CEU eTD Collection The Media'sGenderStereotype Framingof In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts of thedegree ofMaster requirementsfor ofthe fulfillment In partial Department of International Relations and European Studies RelationsandEuropean Department ofInternational Female AfghanSelf-Immolators Chechen ‘Black Widows’ and Chechen ‘BlackWidows’ Central European University Supervisor: PaulRoe WordCount: 16,811 Budapest, Hungary GenevievePierce Submitted to 2011 By CEU eTD Collection CEU eTD Collection Women. Irrational and Control, Male and Manipulation Honor, Islamic Violence, Breeds Violence Feminized Imagery, Theseframes are: here. support theclaimsmade identified to been of mediafrom AmericaNorth and Kingdom. United Five the gender frames stereotype have analysis isbasedon content evidence The violence. empirical topic—female incomprehensible by gender reportcomprehendible news onan in actors to stereotypes to resorting order these misrepresenting is media the However, agency. political gain to acts violent extremely commit who actors arevoiceless women these herethat forth set claims Theargument article. are inWidows case Blackthe andfemale studies represented the Afghan self-immolators Chechen Empirically, actors. female illegitimate two of reporting in the framing stereotype Western mediausesgender how question of has ledtothe Nacos’ expansion argument of genderunderstand when stereotypes to masculine womenactingtrying ininherently The roles. to society resorts that Nacos’ argument Brigitte scholar from terrorism the stems This article in world widely today. Western the remain accepted roles and weregatherers.These women A BSTRACT Traditional gender derive roles from beginningthe ofmankind whenmen were hunters i CEU eTD Collection and Ellen Parham. LisaRoth, A EricaLorie Lamb,people. to: thanks Theo Grushka, Pierce,huge Pierce, Vanessa proofread arewonderful onesmy youalso Ibegged butandlistened werethe to You papers. year. thelastyouover Not only polite andterrorism femaleviolence, genderwere stereotypes, my sparked for anti- andpassion counterterrorism. and guidance.emails, help, the all for project—thanks Additionally, whole this for inspiration an truly were classes his and I would like tome“showing thelight” andintroducingme world tothe of security,gender, terrorism. and He thank Nick Sitter because it was his course that Relations is now fueledfire.hilarious andyour comment my academic say am International I to proud that classmate, you know who you are, for insulting me on thehas inspired me tobecomefirst the person Iam today. Secondly,like Iwould tosincerely my thank day of class. In retrospect, it is spirits,is thatUniversity. theiradventurous forlove politics, andtheirundyingsupport It four years ago to move to Hungary and start the adventure that led me to Central European A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Lastbut not least, I wouldlike to thank all the people wholistened to me jabber about for Roe my and Paul adviser to professor express my gratitude I wantto extreme First andforemost, I wouldlike to thankmy who wonderful meencouraged parents both of fields.our ii CEU eTD Collection CHAPTER 3 – GENDER FRAMES3 –GENDER STEREOTYPE CHAPTER 2.4 2.3.2 2.3.1 2.3 2.2.1 2.2 CONCLUSION 2.1.1 3.5 3.4 CHAPTER 2 – AND AFGHANS: CASE STUDIES 2 –CHECHENSANDAFGHANS: CHAPTER 1.3 3.3 INTRODUCTION 1.2 1.1.2 BIBLIOGRAPHY – FEMALE AFGHANANNEX 2 MEDIA SOURCES: SELF-IMMOLATORS WIDOW BOMBERS SUICIDE BLACK 1 –MEDIASOURCES: ANNEX 3.2 3.1 2.1 1.1 OF 1 –DEFININGTHEFIELDS ANALYSIS CHAPTER T 1.1.1 ABLE OF T H I T I H M M F V F F RRATIONAL SLAMIC IELD OF IELD EMINIZED OF IELD HE HEORETICAL IOLENCE T A C A F S ISTORICAL ISTORICAL USLIM ANIPULATION AND ANIPULATION EMALE UICIDE HE HECHNYA FGHANISTAN N G EW B ENDER IRTHTHE OF C E H S T T S RA FOR ULTURE ANDTHE ONOR B ELF ERRORISM UICIDE ERRORISM C I REEDS : MAGERY B B W B P ONTENTS ACKGROUND ACKGROUND -I C ARADOX OF ARADOX LACK OMEN : MMOLATION ONTRIBUTION S A ELF T V FGHANISTAN B ERRORISM M W IOLENCE LACK -I MMOLATION ALE IDOWS W S : : C T UICIDE AND UICIDE F T ONTROL IDOWS REATMENT OF ROM THE HE ? W ARS IN T V ALIBAN ALIBAN TO IOLENCE C HECHNYA W iii OMEN T ODAY 39 42 37 36 33 31 29 27 57 54 24 52 50 24 19 16 47 14 12 72 67 61 10 43 10 1 CEU eTD Collection 4 3 2 (2005): 435. masculine.perceived asinherently and norms gender to conducive not are that in positions women comprehending time difficult phenomenon. this for explanation an gives Terrorism,” in and Politics in Women of Coverage News in the Patterns Framing Similar Media: in the Terrorists bending, incomprehensible anomaly. Brigitte Nacos, in her article, “The Portrayal of Female News Coverage of Women in Politics and in Terrorism,” in and Politics in Women of Coverage News 1 explains inherbook MacDonald is This asEileen becausewomen, of frontline combat. the on use women that militaries state-sanctioned Western no are there Indeed, organization. this mentality and practicewithinit well into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. lifespheres ofsocial excluded that women.” “two hunting the andwarwere that It isargued other. tothe connected beingone directly with hunting societies wasassociated war, childbearing andnurturing. Inmanyhunter-gatherer forrole system.huntingMen wereresponsible responsibilities while women’s weregathering, women’s traditional role as life giver, not life taker. I rejection to war and violence with femininity. with war andviolence to rejection the and masculinity with violence and war linking born—forever was protected the as women Ibid, 19. Joshua Goldstein, Joshua Nacos, 437. Brigitte Nacos, “The Portrayal of Female Terrorists in the Media: Similar Framing Patterns in the NTRODUCTION In age the of still findsWestern femalesociety a , violence gender- Gender roles can be seen in all elements of society, reaching asfarmilitary reaching ofsociety, in be can seen Gender roles elements all gender andstraightforward societies, wasa well-established there In hunter-gatherer War and Gender (Cambridge: University Press,2001), 19. 2 This inability acceptfemaleviolenceto from comes 3 Thus, this concept of men as the protector and 1 4 Society, particularly Western society, carried society, Western Society, particularly Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 1 Nacos argues that society has a , vol. 28 Shoot CEU eTD Collection http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7550755.stm. 11 http://www.truecrime.net/karla/. says,” 10 2011, http://www.oprah.com/world/Lorena-Bobbitts-Unforgettable-Story/4. 9 8 7 6 penis husband’s off her cut who woman American the Bobbitt, Lorena of case is infamous the there instance, which public For committing of forms all attention. attract aggressive actors, violence and beunruly can insociety Women “unladylike.” considered is certainly violence female ‘unladylike’” something newsworthy “Women areattheirmost when they are doing claims, Barden Maria publicized. is widely violence female contrary: the fact, in unnoticed, viewof destroying safe, process [them].” traditional our “they and inthe violence, offemale usingviolence, a doublecircumstance atrocity: commit partner. herselffrom an abusive andwhen protects she from threat, instances are: when bysociety. These be violenceunderstood a can female few instanceswhen areonly there a woman fights off an attacker or rapist, when she protects her children 5 the WomenFirst twelve-year sentence for drugging, torturing, young raping, and killing girls. increases in minor assaults, robberies, public order offenses and criminal damage.” 17… [have]in59,000 - with aged 10 yearsto to gone upby25percentsignificant three girls by committed “crimes where Britain, Great in those as such gangs, female of cases are “Lorena Bobbitt’s Unforgettable Story,” Unforgettable Bobbitt’s “Lorena Maria Braden, Maria Ibid, 2. Ibid, 5. Eileen MacDonald, Eileen “Violentwomen ‘stretching police,’” Paul Cherry, “Karla Homolka lives life of birthday cakes and baseball in “adult daycare,” ex-inmate 9 The Gazette and one of Canada’s most notorious female killers, Karla Homolka, who served a Just because female violence is traditionally unacceptable does not mean not it goes does unacceptable is violence traditionally female Just because Women Politicians and the Media , are seen as irrational, emotional, and wildly unpredictable. wildly and seenasirrational, emotional, , are Shoot the Women First , September22, 2000, accessed May 12,2011, BBC News The Opera Winfrey Show (London: Fourth Estate Limited, 1991),1-241. , August 9,2008, accessed May 12, 2011, (Kentucky: The University of Kentucky, 1996),4. 2 7 , April , April 23, 2009, accessed May 14, 6 In essence, in any other in any essence, In 5 10 Shearguesthat Further, there 11 8 and CEU eTD Collection www.womenforafghanwomen.org/pdf/MarieClaireMag.pdf. 13 ledquestion whether Iwas to observation, After thisinitial messages? decipher their media to violenceof itself thatprovides an foroutlet acquire them to political agency? Do they rely on act the it Is societies. their within voiceless both are and agency political lack women of groups world. Yet, if one peers into their national history, society, and culture it appears that both these the of parts different from are they and suicide of methods different use They themselves. kill to wish only self-immolators while others, and themselves kill to intent the have bombers female suicide firstglance, Upon incommon. have nothing on surface, the since theseactors, bombing—andfemale the article about This self-immolators. Afghan observation was curious airport suicideare responsible the Widow for bombers—who Chechen between the Black gender stereotyping similar Inoticed bombing wasreceiving, the that media coverage self-immolation among Muslim women, particularly Afghan women. Afghan particularly women, Muslim among self-immolation injure.” kill or to women choice make aconscious that Bible to the War on Terror,” 12 been skimming a humanthrough interest story inpublished today and they daily. are reinforced authors their media, in mainstream presented are politics global violence in ofwomen’s stories “Whenever SjobergGentry,Scholars argue, Laura Caron and unbiased, arestill members of andsociety have same the entrenched opinions of gender roles. toremain required though journalists, the because biases society’s reflects that news distributes Yet how is it that in the ‘age of gender equality’ gender stereotypes still live on? The media Kimberly Sevcik, “Why did this woman set herself on fire?” on herself set woman this did “Why Sevcik, Kimberly Laura Sjoberg and Caron E. Gentry, “Reduced to Bad Sex: Narratives of Violent Women from the from Women Violent of Narratives Sex: Bad to “Reduced Gentry, E. Caron and Sjoberg Laura In January 2011, circa the time of the Domodedovo airport bombing Ihad inMoscow, airport Domodedovothe In the 2011, circa of January time International Relations 3 , vol. 22(2008): 5. 12 Thus, stereotypes gender remainalive Marie Claire Marie Claire Marie explain away , accessed April 2011, 13 Due to the abundant the to Due magazine on female on magazine the possibility the CEU eTD Collection 15 14 how.” and news in the present to whom and what asto decisions inthemakeconstant media and editors, news others producers, “reporters, that convincing case based on the media’s framing of these two female actors. Nacos acknowledges a forth sets She my research. for basis and inspiration is the argument This terrorists. similar genderstereotypesmedia’s in female the of politicians representation femaleand of measures. counterterrorism female the actual violence,issues, of threat andcould hinderanti- undermines and real the it because distorts havedetrimental repercussions could framing stereotype gender Western media’sviolence to suggest that as means toobtain agency. Additionally, I a political andresort are voicelessactors Afghan andfemale self-immolators Widows Chechen that Black Iargue article, In this violence. incomprehensible—female comprehend the to in order actors frame women. areusedto violent these media stereotypes andhow these more sources notor consistent gender stereotyping could befoundbetween violent femalethese two in actors Tough-as-Males/Tougher-than-Men. and Lib/Equality, the Sakeof Love, Women’s for Terrorists Connection, Family Appearance, are:Physical frames The female stereotype. a typical frame represents in media—each the frames six identifies She sources. news language English non-American from and (U.S.) States United the from media analyzing by identifies she which frames gender specific to resorts media the Therefore, roles. masculine in inherently are acting who of women groups these explaining time difficult a has media the that claims she this, of Because explanatory. highly Ibid, 440. Nacos, 436. Nacos, who researches the relationship between the media and terrorism, has identified has andterrorism, between media the the relationship whoresearches Nacos, two these whento genderstereotypes about mediaWestern writing I claim resorts that 15 4 14 Thus, the framing is often subjective and subjective is often framing the Thus, CEU eTD Collection 16 been abletosupport. female violence. Thisis Nacos, in empirical that something herbroad have would not research, for rationale valid a is agency political that show to examples empirical precise use to able am I process women in inherently masculine More roles. specifically,by focusing Nacos’ argument, further Nacos’ argument that the media resorts to stereotypes in order to comprehend and to able am I studies, ascase actors violent these choosing By . of immolators self- female the and of bombers suicide Widow Black the actors: female illegitimate large it would be beneficial if narrowed. Thisher rangeisvery againshowsthat such Thatcher. as Lady recognizedMargaret actors politicians, she leaps between less known actors like U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski to globally separatist groups. This givesher scopealarger set of variables. When femaleanalyzing justreligious and not as well, supremacy groups white encompasses terrorist organization her Klan undefined KluKlux studies U.S.Meaning tothe the of previous case established her study. Furthermore,in Sea Mediterranean to the Europe from Western ranging groups andreligious separatist both in the Terrorists the Physicalfor Appearance frame of femalethe terrorists. Sake of Love frame,(ETA), and Nacos Leila Khaledmoves of thefromAskatasuna Euskadi Ta the of leader a Armendariz, She usesLeila of groups actors. Popularregions or the Front for the Liberationspecific to case studies her limit or define not does instance, Nacos For evidence. empirical of Palestine when analyzing heritshe wouldsourcestoobtain use alarge is of that understandable a trailblazer, range Nacos, 439. Nacos’ article is unique because itis the first to examine media framings in this way. As I have narrowed Nacos’ range of empirical examples and shifted the cases to two cases the andshifted examples range of Nacos’ empirical I havenarrowed 5 16 These examples show she is including is she show examples These CEU eTD Collection 64. in Yoram Schweitzer ed. “Female Suicide Terrorists,” Jaffe Center Publication, Tel Aviv, Israel (2006): 19 (2009): 687. 18 widow.html. accessed May 2,2011, http://www.newser.com/story/110602/moscow-suicide-bomber-likely-a-black- 17 media. international Russian the by them to given ironically title, official an with active currently female terrorists of group They only Widows.” are the “Black the name, their of because scholars in suicide bombing research. Lastly, Ihave chosen this female group of terrorists bemany which an proven has her for to attack obstacle interviews after for be available Western media. It is important to note that if a is successful, she will not Widows’been in lessBlack the Widows Black aboutthe publishedand representation on even has research scholarly little very Thirdly, them. backing organization the and women violent of globally. bombers killing moremale all modern peopleattack than day groups, per andfemale suicide any other injuring 100others. airport killing Domodedovo 35and in the Moscow themselves detonated companion recently Asmentioned, arecurrently group. Widows male terrorist an and aBlackactive Widow her Black the First, reasons. specific four very for Widows theBlack Ichose established. been Afghanistan. Black Widows of Chechnya, then a rationale for choosing the female self-immolators of Anne Speckhard and Khapta Akhmedova, “Black Widows: The Chechen Female Suicide Terrorists,” Lindsey O’Rourke, “What’s Special about Female Suicide Terrorism?” Evan Gastaldo, “Moscow Suicide Bomber Likely a ‘Black Widow,’” The 19 The case studies have been chosen for very specific reasons—first, a justification for the for justification a reasons—first, very specific for chosen been have casestudies The By narrowing tothe focus the Black suicide Widow asolid bombers, framework has 18 17 Thus,in there isacurrentandabundant stopping interest global thisgroup Secondly, the Black Widows are the most successful female terrorists of femaleterrorists successful most arethe Widows Secondly, Black the 6 Security Studies Newser , January , January 26, 2011, , vol. 18 CEU eTD Collection 22 vol. 25(2004): 788. Implications for Global Women’s Health Research and Practice,” 21 (2011): 46. 20 rise. the on is women among self-immolation people, Afghan the of liberation known about the female self-immolators from Afghanistan. Since the fall of the and the islittle Like Widows, literature. Black from scholarly and absence alsobecauseof their group becauseimmolators of observedin genderthe mysterious initial stereotypes the of reading this genderbutalsocommit andthe religion, culture, eagerness to suicide. Ihave chosen self- Black Widow suicide bombers and female Afghan self-immolators. There have been no been have There self-immolators. Afghan female and bombers suicide Widow Black regarding languageliterature of theylargest producers the UnitedEnglish are as Kingdom, Women. Irrational and Control, Male and Manipulation Honor, Violence, Islamic Breeds Violence Imagery, are:Feminized frames myto identifiedempirical evidence. I five stereotypes gender amongmy Thesecase studies. focuses violent on from actors two specific meaning regions, apply Icould hersame not frames my However, masculine andininherently participatingstudy aviolentactor roles. actor afraid to speak for fear she will bring shame upon her family. tellher not survive shestory to andshe intherareoccasion likely doessurvive, be will too these women. Furthermore, like Black Widows,if a self-immolator has been successful she will committed. suicides of numbers is recordkeeping—there to anarray issues—primarily noreliable on of exact the poor data Ibid, 788. Elizabeth A. Campbell and Isabelita Z. Guiao, “Muslim Culture and Female Self-Immolation: Nahid Aziz, “What Self-Immolation Means to Afghan Women,” Chechen Black Widow suicide bombers and female Afghan self-immolators share self-immolators Afghan female and bombers suicide Widow Black Chechen This usesarticle and print from onlineboth mediasources North America and the non-violent a rationalize to uses media the that stereotypes gender six identifies Nacos 21 This lack of statistical data limits scholarly information about information scholarly limits data statistical of lack This 7 Health Carefor Women International 22 A Journal of Social Justice 20 However, due , vol. 23 , CEU eTD Collection this section will depend both on written and photographic representation of Blackthe Widows analysis of the specific language, headlines, and the photographs used in the news article. Thus, Male Control, and Irrational and Manipulation Honor, Violence, Islamic Breeds Violence Imagery, are:Feminized frames Women.The different. are Inthese frames, the Nacos’ by inspired firstThough self-immolators. Afghan female frame, Feminized Imagery,in and Ihaveanalyzes thefiveframes of found Widows stereotype reporting gender Black the there will be an pieces like the one found in like pieces found one the analysis of placing themwithinhistorical and Additionally,cultural context. provides chapter this a brief Western society’s by andAfghanfemale self-immolators, Black Widow introduces casestudies, the chapter second The contribution. theoretical and my purpose of view explanation an into moves it Then on self-immolation. and the terrorism regarding literature available the genderexamining review literature paradox of suicide. vague encompass this term. Canada, though Kingdom Unitedmany (U.S.), can the (U.K.), I am countries and aware other UnitedStates the to specifically I am referring clarify that to isimportant It “West”. to the Irefer article, this Additionally, throughout actors. female of these representation overall of the Threatening Behavior, vol. 23 as such broadcasters newspapers and mainstream media. range from Thesources analysis discourse popular of becauseperform of is sources thepurpose project to the the whilecontent limitations choosing SilviaSara Canetto andIsaac Sakinofsky, “The genderparadox insuicide,” This article is arranged in three chapters. The first chapter delvesThis into Thefirst ananalytical inthreechapters. isarranged article The New York Times 28, no. 1(1998): 1. Marie Claire Marie . This is done with the intent togain a vast knowledge and 8 BBC to local newspapers and human-interest and newspapers tolocal Suicide & Life – 23 Thethird chapter CEU eTD Collection women pose to anti- and counterterrorism measures in West. measures the toanti- women pose andcounterterrorism threat potential andthe society, Western have on frames genderstereotype these implication and female Afghan self-immolators. Finally, the conclusion discusses the five frames, the 9 CEU eTD Collection societies—particularly in the United Kingdom, Western Europe, Israel and Japan.” Western Europe, in Kingdom, the United societies—particularly actors against civilians innocent forcesmembers Western bynon-state and off of security duty 1970s,1980s,andthe was 1990swhen there andgradual,a “modest of violence against rise generation of scholars such as Anne Speckhard, Lindsey O’Rourke, and Mia Bloom. on Septembernewand Thisinterest attacks event sparkedawaveof the 11,2001. anew WalterRapoport, Laquier, BrianJenkins.The and in secondwave began theafter United States as David such arescholars experts These experts. of terrorism generation first as the today is what known study influenced creating research the and terrorism, of of activity terrorist major waves. two hasexperienced is modern terrorism This because interest. 1.1 scholarlyhighlight that thiscontributions articlemakes tothefield. fieldsthese two of instudy toshow the holesorder in andliterature preexistingthe thereby breakdown will I section, this In event. the to up leading events the and motives, background, about their data acquiring find ways of alternative to led has scholars issue This attacks. female suicide bombersneither that being largest the issues, a number of to be attributed can This research. scholarly nor female self-immolators are able to provide interviews after their 25 (2009): 643. 24 C Ibid, 644. Robert A. Pape, “Introduction: What is New About Research on Terrorism,” HAPTER F IELD OF According to RobertA.According Pape,terrorism is to a surgeof currently through going research Both female suicide bombers and female self-immolators are topics with limited with topics are self-immolators female and bombers suicide female Both 1 T – ERRORISM D EFINING THEEFINING F IELDS OF IELDS 10 A NALYSIS Security Studies 24 The first was in was first The 25 This wave This , vol. 18 CEU eTD Collection bomber-in-Pakistan-vows-attacks?instance=2nd_right. accessed May 27, 2011, http://www.annistonstar.com/view/full_story/12618999/article-Captured- primary information recruitment, the source motives,about andorganization certain of terrorist instancesThanks to like this one,police andanti- and counterterrorism units are able obtain to insurgents and because guerrillas manywere stillalive andwell-known at the time. interview to reformed able were as MacDonald such scholars generation First research. particularknowledge individuals groups.” and about could specialized bygreater becontained with violence criminals…that domestic associated individualmenace of terrorismand meek to acts “comparable wasapersistentscholars thought 29 28 27 26 detonate. to year FidaHussain April old captured a Sufi inwas 2011 at shrine hisvest failed Pakistan after 14- instance, For authorities. by captured are they and malfunction bombs their occasion rare on butfail, to bombers for suicide is very unusual It deceased. or unknown either are sources primary because sources secondary the rely on heavily havehadto thatscholars This means accounts of suchterrorism performed ETA bygroups as Irishthe or RepublicanArmy (IRA). generation isolated first the and unlike studied who terrorism, attacks scale international suicide terrorism has drastically Aschanged. mentioned above, the second generation is studying large- form of sincethe collection aproblem data with has encountered secondgeneration the research and understanding of terrorism after September 11 their and attack—to attacks suicide new international add elements—large-scale two forced to The events of September 11 Khalid Tanveer, “Captured bomber in Pakistan vows attacks,” MacDonald, 6. Ibid, 646. Pape, 646. It is important to acknowledge the extreme difficulty that accompanies terrorism accompanies that difficulty extreme the acknowledge to isimportant It 29 He tried to throw a grenade but it a butgrenadeexploded prematurely,handblowing He tothrow tried his off. th changed the course of generation of modern firstof The changedthecourse terrorism. 11 26 The second generation of scholars were scholars of generation Thesecond th The Anniston Star . 27 , April 4, 2011, 28 However, CEU eTD Collection Elsevier Ltd. (2006): 3. 33 (2009): 681. ask why terrorist Many Speckhardbeing of scholars, one of suicidehave reports them, analyzed to past attacks Turkey,Afghanistan, (where andIraq thereisonaverageonesuicidebomber perday).” organizations from Indonesia,wildfire LebanontoPalestine, Sri spreading Chechnya,Lanka, Morocco, “Itlikea has scholar,off argues, suddenly leadingtaken second generation Speckhard, a use suicideone organization saw the bombing,effectiveness joined others of suicide inthe Annetactic. terrorism. Suicide terrorism has become the 32 31 30 1.1.1 suicide bombers? female about is special what article, this to importantly most And, terrorists? suicide motivates of damaged? What Arethey are the suicide bombing? tactical psychologically advantages scholars, though limited onprimary sources, areaskingmorein-depth questions such as—What events.” for terrorist ofcauses levels individual strategic, and social, across connections theoretical the understandingof improving our analysis, of levels different fundamentally at operate that factors considering for frameworks data/official (3)interviews reports, families with andfriends and (4) suicide video. interviews (2)statistical are:(1) and sources secondary anti-experts with counterterrorism less, the commonly usedto ofmost order the In research. for scholarly information acquire groups. However, there are four major types of secondary sources that are commonly used to Anne Speckhard, “Suicide Terrorism – Genesis of” in G. Fink (Ed.) Lindsey O’Rourke, “What’s Special about Female Suicide Terrorism,” Ibid, 647. Concluded by the author, Genevieve Pierce, while reviewing and analyzing all sources for this paper. S Suicide bombing has become a highly feared method of Suicide has become bombing of appears ahighly method fearedterrorism. once that It Regardless of data accessibility, the second generation “sharpened scholars have of generation second accessibility, the Regardless data of UICIDE T 32 ERRORISM 12 31 In other words, the second generation Encyclopedia ofStress Security Studies , vol. 18 30 . Oxford: 33 CEU eTD Collection no. 14(2010): 8. 36 Terrorism kill? dying to Why aresuicidebombers rationalize. concept to and difficult remains aperplexing suicide bombers? female than different bombers male suicide remains—Are question Yetthe and calculated. Thismale with belief conclusion psychopath. traditional coincides the is violence that rational bear of not thesigns a true do bombers suicide that Khalil agree and with side Scholars by some perceived injusticein theirbutcommunity,psychopathological.” they are not toact are convinced “They experiencenot Heclaims, and clinical problems. psychological do cause to their devoted simply are people these believes Arabia, Saudi of Health of Ministry the in Health Mental for Complex Al-Amal the of M.D. Khalil Mohsen Psychiatrist instance, For understand the minds terrorist;isthe of the conclusion display they not do psychotic behavior. analyzed interviews families with and friends as well as any available suicide videos in to order have experts and psychologists However, problem. psychological of sort some from suffer bombers these that believe to one lead easily can supply endless This missions. for recruits become suicide bombers and why there seems beto an endless supply of willing volunteers and 35 34 endless supply lethal (4) Extremely horrifying (5)Nearly impossibleprevent to (6)Difficult trace to and (7)In preferred form of for seven (2)Highly terrorism reasons: (1)Inexpensive (3)Highly effective Aaron Levin, “Mid-East Psychiatrists Explore Mind of Suicide Bombers,” MaiBloom coined the term “dying to kill” in her bookentitled This list of seven items is taken from Anne Speckhard’s article “Suicide Terrorism – Genesis of.” 35 Many scholars, particularly psychologists, have tried to understand what makesunderstand people what have to tried psychologists, Manyscholars, particularly The benefits of using suicide bombers far surpass other methods of terror. Yet it publish in 2005. . 34 13 Dying toKill: The Allure of Suicide Psychiatric News Psychiatric , vol. 45, 36 CEU eTD Collection university), single, university), andolder than maletheir counterparts. female argues that (many bomberssuicide higheraverage, havinggonetoa are,on educated She motivations. feminine byuniquely driven fact in are women that claims and argument this emotional connection women have to their motives of terrorism. Lindsey O’Rourke expands problems, personal revenge, andproblems, anti-Semitism. by social outsiderism, sexualassault suicidal(i.e. rape), familybehavior, unhappiness, beliefs. religious overt and affiliation, by motivated nationalisticmartyrdom,foreign policy,of dreams reasons, extreme group are men Taylor, and Jacques to According motivation. of forms their in especially different, very are bombers suicide female and male that argue reports, official through terrorists of the biographical accounts who analyzed J.Taylor, JacquesandPaul Karen similar. Yet or outside of the conflict zone.” conflict the outside of or within beingradicalized by terrorists the motivations, of differing these sameset the most part the for share bombers suicide women and “Men argues, reports, official and experts consulting after Speckhard, terrorism. female suicide on lessdata even and terrorism male suicide bombers contradictions andfemale arelikely bythelimited These bombers. data caused on 40 39 Reason?” 38 vol. 31(2008): 1030. 37 1.1.2 O’Rourke, 709. Ibid, 315. Karen Jacques and Paul J. Taylor, “Male and Female Suicide Bombers: Different sexes, Different Anne Speckhard, “The Emergence of Female Suicide Terrorists,” F There are major scholarly contradictions between the motivating factors male of factors motivating between the contradictions major scholarly There are EMALE Studies of Conflict & Terrorism S UICIDE T ERRORISM 37 Thus, male and female suicide bombers are fundamentally are bombers suicide female and male Thus, 38 , vol. 31(2008): 315. While, in stark contrast, women are mostly motivated women aremostly contrast, instark While, 14 39 Jacques and Taylor recognize Jacques the and Taylor recognize 40 Studies in Conflict & Terrorism She comes to her conclusion , CEU eTD Collection Library 44 43 42 41 hasfor asked example, O’Rourke, bombers. female suicide and fourteen bystanders without raising any security suspicions. in stepped out of frontbowed athis him, feetanddetonated bomb,the herself, killing Gandhi, her and clothing travel crowd.Shemanagedthe with ease through toreach Gandhi whereshe Dhanu his security concealheightened campaigntrail,on while but wasable to a bomb under reach to primeto the Rajiv Gandhi, 1991politicalthe opposition Gandhi had minister of India. move a femalecrowd of wasable Tamilsuicide through bombers, supporters to Eelam (LTTE) checks. security severe suspicious (2)they can conceal andtheir better explosives (3)they are not exposed tosuch when it comes effectiveness.to She argues thisis for three specific reasons: (1) women are less families. shames that quality undesirable is an communities in Muslim duties womanly genderexpected roles andwomanly Itisimportantduties. tonote inability the that perform to greatly from their that old women performing beingfactors or deprive divorce, age—all rape, byinfertility, isspurred bombers become suicide theirmotivation to words, In other Additionally, argues: she a quantitativethrough analysis of all known betweensuicide terrorist 1981and2008. attacks Ibid, 691. Ibid, 713. O’Rourke, 681. K. T. Rajasingham, K. T. , accessed May 2,2011,http://www.lankalibrary.com/pol/rajiv.htm. It is apparent that some second generation scholars have taken a special interest in interest takenaspecial scholarshave is some generation second It that apparent female arefarmore superior by bombers continues that suicide Yet O’Rourke arguing family. a raise actions to that either refer threatened the sexual honor ofthewoman or damaged severely factors her to ability motivating These women. of role maternal and fidelity marital the In the societies from which female suicide attackers emerge, a high value is placed upon “ 42 SRI LANKA: THE UNTOLD STORY Rajiv Gandhi's assassination,” 43 For instance, “Dhanu” Rajaratnam,Liberation Thenmozhi Tiger a of 15 44 what questions such asthe such questions Sri Lanka 41 CEU eTD Collection Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Vietnamese in himself Buddhistof Warprotest onfire and setthe Vietnam the form modern of placeself-immolation took in inVietnam 1963 whereThich Quang Duc, a Afghanistan. and more , recently, , Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, as such East Middle the and Asia Central in in countries found commonly most is immolation and escape. protest immolation transformed from a symbol of religious devotion and sacrifice to aform of political modern religion or society accepts self-immolation as tolerable behavior. astolerable self-immolation accepts society or religion modern and herself killing in thefire. pyre funeral husband’s her onto) thrown being (or herself throwing a widow of custom Indian protest ofher father’s dislikeof her husband. in death herself to burned Shiva, Hindugod the to wife the Sati India, where comes from 49 48 47 46 http://theweek.com/article/index/211349/self-immolation-a-brief-history. faith. his of expression an as fire on himself set backimmolation dates to527ADwhena Daodu, monk,Buddhist amountaintop climbed to and 45 asked have that scholars generation second few are there contrast, In men. versus women of effectiveness 1.2 self-immolations. on literature the important—in toproperly order assemble thefullargumentset forth in review paper—to this Ibid, 45. Aziz, 45. Ibid. Ibid. “Self-Immolation: A brief history,” Abrief “Self-Immolation: F IELD OF Nahid Aziz, a scholar who researches self-immolation, argues that the practice of self-of practice the that argues self-immolation, researches ascholar who Nahid Aziz, Self-immolation is the act of intentionally setting oneself on fire. The concept of of self- fire.The concept oneself on setting intentionally of is theact Self-immolation how S questions. Thislaterinquestions. topic be to will it butfirstreturned is chapter, this ELF -I MMOLATION 47 Though these ancient tales represented religious practice, no practice, religious represented tales ancient these Though The Week The , January25,2011, accessed May 8,2011, 46 16 In 1829, India of thepractice In1829,outlawed 45 Another early account of self-immolation 48 49 In 20 However, the first the However, th century, self- sati , the , CEU eTD Collection 56 55 54 53 52 http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu. 51 50 years. ten last with explanations imagery. detailed events. Itis generally produced by special interest media reports, which reflect very journalistic the of account Halberstam’s to similar is self-immolation about information available Most whileDuc’s protest inVietnam. Hewrote: persecution Buddhists in of Vietnam.South on the rise, especially among women. among especially rise, the on reconstruction” after the collapse of collapse of Taliban. the the after reconstruction” aid the to with present organizations international number of large the perhaps dueto in the Muslim world. issues women’s rights of other because in self-immolation become interested have International Amnesty as such NGOs Recently, (NGOs). organizations non-governmental from coming women.” Muslim young among phenomenon and havebegun “reporting about the increasing incidences of self-immolation Ibid, 788. Ibid, 783. Campbell and Guiao, 783. Ibid, 46. Aziz, 46. S. Mintz, “The Vietnam War as History,” History…” ABrief “Self-Immolation: The number of self-immolation cases has been growing in the Muslim world over the over world Muslim in the growing been has cases self-immolation of number The people around him. muscle,never uttered a sound,hisoutward composure insharp contrast to the wailing notes or ask questions, take too to bewildered to even Asthink…. he burned he confused nevermoved too a cry, to shocked too was I gathering. now were who Vietnamese human beings burn surprisingly quickly. Behindme Icould hearthe of sobbing the up, his head and blackening wascharring. In smellthe the air of human burning flesh; shriveling and withering slowly was body his being; human a from coming were Flames 52 The doctors at the Herat Burn Hospital in Afghanistan claim self-immolation is self-immolation claim Afghanistan in Hospital Burn Herat the at doctors The 55 Self-immolation in “Afghanistan has attracted a great deal of deal agreat attention... of has attracted in“Afghanistan Self-immolation 51 54 Most information regarding female self-immolation is self-immolation female regarding information Most Digital History 53 Some media sources have taken interest in interesthavethis taken Some media sources 50 American journalist David Halberstam witnessed 17 56 , May10, 2011, accessed May 14,2011, CEU eTD Collection 61 60 59 58 57 most and violent, most dramatic, most the among be “may self-immolation that argue They statisticsself-immolations. regardingpinpoint accurate try Ahmadi to Reza Mohammandi, and Alireza researchers, Self-immolation self-inflicted. were burns their admit to willing those self-immolation— of survivors with interviews personal from and region in the working NGOs inaccurate. are femaleself-immolation regarding reporting of isself-immolation very low. the First, major reasons. three are there but issues of a number to beattributed can information most common excuse being a “cooking accident.” a “cooking being excuse most common Third, the family does not want the girl to confess her sin, so they claim it was an accident—the often too afraid toadmit she tried killto herself because she does notwant to shame her family. highly debated. shameful is martyrdom act—only female in acceptable yet atthat, martyrdom Islam, even is home. for them at care families simply and their lethal become burns the before extinguished are they or help get can they before die women distances, Though roadconditions, believe poor andlackproofisdoctors of transport. sparse, isit get countryside, to woman nearly the impossible she needs vast attention the due to with burns in Afghanistan. Ibid, 789. David Cook, “Women Fighting in ?” Fighting “Women Cook, David Ibid, 788. Ibid, 788. Campbell and Guiao, 788. As for scholarly research about self-immolation, there is very lackis very This of little. there self-immolation, about scholarly As for research Scholars interested in female self-immolation generally obtain their raw data from data raw their obtain generally self-immolation in female interested Scholars 60 Regardless, if a woman is fortunate enough to get medical attention, she is she medical get attention, enough to isfortunate if Regardless, a woman 58 If an incident of self-immolation takes place and it is in the is it and place takes self-immolation of incident an If Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 57 There are very few hospitals that are able to help are ableto fewthat hospitals Therearevery 18 59 61 Second, suicide in Islam is a sinful and sinful isa in Islam suicide Second, Thus, it is easy to see why the statistics the see why is easy to it Thus, , vol. 28(2005): 380. CEU eTD Collection left manyleft unanswered. questions havelikely Thesequestions becauseof unanswered remained weakness isThus, existinggreatest literature’s gender thatmanyscholars and haveoverlooked ask to failure in the scholar’s above, mentioned as seen, areprimarily holes These literature. of the aspect inthegender holes yet are not, there beforedid them as those gender, of to amountattention asignificant contributed have scholars Some generation second effectiveness. their and motives, their bombers, the of state mental the bombing, suicide of 1.3 confirm that female self-immolation is used as both a form of protest and a form of escape. preferable living of andsuffering.” violence preferable to alife domestic death find [and] choice other no have “they feel they because self-immolation perform people in order to invoke feelings of invoke remorse. and guilt, shame, feelingsof in to people order society.” inIslamic women facing discrimination some women setElizabeth Campbell and Isabelita Guiao, whose informationthemselves comes primarily from NGOs. First, on fire as immolate? a “form of protestfemale violence by asking one of mostthe questions—What vital motivates self-women to against actmore misunderstood limited,understand of extremely andaretryingmore this to scholars the political and social 65 64 63 Health, Afshin Almasi, “Familial Risk Factor for Self-Immolation: A Case Control Study,” 62 understand.” to acts difficultpersonal Ibid, 787. Ibid, 787. Campbell and Guiao, 787. Alireza Ahmadi, Reza Mohammandi, David C. Schwebel, Habibolah Khazaie, Naser Yeganeh, T HEORETICAL vol.no. 18, 7(2009): 580. Second generation terrorism scholars have asked questions about the tactical the advantages about havescholars askedquestions generation terrorism Second There appears to be two plausible reasons for female self-immolation, according to according female self-immolation, for plausible reasons be two to There appears C ONTRIBUTION 62 Though is Though dataregarding this phenomenon the still 19 63 This act is usually done in front of other of front in done is usually act This 65 Thus, Campbell and Guiao and Campbell Thus, 64 Second, some women Journal of Women’s how questions. CEU eTD Collection 70 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/textidx?c=jep;view=text;rgn=main;idno=3336451.0012.101. 2009,February accessed May 26, 2011, 69 68 67 Association media uses frames to process, comprehend and presentthe that argues onsociety, effects in its and media the interested the ascholar Scheufele, Dietram news. frames. media to turns she do this, To terrorists. female illegitimate and politicians female 66 events.” are “a idea central organizing orstorylinean thatprovides meaning to unfoldingstrip of how gender-centered essential has begunaskingthese scholar one However, acquiringdata. reliable of and difficulty the andfemale self-immolators of female number terrorists limited the reporting onfemale By dwelling“on factterrorism. women a the that horrific perpetuate act of audience. of the andreaction” perceptions effectthe on ithas a“strong because important is particularly violence of Nacos, framing the to visual images. and5) 4) depictions historical 3)catchphrases events of 2)exemplars metaphors devices are1) journalistssuggests that five rely framingon major deviceswhen reporting thenews.These news any of report. vital part frames area these Nacos, 436. Philip M. Davis, “How the Media Frames ‘Open Access’,” Ibid, 106. Original in Tuchman, G., Ibid, 106. Original in Gamson, W.A and A. Modigliani, Dietram A Scheufele, “Framing as a Theory of Media Effect,” questions. Nacos has asked how gender stereotypes play into the media’s portrayal of legitimate of portrayal media’s the into play stereotypes gender how asked has Nacos These five devices These be devices five can portrayal According seen in female violence. of media’s the 67 Scheufele suggests that media frames organize our everyday life thatmedia everyday and reality organizeour frames and Scheufele suggests , (1999), 106. 69 Making News: AStudy in the construction of reality 70 Nacos highlights that this is above all true when 20 68 In order to construct frames, Philip Davis The changing culture of affirmative action. The Journal of Electronic Publishing International Communication 66 Furthermore, media frames media Furthermore, ,. , CEU eTD Collection Afghan self-immolators. Thanks to the foundation Nacos established in her article, I was able article,inher Iwas established foundation Nacos tothe Thanks Afghan self-immolators. female gender between BlackWidows and similarities stereotype Inoted inductive reasoning, reality. reflect anddoesnot inaccurate is female terrorists of representation the because media reporting Her concludingis argument anti- that be and units swayed should counterterrorism not by media.” by the are reinforced that clichés and gender cultural stereotypes exploit to know how valuableinsight world tothe of anti- and counterterrorism.Sheclaims, “Terrorist organizations 74 73 72 71 Naïve, Out-of-Touch-with-reality. Bored, the Women’sThe Tough-as-Male/Tougher-than-Men, Lib/Equality, and forLove, The Sakeof the masculine roles. These frames are: The Physical Appearance, The Family Connection, Terrorist stereotypes by mediapigeonholeused comprehend to the and women acting ininherently news.sixlanguageandbroadcast frames printShegenerates whichshe as identifies gender She justifies her argument by performing a content analysis on U.S. and non-American English terrorists: female and politicians female regarding consumers attribution of responsibility.” news affect and interms episodic news inevitability such frames themedia terrorism, Ibid, 435. Ibid, 435. Ibid, 436. Nacos, 437. 74 Nacos’ article is the stepping stone for the research presented here. Using thesame here.Using presented research the for stone is stepping the article Nacos’ Nacos’ purposefor asking this family affected her path; she is tough like a man, not a real women. is atendency toresortto stereotypical explanations (i.e. her goodlooks opened doors; her inherently male (i.e.women as political leaders,women violentas political actors), there Society cannot women understand inroles cultural that norms andprejudices perceive as in frames news the genderstereotype are arguesthat there Nacos In her article, how 71 question is important because her research gives research her because important is question 21 72 73 CEU eTD Collection it hasbeen renamed toinclude feminizedlanguage and photography as well. Thisnew frame is but Appearance, frame titled Physical by Nacos’ has inspired been frame One frames. specific observations, I found similarinitial After Kingdom. and America from United the North are,asmentioned, sources stereotypingmedia the All of self-immolators. Afghan female about between stories news thirty-six and Widows the two groups and I was able to develop agency. political for a cry is violence their show to framework the provide examples empirical specific my thus, and agency seeking are women these that assumption the to her brought never have illegitimate women, mentioned inscholarlyliterature.However, by shiftinggroups two the empirical casesto of I am able to expose a different aresparsely added anewwomen, since these violent contribution especially self-immolators, anglehave alone elements These framing. and portrayal than media’s Western of analysis focused Nacos.more Her broad scope to I havefor North America a narrowed sources Kingdom the Furthermore, only andthe United may helps toprovidesnewinto insight themedia’sa gender stereotyping in of women roles masculine and show the This shift andfemaleself-immolators. Afghan Widows Chechen Black actors: illegitimate gender two to focus herempirical Ihave redirected argument. from Nacos’ stems contribution specific stereotypes My actual threat. andunderplays masculine thefemale terrorist’s undermines roles inherently sources. By so,Iam doing support Nacos’ claimable to media’s the that framing females of in the media media Western of overavariety is andsimilar framing the if actors femaleillegitimate two usesportray to stereotypes gender media uses the askwhether further and her narrow argument to to report about violent women. The content analysis of this article has come from forty-nine news stories about Black about stories news forty-nine from come has article this of analysis content The 22 CEU eTD Collection introduction to the case studies and the gender paradox of casestudiesof introduction the gender andthe suicide.to paradox have anframes the of all because is element This other. the over frame one into examples media of placement of overlap.Irrational I will develop and Male and Control, Manipulation Honor, Islamic Violence, Breeds Imagery, Violence Women. this Itidea usedhere Feminized Those are: factors. by these influenced frameswere the die.to Therefore, is furtherimportant self-immolatorsin not only share gender, but also religion, culture,chapter tradition, and theirwillingness to note three, who from Chechen compared actors backgrounds,differing BlackWidows and female Afghan that butthis first research an self-immolator. female illegitimate the to politicians female legitimate the from change is not conducive of bethe usedbecause not could frames other Nacos’ frame. Imagery Feminized called the to precise I have identified four additional frames to fit the new illegitimate actor. Unlike Nacos, Unlike actor. illegitimate new the fit to frames additional four identified have I 23 CEU eTD Collection national embarrassment for when “Chechen freedom fighters intercepted Russian troops intercepted freedom fighters for when“Chechen Russia embarrassment national smothersent troops toChechnya to theuprising.momentbe However,this to out a turned of and declaration this about enthusiastic not was Yeltsin, Boris time, the at Russia of President the from As Russia. independence onecoulddeclared Air predict, officer,former Force Soviet 2.1 it. accompanies that suicide paradox to andthegender connected ingrained stereotypes gender Western of society’s analysis of Muslim culture and the treatment of women in that culture. Finally, a brief analysishistory used to establish the political female violence. of representation and media’s the violence and female of reasoning scholarly the social between comparison for foundation a develop will climate of each idea it further will and chapter voice. suppress expandagainstthat their this This protest those country. Then,is a form violence of their intheir societies—arguably they are voiceless because agency there is an areseeking political Afghan self-immolators and BlackWidows suggestthat female literature of andAfghan history, AssumptionsChechen and from culture. tradition, scholarly drawn this C HAPTER H ISTORICAL When Sovietthe Union collapsed in 1991, ChechenpresidentDzhokhar Dudayev, a This chapter is broken into three sections. First, there is a background of the modern The purpose isThe purpose of chapter introduce this to casestudies by the literature using scholarly 2 – C B HECHENS ANDHECHENS ACKGROUND : T HE A W FGHANS 24 ARS IN C : HECHNYA C ASE S TUDIES CEU eTD Collection 80 79 http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/chechnya2.htm. 2011, 1, 78 77 2011, http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/chechnya1.htm. 76 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/2565049.stm 75 and more radicaland leadership. religious leaders new with (killed reorganized,replacing byRussian militanttroops) groups assassinated into afulldeveloped attack. sent “subduetroops to hiding bandits inChechnya’s mountains” buttheirmission quickly from a bruised ego. , andcombatants toboth damage massive suffering Russia casualties and to civilians, majorwithout structural not wasmadebut yearsbefore apeaceagreement for two lasted back.” andthem sent airport at the [have turned] what was a more narrowlynationalist groupsseeking independence from [has]Russia become by infiltrated Islamists, who focused nationalist terrorist campaign into a front in loss lives of civilian and hundredsof of internallythousands displaced persons.” heavy in a resulting bombardment… artillery and aerial massive was there “when December capital hopingChechnya, suppress to an of uprising. 2000s. The Chechen WarFirst were beganin sent Grozny,1994 when Russian troops to the years. next place few the would over take that and Chechnya Ibid. Ibid. “Second Chechen 1999-2006,”War Ibid. “First Chechen 1994-1996,”War “Regions and Territories,” Just three years later, the beginning of the Second Chechen War began Russia when began War Chechen Second the of beginning the yearslater, Just three There major were foughtbetween two wars Russia and in Chechnya the1990sand 78 BBC News 79 The war went through a transition circa 2004whenChechen circa atransition Thethrough war went Global Security Organization Global Security Organization 75 , January 19,, January 2011, accessed 1, 2011, March This became the first of many conflicts between between Russia Thismany conflicts firstthe of became 80 It is clear that “what started as a number of 25 76 Chechens managed to resist until resist to managed Chechens , April 27, 2005, accessed 1, March , October 4, 2010, accessed March accessed 4, 2010, , October 77 Thewar CEU eTD Collection 86 85 accessed March 1, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/15/world/europe/15iht-chech.html 84 83 8, 2011, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2007/nov/22/chechnya.tomparfitt. 82 York: Random House, 2006),83. losses inlosses Chechnya. military or of accounts civilian accurate for giving known not are “Russianofficials that, argue and higher much are numbers the that believe organizations rights human many However, wars. Chechen two the and civilian wereupto160,000 there between casualties combatant goals. their of separatist regardless terrorists have remained regardingconsistent insurgents and Chechen havelabeled them religious as andnetwork uses vindicate itsmethods.” this to of forces global the terror aspart has Chechen rebel sinceportrayed aggressive and“[it] of asWahhabism.Islam known form radicalized a more to centuries, two almost for Islam of form dominant the Sufism, from 81 in ended Chechnya. military operations introops Russia 2009when the “normalized” West.” andthe Islamists between conflict broader-based the non-Russian republics with its own small government, parliament, and constitution that constitution and parliament, government, small own its with republics non-Russian obtaining their Asindependence. now, Chechnya of ofRussia’s remains twenty-oneone ethnic in successful not were Chechens First, reasons. for three understandable are ill feelings These between Russians and Chechens—with the majority of bitterness coming from Chechens. a valid diplomatic endeavor and current efforts to rebuild Grozny, a rift seems to remain “Regions and Territories,” Ibid. “Chechen official putsdeath 2 wars fortoll atup to 160,000,” “Regions and Territories,” Tom Parfitt, “The battle for the soul of Chechnya,” Louise Richardson, Louise By the end of Chechnya's that Dzhabrailov,By theend reported Parliament, head 2005, Taus of the of The war waned by late 2006, but the conflict did not ceaselate 2006,but The conflictthe until by not war waned situation the did was 85 What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threa BBC News BBC News 82 Since September 11 . . 26 83 The second generation of terrorism scholars The New York Times NewYork The th , Russia has become even more , November, 22, 2007, accessed May 81 The Chechen society shifted society TheChechen , August, 16, 2005, 86 t (New Despite 84 CEU eTD Collection developments regarding these women over the last few years. For instance, it has been has it instance, For years. few last the over women these regarding developments been have there scholars, generation second the of work the with Yet formulated. being still sensationalist.” Blackthe is Widows incredibly limited and which that does exist is “journalistic and often (2007): 118. 90 89 http://www.hrw.org/en/reports/2009/09/28/who-will-tell-me-what-happened-my-son. Court Judgment in Chechnya,” in Judgment Court 88 November2010: 17, classlecture. 87 2.1.1 through usethe of terrorism,many being women. war is not over. There are Chechens that are still actively engaged in the fightfor independence unarguably fueledfrustrations Chechen’s believe with Russia causingsome Chechensto the have reasons three These culture. or religion Chechen obliging in uninterested is which judgments.”namedCourt inthe European cases in which those who participated in or commanded the operations that led violationsto are in tojustice, even notbroughtasingle“Russia perpetrator hasstill 33cases the researched, remains subordinate to Russia and has very little power. and enforced disappearances, and that it had failed to investigate these crimes.” investigate it to had failed andthat disappearances, andenforced rulings, 115 the the of all almost “in that, court reported Watch Rights Human The it. remedy concludedto done been has that Russia wars Russia heinous violations committed human wasnothingrights against Chechen people and responsible for extrajudicialcombatants and citizens—suffered great and unnecessary loses from the two wars. During these executions, , Karla J. Cunningham, “Countering Female Terrorism,” Ibid. “Who Will Tell Me What Happened to My Son? Russia’s Implementation of European Human Rights Professor Peter Balazs, “EU-Russia relations and the ‘Near Abroad’,” T Karla Cunningham, a second generation terrorism scholar, argues that the literature on literature the argues that scholar, terrorism generation a second Karla Cunningham, HE B IRTH OF THE OF IRTH 90 Meaning ascholarly and clear understanding of Chechnya’s BlackWidows is B LACK W IDOWS 89 Thirdly, Chechens remain under Russian law, Russian under remain Chechens Thirdly, 27 , September2009, accessed 27, March 1, 2011, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 87 Secondly, the Chechen people—both Chechen the Secondly, Central European University, 88 Moreover, of , vol. 30 CEU eTD Collection 97 96 2004, accessed May 8, 2011,http://www.watchdog.cz/?show=000000-000015-000006-000008&lang=1. 95 94 93 92 2007): 154. bombings have become Chechen insurgents’ preferred methodbombings of insurgents’ havebecome Chechen terror. preferred bombers,is andit apparentwith recently the numberofattacksthatgrowing female suicide ininterest more female herusingmartyrdom. because Hersuccess of generated actions of others. two and herself killing bomb, her bomber. She atruckfull drove a explosivesof to Russian military headquarters and detonated terrorism. of form in Chechen’s advancement the in influential highly also but in Russia battle only thatthe werenot manpower against volunteers the shiftuseful suggests 91 fighters. men’s morale during warand,most importantly, bearing children and raisingthem beto good primarily of backlineconsisted like distribution, care, medical food duties maintaining the positions within terroristthe groups. background supportive heldonly decade women up until Chechen last establishedthe that the most risky operations… If the trend continues [they] will continue tobe a grave threat.” out carried have they because security national for dangerous most the are women “Chechen the use offemalehas martyrdom. andshift suddenly religious espoused volunteers the losses and the ideological influence of Islamic volunteers from from abroad.” volunteers of Islamic influence losses ideological the and Quotation taken from interview an with Anne published Speckhard in Bloom, 155. Ruslan Isayev, “The Chechen woman and her role in the new society,” Bloom, 155. Ibid, 154. Ibid, 154. MiaBloom, In June 2000, Khava Barayeva became the first Chechen woman used as a suicide as used woman Chechen first the became Barayeva Khava 2000, June In Initially, Chechen female insurgents were not involved in frontline activity. Their roles Their activity. frontline in involved not were insurgents female Chechen Initially, 92 However, as mentioned, things rapidly changed in Chechnya “because of “becausemilitary changed inChechnya of However,asmentioned,things rapidly Dying toKill: The Allure of Suicide Terror 91 95 Chechen insurgents revere Barayeva as a hero a as Barayeva revere insurgents Chechen 28 (New York, Colombia University Press, The Star Prague Watchdog . The source: The . 96 Speckhardclaims, 93 The influx of , June 21, 94 This 97 CEU eTD Collection all all charges. The Afghanistan Foreign Minister Mulla WakilAhmadsaid: Mutawwakil thesedone humanby violations, rights Talibanabout byHossain, denied inareport UN the the maimed or killed if they attempted to escape. to if attempted killed maimed or they reported manywomen that ofbeingwere suspected forcedprostitution into and that they were longer leave the house unveiled or without a male escort. without or unveiled leave thehouse longer and women. and minority many violations,doing human particularly groups this,they committed against rights Afghanistan. of control 90 percent wasableto Taliban the later, warlords. corrupt of and leadership the riddled with anarchy 102 101 100 99 http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5380.htm. girls. and women control, the United Nations (UN) reporter Kamal Hossain detailed large-scale kidnapping of its control throughout Afghanistan, its control Kabulin1996.” occupying throughout September from thecity capture Kandahar expandenough to local of andproceeded strength a to warlord power.rise In1994,“theprovided developed to for thesetting Taliban necessary Taliban the to 105 104 103 Afghanistan 98 driven-to-kill. May 8, 2011, http://www.thestar.com/news/insight/article/789522--why-chechnya-s-black-widows-are- Olivia Ward, “Why Chechnya’s Black Widow’s are Driven to Kill,” 2.2 Ibid. “Background Note: Afghanistan,” Note: “Background “UN reports flay violations against ,” in women against violations flay reports “UN Ibid. Ibid. “UN reports flay violations against…” violations flay reports “UN Ibid. Ibid. H ISTORICAL Once the Taliban had gained control, it began implementing extreme Islamic rule. In rule. Islamic extreme implementing began it control, gained had Taliban the Once Once theSovietspulled outof inAfghanistan mid-1990s,the left they behind acountry , March 9, 2000, accessed May 17, 2011, http://www.rawa.org/un-reprt.htm 101 TheTaliban denied women work rightthe orattend to school and they nocould 103 B He cited the Taliban militia as responsible for the abductions. ACKGROUND The US State Department Website : F ROM THE ROM 105 29 When the Taliban leadership was confronted was leadership Taliban the When T ALIBAN TO RAWA News: The Reality of Life in 102 During the Taliban’s battle During for the Taliban’s The Star 100 98 , accessed May 17, 2011, T This unstable environment This unstable ODAY , April 2,2010, accessed 99 Just two years two Just 104 He CEU eTD Collection 110 109 108 http://www.pnsr.org/web/page/921/sectionid/579/pagelevel/3/interior.asp. Reform Failure to Prevent and Effectively Respond to an Act of Terrorism,” 107 http://www.rawa.org/un-reprt.htm. Association of the Women of Afghanistan, refusal “Taliban's repeated because of against inand the tobecrucial terrorism thefight proved 11 September the claim to Qaeda’s before. months just embassy U.S. the at bombings Qaeda Al the and AlQaeda, expel to unwillingness Taliban’s Afghanistan as U.S. intelligencebecauseAl identifying newhomethe of recent of the Qaeda, 106 missile into Afghanistan, striking AlQaedatraining camps. Taliban. duringSoviets War the Soviet-Afghan wherehe “financially and politically”the supported employees. Service Embassies in Nairobi and Salaam DarEs twelve thatkilled Foreign Americansandthirty-two national, andhisgroup Al terrorist chargedQaeda were with bombingthe of U.S. the implemented within the society. The situation did notimprove for women in Afghanistan and the harsh Taliban laws remained Background Notes: Afghanistan.” Notes: Background Allison, Bukowski, “The 1998…” Afghanistan.” Note: “Background Allison Bukowski, “The 1998 Bombingsof the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania: The Rahimullah Yusufzai, “Taliban reject UN report on violation of women’s rights,” , accessed May 22,2011, women or forced them into prostitution. It is an irresponsible statement and the UN has UN lost the all credibilityand by publicizing such baseless statement reports. irresponsible an is It prostitution. into them forced or women against the Taliban by their opponents. propaganda is Where to the proof that[the] Taliban have prey abducted fallen has and issues rights human tackle to experience lacks [he] money… for solely working is who man incompetent and ignorant an is] [Hossain Simultaneous as Simultaneous these wereevents unfoldingin Osama Afghanistan, binLaden, aSaudi 108 In August 1998, ‘Operation InAugust 1998, launchingInfinitecommenced Reach’ with U.S. the a 107 110 Bin hadbeenmujahedeenLaden active in resistanceagainstthe the The uneasy tension between the Taliban and the U.S. grew after Al grew U.S. Taliban the and the between tension Theuneasy th attack in attack America. Themonths following 11 September March March 13, 2000, accessed May 17,2011, 30 106 Project onNational Security 109 This attack was permissible was attack This Revolutionary th CEU eTD Collection country of country as Joya changing the wasaphysical policies. representation in for hope manywomen the created Assembly National inthe Herpresence Afghanistan. of Assembly National the in parliamentarian youngest the was who woman, Afghan active another Joya, Malalai is there Then Affairs. Women’s of Minister appointed was She male many candidates. of inahead butshe came Karzai,President lost to presidency. She prestigious positions. more millionsomeAfghanistan school and women towork, even invery astwo to returned women. them of 41% voted, Afghans million winner—eight announced the wereheldandHamidKarzai elections was first democratic constitution, the 80% Sunni Muslims, other. 19%ShiaMuslims, and 1% men.” constitution which gave full “women with legalcitizenship, and rights duties tothose of 116 115 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html. 114 Self-Immolation in Afghanistan,” 113 112 111 2.2.1 allowingfor establishmentthe of a democracy in Afghanistan. disperse end 2001, at the of Taliban to military This pressurecaused the military posts. and its alliesto expelbin for and Ladenand international hisgroup its support end terrorism.” began a military campaign that targeted both Al Qaeda camps and Taliban 117 http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5384993n. “Women’s Rights in Afghanistan,” in Rights “Women’s Afghanistan.” Notes: “Background Afghanistan,” Factbook: World “The Anita Raj, Charlemagne Gomez, and Jay G. Silverman, “Driven to a Fiery Death—The Tragedy of Ibid. Afghanistan.” Notes: Background Ibid. 113 A In 2004, Afghanistan, named newly Islamic Afghanistan,Republic of its drafted The state based its legal foundation on both civil and Sharia law, as the country is country the as law, Sharia and civil both on foundation legal its based state The N EW E RA FOR 116 For instance, Dr. Massouda Jala was the first woman to run for the A FGHANISTAN The New England Journal of Medicine CBS News The Central Intelligence Agency Intelligence Central The ? , October 14, , October 2009, accessed May 17,2011, 31 114 Shortly after the drafting of the of drafting the after Shortly 115 112 This was ahistoric change in , vol. 358,(2008): 2201. , accessed May 18, 2011, 111 The U.S. The 117 CEU eTD Collection government-president-hamid-karzai-taliban-regime?_s=PM:WORLD. included several female membersAfghanistan's of parliament.” 700 demonstrators marchedwhile 600to ofit… insupport marchers whoopposed The lawthe This law would legalize essential “300500 women marital to rape. Roughly lawprotested the Shia from women intercourse sexual refusing with husbandsmoretheir for then four days. leadership.” goals the in “includes later as Thisstrategy NationalAfghanistan setupthe Strategy. 2006 Development elimination of discrimination against women and the promotion of women in accessed May 31, 2011, 123 122 hamid-karzai-law?_s=PM:WORLD. 2011, http://articles.cnn.com/2009-04-16/world/afghanistan.law.karzai_1_afghan-parliament-president- democratization the and fall Taliban of the the men. Since to position social subordinate hold a government but, in the end, it was international pressure that caused the law to be revamped. patriarchal astance againstthe totake brave enough equality because there were step towards women were greeted by an angry mob that threw rocks and rubbish at them. This was a small years 16 married and intoare before of forced marriages age.” 57percent to Unitedthe Nations DevelopmentFundfor Women, “70%-80% female of Afghanis are 121 120 119 118 of forced and child which marriages, veryare historically and Marriage. Forced Child equality in Afghanistan. First in 2005, Afghanistan signed Protocol the for Elimination the of “Afghanistan law 'rape' putswomen's rights front and center,” “Afghanistan to change controversial ‘rape’ law.” “Afghanistan to change controversial ‘rape’ law,” Ibid, 2201. Ibid, 2201. Raj, Gomez, and Silverman, 2201. Regardless of Regardless victory equality, small this of andtowards movementAfghan still women Since the fall of the Taliban, there have been three major steps towards women’s towards majorsteps three been have there Taliban, fall the of Since the 120 Thirdly,in Afghan tried 2009, the government passing alaw thatwould forbid http://articles.cnn.com/2009-04- 118 This protocol makes a conscious effort towards the elimination 32 CNN News 06/world/afghanistan.law_1_karzai- , April 16, 2009,accessed May 18, c ommon inommon Afghanistan. According 122 CNN News However, during However, protest, the 119 Secondly, one year one Secondly, , April 6, 2009, 123 121 CEU eTD Collection was considered “sympathetic to women and was concerned about their equal treatment, theirwomen equal concerned about and was to “sympathetic was considered Muhammad time, the at present still are women on restrictions Although women. of restrictive Asia. of countries Central The majority Muslims of Africa, Asia, are spreadthroughout andin formerthe Union Soviet lives but Middle only in Middle world’sthe East. Muslim population the 25 percentof East, 2.3 society. liberal democratic component of equality seems to democracy—the conflictinto to transition effort state’s anIslamic of sword a double-edged represent with that of this traditional Islamic was from dismissed her position as well and forced into hiding. 129 128 127 parliamentarian-na. Journal 126 125 124 and her beingpeers of accused corrupt. Then Joya the “publicly presence andof denounced warcriminalswarlords intheAssembly,” as Minister of Women’s Affairs becauseshe“pushed aggressivelytoo for women’s rights.” argue change it ishappening but—Is instance, really? Jala For from was her dismissed position women’s but these provisions arenotrights translatingsociety.into have constitution of implemented into the been country,the protect that provisions there Ibid, 785. Campbell and Guiao, 784. Ibid. “Malalai Joya, dismissed Afghani Parliamentarian, spoke at Arch Street (Pa.) Meeting,” Ibid. Afghanistan.” in Rights “Women’s M USLIM , accessed May 17, 2011, http://www.friendsjournal.org/malalai-joya-former-female- 2011, 17, May , accessed Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. in the religion growing fastest the is Islam Modern Islam is not known for its equal treatment of women, but it was not always so always not was it but women, of treatment equal its for known not is Islam Modern C ULTURE ANDTHE T REATMENT OF 126 Because of her behavior and acute accusations, she behaviorher of acute and Because 33 W OMEN 128 Itis often associated with the 127 124 Women like Jala and Joya On one could surface the Friends 129 125 CEU eTD Collection than men. than morefigures are seen incrediblysexualized intercourse keensexual who aggressive and as on protection.” were harassing his wivesandAllah him“hetold was secludeto hiswivesfor their of enemies Islam Allah because from messagesarrived these women.is believed that It about identified four commonalities that appear across most Muslim communities. Muslim most across appear that commonalities four identified were women.” being filled with sin bysaying, “hehad been shownhellfire and themajority itsof inhabitants women heafterof Muhammad accused is that Islam, established hidden documented away. It Women’s sexualized coupled nature, harassment with from men, other be caused women to third wasapolitical activist. and a wasawarrior, wasajudge, another andconcubines—one moreacquired wives eleven him. first wife, Khadija, was a wealthy widowed tradeswoman who, ten years his senior, proposed to 134 133 132 131 Status,” Women's of Islamic Interpretations 130 families extended usually Further, marriages. all arrange generally family in the live elders The unity. family together under one is commonality Thefirst Afghan societies. in and Chechen true areparticularly roof—thecommonalities new wife goes to live with her husband’s including full religious responsibility.” 136 135 History News Network Daniel Pipes, “Why Muslim Countries Treat Women Differently,” Ibid, 785. Ibid, 785. Campbell and Guiao, 785. Jeri Altneu Sechzer, “‘Islam and Woman: Where Tradition Meets Modernity’: History and Ibid, 786. Campbell and Guiao, 785. 131 During their marriage, Muhammad took nomarriage, wivesother Khadija’s butafter death,he During their took Muhammad Scholars Elizabeth Campbell and Isabelita Guiao have analyzed Islam and they have they and Islam analyzed have Guiao Isabelita and Campbell Elizabeth Scholars 134 133 This leads men to view women as temptresses and as distractions from Allah. from asdistractions and temptresses as women view to men leads This Itis important tonote that women play another important role in Islam. They are 135 , July , 2004, 4, accessed May 19,2011,http://hnn.us/articles/5341.html. 132 However, Muhammadbeganmessages from receiving Allah 130 Sex Roles He attracted very independent and strong women. His 34 , vol. 51,no. 5-6(2004): 263. George Mason University’s 136 These CEU eTD Collection because ofit.because her family shameto brings she still isavictim—yet these acts—she choose not a woman does barrenness,in For imposed. example, be Shame casesof rapeor easily and can unintentionally families community. and from ostracism their or potential violence lead barrenness)to can or familyWithin anyactof and adultery, (i.e. rape, honor shaming the shame. communities, these on emphasis strong very a place cultures Afghan and Chechen elements, four these to addition they are acceptable. her. Campbell as longand Guiao argue that as the beatings arenotexcessive ordisfiguring, hithas to forshamefully, manarightare responsibleawifeacts the trainingwives and if their Men male ispunishment. similarity fourth law. The this breaking for seek recourse to backing getlegal for women accept herfateasitis to shehas very noto difficult choice than treatment, 141 140 139 138 137 equally. all them treat must he and women four than more marry cannot man a law, Sharia to According polygamy. is commonality attention.” male avoid to cloth of layers under themselves hide and children, the highestoffer men who old,years to as nine young as some daughters, offer their families “Some argue, dowries… oncefamily. The second commonality is child marriagesmarried, or forced marriages. Campbell and Guiao Muslim women are expected to stay at home, raise Ibid, 712. O’Rourke, 711. Ibid, 786. Ibid, 786. Guiao, and Campbell Women in four facein andAfghanistan Chechnya commonalities these daily.Yet 141 139 786. 35 138 However, if a woman does not get equal 137 The third 140 CEU eTD Collection otherwise the troops would rapetheir daughters. otherwise the troops vulnerability. During the instance,wars, for demanded Russian troops money from fathers of their by women advantage Chechen taking marginalizes Russia First, reasons. different a way to acquire political agency. They are rendered voiceless by two different factors for two suicide bombers present at the Dubrovka Theater hostage attack in Moscow. It is from clear It inMoscow. attack hostage Theater Dubrovka the at present bombers suicide female nineteen the of one Aminat, of family and friends female the interviewed has Nivat by affected last of decade war andreligiousthe extremism. argues: She most been has that group is the youth Chechen the that claims scholar, terrorism generation second another Nivat, Anne frustration. of remindertheir asaconstant This acts wars. eliminated. Thus, Chechen women are still living in the emotional and physical aftermath of the civilians, particularly and women children, werekilledandnearly a whole men generation of domestic abuse, which are all part of Chechen daily life. marginalized Chechen bewomen. This seencan forced through marriages,marriages, child and men Chechen Secondly, money. make to women Chechen and culture Chechen exploited victims of rape and Russian troops were aware of this cultural stigma. Thus, they have Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 143 142 2.3.1 Anne “TheNivat, Black Widows: Chechen Women Join the Fight for Independent—and Allah,” Bloom, 157. C Drawing on scholarly literature, it is arguable that Chechen women turn to terrorism as terrorism to turn women Chechen that is arguable it literature, scholarly on Drawing understand what it means, is above all a way to exist, and to exist differently among the among vastmajority on non-Muslim withinpeople the differently Russian federation. exist to and exist, to way a all above is means, it what understand strong a impacthad on young: has the to them, being a “Wahhabi,” region despite the of the fact that theydo not really process nation-building the in element new a as Religion of Chechnyacasualties Russia.Many during agreatamount warswith experienced the HECHNYA : B LACK , vol. 28(2005): 417. W IDOWS 36 142 It is shameful for Islamic women to be to women Islamic for is shameful It 143 CEU eTD Collection greatly limited. Global reports show that women show that who limited.commitgreatly are generally self-immolation reports Global approximately 12 percent. are women Afghan among rates Literacy andhealthcare. literacy reasons: intertwined religion seem beto denying them. and tradition, culture, government, Afghan the that equality the acquiring time difficult a had 149 148 147 146 145 144 that violence is entrenched in the Afghan society.” is war large of Azizargues,“Ittruth currentanunfortunate the violence. domesticto amounts 2.3.2 frustrations and acquireavoice in their country and throughout world.the Chechen express option women,suicide bombing the of provides them to a way their they fear of have no death. because are unstoppable women Chechen paradise.” improve in SheChechnya. “If said, let they uslivedon’t as want, I wouldwe gladlyjoin herin Maaka actions her defends and she suggests sister’s if same dothe will situation doesnot the make‘normally.’” Maaka,believeslivesister, it survivingawar“doesnot that easier to arevalidated. acts violent believe women their the that interviews these “CIA World Factbook: Afghanistan.” Factbook: World “CIA Aziz, 49. Ibid, 417 Ibid, 416. Ibid, 416. Nivat, 416. A Women are having a difficult gainingintime equality for Afghanistan two additional Violence and Afghanistan have gone hand-in-hand over the last decade—ranging from decade—ranging last the over hand-in-hand gone have Afghanistan and Violence young these and chaos psychological of a state in is Chechnya that argues Nivat FGHANISTAN 146 : S ELF 149 Withouteducation and abilitythe read, womento find themselves -I MMOLATION 37 148 Thus, it is no wonder that women have women that wonder no is it Thus, 144 Aminat’s 19-year old 147 Thus, formany 145 CEU eTD Collection immolation researchers, claim,“Women and girls appear to see [self-immolation] as a means of problems.” “Choosing endlives this way to their isagainstmethod of unresolvedtheir protest social argues, Khushkadamnova desire. they voice the them gives self-immolation of acts violent engulfed inthefears of shaming theirfamilies—thus their actions appearjustified. Their ways makethey change.can Amajority read, manycannot death giverisk to life, andmost are form of protest against their society and the way they are treated. They are veryshocking rates. are dying at limited in the maternal mortality rate in the world. inthe rate mortality maternal bringingeach birth death because themother closeto Afghanistanhasthe highest second formajorfertility in women is concern Theaverage Afghanistan. mother,rate 7.5 children per is a healthcare Secondly, class citizens. first to citizens move from second-class to necessary It is clear that education could change the lives of Afghan women and give them the means said: self-immolation about asked when interviewees Khushkadamnova’s of One systems. legal the about anything know they do nor read, cannot they because likely rights, their know not do women that discovered she 153 152 Research, vol. 49(2010): 89. 151 150 young and uneducated. Khushkadamova,76. Raj, Gomez, and Silverman, 2201. KH.O.Khushkadamova, “Women’s Self-Immolation as aSocial Phenomenon,” Sociological Campbell and Guiao, 787. Scholars seem to agree that women in Afghanistan are committing self-immolation as a self-immolation womenare committing inAfghanistan agree that seem to Scholars woman of the East, and a I want am myself I to know rights. the basic laws. their women teach to essential is It culture. of level low woman would neverdo such a thing.The forreason isinadequate knowledge this and a Women notare well prepared for life, theyhave a lowlevel ofeducation. An intelligent 153 Additionally, Anita Raj, Charlemagne Gomez, and Jay Silverman, who are self- are who Silverman, Jay and Gomez, Charlemagne Raj, Anita Additionally, 150 In KH. O. Khushkadamnova’s research on female self-immolation, female on research Khushkadamnova’s O. KH. In 152 Women simply cannot get the services they need and need they services the get cannot simply Women 38 151 CEU eTD Collection rates of success. of rates higher much have men but men, then more suicide attempt women that clear is It societies. suicide cannot overlook inthemselves. Thus, one both cases.these beonly in interested expressing through angst violentthe killing of these others, women kill might who actors other agency.Unlike for political desire to expresstheir choose immolators suicide such as firearms, jumping, and hanging. their tofacilitate lethal methods andmore violent, visibly usedmore active, have traditionally mensuccess, suicide isviewed asamale/masculinein activity society. Furthermore, Western U.S. in the female one to males four of ratio a suicide is There West. in the killer large a remains still suicide 159 media,” newsprint Australian in bombers suicide female 158 http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Suicide/Pages/Facts.aspx. 157 3f66462866fcb4e6. http://www.save.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.viewpage&page_id=705d5df4-055b-f1ec- 156 http://www.suicidology.org/web/guest/home. 155 154 such as orpillingestion.poisoning 2.4 voices do not bring about changes that would allow them to lead safe and secure lives.” against sincetheir actual abuse, speaking out and intolerable conditions escaping from both Ibid, 121. Katrina Jaworski, “THE MALE PRESERVE OF MARTYDOM: Representations of Palestinian “Statistics—facts.” “Suicide Facts (US),” “Statistics,” Raj, Gomez, and Silverman, 2201. T HE It is important to note the method that both female suicide bombers and female female self- and bombers both femalesuicide method that note the to It isimportant Suicidologists have found an interesting tie between gender and suicide in haveinteresting Western Suicidologists tie betweengenderandsuicide found an When women commit suicide they tend to use more ‘feminized’ and passive methods passive and ‘feminized’ more use to tend they suicide commit women When G ENDER American Association of Suicidology 155 156 Though there have been awareness campaigns over the last few decades, NHS Website P and a ratio of three to one in the U.K. ARADOX OF ARADOX SAVE: Suicide Awareness Voices of Education , February2009, 2, accessed March 2011,24, 159 S This passive attempt at suicide This at Western passive attempt again confirms UICIDE AND 39 158 , accessed 24, 2011,March Feminist Media Studies V IOLENCE 157 Due to greater rates of male , accessed 23, 2011,March , vol. 10(2010): 121. 154 CEU eTD Collection 163 162 161 160 shootadvice to thewomen first. was adviceabout allegedly torecruitsinWest Germany’sgiven armed anti-terrorists squad.The asked was Lochte, Christian Herr network, intelligence-gathering of Germany’s then director lives. own their taking violently but lives own simply their taking not are they because of suicide understanding collective society’s Western challenge self-immolators female and bombers suicide Female media. in the represented out.’ highly emotional cope with and unable to distress, severely depressed, andlookingfor a‘way restore ‘their In lostother powerwords, andsuccessful dignity’” suicidal males are seen as “strong heroes argues: She it. views society Western how and dynamics who gender in the role important an plays have attempted to activity. female than male more a feminine, than masculine more far as suicide of view society’s instructions, “they considered it be adamn “they instructions, to piececonsidered of good advice.” Ibid, 4. MacDonald, 4. Ibid, 122. Jaworsk, 122. Emotionalis behavior with female often In associated violence. 1990s, the early the The way Western society views suicide is an indicator of the way these women are illness. physical severe or of employment loss as such circumstances external against and resistance pride, of courage, as signals areread suicides breakdownWomen’s suicides areinterpreted specifically lensthe through of relationship as a result ofKatrina Jaworski argues thatemotional the interpretation of reason, when it comes to suicide, weakness and internal turmoil… men’s 162 Thoughno one could remember exact hearing those 161 while women who commit suicide are viewed as viewed are suicide commit who women while 40 163 Director Lochte said: Lochte Director 160 CEU eTD Collection 164 Honor, Manipulation and Male Control, and Irrational Women. Islamic Violence, Breeds Violence Imagery, Feminized frames: five be will There suicide. commitactors who two female self-immolators, andAfghan Widows Black of representation military. Western in any positions combat line front hold not do women reasons the of one be arguably could belief This rationally. men and situations violent in irrationally Meaning andmale women react andhighly is violence rational,calculated. emotionless, men While in irrationality. contrast, of because their shootingdangerous they prior and are to Lochtenot think and suggestswomen uncalculated—women areemotional Director do that MacDonald, 4. at once. There are some exampleswhere men waited a moment before they andfired, women shot experience,women haveterrorists much stronger characters, more morepower, energy. For anyone who loves hislife, it isavery cleveridea to shoot thewomen first. From my and framing stereotype media’s gender the will discuss I chapter next the In 164 41 CEU eTD Collection These frames are Feminized Imagery, Violence Breeds Violence, Islamic Honor, Manipulation Honor, Islamic Violence, Breeds Violence Imagery, Feminized are frames These self-immolators. Afghan female and Widows Black of reporting media’s Western in identified actors. violent illegitimate of two media’s representation in prevalent the inherently male HereIbuild roles. on by that posing that genderstereotype framingis also in acting actors females illegitimate and behavior—legitimate female of framing the through gender arevisible stereotypes Nacosargues that countries. English Western other speaking to beapplied can womeneasily in men.” Thisargument about and news the patterns framing use different to continues media the is that result life…the American of surface the beneath “Newsroomshermetically arenot sealed against prejudicesthe play that justperniciously U.S.mediathe argues, referringto Nacos, specifically are perceived understood. and situations particular way the influence directly to ability the media the giving violence, female public’s of the mediaframing that hasbecome understanding news.the Itisapparentto crucial phenomenon. the explain help to framing the media to comprehend andsuicide, bends gender challenges roles and society’sin for of perspective gender. Thus, order report on these women, howknow to comprehend femaleFemale resultingviolence violence, violence. especially in the media resortsnot does society Western because women these to misrepresenting gender and misreporting is media stereotype Western voice. However, a obtain agencyand gain political violently to areacting immolators and Annex 2. 165 C All media sources have been assigned an identification number for easy categorization. See: Annex 1 HAPTER The purpose of this chapter is to analyze five gender stereotype frames that I haveanalyzeframes thatI of is gender stereotype five The purpose this chapter to process, comprehend, report and to media usesframes 1,the inChapter As established As shown in the last chapter, Chechen Black Widows and female Afghan self- 3 – G ENDER S TEREOTYPE 42 F RAMES 165 CEU eTD Collection 166 women. violent of media’sthe stereotyping to gender been exposed they already have not, or continues reader the However, whether report. read the will actually reader whether the arewhat determines and inchosen photos the headline the Theinformation article. the reading forimportant tworeasons. general First,readsheadlines the populous before andviews pictures 3.1 frames they best represent. Because of this obstacle, I have had to useThis discretion in placingpassage the empirical examples incould the fall under the Violencemedia can fitin more than one frame. As an example, the Breedmany meaning havefoundimmolators anelementof inWestern overlap, gender stereotypes Violence self- Afghan female and Widows Black of reporting Western in observed have I frames five or the less but has Thus,the scope in-depth more frames. defined This narrowed for allowed research Islamic Honor than Nacos’. farmore narrow are that examples empirical Ihavespecific contrast, In frames. frame. very well-definedclear create and allowher to that examples pick and bemore selective able to she identifies her because large of evidence. of range such large With empirical scopeis shea frame each into fit nicely examples empirical Nacos’ terrorists. female and politicians female of representation media’s in Western framing gender identifies she where article by Nacos’ and Women. MaleControl, and As mentioned, frames Irrational these inspiredpreviously are BW-LA1. F EMINIZED the better if they can give their lives to the cause. is an ample supply of women who feel that they have lost motivation to live, and it’s all And so it is no surprise that, in a placewhere manyso men havemet violentends, there Chechen culture linktends women’s to identities husbands, to their fathers, and sons. This section focuses on how the news is perceived upon first glance. This frame is frame This firstglance. upon is perceived howthenews on focuses section This I MAGERY 43 166 Los AngelesTimes writes: CEU eTD Collection inability to explain these violent women. violent these explain to inability direct naming.”direct “beingis through language,that apparent that male and require isself-evident thus doesnot It media. in the male labeled nor gendered, never are self-immolators male or bombers suicide 170 169 168 167 male bebodies.” through auniversallypresumedactivity…inscribed masculine to largely is bombing suicide because different as something interpreting rather, but, woman as a and female a as someone identifying of matter a self-evident is not differences of interpretation aswell.“Thecan argues, toself-immolators bethis She argument bombers, applied but is a from stemmingproblem language the used. She makesa aboutspecific argumentsuicide women seek death byfire,”lump gender together and nationality. Imagery frame is headlines. Headlines such “Chechnya’sas, female bombers” of ours.’ one ‘not as women violent the see and situation the from detach to audience Western the allows ‘othering’ This ‘others.’ as self-immolators female and bombers suicide female represent to frame important media the isthat frame the mostuses likely Feminized Imagery the Secondly, Ibid, 125. Jaworski, 125. SI-T1. BW-BBC1. The first method that the media uses to perpetuate gender stereotypes in Feminized the gender stereotypes perpetuate method media the usesto that The first 170 This becomes another example of gender stereotyping and the media’s 44 168 As Jaworski claims, there claims, AsJaworski 167 and “Afghan 169 Male CEU eTD Collection 174 173 172 171 publishedcommon womenphotos show wearing traditional Islamic dress—often covering their of their actions. ashamed not are they suggest that to asif camera the into gaze intensely Both role. significant displayed like symbolsinburns—women’s handsareimportant with with these photos—one agun,theother of their abuse. desiredhusband’s her on blames she which self-immolation, by suicide of emancipation. attempt Furthermore,are a symbol the they if as women’sofis displayed hands her on skin a burnt horribleThe Afghan. old a 36-year eyesHayato, is of image playpast a and an unsurepictured here priorher to suicide bombingmission, fully veiledfuture. holding agun.The second This photo was17-year old BlackWidowresponsible metro bombing for theMoscow inMarch 2010. taken after her secondself-immolators to the public. In the photos above, the first is of Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova,present terroristsand development.commonly usedto istechnique imagery powerful Visual a a Chechen suicidebomber. Image A Image B SI-PY1. BW-DM2. SI-PY1. BW-DM2. When showing photos of Black Widows and female Afghan self-immolators, the most the self-immolators, Afghan female and Widows Black of photos showing When frame of elements important most five the of one are images visual argues, Davis As 171 Afghan self-immolator (survivor). self-immolator Afghan 45 173 174 She is She 172 The CEU eTD Collection “only” 17-years old. raw emotions accumulated—anger, sorrow, revulsion, and anger again.” Arguably Arguably the revulsion,anger again.” and sorrow, accumulated—anger, raw emotions hardreports, “Thisis it’s towrite, not Shooting thecathartic. story though was anything but finger tips…racked with unimaginable pain.” ashaving“eyes They arereported full grief,” of time, same At the reader. the areclosed asif detonated…their eyes in prayer.” such, “Their heads were severed, blown off their bodies by the forces of the suicide bombs they as attack metro Moscow the after her accomplice and Abdurakhmanova describes journalist 178 177 176 175 instance, inby in astory published emotions the reader.Forthe muster meant to vernacular gruesome) or feminized (often descriptive is frame a Imagery act of pride and thus they courage, have nothing tohide—exposure makes theirvalid. suicide Islamic culture. Secondly, and more importantly as argued in the last chapter, male suicide is an of involvethem not do hidingfaceslikely theirfor two menreasons. First, notwear veilsdo in theimages Moreover, by represented not stereotypes. gender inheadlines, are ‘othering’ they to susceptible are self-immolators male and bombers suicide male though that mention is andIt to feel glance noteworthy photos forreaderto atthese unnerved. the understandable itmakes which trust, into visibility connection sightand heavily on Western relies culture opinions andown their on rely to prejudices,readers the allows it seen, are images such When both. or faces, hair, often feeling uneasy at the inability to see the woman’s entire face. SI-G5. SI-G4. BW-DM2. BW-LA1. The final method that the media uses to portray violent women in the Feminized the in women violent portray to uses media the that method final The 176 Female Afghan self-immolators are equally gendered in the media. in the gendered equally are self-immolators Afghan Female The DailyMail described Abdurakhmanova as “baby-faced” and as“baby-faced” described Abdurakhmanova 46 178 175 The author of a 177 This is clearly meant to evoke emotions in emotions evoke to meant is clearly This others have “charred cheeks, blackened cheeks, have“charred others BBC Los AngelesLos Times human-interest story human-interest , the , CEU eTD Collection marriage, etc). The inan she sheabusive or livesinawarzone istrapped (e.g. herbecause of environment behavior violent violence.is awoman’s that frame, the mediasuggests this excusable Through female bombers as a “suicide squad made up of women who have lost male usually whohavelostwomen relatives, “suicide squadmade upof female bombers asa Chechen newspaperA defines maleBritish relatives. beloved of their violence bythedeath to driven Chechen women retribution-seekers as vengeful eacharticle to refers First, similarities. hastwo article every Thus, male casualties. great suffered and history hasa war torn Chechnya society. of their members are voiceless self-immolators female are“choosingimmolators escape the suicide violenceto of their lives.” daily extremists.” such for soil favorable the created has war acts…the desperate to driven [been] have women forces, Russian by atrocities political motives” than personal “strong rather womenashaving media Western reports Furthermore, stimuli. violently environmental doact of regardless often canand thatdisregards women notion the 181 180 179 3.2 audience tobecome overly emotional while exposed to the framing. women. It uses theirviolent these of own representation gendermedia’s in the prevalent againstmost is the frame Imagery Feminized them, downplays their voice, and forces the Western Nacos, 440. SI-S1. BW-NYT5. V IOLENCE Violence Breeds Violence is the second frame that the media uses to rationalize female rationalize media the to frame uses is that second the Violence Violence Breeds In the case of Chechen female suicide bombers, the media clings to the notion that notion the to clings media the bombers, suicide female Chechen of case the In B 181 REEDS New New York Times while completely excluding any notion that female suicide bombers and bombers suicide female that notion any excluding completely while V IOLENCE writes that after “decades of war and destruction,including 179 Additionally, 47 The Star reports that Afghan self- Afghan that reports 180 The media The CEU eTD Collection in-law.” sister- and mother-in-law her from father-in-law, her from husband, her from brother, or father her from everywhere: from comes women Afghanistan’s of lives in the “Violence reports, self-immolation. female for motivator justified a as violence this using and households in Afghan present violence physical the emphasizing by framing Violence Breeds its Violence basis for fact asthe this media uses the issues. However, inequality and suffer has womenhuman violations society caused to rights country’spatriarchal traditional death. avenge heras away terrorism husband’s to being asymbol invokemourning—to images of of a grief stricken widow who turns to mediaWestern harpson fact thatthese the infull blackwomen are dressed burqas—black this title and it quickly spread across the globe as a common way to refer to these women. used originally was media that Russian It the Widow.’ ‘Black of title isthe use the articles the motivator. sole the as “revenge” chooses unrightfully and media thatthe female suggest motives unjustly bombers’ about suicide lackstatistical data of 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 brutality lives.” and daily of their forces.” werekilled by husbands security often their [because] cities in Russian civilians kill to off sent [are] and bombs human into themselves “turn they that theconflict.” brothers, to husbands or SI-S1. SI-NY2. BW-AW1. See: Chapter 1. BW-NYT3. BW-ST1. BW-G1. Afghanistan is currently at the center of an armed conflict and this coupled with the andcoupled with this an conflict of center armed at the iscurrently Afghanistan 187 Another writes, “More Afghan women are choosing suicide to escape the violence escape the to suicide choosing are Afghan women “More writes, Another 188 With statements like these, the media leads the audience to 182 Others refer to them as a “phenomenon” a as them to refer Others 48 185 The second similarity between all between similarity second The 184 As explained in Chapter 1, the The New York Times 183 and report 186 CEU eTD Collection by violentenvironmentclaiming their sparks violentbehavior. look their not The media does led her suicide.environment attempted to her abusive accept that to force audience the frames the Thus, reasons. possible other fear for her husband was the motivation for her immolation, yet the story does not disclose any isIt that Marziaclear livedin an unstable andabusive media environment—the herclaiming about Marzia, a girl no older then 15 years old. The report reads: daily.” her beat husband her that died she before mother her told marry…yet another her let not would brothers her fire because on herself set Another her.rape to tried father-in-law her after ablaze herself by setting suicide committed 191 190 189 suicide: self-immolation.” the head of his wife with a handgun did shestruck threaten brother-in-law to do what Fawzai’s until sheNot thoughtyears. was excruciating a sure three for way to treatment such withstood abuse “Fawazi marry herin-laws.her from cousin endureconstant and Thenewspaperwrites, self-immolation. One American newspaper tells the story of Fawazi, a 16-year old girl forced to and suicideis the only way out. them— against is everyone and despair—everything of a state in are women Afghan believe SI-MC1. SI-DM1. SI-WS1. The media justifies the behavior of Black Widows and female Afghan self-immolators Afghan female and Widows Black of behavior the justifies media The fire. awful,” she said. Terrified at the prospect ofhusband’s her Ifelt wrath, she and herselfset TV, on that buy to months for worked had husband “My repair. beyond was it that believed Marzia owned, ever had she television first the was it Because circuited. [She had] in plugged the television herthat husband recently brought home and itshort- The media reports The mediaviolenceis domesticthat reports mistreatment and driving motivation the for 191 189 The Daily Mail 49 , a British newspaper reports, “One woman 190 Then there is the story toldby Marie Claire CEU eTD Collection shame at the fact that women are taking an increasing role in the fight.” in the role increasing an taking are women that fact the at shame a sense of andwith shock almost react “Mostof Chechens the BBCreports, the However, themselves.” soldiers and have subsequently been persuaded violence that is onlyway the ‘redeem’to join their people’s struggle so often becausedo they have been previously raped by Russian who women “Chechen reports, newspaper A Canadian Widows. Black for factor motivating a as of onthenotion rape heavily focuses media The rape. commonly, most adultery and divorce, on such asbarrenness, fora family beimposed reasons can easily Shame of society. Islamic customs. important to note that not one media report fails to mention the women’sis It religionshame. and honor or religious of concepts the on emphasis strong especially an violence—with the traditions and Religion Afghanistan. and ofin Chechnya Islamviolence female for justification of form a as aremedia commonly brought up andelements of religion, tradition,used and family honor. This, like the other asframes,is presented by a the justification for the women’s 193 192 3.3 to justify female violence by framing it asviolence breeds violence. need Western media’s These casesshow individual cases. charged reports tell the emotionally pull audienceheartstrings because of the aredesignedkill on the to reports to The themselves. beyond the surface and why ask women are pursuing suchviolence orwhytheyare sowilling BW-BBC2. BW-S2. I SLAMIC As established in Chapter 2, the concepts of honor and shame are the binding elements and ofhonor arethe binding in 2,the concepts shame Chapter As established The framethird used by mediais the Honor. Islamic This frame encompasses all 192 H By redeeming themselves, they believe that they can restore family honor. family restore can they that believe they themselves, redeeming By ONOR 50 193 Consequently, the CEU eTD Collection newborn son at thefather’sfeet—an act signifying purity innocence—andand for asked the layher sister-in-law refuse: groom’s The not herfather could gesture cultural with a simple who was betrothed to aman 24-years her senior. The report says, “The marriage proposal came fate.” 196 195 194 a justification for self-immolation.itas extended and argument supported scholarly this has taken media the ostracism. Yet lead to As a shame one’s family is kind worst the not of mentionembarrassment, to asitdangerous, could As established, the elements of honor and shame are drivingforces in Muslim communities. To goals. separatist Chechnya’s forgets nearly it religion on heavily so plays media The media. the from it of learn never would one Russia, brings moreNational shame. to according Further, Geographic: actterrorism of shame, butthe terrorism becauseof is turn mediato women suggesting that “militant Islamists.” solely by religion and religious customs because nearly every article refers to them as extreme inelement society.Additionally, Chechen one would Widows Black thinkthat are driven important an as Honor Islamic portraying is media the that examples these from is clear It SI-NY2. BW-ST1 BW-NG1. 196 MSNBC Like Chechnya, Afghan society circulates around religion, customs, shame, and family. and shame, customs, religion, around circulates society Afghan Chechnya, Like family. outtaking theenemy wasanopportunity tobecome hero:minds, a Whynot [her]self redeem and their [her] in stage, that reached they when and handle, to difficult too as Earth extramarital affairs, which notare acceptable in that society… They saw their lives on disturbing… There were even allegations thatsomeof womenthese were having A numberof pregnant Chechen women have [blown themselves up].It’s terribly 194 , a major U.S. media provider, reported of a 16-year old girl named Gulsum, 195 If readers were not informed of their initial intentions of secession from secession of intentions initial their of informed not were readers If New York Times York New 51 report claims, “Their family istheir family “Their claims, report CEU eTD Collection focuses on the gender stereotype that these women are pawns in a man’s world. The media did not help…thedidnot wrapped her neighbors input outa blanketto thefire.” family “the it, did she When husband. new her from beatings daily enduring after fire on herself “The baby is like a holy book, so I [couldn’t] say ‘no.’” 202 201 200 199 198 197 claims it as an accident. family the Therefore, in Islam. sin a is suicide because shame additional avoid to done is This suicide. commit relyforced to theirbackson, turned shedid when shameful—such something trying as to girl’s hand.” 3.4 justified and the media is using religion, traditions,and their families to explain the events. develops thethem my name; don’t say I had anything doto with it.”Islamic Honorher, theher hospital, “If drivinghusband toasksyou, tell to don’t anyone girl’s whispered the was family the frameWhile burns. severe suffered body her of percent 58 and fire on herself set who further because it shows cooking accident.” anunfortunate mistake, that female violence must be wasn’t…they always try to keep ita secret.” keep to try always wasn’t…they SI-NY2. SI-G5. SI-G5. Ibid. SI-MSNBC2. SI-MSNBC2. M ANIPULATION AND ANIPULATION Manipulation and Male Control is the fourth frame used by the media. This frame This media. by the used frame fourth isthe Control Male and Manipulation The media reports that families often lie to cover up the truth about the women’s burns. women’s the about truth the up cover to lie often families that reports media The 197 According to The Guardian M MSNBC ALE C , fatherthe wasboundis by saying, He tradition. reported ONTROL reports of a relative who claims, “It was all a terrible all was “It claims, who arelative of reports 200 201 Yet the nurse on duty told the reporter, “No, it 52 A major U.S. newspaper tells of a young girl 202 198 This focus fear,on denial, and shame Yet six months later, his daughter lit daughter his later, months six Yet 199 Thefamilyshewas CEU eTD Collection husband egged her on by telling her that he spent good money on the oil, now she must use it or the that reports story The husband. her of front in herself over all oil lamp pour to decided years whooldher husband’s for two beatings mother endured of and one day two, relentless bedone in by female violence can seen a report restrictions men place on women in the society. An example of the media’s justification for as being “druggedand hypnotizedinto compliance.” explaining, “He thought she was mentally ill.” “glassy asif were on havingeyes, she drugs.” and heras described before attack the bomber the Widow The Black saw witness bombersmetro inMoscow. 2010 being“drugged.” For instance,reported mission].” her [on her dispatched and dizzy been recruited to terrorism out of shame and debt. Her handlers gave her orange juice that made had “She claiming, be caught, to ever Widow Black first the Muzhikhoyeva, Zarema mention goes in andon by Chechento even the attacks.”The tocarry drugged out terrorists report order of political violence. political of acts be carry vests aroundwhen strapped midriffs women out and to agreeto theirallow bomb 207 206 205 204 203 violence. to According violence. into women force men implies simply frame this Moreover, manipulation, andrestrictions. coercion, thatthey by male suggests are easily controlled BW-LA1. Ibid. BW-ST6. BW-NYT5. BW-S2. When in comes to female Afghan self-immolators, the media blames coercion and the and coercion blames media the self-immolators, Afghan female to comes in When The media claims Black Widows are coerced and drugged into compliance and compliance into and drugged arecoerced Widows Black The mediaclaims 203 The Star The New York Times , “Coercion of one sort or another seems to be factor acentral another to seems , “Coercion sort of or one The claims, “Women have been coerced, brainwashed coerced, been have “Women claims, Seattle Times 206 53 204 The BBC. Like Muzhikhoyeva, otherwomen have been 207 Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Thisfeatures Zeinab, report 18-year an interviewed a witness to the March the to awitness interviewed reports Black Widows reports 205 He by continued CEU eTD Collection in earlier chapters, female violence is seen as highly emotional and irrational. Director Lochte Director irrational. is emotional and highly seen as female violence in earlier chapters, 211 210 209 208 of the house,be to ableseek to support is also sometimes very difficult.” evenout for them get to that restricted areso women is “Thethat problem same NGOreports, The in. live women Afghan that society patriarchal oppressive the mentions repeatedly media work.” to freedom on restrictions have they burqa, in the be to have they men, other allowed to go on their own in taxi arenot One “Women inNGO writes, manyreports. beseen in mediacan the representation cars, they are sort of sociallystriking of match. Anexample the imposedof restrictions inon women Afghanistan and the policed if they are talking for the reason sole the was cruelty her husband’s that appear to perfectly immolation—framed to for herself- coercion reason Themedia makes itwas theobvious appear that taunts. is awaste. it 3.5 suicide and their position within what is seen as an inherently masculine role. audience. Byrepresenting these women pawns in itas a man’s explainsworld, theirviolent Western the of eyes in the “feminine” and “innocent” remain women the circumstances, uncontrollable external on violence female blaming By violence. female justify to tries media house…but he took my burqa and did not letme go outside of the house.” Fazela, a15-year old self-immolator. She told SI-RFE2. Ibid. SI-RAWA1. SI-BBC2. I RRATIONAL The final gender stereotype the media uses is the Irrational Women frame. As explored frame. Women Irrational is the uses media the stereotype gender final The It is clear that manipulation, coercion, restrictions, and male control are all ways that the 208 Zeinab dropped the match and set herself on fire because of her husband’s her of because fire on herself set and match the dropped Zeinab W OMEN 54 Radio Free Europe Radio , “I, really wantedleave to the 210 211 There is the case of 209 The CEU eTD Collection 214 213 212 judge toldher “she ask shouldfor not [a]divorce.” the but husband abusive her from a divorce for asked and judge a to went who woman Afghan instance, For BlackWidows. as Chechen irrational equally a“normal”behavior becausesheisnot her justify woman. media usesherstory to The roles. gender challenges children. Kowa to caregivers of women as For example, irrational emotions. because of terrorism making. threat and desperation, depression, attention: close pays media the which to irrationality of transferred into the media. This frame of Irrational Women encompasses is three majorirrationality elements violent Female first. women the shoot of advice the hence man, a before women likelymore of in topullconfirmed violence are situations that trigger war and the is dead.” my husband that now not my child, for living worth not it’s but old, months is 18 who daughter “Ihave a shesaid, her daughter Whenaskedabout making threats. and emotionally charged, people.” many Russian lives as possible—thisis the way only stop to Russiansthe from my killing now, only one mission—to blow myself up somewhere in Russia, ideally in Moscow, to take as decided to who join and Russia against war the in killed was thehusband whose Kowa named Black woman Chechen Widows as a suicide bomber. Kowa said, “I have only one dream SI-ABC1. Ibid. BW-BBC2. The reports of female self-immolators are no different. The women are portrayed as Chechen to women driven canbeseenabout media,reports the Repeatedly throughout 212 213 Kowa is convinced her violence will stop other violence. She is irrational, Sheis violence. willstop other Kowaherviolence is convinced This is framing becauseitdirectly powerful Western the particularly notion defies 55 214 The woman “suddenly jumped [up]and BBC got a rare interview with a young a interviewa with rare got ABC News ABC reports of a young CEU eTD Collection gender stereotype frames toWestern society. gender could pose stereotype analyze themedia’sviolence offemale representation ramifications andsuggestthe these political avoiceagency. or acquiring emotional. The media gives no credit to those women who may be violentfor the sake of framing violentwomen ofbeingabnormal,bending, unjustly accusesbeing gender or hyper This gender stereotype orunstablecircumstances environments. violentin and uncontrolled justifiableisfemale violence not them.to and emotionless.Such wouldbe incomprehensible totheWestern audience asthis kindof it action her,wasrational suggest the would her bringwith petrol had the suicideby calculated she that fact the to attention brought had they If news. the report and process to stereotyping gender mediauses the that fact the itreinforces because interesting is omission her.This that her act was highly calculated since she had planned ahead, thinking bringto the petrol with burqa.” 216 215 courthouse. atthe alight” herself set SI-ABC1. Ibid. 216 The next chapter will summarize the arguments set forth in this paper. womensuggests that areemotional it is frame important Women because an Irrational It will also The media portrays this woman as quick to react and irrational. However, it ignores it However, react andirrational. quick to as woman this Themedia portrays 215 She used “petrol smuggled into the court under her Shecourt the “petrol used into smuggled 56 CEU eTD Collection nothing in common other then their violence and their gender. However, upon closer upon However, gender. their and violence their then other common in nothing Afghan self-immolators. the media’s empirical research.representationstereotypes and sheidentifies six genderframes can bethat seen herlargethroughout of scope gender in similar framed are of terrorists female illegitimate and twopoliticians female legitimate illegitimatethat claims She roles. masculine in inherently acting women why understand to in order frames actors:article. In this article, Iexpanded Nacos’ argument that the mediaChechen resorts to gender stereotyping Black Widowsimmolation, two activitiesand traditionally reserved for men. female letaloneacts, performing violent findsaccept women performing itto difficult female “acceptable” behavior. Society asviews traditional gender roles. Violent women bend these within society—a topic such as female violence. gender roles and go against because in somenumberincomprehensible remain, of topics eraof the problems equality, what society a framing cause can to However, public.the events quick, comprehendible and consistent, convey to frames news—uses the report to order media—in The events. news accepts and comprehends, society how perceives, over influence media givesthe dependence issues. This 217 C Nacos, 440. ONCLUSION Chechen Black Widows and female Afghan self-immolators on the surface have surface the on self-immolators Afghan female and Widows Black Chechen for this in inspiration media hasbeenthe the genderstereotypes Nacos’ research on Female violence challenges all Westernof society’s assumptionsdeeply rooted of global report media to Americaon are dependent the Kingdom North the United and 217 From From foundation,this Inarrowedher scopeandfocused specifically on extremely violent acts such violent acts as suicidebombing and self- 57 CEU eTD Collection women and their roles in society. It is true that women in Chechnya and Afghanistan are Afghanistan and in Chechnya women that is true It in society. roles their and women these about known information scholarly the exposed I that there was It myargument. of basis and understanding an develop to order in societies Afghan and Chechen of backgrounds traditional historical,the and on cultural, 2focused primarily Chapter masculineroles. inherently in women frames media the how asking by area atthis look to begun has Nacos were exposed.literature preexisting in the holes the Both that here was It self-immolators. thesefemale and bombers fields of research have failed to explore scholars. by other explored violence—lackfemale for factor motivating major a is overlooking media the stereotypes, gender to resorting of political By actors. voiceless are they fact that the disregard to a reason not is this but situations, agency.undeniable. Some women irrational,others are desperate, frustratedmost with and their To lay this This irrational, is as frustrated. behavior and theirviolence rationalize desperate, and claim, I firstexplain femaledry. asaway roles The clings mediareinforcestotraditional and to gender had to establishunknown due to the lack of data, the media would have one believe that the answers are cut and relatively remain women these for thefactors motivating true and reason the Though research public. news, it resorts to female violencecomprehend andin themedia for producequality order to comprehendible gender stereotype to ability the lacks society Western that claimed explicitly I agency. political obtain framing as a way to in in to members and activities their of are participating order they societies, gender-bending rationalize femalevoiceless are they because violence are committing women these that Iargued article, In this violencereligion). and tradition, culture, (e.g. more much to share women these theis apparent it examination, In Chapter 1, I examined the sparse scholarly literature regarding female suicide female regarding literature scholarly sparse the I examined 1, Chapter In 58 how questions. However, questions. CEU eTD Collection Nacos has begun to fill these gaps by asking gender-centered byasking gaps fill these to hasbegun Nacos because of holes arenumerous this there inliterature regardingfemales and female violence. nurses. hunters, women as gathers; men violent. activity the Violence beginning as hasbeen not amale-dominated time—men since of as knights, women as damsels; are women traditional because this explanation accepts easily Western society violence. female men are soldiers, women are Western comprehend stereotypes. helps framingexaggerated form audience to Thisthe of hyper- to resorts media the frame, each Within Women. Irrational and Control, Male and Manipulation Honor, Islamic Violence, Breeds Violence Imagery, Feminized are frames These bombers self-immolators. suicide and female particularly Chechen violence, andfemale justify empirical Iidentifiedevidence. five used frames genderstereotype by media torationalize the my through 3 supports West. thesituationclaim Finally,Chapter toreport the in order to frames generate to knowledge this is using media the Yet, rights. human simple and education, second-class citizens in their patriarchal societies. They suffer from inequality, lack of of of majorthe underlying presentedis—What questions herekind can media of ramifications answer. to unable was research trailblazing her roles—something masculine inherently in acting are women illegitimate why on specifically more focus and into, further delve to me allowed argument Nacos’ Expanding work. scholarly to contribution and depth add to order in women Further, I intentionally original andargument make redirectingit, Iwasable filling to asteptowards holes. these analyzed the media representation of two lesser-researched groups of Many International Relations scholars overlook gender as a vital area of research and area of research genderavital as overlook scholars Relations Many International This research proves to be pertinent to the field of International Relations because one because Relations International of field the to be pertinent to proves research This 59 how questions. By taking Nacos’ Bytaking questions. CEU eTD Collection committed by males. committed should its change framingfemale andbegin reporting more equally that of to violence terror is easily spread—the media is terrorism’s most valued friend. Simply put, Western media would only be able to organizations media, terrorist helpof the the inflict Without terror. increase and shock-value the terror in isolatedthrough places.the use of the However, media. their advantage to them use and society inWestern roles Terroristgender entrenched the acknowledge with organizationsthe help of usethe organizations women female Terrorist terrorism. female violence—specifically of threat the underplays media, suicide bombers to heighten itbecause Western society isto detrimental framing this distorted newI arguethat as a reality. denouncefemale its society Thus, Western to strive should violence traditional roles and accept isisitill growing, continue advised justify to female to violence usinggenderstereotypes. lead society underplay,to orworse, ignore threats posed by women. In a world where terrorism framing have on society and security? 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