EWSPAPER ■ Bulk Rate m a t a w a n f r e e p u b l i b r a r y US Postage Paid 165 MAIN ST MATAWAN, NJ 0774? Eatontown, N.J. Permit #66 BAYSHORE E P E N D E N r SERVING ABERDEEN, HAZLET, KEYPORT, MATAWAN, UNION BEACH AND KEANSBURG APRIL 8, 1992 25 CENTS VOL. 22 NUMBER 15 S c h o o l K e y p o r t • , ; ■ e l e c t i o n i n u p r o a r w i n n e r s , o v e r l o s e r s a s y Page 3 Page 14 v'-: w o n ’t t i m e t o o p e n u i :il f a l l d e c o r Page 12 Page B l H oly W eek starts The Rev. Ron Cioffi of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Keyport, discusses Palm t o f i x Sunday with Darko Djokovich, d a m s 12, (center), A^gel Everhard, 12, and James Nanawa, 12. Page 15 See Page 27 Photograph by Rich Schultz 2 APRIL 8, 1992J l i i BROCK FARMS PRICE POLICY HOURS: OPEN 7 DAYS We Guarantee we wW not be undersold. Brock wN match Not responsible for typographical any Current-Newspapar advertised pries on brand name errors. We reserve the 9 AM to 7 PM items. Simply present the AO to the caahier prior to pur­ chase. Items must be of equal size and quality. right to limit quantities. SUN. 9 AM to 6 PM Come see the Easter Parade of Flowers... E A S T E R “EASTER’S FINEST” G1FTWARE & Deliciously Fragrant • Glossy, Green & Ivory White DECORATIONS HYACINTHS GARDENIAS FOR Graceful, Delicate • Lustrous, Red, White & Pink INDOORS & OUT BEGONIAS AZALEAS Massive, Bold and much more... • ANNA LEE HYDRANGEAS • CACTUS GARDENS • DEPT. 56 Majestic and Fragrant and TERRARIUMS C O R S A G E S & & SILVESTRI LILIES UNIQUE SELECTION Tall, Stately DECORATED PLANTS Collectibles TULIPS • LIGHTS Luminous & Lush •WINDSOCKS CHRYSANTHEMUMS •GARLANDS • RABBITS • RABBITS Our Southside Greenhouse is just loaded with beautful House AND Trees, Tropical Plants and Hanging Baskets for the Easter Holiday MUCH MORE! Gift Giving. Nothing but Wall to Waff Flowers. Super Fertilizer Special NURSERY ©HYPONeK* uSE » y s p e ^ LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS • Spreading Y ew s Pre-Emergence • Upright Yews •Golden Arborvitae * Pyramidal Yews • P yram id al Arborvitae Crabgrass Control ‘ Globe Arborvitae Plus Lawn Food * O ld G o ld Junipers •Juniper Stricta 5.000 sq. ft. 1 Q95..a 595■4 Q95 45,000 sq. ft. 3 9 9 5 20.000 sq. ft. I (1 Acre) 10 for $16 Q' BROCKBUSTERS Green Sweep Reg r o ses PREMIUM LIQ U ID 7.99 L A W N F O O D 5 9 9 C overs up to 5000 Sq. Ft. 1 0 for 4 9 9 5 Green Sweep r - ® roc»< Coupon —. PREEN EASTER GIFT C overs 2500 Sq. Ft. j $1.00 OFF 1 R e g . 2 0 . 9 9 15" G & B Cedar . - ^ owering: JACKS0N & Pe r k /NS l Cherry • Dogwood I Boxed ® ^ « » •-. FENCING * Purple Leaf P|um I - ROSES I 6"xio’ £599 | ___ ° ffer ExPire 4/15/92 I Reg. 8.99 O iprabapplfl.Brari.p^r 1 fruit trees ZT i Z—* Reg. 10.99 (Many Varieties) _ _3 f o r $ 2 5 Kwazan °r 3 for 4 0 c h e r r y _ f f O R S Y T H I A ™avy piants 5-95 ea. 5'to 6’Tall 2 Q 9 5 3 G a* Container Pink ea or 5 for®25 6 ' T a l i 5 for 8 9 5 dogwood Heavy-well B u d d ed 1 g a l l o n 39 EZ HANDCART JU N IP E R S 4 -99 each G reat new design, easy to handle Special & store. Rugged. Holds 200 Selection 10 for 3 9 ® ® lbs. Rust proof tub. #460 5»A0TOBD Reg. 34.99 2 4 9 9 Reg. 39.95 WEEPING WILLOW Reg. 29.99 ROUTE 34 NORTH COLTS NECK 462-0900 M O N.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM f i u s i SU N D AY 9 AM to 6 PM “THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS” THE INDEPENDENT, APRIL 8, 1992 3 INSIDE STORY A berdeen taps Charged out? O zer, B renner Are you drowning in credit-card debt? An area service offers low-cost Spending plan loses counseling to people trying to get con­ trol of their finances. throughout district PAGE 8 By Lauren Jaeger ABERDEEN - Voters in both Matawan Saying goodbye and Aberdeen overwhelmingly rejected the Regional Board of Education’s; proposed How can parents help their children budget for 1992-93 Tuesday. deal with death? A local counselor of­ A total of 590 residents cast votes in M at­ fers suggestions and a librarian recom­ awan and 1,209 came to the polls in Aber­ mends books. See the Parenting sec­ deen. The $35.8 million budget was rejected tion. by 426 votes in Matawan and by 751 in Aberdeen. PAGE 2 8 In Aberdeen, voters re-elected Board President Marilyn Brenner and chose new­ comer Irwin Ozer for a second full term on To call the Independent the board. Newcomer John Barbato won a one-year Advertising..............................747-0222 unexpired term in Aberdeen and Arthur Fu- Circulation...............................747-0222 Photograph by Rich Schultz marola was re-elected in Matawan Classified.................................747-6565 FUNNY BUNNIES Eleven candidates vied for the four seats News/Sports............................747-0222 Robert and Bernice Kopcho hang Easter decorations in the yard of their house on on the school board. New Brunswick Avenue, Matawan. Ozer, of 46 Chilton Place, toolq first place News releases or advertising copy with 506 votes. Brenner, of 93 Deerfield may be mailed or brought to the Inde­ Lane, won 403 votes. pendent building at 766 Shrewsbury “I ’m happy to have been re-elected,” said Avenue, Tinton Falls, N.J. 07724. Brenner, who served for 15 years on the H azlet votes for budget, board. “I’m happily looking.foward to INDEX working together with the staff, the commu­ nity and the kids.” A BETTER YOU......................... 3 2 -3 3 C ooney, C asha, B oehler However, the struggles ahead lie with cut­ ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 6 1 -6 3 ting the budget even leaner, she said. AUTOMOTIVE........................... 9 0 -9 5 “I ’m disappointed that it was defeated, By Marilyn Duff by telephone about her win. “I’m just CLASSIFIED.............................. 7 9 -8 9 but it was expected,” Brenner said. “There’s thrilled.” CLUB CALENDAR........................... 2 3 going to be a lot of aggravation, and a lot of H A Z L E T — Tuesday’s school election She noted she has a lot to learn, but “I ’m DINING....................................... 6 4 -6 5 nights staying up and drinking coffee. was a record breaker: For the first time in interested. I can’t wait.” ENVIRONMENT......................... 3 4 -3 5 Many teachers will have to e laid off, about 20 years, voters approved the school Herzberg offered his congratulations to HEALTH........................................... 18 budget tax levy. she said. the winners and said he was happy the bud­ Ozer, a long-time math teacher, said he is IN THE SPOTLIGHT......................... 3 0 The tally was 448-385. get passed. As for running again, he will looking forward to seeing the district form LETTERS......................................... 4 -5 Voters also returned incumbents Toni make that decision at a later date. partnerships with private industijy and col­ MILESTONES................................... 3 6 Casha and Joseph Cooney to the Board of Fischer could not be reached for com­ leges. OBITUARIES.................................... 6 6 Education and tapped newcomer Linda ment. Coming in third place was Ronald M i- OFF THE RECORD ....................... 6 Boehler, all for three-year terms. With the approval of the $15 million rante with 398; fourth was Robert Deegan OLD HOUSE....................................... 5 Casha of 20 Annapolis Drive received 1992-93 current expense levy, the 1992 tax with 336. Incumbent Mary F^nkhauser PARENTING.............................. 2 8 -2 9 510 votes; Cooney of 35 Nevada Drive, 461; rate will increase to $2,449 per $100 of as­ came in fifth with 320; and placing sixth PINCHING PENNIES........................... 8 and Boehler of 444 Middle Road, 439. sessed valuation. For the owner of a prop­ was Jonathan Pauker with 263 votes. POLICE BEAT............................ 6 8 -6 9 The unsuccessful candidates, Robert erty assessed at $100,000, this means a For the unexpired term, Barbato of 16 Fischer of 3 Indian Court and Steve Herz- PROPERTY LINES..................... 7 6 -7 7 school tax of $2,449, up from $2,405 last Donna Place received 512 votes. berg of 12 Dundall Place received 362 and PULSE................................................. 5 year. Richard Frazier came in second, with 381 342 votes, respectively. Both were first-time While there had been mixed predictions REAL EST ATE........................... 7 6 -7 8 votes. Raymond Iorio, who dropped out of candidates. about the budget approval, some residents the race but whose name remained on the REGION ROUNDUP.................. 19-21 The tallies include absentee ballots; how­ were optimistic because of the low tax-rate ballot, took 139 votes. RELIGION......................................... 2 7 ever, the total number of registered voters increase, said to be the lowest in years. Oth­ Barbato, a financial control manager for a CHARLES RUBINSTEIN................... 6 5 who cast ballots was not available. It was ers weren’t so sure, however, predicting the Fortune 500 company, would like to see SCHOOL.........................................
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