Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006

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Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Lead Resources Section Issue Action Organisation Partners Required Priority Identify those areas in the parish that Households Flooding have flooding problems and take Parish Council Drainage Funding action to alleviate them Authorities Time Low Review the public bus services in the Transport Public Transport parish to ensure they meet the needs Parish Council Local bus service Time Moderate of residents in terms of route, providers. And reliability, timetable, bus stop location, Suffolk County Highways cost and accessibility Council Consult with Coastal Accessible Transport for residents Transport and the Volunteer Car Parish Council Community bus Time Low with disabilities Scheme on the provision of transport service. for residents with disabilities Volunteer car service Consult with SCDC on the car parking Car parking in problems of full time residents with Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Time High Thorpeness the possibility of establishing District Council ”residents only” parking zones and/or issuing parking permits Examine the possibility of parking Parking control at controls/traffic calming measures on Parish Council Suffolk County Time High Thorpeness Meare the road in front of the Meare Council. Police Speed limits Reduce the speed limit on Aldeburgh Parish Council Suffolk County Time High Road, Aldringham from 40 to 30 mph Council. Police 1 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Transport Road Safety Extend the 30 mph speed limit on Parish Council Suffolk County Time High And Thorpe Road, Aldringham for 100 Council. Funding, Highways metres past the last cottage Police Road Safety Reduce the speed limit throughout Parish Council Suffolk County Funding Moderate Thorpeness to 20 mph Council. Time Police Road Safety Introduce speed control features on Parish Council Suffolk County Funding Moderate the main road through Thorpeness Council. Time Police Road safety Extend the Thorpeness 30 mph Parish Council Suffolk County Funding Low speed limit to include Thorpeness Council. Time Halt Police Road Safety Build footpath/ cycle ways along Parish Council Suffolk County Funding High Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham Council Time Aldringham to Thorpeness Road Aldeburgh Road, Thorpeness Leiston Road, Aldringham 2 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Transport Street Lighting Review the street lighting in the Parish Council Suffolk County Funding Low parish so that it might be upgraded Council Time and where necessary Highways Consult with SCC to repair and Pedestrian Safety upgrade pavements in the parish Parish Council Suffolk County Funding Low Council Time Consult with SCDC on the matter of Housing Housing policy local and national housing policies Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Time High and their application to this parish District Council considering the pressures on land for 2nd homes and for housing for local people and first time buyers Health and Disability Access Survey the parish to identify areas Parish Council Volunteers to Funding Moderate with disability access problems then conduct surveys. Time Social institute a programme of correcting Responsible Services them organisations to make corrections Good Neighbour Establish a Good Neighbour Scheme Parish Council Volunteer Funding Moderate Scheme parishioners. available Suffolk ACRE Time Consult with the local Health Health Services Authority to ensure that the needs of Parish Council Local Health Time Moderate Provision the community are met Authority 3 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Support the campaign to, at least, Health and Health Services Provision maintain the availability and depth of Parish Council Time High services at Aldeburgh Cottage Social Hospital Services With the help of the Good Neighbour Scheme ensure the needs of those in Parish Council Volunteer Needs of residents with the parish with health and disability parishioners. Time Moderate disabilities problems are identified, that their needs are met and Social Services Social Services are aware Consult with the Police Authority to Emergency Policing make them aware of the perceived Parish Council Police Authority. Time Low shortfall in their performance and to Local Community Services establish improvements Police Officer Neighbourhood Watch Extend the Neighbourhood Watch Parish Council Police. Time Moderate Scheme Scheme to those areas of the parish Residents within not already covered the areas in question Anti Social Behaviour Consider measures to reduce anti Parish Council Police Authority. Time Low social behaviour, especially in Local Community Sizewell Police Officer 4 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Review the demand for indoor and Sport Sport Facilities outdoor sports facilities within the Parish Council Time Low Parish Social and Social Activities Support the development of new Parish Council Volunteer groups. Time Low clubs and activities within the parish Activities groups Entertainment Advice and Parish Hall Consider building a Parish Hall Parish Council assistance from Funding Moderate Suffolk ACRE Time Trustees of Consult with Thorpeness Sports and Parish Council Thorpeness Funding Moderate Parish Hall Social Club on the possibility of the Sports and Social Time hall becoming a community facility Club Volunteers. Parish History Conduct an historical survey of the Parish Council Local history Time Low parish resources. Suffolk Local History Council Install map and local information Information and Public Information boards at relevant locations in the Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Funding Low parish District Council Time Communication 5 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Information and Public Information Review the location and design of Parish Council Funding Low Communication parish notice boards Time Information Ensure all roads and streets in the Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Funding Low parish have adequate name boards District Council Time Parish Information Consider setting up a parish web site Parish Council Volunteer Group Time Low Consult with SCC to review the Mobile Library convenience of the mobile library Parish Council Suffolk County Time Low service Council Library Service Consult with the Parish Church Religion Church Use Council to see if more community use Parish Council Parish Church Time Low can be made of the parish church Council The Grass Verges Maintain grass verges in good order Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Funding Environment District Council Time Low 6 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required The Verge Damage Investigate ways to prevent damage Parish Council Suffolk County Time Low to grass verges by vehicles Council Environment Parish Route marking Ensure footpath and bridleway signs Parish Council Volunteers. Time Low are in good order Suffolk County Council Accessibility Make footpaths accessible to those Parish Council Suffolk County Funding Moderate with disabilities Council Time Landscape Ensure landscape features including Parish Council Volunteers Time Moderate features hedges, rivers, trees, fens, commons etc. are protected Protection of the Set up volunteer groups to work with Parish Council Volunteer groups Time Low Environment local authorities, environmental Environmental groups and other agencies to conduct agencies. surveys and monitor protected sites Local Authority. and the environment Charities 7 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Consult with SCDC to develop an The Refuse Collection alternative to plastic bin sacks for the Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Funding High refuse left by “weekenders” for mid District Council Time Environment week collection Litter Review the location and adequacy of Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Funding Low the number of litter bins in the parish District Council Time Dog Litter Review the location and adequacy of Parish Council Suffolk Coastal Time Moderate the number of dog mess bins in the District Council parish Litter Organise parish “spring clean days” Parish Council Parish volunteers Time Moderate Litter Organise beach clean days Parish Council Parish volunteers Time Moderate Footpath misuse Consult with the relevant authorities Parish Council Suffolk County Time Moderate to prevent misuse of public footpaths Council by vehicles and horse riders Police Identify the source(s) of nuisance and Nuisance undue disturbance and take steps to Parish Council Suffolk County Time Low control or eliminate them Council Noise Control Officer 8 Aldringham Cum Thorpe Parish Council Action Plan February 2006 Section Issue Action Lead Partners Resources Priority Organisation Required Youth Parish Council Consider involving young persons Parish Council Time Low Questionnaire Involvement with the parish council Community Encourage young people to be Parish Council Volunteer groups Time Low Involvement involved in community activities Support groups and volunteer groups for young people Changes in needs Monitor the changing needs of Parish Council Support groups Time Low young people to ensure they are for young people not ignored Play Areas Investigate the need and possible Parish Council Funding Low locations for a park or play grounds Time in the parish Open Forum Various Consider the list of issues from the Parish Council Time Low Open Forum and judge the Issues individual importance of each one for possible inclusion in a Plan update 9 .
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