jeSavwiannah sh news A Publication of Savannah Jewish Federation Find out more at June 2008 | Iyar-Sivan, 5768 Vol. LXII, No. 9 Federation Board Approves FY 08-09 Allocations At the May 14, 2008 meeting of its down campaign always makes the al- Distribution Committee. Recognizing Board of Governors, the Savannah Jew- locations process more difficult, but the changing nature of philanthropy in ish Federation approved allocation Savannah still is fortunate to be able to the United States and a growing desire grants totaling $845,174 for the 2008 do as much as we do for our own Jew- on the part of donors to see more spe- – 2009 fiscal year. Michael Kooden, ish community and for our fellow cifically where their money is going; the general campaign chair and chair of around the world. After the heartfelt overseas subcommittee recommended the allocations committee, said: “I am discussions that were held, I am confi- a new initiative for distributing grants pleased to announce the distribution of dent that we have arrived at an appro- from the Savannah Jewish Federation Happy Shavuot! grants for the coming year and am grat- priate allotment of funds of which we overseas. ified by the hard work of the campaign can all be proud,” said Kooden. Whereas in the past, almost all of the team and the allocations committee The allocations committee used funds set aside for overseas needs were In This Issue to make these grants possible. We’ve four general categories of agencies in turned over to UJC (and thus JAFI and implemented some new approaches in determining the distribution of funds JDC) for distribution, the overseas com- Shaliach’s message, p2 the allocations process this year that for next year: Education, overseas, local mittee suggested this year that a portion Executive Director’s message, p3 I’m excited about and that I hope will and national. Included in the overseas of the funds set aside for overseas needs Myths and Facts, p5 be meaningful for our community.” category are grants for birthright be used to make grants directly to spe- The amount of money available to ($5,000 this year), the local Shaliach cific agencies for purposes deemed to JEA CenterPiece be allocated was down 10% ($95,000) program ($45,000) and our “core” al- be of interest to our local community. Condolences, p11 from the previous year. The allocations location to United Jewish Communi- The Federation Board enthusiastically committee carefully deliberated what Savannah Jewish Archives, p11 ties ($232,143) which includes funds approved this approach and set aside effect the decrease in funds should distributed to the Jewish Agency for ______Community Calendar, p13 have on the distribution of funds. “A Israel and the American Jewish Joint Continued on Page 2 On The Personal Side, p13

Featured Stories Patinkin Heads List of Speakers at CMI’s and Savannah Meet two newcomers to Jewish Community 275th Anniversary Celebration Savannah with a caring, On the weekend will include: special Emmy Award-win- entrepreneurial spirit — of July 11-13, con- services with nation- ning American actor Miriam & Jacob Hodesh. gregants of Mickve ally known speakers, and renowned tenor Their business, New Moon of Israel, friends, and in- musical recitals, a Mandy Patinkin. Savannah, is about promoting vited guests will mark special Kiddush lun- There also will be community and non-profit the 275th anniversary cheon, a grand ban- a diverse group of endeavors; p5 of the founding of quet, and a brunch speakers from the the congregation and Mandy for the descendants Baroness United States, as well Mike Kvell a little and read all about the Savannah Jew- Patinkin of the original set- Ruth Deech as Great Britain, who Schneider the high school and college ish community with a wide variety of tlers. There also will be tours related will participate in the program for the graduates. Why should their events. Approximately 300 families of to the Jewish history of Savannah, in celebration. Baroness Ruth Deech, a parents and grandparents have descendants of the first settlers have addition to tours of the sanctuary and life peer of the House of Lords, will all the fun? pp6-7 been located and invited to attend the the Nancy and Lawrence Gutstein commemorate the first settlers who festivities. Museum at the Temple. set out from London. She is an academ- Were you at the Israel@60 Festival? The programs to celebrate 275 A special guest during the cel- ic, bioethicist, and former governor of ______Even if you missed it, enjoy the years of Jewish presence in Savannah ebration will be Tony Award- and pictures! pp8-9 Continued on Page 4 Jewish Family Services NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE Sponsoring Food Drive in June PAID For the month of June, the Savannah Jewish Federation’s Jewish Family Services A Publication of Savannah Jewish Federation will collect non-perishable food items to assist efforts to fight hunger locally. Con- PO Box 23527 PERMIT NO. 207 tainers will be in the lobby of the JEA throughout the month for the convenience of Savannah, Georgia 31403 SAVANNAH, GA those who would like to drop off donations. Suggested food donations include peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, soups, cereal, rice, tuna, macaroni and cheese, powdered milk and other canned or Address Service Requested boxed food items. The food will be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank. According to the Children’s Defense Fund, one out of every six Georgia children is at risk of going hungry at some point each month. Second Harvest is finding it dif- ficult to meet dramatically increasing requests for food assistance and JFS also has seen increased requests for assistance. Feeding the hungry is a fundamental Jewish value and we hope that all who are able to do will help with this effort. We also plan to hold our annual Operation Isaiah Food Drive in the fall to coincide with the Jewish holidays. For more information, please call 355-8111. Summer’s Here – See You At The JEA Pool! Savannah Page 2 | June 2008 jewish news Always Keep Our Jewish Identity Two weeks ago I was sitting on the alone for a minute. 321 speaking engagements, 133 classes taught, bleachers at the Israel @ 60 celebration At the end of the at Forsyth Park watching a group of day, the Shaliach role 4 student seders led, 22,000 miles driven, non-Jewish children perform a tradi- and goals are one in 1,000s of English phrases butchered tional Israel folk dance and I realized the same: Maintain- that my time here is over. ing and enhancing Innumerable lives changed I’m happy and honored that I had the strong connec- the opportunity to be part of Israel’s tion between the Eyal Blank, 60th anniversary celebration in the state of Israel and the park, an event that brought together Jewish community in Community the entire Jewish community and Savannah and to be Shaliach L’Hitraot showed all of Savannah Israel’s beauti- part of the Jewish community’s effort ful face. to keep its Jewish identity. Eyal Leaving my role after two years is In this era, America is one of the more than accomplishing a mission, it’s two best places to be Jewish. The mod- BBQ leaving home. After two years in a city, ern society encourages people to pick it becomes yours — you know that the and choose from what the world has fastest way to downtown is the Park- to offer and it also lets us be Jews in way or Drayton. You know that if you many different ways. But however we really want to eat a fine dinner you choose to express ourselves we should better do it before 9:30 p.m. and that always remember where we came from the only place to find good Tahini is as Jews — our history and our com- the El-Salam deli on Habersham. You mon culture — and always work to June even get used to seeing live broadcast- keep our Jewish identity. 19 ing from the churches on Sunday. And I hope I have been part of that pro- I always knew it was Shabbat when I cess for everyone in Savannah through sat down with the Lichtman’s for Fri- my work here the last two years. It has day night dinner. been a real honor for me to be the emis- 5-7 It wasn’t easy to come to a new sary from Israel to the Jewish commu- You are cordially invited to join us as we pay country, knowing no one, but the nity of Savannah – a community with tribute to our Shaliach, Eyal Blank community accepted me like nothing I such an impressive heritage. I thank ever knew before, and I doubt will ever each one of you for making it such L’Hitraot Eyal BBQ know again. My first four weeks in Sa- a great journey for me and I hope for June 19th vannah were spent running from Syna- you, too. I encourage each one of you gogue to lunch and dinner. I remember to continue this process within the 5-7pm that the first day of I went to Jewish community in Savannah and $5 per person four different events. I packed two dif- to also be part of this process with the ferent shirts in the car just incase. My Jewish people around the world, espe- adopted parents here, Stephanie and cially in Israel, which I hope you know Michel Lichtman and Jeff and LeeAnn is your second home. I invite you all to WHEN YOU WANT TO KNOW Kole made sure that I wouldn’t be come visit me there! WHATS HAPPENING IN THE JEWISH COMMUNITY Allocations...... cont. from page 1 $20,000 to go directly to the following Georgia Hillel ($1,000), Rambam Day agencies/causes: Yad B’Yad, an agency School ($179,784) and Shalom School in Israel working with at-risk youth ($23,280). The education agencies al- ($4,000); immediate needs in Sderot locations total $207,864 and represent ($4,000); TALI Education Fund of the 16.4% of the campaign achievement. Masorti movement, which introduces The JEA is the only agency cur- religious education into traditionally rently included in the local category. secular schools in Israel ($2,500); Israel The JEA will receive an annual alloca- Religious Action Center, the public and tion of $305,167 plus a $25,000 special legal advocacy arm of the Reform move- grant for the purchase of a new bus or ment in Israel ($2,500); an as yet un- van. Including the special grant, the identified traditional/Orthodox cause JEA’s allocation represents 26.15% of in Israel ($2,500); via JDC, the Central the campaign achievement. Sephardic Congregation of Cuba for a The national category includes media center ($1,500); Friends of Givat agencies for Jewish causes based in the Hayim, an agency in Israel providing United States. Grants from the Savan- services to the disabled ($1,000); Bayit nah Jewish Federation for 2008-2009 Lepletot/Girls Town , which include: the Jewish Community Center provides a home and traditional envi- Association of North America ($2,000); ronment for girls needing shelter for Hadassah ($1,000); Jewish Council for whatever reason, often until marriage Public Affairs ($750); Jewish Educa- ($1,000); the Israel Guide Dog Center tion Service of North America ($250). for the Blind ($1,000). As with the overseas grants, the Fed- In total, $302,143 was allocated for eration approved a set-aside of $1,000 overseas needs, representing 23.9% of for directed donations to be used this the overall campaign achievement of year for grants to the Anti-Defamation $1,262,792. League, the Jewish Braille Institute and Included in the education category the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Dis- were local BBYO (allocated $2,500 for eases Association. The grants in the Richard Bodziner updating Roman Centurians 08-09), SCAD Hillel ($800), Georgia national category total $5,000 (0.4% of about Jewish Savannah in front of the Southern Hillel ($500), University of the campaign achievement). Victor Emmanual Memorial in Rome, Italy Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 3

Identification Statement Because He Chose To Almost two years ago a young man he has become part Savannah Jewish News in Israel packed up his belongings to of the family. June 2008 Issue make a home in Savannah. He didn’t What you may

Published ten times each year by know any of the people, had never not know is that The Savannah Jewish Federation been here before and would be speak- Eyal is a volunteer. ing (almost exclusively) in a second That’s right; Eyal 5111 Abercorn St. language. He put his life on hold, has given the Savan- Adam Solender Savannah, GA 31405 delayed further education, and left a nah community two 912-355-8111/ family business. years of his life as a volunteer. In the For the past two years, Eyal Blank US, it’s not typical that our children Joel Greenberg has been our Community Shaliach. would give up two years of their lives President Armed with many ideas and programs, to share their culture, their country, Linda Zoller Eyal has labored tirelessly to build the their world with others. Yet, that is President-Elect bonds of everyone in Savannah with exactly what Eyal has done. Michael Kooden Israel and each other. And he did it all Eyal is the fourth “volunteer” Vice-President with sensitivity, maturity and bound- Shaliach I have had the pleasure to Jeffrey Lasky less enthusiasm. work with. There is a certain some- Secretary-Treasurer He has taught our children in Sha- thing in each of them that makes them

Fran Kaminsky lom School, visited St. Andrews, Coun- extra special: Sometimes it is a sense of Chair, Newspaper Committee try Day, and numerous public schools. adventure—a longing to try something He has organized Shabbat dinners new and challenging—sometimes it is Adam Solender with SCAD students. He reached out a sense of duty, sometimes an intense [email protected] Don’t forget! to Savannah State with programs that Zionist identity. Whatever it is, we Executive Director created new ties there. He has spent are all better for having known Eyal. Savannah Jewish Federation many hours with community seniors The Jewish Agency program that Lynn Levine There will be a July-August issue who have lived through the establish- helps bring the Shlichim to commu- [email protected] of Savannah Jewish News. ment of Israel, sharing stories, updat- nities throughout the world is called Director ing them on current events. He has “Arevim,” a Hebrew world that means Midge Lasky Schildkraut Deadline for submissions effectively organized Yom Haatzmaut responsible. I’m sure it was taken from [email protected] Is June 30, 2008 and Zikaron programs, supported the the Talmudic saying, “Kol yisrael are- Editor Speakers Series, and assisted with the vim zeh lazeh—All Israel is responsi- Summer Shlichim integration into the ble for one another.” For the past two Day Camp programs. This year Eyal years, Eyal has been the embodiment mounted two large scale events—the of this saying. . We will be gathering Children of Jerusalem art exhibit held at the JEA on June 19th from 5-7pm for at the Bull Street Library and the Isra- a Shalom Eyal BBQ. As Eyal gets ready el @ 60 Festival held last week in For- to return to Israel, let us honor him as syth Park. He has joined many of us in he has honored us by his presence for our homes for Shabbat dinners and in the last two years. synagogue for festival observances—

WATERS AVENUE AT WALDBURG MERCER PLAZA ON WILMINGTON ISLAND 4833 WATERS AVE. (MEDICAL ARTS) DRY CLEANERS & LAUNDRYALTERATIONS BY PA HUGH MINKOVITZ, OWNER Available Now at $2,000,000,000,000 the JEA front desk That’s two trillion….with a T. The amount that’s estimated to pass from the present Jewish generation to the next $36 in the coming 30 years But much will be lost to taxes….with a T. Your bequest….with a B, will keep 100 cents of your dollar Proceeds benefit a working at the Savannah Jewish Community Foundation. Wouldn’t that suit you….to a T? Holocaust Educational Don’t forget to contact your tax advisor first. Then, call Lynn Levine...with an L for information or assistance in planning and charitable giving Materials Lending Library 355-8111 Savannah Page 4 | June 2008 jewish news

Mickve Israel Anniversary...... cont. from page 1 Congregation Mickve Israel the BBC. She also is a and community plan- member of the Jewish ning. Confirmation on June 8 Leadership Council. Kinney Zalesne, Congregation Mickve Israel will confirmed are Ben Adler, Elle Byck, Mike Schneider, with Mark Penn, re- hold its annual confirmation program Laila Cohen, Caroline Eichholz, Dylan a news anchor with cently coauthored Mi- on June 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctu- Guggenheim, Frances Klein & Grace Bloomberg Televi- crotrends: the Small ary. The young people who will be Lang Klein. sion, will serve as Forces behind To- Master of Ceremonies. John M. morrow’s Big Chang- Rabbi Howard Previously, he was an Sheftall es. She has worked A. Berman anchor for ABC and several other net- with Hillary Clinton on strategy and AA Sisterhood Hosts Women’s works. Before joining Bloomberg, Sch- in Al Gore’s office focusing on domes- neider represented the Fifth District tic policy and education technology. League, Southern Region Conference of New Jersey in Congress. Ms Zalesne is the president of College For the first time in more than 15 ing: “The out of town delegates were Speakers over the weekend in- Summit, a nonprofit organization that years, Agudath Achim was selected to singing his praises for his constant at- clude Michael Brandon, John Sheftall, helps send children from low-income host the Women’s League for Conser- tention to details in order to make ev- E. Kinney Zalesne and Rabbi Howard homes to college. A. Berman: Rabbi Howard Berman is with vative Judaism Southern Region Spring ery part of the weekend special.” Michael Brandon, Boston Jewish Spirit, a Progressive Conference. Over the weekend of May The Region installed their the former chairman Reform Congregation, and is rabbi 2-4, more than 80 women from seven new officers and board which included of the Bevis Marks emeritus of Chicago Sinai Congrega- states came to Savannah for the con- Barbara Rubin as Treasurer and Linda Synagogue in Lon- tion. He has been active in numerous ference with the theme, “Sisterhood: Tillinger as an Area Director, both for don, and main speak- religious and civic organizations. Cur- Heart and Soul of the Synagogue”. The three-year terms. er at Mickve Israel’s rently, he is the executive director of conference was held at the synagogue. Harriet Ullman and her staff pre- 265th anniversary The Society for Classical Reform Ju- Savannahian Anne Scheer received a pared an array of meals which helped celebration, returns E. Kinney daism. Light of Torah Award for her commit- to maintain Savannah’s reputation to Savannah bring- Zalesne Bringing greetings from President ment to Sisterhood. as the Hostess City. Tillinger also ing special greetings. George W. Bush will be Ari Fleischer, The women, with the assistance thanked Harriet Meyerhoff for con- Bevis Marks is Mickve Israel’s mother former press secretary. Mr. Fleischer of Rabbi Kenneth Leitner, were able ducting a tour of Savannah for those synagogue and was responsible for now has his own consulting firm, Ari to share in a total Shabbat experi- who wanted to see more of the city as sending the original group of Jews to Fleischer Communications. ence, leading Kabbalat Shabbat and well and the women who made dona- Georgia in 1733. For more details visit www.mick- Shabbat morning services as well as tions to help the Sisterhood defray its John Sheftall is a descendant of one and click on the 275th enjoying Shabbat dinner and a special costs for the event. of the first families. He is a partner in anniversary link or call the Mickve Havdalah to mark the end of Shabbat Carol Greenberg of MorningStar the Hatcher Stubbs law firm in Co- Israel’s Assistant Director, Lauree San and honor the Light of Torah Recipi- Cultural Arts Group taped special lumbus, Georgia. His interests include Juan, at 912-233-1547 extension *26 ents. greetings from the attendees to be history and historic preservation, as to request the required RSVP form. Linda Tillinger, a co-preisdent of used in a video for Savannah’s Israel at well as neighborhood revitalization the AA Sisterhood, thanked Rabbi 60 Festival. Leitner on behalf of the Region, say- Agudath Achim Presents Where will you be Aug. 24? I’ll be at the An Art Auction Extravaganza JEA’s Great Gelt Gala! Old Masters ~ Signed Lithographs UÊ >}>ÊUÊ >ˆÊUÊ >̈ÃÃi UÊ*ˆV>ÃÜÊUÊ ˆÀœÊUÊ*iÌiÀÊ >Ý Uʘ`ʓ>˜Þ]ʓ>˜ÞʓœÀi Sunday, June 22nd *ÀiۈiÜÊJÊ{«“ÊUÊÕV̈œ˜ÊJÊÇ«“ Free Admission, plus wine & cheese

Highlight: 8 pm – À>܈˜}ÊvœÀÊ>ÊfÓä]äääÊ ˆ} ÌÊ >ÞÊ i`ˆÌiÀÀ>˜i>˜ÊÀiiŽÊÏiÊ ÀՈÃiÊvœÀÊÌܜ°Ê/ˆVŽiÌÃÊ>ÀiÊf££n°Ê "˜ÞÊxääÊ̈VŽiÌÃÊ܈ÊLiÊ܏`°Ê/ iÀiÊ>ÃœÊ܈ÊLiÊ`À>܈˜}ÃÊ vœÀÊfxää]ÊV>à ]Ê>ÀÌÊ>˜`ÊœÌ iÀÊ«Àˆâið

Agudath Achim Synagogue 9 Lee Boulevard For more information, call 352-4737 or Ed Wexler at 598-0093 Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 5 Jewish Entrepreneurs New Moon of Savannah Is a Business with a Mission Miriam and Jacob Hodesh came to enhance the lives of people in the Downtown Design District to fur- to Savannah over a year ago to start community. New Moon is a small ther promote the District as a unified New Moon of Savannah, a business business that organizes community shopping destination. with a mission. They arrived from events, and promotes the work of Miriam and Jacob, who married Boston, where Miriam was finishing area non-profits. in November 2007, chose to forgo her Masters in Business Administra- Last month, for example, New wedding gifts and instead asked their tion at Brandeis. The two looked at Moon launched the Savannah Mar- friends to give to The Save Darfur Co- several cities—Wilmington, NC and ket Bazaar, the brainchild of the alition. As a result, they raised more Charleston, SC for example—for a Hodeshes. The Bazaar brought more than $20,000.00 to help the people of city that needed their type of services, than 40 vendors of original items as Darfur. and they have settled quite happily well as antiques, to the parking lot Miriam, on behalf of New Moon here in Savannah. of the old Sears and Roebuck Henry of Savannah, worked very hard on Miriam says the two made the Street between Drayton and Bull. the Israel at 60 Festival held at For- right decision. They love Savan- The Hodeshes would like the Market syth Park on May 18 for the Savannah nah and it is a great city to imple- Bazaar to become a staple event held community. ment their mission driven business. on the last Saturday of each month. Miriam and Jacob can be reached Their goal is to use their business They also are working with the at Miriam and Jacob Hodesh

MYTHS AND FACTS MAYOR OTIS JOHNSON A Guide to the Arab – Israeli Conflict KNEW WHERE TO FIND By Mitchell G. Bard JEWISH SOUL FOOD HE CAME TO ISRAEL @ 60 MYTHMYTH “Palestinians no longer object to the creation of Israel.” “Israel’s enemies must recognize the Jewish state’s right to exist.” FACT One of the primary Palestinian FACTobligations under the road map for peace is to affirm Israel’s right to exist in peace and security. How then does one interpret Whenever Palestinian Israel Authority has been Chairman asked to negotiateMahmoud with Abbas’s one of description its enemies, of theone decision condition to that create is often a Jewish presented state inis that1948 Israel’s as a crime? right to exist be recog- nized.While When, Israelis for example, will celebrate Israeli the Prime 60th Minister anniversary Yitzhak of theirRabin independence, agreed to lift Abbas and other Palestinians will mourn the establishment of Israel on what theythe longtime call Nakba ban Day. on negotiations Had the Palestinians with the PLO, and Yasser the Arab Arafat states was accepted first re- the partitionquired to resolutionwrite a letter in renouncing1947, the State terrorism of Palestine and recognizing would also Israel’s be celebrating right to itsexist. birthday, Israel subsequently and Palestinians began would what camenot lament to be known Al Nakba as the (“The Oslo peaceCatastro - phe”).process. Of course, it turned out the “recognition” was largely meaningless as Palestinians are understandably bitter about their history over these last sixArafat decades, continued but we to aresupport often violence told that aimed what at they undermining object to todayIsrael’s is existence.the “occu - pation” of Since the territoriesthe Hamas Israeltakeover captured of Gaza, in 1967.some Ifpeople, that is including true, then Israeli why isn’tand theirAmerican Nakba officials, Day celebrated have conditioned each June talks on the with anniversary that terrorist of thegroup Arab on defeat its rec- in the Six-Day War? ognitionThe reason of Israel. is that As thein the Palestinians case of the consider PLO, such the a creation statement of wouldIsrael themean origi - nallittle sin, without and their corresponding focus on that deeds. event To isda indicativete, Hamas ofhas a explicitlyrefusal, even said today, it has to reconcileno intention themselves of ever recognizing with the Jewish Israel’s State. right Abbas’sto exist andcomments has repeatedly on the saidocca - sionit is ofcommitted Israel’s 57th to Israel’s birthday, destruction. along with those by PA Prime Minister Ahmed Korei, who said “our wound is still bleeding 57 years later,” hardly inspire confidence Even in Mahmoudtheir willingness Abbas, towho end is theofte nconflict referred withto as Israel. a “moderate,” has madeAnd clear Hamas, that he which does not continues recognize to growIsrael as in a popularity, Jewish state. has This never has leftnot any doubtdeterred about Israeli its refusalofficials to from accept negotiating Israel’s existence. with him Sincebecause winning they understand the election, officialsthat Israel’s and futurespokesmen depends have on repeatedlytheir ability expressed to reach antheir agreement unwavering with thecommit Pal-- ment to the Hamas Covenant’s call for the destruction of Israel. estiniansAnother and disturbing other neighbors aspect thatof past ensur observanceses Israel’s securityof Nakba whether Day was the that Arabs traf - ficor Muslimsstopped acknowledgeand people stood the Jews’straight right and to silentstatehood as sirens or not. of mourning sound- ed, intentionally Most people mimicking have forgotten the Israeli Abba practice Eban’s on wise Holocaust admonition Remembrance made more Day. This was an insidious way to make the odious comparison between the Holocaustthan 25 years and ago: the creation “Nobody of does Israel. Israel any service by proclaiming its ‘right to exist.’It may Israel’s be that right the tocurrent exist, likeleadership that of thedoes United not trulyStates, represent Saudi Arabia the feeland- LQVVMZT]VKP_MMSMVLJZ]VKP ings152 ofother the states, Palestinian is axiomatic people. and An unreserved. April 2008 Israel’spoll, for legitimacy example, foundis not sus-that 61 ‡'DQLHO%HUPDQ percentpended ofin Palestiniansmidair awaiting support acknowledgement....There Israeli-Palestinian peace is certainly negotiations. no other This is a hopeful sign; however, as long as the Palestinian Authority treats Israel’s ‡'DYLG5HHYHV creationstate, big as or a small,catastrophe young onor aold, par that with would the Holocaust, consider mere the prospectsrecognition for of coex its - /XQFK istence‘right to will exist’ remain a favor, bleak. or a negotiable concession.” 0)DPSP KI[]IT 'LQQHU 'DLO\SPSP Myths and Facts is brought to you as a service of the MKTMK\QK %UXQFK Community Relations Council of the LQVQVO 6XQGD\DPSP Savannah Jewish Federation. 0HGLFDO$UWV6KRSSLQJ&HQWHU‡:DWHUV$$YHDFURVVIURP0HPRULDO ‡ZZZNDVH\VJULOOHFRP Savannah Page 6 | June 2008 jewish news Mazel Tov to the 2008 High School and College Graduates HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Evan Cohen chaired the Federation’s teen campaign two years old through the eighth grade. Savannah Arts Academy in 2006. She has been active in BBYO Leah will attend Michlalah Jerusalem Jared Adler The daughter of Neil and attended Rambam Day School from College in Israel next year and after that Savannah Country Cohen and Liz Gunn, the time she was two years old through Stern College for Women in New York. Day School (SCDS) Evan was active in the the sixth grade. She plans to attend the The son of Margie Thespian Club, Sci- University of Georgia. Ashley Schlafstein Adler and William ence Club, National Savannah Country Day Adler, Jared played Honor Society and on Bernie Kramer School varsity basketball the swim team. She Wisconsin Institute for The daughter of Sta- at SCDS. He was a also participated in community theatre. Torah Study (WITS) cey and Dr. Barry member of Bnai Brith Evan attended Shalom School from kin- The son of Cheri and Schlafstein, Ashley Youth Organization (BBYO). He attend- dergarten through the seventh grade. She Andy Kramer, Bernie was editor of the ed Rambam Day School from two years plans on studying psychology and global is the salutatorian for school yearbook and of age through the eighth grade. He plans studies at the Warren Wilson College in his graduating class. a state science fair to attend Georgia Southern University Asheville, North Carolina. He participated in finalist. She also was a cheerleader and in Statesboro. basketball and foot- participant in track during her freshman Jessica Cohen ball, as well as doing math tutoring. He year. She was active in BBYO having Jason Adler Savannah Arts Academy was director of the senior play, liaison served as president and SRC Coordin- Savannah Country Day The daughter of Don- for the Senior Class and achieved honor tor. She attended Rambam Day School School na and Ron Cohen, roll status. He was active in youth ac- through third grade and Shalom School The son of Margie Jessica participated tivities at B’nai B’rith Jacob Synagogue through the eighth grade. She plans to Adler and William in Beta Club. Na- and assisted with youth minyans. He attend Cornell University in Ithaca, Adler, Jason played tional Honor Society, attended Rambam Day School from age New York in the fall. basketball at SCDS. Nu Delta Alpha, Sci- two years old through eighth grade. Ber- He was a member of ence Club and cross- nie will attend Georgia Tech’s Engineer- Jessica Paige Segall BBYO. He attended county, track and field, and dance com- ing Program and then plans to pursue a Savannah Arts Academy Rambam Day School from two years of pany. She received the coach’s award for career in the medical profession. He will The daughter of Mona age through the eighth grade. He plans track and field. Jessica attended Shalom attend the Wisconsin Institute for To- and Robert Segall, to attend the College of Charleston in School from first through eighth grades rah Study’s Beis Medrash program next Jessica was a mem- South Carolina. and was an assistant teacher there from year. ber of the school’s ninth until the 12th grade. She plans to Tennis Team for two Lindsey Bailey attend the University of Georgia where Craig Phillip consecutive years, the Savannah Arts Academy she will major in biology. After obtaining Novack school’s dance com- The daughter of an undergraduate degree, she is planning Savannah Country Day pany, Nu Delta Alpha Dance Society and Lynn and David Bai- to attend dental school and then open School the Spanish Honor Society. She also was ley, Lindsey partici- her own practice. The son of Linda and a BBYO member. She attended Ram- pated on the swim Dr. Steven Novack, bam Day School from preschool through team, theatre, and Jordan Cranman Craig played varsity eighth grade. Jessica plans to attend the Horsefeather and Ap- Savannah Country Day football, basketball College of Charleston. plesauce Children’s School and baseball and was Theatre Company. She also was active The son of Paul and the team captain for all three — in 2007 Jules Meryl Shelkoff in the National Beta Club, having served Karen Cranman, Jor- for football and 2008 for basketball and Statesboro High School as president from 2007-2008 and trea- dan participated in baseball. . Other achievements in sports The daughter of Mor- surer from 2006-2007, and in the Inter- mock trial — and was include: 2007-2008, baseball, 1st Team, rie and Leon Shelkoff, national Thespian Society, serving as its named Best Attorney Region 3A; 2005-2007, All Greater Sa- Jules participated in treasurer from 2007-2008. She also was at the State Level — vannah, punter; 2006-2007, First team, the marching band, a member of Cheer Savannah. Lindsey Jenkins Boys Club basketball, and cross- Region 3A, Quarterback; 2005-2007, symphonic band, attended Rambam Day School through county. He was the co-founder and pres- First Team, Region 3A, Punter. He also The Miss Statesboro the fourth grade. She will be attending ident of Student Support for Darfur. He was vice president in the upper school High School Pageant, the University of Georgia. was the Relay for Life team captain and 2005-1007, and on the upper school Dis- Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of student representative for SCDS on the ciplinary Committee, 2007-2008. He America and was a volunteer with the Seth Evan Brody Honor Council. He also has been active participated in SALSA: Students Against Humane Society. She also was president Carlsbad High School, as president and vice president of the Da- Drugs and in a march for cancer. Craig of the Students Against Destructive De- Carlsbad, California vid Finn AZA chapter in Savannah and attended religious school from third cisions, was on honor roll and received The son of Jan Brody vice president and secretary of the Dixie through the eighth grade. Craig plans to an academic letter and pin. She also has of Savannah and Jerry Council of BBYO. Jordan is planning to play football at Wofford College where been active in United Synagogue Youth Brody of California, attend Indiana University, Bloomington, he will be a pre-med major. (USY) and BBYO. Jules plans on attend- Seth is graduating and major in Finance. Then he would ing the University of Georgia as a pre- with honors and a 4.0 like to attend law school. Leah R. Portman med major in Genetics. average. At Carlsbad Yeshiva of Greater High School, Seth played racquetball Ali Lauren Klugman Washington, Janis Snaid and is sponsored by Gearbox Racquet- Savannah Country Day Silver Spring, Maryland St. Vincent’s Academy ball of San Diego. In Savannah he at- School The daughter of Myra The daughter of tended Savannah Arts Academy where The daughter of Su- and Jerry Portman, Lynne and Michael he was a member of the varsity tennis san and Danny Klug- Leah was the featured Snaid, Janis gradu- team and cross-country team. He is a man, Ali participated student speaker at ated with honors, member of United Synagogue Youth in in freshman basket- the Annual Fund- was class president, San Diego. He attended Rambam Day ball and volunteered raiser and Dinner Gala for the school in a member of the Na- School from 3 years of age through the at St. Mary’s Orphan- 2008. She served as co-president of the tional Honor Society, eighth grade. He will attend San Diego age. She participated in the Relay for Student Council and was co-editor of and the National Society for High School State University where he will major in Life and the Chatham County Science the school newspaper. She was the head Scholars. She also is a Columbia Scholar kinesiology and study fitness, nutrition Seminar. She also has volunteered at the of the Song and Dance Ensemble for the and a Moses Award Winner. She played and health. He plans to become a certi- Kicklighter Academy and the Savan- school’s annual musical. She was a vol- intramural sports and was in the Spanish fied personal trainer and continue play- nah Jewish Federation’s Trading Places unteer at Shema V’ezer Sunday School Club and was a chairman in the Muscular ing racquetball. where she helped out at Union Mission. in a program for youngsters with special Dystrophy Association. Janis attended She was head of St. Mary’s Volunteers needs. She also was a member of NCSY Rambam Day School from two years of and the Kicklighter Academy volun- and the Savannah Youth Federation. She age through the eighth grade. She plans teer group during high school. She also attended Rambam Day School from age on attending the University of Georgia. Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 7 Mazel Tov to the 2008 High School and College Graduates Biology. She was a member of the Sci- dents for Fair Trade, Students for Living POST GRADUATE Samantha C. ence Society. She attended Rambam Day Wage Campaign and Scotties (Environ- Udinsky School from kindergarten through the mental) Going Green Team. Brian Scott Friedenberg Savannah Country Day eighth grade. She plans on working in Among honors and leadership posi- Medical University of South Carolina School the healthcare field and obtaining de- tions, Lauren listed Big Sister/Little Sis- The son of Barbara and Ricky Frieden- The daughter of Gay grees in Nursing and as a Nurse Practi- ter (Scottie Sisters), a founding CORE berg, Brian graduated from the Medi- and David Udinsky, tioner. Sister in Safe Agnes Scott Sisters, and cal University of South Carolina with a Samantha participat- serving as President , vice president and Masters Degree in Healthcare Admin- ed in the Governor’s Stephanie Rachel secretary of the JSA. She interned at istration. He completed an internship Honors Program for Greenberg Oakhurt Community Garden in Deca- at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Dance in 2008. She also was a co-captain Boston University tur. Lauren served as “lay” rabbi on cam- Nashville, Tennessee and the Backus for three years at the Relay for Life. She The daughter of pus and led Friday night services once Children’s Hospital in Savannah. He has taken ballet and other dance lessons Carol and Dr. Joel a month for students. There was also achieved Dean’s List and participated in for 14 years. Samantha attended Shalom Greenberg, Stephanie a significant increase in events hosted numerous intramural basketball leagues School Sunday School. Samantha plans graduated from Bos- by the JSA for the campus community. while at MUSC. His undergraduate de- on attending University of South Caro- ton University with She blessed the new campus Interfaith gree was from the University of Georgia lina in Columbia where she has been ac- Bachelor of Arts De- Chapel with a Shechianu in April 2008. in Consumer Economics. He graduated cepted in the Dance Program. gree from the Sargent College of Health Outside of her life at Agnes Scott, she from Rambam Day School, attending and Rehabilitative Sciences. She is cer- worked at Camp Ramah Darom for sum- from kindergarten to eighth grade. He COLLEGE GRADUATES tified by the Aerobics and Fitness Asso- mers and taught at Congregation Or Ha- hopes to work in a healthcare facility. ciation of America (AFAA) as a Group dash in Atlanta for two years. She also Brandon Adler Exercise Instructor and has completed was a member of BBYO, USY and NCSY. Harris Stephen Oberlin College internships at both Harvard Univer- She attended Rambam Day School from Greenberg The son of Margie sity and Boston University with their pre-school through the eighth grade and University of London Adler and William team weight training programs. She Shalom School’s seventh-eighth grade The son of Carol and Adler, Brandon grad- was a member of the Student Council Sunday School program. She is planning Dr. Joel Greenberg, uated with honors and volunteers in student-run commu- to spend a month in Europe, then work Harris received a and majored in Eng- nity health initiatives. She is certified in at Camp Ramah Darom before going to Master of Arts degree lish. He was awarded CPR and AED First Aid in a course ad- Israel to study at the Conservative Ye- in Archaeology of the the Dudley Tenney ministered by American Association of shiva in Jerusalem where she has been Eastern Mediterra- Prize at the graduation ceremony in Orthopedic Surgeons and the American accepted.. nean and Middle East in 2007 from the May. This award is given annually to the College of Emergency Physicians. Steph- University of London. His thesis was English Honors student with the best anie was inducted as a member of Sigma Rose Sadler accepted with distinction. The confer- academic record in courses in mathe- Alpha Lambda, the National Leadership University of Maryland ring of his degree will occur in London matics and natural science. He attended & Honor Society, in 2006. She attended The daughter of Jodi in September 2008. Harris is an honors Rambam Day School from two years of Rambam Day School, Shalom School and and Kennethy Sa- graduate from George Washington Uni- age through the eighth grade. He will be Savannah Country Day School while liv- dler, Rose graduated versity with a degree in archaeology and working in behavioral neurosciences at ing in Savannah. She has been accepted Magna Cum Laude a minor in music. Harris had the lead in the National Institutes of Health in Bal- to the Doctor of Physical Therapy Pro- from the University several theater and musical productions timore, Maryland, and eventually plans gram beginning this summer at Boston of Maryland in May. while at GWU, performed in a student to attend medical school. University. She earned her de- opera while in London and is performing gree in Sociology with a minor in Inter- in Boston as a member of the Boston Uni- Jeremy Gordon Rachel Kohn national Development. During her four versity Choral Society. Harris has partic- University of Georgia Tulane University years at Maryland, she was involved ipated on many archaeological digs and The son of Karen and The daughter of Cyn- in Hillel and taught Hebrew School at will be in Israel on a dig this summer. He Bruce Gordon, Jer- di and John Kohn, Adat Shalom Synagogue. Rose’s future attended Rambam Day School, Shalom emy graduated from Rachel graduated plans include staffing a birthright trip School and SCDS while living in Savan- University of Geor- from Tulane Univer- to Israel this spring and then relocating nah. He currently is in a Ph.D. program in gia with a Bachelor sity with a Bachelor to Cambridge MA, where she will par- archaeology at Boston University. of Science degree in of Arts Degree with ticipate in a teaching program. She will Physics and Astron- a double major in earn her teacher’s certification through GRANDCHILDREN omy. He was a student grader in Intro- Anthropology and English. She is join- an on the job training program at Shady ductory Astronomy and tutor in Intro- ing Teach for America in New Orleans. Hill School and earn her master’s degree Jarrett Benjamin ductory Physics. He also volunteered as Teach for America is allied with Ameri- at either Tufts University or Lesley Uni- Arkin a reader for the blind and dyslexic. In corps and trains and provides teachers in versity. Woodward Academy 2008, he was initiated into the Universi- schools where children are underserved. The son of Drs. Eva ty of Georgia Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, She will be attending training this sum- Danyse Solomons and David Arkin of received the Alan J. Saworski Science mer at Arizona State University in Phoe- Indiana University Atlanta and grandson Award and was Physics and Astronomy nix before taking up a teaching position The daughter of of June and Dr. Mur- Student of the Year. He received the 56th at a New Orleans elementary school in Cathy and Philip ray Arkin of Savannah, Charles H. Wheatley Award for Excel- the fall. Solomons, Danyse Jarrett was a member lence in Physics at the Senior Level. Jer- graduated from Indi- of the National Honor Society, an AP emy attended Rambam Day School from Lauren Sarah Sadler ana University with a Scholar and Gold Eagle at the Academy. the first through the eighth grade. He Agnes Scott College degree in elementary He will be attending the University of will be attending the University of The daughter of education. She was Texas Business Honors Program. Wisconsin PhD Program in Medical Robyn and Alan Sa- inducted into Pi Lambda Theta honors Physics. dler, Lauren graduat- fraternity, was registrar and new mem- Janine Jennie ed from Agnes Scott ber educator for Kappa Kappa Gamma, “J.J” Spevack Shira Malka Gordon College in Decatur, a member of the Indiana University Coker College Touro College in Brook- Georgia, with a Bach- Dance Marathon executive committee The daughter of Mr. lyn, NY elor of Arts Degree in and recruitment counselor for the Indi- and Mrs. Michael D. The daughter of Shel- Religion and Social Justice. She was a ana University Panhellenic Association. Spevack of Sumter, ley and Rabbi Jeffrey member of the Jewish Student Associa- She attended Congregation Mickve Is- SC and granddaugh- Gordon, Shira Malka tion (JSA), Tri Beta (the Biology Honor rael’s Sunday School and Hebrew School ter of Mr. and Mrs. graduated from Touro Club), the Religious Life Council, Safe programs. In the fall, she will be student Morris H. Lamhut College in Brooklyn, Agnes Scott Sisters, Scotties Collegiate teaching in Sydney, Australia. of Savannah, J.J. graduated from Coker NY, with a Bachelor Chorale, Cross Country Team, Habitat College in Hartsville, S.C. in 2008 with of Arts in Judaic Studies and a minor in for Humanity, Agnes Aids Walk, Stu- a Bachelor of Arts Degree and a minor in dancing. Savannah Page 8 | June 2008 jewish news

Photos by Dick Hochman, Lynn Levine, Adam Solender Savannah jewish news Special JEA Monthly Supplement Savannah Special JEA Monthly Supplement jewish news Savannah jewish news Special JEA Monthly Supplement Savannah Special JEA Monthly Supplement jewish news Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 9

Photos by Dick Hochman, Lynn Levine, Adam Solender

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ž›² žŸ´ THE ISRAEL @ 60 OUR GENEROUS PLANNING COMMITTEE THANK YOU to the SPONSORS almost 200 volunteers who gave of Amos Timna, Chair your time and expertise; City of Savannah Eyal Blank Georgia Ports Authority Merry Bodziner THANK YOU to the JEA and Federation staff for your hard Jewish Educational Alliance Danit Bornstein Robin Brody work and patience; Savannah Jewish Federation Lisa Cohen THANK YOU to Melaver Inc. Cookie Gale Carol Greenberg Matt Cohen—New South Café Wachovia Murray Gottlieb—Alan Gottlieb Caterers Sally Greenberg Auto Depot David Silverman—Spanky’s Southside Eshel Hershkovitz Harriet Ullman Catering Chatham Steel Miriam Hodesh MASA Israel Journey For the fabulous food; Diane Kahn MorningStar Arts Joanne Kooden All of you made Savannah’s 17 Hundred 90 Inn & Restaurant Paul Kulbersh The Uniform Source Amy Rosen Israel @ 60 Festival such a Sheree Zaslavsky Linda Sacks great day for our community. Susan Timna WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU! Savannah Page 10 | June 2008 jewish news Hundreds of Jewish Teens Going On BBYO Summer Programs By Rachel Lourie, Dixie Academy in North Carolina, added, Council Historian (Orechet) “The friendships that I made while at CLTC will last forever. It really is This summer, hundreds of Jewish amazing how much CLTC impacts teens from across the world will be your life. The girls and guys that I headed off on the most exciting ad- met are my best friends, and I can call venture of their lives. No, they are not them up just to talk, if I have a prob- going to a typical summer camp, these lem, or even BBYO stuff! I know they teens will be attending a BBYO spon- will always be there for me and I will sored summer program at which they always be there for them. CLTC was will learn leadership skills and Judaic the best thing I’ve ever done.” history all while making amazing BBYO, Inc., the world’s leading memories and lifelong friendships. trans-denominational Jewish youth From the east coast to the west movement, is the first and the most coast, and from Europe to Israel, dynamically inclusive organization BBYO summer programs are giving of its kind, every Jewish teen, of any high school Jewish teens the opportu- background, anywhere in the world, nity to learn more about themselves, will find an experience that provides their religion, and how they can have the foundation for a meaningful Jew- Marcia Silverman (left), secretary of the proposed Savannah Jewish Academy high school, and a positive impact on their communi- ish life. Devorah Giffen, fundraising chairwoman, attended the 2008 PEJE (Partnership for Excellence ties. To find out more about BBYO’s in Jewish Education) Assembly held in Boston in April. The PEJE Assembly is the largest Jewish As Ross Kooden, Dixie Council’s summer adventures or to learn more day school conference in North America, bringing together leaders from all denominations. It Trainer of New Members (Moreh), about becoming a part of the BBYO gives attendees the opportunity to explore and promote linkages, collaboration and relation- who attended Passport to Israel in family, which includes AZA and BBG ships that strengthen learning at the core of the school and its periphery. 2007, said, “BBYO’s Israel journey (for high school students) and Teen program was three of the best weeks Connection (BBYO’s program for 6th, of my life.” The President of Charles- 7th and 8th graders), contact the Di- ton, South Carolina’s BBG chapter, xie Council Director, Rona Goldstein Molly Kalinsky, who attended BBYO’s at [email protected]. Chapter Leadership Training Confer- Savannah BBYO is a beneficiary agency of ence, held at the American Hebrew the Savannah Jewish Federation.

Memories… will be made at the JEA’s Great Gelt Holocaust survivors light memorial candles at May 1 Yom HaShoah Observance. (l-r) Nancy Gala on Isaacson (assisting); Chaim Melamed, Vera Hoffman, Enzo Krahl, Allen Kupfer Aug. 24!

Judy Hirsch reads the names of Holocaust  sWWWSOUTHERN MOTORSCOM victims on Yom HaShoah Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 11 son–in-law, Tami Meyer Smith and Condolences Phillip Smith; daughter and son-in- We express our sympathy to the families of: law, Peri Meyer Kyriacos and Demetre Kyriacos; adoring grandchildren, Am- Isadore Epstein ber A. Smith, Jade M. Smith, Tiffany P. Who died May 16, 2008. Smith, Benjamin S. Smith and Leita K. Survivors: a son, Dr. Barney Ep- Kyriacos; sister, Barbara M. Platke of stein and his wife, Ellen, of Marietta, St. Louis, Missouri and brother, Julius GA., two grandchildren, Robyn Salkin M. Meyer of Atlanta, numerous nieces and her husband, Josh, and Scott Ep- and nephews, great nieces and great THE HARMONIE CLUB stein; a brother, Albert Epstein and his nephews, cousins, special clients and Believed to be the 1895 to 1978 and include the visitor’s wife, Sandy, of Savannah and a sister- close friends. first Jewish social club register pictured above, meeting min- in-law, Sara Epstein. Remembrances. National Mul- in Savannah, the Harmonie utes, reports, bonds, the charter, and Remembrances: Congregation tiple Sclerosis Society Research Fund, Club was formed on Septem- financial records. The Georgia His- Bnai Brith Jacob, 5444 Abercorn St., Georgia Chapter, Suite 210, 455 Aber- ber 28, 1865. It was a Jewish torical Society holds the earliest Har- Savannah, GA 31405. nathy Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30328. men’s social group and the first presi- monie Club minute book dating from dent was Mr. Wolf. On October 22, 1865 to 1876 (MS 979). Hilda Strauss Eichholz Elsie Berger Harris Goodman 1865, vice president Lawrence Lipp- Who died May 15, 2008. Who died April 26, 2008. man addressed the new club on the Archives references: Survivors: A son and daughter-in- Surviving are her daughter, Lynn topic of the recent Civil War, calling Harmonie Club records (JMS 012) law, Gary and Arlene Eichholz; daugh- H. Goodman of Savannah; her son, on members to “sink personal spite in ters and sons-in-law, Lora and Harold Scott B. Harris and his wife, Deborah, oblivion” and let “Harmonie” be their LAUREL GROVE CEMETERY Schroeder, Charlotte and Elliott Rich; of Atlanta; three grandchildren, Dr. grandchildren, Rachel Adam, Leah aim. In addition to social gatherings, JEWISH BURIALS INDEXED! Brad Goodman and his wife, Kristen, Eichholz and Michael, Shoshanna, Da- the club sponsored events throughout We have completed indexing the Joel Goodman and his wife, Julie, and vid Schroeder and step-grandchildren, the year to raise funds for a variety of Laurel Grove Cemetery’s Jewish buri- Seth Goodman; and five great grand- Michael, Rachel and David Rich. children. Jewish causes. als. The index dates from 1842 to Remembrances: Congregation Ar- The Club’s constitution was ad- 2007and is available at the Savannah Remembrances: Spanish Oaks iel, 5237 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, Hospice, 8510 Whitfield Avenue, Sa- opted on December 11, 1865 and origi- Jewish Archives. Burial information GA 30338; Congregation Bnai Brith nal charter on December 6, 1866. For was also submitted to the JewishGen vannah, 31406; the American Cancer Jacob in Savannah; Weinstein Hos- Society, Suite 206, 6600 Abercorn many years the club occupied the Online Worldwide Burial Registry. pice, 3150 Howell Mill Road, Atlanta, Street, Savannah, 31405, or a charity of Masonic Hall at Bull and Broughton This concludes the archives long-term GA 30327; or Yeshiva Atlanta High the donor’s choice. streets, using Andrews Hall at Jeffer- project to document Jewish burials in School, 3130 Raymond Drive, Atlanta, son and Broughton Streets for special Savannah. Other cemeteries previous- GA 30340. events. In June 1883, the club pur- ly indexed include: Bonaventure Cem- CERTIFIED MOHEL chased 2-4 East Jones Street at Bull etery (indexed 1906-1937), Levi Sheftall Lee J. Meyer Street (Kanter Hall) for $16,000 which Cemetery (indexed 1828-1866), Jewish Who died May 9, 2008. Rabbi Yerucham Schochet the club held until 1959. Burial Ground (indexed 1757-1881), Surviving are his wife of 51 years, Phone: (912) 355-6684 Barbara Portman Meyer; his son Cap- Cell: (912) 220-2821 tain Samuel J. Meyer, daughter and E-mail: [email protected]

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11401 Old St. Augustine Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32258 Non-Sectarian • Not-For-Profit First page of the Harmonie Club vis- and the Original Burial Plot (indexed itor’s register, 1895. 1733-1765). Thank you to the archives The Harmonie Club records at the volunteers for their work in complet- Savannah Jewish Archives date from ing this project. SCOTT A. COHEN, D.D.S., P.C. Amy Merrill Rosen Cosmetic & Family Dentistry Associate • Endodontics – Root Canal • Reconstructive Dentistry An Independent Associate • Nitrous Oxide Available • On Staff at All Local Hospitals Representing Aflac Senior Citizens Discount • Convenient Electronic Insurance Filing Evening Appointments Available 130 Canal Street, Suite 604 835 East 65th Street • Suite 108 • 353-9533 Aflac will protect your quality of life in the event 912.659.7353 of an unlikely catastrophic illness. Stay in Touch. [email protected] Savannah Page 12 | June 2008 jewish news Gratefully We Thank Our Contributors SJF FOUNDATION/ LISA & DANNY KAMINSKY In memory of Terry Goldenberg In memory of Shirley Hess FEDERATION FUNDS HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL AND Lisa & Danny Kaminsky Victor & Elise Shernoff Contributions received as of May 9, 2008 EDUCATIONAL FUND In honor of Chaim Melamed JEA FRED & RENE LEHRBERGER ED & LINDA WEXLER FAMILY KENNETH M. GOLD FUND FOR Jane & David Miley FUND FOR CHILDREN’S CHARITABLE FOUNDATION CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Savannah Fence Entry Systems, Inc COMMUNITY SERVICES In memory of Elsie Goodman, mother In memory of Kenneth M. Gold In honor of Kaye & Don Kole of Lynn Goodman Lisa & Mark Kaufman In memory of Elsie Berger Harris In memory of Toby Hollenberg’s In honor of the marriage of Brian & Goodman brother Jennifer Kulbersh Rene Lehrberger In honor of Sarah DeVaro’s Bat Mitzvah ISADORE SCHEER JEA CHILDREN’S In honor of Kaye and Don Kole SCHOLARSHIP FUND In honor of Burt & Sylvia Udinsky’s In memory of Judge Frank S. 60th anniversary Cheatham Jr. In honor of a speedy recovery for Anne Scheer Adina Leitner Ed Wexler RALPH & PAULINE TENENBAUM FUND FOR SOCIAL SERVICES KELSEY GONTO B’NAI TZEDEK In honor of the 50th anniversary of FUND Barbara & Mark Hacken In honor of Kelsey Gonto Marcia & Michael Schwarz Mark A. Baime

JERALD & CAROLE JACKSON JONATHAN & SARAH HIRSCH B’NAI COHEN FAMILY PHILANTHROPIC TZEDEK FUND FUND In memory of Gladys S. Epstein In honor of Jerald & Carole Cohen Judith & Gregory Hirsch Lee & Edye Cohen Scott, Lisa, Gena, Ashley & Ben MADELINE LEFFLER B’NAI TZEDEK Cohen FUND In honor of Sue Ruby PAUL & HARRIET KULBERSH Laura Kellogg FAMILY PHILANTHROPIC FUND In honor of the marriage of Brian & MATT KLUGMAN B’NAI TZEDEK Jennifer Kulbersh FUND Karen & Gary McGuffin In honor of the recovery of Marilyn In memory of Gladys Epstein Seeman Paul & Harriet Kulbersh Doris & Abe Klugman

VICTOR & ELISE SHERNOFF FAMILY FUND Beyond the party. Beyond the family. In honor of Patrick Williams’ Beyond the hora. Beyond all the gifts recovery

How do we make our B’nai Tzedek is simple: children’s Bar and Bat Your teen is invited to Mitzvah the life-changing establish an individual meaningful experience B’nai Tzedek fund by that we wish it could be? making an initial gift of What can we do as par- $250 (or more) to the ents to make this impor- Foundation. The Foun- tant rite of passage an dation will match the introduction to life as a initial $250 contribu- responsible, giving Jew tion in your child’s and human being? name. Each year your The Jewish Community teen will be able to Foundation of Savan- donate a percentage of nah’s B’nei Tzedek youth his or her fund to a For Sale, Two Bedroom /Two philanthropy program qualified charity. offers an engaging solu- For more information tion. By giving kids the on creating your child’s Bathroom Condominium at opportunity to be philan- B’nai Tzedek Fund at Jared Samuels created a thropists, we place in the Jewish Community 6401 Habersham in a Gated B’nai Tzedek Fund in honor of their hands perhaps the Foundation of Savannah becoming a Bar Mitzvah most important B’nai please contact Lynn Levine at [email protected] May 24, 2008 Mitzvah gift we can give Community , Unit 5A, $205,500. or (912)355-8111. them-we teach them how to give. If interested, please contact By learning to give, our children become more Harvey Gray at 404-870-7376 or conscious of the world around them. by email at [email protected]. Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 13 JEA; 1-5pm; call 355-9111 for Monday, June 30 COMMUNITY CALENDAR reservations. Class size is limited. Basketball Skillls Camp Sunday, June 1 Sunday, June 15 Pay $10 to instructor on first day Join AASU Head Coach Jeff Art Gallery Opens with New Pool Party of class. Burkhamer for a basketball skills Artwork All new and returning campers camp that will run through July 3. Ching Levy is the artist of the are invited to meet this year’s Sunday, June 22 For boys and girls, ages 6-16 month. camp staff. While there, campers Agudath Achim Art Auction JEA; 1-4:30pm; $100 per person. JEA Art Gallery may pick up their camp t-shirt. Preview at 4 pm; Auction at 7 pm. JEA; 1-3pm Highlight will be a drawing for a Monday, July 7 Tuesday, June 3 $20,000 cruise and other items. JEA Drama Camp th Reception for JEA Art Gallery Monday-Friday, June 16- Agudath Achim, 9 Lee Boulevard; Program is for rising 4 through th Artist August 8 call the shul at 352-4737 or 9 graders. Registration deadline th. JEA Art Gallery;5:30 – 8pm JEA’s Camp Savannah, 2008 Ed Wexler, 598-0093, for is May 30 First session of camp opens with information. JEA; call 355-8111 for information Wednesday, June 4 The Great Outdoors, June 16-20; Savannah Scrabble Club meets Dancing and Soccer, June 23-27 Thursday, June 26 Friday, July 11-Sunday, July 13 The group meets every and Clown Camp, June 30-July A Movie and a Beer 275th Anniversary of Wednesday night to play. 3. “Yana’s Friends” Congregation Mickve Israel Everyone is invited for a “spell JEA; call 355-8111 for more JEA; 7pm; Free to members; and and to have a scrabbulous time.” information Adults 21 and over only please. Settlement of the Savannah JEA; 7pm Sponsored by Nancy and Lawrence Jewish Community Thursday, June 19 Gutstein. Several programs are planned Sunday, June 8-Tuesday, Farewell to Eyal Party with guest speakers. June 10 Join us for a cookout and farewell Sunday, June 29 Mickve Israel; for information, call Shavuot to our Shaliach for the last two 2008 JEA Speakers Series (912) 233-1547. JEA closes at 5pm on Sunday, years, Eyal Blank. Russia: Taking a Closer Look reopens Wednesday, June 11, JEA; 5-7pm; $5 per person Professor Marshall Goldman If you have an event that you normal hours. suggested donation; 355-8111 for JEA; 7pm; $10 at door; $5 would like included in the more information for students; free for military. calendar, please submit it to Thursday, June 12 The Speakers’ Series is made Midge Schildkraut, mschildk@ A Movie and a Beer Sundays, June 22 and 29 possible with generous support or call 355-1839. “Beaufort” Driver Safety Program from the JEA Phillip Hoffman Final determination is at the JEA; 7pm; free to members; AARP Driver Safety Program is Memorial Fund, the Savannah discretion of the editor. Adults 21 and over only please. for motorists age 50 and older Jewish Federation and members Sponsored by Nancy and Lawrence who want a discount on their auto of the community. Gutstein. insurance.

The luckiest On The Personal Side people in the MISCELLANY: Matt Cohen and his New South Café received the New and Emerging Business Award from the Small Business Chamber at an awards lun- world will be cheon on May 6. The New South Café is a two year old gourmet cuisine restau- at the JEA’s rant that started out as a small catering company. Cohen is a fifth generation Savannahian who said he always dreamed of opening his own restaurant in his- Great Gelt Gala toric Savannah. He is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America in New York and has worked in leading restaurants in New York and Atlanta. Cohen on Aug. 24! returned to Savannah in 2000 when he established a very successful catering business. He launched the restaurant two years ago…. Julian Miller announced May 9 he is leaving the helm as the Savannah Morning News publisher to start a family real estate business in the Savannah area.

SPORTS: Faye Kirschner and Christine Addy placed first in their age groups in the 31st Annual Vidalia Onion 10k Run (6.2 miles).

Downtown Oglethorpe Mall Savannah Mall 912-233-1163 912-238-2120 912-238-2920 [email protected] Savannah Page 14 | June 2008 jewish news Eighth Grade Play Is Huge Success May 5th was the eighth grade play of the evening, the production of “The Trial of the Big Bad Jenkins High School Wolf”. The play was fantastic and will students being there be added as an integral aspect to the and the play signify- success story of Rambam Day School. ing the end of the year It is such a highlight of our program being close. One stu- to have creativity very much a part of dent came over to Ester Y. Rabhan, what our students experience. In the me and said, “I am so Rambam Day process of preparing for the play, the sorry the play is over. School Principal children learned they had abilities and It came too fast and skills that they never tapped into be- we didn’t appreciate the time we had fore. They had a wonderful time and together and now our time is almost acquired feelings of pride and accom- over.” plishment. . I was privy to be part of a conver- An exciting part of the evening sation when a sibling in tenth grade was the presence of the eighth grade’s told their brother who is graduating friends from Jenkins High School. from Rambam this year, that when These were some of the same children they graduate and move on to another that Rambam students assisted for the school, they are going to miss Ram- Special Olympics. It was an emotional bam. evening for many reasons; the success Enjoy the pictures.

Daniel, Benji, and Miranda

Elliot, Jesse, Bari, Sara and Allison

Elliot, Sophie, Sara Fay and Alexa Savannah jewish news June 2008 | Page 15 Jean Weitz to Chair Hadassah Thanks to you National Convention the Savannahian Jean Weitz has been as president of the named a chair of the Hadassah Na- Southeastern Region tional Convention in New Orleans of Hadassah for the JEA Annual Golf Outing next year. After 30 years in Hadassah, next three years. (Ida was a she will be taking on this new respon- Wilensky also is a sibility with her sister-in-law, Laura Southeastern Region “Hole in One” Weitz. The convention is attended by past president.) 2,000 to 2,500 women. Jean attributes Jean Weitz Presenting Sponsors Jean is currently serving on the her love and ap- Victor and Elise Shernoff/Marcus & Sandy Seligman National Board of Hadassah, spend- preciation for Hadassah to June Ar- Melaver Inc-Norton & Betty Melaver ing about 60 days a year in Hadassah’s kin and former Savannahian Susan Product Sponsors New York office where she has an of- Rosenzweig Moray who now lives in Air Tran Airways, Levy Jewelers, United Distributors fice and a secretary. She has served Atlanta. Savannah Coca Cola, Savannah Morning News on the National Board for three years Hole Sponsors and will be running for re-election. Don’t forget! Konter Homes, Byrd Heating & Air Conditioning, Daniel Lumber Jean and Sue Ruby, president of Sa- Kaminsky Automotive Group, Jenkins Brick, Critz Motors, vannah Hadassah, will be attending There will be a July-August issue Wachovia Bank, RB Baker Construction, Yates Astro, ARCO, Inc this year’s convention in Los Angeles, of Savannah Jewish News. California. Jean served as president of Savan- Deadline for submissions nah Hadassah from 1993-1995 and Is June 30, 2008 Rosenthal DENTAL GROUP general and cosmetic dentistry MATTHEW S. ROSENTHAL, DMD New Patients & Children Welcome American Dental Association Georgia Dental Association Insurance Accepted Academy of General Dentistry Southeastern Dental Society 352-7808 1 Mall Terrace Savannah Page 16 | June 2008 jewish news


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Jonathan Silverman, actor