HCRS to Pay $170,000 Settlement for Violating False Claims
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE 60 PAID POSTAL CUSTOMER FREE Years RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER PERMIT #2 N. HAVERHILL, NH ECRWSSEDDMECRWSS Your Local Community Newspaper JULY 07, 2021 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 60, ISSUE 06 HCRS to pay $170,000 Joint Board discusses settlement for violating demolition of historic False Claims Act church on Atkinson Street BY BETSY THURSTON MONTPELIER, Vt. – On on the employee’s behalf for HCRS has agreed to pay The Shopper Tuesday, June 29, 2021, the reimbursement to Medicaid, in to the state of Vermont and Attorney General’s Medicaid violation of the Vermont False the United States a total of BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Fraud and Residential Abuse Claims Act. In addition, the $170,037.76, of which Ver- On Tuesday, June 29, the Unit announced a settlement United States Attorney’s Office mont Medicaid will receive Joint Board of the Rocking- with Health Care & Rehabilita- for the District of Vermont has $101,254.61 in program ham Selectboard and Bellows tion Services of Southeastern concluded that HCRS violated restitution. The settlement Falls Trustees discussed up- Vermont of Springfield resolv- the federal False Claims Act. amount reflects a coopera- dates on 66 Atkinson Street. ing allegations that HCRS vio- HCRS CEO, George Kara- tion credit in light of HCRS’s Built in 1835 as the first lated the Vermont False Claims bakakis, Ph.D., said, “We im- self-disclosure of the vio- Methodist church in Bel- Act. mediately took steps to notify lation, assistance with the lows Falls, the building has The settlement, reached in the authorities as soon as we investigation, and volun- commanded attention at the collaboration with the Office became aware of the employ- tary adoption of remedial intersections of School and of the United States Attorney ment issue with this staff mem- measures to guard against Atkinson streets ever since.
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