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Category B Speleo Spiel. (No. 87) ?age 1 February, 1974 President: Albert Goede, 6 Bath Street, Battery Point 7030 Secretary: Ondrew Skinner, SA Ha,;pden Roac, Battery Point, 7000

-- .- FOR!?: AHD P i?OGRAJ "lib; February 9 --Exit Cave Albert Goede 10 - Exit Cave Roy Skinner 17 - Florentine Surface exdoration near Francombe Cave, floestone cleaning in elcorrie Stranger. Laurle Moody 24 Surface exploration of Marble Hill, Ida Bay. 4- Laurie Moody March 2,3.,4 - Upper Huon-Mount Anne exploration of a dolomite P- area south of the Scotts Peak dam. Dm trip to Mount he. Andrew Skinner 6 - General Meeting at 12 Nixon Street, Sandy B@ 27 - Uuah General: Meeting at 8 Bath Street, Battery Point P Brian Collin, Stuart NichoYas and Phillip Robinson are interested in the exploration of vertical caves on Marble Hill, and will arrange preliminary investigations soon. Easter . .- Maria Island Andrea Skinner May 11,12 - Shadow Lake, the annual federation of Bush- walking Clubs' trf p. Side trips to Mt. Rufus and Mt. Hugel. d2C. +7;-dan. '75 - ASF Conderence in Brisbane, Queendad. Jan. '75 - Possible TCC expedition to Picton-Cracro ft

NEWSLETTER EDITOR'S REPORT 1973-4 The Club Newsletter, Speleo Spiel, was published during the year by an imformal committee consisting of Andrew Skinner (Editor), Therese Goede (typing, printing, posting), Ros. Skinner, Ubert Goede and Fiona Skinner. (assistance with collating and addressing) Eleven issues were published during the year and were dupli cated at the University of ,'-\ with the assistance of the Geography Department. - More articles of lasting speleological signifigance viere included and the publication now has a nore wjournalistic" Basis with less emphasis cm trip reports. However, the trip reports are still the backbone of the newsletter vrith dB club usrk reported. One of the better articles of 1973, "The Mole Creek Lime Workst1, by Frank C. Brown, subsequently appeared in the ASF Neusletter. Peter Shai~r'sarticle, "More abseiling and prussikingtt, contained valuable information and guidance for SRT enthusiasts. Expedition reports were written by Phillip Robinson (New Guinea), AEbert Goede (~ake~picer) , and Peter Shav~(Nea Guinea). Sfmilar reports on Surprise Bay and Maria Islad vJere also published. Other important contributions were made by Albert and Therese Goede (Speleobiology), Roy Skinner (Hastings), Neil Montgomery (Dvrarrodwelf)-and Peter Shan (Bolting). . . RECOMMENDATIONS: The neasletter is presently performing two vital roles: (i) publication and documentation of recent Tasmanian speleological work (ii) keeping members informed of current events on the speleo scene The expenditure by members ($2 subscription) has been justified by the resultS. Speleo Spiel 82+ Page 2

This year subscriptions ail1 certainly have to increase due to steep rises im the cost of paper and postaga. (projected) A $3 subscription would not be unreasonable. Hovever, this fee nil1 have to be decided at the AGM. If it proves to be no more expensive the newsletter could be printed using the Xerox method. Better quality maps and diagrams irould be a major advantage md the laborious process of typing stencils uould be avoided. The group who has produced the nevrsletter during 1973 are keen to continue, but more assistance from other members nouid 'be ~elcomed~ Andrev Skimer (Editor 1973-4) AGF~GMS,GWGMCGM~GMAGY~IGM~"~GWLGM~GGM SPELEO-MISCELLANY :THE MONTHLY COLLECTION OF UNDERGROUND GmBAGE Changes of Address: Frank C. Brovm, Department of the Favironment, C/- Chemisty Dept., University of Tasmania Bruce Chetvrynd, 5A Hampdem Road, Battery Point G2eg Strickland, 63 Salamauca Place, Battery Point Phillip Robinson, Flat 2, 40 Waterworks Road, Dynnyrne Peter Shaa, C/- 66 Wentnorth Street, South Hobart Greg Middleton, 9 Nixon Street, Sandy Bay John Bludhorn, 12 St. George's Terrace, Battery Point Bill Tomalin, C/-. High School, Taroona Pros ect've Members: Jonn'dantzen, C/- de'ology Dept., Unive~sityof Tasmania Bndrevr Davey, C/- St. Job Fisher College, College Road, Dynnyrne - Pip Casey , Main Road., -Dover For Sale: The LSF Digest Commission has recently published Australian S ePeolo 1971, a collection of the best articles - from ASF member sacie newsletters in 1971. Orders can be l e't with Andrev Skinner or it can be obtained directly from Keith Oliver, 44 King Street, St. Mary's, NSW. Cost: $2 Australian Speleo Abstracts can be obtained from P.O. Box 198, Broadway, New South Wales, 2007 Descent, a news magazine devoted to sporting caving throughout the --l world, is available from: 30 Drake Road, Wells, Somerset, U.K. A recent issue contained an article on New Guinea by Phillip Robinson. 8 issues A$7, Lost: B red jacket wes lost-by a.mainland visitor while he was returning alag the track from Exit Cave. If found, please contact Paul McElligott, 13 Clint Place, Macquarie, Canberra, ACT. Nev publications Received: Aragonite, Vol. 1 No. '2 - Newsletter of St. George Area Caving Team Yarrmobillg.Research Group Newsletter No. 1 These can be borrowed from JJbert Goede. AduLt Education Board Extended Study Courses: Three options may be of interest to Club nlembers: ~ntroductionto Geology: Mr. 6. Bush, Wed. 7.45pm from March 13 Envrfronmental Design for the C~tizen:Staff of E.D. Dept., TCJAE Thursdays at 7.45pm f~omMarch 14 Man and his place in nature: Staff of University Philosophy Dept, Thursdays at 7.45pm from March 14. All courses are of 30 lectures and cost $26. For further information, contact L.E.B., 40 Muvay St., Ph.303500

ANNUNrGENERfiMEETINGBETHEREl SP- SP SP-SP SP-SP Speleo Sptel 87 Page 3 February, 1974

Bill Lehmann is recovering in hospital from an operation. He can be visited in Room No,23, St.Johnls Hospital, South Hobart (opposite Bfian's) The Cape York Environmentali Council has written asking support for the inclusion of l'environ:nental'l clauses in the Bill of Rights that is going to be thrown around Federal Parliament this year. flttatched to the letter is some information on the Quinkan National Park Appeal. This is an attempt to have a park declared to protect an aboriginal historic site in Northern Queensland. $5 buys 85 acres of land. Donations can be sent to Quinkan National Pcrk Appeal, P.O. Box 33, Gordonvale, Qld. The Tasmanian Conservation Trust has contacted TCC asking for new members - _ amd to outline policy arising from a meeting concerning co-operation and formal liason between Tasmanian conservation bodies, This is on the agenct~ - for discussion at the next TCC meeting. The Trust's letter also outlined plans to set up a committee of all persons interested in the future of the Lower Gordon Vzlley. The first meeting of the rroposed group is to be held at the Tasmanian Environment Centre at 8pm on 27/2/74. P "G camel is-a horse put together by a ~onrittee.~' Surveying: Would 'any nenbers interestea in surveying please contact &drew Skinner and nake comnents on the ASF cave survey document? The following is abstracted from the latest Blue Water Rope catalogue: "Our Blue Water 111 caving rope cm be identified by its light blue colour with 2 dnrker blue narker stripe. The basic construction i's the sane as our originaP rope but we have used Dupont's new super 707 nylon in the sheath and have joined the sheath to the core in a slightly different nmner. The result is p. more flexible rope and better resistance to abrasion. The new rope nil1 have a little aorc stretch than the original rope but will not present any problem because the increase in stretch is so small. One word of caution, however, the new nylon has a special coating to obtain higher resistmce to abrasion. This coating also makes the rope very fast when it is new. Expect to use an extr2 brake bar or two on Blue Water 111 when it is new to obtain the snme amount of friction that you require on the original rope." (The blcakhg strength of BOW. is abut 200 lbs nore than that of B.VJ. 11. ) TCC would appreciate eny msinland speleos who intend visiting Exit Cave 7- to corntact us, preferably in advance, for seprch-and-rescue purposes and for conserv~.tionreasons, The cave has a Locked gate, the key of v~h.ichcan bc obtained by 4SF partics from Brian Colkin at 66 Wentworth Street, South Hobart. All of the easily accessible decorated sections of Exit now havc defined paths markc-d with reflectors, TCC insists that no - carbide or any rubbish is to be left in thc cave but should bc carried out to the road. There is also the controversial problem of faeces disposal 7 when camping undergrollnd . L dry bank NW of the Inner Base Camp has been used for this ad the deposits seem to disappear quite quickly. However, when visitfmg the ceve for lltouristtlreasons it is hardly necessary to camp underground 2.s most areas can easily be reached in a ~FYby moderately fit parties. When visiting in uncertain weather it is desirable to rig a rope through permanent bolts in order to cross the DtEhtrecasteaux River as the water can rise very quickly. An orange synthetic rope is stationed near the gate for this purpose. TCC would appreciate trip reports from groupc who do not publish. Medical authorities warn thnt caving may be a heath hazard Northern Cauerneers, formerly TCC (Northern ranch) were accepted as a full member of ASF at the recent Melbourne Comaittee Meeting of the Federation. Congratulations1 Their address is Box 315, Launcestoa, Tas. Their President, Dr, Richard Schmidt, can be contacted at 69 Joffre St., Mowbr,ay Heights. SP- SP SP- SP SP- SP SpeIeo Spiel 87 February, 1974

$bFETY FIRST UKDERGROUND by Lawrence R. Moody Perhaps this is another reincarmtion of an old fa niliar story but when it's your neck at stake, and those of your friends and companions, it dosn't hurt to refresh one's ncnory, so to speak. Most of our new nenbere are learnin& some of the tricks essential to caving and are not regarded as the menaces that they nay have been sone nonths ago, Howeveq it was mainly luck that kept sone of you out of the norgue! There is still a lot to learn about this underground world of ours, not only to make thingc safer but also to make things easier.

I'm sura you renenber dislodging that piece of talus that nearly brained ,a - one of us? That was not "just one of those things;' it was quite avoidable, Never rush or hurry over talus, take your tine end walk carefully; loose rock is always treacherous stuff in a cave and 2. helmet offers little protection against a big boulder, If a party leader gets on your back about such things as your particular performancc on the tojp of a Eaddcr pitch, don't t,&e it too hard, that's A hTs job. While Ignon the subject af ladders, just a few tips: don't rest with your arm, let your feet tzke the weight! When at the botton of 9 Eaddcr pitch you arc not on P. scenic tour, do as you are told and gct-out of the way! Even a sndl pcbble can hurt if it falls R hundred feet 0.r so. If there is an overhang to get under, nake sure that you're under itJ Most of you have got toiler suits but I dunlt think you drcss warnly cnsugh, 1. suit with sholts and shirt worn beneath are O.K. if you are on the move all of the tine but this is seldon the cG~sc.A great ansunt of tine, especially in caves with nuch ladder clinbing, is spent sitting mound on wet rocks and that gets very rn1.d. Most cave tenperatures p,vsrage around 9 dcgrecs Celsius and to combat cold I suggest thc wearing of a warn pulhovcr ~ndjcans or "long JohnsV If you're going to get met, take off sonc clothes znd put then on afterwards. Most of you Irnow o~f ny avcrsion to water and I an proud of ny efforts to kccp relatively dry fn caves I have been in, fJ1 that is needed to achieve sone anaunt of success is by taking a litths extra care in where onc puts his feet, "look before you leap1'! To quote an old tc.xt,"anCngltsh pot-holcr died some years ago in G~ping Ghylh. The inquest sdd hc dicd of exposure, cold and exhaustion - tho surprising thing w~.sth~.t hc call?.psed after only & hours underground." So , it do@=n1tm3tter if the trip is only lasting an hour or so, nake sure that it -doesn't hst p~rnanently9 See you next trip.

WELCOME STRLNGER AND ITS PROBLEMS by Andrew D. Skinner !F,'eTcoae Strr,ngcr is an outflow cave situated in the FEorantinc Valley ~ndis the only cave with signifigant dccoration in the whole Junco- Florentine ;r.rea, Straw-st~.kzctite'burtainsw and flowstone present along the streamway arc of a goad standard. Upper level chanbcrs contain crystalline calcite floors and gours, llthough it has not been vhited by nany parties of spclcos, danage to dccoration in Welconc Strmgcr is considerable. Alon~thc streanway nany of tho straw stalactites havs becn broken by shcer ncgligcnce and laziness. Flany visitors have attenpted to kccp their fset dry and by their efforts to renain "canf ort~bhe~~havz extensively dannged speleotheus. Instead SP- SP SP- SP SP- SP Speleo Spiel 87 Page 5 February, 1974 of thc ninor disconfort of exptriencing wct feet, they have clambered along the sidcs of thc strcanway, soiling flowstone and needlessly Breaking stal~.ctites, Whilst broken stalactFtes nay be irreparable, further dana~ecan be ~Fnw~iscdif ALL PLRTIES PROCEED ALONG THE STRET.MWl.Y LND DISREGJBD THE DISCOMFORT OF Iis,VING WET FEET . It is possible to clean the nud off soric of the flowstone with a soft brush ~,ndbucket and a further visit has bcen planned to attempt this, In the upper levcls cavers have walkcd at randon across crystal floors. Steps to confine traffic to a spccific route were taken on 6/1/74. The nethod used has been described previously, (Skinner, 1973) Welcone Stranger is a very valu~.blecave resource in a are2 laking in delzornted cnves: dmlt ruin it by carelcssnessl

REFERENCE: Skinner, D. ( 1973) Ilk. Problcm of Deterioration1', Speleo Spiel 38

TRIP REPORTS : J?ATUBRY, 197k PERIOD p Junea-Florentinc 5-6/ 1 /74 P~.rty:Lauric Moody (L), Sadrew and Ros. Skinner, Br2,ndon de Bonford Our p~.rtyleft Hobart >bout 9,30aa, mriving at the PiNM gate at 11,~. We decided to head out to the Florcntinc as far as Franconbls Cave to search for several holes reported by Max Jcffries. However, despite a couple of hours scrub-hashing nothing of interest was folund in the cave line. Fauna-wise it was a slightly different story: we encountered two wallabies, several white coekatoas and a thrcc foot tiger snake. h he snake 2.ppcared to be thc 1c~s-kconcerned by our presence.) Lfter lunch, we returned via Westfield Road and were fortunate enough to observe a fct'wle lyre-bird briefly. Rain fell as we arrived back at the Junee Quarry Road and caq was made anon,:,!, the pine trees after deciding against canping in the Junee honestead for sane mearthl~reason. (~aurie'cemphasis - Ed,) Little did we know that P. party of Ncw South Wales cavers acconpznied by Kcvin Kiernm had already settled in there. E l! next morning we set off in search of Welcone Stranger and on arrival Farmed our tro~~uits. Lftcr a conducted tour by Andrew. wc comnenced tr~ckrna-king on our return trip. Whilst in the-midst oi this, Kevin Kiornan ad friends arrived and the cave was sure living up to its name. Leaving Kcvin and Co. to continuc their kour, we madc our way out, crner~ingat 3.30pn, Witho~uta doubt, Welcoile Stranger is the most impressicu cave so far discovered in the JF area but care is needed when trips are madc to this cave, 1. trip has bcen suggested by Jadrew in the near . future to clean sonc of the flowstont fori:latio,ns,

PICTON RIVER 23/ 1/74 A couple of months ega Brian Collin and I spent a weekend along the Picton River collecting fossils and looking at the limestone. The fossils were of extreme interest to the University Geology Departncat palc-o- cmtologi.sts, so this trip was organised so they could examine the out- crops and collect for thenselvcs. The party consisted of Msx Banks (a former TCC President - ~d.)Cli~e Burrett, and Brim and myself as guides-cun-packhorses. We started from Hobart ad 8am, and were soon on tha outcrop shortly after 1 l', The day was fine and mild, the aarch-flies were not too troublesome, and the mosquitos were in hiding. The conditions could not have been better, and the river was low, which even exposed nore outcrop. SP- SP SP- SP SP- SP Speleo Spiel $7 Page 6 February, 1974

$,l1 that was needed wesc the fossils, and they were there in their supelf, millions. To say that thc palaeontologists were inpresscd would be grossly understating it. As 5live remarked it is ten times better than anything that has been found at any other fossil locality in Tasmania. There are two main aspects of this occurrence that nake it especially interesting. One is the varicty, It is an extraordinarily rich fauna, which includcs a great variety oi" brachiopods, cephalopods, gastropods, trilobites, briozoa , corals, etc,, etc. Even types of fossils which are rare elsewhere in the Gordon linestone are there in profusion. This alone nakes it extremely valuable to palaeontologists. me other feature which makes this an exciting discovery is the extensive siILiciffcatioa of the fossils, This means that the silica impurities in - the lirnostone have replpced much of the other material! that the fossil was nade of, so it is now composed of silica. Silica does not dissolve in acetic acid, But Limestone does, so by putting the rock in acetic acid the whole of the siliehfied fossil can be extracted. This is a great advantage as otherwise gou are Limited to what appears on a broken surface, with no hope of seeing what is in the salid rock. -1 af fossils is usually rare in the Gordon Linestone, but in the Picton area it is very common. The fossil localities on the Picton Riger will be very important in mraorelking the Ozdorician stratigraphy of Tasmania, and when the faunas have ultimately been described and the results published, the inpact of the discovery will be felt araund the world wherever rocks of sinilar age occur, Full crcdit for the discovery must go to the members of the Manuka Club who provided access to the area, and recognised that what they had found was liable tc be of scientific interest. Sone of the new species found will be lnamecl after the people who contributed to the discovery, so they may receive permanent recoi-pition. Ls soon as sufficient naterial has been extracted I will arrange for a collection to be displaecl at a meting to show what hac been obtained from this wor:;. Noel. C. White

PPOLE CREEK: 26-29/12/73 !a slack caversf christnas) 0 Partgi Andrew Skimer (L), Leona Conrades (P), Ras. Skinner, Keith Brister (SUSS), Mr. and Mrs. Bell. Much of the first day was sgent sightseeing and setting up camp. In the cvening am ab~seilin~prussiking~act:leringpractice was held at a cliff near Maracoopa, The ncxt day was spent at Caveside, armed with a scaling pole. &fore lmch a "warm-upM visit was made to Honeycomb I. Upon entering Wet Cave in the aftcrrmon'lt was realised that the water was tool high for us to achieve our o3j;ective. We had planned to explore some h%gh level possibilities in Wet Cave using our scaling pole, but 3 this project had to be abandoned. 4'. brief reconaissance was made but deep water prevented progress after a few metres upstream. Another attempt should be made in dry weather. With our major objective thwarted by floodwaters, a quick trip to Georgiefs Hall was made, being uneventful except for the sighting of a tiger snake near the entrance and an exhibition of fine burn-sliding by Leona. Friday was spent at Lake Mackenzie while KeLth went to Launceston to iron out Me in his car. The second major abject of the trip was to take black-and-whfte photos. in Kubla Kham and complete the track marking in the Forbidden City. We entered the cave by absefl early on Saturday norning and were soon at the Pleasure Dome, There some photographs were taken, but the results were indifferent. SP- SP SP-Sp remembcr the AGM AGM Speleo Spiel 87 February, 1 974 Page 7 . .

After scaling the flowstone wall in Cairn Hall it was realised that we had no drFP1-bit and so no track narking could be done1 After carting a 201b H-franc rucksack dowh the' River Llph streamway2 We pressed on to Xanaclu and to& ]yore photographs. The photographic results in this area were good, with am exdellent shot of the Khan and Beggum in the one franc being obtained. After running out cf batteries for the flash units we returned to the surface - but not before an underground lunch- cum-feast was demolished. The return trip was without incident except for some clot (naae witheld hy request - E(;.) dropping a ladder over the edge 'of the entrance pitch after all the other gear had been packed. The Tadder was duly recogjered and was undamaged as it hacl landed in soft mud, On Sunday,.as the rain started, ~eithleftfor Renison Bell and the rest OS the party returned to Hobart. hmdsew .Skime= . . --.---

SEL CIVES b~ BRUNY ISLAND r- .. During a recent week spent holidaying on Bruny Island, I ran across a numbe? .o.f sea caves, Each of these caves hac! been formed in sandstone due to wind and s'ea action. However, two of the caves had been, formed beneath huge blocks of collapsed sandstone. On ,the eastern side of Denn s Point, I located a small blowhole with a single chamber. Ehtrance was gained down throu[:h -the blowhoP~itself as the sea-ward entr~nccwns blocked by water. The chamber varies between 4 to, 13. netres tin height and is lnostlg water-filled at hich tide. An afternoon-was spent in the vicinity of Cemetry Point, Adventure Bay, where several other caves were observed. The firs$ had been formed beneath nassive block's of sandstone and extended for about 5 metres with height varying between 1 -3 netres. ¬her cave which has also been formed underneath a largc block of sandstone per~z?tt~c.?,entry as well a6 exit. Length was about 4 nztres, Lpproximateliy half kilometre to the north ~f these caves, I located a fissure which contained'a fair ?.epth o~fwater (high ti?e)ancl dis~.ppeareCinto wh~~tlookcc? to be 2. cnve at bho foot of a cliff. cave was locztcc! ncsrby which appcarccl to r' extend severd mctras but was wster-fillcc?. ikcccss to this cave was made rather difficult swing to huce blocks of sandstone bouldcrs on the southern side of the entrance. L further cave entrance some [?istancc north, w2.s o'hserver? but vertical cliffs which c!roppecl into c?cep water prevented a closer inspection. I would like to take another trip to this area in the near future and if anyolne is interestecl pleasc contzct nc and a

SCOTT ' S PUK - UPPER HUON RIVER. ?adrew Skinner, John Bluclhorn, Vern Butler .?6/ 1 /73 Yihile working on a re-vcgctation project for the La~clsDepartment near Scott's Peak a c:olomite outcrop was investigated. The dolonite (probably~Pre-~~brian)autcrops in the bed and dong the banks of the Huon River some 1.2 kn. below the Scott's Pe~~kdan. Relicf is quite low with the dolomite nat outcropping more than 50 metres above the river. Although the party had o lights a large outflow cave was explored far short distance, The roof near the ent~zncedisplayed current scallops zmd there were deposits of stream-washed gravel on the floor of the cave. 0- a small trickle of water was leaving the cave, but this was probabu due to the low summer level of the Huan River.

SP-SP SP-SP SP- SP Page 8 February, 1974

Ths cave Fs- sri.tuabd in close proxinity fs a dolorrdta quarry and may have been damaged by blasting, Job anad Vern located a pothole near the quarrg,with .an estimztecl depth of 30 metres, .A short reconnaissance- was made clowmtrem from the quarry and the dolomite seemec? to outcrop for quite a'clistance, The area fs a,good prospect for f'urther exploration but aw cares found will probably be relatively small.

(since this report was, Kevin Kiernan has.,provided some further informatAon. He says that dollorrite also outcrops at the Lake Edgar dam- site, wh2ch is some 2.5 km, east of the .above-sik Fro5 the mad near the Red Knoll loobnt there agpear to be dalomib& acles be tween %ottJs Peak and Lake Edgar; but only chse investigation can prove the . cantinuity of the two outcrops - Editor) - 2LDIUIINIS"ILSZATIVE RWORTS FDR DEC. - JAN ' 73- '74 Ths NewsLekte~Editor's Report appear6 at the' front of thia issue, lT2-3 was a year of notably impoptant exploration for the Club, with the bottoming of Khaza6-d~m amcl Cauldron Pot, the first and second deepest caws in Australia ~espectively,Perhaps TCC "were due for a Hdepressionl~ year with few excitizq discoveries. Little ncws-generating work was done bg the CPub iPa 1973-4, but few other BSF societies could hoast of any such impur.t:ark activities either+ Jis John Dunkley.says: "This is deFFPitely the quiet season for Australian cavers - the students are sitting and the teachers are marking them .., and l1 ttle notewortb caving has been dam?." (from Newsletter 6t) Thc loss of three of our most experienced party leaders overseas (temporarily) created.-quite a gap in the rmka of experieaaced members, Still, the totd number of TCC trips actually iacrea- sed. . - Exploration: . The most notable activities included: -. - exploration of Splash Pot (JF10) - diggimg in Efit Cave - explaration of JF45, 46, 47. - iavest5gation of sea caves on Island (with SCS members) - sane small holes at Ida Bay were explored and numbered - a new decorated cave at Mole Creek was discovered - dolerlte caves near Mount WelUngton were mapped - a trip-to Surprise Bay to explore sea caves was mc?e - location of new area of dolomite near ScaLtls Peak - further exploration of ~ict$~racroftline&one area (with the Manuka cm) - location of sea caves on Brmy Idand Suweyin~: A C.R.G, grade 5 nap st Scale 1 :25O with detail was produced of the first kLbreetre of Exit Cave. The surrey of Wolf Hole (~astings)was comencea and there is now aver a kilonotre of passage on paper, dth at least a6 much passage to map, The Khazad-dm smvey was conpleted and puebkishcd. Other caves surveyed included: Splash Pot, Devil's Pot, Exect~tionPot, Pigface Cavern, dolerite caves, near Mt. Wellington and sea caves at. Surprise Bay. Ebui~mentand Techniaue: 300 feet of MiBlcrtg No. $ nylon clinbing rope was purchased to replace existfng tacW.& the Club has agreed to purchase an additional 300'. ~pe~eoSpiel 87 Page 9 Bebruary , 1 974

Pinnacle carbide lanps arc no longer being manufactured, so new lamps are being obtained by the Club, Several new l-ead-acid miner's lanps were bought from hire fees charged by the Club. Once again, Brim Collm served as Club lQuarternaster. Climbing practice$ have been held quite regularly, including one trip on which Tasman's hzch and the Devil's Kitchen were Ccscenclec: using Sin~leRope technique.

This has again been one of our most inpartant functions, both at the intnimidual member an6 society levels. L program of trail-delineation using reflectorised markers was initiated and has been applied to Exit, Croesus, Kubla Kha~and 1Velcoiie Stranger caves. The netho;' used confines visitors to clcfinerl paths in c2ecorated areas and has received favourable cements. Unsuccessful 'attempts have been made to secure a State Reserve to protect Exit Cave, Croesus Cave was (finally) proclained a State Reserve on July 4th,' 1'972; however the reservation only partially protects the Cave. llthough a reserve, access to Croesus is still unrestricted. t comprehensive subnission was presented to the Eustralian Government's P Enquiry into the National Estate. TCC stated thzt Exit, Kubla Khan, Croesus and the Mole Creek Systen should be addec? to the national estate; and reference was nade for the desirability of cave protection legislation and the nee2 for recreational zoning in cave reserves. Limestone mining has been thwarted at Precipitous Bluff at present, although no primarily by the actions of ~peleos.Rubbish was renoved from Exit, Croesus, Kubla Khan and Newdegate Caves. The gate to Exit Cave was re-locked, but the King Georde V gate has rustcc? partially and needs minor repairs. Photography: Colour slides were taken in Exit, Croesus, Kubla Khan and caves in the Hastings area. Black an2 White photographs were taken in Exit and Kubla Khan, The better photos of 1973-4 were presented as evidence to the National Estate Ehquiry, Int er-Club Relations: The move for union with the Southern Caving Society was defeated at the last Annud General Meeting. To facilitate liason with other Tasmanian 7 speleo1o;ical groups, a Tasmanian Council of Speleology was set up and still has to be officially accepted by ASFm Moves are be in^ ctade to involve non-1ISF groups in the Council. Northem Caverneer~have taksn the long-awaited step to Hindependence'l from TCC and are now a full member of &SF. hSF itself continues to grow in strength an influence every

a year and is play in^ an invaluable role in Australian spclcology. The Future: TCC seems to bc on the verce of a uresur~encellof activity with the ,re-appearance of some of our formerl-r active party leaders from oversms. The Marble Kill and Picton-Cracrnft areas have great potential for the more intrepid, whilst the "tracli tionall1 areas of Hastings, Mole Creek and Junee-Floemtine stihh need plenty of attentfon. Although we had twelve new members this year, recruiting wfll need to continue if we are to remain as active in the fielc?. hclrew Skinner Hon. Secretary 1973-4 TASM;P!II?N COUNCIL OF SPELEOLOGY REPORT: The second meeting of the T.C.S, waE held at the Mole Creek Hut on 15/12/73. Present were R.Cockeri.11, R.Mann, D.ElEiott, (s,C.S), A. Sklnner, R. Skinner, (T.C.C.), D.Robertson and J.Boden, atro robe High School Caving Club) , R.Schmic:t, iV.Hardemann and P. Dowde, (Northern Cawerneers) . sp-m SP SP-SP SP-SP Page 10 February, 1974 The following motions and resolutions were passed: ( 1) "That the top(gatec1) entrance of Kubla Khan be used only for emergency (search and rescue) purposes and for scientific reasons. (2) "That Cavinc Club be acceptec as a member of the Council. (3) E discussion occurred as to whether other fringe groups should be invited to joint the Council, but no resolutions were passed. (4) The J'SF system (proposed) o avc documentation was discussed and it was agreed that it had merit. (5) Gating was cliscussed an2 it was agreed that L.H.S.C.C. study the possibility of gating Kubla Khan (lower entrance) and Genghis Khan anc! that Richard Schmidt of N.C. stternpt reprrw to the Croesus Cave scte. (6) The position of L.H.S.C.C. was discu&ec? and a suggestion was made that - they affiliate with Northern Caverneers. L.H.S.C.C. will report on this matter at the next meeting. (7) It was decided that the next meeting of the T.C.S. shorrld be held at .. '!The ~rzmge") CampbelPtown during April or May, 1974, with the date to be decided by the Secretary in consultation with the delegates. Office Bearers: ,- Chairman: Moved: "That a tribunal of Presidents act in this capacity for thc time being. ~ecretary/Treasurer: Bob Cockcrill Conservation Convenor: Richard Schmidt Documentation Convenor: No nominations at the mecting but it is known that Ubert Goede is interested in thls position. Search and Rescue Convenor: Frank C. Brown The meeting concluded with general informal discussion between the delegates foPoweUbg a dimer at the Mole Creek Hotel and a field trip to Croesus Cave the next day. Andrew Skinner (Delegate) AUSTRfiId!N SPELEOLOGICAL FEDERATION COMMITTEE MEETING: The 1974 ASF Committee Meeting was held in Clayton, Victoria, and was hosted byVSii during the Australia Day long weekend in January. Business discussed include:?: (1) Code of ethics report (Henry Shannon) This was discussed and seveml chan~eswere made to the code. TCC moved that the revised code be n putdished in the ASF newsletter in order for akE cavers to become more familiar with the document. (2) Conservation report (Warick Consell) A verbal report was presented and dealth mainly with the National Estate Jbquiry. It was agreed that 1.SF submit a report to the Tasmanian Government on the need for a reserve at hit Cave. This suEzmiosion is to Be drawn up by the Tas. roups and then submitted to the ASF Conservation Committee Convenor. b Peter Matthews presented a len~thyreport on the proposed ASF documentation systera. Copies of this report are available from L. Skimer. (4) Elery Ham;ilto~-Smith presented a verbal report on the First Australian Conference on Cave Tourism. The proceedings of this conference should be published soon. It was agreed that a further conference should be held in Tasmania during 1975. (4) the newsletter commission report was presented by John Dunkley, kftar some discussicr)it was agreed that no major changes in the functioning of this commission should occur. Paul Murphy (Musi~)became the convenor of this cornmission. (5) the ASF Handbook should be published during 1974. (6) Lndrew Pavey gave a report on the Australian Speleo Digest Commission and produced the first copies of Australian Speleolo~y1971, (see earlier im this issue of the spiel) Sgeleo Spiel Page 11 February, 1974

(7) The position of the Tasmanian Council of ~~el~olo~~was discussed, and it was resolved that the T.C.S. submit a formal report at the next fSF meeting. (8) Northern Cavernoers were elected as a full member. The Peninsula Speleological! Group, the Bermagui Speleological Society and the W.L. S eleological Research Group were electcz as associate members, (8) the next meeting is to be held in January, 1975, in association with the next EISF Confer ernce in Brisbane, Queenslanr:. Andrew Skinner, delegate for TCC, SCS, Northern Caverneers


L The TCC celebration for New Year's me was held at the home of Laurie and Sue Moody. Members who attended agreed that a similar function should . be held next (this?) year. Ls readers might have already guessed, thi6 issue waE not produced by our 'n regular typist. Come back Theresel The Guiness book of Records. lists Mullamullang Cave as being the longest cave in Australia. Would some :xnber. like to write and snforn them of Tasmanian. one-up-man-ship? . .

Scotts Peak Dam North (est T

-2 . . . . Possible underground meander cut-off with out flow cave Huon River . area of known dolomite outcrop

SP-SP SP- SP SP-SP Speleo Spiol 87 Page 12 February, 1974 TJ.SWIlJ CAVEFIETEERING CLUB - MEMBERSHIP LIST 1973-4 A - Associate Member F - Full Member H - Honorary Member (~ife) Fa~l- Fanily J - ~uniorMember H.A. - Hon. Associate Member P - Prospective Member Ron. Nrhurst, 26 Granville Ave., GciEston Bay, 7015 F Noel lacell, 65 Hampden Road, Battery Point, 7000 P Clive and Dot Boulter, 11 Sheldon Place, West Hobart, 7000 Fam Joan and Peter Brabon, P.O. Box 74, Lindisfarne, 7015 Fam S.W. Carey, 24 Richardsons Avenue, myrne, 7005 H Pip Casey, Main Road, Dover, 7116 P Wes. Carpenter, 20 Wellcsley Street South Hobart, 7000 F Lrthur Clarke, C/- INCL, P.0. BOX 482, Que"nstoa, 7467 A - Lshley Cody, C/- Poste Restante, G.P.O. Melbourne, 3000 P Mike Cole, 66 Carlton Street, New Town, 7008 A Brian and Jeanctte Collin, 66 Wentworth Street, South Hobart Fam - Tony Culberg, Unit 2, "Parkstone", 1 Wilson Ave., Hillsdale, N. SW, L Nicholas Cunnings, 23 Parliament Street, Sandy Bay, 7005 F Lndrew Davey, C/- St. John Fisher College, Dynnyrne, 7005 P Ross Ellis, 52 Bundock Street, Randck, N.S.W., 2031 B Peter Dykes, 538 Pont Hacking Rd., Culainghah, 2229, N.S.W. 1! Ian and Stella Farlcy,-P.0. Box 24, Margate, 7153 A Don. Francomb, 94 Parkview Crescent, Maydena, 7457 H. L. Stuart Gamble, P.O. Dover, 71 16 F Pilbert Goede, 8 Bath Street, Battery Point, 7000 H Therese Goede, II II II I I F Robert Graue, C/- Post Office, Lunc River, 71 16 A Pcter Henley, 139 Alfred Road, Mt. Claremont, W,C., 6010 F John Herington, 24 Balaka Street, Rosny, 7018 H. A. Col Hocking, 20 Banawarra Road, Geilston Bay, 701 5 F Bernard Howe, McKinly Street, Midway Point, 7171 h Rodney Hughes, C/- 79 Poets Road, West Hobart, 7000 A Stephen Jager, Southport, Tas. , 7116 C John Jantzen, C/- Geology Department, University of Tas., 7005 P Mike Jagoe, C/- Sprin~valeHostel, New Town, 7008 F Max Jeffries, 66 South Avenue, Maydena, 7457 H.A. $tefan Karpiniec, 22 Wellwood Street, Lenah Valley, 7008 P %aimonis Kavalieris, 4 Ellerslie Road, Bdamotom Heights, N.S,W.,A Keain Kiernan, 10 Meath Avenue, Taroona, 7006 W Eill Lehrnann, 29A DIArcy Street, South Hobart, 7000 F Delia Maloney, 66 Carlton Street, New Town, 7008 F Ross Mansfield, 280 Park Street, North Hobart, 7000 F Poter Matthews, 66 Frogmore Crescent, Park Orchards, Vic., 3114 A Kak Meerding, 6 Gourlay Street, Blackmans Bay, 7152 F Gary Melville, C/- King Solomon Cave, Mole Crec' , Tas., 7304 A Vendy Mold, C/- Jane Franklin Hall, Davey Stred, Hobart, 7000 F B.G. Molland, 87 West Street, Maydena, Tas., 7457 H. A. Laurence Moody, 13 Mason Street, Claremont, Tas., 7011 Fam Clive and Sally Morris, 11 Church Strect, Kin~ston,Tas,, 7150 Farn Stuart Nicholas, 7 Rupert Lvenue, New Town, Tas,, 7008 F Miles Piece, 1 Grange Street, Mont Albert, Victoria, 3127 L Glen Pinnington, 20 Leighland Ave., Claremont, Tas., 701 1 Norm Poulter, P.O., Box 120, Nedlands, IV.h., 6 '39 lf Chris Rathbone, 76 View Street, Sandy Bay , 7OC5 F Noel Rawlinson, C/- Guides Office, Jenolan Caves, NSW, 2786 A Tory Richardson, Mole Creek, Tas., 7304 ' H.A. SP-SP SP-SP Speleo Spiel 87 Page 13 February, 1974

Lloyd Robinson, 167 Mt. Keira Road, Mt. Keira, N.S.W., 2500 1, Peter Shaw, C/- 66 Wentworth Street, South Hobart, 7000 F bdrew Skinner, 51. Hampden Road, Battery Point, 7000 F Fiona Skinner, 12 Nixon Street, Sandy Bay, 7005 J Ros.Skinner, 5A Hampden Road, Battery Point, 7000 F Roy and Pm Skinner, 12 Nixon Street, Sandy Bay, 7005 H.P.. Leonie Smith, C/- E.D., T.C.L.E., Mount Nelson, 7005 F Tony Sprcnt, Grays Road. Ferntree, 7101 F Simon Stephens, 43 Seaview &venue, Taroona, Tas., 7005. F Doug Turner, 79 Riawcna Avenuc, Lindisfarnc , Tas. F Henk van Twillert, 18 Nixon Street, Sandy Bay, 7005 F Tim Walkden-Brown, 60 1 - 10 1 55- 1 16 Street, Edmonton, Canada F Frank Brown, C/- Dept. Environment, Chemistry Dept., University of Tasmania, Sandy Bay, Tas, , 7005 L Peter Dowde, 77 Talbot Road, Launceston, 7250 L Michelle Farrell, lB/l9 French Street, Dynmyrne, Tas., 7005 F Nick Berwick, 12 Charles Street, Moonah, Tas., 7009 d Bruce Chetwynd, 5L Hampden Road, Battery Point, 7000 P .n Brcndan de Bomford, 12 Bilton Street, Claremont, 7011 P

Paul de Bomford, 41 ?I I? 11 11 P Robert Eaton, 14 Wyndham Road, Clarernont, 7011 P Paul Eaton, 44 11 11 11 11 P ShmPinnington, 20 Leighland Road, Claremont , 70 1 1 J Nicholas Gould, Main Road, Sandford, Tas. J Jan Hardjy, 18/19 French Street, Dynnyrne, Tas., 7005 P Kathryn edlock 6 BelEevue Parade, New Town, 7008 P David Nichols, 84 Kaoota Road, Rose Bw, 7015 P Gre~Strickland, 63 Salamanca Place, Hobart, 7000 F Hans Willink, 20 Harrow Place, Taroona, 7006 P Graeme Whitchurch, 20 Bournvillc Crescent, Claremont, Tas,, 7011 P S. Rees, 31 Springfield Avenue, West Hobart, Tas., 7000 P L. Redman, P.O. Box 83, East Devohport, Tas., 73TO A RoByn Smith, 6 Constance Avenue, Glenorchy, Tas., 7010 P Fhillip Robinson, 2/40 Waterworks Road, Dynnyrne, Tas., 7005 F Noel White, 3/62 Colville Street, Battery Point, Tas,, 7000 F


Full members: 28 Family members: 5 Hon. Life Members: 2 Associate Members: 20 Hon. dssociate Members: 7 Junior Members: 5 Prospective Members: l6 Total: 80 1 .. . -

ADDITIONS TO LBOVE LIST: Bill Psterson, 12 Auvergne Avenue, New Town, 7008 F Leona Conrades, 5 Swan Street, North Hobart, Tas., 7000 P

SP- SP SP- SP Speleo-Spiel 87 Page 14 February, -1.974

Plan of JF1 Junee-Florentine Lrea, Tasmania Map U. LSFJF1 TCC 1

ti~htsqueeze, no draught 'f \ /--. th mondnilch decoration

daylight h01e

ope with logs

Magnetic Horth ( 19731

C.R.G. Grade 5 at 1:%0 Surveyed by T.C.C. members: rL.5,kimer, L .Moody, R. Skimer, Hevan Twillert , M. Jef fries, L.Conrac!es, G.Pimington November, 1 973

Scale 1:500