Consultation Report How to use this document? This document summarises the issues raised in submissions received by Council in response to the public consultation of the Statement of Proposals (including Draft Strategic Framework), and sets out a response and recommendation in relation to those issues. If you made a submission to the Statement of Proposals (including Draft Strategic Framework), you should have been provided with a unique number for your submission(s) which can be used to locate Council's response to your submission. To locate Council's response to your submission, you can search the document with the Find tool (Ctrl + F for PCs or Command + F for Mac) using your unique submission number. Need assistance? Further support in using this document is available by: s contacting Council's City Design Branch on (07) 3810 7990; s emailing
[email protected]; s visiting the counter at council's Administration Building at 45 Roderick Street, Ipswich during office hours. Strategic Framework Section Submitter Issues Response Recommendation to Council Submitter No. Theme 3.2 Overall Vision The Strategic Framework uses a range of development standards to provide clarity of intent for the proposed framework, they are not development assessment standards. Recommend no change to the Statement of Proposals 292, 355, 364, 368, 485, Where distances and areas are used, these are mostly provided within a range (for example in Table 3.4 – Residential Typologies and Densities, ES3 – 12-22 dwellings per (including Draft Strategic Framework). 487, 488, hectare). Express concern with the elevation of specific development requirements to the level of the strategic framework, for example, 3.2 Overall Vision setbacks to waterway corridors and housing density outcomes are included in the proposed framework.