Borough Council of Wellingborough Planning Committee Wednesday 14Th July 2010 at 7.00 Pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House
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Borough Council of Wellingborough Planning Committee Wednesday 14th July 2010 at 7.00 pm Council Chamber, Swanspool House INDEX Page No. SITE VIEWING GROUP WP/2010/0143/FM - Duke of York, 159 Northampton Road, Wellingborough. 1 WP/2010/0171/RMM - Land to rear of Homestead Farm, 1 Church Lane, Bozeat. 11 WP/2010/0181/F - 1 Jubilee Terrace, Middle Street, Isham. 24 DISTRICT WP/2009/0431/FM - Palmer Court, Hatton Avenue, Wellingborough. 29 WP/2010/0177/TX - Factory, 36 Broad Street, Earls Barton. 39 WP/2010/0189/F - 28 Hope Street, Bozeat. 45 WP/2010/0190/F - 38 The Boot, West Street, Earls Barton. 48 WP/2010/0191/CA - 38 The Boot, West Street, Earls Barton. 58 WP/2010/0192/RM - 10 Hillside Road, Wellingborough. 60 WP/2010/0211/F - 2 Earls Barton Road, Mears Ashby. 64 WP/2010/0217/F - Land adjacent 86 Northampton Road, Earls Barton. 70 WP/2010/0218/F - Grass verge of Hardwick Road, Wellingborough. 77 WP/2010/0252/C - Sywell Aerodrome, Belman Gate, Holcot Lane, Sywell. 82 OTHER BOROUGH WP/2007/0807/OB - Site 8 (Area 2) Kettering Business Park, Rockingham Road, Kettering. 85 WP/2007/0808/OB - Site 9 (Area C) Kettering Business Park, Rockingham Road, Kettering. 91 - 1 - BOROUGH COUNCIL OF WELLINGBOROUGH AGENDA ITEM SITE VIEWING (Date of visit 13th July 2010 at 10.15 a.m.) Planning Committee 14/07/2010 Report of the Head of Built Environment APPLICATION REF: WP/2010/0143/FM PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing public house building to be replaced by residential care home - changes - revised layout in response to highways concerns resulting in reduction in parking provision by 5 spaces. LOCATION: Duke of York, 159 Northampton Road, Wellingborough. NN8 3PN APPLICANT: Brampton Valley Wellingborough Limited. Committee consideration and site visit owing to the number of objections and request by Councillor Bell. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSAL: The application site is located at the junction of Northampton Road and Kingsway. It measures 0.27 hectares in area and is currently occupied by the vacant Duke of York Public House. The site is also occupied by associated hard-standing parking areas and a small garden area to the rear of the existing building. The site is surrounded predominantly by established residential properties. The site lies in an area of uneven topography and slopes downward from Northampton Road along Kingsway towards the southern common boundary with the church. The northern and western site boundaries face residential properties on the opposite side of the intervening roads and the north-western corner faces a Premier convenience store with residential properties beyond. The eastern boundary of the site adjoins the neighbouring residential property, the rear garden of which forms the majority of the boundary; with other residential properties and their rear gardens located beyond, along Northampton Road. Adjoining the southern boundary of the site is the St Edmund Campion Catholic Church and school. There are two existing points of vehicular access to the site, which serve the two separate car parking areas; one via a point off the Northampton Road to the north and the main one from Kingsway to the west. The application was originally submitted, proposing a 78-bed care home with 16 car parking spaces. Owing to concerns about the design and bulk of the building, the proposal has been scaled down, with a height reduction and corresponding decrease in the number of bedrooms. Consent is now sought for the demolition of the existing public house building, to be replaced by a 72 bedroom care home. The Care Home is predominantly designed over three storeys; although there is a lower ground floor m .5 2 7 B 3 7 WP/2010/0143/FM 0 487700 5 487900 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. 1 Borough Council Of Wellingborough: Licence No.100018694. Published 05/07/2010 878 267200 267200 8 1 4 1 9 y d 1 B 2 d 3 ar W R & C 5 1 D 2 E 6 1 1 2 5m 2. 7 B AD O R N TO P 1 0 AM H RT O N 4 7 1 1 3 5 2 1 43 6 18 1 671 671 ( LB 1 5 7 ( @ The Duke of York 6 PO 9 (PH) 1 8 71.6m 9 B 1 Our Lady's Catholic Our Lady Infant School Catholi TCB Junior Sch ( 0 20 K Church of IN G St Edmund Campion S W A Y School House 1 N 0 O R M r AN lte WA 5 2 Y 8 670 670 4 21 D 1 A RO 6 N W O A R M SH A N N HE W KI A NG Y S 3 W AY 7 7 R A 6 N G E 9 266900 266900 487700 487900 9 878 Scale 1:1250 0 1 Playing Field - 2 - ‘basement’ area included in the south eastern wing of the building, which is made possible by the level change on the site towards the southern boundary. In response to the Highway Authority about the lack of manoeuvring area on the site, the scheme was further amended with the main car park area revisited and now includes an adequate area for refuse trucks to manoeuvre on site. This has resulted in a total of 18 car park spaces on site. The proposed building is ‘U’ shaped, wrapping around a central court yard area to the rear of the property, which is to include a garden and amenity space for residents. The building itself follows a triple fronted design, ensuring maximum frontage and street scene presence from the two main road aspects. The accommodation will comprise of approximately 3,247 sq m of gross internal floor space, providing state of the art, purpose built accommodation; whilst achieving a high sustainability rating. There are proposed to be two vehicular access points to the site. The main access point to the site is to be located in the southern corner and will lead to an 13 space car park and servicing area. This will replace the existing vehicular access of Kingsway. The existing site entrance off Northampton Road will also be utilised, providing access to a 5 space car parking area, including 2 disabled bays. The applicant states that a total of 81 staff members would be employed at the facility and about a quarter of these would be on site at any given point in time. RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: The application site is a purpose built public house with a history of consent for various signage and alterations. NATIONAL AND LOCAL PLANNING POLICY: Planning Policy Statement 1 – Delivering Sustainable Development Planning Policy Statement 3 – Housing Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 – Transport (PPG13). East Midlands Regional Plan Policy 2 – Promoting Better Design Policy 3 - Distribution of New Development North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy Policy 1 – Strengthening the Network of Settlements Policy 13 – General Sustainable Development Principles Policy 14 – Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Unit – Sustainable Design Supplementary Planning Guidance. SUMMARY OF REPLIES TO CONSULTATIONS/REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED: 1. NCC Highways – comments awaited. 2. NCC – no requirement for S106 contribution, but suggested informatives. 3. Environment Agency – no objection. 4. Anglian Water – no objection. - 3 - 5. Northants Police – “Due to the potential vulnerability of the occupants, I would suggest a robust approach to internal and external security is taken. Please can you approach the applicant for further information regarding crime prevention matters. The Applicant has by way of an addendum put that they will seek advice and pasted the Secured By Design logo on to their paper work is not adequate and does not specify how this vulnerable group of our society will be safe. It is important that Crime Prevention Design advisors are consulted early in the design stage to discuss the layout to reduce the chance of crime and anti-social behaviour from occurring. The updated planning statement does mention crime prevention but does not give any clear details. On page 245 of The Code for Sustainable Homes: Technical Guide 2008; Aim to encourage the design of developments where people feel safe and secure; where crime and disorder, or the fear of crime, does not undermine quality of life or community cohesion. Due to its location the safety and security of its residents could be compromised if crime prevention measures are not taken. PPS1 makes clear that a key objective for new developments should be that they create safe and accessible environments where crime and disorder or fear of crime does not undermine quality of life or community cohesion.” 6. Care Quality Commission – no comments. 7. Wellingborough Civic Society – no objections. 8. BCW Design and Conservation Officer – scheme has been designed in consultation with the Design Officer, who has been involved at every stage of the process from pre-application stage. 9. BCW Amenity Services – no requirement for a S106 contribution. Development will be treated as a commercial development and payment expected to be made directly for any services provided. 10. Several letters of objection from local residents. Summary of the grounds of objection as follows: - Insufficient parking provision and resulting traffic problems and congestion; - Problematic access arrangements; - Over-development and excessive scale/height, not in keeping with the character and appearance of the area; - Too many bedrooms; - Overlooking/loss of privacy; - Inaccurate representations on the submitted plans in respect of neighbouring properties. - 4 - ASSESSMENT: Principle of the Development There is no specific policy objection to the loss of public houses in the development plan. Policy 13 of the Core Spatial Strategy seeks to protect and improve accessible community facilities. It is not clear whether or not the public house, prior to its closure, provided any meaningful communal function.