Southwest Kansas Catholic
“The fi rst step in Christi an prayer is therefore the surrender of ourselves to God, to his providence. It is like saying: ‘Lord, You know everything, there is no need for me to tell you of my pain, I only ask you to stay here beside me: you are my hope.’” Pope Francis John Shelby Spong Southwest Kansas the a�t, the l�fe, ��� the lo�e of s��te� M���� i��o�e�t�� h���e� ATHOLIC -- P��� 9 CNewspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City Vol. LIV, No. 2 Sunday, March 24, 2019 ( Hey, A welcome along the journey is the you(th)! Lfoundati on High School “Jesus, Retreat looking • Who is God? at him, • Why does God matt er? • What are some loved challenges facing your life as him ....” The Most Rev. a Catholic? -- Mark 10:21 John B. Brungardt, These and other topics will Bishop of the Catholic be explored at the April 6-7 Diocese of Dodge City ”Forged” retreat at the Mandan his is one of my favorite scripture Lodge near Wright. passages, as Jesus, before And there will be plenty answering the questi on of the rich of time for fun, games, and T man, showed His love. This love is the key, celebrati on. the root, the source, the foundati on of our The “Forged” high school acts of kindness this Lent and beyond. retreat is a free diocesan-wide We have a grave shortage of priests retreat experience for students for our diocese, and we have focused on who are current high school almsgiving, fasti ng, prayer, and nowActs freshmen through seniors.
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