

Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2021 No. 55 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Friday, March 26, 2021, at 2 p.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 2021

The Senate met at 10:30 a.m. and was The senior assistant legislative clerk under the provisions of rule XIV, I called to order by the Honorable BEN read the following letter: would object to further proceeding. RAY LUJA´ N, a Senator from the State U.S. SENATE, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Objec- of New . PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, tion has been heard. f Washington, DC, March 24, 2021. The bill will be placed on the cal- To the Senate: endar. PRAYER Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby f appoint the Honorable BEN RAY LUJA´ N, a fered the following prayer: Senator from the State of New Mexico, to GUN VIOLENCE Let us pray. perform the duties of the Chair. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, a O Mighty God, our source of PATRICK J. LEAHY, week ago the Nation reeled in horror as strength, we magnify Your Name. President pro tempore. a deranged gunman shot and killed Guide our lawmakers during this chal- ´ Mr. LUJAN thereupon assumed the eight people at three different loca- lenging season. Inspire them to stay on Chair as Acting President pro tempore. tions across the area. Six of Your path without wavering. f them were Asian-American women. Lord, give them such confidence in Just 6 days later, another shooting. You that, after You have tested them, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Ten people were shot and killed by a they shall come forth like gold. Help The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- gunman who entered a grocery store in them to understand that Your pore. Under the previous order, the Boulder, CO. Some were customers, thoughts and ways are higher than leadership time is reserved. some were employees. One was as theirs and to trust You to bring them f young as 20, and one was as old as 65. to Your desired destination. Empower One of the victims was merely walk- them to run without limping or stum- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY ing through the parking lot after fixing bling because they are guided by Your LEADER the coffee machines at the nearby wisdom. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Starbucks, the son of Serbian refugees We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. majority leader is recognized. and the shining hope of his family. f f One of the fallen was a local police PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MEASURE PLACED ON THE officer, Eric Talley, an 11-year veteran CALENDAR—S. 937 The Presiding Officer led the Pledge of Boulder Police and a father of seven. of Allegiance, as follows: Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I un- You look at each of their faces—young, wise, older. You ache. Gone. You think I pledge allegiance to the of the derstand there is a bill at the desk that United States of America, and to the Repub- is due for a second reading. of their families whom you don’t know. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The They never will see them again, taken indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. clerk will read the bill by title for the so cruelly and so quickly. f second time. Today, around the Capitol will The senior assistant legislative clerk remain at half-staff in honor of the vic- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING read as follows: tims, and we all grieve with their fami- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE A bill (S. 937) to facilitate the expedited re- lies. We also grieve with the commu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The view of COVID–19 hate , and for other nity of Boulder and the people of Colo- clerk will please read a communication purposes. rado. And we grieve with the people of to the Senate from the President pro Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, in and all people across the tempore (Mr. LEAHY). order to place the bill on the calendar United States whose lives have been

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.


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VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.000 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1724 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 forever marred by the plague of gun vi- Cabinet Secretary of any Agency. The voting rights, and, in fact, the Con- olence. confirmation of Rachel Levine rep- stitution explicitly says that the Con- COVID–19 is not the only epidemic resents another important milestone gress has the ability and right to do it. claiming innocent lives in America. for the American LGBTQ community. And yet Republicans who lost the elec- Last year alone, 20,000 Americans were She will be the first openly transgender tion, instead of doing what we should killed by gun violence, the highest official ever confirmed by the U.S. Sen- be doing in a democracy—when you number in almost two decades. Most of ate. The arc of history is long, but it lose, you are supposed to figure out these incidents never reached the head- keeps bending in the direction of jus- why you lost and win over the voters lines, but we cannot allow ourselves to tice. you didn’t, but they would just deprive become numb to their devastation. As transgender Americans suffer the voters who voted against them of After one of the most difficult years in higher rates of abuse, homelessness, the right to vote. That is eerily remi- American history, we all want our lives and depression than almost every other niscent of what dictators like Erdogan and our country to return to normal. group, it is important to have national in Turkey or Orban in Hungary would But not this normal—oh, no, not the figures like Dr. Levine, who, by virtue do. normal that accepts everyday gun vio- of being in the public spotlight, will Our Republican Party has sunk so lence as a matter of course, an inci- help break down barriers of ignorance low that they have a Republican leader dental risk to living in these United and fear. who is over in the Rules Committee de- States of America. We cannot, we must Pennsylvania’s political leaders say fending these actions by State legisla- not accept that as normal. We must Dr. Levine has forced people in their tures. not shrink from our moral obligation State to better understand the I asked him and all the Republicans to act. transgender community. One State leg- to give us a reason. Why did the Geor- Two years ago, the Republican lead- islator said: gia Legislature only pick Sundays to er, then in the majority, promised that She has robbed people of the false premise say there should be no early voting on this Chamber would have a real debate that they don’t know any trans people and Sunday? We know why. It is because on gun violence in this country. It therefore don’t need to be respectful of trans that is the day African Americans vote never happened. Even the former Presi- people. in the ‘‘souls to the polls’’ operation, dent made some noises about sup- The historic nature of her nomina- where they go from church to vote. It porting commonsense gun safety meas- tion should not be lost on anyone, but is despicable. ures before quickly retreating, the re- Dr. Levine thoroughly deserves to be Every time you think the country sult, once again, of bitter, reflexive op- confirmed on the strength of her quali- has moved a long way, you see steps position by the NRA to any progress fications. taken backward. Let’s make no mis- and fear among so many Republicans of Despite several attacks on her gender take about it, the shadow of Donald what the NRA might do to them if they identity over the past year, Dr. Levine Trump—his big lie, his incessant focus spoke truth to power. has stayed laser-focused on helping the on doing anything that benefits him, Well, now we don’t have a Republican State of Pennsylvania manage and re- no matter if it is the truth or not, if it majority. We have a Democratic one. spond to COVID. The quality of her is constitutional or not, if it is racist This time is going to be different. A public service is reflected in the fact or not—has now fallen over this party, Democratic majority in the Senate is that she was confirmed not once, not and they are not even standing up to going to act. I have committed to put twice, but three times by the Repub- protect the sacred right to vote. legislation to expand background lican-led State senate to serve first as Shame, shame, shame on all of them. checks on the floor of the Senate. We physician general and then as health Shame. How can you defend these ac- will debate it. We will vote on it. secretary. tions throughout legislatures, which Just yesterday, my colleague Sen- The U.S. Senate should follow suit said would ator DURBIN led the Judiciary Com- today and make Dr. Levine the Assist- amount to tens of millions of people mittee in hearing from scores of wit- ant Secretary of Health and Human losing their right to vote? nesses about proposals to reduce gun Services. Are we a democracy? Are we? The violence that the Senate might take f shadow of Donald Trump falls dark and up. FOR THE PEOPLE ACT OF 2021 large over this caucus when they act I have started the process to make like that, and it happens far too often. legislation to combat hate crimes Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, on one We will not let this stand. We will not against Asian Americans, led by Sen- more issue, I was just over at the Rules let this stand. S. 1 will pass this body. ators HIRONO and Representative MENG Committee hearing. It is the first hear- I yield the floor. in the House, available for action on ing I attended as majority leader be- I suggest the absence of a quorum. the floor. cause it was about S. 1, so important. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- I have been told by so many Asians And there, I showed—I showed my pore. The clerk will call the roll. in New York that they are afraid just anger and frustration at what Repub- The senior assistant legislative clerk to walk down the street, something lican legislatures are attempting to do proceeded to call the roll. they used to do easily. I have seen the throughout the country, take away Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask pain and fear in their faces as I have people’s right to vote, particularly peo- unanimous that the order for attended the rallies in New York. ple of color. the quorum call be rescinded. Make no mistake, under the Demo- You know, it has been more than 160 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cratic majority the Senate will debate years since the 13th, 14th, and 15th pore. Without objection, it is so or- and address the epidemic of gun vio- Amendments abolished , but dered. lence in this country. Jim Crow is still with us. When a State f f says you need a notary public to cast an absentee ballot, it is no different NOMINATION OF RACHEL LELAND CONCLUSION OF MORNING than asking African Americans to BUSINESS LEVINE guess the number of jellybeans in the Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, now jar before they vote. It is certainly no The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- on the Levine nomination, today, the different in intent to deprive them of pore. Morning business is closed. Senate will confirm the nomination of their right, their constitutional right f Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania’s top to vote. health official, to be the next Assistant And here we have Republican Sen- EXECUTIVE SESSION Secretary of Health and Human Serv- ators making excuses for these vicious --- ices. and often bigoted deprivations of the The Biden administration has right to vote. They say that this is a EXECUTIVE CALENDAR brought many historic firsts into its State issue. No, Congress has passed The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ranks, including the first openly gay numerous dealing with Federal pore. Under the previous order, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.002 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1725 Senate will proceed to executive ses- that would be something the American I don’t mean passing a few pieces of sion to resume consideration of the fol- people would have a lot of issues with. bipartisan legislation for show and lowing nominations en bloc, which the Now, I am not sure exactly what, then showing through the rest of your clerk will report. given the fact that we had millions agenda or trying to—I should say shov- The legislative clerk read the nomi- more voting in the 2020 election than ing through the rest of your agenda nations of Rachel Leland Levine, of the previous Presidential election, through reconciliation or abolishment Pennsylvania, to be an Assistant Sec- would suggest that we need to make of the ; I mean genuine bipar- retary of Health and Human Services; changes to election laws across this tisanship: sitting down at the table, and David Turk, of Maryland, to be country. identifying big issues that we need to Deputy Secretary of Energy. The States, in my view, when they address, and then looking at proposals The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- certified the election, like they typi- from both parties—both parties—and pore. The Republican whip. cally do, in the 2020 election, did it on negotiating until we can find agree- FILIBUSTER time, in accordance with the , and ment. There is a lot of room for that. Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I have the system, I believe, worked pretty While the focus often tends to be on come down to the floor multiple times well. But the Democrats seem to be- the areas where we disagree, there are in the past week to talk about the fili- lieve that there need to be changes in plenty of areas where Democrats and buster. I have talked a lot about the our elections. Republicans either already agree or dangers of eliminating the filibuster, But my point, simply, with respect to could easily reach middle ground. from the loss of bipartisanship to the their arguments about that and about I am a conservative, but I have intro- loss of meaningful representation for the need to eliminate the filibuster in duced 14 bills so far this year, and 11 of Senate minorities and the constituents order to do it is that we haven’t filibus- them have had Democrat cosponsors. they serve. tered anything yet. There is a lot of room for us to work Now, Democrats, when they were in One thing I haven’t mentioned yet, together, so why don’t Democrats try the minority the last 6 years, filibus- though, is the fact that Democrats are that? We could start with American tered most things that we brought up increasingly calling for eliminating the economic competitiveness and global that were of major consequence, legis- filibuster despite the fact that Repub- leadership legislation or infrastructure lation that they objected to. They have licans haven’t actually filibustered any legislation—issues that both Demo- used the filibuster prolifically—prolifi- legislation yet this Congress. crats and Republicans see a pressing cally, you could say—in the last 6 In fact, the Democratic leader was need to address. years. But it seems a little bit odd to just down here talking about attacking The Democratic leader has men- have them getting up and talking the Republicans for opposing H.R. 1, S. tioned his desire to bring up legislation about eliminating something that has 1, or whatever it is that is the election regarding America’s competitiveness been a part of Senate history, Senate bill that Democrats have put forward, vis-a-vis , and the Republican rules, Senate traditions for a really but there hasn’t been any effort that I leader has agreed that it is an issue long time and arguing that the reason am aware of to reach out to Repub- ripe for a bipartisan, regular-order they need to do that is that Repub- licans to talk about things that they process. licans have been abusing it when we might want to be involved with in There are a lot of areas where we have been in the majority. could find bipartisan agreement on terms of election reforms or reforming We have been in the majority for the these issues: investing in our domestic our election system in this country. In last 6 years. The filibuster is a tool em- manufacturing capacity so we don’t fact, this last election, we saw record ployed by the minority and was em- turnout. Millions of people more than ployed, I would say, very freely by the have to rely as heavily on China or the previous election came out and minority in the past 6 years. We other countries for essential products voted. It was run by the States across haven’t filibustered—Republicans and technologies, promoting the devel- the country. haven’t filibustered anything yet, leg- opment of 5G technology here at home The proposal that is before us, the islation, in this Congress. Yet Demo- to ensure the United States wins the H.R. 1 proposal—now, I guess, S. 1— crats are talking about eliminating the race to 5G, supply chain security, pro- would to federalize that elec- filibuster and, frankly, without at- tecting our taxpayer-funded research tion process, to nationalize the elec- tempting to reach across the aisle and and intellectual property from , tions, to take the power away from the engage in talks with Republicans about and more. States that currently administer and areas where we might find common I recently introduced the bipartisan run elections and have that run out of ground. So that is what I want to talk Network Security Act with Sen- Washington, DC. just a little bit about today because I ator FISCHER and Democratic Senators It seems to me that a lot of people think Republicans have shown a gen- STABENOW and WARNER. Currently, one across this country would rather deal uine commitment to bipartisanship of the biggest suppliers of 5G equip- with State leaders, State Governments, and unity, something that has not been ment worldwide is a Chinese company, when it comes to administering our on display from the President or the Huawei, which is supported by the Chi- elections than having them run out of Democrat leadership. nese . American secu- Washington, DC. The Senate confirmed President rity officials have raised concerns that There are lots of other provisions in Biden’s Cabinet nominees faster than much of Huawei’s equipment is built that bill that many of us would object those of both President Trump and with ‘‘backdoors,’’ giving the Chinese to. I think, frankly, it is a good thing President Obama, thanks in no small Communist Party access to global to have a photo ID to vote. That is part to Republicans’ willingness to communications networks. Our bill something that my State of South Da- move the process along, and many, if would address this potential security kota has. I think it makes sense, when not most, of those confirmations were risk by making telecommunications people come in to vote, to be able to bipartisan. security a key objective when negoti- prove who they are. Obviously, it is a I voted for a number of President ating future trade deals. voter prevention measure that Biden’s Cabinet nominees not because It is important that we encourage has been adopted by many States they were the individuals I would have our trading partners and allies to keep across the country and upheld by the picked but because I believe that, ab- suspect technology like Huawei out of courts. sent serious red flags, a President de- their networks. The bipartisan Net- It just strikes me that there are a lot serves to have his team around him. work Security Trade Act would be a of provisions in that bill that would So I have a suggestion for Demo- strong candidate for inclusion in a need to be fixed, honestly. And, frank- crats: Why not try bipartisanship? And thoughtful, bipartisan measure meant ly, just the very premise to have the by that I don’t mean holding Repub- to enhance our competitiveness with Federal Government running elections licans hostage the way the Democratic China if Democrats are willing to en- in this country, essentially taking over leader has threatened, quote, ‘‘Support gage in truly bipartisan legislating. something that has been historically our legislation or we will talk about I believe a strong China policy is a handled by the States, strikes me that eliminating the filibuster.’’ national priority, and I hope we will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:45 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.005 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 consider a bill that addresses the many I am not sure that the Democratic rule, could require 60 votes, which, of threats China poses in the near future, leadership realizes this, but I think course, the Democrats by themselves, as long as Democrats don’t simply turn there are a good number of rank-and- even with the Vice President, couldn’t it into a means to promote their par- file Democrats who do. And I hope come up with. tisan priorities under the guise of com- those rank-and-file Democrats will en- There was a statement made by Sen- peting with China. courage their leaders to move away ator MCCONNELL, the Republican lead- There is also a lot of bipartisan from their liberal fantasies and try for er, yesterday which was nothing short agreement to be found on infrastruc- real bipartisan cooperation. of amazing. At a press conference, he ture. In fact, there is a history of bi- There is a lot we can do together on said of the filibuster: ‘‘It has no racial partisan collaboration on infrastruc- a lot of issues if Democrats will come history at all—none.’’ Amazing that he ture legislation. to the table. I hope they will. would say that. Our last major infrastructure bill, I yield the floor. If you go back and study the history the FAST Act, was supported by both The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- of this body, John Caldwell Calhoun, a Democrats and Republicans and was a pore. The majority whip. Senator from South Carolina, started remarkably successful bill. Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, first, let in the early parts of the 19th century Last Congress, the Environment and me salute my colleague and friend using this unlimited debate to protect Public Works Committee here in the from South Dakota. I hope we can slave States, to protect the interests of Senate developed bipartisan infrastruc- achieve what he has asked for: biparti- the Southern States. That progressed ture legislation. And there is no rea- sanship in the U.S. Senate. in history to the point where, in mod- son—no reason at all—that we He made a point that I would like to ern times, at least in the 20th century, shouldn’t reach bipartisan agreement amplify: that they have not even used the filibuster was used consistently to on a substantial infrastructure bill. the filibuster; Republicans have not in- stop federalization of the of I know a lot of us Senators from voked the filibuster so far during this lynching. I don’t know who would rural States, both Democrats and Re- Senate session. Well, there is a rea- argue in Kentucky or anywhere else publicans, share a number of the same son—because the three things that we that the crime of lynching has nothing priorities for infrastructure legisla- have done in this session are not, under to do with race, but the filibuster was tion, like expanding broadband access the rules of the Senate, subject to fili- used to prevent the federalization of in rural communities and ensuring buster. that crime. that farmers and ranchers have a Let me note as well—I ask unani- It was used in an effort to stop the bills that were trying to outlaw a poll transportation system they can depend mous consent that I be given 10 min- . ? That meant you had to on to get their goods to market. In- utes to speak before the rollcall begins. pay to be able to vote. It was used in vestments in rural infrastructure ben- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the South to try to discourage African efit our entire economy. pore. Without objection, it is so or- Americans from voting. It clearly was The vast majority of agricultural and dered. racial, and the filibuster was used over industrial commodities originate in Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, there and over again to protect a vote on the rural areas, and speeding the passage of are three things that are not subject to Senate floor, this Senate floor, from those goods to market benefits every- a filibuster: an impeachment trial, which we have accomplished so far this taking place on the poll tax. one—those who produce those commod- Then fast-forward several decades to year; the nominations, which the Sen- ities and those who rely on being able the 1960s. Richard Russell of Georgia ator from South Dakota alluded to; to sell them or purchase them. engineered—he was the architect, the and the reconciliation bill. It is true, I have introduced two pieces of legis- legislative architect of the filibuster Republicans did not apply the fili- lation with Democratic colleagues that that stopped the civil rights bills in the I would hope to see included in poten- buster to that. But it wasn’t their good 1960s. Certainly Senator MCCONNELL, tial bipartisan infrastructure legisla- will that motivated it; the Senate rules who was working in the Senate at that tion. demanded it. time as an intern, if I am not mis- The question is, Can we reach a point I recently introduced the Railroad taken, must remember the filibuster where we do things on a bipartisan Rehabilitation and Financing Innova- being used against the civil rights bill. tion Act with my Democratic col- basis, or will it be stopped by a fili- And to say that the filibuster ‘‘has no leagues Senator HASSAN. Our bill takes buster? So let me pause at this mo- racial history at all—none’’ is to ignore important steps to improve the accessi- ment and say to those following the de- the obvious. bility of the Railroad Rehabilitation bate what a filibuster is all about. It is Here is the point we are getting to. and Improvement Financing Loan Pro- a time-honored tradition in the Senate, Senator SCHUMER has said it on the gram for smaller railroads, like those going back to Aaron Burr serving as floor, and others have said it as well. farmers and ranchers rely on to get Vice President, that people can speak We have to be productive in this ses- their goods to market. in an unlimited fashion on the floor— sion of the Senate. After the last 4 I also recently introduced the Tribal there is nothing to stop them—until years, we have seen the Senate really Transportation Equity and Trans- there came a cloture vote, which didn’t break down to the point where they parency Improvement Act with my appear until the early 20th century. Be- weren’t productive at all. We weren’t Democratic colleague Senator SINEMA. fore that, the Senator could hold the productive at all. Tribes across the Nation have strug- floor indefinitely and slow things down There were 29 amendment votes in gled to build and maintain roads and to a crawl, to a stop if necessary. The the last year of Senator MCCONNELL’s bridges within their reservations, filibuster allowed them to continue reign as Republican leader. Twenty- which connect Tribal members to crit- that, but then came the cloture mo- nine amendment votes in 1 year? The ical services. This is especially true for tion, which stopped the filibustering. It previous year under Senator MCCON- large, land-based Tribes who must initially took a two-thirds vote, 67, and NELL: 22 amendment votes; no activity maintain vast road networks in sparse- eventually 60 votes. But that is what it on the floor of the Senate. We can’t let ly populated areas. Our bill would help boils down to. that happen. There are things that Tribes address these challenges by tak- If you want to get anything done on need to be done. ing steps to make the allocation of the floor and you don’t want one Sen- Let me mention, too, that one of funding through the Tribal Transpor- ator to stand up and say ‘‘I refuse to them that certainly needs to be done is tation Program more equitable and accept the vote,’’ then you have to to protect America’s right to vote. The transparent. have 60 votes. So in a majority Senate, Senator from South Dakota comes and If one thing is for sure, it is that a 50– 51 would clearly be sufficient. Under a says: Well, we had this big turnout on 50 Senate is not a mandate for one side filibuster, 60 is required. There are 50 November 3, 2020, and now the Demo- to force through its agenda unchecked. Democrats, 50 Republicans. Vice Presi- crats are meeting and talking about It is absurd for Senate Democrats or dent HARRIS can be the tie- changing the voting laws. Why would House Democrats to pretend they have breaking vote, the 51st vote. So the Re- we want to change if we had such a big a mandate for a partisan revolution. publicans, by applying the filibuster turnout?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.006 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1727 He ignores what happened in be- formance; that is just discharging our Kelly Murray Smith tween. After the election returns of No- duties as U.S. Senators. King Ossoff Stabenow Klobuchar Padilla Tester vember 3, 2020, Republicans across the So I would say to that Senator and Leahy Peters Van Hollen Nation, in 40 different States, intro- others, I agree completely with Sen- Luja´ n Warner duced hundreds of bills to limit peo- ator SCHUMER. We need to bring bills to Manchin Rosen Warnock Markey Sanders ple’s right to vote. That is why we are the floor that will reduce gun violence Warren Menendez Schatz Whitehouse Merkley Schumer responding with this Federal response in America, keep firearms out of the Wyden that is now being considered in the hands of people who should not have Murkowski Shaheen Senate Rules Committee. them. Convicted felons and mentally Murphy Sinema He missed part of the equation. It unstable people should not be having NAYS—48 went from November 3rd’s big turnout guns and buying them and be able to Barrasso Graham Portman to efforts in State legislatures to re- kill innocent people who are just stop- Blackburn Grassley Risch strict turnout, to limit the rights of Blunt Hagerty Romney ping by the supermarket to pick up Boozman Hawley Rounds people to vote across America, espe- something to take home. That is what Braun Hoeven Rubio cially African Americans and Latinos happened in Boulder, CO. Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse and those who are not wealthy—to Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) As the stories are printed in news- Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) limit their right to vote. And then papers across America about those Cornyn Kennedy Shelby came this response on the Federal lives lost, it is a grim reminder that Cotton Lankford Sullivan basis. That is an important point. If we this is not ridiculous. It is not theater. Cramer Lee Thune believed that the filibuster would not Crapo Lummis Tillis It is a life-and-death issue which we Cruz Marshall Toomey be used against it, if there was some have the power to change. Daines McConnell Tuberville promise that it wouldn’t be, we cer- I hope we can bring this measure to Ernst Moran Wicker tainly could bring that bill to the floor the floor, the one that passed the Fischer Paul Young for debate, and we should, if we are House of Representatives—and others— The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. given that kind of assurance. to bring sanity to our Second Amend- HICKENLOOPER). On this vote, the yeas GUN VIOLENCE ment, to make sure that we have con- are 52, the nays are 48. Mr. President, the final point I want stitutional, commonsense gun safety The motion is agreed to. to make is regarding the hearing we that is consistent with any constitu- CLOTURE MOTION held yesterday. It was a hearing before tional right. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant the Senate Judiciary Committee on I yield the floor. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the guns and gun violence. I scheduled it CLOTURE MOTION Senate the pending cloture motion, last week, and I didn’t know as I sched- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- which the clerk will state. uled it the tragedy that was occurring pore. Pursuant to rule XXII, the Chair The legislative clerk read as follows: in Atlanta, GA, with eight people who lays before the Senate the pending clo- CLOTURE MOTION were murdered. We heard about that. It ture motion, which the clerk will state. We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- was an outrage, these poor, innocent The legislative clerk read as follows: ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the people killed—coincidentally, the ma- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby CLOTURE MOTION jority of them Asian Americans—at a move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- time when we know hate crimes We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- nation of Executive Calendar No. 38, David against Asian Americans are on the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Turk, of Maryland, to be Deputy Secretary rise. Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby of Energy. That was the day that I announced move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Charles E. Schumer, Patrick J. Leahy, nation of Executive Calendar No. 40, Rachel Richard J. Durbin, Christopher A. the hearing that occurred yesterday, Leland Levine, of Pennsylvania, to be an As- but little did I know, as we prepared 2 Coons, Robert Menendez, Chris Van sistant Secretary of Health and Human Serv- Hollen, Tammy Baldwin, Thomas R. days ago for that hearing, what would ices. Carper, Tina Smith, Richard happen in Boulder, CO, just 2 days ago Charles E. Schumer, Patty Murray, Ben- Blumenthal, Ben Ray Luja´ n, Debbie when 10 innocent people were killed at jamin L. Cardin, Jon Tester, Richard Stabenow, Ron Wyden, Cory A. Booker, a supermarket. Blumenthal, Michael F. Bennet, Shel- Alex Padilla, Jack Reed, Mark R. War- We had a hearing yesterday. It was don Whitehouse, Sherrod Brown, ner, Chris Van Hollen, Robert P. Casey, an important hearing. Members all at- Jeanne Shaheen, Debbie Stabenow, Jr. Thomas R. Carper, Margaret Wood Has- tended. Sadly, one of the members on VOTE ON THE TURK NOMINATION san, Elizabeth Warren, Alex Padilla, the other side came in, the junior Sen- Tina Smith, Tim Kaine, Christopher A. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- ator from , and characterized our Coons. imous consent, the mandatory quorum hearing on gun violence, in light of VOTE ON THE LEVINE NOMINATION call has been waived. what is happening in America, as ‘‘ri- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The question is, Is it the sense of the diculous theater.’’ Those were his pore. By unanimous consent, the man- Senate that debate on the nomination words, ‘‘ridiculous theater.’’ There was datory quorum call has been waived. of David Turk, of Maryland, to be Dep- nothing ridiculous about the hearing uty Secretary of Energy, shall be The question is, Is it the sense of the that we held yesterday. It was a matter brought to a close? Senate that debate on the nomination of life and death. The yeas and nays are mandatory of Rachel Leland Levine, of Pennsyl- The grief that is being felt in Boul- under the rule. vania, to be an Assistant Secretary of der, CO; Atlanta, GA; and all over The clerk will call the roll. Health and Human Services, shall be America is a grief that is shared on a The bill clerk called the roll. brought to a close? daily basis. Forty thousand Americans The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 98, The yeas and nays are mandatory each year lose their lives to gun vio- nays 2, as follows: lence—40,000—a recordbreaking number under the rule. The clerk will call the roll. [Rollcall Vote No. 133 Ex.] and nothing we should be proud of as a YEAS—98 nation. The legislative clerk called the roll. When we address gun violence and The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 52, Baldwin Cardin Duckworth Barrasso Carper Durbin the measures that should be taken to nays 48, as follows: Bennet Casey Ernst reduce it, it is not ridiculous; it is as [Rollcall Vote No. 132 Ex.] Blackburn Cassidy Feinstein serious as it gets. Furthermore, it is Blumenthal Collins Fischer YEAS—52 Blunt Coons Gillibrand not theater. Theater is a depiction of Baldwin Carper Feinstein Booker Cornyn Graham reality; the Senate Judiciary Com- Bennet Casey Gillibrand Boozman Cortez Masto Grassley mittee is reality. Blumenthal Collins Hassan Braun Cotton Hagerty We are imparted, as Senators, to Booker Coons Heinrich Brown Cramer Hassan Brown Cortez Masto Hickenlooper Burr Crapo Heinrich change the laws of America and make Cantwell Duckworth Hirono Cantwell Cruz Hickenlooper it safer. That is not a theatrical per- Cardin Durbin Kaine Capito Daines Hirono

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.008 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1728 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 Hoeven Moran Shaheen cause their policies have invited this can’t help but think of my three boys. Hyde-Smith Murkowski Shelby surge. This surge is coming as a result. My boys are the same ages as many of Inhofe Murphy Sinema Johnson Murray Smith President Biden has frozen funds the kids presenting themselves at the Kaine Ossoff Stabenow from Congress directed for the building seeking asylum. Kelly Padilla Sullivan of the wall. He ended the ‘‘Remain in They look just like those kids. I see Kennedy Peters Tester Mexico’’ asylum policy that was put the fear and desperation in the eyes of King Portman Thune Klobuchar Reed there by the previous administration. the children at the border, and I don’t Tillis Lankford Risch Toomey It is a crisis. have to imagine how my boys would Leahy Romney Illegal aliens know Biden is opening look and feel under such cir- Lee Rosen Tuberville Luja´ n Rounds Van Hollen our up, and they intend to take cumstances. I have tasted that already. Lummis Rubio Warner advantage of that. And the illegals are In 2018, we were on a family trip in Manchin Sanders Warnock wearing the Biden T-shirts. Do you see Arizona—June of 2018. It was the Markey Sasse Warren height of Trump’s cruel family separa- Marshall Schatz Whitehouse this photograph over here? There they McConnell Schumer Wicker are. Biden, we are coming in. tion. We took a detour to Tornillo, TX, Menendez Scott (FL) Wyden I know a lot about the southern bor- to demand humane treatment of the Merkley Scott (SC) Young der because I have been there countless children who were being intentionally NAYS—2 times, seeing firsthand the problems on separated from their parents by the Hawley Paul both the Mexican side and the Amer- previous administration. ican side of the border. I was a builder On the way there, I tried to prepare The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this my boys, mentally and emotionally, vote, the yeas are 98, the nays are 2. and developer for 30 years down there. I know that border. I was there for 30 for what they were about to see. And it The motion is agreed to. was my youngest son, Diego, who was 3 The Senator from Oklahoma. years, all the way from Brownsville to McAllen, TX, on both sides. I know the years old at the time, who turned to UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. RES. 132 individuals that are down there who me and said: Dad, Donald Trump is Mr. INHOFE. Thank you, Mr. Presi- are the career people protecting our putting kids in cages. We got to go help dent. borders. them. My heart broke. Imagine how the It is obvious to just about everyone I am disappointed that the adminis- children on the border today are feel- outside of Washington that the situa- tration is reversing the progress we ing. Imagine how scared they must be. tion on our southern border is a crisis. have made over the past 4 years and Consider how traumatic their young I can’t believe that anyone wouldn’t shocked that they simply won’t ac- lives have already been and how anx- believe that it is a crisis, but there are knowledge it is a crisis. ious they are for the basic safety and some who would answer that it isn’t a The border security should not be a comfort that so many people take for crisis. partisan issue, and I am glad there are President Biden and the DHS Sec- granted. a few Senate Democrats who share my Let’s think of their parents’ anguish, retary refused to call it a crisis. It is concern about this crisis. I applaud not just a challenge. They called it a to be so desperate to protect their chil- them for speaking out. It took guts to dren, to be so afraid for their safety, challenge. This isn’t a challenge. This do it. is a crisis. Ask anyone you see on the let alone their future, that they make Well, I have got a resolution, and I the heartbreaking decision of sending street if it is a crisis—people lined up, am going to introduce this resolution. coming in illegally. them on a dangerous 2,000-mile journey I introduced it, actually, already. I to the U.S. border all alone, knowing You don’t have to take my word for think every Senator will agree with it. it. Look at the facts. We have had a that as risky and as dangerous as that It is a simple resolution. journey is, it is safer than to stay in 173-percent increase in border appre- We haven’t checked this out yet, but hensions compared with 1 year ago— their own community. I think this might be the shortest reso- Let’s be clear. These are children. 173-percent increase. This past Feb- lution in the history of the U.S. Sen- These are families, not that are well- ruary, apprehensions were at the high- ate. I am going to read it to you. off, trying to game the system. These est total for February in 14 years. It simply states: are families who are desperate. Their DHS admits that we are on track for It is the sense of the Senate that the cur- communities have been ravaged by the most illegal migrants in more than rent influx of migrants at the Southern land hurricanes, the COVID–19 pandemic, 20 years. This is on the border. This is border of the United States constitutes a cri- and in so many cases, decades of vio- today. This is what is happening. sis. lence. Their families are threatened by Last week, mainstream media news That is it. Nothing more. gangs with torture and if they reports found that the administration So, with that, Mr. President, as in stay home. Asylum seekers aren’t just is restricting information Border Pa- legislative session—this is a unanimous seeking a better life. Many are simply trol agents are allowed to share with consent request, Mr. President. I am just trying to stay alive. the media about the crisis. The border making it right now. Too many policymakers act like asy- agents claim that they are under an As if in legislative session, I ask lum seekers are just choosing to come unofficial gag order. These are the bor- unanimous consent that the Senate here, when there is really no choice at der agents. These are the ones who do proceed to the consideration of S. Res. all. this for a living. They are down there. 132, submitted earlier today. I further So I am deeply disappointed to see so They are protecting our laws, stopping ask unanimous consent that the reso- many Members of Congress, both in the illegals from coming in. That is what lution be agreed to and that the mo- House and in the Senate, depicting des- their job description is, and yet they tion to reconsider be considered made perate, young children at the border as are under a gag order. and laid upon the table with no inter- some sort of threat to our Nation. As They don’t want the media to find vening action or debate. though 15,000 practically orphaned chil- out. And they are being told to deny The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there dren trying to assimilate into our media requests for ride-alongs at the objection? country of 330 million is some sort of border. Now, that is so the media can The Senator from California. existential crisis for our Nation. tell the people of America what is Mr. PADILLA. Mr. President, reserv- The real crisis is the immigration going on down there, and they are ing the right to object. laws that are so broken that children being denied that opportunity. Colleagues, what is happening at the have to make a treacherous 2,000-mile The DHS Secretary claims that he is border right now is not just another journey to seek asylum here. The real committed to openness and trans- policy matter to me; it is personal. crisis is that this situation distracts us parency, but this is not openness and When I see the young Latino chil- from the more than 11 million undocu- transparency. This is hiding from the dren, alone in an unfamiliar setting, mented immigrants who have been liv- people what is going on. being spoken to by law enforcement ing in the United States for years, Maybe this administration is doing and other authorities in a language working and paying in commu- this and refusing to call it a crisis be- that they don’t understand, I actually nities all across America while living

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.002 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1729 in constant fear of deportation. They eryone heard what is going on now: Well, we are to going stay with this, are our neighbors, our teachers, our Just open the borders. and I am going to resubmit this very nurses, our grocery store workers, our You know, people in other coun- simple resolution, as follows: childcare providers. They are the es- tries—I won’t mention some of them It is the sense of the Senate that the cur- sential workers whom we have all because I don’t want them to be put in rent influx of migrants at the southern land thanked each and every day through- an awkward position—they say: Why in border of the United States constitutes a cri- out this pandemic who live in constant the world don’t we have stronger bor- sis. fear that their lives will be upended ders in the United States of America? It is a crisis. and their families ripped apart at any And we don’t. I yield the floor. moment, depending on the politics of Our previous President, I talked to I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the day in Washington. him this morning. I talked to former clerk will call the roll. The real crisis is that we have President Trump this morning, and I The legislative clerk proceeded to strayed so far from our founding prin- talked about what is going on down call the roll. ciples as a Nation of immigrants and there at the border. And the reason I Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I ask that we have strayed so far from the am familiar with this—much more fa- unanimous consent that the order for creed emblazoned on the very statue miliar than the Senator from Cali- the quorum call be rescinded. that we erected to welcome immi- fornia or anyone else—is that I worked The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without grants into New York Harbor saying: down there for 30 years on that border, objection, it is so ordered. Give me your tired, your poor, your all the way from Brownsville, TX, to IMMIGRATION huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the McAllen. I know the border people Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, Repub- wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send down there. I know the agents down licans are going to be on the floor these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I there. And for them to tell me that lift my lamp beside the golden door! today, taking a sudden 100-percent sin- they have been told not to talk to the cere interest in immigration reform. So I am disappointed but, sadly, not media about what is going on—I hope They are going to propose that the surprised that this resolution is noth- everyone knows what is going on right Senate take up a handful of bills to ad- ing more than a cynical attempt to now, today. This is going on. dress what they call a crisis created by perpetuate the semantic nonsense of You know, President Trump is all for President Biden on our southern bor- the day. Our constituents didn’t send people coming into America the legal der. us to the Senate or to Congress to iden- way. He has made that very clear over Forgive me for being blunt, but give tify problems. They sent us here to de- and over again. He has spent time down me a break. Republicans suddenly care velop and enact solutions. on the border, both borders, making about the border because they don’t I am more than willing to sit down sure that we can have a legal—one of want to talk about the real crisis that with my colleague here to try to come the most gratifying things in my job as President Donald Trump created and up with some solutions to address what a U.S. Senator, and I have been in that President Biden is fixing: the is happening at the border—solutions these Chambers now since 1994—one of COVID crisis and our Nation’s eco- that address the lack of resources and the most enjoyable things is to go to nomic crisis. Republicans don’t want to the broken processes left by the pre- naturalization ceremonies. And you fix our broken immigration laws. They vious administration, solutions that talk to these people who have come want to distract Americans from the recognize the fundamental humanity of and worked to come across legally to real story right now, which is the im- these desperate children and families our country. I defy you to find any one plementation of the very popular who simply want to live to see their of these individuals who has come here American Rescue Plan. next birthday, and solutions that stay legally and gone through this natu- There are $1,400 checks that are ar- true to the values of this Nation. ralization process—they know more riving in people’s bank accounts right I have an amendment to the resolu- about the history of this country than now. School budgets finally have tion at the desk to strike the text of people on the street, than people who enough resources to catch up on all of the Inhofe resolution and to insert the were born here and people who are the lost learning for our kids; child- following: serving here in the U.S. Senate. They hood is about to be cut in half; Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate know the language. They learn the lan- more production of vaccines. That is that our outdated immigration laws and the guage. They did it the hard way. How the real story. lack of a pathway to citizenship for the 11 do you tell them: You have gone You know how I know the Repub- million undocumented immigrants who form licans are less than sincere in this in- the backbone of communities across the through all this in the process of be- United States constitutes a crisis and that coming legal, but you didn’t have to do terest in immigration policy? First, be- the must take up im- that. You just march right in. They are cause they controlled the Senate for 6 migration reform this year. inviting you in. They want you in. years and not once during the roughly I ask that Senator INHOFE’s request Put it back up. Yes, that is what is 2,100 days that they were in charge did be modified as follows: that the Padilla going on right now. That is what is they try to honestly bring a com- substitute amendment at the desk to going on at the border. So I want ev- prehensive immigration reform pro- the resolution be considered and agreed eryone to know what is happening now. posal to the floor. to; that the resolution, as amended, be We can be sympathetic to a lot of I checked. Two of the bills they are agreed to; and that the motions to re- people, but the idea of saying that we going to ask unanimous consent for consider be considered made and laid had a President who was putting kids today were brought up for show votes upon the table with no intervening ac- in cages, come on. Let’s get real. We in the middle of the 2016 Presidential tion or debate. don’t want to do that. We don’t have to election as a means of helping Donald The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there do that. We just want to make it very Trump’s candidacy, but in neither in- objection to the modification? clear to the American people that we stance was there actually any attempt Mr. INHOFE. I object. have borders, and we ought to be pro- to try to find common ground to actu- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- tecting these borders. ally pass something. jection is heard. A lot of the people who come in, they Go back even further. In 2013, when Is there objection to the original re- aren’t necessarily from Central Amer- Democrats were in the Senate, that is quest? ica or from Mexico. These are—a lot of when we actually did pass a com- Mr. PADILLA. I object. them are terrorists coming over. They prehensive immigration reform bill. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- are coming from the Middle East, com- But it was Republicans who opposed jection is heard. ing from all over the world, coming it—not all, but all of the Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I hope into our porous borders. came from Republicans—and it was the everyone heard this. I haven’t met the Now, is that what people want? No, it House Republican majority that re- Senator from California real well yet. I is not. Overwhelmingly, they have re- fused to even consider the bill. That is look forward to it. I look forward to jected the idea of open borders, letting where it died. So spare me this sudden serving with him, but I hope that ev- everyone come in. concern for immigration policy.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.015 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1730 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 But since Republicans are now newly Let’s be clear. The authority to expel in many places from which these mi- concerned about what is happening on everybody being applied now to every- grants are coming. the border, it probably makes sense for body except for unaccompanied minors, Just as a matter of sort of further ex- us to level set the facts. The facts. So that is a temporary authority—an au- planation, if we brought this chart here are four of them. thority that Donald Trump didn’t even back into the Bush administration, you The first is a pretty simple one. Re- invoke until the pandemic began. would find that crossings were much publicans will tell you that Third, it is not even clear that what higher, at a much higher rate during created this crisis, that his policies are is happening now is anything other the Bush administration than at any the reason why we have seen an in- than a natural increase in migration time during the Obama administration. crease in migration to the border. But during the winter, combined with the People come to the United States be- here is the chart, and I want you to buildup of demand from title 42 en- cause they are fleeing violence, they zero in on the end of it. As you can see, forcement in 2020. are fleeing economic desperation, not apprehensions at the border, which are The Washington Post data analysts because of some message they get from a pretty decent indication of the num- took a look at the recent data on bor- the U.S. Government. ber of people who are crossing without der crossings year to year and month One study I was looking at the other documentation, started going up in the to month, and here is what they said: day, a comprehensive study of ration- middle of 2020 precipitously. All that is We looked at data from [the] U.S. ales for crossings data on the times occurring now is a continuation of and Border Protection to see whether there’s that people cross, says this: these increases. Apprehensions and a ‘‘crisis’’—or even a ‘‘surge,’’ as many news [T]ougher border controls have had re- crossings at the border didn’t start in- outlets have characterized it. We analyzed markably little influence on the propensity creasing on Inauguration Day; they monthly CBP data from 2012 to now and [we] to migrate illegally. found no crisis or surge that can be attrib- started increasing back in the middle These are the facts. These are the and end of 2020. So you can’t say that uted to Biden administration policies. Rath- er, the current increase in apprehensions fits facts. Republicans need to stop looking this was a creation of Joe Biden’s poli- at immigration as a political oppor- cies if what we are witnessing now is a a predictable pattern of seasonal changes in undocumented immigration combined with a tunity. We need to start dealing with continuation of a trend that began at backlog of demand because of 2020’s the truth. the end of last year. In fact, as you can coronavirus border closure. The number of immigrants showing see here, the 10-year high for apprehen- What they are essentially saying is up at the border today is large, but the sions at the border happened right in that because of conditions on the winter increase isn’t bigger than either the middle of the Trump administra- ground in Central America and Mexico, of the last two winters prior to the tion—a time during which the Presi- you saw an increase in crossings and pandemic with respect to percentage dent was crowing that his policies at apprehensions in 2018 and 2019 that van- increase. It didn’t start when Joe Biden the border were the toughest ever. ished only in 2020 because of title 42 au- became President or because of Joe Here is the second fact. The border is thority that is now starting back up Biden’s policies. The increase started not open, as Republicans falsely claim. again. last year, when Donald Trump was Here is what is happening right now on Again, the data backs this up. This President. our southern border. Since the pan- year, from January to February, there To the extent that Republicans op- demic began, the administration in- was a 28-percent increase in crossings. pose President Biden’s lifting of the voked something called title 42 that al- January to February 2019, there was a title 42 removal proceedings for kids, lows, temporarily, during a public 31-percent increase. Go back to 2018; what is your alternative? Do you sup- health emergency, the Border Patrol to February to March, a 25-percent in- just dumping these kids, these 10- turn everyone back around and send and 11-year-olds, on the other side of them back into Mexico regardless of crease. For the last 3 years, outside of the border, scared and alone, and just whether they have an asylum claim the pandemic environment, during the leaving them to die or to be forced into that is legitimate or not. Under law, winter, you will see a routine 25- to 30- that is a temporary authority that is percent increase in presentations at the arms of drug cartels or traffickers only allowed to be used during a public the border. This is when people nor- in Northern Mexico? That is un-Amer- health emergency, and President mally cross, during the relatively cold- ican, and I am glad my President chose Trump was using that authority. er weather months of the winter. to end that inhumane, temporary pol- The problem was that for these kids Second, these numbers are really de- icy. who were showing up at the border, ceiving because these aren’t unique in- But even if President Biden contin- who had legitimate asylum claims, dividuals; this is just total number of ued title 42 authority for kids for a few right, whose lives were in danger in the apprehensions. So what is happening more months, expedited removal can’t places they were coming from, when we under title 42 is that adults are being last forever. The law doesn’t allow it. turned them around and sent them immediately removed right back to So once again, pretty soon, every mi- back to the Mexican border, we were Mexico, but then they are immediately grant is going to be able to have the essentially leaving them to die. Their attempting to recross. So many of chance to apply for asylum, as they parents weren’t there. The smugglers these numbers look high because you should. And herein lies an opportunity. who brought them to the United States have individuals who never got the Let’s work together to fix what is a le- had already left. chance to make an asylum claim who gitimately broken system. This was a disastrous, inhumane, un- are crossing multiple times at the bor- I will give an example. People should conscionable policy, to turn these kids der. be able to apply for asylum in the back around to the border and leave The fourth fact is that there is little United States. We built this Nation by them to the smugglers, to the sex traf- evidence that American policy at the allowing people to come here from very fickers with no one to help. So the only border has much to do with migration dangerous places. But the asylum proc- change President Biden made was to rates. The evidence, the facts show ess takes too long—years between say that these unaccompanied minors that it is conditions on the ground in when you present yourself at the bor- need to be protected; we need to proc- the origin nations that are what deter- der and when you get a final decision ess their asylum claims. But President mine whether people pack up their on whether you can stay in the United Biden is still turning around, under homes and leave for America. States. Let’s fix that. It is within our title 42 authority, every single adult, Again, this chart is a good indication ability as Members of Congress to fix every group of adults, and every family of that fact, because Donald Trump that. The administration can’t do it. who comes to the border, under title 42 would tell you that his policies were They need resources. They need new authority. tougher than anybody’s, but the 10- law and new authorities. The border is not open. All that has year high in crossings, apprehensions Republicans and Democrats could changed is that the prior law that was happened in the middle of Donald choose to—instead of playing politics, applied before the pandemic began is Trump’s inhumane border policies. instead of offering up motions today being applied selectively to unaccom- Why? Because during this time, condi- that are sure to lose, we could sit down panied minors. tions are abysmal. Violence is spiking and try to do something about it. But

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.018 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1731 for 6 years, Republicans had the oppor- This Saturday, March 27, will be the demonstrate a 25-percent loss in rev- tunity to bring together a conversation 1-year date since the CARES Act was enue. The bill also expanded eligibility around comprehensive immigration re- enacted. In that time, SBA has ap- of PPP to include certain local news- form, and they didn’t. Hopefully, we proved 8.2 million PPP loans worth papers, TV stations and radio stations, will have the opportunity to do that more than $715 billion. as well as 501(c)6 nonprofits. now. These loans have saved small busi- I must remind my colleagues that Lastly, behind every single one of nesses throughout our Nation. They while the SBA was beginning to imple- these individuals coming to the border would not be here today but for this ment the improvements we made to is a story, is a real human being. Ask program. It also saved the stress on our the PPP in the Economic Aid Act, the yourself, if your child were being re- unemployment insurance system by Agency was also undergoing a transi- cruited into vicious drug gangs with a keeping small business employees on tion from the Trump administration to high likelihood of serious harm or the payroll. And as I am sure the Pre- the Biden administration. Transitions, death, would you not take steps to siding Officer knows, for a small busi- even under the best circumstances, can keep your child safe? Would you not ness, it is difficult to find a workforce be disruptive to an Agency’s work. bring them to a place like America and to keep a workforce, and the Pay- On February 22, the Biden adminis- that was safer for that child? check Protection Program allowed tration took strong action to get fund- I visited, on Friday, the southwest small businesses to maintain their ing to small businesses that were ei- border. I was in El Paso with a group of workforce so that when the pandemic ther left out or during bipartisan colleagues and Secretary is over, they are going to be ready for prior rounds of PPP. The administra- Mayorkas, who is doing a good job, who our growing economy. tion implemented a 14-day exclusive is managing this emergency with skill. The world feels a little different window for small businesses with fewer I met a little girl, about 13 years old, today than it did a year ago. The than 20 employees. It updated the max- who was in one of these processing fa- American people are finally beginning imum loan calculation formula for sole cilities waiting to be moved into the to see a light at the end of the . proprietors, and it eliminated rules asylum process. She was truly scared. More than 124 million vaccine doses prohibiting small businesses owned by She was truly scared. She knew she have been administered, and public formerly incarcerated individuals and was going to have a chance to reunite health officials nationwide are begin- individuals with delinquent Federal with her family in the United States, ning to ease restrictions on public student loans from securing a PPP but these detention centers—they are gatherings. loan. better than they were in 2019, but they We can see a light at the end of the It made it possible and much more are no place for kids. tunnel, but we are not there yet. Small worthwhile for small businesses to That little girl was coming from businesses are struggling, but in spite apply for PPP loans, but it takes time. Guatemala, a place where there are of those struggles, small businesses are PPP is a forgivable loan, but you have certain neighborhoods that are more still showing up for our communities. to have a financial institution to make violent than any war zone in the Mid- The Sun recently pub- that loan. It has to be processed, it has dle East, a place where murder rates lished a story about a restaurant in my to be approved, and it can’t be done by eclipse anything we can even imagine hometown of Baltimore that captured the end of this month. in the United States. the essence of the value that small During the exclusivity period, SBA So that little girl, she needs America businesses bring to our communities. approved PPP loans for more than to survive, but I would argue that Steve Chu and Ephrem Abebe, co- 400,000 small businesses and nonprofits America needs her more because with- owners of the popular restaurant in with fewer than 20 employees, nearly out her and the thousands of other Baltimore named Ekiben, recently half of which were first-time bor- children arriving at our border, hungry drove 6 hours from Baltimore to rowers. We are reaching the hard to for a better life, we are going to risk Vermont to prepare a meal for a long- serve, the most needy of the small abandoning the entire original idea of time customer who was on her death- businesses. They finally got help. this great, one-of-a-kind Nation, a Na- bed. They did this at their own cost be- Earlier this month, we passed the tion that opens its arms to those who cause that is what small business own- historic American Rescue Plan. The are fleeing violence and desperation. It ers do. They are part of our commu- plan expanded PPP eligibility even is not just our tradition; it is our defi- nity. Afterward, Mr. Chu and Mr. more, to include more nonprofits as nition as a country—more reason for Abebe called the decision a ‘‘no- well as digital news platforms. The those of us in the U.S. Senate to resist brainer’’ and viewed their trip as a way plan provides overdue aid to the local the temptation to play politics with to say thank you to a customer who chapters of large nonprofits, such as these kids’ lives and with the very had supported them for years. the YMCA and Goodwill, which had not complicated, nuanced, important issue That is what makes small businesses had prior access to PPP due to having of immigration and instead find ways special. They are more than places we multiple locations totaling more than to be truthful about what is happening go to buy products or enjoy a meal. 500 employees. The plan makes these at the border as a means to come to- They are vital pillars in our commu- nonprofits eligible for PPP loans worth gether and do something about it. nity. That story and countless others up to $10 million, as long as each loca- I yield the floor. like it are why we passed the PPP pro- tion does not exceed the employee I suggest the absence of a quorum. gram initially and why we must pass limit. That makes sense. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the PPP Extension Act—so PPP can During a hearing examining PPP last clerk will call the roll. continue to be a lifeline for small busi- week, the small business community The legislative clerk proceeded to nesses in the coming months. heard testimony from John Hoey, who call the roll. Congress and the Biden administra- leads the YMCA chapter that serves Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I ask tion have implemented significant im- the Baltimore region. John urged us to unanimous consent that the order for provements to the PPP in recent extend the PPP to give nonprofit lead- the quorum call be rescinded. months that have made the program ers more time to understand the pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without more equitable and useful. So we must gram. He said: objection, it is so ordered. now extend the deadline to allow small I can tell you that colleagues of mine who PPP EXTENSION ACT OF 2021 businesses and nonprofits to take full run large Ys around the country and large Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise advantage and receive the help that nonprofits in Baltimore are still trying to today to urge swift passage of the PPP they need. understand the program and figure out if Extension Act, which will extend the In December, Congress passed the bi- they qualify. I think a 3-month extension is March 31 deadline for the Paycheck partisan Economic Aid Act, which pro- not only warranted but owed to all of us Protection Program 2 months, to May vided an additional $284 billion to PPP after what we’ve been through this past year. 31, and give the SBA an additional and made second-round PPP loans We also heard testimony from Lisa month, through June 30, to process any available to small businesses that had Mensah, who leads the Opportunity Fi- backlogged applications. spent their initial PPP loan and can nance Network, which is the national

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.019 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1732 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 association of CDFIs, our mission lend- Our bipartisan legislation would re- world. Without the ERA in the Con- ers. She warned us that ‘‘thousands of move the deadline for the States’ rati- stitution, the statutes and case law business owners will not receive access fication of the Equal Rights Amend- that have produced major advances in to PPP without an extension.’’ ment, the ERA, and I am pleased that women’s rights since the middle of the She told us about a CDFI in Jackson, the House adopted the companion last century are vulnerable to being ig- MS, that estimates that 1,300 loans version of this legislation, H.J. Res. 17, nored, weakened, or even reversed. from small businesses that applied for last week. I now urge the Senate to Congress can amend or repeal anti- PPP will not receive funds if we do not take up and pass this legislation. discrimination laws by a simple major- extend the deadline. Of these 1,300 ap- Ratification of the ERA would ex- ity. A new administration can fail to plicants, 98 percent are businesses with pressly prohibit discrimination on the vigorously enforce civil rights statutes. fewer than 20 employees, 95 percent are basis of sex in the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court can use a lower minority-owned, and nearly 100 of them The amendment simply reads: standard of intermediate scrutiny to are veteran- or veteran-spouse-owned Equality of rights under the law shall not permit certain regressive forms of sex small businesses. be denied or abridged by the United States or discrimination. This is only one CDFI out of hun- by any State on account of sex. Indeed, even today, women do not re- dreds nationwide. The story will be re- In January 2020, Virginia became the ceive equal pay for equal work. The peated—those that have been left out. 38th State to ratify the ERA, which ERA would provide a needed constitu- The committee has also been urged to was first proposed in 1972. Congress has tional basis for legislation advancing extend the deadline by the business the authority under article V of the women’s equality. Historically, the community. On March 15, more than 90 Constitution to set and change dead- equal protection of the laws clause of chambers of commerce, trade groups, lines for the ratification of constitu- the 14th Amendment has been used to and business organizations sent a let- tional amendments and has done so on fight discrimination on the basis of ter urging extension, and they said: numerous occasions. Recall that, in gender. However, without language in Nearly one year into the COVID–19 pan- 1992, the 27th amendment of the Con- the Constitution specifically estab- demic, the continued liquidity challenges of lishing that there shall be no denial or the small business sector are acute. stitution, prohibiting immediate con- gressional pay raises, was successfully abridgement of rights on the basis of It is clear that there is still an over- ratified after 203 years. That amend- sex, the Supreme Court will likely con- whelming need for PPP loans, which is ment was initially proposed as part of tinue to apply a lower level of scrutiny why the PPP Extension Act passed the the original Bill of Rights in 1789. in cases related to discrimination House of Representatives by a 415-to-3 There should be no time limit on against women. By contrast, the Su- vote. This is bipartisan. The bill that equality. Even as we celebrate Amer- preme Court uses the ‘‘strict scrutiny’’ we are talking about is sponsored by ica’s first female Vice President, our test in reviewing cases of racial and re- Senator COLLINS. Senator SHAHEEN and Nation is held back as the only modern ligious discrimination. I are also on that bill. As former Supreme Court Justice The good news is that the resources Constitution that fails to enshrine full Antonin Scalia, a fervent originalist, are there. We have been informed by equality for both men and women. This once stated, ‘‘Certainly the Constitu- the SBA that the extension of the is unacceptable. Most Americans are deadline can work within the funds surprised to learn that the ERA is not tion does not require discrimination on that have already been made available already part of the U.S. Constitution. the basis of sex. The only issue is by Congress. The money is there. The States have done their job to make whether it prohibits it. It doesn’t. This is not the first time we have this happen. Now Congress must finally Former Supreme Court Justice Ruth done this. I must remind my colleagues do its job and remove any legal obsta- Bader Ginsburg stated: that, last year, as PPP was approach- cle to certifying the ERA. Every constitution written since the end of ing its deadline, I brought a bill to the Women were indeed left out of the World War II includes a provision that men and women are citizens of equal stature. floor of the Senate and worked with Constitution intentionally by our Founding Fathers. American women, Ours does not. . . . If I could choose an Senator RUBIO to give small businesses amendment to add to the Constitution, it more time to get their applications however, did demand equality as our would be the Equal Rights Amendment. I filed. I must also remind my colleagues country was being founded. In a letter would like my granddaughters, when they that we passed that extension to pre- in March 1776, Abigail Adams wrote to pick up the Constitution, to see that no- serve access to PPP while we continued her husband John Adams, urging him tion—that women and men are persons of negotiating on broader changes to the and other members of the Continental equal stature—I’d like them to see that in a program. We need to do the same thing Congress not to forget about the Na- basic principle of our society. again. tion’s women. The future First Lady Public polling indicates that the I know that there are other modifica- wrote, in part: country is ready for the ERA. Today, tions to the program that we will have I long to hear that you have declared an nearly half the States—including an opportunity to discuss, and I am independence. And, by the way, in the new Maryland and Alaska—have a version committed to conducting those discus- code of laws which I suppose it will be nec- of the ERA written into their State sions in the same bipartisan manner essary for you to make, I desire you would constitutions. In the era of ‘‘Me Too,’’ that I have approached the develop- remember the ladies and be more generous there has been a renewed energy for and favorable to them than your ancestors. adopting the ERA, as society finally ment of these programs. In fact, later Do not put such unlimited power into of the today, in just 45 minutes, there will be hands of the husbands. Remember, all men addresses the longstanding problems of a hearing of the Small Business Com- would be tyrants if they could. If particular violence and sexual harassment against mittee where we will be doing over- care and attention is not paid to the ladies, women and demanding justice and ac- sight on the programs that we made we are determined to foment a rebellion, and countability. available during COVID–19, and we will will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated have representatives from government which we have no voice or representation. International Women’s Day worldwide, responsible for those programs, includ- Sadly, the Founding Fathers did not on March 8, with the 2021 theme: ing the SBA. heed Abigail Adams’ call. Most nota- ‘‘Choose to Challenge.’’ It is now far But the bottom line: We first need to bly, women were denied the right to past the time we bring the conversa- extend the program. We have got to vote for nearly 150 years. More broadly, tion of women’s equality and empower- make sure it doesn’t expire next week. women were treated as second-class ment to center stage. We must get this done. The need is citizens through our Nation’s history The United States of America is one there, and the funds are there. and were denied other basic and funda- of the most developed, wealthiest, and EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT mental rights, such as being able to admired countries in the world today, Mr. President, I rise to celebrate own property or work in their chosen and immigrants from all over the world Women’s History Month and support occupation. continue to travel to the United States S.J. Res. 1, legislation I introduced Women comprise a majority of the to pursue their dreams and make a bet- with my partner in this effort, Senator underrepresented in government, elect- ter life for themselves and their fami- MURKOWSKI of Alaska. ed office, the courts, and the business lies. However, to this very day, the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.021 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1733 Constitution of the United States, our Root was killed by an illegal immi- On his first day in office, President Nation’s supreme law of the land, still grant named Edwin Mejia. He was drag Biden signed an Executive order sus- does not declare that men and women racing, with a blood level more pending all domestic deportation pro- are of equal stature. The passage of than three times the legal limit. ceedings. If Sarah Root’s story played this historic amendment would truly Despite repeated requests by local out today, Immigration and Customs never be more possible or needed as it law enforcement, Immigration and Enforcement would not pick up her is today. Customs Enforcement failed to detain killer, and the same tragedy could hap- Let me quote from President Biden’s Mejia because of a catch-and-release pen again and again. statement on the ERA, upon the House policy that ultimately allowed him to Although nothing can bring beautiful passage of this legislation last week: escape the country. Unfortunately, this Sarah back to her family, we can en- Gender equality is not only a moral issue. is the same policy that President Biden sure that the Federal Government The full participation of women and girls supported during the Obama adminis- never makes this mistake again. across all aspects of our society is essential tration. Today, I rise to call upon my Senate to our economic prosperity, our security, Still, more than 4 years later, Mejia colleagues to help make that happen, and the health of our democracy. This is es- remains a fugitive, denying Sarah’s to stop another tragedy like Sarah’s pecially critical right now, as the collision of loved ones any sense of justice or clo- from happening with a simple and a public health crisis, economic crisis, and caregiving crisis has erased decades of wom- sure. After today, I will have now live clean fix. I am asking the Senate to en’s economic gains and pushed more women UC’d this bill twice, and I expect the join myself and 22 of our colleagues and out of the American workforce than we’ve same thing to happen today as did last pass my bill, Sarah’s Law. seen in more than 30 years. time; that it will be objected to by my Sarah’s Law is simple: It requires President Biden concluded: Democratic colleagues. that ICE take custody of a person who It is long past time that we enshrine the As a mother, I cannot fathom the is in the country illegally if they are principle of gender equality in our Constitu- grief that Sarah’s family, her mother charged with a crime that seriously in- tion. and father Michelle and Scott, her jures another person. It also mandates Let me address one other issue re- brother, and her friends continue to a better victim notification system garding a recent decision on the ERA feel after such a devastating loss. that lets victims and their families— and the validity of the State ratifica- Sarah had her whole future in front like the Root family—know what hap- tion under the previous congressional of her, but her opportunity to make pened to their loved ones. deadlines. In this case, decided by her mark on the world was tragically Sarah’s Law is about as common- Judge Contreras in the United States cut short. At the same time, while sense an effort as there is. It recognizes District Court for the District of Co- Sarah Root’s mother and father grieve, the simple fact that all criminals lumbia, it is just as important to dis- a child, without a parent, continues to should be held accountable for their ac- cuss what the judge did not hold in his make the perilous journey at the hands tions—all criminals—and not simply decision. Notably, the judge in this of a smuggler. Many arrive here dehy- allowed to slip back into the shadows. case wrote: drated and malnourished and subject to If Sarah’s Law is passed, people who unspeakable atrocities, from rape to Equally significant as the Court’s holding are in this country illegally and mur- is what it does not hold. . . . Congress has . der another person would be prioritized not tried to revive the ERA despite both Since Inauguration Day, we have for deportation if released. deadlines’ expirations, so the Court is not seen record numbers of children at the Who could be opposed to this? confronted with that difficult issue. . . . border, a heartbreaking humanitarian In fact, a previous vote on this bill in Lastly, the Court does not express an opin- crisis. Before then, the Migrant Protec- the form of an amendment was sup- ion on the merits of the ERA as a matter of tion Protocols, or the ‘‘Remain in Mex- ported by the majority of the Senate policy. It merely enforces a procedural time ico’’ policy, was in place and helped and was bipartisan. limit that Congress set when proposing the keep migrants safely in Mexico until No family should ever have to endure amendment. the United States had a chance to proc- such a tragedy, especially one that In my view, this decision makes the ess them. could have been prevented. need for decisive congressional action This policy singlehandedly reduced Madam President, as in legislative clearer than ever on this procedural the need for bed space in the United session, I ask unanimous consent that time limit, using the power of Congress States, protected migrants from that the Committee on the Judiciary be dis- under Article V of the Constitution. It treacherous journey through Mexico, charged from further consideration of is far past time for Congress to take up and kept our facilities from being dan- S. 80 and the Senate proceed to its im- and pass this legislation that would re- gerously overcrowded. Border Patrol mediate consideration. Further, I ask move the time limit for the ERA ratifi- agents were able to return to their unanimous consent that the bill be cation, which will remove any remain- originally assigned duties of patrolling considered read a third time and passed ing legal ambiguities about congres- for drugs and human traffickers. and that the motion to reconsider be sional intent. Let us take up and pass But as we have heard time and again, considered made and laid upon the this legislation without further delay, and something that is very true, elec- table. and finally write equality between men tions have consequences. President The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. and women into our Constitution. Biden, before he even had the chance to ROSEN). Is there objection? With that, I yield the floor. unpack, made serious changes to immi- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- gration policies—changes that have re- serving the right to object. ator from Iowa. sulted in the national emergency at The PRESIDING OFFICER. The UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 80 the U.S.-Mexico border. Democratic majority whip. Ms. ERNST. Mr. President, it has be- First, he rolled back the ‘‘Remain in Mr. DURBIN. The Senator from Iowa come all too easy for pundits and poli- Mexico’’ policy, and that is a big rea- tells us a compelling story of Sarah ticians to reduce the security of our son why we have a crisis at the border Root, whose death at the hands of a borders to a bumper sticker or bill- today. Instead of keeping migrants in drunk driver is a tragedy. However, I board slogan. Mexico and deterring those from mak- respectfully suggest this legislation is As someone who appreciates the ing the dangerous journey north, the not the answer. value of human life, as a survivor of vacancy sign is on. But the reality is, This bill that she is proposing would sexual , and someone who cares we are out of space. require the mandatory detention of im- deeply about the safety and security of It feels as if the Biden administration migrants charged—not convicted— women and children across the globe, I is starting to see the reality of the dis- charged with certain crimes. The mere am horrified that we continue to put aster they created at our southern bor- allegation of criminal conduct would border security at the bottom of our der. They are now walking this rever- result in months, possibly years, of de- policy to-do list. sal back and asking the Mexican Gov- tention before case adjudication. On January 31, 2016—the same day as ernment to reinstate the previous ad- Indefinitely detaining immigrants, her college graduation—Iowan Sarah ministration’s policy. regardless of whether they actually

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.022 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1734 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 committed a crime, regardless of cir- partisan meeting of Senators, to open shows that things are trending in the cumstances, violates a principle that is the conversation. But trying to pass wrong direction. From June 2019 to deeply embedded in the American legal this bill by unanimous consent is not May of 2020, more than 81,000 Ameri- system: innocent until proven guilty. the way to approach this very complex cans have died from overdoses. Under this bill, someone wrongly ar- problem. We need to roll up our sleeves We know a significant portion of rested wouldn’t be eligible for individ- and say: Let’s, as Senators on a bipar- those deaths involve heroin—roughly ualized bond determination. This is not tisan basis, do it. 20 percent of those who overdosed in I stand ready to do so. I hope the consistent with the basic tenets of due 2019. According to the Drug Enforce- Senator from Iowa does too. As tough process in our Constitution. ment Agency’s ‘‘National Drug Threat Creating a new category of immi- as it may be, we need to tackle these Assessment,’’ the vast majority of that grants subject to indefinite detention issues and not ignore them as they heroin comes from Mexico, a stag- for being charged also could be harmful were for the last 4 years under the pre- gering 92 percent. to the survivors of domestic violence. vious Republican President. Over 20 years ago, I was introduced to For those reasons, I object. As we have discussed the crisis at the a group in . The name of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- border, I have talked about ways the group—and I am sorry if I don’t pro- tion is heard. surge of unaccompanied children af- nounce it correctly, pretty close—is The Senator from Iowa. fects Customs and Border Protection’s Mujeres Latinas en Accion. This is a Ms. ERNST. Madam President, I ap- ability to carry out its other missions, group that came together to try to pro- preciate the comments of my col- including stopping the flow of these il- tect undocumented mothers and wives league, the Senator from , but legal drugs. Time spent processing and from domestic abuse. The reason they there is no doubt that we have a prob- caring for children means less time on came together was these poor women lem in the United States today. Our the frontlines catching or deterring the were being victimized and abused in immigration system does need to be re- cartels from moving their poison ways unthinkable and were so afraid to formed, but it does need to be done in across the border into the United report it to police because of their un- a bipartisan manner. States. documented status. So this group of This, when presented as an amend- ment on the floor of the Senate, was a A Bloomberg report last year women in the community came to- brought another aspect of this epi- gether and said: We have to build a bipartisan-supported amendment, and it deals with those who are charged demic to light: the fact that chemicals shelter. These women had to get away made in the United States by U.S. com- from their abusive husbands who, with bodily injury of another person or of murder. That is what happened in panies were key ingredients in the many times, were also abusing the manufacturing of heroin in Mexico. children. That is what happened. Today Sarah’s case. ICE is given the opportunity to de- One of those companies is Avantor, a it is still there, and it is still needed. Fortune 500 company that supplies These survivors of domestic abuse, tain an individual, but in this case, ICE chemicals and lab materials and serv- many times in desperation, would fi- chose not to, even though a young ices across a number of industries. nally strike back at the abusive hus- woman was murdered by a man oper- Avantor produces millions of products, band, and some of them were even sub- ating under multiple assumed names including everything from medical ject to arrest for assault against the with no familial ties in the area. The abusing husband. Under the proposal man was allowed to slip back into the masks to high-quality chemicals for today that is being suggested by the shadows, and Sarah Root’s family will pharmaceuticals, to kits for science Senator from Iowa, that woman, hav- likely never ever see justice. labs in schools. But the focus here is on ing been abused by that husband for so So the pendulum swings both ways. I one particular chemical—acetic anhy- many years, finally striking back and would much rather see Edwin Mejia dride. assaulting the husband and being face justice than allow the family of a This is an 18-liter jug of acetic anhy- charged, would automatically be incar- young murdered woman to go without. dride, and you can see Avantor’s name cerated. There wouldn’t be a judge to I yield the floor. on the label. Avantor sells this through consider the reality of the cir- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- a subsidiary known as J.T. Baker into cumstances in her life. ator from Texas. Mexico. Now, there are legitimate uses Survivors of , sex- OPIOID EPIDEMIC for acetic anhydride. It is used to make ual assault, and domestic violence are Mr. CORNYN. Madam President, as filters and chemicals used for often at risk of arrest initially, but we all know, over the last year, photographic films, but this wasn’t a many times in court, the cir- COVID–19 has taken center stage as the photo taken in a chemical lab or a cumstances are explained, and a dif- No. 1 public health crisis facing our Na- manufacturing plant here in the United ferent conclusion is reached. tion. No community has been spared States. This was taken by a Bloomberg In one study, nearly half of the incar- from the devastation caused by this reporter in Mexico who was able to cerated women in the study described virus, which has claimed more than purchase this chemical online, no ques- assaults they had committed in their 540,000 American lives. tions asked. This should have never own defense. This bill has no exception But beneath the surface, the prob- happened. Why? Because acetic anhy- for immigrants who are charged with lems we were facing before the pan- dride is a highly regulated chemical, at crimes that resulted from their defend- demic still exist, and, in many cases, least in the United States and, actu- ing themselves against violence. they are getting worse. A year of ally, around the world. Some compa- Let me add, too, that this bill is not stress, isolation, and loss has taken a nies even bar the importation of acetic necessary. Our immigration laws give serious toll on America’s mental anhydride because of its use in manu- to ICE the authority to detain people health and has led to increasing rates facturing illegal drugs. who are deported. In fact, there are of anxiety and depression. But the reason it is regulated is it is thousands of people detained, right These same factors have led to an in- a precursor in the production of heroin. now, using this authority. crease in domestic violence as families There is no question that our immi- have spent more time at home, often That is why many countries ban the gration system is far from perfect and while battling the stress of job losses, importation outright. Without this is a broken system. We have a responsi- financial difficulties, and virtual learn- chemical, it is virtually impossible to bility and we have authority in Con- ing. transform opium from a poppy seed gress to reform our immigration law. And, of course, there is the opioid into the more lethal drug of heroin. If the Senator from Iowa is inter- epidemic, which continues to destroy Acetic anhydride, as I said, is one of ested in working on bipartisan immi- communities across our country. the most tightly controlled chemicals gration reform, I welcome the oppor- In 2019, there were more than 70,000 worldwide and has been for some time. tunity to ask her to join us to try to overdose deaths in America—70,000. We The International Narcotics Control find pragmatic, bipartisan solutions. are still waiting on the complete fig- Board has been sounding the alarm on We had an initial meeting today, a bi- ures for 2020, but preliminary data this dangerous chemical since the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.029 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1735 2000s. In fact, its annual report has de- illicit purposes in Mexico. I don’t think No, Senator. I do not. scribed horrific examples of the dan- anybody would believe they didn’t Now, I understand that it is natural gerous precursor chemical being di- know. for people to change their minds, espe- verted from legitimate uses to illegit- Bloomberg reports that this has been cially in light of new information or imate uses, like making heroin. going on for at least the last 10 years, new experiences. In Ms. Gupta’s case, But the fact is, Mexico did not sign when photos like this surfaced of the she noted that her experience at the on to the International Narcotics J.T. Baker line of product showing up Department of Justice and with addic- Board protocol for this dangerous in drug busts by the Mexican authori- tion in her own family had led her to chemical until 2018, and even then, the ties. evolve her position on these issues. enforcement, oversight, and control of Unfortunately, the bad news doesn’t Yet, in responding to Senator GRASS- this precursor was lax, at best. Even stop there. The nominee for the third LEY’s written questions, she wrote: now, given the controls the cartels highest ranking position at the Depart- I have never advocated for the decrimi- exert over large swaths of Mexico, I ment of Justice has profited to the nalization of all drugs, and I do not support have no confidence that any controls tune of millions of dollars from the decriminalization of all drugs. on this chemical are effective in stop- Avantor stock. Vanita Gupta has been That is demonstrably false. It is not ping illicit uses in that country. nominated to serve as the Associate true. She obviously held the view and The Bloomberg investigation brought Attorney General, and she is a very felt so strongly about it at the time to light how easy it was for the cartels large shareholder in this publicly trad- that she penned an op-ed piece in a na- to get hold of this chemical. The re- ed company. She owns millions of dol- tional publication to advocate for the porters were able to purchase this 18- lars of Avantor stock, parked in her decriminalization of all drugs. liter jug online or at a medical supply own accounts and in the various trusts When a person has been nominated store. It didn’t take any special re- she has identified in her financial dis- for a leadership position at the Depart- quirements. You can imagine how easy closures. This isn’t just a blind invest- ment of Justice, that person has a it was for the cartels to get their hands ment in a mutual fund; this is the fam- to be honest and forthright. If you have on this chemical. ily business. Ms. Gupta’s father is learned any new information and have While the controls, oversight, and en- Avantor’s chairman of the board. changed your mind, that is fine, but forcement of this chemical are much Following Ms. Gupta’s confirmation you can’t flat-out mislead about not tighter in the United States and have hearing in the Judiciary Committee, having held beliefs that you clearly been for years, it presents a constant Senators submitted questions for the held in the past, especially when those challenge when Mexico does not have record. One question was submitted by beliefs could interfere with your abil- the same standards and enforcement. Senator GRASSLEY, the ranking mem- ity to do the very job for which you It presents an additional hurdle for ber. He asked Ms. Gupta if she were have been nominated. the safety of our communities when aware that Avantor was producing and It is not just with decriminalization U.S. companies, like Avantor, avail selling chemical precursors used in the that Ms. Gupta has misled the Judici- themselves of foreign subsidiaries to illegal heroin trade in Mexico. ary Committee. As to qualified immu- create and manufacture the precursor She said: nity, defunding the police, and the chemical in a cartel’s own backyard, I am aware of the allegations. death penalty, Ms. Gupta has offered thereby facilitating the manufacture The next question from Senator misleading statements on each of these and sale of the deadly drug known as GRASSLEY was about her financial hold- issues. Policy differences, I can accept, heroin. ings. Since she owns upwards of $55 but a lack of candor is disqualifying, Of course, the winners in all of this million in Avantor stock, he asked if especially for the Office of the Asso- are the cartels, in addition to their she had profited financially from this ciate Attorney General. criminal network of smugglers, who chemical trade of acetic anhydride by So when Ms. Gupta said she was un- move the drug across our border. The Avantor in Mexico. aware that Avantor was profiting or losers are our communities here in the Ms. Gupta said: that she was profiting from the illicit United States and our loved ones who As a shareholder with no role in Avantor, manufacturing of heroin in Mexico, I have been tragically affected by the I am not able to say whether and how much do not find that credible. It is just an- opioid epidemic. I have profited from the various parts of other example of saying whatever you This is an open-air drug lab in Avantor’s business. need to say to get confirmed by the Sinaloa State, the home of El Chapo’s I generally believe witnesses who tes- Senate. drug empire. Cartels can use this single tify under oath at Judiciary Com- The Department of Justice is the jug of 18 liters of chemical to make mittee hearings if there is no reason highest law enforcement Agency in the heroin in this drug lab that is con- not to believe them, but it pains me to country, and Ms. Gupta has been nomi- cealed in a rural part of Mexico. They say that Ms. Gupta had already estab- nated to serve as third in command. If can make out of that one jug about 80 lished a clear pattern of or of confirmed, she will oversee the Civil pounds, or 90,000 hits, of heroin out of flat-out lying during her confirmation Division, which will make major deci- one jug. Of course, one hit is enough to process. sions about who will be investigated, destroy a life, but think of the pain Ms. Gupta wrote an op-ed piece in the who will be charged, and who will face that one 18-liter jug can inflict on an HuffPost on November 4, 2012. At that punishment. Some of those potential entire community, and Avantor knows time, she said that States should de- targets include opioid companies, drug that these jugs in this size can be eas- criminalize the possession of all manufacturers, or perhaps even compa- ily concealed in something like the drugs—not just marijuana but all nies that are diverting precursor trunk of a car. drugs—for personal use. chemicals to the cartels. If you look at One container of this chemical costs In the article, she said: the work at the moment of the Civil $324. The street value of the heroin States should decriminalize simple posses- Division of the Department of Justice, that it will yield is at least $3.6 mil- sion of all drugs, particularly marijuana, and you will see a number of civil actions lion. One jug at $324 can produce $3.6 for small amounts of other drugs. already related to the diversion of million worth of street value in heroin. That is a quotation. You can see that opioids and companies involved in ille- If this doesn’t make your blood boil, here. That would include decrimi- gal schemes. What does this say about you are not paying attention. After all, nalizing fentanyl, methamphetamine, her ability to supervise those kinds of it is simply impossible to believe that and other highly addictive, deadly cases? Avantor, which is a Fortune 500 com- drugs, including, of course, heroin. The Department requires profes- pany that is publicly traded here in Well, that wasn’t her answer at her sional detachment from even the ap- America, was selling large quantities confirmation hearing. When asked pearance of impropriety, and this con- of this chemical—banned in many whether she advocates for the decrimi- flict of interest of Ms. Gupta’s goes far countries of the world because of its nalization of all drugs, she didn’t beyond simple appearance. Ms. Gupta use in illegal drug manufacturing—and mince words. has financially benefited from the sale had no idea that it was being used for She said: of this chemical to cartels in Mexico.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.030 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 She has financially benefited whether that, over the past decade, they have vacy and the storage of that informa- she knew it at the time or not, but she seen a 1,675-percent increase in asylum tion. won’t even admit it. As a result, any cases. I would be more than happy to sit case that has a nexus to drugs brought In 2019, Immigration and Customs down with my colleague from Ten- by the Department of Justice while she Enforcement implemented a DNA nessee in the context of a larger discus- is at the helm will have a giant cloud testing program to try to stop this sion about immigration reform to see cast over it. rampant exploitation. They found that how we can ensure that we include pro- Finally, what I find most troubling, 20 percent of all kinship claims they visions to prevent child trafficking, but in addition to her lack of candor, is were able to screen were lies—20 per- I don’t think this bill as drafted will that Ms. Gupta has shown absolutely cent. actually accomplish that goal, and so I no remorse for the harm done by This is a humanitarian crisis, an en- object. Avantor in facilitating the manufac- vironmental crisis, and a health and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- ture and sale of heroin here in the safety crisis. The Biden administration jection is heard. United States. I estimate that, in the has lost control of this situation, but The Senator from Tennessee. last 10 years, more than 100,000 Ameri- there are things we can do right now to Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Presi- cans have died of drug overdoses asso- protect these children and put the dent, I think my colleague understands ciated with heroin. So I cannot support smugglers in check. that this bill would apply to individ- the nomination of Ms. Gupta to serve This week, I introduced the End uals, to adults who cannot show kin- as Associate Attorney General, and I Child Trafficking Now Act, which ship and do not have legal documenta- urge all of my colleagues to oppose her would require our border agents to ad- tion. We know that human trafficking, sex nomination as well. minister DNA tests to adult migrants trafficking, and child trafficking have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- claiming kinship with a minor without become a major industry. We know ator from Tennessee. migrants’ having the legal documenta- that child recycling is a practice that UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 903 tion to prove it. is used by the cartels. We know that Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Presi- If the adult refuses, they will be im- they are using this to move adults into dent, last month alone, more than mediately deported. Furthermore, the the country; thereby, this is something bill mandates a 10-year penalty for all 100,000 migrants crossed our southern that would put the cartels in check and alien adults who lie about their rela- border. Our of entry are overrun; show that we are not going to stand for tionship with a minor. holding facilities are packed; and, yes, them recycling children, claiming kin- The test is simple. It takes about 90 our Border Patrol agents are abso- ship to children who are not theirs, and minutes. Ninety minutes could mean lutely exhausted. They are exhausted. trying to move drug smugglers and car- the difference between that child find- This isn’t just a logistical challenge; it tel members into this country. is a tragedy made worse by the Biden ing safety in the United States and Mr. PADILLA. Madam President, I administration’s disastrous open bor- that child being dragged back to a car- suggest the absence of a quorum. ders policies. tel. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The crisis is escalating, especially for We are on pace to see 17,000 more un- clerk will call the roll. the tens of thousands of children who accompanied minors arrive this month. The senior assistant legislative clerk have arrived in this country very much ICE proved this testing strategy can proceeded to call the roll. alone. Unaccompanied minors ac- help protect them. There is no valid, Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I ask counted for nearly 10 percent of all mi- fact-based reason not to do it. unanimous consent that the order for grants who crossed our border last Madam President, as if in legislative the quorum call be rescinded. month. That is roughly 10,000 children session, I ask unanimous consent that The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. a month walking into chaos. the Judiciary Committee be discharged BALDWIN). Without objection, it is so Anyone paying a bit of attention from further consideration of S. 903 and ordered. knows what is going on here. Customs the Senate proceed to its immediate UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 890 and Border Protection has been sound- consideration. Further, I ask unani- Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I rise ing the alarm on the connection be- mous consent that the bill be consid- today to bring attention to the serious tween children and human trafficking ered read a third time and passed and humanitarian crisis at our southern for years. The coyotes, the cartels, and that the motion to reconsider be con- border. Right now, as we speak, thou- the gangs use children as drug mules. sidered made and laid upon the table. sands of children have entered the They use them as sex slaves. If you The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there United States illegally and sit in don’t believe me, ask anyone with the an objection? crowded detention centers wrapped up CBP why they administer pregnancy The Senator from California. in emergency blankets, hundreds, even tests to little girls as young as 13 as Mr. PADILLA. Reserving the right to thousands, of miles away from home. soon as they arrive at the border. object, Madam President, I share my They are without their families and This is a heartbreaking situation. colleague’s desire to prevent child traf- without their parents. Many of them These children are living in hell, and it ficking. Trust me, as a parent, I know have been trafficked and have been is getting worse. False claims of family it is a laudable goal. But as drafted—as physically and sexually abused along ties have fueled a rise in fraudulent drafted—this bill would create enor- the way. asylum claims and in human traf- mous and instant chaos at airports U.S. Customs and Border Protection ficking. Adult migrants are making ar- around the country and every other reported that just last month alone, rangements with cartels and smugglers port of entry. 29,792 unaccompanied children came to borrow children. They claim kinship As written, it would require every across our border, including 2,942 chil- and use that relationship to bolster a foreign family who seeks admission to dren under the age of 12. All of these fraudulent asylum claim. And what do the United States, even just for a fam- children came here without their par- they do when they have gotten what ily vacation, to have a third party wit- ents, and they have come here in large they want? They send the child back ness a test to their affiliation or else numbers because they know that Presi- across the border to start the entire submit to a DNA test. I can’t imagine dent Biden is promising them amnesty. nightmarish process with another any of our airports have the resources The illegal immigrants coming stranger. That is correct. This is called to implement this. It would simply across our southern border right now child recycling, but I think ‘‘recycling’’ lead to the same chaos we saw after the are not just children. President Biden’s is an odd choice of words to describe implementation of President Trump’s Secretary of Security, one human being treating another Muslim ban, or worse, it would over- Alejandro Mayorkas, has said: ‘‘We are human being like a piece of garbage. whelm our law enforcement officials on pace to encounter more individuals Again, this is heartbreaking. and create bottlenecks at customs for on the southwest border than we have If you want to get an idea of how big citizens and noncitizens alike, not to in the last 20 years.’’ a problem we have, consider that the mention the many legal and ethical In February, more than 100,000 illegal Department of Homeland Security says questions as it pertains to genetic pri- immigrants came across our southern

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.025 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1737 border, according to the U.S. Customs I have had the opportunity to meet mon sense and protect the American and Border Protection, which is 3 times Kate Steinle’s family. They don’t un- citizens. the number of illegal immigrants who derstand why our system is broken. For that reason, as if in legislative came through the southern border in They don’t understand why we keep session, I ask unanimous consent that February of 2019, and it is almost 6 letting in violent, criminal, illegal the Committee on the Judiciary be dis- times the number of illegal immigrants aliens over and over and over again. charged from further consideration of who came through our southern border And I will tell you, the American peo- S. 890, and that the Senate proceed to in February of 2018. ple—roughly 80 percent of Americans— its immediate consideration; further, I The Biden administration refuses to agree with Kate’s Law. This is com- ask unanimous consent that the bill be call this a crisis, but that is what it is. monsense legislation. considered read a third time and passed We have a humanitarian crisis, and we We are about to see a Democrat ob- and that the motion to reconsider be also have a security crisis. ject to it because today’s Democratic considered made and laid upon the Of the over 100,000 illegal immigrants Party doesn’t care what the American table. who came here in February, 71 percent people say. But if this were in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there of them are single adults, according to realm of sanity, Kate’s Law would pass objection? the Pew Research Center. 100 to nothing. Look, we can have dis- Mr. LUJA´ N. Reserving the right to The Biden administration’s policy agreements about legal immigration, object. has been to welcome these illegal im- about what the rules are, but when it The PRESIDING OFFICER. The jun- migrants and to halt or slow deporta- comes to violent, criminal, illegal ior Senator from New Mexico. tions as much as possible. When Joe aliens who enter the country illegally Mr. LUJA´ N. Madam President, there Biden became President, he imme- over and over and over again, it ought is not a single Democratic Senator in diately halted construction of the bor- to be real simple. We ought to be able this body who believes that someone der wall. He ended the ‘‘Remain in to come together as Democrats and Re- who commits a violent crime should Mexico’’ policy, an incredible foreign not feel the full weight of the U.S. judi- policy victory President Trump nego- publicans and say: All right, let’s draw the line there. We don’t need more cial system for their crimes. I hope my tiated with Mexico, which stipulated friend from Texas would agree with that illegal immigrants from Central murderers in America. I have spent a lot of time down in the that. I don’t think there is a Member America crossing illegally through valley and at the Texas border. I have in this body—Democratic, Republican, Mexico to seek asylum in the United spent a lot of time with agents from Independent, the staff—not a one. I States would stay in Mexico during the the Border Patrol. Tomorrow, I am think the same holds true for our col- pendency of their proceedings. Presi- going back to the border to see for my- leagues who work just down the cor- dent Biden ended that, ripping apart ridor from us in the U.S. House of Rep- that international agreement, and, in- self what the conditions are like right resentatives. stead, he reinstated the failed policy of now. I am leading a delegation of 17 Now, we must do everything in our catch-and-release. other Senators, and we are going to go So now when we apprehend illegal talk to Customs and Border Patrol power to make certain that those en- immigrants, we let them go, including agents. We are going to meet with CBP gaged in violent crimes face prosecu- illegal immigrants who are criminals leadership. We are going to meet with tion and feel the full weight of the law. and who are convicted criminals guilty law enforcement and community lead- That is not just bipartisan; that is the of violent crimes. President Biden’s po- ers. We are going to tour the detention right thing to do. litical decisions have produced a crisis facilities directly. Where I disagree with my colleague and a crisis that is growing. Now, you may not see that on TV be- is the assertion that immigrants are What the Biden administration has cause the Biden administration is re- inherently criminal. They are not. made clear in the last 2 months is that fusing to allow the press to see the fa- They are people whom our kids go to their priority is illegal immigrants and cilities. For 4 years, Democrats went school with, whom we work with, who not American citizens. That is why, in on and on and on about kids in cages. grow our food in America, who work to just a moment, I am going to propound Now, those cages were built by Barack prepare that food or even stock the a unanimous consent request that the Obama, and they are bigger and fuller shelves, teach in classrooms, serve in Senate pass Kate’s Law. Kate’s Law is under Joe Biden. And the Biden admin- the U.S. military defending our free- named for Kate Steinle, who was 32 istration doesn’t want you to see the doms in the United States of America. years old when she was tragically Biden cages. So they have declared a So to my friend from Texas, this killed on a San Francisco peer by an il- media blackout, that reporters are not seems to be a continuance of the harm- legal immigrant who had several fel- allowed. ful proposals from the Trump adminis- ony convictions and had been deported The Trump administration allowed tration. I certainly think that many of from the United States not once, not the media to go to the border. The my colleagues from the other side of twice, not three times, not even four Obama administration allowed the the aisle in the U.S. Senate also dis- times. He had been deported five times. media to go to the border. The Bill agree with the hateful pronouncements By the revolving door of our border, Clinton administration allowed the from Steve Miller. This feels like a this violent criminal kept being de- media to go to the border. The George continuance of that, to strike fear in ported, and he kept coming back, and W. Bush administration allowed the Americans and to breed distrust in im- he kept coming back, and he kept com- media to go to the border. But Joe migrants. ing back. And beautiful Kate Steinle Biden wants to cover up the crisis that Now, I agree with my colleague that was shot and killed because of our bro- his administration has created, and it we have to work together to stop that ken immigration system. is a crisis that, sadly, Senate Demo- false narrative. This false narrative Kate’s Law is commonsense legisla- crats are complicit in creating as well. must stop because it is not contrib- tion. It would amend Federal law to We have yet to have a single Senate uting to fixing the broken immigration impose a mandatory minimum sen- Democrat willing to break with the system we have in the United States. tence of 5 years for any illegal reentry Biden administration on the unfolding I agree with my colleague that we offense. Kate’s Law is critical to ensur- humanitarian crisis on the border. The should come together and work in a bi- ing that illegal immigrants who have worse it gets, the more kids who are partisan way to learn from one an- been deported, especially those with abused, the more kids who are as- other. I am new to this Chamber, but I violent criminal records, are deterred saulted, the more Americans who are am not new to these challenges. from repeatedly entering the country put at risk of COVID, and the more I certainly hope that my colleagues illegally over and over and over again. Americans who are put at risk of vio- who are traveling to the border—and I If the illegal immigrant, violent crimi- lent crime. At some point, I hope and commend them for doing so because nal who killed Kate Steinle had been in pray we will see Senate Democrats this is an important conversation we for illegally entering the United willing to say: . It is should be having. I hope they travel to States the fifth time, Kate would still time to stop being angry partisans, and Matamoros. I don’t know if my col- be here today. it is time to come together with com- league from Texas has done that. I did.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.027 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 I traveled down there with a group of I said: How about child molesters? Actions mean more than words, and, colleagues. We had a chance to visit Surely, we can all agree child molest- unfortunately, the actions of today’s with the Border Patrol in El Paso. We ers are not worthy of a $1,400 taxpayer Democratic Party are extreme and out had a chance to visit with Border Pa- government bonus given by the Demo- of touch with the American people we trol in Antelope Wells in New Mexico crats. The Democrats objected. were elected to represent. and Lordsburg in New Mexico. We have So with all due respect to my friend I yield the floor. had the honor of traveling down into from New Mexico, it is not the case The PRESIDING OFFICER. The jun- the Rio Grande Valley, down to that Democrats support holding pris- ior Senator from Florida. Brownsville. We had a chance to visit oners to account. UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 948 with folks on the frontlines, not just Today, in the Rules Committee, the Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Madam Presi- wearing the green uniform of our Bor- Democrats are pushing forward an elec- dent, I rise today to discuss another der Patrol and those working with the tion bill, the Corrupt Politicians Act, issue in the Democrats’ massive COVID Department of Homeland Security but which would allow every felon in Amer- spending bill that we need to fix. those who are also providing humani- ica who has been released from prison My Democratic colleagues want to tarian relief. to vote. It would allow murderers to keep spending into oblivion, taking our Those camps in Matamoros that I vote, rapists to vote, child molesters to national debt to $30 trillion. This went to, they still exist. And one of the vote. So it is not the case that Demo- would be bad enough on its own, but questions that needs to be asked is, crats are willing to stand up to violent tucked into the bloated spending pack- What are these kids going through? crime. age were new tax hikes on self-em- What are they thinking about to travel Now, there are a couple of things ployed individuals. thousands of miles because of the con- that the Senator from New Mexico said President Biden and the Democrats cerns that they have for their own that I wrote down. He said the only didn’t talk about it, and they certainly health and well-being? I hope we can thing he disagreed with was ‘‘the asser- aren’t talking about it as they travel have that conversation and solve this tion that immigrants are inherently the Nation to brag about their bad bill. problem. So let’s find a way to work criminal.’’ Well, I challenge anyone Democrats are quietly raising taxes, together. watching this exchange to read the hoping the American people don’t no- I have said it before, and I will say it transcript. tice. The $1.9 trillion so-called Amer- again: We need to go after criminals I am glad he disagrees with that as- ican Rescue Plan Act, of which less sertion. That assertion never came and felons, not children and families. than 10 percent went to actually help from my mouth. I am the son of an im- In truth, I think we can get there. fight COVID and 1 percent to vaccines, migrant who came from Cuba. We are a So as I close, I just say: Let’s be a had several tax increases and burden- nation of immigrants. I am not re- beacon of hope to the most vulnerable. some reporting requirements, includ- motely asserting that immigrants are Let’s make sure we go after these ing one that significantly impacts the inherently criminal. There is a right criminals and felons, wherever they gig workers—those who have been se- way to come, and that is to come le- may be, and they feel the full weight of verely impacted by the coronavirus the law. But when it comes to the bro- gally. But case law isn’t about immigrants pandemic. ken immigration system in America, Starting in 2022, this bill requires let’s work together to fix it. generally; it only applies to criminals. It is immigrants that have a criminal many contractors with gig economy Therefore, I object. companies like Uber, DoorDash, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- conviction, that have an aggravated Airbnb, and Lyft to file 1099 forms tion is heard. conviction. So when my friend when they previously would not have. Mr. CRUZ. Madam President. from New Mexico says that we need to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- focus on felons—and he closed his re- The new requirement dramatically ator from Texas. marks with the following: ‘‘We need to lowers the annual 1099 reporting Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I appre- go after criminals and felons, not chil- threshold from $20,000 and 200 trans- ciate the warm sentiments of the Sen- dren and families’’—the case law does actions to just $600 and eliminates the ator from New Mexico, but the Amer- exactly that. transaction minimum. ican people can distinguish the dif- If the Senator from New Mexico be- In late February, before the Demo- ference between talk and action. lieves the words he said, the next words crats rushed their spending bill The Senator from New Mexico sug- out of his mouth would not have been through Congress on a purely partisan gested that all Democrats support ‘‘I object.’’ By virtue of objecting, he basis, a coalition of groups wrote to holding criminals to account. I would prevented us from, in a bipartisan way, Speaker PELOSI and Leader SCHUMER, suggest the facts are precisely to the going after criminals and felons. Case asking that this onerous new provision, contrary. law is targeted at those criminals and which has nothing to do with address- Just 2 weeks ago, on the floor of this felons. It is not targeted at kids; it is ing the coronavirus crisis, be removed body, we introduced an amendment to targeted at criminals and felons. or at least reconsidered. The letter was provide that $1,400 government stim- I would ask the Senator from New signed by groups such as the Small ulus checks should not go to criminals Mexico and every Senate Democrat: Business and Entrepreneurship Coun- currently in prison. Every single Sen- What would you say to Kate Steinle’s cil, the National Asian American ate Democrat voted against that. That family? I have heard them testify in Chamber of Commerce, National Asso- amendment failed by one vote. If even the Senate Judiciary Committee. I ciation for the Self-Employed, United one Democrat had said ‘‘OK, that is have visited with them personally. If States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, reasonable,’’ it would have passed. you were looking them in the eyes, and the National Association of Women Yesterday, I introduced multiple what would you say to a system where Business Owners. unanimous consent requests to stop Kate Steinle’s murderer was deported After receiving such a letter, one money from going to convicted crimi- five times—multiple criminal convic- would think that Democrats would nals in prison and to send the money tions? want to reconsider. Raising taxes and instead to the Crime Victims Fund. A I am the original author of Kate’s reporting requirements in the midst of Democrat objected. Law. We have voted on this on the Sen- a pandemic? This is never good policy, I then said: All right, if you don’t ate floor multiple times. Every time but I can’t think of any worse timing. want to do all criminals, how about we have voted, every single Democratic Of course, Democrats kept the provi- murderers? Can we agree, if you were Senator has voted against Kate’s Law. sion buried deep within the bill, hoping convicted of homicide, if you killed You don’t get to vote against Kate’s the American public wouldn’t notice. somebody, let’s not send you a govern- Law, you don’t get to vote against The Democrats’ new reporting re- ment check; let’s send it to the Crime stopping violent criminals from repeat- quirements are effectively a tax hike Victims Fund? The Democrats ob- edly entering the country illegally, and and will ultimately hurt low- and mid- jected. then claim you are against violent dle-income contractors, the self-em- I said: All right, how about rapists? criminals repeatedly entering the ployed, and freelancers, many of whom The Democrats objected. country illegally. have been devastated by the pandemic,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.031 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1739 while Federal and State Governments tions. Without this information, for ex- sion of my remarks, I be allowed to will collect billions more in ample, workers may lose out on bene- present an excerpt of my speech in revenue. fits that would help them pay rent and Spanish. I will provide transcripts both My Democratic colleagues want the buy groceries. They could inadvert- in English and in Spanish of those American public to believe this is ently lose out on important tax bene- paragraphs. about catching tax cheats. And, to be fits, like the earned income . The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without clear, any attempt to evade taxes and The rescue plan, of course, expands the objection, it is so ordered. defraud the public by not following the earned tax credit. We want to make UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. 884 law should be condemned, and Congress sure that every eligible worker can get should appropriately address it. How- that financial help. Mr. LEE. Madam President, I have ever, a massive new reporting require- Finally, without reporting, workers read the accounts and so have many of ment of gig workers, many just trying might jeopardize the size of their fu- you. A young mother from Honduras, to make ends meet in the midst of this ture Social Security benefits, putting two young sisters from Guatemala, a 6- pandemic, is not about catching tax their retirement security at risk. year-old child from El Salvador—they fraud. It is about punishing the self- So what the Senator from Florida is were all told by a local cartel that, for employed and raising revenues for the up to here would deprive American en- a price, a better life awaits them in Democrats’ massive spending plans. trepreneurs of the information they America. It wasn’t that long ago that Presi- need to keep business records, comply They are told, as evidenced by those dent Biden promised that he wouldn’t with tax requirements, and claim im- chanting ‘‘Biden, Biden’’ at the border, raise taxes on anyone making under portant Federal benefits. For these rea- that this new President has opened the $400,000. Obviously, that was not true. sons, I strongly object to this request borders and that amnesty is imminent, But this isn’t the first time Democrats for unanimous consent. so get in while you can. have tried to quietly increase taxes and I yield the floor. These vulnerable people are flocking saddle the self-employed with new re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- to smugglers and violent criminals and quirements like this. They did it with tion is heard. paying them all that they have for ObamaCare when they required busi- The junior Senator from Florida. their chance to get in while they can. nesses to send 1099 forms for all pur- Mr. SCOTT of Florida. Madam Presi- In the last month, traffickers have al- chases of goods and services over $600 dent, that sounded good, but this is legedly made as much as $14 million a annually. They quickly learned how clearly a tax increase. It is a massive week smuggling men, women, and chil- unpopular and harmful this provision tax increase, and it is a massive new dren across the border. was, and they quickly repealed it. The reporting requirement on already Once indebted to cartels and coyotes, Obama administration even praised the struggling Americans. Our focus ought the price these vulnerable people pay is repeal as a ‘‘big win’’ for the self-em- to be on helping support American far more costly than money. According ployed. I guess some never learn. workers, especially these gig economy to media reports, men are used as What I am proposing is very simple. workers who have been hurt so badly. slaves; women are raped endlessly. In It is what the Democrats supported in I am disappointed my colleague fact, one-third of the women making 2011 when they repealed this bad tax in- wants to increase costs and regulations their way to the border are reportedly crease in ObamaCare. on American families. What is strange sexually assaulted, and 68 percent of Today, I want to remove this new re- is that my colleague from Oregon voted the people coming across the border porting requirement and simply rein- to repeal this bad provision when are physically assaulted. state the previous law back into U.S. Democrats added it to ObamaCare. So Children are rented, trafficked, and code. what is crazy is, why is he OK today ‘‘recycled,’’ as they put it, forced to Increasing reporting requirements on with raising taxes on the American pose as the child of one illegal immi- our gig workers will create new and un- people now? This is all part of the grant after another to activate the so- expected challenges for independent, Democrats’ tax-and-spend agenda, and called Flores get-out-of-jail-free card. self-employed workers and entre- it is just the beginning. One former Border Patrol agent told preneurs, who are already facing an in- Let’s remember, with the last spend- me that the smugglers prefer to use ba- credible burden created by the ing bill the Democrats passed, we will bies because they are unable to tell coronavirus. have $30 trillion of debt. As Governor Border Patrol agents that these are Increasing costs and regulations on of Florida, I worked so that we cut not, in fact, their parents. already struggling Americans is wrong, taxes 100 times, and we paid off a third What of those who escape the clutch- and I hope all of my colleagues will of our State debt. es of the cartels? Well, estimates of join me today and repeal this bad pol- We have to think that way here. How how many children are currently in icy. can we grow this economy and reduce Customs and Border Patrol custody Madam President, as if in legislative the costs for Americans, not increase vary from more than 4,000 children to session, I ask unanimous consent that the costs to Americans? These bad well over 15,000. Thousands of these the Senate proceed to the immediate types of policies will ruin our economy children are being held, packed into consideration of S. 948, introduced ear- and a shot at the American dream, housing facilities, for well over the 72- lier today. I further ask that the bill be which we all believe in. hour limit required by Flores—and considered read a third time and passed I am going to fight every day to get with no end in sight. and that the motion to reconsider be the government out of the way and considered made and laid upon the make sure that doesn’t happen. The Biden administration is doing all table. I yield the floor. it can to hide the humanitarian crisis The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there The PRESIDING OFFICER. The jun- created by its own immigration poli- objection? ior Senator from Florida. cies—a disaster that Secretary Mr. WYDEN. Reserving the right to Mr. SCOTT of Florida. I suggest the Mayorkas refuses to acknowledge as a object. absence of a quorum. crisis. It denied media access and ap- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The pears to be enforcing an unofficial gag ior Senator from Oregon. clerk will call the roll. order on Border Patrol agents. Jour- Mr. WYDEN. Madam President, the The legislative clerk proceeded to nalists have not been permitted inside Senator from Florida claims to be call the roll. the detention facilities since President looking out for gig workers and free- Mr. LEE. Madam President, I ask Biden took office. lancers. The reality is very different. unanimous consent that the order for Now, it shouldn’t be a surprise to any What is in the bill, which the Senator the quorum call be rescinded. of us that the Biden administration’s from Florida apparently opposes, is a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without open border policies have resulted in way to make sure that these workers objection, it is so ordered. this overwhelming crisis—and a crisis can get the information they need to Mr. LEE. Madam President, I ask it is. This is what then-Candidate help meet their existing tax obliga- unanimous consent that at the conclu- Biden promised us in the very first

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.032 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 Democratic Presidential primary de- children on this dangerous journey of the United States over his immigra- bate. He promised us that when he be- alone. In an effort to end the traf- tion demands. came President, there would be imme- ficking of children by cartels, it Under President Trump, the Depart- diate surges along the border. Unfortu- strengthens protections for children re- ment of Homeland Security, inciden- nately, in this case, he has delivered leased to adults within the United tally, experienced unprecedented lead- exactly what he promised. How exactly States. It tightens the asylum process ership problems. The Department of did he deliver? Well, first, he made it so that we can better serve those who Homeland Security lurched from one known that once he was elected, the genuinely need the protections we can Secretary or Acting Secretary to the border would be open for business. offer, and it incentivizes immigrants to next. Listen to this: There were six dif- Then he reversed course on a number of enter our country through official ferent Secretaries in that Agency in 4 Trump-era commonsense immigration ports of entry. years, only two Senate-confirmed— policies. This incentivized vulnerable This bill offers a new commonsense more Agency heads in the last 4 years people to entrust their lives and the series of reforms that will help stem under President Trump than in the 13- lives of their children to dangerous the flood of immigrants at our border year history of the Department of coyotes and cartels. and free vulnerable women and chil- Homeland Security prior to President What are these policies? The safe dren from the clutches of the cartels Trump. They couldn’t keep anybody on third country policy, implemented by and of the coyotes. For that reason, I the job. They quit. They were fired. No- the Trump administration, requires urge all of my colleagues to support it, body could agree with this President’s asylum seekers to apply for asylum in to join it, and to vote for it. bizarre ideas on what to do with immi- the first safe country in which they ar- Now, having previously received con- gration. Are we longing for a return to rive. President Biden has moved to re- sent, I would like to conclude these re- those days? peal that rule. marks in Spanish, remarks directed President Trump unlawfully diverted The expansion of the Flores Settle- specifically to those who might be con- billions of dollars in Department of De- ment agreement also creates perverse sidering making the dangerous, per- fense funds to build a wasteful, ineffec- incentives in our immigration law. ilous journey to the southern border of tive border wall, which was supposed to Flores is about protecting children, the United States before sending their be paid for by the Mexicans, if I re- and yet, in the application of the ex- families. member, and then he created a human- pansion, we have put children in even (The English translation of the state- itarian crisis at the border with a pol- greater danger of becoming victims of ment made in Spanish is as follows:) icy known as zero tolerance—zero tol- trafficking and cartel manipulation. Please do not send your wives and daugh- erance. The Biden policy of keeping all unac- ters on this journey only to be sexually as- I remember when Attorney General companied alien minors in the United saulted by the coyotes and cartels. We hear Sessions came before the American States, as my fellow Senator from story after story of smugglers people and actually quoted the Bible to Utah has pointed out, actually women and children and holding them hos- justify the forcible removal of infants, incentivizes parents to separate them- tage even after they cross our border. In the year 2019, documented toddlers, and children from their par- selves from their children by entrust- dozens of cases of these women. This is just ents’ arms. Over 2,200 children were ing their children to a cartel or coyote one of those stories involving Melvin, a 36- physically separated from their parents to bring them to the United States for year old mother of three from Guatemala: as part of the zero tolerance policy. their chance at amnesty. For weeks in that locked room, the men It wasn’t until a Federal court judge By moving to loosen the require- she had paid to get her safely to the United in Southern California finally said to ments of asylum and expand its appli- States drugged her with pills and , re- the Trump administration, ‘‘I demand cation, President Biden has invited im- fusing to let her out even to bathe. ‘‘I think that you account for these children, migrants, who could find safety in that since they put me in that room, they killed me,’’ she said. ‘‘They raped us so many and I demand that you reunite them other regions of their own country or times they didn’t see us as human beings with their parents’’ that they set out an adjacent country, to make the dan- anymore.’’ to do it. Today, years later, years after gerous journey to the United States. Please, listen to Melvin’s story. Do not zero tolerance, there are still hundreds What we need are clear requirements make that the story of your family. of children separated at that time who to preserve the opportunities for asy- Madam President, as if in legislative have never been reunited with their lum for those who need it the most. session, I ask unanimous consent that parents. America is the land to which those the Judiciary Committee be discharged Do we want to return to those won- seeking a better life look for relief, and from further consideration of S. 884; derful days of the Trump administra- we should provide relief where we can. that the Senate proceed to its imme- tion immigration policy? I don’t think We also have a duty to protect our bor- diate consideration; I further ask unan- so. Children in cages, children lost, der, our citizens, and our laws, our na- imous consent that the bill be consid- adrift on the bureaucratic sea, doesn’t tional interests. At the very least, we ered read a third time and passed and speak well of America’s values. have a duty to eliminate policies that that the motion to reconsider be con- President Trump tried to end asylum empower cartels and coyotes to exploit sidered made and laid upon the table. protections for children and other vul- women and children. We must stop The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there nerable migrants. He cut aid to Central incentivizing vulnerable people to objection? America, directly harming efforts to make a journey that will very rarely Mr. DURBIN. Reserving the right to fight poverty and violence in the re- lead to the outcome they desire. object. gion. More refugees were driven to our To this end, and together with Con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- border because the President shut gressman ANDY BIGGS and several of ior Senator from Illinois. down legal avenues for immigration my fellow Senators, I have introduced Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, we and blocked all assistance to stabilize the Stopping Border Surges Act to ad- face a challenge at the border; there is the Northern Triangle countries, El dress some of the more egregious loop- no question about it. Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. holes in our immigration laws. It really strikes me as strange— Now comes the Senator from Utah— This bill remedies the expansion of maybe unusual—for Members of the and he and I have worked on legisla- the Flores Settlement agreement that Senate from the other side of the aisle tion together in the past. I know that puts so many children in danger by re- to come and yearn for those wonderful we can find bipartisan solutions. I quiring the release of minors with any days of the Trump administration don’t think this approach is one of adult claiming to be the child’s parent. when it came to the issue of immigra- them, but perhaps it is the beginning of It provides expedited processing for un- tion and border policy. a conversation. accompanied minors from all coun- Remember when we had the longest The President’s former Republican tries—processes currently available government shutdown in history, para- allies in Congress claim that the real only to children from Mexico and Can- lyzing immigration courts and other cause, the real problem behind immi- ada. Immediate processing will blunt Agencies? It was, of course, a shutdown gration policy is humanitarian protec- the incentive for parents to send their that was sanctioned by the President tion for children. They claim that we

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.034 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1741 can protect children by overturning Health and Human Services and placed Making this sort of request on the these humanitarian protections, either in deportation proceedings, which gives floor, I know, is symbolic, but I have to that have been entered into in a con- them a chance to finally make their say that it is not the symbolism we sent decree in court or by law, and sub- case to a judge. should follow, and I object. jecting children at the border to indefi- Consider Samuel and Amelie, siblings The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- nite detention and deportation without ages 3 and 6, from Honduras. They ar- tion is heard. adequate due process. But there is no rived in the United States traumatized, The senior Senator from Utah. evidence that this will deter desperate ages 3 and 6. They said nothing—silent. Mr. LEE. Madam President, I appre- families from fleeing to our border. After being transferred to HHS, Amelie ciate the sentiment expressed by my There is one thing the Senator from revealed that both children had been friend, my distinguished colleague, the Utah and I certainly agree on. Many of raped by drug cartel members. Without senior Senator from Illinois, particu- these children and families are being TVPRA protection, Samuel and Amelie larly when he expressed the desire no horribly, horribly exploited by coyotes would have been returned to Honduras longer to have people send their chil- and kidnappers and very bad people. and almost certain further exploi- dren on the long, perilous journey from Many of these people and their children tation. Central America to the United States. are suffering in unimaginable ways be- Democrats are trying to work on a On that, he and I certainly agree, just cause of this. bipartisan repair of this immigration as we have agreed on a number of other I renew the plea that has been given system. It is long overdue. issues over the years. across Central America by this admin- In 2019, after President Trump finally I do think it is regrettable that we istration: Don’t send your people to our agreed to end the longest government are not able to reach this agreement border. Don’t send your children to our shutdown in history, Congress passed today. This is something we ought to border. an omnibus appropriations bill that in- be able to solve right here, right now. It is not something we should encour- cluded $414 million for humanitarian This is a very dire set of cir- age under the circumstances. It has to assistance at the border and then cumstances. We have to remember what we are be orderly, and this is not in many re- passed an emergency supplemental for talking about is dealing with the Flo- spects. $4.6 billion of additional funding to al- res agreement. We are in a position There is no evidence that ending this leviate overcrowding in detention fa- where so many of the children coming humanitarian protection for children cilities. up through these caravans are in dan- will deter desperate families fleeing to In 2018, Senate Democrats supported ger because we have in place policies our border. a bipartisan agreement, including ro- that require the release of minors to The bill before us today includes no bust border security funding and doz- any adult claiming to be the child’s assurances that children will be hu- ens of provisions to strengthen border parent. We ought to have expedited manely treated or that they will be security, but President Trump threat- processing requirements for unaccom- safe from violence once they are de- ened to veto it and, instead, pushed for panied minors, just as we have in place ported. This notion that once these his hardline plan with the largest cut already for unaccompanied minors children come across the border or are in legal immigration in almost a cen- coming from Mexico and coming from taken into custody by the U.S. Govern- tury. Canada. ment, that sometime—2 weeks, 4 When it comes to refugees, after It makes me wonder: What is it about weeks, 6 weeks—later they are turned World War II, when the United States children from Central American coun- loose again does not dispense our moral sadly turned away hundreds and thou- tries—from any country other than obligation. We want these children to sands of ultimate victims of the Holo- Canada and Mexico—that makes them be safe, and that is what the laws are, caust and would not accept their ref- undeserving of that same expedited the Flores decision and others. ugee status, we set out to prove to the processing requirement? This is some- This bill does nothing to address root world that we had learned a valuable thing we need to do. causes that are causing migrants to lesson, and we led the world in offering Yes, I understand that our immigra- flee the Northern Triangle in record refugee status until President Trump, tion system is a mess and needs re- numbers. If people were migrating be- who brought the numbers down to form, but I don’t understand why it is cause of so-called legal loopholes, they record low levels. That does not speak that anyone would want to accept the would be coming to our southern bor- well for the United States, or it default assumption that we can’t fix der from all over the region. shouldn’t be a source of pride for any- anything with immigration; we can’t Instead, the vast majority come from one reflecting this administration. even fix this problem subjecting these three countries: Honduras, El Salvador, We need comprehensive immigration unaccompanied minors from Central and Guatemala. Those countries have reform. I support it. Eight years ago, in American countries, including Guate- the highest homicide rates, some of 2013, I was part of the Gang of 8, a bi- mala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Why them, in the world, and girls face a partisan group of four Republican and can’t we give them any relief here until constant threat of sexual violence with four Democratic Senators. We produced such time as we can come up with a little prosecution from local authori- comprehensive immigration reform comprehensive immigration reform ties. We are doing desperate things be- legislation that passed the Senate 68 to proposal? cause of the desperate situations in 32. The Senator from Utah voted It is disappointing to me that we these countries. against it. Unfortunately, Republicans can’t do that today. We will keep try- We are told by the Senator that we who controlled the House of Represent- ing, keep moving on this effort. This is have to overturn the bipartisan Traf- atives refused to consider it. important. ficking Victims Protection Reauthor- So here is my invitation to the Sen- Look, regardless of where one stands ization Act, which passed by unani- ator from Utah and to everyone else in- politically, what party one belongs to, mous consent in the Senate and was terested. Let us sit down again and I don’t think it is too much to ask to signed into law by Republican Presi- write that bill. Let’s do it in a fashion suggest that we shouldn’t give kids dent George W. Bush. But the TVPRA that really does bring reform to our over to anyone claiming to be their ensures that the United States meets system. parent without proof, without proc- its international obligations to protect I just talked at a bipartisan meeting esses to make sure that is a safe per- unaccompanied children seeking safe on the subject earlier. One of the Sen- son. We wouldn’t want our own chil- haven in our country. It was a response ators from a border State said: People dren treated that way. We shouldn’t to bipartisan concern that children ap- in my State don’t expect the Federal treat them that way. prehended by the Border Patrol were Government to do anything because it Thank you. being returned to countries where they has been so many years since they have The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. HAS- might be exploited even more. done anything. SAN). The Senator from Illinois. Under TVPRA, unaccompanied chil- It is time for us to prove them wrong. ORDER OF BUSINESS dren from the Northern Triangle are We have the authority. We have the op- Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, I ask transferred to the Department of portunity. We have the challenge. unanimous consent that cloture on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.035 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 Calendar No. 30, the nomination of ture. This is also not sustainable. election of Representative MILLER- Adewale O. Adeyemo, to be Deputy Every sovereign nation has a right as MEEKS, who now ably represents Iowa’s Secretary of the Treasury, be with- well as a duty to its citizens to control Second Congressional District. drawn and, notwithstanding rule XXII, its borders. What we are seeing from MILLER-MEEKS’ opponent chose to on Thursday, March 25, at a time to be this administration isn’t border con- forgo her right under Iowa law to determined by the majority leader in trol or security. You see it on tele- present any claims of election irreg- consultation with the Republican lead- vision. It is chaos. It is what happens ularities to an independent panel of er, the Senate proceed to executive ses- when you broadcast to the world that judges. Guess what. That is because, sion and vote on the nomination with- you have no of enforcing our under Iowa law, she had no legal claim. out intervening action or debate; that Nation’s immigration laws. Representative MILLER-MEEKS won fair if confirmed, the motion to reconsider The President could take action to and square as certified by Iowa’s bipar- be considered made and laid upon the end this crisis today if he actually tisan election board. table with no intervening action or de- wanted to. He could restore the Mi- The House Administration Com- bate; further, that no further motions grant Protection Protocols and the mittee is moving forward with a proc- be in order, that any related state- asylum cooperative agreements that ess to overturn this certified election, ments be printed in the RECORD, that the Trump administration signed with stating it will ‘‘exercise its discretion the President be immediately notified El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. to depart from Iowa law.’’ That is a of the Senate’s action, and the Senate He could start building more physical quote I just gave from information then resume legislative session. infrastructure along our southern bor- given by the House Administration The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without der as administrations of both parties Committee. objection, it is so ordered. have done for over 20 years, including They are proposing that the House of The Senator from Iowa. the administration in which Biden Representatives exercise its discretion Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I served as Vice President. Fencing isn’t to depart from Iowa law. They were want to come to the floor to bring up something new, and it has not been a elected under Iowa law. Every one of four subjects. The first one is 30 sec- partisan issue until just here lately. the 435 Congressmen were elected onds. Rather than propose unserious blan- under the laws of their State. Isn’t it a PRESCRIPTION DRUG COSTS ket amnesty legislation that contains little bit outrageous that people would Madam President, we hear from no real border security, the President say we should ignore the law of Iowa in Democrats that they want to do things could work with Congress on common- this case? in a bipartisan way. Last year, Senator sense changes to our immigration laws I hope that we can get every one of WYDEN and I developed a bipartisan bill that we all know are needed. Iowa’s four Congressmen and -women that would save the taxpayers $95 bil- Finally, the President could make to vote to keep MILLER-MEEKS in of- lion and reduce the cost of prescription clear that he is in favor of fully enforc- fice, and I want to hear from every one drugs. ing our immigration laws as written, of my colleagues who decried over- Everybody wants that. President across the board, remembering that he turning State-certified elections in Trump wanted it, President Biden takes an oath that has the words to January if each still holds that posi- wanted it, and there is no reason why ‘‘faithfully execute’’ the laws. tion. in 1 week we couldn’t get that bill Unfortunately, this administration Of course, attention to the Press Gal- passed. We don’t have to wait until sev- believes that the surge in illegal immi- lery—I was asked more times than I eral weeks down the road to do some- gration at the southern border, due to can count if I accepted the results of thing like that. its policies, is a process to be managed the Presidential election. It would be It didn’t come up last Congress be- rather than a crisis to be stopped. As very timely and a very relevant ques- cause both Senator SCHUMER and Sen- long as that is the case, we won’t be tion to ask Senators in the hallways if ator MCCONNELL were against it. It is able to truly secure our border and cut they accept the certified election of bipartisan. We ought to move on that. off the flow of to Representative MILLER-MEEKS. (The remarks of Mr. GRASSLEY per- this country. Let’s hope things change I yield the floor. taining to the introduction of S. 949 are soon. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- printed in today’s RECORD under ELECTION OF MARIANNETTE MILLER-MEEKS ator from Vermont. ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and Madam President, on one other very BORDER SECURITY Joint Resolutions.’’) short matter, I want to speak about Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I am BORDER SECURITY something that is going on in the glad to hear the distinguished Senator, Madam President, on another sub- House of Representatives that I think my colleague and friend, speak about ject, I want to speak again about the we all ought to abhor. Congress should the problems on the southern border. border crisis created by the Biden ad- not overturn a legal, State-certified I feel for President Biden because he ministration. I spoke on this subject election. inherited a horrible mess from his just last week, and the situation has I defended President Trump’s right to predecessor, a man who said that he not improved since then. litigate claims of election irregular- would build a wall, which he didn’t—a Encounters with family units and un- ities in our independent court system wall that would stop illegal immigra- accompanied alien children continue to and defer to the judgment of inde- tion, which it didn’t—and that he increase. There are now new reports pendent judges. I was initially criti- would build it, saying he would get the that at some segments of the border, il- cized for that position by partisans on money from Mexico, knowing that he legal immigrants are being released the left who wanted me to make some would not get 1 cent from Mexico, but into the interior of the United States sort of independent determination of he repeated that falsehood hundreds of without receiving a notice to appear in election claims before the courts had times around this country. He also ac- immigration court. To be clear, it ap- ruled. I maintained my deference to tually took money away from housing pears that the administration is now the independent judges once the courts for families on our military bases, from releasing some illegal immigrants into had ruled and Trump partisans did not families living in substandard housing. the United States without even at- like the rulings. So what happened? It It was money that Congress had voted tempting to give them immigration led to criticism of me from the right for to repair the housing to make it court dates, much less taking any real then. safe, to remove lead, mold, and so on. steps to ensure that they actually When objections were raised to He took that money to build a wall schedule their hearings and show up for counting certain States’ electoral that he claimed, as I said, Mexico their court dates in the future. votes based upon State-certified elec- would pay for. Once again, this is totally unaccept- tions, I voted against overturning When I was the chairman of the Judi- able. This is catch-and-release without those elections. ciary Committee, we passed by about a even pretending to care whether the My position remains the same with 2-to-1 margin, after months and immigrants show up for court or are respect to the purpose of my remarks months and months of debate and removed from the country in the fu- today, and that is the State-certified work, an immigration bill here in the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.036 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1743 Senate. Republicans and Democrats himself and made his way into chambers like There being no objection, the mate- voted for it, and it certainly could have it was nothing—just another day on the Sec- rial was ordered to be printed in the solved all of these problems. ond Circuit. RECORD, as follows: When it went over to the House of Chief Judge Livingston repeated that STATEMENT HONORING JUDGE PETER W. HALL, Representatives, there were enough story, told by one of Judge Hall’s BY HIS FORMER LAW CLERKS votes to pass it there, but it would not clerks. On March 11, 2021, Vermont, the U.S. Court be with a majority of the Republicans. But, you know, the story speaks to of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and our The Republican Speaker said that he the person Judge Hall was: never too nation lost one of our best. Today, we honor could not bring up the bill, even important to carry out the chores of Second Circuit Judge Peter W. Hall and write in honor of his memory. though it had passed, because it was the day; never too far from the Since his appointment in 2004, Judge Hall violating a rule very sacred to them, a Vermont woods that he loved so much. served on three-judge panels in over 750 cases rule named after Dennis Hastert, a I don’t know how many times I would and authored more than 150 opinions in pub- former Speaker, and they could not talk with him, and we might talk a lit- lished decisions. We consider ourselves ex- violate the great respect they had for tle bit about the law or things like tremely fortunate to have had the oppor- Dennis Hastert and his rule. So, even that, and then we would quickly go to tunity to assist him in that great work and though it had passed, they did not tales of other Vermonters we knew, the to benefit from his example, mentorship, and things they had done, the places that friendship. To us, Judge Hall defines integ- bring it up. Of course, subsequent to rity and public service. His commitment to that, Dennis Hastert went to prison for we liked especially in our State. protecting and upholding the U.S. Constitu- . And I thought, as more tributes have tion cannot be overstated. REMEMBERING JUDGE PETER W. HALL flooded in, the most common remem- Judge Hall was exactly what everyone Madam President, now on an entirely brances, of Judge Hall include words should want in a jurist. If your faith in the different matter, I want to speak about such as ‘‘decent,’’ ‘‘gentle,’’ and ‘‘car- American legal system had waned, Judge Hall could restore it. Litigants arguing be- a dear friend, U.S. Second Circuit ing.’’ His long career, which spanned years fore him have told us that from the bench, Court Judge Peter Hall, who died on Judge Hall was fair-minded, engaged, percep- March 11. in both private practice and as a Fed- tive, and honest. And that is exactly how he Ever since then, I have thought back eral prosecutor before joining the was in chambers too. Far from the cynical to a conversation I had with him—just bench, demonstrated his commitment suggestion that federal judges are merely in- like many, many conversations I had to the rule of law. It was a commit- struments of their appointing presidents, with Judge Hall over the years—just a ment that he showed early on when he Judge Hall embodied the judicial oath, ap- proaching every case individually and with- few days before he died. He was telling served as president of the Legal Aid Clinic, while still earning his juris doc- out any political predisposition. All that me about the health concerns he had, mattered was achieving the just and legally very serious ones, but that he was torate at Cornell Law School. correct result in every case, no matter how going to try one other thing that week- When I was chairman of the Senate high profile (or low profile) the litigants or end that he had hoped may give him a Judiciary Committee in 2003, I was issue. longer spell of life, but it didn’t. It was proud to recommend Peter Hall for the Judge Hall kept his home chambers in the only a matter of days after that last circuit court vacancy left by the pass- United States Post Office and Court House in downtown Rutland, Vermont. Judge Hall af- conversation. As I said, it was one of ing of another dear friend, Judge Fred I. Parker. And it was no surprise to me fectionately referred to Rutland as ‘‘the Cen- many I had with him. A few days after ter of the Universe,’’ and so it was for the that last conversation, he died. He died that his nomination was met with very years we were with him there. Clerking for on March 11, just 1 week after announc- little resistance, either from the White him was not only an education in the law, ing his decision to take senior status. House or from Republicans and Demo- but in life outside of the urban centers where Chief judge of the Second Circuit, crats alike on the Judiciary Com- many of us went to law school. Who knew Debra Ann Livingston, gave a remark- mittee. there were so many nuances to the colors of able tribute in which she acknowledged I teased him sometimes about the fall foliage or that there was a ‘‘mud season’’ fact that he was born in Hartford, CT, between winter and spring? Traveling down his death. to with him to hear cases In speaking for the court, Chief but moved to Vermont at the age of 11. once a month was a study in contrast. Judge Judge Livingston said: Did that make him a real Vermonter? Hall demonstrated how to flourish in both Judge Hall was our beloved colleague, and And the reaction I got from him was: worlds; he was as comfortable in downtown this is a grievous loss for our Court and for Patrick, my great-great-grandfather Rutland as he was in the marble courtrooms all of our judges. Over the course of nearly 17 served as Governor of Vermont in the of the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse at years on the Court of Appeals, Judge Hall mid-1850s. I had to admit, the judge had Foley Square. Judge Hall could seamlessly distinguished himself as a thoughtful and me there. go from tending to his horses on a Saturday humane jurist. He was generous with his col- He always considered Vermont his to representing the Federal Judge’s Associa- tion at the International Association of leagues and ever considerate in matters both home, and we are grateful that he did. big and small. Judge Hall was committed to Judges on a Tuesday. public service and taught us all by his exam- Marcelle and I enjoyed our friendship, Judge Hall possessed a rare and dedicated ple. He was a kind and very dear friend. This and we send our sincere condolences to humility. You will not find indulgent, flow- is a sad day for the judges of the Court of Ap- his wife Maria Dunton and his five chil- ery, or self-aggrandizing prose in his opin- peals. dren and his five grandchildren. ions. Instead, you will find clear expla- I would also note, in concluding, that nations of what the law is and how it applied A deeper read of the two-page an- to the litigants before him, written to be as nouncement offered more insights that Judge Hall’s former law clerks released understandable as possible to anyone reading help us understand what made Judge a touching tribute, and I ask consent— the opinion later. Of the more than 100 ma- Hall the exceptional jurist that he was. and I will ask consent in a moment jority opinions and countless summary or- Noting that Judge Hall left a ‘‘lasting that it be printed in the RECORD, along ders Judge Hall authored in his time on the mark’’ on a generation of law clerks, with a list of their names, over 60 law Second Circuit, the Supreme Court of the Chief Judge Livingston shared an anec- clerks. United States reversed only two (partially). We think that is a pretty good record, but dote as was told by one of those clerks. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that at the conclusion of my you would never have heard Judge Hall tell She said: you so. One winter morning we were working away remarks, their statement and their We are particularly grateful to Judge Hall in chambers, and he had not turned up. Not names be included in the RECORD. for his willingness to look outside the tradi- unusual, but we were all wondering if some- Vermont and the legal community tional boxes for his law clerks. We are a thing had happened. He rolled in midday and the Federal bench have lost a great unique crew, at least as law clerks to judges with his dirty work pants and torn flannel champion of justice. on the Circuit Courts of Appeals go. Many of shirt—in other words, no more haggard than As Chief Judge Livingston concluded us were non-traditional law students. Others usual. He explained that he had taken his in her statement, ‘‘Peter Hall lived a graduated from law schools outside of the truck through the woods that morning after life of fidelity to principles, kindness elite institutions whose students can expect taking care of the horses but had gotten to go on to Second Circuit clerkships. stuck. Luckily, he had an axe, so it was only to individuals, and service to the Others still took non-linear career paths to a matter of chopping down a few trees to put human community. He will be greatly a clerkship, working in the law before com- under the truck tires for traction. He freed missed.’’ This is a great truth. ing to chambers. Some of us were all three.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.038 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1744 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 Judge Hall cared deeply about giving Today, I want to share with you the are the backbone of our economy, par- Vermonters, particularly Vermont Law voice of Veronique de la Rosa. Her son ticularly in States like those of the School graduates, and those from non-tradi- Noah, just 6 years old, was murdered in Presiding Officer and the State that I tional paths and backgrounds opportunities his classroom at Sandy Hook Elemen- am privileged to represent, the great to learn and excel. Our lives have been for- ever changed by the gift of having clerked in tary, and she delivered this eulogy for State of Maine. his chambers. We hope that Judge Hall’s her son at his 2012 funeral. Later today, the Senate is slated to leadership in elevating diverse voices and ex- I am going to read it in its entirety vote on cloture on the motion to pro- periences will further cement his legacy on so that it can be included in the ceed to H.R. 1799, the PPP Extension the Court and in the law. We owe him more RECORD, the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Act of 2021. than we could ever repay. and can serve as a reminder of the As a sponsor of the Senate com- Judge Hall was a hero and a guiding light human toll that our gun culture has panion bill, along with my colleagues to many of us. He was all a federal judge and taken. Senator CARDIN and Senator SHAHEEN, a career public servant should be. The United I urge my colleagues to support the States is a more just nation because of his Veronique said: The sky is crying, and the flags are at half- cloture motion. decades of public service. We miss him dear- We are also delighted that several of ly. mast. It is a sad, sad day. But it is also your M. Michael Cole; Timothy C. Doherty, Jr.; day, Noah, my little man. I will miss your our colleagues have joined us as co- Minor Myers; Nora Von Stange; Thomas forceful and purposeful little steps stomping sponsors of the Senate companion bill. Brad Davey; Erik W. Weibust; Robin D. through our house. I will miss your per- The Paycheck Protection Program Barovick; Samuel I. Portnoy; Timothy C. petual smile, the twinkle in your dark blue continues to be a lifeline for small Perry; Stacey D. Neumann; Rachel Hanna- eyes, framed by eyelashes that would be the businesses. It has made the difference ford; Russell Plato; Jill Pfenning; Reagan envy of any lady in this room. between their shutting their doors and Roth; Melissa Kelly; Sanja Zgonjanin; Peter Most of all, I will miss your visions of your laying off their employees and their Sax; Elizabeth (Betsy) Grossman; Tom future. You wanted to be a doctor, a soldier, being able to remain open, survive the a taco factory manager. It was your favorite Valente; Nikhil Rao; Alison Share; Nomi pandemic, and most important of all, Barst/Berenson. food, and no doubt you wanted to ensure that Christopher Worth; Matthew Grieco; Jus- the world kept producing tacos. send paychecks to their employees. tin Brown; Peter Fox; Katherine Padgett; You were a little boy whose life force had Since the program was created last Mark W. Vorkink; Shannon Wolf; Nathan P. all the gravitational pull of a celestial body. year, more than $718 billion in forgiv- Murphy; Jonathan D. Lamberti; Molly E. You were light and love, mischief and able Small Business Administration Watson; Jonathan R. Voegele; Megan E. pranks. You adored your family with every loans have been approved, securing Larkin; John H. Bernetich; Austin fiber of your 6-year-old being. We are all of tens of millions of jobs in this country. Winniford; Aiysha S. Hussain; Mark Harrison us elevated in our humanity by having The program has also been respon- Foster, Jr.; Lydie Essama; Lucas C. Buzzard; known you. A little maverick, who didn’t al- sible for bringing approximately $3 bil- Patrick A. Woods; Peter V. Keays; Molly R. ways want to do his schoolwork or clean up lion to the State of Maine in forgivable Gray; Michael A. Mcguane. his toys, when practicing his ninja moves or Mike L. DiGiulio; Caryn A. Devins; Ste- Super Mario on the Wii seemed far more im- loans that have allowed our small busi- phen F. Coteus; Ryan M. Royce; Peter I. portant. nesses, particularly those in the hospi- Dysart; L. Raymond Sun; Matthew J. Greer; Noah, you will not pass this way again. I tality industry, to survive the pan- Danielle C. Quinn; Alex Nelson; Caroline C. can only believe that you were planted on demic and continue to send paychecks Cease; Spencer R. Allen; Elise Milne Keys; Earth to bloom in heaven. Take flight, my to their employees. Leslie Cahill; Jenna Scoville; Brentley boy. Soar. You now have the wings that you The current application deadline for Smith; Fiona O’Carroll; Amelia Hritz; Kelly always wanted. Go to that peaceful valley the PPP is March 31. That is just days Lester; Joseph Hartunian; Zachary Dayno; that we will all one day come to know. I will away. I continue to hear about the ur- Atticus DeProspo; John Howard; Jessica Bul- join you someday. Not today. I still have lots gent need for more PPP assistance lock. of mommy love to give to Danielle, Michael, from Maine’s small businesses and to Sophia and Arielle. Mr. LEAHY. I yield the floor. hear from others who are eligible for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Until then, your melody will linger in our hearts forever. Momma loves you, little man. assistance but whose financial institu- ator from . tions are getting error messages from Veronique should not have had to eu- GUN VIOLENCE the Small Business Administration’s logize Noah, her 6-year-old son—1 of 20 Ms. SMITH. Madam President, I want computer system. to also just thank my colleague from children killed at Sandy Hook. Originally, the SBA had used the E- Vermont for that lovely tribute to So I ask my Republican colleagues to Tran system. For some reason, it Judge Hall. think of her when you suggest that switched computers for this round of I can see that he meant a lot to you families exaggerate their anguish for PPP, and we understand that there are and was a great public servant. So political gain. more than 190,000 applications that are Just yesterday, one of my Republican thank you, Senator LEAHY. pending for approval that are likely el- Madam President, in a year of so colleagues dismissed this grief as ‘‘the- igible for assistance but are held up be- much heartbreak and grief and death, ater.’’ No. This is life and death. cause of computer glitches or other er- it almost escaped notice that we had So I am angry. I am angry because I rors. gone in this country a year without a know that we have the power to stop The bill before us today mirrors the mass shooting in a public place. this violence, and yet our Republican legislation that I introduced with Sen- But now we face the grim reminder of colleagues stand in the way. They ators CARDIN and SHAHEEN in that it our American reality. In the space of a refuse to work with us. They continue provides for a clean extension of the week, two separate mass shootings to put the demands of the NRA above PPP application deadline. It would stole the lives of 18 people. And just the demands of the people we are elect- simply extend the application deadline weeks ago, we suffered a mass shooting ed to serve—that we stop this horrific for PPP loans from March 31 to May 31, in a health clinic in my home State of gun violence, that we protect the peo- just 2 more months, and then it would Minnesota. ple we are elected to serve. provide an additional 30 days for the So here we are again, thrust into a Madam President, we need universal SBA to process pending applications. familiar cycle of collective grief and background checks. We need to ban as- So if a small restaurant, for example, frustration and anger. Our hearts sault weapons and high-capacity maga- applied for a second PPP loan for break for the families and loved ones of zines. We need to end this cycle, and we which it is eligible because its revenues those whose lives were stolen. Our need all of us in Congress to find the are down by 25 percent, comparing voices cry out for change to end the strength and the humanity to take ac- similar quarters in 2019 and 2020, it scourge of gun violence. And our anger tion. would not lose out because it applied in grows as our voices are ignored and we I yield the floor. May and the SBA did not get time to are told by Republican leaders that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- process the application. there is nothing that we can do to pro- ator from Maine. Our bill has been endorsed by more tect American lives from gun violence. PPP EXTENSION ACT OF 2021 than 90 organizations, including the Colleagues, it is our job to protect Ms. COLLINS. Madam President, Nation’s largest small business advo- American lives. small businesses and their employees cacy group, the National Federation of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:23 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.004 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1745 Independent Business, which is key types of American energy. This is crit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- voting this vote. It has also been en- ical if we are going to keep America an ator from Washington. dorsed by the U.S. Chamber of Com- energy-dominant nation. I especially NOMINATION OF RACHEL LELAND LEVINE merce, the American Hotel & Lodging appreciated his commitment to ad- Mrs. MURRAY. Madam President, I Association, the International Fran- vance nuclear and carbon capture utili- rise today to strongly urge my col- chise Association, the National Res- zation and sequestration technologies. leagues to support the nomination of taurant Association, the U.S. Travel During his hearing, he said that Dr. Rachel Levine. She is a highly Association, and the Independent Com- there are huge opportunities on carbon qualified public health expert to serve munity Bankers of America. capture utilization and sequestration if as Assistant Secretary for Health. The House passed this clean PPP ex- we can work together and really go to As the highest ranking health official tension last week by an overwhelming scale. He also emphasized the need to in Pennsylvania, she led the State’s margin of 415 to 3. construct CO2 pipelines to move the COVID–19 response by focusing on With the House now in recess and the captured carbon, and I agree. Carbon transparency and clear, science-based Senate leaving this week, advancing a capture technologies hold the key to communication; giving daily briefings clean extension through the Senate en- major emission reduction while ena- on the status of the pandemic; and ad- sures the continuation of this vital re- bling America to use the tremendous vocating for the resources and support lief for our small businesses and their natural resources with which we are Pennsylvanians needed. employees. We simply have to get this blessed. Dr. Levine has been on the frontlines done. This issue has broad bipartisan sup- of this pandemic, which is why she I agree with my colleagues that there port. Last Congress, I worked with knows firsthand what our States and are further improvements that could be Democrats, including SHELDON WHITE- communities need from the Depart- made to PPP, such as addressing an HOUSE and TOM CARPER, as well as Re- ment of Health and Human Services. issue facing certain sole proprietors. publicans, including SHELLEY MOORE Even before this crisis, Dr. Levine es- Unfortunately, the new administration CAPITO, to pass the USE IT Act into tablished herself as a trusted voice to changed the rules, so sole proprietors law. This bipartisan law will support the people of Pennsylvania on matters who applied early when the program the development of carbon capture and of public health through her work to reopened in January were treated dif- direct air capture techniques. establish opioid prescribing guidelines ferently than sole proprietors who are This kind of groundbreaking research and education for medical students, applying now. That obviously doesn’t is already happening in Wyoming. The make lifesaving treatment for opioid make sense. We should have the same Integrated Test Center located outside overdoses widely available, combat rule. of Gillette, WY, is hosting carbon cap- eating disorders, increase health eq- I have talked with the new SBA Ad- ture research teams today. These re- uity, and help the LGBTQ community ministrator about this problem. She search teams are looking at how we get healthcare. agrees that it is unfair and needs to be can take captured carbon emissions She was confirmed to both of her po- fixed and has committed to working and transform them into marketable sitions in the State with broad bipar- with all the sponsors and with the products like building materials, cloth- tisan support. She passed out of the House and Senate Small Business Com- ing, and even hand sanitizer. So I Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- mittee to find a solution to ensure that would welcome Mr. Turk and Energy sions Committee with support from Re- the program is implemented as Con- Secretary Granholm to come to Gil- publican colleagues last week, and I gress intended. lette to see the fantastic research tak- hope she will be confirmed today in a But in order to ensure that there is ing place there. strong bipartisan vote as well. adequate time to develop and imple- Mr. Turk was also very responsive to I want to take a moment to acknowl- ment these improvements, we must the committee’s questions for the edge what her confirmation today first, without delay, pass H.R. 1799 to record. That has not been the case with would represent for our country be- keep the PPP open for another 2 every one of President Biden’s nomi- cause, in addition to being a high months. nees so far. qualified nominee, Dr. Levine is also a I urge all of my colleagues to support If he is confirmed, Mr. Turk must historic one. Upon confirmation, she cloture and passage of this important prioritize policies that take advantage will be the highest ranking openly bipartisan legislation. It truly is bipar- of the enormous economic and national transgender official in our government tisan. security benefits generated by Amer- and the first one ever confirmed by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ica’s oil, natural gas, and coal re- Senate. ator from Wyoming. sources. I have always said the people in our Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, I The Biden administration has taken government should reflect the people it ask unanimous consent that Senator a sledgehammer to the economies of serves, and today we will take a new, MURRAY and I be permitted to com- Wyoming and other Western States by historic step toward making that a re- plete our remarks prior to the vote for declaring war on these natural re- ality. up to 5 minutes each. sources. Let me be very clear: Coal, oil I am proud to vote for Dr. Levine and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and natural gas are not going away. incredibly proud of the progress this objection, it is so ordered. America is going to rely on these re- confirmation will represent for our NOMINATION OF DAVID TURK sources for decades to come. We need country and for transgender people all Mr. BARRASSO. Madam President, to use and promote every kind of across it who are watching today. I today the Senate is going to vote on American energy and the thousands of hope all my colleagues are as well. the nomination of David Turk, who jobs that come with them. I would also say how glad I am that will be serving as Deputy Secretary of Coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, yesterday we voted to confirm Dr. Energy. If confirmed, he is going to and renewables are all essential to Murthy as Surgeon General. play a critical role in our Nation’s en- America’s energy mix. Mr. Turk dem- During his last tenure as Surgeon ergy agenda and in leading the Depart- onstrated that he understood that re- General, Dr. Murthy established him- ment. ality during his nomination hearing. self as a trusted voice on matters of His experience in energy policy is ex- He can be sure that I will hold him to public health, helped see our Nation tensive. He served in leadership posi- the commitments he made during his through the Zika outbreak, and pub- tions at the International Energy nomination hearing to expand carbon lished groundbreaking reports on the Agency, the U.S. Department of En- capture as well as nuclear power. I am opioid epidemic and rising youth to- ergy, the U.S. Department of State, going to continue to hold the Biden ad- bacco use. and the National Security Council. He ministration accountable as well. I am pleased to have Dr. Murthy re- is an expert in the field, and his quali- As I did in committee, I will support turning to the role of Surgeon General fications are very clear. Mr. Turk’s nomination on the floor at this critical time. It is also clear from his nomination today. When it comes to ending this pan- hearing that he is dedicated to all I yield the floor. demic, we have a lot of work to do and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:23 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.041 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 no time to waste. We are going to need Grassley Marshall Scott (FL) Cornyn King Rubio all the help we can get, particularly Hagerty McConnell Scott (SC) Cortez Masto Klobuchar Sanders Hassan Menendez Shaheen Cotton Lankford Sasse from experts like Dr. Murthy and Dr. Heinrich Merkley Shelby Cramer Leahy Schatz Levine to get it done. Hickenlooper Moran Sinema Crapo Lee Schumer I yield the floor. Hirono Murkowski Smith Daines Luja´ n Scott (FL) Hoeven Murphy Stabenow Duckworth Lummis Scott (SC) VOTE ON LEVINE NOMINATION Hyde-Smith Murray Sullivan Durbin Manchin Shaheen Inhofe Ossoff Ernst Markey Shelby The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Tester Johnson Padilla Feinstein Marshall Sinema Thune question is, Will the Senate advise and Kaine Peters Fischer McConnell Smith Tillis consent to the Levine nomination? Kelly Portman Gillibrand Menendez Stabenow Mrs. MURRAY. I ask for the yeas and Kennedy Reed Toomey Graham Merkley Sullivan Tuberville nays. King Risch Grassley Moran Tester Klobuchar Romney Van Hollen Hagerty Murkowski Thune The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Lankford Rosen Warner Hassan Murphy Tillis sufficient second? Leahy Rounds Warnock Heinrich Murray Toomey There appears to be a sufficient sec- Lee Rubio Warren Hickenlooper Ossoff Tuberville Luja´ n Sanders Whitehouse Hirono Padilla Van Hollen ond. Lummis Sasse Wicker Hoeven Peters Warner The clerk will call the roll. Manchin Schatz Wyden Hyde-Smith Portman Warnock The bill clerk called the roll. Markey Schumer Young Inhofe Reed Warren The result was announced—yeas 52, Johnson Risch Whitehouse NAYS—2 Kaine Romney Wicker nays 48, as follows: Hawley Rosen Wyden [Rollcall Vote No. 134 Ex.] Kennedy Rounds Young The nomination was confirmed. YEAS—52 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under NAYS—4 Baldwin Hickenlooper Reed the previous order, the motions to re- Braun Hawley Bennet Hirono Rosen Cruz Paul Blumenthal Kaine Sanders consider are considered made and laid Booker Kelly Schatz upon the table, and the President will The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Brown King Schumer be immediately notified of the Senate’s OSSOFF). On this vote, the yeas are 96, Cantwell Klobuchar Shaheen action. the nays are 4. Cardin Leahy Sinema ´ The motion is agreed to. Carper Lujan Smith Casey Manchin f Stabenow f Collins Markey Tester Coons Menendez CLOTURE MOTION LEGISLATIVE SESSION Van Hollen Cortez Masto Merkley Duckworth Murkowski Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant --- Warnock Durbin Murphy to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the PPP EXTENSION ACT OF 2021— Feinstein Murray Warren Senate the pending cloture motion, Gillibrand Ossoff Whitehouse MOTION TO PROCEED Hassan Padilla Wyden which the clerk will state. Heinrich Peters The legislative clerk read as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Cloture CLOTURE MOTION having been invoked, the Senate will NAYS—48 resume legislative session and the mo- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Barrasso Graham Portman tion to proceed to H.R. 1799, which the Blackburn Grassley Risch ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Blunt Hagerty Romney Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby clerk will report. Boozman Hawley Rounds move to bring to a close debate on the mo- The senior assistant legislative clerk Braun Hoeven Rubio tion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, H.R. 1799, read as follows: Burr Hyde-Smith Sasse a bill to amend the Small Business Act and Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, H.R. Capito Inhofe Scott (FL) the CARES Act to extend the covered period Cassidy Johnson Scott (SC) 1799, an act to amend the Small Business Act Cornyn Kennedy Shelby for the paycheck protection program, and for and the CARES Act to extend the covered Cotton Lankford Sullivan other purposes. period for the paycheck protection program, Cramer Lee Thune Charles E. Schumer, Patrick J. Leahy, and for other purposes. Crapo Lummis Tillis Brian Schatz, Debbie Stabenow, Patty Cruz Marshall Toomey Murray, Martin Heinrich, Kirsten E. PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator Daines McConnell Tuberville Gillibrand, Jon Ossoff, Jeanne Sha- from Connecticut. Ernst Moran Wicker heen, Mark R. Warner, Kyrsten ORDER OF BUSINESS Fischer Paul Young Sinema, Catherine Cortez Masto, Tina Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I ask The nomination was confirmed. Smith, Ron Wyden, Jacky Rosen, Ben- unanimous consent that following VOTE ON TURK NOMINATION jamin L. Cardin. morning business tomorrow, Thursday, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- March 25, all postcloture time on the SMITH). The question is, Will the Sen- imous consent, the mandatory quorum motion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, ate advise and consent to the Turk call has been waived. H.R. 1799, the PPP Extension Act, be nomination? The question is, Is it the sense of the considered expired and the motion to Mr. PETERS. I ask for the yeas and Senate that debate on the motion to proceed be agreed to; that the only nays. proceed to H.R. 1799, a bill to amend amendments in order be the following: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a the Small Business Act and CARES Kennedy, No. 1401; Rubio, No. 1405; fur- sufficient second? Act to extend the covered period for ther, that it be in order for Senator There appears to be a sufficient sec- the paycheck protection program, and PAUL or his designee to raise a Budget ond. for other purposes, be brought to a Act point of order; finally, that at 11 The clerk will call the roll. close? a.m. tomorrow, the Senate vote in rela- The legislative clerk called the roll. The yeas and nays are mandatory tion to the amendments in the order The result was announced—yeas 98, under the rule. listed and on the motion to waive, if nays 2, as follows: The clerk will call the roll. made; that if the motion to waive is [Rollcall Vote No. 135 Ex.] The senior assistant legislative clerk agreed to, the bill be considered read a YEAS—98 proceeded to call the roll. third time and the Senate vote on pas- The result was announced—yeas 96, Baldwin Cantwell Cramer sage of the bill as amended, if amend- Barrasso Capito Crapo nays 4, as follows: ed, with 60 affirmative votes required Bennet Cardin Cruz [Rollcall Vote No. 136 Ex.] for passage, all with no intervening ac- Blackburn Carper Daines Blumenthal Casey Duckworth YEAS—96 tion or debate. Blunt Cassidy Durbin Baldwin Booker Cardin The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Booker Collins Ernst Barrasso Boozman Carper objection? Boozman Coons Feinstein Bennet Brown Casey Without objection, it is so ordered. Braun Cornyn Fischer Blackburn Burr Cassidy Brown Cortez Masto Gillibrand Blumenthal Cantwell Collins The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Burr Cotton Graham Blunt Capito Coons ator from .

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:45 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.043 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1747 GUN VIOLENCE tired early to spend more time trav- Boulder will heal, but this scar will Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, it is eling, skiing, and visiting his daughter always be there. My daughter’s genera- hard to believe that I am on this floor Erika. tion will always bear the burden of a again after losing 10 more people, this After learning of her father’s death, national government that did nothing time in Boulder, CO, to another hor- Erica wrote: ‘‘My dad represents all to protect them. They and the children rible mass shooting in our State. things Love. I am so thankful he could that I used to work for in the I am sure the Presiding Officer walk me down the aisle last summer.’’ Public Schools carry a burden that we doesn’t remember that last week, after Lynn Murray, age 62. Lynn was a didn’t carry. They have grown up with the events in Atlanta, I went over to mother of two and a retired photo di- a reasonable fear that they will be shot his desk, and I said that we were so rector for prominent national maga- in their classrooms or in their schools sorry in Colorado for what had hap- zines. or at a movie theater or in any public pened in Atlanta, and then, just 3 or 4 Her husband John said: ‘‘I just want place. days later, it happened again in Colo- her to be remembered as this amazing, I didn’t grow up in an America with rado. amazing comet, spending 62 years fly- more gun-related deaths than virtually I have spent the last day learning ing across the sky.’’ any country in this world, and we can’t about the victims of this terrible Jody Waters, 65 years old. Jody accept it for their America. I am not crime, and I want America to know owned a boutique clothing store named asking anybody here to show the cour- what extraordinary human beings we Applause on Pearl Street Mall, where age that Officer Talley showed or the have lost in my State. Here they are. she remembered all her customers and other men and women of law enforce- Denny Stong, age 20. Denny was a their favorite brands. She was a moth- ment who constantly have to deal with graduate of Fairview High School, an er of two and a grandmother who loved the inability of this place’s capacity to introverted, smart kid who loved his- horses and hiking. A friend said: When deal with these issues. I am just asking tory and model airplanes. Jody walked into the room, ‘‘she was a us to show an ounce of their courage by He had been covering shifts at the breath of fresh air, a light.’’ doing whatever we can to keep weapons Finally, Officer Eric Talley. He is 51 King Soopers and took enormous pride of war out of our community, to pass years old. He is a man of deep faith and in his role as an essential worker dur- universal background checks, to limit a devoted father of seven. After losing ing this pandemic. He once posted on the size of magazines, and to address a close friend to a DUI, he joined the Facebook, ‘‘I can’t stay home. I am a the epidemic crisis of mental health in police academy at age 40, just 11 years Grocery Store Worker.’’ this country. It seems like that would ago, to give back to the community. be the least that we could do. Neven Stanisic, age 23. Neven’s dad In 2013, he made headlines when he said he was, ‘‘a really good boy, a good In the wake of one of these incidents, helped rescue 11 ducklings from a I heard somebody say on a radio pro- kid . . . a hard-working boy.’’ drainage ditch. His parents are refugees from Bosnia, gram that this is just the price of free- Eric’s father said: He ‘‘loved his kids dom, that these are the price who left in the to escape the war. and family more than anything.’’ For The reverend at their local church said: of freedom. What a shame that some- their sake he was hoping to stay off the body would say that and mean it. What ‘‘His family fled the war . . . and ev- frontlines by learning to become a erything they had was either left be- a surrender that represents to our chil- drone operator. But when the bullets dren and to the victims of these hind or destroyed. rang out, he rushed into action, first on ‘‘They left everything to save their crimes. What a sacrifice of their right the scene, saving countless lives at the to be free from fear. lives, and came here to have a new cost of his own. start,’’ said the pastor. Who are we to insist that they live Officer Talley and these other folks terrified in their own country? Nobody They came to America to have a new represent the best of Colorado, and we start, only to have their son’s life insisted that we live that way. certainly owe Officer Talley a debt of But our failure to act has helped cre- ended by this senseless act of violence. gratitude that we will never be able to ate these conditions, and we can’t wait Rikki Olds was 25 years old. Rikki repay. any longer. The Senate needs to act. had been working as a manager at King My heart goes out to all the families There is nobody else to act but the U.S. Soopers for 6 years. Her family de- and the entire community of Boulder. Senate. scribed her as a ‘‘firecracker’’ who lit We have endured too many tragedies in I want to end by thanking my col- up a room with her infectious giggle. this State. So many other States are leagues from Connecticut, Senator Her Aunt Lori said: ‘‘She had a beau- the same here. BLUMENTHAL and Senator MURPHY, for tiful way of just being her. . . . When The shootings at Columbine High their incredibly steadfast leadership you’re down, she just wanted to cheer School happened right before my oldest for long before they came to the Sen- you up, just by being around.’’ daughter was born, Caroline. She is 21 ate. But I remember one of the darkest Tralona Bartkowaik, age 49. She co- years old, and her entire generation moments of my Senate career, the owned a clothing and store, has grown up in the shadow of gun vio- votes that we took after Newtown, Umba Love, with her sister, and was a lence—something none of us had to do. when that elementary school, Sandy frequent presence in the Boulder arts I remember after a gunman in Las Hook, was shot up and 20 students were and music scene. Vegas took the lives of 59 Americans. killed, and this Senate couldn’t even She had a deep curiosity about the That Monday I came to work and real- pass universal background checks. world that took her on travel from ized during the course of the day that They are here tonight to continue to Nepal to Costa Rica. Her younger I was having meeting after meeting make the case that we need to act, and brother remembers her as ‘‘a beam of after meeting, and nobody was men- I want to again thank them for their light.’’ tioning the massacre of 59 Americans. I resilience and for caring about the peo- Teri Leiker, age 51. She was a huge don’t know if it was two or three or ple who lived and died in Colorado. I fan of the Buffalos at CU, a regular four of these events before that that we am extremely grateful for their exam- face at the Pearl Street Stampede. A began to somehow accept this as nor- ple. friend called Teri ‘‘the most selfless, mal—that we can lose that many peo- I yield the floor. innocent, amazing person I have had ple and not have a conversation about The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the honor of meeting.’’ what had happened, the headlines all ator from Connecticut. Suzanne Fountain, 59 years old. She moving on to the next thing. Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I thank worked for 15 years in the Boulder We can’t allow this to become nor- my friend Senator BENNET for those re- Community Hospital. She loved gar- mal, and it is not just the mass shoot- marks, for honoring the memories of dening and was passionate about music ings. It is the daily shootings. The Pre- those we have lost and commanding us and theater. A friend described her as siding Officer and I talked about it last to action. ‘‘the cream of the crop and a good per- week, what happened in Atlanta over I remember getting a phone call from son, a good soul.’’ the last couple of weekends, or on the MICHAEL BENNET that Friday morning Kevin Mahoney, age 61. Kevin had West Side of Chicago. So we can’t move as Senator BLUMENTHAL and I were sit- worked in the hotel business but re- on. ting at a firehouse in Sandy Hook, CT,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:23 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.048 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 learning what had happened just While we won’t have time to tell you wounded in a shooting in 2016, but he around the corner at a schoolhouse. the story of all these people, as MI- had recovered. I remember getting advice from MI- CHAEL did about those whom we lost in Kevin Jang was 26 years old. About a CHAEL BENNET about what you do as an Boulder, at least we can make sure month and a half ago, in early Feb- elected official in the midst of this that forever their name and a link to ruary, he was killed by gun violence. tragedy because he had already been their story is in the CONGRESSIONAL He had moved to New Haven just 2 through it once before. Colorado had RECORD. years ago to pursue a master’s degree already been through it more than Senator BENNET already talked about at the Yale School of the Environment. once before. Lynn Murray and Suzanne Fountain, He was a west coast native. He had got- I think about this macabre club that Teri Leiker, Kevin Mahoney, Tralona ten engaged 1 week before his death. He an increasing number of Members of Bartkowiak, Rikki Olds, Neven had earned a degree. He was an Army the Senate and House belong to in Stanisic, Denny Stong, Jody Waters, veteran. He was a present Army Na- which we have this memory bank of and Eric Talley. Those are the victims tional Guard member. what to do when a mass shooting hap- from Colorado. I am sorry if I didn’t He was shot outside his fiance’s pens in your district or your State—a get the pronunciations perfectly. But apartment. His fiance said: set of capacities that no Member of the we also lost, over the course of the first Kevin was . . . a gift from God. He was a House or Senate, no Governor ever had 3 months of this year Patrice Lynette true and righteous man after God’s own to think about or ever consider pos- Jones in ; Kelvin Darnell from heart. Life is so precious and short. My only sessing decades ago. Now, we call each Illinois; Kevon Dickerson from Ken- hope is that he is with his Heavenly Father other when these things happen to im- tucky; Leah Brooke Hines from ; now in perfect peace. part advice as to how to be helpful to Linda McMurry in Tennessee; Michael ‘‘An extraordinary young man,’’ said communities that are grieving. Uttley in Missouri; Jarrea Gardner in Yale University’s president. I am thankful to have friends like Pennsylvania; Robert Randall Turner I mean, I have a stack of names, 20, Senator BENNET, who can be with oth- III from Maryland; Maddox Jones in 25 per page. We don’t have enough time ers at moments like this, but I hate the Georgia; Joseph Jackson in Florida. tonight to read into the RECORD the fact that he knows all too well what On Monday, the same day as the number of victims of gun violence in communities go through when some- shooting, in Boulder, Alessia Mesquita, 2021 alone—alone. There is Adam Todd thing happens like happened earlier 28 years old, was shot and killed in New Saeed from South Carolina; Andrew this week in Boulder. Haven, CT, with her 1-year-old daugh- Wesley from Ohio; Antonio Rowban We thought about what to do to try ter sitting in the back seat of her car. Thompson from South Carolina; to move this country and our col- She and her boyfriend were arguing in Artrell Conner, ; Beau Mi- leagues to action after another spate of the car when he shot her to death. Ac- chael Wasmer, West Virginia; Brittany mass shootings. This is a really old cording to her mother, Alessia had Wagoner-Moore in Ohio; Byron ‘‘B’’ chart that I brought down to the floor been trying to leave her boyfriend. Donnell Ross in Texas; Carolyn Ann for years. These numbers are out of Alessia is described as a devoted Stephenson, North Carolina; Christian date, unfortunately, because, well, in mother who loved her children with all Parra, New Jersey; Christopher Bess, 2019, we were losing 100 people a day of her heart. Many of her friends really Illinois; David Caballero, California; from gun violence. That is not the relied on her for advice and guidance. David Prince, Illinois; Dean Wagstaff, number from 2020 or 2021. We have seen They said she would give the shirt off Washington; Devin Dawkins, Missouri; a dramatic increase in gun violence. her back to help a friend. Dolores Reyes, California; Eric Thomp- While in 2020 we didn’t see the mass Her mom said: son, Tennessee; Glorida Dean shootings that we have been accus- My heart has been shattered, and I don’t Eddington Lewis, Ohio; Harold Edward think I’m ever going to be right again. tomed to in years prior, we are now Dennison, West Virginia; Javontae seeing them once again pop up on our She was the second of eight children. Hendricks, Illinois; Jeffrey Gillespie, TV screens in 2021. But the lack of She had two children of her own, and Mississippi; Justin Bartley Williams, mass shootings masked the reality, her mother will now raise her two Texas; Keldrick Love, Louisiana; Kiron which was a dramatic increase in the grandchildren. Golden, Alabama; Lesean Long, Illi- Nobody heard about Alessia Mesquita number of people who were felled by nois; Malcolm Fitts, Illinois; Marcel being shot with her daughter in the guns over the course of last year. We Tramon Pimpton, Texas; Mario Vines, back seat in New Haven, CT, on Mon- thought about what we could do to try Oklahoma; Melissa Marie Nease, Flor- day. Her life isn’t less valuable than ida; Nestor Gregorio, Texas; Pedro to make more real for our colleagues any of those who were killed in mass the scope of this epidemic, and we shootings. But this country’s attention Arturo Delgado Tagle, Texas; Rene thought of maybe something simple, to the pandemic of gun violence, the Hernandez, Texas; Robert ‘‘Trey’’ Scott you know, to make people understand epidemic of gun violence, seems to sur- III, Indiana; Ryan Abraham Whiteis- that these aren’t really numbers. The face only when there is a mass shoot- Saks, Minnesota; Satnam Singh, Utah; numbers are just a way to explain in ing. Shamso Gedi-Abdi, Minnesota; Teresa aggregate who these people are, be- Benjamin Bagley was shot last week Ratliff, Ohio; Thomas ‘‘TJ’’ Carr, Ohio; cause each one of them is an indi- in Bridgeport, CT. He was 22 years old. Timothy Alfred Nelson, Texas; Tim- vidual. Each one of them led a life. He was remembered by friends and othy Dugar, Ohio; Tony Nichols, Mis- Each one of them had people who loved family as somebody who always kept a souri; Tre’Veon D. Buckner; Victor them. Each one of them loved people. smile on the faces of people who loved Zuniga; Xavier Crosby; Adam David- So many of them, you can just see by him. He was a doting father. He was a Lawrence Arrambide; Bobby King; these snapshots, were young. They had loving son and brother and always Brandon Chunko; Carol Tinsley; Cecilia full lives ahead of them, businesses to made people smile. Apolo; Christian Joseph Jones; Chris- start, and families to begin. None of His friends wrote: topher Benton McLeod; Cory McHaffie; that happened for them because they He was taken from us far before his light Curtis Lee Upshaw; DeAndre Carter; were shot, often at the beginning or was fully able to shine its brightest. Dominicko Howell; Donnell Hoskin; the peak of their early life. He was one of six siblings, two broth- Grayson Babbs; Jamie Bull. It is two So tonight I am hopeful that I will be ers and four sisters. He had two chil- pages. I have 20 more here. My col- joined by a number of my colleagues to dren and one on the way. He was born leagues will hopefully join me on the do something simple, just to read into and raised in Bridgeport. He was in- floor tonight to read some of these the RECORD, the permanent CONGRES- volved in his church. names into the RECORD. SIONAL RECORD, the names of those who His mom Michelle Brown said: This is as astonishing as it is heart- have died just in 2021. Every single day, I had to kiss my son lying in a hospital bed breaking. This country allows for this there are over 100 people dying right dead. I don’t wish this on nobody, not even to happen, allows these individuals to now. I don’t think America has ever my worst enemy. effectively be nameless and to be anon- seen this rate of gun violence, with the This wasn’t the first time Benjamin ymous. Tonight we are reading into the exception of wartime, in our history. had been shot. He had been previously RECORD only the names of individuals

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:23 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.050 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1749 who died in this year, and the year His little girl, the youngest, always We don’t care about individual loss of isn’t even 90 days old. How is it that we waited for him at the door when he was life like we care about the victims of pay attention during the mass shoot- arriving. Well, he never showed up to mass shootings. That is a tragedy. We ings but just sleep through the days in that door because he died that day. also don’t care about the loss of Black which all of these people are stolen And his two little twin girls in that life. We don’t care about the people of from us through an epidemic that is school at the same time that I was color who die in the same way that we preventable? there, who might have been giggling as care when White people die in this This doesn’t happen anywhere else in they took a break from instruction and country. That is just the truth. the high-income world. No other nation the lights went off, and they got to So, tonight, my colleagues and I are permits this level of gun violence. chat with their friends, didn’t know going to come to the floor—and I hope Don’t tell me it is the price of admis- that they were never going to see their some will join me. I thank Senator sion to America. Don’t tell me it is not father again. BLUMENTHAL for being here to start us preventable. Don’t tell me it is inevi- Think about it, how the lives of those off—to read into the RECORD the names table. It only happens here. It only children change when their dad van- of individuals who have been lost to happens here, and it is really hard to ishes from the Earth just like that. gun violence in 2021 as a way to make comprehend the impact this has on Think about how the lives of all the sure we recognize who they were and people. children in that school change when the lives that they led, but also as a I was in an elementary school in Bal- they have to contemplate the fact that last-gasp effort to try to convince our timore, MD, about 2 years ago. I had their dads might not be home when colleagues to do something. gone there to see an afterschool pro- they arrive next week or the week Tonight isn’t really going to be the gram that I had heard was very suc- after, if it could happen to Mr. Dodd. night to go deep into policy. Senator cessful. The school had started about Think about how the entire neighbor- BENNET talked about what we know we an hour late that day because of a hood goes through trauma after trau- need to do. We can have that debate at weather delay, and so when I was in- ma when that happens so routinely in a another time. Tonight is a night to side the school, at about 10 o’clock, place like Baltimore. just recognize the scope of this epi- kids were still just arriving. You can’t understand the scope of demic, how many people are being lost, I went upstairs to join the young this epidemic by just reading off these how many lives are being impacted in names. Adam Todd Saeed died. Jason lady who ran this program, and we mass shootings and in individual acts Wilson died. Jath Burns died. Johnjairo were about a half an hour into our con- of violence, in homicides and suicides Brito died. Johnnie Clark died. Jona- versation when buzzers started going and domestic violence incidences. And off, and the lights flickered, and the than Joseph died. Jose Medero died. Jo- maybe, maybe by pounding into peo- intercom system lit up with somebody seph Carney died. Justin Locklear died. ple’s brains the human toll of this trag- from the central office repeating over Justin Marshall died of gun violence. edy in mass shootings and in other and over again: Code green, code green, So did Kristen Slack and Latarous Har- forms, we can inch this body a little bit code green. ris and Lieutenant Justin Bedwell. I didn’t know what a code green was. They all died of gunshot wounds just closer to doing the right thing. I yield the floor. The person I was meeting with, who in 2021, but they simply represent the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- was just running this afterschool pro- surface. You scratch just a bit, and you pore. The Senator from Connecticut. gram, didn’t know what code green will find their kids and their moms and Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I was. their dads and their neighbors who are am honored to follow my colleagues Luckily, the front office called up going through trauma right now be- Senators MURPHY and BENNET, two fel- and told us that ‘‘code green’’ means cause of their deaths. there has been an active shooting Research tells us that often there are low champions of this cause. Again, again, we have stood here so somewhere in and around the school 20 people who experience definable and that everybody needs to turn the trauma when someone close to them many times to advocate for measures lights off, lock the doors, and shut the dies. And so even the names that we that very simply would make Ameri- blinds. So that is what we did. read into the record tonight don’t ac- cans safe. It was 10:30 in the morning. After curately represent the scope of this And I don’t accept that it will be our about 20 minutes, code green ended, trauma. Those kids’ lives will never last gasp. I don’t accept that we will lights turned back on, and we contin- ever be the same in Sandtown, the ever go away, that we will ever aban- ued our discussion. I was shaken. neighborhood of Baltimore in which don this cause, no matter how long and This is a school I had never set foot this elementary school sits, neither how hard it is. in. I had only been there about 20 min- will be the lives of those kids who go to Senator MURPHY and I were in Sandy utes, and there was an active shooting that school. Hook the afternoon of that massacre. within a handful of blocks. So I wanted And maybe what was so inexplicable We went through an excruciatingly to know what happened. I stayed in to me was that I had to work really heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, stun- touch with personnel at the school. I hard to find out anything about that ning experience, but nothing compared read the Baltimore papers over the young man. It was barely a story the to the children who were taken out of course of the next few days to find out next day that he had died bringing his the school. Nothing compared to the what had happened, and here is what I daughters to school and then returning teachers who shepherded them. Noth- found out. A young man by the name of home. Had there been six more people ing compared to anyone who lived Corey Dodd, who lived just down the shot, maybe it would have made the through it or the emergency responders street from the school, had told his papers. Maybe America would have who had to see the scene of carnage wife—I believe her name is Marissa, if paid attention. that day and, of course, nothing ap- I remember correctly—that he would But think of it this way: What if that proaching the trauma of parents and drop their twins off at Matthew Henson same story played out not in Balti- loved ones. Elementary School that morning. They more, MD, with an African-American So our club, as he called it, is one had two other kids. She was busy with father and African-American girls, that pales in significance to the club of them. He said: I will drop the kids off what if that story played out in West- survivors and victims. It is more than this morning. port, CT, with a White father and two the names we read tonight. It is the So he drove the kids to Matthew twin, blond-haired, White girls? Do we children who take cover when that Henson Elementary School, the twin care less because Corey was African code is rung. It is the teachers who suf- girls, and brought them into the build- American? You better believe it. You fer the apprehension of wondering ing. I could have been in that lobby better believe that headline news whether that day will be the one when with him that morning as I was coming would have been running stories about there is a shooter. It is the parents of in and he was leaving. He got into his an affluent, White, suburban father all children who send their kids to car. He drove a few blocks home, and in dropping his kids off at an affluent, school and wonder whether, at the end between his car and the door, he was White, suburban school and being shot of the day, they will see them again. At shot dead—10 o’clock in the morning. before he entered his suburban home. some level, maybe not all, maybe not

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.052 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 always, not every day, but that fear in Last week, eight lives were taken by to her job and dedicated to her fellow the gut, that powerfully important ap- gun violence, and they should be re- employees. Her husband said: prehension is there for many. membered and their lives counted. She donated and gave money to her em- When I was in elementary school, the Delaina Ashley Yaun was a 33-year- ployees and treated them so well. She was al- fear was of nuclear annihilation. And old newlywed and mother of two, in- ways celebrating their birthdays, doing good the drills we did were to dive beneath cluding a daughter she gave birth to things for them. our desks, as though somehow those this summer. She put her family above She was curious, hard-working, and desks could be protected in the midst all else and cared for family members caring, always filled with joy. She of a nuclear attack. Absurd as it seems and friends who needed help or a place worked long hours, every day, to give looking back, every one of us, during to stay during tough times. her family a better life. Her daughter those years, wondered would that be Her manager said: said that Xiao was her best friend and the day. And on the days before the Her heart was so big. She loved people. that ‘‘[s]he did everything for me and Cuban missile crisis, it became more He describes how she would feed din- the family. She provided everything.’’ real than ever. ers at the restaurant where she worked Yong Ae Yue, 63 years old. She was And for that generation, it was the who were homeless and bring them an amazing mother of two sons and fear. For this generation, gun violence home to offer them showers and clean loved to cook Korean food. She came to is the fear that lurks constantly in the clothes. the United States in the 1970s, and heart, in the back of the mind, and al- One friend described Delaina as ‘‘a after being laid off during the pan- ways a presence. demic, she was excited to be back at The names that we are going to read light. She just made everybody happy. She loves to smile and joke and hang work. She enjoyed visiting friends, tonight are a very partial list of the in- watching movies and soap operas, and juries because we are reading the ones out with her kids and make sure they always had fun. She was a happy per- reading. She always loved to read and who died, but many others were injured have her dog at her side. severely and horrifically: bones shat- son.’’ Hyun Jung Grant was 51 years old. Paul Andre Michels. He was a 54- tered, flesh torn, futures changed for- year-old Army veteran, one of nine ever, and, of course, the emotional She worked as a schoolteacher in South Korea before immigrating to the children, and he had been married for trauma of living through it. But we more than 20 years. He loved to fish have to read these names because it is United States. She was a hard-working and loving single mother of two, who and collect rare coins. He treated ev- part of our responsibility to make eryone like he was their uncle and did them real and to remind ourselves, as loved karaoke, dancing, and electronic music, and made the world’s best what he could to help others. much as anyone, that this issue is a One friend said of Paul that ‘‘[h]e matter of life and death in the way kimchi stew. One of her sons, Randy, wrote: would give you the shirt off his back.’’ that few others that we debate in this His younger brother, John, said: She was a single mother who dedicated her Chamber evoke. He’d loan you money if you needed it At the beginning of the Judiciary whole life to providing for my brother and I. It is only my brother and I in the United sometimes. You never went away from his Committee hearing the other day, just place hungry. this week, we had a moment of silence. States. . . . She was one of my best friends and the strongest influence on who we are My home State of Connecticut is not But we cannot be silent. Yes, we will today. immune to gun violence. Sandy Hook offer thoughts and prayers, but we can- Daoyou Feng was 44 years old. What is the best known of the tragedies, but not be silent, and we must do more we know about her from her friends is there are others—many, many, many than speak. We must act—honor with that she was sweet and kind. That is others—all around the State, in big cit- action. ies, in small towns, in rural areas, sub- We cannot let these brave, wonderful how she was described by her cowork- ers as well. urban. souls go gently into this . Nobody is immune. Nobody is pro- We must rage, rage against the dying Soon Chung Park was an active 74- tected against gun violence so long as of the life. And that is what we are year-old mother and mother-in-law. the pipeline, the iron pipeline, even doing by reading these names, remind- She lived in Atlanta. She moved there with Connecticut’s strong laws, draws ing ourselves that we cannot accept several years ago to be closer to friends. And she was well on her way to guns across State borders. these deaths as a normal. Even with Here are some of the names and sto- the pandemic receding, we hope, the living past 100. Because of the pan- ries of people whose lives have been epidemic of gun violence continues. demic, she missed chances to visit her taken in Connecticut: A gun, a firearm, especially an as- family in the Northeast but was plan- Jaqhawn Walters was killed on Sep- sault weapon, makes fatal and irrevers- ning to move back this summer to be tember 19, 2020, in Hartford. He was 24 ible some of the most serious problems. closer to relatives and friends. years old. His mother Trician writes: Whether it is domestic violence, sui- Her son-in-law described that Soon cide, or simply a profoundly disturbed ‘‘just liked to work. It wasn’t for the There was an altercation with someone in- side a store. The fight was broken up, but the young man walking into a grocery money. She just wanted a little bit of work for her life.’’ other young man still shot him and then store, or a racist and misogynist man stood over him a second time and shot him going into a spa, the involvement of Suncha Kim, 69 years old. She was again. guns and firearms makes those inci- married for more than 50 years, and she Jaqhawn was a college graduate. He was dents deadly. was a fighter and a rock for her two known as a big basketball player for The names that I will read will be of children and three grandchildren. She Albertus Magnus. He played overseas for two all ethnicities and religions and back- was a hard worker and enjoyed line seasons before COVID hit. grounds and races because firearms can dancing. My son saw a lot of gun violence growing be an equal opportunity killer. But Suncha came to the United States up in the city, and he became victim to it even though he tried his best to beat all odds Senator MURPHY is right that commu- around 1980. She spoke little English with a bachelor’s degree in communications. nities of color suffer disproportion- and worked two to three jobs, putting He even played in Argentina as a profes- ately. And in Atlanta, who can doubt her children first and always seeking sional basketball player, mentored kids that a hate crime turned deadly, poten- to help others. She volunteered by through basketball. He got a proclamation tially, because of that gun. cooking and fundraising. One of her for his work at the Parker Memorial Center Dominick , Brad Keel, Ildiko grandchildren wrote: and the Village, where he worked with trou- bled kids. Papp, James Ray Huddleston, Glenda My grandmother was an angel. . . . As an Swain Toms, Kayla Marie Keatts, immigrant, all my grandmother ever wanted Jaqhawn’s coach at Albertus Magnus Ethan Delicat, Paula Marie Booth, in life was to grow old with my grandfather described him as ‘‘the type of kid that Raymond Robinson, Delaina Ashley and watch her children and grandchildren got along with everyone. His likability Yaun, Hyun Jung Grant, Daoyou Feng, live the life she never got to live. crossed every age generation. When I Soon Chung Park, Suncha Kim, Xiaojie Xiaojie Tan, killed that day, before ran camp, 8-year-old kids, instantly, he Tan, Young Ae Yue, Paul Andre her 50th birthday. She was a dedicated was the guy. They’d all gravitate to- Michels. wife, mother, friend. She was devoted ward him. Same thing with our team.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.053 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1751 They loved him. Opponents loved him. have barred his having a firearm, but viduals were killed by gun violence. I’ve gotten a lot of texts, and I got one at that point Connecticut law applied And just those names would be too from a Northeast coach who said, ‘He only to permanent protective orders. many. Yet they represent a few and a had that thing where he’d drop 30 She was killed by that man even heartbreakingly long list of victims, [points] on you, and every opponent though he was under a protective families, and communities whose lives not only respected him but genuinely order. She was 32 years old. She was a have been ripped apart by senseless gun liked him.’ ’’ loving daughter and a mother of twins. violence just this year. Another coach said: And her mother also was severely in- Sadly, my home State of Nevada has Jaqhawn was very, very rooted in the Hart- jured. been no stranger to this pain. In Las ford community, and he loved his town. So And her parents, with that same Vegas, on October 1, 2017, a gunman he was always going to be one of those peo- and dignity and strength and opened fire on a crowd of thousands of ple that came back and gave as much as he courage, have championed protection people at the Route 91 Harvest Music was able. for domestic violence victims and sur- Festival. He killed 58 people that night. Another coach said: vivors. Two more victims have since died from He had such an impact. The guy had so She had so much to give—like Ethan, injuries they received that evening. much more to give. like so many others. And hundreds, hundreds more were in- That is the story of every one of And we remember Noah, Charlotte, jured—people who just wanted to enjoy these victims: so much more to give; so Jack, Olivia, Dylan, Catherine, Avielle, an evening of celebration with their much more to give back, whether to Jessica, James, Josephine, Caroline, friends and family. Hartford or sons and daughters or par- Benjamin, Chase, Ana, Grace, Emilie, I know the fear and the trauma that ents. Madeleine, Allison, Daniel, and Jesse— so many families experienced that day. Ethan Song was killed in Guilford on 20 beautiful, innocent children taken at My niece was at that concert, and my January 31, 2018, 12 days after his 15th Sandy Hook Elementary School in family and I are incredibly grateful birthday, with an unsecured firearm in Newtown more than 8 years ago. that she made it home safely. But I his neighbor’s house. He lived a life We remember them for bringing will never forget—never forget—on filled with laughter, adventure, and bursts of light and laughter into the that Monday after the horrific shoot- passion. He lived with adoring family lives of their family and friends, for ing that took place, sitting at the Rec- members Kristin and Michael Song. bringing love into the lives of all who onciliation Center in with Ethan loved to ski and hike and play knew them, and for their joy and the families, with the parents, the un- spikeball too. He helped his mom Kris- boundless energy. Only 6 years old, but cles, the aunts, the siblings, who were tin in finding homes for abandoned they had so much to give, and their waiting to find out what happened to puppies. Ethan loved food. He and his lives cut short at Sandy Hook that day. their loved one. dad Mike ventured to find the best lob- And we remember the heroism of Can you imagine? It is the most hor- ster roll in New England. They sampled those brave, courageous educators that rific thing any family member could go 15 locations. December morning: Victoria, Lauren, through. You are waiting to hear what He loved lacrosse, and he was good at Anne Marie, Rachel, Mary, and Dawn. happened to your family member—your it, making the all-star team one sea- We remember their courage, some of child, your son, daughter, your niece, son. He was always interested in his them physically shielding students your nephew, your father, your moth- er—and you are hoping that as time family’s history. He tried to learn all with their own bodies, running and the clock ticks away, your child is that he could about his grandmother’s unhesitatingly toward danger, barri- not one that is in the backroom with a experience as a Holocaust survivor and cading classrooms, drawing on all their coroner right now. went so far as to divert a family trip to reserves of calm and professionalism to I cannot tell you how heartbreaking the UK to see the Anne Frank house in protect and shield the children in their it was to be with those families and the Netherlands. care. talking to them and the fear and the Ethan was also fascinated by his We read these names, I feel, almost anxiety and the helplessness and the grandfather’s experience as a decorated as a form of prayer. We cannot save hope that still they clung to that they intelligence officer in the Korean war. any of these victims, but we know we would find out that their child or their I am always so inspired by Kristin can save others. And that is our work. brother or their mother or sister was and Michael Song and Ethan’s sister, As John F. Kennedy said in his inau- really safe somewhere in one of the their strength and courage, their joy in gural speech, ‘‘here on earth God’s hospitals in Las Vegas. life, and their unquenchable loyalty work must truly be our own.’’ Thank No one can imagine that, and no one and love for Ethan. I have stood on the you. should have to imagine it. And no one green in Guilford announcing my intro- I yield the floor. should ever have to go through that. duction of Ethan’s Law, a safe storage The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- But that is what families and loved law that they have championed with pore. The Senator from Nevada. ones have been going through over the grace and dignity and power beyond Ms. CORTEZ MASTO. Mr. President, years because of the senseless gun vio- words. I rise today to join my colleagues. At lence that is happening across this And let’s say it out loud: This gun vi- this juncture, it is hard to find the country. olence is every parent’s worst night- words. How many more shootings, how Every day, more than 100 families mare, every parent’s worst fear—going many more individuals have to die be- lose a loved one to gun violence. Austin to school, going to a neighbor’s house, fore we take action? And I rise because Cooper Meyer, age 24, from Sparks, NV; going to a grocery store—wrong place the Senator—my colleague, the great Brennan Lee Stewart, age 30, from at the wrong time: a neighbor’s house Senator from Connecticut—was identi- North Las Vegas; Cameron Lee Robin- where a firearm was unsafely stored, fying these names as a form of prayer, son, age 28, from Las Vegas; Charleston watching the emergency response team which I could not have said that better, Hartfield, age 34, from Henderson, NV, pull to that neighbor’s house and because this is about recognizing those a police officer; Erick Steven Silva, age knowing something is terribly, terribly we have lost in order to prevent future 21, from Las Vegas; Laura Ann Shipp, wrong. Every parent’s worst night- loss of life. age 50, from Las Vegas; Neysa Chris- mare. So I join them to recognize individ- tina Tonks, age 46, from Las Vegas; And Lori Jackson’s parents know uals across the country and in my Quinton Joe Robbins, age 20, from Hen- very graphically about that nightmare home State of Nevada who have lost derson—those are just 8 of the 60 Amer- because their daughter, Lori Jackson, their lives: Vincent Brown of Colorado; icans who lost their lives during the of , CT, came to their house Zaimier Bell of New Jersey; Anthony Route 91 Harvest festival shooting in seeking refuge from an estranged hus- Stanley of Missouri; Bao Yang, Min- Las Vegas on October 1, and their band. And that night, while her infant nesota; Daisy Navarrete of Texas; names and stories will stick with us children slept, Lori Jackson was David Camacho, Rhode Island; Deonte forever. gunned down by that husband, who was Minor, Washington, DC; Ronald B. Wil- But we also have to remember the under a protective order which should liams from Indiana. All of these indi- loved ones they have left behind. So

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:45 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.056 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 many of these names I know now not the lives we have lost, but it is about keep Americans safe. We owe it to our just because of the horrific shooting the lives who are affected by gun vio- friends and families and all of the vic- but because I have met their family lence. Reading that letter is just heart- tims who have already been irrev- members whom they have left behind— breaking—and to think that her trau- ocably marked by gun violence to take children who were left behind, children ma is experienced by so many other action. who lost their parent to this horrific Americans from Las Vegas, from Park- Thank you. gunfire, husbands and wives, mothers land, from Orlando, and from Boulder. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- and fathers. It just goes on and on and It is a stain on our Nation. pore. The Senator from Connecticut. on. And I have, since that shooting, been Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I thank In the next few minutes, I want to able to meet so many incredible sur- my friend Senator CORTEZ MASTO for share some stories of Nevadans whose vivors of this shooting, including two that powerful testimony, for sharing lives have been altered by gun vio- sisters, the Marano sisters, who were at some of these stories talking about the lence. Many of these stories are heart- the concert that night and are still liv- impact on families in Las Vegas and breaking, and they stem from the Octo- ing with the emotional scars from throughout her State, and to talk ber 1 mass shooting that took place in being there in that horrific shooting. about what this means from a parent’s Las Vegas. Geena Marano has learned to prepare perspective, to think that her own fam- Before I talk about them, however, I herself for Independence Day and New ily had to wonder whether their loved have to also recognize and praise the Year’s Eve, when the sounds of fire- one was going to come back from that many heroes who stood up and worked works can sound eerily similar to gun- shooting that dominated the news, to to protect our community that night. fire. But if a car backfires unexpect- think about how many lives were After the bullets stopped raining edly, she has to start the process of re- changed. down on the Las Vegas Strip, a former minding herself: ‘‘You’re safe. It’s OK. Senator BLUMENTHAL made a really marine turned a truck into a makeshift Don’t worry.’’ important observation earlier and that ambulance and drove more than two And her sister Marisa, who was also was that the numbers we are using dozen people to one of our hospitals. A at the festival, says her own daughter here, 39,000 people dying a year, and couple provided CPR to injured victims has picked up on the habit of reacting the names that we are reading into the on the site. And hundreds of to loud noises. She said: ‘‘It breaks my RECORD, these are the names of the in- concertgoers risked their lives car- heart because my trauma has [now] dividuals who have died, but what we rying fellow concertgoers to safety. passed on to her.’’ know is there are hundreds of thou- In fact, many younger attendees al- The fear resurfaces for these sisters sands of others who have survived gun- ready had a sense of what to do to stop in so many situations: on anniver- shot wounds. The trauma is different, the bleeding from bullet holes and saries, including of all the shootings but it is still serious and acute. knew to run for safety in the breaks in since then; at high schools, where When a loved one is shot, obviously, between the sounds of gunshots be- Geena was doing outreach to students that comes with a moral disruption to cause of training they had received in and feared that she was putting herself the family that is hard to calculate. their schools and workplaces. at risk of another shooting; passing the Often that injury has lifelong con- But after the shooting, I received a Strip, eerily during the COVID pan- sequences. The individual is bound to a letter from a constituent who survived demic, like it was on the day of the fes- wheelchair, losing the use of legs and the Las Vegas shooting, and she wrote: tival, because the Strip was shut down. arms. These are serious consequences On October 1st, 2017, our life was forever Anywhere there is darkness and music, that affect the rest of your life. changed. . . . My husband and I attended the even on an evening out, the sisters still Route 91 Harvest Festival. We were having feel the repercussions of that night at While today we are reading into the the time of our lives, enjoying the different the concert. RECORD the names of those who have bands we got to see and singing along with And they are not alone. While the died, this stack represents, I think, all our favorite songs. [My husband] and I just a fraction of those who have died were so moved when [one of the bands] led tragedy of the Route 91 shooting may be 3 years behind us, for many sur- in 2021. It could be four times as high if singing God Bless America. we had talked about those who have Who would have known that just a few hours vivors a moment can bring it all roar- been injured in episodes of gun vio- later our lives would be changed forever? ing back, and many more live in fear When the shooting . . . started, I thought that it could happen again. lence. it was firecrackers. We looked around and Telemachus Orfanos, a survivor of Other colleagues are going to join us then there were more shots. My husband the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting, here tonight on the floor. While they pulled me to the ground, laying on top of me, was killed when a gunman entered the do, let me just read into the RECORD a shielding me from gunfire. He laid there Borderline Bar & Grill and shot 12 in- handful of additional names: Carlesa tense waiting to be shot while I laid there Taylor; Sanders; Cortney waiting for him to go limp. We prayed and nocent people on November 7, 2018. told each other we loved [one] another. I What happened to Telemachus and Smith, Missouri; Corporal Martinus prayed we would live to see other October 1 survivors in the res- Mitchum from Louisiana; Daniel raise their children and I felt Jesus’ hands taurant that night was a uniquely Bonham from Georgia; Darrell covering us. During a pause in the shooting, American phenomenon that we should Merriwether from Iowa; Devon Lon my husband pulled me up to start running. I not be proud of. We keep having these Remmel from Minnesota; Diontaye was terrified, [because] we could hear bullets mass shootings in our country, and it Petty from Kentucky; Gregory whizzing by and [we] could smell gun powder. is past time that we acted. It is not Marchand from Missouri; Gwendolyn There were three people, that I know of, who McMillan from Georgia; Irvinn Villalba were shot right around us. The shooting con- only what our Nation deserves. It is tinued for what felt like forever. We contin- what these families and these survivors from New Mexico; Jakob Lee Haines ued running and ran across Las Vegas Boule- and those who lost their lives deserve. from Pennsylvania; Jonatan Jose Mar- vard while the shooting continued. There The Nevadan who shared her October tinez, Pennsylvania; Julian Castro, Illi- was so much confusion and we didn’t know if 1 experience with me ended her letter nois; Julie Lee Karvelis, Mississippi; there were more shooters. by stating: Keith Hawkins, Arkansas; Lee Patrick By the grace of God, my husband [and] I David, West Virginia; Manyari Smith, are unharmed physically. Our emotional I am urging you to pass thoughtful, reason- able controls that will enhance the safety of Illinois; Mario Turner, Illinois; scars are still to be determined. Sleeping has Marquise Jones, Louisiana; Nazeer been difficult. I have had periods of uncon- our society. It is time to take . . . action to trollable shaking. I have chronic stomach protect our mothers, fathers, sons, daugh- Defares, California; Nicolette Sheridan pain and have . . . difficulty eating. All of ters, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Law, Pennsylvania; Officer Dominic this seems trivial compared to the families Please, do not sit back and do nothing. Jared Winum, Virginia; Peter who have lost mothers, fathers, sons, and And she is right. We cannot sit back Vanvallis, Montana; Qualil Terrion daughters and the hundreds of people still and do nothing. We must pass common- Young, Texas; Raymond William suffering with physical injuries. sense gun legislation, like universal Nieman, Kansas; Reginald Copning, Now, I read that letter because it is background checks that we have passed Louisiana; Reginald James, California; not just, as I have said before, about in the State of Nevada. That will help Robert Bigger, Illinois.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.057 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1753 I am sure some cynical viewer to- It just speaks to this immense, incal- policy change, but when you do start to night may listen to a name they recog- culable trauma that families go explore interventions and causes, you nize on this list and say: Oh, well, wait through when they lose a loved one, a will find that many of the same causes a second. I know that guy. He had a trauma that you can’t truly under- for homicides cause suicides as well. criminal record. That individual was stand. For instance, there is a very clear involved with some bad people. In Sandy Hook, one mother adopted correlation between poverty and gun There is never a justification for a another curious but understandable homicide. There is a very clear correla- gun homicide. No matter whether the habit in the years after Sandy Hook. tion between poverty and your risk of individuals on these lists were perfect She would, during an afternoon on a suicide. There is a clear correlation be- angels or individuals who had made Saturday or a Sunday, convince herself tween the ease of access to a firearm mistakes, none of them deserved to die that her son who had been killed in and homicide as there is to suicide. In in an episode of vigilante or random Sandy Hook was at a friend’s house. States that have universal background justice. So to answer a hypothetical She would sort of create this fantasy, checks, there are generally lower rates question, I haven’t vetted the names this fiction in her mind. She would find of homicide and there are generally that I am reading because not a single it a little bit easier to go about clean- lower rates of suicide as well. We talk person on this list deserved to go in the ing up the house or doing laundry or about suicides together. way that they did. playing with her other children if, in People are paying attention today to I remember talking to a woman who her mind, she could pretend just for a this epidemic because of what has hap- has become a friend in Hartford, CT. half hour or an hour that her son was pened in Atlanta and what has hap- She lost her son just about a month be- safe at a friend’s house. She was suc- pened in Colorado. I understand why fore Sandy Hook. She remembers when cessful in contorting her mind to give we pay more attention to mass shoot- Sandy Hook happened that she latched her that space for that short period of ings. There is something unique and onto the number of children who were time. It is what she needed to do. frightening about large-scale, indis- killed. Twenty kids were killed that It is something that you never ever criminate slaughter. day in Sandy Hook. I asked Senator want to have to contemplate, creating But mass shootings are just not those BENNET were there survivors from the these fictions in your minds to allow incidences where 10 people die; there shooting in the supermarket in Boul- you to survive just for an hour at a are mass shootings where 3 or 4 people der, and he said he had to check, and I time, shining bright lights on an empty are shot. That is still a significant will check as well, but he wasn’t sure space near downtown Hartford, think- crime. So far, this year, there have that there were individuals who were ing maybe that your son will show up. been 104 of those. There have been 104 seriously injured. If that is the case, These are contortions of action and mass shootings this year. You didn’t there are parallels to Sandy Hook. thinking that nobody should have to know that, right? You thought there The weapons that are being used in deal with. was just Atlanta and Boulder. No, not these crimes are so lethal, so powerful Roshawn Tate from California; Shana true. There have been 104 mass shoot- that, increasingly, it is hard to survive Lynn Williams from North Carolina; ings. wounds when a bullet enters your body Stanley Taylor from Missouri; I believe most times mass shootings at the speed that bullets are traveling Ty’Reece Thomas from Mississippi; Ty- are defined as when four or more people when they come from an AR–15 or AR– rone Brown from Ohio; Tyrone Gregory are shot at the same time, not nec- 15-style weapon as was used in Sandy from Ohio; Anthony Collins from Geor- essarily killed but shot. There have Hook. gia; Anthony Milian from Indiana; been 104 mass shootings this year and In Sandy Hook, 20 kids were shot. All Antoine Jamil Johnson from Missouri; 191 deaths and injuries of children aged 20 of them died. The number 20 was Brad Rumfield from Texas; Brittany 11 and younger. Think about that. In meaningful to my friend because her Dawn Scruggs from Texas; Bryan this year alone, almost 200 kids, aged son was 20 years old when he was killed Fundora, Kentucky; Carlesa Taylor, 11 and younger, have been killed and on October 20 of 2012, the year of Sandy Michigan; Curtis Smith, Oregon; 128 deaths and injuries of teenagers, Hook. He was killed by a 20-year-old, Dae’Vion Pullum, Indiana; Detraio aged 12 to 17. and he was the 20th victim of gun vio- Deshawn Whorton, Alabama; Enelrae In May 2020—think about this—there lence that year in Hartford, CT. Collier Rubenstahl, North Carolina; were 61 mass shootings. Now, in May She told this story about what her James Delgiorno, Florida; Jessica 2020, we were emotionally focused on life was like after her son was killed, Morehouse, Missouri; Jordan Reen, the pandemic, and we were focused on after Shane was killed. She said that New York; Joseph Marwan Brown, trying to get people well. The country first she just didn’t want to leave the Michigan; Jovanne Hollman, Cali- was not talking about gun violence in house ever. She didn’t want to see any- fornia; Kevin Neal, Georgia; Kimberly the way it normally would if there body. She would always walk down the Marcum, Ohio; Lentavius Cortez Hall, were 61 mass shooting in 1 month. That street to the corner bodega to pick up Louisiana; Leonne Kellam, Delaware; is the highest monthly total ever tal- groceries. I think it was only a block Lovelle Laramore, New Jersey; Luis lied by the Gun Violence Archive, or so away. She came to driving there Rafael Lopez, Arizona; Michael Vines, which is a nonprofit research group so there was no chance that she would Michigan. where a lot of our data and names have to meet people she knew along I apologize if I am mispronouncing come from. They began tracking data the way. Her life became fundamen- some of these names. I am seeing many in 2013. Since they have been tracking tally different. Her life ended, as she of them for the first time. But it is im- the data, May 2020 was the highest described it, in so many ways when her portant for us to read these names into number of mass shootings, but you only son disappeared from the Earth. the RECORD so that at least they live in didn’t hear about it because most of She talked about this strange habit that space because the numbers aren’t those mass shootings were of 4 or 5 or that came to dominate some of her eve- moving our colleagues to action. 6 people, not of 20 or 30 or 40, and, hon- nings. She would get up in the middle So far this year, just 2021, there have estly, many of those mass shootings of the night and she would get in her been 9,649 gun-related deaths. These in- were likely people of color, which don’t car and she would drive to the site clude homicides and murders, acci- get as much attention either. where Shane was shot. Shane was shot dental shootings, and suicides. Some Mushab Mohamud Ali, Minnesota; about two blocks from my house where people take issue with the fact that Rasaan Mack, Illinois; RoCoby Rod- I live in Hartford, CT. I drive by the when we talk about the gun violence gers, Missouri; Roxann Martinez, Colo- site of Shane’s shooting almost every epidemic, that we are including sui- rado; Samuel Lee Pollard, Mississippi; day when I am going back to our home. cides in these numbers. There have Steve Alphonso, North Carolina; She would drive to that site. She would been thousands of suicides in the Terrance Armour, Michigan; Timothy stop her car, and she would turn on her United States this year, but it is im- Swope, Illinois; Windy Lee Higgins, high beams as if she were waiting for portant that we talk about these Florida; Xzavior Frost, Oklahoma; Shane to show up, as if she were wait- deaths together. Anne-Marie Winters Wilson, Georgia; ing for him to come back. She knew he Again, this evening is not going to be Audrey Isham, Indiana; Cameron Wat- never was, but this became a habit. a time to go deep into the question of kins, Virginia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.059 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 I am not even close to the 9,649 gun- boys with her, and she was holding this her in contact with older patients related deaths in 2021 alone. little girl in a dress that was covered in whom she loved caring for because she I am glad to be joined on the floor by stars. The last time that family had said, ‘‘They are at an age where they my colleague Senator KLOBUCHAR, to been in that church was for the Nativ- say what they are thinking.’’ It is gut- whom I will yield in a moment. I want ity play that the boys had been in. The wrenching and heartbreaking to think to thank her for being a real steadfast dad had been sitting proudly in the that Lindsay won’t get to that age, partner in these efforts and, in par- front row, and now they were at his fu- won’t get that happy freedom, won’t ticular, on focusing, as she has, on the neral. That is what we are talking get to see her two children grow up and crime of domestic violence. about with gun violence. graduate and have families of their Senator KLOBUCHAR, earlier this I join my colleagues on the floor to own. evening, I was describing a murder in honor Americans whose lives were cru- It has been reported that the shooter, New Haven, CT, that happened on the elly and unjustly taken from us by gun whom some described as being a dis- same day as Colorado’s, in which a violence, and I am going to read some gruntled patient, had previously made young woman was sitting in a car with names of people who should never be threats against the clinic. her boyfriend and with her 1-year-old forgotten. Although we don’t know whether this in the backseat. They were in an argu- In Alabama, Chase Green; in Arizona, tragedy could have been prevented, in ment, and she was trying to leave him, Isaias Garcia Tovar, Sr., Isaias Tovar, some way, we know it could have been. and she shot him while in the car with Jr., and Delia Noriega; in Connecticut, We should be doing more to encourage the child in the backseat. I was talking Dwaneia Turner; in Delaware, Demier States to pass commonsense laws and about how little attention that got in Chambers; in Florida, Earnest Lee to pass laws right here in this body Connecticut, never mind in the coun- ‘‘Bug’’ Riggs, Jr.; in Illinois, Brenda that allow family members or law en- try, in how we pay attention to these Poss-Barnes, Greg Barnes, Sr., and forcement to get a court order to tem- mass shootings—and for good reason— Daniel Kinney; in Indiana, Chanel porarily prevent a person from buying and how every one of these individuals Neal; in Kentucky, Kenya Renee a gun who is in crisis. has a story attached to them. She was Cunningham, Demontray Rhodes, and By the way—and Senator MURPHY someone her friends relied on for coun- Katherine Bryan; in Missouri, Johnnie knows this—after Parkland, I was in sel and for moral support, and it is how Jones; in Ohio, Alonzo Lewis; in Ten- the when Donald Trump that death initiates so many other nessee, Kevin Niyibizi; in Virginia, was President. I was seated across from traumas. Eddie Jenkins; in Wisconsin, Kevin him, and I was seated next to former I was honored to be able to read her Kloth and Kevin Schneider. Vice President Pence. I was there be- name into the RECORD tonight. She is Those are just 20 names out of the cause of the domestic violence bill that one of many who will now find their thousands of people lost to gun vio- I lead, and I still have the piece of names in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD so lence every year—an average of 100 gun paper on which I wrote the hashtags that, at the very least, the RECORD of violence deaths each day. That is three when Donald Trump said that he was our proceedings will remember her life classrooms of children. for universal background checks not and think about what could have been We also know the communities where once, not twice, not three times, but had we not been so cavalier with her mass shootings occur will never be the multiple times. When we talked about life and her safety through our inac- same. Atlanta, GA, and Boulder, CO, this very issue—the idea of getting a tion. are now part of the ever growing list of court order to temporarily prevent a I yield the floor. cities and towns forever altered but person who is in crisis from buying a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- never forgotten—Midland, , Day- gun, which is something that Vice pore. The Senator from Minnesota. ton, El Paso, Virginia Beach, Pitts- President Pence supported because of Ms. KLOBUCHAR. Mr. President, I burgh, Parkland, Las Vegas, Orlando, what had happened in Indiana, and thank Senator MURPHY so much for Charleston, Newtown, to name a few— they had a similar law—President those beautiful words. and I am greatly saddened that my Trump said he was for it, that he was When you honor the victims as you home State of Minnesota also has com- for this stuff. did, you honor all victims. What I have munities on that list. On average, Then what happened? We all know found about these crimes, particularly someone is killed with a gun every 21 this. The next day or 2 days later, after the crime of domestic violence, is, so hours in my State. That is 422 people this meeting that we had that was on often, the victims have been hidden each year. TV, he met with the NRA, and he from view. It is a crime that takes Tonight, I am going to focus on the backed down. We can’t keep backing place in someone’s bedroom with the loss of two women from Minnesota, down, and we know we now have a door closed. It is a crime that takes both of whom were healthcare workers President in Joe Biden who will not place in a house, a crime that no one and both of whom were moms. For the back down. ever sees. As you know, in a situation past year, frontline healthcare workers Here is another story. like this, when there is a gun, it be- protected us from the pandemic, but Just days ago, we lost another moth- comes deadly. for Lindsay Overbay and Bao Yang, we er of two, Ms. Bao Yang of St. Paul, One of my memories is of years ago failed to protect them. MN. She worked hard to raise her sons, when a police officer in a small town in In February, Lindsay was killed in a ages 21 and 11, as a single mom. She Minnesota responded to a domestic vio- horrible shooting at the Allina Health held multiple jobs while she studied to lence call. What a lot of people don’t Clinic in Buffalo, MN, where four of her be a nurse—graduating and getting her know is that, oftentimes, those are the coworkers were also injured. This just license a few years ago. most dangerous calls police officers happened last month. She was a med- According to her son, ‘‘all she ever take. It was a victim—very young— ical assistant at the clinic, and she de- wanted was to raise my little brother who had called the police, and it was of voted her life to healing others. She in the best life she could give him. I someone who had severe mental illness had a wonderful laugh that would could see how much stress she carried problems, her boyfriend. The police make a room spark to life. Her husband every day but still always managed to went to the door, and the door was an- said that her laugh was so distinctive provide for’’ us. swered, and the guy shot the police of- that, if you walked into the clinic and Bao’s sister said she was a sweet, lov- ficer. He was wearing a bulletproof you heard her laughing, you knew ex- ing, caring, hard-working person who vest, but he shot him in the head. I was actly who it was. only wanted the best for everyone. at that funeral. The spark of her own life was her But a few days ago—right around the It is a reminder that the crime of do- family—her husband of 10 years and time as what happened in Atlanta; mestic violence isn’t just about one her beloved children, an 8-year-old boy these stories are both completely fresh; victim; it is about an entire commu- and a 5-year-old girl. Friends said that they just happened—on Saturday nity. she lived and breathed her kids and morning at 8:30, the police were called As the widow walked down the aisle that she cherished every moment spent to her house, and they found that she of the church, she had her two little with them. Her field of cardiology put had been shot. She died later that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.069 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1755 morning. According to her family, she the firehouse, waiting as, one by one, Earth—really, the most powerful Na- was a victim of domestic violence, the kids would come in, and, pretty tion in the history of the human race— turned deadly because of a gun. Her soon, they knew that they would never will that Nation once again surrender killer was her former boyfriend. see their little boy again. to this problem because of inaction Unfortunately, her story is far too And as she just broke down crying, here? common. According to the Department remembering the last thing she had I know this is true in every State in of Justice, nearly half of the women seen him do, which was point to the the Union, but I certainly know it is who are killed by intimate partners are picture of the school aide on their re- true in Pennsylvania: The people of my killed by current or former dating frigerator, and as she sat there, crum- home State and the people of America partners. pled on the floor, crying, she thought expect us to act. They don’t expect us Violence Free Minnesota, which is a of that aide and thought: She will to surrender once again to this prob- statewide coalition of organizations never leave his side. And when they lem. They expect us to take action to that provides services to victims of do- found them, shot in the school, that pass commonsense gun measures that mestic abuse, said of her homicide that woman had her arms around that little will, at a minimum, reduce the likeli- she was the eighth Minnesotan to die boy, and they were both shot to death. hood that we will have more mass due to domestic violence this year. And we all had to look at those fami- shootings like we have experienced just There were 29 domestic violence-re- lies and say: You had the courage to in the last week and over and over lated deaths in Minnesota last year. come forward to fight for a bill that again over months and now years. And Yet Federal law does not prohibit abu- wouldn’t have even prevented the kill- even—even now we are moving into sive dating partners or convicted stalk- ing of children, but you knew it was decades of mass casualty events involv- ers from buying a gun, which is a prob- the best thing to prevent violence ing guns. lem I have been trying to fix since I got around the country, and that was back- So they expect us to act, not to genu- to Washington. ground checks, but the Senate did not flect to the gun lobby. And tonight we We had hearings on this bill. We had have the courage to pass it. That time have to ask that question again: Will a hearing in the Judiciary Committee has come. The courage must be in all of the U.S. Senate surrender to this prob- years ago where the Republican wit- us, and we must get this done. lem and, really, by implication, sur- nesses agreed that we should close Thank you, Senator MURPHY. render and genuflect to the gun lobby? what is called the ‘‘boyfriend loop- I yield the floor. Tonight, I know that my colleague hole.’’ As one of the conservative sher- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- from Connecticut, Senator MURPHY, iffs from Wisconsin testified, he said pore. The Senator from Pennsylvania. and others have read through some that, basically, mean boyfriends shoot Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise, as names of victims of gun violence, and I just as hard and hit just as hard as my colleagues have tonight, to talk will add to that list. It is about 20. mean husbands. Yet that discrepancy about gun violence again. It seems that Just—just a fraction, a tiny fraction, exists in a number of States. only a few months pass, and we are of those we lost just in the last couple And what just happened just a few here over and over again, talking about of years from so many different States: weeks ago? The Violence Against this uniquely American problem. Kortlin Williams from the State of Women Act passed in the House of Rep- Tonight, we gather in grief—a lot of Missouri; Marcus Obrian Young from resentatives, Senator MURPHY. It sadness throughout the country, people the State of North Carolina; Marquez passed in the House of Representatives offering, as I do tonight, once again, Warden from Virginia; Marvin Scott with 29 Republican votes, and that pro- condolences to the families in both the from Maryland; Melvin Porter from vision is in there. That is now coming State of Georgia, the State of Colo- Georgia; Omar Mohamed Juma from over to the U.S. Senate, and it has been rado, and so many others—so many Texas; Russell Jones, also from Texas; one of the reasons this bill has been other families throughout the country Saveon Th’Marcus Washington from stalled out. who have lost a loved one just in the the State of Alabama; Angela Thomp- I do not know how after what we last week or month or within the last son from Oklahoma; Stephanie Lee have seen with the numbers of domes- year. from Ohio; Tahjier Lafleur from Cali- tic violence cases, after the story I just But we also, I think, tonight have to fornia; Teon Burwell from Virginia; told of a woman we just lost this week- do more than just offer condolences Xavier Cancer from South Carolina; end, and how after what happened in and offer support for the families. We Brenda Sue Strawser Sines, Maryland; Atlanta, we cannot acknowledge this have to ask ourselves some basic ques- Tera’Lynn Cantrell from Arkansas; violence against women and, in par- tions, and one question that keeps Teshundra Fortune from Mississippi; ticular, against women of color. This is coming back every time we gather—at Quindarious Ford from Georgia; one thing that we can do right now. We least for me it does and, I know, prob- Raemel Richardson from Louisiana; literally can pass that bill as we work ably for a lot of Americans—is not sim- Sarah Larocca from Colorado; and, fi- on background checks and all of the ply why are we not beginning to solve nally, Andre Odom from Ohio. other things that we need to do. this problem, why aren’t we taking ac- I am not sure it is possible for any I will end with this, Senator MURPHY, tion. They are obvious questions we all one of us who hasn’t been—whose fam- that what happened in your State with ask. But one question that keeps com- ily has not been a victim of gun vio- the Sandy Hook shooting is forever ing to me over and over again is a sim- lence to in any way not only under- etched in all of our minds and memo- ple question about the U.S. Senate: stand but even to offer the appropriate ries. When people ask, ‘‘What was your Will the U.S. Senate, once again, as it words that we try to offer to these fam- best day in the Senate?’’ I talk about a has now we can say year after year— ilies on a night like this and on so bill I passed—maybe little known to will the U.S. Senate surrender to gun many other days and nights. some—involving a young girl who was violence? I always turn back to the words of killed as a result of a swimming pool That is a question I have been asking others about what this might mean to tragedy. We fixed that rule about pools myself. I have certainly asked it on those families. I just can’t even imag- at least a few years ago, and no one has this floor. Will the Senate continue to ine what it would be like to lose a fam- died since. surrender to gun violence? And, by ex- ily member to gun violence or to any Then they ask about my saddest day. tension, therefore, the country is not violence, for that matter. For me, it was when the bipartisan taking action when we don’t take ac- Remember the words of the great re- background check went down, because tion. The only way that we can begin cording artist Bruce Springsteen. He those parents whom Senator MURPHY to solve this problem over time is to wrote a song in the aftermath—the knows so well were in my office, and I take action here in the Senate. horror of the aftermath of 9/11, and he was one of the several Senators who The House has acted over and over was trying to capture in a series of had to tell them ‘‘no’’ even though again, as we know, bill after bill. In a songs that he wrote and put in an they had had the courage to come be- larger sense, we have to ask ourselves: at the time capturing the loss, fore the Senate. In particular, one Is it really true? Will it be true again the pain, the pain of the loss that so woman told me that story of waiting in that the most powerful Nation on many American families felt at that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.070 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 time. And I always thought it was ap- adult children in the old home they So while the victims of gun violence plicable, that kind of loss, to what came from. are burdened by all the changes in these families feel when a member of Azir continues to learn about how to their lives and the expense and the their family is killed by gun violence. navigate his new life in a wheelchair, trauma they live through, while others Springsteen’s refrain in that song— and the family continues to struggle to suffer through the consequence of los- the name of the song is ‘‘You’re Miss- find ways to improve his quality of life. ing a loved one and feeling that sense ing,’’ and he keeps using that refrain: Now they are searching for housing of missing someone every day, while You’re missing when I shut out the lights. outside of the city so they might be all that is happening, the U.S. Senate You’re missing when I close my eyes. able to find a home with a backyard for has been frozen in place for 8 years at You’re missing when I see the sunrise. Azir to enjoy. least. We haven’t even voted on com- That is the reality for these families. Azir and his family will never be able monsense measures. Every moment of their day will be a to forget about this shooting—and he It is time for the Senate to act, not time when they will be missing that was shot five times—because they live to genuflect to the gun lobby like so family member for God only knows with the consequences of that violence many in this Chamber seem to want to how long. every single day. They are just one of do year after year. It is time for the So we are thinking of those families millions who struggle financially, who Senate to act, to pass commonsense tonight who have loved and lost. struggle physically, who struggle emo- gun reform at long last. We are also remembering—and this is tionally because of the trauma of gun I yield the floor. another area where we have not taken violence that has ravaged our commu- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- action—we are also remembering fami- nities, our schools, our churches, and pore. The Senator from Connecticut. lies that had a member of their family our businesses. Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, I become a victim of gun violence, but So the U.S. Senate has an obligation want to thank Senator CASEY for his on this part of the problem as well. We they survived, but their life is changed very powerful remarks and all of my can’t surrender to gun violence, and we unalterably. The life of that individual colleagues for coming to the floor to- can’t surrender to the question of what has changed. The life of his or her fam- night in this event that Senator MUR- we are going to do to help those who ily changes and so many burdens they PHY and I are helping to lead. survive. Now I recognize Senator VAN HOLLEN have to carry, having survived gun vio- We certainly have to pass common- of Maryland, a great friend and col- lence. sense gun measures, as I mentioned be- league who knows a lot about this We know that 100 are killed each fore—something as simple and as over- topic. day—more than 40,000 across the coun- whelmingly popular as universal back- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- try in our country. But we also know ground checks. And at the same time, pore. The Senator from Maryland. numbers about those who have sur- we can pass a number of other com- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I vived: 230 people sustain a nonfatal gun monsense measures, including a bill want to thank Senator BLUMENTHAL, injury every day, and it is estimated that I am leading here in the Senate Senator MURPHY, and everybody who that about 10 million Americans have and paired up with U.S. Representative has been brought together by this trag- been shot and injured during their life- DWIGHT EVANS in the House, a great edy that we witnessed in our country— time—10 million Americans. leader in our State from the city of first a few days ago in Atlanta and We also know that gun violence inju- . This bill is the Resources then Boulder. ries are more likely to occur in young- for Victims of Gun Violence, and The tragedy is that these are not iso- er people. Each year, approximately DWIGHT EVANS and I are working to get lated events; these are the kinds of 15,600 children and teenagers are shot it passed. tragedies we see all too often and, in- and injured. Black children and teen- The bill would create an interagency deed, every day in neighborhoods and agers are 14 times more likely than advisory council with experts from streets around our country. So it is im- their White peers to die by gun homi- Federal Agencies, victims of gun vio- portant that we come together to talk cide. lence, and victim assistance profes- about the horror of the daily toll of Those who survive—those huge num- sionals. Among other things, this coun- gun violence and also highlight the bers who survive—have their lives cil would make it easier for victims of horror of the fact that this body and changed forever. The role that that vic- gun violence to access resources by as- the Federal Government have not tim plays in the family is made expo- sessing, gathering, and disseminating taken action to stop those daily hor- nentially more different. information about different benefits rors. I will talk about one of those individ- and programs that could assist the vic- Mr. President, I want to begin by uals tonight. His name is Azir Harris. tims—the victims of gun violence, like joining my colleagues in reading out Azir Harris was 17 years old in Feb- Azir and his family. loud the names of 20 of our fellow ruary of 2018—February 15, to be exact. But I come back to where I started as Americans who have perished from gun It was the day after the Parkland I conclude my remarks. We have to ask violence just this year, 15 from across shooting in Florida. Azir was shot five that question: Will the U.S. Senate the country and 5 from my home State times on his way to grab something to once again surrender to gun violence, of Maryland. This is just this year, and eat with two of his friends in South do nothing about the tragic loss of life this is just a few of those who have Philadelphia. that we have seen just in the last week, been shot down through gun violence: He was paralyzed from the waist surrender to the carnage that we see Caleb Day of Ohio, age 19; Cody Nichols down, caught in the crossfire of gun vi- not just this week and last week and Campbell of Indiana, age 27; Alex Jack- olence as an innocent bystander. Azir’s month after month but now literally son of New Mexico, age 15; Gregory life and his family’s lives were turned decade after decade? Dewayne Lynn Chandler of Texas, age upside down in seconds. Their house There hasn’t been on the floor of the 32; Debra Derrick of New Jersey, age was just blocks away from where he al- U.S. Senate a significant, substantial 63; Jason B. West, of North Carolina, most lost his life—again, as I said, shot debate on gun violence in I don’t know age 36; Jeremiah Lowery of Louisiana, five times. how long; I guess since maybe 2013—8 age 17; Caleb Martin of South Carolina, To navigate their two-story home, years. There has been 8 years of vir- age 18; Lavontae Sharron Johnson of Azir’s father would carry him up and tually no debate and 8 years of not vot- Virginia, age 23; Holly Elizabeth Beard down the stairs in their home. They ing, not even passing a vote on these Montana of Alabama, March 11, 2021, searched desperately to relocate but commonsense gun measures, because age 51; Jessica Ruiz of Texas, age 20; were having trouble finding housing, the gun lobby has created a blockade. Najeebat Sule of Pennsylvania, age 24; which is often nearly impossible for So the Senate was not even permitted, Ricardo M. Lopez of New York, age 37; victims of gun violence. I guess, under their rules—the rules of Richard Douglas Sloane of Kentucky, The family was eventually able to re- the gun lobby and the rules of the ma- age 33; and Tyree Riley of Indiana, age locate into a home in North Philadel- jority until recently—prohibited from 18. phia, but in the process, they were even debating, let alone voting on com- In Maryland, my State of Maryland, forced to leave behind some of their monsense measures. just this year: April Renee Lawson, age

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.071 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1757 18; Genesis Garrett, age 22; Terry Wil- we see these mass shootings, and it If you look at guns that were used in liams, age 18; Ken Gerstley, age 50; and comes back and again when Carole Maryland in crimes, 54 percent of them Guy Thomas, age 52. Price reads about another boy or girl come from outside of the State of We read these names tonight and re- or another person who died from gun Maryland, from States that do not member these lives because it is impor- violence in their home. Again, we see it have those kinds of commonsense gun tant to pay tribute to those whom we on a daily basis. laws that make people safe. have lost, but it is also to make sure The reason it is so important that we So, Maryland, like so many other that tonight is not the end of their come together and focus on this is that States, is calling upon our brothers and story and that we dedicate ourselves to there are some, I think, in our country sisters from across the Union to help turning words into action here in the who have lost the capacity to be sur- us take action, and we know that the Senate. prised. I know we were all shocked and public believes and understands that Our country is now experiencing an surprised after Columbine, after Sandy too. Some of my colleagues have said upswing in gun violence, the largest in- Hook, after the Pulse nightclub and 90 percent of the American public sup- crease in gun violence since 1960. Be- the Mother Emanuel AME shootings, ports basic background checks for peo- tween the years 2019 and 2020, we have maybe the shooting in Las Vegas. We ple purchasing guns. seen that big jump, and it should hor- were shocked at some point in the past I want to tell my colleagues about rify everyone and give us pause and that people would indiscriminately Michael Derrick Baughan, who was cause us to reflect. take the lives of others. We were born March 18, 1983, excelled in school I have been texting back and forth in shocked at the daily toll of gun vio- throughout his life. He went to college the last few days after the shootings in lence. Even if it was in a place like in Maryland, and then he moved to Atlanta and Boulder with a friend of Baltimore or another city in Maryland Delaware. His mother Cheryl remem- mine whom I first met two decades and it didn’t make the national news, bers picking up the phone one day and ago. Her name is Carole Price. I met it still was a shocking thing that some- hearing her son at other end of the line her under the most tragic of cir- body would just gun down a fellow saying: Mom, I went to Walmart and cumstances. Carole and her husband human being. But now when we see it got a gun in 15 minutes. I can’t get a John lost their beloved 13-year-old son happen time and again, mass shootings driver’s license that fast, but I got a John to gun violence. Their beautiful and the daily toll, nobody can claim gun because I am feeling pain, and I 13-year-old boy John went next door to surprise. What is surprising is that, as have a gun to my head. play at a neighbor’s house. There was a a nation, we haven’t summoned the Cheryl and Michael spoke on the loose gun, and it was an accidental will to do something about it the same phone for 2 hours before Michael agreed shooting. John died. He was 13 years way we have worked to summon the to take the bullets out of his gun. But old. will to defeat the coronavirus pan- that wasn’t the last time he made an Like so many other parents or loved demic. attempt, and Michael died of suicide, ones of victims of shooting deaths, Car- In 2019, 757 Marylanders died from gunshot, February 2014. ole had the courage to take her pain, gun violence. In fact, it has become so Whether it is the ease of getting a take her tragedy, and work to try to routine that by this time tomorrow, on gun to commit suicide or the ease of make sure that kind of pain and trag- the current trajectory, 2 more—2 more getting a gun to shoot down others, edy didn’t happen to another family in Marylanders will have died from gun what we have in the country today is the State of Maryland or in the coun- violence. That is 1 State out of our 50 simply unacceptable. As Daniel Web- try. She did what was within her States. This is something that tears at ster, who is a public health researcher power. the fabric of communities in our coun- at Johns Hopkins University of Mary- At the time, I was in the Maryland try. It has had a disproportionate im- land, said: Gun violence is not inevi- Legislature, and she came and im- pact and pain on communities of color. table. It is very preventable. plored the Maryland Legislature to do I want to tell my colleagues about We know that. We know there are something—something to prevent this Denise Reid, who knows what it is like things we can do to prevent gun vio- kind of horrible tragedy from being ex- to carry the burden and pain of losing lence. I am not going to go into a lit- perienced by other Maryland families, loved ones to gun violence. Denise grew any of legislation that we could pass to and the legislature acted. Maryland be- up in Baltimore. She lost her uncle to make things better. I do want to point came the first State in the country at gun violence. She lost her cousin to out, though, that we have an organiza- that time to require that guns sold in gun violence. She lost her cousin’s tion, the Bureau of Alcohol, , our State have embedded trigger locks, girlfriend to gun violence. Her mother Firearms and Explosives—the ATF, as safety locks, so that if they were left was shot standing in the doorway of it is commonly referred to—whose job lying around, it would be less likely their Baltimore home. Thankfully, she it is, who is charged with protecting that some 13-year-old boy or girl would survived. In October 2006, Denise’s son the public from the illegal use of traf- pick it up and shoot their friend. That Tavon was shot and gravely wounded, ficking of firearms. And yet, while we bill saved lives in Maryland, and that paralyzed from the neck down. He sur- give them that charge, we give them is because of Carole Price. vived his injury for 3 years but passed that responsibility, the House and the Think of what is happening today in away after that. Senate, over the years, have tied their our country. The pandemic hit. What So tonight, I ask all of us to pay trib- hands. We have handcuffed them. We did we do? We worked to follow the ad- ute to Denise and to her son Tavon made it very difficult for them to do vice of public health experts—social Terrell Water, Sr., who was gone too their job. We prevent them from shar- distance, wear masks—and we went soon, but I want to tell you about ing trace crime gun data on firearms into overdrive. We went into overdrive Denise because she is an inspiration to with the public and on people doing re- to develop a vaccine to stop the deaths. us all. She still lives in Baltimore. She search into the gun violence epidemic. When it comes to the epidemic of gun works as the chaplain with the Balti- We bar the ATF from legally requiring violence, we see no such actions being more City Police, working every day to gun dealers to keep accurate inven- taken here at the Federal level. The serve her community and give back to tories of their guns and report lost or normal thing to do would be to do what the city she loves but wants to make stolen firearms. Simple things like the Maryland State Legislature did in better and safer. that that we say they can’t do. response to that tragedy Carole Price My State of Maryland has thankfully I want to end by talking about an went through—try to take some action joined Denise and Carole Price and all initiative of the mayor of Baltimore to prevent other families from experi- those who have lost someone to gun vi- City, Mayor Brandon Scott, who has encing that tragedy. olence by passing commonsense meas- worked with Everytown, the organiza- When Carole texted me the other ures in our State of Maryland. But the tion, to create a cutting-edge internal day, it was just another reminder that State of Maryland, like every other system to help law enforcement track the pain of losing a loved one to gun vi- State, is not an island. We can’t do it and understand and disrupt the stream olence never goes away. In fact, that alone. We need for the Congress to take of firearms entering the city of Balti- pain comes back again and again when action. more. They have worked hard to try to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:30 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.073 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 overcome these obstacles that we put killed in Portland, OR. Say their Jimmy Wright, a police officer from in the way of ATF. But that is a chal- names. Say their names. Say their those buildings who—he is a beautiful lenge, and it shouldn’t be so hard. names. man, and he was shaken. They killed We had a program in the city of Bal- Cobe Hilliard, 19, killed in , Shahad on my block, where I live as a timore—still do. It is called Safe TX. April Williams, 21, and her mom U.S. Senator, at the top of my block, Streets. It is headed by a person called Tammy Briggs, 46, killed in Augusta, and I will never forget how Jimmy de- Dante Barksdale. He went by the name GA. Say their names. Say their names. scribed it. He said: CORY, I talked to of ‘‘Tater.’’ He was known throughout Christine Ruffin, age 61, was killed the police officer. He was killed with Baltimore as the smiling face of Safe with a gun in Palm City, FL. Delquan an assault rifle. And he said: CORY, the Streets, which was a gun violence pre- Daniels, 23 years old, was killed with a police officer told me his head ex- vention program. gun in Rochester, NY. Say their names. ploded. Dante was committed to the mission. Say their names. And I—I had to hold onto something He helped others learn to put down Gerson Aleman Velasquez, 19, was because most of those kids from that their guns. Dante was shot to death on killed with a gun in Myrtle Beach, SC. lobby, the children I watched grow up January 17 of this year. In that mo- Lionel Darling, age 39, and Rayneesha in my 8 years living in those projects, ment, Maryland lost a son, a mentor, a Dotson, age 30, were both killed with in those buildings, Black boys in a hero, and as Mayor Scott called him, a guns—killed with guns. Say their world where there is so much assault— man who saved thousands of lives in name. Say their name. the first of them to die. our city, thousands of lives, and yet his Maritza Remijio Paniagua, age 20, In 2005, I would come home at night. was taken by gun violence—gun vio- was killed with a gun in Los Angeles. I was chasing my dream to be the lence that is preventable. Merlyn McCallister, age 51, was killed mayor of the largest city in my State. I yield the floor. with a gun in Chicago. Mishealia Marie I was getting ready to run for office, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Meredith, age 19, was killed with a gun and I came home and I smelled mari- pore. The Senator from New Jersey. in Eldorado, IL. Victor Brooks, age 20, juana in the lobby. Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, Member was killed with a gun in Phoenix, AZ. Now, we live in a country where it is after Member has come down tonight Ronald Jeffery Laroy Jones, Jr., age 25, a lot different watching kids at Stan- to speak, and the conversation, as we was killed with a gun in Columbus, OH. ford, Yale smoke pot and have no wor- all have come down here, was to come Say their names. Say their names. ries. But for inner city Black kids, I do something that I think is extraor- This is the question of our country. will tell you right now, they have no dinarily poignant. What is the quality of our mercy? How margins for experimentation. And I This is the floor where policy is de- courageous is our empathy? How des- said to myself: Oh, I have to intervene bated and where ideas of governance titute is our compassion? How anemic here. So I started asking them: Let’s are discussed. It is a deliberative body, is our love for one another that this get out of this lobby. Let’s go do some- but we are in a democracy, and we rep- many Americans are dying hour after thing. Let’s go to the movies. Let’s eat. resent people. So, tonight, the idea was hour, day after day, month after And I will never forget. I made a mis- that we would come down here and month, year after year? Carnage in our take, y’all. I said: You guys choose a talk about people, but the pain is that country like never before seen in hu- movie. That was a mistake because they are not alive; that we would dis- manity, and we do nothing as a society they took me to something called cuss the deceased, the dead, the mur- and a government that was formed for ‘‘Saw II.’’ Do not see that movie. dered, the killed. a more perfect Union, for domestic And we went out to dinner at a diner, I believe that if America has not bro- tranquility, and for justice. At the top Andrew’s Diner. I remember the con- ken your heart, then you don’t love her of our Federal Government’s Constitu- versations with them. I asked them enough. Name after name tonight has tion is the very ideal that we are for what their dreams were. And this been spoken by colleague after col- the common defense. Say their names. moved me because their dreams, they league, and, dear God, every single Do we honor them? Do we love their were humble dreams. name is a son or daughter. It is a survivors? Love is not sentimentality. And I said that I would connect them brother or sister. It is a family mem- It is not words. It demands something. with mentors, and I had all these plans ber. They are a person, part of a com- It necessitates sacrifice. And I can tell about how to help these young men get munity, and they are dead. you I am one of those folks who, serv- out of the danger zone. Then I got too But this is not just any limited list. ing in an American city, would have busy with my campaign. And I remem- It seems to grow like a cancer on the my police officers show me the films of ber feeling a little guilty that I was too soul of our country. You take my age, murders from our cameras—human busy to follow through on the commit- 51 years old. Well, in just the time of beings being shot and killed. How could ments I had made. And I consoled my- my life, the death in our country has it not shake the core of your soul? How self that I was running for mayor: been something like has never before could it not rip open wounds that can- When I become mayor, God, I will be been seen in even a country at war be- not be healed? able to help all children in the city. I cause the people who have died, the My colleagues reading names of peo- will step up then. Let me just get human beings who have been lost, the ple, children lost, kids lost to suicide, through the campaign. family members who have been slain, bodies mangled, people paralyzed, how Well, I would still come home at their total number, in just my lifetime, could it not call to your conscience? night, and the boys weren’t mad at me add up to more than all of the Ameri- How could it not demand from all of us or anything like that. They would still cans who have died in every single war not to sit idly by and watch and wit- greet me and cheer me on when I came from the Revolution to our current ness? We are wounded as a society. We into the lobby, Shahad and Hassan. It wars in the Middle East. are hurting. There is pain that is was amazing. They would lift me up. So my friends and my colleagues unspoken, and that is so dangerous. One day they had lawn signs, my have read name after name after name, In 2018, Shahad Smith, I knew him lawn signs, waving them, and formed a but the painful, heartbreaking reality well. I used to live in high-rise projects parade line. And I walked out and is we could have taken hour after hour at the top of my block. There was a waved and got in the elevator until I over days after days to name the total group of boys there, led by this young realized, where did they get those lawn who have died in my lifetime. And the man named Hassan Washington. Has- signs from? They are kind of expensive. heartbreaking stories have to stagger san was brilliant. He was funny. He had I ended up winning. And I had death you when you hear the testimony. On a sharp wit. He had charisma. Shahad threats on me. And when you are elect- March 1, Kaiden Alex Peak, who was 4 was one of the young men in high ed to office, get death threats, you years old, and his brother, Mayson school who hung out with him in the have security. And next thing you Paul Peak, who was 3 years old, were lobby of my building. I would come know, I had police officers stationed in gunned down, killed in , MO. home and I would see them there. the lobby, and the boys weren’t there Jennifer Garcia, 21 years of age, and And I tell you, in 2018, I make it to anymore. They didn’t want to hang out Charlie Borbon Lopez, 20 years, both the U.S. Senate, and I get a call from where the police officers were.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.075 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1759 And I didn’t think too much about it What a morbid thing we have been change and to begin that process in the because I was running at full speed as doing here tonight, reading the names wake of the shootings in Boulder and a new mayor. I was 36, 37 years old. The of dead people killed in our country, Atlanta by making sure that every- violent crime in our city was peaking. hoping that somehow—somehow we body hears the names of those who There were too many shooters in that could change. Well, I will tell you this have died. hot summer. I will never forget. And I right now: We are in a distraught mo- I yield to Senator BLUMENTHAL to would run to every street corner I ment in our Nation, where most of us wrap up for the evening. could where there was a shooting in agree on solid steps. It won’t solve all The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- our city. And I would stand there, and the problems, but it would make a dif- pore. The Senator from Connecticut. I would say: This is not who we are. ference. It would save a Hassan. It Mr. BLUMENTHAL. Mr. President, This is not America. This is not New- would save a Shahad. It would save the there is no last word tonight. There is ark. We are going to overcome this. 3- and 4-year-olds, the names I have no final saying here. There are no final And I would give street-level sermons read. names. Nora Beller, Tito Roman, telling people about the vision for our The question is, How courageous are Aaliyah Eubanks, Dominick Boston, city. And, God, we would eventually we? How much do we truly love one an- Brad Keel, James Ray Huddelston—we turn down the violence. other? What will we do? This is a mo- could be here a long time. But the trag- But in those early days, a month into ment in American history that could edy is there will be more names, 100 my office, I show up on a street corner, be the inflection point. If we act now, more, at this time tomorrow night. and there is a body covered by a sheet we could end some of this nightmare. If And every one of these names is a fu- and another one being loaded on the we fail to do anything, we will be back ture cut short. Every one of them is a back of an ambulance. And I barely here again. The list of the dead will be life that could have given so much, paid attention to the humanity on the longer. The heartache and the pain and bringing more light and joy, pride, street. I didn’t even ask for the names. the wounds and the grief and the sor- grace, dignity. I was too busy ministering to the liv- row and the shame will be deeper in My colleagues have come to the floor ing. America, the world’s greatest country. with great eloquence. I want to thank I get home that night to steal a cou- We must demand of each other a them. But the most eloquent part to- ple hours of sleep in my early days as greater love. We must end the poverty night is the names. And we should take mayor. And I will never forget sitting of empathy. We must free ourselves inspiration from the courage of their in my bedroom with my BlackBerry, from this prison, from this dungeon. families, the strength of the survivors, going through it, and I saw the name We must release ourselves from these advocates, and activists who are form- on the homicide report. At that mo- chains. We must demand that this Na- ing a political movement that is cre- ment in my life, something broke in tion be the Nation we want it to be, be ating ripples turning into waves that me that will never fix. It wasn’t an the Nation we hope it should be, be the will overcome. They will overcome the anonymous name that I didn’t know. It Nation that those in military uniform intransigence and cowardice of col- wasn’t just a cold issuance of another died for—a nation where we make real leagues who fail to heed the American crime in a big city. The name was Has- the greatest principles of humanity, public, and they will be held account- san Washington. Four floors below me the greatest calling of every faith that able. he lived with his grandma, a kid I there is—not words, but real, true, Thank you. promised to help with his dreams. manifestation of the principle and the I yield the floor. I will never forget his funeral for as call. I suggest the absence of a quorum. long as I live. Perry’s Funeral Home— Will we be silent? Will we be igno- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- God bless them, those professionals. I rant? Will we avoid? Will we do noth- pore. The clerk will call the roll. entered that funeral home as the newly ing? Will we be passive? Or will we The legislative clerk proceeded to minted mayor. And I was so upset when truly be a nation that loves one an- call the roll. I saw it was in their basement room be- other? Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I ask cause going in that room was like de- I yield the floor. unanimous consent that the order for scending into the bowel of a ship, a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- the quorum call be rescinded. narrow staircase. And I get into this pore. The Senator from Connecticut. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- room. We were piled in on top of each Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, Marcia pore. Without objection, it is so or- other like we were chained together in Reitman Currie from New York; Mitch- dered. ell Wright, Jr., from Missouri; Nicholas grief, and people were crying. Every- f body was showing up. Everybody was Tarpley from Pennsylvania; Reuben there for what is an American tradi- Lewis III from California; Rhyce MORNING BUSINESS tion: almost every day, another boy, Wingate-Bey, Maryland; Robert --- another Black boy in a box killed by a Crochiere, ; Samuel La- WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH gun. mont Smith-Williams, Tennessee; And I wish I could tell you that I was Spencer Wilcox, Oregon; Anthony Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, the strong in that moment. I wish I could Castillo, New York—we didn’t come clock struck 12, and the chaos of whis- tell you that I was mayoral, that I was close to finishing this list tonight. We tles, bells, and sirens echoed down a leader and the father of a city, but I didn’t make a dent in the list of those Michigan Avenue. All across Chicago, wasn’t. I felt shame. I felt hurt. I felt names of the people who have died you could hear—feel—the jubilance embarrassment. from gun violence in 2021 alone, a year erupting in the streets. Women of all I tried to lean on other people in that in which almost 10,000 people have died ages sat on the hoods of Studebakers room. There were folk I had known for in less than 3 months in suicides and and Model Ts, waving American flags years, but, finally, I had enough. I had homicides and accidental shootings. as they rode through The Loop in cele- to run. I left there. I jumped in my It is a choice. None of this is inevi- bration. SUV, drove to my new office in City table. Almost all of it is preventable. It A decades-long fight for equality had Hall. And for the first time—not the only happens here in the United States finally come to an end. Just days ear- last but for the first time as the mayor of America because other countries lier, on August 26, 1920, U.S. Secretary of New Jersey’s great and largest city, make different choices. of State Bainbridge Colby had issued a I sat in that office, and I wept over a Congress goes the next 2 weeks on a proclamation. The 19th Amendment dead boy. And all I could think about district work period. We wanted to had been ratified, and women in Amer- was climbing through the feelings of come to the floor tonight to make ica had secured the right to vote, once shame and hurt and pain. All I could clear that we are not going to forget and for all. And though this victory think about was that funeral in that those who have died through the inac- was monumental, America still had a basement room, packed full of people. tion of this body, their national lead- long way to go. All of us were there for his death, but ers; that we are going to renew our Nearly a century later, on the morn- where were we for his life? commitment to be better and to ing of Saturday, November 7, 2020,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:45 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.077 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 jubilance once again erupted in the In 2018, the people of Illinois elected cinated than our total number of streets of Chicago. Drivers honked Juliana Stratton as our 48th Lieuten- coronavirus cases since the beginning their horns all along Michigan Avenue, ant Governor, the first woman of color of the pandemic. By the beginning of while passengers leaned out of their ever elected to hold a constitutional summer, we should have a large enough windows, waving American flags. Joe office in our State. She is a dynamo supply of vaccines to inoculate every Biden had finally been declared the vic- and part of a new generation of women adult in America. This is one of the tor of the 2020 Presidential election, his who are taking their rightful place as greatest scientific feats in modern his- running mate: , the political leaders in our Nation. In the tory. first African-American and first 2020 elections, women across America A major reason we were able to de- woman Vice President of the United turned out in historic numbers, and velop COVID–19 vaccines at such light- States. The scene in Chicago was a fit- voters elected a record number of ning-fast speed is because of the pio- ting tribute to the 100th anniversary of women to higher office. neering research conducted over dec- the 19th Amendment’s ratification. But we still have a long way to go. ades by a brilliant scientist, one of the This month, America celebrates America lags well behind other devel- unsung heroes of our world. Her name Women’s History Month. And the peo- oped nations when it comes to gender is Katalin Kariko´ . Like many Amer- ple of my State are proud of the lead- equality in our government. Women ac- ican heroes, she is an immigrant. She ing role Illinois has played in Amer- count for fewer than 30 percent of our began her research in a lab in Hungary, ica’s long struggle for gender equality. representatives in either Chamber of when it was still under Communist In 2018, Illinois lawmakers ratified the Congress. Countries like Finland, Swe- rule. Back then, she believed that syn- Equal Rights Amendment. Our State den, and New Zealand are far closer to thetic messenger RNA could hold the attorney general, along with the attor- 50 percent, meaning complete gender key to treating some of the world’s neys general of two other States, is parity. most debilitating diseases. now pressing in Federal court for the So it is certainly welcome news that She followed that dream across con- ERA to be officially recognized as the President Biden has nominated 12 tinents, immigrating to the United 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitu- women for Cabinet and Cabinet-level States in the 1980s. But people—and, tion, as it should be. We are proud of the remarkable positions, including Janet Yellen, the let’s be honest, men—doubted her at women our State has produced. Some first female Secretary of Treasury, and every turn. Her grants were rejected. were Illinoisans by birth, others by Congresswoman , who She faced demotions. She was even choice. They include Ida B. Wells, the would be the first Native American to threatened with deportation. One of courageous journalist, anti-lynching ever serve as a Cabinet Secretary. the few institutions that supported leader, and suffragist; Jane Addams, While the past year has been one of Katalin’s work was the National Insti- the first American woman to win the historic triumph for women, it has also tutes of Health. The experts at NIH Nobel Peace Prize and a cofounder of been one of unprecedented challenge. didn’t just follow the science; they sup- the Hull House, a Chicago landmark; The pandemic has disproportionately ported the visionary behind the Mamie Till Mobley, a mother who devastated women. In December, the science. And that investment paid off. forced the world to reckon with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Her research into messenger RNA even- brutality of racism when she opened that the United States lost 140,000 jobs tually blazed a trail for the Moderna the casket of her only son, Emmett; in a single month. A staggering num- and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, which Betty Friedan, author of ‘‘The Femi- ber that is even worse than it seems, are helping curb the spread of COVID– nine Mystique,’’ a book that inspired a women accounted for every single one 19 at this very moment. new wave of American feminism; of those job losses. Men, meanwhile, As we turn the corner of this pan- Gwendolyn Brooks, poet laureate of Il- managed to gain 16,000 jobs that demic, let us remember that it was not linois from 1968 until her death in 2000 month. a miracle that got us here. It was and the first Black woman inducted Working women, and especially science. It was dedication. It was the into the American Academy of Arts working women of color, have been work of trailblazers like Katalin and Letters; Sandra Cisneros, a re- hardest hit by this pandemic. When Kariko´ . nowned writer and educator whose schools across the country were forced As I mentioned, Betty Friedan is one work is taught in classrooms across to shut their doors, these women were of the great women leaders to come out the country; Jeanne Gang, a world- thrust into the dual roles of bread- of Illinois. In her seminal work, ‘‘The class architect whose work graces the winner and primary caregiver. They Feminine Mystique,’’ she asked: ‘‘Who skyline of Chicago, including the tall- shouldered the burden of keeping our knows what women can be when they est building in the world designed by a families and children safe. This is es- are finally free to become themselves?’’ woman, the St. Regis Chicago; Jackie sential work. And just as frontline As we celebrate women’s history, let Joyner-Kersee, one of the world’s workers need PPE to safely do their us also renew our commitment to in- greatest track and field athletes and jobs, working mothers need economic vesting in women’s futures. Who knows the founder of the Jackie Joyner- relief to do theirs. how many Katalin Kariko´ s are out Kersee Foundation, which offers ath- That is what the American Rescue there, ready to change the world? letic and educational programming to Plan President Biden signed into law For our own good, for the good of hu- kids in my hometown of East St. this month delivers. It expands the mankind, let’s ensure every woman has Louis, IL; Precious Brady-Davis, an en- , offering up to $3,600 an opportunity to ‘‘become them- vironmentalist and transgender woman per child; it invests in our families, by selves.’’ who has light on the experiences increasing the value of SNAP benefits f of transgender parents; Oprah Winfrey, and expanding childcare assistance; the host of a daytime talk show you and it gives every working American AFFORDABLE CARE ACT may have heard of—her career as a $1,400. The American Rescue Plan will Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, as a talk show host actually began on help working mothers weather this Member of Congress, I have cast a ‘‘A.M. Chicago’’; Hillary Clinton, the once-in-a-century public health and number of important votes over the first woman to be nominated for Presi- economic crisis. years, votes on whether to send our Na- dent by a major political party, she After a year of COVID lockdowns and tion’s brave servicemembers to war or may have represented New York in the losses, America is finally beginning to to impeach a President, but perhaps U.S. Senate, but her roots are firmly feel a sense of hope that the end of this the most important vote I have ever planted in Park Ridge, IL; Michelle pandemic is coming, and looking at the cast was 11 years ago this week, in sup- Obama, another former First Lady who headlines, it is hard not to share that port of the Affordable Care Act. broke barriers—she is the pride of Chi- optimism. Since the law’s passage in 2010, the cago’s South Side, and I am grateful to Under President Biden, we are vacci- ACA has provided health insurance to call her a friend; and my colleague in nating more than 2 million Americans more than 23 million Americans, in- this body, Senator , a day. As of last week, more people in cluding nearly 1 million Illinoisans. an American hero. the United States have been fully vac- That is almost 1 out of every 20 people

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.065 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1761 living in my home State. Thanks to based health plan can no longer deny There being no objection, the mate- the ACA, they are now covered. That Michelle health coverage or charge her rial was ordered to be printed in the measure was called the Affordable Care higher premiums because she has a pre- RECORD, as follows: Act for a reason: It is estimated to existing condition. Her insurer can no The Secretary of the Senate: have saved every family in America longer impose annual or lifetime caps PN79–6, the nomination of Colin Hackett about $4,000 in health insurance pre- on her care. It can’t cut her off right Kahl, of California, to be Under Secretary of miums. when she needs healthcare the most. Defense for Policy, having been referred to I don’t think any of us could have Michelle’s daughter, Meredith, a junior the Committee on Armed Services, the Com- predicted 11 years ago just how impor- at the University of Illinois-Spring- mittee, with a quorum present, has voted on tant the protections it guaranteed to field, is able to stay on her parents’ the nomination as follows— Americans would become. Then came On the question of reporting the nomina- plan until age 26. Because of the ACA, tion favorably with the recommendation the coronavirus. In the year since the Michelle’s health plan must cover her that the nomination be confirmed, 13 ayes to pandemic was declared, the virus has family’s prescription drug costs. 13 noes; and claimed more than half a million Without insurance coverage, treating In accordance with section 3, paragraph American lives. That is more than the common variable immune deficiency (1)(A) of S. Res. 27 of the 117th Congress, I number of American lives lost in World can cost patients more than $100,000 a hereby give notice that the Committee has War I, World War II, and the Vietnam year. Put simply, these protections not reported the nomination because of a tie war combined. were not in place before the Affordable vote, and ask that this notice be printed in the RECORD pursuant to the resolution. We grieve with every family who has Care Act, and Michelle and her family suffered a loss, and we know there are are alive today because of these protec- f millions more Americans who have tions. This family’s story is proof that ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION been affected by the virus. Thirty mil- the ACA is one of the greatest legisla- lion of our family members, friends, Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, sec- tive accomplishments in modern Amer- tion 36(b) of the Arms Control colleagues, and neighbors have been di- ican history, and it is also proof that agnosed with COVID–19. That is 30 mil- Act requires that Congress receive there is a lot more we can do to protect prior notification of certain proposed lion Americans who are now living people like her and her family. with a preexisting condition. We have arms sales as defined by that statute. While Michelle is grateful for the Upon such notification, the Congress heard stories about the so-called long- ACA, she recently told me that ‘‘I feel haulers, individuals who report they has 30 calendar days during which the there is more work to be done.’’ And sale may be reviewed. The provision are still having health problems she is right, which is why we fought, as months after their original diagnosis. stipulates that, in the Senate, the noti- part of the American Rescue Plan, to fication of proposed sales shall be sent They are struggling with shortness of expand health insurance subsidies and breath, trouble sleeping, severe fa- to the chairman of the Senate Foreign eligibility for plans covered under the Relations Committee. tigue, and other symptoms that NIH ACA. These provisions will ensure that Director Dr. Francis Collins has In keeping with the committee’s in- no enrollee spends more than 8.5 per- tention to see that relevant informa- deemed a ‘‘significant public health cent of their income on health insur- concern.’’ tion is available to the full Senate, I ance premiums. The typical 60-year-old ask unanimous consent to have printed These Americans have enough to couple in Illinois could see their pre- worry about as it is with their recov- in the RECORD the notifications which miums reduced by $1,300. have been received. If the cover letter ery; could you imagine if they also had The ARP also increases eligibility for to worry about being able qualify for references a classified annex, then such premium subsidies to working-class annex is available to all Senators in health coverage? In a world without American families earning more than the ACA, they would have. Before the the office of the Foreign Relations 400 percent of the Federal poverty Committee, room SD–423. ACA was the law of the land, people level. could be denied health coverage or There being no objection, the mate- Outside of the ARP, the Biden-Harris rial was ordered to be printed in the charged significantly higher premiums administration has taken other steps RECORD, as follows: for having diabetes or asthma—even to bolster the ACA, like creating a spe- acne. cial open enrollment period and ensur- DEFENSE SECURITY Could you imagine if this pandemic COOPERATION AGENCY, ing that the DOJ defends the law in the Arlington, VA. hit before we passed that law? The tens case before the Supreme Court. All of of millions of Americans who would Hon. ROBERT MENENDEZ, this is welcome news, and I look for- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, have to wonder how they were going to ward to working with the Biden-Harris U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. pay for their care, their children’s care, administration to accomplish even DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- in the middle of a pandemic? more. That is why we not only cele- porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of Thanks to the ACA, they are covered. brate the historic passage of the ACA the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, It has been a lifeline for millions of but all of the lives it has saved as well. we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Americans, like Michelle Crifasi, one of 21–31 concerning the Army’s proposed Let- After years of unrelenting, unjusti- ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Repub- my neighbors in Springfield, IL. Re- fied attacks on this critical piece of cently, Michelle wrote to me about lic of Korea for defense articles and services legislation, we are finally in a position estimated to cost $36 million. After this let- what the ACA has meant for her and to build on it. I am ready to work with ter is delivered to your office, we plan to her family. For much of her life, the Biden-Harris administration to cre- issue a news release to notify the public of Michelle was burdened with an un- ate a public option, lower prescription this proposed sale. known illness, until she was finally di- drug prices, and address racial and eth- Sincerely, agnosed with common variable im- nic disparities in our healthcare sys- HEIDI H. GRANT, mune deficiency in her mid-thirties. It Director. tem. Enclosures. is a rare condition that limits the im- After 11 years since its passage, I am TRANSMITTAL NO. 21–31 mune system’s ability to fight infec- proud to declare: The ACA is here to tion. The diagnosis was bittersweet. stay. Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of While she could finally begin to under- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the And here in Congress, we will con- Arms Export Control Act, as amended stand and treat her condition, she later tinue working to perfect it. learned that she had passed it down to (i) Prospective Purchaser: Republic of her daughter. Her husband also devel- f Korea oped it after undergoing cancer treat- (ii) Total Estimated Value: Major Defense Equipment * $33 million. ment. NOTICE OF A TIE VOTE, UNDER S. RES. 27 Other $3 million. The good news is that Michelle and Total $36 million. her family have health insurance Mr. REED. Mr. President, I ask unan- (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- through her employer, and because of imous consent to print the following tities of Articles or Services under Consider- the Affordable Care Act, this employer- letter in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. ation for Purchase:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.066 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 Major Defense Equipment (MDE): hardware or software elements, the informa- XXVI, the regular meeting day of the com- Two hundred eighty-eight (288) AGM–114R tion could be used to develop counter- mittee is the first and third Thursday of Hellfire Missiles measures that might reduce weapon system each month at 10:00 a.m. If there is no busi- Non-MDE: Also included are AGM–114R effectiveness or be used in the development ness before the committee, the regular meet- spare parts; U.S. Government and contractor of a system with similar or advanced capa- ing shall be omitted. engineering, technical, and logistics support bilities. (b) Additional Meetings: The chair may services; repair and return; storage; and 4. A determination has been made that the call additional meetings, after consulting other related elements of logistical and pro- Republic of Korea can provide substantially with the ranking minority member. Sub- gram support. the same degree of protection for the sen- committee chairs may call meetings, with (iv) Military Department: Army (KS–B– sitive technology being released as the U.S. the of the chair, after con- ZIG). Government. This proposed sale is necessary sulting with the ranking minority members (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: KS–B–ZHW. in furtherance of the U.S. foreign policy and of the subcommittee and the committee. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- national security objectives outlined in the (c) Presiding Officer: fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. Policy Justification. (1) The chair shall preside at all meetings (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained 5. All defense articles and services listed in of the committee. If the chair is not present, in the Defense Article or Defense Services this transmittal have been authorized for re- the ranking member shall preside. If neither Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. lease and export to the Republic of Korea. the chair nor the ranking member is present, (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: f the responsibility for presiding shall alter- March 19, 2021. nate between the parties, beginning with the * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT chair’s party and based on seniority. Export Control Act. AND PUBLIC WORKS RULES OF (2) Subcommittee chairs shall preside at POLICY JUSTIFICATION PROCEDURE all meetings of their subcommittees. If the subcommittee chair is not present, the rank- Korea–AGM–114R Hellfire Missiles Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, the The Republic of Korea (ROK) has requested ing majority member of the subcommittee Committee on Environment and Public shall preside. to buy two hundred eighty-eight (288) AGM– Works has adopted rules governing its 114R Hellfire missiles. Also included are (3) Notwithstanding the rule prescribed by AGM–114R spare parts; U.S. Government and procedures for the 117th Congress. Pur- paragraphs (1) and (2), any member of the contractor engineering, technical, and logis- suant to rule XXVI, paragraph 2, of the committee may preside at a hearing. (d) Open Meetings: Meetings of the com- tics support services; repair and return; stor- Standing Rules of the Senate, I ask mittee and subcommittees, including hear- age; and other related elements of logistical unanimous consent that a copy of the ings and business meetings, are open to the and program support. The estimated total committee rules be printed in the public. A portion of a meeting may be closed cost is $36 million. RECORD. This proposed sale will support the foreign to the public if the committee determines by There being no objection, the mate- roll call vote of a majority of the members policy and national security objectives of rial was ordered to be printed in the the United States by meeting the legitimate present that the matters to be discussed or security and defense needs of one of the clos- RECORD, as follows: the testimony to be taken— (1) will disclose matters necessary to be est allies in the INDOPACOM Theater. The COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC kept secret in the interests of national de- ROK is one of the major political and eco- WORKS JURISDICTION fense or the confidential conduct of the for- nomic powers in East Asia and the Western (PURSUANT TO RULE XXV, STANDING RULES OF eign relations of the United States; Pacific and a key partner of the United THE SENATE) (2) relate solely to matters of committee States in ensuring peace and stability in 1. The following standing committees shall staff personnel or internal staff management that region. It is vital to U.S. national inter- be appointed at the commencement of each or procedure; or ests to assist the ROK in developing and Congress, and shall continue and have the (3) constitute any other grounds for clo- maintaining a strong and ready self-defense power to act until their successors are ap- sure under paragraph 5(b) of Senate Rule capability. pointed, with leave to report by bill or other- XXVI. The ROK intends to use these Hellfire mis- wise on matters within their respective ju- (e) Broadcasting: siles to supplement its existing missile capa- risdictions: (1) Public meetings of the committee or a bility and current weapon inventory for its (h)(1) Committee on Environment and Pub- subcommittee may be televised, broadcast, AH–64E aircraft. The proposed sale will im- lic Works, to which committee shall be re- or recorded by a member of the Senate press prove the ROK’s capability to meet current ferred all proposed legislation, messages, pe- gallery or an employee of the Senate. and future threats and ensure interoper- titions, memorials, and other matters relat- (2) Any member of the Senate Press Gal- ability with other AGM–114R Hellfire missile ing to the following subjects: lery or employee of the Senate wishing to users in the region. The Republic of Korea 1. Air pollution. televise, broadcast, or record a committee will have no difficulty absorbing this equip- 2. Construction and maintenance of high- meeting must notify the staff director or the ment into its armed forces. ways. staff director’s designee by 5:00 p.m. the day The proposed sale of this equipment and 3. Environmental aspects of Outer Conti- before the meeting. support will not alter the basic military bal- nental Shelf lands. (3) During public meetings, any person ance in the region. 4. Environmental effects of toxic sub- using a camera, microphone, or other elec- The contractor will be Lockheed stances, other than pesticides. tronic equipment may not position or use Martin Corporation, Orlando, FL. The pur- 5. Environmental policy. the equipment in a way that interferes with 6. Environmental research and develop- chaser typically requests offsets. Any offset the seating, vision, or hearing of committee agreements will be defined in negotiations ment. 7. Fisheries and wildlife. members or staff on the dais, or with the or- between the purchaser and the contractor. derly process of the meeting. Implementation of this proposed sale will 8. Flood control and improvement of rivers RULE 2. QUORUMS not require the assignment of any additional and harbors, including environmental as- U.S. Government or contractor representa- pects of deepwater ports. (a) Business Meetings: At committee busi- tives to the Republic of Korea. 9. Noise pollution. ness meetings, and for the purpose of approv- There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- 10. Nonmilitary environmental regulation ing the issuance of a subpoena or approving fense readiness as a result of this proposed and control of nuclear energy. a committee resolution, six members of the 11. Ocean dumping. sale. committee, at least three of whom are mem- 12. Public buildings and improved grounds bers of the minority party, constitute a TRANSMITTAL NO. 21–31 for the United States generally, including quorum, except as provided in subsection (d). Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Federal buildings in the District of Colum- (b) Subcommittee Meetings: At sub- Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the bia. committee business meetings, a majority of Arms Export Control Act 13. Public works, bridges, and dams. the subcommittee members, at least one of Annex Item No. vii 14. Regional economic development. whom is a member of the minority party, 15. Solid waste disposal and recycling. (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: 16. Water pollution. constitutes a quorum for conducting busi- 1. The AGM–114R is used against heavy and 17. Water resources. ness. light armored targets, thin skinned vehicles, (2) Such committee shall also study and re- (c) Continuing Quorum: Once a quorum as urban structures, bunkers, caves and per- view, on a comprehensive basis, matters re- prescribed in subsections (a) and (b) has been sonnel. The missile is Inertial Measurement lating to environmental protection and re- established, the committee or subcommittee Unit (IMU) based, with a variable delay fuse, source utilization and conservation, and re- may continue to conduct business. improved safety and reliability. port thereon from time to time. (d) Reporting: No measure or matter may 2. The highest level of classification of de- be reported to the Senate by the committee fense articles, components, and services in- RULES OF PROCEDURE unless a majority of committee members cluded in this potential sale is SECRET. RULE 1. COMMITTEE MEETINGS IN GENERAL cast votes in person. 3. If a technologically advanced adversary (a) Regular Meeting Days: For purposes of (e) Hearings: One member constitutes a were to obtain knowledge of the specific complying with paragraph 3 of Senate Rule quorum for conducting a hearing.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.017 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1763

RULE 3. HEARINGS the ranking member of the committee or ernment), alteration and repair, or acquisi- (a) Announcements: Before the committee subcommittee. tion, the committee shall act with respect to or a subcommittee holds a hearing, the chair RULE 5. BUSINESS MEETINGS: VOTING the prospectus during the same session in which the prospectus is submitted. of the committee or subcommittee shall, (a) Proxy Voting: A prospectus rejected by majority vote of after consultation with the ranking member, (1) Proxy voting is allowed on all meas- the committee or not reported to the Senate make a public announcement and provide ures, amendments, resolutions, or other mat- during the session in which it was submitted notice to members of the date, place, time, ters before the committee or a sub- shall be returned to the General Services Ad- and subject matter of the hearing. The an- committee. ministration and must then be resubmitted nouncement and notice shall be issued at (2) A member who is unable to attend a in order to be considered by the committee least one week in advance of the hearing, un- business meeting may submit a proxy vote during the next session of the Congress. less the chair of the committee or sub- on any matter, in writing, orally, or through (2) A report of a building project survey committee, with the concurrence of the personal instructions. submitted by the General Services Adminis- ranking minority member of the committee (3) A proxy given in writing is valid until tration to the committee under section 11(b) or subcommittee, determines that there is revoked. A proxy given orally or by personal of the Public Buildings Act of 1959, as good cause to provide a shorter period, in instructions is valid only on the day given. amended, may not be considered by the com- which event the announcement and notice (b) Subsequent Voting: Members who were mittee as being a prospectus subject to ap- shall be issued at least twenty-four hours in not present at a business meeting and were proval by committee resolution in accord- advance of the hearing. The chair and the unable to cast their votes by proxy may ance with section 7(a) of that Act. A project ranking member shall seek to attain an record their votes later, so long as they do so described in the report may be considered for equal balance of the two parties when select- that same business day and their vote does committee action only if it is submitted as a ing subjects for and scheduling hearings. not change the outcome. prospectus in accordance with section 7(a) (b) Statements of Witnesses: (c) Public Announcement: and is subject to the provisions of paragraph (1) A witness who is scheduled to testify at (1) Whenever the committee conducts a (1) of this rule. a hearing of the committee or a sub- rollcall vote, the chair shall announce the (d) Naming Public Facilities: The com- committee shall file 100 copies of the written results of the vote, including a tabulation of mittee may not name a building, structure testimony at least 48 hours before the hear- the votes cast in favor and the votes cast or facility for any living person, except ing. If a witness fails to comply with this re- against the proposition by each member of former Presidents or former Vice Presidents quirement, the presiding officer may pre- the committee. of the United States, former Members of clude the witness’ testimony. This rule may (2) Whenever the committee reports any Congress over 70 years of age, former Jus- be waived for field hearings, except for wit- measure or matter by rollcall vote, the re- tices of the United States Supreme Court nesses from the Federal Government. port shall include a tabulation of the votes over 70 years of age, or Federal judges who (2) Any witness planning to use at a hear- cast in favor of and the votes cast in opposi- are fully retired and over 75 years of age or ing any exhibit such as a chart, graph, dia- tion to the measure or matter by each mem- have taken senior status and are over 75 gram, photo, map, slide, or model must sub- ber of the committee. mit one identical copy of the exhibit (or rep- years of age. RULE 6. SUBCOMMITTEES resentation of the exhibit in the case of a RULE 8. AMENDING THE RULES model) and 100 copies reduced to letter or (a) Regularly Established Subcommittees: The rules may be added to, modified, legal paper size at least 48 hours before the The committee has four subcommittees: amended, or suspended by vote of a majority hearing. Any exhibit described above that is Transportation and Infrastructure; Clean of committee members at a business meeting not provided to the committee at least 48 Air, Climate and Nuclear Safety; Chemical if a quorum is present. hours prior to the hearing cannot be used for Safety, Waste Management, Environmental f purpose of presenting testimony to the com- Justice and Regulatory Oversight; and Fish- mittee and will not be included in the hear- eries, Water, and Wildlife. STOP ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING IN ing record. (b) Membership: The committee chair, FIREARMS ACT (3) The presiding officer at a hearing may after consulting with the ranking minority have a witness confine the oral presentation member, shall select members of the sub- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, earlier to a summary of the written testimony. committees. this week, I joined Senator LEAHY in (4) For any hearing, both the chair and the RULE 7. STATUTORY RESPONSIBILITIES AND introducing the Stop Illegal Traf- ranking member are entitled to an equal OTHER MATTERS ficking in Firearms Act. Our bill would number of non-federal government witnesses. (a) Environmental Impact Statements: No strengthen Federal law by making it (5) Notwithstanding a request that a docu- project or legislation proposed by any execu- easier for prosecutors to go after gun ment be embargoed, any document that is to tive branch agency may be approved or oth- be discussed at a hearing, including, but not traffickers and straw purchasers, those erwise acted upon unless the committee has individuals without criminal records limited to, those produced by the General received a final environmental impact state- Accounting Office, Congressional Budget Of- who buy firearms for other people so ment relative to it, in accordance with sec- they can bypass the Federal back- fice, Congressional Research Service, a Fed- tion 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental eral agency, an Inspector General, or a non- Policy Act, and the written comments of the ground checks law. Our bill would also governmental entity, shall be provided to all Administrator of the Environmental Protec- fully protect the rights of the vast ma- members of the committee at least 72 hours tion Agency, in accordance with section 309 jority of gun owners who are law-abid- before the hearing. of the Clean Air Act. This rule is not in- ing citizens. RULE 4. BUSINESS MEETINGS: NOTICE AND tended to broaden, narrow, or otherwise Straw purchasing is intended to FILING REQUIREMENTS modify the class of projects or legislative achieve one result: to put a gun in the (a) Notice: The chair of the committee or proposals for which environmental impact hands of a criminal who cannot legally the subcommittee shall, after consultation statements are required under section obtain one. Today, traffickers, in par- with the ranking member of the committee 102(2)(C). or the subcommittee, provide notice, the (b) Project Approvals: ticular, exploit weaknesses in Federal agenda of business to be discussed, and the (1) Whenever the committee authorizes a law by targeting people who can law- text of agenda items to members of the com- project under Public Law 89–298, the Rivers fully purchase guns. Then, those traf- mittee or subcommittee at least 72 hours be- and Harbors Act of 1965; Public Law 83–566, fickers use those guns to commit fore a business meeting. If the 72 hours falls the Watershed Protection and Flood Preven- crimes or sell them to other criminals. over a weekend, all materials will be pro- tion Act; or Public Law 86–249, the Public They often ship them across State vided by close of business on Friday. The Buildings Act of 1959, as amended; the chair- lines, straight up I–95’s ‘‘Iron Pipeline’’ chair and the ranking member shall seek to man shall submit for printing in the Con- and other interstate highways. They attain an equal balance of the interests of gressional Record, and the committee shall the two parties when setting the agenda of publish periodically as a committee print, a frequently connect with criminal gangs business meetings. report that describes the project and the rea- that are ready to sell or trade those (b) Amendments: First-degree amendments sons for its approval, together with any dis- guns for prescription opioids, heroin, must be filed with the chair of the com- senting or individual views. and fentanyl, and commit other mittee or the subcommittee at least 24 hours (2) Proponents of a committee resolution crimes. before a business meeting. After the filing shall submit appropriate evidence in favor of Yet right now, a straw purchaser can deadline, the chair shall promptly distribute the resolution. be prosecuted only for lying on a Fed- all filed amendments to the members of the (c) Building Prospectuses: eral form, a paperwork violation. Our committee or subcommittee. (1) When the General Services Administra- (c) Modifications: The chair of the com- tion submits a prospectus, pursuant to sec- bill would create new criminal offenses mittee or the subcommittee may modify the tion 7(a) of the Public Buildings Act of 1959, for straw purchasing, which would help notice and filing requirements to meet spe- as amended, for construction (including con- law enforcement officials take down cial circumstances, with the concurrence of struction of buildings for lease by the gov- these criminal enterprises.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.014 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 The heroin and fentanyl epidemic is Furthermore, the bill expressly pro- Americans has helped pull our Nation taking a devastating toll on all of our hibits any authority provided by this through difficult times. Irish Ameri- communities. Police officers in Maine act from being used to establish a Fed- cans, despite facing trials and persecu- tell me about the familiar patterns eral firearms registry. tion, have persevered and have left a they see: Drug dealers and gang mem- The Stop Illegal Trafficking and lasting, beneficial impact on our Na- bers, often from out-of-State and with Firearms Act will help keep guns out tion; Yet they also maintain a strong criminal records, cross into Maine and of the hands of criminals without in- and unique sense of identity and love approach drug addicts to be their straw fringing upon the constitutional rights for the Emerald Isle, enriching the di- buyers, people with clean records who of law-abiding citizens. I urge my col- versity of our lives and communities. may legally purchase firearms. They leagues to support this legislation. So, this month, in addition to donning target addicts, who exchange guns for f your green and enjoying a pint of heroin to support their drug depend- Guinness, I call on all Americans to re- IRISH-AMERICAN HERITAGE encies, and the cycle repeats time and member and appreciate the many con- MONTH again. tributions of the Irish here in America. I received a briefing from Federal law Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I f enforcement officials about a case in wish to commemorate Irish-American HONORING OFFICER TYLER Maine fitting this exact pattern. Gang Heritage Month and the many con- HERDON members trafficked crack cocaine and tributions of Irish immigrants to the heroin between New Haven, CT, and United States of America. The Irish Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I want to Bangor, ME, and committed acts of vi- have been a part of our country since honor the life of Officer Tyler Avery olence including assaults, armed rob- its foundation. Donegal-born Richard Herndon of the Mount Holly Police De- beries, , and murder. Montgomery was the first American partment. On December 11, 2020, Officer They traded narcotics for firearms and general to lose his life in the Revolu- Herndon’s life was tragically cut short then distributed those firearms to tionary War. Especially during the 19th at just 25 years old while responding to other gang members. This is exactly and early 20th centuries, many Irish a report of a break-in. I want to take a the criminal activity our bill aims to immigrants came to America to escape moment to remember him and his com- prevent. And our bill would com- religious persecution, famine, and eco- mitment to his community. Officer Herndon had served in the plement existing laws that target nomic hardship, and to seek new oppor- Mount Holly Police Department for criminals who are profiting off of fire- tunities for themselves and their fami- just shy of 2 years before his young life arm and drug trafficking. lies. It is very difficult to prevent and Maryland’s long tradition of religious was taken. He had ambitions of becom- prosecute straw purchasing offenses tolerance provided safe haven for many ing an FBI agent and was approaching under current Federal law. As I stated, Irish Catholics fleeing religious perse- the time needed as a police officer to right now, a straw purchaser can be cution as early as the 17th century. become eligible to apply. He was de- scribed by his fellow officers as ‘‘the prosecuted only for lying on a Federal Maryland again became a leading des- guy you just can’t help but like’’ and form, which amounts to a paperwork tination for the Irish during the Great someone who ‘‘lived a life of service, violation. Hunger in the early 19th century. The The Stop Illegal Trafficking in Fire- Irish helped build and defend our coun- and always wanted to do what he could arms Act would create new, specific try. They became farmers, soldiers, to help others.’’ Officer Herndon served the people of criminal offenses for straw purchasing firefighters, police officers, factory Mount Holly, NC, and today, we re- and trafficking in firearms. Instead of workers, labor organizers, and politi- member how he made the ultimate sac- a slap on the wrist, these crimes would cians. Many Irish immigrants settled rifice. I want his family and the Mount be punishable by up to 15 years in pris- in southwest Baltimore and contrib- Holly Police Department to know that on. For those straw purchasers who uted great numbers to the workforce my thoughts and prayers are with know or have reasonable cause to be- that built America’s first railroad, the them as they grieve the loss of this ex- lieve that the firearm they are acquir- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. ceptional young man. I know that Offi- ing will be used to commit a crime of Irish Marylanders have made notable cer Herndon will be forever missed, and violence, that crime would be punish- contributions to both our Nation and his service and sacrifice will not be for- able by up to 25 years in prison. our State in politics, science, and edu- gotten. Our bill would also strengthen exist- cation. Marylander Charles Carroll of ing laws that prohibit gun smuggling. Carrollton, a third-generation Irish f Right now, it is illegal for someone to American, signed the Declaration of ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS smuggle a firearm into the United Independence, was a Founding Father, States with the intent to engage in and served as the first U.S. Senator for --- drug trafficking or violent crime. To Maryland. Medical trailblazer John 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOOD combat the drug cartels operating Crawford emigrated from Ireland to BANK OF DELAWARE across our southern border, however, Maryland and became famous for his ∑ Mr. CARPER. Mr. President, I rise we must also prohibit firearms and am- contributions to eradicating smallpox, today on behalf of Delaware’s congres- munition from being trafficked out of helping to identify transmission path- sional delegation in honor of the Food the United States for these illegal pur- ways, and improving vaccine distribu- Bank of Delaware, which has provided poses. In doing so, our bill would pro- tion. Maryland has been home to nu- healthy, nutritious food and education vide an important tool to combat traf- merous Irish Catholic bishops includ- to Delaware families for 40 years. ficking organizations that are export- ing John Carroll, James Gibbons, and The Food Bank of Delaware began its ing firearms and ammunition from the Michael Curley. Bishop Carroll founded work in 1981 out of a modest basement United States and into Mexico where two universities, including St. Mary’s in the Northeast State Services Center they are used by drug cartels that are College and Seminary. Bishop Gibbons in Wilmington. Today, it is the largest in turn fueling the heroin crisis here at advocated for the protection of ex- hunger relief organization in the State. home. ploited laborers during industrial ex- In the last fiscal year alone, the Food I also want to emphasize that our bill pansion. Bishop Curley expanded edu- Bank of Delaware distributed more protects the Second Amendment right cation opportunities throughout Mary- than 15 million pounds of food, served of law-abiding citizens. It protects le- land. Descendants of Irish immigrants more than 49,000 households through gitimate private gun sales and is - have also left their mark on America its mobile pantry program, distributed ed to avoid sweeping in innocent trans- and on Maryland. Famous Marylanders 143,000 backpacks stocked with food to actions and placing unnecessary bur- with Irish ancestry include Edgar Allen at-risk youth, provided nearly 28,000 dens on lawful, private sales. It ex- Poe and Michael Phelps. supplemental food boxes to seniors, and pressly exempts certain transactions When the Irish came to America, inspired volunteers to give 49,000 hours that are allowed under current law, they brought a tremendous sense of of their time to help at its 2 ware- such as gifts, raffles, and auctions. pride and grit. The resiliency of Irish houses and food distribution events.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:35 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.012 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1765 But the Food Bank’s work didn’t stop Through his advocacy, he stood up for Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- there—it continues to address root the millions of people who would have tion to analyze and monitor domestic ter- causes of hunger by providing edu- been severely harmed by past legisla- rorist activity and require the Federal Gov- cation and resources to those experi- tive proposals to slash Medicaid. ernment to take steps to prevent domestic , and for other purposes. encing food insecurity so they can lift Alec was a man of many talents and themselves out of poverty and advocate pursuits. He attained his bachelor’s de- f for others. Its culinary program has gree in political science and master’s REPORTS OF COMMITTEES successfully graduated more than 700 degree in disability studies. In 2014, he The following reports of committees students since the program began in founded his own advocacy firm called were submitted: 2002, and its graduates can be found in Autistic Reality and served as a power- By Mr. MANCHIN, from the Committee on some of the finest restaurants around ful peer advocate, mentor, and advisor Energy and Natural Resources: the country. to others. Alec also published two Special Report entitled ‘‘History, Jurisdic- I particularly want to highlight the books, ‘‘Without Fear: The First Autis- tion, and a Summary of Activities of the work the Food Bank of Delaware and tic Superhero’’ and ‘‘Veni! Vidi! Au- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources its 54 full- and part-time employees tism!,’’ that shape how we think about During the 116th Congress’’ (Rept. No. 117–4). have done and continue to do since the representation of people with au- By Mr. SCHATZ, from the Committee on March 16, 2020, when they were called Indian Affairs, without amendment: tism and disabilities in the arts. S. 144. A bill to authorize the Secretary of to respond to the overwhelming need Through his written and spoken words, Health and Human Services, acting through brought on by the COVID–19 pandemic. Alec sought to deepen others’ under- the Director of the Indian Health Service, to During this time they facilitated 33 standing and appreciation of the varied acquire private land to facilitate access to mass drive through food distribution experiences of people living with au- the Desert Sage Youth Wellness Center in events throughout Delaware serving tism and disabilities. Hemet, California, and for other purposes 42,847 households, served 34,706 house- Alec believed in and exemplified the (Rept. No. 117–5). holds through the Healthy Pantry Cen- motto, ‘‘nothing about us without us.’’ S. 371. A bill to direct the Secretary of the ters at its Newark and Milford loca- Interior to take certain land located in Pinal Any individual or group of people de- County, Arizona, into trust for the benefit of tions, distributed 153,431 Farmers to serve to shape the decisions made the Gila River Indian Community, and for Families Food Boxes, and provided about them. Alec shaped his own path other purposes (Rept. No. 117–6). 353,009 meals and snacks to homeless and destiny, and he empowered others By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee Delawareans housed throughout the to do the same along the way. on Foreign Relations, without amendment State to slow the spread of the I ask my colleagues to join me in and with a preamble: coronavirus. sending our gratitude for Alec Frazier’s S. Res. 22. A resolution reaffirming the On behalf of both, U.S. Senator CHRIS life, as well as our condolences to his partnership between the United States and the Republic of Ecuador and recognizing the COONS and U.S. Representative LISA father Donald Frazier, his mother restoration and advancement of economic re- BLUNT ROCHESTER, I rise today to Danielle Fuld, and his brother Nicholas lations, security, and development opportu- honor the Food Bank of Delaware, its Fuld Frazier. May we carry on his nities in both nations. employees, and volunteers for 40 years work to build a more inclusive society S. Res. 34. A resolution recognizing the of continued dedication to the health where all Americans can thrive and 200th anniversary of the independence of and nourishment of the citizens of reach their highest potential.∑ Greece and celebrating democracy in Greece and the United States. Delaware. We know your impact on the f lives of so many has been great, and By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee your goal of ending hunger is one we MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT on Foreign Relations, with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and with an will continue to work together on until Messages from the President of the amended preamble: we can reach the goal of eradicating United States were communicated to S. Res. 35. A resolution condemning the food insecurity for Delaware.∑ the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his military coup that took place on February 1, f secretaries. 2021, in Burma and the Burmese military’s detention of civilian leaders, calling for an TRIBUTE TO ALEC FRAZIER f immediate and unconditional release of all ∑ Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. President, I EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED those detained and for those elected to serve in parliament to resume their duties without rise today to honor the life and legacy In executive session the Presiding Of- of Alexander Fuld Frazier, a remark- impediment, and for other purposes. ficer laid before the Senate messages S. Res. 36. A resolution reaffirming the able constituent who tirelessly advo- from the President of the United strategic partnership between the United cated for disability rights for himself States submitting sundry nominations States and Mongolia and recognizing the and on behalf of others. which were referred to the Committee 30th anniversary of democracy in Mongolia. Alec emerged as a leader and power- on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- S. Res. 37. A resolution expressing soli- darity with the San Isidro Movement in ful advocate for disability rights and tation. inclusion early in life. When he was 13, Cuba, condemning escalated attacks against (The messages received today are artistic freedoms in Cuba, and calling for the he spoke before sessions of Colorado’s printed at the end of the Senate House and Senate Education Commit- repeal of laws that violate freedom of expres- proceedings.) sion and the immediate release of arbitrarily tees about the importance of special f detained artists, journalists, and activists. education funding. Thanks to his ef- By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee forts, Colorado ultimately lifted the MEASURES PLACED ON THE on Foreign Relations, without amendment cap on funds for special education CALENDAR and with a preamble: through a State constitutional amend- S. Res. 44. A resolution denouncing the The following bill was read the sec- ment. At an early age, Alec was suc- Maduro regime’s fraudulent legislative elec- ond time, and placed on the calendar: cessful in pushing for change that tions, the absence of acceptable conditions meaningfully improved the lives of S. 937. A bill to facilitate the expedited re- to ensure free, fair, and transparent electoral view of COVID–19 hate crimes, and for other processes in Venezuela, and the further ero- others. purposes. sion of Venezuelan democracy. I first met Alec in 2017 through his f S. Res. 81. A resolution honoring Las advocacy on Capitol Hill. He shared Damas de Blanco, a women-led nonviolent firsthand how Medicaid made it pos- MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME movement in support of freedom and human sible for him to lead a complete, ful- rights in Cuba, and calling for the release of The following bills were read the first filling life. Alec was diagnosed with au- all political prisoners in Cuba. time: tism at a young age, and some profes- By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee sionals suggested institutionalization H.R. 1868. An act to prevent across-the- on Foreign Relations, with an amendment in board direct spending cuts, and for other the nature of a substitute and an amendment as he grew up. With the help of Med- purposes. to the title and with an amended preamble: icaid, he benefitted from many services S. 963. A bill to authorize dedicated domes- S. Res. 97. A resolution calling on the Gov- including therapy and an emergency tic terrorism offices within the Department ernment of Ethiopia, the Tigray People’s brain surgery that saved his life. of Homeland Security, the Department of Liberation Front, and other belligerents to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:54 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.062 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 cease all hostilities, protect , purposes; to the Committee on Environment parency among packers that purchase live- allow unfettered humanitarian access, and and Public Works. stock from producers; to the Committee on cooperate with independent investigations of By Mr. VAN HOLLEN (for himself and Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. credible atrocity allegations pertaining to Mr. CARDIN): By Mr. BRAUN (for himself, Mr. the conflict in the Tigray Region of Ethi- S. 940. A bill to amend title 49, United MANCHIN, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mr. opia. States Code, to establish a National Transit BARRASSO, Mr. BURR, Mrs. CAPITO, By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee Frontline Workforce Training Center, and Ms. ERNST, Ms. HASSAN, and Ms. on Foreign Relations, without amendment for other purposes; to the Committee on SINEMA): and with a preamble: Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. S. 950. A bill to provide that Members of S. Res. 99. A resolution observing the 10th By Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. Congress may not receive pay after October AINE): anniversary of the uprising in Syria. K 1 of any fiscal year in which Congress has S. 941. A bill to amend title 23, United By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee not approved a concurrent resolution on the States Code, to improve the transportation on Foreign Relations, with an amendment in budget and passed the regular appropriations infrastructure finance and innovation the nature of a substitute and with an bills; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- (TIFIA) program, and for other purposes; to amended preamble: rity and Governmental Affairs. the Committee on Environment and Public S. Res. 117. A resolution expressing support By Mrs. FISCHER (for herself, Mr. Works. for the full implementation of the Good Fri- BOOKER, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. By Ms. BALDWIN (for herself, Ms. STA- day Agreement, or the Agreement, MENENDEZ, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Ms. BENOW, Mr. CASEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. and subsequent agreements and arrange- ROSEN, Mr. RUBIO, Ms. WARREN, and BROWN, Mr. WARNER, Mr. MURPHY, ments for implementation to support peace Mr. CORNYN): on the island of Ireland. Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MENENDEZ, Ms. By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee ROSEN, Mr. KAINE, Mrs. MURRAY, Mrs. S. 951. A bill to direct the Secretary of Vet- on Foreign Relations, without amendment SHAHEEN, Ms. SMITH, Mr. VAN HOL- erans Affairs to make grants to eligible orga- and with an amended preamble: LEN, Mr. KING, Mr. BENNET, Ms. KLO- nizations to provide service dogs to veterans S. Res. 120. A resolution recognizing the BUCHAR, Mr. REED, Ms. DUCKWORTH, with severe post-traumatic stress disorder, Ninth Summit of the Americas and reaffirm- Mr. CARPER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. DURBIN, and for other purposes; to the Committee on ing the commitment of the United States to Mr. LEAHY, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. CORTEZ Veterans’ Affairs. a more prosperous, secure, and democratic MASTO, Ms. WARREN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and Western Hemisphere. Mr. TESTER, and Mr. PETERS): Mr. RUBIO): By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee S. 942. A bill to provide that the rule enti- S. 952. A bill to amend title 38, United on Foreign Relations, with an amendment in tled ‘‘Short-Term, Limited Duration Insur- States Code, to provide for a presumption of the nature of a substitute and with an ance’’ shall have no force or effect; to the service connection for certain diseases asso- amended preamble: Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and ciated with exposure to toxins, and for other S. Res. 122. A resolution reaffirming the Pensions. purposes; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- importance of United States alliances and By Mr. GRAHAM (for himself and Mr. fairs. partnerships. SCOTT of South Carolina): By Mr. WYDEN (for himself and Mr. S. 943. A bill to prohibit the use of Federal By Mr. MENENDEZ, from the Committee MERKLEY): on Foreign Relations, without amendment: funds to close or realign the Marine Corps S. 953. A bill to provide for drought pre- S. 335. A bill to reauthorize the Tropical Recruit Depot located at Parris Island, paredness and improved water supply reli- Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act of South Carolina; to the Committee on Armed ability; to the Committee on Energy and 1998. Services. Natural Resources. By Mr. CARPER, from the Committee on By Mr. GRAHAM (for himself and Mr. By Mrs. GILLIBRAND (for herself and Environment and Public Works, without SCOTT of South Carolina): Mr. WARNOCK): amendment: S. 944. A bill to amend the Communica- S. 400. A bill to designate the headquarters tions Act of 1934 to establish a program to S. 954. A bill to modernize voter registra- building of the Department of Transpor- expand access to broadband in unserved and tion, promote access to voting for individ- tation located at 1200 New Jersey Avenue, underserved areas, and for other purposes; to uals with disabilities, protect the ability of SE, in Washington, DC, as the ‘‘William T. the Committee on Commerce, Science, and individuals to exercise the right to vote in Coleman, Jr., Federal Building’’. Transportation. elections for Federal office, and for other By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mrs. purposes; to the Committee on Rules and Ad- f GILLIBRAND, Ms. SMITH, Ms. KLO- ministration. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF BUCHAR, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. PADILLA, By Mr. TESTER (for himself and Mrs. COMMITTEE Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. FISCHER): DUCKWORTH, Mr. TESTER, and Mr. S. 955. A bill to require the Federal Rail- The following executive reports of BLUMENTHAL): road Administration and the Federal High- nominations were submitted: S. 945. A bill to provide temporary impact aid construction grants to eligible local edu- way Administration to provide recommenda- By Mr. CARPER for the Committee on En- cational agencies, and for other purposes; to tions for reducing the number of very rural vironment and Public Works. the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, highway-rail grade crossing collisions, to au- * Brenda Mallory, of Maryland, to be a and Pensions. thorize a public outreach and educational Member of the Council on Environmental By Mr. LANKFORD (for himself and program to reduce such collisions, and to au- Quality. thorize grants to improve grade crossing Mr. PETERS): * Janet Garvin McCabe, of Indiana, to be S. 946. A bill to amend title 40, United safety; to the Committee on Commerce, Deputy Administrator of the Environmental States Code, to modify the treatment of cer- Science, and Transportation. Protection Agency. tain bargain-price options to purchase at less By Mr. KENNEDY: * Nomination was reported with rec- than fair market value, and for other pur- S. 956. A bill to require adequate reporting ommendation that it be confirmed sub- poses; to the Committee on Environment and of ethics, personal finance, and disclosure re- ject to the nominee’s commitment to Public Works. ports for justices of the Supreme Court of respond to requests to appear and tes- By Mr. RUBIO: the United States; to the Committee on the tify before any duly constituted com- S. 947. A bill to provide standards for phys- Judiciary. ical condition and management of housing mittee of the Senate. By Mr. KENNEDY (for himself and Mr. receiving assistance payments under section BRAUN): f 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937; to S. 957. A bill to direct the Secretary of Vet- the Committee on Banking, Housing, and erans Affairs to ensure that certain medical INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Urban Affairs. facilities of the Department of Veterans Af- JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. SCOTT of Florida: S. 948. A bill to protect American small fairs have physical locations for the disposal The following bills and joint resolu- of controlled substances medications; to the tions were introduced, read the first businesses, gig workers, and freelancers by repealing the burdensome American Rescue Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. and second times by unanimous con- Plan Act of 2021 transactions reporting By Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Ms. sent, and referred as indicated: threshold; to the Committee on Finance. COLLINS): By Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself and By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. S. 958. A bill to amend the Public Health Ms. COLLINS): TESTER, Mr. HOEVEN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. Service Act to expand the allowable use cri- S. 939. A bill to encourage the research and ERNST, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. teria for new access points grants for com- use of innovative materials and associated BOOKER, and Mr. DAINES): munity health centers; to the Committee on techniques in the construction and preserva- S. 949. A bill to amend the Agricultural Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. tion of the domestic transportation and Marketing Act of 1946 to foster efficient mar- By Mr. GRAHAM (for himself, Mr. water infrastructure system, and for other kets and increase competition and trans- TILLIS, and Mr. BARRASSO):

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:54 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.022 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1767

S. 959. A bill to amend the William Wilber- Mr. WARNOCK, Ms. WARREN, Mr. S. 222 force Trafficking Victims Protection Reau- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. BEN- At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the thorization Act of 2008 to protect alien mi- NET, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND): name of the Senator from Connecticut nors and to amend the Immigration and Na- S. Res. 133. A resolution condemning all tionality Act to end abuse of the asylum sys- forms of anti-Asian sentiment as related to (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- tem and establish refugee application and COVID–19; to the Committee on the Judici- sponsor of S. 222, a bill to establish processing centers outside the United States, ary. American opportunity accounts, and and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. SCOTT of for other purposes. the Judiciary. Florida, Mr. MORAN, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. S. 403 By Mr. CRUZ (for himself, Mr. SCOTT of LANKFORD, and Mr. BRAUN): At the request of Mr. YOUNG, the Florida, Mr. HAWLEY, Mr. SASSE, Mr. S. Res. 134. A resolution expressing the CORNYN, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. COTTON, sense of the Senate that the President names of the Senator from North Da- Mrs. BLACKBURN, and Mr. RUBIO): should work with the Government of the kota (Mr. CRAMER), the Senator from S. 960. A bill to provide for proper treat- to conclude negotiations for Idaho (Mr. RISCH) and the Senator from ment of Taiwan government representatives; a comprehensive agreement be- Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) were added as to the Committee on Foreign Relations. tween the United States and the United cosponsors of S. 403, a bill to preserve By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. VAN Kingdom; to the Committee on Finance. open competition and Federal Govern- By Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself, HOLLEN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. SCHATZ, and ment neutrality towards the labor rela- Ms. BALDWIN): Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. BENNET, Mr. S. 961. A bill to prioritize funding for an ex- WHITEHOUSE, Ms. SMITH, Mr. BOOKER, tions of Federal Government contrac- panded and sustained national investment in Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. tors on Federal and federally funded basic science research; to the Committee on ROSEN, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. REED, Mr. construction projects, and for other Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. VAN HOLLEN, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. KAINE, purposes. Ms. WARREN, Mr. COONS, Ms. HASSAN, By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. VAN S. 450 HOLLEN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BROWN, Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. URR Mr. CARDIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. DUR- At the request of Mr. B , the Ms. KLOBUCHAR): BIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MARKEY, names of the Senator from West Vir- S. 962. A bill to prioritize funding for an ex- Ms. HIRONO, Mr. BROWN, Mr. CARDIN, ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) and the Senator panded and sustained national investment in Ms. BALDWIN, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. from South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS) were biomedical research; to the Committee on PADILLA, Mr. CASEY, Mr. HEINRICH, added as cosponsors of S. 450, a bill to Appropriations. Mr. KELLY, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. award posthumously the Congressional ´ By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. WYDEN, and Mr. LUJAN): Gold Medal to Emmett Till and Mamie S. Res. 135. A resolution recognizing the HIRONO, and Ms. DUCKWORTH): Till-Mobley. S. 963. A bill to authorize dedicated domes- heritage, culture, and contributions of tic terrorism offices within the Department Latinas in the United States; to the Com- S. 457 of Homeland Security, the Department of mittee on the Judiciary. At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- f name of the Senator from Delaware tion to analyze and monitor domestic ter- ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor rorist activity and require the Federal Gov- of S. 457, a bill to establish a grant pro- ernment to take steps to prevent domestic S. 51 terrorism, and for other purposes; read the gram for innovative partnerships At the request of Mr. CARPER, the first time. among teacher preparation programs, By Mr. DURBIN: name of the Senator from Montana local educational agencies, and com- S. 964. A bill to authorize dedicated domes- (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor munity-based organizations to expand tic terrorism offices within the Department of S. 51, a bill to provide for the admis- access to high-quality tutoring in hard- of Homeland Security, the Department of sion of the State of Washington, D.C. to-staff schools and high-need schools, Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- into the Union. and for other purposes. tion to analyze and monitor domestic ter- S. 115 rorist activity and require the Federal Gov- S. 479 At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the ernment to take steps to prevent domestic At the request of Mr. WICKER, the name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. terrorism; to the Committee on the Judici- names of the Senator from Arizona CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- ary. (Ms. SINEMA) and the Senator from sor of S. 115, a bill to direct the Sec- f California (Mr. PADILLA) were added as retary of Commerce to conduct a study cosponsors of S. 479, a bill to amend the SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND and submit to Congress a report on the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to rein- SENATE RESOLUTIONS effects of the COVID–19 pandemic on state advance refunding bonds. the travel and tourism industry in the The following concurrent resolutions S. 488 and Senate resolutions were read, and United States, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. HAGERTY, the referred (or acted upon), as indicated: S. 127 name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. By Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Mr. At the request of Mr. REED, the name BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. HOEVEN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mrs. HYDE- of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. 488, a bill to provide for congressional SMITH, Mr. RISCH, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. CRAPO, Mr. BARRASSO, Ms. LUMMIS, 127, a bill to support library infrastruc- review of actions to terminate or waive Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. COTTON, Mr. ture. sanctions imposed with respect to Iran. CRAMER, Mr. YOUNG, Ms. ERNST, Mr. S. 145 S. 543 BRAUN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mrs. CAP- At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the ITO, Mr. THUNE, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, At the request of Mr. DAINES, the name of the Senator from Montana Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. CRUZ, Mr. DAINES, name of the Senator from Alaska (Mr. and Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina): SULLIVAN) was added as a cosponsor of (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor S. Res. 132. A resolution expressing the S. 145, a bill to amend title 5, United of S. 543, a bill to amend the Packers sense of the Senate that the current influx of States Code, to repeal the requirement and Stockyards Act, 1921, to establish a migrants is causing a crisis at the Southern that the United States Postal Service cattle contract library, and for other border; to the Committee on the Judiciary. prepay future retirement benefits, and purposes. By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Ms. for other purposes. S. 552 DUCKWORTH, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. S. 193 At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, At the request of Mr. THUNE, the names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Mr. CARPER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, name of the Senator from Nebraska DURBIN) and the Senator from New Jer- Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. (Mrs. FISCHER) was added as a cospon- sey (Mr. BOOKER) were added as cospon- FEINSTEIN, Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLO- sor of S. 193, a bill to require the Ad- sors of S. 552, a bill to direct the Ad- BUCHAR, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, ministrator of the Environmental Pro- ministrator of the United States Agen- Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. PADILLA, Mr. REED, Ms. tection Agency to update the modeling cy for International Development to ROSEN, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. SCHATZ, used for lifecycle greenhouse gas as- submit to Congress a report on the im- Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. STABE- sessments for corn-based ethanol and pact of the COVID–19 pandemic on NOW, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. WARNER, biodiesel, and for other purposes. global basic education programs.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:54 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.025 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 S. 611 CORNYN) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 903 At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the 774, a bill to amend title 18, United At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, names of the Senator from West Vir- States Code, to punish criminal of- the name of the Senator from Mis- ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) and the Senator fenses targeting law enforcement offi- sissippi (Mrs. HYDE-SMITH) was added from North Carolina (Mr. BURR) were cers, and for other purposes. as a cosponsor of S. 903, a bill to amend added as cosponsors of S. 611, a bill to S. 805 the Immigration and Nationality Act deposit certain funds into the Crime At the request of Mr. LEE, the name to require a DNA test to determine the Victims Fund, to waive matching re- of the Senator from North Carolina familial relationship between an alien quirements, and for other purposes. (Mr. BURR) was added as a cosponsor of and an accompanying minor, and for S. 623 S. 805, a bill to repeal the wage require- other purposes. At the request of Mr. RUBIO, the ments of the Davis-Bacon Act. S. 910 name of the Senator from New Mexico S. 834 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the (Mr. HEINRICH) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. sor of S. 623, a bill to make daylight name of the Senator from New York DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor saving time permanent, and for other (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- of S. 910, a bill to create protections for purposes. sponsor of S. 834, a bill to amend title financial institutions that provide fi- S. 632 XVIII of the Social Security Act to nancial services to cannabis-related le- At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the provide for the distribution of addi- gitimate businesses and service pro- name of the Senator from Minnesota tional residency positions, and for viders for such businesses, and for (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- other purposes. other purposes. sponsor of S. 632, a bill to amend chap- S. 844 S. 918 ter 11 of title 35, United States Code, to At the request of Mr. THUNE, the At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the require the voluntary collection of de- name of the Senator from Arkansas name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. mographic information for patent in- (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- RISCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. ventors, and for other purposes. sor of S. 844, a bill to amend the Inter- 918, a bill to offer financial support to S. 644 nal Revenue Code of 1986 to treat cer- health care providers, and for other At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the tain amounts paid for physical activ- purposes. names of the Senator from South Da- ity, fitness, and exercise as amounts S. 937 kota (Mr. ROUNDS) and the Senator paid for medical care. At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER) were S. 864 names of the Senator from Maryland added as cosponsors of S. 644, a bill to At the request of Mr. KAINE, the (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from Rhode amend title XVIII of the Social Secu- name of the Senator from Arkansas Island (Mr. REED) and the Senator from rity Act to restore State authority to (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- Michigan (Mr. PETERS) were added as waive for certain facilities the 35-mile sor of S. 864, a bill to extend Federal cosponsors of S. 937, a bill to facilitate rule for designating critical access hos- Pell Grant eligibility of certain short- the expedited review of COVID–19 hate pitals under the Medicare program, and term programs. crimes, and for other purposes. for other purposes. S. 874 S.J. RES. 10 S. 662 At the request of Ms. WARREN, the At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the name of the Senator from Rhode Island At the request of Mr. KAINE, the name of the Senator from Wisconsin name of the Senator from North Caro- (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) was added as a co- lina (Mr. TILLIS) was added as a co- sponsor of S. 874, a bill to establish a (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- sponsor of S. 662, a bill to establish an green transportation infrastructure sor of S.J. Res. 10, a joint resolution to interactive online dashboard to allow grant program, and for other purposes. repeal the authorizations for use of military force against Iraq, and for the public to review information for S. 881 other purposes. Federal grant funding related to men- At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the tal health programs. name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. S. RES. 34 S. 701 WARNER) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the At the request of Mr. MORAN, the 881, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- names of the Senator from Virginia name of the Senator from West Vir- enue Code of 1986 to increase the na- (Mr. KAINE), the Senator from Georgia ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) was added as a co- tional limitation amount for qualified (Mr. WARNOCK) and the Senator from sponsor of S. 701, a bill to amend titles highway or surface freight transfer fa- Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) were added XVIII and XIX of the Social Security cility bonds. as cosponsors of S. Res. 34, a resolution Act to provide equal coverage of in S. 884 recognizing the 200th anniversary of vitro specific IgE tests and At the request of Mr. LEE, the name the independence of Greece and cele- percutaneous tests for allergies under of the Senator from Arkansas (Mr. COT- brating democracy in Greece and the the Medicare and Medicaid programs, TON) was added as a cosponsor of S. 884, United States. and for other purposes. a bill to close loopholes in the immi- S. RES. 99 S. 723 gration laws that serve as incentives to At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the aliens to attempt to enter the United names of the Senator from Pennsyl- name of the Senator from West Vir- States unlawfully, and for other pur- vania (Mr. CASEY) and the Senator ginia (Mr. MANCHIN) was added as a co- poses. from Alaska (Mr. SULLIVAN) were added sponsor of S. 723, a bill to amend the S. 888 as cosponsors of S. Res. 99, a resolution Small Business Act and the CARES At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the observing the 10th anniversary of the Act to extend the covered period for names of the Senator from Minnesota uprising in Syria. the paycheck protection program, and (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) and the Senator from f for other purposes. Oregon (Mr. MERKLEY) were added as S. 745 cosponsors of S. 888, a bill to prohibit STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the discrimination based on an individual’s BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. texture or style of hair. By Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Mrs. MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of S. 891 GILLIBRAND, Ms. SMITH, Ms. S. 745, a bill to make high-speed At the request of Mr. KING, the name KLOBUCHAR, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. broadband internet service accessible of the Senator from Maine (Ms. COL- PADILLA, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. and affordable to all Americans, and LINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. HEINRICH, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. for other purposes. 891, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- TESTER, and Mr. BLUMENTHAL): S. 774 enue Code of 1986 to establish a refund- S. 945. A bill to provide temporary At the request of Mr. TILLIS, the able tax credit for the installation of impact aid construction grants to eligi- name of the Senator from Texas (Mr. energy efficient air source heat pumps. ble local educational agencies, and for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:54 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.019 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1769 other purposes; to the Committee on SMITH, Ms. ERNST, Mr. WYDEN, downs showed that, last May, this Health, Education, Labor, and Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. BOOKER, and spread was $279, as opposed to that Pensions. Mr. DAINES): usual $21 per hundredweight, the high- Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President, during S. 949. A bill to amend the Agricul- est since reporting began 20 years ago. the last year we have all experienced tural Marketing Act of 1946 to foster It is just part of a pattern that has the impacts of the coronavirus on ev- efficient markets and increase com- evolved during my time in the Senate. eryday life. The coronavirus has shut- petition and transparency among pack- That pattern is that farmers are get- tered businesses, closed schools, can- ers that purchase livestock from pro- ting a smaller amount of the overall celled events, and overwhelmed hos- ducers; to the Committee on Agri- dollar for their food production. pitals and other health care facilities. culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. I appreciate the leadership from Sec- It has fundamentally changed how we Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, on retary Perdue in issuing their USDA live our lives. another subject, over the years, the report last August. That report helps I can think of few better examples of consolidation of the beef industry has the cause for the Grassley-Tester legis- where this has been the case than in threatened the livelihood of Iowa farm lation. Beyond just highlighting prob- our K–12 schools. Hawaii public school families and rural communities where lems, Perdue also offered recommenda- students, parents, and teachers have they reside, and it isn’t limited to just tions, one of which was for Congress to told me about how they have been im- Iowa. This would be farmers all over consider a mechanism to mandate a pacted by the coronavirus. I have the country. level of negotiated cash trade. This is learned about the challenges they have I have been working since 2002 to in- not a new issue in the beef industry. In faced with school closures, and heard crease the producers’ leverage against fact, I first introduced a bill that would about how they have adjusted to dis- processors, improve market price dis- mandate cash trade way back almost 20 tance and hybrid learning—two terms covery, and better situate independent years. that were pretty unfamiliar just a year Iowa cattlemen in the fed cattle mar- Today, on behalf of Iowa’s inde- ago. They are ready to return to the kets. pendent cattle producers, I am proud to classroom. This past year, these issues became reintroduce my bill with Senator But they need to return safely. even more apparent and urgent because TESTER to mandate negotiated cash That’s why Congress recently provided of the COVID pandemic. While the cat- trade at 50 percent. Without a man- an additional $130 billion for K–12 tle industry has internally looked for dated amount of cash trade, producers schools—to make sure that when they ways to increase the amount of cash continue to be residual suppliers and do reopen, they have the necessary re- trade, it has not been able to find a so- will lack leverage to fairly negotiate sources to provide healthy and safe lution. with packing companies. learning environments for students. If Unfortunately, this means that gov- Earlier this month, Senator DEB nothing else, the coronavirus has dem- ernment intervention is needed as it is FISCHER of Nebraska introduced the onstrated how important these envi- past time for a solution. The govern- Cattle Market Transparency Act of ronments are for student success. ment needs to step in to guarantee 2021. There are some excellent provi- Unfortunately, however, we know that the free market treats cattlemen sions in Senator FISCHER’s bill, such as that even before the coronavirus many fairly. the creation of a contract library, as students lacked access to these envi- From the 2012 USDA ‘‘Agriculture well as new required reports on the ronments—including students in feder- Census’’ to the 2017 ‘‘Agriculture Cen- number of cattle scheduled for deliv- ally impacted school districts. sus,’’ Iowa lost nearly 1,500 cattle pro- ery. These provisions will add great In many ways it comes down to ducers. While we don’t have USDA sta- transparency and great price discovery. school facilities. A recent survey iden- tistics from the past 2 years, the re- They are important to Iowans, as they tified $4.2 billion in school facility lease of the 2022 USDA ‘‘Agriculture are to Nebraskans. needs in federally impacted schools. Census’’ will likely see an even more However, when it comes to a nego- These were basic health and safety dramatic loss of producers because of tiated amount of cash trade, Senator needs to address issues like lead and the pandemic. I know this because of FISCHER’s bill only mandates a regional mold remediation; electrical, HV AC, my many conversations I have with minimum. This means price discovery and plumbing upgrades; leaky roofs; independent cattle producers from would still be reliant upon cattle pro- expired boilers; outdated technology; nearly every county in Iowa. ducers who already are negotiating. and others—hardly conditions where During my meetings in all 99 Iowa So what is price discovery? students can be expected to succeed. counties, cattle market transparency Well, put simply, price discovery is We need to make bold investments. and my bill introduced last Congress where a buyer and a seller agree on a We need to make them now. with Senator TESTER, mandating 50 price and a transaction occurs. That’s why I am reintroducing the percent of negotiated cash trade in the Cattle producers of all sizes and in all Impact Aid Infrastructure Act (or cattle markets, is one of the most men- regions recognize that price discovery ‘‘IAIA’’) for the 117th Congress. IAIA tioned topics at those county meetings. is a public good, a very good public provides $1 billion in supplemental The aid that Congress offered via the good. These producers also realize that funding for Impact Aid Construction USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance the thinning of the cash market is a se- Grants in FY2022. Specifically, the bill Program provided over $7 billion in as- rious problem for all market partici- provides funding for competitive and sistance to cattle producers so far. pants. Producers in the Midwest of the formula grants that would help our fed- However, this assistance is merely a U.S. reporting regions already provide erally impacted schools build, ren- bandaid covering a gaping wound. Con- ample price discovery by putting in ovate, repair, and otherwise improve gress must step up again and, instead hard work and selling cattle using ne- their facilities. of providing payments to producers, gotiated means at nearly 60 percent. With these funds, federally impacted make sure that producers have access They do this while producers who sell schools that are severely disadvan- to fair and transparent markets. From with formulas use these prices in their taged when it comes to raising revenue the Holcomb, KS, fire at a Tyson’s fa- contracts. That is why something must to finance projects would receive cility to the widely reported closures of be done. Any legislative solution much-needed assistance. processing plants due to the should address the imbalance of the We can certainly do more for these coronavirus outbreaks, we continue to cash trade across the entire beef belt. districts, but this investment is a see a wide disparity between the cash My bill with Senator TESTER would start. price of fed cattle and the price of simply shift the burden of price dis- I urge my colleagues to support this boxed beef, which, in turn, affects con- covery from independent producers, important legislation. sumer costs. like those in Iowa, and spread it evenly I yield the floor. Normally, the packer spread between among all cattle producers. --- the price of live cattle and boxed beef I am looking forward to working By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, is about $21 per hundredweight, but with Senator FISCHER and the entire Mr. TESTER, Mr. HOEVEN, Ms. USDA’s report on the coronavirus shut- Senate Agriculture Committee to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.021 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 make permanent changes in mandatory (3) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SCIENCE AND (4) SCIENCE MISSION DIRECTORATE AT THE price reporting, which needs to be reau- TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS.—For the Department NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINIS- thorized by September 30 of this year. of Defense science and technology pro- TRATION.—The term ‘‘Science Mission Direc- Cattle producers are counting on us grams— torate at the National Aeronautics and (A) for fiscal year 2022, $18,054,000,000; Space Administration’’ means the appropria- to make changes. We can no longer (B) for fiscal year 2023, $19,318,000,000; tions accounts that support the various in- take a wait-and-see approach. The beef (C) for fiscal year 2024, $20,670,000,000; stitutes, offices, and centers that make up industry employs hundreds of thou- (D) for fiscal year 2025, $22,117,000,000; the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- sands of hard-working men and women (E) for fiscal year 2026, $23,665,000,000; istration Science Mission Directorate. who work each day to help feed our (F) for fiscal year 2027, $25,322,000,000; (5) SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH AND country and the world, but the USDA (G) for fiscal year 2028, $27,094,000,000; SERVICES OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF Agriculture Census shows we are losing (H) for fiscal year 2029, $28,991,000,000; STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY.—The term ‘‘sci- (I) for fiscal year 2030, $31,020,000,000; entific and technical research and services of these producers. (J) for fiscal year 2031, $33,192,000,000; and I am asking my colleagues in the the National Institute of Standards and (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year Technology’’ means the appropriations ac- Senate to cosponsor my bill with Sen- thereafter, the amount appropriated under counts that support the various institutes, ator TESTER to ensure the strength of this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, offices, and centers that make up the Na- the beef supply chain and to support increased by the percentage increase (if any), tional Institute of Standards and Technology our cattle producers. during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- scientific and technical research and serv- sumer Price Index for all urban consumers ices. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (d) EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN APPROPRIATIONS (4) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND VAN HOLLEN, Mr. BROWN, Mr. FROM SEQUESTRATION.— TECHNOLOGY SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RE- SCHATZ, and Ms. BALDWIN): (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 255(g)(1)(A) of the SEARCH AND SERVICES.—For the scientific and Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit S. 961. A bill to prioritize funding for technical research and services of the Na- an expanded and sustained national in- Control Act (2 U.S.C. 905(g)(1)(A)) is amended tional Institute of Standards and Technology by inserting after ‘‘Advances to the Unem- vestment in basic science research; to at the Department of Commerce— ployment Trust Fund and Other Funds (16– the Committee on Health, Education, (A) for fiscal year 2022, $843,000,000; 0327–0–1–600).’’ the following: Labor, and Pensions. (B) for fiscal year 2023, $902,000,000; ‘‘Appropriations under the American Inno- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask (C) for fiscal year 2024, $965,000,000; vation Act.’’. (D) for fiscal year 2025, $1,033,000,000; unanimous consent that the text of the (2) APPLICABILITY.—The amendment made (E) for fiscal year 2026, $1,105,000,000; bill be printed in the RECORD. by this section shall apply to any sequestra- (F) for fiscal year 2027, $1,183,000,000; tion order issued under the Balanced Budget There being no objection, the text of (G) for fiscal year 2028, $1,265,000,000; the bill was ordered to be printed in and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 (H) for fiscal year 2029, $1,354,000,000; U.S.C. 900 et seq.) on or after the date of en- the RECORD, as follows: (I) for fiscal year 2030, $1,449,000,000; actment of this Act. S. 961 (J) for fiscal year 2031, $1,550,000,000; and (e) BUDGETARY EFFECTS.— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year (1) STATUTORY PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The resentatives of the United States of America in thereafter, the amount appropriated under budgetary effects of this section shall not be Congress assembled, this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, entered on either PAYGO scorecard main- increased by the percentage increase (if any), tained pursuant to section 4(d) of the Statu- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘American tory Pay As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. sumer Price Index for all urban consumers 933(d)). Innovation Act’’. published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2) SENATE PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The budg- SEC. 2. APPROPRIATIONS FOR INNOVATION. (5) NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE AD- (a) IN GENERAL.—There are hereby author- etary effects of this section shall not be en- MINISTRATION SCIENCE MISSION DIREC- tered on any PAYGO scorecard maintained ized to be appropriated, and appropriated, TORATE.—For the Science Mission Direc- out of any monies in the Treasury not other- for purposes of section 4106 of H. Con. Res. 71 torate at the National Aeronautics and (115th Congress). wise appropriated, the following: Space Administration— (1) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION.—For the (A) for fiscal year 2022, $7,728,000,000; By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. National Science Foundation— (B) for fiscal year 2023, $8,268,000,000; VAN HOLLEN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. (A) for fiscal year 2022, $9,081,000,000; (C) for fiscal year 2024, $8,847,000,000; (B) for fiscal year 2023, $9,716,000,000; (D) for fiscal year 2025, $9,467,000,000; BROWN, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. (C) for fiscal year 2024, $10,397,000,000; (E) for fiscal year 2026, $10,129,000,000; BLUMENTHAL, and Ms. KLO- (D) for fiscal year 2025, $11,124,000,000; (F) for fiscal year 2027, $10,838,000,000; BUCHAR): (E) for fiscal year 2026, $11,903,000,000; (G) for fiscal year 2028, $11,597,000,000; S. 962. A bill to prioritize funding for (F) for fiscal year 2027, $12,736,000,000; (H) for fiscal year 2029, $12,409,000,000; an expanded and sustained national in- (G) for fiscal year 2028, $13,628,000,000; (I) for fiscal year 2030, $13,277,000,000; vestment in biomedical research; to (H) for fiscal year 2029, $14,582,000,000; (J) for fiscal year 2031, $14,207,000,000; and (I) for fiscal year 2030, $15,603,000,000; the Committee on Appropriations. (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask (J) for fiscal year 2031, $16,695,000,000; and thereafter, the amount appropriated under (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, unanimous consent that the text of the thereafter, the amount appropriated under increased by the percentage increase (if any), bill be printed in the RECORD. this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- There being no objection, the text of increased by the percentage increase (if any), sumer Price Index for all urban consumers the bill was ordered to be printed in during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. the RECORD, as follows: sumer Price Index for all urban consumers (b) AVAILABILITY.—Amounts appropriated S. 962 published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. under subsection (a) shall remain available Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (2) DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, OFFICE OF until expended. SCIENCE.—For the Office of Science at the (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: resentatives of the United States of America in Department of Energy— (1) DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SCIENCE AND Congress assembled, (A) for fiscal year 2022, $7,518,000,000; TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMS.—The term ‘‘Depart- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (B) for fiscal year 2023, $8,044,000,000; ment of Defense science and technology pro- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘American (C) for fiscal year 2024, $8,607,000,000; grams’’ means the appropriations accounts Cures Act’’. (D) for fiscal year 2025, $9,210,000,000; that support the various institutes, offices, SEC. 2. APPROPRIATIONS FOR INNOVATION. (E) for fiscal year 2026, $9,854,000,000; and centers that make up the Department of (a) IN GENERAL.—There are hereby author- (F) for fiscal year 2027, $10,544,000,000; Defense science and technology programs. ized to be appropriated, and appropriated, (G) for fiscal year 2028, $11,282,000,000; (2) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION.—The out of any monies in the Treasury not other- (H) for fiscal year 2029, $12,072,000,000; term ‘‘National Science Foundation’’ means wise appropriated, the following: (I) for fiscal year 2030, $12,917,000,000; the appropriations accounts that support the (1) NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH.—For (J) for fiscal year 2031, $13,821,000,000; and various institutes, offices, and centers that the National Institutes of Health at the De- (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year make up the National Science Foundation. partment of Health and Human Services— thereafter, the amount appropriated under (3) OFFICE OF SCIENCE AT THE DEPARTMENT (A) for fiscal year 2022, $45,903,000,000; this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, OF ENERGY.—The term ‘‘Office of Science at (B) for fiscal year 2023, $49,116,000,000; increased by the percentage increase (if any), the Department of Energy’’ means the appro- (C) for fiscal year 2024, $52,554,000,000; during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- priations accounts that support the various (D) for fiscal year 2025, $56,233,000,000; sumer Price Index for all urban consumers institutes, offices, and centers that make up (E) for fiscal year 2026, $60,169,000,000; published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. the Department of Energy Office of Science. (F) for fiscal year 2027, $64,380,000,000;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.068 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1771

(G) for fiscal year 2028, $68,890,000,000; (2) RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND title 18, United States Code, except that it (H) for fiscal year 2029, $73,710,000,000; EVALUATION PROGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF does not include acts perpetrated by individ- (I) for fiscal year 2030, $78,870,000,000; DEFENSE HEALTH PROGRAM.—The term ‘‘re- uals associated with or inspired by— (J) for fiscal year 2031, $84,390,000,000; and search, development, test, and evaluation (A) a foreign person or organization des- (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year program of the Department of Defense ignated as a foreign terrorist organization thereafter, the amount appropriated under health program’’ means the appropriations under section 219 of the Immigration and Na- this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, accounts that support the various institutes, tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189); increased by the percentage increase (if any), offices, and centers that make up the re- (B) an individual or organization des- during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- search, development, test, and evaluation ignated under Executive Order 13224 (50 sumer Price Index for all urban consumers program of the Department of Defense U.S.C. 1701 note); or published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. health program. (C) a state sponsor of terrorism as deter- (2) CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PRE- (3) MEDICAL AND PROSTHETICS RESEARCH mined by the Secretary of State under sec- VENTION.—For the Centers for Disease Con- PROGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS tion 6(j) of the Export Administration Act of trol and Prevention at the Department of AFFAIRS.—The term ‘‘medical and pros- 1979 (50 U.S.C. 4605), section 40 of the Arms Health and Human Services— thetics research program of the Department Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780), or sec- (A) for fiscal year 2022, $8,453,000,000; of Veterans Affairs’’ means the appropria- tion 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act of (B) for fiscal year 2023, $9,044,000,000; tions accounts that support the various in- 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2371); (C) for fiscal year 2024, $9,667,000,000; stitutes, offices, and centers that make up (3) the term ‘‘Domestic Terrorism Execu- (D) for fiscal year 2025, $10,354,000,000; the medical and prosthetics research pro- tive Committee’’ means the committee with- (E) for fiscal year 2026, $11,079,000,000; gram of the Department of Veterans Affairs. in the Department of Justice tasked with as- (F) for fiscal year 2027, $11,850,000,000; (4) NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH.—The sessing and sharing information about ongo- (G) for fiscal year 2028, $12,680,000,000; term ‘‘National Institutes of Health’’ means ing domestic terrorism threats; (H) for fiscal year 2029, $13,570,000,000; the appropriations accounts that support the (4) the term ‘‘hate crime incident’’ means (I) for fiscal year 2030, $14,520,000,000; various institutes, offices, and centers that an act described in section 241, 245, 247, or 249 (J) for fiscal year 2031, $15,540,000,000; and make up the National Institutes of Health. of title 18, United States Code, or in section (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year (d) EXEMPTION OF CERTAIN APPROPRIATIONS 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. thereafter, the amount appropriated under FROM SEQUESTRATION.— 3631); this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 255(g)(1)(A) of the (5) the term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- increased by the percentage increase (if any), Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit retary of Homeland Security; and during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- Control Act (2 U.S.C. 905(g)(1)(A)) is amended (6) the term ‘‘uniformed services’’ has the sumer Price Index for all urban consumers by inserting after ‘‘Advances to the Unem- meaning given the term in section 101(a) of published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. ployment Trust Fund and Other Funds (16– title 10, United States Code. (3) RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, TEST, AND 0327–0–1–600).’’ the following: SEC. 3. OFFICES TO COMBAT DOMESTIC TER- EVALUATION PROGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ‘‘Appropriations under the American Cures RORISM. DEFENSE HEALTH PROGRAM.—For the re- Act.’’. (a) AUTHORIZATION OF OFFICES TO MONITOR, search, development, test, and evaluation (2) APPLICABILITY.—The amendment made ANALYZE, INVESTIGATE, AND PROSECUTE DO- program of the Department of Defense by this section shall apply to any sequestra- MESTIC TERRORISM.— health program— tion order issued under the Balanced Budget (1) DOMESTIC TERRORISM UNIT.—There is au- (A) for fiscal year 2022, $2,890,000,000; and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (2 thorized a Domestic Terrorism Unit in the (B) for fiscal year 2023, $3,090,000,000; U.S.C. 900 et seq.) on or after the date of en- Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the De- (C) for fiscal year 2024, $3,310,000,000; actment of this Act. partment of Homeland Security, which shall (D) for fiscal year 2025, $3,540,000,000; (e) BUDGETARY EFFECTS.— be responsible for monitoring and analyzing (E) for fiscal year 2026, $3,790,000,000; (1) STATUTORY PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The domestic terrorism activity. (F) for fiscal year 2027, $4,060,000,000; budgetary effects of this section shall not be (2) DOMESTIC TERRORISM OFFICE.—There is (G) for fiscal year 2028, $4,340,000,000; entered on either PAYGO scorecard main- authorized a Domestic Terrorism Office in (H) for fiscal year 2029, $4,640,000,000; tained pursuant to section 4(d) of the Statu- the Counterterrorism Section of the Na- (I) for fiscal year 2030, $4,970,000,000; tory Pay As-You-Go Act of 2010 (2 U.S.C. tional Security Division of the Department (J) for fiscal year 2031, $5,320,000,000; and 933(d)). of Justice— (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year (2) SENATE PAYGO SCORECARDS.—The budg- (A) which shall be responsible for inves- thereafter, the amount appropriated under etary effects of this section shall not be en- tigating and prosecuting incidents of domes- this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, tered on any PAYGO scorecard maintained tic terrorism; and increased by the percentage increase (if any), for purposes of section 4106 of H. Con. Res. 71 (B) which shall be headed by the Domestic during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- (115th Congress). Terrorism Counsel. sumer Price Index for all urban consumers --- (3) DOMESTIC TERRORISM SECTION OF THE published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Ms. FBI.—There is authorized a Domestic Ter- (4) MEDICAL AND PROSTHETICS RESEARCH HIRONO, and Ms. DUCKWORTH): rorism Section within the Counterterrorism PROGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS S. 963. A bill to authorize dedicated Division of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- AFFAIRS.—For the medical and prosthetics domestic terrorism offices within the tion, which shall be responsible for inves- research program of the Department of Vet- Department of Homeland Security, the tigating domestic terrorism activity. erans Affairs— Department of Justice, and the Federal (4) STAFFING.—The Secretary, the Attor- ney General, and the Director shall each en- (A) for fiscal year 2022, $872,000,000; Bureau of Investigation to analyze and (B) for fiscal year 2023, $933,000,000; sure that each office authorized under this (C) for fiscal year 2024, $998,000,000; monitor domestic terrorist activity section in their respective agencies shall— (D) for fiscal year 2025, $1,070,000,000; and require the Federal Government to (A) have adequate number of employees to (E) for fiscal year 2026, $1,140,000,000; take steps to prevent domestic ter- perform the required duties; (F) for fiscal year 2027, $1,220,000,000; rorism, and for other purposes; read (B) have not less than one employee dedi- (G) for fiscal year 2028, $1,310,000,000; the first time. cated to ensuring compliance with civil (H) for fiscal year 2029, $1,400,000,000; Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- rights and civil liberties laws and regula- (I) for fiscal year 2030, $1,500,000,000; sent that the text of the bill be printed tions; and (J) for fiscal year 2031, $1,600,000,000; and in the RECORD. (C) require that all employees undergo an- (K) for fiscal year 2032 and each fiscal year There being no objection, the text of nual anti- training. thereafter, the amount appropriated under the bill was ordered to be printed in (5) SUNSET.—The offices authorized under this paragraph for the previous fiscal year, this subsection shall terminate on the date the RECORD, as follows: increased by the percentage increase (if any), that is 10 years after the date of enactment during the previous fiscal year, in the Con- S. 963 of this Act. sumer Price Index for all urban consumers Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (b) JOINT REPORT ON DOMESTIC TER- published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. resentatives of the United States of America in RORISM.— (b) AVAILABILITY.—Amounts appropriated Congress assembled, (1) BIANNUAL REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later under subsection (a) shall remain available SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. than 180 days after the date of enactment of until expended. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Domestic this Act, and each 6 months thereafter for (c) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Terrorism and Hate Crimes Prevention Act the 10-year period beginning on the date of (1) CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PRE- of 2021’’. enactment of this Act, the Secretary of VENTION.—The term ‘‘Centers for Disease SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. Homeland Security, the Attorney General, Control and Prevention’’ means the appro- In this Act— and the Director of the Federal Bureau of In- priations accounts that support the various (1) the term ‘‘Director’’ means the Director vestigation shall submit a joint report au- institutes, offices, and centers that make up of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; thored by the domestic terrorism offices au- the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- (2) the term ‘‘domestic terrorism’’ has the thorized under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of tion. meaning given the term in section 2331 of subsection (a) to—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.033 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 (A) the Committee on the Judiciary, the subcategory for those related to White eral, State, local, and Tribal law enforce- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- supremacism, and a detailed explanation of ment agencies, including the State and ernmental Affairs, and the Select Committee each conviction; and Local Anti-Terrorism Program that is fund- on Intelligence of the Senate; and (IX) Federal domestic terrorism-related ed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the (B) the Committee on the Judiciary, the weapons recoveries, including the number of Department of Justice, and ensure that such Committee on Homeland Security, and the each type of weapon and the number of weap- programs include training and resources to Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence ons from each classification and sub- assist State, local, and Tribal law enforce- of the House of Representatives. category, with a specific classification or ment agencies in understanding, detecting, (2) CONTENTS.—Each report submitted subcategory for those related to White deterring, and investigating acts of domestic under paragraph (1) shall include— supremacism; and terrorism and White supremacist and neo- (A) an assessment of the domestic ter- (ii) an explanation of each individual case Nazi infiltration of law enforcement and cor- rorism threat posed by White supremacists that progressed through more than 1 of the rections agencies. The domestic-terrorism and neo-Nazis, including White supremacist stages described under clause (i)— training shall focus on the most significant and neo-Nazi infiltration of Federal, State, (I) including the specific classification or domestic terrorism threats, as determined and local law enforcement agencies and the subcategory for each case; and by the quantitative analysis in the joint re- uniformed services; and (II) not including personally identifiable port required under section 3(b). (B)(i) in the first report, an analysis of in- information not otherwise releasable to the (b) REQUIREMENT.—Any individual who pro- cidents or attempted incidents of domestic public. vides domestic terrorism training required terrorism that have occurred in the United (3) HATE CRIMES.—In compiling a joint re- under this section shall have— States since April 19, 1995, including any port under this subsection, the domestic ter- (1) expertise in domestic terrorism; and White-supremacist-related incidents or at- rorism offices authorized under paragraphs (2) relevant academic, law enforcement, or tempted incidents; and (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall, in con- other community-based experience in mat- (ii) in each subsequent report, an analysis sultation with the Civil Rights Division of ters related to domestic terrorism. of incidents or attempted incidents of do- the Department of Justice and the Civil (c) REPORT.— mestic terrorism that occurred in the United Rights Unit of the Federal Bureau of Inves- (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months States during the preceding 6 months, in- tigation, review each hate crime incident re- after the date of enactment of this Act and cluding any White-supremacist-related inci- ported during the preceding 6 months to de- twice each year thereafter, the Secretary, dents or attempted incidents; and termine whether the incident also con- the Attorney General, and the Director shall (C) a quantitative analysis of domestic ter- stitutes a domestic terrorism-related inci- each submit a biannual report to the com- rorism for the preceding 6 months, includ- dent. mittees of Congress described in section ing— (4) CLASSIFICATION AND PUBLIC RELEASE.— 3(b)(1) on the domestic terrorism training (i) the number of— Each report submitted under paragraph (1) implemented by their respective agencies (I) domestic terrorism related assessments shall be— under this section, which shall include copies initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investiga- (A) unclassified, to the greatest extent pos- of all training materials used and the names tion, including the number of assessments sible, with a classified annex only if nec- and qualifications of the individuals who from each classification and subcategory, essary; and provide the training. with a specific classification or subcategory (B) in the case of the unclassified portion (2) CLASSIFICATION AND PUBLIC RELEASE.— for those related to White supremacism; of the report, posted on the public websites Each report submitted under paragraph (1) (II) domestic terrorism-related preliminary of the Department of Homeland Security, shall be— investigations initiated by the Federal Bu- the Department of Justice, and the Federal (A) unclassified, to the greatest extent pos- reau of Investigation, including the number Bureau of Investigation. of preliminary investigations from each clas- sible, with a classified annex only if nec- (5) NONDUPLICATION.—If two or more provi- sification and subcategory, with a specific essary; and sions of this subsection or any other law im- classification or subcategory for those re- (B) in the case of the unclassified portion pose requirements on an agency to report or lated to White supremacism, and how many of each report, posted on the public website analyze information on domestic terrorism preliminary investigations resulted from as- of the Department of Homeland Security, that are substantially similar, the agency sessments; the Department of Justice, and the Federal shall construe such provisions as mutually (III) domestic terrorism-related full inves- Bureau of Investigation. supplemental, so as to provide for the most tigations initiated by the Federal Bureau of extensive reporting or analysis, and shall SEC. 5. INTERAGENCY TASK FORCE. Investigation, including the number of full comply with each such requirement as fully investigations from each classification and (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days as possible. subcategory, with a specific classification or after the date of enactment of this Act, the (c) DOMESTIC TERRORISM EXECUTIVE COM- subcategory for those related to White Attorney General, the Director, the Sec- MITTEE.—There is authorized a Domestic retary, and the Secretary of Defense shall es- supremacism, and how many full investiga- Terrorism Executive Committee, which tions resulted from preliminary investiga- tablish an interagency task force to analyze shall— and combat White supremacist and neo-Nazi tions and assessments; (1) meet on a regular basis, and not less (IV) domestic terrorism-related incidents, infiltration of the uniformed services and regularly than 4 times each year, to coordi- including the number of incidents from each Federal law enforcement agencies. nate with United States Attorneys and other classification and subcategory, with a spe- (b) REPORT.— key public safety officials across the country cific classification or subcategory for those (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after to promote information sharing and ensure related to White supremacism, the number of the interagency task force is established an effective, responsive, and organized joint deaths and injuries resulting from each inci- under subsection (a), the Attorney General, effort to combat domestic terrorism; and dent, and a detailed explanation of each inci- the Director, the Secretary, and the Sec- (2) be co-chaired by— dent; retary of Defense shall submit a joint report (A) the Domestic Terrorism Counsel au- (V) Federal domestic terrorism-related ar- on the findings of the task force and the re- thorized under subsection (a)(2)(B); rests, including the number of arrests from sponse of the Attorney General, the Direc- (B) a United States Attorney or Assistant each classification and subcategory, with a tor, the Secretary, and the Secretary of De- United States Attorney; specific classification or subcategory for fense to such findings, to— (C) a member of the National Security Di- those related to White supremacism, and a (A) the Committee on the Judiciary of the vision of the Department of Justice; and detailed explanation of each arrest; Senate; (D) a member of the Federal Bureau of In- (VI) Federal domestic terrorism-related in- (B) the Committee on Homeland Security vestigation. dictments, including the number of indict- and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; (d) FOCUS ON GREATEST THREATS.—The do- ments from each classification and sub- mestic terrorism offices authorized under (C) the Select Committee on Intelligence category, with a specific classification or paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) of the Senate; subcategory for those related to White shall focus their limited resources on the (D) the Committee on Armed Services of supremacism, and a detailed explanation of most significant domestic terrorism threats, the Senate; each indictment; as determined by the number of domestic (E) the Committee on the Judiciary of the (VII) Federal domestic terrorism-related terrorism-related incidents from each cat- House of Representatives; prosecutions, including the number of inci- egory and subclassification in the joint re- (F) the Committee on Homeland Security dents from each classification and sub- port for the preceding 6 months required of the House of Representatives; category, with a specific classification or under subsection (b). (G) the Permanent Select Committee on subcategory for those related to White SEC. 4. TRAINING TO COMBAT DOMESTIC TER- Intelligence of the House of Representatives; supremacism, and a detailed explanation of RORISM. and each prosecution; (a) REQUIRED TRAINING AND RESOURCES.— (H) the Committee on Armed Services of (VIII) Federal domestic terrorism-related The Secretary, the Attorney General, and the House of Representatives. convictions, including the number of convic- the Director shall review the anti-terrorism (2) CLASSIFICATION AND PUBLIC RELEASE.— tions from each classification and sub- training and resource programs of their re- The report submitted under paragraph (1) category, with a specific classification or spective agencies that are provided to Fed- shall be—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.034 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1773

(A) submitted in unclassified form, to the practices to mitigate racially discriminatory (2) DOMESTIC TERRORISM OFFICE.—There is greatest extent possible, with a classified language in describing the COVID–19 pan- authorized a Domestic Terrorism Office in annex only if necessary; and demic. the Counterterrorism Section of the Na- (B) in the case of the unclassified portion SEC. 8. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. tional Security Division of the Department of the report, posted on the public website of There are authorized to be appropriated to of Justice— the Department of Defense, the Department the Department of Justice, the Federal Bu- (A) which shall be responsible for inves- of Homeland Security, the Department of reau of Investigation, the Department of tigating and prosecuting incidents of domes- Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- Homeland Security, and the Department of tic terrorism; and tion. Defense such sums as may be necessary to (B) which shall be headed by the Domestic SEC. 6. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUPPORT FOR carry out this Act. Terrorism Counsel. HATE CRIME INCIDENTS WITH A --- (3) DOMESTIC TERRORISM SECTION OF THE NEXUS TO DOMESTIC TERRORISM. By Mr. DURBIN: FBI.—There is authorized a Domestic Ter- (a) COMMUNITY RELATIONS SERVICE.—The S. 964. A bill to authorize dedicated rorism Section within the Counterterrorism Division of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- Community Relations Service of the Depart- domestic terrorism offices within the ment of Justice, authorized under section tion, which shall be responsible for inves- 1001(a) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 Department of Homeland Security, the tigating domestic terrorism activity. U.S.C. 2000g), may offer the support of the Department of Justice, and the Federal (4) STAFFING.—The Secretary, the Attor- Service to communities where the Depart- Bureau of Investigation to analyze and ney General, and the Director shall each en- ment of Justice has brought charges in a monitor domestic terrorist activity sure that each office authorized under this hate crime incident that has a nexus to do- and require the Federal Government to section in their respective agencies shall— mestic terrorism. take steps to prevent domestic ter- (A) have adequate number of employees to (b) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION.— perform the required duties; rorism; to the Committee on the Judi- (B) have not less than one employee dedi- Section 249 of title 18, United States Code, is ciary. amended by adding at the end the following: cated to ensuring compliance with civil ‘‘(e) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION.— Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- rights and civil liberties laws and regula- The Attorney General, acting through the sent that the text of the bill be printed tions; and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- in the RECORD. (C) require that all employees undergo an- tion, shall assign a special agent or hate There being no objection, the text of nual anti-bias training. crimes liaison to each field office of the Fed- the bill was ordered to be printed in (5) SUNSET.—The offices authorized under this subsection shall terminate on the date eral Bureau of Investigation to investigate the RECORD, as follows: hate crimes incidents with a nexus to domes- that is 10 years after the date of enactment S. 964 tic terrorism (as such term is defined in sec- of this Act. (b) JOINT REPORT ON DOMESTIC TER- tion 2 of the Domestic Terrorism and Hate Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- RORISM.— Crimes Prevention Act of 2021).’’. resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, (1) BIANNUAL REPORT REQUIRED.—Not later SEC. 7. REVIEW OF COVID–19 HATE CRIMES. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. than 180 days after the date of enactment of (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 14 days this Act, and each 6 months thereafter for This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Domestic after the date of enactment of this Act, the the 10-year period beginning on the date of Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021’’. Attorney General shall designate an officer enactment of this Act, the Secretary of or employee of the Department of Justice SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. Homeland Security, the Attorney General, whose sole responsibility during the applica- In this Act— and the Director of the Federal Bureau of In- ble period shall be to facilitate the expedited (1) the term ‘‘Director’’ means the Director vestigation shall submit a joint report au- review of COVID–19 hate crimes and reports of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; thored by the domestic terrorism offices au- of any such crime to Federal, State, or local (2) the term ‘‘domestic terrorism’’ has the thorized under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of law enforcement agencies. meaning given the term in section 2331 of subsection (a) to— (b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: title 18, United States Code, except that it (A) the Committee on the Judiciary, the (1) APPLICABLE PERIOD.—The term ‘‘appli- does not include acts perpetrated by individ- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- cable period’’ means the period beginning on uals associated with or inspired by— ernmental Affairs, and the Select Committee the date on which the officer or employee is (A) a foreign person or organization des- on Intelligence of the Senate; and designated under subsection (a), and ending ignated as a foreign terrorist organization (B) the Committee on the Judiciary, the on the date that is 1 year after the date on under section 219 of the Immigration and Na- Committee on Homeland Security, and the which the emergency period described in tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189); Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence subparagraph (B) of section 1135(g)(1) of the (B) an individual or organization des- of the House of Representatives. Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1320b–5(g)(1)) ignated under Executive Order 13224 (50 (2) CONTENTS.—Each report submitted ends, except that the Attorney General may U.S.C. 1701 note); or under paragraph (1) shall include— extend such period as appropriate. (C) a state sponsor of terrorism as deter- (A) an assessment of the domestic ter- (2) COVID–19 HATE CRIME.—The term mined by the Secretary of State under sec- rorism threat posed by White supremacists ‘‘COVID–19 hate crime’’ means a crime of vi- tion 6(j) of the Export Administration Act of and neo-Nazis, including White supremacist olence (as such term is defined in section 16 1979 (50 U.S.C. 4605), section 40 of the Arms and neo-Nazi infiltration of Federal, State, of 18, United States Code) that is motivated Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780), or sec- and local law enforcement agencies and the by— tion 620A of the Foreign Assistance Act of uniformed services; and (A) the actual or perceived race, ethnicity, 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2371); (B)(i) in the first report, an analysis of in- age, color, religion, national origin, sexual (3) the term ‘‘Domestic Terrorism Execu- cidents or attempted incidents of domestic orientation, gender, gender identity, or dis- tive Committee’’ means the committee with- terrorism that have occurred in the United ability of any person; and in the Department of Justice tasked with as- States since April 19, 1995, including any (B) the actual or perceived relationship to sessing and sharing information about ongo- White-supremacist-related incidents or at- the spread of COVID–19 of any person be- ing domestic terrorism threats; tempted incidents; and cause of the characteristic described in sub- (4) the term ‘‘hate crime incident’’ means (ii) in each subsequent report, an analysis paragraph (A). an act described in section 241, 245, 247, or 249 of incidents or attempted incidents of do- (c) GUIDANCE.— of title 18, United States Code, or in section mestic terrorism that occurred in the United (1) GUIDANCE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGEN- 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. States during the preceding 6 months, in- CIES.—The Attorney General shall issue guid- 3631); cluding any White-supremacist-related inci- ance for State and local law enforcement (5) the term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Sec- dents or attempted incidents; and agencies on how to— retary of Homeland Security; and (C) a quantitative analysis of domestic ter- (A) establish online reporting of hate (6) the term ‘‘uniformed services’’ has the rorism for the preceding 6 months, includ- crimes or incidents, and to have online re- meaning given the term in section 101(a) of ing— porting available in multiple languages as title 10, United States Code. (i) the number of— determined by the Attorney General; and SEC. 3. OFFICES TO COMBAT DOMESTIC TER- (I) domestic terrorism related assessments (B) expand culturally competent and lin- RORISM. initiated by the Federal Bureau of Investiga- guistically appropriate public education (a) AUTHORIZATION OF OFFICES TO MONITOR, tion, including the number of assessments campaigns, and collection of data and public ANALYZE, INVESTIGATE, AND PROSECUTE DO- from each classification and subcategory, reporting of hate crimes. MESTIC TERRORISM.— with a specific classification or subcategory (2) GUIDANCE RELATING TO COVID–19 PAN- (1) DOMESTIC TERRORISM UNIT.—There is au- for those related to White supremacism; DEMIC.—The Attorney General and the Sec- thorized a Domestic Terrorism Unit in the (II) domestic terrorism-related preliminary retary of Health and Human Services, in co- Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the De- investigations initiated by the Federal Bu- ordination with the COVID–19 Health Equity partment of Homeland Security, which shall reau of Investigation, including the number Task Force and community-based organiza- be responsible for monitoring and analyzing of preliminary investigations from each clas- tions, shall issue guidance describing best domestic terrorism activity. sification and subcategory, with a specific

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.034 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 classification or subcategory for those re- pose requirements on an agency to report or of the Department of Homeland Security, lated to White supremacism, and how many analyze information on domestic terrorism the Department of Justice, and the Federal preliminary investigations resulted from as- that are substantially similar, the agency Bureau of Investigation. sessments; shall construe such provisions as mutually (III) domestic terrorism-related full inves- supplemental, so as to provide for the most SEC. 5. INTERAGENCY TASK FORCE. tigations initiated by the Federal Bureau of extensive reporting or analysis, and shall (a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days Investigation, including the number of full comply with each such requirement as fully after the date of enactment of this Act, the investigations from each classification and as possible. Attorney General, the Director, the Sec- subcategory, with a specific classification or (c) DOMESTIC TERRORISM EXECUTIVE COM- retary, and the Secretary of Defense shall es- subcategory for those related to White MITTEE.—There is authorized a Domestic tablish an interagency task force to analyze supremacism, and how many full investiga- Terrorism Executive Committee, which and combat White supremacist and neo-Nazi tions resulted from preliminary investiga- shall— infiltration of the uniformed services and tions and assessments; (1) meet on a regular basis, and not less Federal law enforcement agencies. (IV) domestic terrorism-related incidents, regularly than 4 times each year, to coordi- including the number of incidents from each nate with United States Attorneys and other (b) REPORT.— classification and subcategory, with a spe- key public safety officials across the country (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after cific classification or subcategory for those to promote information sharing and ensure the interagency task force is established related to White supremacism, the number of an effective, responsive, and organized joint under subsection (a), the Attorney General, deaths and injuries resulting from each inci- effort to combat domestic terrorism; and the Director, the Secretary, and the Sec- dent, and a detailed explanation of each inci- (2) be co-chaired by— retary of Defense shall submit a joint report dent; (A) the Domestic Terrorism Counsel au- on the findings of the task force and the re- (V) Federal domestic terrorism-related ar- thorized under subsection (a)(2)(B); sponse of the Attorney General, the Direc- rests, including the number of arrests from (B) a United States Attorney or Assistant tor, the Secretary, and the Secretary of De- each classification and subcategory, with a United States Attorney; fense to such findings, to— specific classification or subcategory for (C) a member of the National Security Di- (A) the Committee on the Judiciary of the those related to White supremacism, and a vision of the Department of Justice; and Senate; detailed explanation of each arrest; (D) a member of the Federal Bureau of In- (B) the Committee on Homeland Security (VI) Federal domestic terrorism-related in- vestigation. and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; dictments, including the number of indict- (d) FOCUS ON GREATEST THREATS.—The do- (C) the Select Committee on Intelligence ments from each classification and sub- mestic terrorism offices authorized under of the Senate; category, with a specific classification or paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) (D) the Committee on Armed Services of subcategory for those related to White shall focus their limited resources on the the Senate; supremacism, and a detailed explanation of most significant domestic terrorism threats, (E) the Committee on the Judiciary of the each indictment; as determined by the number of domestic House of Representatives; (VII) Federal domestic terrorism-related terrorism-related incidents from each cat- (F) the Committee on Homeland Security prosecutions, including the number of inci- egory and subclassification in the joint re- of the House of Representatives; dents from each classification and sub- port for the preceding 6 months required (G) the Permanent Select Committee on category, with a specific classification or under subsection (b). Intelligence of the House of Representatives; subcategory for those related to White SEC. 4. TRAINING TO COMBAT DOMESTIC TER- and supremacism, and a detailed explanation of RORISM. (H) the Committee on Armed Services of each prosecution; (a) REQUIRED TRAINING AND RESOURCES.— the House of Representatives. The Secretary, the Attorney General, and (VIII) Federal domestic terrorism-related (2) CLASSIFICATION AND PUBLIC RELEASE.— the Director shall review the anti-terrorism convictions, including the number of convic- The report submitted under paragraph (1) training and resource programs of their re- tions from each classification and sub- shall be— spective agencies that are provided to Fed- category, with a specific classification or (A) submitted in unclassified form, to the eral, State, local, and Tribal law enforce- subcategory for those related to White ment agencies, including the State and greatest extent possible, with a classified supremacism, and a detailed explanation of Local Anti-Terrorism Program that is fund- annex only if necessary; and each conviction; and ed by the Bureau of Justice Assistance of the (B) in the case of the unclassified portion (IX) Federal domestic terrorism-related Department of Justice, and ensure that such of the report, posted on the public website of weapons recoveries, including the number of programs include training and resources to the Department of Defense, the Department each type of weapon and the number of weap- assist State, local, and Tribal law enforce- of Homeland Security, the Department of ons from each classification and sub- ment agencies in understanding, detecting, Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investiga- category, with a specific classification or deterring, and investigating acts of domestic tion. subcategory for those related to White terrorism and White supremacist and neo- SEC. 6. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUPPORT FOR supremacism; and Nazi infiltration of law enforcement and cor- (ii) an explanation of each individual case HATE CRIME INCIDENTS WITH A rections agencies. The domestic-terrorism NEXUS TO DOMESTIC TERRORISM. that progressed through more than 1 of the training shall focus on the most significant stages described under clause (i)— domestic terrorism threats, as determined (a) COMMUNITY RELATIONS SERVICE.—The (I) including the specific classification or by the quantitative analysis in the joint re- Community Relations Service of the Depart- subcategory for each case; and port required under section 3(b). ment of Justice, authorized under section (II) not including personally identifiable (b) REQUIREMENT.—Any individual who pro- 1001(a) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 information not otherwise releasable to the vides domestic terrorism training required U.S.C. 2000g), may offer the support of the public. under this section shall have— Service to communities where the Depart- (3) HATE CRIMES.—In compiling a joint re- (1) expertise in domestic terrorism; and ment of Justice has brought charges in a port under this subsection, the domestic ter- (2) relevant academic, law enforcement, or hate crime incident that has a nexus to do- rorism offices authorized under paragraphs other community-based experience in mat- mestic terrorism. (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) shall, in con- ters related to domestic terrorism. (b) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION.— sultation with the Civil Rights Division of (c) REPORT.— Section 249 of title 18, United States Code, is the Department of Justice and the Civil (1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 6 months amended by adding at the end the following: Rights Unit of the Federal Bureau of Inves- after the date of enactment of this Act and tigation, review each hate crime incident re- twice each year thereafter, the Secretary, ‘‘(e) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION.— ported during the preceding 6 months to de- the Attorney General, and the Director shall The Attorney General, acting through the termine whether the incident also con- each submit a biannual report to the com- Director of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- stitutes a domestic terrorism-related inci- mittees of Congress described in section tion, shall assign a special agent or hate dent. 3(b)(1) on the domestic terrorism training crimes liaison to each field office of the Fed- (4) CLASSIFICATION AND PUBLIC RELEASE.— implemented by their respective agencies eral Bureau of Investigation to investigate Each report submitted under paragraph (1) under this section, which shall include copies hate crimes incidents with a nexus to domes- shall be— of all training materials used and the names tic terrorism (as such term is defined in sec- (A) unclassified, to the greatest extent pos- and qualifications of the individuals who tion 2 of the Domestic Terrorism Prevention sible, with a classified annex only if nec- provide the training. Act of 2021).’’. essary; and (2) CLASSIFICATION AND PUBLIC RELEASE.— SEC. 7. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (B) in the case of the unclassified portion Each report submitted under paragraph (1) of the report, posted on the public websites shall be— There are authorized to be appropriated to of the Department of Homeland Security, (A) unclassified, to the greatest extent pos- the Department of Justice, the Federal Bu- the Department of Justice, and the Federal sible, with a classified annex only if nec- reau of Investigation, the Department of Bureau of Investigation. essary; and Homeland Security, and the Department of (5) NONDUPLICATION.—If two or more provi- (B) in the case of the unclassified portion Defense such sums as may be necessary to sions of this subsection or any other law im- of each report, posted on the public website carry out this Act.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.041 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1775 SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas, in incidents of anti-Asian vio- nese coronavirus’’ is wrong and inappro- lence occurring in March 2020— priate; --- (1) a woman wearing a mask was kicked Whereas the Secretary General of the SENATE RESOLUTION 132—EX- and punched at a New York City subway sta- United Nations called for international soli- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE tion; darity and an end to any ill-founded dis- (2) 2 children and 2 adults were stabbed at crimination; and SENATE THAT THE CURRENT IN- a wholesale grocery in Midland, Texas; FLUX OF MIGRANTS IS CAUSING Whereas, on January 26, 2021, the President (3) a couple was assaulted and robbed by a issued a Presidential Memorandum ‘‘Con- A CRISIS AT THE SOUTHERN group of attackers in Philadelphia; and demning and Combating Racism, Xeno- (4) a 16-year-old boy was sent to the hos- BORDER phobia, and Intolerance Against Asian Amer- pital after being attacked by bullies in Los icans and Pacific Islanders in the United Mr. INHOFE (for himself, Mr. Angeles, California; HOEVEN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, States’’: Now, therefore, be it Whereas since the start of the COVID–19 Resolved, That the Senate— Mr. RISCH, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. outbreak, anti-Asian discrimination and (1) condemns and denounces all forms of BARRASSO, Ms. LUMMIS, Mr. BOOZMAN, hate has continued; anti-Asian sentiment, including those relat- Mr. COTTON, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. YOUNG, Whereas a disproportionate number of at- ing to COVID–19; Ms. ERNST, Mr. BRAUN, Mrs. BLACK- tacks, approximately 68 percent, have been (2) recognizes that the health and safety of directed at Asian American women; BURN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. THUNE, Mr. all people of the United States, regardless of Whereas since the start of 2021, there has SCOTT of Florida, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. background, must be the utmost priority; been a surge in anti-Asian attacks targeting (3) condemns all manifestations and ex- CRUZ, Mr. DAINES, and Mr. SCOTT of predominantly elderly Asian Americans; South Carolina) submitted the fol- pressions of racism, xenophobia, discrimina- Whereas, on January 30, 2021, an 84-year- tion, anti-Asian sentiment, scapegoating, lowing resolution; which was referred old Thai man, Vicha Ratanapakdee, died and ethnic or religious intolerance; to the Committee on the Judiciary: from injuries sustained from an unprovoked (4) calls on Federal law enforcement offi- S. RES. 132 assault while on his routine morning walk in cials, working with State and local agen- San Francisco, California; Now, therefore, be it cies— Whereas, in January 2021, a series of at- Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate (A) to expeditiously investigate and docu- tacks occurred in Oakland’s Chinatown tar- that the current influx of migrants at the ment all credible reports of hate crimes, har- geting Asian American seniors, and victims Southern land border of the United States assment, bullying, and threats against the included a 60-year-old man and a 55-year-old constitutes a crisis. Asian American and Pacific Islander commu- woman, who, in separate incidents, were vio- f nities in the United States; lently shoved to the ground; (B) to expand collection of data and public SENATE RESOLUTION 133—CON- Whereas, in February 2021, victims of anti- reporting to document the rise in the inci- DEMNING ALL FORMS OF ANTI- Asian violence included— dence of hate crimes relating to COVID–19; (1) a 61-year-old Filipino man who was at- and ASIAN SENTIMENT AS RELATED tacked and slashed across his face on a New (C) to hold the perpetrators of those TO COVID–19 York City subway; crimes, incidents, or threats accountable and (2) a Filipino woman in her eighties who Ms. HIRONO (for herself, Ms. bring such perpetrators to justice, including was punched in an unprovoked attack while DUCKWORTH, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. through investigation and prosecution; riding a trolley in ; and BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOKER, Mr. BROWN, (3) a 52-year-old Asian woman who was at- (5) calls on the Attorney General to work Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. CAR- tacked and forcefully shoved while waiting with State and local agencies and Asian PER, Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. CORTEZ in line outside a bakery in Flushing, New American and Pacific Islander community- MASTO, Mr. DURBIN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, York; based organizations to prevent discrimina- tion, and expand culturally competent and Mr. KAINE, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MAR- Whereas, on March 16, 2021, 8 people, in- linguistically appropriate education cam- KEY, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. cluding 6 women of Asian descent, were shot to death at 3 Atlanta-area businesses and paigns on public reporting of hate crimes; MURPHY, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. PADILLA, this violence has heightened the pain and (6) calls on the Secretary of Health and Mr. REED, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. SANDERS, fear in the Asian American and Pacific Is- Human Services, in coordination with the Mr. SCHATZ, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. SMITH, lander community; COVID–19 Health Equity Task Force and Ms. STABENOW, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. Whereas anti-Asian racism has also re- Asian American and Pacific Islander commu- WARNER, Mr. WARNOCK, Ms. WARREN, sulted in Asian American businesses being nity-based organizations, to issue guidance Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. BEN- targeted for vandalism; describing best practices to mitigate racially discriminatory language in describing the NET, and Mrs. GILLIBRAND) submitted Whereas there are approximately 2,000,000 COVID–19 pandemic; and the following resolution; which was re- Asian American-owned businesses that gen- erate over $700,000,000,000 in annual revenue (7) recommits the United States to serving ferred to the Committee on the Judici- as a model for the world in building a more ary: and employ millions of workers; Whereas more than 1,900,000 Asian Amer- inclusive, diverse, and tolerant society— S. RES. 133 ican and Pacific Islander older adults, par- (A) by prioritizing language access and Whereas there are 23,000,000 Asian Ameri- ticularly those older adults who are recent inclusivity in communication practices; and cans and Pacific Islanders in the United immigrants or have limited English pro- (B) by combating misinformation and dis- States, constituting 7 percent of the popu- ficiency, may face even greater challenges in crimination that puts Asian Americans and lation of the United States; dealing with the COVID–19 pandemic, includ- Pacific Islanders at risk. Whereas over 2,000,000 Asian Americans ing discrimination, economic insecurity, and Ms. HIRONO. Mr. President. I rise and Pacific Islanders are working on the language isolation; today to condemn violence and dis- front lines of the COVID–19 pandemic as first Whereas the World Health Organization crimination against Asian Americans responders and in health care, law enforce- (referred to in this preamble as the ‘‘WHO’’) and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) that has ment, transportation, supermarkets, and and the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- surged during the COVID–19 pandemic. other service industries; vention (referred to in this preamble as the Since March 2020, Stop AAPI Hate has Whereas the use of anti-Asian terminology ‘‘CDC’’) recognize that naming COVID–19 received nearly 3,800 reports of dis- and rhetoric related to COVID–19, such as using geographic terms or linking it to a spe- crimination and hate incidents nation- the ‘‘Chinese Virus’’, ‘‘Wuhan Virus’’, and cific ethnicity perpetuates stigma; wide. Unfortunately, the recent surge ‘‘Kung-flu’’ have perpetuated anti-Asian Whereas in 2015, the WHO issued guidance stigma; calling on media outlets, scientists, and na- in xenophobia and hate specifically Whereas the use of anti-Asian rhetoric has tional authorities to avoid naming infectious targeted against AAPIs is not new. resulted in Asian Americans being harassed, diseases for locations to avoid stigmatizing More than 180 years ago, when the assaulted, and scapegoated for the COVID–19 groups of people; first Asian immigrants came to the pandemic; Whereas, on February 27, 2020, the Sec- United States, members of the AAPI Whereas, since January 2020, there has retary of Health and Human Services stated, community experienced prejudice and been a dramatic increase in reports of hate ‘‘Ethnicity is not what causes the novel legalized discrimination. Xenophobic crimes and incidents against those of Asian coronavirus’’ and that it is inappropriate and policies such as the Chinese Exclusion descent in all 50 States and the District of inaccurate to call COVID–19 ‘‘the Chinese Act of 1882 and the Federal govern- Columbia; virus’’; ment’s incarceration of more than Whereas, according to a recent report, Whereas, on February 28, 2020, the Chief there were nearly 3,800 reported cases of Medical Officer of the CDC said that ‘‘stigma 120,000 Japanese Americans during anti-Asian discrimination related to COVID– is the enemy of public health’’; World War II, were born from fear, ig- 19 between March 19, 2020 and February 28, Whereas, on March 10, 2020, the Director of norance, and anti-immigrant hostility. 2021; the CDC testified that use of the term ‘‘Chi- More recently, after the 9/11 terrorist

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.042 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 attacks, Arab, Muslim, Sikh, and other nominees and officials to call at- with Congress, should strive to reach a mu- South Asian Americans faced a wave of tention to the alarming rise of hate tually advantageous resolution of commer- hate incidents and blame similar to crimes against AAPIs and the critical cial disagreements between the United what AAPI individuals are experi- need for action. States and the United Kingdom. encing today. As George Santayana The legislation that I have intro- f said, ‘‘Those who do not remember the duced, the COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act, SENATE RESOLUTION 135—RECOG- past are condemned to repeat it.’’ will help to address the ongoing surge NIZING THE HERITAGE, CUL- The former president espoused and in violence against AAPI communities. TURE, AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF amplified virulent intolerance using It will focus federal leadership to in- LATINAS IN THE UNITED slurs such as the ‘‘China virus’’ and vestigate and report hateful acts of vi- STATES ‘‘kung flu’’ to characterize the COVID– olence, and provide resources for our Ms. CORTEZ MASTO (for herself, Mr. 19 virus, putting the lives of 23,000,000 communities to come together and MENENDEZ, Mr. BENNET, Mr. WHITE- AAPIs at risk, including more than take a stand against intolerance and HOUSE, Ms. SMITH, Mr. BOOKER, Ms. hate. The actions of our leaders mat- 2,000,000 AAPI frontline workers. Every CANTWELL, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. ROSEN, ter, and I call on my colleagues in the day, these heroic individuals put their Mr. SANDERS, Mr. REED, Mr. VAN HOL- United States Senate to condemn anti- personal health and safety on the line LEN, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. KAINE, Ms. WAR- Asian racism, and swiftly pass the to serve other Americans as health REN, Mr. COONS, Ms. HASSAN, Mrs. MUR- care professionals, first responders, COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act during the RAY, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, transit operators, and in supermarkets 117th Congress. Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. I yield the floor. and other essential service industries. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. MARKEY, Ms. HIRONO, However, AAPI frontline workers are f Mr. BROWN, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. BALDWIN, not immune from discrimination and SENATE RESOLUTION 134—EX- Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. PADILLA, Mr. CASEY, hate, which impacts both their per- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. KELLY, Ms. STABE- sonal and professional lives. Some SENATE THAT THE PRESIDENT NOW, Mr. WYDEN, and Mr. LUJA´ N) sub- AAPI nurses and doctors have reported SHOULD WORK WITH THE GOV- mitted the following resolution; which workplace harassment from other staff ERNMENT OF THE UNITED KING- was referred to the Committee on the and patients who refuse their care, DOM TO CONCLUDE NEGOTIA- Judiciary: while others have experienced terri- TIONS FOR A COMPREHENSIVE S. RES. 135 fying encounters, including being vio- FREE BE- Whereas the United States celebrates Na- lently shoved, spit on, and called racial TWEEN THE UNITED STATES tional Women’s History Month every March slurs during their evening commute. AND THE UNITED KINGDOM to recognize and honor the achievements of The rise in attacks against older women throughout the history of the United AAPI individuals are both alarming Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. SCOTT of States; and unconscionable. In January 2021, Florida, Mr. MORAN, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. Whereas there are nearly 29,000,000 Latinas three AAPI elders were violently at- LANKFORD, and Mr. BRAUN) submitted living in the United States; Whereas 1 in 6 women in the United States tacked in separate incidents in Cali- the following resolution; which was re- ferred to the Committee on Finance: is a Latina; fornia. Tragically, one of these individ- Whereas Latinas have helped shape the his- uals, Vicha Ratanapakdee, died from S. RES. 134 tory of the United States since its inception; injuries he sustained during an Whereas, on March 5, 1946, Sir Winston Whereas Latinas contribute to the society unprovoked assault, which his family Churchill delivered the Iron Curtain speech of the United States through working in believes was racially motivated. This in Fulton, Missouri, solidifying the ‘‘Special many industries, including business, edu- Relationship’’ between the United States and discrimination which includes acts of cation, science and technology, medicine, en- the United Kingdom; gineering, mathematics, literature and the physical violence is an additional Whereas, since the end of World War II, the arts, the military, agriculture, hospitality, threat elders now face as a result of the United States and the United Kingdom have and public service; pandemic. Older adults are at higher been beacons of freedom to the world, stand- Whereas Latinas serve as essential workers risk of contracting severe COVID–19 ing together in the fight against tyranny; during the COVID–19 pandemic, filling vital and AAPI elders, particularly those Whereas the Special Relationship between positions that keep the economy going and who are recent immigrants or have the United States and the United Kingdom the people of the United States safe; limited English proficiency, may face has driven economic prosperity and security Whereas Latinas come from diverse cul- cooperation in both nations for more than 70 tures across , Central Amer- additional challenges in obtaining years; ica, , and the Caribbean, and health care, enduring economic insecu- Whereas the United States and the United Afro-Latinas face disparities in recognition; rity, and suffering from language isola- Kingdom share the world’s largest bilateral Whereas Latinas are dedicated public serv- tion. trade and investment relationship; ants, holding posts at the highest levels of Recently, on March 16, 2021, eight Whereas, while the United States and the the Federal Government, including the Su- people, including six women of Asian United Kingdom already share a robust eco- preme Court of the United States, Cabinet- descent, were shot to death at three nomic partnership, there remain clear oppor- level positions, the United States Senate, Atlanta-area businesses. During a year tunities for both countries to further and the United States House of Representa- tives; of increasing racism and attacks tar- strengthen economic ties; Whereas the United States Trade Rep- Whereas Latinas make up an estimated 19 geting AAPIs, this latest senseless act resentative and United Kingdom Department percent of women serving in the Armed of violence adds to the pain and fear for have engaged in sub- Forces, and the first Latina to become a gen- felt by many in the AAPI community. stantive negotiations towards the conclusion eral in the Marine Corps reached that rank Our leaders must step up and confront of a comprehensive free trade agreement in 2006; racial hatred and violence. since May 2020; and Whereas Latinas are breaking the glass At Merrick Garland’s hearing to be Whereas the constitutional power of mak- ceiling in science, technology, engineering, Attorney General of the United States, ing treaties with foreign nations includes and mathematics, with the first Latina to I highlighted the surge in discrimina- both the legislative and executive branches: travel into space doing so during a 9-day Now, therefore, be it Space Discovery mission in 1993; tion and hate crimes against the AAPI Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate Whereas Latinas own more than 2,000,000 community. In contrast to the Depart- that— businesses, and 18 percent of all women- ment of Justice under the Trump ad- (1) the United States should strengthen owned companies in the United States are ministration, then-Judge Garland rec- their close and mutually beneficial trading owned by a Latina; ognized the harm and fear that these and economic partnership with the United Whereas Latina activists have led the fight incidents have caused and pledged that Kingdom; for civil rights, including labor rights, under his leadership, the Civil Rights (2) the President, with the support of Con- LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, and racial Division would vigorously review and gress, should work to conclude negotiations equality; for a comprehensive future trade agreement Whereas Latinas create award-winning art prosecute these cases. This is the kind between the United States and the United and are recipients of Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, of leadership we need in order to com- Kingdom; and and Tony awards; bat these crimes. I will continue to (3) during the course of finalizing a trade Whereas Latina singers and , raise the issue of anti-Asian hate with agreement, the President, in consultation like Selena, also known as the Queen of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.044 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1777 Tejano music, and Celia Cruz, also known as by him to the bill H.R. 1799, to amend 636(a)(36)(V)(i)(I)) is amended by inserting ‘‘is the Queen of Salsa, have made lasting and the Small Business Act and the CARES a partnership,’’ after ‘‘independent con- significant contributions to music through- Act to extend the covered period for tractor,’’. out the world; the paycheck protection program, and (b) EFFECTIVE DATE; APPLICABILITY.— Whereas Latinas serve in the medical pro- (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in fession, and the first female and first His- for other purposes; which was ordered paragraph (2), the amendment made by sub- panic Surgeon General of the United States to lie on the table; as follows: section (a) shall be effective as if included in was appointed in 1990; At the appropriate place, insert the fol- the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136; 134 Stat. Whereas Latinas serve as journalists, re- lowing: 281) and shall apply to any loan made pursu- porting vital news and information to the SEC. lll. REVISIONS TO LOAN AMOUNT CAL- ant to section 7(a)(36) of the Small Business public; CULATION AND ELIGIBILITY. Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)) before, on, or after Whereas Latinas are world-class athletes, (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— the date of enactment of this Act, including representing the United States in the Olym- (1) the term ‘‘covered loan’’ means a loan forgiveness of such a loan. pics and other international competitions; made under paragraph (36) or (37) of section (2) EXCLUSION OF LOANS ALREADY FOR- Whereas Latinas are paid just 55 cents for 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. GIVEN.—The amendments made by sub- every dollar paid to White, non-Hispanic 636(a)); section (a) shall not apply to a loan made men; (2) the term ‘‘eligible applicant’’ means a pursuant to section 7(a)(36) of the Small Whereas, in the face of societal obstacles, taxpayer that files Internal Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)) for which including unequal pay, disparities in edu- Form 1040, Schedule C; and the borrower received forgiveness before the cation, health care needs, and civil rights (3) the term ‘‘interim final rule’’ means the date of enactment of this Act under section struggles, Latinas continue to break through interim final rule of the Small Business Ad- 1106 of the CARES Act (15 U.S.C. 9005). and thrive; ministration entitled ‘‘Business Loan Pro- Whereas the United States should continue gram Temporary Changes; Paycheck Protec- SA 1404. Mr. RISCH submitted an to invest in the future of Latinas to address tion Program – Revisions to Loan Amount amendment intended to be proposed by the barriers they face; and Calculation and Eligibility’’, Docket Number him to the bill H.R. 1799, to amend the Whereas, by 2060, Latinas will represent 1⁄4 SBA–2021–0010. (b) CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM LOAN Small Business Act and the CARES of the female population of the United Act to extend the covered period for States: Now, therefore, be it AMOUNT FOR CERTAIN APPLICANTS.— Resolved, That the Senate— (1) IN GENERAL.—An eligible applicant ap- the paycheck protection program, and (1) celebrates and honors the successes of plying for a covered loan may calculate the for other purposes; which was ordered Latinas and the contributions they have maximum amount of the covered loan using to lie on the table; as follows: the gross income of the eligible applicant, as made and continue to make to the United At the appropriate place, insert the fol- reported on the applicable Internal Revenue States; and lowing: (2) recognizes the changes that are still to Service Form 1040, Schedule C filed by the eligible applicant. SEC. lll. INELIGIBILITY OF CERTAIN NON- be made to ensure that Latinas can realize PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS UNDER their full potential as equal members of soci- (2) RETROACTIVE EFFECT.—Notwithstanding THE PAYCHECK PROTECTION PRO- ety. any provision of the interim final rule, para- GRAM. graph (1) shall apply with respect to any cov- f Clause (xvii)(I) of section 7(a)(36)(A) of the ered loan made to an eligible applicant that Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)(A)), AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND is approved on or after the date of enactment as added by section 5001(a)(1)(A)(iii) of Public PROPOSED of the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Busi- Law 117–2, is amended by inserting ‘‘(5) (if nesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act (title III SA 1402. Mr. LANKFORD submitted an the organization is subject to reporting re- of division N of Public Law 116–260). quirements under the Labor-Management amendment intended to be proposed by him (c) RECALCULATION.— to the bill H.R. 1799, to amend the Small Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 (29 (1) IN GENERAL.—With respect to a covered U.S.C. 401 et seq.)),’’ after ‘‘(4),’’. Business Act and the CARES Act to extend loan made to an eligible applicant that was the covered period for the paycheck protec- approved during the period beginning on the SA 1405. Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. tion program, and for other purposes; which date of enactment of the Economic Aid to KENNEDY, Mr. MARSHALL, Mrs. CAPITO, was ordered to lie on the table. Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and SA 1403. Mr. MARSHALL (for himself and Venues Act (title III of division N of Public Mr. CRAMER, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. Ms. ERNST) submitted an amendment in- Law 116–260) and ending on the day before LANKFORD, Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. RISCH, tended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. the date of enactment of this Act, the eligi- and Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina) sub- 1799, supra; which was ordered to lie on the ble applicant may submit to the lender with mitted an amendment intended to be table. respect to the covered loan a request to re- proposed by him to the bill H.R. 1799, SA 1404. Mr. RISCH submitted an amend- calculate the amount of the covered loan to amend the Small Business Act and ment intended to be proposed by him to the based on the application of this section. bill H.R. 1799, supra; which was ordered to lie the CARES Act to extend the covered (2) SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENTS.—If, after re- period for the paycheck protection pro- on the table. ceiving a request from an eligible applicant SA 1405. Mr. RUBIO (for himself, Mr. KEN- under paragraph (1), the applicable lender de- gram, and for other purposes; which NEDY, Mr. MARSHALL, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. termines that the amount of the applicable was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- CRAMER, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. BAR- covered loan, because of the application of lows: RASSO, Mr. RISCH, and Mr. SCOTT of South this section, would be greater than the On page 2, between lines 15 and 16, insert Carolina) submitted an amendment intended amount of the covered loan originally made the following: to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 1799, to the eligible applicant, the lender shall (d) LIMITATION ON PRIORITIZATION.—During supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. provide to the eligible applicant a payment SA 1406. Mr. MARSHALL (for himself, Mr. the period beginning on the date of enact- that is equal to the difference between the ment of this Act and ending on the last day RISCH, Mr. DAINES, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. amount of the covered loan originally made of the covered period, as defined in section RUBIO, and Ms. ERNST) submitted an amend- to the eligible applicant and the amount of ment intended to be proposed by him to the 7(a)(36)(A)(iii) of the Small Business Act (15 the covered loan based on the application of bill H.R. 1799, supra; which was ordered to lie U.S.C. 636(a)(36)(A)(iii)), as amended by this this section. on the table. Act, the Administrator of the Small Busi- ness Administration may not establish or en- SA 1407. Mr. MURPHY (for Mr. DURBIN) SA 1403. Mr. MARSHALL (for himself proposed an amendment to the bill H.R. 1651, force any priority for processing lender ap- to amend the CARES Act to extend - and Ms. ERNST) submitted an amend- plications under paragraph (36) or (37) of sec- set for the definition of a small business ment intended to be proposed by him tion 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. debtor, and for other purposes. to the bill H.R. 1799, to amend the 636(a)), except for any priority reasonably SA 1408. Ms. MURKOWSKI submitted an Small Business Act and the CARES necessary to carry out the set-asides estab- amendment intended to be proposed by her Act to extend the covered period for lished under section 323(d) of the Economic to the bill H.R. 1799, to amend the Small the paycheck protection program, and Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Non- Business Act and the CARES Act to extend profits, and Venues Act (title III of division for other purposes; which was ordered N of Public Law 116–260). the covered period for the paycheck protec- to lie on the table; as follows: tion program, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table. At the appropriate place, insert the fol- SA 1406. Mr. MARSHALL (for him- lowing: f self, Mr. RISCH, Mr. DAINES, Mr. SEC. ll. PARTNERSHIP PAYCHECK PROTEC- LANKFORD, Mr. RUBIO, and Ms. ERNST) TEXT OF AMENDMENTS TION PROGRAM LOAN CALCULATION AS FARMER OR RANCHER. submitted an amendment intended to SA 1402. Mr. LANKFORD submitted (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7(a)(36)(V)(i)(I) of be proposed by him to the bill H.R. an amendment intended to be proposed the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 1799, to amend the Small Business Act

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.046 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 and the CARES Act to extend the cov- cipient had gross receipts during the first, today’s session of the Senate. They ered period for the paycheck protection second, third, or, only with respect to an ap- have the approval of the Majority and program, and for other purposes; which plication submitted on or after January 1, Minority leaders. was ordered to lie on the table; as fol- 2021, fourth quarter of 2020 that demonstrate Pursuant to Rule XXVI, paragraph not less than a 75 percent reduction from the lows: gross receipts of the eligible recipient during 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- At the appropriate place, insert the fol- the third or fourth quarter of 2019; ate, the following committees are au- lowing: ‘‘(III) if the eligible recipient was not in thorized to meet during today’s session SEC. ll. LIMITATION. business during the first, second, or third of the Senate: (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7(a)(36)(D) of the quarter of 2019, but was in business during COMMITTEE ON BANKING, HOUSING, AND URBAN Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)(D)) is the fourth quarter of 2019, that the eligible AFFAIRS amended by adding at the end the following: recipient had gross receipts during the first, The Committee on Banking, Housing, ‘‘(x) ON COVERED LOANS FOR second, third, or, only with respect to an ap- and Urban Affairs is authorized to PLANNED PARENTHOOD.—Planned Parenthood plication submitted on or after January 1, Federation of America, Inc. and any affiliate 2021, fourth quarter of 2020 that demonstrate meet during the session of the Senate or clinic of Planned Parenthood Federation not less than a 75 percent reduction from the on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at 10 of America, Inc. shall not be eligible to re- gross receipts of the eligible recipient during a.m., to conduct a hearing on a nomi- ceive a covered loan.’’. the fourth quarter of 2019; or nation. (b) SECOND DRAW LOANS.—Section ‘‘(IV) if the eligible recipient was not in COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND 7(a)(37)(A)(iv)(III) of the Small Business Act business during 2019, but was in operation on TRANSPORTATION (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(37)(A)(iv)(III)) is amended— February 15, 2020, that the eligible recipient The Committee on Commerce, (1) in item (aa), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the had gross receipts during the second, third, end; or, only with respect to an application sub- Science, and Transportation is author- (2) in item (dd), by striking ‘‘or’’ at the mitted on or after January 1, 2021, fourth ized to meet during the session of the end; quarter of 2020 that demonstrate not less Senate on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, (3) in item (ee), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the than a 75 percent reduction from the gross at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing. end and inserting ‘‘or’’; and receipts of the eligible recipient during the COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC (4) by adding at the end the following: first quarter of 2020. WORKS ‘‘(ff) Planned Parenthood Federation of ‘‘(ii) MAXIMUM LOAN AMOUNT.—In calcu- The Committee on Environment and America, Inc. and any affiliate or clinic of lating the maximum covered loan amount Planned Parenthood Federation of America, under subparagraph (E) with respect to an el- Public Works is authorized to meet Inc.; and’’. igible recipient that experienced extreme during the session of the Senate on (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments hardship, subclauses (I)(aa)(BB) and Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., made by this section shall be effective as if (II)(aa)(BB), as applicable, of subparagraph to conduct a hearing. included in the enactment of the CARES Act (E)(i) shall be applied by substituting ‘3.5’ for COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS (Public Law 116–136). ‘2.5’.’’. The Committee on Foreign Relations (b) SECOND DRAW.—Section 7(a)(37) of the SA 1407. Mr. MURPHY (for Mr. DUR- Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(37)) is is authorized to meet during the ses- BIN) proposed an amendment to the bill amended— sion of the Senate on Wednesday, H.R. 1651, to amend the CARES Act to (1) in subparagraph (A)(i), by inserting March 24, 2021, at 10 a.m., to conduct a extend the sunset for the definition of ‘‘ ‘extreme hardship,’ ’’ after ‘‘ ‘eligible self- hearing. a small business debtor, and for other employed individual,’ ’’; and COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, purposes; as follows: (2) in subparagraph (C), by adding at the AND PENSIONS end the following: Strike section 2(c). The Committee on Health, Edu- ‘‘(v) EXTREME HARDSHIP.—In calculating cation, Labor, and Pensions is author- SA 1408. Ms. MURKOWSKI submitted the maximum loan amount under clause (i), (ii), or (iii) with respect to an eligible entity ized to meet during the session of the an amendment intended to be proposed that experienced extreme hardship, clause Senate on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, by her to the bill H.R. 1799, to amend (i)(I)(bb), (ii)(I)(bb), and (iii)(I)(bb), as appli- at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing. the Small Business Act and the CARES cable, shall be applied by substituting ‘3.5’ COMMITTEE ON INDIAN AFFAIRS Act to extend the covered period for for ‘2.5’.’’. The Committee on Indian Affairs is the paycheck protection program, and (c) COVERED PERIOD FOR LOAN FORGIVENESS authorized to meet during the session for other purposes; which was ordered FOR SECOND DRAW LOANS.—Section of the Senate on Wednesday, March 24, to lie on the table; as follows: 7(a)(37)(J)(i) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(37)(J)(i)) is amended to read as 2021, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. At the appropriate place, insert the fol- follows: lowing: COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION ‘‘(i) DEFINITION OF COVERED PERIOD.—In The Committee on Rules and Admin- SEC. ll. PPP AND SECOND DRAW LOANS FOR this subparagraph, the term ‘covered period’ BUSINESSES THAT EXPERIENCED istration is authorized to meet during means the period— EXTREME HARDSHIP. the session of the Senate on Wednes- (a) PPP.—Section 7(a)(36) of the Small ‘‘(I) beginning on the date of the origina- tion of a covered loan; and day, March 24, 2021, at 10 a.m., to con- Business Act (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(36)) is amend- duct a hearing. ed— ‘‘(II) ending on a date selected by the eligi- (1) in subparagraph (E), in the matter pre- ble recipient of the covered loan that occurs COMMITTEE ON SMALL BUSINESS AND ceding clause (i), by striking ‘‘subparagraph during the period— ENTREPRENEURSHIP (V)’’ and inserting ‘‘subparagraphs (V) and ‘‘(aa) beginning on the date that is 8 weeks The Committee on Small Business (W)’’; and after such date of origination; and and Entrepreneurship is authorized to (2) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(bb) ending on the date that is 52 weeks after such date of origination.’’. meet during the session of the Senate ‘‘(W) CALCULATION OF MAXIMUM LOAN (d) APPLICABILITY.—The amendments made on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at 2:30 AMOUNT FOR BUSINESSES THAT EXPERIENCED by this section shall apply— p.m., to conduct a hearing. EXTREME HARDSHIP.— (1) for the amendments made by sub- ‘‘(i) DEFINITION.—In this subparagraph, the COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS sections (a) and (b), with respect to an appli- term ‘extreme hardship’ means, with respect The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs cant for a loan under paragraph (36) or (37) of to an eligible recipient applying for assist- section 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 is authorized to meet during the ses- ance under this paragraph— U.S.C. 636(a)(37)) before, on, or after the date sion of the Senate on Wednesday, ‘‘(I) except as provided in subclauses (II), of enactment of this Act; and March 24, 2021, at 3 p.m., to conduct a (III), and (IV), that the eligible recipient had (2) for the amendment made by subsection hearing. gross receipts during the first, second, third, (c), with respect to an applicant for loan for- or, only with respect to an application sub- SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE giveness under section 7(a)(37)(J) of that Act mitted on or after January 1, 2021, fourth The Select Committee on Intel- (15 U.S.C. 636(a)(37)(J)) that has not yet re- quarter in 2020 that demonstrate not less ligence is authorized to meet during ceived the loan forgiveness. than a 75 percent reduction from the gross the session of the Senate on Wednes- receipts of the eligible recipient during the f day, March 24, 2021, at 2 p.m., to con- same quarter in 2019; AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO duct a closed briefing. ‘‘(II) if the eligible recipient was not in MEET business during the first or second quarter of SUBCOMMITTEE ON CYBERSECURITY 2019, but was in business during the third and Mr. XXX. Mr. President, I have 14 re- The Subcommittee on Cybersecurity fourth quarter of 2019, that the eligible re- quests for committees to meet during of the Committee on Armed Services is

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:06 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.049 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1779 authorized to meet during the session amended, be considered read three It was a bit of a tongue-lashing, I of the Senate on Wednesday, March 24, times and passed; and that the motion think, of the U.S. team, our Secretary 2021, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a closed to reconsider be considered made and of State, Tony Blinken. I think our hearing. laid upon the table with no intervening team pushed back appropriately—the SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL action or debate. National Security Advisor, Jake Sul- The Subcommittee on Personnel of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- livan; Kurt Campbell, who also works the Committee on Armed Services is pore. Without objection, it is so or- at the National Security Council. But authorized to meet during the session dered. this was the first face-to-face meeting of the Senate on Wednesday, March 24, The amendment (No. 1407) was agreed between the United States and Chinese 2021, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a closed to, as follows: diplomats with the Biden administra- hearing. (Purpose: To improve the bill) tion. What we saw was a very confident SUBCOMMITTEE ON WATER AND POWER Strike section 2(c). China, a very aggressive China that The Subcommittee on Water and The amendment was ordered to be showed up in Alaska. For example, Power of the Committee on Environ- engrossed and the bill to be read a they were talking about ‘‘Chinese-style ment and Public Works is authorized third time. democracy.’’ We also know that as a to meet during the session of the Sen- The bill was read the third time. dictatorship. ate on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at The bill (H.R. 1651), as amended, was Earth to the Chinese Communist 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. passed. Party: There is no democracy in China. f SUBCOMMITTEE ON FEDERAL SPENDING You run an authoritarian regime, so OVERSIGHT AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, MARCH don’t try to fool anybody. It is a dicta- The Subcommittee on Federal Spend- 25, 2021 torship, not a democracy. ing Oversight and Emergency Manage- Mr. MURPHY. Finally, I would ask But the bigger issue is this: Xi ment of the Committee on Homeland unanimous consent that when the Sen- Jinping and the Chinese Communist Security and Governmental Affairs is ate completes its business today, it ad- Party clearly believe that it is rising, authorized to meet during the session journ until 10 a.m., Thursday, March that its rise for this century is of the Senate on Wednesday, March 24, 25; that following the prayer and unstoppable, and that the United 2021, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct a hearing. pledge, the morning hour be deemed States—and the West but particularly f expired, the Journal of proceedings be the United States, our country—is de- approved to date, the time for the two clining and there is nothing we can do MEASURE READ THE FIRST to stop this. They say this in private. TIME—S. 963 leaders be reserved for their use later in the day, and morning business be They say it in public. And they believe Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I un- closed; that upon conclusion of morn- it. They are confident to the point of derstand that there is a bill at the ing business, the Senate resume the being cocky, as we saw in Alaska, to desk, and I ask for its first reading. motion to proceed to Calendar No. 11, the point of calling their dictatorship a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- H.R. 1799, as provided under the pre- democracy, which, of course, it isn’t. pore. The clerk will read the bill by vious order; finally, that the votes Now, my view—and I think it is the title for the first time. scheduled for 11 a.m. begin at 10:45 a.m. view of every Senator here; I certainly The legislative clerk read as follows: The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hope it is; I think it is—is that it is A bill (S. 963) to authorize dedicated do- pore. Without objection, it is so or- never a good idea to bet against the mestic terrorism offices within the Depart- dered. United States. Every major power in ment of Homeland Security, the Department Mr. MURPHY. For the information of the world that has done so has lost of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Inves- Senators, we expect to have four roll- that bet. That is a fact, but we clearly tigation to analyze and monitor domestic call votes beginning at 10:45 a.m. to- have work to do. We have a lot of work terrorist activity and require the Federal to do as it relates to this challenge. Government to take steps to prevent domes- morrow. Additional rollcall votes are tic terrorism, and for other purposes. expected during Thursday’s session. I have been coming to the Senate floor for the last 6 years talking about f Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I now this issue, talking about this chal- ask for a second reading, and in order ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT lenge, talking about some of the things to place the bill on the calendar under Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, if there that we need to do to address the big- the provisions of rule XIV, I object to is no further business to come before gest U.S. strategic challenge for this request. the Senate, I ask unanimous consent century. It is the rise of China. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- that it stand adjourned under the pre- Now we have a new administration in pore. Objection having been heard, the vious order following the remarks of power, and it was clear from the Alas- bill will be receive a second reading on Senators SULLIVAN and SASSE. ka meeting that the Chinese Com- the next legislative day. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- munist Party plans to aggressively f pore. Without objection, it is so or- challenge the Biden administration. Now, I have a lot of disagreements al- COVID–19 BANKRUPTCY RELIEF dered. The Senator from Alaska. ready with the Biden administration, EXTENSION ACT OF 2021 f especially the way in which they are Mr. MURPHY. Mr. President, I ask treating my State. I have been speak- unanimous consent that the Senate CHINA ing on the Senate floor—eight Execu- proceed to the immediate consider- Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, I tive orders focused on Alaska, shutting ation of H.R. 1651, which was received wanted to come down to the Senate down our economy, killing jobs. And I from the House and is at the desk. floor for a couple reasons, but first I will fight them hard on this. But, on The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- want to talk a little bit about what China, I believe it is imperative that pore. The clerk will report the bill by happened in Alaska last weekend—ac- we all work together, not as Democrats title. tually, a really important meeting be- and Republicans but as Americans, as The legislative clerk read as follows: tween the United States and China, our we have done when other major powers A bill (H.R. 1651) to amend the CARES Act senior diplomats, their senior dip- have threatened the United States. to extend the sunset for the definition of a lomats. It took place in Anchorage, The Communist Party of China clear- small business debtor, and for other pur- and let’s just say the meeting was as ly sees one of our major weaknesses as poses. frosty as the Alaska air. our political divisions. They write There being no objection, the Senate It was a tough meeting. The Chinese about it. It is in all the intel. They proceeded to consider the bill. came out, kind of took a little advan- talk about it. Look, we are a democ- Mr. MURPHY. I further ask that the tage of being extra verbose in their racy. We are transparent, unlike them. Durbin amendment at the desk be con- opening statements, going against the Our political divisions are on full dis- sidered and agreed to; that the bill, as 2-minute, agreed-upon time limit. play. You see them tonight. By the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.050 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1780 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 way, we have had political divisions talk about a couple of other positions Trump administration and Republican since the founding of the Republic. of strength that I think it is incumbent Senate. They need to keep it going. China doesn’t share their political di- upon us to try to help this administra- And here is going to be a test. Last visions with the world, but they have tion with, help our country with. Some year in the NDAA, we put in the De- them, no doubt about it. But here is a are going to be up to the Senate and fense bill a bipartisan piece of legisla- fact. Here is a fact, and we all need to the House. A lot more are going to be tion called the Pacific Deterrence Ini- know this. Every American needs to up to the President and his team. tiative. The admiral in charge of the know this. Xi Jinping and the Chinese Where we can influence it, we should. INDOPACOM region testified in front Communist Party’s worst nightmare is As I mentioned, politically being uni- of the Armed Services Committee very seeing a determined, long-term, bipar- fied on issues that relate to China is recently. His replacement testified yes- tisan, strong U.S. strategy to deal with exactly what the Chinese Communist terday. All of them said we need to the rise of China, to deal with the rise Party fears the most, and it is starting fully fund the Pacific Deterrence Ini- of China for what they are: our No. 1 to happen. Legislation to outcompete tiative—a bipartisan part of the De- geostrategic challenge for this century. China economically—critical, critical. fense bill last year—and $4.6 billion is That is why we need to work together The more that we can do that, the what they think we need to reorder the on this issue. It is something I have more that we can show we are united, balance, particularly in the area of the been calling for for a long time. And the more important what we do here is Taiwan Strait. That is public. here is the good news: It is something going to matter in the long-term com- The administration is debating this that is starting to happen. It is some- petition with regard to China. right now. They need to fund it. This thing that is starting to happen. Let me give another one. Allies. Al- body will approve it. That is going to Now, I had a good opportunity to lies. The United States is an ally-rich be a position of strength that is up to meet with Secretary Blinken, to meet nation. China is an ally-poor country. them, but people are watching. We are with National Security Advisor Jake They have very few allies: maybe watching, our allies are watching, and, Sullivan and his top China national se- North Korea; Russia maybe, maybe of course, the Chinese Communist curity official, Kurt Campbell, when not. China doesn’t really have allies; Party is watching. they were in Alaska. I also was able to they have customers. Let me give one more, one more that get a good debrief from Secretary Aus- We have a network, and it is one of I think is critical: taking advantage of tin about his visits in Asia, particu- our most important strategic advan- America’s resources, critical minerals: larly in . tages. We need to build upon that net- Yes, energy; yes, natural gas; yes, oil. The Secretary of State and the Na- work of allies, deepen it, expand it. Prior to the pandemic, we were the tional Security Advisor talk about And I will give the administration a lot world’s energy superpower, largest pro- dealing with China from what they call of credit for setting this up in an im- ducer of oil in the world, largest pro- positions or situations of strength—sit- portant way for their first meeting, the ducer of natural gas in the world, larg- uations of strength. They actually leaders of the quad. est producer of renewables in the took that term from former Secretary The quad is the United States, , world. of State Dean Acheson when he was , and India, started by Presi- This is a good thing for our country. doing something that they are cur- dent George W. Bush, taken to another Our allies in the region know it; the rently trying to do now: putting to- level by President Trump, and taken to Chinese know it. And again, there is a gether a coalition, a long-term strat- a really high level by President Biden, debate within the administration right egy, in 1947, 1948, 1949 to deal with the the leader level. It was a really smart now on energy. Soviet Union, and they did it with move. The quad can help anchor our al- The President has recently told some Democrats and Republicans. NATO, the liances in the region in a critical way. of our great Union leaders he is ‘‘all in strategy of containment—these were Three of the four biggest economies in for natural gas.’’ We should do that. all things that came together in this the world are part of the quad. Some of That is the reason we reduced green- body. the best militaries in the world are house gas emissions over the last 15 So I want to talk very briefly about part of the quad. So to have that meet- years, more than any other country— some of these positions of strength ing, even though it was virtual, with big country—in the world because of that the administration is trying to the leaders—the President, Prime Min- the revolution of natural gas. Our al- put together as it relates to China, and isters—of the quad was smart and lies need that. They know it is a na- I think it is in our interest to help something I think they should be com- tional security strength that we have. them. mended on. Then to have the Secretary On the other hand, we have other ele- First of all, I think it was important of State and the Secretary of Defense ments in the administration that clear- and, of course, as an Alaska Senator, I go to Korea, go to Japan; continue on, ly want to unilaterally give away our was glad that meeting took place in the Secretary of Defense, to India—also energy comparative advantage, restrict Anchorage, but it was also a symbol. very smart. production of oil and gas. It makes no One of the things that the Chinese The Chinese know this is a huge sense. Communist Party frequently states— weakness of theirs, and it is a huge So energy, energy is another position Xi Jinping frequently states it—is that strength of ours. As Senators, the more of strength that we should be encour- Asia should be for Asians. The subtext that we can do to encourage this on our aging, and I certainly am encouraging of that is, we are trying to kick the own, go to these countries, reinforce the Biden administration to recognize United States out of Asia. the importance of these alliances—it is it as something good for our economy, Well, here is more news for the Chi- clearly a position of strength that the good for jobs and, yes, really good for nese, for the Communist Party of administration is off to a good start our national security and really impor- China: We are an Asian nation. We with. tant in our competition with China. have been an Asian nation for cen- Let me give another one, a position The Biden administration national se- turies. My hometown of Anchorage, of strength. Our military. Our mili- curity team knows this. I think they where this meeting took place, is clos- tary. This is going to be pretty simple. recognize it. But again, we will be er to Tokyo than it is to this city, If we see dramatic cuts to our mili- watching. It is important. Washington, DC. The Aleutian Island tary—and right now the Biden adminis- This is going to be an issue that we chain goes to the other side of the tration is debating this. There is a real are going to be focused on here in the international dateline. We are an Asian fight going on internally: Where is the U.S. Senate, in my view, for the next 50 nation. We are not leaving. We have budget going to be? We can’t see cuts. to 100 years, if we are doing it right. If been there 200 years; we will be there The second term of the Obama-Biden we work together, if we work from po- 200, 300, 500 more. administration cut defense spending by sitions of strength, as the Secretary of So that is No. 1, and I am glad they 25 percent. They gutted readiness. The State and National Security Advisor held the meeting in Alaska for that Chinese and the Russians were ap- have mentioned, are focused on, the reason, on American soil, and they plauding that whole period. We have way this is going to end is the way it chose to do that purposely. But let me worked hard to build that up under the ended with other major powers that

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.082 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1781 have challenged the United States. I Certainly, these are the kind of war. The younger, afternoon paper, the am very confident of that, and I think events that we think make Alaska Sacramento Bee, decided to take on most of my colleagues on both sides of unique and a big sense of community. I the establishment Sacramento Union. the aisle are. We need to get working have said it before: Alaska isn’t always Eventually, the Bee won. But by then, together on that. the easiest place to live. It is far from Rod had made his way to the great f the lower 48. The weather can be ex- State of Alaska to enter another, even treme, very tough. But as a result, the bigger newspaper war: the Anchorage TRIBUTE TO ROD BOYCE people and communities bond, and they Times, the established paper, versus Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. President, it is work together, particularly in some of the upstart Anchorage Daily News. not Thursday yet, but it is almost our most remote communities. We are Any person in news in Alaska who Thursday, and that is when I love to one big community in the great State has been around a while will talk about come down to the floor of the U.S. Sen- of Alaska, as my colleague from Ne- that newspaper war with something of ate to recognize an Alaskan who is braska knows. awe in their voice. Both papers then doing something great for our State. Every community in Alaska, in were fully staffed up, at least 30 report- And as many know here, we call this America, needs to be able to share reli- ers each, bureaus all across the State, person our Alaskan of the Week. able, credible information. On that even bureaus here in DC, pre-social Now, it is one of my favorite times of topic, of course, there has been a lot of media days, pre-Twitter days. Report- the week. I know that a couple of Hill negative attention in the past couple of ers spent their days on the streets, watchers like it too. I want to give a years paid to some in the national knocking on doors, stealing each oth- shout-out to Chris Cioffi from Roll media, particularly in the last few er’s scoops. It was called shoe leather Call. He actually did a piece in Roll years. But the vital role, the vital role reporting, and some great journalism Call today about the ‘‘Alaskan of the of local journalism and how that role in Alaska emerged. Week’’ series. So thank you, Chris. I that plays in different communities Eventually, the upstart, the young hope you are watching. It is a little across our country, in my view, hasn’t Anchorage Daily News—still around— late, and it is not Thursday. But any- had nearly enough attention, and it is won the war. So Rod was on the losing way, I appreciate the shout-out in your a positive role, our local reporters. team. He began to work for a small series today. So our Alaskan of the Week, Rod chain of six or seven rural papers called I am going to get to the punch. Our Boyce, who, until just a few weeks ago Alaska Newspapers, Inc. It was here Alaskan of the Week tonight, this was the longtime editor of the Fair- that Rod got his first glimpse of rural week, is Rod Boyce, a friend of mine, a banks Daily News-Miner, spent nearly Alaska. He learned about fisheries former longtime editor of one of my fa- his entire career, 35 years, ensuring issues, ate his first piece of muktuk. vorite—actually, it is my favorite that Alaskans stayed connected That is whale blubber. He experienced newspaper in Alaska, the Fairbanks through local news. the beauty and became aware of the Daily News-Miner. He clearly is deserv- Now, Rod himself hasn’t made huge heartbreak of rural Alaska, the true ing of this great, important award. headlines in the State. As a matter of spiritual soul of our State, one of the But before I talk about Rod, let me fact, that is one of the reasons for the spiritual souls of America, I would give you a little update about what is Alaskan of the Week, to do a shout-out argue. going on in the State. First, some good to someone who has not gotten a lot of After a few years with Alaska news- news, something we are all very proud recognition. The only time Rod has papers, he took the job that he has of in Alaska. The economy is hurting; gotten a lot of headlines was one in- been so good at for almost three dec- we are not proud of that. But in terms stance of a mushing mishap. I am going ades, editor of the Fairbanks Daily of the pandemic, the health elements, to talk briefly about that. But as an News-Miner, which is my wonderful our State continues to be the No. 1 old-school newsman, he liked to stay wife Julie’s hometown. It is the first State vaccinated per capita of any behind the headlines, behind the city I lived in with Julie and our State in the country. This is a scenes. brandnew daughter of ours, Meghan, minimiracle, by the way, because we But he has been behind the scenes of and, of course, I can still consider the are a really big State, and we are real- so many of those headlines in our News-Miner to be my hometown news- ly spread out, a really small popu- State. For years, he worked tire- paper. lation. And yet, the Federal Govern- lessly—first at papers across the State As I mentioned, Rod was an editor ment, Tribal healthcare system, VA, and then for 27 years at the News- for 27 years for this great interior Alas- State of Alaska, everybody coming to- Miner—to keep the great community of ka paper. The News-Miner is small but gether is making it happen. Fairbanks and North Pole, AK, the in- mighty in Alaska, punching way above About 3 weeks ago, we announced terior part of our State, connected and its weight, winning numerous jour- that anyone over 16 could get a vac- informed. nalism awards, breaking important cine. And some communities are hit- So here is a little bit about Rod. stories on health crises, injustice, scan- ting 60, 70 percent vaccinated already Born in London, England—I have dals, economic opportunities, everyday in Alaska. Really important. We are known Rod for many years, but I did stories about everyday people, the kind opening up. If you are watching, and not know that fact. Born in London, of stories that draw us together as you don’t live in Alaska, come visit. It England, his family moved to Southern communities. is going to be safe, but we are very California in the 1960s. His father de- As Rod said, ‘‘It’s not just national proud of that accomplishment because signed and engineered refineries. And journalism that matters. Local jour- it has taken a lot of work. Rod’s father and his wife—Rod’s mom— nalism matters [too].’’ Of course, it is cold in Alaska, but raised both him and his sister. To that end, it was his policy, until the Sun has been shining. The snow has He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do he just retired a couple of weeks ago, been amazing. We have had a lot of it in life, but he was inspired by a trip he to have at least 95 percent of the front recently. The spirits are up. We have took to England early in his college ca- page of the News-Miner devoted to an Iditarod winner. Congratulations to reer, came back with a camera that he local news. That is a great idea. Seavey on your fifth Iditarod actually found on a bench in the So many Alaskans have interests, win. Incredible, incredible. Heathrow Airport. It is an interesting hobbies, lifestyles that many here in You know, some may take issue with detail. And he found his calling in jour- the lower 48 just don’t understand, Rod the claim that Alaska is the most nalism. He was the editor of the school included. For many years, he spent his unique State in the Union, but consider newspaper at Humboldt State Univer- days in the newsroom and his evenings this: Every year, teams of mushers and sity and did some stints at small pa- and weekends mushing dogs. And he their dogs barrel hundreds of miles pers, landed at the Sacramento still mushes. He loves it. It is a family across the State toward the city of Union—the oldest paper in the West, by affair. He and his wife Julie used to put Nome, in some of the harshest condi- the way—one that Mark Twain used to their daughter, Edie, in a sled when she tions, rugged conditions on the planet write for. It was his first experience was just in diapers. And Edie is still Earth. with a good old-fashioned newspaper doing it. The most dogs they have ever

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.083 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 had now is 27. It is down to 18. This is biggest awards you have ever received, When examining the Senate’s proper hard work. It is tons of work. My wife our Alaskan of the Week. role in our system of Government gen- Julie and her family also raised sled I yield the floor. erally and in the process of judicial dogs. It is really hard work, particu- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MUR- nominations specifically, we should larly in the cold, interior Alaska win- PHY). The majority leader. begin, in my view, but not end with our ters. And it is also dangerous, as Rod f Founding Fathers. As any grade school can attest. student knows, our Government is one MEASURE READ THE FIRST In 2000, when competing for the first that was infused by the Framers with TIME—H.R. 1868 time in the 200-mile Tustumena 200 checks and balances. Sled Dog Race on the Kenai Peninsula, Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I un- I should have said at the outset that he took a wrong turn. It was snowing derstand that there is a bill at the I owe special thanks—and I will list hard. It was difficult to see. The trail desk, and I ask for its first reading. them—to a group of constitutional got obliterated. And he couldn’t figure The PRESIDING OFFICER. The scholars and law professors in some of out how to get back on the trail. So he clerk will read the bill by title for the our great universities and law schools staked his dogs and hunkered down on first time. for editing this speech for me and for a ridge to build camp. He had some The bill clerk read as follows: helping me write this speech because I candy, Reese’s Pieces, dried lamb for A bill (H.R. 1868), to prevent across-the- think it may be one of the most impor- the dogs. He had a cooker, thermos, board direct spending cuts, and for other tant speeches for historical purposes some fuel, some twigs. He had bunny purposes. that I will have given in the 32 years boots, fortunately, but not a parka. Mr. SCHUMER. I now ask for a sec- since I have been in the Senate. He spent his days exploring, going as ond reading and, in order to place the When examining the Senate’s proper far as he dared to try to find the trail bill on the calendar under the provi- role in our system of Government and at night. At night, he could hear the sions of rule XIV, I object to my own in the process of judicial nominations, helicopters above, looking for Rod, but request. as I said, we have to look at what our they couldn’t see him through the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- Founders thought about when they cloud cover. tion being heard, the bill will be read talked about checks and balances. What was going on turned out to be on the next legislative day. The theoretical underpinning of this one of the largest land search and res- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- system can be found in Federalist 51 cue missions in Alaska history, trying ator from Nebraska. where the architect of our Constitu- to find Rod Boyce, the intrepid editor f tion, James Madison, advanced his fa- mous theory that the Constitution set of the News-Miner. But he didn’t know FILIBUSTER that. He just knew that his days were up a system in which ‘‘ambition must ticking away. Rod’s wife Julie was wor- Mr. SASSE. Mr. President, I rise be made to counteract ambition.’’ ried sick, of course, but kept it to- today to speak at some length, if time ‘‘Ambition must be made to counter- gether throughout. On the sixth day— will permit me, about the same subject act ambition.’’ As Madison notes, this sixth day—almost a week, when the my friend from Washington State so is because ‘‘[The] great security sky cleared, he headed out again and a eloquently addressed. My colleagues against a gradual concentration of the snow machine came his way. ‘‘I think I know that although when I speak, I several powers in the same department am the guy you’re looking for,’’ he told sometimes get very passionate, I have consists in giving those who administer the driver, Ron Poston. Ron gave him a not very often, in past years, risen to each department the necessary con- candy bar and a ride to safety. the floor for any extended period of stitutional means and personal motives That night, he and his wife cele- time. I do that today because so much to resist encroachments by the other.’’ brated with a beer and a cheeseburger. is at stake. Our Founders made the conscious de- His feet were in bad shape, but other- For over 200 years, the Senate has cision to set up a system of govern- wise he was unharmed. When he made embodied the brilliance of our Found- ment that was different from the it back to the newsroom, his fellow re- ing Fathers in creating an intricate English parliamentary system—the porters put up markers that led from system of checks and balances among system, by the way, with which they his parking space into the building in the three branches of Government. were the most familiar. The Founders case he got lost again. He thought it This system has served two critical reacted viscerally to the aggrandize- was pretty funny. purposes, both allowing the Senate to ment of power in any one branch or On January 22, Rod Boyce left the act as an independent, restraining any person, even in a person or body News-Miner to take a job as a science force on the excesses of the executive elected by the majority of the citizens writer and public information officer branch, and protecting minority rights of this country. at the very cool and esteemed Geo- within the Senate itself. The Framers Under the system the Founders cre- physical Institute at the University of used this dual system of checks and ated, they made sure that no longer Alaska Fairbanks. He spends his days balances to underscore the independent would any one person or one body be now writing about Tsunamis and the nature of the Senate and its members. able to run roughshod over everyone skies and the heavens. He said: The Framers sought not to ensure else. They wanted to allow the sov- simple majority rule, but to allow mi- It is a nerd’s dream . . . I had a good 35- ereign people—not the sovereign Gov- year run in newspapers and was very fortu- nority views—whether they are con- ernment, the sovereign people—to pur- nate to experience the things that I did and servative, liberal, or moderate—to sue a strategy of divide and conquer interact with all sorts of public officials and have an enduring role in the Senate in and, in the process, to protect the few regular folks on the street. I got to see them order to check the excesses of the ma- against the excesses of the many which at their highs and lows, their tragedies and jority. This system is now being tested they would witness in the French Rev- their happiest moments. in the extreme. olution. He still has hopes for local news. ‘‘A I believe the proposed course of ac- The independence of the judiciary local news outlet can tie a local com- tion we are hearing about these days is was vital to the success of that ven- munity together and that is super im- one that has the potential to do more ture. As Federalist 78 notes: portant. I hope that never changes,’’ damage to this system than anything The complete independence of the courts of said Rod. that has occurred since I have become justice is peculiarly essential in a limited Me, too, Rod. Here is to local jour- a Senator. Constitution. nalism. Here is to the mighty Fair- History will judge us harshly, in my Our Founders felt strongly that banks News-Miner, and here is to Rod view, if we eliminate over 200 years of judges should exercise independent Boyce. Thank you for being the guy be- precedent and procedure in this body judgment and not be beholden to any hind the headlines all these many and, I might add, doing it by breaking one person or one body. John Adams, years. Thank you for keeping our com- a second rule of the Senate, and that is in 1776, stated: munities and interior connected, and changing the rules of the Senate by a The dignity and stability of government in congratulations on perhaps one of the mere majority vote. all its branches, the morals of the people,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G24MR6.084 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1783 and every blessing of society, depend so wholly independent entities to sign off Paris, because he was not here when much upon an upright and skillful adminis- before a judge takes the bench? the Constitution was written, Jefferson tration of justice, that the judicial power There is a Latin proverb which trans- was somewhat upset that there was a ought to be distinct from both the legislative lates to ‘‘Who will guard the guard- bicameral legislative body, that a Sen- and executive, and independent upon both, that so it may be a check upon both, as both ians?’’ Our judges guard our rights, and ate was set up. He asked Washington: should be checks upon that. our Founders were smart enough to put Why did you do this, set up a Senate? Adams continues: both the President and the Senate, act- And Washington looked at Jefferson as The judges, therefore, should always be ing independently, in charge of guard- they were having tea and said: Why did men of learning and experience in the laws, ing our judicial guardians. Who will you pour that tea into your saucer? of exemplary morals, great patience, calm- guard the guardians? And Jefferson responded: To cool it. ness and attention; their minds should not As a Senator, I regard this not as just I might note parenthetically that be distracted with jarring interests; they a right but as a solemn duty and re- was the purpose of a saucer originally. should not be dependent upon any one man sponsibility, one that transcends the It was not to keep the tablecloth clean. or any body of men. partisan disputes of any day or any Jefferson responded: To cool it, and In order to ensure that judicial inde- decade. The importance of multiple Washington then sagely stated: Even pendence, the very independence of checks in determining who our judges so, we pour legislation into the senato- which Adams spoke, the Founders did would be was not lost on our Founders, rial saucer to cool it. not give the appointment power to any even on those who were very much in The Senate was designed to play this one person or body, although it is in- favor of a strong Executive. independent and, I might emphasize, structive for us, as we debate this issue For example, Alexander Hamilton, moderating—a word not heard here in determining the respective author- probably the strongest advocate for a very often—moderating and reflective ity of the Senate and the Executive, it stronger Executive, wrote: role in our Government. But what as- is important to note that for much of The possibility of rejection [by the Senate] pects of the Senate led it to become the Constitutional Convention, the would be a strong motive to [take] care in this saucer, cooling the passions of the power of judicial appointment was proposing [nominations. The President] . . . day for the betterment of America’s solely—solely—vested in the hands of would be both ashamed and afraid to bring long-term future? First, the Founders the legislature. For the numerous forward . . . candidates who had no other certainly did not envision the Senate votes taken about how to resolve this merit, than that . . . of being in some way or as a body of unadulterated issue, never did the Founders conclude other personally allied to him, or of pos- majoritarianism. In fact, James Madi- sessing the necessary insignificance and son and other Founders were amply that it should start with the Executive pliancy to render them the obsequious in- and be within the power of the Execu- strument of his pleasure. concerned about the majority’s ability, tive. James Madison, for instance, was as they put it, ‘‘to oppress the minor- Hamilton also rebutted the argument ‘‘not satisfied with referring the ap- ity.’’ It was in this vein the Senate was that the Senate’s rejection of nominees pointment to the Executive;’’ instead, set up ‘‘first to protect the people would give it an improper influence he was ‘‘rather inclined to give it to against their rulers; secondly, to pro- over the President, as some here have the Senatorial branch’’ which he envi- tect the people against the transient suggested, by stating: sioned as a group ‘‘sufficiently stable impressions into which they them- and independent’’ to provide ‘‘delibera- If by influencing the President be meant selves might be led. . . .The use of the restraining him, this is precisely what must Senate is to consist in its proceeding tive judgments.’’ have been intended. And it has been shown It was widely agreed that the Senate that the restraint would be salutary. with more coolness, with more system, ‘‘would be composed of men nearly and with more wisdom, than the pop- The end result of our Founders was a equal to the Executive and would, of ular branch.’’ system in which both the President course, have on the whole more wis- Structurally, the Founders set up a and the Senate had significant roles, a dom’’ than the Executive. It is very im- ‘‘different type of legislature’’ by en- system in which the Senate was con- portant to point out that they felt ‘‘it suring that each citizen—now here is stitutionally required to exercise inde- would be less easy for candidates’’—re- an important point, and if anybody in pendent judgment, not simply to ferring to candidates to the bench—‘‘to this Chamber understands this, the rubberstamp the President’s desires. intrigue with [the Senators], more Presiding Officer does—the Founders As Senator William Maclay said: than with the Executive.’’ set up this different type of legislative In fact, during the drafting of the [W]hoever attends strictly to the Constitu- body by ensuring that each citizen did Constitution, four separate tion of the United States will readily observe not have an equal say in the func- that the part assigned to the Senate was an tioning of the Senate—that sounds out- were made to include Presidential in- important one—no less that of being the volvement in judicial appointments, great check, the regulator and corrector, or, rageous, to ensure they did not have an but because of the widespread fear of if I may so speak, the balance of this govern- equal say—but that each State did Presidential power, they all failed. ment. . . .The approbation of the Senate was have an equal say. In fact, for over a There continued to be proponents of certainly meant to guard against the mis- century, Senators were not originally Presidential involvement, however, takes of the President in his appointments chosen by the people, as the Presiding and finally, at the eleventh hour, the to office . . . The depriving power should be Officer knows, and it was not until 1913 appointment power was divided and the same as the appointing power. that they were elected by the people as shared, as a consequence of the Con- The Founders gave us a system in opposed to selected by their State leg- necticut Compromise I will speak to in which the Senate was to play a signifi- islative bodies. a minute, between the two institu- cant and substantive role in judicial Today, Mr. President, you and I do tions, the President and the Senate. nominations. They also provided us stand directly before the people of our In the end, the Founders set up a sys- guidance on what type of legislative State for election, but the Senate re- tem in which the President nominates body they envisioned. In this new type mains to this day a legislative body and the Senate has the power to give or of governance system they set up in that does not reflect the simple pop- withhold—or withhold—its ‘‘advice and 1789 where power would be separated ular majority because representation is consent.’’ The role of ‘‘advice and con- and would check other power, the by States. sent’’ was not understood to be purely Founders envisioned a special unique That means someone from Maine has formal. The Framers clearly con- role for the Senate that does not exist over 25 times as much effective voting templated a substantive role on the anywhere else in governance or in any power in this body as the Senator from part of the Senate in checking the parliamentary system. California. An interesting little fact, President. There is the oft-repeated discussion and I do not say this to say anything This bifurcation of roles makes a lot between two of our most distinguished other than how the system works, of sense, for how best can we ensure Founding Fathers, there are more desks on that side of that an independent judiciary is be- and George Washington. Reportedly, at the aisle. That side has 55. Does that holden to no one man or no one group a breakfast that Jefferson was having side of the aisle realize this side of the than by requiring two separate and with Washington upon returning from aisle, with 45 desks, represents more

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.035 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1784 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 Americans than they do? If we add up freedom of speech and debate, without nominations never reached the floor by all the people represented by the Re- which all other privileges would be the end of his administration and were publican Party in the Senate, they add comparatively unimportant, or ineffec- defeated by delay, in spite of his popu- up to fewer people than the Democratic tual.’’ And that goes to the very heart larity and his party’s control of the Party represents in the Senate. We rep- of what made the Senate different. Senate. resent the majority of the American In the Senate, each individual Sen- Furthermore, President Adams had a people, but in this Chamber it is irrele- ator was more than a number to be number of judicial nominations vant and it should be because this was counted on the way to a majority vote, blocked from getting to the floor. More never intended in any sense to be a something I think some of us have for- than 1,300 appointments by President majoritarian institution. gotten. Daniel Webster put it this way: Taft were filibustered. President Wil- This distinctive quality of the Senate This is a Senate of equals, of men of indi- son also suffered from the filibusters of was part of that Great Compromise vidual honor and personal character, and of his nominees. without which we would not have a absolute independence. We know no masters, Not only does past practice show no Constitution referred to as the Con- we acknowledge no dictators. This is a hall distinction between legislation and ju- necticut Compromise. Edmund Ran- for mutual consultation and discussion; not dicial nominations in regards to the dolph, who served as the first Attorney an arena for the exhibition of champions. recognition of minority rights, the for- General of the United States and would Extended debate, the filibuster, was a mal rules of the Senate have never rec- ognized such a distinction, except for a later be Secretary of State, represented means to reach a more modest and 30–year stretch in the Senate history, Virginia at the Constitutional Conven- moderate result to achieve compromise 1917 to 1949, when legislation was made tion, and in that context he argued for and common ground to allow Senators, subject to cloture but nominations fully proportionate representation in as Webster had put it, to be men—and were not. Do my colleagues hear this? the debates over the proper form of the now men and women—of absolute inde- All of those who think a judge is more legislative branch, but ultimately he pendence. entitled to a vote than legislation, in agreed to the Connecticut Compromise. Until 1917, there was no method to 1917 it was decided that absolute un- After reflection, that so seldom hap- cut off debate in the Senate, to bring limited debate should be curtailed, and pens among our colleagues, myself in- any measure to a vote, legislative or there needs to be a two-thirds vote to cluded, he realized his first position nomination—none, except unanimous cut off debate in order to bring legisla- was incorrect and he stated: consent. Unanimous consent was re- tion to the floor. The general object was to provide a cure quired up until 1917 to get a vote on a judge, on a bill, on anything on the Ex- But there was no change with regard for the evils under which the United States to judicial nominees. There was a re- labored; that in tracing these evils to their ecutive Calendar. The Senate was a origin every man— place where minority rights flourished quirement of unanimous consent to get a nominee voted on. So much for the Referring to every man who agreed completely, totally unchecked, a place for unlimited rights of debate for each argument that the Constitution leans to the compromise— toward demanding a vote on nomina- had found it in the turbulence and follies and every Senator. In part this can be understood as a tions more than on legislation. It flies of democracy; that some check therefore was in the face of the facts, the history of to be sought against this tendency of our recognition of our federal system of Governments; and that a good Senate government in which we were not just America and the intent of our Framers. seemed most likely to answer this purpose. a community of individuals but we This fact in itself certainly undercuts the claim that there has been, by tradi- So the Founders quite intentionally were also a community of sovereign tion, the insulating of judicial nomi- designed the Senate with these distinc- States. Through the Senate, each State, through their two Senators, had nees from filibusters. tive features. In both its rules and its practices, a right to extensive debate and full Specifically, article 1, section 5 of the Senate has long recognized the ex- consideration of its views. the Constitution states that each ercise of minority rights with respect For much of the Senate’s history, House may determine its own rules for to nominations. And it should come as until less than 100 years ago, to close its own proceedings. Precisely: ‘‘Each no surprise that in periods where the off debate required not just two-thirds House may determine the Rules of its electorate is split very evenly, as it is Proceedings.’’ The text contains no of the votes, but it required all of the now, the filibustering of nominations limitations or conditions. This clause votes. The Senate’s history is replete was used extensively. For example, my with examples of situations in which a plainly vests the Senate with plenary good friend Senator HATCH who is on power to devise its internal rules as it committed minority flexed its ‘‘right the Senate floor—as my mother would sees fit, and the filibuster was just one to debate’’ muscles. In fact, there was say, God love him, because she likes of those procedural rules of the many a filibuster over the location of the him so much, and I like him, too—he rules that vest a minority within the Capitol of the United States in the may remember when I was chairman of Senate with the potential to have a First Congress. But what about how the Judiciary Committee back in the final say over the Senate’s business. this tradition of allowing unlimited de- bad old days when the Democrats con- It was clear from the start that the bate and respect for minority rights trolled the Senate during President Senate would be a different type of leg- played out in the nomination context, Clinton’s first 2 years in office, a time islative body; it would be a consensus as opposed to the legislative process? when the Democrats controlled both body that respects the rights of minori- First, the text of the Constitution the Presidency and the Senate but ties, even the extreme minority power makes no distinction whatsoever be- nonetheless the country remained very of a single Senator because that single tween nominations and legislation. divided, numerous filibusters resulted, Senator can represent a single and Nonetheless, those who are pushing the even in cases not involving the judici- whole State. The way it is played out nuclear option seem to suggest that ary. in practice was through the right of while respect for minority rights has a I remind my friends, for example, unlimited debate. long and respected tradition on the leg- that the nomination of Dr. Henry Fos- I find it fascinating, we are talking islative side of our business, things ter for Surgeon General, Sam Brown to about the limitation of a right that has were somehow completely different be ambassador to the Conference on already limited the original right of when it came to considering nomina- Cooperation and Security in , the Founding Fathers. The fact was tions. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Janet Napolitano to be U.S. attorney there was no way to cut off debate for The history of the Senate shows, and in the District of Arizona, and Ricki the first decades of this Republic. I will point to it now, that previous Tigert for the Federal Deposit Insur- Joseph Story, famous justice and Senates certainly did not view that to ance Corporation head, were all filibus- probably one of the best known arbi- be the case. While it is my personal be- tered. We controlled the Senate, the ters of the Constitution in American lief that the Senate should be more ju- House, the Presidency, but the Nation history, his remark about the impor- dicious in the use of the filibuster, that was nonetheless divided. tance of the right of debate was ‘‘the is not how it has always been. For ex- Some may counter that there should next great and vital privilege is the ample, a number of President Monroe’s be a difference between how judicial

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.036 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1785 nominees should be treated versus the orous protest. But I do not want to that the Founders intended. No longer treatment accorded executive branch dwell on those immediate consequences would the Senate be the saucer’’ to nominees, the Cabinet, and the rest. which, I agree with my Senate Judici- cool the passions of the immediate ma- Constitutional text, historical practice ary Committee chairman, would be jority. and principle all run contrary to that dramatic. He said: Without the filibuster, more than 40 proposition. If we come to the nuclear option the Sen- Senators would lack the means by On the textual point, we only have ate will be in turmoil and the Judiciary which to encourage compromise in the one appointments clause. It is also in- Committee will be in hell. process of appointing judges. Without structive to look at a few historical ex- However serious the immediate con- the filibuster, the majority would amples. In 1881, Republican President sequences may be, and however much transform this body into nothing more Rutherford B. Hayes nominated Stan- such dysfunction would make both par- than a rubber stamp for every judicial ley Matthews to the Supreme Court. A ties look juvenile and incompetent, the nomination. filibuster was mounted, but the Repub- more important consequence is the The Senate needs the threat of fili- lican majority in the Senate was un- long-term deterioration of the Senate. buster to force a President to appoint able to break the filibuster, and Stan- Put simply, the nuclear option threat- judges who will occupy the sensible ley Matthews’ Supreme Court nomina- ens the fundamental bulwark of the center rather than those who cater to tion failed without getting a vote. constitutional design. Specifically, the the whim of a temporary majority. And In 1968, the filibuster to block both nuclear option is a double-barreled as- here is why—it is a yes or no vote; you Justice Abe Fortas from becoming sault on this institution. First, requir- can’t amend a nomination. Chief Justice and Fifth Circuit Court ing only a bare majority of Senators to With legislation, you can tinker Judge Homer Thornberry to occupy the confirm a judicial nominee is com- around the edges and modify a bill to seat that Justice Fortas was vacating pletely contrary to the history and in- make it more palatable. You can’t do was one where the Democrats con- tent of the Senate. The nuclear option that with a judge. You either vote for trolled the Senate, and the Republicans also upsets a tradition and history that all of him or her, or none. So only by filibustered. The leader of that success- says we are not going to change the the threat of filibuster can we obtain ful filibuster effort against Justice rules of the Senate by a majority vote. compromise when it comes to judges. Fortas was Republican Senator Robert It breaks the rule to change the rule. If We, as Senators, collectively need to Griffin from Michigan. In commenting we go down this path of the nuclear op- remember that it is our institutional on the Senate’s rejection of President tion, we will be left with a much dif- duty to check any Presidential at- George Washington’s nomination of ferent system from what our Founders tempt to take over the Judiciary. As John Rutledge to be Chief Justice of intended and from how the Senate has the Congressional Research Service, the Supreme Court, the Republican functioned throughout its history. the independent and non-partisan re- Senator who mounted a successful fili- The Senate has always been a place search arm of Congress, stated, the buster against Fortas on the floor— where the structure and rules permit ‘‘nuclear option’’ would: translated, Fortas never got a vote, fast-moving partisan agendas to be . . . strengthen the executive branch’s even though he was a sitting Supreme slowed down; where hotheads could hand in the selection of federal judges. Court Justice about to be elevated to cool and where consensus was given a This shouldn’t be a partisan issue, Chief Justice—what did the Senator second chance, if not a third and a but an institutional one. Will the Sen- from Michigan who led that fight say fourth. ate aid and abet in the erosion of its about the first fight in the Senate? While 90 percent of the business is Article I power by conceding to an- That action in 1795 said to the President conducted by unanimous consent in other branch greater influence over our then in office and to future Presidents: this body, those items that do involve courts? As Senator Stennis once said ‘‘Don’t expect the Senate to be a a difference of opinion, including judi- to me in the face of an audacious claim rubberstamp. We have an independent co- cial nominations, must at least gain by President Nixon: equal responsibility in the appointing proc- the consent of 60 percent of its Mem- Are we the President’s men or the Sen- ess; and we intend to exercise that responsi- bers in order to have that item become bility, as those who drafted the Constitution ate’s? so clearly intended.’’ law. This is not a procedural quirk. It He resolved that in a caucus by is not an accident of history. It is what There is also a very important dif- speaking to us as only John Stennis differentiates the Senate from the could, saying: ference between judicial and executive House of Representatives and the nominees that argued for greater Sen- I am a Senate man, not the President’s English Parliament. man. ate scrutiny of judicial nominees. It President Lyndon Johnson, the should be noted that legislation is not ‘‘Master of the Senate,’’ put it this Too many people here forget that. forever. Judicial appointments are for way: Earlier, I explained that for much of the life of the candidate. the Senate’s history, a single Senator In this country, a majority may govern but Of course, no President has unlimited it does not rule. The genius of our constitu- could stop legislation or a nomination authority, even related to his own Cab- tional and representative government is the dead in its tracks. More recent changes inet. But when you look at judges, they multitude of provided to protect to the Senate Rules now require only 3⁄5 serve for life. minority interests. of the Senate, rather than all of its An interesting fact that differen- And it is not just leaders from the Members, to end debate. Proponents of tiates us from the 1800s, when these Democratic Party who understand the the ‘‘nuclear option’’ argue that their filibusters took place, and 1968, when importance of protecting minority proposal is simply the latest iteration they took place: The average time a rights. Former Senate Majority Leader of a growing trend towards Federal judge spends on the bench, if Howard Baker wrote in 1993 that com- majoritarianism in the Senate. God appointed in the last 10 years from promising the filibuster: save us from that fate, if it is true. today, has increased from 15 years to 24 would topple one of the pillars of American I strongly disagree. Even a cursory years. That means that on average, Democracy: the protection of minority review of these previous changes to the every judge we vote for will be on that rights from majority rule. The Senate is the Senate Rules on unlimited debate show bench for a quarter century. Since the only body in the federal government where that these previous mechanisms to in- impeachment clause is fortunately not these minority rights are fully and specifi- voke cloture always respected minority often used, the only opportunity the cally protected. rights. Senate has to have its say is in this Put simply, the nuclear option’’ The ‘‘nuclear option’’ completely process. would eviscerate the Senate and turn it eviscerates minority rights. It is not The nuclear option was so named be- into the House of Representatives. It is simply a change in degree but a change cause it would cause widespread bed- not only a bad idea, it upsets the Con- in kind. It is a discontinuous action lam and dysfunction throughout the stitutional design and it disserves the that is a sea change, fundamentally re- Senate, as the minority party, my country. No longer would the Senate be structuring what the Senate is all party, has pledged to render its vig- that different kind of legislative body’’ about.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.037 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 It would change the Senate from a I suffer from teaching constitutional The Senate Parliamentarian, the body that protects minority rights to law for the last 13 years, an advanced nonpartisan expert on the Senate’s pro- one that is purely majoritarian. Thus, class on constitutional law at Widener cedural rules—who is hired by the ma- rather than simply being the next log- University, a seminar on Saturday jority—has reportedly said that Repub- ical step in accommodating the Senate morning, and I teach this clause. I licans will have to overrule him to em- Rules to the demands of legislative and point out the essence of our limited ploy the ‘‘nuclear option’’. policy modernity, the ‘‘nuclear option’’ constitutional government, which is so Adopting the ‘‘nuclear option’’ would is a leap off the institutional precipice. different than every other, is that it is send a terrible message about the mal- And so here we collectively stand—on based on the consent of the governed. leability of Senate rules. No longer the edge of the most important proce- The governed would never have given would they be the framework that each dural change during my 32-year Senate consent in 1789 if they knew the outfit party works within. career, and one of the most important they were giving the consent to would I’ve been in the Senate for a long ever considered in the Senate; a change be able, by a simple majority, to alter time, and there are plenty of times I that would effectively destroy the Sen- their say in their governance. would have loved to change this rule or ate’s independence in providing advice The Senate is a continuing body, that rule to pass a bill or to confirm a and consent. meaning the rules of the Senate con- nominee I felt strongly about. I ask unanimous consent to be able tinue from one session to the next. But I didn’t, and it was understood to continue for another 15 minutes. Specifically, rule V provides: that the option of doing so just wasn’t The PRESIDNG OFFICER. Without The rules of the Senate shall continue on the table. objection, it is so ordered. from one Congress to the next Congress un- You fought political battles; you Mr. BIDEN. The ‘‘nuclear option’’ less they are changed as provided in these fought hard; but you fought them with- would gut the very essence and core of rules. in the strictures and requirements of what the Senate is about as an institu- I say to my colleague from North the Senate rules. Despite the short- tion—flying directly in the face of our Carolina, on the floor, I say to my col- term pain, that understanding has Founders who deliberately rejected a league from South Carolina, I say to served both parties well, and provided parliamentary system. A current de- my colleague from Utah: If you vote long-term gain. bate, over a particular set of issues, for this ‘‘nuclear option’’ you are about Adopting the ‘‘nuclear option’’ would should not be permitted to destroy to break faith with the American peo- change this fundamental under- what history has bestowed on us. ple and the sacred commitment that standing and unbroken practice of And the stakes are much, much high- was made on how to change the rules. what the Senate is all about. Senators er than the contemporary controversy Senate rule XXII allows only a rule would start thinking about changing over the judiciary. Robert Caro, the change with two-thirds votes. The other rules when they became noted author on Senate history, wrote ‘‘continuing body’’ system is unlike ‘‘inconvienent.’’ Instead of two-thirds the following in a letter to the Chair- many other legislative bodies and is of the vote to change a rule, you’d now man and Ranking Member of the Sen- part of what makes the Senate dif- have precedent that it only takes a ate Committee on Rules and Adminis- ferent and allows it to avoid being cap- bare majority. Altering Senate rules to tration: tured by the temporary passions of the help in one political fight or another [I]n considering any modification [to the moment. It makes it different from the could become standard operating pro- right of extended debate in the Senate Sen- House of Representatives, which comes cedure, which, in my view, would be ators should realize they are dealing not up with new rules each and every Con- disastrous. with the particular dispute of the moment, gress from scratch. The Congressional Research Service but with the fundamental character of the The ‘‘nuclear option’’ doesn’t propose has stated that adopting the ‘‘nuclear Senate of the United States, and with the option’’ would set a precedent that deeper issue of the balance between majority to change the judicial filibuster rule by and minority rights . . ., you need only look securing a two-thirds vote, as required could apply to virtually all Senate at what happened when the Senate gradually under the existing rules. It would business. It would ultimately threaten surrendered more and more of its power over change the rule with only a bare ma- both parties, not just one. The Service international affairs to learn the lesson that jority. In fact, as pointed out recently report states: once you surrender power, you never get it by a group of legal scholars: The presence of such a precedent might, in back. On at least 3 separate occasions, the Sen- principle, enable a voting majority of the The fight over the nuclear option is ate has expressly rejected the argument that Senate to alter any procedure at-will by rais- not just about the procedure for con- a simple majority has the authority claimed ing a point of order . . . by such means, a firming judges. It is also, fundamen- by the proponents of the [nuclear option]. voting majority might subsequently impose tally, about the integrity of the Sen- limitations on the consideration of any item One historical incident is particu- of business, prohibiting debate or amend- ate. Put simply, the ‘‘nuclear option’’ larly enlightening. In 1925, the Senate ment to any desired degree. Such a majority changes the rules midstream. Once the overwhelmingly refused to agree to might even alter applicable procedures from Senate starts changing the rules out- then-Vice President Dawes’ suggestion one item of business to the next, from one side of its own rules, which is what the that the Senate adopt a proposal for form of proceeding to a contrary one, de- nuclear option does, there is nothing to amending its rules identical to the nu- pending on immediate objects. stop a temporary majority from doing clear option. Just as the struggle over the ‘‘nu- so whenever a particular rule would On this occasion, an informal poll clear option’’ is about constitutional pose an obstacle. was taken of the Senate. It indicated law and Senate history, it is also about It is a little akin to us agreeing to over 80 percent of the Senators were something much more simple and fun- work together on a field. I don’t have opposed to such a radical step. damental—playing by the rules. to sit down and agree with you that we Let me be very clear. Never before I reiterate that I think Senator Frist are going to divide up this field, but I have Senate rules been changed except and his allies think they are acting on say, OK, I will share my rights in this by following the procedures laid out in the basis of principle and commitment, field with you. But here is the deal we the Senate rules. Never once in the his- but I regret to say they are also threat- agree to at the start. Any change in tory of the Senate. ening to unilaterally change the rules the agreements we make about how to The Congressional Research Service in the middle of the game. Imagine a run this field have to be by a super-ma- directly points out that there is no pre- baseball team with a five-run lead after jority. OK? Because that way I am giv- vious precedent for changing the Sen- eight innings unilaterally declaring ing up rights—which all the Founders ate rules in this way. that the ninth inning will consist of did in this body, this Constitution— The ‘‘nuclear option’’ uses an ultra- one out per team. rights of my people, for a whole gov- vires mechanism that has never before Would the fans—for either side— ernment. But if you are going to been used in the Senate—‘‘Employment stand for that? If there is one thing change those rules with a pure major- of the [nuclear option] would require this country stands for it’s fair play— ity vote, then I would have never got- the chair to overturn previous prece- not tilting the playing field in favor of ten into the deal in the first place. dent. one side or the other, not changing the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.038 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1787 rules unilaterally. We play by the hours with him consulting on it. He tion process. Presidents of both parties rules, and we win or lose by the rules. picked two people on his watch who got have at times attempted to appoint That quintessentially American trait 90 or so votes. Moderate, mainstream nominees—or remove them once con- is abandoned in the ‘‘nuclear option.’’ appointments. He did not appoint firmed—over the objections of the Sen- Republican Senators as well as Demo- Scalias. He did not appoint Thomases. ate, including in some instances where cratic ones have benefited from minor- He appointed people acceptable to the the Senate was composed of a majority ity protections. Much more impor- Republicans because he was wise of the President’s own party. And tantly, American citizens have bene- enough to know, even though he was sometimes the Senate has had to stand fited from the Senate’s check on the President, we were still a divided Na- strong and toe the line against impe- excesses of the majority. tion. rialist Presidential leanings. But this is not just about games, and History provides ample examples. Our first President, George Wash- playing them the right way. This is During the midst of the Civil War, ington, saw one of his nominees to the about a more ethereal concept—justice. President Lincoln selected members of Supreme Court rejected by this Senate In his groundbreaking philosophical the opposition Democratic party for in 1795. The Senate voted 14 to 10 to re- treatise, A Theory of Justice, the phi- key positions, naming Stephen Field to ject the nomination of John Rutledge losopher John Rawls points to the im- the Supreme Court in 1863 and Andrew of South Carolina to be Chief Justice. portance of what he calls procedural Johnson as his Vice Presidential can- What is historically instructive, I be- justice. didate in 1864. lieve, is that while the Senate was Relying on this predecessors such as On the brink of American entrance dominated by the Federalists, Presi- Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, Jean into WWII, President Roosevelt like- dent Washington’s party, 13 of the 14 Jacques Rousseau, and John Locke, wise selected members of the opposi- Senators who rejected the Rutledge Rawls argues that, in activities as di- tion Republican party, elevating Har- nomination were Federalists. verse as cutting a birthday cake and lan Fiske Stone to be Chief Justice and The Senate also stood firm in the conducting a criminal trial, it is the naming Henry Stimson as Secretary of 1805 impeachment of Supreme Court procedure that makes the outcome War. Justice Samuel Chase. President Jef- just. An outcome is just if it has been Other 20th Century Presidents fol- ferson’s party had majorities in both arrived at through a fair procedure. lowed suit. In 1945, President Truman the House and the Senate, and Jeffer- This principle undergirds our legal named Republican Senator Harold Bur- son set his sights on the Supreme system, including criminal and civil ton to the Supreme Court. In 1956, Court. Specifically, he wanted to re- trials. Moreover it is at the very core President Eisenhower named Democrat move Justice Chase, a committed Fed- of our Constitution. The term ‘‘due William Brennan to the Supreme eralist and frequent Jefferson critic, process of law’’ appears not once but Court. What has happened to us? What from the Court. twice in our Constitution, because our have we become? Jefferson was able to convince the predecessors recognized the vital im- Does anyone not understand this Na- House to impeach Justice Chase on a portance of setting proper procedures— tion is divided red and blue and what it party-line vote, and the President had proper rules—and abiding by them. needs is a purple heart and not a red enough members of his party in the It is also the bedrock principle we heart or a blue heart. Senate to convict him. But members of Senators rely on in accepting outcomes Lest any of my colleagues think the President’s own party stood up to with which we may disagree. We know these examples are merely culled from their President; the Senate as an insti- the debate was conducted fairly—the the dusty pages of history, let me re- tution stood up against executive over- game was played by the rules. A deci- mind them that the Senate has wit- reaching. Justice Chase was not con- sion to change the Senate’s rules in nessed recent examples of consensus victed, and the independence of the ju- violation of those very same rules appointments during times of close po- diciary was preserved. abandons the procedural justice that litical division. As I already men- The Senate again stood firm in the legitimates everything we do. tioned, President Clinton followed this 1937 court-packing plan by President It is interesting to ask ourselves historic practice during vacancies to Franklin Roosevelt. what’s different about now, why are we the Supreme Court a decade ago. This particular example of Senate re- at this precipice where the ‘‘nuclear As explained by my friend, the Senior solve is instructive for today’s debates, option’’ is actually being seriously de- Senator from Utah, who was then the so let me describe it in some detail. It bated and very well might be utilized? ranking member of the Senate Judici- was the summer of 1937 and President Why have we reached this point when ary Committee, President Clinton con- Roosevelt had just come off a landslide such a seemingly radical rule change is sulted with him and the Republican victory over Alf Landon, and he had a being seriously considered by a major- Caucus during the High Court vacan- Congress made up of solid New Dealers. ity of Senators? It’s a good question, cies in 1993 and 1994. The result was But the ‘‘nine old men’’ of the Supreme and I don’t have an easy answer. President Clinton’s selection of two Court were thwarting his economic We have avoided such fights in the outstanding and consensus nominees— agenda, overturning law after law over- past largely because cooler heads have Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen whelmingly passed by the Congress and prevailed and accommodation was the Breyer—both of whom were confirmed from statehouses across the country. watchword. overwhelmingly by the Senate, by In this environment, President Roo- As Senator Sam Ervin used to say— votes of 97–3 and 87–9, respectively. sevelt unveiled his court-packing the separation of powers should not, as Indeed, the last two vacancies to the plan—he wanted to increase the num- President Woodrow Wilson warned, be- Supreme Court are text book examples ber of Justices on the court to 15, al- come an invitation for warfare between of the executive branch working in co- lowing himself to nominate these addi- the two branches. operative and collegial fashion with its tional judges. In an act of great cour- Throughout this country’s history— Senate counterpart to secure consensus age, Roosevelt’s own party stood up whether during times of war or polit- appointments, thus averting an ideo- against this institutional power grab. ical division, for example—Presidents logical showdown. The two constitu- They did not agree with the judicial ac- have sometimes extended an olive tional partners given roles in the nomi- tivism of the Supreme Court, but they branch across the aisle. Past Presi- nation process engaged in a consult- believed that Roosevelt was wrong to dents have in these circumstances ative process that respected the rights seek to defy established traditions as a made bipartisan appointments, select- and obligations of both branches as an way of stopping that activism. ing nominees who were consensus can- institutional matter, while also pro- In May 1937, the Senate Judiciary didates and often members of the other ducing outstanding nominees who were Committee—a committee controlled by party. highly respected by both parties. the Democrats and supportive of his President Clinton had two Supreme To be sure, a careful review of our political ends—issued a stinging re- Court nominees, and the left was push- Nation’s history does not always pro- buke. They put out a report con- ing us as hard as the right is pushing vide the examples of consultation, demning Roosevelt’s plan, arguing it you. What did he do? I spent several comity, or consensus in the nomina- was an effort ‘‘to punish the justices’’

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.039 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE S1788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 24, 2021 and that executive branch attempts to committee by their party leadership, leagues. We reversed ourselves and dominate the judiciary lead inevitably drafted and proposed the new rule. It changed the cloture rule but only by to autocratic dominance, ‘‘the very was then adopted by an overwhelming following the rules. Ultimately, over 3⁄4 thing against which the American vote of 76–3. of the voting Senators—a bipartisan Colonies revolted, and to prevent which In 1975, I was part of a bipartisan ef- group—voted to end debate. In fact, the the Constitution was in every par- fort to lower the threshold for cloture deal that was struck called for reduc- ticular framed.’’ from two-thirds to three-fifths. Many ing the required cloture threshold from Our predecessors in the Senate of us were reacting against the filibus- 2⁄3 to 3⁄5; but it retained the higher 2⁄3 showed courage that day and stood up tering for so many years of vital civil threshold for any future rules changes. to their President as a coequal institu- rights legislation. Civil rights is an Now I understand that passions today tion. And they did so not to thwart the issue I feel passionately about and was are running high on both sides of the agenda of the President, which in fact a strong impetus for me seeking public ‘‘nuclear option’’ issue, and I can relate many agreed with; they did it to pre- office in the first place. Don’t get me to my current Republican colleagues. I serve our system’s checks and bal- wrong—I was not calling the shots agree with my distinguished Judiciary ances; they did it to ensure the integ- back in 1975; I was a junior Senator Committee Chairman that neither side rity of the system. When the Founders having been in the chamber for only 2 has clean hands in the escalating judi- created a ‘‘different kind of legislative years. cial wars. body’’ in the Senate, they envisioned a But I will make no bones about it— I also understand the frustration of bulwark against unilateral power—it for about two weeks in 1975—I was part my Republican colleagues—especially worked back then and I hope that it of a slim bipartisan majority that sup- those who are relatively new to this works now. ported jettisoning established Senate Chamber—that a minority of Senators The noted historian Arthur Schles- rules and ending debate on a rules can have such power in this body. inger, Jr., has argued that in a par- change by a simple majority. For me, the lesson from my 1975 ex- liamentary system President Roo- The rule change on the table in 1975 perience, which I believe strongly ap- sevelt’s effort to pack the court would was not to eliminate the filibuster in plies to the dispute today, is that the have succeeded. Schlesinger writes: its entirety, which is what the current Senate ought not act rashly by chang- ‘‘The court bill couldn’t have failed if ‘‘nuclear option’’ would do for judicial ing its rules to satisfy a strong-willed we had had a parliamentary system in nominations; rather it was to change majority acting in the heat of the mo- 1937.’’ A parliamentary legislature from the then-existing two-thirds clo- ment. would have gone ahead with their ture requirement to three-fifths. It was Today, as in 1975, the solution to President, that’s what they do, but the a change in degree, not a fundamental what some have called a potential con- Founders envisioned a different kind of restructuring of the Senate to com- stitutional crisis lies in the deliberate legislature, an independent institution pletely do away with minority rights. and thoughtful effort by a bipartisan that would think for itself. In the end, The rule change was also attempted majority of Senators to heed the wis- Roosevelt’s plan failed because Demo- at the beginning of the Senate session dom of those who established the care- crats in Congress thought court-pack- and applied across the board, as op- fully crafted system of checks and bal- ing was dangerous, even if they would posed to the change currently on the ances protecting the rights of the mi- have supported the newly-constituted table, brought up mid-session con- nority. It’s one thing to change Senate court’s rulings. The institution acted cerning only a very small subset of the rules at the margins and in degrees, as an institution. Senate’s business. Nonetheless, my de- it’s quite another to overturn them. In summary, then, what do the Sen- cision to support cutting off debate on Federalist No. 1 emphasizes that ate’s action of 1795, 1805, and 1937 share a rules change by a simple majority Americans have a unique opportunity— in common? I believe they are exam- vote was misguided. to choose a form of government by ‘‘re- ples of this body acting at its finest, I carefully listened to the debate in flection and choice’’: demonstrating its constitutional role 1975 and learned much from my senior It has been frequently remarked that it as an independent check on the Presi- colleagues. In particular, I remember seems to have been reserved to the people of dent, even popularly elected Presidents Senator Mansfield being a principled this country . . . to decide the important of the same political party. voice against the effort to break the question, whether societies of men are really One final note from our Senate his- rules to amend the rules. capable or not of establishing good govern- tory. Even when the Senate’s rules Senator Mansfield stood on this floor ment from reflection and choice, or whether have been changed in the past to limit and said the following: they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force. extended debate, it has been done with [T]he fact that I can and do support We need to understand that this is a great care, remarkable hesitancy, and [changing the cloture threshold from 2⁄3 to 3⁄5] by virtual consensus. Take what oc- does not mean that I condone or support the question posed at the time of the curred during the Senate’s two most route taken or the methods being used to founding and also a question posed to important previous changes to the fili- reach the objective of Senate rule 22. The us today. At the time of the founding, buster rule: the 1917 creation of cloture present motion to invoke cloture by a simple it was a question about whether Amer- and the 1975 lowering of the cloture majority, if it succeeds would alter the con- ica would be able to choose well in de- threshold. cept of the Senate so drastically that I can- termining our form of government. not under any circumstances find any jus- We know from the experience of the First, let’s examine 1917. On the eve tification for it. The proponents of this mo- of the United States’ entry into WWI, tion would disregard the rules which have last 225 years that the founding genera- with American personnel and vessels in governed the Senate over the years, over the tion chose well. As a question posed to great danger on the high seas, Presi- decades, simply by stating that the rules do citizens and to Senators of today, it is dent Wilson asked that Congress au- not exist. They insist that their position is a question about whether we will be thorize the arming of American mer- right and any means used are, therefore, able to preserve the form of govern- chant vessels. Over three-fourths of the proper. I cannot agree. ment they chose. Senate agreed with this proposal on Senator Mansfield’s eloquent defense The Framers created the Senate as a the merits, but a tiny minority op- of the Senate’s institutional character unique legislative body designed to posed it. With American lives and prop- and respect for its rules rings as true protect against the excesses of any erty at grave risk, the Senate still today as it did 30 years ago. Senator temporary majority, including with re- took over 2 months to come to the Mansfield’s courage and conviction in spect to judicial nominations; and they point of determining to change its that emotionally charged time is fur- left all of us the responsibility of guar- rules to permit cloture. ther evidence, I believe, of why he is anteeing an independent Federal judi- When they did so, they did it by vir- one of the giants of the Senate. ciary, one price of which is that it tual consensus, and in a supremely bi- In the end, cooler heads prevailed and sometimes reaches results Senators do partisan manner. A conference com- the Senate came together in a way not like. mittee composed equally of Democrats only the Senate can. I changed my It is up to us to preserve these pre- and Republicans, each named to the mind; I along with my Senate col- cious guarantees. Our history, our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.040 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1789 American sense of fair play, and our statesmen who placed the institution NOMINATIONS Constitution demand it. of the United States Senate above Executive nominations received by I would ask my colleagues who are party and politics? the Senate: considering supporting the ‘‘nuclear Or will historians see us as politi- FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION option’’—those who propose to ‘‘jump cians bending to the will of the Execu- LINA M. KHAN, OF NEW YORK, TO BE A FEDERAL off the precipice’’—whether they be- tive and to political exigency? TRADE COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF lieve that history will judge them fa- I, for one, am comfortable with the SEVEN YEARS FROM SEPTEMBER 26, 2017, VICE JOSEPH SIMONS. vorably. role I will play in this upcoming his- In so many instances throughout this toric moment. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION esteemed body’s past, our forefathers I hope all my colleagues feel the came together and stepped back from BILL NELSON, OF FLORIDA, TO BE ADMINISTRATOR OF same. THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRA- the cliff. In each case, the actions of Thank you. TION, VICE JAMES BRIDENSTINE. those statesmen preserved and f strengthened the Senate, to the better- f ment of the health of our constitu- CONFIRMATIONS tional republic and to all of our advan- Executive nominations confirmed by tage. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. the Senate March 24, 2021: Our careers in the Senate will one TOMORROW day end—as we are only the Senate’s The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY temporary officeholders—but the Sen- the previous order, the Senate stands DAVID TURK, OF MARYLAND, TO BE DEPUTY SEC- ate itself will go on. adjourned until 10 a.m. tomorrow. RETARY OF ENERGY. Will historians studying the actions Thereupon, the Senate, at 11:03 p.m., DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES taken in the spring of 2005 look upon adjourned until Thursday, March 25, RACHEL LELAND LEVINE, OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO BE AN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN the current Members of this Senate as 2021, at 10 a.m. SERVICES.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A24MR6.040 S24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E297 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS This title requires all such committees mation, the Office of the Senate Daily to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Digest will prepare this information for Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Digest—designated by the Rules Com- printing in the Extensions of Remarks agreed to by the Senate of February 4, mittee—of the time, place and purpose section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- of the meetings, when scheduled and on Monday and Wednesday of each tem for a computerized schedule of all any cancellations or changes in the week. meetings and hearings of Senate com- meetings as they occur. Meetings scheduled for Thursday, mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- As an additional procedure along March 25, 2021 may be found in the tees, and committees of conference. with the computerization of this infor- Daily Digest of today’s RECORD.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:05 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M24MR8.000 E24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, March 24, 2021 Daily Digest Senate sion and the immediate release of arbitrarily detained Chamber Action artists, journalists, and activists, with an amendment Routine Proceedings, pages S1723–S1789 in the nature of a substitute and with an amended Measures Introduced: Twenty-six bills and four preamble. resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 939–964, S. Res. 44, denouncing the Maduro regime’s and S. Res. 132–135. Pages S1766–67 fraudulent legislative elections, the absence of ac- Measures Reported: ceptable conditions to ensure free, fair, and trans- Special Report entitled ‘‘History, Jurisdiction, and parent electoral processes in Venezuela, and the fur- a Summary of Activities of the Committee on En- ther erosion of Venezuelan democracy. ergy and Natural Resources During the 116th Con- S. Res. 81, honoring Las Damas de Blanco, a gress’’. (S. Rept. No. 117–4) women-led nonviolent movement in support of free- S. 144, to authorize the Secretary of Health and dom and human rights in Cuba, and calling for the Human Services, acting through the Director of the release of all political prisoners in Cuba. Indian Health Service, to acquire private land to fa- S. Res. 97, calling on the Government of Ethi- cilitate access to the Desert Sage Youth Wellness opia, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, and other Center in Hemet, California. (S. Rept. No. 117–5) belligerents to cease all hostilities, protect human S. 371, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to rights, allow unfettered humanitarian access, and co- take certain land located in Pinal County, Arizona, operate with independent investigations of credible into trust for the benefit of the Gila River Indian atrocity allegations pertaining to the conflict in the Community. (S. Rept. No. 117–6) Tigray Region of Ethiopia, with an amendment in S. Res. 22, reaffirming the partnership between the nature of a substitute and with an amended pre- the United States and the Republic of Ecuador and amble. recognizing the restoration and advancement of eco- S. Res. 99, observing the 10th anniversary of the nomic relations, security, and development opportu- uprising in Syria. nities in both nations. S. Res. 117, expressing support for the full imple- S. Res. 34, recognizing the 200th anniversary of mentation of the Good Friday Agreement, or the the independence of Greece and celebrating democ- Belfast Agreement, and subsequent agreements and racy in Greece and the United States. arrangements for implementation to support peace S. Res. 35, condemning the military coup that on the island of Ireland, with an amendment in the took place on February 1, 2021, in Burma and the nature of a substitute and with an amended pre- Burmese military’s detention of civilian leaders, call- ing for an immediate and unconditional release of all amble. those detained and for those elected to serve in par- S. Res. 120, recognizing the Ninth Summit of the liament to resume their duties without impediment, Americas and reaffirming the commitment of the with an amendment in the nature of a substitute and United States to a more prosperous, secure, and with an amended preamble. democratic Western Hemisphere, and with an S. Res. 36, reaffirming the strategic partnership amended preamble. between the United States and Mongolia and recog- S. Res. 122, reaffirming the importance of United nizing the 30th anniversary of democracy in Mon- States alliances and partnerships, with an amendment golia, with an amendment in the nature of a sub- in the nature of a substitute and with an amended stitute and with an amended preamble. preamble. S. Res. 37, expressing solidarity with the San S. 335, to reauthorize the Tropical Forest and Isidro Movement in Cuba, condemning escalated at- Coral Reef Conservation Act of 1998. tacks against artistic freedoms in Cuba, and calling S. 400, to designate the headquarters building of for the repeal of laws that violate freedom of expres- the Department of Transportation located at 1200 D294

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24MR1.REC D24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with DIGEST March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D295 New Jersey Avenue, SE, in Washington, DC, as the ity Leader, in consultation with the Republican ‘‘William T. Coleman, Jr., Federal Building’’. Leader, Senate vote on confirmation of the nomina- Pages S1765–66 tion, without intervening action or debate. Measures Passed: Pages S1741–42 COVID–19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act: Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- Senate passed H.R. 1651, to amend the CARES Act lowing nominations: to extend the sunset for the definition of a small By 52 yeas to 48 nays (Vote No. EX. 134), Ra- business debtor, after agreeing to the following chel Leland Levine, of Pennsylvania, to be an Assist- amendment proposed thereto: Page S1779 ant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Murphy (for Durbin) Amendment No. 1407, of a Pages S1724–46 perfecting nature. Page S1779 During consideration of this nomination today, Measures Considered: Senate also took the following action: By 52 yeas to 48 nays (Vote No. EX. 132), Senate PPP Extension Act—Agreement: Senate resumed agreed to the motion to close further debate on the consideration of the motion to proceed to consider- nomination. Page S1727 ation of H.R. 1799, to amend the Small Business Act and the CARES Act to extend the covered pe- By 98 yeas to 2 nays (Vote No. EX. 135), David riod for the paycheck protection program. Turk, of Maryland, to be Deputy Secretary of En- Pages S1724–46 Pages S1746–59 ergy. During consideration of this measure today, Senate During consideration of this nomination today, also took the following action: Senate also took the following action: By 96 yeas to 4 nays (Vote No. EX. 136), three- By 98 yeas to 2 nays (Vote No. EX. 133), Senate fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn, hav- agreed to the motion to close further debate on the ing voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed to the nomination. Pages S1727–28 motion to close further debate on the motion to pro- Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- ceed to consideration of the bill. Page S1746 lowing nominations: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Lina M. Khan, of New York, to be a Federal viding that at approximately 10 a.m., on Thursday, Trade Commissioner for the unexpired term of seven March 25, 2021, all post-cloture time on the motion years from September 26, 2017. to proceed to consideration of the bill be considered Bill Nelson, of Florida, to be Administrator of the expired, and the motion to proceed be agreed to; National Aeronautics and Space Administration. that the only amendments in order be the following: Page S1789 Kennedy Amendment No. 1401, and Rubio Amend- ment No. 1405; provided further that it be in order Measures Placed on the Calendar: Page S1765 for Senator Paul, or his designee, to raise a Budget Measures Read the First Time: Page S1765 Act point of order; that at 10:45 a.m., on Thursday, Executive Reports of Committees: Page S1766 March 25, 2021, Senate vote on or in relation to the amendments in the order listed and on the motion Additional Cosponsors: Pages S1767–68 to waive, if made; and that if the motion to waive Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: is agreed to, the bill be considered read a third time, Pages S1768–77 and Senate vote on passage of the bill, as amended, if amended, with 60-affirmative votes required for Additional Statements: Pages S1764–65 passage; all with no intervening action or debate. Amendments Submitted: Pages S1777–78 Page S1746 Authorities for Committees to Meet: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Pages S1778–79 viding for further consideration of the motion to proceed to consideration of the bill, at approximately Record Votes: Five record votes were taken today. Pages S1727–28, S1746 10 a.m., on Thursday, March 25, 2021. Page S1779 (Total—136) Adeyemo Nomination—Agreement: A unani- Adjournment: Senate convened at 10:30 a.m. and mous-consent agreement was reached provided that adjourned at 11:03 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Thursday, the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination of March 25, 2021. (For Senate’s program, see the re- Adewale O. Adeyemo, of California, to be Deputy marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Secretary of the Treasury, was withdrawn, and that Record on page S1779.) notwithstanding Rule XXII, on Thursday, March 25, 2021, at a time to be determined by the Major-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24MR1.REC D24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with DIGEST D296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 24, 2021 ing America’s transportation infrastructure, after re- Committee Meetings ceiving testimony from John D. Porcari, former (Committees not listed did not meet) Deputy Secretary of Transportation, Cheverly, Mary- land; Mayor Toby Barker, Hattiesburg, Mississippi; DOD CYBER OPERATIONS Douglas R. Hooker, Atlanta Regional Commission, Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Cyber- Atlanta, Georgia; and Mark McAndrews, Port of security received a closed briefing on Department of Pascagoula, Pascagoula, Mississippi. Defense cyber operations from Mieke Eoyang, Dep- uty Assistant Secretary for Cyber Policy, Office of WESTERN WATER MANAGEMENT the Under Secretary for Policy, Jeffrey R. Jones, Vice Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Sub- Director, Command, Control, Communications and committee on Water and Power concluded a hearing Computers/Cyber, Joint Staff, J–6, Major General to examine the viability of incorporating natural in- Kevin B. Kennedy, Jr., USAF, Director of Oper- frastructure in western water management and policy ations, United States Cyber Command, and Rear Ad- to support economic development, protect watershed miral Jeffrey J. Czerewko, USN, Deputy Director, health, and build more resilient communities, after Global Operations, J39, Joint Staff, J–3, all of the Department of Defense. receiving testimony from Charles V. Stern, Specialist in Natural Resources Policy, Congressional Research SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THE MILITARY Service, Library of Congress; Bobby Cochran, Wil- Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Per- lamette Partnership, Portland, Oregon, Troy Larson, sonnel concluded a hearing to examine sexual assault Lewis and Clark Regional Water System, Tea, South in the military, including how continued Congres- Dakota; and Holly Richter, The Nature Conser- sional oversight and an additional focus on preven- vancy, Hereford, Arizona. tion could aid the Department of Defense’s efforts in this area, after receiving testimony from Brenda S. BUSINESS MEETING Farrell, Director, Defense Capabilities and Manage- Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- ment, Government Accountability Office; Eugene R. mittee ordered favorably reported the following busi- Fidell, Yale Law School and ness items: Law School, New Haven, Connecticut; Colonel Don S. 400, to designate the headquarters building of Christensen, USAF (Ret.), Protect our Defenders, Al- the Department of Transportation located at 1200 exandria, Virginia; Colonel Lawrence J. Morris, USA (Ret.), The Catholic University Of America, Wash- New Jersey Avenue, SE, in Washington, DC, as the ington, D.C.; Natalie Khawam, Whistleblower Law ‘‘William T. Coleman, Jr., Federal Building’’; and Firm, Tampa, Florida; Amy Braley Franck, Never The nominations of Brenda Mallory, of Maryland, Alone; Quinton M. McNair, USA (Ret.); and Amy to be a Member of the Council on Environmental Marsh. Quality, and Janet Garvin McCabe, of Indiana, to be Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protec- CARES ACT tion Agency. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine the BUSINESS MEETING quarterly CARES Act report to Congress, after re- Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee or- ceiving testimony from Janet L. Yellen, Secretary of dered favorably reported the following business the Treasury; and Jerome H. Powell, Chair, Board of items: Governors of the Federal Reserve System. S. 615, to establish an interagency program to as- BUSINESS MEETING sist countries in North and West Africa to improve immediate and long-term capabilities to Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Committee ordered favorably reported the nomina- counter terrorist threats, with an amendment in the tion of Polly Ellen Trottenberg, of New York, to be nature of a substitute; Deputy Secretary of Transportation, and a routine S. 335, to reauthorize the Tropical Forest and list in the . Coral Reef Conservation Act of 1998; S. Res. 22, reaffirming the partnership between REBUILDING AMERICA’S the United States and the Republic of Ecuador and TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE recognizing the restoration and advancement of eco- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: nomic relations, security, and development opportu- Committee concluded a hearing to examine rebuild- nities in both nations;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 17:56 Jun 03, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\RECORD21\MARCH\D24MR1.REC D24MR1 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D297 S. Res. 37, expressing solidarity with the San S. Res. 122, reaffirming the importance of United Isidro Movement in Cuba, condemning escalated at- States alliances and partnerships, with an amendment tacks against artistic freedoms in Cuba, and calling in the nature of a substitute. for the repeal of laws that violate freedom of expres- sion and the immediate release of arbitrarily detained DEMOCRACY IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE artists, journalists, and activists, with an amendment CARIBBEAN in the nature of a substitute; Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded S. Res. 44, denouncing the Maduro regime’s a hearing to examine the state of democracy in Latin fraudulent legislative elections, the absence of ac- America and the Caribbean, after receiving testi- ceptable conditions to ensure free, fair, and trans- mony from Secretary General Luis Almagro, Organi- parent electoral processes in Venezuela, and the fur- zation of American States, Deborah Ullmer, National ther erosion of Venezuelan democracy; Democratic Institute, and Ryan C. Berg, American S. Res. 81, honoring Las Damas de Blanco, a Enterprise Institute, all of Washington, D.C. women-led nonviolent movement in support of free- dom and human rights in Cuba, and calling for the NATIONAL RESPONSE ENTERPRISE release of all political prisoners in Cuba; Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- S. Res. 120, recognizing the Ninth Summit of the fairs: Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Americas and reaffirming the commitment of the Spending Oversight concluded a hearing to examine United States to a more prosperous, secure, and the National Response Enterprise, focusing on pre- democratic Western Hemisphere; paring for future crises, after receiving testimony S. Res. 34, recognizing the 200th anniversary of from General Joseph L. Votel, USA (Ret.), Business the independence of Greece and celebrating democ- Executives for National Security, and Kristi M. Rog- racy in Greece and the United States; ers, Principal to Principal LLC, both of Washington, S. Res. 117, expressing support for the full imple- D.C.; W. Craig Fugate, former Administrator, Fed- mentation of the Good Friday Agreement, or the eral Emergency Management Agency, Department of Belfast Agreement, and subsequent agreements and Homeland Security, Gainesville, Florida; and Mi- arrangements for implementation to support peace chael Capps, Diveplane Corporation, Raleigh, North on the island of Ireland, with an amendment in the Carolina. nature of a substitute; S. Res. 35, condemning the military coup that NOMINATIONS took place on February 1, 2021, in Burma and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Burmese military’s detention of civilian leaders, call- Committee concluded a hearing to examine the ing for an immediate and unconditional release of all nomination of Cynthia Minette Marten, of Cali- those detained and for those elected to serve in par- fornia, to be Deputy Secretary of Education, after the liament to resume their duties without impediment, nominee, who was introduced by former Representa- with an amendment in the nature of a substitute; tive Susan Davis, testified and answered questions in S. Res. 36, reaffirming the strategic partnership her own behalf. between the United States and Mongolia and recog- nizing the 30th anniversary of democracy in Mon- BUSINESS MEETING golia, with an amendment in the nature of a sub- Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee ordered favor- stitute; ably reported the following bills: S. Res. 99, observing the 10th anniversary of the S. 421, to amend the America’s Water Infrastruc- uprising in Syria; ture Act of 2018 to expand the Indian reservation S. Res. 97, calling on the Government of Ethi- drinking water program; and opia, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, and other S. 789, to repeal certain obsolete laws relating to belligerents to cease all hostilities, protect human Indians. rights, allow unfettered humanitarian access, and co- operate with independent investigations of credible NATIVE WATER INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS atrocity allegations pertaining to the conflict in the Committee on Indian Affairs: Committee concluded an Tigray Region of Ethiopia, with an amendment in oversight hearing to examine water infrastructure the nature of a substitute; needs for Native communities, after receiving testi- S. Res. 114, commending the United States Afri- mony from Raymond Tsumpti, Confederated Tribes can Development Foundation on the occasion of its of Warm Springs, Warm Springs, Oregon; Amelia 40th anniversary for creating pathways to prosperity Flores, Colorado River Indian Tribes, Parker, Ari- for underserved communities on the African con- zona; Valerie Nurr’Araaluk Davidson, Alaska Native tinent through community-led development; and Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage; and Jason

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24MR1.REC D24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with DIGEST D298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 24, 2021 John, Navajo Nation Department of Water Re- ciate Administrator, Office of Capital Access, James sources, Ft. Defiance, Arizona. Rivera, Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Assistance, Hannibal Ware, Inspector General, all of FOR THE PEOPLE ACT the Small Business Administration; and William B. Committee on Rules and Administration: Committee Shear, Director, Financial Markets and Community concluded a hearing to examine S. 1, to expand Investment, Government Accountability Office. Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influ- ence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules VETERANS’ MENTAL HEALTH AND THE for public servants, and implement other anti-cor- HANNON ACT ruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Committee concluded a democracy, after receiving testimony from former hearing to examine veterans’ mental health and im- Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., National plementation of the Hannon Act, focusing on coping Democratic Redistricting Committee, Washington, during COVID, after receiving testimony from D.C.; Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, David Carroll, Executive Director, and Lisa K. Lansing; West Virginia Secretary of State Mac War- Kearney, Acting Director, Veterans Crisis Line, Dep- ner, Charleston; Indiana Attorney General Todd uty Director, and Matthew A. Miller, Director, both Rokita, ; Lee E. Goodman, former Chair- of Suicide Prevention, Clifford A. Smith, Director, man of the Federal Election Commission, Trevor Field Support and Analytics, all of the Office of Potter, Campaign Legal Center, Fred Wertheimer, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Veterans Democracy 21, and Tiffany Muller, End Citizens Health Administration, Department of Veterans Af- United/Let America Vote Action Fund, all of Wash- fairs; Chad Bradford, Director, Mental Health Policy ington, D.C.; Michael Waldman, Brennan Center for and Oversight, and Karin A. Orvis, Director, De- Justice at NYU Law School, New York, New York; fense Suicide Prevention Office, both of the Depart- and Bradley A. Smith, Institute for Free Speech, Co- ment of Defense; Tammy Barlet, Veterans of Foreign lumbus, Ohio. Wars of the United States, and Tom Porter, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, both of Wash- SBA’S COVID–19 RELIEF PROGRAMS ington, D.C.; and Lieutenant Colonel James Lorraine, OVERSIGHT USAF (Ret.), America’s Warrior Partnership, Au- Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship: Com- gusta, Georgia. mittee concluded an oversight hearing to examine Small Business Administration’s COVID–19 relief INTELLIGENCE programs, including S. 723, to amend the Small Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee met in Business Act and the CARES Act to extend the cov- closed session to receive a briefing on certain intel- ered period for the paycheck protection program, ligence matters from officials of the intelligence after receiving testimony from Patrick Kelly, Asso- community. h House of Representatives lenges, and COVID Response at the Department of Chamber Action Justice’’. Testimony was heard from Michael Horo- The House was not in session today. The House is witz, Inspector General, Department of Justice. scheduled to meet in Pro Forma session at 2 p.m. TARGETED VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM on Friday, March 26, 2021. PREVENTION Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Home- Committee Meetings land Security held a hearing entitled ‘‘Targeted Vio- lence and Terrorism Prevention’’. Testimony was MANAGEMENT, PERFORMANCE heard from John Picarelli, Director of the Office of CHALLENGES, AND COVID RESPONSE AT Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention, De- THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE partment of Homeland Security; John Cohen, Assist- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Com- ant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Emerging merce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies held a Threats, Department of Homeland Security; and hearing entitled ‘‘Management, Performance Chal- public witnesses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24MR1.REC D24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with DIGEST March 24, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D299 THE RURAL ECONOMY PRESERVING A LIFELINE: EXAMINING Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri- PUBLIC HOUSING IN A PANDEMIC culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Admin- Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on istration, and Related Agencies held a hearing enti- Housing, Community Development, and Insurance tled ‘‘The Rural Economy’’. Testimony was heard held a hearing entitled ‘‘Preserving a Lifeline: Exam- from Jeffery S. Hall, Chairman, Farm Credit System ining Public Housing in a Pandemic’’. Testimony Insurance Corporation; and Glen R. Smith, Chair- was heard from Oscar Dura´n, Executive Director, man and CEO, Farm Credit Administration. Municipal Housing Agency of Council Bluffs, Iowa; Brian Gage, Executive Director, Akron Metropolitan REMEDIATION AND IMPACT OF PFAS Housing Authority, Ohio; and public witnesses. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Mili- STATE AND LOCAL RESPONSES TO tary Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related DOMESTIC TERRORISM: THE ATTACK ON Agencies held a hearing entitled ‘‘Remediation and THE U.S. CAPITOL AND BEYOND Impact of PFAS’’. Testimony was heard from Mark Correll, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Depart- Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on In- ment of the Air Force (Environment, Safety and In- telligence and Counterterrorism held a hearing enti- frastructure); Paul Cramer, Principal Deputy Assist- tled ‘‘State and Local Responses to Domestic Ter- ant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment (Installa- rorism: The Attack on the U.S. Capitol and Be- tions), Department of Defense; Terry Rauch, Direc- yond’’. Testimony was heard from Dana Nessel, At- tor of Medical Research and Development, Depart- torney General, Michigan; Aaron Ford, Attorney ment of Defense; Patricia R Hastings, Chief Consult- General, Nevada; and John Chisholm, District Attor- ant, Veterans Health Administration, Department of ney, County, Wisconsin. Veterans Affairs, Post Deployment Health Services; EXAMINING THE NEED TO EXPAND and public witnesses. ELIGIBILITY UNDER THE RADIATION EXTREMISM IN THE ARMED FORCES EXPOSURE COMPENSATION ACT Committee on Armed Services: Full Committee held a Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Con- hearing entitled ‘‘Extremism in the Armed Forces’’. stitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties held a Testimony was heard from public witnesses. hearing entitled ‘‘Examining the Need to Expand Eligibility Under the Radiation Exposure Compensa- MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES tion Act’’. Testimony was heard from Senator Lujan and Representative Stanton; Jean Bishop, Supervisor, Committee on Education and Labor: Full Committee District 4, Mohave County, Arizona; Scott D. held a markup on H.R. 7, the ‘‘Paycheck Fairness Szymendera, Analyst in Disability Policy, Congres- Act’’; H.R. 1065, the ‘‘Pregnant Workers Fairness sional Research Service, Library of Congress; and Act’’; and H.R. 1195, the ‘‘Workplace Violence Pre- public witnesses. vention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act’’. H.R. 7, H.R. 1065, and H.R. 1195 were or- HOW THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION’S dered reported, as amended. BUILD BACK BETTER PLAN CAN BENEFIT THE U.S. TERRITORIES POWER STRUGGLE: EXAMINING THE 2021 TEXAS GRID FAILURE Committee on Natural Resources: Full Committee held a hearing entitled ‘‘How the Biden Administration’s Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Build Back Better Plan Can Benefit the U.S. Terri- Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled tories’’. Testimony was heard from Pedro R. ‘‘Power Struggle: Examining the 2021 Texas Grid Pierluisi, Governor, Puerto Rico; Lou Leon Guerrero, Failure’’. Testimony was heard from Sylvester Tur- Governor, Guam; Albert Bryan, Jr., Governor, U.S. ner, Mayor, , Texas; Christi Craddick, Chair- Virgin Islands; Ralph DLG. Torres, Governor, man, Railroad Commission of Texas; and public wit- Northern Mariana Islands; and Lemanu Palepoi nesses. Sialega Mauga, Governor, American Samoa. THE CLEAN FUTURE ACT: POWERING A HONORING ‘EQUAL PAY DAY’: RESILIENT AND PROSPEROUS AMERICA EXAMINING THE LONG-TERM ECONOMIC Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on IMPACTS OF GENDER INEQUALITY Energy held a hearing entitled ‘‘The CLEAN Future Committee on Oversight and Reform: Full Committee Act: Powering a Resilient and Prosperous America’’. held a hearing entitled ‘‘Honoring ‘Equal Pay Day’: Testimony was heard from public witnesses. Examining the Long-Term Economic Impacts of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:20 Mar 25, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D24MR1.REC D24MRPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with DIGEST D300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST March 24, 2021

Gender Inequality’’. Testimony was heard from pub- tracting and National Security Acquisitions, Govern- lic witnesses. ment Accountability Office. EXAMINING R&D PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABLE AVIATION Joint Meetings Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Sub- No joint committee meetings were held. committee on Space and Aeronautics held a hearing f entitled ‘‘Examining R&D Pathways to Sustainable Aviation’’. Testimony was heard from public wit- COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, nesses. MARCH 25, 2021 MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Full Senate Committee held a markup on H.R. 610, the ‘‘San Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry: to hold Francisco Bay Restoration Act’’; H.R. 1144, the hearings to examine Child Nutrition Reauthorization, fo- ‘‘Promoting United Government Efforts to Save our cusing on healthy meals and healthy futures, 9:30 a.m., Sound Act’’; H.R. 587, the ‘‘Ocean Pollution Reduc- SR–301. tion Act II’’; H.R. 1921, to amend the Federal Committee on Armed Services: to hold hearings to examine Water Pollution Act to reauthorize the Lake Pont- United States Special Operations Command and United chartrain Basin Restoration Program, and for other States Cyber Command in review of the Defense Author- purposes; H.R. 2008, the ‘‘Local Water Protection ization Request for fiscal year 2022 and the Future Years Act’’; H.R. 1765, the ‘‘Washington Channel Public Defense Program, 9:30 a.m., SD–G50. Access Act’’; H.R. 468, the ‘‘Expedited Delivery of Full Committee, to receive a closed briefing on United Airport Infrastructure Act of 2021’’; H.R. 1262, the States Special Operations Command and United States ‘‘Notice to Airman Improvement Act of 2021’’; Cyber Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2022 and the Future Years Defense H.R. 390, to redesignate the Federal Building lo- Program, 12 noon, SVC–217. cated at 167 North Main Street in Memphis, Ten- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to nessee as the ‘‘Odell Horton Federal Building’’; H.R. hold hearings to examine the American Rescue Plan, fo- 1703, the ‘‘National Children’s Museum Act’’; H.R. cusing on shots in arms and money in pockets, 10 a.m., 1917, the ‘‘Hazard Eligibility and Local Projects WEBEX. Act’’; H.R. 539, the ‘‘Preventing Disaster Revictim- Committee on the Budget: to hold hearings to examine the ization Act’’; H.R. 1951, the ‘‘Increase Federal Dis- tax code, focusing on making the wealthiest people and aster Cost Share Act of 2021’’; H.R. 2016, the ‘‘Fed- largest corporations pay their fair share of taxes, 11 a.m., eral Disaster Assistance Coordination Act’’; and Gen- SH–216. eral Services Administration’s Capital Investment Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- and Leasing Program Resolutions. General Services ings to examine the latest developments in the nuclear energy sector, focusing on ways to maintain and expand Administration’s Capital Investment and Leasing the use of nuclear energy in the United States and Program Resolutions were adopted. H.R. 468, H.R. abroad, 9:45 a.m., SD–366. 1262, H.R. 1144, H.R. 587, H.R. 1921, H.R. Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine how 1765, H.R. 2008, H.R. 539, H.R. 390, H.R. 1917, U.S. international impacts American workers, H.R. 1703, and H.R. 2016 were ordered reported, jobs, and investment, 9:30 a.m., WEBEX. without amendment. H.R. 610 and H.R. 1951 were Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on East ordered reported, as amended. Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy, to hold hearings to examine the U.S. response to the coup THE PANDEMIC AND VA’S MEDICAL in Burma, 10 a.m., VTC. SUPPLY CHAIN: EVALUATING THE YEAR- Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: to LONG RESPONSE AND MODERNIZATION hold hearings to examine our COVID–19 response, focus- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Over- ing on improving health equity and outcomes by address- sight and Investigations held a hearing entitled ‘‘The ing health disparities, 10 a.m., SD–430. Pandemic and VA’s Medical Supply Chain: Evalu- Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: ating the Year-Long Response and Modernization’’. to hold hearings to examine the nomination of Deanne Bennett Criswell, of New York, to be Administrator of Testimony was heard from Deborah Kramer, Acting the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department Assistant Under Secretary for Health for Support, of Homeland Security, 10:15 a.m., SD–342/VTC. Veterans Health Administration, Department of Vet- Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider erans Affairs; Michael Missal, Inspector General, Of- S. 632, to amend chapter 11 of title 35, United States fice of the Inspector General, Department of Vet- Code, to require the voluntary collection of demographic erans Affairs; and Shelby Oakley, Director of Con- information for patent inventors, S. 169, to amend title

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17, United States Code, to require the Register of Copy- H.R. 1079, the ‘‘Desert Locust Control Act’’; H.R. 1145, rights to waive fees for filing an application for registra- to direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to tion of a copyright claim in certain circumstances, and regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health the nominations of Lisa O. Monaco, of the District of Co- Organization, and for other purposes; H.R. 1500, to di- lumbia, to be Deputy Attorney General, and Vanita rect the Administrator of the USAID to submit to Con- Gupta, of Virginia, to be Associate Attorney General, gress a report on the impact of the COVID–19 pandemic both of the Department of Justice, 10 a.m., SD–106. on global basic education programs; H.R. 1158, to pro- vide women and girls safe access to sanitation facilities in House refugee camps; H.R. 1083, the ‘‘Southeast Asia Strategy Committee on Agriculture, Full Committee, hearing enti- Act’’; H.R. 1392, the ‘‘Protection of Saudi Dissidents Act tled ‘‘A Hearing to Review the State of Black Farmers in of 2021’’; H.R. 1464, the ‘‘Khashoggi Accountability the U.S.’’, 12 p.m., Webex. Act’’; H.R. 256, to repeal the Authorization for Use of Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on State, Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002; H.R. Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, hearing enti- 2118, the ‘‘Securing America From Epidemics Act’’; H. tled ‘‘Leading by Action: The Fierce Urgency for Diver- Res. 245, calling for renewed, decisive, and robust inter- sity and Inclusion in the Foreign Policy Workforce’’, 11 national collaboration and coordination to fight a.m., Webex. COVID–19 across Africa; and H.R. 1934, the ‘‘Pro- Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related moting United States International Leadership in 5G Agencies, hearing entitled ‘‘The Effects of COVID–19 on Act’’, 1 p.m., Webex. Arts and Humanities Organizations’’, 1 p.m., Webex. Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, In- Subcommittee on Transportation, and Housing and tellectual Property, and the Internet, hearing entitled Urban Development, and Related Agencies, hearing enti- ‘‘The Importance of a Diverse Federal Judiciary’’, 2 p.m., tled ‘‘Creating Equitable Communities Through Trans- 2141 Rayburn and Webex. portation and Housing’’, 2:30 p.m., Webex. Committee on Oversight and Reform, Select Subcommittee Committee on Education and Labor, Subcommittee on on the Coronavirus Crisis, hearing entitled ‘‘Rooting Out Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, Fraud in Small Business Relief Programs’’, 12 p.m., hearing entitled ‘‘Lessons Learned: Charting the Path to Webex. Educational Equity Post-COVID–19’’, 1 p.m., Zoom. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on on Energy, hearing entitled ‘‘Building Technologies Re- Communications and Technology; and Subcommittee on search for a Sustainable Future’’, 1 p.m., Webex. Consumer Protection and Commerce, joint hearing enti- Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Full Com- tled ‘‘Disinformation Nation: Social Media’s Role in Pro- mittee, hearing entitled ‘‘The Administration’s Priorities moting Extremism and Misinformation’’, 12 p.m., for Transportation Infrastructure’’, 11 a.m., 2167 Ray- Webex. burn and Webex. Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Na- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Full Committee, hearing tional Security, International Development, and Monetary entitled ‘‘Restoring Faith by Building Trust: VA’s First Policy, hearing entitled ‘‘Ending Exploitation: How the 100 Days’’, 2 p.m., Zoom. Financial System Can Work to Dismantle the Business of Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Over- Human Trafficking’’, 12 p.m., Webex. sight, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Private Equity’s Ex- Committee on Foreign Affairs, Full Committee, markup panded Role in the U.S. Health Care System’’, 1 p.m., on H.R. 391, the ‘‘Global Health Security Act of 2021’’; Webex.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, March 25 2 p.m., Friday, March 26

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will continue consider- Program for Friday: House will meet in Pro Forma ses- ation of the motion to proceed to the consideration of sion at 2 p.m. H.R. 1799, PPP Extension Act, with all post-cloture time being considered expired and the motion to proceed agreed to. At 10:45 a.m., Senate will vote on or in relation to Kennedy Amendment No. 1401, Rubio Amendment No. 1405, and that Senator Paul, or his designee, be recog- nized to raise a budget point of order. If the motion to waive is agreed to, Senate will then vote on final passage of the bill, as amended, if amended.

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