31 Network Security, Threats, Authentication, Authorization, and Securing Devices
31 network Security, threats, authentication, authorization, and Securing devices WenbIn Luo IntroductIon by intercepting the network traffic, keyboard logging, or simply guessing, then the attacker can get into all their other Nowadays, almost all the information is stored electroni- accounts that share the same password. Also, if an insider in cally in computers, network servers, mobile devices, or one system compromises their password, their accounts in other storage media. We cannot protect electronic infor- other systems are also compromised. mation in a cabinet in the same way we protected physical In this chapter, first, we will review private key encryp- documents in the past. We have to come up with new tech- tion and public key encryption techniques. Then, we will give niques to protect the information from unauthorized access, examples of how to perform private key encryption, public use, or manipulation. The easiest way to protect electronic key encryption, and digital signing using GPG. Second, we data is to encrypt it so that people cannot figure out what will discuss some of the threats, which a computer system it contains without knowing the secret keys. Over the last or user may face, and how they work. Third, we will exam- several decades, two major types of encryption techniques ine some existing authentication techniques and take a look have been invented: private key encryption and public key at various authorization methods, especially those used on a encryption. Linux system. Finally, the last topic will be on how to secure Private key encryption, which is also called symmetric devices. encryption, scrambles the original data with a secret key.
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