12968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE June 9, 1986 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, June 9, 1986 The House met at 12 noon and was H. Con. Res. 346. Concurrent resolution to junior officer in the German Army called to order by the Speaker pro correct technical errors in the enrollment of during World War II. tempore [Mr. WRIGHT].. the bills. 124. Then, Ed Meese forgot, that on The message also announced that April 27, his own Office of Special In­ the Senate agrees to the amendment vestigation recommended that we had DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO of the House to the bill <S. 1027) "An enough evidence of Waldheim's TEMPORE act for the relief of Kenneth David wrongdoings to put him on the "watch The SPEAKER pro tempore laid Franklin." list," making him ineligible for admis­ before the House the following com- sion to the United States. munication from the Speaker: GOOD ENOUGH FOR HITLER­ Finally, the Austrians forgot the les­ WASHINGTON, DC, sons of World War II. June 6, 1986. GOOD ENOUGH FOR UNCLE SAM? Mr. Speaker, I fear there is an epi­ I hereby designate the Honorable JIM demic of Waldheim's disease going WRIGHT to act as Speaker pro tempore on <Mr. DANNEMEYER asked and was Monday, June 9, 1986. around. The Reagan administration given permission to address the House should be ashamed that it did not THOMAS P. O'NEILL, Jr., for 1 minute and to revise and extend Speaker of the House of _flepresentatives. squelch it in its earliest stages, but his remarks.) waited until Mr. Waldheim became a Mr. DANNEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, head of state who would be immune PRAYER irredeemable currency is the instru­ from being barred entry. The Chaplain, Rev. James David ment of totalitarian governments. Instead, Attorney General Meese Ford, D.D., offered the following Hitler, following the example set by stuck his head in the sand and mut­ prayer: Lenin, proudly announced to the tered, "I forgot." We pray, 0 gracious God, that You world that the reichsmark would would open our eyes to the wonders of never, ever be convertible into gold. Your created world. As we are .so in­ Hitler, of course, was right-but what INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLA­ volved in the details of life and the ad­ was there to brag about? TION REMOVING YUCCA ministration of each day, so may Your Here is a report by a contemporary MOUNTAIN FROM CONSIDER­ Word remind us of the glory of cre­ observer of Nazi jubilation over the ATION AS RADIOACTIVE ation, the wonder of the universe, the demise of the gold standard in 1941: WASTE REPOSITORY SITE potential You have given each person In a recent "funeral oration" delivered for celebration and joy, and the oppor­ before the Chamber of Deputies in Paris, <Mrs. VUCANOVICH asked and was tunities to be lifted by Your spirit into one of the highest functionaries of the Nazi given permission to address the House Party declared ·"with deep inner satisfac­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend the brightness of each new day. Amen. tion" that "the gold standard is as remote her remarks.) from the realities of life as the philosophy Mrs. VUCANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, THE JOURNAL of the French Revolution"-the Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality of men • • •. today I am introducing legislation to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The There were • • • men in Germany at the have Yucca Mountain in Nevada re­ Chair has examined the Journal of time who believed in the gold standard. moved from consideration as a site for the last day's proceedings and an­ Some became hypnotized by the "new the high-level radioactive waste reposi­ nounces to the House his approval order"; others-born opportunists-were tory. thereof. swimming in the broad stream of opportuni­ In addition, my bill will immediately Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the ties opened on a conquered continent; halt all further funded expenditures, others became frightened or tired during authorizations, and future appropria­ Journal stands approved. the years of dally menace and compromise. But there are still many men who, in· the tions for site characterization of the small hours between night and dawn, will Yucca Mountain site. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE see the grey shadows of the men and the My action was prompted by clear A message from the Senate by Mr. ideals they have betrayed. <The Gold Stand­ violations of the Nuclear Waste Policy Hallen, one of its clerks, announced ard, by W. Redelmeier, Toronto, Canada, Act by the Department of Energy in that the Senate having proceeded to 1941.) abruptly and indefinitely terminating reconsider the bill <S.J. Res. 316) . There are those politicians and consideration of a site for a second "Joint resolution prohibiting the sale economists who brag that the dollar high-level waste repository. to Saudi Arabia of certain defense arti­ will never ever be convertible into This sudden and arbitrary action by cles and related defense services," re­ gold. They may or may not be right. the Department of Energy has funda­ turned by the President of the United But what is there to brag about? mentally undermined both the intent States with his objections, to the and the directive of Congress in the Senate, in which it originated, it was Nuclear Waste Policy Act, passed by KURT WALDHEIM'S "MEMORY Resolved~ That the said bill do not this body in 1982. pass, two-thirds of the Senators DISEASE" SPREADING This is not the first time that the present not having voted in the af­ <Mrs. SCHROEDER asked and was Nuclear Waste Policy Act has been firmative. given permission to address the House modified without congressional notifi­ The message also announced that for 1 minute and to revise and extend cation or approval, and I believe it is the Senate had passed without amend­ her remarks.) time to halt th.e process of site charac­ ment concurrent resolutionS of the Mrs: SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, terization immediately. House of the following titles: Kurt Waldheim's mysterious memory The fact that 23 lawsuits from more H. Con. Res. 340. Concurrent resolution to disease is spreading. than 10 States are presently pending correct technical errors in the enrollment of Kurt Waldheim forgot that he com­ against the methodology or site selec­ the bill H.R. 3570; and mitted war crimes against Jews as a tion process used by the Department 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 9, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 12969 of Energy shows that their methods We were told that that was a mere within the boundary of Sequoia-Kings have been not only controversial but technicality, and that we do not have Canyon National Park in California. are basically improper and flawed. to meet the April 15 deadline like all The. resolution also required that the Although it was clearly the intent of taxpayers in the country do. Secretary submit the permit to the Congress that site characterization We are certainly not going to meet Congress 60 days prior to execution. studies .be completed prior to .the an­ the June 10 deadline. We do not even The other body . acted on House nouncement of preli:minary·determina-· have any appropriation bills scl).eduled Joint Resolution 382 on May 21, 1986, tion of suitability, the Department of on the calendar this week, so once and made two amendments. The first Energy made its preliminary determi­ again we are just ignoring the law or would allow only one 10-year renewal nation on only. three sites last week, forgetting it, and certainly by the end option instead of two as contained in before any characterization work has of this month we are not going to. have the original House version. The second been done. · the budget process complete, and you· amendment would require the Secre­ Public health· and safety should be can bet that we are going to go on our tary to submit the permit to the Con­ the ·prime conc~rn in any siting of a recess. anyway. gress 120 days prior to execution high-lev.el repository, and this has, We are forgetting the pledge we rather than 60 days as required in the clearly, been· a secondary priority for made to the American people that we House version. DOE, well below cost and decisions· are going to try to end deficits and Mr. Speaker, I have no objection to that are politically convenient. move toward a balanced budget. We do the bill as amended and urge its adop­ · My State cannot· be targeted for a not care. When it com~s to spending . tion. decision that even optimists are now mon,ey, Congress simply does not care. Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, calling "The best of a bad situation." · If does not obey the laws it p'uts in place. · further reserving the right to object. The recent nuclear catastrophe at this legislation would simply authorize Chernobyl serves as a very clear and I have said before that this is an the Southern California Edison Co. to · timely lesson that our responsibilities outlaw Congress. Every day we prove more and more that we are an outlaw continue its use and occupancy of Fed-· for nuclear activities are not only to be eral lands· in the Sequoia National taken with utmost seriousness, but are Congress. We could care less about the law we pledged ourselves to for a bal­ Park necessary for the operation and global responsibi~ities.
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