Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 85: 29-48, 2012 © Sociedad de Biología de Chile


Plasticity in feeding selectivity and trophic structure of forest associated fi shes from northern Chile Plasticidad en la selección de alimento y estructura trófi ca de los peces asociados a bosques de macroalgas pardas del norte de Chile


1Facultad de Ciencias del Mar y de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de Valparaíso, Avenida Borgoño 16344, Reñaca, Viña del Mar, Chile 2Departamento de Biología Marina, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Casilla 117, Coquimbo, Chile 3School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, P.O Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand 4Division of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, Arizona State University, PO Box 37100, mail code 2352, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100, USA 5 CEAZA, Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Zonas Aridas, Casilla 599, Benavente 980, La Serena, Chile *Corresponding author: [email protected]


One of the primary ways in which interact with their environment is through foraging; thereby directly consuming some fraction of their surrounding habitat. The habitat itself, in turn, may dictate the types of foraging opportunities that are available to the inhabitants. To investigate the relationship between habitat availability and diet composition of habitat-associated fi shes, we estimated the relative abundance of the potential sessile and mobile prey items and the diet of the fi sh species assemblage associated to kelp forest. Specifi cally, diet and feeding selectivity of the kelp-forest associated fi sh assemblage were determined by calculating Manly’s alpha selectivity index. We determined the diet of kelp forest associated fi shes and their foraging behavior by comparing prey availability with those items present in the stomachs of fi shes captured by gill net and spear gun. We calculated the degree of dietary overlap among fi shes from four locations along the northern coast of Chile. Results indicate that utilization of prey by predators is predominantly affected by potential prey availability. With the exception of the two carnivorous species such as chilensis (Valenciennes, 1883) and Paralabrax humeralis (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828), whose diet did not change among sites, all other kelp-associated fi shes changed their dietary habitats to consistent with the availability of local resources. Benthic resources changed among the different study sites, which led to differing diets even in the same species from different locations. Eleven of the 12 kelp forest fi shes also showed some selectively for benthic prey. We conclude that the ability of fi shes to be plastic in their feeding preference and, therefore, partition the benthic resources may set adaptations to co-exist in a dynamic environment such as kelp forest. Key words: Chile, Manly α, predation, trophic guilds, understory.


Una de las principales formas en que las especies interactúan con su medio ambiente es a través de la alimentación, consumiendo directamente una fracción de los componentes del hábitat circundante. El propio hábitat, a su vez, puede determinar la conducta de forrajeo y los tipos de alimentación de sus depredadores. Para investigar la relación entre la disponibilidad de alimento y la composición de la dieta de los peces asociados a hábitat dominados por macroalgas pardas, se estimó la abundancia de las presas potenciales tanto especies sésiles como móviles y se comparó con la dieta de las especies de los peces en cuatro diferentes sitios de la costa del norte de Chile. Se determinó la dieta de los peces y su plasticidad alimentaria mediante la comparación entre la disponibilidad de presas con los ítemes presentes en los estómagos de los peces que fueron capturados por de red de enmalle y arpón de mano. Además se calculó el índice de selectividad alfa de Manly y el grado de sobreposición de la dieta de los peces costeros. Los resultados muestran que la utilización de las presas por los depredadores es afectada principalmente por la disponibilidad de presas potenciales. La mayoría de los peces asociados a las macroalgas difi eren en su dieta en consonancia con la disponibilidad de los recursos a escalas locales, con la excepción de dos especies carnívoras tales como (Valenciennes, 1883) y Paralabrax humeralis (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1828), cuya dieta no cambió entre los sitios estudiados. Las diferencias en la dieta de las especies son explicadas por los cambios en los recursos bentónicos que varían entre los sitios de estudio. Once de las 12 especies de peces asociados a los bosques de macroalgas pardas mostraron algún grado de selectividad de presas de origen bentónico. Se concluye que la habilidad de los peces de cambiar sus preferencias de alimentación y, por tanto, la partición de los recursos bentónicos puede obedecer a las adaptaciones para coexistir en un ambiente dinámico como aquel dominado por bosques de macroalgas pardas. Palabras clave: Chile, depredación, gremios trófi cos, Manly α, sub-dosel.

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INTRODUCTION & Santelices 1986) (Villegas et al. 2008) and also to the understory habitat-forming species Trophic resource partitioning plays an that live in the kelp forest such as foliose algal important role in the diversifi cation of natural or fauna (e.g., mytilids) assemblages (Schiel & species assemblages (Streelman & Danley Foster 1986, Melville & Connell 2001). Trophic 2003), infl uencing the ability of species to co- structure of nearshore fi sh assemblages may be exist (Schoener 1974, Schmitt & Coyer 1982). strongly affected by the presence of kelp beds; Differential use of resources is one way in a structurally complex habitat-forming species which natural assemblages achieve structure (Angel & Ojeda 2001, Graham 2004). Similarly, (reviewed by Ross 1986). Resource partitioning assemblages that occur sympatrically with kelp, has been documented among fi sh assemblages such as mussel beds and sponge gardens, can at both tropical (Platell & Potter 1999, Zekeria all be considered as biological feeding substrata et al. 2002) and temperate regions (Hixon 1980, for numerous fish predators (Jones 1988, Angel & Ojeda 2001). In temperate regions, Palma & Ojeda 2002). Small-scale changes in for example, fi sh assemblages partition their distribution and abundance in subtidal habitat resources depending almost exclusively on may affect the foraging behavior of the entire the of the habitat element were they co- fi sh assemblages. exists (i.e. vegetative structure, boulders or Along the northern coast of Chile, the sand substratum, see Angel & Ojeda 2001, Lessonia trabeculata and Wennhage & Pihl 2002). Few studies, however, are the most conspicuous canopy-forming algae have tested the degree of trophic plasticity and in subtidal hard-bottoms off northern Chile how their partition available resources among (Vásquez et al. 1998, Vega et al. 2005). There are fi sh assemblages under similar environmental differences in the abundance and distribution conditions (but see Feary et al. 2009). of each of these kelps as well as in associated Quantifying non-random predation is critical understory microhabitats. Pérez-Matus et al. for the understanding of species diets and (2007) quantifi ed the abundance and diversity the role of a species within the community of fi sh species as a response of the variation (Paine 1966). Selective predation involves in density of kelp beds, cover of associated dynamic ecological processes constrained by understory algae and sessile assemblages the physiology and behavior of predators in at the same study sites of the present study. exploiting either seasonally or locally abundant This study revealed that differences in the sources of food (Barry & Ehret 1993, Schlacher composition and density of kelp beds (e.g., & Wooldridge 1996, Ojeda & Muñoz 1999). L. trabeculata dominated three of study sites Selective predation can explain how resources and Macrocystis pyrifera only one of the sites) are partitioned by members of a community were further translated into differences in the (Hughes & Grabowski 2006). Because food is abundance and diversity of fi sh species. Further, the most important source of energy needed for composition and benthic resources depended all biological functions of individuals, by feeding also on the variation in kelp density and other selectively on a high energy (i.e., abundant) abiotic factors (i.e., depth, temperature) as such resource, organism may enhance their fi tness that algae understory was high in richness and (Manly et al. 2002). Feeding selectivity may be abundant at sites where kelp was dense whereas responsible for maintaining suitable habitat for crustose algae and faunal assemblages dominate other species (see Jones et al. 2006). under less dense or mono-specific kelp bed The shallow temperate habitats are known stands (see Pérez-Matus et al. 2007). to sustain high numbers of fi shes via provision Considering the potential effects of the of shelter and prey items (Holbrook et al. 1990, variation in kelp beds and composition on Taylor 1998, Anderson & Millar 2004). The abundance of associated understory and fi sh presence of kelp beds may play an important communities, we expect to fi nd differences in role in regulating prey resources for fishes the diet that ultimately determine the trophic (Jones 1988, Taylor 1998). Prey resources vary structure of the associated reef fi sh community. depending on the identity of the large brown Here, we aim to determine how the diets of macroalgae (e.g., Macrocystis pyrifera Linnaeus fi shes vary between and within sites relative to [C. Agardh 1820], Lessonia trabeculata Villouta the differences in the habitat and microhabitat

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characteristics. We secondarily aim to identify by this mesh size and the ontogenetic component is, relationships between the diets of fi shes and therefore, not incorporated in this study. Captured specimens were identifi ed, total length (TL) measured the potential prey available by determining the to the nearest 0.01 cm, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 abundance of edible habitat-forming species g. Stomach and intestines were then removed and kept and of mobile invertebrates. By integrating the in 10 % buffered formalin prior to analysis. Abundance, based on CPUE (catch per unit of effort), was calculated information on the diet and accessible prey, as the total number of fi sh divided by the total number we quantify use and selectivity of available of sampling hours. Additionally, by means of SCUBA, a benthic resources and whether this selectivity spear gun was used to capture conspicuous species that were not captured by the gill net, or those were present varies among fi sh consumers among different in low numbers in the gill net samples. This sampling sites. Finally, we identify possible trophic guild could only be conducted haphazardly, however. structure of fi shes associated to different kelp Fish trophic analysis beds. In the laboratory, prey items from the stomach, or 1/3 METHODS of the intestines for those species that lack true stomach such as punctatus (Valenciennes, 1832) and Study sites darwini (Jenyns, 1842), were identifi ed to the lowest taxonomic level possible, damp-dried on Sampling was conducted at four sites on the northern paper towel and weighed. All stomachs were pooled for Chilean coast spanning almost 10º latitude: Caleta Río each fi sh species in within each site and the composition Seco (21º00’ S), Caleta Constitución (23º15’ S), Caleta of their diets was presented as percentage of total food Angosta (28º15’ S), and Lagunillas (30º05’ S). Hereafter, weight (% W), which is the weight of any given prey item these are referred as to RS, CC, CA, and LA respectively. divided by the weight of all prey items. The minimum All of the study sites are exposed rocky coast with the number of stomachs needed to accurately describe diet exception of CC which is semi protected by southerly for any given site was determined by cumulative prey winds by the Santa Maria Island. The sampled areas curves. Curves were generated from the number of new at each site encompassed an area extending from the prey items from each fi sh species at the respective site shoreline to 200 m offshore. and plotted against the number of guts examined (Ferry & Cailliet 1996). For subsequent analyses, prey species Potential prey availability were grouped into higher taxonomic groups facilitating comparisons among species and sites. Since relative prey Since some fi sh species tended to harvest prey only available did not fl uctuate seasonally (see Pérez-Matus et from certain microhabitats, such as benthic understory al. 2007), dietary data were pooled across sampled dates; algae (Halopteris spp.) and benthic understory mussel this facilitated the comparison among species and sites. (Aulacomya atra (Molina, 1782), Semimytilus algosus (Gould, 1850), or Brachidontes granulata (Hanley, Data analysis 1843) or beds (Phragmatopoma spp.) (APM personal observations). We quantify the abundance In order to test for differences in the total abundance of of benthic understory algae and faunal resources as fi shes among sites, expressed as CPUE, a non-parametric potential prey by performing random point contact Kruskal-Wallis test was used. For those species for which (RPC) using 0.25 m2 quadrats. a suffi cient number of specimens had been collected, Abundance of motile benthic invertebrate species, changes in dietary composition across seasons were as potential prey, was determined seasonally (every examined with the non-parametric Kendall Coeffi cient of three months) from August 2004 to September 2005 Concordance (W; alpha = 0.20). Following Angel & Ojeda using a randomly placed 0.25 m2 quadrat deployed in (2001) each fi sh species was classifi ed as herbivore if two ways. The fi rst consisted of visually counting all their algal consumption was more than 80 % of the total motile species in the quadrat. The other method was biomass consumed, as omnivores if consumption of by removing all sessile and motile species that live algae ranged between 20 and 80 % of the biomass and as associated to benthic algae (i.e., gammarid amphipods, carnivore if consumption of algae represented less than isopods) using scraping knives. Five replicates of visual 20 % of the of the total biomass in the diet. scans and three of destructive methods were applied Feeding selectivity was determined using the within same observed microhabitat at a site. Unidentifi ed Manly’s alpha selectivity index (Chesson 1983, Manly species located in visual scans were removed along with et al. 2002). The diets were pooled for all individuals at destructive samples. All samples were labeled and stored each of the study sites. We used Manly’s alpha index in plastic containers with 10 % buffered formalin, or kept utilizing the prey resources considered as food by every frozen, and transported to the laboratory. Species were fish species. At a particular site, there are S fish species identifi ed to the lowest taxonomic level possible. and T types of food (prey resources that occurred in the species’ diet only). For species j (j = 1, ….S), the Fish sampling Manly’s alpha values for food types t (t = 1, 2,…., T) are

As above with the potential prey availability, fi sh were seasonally sampled (every three months) from August 2004 to September 2005 using a 3 x 50 m long (graded in mesh size 3.5 cm) gill net. The gill net was randomly set at dawn, perpendicular to the coast along the kelp beds, for fi ve to six hours. Adult individuals were targeted

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where, fjt is the usage of prey items by fi sh species j of expected, ft–E (ft), recorded during the randomizations. food type t, gt is the availability of food type t at that site. The location of the data-based deviation within the A value of αjt = 1 indicates exclusively feeding on food distribution of pseudo-deviations is used to test the null type t. hypothesis of no selection of prey type t. The P-value To determine if a food item was selected or if a for over-selection is the proportion of pseudo-deviations food choice was driven by the availability, we used higher than the observed deviation, and the P-value a randomization test by comparing observed and for under-selection is the proportion lower than the expected consumption of prey items. The Bray-Curtis observed. A sequential Bonferroni correction is applied distance (BCD) between observed and expected to allow for multiple testing over the T different prey food consumption was chosen as a test statistic. types among sites. Randomizations generated pseudo-values of BCD, which form the null distribution of BCD. We calculated P-values Trophic groups by estimating the proportion of BCD pseudo-values above the data value. The Bray-Curtis distance (BCD) for the To examine trophic guild formation among fi sh species discrepancy between observed and expected usages is: within a site, Pianka’s niche dietary overlap index was performed using percent weight of food items, which allows comparisons among herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. The values ranges from 0, no overlap, to 1, complete similarity of diets between species. With Pianka’s niche overlap values a similarity matrix was introduced into cluster analysis generated by UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages). Four phenograms were generated, one for each study site. Guild formation at each site was where, one fi sh species at one site consumed (f1, f2,, determined according to Muñoz & Ojeda (1997); a total weights of each prey type in the guts analyzed, frequency distribution of overlap values was randomly generated by bootstrapping techniques, using 10000 random reshuffl es of the Pianka similarity matrix data with total weight of . The availabilities are (Jaksic & Medel 1990). The frequency distribution was compared with the observed overlap similarly as in Jaksic & Medel (1990). All analyses were conducted relative proportions (g ,g ,…..g ), with under 1 2 T using the R environment (R Development Core Team 2010). null hypothesis of all manly’s alpha index , the expected food consumptions are proportional to relative RESULTS resource availability, E (ft) = gt F. Unlike the Pearson’s or G-likelihood ratio χ2 statistics, which require count data and high expected Fish composition values, the BCD as test statistics is sensible with low numbers of expected values. The unit of randomization must represent an independent choice of prey. Assuming Aplodactylus punctatus was the abundant independence among different fi sh species, the unit is species at RS and CA in low numbers at CC and taken to be a morsel or a fragment, defi ned as the total LA with 9 and 16 individuals respectively. At amount of prey type t in the stomach (e.g., a fi sh gut with three prey types has three fragments, representing CA, this species was the most abundant of all at least three independent choices, and each morsel has fi shes. Cheilodactylus variegatus (Valenciennes, an associated weight). To generate the null distribution 1833) was abundant at all study sites with more of BCD, at each randomization the original amount of independent choice must be available (n number of than 10 individuals but highest at RS. Girella food fragments), but the prey types must be adjusted to laevifrons (Tschudi, 1846) was important make the expected usage of each prey type proportional numerically at RS, CC, and CA only, and was to the relative resource availability. This is achieved by conceptualizing a large pool of prey types all of the completely absent at LA. At RS, important same weight, , the average weight of the observed species in terms of numerical abundance were data prey types, with the proportions of prey types set Anisotremus scapularis (Tschudi, 1846) and at the relative availability proportions (g1, g2,…..gT). A sample of n prey types has a multinomial distribution of Seriolella violacea (Guichenot, 1848). At CC prey types sampled. The counts are multiplied by to Isacia conceptionis (Cuvier, 1830) and Sciaena give the pseudo-usages of food types by weight, i.e. at deliciosa (Tschudi, 1846) were abundant, each randomization the count vector X is sampled from the multinomial (n; g1, g2,…..gT) distribution, and the while Pinguipes chilensis and Semicossyphus pseudo-usage vector is . This method ensured that darwini were abundant at CA. There were the right numbers of independent choices were made, no differences detected in the total CPUE and the expected usages (utilization of prey items) are proportional to relative resource availabilities. The (all species) among sites (Kruskal-Wallis; H BCD is calculated between this pseudo-usage vector = 16, P = 0.453). We exclude Mugil cephalus and the previously found expected use of food items (Linnaeus, 1758) at CC, from this study due to E(f). To fi nd which resources were signifi cantly over- or under-selected, each prey type t has its deviation from the detritivorous nature of this species and our

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3232 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF FISHES FROM NORTHERN CHILE 33

subsequent inability to quantify prey items from available prey, with total relative abundances the stomachs (Table 1). of 80, 60, 45 and 25 % at CC, CA, LA, and RS respectively. Bivalves constituted an important Potential prey availability source of prey for reef fi shes at RS only. Decapod (e.g., Pagurus edwarsii [Fabricius, Brown macroalgae was abundant at RS, CC 1775] and Pilumnoides perlatus [Poeppig, 1836]) and CA and nearly absent at LA. Red algae was were an important source of prey items but only abundant the benthic resource at all study sites at CA and LA. Rock shrimps (Rynchocynetes but highly important at LA (mainly Asparagopsis typus [H. Milne Edwards, 1837]) increased in the armata (Harvey, 1855). Green algae (mainly southern sites and represent nearly 10 % of the Ulva spp.) were more abundant at RS and CC sampled invertebrates. Another important group than at CA or LA. In terms of fauna, gastropods were amphipods, which were abundant at RS, were abundant, making them the most potentially CC, and CA (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1: Relative prey availability (%) at the different sampled sites. Disponibilidad relativa de presas (%) en los diferentes sitios de muestreo.

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3333 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 34 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL. ere al rango de talla total de ere al rango de talla total estudio. TL se refi sh assemblage at study sites. TL denotes for the sh assemblage at study sites. TL denotes for the TABLE 1 TABLE 27 1 28-46.5 2 35.7-39.7 22.1-32.5 2* 2* 4* 29.2-64.6 1* 37.3 5 3 31.4-35.6 3 3* 5 3 2 23.5-36.5 3* 6* 34.3-42.2 1 2 35.5-51.0 3* 3 3 32.2-39.4 3* 3* 25.3-37.5 7 3 69 28 6 22.9-35.1 14 7 04 1 21 12 8 7 1 24.9-35.5 2 21.2-34.2 5* 4 2 5 12 1 28.7 8 12 3 20.1-38.3 4 191 25.5-44.0 10 22.1-34.0 2* 0 6 1 3 4 3* 1 2 32.5-37.4 21.8-35.4 26.5-33.5 6 23.2-30.4 3 22.0-26.8 5 4 1 2 28.5-47.5 26.7-31.5 1* 1 3 1 28.5-33.9 29.0-34.4 1 36.2 14 5 4 0 27.4-39.6 5 1 1 2 27.7-43.5 22 21 10 23 25.6-40.5 7 3 6 24.2-37.3 Kiphosidae Girella laevifrons Haemulidae Anisotremus scapularis Isacia conceptionis Sciaenidae Sciaena deliciosa Cilus gilberti Pinguipedidae Pinguipes chilensis Serranidae Paralabrax humeralis Hemilutjanus macrophtalmos Cheilodactylidae Cheilodactylus variegatus Family Family SpeciesAplodactylidae Aplodactylus punctatus W S Rio Seco S F TL W Cta. Constitución S S F TL Cta. Angosta W S S F TL Lagunillas W S S F TL range in total length (cm). * refers to the individuals captured with spear-guns. Seasonal variation in winter (W), spring (S), summer (S) and fall (F) of the composition fi Composición temporal en invierno (W), primavera (S), verano y otoño (F) del ensamble de peces en los diferentes sitios de cada especie capturada (cm). Individuos capturados con arpón de mano están representados por *.

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3434 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF FISHES FROM NORTHERN CHILE 35 1 81.5 3 20.0-28.0 7* 6* 3* 1* 33.3-65.5 TABLE 1. Continuation TABLE 3 5 1 32.5-41.6 6 8 3 29.8-39.0 11 1 27.0-29.3 1 33.0 2 1 23.7-30.3 42.9-48.9 1 34.9 5 36.6-38.5 2* 2* 27.0-41.6 1 20.6 1 2 21.9-23.2 Centrolophidae Seriolella violacea Mugilidae Mugil cephalus Labrisomidae Labrisomus philippii Pomacentridae Nexilosus latifrons Scorpaenidae Sebastes oculatus Ophidiidae Genypterus chilensis Carangidae Thyrsites atun Total 37 38 50 37 49 39 50 27 51 43 27 43 14 11 15 0 Acanthistius pictus Labridae

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3535 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 36 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL.

Trophic analysis and feeding selectivity pyrifera) and some red turfi ng algae. The other omnivore, I. conceptionis, consumed green algae Prey composition differed among the study (Ulva spp.) at CC and brown macroalgae at CA sites. Seventy-six different items from 22 (Fig. 2C, Table 2). No statistical signifi cance functional groups were present in the stomach was detected in the use or feeding selectivity contents of the six species analyzed in RS. among the study sites within these species At CC, 63 different items from 21 functional according to our randomizations test. groups were present in the guts of seven fi sh Carnivores were represented by eight species. Twenty-two functional groups from species among the study sites. Seven of these 81 different items were identifi ed at CA in the species selected decapod crustaceans as stomachs of seven fi sh species. At LA, 55 items preferred prey in most of the study locations. from 17 functional groups were present in the Gammarid amphipods, bivalves and nudibranchs stomachs of the three species analyzed (see were also selected prey by some carnivorous Tables A1-A4). fi sh species (Table 2). C. variegatus did not Seasonal variation in the diet of the show differences among seasons at RS (Kendall herbivore, Aplocatylus punctatus, was not W = 0.7, df = 3, P > 0.2), CC (Kendall W = 0.9, detected in RS (Kendall W = 0.6, df = 3, P > df = 3, P > 0.4), CA (Kendall W = 0.01, df = 2, 0.8), CC (Kendall W = 0.2, df = 2, P > 0.4), CA P > 0.9), and at LA (Kendall W = 0.03, df = 2, P (Kendall W = 0.1, df = 2, P > 0.4), and at LA > 0.7). This species took decapod crustaceans (Kendall W = 0.4, df = 2, P > 0.1). This herbivore only at RS, where as amphipods at CC and CA. consumed large brown macroalgae at all sites with the exception of RS, where red algae were utilized. A. punctatus at RS and LA consumed red algae in large amounts. Green algae (mainly Ulva spp.) were also consumed by this species at CA and LA. Bivalves were present in the guts and in high proportion at RS (Fig. 2A, Table 2). Other materials were also consumed by this species but in low proportions and frequencies (see Tables A1-A4, for details). According to our randomization tests, the use and feeding selectivity of A. punctatus diets from CC were different from individuals from LA (P = 0.04) and between RS and those at LA (P < 0.0001). Omnivores were represented by two species: Girella laevifrons and Isacia conceptionis. Seasonal variation was not detected in G. laevifrons from RS (Kendall W = 2.2, df = 3, P > 0.5), CC (Kendall W = 2.3, df = 2, P > 0.3), CA (Kendall W = 0.4, df = 1, P > 0.4) and in I. conceptionis at CC (Kendall W = 0.2, df = 1, P > 0.9), CA (Kendall W = 0.1, df = 2, P > 0.4). Differences in diet composition were detected among the study sites in these species. At RS, G. laevifrons consumed large brown macroalgae in high proportions as well Fig. 2: Mean (± 2SE) weight in proportion (%) and as decapod crustaceans. At CC, G. laevifrons feeding selectivity (s) of mayor prey items categories consumed green algae and large brown algae. for (A) herbivores (1 species), (B-C) omnivores (2 At CA, high proportions of green algae were species), and (D-K) Carnivores (8 species). used by this species as well as gastropod Promedio (± 2EE) de la proporción (%) en peso e ítem presa species. At this site, brown macroalgae were seleccionado (s) para (A) herbívoros (1 especie), (B-C) om- also consumed (mostly pneumatocyst of M. nívoros (2 especies), y (D-K) carnívoros (8 especies).

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0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3737 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 38 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL.

cant cant statistically signifi 0.7* 0.9* 0.7 TABLE 2 TABLE 0.6* 0.4 0.7* 0.4 1* 1* uctúan entre los 0 (no existe selección) a 1 (selección completa). * indica que valores de selectividad presas 1* 0.8 0.6 0.9* 0.7* 1* 1* 0.7* cativos (P-value < 0.05), ver Materiales y Métodos para más detalles. 0.7* 0.5* 1* 0.6* A. punctatus G. laevifrons I. conceptionis C. variegatus chilensis P. A. scapularis humeralis P. RS CC CA LA RS CC CA LA RS CC CA LA RS CC CA LA RS CC CA LA RS CC CA LA RS CC CA LA 0.6 Categories Chlorophyta Rhodophyta Phaeophyta Nudibranchia Decapoda Gammarida son estadísticamente signifi Manly’s alpha selectivity values. Value ranges from 0 (no selection) to 1 (complete selection of prey the prey item). * denotes Manly’s alpha selectivity values. Value Los rangos fl de selectividad del índice alfa Manly. Valores values (P-value < 0.05) of selectivity a prey item (refer to methods for details).

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3838 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF FISHES FROM NORTHERN CHILE 39

This difference was signifi cant as determined presence of bivalves in the stomach. Another by our randomization tests (P = 0.01). At LA, group was composed by G. laevifrons, then P. gastropods such as Fissurella spp., Calyptrea chilensis. These are below the 60 % similarity trochiformis (Born, 1778), and Prisogaster niger cut-off established by the UPGMA grouping and (Wood, 1828), were the most conspicuous food therefore would not be considered members of item, but this predator species did not show the A. scapularis and C. variegatus guild. Brown a statistically signifi cant preference for any of and green algae are conspicuous items in the them. Bivalves were also important food items diet of A. scapularis and benthic crustaceans in at RS and LA for C. variegatus. The diet of P. that of C. variegatus. The most distant species chilensis did not vary among seasons at RS is S. violacea (Fig. 3A), which had no trophic (Kendall W = 0.01, df = 1, P > 0.9). Decapod similarity to the other species due to the crustaceans, principally Pilumnoides perlatus prevalence of pelagic amphipods from the order and porcelain decapod crustaceans from the Hyperiidea (see Table A1). Petrolisthes, were important in the diets Two groups can be identified in fish of P. chilensis at RS and LA. At CA, bivalves assemblages from CC. One is composed of S. contributed to more than 10 % of the diet of deliciosa and C. variegatus (Fig. 3B), which P. chilensis. At RS, CA, and LA, P. chilensis are more than 65 % similar due mainly to consumed red rock shrimp (Rhynchocinetes decapoda items in their diet. It is important typus). Individuals of P. humeralis at RS and to note, however, that 100 % of the decapods CC also consumed this prey species and by consumed by S. deliciosa are brachyuran from Sciaena deliciosa at CC. The diet of Anisotremus the genus Pinnixa that inhabits soft bottom scapularis did not show differences among habitats while C. variegatus feed more on seasons at RS (Kendall W = 7.5, df = 3, P > 0.06) brachyurans of the genus Cancer and porcelain ad at CC (Kendall W = 0.01, df = 2, P > 0.9). This decapod crustaceans. Outside of this group species consumed bivalves at RS and CA where is P. humeralis and A. scapularis, which feed as nudibranchs at CC. At CA, gastropods were on sipunculans and bivalves and amphipods present in high proportions within individuals respectively. These four species form a group of of Semicossyphus darwini, but decapods carnivores, although A. scapularis is technically crustaceans were actively selected. Diet of S. too dissimilar to be included in this guild. darwini did not show seasonal variation herein The second group includes the herbivore, A. (Kendall W = 0.5, df = 2, P > 0.9). This species punctatus and two omnivores, G. laevifrons and also consumed bivalves in high proportions. I. conceptionis (Fig. 3B). The fi rst two species Decapod crustaceans were also selected consumed mainly Lessonia spp. and Macrocystis by Graus nigra (Philippi, 1887), which did sp. recruits and blades as well as pneumatocyst, not show variation among seasons (Kendall while the more pelagic species (I. conceptionis) W = 0.5, df = 2, P > 0.7) and Hemilutjanus consumed mainly ephemeral algae such as Ulva macrophthalmos (Tschudi, 1846) at CA. The spp. No pelagic invertebrates were consumed serranid, H. macrophthalmos, consumed teleost by these species at this site. fishes (mainly blennoid fishes) (Fig. 2E, At CA two main groups can be visualize one Table 2). Seriolella violacea consumed pelagic composed by four species and the other by crustaceans at RS (Table A1). two species. Fishes (G. nigra and P. chilensis) Using the complete dietary dataset, there from the fi rst group share more similarities was no objective guild formation among the in their diets consumed decapod crustaceans fishes analyzed from all of the study sites. in high proportions. Close to this cluster However, signifi cant clustering emerged when is S. darwini, then C. variegatus (Fig. 3C). we pooled the data into higher prey categories. Semicossyphus darwini is separated from the The diet similarity cluster showed that there other carnivores mainly due to the consumption were as many as fi ve different groups present of gastropods (particularly Nassarius sp. and at RS. One group includes A. scapularis and C. Turritela cingulata (Sowerby, 1825)) and hermit variegatus (Fig. 3A), who have a high degree decapod crustaceans, while C. variegatus feed of feeding overlap and feed mostly on bivalves primarily on bivalves and decapod crustaceans. (85 %). Aplodactylus punctatus is the next closest The following group is a group composed by species (Fig. 3A), which is explained by the an herbivore (A. punctatus) and one omnivore

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 3939 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 40 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL.

(Girella laevifrons) group (Fig. 3C). These 1998, Villegas et al. 2008). Kelps and bivalves two species only overlap in diet by 42 % due provide suitable habitat for several primarily to abundance of brown algae found species (at RS for instance), and foliose algae, in A. punctatus, which represents 78 % of its which harbors shrimps and amphipods (at CC, diet (it feeds principally on L. trabeculata and CA and LA). Despite of plasticity in feeding M. pyrifera fronds). In contrast, G. laevifrons habits, fi shes consumed benthic prey items. feeds mainly on Ulva sp., turfi ng algae, and then One example of this from our study is the pneumatocyst of M. pyrifera. H. macropthalmos bilagay, Cheilodactylus variegatus, the most differs from the other groups due to the conspicuous predator among kelp beds of dominance of teleosts in the diet (see Tables A northern Chile. Decapod crustaceans were 2,3). consumed in high proportions at RS and LA Since only a few species were analyzed at where as gammarid amphipods at CC and CA. LA, the dietary overlap showed little similarity. Gammarid amphipods are important prey of Pinguipes chilensis and C. variegatus showed this species throughout its ontogeny (Díaz, F. some degree of overlap principally due to personal communication), a pattern consistent high number of decapod crustaceans in their by its congener in other temperate waters stomach contents. A. punctatus showed no (McCormick 1998). However, large individuals overlap due to the high proportion of brown tended to consume more decapods crustaceans macroalgae (L. trabeculata) consumed and as well (McCormick 1998, Palma selected by this species at this site (Fig. 3D). & Ojeda 2002, Medina et al. 2004). Omnivores such as the baunco, Girella laevifrons, also DISCUSSION consumed benthic resources such as green and red algae. At CC, most of the algal blades Our study indicated that (a) 12 of 13 kelp on which G. laevifrons fed were epiphytized forest reef fishes analyzed, utilized benthic by filamentous reds, which may have been resources for feeding, (b) four of six fi shes incidentally consumed. Animal material is that occurred in more than one study site far more common in the diet of G. laevifrons were plastic, exhibiting adaptability to change (Vial & Ojeda 1990). In two sites, this species in their foraging habits, (c) fi ve of six fi shes selected animal protein but was consumed in showed feeding selectivity to a prey item, very low proportions. Studies on G. nigricans, (d) differences in benthic resources among a temperate reef species, indicated that this different kelp-forests sites provided evidence consumes energy-rich algae when available, of the observed variation in the diet preference shifting to an animal diet only when algae and, importantly, (e) the overall trophic are in short supply (e.g., at RS) (Clements structure of kelp forest reef fi shes. & Choat 1997). We note that morphological The composition of the diets was related features associated with herbivory are to the available resources. Kelp forest fi shes likely not prohibitive for manipulating and consumed prey items that were associated with processing other materials such as animal some kind of biological substrata (i.e., mussel structures (Choat 1982, Ojeda & Cáceres 1995, beds, amphipod reefs, understory algae). This Clements & Choat 1997, Choat et al. 2002). finding is congruent to results obtained in The other omnivore such as the cabinza, other kelp forest sites such as those presented Isacia conceptionis, was abundant at CC only by Love & Ebeling (1978) and more recently where consumed and select green algae from by Angel & Ojeda (2001). Kelp forests provide bottom substrata. This finding is congruent suitable habitat for benthic prey items through with Angel & Ojeda (2001) of individuals the understory community. We suggest that from kelp forest sites. However, at CA this understory habitats directly affect the diets of species consumed more brown macroalgae and the fi shes (Palma & Ojeda 2002). associated gammarid amphipods. The diets of carnivorous species were Herbivores were abundant in the study composed of benthic invertebrates such as sites. We suggest that a high turnover decapod crustaceans, gammarid amphipods, exists in terms of utilization of macroalgae and bivalves. Such prey items are abundant in reflecting the diversity of available prey macroalgal-beds (Taylor 1998, Vásquez et al. items. Brown macroalgae were consumed

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4040 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF FISHES FROM NORTHERN CHILE 41

most frequently followed by benthic red the associated fauna (Coull & Wells 1983, Hay algae and green ephemeral. The jerguilla, 1984, Kelaher & Castilla 2005). In general, Aplodactylus punctatus, foraged and selected these understory assemblages vary greatly, as brown macroalgae, specifi cally on L. trabeculata when kelp structures are densely or patchily (blades and recruits), Halopteris spp, and distributed (Fowler-Walker & Connell 2002), or turfi ng algae at CC, CA, and LA. Cáceres et al. if they are composed by mono-specifi c or mixed (1994) suggested that when green algae are stands (Schiel & Foster 1986, Irving & Connell present in low abundance, this species forages 2006). Different understory assemblages offer on brown algae. This pattern was upheld at different associated prey for fishes and the CC, CA, and LA. The understory algae are accessibility of food items is one of the most scarce at RS, amphipods reefs monopolize the important factors that infl uence on the diets of substratum at this site, and benthic animal fi sh species (Cowen 1986, Gillanders 1995). We material was found in the guts of A. punctatus. found high trophic plasticity of similar species It has been suggested that benthic under different kelp forests. We suggest that resources associated with kelp forests infl uence this is an adaptation mediated by behavioral the abundance, distribution, and diversity of flexibility in prey selection. This increases

Fig. 3: Diet similarity phenograms (UPGMA) from the sampled sites: (A) Río Seco (RS), (B) Caleta Constitución (CC), (C) Caleta Angosta (CA), (D) Lagunillas (LA). Diagramas de similitud dietaria (UPGMA) de los sitios de muestreo: (A) Río Seco (RS), (B) Caleta Constitución (CC), (C) Cale- ta Angosta (CA), (D) Lagunillas (LA).

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4141 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 42 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL.

feeding opportunities, under similar habitat of the reduced number of microhabitats. (i.e., kelp beds) but confronted to a different Bivalves may be so abundant that their levels confi guration of the substratum which allow cannot effectively be reduced by the foraging species to success in searching and handling species that are present at RS, therefore a prey (Glasby & Kingsford 1994). With few greater diversity of microhabitats has not been exceptions, such as the rollizo, Pinguipes able to establish itself. These interactions, chilensis (which fed mostly on rock shrimps (R. and the potential outcomes, are difficult to typus) at all study site) and cabrilla, Paralabrax measure without accurate fi eld observations humeralis, resource utilization and selectivity or exclusion experiments. Alternatively, the varied among all species and sites. Quite a few abundance of bivalves as prey may ameliorate studies have reported changes in the diet of the negative effect of horizontal interactions fi sh populations. For example, Semicossyphus (i.e. competition) for the three important pulcher in California (Cowen 1986), S. darwini predators, thereby allowing them to co-exist in Chile (Fuentes 1981), fucicola (Griffen & Byers 2006, Huxel 2007). This helps in New Zealand (Denny & Schiel 2001), us to visualize the importance of resource along South American coast selection, which may help us to interpreting (Barrientos et al. 2006) as well as changes in how habitats are identified by predators in the diet of entire fi sh assemblages, in northern encountering prey and how we can predict from Chile (Angel & Ojeda 2001, Medina et al. 2004) the habitats the level of interactions between and California (Graham 2004). Most of these the species in the community (Boyce 2006). studies explain these changes as a refl ection of the habitat’s availability, which in turn modifi es ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We thank H. Bastias and N. the available prey and stabilize predator-prey Godoy for their help in the intensive fi eld campaigns. P. Neubauer, M. Graham, J. Shima, and N. Valdivia provided interactions by the increasing refuges of prey important contributions to the earliest versions of this when facing a predator (Hughes & Grabowski document. C. Gaymer, and W. Stotz provided support and 2006). This can be linked to the optimal insights of this study. A. Cea E. provided the drawings of the fi sh species and valuable comments on the study. E. foraging theory (OFT), which principally states Macaya and C. Osorio helped in taxonomic identifi cation that predators should prefer prey that yield of algae and invertebrates taxas, respectively. This paper more energy per unit of handling time (Sih & is dedicated to M. Villegas (deceased) who give ideas and comments during the study. Study was funded by NSF INT Christensen 2001). We link this back, again, (0308749) grant to LFG, FONDECYT (1040425) grant to to the changes in composition of kelp-beds JAV, and MECESUP-UV (06/04) to APM. community at each of the sites, and therefore changes in foraging opportunities even for LITERATURE CITED members of the same species; thus the OFT predicts that when prey abundances of higher ANDERSON MJ & RB MILLAR (2004) Spatial variation and effects of habitat on temperate reef fish energetic value increases, the lower value items assemblages in northeastern New Zealand. should be dropped from the species’ diets (Sih Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and & Christensen 2001). Ecology 305: 191-221. The presence of foraging opportunities ANGEL A & FP OJEDA (2001) Structure and trophic organization of subtidal fi sh assemblages on the is important, as are the interactions between northern Chilean coast: The effect of habitat species that potentially modify and maintain complexity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 217: those opportunities. An example of this 81-91. BARRIENTOS CA, MT GONZÁLEZ & CA MORENO phenomenon may be found among patterns of (2006) Geographical differences in the feeding trophic group formation and dietary overlap. patterns of red rockfi sh (Sebastes capensis) along Dietary overlap was higher at sites where the South American Coast. Fishery Bulletin 104: 489-497. understory microhabitat was diverse such as BARRY JP & MJ EHRET (1993) Diet, food preference, in CC and CA especially in the micro-carnivore and algal availability for fishes and on group; this might leads to substitutable effects intertidal reef communitites in southern. California Environmental Biology of Fishes 37: of predators over prey items as prey face 75-95. several microhabitats, hence different predators BOYCE MS (2006) Scale of resource selection functions. decrease in interspecifi c interactions. However, Diversity and Distributions 12: 269-276. CÁ CERES CW, LS FUENTES & FP OJEDA (1994) only one foraging guild was generated at RS. A Optimal feeding strategy of the temperate reduced overlap at RS may be a direct refl ection herbivorous fish Aplodactylus punctatus: The

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Associate Editor: Mario George-Nascimento Received March 9, 2011; accepted December 16, 2011

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4444 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF FISHES FROM NORTHERN CHILE 45 sh species x fi pecies estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de Río pecies estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de Río TABLE A1 TABLE APPENDIX A. scapularis A. punctatus C. variegatus G. laevifrons chilensis P. S. violacea ed algae 0 4.9 (8.3) 1.1 (14.3) 0 0 PoriferaHydrozoaAnthozoa Polychaeta GastropodaBivalviaNudibranchia 0Gammarida 0(7.6)0 0.3 (15.3) 0Tanaidacea 0Decapoda 99.2 (92)Cirripedia 0 0 5.5 (16.7) 0.2 0Sipunculida 0 0Echinoidea 0 37.0 (83.3)Ophiuroidea 0 0Planktonic larvae 0 0.2 (7.6) 2.6(10.7) 4.2 (25.0) 0 0 48.22 (57.1) 0.01 (15.3) 0 2.9 (7.0) 0.03 0 0.2 (14.3) 1.1(14.3) 0 2.2 (50.0) 0 0 23.4 (7.1)(7.1)0 0 0.2 (3.6) 1.1 (7.1) 0 1.77 (42.9) 0 0.5 (28.5) 0 0 30.5 (50,0) 0 0.05 (10.7) 0 0 0.1 (78.1) 0 0 0.6 0.1 (10.7) 0 7.2 (50.0) 0 0.9 (42.9) 0 0 7.2 (10.7) 0 0 0 96.81(83.3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.19 (33.3) 0 100 (100) 0 0 0 Chlorophyta Rhodophyta PhaeophytaUnidentifi 0 0 0.1 (7.6) 17.8 (50.0) 0.04 34.2 (83.3) 0.26 (4.0) 36.7 (50.0) 15.3 (7.1) 11.6 (42.8) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prey Category Seco (RS) Dietary composition expressed as percent of total food weight and frequency of occurrence of prey items (in parenthesis) for si Composición dietaria expresada en porcentaje en peso y frecuencia de ocurrencia (en paréntesis) de cada ítem presa para seis es analyzed in subtidal habitat at Río Seco (RS). analyzed in subtidal habitat at Río Seco (RS).

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4545 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 46 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL. sh species ven fi species estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de species estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de TABLE A2 TABLE A. scapularis A. punctatus C. variegatus G. laevifrons I. conceptionis humeralis P. S. deliciosa Prey Category Chlorophyta Rhodophyta PhaeophytaHydrozoa(27.3)0 10.9 (36.4) Polychaeta Gastropoda 3.0 (9.1)Bivalvia 1.1 (37.5) 2.9 (9.1) 1.1 Nudibranchia 33.5 (75.0)Stomatopoda 1.5 (27.3) 0.1 (12,5) 0 62.0 (62.5)Ostracoda 1.6 (9.1)Gammarida 0.1 (12.5) 0 18.3 (85.5)Isopoda 35.9 (27.3) 0.8 (6.3) 0 0Tanaidacea 0.2 (12.5) 2.5 (12.5) 0Decapoda 4.0 (25.0) 64.2(66.7) 73.5 (60.0) 0Sipunculida 27.2 (63,6) 15.5 (50.0) 0 6.7 (50.0) 0(31.3)0Echinoidea 0.4 (5.0) 0Planktonic larvae 35.7(16.6) 0 0.1 (12.5) 0 0.3 (20.0) 0Urochordata 0 0 16.0 (27.3)Teleostei 0 0.5 (6.3) 0 20.9 (56.3) 0 0.4 (10.0) 0 0 0.5 (12.5) 0 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 (35.0) 0 0 0 0 0 42.7 (56.3) 0 0 0.0 0 0 (11.1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.4 (11.1) 0 (5.0) 1.3 (12.5) 0.5 (14.3) 2.1 (18.8) 0 0 0 0 (10)(14.3)0 0 11.8 (6.3) 0 0 0 (5.0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32.1 (57.1) 0 0 6.0 (11.1) 8.1 (14.3) 0 47.8 53.5 (33.3) 0 0 38.1 (22.2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.4 (14.3) 0 0 Caleta Constitución (CC). Dietary composition expressed as percent of total food weight and frequency of occurrence of prey items (in parenthesis) for se Composición dietaria expresada en porcentaje en peso y frecuencia de ocurrencia (en paréntesis) de cada ítem presa para siete e analyzed in subtidal habitat at Caleta Constitución (CC).

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4646 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 TROPHIC ECOLOGY OF FISHES FROM NORTHERN CHILE 47 sh species ven fi species estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de species estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de TABLE A3 TABLE A. punctatus C. varrigatus G. laevifrons G. nigra H. macrophthalmos chilensis P. S. darwini Chlorophyta Rhodophyta PhaeophytaPorifera 1.7 (30.0)Hydrozoa 13.8 (70.0) Polychaeta 78.7 (100.0)Gastropoda 0Bivalvia 1.2 (12.5) 0 1.9 (20.0) Polyplacophora 0.2 (13.3)Gammarida 0 (3.3) 18.6 (20.0) 0.1 (63.3)Isopoda 45.8 (40.0) 20.1 (60.0) 0Tanaidacea 0 0 0 2.3 (36.7) 7.0 (25.0)Decapoda 1.4 (37.5) 0Cirripedia 0 0 (3.3) 0 44.2 (37.5)Echinodea 2.0 (20.0) 7.0 (20.0)Asteroidea 0 8.8 (37.5) 0Planktonic larvae 1.1 (20.0) 0 1.1 (33.3)Urochordata 0 0 0 0 (3.3)Teleostei 0.3 (33.3) 0 0 0 0 0.2 (25.0) 0 0 0 0 0 34.8 (62.5) 1.3 (16.7) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0(28.6)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 (57.4) 0 0 5.2 (20.0) 0 0 14.8 (57.1) 44.2 (63.2) 0 90.4 (83.3) 0 0 0.6 (85.7) 9.8 (47.4) 0 2.39 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0.5 (14.8) 0 7.0 (85.7) 0 0.1 (10.5) 0 1.5 (28.6) 0 0 0 0 79.3 (100.0) 8.3 (33.3) 0 0 0 0 40.7 (42.1) 5.1 (25.5) 0 0 0 3.7 (26.3 0 0 0.4 (42.9) 0 0 0 0 90.4 (14.3) 0 0.7 (26.3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 (26.3) 0 0 Prey Category Caleta Angosta (CA). Dietary composition expressed as percent of total food weight and frequency of occurrence of prey items (in parenthesis) for se Composición dietaria expresada en porcentaje en peso y frecuencia de ocurrencia (en paréntesis) de cada ítem presa para siete e analyzed in subtidal habitat at Caleta Angosta (CA).

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4747 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27 48 PÉREZ-MATUS ET AL.

TABLE A4 Dietary composition expressed as percent of total food weight and frequency of occurrence of prey items (in parenthesis) for three fi sh species analyzed in subtidal habitat at Lagunillas (LA). Composición dietaria expresada en porcentaje en peso y frecuencia de ocurrencia (en paréntesis) de cada ítem presa para tres especies estudiadas en el hábitat submareal de Lagunillas (LA).

Prey Category A. punctatus C. variegatus P. chilensis Chlorophyta 1.5 (36.4) 0 0 Rhodophyta 13.8 (81.8) 1.1 (15.4) 0 Phaeophyta 80.5 (81.8) 0 0 Porifera 0.8 (9.1) 0.3 (7.7) 0 Anthozoa 0 0 2.7 (12.5) Hydrozoa 1.0 (9.1) 0 0 Platyhelminthes 0 0 (7.7) 0 Polychaetes 0 (9.1) 17.9 (76.9) 0.9 (25.0) Polyplacophora 0 5.5 (15.4)0 Gastropoda 0 (9.1) 30.8 (84.6) 1.6 (25.0) Bivalvia 0.2 (18.2) 11.6 (30.8) 0 Gammarida 0 1.7 (53.8) 0 Isopoda 1.4 (18.2) 0 (15.4) 0 Decapoda 0 28.7 (84.6) 94.8 (50.0) Cirripedia 0.3 (9.1) 0.2 (7.7) 0 Planktonic larvae 0 0.2 (15.4) 0 Echinoidea 0 0 (23.1) 0 Urochordata 0.4 (9.1) 0 0 Teleostei 0 1.8 (7.7) 0

0033 Perez-Matus.inddPerez-Matus.indd 4848 116-04-126-04-12 9:279:27