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"Tell me what you Know ls true, LOCAL WEATHER: $1.00 PER YEAB 28th Year—No. 52 I can guess as weO as you." Friday, October 25,1929 Cloudy, with light showers. 6c FEB COPY

and often mistaken tor it, is the In­ GREENWOOD TO VOTE I dian plum, (nuttallia cerasifonnis) BEER BY THE GLASS Heavy Burdens sometimes called the Osoberry. This DouL Girls Cold Storage shrub is a common native in the VICTORIA, Oct. 21.—Greenwood Coast area at the mainland and on polling diviaion In the wet riding of i some of tte islands. It alsoo is polson- Grand Forks-Greenwood will vote on J on the *ous. to Go Free If inHome /_/e the sale of beer by the glass on No-; Experiment The native wild laurel known as vember 7, it was announced today. In bog-latirel, when found ln bogs, and the last beer vote held in 1926, Green- Industry as mountain laurel when found in al­ They Behave Vegetarians wood voted dry, although the riding i With Apples pine regions, is closely related to the as a whole went wet. a American laurel (kalma latlfolia) of VERNON, Oct. 23.—There is too our parks and gardens. Both are wci! VICTORIA, Oct. 23.—Indicating the VICTORIA, Oct 21.—The Doukhobor FEDERAL GOVERNMENT VICTORIA, Oct. 23.—Plans for test­ great an expense Incurred by the Oka-. known poisonous plants and are not desire of the provincial government to girls at the provincial industrial home HAS RECEIVED NO ing the cold storage of British Col­ nagan fruit between the time lt leaves true laurels. deal leniently with Doukhobors, so J for girls in Vancouver are well and ap REQUEST FOR CLEMENCY umbian fruit crop, on a large scale, the hands of the growers until it long as they are prepared to obey the parently contented with their present and thus strengthening its market po­ reaches the consumers, so great is Happiest Man Marries law in future, the attorney general's I home, the attorney general's depart OTTAWA, Oct. 22.—No application sition, were announced here today by this burden that it is choking the in­ When M. Grlmault, known as the department announced today the re­ menthere has tbeen advised, has been received by the federal gov­ Sanford Evans, special fruit investiga- dustry. happiest man in Nanterre, a suburb lease of Tateansa Hilda Podovilnikoff, In a report to Mr. Thomas Menzies, ernment from British Columbia for . tor. This is the first concrete results A. T. Howe, president of the Vernon of Paris, was recently married, friends first of-the Doukhobors imprisoned in superintendent, of neglected children, clemency for Doukhobors imprisoned of his present exhaustive enquiry into board of trade, and one of the best gave the popular bridegroom a fitting Oakalla to be paroled. Mrs. Annie P. Westman, superinten­ on charges of vagrancy and indecent j the problems of the fruit industry. known and most successful fruit grow­ celebration. Grimault and his bride - The release of this woman was or­ dent of tiff industrial home, states exposure. Yesterday, on an application •• As a result of Mr. Evans' efforts, the ers ln the Vernon and Coldstream dis­ were conveyed to the mairie ln a dered by the federal department ot that the seven Doukhobor girls at the from the attorney-general of Saskat-1 fruit growers of the Okanagan valley trict, made this charge following the wheelbarrow that had been decorated justice on the recommendation of At­ institution on the mainland are 'sleep­ chewan, the Doukhobors who were, the transcontinental railways, and address by George E. Mcintosh, fruit with leaves. Signs on it told of the ap­ torney General R. H. Pooley. With- the ing in their beds, keeping their quar- sentenced in that province to six! large coast cold storage companies, will commissioner. proaching ceremony as friends pulle.1 announcement went an intimation the luxury of lots of hot water and months hard labor on similar charges unite in conducting the cold storage Mr. Howe contends that the okana­ the vehicle through the streets. Grim­ from the department that it would '< soap. They are satisfied with their billwer e assured of their release on tlcket- experiment. Five carloads of apples gan, through one cause and another, ault was compelled to wear a fantas­ support other applications for parole; of fare consisting of raw , of-leave at the end of one month's im­ from Salmon Arm, Vernon, Kelowna tic cap huge goggles and scarf, and to from all Doukhobors who had shown peanuts, apples, bananas and bread.' prisonment, provided they promised and Penticton, Mr. Evans stated, will ls not permitted to market nearly so to obey the laws. large a percentage of the apple crop carry a copious basket filled with edib­ a desire to obey the law, and whose" re- { "They assure us that there is no be shipped shortly to the cold storage as the Ontario grower can, and that les and other gifts. Other wheelbar­ latlves were prepared to guarantee thing lacking in their happiness, ex­ If an application for clemency is plants of the Pocafic Terminals Limi­ this loss, ln addition to huge imposts rows carried the guests. their good behavior. cept tbe great desire to see their mo­ put in by the government of British ted in New Westmind^er, and the Van­ Enticed Into Demonstration thers," Mrs. Westman writes. Columbia, it is understood the depart­ couver Ice & Cold Storage Limited of Uke that added by the committee of ment of justice here will give every direction, imposes a burden which is The woman who was ordered ideas - , While the seven Doukhobor glrlj, Vancouver. ed today was arrested along with! ranging in ages from 13 to IS, are consideration. The province has the Both these firms are offering their working a great hardship. resppnsibillty for the behavior of its The control board, he says, is worth others of her sect in the recent Douk-! staying at the provincial industrial space and services free to assist the home for girls ln Vancouver, they ar* citizens,, an official pointed out here, watching. It has added -20,000 ln three [The Grafs hobor demonstrations ln Nelson. Her and the dominion will not Intervene experiment, and the Canadian Nation­ salaries alone to the burden on the husband was away from home at the however, being kept entirely- separate except on its specific request. al and Canadian Pacific railways will back of tbe grower, and the salary time, and lt was represented to-the from the rest of the girl inmates, and carry the fruit without charge. and expense list ls growing by leaps World Trip attorney general that she had been are given separate care and tuition The apples have been contributed by and bounds. No other Industry in the enticed Into the demonstration by fa­ apart from the other girls. THIRTY SASKATCHEWAN the Associated Growers and the Sales world ls bearing so heavy a burden on natics. Her husband assured the attor- DOUKHOBORS RELEASED Service, the two big marketing organ­ Its shoulders, he says. Back of the ney-general that if he had been pie-| • izations of the Okanagan. Mcintosh control board there ls a regular army sent his wife would not have taken !•—..,—, . OTTAWA, Oct. 21.—Thirty members Red, Delicious, Newtowns, Jonathans of other bodies, the Shippers' Federa­ part in "the disturbance, and he guar-j Prairie Fruit and of the sect of Doukhobors whose nude and Wealthies will be used in the test. anteed her good behavior if sue were, parades in public places scandalized tion, the-shippers, inspectors, brokers, By ERWIN GREER Every month, from now until next Jobbers and retailers. returned to him. His two children, hej Saskatchewan some weeks summer, some of the apples will be President Greer College said were suffering on account ot her Marketi^T'Lvago havee been released from prison. Joe Harwood claimed that in the 1 taken out of cold storage and tested.to absence from home. j They were sent down for six months ascertain their condition. In this way control board legislation, the growers N her voyage around the world, and have been released after about a simply got what they petitioned

me the application of tbe way-wiser to a coach, exactly measuring the miles and Showing them by an index as we Wm (Sranft jffarhg Bun went on. It had three circles, one pointing to the number of SUNSHINE G. A. EVANS, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER rods, another to tbe miles, by 10 to 1000, with all tbe sub­ divisions of quarters; very pretty and useful." What would Nothing But Trouble to Subscription Rates, Payable in Advance Males Evelyn have said if he could have foreseen the pace tbe Ont Year, in Canada and Great Britain $1.00 George N. Peck, head of tbe west­ modern speedometer has to register, when holiday makers One Year, in the United States 1.50 ern farm leaders, in an interview dur- race home and tell tbe magistrate, a few days later, tbey ing his recent visit to New York,' Address al! communications to were only making 15 miles an hour? warded off a difficult question by The Grand Forks Sun, means of an anecdote. PHONE 101 Grand Forks, B. C. "I suppose that horse dealing ls the WO six-plumed birds of paradise—so rare that living most difficult and complicated profes­ Office: Columbia Avenue and Lake Street sion on earth," he said. 'Til tell you T specimens have never before been seen ln England--ar­ a story. M-AY OUTOm.K 25 I«»_»!> rived recently at the London zoo from New Guinea. They " 'What's all that there rumpus go- carry on their heads the six long racket-tipped spires in" on outsldft?' asked the proprietor! which have earned for the species its popular name. On of the Croydon Four Corners general! the breast is & metallic hued shield iridescent with green, store. I NOTES, NOTIONS & NOTABLES '"Two hoss dealers from Gumph,' bronze and blue. Save for a silver cushion on the fore­ said the town crier, 'have Just traded head they are velvety black, making the turquoise blue mules, and now each dealer accuses HEN we consider the centuries of preaching that hon­ iris of the eye very conspicuous. If they act in similar fa­ the t'other one of bavin' cheated him.', W esty is the best policy, it is surprising how little has shion to a closely allied species, the birds will throw out "That beih' the case,' said the tosrekeeper, 'why don't tbey trade' been accomplished Every business place has a cashier to their body plumes Tike a skirt, expand the breast shield, watch the clerks, and see that they properly turn ln the back?' I erect their headplumes fanwise and strut about erratically. i "T guess,' said the crier, 'they're money and the cashier herself is watched by a cash reg­ I both afraid of gettin' cheated again.' " ister. The honesty of almost everyone is doubted There can be no reasonable objection to giving a man credit HE Stone age ls a term commonly used to denote tbe. Insulted Again Packed in vacuum tins to who will pay next week, but cash stores are becoming al­ Tearliest recognized stage ln the development of human The two artists met each other ma arm flavour most the rule. And they are an insult to our professions culture as denned by tho materials used by man tor weap- {%Je^-M' a^oge_«r and Get a tin and try it. of honesty. Why are so many dishonest? There is not the ons, utensils, etc. The pharse is somewhat misleading, since | were unanimous in blaming the judges slightest question that honesty is the best policy, from lt is probable that primitive man made use of wood and for not having selected their immortal other perishable materials to a far* greater extent thai of works to be hung on tbe walls, a Dractical as well as from a religious standpoint, bull I "Well, I can't grumble. I"m not do­ sl'^ulu ~c ashamed to print here the per cent of the dis­ stone.and consequently tbe stage ls defined by the prevail­ ing so badly," remarked one of the honest as estimated by practical men who deal witb the ing material of the relics, not by tbat of actual implements pair at last. public. What is the flaw in the argument? Why have we in common use. The term "Stone age" represents in no "How's that?" asked the other. "Got a commission?" been unable to learn the most Important of all lessons? sense a chronological division of human progress, but ls a "Yes, from a millionaire. He wants Why as a race do we butt our heads for centuries against loose equivalent for a stage of cultural development varying his children painted badly." CITY REAL ESTATE a pitiless stone wall? With all our intelligence why do widely in duration in different parts of tbe world. There* "Oh," remarked his companion, are, e. g., tribes still in the Stone age, while, on tbe other "then I should say tbat you're the we continue to be such scoundrels? vsry man for thejob." hand, some groups had outgrown it before the dawn of his­ • .• • FOR SALE AN, as a rule, can be attracted by almost any pretty and tory. It is also worth noting that some tribes commonly Obedient The Junior partner had been on a M relatively attractive woman. He can be stirred by any classed as belonging to the Stone age produced objects of a superior artistic and Industrial merit to those who bad ad­ visit to a distant branch ofllce, and girl who is superficially charming, as most girls are today. was giving his father a full account A tplicitiiiiis fur immediate purchase uf Lots But the test comes when that original attraction progresses vanced to the use of metals. The evidence for the existence of tbe day's doings. to the place where It meets his critical faculty or instinct of such an age in most parts of the world is conclusive, but "The manager there," be said, "is mid Acreage owned by the City, within the a self-opinionated ass. He takes too of self-protection. Then he says to himself,"Is this worth lt ls from the prevalence and character of the relies ln cer­ much on himself, so I gave htm to Municipality, are invited. while?" Men may be charmed but they are never won at tain parts of Europe rather than in America that Ibe idea understand he must get authority flrst sight. When they become critical they almost Invari­ and term have come into general use. from here Instead of acting too much on his own." Pri jest—From $25.00 per lot upwards. ably experience a sense of panic—that panic to which al­ "Yes," remarked the senior, "I gath­ most all of them admit they have fallen prey during the MONG the myriad forms of animal life are to be found ered as much. Here's a telegram from Tetmss-'Cash and approved payments. process of falling in love. Then, if they are to be really won, A many tbat tax the credibility. One is a creature only him." they must find in the girl things which reassure them and about three inches long which bears a superficial resem­ The wire ran: "Bad gas escape in List of Lots and prices may he seen at the blance to the spider and also to both the scorpion and tbe the office. Please wire instructions." convince them that it is "worth while. The next step there­ , a , vlnegerone. Frequently it is mistaken for one of these, but City^Mlicft. fore, depends entirely upon the girl. It is at this critical Goes With Piano moment that she either wins or loses the game, almost en­ its correct pseudonym is ant-killer, a name the implications Jean Ann Blomker, less than four tirely according to what she then offers. of which are fully borne out by its behavior toward these in­ years old, was In a children's day pres­ JOHN \. HUTTON. sects. Its reason, writes C. T. Reed ln Nature Magazine, for entation at the church. Her father killing the ants, and nearly all other small animals, chiefly was trying to get her to give her reci­ City Clerk. ANTE'S "Divine Comedy" was inspired chiefly by Moor­ tation at home before the eventful day Dish legendary narratives once current throughout Islam arthropodans, ls not pure lqve of destruction. After killing "I don't remember it," Jean Ann as­ the Insects lt thoroughly grinds the bodies in Its powerful serted when her daddy tried to cos­ and well known in Spain as far back as the ninth century, her to speak. according to Don Miguel Asin, a Spain professor. This and needle-like chelae, which project forward ln front of small head. Then through a toothless mouth, scarcely bigger "WeU, think," he said. theory has met with determined opposition from many "I am thinking. I know lt but I devotees of Dante, loth to admit that his genius could owe than a small plnhead, it sucks tbe juices from the bodies of can't say it." anything to outside influence. But Asin, supporting his the victims. The ant-killer is dreaded by the Mexicans as "Well, now, how does it go?" he an enemy more venomous than the rattlesnake. As a mat­ begged. case with chapter and verse, contends that Dante drew his goes with the piano," she an- conception of the "Divine Comedy," both in regard to tbe ter of fact, it has no venom and is harmless, except for the' -JJ^K«-x5_» Despite the move it ere was fundamental Idea of the allegory and many minor details, rather painful wound that it might inflict witb its sharp from an old Mussulman legend describing the nocturnal strong, formic acid-covered pincers. These large spider-like Looked Like It The car was unusually crowded, and no hitch in service Journey of Mohammed to Isra—the Inferno—and his as­ animals are widely distributed throughout arid tropical and semitroplcal regions. an inoffensive-looking little man acci­ cension to the Mirich—paradise. The general outlines of dentally stepped upon another's toe. the Dantesque and Mussulman allegories coincide closely. You clumsy fool I" roared the In­ As protagontists in each narrative, Dante and Mohammed jured man, clasping his foot and mas­ POEMS FROM THE FAR EAST saging'it very gently. "You mihht awaken from a deep slumber, and in both cases, set off have broken my instep." "We wish to express our apprecia­ on a Journey at the beginning of which they enter the "An abject apology failed to ap­ tion of the very satisfactory manner gate leading to the inferno, guarded by wild beasts. CHINA pease him in the slightest. In which the move of ont P.B.X. (pri­ "Do you think my feet were made vate branch exchange was made from THE REJOICINGS OF A BRIDEGROOM for an idiot to walk on?" he demand­ our old office to this office,'' said an OT all active volcanoes erupt, as did Mount Etna re­ ed. official of a large Vancouver concern With axle creaking, all on fire I went. 'It almost seems as if tbey were," in a recent .letter, to the B. C. Tele­ N cently, like a boiled-over pot. Many explode, shooting phone company. To fetch my young and lovely bride. was the quiet rejoinder. dust and ashes miles into the air. The non-explosive char­ a a a "There- was no tie-up of any sort at acter of Etna is described by volcanoiogists to the fact No thirst or hunger pangs my bosom rent— The Fall of Man all In our communications," tne letter that its lava' is a relatively thin liquid which allows I only Mnged to have her by my side. The sermon had been about tho went on to say, and the work was I feast with her, whose virtue fame had told, Fall of Man. Two farmers met at the completed to our satisfaction. We have steam and gas bubbles to escape readily. In explosive vol­ found on every occasion we have had Nor need we friends our rapture to behold. end of the service. canoes the lava is thick. It holds back steam and gas stub­ "Weel, Dauvit," asked "Run-as, to move telephones that your com­ bornly, causing immense pressure beneath and eventually pany has given the matter the most The long-tailed pheasants surest covert find, "and what did ye think of the ser­ a violent eruption. Because practically every active vol­ mon?" satisfactory attention." Amid the forest on the plain. cano in the world is located not far from large bodies of "Oh," Dauvt replied, "tbe sermon Here from my virtuous bride, of noble mind, was a'richt, but I was Just thinkln' water, the theory is advanced by Dr. William Bowie of And person tall, I wisdom gain. what a difference lt wad hae made to the United States coast and geodetic survey and others I praise her while we feast, and to her say. the history of the world if I'd been that the kneading action of the periodic tides twists the ln Adam's place. Ye see, I dlnna gle "The love I bear you ne'er will know decay. a hang tor apples." ft*"** x earth, forcing up the lava and causing volcanic activity. "."•• ' a a a "Poor we may be; spirits and viands fine T was in "the spacious times of good queen Bess" when My humble means will not afford. Speechless Little Bobby attended a military Ithe Spaniard was lord of the earth. All know the story of But what we have, we'll taste and not repine; function at Culver, where guards ln hia "Invincible Armada"; but it had an unforseen result From us will come no grumbling word. full regalia were standing about. His through one of the vessels being wrecked on Fair isle off And though to you no virtue I can add, curiosity led him into attempted con­ versation witb one of them, whohow- the coast of Scotland, and some 200 of the crew being saved. Yet we will sing and dance, iu spirit glad. ever, made no reply but stood properly During a stay of some months there, the Spaniards taught at attention, gazing at nothing under the women their quaint patterns. One of the patterns is a "I oft ascend that lofty ridge with toil, his hat with the military chin-strap, B. C. TELEPHONE CO gulden anchor on a blue ground. This was the coat of armi And hew large branches from the oaks; Finally Bobby, discouraged, remarked, Then of their leafy glory them I spoil, "I dess he tant talk wlv dat sing un­ granted to Columbus by the Spanish sovereigns as one of der his chin!" the rewards for his discovery of the new world. Aim lagots form with vigorous stroke- Returning tired, your matchless grace I see, • • • And my whole soul dissolves ln ecstasy. Different Ending O most consumers, wheat ls wheat, and general inform, I- seem to have run out ot gas," he FOUR HUNGARY MAIDENS ation stops at this point. Wheat, however, seems to be said, and muttered to himself, "Here's T "To the high hills I looked, and urged each steed; where I do some fast work." an extensive family, among the members of which are the The great road nekt was smooth and plain. The girl's face, small and White; following varieties:Turkey. Marquis, Fultz, Mediterranean, Pp hill, o'er dale, I never slackened speed; was turned up to his, her eyes glowing Poole, Preston, Haynes Bluestem, Red May, Red Wave, Like lute-string sounded every rein. , dizzily from beneath heavy lids. Her Karred, Blackhull, Trumbull, Kubanka and Harvest Queen. head swam. Her red lips were parted I knew, my journey ended, I should come and she sighed faintly. Incidently, in the fiveyear period from 1919 to 1924, wheat To you, sweet bride, the comfort of my home." Slowly be bent over her. acreage in the United States dropped-from 73,000,000 acres From The Shi-King Why not? He Was her dentist. to less than 51,000,000. .*: a pi .vi . If It Isn't One Thing " "Why are you looking so down ln AMES McNBILL WHISTLER, famous artist, once was a ANCIENT HISTORY the mouth, old fellow?" J draftsman in the United Slates coast and geodetic sur- TWENTY YEAR8 AGO IN GRAND FORKS "Lost my new car." . ,, vey, but he could not hold a job. The painter and etcher "Good heavens! Why don't you re­ The Grand Forks Conservative association, at its meeting port lt to the sheriff?" Insisted on decorating the maps and charts assigned to him this week, elected the following officers: Honorary presi­ to make with pretty little drawings scattered along the mar­ "No good. He's the one who took dents, Hon. R. L. Borden, Hon. Richard McBride and Martin a • a . - - - • gins. Because of this and the fact that he insisted on do­ Burrell, M.F.; honorary vice-president, Rev. W. R. Ross; Placing Her ing all liis drafting in his own way,Whistler did not remain "What Und of a tennis game does president, F. H. Hutton; first vice-president, E. Spraggett; she play?" long in tbe service of the United States government. second vice-president, William Dinsmore; secretary, D. Mc­ . "She belongs to the no sox school." Callum; treasurer, Jeff Davis. ;a * a MA(I TA; HAT a creature of habit, too, nature is as she appears Soft For Him Wln the weather. If she miscarry once she will twice or There are 320 men working for the Mother Lode at Green­ She—What do you think of my hew thrice, and a dozen times. In a wet time it rains today be­ dress? ". wood. He—I wish lt didn't take any more cause it raind yesterday, and will rain tomorrow because lt to make you happy than it does'to rained today. Are the crops in any part of the country The busiest institution in the valley during the past week make you a new dress. drowning? They shall continue to drown. Are they burning at taaSat-aftatt-l has been the government rain gauge on Cooper Bros', ranch. a a a. t whatever viewpoint It is to up? They shall continue to burn. The elements get in a rut Net . •.,'-.' national culture finer than that of "Ahy the police with their dragnet^ 'ged, the Great west Can- any other nation on earttt." Over ft and can't get out without a shock,—John Burroughs, The Sun received a compliment from Scotland this week "ThaVs'ohly the dog catcher.".,. tival recently brought to hundred folk-daneers interpreted on the course it is pursuing. The paper must be all right. slnsion ai Regina, was a suc- the dances of many, racial groups. attendance it eclipsed Its Folk-singers numbered, over one- T MAY surprise those complacent people who think that twiner at Winnipeg last year, hundred and sixty. Handicrafta I everything that' counts was invented within the last cen­ Good progress is being made with the construction of the handicraft exhibit covered a strack response from thousands tury, to hear that speedometers—and tbey seem pretty mod­ new curling rink, the framework being ready for the rOOfl ,_j range, a more oompjehenslva and it is safe to say that next ern devices—were brought into use centuries ago. Admitted representation of the peoples of the years festival, which ia already be­ •Meht had been arranged for and; ing planned, will receive still great­ they did not tell, by themselves, the rate at which you were Angus McDonald arrived, in the city on Monday and re­ in tbe words of J. M. Gibbon, spon­ er support and present a folk- traveling, but with a clock hung alongside them you could turned to New Westminster on Wednesday. He stated that sor of the festival, "Saskatchewan pageant to bo unequalled on the make a guess good enough for olden deys, when speed his company is making good progress on its contract of iff-'' has proved that within its borders continent. The festivals have been Is the foundation of an art upon arranged tinder tho auspices of ._y»s „i;J ..o!;,e traps were unknown. Evelyn, in his diary, stalling the big pipe line for the New Westminster water­ which will be built • structure of the *n*i*_ Padfe qp* . Writes ln 1657: "I went to see Colonel- Blount, who showed works. I ".• • ••' J _ THE SUN: GRAND FORKS, BRITISH COLUMBUC i Flying Over History Land and Water Champions

SUN'S WEEKLY TRAVELOGUE The junction of land and water here is of extreme beauty, the , shoreline HERE are few opportunities edged with a greenish blue breaking anywhere in the world to see so away to the royal purple of the deep­ T many historic sites in half a er water. dozen hours as during the brief The ship seemingly increases its airplane trip from Constantinople to speed over the narrows where Leander Athens. ranged in seemingly perfect squares, The route is paved with geography; swam to see Hero. On a bridge of boats with history, which is geography in­ Xerxes crossed here to Invade Europe. teracting with mankind; and with A century and a half lata-. Alexander mythology, inwhich elemental geo­ returned the compliment. graphic forces are given childishly hu­ Beyond the Gallipoli peninsula one man characteristics. can see Suvla Bay and below is the Poets and historians, ladies and their old tower of Chanak Kalessl, until re­ Leanedrs, Argonauts and Anzacs. have cently ringed with modern forts. so mosaicked with meaning this age- Across the narrow neck of water ls the old route that the air traveler, com­ trefold fort of Killd Bahr a stalkless pleting lt between breakfast and ace of clubs spiked down with a tall luncheon, would need that last-minute central tower. And here is Troy, im- before-drowning clairvoyance to tal:e mo.'__zed by Homer and Vergil, des­ in even the broad outlines of the pic­ cribed by Strabo, a rain soaked soggy ture on the rift between West and plain, cut by mere brooks and utterly East, Europe and Asia, sailor and no­ without dramatic quality. mad, Greek and barbarian, between The whole outlook of Tenedos may what was known and what was off the be seen as one flies along, its central . map. portion cultivated, Its shoreline notch­ The plane is fitted with pontoons ed by ways to which the Greeks .with­ and rises from the Bosforus. Behind, drew, leaving the wooden horse out­ the Genoese castle of Anatoli Kavak, side the Trojan walls. only a moment ago outlined against CHEVROLET The Isles of Greece. the Black sea, has flattened out There are pitch black clouds ahead, against a northern tip of Aisa Minor. then* lower sides festooned with wav­ As a point is rounded, with the pal­ ing wisps of rain like Spanish moss. aces and embassy gardens of Therapia The plane swoops down to 2,000 feet. below, the view extends to the Golden The long line of Lemnos fills the hori­ 0 SIXES Horn. zon at the right, and through the op­ •.. By the time the strait between Ru- posite window Lesbos detaches itself meli and Anatoli Hlssar is reached the from the flank of Asia Minor. Only In­ Sold this year plane is so high above Mohammed the distinct suggestions of land lie ahead. " Conqueror's "Cutthroat Castile" that Skyros shoulders her blood-red crag­ the ground plan said to be a chiro­ gy cliffs towards the ships path. When osanyoi%ershe graph of his Arabic name, is Just a the flight has lasted three hours an comfortable eyeful. Acropolislike plateau on Euboea shows The ground plan of Robert College Itself. For the first time the plane at any price . takes on rare symmetry. In Its center dives directly toward the land to find Parkdale Ladles Athletic Club ladies donned their bathing suits a football game is being played by a low narrow pass above cultivated of Toronto recently visited Mont­ and exercised on the broad decks in any year/ two tribes of vari-colored ant;;. Now fields, salmon pink amid gray rock real, and since aU the nice girls of the liner. The photograph the Constantinople Woman's college and lush green dotted with circular love a sailor and ships, they had shows, left to right, Dot Prior, O other six-cylinder car has ever earned, in any year, Is reached, its buildings aligned into stone threshing floors near the Gulf of course to pay a call on Cana­ Olympic champion swimmer; Cap­ N. one-third the public acceptance . . one-third tha one imposing facade. of Petali. dian Pacific steamer Metagama, tain M. F. Murray, R.N.R., skipper volume of sales . . which have beea- bestowed upon Looking Down on Stamboul. Then comes the supreme thrill; for then ln port. After tea and in­ of the Metagama; and Myrtle There is a slight haze above Stam- there sweeping round ln a perfect spection of the ship, the young Cook, Olympic champion runner. Chevrolet Six during the nine months since its boul, the Seraglio palaces are visibly curve like a gold-edged scimitar laid introduction. Isolated from the teeming city; and against the blue, is the plain of Mai This tremendous public acceptance is due to three Qui. the cornucopia curve of the Golden athon. Hoary headed Parnes looms be­ Horn—despite its fame, a mere nick yond, and Pentellcus, neighbor of FAST CHAFT USED BY standing facts. To the fact that Chevrolet offered, for in the eastern edge of Europe, ls clear­ Athens and mother of her marbles, NEW GUINEA NATIVES the first time in history, a six at the price of a four . .' ly cut between close-rooted slopes, General News suggests how short a bight remains; Craft similar to our modern speed with cypresses rising above marble- To the superb standard of quality in Chevrolet's design, yet how long that run for Phidippides boats have been in use in the waters material and workmanship. And to die new, greater skeletoned cemetries. The fabled seven bringing news that the Medes and Per around New Guinea for centuries. Na­ bills unite into one main ridge. performance abilities that Chevrolet Six provided. sians were ln flight and that Miltiades Differences ln the price of wheat tive principles of design and a very -Now the plane is almost over fat- had won at Chicago and Winnipeg and re­ light wood enble the boats to skim Chevrolet Six was four years old in experiment, ia domed Saneta Sophia; and the six Now the Saronlc Gulf is below, op­ tarding of the wheat movement ln along the suface of the waves, and research, in testing, in proving . . before the first minarets of the Sultan Ahmed mosque alescent tints showing on an oyster- western Canada ls due to the view despite their lightness they are quite Chevrolet Six was placed in the hands of its owner. And so needlelike from the ground, seem seaworthy. The New Guinea canoe shell shaped beach. What seems to be or Canadian wheat owners that its that owner . . like the million and a quarter owners squat towers. Tbe obelisks ln the hip­ the mainland to the left is really the good quality justifies holding It for builders hold their jobs by hereditary podrome, Byzantium's pleasure center island of Salamis. From Marathan ta higher prices while British and right and work with a royal pride. who followed his example . . SOLD HIMSELF oa have no height, but then* shadows Salamis, a ten year struggle for the The trees they use are the goo-goo- the Chevrolet he bought . . on the road, behind the stretch wide across a park the per continental buyers believe they can Persians, and the flyer can cover it in obtain their present- requirements bah, the mah-moro and the matoo- wheel. Why not let us place a Chevrolet Six at your feotion of which was never before so the sweep of an eye bah, which, despite their names, are evident One wonders when architects from the Argentine and the United disposal . . and form your own opinion of its value. A brightly tinted new town, its land­ States, Is the explanation of this very fine and when chipped out aud will begin to design structures to be scape gardening reduced to tbe propor­ seasoned produce a shell that will Ask about the GtMAC Deferred Payment Plait c12.10.2sc beautiful from the air, as landscape condition given out ln a statement withstand the tropic sun without tions of a painting, grows below as the recently Issued over the signatures PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, UNITED gardening already ls. plane descends. Little Lykabettos splitting. There is a "torpedo" craft of E. W. Beatty, chairman and I that to the larger sizes ls fitted with Outsside tbe left windows the Prince spears up to the right, and the Acrop­ president of the Canadian Faoific IHands Bathe in sun-spread quick­ olis begins to assume a fraction of its |-a mast and ropes of twisted cocoa Railway and Sir Henry Thornton, | husk or vines and sails of cocoa mat- silver and the Gulf of Ismid loses it­ wonted dignity, as the very heart and president of the Canadian National Grand Forks Garage self beyond. 1 center of Greek life. i ting closely plaited. The canoes are Railway. Until the present im­ | built for trade with the Torres lsland- J. R.Mooybocr, Prop. Grand Forks,B C. Off the right wing the landward There la a bus terminus and down passe between buyer and seller Is wall of Byzantium, starting Imposingly I ers, with whom there was once an ex- the plane comes, flashing past new adjusted there will be a practical | tensive trade. Formerly the price of a with the Seven Towers, dwindles away villas and deserted piers. One final until its battlements are lost behind stoppage In the movement of ! canoe was reckoned to human skulls, glance for the fliers at that historic with consequent serious effects on and this currency still is good ln parts IT'S BBTTE R BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN a hill overlooking the Sweet Waters of plain between Parnes and Hymettos, - Europe. gross and net earnings of both tho of New Guinea, but now the Torres and down their ship splashes like a rail and water carriers. i islanders use shell money, one of a Now one looks straight down on the duck, in Paleron Bay, to the east of rare variety being worth from $20 to where basements cannot be altered to The imperial legal investigating com island of Marmora, unexpectedly big Piraeus. $40 in Canadian money. One shell of provide for a flrst-raete heating in­ mittee of Japan has voted to recom­ and full of valleys. Around a tiny bay Travelllng 300 miles north of thU will buy a small canoe and three stallation, or where conditions of the mend to the diet a revision of the law in the north edge, marble cliffs or slag Edmonton over the waterways a large one. soil prohibit basements of the ideal covering licensing of practicing attor- dumps, white as chalk, describe a branch of the Northern Alberta depth—seven feet—the largest pro­ neps so that women lawyers may be horseshoe curve, t Railway to Waterways an.1 Fort ducer of warm air heating plants re­ admitted to the bar. At present no Health Service McMurray, E. W. Beatty, chairman Now Europe edges ln from the right, cently developed a new type of super- woman is eligible to practice before with the ridge of Teklr Dagh, empha­ and president of the Canadian DEEP BASEMENT ADDS TO HOME circulating heating plant. It Includes the Japanese courts. sized by cumuli, stretching down to Pacific Railway, accompanied by a HEAT'NG EFFICIENCY OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL a motor-driven fan which forces air give backbone to Gallipoli. What a number of directors of the rail­ through ducts and leaders through place to" study geography I The two ASSOCIATION way, Inspected the salt wells ani If the prosp'Hitlve home-builder which the force of gravity will not The American Blue Cross society is most famous straits of olden times, tar Band deposits of the region. wants a well-heated house, he should move It. an organization to do for animals what where Helle drowned and Io, Hera's Experts of the Canadian Pacific I Insist that the basement be deep the Red Cross does for humanity. A rival forded the Bosporus. and Canadian National Railways I enough to allow for installation of blue cross to the emblem. It was DO NOT WHIP THE TIRED HORSE are at present examining these de­ > his warm air furnace in such a man- founded ln Springveld, Mass. It pro­ Mow the upper entrance to the Hel­ 1 lespont has been reached, with Gal­ posits whioh Mr. Beatty said he was ner that lt can function to the best When H. W. Pratt, traveling sales­ motes animal protection on a scien- lipoli on the opposite shore. Just un­ It is natural for us to become tired satisfied would be a great asset advantage. man, reported a theft of 100 shoes at tlvc as well as humane basis. der the hull is a level hill where at as the result ot our day's work. After to Alberta. This is the advice of the engineers Youngstown, Ohio, he grinned. He ex­ one time there was a Turkish fort. a rest we feel refreshed and ready to of the Holland Institute of Thermol- plained that the thieves would be able A little farther on Lapsaki comes start again. Activity and rest are the ogy, Holland, Mich., which has recent­ to make little use of their loot, for the All people are alike in enjoying the normal rhythm of life. If however Delegates from the. Canadian shoes were all for the left foot. The Into view. It used to be Lampascus Chambers of Commerce who havo ly completed a survey of the factors presentation of rogues in drama, but and was famed for its wine and Pri- tiredness or fatigue is increased by making for efficient home heating. shoes were found later, thrown away it heans nothing about their attitude more activity, we reach a stage of ex been travelling extensively in the in tbe road. aplc worship. The. town being made of west of Canada, mainly over Can­ To meet the situation to old homes toward rogues in real life. mud and stone, may have moved about haustion which is not normal, but is harmful, and which may have very adian Pacific lines, have throush a bit, but the name has hovered right their national committee reiterated 1 serious results. there since the days when Themis- their stand in favor of a continu­ tocles was Its monarches and the idea Over-fatigue ls not usually caused ance of assisted immigration of se­ of hsriditary monarchy was hew, by over-work. It is usually caused by work which ls unsuitable for the work­ lected British settlers of a desirable Lapsaki has Its own little marina, er, by bad working conditions, by type to Canada. .„.., but the .main town stands back from monotony of tbe employment, or be­ the water, its reddish brpwh roofs ar- cause the Individual concerned is nor Charles Beid, of the tianft \WiCO taking care of himself during thi Springs Oolf Club, won the Prince =-F hours he spends away from work. of Wales golf trophy, famous aud The Shortest ' It is necessary that rest, whether it coveted prize of golfdom, from a be taken-, sleeping ,o~Urtog down, or field of 427 competitors recently, relaxing, oor simply to a change ol His score was 144 net, bis handl- work or of Play, be used to prevent eap being 17. This is the first _Jj*& A sver-fatigue. To some people it seem* time in the history of the competi­ to be a matter of pride that they drive tion that the cup has gone to a lvairiableves ori to more activity when Banff player, Calgary golfers hav­ ing taken it to that city on each ot ?hing in the heir bodies are -tired and calling out for rest. Exercise and play is certain­ the four former competitions. ly and-most desirable, but it must be lndulged,to.\regularly if lt is to dd Canada's reindeer industry takes ,good.,The irian. who.attompts to crowd a big forward step this year with the T week's my into one day generally trek of 8,000 northern animals ,:, World AhftUB» l__se_T and harm result* tram Alaska'into the Dominion. In Tea and coffee, used ln moderation! : November this herd, secured by are apparently not harmful for many- Canada from the United States adults. When they are used as stlmuj herds In Alaska, will begin a trek NO, NOT A GNATS EYELASH NOR A MOSQUITO'S lants, to whip up a .ttodmind and Which will take 18 months and WHISKERS—PUBLIC MEMORY. iidy to more actlvlty-^itt—r wor on will land the animals tn 1931 on iilay—when . what., is.neederl is/est. the Arctic coast east ot the Mac­ Jbey are being misusetL-ftuch stimu-j kenzie river. YOU MAY HAVE BEEN IN BU8INESS FOR FIFTY lants do not relWve ffttSlW; it may] YEAR8 AND THE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT. BUT . siem to the user as if thei? did so, bus; Australians are "fiercely loyal" the sensation ls false and misleading. so far as Empire Trade is concern- THEY FORGET—NEW CUSTOMERS ARE BEING BORN Mans may,.feel that because they , ed, and buy, tor example, 98 per EVERY MINUTE AND THEY GROW UP AND HAVE cannoT^ango their work or their •-cent, of their automobiles from TO BE TOLD. . working conditions, information such Canadian manufacturers, Sir James DOZEN different nay as thit dvOn above is Of no value to Murdoch, member of the Legislative A cause a headache, re/a thenuS-* faith is that we can all do .Assembly of New South Wales, told 3<;YT fast one tNagTyou iiedd do to aksatm deal to prevent over-fatigue the Vancouver Canadian Club re­ bsTbeing sensible about how we use cently. Sir JsmOs had just re­ tet;inunediate relief. Aspirin is an otffi time outside of work hours. Re- A Note to Merchants absolute antidote tor such pain. turned from a cross-Canada tour by rdem6er that a tired horse should not Canadian Pacific lines and was on Keep it at the office. Have it ready bjj^trtdPBed..^,., , his way back to Australia. In die home. Those subie jtofre- UNLE8S YOU KEEP TELLING THEM BY ADVERTIS­ . quent or sudden headach should Settlers in-the Peace River coun­ {pocket QuqsBfiM, < concerning health, ad­ ING WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER THEM, THE FEL­ irrjr, Aspirin in $Kj.hand dressed to the Canadian Medical as­ try have a definite uniformity of , Until you have use! rhead- sentation, 164 College street, Toronto, outlook regarding the progress of LOW WHO HAS ONLY BEEN IN BUSINE8S FIFTY '\: colds, neuralgia? eti . lyou've wtti be answered "personally by letter. the country as a whole, said Col. J. WEEKS, AND WHO ADVERTISES INTELLIGENTLY, tow much Aspirin pah help. 8. Dennis, Chief Commissioner of WILL PROVE TO YOU THE TRUTH OF IT. OHA I*, onldtf ioiflplete-relief to IIIMAOT :J"'Mbi'*b»;*a«t Colonization and Immigration of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who - ._ ofcmeo and women who Employer (dlctati* to. new steno)-| JJ m. pt*u the he»«t. part !9HiS_fr^cfc^ ***AlbertSHfefisa Railways. H&e wa Noris:s aston™­ You Must Tell Them to Sell Then ,;Stenor!_astl .Goodness, nol My last, ished at tbe readiness ot the Boards boss had' tried to kiss me by this time.. of Trade and individual business HOBfiOTiJDolM-; men to take a large view even 'where it might work temporary SPIRIN Few people realize that their neigh- hardship locally. Avirin U • Tntaattk BegUttnl l« Ous* bow could be wasee*- THE SUN: GRAND FOBKS, BEITI8H COLUMBIA

Mrs. I. Mclnnes and Mrs. M. G. i Macintosh accompanied them to Trail' TH£ CITY tor a weeks' visit. LEADER GABAGH Get Your Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylor of Ross­ land spent the week-end with Mr. N. [SAM TALARICO, Proprietor By one of those freak perversities Taylor. which overtake the best regulated machinery, the motor that drives our Get ready for your .winter storage in a linotype decided to stop work on Wed­ Harkness-Kidd Nuptials heated garafe. Monthly storage. Your car Groceries nesday. Fortunately our local contem­ On Saturday evening, October 19, porary happened to have an extra at 8 p.m., the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. will start at any time in the cold mornings. motor, and It is this fact that enabled L. Kidd was the scene of a very pretty at the . The Sun to make its appearance on wedding when Jeanette, their second $5.00 for a month of live storage and free time this week, for which we are duly daughter, became the bride of Wial- thankful. We have also decided to de­ liam Harkness, formerly of Nelson. battery charge. $3.50 for dead storage. vote an additional five minutes on Reverend J. Archibald read the service. Pick out your stall quick. Automoble Thanksgiving to an extra thanks of­ The bride looked charming to a CITY GROCERY fering for this fortunate circumstance modish tiered gown of mauve silk blankets nnd chains for sale. crepe-de-chine and georgette. The Phone 25 "Service and Quality" conventional bridal veil of silk net Landing here Sunday afternoon at was worn, with orange blossoms, coro­ A FULL LINE OF MOTO J OILS AND GREASE 3 o'clock, Captain J. D. Parkinson and net fashion. She was attended by her A gentle voice sometimes Indicates O. E. Blanchard, the trans-Canada sister, Miss Dorothy Kidd, attired in merely that one is wanting In energy. flyers, made the hop from Vancouver an ensemble of maize and cocoa geor­ FREE CBANK CASE SERVICE in about two and one-half hours in gette. No man can get ahead and stay their small monoplane. On account of The groom was supported by Percy ahead unless he has a head. E.C. HENNIGER Co. low clouds, they had taken a longer Googin of Nelson. route over the Coast Range than the Mrs. Harkness is one of the promi­ CASCADE NOTES FIFE NEWS Ooqulhalla Pass one which they used nent members of our younger set, and Why ls a man always shy about on their westward flight. Captain the many delightful gifts received by Parkinson carried about forty passen­ By the Sun's Correspondent By the Sun's Correspondent making bold assertions when his wife the happy couple testifies to their pop­ is present? gers for air flights here and left mon- ularity. They will reside in the McKie Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Owens and son John Fornelll left for TraU on Tues­ day for Calgary and Winnipeg. house in Columbia. Donald left for a two weeks visit to day, and is expected home today. Portland Oregon. Could one act like a dog ln order to' Andy J. Wahl who has been Mining B. C. INTERIOR EGG-LAYING 5 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talarico and win love? A dog has no trouble win­ GRAIN, HAY Engineer at ihe Union Min<; for al­ CONTEST CLOSED WEDNESDAY Mr. J. C. Vipond of TraU is re- j family of Boundary Falls were visitors ning it. | in town Monday. most a year was recalled to Burke, lleving agent at Cascade during the FLOUR AND PEED Idaho. During his stay at the mine, he The B. C. Interior egg-laying con­ absence of Mr. Owens. has made many friends in the city, test, which has been conducted here Mrs. H. R. Wilkinson attended the One in love surrenders his Inde­ LIME AND SALT and all are sorry to learn of tils trans­ during the past year, closed Wednes­ Miss Roberta Colbran of Deep Creek Teachers Convention at Nelson last pendence—willingly but surrenders it. fer. day. The six winners, with the number week-end. 9 eggs their pens produced, are: spending this week with friends in CEMENT AND PLASTER Braemar Poultry Farm, Kelowna....873 TraU. Myrtle Fisher of Grand Forks was POULTRY SUPPLIES ' J. 8. Grisdale left for Kelowna on C. S. Coultler, Penticton... 854 visiting Ruth Larama at Hilltop last1 Wednesday to attend a meeting there. Joseph Hall, New Westminister 852 R. G. Ritchie, K. Pincott and Fred week. , 'S Jean Mante, Burton 847 Barlee- shot a fine bear whUe hunting C. M. Mcintosh, who has been re­ on Sunday. K. R. Wood Grand Forks 834 Elsie Tedesco is visiting relatives in DONALDSON lieving J. Stewart as Customs' officer, W. McAlpine, Creston 803 at Carson, has gone to act in thatca- The Brackman-Ker Milling Com­ Rev. A. W. Wilkenlng will hold ser­ Grand Forks. GROCERY pacity at Myncaster, while Andrew pany of Nelson, are offering a silver vice in the church Friday evening. Porter, resident officer has a holiday. cup as a first prize. D. Priorie of TraU accompanied by PHONE 80 J. Twells and D. PhUlips returned his daughter Anne, and Catherine Ag- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McLennan of ustlnelli, were the guests of Mr. M. To the Bitter End from Poplar this week where they Agustlnelli on Sunday. Rock Creek were city visitors Wed­ have been buUdlng road. ORAND PORKS, B. c. nesday. Probably few people visualize a ship in distress when some one says that he Beggars Must Pay Hats Betoken Wealth will remain "to the bitter end." Those ' RUth Porter spent the weekend with Beggars of Hungary must pay an in­ The Yamls who live on a little Is­ TRY OUR SPECIAL TEA her parents at Myncaster. Misses versed to sea lore, however, think of a come tax like the rest of the people. land south of Formosa, have two am­ ship scudding under bare poles (being bitions—to buijd fine boats, whose at. 66o per Ib. Effle Donaldson and Jean Gray ac­ blown along by the wind, although all Not only that, but in accordance with, QRAND PORKS companied her. a new law they must register their ad-1 sides they ornament with beautiful sails are furled) and rapidly approach­ designs, and to possess silver hats— ing a rock-bound coast. dresses and furnish proof to the police Mrs. R. F. Hine is spending a few that they are unable to work. The the larger the better, for by the mea­ As a last measure to save destruction trouble of the panhandlers started! sure of his sUver hat ls the prestage 8HOE8, SHIRTS, OVERALLS days in Nelson as the guest of Mrs. P. the anchors are dropped. Since all de­ H. Sheffield. when a call was issued for a meeting of the individual Judged. GOOD VALUE8 POR YOUR pends on the stability of the anchors, of the National Association of Hungar­ The first requirement is a quantity MONEV Transfer Go. every fathom of cable is let out so of silver coins, which are laboriously Donald McKinnon Is spending a that the puil will be more nearly hori ian Beggars. The government promptly DAVI8 - HANSEN, PROPS. few days at his home here. stepped in and suppressed the meet­ beaten with a stone into thin strips. zontal than vertical, and the anchors ing and demanded the dissolution of The strips are then made into a cone- will not tend to be pulled up. The ca­ shaped hat. Some of the hats belong­ ble Is fastened to great posts built Into the organization. Learning that some Harry Archibald who for some time of the beggars made more than honest ing to the more affluent of the colony past has been ranching in Kamloops, the ship, called "bitts,"' hence the an­ come down to the shoulders. An ob' CALL AND SEE US BEPORE ( CITY BAGGAGE AND GENERAL chor, when let out to the greatest ex­ hard-working citizens, the government returned home for the winter. imposed the new tax laws. long opening ls left for the eyes, so PURCHASING TRAN8PER ' tent of the cable, is said to be "paid that the owner may survey the udmir< - H. H. Henderson and family made a out to the bitter end." ation his large hat attracts. JEWS AND SAMARITANS motor trip to Spokane on Sunday, COAL, WOOD AND ICE returning home Wednesday. The historical origin of the hatred Divisions of Russians that existed between the Jews and COSTLY OMELET POR SALE The true Russians are divided into '_. J. Fitzpatrick, who has been work­ the Samaritans may be found in the What is believed to be the largest three groups: The Great Russians, or fact that when Sargon, the conqueror omelet ever served was dished out on ing with McCharles and McDougall of Muscovites; the Little Russians, or Nelson, returned to the city Saturday. of Israel, desrtoyed the northern king­ an Amador county highway near Jack­ Malo-Russians, otherwise called Uk­ dom he repopulated Samaria with son, Cal., for $25 without coffee. Man­ JOHN DONALDSON Office at R. R. PETRIK'S STORl rainians or Ruthenians; the White | colonists from Babylon, Assyria and uel Lopez was driving along ln his PHONE «4 A Canadian club has been organ­ Russians. GENERAL MERCHANT ised to Spokane. Grand Forks people Cutah. Later instructors were sent to automobile with - 0 dozen choice eggs can now visit that city with the as­ these people ln an attempt to Instruct packed to the car when there came a surance of feeling perfectly at home. Nation's Wheat Belt them ln the worship of Jehovah; but, collision wit nan automobUe driven The wheat belt of the United States i when the temple at Jerusalem was be- by J. H. Williams. Williams was forced includes Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, j ing rebuUt, the Jews refused to allow to pay for the omelet which resulted Mrs. S. N. Dodd has returned from Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota the Samaritans to help, thus increas- Impact of the cars. The price agreed a holiday at Regina. and South Dakota. | ing the rift between the two peoples. upon was $25. K. SCHEER Wholesale and Retail OUR Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. Harkness were surprised when about twenty of their friends called on them TORACCONIST In the old-fashioned house warming Dealer In manner, and spent a delightfully to- World Cruising Damsels Wear Great Variety of Costumes HAVANA CIGARS, PIPES formal evening with them. •CONFECTIONERY Hobby Fred Douglass who was on the staff of the Gazette for a short while, left Tuesday to accept another position. Imperial Billiard Parlor GRAND FOflKS, B. C Robert Lawson left Tuesday for a few weeks treatment at Soap Lake. Good George Egg returned home Monday after spending a few days in Kelowna. Palaceliarber Shop RAZOR HONING A SPECIALTY Priii ting Mrs. A. R. Gray has gone to Cascade to reside for a time. Mrs. T. K. Needham is in town rry HE VALUE OP WELL- for ,'a few days. _[ PRINTED, NEAT AP­ PEARING STATIONERY The Amateur Athletic Association AS A MEANS OP GBTTINf was reorganized Monday evening with A. F. Crowe again assuming the presl- AND HOLDING DESIRABLE denty. Other officers are: Secretary- BU8INESS HA8 BEEN AM Treasurer; L. S. Spearing, Track PLY DEMONSTRATED. CON­ Sports; R. F. Hine, Baseball; H. H. SULT US BEPORE QOINr Henderson, Basketball; Walter Ronald, Girls Sports; Miss E. Phillips, Gene­ ELSEWHERE. ral Sports Director; H. O. Patton. P. A. Z. PARE, Proprietor Robert Forshaw of Greenwood was * FIRST ST, NEXT P. BURNS' ln the city on Monday. WE .PRINT- Mrs. George Gibertson, who has been spending the summer months WEDDING INVITATIONS with her husband at the Union Mine A. E. MCDOUGALL DANCE PROGRAMS has returned to the coast for the CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER BUSINESS CARDS winter. VISITING CARDS SHIPPING TAOS Mr. and Mrs. L. A. feeir of Green­ Agent wood were visitors ln the city Saturday. Dominion Monumental Works LETTERHEADS Asbestos Products Co. Roofing STATEMENTS Mrs. Forbes Kcrby has gone to Trail NOTIHEADS where she will make her home for i BULLHEADS the time being, with her daughters, I ESTIMATES FURNISNED PAMPHLETS Mrs. G. Randall and Marlon Kerby. i BOX 332 BRAND FORKS, 0. C PRICE LISTS A, N. McKinnon, auditor for tht ' ENVELOPES Imperial Oil company,' who has be"n CIRCULARS in the city for the past week, left for' DODGERS Rossland Thursday morning. i PICTURES POSTERS H. T. 8tiffe of Trail has accepted a! MENUS position on the staff of the Gazette, j ETC. — t. i QOUH9- Tt/G-le/orat.7) PAeJAIrlA ffH9m.S' J. B. DeLong, Inspector of High' Schools, paid a visit to the high People to whom a world cruise for instance, is a bevy of beau­ ring, a native doll, a .walking LATEST STYLES OP TYPE school here last Friday. or any other long winter voyage ties photographed aboard the stick or other souvenir of their ls an experience yet to be enjoyed world-cruising Canadian PaoifiC travels. During a world cruise * SWIFT PRESSES George H. Greer, travelling repre­ may wonder what those more for­ liner "Empress of Australia" en of tbe "Empress of Scotland" sev­ sentative of the North America Life tunate folk do to pass the time route from China to Japan during eral years ago a cruise member Assurance Co. was in town several while tbey are sailing the Seven her 1928-29 annual round the from Denver, Col., purchased a days last week. I Seas. It may Interest the stay- world cruise. They are blossom­ toy elephant for each member of at-homes to know that tbe time ing out in dazzling pajama suits the. Denver Klwanis Club of which E. A. Fee of Oakland Calif, is visit-' "spent on these pleasure jaunts which they purchased in the be was a member and posed with Ing his brother. George S. Fee. rarely hangs heavy, for all sorts Orient. This collection of pseudo- his collection of pachyderms for THE SUN of diversions are planned for the Chinese maidens must have caus­ the vessel's corps of amateur- entertainment of the globe-trot­ ed many a masculine heart to photographers. ' Spanish shawls, COLUMBIA AVENUE AND Miss Florence Gilpin is visiting her AtyP PICTURE FRAMING ters. The bridge fiend has bis miss a beat or two ! The other parasols and many other articles LAKE STREET Bister Mrs. J. H. Harrison at Chap­ bridge parties, the amateur pho­ group ot ladies are wearing man­ complete the list of possibilities man Camp, B.C. tographer his camera expeditions darin coats acquired during an for globe-trotters with a penchant Purnltyit Made to Order, and the dancer his dancing, but earlier trip around the world. for collecting. Also Rrepalrlng of All Kinds, O. H. Acres and son Harry, of Van-' one of the most fascinating of all, couver were in town a few days this' At practically every port of im­ The "Empress of Australia" Uphol taring Neatly Done to the fair sex, at least, is that portance lt is possible for passen­ week. of purchasing and trying on cos­ will sail again on a globe-girdling gers who are so inclined to pur­ voyage, leaving New York Decem­ R. G. McCOTCHBON I tumes typical of the various far- chase sens little memento, be it ber 2, 1929, for a cruise of 137 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mclnnes of off lands visited. Pictured above, a shawl, a miniature Buddha, a days. Trail were in town for the week-end. WINNIPEG AVENUE