August 13, 2019 The Honorable Chuck Grassley, Chairman Committee on Finance United States Senate 135 Hart Senate Office Building 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20510-1501 Suite 900, South Building Washington, D.C. 20004-2601 Tel: 202-220-3172 Toll-Free: 1-866-360-7197 Dear Chairman Grassley: Email:
[email protected] Website: On behalf of the more than 2 million retirees and future Board of Directors retirees represented by the National Retiree Legislative Bill Kadereit, President / Robert Tompkins, VP – Secretary / Network (NRLN), I am requesting that you call for a vote in Treasurer / Ed Beltram, VP – Communications / Bob Martina, V P – Grassroots Network / Dana Oliver, VP - Regulatory Affairs & the Committee on Finance on S. 2254, Rehabilitation for Membership Development / Judy Stenberg, VP – Legislative Multiemployer Pension Act. (The bill is also referred to as Affairs / Jane Banfield / Martha Deahl / Joe Dombrowski / Jay the Butch Lewis Act.) Kuhnie / Cynthia Hadsell / Janet Seefried Washington & Support Staff Alyson Parker, Executive Director / Michael Calabrese, Legislative Through no fault of their own 1.3 million retirees in 130 Adviser / Ed Beltram, VP - Communications / Joe Sciulli, multiemployer pension plans receiving (or who were Webmaster receiving) monthly pension checks and workers with future -------------------------------------------------------- The NRLN advocates the rights of more than 2 million American vested pension rights are facing the devastating predicament retirees from… of their pensions having been suspended, severely reduced Aetna / Agere / Agilent / Albertson / American Airlines / or on the verge of being suspended. The Pension Benefit Ameritech/SBC / AMF / American Mutual / Amica Mutual / Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the intended safety net for Archdiocese of Boston / ARXE, Inc.