
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.47.10.1075 on 1 October 1984. Downloaded from

Journal ofNeurology, , and Psychiatry 1984;47:1075-1080

Behavioural manifestations of third ventricular colloid cysts

JEFFREY M LOBOSKY,* JOHN C VANGILDER,* ANTONIO R DAMASIOt From the Department ofSurgery (Division ofNeurosurgery*), and Department ofNeurology (Divisioni of Behavioural Neurologyt), The University of Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa, USA

SUMMARY Three patients with third ventricular colloid cysts manifested disturbances of memory, emotion and personality in the absence of . All three patients demonstrated significant improvement following removal of the tumours. The symptoms and signs associated with these may be attributed to compression or vascular compromise of the diencepha- lon with disorder of major limbic system structures. Tumour removal should be undertaken in patients with symptoms even in the absence of hydrocephalus, and ventricular shunting may be inadequate as a sole therapeutic measure. guest. Protected by copyright. Colloid cysts of the are uncommon, less, is the most consistent complaint and comprising less than 1% of intracranial neoplasms. is usually related to accompanying hydrocephalus. Initially described by Wallmann' in 1858, they Venous distention secondary to compression of the remained no more than a pathologic curiosity until deep cerebral veins or their tributaries has also been Dandy's2 first successful operative removal of this postulated as a contributing cause of the cephal- tumour in 1921. These midline masses are benign gia.67 and lend themselves to complete removal with Less attention has been focused upon the abnor- minimal morbidity and mortality utilising micro- mal behavioural manifestations of this disorder and scopic surgical techniques. early authors-5I considered the neuropsychological Colloid tumours afflict males and females with disturbances to be a reflection of ventricular dilata- equal frequency. They have been reported between tion. Others' "12-'4 have noted a similarity between the age extremes of 2 months and 79 years but most the mental decline in patients with colloid cysts and become symptomatic between the third and fifth in those with normal pressure hydrocephalus. Thus, decades of life. The cysts range in size from 0-3 to 9 a causative relationship between the two has cm but the majority are found to be between 1 and 3 become accepted. The alternative possibility of cm in diameter. Sjovall3 initially postulated the diencephalic dysfunction from the tumour has been paraphysis as the site of origin of these tumours but largely ignored. this theory was later challenged by Kappers.4 Yenerman,'4 in his review of 54 patients with was Shuangshoti5 subsequently suggested that the cysts neuroepithelial cysts, agreed that hydrocephalus http://jnnp.bmj.com/ arise from infolding of the neuroepithelium which the most likely cause for the frequently observed lines the ventricular cavities thus accounting for dementia. He and others6" 14 added, however, that their occurrence in areas other than the anterior pressure effects from the tumour on diencephalic third ventricle. Most neuropathologists concur with structures might play a significant aetiologic role. In this latter theory of pathogenesis. this report we describe three patients with colloid The symptomatology of colloid cysts is protean cysts of the third ventricle whose findings may help and the classical history of positional headache with elucidate the role of diencephalic dysfunction in the

intermittent apoplectic episodes is rare. Nonethe- generation of abnormal behavioUral symptoms. on September 27, 2021 by

Address for reprint requests: Jeffrey M Lobosky, MD, Division of Neurosurgery, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa Case reports City, Iowa 52242, USA. Case 1 Received 31 January 1984 In June, 1980. a 64-year-old housewife was investigated Accepted 10 March 1984 for a 3 year history of progressive gait difficulty and uri- 1075 J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.47.10.1075 on 1 October 1984. Downloaded from

1076 Lobosky, VanGilder, Damasio

Fig 1 (Case 1) A. Initial contrast enhanced CT scan revealing hydrocephalus. The level ofthis scan is above the third ventricle anid the tumour is not identified. B. Repeat CT scan 10 months after in.sertion of ventriculocaval shunt demonstrating resolving hydrocephlus and a colloid cyst. guest. Protected by copyright. nary incontinence. Neurological examination revealed revealed improvement in language and visuospatial severe dementia with marked disturbances of memory, abilities. The verbal I0 was 70, performance IQ 68 and her intellect and orientation associated with confabulations. memory quotient was 66. Currently she is at home and is There was a generalised increase in muscle tone, hyperac- maintaining an efficient household. tive muscle stretch reflexes, bilateral extensor plantar This patient exemplifies persistence of dementia after responses, an apractic gait and frontal lobe release signs treatment of her hydrocephalus and indicates the possibil- including snout, grasp and glabellar reflexes. Neuro- ity of an alternative aetiology. The improvement of her psychologic evaluation revealed severe impairment of all cognitive abilities after tumour removal suggests that cognitive functions. Verbal and performance IQs were diencephalic dysfunction could have been the cause of her measured at 62 and <50 respectively, and memory quo- behavioural disorder and underscores the inadequacy of tient was placed at 55. A computed tomographic scan (fig ventricular shunting as a sole therapeutic procedure in such la) showed marked hydrocephalus but an enhancing third cases. ventricular mass was not appreciated. The patient under- went monitoring which revealed both Case 2 plateau and beta pressure waves greater than 25 mm Hg This 33-year-old insurance salesman was referred to Uni- and a right ventriculocaval shunt was inserted, following versity Hospitals in May, 1982 with an 8 year history of which the patient was discharged. In April, 1981, the intermittent anxiety attacks.' These episodes were patient was reevaluated. Her apractic gait and urinary characterised by severe agitation, chest pain, diaphoresis, incontinence had resolved and she no longer demonstrated tachypnoea, tachycardia and a sense of impending doom. long tract signs or frontal release phenomena. Her demen- These attacks had increased both in their frequency and tia, however, had progressed to such a degree that she severity, occurring up to 10 times daily and lasting from a required institutionalisation. The patient was markedly few seconds to several minutes with no associated abnor- http://jnnp.bmj.com/ confused and oriented only to her name. She was unable to mal motor movements or loss of consciousness. The recall even a single object one minute after its presentation patient underwent prolonged psychiatric treatment with- and she had lost all ability to calculate and reason. Formal out improvement. On occasion accompanied psychometric evaluation could not even be obtained. A these episodes but no other physical or neurological com- second CT scan (fig lb) demonstrated improvement of the plaints were noted. The patient had a CT scan performed hydrocephalus and a prominent third ventricular mass which demonstrated a 2-0 cm mass in the anterior third which was apparent both on the enhanced and unenhanced ventricle without hydrocephalus. Because of the lack of studies. Retrospective review of the 1980 scan revealed the , this was interpreted as an

asymptomatic on September 27, 2021 by mass to have been present at that time. A colloid cyst colloid cyst. The patient's general and neurological exami- estimated to be slightly greater than 2-0 cm in diameter nations were normal except for atrophy of the right calf was removed through a right frontal transventricular oper- secondary to childhood poliomyelitis. An electroence- ation. By the third post-operative day her mental status phalogram showed a non-specific right temporal dys- had improved dramatically and she was oriented to place, rhythmia and a normal neuropsychological profile. A sec- person and time with appropriate simple conversation. ond CT scan (fig 2) revealed the contrast enhancing, 2 0 Neuropsychological testing 16 months after surgery cm mass in the anterior third ventricle without hydro- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.47.10.1075 on 1 October 1984. Downloaded from

Behavioural manifestations of third ventricular colloid cysts 1077 guest. Protected by copyright. - I~~~..-~ - -WI" Fig 2 (Case 2) Enhanced CT scan with an anterior third ventricular colloid cyst. There is no evidence ofsignificant Fig 3 (Case 3) CTscan after contrast infusion showing an anterior third ventricular mass without associated ventricular enlargement. hYdrocephalus.

cephalus. The patient underwent a right frontal craniotomy paranoid schizophrenia. A second CT scan (fig 3) showed and a transcallosal removal of the colloid tumour. His persistence of the third ventricular tumour without hydro- postoperative course was complicated by 3 days of mutism cephalus. By a right transventricular operation a and several tonic-clonic seizures, the latter which were neuroepithelial cyst estmated at 2-0 cm in diameter was controlled with dilantin. After the mutism resolved the extirpated without difficulty. Her immediate postoperative patient had impaired memory for recent events, but this course was complicated by a transient worsening of her rapidly cleared. Follow up at 10 months after removal of recall but this rapidly resolved. She was discharged home the tumour demonstrated no further 'anxiety' episodes or and remained free of paranoia and depression for 12 memory difficulties. He remains gainfully employed at his months without medication. Evaluations 6 months after previous occupation and has had no further convulsions. surgery failed to elicit intellectual or memory deficits by clinical examination. A second neuropsychological evalua- tion substantiated modest improvement in her verbal ( 102) Case 3 and performance (98) IQ scores. Memory quotient This 28-year-old female heavy equipment operator was remained unchanged at 83 and her MMPI profile, although referred to University Hospitals in September, 1981 with a still reflecting schizophrenic features was far less abnormal 2 year history of progressive paranoid ideation, depression, than before. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ social withdrawal and impaired memory. She had been In October, 1982 this patient returned with paranoid under the care of a psychiatrist but had no improvement ideation and hallucinations. However, her intellect and following treatment with several psychotropic medications. memory remained unchanged and she was again placed on A previous computed tomographic scan revealed a third psychotropic medications. A CT scan showed neither ventricular mass which was interpreted as an asymptomatic tumour recurrence nor hydrocephalus. colloid cyst since there was no attendant hydrocephalus. Because she was refractory to psychiatric therapy her anti- psychotic medications were discontinued and she was Discussion referred to us to evaluate the relevance of the tumour to on September 27, 2021 by the pathogenesis of her behavioural symptoms. Her gen- In the three patients, the initial presentation and the eral physical and neurological examinations were normal remission of behavioural symptoms after surgical for her mental status. She had a bland affect and an except of the tumours support the notion that col- impairment of recent memory. Neuropsychological testing removal anterior third ventricle are revealed a verbal and performance IQ (93 and 95 respec- loid cysts located in the tively) and her memory quotient was 82. An MMPI profile causally associated with marked neuropsychological was indicative of a personality disorder and consistent with disorder in the absence of hydrocephalus. This is not J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.47.10.1075 on 1 October 1984. Downloaded from

1078 Lobosky, VanGilder, Damasio guest. Protected by copyright.

' Superior certral nucleus Mammillary peduncle

Fig 4 Schematic view illlustratinig major interconnectiotns between the hypothalamus, brainstem anid diencephalon.

a new concept but it has received little attention in hypothalamus, the anterior and dorsomedial the literature. thalamic nuclei) while direct projections reconnect The neuropathological basis for the behavioural them to the surrounding cortex, and, indirectly, to disturbances associated with colloid cysts may be the multimodal sensory regions.- 2 Disturbance of secondary to dysfunction of the diencephalic struc- these structures, either by direct compression or tures. Papez,'5 in 1937, first theorised that the mes- vascular compromise, may explain the symptoms ial brain structures, later known as the limbic lobe, manifested by our patients. As illustrated in fig 4, were primarily responsible for the generation and masses in the anterior third ventricle place several regulation of emotion. MacLean'6 and Yakovlev'' limbic system structures at risk. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ further elaborated this idea and the concept of a Significant memory impairment was present in limbic system, encompassing the limbic cortices, our first patient. This could have resulted from: (a) subcortical regions and their diverse interconnec- dysfunction of the mammillothalamic tract or of its tions evolved. terminal structure, the anterior nucleus of the The limbic system is an intricate network of inter- thalamus, (b) dysfunction of the septal region or the related structures. At the cortical level it comprises dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus, (c) dysfunc- the mesocortices which include the cingulate gyrus, tion in medial temporal regions, mediated remotely the hippocampal formation, and the parahippocam- by a disturbance in (b). on September 27, 2021 by pal and retrosplenial cortices. Multiple pathways, Burkle and Lipowski23 reported a patient with a such as the himbria-fornices, the stria terminalis, and colloid cyst who presented with psychiatric symp- the uncinate fasciculus, connect these structures toms and . They noted her memory disorder with important subcortical limbic regions (for exam- was more severe than could have been anticipated ple the septal and accumbens nuclei, the sub- on the basis of either her hydrocephalus or stantia innominata, the amygdaloid nuclei, the psychiatric illness alone, and suggested that dience- J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.47.10.1075 on 1 October 1984. Downloaded from

Behavioural manifestations of third ventricular colloid cysts 1079 phalic compromise contributed significantly to the inadequate as a sole therapeutic measure. amnesia. Delay24 25 documented the association between a Korsakoff-like syndrome and pathologic We thank Ms Carolyn Lewis for her assistance in the changes in the mammillary bodies and mammil- preparation of this manuscript and Mr Tom Wein- lothalamic tracts. Kahn and Crosby26 described five zerl for his illustrations. patients with craniopharyngiomas displacing the This work was supported in part by NINCDS Grant anterior third ventricle whose memory deficits improved after surgery. Memory loss has also been P01 NS 19632-01. attributed to lesions of the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus by Victor,27 McEntee,26 and more recently References by Squire.21 Lindquist and Norlen3 found a Korsakoff-like syndrome in patients with ruptured Wallmann H. 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