Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable

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Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable Daugavpils University Vytautas Magnus University Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre MUSIC SCIENCE TODAY: THE PERMANENT AND THE CHANGEABLE Scientific Papers M˚zikas zin‚tne odien: past‚vÓgais un mainÓgais Zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums 3 (11) DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC PRESS SAULE 2019 Daugulis «., Ed. Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable No 3 (11). Scientific Papers. Daugavpils: Daugavpils University Academic Press Saule, 2019. 192 p. Editor-in-chief Dr. art., prof. «valds Daugulis, Daugavpils University, Latvia Associate Editor Dr. art., prof. Baiba Jaunslaviete, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Editorial Board Dr. hab. art., prof. Leonidas Melnikas, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania Dr. art., prof. Baiba Jaunslaviete, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. hab. art., prof. Georgs PelÁcis, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. hab. art., prof. Tatjana Mdivani, Institute of Study of Arts, Ethnography and Folklore, National Academy of Science, Belarus Dr. phil., prof. M‚rtiÚ Boiko, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. hab. art., prof. Romualdas ApanaviËius, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Dr. art., prof. «valds Daugulis, Daugavpils University, Latvia Dr. art., prof. JeÔena œebedeva, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. art., prof. Juozas AntanaviËius, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania Dr. art., prof. Lolita F˚rmane, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. phil., prof. Christoph Flamm, Saarland University, Germany Dr. phil., prof. Vladimir Konecni, University of California, San Diego, USA Dr. phil., doc. Denis Collins, University of Queensland, Australia Dr. art., assoc. prof. J‚nis KudiÚ, J‚zeps VÓtols Latvian Academy of Music, Latvia Dr. art., musicologist Zhanna Knyazeva, Russian Institute of the Art History, Russia Dr. art., prof. Rytis Urne˛ius, –iauliai University, Lithuania Dr. art., assoc. prof. Nelli Macaberidze, Belarusian State Academy of Music, Belarus Dr. hab. phil., prof. Maciej Ko˘odziejski, Pu˘tusk Academy of Humanities, Poland Dr. hab. art., prof. Ryszard Zoledziewski, Karol Lipinski Academy of Music in Wroc˘aw, Poland Dr. art., Senior Scientific Researcher Elena Savitskaya, State Institute of Art Science, Moscow, Russia English Language Editor: Dr. phil., assoc. prof. Ilze OÔehnoviËa Layout Designer: Marina StoËka Issue supported by Daugavpils University and State Culture Capital Foundation. LÓdz 2017. gadam zin‚tnisko rakstu kr‚jums M˚zikas zin‚tne odien: past‚vÓgais un mainÓgais publicÁts ar ISSN numuru 1691-6034. No 2017. gada kr‚jums Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable tiek izdots ar ISSN numuru 2501-0344. Till 2017 the issue was published with the title M˚zikas zin‚tne odien: past‚vÓgais un mainÓgais and ISSN number 1691-6034. Since 2017 the issue is published with the title Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable, ISSN number 2501-0344. ISSN 2501-0344 © Daugavpils University, 2019 ISBN 978-9984-14-873-1 CONTENT «valds Daugulis Preface. Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable XI ............................... 5 MUSIC AESTHETICS AND STYLISTICS GiedrÎ MuralytÎ-EriksonÎ Parallels Between the Songs by Henry Purcell and Benjamin Britten .................................. 7 Nelli Matsaberidze Dialectics of ìDialogical World Outlookî as a Stylistic Paradigm of Contemporary Music .................................................................................................................................. 17 Olesia Platonova ìLa Passion según San Marcosî by Osvaldo Golijov. From Bachís Tradition to Modern Interpretation ........................................................................................................ 28 Baiba Jaunslaviete Reception of Choral Music by Maija Einfelde as Manifestation of Changing Aesthetic Paradigms ........................................................................................................................... 33 Elena Savitskaya From Rock Symphony to Metal Opera: Classical Genres and Forms in Rock Music .......... 40 Ryszard Zoledziewski Saxophone in Contemporary Work of Wroc˘aw Composers .............................................. 49 MUSIC PERFORMANCE Leonidas Melnikas Stylistic Identity in Music Performance: Laboratory Sterility vs. a Living Creative Process ................................................................................................................................ 58 Alexander Koroteev Wind Art as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon of the World-Historical Progress of Civilizations ........................................................................................................................ 63 UgnÎ AntanaviËi˚tÎ-KubickienÎ Musical Interaction in Ensemble Performance: Coherence and Expression as the Main Aspects of Ensemble Performing.......................................................................... 74 GiedrÎ fiarÎnaitÎ Role of Second Violinist in String Quartet. Essential Differences and Commonalities in Comparison to First Violinist .......................................................................................... 85 MUSIC EDUCATION Rasa KirliauskienÎ, Jolanta AbramauskienÎ Assessment of Music Teachersí Competences: Approach of Heads of Schools .................... 90 Asta RauduvaitÎ, Sun Bo Future Teachersí Musical Competence and Its Expression at University............................. 95 Asta RauduvaitÎ, Yadian Du The Importance of Music Teacherís Competences in Lithuania and China ......................... 101 Jolanta LasauskienÎ, Yuqing Yang Reflections on Music Teacher Education: Current Models and New Developments ........... 109 Youdi Sun Bridging the Past, Present and Future in Chinese Music Education .................................... 115 3 Lolita Jolanta NavickienÎ, Lina PokytÎ Versatile Teacherís Competences in the Context of Musical Education of Pregnant Women ............................................................................................................................... 121 Maciej Ko˘odziejski, Ÿukasz Pulchny, Pawe˘ A. Trzos Diagnosis of Child Listening to Music in the Light of SUMS Application .......................... 128 Vilius Tavoras Expression of Artistic Individuality within Context of Music Teacher Training ................. 139 Ewa Parkita, Anna Parkita Educational and Artistic Projects as an Important Element of Educating Future Music Teachers in Poland ................................................................................................... 145 Urszula Mizia The Artistic Application of Ceramic Instruments ................................................................ 151 GiedrÎ GabnytÎ Features of Education in Lithuanian Music Schools: Opinion of Students and Graduates ........................................................................................................................... 159 Anna Stachura-Bogus˘awska Elements of Modern Musical Language in Selected Piano Pieces for Children by Silesian Composers (Poland) from 20th and 21st Centuries .................................................. 166 Ma˘gorzata Kaniowska Selected Issues in Methodology of Conducting a Primary Music School Orchestra ............ 174 EglÎ –eduikytÎ KorienÎ, fiivilÎ Meil˚naitÎ Interplay of Performance Expression Elements: Teaching Organists to Perform in Concerts .......................................................................................................................... 179 Marija JonilienÎ, Vida PalubinskienÎ Forms of Ethnic Culture Activities in Non-Formal Education of Lithuania ........................ 185 4 PREFACE Music Science Today: the Permanent and the Changeable XI Editor-in-chief «VALDS DAUGULIS The collection of research papers includes 24 Ryszard Zoledziewski in the paper Saxophone articles by scholars representing five countries in Contemporary Work of Wroc˘aw Composers (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Belarus). analyzes a great range of contemporary composi- The thematic scope of researches is broad and tions for saxophone by composers from Wroc˘aw papers are organized in three sections: Aesthetics (a city in Poland); the author provides new infor- and Stylistics of Music, Art of Musical Performance mation on diverse approaches to the interpretation and Music Pedagogy. of contemporary music for saxophone in one and The first section includes six research papers. the same composition, as well as discusses the The interplay of different styles and aesthetic atti- acoustic possibilities from the aspect of the tudes in its various forms is discussed in GiedrÎ repertoire for saxophone. MuralytÎ-EriksonÎís paper Parallels Between the The section Art of Musical Performance com- Songs by Henry Purcell and Benjamin Britten. prises three research papers focusing on diverse Nelli Matsaberidzeís paper Dialectics of particularities of style awareness and performance ñ ìDialogical World Outlookî as a Stylistic Para- Leonidas Melnikasí paper Stylistic Identity in digm of Contemporary Music touches upon the Music Performance: Laboratory Sterility vs. a shift in the stylistic paradigms of contemporary Living Creative Process, UgnÎ AntanaviËi˚tÎ- music, the convergence of traditions, and provides KubickienÎís Musical Interaction in Ensemble Performance: Coherence and Expression as the a good insight into the stylistic spectrum of con- Main Aspects of Ensemble Performing and GiedrÎ temporary music by Belarusian composers. fiarÎnaitÎís Role of Second Violinist in String Olesia
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