MARCH 2021 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 Arizona Highways magazine PAGE boosts tourism dollars 3 t Diverse communication t Leadership Matters, t Customer Service Award platforms connect Amy Ritz winner Julia Voight Arizona PAGE 2 PAGE 5 PAGE 4 LEADERSHIP The INSIDE MATTERS ADOT DIRECTOR EDITORIAL BOARD am a project manager in the Major Projects Group, managing the John S. halikowSki eddie ediSon, hr vinCent laBella, oCi Interstate 10 Broadway Curve project. I began my career in politics DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR POLICY Sonya herrera, aSd kevin BieSty — not engineering as many people assume. My transportation career gregory ByreS, mpd began in 2006, when I was hired by ADOT’s Utility and Railroad group. COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR lt. JameS warriner, eCd/oig timothy tait JameS windSor, tSmo I was pregnant with my first child at the time. As I look at her, now 14, I JenniFer BowSer riChardS, mvd COMMUNICATIONS DEPUTY DIRECTOR larry Clark, mvd realize how working for ADOT has benefited my family over the years, and Jon BrodSky I Steve BoSChen, ido how thankful I am to have had such great opportunities. I’ve been blessed NEWSLETTER STAFF the inSide lane iS puBliShed monthly with great mentors and leaders who’ve supported and encouraged me kathy Boyle, AssiStant For the employeeS oF the arizona CommuniCationS direCtor every step of the way. Amy Ritz department oF tranSportation By lori Baker, Senior CommuniCationS Major Projects Group ADOT CommuniCationS. SpeCialiSt In 2012, I became a project coordinator in the Urban Project Management Project Manager angela de welleS, Senior address all CommentS and (now Project Management Group.) While I worked to get up to speed on CommuniCationS SpeCialiSt SuggeStionS to
[email protected].