PAGE TWENTY - KVEWIWG HERALD. Pri., April «. IWt ■iwir.-t- - Paanuta HL Schulz

■mATS FORTV-NINE HOUCOaPAKAONEDROP THE SUN60T Answer to Previous Puzzte Dear Abby ACROSS 4 This (Let) FLY Mas IN A Rou;.' PORTV-NINE FLY BALLS IN MV EVES 5 Snakalik* fith IN A ROU? 1 Needed 6 Imsgin* QOUDKilODO FORTV-NINETIMES,'' scratching ' 7 Antiseptic llq- □ D i. ^ 1° ol I g By Abigail Van Buren ■ p ------7 Of it □ □ A t oloTTi TL r ? r ( t : u'kI I □□□□□ □□anDDD 13 Slipperier 8 BsntateYs ' ' . -t '14 G ifM speaker concern m 15 Prophecy 9 Sodium QQDGQD nBOnUG Ethics Issue No Issue, School Funding Plan Cheney Tech Wins MACC Issues Data 16 Rarefy chlorida □OBQDa DDDDBD 17 Swamp (abbr.) □□□□ DCZiDD □□□ Democrat Answers GOP Would Double Grants Second Straight Game On Town CD Grants IS LargM to Vanity box □ □ a □ □ □ □ continent 11 Much u c ii Page 3 P age 8 Page 1 3 , Page 15 20 Doctrine 12 8* irritatad □ □ DEAR ABBY: How doc* i 28-yMr-old man get rid of a £j222i2222ZS52l2CS22J!£^S2^ ...... SO year-old woman who refuie* to take no for an anawer? adherent 19 Express □ □ ^ ------^------^ I took Al^ce (made up name) to Aipen for a weekend of aki- PrlBcllhi’s Pop — Ed Sullivan (sirffix) 21 Walking in 21 Efftminate w sttr . ing becauaeUhe gifl I had planned to take got the flu and 24 Oral 22 Cheers (Sp.) 33 Dinner item • 48 Cowboy couldn't go. ffhe hotel reaervationa were paid for in advance 27 Old English NOT AfiAIN .' THE >1 r NONSENSE.' ^— N VIBRATOR SeXJR HUSBAND 23 UnH of 37 HuHed . country and f didn’t }eel like going alone. pronoun #Iaatotthur0 SALESMEN maaaurs |pl.) 38 Meceo coin Well, Alic^ took the weekend far too aerioualy, and now SOU DO THIS THERE'S A DIFFER­ LOOKS FAMILIAR 28 Supposing (2 49 Italian family C H A I R S ^ 24 Turn down 41 PluoQe ahe Inaiat* ahe'a "in love" with me even though I never toid EVERVTIME WE MUST BE ENT ONE EV«RS> d . wdi.) 51 Hebrew holy PQrtly Sunny, r / f v t a v f 25 Egg call ' GO SHOPPING, GETTING t im e .' 32 Shirk 42 Colorado perk day (abbr.) her I loved her. In fact, I told.her up front I didn't want any 26 Walking stick ^ F E P l ^ ^ n r y S 33 Madrid 4 Poemi Windy and Cold aerioua commitment*. 29 Slumps 53 Genatic Aa aoon a* we returned, Alice atarted calling and writing musaum Sharpen matarial 34 North African 30 Thought (Fr.) „ ^ OrlaiU on 2 Million (prefix) 54 Mohammed's me love lettei:*. In order to diacourage her, I told her I waa capital 31 Pillbox 47 Norte deity engaged to a ^Irl in California. (Not true.) She kept after me, 35 Squaring tool ton *0 1 told her I was gay and went both way*, but she said she I 36 Foreboding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 • 10 It 12 didn’t care.' 37 Th* (Fr.) Abby, I have absolutely no interest in this woman. I only 39 Ham of valus 13 ' 14 went to bed with her in Aspen because she expected me to 40 Hand , and I didn't want to disappoint her. Any suggestions. She's garmants 15 16 Leaks Slowed murntug Vol. XCVIII, No. 159 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday. April 7, 1979 making me crazy. 43 Electrical unit 17 It ' A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 a 204: Single Copy * 15$ Home Delivered STUPID IN DENVER 46 Flying liu c a rt 1 ■ ■“ HARRISBURG, Pa. (UPI) - (abbr.) zt Engineeri activated equipment to DEAR STUPID: If Alice read* the Rocky Mountain 47 Ba in debt slow radiation leakage from the CaptaTn Easy — Crooka A Lawranea so Performs not 24 25 26 26 30 31 News, you could be off the hook by nightfall. II not, be a man (cent) 1 1 Three Mile Island nuclear power and tell her that what hupened In Aspen did not mean to 32 DON'T LET MB DETAIN YOU ANY I'LL dO F ir« n BIS MOUTH DON'T COUNTON 52 Swaps 1 1 1 plant Friday and. with the overall YOU what it meant to HER, that the chemistry is not right LONdER-THE BOAT'S WAlTINBl AND HIS EXPLOSIVE LIFE "SAFE'ONCE WERE 55 Hire 34 situation steadily improving, cut lor a lasting love affair, and to cool It. Be gen tle-b u t firm. VEST WILL STAY ABOARD BOTH ASHORE. PAL! 56 Join the army 1 1 1 back on their intense round-the- 5.7 Percent TILL I'M SAFE ASHORE! 57 Sedentary 36 1. DEAR ABBY: I'm an eighth-grade teacher who thought 58 Canonized ■ 1 clock control room monitoring. your column. "Rules for Baby sitters" was so valuable that I woman (Fr.) « - The initial startup of the gas had copies made for all my students. We discussed your 43 44 47 48 48 removal system released a slight rules in class, ami one buy suggested this additional rule: DOWN 1 amount of radiation .to the en­ "Write down the address of the house where you're sit­ 60 61 52 S3 64 1 So(;lal club vironment, but Nuclear Unemployed ting and keep it next to the telephone in case you have to (abbr.) 65 56 Regulatory Commission officials call the police or fire department." . 2 Fatigue 57 56 expected the overall effect to Oftentimes sitters know how to get to a house but don't 3 Related group ■'i WASHINGTON (UPII - The level The automobile industry already know the address. This is very important when calling the significantly reduce radiation of unemployed Americans last month has started laying ofl workers police or fire department. (NEWtPAfCR f NTIRPWIE ASSN | hazards for thw first time in nine held finn al a 4 1/2 year low of 5.7 because of reduced plant operations, INDIANA TEACHER days. percent, the government reported particularly in Miehiglin. Companies vt -e at Reactor specialists continued hViday— hut the rale eould ereep up-, which produce auto parts are also DEAR TEACHER: Thanki lor an excellent addition. Win at bridge " ) Allay Oop —, Oava Oraua the slow process aimed at ward in coming months. slowing down production. Here's another from Portland, Ore. bringing the steel-shelled nuclear “The parent lor guardian) should' leave written permit- There were 96.8 million jobholders Analyists also were concerned that furnace past the danger point. in the United States during March, an a eonliniied shutdown ol (rucking •Ion with the sitter giving the doctor or emergency hoiplUl HE'S ALMOST UP, FEUA6I VfSURE HAD YOU AREN'T Y'KNOW, rHs 1 BECAUSE YH/CT BIG ‘i the right to treat a child In case of lllneii or accident. ONE MORE HEAVE AN' US WORRIED, , HALF A S TOO BAD OL' / c ritter WOULDVE Final, cold shutdown of the reac­ increase of 195,000 from February, could tlirow thousands more people Without written permlaalon, a minor cannot be treated." vsonr 'IMi OOP.'I CAN'T' GLAD A S HOOK-TDOTH'S MADE ONE HECKLMA tor was expected late next week. the Labor Departinent said in its out of work in (lie steel and TELL YOU HOW I A ^ CARCASS DRIFTH> BARBKilEc.. AN' I'M Paring losses to iriinimum ( aluminum industries. e ^ D 1 AM, D £ ^ 1H' RIVB?.,., h u m S cvI monthly analysis. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I arc planning to take our VMADE nr.' would still be able to make Plant Bombed March's 5.7 percent unemployment Administration economic olfieials first vacation away from our children. We have a 17-year-old Ills contract by means of a rate was identical with'February’s may urge action soon (o cool son and two daughters, 8 and 11. ■ TOULON, France (UPI) - An NORTH 46-A successful fines^ for the and ihe lowest since August 1974. down wha( tliey lielieve to lie an We're leaving the girls with relatives, and our problem is environmental group that said it 0 97 63 queen of hearts.' The rale, the most consistent of al "overheated” economy what to do about our son. He assures us he is able to stay South saw. a b etter way to wanted to prevent more W K J 4 of Ihe government's economic in­ If Ihe economy does slow, more home alone, and wants to. ♦ 14 make hia contract. He de­ ‘‘disasters’’ like the Three Mile We trust our son, but I tend to be on the nervous side and ♦ AS43 cided to swap off losers to Island nuclear incident set off a dicators. has ranged from 5.7 to 5.9 Americans will he llirown out ol don't know if 1 could handle R if anything were to happen to guard against the chance WEST EAST series of bombs Friday at a percent (luring each of llie past eight work. him while we were away. HeVa good kid who does what he's that E!ast would hold both montlis. The l,al)or Department gave lliis 0 6 O 10 B 2 the queen of hearts and 10 of nuclear site that wrecked to ld -if I'm around to check on him. His father has always 0 96 2 W()108S The administration has predicted breakdown on iineniitloymenl in left the discipline and raising of the kids to me, but Dad has a spades. experimental reactors and equip­ n Ey NtA Inc ■? M U B PM OH OAKQjn 092 So at trick three. South | unemployment will to 6.2 per­ March: short and, if anything goes wrung, it's my fault. OJIOS 0()972 ment ready for shipment. In your opinion, should we leave our son alone in the simply discarded the four of cent by Ihe end ol 1979, and there All workers. 5.7 pereenl, nn- Th« FlinttionM — Hanna Barbara Productlona SOUTH hearts from dummy. No radioactive material was Right Turn Reminders were indications Ihe upward swing changed from Kelmiary. adull men, house for 10 days, released in the sabotage attack at O A K Q J 4 This gave up any play for could begin soon. 4 percent, unelianged; adull women, UNDECIDED » A 73 an overtrick. But South was the southern nuclear plant at La The state Department of Transportation is bidding such turns at about 45 percent of the 5.7 percent, unchanged; teen-agers, SUPPOSE IT'S w r o n s T m a v &e v o l T n 0 10 6 5 well content to score game Seyne, but the explosions caused state’s 10,500 intersections with traffic Government and corporate of­ DEAR UNDECIDEp/volr letter auggeata that you lack TO BE t a l k in g ABOUT ) SHOULD TRY planning to spend up to $60,000 to familiarize BEARING « K 5 and rubber and even more millions of dollars worth of ficials arc beginning to worry that 15.5 percent, down from 16 1. wliiles, ■uHlclent confidence In your aon to Insure a worry-free vaca­ MY PROBLEMS ALL SOMETHING J the public with the law allowing right turns at signals. The signs, shown here at Broad 5 percent, up from 4.9; blacks, 112 THEM IN Vulnerable; Both content when he found that damage. Ihe economy will begin to feel tion-otherwise why would you have written to me? THE T I M E J V ELSE.' / SILENCE,' East did hold both the 10 of red ligiits, which goes into effect July 1. Street and Farmington Avenue in Hartford, serious effects of the .six-day-old percent, down from 11.9; lull-lime A good rule to follow: When In doubt—DON'T. Dealer: South spades and queen of hearts. A group calling itself the Exceptions to. the law will require signs for­ Teamsters slrikc-loekoul. workers. 5.1 pereenl. down I k iih 5.2. West North East South ''Group of French Ecologists” started going up Friday. (UPI photo) 1 0 AsklbcBiuM rts claimed responsibility for the at­ The teen years are the questioning yenrs. Abby has the 20 20 Pass 40 tack. Early police reports said Paaa Paaa Poaa answers to all your questions In her booklet, “What You hold: there were five bombs. , Teenagers Want to Know." Enclose II and a long, stamped 44-B A A X X “The Harrisburg (Pa.) disaster 128 cental, aell-tddreased envelope. Opening lead; OK Bureaucrats Use New Energy Policy W A X X X proves to us once more the 0 K J x - dangers of atomic industry,” an WASHINGTON (UPI) - Armed September 1981, all domestic oil will A A K x Department of Energy, adopted phasing out the traditional — and profit lax. however, and e.irly con­ anonymous caller representing with President Carter’s new save- rules setting in motion Carter's plan get the same prices as foreign oil. prized — system of free or cut-rate gressional reaction indicalcs that A Nebraska reader asks the group toid the newspaper Le what we think of a notrump energy manifesto to the nation, to phase out price-controlled "old” But morning-after critics attacked parking spaces reserved tor federal proposal faces rough going al best in Aatrograph By Oswald Jacoby opening bid with this hand. Monde. bureaucrats all over Washington set oil from established wells. The rules the decision to decontrol oil prices bureaucrats. Congress. The Born Losor — Art Santom and Abu Sontag We do not like it. Nineteen in motion bits and pieces of his new give a sharply higher price to low- from both sides — some saying I’owcll said about 130,000 parking Alfred Kahn, director ot Carler s high-card points represent But It Was energy policy Friday. production wells that might be aban­ Carter should not have proposed any spaces are affected nationwide, but anti-inflation drive, urged Americ.-ois Bernice Bede Osol r South noted East's pUy of too much strength for an the nine on the first diam ond The Federal Energy Regulatory doned but for the premium price. profit tax and others, like Sen. not the 8,200 controlled by Congress to "gel out there and tight like hell ■ncsoRsmLswLe ufOMVxi IDOkfTBeUEVB ^ opening notrump. Open with a WASHINGTON (UPI) - This is LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your lead and hia completion of one club and plan to jump Commission proposed rules for com­ The rules also would redefine what Edward Kennedy. D-Mass., .saying and thus exempt from Carter's drive. for that tax,” AWP'bUWILLiaiOW^O(X> iTliJu^rooMY the echo with the deuce a stickup, said the kid. “No, it's pleting new price lists for Alaska Carter should have got the tax before restleaaneas is likely to have next. is "old” anw "new " oil, so that much The aim is to encourage federal Powell said, 'We have a good your entire household upset when West continued the (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) not!” said the congressman. But ncftural gas, designed to encourage more oil can get the higher level of starting decontrol. workers to lake public transportation BBneve rri suit. chance of passage of Hie windl.dl c f e u r today unless you make some it was, and Rep. Stewart that production with premium,prices prices, “Old” oil is selling for about Trying to set an up-beat example to and from work. » active social plans and burn off When West led a third (For a copy of JACOBY MOD­ McKinney, R-Conn., figures the profit tax. The president indicated lie ^ B ir th d a y that superabundance of ener- ERN. send SI to: "Win at first authorized in the 1978 energy $5.82 a barrel, the announcement for the nation, administration , I'i n e r g y S e c r e ta r y .lam es diamond South could ruff shot that followed must have been intends to fight loi' it.” with the nine in dummy and Bridge." care of this newspa­ act. said, and oil from newer production leaders began announcing the steps Schicsinger, meantime, said he will vI r QO (Aug. 21-Sapt. 22) Don't a blank. hope that it would hold. Then per. P.O. Box 489. Radio City The EJconomic Regulatory Ad­ is bringing $12.94. The rules will have they are taking to enforce within the take a number .of steps, including Hut Kennedy .said t'.irlcr "pul Hie April 7. 1979 Ignore your hunches today, but Stallon. New York. N. Y. 10019.) "I didn't hear ‘air’ and I don’t if East did overruff. South ministration issued a special rule to a period of public comment before federal government .some of energy- reorganizing his chain of command, cart before Hie horse ' in tailing In Your friondships could lake on they do need monitoring. They have a hole in my head,” says new meaning for you this com* could lead you into doing speed utility use of temporarily sur­ being put into effect June 1. conservation steps outlined hy Carter to improve the department's lines of make Congress pass Hie la^x 111 a McKinney, 48, a former Air Force ing year. Closer bonds can be something Impulsively, that Htathcllff — Gaorga Qataly plus natural gas in place of fuel oil, Both old and new oil will get steadi­ Thursday night. comniunicalion with the public and trade-off for (leconinilliiig (loiiiesHc cemented with old friends, and Isn't too bright. drill instructor who knows the much of which is expensive and im­ ly higher prices under the complex White House press secretary Jody Congress, oil prices — wliicli he has decided to new associations will stand the LIBRA (Supl. 23-Oct. 23) Keep­ sound real bullets make in the air. lest of time ing up with Iree-wheeling. lasl- ported. plan announced Thursday night by Powell said, for example, that Carter Most ol tile comment on Carter's do starting June I with nr wiHioiil the ARIES fMarch 21-Aprll 19) Your spendlng pals today could eal McKinney said he was accosted The same agency, part of the C arter, so that by the end of has ordered his budget office to start new program focu.sed on the windfall profits tax personality may have extra pl- up your allowance. A good lime ywaA.M«.*ll Rut U» » V-* < m u EMitorial ...... 4 Thursday night. constructive and forward-looking persons who are sensitive and •president's decision to gradually He implied that taster deeonlrol awry, don’ t light it. Leave gentle. Abrasive types will T t Entertainment ...... 2 The companies said the windfall program.” president's incredible statement that things until another day cause you to react In like Short Riba — Frank Hill Obituaries ...... 8 tax would defeat the purpose o! He said it served notice to the deregulate oil prices to cushion the the American people will not pay this would be desirable add said be CANCER (June 21-July 22) manner today. regretted that President Carter lell People/Places...... 9 deregulation to a considerable extent world that "we are serious and deter­ impact on the public. tax, every cent of the tax will he paid Friends on whom you may have PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) You THB, N ai DREAMEDED WE . ^ AND I r a__ n M V been depending could una­ by sopping up money that ought to go mined to solve our energy problems The harshest criticism of the talk hy the consuming public" it neeessary to eastigale the oil in­ won't go Wrong today In what­ yVERE C>J3TURIN0- SWORD INTO M V Sports...... 13-14 dustry and allege excessive prolils voidably let you down today. ever you do so long as it Is In A 6F4ANISI-I O A lleO N . W A T E R B E D . Television ...... TV Spotlight into expanded exploration for and reduce our dependence on im­ came from Jack M. Allen, president Turning to the urgent need for You'd to rely only on line only with your highest petroleum. ported oil." of the Independent I’etroleum more exploration,and drilling, Allen ami price gouging. yourself if there's something Ideals. Don't hedge one lota. Weather ...... 2 Important to be done. INEWSPAPYR ENTERPRISE ASSN 1 In a statement from its White Bvrry't World — Jim Barry ♦1DGOR..OR WW.YOO EXT IT HCRC?' Your Noighbort’ Viows: do you favor building more nuclear energy plants? Buga Bunny — Halmdahl ft Sloffal / Shoppers Asked «...... mm R«( ua ^ OM Our Boarding Houaa Thia Funny World To Check Costs 11 WASHINGTON (UPI) - In hopes fort represented another escalation POYLE.THE COMPUTER dOME RJLKd th in k I of breathing new life into its lagging of the anti-inflation program. i f Id REY0LUTk7NIZIN6 /AARKET- YW PdTiU. n e e d ' anti-inflation program, the ad­ NG! ^ T O R E COULD CODE ’SOMEONE TOdTACKTME The program has been criticized TrtE iTEMd, RUN THEM BY Av 5HELVE6, MAJOR! AND IF ministration Friday asked shoppers to because prices have surged during 5CANMER AND CKAWE YOU DON'T HAVE AN look out for price-gougers and report the first three months of 1979. Critics BY CREDIT CARD.' EMPLOYEE IN EVERY them to the government. also claim the administration is ben­ AISLE, dHOPLlFTERd The “missing link” in President ding its wage guideline to meet OF COURSE THEYD NEED L ARE BOLD ENOUGH Carter's five-month anti-inflation ef­ Teamsters Union demands. MANAGER FOR THE PER6 LV® STEAL tKE SHELVES At a White House briefing called to TOUCVl ALONG WITH fort has been “people out in the fie)d, ■ T rtfltg i. actively engaged in monitoring of unveil the consumer involvement THE 6 0 0 » ^ program, Kahn said "as much as It t a k e g >> w t o f r e - prices — demanding explanations” everyone- dislikes' inflation, there eoOeCEFULNeGG TO HITCH from retailers.” said Alfred Kahn, really is no organized constituency to Rioe THWE the government’s chief inflation A t w s .' combat it.” monitor. Edna Sposato Jay Reed Brenda Wonp; Edward N'ielHen Walter Kukevieli So, Kahn said, the council will The administration said it will begin immediately “to receive and Edna Spoaato, 47 Benton St., and use electricity, we have to .South Windsor — “At this point, about it. Not enough to s;iy they / begin publishing information each investigate price information" from Manchester — “Honestly, I don’t have it. If 50 years ago, someone no. I don't believe more should be should be built." month to help educate consumers consumers. know'. That last incident frightens had offered something which built until further testing is done Irene .\lliee, 3) Duncan Road. which products are good buys so as to '.‘What we will get from the field is yoti.” would give us a new, way of life and more precautions made,” Manchester — They're a neee.s,s(- help them "better cope with in­ information about specific prices J a y Reed, Reed's Inc., and mobility, but would have Edward VieUen, 13 Hunter ty. Something we can I (l(i flation." charged in specific places for Manchester — “Definitely. We killed 50,000 people a year and Drive, Tolland — “ Definitely not. without. People are objecting a i| FEW Esther Peterson, Carter's special products coming from specific com­ either have the choice of having maimed many more, would we If they are going to build them, let lot to nuclear energy. Init will “ Yef), fft/'s is suite 953. What can I do for ROUGH adviser on consumer affairs, said she panies,” he said. "That kind of infor­ electricity and driving our cars or have been for it? That is the them be put out on the salt fiats.” make a great difference with (he you?" 'd, MAJOR' wanted to make it clear the price­ mation is very hard to get in going back tb the horse and buggy automobie.” Walter Kul

EVENING HERALD. Sat.. Am il 7. 1979 - PAGE SEVEN ( Wings of' Morninfl ^By CLIFF SIMPSON Priest’s Dream Realized Marchers that he was the way, the truth, and was reported that this sign had The style today that reached its the life. He asserted that “ye shall appeared; zenith in the sixties finds people know the truth and the truth will set “Trespassers will be prosecuted, to marching. There have been freedom you free." (John 8:32). the full extent of the’law. Sisters of With Shrine Dedication '^marchers in the South, welfare It seems that many then like today, Mercy.” recipients marching on the com­ sing, “ I love a praise” and follow^ Can'You Identify? |{> l)0 ^ ^ \ IIO l.L A M ) london. The tabernacle is The tabernacle is the represents a sign ol the missioner's office, farmers the crowd. The Pharisees said, " ... made of carved wood that A girl nicknamed “ Moose” by her lirnilil (!»rr<'h|Mmil<'iil origian steel chest made Eucharist. marching (or riding tractors,) on lo. thd world is gone after him.” has been gold loafed and is when the church was built ■Art Ritchie* did the classmates because of her above BOLTON — A thrcc-year Washington, students marchijig to (John 1^:8) How quickly the yells of surrounded by guardian in 1957. It has been covered framing, carving and the .multitude changed from, average size suffered from a terrible dream of the Rev. Robert angels. the dean's office, millions of Ira& n s inferiority complex until she decided with a woodejn frame into gilding, at his studio in "Blessed is he that cometh in the Cronin, pastor of St. The angels, wes^’ marching through Teheran, and me$L to do something with her large which is cyved wooden Avon. name of the Lord” (Matthew 21:9) to Maurice Church, became a scultped by Marion recently marchers that protest the physique. •panels hayoHagen fitted and There are chairs and use of nuclear energy. ^ “crucify him” (Luke 23:21)! The reality recently with the Wallace of West Hartford. thengoltr leafed. kncelers in front of the A young businessman was deep in dedication of a new taber­ The angels, cast in solid Certainly it calls attention to the fickle mood of the moment had debt when he picked up an ice cream The panels were shrine for those who wish reversed itself in just five days. nacle shrine. bronze, each ^oxlehd "cause" — and on occasion wins con­ recipe from an elderly German im­ designed by Helen Veitch. to pray or medilale. • Let us not be too dondemnatory on About three years ago protective, outsrelched verts and support. Elach march has a migrant for $300. He started by a lo c a l artist and The shrine was dedicated th&crowd or the disciple;. Let us not Father Cronin began plan­ arms over and toward the parishioner of SI. Maurice purpose, a message, a proclamation, peddling ice cream along nearby during all masses, Sun­ to be too smug about our loyalty to ning and preparing for the respective side of the Chur c h. E a c h panel a way of life, an ideal. beaches, then began opening up day. the Christ. If we point the finger at tabernacle which enshrines tabernacle they guard. Can we say that Jesus on Palm restaurants. “the crowd” for their quick change, the sacremeni and Sunday was the original “marcher'!? Mrs.. M argaret Rudkin started we should in all fairness show what sacrifice of the Holy Certainly that “triumphant entry" baking bread at 40 on order of the sits into today's pattern of marching happened to those whom Christ had Eucharist. The Holy doctor because her nine-year-old son P^ucharist is represented Everything You Ever Wanted To Know for a purpose. Perhaps at the time chosen, and who had been with him in had asthma. She not only made his ministry. by bread and wine at each his followers just sort of stumbled enough palatable bread for her son, About If you read carefully the accounts mass. onto the idea and then the idea of a but went on to start the $50 million demonstration blossomed into what in the four gospels of that last week The shrine is located Pepperidge Farm Bakeries. beside the altar in the actually happened. (Palm Sunday to Easter), you will ,“Moose,” whose real name is church. The entire area Certainly there was a deep purpose see how weak were his chosen. One HUD Spiritual Award Winners Mickey Wright, became the greatest which houses the taber­ in that march. Jesus marched to set of them sold his Master, two were • Hear both sides from Manchester^tsbest Informed Wednesday night. At left is Rabbi Leon Wind, long ball hitter in women's golf. And nacle was designed by Two winners of the Community Service people free — free from fear, free competing to see who would be first every motorist knows the ice cream public officials and citizens. Temple Beth Sholom, 1978 winner, and at from anxiety, from hatred, free from Father Cronin. Award for Spiritual Leadership, given by the in the coming kingdom, another who man whose name was Howard John­ Two windows that were Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, right, Monsignor Edward J. Reardon, 1979 bondage, free from sin, free from swore to “go to prison and to death” son. • Ask them your questions death, free from doubt. He claimed originally in the lormer were present at the annual Chamber dinner recipient. (Herald photo by Burbank) (Luke 22:33) ended up by denying he Frequently a disastej^, a disap­ choir section of the church ever knew the an, and all the rest pointment, a bad fall, misfortune or wore moved to the rear PUBLIC FORUM when the chips were down, fled into ill luck can be the stepping stone to Bream Realised,*,,, wall of the shrine and Religious Services the night. Would you or I do better? victory. There is an old saying that it lighted artificially. APRIL 9,7:30 P.M. How thankful I am for those few gets darkest just before dawn. This is center, of Bolton who designed the panels in The tabernacle is rai.sed Illing Jr. High School words Jesus said to Peter at the Last springtime. Next week is Easter. The Rev. Robert Cronin, pastor of St. upon a black wooden breaking bread; 11:45 a m., Sunday the shrine and Marion S. Wallace of West Andover \u rlh I'nileil MrlhodiHl Churrli, 300 Supper. Tliere is still hope. Even |f -you are Maurice Church in Bolton, admires the new pedestal that was made hy Manchoslor Human Ralatlona Commlaaloi school; 7 p.m.. gospel meeting. Parker St, Rev. Earle R. Custer, pastor. 15 a.m., worship service, nursery. “Simon, Simon behold, Satan asked Hartford, who sculpted the angels guarding Full GoHprl Inlr/ilriioiiiiiiuliofiul Church of Si. Hernurd,, Rockville, walking through the valley of death, tabernacle shrine, dedicated at the church Anthonv Nassetta of Now and Laagua ol Woman Volara, Co-8pont( Flrol (]ongrt'f(ulionul Cliiirrli of An- 9 and 10:30 a.m., worship services; 9 to have you that he might sift you as the shrine. (Herald photo by Pinto) f tJiu rrh , 745 Main St. Rev. Philip dev. John J, White, pastor. Saturday God is still with you is the evidence last Sunday. Looking on are Helen Veitch, ilotrr. Route 6, Rev. David J. Reese III, a m., nursery; 10:30a.m., church school. wheat; but'-I made supplication for Saunders, mini.ster. 10:30 a m., praise, masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; Sunday masses at from Psalm'23 and Jesus says, “Lo, I minister. 9:45 a.m., church school: 11 Ciimiiiuiiily KupliHl fJiurrh, 585 E. worship servi'ce and Bible study: 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. thee, that thy faith fail not; and do am with you always even unto the a.m., worship service. Center St. Rev. Ralph Seguine, interim deliverance service minister. 9:15 a.m., church school: 10:30 Rockiillc t'nilcd MclhoiliHl (Jiurch, thou, when once thou hast turned end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20). Recycline Fuilh BiiiiiIhI tJiiirrh, 52 Lake St. a.m.. worship, nursery. 142 Grove St. Rev. Richard E. Thompson, again stablish thy brethren.” (Luke Religion is Forever Rev. James Beliasov. pastor. 9:30 a.m.. pastor. 10:45 a.m., worship service. 22:31, 32J Bolton Churrli iif (hr Nuzurrnr, 236 Main St. Let us suppose that every cause for Sunday schtxil; 10:30 a m., worship ser­ Rev. Neale McLain, senior pastor; Rev. I'rinily l.ulhcrun (fhurrh. Jesus had faith that Peter would To Benefit Cliureh of .Si. Muorire, 32 Hebron vice; 7 p.m., evening service. George Emmitt, minister of visitation Meadowlark Road. Rev. Donald McLean, turn a p in and that he still had a job which anyone has ever marched'is pastor. 8 and 10:30 a.m., worship service, successful. All disease is cured, ail Road. Rev. Robert W. Cronin, pastor. Churrli of ihr \NHUlliplioil, Adams and outreach. 9:30 a m., Sunday school; for him. Most important, Jesus Schools Street at Thompson Road. Rev. Edward I nion ConKrcgulionul (Jiurcli, race hatred abolished, a world of ac­ Saturday mass at 3 p.m.; Sunday masses 10:45 a.m,, worship, children's church prayed for him — and what a joy it is TWO at 7:30, 9:15 and 11 a.m. S. Pepin, pastor. Saturday masses at 5 and nursery; 7 p.m., evening service, Rockville. Rev. Paul J. Bowman, tual peace, poverty is banished, there VERNON —The Vernon minister; Rev. David B. Eusden, to know that he is praying still today Rollon rnileil .MelhoillNl Cliiireli, and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday masses at 7:30. 9. nursery. is no more rape or child abuse or Recycling Committee will 1040 Boston Turnpike. Rev. Marjorie 10:30 and 11:45 a m. associate minister. 8:30 a m., church for you and me! The old hymn tells a tialiury fJiiirrh (.\HHi‘iiihlirn uf well-known fact of life: juvenile delinquency or any other .sponsor an aluminum Miles, pastor. 10 a.m.. church school: II Churrli of JrniiH tJirlMl of I.ulirr-Duy Giiil), 647 E. Middle Turnpike, Rev. school. Grades 10 to 12; 8:45 a.m.. adult social evil. DAYS Bible class; 9:45 a.m., church school, in­ “I need thee every hour. Most recycling contest, in­ a m., worship service. SiiiiiiH, Woodside Street and Hillstown Kenneth L. Gustafson, pastor; Karl A. Is all this “ impossible dream” St, Georfie'it Epiftropul CliorHi, Road. Wendel K, Walton, bishop. 8 a.m., fants to Grade 8: 10 a.m., worship; 11 gracious Lord; volving the town's elemen- • Gustafson, assistant to the pastor. 9:30 were accomplished, there would still Boston Turnpike. Rev. John C. llilliger, .seminary; 8:30 a m., priesthood; 10:30 a m., coffee hour. I need thee every hour; Stay thou tary schools. The winners a.m., Sunday school; 10:30 a.m., service be a need for religion. Such questions vicar. 10 a.m., Holy Eucharist; 11 a m., a m., Sunday school; 5 p.m.. sacrament of worship; 6:30 p.m., evening service. rulcolliillc tiongrcguliunul tJiurch, near by; ' will be judged by the total SAT., 9 AM to 9:30 PM •SUN., 11 AM to 5 PM as “what is the purpose Of life?” and ONLY! coffee fellowship: church school and service. Coiirordiii l.uthrrun (Miiirrh, Rev. Kenneth E. Knox, pastor. 10:30 Temptations lose their power weight of all aluminum nursery until 11:30. Siiluilion \riiiy,661 Main St. Cap. and (l,.i:. \.i, 40 Pitkin St. Rev. Burton D. a m.. Worship and Sunday school. When thou art nigh. “is the universe just weather doing collected by each school, Rollon ConKri'Kulionul Cliiircli, Mrs. Arthur Carlson, corps officers. 9:30 Strand, pastor. Rev. David B. Stacy. Firnl (aingrcgulionul (Jiurch of \cr- and unding itself?” and “if there is a by June 6. iioii. 695 Hartford Turnpike. Rev. John A. 1 need thee, oh I thee; Every hour 1 Bolton Ccnlpr Road. Rev. J. Stanton a m.. Sunday school; 10:45 a m., holiness as.sociate pastor. 8:30 a.m.. Holy Com­ need thee;' god, does he care?” and “ what The schools involved ConovefTTmnistcr. 9:30 a m., nursery, meeting; 6 p.m., open-air meeting; 7 munion. Youth Class, nursery for small Lacey, minister. Rev. David C. Bowling, happens after death?” Such longings are: Northeast, Maple chupch school and worship service; 10:30 p.m.. salvation meeting. assistant minister. 9:55 a.m., church 0 bless me now, my Savior, I come EVERY children; 10 a m.. Holy Communion. to thee. of the human soul come to a climax Street, Vernon Elemen­ coffee and fellowship. 10:45 a m., I iiitril PrnlrroMlal tihiirrh, 187 Church School through Grade 6, nursery school, child care; 10 a.m., worship ser­ for the Christian on this weekend and tary, I^ke Street, Skinner BROADWAY vice; ll'a.m., coffee hour, 5 p.m.. Junior study group, forum. Woodbridge <6t. Rev. Mar'l'in Stuart, for small children. through the next. Road, Center Road, and St. minister. 10 am ., Sunday school; 11 I iiiliiriun I iiiii-rHulint Siirii-I): Cunt, High Pilgrim Fellowship; 7 p.m.. Senior SHOW AND a.m., worship; 6:30 p.m., prayer; 7 p.m , High Pilgrim Fellowship. What’s That, Again? Have a meaningful Holy Week that' Bernard and St. Joseph's f.'ommunity Y, 78 N. Main St. Rev. Ar­ your Easter may be blessed indeed. parochial schools. MOVIE Coventry worship. ^ nold Westwood, m inister. 11 a m . In the "World Catholic Review" 2LP SET ' I’rrshylrriun (Jiiirrh. 43 Spruce St. Meeting, followed by coffee and discus­ Clean aluminum will be SOUNDTRACK C.o\eniry l’rci>l>yli'riiin Cliiirrli. Rev. Richard Gray, pastor 10:30 a m., weighed and collected by PALMOLIVE Nathan Hale School Road, Route 31. Rev. sion. Church school and nursery care Serlst 1298. worship service, nursery; 9:15 a m., Sun­ available. the Rockville Scrap Com­ LP SERIES Dr. Richard W. Gray, pastor. 9:30 a m., day school; 7 p.m., informal worship. Church Bulletin Board pany at each school, on r in our stock, worship; II a m.. Sunday school; 7:30 Si. JoIiii' h PiiIIhIi Niiliunul Calholir OufReg.i.os...... 3 8 ^ p.m., Bible study at parsonage. June 6. Churrli, 23 Golway St. Rev. Walter A. First prize will be $100; Now at I’rinrr of I’rurf l.ullicrun Cliiirrli, discussion. Sunday school and Soloists are Gary Jodoin, Norman Hyszko, pastor. 9 a m., mass in English; Breakfasts Scheduled second, $50; and third, $25 1 refill Route 31 and North River Road. Rev. W. nursery care will be available. Nordeen, Marion Hutt, Sharon Special 10:30 a.m., mass in English and Polish. South Windsor MANCHESTER - Several Palm and each competing school AJAXAII-Purpoae H. Wilkens, pastor. 9 a m , Sunday Si. Burlholoiiiew'H Churrli, 741 E. Dayton, and Charles Lynn, choir Sunday breakfasts have ^been will receive $10, Gees school; 10:15 a.m., worship service; 7:30 Middle Turnpike. Rev. Marlin J. Church of Nazarene director. Accompanists are Dorothy Sale Prices Household Cleai^neir p.m., prayer meeting. Wuppiiig tioiiiiiiiinily Churrli. 1790 scheduled by area churches for Sun­ For further information .Scholsky, pastor. Saturday mass at 5 Flllington Road. Rev. Harold W. Richard­ MANCHESTER — A mini-cantata, Karlberg, organist, and Betty Lou Si. Sliiry'n Churrli, Route 31 Rev K day morning. contact Barbara Von Hone, ““W j ,4 9 ...... 9 9 i p.m.: Sunday masses at 8:30.10and 11:30 son, minister. 9:15 and 10:45 a m., “We Have Come," will be presented Nordeen, pianist. The public is in­ Bernard Miller, pastor; Rev. Erancis A Scheduled breakfasts include 643-0076 ; Mrs. Inguanti, Series G798.. 4.66 Series 1198. 6.37 am . worship service and church school. during the Palm Sunday worship ser­ vited. Liszewski, assistant pastor Saturday Si . JiinieH C hurrli, Rev. James breakfast for men and boys at the 872-3476; or Mrs.Nesteruk, St, FrunriH of AnmIhI Church, 673 vice, beginning at 10:45 a.m. at the masses at 5 and 7 p.m.. Sunday masses at Archambault, Rev William F. Carroll. North United Methodist Church, 300 872-739 - _ 5 7 Series H898TT5.27 Series 1298 7.27 7:30, 9:30 and 10:45 a m. Ellington Road. Rev. Carl J. Sherer, Church of Christ Rev. Francis V. Krukowski, team Parker St., 6;30 a.m.; breakfast for Church of the Nazarene, 236 Main St. Sernnil Congrrgiilliinul Cliiirrli, pastor. Saturday masses at 5 and 7 p.m.; MANCHESTER — Palm Sunday Series 998 ... 5 . 6 7 Series 1398 ministry; Rev. Edward J. Reardon, Sunday masses at 7:30. 9:30 and 11 a.m. men, South United Methodist Church The cantata consists of a collection 7.87 Route 44A. Rev, Robert K. Bechtold, of songs arranged by Ted Fettke with has been designed “Visitors Day” at II pastor emeritus. Saturday masses at 5 Si, Miirgiirrl Mur\ Church, Rev. John 1226 Main St., 6:30 a.m.; breakfast Passport pastor. II a m., worship service; 9:30 praise, thanksgiving worship at its the Church of Christ, Lydall and Ver­ Series 1098.. 5 . 9 7 Series 1498 8.37 and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday masses at 7:30, 9 J Quinn, pastor; Rev Joseph H. for men, Wapping Community a m., church school; 10:30 a m . coffee and 10:30 a m . noon, and 5 p.m theme. The participants are Deborah non streets. Attendance goals have and fellowship; 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Keating, assistant pastor. Saturday Church, South Windsor, 8 a.m. and Forms Are ....”1.33 Si. Brhigri Churrli, 70 Main St. Rev. Collins, Jeanine Cowles, Sandra been set'for Bible school at 9 o'clock ove>''°.o Series 1598. 9.70 Fellowship masses at 5 p.m.: Sunday masses at 8:30, Palm Sunday breakfast. Second Philip A. Sheridan and Rev. Emilio P. 10 and lt:30 a.m. ^ Swain, Glenda Minor, Dennis Platt, and for worship at 10. Congregational Church, 385 North Padelli. co-pastors Saturday masses at 5 .S|. Pclcr*H KpiHcopul Church, Sand Gregory and Kathi Peck, with Paul The entire worship service is being Available ■>“*'*’**0161®^'’^' and 7:30 p.m; Sunday masses at 7:30, 9. Hill Road, Rev. Bruce Jacques, vicar; Main St., 8:30 a.m. planned with visitors in mind, ^ r - East Hartford Munsie, soloist, and is under the MANCHESTER -P er­ 10:30 and noun. Rev. Ronald E. Haldeman, assistant to mon topic announced by the Unitarian Universalist leadership of Kathi Peck, music sons planning to travel FlrNl Vimriiililirii of Coil, 763 Oak St. the vicar. 8 a m.. Holy Communion; 10 minister, Eugene Brewer, is “Bom director of the church.. abroad this spring or Rev, Ralph F. Jelley. pastor. 10 a m., Kniiiiiiirl l.iilhrrun Churrli, Church a m.; family service and Sunday school. MANCHESTER - The Rev. Ar­ The public is invited to attend. Again,” a them of special interest church school: 11 a m., morning and Chestnut streets. Rev. Ronald J. \icry Sired (ihriNliun Kcfuriiicil nold Westwood, minister of the currently. As usual the service will summer should apply for worship; 7 p.m,, evening service. Fournier, Rev. Dale H. Gustafson, Chiircii. Rev. Bert VanAnlwerpen, Unitarian Universalist Society: their passports as soon as Flrnl Riiplinl Churrli of K.uiil Hurl- pastors; Tom Larsen, intern; Rev, C. pastor. 9:45 a m., Sunday school; 11 a.m. Trinity Covenant center around the observance of the East, will discuss a “Seder Family Lord's Supper, with the sermon to possible, Manchester Post­ forti (.Sotillirrn Rii|ilinl Coii\rnlion|, 36 Henry Anderson, pastor emeritus. 8:30 and 7 p.m.. worship service, nursery at Service" to celebrate ties with the MANCHESTER - The choir of master William Christy Main St. Rev. Charles Coley, pastor tl a m., worship service; 9:45 a m., Bible follow. Congregational hymn-singing both services, Jewish community at its meeting Trinity Covenant Church will present said. a.m. and 7 p.m., worship services, study, church school, nursery, adult Mi-hmIiiIi K\iiiigclicul Lulhcrun the cantata “Hallelujah, What a and prayers will punctuate -the Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Community worship, emphasizing the sermon Only the passport nursery, 9:45 am ., Sunday school; 6 forum, 11 a.m., worship servlce.nursery, tihiirch tWiKcouHin Synod), 300 Savjor" by John W. Peterson at the application forms are p.m., -Training Union children's chapel service. Buckland Road. Rev. Ronald Muetjel, y. 78 N. Main St. theme. Members of the congregation who 6:30 p.m. Palm Sunday service. available at the main Post Fiiilli l.iillirriiii Churrli (l.iillirriiii Jrhm all's WiiiirsNcs, 647 Tolland pastor. 9:30 a m., worship service; 10:30 The program includes narration by At noon, members and their guests fJiurrli in Aiiirririi), 1120 Silver fame. Turnpike. 9:30 a m.. Bible discourse; a m , Sunday school. have had previous experience with will have an old-fashioned basket Office located at 479 Main Rev. Paul E, Henry Jr., pastor. 9:30 10:20 a.m , group discussion. Our Suiiiir Culhcriin Church, 239 the passover festival meal will in­ Milton Nilson, assistant to the Rev. St. in Manchester. Norman Swensen, pastor; and par­ dinner in the church fellowship hall. a m., church school; II a m , service, /.Ion CMiiigrliriil l.uihrruii Churrli Graham Road. Rev. Ronald A. Erbe, troduce lements of the Seder Service. The whole day's program is open to The applications are nursery, ticipation by the congregation in the (Missiiiiri Syiiiid). Cooper and High pastor. 9 a m.. Sunday school and adiilt There will be a time for coffee and the public. mailed to Stamford where GENERAL ELECTRIC Flrnl CunKrrKiiliiiniil Churrli. 87 streets. Rev Charles W Kuhl, pastor. 9 Bible classes: 9 and 10:15 a m., worship. hymns included in the cantata. they're process and ‘First Alert’ Smoke Tampax Tampons Main St. Rev. William E Flynn, a m , family worship; 10:15 a m , Sunday returned to the applicant. Detector by Pittway AM/FM Digital Bo3.95 mHt Pub.Lltl2.2S 9, f O 115 9 o r , Heg or Mint Forbes St. Rev. Ralph Saunders, pastor. Christian erlucation; 11 a ni , fellowship Persons applying for a Wide selection. Including: 2.76! 1 Walnut-grain polystyrene R(K-kvillc. ^turday masses at 5 and 7 WASHINGTON lUPl) - The Austrian primate world should likewise be a Includes battery. 8SA76 An anti-fuehrer'rises Nominated for National Book Our Rag. 1.41...... 10 a m., Sunday school. II a m . worship hour ' passport need a state- •Turners • Spoons • Ladles Covers sM of Norih cabinet. 1 .09 pm,: Sunday masses at8:30 (Polish), 10 said that it was not the task fruit of cooperation By • Strainers • Many, many others *SMcMi( America! Total information to unify Germany' Award 4 major new stories service; 7 p.m., cvang-listic service. Soiilli 1 iiilrd Mrlhoilisl Churrli, 1226 For the sake of, the world certified copy of their birth and 11:15 a m and its future, according to of his secretariat to between believers and non­ Eugene Nursery at all services. Main St. Rev George W. Webb, Rev. Brewer records, a second forn; of Rnrk\ille IliipliMl Gliuri-li, 69 Union Cardinal Franz Konig, “preach a crusade against believers.” II o r kail II III Ciiilril Mrlhiiili!«t Uiurence M Hill, Rev. Bruce A Pehr- St. Rev. Robert L. LaCounte. pastor. 9 identification and two tJiiirrh, 178 Main St., Rev. laiwrcnce S son, pastors 9 and 10:45 a m . worship Christianity must be in atheism"., but to seek “a Konig also expressed the “There is therefore now duplicate studio a m., worship service: 10:15 a m., Sun- hope that “on the level of VIGORO Staples, pastor, 9 a.m.. worship service, services; 6:30 p.m , Junior High d.iv school: 7 p.m,, evening service. dialogue with atheism and basis for diaogue with non­ no condemnation to them photographs taken within nursery. Mcthoilist Youth Fellowship; 7:30 p.m , Sacred llcarl < Jiiirch, Route 30. Rev. non-believers. believers. " human contacts the in­ that are in Christ Jesus,” the past six months. A Improved praise and leaching service; 9 am ., tolerance of militant Rom 8:1. And we are in Riirii»hlr I nileil MrlhiiiliKi ( liiirrh. Halph Kelley, pastor; Rev. Michael Konig, primate of the “On this level, in a world passport is good for five 16 Church St Rev Henry J. Scherer Jr church school, adult class and crib atheism will be Christ when His Spirit is in Lawn Fertilizer Donohue Saturday mass at 5 p.m.; Sun­ Roman Catholic Church in which is rapidly becoming years. and Gwendolyn M. Arslen, pastors 9:,10 nursery, 10 45 a m., senior high class, transformed into a tolerant u9i verse 9. The require­ (10,000 Sq. Ft. Coverage) day masses at 7:30, 9, 10:30 a m. and Austria - and head of the one world, there are com­ Since 1970 the Postal Ser­ a m . worship service, child care nursery noon ^ mon tasks for believers ment of law is fulfilled Vatican Secretariat for attitudf.” through Christ in those who vice has accepted passport Caldor Rag. Prica... 14.97 Vti'slry Mriiiiiriul Churrli (( iiilril Criilrr Coiigrrguliiimil Churrli. II Si. Jtdiii'<* F;|>ir*copal tJiiircli, Route "Unfortunately, in­ Center St. Rev. Newell H Curtis Jr,, Non-Believers, is one of and non-believers: serve the Spirit and not the applications in a joint ef­ Mrihiiilini Chiirrhi, 110 Ellington Road ,30. Rev. Robert H. Wellner, rector. 8 tolerance towards those CildorSalaPrica . . . 11.76 Rev Gordon Gale, pastor 9:,'t0 a m . pastor. Rev. Dr. Clifford 0. Simpson, the church's most influen­ securing world peace, flesh, verses 3-4. fort with the Department a m., communion; 10 a m., family ser­ tial experts on atheism and common efforts to assure a holding a religious view of Vigoro Mill-ln . worship service, child care. (lastor emeritus. 10 a m., worship ser­ vice and church school/ The Spirit is promised to of State to provide more Raltata...... 4.S0* vice, church school; 11:15 a m., coffee humanism and has been peaceful world oixler and life is still characteristic of believers who repent and convenient service to U.S. Vcnion \s!«ctiildict* of C imI tjiurcti, peaceful 5?!?*i®*3nce, miliUnt atheism,” he said. shop. Communion first Sunday and bap­ 51 Old Town Road. Rockville. Rev. Elarl deeply involved in the are baptized. Acts 2:38. citizens planning to travel YbUR 7 O f t Glastonbury tism third Sunday of each month. K. Pettibone, pastor. 9:45 a m,, Sunday Vatican's efforts to open triving for justice." But he said that some An9 we are baptized into abroad. The Postal Service Deluxe FINAL COST... r . £ U Christ. Only by God's Si, >luri's K|iisru|iul Churrli. Park school; It a m., worship service, communciation between "Indirectly, " he said, strides had been made and the State Department 12” diegonal Gives your lawn the added Si. I)uiiniim\ Churrli. Manchester and Church stijeets. Rev. Stelphen K. since Vatican (k)uncil II. promise do we Imow that boost it needs for a healthy Road Rev. Joseph R Bannon. pastor nursery, 6 pm., evangelistic service, the church and the Soviet-1 “the struggle for a better select cities where the ser- B/W Portable TV Jacobson, rector; Rev Alan J. nursery. dominated countries of! we are in Christ, where spring start. Saturday mass at 5 p.m . Sunday ma.sses there is no coodwnnatioa, ' vice will be offered. As of with Quality Broadhead. assistant to the rector. 7:30 \crnon I nilcd yh-lhiHfirl Churrli, DuPont Latex -SMCIwti liKd.lall>. at 8. 9:30 and 11 a m Elastern Europe. or that His Spirit abides ln< last December^^ about 800 R.b.M> .r on otlwr lU M . a m,. Holy Eucharist: 9 a.itTr.'Holy Route 30, Rev Marjorie Hiles, pastor. Features . Redwood Stain Fairfield Fiberglass .0 “In the worldwide con­ us, and we are walking not Post offices in' 49 states LImll 1 rtb it . p«r Itmllir. Eucharist, church school, nursery, m m Our Rag. Racquetball Racquet followed'by coffee hour; 11 a m . Holy frontation between OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH after the flesh but after the were accepting the .OOaAi. seeOal Hebron Eucharist. Christians and non­ MISSOURI SYNOD Spirit. applications. 4 T T 7 ' Our Rag. *" believers," Konig told a Thus we are free from Adds color and texture to 7. / f 12.99 LOFTS PERENNIAL RYE GRASS SEED S|. IVirr’i F|ii-.rii|iiil Churrli. Route Churrli of Chri»i. Lydall and Vernon Holy Wt'fk St'hfdulo 239 GRAHAM RD. SOUTH WINDSOR Features built-in antenna, molded carry fences, siding, patio furniture. streets. . Eugene Brewer, minister. 9 G'eorgetown University Rn, Rom!d A. Erbe, Putter sin's dominioo and con­ Vanilla P^opular Qenuineleatlier grip, deluxe Fine-textured lurl-lype / 25 \ 4 7 0 7 85 Rev- William Persing. rector. 10 a.m . SOUTH WINDSOR - Maundy handle. Earphone jack accepts earphone nylon stringing. A super buy! lor a last germinating lawn. I ib. 1 l# •w l a.m.. Bible classes; 10 a m., worship; 6 audience recently, “the 6 4 4 -3 3 5 0 sequences. Being led by the KANSAS CITY. Mo. • 4" Poiyaatar Paint Brush Worship service. Thursday, April 12, will be observed or pillow speaker for late-night priv Ju«t 2S p « •fora. No r.lflclw cli.. 5 Lb. Bag, M«. 4.29...... 3.66 y iw g / R«g 19W (•ilriiil CiiiiHrrgiilional Churrli. p.m., worship. balance, 1 may say, is Mauiuiy Tkurtdey • 7ilS p.m. Spirit, we are children and (UPl) — Ice cream flavors listening. Earphone not included. Our Reg. 89.70 oi»H«a.2Jt...... 2.22 at Our '&vior Lutheran Church, 239 heir's of God. What a Hebron Rev David G. Runnion- I'rinlly Coirniinl Churrli. 302 positive." Service with Holy Comiminion like bubble gum, dill pickle Graham Road, with a service of glorious reality! Bareford, pastor 10:30 a.m., worship Hackmatack St. Rev Norman E. Konig was the first Good Pridmy • 7il5 p.m. ^ salmon-fig are among Swensen. pastor; Milton Nilson. assistant worship and Holy Communion at 7; 15 service, nursery; 9:15 am., church Spring lecturer in the Rpse Tenebrae Service with Holy ^m m union the hundreds available. to the pastor. 8:30 and_IO:50 a m . p.m. school Fitzgerald Kennedy Lec­ But the most popular worship services, nursery, 9:30 a.m., Bi­ On Good Friday there will also be a ture Series, sponsored by Easter Sunday flavor is vanilla, which ac­ ble school, nursery. service with Holy Comjpunion at 7:15 11«TIMTinpli TiMNySMCittr Georgetown's Joseph and . 6 a.m. Outdoor Sunrise Service counts for half the ice Manchester I■'ln»l Churrli nf Chrisl.^SrirnlUc 447. p.m. The Easter sunrise service will Rose Kennedy Institute of 9 a:m. Service with Holy Communion ' cream sold in the U.S. says OPEN DAILY, 10 AM to 9:30 PM •SATURDAY, 9 AM to 9:30 PM •SUNDAY, 11 AM to 5 PM •SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE SAT. & SUN. 74 Main St. 11 a m., church service. Sun­ be at 6 a.m. and there will also be Gim |h-I Hull. Center Street. 10 a m.. day school, child care. Ethics. 10:15 a.m. Service with Holy Communion a leading supplier of dairy Easter services at 9 and 10:15 a.m. and food packages. • . / 7 -'

PAGK KIGHTr KVKNING HERALD. Sat.. April 7. 197» ObItuariM At'S Exchadige Student

Anloiiio I’iU'fci I^uwrcnci* M. Slunfiml Mrtt. MuFpfarel Olierineier EAST HARTFORD - Antonio MANCHESTER - Lawrence M. EAST HARTFORD - Mrs. Pilegi, 94. of 452 Main St. died Friday Stanford. 42. of 1632 Tolland Turnpike Mdrgaret (Bahringer) Obermeier, Argentinian Youth Enjoys School in Manchester at a local convalescent hospital. He died suddenly Thursday in Asheville. 74. formerly of 316 School St., died was the husband of Mrs. Ernestina N.C.. while on a business trip. He Friday at Hartford Hospital. Pasta Pilegi. was the husband of Mrs. Ruth Glode Born in Freihols, West Germany, the temperature rarely falls below 32 there isn’t the humidity that Manuel's vicinity where he says peo­ one thing, is no problem. He says that Mr. Pilegi was born in Filadelfior.. of Stanford. she had lived in East Hartford for 40 By JUNK TOMPKINS families upon his arrival. degrees. For a warm outer garment, residents of the Connecticut River ple dpn’t use cars like they do here. young people will drink wine at par­ Province of Catanzaro. Italy, and had Mr. Stanford was chief buyer for years. She was a communicant of St. llerulil Kepurirr Juan Manuel is serious ami also he wears a light weight but tightly valley are familiar with. "They walk," he says. “They don't lived in Springfield. Mass., for many Pratt ti Whitney Division of United Rose Church. MANCHESTER - Considering ties, and " g e t happy," but no one laughs easily with a light chuckle as woven wool ponemo which his father There are nine highschools in care to use cars that much." Also, a ■ years before coming to East Hart­ Technologies Corp.. East Hartford. She leaves two sons. Max G. that Juan Manuel Pedgini, 18, ever gets in trouble. Parties may last he discusses his fascinating year in Presdiencia Roque Saenz Pena that driver’s license is granted upon until 4 a.m. there, but also, they may ford 28 years ago. He was a retired He was born Jan. 2. 1937 in Cam­ Obermeier of Manchester and Carl J. couldn't speak any English when he Manchester. “I am very tliankfiil lo specialize in prescribed courses for answering a few very easy qiiestions, not start until later than our parties. carpenter and a communicant of St. bridge. Mass., and lived there most Obermeier of East Hartford; one came to Manchester iast sum m v, he MANCHESTER - The the American Field Service for the of his life, coming to Manchester 16 daughter. Mrs. Mary A. Mihalak of was able to tell recently all abdut his Manchester Chapter of the industrial, commercial, college prep he says. "Not like here where you What were his first impressions of opportunity they have given m e," he Mary s Church. or normal (for prospective teachers) practically have to learn a whole Manchester? yeara ago. He was a 1959 graduate of Barkhamsted: one brother. Georg -family, his hometown ap April 7th. 1973 beef," he says. “We have it all the room hotel in their hometown of i Incidentally, all these students Home. 400 Main St. MrH. .Anna F. .AlutU'acn Thmi|(h the davs have ended. Presidencia Roque Saenz Pena in the I are available to groups as time. At picnics, we just fix steaks, The Rev. Dr. James McLauchlin. And life \% jfoinn on its way. I speakers until June 1. big steaks." jtlANCHESTER - Mrs. Anna L. .Memories of vou are still alive. Attention 4th, 5th, 6th Graders, northern part of Argentina. Juan pastor of Second Congregational He acknowledges that the food is In our hearts today Manuel's mother. Ana, is a high ' If you think’ your family might Church, will officiate. Burial will be Mattesen, 89, of Old Saybrook, school vice principal. He also has a I be interested in this experience in good here. He admits to having a in East Cemetery. formerly of Manchester, died Sadly missed by. sweet tooth when he says that he Sister. Brolher-in-Law. sister. ' international living, please call Friends may call at the funeral Thursday in Old Saybrook. She was likes desserts best of all. Italian food the widow of Martin Mattesen. Nitees and Nephew Junior High and High School Students His hometown is about the size of I June or Allai) Walch at 649-2797 home .Sunday from 7 to 9 p.m. is very popular back home where Manchester and is in the heart of cot­ • for further information. Mrs. (Mattesen was born July 1. there is a large population of Italians 1890 in Pittsburgh. Pa.. and lived in ton production country. Besides Hurry IVurnon as well' as Spanish. Manchester for many years before raising cotton, Argentina is the gave hirh several years ago, and MANCHESTER — Harry Emil Chair Asks In fact, Juan Manuel hopes one day moving to Old Saybrook four years fourth largest producer of wool in the which he has worn here/ Pearson, 80, formerly of Manchester, to visit the lands of his grandparents ago. world, according to Juan Manuel. The summers are something else. S i died Wednesday at the Rocky Hill Our winter climate is severe com­ Juan Manuel's summers at home — Spain, France and Italy. She is survived by three daughters. More Time Traffic jams are rare in Juan Veterans Home and Hospital. Mrs. Bernice Cox of Manchester, pared to Juan Manuel’s area where reach a searing 110 degrees,- but Mr. Pearson's name was incorrect­ Mrs. Charles (Olive) Hawley of ly reported as Harry Peterson in the 1979 Bridgewater and Mrs. Thomas On Charter obituary in Friday's Herald because (Gladys) Nielsen of Westbrook; a of misinformation. GLASTONBURY - The chairman sister, Mrs. Emma Russell of West­ The funeral is Monday at 10 a m. in of the Charter Revision Commission brook: four grandchildren and five the chapel of Rocky Hill Veterans has asked the Town Council for an great-grandchildren. Home,' extension of time in submitting a The funeral is Monday at 11 a.m. at report to council members. Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St. I'uiil F . D c i i h o i i Chairman Richmond Perley, in a Burial will be in East Cemetery. LAS CRUCES, N.M. - Paul F, letter to the council, asked for a June Friends may call at the funeral 4 deadline in submitting the report. Denson of Las Cruces, N.M., died home Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday at Fort Beyard Medical The council had already granted an Center, Fort'Beyard, N.M. He was extension until May 8. the husband of Mrs. Patricia Denson. However, Perley said the ad­ Other survivors are two brothers, Lottery ditional tim e was needed "to Gordon Denson of Rockville and adequately prepare for the final Alfred Denson of Ellington. public hearing and to have time sub­ The funeral will be held in Las HARTFORD — The winning sequent to that to prepare our Cruces at the convenience of the number drawn Friday in the Connec­ report." family. ticut daily lottery was 807. The commission, which was named last Dec. 26 by the council, is to report on 29 items the council asked it to consider and another 22 items which were submitted by citizens and School Funds Plan town employees. Perley reiterated the com­ mission's request of holding the referendum on any proposed charter Would Double Aid revisions in November with the HARTFORD (UPl) - After voting The $391 million spending plan regular town elections. Some I down a flood of amendments, the would guarantee that each town members have said there are low Legislature's Education Committee received at least $250 per pupil, but voter turnouts in special elections, Friday approved 19-13 a plan to more would try to send the bulk of the new = which could jeopardize the amount of than double state educational aid to money to poor dities and rural com­ affirmative votes needed to enact municipalities over the next five munities. revisions. years. Several of the lawmakers felt the The commission has cited previous special elections in town and Perley The bill that emerged from the $391 million figure would never DESIGN AN AD CONTEST family selectionT Karen Bensen, president of committee unscathed was essentially satisfy the courts. pointed to a recent election in Members of the American Field Service Juan Manuel Pedrini, an American Field Ser­ years ago. Juan lives with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newington. the AFS Club at Manchester High School; and the same plan proposed last year by "I think you could put $1 billion into Committee in Manchester discuss plans for vice student from Argentina, points to his Hall at 58 Plymouth Lane, Manchester, (Herald •Gov. Ella Grasso's special school the thing and it wouldn't equalize "(It) illustrates what can happen acquiring host families for foreign exchange Lois and George Garman, presidents of the at a special election." he said. hometown on a map of Argentina. He is wearing photo by Strempfer)) finance task force. educational opportunities." said *students for the next school year. They are, Manchester Chapter of AFS. (Herald photO by It called for a $30 million increase Rep, Yorke Allen, R-New Canaan. "Although the portion of those voting <159 IN PRIZES a wool poncho that his father gave him several from left, Allan Walch and Nancy Von Hollen, Strempfer) in state educational aid to com­ But others argued the state must in the affirmative was well over one- munities next year with $43 million work with the fiscal constraints of half, there were not enough affir­ increases over the next four years. Mrs. Grasso's budget. mative votes to enact the revisions." GRAND PRIZE ...... *50 The measure is now headed for the "Anything we spend beyond this Appropriations Committee, then the point will just tip us over," said Sen. 3 FIRST P R IZES ...... *25 each Legislature and ultimately the Audrey Beck, D-Mansfield, Engineering Ruh^a-dub-dub — Three in a tub courts. Rep. Richard Lawlor, D-Hartford, 6 In the spring of 1977, the state proposed an amendment to require Supreme Court declared Connec­ funding at $645 million over the next Will Delay HONORARLE MENTIONS .. *5 each ticut's system of funding education five years, instead of $391 million, unconstitutional because it relied too but it was rejected overwhelmingly. Hot Tubs: heavily on local property taxes. Rep. Warren Sarasin, R-Beacon Street Job In the high court's mind, children Falls, offered an amendment to See four Ad Printed In The EAST HARTFORD - The $1.2 in property-poor towns were not protect the Legislature if the event million reconstruction of Main Street receiving the same kinds of the courts ruled the five-year phase- Therapeutic Fun from the Giastonbury town line north educational opportunities as students Herald on April 30, 1979 in was too long, but it was rejected to Brewer Street wilt be delayed until in more affluent communities. too. la te fa ll. M ayor R ich ard H. Superior Court Judge Jay Rubinow Also turned down was an attempt Blackstone said Friday. has given the Legislature until May 1 by Sen. Nancy Johnson, R-New Bri­ Blackstone said the study is still in to produce an acceptable plan. tain. to split the bill in half, dealing HOW TO ENTER the engineering phase. Purcell Under the bill approved Friday, the with the funding and equity BETTY RYDER Associates of Glastonbury are the state would funnel an extra $200 provisions separately. l.ifi-Hlylr l-) States are taking the plunge. The project involves widening the winnar. Tha grita eatagoriaa arr. (1) 4lii., Sttk, If you’re invited for cocktails and The tub is 5-feet in diameter and 4- "It is definitely a do-it-yourself 7 road to provide a uniform road length platad ada muat ba racahrod by Tha HaraM no and atm gradaa; (1) 7th., ath^ 0th. gradaa; (3) your host says “Bring your bathing feet in height, holding approximately project," he said. Cost runs about Parking Plan Delay throughout Main Street, improving 10th., 11th., and 12th gradaa. lator than 5KM P.M ., Tuaaday, April 24,1070. suits," you may be puzzled. Especial­ 500 gallons of water. Santoro’s tub $ 2 ,^ and includes heater, filter, the storm drainage system and 4. AN antrlao bacomo tha proparty ot Tha ly when your friend doesn’t even own has two seats set at different levels pump and all the fittings. However, resignalization of the traffic lights at Manchaatar Evanktg Harald. Only tha top an* a pool. Then again, depending how to accommodate those who which to for those not too handy, we do install Main and Maple streets. 2. To antar tha contaat you muat bring or maH them for a nominal cost." Threatens U.S. Aid triaa wUI ba pubNahad. friendly you are, you may not need a be or not to be more deeply emerged The project involves about 7,0(X) tha aniry blank balow to tha Olaplay Advar- in water. Another Manchesterite active in GLASTONBURY - Delays in the suit. by attempts to obtain a consensus feet of road. tWmi Daoartmant ol Tha HaraM on Ok baloro 8. Tha antrlaa wM ba ludgad by tha advorlMni Manufactured in Atlanta by the the promotion of the Hot Tub is Jay proposed Rankin Hoad parking plan from citizens on the final design. In any event, chances are your Blackstone said the town would Monday, April 16,1070. You will than raoalva atafl of Tha HaraM. Sutherland Corporation, he said it is ' Stager of Forest Street, who is its "may seriously jeopardize" any "The department has tried to friend has joined the thousands of have to take a small portion of a cor- the only tub made of lY4-inch thick New England distributor. available federal funds, a state Inatmcttona by mall Informing you what 0. WInnara wW ba announcad upon nM ca* Californians swept up in the tide of cooperate in this regard," he said, neislot at Main and Maple streets to cypress grown in wetlands from Hot tubbers wear bathing attire or "realizing that such a consensus is bualnaaa you will ba doing an ad lor. tion. owning a hot tub. A wooden tub filled Department of Transportation of­ provide the proper turning radius. southern Virginia to the Florida Gulf “skinny dip," bathe alone or with ficial has told Town Manager Donald vital to the implementation of a with water ranging from 102 degrees The turning radius is now inadequate Coast. o th e rs. I t's a ll a m a tte r of Peach. successful project. However, I must Fahrenheit to 105 degrees, as a rule. because cars turning south onto Main “Research by the National Wood preference. . In a letter to the manager. Elarle inform you that any further.delay to Originally used as a year-round from Manie must take a sharp turn, Products Institute discloses that How does taking the plunge feel? R. Munroe of the Bureaij^ of alternative to a swimming pool, the the commencement of design ac- he said. cypress has three times the en­ Highways said the Federal Aid Ur­ hot tub has taken on a new status — Well, Sue Peck of Manchester, one of 'tivities may seriously jeopardize the The program is funded under a durance of redwoed. In addition, it the pretty young woman pictured, ban Systems funds are limited moved indoors — and in many homes continued scheduling and funding of federal, state and local ratio. The I Want To Entar Ad Craft 7 0 has far less tendency to splinter and says, "It's very relaxing,, especially because of demands from other is, of .social activities.. this project.” town will phy $180,000 or 15 percent does^hot require leaching. when the hydro massage jets are municipalities. . '' ^ . Munroe asked the administration Dennis Santoro of Manchester, of the $1.2 million total cost. “In redwwxl, the first several tubs turned on."' for assurances to assure the project explained some of the therapeutic ad­ Glastonbury officials have sought N am #... of water must be discarded because Personally, Sue prefers an outdoor to use the money for parking would be continued and to inciude a Nuke (]|aini8 Paid vantages of hot tubbing it. of staining dyes. On the other hand, tub. and believes “every home should facilities off a proposed Rankin Road proposed schedule for the remaining FARMINGTON (UPI) - Nearly A fM rao t. "The hot. swirling, bubbling water has great health benefits, especially the first tub of water in cypress is have ode." No doubt, Santoro and extension if Main Street was design activities. $400,000 has been paid in liability Town ... foi- people w ith a r th r itis or usuable,” Santoro explained. Stager concur. reconstructed. If some of the His letter has been included in the claims as a result of the Three Mile Enjoying the warm water and sociability of a dover, and Sue I'eck and Jay Slagei, boll) ol Q ra d t... School rheumatism. While the hot tub can be set up out­ facilities are used for commuter Town Council package. The cost of Island nuclear plant accident, hot tub, are, from left. Birdie Macaro of An- Manchester, (Herald photo by Pinto) “If your only aches come from ten­ doors. it is finding great favor, at parking, the urban^systerfis money the Rankin Road project was es­ American Nuclear Insurers said NOTB: PtoMt bring or nwH (Ms m *n blank to Hm Moplor AdvorNoIng Dopnrt- would be availahleNoJh e Ipwn The sion or pressure, you can relieve the least in the northeast, indoors, and, timated at $539,085 by Public Works Ftiday. . monl ol Tho MondMolor HoroM, II M nord Plaoo, Mmiln oHr, Conn. 0N4I. can be an attractive addition to take money cannot be used fur land Director Robert Pryzby last pressure by coming home from work The Farmington-based firm said Emrtoo doio MIndny, April II, 1171. acquisition. December. more than $395,000 in claims.had Munroe noted delays were caused been paid so far. PAGE TEN - KVENING HERALD. Sat., April 7. \m EVENING HERALD, Sat.. April 7, 1979 - PAGE ELEVEN Special Events Slated (^munftyCalendare)f l f Coventry Clown Meeting Scheduled —— ^ Afternoon of Arts, 1 to 4 p.m., Andover Elementary tax collector, assessor, 7 to 9 p.m., Corn- M o n d a y School. ■ munity Hall. Planning and Zoning, 7:30 p.m., Town Hall. Manchester ' tu.„i.,,v Special Town Council meeting, 7:30 p.m., Town Hall. For Secretaries’ Week EAST HARTFORD -M em bers of around the greater Hartford area and Anyone wishing for more informa­ ^ N C H E S T E R -H ere's next week’s schedule of Town: clerk, 6 to 8 p.m., Town Office Building. Public Safety Complex Study Committee. 7 p.m., T uesday ' the Clowns of America will meet on plan for other demonstrations in tion or who would like to attend this public meetings (locations are in Municipal Building, 41 Tax collector, assessor. 7 to 9 p.m., Town Office firehouse. ^ Public hearing! on town and Board of Education EAST H A R T F O R D - The National ('eritified professional rating in 1970 lord, will be honored as the chapter's Tuesday. April 10. at 7:30 p.m. in the future meetings on pantomiming, meeting is urged to call 568-1608 Center St., unless noted): Buitdine Pire Commissioners, 7:30 p.m., firehouse. budgets, 7:30 p.mj, Coventry High auditorium. Secretaries Association will observe and has served in many capacities on Secretary of the Year. home of Dean W. Cronkite, 118 skits, baloon sculpturing or any other anytime. M o n d ay Planning and Zoning Commission, 7:30 p.m.. Town Of- Advisory Committee, 8 p.m,, Herrick Memorial Iheir 27th annual Secretaries Week the international board of NSA prior Membership in NSA is open to Wickham Drive. E^st Hartford. ■ thing that w ill enirhc individual Vl'ednesday I April 22 through April 28. with to her election last summer as Inter­ those with two years of secretarial clown acts before the public. 7:M p.m. —Permanent Memorial Day Committee, fice Building. « t- u ” Bolton Football Association, 7:30 pm Boisoneau Coventry Human Services, 8:30 a.m., Town Hall Wednesday. April 25. designated as national first vice president. experience and who are actively Clowns of America is an inter­ ' .. PH - —League of Women Voters Debate on Com­ Fire Commissioners, 8 p.m.. firehouse. ouisuiieau Public hearing on budgets, 7:30 p.m. high school. Se records vault. The dance will feature the group “ Hot Head Slater. Lenten Colonial and other famous brands... Vacation Recreation, 1-3 p.m., Glastonbury High. Sponsors are Rick Ruggiero and Tom Richter, both of the EasterHam... < k « e n ^ 0 1 ^ Tomato Wednesday Brownswick Corporation. Stop & Shop S e a fo o d Tickets may be bought in advance at the Brunswick Juice Beans e s ^ l e Recreation Commission, 7:30 p.m., Rec Dept, building. Sewer Commission, 7:30 p.m., council chambers. Parkade Lanes in the Manchester Parkade or at the door /Specials! 10tree% ounce can ^ CiMmef Mushroom the night of the dance. Advance sale tickets are $3 and Canned 3 2 0 Z . Stop& Safety Commission, 7:30 p.m.. Fire House No. 1. 15'/joz. 1 2 0 o f ^ others will be )4 per person. All proceeds will be donated Quality you'll enjoy, bottle Shop Vacation Recreation, 1-3 p.m., Hebron Avenue School whether or not you observe Lent! cans CAMPBELL’S to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Ham 6 oked in juice (grades 1^). * S o u p CREAM OF MUSHROOM Three Bean Salad 55‘ Chunky Mixed Fruit2 59' Tliursduyt Potato Buds 89* G o o d S un, Apr B-Sat, Apr 14 Umit one per customer Conservation Commission, 7:30 p.m., council Club Visits Canada F redi C a k e M ixes 89* Pfeiffers Dressings 5 . 59' Carnation Coffeemate “ ^r"'1.69 BM)r CrcxMr so aid Cm u t . RLM«n or Spmg GadMi ^ 1 Grocery chambers. BOLTON —The French Club of Bolton High School Stop & Shop SlopiShop Coupon*^ Fire Commission, 7:30 p.m.. Fire House No. 1. Haddock Pillsbury or Vacation Recreation, 1-3 p.m., Gideon Welles School leaves today to spend three days in Montreal, both old 5 pound can Pillsbury 16oz. pkg 24 ounce bottle W ith this coupon andla a S S7 7 S SO C purchase and new sections. (grades 6-8). i F U l e t s ’ ^ 3 9 ShankPortioii added Adult Swim, 8:30-9:30 p.m., Glastonbury High. They will visit French, historic and artistic points, the ARMOUR ZIP, TOP Water Great Lenten Meal F $ Bread dMedal Wemofi Senior Citizens, 9:30 a m.. St. Paul's Church, 2577 Main Olympic stadium. Place Ville Marie, Place Bonne Adven­ Added 3 pound can Cooked Hams Rump Portion 9 9 ^ St. ture and other points of interest. Fresh Rainbow Trout ‘1.99e awutnnuiae Mixes Pure Q d Teen Drop-In, 69 p.m., Naubuc School. Acting as chaperones are Ernest Stokes, club advisor, Fresh Oysters ‘1.89 water added 49 KRAKUS Imported Cooked Ham Steaks d .6 9 M in tra i Flour 6V2 ounce can nomwiw Vegetable June Champagney, Nancy Whitehead, Fred Audette, and 3 pound can 51b. Friday Anthony Falcetta, all faculty members. Matlaw’s Bananaa bag e Teen Drop-In, 6-9 p.m., Naubuc School. Cranberry Oil 9 9 f CHICKEN^T SEA The group will be staying at the Mt. Royal Hotel. Shank Portion Stop & Shop Great buys on quality birds for Easter dinner. 6 9 T l I M A .Chunklight Co-Ed Volleyball, 7:30 -9:30 p.m,, Hebron Avenue Stuffed I U I N M m water or oil School (ages 18 and over). k i ^ Baking Cups 3 T ‘ 1 White Flaked Coconut 69' Dream Whip 3 ounce packagB 65' Good Sift. Apr 8-Sat Apt t4 IjmH one per customercustom C lan isil'7 9 Log Cabin Syrup 360 . *1.59 Angle Flake Coconut 69' Reynolds Wrap "SU'iiE'' *1.69 Grocery South Windsor Slops Shop Couponl Monday 30 ounce pkg Frozen Gloria 24oz jar Vlasic 16 ounce pkg. MH -»6 Ham With th« c o lp o n artd a $7 50 purchase iS4 I Town Council worksession, 7:30 p.m.. Town Hall. /w a te r I Shrimp Egg Rolls ‘1.09 Tucaday a d d e d ! k e y s Dressed Smelts lb bag'mten 99‘ Prince Exchange Club, 6:30 p.m., Podunck M ill Restaurant, Extra Tnm Vacuum Packed« StuHed U.S.Grade^^A’’ 100% Pure IMIfM Ellington Road. STOP & SHOP EXTRA TRIM h u B s u n t s k r*ii|iM i4p Olives Spears From r#-'i * * * ^ ^ 2^ ® * ' Wedncaduy T urbot 'Oum *\ 64oz carton Concentrate SS^ Cooked Ham |l0-12lbs. Frozen 5% o z, Kosher or Don’t forget LaLeche League, 8 p.m., 1063 Main bt. Rump Portion n.49«> F i n e t s ’ f ^ Nice and meaty to please a jar Polish S T O P & S H O P Registration for girls softball, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Timothy Vacuum Packed water added table-full of Easter dinera 8 9 M Edwards School. ORANGE JUICE Avery Christian Reformed Church Lenten coffee, 8:30 COLONIAL Heilmans Tartar Sauce 49' Vlasic Sweet Gherkins 'S' 89' Contadina Tomato Sauce 3 5 *1 to 11 a.m., at the church. Mini Fish Cakes .129 ep Basted Good Sun. Apr 8-Sat. Apr 14 Limt one per customer Semi Boneless „ S k jo i Shoo $ c C n 3bs. frozen Heinz Cucumbers 5S5J 59' M4M Chocolate *1.69 Contadina Tomato Paste 4 2 i‘1 Large Shrimp ■b c*9 Ff02*n O.Oy Swiff s Butterball Turkeys Dairy Thiiraduy Cooked HamXt'■ ryib Marval Brand All Varieties s to p s Shop 30 gallon ISlopA Shop CouponP Drop-In Center open for senior citizens, 12:30 p.m., St. Fresh U.S. Grade “A’Turkeys 10-13lbs Chefs finest Whole COLUMBIA HOSPITALITY With Ihtt coupon and a 50 purchase Peter's Episcopal Church Hall. comer deli Get your favorites, Maundy Thursday Program, 7:15 p.m.. Our—Savior Boneless . packed to your order Enjoy! Friskies ,Trash SUced $4 Lutheran Church, Graham Road. riam water added Available m slw es fealunng a service He* Friiluy COLONIAL '/3 Center. Va Blade ^ 6 iButteC Bags lirooms Good Friday Service, 7:15 p.m.. Our Savior Lutheran & va simon chops Boneless added _ _ [ ^ B u f f e d Church, Graham Road. Carando Genoa $4 8oz 11b. Can. [01 V V^lazed Ham 2.49^ can I pkg of 4 0 ' STOP & SHOP iSalanii ® Pofk Chops Mr P r M r i l C C r Regular, Auto Drip, Vernon Mighty Dog Food aJSS. 4 * 5 ‘ 1 Garbage Bags Sliced Carrots SUcilShCp 2 '5 59' O v J r r C C . Drip or Elec Perk . KielbasaSale! Today V Polish Style Sausage ' Artrfcal Little Frisk^ 59' Pepsi Cola 'BJJST Whole Boiled Onions 59' Good S(X,, t o B-Sat. t o 1< Knil ooa p« cualatw Center Cut Pork Chops (Tnm Sliced $1.69lb) 1 .5 9 . I grocery I Signups for community garden sites, 10 a.m., Lottie Even small businessmen casing^ Stop & Shop Coupon! J19^ Fisk Building, Henry Park. Hillshire Farms Cut from lean pork loins 1 .3 9 . frozen foods bisellent values! dairy Freshness at real savings! bakery Rushed from our own ovens! ^ MH Junior Grange 92, Grange Hall, Route Onion Dip Ski>& Shrc 79i Countrystyle Pork Ribs With th« coupon and a S7 50 puchaM ' have cash flow problems. 30. Cheddar Cheese Dip 791 Fresh pork Stop & Shop 31b. cup Calabro 15 ounce pkg of 10 Boneless Sirloin Cutlets 1 .8 9 . Sunday Comer Deli iJiUce mcotta i B i i n s Save25' PAC Fish Club, 2 p.m., PAC Club, Village Street. Vesper Service, 7 p.m.. Union Congregational Church', Your newspaper carrier depends on 12ozi Whole Milk Stop&f Elm Street. ca n ! or Part Skim S T O P & S H O P his collections each week to pay his R o s s t B e ^ S lM M iM e r^ Shop KIELBASA Monday Juicy, lender, sliced Beef Chuck ib 99 VARIETY CHEESE bill, whether or not he has received any way you like $ 9 SkvIBhop 14 rV i Sharp Cheddar, Jartsberg or AARP 2129 , 7:30 p.m., Rockville United Methodist Rrst Prize *1.89. French Fries 59* S o ur Cream 65' Maple Walnut Cake 15w 1*4) I Church, Grove Street Lean boneless‘Great Beef. S « V l ShOfr Montery Jack Cheese. Varied Weights payment from his customers. When KIELBASA lb Eggplant Parmigiana 99* Reischmanns 89* Daisy Donuts I2omtt*o o4l2 59' Board of F-ducation, 7:30 p.m.. Middle School, Route ^rorCrrww G o o d S if i, Apr 8-Sat Apr 14 Umrt on* per cuttom er he doesn't get paid, he has to dip CorhontheCob 5-5 79' C h e e s e Fo od S lic e s '« *1.29 30. • r Thom Apple Corned Beef ’ ‘ 3.99. Fresh Brisket of Beef , for oven roasting *2.39. Elordms h*AduDiAf'ANeoed • W hU or Yitow stop & Shop Da'n'* Cbuncil budget workshop, 7:30 p.qi., Memorial Into his pocket to make up the Valley speyflooi Potato Salad Ri«orOiiv%w9» A9i Shoulder Steak Beeif Chuck LondmBroil *1. 99: f Gallon "All NaturaT Kraft Philadelphia Building, Park Place, difference. KIELBASA self service deli The brands iiih arbP ie bottle of 100 . _ _ Tuesday Ice Cream Cheese Council budget workshop, 7:30 p.m.. Memorial Columbia Gem you trusL at special savings! Fresh Roasting Chickens ^ m iu D iw iu ' 22oz( Excedrin Tablets 1.29 8oz.i Building, Park Place. You can help make a small Maine or Perdue pkg IS to p & S h o p pkg Tolland County Art Association 8 p.m,, Lottie Fisk 5-6t>& 8 9 .‘ Ctl. 1.5 ounce bottle businessman from going under If ^kitchen ___ Colonial Buy a piece- Asst Flavors Building, Henry Park, English Muffins Sure Roll On you pay your carrier* a-week and save! Cheese Ravioi *7.L*SSr 89* Cream Cheese Wednesday YoArilove Stop & Shop Com Toasties 5 59* Taste O S e a S c r o d Breakstone D ips Fiwe»owe« O m Deodorant m when he calls to collect. Thank you. our cooking! SStS Chamber of (Commerce, noon, Casa Nova Restaurant, Vegetables ■'“.STSSrar 69' AlouetteChe^ FrvchOnn4Sc«Pto Stop & Shop Sliced White Talcottville. . ^ . Mrs. Smittfs Light nf Lively "Fashion show of Junior Women’s Club, 11:30 to 2:30 Sliced Regular, Free dozen la r^ eggs p.m,, Moose'Club,-Kingsbury Avenue' Evening Herald avisaSia Maple or Sugariess.4 Beautiful. Durable A p p t e W e with every rouof color . Porcelain enameled steel Cottage 220Z. Thursday Half S o u r P ick ie s ’SS 99* Service of Holy Cpmmunion and Service of Tennebrae, Manchester Conn [Cookware in natural Bread loaves filmdevdoped. Pixia 7 p.m,. Union Congregational Church, Elm Street. Countryfine Sausage *1.49. 10 ounce Size ______THIS WEEKS FEATURE ITEM: ISozcup ■juice 37oz pkg Variety Breads Bring your exposed roll of color prinl film to Stop 4 Shop ------1------*------mfreeof F'riday Franks or Knockw urst SMplShep ^Q8 Harwy Wh * l B W o e i A w Are or I Fresh C h e e s e P izza '5*1.19 wmi N*»W 12 em» Bi« C o ok ed Squash *»•>. 4 5 *1 C re sce n t R olls nvMt l i 14,1979. Special slide show and talk, for students in Grades 1-6, 3‘/. C t Covered Oirtci|LOvm Stop & Shop Roils 2 I Fresh Cheese Pizza 5*1.99i s Bolog na o r Salam i Birds^ Cauliflower 5 59* Natural Yogurt nww4to, >w>rww(y[>y Fuw (r [k v rwirkm 10 a.m.. Union Congregational Church. i4»r>wec8— eD»»ofioWBf»Wr4ii«aiwV«iCTer>ad*V«*V»«r»»w is buffet style. The return from shopping and .Sunday. April 22. Irom stdrt a women's golf class is over for the season. Selieilulj- for W eek to 4 p.m. .No charge for this package is- only $13. If in­ Senior Bowling League; 1 Hi! Don't forget that this noon to 6 p.m. at the Army league, so if ,vou gals are Monday through We t-hank R o se m a ry service. terested, please call us. p.m , iptome tax; 1;30 Monday morning wc will and .Navy Club, ft's "all interested, give Joe a call Cornelius, class instructor, Thursday: flegistration for^ You might be interested 'p T fL r^ rc ise class. be registering for a day you can cat ' Adult.s are the first part of new week. Menu for W eek Dogwood Festival. for doing a super job under to know that every Wednesday: 9 a.m., trip to sec the Dogwcxxl $2 75 and children $1 50. He will .start with a few difficult conditions. Monday: fish and chips^- Sunday: 2 to 5 p.m. and 6 Festival. It includes a bus One week Irom Wednesday morning we health clinic by appioip.i- Second Within 24 Hours group lessons and then Everyone enjoyed the cole slaw, chilled fruit, to 8 p.m.. variety rehear­ have public health nurses ment; 10 a.m., pinochle ride, seeing the sights and tomorrow it s Easter. form leagues. Next, more and looks forward to Tuesday: hot dog on bun. sal. on hand to give you free and Friendship Circle; B y I .K N A l .S I K B tournament. There are other teams a lunch, lliis trip will be .Time is really Hying. This volunteers are needed to having Mrs. Cornelius back baked beans, potato salad, Monday: 8 a m. signup blood pressure checks, noon, lunch; 12;45 p.m., lleriilil S|mrl>)Aril<‘r two Irames and exploded in the third who'll be favorite. But we feel we've part of our Big Week and is coming week is Holy Week. help get things ready for when we open the new- vanilla puddding. for Dogwood Trip: 10 a.m.. ( lic iic y Tec'll ( l;t| scheduled May 17 The We are closed on Gixxf other check-ups and ad­ bridge; 1 p.m.. craft class; inning — ihis-time sending 13 men to come that far on a given day we ran AB R H E RBI our garden It's a little ear­ center. Wednesday: hot turkey kitchen social games; Making it two victories in 24 Ihe dish and scoring eight times complete package is $14. Friday Thursday is vice. Call their office for bus-pickup at 8:15 a m., hc'al them, " the second-year Beaver I iii.slamai'liiii. 4 3 1 0 2 ly vet. but Joe would like to A reminder that there sandwich, cranberry n.oon. lunch; 1 p.m .. hours, Cheney Tech buried Chris Vann's BBl double chased Signup will be around 8 Passover and Holy an appointment. The return trips at 12:30 and 3 mentor asse.ssed. Vann, 3b 4 0 2 U 3 get the names. He also are only f'wo Tuesday .sauce, peas, gelatin pinochle; bus pickup 8:15 hapless Bolton High, 13-1, in home Ihe first run and the second of Thur.sdav. and a lllio o e h we number is 647-1481. p.m. Cheney's nexl encounter is I’inkin. ss 2 1 0 0 0 a.m i am ., return trips 12:30 and lour wild pitches unleashed by Bolton Our variety show is real­ COC baseball action yesterday luesday against Bai-on Academy, Dumez, ef 1 1 1 0 2 starter and loser Bill Hoover I.altrc‘c-, 21) 1 1 1) 2 ly shaping up and il you at the Beavers’ diamond in a rile COC till was originally slated to produeed the second. Taiiiiso. If 4 1 1 0 0 enjoyed those in the past, contest called after five in­ lie played in Colchester biit the Boh- Three walks, a hit batsman, an i-als' lield is not ready and the site Pitts. 11) 2 1 1 0 0 you'll "be happy to see this nings because of blustery l.anzanc). e 0 .jonHEgniQBnEBDki HBI triple by Chuck Dumez and Iwo- lias been shilled liere. Starting time 1 2 0 0 one.. Tickets are available, Marlin, rf 2 3 1 0 0 with This Coupon With This Coupon and a $7 JO Purchaso' With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchaso* I winds accompanying winfer- liBl double by winning luirler Dave particularly lor Saturday I I With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* f With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase* With This Coupon is 3:15. ' Tile iirst i liallenge will be like conditions. (iustamachio highlighted the I'liesday. I expect a lough game, ' night. We need your help to Tolals 23 13 8 0 9 / It was tlie season-opener for Bolton Techmen explosion. Gustamaehio Silvia states. sell all 1.300 tickets for llolloi] I IIt I o f f and II the performance was any in­ lanned lour, and walked none in Bacon tails in tlic latter grouping; each night because the 2 5 ‘ 2 5 ' OFF OFF pic king up the mound dec ision AB R II F RBI proceeds will help our 2 5 5 0 ' OFF 5 0 ' OFF dication, it could he a very long year It and Cromwell were prc-scason Maiieggfa. ss 2 0 2 1 1 lor the Bulldogs. Hoover went 2 innings and laced 7 meal program. The show is, I'onlcrcncc lavorites, White, e 2 0 0 0 0 I On lAi purditN Of t3XX) or more I ASUFBBKBIHKH ■'ll w"as not really a good lest," hatters in the third, retiring none. He scheduled April 27 and 28 ANNPAflE-ALTFLAVORS AU>-FflESH-fiRAOE‘'A' SPmTE,FRESCA ' On tiw pinftaM Of wy $3.99 a up j \'ann liad two liits and'lli4;ee BBl to Winkler, lb 2 0 1 1 u I ANNPA0E I MnAZ|MN(»FFS8 Over and Out was cliarged with 9 runs, live walks 2 0 Dress rehearsal is agreed Cheney Coach .Aaron Silvia, pai-c Clicncv willi Giislmiia'cliio, I! Smilh, 3b 0 0 2 and yielded four liits. ^ .1 Smilb. el 2 0 1 u O' Thursday the 26th Tickets Ice Large Easter i Bolton High third baseman Brad Smith applies tag on ■'bill Bolton has improved; not Dumez and I.aBri/c cacli dOMI Coke or Eight pili-hing-wise." Bulldog hurlers .Silvia teels liis cliih has to heal Hie knoc king in a [lalr ol r u n s \ ^ ^ Monaiios. It 2 0 0 0 0 will be sold at the dwjr only Easter caftan tumbling Cheney Tech runner Randy Lanzano as latter un­ issued 10 walks, while striking out Holtons it it's to attain its pre-season Tom Mancggia was 2-for-2 tor Wanier. 2li 2 0 0 0 0 for that night successfully tried to move up on wild pitch in second inning play. 0 Cream i Eggs T a b ’s* none, and uncorked six wild pitches goal - ipialilying for tile state tour­ Bollcm with an BBl. He liad an ap­ lliiover. |i 0 0 1) 0 Speaking of money, our ! Candy. -EicwiltMsEidudWWta* O'clock Plant ! S reller, (III 2 0 0 0 0 AP-2600 M > '2 6 0 l| 'licsptttimiCtckditfbyUv a p 9 R 1979 Strempfer) ■■'riiev can hit lairly well and the lell good slarl oil Ihc lirsi as lie lailcd to tag second fund is moving along quite . s U Valid April S-M.1979 A Teller, p 0 0 0 0 0 side ol the inlicki.knocks the hall "There are ecrlain learns wc must well. It looks like this fun­ base and was ruled oiil on an appeal l.amlrey. it 2 1 1 0 0 down well." Silvia*argued. heat lo make the tournament. Thai draiser could really turn play Brad Smilli was eliargedwith Like in its 9-2 triumph over Prince includes Holton. .And tlien Iliere are Tolals IR 5 4 1 into a community affair two errors lint came up with several 1 Winds Cut Scores Tech Wednesday, the Beavers scored Olliers like we are, on our level We line ilelensive plays al lliird liase lor Clieney 118 38 13 The more we can collect, sin"li> ciiarkers in c>,-ich uf the first have' lo hc'.'il lliosc teams to* make Ihe Bulldogs the more equipment wc Bolton IKU 0(1 1 can buy. We arc coutning FILL YOUR EASTER on you Gold Card holders In Greensboro Golf to slip us a few bucks now and then. We have a little GREENSBORO, N.C. (UPI) — Slender Jack Renner over­ Caldtvell Wet Pitches^ more than $1,350 now. came winds gusting to near 50 mph to shoot a 71 Friday and take Back to the variety show BASKET AT A&P a one-stroke lead midway through the Greater Greensboro Open for a minute. This Sunday A&P IS A SMOKED HAM SHOP golf tournament. we will have a double C imrmseAFOODSHOP ) A&P IS A POULTRY SHOP Rener, with a two-day totaFof 5- Kenner linislied third in the Tour­ rehearsal, from 2 toSp.m . Available Wed.-Sat.-Center Cuts-Fresh nuYox)i(a(wat»9(iim-SHmpoimoM YOVNOCMIX ‘•A-’-NEmFROrnfARM nament Players Championship over But Between Innings under-par 139, was in a five-way tie then from 6 to 8 p.m. the windy Sawgrass course last Everyone should bring ''/Vs, for the lead at the start sf the round. He had three birdies and two bogeys month. NEW YORK (UPI) - Right pitches you cun or can not throw Successivr* walks lo Cliarlie Moore their own goodies for COD STEAKS ’T? to finish one stroke ahead of Barney His iirsi birdie came on the there under article 8.02 in the when you're taking your warmups and Paul Molilor lilled Hie bases and supjKr. We expect to go Available Wed.-Sat.-Fresh Fillets Smoked HAMS Fresh TURKEYS Thompson, whose 6est finish this seventh liole wlien lie chipped in a 60- offiical baseball rules, it says You can tlirow whalever you like Dun Money's single to rigid |)ul Hie thr^gh the complete (10 T0 14 LBS.) year has been a tie for 65th in the foot shot and his other birdies came (hen. Apart Irom flial,' tliougli, Brewers in Ironl. 2-1 show, POLLOCK quite plainly thou shalt not SmoktdHams Tournament Players Championship. on putts ot 20-leet at the 14th hole and Ciildwell insists he never loaded up a Cecil Cooper's single netted Here's the happenings Quick Frozen (5 lb. pkg. $6.89) < 1 3 9 A&p. If FklUf "Pm very happy to survive with a 12-feet al the 17th hole. He suffered throw a spit/ball under penalty single pitcli while .selling down Ihe Milwaukee its Hiird run and atler that went on at the center RUMPPORTION "“ a s u - HADDOCK FILLETS 71, " said Renner, a three-year pro his first bogey of the tournament of disqualification following an Yankees on seven liits. Whether he l.arry liisle Hied lo shallow rigid, this week. We start with Shank Half or Quick Frozen (5 lb. pkg. $6.89) < 9 3 9 whose best finish was a tie for second when he three-putted from 30 feet on initial warning, which Mike did not not, he was under constant Sixlo l.ezcano singled liome another our Tuesday afternoon W H O LE H A M S in last-year's GGO. "I started out the par-3 12th hole Caldwell was properly given. 'surveiliance. run sending Guidry lo Hie sliowers. Senior Bowling I.eagiie at PERCH FILLETS Cmtr SifCtt*Roa$ts or Caldwell is one ol the spil ball Caldwell had only two had pretty solid. The greens dried out He closed out his round with a He then violated the first com­ the Parkade Canes and reh Quick Frozen-Cap's John's-Shrimi^ $ 1 7 9 H A M S T E A K S moiiieids. in Ihe lirsi inning when the Wig extremely fast from the sun 'and bogey on the IBlIi hole when he mis­ mandment in the pilchers' book by suspects in Ihe big leagues. Don .Sul- results are: (.'lass A high eomlMi.nun Cul'Bfuktiil Mibj Yanks pul logellier Hiree opening COCKTAIL 3 I wind. I didn't feel like I putted well at sed a six-foot putt, openly eonlessing he had sinned Ion, Boss (irimsiey and 'Tommy .lolin triple. Edna Christensen, H A M S L IC E S singles and Clill .lolinson's sacritiee Quick Frozen-Matlaw's-Slufled < 9 9 9 all today." "We'rejialfway through. " Renner more than once. are some ol the others. Gaylord 458; Earle Evcrctl, 569, §9^ Hy lor Hieir only run ol the game, and Kj Renner said he was challenged by .said -'Certainly, it's a nice place to Tlie Milwaukee Brewers' leil- I’errv. Hie 4l)-year-old mad ol Ihc high sin g le hi if n a CLAMS again in Hie sevenlh wlien lie got a X V the windy conditions. Blowing 25 to be ileadingi. I'm having fun. " hander out-dueling Iasi year's Cy mountain, isn't a suspect anymore Tough Elements Christensen, 168. Paul Quick Frozen-A6P-Batter Dipped <919 ^ a d v to Sm v q -MP Buffet $P%89 Boneless-Hormel eouple ol pitelies up loo liigli to Chris Fully Cooked-Water Added (Halves $1.49 ib.) 35 mph and gusting to 46 mph, the Thompson, wlio has won only $836 Young winner, Hon Guidry, in a 5-1 Everybody knows lie loads tliem l)e.s,leunes, '2,'f6: C lass li Whole ('liaml)liss and Graig Nellies and Temperature was in the low FISH PORTIONS UAMC wind took its toll on the field of 150 this year in seven tournaments, had opening day victory over the world up, only nobody can ever caleli him, high triple. Viola Wenzel. BONELESS HAMS *2 . CURE 81 HAMS n M I V I 9 B ONELESS 14-17 lbs. l)oHi singled siai ling oil.the inning A Quick Frozen-In Lemon Butter Sauce < 9 9 0 golfers. lour birdies and three bogeys Friday champion New York Yankees bclorc .Nobody did 'Thursday wlien he 40s in Kansas City for the 281: ,Jim Fee. 457; liigh A&P IS A BUTCHER SHOP Am Pagt saeriiiee moved Hie runners lo se­ 1-lb .J CANNED HAM SALE Thompson, who had a 71 to go with and said he was satisfied in view of 52.719 disappointed fans al Yankee |)itdied the I’adres to a 4-3 win over openint> baseball game this single. Vila Wenzel. 122. A&PSOLE Hie Dodgers lor his first victory ol cond and Hiird l).v Caldwell sliul the CUSTOM C U T T O O M E A -B E E f RIBS SLICED BACON pkg. an opening round 69, played Friday the "tricky wind. " Stadium Thursday. week and Toronto infielder ■fim Fee. 198. Quick Frozen-A P Breaded g, Ffoztn*Fancy*3 to 4 lbs. door on Hie Yankees by getting the 6 14 <990 morning under less windy conditions. I’urtzer. only victory came Caldwell, who heal the Yanks three the year. Luis Gomez tried to keep On Wednesday nioining W hole (zotozsibt.) $ 19 9 'That's pretty much Hie way il is nexl Iwo men easily. FISH STICKS '‘•^1 YOUNG DUCKLINGS Gary Player and Tom Purtzer in the 1977 Los Angeles Open, had an out of four times last year while win­ warm in the dugout with wc had 46 players lor Gradt ” A"-FfQztn*1W to 2 fee. willi ('aldwell. He swears up and Caldwell pdelied splendidly, never Quick Frozen-Supreme Lt Balter-Mrs Paul’s < RQ RIB O f BEEF were two strokes off the pace with erratic round with five birdies and ning 22 games tor tlie Brewers and pinochle and the winners 9 varying his style even alter Mickey hooded jacket, gloves and a 71s Friday and 141 totals. lour bogeys. , handed Guidry his first loss ol tlie down he never throws a spitt4'r in Hie '.were Mary Mill. 634. Al FISH STICKS ;r l 04*1 Bh-LKOtEnd-SIWI Cut 64(1 Rill-Bm In CORNISH HENS Rivers. Willie liandolpli and 'Thur­ CANNED HAM ^ 5 i Tim Kite, Bobby Walzel, and Jim Player, a three-times Masters sea.son last July alter Ihc Louisiana liall game, only on Hie sidelines, and towel around his face. Chill ('hcllman, 585, Hetty 5El'2iir"*"o«n»^59 RIB man Munson opened up against him Quick Frozen-Batter Fried-Gorton's < a i Thorpe, who started play tied for the champion who has 21 victories since lofty had won 13 in a row, was talking if you swallow lhal. lie'll tell you factor was few degrees below Turner, 575; Gladys 5 9 ROASTS A lb STEAKS ^ Beef, Polska, Smoked ^ j 3 lb. can willi singles in Hie lirsi inning. He FISHKABOBS H 3 lb. can lead with Renner and Keith Fergus, joining the tour in 1957, is having his atjout how he's so often accused of another one. zero. (UPI Photo) Seelert, 569, Nadine Bttf Rib'SmallEnd*Form Ht 4 Ribt Bm I Rit-Bontitss went riglit al Johnson, the next ^ P O L I S H S! | 8 9 I $ 0 9 9 $ ^ S 9 had 75s Friday to lead .a group at 1- best tournament since coming to tlie throwing a spitter and never once did Hival clubs claim lie secretes a Malcolm, 567, Hohinna Quick Frozen-Taste-O-Sea Flounder or 1 HICNDRV hatter up, elialleiiging liim with good ROASTS f-ei- HONEY under 143. Fergus slipped to a 79 for a U.S. two weeks ago. He missed the he change expression while owning jollied substance .somewhere on his (Carroll, 560; llelen Sai- lb STEAKS Otimontco" G L A Z E D 5k>. u M pildies and .lolinson's sac Hy lo leli SOLE DINNER [ k i e l b a s a I m a m » i r 36-hole total of 3-over-par. cut in his first two tournaments. up what he had done in Thur.sday's uniform or on ids loreliead and Hial s mond, 559; John Gaily. 5.53; H A M ctn ’ITV wasn't hit Hiat well contest. where his spitter comes Irom, Windsor Stoi } 8 Ed Scott. 553, llelen .Silver, Wlien .lolinson came up lo load olf "I threw a couple." ho said without "We know wtiere he's gelling il. 547; Mike DeSimone. 545 Hie iiinlli. he called out to Caldwell: hesitating, and then immediately and we're gonna liave a dozen Catholic Girt In the afternoon we had LIGHT BROWN or CONFECTIONER'S Steelers and Pats cameras on liim. " 'I'ankee I’resident "C'mon, throw me one of them NATURALLY CARBONATED TOMATO JUICE BATHROOM TISSUES-DELTA moving on to another subject. 20 players for bridge and slick ones." "What was that'.'" probed one Al Boscnneedicd lirewers' I’residcnl All even after two game.s is East the winners were. Nadine Caldwell came in willi one ol his sharp-eared Milwaukee reporter Hud Selig belore Hie hall game Calholie High's girls' softball team Maleolm, 4,640, llene en^AND Sugar sinkers and .lolinson's eyes wenl way Perrier water Welch's coronet Head Video Slate "Did you say you throw some Wednesday. alter a 14-4 drubbing administered by Mairc. 4,630; Tom Kegan, up. spitlors oiit there today"’" "tiood." Selig heckled tiack. Windsor High yesterday afternoon in 3,730; Marjorie McLain, 3.- NEW YORK (UPI) - The Pittsburgh Steelers, who hope to They were 37 Iriepds ol Caldwell's "Yeah. " owned up the Brewers' "We re gonna liavc our cameras on Windsor. 710; Billie Stone, 3,640 have another long season in their quest for an unprecented Irom ids hometown in 'Tarlioro, N.C . curly-haired 30-year-old sinkerballer, tiuidrv." 'The locals came up with eight hits, During the day we were in Hie stands ’Tliursday lo .see liim fourth Super Bowl title,'will have one of the latest starts when whom his teammates call "Mr. If the Brewers did, they got .some all singles, (wo by Trish O'Connell told that one ol our [lilcli All ol. Hiem [laiil lo gel in the National Football 1979 schedule gets under way next Warmth, " "1 throw a couple today fine footage ol absolutely [icricct wliile Hie liome crew collected 13 and members, Al Bolis, was September. The Pro Bowl is scheduled Sunday. between innings. 1 don't think they pitching lor livc-and-onc-Hiird in­ Tliev gol Hieir money's wortli (•oii|iled with 13 bases on balls taken to llartlord Hospital Jan. 27. at Honolulu. can do anylliing to me for that ' nings Guidry retired 16 men in a row romped, scoring in all but one inning. with a heart attack Let's The Steelers highlight the first of Hounding out the opening week ac­ Caldwell is absolutely right before Gorman Thomas singled to., (k)ld, windy weather affected both send cards to let him know 16 nationally televised Monday night games when they journey to New tivity on Sept. 2. Atlanta will be at There's no rule that savs what kind of left with one out m Hie sixth 1,000th Victory' squads. we wish him a speedy EARLY CALIFORNIA-SELECT East opened the season earlier this ALL FLAVORS-GELATINS GOLDEN GRAIN VIVA-DEC. OR DEEPTONE England on Sept. 3. according to the New Orleans, Baltimore at HALTIMOHE (P i’ll - Second recovery. City. Cincinnati at Denver, Cleveland week hy whipping Bolton High. NFL schedule. baseman Rich Dauer's two-run Here's a neat piece ol in­ at the New York Jets, Dallas at St. Indians Score Hoop Triumph formation for folks who The Tampa Bay Buccaneers host single in the second inning hacked Hie Pitted Olives Jell-0 Mac & Cheese Napkins the Detroit Lions two days earlier, Louis, CJreen Bay at Chicago. Manchester Indians copped the latter was also named to the all- Staub Would like a good old homemade Houston al Washington, Miami at Hirec-hit pilclmig ol Jim Palmer marking the earliest start ever in the Senior Division basketball title in the lournamenl team along wiHi Ulysses Friday wlien Hie Hallimore Orioles Italian spaghetti dinner Huflalo. the New York (iiants at Our friends irom UNICO 60-year history of NFL. Twelve Silk (,'ity Cla.ssic staged at East (iarcia and Dwight Williams ol Hie deleated Hie Chicago Aliile Sox, 5-3, Welcome Deal games are scheduled for Sunday, Philadelphia. Oakland at Los are sponsoring sucli a meal CJilomu Y EA7 Catholic High under Coach Frank cliamps in the opening game lor both clubs, 7H0Z., Sept. 2. Angeles. San Diego at Seattle and I’isch Ollier team memhers were Alex Mark Belanger, Eddie Murray and DE'TROIT (UPI) - Husty Slaub is The 16-week. 224-grffne regular San Francisco al Minne.sota. Most valuable player honors went Brilnell, Jim Florence. Joe Malier. Doug Di'Cinces i-acli drove in an hinting he wants to get hack into 1*89. season schedule will end on Monday In addition to the 16 Monday night lo the Tribes's Bill Anderson. The I’at Silver and Carl Hcrherl, Oriole run as Ballimore Manager ha.seliall and liopes the Detroit Tigers night: Dec. 17 when Denver takes On telecasts. 26 regular sea.son games Earl Weaver ll(■eame Hie 35Hi man in will Hade liim to a club that will B o o k m o b ile •San Diego. The AFC and NFC wild will he televised nationally. In three iiieel his demand lor a three-year V - ...... ha.seliall liistory lo record I.IHH) vic­ card playoffs are set for Dec. 23 and Thursday night national programs, coniraci extension. FINE HOLIDA Y FOODS FOR PASSOVER l,os Angeles travels to Denver on tories MANCHE.STEH Next SAVE1M asaisaa the AFC and NFC first round week's .schedule lor the playoffs games will take place Dec. Sept 6. Oakland hosts San Diego on imblic library bookmobile Margarine Tropicana MAMSCNEWtR C M W f l v e m u SB*"** i t ito m w /sm lci M i only 29-30. The AFC and NFC title games Oct 25 and New England is at Miami SeMiti Light will be played on Jan. 6.1980, leading on Nov. 29 A .Sunday night national MRS. ORANGE Store Sliced LIsantI M ondiiy M a t I 0 £ L ’ 3 M a tio up to Super Bowl XIV on Jan. 20 in telecast on Oct. 14 matches I>os Triple Winners 10 a 111 — Case Dhve FILBERT'S JUICE Beer IMHMW.IMhi«eiilMi COOKED PR O VO LO NE the Rose Bowl at Pasadena, Calif. Angeles at Dallas - 11:40 a m llliielield I-lb. pkg.-qlrs. half gallun carton fMh ! Drive. H C IM n o k 6 9 * HAM CHEESE 2 10 pm Presidential 0 . ^ . $ | 9 7 ImM mNI Village Aparlments Schedule for Eagle Spice East Win 2:50 p 111 High Street mtnm $|09 IWAwWUkhmiiliMorllwimAIN. tt«. i 3:30 p 111 — Trelilie Drive 9 9 * Successlully making its 1979 debut ye.sterday wa.s the East 4:10 p ill — Kiuinlaiii Village Apartments Net Girls Beefed Up Catholic girls' track team as it downetJ Windsor High, 65-54, in 'i'lM'Milav Windsor under miserable conditions. anu ireshman Heather Hanford are I t'i.5 lUi. Z iSoleri 10:30 a III l.incolii By LEN Al S I'EK Windsor topped East a year ago hut lll)|ll JUMI|) Minute Maid battling (or the tour singles slots. (l-;Ci 4' 8 Jeno's FRESH-HOLIDAY FAVORITE A RED-RIPE-CALIF. Nor., Dry, or Oily Hie Eaglettes made Coaeli Dave Center Regular or Super MrrulH S|Mirl**Hril«T Senior Beth Murray, junior Karen .Shot pul I I’ Walsh iLCi. 2. Itiisso 11:40 a . — Ivy Manor Daigneaiilt s inaugural start a 111 ORANGE CHEESE BRECK Lucler. Claire Viola and freshman iWi, 3 Cornelius iWi 32' 7'a " Apartments, Mushroom s MISS BRECK A beefed up schedule awaits JUICE L A K E SELECTION O F w berries Meg Visgilio are vying for berths in winner Hll-vii hurdles I lireKorv (Wi. 2 I 30 p m. — Ashland Street PIZZA SHAMPOO HAIR SPRAY the East Catholic girls’ tennis Yvonne .Nolen. Kathy Kittredge 6 oz. can 24oz.pkg, _ TOP QUALITY EASIER doubles. Other candidates for slots Ko/iicii li'J'i 3 Covne (W) :13.1. 2:10 pm — Mather .Street I© ) . . 15 o z.b ll. Bozcont. team in 1979. and Anne Williamee were triple l(K)-y0 dash' I. Noli-n iKCi. 2, Arnold 2:50 pm — Carpenter ^PLANTS iORCHD CORSAGES include Pam Gieras. Linda Glade. winners lor East .Nolen swept the yquart$ |« 8 The Eaglette neslers compiled a Kathy Evans and Sharon Kelly. iWi, 3 Williaiiiee iKf.'i 12 9 Hoad \,' 101) and 220 and was on Hie winning 4 Ijisciis I l-'usci) 'Wi. 2 P. AVAiM lEAT YOUR LOCAL A&P cont. 10-0 regular season mark a year ago 3:30 p ill. - (Irissoni Hoad The Eaglettes hadn't had any out- X 110 relay along witli Williamee who iKCi. 3 liiisco IW'I 78' 8" I east I \ but did not fair well in slate competi­ d(X)r practices as of, a week before FLORIDA-WHITE MADE FRESH DAILY FRESH-WITHTOPS look Hie long jump and wa.s on the Mile run I Kill)edge i KCi. 2 Fusco 4:10 pm — Woodstock tion. Jack Redmond, manager / ten­ their opener. For that matter, nis pro at the Manchester Racquet vielorious medley relay Kittredge iWi. 3 Zagora iKCi 5..87 Drive "brapefruit workouts had been primarily running .lavelin 1 .loin-s iWi. 2 I’. Walsh Parker Baktrv ^*iery Hearts nch carrots Club who serves as co-coach with inasmuch as indixir court time was was on the latter foursome and took Hie 880 and mile, iKCi. 2 I'ackard iKCl 81' 2 ' Tom Casalino,. blamed that on a weak unavailable. But Casalino and Red­ 4411-yd run I Siimnonds iWi. 2. 10 a m. — Cresilield Con­ C schedule. Tennis Matches Help Fund Patti Walsh eaptiired the shot pul valescent Home OM Fashioned Fresh mond indicated they had a barometer liregory iWi. 3 Burton iWi 1:08.3 Comfort Stride W/Proc. by Ind. Labe That has been rectified with the ad­ wliile she and I.iz Koz.ueti were also 2: to p . — Sycamore Uine. on the squad from last year and from 4 4 1 1yd relay: I Fast iWilliamee. 111 FRESH H O T CROSS - i i bunch 5 9 * While Jack Redmond, left, manager and head pro at (tie on Ihe winning medley relay. Th;,- 2:50 p.m.—-Bruce Road ' NO KODAK dition of Simsbury and Platt to the glimpses at those who played in the Tol)in, Nnlen. Kozuehi .56 8 aORtOA-FANCY-SPflING Manchester Racquet Clubhand Andre Marmen. right, director ol latter was oii the 4 X 110 con­ 8S0vd run 1 Kitiredge il-'.Ci. 2. 3:30 p ill. — Nike Circle DONUTS BUNS FRESH-LARGE SIZE FRESH-WITHTOPS NONSENSE FILM slate ana Penney, led by Kim winter. pkg. of 6 pkg. o l8 Murphy and freshman Martha public relations and development at Mancliester Memorial tingent Si-nior co-captain l.aurie Provost iWi. 3 Ferrari iFCi 2:43 4 :10 p m. — West and Noi'lh pantyhose Cirdid-JOExp. Schedule. .April 12 Farmington A. ellow corn ineapplM Peterson captured Hie two-mile run ■2'2ll-yd dasli 1 Nolen (KC i. 2 (iregory Fairfield streets nch Beets Molumphy. touted as being very 17 Hartford Public H. 18 Platt A. 20 Hospital, look on. John DeQuattro smiles at check in amounl ol strong. for East I Wi. 3 Cornelius IW i 28 8 Tliurstlay Penney A. 2:15 p.m.. 25 Windham H, $3,000. This amount was realized during recent Invitatiiiiial ^ $ 1 2 9 East opens its 13-match slate The Kaglelli's trailed going into the 'I'woinile run 1 Peterson iFCl. 2 10:30 a ill, — Squire Village 2:30 p m . May 2 Simsbury A. 7 i’rofessional Tennis 'Fournament at the Racquet (’liih and was sm> Thursday at Farmington High at 3 Hnal Hiree .events but took 1-3 in the Sullivan iKC). 3 Kosilla tWi 15:05 II 10 a - Bush Hill ears ea. Gla:jtonhury H, 9 Platt H, 11 St' Paul Medley relay 1 Fast i Williamee. Kil- 111 5 9 9 * each I bnch. o'clock. turned over to the Manchester Memorial Hospital Uevclopmi til long jump and the medley relay to Road H. 15 Hartinrd Public A. 16 Far­ Iredge. kozueh. P. Walsiii 212.1. Fund. DeQuattro is a trustee of the hospital as well as one ol the malq> a' victorious entry into the '79 2:J0 p m — New Hope Sophomore Monica Murphy, mington H. 17 ,St. Paul A. 24 Iz)ng jump. 1. Williamee iFCl. 2, . juniors .Katie Sullivan .and Beth- tournament sponsors. In three years, tennis play has netted the campaign. I'rovost iWi. 3 Dakin iFCi 14' 4L " Manor HUCtsffrtcnyt AIVH.8I4. a n Manchester H. Most matches 3 p.m . wktsavtTici»eHTTomT(iuAinTTtsTOSFacusTti«AiCTOcoMKTTyfWwieciu.ahows nBBHWSAIi>OTAVAU>aiTOWHOLESAUIIhktTAI.OtAtHIS j Results 2:50 p.m, — Virginia Road Phillips, senior Sharon Kuezynski check sports slate for starting times. hospital in excess of $8,500. (Herald Phtjto by Pintoi Mile relay 1 Windsor 5 II 3:30 p m. — laiwoon Road 4:10 V 111 — Gerard .Stredt “ .’A1;K I'o rHTKKN KVKNlNd HKHAU). Sal.. Ai)hl 7, 1979 ^ EVFINING HERALI). Sat.. April 7. 1979 - PAGF. Fin'EEN Baseball’s Latest Millionaire MACC Issues Community Development Data Hv VLM.i; i ;a ans each; Cheney Mills study. $"23,000; The fact sheet, admittedly, did not Region ('ounc"il ol Governments, ol such as the acquisition ol land, for­ •j llt'riild Ri‘|Mirlrr repair Globe Hollow Po()l. $21,000; deal with all the com"erns surfac ing sibility for enforcement ^nd ad­ W"hic"h Manchester is a member. mation of a housing authority or Boston’s Dennis Eckersley fair housing coordinator. $"20,000; in the CD controversy. It does say ministration ol the lair housing law. M.ANCHESTER — The Manchester One of the legitimate concerns rezoning arc n'ceessary for the "the fear anti rc.scntmonl ol federal The fact sheet also states that all BOSTON (UPD - Dennis Area Conference of Churches downto.wn coordinator. $15,000. which have been rai.sed, according to development ol houslilg, sut-h actions with the Red .Sox so I can be proud to game." Sullivan said. We're pleased Also, playground equipment. $10,- takeover, fear of low-income people communities applying, for CD funds, ding we were mad. It was just a ploy . (M.ACC). which provides many ser­ Ihe fact sheet, include the required should be accomplLshed by th e '2nd Eckersley became baseball's play with the Red Sox for six more he'll be with us for six years and 000; ramps at Nike Site lor the han­ ("rcating sluiils. crime and imtnorali- including Manchester, are required to get the Red Sox moving." vices for people of Manchester, now" ■44iird year Housing Assistance Plan year ol the 3-year housing program. " latest millionaire Friday after years, " probably more to come." dicapped. $7,000; legal aid services ty and the prejudice and fear of lo allirmatively lurther fair hou.sing Sullivan said he wasn't upset by has drafted a fact sheet on the goal ol building 200 new rental units Such regulations have raised signing a five-year contract General Manager Haywood Kckbrsley. 20-8 last season, had and hou.sing .study. $5,000 each; and blacks and Spanish-speaking peoples in the .sale of rental ol housing. Ihe that tactics, calling it “the nature of federal Communily Development lor low"-inc"ome families, since suc"b tears i at the lederal government Sullivan said last minute negotiations one year plus an option remaining on dow"ntown improvements, $1,000. arc. all a part ol argument." financ-ing of housing and the provi­ extension with the Boston Red the business today. It was strictly a Block Grant program as a public in­ unils traditionally do nol contribute would dictate zoning regulations Icr were completed late Thursday night. his existing contract. He said he will A town must develop a Housing sion of brokerage services within Ihe Sox that his agent said will way of negotiating." formation service. F'unds for administration purpose as much in tax revenue us they draw- the town ol Mant-heslei", opening Ihe No financial terms of the contract honor his contract for 1979, which A.ssistance Plan (HAP) in older to town's jurisdic tion. Going- by earlier estimates made The sheet gives the figures how totaled $151000. in tax supported services. The door lo ixiorly .regulate'd building ol place him among the top 10 were disclosed, but Sullivan quipped remained unchanged. apply for CD funds. The plan es- So far the town's ellorls toward by Keating. Etltersley would receive much CD money has been either used The next two years of CD funding private home assisianc-e programs, low-ineomc homes and rental units. salaried players in the game. lo re|K)rters "it will be out in a "It's safe to say he'll be among the tabli.shcs thc condilions ol the town's fair housing.have included Ihe hiring $2.8 million over the life of the con­ or allocated for projects over the would amount to an additional $1 designed to enccjurage new low- and It should be noted that zoning "I'm just glad to know I'll be in week, " housing stock and the need ol of a lair housing oftic-or and a housing highest paid pitchers in baseball. " tract or more than $500,000 a year. In past four years. million plus possible ma4ching moderate income pi ivate home con­ analysis and review and zoning Boston for years to come." said the It had earlier been estimated the grants. moderate and low income persons' broc-hure, which is to be distributed said Eckersley's attorney. Ed terms of total salary. New York's The housing loan rehabilitation struction and rehabilitation loans, decisions are, by slate statute, a tanned and beaming 24-year-old right contracted would be worth $2.8 for housing assistanc"e. This provides in towns of the greater Hartford Keating. He called the negotiations, Reggie Jqckson is the 10th highest project received $"251,000: Senior All federal grant monies necessari- have around little opposition, the lai-t matter of local determination. In Ihe hander, who clinched the season million. HUD with basic information on area, assuring minorities (hat they which began early this year."good paid player, making an estimated Citizens Center. $200,000; land •ly have statutory requirements sheet states. event that HUD demanded zoning opener with Cleveland 7-1 on "We feel we have the premier which it distributes housing tire welcome and providing housing and fair. I'm extremely pleased with $532,000 a season. purchase for elderly housing. $116,- w"hich safeguard and monitor the use It should be noted that a decision to changes to meet HAP goals. \i Thursday., pitcher in baseball. I think the Red the outcome. " resources to the communities. information. Eckersley said earlier the pact 000: site improvements for elderly made of fhc funds, the fact sheet withdraw- from Ihe bloc-k grant Manchester could drop out of the UD "I'm happy. Now I can concentrate .Sox are well on their way now to The information, according lo the Both the lair housing ollic-er and Asked about a minor flareup in the contained a provision where he could housing. $92,000; Day Caro Center. says. program will not eliminate Ihe program at that lime." the tact sheet on my pitching. I'm proud to play gathering the premier players of the fact sheet, also establishes housing Ihe brochure werp' designed bv early stages of contract talks. be traded in the last couple of years. $91,000: fire equipmeni, $90,000; "The recent controversy in building of low-income, mulli-lamily states. Keatine said. “We were just preten­ Manchester regarding continuing goals for communities, which are Manchester ollicials and have .storm drainage. $80,000; Charter Oak housing. A private contractor can. at Fair Housing is a (-onc-ern. Ti­ aron.scd considerable opposition. Park improvements. $75,000. acceptance of CD money revolves expected to share in providing any time, apply loi and. it he meets tle 8 of the Civil Rights Act ol 1968, Low-Bridged expanded housing opportunities and Other means ol lurlhering lair Also, Housing Code enforcement, primarilv not around the that has all requirements, rei-eive HUD linan- says that "It is the policy of Ihe lo participate in aieawide solutions housing ("oulcl have been developed Bob Bailor of Toronto assumed this position while trying to get $63,000; ramping Vcrplanck pool for been m^de of the funds, but around ("ing for a bousing project. Squire United Stales to provide, w ithin c-on- the regulations and requirements as of housing problems tbiough spatial by the town and submitted to HUD. away from an inside pitch by Kansas City's Dennis Leonard in Ihe handicapped; $47,000; storm A'illage, lor example, was built by a slitutional limitations, lor fair ■ Both programs are lundeci bv monies Patriots ’ Reins Joe’s W orld interpreted by the supervising agen­ deconccnlration of housing oppor­ Thursday's opening game. (tJPI photo) drainage at East Cemetery. $45,000;" private (-ontrac-tor. " it .says. bousing Ibroughoiil the flnited tunities for low income persons. The c urrently available in the lourth vear Nathan Hale playground and update cy. HUD (federal Department of Zoning is another one ol con- Stales, It expressly lorbids dis­ By JOE (;ARMAN regional agency that has developed grant," the fact sheet stales. of the comprehensive plan, $"25,000 Housing and Urban Development). " (-eriis. Block grant regulations ol crimination in housing. HUD is Anthony on Verge Given to Erhardt the fact .4heet states. area housing goals is (he Capitol Man-b 1, 1978 stale When actions charged w"itb the principal respon­ FOXBORO, Mass. (UPD — Ron Erhardt officially took over Early Season Openers Oi Winning Open the reins of the New England Patriots Friday, promising the I Cassano Says HUD Exec offense would be more open and diverse and his players more WINDSOR LOCKS (DPI) — F^arl Anthony practically assured motivated and enthusiastic. I took a ride the other day, of the Hendrickson "hatch" but on himself of the top-seed in the final round of the $125,000 Bowling Erhardt, the team's offensive coor­ checking out some of my favorite this particular pond, they'll hit the pletely different effect on his players trout waters to .see what the con­ fly, hatch on or not. The screwiest Proprietors Association of America U.S. Open, averaging 235 dinator for the past two seasons, told than did Fairbanks, a low-keyed in- Favors CD Continuation ditions are like. Had to look to see if part of the whole thing is, that I have PYiday and winning seven of eight matches. a news conference at Schaefer coach. Stadium the appointment ‘'twasHhe the water was running clear and low. caught fish on a dry Hendrickson, on MANCHESTF'R — A Democratic- said the HUD direc-tor did not The Kenl. lefthander who "I think a team reflects its coach's center and park and playground im­ Defending champion Nelson Bur- happiest day in my life." \ or if it was high and murky. this pond, on a cold windy day, when member ol Ihe Town Board of Direc­ provide direct answers to some of the provements. has never won a U.S. Open, led Joe Ion ,.)r oi St Uoiiis was fourth with personality. I'm a quicker reactor I don't know why I bother, any self respecting hatch couldn't Herarli of Pearl Itivcr, N Y., hy J5R Franjt "Bucko" Kilroy, the team's than Chuck, I have more enthusiasm. tors said F'riday a letter from the questions asked. Opponents feel the town is required 10,77!). and Oil Sliker'of Washinglon. player personnel chief since 1971, the rivers all looked great, and now come off. area direc-tor of the federal Depart­ Cassano responded, "They to meet too many federal govern­ pins at the end ol the tourney's sixth N.,)., remained in fifth with 10.7.53, We'll be motivated in a different v^ay after almost two days of rain, they Not a natural fly on the surface of round. was promoted to general manager. and I think you'll see it when we're on: ment of Housing and Urban Develop­ iMc-Lean's answers) didn't say what ment regulations to receive the an­ Anthony won last week's Long Both jobs were formerly held by must be running high and muddy. But the-water, and two or three knowing ment l^'ors town continuation in Carl Zinsser wanted to hear. They nual funding. One session of match |)iay Island Open and is looking for his the field." Erhardt said. that's part of the fever that hits us anglers fishing dry Hendricksons on ■ A remained before Ihe top five bowlers Chuck Fairbanks, who after four "Coach Fairbanks was someone Community Development. said,in effect, by withdrawing (from Cassano said McLean's answers .'12nd career title. The $21,000 first this close lo the opening of the top ... taking fisti ... Again I can't ::tr| the Community Development advance to Saturday's nationally months of leg^l hassles officially left who you could never really sit down The letter, .sent hy ,)ohn McLean, '^generally were favorable to the prize would ensure giving him the season. figure it out... And I don't really try. HUD's area director, was rec-eived program) we may have some lelevi.sed final round. New Blngland Monday to coach the and talk to one-to-one about your Community Development program." lead in 1979 money earnings, since While riding around out "east ", I I just enjoy while I can, because four by Republic-an Director Carl Zinsser, problems ' Anthony had games of 280 and 27!) University of Colorado. problems," said quarterback Steve McLean, for instance, said the current leader .Mark Both was forced passed a pond that I u.sed to fish, and weeks later I won't be able to buy a who has asked for responses on some Town voters will decide April 17 on in h'riday's first .session, as he built Erhardt signed a multi-year con­ Grogan, one of several Patriots in town "would have a lower priority" lo withdraw Irom Friday's round rememberd how well I managed to trout on a dry Hendrickson, on this cpicstions concerning the Community his 48 game total to II.208. tract. Kilroy a one-year pact.. attendance. "T(iis will be the first a propcKsed ordinance that would ban for Section 8 funding if it dropped ciut will] an injured Ihumh Erhardt. 47, has never coached in do on this particular pond with just pond, even with the naturals coming Development program. town participation in the Community of Community Development. Section Herarli remained in second with a time I have a roach I can sit down one fly early in the season. That was off the water. steady 1.748 for eight games, while !\inv Ski Arens Open the professionai ranks. He compiled and discuss the offense with. Coach Stephen Cassano, a Democratic- Development program for two years. 8 provides rental subsidies for low- an .890 winning percentage in high a Black Ghost .Streamer, and the first Two other really great flies, early direc-tor, said (he responses from The program annually provides income residents, and about 135 winning five matches. He held a 14- WOODSTOCK. Vt, lU pD -S pring Fairbanks was a hard guy to talk to." school and college in his native North three weeks of a new trout season in the season in both ponds and McLean generally were supportive of about $500,000 to Manchester and lamilics now arc receiving .such sup­ pin lead over Sieve Wesiherg of Cot­ weather came early lo New Kngland Erhardt said last few months, Dakota that particular fly was deadly. rivers, are the Muddler Minnow and town c-oiitinuation in Ihe program that money is to be aimed primarily port. He also said the town could tage drove. Ore, ski country this season and the result during which he has been mentioned "I've never been a loser in footbail Fishing the fly right on the bottom the Colonel Bates, As a matter of This is one reason Zinsser delayed at assisting low- and moderate- drop out of the program midway The left-handed Westherg moved is that this week finds just nine ski as the possible new head coach, were ane 1 don't intend to start now," he with a sinking line, and stripping it fact, they are good from opening of releasing the letter. Cas.sano said. inc-ome residents. Uses of the fundit*^ Ihrough a year without having to Irom seventh to third hv roliing areas still open in the region, the "hell, just pure hell. We were in a .said. "I'm grateful for the opportuni­ in. in sharp jerks, made it pay off the season right on through to its Zinsser was critical of the have included a housing rehabilita­ meet further Obligations after an games of 22.'). 2.')(l. '2:!)i. 248,' 2!)!i, 225, New Kngland Ski Areas Council stale of limbo. You think you have a ty It's every coach's dream," said better than anything else I could use. close. provided by Mc-Lean. He tion loan program, c-onversion of audit bv HUD. 198 and 224 and posting a 7-1 record. reported. chance i for the job i and try to con­ Erhardt, who joined the Patriots in However, just like somebody blew I think every one knows about the (irnnn to «onior citizens Tile 29-year-old missed a perfect .'too Unusually warm weather in duct business in a normal fashion, 1973 when B’airbanljs arrived. the whistle, three weeks after the Muddler Minnow. If they haven't score hy leaving the eighl-pin tin Ihe March, coupled with little snowfall, but you can't, " he said. season started, and the water been initiated to it's wonders, it's New England, despite leading the, Making plans for the seventh annual linal hall of fiis liftfi game. contributed to closings. Kilroy, a 37-year veteran of the warmed up. I could go up to this high time that they begin. from left, Carl Barile, David Pfalzgraf and NFL in total yardage last season, NFL as a plpyer, coach and manage­ pond, fish it exactly the same way. Tied large, on six or eight long Gourmet Dinner, sponsored by the Future Shirley Zlotnick. Dinner is set for Wednesday was criticized for its predictable Laotians Have Housing, ment type, is credited with Innkeepers of America Scholarship Founda­ in the MCC Dining Room. (Herald photo by and its inability to score and come away fishless. And con­ shank hooks, and fished deep this engineering recent drafts which have tinue to go fishless on a Black Ghost time of the year, it really is a deadly tion at Manchester Community College are, Richmond) touchdowns netted New F.ngland such players as "1 have some changes in mind. We streamer, no matter how or when I fly. As the'season progresses, I fish it ,Iohn Hannah, Sam Cunningham, fished it; right up to the close of the a little smaller, 'and when it really Need Everything Else want lo open up more offensively and Steve Nelson. Grogan and Russ Fran­ we've got the tools to do that." season. gets to be dry fly time, and there are cis Ho said the Patriots were a bit This ob.scrvation was not made lots of caddis and nymphs struggling Exotic Dishes Are Featured MANCHESTER - A Laotian fami­ floor ol the Odd Fellows building, More things are needed for an Erhardt said. "We can move the behind due to the Fairbanks affair. to the top of the water. I fish it dry, ly ol 12 is expei-ted to arrive in where three other Laotian families elderly man, who is confined to a game faster." after just one or two seasons.- but- "We'll finish filling out the staff after eight or nine at this same pond. and down to size 16. Manchester, and though an apart­ are lodged, she said. Stewart whoeic-hair. He has just been One of the big differences will be and get ready for the draft. I've been Don't ask me to give you any A good buddy, Bobby Lanieri, in­ At Annual Gourmet Dinner ment has been found for them, Carlson, owner of the building, met relea.sed from a convalescent home, Erhardl's personality. An outgoing, trying to get a job like this for some troduced me to the Col. Bates a few everything else is needed for their Friday with members of the town's and all he had when he arrived at hiS gregarious sort, he will have a com- reasons, because I really can't. This time. It's one job I won't have to is just one of the many facets of this years ago. and I must say that it is on new home. health and building departments, and new homo was a bed, Mrs. Carr said.'. A social hour begins at 7 and will said the premises will be fixed to start rebuilding," Kilroy said. sport that make it .so fascinating. eof the best streamer flies to use MANCHESTER- The 7lh annual Rosa Gewarz Traminer, Cabernet Mrs. Nanc-y Carr, executive direc­ The conference of churches found feature hors d'oeuvres including mini meet both the health and building Cyclists Plan New Bmgland owner William There's another pond I fish not too from here on in. Gourmet Dinner, sponsored by the Sautignon, and Creme Sherry plus a tor of Man(-hcster Area Conference bedding, a table for him to use at Sullivan said Kilroy was chosen first Future Innkeepers of America broccoli quiches, clam dip spread cordial cart. of Churches, said Catholic Family c-ode.- Mrs. Carr reported. mealtime and a toaster. That is all he ■•vjvi far from home, that is really a neat Again I can't figure it, because it is and cheese and crackers. Sunday Ride and that the new general manager place to use a dry Hendrickson. And supposed to represent a bait fish, but Scholarship Foundation at Proceeds will provide scholarships Charities is the primary spon.sor of Before the family ('an move in, has except for one cooking pan, she played a heavy role in the selection of Manchester Community College, is The menu is as follows: Consomme for qualifying students in (he Hotel the family and will help to get the beds, bedding, tables and chairs and .said. again early in the .season ... and not it sure isn't tied to look like any of the Du Barry; stuffed fillet of sole, Silk City Cyclists, local bike Erhardt. Sullivan .said it was time to before 11 a m. I've tried it over and species we have inhabiting ttie local slated for Wednesday night qt the and Food Service Management adults jobs and guarantee the rent everything else needed to make a What he needs is a comfortable stuffed chicken breastj, lemon louring club, plans a seven-mile trek forget the Fairbanks era and start over again earlier in the day ... forget streams and ponds. It is so brightly College Dining Room at MCC, 60 Program at MCC. lor a specific- period. A local homo. Mrs. Carr .said. chair for the living room, a lamp or y sherbert, Hungarian fillet of beef, Volunteers are also needed to get F R) Gay City .State Park in Hebron looking ahead. it ... I might get one idiot fish, but a colored it must work as an attractor Bidwell St. . Members of the dining room com­ organization is needed to sponsor the two and small tables as well as ' Lorette potatoes, asparagus, spinach mittee are: Carl Barile, financial Ihe apartment ready for the couple Sunday morning starting at II "It's time to launch a new chapter. little before, or after 11 a.m., I'm fly. There's no resemblance to any Students in the Hotel and Food Ser­ lainily, she said. cooking utensils and dishes, Mrs. salad, strawberries a la Ritz. petite and those who have trucks to help 0 clock from the Metropolitan In­ Our possible dream was shattered by good for at least four or more good Conn, dace or shiners that I can see. vice Management""Program at the chairman; Quinton Haynes, chef: The Keolay family includes three, Carr said. , fours and coffee. move donated items, she said. surance Company on Center Street. an unbelievable nightmare. We look sized fish, until they quit about 2 or 3 You might try these early season college have come up with an im­ David Pfalzgraf. manager; Vittie boys. 19." 16 and 8 years of age. and Those wishing to help may call the Wines will include Sebastian) Dry Those wishing to help may call the The ride is for serious cyclists only at this day as one of rejuvenation. o'clock. "openers." They really work and not pressive menu, sure to whet the Peterson, promotion; and Shirley seven girls. J4, 13, 11. 9. 6. 4 and 1. c-onferenc-e offic-e. Sherries, Pino Noir, Eye of the Suon, c-onferenc-e's c^ic-e, 649-2093 or 646- l.aiiri Tiirkiiigloii .liincl Bi • Eli. II. Conlogue. John Kozicki, Mike Jackwln, Ken Young, Bob Graduation took Doreen Nelson 210-582. Gary 153-402. Joe Gouveia 148- HAND A ELECTRIC TOOLS Coach Mary Faignant. "We did well 10 Valliere. Downham. Ellen Donadio, Nella Cockerham 211, George .374, Bill Zwick 147-420, NOW last year and are hoping lo improve. SI \I)\A Also. Bob Cyr, Ray Bustin. Bib’Barrett, Kevin Bren­ Leigher and Jacquie Figley, who IliiKkelliiill ■ M l\. I:.'10 ■ Ell. .1 Markham 202-200-574, Lou Tony KeDominicis 147-404, Glenn Gets Sewer Job We're very optimistic " nan. Bill Wyse, Rudi Wittke, Doug Salmon. Charles Scul­ combined 90 RBI. “We lost a lot Polinski 213. John Kozicki Mike Zwick 145-384, Ted The Silk Towners, who swing into lliiving - 2 • Ell. 8 ly. Ken Charest, Bob Oliver, Henry Salvatire. YOU CAN PUCE YOUR of our power. " Faignant un­ 221-566. Ernie Whipple 215- Kowzun 144, Joen O'Neill the '79 campaign Tuesday against llieo'ltiill • Mel:i. 2 - Eli, Women — Shelia Price, Carol French, Donna MANCHESTER — Glenn Construction town. He has to ask the Town Board of derscores, "but I feel the 0; l(l■d Sii\ liidiiiiiK, • 2 ■ Ell. 22, 558 Joe LaVae 220-552, 144. Dave Dynes 144-390. CUSSIHED AD ANYTIME 2 OFF Hall High in West Hart lord, have Magowan, Pat Barcomb, Lee Bean, Shirley Yoo, Marty Co. will be awarded the contract for the Directors for an increase in the town S% Ray Chittick 212-568, Tom Bryce Hunt 144-372, Jim sophomores coming up and the peo­ ;18. W TIE Bradshaw. Bonny Solomonson, Doris Forcucci, Cathy installation of street sewers in the Bryan share for the cost of the Bryan Farms and reason to feel buoyant .Seven letter Atamian Jr. 213-563. Ken Sirianni 141-373. Mike EVERYTHING IN STOCK! ple^ returning will be able to fill in. EMiiniiKlii'K - .'1 ■ Ell. 20. .'10 Bohjalian. Rosann Moody. Barbara Goddard. Farms area. Jay Giles, director of public Upper Hockanum trunk sewer projects. winners return, ineiuding pitchers Young 203-554. Joe Lauzon ■McCarthy 140-391. Dorn Shirley Adams and Lynne Wright Right now I'm optimistic." Viiierii-iin S|mrl>iiiiiii, .'li.'lO - Also, Pat Twerdy, Dinah Guthrie, Leanna Harper, works, said Friday. Both projects are being funded primari­ Faignant believes the CCIL will be Eh. 8. to 210., Fid Czaikowski 205, DeDominicis 407, Dave WE HAVE NEW, SECONDS, A REPOSSESSED TO 0L8 TO who accounted for 14 of the 17 wins Dynas 390, Alan Grzyb 385, Kathleen Vigeant, Marilyn Rogers, Kristine Lautenbach, The firm is the apparent low bidder for ly with federal money. The town original­ stronger but that is her club's goal — \iilii Kiicing • I .S. Griind Pri\, Don McLaughlin 200, Bob the project, which will involve the in­ CHOOSE FROM. (All 99l99 flnal, no roturns or rofuna). Personal Adams, a senior, was 8-4, while Ihe Howie Peters 382, Cliff Diane Brennan. Cathy D"Amato, Barbara Sullivan, Joyce ly appropriated $315,000 to cover its share to win the elusive title. She has little .'li.'lt - Eh. ;i Szatkowski 556. stallation of sewers to service homes in chocks accepted. (With proper I.D.) junior, Wright, was 6-0 Jones 375. Farr. Carol Koval. Bea Carroll, of both jobs. Giles ^ id an additional $120,- The right side of the Tribe infield reservation about her defense \ \ iih* W iirld Ilf Spiirls, -ti.'lO - the area of Baldwin and Concord roads. 000 will be needed to cover the town cost. stating, “I've seen some good glove Eh. 8. to returns intact with senior Lisa EARLY BIRDS — It submitted a price of $609,726.50 for This increased appropriation, which work in practice." but would like it to Schwartz, at first and junior Lisa Siircer • ti.'lO. Eh. 0 Irene Albee 131-133-388, the work, the lowest total price of nine would be paid, for by increased carry over into regular season play. Tilden at second base. Sophomore Gulf ■Eol^llll'. l::lO-(Ji. 20.22. Julie Landsberg 137-350, FISH DERBY received by the town. assessments, will be discussed at an April SA LE D A YS The seventh-year Manchester .10. Kathy Cooney takes over at Bert Botticello 129-344, Giles said 75 perce*nt of that cost will be 19 meeting of th e ^ a r d of Directors, he coach acknowledges that "we're "niOlIT nSNHMan-KKT TK lEMON shortstop. Iliicki"\ • llriiiiiH xs. I.eurs, 7 • Connie Cain 139. Karen paid for by a federal grant received by the said. carrying more pressure than before. Third base, will be occupied by Eh. .18 Johnson 137. Fran Bednarz SAT. APRIL 7 8:00-5:00 People expect us to accomplish a lot Wright when she's not pitching 131. Sophie Welpy 126. OPEN TO THE PU B LIC-R AM OR S H E of things." Faignant. however, en­ W ill r i n ’ Otherwise, either senior Janet visions her club up to the challenge, ■0 UGOni KOHMa 1:00-5:00 Bidwell or sophomore Georeanne DENVER (UPD — An apologetic SA MIMIOMUS — Doris SUN. APRIL 8 "Wj^e eager to get started." Dance Graduation Tonight Bbersold will handle the hot corner: Chuck Fairbanks, declaring the con-' Buhee 132-352. E llen ’ Schedule; April 10 Hall A, 12 East Catching is in the capable hands of troversy over in his co n tract McGuire 130, Carol Raw- MIUKHESTER SPORTSMEirS ASSN., MG. MANCHESTER — The Manchester other recent graduates. Hartford A. 17 Wethersfield A. 19 MMROWRpAD,COVlNTtlY ^ 60 PROGRESS DR., MANCHESTER, CONN. senior co-captain wendy Warren with obligations to the NFL New England son 134-351. Barbara Square Dance Club will have a graduation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creamer will have Simsbury H. 23 Conard A, 25 Penney \Riihimaki 128-138-377. Mar­ ri)»i»i tdpil «■ W ClmMmmm 643-2711 Bidwell in reserve. Warren is the top Patriots, confidently predicted a new dance tonight from 8 to 11 at Verplanck door duty. Refreshments will be served by H 1 p.m.. 27 Enfield H. 30 Fermi A. era of football superiority for the ti Sarles 128-125, Katie returning sticker from a year ago School. Earl Johnston will be the caller, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Crispino, Mr. and Mrs. A mmbw ot lha Mav 2 Windham H, 4 Hall H. 7 Blast University of Colorado under his Dempsky 341, APRIL 6,1979 - 1 9 A.M . - 4 P.M . with a .304 batting average and 15 ENTRY FEE - $2.50 par paraon. Entitlaa Individual to Ona (1) Flah. and Russ and AniU, White will cue tl|e John Crispino, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crispino QREATSS MANCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Hartford H, 9 Wethersfield H 3;45 leadership. RBI. Each Additional Rah $1.00 - NO LIMIT rounds. j and Mr. and Mrs. Jean Daigle. MM«n f t S t OhiMofi «l Infn o S -S titd p.m., 11 Simsbury A. 14 Conard H "All of this w|)ole matter is behind A — Frank Blank 163-427. 9MWN, 9M9K AND RAM9MIMVT During the evening, diplomas will be Tuesday, there will be a beginners The outfield will be patrolled by 3:45 p m.. 16 Penney A. 18 Enfield A, D o l l a r , senior co-captain Lauri Turkington in us now," he said. "But you can mark Mark Abarbanel 160-135-. SnETHBI(irai-

Htip Wanttd 13 Halp Wantad 13 Help Wanted ...... 13 Hdip Wanted f3 Help Wanted 13 Bolton, Willington EVENING HERALD, Sat., April 7, 1979 - PAGE SEVENTEEN CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC TEXAS OIL CO. needs HAIRDRESSER - Experienced only. Top REAL, ESTATE SALES DEMONSTRATORS. Earn mature person. We train Experienced with following. wages i^ply: Atlas Tile, 1862 PEOPLE- 2 full time sales $1000 or more in your spare Butliiest Opportunity 14 Estate Wanted 28 Articles for Sale 41 Dogs-BIrds-Pels 43 Write A.U. Dick. Box 789. Ft. For full- or part-time position. Why not send Berlin 'Tpke.. Wethersfield. associates. Members ol two ■time with Treasure House To Meet About School Worth, Tex, 76101. Multiple Listing Services, Call Call 643-2461. ask for Joe or Party Plan. Home decor VENDING ROUTE - N a b i ^ —ALL CASH For your property, PARAKEETS- Buv direct a happy thought 563-0151 ------ivL------Bob at Wolverton Agency Kathy. items, name brand toys and Snacks with locations within 24 hours. Avoid Red from the breeder! Cages and BOLTON — Representatives from the The board, recognizing the possibility of BABYSITTEtR NEEDED- to ^soqteone today! RN-I.PN wanted for full or Realtors. 649-2813. gifts. Call 875-2171 or collect CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-4-23- Tape. Instant Service. Haves CONSOLE COLOR TV Supplies also available. Call Willington Board of Eklucation will meet Call anytime after 6 p.m.. 646- JANITORIAL HELP a need to reorganize, because of declining part lime oq all shifts. Apply person to person for Miss 2355 Ext. 905. Corp. 646-0131. ZENITH- Asking $200. 633-M25. with the Bolton Board of Fklucation and 0767. ' INSTALLER - 3M scotchtint EVENINGS - Experienced in Site Reratb enrollment, directed the administration to director ot nursing. Salmon- Carol 491-2100. Also booking Excellent eoqdition. new pic­ solar control films - start tile and carpet care. 643-5747. AKC CHAMPION STOCK. Apartments For Rent 53 school administration April 16 at 9:30 a.m. begin planning for that reorganization. br(K)k Convalescent Home, off parties. OFFERS INVITED SELLING your house? Call ns ture tube. Call .evenings after MEDICAL ASSISTANT FOR $4.00. High potential. RETAIL STORE ON first and we ll make you a Vizslas Hungarin Pointer. at the Bolton Center S<’hool library. House Street, Glastonbury HOME HEALTH AIDES - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 6 p.m., 647-1511 One ol Willington's concerns is whether DOCTORS OFFICE, Excellent fringe benefits. b a r b e r STYLIST- Willing WHEELS- Make an easy $20.- cash offer! T.J. Crockett, Smooth haired red dog. 7 Hccenlly Willington asked if Bolton Please call 6.33-5244 Provide personal care to peo­ or not it will have a .say on the local board ROCKVILLE - Monday, Training provided. Call to learn. Call for appointment 000 per year. Excellent terms. Realtor. 643:1577. AIR CONDITIONERS, mis­ months, 1 male. I female. would be interested in accepting all or Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday, Elmore Associates, 647-1411. ple in their homes. Home Lion's Mane. 528-^3. Call John, at Chenetle $200.00. 568-2119. about matters concerning its students. MTLSES AIDES wanted for Health Aide certification or cellaneous household items. some of its high school students on a tui­ full timtnrin all shifts. Apply 12 to 6, Send resume to Box •Associates. ''Gallery Of MAY WE BUY your home? Like new. Reasonable. Cash CC. c/o Manchester Herald. FULL i PART TIME For Nurses Aide training DENTAL - MEDICAL Homes. " 528-9081. Quick, fair, all rash and no COCKER SPANIEL tion basis, itolton .said it would be and the director of nursing, Salmoti- preferred. Training provided PHONE 643-2711 only Call evenings after 6:30. A STAR ABOVE YOUR AD PUPPIES - AKC Registered, br(X)k Convalescent Home, off Goll Course Maintenance, and ASSISTANT WANTED - Part problem. Call Warren E 643-5891. 'm eetin g was arranged. Willii)lgton Officers Named HOUSEKEEPING- Woman If needed. Must nave own Have shots. Great Easter Could help to sell your items Street. Glastonbury. Snack Bar. Apply at: time. For Oral Surgery Of­ FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLACING YOUR AD Howland, Realtors, 643-1108 faster, rent your room quicker currently has 170 students. HF^BRON — Frost T. Krist has been needed for light Tallwood Country Club, Route transportation. Mileage paid. fice. Typing and experience Rift! Call 528-8648 after 5:30 Please call 6.33-.5244 For further information call * EDUCATION FOAM FOR CUSHIONS, p.m. and bring you belter results! On March 29. after two years of study, e le c te d p re s id e n t of thfe H ebron housceleaning. 7 hours per 85. Hebron. with insurance form QUICK CASH FOR YOUR MATRESSES, VANS. Any Ask the Herald Classified Ad week. $4.00 per hour. Manchester Public Health the Bolton board voted to retain Bolton Republican Women's Club for a two-year SCHOOI. BUS DRIVERS for necessary. Call 872-8331. Help Wanted 13 HOME- Flexible, fair. Call sluipc, size, thickness. Quality laker about details. Put the References necessary. Call d e n t a l HYGIENIST- Part Nursing Association. 647-1481. A d v e r t is in g ^ Private Instructions IS Bob at Wolverton Agency. 649- YOUNG SCHNAUZER ■ 11 High School and a kindergarten through term. South Windsor Will train* Monday thru Friday 8 AM to ' advertising ' DuPont Firm Foam; low fac­ .STAR to work for you! Phone between 6 and 8 p.m . 643-5190. time position available. LOCAL COMPANY 2813. tory prices. Foamland, 1-677- Months old, Needs home. (Jrade 12 program within the current .Apply 9 Brmikficld Street or 4:30 PM. An equal opportunity BOY OVER SIXTEEN do Male, neutered, all shots; 643-2711. Janet Von Deck was elected vice presi­ Prevention oriented. Call 646- LOOKING for part time REMEDIAL READING and 4016. call 289-5918. after 12 noon affirmative action employer. RATES DEADLINE weekly yard work. Cal! after 5 House trained, affectionate, facilities. dent: Marion 0, Foote, secretary, and TYPESETTER- Experienced .3003. Bookkeeper. 3 hours daily. math: individualized work GROWING FAMILY in need 1 day ...... 12s word par day 12 00 noon the day before PM. 646-8059. loves children. Right appli- preferred, but will consider Experience necessary. Call program, (lst-8lh grade) by of 3 bedroom Home in MOVING MUST SELL! (irace Burt, treasurer. NURSES AIDKS - Full time, 3daya ...... l i t word par day publication eanl mav have bv calling 649- training good typist. Work BOOKKEEPER - Full time ASSIST PURCHASING 646-1213. KN, or LPN- Part time. 11 to 7 master's degree teacher. 568- Manehcsier. Low $40s. No Living room sot. Basset Special Meeting The club voted to donate $25 to the and part time, 7-3 and 11-7. days. Excellent opportunity AGENT / EXPEDfTING- 6daya ...... lOs word per day Deadline tor Saturday and Mon­ 7224. for a busy 2 physician practice 26 daya .. 9$ daya...... day IS 12 00 Noon Friday a m. Weekdays or weekends. 8075. agents. Call 646-5897. bedroom set. dinette set. por- LOOKING for anything in real American Field Service which hosts and Experienced preferred, but with good fringe benefits. Call • Minimal typing. Filing, phone HEBRON - The Hebron Board of we will train Apply in person: in Glastonbury. 4 1/2 days a ‘ HIGH SCHOOL 15 wofdl $2 00 miriimufn Laufel Manor, 91 Chestnut t.iblo color 'TV,- $65, and mis­ estate rental - apartments, lor appointment. 646-6161. contact. Must have pleasing homes, .multiple dwellings? Education will have a .special meeting spon.sors the foreign exchange student East Hartford Convalescent week. Compensation com­ SOPHOMORE or Junior boys Happy Ada ...... $2.50 Inch Street. 649-4519 RIDING LESSONS indoor cellaneous items. 646-0874. program. Prestige Printing. 135 Main mensurate with experience. personality. Responsible posi­ for part time dishwashing riding ring. Western stock No fees. Call J.D. Real Estate. Rome. 745 Main Street. East tion. Fringe benefits. EEO PLEASE READ Musical Instruments 44 April 11 at 7 p.m. ton conduct a hearing in -Street, Manchester. -Send resumes to Dr. Vacek, (automatic dishwasher) and INDIVIDUALS NEEDED TO seat, saddle seat and hunt SINGER SEWING MACHINE Associates, Inc. 646-1980. The next meeting will be May 1 at the Hartford. Employer. Call 289-8291, after Household Goods 40 executive session concerning the board's 2638 Main Street, Glastonbury other kitchen chores after WORK As H om em aker, scat. All levels 228-9817. - Model 301. Good condition, home of Mrs. Krist on Walnut Drive. GENERAL MECHANIC - 06033. 3 p.m. YOUR AD includes cabinet. $60. 643-6702. 1,2 PRICE ON GUITARS and MANCHESTER- West Center lailure to renew the contract of a non- SCHOOL BUS DBIVERS- school and Saturdays. Apply Home Health Aides, an agen­ Membership in the club is open to any Full time days. Paid CMS. Classified ads are taken over , PIANO Instructions REFRIGERATORS other ' instruments. Rivers Street, Four room apartment. tenured teacher. Kxccllenf Part Time work in person: Brass Key phone as a convenience The cy scrying 10 towns East of Washers Ranges, used, Music, 7 Main Street, New registered Itepublican woman. For more Blue & Lite Insurance. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST - STATION ATTENDANT liiycr. Must ha\’e own car. Form er faculty New York HORSE TRAILER - Rand Tile bath, appliances, private Tile meeting will be in the library of the Will train Call .Manchester NEEDED- Full time. Apply in Restaurant. Herald IS responsible for only guaranteed and clean. New Britain. 225-1977. Amcrbellc Corp., 104- Bast 2 full days a week. Heavy one incorrect insertion and then Training proyided. Mileage Music and Art High School. made Excellent condition, entrance and storage. Good information contact Mrs, Burt. 228-3198 or 643-2414 or Vernon 875-2826, .shipment damaged, G E & tlilead HilL School ------'' Main Street. Rockville Apply telephone duty. Previous person: Gorin Sport Car only to the size of the onjinal in­ reimbursement. Part time Professional Singer Pianist with complete wiring and location. Available im­ Mrs. Krist, 649-4097. Center. Route 83. Vernon STEADY DEPENDABLE FRICilD.AIRE. Low prices HAMMOND ORGAN M O I)E \ between.'9 a m and 4:30 p.m. experience preferred. CLERK/TYPIST NEEDED - sertion Errors which do not ayailable. Good fringe 644-8597, lailights $100. sell! Call mediately. Quiet or retired SECRETARY - Part time An Equal Opportunity lessen the value of the adver­ R.l) Pearl &• Son, 649 Main C-.3 with Hammond Tonc'^ persons. References, securi­ mornings. Vernon Circle area. Compensation commensurate OUTSIDE WORKER - Pipe 50 to 60 wpm. General office benefits Phono - River East "Doc" alter 7 p m . 646-4472 Employer tisement will not be corrected by GUITAR, BANJO, BASS Street, 643-2171. Cabind l’R-40. In goocei Offered .sor Call 289-5918 son. 1033 John Fitch Blvd.. CARPENTER'S HELPER - 528-0292. EOE. distance to schools and pool Complete Double bed and 2 Reasonable 191 Henry Sired. Liquidation $121)0. nr besi 646-2426. 9-5 I’M. 3? f’a.ntmq Papering Experienced preferred. Call alto $66,900. Call 643-4758. teen-age parent program and a booth for the WIC 33 Building Conlraclmg -South Windsor. Between 9 AM Bureaus, Asking $170, Call Manchester otter. Ii43-690fl. Tim Connelly at 646-1379 after eveningt and weekends. (Women, Infant and Children) program. WIC the 34 Moofi 'g-S'dmg and 3 PM. FRAMERS HELP - Ladies over 18 with after 5 pm .. (143-0767, FOUR ROOM APARTMENT- 35 Heating Plumbing PART TIME., Work from 6 PM. VERNON - Aluminum sided 6 MPHNA office space to provide nutrition coun.seling and home on the phone servicing car. Part time work for full Foil SAI.E- 1975 18 Ft. .Slar- second flour. Heal, hot water 36 F looting Cell 643-9SS1 1 2 room Cape. Wall to wall and appliances Included. 3/ Mrjvmg frui h.ny.rjtr,fgge time pay. No investments. eraft Super Sport. 65 HP Mer­ issue food vouchers to eligible clients. our customers in vour spare for appointm ent WAITRE.SS - No experience carpeting throughout. 38 Se'viCBi Wa'Med time 249-7773. Call 289-4443 before 10 or after GROSSMAN’S cury engine (iator Trailer. Rcferenecs required. No needed. Will train. Night shift. COMPUTER OPERATOR - aeaaaeaaaoaaaaaeaa Another new feature this year will be a coordinated GAL FRIDAY 3. Fireplaccd living room. Manv MUl.TI-FAMILY TAG SAI.E - Exeellent condition! Call 649- children or pets. Available demonstration by the Manchester Memorial Hospital and MISC FOR SALE Apply in person: Silver Lane 145 Spencer Street, Manchester, Ct. r Must be available evenings built-ins, Ix)vely private yard. S;iturday. and Sunday, 10 • 3202 May 1st. 649-2111. 40 HoiiSPl'iiKl fj-ind , EXPERIENCED j m is c . f o r s a l e Restaurant, 281 Spencer For appointment call Dan or Walt at and have sound knowledge ol Near schools. $54,500. Prin­ 2:311 811 /Fiasl Middle Turn­ MPHNA physical therapists to show how equpiment is 41 Articles lor Sale MACHINISTS & LATHE Responsible psition for a 42 O'jiiding Suppiifu ucm K m nnm .. Street, Manchester. , rom puters. Will train lo ciples only. Call 875-7415 aaaaaaataoeaaoaaaeaaaaaaaa pike Antique guns, books, TROMBONE- In exeellenl TOLLAND / VERNON LINE- used in the hospital and then adapted for the home. OPERATORS- Full or part mature person who would 43 Pets Dirdi- Oogi 64D-D136 operate IBM ,370 , 155 I DOS Articles lor Sale liousehold articles. Toys, condition Bueseher. with 1 bedroom modern apart­ To date, (Jov. Ella Gra.sso, Mayor Stephen Penny, 44 - Mualcal Inalrumenta lime. Excellent benefits. App­ enjoy diversified work in a REGAL SHORT ORDER COOK - Must UUNMY WASHMAN VS) College degree. Starting EAST HARTFORD - U & R 8 dotliing. etc, oversized ease. $250 Call 649- ment. Heal, hot water, 45 Brian 8 Accoiour ni ly in person at: 1422 Tolland lod9finanufacturing office. be experienced. Apply in per­ salary $7,570 with raise July 1. room raised rancli. 3 7085 anytime, appllanoes, carpeting. No Sen Marcella Fahey and Town Director Richard Weins­ 46 Sporting Ooodl Turnpike, .Manchester. LM GREETINGS & GIFTS 4; Gftrder' Products Duties will consist of: son:- Silver Lane Restaurant, Are you looking for a part ,Scnd complete re.sume to P.O. bedrooms. 2 fircpl.iccs, air TAG SAI.E- Saturday and Sun­ pets, or children. References, tein have indicated that they will attend, A brief ribbon 'luH I cttrtprr rI M p ir^ people 48 Antiques Gill Welding Manufacturing Phone Contact, Heavy 281 S p e n c e r S t r e e t , time job on weekends? We Box 88. Mansfield Depot, conditioned Cul-de-Sac day April 7tli.. and 8th., 1 - 4. 1972 SUPER SIDEWINDER and security required. Call cutting ceremony will be held at approximately 2 p.m. 49 Wur.tfld to Buy Co . Division ot BUS, Inc , or e m e itra moneji’' Typing, and Some Record SeO HGU cprds ( i f t t lo friends and Manchester. have 2 positions open im­ Conn 06251.-EOE street. 1.5 acre lot $79,900 AI.UMINUM Sheds u.scd as Rain or .shine, 60 Teresa Itoad, SKIHOAT - 115 HP Mercury, 875-0149. call 647-993,1 . mi This health fair is free to the public. Transportation RENTALS Keeping and Filing. Appli­ neighbors from toerka's finesi eoior catai^. mediately, for Saturdays Call after 5 PM on weekdays, printing plates. .007 thick Manchester toff Autumn I. —— ------______Power trim. Aecessories. may be arranged by calling Fish. Phone-A-Ridc. the Red 52 Mooms lor Mer't cant should have a good Mm a anique opportuhitT to ncreaie now in- and Sundays, first or se­ WHOLESALE MAIL ORDER 568-3186 23x.12", 25 cents each or 5 for King size liead board, braided Trailer. 649-8797, STOP LOOKING- We have 53 Apartments 1„, Ment AT3'ENTK^N - Need 2 people figure aptitude and typing cotne cond shift, Call Monday BUSINESS - Started in home, $1 Phono 643-2711 Must be rugs etc. ***••••••••••••••••••••••• hundreds ot vacancies, ail Cr/)ss or the senior citizen center 24 hours or more in ad­ 54 Homes for Hnnl over 21 Immediate employ­ For fu rth e r mfermabon on earain( extra 55 BuSiriess *(jr MfirM skills. Good starting money phone, w rite or v is it our caiaioc outlet. thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 expanding in Hartford area, IMMEDIATE Cash for your picked up before II a in Antiques 48 areas, prices and sizes. For vance. People who have question about medicare arc ment This is not a tancy ail, 56 nosurl f'roperty Iqi Mont salary, and company paid p.m., ask for Mr. LaVigne, PRINTING needs married people part property. Let us explain our ONI.Y, TAG SALE- Multi family information for vacancies in urged to bring their card numbers and papers with them. 57 Wanted to Pent we simply want-a person who benefits. Call 289-2717 for REGAL GREETINGS & GIFTS Meadows Convalescent time. Call l-364-5fe for llart- fair proposal. Call Mr. Saturday and Sunday, corner your area, call Rental 58 Misc, fnr Merit needs a permanent job Ad­ Repre.sentative will he available to provide counseling. interview. An Equal Op­ 2 (2 F re s tife P a ri Rd.. I Htfd. 06108 Home, 338 Bidwell Street, First and Second Shift fod interview. Bclfiorc. 647-1413. TWO 300 AMP Rcdllicrs - ot Spruce and Charier Oak. Collediblcs Open Sunday. 12 Assistors, 236-5646, small fee. MPHNA board member, Mrs. .lack Mercer is in charge AUTOMOTIVE vancement opportunity Call portunity Employer. S69-3240 Manchester, Conn. Good condition.Good lor to 5PM, 40 Flora Road, off f}' Autos for Sale between 10 am and .3 pm - 647-9164 MANCHESTER West Side six plating, or welding. Call 649- MUI.TI FAMILY TAG SAI.E- of publicity for the fair, and Mrs Robert Barnes is coor­ 67 Trucks lor Sale General printing helper to perform miscella­ Houle 85, Bolton 528-:i869 E O E room Cape - 3 Bedrooms. Niec stuff! 25 Oiehard Street, dinating volunteer efforts. Anyone desiring more infor­ 63 - Heavy Equipment for *iaio Business Opportunity 14 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. 64 Motorcycles BiCyCles neous machine related tasks, stock handling Custom kitchen with no-wax Manchester. April 7th., 10 to Wanted lo Buy 48 TAG SALE mation or wishing to volunteer Should call Manchester 65 Campe's Trailers Mobile floor. Beamed dining room MOI.DED FORMICA top and 5 Rain date: April 28lh. Humes and trucking of material. MANCHESTER Package 2 Family Public Health Nursing Association at 647-1481. with hutch, living I'oom. New paneled bar with two shelves LOOKING FOR USED 66 Automotive Service store. Excellent location. Well 9 a.m. — 3 p.m. Saturday, IprU 7 6 / Autos for Rent Lease EXPERIENCED Please come in to our Personnel Department established business. Call bath. Wall-to-wall carpeting. and four stools $175 046-6028 TAt; SAI.E - Misecllaneous PI.AYER PIANO - In good RECEIVING INSPECTOR TESTER Wood stove and appliances in­ Household Items. Furniture MACHINI.ST. TOOLMAKER, any day between 9:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Marion E. Robertson, condition Call 649-5144, after 12 place dish set $15; exer­ 2 years-experlence, knowledge of Hand Inspec­ cluded. Mid 50's. 646-8765. FULI, LENGTH Ranch Mink and Tools. Inside 124 Henry 5:30 p.m ••••••••••••••••a********* POWER PRESS Realtor, 643-5953. cise bike, new. $40; 16 inch OPERATORS AND SET-UP tion, Gauges, additional knowledge of Electronic A ptrmarMfit potIUon l« and ask for Florence Johnson. Coal, excellent condition Size Sired. Manehcsier. Sunday 9 portable black and white They Can^t Say It, lmm«dlal«ly tvailAblt in COLUMBIA - 6 room ranch 12 or 14, $800. 87,5-2.344 ' lo 5. MA.N Apply in person. H & B TV $40; older table model NOTICES Components, Castings, Sheet Metal, or Optics our Ouillty Control AUTO PARTS .STORE- Big A Tool S.- Engineering Co . 168 with 3 bedrooms. First floor, RENTALS would be helpful. Apply: Dopartm«nt, on Iho 2nd. Auto Parts. Own your own in-law apartment. 2 1/2 balhs. $40; new ItO volt, W Forest Street, Manchester DINING ROOM SET well Dogs-BIrds-Pels 43 Shift lor a quallflad store. Operational guidance, basement, rec room. Excep­ made, malehing lable. six horsepower motor with But They Need It Lost and Found 1 I'M) E, M F. Taatar. Appllctnta mu«t inventory protection. Partial tionally clean. 2 car detached chairs, buffet and liquor Rooms lor Rent 52 gear pump $60; WWII, GROUSE-HINDS Sepco. Corp. ba High School financing available. Market A COMPI.ETE BOAHDING Ri'ward $106 Vicinity garage. 3 1'2 manicured cabind. $250. 646-2809. Japanese rifle $30; WWI VERNON — Nobody could pronounce it — sphygmon I.OST Canal Bank EXPERIENCED Qraduataa. High School survey indicates potential in KENNI'U. for,,Dogs and Cats. of Manclicslcr lligli .School Chamlttry coursat will acres. VIEW Hurry $79,500. THOMPSON HOUSE- Cen­ Canadian rifle hand anometer — but the Vernon Town Council voted to put Windsor Lock*, Conn. vour town. Call or write- Dog Bathing and groomin);. anhanca applieanta potl- Lessenger sells 646-8713. ■ NELCO SEWING MACIliNE- trally located. Downtown painted oil lamp $30; Silver niinialure Schnaiizer Markeling Department, Alt: For reservations, please rail $49 .50 back in the Ambulance'Service to buy one. Coines to name ol ' Shoizie ' An tqusi OppwtunNir tmplerer NURSE AIDES Non. A good opportunity THE TRAVELERS Buill - in butl.on holer, Canine Holiday Inne, 200 Manrhestcr. Kitchen eolleclion of model toys, The council, during a budget workshop Thursday night, at ground laval with ad- Doug Minich, American Parts COVENTRY - 6 room new decorative stitches, Kxrcllent privileges Call 649-23,58. Bed stud collar, crooked tail .System. 130 Darlin Street, Sheldon Road. Manrhestcr. sell complete, $30; much, Call 646-67!l!l vancamtnt potalbimiat. 1 Tower Square, Hartford Ranch. 2 fireplaces. Very al- condition, including cabind upped the line item on equipment, buildings and additions Exctllanl bantfllt, In­ East Hartford. Conn., 06108 640-5971 much more, Cinnamon M.ACHINI.STS For Aircraft NEEDED Aft equal opportuntfy employorMf - Iractiv®- acre non-dcvclopcd $150. 649-6437 MANCHE.STER - Excellent to the re(|uested $920 from the mayor's recotmnended cluding Employaaa 289-7906. or 289-1112 after 5 •Springs, Pleasant Valley COST DOG - ■MIDMGIIT ' S Parts Experimental and To provid* Hurting Car* $54,900. Lessenger Sells 646- TWO YEAR OU) AFGHAN furnished room for $750 No one ever did find out bow to say sphygnom S h o r I R un. .1 o h S hop Olacounta on AMF p.m. A G & W Company, 871.3 SWIMMING POOl.S gentleman Convenient area. Road, South Windsor. months Newfoundland mix, MAINTENANCE in privat* hom at and Racraational Producta. Hound for .sale Excellent pel Follow signs from Exit 93, anometer or, lor that matter what it's for excepi it's a female, all hlack 1149-42:1(1, experience preferred To DI.STRIBUTOR torced lo dis- $50. 649-0404 Best to rail Parking. No kitchen AUTOMOBILE Madical Facllitiaa. Part 1-84 West. necessary piece of equipment 633-7R8tl. 246-6:115 work on either Lathe, Apply to our: WIU.IMANTIC - Clean 6 1 2 of brand new 31' long before 2 .3(1 I’M privileges $30 weeklv 649- lindgeport. Cintimatic or LABORER time, full time. Conaldera- room Cape, garage. Quiet The total budget approved for the ambulance service BILLING PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT above ground pools eompide 4003 Tracer Top Pay for right tion given to prafaranca area, $40.0lt), Lessenger Sells with sundcck. fencing, tiller was $21,420 Keith Philbrick, captain of the corps, had Personals 2 For Manchester Housing Monday thru Friday, PUPPIES - I.abrador man Excellent fringe CLERK of;— Location and Houra. 8 a.m. lo 4 p.m. 646-8713 and includes full installation Rclreiver. No papers. Call Mature Person. Good at Authority under CETA asked lor a total of $22,880. BIDK WANTKI) TO benefits Apply at: Paragon NO FEE - W EEKLY PAY Asking $989 Financing after 5 PM. 643-9474. The mayor reduced the request for fees for iimbulance HAMILTON STANDAHI). Tool Co , Inc , 121 Adams Figure Work and Typing, program. Position funded For Information call BOLTON- Immaculate 6 1'2 available Call Stan colled drivers and attendants from $13,000 to $12,000 Windsor Locks, 7 .30 to 4;IX) .Street. Manchester. 647-99.35 for busy office. 40' hour to Sept. 30. 1979. $144 week­ 643-9515 AMF Room Ranch. Garage. I.argc 203-2.36-5871, AKC REGISTERED The Sentry week, benefits, salary enclosed backyard Pool $54,- Included in the request for supplies was one for $7,000 Call 64.3-5686 ly for 40 hours. General AID A ASSISTANCE Cuno Division BOYS & GIRLS DALMATION- 4'.4 years old. c 0 m m u n s u r a I c w ith 900. Ix/sscngcr Sells; 646-8713 SEARS SEWING MACHINE - Very good watch dog. and for gas, parts, tires, repairs, oxygen and first aid maintenance including of North Eaatem Corni. Free Home Announcements 3 RN experience. Call Mr John­ simple plumbing, carpen­ Main Straat good condition, all at­ good with children $75 or Inc. NORTH COVENTRY - Three stq)plies This was approved. f. son al try, landscaping and other Talcottvilla, Conn. tachments $50 Call 643-8639 offer, 643-9084, 3 to 11 357 East Cantar Straat, Bedroom Oversized Cape. anytime. Evaluation. Not included in the budget, but to be taken under con­ .lOIN I's - Vote NO. Question as required. Call Mrs. Manchtftar M Epd OpytrtwBtT Eapltrfr. M f Work After School 2, April 17lh 1 12 noon to 8 Front to back tireplaeed sideration by the council, is a re(|ucst for a new am­ SUPERVISOR THOMS CADiLUC Clark at Conn. Employ­ ------GLASTONBURY------Whai i9 your home worih'’ Our prole inon jli can help p m I Community Develop­ 1530 Albany Avanu* living room, dining room. IVz bulance which would have all ol the standard equipment An yM M niiriwMA i i i Utiri< tant ment Offiee, 649-4558 to ■UDDENLY AVAILAtLE you price your home lo yell (aster and eauer We will ment Funds will improve the Hartford, Conn. baths and laundry. Garage plus a lot ol extras The estimated cost is $31,312. M ii| hr • d w |f? Rm y« em iiiinA Ihi apply. $59,900. Owner. 742-9892 3 BEDROOM COLOMAL Charming. luxury provide you with complete marheimg financial and (piality o( lite in Manchester tMMCt d SWtt SupmnirT Wi hm a ywi- 527-0171 hi Parir tlTMl Atm Townhouses, On magnifi- economic information No obligation No preaiure No lor evervone' laies pitch Of course wa d like lo ten your home for tm miaUa ii iMcfc as to tifantiir af 1. Over 12 yri of age Lots-Land For Sale 24 Fireplaccd living room eenl 10 acre site. Splendcd IM lU h i W *. yea ■■ Iwa to apjarte*y view of Conn River you That 9 our buline9l And we re confident you will Formal dining rmtm 9aiect u i once you ve teen our profemonaiiim at work Arson Sentencing Set ta Mrtrtota ta to iRi toitototoi JOB OPENINGS Valley. room ANIX)VER - 2.66 wood acres, EMPLOYMENT Wall to Wall BOLTON — Thomas H Preuss, 20, of 159 Bolton Center a( piMy Mtort can. tmn art; 3 ta 11 deep hole tested. $16,900. All utilities. Parking 2 ears MIm A ar S Aays tar vaaL b c aM rtartiii Carpeting plus enclosed garage per ('iiriMORB witti Road, Bolton, pleaded no contest Wednesday in Tolland AUTO MECHANICS Commercial wooded acre Help Wanted 13 utary mi btrnm. Ora a a cal. W tm . 2. Neat $12,000. Bolton 13 wooded Hardwood Floors unit Adult community. 3'/i County Superior Court to charges of third-degree arson a ! far I K UeCaffray. Hatton Cawialaitail and 4 ' rooms. All 1-NEW CAR QET READY tach. praps- acres $16,000. Coventry 2 flat I 'l l Baths and third-degree burglary and was found guilty He is Vaala. 333 Htoal Stnai ItotoMtar. Cm. M We Can Give You 2, 3, 4 or Even n appliances $64,900 and up TOOI.MAKKHS ■ Machinists acres with beautiful view of Attached Garage. SENTRY scheduled for sentencing on ,lune 6 Apply 81 Commerce Street. ^ 6 Hours’Work on WEEKDAYS ^ BcceBBory Install, ate. valley $15,000. 19 open and Now accepting C.lasionburv PTC. Companv. Spaclal Intarvlaws hald at wooded acres frontage black 60's Expressions ol Interest I Real Estate Services Inc. Preuss was charged in connection with the investiga­ 3. Willing to work hard 643-0915 ilirnited number). Telephone fk3.3-76:il £ 89 Talcottvill* Rd. ir 1-Exparlancad auto tachnician. building $45,900. Many others. 29 Connecticuf Boutorord (an Hartford 269-43)l tion of the causeaif a Sept 11 fire in a vacant home on Rt. Lessenger Sells 646-8713 Principals only O’Rourk* Raally. SI9> ■41 Vanion, Cl. C 44A. He wiis charged in Fehruarv Charges of conspiracy BN. I.PN. 7 to .3 and II to I Help Wanted Apply In parson to Carter 1030, 633-0933, 983-1411 to commit burglary and ar.son weren't prosecuted shifts Good pay, good Tuatday, Aprll10,from 10A.M.>4P.M. '7 ^ benefits and working con­ DaCormlar Qan. Mgr. .loseph T. Faulkner, 20, of 390 Lake St.. Bolton, also N.C. Lath* Operator 4. Abie to work 3 hrs. af charged in connection with the same incident has pleaded ditions Apply in person. Ver­ { MCDONALD’S® t non Manor. IRII Began Itoad, Sand aiaat Operator innocent to the charges and is awaiting trial by jury. V'ernon In Manchaatar & Varnon ^ DaCORMIER DATSUN EARN *330 Aaaamblor ^ 285 BR O A D ST. M A N C H B ST BR PER WEEK W i 50 Hours, paid holidavs, ter schooi excellent Insurance PART-TIME Players, lliiipires Soiijili! Proliale Noliee benefits. Apply In person,' If you hav* $4,990 to NOTICK TO CnnniTORS Invaat and a aincara REALTORS UST.MH ok SI S.XNNA WINZl.KII METR0NIC8, INC. PRINTING daaira to oarn axtra In­ CROUP 1' A (rircl of REALTORS t«rv(ng tht q r ijilw f BOLTON — The Bolton's Men's Softball League is TEMPORARY HELP CROUP I : A wchaslar. Conn duatry. FOUR BEDROOMS schwils will be closed. 8 PM, in aci'ordance with State Statue Sec 9-17 for the pur­ Merychester. Conn. Tel. 643-1101 NEEDS ‘‘ELBOW QREA8E.” pose of admitting all persons who are found to be qualified to CALL CALL NOW CIRCUIT BREAKER SERVICE Rclufie usually collected be Electors of the Town of Andover. ihe'^rT- "t TOLL FREE THREE CAR QARAQE IDEAL HOME-OFFICE COMBOl on Friday will instead be MR. CLARK T P '■•'7;; - ^ The qualifications are as follows: Applicant must be eigh­ Ipuntno A*, • • 0 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 PHONES ARE (with Mcond floor) WOULD COST A FORTUNE collected the following teen years of age. must be resident of the Town of Andover, STAFFED 24 MURS TO BUILD TO-DAY Monday Residents are if foreign born must be a naturalized citizen. at 289^8821 CLEAN-CENTRAL-CONVENIENT for oppofnfmoot. CALL JACK FOR DETAILS asked not to put edntainers Ruth K. Munson. Town Clerk COMPARE AT*54,900.**I at their curbs until Sunday Board for Admission of Electors An eqnnl opportnnily employer. M/F. An equal opportunity employer. M/F. 1016 BELFIORE AQENCY night OlS-4 ‘ Ask for Mike BELFIORE AGENCY 647-1413 528-9493' 647-1413 528-9493 r I’AOE EKiUTKKN - EVENING HEHALD, Sat., April 7, 1879

FtmIi M dEnwst BUSINESS & SERVICE Poanuts — Charlat M. Schulx KVKNINti UKUAl.l), Siit~ April 7,'1979 - PAGE NINETEEN AcTUALl^r; Rl E i Tree pruning, spraying, try. Fully insured. 649-96K. and trim. Roofing installation do a lot of thinking. It might cause others to do a lot of think­ 21 Ships' 25 Furniture item 1 N L > T •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• s A 1 ri mowing, weeding. Calf 742- and repairs 649-64%, 871-2323. ing, too. / ANWVAV, THAT WA^ -AND IF 'tO J t h in k '' complements 26 Actor Blore T I Olticea-Storaa for Rant 55 Autoa For Sale 61 Autoa For Sale 61 vou shouudVe 28 Knob BUSINF:.SS k INDIVIDUAL 7947. A4W PAINTING Contrac­ I would also like your permission to print the article in our MV EXPERIENCE WITH IT’S SOMETHING BEEN THERE. 23 Hebrew 42 Bravoi (Sp ) SPECIALIZINiG cleaning and THE HOU6E EVEKVONE 29 Iowa college 43 Urn s titiim in INCOME TAXES tors. Quality painting and 466 MAIN STREET. North of OPEL- 1972- 19% Sedan, 34 Sweetheort Apron high school newspaper. Thank you. JUST HEARING prophet 1 PREPARED — In the com- paper hanging at reasonable repairing chimneys, roofs, 1973 PONTIAC FORMULA 5NP WAe HAUNTEP- ABOUT i r - - 27 Tidal wave town 44 Diminuliva tuf- 49 Mormon Stala Post office, about 5,000 sq. ft. FIREBIRD - Excellent run­ mpg, automatic, good condi­ DARCIHUGHTON 30 Unfreeze lorl of your home or office rates. Fully insured. Free new roofs. Free estimates. 30 tion, new paint. $750. Call 647- 32 Smells fix SO Parchad of centrally located space. ning condition. Low mileage, 33 Man's name 31 Irritates Call 646-7633. for an appoint­ Estimates. Call Wayne 649- years Experience. Howley, 1120. CHILD CARE - For ages 2 76%, 643-5361. Ideal for store, office or other dual exhaust, radial tires, DEAR DARCI: You (aod anyone else who wants to print 34 Suit 37 Jubilant 45 Low lida Female laint ment. thiij 8. in my State Licensed business or commercial use. AM-FM 8 track radio. $3000. the article in hia high school newspaper! has my permission 35 Fred Astaire’s 38 Ocean 47 Em (abbr.) Home. Hours: 7 to6 daily. Hot Call 646-2426 9-5 pm. 643-67%. Call after 4 PM. 1977 PINTO CRUISING (o do so. Here it is: r sister 41 Booty PERSONAL Paperhanging ROOFER WILL Install roof, WAGON- V-6, automatic. 48 English $4 Gosh lunch, laundry and overtime For particular people, by siding or gutter for low dis­ 36 Question INCOME TAX Preplration- services offered. Excellent OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT FORD- 1973 Gran Torino. Excellent condition. $28%! PLEASE, GOD,-I'M ONLY 17 . answerers 1 2 3 4 5 Experienced. At your home. Dick. Call 643-5703 anytime. count price. Call Ken at 647- Call 649-2971, after 5 p.m. 7 1 9 10 11 12 references. 643-9677. 1566. or for light manufacturing. Power steering and brakes, V- The day 1 died was an ordinary school day. How 1 wish 1 39 Relaxes Call Dan Mosler, 646-3329 or Approximately 850 sq, ft. Air had taken the bus! Bnt I was too cool lor the bus. I 40 Threnody u 14 TEACHERS- Experienced 8 Automatic. Very good condi­ 6264263. HOME GARDENS ROTO- conditioned building. 633-3343 tion. Reasonable offers. 643- 1970 PONTIAC remember how 1 wheedled, the car out ol Mom. “Special 42 Heating Exterior Painters now TRACY BROTHERS- BONNEVILLE- Very good IS 11 vyyy/yy/ymy’yyy<»>»yy«ym'y TILLED- Manchester. Bolton. Roofing. Flat Roof. Hot Tar, 633-0136 after 5 PM! 8422. lavor,” I pleaded, “all the kids drive." When the 2:50 bell chambers Vernon, Coventry and An­ booking for spring / summer condition. Power steering, 46 Auto club w INCOME TAX jobs. Free Estimates. Gravel. Built-Up Roofing. rang, I threw all my books in the locker. I was tree until8:40 19 3. dover areas. Call 742-9015. OFFICE FOR RENT- Fully 1965 VOLKSWAGEN FOR brakes and windows. Asking 47 Work of art ■ ■ PREPARATION - Your home Reasonable rates. 649-5873, Commercial & Residential $750. Call 649-8%2. tomorrow morningt I ran to the parking lot, excited aj the 51 Most recent Free Estimates. 872-6269. carpeted. Air conditioning. SALE- $1%. Running condi; or mine. Dan Wade, Tax Con- Convenient location, ample thought of driving a car and being my own boss. Frees S3 Set on fire ultant, 671-9654. lion, or for parts. Call 742-6371 It doesn't matter how the accident happened. 1 was gool- Captain Eaay — Crooka & Lawranca 55 Property 23 24 2S 26 29 5T 30 31 parking. Available May 1st. anytime. 1972 TOYOTA COROLLA - • 1 c k mw MOfT M Automatic. Very good running ing oil—going too last. Taking crazy chances. But I was en­ 56 Fruit drink 32 wyyyyyy Building Contracting 33 Mrs. Jackston, 643-1316. OKAY. YANOS-VOU STILL WANTA 3, FREE JUNK CAR joying my freedom and having tun. The last thing I HOLD ir, g e n t l e m e n ; in s t e a d 57 Trickled SnWCJKCUlS! 1965 PLYMOUTH FURY- condition. After 5 p.m. call BLOW ME DPT GO KIGHT AHEAP 1 1 1 ALLAN T. KEELER’S TAX REMOVAL! Call 649-7243. 647-9176. remember was passing an old lady who seemed to be going O F F I6 HTINS, I 6U66E9T YOU 56 Be agitated 34 3S WES ROBBINS Carpentry Agtec OFFICES FOR RENT - Runs but needs work. Best 'Uartf ANP PBTOWATE MV LIFE VEST.. SERVICE. Tax Returns done Excellent location. 750 sq. ft. awfully slow. I heard the deafening crash and felt a terrific h e l p s h if t t h e s o l d BELOW ! 1 1 1 In the privacy qf your home. remodeling specialist, Atf- offer. Call 633-8258. DOWN 30 37 3. ROTOTILLING LAWN AND Chimney Reasonable,- Heat. Air. 1973 OLDS DELTA 88 - 4-door jolt. Glass and steel flew everywhere. My whole body seem­ ...t h e n 1 Call 871 1781. for appointment. GARDENS with rear tine ditions. rec rooms, dormers, hardtop. All power AM-FM I'LL DEAL 40 built-ins, bathrooms, Stveepp Parking. Janitorial. Call Max OLDSMOBILE- 1976 Delta ed to be turning inside out. I heard myself scresm. ilTH CAPTAIN 1 Electric fish yyyyyyy,yyyyymy-m»yy>ymy/A Troy Built Tiller. Call 568- Grossman 649-5334. radio. $10%. Call 649-2050. Suddenly I awakened; it was very quiet. A police office 8791 kitchens, 649-3446. •i Aitae m lU Royal ^ r t s Coupe - 18,000 EASY V^y- 2 One 42 43 44 4S 41 49 BO ACCURATE. (I CtlMI) llfll miles. One owner, excellent waa standing over me. 'Then 1 saw a doctor. My body was 3 Roue ■ ■ EXPERIENCED TAX ■llbial » |[|i| I MODERN. CARPETED, air 1977 BUICK SKYLARK - mangled. I was saturated with blood. Pieces ol jagged glass 4 Elide SI S2 REFINISHED KITCHEN CUSTOM Carpentry - homes. condition. 649-1442. S3 54 HELP-Your home. Low cost. conditioned offices, ample Small V-8. Excellent on gas. were sticking out sll over. Strange that I couldn't feel 5 Enclosure CABINETS k COUNTER - Additions, Repairs, Cabinets; Tm tanpiri Low mileage. Very sharp! SB so Small Business? Sold Home? Call Gary Cushing 345-2009. free parking. Broad Street DATSUN 260 Z 1974- Air, AM- anything. 6 English Woodwork. Floors for homes KvMltMi location. Call 646-8422 or 646- $34%. 742-6286, after 5 p.m. composer Itemized deductions. 633-1267. and apartments. Call 667-3643. FM 8 track. Excellent con­ **•••••••••••••••••••••••• Hey, don’t pull that sheet over my head. I can't be dead. 57 so 371 MMN 5762. 7 Bends for Ken TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY dition! Call 649-4182. Trueka lor Sale 62 I'm only 17. I've got a date tonight. I am supposed to grow -Z Carpentry and general con­ aMBPTB y n up and have a wonderful life. I haven’t lived yet. I can't be iNIWSPAPin {NtlMPRllI AtIMt MAXIMUM VOUR JOBS WANTED- We clean tracting Residential and 1 974 GRAND' TORINO 1977 DODGE SPORTSMAN dead. commercial. Whether it be a 843^130 WAGON - All power. Air con- REFUND cellars, garages, attics, Wanted to Rent 57 window van. Excellent condi­ Later I was placed Jn a drawer. My folks hsd to identify yardwork, and Roto-Till gar­ small repair job, a custom ditioned. Trailer hitch. M INIM IZE VOUR TAX Regular gas. Call 643-9888. tion, Very low mileage. Cap­ me. Why did they have to see me like this? Why did I have dens. Call after 5 p.m., 646- built home or anything in tains chairs.' Stereo and to look at Mom's eyes when she laced the. most terrible Lai Immal D. Oamma Haating-Plumbing 35 Win at bridge 0261 between, call 646-13^379. cassette. Radials. 429-9461. ordeal ol her life? Dad suddenly looked like an old man. He Allay Oop — Dava Qraua preteaalonany prapara GMC 1973 JIMMY- Power SEWERLINES, sink lines, told the man in charge, “Yes, he is my son.” MISCELLANEOUS TYPING- NEWTON SMITH- steering, power brakes. 4 V K 6 S K , 6 U Z , y n O N T VMORKY, yotir Inooma lax ratum cleaned with electric cutters, URGENTLY NEEDED by a 1977 CHEVY 1/2 TON The funeral was a weird experience. I saw all my WHY, 48-2711 your vacancies with us FREE Is one of the sections you'll ROCKVILLE STORE perserverance to be success­ WINTHf5C3P -TtXl SU ftE LOCK floor Heat, stove, and and utilities References of charge. Qualified tenants enjoy in your new Astro-Graph ful. ^ ' SURELCOfflSi refrigerator. No children or required Call 646-8165 waiting. Rental A.ssistors. 236- 20 X 60. Centor-17 WMt Letter. Get yours by mailing 81 SAGITTARIUS (NdV. Z3-Dec. FUNNY pets $200 5646. small fee Main SIraat. Full baaa- for each to Astro-Graph, P.O. 21) The competiUbn might be RJNNV UF=»IDE-OOWN, Apartmenta For Rent 53 mant. M.l. Kaplan, ownar. Box 489, Radio C ity Station, tough out there today, but Uf=©IDe- WlACTAViSH. Onicea-Storea for Rant 55 N Y. 10019. Be sure to specify you're up to the challenge. POWN. 232-9041. ' birth sign. ONE BEDROOM Don’t buckle under at the first TAURUS (A pril 20-May 20) sign of a struggle. APARTMENT - On Main MANCHESTER- Main Street "Stop the world and let me get ROOMMATE WANTED TO Street. Available immediate­ modern office available. 400 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) SHARE A three-bedroom off" might be your motto for Try to relax your outlook. Have VERY ATTRACTIVE O-nxim ly $175 monthly, includes: sq. ft. Heat. AC included. Call today. You need time (o be by apartment in 2 family home duplex Available June. Non- Heat, stove and refrigerator. 646-2469 or 646-2755. faith that there is a solution to smoker Close to MCC Call 2 SMALL yourself to recharge your ener­ every problem that confronts May 1st occupancy. Call 647- One month's .security. Call gies. before 9 a m. or after 3:30 FIVE 1979 FORDS you. One's ship comes in on a 933), OFFICES GEMINI (May 21-June 20) if a p.m., 646-1758. after 7 p.m. 644-2314. ' calm sea. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT family problem comes up AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feto. II) today, wait until everyone has You may have to take a firm UNDER M .200 had a chance to sleep on the FOR RENT Includes all utilities and HDUSL position when dealing with oth­ • iPVBvNU.M.fU 4^ Wl Fa 0« 250 square fee4, center of Air Conditioning. Cen­ GOME ONMINNOWDUmmimOFfN issue before trying to resolve ers today, or they could walk all tral location. It. W ith tim e com es the solu­ over you. Stand up for your Manchester, air con­ tion. ditioning anc Call 643-t981 FORD rights. Short Riba — Frank Hill CANCER (June 21-July 22) You PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) Call 643-%51. FUTURA could be in a serious frame of THE NOW CAR. Your loyalty may be called CUP & MAIL > 4 mind today and may have a upon today by an associate. „CAPN MAVE \ b l i m e y S311^ iC y Ij. T I I v a n < h i s t a i l (ft ipofty. MyNth difficult time treating things Weigh the matter carefully. Do THAT J W A S MB p a c ?i------? o t \ FEATHERS. •nd now Futurt It lightly. Take care that your A A A /s i • portonti ctr In what is right, no matter how 1 ^ / ' ® W H A T ^ I P^ T H A T . tt>t trtdltlon o( - remarks aren't caustic or bit­ difficult. n o G O g p . ing. NAME NOW (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) MAIL TO: Thundorbird. ADDRESS FORD PINTO NA80N Btrry’t World — Jim Btrry *itieim im w m im w nnteuve mnenoH.* YOU GAN PUCE YOUR NEW OESION FOn 71. TNt TW fl Pimo la $4131* ^ h e H e r a l d naw up from, nwa In bach and naw Malda. Bugs Bunny — Haimdahl & Stoffal CITY ClASSiriEO AOVEM1ISINQ CUSSMED AO ANYTIME And haa mora aiandatd laaturaa man laai yaar and maPInlo Pony la o n ly - , STATE P.O. BOX 591 VER CAR'^ eeApv, Manchvttar, Conn. 06040 $3633* C7JF FUDD^'Y....! WAS ZIP m o MttSTilM EiTlMATfS JUST R6URIN' h r EXAMPLE: A NEW BMEB) FOR 79. Atrodyfwmlc MyWw ind Our Boarding Houaa This Funny World APE UP YBR PILL g rttl choiot o( m o(M t m diit m t 79 MutMno ont ol OfJi-y PHDNE th t m ott tRClinQ M uttangt tv tr. 15 Words for 6 Days VIHATEVER BECAME; TriE F0XE$ THEY AND HE BTIMATft.5 OF TriE VIOMEN f 6C n OF IWEREN'T WASN'T I CHECK ENCLOSED Only <9.00 $4187* WHO SUED TO THE COLORS, TOO MUCH rOROPIIITO PLAY ROOL, 4 1 2 3 4 5 daxand aOchar prtcaa. THEY RIVALED A ^ SHOCKING S T06IE S . bought $3233* $3770* s a l o n in \ PINK,THEY EITHER.' HIM B 7 I 9 10 'B o m otickor prlc« p o p u l a r it y ; TItIo, Ttxoo. DMtInNtIng C h t ^ Extr«^ 11 12 1J 14 ------Q U n PUSHIH'.'I/LL J ^ ■ O*' LE'S see,HQw... h a v e T H '* Z 7 5 F6 R WHERE WAS I ? 14 D " " 14 14 ib THD&e $PAKE PARTS FORD 1 0 DUOHT FROM $1 22 23 24 25 643-2711 YA IN A FEW /MINU H i ) ■ 29 30 Diuon "W e decided riot to see ‘The Warriors' 41 32 44 35 11 ' ,- Dollar , DILLON SALES & SERVICE, INCORPORATED Henry might go on a rampage." 44 ' ■ 37 n 39 40 319 MAIN STREET • MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 _____AIR U-7 Savarl — r O F T ^ u c c e s s . ■TELEPHONE 203 643-2145 "Wouldn't it be simpler to buy snow tires?” -< o I’ACK TWKNTY - KVENING HERALD. Sat.. April 7. 1919 S




^4 1LBPKQ. H A ^1.69 TV SPOTLIGHT -- Page 3 Page 2 - TV SPOTLIGHT TELEVISION This Week’s TV Specials This Week’s TV Sports Today returns to His disciples and 9.-00 9:00 TEC-IKON AND STEREO assures them that He will always 10:00 9 : 8 (£ 8 Cheryl Ladd Special ©The Scartat Latter As the d ) ® Hal Undan Special Hal be with them. (Part 4 ol 4) Waylon Jennings and Ben (3) A Special Kenny Roger* Ray PHONE Boston magistrates debate Linden and his guests Linda Charles. Dottle West and the 419 MMN ST. MANCHESTER 64V-722I AFTERNOON Vereen join host Cheryl Ladd lor AFTERNOON 4:45 7:30 8:30 whether Hester is lit to raise her Lavin, Bonnie Franklin and Oak Ridge Boys join Kenny Rog­ Today 91 Rad Sox Wrap-Up (3) B aseball Baltimore Orioles (3) Than And Now "Filmmakers an hour ol music, comedy and child Pearl. Chlllingworth Is Cathryn Damon pay tribute to ers lor an hour ol country music 12:00 vs. New York Yankees ONE (1) DAY SERVICE 3:30 Salute Oscar" Jimmy Stewart ctfincfi called In to tend to the ailing 'overnight success" in show APRIL r. 1979 S lS o c c a r and entertainment EVENING 8 Real W a tt Actors, directors looks at Academy Award © The Scarlet Latter When Reverend Arthur DImmesdale. business with an hour of song, © Tfie Scarlet Letter Seven MORNING 12:30 and critics discuss recurrent winners of the past and presents Hester Prynne Is condemned by who Is sullering from a mysteri­ comedy and dance. years have passed since Hester 3 ) O utdoors "Surfer's Hawaii" Wednesday themes in Western movies. (R) film clips and interviews from the people ol 17th-century Bos­ ous Illness. (Part 2 ol 4) Prynne gave birth to the illegiti­ 11:00 7:00 1979 nominees. ton lor adultery, she is visited by 10:30 0 1 WCT Tannit Hie Naslase vs 91 NHL Hockey Boston Bruins 4:00 1 0 :8 ® Frankla And Johnny This mate Pearl; DImmesdale seems 1:00 APRIL 11,1979 I M W/Ul 1 Color TVs her long-lost husband Roger close to death, and Hester real­ Raul Ramirez (D Challeoge Of The Sexes Jen­ vs. Toronto Maple Leafs 9S Alton Ochtner At 80 Dr. lOKX) Chlllingworth. whO/Swears her to 8 Tha Library Of Congraas 40th anniversary tribute to the *90 Up Alton Ochsner, one of the first to 8 Who KHIad Martin Luther This portrait ol a multllaceted izes she must reveal Chilling- nifer Chandler vs. Phil Boggs, 8:30 secrecy about his identity'and first American ballet includes an AFTERNOON as available connect smoking and lung Klng7 The results ol the recent and lascinating institution fea­ interview with Ruth Page, the worlh's true identity to him (Pari diving; Kerry Reid vs Bob Lutz, (H Greatest Sports Legends EVENING sets out to find ~ and punish -- 3ol 4) tennis. cancer, is honored on his 80th House Assassination Committee her lover. (Part 1 ol 4| tures the Librarian Ol Congress. original Frankie, and clips of the 9:45 birthday. probe into the death ol Martir) Dr. Daniel Boorstin. along with ^ 1936 production. 1 0 :8 12:00 1'30 91 Bruins Wrap-Up Luther King are examined. 10:00 .-^Jr. Henry Kissinger, the Julllard a i Cindlapln Bowling 6:30 5:00 11:30 , 1 (BOna To One This religious (3) NBA Basketball Live cover­ (B Bowling For Dollars d ) 8 Academy Awards Johnny String (juartet. and Senators special lealures Julie Andrews age of either the Denver Nuggets 10:30 0 National Geographic Special 1:30 Carson Is master of ceremonies (DYour Turn "Letters To cBS 12:30 —> w - > 4 T n "Last Stand In Eden" Alexander Barry Goldwater, Edward Kenne­ 31Thl(WMl(lnBaMball at the Philadelphia 76ers; Kan­ (S Sports Extra d (S The Paaaion Of Pernambuco lor the 51st annual presentation dy and Daniel P. Moynihan. News" sas City Kings at Indiana Pacers; Scourby explores the plight ol This Brazilian farming communi­ of the Academy Awards, honor­ 11:00 Thursday B P g j elephants in Kenya being pushed ty dedicates Its life entirely to a 1:00 or New Jersey Nets at Boston 8 Sports Afield ing excellence in the motion pic­ (O WrMtIIng out by expansion ol cities and yearly, six-day performance at Celtics, depending upon the APRIL 12.1979 ture field. (Live from Los Ange­ Q Bataball '79 "A Look playoff possibilities. farm lands. Easter in the creation ol a "Nova les. California.) Ahead" Highlights of the 1978 Jerusalem" from the cut granite Thursday EVENING season are presented along with 2:00 Monday EVENING of the surrounding hills. EVENING Wednesday predictions lor this year (S) @ International. Champlon- EVENING Jilp Boxing Live coverage ol the APRIL 9,1979 Tuesday 9 :8 1:30 6:00 EVENING World Bantamweight Champion­ 6:30 ©The Scarlet Latter Chilling- S O rM tM tS porlt Legends ship bout between Jorge Lujan © TV Auction A bld-by-phone EVENING 8:00 worth learns that Hester and The Outdoorsmen (B Bowling For Dollars Monday and Cleo Garcia from Las Vegas. AFTERNOON extravaganza where anything 9:00 (31 The Chlsholmi The Dimmesdale have reunited and Nevada. 7:00 and everything will be auctioned 8 8 8 W h M it Alter Erica Chisholms encounter hostile plan to leave Boston: as 2:00 8 Baaaball Boston Red Sox vs. to the highest bidder. (Continues EVENING 8:00 Dimmesdale preaches his last CE) Baseball Chicago Cubs vs C£ Baaaball Chicago Cubs vs runs oti with her race car driver, Indians and a wagon train-deci­ 2:00 Milwaukee Brewers until sign-off) 8Fraa To Ba Ma Fr. John mated by lever while traveling sermon, he reaches a terrible York Mels New York Mets C9 Baseball Montreal Expos vs. Powell, S.J., author, counselor Adam makes plans to remarry,* across the prairie alone. (Part 3 decision - one that will spell dis­ ( A ® Pra-Oama Show 93 Baseball Boston Red Sox vs New York Mels 7:30 7:00 8:00 but the death of Erica's lover (£ 8 Parry Como Spaclal Per­ and lecturer in the second of a aster lor them all. (Part 4 ol 4) ® N H L Hockey New York Islan- Cleveland Indians 8 World Hockey Cincinnati (B Your Choica For The Oscars sends her back shattered to ol 4) ry Como and his guests Pam three-part series. M rs vs. Philadelphia Flyers 8 Baaaball '79; A Look Ahead 4:40 Stingers vs. New England Hosts: Jack Albertson, Floren- ©W ho Killad Marlin Luthar Adam on the eve ol his wedding CB K Iner's Kom ar / 0 l Baseball Boston Red Sox vs 91 Baseball Boston Red Sox vs Whalers cae Henderson. Dawber and Bernadette Peters K ing The results ol the recent (P arl2ol 5)(R) Clevelend Indians celebrate the landmarks and leg­ Cleveland Indians 7:30 House Assassination Committee EVENING 9:45 ends of Hollywood and the sea­ probe into the death of Martin 2:15 3:00 8 Rad Sox Wrap-Up d ) Academy Awards Special son of spring. 99 8 SportsWortd Coverage ol Luther King are examined. l}9 09 Baseball Regional cover­ 11:30 9:00 age ol Milwaukee Brewers at Part 1 of the AIAW Gymnastics 6:30 Racing From Yonkers 8 Die Fledermaus Tony Ran­ New York Yankees; Philadelphia Championships from Penn Stale; CB Bowling For Dollars CB Grand National Steeplechase dall hosts this BBC telecast of Phillies at St Louis Cardinals 7:00 "Die Fledermaus," featuring from Aintree, England; Part 3 ol 8 Wreatling 2:30 "The Finest ol Them AH " Friday soprano Kiri te Kanawa, tenor (1) & NASL Special The play­ Hermann Prey and international ers. personalities and game 3:30 APRIL 13.1979 star Topol. (D & American Sportsman Tuesday BUY EARLY AND SAVE! action that have helped make soccer the fastest growing "Africa: End Ol The Game" APRIL 10,1979 American sport are highlighted Cheryl Tiegs visits Africa to EVENING Sunday (® WCT Tennis report on the widespread destruction ol wildlife there MORNING 3:30 AFTERNOON 6:30 GP gg Professional Bowlara Tour 3:45 (B Bowling For Dollars Live coverage of the S125.000 (3) Auto Racing Live coverage 2:30 8:00 PRE-SEASON POOL SALE 11:30 BPAA U S. Open from the Brad­ ol the U S Grand Prix West, a 8 Passover Special 93 91 Baseball Boston Red Sox Highlights of the day's Bm u IHu I Easter cards, hundreds to ley Bowl in Windsor Locks. Formula 1 auto race through the (3) Golf vs. Milwaukee Brewers activity in the Masters Tourna­ 10:00 Connecticut streets ol Long Beach. Califor­ choose from. Eaater decoratlona, WE STILL HAVE A NUMBER OF 1978 POOLS ON nia. 5:15 ment from Augusta National Golf 8 Palm Sunday Liturgy 4:00 91 Red Sox Wrap-Up Club in Georgia. partyware and Easter basket Terence Cardinal Cooke cele­ (D Mestars Tournement Special 4'30 stuftora. brates Palm Sunday Mass from HAND THAT WE’LL SELL AT LAST YEAR'S PRIGES!| Alistair Cooke narrates the story (i)® W lde World Of Sports 11:40 Si. Patrick's Cathedral in New EVENING (3) NBA Basketball Live cover­ ol the Masters Golf Tournament, Live coverage ol the Rebel York City. age of the first round of the NBA YOUR POOL WILL BE INSTALLED THIS SPRING FOR| the golf course and the two men "500 " slock car race from Darl­ Bamboo playoffs. who created both. ington, So. Carolina; Part 2 of 6:30 AFTERNOON 03 The Outdoorsman the Oriental world ol Self (B Bowling For Dollars basket 4.95 A FULL SUMMER OF ENJOYMENT. Defense from Madison Square 4:45 Garden. 12:00 91 Rad Sox Wrap-Up CD Soocar Now York Cosmos 8 A Conversation On Passover TODAY! PRICES WILLREVER BE LOWER! 5:00 vs, Washington Diplomats Rabbis Stanley Schacter and 99 ® ® Golf "Colgate-Dinah Easter greetings box Max J. Routlenberg discuss the CD Sports Spectacular Cover­ "Using the . . > - "S w age ol the Long Beach Pro Shore Winner's Circle " Cover­ 2.65 (estival ol Passover. Celebrity Auto Race from Long age of the final round in this 1:00 LPGA tournament from Mission The Precision Haircut Beach, C al; "Money Players Short Form 93 National Geographic Special (And why It might be right for you ) Shoot-Out". Part II leaturing Hills Country Club in Palm "Wild River" An adventurous trip Minnesota Fats vs Allen Springs. California. down the Salmon River is taken Hopkins, from Las Vegas. Nev , In rafts and kayaks. If you hate the way your haircut disappears the day after, come to Command Performance where Fight ol the Week H«nry W. Block could cost 8 A Conversation On Passover (D eg Wide World Of Sports Rabbis Stanley Schacter and we specialize in the precision haircut The Harlem Globetrotters per- Max J. Routlenberg discuss the Precision haircufting is our technique for cutting torm in Nashville. Tennessee, festival ol Passover. making a special appearance at you money!” the hair in harmony with the way it ^rows So as the Grand Ole Opry with a varie­ 1:30 A It grows. It doesn t lose its shape And because the ty ol country music stars (Rl 8 G Isalla Members of the Bol­ If you don’t know tax laws, you need H&R shoi Ballet |3erform AdUphe hair IS cut to fall naturally, you don l have to keep 99 93 Qolf "Colgate-Dinah fuss'ing with it Usually a shake of the head does it Shore Winner's Circle " Cover­ Block to review your tax situation. You want Adams' classic dance about the tragic love of a peasant girl for a The precision haircut with shampoo and blow- age ol the semi-linal round in Sales & Service to be sure you are using the proper tax this LPGA tournament from Mis­ nobleman in this special filmed M any Different Styles to Choose From dry costs just fourteen dollars for guys and gals- sion Hills Country Club in Palm form. Even it you tiled the Short Eorm last at the Bolshoi Theater In OPEN OPEN We also offer permanent waves, coloring, frosting DIRECTORY Moscow. Edward Vlllella hosts. WE FEATURE ABOVE & BELOW GROUND POOLS Springs. California year, your circumstances this year could SUNDAY •and conditioning No appointment is needed, just 4:30 SUNDAY ■ come in And you II see that precision is right EVENING CONSUMER SALES let you save money by filing the Long Form. 8 Mystery Murals Of Baja Call- Don't i/ifait—io m e Out Today fomla The giant rock paintings tor you Manchester Parkadtf SHOP At H&R Block, we'll take all the time neces­ ^ CANDIES t1:30 US LAST. N am e brand left by an ancient and little- lU Racing From Yonkers sary becauspwe want to be sure you pay known Indian civilization are appliances, televisions searched lor in the rugged 12:00 L ow est p ric e s in tow-;i the lowest legitimate tax. Ru s m II Stover candles mountains ol Baja. (R) Commancl Performance iT) Wrestling guaranteed. Service.after II16 © M onet French impressionist M4 7Q t » i t lr>u>"ixl'0 0 «l Ccxp sale. ' I are the finest in quality and Claude Monet's paintings are 12:30 Sabrino Pooh rt lecottd 7h displayed at an exhibit in Chica­ f n n a 91 The Athletes H&R BLOCK freshness. Choose from miU« Dost • ! Bolton Loko. Marthafl’s Mall BARLOW'S TV • Zenith Sales go in the spring ol 1975. Service on Standard Brands. many assortments IMB-SMBAI lOME Manchester, Conn. MANCHESTER-Manchester Parkade 646-S440 S lIV K I, CALL (OlllCT Where Quality Begins I ^ Sunday 805 Hartford Road, especially decorated EVENING Manchester Telephone - 643- L HARTFORO-11B1 Main St. 528-7783 7 4 ^ 7 ^ 0 8 r a 643-8339 Rt. 44A Covtntry • Ttl. 742-730S APRIL 8. 1979 5095. 6UISTOII8URY-2389MalnSt. 833-0610 for Easter. StHTMa WntflT' M in Mon-FrI 10-9 8:00 h n : M 114 • LOW BANK f/N AN C tN C • OPEN 9 am to 9 pm WEEKDAYS 9 to 5 pm SAT. & SUN, 8 ® 8 J«*u* 01 Nazareth Sat 10-6 TWENTIETH CENTURY Following the Last Supper. Jesus SOUTWIKTOII MANCMSTEIi ENFIELD AVON MORNING Television. Inc. 176 Burnside OPEM SUNDAYS APPOIIITIIIEIITSANAIIAIIE is betrayed by Judas and crucl- Address imprint to be Avant Garde Bold Avenue. East Hartford. 528- MANCHESTER PARKADE DAILY 10-9...8UN. 12- 5 lied on orders from Pontius 1-742-7308 649-9933 741-0300 742-7308 11:00 1554. Sales and Service. Zenith MANCHESTER PARKADE Pilate; after the resurrection. He 65 Line • Do not re-screen . O BowMng and Quasar. Sears 643-1581 Ext. 250 V«nen.-M y 10-(, Sun 10-S_L Haitlord dMy 10-t, Sun 1 M 18 Soccer Made In Germany During Rngutv Stort Hourt

I v . ' *'.v « § t r Page4- TV.S^grUPHJ, TV SPOTLIGHT - Page 5 Today, April 7 Sunday, April 8 0 l4 o v to "Confidential Agent" Faces Death" (1943) Basil Ralh- The Sea a cattle ratKh. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 0 Racing From Yonkara MORNING 9*30 12:30 (1961) Natalie Wood, Richard 8 6S Mastafpleoa Theatre © N e w s MORNING (1945) Charles Boyer. Lauren bone. Nigel Bruce. dS Animal World 3 TV Auction (Cont'd) 8 3 8 Saturday Night Uve (SK M tw o tld 0 Outdoors Beymer. 0 AndyQrltmh Bacall. 0 Space Ghost And OIno Boy 0 0 Issues And Answers 0 FtHh For Todsy 9:15 11:30 (nWaakandBpadala 8 3 Q o H 8*30 0 Ustan 0 Movie "The Horsemen" 8 HolCHyDlsoo 8 Jukebox 5:00 0 UtMe Rascals ISI Meat Tha Press 6:00 8 3 8 Buford And Tha Qal- 88tudlo8oa 0 The Fbat Easter Rabbit 3 As School Match w ns 8 8 (1971) Omar Sharif. Jack 8 ABCNew a 0 Nine On Naw Jersey EVENING 9:30 (T) Mm Bulldt. Man Oaatroya lopkigQhoat 8 Lawranoa Walk 0 8 D a l t a House 12:00 Palance Insight 1:00 ® Ptnam For Living ' 8 1iVaafnOlJaannIa 8 Tha Ghost And Mrs. Muk 8 Ju la Chad And Company 0 Tha Gong Show 1:30 5:30 8 0 ChaHenga Of Tha Sexes ( 0 Stocksrd Channing , 0 David Susakhtd The Brady Bunch 3 Jknmy Swaggart 0 H la Written X C h M rtn 't Ootpai Hour 8 Candtopki Bowing 3 National Geographic 8paclal 0 Wraattkig 3 0 Movie "The Adventures 01 6:00 0 RutIHousa 9:00 ElactricCH>mpany(R) 0 Jaka Haaa Qoapel time (g P T L Club 0 Viewpoint On Nutrition 8 0 0 Novrs 0 Movla "Apache" (1954) Burl 12:30 (0 CSS Movie "The Seeding Of 6:00 Robin Hood" (1938) Errol Flynn. 5*30 8 Celabrata 0 Human Dimonslon Lancaster. Jean Peters. 6:30 0 Fat Alban Sarah Burns" (Premiere) Kay 12:30 0 Christopher Cloieup Olivia de Havilland. 9:45 dB Living Faith 0 Top Cat 8 TV CommunHy Cofiogs 8 Upstairt. Downatalra QC Agrlcultura U.8.A. 0 Amartean Bandstand Lenz, Martin Balsam. A woman 0 Movla "Confidential Agent" 0 Mormon World Conference 0 Dialogue 0 Brukia Wrap-Up 8 Footstspa 0 Rax Humbard l 0 A B C N m v s 0 Mast. Council Of Rabbis ^ T m Brady Kkto 8 3 FeihAous Funniaa agrees to take part in a human (1945) Charles Boyer, Lauren 30dyssey 0 Boris Kariotrs Thriller 8 Stage Door DIaco 0 Spanish Insight 3 Ttw Advocates ^ 10:00 0 Movla “ Damn The Defiant" X Oavty And OoNath 8 O Crockalt'a Victory Garden embryo transplant experiment Bacall. 10:00 © Com m ent 6:30 0 Barrio Journey To Adventure (1962) Alec Guinness, Dirk 8 8oulTraln EVENING without realizing the impact until 0 TheAthM ee Best 01 News Day 8 6:30 1 jas^.— i nvwte 6:45 0 0 Herculdds 3 National Geographic Special Bogarde. S ) NawDay 8 This Waak m BaaabaR she is loo deeply involved. 8 Petticoat Junction 3:00 0 Faith For To d m 0 CBS Nows 0 Tha World Tomorrow LoveBoat 8RW(OfMwTtaga 0 Kids Are People Too 8 Nova 0 ABC News 0 U v b M F a m i 11:45 ■ - J 1:00 00 12:45 (3 Battle Of The Planata A Conversation On Passover 7:00 6:00 0 hllovle "Brewster McCloud" 0 S un dn M ass 8 0 Movla "A Lady Takes A 8 3 8 Waakand 0 Baratta 0 The Jetaona Ustan 3:02 0 Homer Formby ^V M a A la q ra 0 News (1971) Bud Cort, Sally Kellerman. 0 7:00 0 Jerry Fahvell Chance" (1943) John Wayne, 8 Who KHIad Martin Luther ® DpctorWho 0 Jack Barmy This Is Tha Lite 3 Firing Line v 12:00 0 Popaya And Frianda Parauwtort With - the help of an angel, a 0 Face The Stale 8 Jean Arthur. A woman finds an King? nOoulTram Japan: Tha Changing Tradi­ 1:00 3 Chalice Of Salvation ' 0 Movla “Carry On Regard­ 0 Ultla Raacala 8 modern-day optimist living in the (0 Movie "Wild Women Of 3:15 0 Wonderama 1:30 unwilling candidate (or marriage 0 Aak tha Manager 8 Conaultatlon 3 Wraattkig tion Studio Sea less" (1963) Kenneth Connor, Houston Astrodome attempts to Wongo" (1965) Pat Crowley. Ed ( 3 Movie "The Boss" (1956) 0 Thlf la TheU fe 8 (I ) NBA Basketball while husband-hunting In the Far 3 Whan Tha Boat Comae In 8 3 Waahington Week In 8 Black Perspective On The 0 Melodyland Morning Servica 8 Palm Sunday LHurgy .11 ' Sidney James 7:30 prepare himself for "(light." 2 Furv. John Payne, Doe Avedon. 0 Connecticut: Seen West. 1 1/2 hrs.(B/W) 0 Worship For Shut-Ins rvowv 3 700Ckib 0 The Jetsons -> 0 Anothar Vlaw 10:30 ^ Arthur And Company 0 Baaaball '79 hrs. 0 Echoes Of Inspiration 0 Face Tha State 0 My Throe Sons 0 Jerry FalweH 8 Ring Around The World 3 Tha Growing Years 8 3 8 NBC Newt 12:30 ^ Tha FNntatonat 8 PoSia 8 Giselle 0 Sports Extra 3 TV Auction 8 3 8 B J And The Bear 8 Chiwophar dosaup 8 TV Community Collaga 8 Next Step Beyond 10:30 8 Homer Formby 0 Jknmy Swaggart 1:30 0 That'a Hollywood S Bay Crty RoNart 6:30 8 Ola Ftadarmaus 7:30 0 Spiderman 0 Conversation WHh 12:52 0 3OMInutaa 0 The Muppots 0 Tha Drum 9 T t n n iiiia Tuxado 0 0 C B S N a w s - 0 My Nalghbor'a Religion 0 Point Of View © A B C News 0 GlMgan’a Mand 0 9/1 2:00 0 Tha Prlca la Right Worship For Shut-Ins 8 The World Tomorrow 10:50 8:00 0 Action Nawamakera (0Croes-Wlta 0 0 0 International Champlon- 7:00 8 NBC News 0 Christopher Cloaeup 8 Zoom 3 Janaki 1:00 ® Popaya 0 (3rsataat Sports Lagenda ship Boxirra 0 60 Mlnutaa 8 Risk Ot Marriage 3 8 N a w a 10:00 Interior Design 8 Oral Roberts 0 Movie "The Wistful Widow 0 0 Friends 11:00 d ) Supadtaroaa 3 Wa« Street Weak 0 3 0 Basaliball 8 8 Another Votes 0 N e w a Sacred Heart Of Wagon Gap" (1947) Abbott 0 (3ospal Singirn Jubilee i T 3 80000/$ AR-Stara Tha Outdooraman 8 8 Global Pa 0 3 8 0 N e w s 1:20 . 8 0 and Costello, Marjorie Main. 0 ABC News 0 Oavay And QoHath 7:00 8 Baseball '79: A Look Ahead 8 3 8 World 01 Disney 0 Sunday Night Extra 8 My Pannar The Ghost 0 Bast Of Festival Of FaHh 7:45 0 Kids Are People Too 8 Ita ^A lvIn And Tha Chlp- 0 Agronaky And Company 3 CInamatIc Eye 8 Austin CHy LlmHs 0 Ufa Of Riley 8 3 8 Supertrain 8 Davey And Goliath 3 The Growing Years 1:30 munka 2:00 0 News 0 NHL Hockey 8 PTL Club 3 TV Auction (Cont'd) ) ._2 :3 0 4 © N e w s S SaaarTM Straal (R) 0 Movie “ My Six Loves" ® Your Choica For The Oscars 8:00 11:00 3 Crockett's Victory Garden 0 Sports Afield 0 tha Passion Of Pernambuco (1963) Debbie Reynolds. Clilf 0 We Believe 0 Promises Of God 3 Academy Leaders 0 Lawrence Walk 10:30 planning ahead for 0 Congressional Report 7:30 8:30 Robertson 0 Sunday Mass 3 Movie "Jules And Jim" 1:45 8 Soap Factory 0BlackNews 0 Woody Woodpecker 3 Book Beat 1 Woody Woodpackar 0 UM a Rascals 0 Janies Robison (1961) Jeanne Moreau, Oskar 11:15 © N e w s 3 Odyiasay 0 Tha RIflaman 0 Rax Humbard 0 CBS News T yiawpotnt On Nutrition 0 Maks It Real safety, comfort 0 Voice Of FaHh Werner. 6:00 8 S S Fantaatlc Four ,8 Mundo Real 11:00 0 Insight 00Baaabail Has Haw 3 Robert Schuller Portugal Cantinho Da Sau 3:00 0 All In The Family d i Another View <^8 0 0 3 a ® N e w a 3 Sesame Street (R) 8 0 0 Battloetar Galactica 9 0 0 0 Dick Van Dyke 8 dade 0 Movie “Mister Roberts" Buga Bunny r Road Runrtar 8 8 Pra-Oama Show 0 Lawrence Walk an d b eau ty 8 Passover Special (1955) Henry Fonda, James 0 Rex Humbard 8 In Search Of... < ■ffl Second City TV 3 Bovirling 3 NHL Hockey 0 Dr. DooIRtle 8 Soccer Mads In Germany Cagney. 0 This Is The Life i 7:28 lckVanDyfce 0 Movla Drittin River (19461 0 Turnabout 8 0 gg Latino Sacrifice Of The Mass 0 Dr. Gene Scott 8 3 8 Josus Of Nazareth / making easter 3 BM Moyers' Journal 0 If You Ask Me 0 Public Affairs Special 8 ( 8 Tha Cousteau Odyssey Eddie Dean. Roscoe Ales 8:30 3 An American Story 8 8 SportsWorid 8 S 8 Oodzila Supar 90 11:30 3 Masterpiece Theatre 2:15 7:29 Gregory 0 Hot Fudge 3*30 decorations? MlalarHogara(R) DaHy Numbers 0 Movie “ A Rage To Live" 88 Baasbal 8 Bareisa 0 Insight 11:30 ( i ) 0 American Sportsman 8:30 VHaAlagra (1965) Suzanne Pleshelle. Brad- 0 Day Of Discovery 0 One Day At A Time •Mortmtnl of: § 2:30 7:30 0 Face The Nation ( 8 Great Performances iord Oillman 0 Then And Now 6 ityrolMm fogt • mln4 fkgurtt 9:30 0 Laural And Hardy Laugh- 0 Academy Awards Special 3 Oral Roberts 0 Uttle Rascals 0 Movie "The Sicilian Clan" 3:45 0 Greatest Sports Legends • tgg Mti • nowtrt 0 Shazzam toons 0 High School Press Conler- 6490713 8 Robert Schuller 0 0 Directions (1970) Jean Gabin. Alain Delon. 0 Fantastic Voyage 0 Auto Racing 8 8upartrtanda 8 NASL Special snoe 0 Moments Of Comfort 9:00 i Onoa Upon A Clasaic W C T Tannia 8 NaahvWe On The Road 0 Jewish Heritage 13 An American Story 4:30 © A ik * 8 Carraacolandaa i 8 In Concert 3 As Schools Match Wits 9:00 0 0 Wide World Of Sports 0 0 A B C Movie "Thunder­ 8 Once Upon A Classic AFTERNOON © S o c c e r bolt And Lightfoot" (1974) Clint 10:00 3:00 0 Mario And The Magic Movie every T i Moby Dick 8 HesHaw(Cont'd) Machine 8 3 8 Golf Eastwood, Jell Bridges. Two 0 1 Love Lucy 8 Mystery Murals Of Baja Call- lillle 0 Movla Cull 01 The Cobra 0 Family Feud 0 Frankenstein Jr. And The 12:00 bank robbers piol to rob the 8 Rainbow's End Superman (omla same bank lor a second time thiiin' (1955) Richard Long. Faith 8 Impossibles 0 Consumer Buyline y the miracle of mom ftretf j 3 Maatarpiace Theatre v 3 Monet alter somehow mispiacing the Domergue 0 Davey And Goliath © Movie "Pride Of The 8:00 iool from the (irsi hoidup. (R) (• downtown monchester^ 8 Cociaumar Survival Kit 3:30 0 Bad News Bears 0 Oral Roberts Bowery" (1941) East Side Kids. 4:45 (B Nine On New Jersey 3 Hot Fudge 0 Tha Brady Bunch 0 MervQrlflin 8 Jimmy Swaggart 0 Robert Schuller 0 Red Sox Wrap-Up 0 Athletes 0 8 Protaaskmal Bowlera Tour 0 What's Happeningll 3 Day Of Discovefy 0 Living Faith 10:30 8 5:00 0 Journey To Adventure 0 Melodyland Evening Service 9 Mister RoRogers(R) (8 A Conversation On Passover 0 Tarzan / Supar Seven 0 Real West VEST Moumey To The Center 01 0 Athanson's Forum i Spiderman 8 3 8 CHIPS 3 Wild Kingdom ( 8 Firing Line’ 4KM 8 Crockett's Victory Garden The Earth 8 Soccer 8 3 8 Oaffy Duck 0 The World Tomorrow 0 Three Stooges 3 Movie Jules And Jim 0 Maatara Tournament Special 0 Movie "Arizona" (1940) Wil­ 8 What About Women ILL 3 Sesame Street 3 Black Man s Land (1961) Jeanne Moreau. Oskar 0 Big Valley liam Holden. Jea n' Arthur A 0 Movie ■ Salome (1953) Rita The sand dollar. Legend says that Werner 0 Naahvllla On Tha Road young man falls in love wilh an 9:15 Hayworth. Stewart Granger. 5:30 (5) Movie "West Side Story" 3 Green Acraa 3 The Outdooraman Arizona girl and helps her obtain Package Store 0 New Day 3 Nova in this sheli form nature is 8 Exploring The Restless Sea Manchester Parkade 11:00 3 Alton Ociisnsr At 80 reveaiing the d ) Soul Train (FERN CHAMBERLAND 408 W. Middle Tnpke T 8 Far^aca JO HN’S TV Easter story. 8 3 8 Fred And Barney 0 UfeOfRlley Salesman 6 4 9 -0 4 4 6 TV DIal-ogue 3 W CT Tannia 0 PopI Goes The Country & STEREO Sterling silver, 3 Has Haw Henays ^TOGK UP FOR EASTOh VOCE 11:30 8 Life Around Us sono with neckchain. ( 0 8 Pink Panther DAY SERVICE BEU’AGIO part nor any part in the joined the Screen Actors 3 Book Beat A soft dry white tabto AMAZING GRACE — Guild, there was already it) Movla Curse 01 The CO LO R ft A Soft Whlta Wine LOOK FOR win* mad* from a Some time ago on “ Little movie “Gone With the Undead (1959) Eric Fleming. 4:45 MIelotM Whm Wind.” — Mrs. John C. an actor by that name. Michael Pale 0 Rad Sox Wrap-Up B ftW WEEKLY iloction of Flnoal House on the Prairie” Thus he added the middle Delightful to ChHM grapM. Hammonder, Lake Placid, 8 3 8 The Jetaona 5:00 Laura and her father Frodueud In Northern Fla. name. 0 Sports Spectacular v m o d a T A y o u SPECIALS louncL a baby girl in the Frouincea of tiaiy BOY OH BRUCE — Can o w n or g iv e. AFTERNOON 0 Movie "The Big Fisherman" Produce of Italy Sure. Let it be known ALL MAKES mountains. Laura named now and forever more that you tell me where to write (1959) Howard Keel. Susan 1 1JL 780ML Full Unu Ot iRec. SKOAL her Grace. They found the 12:00 Kohner WE ARE A Mae West did not have the Bruce Boxleltner ol “How 10 Space Academy 0 8 Wide World Of Sports MAGNAVOX AUTHORIZED Imporfd B— n parents who took her back SERVICE CENTER leading part nor any part the West Was Won”? I love 10 Movie Sherlock Holme 0 Voyage To Tha Bottom Of $3.69 3.00 with them. Now the Ingalls in the film “Gone With the the show, only I wish it 151 Tsleoltviae RiL, Vamon family has an older baby CHILLED WINES J ^ gftVE 69c . Wind.” would go hack to the seri­ 8 7 1 - 1 7 9 6 named Grace, ^ e re did alized format of last year. they get her? — Mrs. E. NAME THAT NAME — — Trish Dooble, Medina, Lehmann, Los Angeles, N.D. Friendship Lodge )i!145 J-ROGET Calif. Can yon tell me why Paul Annual Jamboree CANADIAN Michael Glaser uses two Several viewers have ^fNT))^’l GREAT WESTERN They got her in a much AMERICAN MIST more typical fashion than first names? Wouldn’t one written with the same com­ e»Ficf £ S p u m a n t o SEYVAL RLANC finding her in the woods. or the other be easier and plaint, but the producers WHISKEY are sticking to their guns E Naturally Premium Mrs. Ingalls gave birth to less pretentious sounding? PANCAKES Famtairtad NY State WbM 1 Qt. 80 Proof Grace at the end of. last — Karen Vogel, Butte, on the new format, at least and sausage 8(parfclng WhM for this season. You can 750ML Rb i . s k o a l season. Mont. 4/5 One or the other would write them and Boxleitner Jewelers A Silversmiths Since 1900 ALL YOU CAN EAT WEST WIND — Will yon definitely be easier, but it In care ot the show, MGM, 958 MAIN 8T. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER The world's largest non profit $3.39 6.99 6.43 settle an argnm :nt be­ is not pretention that Culver City, CA. 9 0 ^ . • HARTFORD • NEW BRITAIN • WESTFARMS MALL scientific and educational in- $2.99 Palm Sunday, tpril 8 9 am to 6 pm tween myself and my hns- causes Glaser to double up sbtutlon is the National Geo­ MItSOiC Tempir 25 East Center St band? Will yon please let it on the first names. He "Little minds are wounded AmwiMn Exprsw/M.nw Clww/V«4 / by the smallest things." graphic Society, founded in Manchester (Heit to Cayeys) be known that Mae West started in the theater as CUUM CENTER FOR • IM j Wmttn • M m y Tree • iRttMt Littinr Ls Rochefoucauld 1888. Donation; Adults ‘I ’’ Children Under 10 ’1" did not have the leading Paul Glaser, but when he Page 8 - TV SPOTLIGHT

TV SPOTLIGHT - Page 7 Daytime Programs ■ V

MQI^NINO 7:30 ' I HZ) At Your FIngartIpa (Thu) 9 Electric Company (Mon-Thu) 9 MathamaUcal Ralatlonahips d Ironiide (Tua-FrI) Tuesday, April 10 9 Once Upon A Clasalc (Frl) (Tue) 9 The S c a iM Letter (Tue, Thu) d The Fkntatonaa 9:40 9 Marcus Walby,M.D. 9 Inalde / Out (Thu) 9 Bavarty HWbHHes (Mon, W ed- ® PTL Chib Images And Things (Thu) Oskar Werner, Barbara Ferris 5:00 HZ) HZ) Electric Company (Mon, Wad) DAYTIM E SPORTS ® JokariaWAd 7:29 9 Liars Club 10:30 - S S Today 9 DaHy Numbars l ® The Brady Bunch (Tua-FrI) 9:45 HZ) Peopla Of m 1 ^ Light 1:20 HZ) UHas, Yoga And You (R) (3) Bozo's Big Top ffi To Be Announced S Porky Pig And Bugs Bunny HZ) Matter Of FIctton (Wad) 9:00 9 Word Workers, Inc. (Mon) 9 TV ^im m unity Collaga ffi 9 13 Queens Blvd. 5:30 3:30 2:30 7:30 ffi 9 Three's Company 12:40 7:45 9 Bread And Buttarfilas (Tua) ^'Scpioring Mathamatlcs(Thu) 1:30 9 MyThraaSons @ Footsteps iS T h a Qhoat And Mra. Muir (E M*A*S*H (R) 9 9 Baseball d Baseball 9 9 9 Movie "Legend Of ffi CBS Late Movie "Madigan: S Newt d As The World Turns 9 Bonanza (Tu«-Fr1) 9:50 11:15 d Woody Woodpecker ( E $100,000 Name That Tune The Golden Gun" (Premiere) Jeff 11:00 The Naples Beat" (1973) Richard d Tha Partridge F a n ^ 5:15 HZ) Studio Saa 6:S 9 Nawa News (Thu) ®VHIa Alag^ (R) (Mon, Wed, ffi Newlywad Gama Osterhage, Hal Holbrook, A ffi®999News Widmark. Rossanoflrazzi 5:55 HZ) 9 Self, Incorporated (Mon) 9 Rod Sox Wrap-Up d Captain Kangaroo Fri) I 6:30 90ance Fever young farmer teams up with a d Carol Burnett And Friends C0 Today'a Woman 9:55 11:30 HZ) Imagaa And T h l ^ (Tue) (EWoodyWoodpackar 9 M*A*S*H(R) (Mon, Wed-Fri) d Tha Brady Bunch 9 HZ) MacNall / Lahrar Raport runaway slave to seek revenge ffi Benny Hill 1:00 9 Heritage Comar d AH In The FamUy (R) HZ) Oattrar'Round (Thu) 6:00 S Today 9 VIHa Alegre (R) ffi Bowling Ftor Dollars 9 Wild Kingdom on the men who murdered his 9 Dick Van Dyke 9 9 9Tomorrow ' (D Aoronaky And Company S Tha i W t h Estate (Mon) d Midday Uva DAYTIME MOVIES 3) Jake H m Gospel Tima 9 Dick Van Dyke lather. 9 Honeymooners 10:00 1:40 1:15 (Monr S Anyone For Tennyson (Tua) d9FamllyFeud 4K)0 9 9 9 NBC News 9 Tic Tac Dough 9 The State Of Higher Educa­ HZ) Dick Cavett ( d Mika Douglas HZ) Truly American (Wad) ffi Joe Franklin | d ) WaBaliava(Tua) ® J a ^ : Tha Changing Tradi­ 9 9 9 Wheal Of Fortune d ) DInahl tion d I Love Lucy 12:00 9 Over Easy 11:30 d Baat Of Nawt Day (Wad) tion (Wad) 9 Educational Programming 1:45 d Woody Woodpecker 8:00 9 Movie "King Richard And d Ryan's Hope 9 "Tm No Angel” (1933) Mae 9 Adam-12 d Cross-Wits ffi Bamaby Jones 2:00 ‘ d Barrio (Thu) S Book Beat (Thu) (^.Tue,Thu,Fri) 9 Ripplaa(Mon) d M e r v Griffin The Crusaders " (1954) Rex Daktarl , fflRomparRoom West. Cary Grant. HZ) An American Story d 9 Happy Days d Tha Gong Show 9 d VMona And Valuaa (Frl) ® TV Community Collaga (Frl) 9MundoRaal(Wod) HZ) People Of Tha Rrst Light ® Movie (Tue-Fri) tiarrison. Virginia Mayo. Richard 9 9 C «d Sharks ffi Movie "Asylum (1972) ffi 9 ABC Movie A Matter Of 2:15 dNawZooRtvua S Abbott And Coatailo HZ) Sesame Street (Mon-Thu) (Thu) 9 Feature FUm (Mon, Thu, Fri) 1:00 6:55 the Lionhearted and the Chris­ 9 KHty Today Peter Cushing, Richard Todd. A Time " (1976) Liza Minnelli, Ingrid (B H Io h School Praaa Confar- 9 A Woman's Placa (Tua) ® "Hilda Crane" (1956) Jean 9 News tians take on the Moslems dur­ ffi News I 8:25 9 Educational Programming 1:50 doctor learns the bizarre and Bergman anco(Mon) AFTERNOON 9 For You, Black Woman (Wed) Simmons, Guy Madison. ing the light lor the Holy Land. (2 S i S S N a w s 9 lronslda HZ) Breakthrough (Tua) disturbing case histories of sev­ ffi Movie "The Doomsday 2:10 , (D Connacticut: Saan (Tua) 9 Sta MHIIon Dollar Man (Mon, hrs.) 9 IL o v a L u c y 4:00 7:00 eral patients while visiting an Machine " (1975) Mala Powers, ffi News dMakanRaal(Wad) 8*30 1:55 Wed-Fri) HZ) The Scarlet Letter IS) Truly American (Mon) V 12:00 ® ”A Man Called Adam d)CBS News asylum. 2 hrs. Henry Wilcoxen, 2:57 d Eighth Day (Thu) QIHIgan'a Island 9 Spkit Of Indapandanca (Mon- 9 HZ) Sesame Street (j) 0 Storybook (Tua, Wad) N l ) ( ® Nawa (1966) Sammy Davis Jr.. Peter Six Million Dollar Man (9 9 CllffhangM (3) Voloe Of Faith d Movie "Never Say Die ” ■ d Dlalogua(Fri) ® Meat Tha Mayors (Mon, Wad) Wad) 9 Movie d HZ) Ripplae(Thu) d 'OockLlvet Lawford. 9 Previn And The Pittsburgh 9:30 r 9 9 9 Best Of Carson (1939) Bob Hope, Andy Devine [ PTL Chib ® New York Report (Tua) 120 9 AH In Tha Family (R) (Mon, (X) 9 ABC News 9 Living Faith 2:00 9 "The Pirate" (1948) Judy ffi Dating Gama 9 Free To Ba Me ( B 9 T a x l 9 The Rifleman IS Not For Woman Only ® Nina On New J a ra ^ (Thu) 10:15 Wed-Fri) 3:00 9 9 9 Paaaword Plus d QWIgan’s Island Garland. Gene Kelly. (3) Festival Ot FaHh 9 Joker's Wild l. HZ) Captioned ABC News ® Newark And Reality (Frl) HZ) Art Madia (Tua) & The Partridge Family 9 Emergency Onel 6:30 9 Educational Programming d91mLlfeToUve 9 Sounding Board HZ) Who Killed Martin ' Luther S ^ S T o d a y HZ) Many Worlds Of Nature 10:00 d Commant (Mon) 9 Movle(Mon-W^) d BaaebaM(Mon) 4'3 0 . EVENING 9 News King News 12:00 4:00 S TV Community Collage d HZl . d I Love Lucy d Congraaalonal Raport (Tua) 9 Movies (Thu, Frl) (3) FaaUval (}f Faith d Little Rascals 9 DIckCavett ffi 9 The Ropers 9 News S Romper Room , Incorporated (Thu) 9 The Rifleman d F a o a T h a 8tata(Wad) 9 $20,000 Pyramid 9 9 9 The Doctors 9 P TL Club 6:00 9 NewtywadGama 8:30 ffi Boris Karioff's Thriller dKktaworld(Frl) 9 Andy Griffith 9 Emergency Onel (jiilon, Wed- 4:30 8:45 10:20 12:30 d ( B 9 9 N 6 w s 9 Tha Odd Coupla dMarvGriffin (3) Living Faith 12:30 9 Kitty Today d Buga Bunny And Friandt A.M Waathar HZ) Trade-Offs (Mon) HZ) Touts La Bands (Mon) Fri) 9 7he Library Of Congress d Movie "Interlude" (1968) SS dUfeOfRIley d iXova Lucy HZl Over Easy ffi 9 Laveme & Shlriay (E B a itIa Of Tha Planets HZ) Short Story (Wed) 9 My Three Sons 10:24 9 9 9 Hollywood Squares S Adalanta (Mon) 9:00 9 Waathar 9 Ryan's Hope 4:40 S Black Partpactiva On The d Tom And Jerry 2:10 HZ) Equal Justice Under Law 9 At Your Fingertips (Tue) ® KIner'a Komer (Mon) Na«M(Tua) d A r x ^ Griffith 10:30 d S3 Donahue (Mon) Wednesday, April 11 S Ring Around Tha World d ) My Three Sons 2:15 5:00 ® Joe Franklin HZ)FaellngFrae(Tue) m a d ) ( d Edge Of Night H9 Short Story (Mon) d The RIntstones S3 Sesame Street HZ) Exploring Mathematics (Wad) 9 Joker's Wild 11:00 12:37 SJ W What h i About Woman? (Thu) 9 9 9 All Star Secrets HZ) Let's AH Sing (Thu) ® Ironside (Mon) 9 My Three Sons 7:29 S Dating Gama HZ) Music (Thu) DAYTIME MOVIES ffi ffi 9 9 9 News ( E 9 Mannix S i t It Written (Frl) 9 Crosa-WHa OS Voloa Ot Faith Bonanza 9 Dally Numbers S T o m Larson 2:20 9 B:30 ffi Carol Burnett And Friends HZ) lnslda/Out(Tue) 12:45 9 The Odd Couple Studio See 1:00 6:55 S Laava It To Beaver HZ) Write On (Tue) HZl 7:30 9 Liars Club ffi Benny Hill HZ) Gather 'Round (Wed) HZ) All About You (Wad) 9 HZ) Mister Rogers (R) 12:00 9 9 9 Tomorrow ^ News HZ) The Growing Years (Mon, 9 "The Whole Town’s Q ) P.M. Magazine 9 Dick Van Dyke HZ) Short Story (Thu) 2:30 9 Joker’s Wild 6:30 9:00 12:55 * (X) $1.98 Beauty Show 1:10 7:00 Wad) ( i ) Guiding Light Talking" (1935) Edward G. d The Brady Bunch ffi Dear Detective HZ) Dick CaveH ® An American Story (Tue, Thu) 10:40 d News 5:15 Robinspn, Jean Arthur ffi BowHng For Dollars ffi Newlywed Game ffi Ko|ak d Monday Morning (Mon) d Fred Flintstone And Friends d Undersea World Of Jacques 11:30 The Other School System HZ) Breakthrough (Mon) 9 Red Sox Wrap-Up (Tue) Q ) Jake Hass Gospel Time 9 Wild kingdom d Tuaaday Morning (Tua) HZ) 9 9 Another World Cousteau ffi Your Turn 1:30 (Frl) 1:00 1:00 9 9 9 NBC News 9 Big Money d Wednesday Morning (Wed) 10:45 d Search For Tomorrow 9 Another- World (Mon, Wed- ,5 :3 0 ffi "'Work Is A Four-Letter ffi 9 Charlie's Angels d The Gong Show ( E Joe Franklin 9 0 v e r E a s y 9 HZ) MacNall / Lehrer Raport d Thursday Morning (Thu) 9:25 HZ) Primary Science (Tue) d That Girl Fri) d Mary Tyler Moore Word" (1968) David Warner. Cil­ 999Wheels (E 9 PoHoe Woman 9 Adam-12 9 Hollywood Squares Movie "The Silver Chalice ” 2:00 d Friday Morning (Frl) News HZ) Whatcha Gonna Do? (Wed) d 9 AH My Children 9 9 Baseball (Tue) d The Brady Bunch 9 ffi Movie "Die Screaming Daktarl ia Black. The Growing Years 9 Dick Van Dyke 9 ( E Popaya And Friandt HZ) Mathematical Relationships ffi Movie 9 Green Acres (Mon, Wed-Fri) d Carol Burnett And Friends HZ) (1955) Paul Newman. Virginia Marianne" (1973) Susan George, 9:30 9 Tic Tac Dough Mayo. A young Greek designs 2:03 d i<9 Qood Morning Amarica (Thu) (S) Lifestyles HZ) Consumer Survival KH (Mon) 9 Newlywed Game 4:00 6:55 Leo Genn. d Fred Flintstone And Friends ( E "Madigan’s Mi(lions" (1967) the Last Supper chalice, (2 hrs.. d Movie ' "Johnny Come ® News 9 9 9 Days O t Our Lives HZ) Monet (Tue) 9 HZ) Electric Company (R) 9 News (3) Vdoa Of FaHh 8:00 Lately " (1943) James Cagney. S S Today d The Partridge Family HZ) Many Worlds Of Nature (Mon) HZ) Reel West (Wed) 9 Lottery Show (Thu) Dustin Hoffman, Cesar Romero. ( E d Edward The King 30 min.) Tonight S T o d a y 9 "Best Fool Forward ” (1943) 999 Marjorie Mam S Suparharoas 11:00 HZ) Cover To Cover (Tue) HZ) Open Door (Thu) 9 Hogan's Heroes 7 M (1) 9 The Mackanzias Of Para­ 9 Tha RHIaman Joker’s Wild d Match Game '79 Lucille Ball. William Gaxton. 10:00 S HZ) Trade-Offs (Wed) HZ) Footsteps (Fri) d ) CB S News dise Cove HZ) Captioned ABC News 7:15 S Momingtown d Love, American Style ffiK a z 2:20 HZ) AH About You (Thu) d Six Million Dollar Man ffi Movie ’It’s A Big Country ” ffi Nows S New Zoo Ravua HZ) Exploring Mathematics (Mon) d 9 Laveme & Shlrim (R) 3:00 EVENING d News ffi 9 ABC News (1952) Gary Cooper. Janet Leigh. ffi 9 Hal Linden Special HZ) Let's All Sing (Tue) ® S tri^h t Talk 1:15 d Popeye And Friends 5*35 12:00 2:30 7:25 ffi Dating Game A series, of eight stories depict ffi Ufa Of Riley ffi Rockford RIes HZ) Writers Of Our Time m a d ) 9 ' 9 9 High Rollers HZ) Primary Science (Mon) d & General Hospital 9Movle(Cont'd)(Thu) ffiNews S S News 6:00 ^ Festival Of Faith qualities in people that have (3) Living FaHh ( E I Love Lucy ffiH)99News 9 Journeys T o The "Mind made America great. 2 hrs 9 Tha Rifleman 3:00 d I Love Lucy 9 News 10:30 9 Emergency Onel 9 DIckCavett 9 Sisney Animated Celebra­ Monday, April 9 ffi Joker's Wild ffi Meat The Mayors 12:30 (3) Bozo's Big Top 9 Newlywed Gama tion 9 Frankie And Johnny d Movie "Bluebeard" (1944) 4:00 9 HZ) The Shakespeare Plays 9 The Odd Couple HZ) News John Carradine, Jean Parker 9 News DAYTIME SPORTS 6:55 d Marv Griffin son. Roddy McDowell 9 TV Community College HZl Over Easy , 9 Free To Ba Me 9 News 9 Liars Club 999Tonight 9 The Rifleman 2:00 7:00 9:00 * HZ) Captioned ABC News ® Baseball d CBS News I Ladd Special d Six Million Dollar Man S c MoVla "Deliver­ 12:00 Thursday, Aprii 12 4:40 d 9 ABC News ance" (1972) Jon Voight, Burl d I Love Lucy ® KInar't Korner 9 T h e Rifleman ® Dating Gama Reynolds. Four Atlanta business­ DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 12:00 (O) Faathral Of Faith men find their weekend canoeing 7:00 CE A Special Kenny Rogers d I Love Lucy 12:30 ( E CBS News ffi Movie "060 Target Earth 9 Wraatling trip into a backwoods area turn­ (X) 9 Barney Miller DAYTIME MOVIES d Movie "Foreign Intrigue" Six Million Dollar Man (1974) Nick Plakias. Cynthia 9 Nawa ing into a physical and psycho- 12:00 d 99 Quincy (1956) Robert Mitchum. Gene­ 9 "Six Of A Kind" (1934) (B 9 ABC News T d i V i A T E A S H 3 S 9 OIckCavatt la ica l nightmare. 9 World Cline vieve Page. Charles Buggies. W.C. Fields. 12:00 9 Newlywed Game 9 Academy Leaders ffi Dating Gama HZ) The Scariet Letter 9 The RHIeman ® 9 N e w a "Man On The Flying Trapeze" (3) Fe^lval Of FaHh OS "They All Kissed The Bride" 9 The Odd Coupla 9 Movie "The Crusades’’ 12:05 • (1942) Joan Crawford. Meivyn (1935) Loretta Young. Ian Keith. 12:40 (1935) W.C. Fields, Mary Brian. 9. Soul Train 9:30 HZ) Over Easy (ffi 9 Carter Country ^ (ffi CBS Late Movie " McCloud Douglas Richard the Lionhearted and his d C B S Lata Movie "McMillan 9 News' The Day New York Turned Blue" 7:29 1:00 9 DIckCavett 9 ’45 1:00 followers set out to free Christian & Wife: Cop Of The Year" (1972) ffi "The Fool Killer" (1965) , (1976) Dennis -Weaver. Gig 9 Daily Numbars slaves in the Holy Land. (2 hrs.. Rock Hudson. Susan Saint 9 Newtywed Game ( 9 Red Sox Wrap-Up ® "Jungle Woman" (1944) Anthony Perkins, Edward Albert , Young, 30 min.) James. 9 Baseball Evelyn Ankers. Lois Collier, 7:30 Jr. HZ) The Scarlet Latter HZl Over Easy 10:00 12'.30 d ) P.M. Magazine 1:00 Bamaby Jones mim 4:00 4:00 (E d 'M o v Io "Casbah" (1948) dThaMuppata 9 ’30 d The Odo Couple 7:29 09 "The World Of Henry ffi "Silence" (1974) . d H Z )N e w s Tony Martin, Marla Toren ® Newlywed Game ( d WKRP In Cincinnati 999Tomorrow 9 Dally Numbers , ffi 9 Doctors' Private Lives Orlenf" (1964) Refer Sellers. Ellen Geer. 9 Family Feud ffi One To One 12:37 ’ Paula Prentiss. 1’30 9 "'Strange Cargo ” (1940) 7:30 9 HZ) MacNall / Lahrar Raport 10:00 (3) Living FaHh ( E 9 Mannix OF d Lou Grant ( S Joe Franklin Clark Gable. Joan Crawford. ’ ( E P.M. Magazine 9 That's Hollywood 9 9 Okiincy '^^>0 EVENING 9 Dick Van Dyke d SZ) News (X I9 Family Feud 1:00 ivMDures' 2:00 ffi Newlywed Game 9 Hollywood Squares 9 9 9 Tomorrow 9 Tic Tac Dough d 9 Academy Awarda EVENING IaJAS a Q \ : > \ t ?MOuJ 9 Daktarl 9 HZ) MacNall / Lehrer Report 9 Ironside (H Malodyland 2:00 ■ HO$T. CAM Vou 6:00 6:00 9 Austin City Umlta 2:19 9 World Hockey UJ 09 News 10:30 ■ ffi Joe Franklin CD It's Tha Eaatar Baagla, Char- d N e w s 6:00 9 Tic Tap Dough 9 HZ) Sneak Preview MAMg THC I Love Lucy 10:30 ( E ® 9 9 N e w s 9 Daktarl Ha Brown 9 Hee Haw Honors $Joker's Wild d Croas-WHs )U fe Of Riley 2:30 d I Love Lucy 8:00 ffi Joker’s Wild. ( E The Chisholms 2:10 j S Boio’s Big Top d 9 Pwry Como Special W ConsumerlarSun Survival Kit d N e w s 11:00 ffiNews l TV Community College (3) Bozo's Big Top d Cross-Wits ■ f f i ® 99a . News 8 ® Movie "Julius Caesar " 11:00 2:40 9 kily Thrae Sons (1970) Charlton Heston. John 9 T V CommunHy College ffi 9 Mork & Mhidy d Carol Burnett And Friends 2:30 d 9 9 N e w a d Beat Of Midday ffi Movie "Night Of The Follow­ ^ B o n a n za Gielgud Shakespeare’s tale of 9 MyThraaSons ffi Benny Hill ffi Nows d Carol Burnett And Friends ing Day ” (1969) Marlon Brando, HZ) Studio See polillcal intrigue, treachery and 3:00 9 B o n a n z a 9 Dick Van Dyke ® Benny HHI Richard Boone. A kidnapiped girl 2:31 murder in gancieni Rome is 9 Emargartcy Onel HZ) Studk>.§eoj ■ 9 Honaymoonars Movie " The Star Maker 6:30 9VoloaOlFalth causes problems for her captors (j) portrayed 2 1/2 hrs. ■ Not qnite what the cookie monster had in mfiuf... HZl Dk* Cavelt ' • (1939) Bing Crosby. Louise d The Brady Bunch 9DlckV«tDyka 4,-00 6:30 when shd lalls'in love with one of 9 9 Littia House On "The Pral- Jim Henson, known to “Sesame Street” fans as Campbell ® BowNng For Dollara HZ) Dick Cavelt 9 News d The Brady Bunqh •; them. 2 hrs. ' * , 11:30 9 The Promlaaa Of God ria televisloa’s leading Miqtpet-maker serves np a (S-BowHng For Dollars ffiM‘A*S*H- 11:30 4:05 9 9 Whodupnn. 9 P IS NBC News 9 HZ) BW Moyers' Journal satirical commentary on the urban “rat race” in 9 Jake Hass Gospel Time Tha Gong Show d Rockford FHas d JnckBanny HZ) Nova (9 Emergency Onel iSOvarEaay 9 FrasToBaMa 999NBCNews 9 ffi9 Staisky&Hutch d The Gong Show Piece.” Hie 1 ^ Academy Award-nominee 95i2(ri2f05 0OO'O0\^ 3)1i-a 9 Adam -12 9 Joker's WHd 4:30 9 0 v a r E a a y i ffi B a i^ From Yonkers . 4:0L ® Movie "’Mean Johnny Is featured in the ninth ejNsode of “Academy ty g frijitv HZ) Tha Growing Years 8:30 9 Kitty Today 9 Adam-12 ‘8'30 (BlVoloaOf Fallh . Barrows’’ (1975) Fred William- Leaders,” airing Monday, April f, on PBS.' ( £ Maiv Griffin d ) The Whita Shadow HZ) An American Story 9 9 9 T o n lg h t .1 9Angla 9TheRMaman 9 KHty Today 9 H V i ^ * Q) Captkmsd ABC News I-,' S i 1111111) I i 111 M I >1 D

HAR LegisU m ittec Connec Page 8 - TV SPOTLIGHT 18 to U the Ho The Friday, April 13 age wi with Ol falls in love wllt> her. Tonight Evelyn Venable. DAYTIME MOVIES (^ Newlywad Qama 10:30 R e p Qt Tha Odd Coupla 9 Movie "Barabbas " (1962) (® Newark And Reality aM^ ovie "The Chinese Ring" Anthony Quinn. Silvana Manga- (1947) Roland Winters. Louis 1:40 Stratfo ® O verEM y Q i Living Faith d ) News 12:00 no. The Ihiel released in lieu o( 0 Masterpiece Theatre Currie. fight 1 You re Telling Me (19421 7:29 d ) Joe Franklin Jesus wrestles with the quirks ol dZI Captioned ABC News maken Hugh Herbert. Robert Paige (Jd Dally Numbers late that follow him ever alter. (2 11:00 2:30 11:40 'Tillie And Gus (1933) W C hrs.. 30 mm.) CD (E ® a ® News ® Movie "A Man Called Jaek 7:30 IS) Carol Burnett And Friends d ) NBA Basketball Fields, Alison Skipworth P.M. Magazine HZ) Tlw Scarlet Letter Adam " (1966) Samm y Davis Jr., drinkin (i; H ) Benny Hill Sha Na Na 12:03 Peter Lawtord. liquor 1:00 (I) (3 9:30 a Dick van Dyke (i) Nawlyyired Game d) Movie "Berserk" (1968) (fl The Lady Gambles' (1949) ® The Fourth Estate 2:40 would 1 Porter INagonar Joan Crawford. Ty Hardin, Barbara Stanwyck Robert Pres­ 11:30 (7) News contin ton ) S_S MacNall / Lehrer Report 10:00 (E G o d a Baretta Match Qama P.M. d ) Dallas CD Movie Captain Blood " 1:00 3:18 restaur 4:00 ( 3 j @ News ® Jack Benny 09 Dktk Van Dyke (1935) Errol Flynn. Olivia de (39 ® a Midnight Special (4) Sign 01 The Pagan " (1955) Tic Tac Dough ( E New York Report Havilland.. Jell Chandler. Jack Palance (X Promises Of God 1:36 4:25 E S I Soap @ Movie "Dam es " (1934) Joan (}()) The Last Days 01 8:00 a ® The Duke ® Movie "Midnight Lace ® Movie "Death Takes A Moi (J) Bugs Bunny Easter Special Blondell. Dick Powell. Pompeii' (1935) Preston Foster, ® The People's Caucus (1960) Doris Day, Rex Harrison. Holiday " (1934) Fredric March, Basil Rathbone (S) Cross-wits TEH ( E 149 Family EVENING (4j Movie "The Irish Whiskey Islam i Rebellion" (1975) William the foi Devane. Anne Meara A lormer air for 6:00 Irish Ireedom lighter who has (1.18 an iJd News lied to America, is running rum tioring I j 1 1 Love Lucy off the coast ol Fire Island 2 hrs the ex i4j Joker's \Nlld 139 ® a DIff'rent Strokes Ministi il8) Bozo's Big Top 04 H)) liVashIngton Week In 124 Mundo Real MEBMAID POOLS Tehr Review 119 GRISW OLD ST., GLASTONBURY 09 My Three Sons 39 Joker's Wild Rabii, I4i Bonanza the las ($h Studio See 8:30 633-6383 (5) Merv Qrlftln overthi 6:30 (39 (33) Hello, Larry Bakhti. I}) The Brady Bunch 04 ot. Wall Street Week and wa 14)■ Bowling ‘ I (?oiJfor Dollars ■ 09 What About Women il9l Jake Hess Gospel Time radio s 09 Liars Club lia 'M IJd NBC News TRAILER LOAD SALE Othe 9:00 04 Over Easy in Tehi 09 Adam -12 dJ The Dukes Of Hazzard ifl The Other School System (E ^9 Movie Like Normal PRE-SEASON SAVINGS ON EVERY POOL m oun, People " (Premiere) Linda Purl, 6:55 religiot Shaun Cassidy Two menially Moharr (49 News retarded young people meet with ANO POOL PACKAGE IN THE STORE! 7:00 a great deal ol resistance when police 111 C B S News they announce Iheir plans to "Belali 1$) Six Million Dollar Man marry 18)149 ABC News (39 SJi Rockford Files lit baling Game (34 American Enterprise. R (18) Festival Of Faith (j9 Movie "Easier Parade' SO PopI Goes The Country (1948) Judy Garland. Fred HAP News Aslaire A big star turns an The rii unknown into a sensation and (34 Dick Cavett contan A- > the T power \.T T V Dial-0) 5 7 ' great!; say. But The controversy sur- Pasqulnel's (the original) M > * day, C roumling Paul Garrett's St. Ixiuis daughter. — Bob warne apparent parentage con­ Boyle,, N.J. childn tinues. For those of you m ile who haven't lieen following Obviously, the TV ver­ nuclea the scenario, this is in sion skipped several gener­ tion. reference to "Centennial,” ations and explanations In i which Wits recently pro- along the way that were night, ilucetl on NHC. The que.s- perfectly clear in the Mi-"" at the Tliin leiiiiiins: -ebetter novel. The conclu- prove, related to Pasquinel, and if oi/.n ho T V will m so, how'’ Following is a viewers should spend more nant typiciil received, time reading. and another which may CIX)NEI) — I have written pletel; fintillv clear up the issue. before but received no NAY SAYERS - Paul answer. Let me try again. Garret (David .laiissen) Are they planning to bring was not a ilireet descen­ back the movie “ Clone 24’ POOL 399 MU dant of Pasquinel (Robert on/y Master," and who was the $ . ty ex| Conrad). Garret's family star of that show? — C.P., ture came into the picture lat­ Gulfport, Miss. swam er, and they were good Art Hindle was the star up ex friends of l.ueinda and of that NBC madc-for-TV wreck U'vi, (Pasqulnel's daugh­ 18’ POOL only 299 movie. It is not on any $ . noxioi ter and son-in-law). I hope current network schedule, feast this answers your ques­ and nothing new is planned fleein tion. — Barbara MeCuin, Supplies limited. Prices only on in stock for the project. I'm afraid havoc Middletown Springs, Vt. that often when it comes to repor YEA SAYERS - Page 832 this column the promise pools. Come early. First come, first served. The in the bmtk "Centennial'' “ ask and ye shall receive” ment shows a genealogy chart does not always work. and gives the following LAYAWAYS AVAILABLE TO APRIL 15, 1979 Nash’ There are just too many by a information: Paul letters. Garret's mother is the NEW HOURS: 'the — wi daughter of Paul Mercy Tuesday, Wednesday -1 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Nancy IJoyd. Paul (Send your questions to TV lethal M ercy is the son of DIAL-OGUE. Pepper Thursday, Friday -1 0 a.m. to 8 pm. jumb Pasquinel Mercy and O'Brien, NBA, 200 Park Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Laura Skimmerhorn. Ave., New York, N.Y. Sunday, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Pasquinel Mercy is the son 10017. Sorry but we cannot of Maxwfell Mercy and answer by mail or tele­ Usette Pasquinel who was phone. )