The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 128

Rich's Notes: The 5th Doctor has recovered some control over his ship, and chooses to engage the ship before it does any damage to the Earth. The turn to engage the fighter in battle, shaking the 4th Doctor loose.

The 6th Doctor watches helplessly as his previous incarnation plummets to his death from high in the Earth’s atmosphere. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 129

Rich's Notes: The plummeting form of a man was spotted by the 5th breaks off the attack and speeds after to try to save him somehow.

The 6th Doctor attempts to prevent from reengaging the fighter by pulling a final desperate from his brightly coloured sleeve.

The 5th Doctor manages a wild and crazy rescue attempt by reaching out and grabbing the 4th Doctor’s hand as he flies past in his ship with the canopy open. He succeeds and are reunited. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 130

Rich's Notes: The 4th Doctor is no longer in freefall, but squished into the 1-man fighter canopy with the 5th Doctor. However, with the extra speed put in to rescue him, the 5th Doctor has lost his chance for a soft landing. As the two prepare to meet their doom and are about to crash into a tall building, a TARDIS shaped like a vintage car materializes around them. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 131

Rich's Notes: The 9th Doctor is delighted with the perfect timing and the science manipulation used in the capture of the 5th Doctor’s fighter. All are relieved and delighted. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 132

Rich's Notes: The 9th Doctor, evading certain uncomfortable explanations pertaining to his keen knowledge of how he knew where to find the 4th & 5th Doctors, is also apparently on a tight schedule of some kind. He offers to drop the two Doctors off and they decide to head back to the Federation ship to find the TARDIS and the 3rd Doctor before going down to Earth to meet up with , Mel and UNIT.

Meanwhile, on , the 8th Doctor, and find the Keeper of the with a mysterious prisoner. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 133

Rich's Notes: The 8th Doctor and Leela sneak in for a closer look. The 10th Doctor learns something more about the ’s plan. As he is led off, the 8th Doctor sneaks into the lab and discovers, to his horror, that the Valeyard is turning Time Lords into DALEKS! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 134

Rich's Notes: The 8th Doctor breaks into the Valeyard’s lab and discovers that five Time Daleks have already been completed and this one is the sixth.

Leela discovers that this Dalek is one of her own children!

The Time Daleks materialize around them. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 135

Rich's Notes: The Valeyard explains to that he has been manipulating the Daleks in a grand scheme to unite them and control them into one mighty force and use them to take over the universe, beginning with a that will wipe out the Time Lords once and for all. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 136

Rich's Notes: The Valeyard reveals to the 8th Doctor that he has already begun the process that will turn him into the Supreme Time Dalek.

An enraged Leela stabs the Valeyard which triggers a . The Valeyard orders the Daleks to kill her, but they hesitate…. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 137

Rich's Notes: The 8th Doctor holds Leela back from further attacking the Valeyard, who regenerates into a vaguely familiar form. The Valeyard commands the Time Daleks to exterminate Leela, but they remain silent and still. That is, until he decides to do it himself. Then they kill him!

One of the Daleks approaches Leela and speaks her name. She suddenly recognizes his voice as that of her husband, a Citadel guard known as Andred.

This is the second version of this page; the original strip #135 was scrapped - I drew it up but found it disturbing, and it didn't fit the spirit or tone of the rest of the comic. You can see the "deleted scene" in the Appendix. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 138

Rich's Notes: The Dalek that was once Andred declares himself the new Time Dalek Emperor. He calls himself Dalek Ahn and tells Leela that she will join him as his consort, Dalek Lee, Empress of the Daleks. On their way to the conversion lab, the 8th Doctor explains that believes that the Daleks they’ve created are prototypes, experimental versions made from Andred and Leela’s children and other Outsiders. When they arrive, the Doctor sees a familiar figure, but when he goes to confront …. it turns out to be the 10th Doctor in the early stages of conversion. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 139

Rich's Notes: The deposit the War Chief into the prison cell with the 3rd Doctor. The War Chief tells the Doctor about the death of and the disappearance of his 5th self before drawing an electronic device from his sleeve and springing both of them from their cell. The 3rd Doctor leads the way. He has a plan! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 140

Rich's Notes: The 3rd Doctor and the War Chief eaves drop on a battle status report, then head to the communications room with intent to cause some kind of distraction to divide their war efforts.

En route, they are ambushed by an ambitious Sontaran guard, but his glorious triumph is interrupted by the arrival of Drax’s TARDIS, giving the 3rd Doctor a chance to apply some Venusian Akido to his neck port.

The TARDIS leaves as the 3rd, 4th and 5th Doctors are reunited. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 141

Rich's Notes: The 3rd, 4th, and 5th Doctors, along with the War Chief, make it to the communications room of the Federation flagship. From there, the 3rd Doctor sends a signal to the Rutans, alerting them of their #1 enemy’s location, in an effort to split the Sontaran’s attention and break them up from their battle over the Earth.

Meanwhile, down underground, the cybernetically enhanced Silurians are now left stranded without controllers, and so they go into a fighting rage when they see the UNIT soldiers exploring the lab. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 142

Rich's Notes: While Brigadier Bambara tries to get some information about the lizardy things in the sewers from Sarah Jane, , Grace, Jamie and Captain Jack, lo and behold, who should appear with all the answers, but Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. Who also is escorting Nyssa and Mel who had landed their ship not far away and managed to contact him.

They told him the Doctor was on his way, but they didn’t expect him to arrive by TARDIS! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 143

Rich's Notes: Susan recieves the 2nd Doctor’s telepathic message and becomes very concerned for her Grandfather. Turlough is irriated because it has interefered with her TARDIS piloting. They’ve microjumped and shot forward a few hours in time. Zoe steps out to see where they’ve landed and comes face to face with an army of companions, including the Brigadier and Jamie.

The new throng of companions all try to talk at the same time and the Brigadier puts his foot down. He declares himself their leader and, leaving Bambara in charge of fighting the Silurians, announces that they’re going to find the Doctor. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 144

Rich's Notes: Davros and his Daleks are going mad constantly repairing minor systems as they short out.

The Rani demands to know the rest of the 7th Doctor’s plan and he reveals that he’s been sending homing signals to the remains of the Movellans who are intent on destroying Davros and his creations. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 145

Rich's Notes: The 10th Doctor, now undergoing Dalek conditioning and hooked into an M5 machine, reports to his new emperor, Dalek Ahn, that the presence of the 8th Doctor is a problem. This could change the flow of events that would lead up to his capture and alteration. He suggests they send an agent to spy on his activities between 8th and 10th incarnations to guide the flow of time.

He also notes the takeover of the 6th Doctor on the black Daleks. Dalek Ahn sends Dalek Lin to investigate. The 10th Doctor transmits the information, but something the 8th Doctor said to him seems to have sunk in. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 146

Rich's Notes: The 6th Doctor guides the Daleks to the planet Mechanus. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 147

Rich's Notes: The Mechanoids attack! While the Supreme Dalek struggles to wrap its gooey brain around the idea of it being so totally mistaken, the 6th Doctor strolls off, leaving the Daleks to their fate.

On the way back, however, he is attacked by Dalek Lin, who has arrived somehow just a little too late to stop the destruction of Daleks. The 6th Doctor ducks in between two Mechanoids who percieve Daleks as a much greater threat then curly haired fellows dressed as clowns. So they destroy Dalek Lin. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 148

Rich's Notes: The 6th Doctor ambles back to the TARDIS, wondering about the Time Dalek but figuring with death at his heels that it’s now a mystery for someone else.

Meanwhile, on the Federation flagship, also the Sontaran mothership, the 3rd, 4th and 5th Doctors discover that the Movellans are on their way as well as the Rutans. The 4th Doctor tracks down the signal they’re following. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 149

Rich's Notes: The 3rd, 4th and 5th Doctors contact the 7th and they exchange insults and plans.

The 3rd Doctor asks after the 2nd Doctor. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 150

Rich's Notes: While the 2nd Doctor waits in the console room, the 2.5th Doctor and Glitz head down to the primary engine room of the TARDIS. There they find the main maint shunt valve. The 2nd Doctor primes the system and the TARDIS dematerializes. But the 2.5th Doctor and Glitz haven’t pulled it yet! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 151

Rich's Notes: The 2nd Doctor realizes that they haven’t actually moved at all through time or space. The doors open behind him revealing a white void. He exits to explore and spots a figure, but when he approaches he discovers that it’s a toy replica of the Keeper of ( readers as The Valeyard). The makes an appearance. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 6 152

Rich's Notes: The Sontarans, the Daleks, the Movellans and the Rutans engage in a crazed space free-for-all above the Earth, while the 3rd Doctor coordinates the War Chief and the 4th, 5th and 7th Doctors in a game of misinformation and communication sabotage.

Meanwhile the Sontarans in the Federation Flagship have tracked him down and are preparing to blast their way through the sealed door.