Join Wells College Alumnae and Alumni Travel on a SICILIAN ADVENTURE: Touring the Crossroads of Ancient CivilizaƟ ons June 10-19, 2019

Join us as we visit this lush and once prosperous island, the largest in the Mediterranean Sea and marvel at the fi nest surviving Doric temples and theatres in the entire world - the setting for much of ’s Odyssey. As well as being famed for its superla- tive cuisine, ancient temples and gorgeous landscapes, the island has endless numbers of dramatically perched cliff top villages.

Palermo • • Piazza Armerina • Farm Stay • Syracuse • • Mt. Etna June 13, Thursday: B,L Itinerary Depart this morning for a drive through dreamy landscape of June 10, Monday: Depart shimmering seas and sloping valleys. Independent departures from your gateway city. (Booked The fi rst stop will be at the outstanding Temple of , independently) built in the fi h century B.C. it is a classic example of Doric architecture beau fully set upon a hill surrounded by majes c June 11, Tuesday: Palermo D mountains. Looking down on the temple sits a Greek theatre, built in the third century B.C. and off ering a spectacular view Arrive Palermo early a ernoon. Upon arrival you will be greet- of the Gulf of Castellamare. ed by a wonderful English-speaking guide and check in to your Palermo hotel. Set in a maze of crumbling grandeur, Palermo Drive to the quietly roman c town of a mesmerizing is like nowhere else in Europe with a sizzling mix of Arabic walled medieval town famous throughout the Mediterranean food, Spanish streets, and Norman towers. as the home of where Phoenicians worshipped the goddess Ashtarte, the Greeks worshipped Aphrodite and the Romans This evening, get to know fellow travelers over dinner at Trat- worshipped Venus. toria Torremuzza da Peppuccio which serves fresh swordfi sh cooked over braziers in the street, and a superb caponata with Learn about the interes ng process of making olive oil over fl aked almonds. lunch at a family-owned olive farm.

June 12, Wednesday: Palermo B,D A er lunch wander through the twel h century greying stone Norman walls of the Venus Castle known for its rich history This morning begin exploring Palermo. For millennia at the and interes ng mythology. Explore the private baths of Venus crossroads of civiliza ons admire Byzan ne mosaics, Ara- and experience the hidden secrets told through the rusty iron besque domes and frescoed cupolas. Explore markets in the shackles and dark dungeons. shadow of baroque churches and Gothic palaces in a city that sits at the edge of Europe. End the day at the pastry shop, GrammaƟ co, for a taste of the famous marzipan cakes made with almonds in various diff er- As we walk learn about the role of the Mafi a in the city’s histo- ent fl avors! ry which for years dominated the economy of the island. A er the shocking assassina on of the an -mafi a judges Giovanni Return to Palermo for dinner at leisure. Falcone and Paolo Borsellino in 1992, a grassroots movement has emerged refusing to pay mafi a protec on money and June 14, Friday: Caltagirone B,L,D changing the landscape of the city. This morning depart for Caltagirone, stopping en-route to For our lunch at leisure, we’ll visit il Capo market and have a visit the UNESCO heritage protected archeological park in true taste of authen c Sicilian life. Agrigento. Begin the day with the morning light at Valley of the Temples, a Greek colony over 2,500 years ago and Conclude the day at Monreale’s Santa Maria la Nuova Cathe- boas ng the best-preserved Doric temples outside Greece. dral, a masterpiece of Arab, Norman and Byzan ne art, long What you see today are mere ves ges of the ancient city of considered the most beau ful in . Akragas, which was once the fourth-largest city in the known world. Enjoy dinner this evening at a local restaurant. June 16, Sunday: Taormina B,L,D A er enjoying a southern Sicilian lunch at Kalos, drive to Piazza Armerina, a charming market town. At the Villa This morning depart Caltagirone and venture to Syracuse, Romana del Casale, a UNESCO site, admire one of the richest once the decisive ba lefront of the Peloponnesian Wars and collec on of Roman mosaics in the world. rich with history. In its heyday this was the largest city in the ancient world, bigger even than and today ancient Con nue on to Caltagirone and check into Colle San Mauro, Greek ruins rise out of lush citrus orchards. Of great interest a deligh ul farm that welcomes travelers to stay with them. is the famous “Ear of Dionysius”, a 20m-high, slender pointed With the splendid backdrop of the San Mauro countryside, arch cut into the rock face. The Roman amphitheater, hewn enjoy comfortable accommoda ons (with private facili es) out of the rocky hillside, once staged the last tragedies of and unwind over an organic dinner. , including The Persians.

June 15, Saturday: Caltagirone B,L,D Drive to the heart of Syracuse at Ortygia, the li le island, now bridged to the mainland, which guards and almost closes the This morning, explore the aristocra c town of Caltagirone, mouth of the great harbor. brimming with splendid palaces and churches. The highlight of the town is undoubtedly the unique Scalinata di Santa A er an incredible panini made fresh for you at the local mar- Maria del Monte, 142 steps of that connects the lower town ket, head north toward Taormina and check into the Atahotel with the older upper town. Accompanied by a local cerami- Capotaormina, perched on a cliff overlooking the sea. cist, learn more about the millennium-old tradi on of creat- ing ceramics of swirling pa erns, vibrant colors, and painstak- Enjoy dinner here this evening. ingly detailed designs. June 17, Monday: Taormina B,L A er lunch, delve into Sicily’s agricultural tradi ons as you meet with staff from the farm who will take you through the Today explore Taormina, Sicily’s prized jewel set on the rocky picturesque property and show you the various produce and eastern coast with a stunning view of Mount Etna. animals they raise. Begin with an early morning visit to the perfect horse-shoe Enjoy another wonderful dinner at the farm this evening. shaped Greek Theater suspended between sea and sky. Built in the 3rd century BC, it’s the most drama cally situated to court his daughter and the Church of San Nicolo where Greek theatre in the world and the second largest in Sicily, Michael married in the fi lm. a er Syracuse. We have been given special permission to visit the catacombs Close by is the Bam Bar, known to locals as the best branita, built beneath a Cappucini monastery where the macabre gelato and Brioche vendor in Taormina. bodies of several mummifi ed nobles stand in a series of wall niches. Take a stroll through the peaceful and shady Trevelyan Gar- dens, an English-style garden with a panoramic walkway that For lunch, enjoy a typical fresh tagliatelle pasta made by faces the sea and glorious Mount Etna. hand, dressed with wild fennel and accompanied with local homemade bread. Enjoy lunch in the quaint hilltop village of Castelmola with magnifi cant sweeping views and a ruined castle. A er lunch, Return to Taormina stopping at a local farm to see the tradi- visit the Duomo of Castelmola, also known as the church of onal way of making Sicilian cheese. Enjoy a tas ng of the San Niccolo’di Bari. farm’s fresh rico a, pistachios and honey from the bees of Mount Etna. A er lunch, head south towards Etna to sample wine at the family owned CoƩ anera Winery where the vineyards were Spend the remainder of the a ernoon on your own at Corso planted over lava stone, two thousand feet above the sea, on Umberto, the well-known main pedestrian street that runs the northern slopes of Etna. through Taormina and delight at the gelato, jewelry shops, produce vendors and street entertainment. Dinner is at your leisure tonight. Feast on a lovely farewell dinner and a chance to refl ect with June 18, Tuesday: Taormina B,L,D your fellow travelers, on the rich Sicilian experiences you have had! Discover the area around Taormina with its lush valleys dot- ted with ny hilltop villages, old stone buildings and winding, June 19, Wednesday: Return B tree-lined roads set against the gli ering Mediterranean Sea. It is in this magnifi cent landscape that Francis Ford Coppola Depart this morning for your return fl ight home. set his seminal gangster movie The Godfather.

Stop fi rst at the ny village of Forza d’Agro, dominated by the ruins of a castle from the 16th century, The village seems unchanged with its gated walls, rus c stone co ages and haun ng churches. Godfather II fans will recognize the village as the town of Corleone in the fi lm.

Con nue on to where an old cobblestone pathway winds through town, and buildings look almost medieval with their octagonal wall lamps, old wooden doors and vines snak- ing all over the facades. Godfather I fans will recognize Bar Vitelli where Michael asks Apollonia’s father for permission Program Costs and Inclusions Reservation Instructions

Trip Price: $3,390 per person To confi rm your space on this trip, please fi ll out and sign Single supplement: $610 per person (limited availability) the accompanying applica on form and return it to Distant Horizons along with a deposit check in the amount of $500 Tour cost includes: Educa onal program of lectures and per person and a very legible photocopy of the photo page(s) discussions, accommoda ons in hotels as outlined in the of your passport(s). i nerary based on double occupancy, all meals listed, one drink with lunch and one with dinner, bo led water kept on Please make checks payable to “Distant Horizons.” Your the bus, sightseeing and excursions as listed, transporta on in deposit is refundable up to 60 days prior to departure less a a deluxe air-condi oned motor coach, the services of a local $250 per-person administra on fee. Sicilian guide, and all basic gratui es Mail applicaƟ on to: Tour cost does not include: Roundtrip airfare to Sicily, meals Distant Horizons not specifi ed, beverages outside of one drink at meal mes, 350 Elm Avenue luggage charges, trip cancella on, medical, and lost baggage Long Beach, CA 90802 insurance, items of a purely personal nature, and any items not listed. For addiƟ onal informaƟ on or a more detailed iƟ nerary, please contact Melissa Costa at Distant Horizons at 1-800- 333-1240 or via email at [email protected]

Wells College’s tour operator, Distant Horizons, is a California Seller of Travel (CST #2046776-40) and a participant in the California Travel Restitution Fund. Information regarding the rights of California residents to make a claim may be found at California Law requires certain sellers of travel to have a trust account or bond. Distant Horizons has a trust account. Application Form


Sicilian Adventure: Touring the Crossroads of Ancient CivilizaƟ ons

Trip Dates: June 10-19, 2019

Name Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. Exactly as listed in your passport (First) (Middle) (Last)

Preferred fi rst name:

Mailing Address:

Home Phone: Business Phone: Cell Phone:

E-mail Address:

Describe your health.

Do you have any allergies or physical limitations?

Do you have any diet restrictions?

Are you presently under a doctor’s care or taking any medications? If yes, please elaborate.

Emergency contact person, phone number, and relationship:


I want a single room (single supplement will apply) I will share a room with: ______ I request a roommate (not guaranteed)

BED TYPE (not guaranteed): One large bed Two twins

I have read the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.

Signature Date Terms and Conditions

RESERVATIONS AND PAYMENTS: Reserva ons for this tour require a nonrefundable deposit of $500 per person and an applica on form signed by the par cipant. Full balance of the trip cost is due upon receipt of invoice no later than 60 days prior to departure.

TOUR PRICE INCLUDES: Educa onal program of lectures and discussions, accommoda ons in hotels as outlined in the i nerary or similar based on double occupancy, all meals listed, one drink with lunch and one with dinner, bo led water kept on the bus, sightseeing and excur- sions as listed, transporta on in a deluxe air-condi oned motor coach, the services of local Sicilian guide, and all basic gratui es.

TOUR COST: Based on rates of currency exchange at me of prin ng (October 2018) and is subject to change with or without previous no ce. If there is a price increase prior to the day of departure in the basic costs, such increases may be passed on to the par cipant. The minimum group size of this departure is 20 paying par cipants, should the number of par cipants fall below this number, a small group surcharge and/ or revised staffi ng will apply.

TOUR PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: Roundtrip airfare to Sicily, meals not specifi ed in the i nerary, personal items such as laundry, email, fax or telephone calls, liquor, room service, independent and private transfers, and luggage charges. Any increases in the in-tour airfare (included as part of the program cost), security, or fuel surcharges imposed a er the ini al pricing of this program are not included.

CANCELLATIONS: Distant Horizons and Wells College reserve the right to cancel any tour prior to departure for any reason, including insuf- fi cient number of par cipants, and to decline to accept or retain any person as a par cipant at any me. Should this happen, refunds will be made without obliga on, although we cannot be held responsible for any addi onal costs already incurred by par cipants.

If a par cipant cancels, the following refunds will be available upon wri en no ce of cancella on to Distant Horizons: No ce more than 60 days prior to departure: a refund less a $350 cancella on charge No ce between 59 days and 30 days prior to departure: a refund less 50% of trip price No refund shall be issued if cancella on is received less than 30 days prior to departure date. No refunds shall be issued a er the tour has commenced. No refunds shall be issued for occasional missed meals, sightseeing tours, or any unused services.

INSURANCE: We highly recommend the purchase of trip cancella on insurance. An applica on for travel insurance will be mailed upon confi rma on. Neither the Wells College nor Distant Horizons accept liability for any airline cancella on penalty incurred by the purchase of a non-refundable airline cket or other expenses incurred by tour par cipants in preparing for the tour.

TRAVEL ADVISORIES: The State Department issues each country a travel advisory number with a ranking number of 1 to 4 with “1” being “exercise normal precau on: and “4” being “do not travel.” Many factors go into determining this ranking and we recommend that you are familiar with the ranking currently assigned to the country/countries you plan to visit. A country without a US Embassy, (such as Iran) will automa cally be assigned a “4” ranking. (h ps:// Please note, currently has a “2” ranking. If, a er a traveler has signed up for a trip, the ranking of the country/countries being visited changes, Distant Ho- rizons will alert the traveler. A change in ranking from lower to higher is not necessarily considered a reason for cancella on without penalty. Each case will be reviewed by Distant Horizons and WC to determine if the trip will be operated. If the decision is made to cancel the trip, all monies paid will be refunded in full. Neither Distant Horizons nor Wells College can be held responsible for costs already incurred for the trip.

RESPONSIBILITY: Distant Horizons and Wells College act only in the capacity of agents for the hotels, airlines, bus companies, railroads, ship lines or owners or contractors providing accommoda ons, transporta on, or other services. As a result, all coupons, receipts, or ckets are issued subject to the terms and condi ons specifi ed by the supplier. By acceptance of tour membership, the par cipant agrees that neither Distant Horizons nor Wells College nor any of their subsidiaries shall become liable or responsible for personal injury, damage to persons or property, loss, delay, or irregularity caused by persons not controlled by it, such as (without limita on) airlines, bus and shipping companies, suppliers of accommoda ons or other services, or resul ng from any acts of God, defects in vehicles, strikes, wars, whether declared or otherwise, civil disturbances, medical or customs regula ons, acts of terrorism, epidemics, or government restric ons. Distant Horizons and Wells College cannot be held responsible for unfavorable weather or closure of access routes due to bad weather condi ons. Distant Horizons and Wells College are not responsible for any addi onal expenses or liability sustained or incurred by the par cipant as a result of the above men oned causes.

Tour par cipant acknowledges receipt of a copy of these terms and condi ons and signifi es acceptance of, and consents to, all of the terms and condi ons set forth herein, on behalf of any par cipants they may act for and for themselves when registering for, or mak- ing payments on, this tour.