The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council of Chelsham & Farleigh held at Farleigh Hall, Farleigh on 7th March 2016


The meeting opened at 8.04pm under the chairmanship of Bob Anderson

1.Minutes of meeting dated 1st February previously circulated, were duly ap- proved.

2.Apologies and reasons for absence - Mike K was unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments.

3.Declaration of Interest by Councillors In view of the proximity of Councillors homes in relation to the area and layout of the hamlets which make up Chelsham & Farleigh all Councillors declared a personal interest in the agenda items.

4. Matters Arising from Minutes None.

5. Planning To discuss any planning applications received

Bob and Alex both left the room due to an interest in the planning application for Blacksmiths. Tony Roberts chaired the meeting during this discussion.

TA/2015/1953 Comments by 16 Feb. Change of use of land to a private gypsy and traveller caravan site; providing for 4 caravan pitches(retrospective) Caravan, High View, Beech Farm Road, , CR6 9QG TA/2015/2203 Comments by 17 Feb. Change of use of land for residential occupation of caravans by gyp- sy-travellers with associated hard standing, utility blocks, and fencing for three additional pitches( part retrospective). Land Adj to caravan site, Beech Farm Road, Warlingham,CR6 9QG

TA/2016/107 Comments by 24 Feb. Change of use from Class C3( residential) to suit Generis. Alterations to main house to provide additional en-suite guest accommodation and a venue guest accommodation and a venue for civil marriage and civil partnership ceremonies. The conversion and external alteration of an outbuilding. Beddlestead Farm, Beddlestead Lane, Warlingham,CR6 9QN

A/2016/203 Comments by 29 Feb. Erection of first floor side extension incorporating two roof lights to front and rear elevations in association with conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation. Erection of single storey ex- tension to front elevation. The Blacksmiths,Ledgers Farm, Ledgers Road,Chelsham, CR6 9QA No Comment TA/2016/189 Comments by 9 March. Erection of single storey extension to south east elevation and forma- tion of new vehicular access. Culverkeys, Beddlestead Lane, Warlingham, CR6 (QN

Bob to write to Matthew Barks re: High View to request that the elapsed time is moni- tored closely and there can never be a case of permission by default.. ACTION: Bob.

David asked if there was any news of a decision on Hogsbank, Farleigh Court Road. Bob and Clerk undertook to check. Postscript: The application is numbered 2014/668 and is for a certificate of lawful- ness. It is shown on TDC website as outstanding. ACTION: Clerk to write to TDC to enquire about the status of the application.

6. Highway Matters Bob handed out the highways report. All reported items from last month’s meeting have been completed. There are 5 new items that were noted and require action.

It was reported that there are a few potholes on Church Lane, Bob to take a look dur- ing daylight. ACTION: Bob.

David M noted that a tree on Farleigh Court Road is starting to lean over the road and could cause an accident. David H has asked to have photos sent to him so he can view and decide what action to take. Bob to take the photos and send on to David H. ACTION: Bob and David H. Peter advised that vehicles which have been parked up on Harrow Road(Daniels Lane end)have not been moved for months and this will start to impact the new road sur- face that has recently been laid. Its believed the cars are owed by a resident that runs a car garage. David H will view on Saturday(12th March) and report back. ACTION :David H.

7. Common Land HM the Queen’s 90 birthday on 21st April It was decided that there will be no celebrations hosted by the Parish Council.

The ditch on Chelsham Common has now been dug out by Mick Edwards. Peter to request an invoice from Mick and then send onto the Clerk, so payment can be arranged. Peter will also send pictures of the completed works to the Parish Council. Funding to carry out these works has been received by SCC. ACTION: Peter and Clerk.

Clerk is still trying to locate a copy of the bylaws for Chelsham & Farleigh Common. Clerk is now waiting on a response from the Common Land Department via the yougov website. Mike W advised that the bylaws are up on the posts for both Commons, so Bob has advised he will take a look during day- light. ACTION: Clerk and Bob.

A resident living on Chesham Common Road is currently exercising his horses on the Common ,which has now caused a fair amount of damage to the Common. Bob to supply the address of the resident to Jeremy. ACTION: Bob.

Mike reported that the bottles and general litter from the ditch ,which runs between the junction of Farleigh Court Road and Farleigh House Farm, have still not been cleared. Clerk advised she had spoken to Amber at TDC customer services again and she assured the clerk that a team would be on site this week. Clerk to check with Mike over the next 10 days to see if anything has been actioned: ACTION: Clerk.

Works to the pond outside the Thatched Cottage, at the junction with Farleigh court road on the Farleigh common,to be carried out on the 8th & 9th March.

8. Warlingham Library Nothing It was suggested that we ask Liz Gates to give a report on the library at the annual parish assembly.

9.Publicity Nothing

10. Local Plan update Bob submitted the parish council's response to Tandridge District Council via email and by hand, on the 26th February. After discussion it was decided that we should publish the parish council's response on our website so that the residents had access and could be aware of our formal comments. CPRE - Bob had received a letter from “CPRE Tandridge Group” signed by “Michael Sydney, Chairman, The Campaign for the Protection of Rural ” asking for a contribution to the costs incurred by CPRE and and Residents Group in commissioning work by Paul Brown QC and others to provide technical ad- vice on TDC's Local Plan consultation documents.

After extensive discussion it was decided that in the normal course of events, the parish council would wish to contribute to professional work that the council had used, as in this instance. However, this stance was overridden on this occasion by the view that the two organisations were acting as pressure groups promoting their own cases and that as they were in the nature of “non statutory organisations” it would be wrong for the parish council to expend its very limited funds in this way. This view prevailed even if it were made clear that any contribution was strictly towards the costs incurred and not a general contributions to funds. It was resolved that no con- tribution should be made. ACTION: Bob will liaise with the Clerk to respond to the letter.

11. Website update - Clerk has been in touch with Ashley and is now able to update the website when required. There is still a lot to learn and go through with Ashley, however, the basics is something Clerk is happy working on for the time being. AC- TION:Clerk.

12. Finance

Mrs. M Richards February Salary £558.76 Benchmark Reprographics Dec,Jan,Feb £25.66

13. Correspondence Clerk advised the parish that she thinks it would be worth each councillor reading through the Clerk and Councillors monthly magazine. Clerk to enquire if a monthly trial can be obtained, in order for councillors to confirm if they would like to continue receiving it on a monthly basis. ACTION: Clerk.

14.Any other business which the chairman is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. Clerk to re type the Parish and Police meetings in a bigger font, then to send on to Mike W and Peter to add to the notice boards. ACTION: Clerk, Peter and Mike W.

Warlingham Bowls club have contacted Tony to see if the Parish Council would be willing to advertise a forth coming bowls trial session on the notice boards , as part of their open day. It was agreed, by all, to allow the advert to be added to the notice boards. ACTION: Tony.

It was reported that there are a pile of logs on Mill Common, that have been taken down by residents of Mile House. Peter to have a walk round to see if the tree that has been removed was part of the Parish Councils trees. ACTION: Peter. It was also noted that there has been a tree that has been marked with a big yellow cross, on Mill Common. Peter to view and report back. ACTION: Peter.

APA(Annual Parish Assembly) - Bob to discuss with Jeremy and the Clerk. AC- TION: Bob.

The bridle path at the back of Peter’s house (the Daniel’s Lane end) is becoming in- creasing used for dog walker’s and in turn there has been an increase of dog mess be- ing left behind. It was suggested that we discuss at the next meeting. Clerk to add to April’s agenda. ACTION: Clerk.

The meeting closed at 10:15pm

Signed ……………………………….. Dated………………………………