Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of Isham Parish Council held on Monday 4thJuly in the Village Hall

51/16 Present:

Alan Curtis Jilly Bailey Douglas Forrester Jan Gillard Clive Hallam (Borough Councillor) Graham Rait Alison McLaven (Clerk) 6 members of the public

52/16 Apologies

Councillors Hobbs, Plowman, Priest and Bone (Borough) sent their apologies, which were accepted.

53/16 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Hallam declared an interest in planning matters. Councillor Curtis declared an interest in the contents of the letter from Peter Bone MP. Councillor Hallam also declared an interest later in the meeting regarding a footpath from Isham to .

54/16 Approval of Minutes of 14th March 2016

The minutes were signed as a true and correct record.

Councillor Rait asked for an explanation of minute 44/16 paragraph 9, Councillor Forrester explained that at the public enquiry for the bypass, he had asked if the County Council owned part of Parcel B, they confirmed that they did but that they would not be building on that piece of land.

The auditor had advised not to use “Matters Arising”. DB Symmetry had been in touch regarding Parcel B, they intend to put in a planning application by the end of August, and we have asked them to come to the meeting on 12th September, and as previously put on a presentation available to the public from 7pm, prior to the Parish Council Meeting. They will then have a slot at the start of the meeting to talk to the meeting. If matters do not follow this timetable, we will advise members of the public, via the website and also connect 5 if time allows for this.

Councillor Hallam asked what had happened following our letters to various people, Councillor Hobbs has looked at the responses, which were very few and is looking at what to do next. Councillor Hallam also wanted to change the wording as he felt we had been consulted and following discussion it was agreed to add the word ‘properly’ to minute 44/16 paragraph 1. So that it now reads, ‘We don’t believe we have been consulted properly’ it was noted that we have recently received consultation on the minerals and waste strategy and we asked for an explanation and were advised that Isham would not be affected.

55/16 Public Question Time

Bill Standerwick, advised the meeting that he was now a Church Warden and in that capacity he told us that the Church is starting a fund raising period. The Church of plays no part in the upkeep of the fabric and maintenance of the building of the Church, that is up to the congregation. They are going to be asking residents to give either monthly or a lump sum towards the costs. He is asking the Council to support the Church. Following discussions it was agreed that the Finance Group would look at the matter, possibly increasing the amount given towards the floodlighting costs. It was noted that there may be a limit to the amount we can give.

Councillor Bailey advised that it will be possible to use the Cricket Club for a fete or similar to help with fund raising.

It was asked if the diocese are looking to reduce costs from the church due to reduced numbers in the congregation, they are not. All the money raised will go to the ‘Isham Fabric Fund’ and not to the diocese.

John Davies advised the meeting that it appears that the NNJCS will adopt the policy within the next 14 days, and Parcel B will be designated as land for employment. He feels the Council need to start and think what it wants of this, section 106 monies etc. Councillor Hallam advised NCC own 50% of the land. KBC have some concerns. There was discussion on whether it would go ahead with or without the bypass.

56/16 Working Parties and Responsibilities

Alan Curtis – Website Peter Priest – Grass cutting Jillyan Bailey – Footpaths and Glebe Field Douglas Forrester – Police and School Jan Gillard- Community Awareness, Highways Clive Hallam- County and Borough liaison and Village Hall Barry Hobbs – Buildings Val Plowman – Cemetery, Allotments, Trees Graham Rait – Electricity

Working Groups

Finance – Councillors Curtis, Priest, Forrester, Hobbs and Rait Planning – Councillors Priest, Gillard, Hallam, Hobbs, and Rait Policy – Councillors Curtis, Priest, Hallam, Hobbs and Plowman Street Lighting - Councillors Curtis, Priest, Hobbs and Rait


Councillor Curtis had resigned as Chair of the PFA and we need to elect a replacement. Councillor Priest had expressed a desire to remain as Deputy Chair.

Councillor Hallam proposed, Councillor Rait seconded Douglas Forrester as Chair, all in favour.

Councillor Curtis proposed, Councillor Hallam seconded Peter Priest as Deputy Chair, all in favour.

We have received a couple of emails regarding the Glebe Field. Councillor Curtis had been and cut back some of the trees and weeds around the skate board ramp but recognised that it was more than one person could handle, also noticed that the equipment needs cleaning and or replacing. He had put a request in Connect 5 for ‘Friends of the Glebe’ volunteers to help with this, the clerk had not received any volunteers. Krista Norris, volunteered and advised she had a group of mums, also willing to help.

Councillor Curtis explained that the PFA was a registered charity and the Parish Councillors were the trustees while holding the position of Councillor. Councillor Forrester would like to get together a working party and group of volunteers to do more than just clean up, getting better access for example. The group would need to come back to the Council to get decisions ratified. It was noted that Liz Lovett, Heather Davies and Mandy Stokes are looking into fitness equipment for the Glebe and getting grants. Councillor Hallam advised that he had attended a grant day at Thrapston and had passed on the information. It was agreed Councillors Forrester, Bailey and Plowman would form the working party, and it was noted that Councillor Plowman had done a lot of work regarding access to the Glebe Field.

Councillor Hallam suggested looking at Rockingham Road Park, and contacting them for suggestions and information,

Lesley Marriot said she runs the children’s service for the Church and they have had problems getting the children to the field, and she was willing to come aboard as a helper as well.

It was agreed the Clerk would chase Berry’s regarding access from the back of the field.

The school have asked the grass cutter to do an extra cut of the field ready for sports day, following discussion it was agreed this could go ahead, but the Clerk to write to the school and advise them that any requests should be made directly to the Council and not to its contractors as the Council has to agree to pay the costs and to ask them to let us know when they wish to use the field again for sports day before the contract starts again in March so that it can be planned.

In answer to a question about what the PFA paid for it was explained that the PFA do not pay for anything at present, as the Parish Council pay for the grass cutting and the Insurance. They do have some funds which we have been trying to build up to cover the cost of replacement equipment etc.

Councillors Forrester and Hallam had met with Cricket Club representatives, Bill Chudley and Tim Waring, all had aired their concerns and different views, and it was felt the bones of an agreement was there. This was then put to Cricket Club committee and they don’t see why they should pay any more than the adjusted figure of £595. They feel the valuation is correct. The Parish Council wanted £1040 a year, £20 per week. There was discussion of this and other Cricket Clubs.

The negotiations had started in July 2014, prior to the Parish Council becoming Trustee. Councillor Forrester suggested that the only way to get the matter resolved is to get an independent valuation, giving the surveyor the lease and licence, and advising that the Cricket Club maintain the grass and the hedges and that it is available for village use. It was agreed that Councillor Forrester would call a meeting of the trustees to discuss.

58/16 Allotments

There are 5 vacant allotment, it has been suggested that people may share an allotment in an attempt to get them all used. The empty allotments take a lot of upkeep, Councillor Curtis spent a lot of time cutting them back. It was agreed he would look into costs of getting them professionally sprayed, the licence for doing this costs over £500.

59/16 Scattering of Ashes.

At the moment our cemetery regulations do not permit scattering of ashes, and a resident with family members already buried in the cemetery would like to scatter ashes in the cemetery. We have been looking into this, but until we decide what we are doing with the Bier House we cannot make a decision. Councillor Plowman had been looking into getting the regulations changed so that we can have ashes scattered in the cemetery. It was agreed the Clerk would write to to ask what we have to do to change the regulations.

60/16 Footpath Wardens Report

There was no formal report this meeting. Councillor Bailey advised the gate at Station Road was now in place, and the Sorrels had been cut. She would ring the new person at NCC and ask when our footpaths would be cut. Councillor Hallam had walked by Dunbelly Farm and the stiles had been cleared, 2 fields were just being used for hay and had no footpath, but the Farmer had weed killed a footpath through the other field.

61/16 Correspondence

NCalc – updates, vacancies and newsletters Highways- newsletters and updates Police – crime stats Peter Bone MP – copy of letter from Department of Transport. The letter advised that NCC are refreshing various surveys, progressing various elements of the ‘business case’ work to demonstrate the scheme still represents value for money and re-assessing much of the traffic case for the road and re-publishing the Compulsory Purchase Orders for the scheme. Subject to satisfactory completion of these steps they intend to start construction of the scheme summer 2017. Councillor Curtis suggested that 3 members of the Parish Council form a group to push forward with the bypass, it was suggested Councillor Rait head up the group. There was discussion on how to do this, and which councillors should progress this. It was agreed Councillor Curtis would ask Councillors Hobbs and Plowman if they would be on the group, if they are not able then Councillors Gillard and Bailey will be approached. There was discussion of the Core strategy which appears to not allow infill. There were concerns that NCC appear to be looking to cut the costs of the bypass. NNJCS – several emails regarding Parcel B, and report now completed. NCC – draft mineral and waste plan – update nothing relating to Isham NCC – Bike safe 16th July Rockingham Speedway NCC- Mobile Library dates Email asking if we have land available to rent for ice-cream parlour/small animal farm. Community Wellbeing – wanting to improve physical, emotional and social wellbeing. IPCC re tree in churchyard, a meeting will be held between the village hall committee and Norse regarding the removal of the tree and the wall being undermined. PRS for music consultation on licencing Letter from Rowan Ramsey – complaint about the state of the Glebe, dealt with earlier. It was noted that Pytchley PC have not got back to us regarding Parcel B. We had also been chasing WBC for dates to meet regarding Neighbourhood plans or alternatives. The Borough suggested we contact Mears Ashby PC to arrange a meeting first, then the Borough sent us dates to meet in July. It was agreed to contact Mears Ashby again as we had not had a response, and arrange a meeting with them first and to let WBC know we would meet with them after we had met with Mears Ashby. It was agreed Councillor Hobbs and 2 others would go the meeting, more being able to go when we meet with WBC. Councillor Curtis had been to a free seminar run by ACRE regarding Neighbourhood plans and having listened to it may change his mind regarding plans but that cost is still a problem. It was agreed that Parish Council have not ruled out a Neighbourhood Plan, but were still looking at other views.

62/16 Finance including report from Internal Auditor and Street lighting

The following accounts were agreed for payment

Cheque To whom amount Vat Total 1055 E-on May supply 289.47 57.89 347.36 1056 Ncalc – training 34.00 34.00 1057 Mowerman – cut 6 496.97 99.39 596.36 1058 Mowerman – cut 7 604.00 120.80 724.80 1059 British Legion – wreath 25.00 25.00 1060 HMRC PAYE 81.00 81.00 1061 A McLaven sal & exp 349.22 1.90 351.12 1062 Norse – tree cutting 69.10 13.82 82.92 1063 Mowerman – cut 8 503.33 100.67 604.00

The British Legion had not received our cheque from November for the wreath so the previous cheque had been stopped and a new one issued.

The Clerk’s salary had been increased by 1% as per the agreement with Local Government.

The report from the Internal Auditor was read to the meeting, a copy is available on the website.

A comparison of Street lighting costs had been authorised, but the results were not easily understood, and the Clerk had requested that they be redone so that it compared costs now against the offered costs and future costs when we have replaced the lamps. The finance group will look at the comparisons when they are available. Aylesbury Mains have approximately 24 months’ worth of the old bulbs, it was agreed the working party would be resurrected, Councillors Curtis, Priest, Hobbs and Rait and they would look into being able to go to tender early next year for the replacement of the bulbs, etc.

63/16 Tree on Green next to Church

This has now been cut back by Wellingborough Norse.

64/16 Planning

WP/15/00769/FUL - 16 properties including 5 affordable in the Sorrels refused going to appeal WP/15/00674/FUL – erection of chalet bungalow & temporary siting of mobile home(outline planning permission ref WP/2013/0299 and WP/15/00381/FUL – refused and temporary siting of mobile home for six months – resubmission land adjacent 16 South Street – going to appeal on non-determination. WP/16/00085/FUL – erection of two storey side extension at 25 Kettering Road – approved Car Wash – Bear & Beignet carpark – WBC have confirmed an application is required – on going. Clerk to write and ask for it be enforced. Land at Kettering South of the recently examined NNJCS and is allocated for development- our interest relates to part of Parcel B, being the land to the east of the A509 and south of J9 of the A14. Consistent with the Core Strategy the application will be for B8 logistics development with ancillary B1 office use - we had a presentation by DB Symmetry ltd and have made responses to North Planning unit and others. WP/16/00128/FUL – re-instatement back to 3 cottages at 11/11a Mill Lane – approved WP/16/00114/FUL – erection of single storey front extension, two storey side extension, and single storey rear extension, two storey/single storey rear extension and internal modifications at 7 Fairfield Road – refused WP/16/00129/FUL – extension to rear of dwelling at the Old Rectory 3 Kettering Road – approved. WP/16/00130/LBC - extension to rear of dwelling at the Old Rectory 3 Kettering Road – approved WP/16/00146/FUL – erection of garages at Disused Pumping Station Orlingbury Road – approved. WP/16/00156/FUL – removal of existing hedge and replacing with brick wall, railings and gates on front boundary of property at 92 Orlingbury Road – approved. WP/16/00157/FUL – proposed two storey rear and side extension – re-submission following approval of WP/15/00798/FUL – 16 South Street – approved.

Councillor Hobbs had attended a course ‘Dealing with Planning Appeals’ held by Ncalc.

WP/16/00385/OUT- outline application with some matters reserved (access to be determined at this stage) demolition of existing buildings – 13 dwellings, Ryehill Farm 76A Orlingbury Road, Councillor Hobbs had found this on the planning website but the Clerk had not been informed. The planning committee would discuss this once Councillor Hobbs returned from holiday and the Clerk to ask WBC why we had not been informed.

65/16 Any Other Business

Councillor Hallam noted that with developments like Parcel B there are not enough local workers and this will affect the rat runs from etc. Some of the section 106 money could be allocated to Isham and other villages for traffic calming, and a number of local roads could do with the footpaths improving. Helen Howard and Jennie Bone along with Councillor Hallam had looked at various, Station Road before the Bridge, leaving the village towards Wellingborough to the Footpath, and a footpath from Orlingbury to Isham. This was the most likely to be a success as it would be a way to access the Cricket Club from both villages, would attract grants. Helen has found the money for a feasibility study (£1,000), and will report back once it has been done.

WBC have set up a group to look at parking throughout the Borough, and Councillor Hallam has notified them of the problems in Fairfield Road, Middle Street and Church Street, and the problems when the Bear and Beignet goes. Wellingborough Homes have also been made aware of the problems of parking, as they are looking for new tenants for their property. It was suggested that Helen Howard come out to Fairfield Road and look at the cost of putting in parking bays.

A letter had been handed in on the night regarding a car parked at the bottom of Fairfield Road, Clerk to contact the Police, and try contacting ELVIS.

It was also noted that ACRE are running a course on Playing Field inspection.

66/16 Dates of the next meeting

The next meeting will be Monday 12th September 2016, at 7.30pm in the village hall.

The meeting closed at 9.25 pm with thanks to those attending.

……………………………….Chairman ………………………….Date