MANCHESTER U.S./WORLD SPORTS WCTU convenes Kremlin warns Red Sox two up high hopes f 1 of cooling ties as Mels stumble ... P M « 4 !------... png* 9 page 11 \ HJanrhrBtrr Hrralfi ) Manchester — A City of Village Charm

30 Cents Soviets seek new talks on ‘Star Wars’

By Bryan Brumisy resolving the Soviet’s demand at I k The AssocfotsO Press Reykjavik that Star Wars testing be confined to the laboratory. WASHINGTON — Presidential Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev m . spokesman Larry Speakes said said the stalemate over Star Wars today the Soviets have told the would block a package of tentative White House they would like to agreements to drastically reduce reopen the discussion on testing of strategic arsenals, eliminate "Star Wars, ” the Issue on which an intermediate-range nuclear mis­ W' arms control agreement faltered siles from Europe and gradually do at the Iceland summit talks. away with nuclear weapons Arms control experts say the testing. United States and Soviet Union Despite Intense negotiations at may yet find a common ground for the summit, the two sides did not attempt to define what the Soviets m meant by phrase “ testing outside the laboratory," said Steven Crash kills Steiner, a White House adviser on defense. B*“j«*w*IP- ' S Signs emerged over the wee­ president of kend, however, that the Soviets would ease their stance on Star Wars, formally known as the Mozambique Strategic Defense Initiative, at closed-door superpower arms ne­ JOHANNESBURG, South Africa gotiations In Geneva. — President Samora Marhel of At the White House today, Mozambique, a guerrilla com Speakes said, “ We have had at mander who led his country t

WEATHER /\ \ Dtetrfct 1199 to vole Tuesday

Connectldft forecast on Crestfield strike deadline Ceetral, Bastera laterior aad Sseftwesieni L ® , By John P. Kirch ney Alan r. Scheer, the owners' < 0 W e n ^ Partly cloudy tonight with lows 35 to 40. cent Center on Bidwell Street. P ^ l y sunny Tuesday with highs 00 to 65. Horold Ruportor chief negotiator. “ I think there has Union officials have said they hope west Coastal and East Coastal: Partly cloudy been progress. I ’m sorry the union to get the same kind of agreement ton i^t with lows in the middle 40s. Partly sunny Unionized workers at the characterized it that way.” at the other 2I homes where Tuesday with highs 60 to 65. Crestfleld-Fenwood nursing home Scheer said ’Tuesday’ s vote does nemtiations are under way. Northwest n ih : Partly cloudy tonight with lows will vote IWaday on whether to not fase management, which will Scheer said he could not say 35 to 40. Partly sunny Tuesday with highs around 60. strike Nov. 3 if a three-year go on bargaining as it has for the which issues are holding up an contract agreement is not reached past seven months. agreement, and union officials on with management. "It doesn’t change our posture at the bargaining team could riot be Fast Food Facts The New England Health Care all,” Scheer said. "Our intention is reached for comment. Scheer said Coastal forecast Employees Union, District 1199, to reach a contract that reflects the that a meeting has been scheduled A new book due out soon has some sobering facts about and the nursing home’s owners reality of this facility and not l l9Va for ’Tuesday. * 8o«M to Watch mn. R.I., aad the fast-food industry. For example, it reveals that have been negotiating since March slavish adherence to form or In February, about 60 workers at . 6 0 Pohd: Winds northwest 10 to 15 knots Americans noweat 11 pounds of fast-food french friesa for the employees' first contract. pattern. Each (nursing home) has Crestfleld-Fenwood represented I'*'®!® ®r less tonight becoming year, up from a mere two in Long known as a Workers want higher wages and its own needs, ends and desires. We by District 1199 return^ to work Temperatures southwest 10 to 15 knots Tuesday. better benefits, and union officials have been bargaining in good after a bitter 15-week strike. ITie haven for sodium and fat, the fast food kitchens of have cited little movement. faith.” •60 60' Seas 1 to 2 feet today and Tuesday and 1 foot or walkout at the Vernon Street 70 70 less tonight. America are now ''enhancing" lean chicken nuggets “ We’ve been negotiating since District 1199, which represents nursing home ended after the Fair today and most of tonight. Variable with injections of ground up skin. Burgers, however March and we’ ve made absolutely about 2,600 workers in 24 nursing owners agreed to start contract no progress," Hopeton A. Scott, a homes in Connecticut, last week cloudiness Tuesday. still win the fat contest. And at 1.‘) teaspoons of fat, negotiations. FRONTS: union organizer, said today. "T o reached what It called a "rich District 1199 represents about 90 Wendy’s triple cheeselnirger l>e.its them all. force a showdown we need to set a settlement” in contract negotia­ nurse’s aides, kitchen helpers and deadline” tions at three other nursing homes, Across the nation DO YOLI KNOW — .'sodium chloride is the chemical other service employees at the 0 I disagree.” said Hartford attor­ including the Meadows Convales­ home OccludedSfafion^rv name for what common spic(>'.’ ***** thundershowers were scattered t^ a y from west Texas to Idaho, while clear skies FRIDAY'S ANSWER — Nikolai Lenin led the world's first m m inated the area from the Mississippi Valley to successful communist revolution. - Generally clear akiea are forecast for moat of the East Coast. Ill . '0 ss I I nlimittMl. Inr I Skydiving deaths investigated central TexM ^ “ ***^*'' Showers are expected from the Plains through t^iMwIershowers were present along Morida s southeast coast, and frost warnings were A Newspaper in Education Program State police continue to investi­ 'The two came down in a field rL * ,, * ****® m®niing for inland parts of siouth Sponsored by were in tandem, hooked to each Carolina, northern and western areas of North gate an incident in Ellington in other by a harness, which is located west of Route 83 in The Manchester Herald which a Manchester parachuting Hsrsld pfieto by Tucker common practice for first-time Ellington, police said C Ind'iana* "®rthem and eastern sections of instructor and a New Haven Jumpers. ’The two took off from Ellington student on her first Jump fell to It was the first time that Scott, a Airport, which has been criticized ?^*!f*** *" ***® R®ckies was GubBrnatorlal candidat* Julie Belaga the support of disenchanted Dsmoersts their deaths Sunday evening. native of England who was a in the past by town officials who responsible for the scattered showers and thunder- wavea to the crowd at Sunday's rally Police said they had no clues as student at Vale University, had want to regulate parachuting showera from west Texas and New Mexico, across and unafflllatsd voters to defeat Almanac outside party headquarters In Manches­ incumbent Qov. William A. O’Neill In the to how the 5 p.m. accident ever Jumped, state police said. there. Ellington officials have said P®*^* Ulah western Nebraska and occurred. An initial investigation Police said in the initial investi­ that parachuting in the area is Wyoming to southeast Idaho. ter. Belaga, whose appearance drew a Nov. 4 eleetlon. indicated that William H. Womble gation, they found that neither the dangerous to residents. •>«<• was reported Sunday night at Today is Monday. Oct. 20, the Scorpio crowd of about 100, said she will need m , 41, of 50 Briarwood Drive, main parachute nor the backup Tomlllo, Texas. A high wind warning was issued 293rd day o f 1986. There are 72 In 1973, in the so-called Satur­ failed to open the parachute as he parachute were deployed by Wom­ In 1778. France allied herself T and Mary Scott. 29, of New Haven, r ‘ •*« Wasatch front and the days left in the year. day Night Massacre, special ble, who was an experienced with the rebellious American colo­ C a ^ e Valley of Utah. Gusty canyon winds up to 60 Today’s highlight in history. were falling Police said the two skydiver. nies against Britain mph were expected. Watergate prosecutor Archibald On Oct. 20, 1944, during World Cox was dismissed. Attorney High pressure resulted in mostly clear skies from War II, Gen. Douglas MacArthur Local candidates hail Belaga the Mississippi Valley to the East Coast Fair General Elliot L. Richardson and stepped ashore at Leyte in the Deputy Attorney General Wil­ weather dominated the West Coast, northern Philippines, 2>/i years after he Idaho, Montana and Arizona. liam B. Ruckelshaus resigned said: " I shall return” Said rather than carry out the order to Rally In Manchester draws a crowd of 100 Dense fog shrouded parts of the northern Pacific. MacArthur: "I have returned” fire Cox coMt, and patchy dense fog was reported over On this date: MANCHESTER RESIDENTS In 1979. the John F. Kennedy By Al«x GIrtlll Swensson said of Belaga’s cam­ the governor’s campaign advertis­ parts of the Tennessee Valley and the central In 1740, Maria Theresa became Appalachians. Library was dedicated In Boston Assoclots Editor paign against incumbent Gov. ing — some of which focuses on ruler of Austria. Hungary and William O’Neill, a Democrat. She Teniperatures around the nation at 3 a m ED T Ten years ago: More than 70 Belaga’s attendance record in the Let's look at the FACTS on Bohemia upon the death of her Republican gubernatorial candi­ said that in going door to door, she ranged from 29 degrees at Bradford, Pa., and E lv people died when the Norwegian Legislature — Is "very negative father. Holy Roman Emperor tanker Frosta collided with the date Julie Belaga urged Bepubli- has found a great deal of support stuff.” Nev., to 76 degrees at Key West, Fla. Charles VI. ferryboat George Prince on the cana at a Manchester rally Sunday for Belaga "But don’t be disconcerted by the Charter Change... Today s forwast called for scattered showers In 1803, the U.S. Senate ratified to get unafflliated voters and "Julie and I have worked to­ advertisements." she admonished. and thundershowers over southern Florida, and Mississippi River about 20 miles the Louisiana Purchase. upstream from New Orleans. Democrats who support her candi­ gether for six years in the Legisla­ She predicted voters will be from the central high Plains across west Texas, the In 1903, a Joint commission dacy to head for the polls Nov. 4. ture and in the last two years we central and southern Rockies through the central Five years ago: Three turned off by the ads. which she ruled in favor of the United States " I f you can get the vote out. have brought home the bacon." said have "distorted my voting Intermountain region Into northern Arixona. members of the radical Weather In a dispute concerning the together we are going to be able to said Swensson. R-Manchester record” Scattered snow showers should extend across the Underground were arrested fol­ make It." Belaga told an enthusias­ John ’Tuccl. who Is seeking to MORNING CLOUDS — Weather satellite photo taken at 4:30 a.m. shows boundary between the District of lowing a bungled armored truck " I ’m proud of my voting re­ You know... The Volunteer Fire Department of higher elevations of Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. Alaska and Canada. tic crowd of about 100 from the bed unseat Democrat James McCava- cord." she said to a round of FACT: Fair weather should dominate In Washington, robbery In Nyack. N Y. of a pickup truck parked outside nagh In Manchester’s I2th Assem­ aoutht7n*NilHi®'' thunerahowera ahead of an upper low In In 1967, seven men, including a One year ago: The body of applause. the 8th Utilities District has far less to do with southern Nevada spreading across the eastern Rockies and parts of the Oregon, California and much of the nation east of Ku Klux Klan leader and a Republican headquarters at ISON bly District, exhorted the crowd to the Mississippi. Fog hould linear alnnvfho nnrthom Leon Klinghoffer. the American Main St. Belaga. who arrived at the rally sheriff’s deputy, were convicted participate in the campaign lower taxes in the District than does the subsidy slain during the hijacking of the Her comments echoed introduc­ " I f you’re tired of the old-boy at about 2:40 p.m.. Immediately in Meridian, Miss., on charges of Italian cruise ship Achllle Lauro tory remarks by Republican Town system, there’s a fifty-fifty chance began shaking hands with people In of $176,000-$200,00d a year, which your Town violating the civil rights of three arrived in New York Chairman Donald Kuehl, who said you have not participated.” Tuccl the crowd. murdered civil rights workers. of Manchester Tax Dollars provide for the Today’s birthdays: Radio- Belaga "is doing something conta­ said. ’The hourlong rally ended When 2 In 1964, the 31st president of the television personality Arlene - gious In her campaign. 1 want you Belaga said.she Is hearing from she left for a tour Manchester’s United States. Herbert Hoover, Volunteer Fire Service of the District. Francis Is 78. Columnist Art to spread it around." Connecticut residents — Demo­ shelter for the homeless at 466 died In New York at the age of 9o! Buchwald is 61. Baseball hall-of- The Westport Republican was crats and unafflliated voters in­ Main St. There she talked at length In 1968, form er first lady Mantle is 55. Actor then Joined on the platform by local cluded — that "It really Is time for with Nancy Carr, executive direc­ Jacqueline Kennedy married William Christopher Is 54. Actor candidates, who praised her candi­ a change.” She said she is trying to tor of the Manchester Area Confer­ Greek shipping magnate Aristo­ Jerry Orbach is 51 All-star first dacy and told the crowd to go to capitalize on that feeling by ence of Churches, which operates ried Saturday in Bridgehampton tle Onassis on the island of work In her behalf. appealing to those groups. the shelter. FACT I Somebody is also reaping a big profit from all "It was fantastic, ’’ Nigh said of baseman Keith Hernandez Is 33 "Miami Vice” star Don John­ on Long Island, the bride's " I have never seen any candi­ “ I need your help." she said Belaga told Carr that "deinstltu- 0 the tribute. "Naturally one thing the Tax Dollars you Manchester Taxpayers m anager said. date except Lowell Weicker who Turning to O’Neill’s record, tlonalizatlon Is a wonderful Idea, son has settled a $2 million is that I have mixed emotions campaigned as hard at Julie Belaga said: ‘"rhis governor Is but unless there are support pour into the rapidly growing Buckland area of invasion-of-privacy lawsuit Johnson, who was form erly on about saying farewell. But I look against a Miami Beach real On the Light Belaga,” said state Sen. Carl asleep at the switch I think the services. It won’t work. The state ABC’s “Good Morning Amer­ around at all these friends and Town. That somebody is the 8th District for only estate broker for an undisclosed ica,” will now be known profes­ Zinsser, R-Manchester people of Connecticut have a i does have the capacity for more others who have come out and I to expect more” She charged that sum, his attorney said. sionally as Kathie Lee Gifford, "It looks good." state Rep. Elsie outreach.” am happy." ‘Pumpkin Brlgad*' brainchild of real estate entre­ they can tax for sewer arid fire service. It’s like Johnson sued broker Gerard said her manager, David Martin! preneur Mike Glickman, 26. Llorens last March after Llorens He said the newlyweds would makM house calls you, the Town, put In 100% and get only 80% "Community response is fan­ told a reporter the actor was honeymoon at a later date WIesel strikes back. LOS AN G ELES (A P ) — Fam i­ tastic I receive letters and phone buying a plot of land and building because both were scheduled to calls of thanks from people of all Democrats honor the faithful a home on posh Star Island in work today. Nobel Peace Prize winner Elle lies across the country go shop­ Wiesel, who divides his time ping for pumpkins at this time of ages kids who can’t wait to Miami's Biscayne Bay section. carve their Jack-o’-lantems, to The suit said Llorens had made between New York and Boston, year. But if you live in the San Full house threw out the ceremonial first Fernando Valley, the pumpkins moms, dads and grandparents O’Neill doesn’t show, but Moffett backers do an unwritten promise to keep the who use them for pumpkin pies," LOOK: sale a secret. ball for the .second game of the come to you. That doean’t maka aanaa Pianist Vladimir Horowitz per­ Glickman said. About 300 people attended a called herself an "old-guard- Johnson called the disclosure World Series between the New ’The Pumpkin Brigade, made member of the Democratic formed before a full house in fund-raising dinner Sunday night establishment left-wing liberal” "improper, inappropriate. Im­ York Mets and the Boston Red up of crews of high school fam ily," 80 lat’a changa Itl Boston’s Symphony Hall, one of Sox in New York. in honor of four local Democrats moral and offensive,” and his students, expects to deliver Fisette supported Toby Moffett only two U.S. concerts planned who have been active In party He said the party, like any Wiesel, 58, who lives in New about 400,000 pounds of Jack-o’- In his unsuccessful bid to wrest the family, has had its disputes. attorney, Donald Klein, claimed for him this year following a tour Lottety affairs over a number of years. York and teaches one day a week lantem and pie makings to Democratic gubernatorial nomi­ it would cost ‘a fortune" forextra Gov. William O’Neill, who had The acceptance speeches by of Europe and the Soviet Union. at Boston University, threw a doorsteps across the valley by nation from Gov. O’Neill, who was security guards to guard the been scheduled to speak briefly, honorees John DiDonato and Ed­ Many members of the au­ strike to Mets catcher Gary next weekend. backed by Cummings and most HOW: Consolidate the Sewer & Fire Services of the house against gawkers and dience on Sunday had waited Connecticut daily: was unable to attend the dinner at ward Coltman were brief. souvenir-hunters. DON JOHNSON Carter and then watched the first The “Great Pumpkin Givea­ other town committee members. Town of Manchester and the 8th Utilities Dis­ hours before the box office the Army and Navy Club because “ I ’m proud to be a Democrat and Llorens would not comment on inning from baseball Commis­ way,” which got under way last Saturday: 132 he was tied up with campaign Sunday, she described the Demo­ . . settles up opened Sept. 29 to buy Uckets to I thank you very, very much.” trict! And to do so, the District Veto Power over the terms of the settlement. sioner Peter Ueberroth’s box weekend, is the promotional , activities in Danbury. cratic Party as a group "with the hear the 82-year-old Russian- DiDonato said. before leaving. Play Four: 8524 Democratic Town Chairman ability to disagree and then to come that had spread to lymph nodes. born master, who last played in together In agreement." "Thank you,” said Coltman. consolidation must be eliminated by changing Also in the stands Sunday night Theodore R. Cummings expressed In a book to be released in Boston in 1983. The fifth honoree at the dinner Ireland speaks were singer Billy Joel and his O’Neill’s regrets. But Cummings Joel Janenda. another honoree, the Town Charter. January, Ireland describes her Horowitz is to perform in was the late Joseph McCarthy, who wife, model Christie Brinkley, said of the dinner. "W e do this by praised the people he has worked Actress Jill Ireland, wife of experiences and the impact on Chicago next Sunday. Manchester Herald was a commissioner of the Man­ who was recording the action ourselves and for ourselves” with since 1972 on the Advisory film tough guy Charles Bronson, her life and family. The book is chester Housing Authority and a with a video camera. USPS 327-500 Cummings introduced one of the Park and Recreation Commission. 14-year member of the Democratic says she agreed to be a guest titled "Life Wish” — a takeoff on VOL. CVI, No. 17 Wiesel, a survivor of Nazi Published daily except Sunday honorees. Irene Fisette. as a He said that he has lived in Town Committee. speaker for the local American Bronson’s "Death Wish” films. Pickin' for the gov Suggested carrier rates are $1.50 concentration camps who was and certain holidays by the Man­ "dyed-ln-the-wool progressive” Manchester for 20 years and during About 165 tickets at $50 a couple Cancer Society to show how she woekiy, $6 50 lor one month, $19 25 Roy Clark’s pickin’ and grin- named the 1986 Nobel Peace chester Publishing Co.. teOrainard After accepting the honor, she those years. " I have been a were sold for the event. WHY: The Town will then be in a position to: benefited from cancer research Place, Manchester. Conn. 06040 lor three months. $38.50 for six nin’ was the featured entertain­ Prize winner on Tuesday, is an months and $77.00 for one year. "A few years ago, I wouldn't Honeymoon wait Second class postage paid at Man- ment as hundreds of Oklahomans author who has chronicled the Maii rates are available on reguesl. 1. Lower your Taxes have lived,’' she said, referring cheater. Conn. POSTMASTER Sportscaster Frank Gifford saluted Gov. George Nigh, who suffering of Jews under Hitler Send address changes to the Msn- 9 to her bout with breast cancer and WABC-TV personality Ka­ leaves office in January after 32 and their problems in the Soviet chester Herald. P.O Box 591 Man­ PZC to consider office compiex 2. Stabilize your Sewer Rates chester. Conn. 06040 “ I f It weren’t for the cancer thie Lee Johnson have tied the years in state politics. Union today. To place a classified or display research advances. I would not knot but their honeymoon will The governor and his wife, advertisement, or to report a news And this applies to 70% of the residents of this be here now.” Item, story or picture idea, call 643- The VSH-tl Limited Partnership ’The PZC has also scheduled a have to wait because they have to Donna, were treated to dinner at Today's quotas QUARAN'TEED DELIVERY If dence AA zone regulations allow Ireland, 50, underwent cancer you don't receive your Herald by x7l 1. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 of Providence, R.I., will seek a public hearing for Manchester two single-family houses per acre Town who don't live in the 8th District. work. Leadership Square and a recep­ 5:30 p.m. weekdays or B a m. Satur­ p m Monday through Friday. developer Ernest Reed. Reed Is surgery about two years ago "We will protest and we will special exception from the Man­ A third public hearing wili Gifford, co-host of ABC’s tion at the Myriad Convention day, please telephone your carrier. chester Planning and Zoning Com­ seeking a zone change from Rural followed by six months of chemo­ take some action.” — Secretary If you re unable to reach your car­ concern an application by Dunkin “ Monday Night Football,” and Center. Performers on the bill mission tonight that would allow Residence to Residence AA for a Donuts, which is seeking a special therapy. The operation involved Johnson, co-host o f "T h e Morn­ of State George P. ShuHz o f the rier. call subscriber service at 647- with aark included a Dixieland 99W by 6:30 p.m. weekdays or 10 a. The Manchester Herald is a mem­ them to build a 45,006-square-foot 17-acre parcel at 385 Gardner St. A exception that would allow a removal of the right breast ing Show” on the network’s New expulsion order announced Sun­ ber of the Associated Press and a Now Thia Makaa Sanaal band from Central State Univer­ m. Saturdays for guaranteed deliv­ office complex in the Union Pond developer is not required to say doughnut shop in the Burr Comers because of a malignant tumor York flagship station, were mar- sity in Edmond. day against five U.S. diplomats ery in Martchester. member of the Audit Bureau of Cir­ what he plans to build when he is in the Soviet Union. culations Industrial Park. Shopping Plaza on Tolland The commission, which will applying for a zone change. Resi­ 1\irapike. meet at 7 p.m. in the Lincoln Center hearing room, has scheduled a public hearing on the application. FOR LOWER TAXES IN MANCHESTER... VSH-II plans to build three 18,6864quare-foot buildings on the 7.7-«cre site, which is located at 386 Racnnt tax low cbongM eom- Tolland Turnpike. Just northwest blnod with unique product dtrol- 6 o f Union Pond. A stockpile area opment over tho Met few yoaro hoa VOTE YES ON QUESTION #4 CLASSIFIED ADS would be located to the south of the mode Nfo Meurence moredoelrebM sure L ____ complex and there would be about to own then over before. Premium I K parking spaces on the parcel. eoeie ere lower, refee of return ero ELIMINATE THE 8th DISTRICT Prove I t to yourself by calling the classified department The developers have an agree­ Moher end the current beneftte to ment to buy the land ftom the town you - the meured • ere much moro for K17,62S, or about 846,860 an edvenfegeoue. VETO OVER CONSOLIDATION acre. H ie purchase is contingent on Meke euro your pMn le eccom- the necessary approvals. phehing whet you vrent It to - cell to mace your ad today! Call 643-2711 for assistance. RIchwd Clough lor e review. OF SERVICi^. fllehard E. dough EMERGENCY A AmocIoIw VOTE YES FOR CHARTER CHANGEI Fire — Police — Medical Wntkint Onntro IHanrlywtrr lirra U •35 MUn St., Mnnchetf r smog 1845 Paid for by thg Committgg for Chartgr Rgviglon, R. Cartgr, Troasurer. D IA L 911 647-1662 Newark, 14J & Kansas CSy. MO *— IfAWCiagTgR HgRALP, m m tin . Oct. J». MW MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 3». 1 - 5 W CTU gathers in Manchester €^om§ecticmt h i Brief O’Neill lead widens, poll shows HABTFW tD (AP) - The latest Citing national trends, some members say a revival is coming the rest said they were undecided. with anytiring that we are finding. RBrifbrd Courant-tostitute for So­ percent, with If percent undecided % L a s t m onth, the Connecticut P on They are out of sync with every­ among voters who say the have •y George Lovno cial toqniry Connecticut Poll found that O Tfeill had a lead of five With the renewed national empha­ group, but yoo have trenieiidbus pledge m thing that our tracking indicates. ” formed opinions of both KeroltfReporter to dkfailr nicoboi Mk»w» Democratic Gov. WHIiam percentage points over Belaga. sis on stopping drunken driving power.” again. Poll Director G. Donald Ferree candidates. and drug abuse, the group’s ______rpwfeethitltociur’* O T fe fll has a lead o f 19 percentage That pon. the resnits of which Kitowski said that when her Rhyes. who dkscribed herself as * Jr. said ’’sapling variations” Regarding Dodd, Ferree said the While the groap boasts some 200 points aver Republican Julie D. membership has been increasing, group was formed in 1991, she .■ were poMiabed on Sept. 29. showed ■ccount for some differences be­ freshman senator is “obviously in members In Connecticut, its :ilth an “average” thinker b e l^jo to - . rm iw inag Belaga. but the lAallenger says the as has the amount of respect it gets. learned that the W C TU bad been that 35 percent of those surveyed tween the results of the September good shape.” but he is also state convention Saturday at North ing the group in i«8P. anid this results are ’’W ranre" Hayes said. doinr more to rtoptfrunken driving said they planned to vote ftw and October pofis. but It appears "benefitting somewhat from finom United Bfethodist Church attracted requirement has hurt growth. O^Neill while 30 percent said they than the state government. to the U.S. Senate race, 52 that ’’O'Neill has opened a lead the pre-election poll advantage only about 20 people, most of them But abstinence Is important, she favored Belaga and 35 percent ’’THESE MEMBERS have argued. percent of those polled said fliey over Belaga " that usually goes to incumbents.” , middle-aged or elderly women. To Today, the W C T U ftieuses its were undecided. struggled hard against the winds win vote for Democratic Sen. Still, he said, “ there remains The September poll found Dodd some, the scant turnout seemed to etTorts on ethication, particolariy "Too never hnowsrho’agningBo and snows of opposition and Y**— S-JNe etaarew’ moOer. Christopher Dodd while 9 percent O’Neni said Sunday he was significant opportunity for Belaga leading Eddy. 45 percent to 12 symbolise the organisation’s de­ beanalcohoHe.” Hhyesaaid. “The discouragement.” said WC’TU Na­ for schoolchildren. Bach year, the said they planned to vote for pleased by the latest pon results. to improve her standing because of p e rc e n t, w ith 43 p e rc e n t cline since its heyday in the early group sends letters to every school addietitNi is in die glaas... Hyoo’re tional Promotion Director Win­ 0 J tr*i?y !y i?n?L *^ “**^**“**”***^ RepnMican Roger Eddy and 35 “ However, as Pve always said, the high number of voters rrito say undecided. part of this century. , in the state oftiering free Hterature going to be an alcoholic, then ft's ifred Kissling. the convention's M K V a M t t e W M w aM m g Aakes to the percent were undecided, the Coor- whether I ’m ahead or behind, a poll they are undecided, evidence that The latest survey was conducted But those who attended said a on the harmfril effiects of atcobol. because of your first drink.” keynote speaker. ’’They have ant reported in a copyrighted is only a pkrtnre of a moment in her support among Republicans by telephone on Om . 13-19. The poll revival may be on the way. drugs and tobacco. given all they can for the often The most upsetting thing about r S Z m i J ! 1 * * M * ^9 lee* to eaH flto flre depurtnwm, article today. time. I expect as the campaign w lllto higher than the current poll has a standard margin for error of The group — the Woman's unpopular cause of the WC’TU .” today’s society an d its attitudies The response lately has been ? L * ^ .* * y t t n t l p e m a rrism i, t ie w o o d -tn m e goes on that more people wni he •hows, and evidence that her plus or minus 5 percentage points. Christian Temperance Union — towanb alcohol. Hayes said, is the Of the 500 adults randomly support could grow as her name “Now. when public sentiment is increasing. Hsyes said. "WC’re all momm wmm — Hfg eifertmiet Capt. JiM coming to support m y candidacy,” The Connecticut Poll is based at the was once a political force through­ failure to be stricter with pmple aelected for questioning. 44 percent recognition builds.” changing, and the ftiture is looking quite encouragM. People are com­ O'Neill said. University of Connecticut’s Insti­ out the United States. Because of who are arrested tor driving while said they ftarmed to vote for As evidence of that point, Ferree brighter, this is not time to give up ing to see that our standpoint tute for Social Inquiry and is jointly its efforts, the Prohibition Act intoxicated. Often, an offender gets O’Neill, 20 percent said they will "The figures are M iarre.” Bel­ said the poll showed Belaga and rest awhile.” Kissling said. makes sense,” she said. sponsored by the Courant and the passed Congress in 1919. Until the a lenient sentence because of cast their ballots for Belaga. and aga said, ‘"nw y don’t make sense leading O'Neill. 44 percent to 33 institute law*s repeal in 1983. it was illegal to Convention delegates also re­ plea-bargaining, she said. soefely urpM Mwgeara breaks THE GROVE STTLl iVE- buy or drink alcoholic bitverages. ceived words of support from She said she is also upset with adk W EB HAVEN - TW Comwefieat State Madfcal Soefaty la "E v e r since then, it’s just been Charlotte Kitowksi of West Hart­ E O R TS national prohibition, she explained. on television that encourage people aanag ttocteragtatewfcteteaccapt Medtoaraeourteayeantofrom gradually going down.” Dorothy ford. who helped found Transporta­ to buy beer and wine. HwwifsniNoornbeiw While many have criticised the ^‘ytowwBoareheiuweartatolBconwIeyela. markfuatba Votes end threat of strikes at homes Hayes of Meriden, president of the tion Alternatives Inc. — a group "Til anclpirogram to New Baglaad. state chapter, said Saturday of the that has tried to reduce drunken first prohibition law for being OveraR. though. Hayes said Tie

Printing the text simple motion stating, "That the Who, moo, mov, litter ddorstepe with this drivel oiBees and town lawyers to tiy D O T must 'Htvm Board of Directors authorizes the that the distriet Has a terrible and settle what is becoming W H v r dOSTliit wouM show pits town clerk to prepare and print a baa, bM , b M advantage dver other voten iit nothing more than a personal concise explanatory text of Ffe- this town, and that it is undermin­ vendetta. After all, no other nm ciful avigefo Jm ck femdom Question #4 in accor­ To tito editor: ing democracy, ft seems that in entity has defeated the Demo­ prove case To the Editor; dance with e.G.S. Ch. 152, Sec. the last election f couldn't vote on crats so repeatedly or handily. 9-389b.” Let’s see Ifthe boardhas One person, one vote. an issue of a firehouse not less Residents of the Eighth Dis­ To the Editor: In a recent letter, I requested the guts to put in print and let Behind this banner the forces than a mile from my residence in trict have no wish to choose who Mayor Weinberg, as presiding their intent and purpose stand of our town manager once again the Eighth District. Guess whose will represent Keeney Street in On behalf of Elizabeth Cone, on wetlands officer of the Board of Directors, the test of scrutiny by the people. Charge headlong into the North idea that was. One person, one the state Capitol, or which school who spent the last nine months of to consider authorizingthe Town end. It is an agreeable phrase, vote, though; let’s not forget your children go to. They are her life inthe East Buildingat The Clerk to prepare an explanatory Ron Dsella certainly one that no one would that. simply blessed with an inexpen­ Meadows Convalescent Center on file idea of filling in wetlands to build a ^xt regarding Referendum 410 Hackmatack St. publicly denounce. It’s a nice It’s amaging that this pam­ sive system that works and Bidwell Street, 1 want to publicly shield. phlet lectures about ftmdamentai grows even when federal dollars praise andthankthat staff forthe and then excavating land to create more Question S4 on charter revision, as provided for under Sec. 389bof Of course, when used in regard American principles. Our invest­ ore disappearing. To eliminate fine Job they do there. wettands to make up for the loss seems, on agency state law. to the differences between the ment in town government is a few that to make all the town the Elizabeth always felt she re­ tt^ a c e if it. to be a backward approach to True, there’s been extensive MeCavanggh hm town and the eighth District, it’s minutes in November once every same is like solving the homeless ceived very good care. She often protecting the environment. How press coverage on the charter side-stepping rhetoric. No one In two years, yet we don't seem to problem by sending everyone told me, "Everyone here is so Manchester is denied a vote, nor #et a decent return on that. We imo the streets. good and kind to me.” On many ordinary citizen has a right to question Naelf revision/consolidation controv­ doimago^lob The ersy, but not everybody reads the does anyone’s vote supersede sink into party-line votes dic­ The town's motives smack of occasions, I witnessed the kind tile lo^c of that approach. Fortunately, it is n e To the Editor: another. We all vote for whatever tated by whoever the town party an unmistakeable taste of ven­ and considerate actions of this papers and news stories are not chairman is. "Moo, moo, moo,” also being questioned by experts within the always verbatim official state­ or whoever affects our particular geance, and by conniving the staff, not only to Elizabeth but to NH.U'? OfiU/lO...' the back In the flurry of activity that is district — senatorial, represen­ says one side. "Baa, baa, baa,” voters Into thinking that they federal Environmental Protection Agency. ments of board positions. While says the other. The "moos” have many others. I feel these women the election season, it is all too tative, or otherwise. So our have anything less than their full and women are very special the press attem ^s to report the easy to be enthralled by the ’’fundamental principle of Amer­ it. The candidates that flaunted capacity -to vote on what affects The state Department of Transportation facts, news stories may end up people — they are indeed "angels proposes to create the artificial wetlands as a WASHINGTON — When a complaint about current bandwagon and forget ican democracy” is quite intact. their individual talents for the them, they are involving them in generalized or editorially I assure you. course of an autumn suddenly a scheme to eradicate one of the of mifercy” . This is not a job for means of compensating for natural wetlands official incompetenct s turned over to the the dedicated service that is everyone — those people have a offending bureaucrats to answer, it’s not changed to convey a certain point given over the long term. I What is missing is someone become faceless bovine march­ last true havens of government it win have to destroy if its plans are carried of view. remember a gentleman who four from the Committee for Charter ing in whatever direction the Big of, by, and for the people, where special calling. surprising that the response is less than Elizabeth is gone now, but there I out for the relocated Route 0 from Bolton hard-hitting. The controversy become more years ago sought to represent his Revision who can be honest and Hand points. Some can it stabil­ virtually any district resident Notch to Windham. It would do so by clouded^ijwhen a member of the neighbors In the General Assem­ direct about the real motives ity. avoiding the rashness of can walk in and announce that will be many more like her to take But Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., was hardly her place at The Meadows, and excavating land and even importing wetland board makes statements as a bly. He promised only that he behind this nebulous campaign. strong-mayor governments that they would like to run for director prepared for the effusive praise that National can collapse at a single gaffe. the devoted staff of the East soils if necessary. member of the "Committee on would do his best and indus­ It was recommended by a and do so without having toslime Security Adviser Adm. John Poindexter heaped on Some think of it as a lot of effort throught the party mechanisms Building win. I’m sure, givethem the Energy Department officials Dingell had Charter Revision.” Some people triously protect their interests "bipartisan” though predictable c and those of the people of the group, which heard loud and for no change, like running down that stain our town government. the same kind, understanding The DOT says it has been done before in criticized for lax security at nuclear weapons may think that the CCR is a town commission because of the sim­ state as a whole. I remember that endless arguments against revi­ an up-escalator. The result Is a The Eighth District should be care they gave her. Connecticut, citing instances in Newington. plants. Poindexter’s letter to Dingell ail but he has kept those promises. sion Mind you. a civil rights $26 million bill for the same the object of admiration and not nominated the officials for medals. ilarity of names, not knowing New Britain and Glastonbury. Perhaps it has that it’s really a Political Action I remember that Jim McCava- committee of four blacks and six stinking water and a miHion- Jealous scorn. That may be the EMeCone aocceeded in adequately protecting wildlife ”I must say that we are impressed with the nagh has always been ready to Klansman would be "biparti­ dollar-plus firehouse built where operative of the Committee for 19 Trumbull St. Mystery solved, earmarked for the Eighth Dis­ the town highway department for progress being made and the commitment of Committee pushing forced it can’t be used. and at the same time in permitting people to trict Fire Department to assist consolidation. help when called upon. I re­ san” though predictable. It was Charter Revision but I believe use on the roads this winter. Secretory (John) Herrington and his staff to the member that he has worked long backed by gentlemen who have Now Mr. Weiss and Mr. that is far below the hearts and enjoy the kind of roads most agree we want to subsidy found! the Fire Prevention Team in This may seem a little far­ safegdards and security program, and have very ’ I hardly think that a PAC made Cummings want the district T purchasing little red fire hats to and hard and gained the respect devoted hundreds of vain hours minds of the residents of "all of LmU htb p o l i c y have. fetched and about as unMieva- high confidence In his approach to this problem,” up of developers and their of his constituents and col­ to the dissolution of the Eighth obliterated. Moo, moo, moo, Manchester.” hand out to all the school children ble as the $175,000 subsidy to the lawyers and bankers speaks for The Manchester Herald wel­ But as Elizabeth Higgens, the EPA’s To thf Editor: in North America. Yet the money Poindexter wrote. leagues. so that he now holds District only to be rebuffed again moo, baa, baa, baa. The people You are one person, you have district by the town, but I swear the board, but that may be the important and effective commit­ and again by the voters and the have spoken. Democracy’s finest one vote, and see to It that it is a comes original letters to the had not been received and I was It turns out, though, that the pat on the back was editor. environrnental review coordinator for the I had a great concern for on the autobiography of Ted self-administered by the E ner^ Department. impression some people get tee assignments. I remember courts. And. dear voters, the two hour. Whatdaya say.guys? "no” vote. "No” to childish Route < project, observed, it should be the on a mission from God to find out Cummings S r. titled ‘‘Fact or Developers, developers. ... de­ Letters should be brief and to justice, after reading Mr. Pen­ where it had gone. Dingell’s complaint to the National ^curity that his word to friend and most influential backers of (he It is quite true that the Eighth vendettas; "no” tothe autocracy last resort. ny’s and Mr. Cummings' letters Fiction,” that it's the truth. Mr. Council was bucked over to Energy officials to velopers; Why is that always the opponents alike is "good as demise of the District. Mr District has its advantages. It is of unelected officials; and "no” the point. They should be typed or Finally, after weeks had gone Penny, next year to avoid this neatly handwritten, and. for ease concerning the 1175.000 to by and tons of records had been handle, according to an internal department connection with Democratic gold” . Cummings and Mr Weiss, well, cheaper to live there because It to the dribbling rhetoric that Human beings are not the only force $200,000 subsidy of the Eighth problem, please send the money activities? The people of the I2th Assem­ you can’t even vote for them. ()ne does not hire paid firefighters. littered our front doors like bags in editing, should be double­ working to change the environment. But only perused, I found it The mystery directly to me and I’ll see that It memo obtained by our associate Stewart Harris. District by the town. had been solved. Unfortunately, Fortunately. Sec 369b gives us bly District have indeed been person, one vote. District residents pay taxes to of restaurant rubbish. spaced. Letters must be signed human beings have a large degree of control gets to the right people. “The NSC staff has asked that we develop a cover other forms of municipal One person, one vote. That one with name, address and daytime Being somewhat knowledgea­ none of the school children in draft letter for Adm. Poindexter’s signature that a way to see exact statements of fortunate to have been repres­ This issue would certainly be at over what they do to their surroundings. Oh, by the way, to really make the town government position on ented by Jim McCavanagh dur­ rest if the Democrats had not maintenance, but the price for person is Bob Weiss, and his one telephone number (for ble on district affairs. I had never North America would have little sure this doesn’t happen again, I recognizes Dlngell’s concerns, addresses the heard about or seen the alleged red fire hats this year due to a why the charter should be ing the past four years He has bulldozed all their opposition so equal fire protection is less than vote is omnipotent. verification). If the only feasible way to build the needed urge everybody out there to vote NSC’s oversight of DOE’s safeguards and security made the tough decisions, kept decisively in the last election. half. This is only due to the The Herald reserves the right subsidy, so I decided to dig into computer error in the town hall ”no” on question 4 on Nov. 4,%nd program and assures continued monitoring of the changed, through the prepara­ Thomas Marvin road is to fill in wetlands and manufacture the matter and find out exactly What happened was a seventh- tion and dissemination of a his word and been loyal to the Riding on the hubris of those accidental foresight of their to edit letters in the Interests of compensatory ones, that’s what needs to be next year let’s change a few of program, “ the memo stated. volunteer spirit which has made victories, they have decided once predecessors, but it is a privilege 54 Hamlin St. brevity, clarity and taste. where the money had gone and grade student at Bennet Junior our honorable town directors and printed explanatory text of any done. But before the ersatz wetlands are what it was used for What I did High School, working on a referendum question The text our community the true City of again to take on their old they have worked hard to retain. Editor's note: Marvin for­ Address letters to: Open Fo­ maybe in I9$9 we won’t 1^ POINDEXTER THEN PUT his signature on the Village Charm. On Nov. 4. I will nemesis, with so much confi­ It has only cost the town when permitted, the DOT should be made to prove find was shocking and some­ computer program for a science looking for a lost 2 or 3 million must specify the intent and merly lived on New State Road, rum. Manchester Herald, P.O. times almost unbelievable. glowing tribute that the Energy public relations remember Jim McCavanagh. so. dence. In fact, that they dare public officials have used their that altematives to avoid the destruction in class, detailing the mating his­ dollars. staff produced. An aide explained that the purpose of the charter change within (he Eighth District. Box 591, Manchester, (?T 06049. I started my search at the tory, or lack of, of the extinct I trust, will you. the first place have been exam ined and found National Security Council has a staff of only 40 and not advocate either approval home of the Eighth District dodo bird, had accidentally en­ or disapproval. impractical. president. Walt Joyner, who Chfittopber Marvin people, and said It ‘‘depends on the Thomas R. O’Marra Sr. ( tered the subsidy-accounts paya­ n T’urntmll Road Of course, the printed explana­ allowed me to examine his home ble file at the town hall and circumstances” whether Poindexter lets his 20 Schaller Road replies to congressional Inquiries be prepared by tion would have to say. as the c and all the district records. This changed some priorities on their Connecticut Supreme Court was not very hard to do. seeing as list. The $175,000 In question had other, presumably better-staffed agencies. A Mr. Joyner, afraid of violating To his credit, Poindexter did make one ruled in 1960, that the consolida­ been handed over to a Ms. Edith tion provisions of our 1947 Town Private funds the freedom of information laws, Distrust, who was contemplating significant deletion from the Energy Reasons to vote I has removed all the doors and opening a branch of her C.T.I. 'Yes* vote needed Department’s self-congratulatory draft ‘This was Charter were not effected by the 2 curtains from his home and franchise (Christmas 'Toy- a paragraph that assured Dingell of the National Home Rule Act passed 10 years for Julie Belaga emptied the contents of all his builders Institute) In town that for the schools Security Council’s "aggressive oversight program later in 1957, that the charter for a creche drawers so that nothing is left to catered to the training of small of DOE’S safeguards and security efforts.” ‘The provisions prevail over the Home 1 imagine. Mr. Joyner stated he people with pointy ears desper­ admiral evidently knew better, and struck that Rule Act, and that the Home Rule To (he Editor; had nothing to hide and this was ately in need of winter work To the Editor; reference from his letter to Dingell. Act consolidation provisions are evident, though it may prove not an alternative to the char­ Investigation of the fire F riday that (seeing as how the Hollow Tree ’The staff of Dingell’s subcommittee on oversight Why vote for Julie Belaga? 71 Haynes Street destroyed the nativity scenes stored at the embarassing during the upcom­ Bakery had folded In August). At their Oct. 14 meeting, and investigations. In a memo to the congressman, ter’s consolidation provisions. Because you don’t want four ing holiday party season. members of the Manchester PTA o Manchester, Connecticut 06040-4188 lodge in Center Springs P ark m ay prove that Ms. Distrust had planned on spelled out their dissatisfaction; “While this There is nothing In our state more years of crony-rlddcn. Warren L. Prelesnik, FA C HA After examining all the docu­ using a parcel of land near Townwide Council voted unanim­ fox-in-the-henhouse way of doing business may be statutes that says we must Telephone 203-646-1222 the fire started from accidental causes, or it ments and bank statements I ously to support Question 6 on scandal-plagued backroom polit­ f’rcsidenl St CEO Center Springs Park but had acceptable for Adm. Poindexter, the change our Town Charter to ics. This is a good reason to vote may prove nothing. But the fact that the fire found that the Eighth District decided against It when she found Nov. 4. conform to the Home Rule Act subcommittee staff does not believe that the for Julie Belaga! 1 i occurred in an unoccupied and unguarded had Indeed never received any that the cost of cleaning up the This question concerns the To say less would be advocating money from the town In the form subcommittee should be expected to place much 0 Because Connecticut de­ 4 { building seems to suggest that the fire was broken glass from muscatel and renovations and repairs to four approval. If there are other c of a subsidy to fire protection or Ripple bottles, left by the future reliance on Adm. Poindexter’s assurances when serves leadership that doesn’t set deliberately. Manchester elementary schools they are really DOE assurances prepared on reasons, such as tax equity, wait for bridges to fall down 7 C sewer service It only meant one residents of th^ Hotel Manches­ adequacy of fire protection, 10 E thing: Someone had gotten hold and Manchester High School. In White House stationery.” before it fixes the roads. This too The nativity scenes were destroyed about a ter on Main Street, was quite most cases, these proposed reno­ sewer planning, etc , let them {‘ month before they were to be set out in their of the $175,000 that Mr Penny expensive Ms. Distrust was last is a good reason to vote for Julie To our friends in the East of the River coiiununity: 11 r said was earmarked for the vations and repairs are to correct DINGELL WAS DOUBLY UPSET because the say so and back them up with Belaga 12 L customary places, leaving very little time to seen heading south to sec If she district. The plot thickened and I could purchase some land in state building code violations. original of the complaint he sent to Poindexter had facts and figures, rather than But there are even- better 14 C allow for a fund drive to pay for replacing had to get to the bottom of it. Florida for her C.T.I. near the Three of the elementary schools gone, as protocol demands, to President Reagan — letting us guess what they have in reasons for voting Julie Belaga 18 S them . In question. Bowers. Verplanck mind for a consolidation plan C The second part of my quest Everglades. and apparently sank without a trace. A White She is an Intelligent, dynamic 18 T centered around the town hall, and Waddell, have not had any The public has a right to know Thank you for your interest in and participation in the Cholesterol Because the town, which relies heavily on But what about the little red House spokesman refused to say whether Reagan individual who thoroughly under- 19 4 where I decided to look next. fire hats? major renovations or repairs had actually seen Dlngell’s stem warning about from a singular written explana­ standsthe issues facingourstate Screening Program held last week at Manchester Memorial Hospital. self-insurance, has a $50,000 deductible on its After passing the strip search The story does have a happy since they were opened in the nuclear weapons plan security problems. tory text exactly that Intent and She will seek out and attract top 21 S fire insurance policy, the only way to replace and drug test at the front door, ending. The district volunteers, early 1950s. Nathan Hale had a Dingell has tried to Jar the Energy Department purpose of town government In caliber people for key state 22 V the scenes, other than by public donation, is after they found out I was a realising that If they did not do major addition and some renova­ proposing the Charter chaflge, Frankly, your Interest and enthusiasm for the program had us overwhelmed. 24 V out of Its complacency over security, pointing out positions: the people we need to 9 by the expenditure of public funds — an district resident and in their eyes something quick they would not tion work done in 1971. how easily weapons-grade and higly enriched rather than having us read all the restore pride in our state Along with all the other screening sites in Connecticut, we were caught an illegal alien. I was allowed to 25 A expenditure that would be of questionable have little red fire hats for the In order to maintain the uranium can be stolen from the department’s propaganda In a multitude of government. 28 S enter the town clerk’s office kids at Fire Prevention Week, Lonflicting press reports. I’ve unprepared by the numbers of concerned citizens who felt it important to propriety. No town funds were spent for the excellent school system we now weapons plants. In security tests iast year, he These are the reasons la m 27 S After signing away all my pooled all their money and noted, mock terrorist teams succeeded In stealing always believed, "Don’t say learn their cholesterol levels. 29 D original nativity scenes. Inheritance and that of my bought Lotto tickets and were have in Manchester. It is neces­ votIngforJulieBelaga.Ihopeyou d sary for us to renovate and repair radioactive material from the DOE’s Savannah something if you don’t mean it. will vote for Julie too. children, I was allowed into the lucky to win a $5,000,000 Jackpot. but if you mean it. put it In print .” 31 H If the destroyed scenes are to be replaced vault where the records were our schools. Please vote yes on River plant in South Carolina and the Pantex plant ri So all the little boys and girls at Amarillo. Texas. Therefore. I urge Mayor Wein­ We thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation as we w in time for this Christmas season, organizers kept. were happy and received their Question 6 on Tuesday. Nov. 4. Jonathan Merrier Guards at Savannah River behaved like berg to have the board consider a 63 Jensen St. processed each of you through the system as quickly as possible. Your concern 35 A will have to move fast, and donors will have After many sleepless days and little red fire hats, and the D to be prom pt. It’s a good cause, but one that tiring nights I found the key to the district volunteers in the spirit of Thomas P. Crockett, Keystone Kops; One machinegunner didn't know for your health and well-being certainly surpassed the experts' best estimates. how to load his weapon. Another couldn’t clear his 38 A should be kept in the private sector. missing subsidy. There was giving bought five acres of desert President, Manchester NOTICC OF PUBLIC NEARINQS This response clearly indicates that the residents of the East of the River Bi Indeed $175,000 that had been land in Arizona and donated it to Townwlde PTA Connell machinegun when it Jammed. A group of guards 37 S i piled Into a helicopter to chase the mock Intruders, community certainly care about goud health practices. 40 A only to realize that they had forgotten to bring any SMALL CLAIMS 41 M weapons. 44 Ui THE CONNECTICUT JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT IS SEEKING 46 Cl In a lengthy response, Secretary Herrington PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE OPERATIONS AND As you may know, all monies collected for the screening ate sent to fo Nude vacations and our freebie press said the department’s security forces are learning PROCEDURES OF THE SMALL CLAIMS SESSION OF THE the American Health Foundation in New York, in support of the non-profit 48 Fll from their mistakes, and that "one Individual SUPERIOR COURT. PUBLIC HEARINGS ARE BEING HELD 47 Or By Chuck Stone editor of the Laconia (N.H.) Evening Citizen, Foundation's work in preventive medicine and medical research. 9 48 C( and serenely, knowing Americans will support its falling to clear a machinegun does not indicate IN EACH SUPERIOR COURT GEOGRAPHICAL AREA reportedly took advantage of the corporate freebie that the entire DOE training program Is 49 Sr If your mother soys she loves you, check it out. dishonesty as a mandatory exercise In patriotism. THROUGHOUT THE STATE. M by toting her husband along. “I hope the paper will In Stephen Hess’ book, ’"The Govemment/Press Inadequate.” That’s rule number one for budding journalists. give me a full page for it,” she is said to have A HEARING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED IN THIS AREA AT: We at Manchester Memorial offered the screening as a service to our 51 N( who must be scrupulously accurate and honest if Connection,” the Brookings Institution scholar Dingell’s subcommittee staff has since warned 55 V( gushed about the festivities. categorizes four kinds of lies; honest lies, Poindexter that the security’s assurances are friends and neighbors in our surrounding communities. This effort involved 56 Fit they’re to be trusted. A Disney spokesman labeled his corporation’s "misleading.” 67 IM Is there a difference, though, between their inadvertent lies, half-truths and flat-out lies. LOCATION DATE AND TIME tremendous support from a vast cross-section of employees from throughout pimping "a marriage between the Disney Co. and Many of the Washington press corps and all of (c< iFiOf. In the course of their own work, and the lies the media, to let the people of America know what MANCNEBTER: the Hospital. Without their contributions, this screening would never have 58 Af the Walt Disney World joumalists/public relations d* Issuing from a sacred American institution? we have there.” Mlnl-BCNtorlBl SuMTlor Court ^ D ) Oct. 22, 1086 taken place. They each deserve the community's appreciation. It turns oii^that the shortest distance between vacationers seem to accept Hess’ taxonomy. 59 Ri\ One editor, who nonetheless accepted the trip, Honest lies, of course, protect national security. We know it’s wishtol thinking, but wouldn’t it be 410 Contor Street So two sleaty points can be a crooked line that runs told It like it was: ”It’s a form of bribery,” Flat-out lies are no-nos to hard-working wonderful If political candidates would borrow the Mencbeeter, CT 06040 60 Un from a disingenuous White House to a hypocritical Who would quarrel with the president’s right to technique of those marvelous automobile Once again, on behalf of everyone at Manchester Memorial Hospital, journalists. WINDSOR: t lie to protect his country?” If your mother says she loves you. check it out. commercials tor their TV spots? You know the I would like to thank all of you who participated in the screening not only Two cases in point; Superior Court (WED) Oct. 22, 1066 ALMOST NOBODY, IT SEEMS. ones who we mean: the sleazeball “executive” 276 Broed Street 2 P.M. for your interest in this project, but for your understanding and your 1 Eni • The White House deliberately lied about ’THE TRAGIC RESULT of this multiple making absolutely outrageous claims tor his cars, Windsor, CT 06005 br« Moammar Gadhafi’s intended return to terrorism Nor apparently would many challenge the media’s acceptance of a free vacation from duplicity is that readers and citizens ^ g in to while the message, “He’s lying,” is flashed on the willingness to endure the sometimes lengthy wait. and disseminated false information for screen. What a grand campaign it would be! ROCKWUE: 6 corporate pimps when the occasion is linked to the question whether they can trust anything the publication. White House says or the press prints. Superior Court (THURS) Oct. 23. 1066 • While the media fretted about their integrity celebration of the upcoming bicentennial of the 58 Weet Mein Street Very truly yours. U.S. Constitution with former Supreme Court The next time the White House warns of an 2 P.M. being violated, almost 10,000 media people — and impending terrorist attack by one of America’s Rockville, CT 06066 their guests — were gobbling up an Chief Justice Warren E. Burger as one of the featured distinguished Americans. deadliest enemies, some citizens will recall the WEST IMRTFORD: all-expenses-paid trip to Walt Disney World In Gadhafi incident and wonder. ffflanrlipatpr Hpralft Can readers know how many media hustles Superior Court (WED) Oct. 20. 1066 florMa, ostensibly to celebrate that resoit’s isth determine the space an editor devotes to a When members of the press have no Founded In 1 M1 ‘•R anniversary and the bicentennial of the l/g. 105 Reymond Roed 11 AM. corporation In a newspaper’s pages? They can’t. compunctions about accepting corporate media PENNY M. SIEFTEnr . Weet Hertford, CT 06107 Warren L. Pi^elesnik Constitution. PuMNIWr JC They must read the papers on faith. hustles, they vitiate their right to point a finger at OOUOLA8 A. BEVINS. ewculNeedIWr the president and declaim, ‘‘But the king has no JAMES P. SACKS HARTFORD: President But the does the White House have the right to ALEXANDEK OINELLI ..MmigineEdSor **TO THE EXTENT we can keep Gadhafi off He? .clothes.” .. AMOdMElMar Superior Court (WED) Oct. 20. 1066 Manchester Memorial Hospital VRI hnlance by one means or another, including the Of course. Especially to protect national Down in Walt Disney World, weekend- 06 Weebington Street 2 P.M. DENihE A. NOSEnrS Hertford, CT 06106 * nossihillty that we might make another attack. ’ ’ security, though it must recognize that such lies vacationing Journalists were naked tor all the MANK P. ABnAiriS Ae*»iH»lnfl Olftclor ZRI Intoned a sanctimonious Secretary of State George ninln«M Mtnapar may ultimately compromise Its integrity. world to see. SHELDON COHEN CemeoMng M m ^ WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE SENT TO: CIVIL CASE- PRE Ihults, “I think that’s good.” nOSEnr H. HUBBWD... whai JEANNE Q. PAOMOmi.. FLOW MANAGER, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COURT ADMINIS­ At Walt Disney World, Aline Jacobs, women’s BUT ‘THE WHITE HOUSE will lie comfortably Chuck Stone is a syndicated colamniat. . CIreulMlon Mmi^ TRATOR. DRAWER N, STATION A, HARTFORD 06108 1 li'dii .Ui'ii til tlu' ('t \t'U ’r.iiis ot .ill \\ .ir-- • - m jmm nicm aaajA 10 — MAWCHE8TER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 20, 1986 - 9 0 r * w w » w i i » a t^WE’SAW AJmCLEMOyT ’^PUTVDMt6U)lCAUM(' V^./W oHd in Brie;f Soviets warn of cooling U.S. ties iJjfWr YDO SHOOLPOa WfTH IN A Pftf^ PLACE iMBCE smn 'ftxw tBASQMU.6LOVE THEDOfiCANl'FlNPIT'' POR THE UMNrfiBR... Shamkr gets vote of confidence MOSCOW (AP) - Aspunanini David Harris. Shite, appearlagoatbeNBC-TV New York that Moscow had pre­ Shii KsribeKremlia, wMekofOeradflYe Tasa dM aot say wkaa the five program "Meet the Press.” said it pared “ major and very aensitive” of Ma . today gave YHiliak Shamir and D.S. suYoyg expeOed sfler the auMt leave. U.S. Ea te a p y spokes- |0 up to Preafdeat Reagan to retaUatory measures, but was McKe J?***” * ” »m em ber CaMaet an overwhelming vote of Slate Depertmeat eest 2S Soviet aiaa Mrsslav Veraer, wkaa asked She c o n n d ^ and he was sworn in as Israel's irinth prime minister. detennlae what acthm to take. postponing them until after the U.I9. di^omate paekiaf, said abouta date. said. “ Wereallydoa’t “ H ie preaideBt win coasult. and Oct. 11-12 summit between Reagan and h TThe v ^ was IMsaed by a show of hands, with B legislators Ibrtlier dt-for-tat iweasw ea cooM kaow.” lived I vo«ng in favor. IT against and three abstaining. he win decide.” S h ite said. and Gorbachev. make superpower relatioiM "cool • iw ' X W RIUIUUIICVIllMUi CnCI MPK b) March, the United States years atamfr, tooh over from caretaker prime minister Shimon Sbevardnadxe, referringto retal­ down to aero.’’ m m km the D.S. axpoisioas of tbe ordered Moscow to rsdnee its U.N. iatory expulsions, also said be and Wools F e r^ ln keeiping jrth an nnprecedented Joint-rule accord But ia WasklBgtoa, Secretary o# Soviet (Hploaiats hom the DaRed Miarioa staff by 166 people over a Sbultx had ''agreiMl we should not ford, I •^S*‘t-wiBg Liknd bloc and the left-leaning State Geofve P. Slate reapoaded rMimrrow ^ u » 0n »«g | r«^ HatiOM. bat Georgy AiM ov, a two-year period. The State Depart- engagein competition in this She IF VOURE A D06-, to Suaday’s expnialOB orders by elder Kreailia spokesmaa, iadF meat altoged many of the diplo- area.” Smith fvrvowiftiWEAwAy ^^® '**5*.I® **- Shamir said in a speech before the Knesset, or sayiBf. *-We wfll protest aad we eated that the Soviets were mate were engaged ia eepkmage. The Soviet Union and U.N. chill rNom./Md)tee»ieTw«>9 KNOCKING IN A PKV PLACE WHERE pOTlfament, that as prime minister he would prevent Palestinian win take soate acUoa.” retaHatiag. b Smtember, two daye before Secretary-General Javier Perez de grand wiu-/wn>ifi»rr TR 4lN tN 6 ./IM / l(UrOU 0 (SU«C>» THE RIPS C A N tF lN P lT " g a i^ from emrenching themselves in Lebanon and establish- “nw official aewa ageacy Tass Arbatov spoke ia a satellite Soviet Poreiga Miaieter Eduard A. Cuellar have said the U.S. expul­ and n « V NOtse, ujuesnoNS 6o / /*io pumins said tbe five U.S. dipkNaats had OM.Le yt56*mHB«SOW '***.. ” ***- •»* would promote Israeli iatervtew from Mbseow oa the Sbevardaadw arrived ia tbe Uni­ sions violated the United States’ The T>ew~iH0r Morr M m S - settlement in the occupied territories. beea ordered to leove after the CBS-TV program "Pace the ted States fei' talks with Reagan legal agreement for being host a.m. r -i iii^ Poreiga Miaiatiy determiaed Ibey Natioa.’ and SiH te, Waahiagtoa issued a country to the U.N. headquarters Home bad aacaged ia "imperaiissible "The Aaiericaae win (see that) specific list of 26 Soviets It accused in New York. Burial OPEC adfoumt wHhout agrtBfiiBnt activities.” Mr. Gorbachev is a veryrfo forthcoai- of naiagtlieir U.N. atatusasa cover Tbe last U.S. diplomat expelled Rocky •Lookf A rep«ca of tHo first Tbe term is a ilplomatic catch iag aum if be has good pariaars. for apylng. lence ministers, a step sway from adopting a by the Soviet Union was Eric Sites, luggage ever tost!” M T rw f phrase for espioaafe. Bat if srou behave ia soch a way be It ordered them to leave, but the a defense attache accused of callini production accord that conhf raise oil prices, Tbe five are Jack Robeits of tbe becoaies very tough,” Aibotov deaiUaes were extended several espionage in M ay after being sdHwriixhl tM r morning session today without reaching U.S. coBsulate ia Leafagrad aad saM, referriag to Soviet leader CA^Mm 040Y •'Of Crooks 0 4 agreement, offlrtals said. times. detained while meeting a Soviet L#0 four iflplomau from tbe U.S. Mikhafl 8. Gorbachev. The last of tbe expelled Soviets citixen. e O R P O N . ■* •••* OPEC meeting in history was Embassy ia Moscow: WilUam ‘I t can cool dowB to aero ia both left New York on Tuesday. Expulsions of one or two diplo­ Leo W H AT A R E you.. l^ a it s demand that it be given a bigger share of the cartel's Norvllle, a first secretary, Cbartes countries if yon go oa this way of Sbevardnadxe, who denied that mats are somewhat routine, espe­ Street total Oil production under a proposed two-month extension of a Ebreafried, a third secretary, aad retaUation after retaUatioB,” Ar­ the Soviets diplomats were spies, cially in retaliation for U.S. expul-- vlan today tOW Off kr »MA vonnt 0 0l«t Orako temporary production-sharing system. attaches Gary Loanqolst aad batov said. said after his talks with Shults in sions of So'viet envoys. AH M alifa al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti oil minister, told reporters He I ’ TL**!* T*jg g « B gN-0VBP a i ^ tM a y s nnoming session that be bad not changed U s stance. M arc) BB^Sr «lPPH>OPBN Iran s oil miUster, Gholamreza Aghasadeh, said without Hartfc MBTOrating, "The major problem has been reaolv^/' and that Hasenfus will try movin he expected a final agreement by the end of the day. Iran has been Befon empio adarnem in rejecting Kuwait’s demand for a Ugger oil <|oota, constr aitbougb other members also were resisting. vetera ; < Other ministers were pessimistic about an agreement being to prove innocence C server reached today. n.^XT. i.r.'i \ , Africa was a MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP> — reportedly coordinated tbe supply of Cm Eugene Hasenfus goes on trial drops. Max Gomex, “worked witb AWtO AND JANW * by Jfmmy Jofimon Powerful quake hHe Pacific Island Foreig today before a "People’s Tribu- tbe C IA before and tbrongb Ms Hartfo WELLINGTON, New Zealand — An earthquake U.S. nal” where, according to a Nicara­ dealings wHh tbe CIA, himself and •LAWER. RINSE. REPtAP/ Besi seismologists said was the most powerful in more than a year guan human rights activist, tbe M r. George Bush were friends. by tw( strack the Kermadec Islands In the South Pacific today, but burden will be on tbe captured That was all 1 was told.” Coveni ONTHBM0TRACR kyiMNoArook officials had no immediate report of damage or injuries. American to prove U s innocence. Congress has proMMted the C IA Nicaraguan authorities have T Manch from aiding tbe rebels and Presi­ In Golden, Colo., the U.S. <3eologlcal Survey reported the 6:40 las (Ml charged Hasenfus with violating dent Reagan, Vice President Bush UBU., 2>oi! rT6... ..w r w^6nrT rr 1HERE WA&A p.m. (2:46 a.m. ED T) quake at 8.1 magnitude on the Richter tic: a I rr W/I& AccioctiT/utV laws governing public order and and other admlUstratJon officials WWm» 9 Cregle o 49 Small group of yourself to a dear friend who may re­ Stout ol quest your help today. However, don't ANNOUNCES TWO secret plotters 649-5241 grandch be embarrassed to deny financial aid If 51 North of center 65 E. Center Street jepURSES FOR APPLE T h e ft 55 Venus d e ____ you aren't In a position to give any. PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) A critical Manchester, Ct. Ic o m Mo d o r e USERSH the Gla 56 Ffiter cluster ...... 450 New 57 Item of clothing family Issue can be comfortably re­ (colloq.) solved today II all of the members of the L BASIC COMPUTING: tonbury household are harmoniously Inclined to ■ ilitRObUCTION 'W: WOftb FROCESSttlfi Cemeter SB After do so. Everyone has a part to play. Bridge deductions ARIES (March 21-April 18) Avoid posi­ STAYING STRAIGHT HOME ACCOUNTING, GRAPHICS 59 Rivsr in tioning yoursell between dissenting ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET, MODEMS AlUgor Scotland friends today. You'll want to help both spade after winning the diamond I VARIETY OF HARD 6 SOFTWARE______60 Unit of energy A weekly support group for teens who are having parties, but neither may be Interested in NORTH li-M-N A choice between and had shown two diamonds aiu.. Allisor present or past problems with drugs and alcohol, II. bATA MANAdtWd ter of Wl DOWN your suggestions. 9 8 2 three hearts. He could not have more {* TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Try to make 9 Q 7 4 small and smallest than two clubs. So the correct play ■' and associated conflicts with family, school, and I AD V. WORD PROCESSING; Tabshey do with what you have today, but II you ♦ Q85 was obvious. peers. Friday 1 English ADVANCED'WRD P'RQc ^ N G have to borrow something from anoth­ 9 K 10 8 7 S By James Jacoby South cashed the ace and king o f granddai broadcasters (c)19se bv NEA Inc er, treat it respectfully. Carelessness DATA MANAGING, FILE 6 LIST MAKING WEST EAST clubs, ending in dummy, and led the - This group is designed to help teens recognize the M ary (, could lead to a costly replacement. When dummy lias two small cards FORM LETTERS & MAILING LISTS • M r ’VquOTM" GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) A wise coun­ -♦ K Q 10 7 6 4 99 eight of spades. When East showed I,' dangers of drugs and alcohol, and to learn how to S to r tf Manch es 9 10 9 3 9 J 8 6 2 in the suit led, you wouldn’t think it out, declarer played low. West could MERGING FILES 8 PROGRAMS B*g.290aa. SINGER She al selor may give you some sage advice cope with life, and have fun while staying straight. •Costamu 6 today, because he or she will be able to ♦ A 2 9 K 7 6 4 matters which card is played. But win the trick but______would have to play] 0U0.6499.99 paternal ♦ J 5 9Q964 sometimes there’s an important dis­ back into declarer’s A-J. All well and 2 S % o f f CELEBRITY CIPHER see your situation realistically. Your Kerry A. Williamson, R.N., M.S.N., CS., 6Mcond threading: (Flum e) OtHbrffy C if f m orypto0rtm« M crM M frw n quoiMont by fanout Mooto d m w k i------judgment may as accurate. tinction between an eight and a deuce. FOR INFORMATION, OR •AiMw Stock built-in 1-s(ep bullorv The fUr E H h M tW In lf» C«ph«r M aralt tor DDOttwr Todm.‘m pr*mn\ SOUTH After the brave two-spade overcall CANCER (Jurta 21-July 22) What you 9 A J & 3 Psychotherapist TO REGISTEI^ CALL Cw H H toas holet; easy wind-irv a m . in by West, North-South got to game. De­ 2S%orr by CONNIE WIENER do today, you'll do well. However, in­ Y aks Kitty Ansaldi, R.N., M.A., Psychotherapist place botein Church, 1 stead ol p^orm ing to your fullest ca­ clarer allowed the opening lead to my. ’The last two tricks now had to Ite I <203) 429-87021 "RC DCRZDQDPT PJ VHDXP DW 9 J 10 9 3 nerm reduced horn our teg. price group. will be pacity. you might leave something hall 9 A 2 hold, playing low from both dummy surrendered to East. Calling h done that you easily could finish Beginning on October 21, 1986, Tuesday’s 4-5 PM _or. S ole erH ls S aturday. O d . 25, and his own hand. West now switched The hand was lost at the first trick. from 10 JCX JV PKX AJWP OJCWlOONJNW LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your possibilities Vulnerable: North-South to hearts. Declarer won and played a Since dummy’s eight of spades was not 'i begins. for acquisition are good today, but Dealer: North diamond. E)ast took the king and con­ Fee: *10 per group meeting 1-800-334-0854 ext. 869 you'll have to earn everything you get. doing declarer a hit of. good. South" Home. 401 VRDQDCMW JV ANCNDCF." — tinued hearts. Declarer won dummy’s should have got that nasty spot-caitl > pMma ERQPXQ West North East Soalh afrangem You may be disappointed if you're hop­ heart queen and played another dia­ LOCATION: Watkins Center ing things will drop into your lap Pass Pass 1 NT out of the way immediately. Then:,' Memori 2 9 mond. West won the ace and played a CLASSES HELD AT: ZRMXKJP. VMOO (Aug. 23-Sapl. 22) Usually, you 2 NT Pass 3 NT West honid not have avoided the even­ 955 Main Street, Suite 2C I toSHMii AND saMinv MAXI me n m a m c c ' made to tl are a very reliable and industrious per­ Pass Pass Pass third heart. Declarer now plaited his tual end play. . , MANCHESTER Y.W.C.A. WANCME6TCR FAHKADE K-MABT PLAZA PREVIOUS SOLUTION: ' ll is years before one can believe enough in two good diamonds and West discard­ Manchester, Conn. 06040 cut Chlldi what one feels even to krtow what the feeNitg Is.' — vv b Veats son, but today you might coast a bit and S40 BBOAO 8 T N K T 206 HARTFOBO TURNPPtKE Opening lead: ♦ K ed spades. ’The West hand was easy to mington then take bows tor work performed by To register or for more STARTING ON: OCT. 27th MANCHESTER VERNON count. He had started with six spades Actor Jose Ferrer was bom in San- 06032 others. information call; 646-2525 A co m p to to l(f»0 Of K w tng mochir>#e o ftd ■ (otherwise East would have returned a turce, Puerto Rico, on Jan. 8,1011. ^ 4«B6 FobnCteftero Ol Amgneo tnc owoiiab6goitoorTWdi*)iocot»orie iim ted ouontmwe at on olhDf If - MANCHBgTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 3». IMS Ma n c h e s t e r HERALtf* Monday, Oct. 26. itm - n O b itma rie m An ordeal produces resuM SPORTS SMrtoy MelCcniw Davkf J. Donovan IWotly C. Pap u a tilr Shirley (Roscoe) McKfnna. 75, A memorial service for David J Metty C. (Pappy) Papushek, 57, of Manchester, widow of frv in f D. Crash victim hits level six’ Donovan. 75, of Port St. Lucie, Fla., of 165 Tudor Lane, died Monday at McKenna, died Saturday at hoine. who died Friday, was held this Manchester Memorial Hospital. By John Mitchell She was bom in Chelsea, Mass, Carla. Mrs. Rosenstock said Carla gram in Hartford. morning at St. Lucie Church, 440 HewasthehusbandofEileen (Lee) and had iived in Rocky Hill. She Herold Reporter still faces about two more years of Southwest Irving St.. Port St. Papushek. Carla has a scar running down Red Sox two up on stumbling Mets lived in Manchester for the lest i f therapy. " It will be slow, she said. Lucie. Fla. He was bora in Hartford and had her face, and Mrs. Rosenstock has years She retired from the F.W Carla Rosenstock's friends had a "So far she’ s gone a lot further than Memorial donations may be lived in Windsor Locks before considered plastic surgery. "W e Woolworth Co., Park Street, Hart­ small party for her Saturday. The the hospital thought." made to St. Lucie Church or to the moving to Manchester eight years don’t know what we’ re going to do ford. after 25 years. nice thing was that she was able to According to her mother, Carla Series switches to Fenway r ~ American Heart Association. ago. Before he retired in 1965, he be there. about that," she said, a ^ n g th a t She is survived by a sister, Helen is on level six of the recovery worked for 32 years in the U.S. the decision would be up to her Routine Smith of Rocky Hill; two grand- process. Level eight means full daughter. Carol A. Hoynot Postal Service in Hartford. He was The I7-year-old who attended with Boston In firm control ^ children; three great­ recovery, she said. "W e thought Carla agreed to talkto the Herald Carol A. Haynes. W, of Houston. a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean Manchester High School was a grandchildren; and several nieces she’d be cominghome sooner," she for a short time. "She’ s had a busy Texas, died Thursday at the War, a member of the East passenger in a friend’s car March 2 and nephews. when It crashed into a tree in said. "W e're so proud of her." weekend,” her mother said. Medical Center Hospital, San Anto­ Hartford Elks, and the Veterans of By B«n W olK«r grounder The funeral will be Itiesday at Id Because of a special fund started Through a faint,"’ tired voice, Everyone thought we’d choke,” nio, Texas. She was a Manchester Foreign Wars and the American Vernon. The accident left Carla in a The Assoctofad Press a.m. at the Rose Hill Funeral by friends who donated money and Carla said she was doing fine and winning pitcher Steve Crawford native. Legion, both of l^ndsor Locks. coma, as well as causing her a Home. 5W Elm St. Rocky Hill. equipment, Carla was able to come was happy about a silver ring her said. She had lived in the Hartford Besides his wife, he is survived bruise on her heart, fractured hips, NEW YORK — Now, maybe only I Burial in Rose Hill Memorial Park. facial cuts, and other internal home on the weekends, and has friends bad given her at the party. Since that Woodrow Wilson-era D.r area, moving to Houston 13 years by five daughters. Mrs. Francis a classic Red Sox collapse can keep harmful Rocky Hill, will be at the conven­ injuries. been doing so for the last three Her mother said she is able to triumph, Boston has gone on to lose ago. She was a compensation (Eileen) Flannery of South Wind­ Boston from winning the World ience of the family. There are no months. stand on a walker and take steps. the seventh game of the World auditor at the Houston General sor, Mrs. Joseph (Kathleen) So- Series. By Howtird Ulmon 0.f calling hours. Slowly she has been waking from In the spring, if all goes accord­ But how far can she walk? Series in 1946, 1967 and 1975. and Insurance Co., Houston. lazzo of Vernon, Mrs?« Nicola The Red Sox, with a history The Assocloted Press her nearly seven-month ordeal ing to plan, Mrs. Rosenstock said “ As far as I can," Carla said. blew a one-game American League She is survived by her mother. (Noreen) Corsy of Rocky Hill. Mrs. draped In failure, kept rewriting 0.r through the efforts of doctors at doctors will do surgery on Carla’s " It’s hard tobeleive we have her East playoff in 1978 to the hated Loo Z. Mooro 8r. Charity (Edgerton) Haynes of Dean (Maureen) DiPrato of Ver­ that familiar script Sunday night NEW YORK - It’s a play Keith Newington Children’s Hospital. hip. This week, Mrs. Rosenstock home on a full-time basis," Mrs. Yankees. Granby; and a brother. George E. non and Colleen Fagan of Manches­ by beating Dwight Gooden and the Hernandez has made hundreds of Leo Z. Moore Sr.. 72. of Brewster "She’s still got a long way to go,” said, Carla will be entering the Rosenstock said. "W e’ re lucky There have also been several Haynes of Suffield ter: a sister, Helen Olisky of Street, Coventry, husband of Vi­ said her mother, who is also nam ^ Easter Seals rehabilitation pro­ we’ve got her.” heavily favored New York Mets 9-3 runs at a pennant in July, only to times He scoops up a bunt and vian (Brousseau) Moore. died\ Graveside services will be Wed­ Windsor Locks: nine grandchild­ for a shocking two-game sweep at die in August's heat. fires to second base to start a 0 today at bis home \ nesday at 1 p.m. at South Ceme­ ren; and two nieces. Shea Stadium. But this year may be different. double play, at very least a force. I f He was bora in Willimantic on ^ tery, Tolland. There are no calling The funeral will be Wednesday at "You’ re not going to see any of us The Red Sox, down to their last It’s so routine, so certain. A March 5. 1014, and had lived in hours. The Hayes-Huling Ir Car- 9; 15 a.m. at the John F. Tierney doing cartwheels. ” said Boston ace strike, rallied from a 3-i deficit in This time, though, it was so mon Funeral Home 364 Salmon Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., Phone toss leads to charges Roger Clemens, who was hit hard harmful Hartford and West Hartford before the playoffs against California and moving to Coventry five years ago. Brook St.. Granby, has charge of with a mass of Christian burial at himself, so hard that he didn’t stay now a choke may be the only thing The New York Mets’ Gold Glove arrangements. 10 a m at St. Bridget Church. around long enough to get the win. first baseman didn’t make the play Be Before he retired, he was self- A Manchester woman was ar­ the kitchen of the home before that can stop them. Be Memorial donations may be Burial will be in Mount St. Benedict and fourth-degree sexual assault, "It Is a good feeling to be 2-0, in the third inning and helped the employed as a carpenter in general rested Sunday after police said sbe throwing the phone, striking him in police said. Just once — last year’s Kansas 8\i construction. He was a U S. Navy made to a charity of the donor's Cemetery. Bloomfield. Calling threw a telephone at her boyfriend though, since the Mets didn’t think City club — has a team lost the first Boston Red Sox toward their own the face. Police said they received a HI, veteran of World War II, and choice. hours are Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 Tracey L. DeCamillis. 20, of 197 Police said DeCamillis gave a we should have even showed up” two games at home of the World twin killing. to 9 p.m complaint from a father who said E v served in . European. Oak St., was charged with disor­ false name at the scene and Many of the 55.063 fans who made Series and recovered to win the The Red Sox notched their G« Memorial donations may be his son had been assaulted by c African and Mideast theaters. He Mary Lupacchlno derly conduct and criminal imper­ the trip to Shea started leaving championship second straight road victory over admitted she was iying while being Colton three times in September O* was a member of St. Mary Churcb made to the American Cancer sonation in the incident, which booked. after the seventh inning, shaking "W e know it can be done These New York with a 9-3 rout Sunday Mary (Pontillo) Lupacchino, 86, Society. Further investigation in early Bo of Coventry and the Veterans of occurred at 9:30 p. m., according to their heads in disbelief Even in two games have been uncharacter­ night that gave them a 2-0 World Cl< formerly of Chestnut Street, died She was released on a »l .000 bond October turned up two other boys Foreign Wars Post 9920, West a police report. New England, where partisans istic for us." said Mets first Series lead heading home. Cr< Sunday at a local convalescent and faces an Oct. 29 appearance in who might have been assaulted, On Hartford. FnmeM E. Flk« Police said they responded to a root for the best and brace for the baseman Keith Hernandez, who "You feel bad about it.” Hernan­ home. She was the widow of Manchester Superior Court. police said One of them told police Sta Besides his wife, he is survived report of domestic violence by worst, no one thought this would made the most surprising play of dez said of his throwing error that Anthony Lupacchino. Frances E (Chadek) Fike, 95, nothing had happened while the by two sons. Roger L. Moore of DeCamillis. When police questi­ happen. Maybe, but only maybe, the night. boosted the Red Sox toward a Tel She was born in Italy and had formerly of East Middle Tunrpike. A Manchester man was arrested other verified that the suspect had Coventry and Leo Z. Moore Jr. of oned her, she told them three times (he Red Sox thought it Hernandez, who has won eight three-run inning that provided a lived in Manchester for 66 years. widow of Clinton E Fike, died Friday evening in connection with assaulted him. police said Bei Manchester: a sister. Mrs. Nicho­ Before she retired, she worked at Sunday In a local convalescent that her boyfriend hadn't struck, several incidents of sexual abuse, “ Not a darned thing surprised straight Gold Gloves, threw away lead they never lost "When what T m e,” Boston Manager John comes after it opens the floodgates, G las (Mary Jane) Pies* of Williman­ Manchester Modes home her, the report said. Police said police said today. Colton was held on a IIO.OOO bond Clemens’ bunt trying for a forceout E tic; a brother. Jospeh R. Moore of She is survived by four sons, She was born in Racine. Wis., DeCamillis' boyfriend told them Robert Colton. 54, of 256 Hack­ and was scheduled to appear In McNamara said. "People are at second base, keying a three-run you don’t feel good” Bos San Leandro, Oaiif.; and four and was a resident of Manebdster that she had been drinking and matack St . was charged with three finding out we’re a pretty good third inning There was no score when Spike HB Clement L. Lupacchino of Man­ Manchester Superior Court this CM grandchildren. chester. John J. Lupacchino of for 64 years. Before she retired in knocked over plants and chairs in counts of risk of injury to a minor morning. ballclub.” The play symbolized the game Owen led off the third with a walk. The funeral, with military ho­ Manchester. Anthony Lupacchino 1961. she was employed by G. Fox 4 Dwight Evans and Dave Hender­ for Mets (3ooden, their top pitcher, Pitcher Roger Clemens, batting B nors. will be Wednesday at 9 a.m. of Meriden, and Joseph Lubeck of Co.. Hartford. son lined home runs that highligh­ struggled the entire night and left only t>ecause the designated hitter Ciei rule is not being used in World Cro at the Watkins Funeral Home. 142 West Haven; three daughters. She Is survived by two daugh­ ted an 18-hit attack — two short of a after five innings, allowing six Stai E. Center St., with a mass of Elizabeth McKeon of New Orleans, ters. Elizabeth F. Pongratz of LaRouche fraud case grows World Series record — and sent runs. Series gambs in the National M Christian burial at 10 a.m. at St. La., Frances Balch of Manchester, Manchester, and Nancy Thomas of Boston back to Fenway Park for "Not too good, not good at all.” League park, then attempted a Goe Mary Church, Coventry. Burial Eugene. Ore.; li grandchildren; Game 3 Tuesday night. Then it will Gooden said, assessing his sacrifice bunt toward first base. A?** and Mary Kearns of Manchester; WASHINGTON (AP) - A fed­ people allegedly lost huge sums in ordered the seizing of money, up to will be in St. Mary Cemetery, three sisters. Mary Fiore of and 10 great-grandchildren. She eral lawsuit against extremist be time to break out Don Baylor, performance AP photo " I had it in the palm of my hand," unrepald loans to LaRouche the 863.958 by Margaret M.P $isk Coventry. Calling hours are Tues­ was predeceased by a daughter. the designated hitter not allowed in Mets Manager Davey Johnson, said Hernandez, who had made Hartford, Angiolina Tolesino in Lyndon LaRouche describes more groups were offered as supporting Beynen. In bank accounts of Boston's Dwight Evans Is welcomad at night against the Mets at Shaa Stadium. A( day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p m. Catherine Griska. than $2 million in allegedly fraudu­ National League parks frustrated at his team’s 184 Just one error since May 24 "You Argentina, and Cristina Rucchi in evidence in a |5 million suit Caucus Distributors Inc. and the Ui Memorial donations may be sent Italy; and 23 grandchildren The funeral will be Thursday at lent and unrecovered loans taken "The Red Sox haven't won it home plate by Jim Rice (14) after he hit a The Red Sox won, 9-3, to go up two d»Ni accusing LaRouche of racketeer­ Prevent AIDS Now Initiative Com­ to the Community Health Care and since 1918 when Babe Ruth pitched Please torn to page 13 two-run homar In the fifth Inning Sunday focsi The funeral will be Wednesday at 9; 15 a m, at the John F. Tierney by his followers from unsuspecting ing and fraud In the case of an mittee. or PANIC games In the World Series. Please (ora to page 12 T- Nursing Association, Route 8, Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St . and often elderly people. 8:15 a.m. at the John F. Tierney 83-year-old Berkeley. Calif , Both are closely tied to La­ Columbia, or to the Home Health with a 10 a m mass of Christian Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St., LaRouche and his mllowers, the widow Rouche, the frequent fringe candi­ Care of Willimantic. P.0, Box 261, burial at St Bridget Church Burial Sir followed by a 9 a.m. mass of suit charges, “ specialize in victim­ The suit was filed Oct 10 In U S date for president. PANIC Is the Willimantic, or (he Willimantic Christian burial at St. James will be in the East Cemetery izing elderly people through a District Court in San Francisco and campaign committee pushing a Cancer Society, 29 Ivan Hill, Church. Burial will be in St. James Calling hours are Wednesday from Nl variety of misrepresentations and kept under seal, along with a measure on the California ballot Willimantic. 7 to 9 p.m. fron Cemetery. Calling hours are Tues­ manipulative devices to extract Judge’s order attaching the assets that would allow wide testing and Rockville’S ‘lone polecaf bumps off Indians Bof day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m Memorial donations may be loans that defendants have no of two LaRouche-related groups, quarantining of victims of ac­ intention of repaying." Al Harold A. Hair made to the Manchester Visiting until late Friday. quired immune deficiency Patrick J. McCaan Nurse and Home Care. 397 Porter The details of cases in which 19 Nl Harold Allen Hair, 36, of 120 Judge Thelton E. Henderson syndrome. By Paul Ofria C( Patrick J. McCaan Sr.. 67, of 30 St PI Beebe Camp Road, Coventry, Herald Correspondent L( husband of Kathleen (Simons) Ashworth St., husband of Madeline Cl (Carroll) McCaan, died Sunday at Gregory R. Suber CALVARY CHURCH Hair, died Sunday at Hartford ROCKVILLE - Rockville High 2 his home. Hospital. Gregory R. Suber of Bloomfield. South WiRdtor School had a scoring problem So Af He was born In Hartford, July 26, He was bora in Ireland and had head coach Tom Dunn went to the Nl 28, formerly of 522 W. Middle 4d0 iHekliM (taiA m . M4-I lOt 1950, and had lived In South bwn a Manchester resident most Turnpike, died Saturday at Hart­ Manchester Mennorial Hospital drawing board and came up with a C( of bis life. Before he retired, he was PI Windsor and Manchester before ford Hospital. He was born April 5, slick new ollense that could have L< moving to Coventry eight years employed for 30 years as a letter 1958, In Hartford. presents been an old "Twilight Zone” script Cli ago. He was a self-employed carrier with the the U S Postal He was a 1988 graduate of Service In Manchester. He was a U. carpenter. He was a member of the Manchester High School and a But Ilctlon turned to fact when At First Congregational Church of S, Army veteran of World War II. student at Manchester Community Steve Suchecki scored his third N l Coventry. and received the Purple Heart. He College. touchdown of the game wKh 2:35 Cc was active In many area HEARING LOSS Pli Besides his wife, he Is survived He Is survived by his parents, left in the game as the Rams came L« organizations. by a son, Kyle Hair, and two Florine Suber of Bloomfield and from behind to beat Manchester Cli He also Is survived by three sons. High. 24-20. In CCC East Division daughters. Kristin Hair and Kim­ Elijah Suber of Hartford; two .^1 - i NC berly Hair, all at home; his Dennis J, McCaan of South Wind­ sisters, LaJoy L. Suber and Mi­ Wednesday, October 22 action Saturday afternoon. parents, Howard Hair of Fabyan, sor, Terrance P. McCaan of chelle M. Suber, both of Bloom­ The loss knocked the Indians, 2-1. Endicott, N.Y., and Patrick J. and Mildred LaVoie of East field; and his maternal grandpar­ tf l-'i out of first place In the CCC East. Windsor; a sister, Anne Dailey of McCaan Jr. of Enfield; three ents. Frances Richards of East Hartford, 2-0, look over that daughters. Patricia Caglanello of Baltic; and five brothers, Calvin Manchester and Robert Richards spot with Its 21-13 victory over Ulltsch of East Hartford, Michael Ellington, Kathleen McCaan of of Hartford. 6:00 p.m. Fermi on Saturday, Manchester Is Hair and Charles Hair, both of Bolton, and Colleen McCaan of The funeral will be Tuesday at 11 3-3 overall and saw a two-game Fabyan, Leonard Dailey of Enfield Hyannis Port, Mass.; his brother. a.m. at Hopewell Baptist Church, winning streak halted and David Dailey of Windsor Grorge McCaan of Manchester; 285 Enfield St., Hartford, follow^ Suchecki acted as a one-man NFL and a grandson. Locks. by burial In Bloomfield. There are wrecking crew, returning a kirkoff The funeral will be Tuesday at 1 i Paul and Trish Jackson The funeral will be Tuesday at 11 no calling hours. The James H. LOUISE RUDDELL AUDITORIUM 91 yards for Rockville’s first score, a m. at the Holmes Funeral Home, a.m. at St, James Church, Burial Funeral Home, 2018 Main St., Jitstriim Mlnlitrlai, Inc. running a reverse 42 yards for 400 Main St. Burial will be In will be in East Cemetery. There Hartford, is In charge of MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL another TD — then catching the N.Y. Nathan Hale Cemetery, Coventry. are no calling hours. The John F arrangements. Miida, Kanaaa two-point conversion — and finally New Tierney Funeral Home. 219 W. hauling In quarterback Bryan Buffi Calling hours are 7 to 9 tonight. Memorial donations may be MIor Memorial donations may be Center St.. Is In charge of made to the Sickle Cell Association Thursday, Oct. 23 A free informational program cbnducted by Paul Bonadies 3-yard pass, capping an Indie arrangements. eight-play. 51-yard fourth quarter made to the American Cancer of Connecticut, 80 Coventry St.. S. Norman, M.D., Otolaryngologist,and Christie Ctnci Society, 29 Ivan Hill, Willimantic. Mary Lafamlne Hartford 08112. at 7 P.M. drive. Clevi Reynolds, Audiologist, as part of the Hospital's Rockville (1-0-1 In the CCC East, Hops Doris BrauH Mary (Casarola) Lefemine. 81, Donald H. Couch and 2-2-2 overall) with two score­ P lthl Bring the Family Community Education Series. less ties In Its first four starts, of Enfield, widow of Vito Lefemine. Denv Doris (Goss) Brault, 81, of 33 died Saturday at Hartford Hosp- Donatd H. Couch, 59. of Somers, Everyone Is Welcome! needed something fresh to get Scott Arlington Road, Coventry, wife of tial. She was the mother of Mrs. husband of Priscilla (Converse) them rolling "When things aren’t Kant Arthur E. Brault Sr . died Friday Couch, died Friday at Mount Sinai L.A. Robert (Gloria) Wallace of going well and you're being shut Son t at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Manchester. Hospital. Hartford. He was the out and you look at the game film She was born In Hartford and had She also is survived by a son. Dr. brother of Barbara Palmer of and find that your offense is lived In Coventry for the last 30 Coventry. Wash Armand A. Lefemine of Johnson garbage, you put in a garbage Dollo years. City, Tenn.; another daughter, He also Is survived by four offense.” Dunn said. N.Y. She also is survived by her Mrs. George (Anita) Marlnelll of daughters. Elizabeth McCord of The garbage offense features a Philo St. Ll mother, Agnes (Baldwin) Goss of Enfield; a brother, Joseph Casar­ Richmond, Va , Ruth Wilson of quarterback lined up for a deep East Hartford; two sons, Arthur E. ola of Bristol; 10 grandchildren; Willimantic, Claudia Steel of El­ snap with a Inne center on the line. C hloa Brault Jr. of Lebanon and Rotert and four great-grandchildren. lington and Loretta Couch at Two receivers are flanked to the MInni Detfo A. Brault of North Franklin; a The funeral will be Tuesday at home; two brothers, George R. left while the other seven players Orecr daughter. Diane M. Saladino of 8:15 a.m. at the Windsor Locks Couch of Hamilton, Ind., and McCavanagh appear lost, lined up on the far Tome Coventry: two sisters, Mildred Funeral Home. 441 Spring St.. William S. Couch of Atlanta, Ga,; right. Follow? Picture a game of Hwald ptwta by Tuektr Cregle of East Hartford and Gloria another sister, Dorothy Wiley of 9 Atloni Windsor Locks, with a mass of touch football in Its most casual L.A. I Stout of Manchester: and seven Christian burial In St. Robert Francestown, N.H.; seven grand­ Manchester High running back Chris Qarrepy leaps over a teammate, Division game Saturday In Rockville. Indians' guard Dan RoggI (51) Sn P N e w t grandchildren. Bellarmine Church, Windsor children; and several nieces and Please (urn to page IS who has a Ram defender pinned to the grounder, during their CCC East tries to keep the hole open. Manchester fell to Rockville, 24-20. The funeral was this morning at Locks,at9a.m Burial will be in St. nephews He was predeceased by a M in the Glastonbury Funeral Home. Mary Cemetery. Windsor Locks. brother, Norman F. Couch. Your man worked: Doll 450 New London Turnpike. Glas­ Calling hours are tonight from 7 to The funeral was Sunday at the Orel tonbury. Burial was In Green Somers Funeral Home. 354 Main Butt Cemetery, Glastonbury. Memorial donations may be St., Somers. Burial was in West The General Assembly Judiciary Let Cemetery, Somers. made to the American Heart W ot Memorial donations may be Committee had the job of approv­ Eagles’ shutout victory did not come easy Association of Greater Hartford, Son Alllfon Maria Tabahay made to the Donald Couch Memor­ 310 Collins St., Hartford 06105 ing dozens of reappointments of Let Allison Marie Tabshey. 2, daugh­ ial Fund, care of Yale University co-captain 14 touchdowns for the Seot ter of William and Dale (Cordner) School of Medicine, 33 Cedar St., judges to the State’s courts. The By Len Auster The struggle which the Eagles unimpeded yards, aided by a block sacked Collyer for a S-yard loss and “ 1 don’t think we were looking Koni season He had II all of last year Tabshey of South Windsor, died Edward J. Schempp New Haven 06510, care of Elizabeth Sports Editor were forced to endure might be a from Sean Keane at , to on the next play, Collyer, under past them The Northwest kids are blessing In disguise East. 2-0-1 in paydirt. Steve Gay’s first of three pressure, had a pass tipped by East used RisCassi as a decoy on Den\ Friday at home. She was the Edward J. Schempp. 61, of 37 Malinowksi. work was hard and painful. But the pretty big and they played us PAT boots upped it to 7-0 with 8:40 Eagle defense end Marty Zablelski Its final touchdown. That’s the granddaughter of Donald and Courtland St., husband of Joanne WEST HARTFORD - If you the ACC. has Its biggest game of pretty tough." Kelly said. a n d job got done. There will be more the season Friday night at 7:30 left In the opening period. with linebacker Dave Janton inter­ beauty of Kelly’s Wishbone of­ Mary (Armstrong) Cordner of (Bergeron) Schempp, died Sunday checked Saturday's East Catholic- Cost Cotttallc 7 7 7 4—27 Clevi when It visits ACC-leading Notre Northwest had the football four cepting at the East 5. fense Stop It here but.. "W e got NWett Cotnollc 0 0 0 0—0 Detn Manchester. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Drug dissolves Northwest Catholic football score S c o rin p ; tough jobs in the coming term. Re­ Dame at Quigley Stadium in West times in East territory. The most Senior co-captain Kevin RIs- people flowing to Kevin and then Lot / She also Is survived by her He was bora In Chicago. Ill , and In the morning paper the day later. ECC - T J . Albrio 4S-vard run (Oov Mion Haven. The Green Knights are dangerous situation occurred after Cassl, East’s leading rusher with we came back with the counter. It kick) paternal grandmother, Josephine had lived in Manchester for more blood clots fast 27-6 In the Eagles’ favor, you might 6 elect James R. McCavanagh. think they had an easy time of it. third ranked in one state poll — a short Indian punt deflected off an 75 yards on 15 carries, was was effective then,” he under­ EC— RUCottl l-vordi-ywiv runivn (Oov4WT kick (Flume) Tabshey of Wethersfield than 20 years. He was employed by EC— RltCo**! 5-vord run (Ooy kick Son ( East is ninth — and lead the circuit unsuspecting J.B. Kaldy with responsible for East’s second stated. referring to Jason Talbot’s The ftineral will be Tuesday at 11 Stop 4 Shop Stores. He was a U S. Think again. EC— Talbot 51-vorO run (kick totted Son ROCHESTER, NY (AP) - at 3-0. They, too, are 5-0-i overall. Northwest’s Paul Melanson recov­ score. He capped a 7-play, 71-yard 51-yard TD excursion with 6:59 left. am. in St. George Episcopal Navy veteran of World War II r "They (Northwest) played us Mltwoi When a blood clot in a coronary very well They’re gutsy kids who Kelly saw the benefit In the tough ering the loose bail at the Indian 49. advance, in which Bill ^ r r y and Talbot, a 5-8.175-pound Junior who Tone Church. Route 44, Bolton. Burial He also is survived by a daugh- Alton artery signals an imminent heart JAMCt R. MeCAVANAQH time handed his club by Northwrest. A 24-yard pass play from QB Rich T.J. Alibrio had a couple of big Is primarly a defensive back, will be in the East Cemetery. ter, cmdy Morse of Manchester: played us right to the end They Statistics: St. LX attack, speed in dissolving the clot “ It makes you realize you hove to Collyer to Matt Daly and some rushes, witha 1-yard plunge behind carred the ball three times for 66 Seetfi Calling hours are at the church and ^lArotl brother, Eugene Schempp of gave us a g o ^ . hard game.” said EC NW can make a life-or-death YOUR MAN FOR THE Eagle coach Jude Kelly of the work for everything you get No nifty rushes by Collyer brought up the left side of the Eagle offensive yards T J Albrto had a like from 10 a m. until the service East Hartford. 44 Offensive plays 56 difference. vanquished Indians, who are win­ one will give you anything. It’s a 2nd-and-2 at the East 4 line. number on ll carries begins. The Holmes Funeral The funeral will be Wednesday at 12th GENERAL 12 First downs 12 less at 6-2 in the All Connecticut never, ever easy." That’s where the Eagle elastic East scored on its first posses­ Northwest worked the pigskin 257 Yards rushing Home. 400 Main St. has charge of 9:30 a m. at the John F. Tierney A new treatment tested by Dr. 117 ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Conference and 6-6 overall ft looked easy at the outset as the defense stiffened. "That drive was sions of the third and fourth twice Into Eagle territory in the 6 Yards passing afrangements. Funeral Home. 219 W. Center St., Victor Marder and colleagues at 73 You couldn’t have guessed that, Eagles scored the first time they criticai,” Kelly viewed. " If they quarters RisCassi capped the first fourth quarter, once getting to the 257 Total yards Memorial donations may be with a mass of Christian burial at the University of Rochester Medi­ 166 R« PULL LEVER 5A. however, by the Indians’ perfor­ had their hands on the football. had scored at that particular point. drive, a 59-yard march that was East 14. Slippery Brian Mathews, 6-2 Passing made to the Univerlty of ConnectI 16 a.m. in the Church of the cal Center takes two minutes or 6-M mance against the unbeaten 5-6-1 Five-foot-10, 170-pound senior I think they would have gained the aided by 36 yards in Indian who led all rushers with 81 yards on 1 Interceptions by cut Children's Cancer FUnd. Far­ Assumption. Burial will be in St. less to administer intravenously. P»M tar by Itw CommtttM ta W» «l»c1, I ft. MeCavbnagb. Raymond F. Oamata. Traam rtr. 6 Eagles. “ By no means was this a quarterback T.J. Albrio, the man momentum. It could have been a penalties, with a 5-yard Jaunt up a IS carries, helped put the Indians in 2 F u m t ^ lost mington Avenue, Farmington James Cemetery. Calling hours Marder says it dissolves clots in 30 6 TONIC one-sided game. We had to struggle who directs the East Wishbone, different game” gaping hole up the middle. The two scoring position. But again the 2-17 Penalties 4-86 6:60 08032 are Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. > seconds. TDs gives the 6-6,165-pound senior East defense bent but didn’t break. V for everything” kept on the option and darted 45 Junior nose guard Larry Deptula 4-36.5 Punting 4 -M .< 4VPOP jrAifcm awpt m m a^. rnmon. dct. a>. n MANCHESTgR HEIM LIX IToilday. Oct. a», IftBB - IB SCOREBOARD Sox come home

•M M M tVir.lM lf i f T . f r # j - w in driver's seat f # » jt-ir f f * - i r i f "* t - f t 0 0 r 0 -\0 y w r 0 -m CeeOeeeB tra m 1 ' l l rial decision that games without ViirM M iiriglM M ^ O t j- < y m a vom w urn f iwu«r cstwHw Mdt), ,C 0 0 ^ the D H produce. TValHng 4-2, hatting average in the postseason, Gooden was scheduled to bat with m rn m m te n r i j y s - ^ i i w n o o n ffwti siitMw (kwr Twwfi» 3:10l jg B -jpmrikiaBuiii 14 rtwi im e M tm — „ t m made two lineup changes, bench­ two outs and runners on first and Itve—f6 Allgry ai*W : u m .T M ing Ray Knight and Mdolde Wilson second. ;0cr. If OWtm 15 rotl (SnMMU MCk), ^ PPIV rrWfl SCfWvOTMr in favor of Howard JOhnson and "We were only two runs down s * » -f 6 jonrwNi 2 1 r:sr. ifW IK Ti* 9ttl9K¥ OCf 1^ BMflMr Danny Heep. The two newcomers atid I figured he would give me •MMn f, mnr viwir i fatftm l•a* WW f Mwikom utnyar 04* ■VIbmwr 1 rwi fjelHiMMl KUKi, .m-Oofdr 15 M^ O . < k W , W s*ent a combined 5for-«. m tM M O0(e0o00m kMt>, 7 another chance to go out there and _ -nMfr,0cr.ii * : S r IftjlfftftlllO And even with Clemens not at his H YO -0G Allcork 31, ; if D a le ’s SCOIMri 3ft 14:54 W POV II Wit SCfIrOWIVr see what would happen." Gooden ^Mnr york (OIttto 1»9 of feslOfi (B«v«l 18 0 -0 $ sn . rCMW A«A4 31^ 3ft i»W>,f:38p.m.. A-A283: — ftldiy, j;ii best, the Mets coaM not win. said. : ^ S r 004> ffom LOfMk (U » Tcmm T"ccii T4ft, [K Jrir Clemens, pitching for the third fttekv. ruM4ft, Cftnft Gooden, allowed to bat. lW*r YbfitdiBegw'^S'Aiti. straight time on three days’ rest, ri»»t WIVIU n n fin f dOMM T r grounded out and then Johnson saw Hufwo-vwdi MNMftvonftf I L M M O kO A O An*o«oau-_. .. made bis shortest outing of the what happened. His shaky starter NViir ydfir df ff iKWWry, t;3S AHvww w. at cw ft •I’S n s * g * ? s 2 season, except a game in which a gave npaleadoffslngleto Jim Rice 0.m. iMum Yards ------k yortf : a s M w sr. a 3> 4ft I TWJfip WVWttWIw m line drive finished him. CMif-Att 14254 152W ,>Alt 2fr3& 1 1 ^ 2 and a homer by Evans. fostan of M «r york, ir iMMHOrv. f;3S k4»ya, WMwa 3 Clemens, who had never worked o.m. SotkMf-yordi Locf ft2» dbaa.MMoRr A walk and single by Hernandez Borif* 344 53ft QnrdkMM on three days’ rest in his major- knocked out Clemens in the fifth, fwMby, Oct. M ftimlllMf-UMt »8 y iftm » m I a a RMnfc u. * Besron of M w york. If rwcMsorv, f;8 fumUfw-Lesf 1-0 t\ league career until doing tt in the o m e s T fwnomM-yor* 515 4S> gctwmoo-yaro 442 53 12* 23ft RuiMribn a a sr. ft and Crawford allowed an R B I Time of ^ owcMion tim cof ftooMHWn 2*788 31;« MAmiyordk a i ^ B i o e n a a i , Rftw/WfMiieosr. 7 playoffs, gave up three runs on five 34:42 25:18 a IfWIIIUIIU 'MlJVft lyUMV at9f. single to G ary Carter that got the “ ftAir I53ftft » » 1 ------1 tg0l» U. ..J1 hits hi 4 1-3 innings. _ MMVMMML fTATlfnCf ftyordkLOsf 538 588 Montano a a 1*. AriMno 1* Mets and their crowd stirring But im vievAL sTATifncs RftvodO-Reno a Mbfto O "It kind of caught up with me a WirM tirfit rMott , ftUSMiwe— wkw york, Morns 24iift ini8Hii«&-oi>nas,Kuaniiw—oonos, OerMnoorseiT ii-5ftii-SA ft#t-rei- 44ft 541 that was all they would get off Corthon i»35, eoibrcowi >r, Rouson i-4 luw 4431 W W M 4 a neweeme >4 guiWMfte Loer M 52 RKw Mexico a im n a little” Clemens admitted. "Maybe Crawford and B ^ Stanley, who Rftiiodeipnio, Touteiotosi ft-ro, Cim - Son M m sf a Nftv.-Lo* veoot a Seoul#, Mtomcr 1*S«, Williams 5iT, CWUftWrU^TCRde 548 57ft I ’m trying to get a little too much Knew 5(mmus 1). rtfnebom 5M, Hoddix 748, Byers 5 » Timeof RoseeMon « : a *27 S*anibrd4i, Or*eon7 finished with three scoreless in­ MSSiiltG— - *Nw yofk, Simms 14254 Crowlbrd4i3. UCLA » , Conibmio « extra out of my body” nings for a save IM IM 0. RffCi 3 RASSING— Oonos, Wbifts 55415, Rei- ^IfTATIfnCB Wbeftkiotan a, BowilHa Green 8 The Red Sox made up for it, i*fS#o«ie, Krico I52fti-i<8 luer 1531-5344. RmtodwpMo, Covanouoft NMr# TftBon 1%e Red Sox added two runs in *• J01WS0I134*, Louie. M l « ^ 1581, however, with their hitting and the seventh on five straight singles. M c C ^ «y >W, Miller 548, Morris 1- 5 i ^ a Conninoftomfti* enftiSGir_____ lefkftK ^ la r M nryoR K a itovson Ml, eolbreoni m Conhoo RECEIVII«G-«onoi, WOlker 54K Hin This niMfofeateif boxing sensa­ -Jik5T,Scnroeder53 fielding. the last two R B I hits by Henderson eft r ft 81 eftrftW f* ' ’-4 seonie, Wtorner - i •OSbie 5-«,, iftRMwme Fiwwwffiw 545 snerrod.jiiiji rtw tion continues to battle an Louie, LomoK i42ftftm, Third baseman Wade Boggs, and Spike Owen off Rick Aguilera, Booos 7b 5 122 Ovksiroef 3 0.1 0 431, ftronkiin 548, Loroem 5 », Wliiioms 1-15 Dorsm i-ft. RbiiodtioMe, Quick 4 * 5555 Scftroeder Borreit2b 5 02 1 Bcfcmn 2b 3 12 1 51ft, Turner 5M, Hudson MO, flee 1-18, lockson 3-sr, SpognoM 513, Joftnson i-», challengers in his quest to be- who led the major leagues in and scored another in the ninth on Bvcknrib 5 02 1 Hmnorib 4 0 11 Boiler 1-ft Hoddlx 57. -S t. LouiW Rerron 541 Golf batting and had a pair of nm - Boggs’ double against lefty Sid MISSED RiEl D g o a l s —Rbllodeipnio, co n » the youngest heavy- N0f6ftf $AiOAO fty T00lMf Stabiin lb 10 0 0 Coner c 4 0 11 MISSBD ftiBLO GOALS— Mew York, Mtmmn 437, MMchen 5 U scorlng doubles, did both in the Fernandez. mceif 8 2 3 0 Slrwbry rf 4000 Aiieore 42. McRodden » , 31. weii^it champion in history. ------Evans rf 4 222 Heeoif 2 0 0 0 5:7ft, 7^ ' ’< ^ ~ 4 i r Manch«ft«f running back Ron SmNh (48) finds himtoff In (33) in thoir g«m « Saturday. The Rama won, 24-20, to third inning. He hit an R B I double After the game, the Mets said Gedmonc 5 0 10 Agmieroo 0008 H issed RIELlELO GOA^A l ^ ' —WdsMViflfdfi, Ctafr after the error by Hernandez, and Gooden would pitch Game 5. if it is Hendrsnef fh# elotr and holly pursuod (from loft) by RockvIllD^i 5 23 2 Orosco 0 0000 6hMf 42. Cliiriirt 41 Zendeia* 47. knock MHS out of first placa In the CCC East. singles by Marty Barrett and Bill necessary. It would mark the first c Owfcnss 4 13 1 Mozniiieb M U O M ^HtC BB8T 14 — A — Dick Smith 45457, Romero ss 0000 ft*mnd*o 1000 f KrM i 34.3(Mf«n 0 Jim Morlorfy 44554; Gross - Tim Miko SuehDcki, Ddvo Couturtar (81) and John Marchotti Buckner made it 3-8. time Go(>den had worked on three 0800 RilMf4,LllMf0 Clemens 0 110 0 Sisk p 0800 2512ft* 7 D 71 Coonoy 74. B — AI Cusson 451558, The Mets scored twice in their day’s rest in his career. CrowfrdD 10 0 0 JOtNisonSb 4000 R0M08 CRy 7 21 7 Koyin Hofton 7515M, Don Andorsen half of fhe inning on singles by Grenwiob 1000 Sontonoss W14 7 S-St 72-11-41, Rot Mlsfroflo 755^, Morsh " I hope we can give him the 4 120 _ Rftst Quoner 8 ft ft * - • fNkfrf17.lrMnMf4 Rafael Santana. Gooden and Back- Sfonievo 10 0 0 Goodmp 2 110 . puss from Blockledoe L il. Rems ft ft fift-ift Worron ai2-4i; C — Jo b Mohor opportunity to pitch again." John­ Wilson If (Lowery kFck), S; M ft ft ft-M 71-17-54, Bob B ri^m om » a s f ^ i man. and would have gotten more son said. TefOM 4**18* 2000 NE— RG Rronklki 31, t : » TelWi tits SO—- - AiAnderson 7 boss from Routs (B5 NE— Storrkw 43 pass from Groeon 1114 0 -jr l>::Crwnwili mfercoaWon rohim Hohonfhoi 751457; At Thomas BT-aM, except for Boggs. He threw out McNamara said he was not sure Mrseftke kick), 11:1*. (RronkIM kick), 14:25 S oSSSm ? (Lonsfordklck),------I, 18:11 .. .. Wally Horf 82-2458, Corl Enobore JM erW r a a s i. Rams, Suchecki trim MHS Hernandez after his hard grounder when Clemens would work again. Dfekorson 1 run (Lonsford kick). New Yeik m ^ S t s KC— Burruss 58 IntercepfTon return ,Clo-Shmer s'ooMfrom Kosor (Bohr 8WEER8 — A — Gross — Tim caromed off Clemens’ leg. and He is hoping his ace will not be Oome-WInnIno R8i — Booas 07 (Lowery'kick), 5:07. flE— Morion 37 infereeoflon return Cooney 74. Wei — Dick Smith 74470, T (Rronkim kick), :10 kick), 8:12 made a diving stop and throw when needed until next spring. OP-wew York i. l OB— •tC—R ^ 21 fumble return (Lowery Bob Jonos 77-7-70. B — OfOSS — Bill B o ^ 13, New York *. 2B— Bboos 2. NE— CofUns 10 pass from Groowi CoBtlBBfta from B«ge II yarda — all In the firat half — on 15 story. The defenses battled each even football game” Gary Carter followed with a "W e have not gone beyond kick), 5:1*. (Rronkim kick), 13;05 0 * -R O 0*1 GrtCO » , 4:47 ■—'^bqttirlck * ooos from Htpoio Tomklel 7*. Mol — Kovin Hoonn HR-NeiWrson (i), Evans (1). S— —*i^88cGee 1 run (Benirschke kick), ..S * « « » » from Kosor (Bohr (Murray kM i, ii:4i 841571,— AI .Cusson ...... w*-ivfs,82-1575 ViewDick rHoron ^ . . . , , carriea. other and the punting units vol­ Except for the "lonesome grounder in the hole Tuesday,” McNamara said. Ovkstro, Clemens. kick), 18:52 «-*-73, Rof Misfrefto l7 -0 h . C — Gross form. On the aecond play of the aecond NE— Scott 200SS from Grown (Rronkim A— 50,«*2. — Bob Maher 84. Net — Bob Brfdee- leyed for field position polecat.” Henderson led off fhe fourth with "We came In hefe going one IR H R BR 80 RC— Bwruss 47 infercepflon return kick), :4I "W e call it the ‘lonesome cpiarter. Indian OB Kelly Dubola (Lowery^kl^), I2:18. , 0 »-O .Em s 2 run (Del Greco kick), mon *5a72, a i 'fhoma* *4a7i,I-ft, Con con "We didn't have good field Manchester's next outing is a home run. almost the same game at a tim e." Evans said., Clemens 41-3 5 3 3 4 3 eoMbfra 1077-77. Corl Hohonthof. ftolecal,” ' Duim said with a hit E ric Raamua with a 35yard JR 5®.B*h»r*chke » , 13:54. WE— RG Rronkim S ^ T o T 6:37 Rfrsf downs 31 10 position In the second half and It Saturday at home at Memorial distance In left-center field as his "W e’ve been underdogs all year’ Crawford W.l-0 153 1 0 0 0 2 A— 57,70. O B - 4 ^ 47 pan from R.Wrmhf (Del Rusfiofr yards ^ BtftT II — A — Word Helmos 555a, smile."Becauae It atinka” acorlng atrlkc. hut Suchecki took (Trocoto RFdO------17-178 Bobuoww ywrrwp Jonos 81-7-54.WI-/-.AW. GrossVT — ^.nCirifVCharlie made a Wg difference.” Indian Field against Windham. playoff-saving homer at Anaheim. long. Wc love that position. *^SS»^Ybfk * 2 0 0 1 3 22 II atinka — but If worka. The the ensuing kickoff all the way. coach Ron Coumoycr said. Rockville 0 18 0 ft In the bottom of the fourth, " I love an underdog. I love to see „ . TMrdOearfor A— 74XM. Rtfum Yards la fJUV'HL t " " C****4Y 75. B — Pof —24 Gooden LO-l s 8 4 5 3 4 ’*«*wfrom Kenney (Lowery ^irairwiiwMlsfreffa 82-5B,««*w~.AAr Joe iNVvVftLNovak 64-11-63, ••-ww> quarterhack walta for the ruah. cutting Manchcater’a lead in half. Dunn agreed. "EieM position in MoncHesler 8 14 8 8— M Johnson faced the kind of manage­ an underdog win." ^lero I I 2 2 I I Rirsf downs 14 11 ■ frp-Atf 31-jS 5154 Scorina: kick), 2:0. Rushcs-yordi 31-74 »1M « B CM ftOd-Yords Lost 513 Bril Sulilyon 8515M, Rronk Llefnski fttepa aalde and checka the aitua- Bonaftlea' two-point paaa to Mark 7 2 0 0 0 3 j.St^4nderson 2 run (Benirschke kick). Pfrsf downs 538 601064, Marsh Worren 88-12-M Ron the aecond half was key. We were M— Ron Smith 11-verd run (run Rernondei 1-331101 Posslno 70S 54 1* 14 7-44 542 tion donrnfleld. Sometimea he haa Kahl made It 12-8. tailed) Refum Yards 66 25 Rushes-yords 25*8 7037 Lost M 53 f J U f 'i''* ' 841554. C — Sfovo Mormon able to hold them down, forcing Sia 53 0 0 0 1 I 284 47-2547, Jim Rofferty 72-»52, Tom fhe room to work, othera he haa to The Indiana drove 03 yarda on M— Erje Rasmus 8-yard pass from ^ lie r o olfcfied to 5 botters m me 7th. Comp-Alt 10701 077-7 733 -Yords 512 512 Turner Ken Wioren % 1 5 « , them to punt, particulaly in the Kelly Dubois (poss (oiled) SD-RG Bonirschke 21, :S4, Sockod-Yordi Lost 1-7 548 Rotum Yards 35 25 Timoft"” 34:8* 25:51 77-76-67, asrallow the ball for a loaa their next poaaeaalon aa Smith Svom ; Rfrsf, Wen- Rf— yfoen I run (Lowery kick), 4:42, Comp-Aft 21-27-8 »37-1 /I*?. JS®'"®*® 7535«, Gory Weed fourth quarter." Dunn said. K— Steve Suchecki *i-vord kickoff 4»frfed1; Second, Brlnkmon; Third, Mon- Punts 5 » 537 87-15W. "Th e quarterback can run the finished the drive with a 24-yard return (Mark Kohl pass from Bryan Anderson 12 pass from Herrmonn RimnMos-Lpsf 58 52 ^f^ ed-Yords Lost (-13 51* nWVtIHWL STATfftTta The Indians played well down fhe focue; Left, Rord; Riohf, Kibier. (Bonirschke kick), 1 1 :1l. 435 541 8 WfBBPft — A — Gross — Charlie football or throw the football, there explosion up the middle Dwayne Bonadles) T— 3:38. A— 55^83. Ponoftlos-Yordi 474 51* Aimes stretch, stopping a big Rockville M— Smith 25vdrd run (Albert run) T i A— 55,747. Time of.'Rpssesslen 31:3* 28:21 RumMes-Losf 51 51 153J, HfppM 5 ^ m ^ M. Los Anodes, Booolnl 75, Tim Cooney 75. Mef — Tom la a lot of preaaure on him, but he Albert converted the run Into a 25* Penoffles-Yords 535 540 Ovons 75570. B — Gross — Rot drive at their own six early in the R— Suchecki 42-yord run (Kohl pass p( •^'edV ' 017, banging heada and throwing people NEW YORR (AP) — Rocts and (laur*s Refum Yards 45 181 i n Corrum5l, Ederson Jonos 548. — < — A — Gross— Christo reverse and caught the two-point 5yard line before Suchecki caught Su ------— "orfiT *...... Comp-Aft a e ^ e 1571, Jocksen ll-» , Rooder 418, w M i Blond 54f S ^ o n 81 Not — Lynn Prior *17-72, Around." from me 1*88 World Series betweenfhe 37-454 I524I Brlsfor 1-2 J;(> B JfrfW l-(mlnusr) jnevelofid. Mock Jem «542 MOfidHhf 55, Thotrweon (4. Los paaa from Bonadica closing the gap Bonadles' game-winning pass. 'The Statistics: W( Boston Red Sox ond me Mew York Mefs: Sacked-Yards Lost 800 1541,8 vner 54, Kosor 15, Ronfenof 1-(minus Anfttjps, Brown Youno (R.Hunfor Edna Wodos (0532-n. B — Gross — Rockville couldn't have been Punts PASSING— Now EnMond, Oroaao 15251- Boots Cprnlollo 101, Dot Bobipon 101, to 2510. The all-purpose back Ram QB then hit wl(ie receiver MHS Rockville 533 20.0. Rornsov Rgmsov 1-557. PftfiDuifrfir Brlsfer n , tOfNtiome 1-(minus 111 . (5, Redden (-2 OIckersen (-(ndtiosn. having much fun In the firat half aa Aflendonce: 5SJ)74. RumMes-Losf 1-1 50 527-51S. PASSiNrfiNG-Oreen - Bmi! R.Wrtahf 2I-27-5 Mo( — Meryl Brondol ( (» ■ * * c finished the day with 57 yards on Andy Bedlack for two points, 55 Offensive plays 58 a ; I receipts: H,73i(,711.a Penoffles-Yords m . Cleveland, Ck Kosor gross - Phydi Aden (05. Not - Poo (he Indiana totally dominated their 440 53* r“ ■’CElVINie c e iv in g —Now Enotond, Collins ar 2ft-»(-2a OosMtf MISSED RIELD OOALS-Ootrod, Mur­ seven carriea while catching three eliminating the possibility of a 9 First downs 13 Sa Commissioner'snmlssione shore: 1258,708.70 Time of Possession 3*: 17 20:4] 064, Pryor 5*, Moreon 545, Tofueira^a (-(■(MB, ray 4*. P.®W®” Holon Moooon 1(535 hoata. Jumping out to a 12-0 lead Plovers' pool: 18,1*2,385.83 •81. ’-X D — Gross— — cfwwnor Eltoner orvnnon Bronnon iiZt(12, passes for 47 vards. Me also had a game-winning field-goal. Man­ 223 Yards rushing 163 ch ^ r ^ ^ .(4 3 , HowmpffNLMI, S ^ 1-2 ^ d taking a 2510 margin Into the Leooue Series shores; bom $107,7*4.48 . iftiburah. LIqpS 548, Thompson 527, Alice Lameote 112 Nef — RIertnee 57-yard touchdownctido pass called chester beat South Windsor, 157, 39 Yards passing 95 Su Club Series shores: bom *107,7*4.48 Ro^rts 127-4587 Nef — A — Edna cker room at the half. u S ^ ! 5*S“ ?®!LJ’ '*®®' Soooeof (5St. Eronbsrp 5(4, ftwootity 5(1, back In the third quarter because of two weeks ago on a late Albert field 202 Total yards 208 nu McGee 11-37, Anderson 7-», Herrmonn 1- MISSED RIELD OOAL5-New Enolond, WIwvwfOFfw FwvOdC *4 0 Hfiv AP Tip to Find W«i«is 75, Lynn Prior 83. B — Ida Ron Smith scored the first Oome 2 5 L.Jornes Hmlnus fl. Konsos Cdv, pAOOilrllei ^ i ii iM ie m 'm Rentenot A a Brennon McMahon 77, Boots Cornlede 88. C a clip. goal. 1-7 Passing .1521 do Pronklln 47. Phyds Alton 75, Bev Olplotrp 18, Dot touchdown of the game, an 11-yard 2 Affendonce: H583. ^ d f 15M, Heord518, Poloe 1-12 Green 5 1 , JM7, Newsome 521, Byner 5 » , "Steve has been a big play back "They moved the ball when they 1 Interceptions by 2 ch, Met receipts: Si,72448*41. Rwiney (-(mitibs’ 2)'.' * Sfoucftiter M jJ Top Twenty Hdftjoo 81. D — Lte WhTtHed 8*. option down the right side on ^toturdoy; for two years, he's our no home run needed to." Cournoyer said. "It 0 Fumbles lost 0 Commissioner's shore: 8258473.77 PASSING—• -• • xw trv^ ^«Mesi Ofeeo,A ^ iv W V r Poutsr W U 15355200, MISSECISSED RIELD OOAL5-None. — Edna Wados-Me. Manchester's second possession. Plovers' pool: *14344*3.77 H ^m onn 1532-1-181. Konsos City, Bloc rincinn Bednarctyk-Ruth Tryen-Hotol PIpor hitter.” Dunn said was a game of geometry, and they 572 Penalties 569 W( LeWN ^le * shore*: bom *((d^.80. k lo ^ 5151-8*, Kennby 5 * ^ . »»■L . wwt*•« . ©'■oifwi-Moneyw> wMiwifruwnvT bPVDovls-Moryln VIl'fVIQrTir The Junior halfback ran for 120 The aecond half was a different Rildiri 80, Oolphini 28 Bden-O^ot Harttoo 84. Dot Beblaon won It In the second half. !t was an 5330 Punting 3-33.3 Ml Club Series shores: bom *107,».80. I.55-.® • •a «80. Anderson 11*2, AI m m ■ k lm a s A W M a m - Olga Skinner-Peo Duoban-Holon ^lee- Gc ^?*S!*2r W .' Winslow 5 No. 3 Nl%«M o (.558) beo(Mlssoufiai7. eon 84 84, Mc(3M aw, Holohon 1-18,'chondler 1-10 8 17 8 .7— N hel Atfeodonce: 110,W. “,»X r*;;ik'*m es 1-3. KbfSiScKTpbliS lllll24.Golti18 8 7 7 I 4 - * No.4^l«^j!^ ( 5 58)boci1Wo.8lewoai7. Me Met receipts: 344*,m « . * “ ■ ■ ■ adi, i RfrSt ^ j jlWi Next: at Indiana. Routine play beginning of the end for Mets Commlsslbner'siloner's shore:i ' *517,380.14 1^ aio, Cottman 1-9, Heard a(mlnus LA— RG Bohr 37, , Oliniy 6olf icorii the Plovers' pool: »,23*,*5*.3D. LA— RG B * r 33, *:00 I Lewue Series shores: bbtti 8215575.08. 7.i# .7. 8-44 Contlnged from page 11 Buckner singled to right field. first baseman "It was In-between. (first base coach) Walt (Hrinlak) Club ------Series shares: : bom ^,575.08. B^Sl'^f’.g ^ '-'’ OOALS-San DI«k,, ■ It LAKE BUENA VISTA, Plo. (AP) — Final me ...?Sl®"ii?*'‘frl8ooM?rbfn'Ato (Revolt Buf-T^elllijij IS fumble return (fior- No'S; A f f i r 22?..K!*£. sbiidoy from Boston had a 50 lead. That’s a tough play for Rafael to was yelling, 'watch out. watch out.' Cei KiCK/! 206 woodwQoa kick).KicKi. z:m throw with your fingers. When I NOTE: Plovers' pooii totals Includes LA— Aden 2 run (Bohr kick), 4:2* WoridOIdjmoblle The New York Mets struck back make” " Owen said, "f was thinking they 51 Leopue Championship Series total ot Irtd -R O Blouiccl 48,NO/ 12:43I4.U Go t Classic, plaved at the por-73,5*87-yard threw It. I had to throw a palm ball. In its half of the third with two runs Hernandez didn't know when he have a pickoff jplay on and 1 jus’t *5,157438.74. kicioTlO'l*’ ’* (Boston reliever Bob) Stanley l08 Vlklngi23,B0ari7 But^O Norwood L321:33 ..1 that, had Hernandez started a picked up the ball that he had have to get back av( L A ^ O Bohr 40, 14:45 [iK ^ O BlOSUCd 44, 8:54 <3fW a?V* Bowlino OoltVOIT ResortKW (t-won In suisudden-dealh could have thrown a better one” double play, might have put them plenty of time to throw out Owen. ployotf): But Backman merely was cover­ tW( ^.Btft-Jood 8 POM from'Kelly (Norwood The ball bounced In front of In command. Boston’s shortstop had broken AP photo OlkOfO 8 8 8 7— 7 kick), 10:45 7 l ^ 10 Arlionb'st. (S______k-Rov FIWvd, **DJ)n 85857571— 275 ing first as Hernandez charged for MdMMtOto II * 7 8—11 , ^ mo m . . Southorn cal 70X, Nokt: vt. Utah Mike ^lllvon, 44,dn shortstop Rafael iSantana. who "When I was throwing. I was back toward first base when New 4 _ Thke O H 815*7571— 275 the bunt. Be Football ... . ^T*t Quortor Ind-BrooM 18 past from Trudeau Lon— ...... Hinkle,. J,o44,on n 875*8571— 275 couldn’t handle the throw Owen hoping I'd give him (Santana) a York second baseman Wally Back- Qlum looking Mats' manager Davay Johnson must be H ®®** frntn Kram er Luk^den7X7 .. a2 •njn WM ^Bohriftavii* mvH//kli*), i I.W :SD (Blosucd kick), 8:n Pet McObyyon, 8487 " T (kick blocked), 2:48. MIo— Hompton 2 run (Revcit kick), 8*758*8ft-2» and Clemens both were safe and short hop." said Hernandez, who man started running to the bag as " I was dead because I had taken wondering where his NL East Division champs are. They 5235 Buf-^etd■ ‘ “ 131 Bpots from Kelly (Nor- Rtmiii„.-j. **12 J^ltlano Ajiu'*'dn« ’sl Stole_ (515) boot Povne Stewort, 8487 81858-74-28 me M!n7-Cor1er 80 pass from Kramer pod k w . 14 :10 Rentjirty ai8. Next: vs. No. II Norm Gory Koch, 8,887 45754ft5l^28 when Wade Boggs followed with a has won eight consecutive Gold Dwight Gooden was winding up. a step back,” Owen said. "Fortu­ haven't looked anything like the team that won Its NFL ttindingi (C.Nelson kick),I, 10:45. ...^ . ®®“ fr»®’ «®^'n® A— 8DJBD. CotoliiCoroMm! Andy North, 18,18 double and Marty Barrett and Bill us OMortor (Reveltkick) No. 13 MM 715*8*8*-28 Gloves as the NL's best fielding "Once the ball was released nately. It didn’t hurt us." division by over 20 games. the A— 5)421. Phil Blockmor, 18,18 87-758570-28 Mln-RG C.Nelson 79, 13:n. I .ftftt Bob Murphy, 14,Sn 85725*75-27* to ' AMIRICAN CONRBRBNCB ... „ TbIfO QuoHer First downs 1* Chris Perry, 13,no Rromer 5 run (C.Nelson kick), 21 T2-700070-m V First downs Rushes-yords » i a »121 Tom Purtrer, I34n Pc^no 187 24) Dove Rummellt, lljm the N Y. Jet, ? •? W r S 8 T5 Rustm-yords 45214 1557 Return Yords Art Tim Simpson, n,mo 2\l— Ooult 5B*pSs*Swn*Puller (Butler Posslno 33 ------T-74-31 Ba: CempAtt 1*4,’-? 2031-2 V H : S* »W . Brion door, 8,)n S3?ofo"*'“’'‘ M S :gis i;* kick), t:30. Return Yards ’« ^ Socked-Yards Lett 15 N ^ ; w'. ■coTltemib; B i ^ Oordner, B,sn wit A—63,777. CempAtt 11-100 7037-7 Punts No.' 17 Clems .. 2 5 0 :Sl81 2» Sockep Yards Lest sliS a a ..1! S'?!!*®!! (»:’■«> bmif Duke »3 . Dove Borr, 838 I Indianapolis o 7 0 .no 88 18* 515 ai3 FumWes-Lost 1-1 51 4*kt: at Neim Tom Kite, 8,sn 75715*dtiB SCOREBOARD Bn Control Oil MW Punts 5 a 441 Peneltle*-Yar«b 15151 No. 18 N ^ C ^ld Peoples, 8,3n First downs RumMes-Lost oSJiiilS 87-71-71-^38 Cincinnati s’ 2 0 714 178 1*2 10 1* 15 52 Time of Possession » : a a:M Next: ot No. 12 Mike Hulbert, 5,461 4*7287-75-38 i Cleyelond 4 3 0 :S71 lS 1« Rushes-yards 1553 45157 Pendnie. — Hes-Yards 026 aio '-^I'MW.Itate, Don Pohl, 5,81 Robitoiile -/ (fcnck*oh, Ulonnc). 8:8. % P Houston Potslne 137 21* Time of Possession 37:21 » : » 72757571— 3*3 Penoittet— Nvtund, Chi (erotechecking), I 8 0 :i43 ia I5D _ . INDIVIDUAL (TA TIITIC t MoitIs Hotoltky, 5,81 85715578- “ Edmonton. Tikkonen 5 (Gretzky), *:42 Iilin d ira B. H in g in I S:W, Nviund, Chi, miMonduct, 10:13; Doverto, Anne-morie Levetoue. Morv c Pimibuiireh 1 8 0 .143 U 1*3 Return Yords 30 24 Rick Fehr, 5,81 p). 4, Edmonton, McSorlev ) (Ceflov), CompAtt 1524-1 758575a- MocLellan, Min (rouohlno), 8:M; Mo- Morlorty, Darlene John*, Amv Dwver, yat Socked-Yards Lost iai50 _No. a Bovlor (5M)"Tbsi to No n Mork McCumber, 5,81 8*75757T Hockey ...... -5, Edmonton,______, 'tfkl(ahen'8'(Furr'l)______■ (JtUI .. ton, ^ 1 (roughing), 8:M; Secord, Chi and CIndl Bottlcello all performed well DenvjH 8 b 0 IT* lot 7-44 a a — 15. BiitlBlo— Hormbn’ iM i’ RIP Tokos AAM 31-30. MeiJriit Toxos Chrldlon' Chprile Bolllna, 5,81 -12:47. - 8, , Lot ArAm^M, ...... Well* 1 CTDidor, N.Y. MonBin • 1 1 » -4 Soccer In the win. 47-3 5 2 0 .714 188 in Punts 039 87-72557S-W (roughing), 10:45; Route, Min (rough- wn 548 ij. lyiiqmi, dick 024.■M,.Moore Moore 35,55, Kelly 22.23. Bill Sander, 5,81 7575857D-W Carton).. )7:817:8 (op).(D| Penottl**— Duchetne, • 1 ft »-« Ine), 10:45; McKeeney, Min (hlgh- Scorinji ogalnol Avon were Leyetque as Konim Cdv 4 3 0 .571 154 lS FumMes-Lost ai 51 M»!,'5iLJ3ria.te“U . PAMINO^ndtanoftoll*, Trudeau 1*41 Antonio Cerda, 5,81 LA (hoMlne),lidlne), f:8I ; Mi^lWland, Edm Flrtt PerloU—None. Penalttm— Penofttet— Mlilw;* L.A. Elders 4 3 0 .571 138 130 Penoldes-Yards 15*8 Bennett 35. 7|M75*71-« NYR (holdine), 2:53; Oogner, NYR tttckinB). 11:8; ChlcoBobench.ierveaby (two), Merquci and Jolinr PldvTng hai Time of Possession 1575 1-171 BufkaW— Kelly 253I-22S2. Andy Bean, 5,81 8 1 ^ 7 1 -7 3 ^ NHL It I glinci (tlatnin8)...l8:02;___ 8). 18:01 Kru*ne)nv*kt, Edm Stmleten (too many men on Ice). 1*:W. well tor (he Siunnert were Doverto and Son D im ) 8 0 .143 152 2M 21:» a:3t *»!a»!*S, Wilton 11-1*5 RECEIVING— Indtanopollt, Bouto 7-09, Bobby WOdkIns. 338 (hooklna).)l:i)0.. (tt^lne), 5:11; Button, NYI (hooking), Dono Hortle. The Stunners will com- NATIONAL CONFERENCE ''i-M jam l. ftarino a-aa2l8. 75857575-^ Third Period— 15 Mlnneteto, Btuettod 2 4Bi Brooks 570, M illio n 537! B o m John Mohoffi^'j!:,38 757557-74-84 Second Period— 7, Edmonton, Lowe 1 (Moruk. Bellow*), 1:63. 1), Chlcqoo, T. M IC F e rn pete In the Stole Cue Soturdov at Bast _ INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS . SBCglV'Nfr^os.AnfteleSt-Cliristeiwen W onilevJ-3. Bentley M m lnui 1). Mork Hayes,Hove*, 3,3353,331 7a71-725*^2»4 AH THnet BDT (Gretzky, MeMler), *:8 (*h). Penottle*— i l l 4SSB?: i ; Walllngterd. A woshlnoton 8 1 0 .857 148 118 RUSHINO-ChIcm, Poyton aa, Tomc- *'®'.y**t!r "**■ iorksdale I- Butmio^urkett 58, Biwiiihtbn'ari; Mi|er eolligi leom Murray) (D. Wilton, B,Murray), 2:57 (pg). The Monchwter Force (boy* 10years 8, McCollum 1-7. Miami, Duper 5181, Howard Twitly, 3,38 MeSertev. Edm, mltcondud, :8 ; Ouov.LA, )2,Mlnnwgta,Clecorgln5(Brgf*n,5tocLel- cau S"w®!,. 5 2 0 .714 18* ia i?i !T Sihey 57, Thomas 1-2. RMd^,lyber)mRIM Colvin Peete, 3.MS WALBt CONPBRENCB mttoonOxd, :8; Lo*Anaeletbench,terved lon),)7:8!l3,Chicago, T.Murrav2(Olctvk, old) defeated South Windsor, )-o. Hi.TxS.5’* 5 2 0 .714 142 *0 MInnespto, D.Nelson 1581, Brown 1537, Hordv 537, B e n i^ aia 2-11 Moor* 15, Melntart 1-2. Ruts Cochran, 338 ^ r d o v ot MCC. The win roliet the M8C PiMhirt Art; Phllodblpha 2 5 0 388 a 1W Rice 15B, Kromer 521, Colemon 1-18, Nottion aia Momplon 25 Johnson 1-5, ■AIT ^VIOCR IwlwIVIVffI by Rotottohle (toe many men on Ice). 4 :»; D. Wilton), )*:34f:34 (pg).(po). PI e n a llle i- MISSED F l ^ GOALS-Indliinapellt Boiten Celltoe 41, Louitvme 7 Don Holtdorson, 241* 727587-71-3*5 W L T % BP OA Poftolln, Edm (Interference), 5:5); S f a r a i ' tejwsi n (Iripeino) Force's tacord to *53. Krit LInditrom dow 81. Lout, 1 8 0 .lS *7 157 * WL'sim '-(minus 2). Davenport 14. Blosuccl 37. Buffalo, Norwood » , 48. Mccte)tand, ^ ^ k ln o ). )3:37; Smtttt. (ttaintM), )5:4S; Konreyd, NYKheek- kcKebnev, Min (hrtpglnio. 2:51, Bliluo- scored the only oool of the gome for the The Monchetter Soccer Club Panth­ _ PASSINGHChIcoeo, Fuller 15325181, MissillED FIELD GOALS-None. Botton U. 17, Rhode Island 0 My Deltlno, 24^ Pltttburgh 8 0 0 )2 M a tno), )*:()*. T^ntlnteriorenc*),. . irence),»:ii. ers (olrlt 10 veort old) tied SImtburv, and Bucknell 40, Ceibal* 3*' |ny Edimrdt, 241* pnnadHpnio sS 0 o 0 o )0 )o 23 » 1 i ^ i t on goat— Minnetota 15158—34. Perce. LIndttrom wot oultted by Oreo 9 !'® " " ^ * ' 0 .857 173 to Rose, 241* NitwJertev 3 2 0 8 t* 8 Second Period— ), Rongert, Miller ) Ryan ond Mtchoel Orlfteth. Playing 1-1, Sunday. Katie Liebig scored the to tl Minnesota 5 2 0 714 IM \ail5 S * '''''®"**®'®' I'fOfriw Cennecitput28, Northeastern 8 75735*7 Chicooo 17-11-11-^. Ponihert only goal. Soro Suitor, Kris­ *1 Cornell 77, Brown * . Nnox,241* 75715*71 NY Ronotr* ) 3 2 4 M 27 Power-Ptov Oppertunfntttee Mlnneteto weIMpr the Force were Corev Wry and 222!’^... 3 < 0 .42*l" l5 r e c e iv in g —Chicooo, Ortepo 551 Jett Slumon, 241* (SVsSfVSBiV’SlR Mott Loverv on the eftenie while Ryon tin Tomto. and Soroh Power* per­ Green 1 ^ 1 8 0 1 « *) i*i Bm giliSI.OIlirin RWrtda 11 Rutoer* 3 ^ 7 5 r NY Itlondtr* 1 3 ) 3 )7 )7 Rgogeri.Lflmbdw4(Rldlev.Breeke).1*;W 4etS; ^Icobq4ofl. formed well. Their record It 552. ?■». Payton 2-1 Harvard 42, Dortmourn 8 J.C. Snead, 341* f¥UMnnu>uu 1 4 0 2 15 a ond Donnv Coronaelo ployed well In S a l Tempo Bov 1 8 0 .ic 107 1*1 S S L ' S . Minnesoto, Silnti88.BueeanNri7 Fred Couplet, 341* leie*, Roottoine a (Dionne, Reamonoi, Oeonet— Minnetota, Beoupre (8 ihott- eal. Jett Altrul, Mike Slene, and Joy Jordon 588, corter 5W, D.Nelson 543, Holy Cruse 17, Army 14 M lovet). Chlcpoe, Bennertnon (34-8). rolewtkl onchorod the detente. R A.Anotnon 1-37. 7 7 ft 15-51 Leblgb 4t, Princeton 8 Rod Curl, I.S38 *72-2*6 koilon_____ 4 2 0 5 8 17 11:». 12, BdmonW Kurrt MsTl3 (rt). A— )8A73. R Atlanta 5 1 1 .7*8 in 111 Moeeachueettt 23, Maine 13 EDmrde Romero, 1336 ------1-74-88 CKNbec 3 2 1 7 M 17 13, Let Aneeles, Erlcfcten 2(R6M1attl*, Their next gome It Saturday ot MCC yar L A. Roms 5 2 0 .714 1W 18 MISSED FIELD GOALS-None TomM Boy ft ft * 7— 7 8:«; Huber, NYR (amtacheAriw). tT / ogolntt Donbury In Stote (fuo olov 9 .-JOggiiW^” * ^ vfftWTa Penn 30, Now 26 715*7274^ Montreal 2 2 1 5 1* 1* Diorme), iTlw. Ponettleg-ceflty, Edm Kenrov^NYI IhloMittS^),» :« ; Sunday. Ne* Sn Rroncsco 4 2 1 .843 170 107 » 7 7 i « - a _a n - ^ pjllnsw ^ from EtloMin Penn St. 42, Syrocute 3 71-758*71-3>6 ButtOlo 1 3 2 4 18 2) (ttioplita), *:15; MoiN , Edm, terved bv _____MOlo- Basketball New Orleans 3 4 0 . S 13* 123 fBrcccM pdek/f 1*34. ■rod Bryant, 1,536 -umlw (trlpplno), 13: 1*. Curren, NYI BiturBiy’i ratuH Salt NO— Mayes * run woke Poreet 27, Maryland 21 71-2-71-71-28 HorttOrt 1 2 ) 3 )5 » NYI M i t w i n ’s Domes (Andersen kick), ^.Hou— RoPer 1 nm (Zendelos kick), wmiorn 5 Mow M, Deleware 18 Lorry RWker, 1336 CAMPBELLX f 8:1) QM>) - ^ Wethmglonihinglon 111 . . .New__ York *1 Seeend Duorttr Awhn Pooy IS, Youngslown Sl. 10 8*8*7574 ______3 3 0 8 8 8 Sbott on goo)-Ittandert 511-153—31 fMHadtlpMo.Poullnl (K*rr,Progp),S;M.3, The Cobrot clinched the North Son Rmnctsoo'l^Aflanto‘ 'lO, tie SF— RG WerschingI 2», 7:53. Clemeon 31 Duke 3 Lonnyf Wodklns,1 118 75r* 7 2 7 3 -^ Lee Anoetet 3 3 ® ® 23 8 X A----- A Central Dittricimieby deteotino south L.A. Lwert 18, Chicago I01 Mew Orlepns a , TUmpo Boy 7 TB— OeBerg 1 run (Igwebulke kick), ^ Hou-Wolloce 2 nm (ZOndelai kick), Joe inmon, 1,1« Rang*rt51555-8. riliwuvwnTOf fivfw I Attanto 132, ClevttandTie 4:8. peWwcH S(,34,.Bethun5 Cookmn 17 »-7 571-75-m 2 3 1 5 17 N Pweerutav Oaportunlttee Ittandert 8 (Suiter,TOiceh*t),7:8.4,HorWord,Pnancl*3 WliMher,_ 52, ot lACOt Cougar field. Phoenix M l Son Antonio 99 P # ? "® 'T*''i’Defron'l0 All— Stomps » DOSS from Archer |. Ooroffiw^:^aeeij^Seulhem M BnreeBr ...... Llettke, IMS 8-7 Ootoorv 2 3 8 4 1ft 8 Deltat Coleman and Olonni Calve Seotne 17, New York GionW 13 NO— Morttn 21 pass from Wilton (An- . ,Hou-J.yte* «8 fumblehrniMe refumreturn (Zi(Zmdttoi FlyenSJeltl 0*5; Rangers 2otf. ftofnuetieon, Dollai N5, Houston f t Kontot City 41 Son Djego 41 (Luckhurst kick), 13:27. dersen kick), *:8. E. Klenhidcy n , e— •••• Ptortdo 24 Bobby Oompett, 1585 yonceuvtr 1 4 0 2 10 8 Goode* Ittandert, Smtth (8 tho1t-8 indet^l. 11:8 (pp). 1 Horltord, Andir- pteyed well. The Cobrot or* 7-0 In _____0 114, . Milwaukee M7 A-4S,308. NO-HniHird 7 nm (do ABM i l lAloom a . 8 Brett Upper, IMS 8-74-74-73-28 league play pnd *1-1 overall. Their MgpBiv8 Dome (Andersen kick). On ^ roiikt 21 nm (Brsef^ kick). j 3, N.Y. Ittandert 2 tovet). Rongert, VonWetbiouck (35-8). •Ofti 9 AKISWtSVftOO^wTj next gont* It Saturday at neon ogolntl Portland 11*. PhllodMphla 117, OT BV1 Denver o1 New York JeH, ♦ p.m. 13:04. 14:17. Wo a . s»,f>W1«»»1»U wi st. 3 0 0 I— 1 Prunctl), I3:IK 8, PhlkidelpMa, Tocchet 2 Seattle 18, L.A. CKpeert:nppcrt 11* tP Ah A— 43.3S5. Oeorplo a . VOnderbmw ■ 8, HorttOrdS Bethel In the second round ot the State First downs A-S3,ft44 .m h ineton 2 1 0 V-l (Marth,SuikM'),IS;31 Cup ot Martin School. YDgiwei CWclonotl OMwBbum, * P.m. 17 8 Howotd U. 8 , Virginia st. 13 l^^wrtod—1, Kerr 5 Niilh Sten B, Blickhiwfct 5 PenolWet Qovtn, Hor (hoMine). 1:8; Milwaukee 113, Defreltitrelt m< T " T Rushes-yords 3211S 5287 Jpckeon St. 15 Soulhem u. * 1 1, New Jergev 4 (Howe, PIOPP), 14:58. 1 Prom, Phi (tiaehing), 4: M; Deilei 112, Utah NO Cleveland at Minnesota, 1 pm. Passing Nee CW Lotayttte 51, DovMbon ,CMoaeo2 ball I Detroit ot CMoopp, 1 p.m. 1 » 1 » First downs 16 8 First down* 14 Sfritiaio______1(Z*(*I.Crav*n),17:i " “ ' PronOt, Hor (hopkina), 5:8; Doleneautt, Seeromenle vt. Ookter Stole at Sottnat, Return Yards 14 39 Rushes-yords 18 77 LSU 25, Kentudw W Cal€iid«r Dttrett S, oataorv 3 Smon. win (hooking), :42. ____ hi PM (ereeecheeklnel.ll ;8>. NIBCUnIM back Los Anoetes Rolder* at Houston, 1 p.m CompAlt 228 S5285 Ruthet-vords 2*8 4528 ee ■ wft E % cam.. M :» p.m. Miomi at indlonqBoiN, 1 pm. 15352 15313 Posslno 18 18 Mortholi 34l E. tenneseee 8.1* (Interference). *;08; Boichmon, Win Clfteggi The Monchetter Soccer Chib United 18k Denver.** Wolv Socked-Yards Lost 1-7 537 Return Yords IB 18 MjsijssjgpjTi, sw Lomstano 8 8 . LOuN A Quebec 3 (roughing)."■ ", 13:2*; Sutter, Phi (high- RnitPFlnit Period— I. Minnetota, MocLetton 2 (bey* nine vcon old) deteoted Entteid. New Cngtond ot Buffalo, 1 pm. 37 41 Return Yards 1 15 Minneeota 4, Vancouver 1 (Sktltalo,CraMifnan),S;l7.A Punts 7-39 7-8 Cemp-Att MIsMielpiM M, TUtane 77 WOttert, Win (rOuOh (R.WDMn,cicoartin),2;l2(ep).2,chicaoo, PMMiMpMO, Z*M 4 (Kerr, Howe). 11:8 4-0, Sunday. Oooll were scored bv Detroit vt. Botton at Worcottei, Mom ., 6 deck New Orteons at New VOrk Jett, 1 p.m 15»3 15251 Comp-Att PumMes-Lest 0 1 22 15222 151S« MM W)l_y j, 13, Orombllne » . Beeton 4. ino). N:oi; Tocehtt, Phi, Bm m * ndnor. B. MwTOfr I (Nyhind, uanmer), S:4l Son Diege at Phltodetphto, 1 pm. ^ ^ ^ - - - . .M. Socked-Yards Lost 079 58 Socked-Yordi Lost 2 8 M 8 8 0 8 i.PinaWe* Perraro. Kevin Blount, Brendan Prindivliie, 7:8 p.m. year I "WfOiTiCT- TOf XB 077 554 Punis etrved by MeWonbv (roughing, hW«- (op).iMlnn*eote,i~I. Occortni 7 (5 (hoMfrift). :4S; Tippett, Hor (hoMfrig), Glen Rlnftblootn, ond Scott Rvpentt. New Jertev vt. Indiana ol Perl Wovne, Son Fronettcp vs. Green Boy at Time ot Possession 541 2 8 Punts 546 2 » South Catholic « East Oothotlc, 3 :« .T. ftranasre # w.t . annovr* * tw left. Mltwoukce, 1p.m. 27:24 47:» Fumbtes-Losi 22 21 RkhbJeWjOjt P.m. ------— - - - - 2 g 7 tucking),'____i),Wi(1. _ HorNburg). 7.-J :» (ftp). A Mtnneeeto. 11r :tn; Robeneen, Her Alee ptavtng well were Joten Bleket- Ind., 5:8 p.m. 21 1-1 W LouWono 17, McNeeee 8.17 McKeonev t (OrUhom. Actenl. 12:8 1 (etaPWRig), 18:91; Poulin, PM (hoMIng), lev, Andy Ooron, and Mott Sombeig. Tompe Bov at Koneoe City, 1 pm. PenotWeeVOrds 5M *115 PonoWtew Yords yorn 537 O r w e l l ot Botton, 2 :8 p.m. Minnetera I. CMcoeo s Spcromenlo va LJ^. Olopert ol PVtt- Sal Atlanta at Loi Angtict Rome, 4 pm. INDIVIDUAL SrATISTKS . Time ot Poswsslon M:31 » : 8 Time of Possosslwi NW LouMoM 8 , Sam Houitan St. a Rocky Hill at Coventt^, 3:38 p.m. Win theoklnp), 8:18; PMtaOelpMabenOh MInnetPta, B r c ^ 2 (MacLettan, Clcco- 8:47. Jonathan Cort and Tim Merchiond erton, OoW., N : » pan. RUSHING— Son Prondeoo, Crtbbe 153*. 8:37 31:S Richmond 8 , VMI * Lo* c t i ^ by MeBenby (too monv men on tM ), I4:sa (OP). A CMoogq, ~ Third Period ft, PhHodU pMa, Smtth 2 contributed feed eftorts. theg a. Louis at Doilas, 4 p.m. Crolg 1251, Rice 1-18, Kemp 518. Prank 8. MNelsgppl 14, Memphis 8. * •ft* !• ▼vffWwWH mOIVIDWAL IT A T n T K t DP A ta . DE Ak K»),1S:8. (Kerrl.MA. United It M ond it bock in ectten Seetfle at Oenvor, 4 pm. (•(minus 8. Attonhj, Rlgos 2*74, Stamp* P... «TATnTK» TempN 79, Vlra/Mb'Tert 13* SlfrMury ot Moncheeter, 3:W p.m. TWtdP*rtad-S,“ - * - ■ ------SiniMlo 2 O'Oanahan. victo kMBBfty, Bet, a ^RUSHI^Twngo Boy, W T& 1*37, . RUSHING-jtausM , ftWiler 8 -SB, WOe* St. Mory'sotEott Catholic,3:30p.m. Saturday at Brookfield in the State Cup Wtahlngton at New York Okmts, *p.m. 6-43, Archer 535, Andrews 5 » , B.Johneon 2w|S_W2, Wonstsy 58, OcSeine 1-1. ------i - —I » . & — W. ... Kentucky 1 (EktimO, Cravon] 9j«t. 4, Min (MoMmcktng), 3:98; V. ^WT^arev t»tfkPeRO^Wwlfw*ww Tpumoment, and Sunday opolntt Gille 4-8, Aulfln 211, (Mxon 15. Tn.-Owltanpppa 42, Citadel 7 Btaehktglon at QuiNtec. 7:8 pjn. (cieeino hand on puck). 7:8; (MgMeliekine). 7:S; Sullor, PM (rough­ Avon. TraasactioBS 85ya PASSING— Son Proncteco. Kemp 152*2 tew Orleoni,.Moves *5172, Hilliard 17-Si, W. Oorellna If, Rmmon IS TUESDAY New Jenrv at N.Y. Itlondert, 5XB 14:18. Penoittet ■ Mctoln,McEatn, Win (Mgh- MM (hpidinq), IXB; LudMk, Jordon 517, wnson 1-14, Gray 24 „ ____^ M w lo e e g r ing), H;3I: HHunvn.Har Lai 18, Moroikl 51-85. Attente, Archer 15 K L .iJ? '!!!"* **cOoo m ESWeen p.m. tllcklM), H :«»; yter.PW Om^imtXMMi), ■ttrtihg^. 14 m,- Ottftwm. (rMftMnftI 355174. .-P^W iN G ^' T g ^1* ■#***/ BoyT 'Ymmg TWTftftl 11-151- k^cheeter ot Permi, 3:M p.m. CMooge of EBmordon, *:8 pjn. (fgiiBMnft),18;8. bom* |^^5iiS^rI NewOrtem, -- -Wttsen Coventry at Rh AM. 1:8 Ih m e r ------15158— 8 _ r e c e iv in g —Son Rondsco, Cr1bb*551, Boh 8 . 8 , Kent 8.17 Winnipee *513—38. Ititt; a HarttMdV .eAseeALL Roug Rlce5n,Orolg512,C1ark217,Crawtard1-ft. etegassfs-isg E. irnnoii V, W. Ilhnofi 3. Botton at Porttand; 3:M mtaBt«pM0l5l25-3A NW iiiviwa The Manchester Soccer Club RiHHo. TV RECBVIHO— Tompo .Bery.Oarter Bo 4-g, Power gkivOgper Stunner* (girtt 12 and undor) wen e ■ecor Attanto, Rlpoi 531, Stompe 563, C.Brewn Ohes4i4i,Heuee28,MedeelTj.— 111—4213, IIOfTtSl-'— . E. Michipan S3, Ohio U. 8 Permi ot KlRiBT.ManB Power ploy OgportanlWe* Winnipeo 8 ------HftMIng), 1*W; tgf*;1tat1tar4^1 golr of gotnei WtOtiTA— Homed Kent Pytont ytM 5 « . B Johnson 53S, MMdletenl-4. J o*s^_l-W,■ WWM mderTe; T < New Orleans, ■ J~®:. Cincinnati, Celllntworth e-gy, imneh 8 . 8 , Indiana 9 . 8 e*4; PhlMBtlehtaOofl motarDame iMecenduct Hexten (Siiheft- preeldent end general m a n a g e r^ Rawl 8 fconsee SI. 22, Km m 12 OuoBM Wkihlpeg, RedaiCk(3«ehof*-8l (ty ^ j j » :t » booting the 8m*bury SMrtt, 52 eti Tto4-22Bfgnner3«,Ooodiew23*, Martin Broota 5 8 . Mc6 ee 1-N, Heknon l i . , * «!.2 S ’?®'J5.®* Chompionehipe n Sgtardov, and the Avon Bhi* Devils, hn TONIGHT MISSED FIELD GOALS-Bon Pron- ^wWs^PfyW 1*9. Miami, Ro. 4S, Clndnnatt n (at Polrtield Preg) I t zm).PMtaMphto,H*Ktalli ) . i (3529). ____ apgned 7, Minneeoto.R.Wtteeni (351 dira, Werschfric » , « . Atlanta, Luck­ MMUfton 8 , tawe 17 AM AftMM 3 ft 8-9 -D,2». (KHoixHi, eNMtad). S:I3 (gp). i CM- 51, on Sunday. Their record it 504). Bob I ftM Jets vs. Broncos, Channels ft, 40, , MI53T O FIELD GOALS— Tompo Boy, ^MIMra PIBLO OOALS-andnnoll, Efrte PPimMinB. Amy Mlterot, Joetlco Ntarouet, and BUFFALO WFOP hurst. 8. lowiMilke 64. NewOrteOns, Andersen 51. MjOjjgqn 9 . 79. imnete 9 .WndISitted—1, i p* Angelee, Taylor 2 Rgtorte am McCreary. Linewnen— eofto, Secord 2 (Sovord, Lotwwr), 9:8.9, Reteree-Andv Von Nellemond. with ^*Okt Cothollc ot 8 . J eeoph (Trum­ (Mennadv, Ooreen), OerordOoiHMer, Moik Vtne*. Minnetota, Acton I (Route), 18:27. Stacy KettPtg MIdiRe Tenn. <2, SW NHseourt 1* bull), 6 :8 p.m. 3:41. t Lot AngettA Linttmen—Pot Oopuae, Wovne Periev. Mmeburv gotnigome. Kott* Smith, Ntettno - ~ «P«AU>. Maadw. Oct «, i m MANCHEB'ngR HERALD. MiaakiBy. Oct. 38. 188> — l» Patriot shutout leaves Berry a QB dnemi'na Whaler defense problem in flie early going

v y Mmii MODffvwfi BY J im ’nem eY backhand and lifted the pock into bo,” soM Gfbgaa, who caRs the stunk,” safdSleelers' ramdngbsNik nvfwivspvrTv wrifwr utilized the tetdmlqne, find slidhig The AasscMfeif ^rwM PislrliR^ play* when Eason is in Walter AberertMiMe. the net to even the score a backhand shot through Weefca’ "We neore, then we let them the game. "Bfe's played great He was right in more ways than HARTFDIIB-Defense pads in the crease and then tooka nrrnnnM R — wew cs^asif ftNMball. My Job is to fill in. and one. (Philadelphia) score right away, ” Kcir pass in front of the net and COMli RayaMHNf BenyaMf p it5 Hint hoe Been the nonexistent Weeks said, who started in goal for some days you bave it and some Not only (fid the Sleelers suffer theme thox far for the Hartford staffed it through for the 5-3 bargfi Co«dl Chw* Non moit days yoo don't. Today, I had it.” their wont defeat since they the first time this year in ^ ace of advantage. make (|aartertwfk deewei thla moved into Three Mvers in 1890, Whaleza. Alan, the Whalerz’ total Mike Liut, who sustained a groin Grtyon might be New England’s inabllltY to capitalise on their "f (Hdn’t get much luck out week, ami MfOwr win flmf Ike joe best leHefjgteber. the Boston Red the sewer line in their Wffter rboni injury Thursdayagalnst Winnipeg. there,” Weeks said. "They (Phlla^ an eajoyaWe one. backed up. leaving behind a uppOritmitles remlted in a 8-3 loss "Everybotjy has to be aware to Box’s Calein Schiraldi to the FimadelpUa Flyera Satur­ delphia) are really aggressive and Beny. etMaeRatrMiaeeresM notwithstanding. half-inch-deep pool of smelly protect that lead, especiafiy right gays like Kerr and Ziezel are tough wiimen Smday over the 4wf- water. day night at the Civic Center. Four after we score.” “lie was. great, but everybody gamea have elapsed and the for our defense to move.” mated Sleetef*. nmat dMMwe aa Ma played great.” said Patriots Coach After former Whaler Mark Howe Hextall made two sparkling alarter eHlwr tke IfTL’a Hotteat "We won’t win any more games Whalen have allowed 22’ goals, a Raymond Berry. "You eon see it if we don’t play better. ” Abercrom­ and Ron Francis traded goals, saves from point blank range to nnarterbaek. 12-year veteran means a lot to have a guy like Steve statistic Hartford coach Jack Anderson scoredbissecondgoal on subdue the Whaler effort by Steve CrogM, or tke leagne’a bie said. "Hiey scored 34 points Evans would like to see modified. a beautifol feed from Scot Kleincn- aroond. Plttsborgh had to go with a and it seems like we haven’t scored Anderson at 14;65 of the second top-rated pnaaer, Tony Eaaon. yoong qnarteilMcfc, and f know "You can’t win giving up six dorst to give the Whalers a 3-2lead period. Derrick Smith’s tally at IVMI'adeeiafonianoeaBier, if for 30 points all year. Yisti have to be goals a game, " Evans remarked. what Chuck Noll feels like I’ve able to put p ^ t s on the board.” at 13; 86 of the first period. M; 82 of the final period added the a dHfeient fwaaon. been there.” "We get ahead and they score in 20 Flyer Rick Tocchet took a finishing touches for Philadelphia With Me team off to ita morM Marion’s toochdown lO seconds seconds. It has happened time into the second period made it 17-0 beautifol feed flnom Brad Marsh while the lethargic Whalers were atart in 17 yeara. Non moat aeleet "New England obviously was too after Hme. Every bounce, every and beat Weeks on a l-on-l unable to take a^antage of their ottber a veteran witb the N fX ’a much for ns,” Noil said. and came Just 48 seconds after misfortune was going against us. opportunity at 15; 33 of the opening New England’s defense scored Grogan hit Starring for a touch­ power-play opportunities, espe­ kweat qaarterhaek rating Mark Every time we break down it period to deadlock it again. "We cially a four-minute high-sticking Malone, or rookie inhby Mater, one touchtfown on Fred Marion’s down. Starring nearly fombled the seems to result in a goal ’Ihey hove to bear down and stop them ball away at the Steelers’ 8. but call on Daryl Stanley in the third who waa harraaaed into throwing 37-yard interception return, set up (Philadelphia) are a very strong the first minute after we score," period. two coatly hrterceptiena in the two other touchdowns with turnov- scooped the ball up in stride and team.” Francis, the Whaler captain, said bounded into the end xone ' "Our problem is we haven’t Steelera’ worat Three Rivera Sta­ e n and generally made life mis­ The Flyers, who remained un­ after Hartford’s 1-2- 1 start. played enough hockey. ’’ Francis 0 untouched. dium defeat. erable for Brister, a rookie from beaten with a record of 4-0 and had Flyer goalie Ron Hextall had a said. "We’re not game sharp and " I oniy have a couple of weeka to Northeast Louisiana who played "We usually use the run to set up entered Saturday night’s contest the pass but today we came out stellar performance in the net for we’re rushing passes and shots. take advantage of playii^ and 1 only one foil season of college with only four goals against their, the visitors and disallowed Hart­ I’m disappoint^ but, hell, we’ve wanted to make the‘beatofit,’ beat oflt,’' aafd football. passing." said Grogan, who hit I7 fell behind when Whaler John ford any further scoring after the only played four games” Grogan, who completed 18 of M Brister. playing because Ma­ of 22 first-half passes. Anderson scored the first of his two first period."We were able to shut paaaea for 243 yarda and three lone’s sprained'ri^t thumb has not goals at 5; I3for a l-OHartford lead down their power play and for him healed, completed Oof 27passes for New England. 4-3, won for just touchdowna. the second time in five games in But, as Hartford’s uncertain fate (Hextall) to be playing as well as WHALER NOTES- Whaler left Grogan, who threw for 4Sl yarda 100 yards and threw two Intercep­ has accorded them in the early he is is a big plus. ’’ Flyer coach tions on his first three passes. He what Collins called' ‘a must victory wing Sylvain Turgeon will be laat week in New Cngland’a 31-24 'or us. We had to win to stay in the season, Philadelphia retaliated Mike Keenan remarked. examined today by a special team defeat to the New York Jeta, didn’t complete a pass until the before the score even reached the Philadelphia’s Peter 2!e*el, who final minute of the first half. (American Conference East) of doctors in Vancouver. British C paaaed for 24l first-half yarda as board. Flyer captain Dave Poulin. race” has scored three of the flyers’ four Columbia, for his chronic stomach Msnw piwto or TuMwr the Patriots led 24-0 before snow­ "I think I did poorly, obviously," Just 21 seconds after Anderson's game-winning goats this season, muscle problem... Hartford is idle ing Pittsburgh its initial first down. A Raymond Claybom intercep­ oal, received the puck from Tim said Brister. who played well in the tion preceded the Starring score scored twice during the second until Friday when the Whalers PhiladgfpMa's P«t«r Z«z«f (rigftt) f)r«s a Grogan hit on scoring passes to Steelers’ 24-22 loss last Mondtiy to S:err in front of the net and. with ^rio d to ice the victoiy for begin a home-and-home series with tho Civic Contar. Whalar dafanaaman and the New England also reco­ Whaler goalie Steve Weeks down, Stephen Starring for 43 yards, Tony Cincinnati. "A quarterback has to vered a Brister fumble after Philadelphia Zezel, knownvn fofor bis the Buffalo Sabres in Buffalo and shot on Whfifor gosffo Stsvo Wsoks Scot Kiainandofst (18) has a good viaw CoHins for 10 yards and wmie Scott do better than I did for us to have a spun from his forehand to his camping out around the net tactics. Saturday night at the Civic Center during thofr NHL gamo Saturday night at of tha action. for 2 yards and has completed 4i of dropping him for a 14-yard loss at chance. the Pittsburgh 1 in the third period. for a touchdown against the Sfeelers on 08 passes for 844 yards in two "I ftej bad. I let the team down That set up Grogan’s touchdown games since Eason suffered a rib and I let the fans down and I’m Sunday In Pittsburgh. The Patriots won, Injury. pass to Scott NHL roundup T teammate Lawrence McQrew after he 34-0. down." he said. "I feel terrible, but Tony Franklin kicked field goals returned a second-quarter Interception "If Tony’s ready next week, he’ll I can’t let It destroy me” of 31 and 36 yards after missing a Ton start and that’s the way it should 'Tt Wasn’t Just Bubby We Just 47-yarder In the first period Sou

NFL roundup Dionne’s fatherly treatment benefits the Kings Joftf

Giants turn over :Bv Barry Wliner "I wanted to take charge of these period, the Kings got goals from Wilson, with Just 13 NHL goals in remaining in the third period, then the season off a pass from Denis The Associated Press guys,” Dionne said "I talked with defenseman Larry Playfair. Car- 93 career games, set up Brian the Islanders survived an elbowing Potvin. ij (assistant coach) Mike Murphy son and Robitaille in a 3:44 span to MacLellan and Ciccarelli with penalty to Bryan Trotfier which Vikings are piaying just super Marcel Dionne’s fatherly treat­ and (Coach) Pat Quinn and their take a 6-5 lead perfect passes in the opening forced them to play shorthanded "It was a great play by Denis, ” win to Seahawks ment of a pair of Kings rookies parents. I wanted to help them Edmonton’s Jari Kurri stole the period. The Hawks. 0-4-1 in their for the last 24 seconds of regulation Flatley said. "Me sent me in and we .already is reaping benefits for Los their first season” puck from Kings defenseman last five games, have now given up and first 1:36 of overtime. caught them ftatfooted I Just drove By Ken Rappoport Angeles’ NHL team With the game tied at 6, Robl- Craig Redmond In the Los Angeles lO power-play goals in six games. Flatley scored his second goal of to the middle and let if go” 21-yard touchdown run with 43 By Jim Cour The big play In the drive was a ' Luc Robitaillie scored two goals tallle carried the puck into the zone and scored a shorthanded goal The Associated Press The Associated Press I2-yard pass from Dave Kriegto Ciccarelli scored twice for Min­ SI Beconds to play, capping a deisper' and set up the winner by Brian Oilers zone and fed a drop pass to to tie the game with 4:47 to play. nesota. giving him eight goals lOm ate drive that led Cincinnati over Warner on thlrd-and-8 that put Erickson with 2:53 remaining Bryan Erickson, who fired a 25-foot Esa Tikkanen scored two goats The Minnesota Vikings have SEATTLE — TTie Seattle the Seahawks on the Giants’ 8. already this season. Troy Murray atUi never won the Super Bowl — but Houston. Sunday night to lead the Kings to a shot over the left shoulder of for Edmonton, while Oilers center had a pair of third-period goals for Knicks’ King relnjured Houston, 1-6, had taken the lead Seahawks’ defense played with­ But the Giants didn't give up. 7-6 victory over the Edmonton Edmonton goalie Andy Moog for Wayne Gretzky had (wo assists in Chicago. Th they did ail right against recent - r - - ' out Its leader but New York After the Seahawks' second 8UU Super Bowl winners the last two Just 43 seconds earlier when Oilers. Jimmy Carson, the Kings' the game-winner. the game His first gave Gretzky an "I^ hzjfiave six power-play goals Giants’ quarterback Phil touchdown, they drove 76 yards top draftee last spring, had a goal "I had so many chances to­ NEW YORK (AP) - The long "We bave to consider It serious wMc weeks. linebacker Robert Lyles picked up assist .on 10 straight Edmonton because of my being around the because It's another 3-to-6 weeks a fumble and ran 83 yards Simms didn’t benefit from the in 12 plays and Raul Allegre and two assists. night.” Erickson said. "Some of goals over three games net. not in the comers.” said comeback effort of New Y o..irk 84-1 Last week, the Vikings pulled out absence of Kenny Easley. kicked a 3i-yard field goal tocut Knicks All-Star forward Bernard setback," Knicks General Man­ a 27-24 overtime victory over the untouched for a touchdown and a Dionne, the NHL’s No. 2 all-time (hem I Just missed, and he (Andy Ciccarelli. "In order for me to ^ Pa Even with the Seahawks' the Seattle lead to 17-12 scorer and a veteran of 15 NHL Moog) made a couple of great King has suffered a Jolting setback ager Scotty Stirling said. McC San Francisco 48ers, the NFL 28-24 lead. But the Bengals fur- effective. I have to have both feet After the accident team phzsl- Iwsly covered 76 yards in five all-pro strong safety standing on The Giants got the ball back seasons, arranged to have Robi- saves and I hit one post. But the Stars 8, Blacfchawks 8 planted on the Ice and cannot be following an injury to his right knee champion two seasons ago. And the sidelines because of knee for the last time with 2:24 to go while Jogging. dan Norman Scott drained»d five Sunday, the Vikings gained a plays, capped by Brooks’ second taille live with his family and goal sure came at a great time." Red-hot DIno Ciccarelli had two held up by a defenseman 'Oien. It surgery during the week. Seat­ and marched from their own S3 Carson live with a family next door King, who hasn’t played for the ounces of fluid from King’s right measure of revenge with a 23-7 touchdown of the game. Elsewhere. It was Minnesota 8. goats and two assists, and defense- you have fo have a Eon Wilson who knee. 8pori tle’s National Football League to the Seattle 22 with 1:28 left. during this season. Both youngs­ Chicago 8: Philadelphia 3, Win­ man Ron Wilson connected on a knows when to unload” Knicks since March 23, 1888 defeat of the defending Super Bowl team Intercepted four Simms But two Incomplete passes and because of tom ligaments and King, who had not announced a 2 champion Chicago Bears. Bills 24, Cons 13 ters have responded with some nipeg 1: and the Islanders 2. 65-foot power play slapshot and set passes and recorded seven Green’s fourth sack left New excellent performances for the Rangers 2 up two of three first-period Minne­ PlyBra 3, J b Is 1 cartilage in his right knee, stepped timetable for returning to uniform I "Today, we were like maniacs. Jim Kelly threw touchdown sacks in a 17-12 victory Sunday. York with a fourth down on the in a bole while Jogging Sunday and for the Knicks In 1888-87, had taken. We were crasy out there,” said passes of six and 13 yards to Andre Kings Trailing 8-3 early In the third sota power-play scores. Philadelphia remained unbeaten Two of Seattle’s interceptions Seahawks' 26 with 59 seconds as Ilkka SInIsalo scored two goals will miss 8-to-6 weeks of rehabilita­ part In team practice drills on PB Minnesota’s rookie defensive end Reed, leading Buffalo over hapless come In the pivotal fourth left tion. King also sprained his right Friday for the first time since the haati Gerald Robinson, whose 2 Famous Midas ^ ar^ tee m i D A S fourth poBsessfons of the game, opening a Bengals 31, Oilers 28 the middle Carlos Quintero at the 5:04 mark. A dadsli and scored three touchdowns to Benirschke missed a 38-yard field 128 games. minute later, Greenfield (6-6) tied 11 Mazda 333 giKxl at over 1.S45 Midas ( 17-0 advantage by intermission arente. 8 Spa. lead the Los Angeles Raiders past James Brooks scored on a goal with 28 seconds left. the contest when Steve Fecto •3605 shops across the aiuntry. •aid, I •9 Qrond Morqiria headed in a throw-in from Joel I Or. LB •7608 Nelson. MCC came right back to •1 Cougar Hi take a 2-1 lead when Quintero WuB. Auto. 4 Dr , AC. PS •3495 scored a breakaway goal at 24:64 Maybe you have a 12% mortgage. Or one that's even higher. M lulek Ragol 8YD on a perfect through pass from Maybe you nave a Fixed Rate Mortgage or an Adjustable Rate WMto. Auto. 4 Dr •6305 Michigan nips iowa in another coiiegiate ciassic Darrel Taggart to give MCC the Mortgage. No matter what you have, now is an excellent time 33 Line. Town Car See warranty temis TS for lead. 2-1. OrWL lOAttod •9095 OolfC Greenfield came right back to tie to rewrite your existing mortgage. You can reaiize substantial at your local Midas dealer. By The Associated Press “It seems like It’s becoming a monthiy savings on your payments. And. because we're the 34 Topaz Non In other games involving Top JO-34, iso. 19 UCLA defeated Bobby Humphrey, who ran for 217 No. 7 Anbnm Si, Georgia Tech things at 2-2 when Chris St. Juste •roBRi. 6 Sp6., 4 Or. •4995 real classic." Iowa Coach Hayden Ten teams No. 1 Miami beat California 36-10, and No. 20 South­ number one mortgage lender in New England, we know how to Concoi "This was our year to have the Fry, whose eight-ranked team lost yards on 27 carries and scored 10: Auburn, playing at home, had blasted a shot Into the upper comer I t Mark VII Cincinnati 45-12; No. 2 Alabama ern Methodist topped Houston 10-3. three touchdowns. little trouble in boosting Its record after a pass from Fecto at 34:30. serve you better. With less hassle. Before you do anything else, 4 Or.. TU*to«to •9895 ball at the end," Michigan quarter­ for the first time after five trounced ’Tennessee 56-28; No. 3 Paul Palmer,, who had rushed victories, said. Foruth-ranked No. I Nebraska, 48, Missouri I7: to 6-0. Brent Fullwood ran for 183 The only goal in the second half talk to our residential financing specialists. When it comes to M Matda W-BI m u r r TO M U M S I back Jim Harbaugh said after the Nebraska beat Missouri 48-17; No. for 349 yards last week, ran for 239 Missouri did not get past Its own T.. m m Wolverines’ game with Iowa was Michigan is 6-0. yards and one touchdown and Jeff came at 8:08 when Clayton Wilder refinancing, you can bank on COMFED. •3995 6 5 Oklahoma down Oklahoma State in Temple’s 29-13 victory over 8YD For a time Saturday. It looked as 44-yard-line until the fourth quar­ Burger passed for two more for the gathered a pass from St. Juste, and Put the "Loan Arranger on your side. 33 Matda B-tOOO decided for the second straight 19-0; No. 6 Penn State walloped Virginia Tech, and the nation’s ter at Lincoln. Neb. Tyreese Knox •uftdow w •3695 B ertel year by a field goal with no time If Houghtlin might get another Tigers. Syracuse 42-3; No. 7 Auburn to p ^ three major service academies all ran 92 yards tor one touchdown and No. 16 Arizona fit. 29, No. 18 34 Maraule T M U r r TO SOMEONE YOU TRUST boot to left. chance for some last-second Georgia Tech 31-10; No. 9 Washing­ lost. Notre Dame trounced Air Windsor Locks 4 Dr., a ^ . lOMStd •5005 tbafini heroics. Dana Brinson dashed 63 yards for Bonihem Cal 26; Jeff Van Raa- Saturday, Mike Gillette booted ton beat Bowling Green 48-0, and Force SI-S; Penn beat Navy 30-26, another for Nebraska. 6-0. phorst’s second touchdown pass l 4 9 K 1-800-842-3235 or 627-9486 M Marguta ■anday No. 10 Arizona State defeated No. and Holy Cross edged Army 17-14. Ooto. Auto. AC •5995 CALL FOR EVENING HOURS It wa the winner, a 34-yarder, for a 20-17 After Mark Vlasic came off the clinched Arizona State’s tnird Orange victory for Michigan at Ann Artwr. bench to throw a game-tying, 15 Southern California 29-20. No. 8 Oklahoma 18, Oklahoma 8i. straight victory over Southern 34 Marqul* LaadI, No. I Miami 48, ancinnatl IS; 6: Tim Lasher tied his own school FUEL OIL Brown. Auto. AC •5995 347-9100 Torrington 482-7647 Gillette had kick^ a school-record 15-yard touchdown pass early in In games involving the Second California and gave the visiting 1-800-922-3260 or 79S-0SS1 Bloomtitid 243-9430 MIddlstown atUlbol Vinny Testaverde, who completed record with four field goals and 33 Matda RX-7 224-9137 Wallingford 2654)953 8S-yarder in the first half. the final quarter. Iowa got the ball Ten. No. 11 Texas AltM edged No. Sun Devils a 5-0-2 record. ■ue. taae. Branford 481-2388 New Britain 24 of 35 passes for 262 yards, threw Dante Jones scored on a 85-yaid •9990 582-7983 New Haven 665-6111 Waterbury 7574)339 Last year, Iowa won 12-10 at when Pat Moons. Michigan’s short- 20 Baylor 31-20; No. 12 Louisiana for two touchdowns as Miami. 7-0, No. II Texas AAM 81, No. 26 • t Toyota tupra Bristol Interception return as Oklahhome 57» E. Hirftord 269-9315 New London 447-1711 Watarbury 753-7561 home on a 28-yard field goal by Rob distance field-goal kicker, missed State downed Kentucky 25-16; No. rolled up 31 points in the first half at registered the shutout at home. Baylor 16; Kevin Murray, who •Nl. • Bps.. AC. Bumsof •8995 Roughtlln. whose 28-yarder in the from 27 yards. But with the IS Mississippi State outlasted Tu- passed for three touchdowns and EnlWId 745-0305 N. Hartford 246-4628 W. Hartford 5224)171 Cincinnati. No. 6 Penn Slate 42, Syracuse 3; S9nlor Citizen A C iiM F S O 889-8433 Wastbrook 669-9937 PILD second quarter Saturday gave the Hawkeyes moving on the ground. lane 34-27; No. 14 Arkansas beat ran for another, rallied Texas MOHTGACf CO,, fWC. Groton 445-6129 Norwich No. 2 Alabama 86, Tennessee 26: Playing at home. Penn State ran Volume Discounts 246-6327 563-1507 West Haven 934-2626 Catchoi HawkeyM a lO-S halftime lead. Richard Bass fumbled a pitchout Texas 21-14; No. 16 Arizona beat Alabama snapped a four-game AAM, which has trailed 17-0 at You can bank on n HanKfvn Rocky Hill away from Syracuse. The NIttany ManctwsMr 646-6606 Southington 621-9333 Willin^antic 456-1766 8m ,6M In 1083, Michigan won 16-13 on and Michigan recovered at Iowa 49 Oregon State 23-12; No. nClemson losing streak to Tennessee and Lions, 6-0, rushed for 438 y a r^ , home. Murray’s 5-yard touch- with 1:57 left to set the stage for hdown toss to Tony Thompson with THRIFTY OIL CO. An Equtl Housing Lender S. Hartford 246-5127 Vernon 675-4940 Bob Bergeron’s 45-yard-field goal crushed Duke 35-3; North Carolina raised its record to 7-0. Helping the wtih Blair niomas gaining 132! with 12 seconds left. Gillette State nipped No. 18 North Carolina Tide roll at Knoxville. Tenn., was 3:46 remaining was the game- 280-8843 131 Cb Ru It, ■ ■ t e iit e i MMIIjJ Steve Smith 96 and D.J. Dozier 84! winner. t$t U r n im . Oct.». Poirol winner at Mng ItwteMonal f I F O C U S m jw catsfm i im uLiy. Mdadav. oet i» .im -r T

r t u n w w one local winner. C a g w iy It41.* B rree Puma e f aueMey aMnwi in awBiattwwfcmysisee. watteM w dver awnmnerstddlrsert in the IM Mimal IlHiv Junior aigk BtyitafaoHal Cwnr ddoniry Mieet Sshmfay inomfna nt filing' Junior Written integrity test RM. I Foirot took the Hoys'sixth grade M Wl (AanplonoMp widi n time of » se.sovertses. I mile layout. Tlw day*» best tnmeif in bg Steren luce, o f New Britain, in replacing polygraph winning tbe boys'aintb grade race in ir s i.s . .Sereym ^nrue «tf East \ 4 tym e and Pist Dwyer o f Bennet /: If a catMer lit test. And even in states such as Jimior Rlgb Had tbe day's second a doFartmeiit New York where an employer a M third best docUngs with times store g»ve you cannot legally demand that you F— I. o f Hi I7.4and Hi IS.5. respectively. 5i0 extra in take one, It is often made a OS they took second and third in the change, wooM condition of employment. Your ninth grade race. you return it? R choice; Either take the test or kiss a S m ' Stephen Paul of Dodd Junior doesn’t shock the Job goodbye! High won the boys' eighth grade I f a a fair me to learn that This March, the House of Repre­ race in H 27. i with Dave Hoaglund Porter t. M m r * u j u . a hefty major­ sentatives passed a bill to prohibit of Bennet a dose second in :2 f .O. 12 Qwrt DwBfGis. l«ft. and ity would keoR Mlygraph testing for most of the Eric Grimes and Jon Lolly, of 'iS - m c ^ , s rn m M i5;0i.3. the extra in­ private sector in all 50 states. A ' Litchfleld. and Chris SharplM of Jaan fOaiteK display / - . - ' I # ! .? stead — even ^.^spokesperson from Seo Edward Timothy Edwards of South Wind­ n iM 12:55.1, 3. OWIS spma o f fha crochafad though it’s ob­ Kennedy’s office predicts that the sor were involved in a competition -urm 12-J8.9,4. awls viously dishonest to do so. But thing patterns and perspiration. As Senate will probably pass a similar seventh grade boys' race Grimes j r M m cssrp itama that will ba sold perhaps most people expect (heir a result, any stress or exeitement bill next year. won in 12:51.g with Lally second in Saturday and Sunday at neighbors to have greater integ- you feel reidsters on the machine Estimates show that more than 12:55.1 and Sharpies third in rity, to he basically honest, the like. and may be interpreted as a lie. two million people each year are 12:55 9. tha holiday bazaar of tha A similar question may he found Claims of 80 percent accuracy taking some form of these written r* r The best tiiOe recorded in a girls’ » t I. Francfs gMuid- on a wrHtcn integrity test that you arc made by polygraph wers, but tests. One of the major tests, the race was by Francis Spaulding of Ladiaa Qulfd of tha may be asked to take at your next what about the 20 per cent of the test Reid Report, consists of yes/no Griswold. She won the seventh Church of tha Asaump- Job interview. Written integrity takers who are falsely shown to be questions and multiple choice. grade race in 1J:43.9. Shelley BffVCE POfBOT BTEVEM LUCE tests are the growing (rend in Bars? How can a standardized test Curtis of Rochambeau Junior High . . . gfxth gracfB wfimur tion. DaSlois is tha employment honesty testing. Their The bottom line: If you roly on a measure honesty? in Southbury won the eighth grade . dB/t MBt flm« s ito purpose? To weigh your attitudes polygraph test, yon don't knowhow C 14:H.k >. sit aaaistant chairman of tha S .. girls' race in M: 05.1 while Marine t&want honesty. many innocent people you are "EVERYO NE HAS AN idea of Bartolomeo of Pomeperaug won tively. in the boys’ eighth graite 34th. ., Vernon Cenwr hazaar, which wifi ba hald Also known as pen and pencil accusing of being liars. what average honesty is. ” explains the ninth grade girls’ race in Murray, Ttmotny race Also. H linrs Bin Scheideman fn the sixth grade race. Scott tests, these written exams may While p o ly g r a ^ havebeenused Dr. Philip Ash, vice president/Re- 14:10.0 and Wendy Linkovich of gdjjjW kU : at tha church at 2S5 W. was 27th and Brian MoRoy 50th. fn Sargent from Buckley School was s — 1. Wendy Linker replace tbe ill-fated polygraph or effectivefy in criminal investiga­ search and Development at Reid Litchfield won the sixth grade race the girls’ eighth grade race. vKii, tii 14:55.9, 2. K W l^ ly He detector tests, which are tions. "Tltere is not a shred of Psychological Systems. For this in 14:50.9 eighth in 19:57.5. Jason Marsh was LOMlrv, eld 15;05A, 9. f i i M Cantar St. on Saturday Bennet’s Adore Limberger and i4th. Jason Romeo lord and Josh currently being used by employers satisfactory evidence about the use reason, test questions include: Do Among local entrants. Tiling’s Lori Laliberte were fourth and Glaser 3Sth among local entrants, from tOa.m. to 3 p.m. and to screen prospective employees, of the polygraph as an effective you think most people are honest David Ghabrial was 13th in the MWM 0AM» By n»«M fifth, respectively, m 14:91.1 and check up on workers periodically pre-employment tool," reports Dr. because they are afraid of being boys’ ninth grade race. Cheney fn the girls’ race. MeHssa Jofly was Sunday after the morning 14:37.4. filing’s Sarah Whinnem fourth in 15:20.2 and Kim Ricks or track down a riilprit after the Paul Sackett, professor of psychol­ caught? Do you thinli taking T Tech’s Russ Jobndrow was lOth Tonia Johnaon, a sixth grader at Timothy Edwards in was eighth and Karen Case I4th. 9lst. massas. Also for sala will crime has been committed. ogy at the University of Illinois at damaged goods from a company is and Brett Lassen 22nd. Bennet’s Beimel’s Lisa Torek was iiih. . JOMleo Chicago. Moreover, stuihes have OK? Your answers are statistically South Windsor, leads the way duringthe midway point of Jonathan Alpert 2lst and filing’s Ptjher , m e a n s i9 ;io.i. ba crafts, baked goods, the sixth-grade race Saturday at the llling Invitational. Shelly Dieterle I5th. Becky Dupont RMutrs: 4m j RECENTLY POLYGRAPHS shown that polygraphs often have a compared to the probable answers Jim Myers 27th In the girls’ ninth 2lsf. Kristi Duberger 24th and Dee white aiaphant items, and HAVE received much deserved predisposition to find deception in an "honest person” would give vs. Johnson took third place In her division. grade run. filing’s Robyn Butzbach Dee riyn 27fh. Vance criticism; While they are used by an applicant the answers of a dishonest person. was lOth. Heidi Howarth lOth. filing’s Mary Moriarty was !2:10.5, 4, Tim T o z is r ^ l^ Hampton 5. 4 o m « o w r m , LmcoM 19:91.7. 4. plants. A raffia will ba employers to determine If a person So far, it seems that written Diana Pappas 2lst and Mary Beth eighth in the girls’ seventh grade Is lying, they merely measure Riley 24th **msSB**pv A 7. hald. DESPITE THESE PROBLEMS, integrity tests to reduce the propor­ run In 14:49.1. Bennet’s Jane Faber Kemt L H ^ e M l*:4l.1, s. physiological responses such as hi 28 states an employer can tion of employees who would steal, Bennet’s Mike Russo and Dave was 20th. filing’s Darlene Johns feojtJmosnf, Suckfev teitori n -.h .l, 9. mmord Murray, OrMwMd 14:6.7, photo by Tueiior heart rate, blood pressure, brea- require that you take a lie detector explains Dr, Sackett. Sports In Brief Phillips were I2fh and I3th. respec- 29rd and Jessica Marquez of filing 10. ^ o v e n Orebom, east Homefen UConn toccBT lotM In o¥«rtlm« Scholastic roundup STORRS - Notre Dame scored the wioalag fowl In the second About Town Designer rugs are making IS-mimite extra session to band UConn a S-f overtim e loss Sunday at tbe Connecticut Soccer Stadium. The loss was the first home defeat for tbe Huskies since Peim East boys back on the right track Coflaga hae transfer fair Haunted house open Friday ^ t e beat them on Oct. 24, 1954, a string of II games. UConn, Manchester Community College will have a transfer Manchester Jaycees and the Bolton Volunteer Fire consumers go for broke ^ c h saw an eight-game (7-9-1) unbeaten streak stopped. Is now UNCASVILLE — East Catholic closing four games. Including fair Wednesday from 4 to 7 p.m. at the college’s Lowe Department will sponsor a haunted house in the old points and second place, fn (he 32nd. Tina Little, one of Eaat’s top M -1 for the season. Notre Dame Is 19-S-l. boys’ soccer team broke a three- Program Onter. The event Is for MCC students and Bolton Firehouse. 105 North Road Bolton, on Friday By Borborq M ayer recently embarked on a six-week today’s All Connecticut Conference COC. two runners, missed the meet due In addition, everyone who buys P « M u^by bad tbe game-winner for tbe Fighting Irish. Bruce game losing streak with a 2-1 AH former students who wish to transfer credits to Saturday and Sunday and Oot 30 and 31 from 7 to 10 The Atsoclofed Press 21-clty tour throughout the United match with South Catholic at the Coventry’s one loss was a 2-1 to car trouble. an Ege art rug will also receive a McCourt bad ND's other goal while Chris RIef scored UConn’s Connecticut Conference victory Kennedy Road field at 9:45 p.m.. to four-year colleges and universities More than 20 p.m. Admission will be 99 cents for adults. 50 cents for States. catalogue which pictures them all lone goal. decision on Sept. 22 to the Terriers Shaun Brophy led the Indians by over St. Bernard’s Saturday. TTie qualify for the state tournament. colleges will be represented For more Information children 8 to 12 and free for children under 5 Americans, It has been said, love The impetus for both the Ege and in Rocky Hill. taking 17th place in 10:00. Steve and has a biography of each ft was tbe first meeting ever between the two schools In any win raises East’s record to 5-S In A win over South Jhough. would call 847-0962 being associated with celebrities so Carpet Fashion collections came Coventry’s high-powered offense Gallacher was 2Srd In 10; 17 fol­ artist-designer sport. the ACC and 5-0 overall while the clinch the championship In the much that they will happily wear out of a desire to do something could solve the Highlander defense lowed by Bob Dickson 80th, Senan Arts council meets Wednesday Saints fall to 1-9-1 In both the ACC four-team ACC for the Eagles, who the Inititals of some big name or different to capture public atten­ Fernando Matteo, owner of 2 only once. Lisa Talaga. at the 28: IS School hat military mlnl-falr and overall. Gorman 31st, Chris Chappell 82nd. other on ties, handbags and lug­ tion, according to principals of both Carpet Fashions, has taken a are top the ACC at 4-1 Can they win mark of the first half, drove home The Manchester Arts Cou I will meet Wednesday Mlchatl Andratfl wins In Phoanix Dana Dieterle 94th and sophomore Manchester High School guidance department will gage. among other Items. firms. different tack. His collection of Th^-Eagles grabbed the lead at the league, but not make post­ her third goal of the campaign for Todd Liscomb 90th. at 7:30 p.m. In the board room of the Greater ofwerve Armed Services Day with a mlnl-fair Preferring the designs of the "F or the past few years, I have nine designs is frankly expensive, 9:55 of the first half when senior season play? the only tally. She was assisted by Manchester Chamber of Commerce building on PH O E f^, All*. - Michael Andretti tightened an already Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1:80 p.m. In the corridor well-known Is also said to be seen tbe entire Industry being safe and the creators of the rug designs captain Scan Powers picked up a " It ’s possible.” answers East Stacey Robertson. Hartford Road. Joyce Wazer. coordinator of volun­ Sunday with a runaway victory in the " f felt this was our best team between the gymnasium and cafeteria Recruiters for responsible for merchandise such and dull in brown and beige. I were chosen for their celebrity loose ball In the Saints’ end and coach Ron Palmer, "bul I think "Portland plays a very physical teers for the public schools, will make a presentation. Ctrele K-Fiesta Bowl 109 at Phoenix International Raceway race of the year," said Manchester the U S. Army. Air Force. Navy. Marines. Coast as designer sheets, designer per­ decided that we bad to do some­ status as welt as talent. The least went In and scored an unassisted even If we don’t get our people ame,” clteo Coventry coach Paul Anyone Interested In serving on the council Is Invited « overtake Bobby Rahal to win conch George Suitor. "The race Guard and National Guard will have booths fume and even designer choco­ thing completely different by going costly of the area rugs Is 13,400 and 1.1 goal for a 1-0 lead For Powers. If back, we should go 8 and 8.” ombardo. "Once we atjjusted to his first CART-PPG title, picked up 21 M n ta — 29 for winning and f bad the best team in Connecticut, lates. Now the phenomenon has to people with no previous expe­ all are available In wall-to-wall and was his iOfh goal of the season. An East Is minus a bundle of that In the second half, we **®‘*^"S " ’ ori lap* — In cutting Rahal’s margin to two of New York’s best teams, appeared In a new product cate­ rience of rugs. So we started custom colors at even higher Eagle defensive lapse led to the midfielders, including Melissa completely dominated. The shots Studants play with Borge 174-171. along with the best team from Hospital holds diabatas clinic gory; area rugs. looking for artlsta, sculptors, pain­ prices. Saints’ tying goal at 14:51 of the Carroll (ankleF, Karen Lord (III) the second half were 28-fl. we Rhode Island and Massachusetts." Two Manchester High School students will be part of Whether coincidentally or not, ters, graphic designers," ex­ first half. East defenders failed to and Maureen Brennan (mono). simply had a problem finishing” Manchester Memorial Hospital wilt hold a free The retailer's public relations Suitor added, "it was a great the Connecticut High School Liberty Band, which will two collections of rugs created by plained Aabling. mark their men and Britt Bruno "When you lose your midfielders, Talaga at center midfield had a diabetes detection clinic Nov 1 from 9 a m to I p m In man, Yvon C. DIhe, helped find the Nall Bonnatt copa Natlonwiaa 800 experience for our team and can perform In concert at 8 p m Oct 29 at Yale University famous folks recently debuted in Though at first suspicious of the scored off a cross from Mark Louis you lose control of the game. We’re strong game for Coventry, which thO conference room of the hospital Appointments for designers and said that "the only only help us. Shaun Brophy again New Haven. New York offer to translate their work Into to even the match. 1-1. after the patching things together for now,” flnlsheo with a 49-18 edge In shots. the test must be made by calling 649-9019 or 043-9458 turndown was Ivana Trump (wife ROCKINGHAM, N.C. — Nell Bonnett broke a 49-race winless waa our leader followed by a good Sherry Veal of 41 Santlna Drive will play a bass One. Introduced by Carpet Fa­ rugs, eventually 12 Danish artists first half Palmer said. "W e’rejust hoping to Anna Werfel came up with 18 stops Instructions on the required special meal to be eaten of New York builder Donald rireak 7 > < ^ * ln g to a 2.9S-second victory over Ricky Rudd performance by Steve Gallacher. clarinet. Beth Whaley of 47 Russell St will play a flute shions, a retailer in Manhattan, of International reputation agreed get some of our people back,” he to earn tbe shutout In goal. two hours before the test will be given when the Trump)” In the NASCAR Nationwlse 500 at North Carolina Motor East dominated the second half Bob Dlckaon showed us that he hat and a piccolo. Pianist Victor Borge. the Yale Concert features nine nigs by, among to participate, Including sculptor Speedway. territorially , but. the Eagles added. Final COC tlandlaga - Rocky apMintmenI Is made. According to Mitchell Horowitz, recovered from his ankle Injury Band and the Vale Glee Club also will perform others, celebrity columnist and Jet Robert Jacobsen and painter Arne weren’t able to find the back of the Torrington, 10-1, had the only Hill 6-0-1 18, Coventry 0-1-0 12, Ilie clinic will be sponsored by the East-of-the-RIver general manager of the store, the ^ r r e ll Waltrip finished third and Harry Gant was fourth, both and having him back will help ua. Tickets, which range from 19 to $50. may be purchased set chronicler Alleen Mehle (Suzy) L. Hansen. net until 97:19 of the second half. goal In the first half, that by Chris Portland 8-1-8 9, RHAM S-^2 8. Diabetes Club and the hospital. genesis for the collection occurred In Chevrolets. Buddy Baker took fifth In an Oldsmobile. Senan Gorman had a good perfor­ at any TIcketron outlet or by calling 1-800-922-2030 or and Soho celebrity Diane Brill as The resulting area rugs, all Fisher a minute before the Inter­ Cromwell 2-3-2 8. East Hampton at a restaurant when he admired a John Kronenwetter's corner kick mance and Chris Chappell and 432-4113. well as clothing designers Koos van woven Axmlnsters of wool, come in mission. East, on Brenda Bailey's 2-8-0 4, Bolton 1-0-0 2, Bacon waiter's shirt, learned it was resulted In a Kevin Lawrence goal Dana Dieterle are Improving Iw Sunset Club masts Tuesday den Akker, MIchaele Vollbracht three sizes: 4 feet 7 Inches by 0 feet eighth goat of the year tied It five Academy 1-0-0 2. designed by the Dutch-born Koos No aurprlaaa aa round-robin anda Which gave the Eagle* the victory leaiM and bounds. Todd Liscomb and Oscar de la Renta. 7 inches. 0 feet by 0 feet and 8 feet 2 minutes after the break. But The Suniet Club will meet Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the van den Akker and decided some­ Playing well for the Eagles were had a good performance. Norman discusses hearing lota The other group of 18 area rugs, Inches by 11 feet. Pricing Is Fisher untied It at the 13-mlnute Manchester Senior Citizens’ Onter. Dues will be thing like the shirt would make an FREMANTLE, Australia — The challengers’ first round-robin fullback DaveSchroeder. halfback Imported by the Danish rug manu­ described as moderate, almllar to mark and Beth Stdlosky, Fisher " ’This will give us confidence. collected. Dr. Paul S. Norman, an otolaryngologist, and attractive area rug. series end^ with no surprises as New Zealand, America II and Todd Whitehouse. and midfielder facturer. Ege. was produced from other wool rugs of the same type. and Amy Breneau added tallies for We’re setting our goal to go to the Christie Reynolds, an audiologist, will give a program f j * '’* u *®*y victories In the A m erica’s Cup. The Ed Baida. East’s goalie T.J. Leahy CroM Country designs by 12 major Danish artists. To emphasize the art connection, When asked to create a rug, van the winners. New EMiand’s this year so we tiling Parents Council meats on hearing loss Wednesday at 6 p.m. In the auditorium three challengers each finished with 11-1 records. recorded five saves and Mickey The Ege rugs are being distributed Ege haa also produced framed den Akker says he readily agreed. Torrington enjoyed a 26-14 edge have to finish In the top five In the of Manchester Memorial Hospital. The program Is Thaxton made eight for St.Ber­ EC, MH8 do Will across the country in furniture and graphic prints of each artist’s The carpet retailer decided to see If nard’s. East outshot the Saints 14-9 In the shots’ department. State Open." Suitor added. The llling Parents Council will meet Wednesday at 7 part of a series which is free and open to tfie public on PAWTUCKET, R.I. - The East carpet outlets. To introduce "A rt original design which consumers others might find the project East’s next match is Wednesday at Sophomore Deana Devanney In Junior varatty action. East p.m. at the media center of tiling Junior High School. Wednesdays through Nov. 12 Floyd wins DItnay titia In playoff Catholic girls and Manchester Line" to the American market can buy "so that the art on their enticing. Nine did, Including the 9:30 p.m. against South Catholic at played well for East. took third place led Iw Betsy Parents, students, administrators, teachers and High boys’ cross country teams which he expects to take about 70 walls matches the art on their designer Antonio end Interior MCC’s Cougar field Dickinson's sixth place finish while L. inselors will discuss school policies and programs. Floyd rolled In a 9-foot par percent of production, Lou Aa- floors,’ ’ according to Walter designers Robert Denning and putt on the first playoff hole to defeat Lon Hinkle and Mike took part In Saturday’s Brown Manchester was fourth out of 78 Agoraphobics hold session bllng, president of Ege, « « per Vincent Fourcade as well as Coventry triumphs Invitational at Slater Park with the teams and over 280 runners. Mootnjy, of Elnsteln-Moomjy. a WM,000 Disney World Arnold!, the graphic artist who architects Peter Moore and Peter Oldsmobile Golf Classic on Sunday. Eagles taking fourth place In their Lesley Perlman. Jennifer De;. Manchester Area Agoraphobics Together will meet rug retailer carrying the line In the Andover PTA says welcome created three of the designs. New York area. Pennoyer. Qlrls Soccer PORTLAND — What ever division and the Indians sixth in Marco, Lisa Sheridan, Debbie Wednesday from 10:30 a m. to noon at Concordia "I*!!®.** ® *-footer and Sullivan’s missed opportunity was happens today at 3:30 p.m. be- theirs. Doner, Jean Lynch and Carolyn ANDOVER — Andover School PTO will have a Lutheran Church, 80 Pitkin Sf.. In the church room on from a ^ u t 12 feet on the par-S, 18th hole. twwn host Coventry and Rocky EC upended Xavier High of Middletown won ChristofanI contributed to East’s welcoming night Tuesday at 7 p.m. In the Andover the first floor. For a free packet on agoraphobia, call " " ‘■•'ed regulaUon play with 71, posting a total Hill In girls’ soccer action wlli not the boys' cnamplonshlp for the third-place finish. School library. the Mental Health Association at 547-0337. score of 278, IS-under-par on the 7,190-yard Magnolia course. TORRINGTON - Is It possible to make a difference as far as the second year In a row. St. Anthony’s win a league championship — but Sean Toland was seventh for Scrap wood can speed the task Charter Oak Conference standings of Long Island won the girls’ Manchester In the JV action. Craig not make the state tournament? are concerned. Rocky Hill — once competition. That’s the predicament facing Hempstead waa 11th, Tom Lyon Ballaataroa, Langar finlah In tia again — captured conference ho­ Kathle DeMarco led Bast’s effort By Andy Lang QUESTION: I recently put a across the grain, with the grain or. the Injury-plagued East Catholic nors at 6-0-1 for 13 points (two 82nd, Larry Briggs 88th. Mike by taking 22nd place. Noel Feehan Taylor Doth, Rick Eaton 81st, Jon The Assoclotod Press pane of glass In a bedroom window. as 1 saw In a, magazine, at an ^•’“ "ce — Severiano Balleste- girls' soccer teem. The Eagles, points for a win, one for a tie ). The had an excellent race and finlahed Lutin 88th and Tim Almond TSrd. I was told not to paint the putty for a angle? Oormany’s Bernhard Langer finished in a following Saturday’s 5-1 loss to Patriots, 1-0 winners Saturday 24th followed by Julie Ray 26th Manchester was back in action QUE8TION; I have no trouble couple of days, but I never got championship Sunday Torrington. stand 6-6 for the over Portland in a make-up game Jennifer Tauras 28th, Dawn cutting plywood with a handsaw around to It. Now that I am ready to 9 today at 8; SO p.m. against Bast ANSWER: When sanding is ’’2*1*'* P’*y the fourth hole of a playoff, season. They must win two of their are 9-1 overall but 0-1, good for 12 McCauley 80th and Sarah T i % except when a narrow piece has to do it, I wonder If I waited too long. being done on a rough surface, the ’i®"?®’’ “PP*«>«* to PGA officials after the Hartford at Wickham Park. be cut off. Usually, there Is some It has been six weeks since the first pass must be with coarse j ® »* '*“ ’’h n «» »et In, making It dlHIcult to see. The splitting along the cut, especially putty was put on. sandpaper, tbe second with paper a ^ European tour event In a tie was, a PG A official at the start and finish. Can you tell aald, unprecedented in recent history. little leas coarse, the third with me how to handle this type of cut? ANSWER: Go ahead and paint medium and the last with fine Carter kicks UConn back Into hunt It Is usually wise to wait a week or paper — or In some similar two before doing the painting, but progression. The first and second Norman wins fifth conaaeutiva tItIa By The Associated Press The deciding points came on a Floundering in eiiorts to win their ANSWER: Place a piece of scrap you can still go ahead and paint 10-yard run by tailback Jeff Interception return by Tony and occasionally the third sandlngs nrst games of the season, and wood under the plywood so that It now. Juat be sure the putty is fatrly are done diagonally. But when you - Australian Greg Norman won his fifth University of Connecticut Coach Gaither with 8 minutes, 10 seconds Cappellfno. Cozza was concerned that his covers the wood to be cut. Use a clean. Dirt will prevent the paint get to the point where the surface of 2 T'fif'®”* ®“"‘*®y> **>lnt a 2-over-par, final-round Tom Jackson says his team’s 20-20 remaining to put UConn ahead Elsewhere In the state, Western players might take their modest C-clamp to fasten the scrap to the from adhering properly. the wood Is smooth, usually after victory over Northeastern puts the 23-20. Carter finished the scoring Connecticut State beat Wilming­ achievements too seriously. plywood. Now, when you cut, your the first two sandlngs, change the Xif^am^oShlp '^“‘®® °P®" 4-2 Huskies back in the hunt. for UConn with a field goal. ton, 29-27; Amherst overwhelm^ "The firrt thing I ’m going to tell Wesleyan, 60-21; Trinity downed saw will go through both pieces and QUESTION: I recently bought a paper to fine or very fine and be P.?’***®*’ ® »-under-pnr total of 278 over the Sophomore Mark Carter kicked "They kept chipping away and there will be ho aplintering. uoncoru course. the team (during meetings) Is that Hamilton, 80-28; Springfield second-hand belt aander. Do I sand sure to sand with the grain. four goals to lead UConn out of a chipping away and the next thing they beat two teams that haven’t 10-point deficit Saturday while you knew, we were down, 28-20," t o p ^ Central Connecticut State won a ball game, and I ’m going to University, 18-12; and previously Backar baatt Landl In four aata quarterback Peter Lane com­ said Northeastern Coach Paul tell the coaches that, too," rn»»p pleted 14 out of 24 passes for 168 Pawlak. unbeaten New Haven was upset by said after Yale beat Columbia. AIC, 28-14. B i f f i K h L v wTiSli'~ Two-time Wimbledon champion yards, including a six-yard TD 47-0, on Saturday for its most Thoushts 6 TriiHy M, Hunlllop M: Half­ pass to Glenn Antrum in the first Yale 47, ColamMa 0; Schedule Kit recovered from a slow start and lo|»ldrt victory since thrashing back Ted Shannon’s 1-yard touch­ C**«hoslovakia M , 7-9,9-2, 9-9 In period. makers play little tricks on football Lehigh. 84-0, In 1064. Big plans Of the 9948,900 Australian Indoor Tennis Championships teams like Yale. The Ells are down run with S: 20 left gave Trinity out others' imperfections make us tends to forget or overtook our own. a I9-29 victory at home in Hartford Importance af aelt-examlaalian Carter’s 14 field goals Tor the coming off a game with Columbia, (at least seemingly) happy? Is It When you look in a mirror, whom The Ells now face five straight over previously undefeated Hamil­ Mr. and Mrs. Jules H. season tied the school record with which hasn’t won a game in three » Thomas Kempis said, "T o have that we have succeeded Inbringing do you see? Hopefully, it is yourself , ®*®|” '"'*^tldrt victoor in his last four meeUngs against games against Ivy League oppo- ton this weekend. Shannon’s touch­ five games left to play. years, only to face Penn, which is Hollander review plans no opinion of ourselves and to think down to our own level those we see with all your shortcomings and all ■hiT S P * * ' - * ’’ this tournament last year, nents, b a n n in g with Peniu^rh^ down was the second of back-to- •UU BOMB B P-8 carter advantage. "W e had to have this one, no the Ivy League champion for four always well and commendably of as above us to whom, for tome your strengths — you, a unique nia, which has won the league title back scores that gave Trinity, 8-2, for Hartford Hoepltal’s question about it,” Jackson said years straight. others, is great wisdom and reason, we cannot compaie? No Individual created and loved by the past four years and was still the lead after trailing Hamilton after the game in Brookline, Mass. They started off the eeason by eight-year modernization perfection” And Samuel T. Cole­ one Is without Imperfection and a God. If we can learn to accept our un^feaM after beating Navy, 29-17 In the fourth quarter on ridge gave this advice to Alston MarMna takaa Grand Prix nat tlMa "Normally we Just take one game losing games to three difflcuU w M , on Saturday. good, self-examination will help us faulis and leave the faults of others at a time, but this was a big one. Saturday. project. He Is chairman of about art; "N ever Judge a picture opponents in Brown, Connecticut In i^ts win on Saturday. Yale become better people by acknowl­ to heaven, then we srill moat FTWEltSTADT, W eat^rm any — Martina Navratilova beat Hamilton halfback Jim Kor by its defects.” This is sound Maybe I put too much pressure on and Army, and Coach Carm C ozu tuiwed fira Columbia turnovers Hartford Distributors of edging our faults and offering them certainly become mercy-filled ves­ CieclMolovakla’s Hana Mandlikova 9-2, 94 Sunday to win the the kids this week. but they handled insisted his team wasn't as bad as fbnta, who rushed for 281 yards and advice for all of us. Criticism of to God, thereby Imporvtng our- into touchdowns - runs by T t i sels of a heavenly Father. 9179,999 women’s Porsche Grand Prix Tennis Tournament. it. This gets us back home where its record indicated. 29 cnrries, scored TDs on runs of 2 ^ Manchester end secre­ others' faults (which very often we aelvet and mending our Uvea. 5*f,f*“ **y J « n Merceln and Mike we can start the hunt for the Then they played and defeated yards and 96 yards. Fred Colman ourselves also posaess) ahowt a Willett, a 28-yard pass from Kelly caught two TD pastes for the tary of the hospital’s Rev. Rnbert T. Rnaaa Yankee Conference title” Colgate and Columbia, teams^ lack of mercy apd an abundance of Too often our human nature Ca pnatar Ryan to Rich Schulte, and a IS-yard visitors. HamlRon Is now 4-1. board of directors. false pride. Why should pointing explolta the weakness of others and St. BridgM Chwch M - U A M m S T O t H g R A L D . M caOaw . O c t. ». 1 i - M A N C

A d v ic e M o n d a y T V iNELF CLASSIFIED ADVERnSlNG . Rooms for Ronf...... 21 Rofs and Svppflos...... 66 nass occour ARRT: With O t O O P M ( n u x i s i m m n e w s W Hooftnft/Rlomwnq...... over which sibling had the better car eandidata, and Daftra* EinpfoyiiMfit S Educoffen Aoorfmonfs for Ronf...... !!. 32 Mfscoffonoous ter Sdrfo...... 67 DBADLINBS: Por classified adverilsaments to •60,003180/ tl a 11 o w « e n d ) Throe's Company A8fscoffdnoous Sorvfcos. T o r So M s ...... i f “haul . “ Much of what they brought Wlngar is ttM local girl m4io Hdip Wonted. : ...... Condominiums for Ronf .. 331 be publlthad Tuosdoy through Soturdoy, the S12/)03S18,0 n e a r ly here C£) 84agnum . P I. Sorvfcos Wanted...... home gathered dust until Christ­ falts in lov* v*mt him, in ma Situofion Wanted...... Homos for Ronf...... ' 34 Wanted fo Bar/trade...... 67 deadline la rN>on on the doy before repaot busli afainl pl«as« publication. mas. Ilien it was thrown out. (39 (S I Oimma a Break 1M 2 Aim “An Ofllcar and sr Businoss Opporlunlties SfororOffico Sooco___ 35 Por advertisements to be published Monday, own hours, run ^iDtfse Irt- Demr Ahb%^ O Private Beniamin vldod. Coll: Each year Halloween grew in­ Oantteman," arhich airs Instruction...... Rosorf R ro p o rfy ...... 30 MerclMNidiM the deadline Is 2:30 p.m. on Friday. ters &oim read­ creasingly repngnent to ns. As you O Doctor Who inWsfrioi Rroporfy...... 37 M -P, Som t< Abigail Van Buran MOM»AV, OCT .», on NBC. Emplovmonf Sorvicos . Mofldov/Soosonof...... 71 Atffomotlvt standard tir ers protestinf say. ’’It’slegalitedM ackm air — a (S I CharHa's Angels Miscofionoous for Ronf...... 36 Anffovos emd ColioefiMos...... 72 C «rs for Sale...... or RR AO YO U R AO. Classified advertisements are ‘ ‘ t r i c k or poor co n o ^ to Instill in children. 9 Oidncy Roommofos Wanted...... 34 CfofhfrtR...... 73 Trucks/Vons for Solo...... « ttdeen by felephone os a convenience. The Sacratorv treat." Thank Finally after several years of Reof Estofe Wanted fo R o n f...... ' a (S ) Rdportar 41 Purntture...... 74 Compors/Trollors...... 93 Manchester Herald Is responsible for only one vombar isi you. dreading Oct. 31.1 thought. "W hy WORRIED IN SR 84aeNeH-Lehrar Nawshour Homos lor S o lo ...... 21 TV/Sforoo/AppIioncos...... 75 Moforcvelos/Mopods...... 94 Incorrect Insertion and then only for the size of Monchastoi should I go against m y principles to ® Pacts of Life Condominiums for Solo.. 22 S ervices Morchfnory and Tools...... 76 Auta Services...... 75 the original Insertion. Errors which do not diplomo r< WILWINGTON follow the sheep? So, instead, on town ond Gordon...... typing ski (D IS 1 M OVIE: 'Pinocchto' A story about Lofs/Lond for Solo...... 23 Child Coro...... 5| Tt Antes tor Ronf/Looso...... 96 lessen the value of the advertisement will not Halloween we took our children to a the adventures of a puppet boy who be invosfmont Proporty 74 Good Thln«s fo Eof...... 76 be corrected by on additional Insertion. must bo I D E A R W O R R IED ; With plea- Cioonlno ^rvlcos ...... ,. 52 Miscofionoous Aufomofive...... 77 money for candy or anything else restaurant for a festive dinner. comes human and learns the dangers of Ruoi Oll/Cool/Rirowood...... 77 B u y / Tro d o ...... 76 Indapandor lying 1982 Rated G (M A X ) MOVIE: -View to a KHT (CC) [CBPIV] BpofftsCemer Wanted lo mirc Others have also requested kids don’t need They never felt deprived, and I James Bond hunts a maniac attemptrrtg to aftoctive c [U SA ] A H M Hitcheock Hour them; I ’m no Scrooge, but each year on [ESPIV] M nda SportsLook take over the world Roger Moore. Grace skills. Solo hope they respect us for holding out to S7.2S per Halloween, I turn off m y lights and against a bad custom. It’s a shame fUSA) Dance Party USA Jones, Christopher Walken 1985 Rated 1 1 :3 5 P M CD Entertairtment TonigM D E A R A B D Y ; Shame on yon. PG ET explores the use of cocaine in the enteS' Ing upon bide upstairs, reading by flashlight more parents don’t pot down a firm 6 : 3 0 P M (3D w k r p in Cir>ctnr>ati Your campaign to abolish trick or [USA] M OVIE: The Hoax' Tw o nten dis­ tainment industry in the first of a three-pait Please coll until the dread hours of trick or foot and behave like responsible CD (99) ABC News series in Stereo Nalle66 conn, 456-X treat on Halloween is unreal. Wity cover an H Bomb which has been acci­ IKLfWMrrEO N l f WAflTHI treat are over guardians. Cl3) Benson dently jarred loose from an Air Force plane NELFWARTEd NELFWANTBI Inelf WAIBED I helf wanted HELFWAirnO tion. EOE. deny children the fun of dressing up 1 1 :4 6 P M [H BO ] Movtamakers W K H . LEXINGTON. KY MOTHER OF SIX ® 8 C T V and decide to hold Los Angeles for a $1 ■ in costumes and going from door to per-person ransom Gilt Ewmg. Frank Bon­ 1 2 : 0 0 A M CD 59 Naws Munson's Too Close for Comfort ner. Jacques Aubuchon 1972 Corpontor- Exporloncod Rglfabfg loving day cora Woltraaa/woltar- door to show off and collect a few D E A R A B B Y : ‘Thank you for 35 Star Trak Eatobtfahod Monehoator Rart tfmg cfgrk. Ev#n- Poll Tim e Receptlonlat- route 8 I (IK NBC News I N U m In romedofing. Call Ro- Conatructfon company >nP9/ wwy vy Oflw WOBBBTIOB* nagdid for 3Vii-vaar-atd Lunchoon Tuoiday - Prf- treats just because a few rowdies condemning trick or treat. It’s h i^ DEAR ABBY; After reading 8 : 3 0 P M CD My Slatar Sam fCC) A ® Talaa of tha Unaxpaetad Low office. Typing re­ occoptlng < Nightly Business Report Star Struck Patti crashes Sam’s important btrf JarvH, 6434712. ataka hoovy aoufpnMnt PItxIbfg houra, 64.99 ptr boy ond Arnonth-afd girl, doy. Will train. AddHIonol port time r have abused the custom? time somebody did your column against trick or treat. (® BOO Club houra ovallobfa. Hourly quired. Experience (96 Nolkiero SIN photo session with a rock singer Lost-Oooptfvood Drivo eporotor for bulldozar, hour to ftort. Apply 7- to feftow Monchgotar Rub- desirable but not neces­ hours ore ‘ I usually agree with you. Abby. A few years ago I opened m y door (S) ®) Bast of Caraob Tonight's guests woga pfut grotuttloa. Aply Aaaltfont Managers - 85.00 I am hoping more people will do $1) Silver Spoons QE) Million DoSar Chanca of a Lifetima oroo. OctoBor 3rd. Groy bockhot, end exeevafar. Elpygn >fprg, 369 Orggn lie Scheof eolondor bWfn- sary. Phone 6432501. day throut but this time I think you were are Luciano Pavarotti, Pete Barbutti and ac Manctwatar Country Club Flexible hours. C to a band of trick-or-treaters and something to end this potentially Angoro female, oil toMfo Class 1 Hcona* halpful, 1 Rood, Monchaatar. 643 nlng January 9th, 1767, and up. hourt on wrong to suggest ending a cher- [C N N ] Showbiz Today (S) Amazing Btorlaa A man daspar- tress Bndgette Neilson (60 m in) lit gave them some good apples. 'They dangerous custom. Last year when aiely trres to altar (ale whan ha axpari- paws. Whffo botwoon ovos veer experience rooulrad. 4677. Tuoadoy-Prlday, occo- 6464103. Days and evenings ovollo- Sunday, [ESPN] Action Outdoors with Julius Stereo Port time drivers - wanted islted tradition that is second only took them, threw them on m y lawn I was president of theIhe 1P T A . we had encos a vivid draam of a )Ot crash. and mouth. Rink noso with Roll and Port timo eo- Must have references and •lonafly Mondoy; uaually ble. No experience hourt per to Christmas for some children Boros ® Alfred Hitchcock Prasants shlor/doll poraon. All Typfat-46 wpm, dlvoral- 6:04-2:49Mn. M y homa or Tiro Chongor/Drlvar-Ona needed. General help for South Windsor school and started to threaten me. so I one Wg Halloween party for all the [OIS] Hara'a Boomar dork smudgo. Answers to own fronaportotlon. Ex- buses. Storilno pay per oppotntme Please let me know how the voting [M A X ] MOVIE: 'The Spiral Staircase' A (S) Novala: Amo y Banor (60 min ) ■httt* available. Apply In caflant opporfunHy for th« ftod dutlot. Boat Hartford youra. Buafluah Hill Rood of Connoctlcuta lorgoat wanted alto. Coll Little 86 quickly shut the door and called the students and their siblings Out of young mute girl senses the presence of a [ESPN] ZanM) NTL Monday Nlgfit Rluff 643-7477 or 267-1437. hour. Full training pro­ (B) Sanford and Son poraon, Saoaona Rood rlhgt Individual. Coll Col- loeotlon. 99 houra wtok, oroa. Mothor with 34- tiro rotollara la looking to Coetort at 646-4300. went sheriff I was fold. “ It’s only a 400 students. 37S attended Over 75 killer who is terrorizing a small town, but Match-Up vided. Coll 5230066. Any toach( [C N N ] Nawsnighi Losf-Rort Shopord, port Shop, 5 John RHch Blvd., loon of 6464909. ■moll offica, oxcaflont bo- voor-ald wolcoma. Non- flll ono tun ttmo poali.iltfon.___ private tu LOVES CHILDREN game. It’s Halloween! “ parents volunteered to chaperone. has no way to express her fear Dorothy Exporionca proforrod but ‘ McGuire. George Brent. Ethel Barrymore 9 : 0 0 P M d) Nawfiart ,tC) Dick angers [019] MOVIE: Harbie Ooas Bananas' Collio. Ton wHh whito South Windsor Ct. noffta. Coll Mra. Rolmor. ameklng hOma a muat. Salt-Serve gas itotlon at­ PLAYER PIANOS ore In school stui The next morning m y lovely and we had more donations of food 1946 Joanna when he refuses to be jealous of 267-7976, Martiiay through Rafaroncat rooulrad, ao- will train. Cloon driving tendant. Part time even­ DEAR LOVES; My readers Herbie sets saH for the Grand Premto de nock and broost. SOIbs. Eafobllahad Manchester demand. It you hove one or out of sc white brick wall had been spray than we knew what to do with Joanna s growing friendship with a hand­ Brazil racing classic aboard a luxury cruise Elocfrlclon E-2 Industrial, Conatructlon Company Prldoy bgfwagn 6:36 A lory nogotlobta. 6437616. rocord a mutt. It Intor- ings and weekends. voted 500-to-l to abolish trick or [U S A ] Love Me, Love Me Not some man Answers fo "Sehnopps” . you do not use, why not East Cathc painted red and my windows had It was a huge success! ‘The party ship, but IS detoured into the jungles oi Vicinity Washington commorclol rosldontfol aaaka o Laberar for gan- 3:30. oatod call 6464237 or atop Flexible hours. Cashier exchange It tor cosh with T treat. Please understand. I see been pelted with eggs. When I tolld ended at p.m .. and to ensure that 7;OOPM (H CBS News (D ® NFL Football; Denver at New South America Cloris Leachman, Charles work. Able to work with arol construction. Rofar- by Town Poir Tiro, 326 experience preferred but wont od. Wanted cl 6 Martin Smith, Harvey Korman , 1980 Sfroot. Coll 643-9913. a nothing wrong with dressing child­ m y neighbors I was outraged, they everybody went straight home CD (2® ® M»A*S*H York Jett (CC) (3 hrs ) minimum supervision, oil ancoa raaulrad, 1 year Shlpplng/Rtcotvlng Clork Mlddlo Tp k t, Woat. will'lllt train. r r Apply - In person for oporirr Rated G or coll between om and ren (under 12) in costumes and said I was “un-American.” afterward, our principal made fX) Wheel of Fortune (D MOVIE: An American in Paris' A Lost small groy tiger cot. bonofits. Insurance, voca­ experience nacaaaory. - Rgaaenalblo paraon 6 sending them around the neighbor­ soldier stays in Pans after the war to pur [ESPN] FIFA Internatfonal All-Star V ic in ' ' tions, holidays and uni­ Good opportunity for noodad to hood nowly Horticultural molntt- Londtcaplng, lawn mow­ 2pm. Atlas Mobil, 290 Port timi Please run that column every random phone calls to the kids’ CD (SR Si 00.000 pyramid Soccar (2 hrs ) Iclnffy of Walker Sfroot Easy Comfort hood to show off and collect a sue his career as an artist Gene Kelly. Les­ Reword. 647-7377. forms. Excollont working right Individual. Coll Col- formod Shlpplng/Rocatv- nonco tochnlclon. Expa­ ing. Exporionca prafarrad West Middle Tpke. 649- clerk. 13 year. Abby. homes, and if they answered the 3 6 Jeffersons lie Caron, Oscar Levant 1951 but wtli train. Good woga. 0717 modest treat, but trick or treat has 1 2 : 0 5 A M (X) Simon A Simon Rick conditions Coll 675-9905. laan of 6464909. Ing OoMrimont. Succoaa- rlancad with tropical week. Me S M F IN CO LOR AD O phone they won a prize don ^fed by (3 ) Carson's Comedy Classics ^ 59 MOVIE: An Officer and a Gen and A J investigate the sabotage of a rac­ tul applicant will bo con- ptonta prafarrad but will 6334147. escalated to extortion by teen-age Thursdoy. the many generous merchants in (29 MacNeil Lehrer Newshour tieman' (CC) A hardened loser is taught to ing car (70 min ) (R) Clorlcal/Ooto entry. Man­ ■ctontloua, thorough and train tha right paraon. Cashier - Neot appear­ dule. Must hoodlums. Read on: D E A R A B B Y : My husband and I our area. ® Barney Miller accept responsibility by a tough drill ser­ chester medical group dodlcotod. Port tim t poal- Hartford araa, rallobla Hondy man-Rull^tlmo or ance. Apply Vernon Shell geant and IS softened by the love of a 1 2 :1 S A M (D NighiHf* K m M M J 7(Nbs carlo agree that trick or treat should be This is our second year, and I ® ) New Newlywed Game sookt port time help. Typ ­ tlon with potontlol to bo- cor noodad. Excollont bo- port tima. Apply litporaon 1739450. axparlenr working girl Richard Gere. Debra Winger. [HBO ] MOVIE: 'Sfripef (C C) A rocrurt Btsox Motor Inn, 100 Boat DEAR ABBY: Congratulations abolished. When our children were hope if will always be a tradition at (46 Novela; Maria de Nadie Una pobre Louis Gossett Jr 1982 (R) has his own ideas about how the New ing skills rsaulrod. Coll Llva In homa haolth olda. como full tima. Ploxlblo notHa. 3432994. Will train 647-0236. hours. Call 6737642. Cantor Stroof. for having the courage to suggest small, we followed the crowd and the Alleghany School — Prode of muchacha carnpesma se traslada a la gran 59 (f7) West of the Imagination; Play Army should work Bill Murray. Harold Exparlancad, muaf ba Monday t that trick or treat be abolished went along with it: When they came Lindenhurst! Ciudad en busca de trnbajo Inadvertida the Legend This episode looks at the Ramis, Warren Oates 1981 Rated R obla to drive. Oapandobla. Nuraot Atdoa/Homa halp day, 35. mente so ve envuelia en problemas y es Insurance claims secre­ oldoa - halp ua provldo Study hall oldo poaltlon I refuse to spend m y retirement home after touring the neighbor- LISA PIGNATARO NEW YORK cowboy stars early filmmakers, songs- 1 2 : 3 0 A M CD Kojak Madlcol Plocamant Sar- oviada a la pnsion Al salir de la carcel en miths contemporary rodeos and Frontier Now Credit Cord I No one tory. Manchester Insu­ vlca 233-9298. oualltv cora for our homo RHAM High School Ho- Key Punch - Exciting start Oood Job cuentra trabajo r omo sirvienta domesfica CD Entertainmanl Tonight Day celebrations that keep the myth of the refused VIsozMostorcord. rance agency seeking an cart cllonta..h Ploxlblo i doya bron, Ct. Immodlotaopan- up operation of on estab­ Housekeet en donde es seducida y abandonada con Old West alive (60 mm ) (9) Jim A Tammy Coll 1-619-569 1522 ext. and hours. Vocation pay. Ing. Por application lished progressive com­ un nino (60 mm ) organized Individual to Sarvica Station ottandont Plowor Shop looking tor O u r h o i (45 Novela: Muchachlla (H) Affrad HHchcock Presarrts C76CT... 24 hours. handle losses on com m tr- - Pull tima days, part time dotlgnort holptra. Willing Phono Rottont Coro of Ct. Plooto coll 2237474. BOB. pany seeks experienced 10 /laundry (if) Nightly Business Report Dilantin has its side effects [CN N ] Larry King Live 55 Gena Scott clol and personal ac­ morninga. Apply In par- to loorn buslnou, onawor Inc. 6437919. key pad or doto entry currently c (f6 Maude Loboror-Pull tlmo tor [DIS] MOVIE: The Life and Death of [M A X ] MOVIE: Skyhlgh' Three teens counts. Job reaulres ex­ aon Oll'a Amoco Routa 6 phonoa, and wolf on custo- operators. Piece work cations. E D E A R D R . probably being reintroduced Info [C N N ] Moneyllne on vacation in Greece find themselves puf- tensive pertonol and Bolton. mora. Contact Ron or atool fabrication shop. compensation hand­ Its, meals I Colonel Blimp' Absorbing study of a Bri­ Empleymant Company paid uniforms 0€»TT: I am your house by pets Sometimes [ESPN] SporlsCenter tish Army Officer and his life through three sued by the CIA and KGB 1973 Rated G phone contact with custo­ John at Brown's Plowort. somely rewords tost accu­ Its pro-roti and bonotlta. Mutt hovt rate key entry. Limited mate. 22. and wild animals — such as squirrels, [T M C ] M OVIE Phar Lap The sudden wars Deborah Kerr, Anton Walbrook Ro­ [U SA ] Edge of Night mers and insurance carri­ Monchaatar Accountlnp 6436499. If Interest* ger Livesey 1943 a Education ers, Insurance back­ Carponttr/Holpar - Roal- drlvort llconto and tro3 openings tor 2nd and 3rd started to have rats and mice — that live In or near and mysterious death of an Australian 1 2 : 4 5 A M Judge offica hot opaning tor staff pleoi champion racehorse is chronicled Tom [ESPN] Volleyball: Men's World Cham­ CD ground benetlclol but not Polntora M/P-Exporlonco tlon opon for ombltloua portdtlon. 6431476. EOE. shifts. Apply In parson grand mal seiz­ the house can be the source of flea bookkaapara, fox prepar­ housokeep Buflinson Martin Vaughan, Judy Morns pionship Final (90 mm ) 1 : 0 0 A M CD l Love Lucy re q u ire d . Coll Rron ers and data entry oparo- not ntcoaaarv, but dopon- I n d l v l ^ l to do kltchon Mon-PrI. between 9om- at 643-5' ures at IS. At D r . G o t t Infestation. Mochlnlat-lmmodlata op- 1983 Rated PG In Stereo [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Seance on a Wat Af­ CD Joe Franklin Show Burke. 6464090. tora. Pull or port tIma. dobllltvls. S6.S0tol7.00to and both romodallng, 3pm. Moll Processing Sys­ through that time, my Humans can have fleas any­ atari, plus profit shoring. onlnot tor tirat data tems 60 Prostlga Pork Rd. [U S A ] Riptide ternoon' A medium, to gain recognition of (35 Twilight Zone Coll 643-4696. mutt hovo roMablt trana- 4pm. Crosl doctor put me Peter Gott, M.D where on the body, but the supernatural powers, plans to kidnap iNELF WANTED Excollont opportunity tor portotlon. Roy will be mochinista to aot up and East Hartford Ct 06108. 7:30PM CD p m Magazine cent Home on SOO m illi­ parasites are easily killed by Wealthy child against husband's judgment ( ^ Late Night with David Letterman Port tima halp wontadl promotion. Tronaporta- botod on axparlonca and oporott; lotho, Brldgo- EOE. CD A Current Affair Kim Stanley. Richard Attenborough, Mar­ Tonight's guests are William Refrigerator' pert CNC mochlnlne con- grams of Dilan­ anti-flea powder or lotions. Perry, Emmanuel Lewis and comedian DIRoao Claonara. Apply In flon dotlroobla. 6931767. ability to work Indopond- Mature rr Jeopardy garet Lacey 1964 tora. Fully otr condltlonod 2 tin dally. Since CD 55) Jerry Seinfeld (60 min ) (R) In Stereo paraon of 534 Eoat MIddta ontly. 6439400 dnd 647- Rocoptlonlst - Port time ter wante D E A R DR G O T T: What’s the GD Entertainment Tonight 9:30PM (i) Designing Women Trou­ Tpke.. Sondblostor and mochlno 7391. ■hop, llboral ovortlmo. mornings. Manchester of­ ask for Er then. I've had ® Maude PART/EULL TIME Port time security Apply Paragon Tool Com­ difference between an optometrist (jQ) Independent Network News ble brews when Suzanne arranges a date oporotor-No axporlanco fice. Some typing, answer little trouble between Charlene and a portly man for a [CN N ] Crossfire 19.00/hour. Evenings i pany, 121 Adomi Stroot, and an ophthalmologist? Does the Londacopara and Lawn nocataory, will traln,atart phones. Non- smoker. controlling m y epilepsy. However, sending you a free copy oi my new (H ) Best of Saturday Night dinner with an important client [U SA] Hollywood Insider (R) PEANUTS weekends, Monchastar- Monchaatar. 647-7735. Reply to Manchester He­ former have the training to diag­ workara. Exparlancad ra­ Immodlotaly. Barry this year I ’ve started to get Health Report, “Epilepsy: The (2$ 3f) Barney Miller 55 Noveia: Camlno Secreto /Vernon area. Must be Bloat, M Hartford Rood, rald C/0 Box UU 16 Real I nose and treat glaucoma? 1 :1 5 A M CD m o v ie : th . oih»t. If you’re tired of work­ over II, neat B dependa­ aulrad In oparating and Infections of my Index finger and ‘Falling sickness,“ ‘ which explains (if) Carson's Comedy Classics Woman' A 50-vear-old widower marries a^ maintaining lawn aaulp- (Roor) 6432772. Stcurlty. Port time Pull ttmo dollvary porton- Brolnord Ploce Manches­ 1 0 : 0 0 P M CD Cagney & Lacey (CC) ble. Clean police record. Hoovy lifting, 40 houra nose I ’ve heard that Dilantin can the causes, treatment and types of (fO) New Newlywed Game Cagney and Lacey investigate a series of girt half his age and then has an affair with a ing for Ihe same psy mant, knowladga of londt- SS.00/hour. Bvoningt A ter. DEAR READER: An ophthal­ Coll 527-0225. plus, aalory to commantu- produce these side effects. Is this epilepsy. Others who would like a (49 All New Dating Game Park Avenue burglaries while Det Coressa grandmother Hal Linden. Anne Meara. regardless of perfor­ coplng procaduraa. Muat Tranacrlptlonlat madlcol wookonda, Manchoator- mologist Is an M.D. who is Madolyn Smith 1903 ' roto with axporienca. B3 true? copy should send t l and their name (57) W ild. W ild World of Animals IS assigned a new stroot-smart partner mance, we have the ba dapandobla. Opportun­ full time tor phytlcloni zVornon orto. Muat bo specially trained in (and limits hIs (60 min ) CD Music City. U S A. ity tor odvoncamant. Coll ottlco In Monchaatar. over 16, noot A dopondo- noftta avollobla. Dopondo- 0 and address to P.O. Box 91428. d6 Carol Burnett and Friends aolutlon for you. What Dental Aulstont - expe­ or her practice to) diseases of the CD News Must bo oogor, hvo com­ b lt hard working poepla DEAR READER: Dilantin is an Cleveland. Ohio 44101-3428. Be sure [C N N ] Crossfire 1 :3 0 A M CD 0«t Smart ara you quallfad to rienced preferred, salary Kally't Londacoplnp Com­ We. Clean pellet record. eye. 35 Independent Network News pany. 926-8114. M -P, 7-4. mon aonio, oblllty to loam Coll 5374225. only nttd apply. Coll 643 Social Servlet Dttlgnee- AM real es effective treatment for seizures: to mention the title. [DIS] Raccoons (IS Independent Natwotli Newt tarn? commensurotes with ex­ 2171. An optometrist attends optome- ( ^ Star Trek perience. Busy friendly quickly and have o oood Moodowt Manor, o 518 ^ k u i MOO In the Mot however, like many other medi­ [ESPN] NFL Films [CN N ] Newsnight Update knowtodgo of gonoral ot- bed multi-level core tocll- Is subleC DR. OOTT: We’ve had a terrible try schoolcho ■ for‘ two years after (29 55 Story of English; Pioneers, O R IA N U Tt •4.00/Hr. office. Coll 6461535. Child cora wontad In my Nuraot Aldoa-Currantlv cines. It can affect the blood- [HBO ] (CC) [TM C ] MOVIE: Cavagltr A high school homa. 5:30pm - 11;00pm. tlca procaduraa. Excol- accepting oppllcotlona tor Itv Is seeking a auotltled ^ U Housing A Infestation of fleas. Even after college — about one-quarter the Pioneers As the American frontier ex­ nerd is thrust back in time where he falls 4 0 1 ^ forming organs. Reduction in panded westward, pioneers, riverboat RID 6TU99 •4.80/Hr. Coll 946-2416 batora 5 or lont pay and many bonot- urM Alda Training individual to till o port mokes It I seven months of having our house training of any eye M.D. He or she 8;00PM (3D Kate & AIIIs ICC) Kale s for a prehistoric female who aids him in his Ita tor the right parson. Infection-fighting white blood cells budding romance with her doctor reaches men, gold miners, and others enlarged and search for manhood Daniel Roebuck 623-3990 oftar 9. c lo u that will begin time position in our Social tise any t treated by a reputable pest com­ Is trained to recognize eye dis­ AtflRAQl •5.00/Hr. Tolamaffcatlng Ropreton- is a recognized but rare complica­ a serious stage when Allio learns that he is enriched the traditional vocabulary, as the 1985 Rated R Ploota coll 647-1473. Also taking oppllcotlomBppllci Servlet Department. Ap- Treat your lingerie ward- Motion or pany. the fleas are still hatching eases. but not to diagnose or treat 19th-centurv immigrants (60 min ) AUTO BODY tatlvo - Local Nowapopar tion. You need a blood count to married [U SA] Keys to Success RIAL MONIV Port tima atock paraon, tor CNAt. Wo oftar oxctl- pllcont should hove o rabe...... to thisB lovt lovely long based on r them. Optometrists are oriented •6.00/Hr. noadiD perthma roproaon- glon, sei make sure that the drug Is not Can a Mrson get fleas in the hair CD MOVIE: Chrome and Hot Leather' A (S) Local News SHOP PERSON 1-4. Monday through Prl- lent wage and btntftta. Bachelor’s Degree In So­ gown-and-robe set. Two and pubic area? How can we treat toward the normal, healthy eye. sergeant seeks revenge when his fiancee ® The Honeymooners TOR DOLLAR •7.80/Hr. doy. Coll tor Intarvlaw. Rleota contact: Dtroctor totlve to work Monday cial work or o related Seaarate Patterna. origin, or contributing to your new Infection. 2:00AM CD M O VIE: Death RIdae a through Friday, B:30om to this problem? They perform examinations and 19 killed in an auto accident that was 55 Chespirlto (60 min ) Horse' A man seeks revenge against the sup NEEDEDI 649-6641. A rthu r Drug of Stott Dtvtiepgm ant at field. Experience In Geri­ Gawa No. lltO with moke on You may get more Information caused by a motorcycle gang William outlaws Involved in the slaying of his fa­ Worahouaa. Spm. Good typing tklllt, atrics or Accute Core Pbato Gakle is in Small, ence, Itm refractions, prescribe lenses and 55 Ko)ak Croattlold Convalotctnt from the Epilepsy Foundation of DEAR READER: Fleas prefer Smith. Tony Young. Michael Haynes mily Lee Van Cleef, John Phillip Law • If you're willing to Coahlar Wontad- temt computer expo- prafarrad but not nocot- Medium or Large Size. crimlnotir provide routine eye care. In most [CN N ] CNN Evening News Exoerlencgd re­ Hemt/Panwood Manor. America (4351 Garden City Drive animals, but will settle for humans 1971 1969 work, we are willing to Approxlmotaly 29-30 Mondav-Prldoy, 7om- rionct helpful. Excollont tory. No phono colls Medium (12-14) . . . 2% will not ki states, they are not licensed to pair person with Truck drlvar for In atota bonaflta Inctudlnp dontol. Landover. Md 20785). In a pinch. Commercial fumigation m ® M acQyver (60 min ) [HBO] MOVIE: Agnes of God' (CC) A CD MOVIE: The Sailor Who Fell From pay. Call C. Brown to hourt par waak. Plaxlbta 3pmot643S1S1. BOB. pleasa. Ploose tend ro- yards 46’ . any odvei perform surgery, treat eye dis­ psychiatrist is sent to examine the myster­ and out of atota dall varlaa. To give you more information C D News Grace W ith the Sea' An English widow tools. Oood Doyfor oftarneon ahitt. Expa- Rfootont working condl- tumo to Moodowt Manor. Robe No. 14tl with Is In viola will rid a house of fleas. If you hove eases or presetribe prescription ious birth and death of a child to a clois­ arrange an Intervlaw. and an American merchant seaman meet^ the right person. In Muat hova data ft llcania. rlancad prafarrad but will RNa4 tell auporvlwr. Wo ttena, paid vocation. For 333 Bldwell Stroot. Mon- PWlo-Goide is in Small, about epilepsy in general. I ’m a continuing problem, the fleas are (35 MOVIE; Tick Tick Tick ' Bi tered nun Jane Fonda, Meg Tilley, Anne on one of his shore visits and a passionate drugs. Coll 646-9000 tor train right paraon. Apply ore toaklng RNt ter our Intervlaw appointment, chostor, Ct. 68040. Atton- Medium or Large Size. 30 Locust goted whites set out to destroy a newly Bancroft 1985 Rated PG In Stereo affair ensues Kris Kristofferson. Sarah Call C. B r o w n Manchester coll elected black sheriff Jim Brown. George oppolntmant. In paraon 7-1, M -P.(N o coll Dontao Roberta. 643 tlon Mr. VIner. Medium (12-14) . . . 4 4 rooms [USA] Jewel In the Crown Merrick and Miles. Jonathan Kahn 1976 1SS bod toctlltv with 0^ Kennedy, Fredric March 1970 1-800-367-3720 643-7604 between 8 phona colli) at:Patrwov, 2711. Administrator. yards. Principal! Bingham leave for the front while Lady C35 Grizzly Adams ergonlzattenal and Intor- Once an Eagle (3 hrs ) and 5, ask for John. Main Straat, Monchaatar. ptraonol tklllt. Exoallont 3436. Weei (ID Manners persuades the Governor to re­ [ESPN ] Mazda SportsLook (R) 1-203-249-7852 Bonking- rallobla out go­ TO Oaon, tsi4 tZ.M fer ssek (29 MOVIE: The Day the Loving view the evidence against Kumar (60 ing paraon with optttuda Saa Stava or Lit. benoflta and woott. Alto Shippine/Racalvino sttsm, pill B0( ftr psitafs is< Here’s a recipe for truffles [U S A ] Go For Your Dreams: Cash Flow Stopped' Tw o young girls are faced with min ) for npuraa naadad at part accepting oppllcatlont tor Clarfc-Naat printtnp ra­ CiMIist. Bolton-W Expo aulrad, hourt 0-3:30 Mon­ •«A ■VUI KII eluded 7 r emotional problems because of their par 1 0 : 1 5 P M [M A X ] Max Headroom hma tallar In Monchaatar Corpantar'i halpar 3 toll charge poattten. Coll tot asamn6 ent s divorce Dennis Weaver. Valerie Har­ Security Oftlcera, ful- day throuph Friday. tt fiBtr)Str) Ranch. 3 DEAR for 30 minutes. atftca. Call M r. Plalda of wontad. 6434004 dovt 643- A. Rlonto DNS, CroatflaM f Amtrteas per, Dominique Dunne 1981 1 0 : 3 0 P M 35 News 2:05AM [HBO] MOVIE: Staml l/port ttmo. Above over- Apply In parson only at; Nt« Ytrtu N.Y. 1109)1 baths, eo! P O L L Y : Do Roll the finished truffles in Alone' 647-0586. EO E 7004 aval. Cenvoiaacant Homo, (g ) 5 9 A.L.F. In Stereo (® The Honeymooners M onchaatar. 643-5151 O0B WQPn. RBTIrBBt WBI* A M K WaMIng, 3 U Sulll^ Milt Niuit. Aitrtti witti t\f Inp room you have a re­ Dutch-process cocoa or dip Into CD9E, Stilt NM*tr M t Silt. (19 Day the Universe Changed: A Per­ BOB. come. Colt 947-MS3. von Ava., South Windsor. Ing roo cipe for choco­ [ESPN] Triathlon (60 min ) 2:1 5A M [MAX] MOVIE Cmature- NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED tempered chocolate (you’ll need sonal View by James Burke (C C) Burke floors th late truffles? (CC) A monster with a taste for gray mat­ about 12 ounces of coating choco­ visits Europe's first great universities to 11:00PM CD News ter is accidentally revived by a group of IN MANCHESTER AREA Ithed bo Thanks. P o i n t e r s late). Store the truffles In the study long-lost Greek manuscripts to ob­ KMarthUpwRRted. garage, p CD 55 late Show with Joan Rivers astronauts. Klaus Kinski. Wendy Schaal r^NM N SALES MILLIE serve how this new body of knowledge 1985. Rated R CASHIER Flono R refrigerator In a covered con­ created a conflict between reason and CD Carol Burnett and Friends F r e i p f d l l ^ Ill Polly Fisher Merchaidlae Em- S159,W0. tainer. This recipe makes about ‘A faith (60 min ) Odd Couple 2 :3 0 A M [CNN] Sports Latenight IlHkMitaek 8l all PERSON D E A R M IL ­ 35 Part Time. Cashier wanted pound plain truffles, or about l>A (S) MOVIE: Hellcats of the Navy' The (39 The Untouchables [ESPN] SportsCenter Ftn a D r. •II ployeca, Coahlera. L IE : Here’s a Earn Extra Cash! Stock, ru ll Ume and Wa wKI hava a full tima Immadlota poaltlon (Sovarnm pounds if dipped in chocolate. daring exploits of a submarine commander (SD Wild. Wild West •N for Immediate basic recipe for whose mission was to chart the mine fields 2 :3 5 A M QD CBS News NIghtwatch Jn W tk lr. tor ratoll aolat par- SI (U rep I ’m sending you a copy of my Joined in Progress part-time poaitiona poaltlon avallabla opening In ra­ truffles. You in the waters of Japan is the subject of this (29 Sneak Previews ton with rapidly ex- tax prop newsletter. “Handmade Chco- available experience tions. Col may vary the adventure drama Ronald Reagan. Nancy (S) Tales of the Unexpected 3 : 0 0 A M QD M O VIE: 'Sadat* The life of INSERTERS WANTED ahortly t-8 yra. tallgror pondina ratoll outo pidly expanding lates,” which has more recipes for Davis. Arthur Franz 1957 not neceasary, many <3H 7765t< flavor by adding a little liqueur or (S) M»A*S*H Nobel Prirewinning statesmen Anwar el oourtggy dark axparl- ports chain. No ex­ retail auto parts extract (plus any other flavorings, truffles, including milk-chocolate, MOVIE; 'The Fly* Atoms go wild and Sadat IS traced through triumph and even­ employee benefits. nacassory. session lit Ravorlng extract How about ama- 55 24 Horas perience if desired). Process mixture one white-chocolate and peanut varia­ result in the terrors of mutation as a man's tual tragedy Louis Gossett. Jr . Madolyn MANCHESTER HERALD Call 647-9946 ApWy In peraon daily anea raquirad. Call Mr. Wa provida on axcal- chain. No ex­ retto truffles, cherry-brandy truf­ head and arms take on the shape of a fly ® s t r v N«twort( Smith. John Rhys-Davies 1983 Part 1 9 Monchasl minute, stop the machine and tions. as well as recipes for Mon-Sat Mancheater K WMtnay at 86B-80e0 lant trolnlni pro­ perience neces­ fles or rum truffles? and the fly takes on the head of a man [C N N ] Moneyllna [CNN] Newt Ovemipht Call NOW 647-9940 room doi scrape down the sides, then pro­ chocolate-covered caramels and Vincent Price, Patricia Owens. Al (David) Mart 236 S p e n ce r gram , banaflts and Pour 2/3 cup heavy cream Into a [M A X ] M O VIE: -Bear- Rip Torn, Loretta [E S P N ] Collsge Football (3 hrs | (R). Ask for Bob for mera Intofmation sary. Flexible siras nev cess one additional minute. chocolate-dipped marshmallows Hedison 1958 Street E O E . opportunity tor o3 food processor and begin process­ Swit 1985 Rated R EOE. extras. C Pour the chocolate mixture Into a and com|)lete directions for tem­ 5 5 Novels; Monte Calvarlo [ T M C ] M OVIE: 'Bachat' Twelfth century voncamant. Rarfoct hours, excellent ing. While the machine is running, [T M C ] M O VIE: 'Paris. Texas* After a conflicts are recreated between Henry II non Real bowl and refrigerate It for approxi­ pering chocolate. Others who 57) Nature (C C) An examination of how for tha cor anthusl- benefits. Apply ■lowly pour eight ounces melted reunion with his son. a man sets out to find and his close friend, Thomas Bechet Ri­ mately 12 hours, or until the would like a copy of this issue plants and animals have evolved to cope the wife he left behind years ago. Harry chard Burton, Peter O'Toole, John GielgiM ost. Apply In parson In person at Monches! semi-sweet chocolate through the mixture Is very firm. Working should send $1 for each copy to with the harsh Alaskan climate (60 min ) Dean Stanton. Nastassja Kinski. Dean 1964 ’ at maradCo Stock well 1984 Rated R. feed tube. When the chocolate and quickly to minimize melting, roll Polly’s Pointers, in care of the 5 5 M O VIE: 'Pearl' Romantic drama set [U S A ] All Americait Wreatling (60 mfri.); N URSE, RN Adm inistrator, M O TO M A R T needs T L cream are thoroughly combined, mixture Into 1-Inch balls, or scoop Manchester Herald. P.O. Box against the attack on Pearl Harbor. Angie [U SA ] Wanted: Dead or Alive M O TO M A R T "A great Dickinson, Dennis Weaver. Robert W ag­ 3 :4 0 A M [HBO] MOVIE: 'Portiy t Bit-. Narsing Hom e IM Sllvar Lona •30 Sllvar Lona stop the machine, add three out balls with a melon bailer. Place 91428, Cleveland. Ohio 44101. Be ner 1978 Part 2 of 3 11:30PM CD Police Woman venge' (CC| The basketball team from An­ nan Real tablespoons unsalted butter cut D irecto r Eoat Hortford, C T Eost Hartford, CT balls on a platter or baking sheet sure to include the title. Prime News (35 The Honeymooners gel Beach High teems that they mey have H E Y KIDS! [C N N ] Massachusetts/ E a s t H< Into chunks and ‘A teaspoon vanilla covered with waxed pjper and chill POLLY (S) (S) @ ) News to throw the big game when their coach [DIS] Still the Beaver unable to pay his gemblirtg debts. Den’ Connectleut littad 3 f [ESPN] Magic Years in Sports (S) M O VIE; Raise the Titanic' An under­ Vonehan, Wyatt Knight 1985 Rated R. ‘ of N ursing I lot. water research agency races to find the We ate a rapidly expanding, longJ termi Are you interested in At [HBO] MOVIE: All the Rivers Run' famous doomed ship ^ fo re the Russians 3:55AM [MAX] m o v i e : 'P riztr«: health cars provfdar with ant outstandingoutstan (C C ) A Strong-Willed women named Phila­ HEALTH CARE & RETIREMENT NEEDED: lx do Jason Robards, Richard Jordan, Alec Honor’ (C C ) A hit msn for an undorwoHdr C O R P O IW IO N has a position avail­ opportunity to become an Administrator NBC wants Sunday news show delphia Gordon forges a place for herself in Guiness 19B0. crime family falls in love with a baautihiL for our facility In Ma8sachusetts/Con- eorning extra money Details, able for a Director of Nursing. To the male-dominated society of late 19th- dangerous hired killer Jack Nicholsdn (S ) Hogan’s Heroes qualify, you must be a CT licensed necticut. Our Ideal candidate will have Balftore/ NEW YORK (AP) - Robert C what the network provides, and century Australlia Signd Thornton, John Ksihleen Turner, Angelica Huston 1985 ’86’,’’ Wright said. Waters 1983 Part 1 [C N N ] Sports Tonight Rated R R N wf(th Itf a minimum 2 years Med/ proven admlnlstratNe/operatlonal skills and winning prizes? WAITRESSES viewers don’t have to watch and be able to work well with others. >bu 6 Spacious Wright would like to put a news “If Larry Grossman (the presi­ Surg supervisory experience, along program on N B C ’s Sunday mom- whatever the stations run. dent of N BC News) appeared at an with a ^ o d Knowledge of geron- must also have a current MA or CT NH A Join the Herald eelee force, Colonial. in i schedule. Since he’s the presi­ That’s a problem right now with Responsibilities Include licensa and 34 years ol long term care BUS BOYS affiliate board meeting and said. expedanca. room, c dent of the network, it would seem “ 19M,“ Wright said, speaking of planning, coordinating & budget e g e e 11-16, must be able to ‘Hey, we’re going to do three more control m all aspects of the nursing easy enough to have his wish. N B C ’s weekly news magazine (programs) and they’ll be great.’ Cinema In (Stum, you will receive a good starting work two nighte e week, 5- function. salary, along with an outstanding Contact Mrs. Barbara Smith - acre “ There is a lot of enthusiasm for show which was the lowest-rated they would say, ‘Get out of here. 400. We offer an excellent benefits benafits" atits...... p a c k ^ which...... Inctudas tuition 8:30 PM (you pick the dayal), sm, It.” Wright says, “ but that doesn’t prime-time network program in Not In our time ’“ .9892.0 NARTPOKD ( P G - l i , I V:45. — ChIKIren e fo gRt.TMARTPORB package and a good starting salary. reimbursamant and medical plans. 1b 6 4 3 - 0 5 1 1 SS-i the week of Sept. SO-Oct. 5. Lttte^oo a (R 1 7:05, f:35. — Jumpin’ 9-12 on Seturdaye. Cell today mean it' will suddenly That’s a particular problem In j Apply by sending resume, with apply, please sand your resume In­ materialise.” None of NBC’s affiliates developing a Sunday show to J^ock P lo ih ( R n ; 4 0 , 7;4S,*:55. — Th e .. . . „ . . . dicating work expixperlence ' and salary nKmocuk Color of Monov (R) 1 ;10, 7:W, *:45. — jiSTsirr^^'iiwrw’at (PO-IJ) 7, »:J 0 . salary history, mIri conrioenceconfidence to: preempts the program regularly. 1:25, 7:S5,0:50. — Tough Oo>« CIM 1 ^ TT i *iP Xevnwffvfi )8ftN^360R G . Epata (R ) 1:20, 7:25,4:25. — StOMl by 88o(R) - Rock to School (PO-I3) ‘ ^ H o w — Nofhino In Common (PO- S) work affiliates don’t have to show that goes on to keep affiliates with themselves. Wright said. f:25, 7:40. 10. — Crocotfllo OuMfeo 1 647-6W5.0 m - MANCHMTER HEBALD. MoiKtoy. Oct. » . MW *- KIT ‘irCAIILYU!® by Larry WMgtit MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS ~ m — iN E L fW M T B BUSINESS S SERVICE DIRECTORY \ G«in« to FlerMo-first Saaelavs 7 raam M m a PZC approves 1930s tricksters Fenway a plus port of N o vtm M r. W onta sltuafad an a park-llka ' forr/'caven dr CA. drlwr far my OOMima- yard In ana af /Manctias- ♦¥$ EBBN RJBOWDFtesMTtlE were busy bunch Mla fa St. Pat^r^a^lre^« far's fina family nala N w r- S S 8 » ^ BY 5AKW FIRSMEN. office complex for the Bosox FlarMe. 6«-7191. M am ­ Iwadt. Thraa badraams. M U CMS inas and avaninas anly. farmal dinina raam/ flre- . . . p a g « 3 ... 14 .p a g e 14 plecad family raam. Only Dumas Electric— Movino Odd ipba. Tfuefdng. Hama Your naighborhood S137/f00. Joyca G. Epst«Hn Eiactricol PrabiamsT repairs. YOu name It, we hondy moni Honest fam­ ft Naat esfeta. 647-«*5.o Need g lorga or a small da ft. Fraa aotlmatas. ily man, will astlfhata any Will do dov Cora m mv y t » in insured. 6434904. lab you create, lawns, Raps Naadad-Far busl- An Autum Treotl I Adoro- licen sed home far child- RasidanWM W ork. J o s ^ hauling, cleaning, paint­ nass accaunts. Full fima. bla 6 room Capa In Bowers ran &rar 1. Coll anytime Dum «. Fully Lleansad. Delivering cfaan form ing, and minor repairs. SM/OOb-sn/DOb-Fart-Tlma/ Sctiaol District. 3 bad- Fraa Esfimatat. 646-52S3. loom; 5yardt075pluslax. RasidentiauBusiness. S17/00b-$1t/00Gna salllna/ rooms/ 1.5 boths, flre- Also sand, stone, and For the hlglv^ quolfly at repaat businass. Sat yaur pfoca, new furnace, new grovel. Call 643-9904. the lowest prices calf, awn haurs. Tralnina Pto- driveway. Pretty yard John 64343S3. vldad. Call: 1-617-93S4I7II, with storage building. M -F , Sam ta Spm (Cantral $112,000. Jackson & Jack- son Real Estate. 647-0400 HBandipatpr Hprnlfi standard tima). or 6464646.0 It’s a lungla out fharal Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ Concrete Sarvlcas- Sacratary naadad Ma- While your out stalking throom remodeling; in- SMawatks, patios, floors, Top Sell. Clean, rich, Wannhester A City of Villago Charm vambar 1st far offlca In Collage Tuition In your your pray. I’ll clean yaur stollatfon water heaters, steps, and foundation rub­ stone free loam. Any Moncbaster. Hla schaal M ure? Start saving now! hut and/or prepare a garbage disposals; faucet bing. Free estimates. Call amount dellveredi Also diploma required. Goad Build equity In this super 3 home cooked meal. Refer­ repairs. 6494539. Vlso/M- 7424066 or 742-9975 after fill, gravel, stone and typing skills. Applicant family In Manchester. ences provided. Call osterCard accaptad. 6pm. IMrk mulch. Coll Davis must be able to work Many Improvements. 6-3- Cathy, 643-1920 after 4pm. Construction 072-1400 Tuesday, Oct. 21,1986 Indapendantly and posass 3 room units. Separate Art’s Light Trucklng- anytime. 30 Cents affactive communleatlan utilities . Great Income. cellars,attles,garoges TOWN OF MANCHn-niR skills. Salary ranoe $5.70 Handy location near cleaned. Junk hauled. Fur­ LROAL NOTIM I to $7.25 per heur depend­ downtown. $164,900 Jack- \fmvm/ niture and appliances The Zoning Board of Appeals will hold public heorinse on ing upan experience. son B Jackson Real Est­ PAKHMB moved. Odd lobs. Very For a long-lasting fire, ate. 647-8400 or 646-0646.0 Monday, October 27, ifM o t 7;60F.M. In the Hearing Room, Please cell Cathy at Eest- Screened Loam,gravel- honest dependable choose hardwood logs Lincoln Center, 494 Main Street, Manchester, Connecticut to 0 cenn, 456-3254 for appllco- Name your own price — ,processed gravel,sand- worker. 25 years expe­ that produce o shorter hear and consider the following petitions; Just whot the doctor or­ rience In moving. 646-9669 American tlon. EOE. Father and son. Fast, ,stone, and fill. Far flame and burn less ra­ IT B M I KeM ver Oevsiepment Cemasny Request------vorl- dered 11 Relax In the great dependable service. deliveries call George anytime. pidly then soft woods. If NO. 11M once to Article II, Section 9.1S.09(e) to waive the fucuni both that comes Munson's Chocolotes Painting, PoperhanglngOi Grlfflng,Andover 742-7006. aroma is the most Impor­ londscope trees required tor shop^ng centers for W route 6 Bolton Is now with this rambling 9 room Removal. Call 0724237. 0 portion of propeiiy Identified os Lot a 3, Red Ronch In Bolton. 3 bed­ Horse boarding-complete tant consideration, select Roof* >Yln Inn Subdivision, ■ Buckiand* ...... Street ‘ ------Business thi accepting applications for Bobcat, bockhoe loader core Including turnout. wood from fruit trees. If Zone III. port time retoll soles. The rooms, full bosement, 2 John Oeerr painting con­ rentol, trucking drainage, $175 per month. Windfall you have fireplace logs ITBM S Relond Agestinelll - Request o variance to Article BB: hours ore 4pm-8pm. Mon­ car garage, lots of gloss, sight work, top sell, bark Form Is conveniently lo­ ore plus lot. $140,900 Jack- tractor. Residential, com­ for sale, find buyers the NO. 11S9 II, Section 2.01.01 to allow a 44.5 toot front yard (SO kidnapped day through Friday ond 6 mulch, decorative stone. cated In Andover near feet required) - 260 Lake Street - Rural Residence son 0i Jackson Real Est­ mercial. Fall and winter quick and easy wav ... C hours on Soturdov or Coll Davis Censtroctlon Bolton, Hebron line. Call Zone. ate. 647-0400 or 6464646.0 specials. Free estimates. with a low-cost od In Sunday. Totaling 15-20 64^3240. 072-1400 anytime. 646-5735. Classified. 643-2711. ITBM t Texaee Rettnleg and Marketing, me. - Request a hours per week. Call for NO. 1144 Special Exception under Article IV, Section Stool- appointment of 647-0639. Three family Invest­ low the addition of a canopy structure ond a vorl- ment! I Monv malor Im­ ance to Article IV, Section 5 to reduce the front provements Including yard from 60 feet to 4 feet 6 Inches for property at Any teacher Interested In 172 Oemlno Street - Business Zone III. in Lebanon private tutoring of high new roof, siding, storms, gutters, etc... Many Inte­ ITBM 4 Ottberte 0. aoveHe - Request ovarlonceto Article school students In school APARTMENTS MAGHMERY NO. 1161 II, Section 4.01.01 to reduce the easterly dde yard or out of school pleose call rior renovations hove CONDOMmiUNn ITOREANO to six (6) feet, (10 feet required) to allow on addi­ East Catholic. 649-5336. been completed with FQQSAIi EQ FOR RENT offn;e space AND TOOLS tion to the house ot 30 Devon Drive - Residence By Rodelna Kenoan He was one of the fewer than a more planned before clos­ Zone A. The Assocloled Press dozen American who remained In T Wanted cleaning woman ing. Excellent Income, all Leaf Lowner Sweeper. Al­ At this hearing Interested persons may be heard and written west Beirut after the latest exodus Manchester-Newer town- Manchester-prime office for apartment. 6434623. separate utilities, positive space,000 so. ft. center of most new $35. Call Any­ communications receiver A copy ot these petitions hove BEIRUT. Lebanon — An under­ of foreigners In April prompted by cosh flow. Some financing house, 2 bedrooms, Vh been aiedln the Planning and Zoning Deportment and may baths, fully oppllanced. town. 608-1447. time 649-0390. be Inspected during business hours. ground group today claimed it a series of politically motivated Port time Book/Stock avallabvie from owner. 4 room apartment. Mo- Priced to sell $129,900. Small complex, low condo ZONINO BOARD OF APPEALS kidnapped a S6year-o1d American, kidnappings. clerk. 16-20 hours per fee, convenient location. ture adults preferred. No Modern,300 square feet EDWARD COLTMAN, SECRETARY the first reported abduction of a week. Monday through Jackson 0, Jackson Real wiLAWNAND Tracy often was seen sitting In $82,500. Owner 646-4320. pets. No appliances. Park­ office. Now avallable- Doted ot Manchester, CT tWs 20th dov ot October, 1904. U.S. citizen in Lebanon In more Thursdoy. Flexible sche­ Estate 6474400 or 646- ing for 1 car. 649-1265. ,good location and ample ED• lOARDEN sidewalk cafes In west Beirut's dule. Must be able to lift 0646.O parking. 649-2691. 030-10 than a month. Hamra commercial thoroughfare Manchester - Plenty of The Revolutionary Justice Or­ TOIbs cartons of books. No closet space In this Manchester - 2nd floor 2 Lawn mower-reel type, Lebanese waiters who know him experience necessary. Manchester-Very clean 2 3>/i ganization. a group believed made room condo. Priced right bedroom, heat and ap­ Excellent location-heat, very easy start, quiet. 20" NOTICI TO CBIDITORa said they have not seen him In the Will train. Coll 643-1097. family home. Each unit pliances, no pets. $575 plus air ,lanltor, parking. 500 NOTICI TO CRBOrrORa up of Shiite Moslems loyal to Iran, with living room, eat-ln $49,900. Strano Real Est­ cut. Needs clutch adlust- E STA TE OF E STA TE OF last two months. Monday through Thurs­ ate 647-7653D security 646-3979. square feet $ ^ . 649-5334. ment. $75 643-5336.0 ROBERT O. WEINOART AONES ISABELLE itlentlfied the hostage as Edward day, 9-5. kitchen and two bed­ The Hen. Norman J. LYM AN, a/k/0 AONES I. Austin Tracy. The group said In Its statement, the Revolution­ rooms. Hardwood floors, Preuss, Judge, of the Court LY M A N , 0/k/a AONES ary Justice Organization accused Hundreds of readers turn Studio type aportment. Main Street-1000 square Tracy, an author of children's book Good Job Opportunities! newer roof, built In 61. Partly furnished. Work­ feet, ample parking. Ideal FUEL OIL/COAL/ ot Probate, District of An­ LYMAN Tracy of being a spy for the CIA Housekeeplng/Loundry . Parking for 4 cars .D. W. to Classified every day dover at a hearing held on The Hon. Norman J. who Is from Rutland. Vt.. worked searching for some par­ ing single mole preferred. for professional or busl- FIREWOOD October 1 ,1986 ordwed that Preuss, Judge, of the Court and Mossad Our housekeeplng- Fish Realty. 643-1591 or Lease. Security. No pets. ness use. 529-5666 of Probate, District of An­ for the CIA and the Israeli secret ticular Item. Will yaur ad oil clolms must be presented /!aundrv department !s 071-1400.D 643-2880. evenings. to the fiduciary on or before dover at a heorlng held on service. Mossad "The Revolutionary Justice Or­ currently accepting appli­ be there? 643-2711. Seasoned cord wood- cut, January 1,19$7 or be barred October 8, 1916 ordwed that If Tracy's abduction Is con­ ganization announces the arrest of all claims must be presented cations. Excellent benef­ Vernon ■ 4'/i room vinyl Vernon-Available Imme­ spilt, and delivered, $95 os by law provided. firmed. he would be the seventh Jewish American spy called Ed­ per cord. Sharon B. Preuss, to the flduclory on or before its, meals Included. Benef­ sided Ranch. Scarce price diately, modern 3 room January I, 1917 or be borred American missing In Lebanon. The ward Austin Tracy after he was range. Excellent starter L0T8/LAND Clerk its pro-rata for part time. FOR RALE apartment with applian­ FOR LEASE The fiduciary Is; as by low provided. Revolutionary Justice Organiza­ definitely proven to be .. feeding If Interested In lolnlng our home, only $75,900. McCa- ces. $325 monthly plus Lorraine Welngart Sharon B. Preuss, tion claims to hold one of the the Mossad and the CIA with staff please contact the vanogh Realty 649-3800.O RECREATIONAL 9 Bousola Rd. Clerk utilities. 647-1113 after The Bduclory Is; previous kidnap victims. information (and) ... spying (orthe housekeeping supervisor Lots for sale. Bolton- tern. OFnCE SUITES EQUIPMENT Andover, C T 06232 Storrs - Nice 2 bedroom 052-10 Barbara V. Clayton The group made its claim In a CIA ' at 643-5151. M onday Bulldlng lots with view. AdlMont 1-84. ExH 83 Route 17 The statement did not say when through Friday, 9am- mobile home In adult $65,000 and up. We also For Sale. Rowing Ma­ Columblo, CT 062T handwritten note In Arabic deli­ community. Appllonces, or where Tracy purportedly was 4pm. Cresttleld Convales­ custom build homes. Call • 1500-3800 S/F chine, fully assembled, 1 MI8CELLANE0U8 051-10 vered to the Beirut office of a cent Home. EOE. central air and porch. 646-5200. year old, excellent condi­ FDR RALE Western news agency. The state­ abducted $32,900 McCovonagh • On Site Pkg. , tion. $75. Call 646-3245 ment was accompanied by a In Tel Aviv, olflclals in the Realty 649-3000.O Brand new duplex 3 bed­ CARR Mature reliable babysit­ WVE8TMENT rooms, private driveway, • A/C & Carpeted after 5;30pm. photograph of Tracy and a photoc­ Foreign Ministry and the office of ter wanted. Call 646-6507 oil appliances, washer •"'Private Lava. FDR RALE opy of his passport. the prime minister declined com­ 2 ask for Emmo. M anchester - Creom PROPERTY and dryer haokups, 2 • Paint & Partition Man's Bicycle Columbia Two Westbend humidifi­ 'Tracy's mother. Doris, said In a ment on the allegations Tracy was Harild photo by Hoeht Puff 11 4 bedroom alumi­ baths, on deod end street. Charger, 10 speed, 26", ers ‘vertical olr clrculo- telephone Interview from South linkea to Mossad. Real nice! $000 per month. to Suit tan. Good condition. $70. tlon, directional control. Lincoln Town car 84, num sided home In Bow­ Invest today In this mod­ 34,000 miles. Leather, Burlington. Vt.. that her son has The photograph showed Tracy Eighth Utilities District advocate Wallace Irish Jr., right, claims made by Eighth District opponents concerning Rool Eotato ers School area. All ap­ ern 5 unit building. Prime Call Ed 649-2947 and after 643-0365.O $15 each $25 tor two. from the waist upward. Tracy, who 7pm call Don at 646-9092. 10 MIN. TO OOWN- 64 66229.D cruise, stainless steel "been gone from Burlington for makes a point this morning during a nBw8 conference fire protection and sewer service. On the left Is STEAL pliances, 2 fireplaces, 3 Manchester location, rockers, custom wheels, more than 20 years, and I didn't Is thin and of medium height, was full baths, rec room and 2 near hospital. Good In­ TOWN HARTFORO held by the pro-district group STEAL. The group refuted President Robert Bletchman. Tw o bedroom townhouse B0AT8/MARINE showroom condition. hear from him for about 10 years, wearing a dark blue shirt and was cor garoge. $139,500 come. “We Guorontee $12,800. 871-9545. but then he began writing to me staring straight into the camera. No HOMES McCovonagh Realty 649- Our Houses" Blanchard 0, - heat, hot water, car­ 522-3570 EQUIPMENT Four toot fluorescent fix­ peted. All appliances. Air tures with lamps and new about a year ago " The photocopy of his passport F0H8ALE 3800.D Rossetto 646-2482.0 1974 Mercury Comet, 6 Fort conditioning. Call 647- 16 foot Mod River canoe, bollost. $5 each. 6496201 .d She said she is worried about her said he was a native of Vermont, 1595. cylinder,engine, trans­ son being in Beirut, "and the fact born Nov. 20. 1930. and unmarried says C All real estate advertised Manchester- Adorable, BU8INE88 paddles Included. Used mission excellent condi­ him b( In the Manchester Herald Brick Ranch. Move In tour times. Excellent con­ Caber Ski Boots worn tion. 50,000 miles. $99. Call that I don't know what he's doing. The passport was issued Sept. 3. condition I $96,900 Strano I property Manchester-Nice modern dition. $800. Please call twice. Ladles size 9 plus. 1981 and was valid until Sept 2. Consolidation math questioned treatn Is sublect to the Fair after 5pm. 6495070.D He never says what he's doing." Reol Estate 647-765%: 4 room oportment with 643-4942 Offer 6pm or 647- $50 646-7247.D 1980 Centet Housing Act of 1960, which appliances. $425 monthly Morchondlse A U.S. Embassy official said mokes It Illegal to adver­ Local franchise 9946 8:30 - 5;30. Ask for For sale-1978 Chrysler Tracy had been living In west Six other Americans are missing Aboi Manchester- Immaculate opportunities-Donut plus utilities. 647-1113 after Bob. 30 used ceramic molds. tise any preference, llm 6pm. Cordoba. Very good run­ Beirut for a long time The official In Lebanon. Sept., Itotlon or discrimination 5 room Ranch, 3 bed­ Shops. Training provided. Good conditon $35 takes 011.6499537.0 ning, several extras. said he could not confirm that The Revolutionary Justice Or­ District backers say fire protection cost would climb Grand based on race, color, reli­ rooms, nice lot, $104,500. $25,000 m in im u m re ­ ANT1QUE8/ Fisherman PH monitor or Priced for quick sole. Strano Real Estate 647- quired. Coll Franchise De­ Manchester-Luxuorv oxygen llght/tempero- Tracy was kidnapped ganization also has claimed re­ sympt gion, sex or national townhouse, 2 bedroom, COaECTIBLEB $1095. Coll 6495844 after origin, or on Intention to 765%3 partment, 527-3569. ture unit, recently cali­ Stlhl chain sow, 18" 3.0 4;30pm. "But we have not heard of him sponsibility for the abduction of womai 1'/% baths, central oir con­ cubic Inch, 3 years old, make any such prefer­ brated. $85.00 eoch or best lately This guy had not had any James Cicippio. SO. of Valley By George Lavng amount of overtime paid, and a 7.75 much development is planned — do the same work for free for fear haden Manchester- Nicely lo­ Manchester - Commercial ditioning, oil electric, Next to Nothing. Corner otter. 643-9934.D excellent condition. contact with the embassy In recent Forge. Pa. He was kidnapped Sept ence, limitation or dls- laundry room, 2 cor gar­ 1974 Ford Pinto for sole or Herold Reporter percent salary Increase to paid would Increase 40 percent. Weiss's of having the town administration had be crlmlnotlon. The Herald cated, 0 room, 3 bedroom, Building, store front. East Center and Spruce. $270/best offer. Coll 646- ports. Runs $50. or best months,” said the official, who 12 from Ihe campus of the Ameri­ age, centrally located for 8822. firefighters would eliminate that report said current Town Fire reduce salaries and personnel. The tion dt will not knowingly accept vinyl sided Ranch. Busy street. $60,000 Strano Open Tuesday, Wednes­ offer. 646-1413.D spoke on condition of anonymity. can University of Beirut where he moture couple. $500. Ref­ day, Thursdoy ofter- PET8AND The cost to Manchester taxpay­ savings. Department taxpayers would see a result would be that the Eighth The any advertisement which $119,900. Strano Real Est­ Real Estate 647-7653o The white-haired Tracy wrote was acting comptroller Landers said his figures were ate 647-765%) erences required, lease noons. 1-4pm. 6494)533. 8UPPLIE8 16 toot Amono freezer ers of a merger between the town 15 percent decrease In taxes. District would have no control over drugs Is In violation of the low. plus security. No pets. Mustang 68-289, 3 speed, Illustrated children's books for a The group also has said it is based on having three firefighters upright, antique maho­ automatic, power steer­ and Eighth Utilities DIsfrict fire Landers' cost estimates were what its volunteers do. pains 643-7135. gany server, Lionel living holding three Frenchmen. on duty at each station In the 30 Locust Street. 2 Family Manchester- Very Nice, 5 Antique cabinet, $60. Call ing, 71,000 original miles. departmepts would be substantial, based on the assumption that the “ It just leaves you with all of the years 6 5, 3 bedroom Duplex. Rontols 649-57410. trains, Winchester 30/30 Eighth District. However, he said Eighth District's 106-member vo­ 4 rooms eoch, $139,900. Four room aportment In $2W or best offer. 643- district advocates said this work, and none of the say.” said pratfa Principals only. Coll 646- Separate Systems. rifle mod 94-lever, Wln- 7467. morning. that the National Fire Protection lunteer fire department would two family house with cnester 16ga shotgun. Sarles. The volunteer firefighters At a 2426. Weekdays 9-5. $145400. Strano Real Est­ Free to good home. 4 Association recommends that four disband If a merger occurred —' large vord. No pets. Se­ skeet mod, 12 Remington take reward In planning their own during ate 647-7653n month old male kitten - 1973 Chevy Novo, 4 door, 6 At a news conference called by firefighters be on duty In each something that Deputy Chief curity and references. rifle, 30 slide. Kodak slide the pro-district group STEAL, operations, he said. in Wi Bolton-Wooded and se­ FOR RENT $395 monthly. 643-0730. very lovable, white with cylinder, automottc. Faith defeated fear station. James Sarles, also a member of Manchester- Superb, Im­ CLOTHINO prolector ond screen. 649- Eighth District Director Thomas "It's not that we wouldn’t want to Chase cluded 7 room U 6 R built 9am-5pm. grey Hger stripes mark­ Body good needs mechon- If that were to occur, the cost STEAL, reaffirmed this morning. pressive Contemporory 9573. work under a paid administration, proble Ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2'/i Gentleman-Central, prl- ings. Has alt shots. Call Icol work. Hos snow tires. Landers disputed claims by consol­ would increase an additional $2 3 Landers serves as a liaison to baths, eot-ln kitchen, din­ w/ In Low aportment. 643-2711 between 8:00 and $99. 649-3010D idation proponents that residents It's that we can't. We won’t," "Th( Professional dork room, vote home, telephone, 2 oportments, 4 8,5 rooms, million, he said. STEAL — or Stop Tampering with ing room, tireploced liv­ next to shower. Parking appliances, references 5;00pm. ask for Mary. who live outside the district would Sarles said. "We enjoy our total mentic underground utilities, se­ ENDROLLS Pontiac Flero 1985, excel­ in skydiver’s mind the Eighth’s American Liberties — ing room, hardwood 649-6001. and security required. No see their fire protection taxes Involvement " far as floors through out, fin­ curity system. $295,000. Full length mink coot, Wonted-Rabbit hutch. 27’6 width - 288 lent condition, olr condi­ IN A REPORT prepared earlier from the Eighth District Board of Strano Reol Estote 647- pets. $450 Oi $550 respec­ 13V. width - 2 for 2S8 decline if a merger took place. Any this year. Town Manager Robert Disputing another claim made knows, ished basement, 1 cor Central location, kitchen tively. 646-1100. lund train. Sire 42 long. Call otter 5. 646-2156 tioning, 5 speed. $6700. Directors. 7653d Bv John Mitchell officials continued to Investigate a savings that would occur would by district opponents, S T E A L totally garage, private deck. Coll privileges. Parking avail­ Medium brown almost M UST be picked up at the Days 233-5174 or 875-5477 Weiss maintained that a merger During the news conference at evenings. Sunday accident in Ellington in "be consumed by the town admin­ Flano Realty, 646-5200. able. Security and refer­ new. $2500 643-1225. Manchester Herald Office Herald Reporter would lower the fire protection the district's Main Street fire­ President Robert-Bletchman said any co $159,900. Middletown- 0 family. Manchester pristine con­ before 11 A M. ONLY which Womble, 41, of Manchester, istration within one year,” he said. ences required. $70 per dition. Great 1 bedroom taxes paid by residents outside the house. Sarles criticized a proposal that property owners within the of us.” Close to Wesleyan Univer­ 79 Chew Comoro, power Tami Dalzlel once asked her was killed along with one of his Eighth District, which lies north of Eighth District can leave the sity. The figures world week. 649-9227 or 569-3520. apartment In 2 fomlly. Landers said that by applying made last week by the Committee Cbaa Government Homes from steering, power brakes, roommate. William H.WombleIII. parachuting students in a 6.00n-foot Middle Turnpike. Under the plan, Eighth District's jurisdiction $1 (U repair). Delinquent $219,900. Strano Real Est­ Qkilet street, working fire­ outomoHc, running condi­ the town's higher fire protection for Charter Revision which would NBC’s if he was afraid of getting In an fall. Police said an initial investiga­ under Special Act the legisla­ tax property. Reposses­ ate 647-765%3 AFARTMENT8 place. Both B kitchen like 2 14 X 6 Rims for Chevy tion. Asking $650 coll 643- tax to the area now covered by the Ihe costs of the merger would be have the Eighth District Fire 290. a bumi new. $550. 647-0593. truck. Never ussed. $K. Automotlv8 accident while parachuting, a tion showed that Womble, who was amortized over a 15-year period, tion which redefined the district sions. Coll 005407-6000 ext FOR RENT 6387. Eighth District and deducting the Department serve under the Town G H 9965 for current repos­ Xtra's Galore! Super 7 Queen Ann choir for sole. 649-8956.0 hobby he taught on the weekends. towing first-time Jumper Mary increased operating costs of taking during which the Town Fire Fire Department and maintain boundaries session list. room m both home. Fire­ Manchester-Nice 3 bed­ Good condition. $80. Coll Volvo-1967 122 S, new Womble told her it was the least of Scott in tandem. failed to deploy his over the Eighth District's facili­ Department's cost would climb responsibility for some of Its District critirs have said that act Catl place rec room and fdneed 3 and 4 room apartments, room apartment on Cen­ 649-7944.0 Riding mower, Yordmon CARR tires, $100 646-1231. his fears parachute. ties. the town would gain $450,000. about 20 percent. current territory. allowed sections of Manchester to 9 Manchester-Cream putt 7 yard! Won’t lostl "W e no appl1ances,no pets,se- ter Street. Lots of room 6 horse power, two speed “He wasn't afraid of parachuting "What really happened up there, However, he said the amount of At the same time, the amount of join the Eighth District, but not Kellj curtty,call 646-2426. Week­ plus reverse. A ir tires, FDD RALE 9 move In condition. $550. room dormered Cope de­ Guarantee Our Houses" Temple Stuart maple Dotsun 210 1979 wagon. at all.” she satd today. “He had a we don't know,” sold Andrew ox'ertime that would probably have income taken in by the town from SARLES SAID VOLUNTEERS leave However, Bletchman said toa Na sires new owrrer. Lotsa Blanchard 0, Rossetto646- days 9-5. 647-0593. hutch. Top, 3 drawers. new belts. $99 643-4535.D Great condition. Best Banner, an Instructor with Nor- 2402.0 lot of faith In It." to be paid to town firefighters in the fire protection charges assessed to could not work with paid firefigh­ the act clearly allows the town to her fat extras. Coll today, Kler- Very good condition I otter. Peggy 643-6539. Dalzlel talked about her room­ Eighth District area, the extra Eighth District territory — partic- take control of territory under the non Real Estate, 649-1147. Two bedroom apartment $400. Coll for more Infor- RCA colored console fv, ters because the paid firefighters’ she bei for rent. Olshwosher, dis­ $n. Antique white and mate as state police and federal Please tarn w page 18 personnel needed to lessen the ulary the Buckiand area, where union would not allow volunteers to Eighth District’s jurisdiction. Capt fqr rent rrratton 646-0860 after 6pm. Manchester-7 room dor­ New Colonial Spoclous 6 posal, pool, tennis courts. gold French provincial 1979 Chevelte - 5 door RIOTiNCVaiR/ mande mered Cope. 1 cor garage, room horrre on North Elm Near 84 . Coll 2 8 ^7 9 0 8 otter Men's Custom mode bedroom set. Single f>ed, hatchback, standard, El Pa needs T L C . Priced to sell Street. 1'A baths, 1st floor 7 :0 0 pm. or (617) 864-5770 Monchester-2 bedroom shoes l l ’/iAA Cost. $89. niottress and box spring AM /FM cassette player, TODAY’S HERALD Norwei "A great slorter." Kler- Indy fireplace, central X4204 days. townhouse end unit in Sell for $25. Four months not Included. Night stand engine has less than 10,000 holl B thernoopone win­ Manchester Gardens. and dresser Included. miles on It. Good condi­ Somt Tropez dirt bike, IBM to sell South African subsidiary exerds rton Iteal Estate. 649-1147. old. 649-1170.0 dows $120's. "W e Guoron­ Thoroughly renovated 1 Quiet wooded area, con­ $200/best offer. 643-9576. tion. Asking $1200 or best chrome, olloy wheels. ding ’8( East Hortford-Newly tee Our Houses" Blort- bedroom apartment. 3 venient to downtown, $575 Gloss and chrome table offer 742-5918. Great condition. Ortgl- crowne chord B Rossetto lovely rooms, quiet area, per month, no utilities. dinette set with 4 wicker Spark guard fireplace nollv $200 Now $99 with Strike called off OM th trigg«r 9 r io t * NEW YORK (API - IBM said O nter, a Washington-based group 1984. The number of companies Africa, primarily through its IBM listed 3 family on 330 ft. bike bog. 6499783.0 deep lot. Oulet residential 646-2482.0 near shopping and bus Coll Terri 248-2116. After 5 chrome choirs. $165. 872- screen 31 inches wide 31 today it wilt sett its South African that studies U.S. investment in totals 244. with investments total­ South Africa Projects Fund. The line. $450 per month plus 287-0550. 6737. Inches high $5.006499843.0 Union officials have temporarily Thousands of rampaging youths subsidiary because of the' 'deterio­ South Africa. ing $1.3 billion, down from $2.6 company said it made grants oreo. Aluminum sMIng, called off a threatened strike at a in Zimbabwe who Mamed South newer boiler. Insuloled. Brortd New! 8 room 216 utilities. Security and ref­ NNDGELIMIEDUR rating political and economic si­ The sale is to be completed by Mllion in lOOl. the center says. totaling $15 million last year for Details, Mr. DelRocco, both home. 1st floor fam­ erences required. Natural Stone hearths for 1966 RomWer-The Clos- New Haven nursing home and say AMcq, for the death of Mozam­ tuation" in the racially divided March 1. IBM said. The new IBM has operated the South Mack education, business develop­ Belflore Agertcy 647-1413. ily room, fireplace. 160's. TY/STENED/ woodburnlng stave, red, slc! From when they mo- MIYRNIDTIVE their only goal right now is to bique’s president smashed offices, country. company will be headed by Jack African subsidiary for 34 years. ment and legal reform. "We Guorontee Our Monchester-Moture per­ 26" X 42" X 1", $60 or best de'em like they used to. ensure the survival of the $3bed overturmd cars, threw firebombs Houses" Blanchard B son or couple for very nice PBRNENT AFFLIANOER offer. Telephone 649- The announcement came a day Clarke, general manager of IBM AJS^Ts said. Spodous U It R 0 room Only 85900 miles! Solid Bovorlom motor ararks, facility. Superior Court Judge and attacked shoppers and office South Africa. The decision by General Motors Rossetto 646-24W.D 4 room apartment. Cor- 3987.0 runner. 742-7686 evenings. after (^neral Motors Oorp., the \ TM subsidiary only markets and Oorp. to sell its South African Colonial. 4 large bed­ Coverrfry-4 room, 1 bed­ Shorps Dolby cassette used engine 1800 TLIvl Mary R. Hennessey on Monday workers today. Story on page 5. second-largest U.S.-based em­ "Unfortunately, the deteriorat­ information equipment 6 petlno, oppllonoes and lo­ rooms, panelled family room,, appliances, gar­ deck. $45. 643-1986.0 $99.80 73900 miles for re­ refused to appoint a third party to assembly plants marks a turning room, country kitchen, Munchesfer-New llstlng- cated on a bus line. No Sale! 50% off! Flashing 1974 Plymouth Valiant, 4 build. After 6pm 6437982.0 ployer in South Africa after Mobil ing political and economic situa­ and is not involved in manufactur­ point In relations between U.S. M ,960. Move-In cortdl- petal $550 month Includes age, no utilities, no heat, orrow signs $279. Lighted, door, ouotmotlc. Gold, manage St. John's nursing home, CJorp., said it would sell its South tion in South Africa, and between ing or development, said IBM 2M baths. In ground pool, large yard, lake privel- Curtis Mofhes color tv. den jing the state's request to place businesses and that strife-torn W ocre lot. Asking tlon, 6 room Colonial with heat and hot water. Call non-orrow $269. Unllghted power steering, vinyl Meyer four way power African operations to local South Africa and its trading spokesman Richard Coyle. oges. Coll 7428543 after 25" screen, needs work. $239. (Free letters!) Few In d e x country, anti-apartheid activists <»400. U Oi R many possibilities Includ­ M r. Lindsey at 647-0200. roof. 646-5891. angle snow plow and the facllily in receivership. Story interests. partners, makes our action neces­ Although IBM regularly re­ ing possible conversion to 4:30 or weekends. $60. Call after 3pm 649- left. See locally. 1-800-423- say 60-2692.0 103S.D frame that mounts on the on page 4. to IBM said it would sell the sary,” (^airm an John F Akers viewed the climate In South Africa, o two family. Coll for Manchester 3 bedroom 8163, anytime. Dodge 400, 1982 2 door truck. Asking $800. 643 subsidiary, which accounted for said in a statement. Roger B. Smith, chairman of the detalls. Rsoltv World 646- duplex. Appliances, no Excellent Condltlon-3 bed­ Advtca . 13 Lonsry. the sale proposal had been under nKmaculote older Colon­ Wosher/dryer Kenmorc sport, vinyl roof, new 2095. less than 1 percent of U»e parent The research center says 22 consideration only for a couple of Detroit-based automotive giant, 7709.O pets. $600 plus utilities. room Ranch, 2 baths, Weed Stove. Fisher bOby brokes/shoCks, rear win­ Bust) 10 MHSWodd___17 ial with lets of space and bosement, garage, nice (white), excellerd condi­ has been one of the principal Immediate occuponcy. bear, decorative edition. dow defroster, om/fm ra­ FOur Rrastone snow tires. company’s sales in 1004, to a new American companies have left weeks, Coyle said. lots of charm. Three gen­ yard, heating costs $490. tion, asking $200 eoch. Good condition. $99 firm. Ciasslflsd . 1320 OMtuartos____10 proponents of maintaining an erous bedrooms. Eot-ln Hsbron/Bolton U B R 647-7KM or 649-1262. dio. $2800.8759484. 643S617 onytime. Pertly eunny company estaMished "for the South Africa this year, and six say IBM wanted to sell the subsi­ raised Ranch. 7 rooms, 2 No pets. $6S0/menth. 521- Stove, Magic Chet, al­ Call after S:(X) 649-964to (yomics__ _ 0 Opinion______0 benefit of the employees of IBM they will, including OK;a-Oia Co., diary while it still was in good American business presence in kitchen phis huge formal Monchester-2 bedroom mond, $200, excellent con­ ConnscMcul__ 4 _ 2 fireploces, cul-de-sac, 9139. Mercury Convertible. Snow tires P/19S/75 R14 Partly cloudy tonight with a low South Africa." P r^ e r 4 GamMe Co. and Marri­ business condition and hqd "a good South Africa as a way to k e ^ dinirto room, 1V6 bullrs, duplex with opplhmoes, dition. Refrigerator, Anderson crank out three Entaiiainmem iS Sports e and more. Call fomllv room, built Ins, 1968. Looks B Runs great. studded, used 1 year. of48to45. Partly sunny Wednesday . 14-16 IBM South Africa employed 1.014 ott <3orp. base on which to build,” he said. pressure on the Pretoria govern- appllanoos, stove, plus 11 bosement, attic, $500 per Manchester 3 Montgomery Word, al­ section window wood Focus 11 ___13 „ for prtvafe show- mond, $180, good condi­ Automatic, power steer- Good condition. W/W. with a high around 60. Details on people in 1004, according to the That compares with 30 compan­ (Toyie said IBM plans to continue mem to dismantle ita policy of foot X B> foot Flerlda month plus utilities. 1 appliances. $675 a month. framed with screens 63" Ing. $1500 or best o(9sr. Local n o w s .3.10 U.S./Wofld _ 5 . 7 Only $114,$ao. Joyce months security. Referen­ tion. Coll evenings 649- Coll evenings 6464B57 $25 page 2 Investor ResponsiMIity Research ies that left in 1005 and seven in Its social involvement in South racial separation. room. Rfindples. 132K Security, references. No wide 43" length. $99. 6466999 evenings. eoch.o G . Epetein Real Estate. ces. ^ 1 9 -5 . 643-7779. peH. 647-9137. 3770. 847-8WS.Q 846-2731. 649-1819.D