Australia’s Green Economic Potential


The Centre for Policy Development (CPD) is a public interest research institute dedicated to putting creative, viable ideas and innovative UHVHDUFKDWWKHKHDUWRI$XVWUDOLD¶VSROLF\GHEDWHV

From the global economic downturn to the looming climate crisis, the costs of short-term thinking in public policy are becoming increasingly clear. Many economic policies bear the label of , but aren’t designed to go the distance in a world of increasing demographic and resource pressures. We need comprehensive action to realign economic activity within environmental limits. CPD’s Sustainable Economy Research ProgramLVGHYHORSLQJDQGSURPRWLQJRSWLRQVIRU$XVWUDOLDWRWLSWKHHFRQRPLFSOD\LQJ¿HOGLQIDYRXU of businesses that are sustainable over the long term, and looking at how to base public policy on better measures of progress. About the Author

Ben Eltham studied neuroscience and philosophy at the University of Queensland before being shortlisted for New Scientist’s Ian Anderson Internship in science journalism and embarking on a career as a journalist and political commentator. From 2007-2010 he was the National Affairs Correspondent for, where he reported on Australian public policy with a particular focus on and environmental economics, and he currently writes about Australian politics and public affairs for the ABC’s website The Drum/Unleashed. He is completing a PhD at the University of Western Sydney’s Centre for Cultural Research. Ben is a Fellow of the Centre for Policy Development. About ‘’s Green Economic Potential’

7KLVEULH¿QJSDSHUSXWVVRPHRIWKHLVVXHVFRYHUHGLQWKH8QLWHG1DWLRQV(QYLURQPHQW3URJUDP¶V*UHHQ(FRQRP\5HSRUWLQDQ Australian context and provides a primer to the challenges involved in transforming our economy to operate within environmental limits. It also presents a snapshot of the opportunities of embracing sustainable economic policy solutions in four areas: water, energy, cities and urban transport, and and recycling. This paper takes its inspiration from the Green Economy Report but is independently produced and is not connected with or endorsed by UNEP or the Green Economy Initiative.

Australia’s Green Economic Potential. Ben Eltham, August, 2010. Centre for Policy Development, Sydney. ISSN: [1835-0135] CPD Occasional Paper 10


The author would like to thank Miriam Lyons, James Moody, Simon O’Connor and Kate Miller for their feedback and input. Australia’s Green Economic Potential 3 PAGE

2 $XVWUDOLDQ The Global Footprint Network’s Living Planet Report found that by 2005, humanity’s , of all the ‘the sum Report found that by 2005, humanity’s Living Planet The Global Footprint Network’s 1 breakneck growth of global economic activity is causing us to come up against multiple environmental limits at once. In the roughly activity is causing us to come up against multiple environmental breakneck growth of global economic on which we live, including the continent of revolution, humans have profoundly changed the planet two centuries since the industrial Australia. While climate change may be the most dangerous way in which humans are reshaping the natural world, it is not the only one. The natural world, it is not the only one. the most dangerous way in which humans are reshaping the While climate change may be Why we need a green economy – not just a low-carbon economy Why we need a green economy perspective and provides a primer to the challenges involved in transforming our economy to operate within environmental primer to the challenges involved in transforming our perspective and provides a energy, solutions in four areas: water, opportunities of embracing sustainable economic policy limits. It also examines the waste management and recycling. cities and urban transport, and 7KLV&HQWUHIRU3ROLF\'HYHORSPHQWEULH¿QJSDSHUORRNVDWWKHLVVXHVUDLVHGLQWKH*UHHQ(FRQRP\5HSRUWIURPDQ DJULFXOWXUHEXLOGLQJVFLWLHVHQHUJ\¿VKHULHVIRUHVWVPDQXIDFWXULQJWRXULVPWUDQVSRUWZDVWHDQGZDWHU$SUHYLHZRIWKUHHVHFWLRQVRI released earlier this year. the report was One of the Initiative’s main publications is the Green Economy Report, which sets out the core principles and concepts underlying a out the core principles and concepts Economy Report, which sets publications is the Green main One of the Initiative’s sectors: focusing on 11 human and economic capital, more sustainable use of natural, and makes the case for the green economy 7KH,QLWLDWLYHDGGUHVVHVVRPHRIWKHIXQGDPHQWDOTXHVWLRQVRQ³WKHSURFHVVRIUHFRQ¿JXULQJEXVLQHVVHVDQGLQIUDVWUXFWXUHWRGHOLYHU gas emissions, at the same time reducing greenhouse capital investments, while natural, human and economic better returns on social disparities”. creating less waste and reducing using less natural resources, extracting and energies, water services, green transportation, waste management, green buildings and and forests”. agriculture and sustainable green buildings management, waste green transportation, water services, energies, 7KH8QLWHG1DWLRQV(QYLURQPHQW3URJUDPODXQFKHGWKH*UHHQ(FRQRP\,QLWLDWLYHLQDWWKHKHLJKWRIWKHJOREDO¿QDQFLDOFULVLV in governments Initiative now “assists The investments. toward environmental spending for targeting stimulus case with a compelling renewable technologies, such as clean of sectors, towards a range policies and refocusing by reshaping their economies ‘greening’ About the Green Economy Initiative - - Initiative Economy the Green About FURSODQGJUD]LQJODQGIRUHVWDQG¿VKLQJJURXQGVUHTXLUHGWRSURGXFHWKHIRRG¿EUHDQGWLPEHULWFRQVXPHVWRDEVRUEWKHZDVWHV it. capacity to support was 31 per cent larger than the planet’s and to provide space for its infrastructure’, emitted when it uses energy, 2QFXUUHQWWUHQGVKXPDQLW\ZLOOUHTXLUHURXJKO\WZRSODQHW¶VZRUWKRIHFRORJLFDOUHVRXUFHVE\WKHV Australia’s ecological footprint is nearly three times the average global footprint, and approximately 3.5 times the level of what the planet can regenerate on an annual basis.3 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 5 PAGE

 12 7 s

10  Ken Henry



9 Australia’s record in terms of extinct and threatened species is in terms of extinct and threatened record Australia’s 5 Globally, these changes in the physical environment are leading to species Globally, 14 ±LQ$XVWUDOLDLQRIRXURZQ¿VKHULHVDUHRYHU¿VKHGDQGDOPRVWKDOIRIWKHPDUHQ¶W 8 Climate change is contributing to many changes in Australia’s ecology, causing more ecology, Australia’s to many changes in Climate change is contributing 13 As a result of human-caused emissions of atmospheric greenhouse gases, the world is warming, 11

4 A recent, authoritative study by the University of ’ Richard Kingsford Richard and others that agriculture found of New South Wales’ authoritative study by the University recent, A 6 RIFRUDOUHHIVFRXOGEHORVW±HYHQE\±WKURXJK¿VKLQJSROOXWLRQGLVHDVHVLQYDVLYHDOLHQVSHFLHVDQGFRUDOEOHDFKLQJ change. due to climate infrastructure, and climate change; and climate infrastructure, agricultural use, with further be converted to intensive forms of agriculture could the land currently under low-impact almost 40% of losses; RIWKHQDWXUDODUHDVUHPDLQLQJLQFRXOGEHORVWFKLHÀ\DVDUHVXOWRIFRQYHUVLRQIRUDJULFXOWXUHWKHH[SDQVLRQRI

QDWLYHÀRUDDQGIDXQDLQFOXGLQJELUGVIURJVUHSWLOHVDQGPDPPDOVWKHUHDUHDQRWKHU threatened by human activity” Australian government to be presently considered by the “ a little more than two centuries of industrial settlement, [Australians have] plundered to extinction some 115 species of species to extinction some 115 of industrial settlement, [Australians have] plundered “ a little more than two centuries

 LQWHQVHEXVK¿UHVDQGKHDWZDYHVDQGPRUHSURORQJHGDQGVHYHUHGURXJKWVDQGÀRRGVUHGXFLQJUDLQIDOOLQPDQ\SDUWVRIWKHFRQWLQHQW DQGUHGXFLQJVWUHDPÀRZVDQGZDWHUOHYHOVLQULYHUV 0DQ\PDULQH¿VKHULHVJOREDOO\DUHIDFLQJFROODSVH particularly poor. 47,000 assessed species are threatened with extinction (36 percent). species are threatened with 47,000 assessed The Earth is currently experiencing the sixth major extinction event in the history of life on this planet. More than 17,000 of the world’ history of life on this planet. More major extinction event in the experiencing the sixth The Earth is currently has altered or destroyed half of all Australian woodland and forests, and that of this remnant forest, 70% has been damaged by logging. and forests, and that of this remnant forest, 70% has been Australian woodland of all has altered or destroyed half extinctions due to habitat disruption such as the bleaching of coral reefs and the melting of alpine snow and ice caps. extinctions due to habitat disruption such as the bleaching O O O Globally, under business-as-usual scenarios, it is estimated that by 2050: that by estimated it is scenarios, business-as-usual under Globally, and Australia is especially vulnerable to the impacts of this change. Australian average temperatures have increased, particularly since Australian average this change. Australia is especially vulnerable to the impacts of and severity. 1950, which has increased drought

Climate change is affecting Australia. Climate change is affecting most rapidly. most rapidly. Australia is one of eight countries that contain half of the world’s biocapacity. But we are also one of the countries depleting that capacity But we are also one of the countries depleting that capacity biocapacity. that contain half of the world’s Australia is one of eight countries HYHQEHLQJWUDFNHGVXI¿FLHQWO\ZHOOIRUXVWRNQRZKRZKHDOWK\WKH\DUH Despite the clear and present dangers posed by these environmental problems, the world’s economic system continues to largely ignore the environmental, economic and social costs associated with unsustainable growth. Although the leaders of the world’s governments continue to negotiate internationally to reach an agreement on mitigating , through fora such as the G20 and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and world temperatures are rising with them.

Putting nature on the balance sheet

$IDFWRULQWKHFRQWLQXHGGHVWUXFWLRQRIHFRV\VWHPVDQGWKHHQYLURQPHQWLVWKHIDLOXUHRIRXUHFRQRPLFV\VWHPWRDGHTXDWHO\SULFHRU DFFRXQWIRUWKHVHUYLFHVWKHELRVSKHUHSURYLGHVVHUYLFHVVXFKDVFOHDQZDWHUDQGDLUDUDEOHODQGDQGPDULQH¿VKHULHVDQGDJOREDO FOLPDWHFRQGXFLYHWRKXPDQGHYHORSPHQWDQGÀRXULVKLQJ16 Many thinkers have drawn attention to this issue: the most well-known being Sir Nicholas Stern, who has called climate change “the greatest and widest-ranging market failure ever seen.”17 Accounting for and valuing the natural environment poses thorny challenges, as the The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) project led by Pavan Sukhdev observes in its Interim Report18:

“The size of the challenge of market failure should not be underestimated: for some services (e.g. scenic beauty, hydrological IXQFWLRQVDQGQXWULHQWF\FOLQJ LWLVGLI¿FXOWHYHQWRREWDLQDSUR¿OHRIGHPDQGDQGVXSSO\7KHUHLVDQHOHPHQWRILQIRUPDWLRQ failure here which leads to market failure.”

7KH7((%SURMHFWDLPVWREULQJWRJHWKHUDQGFRPPXQLFDWHWKHEHVWDYDLODEOHVFLHQWL¿FDQGHFRQRPLFDQDO\VLVRQWKHHFRQRPLFVRI ecosystems and biodiversity. Its goal is to help policy-makers, administrators, businesses and citizens to respond to the losses of natural capital we see all around us, such as the extinction of species and the destruction of forests and coral reefs. These actions collectively have the power to halt and reverse the losses of natural capital and to improve well-being for humanity, especially the poor – whom TEEB shows are particularly vulnerable to these losses.

In Australia, there is currently no legal price for carbon emissions or penalty for carbon pollution, and there is no established accounting IUDPHZRUNIRUYDOXLQJWKHFRVWVDQGEHQH¿WVRI$XVWUDOLD¶VHFRV\VWHPVDQGELRGLYHUVLW\$VDUHVXOW$XVWUDOLDQEXVLQHVVHVDQGFRQVXPHUV continue to pollute the atmosphere without penalty.

Despite the failure of policy-makers and businesses to value non-market assets or manage the collatoral damage caused by market transactions, many businesses and corporations are now realising the economic costs – as well as the potential opportunities – associated with climate change, biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. Australia’s Green Economic Potential 7 PAGE


26 23 27

22 25 24 21 6DOHVRIFHUWL¿HG³VXVWDLQDEOH´IRUHVWSURGXFWVTXDGUXSOHGEHWZHHQDQG employing 112,000 people could grow by 2030 to a value of $243 billion and 847,000 jobs. people could grow by 2030 to a value of $243 employing 112,000 ZDVWKH¿UVW\HDUWKDWLQYHVWPHQWLQQHZSRZHUJHQHUDWLRQFDSDFLW\VRXUFHGIURPUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\WHFKQRORJLHV technologies (approximately including large hydro) was more than the investment in fossil-fueled (approximately $US140 billion billion). $US110 currently valued at $US15.5 billion and Australian green economy the six sectors of Cambiar, According to a 2008 report by %HWZHHQ$SULODQG0DUFKWKHJOREDOPDUNHWIRUHFRODEHOOHG¿VKSURGXFWVJUHZE\RYHUDWWDLQLQJDUHWDLOYDOXHRI US$1.5 billion. prospects. US organic food sales a threefold increase since 1998. to US$46 billion in 2007, organic food and drink amounted Global sales of rate of the food 2008, more than triple the growth and increased by 15.8% in food market for 3.5% of the nation’s alone accounted in the same year. sector as a whole 27% of global CEOs surveyed by PwC in 2009 expressed concern about the impacts of biodiversity loss on their business growth business growth loss on their of biodiversity about the impacts concern in 2009 expressed by PwC global CEOs surveyed 27% of


environmental policies that spur innovation, and government measures that contribute to creating and consolidating domestic markets for innovation, and government measures that contribute to environmental policies that spur a basis for success in global markets.” environmental technologies constitute In Australia, businesses, citizens and policy-makers are also beginning to wake up to the potential of the green economy. There is also beginning to wake up to the potential of the green economy. Australia, businesses, citizens and policy-makers are In which observes that “Well-designed Environmental Innovation and Green Markets Report, of the OECD’s growing awareness of the truth O They also recognise that because the environment provides uncosted services to every human on the planet, any serious strategy for our the environment provides uncosted services to every They also recognise that because that if we are serious about a living They understand the environmental challenges facing our planet. economy and society must address economy itself. one day soon the “green economy” will simply mean the plant for our grandchildren, then O


O O For instance: For

If we are serious about a living planet for our grandchildren, then one day soon the “green economy” will simply mean the economy itself. Australia’s Green Economic Potential 9 PAGE

28 Some activities are obvious Some activities ZHFDQFHUWDLQO\SRLQWWRD 29 31

ORQJWHUPZKLOHQRWH[SRVLQJIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQVWRVLJQL¿FDQWHQYLURQPHQWDOULVNVDQGHFRORJLFDOVFDUFLWLHV´ ³$*UHHQ(FRQRP\FDQEHGH¿QHGDVDQHFRQRP\WKDWUHVXOWVLQLPSURYHGKXPDQZHOOEHLQJDQGUHGXFHGLQHTXDOLWLHVRYHUWKH management, environmental markets, the smart electricity grid, clean industrial processes and re-manufacturing, and ecological markets, the smart electricity grid, clean industrial processes management, environmental restoration. ... there is an ‘old green economy’ in areas like water and waste water treatment, air pollution control and waste management; water and waste water treatment, air pollution control and in areas like ... there is an ‘old green economy’ ZLWKWKHµQHZJUHHQHFRQRP\¶JURZLQJUDSLGO\LQDUHDVOLNHUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\HQHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\FDUERQVWUDWHJ\DQG


7KH8QLWHG1DWLRQV(QYLURQPHQW3URJUDP¶V*UHHQ(FRQRP\5HSRUWJLYHVWKLVGH¿QLWLRQ What is the “green economy” and how big is it? how big is it? and the “green economy” What is polluting activities as “green” or “sustainable”, with marketing ploys like the use of words like “clean”, “green” or “eco-something”, and or “sustainable”, with marketing ploys like the use of words polluting activities as “green” other types of “greenwashing”. Unfortunately, because of the cachet that consumers give to , some industries have sought to present their dirty and some industries have sought to present their because of the cachet that consumers give to environmentalism, Unfortunately, The Total Environment Centre points out that: Environment Centre points Total The HPLVVLRQVWUDQVSRUWDQGVXVWDLQDEOH¿VKLQJDQGIRUHVWU\SUDFWLFHV6RPHDFWLYLWLHVDUHFOHDUO\DORQJZD\IURP³JUHHQ´IRULQVWDQFHFRDO industries. carbon-intensive and polluting smelting and many other steel manufacturing, aluminium mining, oil drilling, FDQGLGDWHVUHF\FOLQJUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\HQHUJ\HI¿FLHQF\HQYLURQPHQWDOFRQVXOWLQJZDVWHPLQLPLVDWLRQDQGUHVRXUFHUHFRYHU\ORZ :KLOHWKLVGH¿QLWLRQLVDJRRGVWDUWLW¶VQRWDOZD\VHDV\WRGH¿QHLQGHWDLOZKDWWKH³JUHHQHFRQRP\´LV Fast facts: the Australian green economy

O The size of the Australian “environmental protection industries” was estimated by the Barton Group to be $16- $20 billion in 2004-05 O IBIS World figures estimate the Australian waste disposal services industry had revenues of $8.5 billion and em ployed 33,000 people in 2009 O In 2009, Access Economics estimated a total of 53,000 jobs were directly and indirectly created through the waste industry O IBIS World figures estimate the Australian environmental science services industry (delivering services like pol lution monitoring and environmental consulting to the mining industry) had revenues of $5.1 billion and employed 32,000 people in 2009 O The Australian Clean Tech Review analysed 420 clean-tech companies in 2010. They had a combined revenue of $9.2 billion, employed over 13,000 people and raised $2.3 billion in new funds during the 2009 calendar year. O The Australian Recyclers Council estimates that the Australian recycling sector contributed $11.5 billion to the economy in 2006 and directly and indirectly employed 27,700 people . O In March 2009, there were approximately 984,000 Green Power customers in Australia, up from 138,879 cus tomers in March 2005. O From 1994 to 2007, the proportion of households with devices doubled . O Total expenditure by domestic eco-tourists who participated in nature activities was approximately $12 billion in 2008. Two-thirds (65%) of the 3.36 million international visitors to Australia in 2008 participated in nature activities. These visitors spent $20.2 billion.

PAGE 10 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 11 PAGE

In 35 33

32 while the Victorian while the Victorian 37 Completion date 2009-10 end 2011 2012 In service 2011 End 2008 all up, more than $9 billion worth of all up, more than $9 billion worth 38 3. 1.8 0.4 0.95 1.2 Capital cost ($b) 1.9 Despite Australia’s status as the driest inhabited continent, continent, the driest inhabited status as Australia’s Despite 35 30 17 - 15 Proportion of total water supply 15 giving a total cost of urban water supply in Australia in 2008-09 of between $2.69 billion and Australia in supply in giving a total cost of urban water 36

34 46 Expected capacity (GL/year) 91 150 100 45 50 This prices urban water in Australia at $19/KL, or closer to $17 billion. As a result, water utility bills for ordinary citizens are As a result, water billion. Australia at $19/KL, or closer to $17 This prices urban water in 39

Perth (2) Gold Coast Adelaide (1) Sydney City likely to rise steeply. likely to rise steeply. WRWDOYROXPHRIZDWHUVXSSOLHGWRWKH¿YHODUJHVWFDSLWDOFLWLHVSOXV&DQEHUUDWRWDOOHGJLJDOLWUHVDUHGXFWLRQRIVLQFH Urban water was priced at a rather higher level, despite the fact that Australian cities use less water than agriculture. In 2008-09, the than agriculture. In 2008-09, Australian cities use less water despite the fact that priced at a rather higher level, Urban water was combined total of 4,466 GL or 23%. of 4,466 GL combined total 2004-05, the most recent year in which comprehensive Australia water accounts are available, water consumption in Australia was 18,767 Australia consumption in accounts are available, water Australia water recent year in which comprehensive 2004-05, the most had the highest water use this total, the agriculture industry in which it was 21,703 GL. Of of 14% from 2000–01, gigalitres, a decrease for a and industry accounted or 11.2%, for 2,108 GL consumption), households accounted GL, or 65% of total water in 2004–05 (12,191

water for farmers, businesses and towns and suburbs remains surprisingly cheap. In 2008-09 the total value of turnover of entitlements turnover of entitlements total value of In 2008-09 the cheap. remains surprisingly and suburbs and towns farmers, businesses water for increase on year—a 162% 2008–09 water billion for the to be $2.2 was estimated entitlements) to water access but not limited (including, 2008–09. $2.8 billion in markets at water Australia’s of the value estimates Commission National Water the Cumulatively, 2007–08. Water economic value. paradoxes of most common one of the illustrates Water Major new desalination plants in Australia plant at Wonthaggi is expected to cost more than $3 billion and perhaps as much as $4 billion; is expected to cost plant at Wonthaggi Agriculture dominates the use of water in this country. In 2006-07, Australian farmers used 7,636 gigalitres (GL) of water for irrigation. farmers used 7,636 gigalitres Australian In 2006-07, country. the use of water in this Agriculture dominates plants at between $3 and $3.50 per kilolitre, plants at between $3 and $3.50 infrastructure such as new dams and an underestimate because of the considerable cost of water This is almost certainly $3.125 billion. $1.9 billion, is expected to exceed the Kurnell desalination plant in New South Wales desalination plants: the cost of In 2007, Marsden Jacob Associates modelled the costs of typical urban water supply options such as dams, recycling or desalination as dams, recycling or desalination water supply options such the costs of typical urban Associates modelled Jacob In 2007, Marsden investment in desalination plants has been committed to by state governments in the past few years, for a total expected annual capacity has been committed to by state governments in the past investment in desalination plants of 482 GL. 29/7/10 8:02:54 AM australian-green-economy-outlines.indd 1 Desalination plants raise another hidden cost of urban water: the carbon emissions associated with water infrastructure. Desalination SODQWVUHTXLUHDORWRIHOHFWULFLW\DQGZKHUHWKDWHOHFWULFLW\LVVRXUFHGIURP$XVWUDOLD¶VSUHGRPLQDQWO\IRVVLOIXHOSRZHUHGJULGGHVDOSODQWV can be said to “burn coal to make water.”40

The most effective strategy for urban water use in Australia might be simply to try using less of it. When the tried this in the mid-2000s in the midst of a prolonged drought, water consumption plummeted. As urban planner Peter Spearitt observed:

“The phenomenal success of the Queensland Water Commission in its ‘Target 140’ campaign, with Brisbane now boasting the lowest per-capita use of any major Australian urban area, shows just how much consumption can be reduced with media support and a degree of bi-partisan consensus.”41

,IWKHVXSSO\RIZDWHULQ$XVWUDOLDLVFRVWO\QRZLWLVDOPRVWFHUWDLQO\XQGHUSULFHG(QYLURQPHQWDOÀRZVLQULYHUVIRULQVWDQFHDUHD IUDFWLRQRIZKDWLVUHTXLUHGIRUWKHORQJWHUPKHDOWKRINH\ULYHUEDVLQVVXFKDVWKH0XUUD\'DUOLQJDQG6QRZ\42 The Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists has undertaken a major study of the environmental health of the Murray-Darling Basin and concludes that “the best- available science suggests there is a substantial risk that a working river will not be in a healthy state when key system level attributes RIWKHÀRZUHJLPHDUHUHGXFHGEHORZWZRWKLUGVRIWKHLUQDWXUDOOHYHO´437KLVPHDQVWKDWHQYLURQPHQWDOÀRZVRIZDWHUGRZQWKHEDVLQ will have to be increased to 4,400 GL, and that non-environmental uses of Murray-Darling water will have to be capped to achieve this. Current water allocations in the Murray-Darling Basin cannot possibly achieve this, and hence drastic changes in Murray-Darling water SROLF\DUHUHTXLUHG

Fixing water over-allocation quickly

Professor Mike Young is one of Australia’s foremost water policy experts. He argues that water over-allocation in Australian river basins QHHGVWREH¿[HGTXLFNO\

“Australia and the irrigation industry as a whole will be better off if and when all water users are required to pay the full cost of providing access to water supply infrastructure and of delivering water ... The quicker the process, the greater the regional benefits. Every Basin community would be stimulated by the rapid injection of cash into their economy and able to plan for their future with greater confidence. There would be an end to policy uncertainty. Importantly, the water market would be returned to one that is about the value of future of opportunities to profit from using water and improving businesses.”44 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 13 PAGE


45 the river systems desperately unhealthy, but the quicker the allocation problem is solved, the greater the unhealthy, but the quicker the allocation problem is solved, the river systems desperately regional benefits basins and cities based on the best available science set targets for water use in river below-cost water pricing as possible : not only are basins like the Murray-Darling should be removed as soon water over-allocation in river prioritise investment in recycling and other smart water infrastructure projects over desalination plants and other smart water infrastructure projects over desalination prioritise investment in recycling water trading caps and in water markets, like over-allocated irrigation entitlements, remove economic distortions encourage demand management policies like south-east Queensland’s “Target 140” campaign south-east Queensland’s “Target management policies like encourage demand Water policies for Australia Water policies


portion of this money could be used “to fund investments in public infrastructure to assist communities adjust to the impacts of reduced the impacts of adjust to assist communities infrastructure to in public fund investments be used “to of this money could portion irrigation). (e.g. reduced diversions” The Wentworth Group recommends that $8.9 billion of funds currently budgeted by the Australian Government for water policies in policies for water Government Australian by the budgeted currently of funds billion that $8.9 recommends Group Wentworth The WKH0XUUD\'DUOLQJEHFRPELQHGDQGXVHGWRSXUFKDVHWKHDGGLWLRQDO*/ Energy Australian energy is dominated by fossil fuels. According to a recent report by the Climate Institute, Australia ranks fourth-last in the G20 for carbon competitiveness, owing to our carbon intensive exports, coal-powered electricity generation and high levels of car ownership.46

O Australia’s economy is one of the most carbon-intensive in the entire world47 O Australia’s per capita emissions are nearly twice the OECD average and more than four times the world average. In 2006, only five countries in the world ranked higher—Bahrain, Bolivia, Brunei, Kuwait and .48 O 95% of Australian transport fuels are derived from oil49 O There is currently no direct substitute for oil, and indirect substitution has significant resource and infrastructure implications for Australia.50 O 75%-82% of Australian electricity is generated by burning coal51 O Australia ranks 15th out of 19 large industrialised economies in terms of carbon competitiveness52 O the annual health costs of coal-fired power generation in Australia are estimated at $2.6 billion53 O Coupled with costs from traffic pollution (a 2003 estimate put annual health costs at $3.3 billion), the health costs to the Australian community from burning fossil fuels are around $6 billion annually O around $10 billion annually is being provided in public subsidies to the fossil fuel industries in Australia via a range of state, territory and federal programs54 O Up to twelve new coal-fired electricity plants are planned in Australia

Australia’s love affair with coal and other fossil fuels has many costs. One of the most important is the opportunity cost of not investing in the growing global market for clean tech and products and services.56 As a result, Australia ranks near the bottom of the table when it comes to our economic competitiveness in the coming low-carbon world. Australia’s Green Economic Potential 15 PAGE


Australia ranks 15th of 19 industrialised countries for carbon competitiveness. Source: E3G and The Climate Institute. Australia ranks 15th of 19 industrialised countries for carbon Australia’s Carbon Competitiveness Carbon Australia’s However, Australia enjoys a highly-educated workforce, world-class renewable energy resources such as abundant sunlight, wind and wave energy, and a small but growing domestic renewable energy and clean tech sector.58 There are therefore huge opportunities for this sector in the short- and medium-term future – if we get the policy settings right. Despite the inertia from government policy-makers and hostility from the fossil-fuel industries, investment in renewable energy continues apace. According to the Global Wind Report, by the end of 2008, there were 50 wind power farms in Australia generating more than 1.3 GW of electricity.59

The renewable energy sector in Australia – where it’s at:

O In 2008 there were 50 Australian wind power farms generating more than 1.3GW of electricity60 O In April 2009, renewable electricity projects represented 16% of capacity of all electricity generation projects at an advanced stage of development, and 41% of projects at a less-advanced stage of development61 O The passage of Renewable Energy Target (RET) legislation in June 2010 mandates that 41TWh of electricity must come from large-scale renewable sources by 2020 O Access Economics and the Clean Energy Council predict $20 billion of renewable energy investment to 202062

Economic opportunities:

O Under the RET, economic modellers MMA predict renewable energy investment of $20-$25 billion across 505 renewable energy projects, potentially creating 26,300 jobs63 O 770,000 extra jobs could be created by 2030 across Australia if a suite of strong policy measures to reduce emissions is implemented64 O Economic modelling suggests that Australian GDP growth will be higher if strong action on climate change is taken, compared to weak action.65 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 17 PAGE

67 Instead, we’re mainly Instead, we’re mainly 68 Australia’s petroleum trade deficit was petroleum trade deficit Australia’s 66

$10.85 billion in 2007–08; with an assumed price of oil at US$100 per barrel, by 2020 with an assumed price of oil at US$100 $10.85 billion in 2007–08; annum. will have risen to over $40 billion per our petroleum trade deficit experts. Unfortunately, Australian policy-makers have largely preferred to pretend largely preferred to pretend policy-makers have Australian experts. Unfortunately, by 2018 - one petrol jumps up to $8 us when the price of This won’t help isn’t happening. has anticipated. that the CSIRO of the scenarios Like climate change, peak oil is a fast-approaching problem predicted by many global predicted by many a fast-approaching problem change, peak oil is Like climate using oil and gas to drive to and from work, warming the planet while we’re at it. Planning to and from work, warming the planet while using oil and gas to drive policies. We need to an integral part of Australia’s climate change for peak oil needs to be and high-speed rail. renewable energy, world-class public transport start investing now in The current availability of reasonably cheap oil and gas represents a vanishing opportunity of reasonably cheap oil and gas represents The current availability resources” to build a more sustainable future. to use these “master Planning for peak oil for Planning “... the Renewable Energy Target was not intended to achieve Australia’s emissions reduction targets on its own. Rather, it was designed to work in tandem with an early stage carbon price”

Bloomberg New Energy Finance69 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 19 PAGE


LQFOXGHKXJHMREFUHDWLRQ QHZMREV DQG5'VSLQRIIVDVZHOODVIXWXUHSURR¿QJ$XVWUDOLDIRUWKHFRPLQJORZ carbon world. The price-tag is large: around $370 billion in up-front investment, spread across a decade. But the outcome would $370 billion in up-front investment, spread across The price-tag is large: around renewable energy grid linking massive new infrastructure roll-outs of wind turbines and collecting solar thermal power massive new infrastructure roll-outs of wind turbines renewable energy grid linking 100% renewable. base load electricity generation essentially Australia’s plants, making The plan sounds impossibly buoyant: in fact it is based on conservative assumptions and proven technologies like buoyant: in fact it is based on conservative assumptions The plan sounds impossibly fed to consumers and industry through a electricity plants. Base load energy would be wind turbines and solar-thermal

Beyond Zero Emissions and the Melbourne Energy Institute have recently published an ambitious new plan which ambitious new plan which recently published an Energy Institute have Emissions and the Melbourne Beyond Zero 2020. carbon emissions by grid with nearly zero transition to an electricity Australia would see A Zero-Carbon Electricity Grid by 2020 Grid Electricity A Zero-Carbon Zero Carbon proposed renewable energy grid

Beyond Zero Emissions and the Melbourne Energy Institute have proposed an ambitious but achievable plan to take Australian base load energy renewable by 2020. The image above shows their proposal for an Australian renewable electricity grid, linking 35 wind and solar thermal plants around the continent through high-voltage transmission lines. Australia’s Green Economic Potential 21 PAGE

For instance, 72

71 levels, and at large-scale, commercial levels using multi-year power-purchasing agreements. levels, and at large-scale, commercial invest in 21st century electricity infrastructure such as long-range high-voltage transmission lines and smart grid infrastructure such as long-range high-voltage transmission invest in 21st century electricity as the current subsidies to fossil fuel industries remove perverse incentives such and household tariffs for renewable electricity generation, at both small-scale legislate to create gross feed-in mandate stringent energy efficiency standards, fuel consumption standards and greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas emissions fuel consumption standards energy efficiency standards, mandate stringent and appliance technologies energy use in building, transport, for inefficient create tax incentives to foster clean tech and renewable energy investments to foster clean tech and create tax incentives create a strategic petroleum reserve to ensure essential defence, transport and emergency services have access to have access emergency services transport and defence, to ensure essential reserve strategic petroleum create a oil crunch scenario petrol in a future new coal-fired electricity generation the commissioning of legislate to prohibit introduce a price for carbon pollution of at least $20/tonne, rising quickly towards $50-$60/tonne by 2020 $50-$60/tonne quickly towards rising of at least $20/tonne, pollution a price for carbon introduce


standards that encourage significant reductions in energy use (of fossil fuels in particular) and create disincentives fossil fuels in particular) and reductions in energy use (of that encourage significant standards

O O O O O O O Policies for Australian energy Australian for Policies O

minimised. car reliance is associated with considerable health costs in the community, by creating an environment where physical activity is by creating an environment where physical activity considerable health costs in the community, car reliance is associated with

Australia’s cities are relatively sparsely settled, and ordinary citizens depend heavily on road transport and private car use to get around. settled, and ordinary citizens depend heavily on road transport cities are relatively sparsely Australia’s and more walkable cities. costs on communities, especially in comparison with denser This urban sprawl imposes many Cities Scale map of global cities

Australian cities are sparsely settled by world standards, even when FRPSDUHGWRRWKHU¿UVWZRUOGFLWLHV with high standards of living and urban amenity. The sparseness imposes big costs on our society, through increased transport costs, WUDI¿FFRQJHVWLRQDLUSROOXWLRQDQG car accidents.74

State and municipal governments that have planned extensive and expensive road and freeway systems have under-invested in public transport, particularly at the outer fringes of our capital cities. Between DQGLQ$XVWUDOLD¶V¿YH major capital cities, only 36 new railways stations were built more than 15km out from the CBD – less than one a year. Sydney built just three outer suburban train stations. Melbourne built none.75 Our cities have been allowed to spread out for hundreds of kilometres, and as a result, Australians are now extremely vulnerable to a future in which petrol ZLOOEHVLJQL¿FDQWO\PRUHH[SHQVLYH76

Cities are also a key source of fossil-fuel emissions: between 40 and 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with cities and their roads and buildings.77 Because of this, cities must be an integral part of any attempt to create a more sustainable economy.78 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 23 PAGE 79 UNEP Green Economy Report: A Preview A Report: Economy Green UNEP


vulnerable to the combination of vulnerable to the combination mortgage debts and oil-dependent private car use. vividly shows how Australians living on vividly shows how the fringes of our cities are particularly combined vulnerability of Australian combined vulnerability of and households to mortgage stress Index The VAMPIRE rising petrol prices. Jago Dodgson and Neil Sipe’s Jago Dodgson and Neil Sipe’s Index for Sydney in 2006. VAMPIRE Index measures the The VAMPIRE How Australians travel to work Main form of transport used on usual trip to work or full-time study, March 2009

Private motor vehicle 79.6% Public transport 14.0% Bicycle 1.5% Walk 4.0% Other 0.9%

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics.80

Why Australians don’t use public transport

No service available / No service available at right time / Service too far from home: 57% Convenience / comfort / privacy of own vehicle: 22% Travel time too long: 18% Own vehicle needed before/during/after hours: 10% Carry equipment/tools/passengers: 6% Vehicle needed during work/study hours: 6% Prefer to walk/cycle: 4%

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics81 )LJXUHVDGGXSWRPRUHWKDQDVPRUHWKDQRQHUHDVRQPD\EHVSHFL¿HG Australia’s Green Economic Potential 25 PAGE


Rob Adams Rob 82



84 86



83 Since 1945, more Australians have died on the roads than in all of the Second World War have died on the roads than in all of the Second World Since 1945, more Australians Between 1976 and 2001, cars and other private vehicles grew from 51.5% of all commutes to 71.8%, at the and other private vehicles grew from 51.5% of all commutes Between 1976 and 2001, cars expense of public transport Total vehicle kilometres driven doubled between 1972 and 1999 Total vehicle kilometres driven In 2001, roads cost Australia $19 billion more than they benefited us In 2001, roads cost Australia In 2029 over 90% of the infrastructure of Australian cities would have been built prior to 2010 have been built cities would of Australian the infrastructure over 90% of In 2029 in 2008 the For example, efficiency rating. star energy effective zero stock has an our old building Most of no ceiling insulation homes have of Australian that about 40% found Bureau of Statistics Australian More than 80% of Australians and over half of the world’s population now live in cities now population the world’s half of over and Australians 80% of than More Urban air pollution, largely caused by road transport, is estimated to cause 1,200 deaths, 2,400 hospital cases by road transport, is estimated to cause 1,200 deaths, Urban air pollution, largely caused attacks a year and 21,000 days of asthma For every 1000 dwellings, the costs for infill and fringe developments are $309 million and $653 million and $653 are $309 million and fringe developments dwellings, the costs for infill For every 1000 respectively For Melbourne this equates to $110 billion over the next 50 years. this equates to $110 billion For Melbourne


O O “In Australian cities, the aim should be to maximize development along new and future road based trunk public transport along new and future road based trunk public transport Australian cities, the aim should be to maximize development “In corridors” O


The costs of Australia’s sprawling cities. The costs of “Transport disadvantage is a critical issue in Australia’s cities.” Jago Dodson and Neil Sipe91

Road pricing

Road pricing may be unpopular with commuters, but it works. Making drivers pay for all their peak-hour road use reduces congestion, improves bus and taxi times and lowers pollution, as the London experience has shown.92 The revenue brought in by road pricing can be used to compensate low-income drivers and invest in public transport.

Melbourne Transport Oriented Development

The image to the right is from a 2009 City of Melbourne discussion paper on transport-oriented development by Rob Adams. The Activity Centre shown in dotted lines is Coburn. The discussion paper describes how appropriate planning policies can densify Australian cities along public transport corridors while retaining the amenity and open space of the surrounding suburbs. Australia’s Green Economic Potential 27 PAGE

sewerage systems nine star energy rating energy standard for all new houses by 2015, and a national Mandate a national seven star 2020. for houses constructed after Invest in public and human-scale transport infrastructure, such as heavy rail, trams, buses, bikeways and walkways rail, trams, buses, bikeways infrastructure, such as heavy and human-scale transport Invest in public growth on the outer fringes Constrain housing cities, not just our capitals Invest in regional drivers and invest in public pricing, and use the revenue to compensate low-income Introduce road and congestion transport it should also include can include hybrid and low-emissions vehicles, and Green investment in urban transport to enable tele-commuting and other flexible work practices communications infrastructure integrated energy/water/ required to meet high environmental standards, including All new development should be Create whole-of-region planning policies that include federal, state and local levels of government – particularly – particularly government levels of and local federal, state that include planning policies Create whole-of-region recent for much of Australia’s urban policy involvement in little has had relatively which the Commonwealth, history trunks public transport development around plan future housing cities along transport corridors; Densify Australian and nodes

O O O O O O O O O Policies for Australian cities for Australian Policies Waste and Recycling: A Country that Remakes Things

“Waste generates economic, social, and health-related costs and liabilities around the world. Solid waste services consume up to 2% of GDP in developing countries and up to 50% of cities’ administrative budgets. By turning waste into a resource and encouraging the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste, significant gains can be achieved in decoupling waste production from economic growth.” UNEP Green Economy Report: A Preview93

One of the industry sectors that demonstrates the greatest opportunities for sustainable growth is the recycling, waste minimisation and resource recovery sector.

In 2006–07, 43.7 million tonnes of waste were generated in Australia. The amount of waste generated has grown by 31 per cent between 2002–03 and 2006–07. Construction and demolition contributed 38 per cent, followed by the commercial and industrial waste at 33 per cent, with municipal solid waste accounting for 29 per cent.

This waste is, literally, buried treasure. By forcing industry and consumers to take more responsibility for the waste they create, we can reduce many costs currently borne by taxpayers, society and the environment, while also creating new jobs in clean tech sectors and IRVWHULQJLQQRYDWLYHZDVWHPDQDJHPHQWDQGUHF\FOLQJWHFKQLTXHV

,QWKHODWHQLQHWLHV-RKQ:KLWHWKHIRXQGHURIZDVWHPDQDJHPHQWFRPSDQ\*OREDO5HQHZDEOHVZDVDPD]HGWRGLVFRYHUWKDWIRXU¿IWKV RIDOOWUDGDEOHJRRGVJRWRODQG¿OOZLWKLQVL[PRQWKV³,UHDOL]HGWKDWDOORIWKLVPDWHULDOLVLQFUHGLEO\LQWHQVLYHWRGLJXSWRPDNH to distribute, to warehouse to shelve…It consumes an enormous amount of energy, and all that embodied energy in that material gets WKURZQRXWZKHQLW¶VSXWLQWRODQG¿OO´ “I realized that all of this material is incredibly intensive to dig up, to make, to distribute, to warehouse to shelve…It consumes an enormous amount of energy, and all that embodied energy in that material gets thrown out when it’s put into landfill.” 6RXUFH-DPHV%UDG¿HOG0RRG\DQG%LDQFD1RJUDG\7KH6L[WK:DYH94) Waste and recycling as a sector suffers from perverse incentives and policy failures. Where throwing resource-intensive products away is cheaper than reusing them, the cost is eventually borne by future generations, both through environmental pollution and the depletion RI¿QLWHUHVRXUFHV+RZHYHUZKHUHJRYHUQPHQWVKDYHJRWWKHSROLF\VHWWLQJVULJKWIRULQVWDQFHE\VHWWLQJDQGPDLQWDLQLQJKLJKHQRXJK SULFHVIRUUHF\FOLQJDQGODQG¿OOUDSLGSURJUHVVKDVEHHQPDGHLQUHVRXUFHUHFRYHU\UDWHV)RULQVWDQFHWKHYROXPHRIZDVWHEHLQJ UHF\FOHGKDVLQFUHDVHGLQWKHSDVWGHFDGHZKLOHWKHYROXPHRIZDVWHVHQWWRODQG¿OOKDVEHHQFXW Economic value of waste generated, sent to landfill and recycled in Australia, 1996-2007

$ERYH9DOXHRIZDVWHJHQHUDWHGVHQWWRODQG¿OODQGUHF\FOHGLQ$XVWUDOLD$XVWUDOLDQZDVWHPDQDJHPHQWSROLFLHV have been very successful in increasing the volume of waste material recycled and, initially, in reducing the volume of waste being GLVSRVHGLQODQG¿OOVLWHV+RZHYHUWKHVHSROLFLHVKDYHQRWUHGXFHGWKHDPRXQWRIZDVWHZHJHQHUDWHFRXQWHUDFWLQJWKHVXFFHVVLQ recycling. Source: Engineers Australia.95 “We are on the cusp of a revolution that will see our world transformed from one heavily addicted to the consumption of resources, to a world in which resource-efficiency is the name of the game. In this next wave of innovation, resource scarcity and massive inefficiencies will be the big market opportunity. Waste will be the source of this opportunity and nature will be our source of inspiration and competitive advantage.”

-DPHV%UDG¿HOG0RRG\96 Waste and recycling figures:

O There are 20 million tonnes of waste dumped into landfill every year in Australia. Each tonne diverted to Australian reprocessing is worth $775. That’s $15.5billion annually in lost economic activity.97 O The waste disposal services industry in Australia has revenues of $8.5 billion and employs 33,170 people O The Australian recycling sector is estimated to have contributed $11.5 billion to the economy in 2006 or 1.2% of Australia’s GDP and directly and indirectly employed 27,700 people98 O Direct and indirect jobs created through the waste industry is 53,246 O Australians spent $10.5 billion on goods and services that they never or hardly ever used with food consumption amounting to the largest waste category99 O Australians threw away $5.3 billion worth of all forms of food in 2004 (thirteen times the amount donated by Australian households to overseas aid agencies in 2003, or more than it costs to run the Australian army).100 O The greenhouse gas emissions associated with this household food waste was conservatively estimated at a level similar to the total emissions involved in the manufacture and supply of iron and steel in Australia100 O Hazardous waste generated in Australia doubled between 2002 and 2006, to around 1.19 million tonnes per annum102 O Modelling for the South Australian government by MMA found a net benefit to the state of more stringent waste and recycling policies of $176 million to 2030, rising to $407 million if carbon prices reach $30/tonne.103 O Eighty per cent of employees would like to see more recycling in the workplace Australia’s Green Economic Potential 33 PAGE


avenues for waste reduction – i.e., source reduction, recycling, material substitution, and product design changes. – i.e., source reduction, recycling, material substitution, avenues for waste reduction DQLQFHQWLYHIRUWKHPWRUHGHVLJQWKHLUSURGXFWVZLWKUHVRXUFHHI¿FLHQF\DQGWKHHQYLURQPHQWLQPLQG6XFKFKDQJH and enhance product reusability and costs, should also reduce materials use while reducing waste management where they exploit all the possible Producer Responsibility policies are most effective Extended recyclability. and the environment. Extended Producer Responsibility policies aim to combat this. By placing responsibility for a Producer Responsibility policies aim to combat and the environment. Extended Responsibility policies also creative impacts on producers, Extended Producer end-of-life environmental product’s SULFHGLQWRSURGXFWVRUUHÀHFWHGLQSURGXFHUV¶ERWWRPOLQHV0DQ\FRPSDQLHVHVFDSHWKHIXOOFRVWRIWKHVDIH governments, society the costs onto municipal once they are sold, pushing recycling of their products disposal and Waste is a classic “negative externality” – a social and environment cost of economic activity which is not fully cost of economic activity – a social and environment “negative externality” is a classic Waste If a company knew that nothing it produced could be thrown away and everything would eventually return, how and everything would could be thrown away knew that nothing it produced If a company products? the way it designed its would it change Extended Producer Responsibility Extended

“By far the most obvious market barrier to innovation in waste management is the low cost of landfilling”

GHD, Waste Technology and Innovation Study105 Australia’s Green Economic Potential 35 PAGE



consumer products – for instance, Germany has much higher standards than Australia has much higher standards – for instance, Germany consumer products a product’s end-of-life environmental By placing responsibility for producer responsibility: promote extended remove perverse incentives, like underpriced landfill landfill like underpriced perverse incentives, remove infrastructure in recycling and waste diversion fund investment and and end-of-life value of industrial to improve the through-life and design standards strengthen regulations

enhance product reusability and recyclability. enhance product reusability and impacts on producers, extended producer responsibility policies are also expected to push them to redesign their expected to push them to redesign policies are also extended producer responsibility impacts on producers, materials use and costs, should also reduce reducing waste management Such change, while products for environment.

O O O O “Achieving a transition to a Green Economy will only be possible through the collective vision, creativity, action and support action and support creativity, Economy will only be possible through the collective vision, “Achieving a transition to a Green private sector and consumers.” including governments, the society, from a broad cross-section of

,IFRPSDQLHVFRQVXPHUV¿QDQFLHUVDQGJRYHUQPHQWVDUHSUHSDUHGWRZRUNWRJHWKHUWREXLOGDQHZJUHHQHFRQRP\ above, even seemingly impossible tasks like As we have seen living. can enjoy a sustainable future with an improved standard of in this country by 2020, if we have the political and social will. transitioning to a completely renewable electricity grid are possible


Australia’s natural environment is a bit like a maxxed-out credit card: there’s been a lot of spending of our natural resources, but precious little investment or saving.

A recent Department of Climate Change report by a team of authors led by Will Steffen has established the need for this investment in considerable detail. Intended as a “strategic assessment” of the threat for policy makers, the report urges Australian policy-makers to “invest in our life support system”:

“We are pushing the limits of our natural life support systems. Our environment has suffered low levels of capital investment for GHFDGHV:HPXVWUHQHZSXEOLFDQGSULYDWHLQYHVWPHQWLQWKLVFDSLWDO«,QSDUWLFXODUVLJQL¿FDQWQHZIXQGLQJVWURQJO\IRFXVHG towards on-ground biodiversity conservation work – carried out within an active adaptive management framework – is essential to enhance our adaptive capacity during a time of climate change.”107

The Steffen report highlights the urgent need in Australia to invest in building the resilience of Australian ecosystems to help them survive the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Timely and strategic investments by governments, particularly the Commonwealth, can help to address this. We need to start thinking of environmental preservation as a real, tangible investment - building up national reserves of healthy water and soil that we can draw on later. Otherwise it won’t be long before there’s a run on the land bank. Australia already spends billions a year paying back past ecological debts. Environment Business Australia points to estimates by the CSIRO’s Land and Water 'LYLVLRQ³GU\ODQGVDOLQLW\DFLGL¿FDWLRQDQGVRLOHURVLRQFRVWVELOOLRQD\HDUDQGWZRWKLUGVRIODQGPDQDJHUVUHSRUWWKDWWKH\ZLOOVXIIHU UHGXFWLRQVLQSURSHUW\YDOXHVRIXSWRSHUFHQWRYHUWKHQH[WWKUHHWR¿YH\HDUVIURPUHVRXUFHGHJUDGDWLRQ´108

“The treatment of climate change by the Stern Review surfaced an issue which had been widely recognized but not tackled VTXDUHO\KRZWRDVVHVVDUROORIWKHGLFHZKHQRQHRIWKHRXWFRPHVLVWKHHQGRIFLYLOL]DWLRQDVZHNQRZLW"´ The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: An Interim Report109

In order to realise the green economic potential of the industry sectors covered in this report, we will need to begin by transforming the policies and economic systems that are currently making our problems worse. We will need to end perverse incentives: the subsidies, tax breaks and underpriced access to natural resources which encourage businesses and consumbers to waste and pollute. We will need to Australia’s Green Economic Potential 37 PAGE 7KHLVVXHLVDVPXFK like climate change and environmental destruction can create, we may be able to envision a new and better way to organise the able to envision a new and better can create, we may be and environmental destruction like climate change envision it, we can make it happen. And if we can of our society. economic activity 3DUWRIWKHDGMXVWPHQWUHTXLUHGZLOOEHWRVHHWKHRSSRUWXQLWLHVDYDLODEOHWRXVDVZHOODVWKHFRVWVRILQDFWLRQ PRUDODVHFRQRPLF8OWLPDWHO\FUHDWLQJDQHZJUHHQHFRQRP\ZLOOUHTXLUHDQHQKDQFHGHWKLFDOFRPPLWPHQWE\FLWL]HQVEXVLQHVVSHRSOH SROLF\PDNHUVVFLHQWLVWVDQGLQYHVWRUV,IZHFDQ¿JKWWKHXQGHUVWDQGDEOHLQHUWLDGLVHQFKDQWPHQWDQGGHVSDLUWKDWHQRUPRXVSUREOHPV and start-up industries with the same respect we currently reserve for very large corporations in established sectors like the mining and like the mining established sectors corporations in for very large reserve respect we currently with the same industries and start-up groups. industry lobby as the views of much attention citizens as needs of ordinary to give the industries, and fossil fuel seriously account for the opportunity cost of propping up unsustainable economic activity. We will need to treat emerging technologies technologies emerging treat need to will We activity. economic unsustainable up of propping cost the opportunity for account seriously 1 Tim Flannery. 1998. The future eaters: an ecological history of the Australasian lands and people. Sydney : Reed New Holland. &KULV+DLOV6DUDK+XPSKUH\-RQDWKDQ/RKDQG6WHYHQ*ROGÀQJHU/LYLQJ3ODQHW5HSRUW*ODQG6ZLW]HUODQG::)²:RUOG:LGH)XQG)RU1DWXUH IRUPHUO\:RUOG:LOGOLIH Fund), 3 Living Plant Report, cited above; Environmental Protection Authority . 2010. “Australia’s and Victoria’s Ecological Footprint.” Available at: ecologicalfootprint/ausFootprint/default.asp Accessed on 23rd July 2010. 4 Pavan Sukhdev et al. 2008. The Economics of Ecoystems and Biodiversity: Interim Report. Cambridge: European Communities, p. 8 5 IUCN Red List 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.2.Available at: Accessed 14th July 2010. 6 C. Johnson. 2006. Australia’s mammal extinctions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 5LFKDUG.LQJVEXU\HWDO0DMRU&RQVHUYDWLRQ3ROLF\,VVXHVIRU%LRGLYHUVLW\LQ2FHDQLD&RQVHUYDWLRQ%LRORJ\   %RULV:RUPHWDO,PSDFWVRI%LRGLYHUVLW\/RVVRQ2FHDQ(FRV\VWHP6HUYLFHV6FLHQFH   %XUHDXRI5XUDO6FLHQFHV %56 DQGWKH$XVWUDOLDQ%XUHDXRI$JULFXOWXUDODQG5HVRXUFH(FRQRPLFV $%$5( )LVKHU\VWDWXVUHSRUWV'HSDUWPHQWRI$JULFXOWXUH)LVKHULHV and Forestry. .HQ+HQU\6SHHFKWRWKH$XVWUDOLDQ1DWLRQDO8QLYHUVLW\&RQIHUULQJRI'HJUHHV&HUHPRQ\WK'HFHPEHU$VYDLODEOHDWKWWSZZZWUHDVXU\JRYDXGRFX PHQWV+70/GRFVKHOODVS"85/ $18B&RQIHUULQJBRIB'HJUHHVKWP3B$FFHVVHGWK-XO\ %DUU\3LWWRFN (G &OLPDWH&KDQJH$Q$XVWUDOLDQJXLGHWRWKHVFLHQFHDQGSRWHQWLDOLPSDFWV $XVWUDOLDQ*UHHQKRXVH2IÀFH&DQEHUUD ,3&&&OLPDWH&KDQJH6\QWKHVLV5HSRUW&RQWULEXWLRQRI:RUNLQJ*URXSV,,,DQG,,,WRWKH)RXUWK$VVHVVPHQW5HSRUWRIWKH,QWHUJRYHUQPHQWDO3DQHORQ&OLPDWH &KDQJH>&RUH:ULWLQJ7HDP3DFKDXUL5.DQG5HLVLQJHU$ HGV @,3&&*HQHYD6ZLW]HUODQG 11LFKROOV'&ROOLQV2EVHUYHGFKDQJHLQ$XVWUDOLDRYHUWKHSDVWFHQWXU\(QHUJ\ (QYLURQPHQW²&6,52&OLPDWHFKDQJHLQ$XVWUDOLD7HFKQLFDO5HSRUW Canberra: CSIRO. 14 Ross Garnaut. 2008. Garnaut Climate Change Review: Final Report. Port Melbourne: Cambridge University Press. 15 Kingsbury et al., cited above. %LOO0F.LEEHQ'HHS(FRQRP\7KH:HDOWKRI&RPPXQLWLHVDQGWKH'XUDEOH)XWXUH1HZ