TRILEPIDEA Newsletter of the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network * NO. 182 Remembering Dr Elizabeth Edgar FLS (1929 – January 2019) January 2019 Peter J. de Lange (
[email protected]), School of Environmental & Animal Deadline for next issue: Sciences, Unitec Institute of Technology, Private Bag 92025, Victoria Street West, Friday 15 February 2019 Auckland 1142. SUBMIT AN ARTICLE On 1 January 2019 Dr Elizabeth Edgar FLS (Fig. 1–3) passed away in her 90th year in TO THE NEWSLETTER Christchurch. With her passing we lost one more of the eminent woman scientists who Contributions are welcome made their mark on New Zealand plants, to the newsletter at any quietly yet eff ectively in the Post World War time. The closing date for II science world. Elizabeth worked with Dr articles for each issue is approximately the 15th of Lucy Moore FRSNZ, and especially the late each month. Dr Henry Connor FRSNZ, but also Victor Articles may be edited and Zotov, Arthur Healy, Ruth Mason, Dr used in the newsletter and/ Margot Forde (nee Ashwin), and overseas or on the website news page. Dr(s) Barbara Briggs and Surrey Jacobs. The Network will publish almost any article about Elizabeth was a remarkable person—with plants and plant conservation a background in the classics she was the with a particular focus on the ‘port of call’ when matters of Latin and plant life of New Zealand and Oceania. Greek needed to be resolved, and one of the few truly skilled resident New Zealand Please send news items or event information to nomenclaturists I ever met.