Sooners at Home and Abroad
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The dinner meeting of O. U. alumni in Chicago. At the speaker's table, left to right : f. W. Hicks, Mrs. W. B. Bizzell, Grace Williams, Dr. W. B. Bizzell, Wesley Nunn, Fred Ward, Lewis Salter and Adelbert Brown. Sooners at Home and Abroad T HE beams of the Central Y. M. C. A. A bit of magic was provided by George Starting with the A's, the group pres- Building in Chicago rang the night of Trosath, well-known entertainer of Col- ent included Vern E. Alden, '11, and November 7 with the strains of Boomer lege Inn and the R. K. O. circuit. Mrs. Alden (Jennie B. Dyer, '10), who Sooner and Joe Hicks' new song Cheer As things progressed and people started now live out in Winnetka; Drewsilla Oklahoma. The occasion was the first looking around, it was discovered that Beams, '; Lawrence E. Bennett, '32 official get-together of Sooner alumni liv- our own ranks were not without unusual eng, and Mrs. Bennett, '33, whom we ing in Chicago held in recent years, and talent . Esther McRuer, '22, field secre- knew as Lucile Mann ; Adelbert Brown, the dinner was given in honor of Dr. tary of the Presbyterian missions in Chi- an attorney in Chicago, and Mrs. Brown ; W. B . Bizzell, president of the University, cago and an internationally known whist- Priscilla Burch, '36bus ; and C. H. Butt and Mrs. Bizzell . ler, was induced to do some very lovely and Mrs. Butt (Elizabeth Cate, '30bus), and fancy whistling for us. This was fol- who live in Evanston. Elizabeth said With more than sixty loyal Sooners lowed by the discovery of Blanche Morgan that she had heard her brother Roscoe present, the meeting was voted a huge Webb, '05, who back in 1904 wrote the was pretty busy these days, which sur- success. Credit for arranging the fine music to the original Oklahoma song we prised no one, and any number of people meeting goes largely to Wesley 1. Nunn, all know which starts out "Oklahoma, mentioned that they certainly hope Ros- '17ex, chairman of the Chicago Advisory Oklahoma." The words for this song coe will keep right on turning out a Council, assisted by the four other coun- were written by Roy Hadsell, '04, and be- Sooner Magazine that is second to none cil members, Joe Hicks, '23, Adelbert lieve it or not, it was heard for the first among the alumni magazines of the coun- Brown, '17law, Fred Ward, '21, and Les- time in 1904 at the Chicago World Fair. try. lie Salter, '22law. Well, by this time the talent was pop- Alton Crabb, '38eng, is another of the Highlight of the entertainment was ping up from every corner, and Joe Hicks recent Sooner grads who was present. the effort made by Harry Clausey, Uni- had to call a halt in favor of the chicken Then there was Ada R. Crocker, a Soon- versity of Chicago, trying to tell us how which was getting cold . er by adoption now connected with the to sing Boomer Sooner when he was the The Sooners attending this banquet Cook County Hospital ; Joseph A. Diffen- only one in the crowd who couldn't get could have written a history of the Uni- daffer, '26eng, '27ms, a designer and de- it straight. Harry has a swell voice and versity and never missed an incident, veloper of X-Ray equipment, and Mrs. the run of the networks when it comes since they were so well distributed through Diffendaffer (Elsa Kendall, ', who to singing. He was accompanied by the years that at least one would have live in Berwyn ; Harry J. Dean and Stella George Moorhead, Whittenburg Univer- been in school every year since the Uni- Garee Dean, '22, who came in from Tin- sity. versity opened. ley Park; R. E. Falls, '35eng, of the Crane THE SOONER MAGAZINE Company Research Laboratory; Dr. H. versity and is now district manager for newspaper series) gets to make that trip. Glen Gardiner, '35med, who is practic- the Fuller Brush Company) ; Dr. J. L. In the final talk that climaxed the meet- ing in Chicago, and Mrs . Gardiner ; Mar- Walther, '22ex, who lives, as most of these ing, Dr . Bizzell discussed some of the guerite Giercntanner, '24, who is living in Chicago people do, in a suburb-Wiltnette hopes for the future of the University and Oak Park ; and Ada Hawkins, '28nursc, this time ; Fred H. Ward and Mrs. Ward pointed to soiree of the things already ac- X32, Cook County Hospital. (Bereniecc Bush, '18), of Park Ridge; complished . Joe Hicks, '23, who wrote the new Robert P. Webb and Blanche Morgan This dinner event was an example of Sooner song and provided the swell en- Webb, '05 ; and Grace Williams, '15, said Sooner spirit at its best . Dr. Bizzell's tertainmcnt, lives in Winnetka with his to be the first person to graduate from straighforward and sincere discussion of charming wife (Lois Marshall, '22ex) and the School of Journalism, who now writes the University's problems aroused real en- a couple of little Hicks . Then there was ads for the Fair in Chicago . thusiasm among the Sooner group present . Rosalie High, '27bus ; Dr. C . K. (Casey) Those who planned to attend but found -Boyd Gunning, '371au,. Jones, '12, and Mrs . Jones, W. D. Ken- it impossible to get to the dinner because dall, '38fa, now doing graduate study in of the rain, the pending election, or per- '29 Law Reunion commercial art in Chicago ; Arthur and sonal reasons include : Thompson Gene Members of the Law Class of '29 held Mrs . Littick, who drove over one hun- Hodges, '34bus, and Mrs . Hodges ; R. L. a reunion Friday afternoon November 11, dred miles for this banquet from Hoopes- McBrien, '33eng ; A . H. Benjamin and in the Wilson room of the Skirvin Hotel . ton, Illinois (Mrs . Littick was Nellie Jane Mrs . Benjamin (Ethel Byrd, '29ed) ; A. After dinner, the group joined the general McFerrow, 'l5, '19ma) ; and Alfred R. H. Schmidt, Jr., '36bus ; T. O. Westhaver, Homecoming Dinner-Dance held in the Loeblick, '37, '381ns, who is working '14, and Mrs. Westhaver (Addle Maloy, Silver Glade Room of the Skirvin Tower toward a Ph . D. in the Walker Museum, '14) ; Dr . Ralph W. Rucker, '36med ; W. Hotel under auspices of the Oklahoma University of Chicago . H. Mothersead, '20 ; and Mrs. Mary Ford City Alumni Club . Others present were Peggy Maguire, Waldrop, '35 . Officers of the class are E . G. De Pa- '.31, formerly of Norman and now a sec- Judging from the number of regrets rade, president ; Walter D . Hanson, Mart retary in the office of the National Edi- that Wesley Nunn received and the en- Brown and Frank Chilson, vice presidents, torial Association in Chicago ; the Myrath thusiasm shown by those who attended, and Frank Jones, secretary . twins, Thomas and Robert, '33eng, who we have a feeling that the next meeting shot the University through many a stiff will be twice the size of this one . It New Sooner song pistol team meet during their years in seemed that practically everyone there had A new Sooner song, Cheer Oklahoma, school and who are now both doing the listened to the Sooner-Kansas State foot- arrived on the University campus last same things at the same place-working ball game over the NBC network the month . It came from the piano of Joseph for the Bcndix Corporation in South previous week and was ready to hold an W. Hicks, '23, editor of a trade journal Ilend, Indiana ; Raymond Meade, '23ed, amateur quarterbacks'session on a mo- published at Chicago by H . M. Byllesby and Mildred Noble Meade, '24, who came ment's notice . Engineering and Management Corpor- from their home in Aurora, Illinois ; Carl Dr. Bizzell, acting as the chief informer, ation. H . Milam, '07, who lives in F,vanston but was not to be outdone on a knowledge of In sending copies of the song to Lewis has his office in Chicago where he is sec- Oklahoma football and could answer any Salter, dean of the college of tine arts, retary of the American Library Associa- question they put to him . and Dr . W. B . Bizzell, president of the tion . Plans arc already under way for a vic- University, Mr . Hicks explained the or- W. M. Morgan, '26ex, of the Oklaho- tory dinner next year when the Sooners igin of the song as follows : ma Publishing Company at Oklahoma play Northwestern . Somebody said to tell During 1921 and 1922 I had the privilege of heard of this meeting in Springfield Tom Stidhatrn that they sure hope old being a member of the University of Oklahoina City Ouartet and Glee Club, and occasionally at the alumnus and came on to "Charley Horse" (the freshman football from a fellow end of a concert when we would sing Boomer- Chicago for the occasion . He was on character fictionized by Harold Keith in a Sooner . an alumnus of Yalc or spine other uni- his way to Detroit . Roy D. Norton, '22, versity would comment upon the use by Okla- Boola-Boolo and Frances Fry Norton, '26, drove in horna University of Yale's famous Boomer-Sooner . air with words. from their home in Hinsdale, Illinois Since my grauation in 1923, perhaps someone Roy is president of the Norton Oil Com- has come through with something more original pany. and apropos in the form of a University of Ok- Incidentally, Wes Nunn, chairman, lahoma football song . If so, I tender my apol- confusion when he ogies for the subject of this letter .