PAGE TWENTY - KVEWIWG HERALD. Pri., April «. IWt ■iwir.-t- - Paanuta HL Schulz ■mATS FORTV-NINE HOUCOaPAKAONEDROP THE SUN60T Answer to Previous Puzzte Dear Abby ACROSS 4 This (Let) FLY Mas IN A Rou;.' PORTV-NINE FLY BALLS IN MV EVES 5 Snakalik* fith IN A ROU? 1 Needed 6 Imsgin* QOUDKilODO FORTV-NINETIMES,'' scratching ' 7 Antiseptic llq- □ D i. ^ 1° ol I g By Abigail Van Buren ■ p --------------- ---- 7 Of it □ □ A t oloTTi TL r ? r ( t : u'kI I □□□□□ □□anDDD 13 Slipperier 8 BsntateYs ' ' . -t '14 G ifM speaker concern m 15 Prophecy 9 Sodium QQDGQD nBOnUG Ethics Issue No Issue, School Funding Plan Cheney Tech Wins MACC Issues Data 16 Rarefy chlorida □OBQDa DDDDBD 17 Swamp (abbr.) □□□□ DCZiDD □□□ Democrat Answers GOP Would Double Grants Second Straight Game On Town CD Grants IS LargM to Vanity box □ □ a □ □ □ □ continent 11 Much u c ii Page 3 P age 8 Page 1 3 , Page 15 20 Doctrine 12 8* irritatad □ □ DEAR ABBY: How doc* i 28-yMr-old man get rid of a £j222i2222ZS52l2CS22J!£^S2^ ................................................ ..................... SO year-old woman who refuie* to take no for an anawer? adherent 19 Express □ □ ^ --------^---------------------------- ^ I took Al^ce (made up name) to Aipen for a weekend of aki- PrlBcllhi’s Pop — Ed Sullivan (sirffix) 21 Walking in 21 Efftminate w sttr . ing becauaeUhe gifl I had planned to take got the flu and 24 Oral 22 Cheers (Sp.) 33 Dinner item • 48 Cowboy couldn't go. ffhe hotel reaervationa were paid for in advance 27 Old English NOT AfiAIN .' THE >1 r NONSENSE.' ^— N VIBRATOR SeXJR HUSBAND 23 UnH of 37 HuHed . country and f didn’t }eel like going alone. pronoun #Iaatotthur0 SALESMEN maaaurs |pl.) 38 Meceo coin Well, Alic^ took the weekend far too aerioualy, and now SOU DO THIS THERE'S A DIFFER­ LOOKS FAMILIAR 28 Supposing (2 49 Italian family C H A I R S ^ 24 Turn down 41 PluoQe ahe Inaiat* ahe'a "in love" with me even though I never toid EVERVTIME WE MUST BE ENT ONE EV«RS> d . wdi.) 51 Hebrew holy PQrtly Sunny, r / f v t a v f 25 Egg call ' GO SHOPPING, GETTING t im e .' 32 Shirk 42 Colorado perk day (abbr.) her I loved her. In fact, I told.her up front I didn't want any 26 Walking stick ^ F E P l ^ ^ n r y S 33 Madrid 4 Poemi Windy and Cold aerioua commitment*. 29 Slumps 53 Genatic Aa aoon a* we returned, Alice atarted calling and writing musaum Sharpen matarial 34 North African 30 Thought (Fr.) „ ^ OrlaiU on 2 Million (prefix) 54 Mohammed's me love lettei:*. In order to diacourage her, I told her I waa capital 31 Pillbox 47 Norte deity engaged to a ^Irl in California. (Not true.) She kept after me, 35 Squaring tool ton *0 1 told her I was gay and went both way*, but she said she I 36 Foreboding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 • 10 It 12 didn’t care.' 37 Th* (Fr.) Abby, I have absolutely no interest in this woman. I only 39 Ham of valus 13 ' 14 went to bed with her in Aspen because she expected me to 40 Hand , and I didn't want to disappoint her. Any suggestions. She's garmants 15 16 Leaks Slowed murntug Vol. XCVIII, No. 159 — Manchester, Conn., Saturday. April 7, 1979 making me crazy. 43 Electrical unit 17 It ' A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 a 204: Single Copy * 15$ Home Delivered STUPID IN DENVER 46 Flying liu c a rt 1 ■ ■“ HARRISBURG, Pa. (UPI) - (abbr.) zt Engineeri activated equipment to DEAR STUPID: If Alice read* the Rocky Mountain 47 Ba in debt slow radiation leakage from the CaptaTn Easy — Crooka A Lawranea so Performs not 24 25 26 26 30 31 News, you could be off the hook by nightfall. II not, be a man (cent) 1 1 Three Mile Island nuclear power and tell her that what hupened In Aspen did not mean to 32 DON'T LET MB DETAIN YOU ANY I'LL dO F ir« n BIS MOUTH DON'T COUNTON 52 Swaps 1 1 1 plant Friday and. with the overall YOU what it meant to HER, that the chemistry is not right LONdER-THE BOAT'S WAlTINBl AND HIS EXPLOSIVE LIFE "SAFE'ONCE WERE 55 Hire 34 situation steadily improving, cut lor a lasting love affair, and to cool It. Be gen tle-b u t firm. VEST WILL STAY ABOARD BOTH ASHORE. PAL! 56 Join the army 1 1 1 back on their intense round-the- 5.7 Percent TILL I'M SAFE ASHORE! 57 Sedentary 36 1. DEAR ABBY: I'm an eighth-grade teacher who thought 58 Canonized ■ 1 clock control room monitoring. your column. "Rules for Baby sitters" was so valuable that I woman (Fr.) « - The initial startup of the gas had copies made for all my students. We discussed your 43 44 47 48 48 removal system released a slight rules in class, ami one buy suggested this additional rule: DOWN 1 amount of radiation .to the en­ "Write down the address of the house where you're sit­ 60 61 52 S3 64 1 So(;lal club vironment, but Nuclear Unemployed ting and keep it next to the telephone in case you have to (abbr.) 65 56 Regulatory Commission officials call the police or fire department." . 2 Fatigue 57 56 expected the overall effect to Oftentimes sitters know how to get to a house but don't 3 Related group ■'i WASHINGTON (UPII - The level The automobile industry already know the address. This is very important when calling the significantly reduce radiation of unemployed Americans last month has started laying ofl workers police or fire department. (NEWtPAfCR f NTIRPWIE ASSN | hazards for thw first time in nine held finn al a 4 1/2 year low of 5.7 because of reduced plant operations, INDIANA TEACHER days. percent, the government reported particularly in Miehiglin. Companies vt -e at Reactor specialists continued hViday— hut the rale eould ereep up-, which produce auto parts are also DEAR TEACHER: Thanki lor an excellent addition. Win at bridge " ) Allay Oop —, Oava Oraua the slow process aimed at ward in coming months. slowing down production. Here's another from Portland, Ore. bringing the steel-shelled nuclear “The parent lor guardian) should' leave written permit- There were 96.8 million jobholders Analyists also were concerned that furnace past the danger point. in the United States during March, an a eonliniied shutdown ol (rucking •Ion with the sitter giving the doctor or emergency hoiplUl HE'S ALMOST UP, FEUA6I VfSURE HAD YOU AREN'T Y'KNOW, rHs 1 BECAUSE YH/CT BIG ‘i the right to treat a child In case of lllneii or accident. ONE MORE HEAVE AN' US WORRIED, , HALF A S TOO BAD OL' / c ritter WOULDVE Final, cold shutdown of the reac­ increase of 195,000 from February, could tlirow thousands more people Without written permlaalon, a minor cannot be treated." vsonr 'IMi OOP.'I CAN'T' GLAD A S HOOK-TDOTH'S MADE ONE HECKLMA tor was expected late next week. the Labor Departinent said in its out of work in (lie steel and TELL YOU HOW I A ^ CARCASS DRIFTH> BARBKilEc.. AN' I'M Paring losses to iriinimum ( aluminum industries. e ^ D 1 AM, D £ ^ 1H' RIVB?.,., h u m S cvI monthly analysis. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I arc planning to take our VMADE nr.' would still be able to make Plant Bombed March's 5.7 percent unemployment Administration economic olfieials first vacation away from our children. We have a 17-year-old Ills contract by means of a rate was identical with'February’s may al.so urge action soon (o cool son and two daughters, 8 and 11. ■ TOULON, France (UPI) - An NORTH 46-A successful fines^ for the and ihe lowest since August 1974. down wha( tliey lielieve to lie an We're leaving the girls with relatives, and our problem is environmental group that said it 0 97 63 queen of hearts.' The rale, the most consistent of al "overheated” economy what to do about our son. He assures us he is able to stay South saw. a b etter way to wanted to prevent more W K J 4 of Ihe government's economic in­ If Ihe economy does slow, more home alone, and wants to. ♦ 14 make hia contract. He de­ ‘‘disasters’’ like the Three Mile We trust our son, but I tend to be on the nervous side and ♦ AS43 cided to swap off losers to Island nuclear incident set off a dicators. has ranged from 5.7 to 5.9 Americans will he llirown out ol don't know if 1 could handle R if anything were to happen to guard against the chance WEST EAST series of bombs Friday at a percent (luring each of llie past eight work. him while we were away. HeVa good kid who does what he's that E!ast would hold both montlis. The l,al)or Department gave lliis 0 6 O 10 B 2 the queen of hearts and 10 of nuclear site that wrecked to ld -if I'm around to check on him. His father has always 0 96 2 W()108S The administration has predicted breakdown on iineniitloymenl in left the discipline and raising of the kids to me, but Dad has a spades. experimental reactors and equip­ n Ey NtA Inc ■? M U B PM OH OAKQjn 092 So at trick three.
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