- Valeriu Sîrbu -

Comunicări la manifestări ştiinţifice internaţionale, în ţară sau străinătate (1979-2011)// Communications tenues à des manifestations scientifiques internationales, en Roumanie et à l’étranger (1979-2011)

1. V. Sîrbu, N. Harţuche, Importations et influences égéo-mycéniennes dans les cultures de la période de transition et de l’âge du Bronze aux Pays du Bas-Danube, Thracia Pontica, I, Premier Symposium International „La Mer Noire et le Monde Mediterranéen”, Sozopol (), 9-10 octobre 1979.

2. V. Sîrbu, Considérations concernant l’importation des amphores grecques sur le territoire de la Roumanie (les VIe-Ier siècles av.n.è.), Thracia Pontica, II, Deuxième Symposium International „Le litoral et son rôle dans le monde ancien”, Sozopol (Bulgaria), 4-7 octobre 1982.

3. V. Sîrbu, Obiceiuri funerare şi practici etnoculturale la geto-daci şi dacii liberi în sec. V î.e.n. – III e.n., Sesiunea internaţională – “Procesele etnoculturale şi etnosociale la finele mileniului I î.e.n. – prima jumătate a mileniului I e.n. în sud-vestul URSS şi teritoriile limitrofe”, Chişinău (Rep. Moldova), 27-29 noiembrie 1991.

4. V. Sîrbu, P. Damian, E. Safta, Geto-dakiiskie poselenija u Căscioarele na juge Muntenii. International Symposion - Istorija i arheologija Niežnogo Podunav’jà, Reni (Ukraine), 26-28 noiembrie 1991.

5. V. Sîrbu, S. Pandrea, Grădištea: getskoe ukreplenie na severo-vostočnoi Ravnin Rumynii, International Symposion - Istorija i arheologija Niežnogo Podunav’jà, Reni (Ukraine), 26-28 noiembrie 1991.

6. V. Sîrbu, Croyances et pratiques funéraires chez les Géto-Daces (IIe siècle av.J.- C.-Ier siècle après J.- C, International Colloquium, Isperich (Bulgaria), 6-8 octobre, 1992.

7. V. Sîrbu, Pratiques magico-sorcières chez les Thraco-Géto-Daces, Al XIV-lea Simposion de Tracologie, Băile Herculane-Caransebeş-Reşiţa-Turnu Severin, 14-17 septembrie 1992.

8. V. Sîrbu, L. Sîrbu, Pratiques funéraires et sacrifices humains chez les Thraco-Géto- Daces (IIe siècle av. J.-C. – Ier siècle après J.-C.), Thrace Ancienne, I, 2e Symposium International des Etudes Thraciennes Thrace Ancienne, Komotini (Grèce), 20-27 septembre 1992.

9. V. Sîrbu, Sacrifices et inhumations rituelles d’animaux dans les nécropoles des Géto- Daces (IVe s.av.J.- C.-IIIe s.après J.- C.), Burial Tumuli in the South East of Europe, First International Symposium “Burial Tumuli in the South East of Europe”, Kazanluk (Bulgaria), 4-8 June 1993.

10. V. Sîrbu, Sacrifices humains et pratiques funéraires insolites dans l’aréal thrace du Hallstatt et du La Tène, Premier âge du Fer aux bouches du Danube et dans les régions autour de la Mer Noire, Actes du Colloque International “Premier âge du fer aux bouches du Danube et dans les régions autour de la Mer Noire”, , septembre, 1993.

11. V. Sîrbu, Remarques sur les habitats gètes de la zone de Căscioarele - dép. de Călăraşi(Roumanie), International Conference, Montana (Bulgaria), 16-18 novembre 1993.

12. V. Sîrbu, Cr. Schuster, Mykenische Importe und Einflüsse im Donau – Karpaten – Schwartzmeerraum. Ein überblick , The Periphery of the Mycenaean World, Proceedings of the First International Interdisciplinary Colloquium “The Periphery of the Mycenaean World”, Lamia (Greece), 25-29 September 1994.

13. V.Sîrbu, T. Arnăut, Trako-getskie gorodišča meždu karpatami i Dnestrom (V – III vo. do. n. e.), Simpozionul Problemy skifo-sarmatskoi arheologii severnogo Pričernomor’ja, Zaporozhye (Ukraine),4-6 of May1994.

14. V. Sîrbu, N. Harţuche, Remarques sur le tumulus aristocratique de Găvani, dép. de Brăila, Tombes tumulaires de l’Âge du Fer dans Sud-Est de l’Europe, nr.1, Actes du IIe Colloque International d’Archéologie Funéraire “Tombes tumulaires de l’Âge du Fer dans le Sud-est de l’Europe”, Tulcea, Brăila, Călăraşi et Slobozia, 18-24 septembre 1995.

15. V. Sîrbu, Sviatilišča s požertvovanijami i žertvoprinošenijami vo frakijskom mire, International Symposion „Mižnarodni zv’jazki norodiv Evropi”, Zaporozhye (Ukraine),10-12 October 1996.

16. V. Sîrbu, G. Trohani, Cités et établissements fortifiés entre les Carpates Méridionales, le Danube et la Mer Noire (Ve - IIIe siècles av. J. -C.), Seventh International Congress of Thracology „The Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilisations”, Constanţa-Mangalia-Tulcea, 20-26 May 1996.

17. V. Sîrbu, G. Trohani, Sacrifices et inhumations rituelles d’hommes et d’animaux dans/sous les demeures dans le monde thrace (Hallstatt et La Tène, Third International Symposium of Funeral Archaeology „Pratiques funéraires dans l'Europe des XIIIe - IVe s. av.J.-C.”, Tulcea, 15-20, September 1997.

18. V. Sîrbu, I. T. Niculiţă, Les Gètes et les Scythes au Sud du Budgeac, The International Colloquim “The Scythians and their Expansion into the Western Black Sea Territory”, Tulcea, 25-27 September 1998.

2 19. V. Sîrbu, A. Rustoiu, Découvertes funéraires géto-daces du sud-ouest de la Roumanie (±150 - ±50 av. J.- C.). International Kolloquium „Le Djerdap/Les Portes de Fer à la deuxième moitié du premier millénaire av. J. Ch. jusqu’aux guerres daciques”, Kladovo-Vyrsec (Serbia), September-October 1998.

20. V. Sîrbu, V. Bârcă, Daki i sarmaty v vostočno – karpatskom regione (I v.do n.e. –I v.n.e.), Proceedings of the International Conference “Problems of Scythian – Sarmatian Archaeology”, 19-23 October 1999, Zaporozhye (Ukraine).

21. V. Sîrbu, Funerary and Sacrificial Practices of the Geto-, 5th Annual Meeting EAA – European Association of Archaeology, Bournemouth (England), 14th-19th September 1999.

22. V. Sîrbu, I. Niculiţă, V. Vanciugov, Le sud du Budgeac au Ier millénaire av J-C. (Découvertes archéologiques et interprétations historiques), „Symposium The Culture of and their Neighbours” in „Memory Mieczyslaw Domaradzski”, with a Round Table „Archaeological Map of Bulgaria”, Kazanluk – Septemvri (Bulgaria), 30th September-3rd October 1999.

23. V. Sîrbu, The Rider in the Thracian Art (5th century BC-1st century AD), International Colloquium, Berlin, 4-8 December 1999.

24. V. Sîrbu, St. Pandrea, Program of Storing, Processing and Analyzing the Funerary and Sacrificial Discoveries. 4th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology „Funeral Practices as Forms of Cultural Identity”, Tulcea, 22-28 May 2000.

25. V. Sîrbu, G. Trohani, Remarques sur certains habitats gètes dans l'Etang de Ialomitza (Bas-Danube). Importations et influences grecques, Eight International Congress of Thracology “Thrace and the Aegean”, – Jambol (Bulgaria), 25-29 September 2000.

26. V. Sîrbu, A. Bălos, Funeral Practices of the Geo-Dacian Cemeteries, CAA 2000 - Computer Applications in Archaeology - Computer Archaeology for Understanding the Past, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 18-21 April 2000.

27. V. Sîrbu, A. Bălos, Zimnicea – A Thracian Cemetery at the Low Danube, CCA 2001 - Computer Applications in Archaeology, Gotland (Suedia), April, 2001.

28. V. Sîrbu, Funeral Practices of the Getic-Dacians Kingship and Nobility, International Symposium - Odryssian Kingship and Nobility, Karlovo (Bulgaria), 15-18 January 2001.

29. V. Sîrbu, Les Trésors des Princes Gètes, Âges du Fer en Europe/The Iron Age in Europe. General Sessions and posters, XIV UISPP Congrès „Âge du Fer en Europe/The Iron Age in Europe”, Liège, Belgium, 2-8 September 2000.

3 30. V. Sîrbu, Ritual Practices Concerning the Fire and the Fireplace at the Northern- Balkans Thracians in the Iron Age, 7th Annual Meeting of the EAA - European Association of Archaeology, Esslingen (Germany), 19-23 September 2001.

31. V. Sîrbu, Figurative Representations on the Phalerae in the Geto-Dacian World (II-I centuries B.C). International Symposium “Ol'vija ta antičnij svit. Materiali naukovih chitan', pris'vjačenih 75 – richchju utvorennja-arheologičeskogo zapovidnika Ol'vija NAN Ukraini”, Kiev, 2001.

32. V. Sîrbu, S. Pandrea, A. Bălos, Proposals for a Unifying Terminology and Storing, Processing and Analyzing the Funerary and Sacrificial Discoveries Software, CAA 2002 - Computer Applications in Archaeology „The Digital Heritage of Archaeology”, Heraklion (Greece), 2-6 April 2002.

33. V. Sîrbu, St. Pandrea, Signs on Vessels Bottoms from the Developed Neolithic in the Carpathian-Balkan Region, International Colloquium “Early Symbolics Systems for Communication in Southeast Europe”, Karlovo (Bulgaria), 14-18 April 2002.

34. V. Sîrbu, Les Géto-Daces de à Décébale, ont-ils vecu sans boire du vin?, Vino i kultura, International Conférence „La culture du vin”, Sofia, 20-23 Avril 2002.

35. V. Sîrbu,The Fireplace - a sacrificial and ritual place during the Iron Age in the Carpathian Area, 8th Annual Meeting EAA - European Association of Archaeology, Thessaloniki (Greece), 24th-29th of September 2002.

36. V. Sîrbu, Funerary Practices performed in the Iron Age between the Carpathians and the Danube, Burial Customs in the Bronze and Iron Ages, International Symposium “Burial Customs in the Bronze and Iron Ages”, Čačak (Serbia), 4-8 September 2002.

37. V. Sîrbu, The on Lower Danube, International Conference “The Getae and the Ancient World”, Isperich (Bulgaria), 11th-17th of June 2002.

38. V. Sîrbu, Funerary Practices of the Getae-Dacians and the Status of the Dead, 5th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology “The Graves as an Expression of the Dead Social Status (5th c.BC-5th c. AD)”, Brăila-Tulcea, 14-17 May 2003.

39. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, C. Garganciuc, S. Matei, Modern Technologies used in the Research and Reconstruction of Archaeological Vestiges, 5th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology “The Graves as an Expression of the Dead Social Status (5th c. BC-5th c. AD)”, Brăila-Tulcea, 14-17 May 2003.

40. V. Sîrbu, L. Sîrbu, Ofrandes des figurines dans un contexte religieux ou magique chez les Thraces du nord des Balkans au cours de l’Âge du Fer, Colloque international “Les Équidés dans le monde Méditerranéen antique”, Athènes (Grèce), 26-28 novembre 2003.

4 41. V. Sîrbu, Sacrifices et inhumations rituelles de chevaux chez les Thraces du nord des Balkans au cours de l’Âge du Fer, Colloque international “Les Équidés dans le monde Méditerranéen antique”, Athènes (Grèce), 26-28 novembre 2003.

42. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, C. Garganciuc, S. Matei, A Dacian Sacred Enclosure in Carpathian Mountains - Pietroasele-Gruiu Dării, Enter the Past, Computer Applications in Archaeology “Enter the Past, The E-way into the four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage”, , 8-12 April 2003.

43. V. Sîrbu, The Thracians: Iconography and Imagery, WAC-5 - The Fifth World Archaeological Congress, Washington, D.C. (USA), 21st-26th June 2003.

44. V. Sîrbu, The Human Face in the Geto-Dacian Toreutics: Iconography and Symbolism, 9th EAA Meeting - European Association of Archaeology, Sankt-Petersburg (Russia), 10-14 September 2003.

45. V. Sîrbu, S. Matei, D. Ştefan, M. Duţescu, Pietroasele-Gruiu Dării: a Sacred Dacian Enclosure situated in a Region Rich in Salt Resources, International Coloquium of Funerary Archaeology “The Tombs and the Subsoil Resources in the Eastern and South- Eastern Europe (2nd Millenium BC-1st Millenium AD)”, Buzău, 28-29 October 2004.

46. V. Sîrbu, L. Oţa, New considerations concerning the Roman Tumulus Grave with Chariot found at Callatis (Mangalia)-, 16th International Congress of Antique Bronzes “The Antique Bronzes: Typology, Chronology, Authenticity”, , 26th- 31st May 2003.

47. V. Sîrbu, The Ceremony Helmets in the Geto-Dacians Area, 10th Annual Meeting of EAA - European Association of Archaeology, Lyon (France), 7-11 September 2004.

48. V. Sîrbu, Coifurile ceremoniale - capodopere ale toreuticii şi artei geţilor, Sesiune internaţională, Călăraşi, 3-5 Octombrie 2004.

49. V. Sîrbu, V. Bârcă, Figurative Representations on the Geto-Dacian and Sarmatian Phalerae, IXth International Congress of Thracology “Thracians and Circumpontic World”, Chişinău, 6-11 September 2004.

50. V. Sîrbu, G. Trohani, La présence du poisson dans l’art thrace, International Conference in Honour of Prof. Michail Lazarov, Varna (Bulgaria), 13th-15th October 2004.

51. V. Sîrbu, Sanctuaires et lieux de culte chez les Géto-Daces (IIe siècle av. J.-C. - Ier siècle apr. J.-C.), Actes du XXXe colloque international de l’AFEAF „L’âge du Fer dans l’arc jurassien et ses marges. Dépôts, lieux sacrés et territorialité à l’âge du Fer”, Bienne (Suisse), 5-8 mai 2005.

5 52. V. Sîrbu, Daces et Celtes dans la zone des Carpates: le stade du problème, « Celtes et Gaulois, L’Archéologie face à l’Histoire. Les Civilisés et les Barbares du Ve au IIe siècle avant J-C. », Table ronde de Budapest (Hongrie), 17-18 juin 2005.

53. V. Sîrbu, Ritual Inhumations of Children at the Geto-Dacians: archaeological approach, 11th Annual Meeting EAA - European Association of Archaeology „Deviant Burial in the Archaeological Record”, Cork (Ireland), 6-12 September 2005.

54. V. Sîrbu, L. Sîrbu, L’art des Gètes - un art narratif et symbolique, 10th International Congress of Thracology “Thrace and Graeco-Roman World”, Komotini-Alexandroupoli (Grèce), 18-23 October 2005.

55. V. Sîrbu, M. Arsenescu, Dacian settlements and necropolises in Southwestern Romania (2nd c. BC-1st c. AD, 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology- ”The Society of the Living” - „The Community of the Dead”, Sibiu, 6-9 October 2005.

56. V. Sîrbu, S. A. Luca, C. Roman, S. Purece, D. Diaconescu, D., Dacian settlement and children necropolis of Hunedoara. An unique discovery in the Dacian world. Archaeological approach, , 7th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, ”The Society of the Living”-„The Community of the Dead”, Sibiu, 6-9 October 2005.

57. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, V. Stoian, Present and Future in the Research of Dacian Sites of the Lower Danube, International conference „History, Culture and Civilization in South- East Europe”, Chişinău, 13th-16th November 2006.

58. V. Sîrbu, V. Cavruc, D. Buzea, A 4th-3rd centuries BC Dacian community in South- eastern Transylvania: the findings from Olteni, Covasna County, International Colloquium “Thracians and Celts”, Bistriţa, 18-20 of May, 2006.

59. V. Sîrbu, M. Arsenescu, Dacians and Scordiscians (3rd-1st centuries BC), International Colloquium “Thracians and Celts”, Bistriţa, 18-20 of May, 2006.

60. V. Sîrbu, S. Matei, Ritual and Inventory in a Dacian Sacred Enclosure – Pietroasa Mică-Gruiu Dării (1st century BC-1st century AD), International Colloquium “Iron Age Sanctuaries and Cult Places in the Thracian World”, Braşov, 19th – 21th of October 2006.

61. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, M. Duţescu, Sacred Dacian Landscapes (2nd century BC – 1st century AD). Searching for a theoretical model, International Colloquium “Iron Age Sanctuaries and Cult Places in the Thracian World”, Braşov, 19th – 21th of October 2006.

62. V. Sîrbu, M. Duţescu, Power and Landscape: the Case of two Getic Royal Tombs at the Lower Danube (4th c. BC), International Conference „Thracians and the World Around”, Shumen (Bulgaria), 10-12 May 2006.

6 63. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, S. Matei, Dacian Sites in the Carpathian Mountains: Present and Future in their Research, International Conference – „Thracians and the World Around”, Shumen (Bulgaria), 10-12 May 2006.

64. V. Sîrbu, Idéologie et symbolisme dans l’art nord-thrace, Prehistoric Art and Ideology, XV UISPP World Congress, Lisbon (Portugal), 4-9 September 2006).

65. V. Sîrbu, S. Matei, Ritual and inventory in a Dacian enclosure in the Carpathian Mountains, 12th Annual Meeting of EAA - European Association of Archaeology, Krakow (Poland), 19th-24th September 2006.

66. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, M. Duţescu, Sacred Dacian Enclosures and their Landscape, 12th Annual Meeting of EAA - European Association of Archaeology, Krakow (Poland), 19th-24th September 2006.

67. V. Sîrbu, C. Croitoru, Bărboşi – 170 ans de recherches archéologiques, International Colloquium “Important Sites from the Pre-Roman Time on the Lower Danube Valley (4th century BC-4th century AD)”, Galaţi, 10th-12th of May 2007.

68. V. Sîrbu, I. T. Niculiţă, Vl. Vanchugov, The Historical Evolution of Budjak in the 1st- 4th c. AD. A few considerations, International Colloquium “Important Sites from the Pre- Roman Time on the Lower Danube Valley (4th century BC-4th century AD)” Galaţi, 10th- 12th of May 2007.

69. V. Sîrbu, S. A. Luca, C. Roman, S. Purece, Tombs of Dacian Warriors (2nd-1st c. BC) found in Hunedoara-Grădina Castelului (Hunedoara county), 8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, “Funerary practices in Europe, before and after the Roman conquest (3rd century BC-3rd century AD”, Sibiu, 4th-7th Octomber 2007, Sibiu.

70. V. Sîrbu, S. Matei, Geto-Dacians Discoveries from the Buzău Valley, International Conference „The world of the Getae”, Russe (Bulgaria), 20-21 September 2007.

71. V. Sîrbu, C. Bodo, Coins and Coin Workshops from Geto-Dacian Sacred Sites: What is Different and What is the Same from the Celtic World, International Conference “The Eastern Celts between Hellenistic and Roman World”, Vršac (Serbia), 1st-4th November 2007.

72. V. Sîrbu, Coins from the Sacred Getic-Dacian Areas, The International Symposium „Coins, Medals, Badges Documentary and Artistic Values, Braşov, 27-27 martie 2008.

73. V. Sîrbu, V. Stoian, Dacian sites from South-East of Romania, International Symposium “The Museum Patrimony of the Lower Danube and the Carpathian area, in European context”, Tulcea, 11-12 April 2008.

7 74. V. Sîrbu, G. Florea, Geto-Dacian Clay Vessels (2nd century BC-1st century AD): imitation and originality, Pontika 2008, “ Recent Research on the Northern and Eastern Black Sea in Ancient Times”, International Colloquium at the Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland), 21st -26th April, 2008.

75. V. Sîrbu, V. Cavruc, D. Buzea, A Dacian Necropolis Dated in the 4th – 3rd Centuries B.C. at Olteni (South-eastern Transylvania), 9th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology „Funerary Practices of the Bronze and Iron Ages in Central and South- Eastern Europe”, Bistriţa, 9-11 May 2008.

76. V. Sîrbu, M. Duţescu, D. Ştefan, The symbols of power at the periphery: The north- Thracian tumuli graves (5th-3rd centuries BC), International Colloquium „The Iron Gates Region during the Second Iron Age: Settlements, Necropolises, and Treasures”, Drobeta - Turnu Severin, 6-7 June 2008.

77. V. Sîrbu, An Important Dacian Site in the Carpathian Mountains Pietroasa Mică- Gruiu Dării: from Fortified Settlement to Sacred Enclosure, 6th World Archaeological Congress, Dublin (Ireland), 29 June-4 July 2008.

78. V. Sîrbu, Gender at the Northern Thracians: Iconography and Archaeological Discoveries, 14th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, La Valetta (Malta), 16-21 September 2008.

79. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, M. Duţescu, Teliţa - Celic Dere, Tulcea County. Landscape Studies, 10th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology ,,Funerary Practices in Central and Eastern Europe (10th c. BC – 3rd c.AD)”, Tulcea, 10-12 October 2008.

80. V. Sîrbu, V. Stoian, Descoperiri din prima epocă a fierului pe valea inferioară a Buzăului, Simpozionul Internaţional „Cultură şi Civilizaţie la Dunărea de Jos”, Călăraşi, 21-24 October 2008.

81. V. Sîrbu, M. Duţescu, D. Ştefan, Refining the past view with the help of technology. The case of the Iron Age archaeological complex from Teliţa-Celic Dere (Romania), 13th International Congress „Cultural Heritage and New Technologies”, Vienna (Austria), 2-5 November 2008.

82. V. Sîrbu, D. Ştefan, Statistical Tools as Landscape Archaeology, Annual Meeting of the UISPP 4th Commission „Quantitative Methods for the Challenges in 21st Century Archaeology”, Budapesta (Hungary), 5-6 June 2009.

83. V. Sîrbu, S. Matei, Pietroasa Mică-Gruiu Dării (jud. Buzău) – de la o aşezare (sec. IV-III a. Chr.) la un centru sacru dacic (sec. I a. Chr. – I p.Chr.), colocviul ştiinţific internaţional „Civilizaţia geto-dacă – cercetare-prezervare-integrare”, Sfântu Gheorghe, 2-4 iulie 2009.

8 84. V. Sîrbu, A Dacian site in the Carpathian Mountains: Pietroasa Mică-Gruiu Dării – from fortified settlement to sacred place, la Conferinţa internaţională "Museums, Monuments and Tourism”, 2-4 noiembrie 2009, Călăraşi, Slobozia şi Ostrov.

85. V. Sîrbu, Figurative representations on the Sarmatian and Geto-Dacian phalerae: resemblances and differences, Fourth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, „The Bosporus: Gateway between the Ancient West and East (1st Millennium BC-5th Century AD),” (Turkey), 14th-18th September 2009.

86. V. Sîrbu, Geto-Dacian Settlements and Necropolises: Three Case Studies (Coslogeni, Olteni, Hunedoara), 11th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology "The Necropolises and the Environment (1st mill. BC)”, Buzău – Romania, 22nd – 24th October 2009.

87. D. Ştefan, V. Sîrbu, Al. Barnea, M.-M. Ştefan, Challenges in the Archaeological ePublishing in the Context of the New Generations of Web Services, la Computer Applications in Archaeology (CAA), 2010, Granada (Spain), 6-9 April 2010.

88. V. Sîrbu, The Getae’s Ceremony Helmets - Masterpieces of the Toreutics and Art of the Antiquity (Poster), The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, The Hague (The Nederlands), 1st-5th September 2010.

89. V. Sîrbu, M.-M. Ştefan- Gender in the Getae princely tumuli graves (5th-3rd c. BC), Some considerations, 12th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology, Brăila, 22nd-24th October 2010.

90. T. Soroceanu, V. Sîrbu, Die Höhle von Nucu-Fundu Peşterii: ein hervorragendes Denkmal mit bronzezeitlichen Waffendarstellungen in den rumänischen Karpaten, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, martie 2011, Berlin (Germany).

9 Sinteza comunicărilor internaţionale (1979-2011)

Manifestări ştiinţifice: 80 Comunicări : 90

Comunicări - România - 30 - Străinătate - 58 Ţările unde am susţinut comunicări: România – 30, Bulgaria – 15, Rep. Moldova – 3, Grecia – 7, Ucraina – 6, Franţa – 2, Serbia – 3, Austria – 2, Polonia – 3, Germania – 3, Irlanda – 2, Ungaria – 2, Rusia – 1, Slovenia – 1, Elveţia – 1, Belgia – 1, Portugalia – 1, Anglia – 1, USA – 1, Suedia – 1, Malta – 1, Turcia – 1, Spania – 1, Olanda – 1.