12968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE June 9, 1986 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, June 9, 1986 The House met at 12 noon and was H. Con. Res. 346. Concurrent resolution to junior officer in the German Army called to order by the Speaker pro correct technical errors in the enrollment of during World War II. tempore [Mr. WRIGHT].. the bills. 124. Then, Ed Meese forgot, that on The message also announced that April 27, his own Office of Special In­ the Senate agrees to the amendment vestigation recommended that we had DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO of the House to the bill

0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 9, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12969 of Energy shows that their methods We were told that that was a mere within the boundary of Sequoia-Kings have been not only controversial but technicality, and that we do not have Canyon National Park in California. are basically improper and flawed. to meet the April 15 deadline like all The. resolution also required that the Although it was clearly the intent of taxpayers in the country do. Secretary submit the permit to the Congress that site characterization We are certainly not going to meet Congress 60 days prior to execution. studies .be completed prior to .the an­ the June 10 deadline. We do not even The other body . acted on House nouncement of preli:minary·determina-· have any appropriation bills scl).eduled Joint Resolution 382 on May 21, 1986, tion of suitability, the Department of on the calendar this week, so once and made two amendments. The first Energy made its preliminary determi­ again we are just ignoring the law or would allow only one 10-year renewal nation on only. three sites last week, forgetting it, and certainly by the end option instead of two as contained in before any characterization work has of this month we are not going to. have the original House version. The second been done. · the budget process complete, and you· amendment would require the Secre­ Public health· and safety should be can bet that we are going to go on our tary to submit the permit to the Con­ the ·prime conc~rn in any siting of a recess. anyway. gress 120 days prior to execution high-lev.el repository, and this has, We are forgetting the pledge we rather than 60 days as required in the clearly, been· a secondary priority for made to the American people that we House version. DOE, well below cost and decisions· are going to try to end deficits and Mr. Speaker, I have no objection to that are politically convenient. move toward a balanced budget. We do the bill as amended and urge its adop­ · My State cannot· be targeted for a not care. When it com~s to spending . tion. decision that even optimists are now mon,ey, Congress simply does not care. Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, calling "The best of a bad situation." · If does not obey the laws it p'uts in place. · further reserving the right to object. The recent nuclear catastrophe at this legislation would simply authorize Chernobyl serves as a very clear and I have said before that this is an the Southern California Edison Co. to · timely lesson that our responsibilities outlaw Congress. Every day we prove more and more that we are an outlaw continue its use and occupancy of Fed-· for nuclear activities are not only to be eral lands· in the Sequoia National taken with utmost seriousness, but are Congress. We could care less about the law we pledged ourselves to for a bal­ Park necessary for the operation and global responsibi~ities. · maintena1,1ce of an existing hydroelec­ Let us not be accused by future gen­ .anced budget. I think it is high time that the American people begin to tric project known as the Kaweah erations of treading tlle line of least project. The current authorization ex­ resistance and allowing a bad process hold this body responsible for its irre- sponsibility. · pired last year. to continue, when it will fall to them . Hydroelectric deyelopment has exist­ to undo the ii'reparable harm that has ed in the park since the late 1800's been created. 0 1210 without any serious adverse impacts Yucca Mountain must be removed AUTHORIZING · CONTINUED USE on the park's resources. However, due .from consideration now, for it is only to National Park Service concerns re­ by halting the process immediately OF CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK garding possible future impacts of the that better solutions can .be sought. Kaweah project on the resources of Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Sequoia National Park, the bill previ­ REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Speaker's table the joint resolution ously passed by this body limited the AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 4567 Cl> evolved. Not only is the legislation bi­ the President of the United States is au­ heal the wounds of the war. partisan in its development in the thorized to present, on behalf of the Con­ Robert Doubek joined Jan Scruggs gress, to Jan Scruggs, Robert Doubek, and as a cofounder of the Vietnam Veter­ House, but also in its present form as John Wheeler, one gold medal each of ap­ ans Memorial Fund. The fund was es­ passed by the other body. propriate design in recognition of their tire­ tablished as a nonprofit, privately sup­ I should like to take this opportuni­ less efforts to give the Vietnam Veterans ported foundation to erect the memo­ ty to thank the gentleman from Min­ Memorial to the Nation. The Vietnam Vet­ rial. A successful attorney at that nesota for his patience and coopera­ erans Memorial symbolizes for the Veterans time, he took a great risk and a 50-per­ tion, and to thank as well the ranking the concern the American people have for cent pay cut to become the full-time member, the gentleman from Califor­ them and the respect they feel for their service and their sacrifice, and for all Ameri­ project director of the fund. He co­ nia, for his counsel. Further, Mr. cans the Memorial expresses a spirit of rec­ ordinated the efforts to secure support Speaker, I want to thank Mr. Dale onciliation that preserves us as a Nation. from veterans organizations. He orga­ Crane and Mrs. Lori Stillman of the <2 > For the purpose of this section, the nized the fundraising for the memori­ Committee on Interior and Insular Af­ Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and al. He was responsible for verifying fairs, and to thank the Southern Cali­ directed to cause to be struck three gold the completeness and accuracy of the fornia Edison Co. and the National medals with suitable emblems, devices, and names inscribed on the wall. He orga­ inscriptions to be determined by the Secre­ Park Service whose guidance and sup- tary of the Treasury. There is authorized to nized and managed the dedication ' port was so necessary in the develop­ be appropriated not to exceed $25,000 to ceremonies in November 1982. ment of this legislation. carry out the prqvisions of this subsection. John Wheeler first heard of the ef­ Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, (b) The Secretary of the Treasury may forts to build a Vietnam Veterans Me­ I withdraw my reservation of objec­ cause duplicates in bronze of such medal to morial when he saw a report of Jan tion. be coined and sold under such regulations as Scruggs' problems in raising money he may prescribe, at a price sufficient to for the memorial. He quickly volun­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is cover the cost thereof, including labor, ma­ there objection to the request of the terials, dies, use of machinery, overhead ex­ teered to help. Since 1979, he has gentleman from Minnesota? penses, and the gold medal. The appropria­ served as chairman of the fund's board There was no·objection. tion made to carry out the provisions of sub­ of directors. He has given thousands of A motion to reconsider was laid on section shall be reimbursed out of the hours of volunteer time for which he the table. proceeds of such sales. received no compensation. He repeat­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is a edly made the proper decision to keep second demanded? the project from foundering in the Mr. HILER. Mr. Speaker, I demand face of harsh opposition when a single misstep would have ended all hope of GENERAL LEAVE a second. The SPEAKER pro tempore. With­ building the memorial. Mr. VENTO. Mr. Speaker, I ask out objection, a second will be consid­ The Vietnam Veterans Memorial unanimous consent that all Members ered as ordered. serves not only as a moving remem­ may have 5 legislative days in which to There was no objection. brance to those who sacrificed their revise and extend their remarks on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lives at the request of their Nation, joint resolution just considered. gentleman from Illinois [Mr. .ANNuN­ but also as a symbol of national recon­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is ZIO] will be recognized for 20 minutes ciliation. It has helped heal the bitter there objection to the request of the and the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. legacy of the Vietnam war. It has gentleman from Minnesota? HILER] will be recognized for 20 min­ helped the Nation confront the divi­ There was no objection. utes. siveness of the Vietnam war and The Chair recognizes the gentleman moved us toward reconciliation. The from Illinois [Mr. ANNUNZIO]. memorial recognizes the sacrifices Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, I made by our Vietnam veterans and ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE yield myself such time as I may con­ served as a reminder for the need for SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE sume. national unity. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2591 authorizes The memorial would not have been The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu­ the presentation of a special congres­ built without the hard work, faith and ant to the provisions of clause 5 of sional gold medal to Jan Scruggs, determination of Jan Scruggs, Robert rule I, the Chair announces that he Robert Doubek, and John Wheeler. Doubek, and John Wheeler. The me­ will postpone further proceedings These medals will be presented, on morial has helped this Nation achieve today on each motion to suspend the behalf. of the Congress, to these three peace with our past. rules on which a recorded vote or the men who are responsible for erecting H.R. 2591 recognizes those who have yeas and nays are ordered, or on which the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. helped accomplish the healing process. the vote is objected to under clause 4 The bill is cosponsored by 260 Mem­ Without the efforts of· Jan Scruggs, of rule XV. bers, far more than a majority of the Robert Doubek, and John Wheeler Such rollcall votes, if postponed, will House. I am proud to be one of the co­ there would be no Vietnam Veterans be taken on Wednesday, June 11, 1986. sponsors. Memorial and the wounds of that war June 9, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12971 would continue to fester. For this, President Reagan signed this bill into of achievement of some of the individ­ they deserve congressional gold law, and the medal is now available for uals who have been so honored. In the medals. purchase by the general public. first 100 years of our Nation, only 53 Mr. Speaker, in closing, let me make I am proud to say, Mr. Speaker, that congressional gold medals were award­ a few comments about the role that I was a cosponsor of the Vietnam Vet­ ed. In the little more than 100 years the gentleman from Pennsylvania, my erans National Medal Act, despite the that have passed· since our Nation's distinguished friend and colleague, fact that I rarely put my name on a centennial, 68 congressional gold Mr. RIDGE, a member of the subcom­ medal bill. And I was not alone in medals have been authorized; 27 of mittee, has played in this legislation. giving strong support to this particu­ these have been awarded in the last The gentlem~n from Pennsylvania lar bill; 246 Members of this body decade, and 16 of them have been au­ [Mr. RIDGE] is opposed to the legisla­ joined the sponsor of the legislation, thorized since 1981. In the 97th, 98th, tion, and as an enlisted combat veter­ the distinguished chairman of the and 99th Congresses alone, nine con­ an of Vietnam, he has the credentials Consumer Affairs and Coinage Sub­ gressional gold medal bills have been to support his opposition. I want to committee, Congressman FRANK AN­ enacted into law, authorizing a total commend the distinguished gentleman NUNZIO, in attaching their names to 11 gold medals. Although some of from Pennsylvania for the outstanding the bill. Moreover, on October 18, these 11 medals were certainly de­ manner in which he has conducted 1983, 410 Members of this body voted served, others of them are of question­ himself during the legislative journey to adopt the Vietnam Veterans Na­ able merit. of this bill. He has engaged in honest tional Medal Act. Not a single Repre­ The bill before us today is of con­ dissent, and at no time has he engaged sentative voted against it. cern, not because the three designated in any delaying tactics or has he en­ I also want to make it clear that my recipients are underserving of respect gaged in anything except the highest opposition to the medal bill before us and recognition, but because their ac­ level of the legitimate dissent. today has nothing to do with the ex­ Although I do not agree with the po­ istence or design of the Vietnam Vet­ complishments to date do not appear sition of the gentleman from Pennsyl­ erans Memorial. The memorial is a to be of sufficient stature to warrant a vania on the legislation itself, I agree wonderful and moving tribute to those congressional gold medal. I am not with his right to dissent, for although who gave of themselves so valiantly in sure their contribution to building a as a Member of this body he has a service to their country. Moreover, the memorial compares to the lifetime right to such dissent, he earned that memorial has contributed immensely contributions made by such past hon- right long before under enemy fire in to healing the wounds suffered by our 6rees as George Washington, Jonas Vietnam. Nation as a result of the Vietnam ex­ Salk, Thomas Edison, Robert Frost, Mr. Speaker, I want to urge my col­ perience. Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kennedy, leagues today to vote "aye" on this Nor does my opposition to this and Winston Churchill. Moreover, legislation, because regardless, the cri­ medal reflect a lack of respect for the Congress has never before deemed it teria of the committee has been met. efforts of Messrs. Scruggs, Doubek, appropriate to award a medal for the There are 260 cosponsors. and Wheeler to ensure that a memori­ administration, designing or building This memorial has served as a healer al was erected in honor of Vietnam of a memorial or monument, of which in healing the Nation and it has veterans. Certainly, these three men there are many significant ones in our brought the Nation back together contributed substantially to the con­ country. after a terrible, terrible ordeal. struction of this fine tribute, and Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to I urge my colleagues to vote "aye" should be recognized for their efforts. carefully consider their vote on the on the legislation. Rather, my opposition to this medal congressional gold medal bill before Mr. HILER. Mr. Speaker, I yield bill has to do with the appropriateness this body today. A vote against H.R. myself such time as I may consume. of awarding a congressional gold 2591 is not a vote against the Vietnam Mr. Speaker, it is with some reluc­ medal to any individual simply for his veteran, nor is it a vote against the tance that I stand in opposition to role in erecting a monument, no contribution made by three individuals H.R. 2591, legislation to award con­ matter how significant and emotional­ who along with countless others gressional gold medals to three indi­ ly charged that monument may be. worked hard to bring a Vietnam Veter­ viduals in recognition of their tireless Mr. Speaker, the congressional gold ans Memorial to our country. Rather, efforts to give this Nation a Vietnam medal has a long and for the most a vote against H.R. 2591 is a vote tore­ Veterans Memorial, because I fear part, illustrious history. The very first store and maintain the significance that my position might be misunder­ such medal was a warded to George and meaning of the congressional gold stood. Washington, the father of our coun­ medal as a medal awarded to individ­ I want to make it clear today that try. Other recipients through the uals in recognition of the highest of my opposition to this medal has noth­ years have included individuals of achievements and a lifetime of service. ing to do with my feelings about either such distinguished service and contri­ the Vietnam war or those men and butions as Jonas Salk, Thomas Edison, 0 1225 women who served in that conflict. Al­ Robert Frost, Hubert Humphrey, Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, I though our Nation's involvement in Robert Kennedy, and Winston yield 5 minutes to the distinguished Vietnam was controversial, those who Churchill. gentleman from Michigan [Mr. served their country in that war de­ According to historians on the sub­ BomoR], who is also a veteran of the serve our fullest respect, recognition, ject, when Congress instituted the Vietnam war. praise, and thanks. congressional gold medal during the Mr. BONIOR of Michigan. I thank I am pleased to say that Congress first years of our Nation, its Members the gentleman for yielding this time to has seen fit to pay tribute to the veter­ intended the medal to be awarded only me. ans of Viet.nam with the authorization in recognition of the highest achieve­ Mr. Speaker, I am proud to appear of a national medal in their honor. In ments. As such, they designed the here today in strong support of H.R. the 98th Congress, both the House of medal to be awarded only sparingly, as 2591, a measure introduced by the gen­ Representatives and the other body they were convinced that the value of tlewoman from Nevada [Mrs. VucANo­ recognized the members of the Armed reward is enhanced by its rarity. VICH] and myself. Forces of the United States who Unfortunately, Congress in recent This is a bipartisan measure cospon­ served in the Vietnam conflict by years has strayed from this original sored by more than 250 Members of adopting legislation authorizing the intent. This is reflected in both the this House. I want to commend the production of a Vietnam veterans na­ relative numbers of such medals gentlewoman from Nevada for the tional medal. On October 30, 1984, awarded in recent years and the level energy and the leadership she has 12972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE June 9, 1986 shown in . advancing · thi$ bill. i also these three men stood tall against tre- tive director of the Vietnam Veterans want to pay tribute to the chairman of meridm~s pressure~ . Me:r:norial, and John Wheeler, chair­ the subcommittee, · the gentleman Great changes never come easily, man of the board of the Vietnam Vet­ from Illinois [Mr. ANNUNZIO], who has . Mr. Speaker. The decision to forget erans Memorial. been fair ·and understanding and has the war· and its veteran made by the It . is through the fireless efforts of done, I think, an. excellent job in han- entire Nation reinforced for a decade these caring and dedicated individuals dling this· jssue which has ·not at ·all · couid not be reversed in one day, and that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial times had sm,ooth sailing, to say the without controversy. It required disci­ became a reality, thereby creating a least. ·pline and commitment over the years. tangible symbol of recognition of the Mr. Speaker, for over 20 years this Let those who wander by the Vietnam sacrifices of the Vietnam veteran. Nation revered its warriors who joined Veterans Memorial pause to look at Under their leader~hip and direction battle against .those w.ho · sought the statue, then read from the names, the necessary funds to establish the through force to alter our chosen way and to remember-to remember those memorial were raised entirely through of life. Today, places like Yorktown who served in the sorrow of a nation contributions from corporations, foun­ and Omaha Beach are pilgrimages for that turned away. But I think it is also dations, unions,. civic organizations, those who pever ·e':(perienced the important that they should remember veterans, and more than 275,000 indi- glory, .yet they feel a sense of intangi- that despite the ·years of delay; we vidual Americans. . ble gratitude for ·those who actually·· ·came together as one people to honor Since the dedication of the Vietnam did; . · our dead, to praise the living, and to Memorial on November 13, 1982, it is The soldiers of the Vietnam war met plant this memorial forever in the estimated ·that 25 million Americans · our Nation's highest standards of- serv~ memory of our people. have visited the memorial, often draw­ ice, the house-to-house battle for Hue, Because-of the devotion and dedica­ the murqerous shellings that were.ab- tion of .Jan Scruggs, John Wheeler, ing over 20,000 visitors a day. sorbed by our -soldiers at Khe San, and Robert Doubek, this country has It is altogether fitting that these tested the courage of our soldiers no been given the opportunity to heal the three men be recogniZed for their ef­ less than the battles of World War IJ wounds left by the Vietnam war and forts in seeing this dream become a re­ and Korea. Yet, if the courage was the to reconcile ·a part of our history that ality-a dream that has been a major same, the war was pot. It was .hard to we too easily try to forget. step in healing the wounds of a colin­ separate the war from the divisive The congressional gold medal is try paiiled by the Vietnain war. Th·e debate over the Vietnam war and sepa- iD.deed one of the highest honors this Vietnam Veterans Memorial is the rate that war from the warrior and Nation may bestow, but I believe we smgle most important step in honor­ the Nation was slow to recognize the all know that the award of these ing those who served in the Vietnam Vietnam ·veteran. . medals cannot compare to the gift war and uniting our Nation in recog­ Today, a new attitude is moving that these three. men have already nizing those men and women who gave across the Nation. Our country has made to our country. their lives for our country. It is fitting begun to remember and ·to honor Mr. Speaker, I am deeply honored that we honor the three individuals those who served their Nation during for this opportunity to gratefully ac­ who have made this tremendous con­ one of the most difficult periods in our· knowledge the achievements of these tribution to our .veterans and their history. In November l982, the Nation three· outstandirig individuals and I families, and thus, our country. · paused to mark the dedication of the urge support for H.R. 2591. I am proud to be a member of a mili­ Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Tens of Mr. HILER: Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 tary family, which includes Vietnam thousands veterans joined in their own minutes to the gentlewoman from veterans, who served their country parade down Constitution Avenue Nevada [Mrs. VucANOVICH]. and made sacrifices for its citizens. I during that memorable week. Thou- Mrs. VUCANOVICH. I thank . the urge the positive consideration of this ~ands crowded into a small c~apel in gentleman for yielding this time to legislation to recognize these Ameri­ the· National Cathedral to listen to me. cans for their relentless determination veterans. Friends and relatives. read · Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have to honor our Vietnam veterans. the names of those who fell in battle the opportunity to say a few words Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, I or who are still missing in action, more about H.R. 2591. First, I would like· to have no further requests for ti,me, and than 57,000 in all. take this opportunity to thank the I reserve the balance of my· time. More than any other single event, gentleman from Illinois [Mr. ANNUN­ Mr. HILER. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 the Vietnam Veterans Memorial ziol, the distinguished chairman of minutes to the gentleman from New forged our Nation's new willingne-ss to the Subcommittee on Consumer Af­ York [Mr. GILMAN]. honor Vietnam veterans and to recon- fairs and Coinage, for bringing this cile the emotional wounds, the deep bill to the floor and for his leadership 0 1235 emotional wounds, this country in- during the consideration of this legis­ Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am curred from the Vietnam war. More lation. He has been extremely gracious pleased to rise in strong support of than any other single event, the Viet- and understanding of all of the Mem­ H.R. 2591, and I urge my colleagues to nam Memorial has allowed this Nation bers' feelings and any objections to offer their support. This legislation the opportunity both to honor the in- the bill, as well as of those of us who authorizes the U.S. Treasury to strike dividuals who ·sacrificed their lives for support the bill. three gold medals for Jan Scruggs, us and to finally welcome home the Mr. Speaker, on ·May 22, 1985, I in- Robert Doubek, and John Wheeler, in soldiers who -returned. troduced H:R. 2591 with Mr. BoNIOR, honor of their tireless efforts to pro­ This week we have an opportunity to Mr. KAsicH, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. BILl­ vide a Vietnam Veterans Memorial for honor the three Vietnam veterans who RAKIS, and Mr. EvANs of Illinois· as our Nation. As a cosponsor of his gave this Nation the Vietnam Veter- original . cosponsors. Since that time measure, I thank the bill's sponsor, ans Memorial, who gave this Nation a the legislation has gained a clear rna­ the gentlelady from Nevada [Mrs. chance to remember · and· to change: jority of bipartisan support, for a total VUCANOVICH], and the chairman of the Jan Scruggs, John Wheeler, and of 260 cosponsors. Subcommittee on Consumer . Affa.irs Robert Doubek. Building the Vietnam AS you know, this legislation, which and Coinage, the gentleman from Illi­ Veterans Meniqrial was npt easy.- The passed the· other body by a voice vote nois [Mr. ANNUNziol, for their efforts very idea of the · memorial itself was on Nov~mber 14, 1985, provides for a in allowing us to pay tribute to these controversial, and its striking design gold medal in honor of Jan C. Scruggs, three brave, .committed men. even more so. There is only a Vietnam president of the Vietnam Veterans Anyone who has had an opportunity Veterans Memorial today because Memoriai, Robert W. Doubek, execu- to visit the Vietn.am Veterans Memori- June 9, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12973 al can attest to the significant impact Mr. HAMMERSCHMIDT. Mr. friends others who served honorably that tribute has upon its visitors. For Speaker, as the original sponsor of the and well in Southeast Asia, many of those of us who remember the Viet­ bill . This this prestigious award to everyone whose ef­ paid several hundred thousand dollars for year he, general manager Jan Volk, forts are appreciated. Or are we going to their effort. More importantly, if we are of a and coach K.C. Jones assembled a maintain some semblance of historic perspec­ mind to bestow awards, why are we not ex­ team that may very well be recognized tive and regard only those whose selfless tending them to the more than 58,000 men as the best in NBA history·. In Robert dedication and lifetime public and patriotic and women who gave their lives? It would be Parish, Danny Ainge, Kevin McHale, service profoundly impacted our Nation and far more fitting to honor those whos.e names , the rejuvenated Bill our world? appear on the monument, rather than the Walton, and the incomparable Larry We, as a nation, have redressed the years three men who constructed it. Bird, the Celtics had the nucleus of a of neglect toward those who served proudly in I believe that this effort diminishes the value juggernaut that pursued the champi­ Vietnam. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is and tribute which should be represented by onship with single-minded determina­ now in place and healing wounds. Thanks to the medal, and I strongly oppose this legisla­ tion. To them, and to all Celtics, I the efforts of many. Many people, including tion. want to extend my congratulations on several who in the best tradition of public . Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speake.r:-, I a well-deserved triumph. To the rest of service declined publicity. Financial payments, yield back the balance of my time. the league, I offer condolences; the and other benefits for their assistance. I urge The SPEAKER pro tempore. The new season starts in just 5 months, all of my colleagues to oppose H.R. 2591. question is on the motion offered by and the Celtics will be back with the And perhaps, we can show our gratitude the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. .AN­ same brand of hustle, skill, and spirit through · the introduction and passage of a NUNZIO] that the House suspend the that produces victories, delights their congressional resolution. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2591, as millions of fans, and makes life miser­ Mr. FRENZEL. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2591 amended. able for their opponents. awards Congressional Gold Medals to three The question was taken. individuals who were stellar performers in the Mr. RIDGE. Mr. Speaker, on that I creation of the Vietnam Memorial. demand the yeas and nays. REQUIRING UNITED STATES Like most Americans, I am grateful for the The yeas and nays were ordered. COMPANIES TO CEASE PAR­ splendid efforts of the three. I liked the memo­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu­ TICIPATION IN PRODUCTION, rial from the start. I like it today. ant to the provisions of clause 5, rule MARKETING, OR DISTRIBU­ But I believe we have let the medal pro­ I, and the Chair's prior announce­ TION OF LIBYAN OIL gram get away from us. In a sense, nearly ment, further proceedings on this Mr. LEVINE of California. Mr. every American has performed good service mot~on will be postponed. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules to the Republic. But not all should receive a and pass the bill to require gold mec;ial from Congress. It should be that United States companies cease awarded only for extraordinary service, GENERAL LEAVE their participation in the production, achievement, or action. Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. ·Speaker, I ask marketing, or distribution of Libyan In the last 5 years, we have spread a lot of unanimous consent that· all Members oil, as amended. medals around. Each of the recipients has may have 5 legislative days in which to The Clerk read as follows: performed admirably, but there have been too revise and extend their remarks on H.R. 4847 many of them. The gold medal is losing ·its H.R. 2591, the bill just considered. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of luster. The product is being cheapened. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is Representatives of the United States of I shall vote no because I want this very spe­ there objection to the request of the America in Congress assembled, cial award to be given on a more carefully gentleman from Illinois? SECTION 1. CONGRESSIONAL SUPPORT FOR PRESI­ planned basis to truly extraordinary recipients. There was no objection. DENT'S ANNOUNCEn INTJ.~NTION TO I don't want medals which have been given to TERMINATE LICENSES. George Washington, Winston Churchill and The Congress supports the announced in­ Hubert Humphrey, all of whom have been ex­ IT'S THE CELTICS-AGAIN tention of the President to terminate, effec­ tive June 30, 1986, licenses issued under Ex­ traordinary recipients, to be awarded at which currently allow certain United States If one-third more of my colleagues agree Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, in the persons to participate in production, mar­ with me, and the bill fails, the failure will not National Basketball Association, it keting, or distribution activities with respect reflect on the three individuals honored by the seems the more things change, the to crude oil produced in Libya. bill. It will be a signal to the House leadership more they stay the same. SEC. 2. REVOCATION OF AUTHORITY FOR UNITED STATES COMPANIES TO PARTlPATE IN that it is time to rationalize the program. Yesterday, at home in Boston THE PROnUGI'ION, MARKETING, OR The Congressional Gold Medal is not an Garden, the offered a DISTRIBUTION OF LIBYAN OIL. award by a committee, a caucus, or even one basketball priiner to the Houston (a) REVOCATION.-No regulation, ruling, in­ House. It ought to be an award that all of Rockets, and in the process won yet struction, license, or other authority issued Congress wants to give, and is proud of. another NBA championship. No one under Executive Order 12543 or Executive The Speaker should, in consultation with wl).o watched yesterday's game, in fact Order 12544 shall be effective which would the minority leadership devise a new plan to no one who watched the Celtics amass allow any United States person to partici­ pate in production, marketing, or distribu­ restore the lost luster of the gold medal. My 67 regular season victories and 15 tion activities with respect to crude oil pro­ preference is to establish lifetime achievement more in the playoffs, could doubt their duced in Libya. criteria, limit the award to one or two per bien­ supremacy. The 16 championship ban­ (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.-This section shall nium, require a unanimous leadership recom­ ners which now hang proudly above take effect on June 30, 1986, except that if mendation and a two-thirds vote. the Garden's parquet floor are a testa­ the date of enactment of this Act is after Mr. SHUMWAY. Mr. Speaker, I am strongly ment to the fact that, in Massachu­ June 30, 1986, this section shall take effect opposed to H.R. 2591, to provide special con­ setts, where basketball was invented, 30 days after s-qch date of enactment. gressional gold medals to the three gentlemen the game is played on the professional The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is a who built the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. · level with a skill unmatched any­ second demanded? This is the Nation's highest civilian award. It where. Mr. BROOMFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I has previously been bestowed on such patri­ The key to the success of the Celtics demand a second. ots and pioneers as George Washington and over the years has been their ability to The SPEAKER pro tempore. With­ Dr. Jonas Salk. I do not believe that it is ap­ blend the skills of individuals with su­ out objection, a second will be consid­ propriate for us to present such a coveted perior ability into a cohesive, team ered as ordered. . June 9, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12977 There was no objection. Strategic and International Studies, going to carry out, using his own au­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the 100 million barrels of oil these thority, actions called for by this legis- · gentleman . from California [Mr, companies sold last year on behalf of lation. Thus, this bill is not really nec­ LEVINE] will be recognized for 20 min­ Qadhafi produced some ·$2 billion in essary. utes and the gentleman from Michi­ revenues for Libya-$2 billion in reve­ I want to compliment the gentleman gan [Mr. BR09MFIELD] will be recog- nues that subsidize Qadhafi's terror­ from Wisconsin [Mr. R9TH] for his nized fot 20 minutes. · ism. amendment to the bill before us cies (including prohibition orders Libya earlier this year by President Reagan. the rules were suspended and the bill, against insiders who move from insti­ On January 7 and 8 of this year, President as amended, was passed. tution to institution>; second, allow Reagan responded to the persistent involve­ A motion to reconsider was laid on the agencies to directly penalize ap­ ment of Libya in terrorist activities by imposing the table. praisers for fraudulent appraisals; a ban on trade and other economic relations third, require agency investigations with Libya. GENERAL LEAVE and public comment for new owners of Some of the sanctions were effective imme­ banks under the change in control diately and others were to become effective Mr. LEVINE of California. Mr. acts; fourth, create an exception to the February 1, 1986. Prior to the February 1 Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that notice provisions of the Right to Fi­ date, the Department of the Treasury permit­ all Members may have 5 legislative nance Privacy Act for possible crimi­ ted United States companies to seek a tem­ days in which to revise and extend nal misconduct by insiders; fifth, re­ porary extension of their activities in Libya. their remarks on the bill just passed. quire adequate fidelity insurance to Five United States oil companies-Marathon The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is cover fraud by financial institution in­ Oil, Amerada Hess Corp., Conoco, Inc., W.R. there objection to the request of the siders; and sixth, provide more infor­ Grace & Co., and Occidental Petroleum gentleman from California? mation to the Congress and the public Corp.-sought and received temporary exten­ There was no objection. on how the banking agencies are deal­ sions. ing with insider abuse. The continued operation of the United I have attached a section-by-section States oil companies in Libya has given REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 2591 analysis of the bill, and I would hope United States policy the appearance of incon­ for its expeditious consideration by sistency. It has complicated our efforts to Mr. SUNDQUIST. Mr. Speaker, I the House Banking Committee. secure broader support for our sanctions in ask unanimous consent that my name Europe and elsewhere. be removed as a cosponsor of H.R. SECTION-BY-SECTION ANALYSIS The original rationale for the extension was 2591. A. TITLE I-ciVIL ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS to avoid giving the Libyan Government the oil The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is Section 101: Scope of enforcement author­ assets as windfall by giving the companies an there objection to the request of the ity includes first- and second-tier affiliates opportunity to negotiate a settlement. It would gentleman from Tennessee? and subsidiaries. The banking agencies have be a mistake to exaggerate the extent or likeli­ There was no objection. been frustrated by lack of authority to issue hood of a windfall. First, the companies will civil enforcement orders against persons, continue to own the assets in Libya and are usually officers, associated with bank "sub­ INTRODUCTION OF DEPOSITORY sidiaries" and "affiliate service corpora­ free to continue negotiations. Second, the tions" or with .second-tier subsidiaries of bulk of the oil revenues generated by the sale INSTITUTIONS INSIDER FRAUD PREVENTION ACT OF 1986 thrifts. Important insiders who abuse their of Libyan oil-about 88 cents out of every roles or perpetuate frauds in financial insti­ dollar-already goes to the Libyan Govern­ . Moreover, except for the OCC, the is it the customary practice for other types stitution banking agencies can impose civil money of subpoenaed records. without the prior written approval of the penalties only for violations of prior super­ Section 203: Exchange of. information relevant agency, and second, by it requiring visory orders. Therefore, consistent with among supervisory agencies. This amend­ that such industry-wide prohibition orders OCC's present authority, the bill would ment would clarify that the Act does not issued by one agency be enable all the banking agencies to impose · prevent the banking agencies from sharing enforced by another agency (such as the such penalties for unsafe or unsound prac­ exap:tination reports and other supervisory Home Loan Bank Board) against an individ­ tices or violations of law absent a prior information with the SEC as to those insti­ ual who seeks to switch to a financial insti­ order, provided the agencies publicly give tutions owned by SEC-regulated holding tution regulated by this other agency. notice ·of the types of unsafe or unsound companies. Some of the banking agencies Section 104: Prohibition orders allowed practices that could give rise to civil money conveniently invoke the RFPA as an excuse after an insider's separation from a finan­ penalties. not to share such information with the cial institution. This section would author­ Section 110: Broadening of provisions pro­ SEC. ize each banking agency to impose industry­ hibiting involvement of convicted criminals Section 204 and 205: Technical amend­ wide prohibition orders against culpable in­ in banking. At present, persons who have ments clarifying <1> the duty of financial in­ siders who resign or otherwise depart from been convicted of a crime involving dishon­ stitutions to deliver records and (2) the good an institution before the agency was able to esty ·or breach of trust can be penalized if faith defense available to financial institu­ initiate civil enforcement action. they serve as directors, officers, or employ­ tions. These two sections address concerns Section 105: Financial gain from improper ees of financial institutions without the by financial institutions about their duties conduct with respect to another financial prior written consent of the relevant bank­ to furnish information covered by one of institution as ground for removal or prohibi­ ing agency. This section would extend this the eleven exceptions to the Act's notice re­ tion order. At present, a banking agency can prohibition ·to any person participating in quirements; and they expand the scope of a remove an officer or director from a finan­ the conduct of the affairs of the financial financial institution's good faith defense to cial institution for specified categories or institution, including significant· stockhold­ any civil liability in providing such informa­ misconduct in that institution, including "fi­ ers and managing agents. It would also in­ tion. nancial gain" resulting from the miscon­ crease the civil penalty from $100 to $5,000 for each day of violation. C. TITLE ):11-cHANGE OF CONTROL ACT duct. However, if the misconduct takes place AMENDMENTS at another financial institution or other Section 111: Public disclosure of enforce­ business enterprise, substantial damage to ment actions required. This section requires Section 301: Extension of time to consider that other entity must be proven in order public disclosure of the existence of final change of control notice. This section would for an agency to issue a removal of prohibi­ civil enforcement orders, together with a clarify current statutory language which is tion order against the individual involved. summary, unless such disclosure would ambiguous concerning time periods for The bill would add "financial gain" to an in­ threaten the safety and soundness of an in­ agency review of change of control notices. sider from improper conduct in another stitution, in which case the agency may It would specifically authorize one 30-day business as grounds for removal or prohibi­ delay disclosure for a reasonable amount of extension of time As we discovered in the who have willfully or through gross negli­ enforcement actions. The subcommittee's Ranchlander case in Texas ; to the Committee on penalties of $10,000 per day, while violations Mr. BADHAM. Armed Services. not shown to be willful would be subject to Mr. CouRTER in three instances. 3666. A letter from the Secretary of the existing $5,000 per day provision. Mr. MOORHEAD. Energy, transmitting the quarterly/test sale Section 305: Investigations and enforce­ · ant to 42 U.S.C. 6245 and 42 U.S.C. cluding subpoenaing witnesses and docu­ Mr. ATKINS . . 6241 to seek injunctions or other Mr. ANDERSON in 10 instances. Commerce. relief in U.S. district court, in response to 3667. A letter from the General Counsel, violations of this section, particularly by Mr. GONZALEZ in 10 instances. Department of Energy, transmitting a draft those who acquired control of a financial in­ Mr. BROWN OF California in 10 in-. of proposed legislation to terminate certain stitution without notice to and approval stances. energy-related requirements, to reduce Fed­ from a banking agency. · Mr. ANNUNZIO in six instances. eral spending, to ease the regulatory and pa­ Mr. JoNEs of Tennessee in 10 in­ D. TITLE IV-REQUIREMENTS FOR FIDELITY BOND perwork burden, and for other purposes; to COVERAGE stances. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Mr. BONER of Tennessee in five in­ 3668. A letter from the Secretary of Section 401: Fidelity bonds required for all Health and Human Services, transmitting a insured institutions. Current Federal stat­ stances. Mr. HAMILTON. draft of proposed legislation to require the utes do not require that banks or thrifts Secretary of Health and Human Services to carry fidelity bonds to insure them against Mr. LEVINE of California in five in­ impose fees under the Federal Food, Drug, employee dishonesty, fraud, or other types stances. and Cosmetic Act for the review of applica­ of fidelity losses. This section would require Mr. LEVIN of Michigan. tions for marketing approval for new <1 > that all federally insured institutions Mr. CHAPPELL. human drugs, antibiotics, and biological maintian fidelity coverage, <2> that the products, and for other purposes; to the FDIC and the FSLIC set mandatory mini­ Committee on Energy and Commerce. mum amounts of such, (3) that the two ADJOURNMENT 3669. A letter from the Secretary of agencies obtain replacement coverage if an Mr. LEVINE of California. Mr. Health and Human Services, transmitting institution fails or refuses to maintain ade­ the fiscal year 1985 report on the National quate coverage, and (4) that such failure or Speaker, I move that the House do now adjourn. Cancer Program, pursuant to PHSA section refusal constitutes grounds for termination 404(a)(9); to the Committee on Energy and of an institution's deposit insurance. These The motion was agreed to; accord­ Commerce. proposed requirements would enable the ingly the number, nature, status, and dis­ the Speaker's table and referred as fol­ position of criminal referrals to State and of the original report of political contribu­ Federal authorities, and (3) a description of lows: tions for Robie Marcus Hooker Palmer, of other enforcement initiatives against insider 3661. A communication from the Presi­ Vermont, a career member of the Senior abuse. With few exceptions, we found such dent of the United States, transmitting a Foreign Service, class of minister-counselor, information to be incomplete and rarely ag­ proposal to withdraw a request for supple­ to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni­ gregated, hindering oversight. mental appropriations for fiscal year 1986 potentiary of the United States of America for the Department of Labor, fiscal year to Hungary, pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 1987 appropriation language for the Envi­ 3944<2>; to the Committee on Foreign Af­ ronmental Protection Agency, and amend­ fairs. 0 1310 ments to the request for appropriations for 3672. A letter from the General Counsel fiscal year 1987 for the Veterans' Adminis­ and Congressional Liaison, U.S. Information SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED tration, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1107 ; to the Committee on Appro­ pendent 1986 evaluation of the Cuba Serv­ By unanimous consent, permission priations and ordered to be printed. ice-Radio Marti Program, pursuant to to address the House, following the 3662. A letter from the Acting Secretary Public Law 98- 111, section 9; to the Commit­ legislative program and any special of the Air Force, transmitting additional in­ tee on Foreign Affairs. orders heretofore entered, was granted formation on the IR Maverick Program, 3673. A letter from the Secretary of Hous­ to: which has exceeded its baseline unit cost by ing and Urban Development, transmitting . transmitting 1978) 5; to the Committee on Govern­ Mr. GoNZALEZ, for 60 minutes, today. a listing of contract award dates for the ment Operations. Mr. ANNUNZIO, for 5 minutes, today. period July 1, 1986 to August 31, 1986, pur­ 3674. A letter from the Chairman, Federal Mr. FRANK, for 60 minutes, on June suant to 10 U.S.C. 139; to the Committee Election Commission, transmitting a co'py of 11. on Armed Services. the Commission's 1985 annual report, which Mr. WoLPE, for 60 minutes, on June 3664. A letter from the Director, Defense includes a number of legislative recommen­ 11. Security Assistance Agency, transmitting dations adopted by the Commission, pursu­ notification of the Department of the Air ant to Public Law 92-225, sections 307(d)(2) Force's proposed letter of offer to Japan for and 311