery fan, Ernest F '1 f C h B b K . k' t h h g ~nd d1lnks th!~ughout the da~ Robinson, just before we went ,a1 ure 0 oae 0 urvm s veerans to come't roug -: . ~ hev- ;_~ A T YO UR SER VI (E I In a tn,lly ParISian atmosphere. to press and he told us some spelled the second defeat for Grosse Pointe tennis when :ank = ' ~ stfln~ ensemble made up of interesting things about his plans Wyandotte gained a measure of revenge for an earlier defeat ~ GARDENERSl ~. EE ~ . l\~aIre pupils, Carol C~l.'bone, Mar- for forming a Grosse Pointe Tar- by nipping the Devils 4 to 3 on the Bears' home courts last It is MONDAY THRU FRIDAY _ 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. CI~ Eyres, Sally Lewls, Mary Lou get Archery Club. Friday, May 8, ., ::ow I After e.,ereisio'g )'oor gre.,. thomb.1I ~ ~ SATURDAY 7:30 to Noon ~c~ulle~ Arthll;, P~st, B~bara Mr. Robinson arrived in the The defeat gave the Pointers an had its up and downs under two ~ C . :on! :: ae lS, enry ay, or, ~ren Pointe just a year ago and was e"en 500 pCI'cpnt""'e I'n Le"gue coaches 'in the past two years. day, limber up ")'ollr index finger 5 \~armbold" acc0!1lpamed by Can- amazed over the fact that we •• - "0 " ~ AL ""il ~. ~ Complete Collision Serviee n,le Prentls, Will render se!ec- Grosse Pointcl's do not h('lve a competition an created a two- However, Coach Kurvink can t way tie for second place with foresee at least a second place =.=. call Chickm Delight, In no time { lOn5...... target archery club. He said, "In VT I tt . tl t d' tie for his team and possibly a L , More excltmg aetvllttes are b,e- En!!land I belonged to sevel'al {yanc 0 e m le s an lOgs. =;: ~ Dave Terris Beaten clear cut second place behind the at dll one 01 om' drivers will ~ Factory Trained Experts mg p Ia~ne. d A. ,\\'on d ~r f U1,18Ii Ill11g archery clubs and competed in ' f pond WIth. excltmg pnzes mstead intel'-cilib matcllCS "'11 tile tl'llle Veteran Dave Terris fell before avo red veteran Monroe Trojans, arrive with It delicious ~~ Genuine Parts and Accessories f fi h 11 b d f n GcoI'ge Step 0c b'd t' 1 who are undefeated to date. ~ C ! o 1S WI e rea y or eager and I miss the competition I en- .' 0!1 y} en Ica ~ anglers, A horror .1unnel aw~its jovl:d in my homeland since I scores III straight sets 7-5; ,7-5. :: pipMlg hot retUly to thos~ who wa.nt chills .and t~l'llls, was a boy." Being new to the I Veteran Bob ~rown came a, little H • .. A flightless airplane nde wlll be co.mmunity Ernest sought the I closer to vlctorr. but flllally ~ Ie servI ChicileH or I WHYTE OLDSMOBILE another attractlOn. help pf the News to seek out the ?owed to Dave WJ1,llams ,6-4; 10-8 > hrimp- Dinn". The entire PTA is working Pointe's archers and to see if III the number 2 smgles. ~ "S I COMPANY diligenlly distributing tickets,: they would be interested in form- J~ff ,Way~n~n gave the Pointers -: Qr making all types of baked goods, I in~ a club. thell' first vlc,ory when he topped 14800 E, JEFFERSON VA. 1.5000 :- ~I I collecting ties, comics and books Robinson continued: "It seems Gene ~tahl 6-1; 6.1 in the num- 1. for sale. I most local archers are primarily I bel' 3 ~lngles but Jim Lineburger ~ NO TABLES N The Book Mart, run by Mrs.: hunters or field archery fans and got clipped rea) good by Dave ~ Willia,m Penz, will offer a wide; possibly if the advantages of tar- I !3adgley in straig,ht sets 6-0: 6-1 l~ TO SET • • • NO selectIOn of books and records. i get archery wcre pointed out the I III the number 4 smgles match. 0 on A White Elephant sale with un- : people would welcome a chance' Doubles Clinches Match I~ COOKING • • • NO E usual and inexpensive buys' to join the club I plan to form Chuck Davcny and Ed Down. only awaits the customers, Mrs. Wil. if the interest is sufficient." ing clinched the match for the liam (~uinn is in charge of this I' Then> are 3,000 target archery Bears, when they scored a 6-3; , the fabulous . booth. clubs in the country and they, 6-3 victory over Alex Stewart i~ {~9W;S;O L ~, ------I compete under the National and John Taylor in the number ~:~s I ~ "'--" {RESHND-AIRE "n..".... ~Irs. ,Andrew Yaklin of 744 1 Ame. rican Archery Association II one doubles. Pete Wardle and { Place, report~d to I rules in competition which in. Tom Watson'::; number two (Pree Delivery) AIR CONDITIONER CIty police that her dog bit Mrs. elude "York Round (i,)r men), I doubles win, 7-5; 8-6. over Bob Lucille Sel'l'a of, 745 Univel'~ity 1 and "Hereford Round" (for \\'om-I Egner ;md ,Jerry Green, and by Place, on the right leg behmd. en). In York Round competition Chuck Fuecht and King Patter. ~ CLOSED MONDAYS . the knee. Mrs, Serra .was theated the participants shoot 6 dozen I son':; fi~2; 6-3, victory over Travis v.• ••••:,.. J' ~ ~ ~~ at Bon Secours Hospital. arrows at a four foot target at I Htlrden and Carl Ercleben were 100 :>'ards. 4 dozen arrows at 80 just anti-climaxes . .. ~cuh,I'1 -~ ..-. yards and 2 dozen at 60 yards. We made a "boo-boo" last. week I'm youl~jsAll.rOUIl.SEA. -~,~~ A IRe 0 N D I T ION E D In Hereford Round 6 dozen aI'- when we said the Blue Devil's .' . SON com/OIl. JUST SET THE • WEATHER DIAL Ind livt III "II d,humidIftM rows are shot at the target at 80 7-0 by Monroe was com/orl III Y'JI 'round, EI•• yards, 4 dozen at 60 yards and 2 the first in memory. Those closer 'Inlly dtsiined fo, 110m. or office, Simple 10 Instill. /'ro. Y OIl bel we're dozen at 50 ~al'ds. , I to the record books pointed out Jetts Inlo room only 9~'. proud oj our Erncst Robinson would like to that the Trojans turned the trick Amerlel's 1II0st beaullful ,i, reputa/totl for hear from any and all archers in the 1952 season also. CPftdlll oner- F RESK'H D. AIRE.Com,ift,nd steilllld.yl interested. Eternal Threat The Finest A~1yone for archery? If so call Seems strange how Grosse East Jefferson at Beaconsfield Mixed Drinks Robinson at TU. 2-9277. Pointe and Monroe tennis for- VA. 2.4118 tunes run in opposition year in Co:k:ai1s 'Ro,ving Champ. and year out. Monroe brought r , Coach Larry Westerville'l' 69 con- Note-We use only loBe Kept Busv sr:~uti,ve winning streak to a the C H 0 , C g S 1'" J - grmdmg halt and then halted }~~I:ft5Julll~~•.FRESn : TI D t. '~t CI b '!II Coach Merlin Schultz's consecu. l Ie e 101 • oa , U. WI tive winning streak. That was : se~d W~lt Hoovel, JI" to Chicago three years ago and since Coach ! ~hls Friday. May 15, to coo:pete Schultz re-entered the Navy two : In ,the CYO sponsored BIShop years ago Blue Devil tenni h Catering I Shields Schoolboys' Regatta, ae- s as i cording to Joe Bracken, Coach of , Crews. TU. 5.9657 ,/ Y flawless, gracious service , oLlng Hoover, a student at 18000 Maek Avenue TUxxedo 5.8756.7.8 ..,, I 63 90 E A S T WAR R E N I' Grosse Pointe High School, is Na- 1691 S E. Jefferson TUxedo 5.4420.1 tiooal Schoolboy Singles Cham- Delicious Hot and Cold Foods pion and was a member of the I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II~mPir Doubles teanl that rep- ineluding Hors d'oeuvres for. the Cocktail Hour rescnted the United States in ! Helsinki last summer. Food that is simply superb, the same as you have I Coach Bracken said. "This is I Walt's last year of competition always enjoyed at Al Green's, is available i as a High School oarsman and whenever you have that special home party, or I i we plan to send him to all re- formal function. ~.. I gattas to give him a chance for ... ,, I a clean sweep of all High School Peter D. L"'uzi,our manager and supervisor of I Singles crowns. The Central .ir States Schoolboy j.itle is at stake catering, will.have tempting suggestions no matter in Chicago. this weekend. how large 01' small your event may be. '; I On May 29 and 30, Hoover will I travel to Buffalo to defend his National Schoolboy Champion- I combines ship against all comers. When school closes Walt changes his Grosse Pointe shirt for a Dctroit Boat Club shirt and rows in Na- FINE FOODS tional and International Club I competition. Experie-n-c-e'-is-a--p-retty dear with ,r teacher-espe'~ially iC it comes in FINE ENTERTAINMENT I the form oC a pretty schoohnam. ------;.... ------_---.:--:-' .', .. Now Playing - That Sensational Radio and TV'Star *t*********************** r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * .. * .. * .. I ~ £ompleie (f}-...... , Piano and Novachord Stylist * • Iz* Serving the Finesl ~• t, . , Z CANTONESE and : Luncheons. 11 :00 a.m. to 3 :00 p.m. : AMERICAN DINNERS ~ * Open Dally 3 p.m. to 3 n,m. •.. IPONTIA(; SERVI(;EI * Sunday 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. .. Dinner, 5 :00 p.m: to 12 midnight * .. , NOW AWAITS YOU At YOUR t ; GROSSE POINTE AUTHORIZED :aONTIAC DEALER t Late Supper, midnight to 2 :00 a,m. *~Fi\IR t.. " Sunday Dinner) 12 :00 noon to 2 :00 a.m. !.~ST1\H i

I~ ~.. INN! t McLEAN MOTOR. SALES, INC. TUX. 2 :~HI to Edst Jefferson & BCl...t:on~field VA. 2.4119 * • : 16209 E, WARREN ~ • . 15210 Mack Avenue . . .' . ,.1 .. at Bedford ' If. ____ 1 ~*~~~~~****~**~*~*~**.~~If.~iM!I'." ,.--..~~~~-~~--.~~~~~~~~~~.-.~.-.~~~~~~ ,

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Page Twenfy-fwo , G~OSSE POINTE NEW~ Thursaay, May '14.1953 Thursd.

3-REAL UMMER I Canadian Rondeau rooms. i: 3 Trunk lines porches, YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED DEADLINE 5 P.M. TUESDAY room, k CALL TUxedo 2-6900 To Serve You Quickly porch, n stairs sui 4-HELP WANTED SA-EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 7-WANTED TO RENT _ARTICLES FOR SALE, 19-ARTICLES WANTED. 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE (Male and Female) 7 months CLASSIFIED RATES / COLORED COUPLES , cooks J J JR, EXECUTIVE and working EXQUISITE, like' new, 62 pieces, BOO~S b?u~h~ in any quantity. REAL ESTATE anne parker offers: er. $8,500, C~sh Ads.-IS words for 80c YOUNG MAN wanted for sum- maids, cluiuffeurs, caretakersJ wife desire small unfurnished Communities Coronation silver, Entire hbranes, Qookcases art In Grosse Pointe, 89 Vernier, J For complete and personalized mer time job as steward on janitors and porters. Day or apartment or flat. Grosse 8-6 piece place settings, chest, ob.jects. Mrs .. B. C. Claes 1670 priced to sell this week, GRC Chorge Ads-IS words tor 90c J real estate service in the Grosse yacht. May 1st to Oct. 1st. Col- week. Field's Employment. Tn. Pointe Park area by June 20. plus 14 extras. Rea90nable. Leverette, WOodward 3-4267. J 4 Pointe Area, please call: better thao; average, 26 by 30' Sc for C1dditionol words. lege student preferred. Call 3-7770. VEnice 8-8433. Phone UN. 2-3008. , brick' colonial on 50' by ISO'. Ford----Court TUxedo 1-7405 for appoint- TAPPAN CHMPION ing room Coli ment .. 6-FOR RENT BOOKS purchased for cash. En- 128 Kercheval 2 car, Sun. 1~~ baths, walk to ATTORNEY an~ family desire 3 GIRLS BIKE, couch and 2 chairs, Shores Park. open Fri-Sun. '2- gas heat. TUXEDO 2-6900 (Houses, Apts., Flats, etc,) bedroom unfurnished home. bed complete. TUxedo 2-6861. tire libraries or fine single TUxedo 4-3030 COOK; whiteJ live inJ references. items. Midwest Book Selvice, 5:30 •.. 752 Loraine. big 2 bed. ANN BEl 3 Trunk lines Call DH. 1-2177. TUxedo 5-1816. LARGE ROOM with private REO TRIMALA WN power mow- 4301 Kens~ngton. TUxedo GROSSE POINTE PARK , room, sun ranch on quiet street John S. KOPP'S PHARMACY bath, also garage .and break- er with snow attachments, $100 but near centers. gas.' 2 car, ,;TU.5-0663 I HOUSEMAID-white-with ref- I-ARTICLES FOR SALE J 5-2450. Windmill Pointe Drive, 152S CUNNINGHAM'S DRUGS fast if desired, gentleman, excellent condition. LAkeview 1~ baths. 60' reduced to sell Kercheval at Notre Dame erences. Live in; no cooking or TUxedo 5.7487, TRADE-IN sofas and chairs, All 7-3103, OFFICE furniture wanted pre- Near the lake $5JOOOdown. open Sun. 2-5:3' GROSSE P< TITUS DRUG STORE laundry. Grosse Pointe City in nice condition. Reasonably ~erably walnut, need 60 or. 66 _ Now Decorated _ , , •. a potential aoll house new. ROAD - 1 Kercheval, at Fisher Road near St. Paul. Call TUxedo ATRACTIVE room for refined priced. Van Upholstering Co., MODERN dining refectory tableJ lOch desk. and table, SWIvel, lifed, 2 bedrooms, 65'. 1 car. semi-ranc 1Farm.<;' 5-0720 Friday evening. business lady, quiet horne, close 16926 Kercheval at Notre Dam. J 13230 Harper. Open 9 'til 9. large china, linen cabinet, wal- chair and 2 side chairs. TUxedo New custom built II. room colon- $6,950 total. , , an.older sound tached g, to village and transportation. nut, custom designed for apart- 4-0523; ial, 5 large bedrooms, 3 bath~, 2 sun pord NOTRE DAME PHARMACY WHITE reliable cleaning womanJ brk, 3 bedroom library, English. 17000 Kercheval at Notre Ddmt TUxedo 2.8199 evenings. LAMPS-SHADES - Buy direct ment, small horne. Attractive lavs, 2 fireplaces, circle drtve, incinerato 2 or 3 days a week. TUxedo 2 car. S1. Clair Parish, $20,500 GROSSE POINTE DRUG CO. from manufacturer. Shades, functional. TU. 2.8995. l1-AUTOS FOR SALE garage and breezeway plastered. tile floor 2-5038. UPPER FLAT, vacant, 792 Hal'. , terms. 11031 Kercheval at St. Clair parts, and custom shade mak- See interior for many more fea- washroom courtJ Grosse Pointe section, 2 ing; mounting 'and repairing. CARVED Oak commonde, half '53 CHEVROLET - 2 d 0 0 rJ Neat' Grosse Pointe 22520 Rose. MILLER PHARMACY I MAID for gene,al housework tures. Open daily 2 to 5. terms. Ea Wayburn and Kercheval EO J large bedrooms, large en- Best selection of lamps and round, large matching mirror, any colorJ radio, heater, turn da~e, St. Joan Parish, 3 - 5 live in. TUxedo 4-0688. R. HASK closed terrace, 2 car garageJ shades in town. Lamps by Mar- also carved coffee table. TUx- signals, polish, all taxes and Cooperative Building bd, 2 glass baths 135' corner, BLUE CROSS DRUGS license, $1,878.42, complete. Call lAkeview 1-2840 11511 Mack Ave. at NeU Road EXPERIENCED gardener's help- and maintanence of lawn in- tin. 14637 Kercheval and Man. edo 4-2491. amazing! garage houses cars and er. age 30 years, year 'round cluded. Rent $225 per month. istique. VAlley 2-8151. Bart, VA. 2-9800 or VE. 9-7207 earns too ... 28051 Garfield off RESU WOOD'S DRUG CENTER , CORNICE BOARDS, beautifully (formerly Cavaler) job. Best wages. Must have ref- 2 year lease. Tn. 2-1887, be- after 5 p.m. ' Martin road. huge brk income Call Tappal custom made by Grenwick. NEAR METAMORA HUNT 19291 Mack Avenue at ences, Grosse Pointe Estate. tween 5-6. FIR E PLACE EQUIPMENTJ - 06 down 3~2 up, 3 full baths, your every Bournemouth. screens, all types, grates and. Free estimates. LAkeview 7- CONVERTIBLE '50 Pontiac hy. TUxedo 5-2171. CLUB special $20J900 terms .• , 3808 fast action l NEFF ROAD lower flat, 3 bed. irons, tool<;. See displaYJ at 6110. dramatic, greYJ black top, red leather s~ats, perfect condition, ACREAGE-Here is a hundred Cadieux brick. stokel' 3 bed- TAPPj lA-PERSONALS WOMAN for general offic~ work, rooms, 1~2 baths, gas heat. SMITH - MATTHEWS, 6640 TUxedo 1-0855. and forty acres with large room up, 5 rooms down. 2 car, 12 experience desi:-able but not Adult.<;. TUxedo 1-2560. CharlevoIx Ave., WA. 2-7155~ MAHOGANY Knee hoie desk $11,950 terms. HAND Knit dresses, made to with ladder back chair; $30. stream winding through it and Tt: essential. No dictation but some having 14 acres of nne timber. TU, 2-4660 TU. 1-3186 order or ortherwise. Have 2 6A-FOR RENT (Furnished) AUTO DRIVERS! Save 30 per Oval mahogany dining room 1 typing. An interesting position 49 FORD. Price $75 per acre. 13A-LAN just fiJ.'lished both 2 piece nubby for the person who can supply FOR RENT 2 bedroom furnished cent! Only $7.26 quarterly buys table with four chairs and jr., GRAYTON RD., 1250 $5,000/$10,000 Public Liability size 14. One pastel grey. one own transportatio:l to St. Clair apartment. June 20 to Sept. 1. credenza, $150~RCA .21 in. tele- Standard. 38.500 miles. excellent con- ACREAGE-Large track suitable Centerhall colonial, 1st. fl., lava- with $5.000 Property Damage. pastel pink. Alma LeBlanc, Shores. Onlv 10 minutes from Call Pre~cott 6-9054 after 5 vision console m;thogany 6 mo. dition. Private owner. for grazing land. This property tory, living room, 15x27J bright . A QUI TUxedo 1-2376. old, $300, also G.E. combination available in units oC approxi- ANY CO NT 22514 Maple Boulevard, St. Grosse Poin"te a I' e a. Hours: p.m. dining room, kitchen with cabi- Clair Shores, PH. 5-3300. 8:30-5:00. One hour for lunch. radio-victrola. 1791 Hawthorne, mately, 240 acres. Parts of the net sink, cheerful breakfast LO~ - GROSSE POINTE large well CHARLOTTE'S THRIFT SHOP TUxedo 5-8620. VALLEY 4-8336 property are wooded and 1 unit CA: No Saturdavs. Paid insurance Ladies' and children's better used - room, 3 good sized bedrooms Open 9 a.m 2A-EDUCATIONAL furnished room, private bath, has good fishing lake. $80 per 8817 Mack A" and vacatio~s. Telephone Mr. clothing for all occasions. 10908 1949 BUICK 'convertible, ,ww acre. and den on second,. terrace with private entrance. Young man. SHWINN Traveler bicycle, 1 tires, new top, excellent condi- awning,' excellent for transpor- McLAIN 1\1011 PRIV ATE TUTORING Wells at PH. 6-7912 for inter- K e r c h e va!. VAlley 2-1830. $10 per week. VAlley 2-3804, year old, TUxedo 3-0254. tion. TUxedo 4-2549. tation, shopping and schools. IN view. Closed Mondays. 11-6 p.m. COUNTRY ESTATE 1083 Lakepointe. McKINLEY, 459 14-Real I daily. YOUR OWN HOME WHITE Woman, middle-aged, HOT P 01 N T E automatic dish- OLDSMOBILE, 1948, 68, 4-door An ultra modern 6 room home, 'Well constructed, sun room, All subjects; all grades. Adults washing, ironing, cooking. Elec- 6C-RESORT. PROPERTY washer, S100. Everhot electric sedan, deluxe, white wall tires, overlooking a beautiful little 4 BRICK 2 st FOR A BETTER grade of used breakfast roomJ 1st. fl. lav., 3 J and children. Certified teachers. tric washer and ironer for 3 roaster an cabinet, $20. Antique blue paint and chrom'e in very acre lake. 60 acres of scenic land p~ or 2 furniture see Neatway Furni- bedrooms, attic, oil heatJ con- Call: adults. Live on the premises, SUMMER HOME at Grand Ha- pine dry sink, $65. TUxedo 5- good condition. Hydra-Matic, and 20x30, barn. House has 2 15 years oj \'en on Lake Michigan, 5 bed- ture, 13930 Kercheval: We ai- sider land contract. DETROIT AND SUBURBAN nice home. 8560. radio, heater, one owner. Call fireplaces, oil furnace. picture Private rooms, modern conveniences. ways have the things you are BARRINGTON RD., 780 TUTORING SERVICE Call Saturday Only TUxedo 4-1756 or see at 368 window. Full price $39,500. Gros~e Nl nicely furnished for sale or for looking for. VAlley 2-2115. Brick 1;2 story, 2 bedrooms WOodward 2-6632 TExas 4-1378 TUxedo 1-5089 VOIGHTLANDER Superb Re~ Hillcrest. rent by the month. Owner. We have other acreage available down, 2 up, oil heat, lot 60x120. LEICA CAMERA with case, 8.5 flex Camera, f 3.5 lens, perfect as well as several other farms in FOUR BED TUxedo 2-8522. condition; also heavy duty (H I '52 CHEVROLET, deluxe, 2 door, HAMPTON, 1961 COMMUNITY ,i\UDDLE aged wl)man to care for lens. TUxedo 4-2727. this general area. Pointe ' mother an~; baby, 1st week in & M Special) theatrical trunk Windsor blue, bumpe.r gu~rd, Ranch 2% yrs. old, lot 70x1I3. Trinity 5. 2 CO'J.'AGES on Burt Lake, near jr. dinette, 2 bedrooms down. 2 TUTORING SERVICE June upon return from hospit- GIRL'S 20.inch bicycle, new like new. Space for everything. heater, d.efr?ster, ;,vlOdshleld MEAGHER REAL ESTATE Topinabee, 5 bedrooms. 3 baths; " ready for plastering up, gas PART BEAC MRS. LOUIS MARICK, DIRECTOR a!. 2~ hour~ service. References paint, perfect condition, $25. WA. 2-7770. washer, Ol~ fIlter, 5, ,00 actual 25 North Washington 1 3~bedroom, with fireplace. miles. Pnvate owner. Must heat, fenced and landscaped aCfectiona: Tutoring by degree .teachers av~i!'1 reqmred. 1 Uxedo 4-1524. TUxedo 4-1338. Oxford, Michigan oble in all subjects for grades, high I. - , For information call, KEn- CORNICE BOARDS, beautifully sell. TUxedo 4-1080. yard. Many extras. Open Sun. good ",at school, coilege ond adult educoticn.. YOUNG MA~ to .d? .slmple gar- wood 2-3589. GIRL'S Roadmaster bicycle, 20- custom made by Grenwick. Phone OA. 83122 2 to 5:30. 4-2664. n Free estimates. LAkeview 7- 1950 HUDSON 2 door with 11,281 MARTHA BA.,CHERS OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS den chores 1 vIcmlty of Mack SUMMER HOME on Lake St. inch. in good condition, $15,00. 339 Merriweather, Grs. Pte. Farms and Hamp.on Road. TUxedo 180 Beaupre, TUxedo 2-9033. 6110. miles, carefully driven by own- GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 1791 VA. 1.7701 19-PETS Clair in Canada. 24 miles from er, must see to appreciate. Call TUxedo 4-2820 4-1223. town, only 5 years old. will Hawthorne, 3 bedroomsJ stone GLIDER, good ~ondition. Call FIVE new U.S. Royal Master Air after 4. VAlley 4~5083. front, attached side porch, car- GROSSE POINTE PARK near BOARD accommodate 1 a l' g e family, aLter 4 p.m. TUxedo 2-4852. Ride white wall curb guard peted, recreation room, 1st lake; 615 Pemberton, 3 or 4 Michigan's : SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY furnished. will sell reasonable. STUDEBAKER 1948 Champion' 3-LOST AN~ FOUND MAN OR WOMAN tires, size 7:10-15. Also gas fire- floor lav., 2 car garage, fenced bedroom colonial, Ilh years old, . Free pick TUxedo 5-6334. 2 door, cream color, radio and DINING ROOM SET, 7-piece, Jr. place heater, S 1 O. Electric yard 70 hy 150. $23,000. TUx- carpeting. drapes, owner trans- LOST. St~nday: blue parakeet, heater. Call after 4, TUxedo RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL size, 18 th century mahogany, Waffle maker $4. TUxedo 5- edo 5.8620. ferred. V All e y 1-5548. No Preston I re~va~d. 082 Neff Road, TUxedo 7-WANTED TO RENT 1-2260. agents. I Z NG E RNINGS $75. TUxedo 5~6424. 4191. Detroit Pho 2-1121. AMA It A BEA UTIFUL modern 2 bedroom, GROSSE POINTE COUPLE de. DINING TABLE new drexal FORD '52, 2 door, mainline 6, Met LOST black cat with white tip' GIRL'S yellow Kenwood coat, permanent residence, Harrison, McKINLEY FIRST TIME OFFERED sires 5.6 room unfurnished mahogany, Duncan Phyfe, screens, low mileage, excellent condi. summer dresses and shorts, Mich." near Wiison State Park on taiL Reward. TUxedo 2- To take fuli charge of ref1llIng and apartment or house in Grosse crib complete, $10. Taylor-tot, !ion, original owner. A good ROAD BOXER, 5 1 " 23 collcctinR money from m..chincs in size 12. TUxedo 5-0383. 16 , t!lis area. Approxjmatel~' six to eight Pointe. No children, no pets. $5. 4 pair lined linen draperies buy at '$1,410. Evenings and o~posite airfie!/d 0!1 u. S. 27J Attractive colonial with 4 bed- Leaving, c hOll...; per week work, Wi,l1 lease. Box F-483 Grosse ALEXANDER GIRARD $8.50 a pail'. TUxedo 2-1807. week ends. TUxedo 1-6014. wlt~ 18 acres ,4 ,mlle frontage. rooms (I can be used as den' or 4-HELP WANTED CHARITY WILL BENEFIT from :III Pomte News. SolId. log. varmshed, knotty TV room.) Lal'ge living room, MALE SIA (Male and Female) sales. THE ~TlLTON H. BERRY I I FOUZ':D,\TIONSCHOOLSFOR POl.IO WILD MINK CAPE, hip length, CHEVROLET 1951 Deluxe coupe, ce,dar mtenor, hardwood floo!s, breakfast room, 1st floor lav'J ter- 1.1419. VICTnlS, 5~-YEAR-OLDNATIONAL- 3-4 BEDROOM HOUSE for $150 ASSOCIATES perfect condition, sacrifice. Ex- standard shift, original owner, full ~asement, furnace. Jet race recreation room, ga~ AC L Y KZ':O\\'N INSTITUTION w!ll re- J ceive a substantial percentage of the to S225, by responsible execu./ 1684/ Kercheval Place quisite 5-skin Kolinski neck- $1,100. TUxedo 2-9113. pump, G. ~. stove, You~gstown heat, owner transferred. sink, refrIgerator.. mIsc. ap- profits. To the person selected thiS tive. Write 2209 Fisher Bldg., IN. B • & C piece, sacrifice, $30. Antique 1952 PONTIAC deluxe Chieftian / GIRLS means much faster sales and profits. 11 TR"t 5 "065 e:d to rear entrance es, o. pliances, utensils, tools, 2-car To qualify for this work. you Inust or ca 101 y - I. , , 9 b T. RAYMOND JEFFS Ail day Sat., Mtly Ib, . p.m. hand knitted lace edging, also 8, 2 door sedan, fully equip. M,on~ P~~AS,~!\;T SURROUNDI~GS have c:

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... :....-..-...... :..~~~...... :_...-.....:a.-.. ~. '_ '..- ...-;,., _~ "...... ;"". .-- _ - _ - '~'- ,., ,._--,.-"','

Thursday. May 14, i953 G RO SSE PO I NT ENE W S Pag'e .Twenty.three Bike Repair 21i-Paint and Decorate Zl s-Carpenter Work continue to receive military aid being conducted by. Senator ~k- CLASSIFIEDS BICYCLE REPAlRINGauthoriz- PAINTING aqd Decorating, wall ICUSTOM KITCHENS,' cabinets, Headlines as long as the cold was lasts. He, Carthy (R., Wis.), Senator Jennel' 13-REAL ESTATE 19-PETS ed service on Schwinn and all was~ing. He~bert Walters. In'1- formica tops, bars, bookcases. (C~ntlnued from Page 1) and Secretary of State John CR., Ind.}: and Reu. Velda CR.. medIate serVIce. VAlley 2-2809. Excellent work. Call" W. B. other bikes, English and Ameri- ject. It was stated that' participa- Foster Dulles left May 9 for vis- Ill.}. SUMMER corrAGE, furnished, GOOD HOME for 8 weeks old can. Welding, brazing, tires,' VAN HOUZEN Brothers, com- Evans, TWihbrook 3-54~8, . tion was highly desirable pro- its to 12 midwest and Asiatic Canadian shore, Lake Erie; male kitten. TUxedo 2-6936. \. tubes, accessories, parts. English plete decorating service, in- FINE} CARPEN;rRY-Resldentlal vided it was limited to the Inter- countries. . Wednesday,l\Iay 13 Rondeau Park. 5 spacious bed- light weights complete as low sured, free estimates. LAke- and. commercIal. ~orches, rec- national Rapids section of th~ • • • rooms, including 2 sleeping St. Lawrence River. A ,SHAKEUP of top military 21-Services-Cafering as $54.50. Tricycles, wagons, view 6-3727. l'eat1o~ rooms, attIcs, .etc.\ Re- THE IRANIAN Parliment's posts by Presicent Eisenhower, porches. living room, dining modelIng of any kmd, by scooters, playground equip- • • • first session'since early March gave the naUon a complete new. room, kitchen, bath, large COOKING and catering for wed- EXPERT painting, paper hang- . William Brockel. FHA terms. UNITED NATIONS negotia- ment, swings. slides,teeter- broke up in wild disorder .within membership on the joint chiefs porch, maple floors. down':' ding receptions and banquets. taughters, used blkes and trikes. ing by mechanics, free esti- PRescott 6~7083. tors at Panmunjom, Korea, as- stairs suitable for living 6 or Buffet or banquet style. Mrs. sert Communist ,proposals on five minutes of being called to of staff. Adm. Arthur W, Rad- Woods Bike Shop, 20373 Mack mates. Van Assche. TUxedoAL--T-E-R-A-T-I-O-N-S---jo-'-tc-h-e-n-s're- order, and AU Roohi, whose cre- ford was nominated by the presi- 7 months a year. Oil space heat- J, Buda, TYler 5-3503. repatriation of war prisoners Opposite Food Fair PAINTING, and DECORATING modeled, formica counter tops, dentials were denied by Prime, dent as the chairman of the joint er. $8,500. VAlley 2-7579. Tuxedo 1-3402 4-1187, TUxedo' 4-2714, bars, cabinet work, recreation must be clarified, so that' UN 21-General Services forces can make countet pro- Minister had attempted to' pass chiefs of staff,' Gen. ' Matthew GROSSE POINTE EXPERT PAPERHANGING rooms, attics, store fixtures and posals aimed at breaking the a measure to deprive the Shah B. Ridgway, NATO commander, WALL WASHING SERVICE shelving. Terms. TU5-2840. 4 bedrooms 21b-Watch 'Repolring .long deadlock over prisoner ex- of any authority over the army. 8S army chief of staff; and Adm. Metal or Wood ------Free Estimates' This failed because of lack of Robert B. Carney was picked to F'-or-d~C~o-u-rt:-colonial, large liv- EXPERT WATCH and clock HUGHES DECORATORS H. F. JENZEN, BUILDING change. Peiping broadcasts said a plan has put a Korean armis- a quorum. become cheif of naval opera- ing room, den, powder room, repairing. Pro m p t service. 5293 Yorkshire TU. 5-1165 HOME AND INDUSTRIAL REPAIR tions, gas heat Reasonable prices. Bra die y, .- _ tice completely within reach. ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN KITCHENS 'J.Ihere was no official announce- Tuesday, May 12 • • • Jewelers, ~0926 Mack at Hamp- A-I PaintIng ana Paperhanging, Additlor.s, Attica Comprered, Porches, SENATOR HOMER Ferguson John S. Goodman, Realtor Basement sprayed PRIME MINISTER Winston and ton. TUxedo 2-9309. ment in Was~in!to~. Churchill, in begining a two-day is fighting with all his might to TU. 5-0663 LO. 7-4706 Outside Estimates Free Recreation Rooms, Garages Built. block a proposed nomination of 21c-EledricoJ Se"ice Storm windows and ,PRESIDENT EISENHOWER foreign affairs debate in the o s(';~ I 152 Elford Ct. 44 House of Commons, suggested CIO's Walter Reuther to the Mu- GROSSE POINTE, 1450 TORREY screens , TUxedo 1-97 2-5:3. Formica Tops BROWN ELECTRICAL repairs , and Capadian Prime Minister that the leading world powers tuel Security Agenc~r Advisory ROAD - 3 bedroom, 2 bath Skilled' colored workers Louis St. Laurent issued a joint hold a conference to ease world new. semi-ranch, 4 yea'rs old. at- replacements and m{lintenance City-wide ,references 21t-Dressmaking Board. Reuther is the choice ot car. We Design and Build Lamp repair. Since 1920. TU communique in which they said tension. In Washington, privately MSA Director Harold Stassen, To tached garage, glass enclosed' to Suit ED 1-0182 or WA 3-5569 sound 2-7550. CUSTOM Dressmaking: IUit s - Communist aggression in Laos responsible, officials made it date, Ferguson has held up .the sun porch, dining L, disposal, ~ cast doubts on Russia's talk of known they oppo~e any such glish. coats, dresses. Alterations ex appointment for three weeks. incinerators, storms, screens, ATTICS ELECTRICAL SERVICE PAINTING, decorating, pap e I' peace intentions. The statement Uconferences with Russia until 20.500 hanging. David E. Wente, 4517 pertly done,l'Uxedo 1-3593, tile floor in basement with ELECTRICAL repairing; bells , said that although recent devel- Moscow first proves its sincerity \....ashroom; excellent price and Recreation Rooms chimes, fix t u res, sockets , Woodhall, TUxedo 5-4065. Free DRESSMAKING and alteration s. opments in Korea have seemed with "deeds." Rose- terms. Early possession. switches, plugs, fluorescents , estimates. TUxedo 4-3052. more hopeful, nevertheless, the ...... • 3 - 5 R. HASKIN, TUxedo 5-0470. Porches, Etc. thel'mostate, heading and hot PAINTING,. exterior, best ma- aggression has been committed THE EIGHTH .{\RMY, in a ornCl, water' controls. Lock repairing Our Classifleds Bring Results I SPECIALS! terial; immediate service, esti- which might have serious c0l'lfe- public demonstration, revealed a rs and We have a complete line at and key sp.l'vice. Small jobs RESULTS COUNT! materials. If :llOU prefer to mates free. VAlley 4-4321. DRESSMAKING and alteration s. quences for Thailand and the series of. modern weapons it is :d off do your own \lork. welcome', work myself. LAsalle TUxedo 4-3052. Call Tappan Champion to serve whole of Southeast Asia, using in Korea, including a 1come I 7-2547. PAINTING, wall washing, re- your every real estate need. For ESTIMATES • • • mammoth field artillery piece baths. WITHOUT OBLIGATION pairing, dependable service. fast action at a fair price. . 21v-Brick Repair ,- HENRY CABOT LODGE, U. S. second in size oJ,lly to the atomic . 3808 No money down. 36 months 21e-Custom Corsets WA. 3-4551. Ambassador to the United Na- 'cannon. The howitzp.l', which has TAPPAN CHAMPION b£'d- to pay on F.H.A. ALL BRICK, block and store re - tions, predicted that by October, a 27-foo~ barrel' ~ul'1s a 360- 128 Kercheval SPENCER CORSETS 2 car, 21J-Wall Washing pairs, porches, steps, etc. ,Base- all American employes of ques- poun.d llIgh ex~lo.s1Ve sh~ll ap- TUxedo 4.3030 CUSTOM WOOD INDIVIDUALLY designed. Dress .' ment water proofing. Reason - tionable loyalty will be ousted pr?xlmately 15 mIles. !t IS. now and surgical garments. Over WALL WASHING and painting. able. 1.3136 PRODUCTS CO. Work myself. Manue from the world organization. He bemg used along two-thIrds of the 13A-LAND CONTRACTS 21 years experience. Maude Well recommended. 'R i g h t Marchese, LA 6-9300. gave this testimony before a Korean front. . 22500 MACK AVE. Bannert, 368 McKinley, Grosse price. TUxedo 1-3870...... n House judi.ciary subcommittee, lava- Poi n t e. TUxedo 5-4027 OJ 21X Garage & Modernizatlo A QUICK FAIR DEAL before which he stated 2,000 REP. CELLER (D., N, Y.) b:-lght A"Y CO:-:TRACT -ANY A:'-tOUNT PRescott 5-0470 TOwnsend 7-4312. WALL WASHING Specializing in recreation roo ms, United States employes have stated he was in favor of Con- cabi- LOW DISCOUNT PAINTING porches~ kitchens, and repair gress creating a special Senate- akfa.-t .21t-Refrigeration DECORATING s. been fingerprinted and required CASH AT ONCE VENETIAN BINDS 25 years' experience. F. S House committee and giving it rooms Open 9 a.m, - 7 p.m. Also Sunday Fine workmanship. "A Grosse t. to fill out questionnaires which 8317 "tIck A\'(', WA, 1-0827 Amour, TUxedo 2-8324. sole power to investigate subver. e wlth COMMERCIAL AND Domestic Pointe Painter for Grosse will be used by the Civil Service "IcLAIN MORTGAGE & REALTY CO. WINDOW SHADES Complete installations .a n d sive activities. He was critical of A, nspor- Pointers .. 21y-Piano Service Commission and the FBI in mak- the separate investigations now ools. 14-Real Estate YVanted service. Home freezers, sealed Free est imates. ing investigations. PORCH SHADES units. motors, belts. controls. ELMER LABADIE I Silverite Aluminum PIANOS TUNED, cieaned, moth ! (AnodIzed) All makes. Work guaranteed. TU.2-2064 room, BRICK. 2 story. 3 or 4 bedrooms, proofed and repaired Satisfac Sunday, May 10 la\', 3 CORNICE BOARDS Geyman Refrigeration Service, PRESIDENT Antonin Zapo- P2 or 2 baths, garage, up to WALL WJ1SHING, painting and tion guaranteed. Reasonabl STORM SASH . con- Complete Repair Service 447 Moross Road. TUxedo 4- e tocky of Communist Czecho- 15 years old. $20.000 cash. Limit. decorating, immediate service. rates. Seibert, Edgewater 1 Clea:ling, Repairing 1430. slovakia, following a pattern set . with SCREEN Private party. Box M-730, Reconditioning Herbert Walters. VAlley 2-2809 4451. 1\lnde from ext r u d e d slock. o Grosse News. 21g-Roofing by Moscow, said his country is Builder's discount allowed home : :'(\00":5 211-Win~ow Washing COMPLETE PIANO SERVIC E- ready to cooperate with all na- owners. Improve the appearance FOUR BEDROO~1 house, Grosse ESQUIRE SHADE. CO.' or your home! Ox120. ROOF REPAIRING Tuning, repairing, refinishin g tions to remove differences be- ELLWOOD ALUMINUM COMB- Pointe Village or Farms. . 14000 E. 7 MILE RD. Expert on leaky roofs anrl re.- WINDOW CLEANING and mothproofing. WAlnu t tween East and West. He made INATION DOORS, in- . Ox 113. Tnnity 5-7065. Open Friday Until 9 P. M. pairing. Private. LA. 6-6233. . 1-2025. Place your order early the speech during an annual par- eludes all hardware. &9 50 WALL WASHING . Installed complete.All I nwn, 2 ----~------_. LA. ].1515 LA. 7.3700 ade of the Czech armed forces sizes .• P:\RT BEi\GLE, 7 mo. old, male, ------EA VESTROUGHS down spout, Service em Screens and Storms p. ,ga:; 1 21z-Landscaping celebrating the country's eighth If Included with order 59 50 affectionate, loves children,. STORMS REMOVED, washed, of Storm Sash. Special • scaped ing; new repaired, cleaned out Brick washing expertly done anniversary of "liberation by Order now for early . Sun. good watch dog, $8. TUxedo screetls put up, awnings hung, and painted. F l' e e estimates. Basement Pointing GOOD landscaping service in th 4-2664. eave troughs cleaned, w811 e the glorious Red Army." Delivery VAlley 4-4321. H. E. GAGE & SON Pointe. References. VE. 9-7642 • • • .Free Estimates. Furnished S washed and painting. VAlley 19-PETS TINNING. - Gutters, Conductor ROTO tilling, garden, lawn AAiERICAN Saberjets, ir" their 8' Metal clothesline Posts, 1-4127, TUxedo 4.0136 green, 4 hooks attached 8.75 pipes, tin, canvas, copper decks. . light grading. L. W. Dubs ;. heaviest attack of the war, blast- 8' Clothesline Props, near BOARDING. TRAINING UPHOLSTERING - A beautiful Gutters unpluged. Private, LA. G. OLMIN TUxedo 5-2945. ed Communist troop, fuel and painted green 2 for 2.29 supply areas in two 36-plane 100 Ibs. Labromlx, ready- or 4 Michigan's most modern kennel selection of fabrics. Custom 6-6233. Window cleaning service. Remove mixed dry cement, add only made draperies. Reasonably storm windows and put up strikes. The jets, flying in waves, water 1.00 rs old, . Free pick-ups and deli\'ery COMPLETE Drop In and visit,us this week• tran:;- priced. TUxedo 4-1440. HOME OWNERS! Call TUxedo screens. Free estimates. Wall destroyed 45 buildings of a Com- For ,our end. or for .•• 1-8170 for gutter repair, rea. 8. :\0 PreSTon Mann's K-9 School washing. Insured. LAkeview munist army center, just 12 sonable prices. Richard Willertz LANDSCAPING Pr,ompt Free Delivery Detroit Phone LAkeview 7-1478 6-9479. miles southwest of the Reds' PORCH or BREEZEWAY 50 Roslyn road. truce headquarters at Kaesong, Service Metamora Mich. 21p-Furniture Repairs Seeding. sodding, grading, dirt ~ ...they provide ven- Phone WA. 1.1631 21h-Rug Cleaning in an early morning' attack. In TV removed, top soil, sand, the afternoon, a troop concentra. ~ tilotion & controlled Also a complete line of Lumber. BOXER. 5 months, female, nice. FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish. fill.dirt. air flow. Mlllwork, Paint. Hardware and Leaving tity. SLocum 8-1i7!. RADIO SERVICE RUGS, tacked carpe~ and furni- ing, reupholstering, springs reo tion and an ammunition and fuel Carpenter's Tools • • • at a ture cleaners. Home service. SaVing to Youl 4 bed- tied. Antiques a specialty. Tree service. Lawns reconditioned dump at Sariwon were hit. SHUT •••they become un- Satisfaction guaranteed. Free den or MALE SIAMESE kitten, ED. PRESTON TV Pick-up and delivery. Duall, Free Estimates obstructed picror. estimate. Call: room. 1-1419. LAkeview 1-8249. Monday, May 11 windows. IV.• ter- 15306 E. Warren TU. 1-4078 RE-NU CARPET CLEANERS GREENWAY THE ALLIES appeared to be Estimates Without Obligation 'Gratiot as AC I VAlley 2-8085 21q-Plastering LANDSCAPING in favor of a compromise which CAULKING RUGS, carpet. furniture, clean- SERVICE would allow a post-armistice PERFECT REPAIRING, ceilings, Caulking done by an old ex- ed in your home. Free esti. LAkeview 6-/297 conference that would be deci- Lumbereo. FS Monsen Bros. cracks, can match perienced man. Private LA. 6- mates. 14 years in Detroit. antiques. PRescott 5-3 122 sive in the fate of the Korean Since 1908 PAINTING & DECORATING 6233. ' Satisfaction fully quaranteed. Superior Modern Carpet Cleaners prisoners who refuse to go home. VAlley 4-8274. r0254 GRATIOT AVE. Interior • Exterior TUxedo 2-8385 A-I TRACTOR WORK The compromise may affect a METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. Sash and Screen between French Rd. Furniture Upholstering No answer-call after 5 p.m. Plowing - Discing quick truce, and would also re- ;. 1060 Beautiful upholstered booths 21r-Cement Work ,and Harper ~ room Covers - Drapes Expert Lawn Grading move one of th~ biggest ob- 20460 JOHN R Slip . ideal for breakfast nooks, rec- For prompt service, caU desk 21i-Paint and Decorate A-I CEMENT WORK Dirt Leveled Dirt I stacles to final agreement on an ba:n. Custom Work . reation rooms and dens. These - Remova TW. 2-8033 men-HERlIIAN, ARNOLD or thc~- Call Day or Evening Floors - Driveways - Walks BOB KASOM eight-point Communist ,plan for JIM. booths are upholstered in Duran FOR THE FINEST general paint- Evenings Phone TV. 5-7585 a:- ga- Porch and Step Repairs PR. 5-4885 PRo 7-9671 handling of the prisoners. The PR.7.4504 Plastic material available in 32 ing and decorating at reason- :i Sun- Immediate Service Reds had bowed to some of the colors and patterns. able cost see Charles A. Schra- C'xedo der. VAlley 4-0388. . Guaranteed work - Free estimates Allied demands. 2262 I HARPER We can build any type, size or S&G CONCRETE CO. PLOWING. AND FREE ESTIMATES . ... . style o! booth to fit any empty VA. 1-6924 GET THAT NEW LOOK! DISCING HAROLD STASSEN, mutual I, .. ------.. ., nook or corner, also matching ------.------Formica tables to harmonize with FRdM A RELIABLE BRICK, stone and cement work. Gardens, Yards, and security director, said that Euro- 'SPECIALS DECORATOR New or repairs. Arthur De Roo. ,. pean countries will be able to booth. I ••••• Pointing Paperhonging Color TUxedo 1-2450. Acreage get along without American aid AT*THE BIGGEST L~E LUMBER YARD IN THE WORLD Visit our factory display and • Blending. Wall Washing Etc. * within two years, but they will NKS: see these gorgeous booths and Will you favor us wits a cal~ IALL KIND:3 Cement work, gar- TUxedo 1-7455 table, Price range $79 and up. For Free Estimate and Advice age, drives, walks, bonded. 21%-Landsc:aping ): 24802 Gratiot Ave., East Detroit J. F. TROMBLEY VA. 4-3227 TUxedo 5-8292. TUxedo 1-8587. TREE SERVICE, removals, trim Knotty Pine Panelling . . FOR STEEL 5169 mings, sergury, spraying, VETS DIRT SALES rVlce • CASEMENTS .••••••.• - in UPHOLSTERED BOOTHS Painting and Decorating ALL TYPES of cement work, new sured. LAkeview 7-3419. l5 yds. delu,:"e (queen) top soil Reversible for. moqlded or "V" joint, No. 2 ~d better, • or repair. Specialists since 1904 • BASEMENT COMB. . .. , •. $5.56 Near 10 Mile Road $14.50 heavy to No, 1. The most beautiful panelling available. • Best of Grosse Pointe References in side drives, garage floors, in PHILIP TROMBLEY and Son • ALUM. DOOR GRILLS..• $2.95 Open Daily 'm 9 p.m. 6 yds. peat humus $18.00 wo... .• porch repair. Reasonable prices Landscaping and maintenance 6 yds. mixture top soil, ¥.! peat $250.00 per M East Detroit, Michigan Interior • Exterior * prompt service. VE. 9-6492. TUxedo 4-1927 or DRex al • SOREENS Bt~v~~T PRescott 5-5200 Free Estimates $18.50 I •••• 1-0515. Open Sundays 12 to 6 p.m. BRICK and cement repair and 20 bushels rich black dirt $5.00 BURGLAR PROOF GUARDS JOHN R. FORTIER PR. 7-3551 WAlnut 5-6364 new. Estimate free. Good work, CHARLES F. JACOB Peeky Cypress' Panelling WINDOW-DOOR-SKYLIGHT i RE- WEAVING, moth holes cuts, I reasonable. TU. 2-0898. Landscaping Something distinctive attd diHerent for your recreation room, tears and burns. Work guaran. PAINTING, DECORATING LAWN MOWERS Wall Washing, Storm Windows CEMENT General Garden Maintenance attic room or bar. Will take many kinds oflinish. ALUM. SCREENS and SASH I, teed. VAlley 1-1453. WORK. Brick and Residential and Commercial and Screens painted and put walks, porches, piers, repair- SHARPENING J ' REPAIRED-REWIRED ! ------Work $225.00 per M ing, chimneys. No job too small. Power Mowers a Specialty up! Caulking. No job too small. 21922 Pleasant PR.5-643 o ils METAL SCREEN PORCHES TV and RADIO Terms. TU. 5-1183. GIRARD PAYE LAWN CUTTING, reasonabl DISTINCT-CLEAR VISION ED BIS€HOFF oe 1690 I E. Jeffersc;>n TU 5-9690_ :00 Home or Shop 21S-Carpenter Work rates. Call after 2:30. TUxed Oak. Floorin'g ALUM. SCREEN WIREsRONZE WAlnut i-6800 1-1038 or VAlley 2-6328. COMPLETE lawn garden and Big mill stock of beautiful milled AppaIachillD 19 Years of Reliable Service REPAffi SCREENS, po r c h e s, tree service; and maintenance. FOR FINER .•. K D red or white, Special price to all. lIe sq'lln~:;t 16-~esh' cSq, DURING MAY, JUNE. JULY steps, fences, doors, windows, FEED YOUR TREES ORDF.R YOUR INSULATION AND STORl\1 SASO NOW cabinets, bookcases; good work, Cal Fleming Landscaping Ft. Dust 60-Mesh 13 Ft. THIS AD WORTH INTERIOR & EXTERIOR prompt service. S. E. Barber, Liquid Fertilizing by Power Service METAL SCREEN DOORS PAINTING &DECORATlNG 20380 H 0 11 y woo d. TUxedo We pump a wonderfully rich TUxedo 1-6950 1 .On TV Service KE Or Combination Made Your Size $1.50 CHRIS C. CHARRON & CO. 4-0051. HIGH NITROGEN fer t i Iiz e r LUMBER SU::~IES In Your Home r FOR COMPLETE lawn and gar- o.~rs td. thoroughly into the roots of you 19743 Harper. betwee .. 7 ad 8 Mile Rds. lU.2.4800 WAlnut 2-3986 CARPENTER will build porches, trees, den service at nominal rates, COMMERCIAL shrubbery. l'oses, ever The Bterest 14We LWIlber lard &D &be World 1 Soan: I lO • RADIO-VAC CO. Satisfaction Our Guarantee attic rooms, and recreation greens, etc. call TUxedo 2-3896, between SCREENS / 17320 Mack Ave. TUxedo 1-8130 rooms, large or small repairs. No muss or fuss. Single trees 0l' th~ hours of 6 and.9 p. m. - ANY SIZE OR SHAPE PAINTING, papering, paper re- VAlley 4-2919. units, or a whole yard. i------moved; neat, reliable; work • j Best TOOL CRIB PARTITIONS CORNICE BOARDS, beautifully , and most effective wit h CORNICE BOARDS, beautifully guara;''lteed. Mertens, 122 Muir-. modern: power equipment. Eco custom made by Grenwick. AIR-TEG ME.TAt PRODUCTS- co. custom made by Grenwick. TUxedo 2-0083. nomical and efficient. Call today I Free estimates. LAkeview 7- Free estimates. LAkeview 7. 640 Eo 1 Mile TY' 2.1800 PAINTER needs work; interior 6110. LA 7.3700 LA 1-1&1& I 6110. I C-I TY and exterior. Reliable, neat 28 YEARS IN THE - FHA • W. Give decorator. Also A.l wall wash- Garages. Screen Porches, Additions. GROSSE POINTE AREA Term. ing. VAlley 4-7808. Custom Finish Your Attic or ~ . Sash RII,d Sereen Co. S&H R.sldential ar." Commercial Recreation Room. 'Compete Tree Service Stamp' PAINTING Excellent Workmanship. G\131'anteed PRESTON TREE EXPERT Made to Order THOS. J. RONEY, BR. 3.3900 AND SPRAYING SERVICE AND DECORATING WITH 16840 KERCHEVAL .SCREENS : All Popular Sizes in Stock DETROIT GARAGE BUILDERS OUR SPECIALTY GROSSE POINTE 30 MOHAWK MODERNIZATION, CO. • Rewired .• Repaired • Immediate Service Avoid Spring Rush , - TU, 1-0957 TU. 1-393o = • Screened Porches • Wood Comb. and Screen Doors Seasonable Prices Now in Effect I ------~ ESTIMATES A S...... ~~- Mad" to Your Order • Alum. and Wood Comb. Windows TUxedo 5-214.8 Imple Solution - -. -== -ALtRT- r-----Save~---- .... 1\. G. ~11\RX CO. Evenings • A-""'~":"""~ All Extruded Save! Make Your Own ASPHALT SLATE TILE LA.7-2701 TU. 2-8022 For Building and Maintenance Repairs P & H PAINT STORE Coli-Alert Building Repair Service SCREENS .ALUMINUM~QOOR . ROOF REPAIRS . & SERVICECO. Plumbing-Brickwork-Carpentering-Painfing .. 18455 Mack Ave., near E. Warren Ave. Plastering-Bomb Shelters Erected ' See Us for Supplies! Completely "tsta'~ecl 9 5 RE-ROOFING FOR YOUR Spring cleaning and We Do The Complete Job _ No SUb-Contr;ctlng Lumber Cut to Exact Size Immediate'Service $57 . SHEET METAL WORK decorating, call TUxedo 1-4521. Call for An Estimate . T!N OR COPPER SKYLIGHTS GUTTER CONDUCTORS Free estimates. ------1 " ARTHUR G. MARX Estab. 191. PAINTING. and Paperhanging. ALERT BUILDING REPAIR CO. "Your Screen. and Storm Sash Center , Complete decorating service. Open frI. Eve WAlnut'l.4330 8106 Mack Avenue ALERT PLUMBING.HEATING 14000 East 7 Mile Rd. Just West. 'Materials and workmanship TUxedo 5-7990 17860 HARPER, near Moross nf Gratiot . Till, 9 p.m. 1-1917 guara~teed .. LAkeview ,7-5930. Owned by Grosse Pointer, ,C. D, Campbell, Home phone: TU. 2-9792

, , \ \ .t.,...-.".,....> •..• \,/',. .,,' .••. ',.

Page Twenty.four GROSSE POINT~ NEWS Thursday, May. 14, 1953 * F'e at u r e Page * * * ,--~--""'-_--:_------_-.:.------* * , who!, where and lvhatnot I Pointer of Interest Good Taste I .Clean-Up by whooziJ I Fllvorlt. Recipes '. I of One of the viewers of pictures. of the Ford family during Comments Peopl. it' t}" KnoUl flJ4Jtnfe the Golden Jubilee Celebration has been three and a half - year old Benson Ford Jr. His mama pointed out a picture of 1. Mr, Bert H. Wicking, Contributed by his father in one of the papers, President of Grosse Pointe '. Mrs, Counter Points "There's daddy." Board of Education: William Montgomery Adams b)' Roberta Isley . "No," decided Benson Jr., "that's a little boy." "Grosse Pointe is a residential community. I feel, therefor, that SALAD PARTNERS She is a Pointer.' She is gay, She thrills t() "The Red "Yes, dear," said Mama, "but the picture was taken when the publicity stressing the Clean- 2 c. prepared bi~uit mixture, . . R 1" daddy was a little boy." Up campaign has made each in- 5 T. shortening (crisco) River Valley" ••• "The Texas Star" ••• "The Virginia ee "My daddy's a big boy," said Benson and he'd have no dividual citizen conscious of the 12 Tbsp. water and ALL sets of eight. She goes dancing in a whirl. She wears more of that nonsepse. fact, that in cleaning up his own premises, he helps to clean up 1 can tuna fish a square-dance skirt that isa 8hining example of chic and fit. , * * the whole community. . 3 Tbsp. ~ayonnaise, The' skirt is ruffled ..... tier upon tier. ~ •• six to be exact Just as bride-elect Maril~'n Cousino was ht:lrrying her "The Board of Education will fastest to get to Grosse Pointe Memorial Church and her Mix the first three ingredi- ,., and.there is miles of it..We know, because we measured it! make an extra effort for that ents and roll as for pie crust. She chose one from a collection of tiny blue and 'red prints; wedding rehearsal, the front door bell at the Cousino home week and every week this year sounded. to Clean-up and Paint-up th(> Cut dough into strip~one a~d yellow, green and black solids, in sizes 10 to 16, She Refraining from an lln-bride-Iy exclamation, she dropped school premises." and one-half inches wide, four plunked down ten dollars and ninety-five cents for this her preparations, dashed down the stairs to the front door, 2. Mrs. lIubert G. Goebel, 'inches long. creation in Jacobson's Sportwear department. And all because President, Grosse Pointe High 'Vho do you suppose it was? School Mothers' Club, Mix fish and may'onnaise the skirt is ~esigned to capture a wary (or unwary) male ••• 'fhe Fuller Brusn 1\'Ian. "Education for living is a very into a spreadab~e texture; 'she went dancing. important part of the training i * • * Spread each strip with fish * • * I Incidentally all the guests were given tiny ivory net of all people. This phase of edu- mixture, roll and secure with cation differs from formal school- T/Je millt-in-yollr-julep ••• the lave11der i,l )'ollr sacbet ••• bags of rice, tied in little silk ribbons, at the Cousino-Morgan ing in that it begins at birth and tooth pick. Place on greased the potpoll"i on your spice shelf can 'be j'ours for the raising. If/e reception, which were put to good use as the young couple left cookie sheet and bake in 450 continues, in some degree, as long found pots am/' pois of sweet 11lajoram, pineapple sage, rose on a Florida wedding trip. as we live. ' degree oven about seven min- geratliu1n$ lemon verbetu, basil, thyme, rosemary alld all types of * • • The Clean-Up campaign is a utes. Serve as an accompani- Although they face a stint of army life, Judy Frost and fine community activity because men t to salad or as a hot hors mitlt; at De Petr;s over 011 Grosse Pointe Blvd. Bob Kanzler plan a )'ellow kitchen in that Pointe home it makes our young people con- doeuvres...... scious of the necessity for civic they'll have some day •• _ • For an outstanding bridal gift we'd suggest the fine Lenox, pride. In enlisting the help of and Lynn, three; daughter, Mar- h' t d * * * the schools and young people in ion, now Mrs. Donald Forester of Castleton, Haviland or Imported European C ma we .oun at One of the wealthiest ladies in all Grosse Pointe (you our area, we focus their attention " Sale.m, Ore. (who recently pre-. The Sign of the Mermaid ••• number 75 Kercheval. Place sec- could take in "the world" and be right, too) is a light douser. on their community and its im- -Picture by Fred Runnells sented t~e Hoyts with their third tings are as low as $5.75 and as high as $37.25! Turns off all unnecessary lamps at every given opportunity. provements. 1\'IRS, WALTER R. HOYT OF MUIR ROAD grandchIld, Nancy Forester; and In this concentrated effort daughters Barbara and Pat. .. *. iii, * * * known as "Clean-Up Week," we' By Jane Schermerhorn Mrs. Hoyt hopes to drive to Women arc leaving hOme this week (we did) just to see the Who has bluer e~'es than 1\'Irs. Albert F. Wall! endeavor to instill in our youth interest and pride in their com- A parade started Mrs. 'Walter R. Hoyt on the hobby, or Oregon with Pat this summer smartest separates on the easual scene. This is what we saw •• '. * * * munity which will extend rather service, that has rolled up years of rewarding memories for a look-see at her newest Bermuda shorts in linen ••• and separate linen shirts. The color PILFERINGS throughout the entire year, and for her. In turn, this. service has m'ade her a pretty special grandchildren. range was good ••• natural, pine green, raspberry, and navy. The A gal by the name of Myrtle Cherryman says she keeps in fact throughout life." person to the families of almost three hundred servicemen at Her hobbies are collecting china statistk:s warming ••• $10,95, Whisk ovr.r tei The Clothes Line, Inc., 3,' 1\1r. J. Lamar Newberry, whose reburial services she has blown taps on her bugle .. tea and demi-tasse cups which, 'Over on Fisher for these ••• but soon, her loose dollars in a copy of Dante's Inferno, thereby always fill a cupboard in her living room. . being in a position to answer her own querulous "Now Pres., Dad's Club, Grosse Pointe It Wi;l~ because Mrs. Hoyt~ .. nigh School: There are beauties from Arabia . . where in Hades did I put that money?" is such' a parade fan she was back of an envelope, asking and Fil1land and a Chinese cup Party-Paks are spanking new in the Pointe this week. Every- "Clean-Up Week is a fine Civic watching the Legion's Decora- his bugler to play them. that seems to have perfectly plain • • • Project. If everyone showed the thing •• , hats, favors, tablecloths, cups and napkins are in one tion Day procession fourteen He re-arranged them until they bottom, but when held up to the big box. Indian Chief, Circus Clown, Cowboy, Planet Men, and Holbrook Jackson, in "Bookman's Pleasure" once quoted same fine enthusiasm and co- light shows through its egg~ years ago. Of course, she had suited him and the call was Carousel are just a few of the themes. Enough in one box for George (ever modest) Bernard Shaw as follows: "Whenever operation the Hi g h School a three star interest in the known as taps and signalled the shell thinness a painting of a Students qo in supporting any six or twelve guests, Party-paks are exclusive wich Young Clothes, I ha,'e been Jeft alone in a room with a female, she has men's drum corps( her hus- company to extinguish lights. beautiful Oriental girl's fece. worthwhile project, G I' 0 sse Inc., on the hill. Clever center-pieces, favors, nut cups and snappers invariably thrown her arms around me and declared she band now yolice Chief of The bugler to ~...hom he h.anded Sun-bathing right in her own adored me. It is fate." Pointe would be the envy of can be bought separately~ too! other communities in cleanliness. Gros' e Pointe Farms) pI 'ed that envelope, 'Ylth the scnbbled backyard and swimming are fa- Accordipg to Bennet Cerf, Shaw's hostess for a week-end s. a) notes, was OlIver W. Norton, vorites of this wonderful Pointer, Come on fellows and tals, the bIg bass drum. But some- whose son S. Vincent Norton * * Tjc once complained: who can't have much leisure for We felt the softness ••• realized the exciting richness. that "Draft" your Dads to rejuvenate how that day she alsodis- lives in BlOomfield Hills. "You invite Shaw down to ~'our place because you think the Old Homestead whil!? you her own hobbies because she is present in these virgin wool blankets and decided that here was covered' the ladies' drum We never kn{'w until Mrs. spends so much time serving he will entertain )'our friends with brilliant conversation. take care of the vacant lots. something worthwhile to talk about, The millions of tiny air corps, their natty uniforms, Hoyt told us, that there are others. But before you know where you are, he has chosen a school Maybe this effort will become pockets captured in expertly napped, tightly curled fine wool, give their brisk step as they tootled words to taps .. One set goes: for your son, made your will for you, regulated your diet, 'and contagious and we will present the blanket warmth .••• not weight. A special quantity purchase a "shiny face" every week in the past. . Fades the hght assumed all the privileges of your family solicitor, your enables Jacobson's Home Decorative Shop to offer tbese North year." She dcehled she'd join the t~he n:ght housekeeper, your clergyman, your doctor, and your dress- ~~;IS Star blankets to you at an exceptionally low' price. They come in maker. When he has finished with ever;rbody else, he incites 4. Rev. Mr. }~ugh C. White, drum corps though she had ,r e va.t Pastor of Grosse Pointe Metho- never played any instrumcnt. g,er :~e h~ I Re/~cliond twin sizes for $23.50 • • • 80 by 90 for $27.50. The 90 by 108 cost3 the children to rebellion. And when he can find nothing more dist Church, $37.50. All sizes have ends bound with Skinner satin. The largest to do, he goes away and promptly forgets all about you." :t~~::re o~h;::r~h:h:~~~~' ~~rv:' by paul gaeh is bound on ail four sides. We found goose-down pilJows on sale "Good neighborliness demands 'tl th' .t h' h t II . mes a s ar . ... . that we put all trash in proper WIllS um ,w IC even ua y FIlth' 1t at $12.95 ••• and for this month only, ,Lady Pepperell and Cannon receptacles and cooperate with disbanded, and it gave her much ~ s e llIg 1 • . • A lady came into the studio percale sheets ••• also Wamsetta. supercale • • • on special lor Marc Connelly, a slow and meticulous worker, had prom- reason to alw.'\ys real1 the Le- A f.lle of letters from faml~les ised a producer a new play, but when a full year went by the city in the collection thereof. recently and protested vig- the Mal Sale. gion News from cover to cover. thankmg Mrs. Hoyt fo,: playmg orously because 1. wasn't without further word, the producer waxed impatient and Located as we are on Morass ... * .. Road, I feel also, that the motor- There it. was she discovered taps at their son's or husband's listed anywhere in the phone' called Connelly on the telephone. ist needs to remember that he is that the Legion was having a funerals, shows what full !J1eas- book. Rather dumbfounded, If you like 'Well-desiglled modem pieces and reduced reduc. uWhere's that play?" he demanded. "I want to get my Ia part of the community 'as he difficult time finding buglers to ure of .com~ort the notes bring to I asked her to spell my name. tions 'visit Alexaluier Girard, Associates$ this 'Week, at 16841 Ker- I cast assembled." passes through it and should treat serve at military ftomerals. She those In sorrow. Quick was the I' e ply, cheval Place, The)' 'Will be open Saturtl4y, May 16, 9 to 6. You sat right down ami wrote a let- The letters more than. recom- "G-A-U~C-H." I explained ult's coming along," Conneily assured him vaguely, other people's front yards as he will filld fine sample chairs, ,tables, fabric pieces, some glass and would his own." tel' to the District Association of pense for the hours Mrs. Hoyt and now we are friends china lamps, 'Woodshades, storage units and other items. "Just how much have you writen?" demanded the . 5, 1\Ir. John A. Hammel, Pro- the Legion offering her services has given. They r:nakethis ser~ice again. produced. which were immediately accepted. ?ne of th.e most Important thmgs ... * iii gram Chairman, Grosse Pointe A few common tags are "Well," said Connelly, "you know it's to be in three acts Woods Community Club. Ready to Serve In her lIfe. Recentlr when ~er What .would you give to look cool? It's she who looks cool . doctor ordered a major operatIOn GACK, GAGH, GAS H, and collected no matter how. high the' thermometer soars, who and two intermissions. I've just finished the intermissions." "The rapid growth of the Then she w~ndered If sh~ had where time was important, she GAUSH, GOCK, GUCK, receives first honor in summer, Elizabeth Arden's Fluffy Milk Grosse Pointe area has height- lost her way \~Ith a bugle-It h~d insisted upon postponing it for GOTCH GATCH, GATSH I ened the problem of maintaining been years smce she played In a day because she had a military and so many others. Gosh, Bath is a luxury you can't afford to miss, It comes in two sizes a clean, attractive community. .the drum 'corps. Her husband got funeral appointment it's l'eally terrible. I really ••• $8.50 and $15, The bottles are white plastic trimmed in gold The work of the Garden Council it from its storage place, dusted . . bows, They're good-looking enough for gift giving. And, when it, and after a few moments Mrs. Honored by Legion don't mind what people call of Grosse Pointe should be com- me as long as they keep call- .you emerge new and shining there's no ring around the tub. We mended and supported for filling Hoyt knew if the Legion wanted Letters have come, too, from ing. The only time il upsets found Fluffy Milk Bath while shopping at Trail's Pharmacy this this need. All residents, institu- her she was ready to go to the heads of all the posts whose me just a little is when they week, tions and municipal units have a work. . vetel'ans she has served, and three spell it JERK! stake in establishing the char- Community spirit, civic con- years ago ~he was ~ummoned ~o * all II< I acter and reputation of a com- sciousness and patrioticdevo- the Amencan ~egIOn H~ll m The bride you know would. like a Du~ch oven in Wagner I munity through its appearance." tion are qualities ittborn in all downtown DetrOIt. There, m the ware (stainless). As in an oven, food is surrounded evenly, by '6, 1\11'.Walter R. Clemwson, the Hoyts. The Chief served in presence of Mayor Albert Cobo, heat radiated from all sides. It's beautiful enough for use Principal, Grosse Pointe lligh World Wars I and II. He went officials of the armed services See Gray ••• and Play,! as a serving dish, $8.95. Fromm's. School. to the induction center to and officers of the Legion, she Book '" ...1n His Steps help son Robert enlist in the was presented with a Distinguish- • • . * "We teach that contributing to Author Kenneth Roberts It the beauty and cleanliness of his navy in World War II. Bob was ed Se~'vic~C.itation by the They have a certa;'1- somethitlg (as toe say it). They have Character in a Book Lydia Bailey community is one of the many only 'seventeen and needed his DetrOIt DIstrIct AsSOCIatIOnof the B. F. Gootlritl1 certaIn je ne sais quoi (as the Fretlch sa)' it), these two.piece Play Madame Butterfty responsibilities of the Good parents' consent. What happen- American Legion. NaIl/ticket origiluls 'We looked at tbis Friday i,l the D. J. Healy Actress Helen Hayes Citizen. ed? Dad came horne and had It reads: Awarded to Eliza- Shop. just to give you Iln idea of what. is on the rack ••• a black Actor : Bert Lahr Each year hundreds of our not only hell?ed .Bo~ into' the beth A. lIoyt for her outstand- and .white check with touches of black velvet tl'im. Atlotber was Movie Greatest Show on Earth students give thousands of hours' navy but enlisted hImself. ing and meritorious service So you understand why Mrs. through her participation in gray. They are the finest 01 combed cotton ••• crllSh resi$tatlt ••• Movie Actress J ane Wyman of community service in clean- Hoyt will drop anything, and at more than two hundred funeral .POSTUIE fOUNDATION and there's a.practical side, too, They take tllbbings so well. $29.95 Movie Actor Charl ton Heston up work as a project of High School activities, such as Hy-Y any personal sacrifice, to play services during the Repatriation to $39.95, TV Show \Vorld Adventure Series and Y-Teen. taps for Americans who give their Program of the American Le- W~ marched right over to shoes alld found two pairs from TV Actress .Imogene Coca May 15 through 23 is Clean-Up lives in service for their coun- gion, Dept. of Michigan.". which ')'011 migbt cboose, A black doe skin, mesh combination TV Actor , ,' .' : Arth ur' Godfrey Week, but every day is Clean- try. A black and gold medal, en- pump, • ,$14.95 , , ,a patent leather open-shank 1'111111' at $20.95. Up Day for those who have pride Radio Program Radio Bible Class .Origin of Taps I graved on the back with her name Tbenwe ambled to bags ••• fOlwd II patent that call be in their community. Commen ta tor : Drew Pearson It.s staggering to reflect what and her award, was presented at waShed, •• ;s resistant to stuDitlg ••• roomy ••• tiny tag ••• $7,95. Columnist George Stark If everyone would refrain an emotional toll this must take, the same time. Usually this medal In Ba'1shore Blue. Magazine : Better Homes & Gardens from throwing papers et cetera for there are few more gripping is worn on a coat lapel backed ... * • from cars, we would be free experiences than to hear taps by grosgrain riband. . Gal-like, Children's "",... 2.95 Did you happen to see one of the Pointe's most glamourous Poet Ro bert W. Service from one' of the greatest causes played. Mrs. Hoyt can't listen to Mrs. Hoyt wears at as a lavalier Women's '...... • , 3,50 GralldmoUer's and her pretty bright-eyed «rand-daughter after their Fain tel' : Sir Joshua Reynolds of unsightliness in our 'communi- them and remain dry-eyed but and it's lovely. Cartoon Dennis the Menace ties, streets, parks and high- visit to Mal'ie Btrd's Salon, on the hill last week-end? They looked she's never broken down while She has responded to 'the re- as if they had slipped rilht o~t of the pages of Vogue or Town and Cartoonist J. R. Williams ways." We Are ~he's been playing them at serv- quests of Selfridge Field, Naval Country, You know, on one visit we found several three generation 'Music : Classica 1 lees. She concentrates hard on Armory, Veterans of Foreign Song Musetta's Song by Puccini Mrs. Philip Laux Hostess her bugle. Wars, the Amvets, the Marine families and one four reneration on her apointment books. Like Official Outfitters many of our finer'traditions, the name Marie Bird is your assurance Sport Basebajl At Bridge and Luncheon We probably inherited taps Corpsl League,yal'ious funeral Game Bridge from the English or the French directqrs as well, as the Ameri- for Grosse Pointe's of lovely hair-styling and beauty serv'ice. Animal Ca t Hostess at bridge and luncheon and skimpy records on the mat- can Legion. Chief Hoyt, inciden- ... tel' would indicate the military tally, is a member of the Grosse LITTLE • * Person (excluding family) Muriel 01'1' in her Muskoka road home last You can be a "beautiful bare-armed Fogarty girl." Let's Friday was Mrs. Philip Laux. call was first used in the United Pointe Post and Mrs. Hoyt is a LEAGUES Ci ty . Pittsburg h States at the time of the Civil member of the auxiliqry. elucidate. Anne Fogarty is the designer who has won many Vacation Spot Lake Penage, Ont. ••••••••••••••••••••••• \Var. Some sourc~s claim th?t With Memorial Day'coming up, awards in the fashion field. She is the gal who brought back Jewel ~ Opal . II taps were used In battles In Mrs. Hoyt's bugle will be busy. the paper doll silhouette, and considers "sleeveless a synonym Color :... Green TELEVISION biblical times. She'll sound taps for the dead at for summer!" This sleeveless dress fa~!:iion knows no age Name Pa tricia Field RADIO i The name comes from the Grosse Pointe War Memorial exclusively. We've seen many beautiful examples from tiny Perfume Mr, Dutch word "taptoe" meaning Center's exercises and then hurry tots to grandmothers in the current fashion magazines. One Costume • StU.ts Sales and Servlee time to close the taps or taverns to repeat the performance at For- you can get right here in the 'Pointe is a Tudor Rose print at Dance : : Fox Tro t Complete Line of Records in garrison towns. In 1862, a est Lawn Cemetery when the General Daniel Butterfield Veterans of Foreign Wars hlmor $25. And another beauty was all hand-embroidered. at $55. Food ,...... Lobster Racquet and Spo~t Shop These are featured in Junior -sizes, 7 to 15, in Jacobson's better Aversion Gossi P , JACK O'OONNOR commander of a brigade in th~ their dead. i Army of the Potomac, stationed Besides the son, Bob, we men-II 106 KERCHEVAL dresses. Here's a bug hi your ear •• , the summer jewel will Diversion Rea ding ; 17001 Kercheval TU. 1.1655 : i at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, tioned earlier, there is his wife be mostly earring, •• the one to c0!llplement these dresses 'f TU. J -5262 TU. J -2262 '.r Ambi tion To Travel scribbled a' few 'ftotes on' the and their children, Sandra, five, .. are the' big-as-a-bracelet' h,gops we found in jewelry. , \ ).'- Prompt Service On MORTGA.GE LOANS .DETROIT TRUST COMPANY Our service is prompt, from application to closi~g. ' . Our thorough understa~1ding of the problems involve~ saves both time and mc;>neyfor the borrower. More than fifty years Fort at Shelby.' WOodward 2.5670 of experience.

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