S1096 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 24, 2020 tenure as Acting Director of National This is just one of many critical RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Intelligence and Director of National tasks the intelligence community per- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Counterterrorism Center concluded forms for our country. Our country is the previous order, the leadership time last week. safer and stronger when they have the is reserved. Joe Maguire spent 36 years serving tools and the resources they need and our Nation as a U.S. Navy special oper- leadership that understands that polit- f ator. His leadership record included ical bias must have no quarter in intel- CONCLUSION OF MORNING SEAL Team 2 and the U.S. Navy Spe- ligence work and that all Americans’ BUSINESS cial Warfare Command, where he guid- rights need protecting. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning ed some of our Nation’s most sensitive business is closed. military operations. f f Admiral Maguire retired from the SENATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA Navy in 2010, but it was not long before EXECUTIVE SESSION public service came calling again. In Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, now 2018, the President asked him to direct on another matter, this week the Sen- the NCTC. The Senate confirmed him ate will continue to fulfill both of our EXECUTIVE CALENDAR on a voice vote. constitutional charges: We will vote on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under He took on an even more challenging important legislation, and we will pro- the previous order, the Senate will pro- assignment last summer when he vide advice and consent on a number of ceed to executive session to resume agreed to follow our former colleague Presidential nominations. We will consideration of the following nomina- Senator Dan Coats and act in the role begin with two nominations to the tion, which the clerk will report. of the DNI. Federal bench in U.S. territories. Our Nation asks our intelligence Judge Robert Molloy, who currently The senior assistant legislative clerk community to fulfill an enormous sits on the U.S. Virgin Islands Superior read the nomination of Robert An- array of sensitive missions. These men Court, is nominated to serve on the thony Molloy, of the Virgin Islands, to and women work day and night to pro- U.S. District Court for the Virgin Is- be Judge for the District Court of the tect the homeland from terrorists. lands for a term of 10 years. Judge Virgin Islands for a period of ten years. They fight nuclear proliferation. They Silvia Carreno-Coll currently serves as The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- keep watch on dangerous adversaries, a U.S. magistrate judge for the District ator from Pennsylvania. like Russia and China. They guard of Puerto Rico and has been nominated BLACK HISTORY MONTH against what hostile intelligence serv- to be a U.S. district judge. Both nomi- Mr. CASEY. Madam President, I rise ices are doing in our Nation, and they nations were reported out of com- today to celebrate Black History work to protect American elections mittee on a voice vote. Month and to pay tribute to Penn- from foreign interference that seeks to This week we will also consider Kath- sylvanians whose work has made a real sow division and chaos and reduce pub- arine MacGregor, the President’s nomi- difference in our Commonwealth. lic confidence in our democracy. nee to be Deputy Secretary of the Inte- This year we will honor three indi- Recent reports suggest that adver- rior, and Travis Greaves, a nominee to viduals who have dedicated themselves saries, including Russia, are likely con- serve as judge on the U.S. Tax Court to uplifting the lives of others. We tinuing efforts aimed at dividing Amer- for a term of 15 years. know that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., icans, sowing chaos in our politics, and But first, following the first two once said: ‘‘Life’s most persistent and undermining confidence in our elec- nominations, the Senate will turn to urgent question is: ‘What are you doing tions. Fortunately, in stark contrast to important legislation put forward by for others?’ ’’ For purposes of today’s the failures of the Obama administra- Senators GRAHAM and SASSE to expand remarks, I will substitute one word. I tion in 2016, the Trump administration, protections for innocent lives. Senator will substitute the word ‘‘children’’ for once again, appears to be doing the GRAHAM’s Pain-Capable Unborn Child the word ‘‘others’’ and ask: What are right thing—in this case, by promptly Protection Act would finally remove you doing for our children? providing a specific counterintelligence the United States from a list of only It is an important question, not only briefing to a Democratic Presidential seven nations, including China and for those of us who gather for Black candidate in question. This is just the North Korea, that permit elective abor- History Month today and to celebrate latest example of the vigilance and the tion after 20 weeks. It would bring our this month, but it is also an important action we have seen from this adminis- Nation’s regard for the unborn off this question for every Member of Congress tration on this crucial issue. sad and radical fringe and bring us to ask themselves. In parallel with hundreds of millions more in line with the global main- This year we are going to honor these that Congress has appropriated in new stream. three Pennsylvanians: Kathy Elliott, election security assistance for State I do not believe this legislation Rosemary Browne, and Ellyn Jo and local authorities, the administra- should be controversial, but even less Waller. All three have dedicated their tion has taken major proactive steps. controversial should be Senator lives to answering this urgent question The Treasury Department has sanc- SASSE’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors and to building pathways toward hope tioned numerous Russian entities in- Protection Act. It would simply ensure for children in their communities. volved in the 2016 interference. The De- that infants who survive abortion at- I can think of no calling more impor- partment of Homeland Security has tempts receive the same level of profes- tant and no mission more essential worked closely with States, local juris- sional care as any other children. than this one: to help our children. It dictions, and the private sector to bol- My colleagues and I will have more is an honor for me to have the privilege ster our cyber security defenses. to say on this subject in the days to recognize these remarkable Penn- The Obama administration’s naive ahead, but I will urge all Senators to sylvanians. They are beacons in their and belated efforts failed to deter or to join me in supporting these nominees communities, and they are each, in defend against Russian interference in and these pieces of legislation when we their own way, an inspiration to me in 2016 and failed to provide substantive vote on them this week. my work in the Senate and, I know, to counterintelligence briefings to the I suggest the absence of a quorum. the work of our staff as well. Trump and Clinton campaigns. By con- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. American children face a crisis cre- trast, the Trump administration has ERNST). The clerk will call the roll. ated by policy choices made by adults been vigilant and appears to be pro- The senior assistant legislative clerk over now several decades. Despite low viding timely warnings to candidates proceeded to call the roll. unemployment and overall economic affected by foreign intelligence activi- Mr. CASEY. Madam President, I ask growth, children are being left out and ties. This is critically important work, unanimous consent that the order for left behind. Almost half of young chil- and it wouldn’t be possible without the the quorum call be rescinded. dren in the United States of America hard work of our intelligence commu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without live in poverty or near poverty, with nity to identify the hostile activities. objection, it is so ordered. infants and toddlers at greatest risk.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:05 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.002 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 24, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1097 Nearly half of children live in those Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: first, ways—always—helping them to obtain circumstances. Rosemary Browne of Harrisburg, Penn- the services they need and to remove According to the Census Bureau’s sylvania. For over 35 years, Rosemary the obstacles that stand between them ‘‘Supplemental Poverty Measure,’’ Browne has been a leader in South Cen- and their full potential. which takes into account many of the tral Pennsylvania. During that time, Service has always been a part of government programs designed to as- she has held a number of critical roles Rosemary’s work, believing, as she sist low-income families and individ- in both the government sector and the does, that we are given resources and uals, childhood poverty worsened— nonprofit sector. influence not for ourselves but for oth- worsened—in 2017 for the first time She is currently the President and ers. since the Great Recession. CEO of Alder Health Services, the mis- Also, like Rosemary Browne, Dr. Poverty harms children both imme- sion of which is to improve the health Kathi Elliott’s career has been defined diately and for a lifetime, the National and well-being of persons living with by her service to others and to the chil- Academies of Science, Engineering, HIV/AIDS and members of the LGBTQ dren and young people of Pennsylvania. and Medicine concluded in their 2019 community in a culturally competent, In this case, in Southwestern Pennsyl- seminal report, ‘‘A Roadmap to Reduc- affirming, and empowering environ- vania. Kathi came to this work natu- ing Child Poverty.’’ They found that ment. The agency provides behavioral rally, having had those values instilled poverty itself, especially when it oc- health, primary care, case manage- in her by her late mother, the former curs in early childhood or is persistent ment, wellness services, HIV/STD test- police commander of Pittsburgh, Gwen over time, is damaging to children in ing and treatment, family planning, Elliott. ways that last a lifetime. and a host of other programs. We have had South Central Pennsyl- Specifically, the report finds the fol- Critically, Alder Health provides a vania with Rosemary Browne. Now we lowing—and I am quoting the National safe haven for LGBTQ youth, and we are in Southwestern Pennsylvania with Academies of Science, Engineering, know that significant progress has Dr. Kathi Elliott. and Medicine: ‘‘We find overwhelming been made in advancing the rights of Kathi’s mom, Gwen, the late police evidence . . . that . . . a child growing LGBTQ individuals. However, the commander, was herself a trailblazer up in a family whose income is below progress has been uneven, and we are and someone whose story also should the poverty line experiences worse out- still falling far short, for example, in be told. We don’t have time for two sto- comes than a child from a wealthier serving transgender young people, es- ries in one family today, but I will tell family in virtually every dimension, pecially transgender young people of part of Gwen’s story as well. from physical and mental health, to color who face disproportionally higher Gwen was one of the first African- educational attainment and labor mar- rates of suicide and violence. Alder American women officers in the Pitts- ket success, to risky behaviors and de- Health, under Rosemary Browne’s lead- burgh Police Department, joining the linquency.’’ ership, has played an indispensable role department in 1976 and eventually ris- This is a crisis of untapped potential in helping us better understand the ing to the rank of commander. In 2002, opportunities. It is a crisis, as well, of challenges of LGBTQ adolescents and Gwen founded Gwen’s Girls, an organi- contributions not made. When a child providing them with the services they zation dedicated to empowering girls faces needless obstacles to becoming need. and young women through holistic, the person he or she might become, it In 2018 Rosemary was appointed to gender-specific programs, education, is a profound tragedy that affects all of Governor Tom Wolf’s Pennsylvania and experiences through after school— us because we are denying not just that Commission on LGBTQ Affairs, the school and community-based program- child but also that family, that child’s first-of-its-kind statewide commission ming throughout the communities in family, their community, and our in the Nation. Rosemary’s work at Southwestern Pennsylvania. Gwen’s country the contributions that child Alder builds on her primary work at Girls has grown to provide service could make if we were investing in that the Highmark Foundation, where she throughout the region with sites in child. led efforts to address emerging commu- Pittsburgh, Wilkinsburg, and Over time, corrupt forces have per- nity health challenges and to make Clarendon, PA. verted the basic notions of freedom sure that uninsured and underserved Given her mother’s leadership, it is while creating a society that works for populations in South Central Pennsyl- no surprise that Dr. Kathi Elliott has corporate interests rather than our vania had the attention and the serv- demonstrated the same commitment to children’s best interests. Freedom, as ices that they needed. In this capacity, and passion for leadership, develop- we know, is not simply the right to be she spearheaded efforts to address bul- ment, and empowerment of girls. left alone. Real freedom must include lying in our schools and our commu- Prior to accepting the position of the opportunity—the affirmative abil- nities as a public health problem and CEO of Gwen’s Girls in 2015, Kathi ity—to achieve one’s dreams. also provided leadership on a strategy spent years providing leadership in so- A country that claims to support the to reduce childhood obesity through cial service, community, and indi- freedom of its people must provide op- school and community-based partner- vidual mental health treatment. Kathi portunities to its citizens. For exam- ships. began her career as a victim advocate ple, in his second inaugural address, Prior to her work at Highmark Foun- at the Center for Victims, working President Obama said the following: dation, Rosemary spent a decade at the mostly in the juvenile justice space. We do not believe that in this country free- Foundation for Enhancing Commu- She also remains a practicing psy- dom is reserved for the lucky, or happiness nities as a program officer and then di- chiatric nurse practitioner. In that ca- for the few. We recognize that no matter how rector of programs and community in- pacity, she provides psychiatric evalua- responsibly we live our lives, any one of us, vestment, where she oversaw tens of tions, medication management, and at any time, may face a job loss, or a sudden illness, or a home swept away in a terrible millions of investment in community clinical consultation services and storm. The commitments we make to each services and tuition assistance, giving treatment at the VA of Pittsburgh— other . . . these things do not sap our initia- hundreds of area college-bound stu- their outpatient mental health clinic. tive, they strengthen us. They don’t make us dents the opportunity to pursue higher Dr. Elliott completed dual master’s a nation of takers; they free us to take the education. degrees in nursing and social work risks that make this country great. Over her career, Rosemary Browne from the University of Pittsburgh and President Obama was right, and he has heeded the call of service and lent earned a doctor of nursing practice de- knew then that there were and are her considerable passion and expertise gree from Chatham University in 2014. today extraordinary people across the in many different capacities. Whatever Through Dr. Elliott’s leadership, country who are working to give our the role, the work has been the same: Gwen’s Girls has become recognized as children the opportunity to achieve putting a spotlight on the needs of the a frontrunner in the integration of evi- and grow and contribute so much to underserved populations—LGBTQ dence-based, clinical prevention and our Nation. youth, girls of color, and other under- intervention policies and practices that Today I will speak about three served populations who lack access to enhance the child and social welfare women who are doing this work in the healthcare, higher education—and al- system.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.005 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S1098 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 24, 2020 Gwen’s Girls convenes an annual eq- ware Valley Women of Faith for Edu- be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and uity summit for Black girls to address cation annual luncheon, and is presi- family desired. And then a discussion would the racial and gender biases that exist dent of the Charitas Foundation, which ensue between the physicians and the moth- within the juvenile justice, health and is the philanthropic Waller family er. wellness, child welfare, and education foundation established to positively Rather than immediately doing ev- systems. impact the lives of individuals by sow- erything possible to save the baby, to Dr. Elliott has also remained a con- ing financial seeds into organizations provide the same sort of care he would stant leading force and convener of the that change lives through their mis- to any infant, he wants to sit around Black Girls Equity Alliance—a collabo- sions. and decide whether the baby will live ration of over 75 stakeholders com- Dr. Waller has served on the Founda- or die. That is not healthcare; that is mitted to addressing systemic inequi- tion Board of the Community College infanticide. Voting for the Born-Alive ties in the juvenile justice, child wel- of Philadelphia since 2014 and currently Abortion Survivors Protection Act is fare, education, and healthcare sys- serves as the president of the Founda- how each Member of this Chamber can tems. tion Board. go on record to say they are against Dr. Elliott currently serves on the Each of our honorees today—these killing innocent babies. board of trustees at Chatham Univer- three remarkable women—have worked While some are desperately trying to sity. In December 2017, she was ap- tirelessly to ensure that our children paint this as an anti-abortion bill, pointed by Mayor Bill Peduto to serve can flourish and can fulfill their poten- which would infringe on women’s re- productive rights, those claims could as a commissioner on the newly formed tial. When others may look the other not be further from the truth. There is Gender Equity Commission for the City way or even wash their hands of the nothing in this bill about limiting ac- of Pittsburgh. solemn duty to help our children, our Our third honoree today, Dr. Ellyn Jo honorees have instead volunteered for cess to abortion, no mention of first, Waller, though she was born in Queens, service over and over again. second, or third trimester abortions, NY, we are proud to call her a daughter To refer back to the first question I nothing about overturning Roe v. Wade. of Pennsylvania. Many in Philadelphia started with, ‘‘What are you doing for There is one goal with this legisla- know her as a member and a leader at our children,’’ each of us has an obliga- tion to answer that question. Each of tion and one goal only: to give every Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church, as baby a fighting chance. In a rational well as the partner, in both life and our three honorees today have an- swered that question by devoting their world, we wouldn’t be having this dis- ministry, of Dr. Alyn Waller, senior cussion but would, rather, unani- pastor of Enon Tabernacle Baptist lives to the urgent work of helping our children. These three remarkable mously be condemning this practice for Church. Ellyn Jo Waller earned a bach- the evil that it is. I am proud to be an elor of special education from Ohio women—all Pennsylvanians—have pro- vided pathways to hope. For that, we original cosponsor of the bill and, once University, a master of education in again, vote to stop the practice of in- curriculum, instruction, and tech- owe them our deepest gratitude. I yield the floor. fanticide and protect babies who sur- nology in education, and a doctor of I suggest the absence of a quorum. vive abortions alive. education and curriculum, instruction, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The We will be voting on a second bill, and technology in education, with an clerk will call the roll. which will provide protections for un- emphasis on literary education, from The senior assistant legislative clerk born children that are practiced in al- Temple University. proceeded to call the roll. most all of the civilized world. This is Dr. Waller has devoted her passion Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, I the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protec- and her time to promoting women’s ask unanimous consent that the order tion Act that would make it a crime education and empowerment. She has for the quorum call be rescinded. for doctors to perform abortions on un- especially devoted much of her time to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without born babies at or beyond 20 weeks. combating human trafficking, both objection, it is so ordered. There is significant medical research here in the United States and inter- ABORTION that shows that unborn children at this nationally. She is an active member of Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, this stage experience pain. At 5 months into the Philadelphia Anti-Human Traf- week, the Senate will vote on two bills a pregnancy, these babies are beyond ficking Coalition and serves as cochair that will protect our most vulnerable halfway to delivery. of the religion subcommittee. citizens—literally, our babies. The first One of President’s Trump’s guests at In 2011, Dr. Waller founded She’s My bill we will vote on is the Born-Alive the State of the Union a few weeks ago Sister, an anti-human trafficking min- Abortion Survivors Protection Act, was 2-year-old Ellie Schneider—one of istry at Enon Tabernacle. She’s My which was introduced by our colleague the youngest babies to survive in the Sister works to ensure that the faith from Nebraska, Senator SASSE. United States. Ellie was born at 21 community in Greater Philadelphia is This legislation is simple and weeks and 6 days—just 13 days beyond aware of the issue of human trafficking straightforward. It requires physicians the point in time we are discussing. and also partners with the Greater and healthcare providers to treat ba- She weighed less than a pound at birth Philadelphia Salvation Army on the bies who survive an abortion with the and is living proof of the medical issue of participating in street out- same lifesaving care that other infants achievements and advancements that reach, supporting and strengthening born at the same stage receive. While have improved the chance of survival the drop-in centers, and advocating on you might be forgiven for wondering, for extremely premature babies. behalf of victims of human trafficking why would we need such a bill; surely, Ellie and her mother Robin are an ex- and sexual exploitation. that standard must already exist in our ample of the impact this legislation In October of 2015, under Dr. Waller’s law—unfortunately, no. There are no would have on the lives of many Amer- leadership, the ministry hosted its In- Federal laws requiring healthcare pro- icans families. Unfortunately, just as augural Human Trafficking Awareness viders to care for abortion survivors, our Democratic colleagues have tried 5K Walk/Run to raise funds for a tran- just as they would for any other infant to deceive the American people about sitional residential program for young in their care. the purpose of the Born-Alive Abortion women exiting the life and aging out of One of the most notorious reasons Survivors Protection Act, they are try- the child welfare system. why we need this law sits in the Gov- ing to mislead everyone about what Internationally, Dr. Waller regularly ernor’s mansion in Virginia. About this this bill would do as well. participates in rescue and restoration time last year, our country was First, this bill would apply only to efforts in Italy and South Africa. Dr. shocked and outraged by comments elective abortions, not those involving Waller also serves on a number of made by Gov. Ralph Northam—a pedia- rape or incest or where the life of the boards and provides community leader- trician, believe it or not—about what mother could be in danger. It in no way ship in other ways. She is a member of should happen when a baby is delivered places the mother in legal jeopardy for the board of the City School in Phila- and survives an abortion. He said: seeking an abortion. It clearly and delphia, on the advisory committee of The infant would be delivered. The infant solely places responsibility on the United Negro College Funds, Dela- would be kept comfortable. The infant would healthcare providers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.006 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 24, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1099 Passing this legislation wouldn’t Department of Health and Human other than extending that period of ex- make the United States an extreme Services and the Defense Department clusivity as long as possible to con- outlier when it comes to abortion prac- about these concerns, and I am glad we tinue to make money. In Europe, there tices. In fact, it would put us in line were able to come up with a better so- are five competing products, but in with international norms. Currently, lution. The Department of Health and America, there is only HUMIRA. That only seven countries in the world allow Human Services has now updated their is a patent thicket. That is gaming the elective abortions after 20 weeks. One, protocol to ensure that testing for system, and it is hurting American of course, is the United States. The coronavirus will be conducted at Joint consumers. other countries on the list should make Base Lackland’s quarantine housing, so I appreciate the support from all of us second-guess allowing abor- evacuees will not be sent to hospitals healthcare providers and advocates and tions beyond 20 weeks—China, Viet- in the area for their tests. patients I heard from in Ft. Worth. nam, North Korea. Countries with a I appreciate my colleagues at the They encourage us to get our work history of human rights violations are city who have been working overtime done sooner rather than later. hardly the model we should aspire to. to keep their residents there safe. I am I have come to the floor twice and It is time to give every baby a chance grateful to the administration for ad- asked unanimous consent to pass the to live and stop doctors from per- dressing our concerns and being re- bill. It was voted unanimously out of forming abortions on infants who feel sponsive to those questions. the Judiciary Committee. The Demo- pain. I am proud to be a cosponsor of On the very day we met, 90 evacuees cratic leader blocked it both times. I both of these bills and stand with my were released from quarantine, and I hope he will reconsider his position. I colleagues in the fight for human life. am happy they are finally headed am sure his constituents in New York Our friend from Montana, Senator home. I am sure I am not as happy as would like a little bit of a break when DAINES, established the first-ever Sen- they are after being quarantined. We it comes to prescription drug costs. I ate Pro-Life Caucus to fight for the owe a huge thank-you to the medical happen to think it has to do more with lives of our most vulnerable citizens. A professionals who have and will con- the upcoming election than it does the couple of weeks ago, he said: ‘‘These tinue to care for those in quarantine merits of the legislation. back-to-back votes will present an op- and to the Bexar County and San Anto- E-CIGARETTES portunity for Senate Democrats and all nio officials who are working to safe- Madam President, I traveled to a of us to show the American people guard public health. couple of other Texas cities, where I whether there are any limits at all to PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS was able to talk to people about the radical abortion extremism.’’ We will Madam President, I traveled up I–35 rise of e-cigarette use, particularly soon learn the answer. and was in Ft. Worth at the Northside among teens. In Corpus Christi along I appreciate our colleagues—Senator Community Health Center to hear the gulf coast and in Odessa in deep SASSE, Senator GRAHAM, and Senator about an entirely different healthcare West Texas, I met with a range of local DAINES—for their leadership on this challenge, which is high prescription officials, health professionals, and legislation and for consistently fight- drug costs. community advocates about the im- ing for the most vulnerable among us. I met with local healthcare profes- pact of teen vaping. I will be a proud ‘‘yes’’ vote on both of sionals, advocates, and patients to hear One study found that in the Permian these bills—yes to protecting newborn about their experiences with these ris- Basin, in the middle of the Odessa area, babies, yes to equal medical care for all ing costs, and I have introduced legis- about half of high school students used infants, and yes to a fighting chance lation to address them. For example, e-cigarettes and 25 percent of them had for all babies. we heard from Randall Barker and his vaped in the past month. This study CORONAVIRUS daughter Emma, who both have diabe- found that in schools, the average age Madam President, we are returning tes. They need insulin. They told me of first-time e-cigarette users is just 13 to Washington, DC, from time spent in that one bottle of insulin costs up- years old. E-cigarettes—even the closed our States. I was happy, for one, to get wards of $281. Randall continues to systems, where you can’t add other in- time to spend in Texas with constitu- make sacrifices to afford the lifesaving gredients, like the psychoactive ingre- ents. I traveled the State, as I am sure drugs he and Emma need to lead dient in marijuana, THC—even in the many of us did, traveling from Mid- healthy lives. closed systems that are designed to de- land, to Ft. Worth, to Corpus Christi, As I mentioned, to address the high liver only nicotine, nicotine is an ad- and a number of spots in between. costs of prescription drugs, I intro- dictive drug. When children get access Texas is a pretty big place, so it takes duced a bipartisan bill with our col- to these addictive drugs, it may well a little time to move around, but it is league, Senator BLUMENTHAL from Con- end up being a gateway to other use— really great to be able to hear from the necticut, called the Affordable Pre- whether it is tobacco or other drug folks I represent—the folks we all rep- scriptions for Patients Act. The pur- use—later in life. It certainly encour- resent—about what they care about the pose of the bill is straight forward: to ages them to remain a user of this nic- most. stop drug companies from gaming the otine delivery device. One of the most interesting things to patent system to keep their profits I have introduced legislation called me is how little they talk about what high. the Preventing Online Sales of E-Ciga- is talked about inside the bubble here Patents, of course, are granted for rettes to Children Act, which would known as Washington, DC. In San An- scientific innovations in order to en- make it difficult for children to get tonio, for example, I met with State courage more of them. What happens their hands on these devices, particu- and local officials to discuss their under the period of a patent is that larly when they buy them over the growing concerns over coronavirus. whatever the item is—in this case, a internet. All it does is apply the same Lackland Air Force Base is one of the drug—that company reserves the right safeguards already in place for online designated locations where Americans to sell it exclusively, without any com- purchases of tobacco—it applies that to evacuated from overseas with sus- petition, in order to recoup its costs e-cigarettes. Customers would have to pected exposure to coronavirus are and incentivize innovation when it verify their age at the time of deliv- being held under the first Federal quar- comes to these drugs. But when compa- ery—a practice which, shockingly, does antine in more than 50 years. Folks nies game the system by establishing not currently exist. were naturally concerned about the patent thickets—multiple patents used A recent survey published in the fact that these evacuees were sched- to unfairly block competition—this American Journal of Health Promotion uled to be transported to local civilian prevents new drugs, as well as com- found that 32 percent of underage e-cig- hospitals for testing rather than re- peting drugs at a lower price, from en- arette users reported purchasing prod- maining on the base where they are tering the market. ucts online, making online sales the quarantined. In our meeting, we were For example, the most widely pre- single largest source of purchases for able to speak with not only the mayor scribed drug in America is called underage users. We recently raised the and two council persons, but we were HUMIRA. It has more than 120 dif- age from 18 to 21 to get access to these able to speak with officials from the ferent patents, for no real purpose e-cigarettes, but still, as these studies

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.008 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S1100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 24, 2020 indicate, use of e-cigarettes and vaping This week, members of the DAV De- have spent countless hours in advising devices is epidemic in our middle partment of are visiting the fellow veterans about the assistance schools and our high schools. It is dan- Nation’s Capital to share the organiza- they qualify for and in helping them gerous to the physical and mental tion’s legislative priorities for 2020. fill out the paperwork to secure those health of our children. That is some- They are part of an extensive network benefits through the VA. thing you would think we would be that has been influential in identifying One of the well-known services pro- able to address. If we are going to turn how the Department of Veterans Af- vided by the DAV is the transportation the tide on e-cigarettes and prevent fairs can strengthen its services. They of veterans to VA medical centers and more young people from facing their are among the DAV members from hospitals. In rural States like Arkan- deadly health consequences, passage of across the country who are in Wash- sas, the services these volunteers offer this legislation is a necessary first ington, DC, to advocate on behalf of is critical to meeting veterans’ step. veterans. healthcare needs. The Arkansas fleet is STATE WORK PERIOD There is simply no substitute for made up of 16 vans. Last year, more Madam President, when I was home coming to our Nation’s Capital and vis- than 6,600 veterans were driven to med- in San Antonio, I was able to help cele- iting with Members of Congress to let ical appointments with the help of vol- brate the investiture of one of our new- them know of DAV’s priorities. These unteers who logged more than 18,000 est Federal judges, Jason Pulliam, who include strengthening veterans mental hours behind the wheel. filled the vacancy in the Western Dis- healthcare and suicide prevention pro- I look forward to continuing to work trict of Texas. Then I got to spend a grams, improving benefits and services with DAV members as Congress crafts little time in Midland with folks and for women veterans and ensuring vet- and reforms policies to improve serv- talk about the importance of our oil erans who have been exposed to toxic ices for veterans and their families. and gas industry and why innovation in substances receive full and timely ben- This country made a promise to our that space and concern about conserva- efits. The good news is we are working veterans that we must live up to, and I tion and the environment were not mu- on these priorities because we all agree am proud to join with the DAV to en- tually exclusive. that our veterans deserve nothing less sure we follow through on that com- At each step along the way, I was than quality care and the benefits they mitment. In working together, we can able to hear from countless other Tex- have earned. find solutions and take action to de- ans about changes they would like to Last month, the Senate’s Committee liver the results veterans have earned see coming out of Washington. They on Veterans’ Affairs advanced the Com- and expect. We will continue looking encouraged us to try to work together mander John Scott Hannon Veterans to the DAV to understand how we can and avoid some of the partisan gridlock Mental Health Care Improvement Act. improve the lives of the men and we have seen that characterized so This comprehensive legislation will women who have served in uniform. much of the recent impeachment pro- strengthen our ability to provide vet- As a member of the Senate Com- ceedings. It was a great week re- erans with the mental healthcare they mittee on Veterans’ Affairs and as charging at home. I came back ready need. It includes language Senator chairman of the Senate Appropriations to get back to work. WARNER and I authored to leverage the subcommittee that oversees VA fund- I yield the floor. services of veteran-serving nonprofits ing, I have seen the dedication of the I suggest the absence of a quorum. DAV to support disabled veterans in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and other community networks in our overall strategy to reduce veteran sui- Arkansas and across the country. I am clerk will call the roll. proud to recognize the DAV on its 100 The senior assistant legislative clerk cides. years of engaging veterans, in its advo- proceeded to call the roll. VA Ranking Member TESTER and I Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam President, I are also working to improve services to cating to advance benefits, services, ask unanimous consent that the order our women veterans. Our Deborah and care, and in its making a positive for the quorum call be rescinded. Sampson Act legislation would elimi- difference in the lives of veterans and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without nate barriers to care and services that their families. objection, it is so ordered. many women veterans face and would REMEMBERING CHARLES PORTIS VETERANS help to ensure the VA could address Madam President, on a separate sub- Mr. BOOZMAN. Madam President, the needs for women, which is so crit- ject, I also pay tribute to an Arkansas the Disabled American Veterans is ical because they are more likely to veteran who is one of the State’s most celebrating 100 years of helping mili- face homelessness, unemployment, and famous sons—literary icon Charles tary veterans, and I rise to recognize to go without needed healthcare. We Portis. Mr. Portis, the author best this remarkable occasion. are pleased to have the support of the known for his 1968 Western novel ‘‘True Throughout its history, the DAV has DAV for this important legislation. Grit,’’ passed away on February 17, been influential in identifying ways to I am proud to cosponsor the Veterans 2020. best support our veterans—from push- Burn Pit Exposure Recognition Act, Born in December 1933, in El Dorado, ing for the consolidation of veterans which would allow veterans who suffer AR, Portis spent his childhood in programs, in its early years, to direct from the effects of burn pits to get the southern Arkansas. He enlisted in the outreach to veterans in communities benefits and services they have earned. Marine Corps and served as an infan- with the launch of the Field Service I encourage my colleagues to support tryman and, during the Korean war, Unit Program, to pressing for more these bills so we can provide the re- reached the rank of sergeant before his funding for VA healthcare and benefits. sources that have been promised to our discharge in 1955. Following his mili- There has been so much progress in veterans. tary service, he attended the Univer- advancing veterans services thanks to For years, the DAV members have sity of Arkansas and wrote for the stu- the DAV’s efforts. The organization’s supported the passage of the Blue dent newspaper, the Arkansas Trav- members and partners have a lot to be Water Navy bill. Thanks, in part, to eler. He graduated from the university proud of. DAV members have been their advocacy, Congress approved this in 1958 with a degree in journalism. leading advocates for injured and ill critical legislation last year that ex- After graduating, Portis began his veterans and their families, which has tends benefits to more veterans who career as a reporter. He first worked at made a difference for countless wound- were exposed to toxic chemicals during the Arkansas Gazette and then at the ed warriors. The DAV’s advocacy has the Vietnam war. New York Herald Tribune. Though he helped and continues to build better The DAV’s attention extends beyond voluntarily ended his journalism career lives for disabled veterans. We are the Halls of Congress. Its National in 1964, he used the skills and tools he thankful for the more than 1 million Service Program helps to direct serv- had acquired as a reporter when he re- DAV members and auxiliary members ices to veterans across the country. turned home to Arkansas to begin who are doing great work to ensure our I applaud the efforts of the more than writing fiction. country keeps the promise we made to 11,000 DAV members in Arkansas whose His most celebrated work is the the men and women who have served in outreach is helping veterans to under- Western classic ‘‘.’’ This book uniform. stand and access their benefits. They chronicles the efforts of a Yell County

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.009 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 24, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1101 teenager, Mattie Ross, along with U.S. communities in Kansas have access to eral. Kent is one of those whom you ap- Marshal Rooster Cogburn, to avenge quality broadcasting programming is a preciate from the first day you become the death of Mattie’s father at the testament to his commitment to rural acquainted with him. He is straight- hands of a drifter. The novel incor- America at large. I, in particular, find forward and honest and tells it like it porates distinct references that are fa- that very pleasing as we know how im- is. He is there to be supportive but is miliar to many Arkansans, and it de- portant broadcasting is—local broad- there to provide the necessary informa- picts life on the frontier in what was casting in particular—to the future and tion for me and others to make the then the wild, wild West. It was later well-being of the citizens of Kansas best decisions, not just on behalf of adapted into film in 1969 and 2010. and, particularly, to those who live in broadcasters but for those they serve While it is his most well-known work, our smallest communities. in their communities. Mr. Portis also wrote four other novels Kent is widely recognized as one of I add my voice to the well-deserved and several shorter works of fiction the most knowledgeable and effective praise that he has received and will and nonfiction. advocates for broadcasting in our State continue to receive. Congratulations During his career, Portis was hon- and around the country. He has been a and thank you to Kent for all his work. ored with the Oxford American’s first leading voice in Topeka and Wash- On behalf of Kansas broadcasters, Lifetime Achievement in Southern Lit- ington, DC, and is someone whom I you are highly regarded by them and erature award and was presented with hold in high regard. their listeners. Your efforts have bene- the Porter Prize’s 30th Anniversary Kent is a native of Topeka who dedi- fited Kansans and have improved our Lifetime Achievement Award. ‘‘True cated his life to broadcasting at an Nation. You will be missed at the Kan- Grit’’ has been praised as ‘‘one of the early age. With dreams of becoming a sas Association of Broadcasters, but I great American novels.’’ sportscaster, Kent attended the Uni- I take this opportunity to say how versity of Kansas, where he earned a have no doubt you will continue to proud we are of Charles Portis and his degree in journalism. He later attended make your community a better place. legacy as an acclaimed writer and sto- Washburn University School of Law. I look forward to many more years of ryteller. My thoughts and prayers are After joining his hometown station, friendship and working together on be- with his friends and family as they re- WIBW, as an intern, Kent worked his half of Kansans, and I thank you for member and reflect on his life. I hope way up through the ranks to become a your friendship and for all you have they find comfort in the fact that Mr. news reporter, anchor, and, eventually, done to make our State a better place. Portis has left a profound, lasting an assistant news director. He also I yield the floor. mark on Arkansas, as well as within spent time at WDAF in Kansas City The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. our Nation’s culture and literary tradi- and later returned to WIBW. He left BOOZMAN). The Senator from Arkansas. tions. the station in 1980 and turned his at- Charles Portis had a remarkable ca- tention to sales. He served as executive ABORTION reer that will be remembered for a long director of the Kansas Manufactured Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, this time to come. I wish to honor him and Housing Institute, but he could not week the Senate has another chance to his loved ones today and help to cele- keep his passions in the background. vote on basic pro-life protections for brate his life. On behalf of all Arkan- He left that job to return to broad- babies, both born and unborn. sans, we celebrate Charles Portis and casting. Four years after leaving This week we have another choice to his notable contributions to our State. WIBW, he rejoined the station at which live up to our Nation’s highest prin- I yield the floor. he would ultimately be named program ciple—that every person has the right The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- director and operations manager. He to life—or to stoop down to a narrow ator from Kansas. later took over as general manager of vision of humanity peddled by the Mr. MORAN. Madam President, I am KTKA, in Topeka, and eventually abortion industry and its cronies. pleased to have arrived on the Senate moved to Wichita to manage two tele- The first bill we are considering—the floor just a bit early to have heard the vision stations. After having spent dec- Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Senator from Arkansas, Mr. BOOZMAN, ades running broadcast stations that Act—would prohibit abortions after 20 pay tribute to the DAV, Disabled Kansans from all over our State have weeks of pregnancy, when there is American Veterans, and I very much relied on for both local and national clear, scientific evidence that these want to join in his comments. news, he became the president and ex- I will also take a moment to thank young babies can feel pain in their ecutive director of the Kansas Associa- mother’s womb. him for his continual service for vet- tion of Broadcasters in 2008. erans, not only for those of Arkansas Kent has had a long and successful The abortion lobby and all of its de- but of our Nation, and to recognize career. He has earned esteemed awards, fenders will dispute this science, claim- that he and I, since our days in the including the Grover Cobb Award from ing that babies or fetuses—which is the House of Representatives, have worked the University of Kansas. He has also euphemism they like to use for ba- together on veterans’ issues and both served in numerous leadership capac- bies—can’t feel pain at all or at least now find ourselves in positions in the ities, including as the former president until the very latest stages of preg- hopes that we can do even more. of the National Alliance of State nancy. Anyone pedaling that myth To Senator BOOZMAN, I say thank you Broadcasters Associations and as the must have never visited a neonatal in- for his continued efforts in making former chairman of the Greater Topeka tensive care unit, or the NICU, as they sure that all who serve our Nation have Chamber of Commerce and of the To- are usually called. Ask any one of a better future and that the Depart- peka Community Foundation. those NICU nurses who cares for little ment of Veterans Affairs, as well as the Kent has been a powerful voice in the preemies, even micro-preemies, and American people, do everything they Nation’s Capital for critical Federal they will tell you how they can hold can to make sure that what they are policy, all framed in the larger lens of that small infant sometimes even in entitled to they will receive. So I improving communities’ access—peo- the palm of their hands, and they can thank the Senator from Arkansas. ple’s access—to quality broadcasting. see it grimace at a poke or a prod, TRIBUTE TO KENT CORNISH Like the rest of us from rural States maybe even slap away a tube or a nee- Madam President, I come to the floor like Kansas, Kent knows how quickly dle as they approach—just as older kids to congratulate and pay tribute to a these communities can be forgotten do, just as some grownups do. Kansan, Kent Cornish. He is retiring as and has always been determined to en- The undeniable fact of fetal pain in the President of the Kansas Associa- sure access to local information, news, these young babies influences every as- tion of Broadcasters. and weather. pect of how we care for the young in He has spent the last 40 years in the I am proud to call Kent a friend, and our hospitals. We swaddle them with broadcast business and the past 12 at I look forward to seeing where his life only the softest fabrics because their the KAB in his advocating on behalf of now takes him. We meet many people little bodies are so easily stimulated. broadcasters across our State. His dedi- in the business that we are in here in We give them pain medicine during cation to making certain that rural the U.S. Senate and in politics in gen- surgery, whether they are in the womb

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.011 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S1102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 24, 2020 or outside it. But we offer no such com- cious little children, made in the image cut, and then the President tries to fort during abortions, even in the lat- of God and endowed by him with the claim credit after we restore the est stages of pregnancy, when abortion- same worth and dignity as you and me money. He did it in his State of the ists crush a baby’s skull and dis- and all of us. Union. He was claiming, because of his member it. We have a duty to these little chil- great work with NIH, we are curing Indeed, a scientific paper published dren. We have a duty not to look away cancer. He has cut the NIH every budg- earlier this year in the Journal of Med- from them. et, including this one. ical Ethics noted a curious fact: Abor- These pro-life bills are modest and It is a disgrace how this man can say tion is the only—the only—invasive humane. They have the strong support one thing and do another and con- procedure performed on unborn infants of the American people—clear majori- founding that it doesn’t catch up with without pain medication. Then again, ties. But the real reason we must pro- him with too many Americans and abortion is unusual in so many ways, tect these babies is not because it is none of my colleagues on this side of as so few hospital procedures are de- popular but because it is right. the aisle, and it is probably, right now, signed to end a life, not to save a life. Every human being is created equal most dangerous and most egregious Are we comfortable with this state of and deserves recognition and protec- when it comes to coronavirus. affairs? Are we comfortable with the tion under our laws. It says so right in It wasn’t just that the President cut fact that more than 11,000 abortions the preamble to our Declaration of CDC last year. It follows years of dras- were performed after 21 weeks when, Independence. tic cuts to the global health division at again, we have clear, scientific evi- Our country doesn’t always live up to CDC by the Trump administration. dence that these babies feel pain and that noble principle. But right now we In 2018, CDC was forced to reduce the that many of them could survive out- have an opportunity to live up to it numbers of countries it operated in side their mother’s womb? just a little bit more, if only in just a from 49 to 10. That is how bad it is. I would suggest the American people few more cases—but those cases in We have crises, and we have a world are not comfortable with this situa- which life is most vulnerable and most that is different, and this administra- tion, and we can do something about it innocent. tion, instead of stepping up to the in the U.S. Senate this week. So I urge my colleagues to seize this plate, runs away, listening to the clar- The second bill we are voting on, opportunity and protect life by ac- ion call of the far right: Just cut, cut, called the Born-Alive Abortion Sur- knowledging the humanity of these cut, cut, cut, no matter how it affects vivors Protection Act, is even more precious little children. We must not people. modest but perhaps even more urgent. look away any longer. In 2018, even worse, President Trump This bill would simply protect babies I yield the floor. ordered the National Security Council when they are born alive during an RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER to scupper its entire global health se- abortion. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The curity unit and asked the Department I know it is amazing to even hear Democratic leader is recognized. of Homeland Security to do the same. this, but there are rare and horrible CORONAVIRUS We don’t have epidemic teams in the cases in which babies are intended to Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, well, National Security Council or DHS. be aborted, yet they are born alive, and the World Health Organization has now I hope and pray to God that corona the doctors are under no obligation to reported that there are 79,000 cases of doesn’t spread here, but if it does, we provide medical care for that young coronavirus across at least 30 coun- have been inadequately prepared be- baby with a spark of God living in its tries, with at least 53 confirmed cases cause of President Trump’s lack of soul. So this bill would simply obligate here in United States. leadership, lack of understanding abortionists to render lifesaving med- As the virus continues to spread, the science, lack of ability to listen to ex- ical care to a baby struggling for life global economy is already beginning to perts and do something about them in- on the operating table. It would require suffer. All of the warning lights are stead of being concerned—it seems all abortionists to act as those babies’ flashing bright red. We are staring the time—with his own ego. friends and their doctors, consistent down a potential pandemic, and the ad- The President has not even taken the with their oath—not act like the ministration has no plan. We have a simple, sensible step of designating a baby’s mortal enemy. crisis of coronavirus, and President single official to lead response efforts. Of course, the abortion lobby will tell Trump has no plan, no urgency, no un- In 2014, President Obama made the you: Oh, this never occurs. All of their derstanding of the facts or how to co- smart decision to appoint Ron Klain to defenders in the media will say that it ordinate a response. lead an interagency response to the never occurs. But if you are being hon- We must get a handle on the Ebola outbreak. But President Trump, est, the facts are, they do occur. coronavirus and make sure the United in contrast, has hollowed out so many The implication here is clear. They States is fully prepared to deal with its agencies that one of the key figures re- simply want us to look away from this potentially far-reaching consequences, sponding to coronavirus is Ken horror. That doesn’t mean we should, but the Trump administration has been Cuccinelli, an immigrant hard-liner though, because, in fact, we do know— asleep at the wheel. with no experience in public health. we do know—that babies can survive President Trump, good morning. Unbelievable. A man totally unpre- abortions. We have the numbers to There is a pandemic of coronavirus. pared for coronavirus, an ideologue—a prove it from a handful of States that Where are you? Where is your plan? rightwing, nasty ideologue who has require abortionists to confess when It is just amazing. As the crisis grows spent his career kicking around immi- they fail to kill a baby in the mother’s and grows, we hear nothing. grants—is now in charge of our fight womb and, instead, murder it on the Coronavirus testing kits have not against coronavirus. This is after the operating table. been widely distributed to our hos- President cut CDC, eliminated the In Florida, 11 babies were born alive pitals and public health labs. global health security units in Home- during abortions in 2017; another 6 were President Trump’s State Department land Security and at the NSC, and we reportedly born alive in 2018; and an- overruled the recommendations of the are in trouble. other 2, last year. There were 19 pre- scientists in the CDC and allowed in- President Trump has not only failed cious little babies born alive during fected passengers from a cruise ship to to marshal a capable domestic response abortions in just 1 State in just 3 years. be flown back into the United States. to the coronavirus; he has been slow to Other States have reported dozens Amazingly, at a time when we know take action to confront the virus more cases. that these pandemics can spread, this abroad. We all know that the best Still, the abortion industry will dis- administration cut the CDC—the agen- thing to do is to stop it from spreading miss these lives as a mere rounding cy in charge of fighting these global vi- abroad before it spreads to these error: Let’s not even focus on it. It is ruses—with a 16-percent senseless cut United States. not a serious matter. to its budget. Of course, the President—ego above But forgive us if most Americans see My fellow Americans, that is what anything else—has been afraid to criti- the matter differently. These are pre- they do on all these things. They just cize President Xi or the Communist

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.014 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 24, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1103 Party of China for silencing dissent gall to conduct a bipartisan briefing for lieving our elections are not on the and obscuring the truth about the the House Intelligence Committee on level, this democracy will be in big coronavirus—where it originated. When foreign interference in our elections, trouble. China obscures the truth, it puts Amer- replaced him with a political lackey— I hope my Republican colleagues will icans in danger. Where is President a yes-man as the head of DNI, where join us. The administration could im- Trump’s voice? truth needs to be spoken probably pose sanctions tomorrow, and it The videos emerging from behind the more than any other place in the gov- should. A repeat performance of 2016— Chinese Communist Party’s internet ernment. He has no experience in the another campaign of foreign influence wall show Chinese people pleading— intelligence community and is simply in our elections—is perhaps the great- pleading—with the international com- known as an acolyte to President est threat to our democracy. The munity to expose the scope and scale of Trump. Founding Fathers thought so. Read this epidemic. With each of these actions—I hate to what James Madison said. The response so far by the Trump ad- say it, but it is true; any objective per- We demand that Secretary Pompeo ministration is exactly what happens son will know—President Trump brings and Secretary Mnuchin identify and when science skeptics with alternate our Nation closer and closer and closer target all those determined to be re- facts try to run emergency response to a banana republic, a government not sponsible for ongoing election inter- that requires expertise, planning, of laws but of one man, a government ference. Anything less would be an ab- knowledge, money, cooperation, and where officials are asked to swear loy- dication of their responsibility, their science-based actions. alty not to our country or the Con- sacred, solemn responsibility to pro- But being anti-science is not just stitution but to the President himself, tect and defend the United States from rhetoric. It hurts us. It hurts every a country where truth is obscured or the serious threat to our national secu- American in many ways, and that is covered up or deemed fake simply be- rity and the integrity of our electoral what President Trump and his adminis- cause it is not flattering to the Presi- process. tration do, and our Republican col- dent and is not what he wants to hear. I yield the floor. leagues just blithely go along. President Trump’s decision to dis- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- After months of tiptoeing around the miss the DNI Director, the Director of ator from Maine is recognized. Chinese Communist Party, after 3 National Intelligence, is particularly f years of cutting funding for our epi- pernicious. Our intelligence commu- LIFESPAN RESPITE CARE demic response programs, President nity is an institution that is supposed REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2019 Trump simply has left the United to report on threats to our country States unprepared to confront a pos- with accuracy, without regard to poli- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise sible epidemic like corona. tics, to speak truth to power, to pro- today to urge passage of bipartisan, I will have more to say this week tect us. For the President to install a compassionate legislation that I intro- about what the administration must do yes-man at the top of the intelligence duced on April 2 of last year with my to right the ship. community, to politicize a part of our colleague from Wisconsin, Senator NATIONAL DEFENSE government designed to be apolitical, BALDWIN, to reauthorize the Lifespan Mr. President, on another front, to so debase the morale of the brave Respite Care Program. This program again, the frustration of how this ad- men and women in the CIA and the provides respite services to family ministration has conducted itself is un- NSA, many of whom risk their lives for members who are caring for loved ones precedented. I know some of my col- our safety, is a disgrace. with special needs. Oftentimes, they leagues like to say that it is just like There are media reports that our in- are taking care of a spouse with Alz- Obama. It isn’t even close. telligence community has found that heimer’s disease or a child with several Here are some more examples, unfor- Putin continues to engage in activities disabilities, and it is a 24/7 job. They tunately, on the trampling of the rule to influence the outcome of our elec- need a break, they need help, and that of law in this country. tion. That is reportedly what former is what respite service is all about. Emboldened by the refusal of Senate DNI McGuire’s team was briefing Con- This is not a new program. It has Republicans to hold him accountable in gress about. long been a bipartisan priority, and our his impeachment trial, President So today, along with my Democratic bill is widely supported by a total of Trump has been interfering with the colleagues on the Banking and Foreign 100 leading caregiver and respite orga- Justice Department and retaliating Relations Committees, I am sending a nizations across the country. against officials in his administration letter to Secretary Pompeo and Sec- The Senate Health, Education, who dare testify truthfully before Con- retary Mnuchin urging them to impose Labor, and Pensions Committee re- gress. new sanctions on Putin and his cronies ported our bill unanimously on October In the short week that we have spent using existing sanctions authority. 31 of last year, and we have been work- in recess, the President has managed to They have it; they can do it. Let me re- ing since then to secure its passage by plunge our country even deeper into peat that. The Trump administration the full Senate. It cleared the Repub- chaos and certainly has shown the need has broad authority to impose sanc- lican side of the aisle on December 17, for having a trial during impeachment tions for meddling in our elections. It but the bill has been stalled on the with witnesses and documents, getting does not need new legislative tools or other side of the aisle due to an un- the truth and not rubberstamping approval. known objection by an anonymous President Trump’s behavior. Our message is clear: Secretary Senator, making it very difficult to re- The President continued to purge his Mnuchin, impose sanctions now. solve. If you don’t know who has administration, firing officials who re- No one on the Intelligence Com- lodged the objection and you don’t fused to pledge allegiance to the Presi- mittee, Democrat or Republican, has know what the concern is, it becomes dent over their allegiance to the Con- disputed that Russia is attempting to impossible to resolve it. Thankfully, I stitution. The President classified interfere in our elections. Most say am pleased to report that the objection Bolton’s book in another blatant at- Russia has already started to do so. So has now been lifted, and we are poised tempt to cover up the facts. This is this should be an easy, bipartisan ef- to pass this bill that will help our sen- what dictatorships do—dictatorships. fort. We are being attacked today in iors caring for a spouse with Alz- They say something is classified; they real time by foreign adversaries. This heimer’s or another disease, as well as hide the truth. It is a disgrace. is not about party politics. It is not parents caring for children with dis- The President continued to abuse the about what Trump doesn’t want to abilities. pardon power, in one instance com- hear. The Russians wanted him to win Our bill would authorize $10 million muting the sentence of a notoriously in 2016 and in all likelihood will want annually for the Lifespan Respite Care corrupt former official without rhyme him to win in 2020. It is about the oath Program over the next 5 years to assist or reason. Maybe most egregious of all, we swear to defend our Republic. Amer- States in establishing or enhancing the President, angered that the Direc- icans—I don’t care what their party, statewide lifespan respite programs. tor of National Intelligence had the what their ideology—if they start be- Since the program’s enactment 15

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:14 Feb 25, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24FE6.015 S24FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE