
Glatzer Pamphlet Collection

Convention used in translitteration:

Consonants alef = @ lamed = l = b or v = m = g = n = d = s = h ain = % = .v = p or f zain = z = ts het = .h kof = .k tet = .t = r yod = y sin = .s kaf = k or kh = sh = t (`s in )

Vowals (only when the Hebrew text is vocalized, otherwize vowel letters are tranlitterated as consonants). patah = a tsere = e kamets = a or o hirek = i = e holem = o kibuts = u shurek = u sewa = e hatef patah = a hatef segol = e hatef kamets = o double yod = ay

Box/Folder # Box 1 I.

I. Materials written by GS A. Offprints and Articles, English #1/1 1. “The curious of the six pointed star.” Commentary (December 1949) (1). 2. “ and Germans.” A Commentary Report, Commentary (1966) (1). 3. “In Search of .” Haddasah (June 1961) (1). 4. “Jewish Today.” The Center Magazine (1). 5. Shdemot (Spring 1975 N. 3) (1). 6. “Gershom Scholem on Agnon, Part II.” Ariel (1) B. Offprints and Articles, German #1/2 1. “Gut und Böse in der Kabbala.” Eranus-Jahrbuch, vol. 30(1962) (1). 2. “Nach Der Vertreibung Aus Spanien.” and selected articles(1933/34) (1). 3. “Politik der Mystik.” Jüdischen Rundscahu (n. 57) (1). 4. “Über einen Roman von S.J. Agnon, Neue Rundschau (vol. 76, pt. 2, 1965) (1). 5. “Zehn unhistorische Sätze über Kabbala.” Geist und Werk (1958) (1). 6. “David ben Abraham ha-labhan - ein unbekannter jüdischer Mystiker.” Occident and Orient 7. “Zür Literatur der letzten Kabbalisten in Deutschland.” In Zwei Welten: Siegfreid Moses Zum 75. Geburtstag (1962) (1). 8. “Kabbala.” , vol. 9.(1932) (1). 9. “Kabbala Forschug und juedische Geschichtsschreibung in der Universitaet .” Mitteilungsblatt der Hitachduth Olej Germania (May 1937) (1). 10.”Vulliasuds Übersetzung des Sifra Di-Zeniutha aus dem Sohar und andere neuere Literatur zur Geschichte der Kabbala.” (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #1/3 1. “Hykhn mt shvty tsvy,” Grshm Shl.vm (1). 2. “Sh.tr hht.kshr.vt shl tlmydy h@ry.,” Grshm Shl.vm, Tsy.vn vol. 5 no. 2(1). 3. “H@m ntglh %zb.vn hs.vd.vt shl @v.v @hr.vn hBvly?,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, Trbyts (1963) (1). 4. “‘Tsmy.ht .Krn Bn-D.vd,’ m.k.vr .hdsh mr@shyt ymy kt hdonmh [email protected],” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, Trbyts (1963)(1).

5. “Mt.vkh hrh.vrym %l .hkhmt Y.sr@l,” Grsh.vm Shl.vm, .Hkhmt Y.sr@l (1). 6. “M.hvr.v shl hm@mr hmz.vyyf blsh.vn s. hzhr bd.vr.v shl r. @vrhm Hl.vy; r. Y.vsf N. Shrg@ @.v R. D.vd [email protected],” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1). 7. “L%nyn r. Y.sr@l lyyvl .vf.vlm.vs.v ngd h.hsyd.vt,” Grshm Shl.vm, (1955) (1). 8. “Pyr.vsh [email protected] lHll,” Grshm shl.vm, Sefer Hy.vvl lYts.h.k B%r (1961)(1). 9. “Dm.vt.v hhys.t.vryt shl r. Y.sr@l B%r Shm .T.vv,” Grshm Shl.vm, M.vld (1960)(1). 10. “(2). 11. “A Frankist Commentary to Hallel.” by Gershom Scholem (in Hebrew) reprint from I.F. Baer Jubilee Volume (1960) (1). 12. Article without a title by Grshm Shl.vm (1). 13. “Dr.vsh %l [email protected] lrvy Shlmh lvyt .T.vry@l,” Grshm Shl.vm, Sf.vn.vt (1957)(1). 14. “Shny m.k.vr.vt .hdshym lydy%t t.vrt.v shl @vrhm Mykh@l [email protected],” Grshm Shl.vm, Sf.vn.vt (1960)(1). 15. “T%.vdh .hdshh mr@shyt htn.v%h hshvt@yt,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1). 16. “.K.vn.trys mr@shyt ymyh shl kht hd.vnmh [email protected],” Grshm Shl.vm, Zkhr.vn lYts.k.h Bn-Tsvy zl. (1965)(2).

17. “R%y.vn [email protected] b.kblh,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1946)(1). 18. “Lt.vld.vt hm.k.vbl r. Y%.kv Tsm.h .vf%.vlt.v hsfr.vtyt,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1). 19. “Htsy.t.t [email protected] mn hmdrsh hn%lm,” m@t G. Shl.vm (1). 20. “L.k.v.t.vt lbybly.vgrafyh shl h.kblh,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, .Kryt Sfr 30 (1). 21. “H%r.vt @.hd.vt [email protected] shl Dr. Znh %l R. Y%.kv Tsm.h,” m@t Grshm Shl.vm, .Kryt Sfr vol. 27 (1). 22. Mts.vh hb@h b%vrh, m@t Grshm Shl.vm (1937) (1). 23. “M.k.vr.vty.v shl ‘M%shh rby Gdy@l Htyn.v.k’ bsfr.vt h.kblh,” Grshm Shl.vm, L%gn.vn Shy (1959) (1). 24. Sefer htmr [email protected] @fl.h hsr.ks.ty, Grshm Shl.vm (1926) (1).

II. Materials written by NNG A. Offprints and Articles, English #1/4 1. “Review of G. S., Major Trends In Jewish sMysticim Jewish Education (Jan. 1945) (1).

III. Materials written by others A. Offprints and Articles, English #1/5 1.”The Achievement of Gershom Scholem.” Commentary (April 1973) (1). 2.”.” Economist (January 1964) (1). 3.”Gershom Scholem and the Fate of the Jews.” Daedalus (April 14, 1977) (1). 4.”Survey of Current Theological Literature.” (Winter 1961) (1). 5.”The Achievement of Gershom Scholem.” Commentary (April 7, 1973) (1). #1/6 6.”Books.” The New Yorker (October 22, 1973) (1). 7.”Major Trends in Jewish .” The Journal of (April 19, 1943) (1). 8.”Das Karka - Bild Gershom Scholems”, Merkur (1979) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #1/7 1. “An Gerhard Scholem.” Briefe, 1966 (1). 2. “Reste neuplatonischer Spekulation in der Mystik der deutschen Chassidim und ihre Vermittlung durch Abraham bar Chija.” Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenscaft des Judentums.” (1931) 3. “Das Kafka-Bild Gershom Scholems,” Merkur (1979) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #1/8 1. “%m Grshm Shl.vm,” (October 6, 1974) (1). 2. “Dr. Y.v.hnn L.vy Zl. 1901-1945,”; Memorial Address by J.L Magnes, M. Schwabe, G. Scholem (November 18, 1945) (1). (1). 3. “Grshm Shl.vm %l .Hyn.vkh lyhd.vt,” Btf.vts.vt hg.vlh (1963)(1).

D. Offprints and Articles, French #1/9 1. “Romanica et Occidentalia.” In Etudes dédiés á la memoire de Hiram Peri, edited by Moshé Lazar (1963) (1).

E. Newspapers, English #1/10 1. “A friendship and its flaws.” Biography and Memoirs (1). 2.”Gershom Scholem.” AM Review (November 20, 1980) (1). 3. “The Mystic Explorer.” New York Times Book Review (September 21, 1980) (1). 4.”Mysticism, other facets of Jewish life reflected in Jewish Book Awards, The JWB Circle (July 1980) (1). 5.”Scholem defines aspects of .” Spectrum ( November 19, 1975) (2). 6.”Student of the .” New York Times Book Review (July 29, 1979) (1). 7.”There is mystery in the world.” Shdemot (October 6, 1974) (2). 8. “The Threat of : An interview with Gershom Scholem.” The New York Review (August 14, 1980) (2). 9. “Scholem’s house of Zion,” (1). F. Newspapers, German #1/11 1. “Ein Briefwechsel über Hannah Arendts Buch.”: zwischen Prof. Gershom Gerhard Scholem und .” MB (August 16, 1963) (1). 2. “Gershom Scholem zum 75. Geburtsag.” MB (December 8, 1972) (1). 3. “G. Scholem über die Anfange der jüdischen Mystik.” (April 16-21 1961) (1).

G. Newspapers, Hebrew #1/12 1.”Grsh.vm Shl.vm,” Sh. Y. %gn.vn, (December 22, 1957) (1).

H. Unbound copy of Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1).

Box 2 I. Roman Period

A. Offprints and Articles, English #2/1 1. “Comparisons and Identifications of Rulers with Deities in the Hellenisitic Period.” Review of Religion (November 1948) (1). 2. “The First Christian Century as .” The Bible in Modern Scholarship (1965) (1). 3. “A Hoard of Coins of John Hyrcanus.” Jewish Quarterly Review (January 1947) (1). 4. “Jewish Sects During The Second Commonwealth.” Encyclopaedia Britannica (1963) (1). 5. “The Nautre of the Great .” Harvard Theological Review (1967) (1). 6. “The Rabbinic Traditions about the in Modern Historiography.” Central Conference of American Journal (April 1972) (1). 7. “Aristotle and the Jewish Sage According to Clearchus of Soli.” The Harvard Theological Review (July 1938) (1). #2/2 8. “The Historical Significance of the Dialogues between Jewish Sages and Roman Dignitaries.” Scripta Hierosolymitana (1971) (1). 9.” Scripta Hierosolymitana (1954) (1). 10. “Persecution and Martyrdom in Hadrian's Days” Studies in History (1972) (1). 11. “Story of the Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem” The American Colony (1). 12.”The Earliest Record of Jews in Asia Minor” Journal of Biblical Literature, Volume LII Part I, (1933) (1). #2/3 13.”Hellenism” Enclopedia Judaica, Volume 16 (1972) (1). 14.”Rome and Judea” Menorah Journal (Winter 1948) (1). 15.”Story and History” Greco Roman Rhetoric and Pharasaism, H. Fischel (1969) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #2/4 1.”Antisemitismus” J. Heinemann, Pauly-Wissowa (1929) (1). 2.”Denkmäler Palastinas aus der Zeit Jesu” Das Land der Bibel (1916) (1). 3.”Entwicklung unserer Traditionsliteratur” Samuel Lowinger (1946) (1). 4.”Religionsgeschichtliche und theologische Bedeutsamkeit der Jüdischen Hohenpriester von 175 bis 37 v. Chr.” Bible & Liturgie, Heft 1 (1972) (1). 5. “Spätjudentum.”Sacramentum Mundi (1). 6.”Die Stellung Der Juden Gegenueber Den Römern Nach Der Rabbinischen Literatur” Nathan Wasser (1933) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #2/5 1. %l mtsdh .vgyb.vryh (1). 2. [email protected]@l b@ymfryh hr.vmyt [email protected] sfr.vt .hz”l, m@t mshh d.vd her (1). 3. %m y.sr@l, hkhnsyh hn.vtsryt .vh.kysr.vt hr.vmyt mymy sf.tymyus svr.vs .v%d r@shyt ymy .k.vs.tn.tyn.vs, Y. B%r; , the Christian church and the Roman Empire from the days of Septimius Severus to the “Edict of Toleration” of 313 C.E., by I. Baer. Zion (1956) (1). 4. %mdt hfr.vshym klfy shl.t.vn r.vmy .vbyt h.vrd.vs, @l.vn, pp. 309-324(1). 5. Ht.vdl.vt hsh.vmr.vnym - r.k%h .vzmnh, .H. D. Mn.tl (1970); The secession of the Samaritan, by Chaim Dov (Hugo) Mantel. (1). 6. H@m yd% pyl.vn [email protected] %vryt? (%l py pyr.vshy.v h%.tym.vl.vgyym), m@t y.v.hnn khn-yshr, Trbyts (1965)(1). 7. Lzh.vt.v shl mn.hm, m@t yhdh r.vzn.tl, Syny (1965) (1).

D. Map #2/6 1. altas of Palestine between 63 and 4 BCE (1).

Box 3 I. 1914 - 1940

A. Offprints and Articles,English #3/1 1. “An Exchange of Letters” Thomas Mann (1) . 2. “Hitler and Uncensored” Wallace R. Deuel (1941) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #3/2 1. “Heinrich Brüning” Rüdiger Robert Beer (1931) (1). 2. “Wo Stehet Die Junge Generation” Leopold Dingrove (1931) (1). 3. “Gedichte” Stephan George (1930) (1). 4. “Der Kulturelle Hintergrund Der Preussischen Reform” Emil Utitz (1). 5. “Ein Briefwechsel” Thomas Mann (1937) (1). #3/3 6. “Münchener fliegender Blätter: Kalender für 1916.” (1916) (1). 7. “Tribune der Kunst und Zeit” Gottfried Benn (1920) (1). 8. “Der Geist Japans” Rabindranath Tagore (1). 9. “Die ungeschriebene Verfassung” Eugen Rosenstoch (1928) (1). 10. “Stirb und Werde: Ein Baustein für die Erhaltung des Frankfurter Göthe Hauses.” Fritz von Unruh (1922) (1).

Box 4 I. Walter Fischel

I. Materials written by WF A. Offprints and Articles, English #4/1 1. “Mulla Ibrahim Nathan (1816-1868): Jewish Agent of the British During the First Anglo-Afgan War.” HUCA (1958) 2. “Ibn Khaldun : On the Bible, Judaism and the Jews” Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume, pt.2 (1956) (1). 3. “The Jews of Central Asia (Khorasan) in and Islamic Literature” (1945) (2). 4. “The Leaders of the Jews of Bokhara” In Jewish Leaders 1750-1940 (1953) (1). 5. “Leading Jews in the Service of Portuguese India.” JQR (1956) (1). 6. “Mulla Ibrahim Nathan” Ignace Goldziher Memorial Volume (1958) (1). 7. “David D'Beth Hillel: An Unknown Jewish Traveller to the Middle East and India in the Nineteenth Century.” Oriens (1957) (1). #4/2 8. “Ibn Khaldun and Josippon” Homenaje A Millas-Vallicrosa (1954) (1). 9. “The Indian Archives” In Jewish Quarterly Review 75th Anniversary Volume (1967) (1). 10. “Israel in Iran” In The Jews: Their History, Culture and Religion (1949) (1). 11. “The Jews of Kurdistan a Hundred years ago” Conference on Jewish Relations, (1944) (1). 12. “Secret Jews of Persia” Commentary (1949) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #4/3 1. Hm.vrshh hsfr.vtyt shl yh.vdy prs, .Vl.tr Y. Fyshl , hg.vt %bryt [email protected] (1). 2. .Khlt [email protected] bfrs, .V. Y. Fyshl (1).

C. Index #4/4 1. Index of Walter Fischel's works, Handwritten by NNG (1). 2. Index of Walter Fischel's works, Handwritten by NNG (1).

Box 4 II. Ludwig Lewisohn

I. Materials written by LL A. Offprints and Articles, English #4/5 1. “The Man of Letters and American Culture” Chap Book (May 1949) (1).

B. Newspapers, English #4/6 1. “American Jewry: A New Era” The New Palestine (January 17, 1947) (1). 2. “Comment on Writing” The New Palestine (October 4, 1946) (1). 3. “Israel, American Jewry and the State Department” Jewish Frontier (October 1954) (1). 4. “The Jewish Novel in America” Congress Weekly (December 5, 1949) (1). 5. “A Small Essay on a Large Topic” Jewish Frontier (September 1955) (1). 6. “Thomas Mann: Part II” Jewish Frontier (April 1959) (1). 7. “To The Young Jewish Intellectuals” Jewish Frontier (April 1952) (1). 8. “With and Without Comment: Plot for the American Novel.” Congress Weekly (January 1950) (1).

II. Materials written by Stanley Chayet A. Offprints and Articles, English #4/7 1. “Lewisohn and Crevecoeur” Chicago Jewish Forum (Winter 1963-64) (1). 2. “Ludwig Lewisohn in Charleston” American Jewish Historical Quarterly (March 1965) (1). vol. 54, no. 3 3. “Ludwig Lewisohn on the founding of Bar Ilan University” (1976) (1).

III. Materials written by others A. Newspapers, English #4/8 1. “Anniversary” Book Review, by Robert Gorham Davis (1). 2. “Anniversary” Book Review, by Sterling North (January 16, 1948) (1). 3. “Breathe Upon These” Book Review, by Eleazar Lopsky (March 3, 1944) (1). 4. “The Late Ludwig Lewisohn” The American Zionist (January 1956) (1). 5. “Ludwig Lewisohn Book Review” (1). 6. “Ludwig Lewisohn at Seventy” Brooklyn Jewish Center Review, by Leon Spitz (1). 7. “Ludwig Lewisohn at Seventy” Nahum Glatzer, (May 28, 1953) (2). The Jewish Advocate 8. “In Memoriam” The Justice (January 18, 1956) (1). 9. “Never Write a Love Poem Unless You're in Love” Book Review, New York Post Home News Magazine, by Mary Braggiotti (1). 10. Obituary, New York Times (January 1, 1956) (1). 11. “This People” Book Review (1). 12. “The Renegade” Book Review, The Jewish Layman (1). 13. “The Renegade” Book Review, The Reconstructionist (1).

B. Newspapers, German #4/9 1. “Ludwig Lewisohn Erbe und Hüter” Aufbau (January 6, 1956) (1).

C. Misc. #4/10 1. “Schocken's First Kafka in English” Review of Kafka's “The Great Wall of China” by Ludwig Lewisohn (1).

D. Biographical #4/11 1. “Ludwig Lewisohn” Congress Weekly (June 15, 1953) Collection of Essays honoring his 70th Birthday (1). 2. “My Father, Ludwig Lewisohn: A Personal Reminiscence “ Midstream (November 1966) (1). 3. Picture of Ludwig Lewisohn addressing a Zionist Day Camp, The Jewish Advocate (July 31, 1947) (1).

Box 5 I. Bamberger and Wahrman Catalogues

A. Catalogues, German Judaica #5/1 1. Februar 1933 (1). 2. Catalogue number 4, 1934 (1). 3. Catalogue number 6, 1935 (1). 4. Catalogue number 8, 1935 (1). 5. Catalogue number 10, 1936 (1). #5/2 6. Catalogue number 12, 1936 (1). 7. Catalogue number 14, 1937 (1). 8. Catalogue number 16, 1937 (1). 9. Catalogue number 20, 1938 (1). 10. Catalogue number 21, 1939 (1). #5/3 11. Catalogue number 22, 1940 (1). 12. Catalogue number 24, 1941 (1). 13. Catalogue number 26, 1942 (1). 14. Catalogue number 34, 1945 (1). 15. Catalogue number 37, 1947 (1). 16. Catalogue number --, 1957 (1).

B. Catalogues, Hebrew Hebraica #5/4 1. Catalogue number 5 (1932) (1). 2. Catalogue number 7 (1936) (1). 3. Catalogue number 9 (1936) (1). 4. Catalogue number 11(1937) (1). 5. Catalogue number 13(1937) (1). 6. Catalogue number 15 (1937) (1). #5/5 7. Catalogue number 17 (1938) (1). 8. Catalogue number 19 (1931) (1). 9. Catalogue number 23 (1940) (1). 10. Catalogue number 25 (1941) (1). #5/6 11. Catalogue number 27 (1942) (1). 12. Catalogue number 33 (1945) (1). 13. Catalogue number 35 (1948) (1). 14. Catalogue number 38 (1948) (1).

C. Catalogues, Hebrew Karaitica #5/7 1. Catalogue number 3 (1934) (1).

Box 6 I. Learned Societies Calendars

A. Calendars #6/1 (15)

(9) #6/2

(13) #6/3

Box 6 II. Congress Programs

A. Programs 1954-1958 #6/4 1. International Congress of Orientalists (1954) (2). 2. American Oriental Society (April 1, 1955) (1). 3. American Oriental Society (April 19, 1955) (1). 4. American Oriental Society (1956) (1). 5. Campus Conference on Religion (1956) (1). 6. Second World Congress of (1957) (1). 7. Ideological Conference (1957) (1). 8. Internationaler Orientalisten - Kongress Munchen (1957) (1). 9. Institute of Historical Research (1957) (1). 10. American Oriental Society (1957) (1). 11. American Oriental Society (1958) (1).

B. Programs 1959-1960 #6/5 1. The Israel Archives Association (1959) (1). 2. American Oriental Society (1959) (1). 3. American Oriental Soceity (1959) (1). 4. National Jewish Welfare Board (1960) (1). 5. International Congress for the History of Religions (1960) (1). 6. International Congress of Orientalists (1960) (1). 7. International Congress of Orientalists (1960) (1). 8. list of presenters at the Internationalen Vereinigung fur das Studium der Religionsgeschichte (1).

C. Misc. #6/6 1. letter to Glatzer from travel agent (1). 2. invitation to a luncheon by the Department of Near Eastern Studies of Yale University (1).

Box 7 I. Amos Funkenstein

A. Offprints and Articles, English #7/1 1. “Review of Cambridge History of the Bible,” American Historical Review (February 1972) (1). 2. “Basic Types of Christian Anti-Jewish Polemics in the Later Middle.” Viator 2 (1971) (1)

B. Offprinta and Articles German 1. “Gesetz und Geschichte: zur historisierenden Hermeneutik bei und Thomas von Aquin.”Viator 1 (1970)

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #7/2 1. Htm.vr.vt b.vck.v.h hdt shvyn yh.vdym ln.vtsvym bm@h hy”b, m@t %m.vs F.vn.knsh.tayn (1).

Box 7 II. J.H. Hertz (The Chief )

A. Sermons and Addresses, English #7/3 1. “Baron Edmond de Rothschild” Memorial Sermon, (1935) (1). 2. “Calendar Reform Conference” League of Nations (October 12, 1931) (1). 3. “Joint Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Jews' College” (March 1931) (1). 4. “King George VI” Coronation Sermon, (1937) (1). 5. “Out of the Depths I Cry Unto Thee” Sermon (1933) (1). 6. “Jews in Germany: Civic Rights and Human Dignity.” The Thimes (April 6, 1933) 7. “In Ancient Egypt and Present Day Germany: A Sermon.” (1933) (1). #7/4 8. “King George V” Memorial Sermon (January 28, 1936) (1). 9. “Opening Address” Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers (1932) (1). 10. “Opening Address” Conference of Anglo-Jewish Preachers (1935) (1).

B. Index #7/5 1. Index of Hertz's sermons and addresses, handwritten by NNG (1).

Box 7 III. Hermann Levin Goldschmidt

I. Materials written by HG A. Jüdisches Lehrhaus -- Zürich #7/6 1. “Der erste Schritt zum neuzeitlichen Jüdischen Lehrhaus” (1955) (1). 2. “Fragen jüdischer Kulturarbeit in der Schweiz” (1954) (1). 3. “Jahresbericht und Rechnungsablage Spinoza und der Baalschem, Bahnbrecher judischer Neuzeit” (September 1953) (2). #7/7 4. “Jahresbericht und Rechnungsablage” (September 1952) (1). 5. “Grundriss eines neuzeitlichen jüdischen Lehrprogramms” (September 1956) (1). 6. “Die Reich-Gottes Botschaft des Judentums” (October 1954) (1). 7. “Glaube und Wissen in Geschichte und Lehre des Judentums” (September 1958) (1). 8. “Zum Ablschluss des 10. Jahres: Jahresbericht und Rechnungsablage (August 1961) (1). B. Newspapers, English #7/8 1. “The Jewish Message of the Kingdom of God” (September 1955) (1). 2. “The World and Ways of Judaism” Swissair Gazette (January 1964) (1).

C. Newspapers, German #7/9 1. “Botschaft der Zukunft” , Israel (1). 2. “Gotthelfs Bekenntnis zu Jeremia” Israelitisches Wochenblatt für die Schweiz (October 1954) (1). 3. “10 Jahre Jüdisches Lehrhaus Zürich” Israelitisches Wochenblatt (1961) (1). 4. “Das Judische Verhaltnis zu Deutschland” Der Aufbau (July 1959) (1). 5. “Der Ort der jüdischen Mystik” Der Aufbau (March 1958) (1). 6. “Der Weg zur Mündigkeit” Der Aufbau (May 1958) (1).

C. Lecture Announcements, German #7/10 (6).

II. Matterials written by others

1. “Review of Der Nihilismus im Licht einer kritischen Philosophie “ In Philosophie Als Dialogik. (1)

Box 7 IV. Ludwig Straus

A. Offprints and Articles German 1. “Review of Aporismen uber Kunst by Marie Luise Enkendorff.” Kunstwart XXXXII (January 1929) (1) 2. Assorted Book reviews and Poems Kunstwart May 1928 (1) 3. Assorted Book Reviews Kunstwart July 1930 (1) 4. Poem – “Tabor” Die Toren (April 1928) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #7/12 1. L.vdvyg @ryh [email protected], (1955) (1).

C. Newspapers, German #7/13 1. “Vom First.” (January 1, 1936) (1). 2. “Die Schatten” (September 3, 1929) (1). 3. “Der Sturz vom Triumphbogen.” B.T., (October 12, 1929) (1). 4. “Der Klang.” B.T., (July 14, 1929) (1). 5. “Die Schatten” B.T., (September 1, 1929) (1). 6. “Botschaft” B.T., (September 22, 1929) (1). 7. “Der Reiter” (October 1928) (1). 8. “Mit dir” (December 12, 1932) (1). 9. “Das Gurkenfak” Kurzeitung, (June 19, 1931) (1).

D. Newspapers, Hebrew #7/14 1. I. Demi-.haradah; II. Bamifrats; III. Hashofelah, L.vdvyg [email protected], (May 14, 1937) (2).

E. Misc. #7/15 1. German Poetry- “Das Kind” (November 45, 193-), “Die Zwiefache Heimat” “Zeitspruche” “Anderungen zu den “Zeitspruchen”” (December 12, 1930) (1) 2. Card – “Mit den besten Empfehlungen von Rutten & Loening Verlag” (May 27, 1929) (1)

Joseph and Judith Agassi Box 8 I. Joseph and Judith Agassi

A. Correspondance #8/1 1. Rejoinder from Joseph Agassi to Geoffrey Dean and Arthur Mather (1). 2. Judith Buber Agassi: Curriculum Vitae (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, English #8/2 1. “Alienation from work: A conceptual analysis” The Philosophical Forum (Winter-Summer 1978-79) (1). 2. “Conventions of Knowledge in Talmudic Law” Journal of Jewish Studies (February 1974) (2). 3. “Kant's Program” Synthese 23 (1971) (1). 4. “Listening in the Lull” Philosophy of Social Sciences 2 (1972) (1). 5. “Philosophy and Law” Crossroads (Spring 1980) (1). 6. “Popper on Learning from Experience” Studies in the Phiolosphy of Science (1) 7. “Preaching of John Holt” Interchange (1970) (1). 8. “The Robert Boyle's anonymous writings” Isis (1977) (2). 9. “The twisting of the I.Q. test” February 1972 (1). 10. “Unity and Diversity in Science” Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science (1). 11. “Who discovered Boyle's law” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 8 (1977) (1). 12. “Can Religion go Beyond Reason” Zygon/ Journal of Religion and Science (June 1969) (1). 13. “Leibniz's Place in the history of Physics” Journal of the History of Ideas (July-September 1969) (1). #8/3 14. “On the Limits of Scientific Explanation: Hempel and Evans-Prichard” The Philosophical Forum (Winter 1968) (1). 15. “Philosophy as Literature: the case of Borges” Mind: a quarterly review of Psychology and Philosophy (April 1970) (1). 16. “The Rationality of Irrationalism” Metaphilosophy v.11 (April 1980) (2). 17. “ Sociologism in Philosophy of Science” Metaphilosophy (April 1972) (1). 18. “Tristram Shandy, Pierre Menard, and all that” Inquiry (1971) (1). 19. “Critical Study Postscript: On the futility of fighting Philistines” Philosophia (January 1974) (1). 20. Continuity and Discontinuity History of Science” Journal of History and Ideas (October-December 1973)(1). #8/4 21. “The Israeli Experience in the Democratization of Work Life” Sociology of Work and Occupations (February 1974) (1). 22. “The last Refuge of the Scoundrel” Philosophia (April-July 1974) (1). 23. “Modified Conventionalism is more Comprehensive than Modified Essentialism” The Philosophy of (1974) (2). 24. “On the Philosophy of Technology” Methodology of Science (1976) (1). 25. “The Present State of the Philosophy of Science” Philosophica 15 (1975) (1). 26. “Rationality and the Tu Quoque Argument” Inquiry (1973) (1). 27. “Social versus Philosophical norms of justification” The Philisophical Forum (v. VII) (1). 28. “The status of women in kibbutz society” Intergrated Cooperatives in the Industrial Society: the Example of the Kibbutz (1980) (1). 29. Review of Cognitive Development and Epistemology, edited by Theodore Mischal, (1971) (1) 30. “Imperfect Knowledge” In Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. (1)

C. Offprints and Articles, German #8/5 1. “Gehirnwäsche” 1980 (1). 2. “Versuchungen Aufsatze zur Philosophie Paul Feyerabends” 1980 (1). 3. “War Lakatos elitär?” Joseph Agassi and Charles Sawyer. Ratio 22, no. 1 (1980) (1)

D. Offprings and Aricles, Hebrew #8/6 1. “Dt .vmshnt.v shl ysh%yh.v lyv.vvyts, m@t y.vsf @gsy”, Ysh%yh.v lyb.bbyts.

Albert Einstein Box 9 I.

A. Newspapers, English #9/1 1. “Albert Einstein was a Universe Builder” The Jewish Advocate, (April 21, 1955) (1). 2. “Books of the Time” (1950) (1). 3. “Can we produce an Einstein?” (May 2, 1955) (1). 4. “Death of a Genius” Time, (May 2, 1955) (1). 5. “Einstein and the Yahoos” New York Post (April 20, 1955) (1). 6. “Einstein at 75” New York Times Magazine, (March 14, 1954) (1). 7. “Einstein stresses critical thinking” New York Times (October 5, 1952) (1). 8. “Einstein Dead” Boston Daily Globe, (April 18, 1955) (1). 9. “Einstein theory called unsound” (1). 10. “Einstein's fame enduring as Newton's” Boston Daily Globe, (April 19, 1955) (1). 11. “Formulas by Albert Einstein” (April 24, 1955) (2). 12. “The Lyons Den” (1). 13. “The Lyons Den” (April 20, 1955) (1). 14. “Science in review” (1955) (1). 15. “World tries to weigh Einstein gifts” Christian Science Monitor, (April 18, 1955) (1).

B. Newspapers, German 1. “Albert Einstein” (May 6, 1960) (1). #9/2 2. “Trauer um Einstein” Aufbau Reconstruction, (April 22, 1955) (1).

C. Biographical #9/3 1. “A self portrait” Boston Daily Globe, (April 19, 1955) (1). 2. “Albert Einstien Dies” New York Times, (April 19, 1955) (1). 3. “Einstein study called” New York Times (1). 4. “Einstein Dead” Boston Daily Globe, (April 19, 1955) (1). 5. “Einstein becomes a plumber” (November 12, 1954) (1). 6. “Lost Page sought in Einstein notes” (May 2, 1955) (1). 7. “$65,00 Legacies left by Einstein” New York Times, (May 1, 1955) (1). 8. “Mirror of world opinion” Hartford Courant, (1). 9. “Israel Plea halted by Einstein's death” New York Times, (May 1, 1955) (1). 10. “World tries to weigh Einstein gifts” Christian Science Monitor, (April 18, 1955) (1). 11. “World Leaders hail Einstein” New York Times, (March 15, 1954) (1).

D. Pictures 1. Einstein on 74th Birthday (March 30, 1953) (1). #9/4 2. May 2, 1955 (1). 3. Einstein recieves birthday gift, New York Times, (March 15, 1954) (1). 4. Einstein being made up for movie (August 21, 1939) (1). 5. Einstein recieves award, New York Times, (March 14, 1951) (2). 6. Einstien and Oppenheimer, Life (1). 7. Einstein's brain waves, (February 26, 1951) (1). k Box 9 II. Leo Baeck

I. Materials written by L.B. A. Offprints and Articles, English #9/5 1. “The Faith of Paul” Journal of Jewish Studies (1952) (1). 2. “Types of Jewish Self-Understanding” Judaism (Spring 1960) (1).

II. Materials written by others A. Offprints and Articles, English #9/6 1. “A Hero of Modern Judaism” The Listener (January 31, 1957) (1). 2. “Leo Baeck on survivial” The Synagogue Review (November 1962) (1). 3. “Leo Baeck” Modern Jewish (Oct. 1959) (1). 4. Various articles on LB. Liberal Judaism (January 1948) (1). 5. “Prophet who stayed to suffer with his flock” London Times (May 24, 1973) (1). 6. “Encounters with God” Time (February 19, 1953) (1). 7. Time (June 1, 1953) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #9/7 1. “Aus drei Jahrtausenden” (1958) (2). 2. “Buch-Besprechung” Congregation Habonim Bulletin (February 1962) (1). 3. “Deutung des judischen Glaubens” (May 8, 1959) (1). 4. “Freund der Menschen” Allgemeine unabhängige jüdische Wochenzeitung (May 5, 1972) (1). 5. “Gedenken zur jüdischen Situation” Aufbau (August 30, 1946) (1). 6. “Jahre der Welt” (September 20, 1946) (1). 7. “Juden und Deutsche” Aufbau nd. (1). 8. Jüdische Illustrierte (Aug/Sept. 1958) (1). 9. “Leo Baeck's letztes Werk” AJR Information (June 1958) (1).

Box 10 I. Important Dates

A. Hebrew Union College list of memorable dates (1). #10/1

II. Simon Rawidowicz

I. Materials written by S. R. #10/2 A. Offprints and Articles, English 1. “Contra Judaeos” AJS Review (1982-1983) (1). 2. “On interpretation” American Academy for Jewish Research (1957) (1). 3. “Israel: the Ever Dying People” Judaism: A Quarterly journal of jewish life and though (Fall 1967) (1). 4. “Israel: The People – The State” Judaism (January 1953) (1). 5. “Knowledge of God: A study in Maimonides’ ” (1). 6. “On Maimonides’ sefer Ha-Madda” Essays presented to J. H. Hertz (1). #10/3 7. “Money, Love and Power Politics in Sixteenth Century Venice” Italia Judaica (1983) (1). 8. “Perspectives on Jews and Judaism” (1978) (1). 9. “Philosophy as a Duty” In Moses Maimonadies VII Centenary Memorial Volume (1935) (1). 10. “Saadya’s Purification of the Idea of God” Saady Studies: in Commemoration of the One Thousandth Anniversary of the Death of Saadya Gaon (1943) (1). 11. “On Jewish Learning.” (lecture, Sept. 1948) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #10/4 1. “Sfr-hafti.hah l’Mshnh toda’” (I-III), m@t Shm%.vn [email protected] (1954). 2. “Dy probl%ma.ty.k fun bagrif galut”, fun Shimeon Ra.vydo.vy.tsh (1943?) [“The problematic of the concept of exile,” idish]. 3. “Hg.vt .vm%.sh: sfr zkhr.vn lShm%.vn [email protected] bml@ot %.srym shnym lmyt.v,” %rkh.v @vrhm Grynb.vym, @vrhm %vry. “Thought and Action: Essays in Memory of Simon Rawidowicz on the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of his Death,” edited by A. A. Greenbaum, Alfred L. Ivry, (1983). 4. “.Sy.h.vty %m [email protected],” Shm%.vn [email protected]. (“Conversations with Bialik”, Simon Rawidowicz, edited with introduction and notes by Benjamin C. I. Ravid, and Yehuda Friedlander). 5. “.Kd.vsh %l Kr.h.v: m@mr hafty.hh lsfr Shm%.vn D.vvn.vv,” m@t Shm%.vn [email protected]. (“The new martyrdom, by Simon Rawidowicz, 1954). 6. “%l Shim%on Ra@vidovits,” Bitsaron, (Sept. 1957). 7. “@m l@ Kh@n-hykhn? Hrts@h lys.vd bryt h%brym,” m@t Shm%.vn Rabyd.vbyts.

C. Biographical #10/5 1. Invitation to tribute in memory of Simon Rawidowica (February 9, 1958) (1). 2. Invitation to the unveiling of memorial to Simon Rawidowicz (July 13, 1958) (1).

Box 11 I. Nathan Birnbaum

A. Offprints and Articles, German #11/1 1. “Die Aulin” (December 1927) (1)., Nathan Birnbaum 2. “Nathan Birnbaum sein Werk und seine Wandlung” Die Gemeinsihaft (1914) (1)., Leo Herrmann 3. Referate erstattet von Jacob Rosenheim, Issac Breuer, und Nathan Birnbaum (1924) (1). 4. “Gottes Volk” (1918) (1).

B. Newspapers, German #11/2 1. “Israel und die religiöse Krise der heutigen Menschenheit” Der Israelit (September 12, 1929) (2). 2. “Kaddisch nach dem deutschen Judentum?” Der Ruf (April 1939) (1). 3. “Die Wegscheide: Anlässlich Nathan Birnbaums 60. Geburtstag.” Jüdische Rundschau (May 20, 1924) (1).

C. Newspapers, Hebrew #11/3 1. “Lzkhr.v shl N.h.vm-Ntn Byrnb.vym,” H@rts, (4/16/1937) (1). 2. “Lzkhr Ntn Byrnb.vym,” Davar, (5/7/1937) (1).

II. Hebrew Scriptures: The Book of Job

I. Materials written by NNG A. Offprints and Articles, English #11/4 1. “The Book of Job and its Interpreters,” Studies and Texts (1966) (2). 2. “Knowest Thou..?, Notes on the Book of Job” Studies in Rationalism, Judaism and Universalism (2). 3. “Baeck-Buber-Rosenzweig: Reading the Book of Job,” Leo Baeck Memorial Lecture (1966) (2).

II. Materials written by others A. Offprints and Articles, English #11/5 1. “The patience of Job” Time (March 24, 1958) (1). 2. “Man's Predicament in Eden” Review of Religion (November 1948) (1). 3. “The problem of evil and the book of Job” Judaism (Winter 1956) (1). 4. “A Crux interpretum in Job 22:30” Journal of Near Eastern Studies (April 1956) (1). 5. “Job and Romanticism” Reconstructionist (April 18, 1958) (1). 6. “ Job 12:19” JBL (December 1955) (1). 7. “Book Review” Jewish Social Studies (1). 8. “The book of Job” History Today (April 1961) (1). 9. “Faust's Damnation” The Listener (January 11, 1962) (1). 10. “Faust's Damnation II” The Listener (January 18, 1962) (1). 11. “Faust's Damnation III” The Listener (January 25, 1962) (1). 12. “Job and the Modern World” Judaism (Winter 1961) (1). 13. “Some External Evidence on the Original Form of the Legend of Job” Journal of Semetic Languages and Literatures (April 1898) (1). 14. “The Mythological Background of Job 18” Journal of Biblical Literature (1963) (1). 15. “Job and God” Review of Religion (1949-50) (1). #11/6 16. “Job as a Greek Tragedy” The Menorah Journal (1). 17. “Saadya's Exegesis of the Book of Job” Saadya Studies (1943) (1). 18. “Questions and Answers” (1966) (1). 19. “Book Reviews” Jewish Social Studies (1947) (1). 20. “Job and his Comforters” The Bridge (1958) (1). 21. “Three opinions on J.B.” Life (1959) (1). 22. “The Hammurabi Laws Re-Examined” United Israel Bulletin (Summer 1951) (1). 25. “' commentary on the Book of Job” TheJewish Quarterly Review (1). #11/7 26. “All Men's Book” The Menorah Journal (Autumn 1949) (1). 27. “Introduction to Job and the Possibility of Biblical Tragedy.” . (Proof Sheet) for Arguments and Doctrines: A Reader of Jewish Thinking in the Aftermath of , edited by Arther A. Cohen (1970) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #11/8 1. “Hiob in unserem Leid: Archibald MacLeish's dramatische Dichtung “Spiel um Job”” (1958) (1). 2. “Eine erbauliche Rede” Kierkegaard (1843) (1). 3. “Die Zusätze in der LXX zu Hiob” (1872) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #11/9 1. “@gdt @y.vv lshlvyh hsh.vnym,” m@t .H. Brnd.vyn, Trbyts (1966) (1). 2. “@ygr@[email protected],” (1). 3. “Pr.k @rv%h-%.sr,” (1).

D. Newspapers, English #11/10 1. “The Book of Job: An Existential Analysis” The Justice (March 24, 1959) (1). 2. “The Book of Job” (April 3, 1962) (1). 3. Advertisement for Job: Poet of Existence by Samuel Terrien (November 1957) (1). 4. “TV: MacLeish Portrait” New York Times (November 15, 1958) (1). 5. “About a Trespass on a Monument” New York Times (December 7, 1958) (1).

E. Newspapers, German #11/11 1. “Hiob oder die Frage nach dem Warum” Aufbau (1).

F. Publicity #11/12 1. Publisher's advertisement (E.J. Brill 1968) on a new translation of the Book of Job (1).

Box 12 I. Jacob Neusner

A. Offprints and Articles, English #12/1 1. “Does mean Law” Central Conference of American Rabbis Journal (October 1959) (1). 2. “Fellowship in Judaism” Judaism: A quarterly journal (Summer 1963) (2). 3. “Why study hebrew and hebrew culture?” The Reconstructionist (June 14, 1963) (1). 4. “The last link: Rabbi Ishmael the son of Rabbi Jose” Judaica (1960) (1). 5. “Tannaitic scholars in Babylonia during Parthian times” Central Conference of American Rabbis Journal (April 1963) (1). 6. “Germany and the Jews: two views” (1). 7. “City, Society, and self: Goals for Jewish Education” Religious Education (Sept-Oct. 1962) (1). 8. “Jewish studies in American Universities” The Jewish Spectator (December 1962) (1). 9. “Jewish studies in American Universities” Congress Bi-weekley (October 29, 1962) (1). 10. “Note on KMR” Journal of the American Oriental Society (July-Sept. 1962) (1). 11. “Jews and Catholics: A Comment” Sociological Analysis (Fall 1965) (1). 12. “Book Review” (Summer 1966) (1). 13. “The New Orthodox Left” Conservative Judaism (Fall 1965) (1). 14. “Scholars and Machines” The Christian Scholar (Winter 1960) (1). 15. “Intellectual Honesty in Jewish Religion” The Reconstructionist (January 11, 1963) (1). 16. “The Achievement of Brandeis University” Mosaic (Spring 1963) (1). 17. Review of A. Heschel’s Theology of Ancient Judaism , Conservative Judaism (Spring 1966) (3). 18. “Book Reviews” Conservative Judaism 19, no. 4 (1965) 19. “A Zoroastrian critique of Judaism” Journal of the American Oriental Society (July-Sept. 1963) (1). 20. “Brief Communications” Journal of the American Oriental Society (Oct. 1966) (1). #12/2 21. “Parthian Political Ideology” Iranica Antiqua (1963) (1). 22. “The Future of American Judaism” Converative Judaism (Spring 1964) (1). 23. “The Conversion of Adiabene to Judaism” Journal of Biblical Literature (1964) (2). 24. “Some Aspects of the Economic and Political Life of Babylonian Jewery” American Academy for Jewish Research (1963) (1). 25. “Zaccheus/Zakkai” Harvard Theological Review nd. 26. Review of The Early Jewish Community of Boston’s North End, by Arnold A. Wiedner, American Jewish Historical Quarterly (June 1963) (1). 27. “Arda and Arta and Pyly Brys” The Jewish Quarterly Review (April 1963) (1). 28. “Notes on Goodenough's Jewish Symbols” Conservative Judaism (Summer 1963) (1). 29. “University Studies in Minority Cultures” Journal of Higher Education (April 1964) (1). 30. “Rabbi and Magus in third century Sasanian Babylonia” History of Religions (November 1966) (1). 31. “The Religious uses of History” History and Theory (1966) (2). #12/3 32. “The Jews in Pagan Armenia” Journal of the American Oriental Society (July 1964) (1). 33. “HBR and N'MN” Revue de Qumran (October 1964) (1). 34. Review of Inde: Nation et Tradition, by Jean Filliozat, Journal of the American Oriental Society, (1964) (1). 35. Review of The Pharisees and the Teacher of Nazareth by Asher Finkel, Journal of the American Oriental Society (April 1964) (1). 36. “The Fellowship in the Second Jewish Commonwealth” The Harvard Theological Review (April 1960) (1). 37. Review of Break Through: A Treasury of Contemporary American--, by Irving Malin and Irwin Stark American Jewish Historical Quarterly (September 1964) (1). 38. “Note on Barukh ben Neriah and Zoroaster” Journal of Bible and Religion 32, no. 4 (1964) (1). 39. “The Jewish use of Pagan Symbols after 70 C.E.” Journal of Religion (October 1963) (1). 40. “Freedom's Challenge to Judaism” Judaism (winter 1965) (1). 41. “What is normative in ” Judaism (Winter 1967) (1). 42. “The Rabbi and the Community in Talmudic Times” Central Conference of American Rabbis Journal (April 1967) (1) .43. “Judaism in Late Antiquity” Judaism (Spring 1966) (1). #12/4 44. “New Perspectives on Babylonian Jewery in the Tannaitic Age” Perspectives in Jewish Learning (1965) (1). 45. “History and Historians” Judaism (winter 1966) (1). 46. “Judaism at Dura-Europos” History of Religions (Summer 1964) (1). 47. “In Quest of the Historical Rabban Yohanan Ben Zakkai” Harvard Theological Review (1966) (1). 48. “Priestly Views of Yochanan ben Zakkai.” Kairos (1969) (1) 49. “Judaism and the Zionist Problem” Judaism (Summer 1970) (1). #12/.5 50. “Studies in Cynicism and the Ancient Near East: the Transformation of a chira” In Religions in Antiquity: Essays in Memory of Erwin Ramsdell Goodenough. (1968) (1) 51. “Seven Settings for Jewish Learning” Synangogue School (Winter 1973-74) (1). 52. “Scripture and ” American Academy for Jewish Research (1979-1980) (1). 53. “Dating a Mishnah-Tractate: the case of Tamid” History, Religion and Spiritual Democracy (1980) (1). 54. “The Jews Move Right” Ideas (1970) (1). 55. “Whither Hillel?” The Reconstructionist (October 2, 1964) (1). #12/6 56. “Judaism Faces the Secular City.” Central Conference American Rabbis Journal (Oct. 1966) 57. “Judaism in the Secular Age” Journal of Ecumenical Studies (1). 58. “Agenda for Religious Jewery” Tradition (winter 1966) (1). 59. “Conservative Judaism: A Divided Community” (1). 60. “The Eighty-Ninth Psalm” Judaism (Summer 1959) (1). 61. “Jews and Judaism under Iranian Rule” History of Religions (November 1968) (1). 62. “Studies in Judaism: Modes and Contexts” Journal of the American Academy of Religion (June 1969) (1). 63. “Archaeology and Babylonian Jewry” University Microfilms (1970) (1). 64. “Types and Forms in Ancient Jewish Literature” History of Religions (May 1972) (1). 65. “ Beyond Historicism, After Structuralism: Story as History in Ancient Judaism.” 9the 1980 Harry Spindel Memorial Lecture: Bowden College, Brunswick, Main) (1) 66. “Context and Constitutions: The Diverse Responsibilities of Higher Jewish Learning.” (Lecture, Oct. 8, 1980) (1) 67. “The New Setting for Jewish Learing: Toward a Theory of Jewish Studies in Judaism.” (Lecture) (1) 68. “History of Religion: Judaism at Brown University in Practice and Theory.” (Department of Religious Studies: Brown University, Jan 1973) (1) 69. “Stranger at Home: The Task of Religious Studies.” (Lecture: Arizona State University, Oct. 25, 1979) (1) 70. “The as History.” (Lecture, Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, Westmont, Quebec, Canada, Nov. 7, 1978) (1) 71. “The Place of Jewish Studies in the American University.” (Lecture, Milwaukee, 1961) (1) 72. “Max Weber Revisited: Religion and Society in Ancient Judaism.” (Lecture, Oxford, 1981) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew 1.

C. Newspapers, English #12/7 1. “Jewry Ignores Richest Resource-Scholars” The Jewish News (June 5, 1964) (1). 2. “Commencement 5723” The Jewish News (May 23, 1963) (1). 3. “Babylonian Jews and American Jews” The Jewish Advocate (April 22, 1965) (1). 4. “Welcome Home” The Conne cticut Jewish Ledger (1). 5. “Worthy of the Name” (1). 6. “Of Love and Death” (1). 7. “Of Love and Death II” (1). 8. “State of our Community I” (October 15, 1964) (1). 9. “State of our Community II” (October 22, 1964) (1). 10. “Religious Indifference Catastrophic” (November 6, 1964) (1). 11. “U.S. Jewry halfway to self-destruction” (October 30, 1964) (1). 12. “Generations on the Threshold of Greatness or Disaster” (Novmeber 1964) (1). 13. “New Designs in Jewish Education” (June 16, 1966) (1). 14. “Conservative Judaism is stifled” (November 4, 1966) (1). 15. “The Meaning of ” (September 4, 1964) (1). 16. “The State of U.S. Jewry: vanishing and reviving” (May 7, 1964) (1). 17. “Plain thoughts about the American Galut” The Jewish Fronteer (May 1963) (1). 18. “Judaism faces the Secular City” (3). (June 2, 1966) May 19, 1966, May 26, 1966 19. “Rabbis for Today's Jewry: view from the sidelines” The Jewish Advocate (May 29, 1969) (1). 20. “Israeli and American Jews: Grounds for Conflict” (September 16, 1973) (1).

D. Bibliographic Information, English #12/9 (8).

D. Biographical #12/10 1. Notice of Neusner's honeymoon (1). 2. Notice of Neusner's promotion to Associate Professor at Dartmouth (1966) (1). 3. Article about Neusner's “History of Judaism” being printed on plastic (1). 4. Neusner's Resume (1963) (1).

E. Bibliographic information, German #12/11 (2).

G. Correspondance #12/12 1. Letter to the organizing committee of the European Association for Jewish Studies (12/19/80) (1).

Box 13 I. Harry Wolfson

A. Offprints and Articles, English #13/1 1. “A Case Study of Philosophic Research and Spinoza”, The New Scholasticism 14, pt. 13 (1940) (1). 2. “The Aristotelian Predicables and Maimonides' division of Attributives”, Essays and Studies in memory of Linda Miller (1938) (1). 3. “Some Guiding Principles in Determining Spinoza's Mediaeval Sources”, Jewish Quarterly Review n.s. 27, no. 4 (1937) (1). 4. “Maimonadies on Modes and Universals”, Studies in Rationalism Judaism and Univesalism (1). 5. “ on Casuality and Miracles”, Meyer Waxman Jubilee Volume (1966) (1). 6. “The Amphibolous Terms in Aristotle, Philospohy and Maimonadies”, The Harvard Theological Review, (April 1938) (1). #13/2 7. Review of : Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity and , The Review of Metaphysics (December 1947) (1). 8. “Spinoza and Religion”, Menorah Journal (Autumn 1958) (1). 9. “Philosophical Implications of the problem of Divine Attributes in the ”, Journal of American Oriental Society (1959) (1). 10. “Philo on Jewish Citizenship in Alexandria”, Journal of Biblical Literature (1944) (1). 11. “Hallevi and Maimonadies on Design, Chance and Necessity”, Proceedings of the American Academy of Jewish Research (1941) (1). 12. “Hebrew Books in Harvard”, Harvard Alumni Bulletin (April 29, 1932) (1). #13/3 13. “Maimonaides on the Unity and Incorporeality of God”, The Jewish Quarterly Review (October 2, 1965) (1). 14. “The Philosophy of Philo”, Theological Studies (December 1948) (1). 15. “Greek Philosophy in Philo and the Church Fathers”, The Crucible of Christianity (1969) (1). 16. “Hallevi and Mainonides on (1-2)”, Jewish Quarterly Review (1942) (1). 17. “Hallevi and Maimonides on Prophecy (3-4)”, Jewish Quarterly Review (1942) (1). 18. “The Kalam Arguments”, Saadia Anniversary Volume or American Academy for Jewish Research (1943) (1). #13/4 19. “The ”, Jewish Quarterly Review (1967) (1). 20. “Joseph Ibn Saddik on Divine Attributes”, Jewish Quarterly Review (April 1965) (1). 21. “Wolfson's Philo”, Journal of Biblical Literature (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #13/5 1. “Hamma.hashavah hadatit [email protected] shel perof. tsevi .volfeson,” (1961) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Italian #13/6 1. “Spinoza E Le Prove Dell'esistenza Di Dio”, Richerche Religiose (1). 1 vol. 9; no. 3

D. Newspapers, English #13/7 1. Photograph of Wolfson in his office, (1959) (1). 2. “Prof. Harry Wolfson: Man & Ideas”, The Jewish Advocate (February 16, 1956) (1). 3. Review of Philo: Foundations of Religious Philosophy in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, The Saturday Review (Februaruy 21, 1948) (1).

E. Bibliographies #13/8 (4).

F. Biographical #13/9 1. Announcement of Wolfson's Lecture (April 16, 1960) (1). 2. Article “Foundation Honors Wolfson” (1963) (1). 3. Program from B’nai B’rith convocation honoring Wolfson (February 1963) (1). 4. Article “Harvard Honors Wolfson”, Globe (1963) (1). 5. Article “Intimate Portrait of Wolfson at 75”, The Jewish Advocate (December 20, 1962) (1). 6. List of Wolfson's degrees and positions (1955) (1). 7. Picture of Wolfson during 70th anniversary convocation of Hebrew Union College (1). 8. Article “Wolfson favors including Jesus's teachings in Comprehensive Jewish Litterature”, (1963) (1). 9. Invitation to reception in honor of Wolfson at the Widener Library (1968) (1). 10. copy of article about Wolfson's 85th birthday (1972) (1). 11. Invitation to celebration of the endowment of Wolfosn's book fund, Harvard Library (1972) (1). 12. Memorial article, The Jewish Advocate (October 1974) (1). 13. Memorial article (September 20, 1974) (1). 14. Memorial to Wolfson (December 15, 1974) (1).

15. Program from Tribute to Wolfson (December 15, 1974) (1).

Box 14 I. Ernst Simon

A. Offprints and Articles, English #14/1 1. “Die Zweite Naivität - Ein Weg zum Galuben Des erwachsenen Menschen”, (November 1966) (1). 2. “The Neighbor (Re’a) whom we shall Love”, Modern Jewish Ethics (1). 3. Review of Weltgeschichte des Jüischen Vokes, by Simon Dubnov Menorah Journal (March 1931) (1). 4. “Israel Whither?”, Freeland (May-June-July 1954) (1). 5. “Habonim” (January 1980) (1). 6. “What Price Israel's Normalcy?”, Commentary (1). 7. “Notes on Jewish Wit”, Jewish Frontier (October 1948) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #14/2 1. “Review of Kant als Politiker: Zur Staats -- und Gesellschaftslehre des Kritizismus, by Kurt Borries. (1930) (1). 2. “Pestalozzi als Pioner der Sozialpadogogik”, (2). 3. Review of Weltgeschichte des jüdischen Volkes, by Simon Dubnov Historische Zeitschrift (1928) (1). 4. “Tradition und Zunkunft in Israel”, Neue Sammlung (November-December) (1). 5. “Pflicht und Neigung (Kant und Schiller) bei Maimonides und in der neueren deutschen Ethik.” In Horizons of a : Essays in Honor of David Baumgardt. (1963) (1). 6. “Der Wandel des jüdischen Menschenbildes im heutigen Israel.” Frankfurter Universitätsreden 42 (1972) (1). 7. “Die Krise des Libealismus bei Heinrich und Thomas Mann, Musil, Wassermann, und Schnitzler.” In Die Krise des Liberalismus zwischen den Weltkriegen. (1). 8. “Göthe und der Religiöse Humanismus”, Neue Wege(1950) (1). 9. “Agur, Fils D'Jake: Hugo von Hofmannsthals jüdische Legende”, Studies in Mysticism and Religion (1967) (2). 10. “Das Volk der Überlieferung in Zeit und Ewigkeit”, Hochland 62, heft 5 (1970) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #14/3 1. “[email protected] hfdg.vgy .vh.hyn.vkh hyh.vdy,” m@t %. @. Sym.vn, Hy.vbl lkhb.bd Mrdkhy Mn.hm .Kfln, (1952) (1). 2. “Hydt “.Hm.vr hzhv” [email protected]@.vs,” @ryh Sym.vn, (1953) (1). 3. “%l mshm%.vth h.hyn.vkhyt shl “[email protected] [email protected]”,” m@t %.kyb@ (@rns.t) Sym.vn, Sefer-Hy.vvl lkhv.vd pr.vf. Bntsy.vn Dynv.vrg, (1949). 4. “b%y.vt h.hyn.vkh hdty [email protected]@l,” m@t @. Sym.vn, (1947) (1). 5. “Dm.vt hm.vrh by.sr@l khy.vm,” %. @. Sym.vn, (1972) (1). 6. “”Tsdy.k [email protected] y.hyh”: .K.vym [email protected] shl shm.v@l h.vg.v Brgmn ztsl.,” %.kyb@ @rnst Sym.vn, (1075) (1). 7. “hmsh.vtf .vhmy.v.hd,” %.kyv@ @. Sym.vn, D%t .vm%sh b.hyn.vkh sfr zkhr.vn l@vrhm @rn.vn, (1). 8. “%l h.h.vfsh [email protected] bymyn.v,” m@t %.kyb@ @rns.t Sym.vn, [email protected], (1968) (2). 9. “Tf.kydy hshyr.vtym h.khyltaym hyh.vdaym lgvy hhzdh.vt hyh.vdyt,” %. @. Sym.vn, %m .vsfr, (1968) (1). 10. “.H.vvt hn.v%r l.hbrh,” %. @. Sym.vn, (rec. May 18, 1968) (1). 11. One page of Hebrew poetry (1).

D. Newspapers, German #14/4 1. “Glossen zum XII Kongress.” Franfurter Jüdische Jugendblätter, 26 (May 1922) (1). 2. “Für Ersnst Simon”: Poem by Werner Kraft, (March 1959) (1). 3. “” MB, (July 1965) (1).

E. Newspapers, Hebrew #14/5 . “”@y.h.vd” - .T%.vy.vt, @myt.vt, mshym.vt,” @. Sym.vn, (April 14, 1950) (1). 2. “Y.v@l Sh.trn Zl.,” @. Sym.vn, H@rts (February 23, 1950) (1). 3. “Htsylyndr byd,” (1). 4. “@. Sym.vn bn 50,” Pn.hs R.vznkhly, (May 3, 1949). 5. “Gyth .k.vr@ btnkh.,” @. Sym.vn, (1949). 6. “@ysh hm.vsr .vh@ysh h.hz.k: Hrh.vrym bhy.vt %. @. Sym.vn ben 80,” m@t @vrhm Shfyr@, Dvr, (1979).

F. Lectures, Lecture Notes, German #14/6 1. “Sigmund Freud -- Der Jude” (November 1956) (1). 2. “Religiöser Humanisum”, (October 1953) (1). 3. “Jüdische Kultur”, (1). 4. “Ernst Simon über Ernst Simon”, (November 1957) (1). 5. “Vortrag Dr. Ernst Simon”, (November 1948) (1).

G. Manuscripts #14/7 1. “Our Children's Heritage” (October 1960) (1).

H. Biographical #14/8 1. Copy of a lecture or memorial address of Simon's life (1).

I. Course Outline #14/9 1. Outline for the “Torah Hour”, Judaism and the Joy of Life (November 14, 1956) (1).

J. Correspondance #14/10 1. Letter from the American Friends of ICHUD (1).

Max Weinreich Box 15 I. Max Weinreich

A. Offprints and Articles, English #15/1 1. “Yidishkayt and Yiddish”, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America (1953) (1). 2. “Prehistory and Early history of Yiddish”, The Field of Yiddish: Studies in Language, Folklore and Literature (1954) (1). 3. “The of Romance Stock and Their Relation to Earliest Yiddish”, Romance Philosophy (May 1956) (1). 4. “History of the Yiddish Language: The Problems and their Implications”, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (August 1959) (1).

Added Titles in Yiddish B. Offprints and Articles, Yiddish #15/2 1. “Fundamentals in the history of Yiddish”, Yidishe Shprakh (October-December 1954) (1). 2. “A Seven Hundred year old Yiddish sentence”, Yidishe Shprakh (December 1963) (1). 3. “On the Language of a Manuscript of I.M. Dick”, Yidishe Shprakh (January-April 1943) (1). 4. “___ -

Box 15 II. Martin Plessner

A. Offprints and Articles, English #15/3 1. “The Place of the Turba Philosophorum in the Development of Alchemy”, ISIS (December 1954) (1). 2. “The Place of the history of science within the world of learning”, Acted du VIII Congres International D'Historie des Sciences (September 1956) (1). 3. “The Cataloguing of Arabic Manuscripts on Medicine and the Sciences”, Archives Internationales d'Historie des Sceinces (October-December 1956) (1). 4. “Muhammed's Clandestine 'Umra in the Du 'L-Qa'da”, Rivista Degli Studi Orientali (1957) (1). 5. “On Da'ud Al'Antaki's Medical and Magical Encyclopaedia and some of its sources”, (1). 6. “Hispano-Arabic Vs. Esatern Tradition of Aristotle's and Al'Farabi's writings”, Actas del Primer congreso de Estudios Arabes e Islamicos (1964) (1). 7. “Hermes Trismegistus and Arab Science”, Extrait de Studia Islamica (1). 8. “The Physiognomics of Rhazes and its Influences on Eastern and Western Authors”, Actes Du XI Congres International d'Historie des Sciences (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German, French, and Italian #15/4 1. “Besprechungen” Islam 25, heft, 1 (1938) (1). 2. “Der Astronom und Historiker ibn Sa`id al-'Andalusi und seine Geschichte der Wissenschaften”, Rivista Degli Studi Orientali 31 (1956) (1). 3. “Storia delle Scienze Nell'Islam”, Le Civilta Dell'Oriente (1958) (1). 4. “Die Stellung des innerhalb der spanischen Kultur”, Acts du IX Congrès International d'Histoire des Sciences (1959) (1). 5. “Beiträge zur islamischen Literaturgeschichte”, Ignace Goldziher Memoral Volume Part II (1958) (1). 6. “Von der Islamwissenschaft zur Geschichte der Wissenschaften”, Wege zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (1969) (1). 7. “Israel”, Judentum Schicksal, Wesen und Gegenwart (1965) (1). 8. Review of works on Arabic literature Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (1932) (1). 9. “Die tragenden Kräfte des Judentums”, Frankfurter Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt (1932) (2). 10. “Modernes Hebräisch”, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, no. 9/10 (1931) (1). 11. “Ta’rikh”(Unknown reference work on Islam) (1937) (1). 12. “Zeitschriftenschau.” Orientalistische Literaturzeitung (1934) (1). 13. Review of Tarbiz 1(1930) Orientalische Literaturezeitung (1932) (1). 14. “Mobedh.” (Unknown reference work on Islam) (1934) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #15/5 1. Misc. offprint (1938) (1). 2. Misc. offprint (1947-48) (1). 3. “ _____* _____* ______” / ______* _____* ___ (1). 4. “______* ____* __ * ______* __* ____” / ___* _____ (1). 5. “ _ 6. “______* _____” / _____ (1). 7. “______* ___* _____” / _____ (1). _____(1).

______* _____”, (1). - 12.

D. Newspapers, Hebrew -- and Pages from an Unknown Reference Work #15/4 (8).

Box 16 I. Culture in Palestine

A. Offprints and Articles, English 1. “A Brief Gudie to Al-Haram Al-Sharif”, Supreme Moslem Council (1925) (1). #16/1

B. Offprints, Articles, and Announcements, Hebrew 1. Byt hsfr hry@ly h%vry, .Hyfh: @mn.vt, 1933; Beth sefer reali ivri, Haifa: Omanuth, 1933 (1). #16/2 2. Bet @a.had-ha%am, Tl-@vyv: @ytn .vsh.vshny (1). 3. “”Byt Y.sr@l” @g.vd lm%n hdt .vhtrb.vt,” .Hyfa; “Beth Jisrael”, Vereinigung fuer Religion und Kultur, Haifa (1). 4. “@g.vdh lhshtlm.vt bmd%,” .Hyfh (1). 5. Byt hmdrsh lm.vrym “Mzr.hy”, Yr.vshlm (1).

Box 16 II. Martin Buber I. Materials written by Martin Buber

A. Offprints and Articles, English #16/3 1. “Guilt and Guilt Feelings”, Cross Currents (Summer 1958) (1). 2. “Greetings to Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan”, Reconstructionist (1956) (1). 3. Cross Currents (Winter 1951) (1). 4. “Abraham the Seer”, Judaism (Fall 1956) (1). 5. “The William Alanson White Memorial Lecture”, Psychiatry (May 1957) (1). 6. “National and Pioneer Education”, Jewish Frontier (March 1941) (1). 7. “Character Change and Social Experiment in Israel”, Jewish Frontier (March 1946) (1). 8. “Where does the World Stand?”, Habonim (January 1953) (1). 9. “The Cultural Role of the Hebrew University”, The Reconstructionist (June 26, 1953) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #16/4 1. “Worte An Die Zeit”, Gemeinschaft (1919) (2). 2. “Worte An Die Zeit”, Grundsatze (1919) (2). 3. “Mein Weg zum Chassidismus (1918) (1). 4. “Das Buch der Preisungen: Auszüge und Vergleiche.”, Das Jüdische Echo (Aug-Sept. 1958) (1). 5. “Der Riss: Über den vierzehnten Psalm”, Habonim (Feb 18, 1952) (3). 6. Unidentified article on Rosenzweig’s role in the Buber-Rosenzweig translation of the Bible (1930) (1). 7. “ - zum Gedenken: Aus den Anfangen unserer Schriftübertragung.”, (1930) (1). 8. “Die Schrift -- Zum Abschluss ihrer Verdeutschung.” (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #16/5 1. “H%da,” (1920) (1). 2. “Dt .vfyl.vs.vfyh,” (1). 3. “Tby%t hr.v.h [email protected] hhys.t.vryt,”; “The Demand of the Spirit versus Historical Reality”, Inaugural Lecture (1938) (1). 4. “Dyn .v.hshb.vn,” %l prsht drkhyn.v (1939) (1). 5. “%l mh.vth shl htrv.vt,” M.hvr.vt lsfr.vt [1946] (1). 6. “Brgson [email protected]@ytsyh,” [1946] (1). 7. “R%y.vn [email protected] b.kblh,” %rkhym [1943] (1). 8. “H.vd%h shl @g.vdt “@.h.vd”,” , (1959) (1).

D. Newspapers, English #16/6 1. “Buber's Philosophy: Books Pure, Men are Mixed”, Globe (1965) (1).

E. Newspapers, German #16/7 1. “Der heutige Mensch und die Bibel”, Jüdische Rundschau (Jan. 17, 1936) (1). 2. “Haben wir einen eigenen Weg?”, Judische Welt-Rundschau (Aug 11, 1939) (1). 3. “Leben wir in der Wirklichkeit?” (1926) (1). 4. “Gedenkrede für Achad Haam”, Judische Rundschau (Sept. 9, 1927) (1). 5. “Nachahmung Gottes”, Gemeindeblatt (1925) (1). 6. “Freie Jüdische Volkshochschule”, (Nov. 12, 1929) (1). 7. “Verantwortung”, Berliner Tageblatt (Jan. 1929) (1). 8. Unidentified (March 10, 1929) (1). 9. “Philosophische und religiose Weltanschauung”, Kulturelle Beilage (June 1928) (1). 10. “Religion und Gottesherrschaft” (1).

F. Newspapers, Hebrew #16/8 1. “Mr.tyn b.vbr m.vdh lmvrkhy.v,” (1). 2. “@m.vnt Y.sr@l,” (Sept. 5, 1937) (1). 3. “Hyh.vdy b%.vlm,” (May 14, 1937) (1).

II. Materials written about Martin Buber by NNG A. Offprints and Articles, English #16/9 1. “Aspects of Martin Buber's Thought”, Modern Judaism (1981) (1). 2. “Buber as an Interpreter of the Bible”, Library of Living Philosophers (1967) (2).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #16/10 1. “Darko shel M. BuBer bemi.kra@,” m@t N.h.vm Gl@tsr; “Buber als Interpret der Bibel”, Martin Buber (1958) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #16/11 1. “Buber's Contribution to the Understanding of the Bible”, Bitzaron (June-July 1958) (1).

III. Materials written about Martin Buber by Ludwig Lewisohn A. Offprints and Articles, English #16/12 1. “Martin Buber”, The Menorah Journal (1926) (1). 2. “The will to redemption”, The New Palestine (1).

IV. Materials written about Martin Buber by Ernst Simon A. Offprints and Articles, English #16/13 1. “Martin Buber: His Way between Thought and Deed”, Jewish Frontier (February 1948) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #16/14 1. “Die Dialogik Martin Bubers”, Frankfurter Universitätsreden 42 (1972) (1). 2. “Scholem und Buber”, Neue Züricher Zeitung (June 1967) (1). 3. “Dienst an Israel”, Jüdische Rundschau (Feb. 21, 1933) (1). 4. “Angst und Vertrauen bei Martin Buber.” Leben als Begegnung (1978) (1) 5. “Martin Bubers Weg zwischen Gedanke und Tat”, Aufbau (Feb. 20, 1948) (1). 6. “Martin Buber und der Glaube Israels”, Habonim (Dec. 1958) (1).

V. Materials written about Martin Buber by Reinhold Niebuhr A. Newspapers, English #16/15 1. “Essays on Man”, (April 13, 1958) (1). 2. “Faith is the Key”, New York Times Book Review (June 10, 1956) (1).

VI. Materials written about Martin Buber by Maurice Friedman A. Offprints and Articles, English #16/16 1. “Martin Buber at Seventy Five”, Religion in Life (Summer 1954) (1). 2. “Martin Buber and Judaism”, CCAR Journal (Oct. 1955) (1). 3. “Martin Buber: Why Jews and Christians Listened When He Spoke”, National Council of Jewish Women (Oct. 1965) (2). 4. “Martin Buber and the Covenant of Peace”, Hadassah Newsletter (Sept. 1959) (1). 5. “Buber”, (1958) (1). Meridan, Spring 1958 6. “Reader's report on Grete Scaeder's Martin Buber”, (1). 7. Publisher's advertisement of Friedman's book -”Martin Buber's Life and Work; the early years” (1).

VII. Materials written about Martin Buber by Leo Baeck A. Newspapers, English #16/17 1. “Martin Buber: A Tribute”, Advocate (1955) (1).

Box 16A I. Martin Buber Continued...

VIII. Materials written about Martin Buber by various authors A. Offprints and Articles, English #16A/1 1. “ and Martin Buber on the Bible”, CCAR Journal (Winter 1978) (1). 2. “Sage of Jerusalem”, Opinion (July-Aug. 1953) (1). 3. “Conversation with Martin Buber”, American Judaism (Sept. 1960) (1). 4. “Philosopher's Plea”, Time (March 23, 1962) (1). 5. “Martin Buber: A Seeker of World Brotherhood”, United Synagogue Review (Oct. 1965) (1). 6. “Martin Buber”, (May 1971) (1). 7. “Martin Buber- Zionist and Humanist”, The Reconstructionist (1948) (1). 8. “Israel Exports Her Education Crisis”, Congress Weekly (April 16, 1951) (1). 9. “The Age of Concentration Camps”, The New Leader (April 16, 1951) (1). 10. “Martin Buber and Dag Hammarskjold”, Congregation Habonim Bulletin (Nov. 1965) (1). 11. “In Homage to Martin Buber”, Jewish Affairs (March 1958) (1). 12. “I and Thou”, Time (Jan. 23, 1956) (1). 13. “Martin Buber: An Interview”, The Reconstuctionist (March 21, 1952) (1). 14. “Of Man unto Man”, Newsweek (April 11, 1957) (1). 15. “Martin Buber”, The Commonweal (August 6, 1948) (1). 16. “Martin Buber: The Social Paradigm in Modern ”, Journal of the American Academy of Religion 49/2 (1951) (1). #16A/2 17. “Martin Buber's Existentialism”, The Journals of Hebraic Studies (1969) (1). 18. “Martin Buber's I-Thou Philosophy” and “Buber and the Significance of Jesus.”, Bridge (1958) (1). 19. “Three Strands in Martin Buber's Understanding of Jewish Ritual”, Hebrew Studies (1976) (1). 20. “The Philosophy of Dialogue” In Philosophical Investigations, edited by S.B. Rome (1964) (1). 21. “Martin Buber and the Moral Dilema of : A believing Realism.”, The Jerusalem Quarterly (Spring 1977) (1). 22. “Martin Buber's Impact on Theology”, Congregation Habonim Bulletin (May 1966) (1). 23. “New Chapter in the Pike Story”, New York Times Magazine (August 14, 1966) (1). 24. “Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig's Translation of the Old Testament”, (1). 25. “Martin Buber and the Jews”, Commentary (March 1966) (1). 26. “I-Thou and I-It”, Time (July 12, 1963) (1). 27. “Jewish Outsider Par Exellence”, The Jewish Digest (December) (1). 28. “Communication Crisis Theology and Martin Buber”, Review of Religion (1949-50) (1). 29. “Sage who Inspired Hammarskjold”, The New York Times Magazine (December 3, 1961) (1). 30. “Eugene Borowitz highlights our Annual Lecture Series”, Congregation Habonim Bulletin (March 1964) (1). 31. “Martin Buber's Religious Philosophy: A Review”, Review of Religion (Nov. 1948) (1). 32. “The Sources of Paul Tillich's Richness”, Congregation Habonim Bulletin (March 1966) (1). 33. “Converstation with Martin Buber”, American Judaism (Sept. 1960) (1). #16A/3 34. “Martin Buber at Eighty”, The Jewish Quarterly (Summer 1958) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German and French #16A/4 1. Review of Buber’s Way to >>I and Thou<< by Rivka Horwitz. Freiburger Rundbrief (Nov. 1979) (1). 2. “Kampf um Israel: Buber's Zionismus” In Martin Buber: Hebräischer Humanismus by Grete Schaeder. (1966) (1). 3. “Martin Buber” In Vom Geheimnis der Freiheit, by M. Susmann (1965) (1). 4. “Nachwort” In Martin Buber: Sein Werk und Seine Zeit, by Hans Kohn (1961) (2). 5. “Michael Theunissens Kritik an Martin Bubers Ontologie des Zwischen”, Handschreiben der Stifterbibliothek 44 (1966) (1). 6. “Das Problem der Individualität und Sozialität Anthropologische Refelxionen im Anschluss an Martin Buber”, Emunah: Israel Forum (March 30, 1977) (1). 7. “Erinnerungen an Martin Buber.”, Neue Rundschau 79, heft 3 (1968) (1). 8. “Einladung zur Subskription: Martin Buter -- Werke, 3 vols.”, Kösel Nachrichte (1962) (1). 9. “Martin Buber in America”, Habonim (April 1953) (1). #16A/5 10. “Baeck und Buber”, Habonim (June-April 1956) (1). 11. “Aus Martin Bubers Jugendzeit”, Blätter des Heinebundes (April 1928) (1). 12. “Martin Buber, Werke (in drei Bändern)” Nachrichten Kösel Verlag (1964) (1). 13. “Martin Buber: Schriften zum Chassidismus”, Kösel Folge 17 (1963) (1). 14. “Martin Bubers Schriften zur Bibel: Zweiter Band der Werke.”, Kösel Verlag Nachrichten (1963) (1). 15. “Eine Buber-Bibliographie”, Congregation Habonim Bulletin (1961) (1). 16. “Der Feilenhauer” and a review of Hohe Schule der Satire, by Wolfgang Kraus Kösel Verlag Nachrichten (1961) (2). 17. “Martin Buber: L'homme et le philosophe”, Centre National des Hautes Etudes Juives(1). 18. “Die Brücke”, Congregation Habonim Bulletin (Feb. 1968) (1). 19. “Martin Buber -- Werke, erster Band: Schriften zur Philosophie.”, Kösel Verlag Nachrichten (1962) (1). 20. “Gruss an Martin Buber” (Brief von Prof. Dr. Theodor Heuss), (1958) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #16A/6 1. “Tkhnyt .kd.vmh l.kr@t “@ny .v@th” lMr.tyn B.vbr,” m@t Rb.kh H.vrbyts, %y.vn, IYYUN A Hebrew philosophical quarterly (October 1971) (1). 2. “B.vbr: Md% hyhd.vt - mkhl.vl @.hd,” Article about Buber at Jewish Congress 1961 (1). 3. “Hm.vdshh h.hyh shl Mrdkhy Mr.tyn B.ubr,” Btf.vts.vt hg.vla (1978) (1). 4. “.Hmyshh mkhtvym @l B.vbr,” (1971) (1).

D. Offprints and Articles, Italian #16A/7 1. “Ritorno a Martin Buber”, La Rassegna Mensile di Israel (Oct. 1958) (1). 2. Review of Die Schriften verdeutscht, by Martin Buber. La Rassegna Mensile di Israel (Sept. 1962) (1).

E. Newspapers, English #16A/8 1. “Tales of and an Essay on Hasidism”, New York Times (Nov. 1948) (1). 2. “Twenty-two essays by a Hebrew Humanist”, New York Times (Nov. 28, 1948) (1). 3. “Ben Gurion Assailed by Buber For Calling Israel Arabs a Peril”, New York Times (Jan. 18, 1962) (1). 4. “Says Israel will resolve problems with the Arabs”, The Jewish Advocate (Ap. 24, 1958) (1). 5. “Buber explains Acceptance of Prize From German University”, (Jan. 4, 1952) (1). 6. “Dag Hammarksjold and Martin Buber”, (Nov. 5, 1969) (1). 7. “Buber Hails New Reform Temple in Israel”, (Sept. 28, 1962) (1). 8. “Buber- Greatest Jewish Thinker of Century Pleads for Man to Listen to God”, (Sept. 28, 1962) (1). 9. “Martin Buber on Good and Evil”, The Listener (Jan. 18, 1962) (1). 10. “Buber in Tribute to Hammerskjold”, (Jan. 1962) (1). 11. “Hammarskjold Turns to Buber”, (Jun. 12, 1958) (1). 12. “Buber to Detail “It- Thou” idea”, (March 25, 1957) (1). 13. “Martin Buber, The Support”, The Jewish Advocate (Dec.19, 1957) (1). 14. “God, Man and the World”, Herald Tribune Book Review (Mar. 8, 1953) (2). 15. “To Buber-With Love”, Review of Martin Buber’s Life and Works: The Early Years 1878-1923, by Maurice Friedmann. Jerusalem Post (Dec. 26, 1972) (1). 16. “Visiting Martin Buber”, New Palestine Magazine (Feb. 1951) (2). 17. “Religious Philosophy of Martin Buber”, Menorah Journal (Spring 1938) (1). 18. “The Crisis of Civilization as Reflected in Recent Jewish Thought”, The Jewish Herald (Sept. 1950) (1). 19. “Yahrzeit-Martin Buber” (Prayer for the dead), The American Zionist (June 1969) (1). 20. “Sage who Inspired Hammarskjold”, New York Times Magazine (Dec. 3, 1961) (2). 21. “Martin Buber”, (1). 22. “Martin Buber: An Appreciation”, American Judaism (Fall 1965) (1). 23. “Buber Emerges Anew As Figure of Debate”, New York Times (Feb. 19, 1978) (1). 24. “Buber”, Jerusalem Post (Feb. 14, 1978) (1). 25. “Martin Buber's Apology”, Congress Congress (Jan. 28, 1952) (1). 26. “Sentinel of Mankind”, (1966) (1). 27. “Right Wing Existentialists”, The New York Review (Aug. 20, 1964) (1). 28. “Seeker after Truth”, Review of Martin Buber’s Life and Works: The Early Years 1878-1923, by Maurice Friedmann. (1). 29. “All Life is a Meeting”, Time (Jun. 25, 1965) (1). 30. “Buber's I-Thou and I-It Relationship”, Denver.... (1965) (1). 31. Incomplete article on Buber by Seymour Siegel (1) “Books and People” Martin Buber The Jewish Advocate (Feb. 1961) (1)

F. Newspapers, German #16A/9 1. “Ein Eckermann Bubers”, (Dec. 16, 1966) (1). 2. “Martin Buber (8.II. 1878 -- 13. VI. 1965): Bubers jüdische Sendung.”, MB (Jul. 16, 1965) (2). 3. “Martin Buber”, MB (Jun. 18, 1965) (1). 4. “Martin Bubers unentbehrliches Wort”, Allgemeine jüdische Wochenzeitung (May. 7, 1976) (1). 5. “Gesprache mit Martin Buber.”, MB (Apr. 24, 1967) (1). 6. “Buber über die jüdisch-arabische Frage.”, Jüdische Rundschau (Nov. 8, 1929) (1). 7. “Martin Buber über die biblische Geschichte.” Vaterland (Jun. 22, 1928) (1). 8. “Martin Buber und die ökonomische Situation”, Frankforter Allgemeine (June 22, 1929) (2). 9. “Zu Theodore Herzls Todestag: Persönliche Erinnerungen.” -- Stefan Zweig, (1). 10. “Konferenz der Freunde des arbeitenden Palästina”, Jüdische Rundschau (Jan. 4, 1929) (1). 11. “Martin Buber”, Jüdische Rundschau (Apr. 4, 1928) (1). 12. “Der heutige Mensch und die biblische Geschichte”, Basler National Zeitung (Jun. 13, 1928) (1). 13 “Der heutige Mensch und die biblische Geschichte.” Basler Nachrichten (June 14, 1928) (1) 14. “Monologisches und dialogisches Leben”, Neue Züricher Zeitung (Jun. 15, 1928) (1). 15. “Palästina-Abend” Franfurter Zeitung (Nov. 1, 1928) (1). 16. “Eine Philosophentagung in Frankfurt.” Frankfurter-Zeitung (1929) (2). 17. (1). Page of an apparent book review. (1) #16A/10 18. “Gesprach mit Martin Buber.” Neue Zeitung (Jan. 20, 1951) (1). 19. “Martin Bubers Abschied”, (1). 20. Poem by Martin Buber in Memory of his Wife -- reprinted in MB (July, 1965) (1). 21. “Aufregung um Martin Buber.” Haaretz (Dec. 28, 1951) (1). 22. “Der Atem der hebräischen Sprache.” Allgemene Zeitschrift (Nov. 28, 1958) (1). 23. “Ehrendoktor fur Martin Buber.” (Dec. 12, 1958) (1). 24. “Bücher der Kündung: Verdeutscht von Martin Buber n Gemeinsamket mit Franz Rosenzweig.” Allgemeine Wochen Zeitung (Dec. 5, 1958) (1). 25. ““Das Buch der Preisungen” übers. von M. Buber.” Literatur Anzeigungen (Winter 1958) (1). 26. “Frau Paula Buber gestorben.” (1958) (1). 27. Buber addresses annual meeting of the Köln synagogue, (1958) (1). 27. “Ein Antlitz wird Lebendig.”, Allgemeine (Jun. 27, 1958) (1). 28. “Martin Buber-der Helfer im Geist.” and “Ruckkehr in das deutsche Bewusstseins: Ein Brief des Bundespräsidenten zum 80. Geb. von Martin Buber.” Allgemeine (Feb. 14, 1958) (1). 29. “Glückwünsche für Martin Buber.” (1958) (1). 30. “Martin Buber zum achtzigsten Geburtstag.” Neue Züricher Zeitung (Feb. 9, 1958) (1). 31. “Martin Buber- eine lebendige Legende.” (1958) (1). 32. “Martin Buber und die ökonomische Situation.” (June 22, 1929) (1) 33. “Vom Wesen und Werk Martin Buber.” Der Zeitgeist (Feb. 7, 1958) (1). 34. “Zu Martin Bubers gesammelten Essays”, Neue Zeitschrift (Oct. 10, 1954) (1). 35. “Martin Buber: zum 80 Geburtstag (8.2.1958).” (Feb. 7, 1958) (1). 36. “Martin Buber zum 70. Geburtstag”, Jedioth Chadashoth (Feb. 6, 1948) (1). 37. “Martin Buber - 70 Jahre”, Yidieot (Feb. 6, 1948) (1). 38. “Abschluss der Generaldebatte”, Kongress Zeitung (Aug. 4, 1929) (1). 39. “Martin Buber: Ein Wort des Dankes zum 70. Geburtstag (8. Februar).”, Aufbau (Feb. 6, 1948) (1). 40. “ Martin Bubers Moses”,Aufbau (Feb. 13, 1948) (1). 41. “Ein Philosophen Tagung in Frankfurt: Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft.” 42. “Der Jude in der Welt:Eine Rede von Martin Buber.”, Jüdische Rundschau (Jan 19, 1934) (1). 43. “Freiheit und Verantwortung.” Die Kreatur (1). 44. “Die Schrift und ihre Verdeutschung”, Jüdische Rundschau (Oct. 30, 1936) (1). 45. “Martin Bubers Psalmen-Verdeutschung”, Jüdische Rundschau (Jan. 31, 1936) (1). 46. “Staat und Gemeinschaft.”, (1). 47. Jüdische Rundschau (Oct. 31, 1933) (1). 48. “Jüdische Bildung in Deutschland.” (1933) (1). 49. “Bilder der Arbeit”, (Sept. 1935) (1). 50. “Die Sammlung James Simon.” Bossische Zeitung (Oct. 26, 1927) (1). 51. “Dawids letzte Rede”, (1931) (1) 52. “Der Führer der Deutschen Glaubensbewegung und Martin Buber.” (1) 53. “Besinnliche Geschichten der Alten.” (1) 54. “Leidensweg einer Enttäuschten: Martin Bubers Tochter Schildert ihre russischen Erlebnisse.” Aufbau (1949)

G. Newspapers, Hebrew #16A/11 1. “Mar.tin Buber [email protected],” Hd.v@r (1965) (1). 2. “.K.v.vym ldm.vt.v shl Mr.tyn B.vbr zl.,” (1965) (1). 3. “Ha.hasidut bemoshnato shel Buber,” Hd.v@r (1966) (1). 4. “@an.ti-Buber,” (1966). 5. “[email protected] B.vv%r, ts.vm 70-yoryg%er y.vvl.,” D%r .@ag (February 8, 1948) [Yiddish] (1). 6. “Pyd.vsh h.hsyd.vt,” H@rts (Oct. 10, 1936) (1). 7. “M. B.vbr msh.vrr h.hsyd.vt,” (Feb. 6, 1948) (1). 8. “Lmr.tyn B.vbr bhgy%.v lgb.vr.vt,” (Feb. 7, 1958) (1). 9. “.Hgygt B.vbr [email protected],” (1). 10. “M%.t l%.t lB.vbr Bn Hshm.vnym,” (Feb. 7, 1958). 11. “.Hkhm Hfgyshh,” (1). 12. “Pr.vf. [email protected] B.vbr,” (March 26, 1956) (1). 13. “Shl.vshh [email protected] %l hyhd.vt lM. B.vbr,” (Oct. 10, 1936). 14. “Shlshh [email protected] %l hyhd.vt lB.vbr,” (1956?). 15. “Hhn [email protected] shl Mr.tyn B.vbr,” (February 1953) (1). 16. “M%.t-l%.t %l pt.h.v shl gz-%rz,” (1). 17. “B.k.vrt shl “.Tyyms” %l sfr.v shl B.vbr,” (1). 18. “Hrts@at Pr.vf. [email protected] B.vbr,” Hd.v@ar, (Dec. 14, 1951) (1). 19. “Mar.tin Buber,” Hd.v@ar, (Dec. 14, 1951). 20. “[email protected] B.vb%r,” D%r .T@ag, The Day, (1948) (Yiddish) (1). 21. “Tby%t hr.v.h [email protected] hhys.t.vryt,” (1). 22. Hebrew comic strip (1). 23. “Mr.tyn B.vbr,” (April 17, 1935). H. Publishers Bibliographic Information #16A/12 (16).

I. Biographical Information #16A/13

J. Misc. #16A/14 1. Announcement of the Annual General Meeting of the Council of Christians and Jews (July 5, 1972) (1). 2. Copy of published excerpts from I and Thou (1). 3. Copy of hand written poem from Martin Buber to Salmann Schocken (1).

A. Offprints and Articles, English #17/1 1. “Hiller the Elder in the Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls”, The Scrolls and the New Testament (1). 2. “The Open Gate”, Conservative Judaism (Spring 1965) (2). 3. “The Beginnings of Modern Jewish Studies”, Studies and Texts (Vol. II, 1964) (2). 4. “Nahum Glatzer: The Man and his work”, Judaism : A Quarterly Journal (Spring 1963) (2). 5. “The Frankfort Lehrhaus”, Yearbook I of the (1956) (1). #17/2 6. “A Study of the Talmudic Interpretaion of Prophecy”, The Review of Religion (1946) (2). 7. “Notes on the Jewish Group in a Massachusetts Community”, Conservative Judaism (Winter 1961) (2). 8. “Zion in Medieval Literature II: Prose Works.” In Zion in Jewish Literature (1961) (1). #17/3 9. “ and the Tree of Knowledge”, Between East and West (2). 10. “The Jewish Family and Humanisitic Values”, Journal of Jewish Communal Service (Spring 1960) (1). 11. “Challenge to the Scholar: A Judaic View”, Judaism : A Quarterly Journal (Summer 1962) (2). 12. Reviews of Saadia Anniversary Volume (Texts and Studies, vol II) and Rab : Studies in His Honor. Review of Religion (Nov. 1944) (1). 13. “Glatzer, Nathan (1923-).” (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #17/4 1. “Aus Unveröffentlichten Briefen von I.M. Jost.” In In Zwei Welten: Siegfried Moses zum Fünfundsiebzigsten Geburstag. (1962) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #17/5 C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew and Yiddish #17/5 1. “Yits.ha.k Mosheh @elbogen Hahis.toriyon,” m@t Na.hum Gelatser (1). 2. “Demuto shel Yosef Ben Mtityahu bahis.toryografiyah shel .Kelozner,” Btsr.vn (1958); “Josephus Flavius in Klausner’s Historiography,” Bitzaron 39, no2 (November-December 1958) (1). 3. “Day.tshl@ands sh.tyf.kynd%r - @ayrap%s .kynd%r,” (Yiddish) YY.v.v@o Bl%.t%r (1945); Review of Germany’s Stepchildren by Solomon Liptzin, Yivo Bleter (1945) (1). D. Offprints and Articles, French #17/6 1. “Bibliographie”, Reveue des études juives 126, fasc. 2-3 (September 1967) (1). Franz Rosenzweig Box 17 II. Franz Rosenzweig

I. Materials Written by NNG A. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #17/7 1. “Fera@nts Rozentse.vayg,” .Hkhmt Yshr@l (2). 2. “Hlsh.vn.vt .vh%vryt bmy.v.hd bmshnt.v shl r.vznts.vayg,” Y.vvl Shy. (1958) (1). 3. “Ha.hinukh hayotser .vehamada% hama@amin shel Ferants Rozentse.vayg,” Sfr hshnh (2). 4. “Ferants Rozentse.vayg, @ishiyuto vetorato,” Hatekufa (30-31, 1946) (2). 5. “Shnt.v [email protected] shl Frnts R.vznts.vyg,” %ly %yn.(1952) (1). 6. “Ferants Rozentse.vayg - Ba%al Teshuvah,” (1943). 7. “Be%inyan Ferants Rozentse.vayg umishnato,” hd.v@ar (1955). 8. Fr@ants [email protected]: zayn l%bn @.vn zayn% @yd%%n, (1945) (Yiddish) (1).

II. Materials written by others A. Offprints and Articles, English #17/8 1. “Rosenzweig on Judaism and Christianity”, Conservative Judaism (Winter 1956) (1). 2. “Adale Rosenzweig’s Jugenderinnerungen.” Rivka Horwitz. Bulletin of the Leo Baeck Institute 16/17, 53-54 (1977/78) (1) 3. “The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig.” (Lecture Program) (1980) (1) 4. “Torchbearers”(Program for Rosenzweig and Herzl lectures) (1960) (1)

Leopold Zunz Box 18 I. Leopold Zunz

I. Materials written by Zunz A. Offprints and Articles, German #18/1 1. “Traurede” (1839) (1). 2. “Deutsche Briefe” (1872) (1). 3. “Sittenlehrer von Dr. Zunz” (1921) (1). 4. “Tephillin - A Contemplation”, Judaism 12 (Summer 1963) (1).

II. Materials written by NNG A. Offprints and Articles, English and Hebrew #18/2 1. “Leopold Zunz and the Jewish Community” (1). 2. “Some of Zunz's letters to the Ehrenbergs”, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 25 (1956) (1). 3. “Kllym btfyst-hhys.t.vryh shl ts.vnts,” Tsy.vn (1961); “Zuns’s Concept of Jewish History,” Zion (1961) (1). 4. “Leopold Zunz and the Revolution of 1848”, Yearbook of the Leo Baeck Institute (1960) (2).

B. Offprints and Articles,German #18/3 1. “Leopold and Adelheid Zunz”, Leo Baeck Institute (1).

III. Materials written by David Kaufmann A. Offprints and Articles, German #18/4 1. “Leopold Zunz.” In Gesammelte Schriften, I Band. (1908) (1). 2. “Leopold Zunz”, Jewish Chronicle (1).

IV. Materials written by I. Elbogen A. Offprints and Articles, German #18/5 1. “Briefe von Ludwig Markus an Leopold Zunz.” (1). Monatsschrift (vol. 81) 2. “Leopold Zunz zum Gedachtnis.” (1936) (1).

V. Materials written by others A. Offprints and Articles, English #18/6 1. “Zunz's Conception of History.” (Fritz Bamberger) Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research II. (1941) (1). 2. “Leopold Zunz: His Life and Times.” In Leading Figures in Jewish History (November 11, 1954) (1). 3. 4. “Figures from the History of the Reform Movement II: Leopold Zunz, the Founder of the Science of Judaism.”, The Synagogue Review (January 1961) (1). 5. “The Scientific and Philosophical background of Zunz's “Science of Judaism”” (1).. 6. The Synagogue Review (May 1959) (1 -- incomplete). 7. “Leopold Zunz and the Inception of Modern Jewish Historiography”, History and Theory (May 1981) (1). 8. Review of Liberty and Letters by Luitpold Wallach (Oct. 30, 1959) (1) 9. Review of Liberty and Letters by Luitpold Wallach Aufbau 15, 1 (1960) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #18/7 1. “Erinnerungen an Friedrich Ruckert.” and “Lipman Zunz und seine Verehrer.”, Paul de Lagarde Mittheilungen, vol. 2, chaps. 5-6 (1886) (1). 2. “Zunz' Briefwechsel mit Meir Wiener”, Guido Kisch. HUCA (1967) (1). 3. “Ich L. Zunz.” In Das Buch Zunz. (1). 4. “Das Zunz Archiv.”Gottold Weil, Leo Baeck Institute Bulletin, no. 7 (June 1959) (2). 5. “Vorrede” from Literaturgeschichte der synagogalen Posesie. (1865) (1). 6. “Leopold Zunz”, Gesammelle Schriften (1908) (1). Not Found 7. “Aus L. Zunz's Nachlass” mitgeteilt von L. Geiger. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland 5 (1892) (1). 8. “Sittenlehrer” (1921) (1). Not Found #18/8 9. “Deusche Briefe” (1872) (1). Not Found 10. “Der Briefwechsel zwischen Isak Noa Mannheimer und Loepold Zunz.” Mannheimer Monatsschrift, 61 (1917) (1). 11. “Briefe von Ludwig Markus an Leopold Zunz”, Ismar Elbogen: Beiefe von Ludwig Markus an Leopold Zunz (1). Not Found 12. “Zunz im Verkehr mit Behörden und Hochgestellten.” Mannheimer Monatsschrift, 60 (1916) (1). 13. “Leopold Zunz zum Gedachtnis” (1936) (1). Not Found 14. “Traurede” (1839) (1). Not Found 15. Das Buch Zunz (1957, repr.) (1). #18/9 16. “Leopold Zunz und Die Grundlegung der Wissenschaft des Judentums.” Luitpold Wallach. (1938) (1). Angedenken 17. “Adelheid Zunz: Ein Andenken für Freunde” (1874) (1). 18. “Catalogue of Pamphlets belonging to the library of Zunz” (1892) (1). 19. “Leopold Zunz: Ein Lebensbild.” Leon Scheinhaus. (1920) (1). 20. “Leopold Zunz” Illinois Staats-Zeitung (1884) (1). 21. “Zum Andenken an Leopold Zunz.” Jahrbuch für Jüdische Geschichte und Literature (1937) (2). 22. “Das Zunz - Archiv.” Gotthold Weil. Leo Baeck Institute 7 (June 1959) (1) 23. “Ein Hilfruf für Leopold Zunz.” (1930) (1) 24. “Leopolld Zunz zum 100. Geburtstag: 10. August 1894.” (1894) (1)

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #18/10 1. “@rkhy.vn ts.vnts,” m@t G.v.th.vld @lykym .Vayl, .Kryt sfr (1959). 2. “@.vt zkhr.vn,” m@t Y.vsf N. Shlmh (1891).

Box 19 I. Zionism

A. Offprints and Articles, English #19/1 1. “The Polish Kehile elections of 1936.” Robert M. Shapiro Working Papers in Holocaust Studies (September 1988) (1). 2. “ and Palestinian Arabs.” Elie Eliachar Bama'arakha (Aug., 1970) (1). 4. “From a Historian’s Notebook: European Jewry before and after Hitler”, American Jewish Yearbook (1962) (1). 5. “Islam through the looking glass.” J. B. Kelly. The Heritage Lectures, 2 (1980) (1). 6. “The oil weapon de- mystified.” Douglas J. Feith. Policy Review, 15 (Winter 1981) (1). 7. “The Integrity of Palestine.” Paul S. Reisenfeld. Midstream (August-September 1975) (1). 8. “The Herzl Diaries as a Self-portrait of the Man and the Leader”, Herzl Yearbook III (1960) (1). 9. “Is our Jewish Heritage worth saving?”, YIVO (1). 10. “A Tale of Two Books, Two Attitutes”,The American Zionist (January 1955) (1). 11. The New Palestine (June 1950) (1). #19/2 12. The New Palestine (March 1950) (1). 13. The New Palestine (February 1950) (1). 14. “Zionism: “What it is , What it is not.”, Addresses delivered at the Temple, Cleveland OH, #19/3 Dr Abba Hillel Silver. (1). 15. “National Capital in the Jewish National Home: The Task and Achievements of the Keren Hayesod.” Leo Herrmann. National Capital (1941) (1). 16. “My way to Palestine.” Berl Katznelson. Labor Zionist Series (1946) (1). 17. “Palestine at War.” Albert K. Epstein. Zionist Organization of America (1943) (2). 18. “Test of Fulfillment: Can Zionism be Achieved?” David Ben-Gurion American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs (June 1942) (2). #19/4 19. “The Way to Zion.” Sh. . Jewish Fronteer (1) 20. “The Story of the Moatzat Hapoalot.” Miryam Kubowitzki. The Seminar Lecture Series (1). 21. Documents relating to the Palestine Problem (1945) (1). 22. Ancient Aliyot, Cecil Roth, Hechalutz Library. (1942) (1). 23. “State of Israel”, Prospectus (March 28, 1951) (1). #19/5 24. “The Near East.”, The University of Chicago Round Table (June 28, 1942) (1). 25. Revolutionary Constructivism, Berl Katznelson. Young Poale Zion Alliance (2). 26. “Berl Katzenelson.” Furrows (Sept., 1946) (1). 26. “The American Christian Palestine Committee.”, The Herzl Yearbook, vol. 8. (1978) (1). 27. “Eretz Iisrael, Galut and Chutz La’aretz, in their Historic Settings.” Max Nussbaum. in The Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook 62 (1952) (1) 28. “Character and Mentality of AHAD Haam.” J. Heller. Melilah 5 (1955) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German 33 #19/6 1. “Judentum und Zionismus. Eduard Strauss. (1919)

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew and Yiddish #19/7 1. Hyl.vdh bysh.vv .vv%y.vtyh, m@t @vrhm Hl.vy Prn.kl (1944) (1). 2. “Dy @yn.t%r%sn, sh.tr%b.vng%n @.vn @yd%@aln f.vn d%r Yidysh%er y.vgn.t @yn @rts-Y.sr@l,” f.vn B. .V@olm@an, Yi.v.v@ Bl%.t%r; Yivo Bleter [Yiddish](1).

D. Newspapers, English #19/8 1. “On Holy Steps.” Uri Zvi Greenberg. The Jewish Frontier (March 1954) (1). 2. “Rothschild Reintered at Zichron.” Israel Speaks (April 23, 1954) (1).

E. Newspapers, German #19/9 1. “Die Krise der Zionistischen Bewegung.” Hakidmah (Jan. 1950) (1). 2. Mitteilungsblatt (Dec. 1949) (1).

F. Newspapers, Hebrew #19/10 1. Hadoar (February 16, 1945) (1). 2. Hadoar (January 14, 1944) (1). 3. Hadoar (January 3, 1941) (1). 3. Hadoar (February 2, 1940)

G. Instructional Materials #19/11 1. “Trends in Education”, Education in Israel (Spring 1949) (1). 2. “Tradition and Progress in Education in Israel”, Education in Israel (Spring 1949) (1). 4. “Social Change in Israel”, Education in Israel (Spring 1949) (1).

Box 20 I. Anti-Semitism / The Jewish Question

A. Offprints and Articles, English #20/1 1. “Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Jewish View.” Stanly R. Rosenbaum Journal of Ecumenical Studies, vol. 18 no.2 (Spring 1981) (1). 2. “A Radio Discussion of the Jews.” University of Chicago Round Table (January 28, 1940) (1). 3. “The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy: A Case Study in Collective Psychopathology.” Norman Cohn. Commentary (1966) (1). 4. “Lest We Forget the Massacre of the Warsaw Ghetto; a Compilation of Reports.” World Jewish Congress Representation of Polish Jewry (1943) (1) 5. “Good People and dirty Work.” Everett C. Hughes. Social Problems (Summer 1962) (1) Franz Delitzch

B. Offprints and Articles, German #20/2 1. “Nichtjuden über den Kulturwert des Judentums”, Judentum, Judenvolk, Judenland (1924) (1). 2. Die Judenfrage. Gerhard Kittel (1933) (1). 3. “Auch ein Wort über unser Judenthum.” Th. Mommsen. (1881) (1). 4. Die deutchen Juden und der Krieg. Kriegspolitische Einzelschriften, no. 3. (1729) (1). #20/3 5. Schachmatt den Blutlügnern. Ludwig Geiger (1883) (1). 6. “Secessio Judaica.” Hans Blüher. (1922) (1). 7. Dedication at the Brunswick Semitary. (photograph) Allgemeine Wochenzeitung der Juden in Deutschland (Nov 18, 1958) (1)

C. Newspaper Articles, English 1. Review of The Jews of Germany by Marvin Lowenthal (1) 2. “Voice from the Ghetto” Review of Tales of my People by Scholem Asch (1) 3. “The Germans of Warsaw” Review of Ascent to Heaven by Adolf Rudnicki Chicago Tribune (April 22, 1951) (1)

Box 20 II. Emancipation

A. Offprints and Articles, English #20/3 1. “Jewish Communities in Germany from the Age of Enlightenment to their Destruction by the Nazis”, Jewish Social Studies 9, no. 3 (July 1947) (2). 2. “: A Selection of Documents.” Raphael Mahler. Jews and the Post War world (1941) (1). 3. “Jewish Emancipation under Attack.” Bernard Dov Weinryb. Jews and the Post War world (1942) (1). Missing 4. “Anti-Jewish Riots in Germany in 1819: A displacement of Social Protest.” Eleonore O. Sterling. Historia Judaica, 12, no. 2 (Oct., 1950) (1). 5. “The Impact of the Revolution of 1848 on Jewish Emancipation.” Salo W. Baron. Conference on Jewish Relations (1949) (1). #20/4 6. “Jews in the Revolution of 1848 in Germany.” Adolf Kober. Jewish Social Studies (April 1948) (2). 7. “Graetz's History in America.” Guido Kisch. Das Breslauer Seminar (1938) (1). 8. “Diderot and the Jews.” Stephrn J. Gendzier. Diderot Studies XVI (1973) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #20/5 1. “Manuel Joels Wissenschaftliches Lebenswerk.” Jüdisch-Theologische Seminar (January 1927) (1). 2. Die Motive der preussischen Judenemanzipation von 1812. Rosa Dukas. (January 1915) (1). 3. “Die Juden in der Weltgeschichte.” Paulus Cassel. (1880) (1). 4. “Börne und Treitschke: Offenes sendschreiben über die Juden.” (1880) (1). 5. “Die Entwicklung des Schulwesens der Juden zu Frankfurt a. Main bis zur Emanzipation.” Jahrbuch der Jüdisch- Literarischen Gesellschaft 19 [(1955)] (1). 6. Zur Versöhnung der Confessionen,oder Judentum und Christentum, in ihrem Streit und Einklang. Jos. Lev. Saalschütz. (1844) (1). #20/6 7. “Isak Noa Mannheimer: Aus seinem Leben und Wirken. M. Rosenmann” (1915). (1) 8. Jean Paul und Emanuel Osmund: Briefe über den Talmud. (1). 9. Graetz's Geschischtsbauerei, Emanuel Schreiber (1881) (1). #20/7 10. “Michael Sachs.” Joseph Eschelbacher. MEWS (August 1908) (1). 11. “Die Neuer Jüdische Literature und ihre Bedeutung.” B. Beer. MEWS (1854) (1). 12. “Die Juden in Nassau seit Ende des 18 Jahr hunderts.” Adolf Kober. Nassauische Annalen 66 (1955) (1). 13. “Das Testament Israel Jacobsons.” G. Silberstein. (1927) (1). 14. “Das Reisetagebuch des Rabbi Chaim Joseph David Asulai (1724-1806).” Israelitisches Wochenblatt für die Schweiz (Dec. 7, 1962) (1)

C. Newspapers, Hebrew #20/8 1. “@khsnyh,” @. Sh.taynmn [January 4, 1937] (1). D. Misc. #20/9 1. Hebrew and English, hand written bibliographic note by NNG (1).

Box 21 I. Christianity and Christian Scriptures

A. Offprints and Articles, English #21/1 1. “Early Hebrew Translations of the Gospel.” (1). 2. “An Early Christian Bread Stamp”, Harvard Theological Review 57, no. 2 (April 1964) (1). 3. “The Theological Situation in Europe: Decline of the Bultmann Era?” Carl F. H. Henry. Christianity Today (September 11, 1964) (1). 4. “History and Faith.” J. Gresham Machen; also “Theological Fault in American Seminaries.”, Christianity Today (September 11, 1964) (1). 5. “Jewish in the Fourth Century.” H. A. Fischel. Journal of Biblical Literature 65, pt. 7 (1946) (1). 6. “The Best Kept Secret of the Rabbinic Tradition.” Samson H. Levey. Judaism 21, no. 4 (Fall 1972) (1). 7. “Points of Departure.” Clemens Thoma. In The Bridge, vol. 5 Brothers in Hope (July 1972) (1). 8. “The Future of the Ante-Nicene Fathers.” Robert M. Grant (1). Missing 9. “Papers form the Colloquium on Judaism and Christianity.” Harvard Theological Review (April 1968) (1). 10. “The Development of the Apostolate in Judaism and its Transformation in Christianity”, Hebrew Union College Annual 2 Herman Vogelstein. (1925) (1). #21/2 11. “News from Pilate in Liverpool”, Encounter 21, no. 2. Paul Winter. (August 1963) (1). 12. “Jewish Influences on Contemporary Christian Theology.” Paul Tillich Cross Currents 2, no 3. (Spring 1952) (1). 13. “Paul and the Parting of the ways”, Jewish Heritage 1 no. 4, Ellis Rivkin. (1). 14. Why I am not a Christian. Bertrand Russel. (1940) (1). 15. “Oaths and Vows in the Synoptic Gospels.” Jacob Mann American Journal of Theology 21, no. 2. (April 1917) (1). 16. The Institute on the Person and the Common Good.” (1959) (1). 17. “Judaism and Christianity Then and Now.” Krister Stendahl. Harvard Divinity Bulletin 28, no. 1. (October 1963) (1). 18. “A Composite Inscription from the Church of St. Simon the Stylite”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies (January 1946) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #21/3 1. Review of New Testament Essays: Studies in Memory of T. W. Manson , Deutsche Literaturzeitung 83, heft 3. (March 1962) (1). 2. “Christianisierung des Alten Testaments?.” PaulWinter. In Juden, Christen, Deutche (1961) (1). 3. “Auf dem Wege zu Einer Jüdisch-Christlichen Begegnung.” Christen und Juden (1962) (1). 4. “Das Mysterium der Kirche in Der Christlichen sicht des Alten Bundesvolkes.” Karl Thieme. In Mysterium Kirche in der Einsicht der theologischen Disziplinen. (1962) (1). 5. “Paulus der Bekehrer.” Eduard Strauss. Blätter Der Stadtischen Bühnen (February 1929) (1). 6. “Johannes Gerson und die Idee des Christlichen Friedensstaates.” Herbert Spiegelberg. Die Friedenswarte (1937) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #21/4 1. “Trg.vm shl hbsh.vrh %l-py Mty lY%.kv Bn [email protected],” m@t yh.vdh R.vzn.tl (1963) (1).

D. Offprints and Articles, French #21/5 1. “Problèmes de la Passion”, Revue Historique 459 (July-September 1961) (1) 2. “Bénédiction et Priére.” E.J. Bickerman. Revue Biblique 69 (1962) (1)

E. Newspapers, English #21/6 41. “The on the Cross”, The Observer (April 22, 1962) (1).

F. Comic Book #21/7 1. “Comic book series the Life of Paul”, The Living Bible (1).

Box 22 I. Semitics

A. Offprints and Articles, English #22/1 1. “Third Wrorld Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, 1961.” W. W. Hallo. Bibliotheca Orientalis 19, no. 1/2 (January- March 1962) (1). 2. “A Sumerian Amphictyony.” W. W. Hallo. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 14, no. 3 (October 1960) (1). 3. “Royal Hymns and Mesopotamian Unity.” W. W. Hallo. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 17, no. 4. (December 1963) (1). 4. Review of Foreign Trade in the Old Babylonian Period as Revealed by Texts from S. Mesopotamia, by W. F. Leemans. Journal of Cuneiform Studies (July 1963) (1). 5. “On the Antiquity of Sumerian Literature.” W. W. Hallo. Journal of the American Oriental Society 83, no. 2. (April-June 1963) (1). 6. “Beginning and End of the Sumerian King List in the Nippur Recension.” W. W. Hallo. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 17, no. 2. (July 1963) (1). 7. “Birth and Name Giving in Hittite Texts.” Harry A. Hoffner. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (July 1968) (1). 8. “Lexical Notes on the Neo-Sumerian Metal Industry.” W. W. Hallo Bibliotheca Orientalis 20, no. 3-4. (May-July 1963) (1). 9. “New Hymns to the Kings of Isin.” W. W. Hallo. Bibliotheca Orientalis 23, no. 5-6. (September-November 1966) (1). 10. “Contributions to Neo-Sumerian.” W. W. Hallo. Hebrew Union College Annual 29. (1958) (1). 11. “Place Names from the Kingdom of Alalah.” Michael C. Astour. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 22, no. 4. (October 1963) (1). 12. “Esope and the Conditional Conjugations.” D. W. Young. Journal of Near Eastern Studies (July 1962) (1). 13. Review of Babylonian and Assyrian Religion, 2 vols. by S. H. Hooke. Journal of Biblical Literature (1). 14. “Akkadian Apocalypses.” W. W. Hallo. Israel Exploration Journal 16 (1966) 15. “New Viewpoints on Cuneiform Literature.” W. W. Hallo. Israel Exploration Journal (1962) (1). 16. “Oriental Imperialism” A. T. Olmstead. American Historical Review 23, no. 4 (1918) (1) 17. “The origin of the Alphabet of Ras Shamra and its Bearing on the Origin of the Phoenician Alphabet.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 55, no. 1 (1938) (1) 18. “Problems in Sumerian Hermeneutics.” William W. Hallo. pp. 1-12 in Prespectives in Jewish Learning, vol. 5 (1973) (1) 19. Symbols for Masculinity and Femininity: their use in Ancient Near Eastern Sympathetic Rituals.” Harry A. Hoffner, Jr. Journal of Biblical Literature 85, no. 3 (1966) (1) 20. “Ugaritic -- Old Testament Affinities.” Svi Rin and Shifra Rin Biblische Zeitschrift 11, 21 (1967) (1) 21. “The Cultic Setting of Sumerian Poetry.” W. W. Hallo pp. 116-34 in Actes se la XVII Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (1969) (1) 22. “Oriental Manuscript Collections in the Libraries of Great Britian and Ireland.” J. P. Pearson. The Royal Asiatic Society (1954) (1) B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #22/2 1. “%l h@pofonyh blsh.vn.t hshmy.vt,” Yh.vsh% [email protected], Lsh.vnn.v (1962) (1). 2. “Kyv.v.nym symn.taym b%vryt,” Yh.vsh% [email protected] (1). 3. “Klly hkhtyv .hsr hny.k.vd,” Nh. .T.vr-Syny (1958) (1). 4. “B%.kb.vt lsh.vn @.vgryt,” Tsvy Ryn, Lsh.vnn.v (1963) (1). 5. 6.

C. Offprints and Articles, French #22/3 II. World Congress of Jewish Studies

A. Lectures and Papers Presented English #22/4 1. “Synopses of Lectures on Jewish History.” Third World Congress of Jewish Studies Jerusalem (August 1961) (1). 2. “Abstract of papers on Medieval and Modern Jewish History.” Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (August 1965) (1). #22/5 3. “The Problem of Dividing Jewish History into Periods in Jewish Historiography.” B. Dinur. Jewish History/Symposium on Periods (1). 4. “Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies 1965.” W. W. Hallo. Mededelingen (1). 5. “The Development of the Territorial Rabbinates in the German States During the 17th and 18th Centuries.” Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (1965) (1). 6. “Aaron Lieberman and the Hebrew Socialist Union.” C. Abramski. Fourth World Congres of Jewish Studies (1965) (1).

B. Lectures and Papers Presented Hebrew #22/6 1. “T.ktsyry [email protected]: T.vld.vt Y.sr@l bymy hbynym .vb%t h.hdshh,” H.k.vngrs h%.vlmy hrvy%y lmd%y hyhd.vt; Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (1965) (1). 2. “”L@s .k.vr.ts” bmmlkht [email protected] [email protected] .v.h.v.kyhm bdvr hyh.vdym,” P. [email protected] .Tyl.v, T.vld.vt Y.sr@l (1). 3. “Htft.h.vth shl mshrt “@v”d hmdynh bmdyn.vt @shkhnz [email protected] .Hyz. .vhy.h.,” Dny@l Y. Khn, T.vld.vt Y.sr@l (1).

C. Programs and Reports #22/7 1. Report from the Second World Congress of Jewish Studies (August 1957) (1). 2. Program from the Third World Congress of Jewish Studies (August 1961) (1). 3. Program from the Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (August 1965) (1). #22/8 4. Program from the opening session of the Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (July 1965) (1). 5. Program from the Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies (August 1969) (2). 6. Program from the Seventh World Congress of Jewish Studies (Aug. 1977) (1). D. Invitations #22/9 Missing 1. Welcoming inivitation from the city of Jerusalem to the World Congress (1961) (1). 2. Invitation to a meeting of the section for Jewish History and the section for Contemporary Jewry of the Third World Congress of Jewish Studies (1). 3. Invitation to the opening session of the Third World Congress (1961) (1). 4. Invitation to a party honoring the participants in the study conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (1968) (1). 5. Invitation to a reception with the President of Israel (1968) (1). 6. Invitation to morning coffee (for NNG’s wife?) (1965) (1). 7. Invitation to a Ladies Luncheon (for NNG’s wife?) (1). 8. Invitation to the opening session of the Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (1965) (1).

Box 23 I. Hasidism

A. Offprints and Articles, English #23/1 1. “The Hasidism Come to Brooklyn.” Congress Weekly (May 31 1954) (1). 2. “Exodus from Brooklyn.” Time (June 22, 1962) (1). 3. “Mystics in the Suburbs.” Time (March , 1961). (1961) (1). 4. “The Lathe and the Talmud.” Hasidism (1). 5 6. “The Doctrine of the Zaddik in the Thought of Elimelech of Lizensk.” Rabbi Louis Jacobs. The Rabbi Louis Feinberg Memorial Lecture (February 9, 1978) (1). 7. “Assimilation vs. Isolation.” Abraham G. Duker. Comtemporary Jewish Record (February 1945) (1). 8. “A Psychoanalytic Prefiguration in Hasidic Literature.” In Eidenu in Memory of Dr. Bernard Revel. (1942) (1). 9. Chassidism: A Resumé of Mysticism.” I. Wassilevsky. (1916) (1) 10. “Sephardic Chassidim of Beth El.” Menorah Journal (1927) (1). 11. “The Circle of Musar According to Rabbi Ya’akov Yosef of Polnoy.” Conservative Judaism (Winter 1956) (2). 12. “Two Types of Reform: Reflections Occasioned by Hasidism.” Central Conference of American Rabbis Yearbook vol. 71 (1961) (1). 13. “The Hasidic Movement.” John M. Oesterreicher. The Bridge vol. 3 (1958) (1). #23/2 14. “A Circle of Pneumatics in Pre-Hasidism.” Journal of Jewish Studies (1957) (1). 15. “The Call of the Ghetto.” (1). 15. “Hasidism and Neo-Hasidism.” Judith Kegan Mosaic (Winter 1961) (1). 16. “Some Aspects of Chabad Chassidism.” Rabbi Joseph I Schneersohn. (1961) (1). 17. Advertisement for The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg by Solomon Poll. (1962) (1). 18. “Responses from Hasidic Literature for the .” Brandeis Hillel. (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #23/3 1. “Zur Ethik des Chassidismus.” Hans Marolius. Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 10/3 (1). 2. “Eine spätjüdische Utopie religöser Freiheit.” Joseph G. Weiss. Eranos-Jahrbuch (1963) (1). 3. Der Hasidismus . (1927) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #23/4 1. “%m .hsydy g.vr bYr.vshlym,” N.hmy.h .vynber, [1953] (1). 2. “%d.vy.vt ngd h.hsydym hmtngdym,” Mrdkhy .vylns.ky, Hy.vvl lyts.h.k b%r (1961); “Testimony against the Hassidim in the polemic literature of the Mitnaggedim,” Mordecai L. Wilnensky, I. F. Bael Jubilee volume (1960) (1). 3. “@gd.vt %m ,” Mymy h.kblh .vh.hsyd.vt (1) 4. “%y.vnym btfyst.v h%tsmyt shl R. N.hmn Mvrslv,” m@t y.vsf .vays, Trbyts (1958) (1). 5. “R. N.hmn Br@[email protected]%r @.vn dy @.vm@an%r M.skylym,” f.vn .H. Lyv%rm@an, Yivo Bleter 29:2 (summer 1947) [Yiddish] (1). 6. “Tlm.vd-t.vrah lshy.tt R. Y.sr@l b%sh.t.,” m@t Y.vsf .vays, Hy.vvl (1967) (1). 7. “B.k.vrt %l sfr t.vld.vt Y%.kv Y.vsf, Mrdkhy .Vylns.ky, Joshua Starr Memorial Volume, n. 4, (1953) (1). 8. Shty t%.vd.vt .hdsh.vt b%nyn hm.hl.v.kt byn h.hsydym .vhmtngdym,” Mrdkhy .Vylns.ky, Hg.t %vryt [email protected] (1974) (1). 9. [email protected] hrv h.kdosh mgur, Num%r 14 (1936) (1). 10. [email protected] hrv h.kdosh mgur, Num%r 17-18 (1936) (1).

D. Newspapers English #23/5 1. “Jewish Mysticism: Review of Tract on Ecstasy by Dobh Baer of Lubavitch” (1964) (1). 2. “Twenty-Five Years of Lubavitch in U.S.” The Jewish Advocate (March 11, 1965) (1). 3. “Squaretown” (1961) (1). 4. “Sadigora Rabbi Dies in Israel” (1961) (1). 5. “ Tov Shrine Survived War” (1963) (1). 6. “Chassidic Exodus from Williamsburg” (1963) (1). 7. “Satmar Chassidim Build a Town” The Jewish Advocate (September 27, 1962) (1). 8. “The Heroism of the Chassidim” The Jewish Advocate (May 19, 1960) (1). 9. “The Birth of Chasidism” Jewish Chronicle (1960) (1). 10. “On the Book Shelf” The Jewish Advocate (July 6, 1961) (1). 11. “The Sotmarer Rebbe” (1959) (1). 12. Picture (1). 13. “The Beacon of Liadi” The Jewish Advocate (Feb. 14, 1963) (1). 14. “The Ruzhiner Dynasty” The Jerusalem Post Magazine (August 17, 1973) (1). 15. “Mordche Friedman dies” (1971) (1). 16. “The Master of the Good Name” (1980) (1).

E. Newspapers Hebrew #23/6 1. “R. Mendel Mi.kots.k,” Hd.v@r (1959) (1). 2. “Sy.vr @l %.vlm l@ n.vd%, M%ryv (Sept. 1960) (1). 3. “[email protected]. shl hhstdr.t,” M%ryv (Sept. 21, 1960) (10. 4.”Htsr. M@nh Kts M@aym bhgsht tby%h ngd [email protected] glytsnsh.tayn btsft . . .,” By.sr@l (1). 5. “[email protected],” (March 11, 1960)(1). 5. Picture of Hyrsh B%r H.vr.vyts (H. B%rn@ard).

Box 23 II. The Dead Sea Scrolls

A. Offprints and Articles, English #23/7 1. “Qumran Studies.” Joseph M. Baumgarten. Journal of Biblical Literature 77 (1958) (1). 2. “Textual Notes on the Dead Sea Manual of Discipline.” Ralf Marcus. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 11 no.3 (July 1952) (1). 3. “Mebaqqer and Rabbim in the Manual of Discipline vi. 11-13.” Journal of Biblical Literature 75 pt. 4 (1956) (1). 4. “The Essene Avoidance of Oil and the Laws of Purity.” J. M. Baumgarten. Revue de Qumran 6 fasc. 2 (September 1967) (1). 5. “Linguisitc Structure and Tradition in the Qumran Documents.” In Aspects of the Dead Sea Scrolls Scripta Hierosolymitana vol. 4 (1958) (1). 6. “Pharisees Essenes and Gnostics.” Ralf Marcus. Journal of Biblical Literature 78 pt. 3 (1954) (1). 7. “New Light on the Qumran Sect.” News from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (January 1972) (1). 8. “Studies in the St. Mark’s Isaiah Scroll VII.” Harry M. Orlinsky. Tarbiz (October 1954) (1). 9. “Notes on the Present State of the Textual Criticism of the Judean Biblical Cave Scrolls.” Harry M. Orlinsky. In A Stubborn Faith: Papers on the OT and Related Subjects Presented to Honor W.A. Irwin. (1956) (1). 10. “The Dead Sea Scrolls.” Cyrus Gordon. The Reconsructionist (May 4, 1956) (1). 11. “The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Survey and a New Interpretation.” A.M. Haberman. Judaism 5/4 (Fall 1956) (1). 12. “Anti-Essene Traits in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” M.H. Gottstein. Vetus Testamentum 4 no. 2 (1954) (1). 13. “A Comparison of the Covenanters of the Dead Sea Scrolls with Pre-Christian Jewish Sects.” William H. Brownlee. Biblical Archaeologist 13 no. 3 (September 1950) (1). 14. “A Phenomenal Discovery.” Biblical Archeologist (May 1948) (1). 15. “The Newly Discovered Jerusalem Scrolls.” Biblical Archeologist (September 1948) (1). 16. “The Dead Sea Scrolls” Antiquities of the Holy Land (1958) (1). 17. “New Testament Papri in Qumran Cave 7?” José O’ Callaghan. Supplement to the Journal of Biblical Literature 91 (1972) (1). #23/8 18. “Bibliography of the Dead Sea Scrolls.” W.S. LaSor. Fuller Library Bulletin 31 (Fall 1958) (1). 19. “The Dead Sea Manual of Discipline.” W. H. Brownlee. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (1951) (1) . #23/9 20. Biblical Exegesis in the Qumran Texts. F.F. Bruce. Exegetica (1959) (1). Missing 21. Review of The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Biblical Studies by F.M. Cross. Jewish Social Studies (Apr. 1960) (1). 22. Review of The Dead Sea Scrolls and Modern Scholarship by S. Zeitlin. American Historical Review (Oct. 1956) (1). 23. “The Discipline in the So-Called Dead Sea Manual of Discipline.” . Journal of Biblical Literature (1952) (1). 24. “Objectives for the Jounal.” Revue De Qumran (Oct. 1958) (1). 25. “Sefer Hagu—The End of a Puzzle.” M.H. Goshen-Gottstein. Vetus Testamentum (1958) (1). 26. “The Scrolls from the Judean Wilderness,” “The Scrolls and the Old Testament,” “The Essenes and their Master,” “The Scrolls and the New Testament.” Frank Moore Cross.Christian Century (Aug. 24, 1955) (1) 27. Revue de Qumran 1, no. 2 (Oct. 1958) (1) 28. “The Two ‘Messiahs’ of the Manual of Discipline.” Lou H. Silberman. Vetus Testamentum 5, no. 1 (1955) (1) 29. “Qumran and Jerusalem: Two Jewish Roads to Utopia.” Jacob neusner. The Journal of Bible and Religion (Oct. 1959) (1) 30. “More Isaiah Commentaries from Qumran’s Fourth Cave.” J.M. Allegro. Journal of Biblical Literature 77, no. 3 (1958) (1) 31. Biblical Archaeologist 12, no. 2 (May 1949) (articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls) (1) 32. “The Qumran Covenanters and the Later Jewish Sects.” Norman Golb. The Journal of Religion 41, no. 1(Jan 1961) (1) 33. “Aspects of Textual Transmission of the Bible in the Light of Qumran Manuscripts.” Shemaryahu Talmon Textus 4 (1964) (1) 34. “The ‘Manual of Benedictions’ of the Sect of the Judean Desert.” S. Talmon. Revue de Qumran 2, no. 8 (1960) (1) 35. Review of Der Lehrer der Gerechtigkeit by Gert Jeremias Revue de Qumran 5, 5, no. 17 (1964) (1) 36. “Observations on the Language of the Third Apocryphal Psalm from Qumran.” A Hurvitz Revue de Qumran 5, 18 (1965) (1) 37. “A Note on DSD VI, 11-13.” Shmaryahu Talmon. Journal of Jewish Studies 8, no. 1-2 (1957) (1) 38. “The Root “GBL” in and in the Hymnic Literature from Qumran.” Jonas C. Greenfield. Revue de Qumran 2, no. 6 (1960) 39. “DSIa A Witness to Ancient Exegesis of the Book of Isaiah.” S. Talmon. Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute 1 (1962) (1) 40. “The Psalms Scroll (11 QPsa): A Problem of Canon and Text.” M. H. Goshen-Gottstein. Textus 5 (1966) (1) 41. “Qoheleth and Qumran -- A Study of Style.” Biblica 41 (1960) (1) 42. “The Counting of the Sabbath in Ancient Sources.” Joseph M. Baumgarten. Vetus Testamentum 16, no. 3 (1966) (1) 43. “The Plan of the War.” Yigael Yadin. in The Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness (1962) (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #23/10 1. Review of several books on the Dead Sea Scrolls (Jun. 11, 1961) (1) 2. “Die Qumran-Rollen und die hebräische Sprachwissenschaft 1948-1958.” M. H. Goshen-Gottstein. Revue de Qumran 1, no. 1 (1958) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #23/11 1. “Mgylt hmzm.vrym m.K.vmr@n,” m@t Shmryh.v .Tlm.n, Trbyts (1968) (1). 2. Mzm.vym .hyts.vnaym blsh.vn h%vryt m.K.vmr@n,” m@t Shmryh.v .Tlm.vn, Trbyts (1966) (1). 3. “Hmbnh hsfr.vty shl mgylt ml.hmt bny @.vr .vvny .h.vshkh,”.Haym Rvyn, M.h.krym bmgyl.vt hgn.vz.vt (1). 4. “.H.kr hm.kr@ [email protected] hmgyl.vt hgn.vz.t,´m@t Mshh G.v.tsh.tayn, Trbyts (1955) (1). 5. “Hfyl.vs.vfyh shel hmgyl.vt hgn.vv.t,” Yshr@l @frt, H.k.vvts lml2.vt shv%ym shnh lpr.vf. Nh. .T.vr-Syny (1957) (1). 6. “Mgylt hh.vdy.vt,’ m@t Mshh G.vshn-G.v.tsh.tayn, Trbyts (1958) (1). C. Offprints and Articles, Italian 23/12 1. “Un libro apocrifo sulla Genesi.” G. Sarfatti. In La Rassegna Mensile di Israel (March 1957) (1).

Box 23A Dead Sea Scrolls Continued.... D. Newspapers English #23A/1 1. “Dead Sea Scrolls to Appear Again.” (January 1973) (1). 2. “The Qumran Sectaries.” The Times Literary Supplement (October 27, 1961) (1). 3. “The Testament of Joseph.” Jewish Frontier (Apr. 1957) (1). 4. “From the Qumran Caves.” (Nov. 10, 1957) (1). 5. “From Manuscripts Found in a Cave.” New York Times Book Review (Oct. 16, 1955) (1). 6. “Israeli Uncover Cached Scroll Near Dead Sea.” (Feb. 8, 1960) (1). 7. “Yadin Finds New Harvest of 40 Dead Sea Scrolls.”(Ap. 14, 1961) (1). 8. “Letters to the Editor.” (Nov. 6, 1955) (1). 9. “The Dead Sea Scrolls.” Boston Daily Globe (Dec. 15, 1955) (1). 10. “Dead Sea Scroll Genesis Version.” (Feb. 24, 1956) (1). 11. “Dead Sea Scrolls Held Overvallued.”(Feb. 6, 1956) (1). 12. “Dead Sea Scrolls Stir Growing Controversy.” New York Times (Feb. 12, 1956) (1). 13. “Books.” Hadassah Newsletter (Jan. 1956) (1). 14. “Ancient Scrolls Bought by Israel.” (Feb. 1, 1955) (1). 15. “Christ Like Story of Scrolls is Cited.” New York Times (Jan. 24, 1956) (1). 16. “Reveal Last Dead Sea Scroll.” (1). 17. “Dead Sea Scroll Revelations.” (Mar. 22, 1956) (1). 18. “Scrolls Suggest Origin of Rituals.” New York Times (1). 19. “Jewish Traditions in No Way Affected.” Boston Daily Globe (Mar. 31, 1956) (1). 20. “Britons Solving Dead Sea Scroll.” (Jan 13, 1956) (1). 21. “Professor Claims Dead Sea Scrolls Stolen by Arabs.” (1956) (1). 22. “Scrolls May Touch Off Holy Land Gold Rush.” New York Post (Jun. 1, 1956) (1). 23. “Dead Sea Treasure Doubted by Expert.” (Jun. 2, 1956) (1). 24. “American Revives Biblical Scroll Case.” New York Times (Aug. 13, 1956) (1). 25. “Seventh Dead Sea Scroll Tells Story of the Birth of Noah.” (1956) (1). 26. “Scholars Dispute Scrolls Validity.” (Dec. 28, 1956) (1). 27. “Book of Pslams Unknown Before.” (Mar. 27, 1956) (1). 28. “Writings Shed Light on Pre-Christian Writings.” (Mar. 29, 1956) (1). 29. “Shapira’s Dead Sea Scroll.” Jewish Advocate (Jan. 17, 1957) (1). 30. “The World Of Music.” (Jan. 6, 1957) (1). 31. “Scroll indicates Biblical Error.” (Apr. 14, 1959) (1). 32. “Dead Sea Scroll and Shapira Forgery.” Jewish Advocate (Apr. 11, 1957) (1). 33. “Scholar Bucks Expert Opinion on Old Scroll.” (Aug. 30, 1957) (1). 34. “Qumran and the Book of Esther.” Jewish Chronicle (Jul. 5, 1957) (1). 35. “Dead Sea Scrolls.” (Jun. 1957) (1). 36. “Secret in old Scrolls?.” (Jan. 6, 1958) (1). 37. “Dead Sea Scroll Swiftly Indexed by Electric Computer.” (Mar. 1958) (1). 38. “Wall Street Journal Aids Scroll Quest.” Jewish Advocate (Apr. 7, 1955) (1). 39. “New Dead Sea Scrolls.” Boston Globe (Oct. 5, 1958) (1). 40. “Scrolls Doubted as Link to Jesus.” New York Times (Dec. 31, 1961) (1). 41. “Dead Sea Scrolls Yields New Data on Psalms.” (Mar. 11, 1962) (1). 42. “Dead Sea Scroll Yields Psalms Other Writings.” (Feb. 8, 1962) (1). 43. “Dead Sea Scroll Fragments in Control of Arab Shoemaker.” Boston Globe (Apr. 22, 1959) (1). 44. “Tourists Crowd Judea to See Scroll Caves.”(May 5, 1959) (1). 45. “From the Qumran Caves.” Chronicle (Mar. 13, 1959) (1). 46. “The Scrolls Yield Their Secrects.” Times Literary Supplement (Oct. 2, 1959) (1). 47. “The Man Behind the Seventh Scroll.” Jewish Advocate (Apr. 3, 1958) (1). 48. “Hebrew.” Jerusalem Post (Jul. 24, 1959) (1). 49. “Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible.” Times Literary Supplement (May 28, 1964) (1). 50. “Massada Proves the Historic Accuracy of Josephus.” (Sept. 9, 1966) (1). 51. “Splinters From the Temple.” (Mar. 25, 1963) (1). 52. “Israel Plans to Keep Scroll Bought in 1967.” (Aug. 30, 1969) (1). 53. “Zeitlin Challenges Yadin’s Views on Massada.” (1). 54. “Massada Revisited” (May 29, 1969) (1). 55. “New Dead Sea Scroll Acquired by Israel.” (Oct. 23, 1967) (1). 56. “Scroll Searching.” Times Literary Supplement (Feb. 3, 1966) (1). 57. “The Lesson of the Dead Sea Scroll.” (Feb. 23, 1965) (1). 58. “Israel Acquires Piece of Dead Sea Scroll.” (Jan. 22, 1966) (1). 59. “Israel Opens Old Fortress to Hardy Visitors.” New York Times (Feb. 6, 1966) (1). 60. “Find New Scroll at Massada.” Jewish Chronicle (Dec. 31, 1964) (1). 61. “Massada Reveals Missing Link of Judaism and Christianity.” (Apr. 24, 1964) (1). 62. “Find Revives Debate on the Sect Linked to Dead Sea Scrolls.” (1964) (1). 63. “New Light is Shed on Dead Sea Sect.” New York Times (Sept. 22, 1963) (1). 64. “Those Ancient ‘Ain Feshka Scrolls.” New Palestine Magazine Section (Mar. 1951) (1). 65. “Problems of the Dead Sea Scrolls” Jewish Advocate (Mar. 29, 1951) (1). 66. “Isaiah Scroll is But a Type of Vulgar Text.” Circle (Sept. 1960) (1). 67. “Why None Need Fear Dead Sea Scrolls.” Boston Globe (Mar. 28 ) (1). 68. “Massada: An Ancient Bastion Renewed.” (Mar. 28, 1966) (1). 69. “Another Psalm?.” (Mar. 16, 1962) (1). #23A/2 70. “Massada Expedition Ready to Begin Work.” Israel Digest (Oct. 2, 1963) (1). 71. “Buried Treasure.” Time (Jun. 11, 1956) (1). 72. “The War Scroll.” (May 4, 1962) (1). 73. “The Temple Scroll.” Time (Nov. 3, 1967) (1). 74. “Fragile Pages from the Oldest Bible.” (Jun. 1952) (1). 75. “Home for the Scrolls.” Time (Aug. 12, 1957) (2). 76. “Dead Sea Jewels.” Time (Sept. 5, 1955) (1). 77. “The Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance.” Jewish Frontier (Apr. 1957) (1). 78. “Baby Noah.” ( Dec. 31, 1956) (1). 79. “As Christians View the Scrolls.” Congress Weekly (Nov. 1956) (1). 80. “The Latest on the Scrolls.” Time (Oct. 1, 1956) (1). 81. “Allegro Under Fire.” Time (Apr. 2, 1956) (1). 82. “Crucifixion Before Christ.” Time (Feb. 6, 1956) (1). 83. “The Sons of Light versus the Sons of Darkness.” The Jewish Agency for Palestine (1956) (1). 84. “The Refugees of the Dead Sea Caves.” Jewish Affairs (Aug. 1960) (1). 85. “Ashdod Restored to the Map.” Israel (Jun. 1965) (1). 86. “The Dead Sea Scrolls.” Time (Apr. 15, 1957) (1).

B. Newspapers Hebrew #23A/3 1. “Sefer .hanokh bagenuzim,” .Hd.v@r (1959) (1). 2. “‘Sifra@ de@agadta@’ mime habayit hasheni,” m@t Y. M. Grynts, .Hd.v@ar (1958) (1). 3. “Kt [email protected] v.mnzrh shvmdvr Yh.vdh,” H@rts (Sept. 16, 1955) (1). 4. “Hmgylh hshvy%yt shl [email protected],” (March 16, 1956) (1). 5. “Nft.hh hmgyla hshvy%yt,” (February 8, 1956) (1). 6. “B%nyn hmgyl.vt,” (1). 7. “@l hm%rkht,” (Oct. 16, 1956) (1). 8. “Tfylt nv.vn@y - .K.t% mmgyl.vt mdbr Yh.vdh,” @. M. Hbrmn, (Oct. 26, 1956). 9. “Mhd.vrt ‘Ml.hmt bny @.vr bbny .h.vshkh’ shl Ydyn,” @. M. Hbrmn (January 6, 1956) (1). 10. “.K.t%y m.kr@ .hdshym m.hfyr.vt .Kmr@n,” Mshh G.vshn (G.v.tsh.tayn) (Dec 2, 1955) (1). 11. “Ginze nus.ha@ot,” Hd.v@ar (1954) (1). 12. “Sdr %v.vdh ly.vm hkhyf.vrym m.h.vrvt .Kumr@n,” Y. M. Grynts (Feb. 10, 1956) (1). 13. “Hyd.vsh gd.vl bhlkh.vt .vykh.v.h?” Grshm Shl.vm (Jan. 13, 1956) (1). 14. “Bemoledet hagenyzah,” Hd.v@ar (1956) (1). 15. “Pesher tehilim, mt.vkh mgyl.vt mdbr Yh.vdh,” m@t @. M. Hbrmn, Hd.v@ar (1955) (1). 16. “%l r.v.hh shl kt hy.hd,” Y%.kv Lykh.t (Oct. 28, 1955) (1). 17. “Megylat hamil.hamah,” A. M. Hbrmn, Hd.v@ar (1956) (1). 18. “Hgnyzh mmdvr Yj.vdah .vsfr ytsyrh,” (Oct. 7, 1949) (1). 19. “Hgnyzh b%rv.vt ym-hml.h,” H@rts (Oct. 14, 1949) (1). 20. “Hsh.kfh s.vb.v.v.tyt %l @nshy hmgyl.vt hgn.vz.vt,” (May 15, 1959) (1). 21. “T.vld.vt hgnyzh mmdvr Yh.vdh,” (Sept. 23, 1949) (1).

22. “______” (Sept. 23, 1949) (1).

E. Publisher’s Table of Contents #23A/3 1. “Dead Sea Scroll Studies.” Leeds University Oriental Society (1969) (1).

F. Publisher’s Advertisement #23A/4 1. “Dead Sea Scrolls.” E.J. Brill Publisher (1969) (1).

G. Manuscript/ Book Copy #23A/5 1. “The Dead Sea Scrolls of St. Mark’s Monastery.” (Volume II Fascicle 2) Plates and Transcription of the Manual of Discipline. (1951) (1).

III. Bar Kochbah Letters #23A/6

A. Newspapers English 1. Photo of a letter of Bar Kochba found in Wadi Murab’at. (1). 2. “Candlesticks Coins and Corpse.” (Jan 26, 1961) (1). 3. “Exploring the Dead Sea Caves: How the Bar Kochba Letters Were Found.” Hadassah Newsletter (Jan. 1961) (1). 4. “A Lady from the Second Century.” Hadassah Newsletter (Nov. 1961) (2). 5. “The Judaean Desert Expedition.” The Jerusalem Post (June 3, 1960) (2)

B. Newspapers Hebrew 1. 2. 3.

Box 23A IV. Wissenschaft des Judentums

A. Offprints and Articles, English #23A/7 1. New Perspectives on Abraham Geiger edited by Jacob J. Petuchowski. An HUC - JIR Symposium. (1975) (1). 2. “Jewish Religious Reform and Wissenschaft des Judentums: the Positions of Zunz Geiger and Frankel.” Michael A. Meyer. Yearbook XVI of the Leo Baeck Institute (1971) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #23A/8 1. “Entstehung der Wissenschaft des Judentums.” Ismar Elbogen. In Ein Jahrhundert Wissenschaft des Judentums. (1922) (1). 2. “Geistesgeschichtliche Grundlagen der Wissenschaft des Judentums.” Siegfried Ucko. Zeitschrift für Die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland 5 (1935) (1). 3. “Die Wissenschaft des Judentums: ihr Einfluss auf die Emanzipation der Juden.” B. Jacob. (Lecture Jan. 2 1907) (1). 4. “Die Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums: Ein geistesgeschichtlicher Versuch.” In Das Breslauer Seminar edited by Guido Kisch. (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew and Yiddish #23A/9 1. “M.k.vmh shl hhlkhh b.hkhmt Y.sr@l,” m@t L.vy Gyntsv.vrg (1941) (1). 2. “Ts.vd%r @yd%ologye f.vn dy sh%f%rs f.vn .hkhmt Y.sr@l,” f.vn [email protected] .Vin%r, YIVO Bleeter [Yiddish] (Summ. 1947) (1).

Box 24 I. Abraham Heschel

A. Offprints and Articles, English #24/1 1. “Heschel, Intuition and the Halakhah.” Marvin Fox. Tradition 3 no. 1 (1960) (1). 2. “The Ultimate and the Mystery: A Critique of Some Neo-Mystical Tenets.” Jewish Quarterly Review 51 no. 1 (July 1960) (2). 3. “The Philosophy of Abraham Heschel.” Lou H. Silberman (1). 4. “The Spirit of .” A. J Heschel. Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly (1953) (1). 5. “Theology and Depth-Theology.” CCAR Journal 21 no. 3 (Summer 1974) (1). 6. “Depth -Theology.” A.J. Heschel. Cross Currents (1). 7. “Abraham Joshua Heshel: Toward a Philosophy of Judaism.” Maurice Friedman. Conservative Judaism (Winter 1956) (1). 8. “Toward an Understanding of Halacha.” Central Conference of American Rabbis (1953) (1). 9. “The Moment at Sinai.” A.J. Heschel. The American Zionist (February 5, 1953) (1). #24/2 10. “The Spirit of Jewish Education.” A.J.Heschel. Jewish Education 24, no. 2 (Fall 1953) (1). 11. “The Divine Pathos.” A.J. Heschel. Judaism (January 1953) (1). 12. “What is the Bible?” A.J. Heschel. The JPS Bookmark (October 1954) (1). 13. “Sacred Images of Man.” A.J. Heshel. Religious Education (March-April 1958) (2). 14. “The Task of Hazzan.” A.J. Heschel. Conservative Judaism (Winter 1958) (2). 15. “The Problem of the Individual.” In The Individual Jew and His Obligations Part IV(1). 16. “To be a Jew: What is it?” A.J. Heschel. The Zionist Quarterly (1951) (1). 17. “The Holy Dimension.” A.J. Heschel. The Journal of Religion (April 1943) (1). 18. “An Analysis of Piety.” The Review of Religion (February 1942) (1). 19. “Dr. Heschel’s Theology of Pathos.” . Tradition 6 no. 4.(1964) (1).

B. Announcements: Neukirchener Verlag #24/3 1. Wer ist der Mensch? (1). 2. Die Erde ist des Herrn (1). 3. Abraham J. Heschel (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew and Yiddish #24/4 1. “Pi.kua.h neshamah,” @vrhm Yh.vsh% Heshil, “Pkuach N’Shamah” (1949) (1). 2. “%l r.v.h h.kv.dsh bymy hbynym,” m@t @vrhm Yh.vsh% Hshyl, Hy.vvl lkhb.vd @lkhsndr M@rkhs (1950) (1). 3. “@[email protected]@an.t% [email protected]%n.tn ts.v d%r .g%shykh.t% f.vn .hsyd.vt,” f.vn @avrhm Yh.vsh% H%shl, Yiv.v.@o (1952) [Yiddish]; Yivo BleterYivo Bleter (1952) (1). 4. “Yir@ath shamayim,” m@t @avraham Heshel, Hshnh lYh.vdy @mry.ka (1942) (1). 5. “Hh@myn hrmbm. Shzkhh lnv.v@h?” m@t @vrhm Yh.vsh% H%shl (1945) (1).

D. Newspapers, English #24/5 1. Picture of A.J. Heschel. (November 1944) (1). 2. “Man is Not Alone.” Vermont Voice (April 1951) (1). 3. “Heschel Cites Crisis of Values.”(1965) (1). 4. “Dr. King leads 2 500 at Arlington in Silent Prayer for War Dead “ New York Times (Feb. 1 1968) (1). 5. “Fr. Berrigan has no Great Hopes for Peace Movement Revival” (December 1972) (1). 6. “A Militant Mystic.” Time (Jan. 8, 1973) (1). 7. “Abraham Heschel 1907-1972.” (February 1973) (1). 8. Picture of A.J. Heschel with Rabbinical Students (1). 9. “Revelation and the Needs of Man.” (1956) (1). 10. “The Jew and God.” Time (March 19, 1956) (1). 11. “Jews: A Plea for Love Without Cause.” Time (March 14, 1969) (1).

E. Newspapers Hebrew #24/6 1. “Hya.hid bedorenu,” m@t @vrhm Yj.vsh% Hshl, Hd.v@ar (1958) (1).

F. Misc. #24/7 1. Invitation to Inagural Lecture by A.J. Heschel at the Jewish Theological Seminary (November 10, 1965) (1). 2. Picture of A.J. Heschel meeting the Pope United Synagogue Review (Fall 1971) (1). 3. Invitation to a tribute to A.J. Heschel (1971) (1).

Box 24 II. Hebrew

A. Offprints and Articles, English #24/8 1. “Techniques of Augmenting the Hebrew Vocabulary.” S. Talmon. Igereth 22 (March 1962) (1) 2. “Modern Hebrew and “Israeli” Hebrew.” Ezekiel G. Kutscher. Conservative Judaism (1956) (1). 3. “Problems of the Masora.” Alexander Sperber. Hebrew Union College Annual 17 (1943) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #24/9 1. “Pr.ky yi.h.vd,” %.vzy @.vrnn (1967) (1). 2. “Shy.tt nyt.v.h shl dym.vym bytsyr.vt sfr.vty.vt,” %.vzy @.vrnn (1962) (1). 3. “Karmenu,” me@et P. @a.vrbakh, M. @ezra.hi, Y. Ye.hi@eli (1953) (1). 4. “Ht.hbyr: lym.vd hmshm%.vt hmvnyt,” %.vzy @.vrnn, %l h.vr@t ht.hvyr bbyt-hsfr htykh.vn (1). 5. “Nyt.v.h mykhny .vh.vr@t ht.hbyr,” %.vzy @.vrnn, Lsh.vnn.v (1959) (1). 6. “Hebrew Phonology.” Alexander Sperber. Hebrew Union College Annual 16(1941) (1).#24/10 7. “Hebrew Based upon Greek and Latin Translaitons.” Alexander Sperber. Hebrew Union College Annual 12-13 (1937-38) (1). 8. “Hebrew Based upon Biblical Passages in Parallel Transmission.” Alexander Sperber. Hebrew Union College Annual 14 (1939) (1).

C. Vocabulary and Instruction Books #24/11 1. Hebrew Grammer: A New Approach. Alexander Sperber. (1943) (1). 2. “Basic Hebrew Word Lists for the First Three Years in Elementary Grades.” William Chomsky. (1). 3. “An English Companion I.” Haim Shachter. (1955) (1). 4. “An English Companion II.” Haim Shachter. (1955) (1). 5. “Harpers Hebrew Vocabularies” (1955) (1). 6. “Hml.vt hvsysydt lshnh,” [vocabulary list type written] (1).

Box 25 I. Modern Judaism

A. Offprints and Articles, English #25/1 1. “Heritage and Allegiance.” Henry Hurwitz. The Menorah Journal 47 (Autumn-Winter 1959) (1). 2. “The Effects of the War on Jewish Community Life.” Salo W. Baron. Harry L. Glucksman Memorial Lectures (1). 3. “Judaism’s Contribution to Post-War Religion.” Julian Morgenstern. Address at Hebrew Union College (September 1942) (1). 4. “War and the Remnant of Israel.” J.L. Magnes. Address at Hebrew University (October 29, 1939) (1). 5. “The Contemporary Jew and his Judaism.” Judah Goldin. In Spiritual Problems in Contemporary Literature, Religion and Civilization Series. (1). 6. “American and Jewish Destiny: A Semimillennial Experience.” Salo W. Baron. Address at Synagogue Council of America (October 12, 1942) (1). #25/2 7. “Books of Jewish Interest 1956-57.” The Jewish Quarterly (Winter 1956-57) (1). #25/2 8. “Text book of the Toronto Jewish Free School.” (September 1915) (1). 9. “The Jew as British Citizen: Three Centuries of Achievement.” Jewish Historical Society (November 1937) (1). 10. “The Evolution of Anglo-Jewish Literature.” Cecil Roth. (November 1937) (1). 11. “Disruptive Forces in Judaism.” Manchester Jewish Literary Society (April 7, 1929) (1). 12. “The Persecusiton of the Jews in Germany.” Joint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Anglo-American Association (April 1933) (1). 13. “Modern Capitalism and Jewish Fate.” Menorah Journal 30, no. 2 (Summer 1942) (1). 14. “The Nineteen Letters of Ben Uziel A Hegelian Exposition.” Noah H. Rosenbloom. Historia Judaica 22, no. 1 (April 1960) (1). #25/3 15. “Reconsidering Max Nordau.” Meir Ben-Horin. Herzl Yearbook 2 (1959) (1). 16. “Second Supplement to the Symposium to Layman Concerning Religiously Unaffiliated Jews.” (1). 17. “Notes of a Dialogue Concerning Religiously Unaffiliated American Jews.” Emil Weitzner. (1)

B. Offprints and Articles, German #25/4 1. “Kiriath Yearim.” In Israel: VII. Tätigkeitbericht 1. Juli 1958 - 30 Juni 1959. (July 1958-June 1959) (1). 2. “Das Jüdische Volkslied.” Fritz Mordechi Kaufmann. (1919) (1). 3. “Das Jüdische Volkslied.” S. Kisselhoff. Die Jüdische Gemeinschaft. (1913) (1). 4. “Deutsche Klassiker Im Ghetto.” Samuel Meisels. Blätter Der Neuzeit. (1922) (1). 5. “Jüdisches Wesen und neue Dichtung” Tribüne Der Kunst und Zeit (1934) (1). 6 “Zurück zur Thora? Eine Anfrage an Jung Israel.” Wilhelm Freyhan. (1).

C. Programs #25/5

Medieval Period Box 27 II. Judaism in the Middle Ages

A. Offprints and Articles, English #27/2 1. “Wilhelm Roscher's Theory of the Economic and Social Position of the Jews in the Middle Ages.” Toni Oelsner. YIVO Annual of Jewish Social Studies 12 (1958/59) (1). 2. “Some Historical Aspects of Authority in Judaism.” Ellis Rivkin. Yearbook the Central Conference of American Rabbis 61 (1951) (1). 3. “Judaism and History.” Ellis Rivkin. Civilisations 7, no. 4 (1957) (2). 4. “Old Yiddish Poetry in Linguistic-Literary Research.” Max Weinreich. Word 16, no. 1 (April 1960) (1). 5. Excerpt from Jewish Luminaries in Medical History. Harry Friedenwald (1946) (1). 6. “The Messina Synagogue Inscription: or Alas Poor Zunz.” Cicil Roth In Scritti sull’ Ebraismo in memoria di Guido Bedarida. (1966) (1). 7. “The Status of Arabic as used by Jews in the Middle Ages.” J. Blau. Journal of Jewish Studies 10, 1-2 (1959) (1). 8. “Marcin Czechowic and Jacob of Belzyce Arian-Jewish Encounter in 16th Century Poland.” American Academy for Jewish Research 34 (1966) (1). 9. “The Talmud and the Medieval Papacy.” Solomon Grayzel. In Essays in Honor of Solomon B. Freehof. (1964) (1). #27/3 10. “The Place of the Jews in Economic History as viewed by German Scholars.” Toni Oelsner. Yearbook VII of the Leo Baeck Institute (1962) (1). 11. “Diaspora, Fact and Belief.” Henry A. Fischel. Bulletin of Indiana School of Religion 53, no. 3 (March 1963) (1). 12. “Martin Luther and his Jewish Contemporaries.” Carl Cohen. Jewish Social Studies 25, no. 3 (July 1963) (1). 13. “Jewish Community Organization in light of the Cairo Geniza Documents.” S.D. Goitein. Zion 26, no. 3-4. (1961) (1). 14. “The Age of the Hebrew Tombstones from Aden.” S.D. Goitein. Journal of Semitic Studies (Spring 1962) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #27/4 1. “Die Juden und Luther.” Carl Cohen. Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 54, heft 1 (1964) (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #27/5 1. “Hv.vnh,” m@t @frym Shm.v@ly, Syny (1960) (1). 2. “Hyhd.vt [email protected],” (1). 3. “L.v.h.vt-h@vn mvtt-hkhnst h.kd.vm [email protected],” Sf.vn.vt (1961) (1). 4. “@yn%.vayny.ks.t% [email protected] @yn @ashknz byz d%r hshklh: [email protected] @.vn ba@gryfn,” [email protected] .Vaynraykh, G@old%n% .kay.t (1959) (1). 5. “Ydy%.vt .hdsh.vt %l ngydy .kyr.v@n .v%l rbn.v nsym,” Sh. D. G.vy.tayn, Tsy.vn (1962) (1). 6. “Ktr .hlv .vvn b.vy@%@ hs.vfr,” m@t Mshh G.vshn-G.v.tsh.tayn, Trbyts (1964) (1). 7. “Yhd.vt .vyh.vdym bkhtvy @lgz@ly,” m@t .H.vh Ltsr.vs-yfh, Trbyts (1964) (1).

Box 27 III. Medieval Jewish History

A. Offprints and Articles, English #27/6 1. “The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain.” Alexander Marx; “Margoliouth’s ‘Catalogue of Kabbalistic MSS. in the British Museum.” Alexander Marx; “The ‘Romm’ Mishnah.” Alexander Marx Jewish Quarterly Review n.s. 2 (1911-1912) (1). 2. “The Confession of a Medieval Jewish Convert.” Solomon Grayzel. Historia Judaica 17, pt. 2 (October 1955) (1). 3. “Jewish References in a Thirteenth-Century Formulary.” Solomon Grayzel. Jewish Quarterly Review (July 1955) (1). 4. “A Second Supplement to the Jews in Egypt and in Palestine under the Fatimid Caliphs.” Jacob Mann. (1). #27/7 5. “Gaonic Studies.” Jacob Mann. In Hebrew Union College Jubilee Volume (1925) (1). 6. “A final Word to Krauss' ‘Nachbemerkung.’” Jacob Mann Hebrew Union College Annual 11 (1936) (1). 7. “The Literary Contoversy in 1656 Concerning the Return of the Jews to England.” M. Wilensky. Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 20 (1951) (1). 8. “Rabbi David Oppenheimer.” Jewish Quarterly Review 20, no. 3 (1930) (1). 9. “Rejoinder to Samuel Krauss’ Zur Dr. Mann’s neuen Historischen Texten.” Hebrew Union College Annual 10 (1935) (1). 10. “Additional Note to Hebrew Union College Jubilee Volume.” Jacob Mann. (1). 11. “The Medieval Christian Hebraists of England: Herbert of Bosham and Earlier Scholars.” Raphael Loewe. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England (1953) (1). #27/8 12. “Congregation versus Community: an unknown Chapter in Communal History of Jewish Palestine.” S.D. Goitein. Jewish Quarterly Review 44 (April 1954) (1). 13. “The Choice of Books by the Printers of Hebrew Incunabula.” In To Doctor R. (1946) (1). 14. “Imaginary Journeys from Palestine to France.” Hans Lewy. Journal of the Warburg Institute 1, no. 3 (1). 15. “Note of some Judeo-Arabic Legal Documents.” Jacob Mann. Jewish Quarterly Review (1). 16. “Karaite Works: Addenda to Jewish Quarterly Review Vol. XII.” Jacob Mann. Jewish Quarterly Review (1). 17. “Five Versions of the Story of the Jerusalemite.” . in Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Reaseqarch, vol. 35 (1967) (1) 18. “The Letters and Last Will and Testament of Luis De Carvajal, the Yonger.” trans. Martin A. Cohen. American Jewish Historical Quarterly 55, no. 4 (1966) (1) 19. ‘Reflections on the Text and Context of the Disputations of Barcelona.” Hebrew Union College Annual 35 (1964) (1)

Box 28 I. Medieval Jewish History

A. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #28/1 1. “@ashknz: Dy Yidysh-t.k.vfh @yn d%r Yidysh%r g%shykh.t%,” f.vn M. .Vaynraykh, Yi.v@o, , ivo Bleter vol. 35 (1). 2. “@shkhnz @.vn @oyr@op% - @ p2r%ndy.k.t% %p@0kh%,” f.vn Mshh @vygd.vr Sh.vl.v.v@m, Yi.v@ [April 8, 1953] (1). 3. “Sefer Hage@ulah,” Y%.kv Lyfshyts (1889) (1). 4. “T.vld.vt hrmbyn,” [email protected] Mrgly.vt (1). 5. “T.vld.vt rbyn.v Y.hy@l Mf@ryz .v.k.vr.vt h.vykh.v.h,” [email protected] Mrgly.vt (1). 6. “Yr.vshlym bt.k.vfh h%rbyt,” m@t Sh. D. G.vy.tayn, Yrv.shlym (1952) (1). #28/2 7. “Lt.vld.t hshmd bymy [email protected],” @brhm Sh. Hl.kyn, The Joshua Starr Memorial Volume (1953) (1). 8. “Mym.vrb.vkh myshn d.k.k. .v.vyn@ lfny hbyr.vsh,” Mshh Sh.t%rn [1940] (1). 9. “.K.vn.trs gr.vt ttn.v.,” @hrn Y%llyn%.k; “Zur Geshchte de Kreuzzuge,” Adolph Jellinek (1954) (1). 10. “@fry.k.h,” (1). 11. “Ydy%.vt .hdsh.vt 5l @rts-Y.sr@l bt.k.vft htslbnym,” m@t Sh. D. G.vy.tayn, @rts-Y.sr@l (1956) (1). 12. “______- - (1). 13.

B. Offprints and Articles, German #28/3 1. “Die Stellung des Judenthums zum Christenthum in dreizehnten und vierzehnten Jahrhundert.” Abraham Geiger (1871) (1). 2. “Geschichte der Juden in Ungarisch Brod.” Adolf Frankel-Grün. (1905) (1). 3. “Christen und Juden im Mittelalter.” A Berliner. (1882) (1). 4. “Saladin.” M. Sobernheim. Enzyklopadie des Islam (1925) (1). 5. “Schum.” Eugen Rapp. In Festschrift für Gerog Biundo (1952) (1). 6. “Hebräische Grabsteine aus dem XIII. - XV. Jahrhundert.” Dr. Bernard Wachstein. (1916) (1). 7. “Der Alte Judenfriedhof in Frankfurt a.M.” Julius Hülsen. (1932) (1). 8. “Mystisch-religiöse Strömungen unter den Juden in Polen im 16. - 18. Jahrhundert. S.A. Horodezky (1914) (1). 9. “Jüdische Kultaltertümer aus Edelmetall in der Ausstellung Religiöse Kunst aus Hessen und Nassau Marburg a/Lahn, Sommer 1926.” Rudolf Hallo. (1928) (1).

C. Bibliography of Hebrew Printing #28/4 1. “A Gazetter of Hebrew Printing.” Elkan .(1917) (1). 2. “A Gazetter of Hebrew Printing” Aron Freidmann. (1946) (1). M. H. Goshen-Gottstein Box 28 II. M. H. Goshen-Gottstein

I. Materials written by Goshen-Gottstein A. Offprints and Articles, English #28/5 1. “Theory and Practice of Textual Criticism” Textus 3 (1963) (1). 2. “The History of the Bible-Text and Comparative Semitics.” Vetus Testamentum 7, no. 2 (1957) (1). 3. “‘Ephraim is a well-trained heifer’ and Ugaritic mdl.” Biblica 41 (1960) (1). 4. “Biblical Philology and the Concordance.” Journal of Jewish Studies 8, 1-2 (1957) (1). 5. “Biblical Manuscripts in the United States.” Textus 2 (1962) (1). 6. “A New Edition of the Bible.” Ariel 12 (1965) (1). 7. “The Edition of Syrohexapla Materials.” Textus 4 (1964) (1). 8. “Hebrew Biblical Manuscripts.” Biblica 48 (1967) (1). 9. “The System of Verbal Stems in the Classical Semitic Languages.” In Proceedings of the International Conference on Semitic Studies Jerusalem. (1965) (1) 10. “Christianity, Judaism, and Modern Bible Study.” Vetus Testamentum Suppliment 28 (1975).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #28/6 1. “Ldrkhy htrg.vm .vhmtrgmym bymy hbynaym,” m@t Mshh G.vshn-G.v.tsh.tayn, Trbyts (1961) (1). 2. “[email protected] blsh.vn .vvd.kd.v.k,” m@t M. G.vshn-G.v.tsh.tayn (1957) (1). 3. “.K.vn.k.vrdntsya ltnkh.,” m@t Sh. [email protected] (1). 4. “Hlsh.vn h%vdyt .vhlsh.vn.vt hshmy.vt,” Mshh G.vshn-G.v.tsh.tayn (1). 5. “Mdrkhy htrg.vm .vhmtrgmym byme hbynaym,” m@t Mshh G.v.tsh.tayn [Jan. 17, 1955](1). 6. “Sfr Ysh%yh.v pr.kym ld.vgmh %m mv.v@,” m@t Mshh G.vshn-G.v.tsh.tayn (1965); “The book of Isaiah,” M. H. Goshen-Gottstein (1965) (1).

Will Herberg Box 28 IV. Will Herberg

I. Materials written by Will Herberg A. Offprints and Articles, English #28/8 1. “Bureaucracy and Democracy in Labor Unions.” Antioch Review (Fall 1943) (1). 2. “The Ethics of Power.” Jewish Frontier (March 1945) (1). 3. “Democracy and the Nature of Man.” Christianity and Society (Fall 1946) (1). 4. “On Religion and Theology.” The Reconstructionist (March 19, 1948) (1). 5. “From Marxism to Judaism.” Commentary (Jan. 1947) (1). 6. “Has Judaism Still Power to Speak?” Commentary (1). 7. “The Post-War Revival of the Synagogue.” Commentary (Apr. 1950) (1). 8. “Theological Problems of the Hour.” Rabbinical Assembly of America (Jun. 1949) (1). 9. “Rosenzweig's Judaism of Personal Existence.” Commentary (Dec. 1950) (1).

S. D. Goitein Box 28 I. S.D. Goitein

I. Materials written by Goitein A. Offprints and Articles, English #28/9 1. “The Geniza Collection of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania.” Jewish Quarterly Review 49 (July 1958) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #28/10 1. “Ht.hdsh.vth shl hm.hl.v.kt b%nyn ‘hrsh.vt’ @.ht %lyt.v shl rbn.v @brhm Ben Hrmbm.,” m@t Sh. D. G.vy.tayn Zkhr.vn lkhv.vd pr.vf. Yts.h.k Yh.vdh G.vldtsyhr zl. (1955) (1). 2. “Mkhtv @l rbn.v Yh.vdh Hl.vy %l @syft shyry.v .vhby.k.vrt shnmt.hh %lyhm,” m@t Sh. D. G.vy.tayn, Tarbyts (1959) (1). 3. “Tsh.vv.vt .hdsh.vt bkhtv-yd.v shl hrbmbm.,” m@t Shlmh Dv G.vy.tayn, Trbyts (1959) (1). 4. “%d.vt hys.t.vryt m%.t.v r.vf@ pay.tn b@rts [email protected],” m@t Shlmh dv G.vy.tayn, Trbyts (1958) (1). 5. “Hy.hs %l hShl.t.vn b@sl@m v.vYhd.vt,” m@t Sh. D. G.vy.tayn, Trbyts vol. 19 (1).

Box 29

II. Wolf Leslau

I. Materials Written by Leslau A. Offprints and Articles, English #29/1 1. “Arabic Loanwords in Tigre.” Word 12, no. 1 (April 1956) (1). 2. “The Phonetic Treatment of the Arabic Loanwords in Ethiopic.” Word 13, no. 1 (April 1957) (1). 3. “Arabic Loanwords in Amharic.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 19/2 (1957) (1). 4. “To the Defense of the Falashas.” Judaism 6, no. 2 (Spring 1957) (1). 5. “Sketches in Ethiopic Classifications.” Academia Nazionale dei Lincei 48 (1960) (1). 6. “The Black Jews of Ethiopia.” Commentary (March 1949) (1). 7. “An Ethiopian Minstrels' Argot.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 72, no. 3 (Jul.-Sept. 1952) (1). 8. “Arabic loanwords in Harari.” Studi Orientalistici (1956) (1). 9. “The Expressions “Under, After.” in the Ethiopic Languages.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Oct. 1956) (1). 10. “The Arabic Loanwords in Gurage.” Arabica 3, fasc. 3 (Sept. 1956) (1). 11. “Some Mutilated Roots in Ethiopic.” Lingua 6.3(Apr. 1957) (1). 12. “Arabic Loanwords in Tigrinya.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 76, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1956) (1). 13. “The Rainbow in the Hamito-Semitic Languages.” Orbis 5, no. 2 (1956) (1). 14. “Report on a Second Trip to Ethiopia.” Word 8, no. 1 (Apr. 1952) (1). #29/2 15. “The Influence of Sidamo on the Ethiopic Languages of Gurage.” Language 28, no. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1952) (1). 16. “Popular Interpretations of Bird Sounds in Ethiopia.” Journal of American Folklore 65, no. 258 (Oct.-Dec. 1952) (1). 17. “Notes on Kambatta of Southern Ethiopia.” Africa (Oct. 1952) (1). 18. “Sidamo Features in the South Ethiopic Phonology.” (1). 19. “Traces of Laryngeals in the Ethiopic Dialect of Ennemor.” Orientalia (1959) (1). 20. “Brief Communications.” American Anthropoligist (Feb. 1959) (1). 21. “Archaic Features in South Ethiopic.” Journal of the American Oriental Society (Oct.-Dec. 1951) (1). 22. “Brief Communications.” Journal of the American Oriental Soceity (Jul.-Sept. 1953) (1). 23. “Liguistic Observations on a Tigre codex.” Rassegna di Studi Etiopici (1952) (1). 24. “Book Reviews.” Language (Jan.-Mar. 1953) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, French #29/3 1. “Le Type Labsa en Gourague.” Rassegna Di Studie Etiopici (1951) (1). 2. “Le Type Verbal Qatala en Ethiopien Meridional.” Melanges De L'Univerite Sait Joseph (1954) (1).

C. Bibliography #29/4 1. List of Publications (1).

Box 29 III. Passover Seder Haggadah

A. English/Hebrew Haggadah #29/5 1. 1949 (1). 2. (1). 3. “The Seder Service for the First Two Nights of Passover.” (1). 4. 1963 (1). 5. 1912 (1).

B. German/Hebrew Haggadah #29/6 1. (1).

C. Hebrew Haggadah #29/7 1. “Givat Brenner.” 1944 (1). 2. (1). 3. “Bet Hashatah.” 1947 (1). 4. 1943 (1). 5. (1). #29/8 6. Modern catroons indicate type of political commentary (1). 7. “Had- Gadyah.” (1). 8. (1). 9. (1). 10. 1933-34 (2). 11. (1).

D. Book Proofs #29/9 1. Passover: Its History and Traditions. Theodor H. Gaster. (1).

Box 29A I. Haggadah's Continued

A. Offprints and Articles, English #29A/1 1. “The Prague Haggadah.” The Menorah Journal 11, no. 2 (Apr. 1925) (1). 2. “The Haggadah as a Book.” Cecil Roth . Habonim (Manuscript) (Apr. 1959) (1). 3. “The Medieval Haggadah.” Rachel Wischnitzer-Bernstein. Hadassah Newsletter (Apr. 1941) (1).

B. Newspapers, English #29A/2 1. Picture of an illuminated Haggadah page. Jerusalem Post (1). 2. “Freedom Book” (review of The Freedom Seder by Arthor I Waskow). Boston Globe (Apr. 19, 1970) (1). 3. Picture of the Yehuda Haggadah. The Jewish Advocate (Apr. 23, 1959) (1). 4. “Glory of the Haggadah.” The Jewish Advocate (Mar. 26, 1953) (1). 5. “The Origin of the Haggadah.” The Jewish Advocate (Apr. 10, 1952) (1).

C. Publishers advertisements (14) #29A/3

D. Haggadah Catalogues #29A/4 1. A. Rosenthal LTD. (Jan. 1972) (2). 2. A. Rosenthal LTD. (May. 1972) (1). 3. A. Rosenthal LTD. Catalogue #79 (1).

E. Exhibit Programs #29A/5 1. Program from the “La Haggada Enluminee”exhibit. (1973) (2). 2. Program from the “Exhibit Haggadahs and Passover Ceremonial Art.” American Jewish Historical Society (Ap.-Jun. 1970) (1). 3. Program from Harvard Haggadah/Judaica collection. Harvard (Mar. 1971) (1).

F. Haggadah Reproductions and Pictures #29A/6 1. Picture of “Abbildung 4” Spanish 1400 (1). 2. Picture of “Abbildung 5 & 6” (1). 3. Picture of “Seeking out the Leaven.” (1725) (1). 4. “Reproductions from the Haggadah of Sarajevo.” (1924) (1). 5. Reproductions of unknown Haggadah (2). 6. “The Haggadah.” (1).

G. Misc. #29A/7 1. Library search record for “The Gospel of Mark- The New Christian /Jewish Passover Haggadah.” (1). 2. Postcard to NNG by Landau of a page from an illuminated haggadah. (1957) (1).

Box 29A II. Passover

A. Offprints and Articles, English #29A/8 1. “Pre-Maccabean Documents in the Passover Haggadah.” Louis Finkelstein. Harvard Theological Review 36, no. 1 (Jan. 1943) (1). 2. “On Translating Alterman's Ten Plagues of Egypt.” Robert Friend. Ariel 14 (1966) (1). 3. “Mediaeval Illuminated Haggadot.” Bazalel Narkiss. Ariel 14 (1966) (1). 4. “The Living Heritage of Passover.” Christian Friends (Mar. 1962) (1). 5. “Theological Optics.” Applied Optics (Apr. 1975) (1).

B. Newspapers, English #29A/9 1. “The Mysterious Route of the Exodus.” (1965) (1). 2. “Passover in a German Camp.” (1965) (1). 3. “Passover Throughout the Ages.” The Jewish Advocate (Apr. 15, 1954) (1). 4. “Seders in Strange Places.” The Jewish Advocate (Apr. 15, 1954) (1). 5. “Temples of Abu Simbel.” New York Times (Feb. 2, 1964) (1). 6. “Exotic Passover Customs and Practices.” The Jewish Advocate (Apr. 4, 1963) (1). 7. “Passover and Easter.” (1). 8. “Seder Scenario.” Jerusalem Post (1).

C. Newspapers, German #29A/10 1. “Die Pessach Haggada im Wandel der Jahrhunderte.” (Mar. 31, 1961) (1). 2. “Pessach in Vergangenheit und Zukunft.” Jüdische Wochenblatt 14 (1).

D. Newspapers, Hebrew #29A/11 1. “Hgdt=ps.h sfrdyt m-1300,” H@rts (Mar. 26, 1956) (1). 2. “Ytsy@t mtsrym .vkhyv.vsh h@rts [email protected] hm.h.kr” (1949) (1). 3. “H@mt h%.vvdtyt %l %.sr hmkh.vt,” M%ryv (April 20, 1951)(1). 4. “Ytsy@t Mtsrym N.vs.h Bn G.vry.vn, ” (June 3, 1960) (1). 5. “Sdr lyl ps.h bmzr.h hr.h.v.k,” (Apr. 10, 1936) (1). 6. “.Hg hps.h bpy h%m,” (Apr. 17, 1935) (1).

Box 29A III. Jewish Education

A. Offprints and Articles, English #29A/12 1. “Jewish Education 1945.” Joint Emergency Committee For Jewish Religious Education in Great Britian (1945) (1). 2. “Religious Education in the Public Schools of Ontario.” For Children in a Democracy (1945) (1). 3. “Why Study Hebrew.” Samuel M. Blumenfeld. Board of Jewish Education (1951) (1). 4. “Higher Jewish Education and the Emerging Pattern of American Jewry.” Samuel M. Blumenfeld. (Address delivered at the opening og the Jewish Institute of Religion) (Oct. 1943) (1). 5. “The Jewish Community and Jewish Education.” American Assocation for Jewish Education. (1948) (1). 6. “Young Jewry.” Joint Emergency Committe for Jewish Religious Eduction in Great Britian (1). 7. “The Issue in the Higher Learning.” Robert Maynard Hutchins. International Journal of Ethics 44, no. 2 (Jan. 1934) (1). 8. “Some Aspects of Adult Jewish Education.” Samuel M. Blumenfeld. Jewish Education 10, no. 3 (1938) (1). 9. “The College of Jewish Studies.” (1952) (1). 10. “Jewish Students at McGill University.” Leon A. Feldman. Guide Posts (May 1947) (1). 11. “New Horizons for Jewish Eduction in Chicago.” Samuel Blumenfeld. (Address deliverd at the annual meeting of the Board of Jewish Education). (1). 12. “Educating Teaching Personnel for Jewish Schools.” Leon Honor. Hebrew Union College Annual 23, no. 12 (1950-51) (1). 13. “Historical Developments of Jewish Education in America.” Samuel Blumenfeld. Jewish Education 31 (Winter 1949) (1). 14. “Department of Education and Culture of the Jewish Agency in America.” Samuel Blumenfeld. Jewish Education (Spring 1958) (1). 15. “The Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education: A Case Study (1924-1953).” Oscar Janowsky. American Jewish Historical Quarterly 54, no. 3 (Mar. 1965) (1). 16. “Education for Living as American Jews.” American Jewish Committee (Apr. 1946) (1). 17. “The Rabbinical Assembly: Comment.” Eisig Silberschlag. Proceedings (1962) (1). 18. “ The ‘Unknown Soldier’ in Israel: Jewish Communities Should Aid Hebrew Teachers in Bringing Dignity to their Profession.” Samuel Blumenfeld. The Advocate 98, no 17 (June 2, 1939) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #29A/13 1. “ Sfry-ys.vd shl [email protected],” m@t Shl.vm Shpygl, %l htykh.vny h%vry [email protected]@l (1). 2. “Byt hmdrsh lt.vrh [email protected],” m@t Shm.v@l Y. Paygyn (1). 3. “H.vr@t hhv%h .vhsfr.vt bvty-hsfr htykh.vnym,” (1941); “Oral and Written Expression and the Teaching of Literature in the Hebrew Secondary Schools of Palestine.” (1942) (1).

Box 30

I. Leo Baeck Institute

A. Offprints and Articles, English #31/1 1. “Two German Personalities.” Jewish Affairs (June 1958) (1).

B. LBI Newsletter, English #31/2 1. Spring 1964 (1). 2. Fall 1964 (1).

C. Newspapers, German #31/3 1. “Die ‘Wiener Library’: Ein Zentrum der Information.” Die Wiedenschung (Aug. 22, 1958) (1). 2. “Das zweite Jahrbuch des Leo Baeck Institute.” M. Plessner. (Dec. 5, 1958) (1). 3. “Schatzkammer jüdischen Geistes.” Aufbau (Apr. 17, 1959) (1). 4. “Die geistige Erbschaft des deutschen Judentums: zur Eröffnung des Leo Baeck-Institutes.” Ernst Simon (July 1955) (1)

D. Archive Register (1). #31/4

E. Bibliographies, Publication Lists #31/5 1. “Publications Sponsored by LBI-New York.” (Nov. 6, 1968) (1). 2. “Arbeits-Bericht fuer die Exekutive-Citzung.” (Oct. 25, 1966) (1).

3. Publication List in German (May 18, 1965) (1). 4. “Zusammenfassung Aller im Gang Befindlichen Arbeiten des LBI-New York.” (1). 5. Pamphlet of the Publications of the LBI (1). 6. List of Publications of LBI for 1957-58,English, (1). 7. List of Publications of LBI, German (1). 8. “Gegenwaertiger Stand unserer Publikationstätigkeit.” LBI (1). 9. “Vorschläge von Frau Dr. S. Stern Taeubler” (1).

II. American Jewish History A. Offprints and Articles, English #31/6 1. “The Story of Jews in the United States.” Jewish Information Series (1942) (1). 2. “Americans All: A Short history of American Jews.” Anti Defamation League. (1). 3. “Then and Now.” Sefton D. Temkin. Department of Judaic Studies University of Cincinnati. (Feb. 22, 1977) (1). 4. Excerpt from A Documentary History of the Jews in the United States edited by Morris U Schappes. (1950) (1). 5. “A New Look at American Jewry.” Oscar I Janowsky. American Jewish Historical Quarterly 54, no. 4 (June 1965) (1).

Box 31 III. Jewish Immigration A. Offprints and Articles, English #31/7 1. “Immigration of Russian Jews to the United States.” Simon Kuznets. Perspectives in American History 9 (1975) (1). 2. “Aspects of the Influence of Jews From Germany on American Spiritual Life in the 19th Century.” Adolf Kober. In Jews From Germany in the US (1955) (1). 3. “The Russian Jews in America.” George M. Price, trans. by Leo Sphall. American Jewish Historical Society 48, no 1-2 (Sept-Dec. 1958) (1). 4. “Ohio Jewry During the Civil War.” Stanley F. Chyet. Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio Bulletin 21, no. 3 (Jul. 1963) (1).

Box 31 IV. US and Israel's Relationship (A Historical Outlook) A. Offprints and Articles, English #31/8 1. “America and the Holy Land: A Colloquium.” Division of American Jewish History and Institutions. (1972) (1).

Box 31 VI. The Holocaust and American Jews A. Offprints and Articles, English #31/10 1. “Did American Jewry Do Enough During the Holocaust?” Henrey L. Feingold. B.G. Rudolph Lectures in Judaic Studies (April 1985) (1). Louis Finkelstein

Box 32 I. Louis Finkelstein A. Offrprints and Articles, English #32/1 1. “Rabbi Finkelstein.” Time (Oct. 15, 1951) (1). 2. “Tradition in the Making.” Jewish Theological Seminary (Jun. 6, 1937) (1).

IV. Islam and Arabic literature A. Offprints and Articles, English #32/4 1. “The Epicurean Ethic of Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Ar-Razi.” Studia Islamica (1). 2. “Massignon and : The Complexities of Growth in an Imperial City.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1966) (1). 3. “The Spanish Arabs and Islam.” The Muslim World (1963) (3). 4. “The Caliph's Personal Domain.” (1). 5. “Notes on the Topography of Baghdad.” Journal of the American Oriental Society (Sept.-Dec. 1963) (1). 6. “Municipal Entities and Mosques: An Additional note on the Imperial Center.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1967). 7. “Place of the Religious Commandments in the Philosophy of Al-Ghazali.” The Muslim World (July 1961) (1). 8. “Trade in Classical Arabic Literature.” The Muslim World (1965) (1). 9. “Trade in the Qur'an and Hadith.” The Muslim World (Apr. 1962) (1). 10. “Economic Theory in Classical Arabic Literature.” Studies in Islam (Jan. 1965) (1). 11. “Some Speculative Thoughts on the Search for an Abbadsid Capital.” The Muslim World (1965) (1). 12. “Why did the Caliph Al-Mansur Build Ar-Rusafah?” Near Eastern Studies (Jan.-Apr. 1965) (1). 13. “Social and Historical Problems of the 'Anazeh Tribes.” Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient (1965) (1). 14. “Notes on the Introduction of Ministerial Responsibility into Egypt.” Journal of Modern History (Mar. 1956) (1). 15. “Ottoman Attitudes Toward Peace Making.” Der Islam (1974) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #32/5 1. “Eine Risala Ibn Hayyans uber seine Tatigkeit als Geschichtsschreiber.” (1). 2. “Das Gebet im Qoran.” (1). 3. “Jemenische Sprichwörter aus Sanaa.” A. S. Yahuda Zeitschrift fü Assyriologie 26 (1911) (1)

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #32/6 1. “ ______- ______” (1). 2. “______.” (1958) (1).

______” ______(1). 4. “______” Journal of Asian and African Studies (1). 5. “______- ______- ______” _____ (1).

Box 33 I. Bible

A. Offprints and Articles, English #33/1 1. “On Biblical Hypostases of Wisdom.” Hebrew Union College Annual (1950-51) (1). 2. “Role of Memory in Biblical History.” Jewish Theological Seminary (1953) (1). 3. “On Scriptural Exegesis.” Cross Currents (Feb. 1955) (1). 4. “YHWH The Passionate the Monotheistic Meaning and Origin of the Name YHWH.” Vetus Testamentum (1956) (1). 5. “Book Review” Conservative Judaism (Winter 1956) (1). 6. “Colonies and enclaves” Estratto da Studi Orientalistici in ornore di Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1956) (1). 7. “North Israelite Influence on Postexilic Hebrew” Israel Exploration Journal (1955) (1). 8. “ Shemuel” Jewish Frontier (Sept. 1955) (1). 9. “The Political Ideal of the Prophets” (Sept. 1939) (1). 10. “A Prpohetic Attestation of the Decalogue” Harvard Theological Review (1934) (1). 11. “Some Observations on Jonah” Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society (1937) (1). 12. “A Commentary to the Pentateuch A La Rashi's” Hebrew Union College Annual (1940) (1). 13. “Hamor Garim, Castrated Ass” Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Jul. 1946) (1). 14. “Haggarim, The Castrated One” Hebrew Union College Annual (1948) (1). 15. “Hebrew Forefathers in Eretz Israel” Department of Education and Culture The Jewish-American Section (1). 16. “The Hellenistic Period” (1). 17. “Prophecy in Hebrew Scripture” Dictionary of the History of Ideas (1973) (1). 18. “The Story of Samson: An Ancient IQ Test” Concepts of Freedom in the OT (1). 19. “Samuel and Amos” Concepts of Freedom in the OT (1). 20. “Psalm XIX and the Near-East Sun God Literature” Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies (1967) (1). 21. “The So-Called Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53” The Goldstone Lecture of 1964 (1964) (1). #33/2 22. The Biblical Archeologist (May 1960) (1). 23. “Book Notes” Review of Religion (Nov. 1948) (1). 24. “Noah, Daniel and Job” American Academy For Jewish Research (1945) (1). 25. “The Name of Balaam's Homeland” Journal of Biblical Literature (1). 26. “Ha-Roqdim for Ha-Reqim in II Samuel 6:20” Journal of Biblical Literature (1946) (1). 27. “Calneh in Shinar” Journal of Biblical Literature (1). 28. “The Osiris Cult and thje Designation of Osiris Idols in the Bible” Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Jul. 1944) (1). 29. “The Royal Steward” Israel Exploration Journal (1960) (1). 30. “Isaiah 28:9-13 and the Ugaritic Abecedaries” Journal of Biblical Literature (1958) (1). 31. “Bible Translation in Progress” Congress Bi-Weekly (Jan. 1960) (1). 32. “The Interchange of the Prepositions Beth and Min in ” Journal of Biblical Literature (1959) (1). 33. “The Importance of Middle Arabic Dialects For the History of Arabic” Studies in Islamic History and Civilization (1961) (1). 34. “Digging in Talmudic Archeology” Critical Notes (1945) (1). 35. “The Three Scrolls of the Law that were found in the Temple Court” Textus (1962) (1). 36. “The Psalm for the Sabbath Day” Journal of Biblical Literature (1962) (1). 37. “Lexicographical Notes II” Hebrew Union College Annual (1959) (1). 38. “Hazor” Antiquities of the Holy Land (1959) (1). #33/3 39. “The Biblical Period” The Jews (1950) (1). 40. “Archeology and the Patriarchial Age of the Old Testament” Explorations in Cultural Anthropology (1964) (1). 41. “The Historical Setting of Two Biblical on the Nations” Israel Exploration Journal (1950-51) (1). 42. “The Netinim” Journal of Biblical Literature (1963) (1). 43. “Do Noachites have to believe in Revelation?” The Jewish Quarterly Review (Apr. 1962: (2). 44. “What did Cain say to Abel?” Jewish Quarterly Review (Oct. 1962) (1). 45. “The Bible: Eternal Took” Jewish Book Annual (1962-63) (1). 46. “A Note on the Reversible Miracle” History of Religions (Wint. 1964) (1). 47. “Greek Names in the Semitic World and Semitic Names in the Greek World” Journal of Near Eastern Studies (Jul. 1964) (1). 48. “Some Remarks on the Lists of the Chief Priests of the Temple of Solomon” Journal of Biblical Literature (1962) (1). 49. “Hazor” I.F. Baer Jubilee Volume (1960) (1). 50. “Some Postulates of Biblical Criminal Law” Yehezkel Kaufmann Jubilee Volume (1960) (1). 51. “Epic Substratum in the Prose of Job” Journal of Biblical Literature (1957) (1). 52. “Ugaritic/Old Testament Affinities” Biblische Zeitschrift (Jan. 1963) (1).

B. Offprints and Articles, German #33/4 1. “Die Schichtengliederung der Israelitisch-judischen Gesellschaft” Der Jude (1922) (2). 2. “Gedanken uber hebraische Metrik”(1). 3. “Glossen zu manchen Bibelstellen” (1). 4. “Kohelet III” (1). 5. “Mischehen” Der Morgen (1930) (1). 6. “Die auberpentateuchischen Quellen der Sabbatgesetze” Judisch-Literarischen Gesellschaft (1932) (1). 7. “Uber die griechischen Zahlbuchstaben und ihre Verbreitung” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft (1926) (1). 8. “Eine Erwiderung auf Wilhelm Spielberg's Agyptologische Bemerkungen zu meinem Busche Die Sprache des Pentateuch” Zeitschrift fur Semitistik und verwan dte Gebiete (1930) (1). 9. “Konigs Mesa Von Moab” (1886) (1). #33/5 10. “Die Biblische Sintfluterzahlung” (1930) (1). 11. “Die Figur des Propheten in der englischen Literatur” (1). 12. “Lukanische Miszellen” Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentlische Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche (1958) (1). 13. “Reste des I-Imperfekts von ZKR, Qal.” Vetus Testamentum (1960) (1). 14. “Wolfdietrich Fischer, Die demonstrativen Bildugen der neuarabischen Dialekte” ORBIS (1960) (1). 15. “Die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Punktationssysteme” (1).

C. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew and Yiddish #33/6 1. “ .Kdm.vt sfr hkhhnym,” m@t Y.hz.k@l .K.vyfmn Knst dvry s.vfrym lzkhr .H. N. [email protected] (1936) (1). 2. “Sfr Mkhvym b,” m@t P. .H.vrgyn (1937) (1). 3. “Zi.vug hamilim bTNK,” m@t Bnymyn Mn.sh Le.vin (1926) (1). 4. “Fo@rm%n @.vn symb@oln @yn d%r @rkhy.t%.k.t.vr f.vn byt hm.kdsh,” P. R@om@[email protected][Yiddish]; “Architectural forms and symbols of the temple,” Paul Romanoff (1936) (1).

Box 33A I. Bible Continued

A. Offprints and Articles, Hebrew #33A/1 1. “L.h.kr b%yt h.hybr.v (hyfr.v),” m@t Mshh Grynbrh (1955) (1). 2. “Ms%.vvd,” m@t @. Byrm (1). 3. “H.vsh% b, 16-26,” @. Byrm Sfr @.vrbkh (1955)(1). 4. “.Hl.k @: Hsh%v.vd .vhsh.hr.vr,” (1). 5. “Miv.har miY.hez.ke@l,” (1). 6. “Harotsea.h btorah,” shm.v@l Y. Feygyn (1). 7. “Mty glh Y.hz.k@l?,” Shl.vm Shpygl (1938) (1). 8. “Te@shit ha%ivrim,” m@t Shemu@el Y. Feygin (1938) (1). 9. “Sifro shel Ley@onared .Vuli %al @avraham .vere@shit ha%ivrim,” m@t Shm.v@l Y. Feygin (1940) (1). 10. “[email protected]% hgd.vl shl gl.vt bny Y.sr@l lVvl,” m@t P. .H.vrgyn [1938] (1). 11. “Htrg.vm hs.vry l.hmsh hmgl.vt,” m@t Pn.hs .H.vrgyn (1). 12. “Ytsyrt h@shh bm.kr@,” Shm.v@l Y. Feygyn (1938) (1). 13. “.H.kr hm.kr@ %l prsht drkhym,” M. .Vaynfld (1968) (1). 14. “@ntsy.kl.vpdyh m.kr@yt” (1). 15. “@.vr gn.vz shl .Hzl. %l drkhy hm.kr@: Nshy H.vsh%,” m@t Yh.vsh% Fyn.kl, Tlpy.vt; “Biblical interpretation in the light of detached rabbinic tests: ‘the wives of the prophet Hosea’,” Talpioth (1950)(1). #33A/2 16. “%ny .vr.vkhv %l .hm.vr .vm.kvyly.v hbvalym,” m@t Shm.v@l Y. Feygyn .K.vvts md%y lzkhr Mshh Sh.vr (1945)(1). 17. “%y.vnym bt.hvyrh shl lsh.vn hm.kr@,” m@t Yh.vsh% [email protected], N. H. .T.vr-Syny (1960) (1). 18. “Hhyh h@v. hkhn%ny .kaym bt.k.vfh @.vgryt?” Shfrh Ryn, Lsh.vnn.v (1962) (1). 19. “M.k.vm hml.vkhh bt.vld.vt [email protected] hY.sr@lyt,” m@t Rf@l hl.vy, Trbyts (1963) (1). 20. “H@l hv.vr@ bbr@shyt @ .vvnv.v@t Ysh%yh.v hshny,” m@t M. .Vaynfld, Trbyts (19698)(1). 21. “Nytsny nv.v.@h bt%.vd.vt m@ry,” @. Mlm.t @[email protected]@l (1955) (1).

22. “Lzkhr Shm.v@l Y. Faygyn 1893-1950”; “In memoriam Samuel I. Feigin 1893-1950,” (1952) (1). #33A/3 23. “Hgv.vl htsf.vny shl mmlkht D.vyd,” @. Byrm Sefer hy.vvl lY.hz.k@l .K.vyfmn (1961) (1). 24. “H@ysl@m,” Z. Zyv.v.tyns.ky (1). 25. “Masah %al ma%a.seh merkavah,” m@t Y%.kv N.vsnr, H@shnv (1961) (1). 26. “[email protected]%.vt bYy.vdh .vvYr.vshlym bshnt 701,” @. Byrm, Shm.v@l Dym zl. (1958) (1). 27. “Ydy%.vt %l Yvyn mlkh Kn%n .vSysr@ m.hrsht hb.vyym,” m@t @. Byrm (1959) (1). 28. “Hz.vgy .vr.k%.v hlsh.vny b%rvyt hYh.vdyt,” m@t Yh.vsh% [email protected], Trbyts (1961) (1). 29. “Ky.vv.nym .vv%y.vt bm.h.kr ht.hbyr,” Yh.vsh% [email protected], Lsh.vnn.v (1961) (1). 30. “Hlsh.vn h%vryt hmd.vvrt kn.vsh@ lm.h.kr,” M. G.v.tsh.tayn (1). 31. “.Hl.ky hdyvr,” %.vzy @.vrnn, Lsh.vnn.v (1961) (1). 32. “ [email protected] m.k.vm.vt .kshym bfyr.vsh.v h.ktsr shl @vrhm @vn %zr@ shm.vt,” m@t @ryh Pryys32. “ [email protected] m.k.vm.vt .kshym bfyr.vsh.v h.ktsr shl @vrhm @vn %zr@ shm.vt,” m@t @ryh Pryys, Trbyts (1960) (1).

B. Bible, maps #33A/4 1. “@a.tlas lit.kufat haTeNaKh,” B. Mayzeler, Y. Shapira@ (1950) (1).

C. Bible, Newspapers, English #33A/5 1. “Chagall’s Illustrations of the Bible,” Ruth F., Brin, Jewish Frontier (October 1958) (1). 2. “Panel of Jewish Scholars Translating the Bible,” The New York Times (May 21, 1973) (1). 3. “First pages of H.U. Bible issued,” (Aug. 21, 1973) (1).

D. Bible, Offprints & Articles, French #33A/6 1. “Bible et Terre Sainte,” No. 46 (April 1962) (1).

E. Bible, Lecture notes #33A/7 1. “Return to the Bible,” Haim M. J. Gevaryahu (1).

F. Bible, Notes #33A/8 1. “Philistines,” by J. C. Greenfield (1). 2. “Kittim,” by J. C. Greenfield, Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (1962) (1). 3. “Cyprus,” by J. C. Greenfield, Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (1962) (1).

H. Bible, Pictures & illuminated manuscripts #33A/9 1. The Kennicott Bible (1957) (1). 2.Ancient Jerusalem, M. Avi-Yonah, R. Jonas (1). 3. Great Bible of History (1966) (1). 4. “Israel, life and letters,” from Land of the Bible (1953) (1).

I. Bible, Bibliography #33A/10 1. “The Bible, a short bibliography,” Sophia N. Cedarbaum (1962) (1).

J. Bible, Publisher’s advertisement #33A/11 1. The New English Bible flier (1).

K. Bible, Atlas #33A/12 1. The Westminster Smaller Bible Atlas (1958) (1).