Biotechnology: an Era of Hopes and Fears Commentaries
FALL 2016 Volume 10, No. 3 Commentaries Emerging Technology: Creator of Worlds W. Michael Guillot The Emerging Life Sciences and the National Security State Jonathan D. Moreno Brain-Machine Interfaces: Realm of the Possible Michael P. McLoughlin and Emelia S. Probasco Biotechnology: An Era of FALL 2016 FALL Hopes and Fears LTC Douglas R. Lewis, US Army Deterring Emergent Technologies John P. Geis II and Theodore C. Hailes Additive Manufacturing: From Form to Function Amanda M. Schrand DARPA Emerging Technologies Maj Paul Calhoun, USAF Book Essay: The Future of Artificial Intelligence Allison Berke Chief of Staff, US Air Force Gen David L. Goldfein, USAF Commander, Air Education and Training Command Lt Gen Darryl L. Roberson, USAF Commander and President, Air University Lt Gen Steven L. Kwast, USAF Director and Publisher, Air Force Research Institute Dale L. Hayden, PhD Editorial Staff Col W. Michael Guillot, USAF, Retired, Editor Ernest A. Rockwell, PhD, Content Editor Donna Budjenska, Content Editor Michele D. Harrell, Prepress Production Manager Tammi K. Dacus, Editorial Assistant Daniel M. Armstrong, Illustrator Advisors Gen Michael P. C. Carns, USAF, Retired Allen G. Peck Christina Goulter, PhD Robert P. Haffa, PhD Jay P. Kesan, PhD Charlotte Ku, PhD Benjamin S. Lambeth, PhD John T. LaSaine, PhD Allan R. Millett, PhD Contributing Editors School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Stephen D. Chiabotti, PhD Mark J. Conversino, PhD The Spaatz Center Charles E. Costanzo, PhD Kimberly A. Hudson, PhD Robert M. Kerr, PhD Michael R. Kraig, PhD Dawn C. Murphy, PhD David D. Palkki, PhD John C. Schuessler, PhD Paul J. Springer, PhD Strategic Studies Quarterly (SSQ) (ISSN 1936-1815) is published quarterly by Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL.
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