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Cover Sheet (Included As Part of the Digital File) The Center for Research Libraries scans to provide digital delivery of its holdings. In some cases problems with the quality of the original document or microfilm reproduction may result in a lower quality scan, but it will be legible. In some cases pages may be damaged or missing. Files include OCR (machine searchable text) when the quality of the scan and the language or format of the text allows. If preferred, you may request a loan by contacting Center for Research Libraries through your Interlibrary Loan Office. Rights and usage Materials digitized by the Center for Research Libraries are intended for the personal educational and research use of students, scholars, and other researchers of the CRL member community. Copyrighted images and texts are not to be reproduced, displayed, distributed, broadcast, or downloaded for other purposes without the expressed, written permission of the copyright owner. © Center for Research Libraries Scan Date: March 20, 2009 Identifier:nf-h-000003-n15 7A7 0 , BREBDOMADAIRE leas Armee No 105 Jandi 3 Novernbre, ....-...=~5Gt1955 e L'apostoiat CORRESPONDANC E P oa Port-au-Prince, le 4 octo former quavotre demands bra 19)5 &admission commamembers 1envoi par le Gouvernementdu Docteur Monsieur le Secraaireactic ded'Association deg Jour del'Association des Jouznalisnatistes Haitiens a ete 'gaffe Assad tee Haitiens, l'unanimite, parleemem, esJournalistesa En Ville. bres du ComiteDirecteurr Notre talentueux confrere En VOUS ,1\ retranger Ulysse PierreLouis, Mae-, Monsieur le Secreire, adressant met, teur En ma qualite deDiraceimerel felicitations. je vont, Ls National., a eu prie&accepter. mon cher .4pasitioa p i3 tee; explicable dee treelouable, contme uneteur.PropriEtaire et Grant de Matin" Respontable dubi,htbdomaconfrere, ('assurance do me inspiration, dirione.nons, d'en consideration dieting:11e. 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