—-...„. V

...and Fanwood Independent

VOL. 5 NO. 24 SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOQD, N.J, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 10 CENTS A COPY •mployment Service To Open Office In Spring

See Story Page 2-

A. i>kr-^'til?«• >i-i-uf! * -> r .' We


CO-PUBLISHER - EDITOR JERRY FISCHTROM CO-FtfBtASHBR - ADVERTISING CARL ANDERSON Discussed By Committee BUSDIESS UANAQBR SANFORD ROBINS] FgATURE EDITOR BEATRICE STULZ As a result of the enthusiasm the Youth of the communities man of a nominating committee SOCIAL EDITOR • ELAINE STORNILLI shown at the November 26 meet- Involved. It is expected that this which will propose a slate of HIOH SCHOOL CORRESPONDBNT KATHBRINK DBN1TZIO ing of residents of Scotch Plains office will be opened in the Spring, directors and committee chair- PRODUCTION HELEN MAOUIR1 and Fanwood who are Interested The YES program which has men. The committee set January in establishing a Youth Employ- 29 as the date for the organiza- FA 2-8266 proven to be so effective in ment Service for the two com- Plalnfield is designed to find tion's next general meeting which ESTABLISHED JULY 23, 1959 munities, a steering committee temporary employment for teen will be open to all Interested PubU»h#d every Thursday met last evening at the home of age students, citizens of Scotch Plains and at 1791 East Second Street, Scotch Plains, N. j, Mr, and Mrs, Frederick R, Baser Mr, Garbe was named chair- Fanwood, BY of Scotch Plains, SCOTCH PLAINS PUBLISHING COMPANY It was the unanimous decision Subscript!ens by mail postpaid. One year $3,0 0 payable Inadvanem. Extra Sessions Set At County Park of the committee composed of Extra sessions will Ks conduct- Beginning this Sunday, four Sinqle copies at ten eenU. "Second elosB pontage paid at Seeteh Mrs, Baser, Mrs, William H, Plain!!, N.J." ed at the Warinanco Park Ice general skating sessions will be Burke, Miss Ruth Hardenbrook, Skating Center, Roselle, during held each day, except Saturdays, Mrs, Robert L, Heald, Mrs, Wil- the Christmas holiday season, it Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, bert T. Reilly, Mrs, Andrew j, was recently announced by the and New Year's Eve, Robinson, Mr. William M. Garbe, Union County Park Commission, * * * Cub Pack 33 Holds Party Mr. RusselF, Patterson, and^ Dr, Albert W. Theurer of Scotch Cub Scout Pack #33 of fanwood Silver Arrow; Stephen Voorhees, Plains and Mrs, Lawrence E, held their annual Christmas Bear Book) Roger Wlnans, Silver Andrews and Mr, Dudley N, Car- YMCA Schedule For Christmas party, Friday night in the Fan- arrow, penter of Fanwood to open a YES wood Presbyterian Church audi- A Roll Call and Inspection Re- office in the Scotch Plains-Fan- The schedule for the Christmas torium, port was conducted by William wood area. This office will work Duncan R, Smith pointed out that holiday season was announced Cubmaster William Schlick Hewitt and Frank Arvay, Wat- in conjunction with the Plainfleld the 'Y' will run a number of today by the Fanwood-Scotch special events for boys and girls presented badges and achieve- chung AreaCouncilNeighborhood YES to the mutual advantage of ments to the following boys; Commissioners, Plains YMCA. General Secretary of all ages as the following sched- John Anderson, Bear Badge ule indicates, and Gold Arrow; Thomas Bell, December 20, - 3:30-5:00 p.m. Bear Badge, Gold arrow and Elementary Children's Party I silver arrow; Robert Blake, Lion CHRISTMAS? THEY STILL WORK December 21, -Regular Sched- Badge, Gold arrow and silver ule arrow; Jefferson Bowles, Bear December 23 - No program Badge, Gold arrow and silver December 24 - 'Y' will be arrow; Stuart Browne, Bear closed. Badge and Gold arrow; Steven December 25 - 'Y' will be 6- Cooper, Silver arrow; Theodora closed, Galica, Lion Book; Ward Han- December 26 - Registration i sen, Bear Book; James Herring, for Pentathlon, Bowling and Ping Bear Badge; Herbert Jensen, Pong Tournaments^ Also, regis- i Gold Arrow and silver arrow; tration for trip to New York City, Randle Kohlenbarger, Bear pentathlon: Bade; Jon Lantz, Gold arrow, Dec. 26 - Girls grade 1-3, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Also: John Lasher, Bear Book; Joseph Lello, Sear Badge; Mark Girls grade 4-6,1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Linn, Bear Badge, Gold arrow Dec, 27- Boys grade 1-3, 9-30- and Lion Book; Thomas Oakes, 11:30 a.m. Bear Badge, Gold arrow; Robert Boys grade 4-6, 1-3 p.m. Bowing - Ping Pong Tourna- Parrett, Lion BnnU;D«wvi P»i M ments: i letler, Lion Badge; Dean Pogue, Dec, 28 - Jr. Girls - 9:00 - Bear Book; Van Dyke Pollitt, 10:30 a.m. Sr, Girls - 10:30-12:00 Noon i: Elected President Jr. Boys - 2-3 p.m. Ivan L, Hill of 130 Coriel Sr. Boys - 2-3 p.m. Avenue, Fanwood, was elected president of the Firemen's Re- December 30th - Trip To New lief Association last week. York City. Anyone who is in- Other new officers are; Donald terested is welcome to come, B, Springer, vice president', Jo- from grade school through high seph M. Menzoff, secretary; school. Museum of Natural Hos- Charles J. Sheelen jr..treasurer; iery and Haydan Planetarium, and Charles j, Sheelen, trustee, Bring lunch and milk money. Leaves the *Y' at 8:30 a.m. and returns about 5:15 p.m. Coat YMCA Secretary will be $2,25. Answers Petition HRISTMAS BELLES: Long distance operators, Miss Kathy Hirb_m ul _• \\infield Place, 1 aiiv.u^J December 31 - Regular Sched- and Mrs, Catharine Webber of 1765 East Second Street, Scotch plains typify the employees of the ule, Closed at 5 p.m. In response to the petition of New jersey Bell Telephone Company who will be working on Christmas, (Staff Photo) January 1st - 'Y' will be closed a dozen residents of the area Scotch Plains Plan on Monday adjacent to the Fanwood-Scotch Dec, 23rd and 30th will not be Plains YMCA, presented to the held, council of the township of Scotch Scotch Plains Plan on Thurs- Plains on Tuesday night,Decem- day Dec, 26th will not be held, ber 17th, General Secretary Dun- can R. Smith stated today that the YMCA is unaware of the existance New Technical of any violations on the premises or within the building which they Courses Offered occupy, "We are glad to invite inspec- The Union County Technical tion by thetownshipdepartments" Institute, 1150 Gobs Avenue, he said, "and if such an inspec- Mountainside, will offer courses tion should result in any recom- for state certification examina- mendations, the YMCA will be tions in Low Pressure Boiler most anxious to comply with Operation, Stationary Engineer- them," ing (Blue & Red Seal) and Refri- The YMCA is a grateful bor- geration Engineering (Blue & rower of a facility provided for Red Seal), community service many yean To be eligible to, take the ago by a far-sighted philanthro- certifying examination at the var- pist, Dr. J, Ackerman Coles, and ious grades, the individual must administered effectively for have the necessary experience many years by the trustees of for that grade as required by the the building, the Scotch Plains State regulations. The school will Baptist Church. prepare the student for the verbal "The 'Y', Mr, Smith said, and written parts of the examin- "always welcomes public com- ation. ment, constructive criticism, and For further information, volunteer service. The many citi- please svrite the school at the zens who do volunteer service above address or call 233-3910 to the 'Y' and to the youth of the or 233-2211. community derive great satis- Registration will be held Jan- faction from it and more citizens POLICE on duty during Christmas Day ar« pictured abov» next to Police Station Christmas uary 13 and 14, 1964, between are urged to do the same," tree, SnowfaH and ensuing traffic problems, will keep th«m busy, 7-00 p.m. and 9;Q0 p.m. at 1160 Globe Avenue, Mountainside, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26.1963 PAGE 3 Jaycees Provide Santa Mailboxes Postmaster Clifford Cardoza aids George Getman and Robbie Mac Gregor, both age 5, mall their letters to Santa Claus In the special box outside the Scotch Plains Post Office, Two Santa Claus mailboxes, one in front of the Scotch Plains Post Office and another in front of the Fanwood Post Office, were provided by the Fanwood- Scotch Plains Jaycee-«ttes for the second year in a row, according to Mrs, Alan H, Anderson, chairman of the welfare committee. We convinced Santa Claus to allow the TIMES to publish a few of the letters received from Scotch Plains and Fanwood youngsters on this page, (See below)

Snnta Claus North Pole December 1963

Dear Little Friend, Thank you for writing me such a very fine letter, I certainly enjoy getting mail each vear from so many of you boys and girls, From all 1 hear you've teen very good and I'll be stopping by your house on Christmas Eve just as soon as yuu're fast asleep, I hope you'll like what I've picked uut because it's especially for YOU! Continues EO be a good, thoughtful and loving child and then you will be keeping the spirit of Christmas all year long. You and a Merr Christmas to All!

P.S. Please tell all the grown-ups to use ZIP codes on all their mailing. It helps our friends in the Post Office, Thank you. PAGE 4, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963

•* -v


In the true holiday spirit may we extend our warm good wishes to all our kind friends and patrons for a holiday season that fulfills all their hopes.

Watch for our 415 PARK AVE. SCOTCH PLAINS END OF YEAR SALE PHONE 322-4422 next issue! SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES| THURSDAY", DECEMBER 2V, 1963'PAGE 5- seemed to be fine by them. Thanks "Merry Christmas And A Very to Dr. j. Ackerman Coles, the Prosperous and HappyNew Year" man who provided the children's from the townspeople, especially ice cream fund, the Children's the 'Y' folks, to the entire staff Library in Newark, and the build- of the SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES. YOUR LOCAL YMCA ing used for our 'Y' activities *** there was a place In town where About the time you dig this by Duncan R. Smith such a party could take place, issue of the Times out of the • ,kiwitT h a number of people of their "Thanks Dr. Coles", There was pile of Christmas cards you've Last night my front door bell own generation on such an oc- a man who had Christmas spirit been receiving, my four little rang, I opened the inner door and casion. The could feel pretty all year long chough-out a life- daughters, my wife, her mother, looked through the storm door. much left out in the young family time. and I will be trimming our tree On the sidewalk at the foot of our circle. Of course this is probably *** in our living room, With four three front stpes stood about six not rule in many Instances but it At this season I want to say little girls Christmas can be teenage boys and girls. One of seems to me that the 'community a public thanks to a guy who is pretty exciting. It will be the them said to the others - "Oh, of the senior generation' might doing a fine service for our en- first Santa Claus1 year for the it's Mr. Smith", I guess they have some extra value at Christ- tire community -- jerry Fisch- two and half year old. For the were going from house to house mas, I know that we at the 'V trom, editor of this newspaper. five year old it is still a Santa at random. Then they began to get a special pleasure out of being In the past year we've seen the Claus Christmas, filled with sing carols. When they had fin- a part of this first annual event. development of a real community mystery, wonder and delight. Her ished they wished me and my *** media of communication. The saucer-like eyes will be even family a Merry Christmas and story of our people has been bigger and brighter than ever. went on, Over 135 elementary boys and girls met Santa Claus, enjoyed told, the human story, the im- Our ten year old will be very It's a long time since I have ice cream, sang songs, saw portant story. The rapid growth business like and helpful, with seen any carolers who were not special Christmas films, and of the paper, both In pages and just a bit of the old mystery asking for a contribution, either generally enjoyed themselves at in content as well as in circula- still showing In her blue eyes for themselves or for some or- our annual kiddles party yester- tion give me a great deal of and a look of anticipation on her ganization for which they worked. day afternoon. They didn't aeem satisfaction, A town needs a face. With our twelve year old What's more it was a group of to mind that the building is an paper, a paper that represents it will be a Christmas of near teen agers and the joy with which them to each other, that helps adulthood, Clothes come into the DUNCAN SMITH old one, that it lacks some of they were simply singing of the modern equipment you might to being about a cohesiveness - picture as desirable gifts. Many Christmas restored some of my some very special thoughts at find In some more prosperous a 'community character' without of the 'tasks' related to the sagging faith in humanity. Some this season and it may be Im- establishments. Getting together which there is only a collection holiday can now be accomplished of the adults in our town could portant for them to be In contact at the 'Y' for their annual party of houses and residents. Cont. on Page 19 improve our town by showing some of the same 'milk of human kindness', $** The same evening, at the *Y' a group of our junior high boys and girls were having a Christ- mas party under the supervision of our club director Mr, Joseph Pendal, a member of our board of directors, and two club ad- visors. It was noisy. Soda was spilled. They made funny sounds, FIRST in friendly service! as junior adolescents do, and had a very good time. *** This afternoon the Senior Citi- zens Club will hold their very first Christmas Party in our gym. For the first time in our town's history there will be a place for these mature men and women to go together to celebrate in their own way a holiday which they have know for many many years, Christmas is a time for friend- ship and reminiscences, I'm sure that an older person must have

Fred Merkle Says

44T1 M GOING TO SAVE ALL MY CHRISTMAS-GIFT MONEY!" Point out to your youngsters that this is the way to make Christmas money earn more money,,.especially when they save at FIRST FEDERAL .Bring your youngsters in to start Savings Accounts next Monday i it! FRED MERKLE evening when we'll be open late, from 6 We were told that if anyone toasted us with "Wassalll"that to 8 PM. we shouldn't hit him in the eye... 4% that he's just using an ancient YOU'RE NEVER a year expression of good wishes, which was used on festive oc- TOO YOUNG TO Current Dividend i !' casions. It might mean a number START SAVING! Rate I ', of things as well as drinking to one's health, but it also meant, "Be thou well!" And, we under- stand that the word "merry" had an ancient definition quite different from today's •gaiety". It meant more literally peace- fuiness, and blessednefis. So, in every one of its meanings we sincerely wish one and all a very Merry Christmas!

Your Quality Pt'.iim Dealer FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS Lot* Mod.l and CIMH Ut*6 Can III MRK AVENUE PL 7.4SM ISO ELM STREET, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEt Baity f » % wed, a us, til a PAGES, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1963 Mias Margaret Mader of Scotch mill Dr., Scotch Plains, an in- 126 S. Glenwood Rd., Fanwood. Plains, was narrator last Monday dustrial hygienist with Esso A fall wedding is planned, morning at the primary depart- Research Engineering Company * * « ment Christmas pageant at Kent has celebrated his 20th service Talk of the Towns Alvin M. Dlxon, son of Mr, and Place School, Summit, where she anniversary with the company. Mrs, James A. Dixon of 1310 is a student. By Elaine Stornelli Terrill Rd,, Scotch Plains, has Mrs. Margaret Pitti of 415 been assigned to A Company of The engagement of their daugh- Sycamore Avenue, Scotch Plains We tend to forget the true a member of the swimming de- the Third Training Regiment for monstration group at Northfield ter Miss Patricia Ann Raff arty has returned from a two month meaning of Christmas with all eight weeks of basic training in to Richard Craig Randolph, has stay at Vera Beach, Hollywood, the hustle and bustle involved School, East Northfield, Mass, conjunction with the Reserve En- The group presents an annual been announced by her parents, Florida, She will spend the holi- with shopping and all the addi- svater show and specializes in listment program at Fort Dix, Mr. and Mrs, John F. Rafferty days at home with her daughter tional preparations for this joy- synchronized swimming and He was graduated from Scotch of 235 Elm Ct. Scotch Plains. and son-in-lasv, Mr, and Mrs. ous season. other water tricks, Plains-Fanwood High School and Mr, Randolph is the son of Mr, Frank Barone of the Sycamore It's not that the true spirit us * attended Polytechic and Mrs. John F. Bukowlec of address. of Christmas lias been forgot- Institute'. 764 Norman Place, Westfield, The Plainfield junior Musical ten - But Don't you feel that #•* CALL ME AT AD 2-0590. Cluh lit-ld their meeting last week The plflinfield Area Little Allan R. Jones of I 325 Gray- art* in iho home of Mr, and Mrs. Theatre Council announced the Richard Felmeister of 2311 Coles winners of its first play-writing Ave., Scotch Plains. Three new contest conducted between Feb. members performed for the 1 and uet, I. The following were group. selected and the plays will be Child Of The Week produced by various groups in the Miss Kana Barnes nrny, area: "A Thing Apart" by Mrs. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Elizabeth Gautier of Fanwood, R, Bray of 2422 Alhvoocl Rd., and "Night School'' by Mrs,Clay- Scorch Plains, was married to ton Myers of Fanwood, Michael Rawitz, sun of Mrs, Wilhelm Rawitz of Newark and the late Mr. Rawitz of Hong John K, Cunningham of 1271 Kong. The wedding tuok place Woodside Rd,, Scotch Plains, an Dec, 14, in All Saints Episcopal attorney with Esso Research and Church. After a wedding trip to Engineering Company has cele- Washington, the couple will re- brated his 20 year service anni- ELAINE STOBNELLI side in Arlington, Va. versary with the company. *«* Christmas has become too com- Mrs, Arnold Treptow of Fan- Miss Sarah Jane Stillman, mercialized, and somewhere daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Fran- along the line, it seems to be wood, gave a demonstration lec- ture "Deck Our Homes for cis H, Stillman of 3 Scotchwood losing it's wondrous, enhancing Glen, Scotch plains, and "Still- beauty. Christmas," before a guest day 1 meeting of the Mountainside Gar- acres' , Lyman, N.H., will be May the true love and warmth presented to society at the 33rd of Christmas, be with you and den Club last week in the home of Mrs. Thomas Roy Jones, 560 annual ball of the Assembly of yours, all thru the year,,., Spartanburg, S.C., on Dec. 27 Sssa Tremont Ave,, Westfield, *•* at the Spartanburg Memorial George Paul Blake, son of Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. j. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Blake Joseph L. Gorsky, Jr., son Davis Kerr of Spartanburg, rela- jr., of 2335 Promenade, Scotch of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph L, Gor- tives of Miss Stillman, will be Plains, has completed his basic sky Sr. of 52 Hunter Ave,, Fan- her sponsors. Her parents will training at Fort Dix. N.J, He wood, a freshman at Rutgers entertain the debutantes, their arrived home last weekend to University, New Brunswick, has escorts and marshals at a buf- spend the holidays with his enrolled as a basic cadet in the fet dinner Monday at the Pied- family. Upon his return to duty, Air Force Reserve Officer mont Club of Spartanburg. Miss he will be reassigned to his Training Corps. He is a 1963 Virginia F, Stillman, her sister, new command. graducate of Scotch Plains - home from Buxton School, Wll- Fanwood Hi'* ' llamstown, Mass., accompanied her r.sr«"fr *vhca they left Dy car Saturday for Spartanburg, The Stillmans plan to return to Scotch Plains before the New Year.

The engagement of Miss Kath- • jeffram G, Murray of 807 Mr. and Mrs, jost-ph Fawlick erlne Ann Murphy, to Robert A. Mountain Ave., Bound Brook, Rieth, son of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer * rt ^ of 2'3S LaGrande Ave., Fanwood, F, Reith of 2019 Birch St., Scotch Mis-, Mary M, Hinchman, have announced Che engagement Plains, has been announced by CHILD OF THE WEEK — This striking little miss is 7-1/2 daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John of their daughter, Miss Betty her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aid an year old Cathy Mathews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Mathews Hinchman of 1925 Lake Ave., Pawiick, to John Biondi, son of T, Murphy of 36 Princeton Ave., 64 Portland Avenue, Fanwood, N.J. (J.J. Alexander photo) Scotch Plains, has been named Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Biondi of Berkeley Heights. ft s£ sH John Swindlehurst of 465North Scout Troop Holds Party Ave., Fanwood, svas elected and Boy Scout Troop ill, spon- was Scoutmaster Michael Bly- installed worshipful master of sored by the Scotch Plains Lions skal, 19 advancement awards ea&on 6 Corinthian Lodge 57, F and AM Club, held its annual Christmas were given out including life last Thursday night in the party together with a Court of awards to Kevin Long and James Masonic Temple in Orange. Honor December 13th. Presiding Lynch, Star Scout Pins were given to James Haverland and James ^ Scoutmaster Blyskal announc- All the best, of everything ed that the Raven Patrol re- to you and your family ceived second place honors at the District Cainporee which was during the holiday season. held October 26-27, Feature of the evening was a showing of pictures of the Troop's trip to Washington taken by Carl Sewalls.


* 24 Hour MLive Service" * 4 Phamacssts SERVED IN AN * Charge Accounts invited AUTHENTIC COLONIAL SETTING * FREE Delivery AT THE SIGN OF

Wit Ullage Shot Shop "FROM CRADLE TO COLLEOE" 1814 m. 2ND ST. SCOTCH PLAINS N.J. In the Towne Orthopedic Prescriptions Filled at 322=5539 Number 110 Central Avenue FA 2-4050 in Westfield, New Jersey 44 MARTINE AVENUE FANWOOD For Reservations call AD 2-060Q SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY , DECEMBER 26,1963 PAGE 1



SMITTY'S Service & Sales 514 Park Avs, Scotch Plains PAGE 8, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1963 Tercentenary Uncle Sam, Alias Santa Claus

Little girls whose minds and for Writing to you, I am in such hearts overflow with Christmas trouble and want you to help me joys fortunately are never prac- please — my papa says %ve can't tical, No adult, for example, have a chrismus tree this year would dream of turning to the now isn't that too offley bad? Secretary of the Treasury for He says Uncle Sam owes him Christmas help, but Louise How- some money and he can't get ard of Newark was lucky: She it." was a child. "My papa is in the revernue Louise faced Christmas, 1865, busness, the revernue business with dread because her father, a has stamps in it. his name is government employee, said some mr, henry howard,52 Sprague people named "Uncle Sam" and St Newark N.J. won't you piese "Hugh McCulloch" couldn't pay ask Uncle Sam to let you pay him. She solemnly agreed with my papa, father that no money meant no "my little sister Jeanie crvs Christmas, but It seemed terrible all the time, she wouldent care to her that little sister Jeanie must if she was ded, she feels should have no presents and no so bad shes So littel not to have tree. a tree, have you got any little Desperate situations call for girls, maybe the svar wouldnent desperate action. Next day Louise let you get paid too, I hope asked her fifth grade teacher your children wont have t" gn for Uncle Sam's last name". without any tree," The teacher smiled and replied Louise excused her poor writ- that he had no last name. When ing and spelling, explaining that Louise asked if she had ever her mother usually helped "but heard of "Mr, HughMcCulloch." she don't know about this neither the teacher advised her that Sec- does my papa," retary of the Treasury Hugh Mr. McCulloch answered Lou- McCulloch took care of "Uncle ise promptly, assuring hei that Sam's purse," he could --. and would -« help. The story, first related by The money owed Mr, Howard Sara Cuarln of Newark in the would be in Newark by December "Saint Nicholas Magazine" for 22. He added; January, 1S94, is based on two "I have a dear little girl like letter? sent by Louise to Mr, you. Her name is Louise, ton. McCulloch — and on two replies She was pleased with your letter from him. and wishes that she could have Addressing "Honereble Hugh a picture of you and little Jeannie. McKulloch," Louise laboriously "Yes, my little girl will have wrote (the misspellings and lack a tree, too, so I am sure of of punctuation are hers); the happiness of three children, "Won't you plese excuse me at least,"



322.8M3 ME 5.QS4Q STAGE HOUSE ViLLACE 132 MAIN ST. SCOTCH PLAINS, N.J. CHATHAM, kt. After Christmas Louise penned child but he was glad and so Ing right in front — thats george the happy ending for Mr. Me was mamma,*** oh what a beau- Washington, its a pen-wiper, a Culloch: tiful tree we had, no so Big or littel boy in my father's sundy "My papa was so surprised so fine as other years, but we school class made it for his when 1 got the big letter all liked it better because wa dident chrismus gift, those are my seeling wax, he laughed and kiss- expect it, skates hanging on the tabel and ed me hard and said what a "***this is our picture taken thats jeannies doll, isn't she with the tree, do you like it, nice, Jeanie has light hair and do vou see that little man hang- blues eyes I have brown hair and gray eyes anser soon," No Secretary of the Treasury, or any many with a fondness for sweet innocence, could keep from replying, Mr, McCulloch wrote; "I waa more than pleased, I Five Classes Available was delighted, with your picture. I had it on my library table on $1 per week pays $50.35 New Year's Day, and it created great interest, and also admira- $2 per week pays $100.70 tion, The tree is beautiful, but 41S PARK AVE. to me your happy little faces $3 per week pays $151.05 tCOTCH PLAINS Cent* on Page 14 $5 per week pays $251.75 / USED TO 8£ OBSESSED WITH $10 per week pays $503.50 THE FEAR THAT SOME PEDESTRIAN WOULDN'T HEAR My HORN .,, ART SUPPLIES It's better to give a pedestrian a brake than a blastl It's better CUSTOM FRAMING Savings Made By the 1 5th of still to drive with care a car Any Month Earn From the lit that's in tip-top shape. If you'll take care of the driving, we'll 'There is an Art to Current i^a Annual take care of your car. Get a good framing ' Rote check-up soonl FANWOOD AND SCOTCH PLAINS SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Mountain Ave, Esso OP SCOTCH PLAINS, N, j. PROP R. C. ANTHONY JR, BARRY'S FRAME SHOP MECH. BILL SCHLICK 1121 WESTPIBLO AVENUE Corner nf Park arvd Westfield Aves, Open Daily B-3 SCOTCH PLAINS NEW JERSEY Mountain Ave. and Park Ave, Monday fi.g TiU, FA 2-7S60 Scotch Plaint SCOTCH PLAINS FAnwood 2-8244 FA 2-SSIS SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PAGE 9

Jam! Adlir, Patricia Mary Aplio, Salvalnre Alillo, Adam Aieiander. Nicholas Alexo. Jean E, Allen, Jose Amaral. Anthony Aprile, Louis Arehambault, Berdina Arkley, Auguste Arnaud, Margaret A, Arney, Ronald Arfowsmith, William Ashnault. John Astorina. Dorothy Avery, Vincent J. Badalis. Etizabeth Baiboi, Rosemarlt Bal'erini, Ann C. Balio. Carl William iarget, Jimis M, Barkeliw, Catherine Bafuszek, Richard Battenhausen, Pitir Baitlstella, Harold Richard Bauer. Russell C, Bauer, William Bauerband, L. W. Becker, Nicholas Oeglin. Carrie Eflden, Oeorge Bilko, George Benedict. Arthur C, Beninttnte, Naney Ann Bianco. Fred A. Bihler, Stephen Bobick, Joseph Botikus, Edward F. Bohannon, Michael Bonchalk, James Boyari, David Boyd, Robert Boyle. William Boyle, John Brtnnan, Doris Breuef, Emil Breijer, Herbert J. Bngham, Aaron Brown, George Brown, John Brown, Robert Brown. Norman H, Bruce, Donald K, Bunji, Sharon M, Burisch, Thomas J. Butler, Gerald Cabot, Cornelius Cndipn. Joseph Gahill, Benario Capieilo, Frank W, Capo, Daniel D, Capons, Patrick Capone. Servando Cafdona, Joseph Oarmin Giro, Leo Oarolan, Eugens Carroll, Michael Caruso, Edward Cash. James Cashei, Louis Casper, Elizabeth M, OauHield, Anthony F, Cere, Thomas 0, Oerlllo, Stephen Chester. Louis Joseph Chlrichelio, Dominic Cirillo, Charles Clark, Frank P, Clark. James Edward Clark, Raymond Clark, Ralph Clauer, Benedict Cleary. John J, Cleary, Susan Ellin Oiosterman, Rosellt ClQligh, James Ooakley. Michael Coakley, Harry Collins, Joseph Coionnillo, John F. Concannon, Jr., Peter Coneavage, Peter P. Constandi, John J, Conre. John f, Contrlno, fluiseppt Coppa, William Coughlm, Richard E. Crane, Joseph P, Crilly, James A, Crilly. Roger Crilly, Roger L. Crilly. Angela Crincoli. John Crineoli, Michael CrinMli, Quito Orisari, Theodora Croteau, Louis A. Cuscaro, Cornelius Cummings, Michael Cure, Manuel Da Silw, James W, Dabney. Robert John Dale, Harry E, Damm, Bennls Lee Davis, Ernest Davis, Newman Davis, Nathaniel Davis, Theima Davis, William Davis, Joseph DeCieeo, Joseph R, DeLilio, Frank BeLoranzo, Dorothy DeLucy, Eugene DeMarco. John Decker, William Decker, Frank Dfllapolla, Amey Defloiaeono, Patrick J, Oevenny, Marion Deveny, Nicholas OiBlasio, Carmine OiCosmo, Roceo DiPaola, Oaetano DiPietro, Frank A, OiPlllo, Frederick H. Olehl. Anna Doll. Martin Dolly, Michael Dolly, Charles R, Dombroski, Jr., Harold Doney, Bernard Donoughue, Patricia A, Doty, Patrick Bowlini. Thomas Dowlinj, Gtrtfde On Beau. John W, DuPree, Martha Dubroski, Joseph Duda, Miriam Dudick. William Dudik. Anita T, Duff, William Duffy. Gwendolyn Dufresne, Christina Ann Dula. Thomas Ounipn, Roy Dwyer. Charles Wayne Eakes, Jasper Eddie, Mary Beth Edwards. Wilfred Edwards. Alfred F. Egbert, Theresa Eichorn, Christian Eilbieher. Leonard Eilbacher. Edward Eldridp, Russell 0. Eldridge, William Eidrldge, Mack Eleaier, Duncan S. Ellsworth, Jr., Edward Endryki, Arlene Ruth English. Edward Erikson. Concetta A, Esoosito, Luigi Esposito, Judy Evefitt. Robert Fallon. Joseph Farnlak, Mary Teresa Farrell, Barbara Anne Fates, Edward Faughrjn, Evelyn Faufjhnan, Robert faujhnan, Lewis Faust. John J, Fedor, John Fedor, Bohdan Fedyk, John Feinty, Patrick Feeney, Ella feggans. Willie Fecgans, George W, Fehring. Mabel Fthrinr!, Stephen Fsiertsg. Richard K. FelSmann. John S. Fenyar, Peter Fimlani. Peter Findlay. Arthur M. Finn. Frank Focht. Mary.inn P. Frangelia, John f. Freeh. Edwin 1, Frederick, Martha Freel. Norris Free!, Jr., John French. Charles E, Fulton, Ralph E. Fulton, Antonio Oabriele, Antonio Darruto, Michael Qerba, Warren C. Berber, Edward Qiesler, William Gillespie, Ernest GlovBr, Walter Lee Goode, Frank Gorda. Arthur Grace, Michael Orate. Mary Draff, Harry L. Graham. Helen Graham. Michael Gray. Milton Ontne. Frank E. Gregor. Robert Griffiths. William Grote, Pauline M, Gualano, Claudia Ouaragna, GeDrge flulick. John R, Qulick, Genevieve Gurka. Emanuele Gurrisri, Arthur Gustafson, Wilbur W, Quy, Janet M, Haddon, Robert Hagarnan. Frances Harrigan, Mildred Hart, Beatrice Hartman Leonard Hartman, Paul Harii, Janet Hattrich, John Hawkins, Edward Hebbe. John Hegarty, Georp E. Heller, W, Howard Hindricks, Harold Herrlck, Frank J. Hiekey, Helen Hiekey, Lorraine M. Hodulik, John Edward Hoehn, Jr., William H. Hoek. Frederick Hoffman, George Hoilings 3rd, James V, Holmes. Edward j, Helton, Daniel Hopkins, Joseph Hopkins. Joseph Hopkins, Jr., John Home, John Howard. Jennie Hreha, Andrew Hughes. Helen Hussman. Raymond Jachowski, Tymko Jakubewyez, Arthur James, Arthur R. James, Alice M. Jarvais. Oran Robert Jenkins, Daniel Jensen, Mary Jensen, Ralph Jerome, Adam Jeslonka. Josef Jesionka, John Jewers, Bernard Johnson, Marguerite Johnson, Charles Jones, James M. Jordan, Boleslaw Jurkiewici, Henry J. Kaiser, Henry J, Kaprasiewski, John Kara, Frank J. Kaspereen. Peter Kassak. Patricia Kavanajh. John Kean, Robert W. Kean. Jr., Stewart B. Kean, Frederick J. Keiser, Charles Keller, Edwin Keller, Michael Kelly, Joseph Kenna, Jr., James Kennedy, Laszlo Kerikes, Stanley Karke, Jr., Peter Kerricfe. John M. Keseliea, Peter S, Kiciula, Georp Kieri, Curtis J. King, Daniel J. King. Margaret Kissling. Judith Kjetsa, Edward Klauder. Henry Klein, Helen Kleman. Arthur Klinpnmaier, Frank Knowles. Joseph Knowles, Albert J. Knoi. Edwin Kosobucki, Edward Kotch. Mary R, Krai, Robsrt Kratson. Katherine H, Krauss, John P. Kreis. Eleanor T. Kubala, Andrew Kufta, David Kurtz. Walter V. Kutcha, William Kuzemchak, Leonard Kwiatkoski. Joseph LaBracio. Michael Ladym, Catherine Lake. John Lambertsen. Marguerite A, Lamrjertson, William Lambert, Joseph Lameia 3rd, Margaret Lane. Domimck Lan;a, Harry R. Lapi, Carol S. Larsen. Marjaret Lasco, John Lasilo, Corrado Latino. Joseph lauer, ioseph J. Laura, Louise C. Laujman. Elaine Ann Leboy, Ronald W. Leigh, Joseph Lesinski, Steohm Lesky. Frank Adam Lesniak, Eugene Link, Joseph Loaloo, Ailing Lobdell, Robert Logan, John Lokey, Charles Uneker, Valentine Longano. Katherine Loved. Vincent Luca, George E. Lucas, Warren Luckel, Eleanor Luttgens. Anpline Lynch, Thomas Lynch. John E. MacNaughton. Doris Macdonald, Albert Mack, Michael Magara, Raymond C. Malejko. Ethel Malmberg, Charlotte Malone. Helen Malone, Kathryn Malone, Michael Malone, Raymond Maloney, Andrew Mantilla. Joseph A. Mantella, Patsy Marconi. Harry A. Marr, Barbara j, Martin, James A. Martin, Russell Martin, Samuel Martin, Thiresa Martin, Adelaide J, Martyn. Robert Mason, Albert Mastelerezyk, Charles Matey, Andrew MeCabe. James McCann, Patrick McColgan, Francis T, MeOreedy, Alberta McDonald. Anne MicEiwee, Henry J. MeGiehan, James M. McGinn, Thomas McGovern. James MeBowan, Edward McGreehan. Carol McLean, Robert McStay, Raymond McVoy, Shirley Ann McCuistion, John Mendes, Betty Meniaco, Michael Meola, Edward Metiner. Dorothy Meyerhoff. Antoni Michalowski. George MiMer, Joserjh Miller. Mary T, Miller, Richard J, Miller, Joseph Millhiser, Joseph Millhiser, Jr., Eric Milton. Charlotte J. Mitchell, Frank Modi!!, Frank Mohr, Gail Moldal, Walter 0. Money. Bei'nnd S. Moore, Willijm Moran, Daniel P, Morris, James Morrissey, William R. Morris. William Morris. William Motto, John E. Mruskovic. Georp E. Muench, Jr., William Muhlen, Rita Murman, Kenneth Mureskl, Jiremiah Murphy, Robirt Murray, Helen Myron, Mary Nadaskay. Antonino Navarro, Antonio Navarro, Domenico Navarro, David Nelson, Henry H, Newcomb, James Newcomb, Henry Nicolas, Ruth A. Niebauer. John Novak. Charles O'Connell, Hugh O'Donnell, Michael O'Hara, David O'Keeffi, John O'Keefe. Ethel O'Neill, James O'Neill, Edward J. O'Rourke, Andrew Obergfell. Sophie Ogoialek, Tomasz Okosiko, Mike Oleia, Matteo Orlando, Leroy Ovari. Robert Pace. Joseph Pajlia, Georii Palfi. Roy Palmer, Miehafl 0. Papkow, Joseph Pardo, Laura Paris!, Robert Parratt. Francesco Paternostro. Mamie Patefna, Giovanni Patetta. Robert Palon, Lillian Paulding. Edward Pauiositch, Ellsworth Paarson, George Penn, Jr., Jack Peterson, Norman Peterson, Peter Peterson. Sylvia A, Peterson, Edward Pet!, Warrm Pfeuffer, Robert Pfirrmann, Nelson L. Pinto, Marylou E. Piiia, Benny Plizelli. William Piescla, Richird Plula, John I, Poltorak. Irene Possemato, Charles Post, William Post, Evelyn Poth, William T, Potter, Winifred Potter, Harold Powell, Helen Prachthauser, Peter Prachthauser, Eitabeth C. Price. Joseph Principlto, Harry Pyatt, Robert A. Quinn. Joseph Rada, Rudolf Raeuber, Edward Raoolas, Sieve Rebeck, Donald Reiman, Norman Reiner, Peter Remo, Samuel Reynolds, Louis Richards, Victor M. fiiehel. Jobie Richard, Raymond RiMer, Oiaf Rinde, Donald Ring. Edgar A, Roberts, Crlspulo Rodriquei, Aieiander J, Rojowski, Edward Rohrbacker, Henry Rohrs. Helen Roleke, Thomas J, Roonev. Jr., William Root, Richard Roicoe, Albert Ross. Henry Roth, Eugene Rothman, Harriet 0, Rounds, Christie Ruff, Eladio Ruiz. Joseph Rumbolo, J. Warren Russell, George Ryan, Thomas Ryan, Steven Rzeplinski, Mary B. Sabine, Catherine Sadowski, Edward Sadowsli, Ronald Sandorse. Joanne c. Santa Lucia. Jose Santiiio, John Saunders. Robert Saunders, Thomas Saunders, Marie D. Schafer, Robert Schlatter, Anne Schleck. Robert Schlerf. Richard L. Schmidt, George J. Schmitt. Mary Schwemmer, Anna Marie Scuotto, Russell Scutari, fljorge Seabrook. John Henry Sedar. Eleanor Seguine, Marie Serretti, Helen Seymour, Jane Shablik, William Shannon, John Sharp, Jr.. Henry Sheafer. Pauline Shtdlock, Dennis Shelly. William Sherrier, Helen Shirley. Stella Siana, Leila Sibberns, Modesto Sierra, RoSen Simmons, Edward Simo, John J, Simon, Alexander Sinclair. James Sinnoit, Frank Siravo. Paul Slsan, Robert Sivitsky, Louis Skilly, Jr.. Iris C, Skolnik, Stefan Skorupa, Charles Slekitis, ShBrwood Keen Sllker, Barbara Slocki. Carol E. Smith, Edward L, Smith, Florence Ceil Smith, Wilbert Smith, William Harvey Smith, John Smozanitz, James Snodjrass. John Solano. Stephen Solovey, Walter Somers. Frederick J, Soos, Leroy W, Sorter, Florence Spaight, Albert A. Stack, Charles Stacy, Alfred Stadeck. Ann Stallone, William Stansbury, Patricia A, Stapleton, John Thomas Starjak, George Statue, Richard Steffen, Robert Steinbach, Peter Steranka, Donald Stryker, Edmund Stryker, William J. Sutton, Neil R, Swartz. Georp Sweeney, Paul Syers. Jr., Elmer Sylvester, Jan Szczesny, John Szul, Anthony Tango. John Taylor. Vincent Telafici. Maureen D, Tevnan, Daniel Therkildsen, John Thomas, Ray Thompson, John J. Tieman, Paul Tiilotson, Anthony Timoney. Stephen Toeco, James Tolen. Conception Torres, Rafael Torres, Suzanne Toth, Angeio M, Travisano, Anthony Trotta, Thomas Trotta, Walter M, Tucker, William Tucker, Claire E, Tune, Reginald Turner, Barbara E- Turpin. Joseph Turpish, Enrico Vaccaro, Edward F, Vail, Mary Vail, Genevieve E. Van Buskirk, frank Van Pelt. Mary Van Pelt, William Van Pelt, George Vandemark, Anthony Vastano, Edward Value, Sharon Verson. Robert Vickery. Hilda A. Vidal, William A, Vignes, Edward Wagner, Joan M, Walck. David A. Walker, Helen I, Walker, James Walker, Kathleen Walker, Robert Walker, Jr., Bernard C, Waip, Henry Walp, Louise Wandall, Stephen Wanko, Jr, Joan E. Ward, Joan C. Ward, Peter Ward, Michael Wargo, Mabel Warner, Hiram Washington. Bill Watson. Mabel Wean, John Week. James T. Weir, Charles Weislopl. Isabel Welch, Henry Westerman, John Wilgus, John Wiikes, Samuel P, Williams, Walter J, Wilson, Henry Wimrner, Clifford Witheridp, Joseph J, Woiton, John Wolf, Edward Wood, Kay Lynn Woolley, Melvin Wroblewski. Louis Edmund Yeager, Jr.. Alphonsus J, Velverton, Edith M, Yorke, Charles Young. Emily Young, Fred M, Young, James Young, Osie Younjblood, Ann Marie Zabita, Frank Zayka, Robert F. Zieser. John Zsamba MM WEVMSZ AT PAGE 10, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1963

Dougal, and Judy VVehrum, who won the Scotch Plains Community Choir Scholarship toWestminster Choir College, this Scholarship Kathy's Korner includes three weeks room and board at the college this summer. By Katharine Demitzio The money for the scholarship was raised through the Messiah the tickets should also be com- Wrestlers Victorious Term papers (or homework Concert presented at the high mended for giving of their time By NEIL KRAMER by the "'big" men who won four In general), have a habit of ruin- school December 8. of the last five matches to erase and energy to help put the Dance H,S. News Bureau ing a holiday, so as an early Diane Tobias and Oinny Me a 16-9 deficit, New Year's resolution lets all on, Danny Valentine knew what Neill provided the bells in the The Varsity Wrestling Team of vow to finish them early and he was doing when he chose joe Kolesgr, who won the next "jingle Bell" number done by the SPFHS downed a tough combine spend the rest of the time en- "The Commanders" to play at to the last match by a score of Senior Chorus. from South Plainfield 23-19, even 13-2, was disconsolate because joying our vacation. OK? the Dance, The music was very though the team was without the good, although sometimes It hin- The Usherettes Included: Law- he did not pin his man, although rice Checchio, Diane januzzl, services of four of its best men, he had him on his back three dered Jeff Taylor's time in the. Richie Cunther, Harry Wow- Punch Bowl-Shuttle Run. Linda Knott, Pam Mullins, and separate times, His opponent had Maureen Murphy, chueh, John Chimelski, and A! instructions not to get pinned, I would like to thank all those Hanna, all of whom did not meet people who helped with the Re- Open House was held at joAnn however, for even the loss by Emery's house after the Concert the right requirements. The vic- decision would not have given the freshments, If is literally im- tory extended to eleven, the un- possible to name everyone who for all the different choral groups lead to the Raiders. Howard Fritz that performed. beaten sklen of Coach Mike Sor- ended all of Kolesar's worries contributed, which I am sure, rentlon'a charges, who last year is the way the Chairmen of other Last Friday's Baaketball game when he preceded to pin his man against Westfield was a terrific won the Watchung Conference in slightly more than 2-1/2 min- committees feel. So, I will simply Championship. say thank you to everyone, not game. Although we lost, the boys utes. Incidentally, joe Kolesar came really close, and fought Ken Legumes, Rod Brynildson, got the biggest cheer from the only to those who worked on my Rich Schloesser, Tom McCoy, committee, but also to anyone right up to the last minute. large Scotch Plains cheering sec- Congratulations to our Wrest- Bill Rllley, Joe Kolesar, and tion. As you probably know, joe who had anything to do with Howard Fritz all registered wins making this Dance the great suc- ling Team who won over South is a star of the football team, and Plainfield 23-19. This has be- for Scotch Plains. Fritz secured a popular character around cess it was, the only pin, culminating a rally Pre-Dance parties were given come a popular spectator sport SPFHS. by Sandy Haverland, and Lawrice among the students, but the team Checehio. An after Dance party can always use more backers, was given by Carol Hughes, how about It? Indoor Track has begun, can't Raiders Defeat Roselle The Santa Claus at the Dance was Mark Adams, and the elf you tell? To walk down the back By ART HOLDSWORTH our best. We outscored the Rams was Arril Johnson. hall after school is really taking H.S, News Bureau 14-8 in that period and we were KATHERWE DENiTZIO your life into your hands 1 Last week a group of Seniors The Scotch Plains Raiders de- almost unstopable. As Chairmen of the Christmas gave Jan McDougal and Dan Kis- Judy Ragona left Sunday for At 4-12 a jump shot by Mickey sunny Florida, We're getting feated Roselle Tuesday after- Dance Lawrice Checchio de- ner a Birthday Party, A late noon, 53-44 at out home court. Straford was the last bucket the serves a great deal of credit. happy seventeenth birthday. frostbit while she's getting a Rams scored in that quarter. Coppertone tan. Rick Felmeister, Dave Shunk and All thoie long hours spent by The Choral Concert was given Bob Burness were outstanding in We scored eight straight points, Congratulations to Bill Stamm her and a great many helpful last Wednesday and again in this well deserved victory. all on fast breaks, with Fel- and Dan Klsner, who have gotten students really paid off, The school on Friday for the whole Midway through the first quar- meister, Shunk, Springer, and Dance was a huge success! Ralph Student Body. The excellent per- their Drivers permit. Burness all contributing a bucket. Congratulations t o Cynthia ter, 6 straight points gave us an Branch and his committee did formances of the different groups 11-6 lead but 1-13 left in the The quarter ended with the a wonderful job on the decora- showed the result of many hours Valentino who has made the 120 Raiders having a comfortable Official (That is, she has suc- first period Roselle tied the tions, they were really beautiful. of practicing. During the Concert score. Felmeister's bucket gave 9 point lead, 40-31, The methods they used to cancel ceeded in taking 120 words a Wednesday evening the Senior us a 15-13 lead at the quarter. Roselle opened the final quar- the immovable objects in the Chorus presented the Choral Dir- minute in shorthand for five min- ter with 6 straight points. A Cafeteria (like the apple machine utes and transcribed her notes In the second quarter the lead ector, Mr, Brown, with a sweater changed hands several times. three point play by Felmeister which they wrapped up as a and a Donald Duck beach toy with 95% accuracy), and JoAnn with 3 minutes left to play, gave big package) were really ingen- Lay-ups by Morton and Shunk which he took with him last Blondi and Barbara Kessinger us a seven point lead, Roselie ious, Richard Bellamente, who who made the 100 Official, with less than two minutes left Friday when he left for the shore. in the half, gave us the lead could manage only 4 more points supplied the publicity beforehand, Have a very Merry Christmas The Soloists included Dale 511- we never relinquished. while we hit for 7 as we won and John Graham, who printed and a Happy New Year! vtnske, Jim Hughes, Jan Me The third quarter was by far by a comfortable margin, 53-44,

Tippit Fund Created By KAREN LUNDQUIST fifty-one dollars and eighty seven SPFJHS News Bureau cents. Contributions range any- where from two to three pen- The death of president Ken- nies up to five dollar checks. nedy led to emotional outbursts Our group would like to take and deeply felt amazement this opportunity to thank the bus- throughout our school, Equally iness owners of our area and the shocking was the tale of j,S, donor's homes that we went to Tippit, the Dallas policeman, who for making our campaign, thus was shot and killed when he tried far, a success. The girls will to apprehend Lee Oswald, the continue collecting through the alleged assasin of our late pre- week, and hope that you'll assist sident. us in reaching of goal of seventy- Six of the girls in our school five dollars. Our group of six joined forces in an allout cam- is relatively small in comparison paign to financially assist the to the territory that must be patrolman's family. For the past covered. If a soliciter doesn't three weeks Pamela Lehmann, reach your home, please remem- Karen Lundquist, Jill Paraslne, ber that donations can be made Kathy Messemer, Kathy Buehler, at any police station. and Diane Parise have taken Thank You. part in door-to-door soliciting. On the first night, Karen and Pam collected over twenty one dollars BECAUSE of the early pub- in three and a half hours. The next day Jill gathered nine dollars lication of triii fU.'iES this while passing through Westfield, Diane Parlse covered her neigh- week, Junior High jabber borhood extensively, and in- creased our treasury by seven and other Important school dollars, Kathy Buehler and Kathy Messemer did a terrific job in niws was omitted, Mext the business district of Scotch FUND RAISERS Posing for photographer are junior High girls who helped to collect Plains, In total, our collections week's edition will contain from Scorch Plains, Fanwood, and funds for the widow of slain patrolman j.B, Tippett. Left to Right, front, seated; Cathy the surrounding areas include copy prepared for both weeks Bueheler and Pam Lehmann, Standing: Karen Lundquist, Jill Para sine and Kathy Mes- semer. SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26,1963 PAGE 11


44 MARTI NE AVE FANWOQD FA 2-4050 PAGE 12, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 (OLD FACT "NBtives with no special traininp have assisted in 4,000 HONEY CANDY ST. LOUIS lUPIi _ "The UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. challenge of medical mission to 5,000 major surgical pro- (UP!) — Pennsylvania State "TOMS work lies in the cold hard facts cedures in the Eket hospital in University has developed sever- 8 — not in a glamorous misHion the post five years," al honey candy recipes, assuring picture." medical tnissiontuy beekeepers of a continual in- Dr. A, P. Klomhaus decJaiPri PIT STOP* NAME (come, here. LUBBOCK, Tex, lUPl) — A A spokesman said studies Quality Service on all Imported Cars In Nigfria, where the physi- garden club in Lubbock decided showed honey makes an Ideal RT. 22Twestbound L»oe SCOTCH PLAINS cian has served for the pant that everything's in a name. sweet lor candies when used in year, he performed 30 to 40 Members named the club "The special recipes. 200 YARDS BEFORE SCOTCH PLAINS PARK AVE, OVERPASS major operatiom per week in Petal Pushers." SINCLAIR GAS - WOLF'S HEAD OIL the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod hospital at Eket, "With one eye on the patient 322-9858 f and the othei eye on the in- cision, ' he said "I suppivised HOWAR the admimstiation of a spma] as well as doms the opeiatinc Restaurant & Motor Lodge Stage House Inn New Jersey's Historical Inn GALA NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Season's fireetn DINNER & DANCING RESERVATIONS LIMITED RESTAURANT WILL BE CLOSED ON Open Tuesday, December 24th and December 31st CHRISTMAS DAY ONLY. CLOSED CHRISTN4AS DAY 3EG Park Ave., Scotch Plilns, H .J, Phftnt: 322-4224 HOWARD JOHNSON'S Rout© 22 West End Ave, Plainfieid, NJ,


TO Al I. ul.lN • SKI SHOP ROUTi 22-SCOTCH PLAINS, N,J, FRIENDS .- : Plantation Shell HOYLE-SAMPSON Qu&lity Equipment & Repairs — Head Rentals MOUNTAIN DRUGS ROUTE 22 HEAD — BOOMER — KASTINGER — WHITE STAG — CUBCO 2391 Mountain Avenue. Scotch Plains SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ. FA, 2-6885 C.C .M, ice Skates * Snow Shoes * Toboggans LAST MINUTE SPECIALS

Dealer For: MUSICAL Guitars From $19.88 Very Special • CONN * AMPIG Fender • Supro Christmas Specials • BESSON • BUFFiT Stocking Stuffers Trumpet Outfits $68.88 • ROGERS • SELMiR Garmony*Goya • BRILHART • LUDWIG Clarinet Outfits $68.88 Kazoos 130 Guild • Espana SLINGIRLAND • RICO Trombone Outfits $73.88 Slide Whistles... 440 Alamo • Gibson • EVETTE & SCHAEFFER Flute Outfits $83.88 • MARTIN-REYNOLDS Tonettes Martin • Tempo Alto Sax Outfits $158.88 And Many More Many Others Vega Kay Drum Outfits $36,88

A Full Line Of; Sheet Music HUNDREDS OF Musical Accessories BANDSTAND MUSIC OTHER Repairs and Rentals Unadvertized Private Instructions 138 f. iroad Westfield AD 2-6363 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PAGE 13 I 7~UH&...





WESTFIELD FEDERAL SWINGS PAGE 14, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 to attend the meets. Also, due TIRCiNTENARY TALI Louise Howard kept those let- to sickness, at no time has all Cent, From Page 8 ters, of course, and It seems Chess Team Loses Again of our team been present for are more so, MY little Louise certain that Mr, McCulloch also Scotch Plains, Dec, 17. The Union, Roger Stanford was the any of the matches." clapped her hands with joy when kept Louise's laboriously pen- Scotch Plains Cheas team main- onlv point winner - 1/2 point On January 14, the chess team she saw it, I enclose to you a ned notes, tained Its losing streak today by acquired in B. draw. has a meet with Thomas Jeffer- picture of her. Surely, although Louise and dropping Its fourth match, this The only excuse for the team son High and one can put there one against Wardlaw by a score "1 KNEW that was George jeannle Howard of Newark, N.J., was submitted by the team cap- money on the fifth straight. The Washington before you told me. had their tree, that Christmas of 2-1/2 - 6-1/2, Points scored tain Mike Smith who said, "We yesterday by Scotch Plains were only important thing is we're It is a striking likeness, I think of 1865 also filled at least one have been handicapped by the trying and gaining practice in Washington home with its gen- made by Roger Stanford (1), Mike that is a very nice tree for hard inability of our first board player doing it. times, uine warmth. For Christmas be- Smith (I), and Jeff Spencer (1/2), "I will close with many kind longs most to children, and when In games played against Cran- ford and Westfield, Scotch Plains wishes for the new year — in- a child chooses to share it with lost 0-5, In a game played at deed, for your whole future." an adult, both are far richer. LEGAL NOTICES

TOWNSHIP OF SCOTCH PLAINS denee zone, contrary to Section IB of the NOTICE Zoning Ordinance. Denied permiMion to Edward Pilipowgki, Ac a regular meeting of the Board of 433 Victor St., Scotch Plains, N,j, to convert Adjustment of the Township of Scotch Plains a prage on existing dwelling into a family held on December 19, 1963 in the Municipal room on Lot 20, Block 117, 433 Victor I Building. Scotch Plains, N, j,, the following Street, A-3 residence zone contrary to Sec- decisions were rendered: tion 6 (a) of the Zoning Ordinance. Dismissed appeal of Samuel Seutleri, 505 Denied permKslon toDlFranceseolChee. Monroe Aye,, Elizabeth, N.J, for permission ehlo, Inc., 326 Hoe Avenue, Scotch Plains, to erect a dwelling and garage en Lot 11, N.J, to erect a two-farnlly house and garage Block 220, HIS Hetfleld Ate,, Scotch Plains, on Lot 26, Block 27, 1832 E, Second Street, A-2 residence zone contrary to Section Scotch Plaint, A-3 residence zone contrary 19 (a) (b) of the Zoning Ordinance, to Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. granted permission to Harvey Sale* Corp., The files pertaining to these appeals are 270 Market St., Saddle Brook, N,j,, to in the office of the Board of Adjustment, erect a porch on existing residence on Lot 1831 E, Second Street, Scoteh Plains, N.J, 5, Sleek 328, 917 Rarltan Road, Scotch and are available for public inspection dur- Plains, A-l residence zone contrary to ing regular office hours. Section 19 (a) (b) of the Zoning Ordinance, TOWNSHIP OF SCOTCH PLAINS GREETINGS Granted permission to Shaekamaxon Golf FRANCES R. ANDERSON Si Country Club, Inc. 893 Route 2i, North Act, Clerk of the Board of Adjustment Plainfield, N.J, to convert a patio to an enclosed porch on Lot 1, Block 310, 1607 Scoteh Plains Times, December IS, 1963 Shaekamaxon Drive, Scotch Plains, A real- Fees;

Here's where to up- date and spark-up your wardrobe for holiday occasions!

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No Alterations included Open A personal UNION COUNTY MOTORS, INC. Jerry's Charge Your Authorized VOLKSWAGEN CENTER 1124-34 SOUTH AVE. PLAINFIELD, N.J. JERRY'S SS Open Every 1818 A E. SECOND ST. PHONE PL 6-740© SCOTCH PLAINS. Evening.'til 9:.00 SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1963 PAGE 15 A civil engineer employed by PLAINS SOLDIER IN GERMANY Becomes Master Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade, John Swindlehurst of Fanwood and Douglass of N.Y.C., Swindle- was installed as Worshipful Mas- hurst with his wife, Barbara, WARNS FRIENDS WHAT TO EXPECT ter of Corinthian Lodge 57, F and has resided for the past two A.M. in the Masonic Temple, yeara at 463 North Avenue, Main Street, Orange on Thursday Formerly of Irvington, Swin- WHEN HE RETURNS HOME evening. dlehurst is a graduate of Rutgers ,

Daily we get letters from residents of the communities of Fanwood and Scotch Plains. Letters asking questions, letters filled with news of happenings from accidents to weddings, letters to the editor, letters submitting child of the week photos, and letters from readers of the Scotch Plains Times here and abroad. Unfortunately, we don't have the space to report weekly on the contents of our mail, which is as varied and interesting as the writers must be, Occasionally a communication is so un- usual or of interest to so large an amount uf our readers that sve are pleased to grant i: space. An extradordinary letter sent to the Scotch Plains rimes by Robert E. Mahler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mahler of 221 William Street in Scotch Plains, falls Into the latter class, A graduate of Fanwood-Scotch Plains High School and of the University of Rhode Island, Mahler was employed as a pharmacologist at Ciba Pharmaceutical Co, in Summit before his induction into the Army. His letter was postmarked Berlin and contained a mimeographed "Notice of Return" which we hereby reprint in its entirety fur the enlighcment of all relatives of 01's and for the enjoy- IVffiRRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE ment of all ex-GI's, We hope your holiday is grand.

NOTICE OF RETURN keep the phone oft the hook during When he arrives please handle t? Issued in solem'warning this the night, If it should ring, your him gently and with understanding 5th day of December 1963, to bleary eyed human being would for he has been drilled, harrass- the relatives, friends, neighbors, leap from his bed screaming ed, mauled, and generally mal- Blue Star Shopping Center, Watchung and acquaintances of "alert" and a steady stream of treated. To add to these burdens ROBERT E, MAHLER, Corporal profantiy would ensue, causing he has been in the encircled city Army the neighbors to peer out just of Berlin where the ratio of Very soon the undersigned will in time to see his pajama clad Frauleins is something like 8 BANQUET FACILITIES once again be in your midst, figure with an old laundry bag to 1, leaving him no place to run. dehydrated, demoralized and de- under his arm jumping on a The first coupie of days he may mobilized, to take his place once passing milk truck and not re- have his mother on KP and his again as a human being with turning for two or three days. father walking guard around the freedom and justice for all, en- Likewise, make no mention of house to give him complete se- DINNERS SERVED gaged in life , liberty, and the the word'"alert" yourself, least curity when he is sleeping. somewhat belated pursuit of hap- you find all his possessions and If when you see him he looks piness. For making your joyous bedding locked In a closet and a trifle bloated in the mid-section preparations to welcome him him running around in the cellar it is obviously the result of back into society, you must make looking for the arms room. foreign sabotage that is dispensed a few allowances for the crude Never blow a whistle near in gaily colored bottles of various environment which has been his him as he may jump out of a shapes and sizes. Should you by JOHNNY RYAN home for the past 24 months. window for fear of being late some chance invite him to a In other words, he might be a for a formation, Humor him if party, be explicit as to what Entertaining little European, suffering from he should ask for a pass or kind, for as a matter of habit Nightly Germanitis and he must be where to find the sign-out book. he will more than likely show handled with extreme care. If there Is a curfew in town, up with a mop, brush, and bucket Terrill Rd, & South Ave, Fanwood Show no alarm" If tie preferl better let him know. Be polite of water in his hand, to wear short leather pants and and listen when he talks of his There is likely to be some FA 2-9837 carry a brief case full of Wurst medals, namely: The Order of not too familiar habits he has and old bread, Don't be shocked the Magic Bar, Distinguished De- picked up but do not let these if he yells, "Wo 1st der Bahnhof, tail Cross, Order of the Purple minor things alarm you. Among Shatze", and drinks "Steinhager" Shaft with 13 Barbed Clusters, these you are more than likely "V * out of a goat skin flask. Refuse and the Unit Commendation for to notice the following.- his pick- to ridicule him when he rides Resisting Contact with European ing up bits of paper and putting his bicycle down the middle of Drivers, them in his pocket, this is what Che street and yells at guys driv- When it comes time for chow is known as field expedience, ing cars. Keep cool if he pours (Excuse me, Dinner) you will and too, if you should find small Happy fjolitiays gravey on his dessert and chases more than likely find a slight amounts of foreign currency lay- Cognac with beer.-. Humor him watering of the mouth when that ing around in the bathroom, don't by stuffing him with raddlshes good homecooked meal is set be alarmed, it is an oh so famil- and pretzels. Be tolerant when in front of him, for he has been iar gesture he has obtained while he takes his mattress off the on a steady diet of such Berlin in Deutschland. bed and prefers to sleep on the gastronomical delicacies as; For the first few months that floor. Don't let it shock you if CURRYWURST MIT BROTCHEN, he is home (until he is house when answering the phone he OR BOCKWURTS MIT SALAT broken) be especially %vatchful says "Wie Bitte" instead of hello ODER BROT. Not to forget the when he is in the presence of a and "Auf Wi'edersehen" instead C-Ration meals that were pre- lady, particularly beautiful ones. of good-by J In a relatively short pared in the Test-Tubes of Pto- His intentions are sincere though time he can be taught the English maine Tillle's Mess Hall. After dishonorable. When introducing language again. he has bloated himself to the him to a young lady, don't be last hole in the belt, kindly set Please do not inquire about surprised if he should, instead him in the big easy chair where his saving money while in ser- of shaking hands, gently slap her he can relax and read his book ice, as this will result in a mild on the backside and bellow; "WIE by Emily Post, state of hysteria, during which GEHT'S SHATZE?", correct this as soon as possible, keeping in he might blabber something about Never use the svords INSPEC- Voluntary Contributions, sold- mind that beneath all his tanned TION, DISPLAY, or SHAKE- and rugged exterior, there beats iers deposits, Kp fund, taxi fares, DOWN because without thinking black market,income taxes,bingo, a heart of gold - the only thing he will automatically clean out of value he has left, treat him red cross, March of Dimes, Com- the bureau drawers, race around munity Chest, Soldiers Relief with kindness and tolerance, and the room like a madman, stuffing an occasional quart of SCHNAPS, (not his own), Heart Fund (he things under the mattress, and may be eligible soon), Statement and you will be able to rehabilitate in the trunk of his neighbors' that which is now but the hollow of Charges, Refugee Fund, and cars. He can hide more things inflated beer prices. shell of the once proud civilian in six minutes than ho can find that you knfnv. During his first week at home, in two weeks.

Dates Changed •I NOTICE A change in the date Met for judging the eleventh annual Christmas House Decorating Contest has been announced by George Veneido of the Scotch IT'is A PRTVlLEGE-rspeckiHy a! this happy season Plains Recreation Com miss ion. Judges will be viewing homes —to extend our best wishes to all oar friends. Throughout on Thursday, December 26th the yc.ir we appreciate tin* opportunity of •> rving you, and Friday, December 27th in- stead of December 27th and 2Sth as was previously announced.,. DIFSEN OIL CO, Homeowners are requested LO have their decorations illumin- 504 WILLOW AVENUE ated between the hours of 7 Young Paint & Varnish and ii p.iM_ for the judges con- SCOTCH PLAINS, N. 3* venience. Terrili Road & South Avenue, Fanwood FAnwood 2-8256 PAGE 16, SCOTCH PLAINS TIM"ES; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 ship Service. Nursery available Dr. Hunt preaching on "Servants for pre-sehool children, Bible of the Eternal Christ ".There will All Saints school for adults and children be ordination of Deacons at the Sunday, December 29, 1963 begins at 9:45 a.m. 9-30 a.m. service and ordination 1st Sunday after Christmas Evening Worship and song Religious News of Elders at the 11 a.m. service. service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Nursery care is provided for 8:00 a.m. - Holy Communion "Some Principles of Revival" gers U.. New Brunswick; Susan children two years of age. 9;15 a.m. - Morning Prayer taken from the book of Nehemiah Crandell and Diana Wood, Ber- 9:30 and 11 a.m. - Church and Sermon 9:1-12, 32-38, will be the ser- School for Nursery (3 yrs.) thru monette for this evening. First Methodist keley Secretarial School, East Sr. High Dept. 9:15 a.m. - Toddler Nursery Orange; William Delaney, Miami in former Church Office On New Year's Eve, a Watch Sunday, Dec. 29. - 9:30 a.m. U,, Oxford, Ohio; George Free- 6:30 p.m. - Young Adult Supper 9-15 a.m. Church School Night Service will be observed, Classes of Church School will land, Ursinus College, College- for college students, servicemen Nursery through grade 5 in at which the New Year is brought meet under the direction of Mr. vllle, pa.; Leiand Grubb, Thiel and others home for the holidays. Parish Hall Grades 6 thru 9 in with prayer and rededication, Herbert O, Thompson. College, Greenville, Pa.; Rita Following the supper, the Rev, in Church The service will be held in the 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. -Dur- Johanson, Upsala, East Orange; Robert A. Wieman will speak Fellowship Hall at 8:30 p.m. to ing Morning Worship "Methodist on "Science and Religion". Mr. 11:00 a.m. - Morning prayer Helen Juliana, Douglass College, and Sermon 12:00 a.m. Refreshments will be Student Day" will be observed New Brunswick, N.j.i Susan Win- Wieman is currently pastor of served with Christian fellowship. honoring all students of higher the Second Presbyterian Church 11*00 a.m. - Toddler Nursery terhalcer, U. of Delaware, New- in Former Church Office All are welcome to attend, education in the church. Wor- ark, Delaware; Lawrence Kelly, in Rahway. shipping and participating in the 11:00 a.m. - Church School St. Cloud College, St. Cloud, 7:30-8:30 p.m. - Skating Party Nursery thru Grade 5 in Parish service are the following: Walter Minn.; Rowland Lehmann, U. of Burgess and Robert Hyman, Rut- at LaGrande Ave. Playgroundfor Hall, Grades 10 and up in Church Woodside Chapel miami, Miami, Fla.; Robert the junior High Fellowship. Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1964 - Sewalls, Dean junior College, 'Feast of the Circumcision (New Friday, 7:45 p.m. - The Happy Franklin, Mass.; Richard Rhomp- Monday, Dec. 30, 7:30 p.m. - Year's Day) Hour, the Woodside juniors and MiiTING HALL son, Lafayette College, Easton, Troop 33 - Auditorium, 10:00 a.m. - Holy Communion the WIFs will meet at the Chapel, for details contact Pa,; William Weidenbaeher, East Tuesday, Dec. 31; The Church Friday, 3-45 p.m. - Children's The Senior Young People will Carolina College, Greenville, Office will close at 12 noon. Confirmation Class meet at the home of the Me Scotch Plains' Elks N.C. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. - Child- Dowells at 7:45 p.m. The pastor'a sermon topic is Thursday, jan 2, 1964: 10:30 (Lodge # 2182) a.m. - Women's Association ren's Confirmation Class Sunday, 11:00 a,m. - Mr. T, "When God Was Crowded Out," Board Meeting - The Lounge, 10:30 a.m. - Dedication of new Ernest Wilson will continue his 1716 EAST SECOND ST. 1:00 p.m. - Women's Asso- parish house addition series on the "Feasts of Jehovah1* SCOTCH PLAINS, N. J. Presbyterian ciation Dessert Luncheon-Social with a message at the Family Hall. Church of Christ Bible Hour. The Sunday School phone 322.1450 Sunday, Dec, 29, 9*30 and 11 a.m. 2:00 p.m. - Women's Asso- will be is session at the same Morning Worship Services with ciation Program - Chapel. The Church of Christ of Scotch time, Plains will hold their weekly Friday, Jan. 3, 1964;" 7:30p.m. 7:30 p.m. - Mr, Wilaon will - Westminster Choir, Bible study meeting Thursday, December 26th, in the Fellow- live the closing message in this ship Hall, 1800 Rarican Road, series at the evening service. at 7>30 p.m. The study will con- Tuesday, 9:30 p.m. - New Enroll Now! tinue in the book of Revelations, Year's Eve watchnight service to Beginners and Advanced The sermon topic "Be Ye Com- be held at the Kenilworch Gospel forted" will be delivered by Fred Chapel, Mr. Wilson will be the K TRAVEL AGENCY, Inc. Students a- pall & Winter J, Masteller, Minister at the Speaker at this service. Fortign and Domestic Airlines • Stvamship Lines Season 11:00 a.m. Communion and Wor- * * * Musses • Taur$ • Cruises Free Resorts • Hotel Reservations Band Practice Travel Chpqurs imttir AAA Foreign Remittances Immigration Consultants PASCALFS FAnwood 2*6000 ACCORDION SCHOOL 112 WATCHUNQ AViNUI 509 PARK AVI. SCOTCH PLAINS '^SfrW PL 6.6049 — 2-6745 s „,

Season's Greetings HOLIDAY JOY TO YOU!


your entire office furniture needs can be met at Boise's


Closed Christmas Eve at 6 P.M. and Christmas Day Our office detign staff is always available to asilit you with your layout w/hethsr it bt for a now building or for modtrnliatlon of your prtsenf effiei



little family but in caring for the New York City to Hondorus animals they keep which I sus- animals. C.A. pect think they are one of the Meet Neighbor A rescued Blue Jay which had Cent. From Back Page Through Fred Ulmer, curator family. fallen out of its nest insists on of the Philadelphia Zoo they add- SELLING The Terrys were one of the staying with the Terrys. Miss Big founders of this group, ed a Zebra, named Pajamas, and as the jay has been named is a Wallaroo named Pogo to their AUTOMATED Louise Terry , the adopted Louisa's pet and won't have a RECONCILIATION YOUR daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Oscar collection, Ulmer has been of NEW YORK (UPI) — Auto- thing to do with Frank Sr, great aid In supplying them with Bemis of Manchester, N,H. was Frank Terry is a former 4-H mation has even reached the born and raised in that state. advice as to the care of wild field of making up with the lit- HOUSE? Club Leader and Republican animals. tle woman, She graduated Central High county committeeman of 12th School and the Elliot School of On Monday, Terry went to On the lower level of New New FREI booklet tell* how District of Scotch Plains, His the Central Park Zoo and pur- York's Grand Central Railroad Nursing, This training has come spare time is spent visiting and you may sell your hoiisa in handy not so much for her own chased some ring neck doves. station, used daily by some 50,- corresponding with Zoos from His future additions have been 000 commuters, is a vending for Its full.valiM machine, with glass front show- carefully planned for variety and ing a variety of bouquets oT "HtMffTo Make The Best Sale Of natural habitat of the animal, Your House" was written to glv» Rotary Club Holds Party flowers, each of which can be you the steps you should take ,,. A closeknit family, the Terrys acquired by inserting the prop- and the answers you need to sell The annual Christmas Party President John Morrell thank- happy homelife is shared by the er amount of quarters, your house quickly and for the of the Fanwood-Scotch Plains ed the committee in charge of the most money. Per your free copy of Rotary Club was held today with party - Dr, Joseph Scalera, Wil- this informative, 8- about fifty children in attendance liam Hetitt and Pierre Peterson fcage booklet, call or along with wives of the club for the best such event in the (top In at our office. members. The luncheon was held club's history, at Wally's Tavern-On-The-Hill, in Watchung, NAME ATWOOD REALTY After lunch Santa Glaus arrived SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) — CHRISTMAS and distributed gifts to the child- San Francisco's first assistant REALTORS ren, Santa also lead the group U.S, Attorney of Chinese de- Co*, North Av*. and elm St. in singing Christmas Songs, scent is Zeppelin W. Wong, so named because he was born on GREETINGS WoitfJd AD 3-2222 A program of Christmas music the day in 1928 when the diri- tyesifield Multiple Usting- was performed by the novel Hand gible Graf Zeppelin passed over * Bell Choir of the Scotch plains the city. Methodist Church, ¥i

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and up :ity __ • Please have the Welcome Wagon Hostess call on me 3 ' would iik* ts sybscfibe to tha I UR PARTY BEGINS AT 10 P.M. TOWNE CAR WASH _ SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES _| i already subscribe to the BUtrET * DINNER® NOISEMAKERS SCUTCH PLAIN'S TIV1ES I ill out coupon and moil to uifcuiauon DANCING Dent Call For Reservations 276-9714 1216 SOUTH AVE,, WESTFiELD Friday at VENEZIA RISTAURANT AD 3—4050 Cor, 24th S; Boulevard SNUFFY'S •,. FISH DAY! 10 DINING ROOMS •a FAST SERVICE 1 • Manhattan Clam Chowder • Deviled Crabs • Fish Cakes & Macaroni oQ!* *Sffiamed Liille Keck 1 Clams • Clims on the Half Shell « Oyslers on She Hall Shell I a Clams Casino o Oyslers Casino ®'0ysier Slew • Soft Shell Crabs -> Lobster Tail 4u e Maine Lobster I'i I.I • Seep Sea Scallops I » Shrimp • Fillet of Sole • Halibut Steak • New England Fried Clams • Swordfish Bill Flovd playing on our FANWOOD AND SCOTCH PLAINS SAVINGS AND LOAN Rodders Theatre Organ Tel, FA 2-7660 1922 WISTFIELD AVE SCOTCH PtAINS, Everv Nlte but Monday Pork and Mountain Avet., Scotch Plains FA 2.7726 PAGE 18, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1963 ULPHOSTERENG, SLIPCOVERS Shipping Clerk $80 & drapery work clone in your Real Estate! Classified Elec. Background - local home or my shop, 40 yrs, ex- Female - Secretary, Top Notch Stock Room $80 A line opportunity for good Local ...... to $125 perience. Free estimates. Please earnings with our progressive LOST Clerk-Typist. $B0 call FA 2-5171 TF junior Stano, future.,, ,$60 to $70 Lab Technician $80 firm. If you have a car and can Clerk typist, interesting Assign- Black - white long hair mixed Prod, Control Trainee $100 TUTORING -Certified exper- work full time, we train and ments. ...» ,,,,«,$55 to |80 breed, male dog of medium size, Draftsman , $125 ienced teacher, Grades 6 to 9. teach you in the real estate Bookkeepers, NCR, Operators, i Last seen Prone Street section. High School Orads - Opportunity Reading, Spelling, Speech and business, Start sometime in Jan- Unusual opportunity to $100 Reward "call PA 2-59S3 English Crammer. Scotchwood uary. Interview by appointment, 1 A-l BUS. & EMPLOYMENT Area. PL 7-5220 PATRICK L. HEDDEN A-l BUS. & EMPLOYMENT SERVICE REALTOR SERVICE 413 Park Avenue Hf tP WAWffED FtMAUI 856 Park Ave. 413 Park Ave, Scotch Plains Scotch Plains Scotch Plains ORGAN 322-8300 FA 2-9102 322-8300 Lessons in your home all makes A-l TEMPORARIES and models (except Chord organ) Register Now — No Fee Interesting Assignments i'lico. R, Aurand AD2.-TS-I4 'IT Carpenter Builder Typists, IBM Electric,. Siena, Teletype, Comptometer Opera- S, C, Kozlowski, Specializing in tor, Bookkeepers, Etc. Finishing Cellars, Attics, A-l BUS, & EMPLOYMENT Real Estate! Porches, Dormers and Room SERVICE "the gulden shop mth the dutch windmill" m Additions, Call 413 park Ave, •ftf A fine opportunity for high Scotch Plains SCOnS * AGRICO * ESPOMA earnings with our progressive AD 2-5451 322-8300 LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES firm. Requirements are that you Shop for garden supplies where friendly service and pro- be between ages 21 to 35, fessional advice Is yours at no extra cost — Free delivery! married, arid a resident of the 265 SOUTH AVENUE FA 2-4545 FANWOOD Westfield -Scotch plains - Plain- field area. Full time basis only. We train and teach you the real estate business, start some time in January, Inwrviesv by appoint- A GUIDE TO THE BEST BUSINESS IN THE AREA. ment only, THESE FIRMS OFFER PROMPT SERVilCE HAVE PATRICK L, HEDDliN REPUTATIONS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND REALTOR "Preferred by those who desire the finest" RELIABILITY. 356 park Avu, Retervafion Suggested Your Hoit Roger Funs Scotch Plains Open Billy •rid luridly 11 A.M. fs Midnight • PiCKIng In Riir FA 2-9102 BUSINESS DIRECTORY SCOTCH PLAINS MUSIC CENTER INSTRUCTIONS ON: * PIANO CK • ORGAN * GUITAR * DRUMS PRfSCRIPTIONS *AOCORDIAN &..54 ItM ST., WiSTFIILO, N.J, lM«ii Ills SfOill, INC, •Accessaries For AU »HON( AD 30662 Instruments *Sheet Musio 'Sound FRBK DELIVERY Proof Studios •instruments 322—7542 409 PARK AVI. us SCOTCH PLAINS Cooper's Hardware Headquarters for ELECTRICfttWOBK . TORO and LAWN BOYS SCOTT'S LAWN PROGRAM CENTER EXPERT MOWER INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL SERVICE 1907 DUHQAK DRIVE 454 Park Ave, SCOTCH PLAINS OF YOU Bootoh Plains AD 2-3641 FA 3-B8S2

U.S. Keds Flower* styled by Knitting Supplies Christmas Advance it Patterns CUT PLOWBRS Notions - Trims - Fabrics ARRANGEMENTS , POTTHD PL.OWBRS . FUNERAL DESIGNS Our entire staff welcomes this opportunity to wish APSLETS ,BOQUETS 391 Park Ave, , WEDDING FL.OWBHS our many friends and customers the very happiest of holidays, Scotch Plains, N.J. FA 2-5258 419 Park Avenue We hope that in some small way, our efforts have helped FA 2-4181 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Soetoh Plains, N.J. to make your Christmas an especially merry one. To LANNY'S AUTO BODY FANWOOD each and every one of you, we extend our warmest greet- FIBERGLASS, LAOUER & ENAMIL SPECIALISTS HARDWARE ings and most sincere gratitude for your confidence and good, COMPLETE COLLISION WORK FA 2-8217 will. Serving you is our privilege and pleasurel . PHONE SCOTT'S LAWN PRODUCTS 75B-O03 Toro Mowers Hardware for Do-it-yourselfers 1 FAINT Scotch Plains 1M TCRRILL. ROAD SWIMMING and Fanwood's PUAiNFIELD, N.J. POOL CHEMICALS local "authorised" LAHNY MAIZE, QWMKft 32 Martine Panwood Pontiac dealer,,. UNITED T,V SERVICE Save by Ordering Factory Author!isd Sales & Service Before Christmas! DUMONT _ MOTOROLA Childcraft and PHIUCO T -V. OL.YMPIC World Book Encyclopedia EMERSON ANDREA Cycle Teacher LearningiAld HI-FI EQUIPMENT DYNA KITS BNTBWRISBS QUEEN CfTY EMPIRE TURNTABLES EDUCATIONAL COW FAIRCHILD EQUIP. VEROINJA B, RA»I 320 PARK AVENUE * PL 7=4900 • PLAINFIELD District Manager HARTLEY SPEAKERS FAnwood 2-1748 CALL 1714 i. 2nd St. Scotch Plain* 753-6437 SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 PAGE 19 Recipes of The Week By ELAINE STORM EL II " Soaial Editor Mrs, Nassib Haddad, 41 Homes crackled. Remove carefully from Park Ave., Iselin, N.J. cooky sheets; roll in conf. sugar During the holiday season, it while still hot. Cool on wire is more or less customary to BEAU SOWS 1/2 cup butter or margarine racks, then roll in conf. sugar TO TAKE OUT! have an array of homemade 1/4 cup sugar again, to make a generous white goodies to share with your 1 hard-cooked egg yolk coating. Phone PL 5-8819 friends and loved ones. 1 raw egg yolk Send your favorite recipes to If you feel your supply naeds 1-1/4 cups sifted flour Elaine Stornelli, 2128 Shady to be replenished, here are some Lane, Scotch Plains, or call me FINEST ITALIAN FQQD FOODS excellent suggestions. 1 egg white, slightly beaten at AD 2-0590. 1 tables, cinnamon-sugar SINCE 1940 Mrs, Edmund VVoolley, 2133 Cream butter or margarine Princeton Ave,, Scotch Plains with sugar until light in medium- size bowl. Press hard-cooked BIRTHS PARAMOUNT PIZZERIA CHRISTMAS WREATHS egg yolk through sieve; stir into Son to Mr. and Mrs, Anthony 3/4 cup butter or margarine creamed mixture with raw egg aputo, 1585 Ann St., Scotch 4 GROVE STREET PLAINFIELD 1/2 cup sugar yolk. Gradually sift In flour, Plains, Saturday, Dec, 14, 1963. 1 teas, grated orange rind blending well. Chill dough over- *** 2 cups sifted flour night, or until firm enough to Son to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 1/4 teas, salt handle, Pinch off about a half Connolly, 324 Acacia Rd,, Scotch 1 egg white teaspoonful at a time and roll Plains, Monday, Dec, 16, 1963 COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY I 2 tables, sugar into a very thin straw, about 5 green sugar inches long, on lightly floured Daughter to Mr, and Mrs. candled cherries or red pastry cloth or board, Place on Charles Kennedy, 21 Old South A 2 Grave Plot in cinnamon candles lightly greased cooky sheet; Ave., Fanwood, Monday, Dec. shape Into a bow by looping ends 16, 1963. Cream butter or margarine; toward middle; repeat, Brush *** HILLSIDE CEMETERY add 1/2 cup sugar, orange rind tops lightly with egg white; Daughter to Mr, and Mrs, Her- Woodland Ave.. Flainfield PL 64729 and egg; beat until light. Com- sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar, cules Massa, 36 ArleneCt,, Fan- bine and sift flour and salt,, Bake in a moderate oven (350 wood, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1963 add to creamed mixture; mix degrees) 10 minutes, or until *#* Costs $350 and Up thoroughly. Chill for 1 hour, or lightly golden. Remove very Son to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore until firm enough to roll. Roll carefully from cooky sheets; cool Fody, 13 Seville Row, Fanwood, AU Lots Sold in FuUy Developed Areas out 1/8",thick on floured board on wire racks, (These cookies Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1963, Arid Include Perpetual Care or pastry cloth. Cut with floured are patience-taking, but so worth doughnut cutter. Place on un- the effort, they literally melt Son to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Payment Terms Arranged greased baking sheets. Beat egg away in your mouth,) Fela, 2055 Lyde PL, Scotch white until foamy; add 2 tables, Plains, Tuesday, Dec. 17, 1963, Office on Ground* Open 9 to 4-50 Daily U-ioCOLATE SNOWBALLS sugar gradually, and beat until *«* 2 cups sifted flour Satiirdavt 9 to 12 Tnl, PL 61729 stiff but not dry. Brush cookies 1 teas, baking powder Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. with this mixture, Decorate with 1/2 teas, salt John Brenner, 511 William St., green sugar and candied cher- 1/4 teas, baking soda Scotch Plains, Wednesday, Dec. ries or red cinnamon candies. 3/4 cup butter or margarine 18, 1963. Bake at 400 degrees for 10-12 3/4 cup firmly packed brown mins. Remove to wire racks sugar while hot. Yield- 4 doz, cookies, For the man who 2 squared chocolate, melted Local YMGA... 1 egg Cent. Prom Page 5 ALMOND BUTTER BALLS 1 teas, vanilla by this capable sub-teen ager has evirythin 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1/4 cup milk who enjoys that feeling of being 2 tables, sugar Confectioners' powdered sugar entrusted with adult duties. She -hut a Rambled 1 teas, vanilla extract (for coating) rises to the occasion very nicel 1 cup sifted flour Measure dry ingredients into She can reach the top of the tree HOBLiTZELL RAMBLER 1/4 teas, salt- •••-•- sifter. Cream 'butter or margar- better than her Dad. 1-1/2 cups finely chopped al- ine with brown sugar until light My mother-in-law will be monds in medium-size bowl; beat in CHRISTMAS BUDGET bustling about doing those very SPECIALS Cream butter or margaine; add melted chocolate, egg, vanilla, special things which only she sugar and vanilla extract; beat and milk. Sift in dry ingred- can do properly - things she has BRAND NEW '63 well. Combine and sift flour and ient, a little at a time, blending learned and done well for so salt; add to creamed mixture. well to make a stiff dough, Chill long and which no one else can RAMBLERS Add 1 cup nuts; mix well. Form overnight, or until firm enough do quite the same. to handle. Roll dough, a teaspoon- Only 8 Left - into 1" balls. Roll in remaining My wife will be pulling the So Hurry! 1/2 cup chopped nuts. Place on ful at a time, into marble-size balls; place about 2 inches apart whole operation together - last ungreased baking sheets. Bake minute gift wrapping, details of on ungreased cooky sheets. Bake Also —See Rombler '64 — at 325 degrees F, for 25 mln. the Christmas repast, prepara- America*! Lowest Prised" , . . Yield: 2 doz. cookies. In moderate oven, 350 degrees 8 minutes, or until tops are tion for the stocking hanging: • 2-doof ssdan—tarjein 220 laying out the clothes to be don- • 4-door sedan—American 220 ned so quickly at dawn tomorrow. • 4-door station wagsn—Arasriean 220 And I svill muddle around in a 1 2-iMt hardtop—American 440 state of confusion, uttering to Convertible—American 440 myself, gloating over my riche •All esmgirheni hastd on manufitturiri' iuisestfS retail and my good fortune - a wonder- BfiBiS, HAVING A ful family, six lovely ladies all PLAINFIELD belonging to me. What man could ask for more of a Christmas than this, MERRY CHRISTMAS iiiii folks. Next Week - More of the Story LET US HELP YOU PREPARE FOR IT of a YMCA Professional,

FREE DELIVERY & STACK! Hor D'Oeuvres 100-Sll.OO Deviled Egg Platter (50 pos.)" $4.75 Tea Sandwich 100 -59,00 Cocktail Sandwich 100-$9.00 Coldcut platters (Pin wheels) 4 pounds $9.50 Sloppy Joe Sandwich $3.00 Fresh fruit Platters (10-12 outs) (Serves 4) $3.00 9 CHMIEDE TREE EXPERT Hershey s Delicatessen FA 2-9109 1820 1. Second St. Scotch Plains FA 2-9838 Open ? Day's 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. ...and Fanwood Independent


Meet Your Neighbor I 1 I Frank's Animals Popular Attraction


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LIVING SCENE: The Terry Family of Terralou Acres, Scotch , has made Scotch plains Famous, Left to Right Frank Terry, Plains are shown placing live animals in the Nativity Scene that j Frank Terry jr and Louise Terry, (Photo J.J. Alexander)

Terralou Acres on OldRaritan ectly in back of the current base housing authority to keep Venezlo, recreation commis- Road in scotch Plains, combina- one they now own. His childhood the "critter" in a tank in their sioner and was instrumental in tion pony ride and animal zoo is wasn't just a case of a boy and quarters. securing two swans for Brook- more than just a childrens1 at- a dog. It would be better to say The young couple made many side Park. He credits Venezio traction, it is home to the a boy and his animals, his pets states their temporary home be- with having made Scotch Plains Franklyn Terry family. It is ranged from birds to mice. fore Frank's discharge as a staff Nativity Scene the biggest and also home to the sheep, calf, When Frank's family moved to sargeant in 194S, When they pur- best in the state. WPIX consurs llama, and donkeys that are a Plainfield he attended first the chased Terralou Acres their with this and has scheduled the yearly feature of the renown elementary schools and then family increased to include scene as part of its Christmas Nativity Scene in front of the Plainfield High School. While still everything from chickens to special, Scotch Plains Municipal Build- in high school, he enlisted in ponies. Elmer the elk is the favorite ing. the Air Force during World War "We feel our small zoo fills pet of young Franklyn but Pedro For the past five years, Terry, II. a need for the children of Scotch the burro has achieved fame Frank to everybody in town, has Terry served in the European Plains andthesurroundingarea," because he carried Congress- supplied and cared for the crea- Theatre and was stationed in said Frank. "There are so few woman Flo Dwyer, He also star- tures that bring the scene to Manchester, New Hampshire places left where children can see red in a Little Abner show held life for thousands of visitors. when returned stateside. Here and learn about domestic and zoo at the Plainfield Country Club, The animals chosen have been he met Ella Louise Dingman animals." Township attorney Harry Bern- provided by nature with heavy at a U.S.O. dance and they were Every year children of New stein is quoted as saying Pedro fur coats and the thickest of married on April 13, 1943, "jersey schools arrive by the bus is a fine neighbor, < feathers and are quite at home in His love of animals brushed load not only to see, pet, and feed Although he is an only child, the cold outdoors. off on Louisa who even managed the animals but to learn all about Franklyn is not by any means Caring for these and the other to learn to like snakes and al- them. Even blind children learn spoiled. In fact besides his 7th animals on Terralou Acres is a ligators during a later stay in all about the animals through grade school work, he has house- labor of love for Frank Terry, Florida. They went snake hunt- their sense of touch and being hold and farm chores. Like his his wife, Louise, and their son ing together, strictly for the told. father he has a love of animals Franklyn Jr, sport of it, and even had a pec Red Rascal, the horse mascot and started riding horseback at "Frank has always loved ani- • alligator. The gator was caught of the Scotch Plains Fanwood High three years of age. He has won mals," said Louise Terry. She by a fisherman on a night hook Schools Blue Raiders football many ribbons and trophies and is revealed his mother told her of and given to Frank. They had team is one of the Terry animals. active in the Garden State Riders. si his childhood on the farm dir= to secure permission from the Frank works closely with George Cent, on Page 17