J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.26.5.314 on 1 May 1989. Downloaded from

Journal of 1989, 26, 314-319

Exclusion of the COL2A1 gene as the mutation site in

KATI ELIMA*, ILKKA KAITILAt, LEENA MIKONOJA*, ULPU ELONSALO*, LEENA PELTONENt, AND EERO VUORIO* From *the Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Turku; tDepartment of Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki; and tLaboratory of Molecular Genetics, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland.

SUMMARY The involvement of the specific type II collagen gene (COL2A1) was studied in nine patients with diastrophic dysplasia in the Finnish population, where the prevalence of this chondrodystrophy clearly exceeds that reported for other populations. COL2A1 was chosen as the candidate gene based on previous morphological and chemical studies which suggested abnormal structure of type II collagen in diastrophic dysplasia. Southern analysis of the patients' DNA showed no disease related differences in any of the restriction fragments covering the 30 kb COL2A1 gene. As a second approach, the nine patients and their 74 relatives were studied for the inheritance of the type II collagen gene. Three of the patients with diastrophic dysplasia were not homozygous for the intragenic RFLP markers, which suggests that the disease is not linked to the type II collagen gene. Multipoint linkage analysis gave a lod score of -2-95, which conclusively excluded the COL2A1 gene as the mutation site in diastrophic dysplasia in thesecopyright. families.

Diastrophic dysplasia is an autosomal recessive form determine the possible role of the type II collagen of short limbed , which has been well gene in diastrophic dysplasia. characterised clinically and radiologically.14 The http://jmg.bmj.com/ disease occurs with a relatively high frequency (at Materials and methods least 1:35 000) in the Finnish population and thus its prevalence clearly exceeds that reported for other PATIENTS populations.4 Such a high prevalence could be The patients were either referred to the Genetics explained by the founder effect and geographical Clinic of the Children's Hospital, Helsinki for isolation; in such cases the affected subjects should diagnostic studies and orthopaedic evaluation, or have common ancestors and be homozygous for the encountered at genetic consultations at the Ortho- on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected disease gene and intragenic RFLP markers. Protein paedic Hospital of the Invalid Foundation, Helsinki. chemistry studies have suggested the type II col- Nine patients, six females and three males, from lagen gene (COL2A1) as the mutant locus in seven families were included in the study. The age diastrophic dysplasia; an abnormality near the range was three months to 41 years. The diagnosis of collagenase cleavage site of the type II collagen was diastrophic dysplasia was based on clinical and observed in the SLS (segment long spacing) banding radiographical characteristics.2 3 Blood samples pattern of the protein in three patients with di- were collected after informed consent from the nine astrophic dysplasia.5 6 Detailed characterisation of patients and their 74 unaffected relatives as shown in the human COL2A1 gene7-10 on chromosome 12 the pedigrees. has made molecular Fenetic studies in the chondro- dysplasias possible.1 12 METHODS In this paper we report the results of both DNA was prepared from heparinised or EDTA structural gene analyses and linkage studies used to treated peripheral blood, digested with restric- tion endonucleases, and electrophoresed on 0-75 Received for publication 8 July 1988. to 1-5% agarose gels using standard methods.13 Revised version accepted for publication 12 October 1988. Transfer by blotting onto Hybond-N membranes 314 J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.26.5.314 on 1 May 1989. Downloaded from

Exclusion ofthe COL2AJ gene as the mutation site in diastrophic dysplasia 315 (Amersham International, Amersham, UK) and alteration of type II collagen protein near the hybridisations were performed as suggested by the collagenase cleavage site (SLS bands 41 to 45).5 6 supplier of the membrane, using nick translated For these studies, DNA was isolated from nine 32P-dCTP labelled probes. patients with diastrophic dysplasia, from their un- Both the cosmid clone cosHcoll,8 covering the affected sibs, and from healthy controls and analy- whole proal(II) collagen gene, and genomic sed by single and double digestions with several subclones7 14 were used as COL2A1 specific probes restriction enzymes followed by Southern analysis of in Southern hybridisations as described previously. 13 The additional probes used to detect RFLPs on COL2A1 S T chromosome 12 are listed in the table. S' 4 3' Multipoint linkage analyses were performed using 0D 5.91 4.8 111 7.3 5.2 9.2 3.9 T 4.3 EcoRI the LINKAGE program.17 LIPED18 was used for I calculation of linkage between the disease and _ individual markers. r9.2 1 3.9 EcoRI 7.0 * 7.0 HindiII nb I 5.1 I 2.3 4.2 _ BamHI Results 1fi 117l 1i 43L T 20 PvuI

35 34 3029 20 19 14 12 108 Exon No ANALYSIS OF THE GENE NEAR THE .r .. .. 11 1|1 COLLAGENASE CLEAVAGE SITE In order to correlate the protein structure (amino liii Il 11111116 IIII acid sequence and SLS banding pattern) with the 600 700 +0 Amino acid No gene structure (exon-intron organisation and restric- 35 40 45 SLS band No tion sites) of type II collagen near the vertebral FIG 1 Correlation ofthe protein and gene maps ofhuman collagenase cleavage site, a composite map was type HI collagen. Thefigure shows from top to bottom: (a) constructed (fig 1). The information available on the The overall structure ofthe COL2AJ gene with the sizes of copyright. structure of the human type II collagen gene EcoRI restriction fragments. The arrow marked S shows included restriction sites'2 1 and the location and transcription start site, the arrow marked Tshows the nucleotide sequences of a number of exons.-10 polyadenylation site. (b) Partial restriction map ofthe These data were combined with the amino acid central part ofthe gene. (c) The exon-intron organisation of sequence of the triple helical collagen molecule'0 the gene in scale with the restriction map. The exons are 20 numberedfrom the 3' end. (d) Partial SLS bandingpattern and with the SLS banding pattern.'9 This informa- and the corresponding amino acids (numberedfor the

triple http://jmg.bmj.com/ tion was used to determine the location of genomic helical domain). The arrow marked C shows the cleavage sequences corresponding to the observed structural site ofthe vertebrate collagenase.

d d d d on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected I FIG 2 Analysis ofPvuII restriction sites by Southern il I I hybridisation ofDNA from nine diastrophic subjects and nine I unaffected sibs. Aliquots ofDNA (5 jug) were digested with PvuII, electrophoresed on 1-25% agarose gels, and transferred by blotting to Hybond-N membrane. Lanes marked d represent diastrophic patients, unmarked lanes represent unaffected subjects. Thefilter was

11k hybridised using genomic subclones covering the region of s,Al the gene codingfor the triple helical iK akz domain...... :.4,1.". li.r.- :;2-ft, I J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.26.5.314 on 1 May 1989. Downloaded from

316 Kati Elima, llkka Kaitila, Leena Mikonoja, Ulpu Elonsalo, Leena Peltonen, and Eero Vuorio TABLE Thepolymorphic DNA markers on chromosome out to be highly informative. Combining all the 12 used in the study. available data on the nine patients indicated that Locus Probe Restriction Frequency Reference three of them were not homozygous for the three enzyme of allele intragenic markers. Multipoint analysis using the LINKAGE compu- COL2A1 pKEV4 PvuII +0-46 13 -0-54 ter program was used to calculate linkage between cosHcoll HindIII +0-33 13 diastrophic dysplasia and RFLP markers within -0-67 D12S14 pEFD33-2 TaqI Unknown 15 COL2A1 and the flanking D12S14 locus in pedi- MspI (a) 9-0 kb 0-41 15 grees 4a to d and 5a without taking the con- (b) 7-0 kb 0-39 (c) 4-3 kb 0-05 sanguinity into account. The analysis gave a lod (d) 3-2 kb 0-15 score of -2-95 between the disease and COL2A1 D1254 p9Fll TaqI +0-36 16 loci at recombination fraction 0. For these analyses -0-64 D12S8 p7Gll MspI +0-27 16 the distance between the two marker loci was given -0-73 the recombination fraction value of 0-1, which was obtained using the LIPED program. the fragment sizes. Apart from the polymorphic Discussion restriction fragments no differences in the migration of the DNA bands could be detected between the Attempts to determine the molecular basis of the samples, as shown in fig 2. chondrodysplasias have met with the difficulty of isolating abnormal molecules from the cartilage LINKAGE STUDIES matrix. Direct analysis of the genome using molecu- The patients and their pedigrees were studied in two lar biological techniques should therefore be parti- groups for the inheritance of the COL2A1 gene and cularly suitable for studies on heritable cartilage other RFLP markers on chromosome 12 (table). A diseases. Diastrophic dysplasia is one of the diseases genealogical study on population records main- where protein chemistry has suggested involvementcopyright. tained by the Lutheran church back to the 16th of the COL2A1 gene,5 6 although confirming re- century indicated that four of the families were ports from other laboratories are not available, related (fig 3). These four families were studied in except for a recent segregation analysis showing the first group (fig 4). Probably because of the weak linkage of COL2A1 to diastrophic dysplasia in considerable inbreeding, a high degree of homozy- one pedigree.12 In the present study we did not find

gosity was observed for each marker; the BamHI any disease related gross rearrangements or altera- http://jmg.bmj.com/ RFLP within COL2A1 and the flanking TaqI RFLP tions in fragment lengths or restriction sites of the detected with probe p9F11 were completely unin- type II collagen gene. In the light of current formative. Homozygosity for the absence of both knowledge about mutations of type I collagen in the PvuII and HindIII sites within COL2A1 was osteogenesis imperfecta21 22 this is not surprising, clearly overrepresented in the present material. In since only very few cases have been found to contain the Finnish population the frequency for the ab- deletions large enough to be detected with conven- sence of the HindIII site is 0-67, that for the absence tional Southern hybridisation. of thePvuII site 0-54, and for the BamHI site 0.96.13 Since such results could not exclude a mutation in on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected In the present study, the corresponding frequencies the proal(II) collagen gene in diastrophic dysplasia, for all the subjects studied were 0-79 for HindIlI and another approach using linkage analysis was also 0-77 for PvuII. Of the other chromosome 12 used. The parents in pedigrees 4b, 4c, and 4d and markers, the MspI four allele polymorphism and the the mother of the patient in pedigree 4a were found TaqI dimorphism detected by probe pEFD33-2 were to be consanguineous (fig 3). In the light of the high the most informative ones (fig 4). These results prevalence of diastrophic dysplasia in the relatively clearly showed that the disease was not linked to the isolated Finnish population and the relatively recent D12S14 locus. The information obtained with probe common ancestors in the four sibships one would p7G11 detecting another MspI dimorphism was less expect all the affected subjects to have the same informative, but also pointed towards exclusion. homozygous haplotype of the affected gene. Using The other three families with diastrophic children two RFLPs within the COL2A1 gene we were able were studied using the same probes (fig 5). One to show that this was not the case. One of the four family with three diastrophic children (pedigree 5a) subjects in the large pedigree did not fulfil these was found to be completely uninformative with expectations. Two of the other five patients were respect to all the three COL2A1 markers. Again the also found to be heterozygous for the RFLP markers pEFD33.2 probe detecting the D12S14 locus turned within the COL2A1 locus. J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.26.5.314 on 1 May 1989. Downloaded from

Exclusion ofthe COL2AJ gene as the mutation site in diastrophic dysplasia 317

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318 Kati Elima, Ilkka Kaitila, Leena Mikonoja, Ulpu Elonsalo, Leena Peltonen, and Eero Vuorio

-- I I ,I +, + ++ +, +, + -I- +,- +,1 +,1 ,I ,I ,I ,I ,I ,I ,,1+ +,+ +,, +,1+ +,- ,I +,, +,- +,- -1+ +,++, ,+ A/D B/D D/A B/D

p -I- -I- -I- I 4/ - T -1+ +1+ -1+ 1+ +1+ M A/B D/D A/D A/D A/D

+ -I *.I+II_-I_-_I_ ._I- +1-_ +1 +1. copyright. D/A ,A/B A/D A/D

*1-~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I -I- +1- +1-

A/A A/B D/A D/A D/A D/D D/A A/A A/D http://jmg.bmj.com/ l

FIG 4 Genotype analysis ofthefour consanguineous pedigrees shown infig3. The genotypes refer to thefour markers used: H=HindIII dimorphism, P=PvuII dimorphism, T= TaqI dimorphism recognised by pEFD33-2, and M=MspIfour allele polymorphism recognised by pEFD33-2 (see table). *Subject with a recombination between the COL2AI and on September 26, 2021 by guest. Protected D12S14 loci.

Further proof for the exclusion of COL2A1 and Assuming a common source for all the nine affected nearby loci on chromosome 12 came from the use of Finnish subjects, the study can be continued by a other RFLP markers (figs 4 and 5). Initially two random search for homozygosity using the large point analyses between the disease and each of the selection of other polymorphic markers available. informative marker loci were performed, followed by multipoint analysis to maximise the information. We thank Drs Kathryn Cheah, Charles Strom, Analysis of pedigrees 4a to d and 5a gave a negative William Upholt, and Ray White for making the lod score of 2*95, which confirms our hypothesis, genomic probes available to us, Drs Bryan Sykes that is, excludes the COL2A1 locus as the mutation and Jurg Ott for valuable advice and discussion, Dr site in diastrophic dysplasia. Kristiina Gron-Virta for her help with statistical The most important conclusion of the present analyses, Ms Sari Jokela-Hartikainen for her help study is to direct attention to a search for candidate with the genealogical studies, and Ms Marita Potila genes other than COL2A1 in diastrophic dysplasia. and Ms Tuula Oivanen for expert technical assist- J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.26.5.314 on 1 May 1989. Downloaded from

Exclusion ofthe COL2AJ gene as the mutation site in diastrophic dysplasia 319

01z000v :0 v000~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I +1+0 +1 1 0 1 AW1111AXA;A;XA1AfA;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 -I 1 +1-

_-X_ _ X_ _ _ _ X_ _ _ _.X_ _/_ _ _ H NS +/+ -I.I/ ______X ! ------/---- - I_ -IP/I _ ,_-+- -I+ +I+ A/D D/D

H- . T -l + +/+ -1+ + M A/D D/D D/D A/D D/D FIG 5 Genotype analysis ofthe three other Finnish families with diastrophic children. The genotypes are marked as in fig 4.

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