VOLUME XV WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY. APRIL II, 1 908 NUMBER 8 hi C - ? Maui Has Oui d Honors to; Racm duuGrvisor PINKHAM ENDORSED

BY " Hospital Corp President Associates' April Meeting MEDICAL SOCIETY 9 '.

Sergeant Barry Makes Favor Ladies fwild Appreciates Arranges for Fourth of Juiy Will be ihe Last Meeting Japs Meddle in Government Affairs. Tax Laws

able Report Efforts of their Presidents. Races. of T. M. Church. Scored.--Ne- w York is for Hughes.-Pirat- es are Landed in Jail. By rrqucst of lft Lieufenant Mrs. J. 13. Gannon and Mrs. L. The annual meeting of the Maui The County Board of Supervisors Racing Association was held in the of the County of Maui met in their .Robert II. Dinegar, Wailuku, Maui, K. Simpson of Lahaina were t.he Court house on Saturday evening board rooms on April the eidith. (SPECIAL TO THE MAUI NEWS.) issued from the Ad- recipients of a very pleasing testi- a general order witli good All of the members were present monial given by the Ladies' Guild a attendance. Sugar 90 deg. test 4.36. Beets lis GJtl. jutant General's ollie in Honolulu, The resignation of Judge A. N. at the opening of tho session. of the Church of the Holy Inno- April 10. ' T. II. 1st Infantry of Hawaii. Kcpoikai as president of the Asso Chairman W. Horning called the HONOLULU, The medical society met ast night and cents, in the form of a reception virtually endorsed Pinkham. Sergeant 13. S. Barry was ordered. ciation was received and Jme3 meeting to order promptly at two i and entertainment in their honor The Governor is silent as to views. Kirkland was elected in Ins place. o'clock P. M. his to report to Lieut. Dinegar for duty to enable the ladies to thank them The other officer's elected were T. B. Tho minutes were read and ap Consul Saito forwarded the Pinkham correspondence to tho Japa- for the, purpose of drilling the Hos- for their able guidance of the work ' ' Lyons Vice-Preside- D. L. Meyer- proved. During the month of nese Ambassador last night. , Corps Detachment at that of the Guild for the past two years, pital Secretary, G. B. Sch'rader Treasurer, March, three meetings were held A mass meeting of Japanese is called for Saturday night to protest 4 each of the said ladies having act- post. Ho left on the "Claudine" and W. T. Robeson, D. T. Carey, and tho reading of the minutes re- against the appointment of Pinkham. ed as President Of the Ladies Guild and reported for duty on Saturday and D. II. Davis executive commit- quired over half an hour. A com for the term of one year. At a meeting of the Tax commission the laws were pretty general- tee. munication from D. C. Lindsay v morning, April 4th, at Wailuku. The reception took place at the ly scored as well as methods of assessing. Four new members were elected. informed tho board that ho had The Detachment was formed and Lahaina Kindergarden rooms, C. M. Cooke objected to having his oath questioned by clerks in They are Dr. J. J. Carey, F. A. furnished bonds for Road Overseer ' on order from the Commanding which were tastefully decorated for the tax ofiice...... Mayfield, W, 13. Bal and P. Cockett. George Groves. Ollieer of the Detachment, went in- the occassion. and the rooms were Lopez was. seen in Kalihi and lired upon last night. A program for the races for the Smith and Lewis wrote the board 1 at once. A move was thronged with the ladies of the A soldier from the Dix had his face cut to camp fourth of July is being prepared by sending receipt for WoO for lggal with a razor by a comrade after" prelimi- church and others who were gath in ttiade from Wailuku the executive committee and will be services in the matter of the bond a saloon. drilling, to a sheltered spot at ered tdiere to celebrate a memorable nary presented to the Association on the issue. Iwilei is closed tight. foot of the lao Mountains, where event in the annals of the church the first Saturday of May at a meeting J. N. K. Keola wrote the board "Barry" was established. at Lahaina. , April 10. The Republican state convention has Camp which is called for that day. that he would be pleased to address The Detachment remained in The Rev, Cannon Weymouth chosen practically a solid Hughes delegation. - . A letter was received stating that the board on tho mailer of the pro- Sunday until Tuesday opened the proceedings with pray- 10. camp from Honorable Payl Isinbcrg will enter posed town hall. , April Tho details of the burning at sea of V going through and perform-ing'a- ll er followed by a few well chosen the Sewell are back by George noon, two and probably three horses in A communication was received Arthur brought Bakera Hawaiian sailor " of duties pertaining to kindly remarks, expressing his ap- who arrived here the the races'for the fourth. from the County Central Com yesterday. medical department. Sergeant preciation of the devotion of the the L. Warren has decided to enter mittee of the Republican party TIFLIS, April 10. Fifty heavy guns are being' sent to the Russo Barry reports most favorably on the Guild antl the good woik accom- Bruner, Racine Murphy, and Indigo criticising th.e building of about Turkish frontier to bo mountcel at Kars. work done. i plished. so it is stated. six thousand feet of road near was lOOo and Mrs. R. II. Hose, Vice-Preside- SAN FRANCISCO, April 10. The third trial of Attorney Tirey ' The attendance Monokowai a of Willie Lucas will enter a candi at cost about $3,000 L. was. yesterday. , the work done was excellent, es- of the Guild then, in behalf of the Ford begun , date or two. and expressing the belief that it is pecially considering that all were landies of the Guild made the fol- PASSO April 10. The wife of Elko and .her owner, who were not wise to continue the same with ROBLES, and daughter Admiral recruits. The manoeuvres perform- lowing remarks: Evans arrived here yesterday. ' .. ruled off the track last yeifr were re out firfct having the matter investi- ed included detachment' formation, "Our good President, Mrs. J. E. instated and will hike part in the gated by tho board. Chairman HONOLULU, April 8. Two privates from camp Shatter were tent pitching, litter drill, first aid Gannon and Mrs L. K. Simpson, races during the coining races. Henning criticised the interference caught at Waianae after leaving the Lady and are now in jail. work on the field, and cooking (un- our first President, the Ladies of Doctor Careys colt is working well of the County Central Committee Jack Atkinson is now named as a possible candidate for Mayor. of 'Cook the Lahaina Guild of the Church der under the care of Jockey McAulill' with the Boards work that had Hart). The calls were sounded by of the Holy Innocents have re- SAN FRANCISCO, April 8- .- A fleet of 1G battleships and many while D. T. Careys pacer Luke R. been requested by the precinct club 1G Bugler of the detachment; and quested me to say a few Avoids in other vessels will sail for Honolulu July or earlier. . the is also being worked. of Lahaina and had then been Bal performed his duties as their behalf, and it gives me great is Jackie Artie W. is on Maui and may be ordered by tho board as would be WASIIINGTON.April ship subsidy bill practically post- drummer-bo- y for the detachment. pleasure to bo able to be present ' matched against. Abdine and Faro shown by the minutes of the Board poned for tho session. The Naval bill provides for two battleships. As to proficiency, the time made and do so. . ' Bank his old opponents. meeting of some time ago. He ST. PETERSBURG, April 8. Russian legation at Tokio is to bo pitching tents on the third drill This reception, Mrs. Gannon and in The races for the season bid fair stated that an overwhelming ma an embassy. .was eleven minutes. This in itself Mrs. Simpgon, given in your honor to be among the best ever seen on jority of the members of the certifies as to the class of men in is only a slight taken of the esteem , April 8. Sir Albert Asquith is now premier. Maui. Club and the the detachment, and it will not be .in which you arc both held by the PASSO ROBLES, April 8. Admiral Evans will probably assume citizens of Lahaina in general were ( necessary in case of a riot on this individual members of the Guild, of licet in favor of tnis road and that the command the at Monteray. Surgeon-Gener- and when the of the Holy Innocents has been Island for the upon this occasion, 1 club and the board had gone on- - re- HONOLULU, April 9. The Civic Federationists with but one, Charles B. Cooper, to bring any formal bonds which have bound put in full repair, painted inside wood nicely cord as approving of the action ind dissenting voico voted against tho reappointment of Pinkham. other aid from Honolulu, as the de- us together as a harmonious body and out and all work A splendid carpet that many of the 1ucmbv.1T of the It is rumored that James Gordon Bennett of the New York Harald tachment here is both competent working for the good of the church stained. new County Centra Coinmiitie v. jro may come here in his yacht. ahd reliable to perform all duties of which ve arc members, are to be. has been set down and new altar not familiar with the fact ir-.l con- pertaining to The medical depart- broken, and the Guild disbanded, cloths and other furnishines ob TURIN, April 9. It is reported that Abruzzi may marry Miss ditions there ho felt th-.'- w no ment on the firing line. we desire to thank you both for the tained. The grounds have receiv Elkins in September. ed special attention and the Jani making a lr.istakc to inteiiore with As to the ability of the Command- ablo leadership with which you SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. The State Supremo Court denies tor to his work. The fences matters of this kind. James N. K. ing Ollieer of the detachment, his have guided our operations during kept Rcuf an appeal for a change of venue. Keola then appeared before the services as surgeon of the 9th Regi- the past two years. have been repaired. The Cemetery Board and reported that his com- TACOMA, April 9. Tho Republicans have elected their candidate ment, N. G. S. N. Y., have emi- As decided by our last meeting, of the Church has been placed in mittee had met Superintendent of for Mayor for 3000 majority. . , nently fitted him for the position it is considered advisable by the order, with the fences all repaired go Public Works Marston Campbell lie now holds as Commander of this Guild, having accomplished the and painted, which it sadly PHILADELPHIA, April 9. Four policemen have been sent to and that the Superintendent of detachment. He is full of enthu- work which it set out to do, to dis- needed. The total amount earned prison for seven years for larceny. by the Guild and expended in this Public Works was willing to lease siasm and considers neither time band allow the jicw incumbent ALBANY, April 9. The vote on tho Anti Racing bill was a tie been more seven the Court IIouso building to tho nor money wasted in making his shortly to arrive to tako up the manner has than which kills it unless it is reconsidered. committee at an annual of equal to that of the U. S. work with the Deaconness who has hundred dollars, and we feel with rental HONOLULU, April S. Doctor Atchcrly has been requested by Army. 'for some time past been in our justifiable pride that the work has n. claimed that tho Court the Governor to produce affidavits substantiating charges against Pink-'- -, Captain Bal, in command of Com- midst and carry it on according to been well done and the House of Kepla House matter and been misrepre- ham of the Board of Health. . pany I, at very short notice, fur- whatever plans tlioy may adopt. God which we all love is in order. sented but failed to stato by whom Wallach has been put to work on the streets at his own request. nished the camp with a platoon During" the two years the Guild All of tho ladies of the Guild join or in what manner but those who The Chambsr of Commerce and the merchants association havo from his Company for Guard Duty, has existed as a united forc3 and me in thanking you both for the have followed the matter, fully unanimously endorsed Pinkham for reappointment. . . the Captain himself "commanding under your active leadership, much deep interest which you have berth Schooner Lady was on Sunday was his men. work lias been done. The Church taken in the work of love, though agteo with him that they have been The that stolen abandoned on both are members of another de misrepresented. No 0110 however the reef at Waianae and tho thieves took to the hills. nomination. We thank you for doubts Keolas honesty in tho mat- Alaslfhn sugar cargo caught top price. , THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAILUKU the time you havo so freely spent ter and --all believe ho is working ' Iwilei was closed by the police last night. ' with us in tho furtherance of the for what ho believes to bo the best LISBON, April 8. Thero were soven killed and ono hundred Chas. M. Cooke, President W.VT. Eoblnsci:, Vice-Preside- work,' a.nd for the long days of interests of tho community. wounded in a atreot riot today. C. D. Lufkin, Cashier labor so Chairman Henning said more R, A. Wadsworth, Director D. fl. Cae, Director painstaking willingly Tho military are camping in the streets and Arillery is mounted given, and for the kind advice and time should bo given to consider in the stores. Fresh demonstrations are being made by tho rioters. words of good cheer which have tho matter and deferred action. SIXTH ANNUAL STATEMENT SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. Tho court of appeals has reversed. nt the close of business, December 1907 always been yours to give." A petition was received from tho jt, Dole in the Merriam case. ' RESOURCES LIABILITIES Mrs. Gannon responded with a. executive committee of tho precinct Capital-Stoc- $ Loans and Discounts $138,280.45 35.000.00 CIIICAGGyApril 8. Northern was of grant- Bonds 16,.100. 00 Surplus and Profits 20,821.29 few words expressing her apprecia club at Keanao asking for the re ThojGrcat, convicted Premium oh U. S. Bonds 450.00 Circulation 16,500.00 tion and that . Simpson for moval of S. ft. Puhi from the ollico ing rebates. Other Bonds (quickly convert) 42,850.00 Due to Banks , 14,346.16 Unpaid thank- of sanitary Inspector for the liana Cash nud Due from Hanks 43,280.15 Dividends 1,400.00 the kind words spoken and WINNIPEG, April 8. Emma Goldman was doported across tho . Hanking House, Furniture,etc 7,050.03 Deposits 161,168.15 ing all of the ladies for earnest sup District for the reason that ho had line by tho polico, Due from U. S. Treasury 025.00 port in tho work that had been not visited Nahiku or Keanao since WASHINGTON, April S. There was 5249,235.60 249.235.60 his appointment. Supervisor Ilaia but oncvoto in tho houso done. against tho Pearl Harbor bilf. HAWAII, ) assembled throng had was appointed a committee of ono TERRITORY OP SS After tho COUNTV Ol' MAUI, r partaken of tho refreshments boun to investigate the charges and re- CHICAGO, April 8. In tho elections yesterday tho republicans I, D. II. Case, 2nd of the above named bank, do solemnly swear tifully spread out in the large Hall, port at the next meoting. showed gains. Twenty Counties went tuat tne above statement is true to the nest 01 my knowledge and Delict. dry. a very enjoyable afternoon was A petition was received from a D. II. CASH, 2nd 8. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of January, 1008, spent, ending with the singing of great many residents of tho Maka-- I SAN FRANCISCO, April Judge Dooling is" trying Reuf ' J. GARCIA, Notary Public Sec. Jud. Circuit "Aloha Uo." . Continued ou Page 6. f of Judge Dunn.



grntnlutions, nnl 'Xiivssim1 to her THE MAUI NEWS tin- - deep ami sincere aloha of all the secoud-clas- people of Wailuku. ntered at the Tost Office at Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, as s matter. Mrs. KUu L. Austin, recited a A Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the People. funny poem composed by a friend Issued Every Saturday. for the occasion. The poem was written in Ieon-Kiiglis- and pur Maul Publishing: Company. Limited. ported to he the words of a Kor 'Proprietors Tand PubllsherB! Chinaman, whom Miss Turner had The columns ofthe Nkws admit communications on pcrtimcnt topics. Write only kindly befriended. Needless to on one side of paper. Sign your name which will he held confidential if desired. ay, Inith Miss Turner and the ladies were greatly anmscd. A Bubsciption Katks, in Advance $2.50 Jut Year, l.f0 Six Months pretty souvenir liook for the oe- - assion was gotten up by Mrs. Win. VI. and Manager Hugh CoUe, Editor A. McKay, ami after refreshments were served each lady left her auto SATURDAY. APRIL 11. 1K08 graph. Miss Turner was heard to remark in the evening that it hail Undoubtedly the greatest liurm 1 hat has been done Mischief Ik'ch one of the happiest days in Honolulu for ninny years is now being done b.y a Makers, in Wailuku. number of irresponsible mischief makers who with more zeal than good sense have caused the closing of Iwilei and as a result will CARD OF THANKS. make Honolulu a modern Sodom. Conditions were in such a satisfactory state in the city that on the cleanliness of the citv and whilea The family of the late Mrs. Sarah K. many prided themselves Aluli wish to express their heartfelt oil to one end of the city that few were aware of an under world gratitude to all their friends for the WATCH r.,t rcac tint. Irnnwn hv hundredsof the voune who should have been sympathy shown them in their Iwreave- - kept in ignorance of the evil conditions existing there rather than ment and for their liberal floral contri- - making tbose facts known every where anu exciting ine curiosity but ions. of the children who are now made aware of these conditions by tv.nco wVin tVinnld have known better. FOR SALI? AT ONCE. THIS

w - nlainins the discussion in the streets and 1 uivuva M W V CJ that necessary them to explain to their , A Book case, Dinning table, chairs, and in the. press have made it for filter. children what this evil condition means that is the all absorbing Captain, D. F. NICHOLSON, cctir.n nf t.be metropolis at the present tiaie and they are Kahului, SPACE naturally bitter against those who are responsible for this state of affairs. THE N This in its self is bad enough but is nothing when compared to ... . . - .1- B 1 I the evilconditions that will exist wnen ineil evil people oi iwnei are ALOHA SALOON octoKiiEhod thnuorViout as they are sure to be. OVMVlluv - 0 the citvV - Market Street. Wailuku ' No seaport town of the size of Honolulu has ever succeeded in driving out and keeping out the class of women that are being i driven out of Iwilei and anyone who expects more strict eniorce Nothing but the best of merits of the rules of morality in a city like Honolulu with its thou Well Known Standard Brands cnnAc nt Acifttina than- can be done in our mainland cities is a fool onuua v i. ihiuv As migtit have been expected the ones who have stirred up the Of . . . 1 . T- 11 8 ll. . 11 1 stenqh about Iwilei have attacKeai rresiaent nnKnam oi ine uoara Wines Whiskeys of Health and are trying to prevent his re appointment for the Cordials, Liqueurs reason that he has no patience with their foolish schemes. T f flrtvopnnr Frear takes the advice of the impractical Don RAINIER AND PRIMO Quixotes it will be but a short time until his administration will Bottled Beers be in as dangerous a pit fall as was uovernor uoie s wnen ne was Vitt politicians. oriTrieol t.haV - w snlf siskins' 2 Glasses KVI O 25c 25c Iwilei is an evil place that should not exist but it is a thousand fimon Koitor t.Vinn tiirninff everv home in the city into an Iwilei HEADQUARTERS FOR and having all classes of women and young girls' followed by the Island Sporting People 1 B 1 1 ! 1 1 I lower class Of sea taring men ana u noi openiy insuneu ou wie T. B. LYONS, Prop streets they will be conscious ot ine evil aesires or sucn men. ' The exercise of a little common sense on the part of the agitators FARM PRODUCTS and officials would be of greater benefit to Honolulu than au attempt what, and a way under present condition Delivered in Wailuku every Saturday BISMARK STABLES CO.Lld m nrotront will be done in ana at ram ana Jiamaknapoko ou Have you tried the SINGER was the case with Iwilei run as it is said to have weanesaays at lowest prices. worse for all than WAILUKU, MAUI SEWING MACHINES. been. POTATOES, WATERMELONS, BUTTER, ECCS Adalina Patti, POULTRY, SUCKLING PICS, CORN, ETC HEADQUARTERS WAILUKU EXPRESS then read and the notice of the Telephone Orders to Wm.Penn, LIVERY, BO'ARD Machines for sale on the hearing was SALES STABLES V To Establish public read. A. H. L a n d g r a f and INSTALLMENT PLAN Miss Perkins was present to take I'koi'RIKTor KA LU A FA du. The Hawaiian, down for the Engineers olhcc all of Telephone No. 359. The BISMARK STABLES or the proceedings of the the meeting Roughrider, and run Leading Livery Harbor Lines Hon. II. P. Baldwin presented prsposes to the Big Discount for Cash the case for the Kahului Railroai Doctor Cigars? Staule Business on MAUI Captain Otwell here for Company and submitted written Machines for Rent arguments in support of the same If DRUMMERS' LIGHT WAGQNS By the Day, Waek or Month. Marston CampU'll Not, Why Not? that Propose. Honorable pre DELIVERED and CALLED FOR. sented the case of the Territory. tzj alui siuu ivk ira iu juti u mi rm e Captain Otwell came up to Maui A general discussion was then had Bros. akala with competent uMes We have just received a new line, which elicited much interesting in- Fitzpatrick on the Manna Kea on Tuesday in and drivers of Automatics and Faiuily Ma- formation on the subject, No de- CORNER HOTEL and FORT STS order to be present at a meeting at chines and finite action was taken at this time all kinds of Needles was called for the For sale by RIGS--NE- W Kahului which BLOODED STALLION. NEW TEAMS and Supplies. purpose of hearing suggestions from as Hon. II. P. Baldwin requested KAHULUI STORE, KAHULUI. PAIA STOKE, PAIA. NEW MANAGEMENT the petitioners for the improvement that definite action Ihj deferred Bellringer is the only Bellringer in the Country. Sired by Bellringer, datn Aus- establish- until such time as would lie neces- of Kahului harlior and the tralian Maid. At the Bismark EDMUND II. HART M. S. DECKER, Agent. sary for the other inemltcrs of the Stables. HUGH COKE. ment of harbor lines there. No Conveyancer P. O. directorate of the Kahului Railroad tart Public, an' Box 25. Telephone 224. The meeting was called to order Typewriter Not r y Pviimo. ' Company could be heard from. DR. F. A.ST. SURE Main Street, - - - Wailuku by Captain Otwell at 10 o'clock A. Agent to G rant Marriage Licenses M. Among those present were Sup- It seems certain that the subject PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, Circuit Court, 2nd Circuit. WAILUKU, MAUI. Next Door to Wailuku Cash Store. is capable of solution in a manner erintendent of Public Works Mars-to- n OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Govern- CampU-11- , who was present to satisfactory to the Federal represent the Territory, Deputy ment, the Territory of Hawaii, the hours: Sfime Company 10 A. M. to 12 M. SfableJCahului Slmlroad Collector of Customs V. O. Aiken, general public of Maui, as well Hugh Howell who was appointed as the Kahului Railroad Company. IP. M.to3P.M. 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. by the County Board of Supervisors The discussion brought promi- WAILUKU PAIA DIVISION KAHULUI PUUNENEKIHE DIVISION. to represent the County of Maui, nently forward the fact that prompt K' M- - - M- - A-- Hon. H. P. Baldwin who represent- action is needed to relieve the strain STATIONS laS- Pas. STATIONS Frt" PM in- Pas. i pAs. ed the Kahului Railroad Company as the export tonnage is rapidly The Star Planing Mill Fit. Pas. only . pas and many other extensive interests creasing and that it will never do to Kahului Leave 7.00 . 2.00 Kahului wait until the shipping is blocked MANUFACTURERS OK Leave 6.20 1.20 in Central Maui, Superintendent J. Wailuku Arrive 7.12 2.12 Puuuene Arrive 6.35 before improvements are made. FRAMES, MOULDINGS? 1.35 N. S. Williams of the Kahului Wailuku Leave 7.20 2.20 Puunene Leave 6.40 The public of Maui will wait with BRACKETS, TURNINGS, 1.40 Railroad Company, F. Hans of the Kahului Arrive 7.32 2.32 Kahului Arrive 6.55 1.55 the solution of Merchandise Department of the intense interest this FURNITURE, ETC Kahului Leave 7.35. 9.40 2.35 5.10 Kahului Leave 8.10 9.45 fcjo problem as it is one of the most Kahului Railroad Company, Pilot Also carries a Hue of Sp'ville Arrive 7.47 J.55 2.47 5.22 Puuuene Arrive 8.25 10.00 3.25 vital matters concerning the future Sp'vi'!e Leave 7.50 10.15 2.50 5 25 'Puuuene and Harbor Master Parker, A. A. CASKETS AND COFFINS. Leave 8.30 10.30 3.311 of the County. Paia 8.05 10.35 3.05 5.40 Wilson and o . A- recess was Arrive Kahului Arrive 8.45 10.45 Paia Leave 8.15 J0.50 3.15 5.45 Kahului taken to enab . tlic party to go W. J. Moody, : Prop. Leave 9.45 Sp'ville Arrive 8.35 3.35 Puunene around the harbor in a tug and in- Arrive 10.00 Miss Turner is Surprised Hello 472 P. 0. Box 75 Sp'ville Leave 8.40 3.40 Puuuene Leave spect the new basin of the harlnir KAHULUI Kahului Arrive 8.52 11.30 3.52 6.05 Camp 5 Arrive 10.30 recently created by the dredging on her Birthday. ' Kahului Leave 8.55 1.00 3.55 Kihel Arrive 11.15 ' ' by Com- done the Kahului Railroad Wailuku Arrive 9.10 1.15 4.10 Kihei Leave 11.30 pany. Miss Charlotte L. Turner was the 11. MONGEN Wailuku Leave 9.20 1.35 4.15 I On the return of the party the most suprised person in Wailuku Kahului Arrive 9.35 1.50 4.30 . Kihei trains Tuesday ouly and carry freight only. meeting was called to order by Cap- last Wednesday afternoon, when CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Plaus and Estimates Furnished. tain Otwell. He read those sections twenty-fiv- e Wailuku ladies called , Small Jobs Repuir Work by of the Federal laws that pertain to upon her to wish her many happy and Day Kahului Railroad Company or Contract. AGENTS FOR such cases. The petition of the returns for her birthday. Her friends ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, Ltd.;-ALEXAN- DER & BALDWIN, Line of Sailing Vessels Botweo, Kahului Railroad ConijKiny was showered her with flowers anil con- - - Wailuku, Maui, T. H. San Francisco and the Hawaiian Islands; AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N STEAMSHIP CO.; 'HE MAUI NEWS SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1908

decided the place up T want- Damon to Bring Another Order Glanders Orphanage ed to get them away from there An O'er and from under the influence of New Mangoes. drinking and swearing men such Raised as these who had tried in various in Honolulu IsCIosed Sad Some of ways to interfere with 'my w Story the magnificent varieties of mangoes for which I hat was being done continually the Philippines are famous are to le introduced John Kapu Detected Considered by Board of Agrh Miss Beard in Honolulu and only n couple of dnvs before Confesses in Court to into Falsi' Hawaii. This is not so simple a Naaleliu. we left Mr. Overend had called culture and Forestry. with her Wards. away some of the boys to chase fying His Accounts. matter as it might seem. In fact, it has not been cows out of his cane fields promis- done inutile past be llILO, April 2. Post Office In- Honolulu-- April 2- .- At cause it is not simple. It is only, the meet HONOLULU, April 3. Strong. ing to pay them, though he know IIILO, April 2. Siegfried Gun-lollin- to be done now because M. spector F. J. IlarJ was in town last of well-fe- A S. ing the Hoard of Agriculture healthy, d and above all mat l tonuthien Uieni to leave r, young German of a week in wbh 1 Damon is willing to go to great ex- - connection another an Forestry yesterday afternoon happy are the words which will the premises. gentle family, was on Thursday caso of raising a post. I order, n the of h iiso ami much trouble to do it. matters glanders in' horses best describe the condition of the "I hat may seem a very small ast Sentenced to serve five yours at crime which seems to have become and bee The plan proposed was presented diseases was given con children from the KonaOrphannge, inipg to you nut so many ot those uird labor for tho crime of ember. . . to the Board of Agriculture and epidemic here on Hawaii. siderable attention. The caw of a who were brought to this city this little things of exactly the same y. .. zicmein.l. jieiviHadtiboon in the em Forestry present in jail citizen who he glan-derc- at its meeting yesterday by John Khi, at found had a morning by Miss Alice F. Beard, kind were occurring oil the time ploy of the Honokaa Sugar Com awaiting trial the Kailtia horse by Donald Mclntyre, w ho asked for its at tenii and sent it a Jap who has doculod to .give up the in thnf it caused continual trouble pany as bookkeeper for some time stajdeman approval. It is an elalxirate one to on a charge of robbing Green well's anese to the "quarantine stitution on account of the charges In regard to the children not hav and the specific chartrn. of which is the man suspected of th to bring mangoes from tho Philippines, store, station have it destroyed was which had been made against her ing enough to eat. They would bo he Wasconviotod and sentenced, was which was as by. without tho danger of importing act, about clumsy an reported Dr. Norgartrd. The and which, from the appearance of called to, over the fence, and asked the embezzlement of $ 190G.85 on noxious insects. Tho distance is so attempt, at fraud as could bo ima Jap who took the horse sold it for the children, would he hard to sub- if they were hungry. You know-ho- January 15. 1007. gined. $3o instead of great that mango seeds lose their taking it where stantiate. a boy is. They may have had Gundelfingor's case is a curious ' Kapu went to the post office at directed, and it passed something vitality befire they reach hero. To through The decision to break up the Or- to eat an hour before but one, rue nuo iniiune says. Jle is 1 1 1 1 . shake roots free bought i.i tho from all soil, fls Kealakekua and there an seveiiii nanus oerore ite owner phanage was very suddenly made if offered somethingelse which they young man of very good educa order for $10 payable to leard of it and got is required, is to kill the trees. "Johnny the matter and came as the result .of advice are not accustomed to they would tion' and gentlemanly behavior w ho To bring the trees hero, Mr. Sam'' at Naalehu. Later a nuin. straightened out. Three cases f given by Richard n. Trent, who immediately be hungry. They do as installed in a position of trust Mclntyre proposes to go to the , identified as Ksjjj appeared at the glanders are. reported to have been went to Kona to make an investi- not look like starved children, do Inch, it seems, was too much for Philippines, taking with him soil Naalehu oliice (tnd said "hat he liscovercl in Honolulu since the gation. He found the thev? him. that matter insect-pro- was ast meeting of from hero in of cases. "Johnny Sam." He had the the Board. would probably be brought into the '..'Apart from Overend and Scott lie was arrested in Honokaa and insect-pro- of order-wit- h -- Those cases are to bo kept in him but it had been il was stated at tne meeting courts and told Miss Beard of I do not know of anyone who ' was there, in the that District Court, he cages while in the Philippines. rained from $10 to $100 by the that in order to protect the bee in fact, and rather than go into a against me in Kona. Many of the pleatTcd guilty to several charges The mangoes arc to be planted in pimple process of adding an "0" to dustry from danger of being ruined costly litigation which would be verv best men in the district offert and signed a confession, at the these quarantined cases of soil until the. ten. The addition was made by the introduction of foul brood bound to hurt the institution no ed to help me out in every way and same time making restitution of they have been well started. Then with an indelible pencil, not with a serious disei.se in apiaries on the matter which way a decision should I have very many friends there. some $1400 which he had in hand. bo - tiny are to brought here and 'ink which corresponded with that mainland, the Bee Keepers' Asso be- made. With the absolute refusal Scott was against me because I He was brought to Ililo.ind here plant and soil held in quarantine of the order and the written words: ciation oners to furnish nueens of of Miss Beard to appear. before theLtok children from the school that engaged W. S. Wise and Harry best long enongh to determine that lioth r "Ten dollars" in the body of the quality free to anyone wishing courts there was but oiv thing left his wife is a teacher in. Some time Irwin as counsel. plea .A of "not plants and soil are free from insect were at1 them. ago - order not changed all. Iftisisin order to avoid to do and the Orphanage has been lie wrote me a letter askine guilty" was entered then by Gun- - the danger pests. These discrepancies were pointed of importing disease completely abandoned. that I should not take any children delfinger but later it appeared that which might bo im- Mr. Mclntyre says the introduc out to ''Johnny Sam" by the post- incurred by The children arrived this morn- from that district as her pay was Carl S. Smith was to bo associated but stiJl porting queens. ' A by tion of thost mangoes is not solely mistress he insisted that communication ing in the Mauna Loa and were rated the number of pupils and with the prosecution, which was was read from for Moaiiiiluabut they arc to be he wanted a hundred dollars. lie Governor Frear in taken by Miss Beard to a vacant that I was hurting him by doing being conducted by County Attor distributed here, x did not get the money, the raised which he refused tqfapprove a pro-pros- house on the comer of Beretania this. That was one reason that I ney Williams.' The defense ask The lioard authoiTieiuts order being confiscated and to regulation prohibiting n 11 executive sent the ind, Richards streets, which was brought the children down here ed for a recess in whiclOthe matter importation of officer to gVant the rccrMilfc'd permit Honolulu. Meanwhile Kapu sowns queen, bees to the placed at iier disposal by Jr4with' me, that they might not re might.bo discussed again ith the ujHm sullicient assurance I Ang given to have turned his attention to Territory, oil the ground that such Trent. Steps will bo taken today main there to bo used to the selfish defendant. that the plan proposed ' wilfiio ef- other, branches of industry and regulation exceeded his authority. to place them 'in. homes in this ends of unprincipled moil." The time was granted by Judce fectually carried out under proper was caught in the attempt at burg- The Board adopted a recom mon- city. It is hoped the "Mrs. Nuzum, about whom there that smaller Parsons and at 2 o'clock on Thurs entomological lary before the post oflice people ition of the committee on forestry has been so much wili supervision. ones can be ,tiken care of at the talk, return day the court resumed to hear a could get after him. - to the effect that no action" for the Salvation old- to the Coast. There have been Army Home and tlie plea of "guilty" entered oil' the present be taken in ' Craig Wadsworth, the well-know- n From present appearances "Ka- establishing er ones will be placed in local homes very unpleasant charges made prisoner's behalf. pu" is not what the yawning jail forest line in Ilamakua district, where her in relation cotillon leader in America, .aduiitt-- N they, can earn their board against to Dr. Deputy Attorney button at once doors will say to John when the Hawaii, but that at lease of the get Yokum, she is a ed at a dinner recently that men and an education. but pure, good entered a nolle prosequi in the different Circuit and Federal courts lands be recommended to the Ku- - They vary in age from woman, and has considerable were colder and more . mercenary nineteen second charge on which Gundel-linge- r ' get through with him. Tribune. kaiau Plantation Co of the land.of of own. than women. years to six, and sixteen girls arid means her In regard to was indicted," one of Hoea-Kaa- o, 'havinu " Kaohe, Kealakekua-Niupe- a eight boys Miss Oleson and Mis3 When I was a boy," he said, were left when thev Muliinger, embezzled another sumoi215G 0o. Mano-Waiale- e Llmvd a little friend and on such reached they will come down on . named Willie. Prof. Koebele thch"present quarters. Two the next It is known that there were manvl tin.e as to expire coincidently with were left Mauna Loa and go Willie appeared one day with a fine at Kailua with their to the coast. other charges which would have other Jands under lease by the apple. to go to Europe. mother and two went to an uncle I will, furnish them the money been brought had the Parker Ranch first proceed- " 'I'll give you this apple,' lie Company. The in this city, .Seven Japancseboys needed for their expenses to where ings failed. government to require -- said to a little girl 'for twenty the planting were left they live. -- Honolulu, April 2. Prof.' Koe- at the orphanage to be In asking for sentence .the De of at least 400,000 trees on the located the kisses.' bele is to gtf to Europe to seach for in various" homes in the "I started orphanage as the puty Attorney General was decid land, which must be growing at Kona result of what a vme "The little girl was amazed. an effective enemy of the horn fly. district. doctor told edly sympathetic though his duty the expiration of the lease. - Miss about ten ago. He That was not at all like Willie. At the meeting of the Board of Beard was very frank in years said that led him to point out the .enormity 'Agriculture The committee refused to recom her talk with the. newspapermen I had only a few days to" live and Nevertheless she consented. and Forestry yesterday of the offense, committed as L was " mended a general license to J. B. that I had better dispbse of 'Shut your eyes, said Willie. it was reported by W. M, GifTard, inns morning anu conversed in ai my by a man of education and under Castle for cutting timber it. Kona, 'Sit down here and shut your eyes. chairman of the Committee-o- En- most natural manner, though evi- property in the Way which I desir- standing, lie did not but to approve specifically located ed ' And, mind, if you open them tho tomology that he had practically dently very much worn outby the that it should go. I then incor- extreme penalty and propositions for timbering. asked the bargain is off.' completed the work in which he trying experiences which she has porated the Orphanage, doing this judge to consider the situation one - ' Reports were also received of the gone through in the few for the term of fifty t!.e "The little girl olioycd and slow- has been engaged. He is however last days. years' that in which the influence' on others work of the entomologist in in is work might be ly, very slowly, tho kisses logan to suffering from the fever he contracted She apparently a woman of carried on after my could be borne in mind. specting plants and vegetables com fall upon her lips.. One, two, three, or rather recontracted in his search rather nervous character and does death.' I put all my own money Harry Irwin,-o- counsel for the foui' long ing into the Territory, and the dis- not deny for a moment into it and named as director 11. a pause five, six and in Mexico for beneficial insects. that she defence, made a particular! v tellina . pause 4i.. i infection hich is practiced to rid believes in II. Trent, my brother K another long seven pause t in uiaL lie I K healing by prayer, but T. address, futile them of possible though it proved. eight nine, ton , pent to Europe to look for an effec- dangeros plant Btates that she has held faith of Modesto, California, who pre- intolerable pause. that k lie stated how in many months a " tive enemy of the horn .fly. The pests. Star. ' ever since she .was sixteen years of sident, Miss Callie J. Harrison, II. 'Oh, Willie, lurry!' Planters' Association, which young man had been left in charge " jiays age, at the same time being a mem- C. Brown and A. F. Cooke, taking 'I'm not Willie.' two-thir- A . of his salary, lias already much money, his accounts un ber of Christian the position of secretary-treasure- r "The little girl opened her eyes voted to send him there provided Denver Policeman the church. In checked and unaudited and drew of telling.of the trouble end then her myself. I had been given the in astonishment, ami drew kick her the Board Agriculture and attention to the fact that Gundel- - Forestry will consent and decision to give up her money by my father and, as none pretty mouth from the advancing continue Invents Rubber Club. mission of tingor had made every effort to re the payment of the third of his charity she of my only living relations, my lips of a strange boy, a very com salary which it has been .saying, store the money which had been' "The decision to give up the mother and brother, needed my mon, shabby sort of a hoy, whom and the Breeders' Association will Denver, March 21. Bleeding and stolon. The prisoner had not at wotk at the Kona money I thought that I would she had never seen before. contribute the-- ' expenses of Orphanage was tempted to the andaged heads willio longer be excuse his crime, snid " 'Why, Where's she- search. This it will probably made very suddenly. Mr. Trent spend it by doing good in that way. Willie?' do. the principal evidence of the night Irwin, but he was asking for the was ten ago cried. went around among the peole there "That years and full consideration of patrolman's work in the police and the court. " 'lie's down the street,' was the -, now I August Belmont, president of the and found out all that he could, am a woman in the best of When Judge justice courts of the country, if the Parsons command reply, 'sellin' yor kisses for two jockey club, at a dinner said of rac- then coming back to me. lie told health, having been cured through xpoctations of Patrolman J. T. ed Gundelfingor to rise to receive ing: me "sure prayer. As the result I have ipplos apiece. Better shot yer eyes that he felt that the mat- kept sentence wifs lannon ot the Denver toree are ful the prison asked lle J .. "'Hieing is honestly conducted in ter would bo brought before the on with my work which is now agin. lie next throe lioys is The stories one filled, lie looks forward to the time usual question as to whether he terrible ugly.' " thmain. that courts. I was not of opinion ended. There i over forty acres hears alout it arc rather absurd. hen every modern police depart that had anything to say. but told him that I felt, just as. I of hind, many acres of fine gardens, They are like the story of Starlight. ment in the country will be equip- cry unfortunately for himself. With an absurd question a man with bananas, sweet cab- "Once there was a group of had from tli9 first, that would potatoes, - ped with the rublior jxilieo club of I he had. He described with dis interrupted one of George- Ado's sportsmen w ho were all quite broke. not fight the matter. bages, carrots," lettuce, tomatoes, which he is the inventor. Rather than tinctness the exact way in which stump speeches in Elkhart, Ind. They must', however, get in to the do that I would give it up altoget string beans a'nd other vegetables, races, and one at a time they pre The new clubs are made of the during a series of months he - had The humorist paused and smiled. her. I asked him to let me have a more than enough to feed a family sented themselves at the padlock finest flexible rubln r and are loaded stolen money which he had spent Then ho said : few hours to I twic as large as ours, il also have with sand and shot to give the p ro- think it over. did in absolutely idiotic ways. "That remark was unexpected am the owner of Starlight ' leverage this and, as this" was Wednesday a herd of twelve fine Jersey eiiws. 'I ller to a blow. Being made "This crime seems to n;e to have startling. As unexpected and start- the first said. He" was well divssxi in one piece, they are practically evening, I came to a decision Wed- "I am sorry that there has been been a very despicable one," said ling as a salesman on Broadway. anil imposing. They hclkved and indestructible am I their flexibility nesday night at 10 o'clock. so much trouble but the only "thing passed him in. givy ease in carrying. the judge. "The defendant, by "A lady entered a Broadway foV I could be removed from the guar- Shu-light'- ''It was a very busy time us " 'I am traiiier," said Gannon gives the purchaser his his own', unasked, admission tells eui;ii shop and said: 1 to get ready and dianship for would be on a charge the second. lis rod face 'ind bluff choice of four sizes, ranging from dowi to the the court that he was aware of the Let me see soniethinir hand manner Lore out his story, and they the regulation dress size Mauna Loa next morning.. The of insanity. I will leave it to you some and cheap.' to the fact that lie was falsifying the ac t admitted him. jHieket "billy," ami declare that children were waked up ami we in regard to that, or to anyone else. Just naze on mo. madam.' counts he was entrusted to keen said The third man, small and thin, they will cost buta little more than hurried through, as I did not think I simply refused to take the matter i tho fat salesman." next apicaivd. , the oldstyle rosewood correctly, fie has not assorted or mahogany it was best to leave into the courts as there bus been t " 'Starlight's jockey,' he said stick, while their the matter till nor has it been shown, construction too much talk abcut it already." that he or that you be imprisoned shortly and hurried through the guarantees them a life far in excess after Mr. Trent had gone. While any of those at hard When asked for a statement on near and dear to him labor for the period of five years." gate. he was tliere I - of their predecessors. had the benefit of tho matter R. II. Trent referred his friends or- "Tht-fourt- relatives, were in Gundelting' r swayed for a few li and last man of tin Aside. from the humane and uur-rtlj- e his advice and I felt that it was all the Star man to Miss Beard and want for even any necessary of seconds as he heard his sentence .1 group was very shabby indeed. features, the iimntor claims good. when pressed furthp" -- ;nply said: " life. is a 1 and then getting command of him- 'Well, who tire you?' they said added protection for the owner, as do . Vi't for lie young man of "We had a very rough trip coin- "I noi ,ii,;r,-"- pub self he bowed politely to the judge. impatiently, when he presented there is no Htsibility of breaking lication at ,' ) will eav take it uperior intelligence and himself. of club over ing down and the children are all lie was taken away by Sherift Keo-l.in- ui a the head of a victim in liieve iss Beard as such his punishment must be '' '1 jhiY!"V and was sent to Honolulu am Starlight" was the meek a general melee and with- tired out, but they hardly look a 1 'A ommensurate. Siegfried Gundel- to commence his term by the reply." out a weapon. if I had starved 1 them. When fingor, the sentence of this court is steamer Mauna Kea on Friday,

A THE MAUI NEWS SATURDAY, APRIL II, J 90S News. I THE HENRY WATERHOUSE TRUST CO. Lid 1 Telegraphic MAUI PUBLISHING CO., Liivrritn, . (MPIICIAI. TO THE MAI.'I BUYS AND SELLS-Uti- Al'. ESTATE, STOCKS A BONDS m Sugar !() (leg. test l.Iili. Beets lis ..d. at WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSL JIANCK Ai.ril 7. President I'mkham lias been called to n HONOLULU. 9 NEGOTIATES LOANS AND MOKTGACKS halt by the Board of Health and denounced by the Ministerial Ao-ciation- '. ' SECURES INVESTMENTS i Pearl Harbor appropriation bill A List of High Grade Securities mailed on application WASHINGTON, April PIMi JOB PRINTING passed the House today. This assures the enactment of the measure. BOOK BINDING ANI) CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED SAN FKAN'ClSt', April 7. The French steamer Canarias, which went ashore at Tarifa on tho second instant, is considered a total loss. PAPER 'IIU LINK HONOLULU, HAWAII O. Box :5H She was bound from Havre to Honolulu. ; WASHINGTON, April ".The Sterling employers' liability bill passed the House. p.8 PRINTING and TOKIO, April 7. Sensationalists here connect Hie coming of the American battleship fleet with the possible future representation to be DEVELOPING. made by the Anieiican-governmen- t respecting rights of Americans in Southern Manchuria. GENERAL PLANTATION WORK A SPECIALTY We make a spoVnilty of this department of our CANTON, April 7. The boycott against Japanese goods is spread- - your . . 1 e : work. And we solicit trade. ... i l 1 n women wore urcsses o: with 'niiviliiniT in the w:iv of cameras ko laks, ing. a recent sticvl uemonstrntion wnue, I lie mourning. photo supplies ete. we can supply you. .Man or- - emblem of ders given prompt attention. LONDON, April 7. A cabinet crisis is threatened owing to the resignation of Premier Campbell-Rannerma- n. HONOLULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. WASHINGTON, April 7. The army bill carrying appropriation? of .flOO,(X0.000 has passed the Senate. "Everything Photographic.',' 8UI5SCRIHE I'Oii THI? LINCOLN, Neb., Aprit-y- . All California!! insurance companies FORT STREET, HONOLULU have been barred jn Nebraska. . MAUI: NE-W- 8 1 1 OBfiaaattamsaafiaMISaSSra SALT LAKE,' April 7. ai riman disclaims monopoly. 1HI--: PAI'Kli THAT Al)VAlCb T1IU OP M A U LISBON, April 7. Three newspapers have been mobbed. No ii INTEKHSTS publicans have been elected to oflice. Exclusivetiess. HILO, April 0. The Hilo Hoard of Trade and the Shipper's y Wharf Committee at a special meeting formally, endorsed President fine shoes for 'All America" I'inkham for ns President of the Board of Health. men are the shoes of today. Coun- try Stores that carry this "great Prominent individual citizeijs also favor Pinklia n.

the en- well-know- line of men shoes enjoy HONOLULU, April (5. Jack Stelling, a accountant POST OFFICE GO 5 TELEPHONE NO. 310 of You at- largement business. died of dropsy yesterday after a long illness. ' tract the bestof trade by selling now HIGH STREET, WAILUKU, MAUI CO NTY. "All V nerica" Specials. President Pinkham is a storm center and indications are that Yor i carry a large variety of he.will go out. . , size- quickly from st' and up HONOLULU, April h. Jack Atkinson in this morning's Adver immense stock. Each pair cause of the home for non-lepro- .mows the sound, honest quality of. tiser charges Pinkham with U'ing the GET THE HABIT workmanship. hovs not beinsr built. He declares him unfit for the losiiioii on the Board of Health. - Of trading at. LAT1AINA STORE the depend Island orders solicted. Whole- able store. Yon might save a few tteps by buying . T he was v was vacht Hawaii successful launched vesterdav and elsewhei'p, but. you of sale and retail. " v are sure the freshness and christened by Miss Kaui Wilcox of Kauai. quality? Our goocN in every department, arc? of the SPECIAL WHOLESALE RATES. best qnaliiy for ihe money. Wf would not make this A decision in the sake cases is expected on Monday. COMPANY, Ltd. statement, if we did not mean it. MANUFACTURER'S SHOE W. A. Kinney lias been mentioned as delegate to Washington by the Democrats and Iaukea for Mayor of Honolulu. ' 1051 FORT STREET. - : HONOLULU. ; Electric The Best of Everything I1ILO, April 4. Ferd Roback, employed by the Hilo Live and Let Live Price's Light Co., slipped while at work on a pole at Wainaku and fell across ft live wires. He hung there half an hour before being lowered. One leg was broken and both arms were burned to the bone from the wrist to THE : LAHAINA : the elbow. His chance of recovery is almost' hopeless! After a consul STORE tation held bv Drs.'Uaves. Stow and Saw'ver it was decided not to Dry (icods, Groceries, Boots land Shoes, Notions, Plantation Supplies. Sleep Well? operate- - LAHA1NA, AAAU1. MUKDEN. Anril 6. A bod v of Japanese entered the American legation yesterday and attacked the Chinese staff. i Why don't you try a glass of This brand denotes quality i: i. TOKTO, April I). A report comes from Korea to the effect that TJ - before retir-- Write us in regards to your Primo Beer the insurgents are active in the field while the distribution of violently nothing in this worded circulars demanding the expulsion of Japanese from the king v '.;' 'e Leather needs Send your ing? There's" doin a and hostile corps of court ollicials has encouraged stubborn Hides to us and you may feel beer- - that can harm you. ,. LONDON, April C'ampbell-Bannerma- n has resigned and As quith may. succeed him as Premier. certain. of fair much to do you good. treament. There's ." LISBON, April ti. Serious rioting occurred here yesterday in con

-- nection with the election in which the monarchists were successful. i. ii. .nil r r mnFpmma mrnjwu&w Co. POUT AU PIIINCE, April 6. The arrest of persons supposed to Metropolitan Meat have been connected with the plot to overthrow the Government con - LIHITID tinues. 504. HONOLULU, w. The Gem. ah and French legations are crowded with refugees. Bx T. Telephone Main 14H Spouting Goods SAN FRANCISCO. April 6. The torpedo flotilla has .joined the Wo havca splendid line of spot tiur and atliietic battleship lleet at Madalena Bay. goods and can furnish you just what you re-quir- o ST. PETERSBURG, April 5. The government is considering the in forma, recognition of the claims of China tor the sole ownership of Manchuria. ' Modern Bath Rooms BASEBALL, NEW YORK. April 5. The famous Fifth Avenue Hotel closed at Make Modern Homes FOOT BALL, midnight after fifty years service. It will be torn down and the space occupied by a sky-scrape- r.

TENNIS, l.ockefeller has given five million dollars to the Uniou Hible class 1 GOLF, PORTLAND, April 5. Ross has secured a change of venue ROME, "April 5. The Queen and the Pop6 received Pierpont Mor I and other Sporting (joodsas well as all sorts of Athletic Supplies. Send for catalogues and let gan in audience. us quotevyou. Ou-- r prices are the same as on HONOLULU, April 4. Miss. Beard and orphans will remain 3 we can you. 'of is the Mainland and please here. The condition the children evidence that the statements t- --- I ii r uti n m it made bv tho people of Kona were exaggerated. The children will be placed in the Salvation Army rescue hbnie, , E.O.HALL &S0N, Ltd, Peacock Wis awarded $"0 damages against Douthitt. The othe defendants won out. s HONOLULU. Governor Frear will go to Washington and will be absent whil the fleet is in port. The Democrats will hold their primaries on May 4. Jack Atkinson declines lo lead the Anti Saloonists but will aeeej Woolley's law practice. i CARRIAGE BUILDING Ford's volcano tour proposed for May will shut 'out Hilo. The party will go direct from the steamer to the cars. He hopes to'have a IjWhen visitor come isn't It eradfying to have your bath m room vltI) fifty. When you want your carriage repaired to last party of to equipped that it in th approving glance of every critical Mi:;s The vacht Hawaii will be launched today. Wilcox of Kauai eye? "JStaa&UHl' Porcelain Enameled Fixture! make your briny; it to the right shot). bath m wiil break the bottle. loom modern and a room to be admired. sell m We and install ,j Harry II. Holt has been appointed by U. S. Marshal Hendry as this famous ware and can you prices that will 1 m quote please you. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING IIORSB SHOEING. a llurd Deputy U. ft. .Maremil. When you place yout plumbing contract with us you are assured vsniXGToNY.Vpii il L Secretary Boneparte has cabled, to U of high grade work and prompt service. Booklet illustrating many cw.-ii,i- l 1 neat bath rooms ' S. .District V""'cy Breclu 1..ii.n i .f tlifl n.iujla ff a !inl urn sent free. DAN. T. CAREY JiVdge Kahului R. Ii. Co., Mdse. Dept. KAHLLLI, MAUI. 91 Main St. near Market. Wulluku, Maui NEW YORK, April 4. Andrew Cameae has given five millions dollars to sujJ'ort superannuated college professors.

- .

- S' 1



,TZ...... ,ILU i ijijmi ' ",1V, i K1 I THAT VAPOR STOVE I

j VVill fop S interest you many REFRIGERATORS

reasons. We can't tell them If you' need a new one better look all to you at one time but if at our line. If you do not need it now look at the line anyhow. When you arc in you will visit our show- need of one you will not think of taking I . any other kind. room we can explain the i "J - 5 .'!: v- I many advantages and we are sure you will consider the time well

t ' j SPp ,,,, ;fou m.''V V,':Wyy ii'ift..i i:iitin oT j n vijr-- n .i .Tomi.,.,, . t . . . . ,,s I Turn a VsiiVe, IlgWt a match; tbljcttjt fntO Cil I. U ! ''..nil and you are ready to commence burner, t ttrV- the tit t. cooking at once. Simple, isn't it? When you have finished, turn the valve, out goes the tSEWING machines , fire, all expense ceases at once, then it's We have the STANDARD .which we think is thbest. You will be inter- always ready for you, and so clean as well. ested in the rnachinc. diad.... - No heat in the kitchen where you do not want it, but plenty of heat directly where you do want it. You can increase the heat or diminish it, just turn the valve. Prices no higher than for a wood stove that cannot equal it for convenience.

Open Saturday CHI II The Big Store Eveiiiiisu K A U L U T R with little prices

All tenders to be on, blanks furnished Board of A 1 11 1 i BY AUTHORITY Supervisors Mrs. Dies by the Superintendent of Public Works. Road. of Apoplexy. The Superintendent of Public Works Investigates SEALED TENDERS. reserves the right to reject any of all bids. For reliable and first class work in Iron The dance given at the Armory Satur Sealed tenders will be received by the The entire Board of Supervisors Mrs. Kalai Aluli died suddenly of MARSTON CAMPBELL, Fences, Monuments, headstones and day night for the benefit of Company I undersigned up to 10 A. M., Friday, Superintendent of Public Works. week in-- apoplexy her home in Wailuku Coping consult the Hawaiian Iron Fence as a financial and social success. went to Lahaina this and at April loth, 1908, and then opened by the Honolulu, March 37, 1908. T. . & Monument Works, Honolulu, II Billy Green of M. Phillips & Co. is estigated the road matters there on Thursday morning. Board of Supervisors of the County of April 4, 11. at- All work will.be given their prompt again in town and will remain for about that were taken up by the County She had lx-c- in apparently good Maui, for the construction of the follow- tention. week on Maui. Central Committee of the Republican health up to the time of her death. ing roads iu the Couutv of Maui. T. H. 1st. Relocation of IlaiUu.KnVrmin rnn.l SEALED TENDERS. IJ. O. Horn has resigned his position party on the reeomendation of R. The funeral took place from the The Manna Kea tarried a full list of from Belt road Up to Upper Haiku-Pau- - with the Kahului Store to go into the Thurs-'.a- - , ;.- - passengers on her way down Friday and Searle. family residence on v. wcla road, District of Makawao. Sealed Tenders will be received by the brokerage business on Maui. He will again Tuesday on her way up. The new While on this trip the memliersof ing. and. Relocation of the Superintendent of Public Works until 12 make his headquarters in Wailuku and boat takes about six hours to make the Mrs. was w idow r t 1 mad from Kaluanui to the Cemetery, oi Thursday, April 16th, for the con- - regular visits to all the leading the Board took particular pains to Aluli the will make run between Honolulu and Lahaina. Makawao District. struction of a one story frame teacher's places of business in the County., We interrogate every citizen in the dis- late John Aluli one of W i!'.l.u' 3rd. Relocation of Belt road from East cettage, at Waihee, Maui, T. H. Mr. Mrs. M. S. came V- --' understand that he has agencies for and Grinbaum trict they saw and did so in the prominent Hawaiians. S1m ' : Bank of Maliko Gulch to Main road to- - Plans and specifications on file in the wagons, carriages, (arming implements, over from Hana on the Claudinc Wednes absence of Chairman Henning who three sons, Deputy County A: '',!' y ward Pauwela, of omce of Superintendent of labacco day and returned to Honolulu. District Makawao. Public Works the Ford Automobiles, cigars and r w- A- desired the members of the Board Xoa W. Aluli of Hilo, ai. W 41I1. Relocation of the o aml - - McKay, School Agent, Wailu-- and life insurance. Mr. 'Born is well Marstou Camplell and Captain Otwell to hear what the people had to say and Webster all of whom survive riad from the foot of Kamole Hill op- - ku Mau- - known to the business community as he of were among the list returning passen pisite old Grove Ranch House to Maka- - All tenders to be on blanks furnished was the first manager of the Wailuku free from any influence ho might her. She was a sister of Judge A. X. gers on the Clandine Wednesday. wao Court House, District of Makawao. bY tue Superintendent of Public Works. Cash Store, which position he resigned to have. KejHtikai. Hennie Decker returned from Honolulu 5U1. Relocation of the Belt road frotn Tlle Superintendent of Public Works ' become the assistant manager of the Ka- were Mrs. Aluli was unusually in- on Mauna Kea Tuesday. Among those interviewed an Kuau to Maliko, District of Makawao. reserves the right to reject any or all hului Store. the Hiram Hiram, the head of the telligent woman and her 'bright and 6th. Relocation of Belt road across I bids. S. M. Kanakanui has been surveying a Alpine Milk (unsweetened) is absolute Party of Judge sunny disposition won for many Maliko Gulch, Makawao District. MARSTON CAMPBELL, piece of laud desired by the Daparttnent Home Rule Lahaina, her ly pure, thoroughly sterilized, and the 7th. Relocation of the Wailuku-Lahai- - Superintendent of Public Works, of Public Instruction for the purpose of Rccard, W. L. Decoto, George Free- - friends who mourn her untimely richest in butter fat and flavor. It keeps na road from the bridge near Mile post Honolulu, March 25, 1908. enlarging the school grounds of Wailuku und, William Kaluakini, George death. till vou are ready to use it. H. Hackfeld number 13 to Mile post number 14, Dis-- (April 4, 11. Dunn, Kalei Kahaulelio, C. R. & Co., Ltd., Distributors. S. Decker has accepted a position with trict of Lahaiua. Lindsay, Ed. Waiaholo and many ana 1 The Women's Aid Society of the I'niou the Maui Steam Laundry but has been KIHEI PLANTATION CO., LTD. iiie various plans specifications CTC 1 If CD TIUD Tini r object-t- o for the above roads Church will meet with Mrs. E. Battelle unable to attend to business recently on Hawaiian!. Not one of these can be obtaiued of hJlLAHiLIl I IMC 1ADLE. the undersigned at his office on Tuesday afternoon April 14th, at 3 account of an injury he received to his the new road and although all NOTICE TO at Wailuku, STOCKHOLDERS. on p. m. back while at camp Barry this week. were asked not one had heard of .muui, 1. n. aim auer naiuruay, DATE NAME FROM - 1900. 1 iicposii 01 rive ijoi- Apr. 10 Hongkong Maru...- -. Yokohama be next Adelina Fatti Cigar is just what any objections to the new road ex All persons holding w Dr. Geo. S. Aiken will in l'aia The certificates lars ill be required for each set of plans Nebraskan San Francisco professional visit you want. Fitzpatrick Brothers of Hono ccpt those of Monday for a few days one man. of etoek in the Kihei Plantation and specifications which will be refunded Asia San Francisco and lulu are the agents for the Territory. From there he will no to Makawao Judge Rccard stated that he had Company, Ltd. in names other ed when the sauie are returned. Hilonian :.San Francisco about May first. All return to Kahului R. I. Baker of Eureka California is heard of two or three Hawaiians than their own and who may wish tenders must be made on the pro Alameda San Francisco Those in Pais and Makawao and vaci registered at the Maui Hotel. per blank forms which will be furnished to Mongolia- - ..San Francisco should who stated that if the road was to to dispose of said stock are urgent 11 it v who wish dental work done intending bidders upon application. Korea v Yokohama tcur, G. H. Brown of Victoria B. C. is at the le left without any top dressing they ly requested to have see him while tvi'un his present same trans The Board reserves the right to reject Nevadan San Francisco office perma- Maui Hotel. would object to the road but when The Doctor ww 'ave his ferred in order to avoid delay if any and all bids, Aorangi Colonies nently in the Nicholson house on his re C. Searle was a Wailuku caller this it was the intention to Per order of the Board of Supervisors R. assured that payment is made on July 1st, VMS. May Hongkong Maru..San Francisco turn to Kahului. week. do said he had no objection nor of the County of Maui. this Xo Etock can be purchased except America Maru Yokohama did lie know of any Hawaiian who HIGH HOWELL, There will be the usual Palm Sunday H. M. Coke of the Maui News went to from of on Marauia Victoria would objec t. stockholders record that County Engineer. nrocessiou at the Church of the Good Honolulu Friday on business and return Alameda San Francisco One of returning party stated date. March Il-- S April Shepherd tomorrow. ed Tuesday by the Mauna Kea. the 4 that lie had heard a Ft renin u kick J. P. COOKE, N. B. The oning of above tenders! DATE NAME FOR of Wailuk The Queen Lodging house The Lilliputians have won the admi from W. Robb, t lie plantation ware- Treasurer, Kihei Plantation Co. Ltd. has been postponed to Saturday, April Apr. 10 Hongkong Maru..San Francisco new rooms, new furniture, clean has of There are about house keeper who objected to the 18, at a. 111. 14 Asia -- ration all Honolulu. Honolulu, March 20th, IMS: . 9:30 .Yokohama beds, 50 cents per uight. thirty little children who are selected road on the sole ground that it took 18 Nebraskan San Francisco A. Do Rego, Proprietor. tf. t.f. with care for the special parts they are all of bis front yard and if that is SEALED TENDERS. to Mongolia Yokohama we Mr. Robb is 21 The household effects and other per exoected to perforin. Their performances the case think that Hilonian San Francisco saw a Sealed Tenders will be received by sonal property of T. M. Church of Paia are surprising and each night right. H. Beuneson has recently arrived here the it Alameda San Francisco of Board went Superintendent of Public will be sold on the 2oth instant. crowded house. So anxious were the The mcmUrs the from Chicago. He will work for the Ka- Works until la 24 Korea --San Francisco people to get seats that the only way to over the road and invited Mr. hului Harness Factory as outside man. m. of Saturday, April Sth, for the con 9 Aorangi Victoria Friday from F. W. Knight returned secure them w as to engage them ahead. Searle to state his side of the case struction of a one room school house at May a Hongkong Maru Yokohama went see' the A. A. Wilson the contractor was iu the volcano where he to This condition lasted all through the sea- but lie was unable to stale a single Olowalu, Lahaiua, Maui, T. II. a America Maru. ...San Francisco to and fro as wave Wailuku this week. liquid lava surge the son and up to and including the last objection to the road and the Plana and specifications on file iu the a Marauia Colouitt . of the sc-a- night. The children are iu charge of returned with the unanimous-opinio- n Miss Fanny Moir went to Honolulu on office of Superintendent of Public Works a Nevadau San Francisco M. H. Reuter the deputy tax collector special teachers who guard them as care that the road should le the Mauna Kea Friday. She was accom and Mr. A. Waal, School Agent, Lahaiua, 9 Siberia San Francisco to by of liana is iu Wailuku thin week. fully as they would their owu. builtj as proposed. panied Wailuku Miss Ethel Taylor. Maui. 13 Alamvd.... Sail Francisco . V. I


Mmiirw I'hinhiii'in in nil i ill!1, .I1 'Hi ii iw hi inwn Continued from page i . the citizens committee wero J. N. wao district asking that a road he K. Keola and L. M. Baldwin. built through Judgo Copps pine- The lease was loosely drawn and MILK THAT KEEPS apple lands nnd setting forth the does not statcelearly and distinctly fart that this road would facilitate what it' was probnbly intended it Wo have in exhibition in room a place doc:. our show choice pure nnd fresh till you want it, no mutter how warm tho transportation of pineapples there. should. In the first it It was pointed out that wo have not make it clear for what purpose selection oT nickel plated BATHROOM ACCESSORIES, such as weather. Jlilk that is thoroughly sterilized by n hygienic nolenotiglunoncy to properly build the lease is made from the church - process thai retains all the Natural Quality nnd increases the the projected roads already decided trustees to tho committee. the Soup Dishes for the Bathtub,' (X, Ii ' richness and Butter Kat by evaporation. upon and that to build other ronds next to the last clause it provides Shower Heads, ' - would be out of the question. for tho filling of vacancies in tho French Plato Glass Mirrors, Supervisor Church was finally board of trustees of kaalnunanu 1 5i , Soap Dishes for the Wall, appointed a committee of one to Church (Lessors) but as that is Sponge 'Holders, investigate and make a wiitten re- piovided for by the charter pf the f Sponge Gups, Milk port for the guidance of the board. church it is not clear why that Amine t c Soiip (Unsweetened) The report of lie County At- clauso was put in. It was probably and Sponge Holders, Mo. members torney was read and placed on intended to mean those Towel Bars, in various Sizes, , ' A short, of work of town trustees who were 2-- 8 history the during tho hall Towel Rucks, and 4 fold, . y It is guaranteed to keep till the can is opened, and then for - the March term of court was given. appointed by the trustees of Kaa- ' , Comb and Brush Trays, three or four days. Its richness makes it tho best for cooking The matter of the claims of two huiniinu Church, but it docs not Tooth and Brush " purposes and for tea, coffee, etc. local physicians for twenty dollars state s.o and as the wording stands Holders, fees as witnesses in the liana man it would leave the filling of all .of Tumbler Holders, slaughter case was dealt with. The the vacancies in the trusteeship of Bi.th Seals, County Attorney stated that while the town h.ill com nittee in the Sprays, the court had very properly allow- hands of the citizens independent RobGiHQQksnetc.tfQtc.

- - ed that amount as due tho physi- of the 'rustees of tin chur' h Hiieh it i it - . in r Twi e i .i nrii y H. Haokfeld & Co., Ltd. eians inr expert isimonv mere plan would.of course bo Satisfactory miness-itiie- was no !il"pelat,UniJb .vholo'Thcso DISTRIBUTORS. wueinerjiuwouKi lit Mull 111 III I HT li n ior fittiifffS arc the moat artistic, practical, easily cleaned thclnir1ilP'fflistrcs; Is another and th MOST SANITARY. matter. therefore 'It developed later that the Clerk With the exception of the open Our prices brinsz them within the reach of all. of the? court to closing formal legal phra had refused issue ing and We invite your kind inspection. warrants for the amount on the seology the lease is as follows- - order of the court ' for the reason 'Trustees to move the building at that the law does not provide for their own cost. KAHULUI RAILROAD COS the- - payment of more than one 2. They will put the building j dollar per day and mileage for in good repair and condition at MERCHANDISE D.EPT. ' i' each witness and as the warrant their own cost and expense. Masonic Temple, KAHULUI. Ppiiiw was not drawn on the County Audi 3. That they will allow and tor the witness could not get theif permit the Lessor or their succes pay. This explains why tho claim? sors in trust ti.e free use of raid were sent direct to tho County building and premises when I.OIM1E AIAU1, No. 5)S4, A. P. V A, M' Board. ciuKAL hM j .1 BocJTBeer The report of the Deputy County 4. runt they w.ui not. allow or Mahklt Wailuku Sukx no nny or meet- A, Attorney snowwt tnat had re permit entertainment ANTONE BORBA, Prop. E .4 J1 me many ing of an immoral character to be presented county in Fill line of popular oi will held brands cases in Wiuluku, Laliaina and held in or about the premises StateH meeuims be at .WINES, LIQUORS, Hall, Kahului, oa the first 5. Mnsmie IjRANDIES-iV- Sz .... Makawao and had been successful That they will pay all taxes of month 7.30 CORDIALS. ,'We have the first outmii Saturday uiubt each ut ; KlhS, in his prosecutions in a great ma water rates or other assessments M. GINS P. ' Etc. Etc. ot the season in pints and jority of the cases handled by him against said building and premises VisiHnu brethren are cordially in- tend. quarts. Tho Sheriffs report stated that if any there be and also all insur vited loat Celebrated Primo & D C. LINDSAY R W. iV. Seie all of the police had been on their ance premiums on said building if ' BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Bottled Boer good behavior all during the month any. t. f. Secretary. 25c and that none had been discharged 0, That they will at all times 2 Glasses 25c or suspended during the month, the during the continuance of this lease ALOIIA LODGE NO. K KNIGHTS Ol3 PYTMIAS. 1 Maui Wine & Liquor Co. Sheriff recommended that full pay keep and maintain Haiti town ball 1 be allowed John Brown Jr. who building in good and proper repair MAUI. j was badly hurt while on duty when and condition. H ( SOLE AGENTS FOR his horse(fell with him and threw 7. That they will nrtt without TJiUilUUilUUUliH'JiyiyilllLUlJiUiUIUliilUUillJIiiiUI'lHillK mm aim in lie lau his nip was the consent of said Lessors first had Rejular moi'ti'iys will he hold at thrown out (if joint. in writing, cut down any trees now the Knights of Pythias Hull Wniluku The matter of tho pay for the growing on said demised pre nises. on Saturday, April 11 and 25. visiting cordially cloth sold the police by the County 8. That they will adopt by-hi- All tneinuers are invited to attend. in order that they all have uniforms governing the proper regulation of Wq have onlj' two Gentle- J. II. NELSON. C. C. Nation of said, town The Lahaina Bank the same quality and color came hall building, the said D. H. CASE, K. OP R. & S. men's Bine Sorgo Suits of-th-e up for discussion. Severe criticism By-La- to be "effective upon the tf. Roth--chil- d Vice-Pre- s. IIolTmann & Chas. M. Cooke, Pres. Wm. Helming, was made of the non payment of approval of the Board of Supervis famous V. L. Decoto, 2iul Vice-Pre- s. K. A. Wailsworth, Director C. V. Lufkin, Cashier II. J. Morvay, Asst. Cashier the amounts due from sevcial of ors of the County of Maui, prey ill DR. J. J. CAREY make left. Those" elo-- ' the'districts. The cloth was order ed however that such approva DENTIST , gant suits sell in Honolulu ed by tho County Authorities at the shall only be sought for in case the Office over First National Bank for $20.00. 611 r of police and none wero said Board of Supervisors price now Accounts o Individuals, Corporations and request the shall pay Wailuku, Maui, T. 'IL required to buy but each one was for tho removal of said building to $14.00 per Lit. Firms invited. , allowed to purchase at cost if he so the said demised premises and ' DR. GEO. S. AIKEN desired. As the police have, been locating same such at part thereof DENTIST lAUi DRUG STORIT Unusually slow in paying for what as shall be designated by tho Les Office temporarily nt Custom Hon.se, V. A VETLESEN, Prop. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. they took somo action may be ex sors. pected from the board at this meet- y, they will not unit assign KAiiur.ui, jVIaui, T. II. ing. this lease nor underlet tho prem Hawaiian iron Fence and Foreign Exchange Issued on All oJ thcTWorld. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p m. Parts Chairman Ilenhing reported that ises as a whole without first having Monument Works, Ltd Road Overseer C. A. Buchanan was received permission in writing of H. ill and that ho had secured the said Lessorsj OKAMURA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. services of W. L. Decoto in place of And the said Lessors- - for them- ICE CREAM PARLOR Mr. Buchanan during the time that selves and their successors in trust Orders tnken for ICE CREAM, Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent at Reasonable Rate?. Mr. Buchanan is ill. and asigis hereby covemant with - FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS. Sanitary inspectorThonias Clark the said lessees and their succes- Ice Cold Drinks Always on Hand. reported that he had made an of- sors in trust that the said Lessees, lliiliii ficial visit to sixteen lestaurants. I performing the covenants and Market St. : : Wailuku, Man I Wq Soil Iron Fenee 1 in Kihei,x2 in Waikapu 7 in Wai-luk- u, agreements herein contained and MAKE YOUR OWN ! in Waiheo and 3 in Kahu-lui- . on their part to bo observed and of the then Board of trustees of'the GAS lie had visited 3 poi shops in performed and paying the rent as Kaahumaiui church and if such The Sunlight "OMEGA" Acetylene Waikapu, 10 in Wniluku, 3 in Wai- aforesaid shall and may peaceably vacancy or vacancies should bo in xne mopt fionomirai vuen yuu cnu yuy. Pi 1. ninhiKK tnnl.' wcoil It'niP. 117 NO 1 Wni- Wai-luk- u if th.in Generators HAVE EQUAL heo, and in Kahului. In hold and enjoy the said premises tho Board of Trustees of tho liot replnro vour M rtio now with a neat, at luku he found three butcher shops for tho torm aforesaid. Town Hall (Lessees herein) and Puuneno 1. He reported hav- Provided always and these pre- or their successors in trust the etc., fcb".i! iu o a. ing inspected Gl hacks in the dis- sents are upon this condition that same shall ho filled hy tho election trict and 15 wagons and reported in' case of a breach of any of tho of a representative citizen of Wai-luk- u that there are 112 licensed drivi rs covenants herein to bo observed on at a puhlic meeting of citizens 6 . r in the district He reported having the piirt of the Losses or in case called and duly advertised for that Honolulu T, H. inspected fl,9f(3 fish of all varieties. said rent shall bo in arrears tho purpose. I ( 1 The matter of the proposed town said Lessors thoir successors in The Board of Supervisors took M.4 60 YEARS' or EXPERIENCE hall came up for consideration and trust assigns may without any up ti e matter again in tho evening IfcWFMirj HffiPfes the form of the lease presontod by notice or demand or process of law of Wednesday and 011 motion of J. N. K. IC coin was presented. The enter upon the demised promises Supervisor K'tiue .seconded hy leaso was from the trustees of Kna-hunia- and thereby dotermino the estate Supervisor Haia tho- proposition Wo are the Agents forjtho "OMEGA" and will cheerfully give Church to the trustees of hereby croated and may thereupon was put" off until next month as estimates on: Trace Marks the town hall. While tho leaso expel and remove thoso claiming the members stated that tho pro- designs GENERATORS 10 Its. to HCO SfSSBfeW from lis. does not say so it is understood under them. position was not one that they felt Copyrights &c. that Anrons sendir.it a tlcelrh snd description mar FIXTURES of all kinds. qulckljr aaccrtuin otir opiulon free nlietLer tut three of the members of the town It is hereby mutually agreed by they could entertain. lurentlmi Is probnbly patentable. COMPLETE PL NTS properly installed. HANDBUOK ou Patents hall committee wore appointed by and between . tho parties hereto that On Thursday evening tho mem- sent fren. Oldct niicncr for eccunue patcuts. l'ateu talien through Munn & Co. receive Lot us talk "GAS MACHINE" to you and wo can convinco you the church trustees aiid two by in caso of a vacancy or vacanoios bers of tho hoard went to Lahaina rixtl.il notice, nlthout cliaruo, lu tbo that you requiro an outfit to make your homo complute. citizens committee. Tho ones select- occurring in the board of trustees to investigate road matters thore. Scieniific Jhtieticdn. ed by the trustees weio A. N. Ke- - of the Kahumanu Church (Lessors A hftnrttoinply fllnMratctt weoklr. I nrtrost KAHULUI RAILROAD GO'S tt aT i.till.- 1iiriuiit 'i ', inv, a poikai, W. J5. Saffory.uiul John W. herein) or their successors in office your; Inur niM Miia.l. f;iii j'u'ti ttenlcrs. MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT Sole Agents Fine Job Printing at the New lvalua while bo (1UNNSCo.33,D'. York tho ones selected by tho same shall filled by election Maui Publishing Co. Uraacb OIHce. 035 V St. Waibiugtbii. V. C.