Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni 2011connections Report •to Enriching the Community the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • ExpandingAchievement, opportunitiesAcademics, Alumni andfor the community Arts involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni A+ Board

Frank Voris President Nina Menis Executive Director Foundation for West Aurora Schools Randi Ochsenschlager Supporting School District 129 and its Secretary Achievements, Academics, Alumni and the Arts Michael Schaschwary Treasurer Dr. James Rydland Ex officio Thank you for taking the time to peruse our 2011 Report to the Community. If your name or the name of the organization you represent is listed in one or Mike Chapin more of our sincerely appreciated donor listings, we thank you. If your name Dennis Cromien should have been listed and somehow we missed including you, we apologize. Donna Letzter Please call this oversight to our attention. If you are reading about the A+ Bob Lisberg Foundation for West Aurora Schools for the first time, we would appreciate Kathy Navota your support in the future. Neal Ormond Chrissy Poppen Our 2012 A+ Distinguished Alumni Hall of Honor celebration was held on Stan Rayford Friday and Saturday, April 13th and 14th. Friday’s activities brought our Ingrid Roney Distinguished Alumni into the classroom at West High where they interacted Scott Voris with students, sharing their experiences and challenges they had on their road to success. The induction ceremony was held on Saturday evening as part of our annual Legacy of Lights dinner. District 129 Our primary program of financial support of the district is our Fund-A-Need program where, in combination with members of our community, grants to Board support staff-initiated classroom enrichment projects are funded. This past of Education year seventeen of these grants were awarded and are summarized in our Report to the Community. 2011-2012 Emerging from a strategic planning effort undertaken by our board, the Neal Ormond President A+ Foundation will be embarking on a mentoring program. This strategic planning effort benefited greatly from the participation of several focus groups Allyson Herget which included high school students, parents, alumni, and citizens living in Vice President the school district. We extend our appreciation and thanks to those of you that Mark Bradford participated in the process. In coordination with guidance counselors at the

Robert R. Gonzalez high school, we will be identifying mentors who will work with students on a Angie Smith variety of issues including their career and college considerations. If this is an Amie Thompson activity in which you would enjoy participating, please let us know. Jonathan Wood With appreciation for your interest and support, Nataly Rios Student Board Representative Cindi Nybo Frank K. Voris, President Secretary A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools George Malina Treasurer Dr. James Rydland Superintendent

2 2012 | Distinguished Alumni Hall of Honor A Project of the A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools Supporting District 129 and its Achievements, Academics, Alumni and the Arts

The A+ Foundation’s signature event celebrates the induction of West Aurora High School graduates into the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Honor. The distinguished alumni are honored at a banquet dinner in the spring. The Hall of Honor, which began in 2006, recognizes those alumni who have distinguished themselves beyond their high school years through their significant accomplishments or service. Inductees are honored with plaques along with biographies displayed prominently in the high school auditorium foyer.

The Hall of Honor program has two goals: • To honor distinguished alumni for their achievements • To raise the self-expectations of West students with the realization that the distinguished alumni grew up in their neighborhoods and attended their school

Our foundation continues to seek distinguished alumni to add to our Hall of Honor. If you would like to nominate someone, please fill out the online nomination form or contact us [email protected] .

2012 Honorees Martha Evans Sloan, Class of 1957 Walter Bothe, Class of 1959 William C. Gifford, Class of 1959 Raymond W. Reed, Ph.D., Class of 1964 Bruce Kammenzind, Class of 1976 Martha Evans J. Scott Jordan, Class of 1980 J. Scott Sloan Jordan

Walter Bruce Bothe Kammenzind

William C. Gifford Raymond W. Reed

Past Honorees

Frank H. McWethy, ‘01 Phillip E. Johnson, ‘58 Thomas C. Ewing, ‘69 Ruth VanSickle Ford, ‘15 H. William (Bill) Habermeyer, Jr., ‘60 Randy Shilts, ‘69 H. Ashley Barber, ‘29 Dr. George Everitt, ‘61 Stephen F. Sundlof, ‘69 John Drury, ‘45 Pam (Kohn) Hait, ‘61 Eric Halfvarson, ‘70 Arthur Ramer Wyatt, ‘45 Arthur Lage, ‘61 Thomas Skilling, ‘70 Richard Olson, ‘47 Robert Taggart, ‘61 Michael Cavender, ‘72 J. Allison “Al” Binford, ‘48 Thomas F. Gallagher, ‘62 R. Lawrence Hatchett, ‘77 Edward Ochsenschlager, ‘50 James Groninger, ‘62 Kathleen L. (Forsell) Caldwell, ‘79 Max Baratz, ‘52 Wendell Minor, ‘62 Jacqueline Pongracic, ‘79 Albert Alschuler, ‘58 Paul Ormond, ‘67 Annbritt (Gemmer) duChateau, ‘83

3 2011-2012 | Fund-A-Need

Fund-A-Need offers an opportunity for you to connect with classroom needs. District 129 Public Schools teachers use the Fund-A-Need program to enhance opportunities for their students. Individual donors browse through the proposals and select a proposal they want to fund. To ensure the accountability of Fund-A-Need, volunteers from the A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools work closely with District 129 officials to review and approve all proposals. Donors will receive thank you notes from the classroom teacher and students and a letter of acknowledgement from the Foundation for their sponsorship. This new donation opportunity is closely modeled on the award-winning program developed by the Foundation for Lincoln, Nebraska Public Schools. We appreciate their cooperation on offering this opportunity to our community. To see proposals that are still seeking funding, please visit www.aplusfoundation.org and click the “Fund-A-Need” button.

2011-2012 | Approved Fund-A-Need Programs Who Wants to be Girls’ Club PASS – a Reading Millionaire Hall Elementary School Providing After School Support Fearn Elementary School Funding will provide for a 5th grade Herget Middle School Funding will provide whole school Girls Club to help develop self-esteem Funding will provide for transportation reading incentive support of family and confidence. costs for student after-school programs literacy. Students and staff will chart Funded through the generous support of in order to allow participation in the minutes reading both in school and out Neal and Mary Clark Ormond tutoring and remedial teaching aspects of school, with progress being charted of the program. by the student data team. Once one Author Visit: Jeff Hirsch Funded through the generous support of the million minutes have been achieved, Herget Middle School A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools a celebration will be scheduled with a Jeff Hirsch, a New York resident, is guest storyteller. a first-time author ofThe Eleventh Senior Citizens Breakfast Funded through the A+ Foundation in Plague and will talk to students about and Band Concert Memory of Dr. Richard Green publishing a novel and his struggles and Jefferson Middle School successes with writing. In what has become a tradition at Parents and Teachers Together Funded through the generous support of the Jefferson Middle School, sixth grade Freeman Elementary School Class of 1945 band students serve as greeters and Funding will provide parent reading host/hostesses and 7th and 8th grade nights, including three books for every band students perform special musical Freeman student. Students and their selections for more than 250 senior parents will learn about a variety of citizen. After the concert, students and careers, participate in story time, enjoy senior citizens have breakfast together. a fun night and allow an ISAT night for Funded through the generous support of families. Neal and Mary Clark Ormond and the A+ Funded through the generous support of the Foundation for West Aurora Schools Wadsworth Family Foundation and the A+ Foundation After-School Reading Program Smith Elementary School SS Friendship Funding will allow for the purchase Goodwin Elementary School of a scholastic reading kit to enhance S.S. Friendship is an after-school children’s reading who are below 2nd program for at-risk first graders grade reading level, but currently are that focuses on reading and math in 2nd grade. This is a flexible, year- achievement. The project pairs students long program that builds vital language with a senior citizen mentor who meet arts, vocabulary and comprehension regularly in the library. skills with high-interest selections and Funded through the generous support of the exercises. A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools Funded through the generous support of the Sherry R. Eagle Endowment Fund

4 Scholastic News Investigating the Body Smith Elementary School through Cadaver Dissection How Can You Funding will provide for a monthly West High School Support the subscription to Scholastic News with Funding will provide full-day 50 copies in English and 25 in Spanish immersion experience in cadaver A+ Foundation? which will assist in comprehension and dissection for 30 high school seniors fluency with second grade students. enrolled in the Human Anatomy and Your support of the A+ Foundation Funded through the generous support of the Physiology class. Students involved in for West Aurora Schools is crucial. A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools the class have shown motivation and Regardless of the size of your interest in pursuing further education donation, be assured that it will be Technology in the Classroom and employment in the health care gratefully received and put to work profession. for the maximum benefit promoting Washington Middle School educational excellence. Funding will provide three document Funded through the generous support of the There are a number of ways that you cameras and six AVerPen starter kits to A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools can support the A+ Foundation: enhance technology in the classrooms Listen to the Music • Support specific classroom needs for Language Arts and Foreign through our Fund-A-Need program Language programs. This technology West High School • Support an existing A+ Foundation will enable students to interact with the Funding will provide necessary Fund by donating to the following camera from anywhere in the classroom. equipment for West High music funds through the Community Funded through the generous support of the students to listen to music in the Foundation of the Fox River Valley Wadsworth Family Foundation classroom, and then assess and analyze their own singing. This will allow the • A+ Foundation for West Aurora Project Excellence Tutors teacher to gauge the student’s level of Schools Endowment Fund West High School musical performance, reinforcing the • Dr. Sherry R. Eagle Educational tenets of musical literacy and critical Endowment Fund Project Excellence offers peer-based listening skills present in the vocal tutoring in all subject areas at West • Sten & Lucille Halfvarson music curriculum. Endowment Fund High School. The funding will allow for an expansion of the program to include Funded through the generous support of the • Janet Kircher Isler Endowment 59 tutors assigned to all 8 hours of the Sherry R. Eagle Endowment Fund and the Fund school day. Sten & Lucille Halfvarson Endowment Fund • A+ Foundation Alumni Scholarship of West Aurora High School Funded through the generous support of the Preservation of Ruth VanSickle Wadsworth Family Foundation • A+ Foundation for West Aurora Ford Paintings Schools Fund Book Club West High School • Meg Papadolias Fund West High School Donated by the Class of 1951, four • West Aurora Community Field of Funding will provide an after-school paintings by Ruth VanSickle Ford, West Dreams Fund Book Club where students can receive High Alumnus) are in need of cleaning, • West Aurora High School Fund in paperback books and conduct monthly repair and reframing to preserve Memory of Richard J. Dorsey meetings. This program will encourage each for the long term. Having such reading for pleasure, critical thinking artwork from such a renown artist on • Consider a planned gift or pledge and discussion skills, help students see display at West High enhances the Fine through the Community Foundation the connection among the written word Arts program and aspirations of the of the Fox River Valley and an author’s ideas and develop good students. • Consider organizing a Class Gift relationships between students and the Funded through the generous support of the Gifts can be made in memory of a library staff. Class of 1951, Neal and Mary Clark Ormond, colleague, in honor of a friend who has Funded through the generous support of the Nancy Hopp and memorials received in honor made a difference in your life or just in support of excellence in education. In Sherry R. Eagle Endowment Fund of Charlene O’Connor whatever way you would like your gift Teen Mother’s Support Group recognized, it will be deductible for tax Investigating Water Quality purposes to the extent allowed by law. West High School West High School Funding will provide caps and gowns The A+ Foundation for West Aurora Funding will provide two field trips Schools maintains funds within the to investigate the impact of urban for students involved in this program Community Foundation of the Fox development on local waterways and for their River Valley. This partnership enables the relationship between wastewater graduation our Foundation to save valuable treatment and environmental celebration. charitable dollars that otherwise would degradation that has the potential Funded through be expended for administrative needs. to impact human health. The unit the generous Donations to our Endowment Funds integrates topics from biology, support of benefit our foundation and District chemistry, physics and earth science. Angela Smith 129 in perpetuity. Only the interest in honor of her earned by the fund is distributed Funded through the generous support of while the principle remains intact as daughter, Catherine Veal a permanent resource for the future Malley charitable needs of our schools.

5 Dunham Fund to Help Fund New Career-Readiness Curriculum

The Dunham Fund grant awarded $95,000 to the A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools to help fund a new, technology-based career-readiness project in District 129 middle schools. The funds will be used to purchase computers, SMARTboards, tablets and other technology for the “Global Classroom STEMming from Technology – World of Work” program. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Former District 129 The goal of the new curriculum is to have students apply science and mathematical concepts in real-world situations, Teacher Leaves $110,000 as well as understand how to work in cooperative group settings, take pride in the outcome of a project, arrive to the to A+ Foundation workplace on time, be prepared to work and develop good time-management skills. The A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools has received an Interactive technology purchased with the Dunham Fund $110,000 gift from the estate of the late Janet Kircher Isler, grant will allow students the opportunity, for example, who taught in District 129 schools for a quarter century to network globally, one-on-one, with career-oriented until her retirement in 1968. individuals. Janet was born in 1918 in La Crosse, Wis. and began The high school will benefit from the program, as it receives teaching in Aurora in 1942 at Greenman Elementary School. students with greater career exposure and skill acquisition. She also taught at Lincoln, Freeman and Smith Elementary A resulting advancement of the high school curriculum will Schools and was president of Lincoln Elementary School’s allow more students to participate in community-college-level PTA in 1953. courses while still in high school, with the goal of earning Janet was active in sports and was a bowler on several some type of certification applicable to the employment world. championship teams in Aurora. She enjoyed music and sang Several of the district’s middle school World of Work in the choir at the New England Congregational Church in teachers have pursued engineering STEM master’s degrees in Aurora. preparation for the implementation of this program, which has She died on Dec. 6, 2010 in La Crosse, Wisconsin at the age the support of the Valley Industrial Association in Aurora. of 92. The Dunham Fund grant was awarded to the district’s The Foundation has received the first distribution of A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools, which will work in $110,000 which was deposited with the Community concert with the Community Foundation of the Fox River Foundation to establish an endowment fund under the A+ Valley to administer the funds. Foundation in her name. “The benefits of earlier career and skill intervention will “With this gift to her beloved school district, Janet Kircher reap rewards for the students and community in the future,” Isler will now contribute to the enrichment of education of says Frank Voris, president of the A+ Foundation. “A better District 129 children for generations to come. Many of those educated student population translates into greater future students who will benefit, fittingly, are the descendants of employment opportunities and higher earning potential, the children she herself taught,” said Frank Voris, president providing a reinvestment back to the community.” of the A+ Foundation Board of Directors. For more information on the A+ Foundation for West Dunham Fund Aurora Schools, visit www.aplusfoundation.org. www.dunhamfund.org

A + Foundation for West Aurora Schools www.aplusfoundation.org

Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley www.communityfoundationfrv.org

6 West Aurora Charter Alumni Donors

Sally (Main) Adrian Charlotte E. Maron John C. Auther Karl E. Maron About A+ Max Baratz Marcy A. McCall Lavonne Burkhart Irving J. Ochsenschlager Foundation Barry L. Butler Michael Ochsenschlager The A+ Foundation for West Debbie Clausen Randi Ochsenschlager Aurora Schools is an all-volunteer Carla Connor Robert Ochsenschlager organization with an eye to Gerald Connor Donna Oleson the past and to the future. The Joanne M. Cox Neal Ormond III Foundation formed in 2008 is the Jim Douglas Helen M. Payne result of the merger of two strong Mike Douglas Andrew T. Peters organizations – the Foundation Katie Voris Drawer Bill Pfeiffer for the West Aurora Schools Jerry Ellis Linda Pfeiffer and the West Aurora Alumni Scott Farnum Jacqueline A. Pongracic Association. Board members of Roger W. Field Chrissy Lynn Poppen both organizations believed that William Foote Kristin Voris Poweleit this alliance will result in greater accomplishments and additional Don Greeley John A. Pyle resources. John R. Harkness David Schwanz Lynn Nelson Head Henry G. Siewert Patrick W. Healy Sandy Womack Spasoff Allyson J. Herget Janet O’Brien Star R. Thomas Herget Stanley A. Swanson David Hipp Mark D. Theis Our Mission Kristine E. Maron Horn John R. Tull The A+ Foundation for West Jevne Hanchette Hosier Frank Voris Aurora Schools supports and Judy Kerl Ralph Voris promotes educational, cultural Peter Kerl Bradley S. Walls and charitable programs for the Doug Kirhofer Cheryl J. Whitford students and alumni of School Peter Landesman District 129. Our not-for- profit Brian Lents foundation provides this support Dr. Marilyn Luckey through grants, programs and Jane Peters Lynn scholarships to enhance lifelong Margaret P. Main learning opportunities for their Denny Malmgren recipients.

Our Vision • Enrich the curriculum • Inspire excellence in students and staff • Expand opportunities for community involvement Please Note: The individuals listed above were life members of the West Aurora High • Foster alumni connections School Alumni Association prior to the 2008 merger of the Alumni Association and the Foundation for West Aurora Schools. We recognize these individuals for their participation in that program and express our appreciation to them for their confidence in our Foundation.

7 1994-2011 | Lifetime Giving to the A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools PEWTER STAR PLATINUM STAR $1,000 and above $250,000 or above City of Aurora Mark and Deann Alleman Alschuler, Simantz, & Hem LLC American Taxi Dispatch Inc. GOLD STAR Arbor Management Inc. $20,000 and above Aurora Rotary Club Foundation Dunham Fund Aurora Tri State Fire Protection Janet Kircher Isler Jim and Ruth Benson Richard and Cleo Jean Olson Family Charitable Fund Mary and Roger Bernard The Wadsworth Family Endowment Fund Fairview Dental Farmers Insurance Group of Companys SILVER STAR WITH DISTINCTION Caryl Farnum $10,000 and above First Busey Corporation Sherry R. Eagle Endowment Fund Friends for Lauzen Old Second National Bank Healy Chapel Neal and Mary Clark Ormond Garry Hessenberger Frank and Charlotte Voris Phillip and Katherine Johnson Ralph and Linda Voris Johnson, Harkness and Park West Aurora School District Odd Cents Fundraiser Kelmscott Communications Luanne Kelsey SILVER STAR Dr. Arthur Lage $5,000 and above Mickey, Wilson, Weiler, Renzi and Andersson P.C. Caterpillar Inc. Mark and Nina Menis/Kayton Family Fund Read With Me Fund Wendell & Florence Minor Frances K. Voris Robert and Randi Ochsenschlager West Aurora Alumni Asociation The Packer Foundation (formerly a separate organization, now part of the A+ Foundation) Perkins Coie PMA Financial Network BRONZE STAR Robbins, Schwartz, Nicolas, Lifton & Taylor $2,500 and above Dr. Rebecca L. Sherrick Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley Erin Slater Sherry and Howard Eagle SunGard Public Sector Inc. Emerson Network Power and Energy Systems Robert and Donna Taggart Bruce and Margot Goldsmith Jim and Claire Toynton Grainger Matching Gifts Program Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. Inc. Gary and Mary Jewel Don and Margaret Truax Peter and Judy Kerl West Aurora High School Faculty Welfare Frances and William Myers West Aurora School District 129, Edward and Sharon Stredde Board of Education, Administration and Staff Olsson Roofing Company Arthur Wyatt Douglas and Mary Lou Zolper

The A+ Foundation has made every effort to guarantee the accuracy of this list of generous donors. If an error or omission has occurred, we sincerely apologize and hope you will bring it to our attention by emailing us at [email protected] or writing to The A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools c/o Randi Ochsenschlager, 80 S. River St., Aurora, IL 60506.

8 2011 | Donors (The following lists reflect donations made prior to December 31, 2011. Thank you to again to all our contributors for their support of the A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools!)

VALEDICTORIANS Edward and Ruth Knorring Helen Jungermann $1,000 and above Donna Kunzi Haylee Kalkman Deborah Nardone LuAnne Kelsey Sherry R. Eagle Al and Pat Rieke Barbara and Lambert Kern Dr. Arthur Lage R.H. Roberts Beth Kluber Mark and Nina Menis/Kayton Family Fund Charles Sears Pam Kluber Wendell & Florence Minor George and Sharon Southwick Joan Green Koelling Neal and Mary Ormond Virgene Anderson Vatthauer Deanna Konstans Perkins Coie Doug and Mary Lou Zolper Margaret Kratzer Bob and Donna Taggart Dorrie Ladd Frank and Char Voris Cindy Larry Arthur Wyatt CONTRIBUTORS Deann Alleman Pamela Larsen Anne Alschuler Walter and Cynthia Lashley HONOR SOCIETY Diane Angelo Cynthia Latimer $500 and above Mary Banaszak Sandra Bauer Lay Arbor Management Delia Nila Basile Jane Lynn Peter Kerl Rhonda Bauer Matthew Love William and Frances Myers Janice Bodily Emily Martin Oracle Matching Gifts Program Suzanne McMakin Brown Ruth Ann Martin PMA Financial Services Linda Burise-Lantz Lynne Mattingly Angie and Greg Smith Lynne Burnett Scott & Kelly McCleary Pat and Howie Burns Elizabeth Mercado SCHOLARS Steve Butcher Deborah Meyers $250 and above Patricia Butler Janet Morcos Carlene Winston Caldwell Jim and Kathy Navota Michael Chapin Jerry and Alyce Nelson Al & Marilyn Freedy Ericka Campbell Ted Clauser Steve and Jean O’Brien Bruce and Margot Goldsmith Julie Paulson Linda Griese Mary Lou Conover Dennis and Virginia Cotter Michael and Nancy Pehan Joan Telford Herren Barbara Peskin Nancy and Jim Hopp Patricia Ferguson Cowherd Nanette Cramer Debbie Philipchuck Gary and Mary Jewel Richard and Wilma Phillips John and Lynn Lies Marcia Peterson Crandall Christine and Michael Crouch Linda Porter Bob and Randi Ochsenschlager Corrine Rapp Jim and Claire Toynton Marlene Benson Darner Diane Daugherty Kathleen Risch Christi Tyler Scott Robowski Catherine Veal Michael and Kathleen DeTolve Cynthia Davis Karen Bjorseth Sjolund Class of 1945 Linda Slaker Class of 1951 Kathy Dawson John & Janice Docherty Elmyrta Anderson Snow Richard and Terry Drew Virginia Spix FRIENDS Sandy McWethy Ellis Daien Eisenhuth Stephen $100 and above Cathie Elsbree Joe and Carol Stoffel Al Alschuler Denise and Greg Elsbree Laura Stukel Jim and Ruth Benson Betty Lou Engen Jane Sweeney Board of Education - District 129 Tish Evers Mary Thompson Judy Collette Sue Ferrell Mary Tworek-Tupper Mary Lou Conover Wilma Fitzpatrick Jan Vernol Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dodd Bonnie Gardiner Sharon and Charles Waters Timothy Gallagher Vanessa Geer Mary Lou Vernol Wedemeyer Jane Davis Gapinski Diane Gerner Harold and Shirley West Melena Gaspadarek Chuck & Betty Gilmore Cheryl Whitford Mardi and Bill Glenn Ronald Glen Cheryl White Jean Goehlen Maureen Granger Ronald Williams Linda Gries Rebecca Greiner Donna Williams Teena Grodner Marilyn Hagler Dave and Bonnie Wooten Ellis Gurry Susan Hard Eve Willmann Dick and Lynn Harrison Doris Snyder Hoffnagle Jim and Nancy Wilson Dave and Sandy Hipp Allison Hughes Mary Kathleen Yarbrough Jill Johnson Robert James Sandra Zolper Dale and Susan Jones

9 2011 | Memorial Gifts (Contributions to the A+ Foundation or associated funds were made in the names of the following individuals.) Vivian Catherine Beebe Hershell Benberry William Bunch Kurt Buschbacher Sally Cleary Richard Dorsey George Drikakus Richard Green 2011 | Recognition and Sten and Lucille Halfvarson Thomas Holak Celebration Gifts Gayle B. Hunt William J. Johnson Christi Tyler for West Aurora District 129 Business Office West Aurora Board of Education for Dr. James Rydland Lucile M. Kane Nancy Hopp for Barbara McCuiston Valerie Larsen Bonnie and Dave Wooten for Sherry R. Eagle Nancy McWethy Lusk Ed and Sharon Stredde for Sherry R. Eagle Dorothy Marzo Class of 1945 for Class of 1945 E.J. McWethy Honoring Meg Papadolias – several donors Donald Nylin Angie Smith for Malley Smith Anne Padovic William H. Paull 2011 | Pathway of Honor Donald Pearson Carmen Alvarado Pier (The following organizations or individuals bought a brick Lawrence W. Pinnow on West Aurora High School’s Pathway of Honor in 2011. To purchase a brick, please visit the A+ Website at www. William Shazer aplusfoundation.org or contact us at [email protected]) Johnny Bill Simmons A+ Foundation Board Joan Stavrojohn Angie Smith and Debbie Nardone William Sweeney Diana Michels Raymond R. Thill Class of 1945 Don Weiss Marnie Peters Stewart West High School Eddie Weiss The Lauzen Family Jennifer Webb Charles W. Whitford Bella Zidel Douglas Zolper

2011 | Circle of Excellence (An unrestricted gift of $500 or more made in support of the “Fund A Need” Program in 2011) Kayton Family Fund Mark and Nina Menis William and Frances Myers Perkins Coie

10 2011 | Organizations Supporting Our Local Schools The A+ Foundation for West Aurora Schools is proud to include a listing of organizations involved with our schools in our Annual Report to the Community. We include this listing to show the extensive involvement of our community in our schools, which goes far beyond the efforts of the A+ Foundation. It has been said that “It takes a village to raise a child.” The A+ Foundation is proud to be an active, supportive member of “our village.”

A+ Foundation Girl Scouts of America Reuland’s Food Service AAA Goin’ For the Green Committee River Valley Community Church American Cancer Society Golden Kiwanis Robert Crown Anderson’s Bookshop - Naperville Hope United Robert Morris College Astro Auto Repair Service Center Math and Science Academy Rodney Davis Aunt Martha’s Illinois School Library Media Rotary Club of Aurora Aurora Central Catholic High School Association Rotary Engineers Aurora Advent Christian Church Illinois State Library Salvation Army Aurora Area Chamber of Commerce Illinois Student Assistance Commission School Mall Interstate Picture Studio Aurora Area University Women Interstate Photography SciTech Aurora Fire Department Junior Achievement - Exxon Mobile SES Tutoring Aurora Junior Women’s Club Dr. Kamal, D.D.S. Sharing Connection Aurora Police Department Kane County ROE Shell Gas Station - Illinois Avenue Aurora Public Library Keystone Lodge #15 St. David’s Church Kids Hope Strengthening Families Barat Education Foundation Kirhofer Sports Suicide Prevention Services Benedictine University Kiwanis - Fox Valley Swim with Bill Big Brothers/Big Sisters Knights of Columbus Taco Bell Boy Scouts of America Lewis University Taking Control Boys II Men Lifetouch Target Store - North Aurora BP Amoco - Fabric of America Fund Linden Oaks Tinseltown Theaters Breaking Free - 21st Century Grant Lucent Technologies Toyota Buffalo Wild Wings McDonald’s Tuesday Mentoring Christ Community Church Macedonia Church United States Post Office City of Aurora University of Illinois Extension Commonwealth Edison Messenger Public Library Program Communities in Schools Mobil Gas Station - Illinois Avenue Visiting Nurses Association of Fox Community Foundation of the Fox Montgomery Police Department Valley Clinic River Valley Mutual Ground Wadsworth Company Conley Outreach National Honor Society Wendy’s - Lake Street Cornerstone Community Baptist Nicor Wesley United Methodist Church Church Nobel West Aurora Band Boosters Dairy Queen - Illinois Avenue North Aurora A & W West Aurora Sports Boosters Drama Boosters North Aurora Fire Department Westminister Presbyterian Church Devry University North Aurora Lions Club Westwood College Douglas Carpets North Aurora Mother’s Club World Relief Everest College North Aurora Police Department YWCA Experience for Sales Effectiveness North Central College Exxon Oberweis Dairy Fairview Dental Opera for the Young Family Counseling Services of People for Childcare Aurora Pepe’s Restaurant - Lake Street Family Focus PNC Bank of North Aurora Family of Mark Bower Prairie State Legal Services Fashion Bug Prairie View Orthodontics First Baptist Church PTAs Fox Valley Hospice PTOs Fox Valley Park District PTSOs Fox Valley Therapy Dogs Quad County Urban League Friends of Aurora Rainbows - Itasca Funway Rasmussen College Gateway Reaching Across Illinois Library System Barb Gillette Jordan Real

11 Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students80 S.and River St. • Aurora, staff IL 60506 • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • 630.863.6613 Fostering alumni connections • Enriching the curriculum • Inspiring excellence in students and staff • Expanding opportunities for community involvement • Fostering alumni