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Oral History Text "3'J7 -i?).rf o I{ o ruVI O S sAr rT 3 NYIUVI/T ?IuroJ-rIB3' ocsrcuEJc ues a o p an og,h eSeT a7X1 s, a e ur lte w uru ol o/Xl e W I o p a fot d V oooe reqolco SSJVIDOSSV AUOIS IH CN IXVI/{ uBrrolsIH IEro 'ullq8nqlcru IorED .(q papnpuo3 s/r,LaT/uelul Jo sarJes V gSNgIDS CO OTgIC gHT NI UgOVgT Y CO J.UOTSIH TVUO gHJ OT{OruVIO S[Ag[T3 NIVIUVru pu oruBlo se^eelD UBITEIAI rrA. sDNgrDS co o'IIrc aHJ NI ugovgT v 9rr'' ' sqde.e8o1oq6 EIT"' ';"" s3loN ITI"' " xrpueddy Zor"' ' suor1cel;ag toT"' "" acuaTcgpuee8eu.reyl 65.-. --------c''''Juuoluayq t6" " " " ra,r{odpuedlrl-rq.rper3 99" " " a,ntcadsra68ufueq3y 5L" " dus.rapeal;o sa8ualeq3 rL"" "'sJJo-aperJpuesaaToq3 59" " " ' Trol+BluorfuoD pu" llpar3 :BIrIrepBaI/ 19" " " "' uoqurSocag8urureg Lt" " 1cf Eulauepgv:req+orySuppoyXg 9g" " ":"' .''tueumorrauf,qcreasegc-rJIrraIcsaqJ rE"" "":"'arnuelroJalt8mrgaq; L2," " lsqrrarcs uerrrod[V rz":' 'dgruegepuerearB3e8urruFag rr"" "" a8apo3 r" "' sacuanguldl:eg rx"" "'auTlarlrrJ x-T" " uoqanPolul sJr{rJr{o3 co sTBVI LUOISIH TVUO NV:ONOTIVIO Nvtuvr{ . 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UDNglSS CO OTgIC f,HJ NI UgCVgT V ;o dnc e sn pe/'aaJq puoruBrg 'JO 'srLeT,Lrelur eql JaTV 's{ooq aq}Suorue u} pa{an} are a3ger€ uapoor\ . e pue .reaq dppel paJyqs IIEurs y 'dpn+s cTJlluarcs pegrluetrb B roJ uretqo o1 pa8eueir puoruelg 'JO ureJq s,uTalsrrrf, uaclyJo luau8as e g:o a8eurr ue sdeldstp .ralndmoc raq uo raABS uearcs erlJ 'aJII raq uT selor tueuodmr pedeld oqr\ sreqlo pup sreqar?asar 'sluepn+s 'dgure;;o sqdeeEoloqd pue s.raded qcreesa.r 's{ooq ecuelcs qrpn pa>Iced-ruef st ecrJ]o I1erus raH 'oooe raqopo pue raclurelda5 ur 'da1a1:ag 'BTrLrolIIeD go dlrsra,rmn aq1. tB ecTJTo r3q uI PuorrrBro 'Jo qlT/vr palanPuoc se/r s/v\eLue+q paprocer-ade1 aaJqlJo seTJes v ,,'uaddeq 1I a{Bur o+der* B puIJ 1pa,r. nod 'op ol 1ueal no,( leqm peaq .rnod uT .,\{orDI nor( yr asnecaq 'geaq rnod l{oflodu 's1 uaruo.r*Sunod:o; aarlpe s.puotrrurg 'JCI 'eq o1 pasoddns aJefi.uaruorraJo selor aql lBrlr lnoqe sarnsserd dgur"J pue Iercos puelsqlu{ o+ prre sacqae.rd f.ropururTrcsrp Jaqpar\{ ot req JeqloIII Jaqc"el3 'lsl}llaTcs E sB ol uoTlBululrelep reH 'trarplrqc rno} PeIqEue " PIIB laaxa peq pu" parJJerrr er{s 'qcJeeseJ o} uol}olep alaldnroa parrnba.r s1spuarcs ueuro.rvr JoJ: ssaccns uaq/vr ?Je ue u-I lBql sJePI$Ioa euo ueqna aIqB>IJBIIIaT aJB sluallle^alqce s,PuoIII"IO 'J(l 'uottcu4slp lpql uru o1 sluerdrca.r 99 yo lno u?uro.rl,r. q1:noy aql sI eqs '.read aql yo Errrunp .raq Suruueu dq f+runmuroc eql puB ruooJssela eq+ 'f:o1e.roqq eql u_r a1o.r 8u1pue1s1no raq pazmEocar uollelcoss\y' rmunlv efrrJoJTIBD aqr '965r uI 'plror\{ aq} ra^o ge suol}B+naserd oo8 JaAo uaa18 seq pue suorleaqqnd cTJqueTas oSr ueqr eroTrr pue $Iooq e^TJ paJorpne 'sread aAIJ:roJ: ecuelcs Jo IIBH scuar/'{ql s.Dn Jo JolcaJIP s" Pe^Ias eT{S 'suIEJq eIBuIa} pue 3IBIII aq+ uaana.+aq sacuaraJ:JTp aq+ prre a3e due +B uTerq aqt uo uortelruur1s Jo slaeJle aq+ 8u1pn1cuT 'sauaaocsrp .roferu ol pel seq qcrpesal raH 'Jeqceal Eulpuels]no pue raqcJ"aseJ elqeprrtrJoJ ? 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ISNSIDS CO OISIC gHI NI UgOVgl Y '{rorl{ eq} IIB op o} pBq eqs 'aroqc E a+rn-b sr uerpl-rqc xts Supeg 'uarplrqa aroru ou eq ppo/vr ereqt os peloruar aq ol perl snra]n eqt asnecaq ]sBI aq] sB.rr{ I }Er[] paseald sBr4. eqs e^arleq rrBa I 'ue^as-&:oJ seal req+ey dnr pue orq-&:oJ se/r aqs iTiloq eie/a nor{ aatpu. taqlou tnor{ sett PP t\oH 'ee.rq+-dluales rtr.I pue aar;-d+uaaas eq ol pa rl eqs prre dn .raqlour dur pa/yras pue tno rorun+ aqt {oo} pue }no eur >1oo1 dlqeqord 'punog 'r(ressaaau eq +Bq,rt olSulDroace paryorr{ aq {tr-rr{l 1 $ punoJ ue^e rolcop eq} lBql r\tou{ +.uop I is^es o7 no[So eao qc!tr/u4. ol se uoercep e elew o1a.rcqr{eq1 ptg 'PsAr/LInS I pue rorunl aql lno 1oB daq1d1+uanbasqng 'eur pue rar{1our dru qroq aABS }.uplnoa ropop eql plol sBrr,r. aq esnecaq raqlorrr r(ur ol adq-poo3 des o1srelsTs pue sraqlorq dru 1e lq3norq:aqleJ dyq 'aru eABs Jo raqlour dur arres ppoc faq+.raq+aqrr erns +.uererrdaql 'sn-ra1n s.reqlour dru 'uerpl-Tqc u1 ssacord qrruo.rB dru u1 aru Surduudruocae Jorrm+ au1.ra+n a8.re1e ser!\ a.reql :ns J:o patunod aql sB/r 1'926r 'deq acqsrur\T'rr JeqrrreloN uo 'Bnr.roFIeD 'aIepTreIC ur uJoq se/'a I 4azoq no,{ aten e.reqt! SuruaEaq aqt p g?ts s,p7 'osF al-rq/vrql.rorra Sugq+auos alnquluoc dep eruos dlpSadoq pue anulluoc o1peluBra I ,raarD[ 1 pue stugql 1ea.r8 euop peq oqr'r uerrror,r tnoqe pear I 'ple-rJ puB slsaralur.rnod.rog: alqeuoseer serr,r.lq3noql euo leqr\a olul luar$. euo leql peumsse :puoTrrBro 1sn[ 1 'acualcs uT reaJBa B pa+uBt{ I }Br[+ /*orE{ }.upp I uaqi},1{trFIl }.rrBc I uBrr?I I l?cu?lcg ut J??Jec e lnoqe fuWrql a8aq no.,{prp ueq6 'ureJq aql uo speJ{e lelaetmaoltaa? uo qcleeser8ar-teauord raq Jol pea./Loa?r s! eqs 'emrogleC jo eqt arctS r{tuo\ea" u! elerolooP e aArecar ot aewo,x ls;ll1 eql s?,$ paotze{O 'rO 'slazelglleJJ Pae $ePe?T uewo4l 'pe[o.td,(tolslq pro aoqePunol r{ce8e7 pe6 urtuol s,aewoa eqtroi paoarulo aeueru.rotcoo qrya *$eLfielat ]o serr"s e at till1 eqy s! s!t1 'ooo, 'f nqo4cg lbpsaapela s7z{epo1 :aqq8nqlcru [oreC sss r{snTc I{ I ,I.Tuvfl I,UOJSIH TVUO NV:ONOI^[VIO NVIUYN '3req Iooqcs o+ luar prre 'f1rs.ra,rrun 1ee"r8 aql 'da1a4.rag o1 arrrec pue +sBoD lsefi\ aql Tz,rop 'srnoT 'lg ruorl EpBuBD q8norqrdern srqtupleru ser\ eH '?IurolTIBC TrJeqlnos uI serr{. ecuo }t se 'arnd ser\,l,rre aqt a.Ieqllr a+BurIIc B rrr sasBeslp rirole.rtdsal qlT/vr eldoed dlaq o1 'EruJoJrIBD ol aTuoc ol Psluer\t aq uosBar auo s.tBql 'q{Beq elqura} rTaql q+/ll srauflIl eq} }o $Iot}Tpuoc eql aas ppo/vt' pEO pue puultug urequou ur seu1tr 1eoc peurao .raqre;prreeS Ipaldoad J:o erec e{et ol pa}ue/vr sdei*p pBCI 'uorlez-rcre8ro cmoseru aql q peAIo^uT qanm f:ea 'uopuoT u-r uosel [ ]sr-rC Jo uotllsod eq+ pl3q reqle;pue$ d1,11 'sauet lBrcos a sq el[ 'aldoed ]nocp tol B perec sderup ag o1.,{.4snpuy reeg aql uroqt eq pry iloH iealclPeu "Aour .Jaqlo aql ro deru auo sre{Bur Jeaq qsrrrg aq} pacuanl;rur uot}sturo}ul sfq JT /v\oq pIIB plp ra^au qsTlTrg itroIDI +.uoP 'IITBlTrfl o1{ceq edlaa.r aql t.uop I - 1 -depol.raeq I .perrJBel luas eq I leqrra rrro.rd 'Jaaq luellecxe apeur leq1rftar*a.rc[ B punoJ eq sTnoT IIIIBS uI ereqiaerrros pue se+Bls petrun eqt ol aurBc eH 'selBts Pallun 3q1q surra Sugeur raeq uJ?al ol aceld paq eql plol s&u.
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