CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum 4 pages)

Part A. PERSONAL INFORMATION CV date 26/ 09/2018 First and Family name Mª Gertrudis Jaén Sánchez Social Security, 33482550R Age 45 Passport, ID number Researcher ID Researcher numbers Orcid code 0000-0001-8161-0668

A.1. Current position Name of Instituto Valenciano de Cultura , Generalitat Valenciana University/Institution Valencian Institute of Culture, Valencian Government Subdirection general of the Valencian Institute for Conservation, Restoration and Research of Cultural Heritage (IVCR+i), Valencian Department Government

Complejo socio-educativo Penyeta Roja. Edificio principal 4º planta. Address and Country 12080, Castellón , +34 Phone number E-mail [email protected] 630994741 Senior Textile Conservator, Department of Textile Conservation, 1/08/2007 Current position Restoration and Research From Type of contract: Permanent employment contract Espec. cód. UNESCO 629900 / 620399 - Otras Cultural Heritage, Textile, Conservation, Museum Collections, Scientific Palabras clave study, techniques, materials

A.2. Education PhD University Year PhD in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Fine Arts Doctoral thesis: The textile heritage linked to Virgin of the Assumption and the Mystery play of (Masterpiece of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) 2016 UNESCO). Technical and material analysis and value enhancement.

Distinction "Cum Laude" qualification and Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Master’s degree in Diagnose of 2014 State of Conservation of University Pablo Olavide of Sevilla (Spain)

Cultural Heritage. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Doctoral program . Diploma in (Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage 2002 Advanced Studies. PhD program)

Graduated in Fine Arts. (Speciality on Conservation of Cultural Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) 1996 Heritage)


CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum 4 pages)

Part B. CV SUMMARY (max. 3500 characters, including spaces) Performed tasks: • Conservation and Restoration of ancient textiles. Study of materials, technical textiles and state of conservation. • Preventive conservation and museology of textile art collections and historical clothing. • Project Management Textile Conservation, Restoration and Research. • Coordination of the work plan “Conservation, restoration and protection of the goods linked to the Our Lady and the ” Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. • Application of radiographic analysis on the study of historical textiles. • Research in metallic material associated with historic textiles. Characterization, production technology and condition. Part C. RELEVANT MERITS C.1. Publications (including books) Selection Publications 1. Book chapter. Mª G. Jaén Sánchez. 2015. The textile heritage of Virgen de los Desamparados. Study, conservation and restoration of Universal Marian Cape. Book: La Restauración de la Virgen de los Desamparados y su Camarín. Year: Publisher (Book): IVC+R Generalitat Valenciana, Archicofradía Real Basílica Virgen de los Desamparados, Fundación Hortensia Herrero. pp. 178-205 ISSN: 978-84-482-6016-3. 2. Scientific paper. Mª G .Jaén Sánchez, C. Pérez García. 2015 .The recovery of textiles and embroideries of the XV-XVI centuries through the collection of the Hispanic Society of America. Its research, conservation, restoration and exhibition. Ge- conservation ,Nº 8 Publisher : GEIIC, Grupo Español del IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works) . pp. 110- 125. ISSN:1989-8568 3. Scientific paper. Mª G. Jaén Sánchez. 2015.Rich Valencia broche fabrics of "Silk, Gold and Silver" at the textile collection of the Virgin of the Assumption. An approach to technical scientific study. Journal: “Sóc per Elig”. Journal difusión estudios culturales. Tradiciones y Patrimonio. Sociedad Venida de la Virgen.pp. 99- 114.ISSN:1889-9358 4. Scientific paper. Mª G .Jaén Sánchez, C. Pérez García. 2015. Conservation, restoration and study technical and scientific of the textile heritage of Nª Sª de las Virtudes de Villena: el Manto del Sol y el Manto de Indias. Journal: BILYANA,Nº 1 .Publisher : Museo Arqueológico , Ayuntamiento Villena pp.130-144. ISSN:2530-0970 5. Scientific paper. Mª G. Jaén Sánchez. 2014 .Small micro-samples that give huge information about the Historic Heritage.Journal: MoleQla Patrimonio. Nº 15 Journal de Ciencias de la Universidad Pablo Olavide, Sevilla. pp.85-87. ISSN:2173-0903 6. Book chapter. Mª G.Jaén Sánchez, C. Pérez García. 2011. The multidisciplinary study and recovery of the textile collection of the XV and XVI of the Hispanic Society of America. Book: L´Art de Velluters. Sedería de los siglos XV - XVI.: Publisher: Generalitat Valenciana. Consorcio de Museos. pp. CV- CX. ISBN:978-84-482-5505-3 7. Book chapter: Mª G.Jaén Sánchez, C. Pérez García. 2011.Finding a hidden manuscript into two chasubles. Example of a parallel study of textiles from the Valencia region with works of art from the collection of the Hispanic Society of America. Book: L´Art de Velluters. Sedería de los siglos XV - XVI. Publisher: Generalitat Valenciana. Consorcio de Museos. pp. CXXVII - CXXX . ISBN:978-84-482-5505-3 8. Book chapter: Mª G. Jaén, A.Fortea, D.Gallego. Methodology and conservation and restoration treatments of the Hispanic Society of America. Book: L´Art de Velluters. Sedería de los siglos XV - XVI. Publisher: Generalitat Valenciana. Consorcio de Museos. pp. CXXXI - CXXXIX . ISBN:978-84-482-5505-3 9. Book chapter: Mª G .Jaén, V.Liceras .2011.L´Art de Velluters. Silk manufacture in the XV and XVI centuries. r. Book: L´Art de Velluters. Sedería de los siglos XV - XVI. Publisher: Generalitat Valenciana. Consorcio de Museos. pp. XXI - . ISBN:978-84-482-5505-3 10. Scientific paper. J. Castaño, Mª G .Jaén. 2011. The Museum of Our Lady of the Assumption, Patroness of Elche: Technical installation and exhibition. Journal: FACIES DOMINI, 3. Journal alicantina de estudios teológicos. Publisher: Seminario Diocesano de Orihuela-Alicante.Cátedra Arzobispo Loazes. Instituto Superior de Ciencias Religiosas San Pablo. pp.325-356. ISSN: 1889-5662 11. Book chapter. L. Ferrazza, Mª G. Jaén.2010 Characterization of metallic elements in Historical Textiles and study of its degradations by microscopic techniques. Book: La Ciencia y el Arte II. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del Patrimonio Histórico. Publisher: Ministerio de Cultura. Secretería General Técnica (Subdirección General de Publicaciones).pp.150-161. ISBN/ISSN:978-84-8181-461-3 12. Scientific paper. C. Pérez García, Mª G. Jaén Sánchez.2010. Conservation of the Textile Heritage: Efforts made in the Valencian Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Journal: RESTAURO. Journal Internacional del Patrimonio Histórico. Nº 07. Publisher: G7 Patrimonio y Gestión Siglo XXI.pp. 62-73. ISBN/ISSN: 1889-0628 13. Scientific paper. J. Castaño, Mª G .Jaén. 2010. The museum of the Virgen de la Asunción of Elche. Technical installation and exhibition. Journal: “Sóc per Elig”, Nº 22. Journal difusión estudios culturales. Tradiciones y Patrimonio Ilicitano. Publisher: Sociedad Venida de la Virgen.pp. 30-43. ISBN/ISSN:1889-9358 14. Scientific paper- technical report. Mª G. Jaén Sánchez.2009. Mantle of the Virgen de los Desamparados and Child’s dress. Book: Instituto Valenciano de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales.


CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum 4 pages)

Obras Restauradas 2007. Year: 2009 Publisher: Instituto Valenciano de Conservación y Restauración. pp. 345- 349. ISBN/ISSN: 978-84-482-5360-8 15. Scientific paper- Catalogue of art works. Mª G. Jaén. J. Gil. 2007. Scapular of the chasuble of Terno of the Holy Martyrs 15th-16th cents. Book: Catálogo Exposición La Luz de Las Imágenes, “Lux Mundi”,Játiva. Publisher: Generalitat Valenciana, Fundación La Luz de Las Imágenes. pp. 626-62 . ISBN/ISSN: 84-482-4001-4 16. Scientific paper. C. Pérez García, Mª G. Jaén Sánchez, S. Vicente. 2002. Preservation of the clothing of the Virgin of the Assumption. Principal actor of the Mystery of Elche. Journal: R&R. Restauración & Rehabilitación. Nº 62. Journal Internacional del Patrimonio Histórico. Publisher: América ibérica.pp. 60-66. ISBN/ISSN:1134-4571 Selection Works submitted to national or international conferences 1.Conference- Congress: 13º Name of the conference Nacional de Ensayos no Destructivos. 2015.Authors: David Juanes Barber; Mª Gertrudis Jaén Sánchez; Carmen Pérez García; Livio Ferrazza Title: Application of radiographic analysis to the study of historical textiles. Type of contribution: oral communication Publicación: Book of abstracts City of event: Sevilla, España 2.Conference- Congress: 6th International Congress "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin".2013. Mª G. Jaén, C. Pérez. Title: Museology, conservation and enhancing of cultural materials linked to the Virgin of the Assumption and of the Mystery Play of Elche, Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. Type of contribution: poster . Book of abstracts City of event: Athens, Greece 3.Conference- Congress: 6th International Congress "Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin".2013. Authors: D. Juanes, Mª G. Jaén, C. Pérez, L. Ferrazza. Title: Making process, conservation and historical studies of textiles by radiographic analysis. Application on historical textiles from XV and XVI century. Type of contribution: oral communication. Book of abstracts City of event: Athens, Greece 4.Conference- Congress: The Renaissance Workshop: The Materials and Techniques of Renaissance Art.2012. .Authors: C. Pérez, Mª G. Jaén, L. Ferrazza, D.Juanes. Title: Research on metallic material in liturgical textiles of the XV-XVI century: studies about production technology and state of conservation. Type of contribution: oral communication. Publication: Conference proceedings City of event: The British Museum - London 5.Conference- Congress: 2nd International Conference “Matter and Materials in/for Cultural Heritage” (MATCONS 2011) Authors: Mª G. Jaén, L. Ferrazza, D. Juanes.. Title: Research on metallic material in liturgical textiles of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Studies about production technology. Type of contribution: oral communication. Publication: Conference proceedings City of event: Craiova, Romania. 6.Conference- Congress: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working. 2010 Authors: C. Pérez, Mª G. Jaén, P. Ineba, V. Pons, D.Juanes, L. Ferrazza, G.Contreras Title: Analysis and study of two Manuscripts hidden inside two Liturgical Ornaments of the XIV-XV centuries. Type of contribution: oral communication Publication: Conference proceedings. City of event: Copenhagen, Denmark . 7.Conference- Congress: VII Congresso Nazionale IGIIC:“Lo Stato dell´Arte ” 2009 Authors: L. Ferrazza, D.Juanes, Mª G. Jaén.. Title: Tecniche Diagnostiche Appilicate allo Studio dei Filati Metallici: Studi sulle Tecnologie di Produzione e dello Stato di Conservazione. Type of contribution: oral communication. Publication: Conference proceedings City of event: Castel Dell´Ovo, Nápoles, Italy 8.Conference- Congress: 17th International Meeting on Heritage Conservation .2008 Authors: Mª G. Jaén, Title: Conservation -Restoration of the Frontal piece pertaining to the processional stretcher of the Virgin of Asuncion, Elche. Example of intervention of a textile piece of devotional use.. Type of contribution: poster. Publication: Conference proceedings City of event: Castellón de la Plana, Spain 9.Conference- Congress: : Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Metálico: “Metal España'08”.2008 Authors: L. Ferrazza, D.Juanes, Mª G. Jaén. Title: Research in metal threads of the dressing of the image of the nineteenth century. Production technology and state of conservation. Type of contribution: oral communication. Publication: Conference proceedings City of event: Madrid, Spain

C.2. Research projects and grants -Name of the project: Study and validation of objects of the historical-artistic heritage through medical CT and its implementation with 3D printing and visualization technologies. Degree of contribution: Researcher Entity where project took place: (Instituto Valenciano de Cultura) CulturArts Generalitat Valenciana . Name of the programme: Proyectos I+D+I, Programa estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad. Code according to the funding entity: HAR2016-75827-R. Start-End date: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019. Name principal investigator: David Juanes Barber -Name of the project: “Research in Spanish ecclesiastical textiles MMA’s collection dated in XV and XVI centuries. Studies of technique, material, decorative aspects, conservation of embroidered and velvets”. Name of the grant: The Fellowship Senior Program in Conservation The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2016-2017). Entity: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. City of entity: New York Country: EE.UU. Year: September 2016 – August 2017 Name principal investigator: Mª Gertrudis Jaén Sánchez -Name of the project: Study of the making process, the state of conservation and enhancement of wood sculpture by computed tomography for medical use.Degree of contribution: Researcher Entity where project took place: CulturArts Generalitat Valenciana. Name of the programme: Proyectos I+D+I, Programa estatal de


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investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad.Code according to the funding entity: HAR201345166-R.Start-End date: 01/01/2014 - 31/12/2016.Name principal investigator: David Juanes Barber -Name of the project: Scientific study, conservation and restoration of the XV-XV century textile collection of the Hispanic Society of America. Geographical area: Regional. Valencian Government Consortium: Valencian Institute for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage(IVC+R), Hispanic Society of America de Nueva York, Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute(IPCE), Museum of Fine Arts of Valencia, University of Valencia, Museums Consortium of , Metropolitan Museum of Art Start- End date: 2008-2012 Name principal investigator: Mª Gertrudis Jaén Sánchez, Carmen Pérez García -Name of the project: Conservation, restoration and exhibition design of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries women's clothing. Exhibition “De Crinolinas y Polisones “,Museo de Bellas Artes de Murcia. Geographical area: Regional. Murcia Government Consortium: Museum of Fine Arts of Murcia. Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí. Start-End date: 2005 Name principal investigator: Mª Gertrudis Jaén Sánchez -Name of the project: Technical and conservations study of Valencian textile collections. Geographical area: Polytechnic University of Valencia Consortium: Polytechnic University of Valencia (Dept. of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage). Start-End date: 2003-2004 Name principal investigator: Sofía Vicente Palomino -Name of the project: Study and analysis of historical textile components. Geographical area: Regional. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Consortium: Polytechnic University of Valencia (Dept. of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage). Start-End date: 2001-2002 Name principal investigator: Sofía Vicente Palomino C.3. Contracts and Grant holders -Professional category: Senior textile conservator in charge of Department of Textile Conservation, Restoration and Research (IVC+R), Castellón Employing entity: Valencian Institute for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (IVC+R), CulturArts Generalitat Valenciana. Dates: From 8/2007 to present -Professional category: Professor collaborator at the University Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Master in Diagnose of State of Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Dates: From 2015 to present -Professional category: Conservator in charge of Department of Ecclesiastical Textiles Conservation and Restoration.Employing entity: La Luz de las Imágenes Foundation, Valencian Government. Dates: From 11/2001 to 7/2007 -Professional category: Grant holder. Museology and preventive conservation in historic textiles and clothing collections. Employing entity: Museum National of Ceramic and Decorative Arts González Martí. Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport, Spanish Government.. Dates: From 4/2003 to 12/2003 and From 4/2004 to 12/2004 -Professional category: Grant holder.Conservation and restoration of textile, painting and sculpture goods. Employing entity: Polytechnic University of Valencia. Dates: From 2/2002 to 9/2002 -Professional category: Grant holder. Conservation and restoration of textile, painting and sculpture goods. Employing entity: Polytechnic University of Valencia .Dates: From 1/1998 to 1/2002 -Professional category: Freelance Restorer – Conservator- Consultant of Cultural Heritage Employing entity: Regional Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport / Provincial government Valencia, Castellón,Alicante / La Luz de las Imágenes Fundation. Valencian Government / Valencian Institute for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (IVC+R). Valencian Government / Blasco de Aragón Fundation / Mystery play of Elche Board / Museum of Fine Arts of Murcia. Government of Murcia / Museum of Fine Arts of Castellón. Provincial Government of Castellón / Museum National of Ceramic and Decorative Arts González Martí. Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport, Spanish Government / Museum ethnography and prehistory of Valencia Provincial Government of Valencia. Dates: From 1997 to 2007

C.5, C.6, C.7… (e. g., Institutional responsibilities, memberships of scientific societies…) -Member of the Junta Rectora del Patronato del Misteri d´Elx, (The Mystery play of Elche: Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity), in representation of the Conselleria de Cultura y Educación , Valencian Government. -Member of the CNE International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) -Member of the Spanish Association of Museologists (AEM). Delegated Representative in the Valencian Community and member of the Scientific Committee of publications (AEM) -Member of the Spanish group of International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC). -Conservator - Curator of the Collection of the Basilica of Santa Maria de Elche Museum and the Museum of Our Lady of the Assumption of Elche and The mystery play of Elche, since 2009. -Technical management in the Textile Conservation Department of the County Council of Castellon, since 2007. -Curator of exhibition: “L´Art dels Velluters. Sedería de los siglos XV y XVI”. (Consorcio de Museos de la Comunidad Valenciana, IVC+R, Fundación Bancaja).2011-201


CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum 4 pages)