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Gelttfcd Jfflmelhttq. I Clinton Independent Clinton Independent. RATS* OS ADVERTISING. 15T5I*" 1*] *Lt One week. (VuAly float ot (bn too Cwwtj. Two weeks Three OORBI tT E8TE8, Four Thr flu | Nlo* aaomho 10 Ui i l ... ... .■>*>. - Twelve month* 00 10 00 If U> !4 on 4M no **» III TERMS. lMlailMP(»U<«, |1 •&, la advance, fbr papor* Legal Advertiaeasents at sutota rates. mi Mil of iha oauoly, m4 fll-M) far Uu*c Ui the Marriage and Death Hot ices free. QOU4J. Bu.l oca* Cards, flve lines or nnder, flf per yea tW~ AH M(i«r* tor ptMicttka lot bo la hoa4 WMMdiji moraine to taoorv pabiicauoa U>o Loral Bo*(ness Notice* 10 rents a line for flr*t, ik. and 0 cents for sack aabaeqaeni insertion. •aid Haringsma, “and let u* talk matter* IULTU1 FAR VO. tlie rit» w ith a long pole, throwing brick year* by IBs llltnoia Ontrsl Kailrotid ( ompiu* Abont Anf*. the large head* have, in some instances, gelttfcd JfflmelhttQ. over. My |*e«q>lc do not wbdi tliy ruin; bat* at him. and on one occaaion went so LATEST NEWS Tbr MrlrrseUin* tbeot iwtty flK aerr* aad great I v leagthened Jaws; the smalt -head* tisele** to talk about tieginning to fast a* Ui *enr Id* liack with a red-hot iron. an tmm<’RN« real ciixw iawaatt Is amunir the In an iuu resting |*»|>rrUD<lcrtbi*heading they know iliou all powerful and hast It l* THR OLD WORLD. probabtlllivR. * have jawtt alway» of the ordiuary ah^j>e, I |hui this the defendant was discharged, SKLFISUNKSS. many alii*-* Send a flag of truce ;utd I 4ub**tter to-morrow; either brgtn to-day The celebration of tlie Fourth of July in Uie FojinUtrSfirnrt. Monthly lor July we but the two elaases are not sharply defined w hile the lady w as Unmd over to keep Uic On tho ujoruing of the IMh. as the Van bare some valuable information concerning will carry thy condition*. Tbwe ha* Dech oY say nothing about it. oa the Sth at ihe C‘ry*tal Pa U tc, Lundoa, *•• in structure ami Junctiou, exet pt in tw'i •talla |>a»aeu|ft-r trais, hatmd «•■(, stopped at Thoc parent tbutt of all the brood bl*s*lsh<\l enough, mighty £ullnu; Ut u* Wiiiui a man ha* a busing** that doesn't jh are toward the alligator and it* owner. Urgrlj attended bjr tb* Amrriran re*ldenN o the habit*,varieties and peculiaritiesofthewe spot ie*. In Uteae the jaws of the major Lon( Point, a lonely nation on the prairie In Or irtl traits that mar the good have imtce” that city. L'atted HtalvN Minister Schenek pre euriou* little creature*. Found through­ worker* are so monstrously lengthened Which b la au—developed first. *• The Na/flrene , weak* well,'’-fluid . INDINTKIAL. aided. Clark Cortuty. III., fonr men boarded tbe cara, out Uie range of l*»tli temperate and btrrid that they are uuahk to pertonn the duties Well may we Hate thee aa the a oral! Muslin, turuhif to Afetolbth. Id* prime detached the engine snd tbe Adame Kxpre** car. zone*, it i* in the tropic* that Uie Oiost of worker* and therefore act a* aoldier*. According to m Madrid dispatch of Uic jumped upon the engine and ordered the enirta«‘«r Deceit, auayik'ion, lual and ^reed minister. “ Send a flag of truce to arrange A Bokiirai 'X chemist has found that hy singular specie* al**ui)d. One of Uie All the eciton* hunt in large, organized Are all thy flowering*, baneful wvd! Sd Uea Joveliar bsd CRtabll^hed three batterlee lo pall oat. Oa bte rtfutal they ahot tum UtriHigh for an armistice of twenty-four hour* treating limber w ilh nirluireh d steam—that chief jiecunaritie* of the ant* U their *o- 1**1 ie*. but almost every s|M-ci* * 'l l* it- Moat erlmea that hare mankind d lag raced lx* fouu<l at any first el as* gymnasium. XX) meter* from t antadvleja. and that place *aa the heart. They then ran the enftto* about | r| ,| relation* The Na/arene shall follow with OUT condi ­ is,w ith steam having tuixul with It a small being vlgoroti*!/ attacked. The puettlon of (ien AaaemMing in cmintloas own a|x*cial manner of hunting. Mar to thy Influence he traced. A m sbam ) of Wyoming removed the two mile* out on tbo prairie, when they halted ninitittides. they are divided into different And vice, whate’er Ita aspect be, tion*,'* pro|**rtion of hydrix arboa vajx»r—the re­ lK>rregaray wraa crlllcal (its. C’am|»o* bad and attempted lo go through the expreee car. bat Among the rriton Irgifmi* Uieir i* no It was done, and the roar In the Dutch dandruff fmm hi* w ife’* hair hv ren oving (fla*se>. each w ith a *|xx:ial onler of dutirw division in elasmr ^moag it* workers, al­ Hath flrat Its origin in iUcc! her head, hut hi* gi-niu* won't l«e admired sult is an evolution of arctie arid and the Hoard all tbe avenue* for thr recapc of the Car- the u)ee*engvr, a Mr. Burke, barricaded the d<*ora camp subsided formation U'twef-n the fiber* of the wood Net ■ Into Catatonia and »arcea«fu!ty restated them until help came to fulfill, Ixit all working harmoniously to though the difference in size i» very great. When Harboring In the childish breast, Turning to his prisoner, llusha «nid : until he U well choked. of a peculiar gummy substance, which a definite end —the |* ‘r|* ‘tuatioo of the It live* in often plain*, ami it* sl ug and Hr wtsa correction uMUppreasari, The American rifle team left Dublin on from the train and they cleared out. Tlie rail­ “ N ;»/arct»e, art th.»u acquaint**! w itft* the Bminky A awikw * *at on a keg of pow- harden* by time and whieh ap|M'ar* to road rompany have of er#d * rrwssrd of $1 .•!*> for species. Tlo'lr communities consist of biU: are not very formidable. Tlie armi« * lliy hateful nreaencc bring* to light der in a |ffla«>ari gio«rj[ *tort^ xuci smoked the Sth for Belfast, Ireland. An immenee crowd mab'*, ft-males and neuter*, with generally This saddening and repulsive sight— cause id* my war wtih tin |*.*ple? ’* materially Increase the resisting power* of wit neared their departure. At B«lfa*t they were the arrest of the murderer*. It l*> •u*p«-rieit that consist of thousand* of individnul* and “ I ani ” > * 1 a digar tdr nui. The Am <U#i't Otmmence the material. When fir*t treated in this tbe Jamee brothers were concerned in the out­ two ami sometimes three distinct onler* of move in rather bn*a«l column*. They ur** A little tyrant, fickle, vain, until the p«»wder cxphaletl. entku*iaattcaliy received by th«* inhabitant* and ca*U*s t»f the latter. The brunt «*f the work Krjoking to give others pain, “ They want me tn remgmre them a* way the timlicr is so softened that it can tbe municipal autbontle*. rage Milo A me* a a# the name of the murdered <|Uiek to break line on Itcing disUirlxsl Uu bridled In Ua infant anlocn, the lord* and masters id my land, to pay a hui Had * is to tie the name of a new lie rolled to give it an even surface, or its man. •eein* to fall uj**n tlu,* wtirker minor*, and attack hurriedly an<l furiously any in ­ The father of Don Carlo* w as arrested while the worker-major seems to lx* a s«*rt Capricious, obstinate and in«»u— certain amount of money, to al*taiu from “settlement'' down at the New Orleans form e#u be allured to a considerable ex­ The count •>£ the fumlit iu the Treasury truding object. A spectacle that well may move jetties. at Hendaye, on th« frontier, on the Stb, and or of superintendent or soldier. trading in slave*, and to admit their Hundiedsof workmen are already tent bv pressure, thus renderfbfc' it capable raulta at Warhlncton has developed no deficit or Tlie eciton drcpanovKara Is one of th«- Our pity, but forbids our love. u/MMRU to *|K.ak against the prophet. Naz settled there, engaged in the Jetty con of tx'ing molded to many shaf*** which ried to Bayonne. One of the imsl inU are*ting of the commonest sixt ies of foraging ants and The commission appointed to draft a ditcrepanry except the $ IT.Oon parkago atolew American sjxeics i* the sauhra. or leaf- In youth thy baleful influence quells arvne, Wu cannot vutxnit tn tliese require­ st ruction. are at present only producible hy the some week* ‘•go. confine* it* ravage* to the thickest p.trl of ments. We were master* here long Iwfore vt action of cutting tools—the forms thus constitution for Hpain have concluded their rutting ant (Kntdoma Crphalotat), The the forest. They swarm up the legs <*f Each generous impulse, lore repels, “ Wit \» projier«ondlment fffir one s<*x The nationnl banks have Im-cii <*nlle<l tfc arve does a noble thought ariac thy (teople made tlwir api*carancv Ex- of iltf bird i* projs*r condiment for thr 1 given to the limiter in a soft stale l*cing re­ labor*. It wa»ktboMght at Madrid on th<> sth worker* of this sjverie* ar«* of three ord«Ts, the traveler with iucrtdible rapidity, each Ere hy thine upaa breath it dies.
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