Glatzer Pamphlet Collection
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Glatzer Pamphlet Collection Convention used in translitteration: Consonants alef = @ lamed = l bet = b or v mem = m gimel = g nun = n dalet = d samekh = s he = h ain = % waw = .v pe = p or f zain = z tsade = ts het = .h kof = .k tet = .t resh = r yod = y sin = .s kaf = k or kh shin = sh taw = t (`s in Yiddish) Vowals (only when the Hebrew text is vocalized, otherwize vowel letters are tranlitterated as consonants). patah = a tsere = e kamets = a or o hirek = i segol = e holem = o kibuts = u shurek = u sewa = e hatef patah = a hatef segol = e hatef kamets = o double yod = ay Box/Folder # Box 1 I. Gershom Scholem I. Materials written by GS A. Offprints and Articles, English #1/1 1. “The curious history of the six pointed star.” Commentary (December 1949) (1). 2. “Jews and Germans.” A Commentary Report, Commentary (1966) (1). 3. “In Search of Sabbatai Zevi.” Haddasah (June 1961) (1). 4. “Jewish Theology Today.” The Center Magazine (1). 5. Shdemot (Spring 1975 N. 3) (1). 6. “Gershom Scholem on Agnon, Part II.” Ariel (1) B. Offprints and Articles, German #1/2 1. “Gut und Böse in der Kabbala.” Eranus-Jahrbuch, vol. 30(1962) (1). 2. “Nach Der Vertreibung Aus Spanien.” and selected articles(1933/34) (1). 3. “Politik der Mystik.” Jüdischen Rundscahu (n. 57) (1). 4. “Über einen Roman von S.J. Agnon, Neue Rundschau (vol. 76, pt. 2, 1965) (1). 5. “Zehn unhistorische Sätze über Kabbala.” Geist und Werk (1958) (1). 6. “David ben Abraham ha-labhan - ein unbekannter jüdischer Mystiker.” Occident and Orient 7. “Zür Literatur der letzten Kabbalisten in Deutschland.” In Zwei Welten: Siegfreid Moses Zum 75. Geburtstag (1962) (1). 8. “Kabbala.” Encyclopaedia Judaica, vol. 9.(1932) (1). 9. “Kabbala Forschug und juedische Geschichtsschreibung in der Universitaet Jerusalem.” Mitteilungsblatt der Hitachduth Olej Germania (May 1937) (1). 10.”Vulliasuds Übersetzung des Sifra Di-Zeniutha aus dem Sohar und andere neuere Literatur zur Geschichte der Kabbala.” (1). C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #1/3 1. “Hykhn mt shvty tsvy,” Grshm Shl.vm (1). 2. “ hht.kshr.vt shl tlmydy h@ry.,” Grshm Shl.vm, vol. 5 no. 2(1). 3. “H@m ntglh hs.vd.vt shl @v.v hBvly?,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, Trbyts (1963) (1). 4. “‘ .Krn Bn-D.vd,’ m.k.vr .hdsh mr@shyt ymy kt hdonmh [email protected],” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, Trbyts (1963)(1). 5. “Mt.vkh hrh.vrym %l .hkhmt,” Grsh.vm Shl.vm, .Hkhmt (1). 6. “M.hvr.v shl hm@mr hmz.vyyf s. hzhr bd.vr.v shl r. @vrhm Hl.vy; r. Y.vsf N. Shrg@ @.v R. D.vd [email protected],” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1). 7. “L%nyn r. lyyvl .vf.vlm.vs.v ngd h.hsyd.vt,” Grshm Shl.vm, (1955) (1). 8. “Pyr.vsh [email protected] lHll,” Grshm shl.vm, Sefer Hy.vvl lYts.h.k B%r (1961)(1). 9. “Dm.vt.v hhys.t.vryt shl r. B%r Shm .T.vv,” Grshm Shl.vm, M.vld (1960)(1). 10. “(2). 11. “A Frankist Commentary to Hallel.” by Gershom Scholem (in Hebrew) reprint from I.F. Baer Jubilee Volume (1960) (1). 12. Article without a title by Grshm Shl.vm (1). 13. “Dr.vsh %l [email protected] lrvy Shlmh lvyt .T.vry@l,” Grshm Shl.vm, (1957)(1). 14. “Shny m.k.vr.vt .hdshym lydy%t t.vrt.v shl @vrhm Mykh@l [email protected],” Grshm Shl.vm, (1960)(1). 15. “T%.vdh .hdshh mr@shyt htn.v%h hshvt@yt,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1). 16. “ mr@shyt ymyh shl kht hd.vnmh [email protected],” Grshm Shl.vm, lYts.k.h Bn-Tsvy zl. (1965)(2). 17. “ [email protected] b.kblh,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1946)(1). 18. “Lt.vld.vt hm.k.vbl r. Y%.kv Tsm.h .vf%.vlt.v hsfr.vtyt,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1). 19. “Htsy.t.t [email protected] mn hmdrsh hn%lm,” m@t G. Shl.vm (1). 20. “L.k.v.t.vt lbybly.vgrafyh shl h.kblh,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, .Kryt Sfr 30 (1). 21. “H%r.vt @.hd.vt [email protected] shl Dr. Znh %l R. Y%.kv Tsm.h,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, .Kryt Sfr vol. 27 (1). 22. Mts.vh hb@h b%vrh, m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1937) (1). 23. “M.k.vr.vty.v shl ‘M%shh rby Gdy@l Htyn.v.k’ bsfr.vt h.kblh,” Grshm Shl.vm, Shy (1959) (1). 24. Sefer htmr [email protected] @fl.h hsr.ks.ty, Grshm Shl.vm (1926) (1). II. Materials written by NNG A. Offprints and Articles, English #1/4 1. “Review of G. S., Major Trends In Jewish sMysticim Jewish Education (Jan. 1945) (1). III. Materials written by others A. Offprints and Articles, English #1/5 1.”The Achievement of Gershom Scholem.” Commentary (April 1973) (1). 2.”Eichmann in Jerusalem.” Economist (January 1964) (1). 3.”Gershom Scholem and the Fate of the Jews.” Daedalus (April 14, 1977) (1). 4.”Survey of Current Theological Literature.” Judaism (Winter 1961) (1). 5.”The Achievement of Gershom Scholem.” Commentary (April 7, 1973) (1). #1/6 6.”Books.” The New Yorker (October 22, 1973) (1). 7.”Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism.” The Journal of Philosophy (April 19, 1943) (1). 8.”Das Karka - Bild Gershom Scholems”, Merkur (1979) (1) B. Offprints and Articles, German #1/7 1. “An Gerhard Scholem.” Briefe, 1966 (1). 2. “Reste neuplatonischer Spekulation in der Mystik der deutschen Chassidim und ihre Vermittlung durch Abraham bar Chija.” Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenscaft des Judentums.” (1931) 3. “Das Kafka-Bild Gershom Scholems,” Merkur (1979) (1). C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #1/8 1. “%m Grshm Shl.vm,” (October 6, 1974) (1). 2. “Dr. Y.v.hnn L.vy Zl. 1901-1945,”; Memorial Address by J.L Magnes, M. Schwabe, G. Scholem (November 18, 1945) (1). (1). 3. “Grshm Shl.vm %l .Hyn.vkh lyhd.vt,” Btf.vts.vt hg.vlh (1963)(1). D. Offprints and Articles, French #1/9 1. “Romanica et Occidentalia.” In Etudes dédiés á la memoire de Hiram Peri, edited by Moshé Lazar (1963) (1). E. Newspapers, English #1/10 1. “A friendship and its flaws.” Biography and Memoirs (1). 2.”Gershom Scholem.” AM Review (November 20, 1980) (1). 3. “The Mystic Explorer.” New York Times Book Review (September 21, 1980) (1). 4.”Mysticism, other facets of Jewish life reflected in Jewish Book Awards, The JWB Circle (July 1980) (1). 5.”Scholem defines aspects of Jewish Mysticism.” Spectrum ( November 19, 1975) (2). 6.”Student of the Kabbalah.” New York Times Book Review (July 29, 1979) (1). 7.”There is mystery in the world.” Shdemot (October 6, 1974) (2). 8. “The Threat of Messianism: An interview with Gershom Scholem.” The New York Review (August 14, 1980) (2). 9. “Scholem’s house of Zion,” (1). F. Newspapers, German #1/11 1. “Ein Briefwechsel über Hannah Arendts Buch.”: zwischen Prof. Gershom Gerhard Scholem und Hannah Arendt.” MB (August 16, 1963) (1). 2. “Gershom Scholem zum 75. Geburtsag.” MB (December 8, 1972) (1). 3. “G. Scholem über die Anfange der jüdischen Mystik.” (April 16-21 1961) (1). G. Newspapers, Hebrew #1/12 1.”Grsh.vm Shl.vm,” Sh. Y., (December 22, 1957) (1). H. Unbound copy of Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1). Box 2 I. Roman Period A. Offprints and Articles, English #2/1 1. “Comparisons and Identifications of Rulers with Deities in the Hellenisitic Period.” Review of Religion (November 1948) (1). 2. “The First Christian Century as Jewish History.” The Bible in Modern Scholarship (1965) (1). 3. “A Hoard of Coins of John Hyrcanus.” Jewish Quarterly Review (January 1947) (1). 4. “Jewish Sects During The Second Commonwealth.” Encyclopaedia Britannica (1963) (1). 5. “The Nautre of the Great Synagogue.” Harvard Theological Review (1967) (1). 6. “The Rabbinic Traditions about the Pharisees in Modern Historiography.” Central Conference of American Rabbis Journal (April 1972) (1). 7. “Aristotle and the Jewish Sage According to Clearchus of Soli.” The Harvard Theological Review (July 1938) (1). #2/2 8. “The Historical Significance of the Dialogues between Jewish Sages and Roman Dignitaries.” Scripta Hierosolymitana (1971) (1). 9.” Scripta Hierosolymitana (1954) (1). 10. “Persecution and Martyrdom in Hadrian's Days” Studies in History (1972) (1). 11. “Story of the Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem” The American Colony (1). 12.”The Earliest Record of Jews in Asia Minor” Journal of Biblical Literature, Volume LII Part I, (1933) (1). #2/3 13.”Hellenism” Enclopedia Judaica, Volume 16 (1972) (1). 14.”Rome and Judea” Menorah Journal (Winter 1948) (1). 15.”Story and History” Greco Roman Rhetoric and Pharasaism, H. Fischel (1969) (1). B. Offprints and Articles, German #2/4 1.”Antisemitismus” J. Heinemann, Pauly-Wissowa (1929) (1). 2.”Denkmäler Palastinas aus der Zeit Jesu” Das Land der Bibel (1916) (1). 3.”Entwicklung unserer Traditionsliteratur” Samuel Lowinger (1946) (1). 4.”Religionsgeschichtliche und theologische Bedeutsamkeit der Jüdischen Hohenpriester von 175 bis 37 v. Chr.” Bible & Liturgie, Heft 1 (1972) (1). 5. “Spätjudentum.”Sacramentum Mundi (1). 6.”Die Stellung Der Juden Gegenueber Den Römern Nach Der Rabbinischen Literatur” Nathan Wasser (1933) (1). C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #2/5 1. %l mtsdh .vgyb.vryh (1). 2. [email protected]@l b@ymfryh hr.vmyt [email protected] sfr.vt .hz”l, m@t mshh d.vd her (1).