PRESENT : Councillors L Varey, P Browning, T Hasnip, S Hooker, P Woods

Clerk J Price

This meeting was held via Zoom in accordance with the provisions of The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) () Regulations 2020

138/20 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Foster, Hall, and Roustoby. 139/20 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 7 July 2020 Resolved: that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 4 August 2020 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. 140/20 Minutes of the Cemeteries Committee held on 11 August 2020 Resolved: that the minutes of the Cemeteries Committee held on 11 August 2020 be accepted as a true and accurate record and be signed by the Chairman. 141/20 Declarations of interest – Members Code of Conduct. To record any declarations of pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest by any member in respect of items on this agenda. Councillor Hasnip declared a pecuniary interest in minute number 148 insofar as one of the invoices related to his employer and one to his partner and did not participate in this item. 142/20 Planning Matters a) The Clerk reported that five planning decisions had been received:

20/01591/STPLF - Alterations to subsurface cable corridor connected to Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Land North East Of Lawns Farm, Park Lane, Cottingham – Approved with conditions

20/01592/STPLF - Alterations to subsurface cable corridor connected to Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm, Dogger Bank Wind Farm Cable Construction Land, Creyke Beck Electricity Sub Station Access Road, Skidby - Approved with conditions

20/01047/PLF - Siting of a portable building to be used as a classroom, Skidby Primary School, Main Street, Skidby – Approved with conditions

20/01525/PLF - Erection of single storey extension to side and rear and canopy over entrance to front, 31 Trinity Garth, Skidby – Approved with conditions


20/01470/VAR - Variation of Condition 8 (approved plans) of planning permission 18/01386/PLF (Change of use of Methodist Chapel to dwelling, erection of a single storey extension to rear and removal of wall to front to create vehicular access (Resubmission of 18/00070/PLF) to allow design modifications (Retrospective Application), 1 Church Rise Skidby – Approved with conditions

Resolved: i. that the reports be noted, and ii. that the Parish Council’s concerns about the lack of recognition of, or response to, issues raised by the Council on planning applications 20/01525/PLF and 20/01470/VAR be raised with the Ward Councillors for discussion with the Planning Authority. b) New Applications

Hornsea Project Four Offshore Wind Farm– Amendment to Four onshore substation (OnSS) construction and operation and maintenance access strategy - Targeted Statutory Consultation under Section 42 of the Planning Act 2008

Resolved: that Orsted be advised that Skidby Parish Council had no comments on this application. c) Urgent Planning Applications received after the publication of the agenda

The Clerk reported that one application had been received, which related to the Parish Council’s request to prune the Christmas Tree at Church Green, as it fell within the Conservation Area.

Resolved: that the Planning Authority be advised that the Parish Council had no comments on the application. 143/20 Correspondence and Communications a) White Paper: Planning for the Future

The Clerk reported that a consultation paper had been received relating to proposed changes in the planning process. There was a 12 week consultation period. Due to the complexity and length of the document it was proposed that consideration of this item be deferred until the next meeting.

Resolved: that the White Paper: Planning for the Future be considered at the October Parish Council meeting. b) Great British September Clean

The Clerk reported that further correspondence had been received relating to the rearranged Great British September Clean which the Parish Council had agreed to participate in on 20 September 2020.

Resolved: i. that those Parish Councillors available to attend focus on the Playing Fields and Cemeteries in the Council’s ownership; ii. that details be included on the Parish Council’s website and on social media advertising the event and inviting residents to undertake their own litter picking activities, and


iii. that Councillor Browning loan the Council some litter pickers for the duration of the event. c) SLCC Virtual Annual Conference

The Clerk referred to this event which was due to take in October and sought the Council’s agreement to her attendance if the programme appeared to be useful.

Resolved: that the Clerk’s attendance at the SLCC Virtual Annual Conference be approved at a cost of £25 + VAT. d) Contact from residents about parking near the playing fields during football matches

The Chairman referred to contact she had had with a resident who lived adjacent to the Playing Fields who had complained about careless parking by users of the Playing Fields. The Chairman had spoken to the Football Club who had agreed to remind their players and those from visiting teams to park more carefully and respect residents’ properties.

Resolved: that the issue be noted. e) Contact from a resident about grass cutting on Riplingham Road

The Chairman referred to contact from a local resident who was complaining about the frequency of grass cutting on Riplingham Road. The Clerk advised the Council that she had been informed that the second cut was scheduled in the next couple of weeks.

Resolved: that the issue be noted. f) Residents’ concerns reading the play equipment at the Playing Fields

A member referred to recent correspondence on the Facebook page regarding the condition of play equipment at the Playing Fields and explained that she had responded that it was a key priority for the Parish Council and encouraged residents to submit their concerns formally by email, although none had been received. It was noted that the Parish Council was already taking action and that this matter would be further considered at minute 155.

Resolved: i. that the Council considers options for refurbishing the play equipment over the next few years, and ii. that Councillor Woods contacts Groundworks regarding possible sources of funding. 144/20 East Riding of Council Matters a) To receive an update from Dale Ward Councillors

Dale Ward Councillors were not in attendance at this meeting.

145/20 Updates on ongoing Projects a) Review of Action List

The Clerk referred to the proposed advertisement for new Councillors and explained that it hadn’t been possible to advertise the vacancies in the


noticeboard and that therefore the process had been delayed by a month and would now be considered at the November Council meeting.

Resolved: that the update be noted. b) Proposed Statue Trail

Councillor Browning provided an update on progress and referred to designs and possible locations which had been circulated to Council members.

Resolved: i. that the update be noted, and ii. that the email address for the contact at ERYC be provided to Councillor Browning. 146/20 Playing Fields Update a) To agree a date for skip hire to dispose of unwanted equipment stored at the Playing Fields

Resolved: i. that the skip be hired for a weekend at the end of September, and ii. that the football and cricket clubs be contacted to see if they would support the Council in helping to clear the Pavilion and Store. b) Fund raising activity by Cottingham AFC

The Clerk referred to correspondence from Cottingham AFC regarding a family fun day they were proposing to hold at the Playing Fields and explained that she had requested more information and copies of risk assessments and voiced concerns about vehicles parking on the field.

Members welcomed the event and the proposal to share the proceeds and noted that previous events had included car boot sales with vehicles parked on the field in dry weather with no ill effects.

Resolved: that the Clerk advises the football club that a car boot sale with vehicles parked on the field would be acceptable in dry weather. c) Woodland Trust trees

The Clerk reported that the Council’s application for free trees from the Woodland Trust had been successful and arrangements would need to be made to plant them once they had been received.

Resolved: that the report be noted. 147/20 Finance Update a) Bank Reconciliation

The Clerk submitted the Bank Reconciliation as at 31 July 2020.

Resolved: i. that the report be noted, and ii. that a Finance Committee meeting be arranged in October to consider amendments to the Council’s budget. 148/20 Accounts for Payment


Councillor Hasnip declared a pecuniary interest in minute number 148 insofar as one of the invoices related to his employer and one to his partner and did not participate in this item.

Resolved: that the following payments be agreed

Clerk’s Salary August £396.03

Clerk’s Expenses Postage, Zoom subscription, £17.91

Plans, Stationery

HMRC Income Tax £92.40 Scottish Power Electricity at Pavilion £73.52 Wally Mays Electrical testing at Pavilion £288.00

Laura Moore Road cleaning at LWR £300.00 Cemetery Cottingham Village Room Hire 4/8/2020 £48.00 Trust

149/20 To agree dates for meetings of the Playing Fields Committee and Events Working Group Resolved: i. that the Events Working Group meets at 7pm on Tuesday 8th September at 22 Orchard Road Skidby, and ii. that the Playing Fields Committee meets later in the autumn once further information has been obtained about options for the play equipment. 150/20 Exclusion of the press and public Resolved: that the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the consideration of the following matter on the ground that it involves the likely disclosure of confidential information as defined in Section1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. 151/20 Quotations for removal of fence embedded in hedge at the Playing Fields The Clerk referred to the need to remove fencing that had become embedded in the hedge on the northern boundary of the Playing Fields as it posed a danger to farm machinery and hedge cutting equipment.

Resolved: that the quotation from E Roustoby of £275 plus VAT for the removal and disposal of the fence embedded in the hedge at the Playing Fields be accepted and an order issued. 152/20 Quotations for tree works at Road Cemetery The Clerk reported that she had sought three quotes for the tree work at Little Weighton Road Cemetery, and that two tree surgeons had visited the site and clarified that only limited work was required at this time. Only one company had subsequently submitted a quotation.

Resolved: that the quotation from Yorkshire Tree Services of £950 plus VAT be accepted and an order issued. 153/20 Quotations for skip hire – Playing Fields The Clerk reported that she had obtained three quotes for the hire of a 12 yard skip at the Playing Fields. Members suggested also contacting Ashcourt as they provided skips for hire.



i. that the Clerk contact Ashcourt for a further quote which should be accepted if it offered better value, and ii. that alternatively the quote from Swift Skips of £290 plus VAT be accepted and an order issued for a weekend at the end of September 2020. 154/20 Quotations for the supply of pea gravel for paths at Riplingham Road Cemetery The Clerk reported that she had obtained quotes from three companies for the supply of pea gravel for the paths at Riplingham Road Cemetery. Members suggested contacting G. Foster Limited to discuss arrangements to spread it on the paths.

Resolved: i. that the quotation from Travis Perkins of £58.66 plus VAT per 800kg bag of 10mm pea gravel be accepted, and ii. that the Clerk contacts G Foster Ltd to discuss arrangements for spreading the gravel on the paths. 155/20 Quotations for the refurbishment of play equipment at the Playing Fields The Clerk reported that she had sought three quotations for refurbishment of the play equipment at the Playing Fields. One company had responded that they felt the equipment was beyond repair, one had a requested payment for a visit, and one had provided a quote for the refurbishment of three pieces of equipment and had recommended the removal of two further pieces. They had also offered to visit the site again to look at options for replacement.

Resolved: i. that the quotation from Streetscape (Products and Services) Limited, of £708 + VAT for the refurbishment of the steel swings and the two springers be accepted and an order issued, and ii. that a site meeting be arranged with Streetscape to consider options for replacement equipment.

The meeting concluded at 9 pm

The date of the next meeting was advised for Tuesday 6 October 2020 at 7:30pm

Signed as a true record …………………………………… Date …………………………… Linda Varey (Chairman)