Deficit of Democracy : Some problems of Democratization decay in Phillipines Rafli Zulfikar , International Relations , Jember University [email protected]

Abstract there is a change in the authoritarian rulers of democratic power is power in many people under This paper describes the emergence of the sovereignty of the people, of the mechanism democracy decay in the . of what is now known as procedural democracy. Democracy in the Philippines is experiencing a political uproar by people power Robert Dahl for example, states that and the strengthening of political dynasties there is a minimum of procedural become an important reference in the democracy indicator distribution of powers development of democratization in Southeast (trias politica), the establishment of democratic Asia. political development Philippine has institutions, general election , the existence of a experience implementing two major free pers 1 . Using the concept of procedural conceptions of democracy that Liberal democracy in the southeast Asian political democracy and democratic development a de velopment praxis only , lesson Asian democratization in Southeast and the Philippines which can in identification Asia. Using comparisons methodologis as a democratic state. These three Philippines under democratic regimes in countries are the face of democratization Asia under and post- in Southeast Asia where the future stages of Marcos Liberal Democracy This paper gives the process of deciding the future of an overview of the complexity of trying to democracy is democracy in Southeast Asia. esthabilsh democratiszation the Philippines. Thesis in the debate about welfare, freedom, and democracy , in the southeast Asian Keyword : Democratization , Philippines , political traditions represented in the debate Political decay, oligarchy between Asian Democracy and Liberal democracy which rests on the question of Introduction whether you should begin the process of Portrait of democratization in democratization of prosperity and freedom Southeast Asia into the third wave of (democracy), represented by the Asian democratization. Political scientist Samuel view of democracy or fre edom first after Huntington in his book The Third Wave in the assumption of liberal democracy as 2 the late twenteth century (1993 ) describes the expressed Fareed Zakariya democracy . third wave of democracy is a period in which the Theoretical position of countries in change from an authoritarian to a democratic Southeast Asia have different experiences political. In line with the conception of the in building democracy. Indonesia, located third wave of democratization, the in one point where the democratization transition from an authoritarian to a process in Indonesia took the first democratic state is democratic momentum democratic welfare positions (liberal phase entry. The third wave of democracy democracy), and , is in which certainly implies a change of the other extreme is the position of the power. Transition with the assumption that democratic welfare (Asian democracy).

104 Theoretical positions and praxis, the centralized economy 7 . In the Marcos era Philippines is in the second position in terms centralization of power is on Marcos and of theoretical asumption , a long history of his cronies. Kenji Kushida ( 2003 ) democratic experience of the Philippines had explains that the Marcos-era oligarchy run already covered both theoretical by mobilizing and organizing the violence assumptions about freedom, prosperity and perpetrated by the military, bureaucracy democracy. pre- Marcos political system is built dominated by political dynasties and patronage, by taking the first democratic and prosperous and master nationalize industry for the path failed to prosper. Further experiments benefit of Marcos and cronies even using theoretical freedom number two nearly 300 companies under their control position, the main thing is discipline like Asian until finally overthrown people with the democracy in Singapore and Malaysia were People Power movement than the Marcos performed on Marcos regime also failed to regime monopolize aid and loans from prosper, as well as in the post- Marcos era international institutions such as the politics, freedom is the main thesis experiment World Bank and the International Monitary also failed to bring prosperity. Fund (IMF)8 Case of Democracy in Philippines Patron-client politics and dynasty that took place in the Marcos era, is Problems such as the complexity of the inseparable from the historical context. political dynasty, Patronage politics (Buendia, 3 Development of the country most affected 1994; Sidel, 2005) , corruption (Transparency colonies and Filipino Americans as International, 2011)4 and the institutionalization 5 occupiers. The process of formation of of political parties (Ufen, 2007) resulting in a national identity the most important factor democracy democratic decay Philippine is the formation of a political system politics (political decay). Problemcomplexity based on patron-client and dynasties. In is proportional to the Philippine democracy iron the Spanish colonial period, private ownership law of oligarchy who popularized sociologist of land will be the policy would land in the Roberto Michel (1876 ) that power will be Philippines which runs nearly three controlled by a handful of people with the centuries9. This resulted in a skewed land logical consequence that the political ownership system. Distribution of soil oligarchy, the interests of a major 6 conditions in the Philippines after colonialism power-holders . had an asymmetrical distribution. In line with the conception of Marxism10 to justify that landlords Authoritarian regimes established and labor relations that shape the social and oligarchy by designing the structure of the political structure of the Philippines and highly centralized economy and run the exploit this is the result Bosisme or Local against public authorities for the purposes of 11 the ruler. From the establishment of the Stongman in the Philippine political system system, public institutions is in line with Post Philippine independence, the landlords the ruler and his cronies are those who are part get protection in the absence of land reform of the patronage which take advantage. This policies comprehensive so landlords become framework ultimately forming Politico important figures in the history of Philippine Buisiness Complex which is the strength politics. Landlords who controlled estates of the regime's authoritarian oligarchy. So and employs Filipino people getting political also during the authoritarian Ferdinand Marcos to support of workers who worked on the establish business relations and political plantation. Hacienda Esperanza productive complex (Politico Framework Buisiness land, located in villages Nagasu, Regency complexs) to centralize power and establish a

105 La Carlotta Profinsi Negros Occidental, for the assumption of an authoritarian regime. example, is a family owned land Benedictos, Momentum or Marcos cronies12. Structure system powered by Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) is patron-client politics and political dynasties, a new phase of the process of which due to historical (historical roots), democratization Philippines. Fall of the oligarchs emerged as indeed Marcos authoritarian regime of Ferdinand Marcos due authoritarian regime framework to design to the murder of Senator Beniqno Auino a centralized political and economic, that Jr. at Manila airport after returning from aim is to secure economic resources of exile in the United States to be triggered of political regime 13 . One of the Marcos the accumulation of social fury during the regime oligarchs fact that cases of reign of the corrupt Marcos otorier. These corruption committed by Marcos to make conditions form the initial phase of the regulations that provide incentives for people transition to democracy in which democratic who want to build a hotel in the Philippines. This elections won by . Corazon incentive is given for the help of the World Aquino's victory marks a phase in which Bank and the policy of giving 75 the Philippines entered the phase transition percent of the cost of construction of in a democracy. In this phase is Devepoment Bank of The Philippines, characterized by the transition from an Government Services Insurance System and authoritarian regime to a democratic the Philippines national Bank. Development government. In the authoritarian regime, the on the realization Plaza Hotel Philippines oligarchs emerged as the similarity Imelda Marcos (Marcos 's wife) get assumption between the oligarchy and loans nearly 100 percent of the cost of authoritarianism, oligarchy rose due to the development14. Not only the monopoly of the centralization of economic and political Philippine industry to be part of the power as well as mobilasi violence used political and economic framework is by the military authoritarian regime. In the centralized. Monopoly of the sugar industry democratic regime, the centralization of power is to be part of the design of Marcos no longer because the division and oligarchy. Sugar industry which is 25 percent of separation of powers and military all Philippine exports controlled by Marcos professionalism. Therefore the transition and their cronies that Benedito Roberto, from an authoritarian regime to the Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr. and Juan Ponce democratic regime in the logical Enrile 15 . In addition to the very consequences of institutionalization of important role of the military in Marcos democracy shift toward democratic regime as mobilization and organizing consolidation. Democratic transition in force to protect the business interests of Philippines still some problems such as the Marcos regime and its cronies that the strength of corruption, lack of led to corruption. State monopoly of violence institutionalization of party politics that carried out by the military as a tool. Entry of the characterized the strength of the dynasty military in politics become the frontline in (political clant ) , bureaucratic patron - client, as protecting the interests of Marcos, which is done well as strengthening local elites and by replacing almost all governors and mayors by democracy have a some problems. This military personnel as well as the addition of the condition, which is a precondition strengthening original 54,000 to nearly 3 times as much16. democratic regime is not directly proportional to the minimization of oligarchic regime. Oligarchy with authoritarian regimes is Oligarchic regime emerged with new positively correlated means power oligarchy patterns and forms that no longer appear and assumed to serve the rulers as well as persist with framework centralized political

106 economy. To reread the emergence of an After the failure of two presidents Corazon oligarchic regime, writer and read Aquino held a consolidated democracy, mapping problem oligarch patterns during namely Fidel V Ramos and Joseph the transition to democracy. At least until Estrada became democratic constraints. the post-authoritarian Marcos Estrada Oligarch reign of Fidel Ramos became a presidency experiencing political instability political consolidation of development that led to the action or people power problems, such as electoral fraud, the EDSA revolution to two. During the strengthening of the military in politics Corazon Aquino administration, for still rule the Philippines, clientilisme, example, the government is not without nepotism, fraud and election violence and problems government is considered political elitism Philippines (Montinola, 1999; corrupt and is still militarism probem Teehankee , 2002). As stated Gabriella Corazon Aquino administration. Sheila Montinola (1999)19 that although the data in Coronel (2009) states that the Aquino the 1998 general election there were administration has failed to consolidate about 28 million voters went to the place of political power so long been a problem voting for the election of president, vice Corazon government implementation17. Coronel, president, 12 senators and more than 200 further explained that there are at least six members of parliament and more than 17.000 attempts the overthrow by a military gives an overview of Philippine democracy faction that rebelled sebagai efforts to after authoritarian Marcos, but Montinola overthrow President Corazon Aquino. Besides noted that the high political pathology government inherited by the authoritarian 174,000 ballots indicated, the "dag-dag regime of high poverty, corruption, weak Bawas" is a method used to bribe institutions and the inability of the military election commission officials, as well as to control the problem makes the political violence fell to its lowest level Corazon Aquino administration. in the history surrounding the 1995

18 murder of politician. This condition also Future consolidation of democracy exists in government , . into the process of post- authoritarian political Military force used by the Estrada development but in the process of government, as well as cases of political transition Philippine Government corruption resulted in the accumulation of faces a kind of democracy that is not disappointments that led to the second finished (Fledgling democracy) . Historical EDSA revolution. process into a long process of political development path towards the consolidation Practical after the victory Maccapagal of democracy, at least repeating history Gloria Arroyo, who dropped the EDSA with the second EDSA revolution that revolution Estrada became the foundation overthrew President Joseph Estrada into of the early post-revolutionary democratic picture and the long process towards government. Arroyo wins a marker of consolidation. Fledgling long process of democratic governance and democratization of consolidation of democracy and the failure the Philippines towards consolidation succession. because the Philippines is still experiencing Democratic government hopes a new hope the same problem of corruption is high, Philippines after Arroyo won the election in 2004 and the strengthening of political clant by defeating Fernando Poe , Jr. Arroyo post- democracy local elites emerge government was able to build political and stronger because of the decentralization of economic conditions that promise with power and the failure of party positive economic growth appreciated until institutionalization as a democratic institution . the end of the period are the points of

107 GDP and 7.6% decrease at the beginning conditions-corrupt in Philippine historical of the Aquino administration in 2011 to political economic system produces 3,7 % of GDP20. But on the other hand, oligarchy regimes and political revolution to as suggested Nathan Gilbert Quimpo replace authoritarian regimes with democratic (2009) under the Arroyo political regimes. Not resolve and minimize the performance indicated the emergence oligarchy regime, a new form of autoritarianisme (Growing Autoritarianism) democratic government mengasilkan with indication of the strengthening oligarchic regime (oligarchy complex power) presidential executive in the country . are more complex and no longer use the Reviewing , strengthening symptoms centralization of power. Adaptation oligarchy Autoritarianisme Transition democratization regime on democratic government in post Marcosterutama Arrroyo reorganized form of oligarchy and threaten the government needs to be studied further . On future of democratic consolidation. Broadly the structure of political parties under Arroyo, speaking, the political motive decay on a still controlled by the old actor who comes democratic regime is the division of power in from an influential clan in the Philippine the political parties, repression is high due to the political system. Almost all major parties, strengthening of the military in the political especially parties that have seats in the system, the rule weakened, and the parliament is a major political dynasty and number of political appointees in the one of the big conglomerates in the bureaucracy. Reorganization authoritarian Philippines 21 . Even the late wife of former regimes in the post- Marcos can has old Marcos and Estrada Persident still gain actor and performed by Marcos era, patrimonial legitimacy in the political system of the politics, Buissiness and local forces. Philippines, in addition to a parliamentary political arena is no longer centralized Closing Remarks oligarchy, such as occurs in the form of bribery The future of Philippine democracy allegations of corruption at the bookies was an important lesson in democracy in Arryo families that exist in parliament. Southeast Asia. Imports of democratization in From the conception of the executive due the tradition of "the West" or democracy to the strengthening of political dynasties with Asian values that are emphasized by also has the power in the parliamentary Lee Kwan Yuu need to be reviewed executive political support efforts. because the two concepts of democracy Empirical facts in the political system must undergo adaptive with countries that can be categorized and mapped in that are experiencing democratization. Deficit of regime oligarchs appeared in every form democracy in Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, of political system either in the form of which is still experiencing political uproar, authoritarian regimes like marcos or Political dynasties as well as the complexity appearing on the authoritarian regime after of democracy in Indonesia. Problem Corazon Aquino, Fidel Ramos, Joseph decentralization, political money, and the Estrada and Gloria Arroyo Maccapagal. strengthening of Informal Governance as a Trajectory forms of oligarchy which was result of the weak party institutionalization and originally located in a centralized economic funding that led to infidelity komunnitas power and to control the public authority for the business and political community. benefit of oligarchic regime. This framework Experience of post-authoritarian democracy ultimately forming Politico Complex Philippines Ferdinand Marcos became the Buisiness resulting political decay in Philippine reference tenggra political development in political system. Centralized Asia. Complexity of the decentralization

108 of power, the emergence of Informal Governance and patron-client politics that produces Political decay. Another problem in the case of Philippine democracy and also occurs southeast Asia there are strong indications the country.the schoolar, Dan Slater in the book Ordering Power: Contentious politic and authoritarian Leviathans in Southeast Asia explained that the intensity of the political fight that will encourage the elite to create a sort of pact with the protection of authoritarian forms of government 22 . Using Slater conception, the authors identify that the intensity of the political fight that resulted in two people power and efforts to overthrow Maccapagal Aroyo are also encouraged to use people power protection by forming an alliance pact. This condition to be complex with patrimonial politics and monopoly of violence by the state through the military in terms Althuserian is RSA and supported by the party system became an instrument of democracy have failed institutionalization. Integral readings require further explanation regarding the OCP is a key concept that patrimonial politics, military, and powerful political dynasty in the Philippine political system.

109 Reference [11] Jenifer C Franco dan Saturnino Boras Jr. Pola-pola mobilisasi petani [1] Suyatno. Menjelajahi demokrasi. Jogjakarta. untuk tanah dan demokrasi di Filipina. Liebe bookPress. 2004 Resist Book. Jogjakarta.2005 [2] Samuel Huntingtong. Gelombang [12] Leo Agustino dan Muhammad demokrasi di negara ke tiga. Grafiti press. Agus Yusoff. Politik lokal indonesia: Jakarta. dari otokratik ke reformasi politik. Jurnal Ilmu Politik. Edisi 21. 2010 [3] Samuel Huntington. Et al. Amerika dan dunia: memperdebatkan bentuk [13] Noer Fauzi. Memahami baru politik internasional. Jakarta. Yayasan gerakan-gerakan rakyat dunia ketiga. obor Indonesia 2005 Insist. Jogjakarta. 2005 [4] Abubakar. E Hara. Pendekatan [14] Ben Anderson. Hantu pendekatan dalam studi demokrasi di komparasi. Nasionalisme, Asia tenggara Asia tenggara dan Relevansinya untuk dan Dunia. Jogjakarta, Qalam. 2002. Indonesia. Jurnal JPS. Vol 4, No 1, tahun 2000. [15] Sterling Seagrave. Dinasti Marcos: Korupsi Harta dan Kekuasaan di Filipina. [5] Rizal G. Buendia. The Philippines. In Terj. Dunia Pustaka Jaya. 1988 Norma Mahmood. Rethinking political development in Southeast asia. Malaysia. [16] Carl H Lande. Krisis politik. Univ.Malaya press. 1994. Dalam John Bresnan, ed. Krisis Filipina: Zaman Marcos dan keruntuhanya. [6] Heddy Shri . Hubungan patron Klien di Jakarta. Gramedia. 1988. Sulawesi selatan. Prisma 6 Juni 1996. [17] Francisco nemenzo.Philippines [7] John T Sidel. Bosisme dan under Aquino. Working Paper. No 134. demokrasi di Filipina, Thailand dan December 2012. City University of Indonesia dalam Olle Tornquist ed. Hongkong Politisasi demokrasi: Politik Lokal baru. Terj. Jakarta. Demos. 2005 [18] R William Lidle, Kaum Indonesianis Amerika masakini. Majalah Tempo Edisi [8] Andreas ufen. Political party and 14-20 November 2011 party system institutionalisation in southeast asia: A comparasion of [19] Marx’s theory of Social class and Indonesia, the Philippines and the class structure Thailand. Working Paper. Giga Research Programe. Jerman. Maret 2007 [20] Nicole CuUnjieng. Ferdinand [9] R William Lidle. Memperbaiki Mutu Marcos: Apotheosis of The Demokrasi di Indonesia : Sebuah Philippines Historical Tradition perdebatan. Paramadina. Jakarta. Hal 106 Volume6/CuUnjiengFINAL.pdf [10] Kenji Kushida. The Political Economy of The Philippines Under [21] Sheila Coronel. Cory Aquino and Marcos. Stanford Journal of East Asian democracy in the Philippines. Open Affairs. Vol 3- Number 1- Spring 2003 democracy. aquino-and-democracy-in-the-philippines

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1 Eight indicators or conditions by Robet Dahl as a procedural prerequisite of democracy, namely 1. Freedom to form and join organization, 2. Freedom to express opinions, 3 The right to vote in elections, 4 The right to hold public office, 5. For the right to compete in the general election constellation, 6. Availability of alternative resources, 7. Existence of elections free and fair, 8. Establishment of democratic institutions. Now Samuel Huintington mention that at least in procedural democracy no right to speak, the Pers, the organization and its fatherly rights of association. Suyatno. Menjelajahi demokrasi. Jogjakarta. Liebe bookPress. 2004 Hal 41

2 The debate around issues of freedom, prosperity and democracy with exposure to arguments that explain the development of democracy. Democracy can be built on the foundation of freedom, which in turn can mendorng formation of well-being freedom. Stating this view, democracy without constitutional liberalism is a problem because it can bring erosion of freedom, abuse and even war. Instead of democracy without prosperity could not attend because of the democratic transition can only be through the establishment of a liberal autocracy makes economic access established giving rise to the transition from autocracy toward liberal democracy. This description, especially the view of liberal democracy can be read in Fareed Zakariya. The rise of illiberal democracy. Samuel Huntington. Et al. Amerika dan dunia: memperdebatkan bentuk baru politik internasional. Jakarta. Yayasan obor Indonesia 2005 dan Juga dapat dilihat pada Abubakar. E Hara. Pendekatan pendekatan dalam studi demokrasi di Asia tenggara dan Relevansinya untuk Indonesia. Jurnal JPS. Vol 4, No 1, tahun 2000.

3 Politics based on patron-client relations in politics which is built with mutual consensus only between patron and client. Asymmetrical relationship between patron and clie nt to support political interests. Additionally asymmetrical relationship led to local forces (bosime ) in Philippine politics and political strength is based on family or dynasty familial and kinship. Further discussion can be found in Rizal G. Buendia. The Philippines. In Norma Mahmood. Rethinking political development in Southeast asia. Malaysia. Univ.Malaya press. 1994. Hal 92; J.C.Scott Patron-Client politic and political change in Southeast Asia in Heddy Shri. Hubungan patron Klien di Sulawesi selatan. Prisma 6 Juni 1996. Hal 32 and for discussion about local ellit (Bosisme) in John T Sidel. Bosisme dan demokrasi di Filipina, Thailand dan Indonesia in Olle Tornquist ed. Politisasi demokrasi: Politik Lokal baru. Terj. Jakarta. Demos. 2005 hal 75.

4 Philippine corruption by Transparency International ranks 105 with point 34 of the 90 highest points . Ranking system uses the size of the numbers 0-9 (Highly Corrupt) and 90-100 (very clean) Transparency International. Corruption Perception Index. Germany . 2012 can be accessed at

5 Party's failure to perform the regeneration and moderniz ation of institutions that emphasize impersonalitas failure due to the strength of the constellation of political dynasties and disarkan on competition as a non- ideological problem of the institutionalization of the party . In Andreas ufen . Political party and party system institutionalization in the southeast asia: A comparasion of Indonesia, the Philippines and the Thailand. Working Paper. Giga Research Programe. German. March 2007

6 Enciclopaedia Britannica . Iron law of oligarchy - Roberto Michel in accessed on 23/4/2013


7 Airlangga Pribadi. Agensi yang lupa konteks strukturalnya: Demokrasi Machiavellian dalam tafsir Lidle. in R William Lidle. Memperbaiki Mutu Demokrasi di Indonesia : Sebuah perdebatan. Paramadina. Jakarta. Hal 106

8 Kenji Kushida. The Political Economy of The Philippines Under Marcos. Stanford Journal of East Asian Affairs. Vol 3- Number 1- Spring 2003

9 Jenifer C Franco dan Saturnino Boras Jr. Pola-pola mobilisasi petani untuk tanah dan demokrasi di Filipina. Resist Book. Jogjakarta.2005 hal 227

10 Karl Marx formulated in the conception of the landlord class. Landlords as a class who are exploiting and maintaining the political economy. Marx pointed out the land ownership Royal family, where the ownership of land as an economic power politics against buruh. In Social Marxs theory of class and class structure

11 Occurrences Bosisme and Local strongmen on Philippine socio-political structure of the system at the start because of colonialism and the legacy system of land distribution. Bosisme emergence as the asymmetric division of land that led to landlords. the emergence of the landlord class, making the relation between landlords with laborers became the patron-client relationship, the client requires wages to survive while the client is in need incentive while political support to gain power. John Sidel. Capital, Coercion And Crime: Bosism in the Philippines dalam Leo Agustino dan Muhammad Agus Yusoff. Politik lokal indonesia: dari otokratik ke reformasi politik. Jurnal Ilmu Politik. Edisi 21. 2010

12 Noer Fauzi. Memahami gerakan-gerakan rakyat dunia ketiga. Insist.Jogjakarta.2005 hal 113

13 Continue discussion regarding Centralized authority to perpetuate power by Marcos in namainya as Constitutional Autoritarianism in CuUnjieng Nicole . Ferdinand Marcos : Apotheosis of the Philippines Historical Tradition in accessed on 12 April. 2013 and Benedict Anderson . Cacique Democracy in the Philippines in Ben Anderson . Ghosts comparison. Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World. Jogjakarta, Qalam, 2002. 367-370

14 Sterling Seagrave. Dinasti Marcos: Korupsi Harta dan Kekuasaan di Filipina. Terj. Dunia Pustaka Jaya. 1988. Hal 344

15 Ibid. Hal 351

16 Carl H Lande. Krisis politik. Dalam John Bresnan, ed. Krisis Filipina: Zaman Marcos dan keruntuhanya. Jakarta. Gramedia. 1988. hal 181

17 Sheila Coronel. Cory Aquino and democracy in the Philippines. Open democracy. In

18 Lurence Whitehead (1989) e xplains that described the consolidation of democratic institutions and the institutionalization kotestasi competitive , while Juan J Linz and Alfred Stepan (1998) explained that there are five main arena in terms of democracy konsloidasi 1 . Civil society, 2. 3 political

113 society . Rule of law 4 negra apparatus and integrated economic community and support each other . In terms of op Cit Suyanto 116-117

19 Gabriella R Montinola. Abstract of Parties and Accountibility in the Philippines. Journal of Democracy. Vol 10, number 1, January 1999. in ola.html

20 Picture of economic performance under the Arroyo promising as noted in the Senate economic Francisco Planning nemenzo. Philippines under Aquino. Working Paper.No.134. December 2012 . City University of

21 Liberal Party (LP) led March Roxas; LakaskalibatngMalayangislam Christian Democrat (LakasKampi CMD) dipimpinGloriyamaccapagalAroyo ; Nacionalista party coalition (NPC) headed by Eduardo CojuangcoJr ; Nacionalista Party NP) headed by Manuel VilliarJr ; Pwersangmasang (PMP) Joseph Estrada; demokratikong Laban ng Pilipino (LDP) with the chairman Edgardo Angara ; Bagongkilusanglipunan ( KBL ) with the chairman of Imelda Marcos . Partidodemokratiko (PDP) with Laban president Aquilino Pimentel Jrlebih about national and local party list in the Philippines accessed on 28/04/2010

22 R William Lidle, Kaum Indonesianis Amerika masa kini. Majalah Tempo Edisi 14-20 November 2011. Hal 130