

Mahmud A. Asrar,Ron Riley, | 176 pages | 10 Oct 2007 | | 9781582408590 | English | Fullerton, United States , Volume 1: Post-Nuclear Family

Dynamo 5 Vol 1 Post Nuclear Family TP. Relisted. He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Now he's dead and his family is. Dynamo 5, vol. 1: Post-Nuclear Family - Collects # "He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. "He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Dynamo 5 Vol 1: Post-Nuclear Family TPB Dynamo 5 Vol 2: Moments of Truth TPB Dynamo 5 Vol 3: Fresh Blood TPB Dynamo 5 Vol 4: Change or Die TPB. Dynamo 5 Volume 1: Post-Nuclear Family by Jay Faerber (Paperback, 2007)

But while delves deeper into the soap opera elements of its cast, DYNAMO 5 does tend to focus equally on the young folks' personal lives and their thrilling exploits as the Dynamo 5. This trade paperback, titled DYNAMO 5: POST-NUCLEAR FAMILY VOLUME 1, collects the monthly series' absorbing first seven issues. Dynamo 5, vol. 1: Post-Nuclear Family - Collects # "He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. "He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Following the death of Captain Dynamo, his widow gathers five young people who were fathered by the hero and activates their latent powers. Reprints. in Dynamo 5 (Image, series) #1 - Post-Nuclear Family ([October] ) in Image Firsts: Dynamo 5 (Image, series) #1 (May ). Dynamo 5 Vol 1 Post Nuclear Family TP

Dynamo 5 TP Vol 01 Post Nuclear Family (New Ptg) He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Now he's dead and his family is trying to piece their lives together. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Dynamo 5 Volume 1: Post-Nuclear Family by Jay Faerber (Paperback, ) at the best online prices at eBay!. Dynamo 5 Vol 1 Post Nuclear Family TP. Relisted. He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Now he's dead and his family is. Dynamo 5 TP Vol 01 Post Nuclear Family (New Ptg)

Dynamo 5, vol. 1: Post-Nuclear Family - Collects # "He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. "He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Dynamo 5: Post-nuclear Family v. 1 by Jay Faerber, Mahmud A. Asrar (Artist), Ron Riley (Artist) starting at. Dynamo 5: Post-nuclear Family v. 1 has 0 available edition to buy at Half Price Books Marketplace. Dynamo 5 TP Vol 01 Post Nuclear Family (New Ptg) He was the world's greatest hero, but Captain Dynamo was not a faithful husband. Now he's dead and his family is trying to piece their lives together.

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