Clinton Independent Clinton Independent.

RATS* OS ADVERTISING. 15T5I*" 1*] *Lt One week. . (VuAly float ot (bn too Cwwtj. Two weeks Three OORBI tT E8TE8, Four Thr flu | Nlo* aaomho 10 Ui i l ...... ■>*>. - Twelve month* 00 10 00 If U> !4 on 4M no **» III TERMS. lMlailMP(»U<«, |1 •&, la advance, fbr papor* Legal Advertiaeasents at sutota rates. mi Mil of iha oauoly, m4 fll-M) far Uu*c Ui the Marriage and Death Hot ices free. QOU4J. Bu.l oca* Cards, flve lines or nnder, flf per yea tW~ AH M(i«r* tor ptMicttka lot bo la hoa4 WMMdiji moraine to taoorv pabiicauoa U>o Loral Bo*(ness Notice* 10 rents a line for flr*t, ik. and 0 cents for sack aabaeqaeni insertion.

•aid Haringsma, “and let u* talk matter* IULTU1 FAR VO. tlie rit» w ith a long pole, throwing brick year* by IBs llltnoia Ontrsl Kailrotid ( ompiu* Abont Anf*. the large head* have, in some instances, gelttfcd JfflmelhttQ. over. My |*e«q>lc do not wbdi tliy ruin; bat* at him. and on one occaaion went so LATEST NEWS Tbr MrlrrseUin* tbeot iwtty flK aerr* aad great I v leagthened Jaws; the smalt -head* tisele** to talk about tieginning to fast a* Ui *enr Id* liack with a red-hot iron. an tmm<’RN« real ciixw iawaatt Is amunir the In an iuu resting |*»|>rrUDe, I |hui this the defendant was discharged, SKLFISUNKSS. many alii*-* Send a flag of truce ;utd I 4ub**tter to-morrow; either brgtn to-day The celebration of tlie Fourth of July in Uie FojinUtrSfirnrt. Monthly lor July we but the two elaases are not sharply defined w hile the lady w as Unmd over to keep Uic On tho ujoruing of the IMh. as the Van bare some valuable information concerning will carry thy condition*. Tbwe ha* Dech oY say nothing about it. oa the Sth at ihe C‘ry*tal Pa U tc, Lundoa, *•• in structure ami Junctiou, exet pt in tw'i •talla |>a»aeu|ft-r trais, hatmd «•■(, stopped at Thoc parent tbutt of all the brood bl*s*lsh<\l enough, mighty £ullnu; Ut u* Wiiiui a man ha* a busing** that doesn't jh are toward the alligator and it* owner. Urgrlj attended bjr tb* Amrriran re*ldenN o the habit*,varieties and peculiaritiesofthewe spot ie*. In Uteae the jaws of the major Lon( Point, a lonely nation on the prairie In Or irtl traits that mar the good have imtce” that city. L'atted HtalvN Minister Schenek pre euriou* little creature*. Found through­ worker* are so monstrously lengthened Which b la au—developed first. *• The Na/flrene , weak* well,'’-fluid . INDINTKIAL. aided. Clark Cortuty. III., fonr men boarded tbe cara, out Uie range of l*»tli temperate and btrrid that they are uuahk to pertonn the duties Well may we Hate thee aa the a oral! Muslin, turuhif to Afetolbth. Id* prime detached the engine snd tbe Adame Kxpre** car. zone*, it i* in the tropic* that Uie Oiost of worker* and therefore act a* aoldier*. According to m Madrid dispatch of Uic jumped upon the engine and ordered the enirta«‘«r Deceit, auayik'ion, lual and ^reed minister. “ Send a flag of truce to arrange A Bokiirai 'X chemist has found that hy singular specie* al**ui)d. One of Uie All the eciton* hunt in large, organized Are all thy flowering*, baneful wvd! Sd Uea Joveliar bsd CRtabll^hed three batterlee lo pall oat. Oa bte rtfutal they ahot tum UtriHigh for an armistice of twenty-four hour* treating limber w ilh nirluireh d steam—that chief jiecunaritie* of the ant* U their *o- 1**1 ie*. but almost every s|M-ci* * 'l l* it- Moat erlmea that hare mankind d lag raced lx* fouurregaray wraa crlllcal (its. C’am|»o* bad and attempted lo go through the expreee car. bat Among the rriton Irgifmi* Uieir i* no It was done, and the roar In the Dutch dandruff fmm hi* w ife’* hair hv ren oving (fla*se>. each w ith a *|xx:ial onler of dutirw division in elasmr ^moag it* workers, al­ Hath flrat Its origin in iUcc! her head, hut hi* gi-niu* won't l«e admired sult is an evolution of arctie arid and the Hoard all tbe avenue* for thr recapc of the Car- the u)ee*engvr, a Mr. Burke, barricaded the d<*ora camp subsided formation U'twef-n the fiber* of the wood Net ■ Into Catatonia and »arcea«fu!ty restated them until help came to fulfill, Ixit all working harmoniously to though the difference in size i» very great. When Harboring In the childish breast, Turning to his prisoner, llusha «nid : until he U well choked. of a peculiar gummy substance, which a definite end —the |* ‘r|* ‘tuatioo of the It live* in often plain*, ami it* sl ug and Hr wtsa correction uMUppreasari, The American rifle team left Dublin on from the train and they cleared out. Tlie rail­ “ N ;»/arct»e, art th.»u acquaint**! w itft* the Bminky A awikw * *at on a keg of pow- harden* by time and whieh ap|M'ar* to road rompany have of er#d * rrwssrd of $1 .•!*> for species. Tlo'lr communities consist of biU: are not very formidable. Tlie armi« * lliy hateful nreaencc bring* to light der in a |ffla«>ari gio«rj[ *tort^ xuci smoked the Sth for Belfast, Ireland. An immenee crowd mab'*, ft-males and neuter*, with generally This saddening and repulsive sight— cause id* my war wtih tin |*.*ple? ’* materially Increase the resisting power* of wit neared their departure. At B«lfa*t they were the arrest of the murderer*. It l*> •u*p«-rieit that consist of thousand* of individnul* and “ I ani ” > * 1 a digar tdr nui. The Am £ the fumlit iu the Treasury truding object. A spectacle that well may move jetties. at Hendaye, on th« frontier, on the Stb, and or of superintendent or soldier. trading in slave*, and to admit their Hundiedsof workmen are already tent bv pressure, thus renderfbfc' it capable raulta at Warhlncton has developed no deficit or Tlie eciton drcpanovKara Is one of th«- Our pity, but forbids our love. u/MMRU to *|K.ak against the prophet. Naz settled there, engaged in the Jetty con of tx'ing molded to many shaf*** which ried to Bayonne. One of the imsl inU are*ting of the commonest sixt ies of foraging ants and The commission appointed to draft a ditcrepanry except the $ IT.Oon parkago atolew American sjxeics i* the sauhra. or leaf- In youth thy baleful influence quells arvne, Wu cannot vutxnit tn tliese require­ st ruction. are at present only producible hy the some week* ‘•go. confine* it* ravage* to the thickest p.trl of ments. We were master* here long Iwfore vt action of cutting tools—the forms thus constitution for Hpain have concluded their rutting ant (Kntdoma Crphalotat), The the forest. They swarm up the legs <*f Each generous impulse, lore repels, “ Wit \» projier«ondlment fffir one s<*x The nationnl banks have Im-cii <*nlle sth worker* of this sjverie* ar«* of three ord«Ts, the traveler with iucrtdible rapidity, each Ere hy thine upaa breath it dies. eliangc of prisoners, and ’pcace *o Ton*r *« other. Is a Connecticut legislator’s way tained permanently. that it would be adopted w ithont erreotial modi- upon for a report showing th« ir ronditton on an*I vary in size from two b* seven line*. one driving hi* pincer like jaw* into hi* Jape 91. The true working cla** of a colony i* Thou rloMat what should stand apart, we are left alone —that is «mr lost word. Jf uf, Wtv ing ‘4 What is sauce for the goose is Tiif. Journal of Cknui$try point* out ft Scat ion . *kin, and, with the pureha.-e thn* <*b- The portal* of the youthful heart; formed by tlie small-sized order of workers. the Nnzaronoa w ill maltr peace on that sance for the gander. ” grave error in measuring the feet of women A Madrid dispatch of the f>th say* the T!ie Cruuptn >ller of the Currency wishes taintsi. doubling hifi tall and »winging it When charity or truth appeals, The other two kirnl* have enormously lutsis, they can return undisturbed whence for It nays: “Kid gloves, though A1phon*!*U had raptured CanU Vlega. to retire ell the circulatin'.' flve dollar note* of the with all hi* might And virtue for admittance kneels, they came.” A New Y ohk pn|x*r haa uiiorinalion following hanks: First. Third and Traders* Na- swollen head*. Tin* worker-minors vary The errand of the vast ant armies i* Thou and thine offshoots till the place, worn continually, never cause bunions, *hot that there is not one half the demand Geo. Itimmel, tlie champion pigeon tlontf Bank*, t'blcago; First National Hank of :r* ttlv in *i/«\ *ont*- l*eing double the Aud like 111 weeds ye grow apace. Harinjpuna skaal amazed, die km w unci tlie kid stretches to the hands; but plunder. Wherever they move the w hob- the losses which the Malays had sufTciwl; for .wala wot»r tl*M 'there was tw*«> or of Bnsland, wa* defeated at llrndon. England, on Paxton. III.; First Nation*. Bank of Canton, f>tilk of otiiers. The entire taxly i* of animal world is *< t in commotion aud three y< ar« lig^ Nflml yet, s«*U water in the manuflutlire of l*oi*. The harvest of thine evil fruit he knew that they were Erpiuhl My; Indie* ’ 1***1*. unyielding canvas is used lo 111. I'he national hank* iLron-hout the country *olid eon*i*teu« e aud of u pal** r»**!ili*h every creature trie* to get out of their way. In manhood, who shall e'er compute? but he knew as well that Yelden hao lost si-em* to fill a fluuW wwlcw rain water or The contest for the Mayor and citizens ’ have hoen requested to return all • ich note* to the brown color, borne of titeir domes or The main column, from four to ate deep, Thy haveat prompting* then control dish-water can ’t touch. line them, so that the h-idber is prevented mIiho M half his men and that the Rajah of from stretching ami showing fbc true *ha|*e cup at Belfast. Ireland, on the 7th resulted In Treasury for redemption. No additional feme* outwork* are very extensive, ladug forty more* forward in a given direction, < b ar- Tlw* mind and }ru|)araiie the soul; of thia denomination will he made to these yard* iu circumference, hut not more tlmn Sorrang wa* near at hami to aid his Tiik . stiUUlic* of Pennsylvania, Ohio and size of the f«**t. The font enlarge* thr ■urcea* of the American team ing Uie ground of all animal matter, dead For conscience, s'unted bv thy growth, banks. two feet high. The entrances are small countrymen in the impending a c* pc rate and Illinois prove the value to ixxiety of when liearing the weight of the Irh Iv , and The entirr Cnrlist forces have left Va­ or alive, aud ing out here and there l small for the f«*>t in tbe even An insurrection ha* broken out agninst ami carry my message. If thy chief ing, wa* seized with di/./.ines a and fell. 11a be­ the ground b* onu broad, elal**ratel\ w *»rk«-d grub* they bring lo light. They uttau h In age, man ’s thoughts not heavenwards A Chicago man met Gen. Sheridan last ing Women ’s feet are generally meas the Turka in llerargovina. agit*er, tleat art free to remain; if not, week and §aid: “4’Uiex up. IMiil—the iin-d in the air hut men * when they an* came unconscious and never ralli'«d. gallery or mine four or five inches in wasps' nests, tearing everything to Utters, Thou turnest, but upon his hoards. “thrtti art rifr pr1«n»ncr ami must return ’* Italy has decided not to partit ipale in diameter. These underground ataxies are regardless of the Injuriated owner- who The aged miser joys to think, war’s over. ” “Ain ’t so sure of that,” "landing on them Tlie high her!* in "lieinrn? ” n^kisl Haringsma. Phil said, with a twinkle in hi* eye; “a* thoCeoteunlnl Kxhlbitlon. and ha* ao Informed Tin: niHKETS. very extensive. There i* a tunnel uim 1«t an* flying about tbetn. Though oa eternity ’s dead brink. Indies ’ nc*»ts, t**o. cau*e them to 1*' always the l*d of the River j'amahiltu at a place Of wealth amassed by wicked gui*e. “ Wilt remain lieref Tlnm ean-t. Be­ long as a man's single he can keep out walking down hill however level the path tb* Government of the Totted Mtatr*. N ew Y ork , July 10.—Flour—White The Hfe of the eciton* is not all work, And o’er past cunning floats the while; fore the sun i* high the Sultan of Soerang of a fight, but when he's married lie's got i A financial crash i* predicted in N<»r Winter Extra fl.YS0O4.fin. W beat No. 2 Chicago where it i* as broad a* tlie Thames at however; they set iu freqw ntly to Is- em­ may be, thus driving the foot more and don Bridge. The lives of ants are tie Or if the selfish wretch his pelf. will la* here, and then woe to the Xaza to uke his chances. ” more to the front ** way In consequence of the *tagnaUn access to water, and they Tltts always takes place in a sunny n«#»k *' Got.i.y , can ’t that old woman run, IJi itf an industry is carried on in En lumber trade. In jteevish 'plaint and vain lament tell of it!” --fl Z 'tl.'Mt. Oris — Western Mixed. WfetiTsic. always ch«»n*c places where it i* lo l*c olt- though?” said an excited lad, a* a female • gland in the manufacture of candle* from The main ’eolumn of the army and tin- Ills few remaining days are spent. For a moment Haringsma was unde ­ Carlisle are continually pre-enting them Con» W.sitsrn Mixed, 7**2P>lc. Pork—New tained hy digging well*. An ant-well has branch column* are in their ordinary po­ form *|m*1 out of ihc archway and put j Bornean irgetable tall«*w—a vegetable selvr* to tho Spanish authoritle*. demanding' Item found twelve inch*** in tiiametcr at a Oh. let us from our bosom strive cided. He knew the Soerang honle# wen- Mess, f Cj. Dresai d Hogs t*Sc. Lard — MSc. sitions; but, instead of pressing forward on the march; he knew tin- di*al»h*d con ­ down the street after a l*»y who had material imported from Bonn**, and re. amnesty. C.’Rttie— Market lira.; 1.'*<81.1 *c for Ocvid depth «*f thirty feet. This evil prompter forth to drive. given her some “*ass. ” “Whew,” hr eagerly and plundering right aud left, dition ol \ elden ’* soldiers; he knew iliua. sembling tallow. In practice, this tallow The river'* Toque** and Orbiquct, in lo Extra. Hog*—Dali; f7.fiuR7.R*i. hbesp— When engaged in clipping and carrying And iet us teach our children, too, half whistled, watching the chase with is plw-cd in h copper Vessel, or a wooden they seem to be smitten w ith a sudden fit Each seillsh instinct to subdue, wmild la- a bloody figlit and a doubtful France. ov* ,tflowcd their tmuk* on the Sth. and in ­ Gold closed at 11&V away iramen*e quantities t*f leave** the of laziness. Some walk »low!v nUmt; eairrr ryes;** I gtieaa *he ’a on h whalin ’ vessel lined w ith sheet lead, and gradual- heat, growing with their growth, this fault issue. undated th* town of Lewirux. Several live* w< r* East Likkhty , Fa.— Cattle— Best, prot es*lr»n of ants look like a multitude of other bnij-h their anb nme with titeir l«*r« The harriers of the soul assault, cruiser’'-— Afrro'f Frte I*mn lv heated up lo ;V»0 degree* Fuhr.; after “I will go,’’ he said, ‘ and give thy lo* t- fr 4bdfl7j&; medium, flY7fi#t.(ifli Hop* —Yorkers, animated leave* on the march. They fret; but tlie drollest sight i* their clean ­ And, forcing virtue thcace to fly, this concentrated sulphuric acid i* added conditions.” D tkiko a recent IVtroit fire a young Switzerland was recently visitcil by a fr.r^VUft; PhU*delpbias, ST^^fiT.R). flbeep mount the tree* in swarms, each one cut­ ing one another. Here and there an ant The citadel should occupy. “ And return if they are not accepted? ” la^ly rushed up and down Montcalm street in the pn*|**rtion ot T’Jt) pound* to every ting a leaf with it* sharp. sci***>r like There should It force its baleful w ay six tons, and at tho end <>t als*ul tiim* tremendous rain and bail *t..rin The bail •lonoa flflHMl fli may lx; seen, stretching forth first one leg a-ked Masha. wildly shouting: “Save ’em—oh, save were of onususl *»ae. killing and wounding many jaws, and by a sharp jerk detaching the and then another to be bruahed and w ashed ’Twill rule with undivided away. ’em!” “ What i* it? Who? Where?” lenir* the talh*w is pnmjied into a vessel Chicago .—Wheat—No. 2 Spring cloned >iecc, which i* nl*»ut the size of a dime, — W. H. HarUr. “ And return. ” containing acidulated water, and agitated j person*. de*trorinc crop* and damaging mm h at ll.tatflUJ? cash. Corn —Closed » 70\c ft*r by one or more of it* comrade*, who jx-r- " Thou sw eart-t ?” shoun-d a man, a* he seized her arm^“ l* valuable pro;>erty. 1inch marches off w ith the piece it has o|>- form the taskbv passing the limb between anyone iKinfltiig tip?” “Not a* I know by free steam pacing through it l«*r , No. andSTqr for Urjrtlrd, coh, Oats— No. 2, Crak'd upon, the path they follow Ixrom- “1 r sweag -mv w<>ni i* vt'or no ’ The Carllsts have Uen again def at*sl at MBMV rob; Aagast options sold at 4Jc. Hye Uie jaw* and tlie tongue, finishing by y\\ THE It EM I.I S OF TIIE NETHER T ” Inrleetl/rhy w** aa swear­ ui,” she w .tiled „ “but w«»n't someone ai**ut two hour*, when it i* allowed to re ing smooth and tare like the imprcaaion Trevino, with n Ww* of V® killed and a larg. num ­ —No.X. MCbOfe. Barley —No. ‘i. #1 y~se The sul**tnn< -4 i» then distilleil in ( of a cart-wheel. Tho heavily laden work curiotia spectacle, and well calculated to a still from whieh the atmosphere i* cx ber taken prisoner*. Pork *P* ♦ ’V r. cash. Lard f 13.1 fltS.IV w«*nl thou g«a**t, u |m»d thy wool timn re- j No one dashed. ers troop up and cast tlieir burden* on tlie increase one ’* amazement at the dm Mari eluded, highly heated steam l*cing u*nTs phxing ty between the action* of ant* ami the iu is h*r this purl***!'. lntnxlucd to of Java, the city of Batavia was daily ‘‘Spare thy insult* to a prisoner, O ancient and venerable shojnier can remem­ choice fMuflt.4. a layer of earthy granules. Mr. Bate* w as must have lx*en brought about by different growing in importance. Adhering h» their Masha! Thy Allah la our God; Him we ber it to have ever l»cen before; partly l»e- the still. The diatilled pmuD'ta an* re dispatch from Prof Jeaney on the 1th, in whkh of opinion that the leaves were u*cd to processes of development of the primary reiveil in a condenser, nnd, when con he rop« atcd hi# fomvr •ino-mmt that. *n far. h* thab it the domes which cover the en ­ habit* in the old country the Dutch huilt adore as tlnm, only w«- cotuc nearer to cause the market ha* lieeu llmxled with FOREIGN GOSSIP. qualities of mind. The action of th* —• on the lowest land. and by means of canals, Him through Christ than thou through fancy fabrics, which the merchant* dare dcn*rd, ar*' U'« h I alone or mixid with had not found gold enoagh in the Black Hills to trance* to the subterranean dwellings ants look* lik<* simple indulgence in idle dug with groat lal*or, ’merchandise was Mahomet.” not carry over, and partly because of the other randl maf< rial* for making candles I warrAB| any extended mining operation* There Mr Belt, however, thought that they are amusement. Have tlieoe little creatun - Sicily l»a* 1,500 known hriganda, U*- carried to and from ita dewtination. B*v Tlie Malay's passion rose but for a mo general dullnc** of trade and the necessity »»r night light* of the l*'ltcr class, t an were fifteen mta«*ra near whcr<- he was earam|»cd u*cd to form l** d* for the growth of a then, an excess of energy, and do they * x- die* of an interior description are made who claimed that they obtained from five to fif *id« * n largv nutnlx»r <*f c hap* wh** *kulk tavia was already a central i»oint of rent- men!; to compare his prophet with the of raising money. minute fungus, on which they and their m u «I it in mere aportiveneaa, like young of thi* sulMance by dlspenaing altogether teen cents ’ worth of gold to a panful of earth *l«>ng the r**ad* and esteem it a duty to liien e with llindofllfln anil China. Thence Nazarene seemed blasphemy. After a few young live. litten*. or in idle whims, like rational Thebe seems lo l»e no excuse for i«lie­ with the process of distillation. The professor states that he had tested it st v«-ra! kill an Englishman whenever they can. Th* virihlc work is done by the small- I vessel* sailed, laden w ith spires and lea minutes ’ silence he tanned tn master his nees even in hard tinea, if we can only time* and could not tnako an average sf ov« r beings? and all the rich prudueta of tin* trooics, anger, and said, in a voice threatening by A Si ABvEMjtm piecp «»f mechanism, iiv It i* *aid the Carlist* caught a man, heads, while the l*ig head* are generally Ant* keep domestic animal-. The bring ourvelves to regard employment in the way of ch*cks, i* deacrilicd in the one aad a half cents per pan. lie descritx-s tbe Iuttlied liiut in petroleum, apt*lieccial role sweet fluid which the ant obtain* bv i ;i <«sv-going pliiloaopuer, who said: '‘Don ’t strument. witli dead-beat escaja'iuent main rata gold. thereof. They ha«l no ixrsonal grutlge of the big-head* i* the excavation of the Tim I ay ill* island* of Java. Sumatra. When Haringsma arrived at the Ocner- ! fret. !>•* a- 1 do. When 1 haven ’t got reusing the alwlom* n of the aphis w ith its Oleins*'and ]mrt of Borneo, with a t**pu- al’s tent he was received with joy. The laming |*>wer. It chiuie* the quarters, The Governor and Council of M ae*a- again*! him. n*-*t and in tunneling the galleries, laU»r* antenna*. Ant* also keep a variety <•! anything else on hand. I just keep busy plavs aixteen tunc*, plays three tuo*** every cbuaetU* h*ve decided that Pomen»y, the boy Tiik Ruaaian fJovemnient ajxn*!* an- widt h require superior strength anti U tter lation of nearly ttO.OUU.OUU, are under ..blast . of horn* . and Mound*. .. of drums, early , staiiding n*und waiting for a p**d t liancc beetle* anti oUter insect* in their neat*. In- Dutch dominion ; but in 1885 |Urt of the Uwl Du-rmug liH.1 UHl.,-,11«n « Winning |i(r|ltn iBg •• twelve hours, or will play at any time re­ murderer. ma*t be bung. nually $32,(1*10 f«»r carriage* in l*ehalf of implement*. deed, their whole sfxrial economy i* of a a-land of Java wn yet in puascfainn of of a w ild and relentless attack on the | e e e quired. The hands go round a* follow* : Tw’O rxrttrsion pmsaenger train* collided alngers at the St. Petersburg opera in or- Th* thinl onler of worker* i* im»*t cu- complex order. Nowhere is tlie division native chiefs under the title* of “ Sultans ” knud, aad tlie tin-d soldiers w»*re rtrtisx**! O bk of the m<*4 amusing things ill the one, once nj minute; one. once an hour; on the Wh near Far Kixkaway, L. I . on the tier to keep them out of the soow with riou*. In the middle of tlie forehead of a of lalxtr—which in mankind alw ays marks and ’* Rajah*, ’’ professing the Mahometan to fury by the capture of their l* lovcd world to jH*ople living on Uie Mississippi one, oner a week : one, once a month ; one. Month Side Railway. Ten excursionist# w..rv aramt toet aud clear voices. small numlxT of t olo*sal fellow's is n trim a high state of civilization —so rigid. I*e- ocfllu* or simple eye »*f quite different creed and anxious to maintain themselves chaplain; but Gen. Ve Idea had not allowed ! i* read the accouoD iu the Kaatern |»a- 1 once a year. It show* the moon ’s age; the kitted aud nearly thirty Injured. It i* recorded that M Tltier* once had Ing carried to the extreme of n physical ngainst the increasing dominion of Euro- this outburst ot rage if a timelv aid ot I* rs of *ix nnd eight |M>und caifi'h a» rising aad setting of the sun ; the time of Tlie Fourth of July wa* exten*ively hi* hat knocked oil hy some fixture* in structure lr»*nt tl»«* or*Unary compound modification • f great numl**r* of the com. high and low water, half ebb, and hall eye on the ride* of the head. Their s|*e- j* an*. Among them the Sultan <»f I'a- fresh tnx>|N» had not arrived the preceding large catchea. When taie of th<»*e Oriental celebrated throughout the country. SatnroavJ front of a ahop iu Faris, an«l he wa* *o tnunity for the better fulfillment ot their dangwag.*d a fierce and treacherous war night. Col. Wendel left Batavia with a journalist* lias been here and s»*en *>ne of fliw ml, and, hv a Isautiful eofltrivttMt, weir pleaded with the fa41 that he wa* t tall etal function is unknown. dutica When marking Uieir size we e».n- there is a j*art which repreaenfa the water, | Sunday and Monday —tha fid, 4th and Mi* Th** true female* are incapalde of at- upon the Hollander*. Ilia hand* of home- regiment«*f mu*ket*-er* and two compn onr l.'Ht-jxvund catfish pulhsl out with a the day* observed. for ome in Id* life that be often revisited sidcr the mighty character of the work* men were the terror of the planters, ami nies of cavalry. He yielded to the entreat little Niy, a dozen or two pofTbottle*, anti which rt*<•* and falls, lifting some shi|** at Chirago the *h<*p an It wa# thought Two unarmed youth* atlacketl a tiger of likewise on the worker*. Gr«;ii activity lives to gain the sensual paradise of Mo­ stranger in a strange country, sfio thought A i>\y or two since a clerk in one of the that other roads would soon increase their rates mo.*t frontier if man, or any »*tli« r order *»l i day of the month, month of the year, and iinmenae *iz»*. an«l w ilh the ait! t*f *<»iiie rt'igu* in an aut»* m st *>u the exodus of lt* unet. But the Netherlands with their herself safest near her brave hu-hand. and telegraph offices in town, la-ing the last to to the same figure. the vertebrata, is destined to remain lor- in the day of the month there i* provision other native* who came up. sdranghd tin* the winged individual.*. The worker* guns and blunderbusses made sad havoc submitted dieeffrilty to tlie dangsB an»l leave for his dinner, found the door locked According to a Gold*!x>ro (N. C.) IcUcr l*'a*t without u*it»g any other weajnsn hut ever the higher animal. of made for tin* long imd short month.*. It clear the PX«d* of exit, and show the live ­ among the maddened columns, and Sul­ toil* a marching tsdumn. a* is usual, but, as i* not usual,discovered of a recent date. Goorge Applewhite, tbe last of those given them !»y nature. tan Mu*ha wa* *»*»n forced to retreat. Hi* For many days the Colonel had followed that he had left hi* key in another cost shows the sign* of the zi*liac ; it * or liest interest in their departure. They are the track id the contending armies. unftJ i p,w ket i*n or three blocks away at hi* lur not, chime* or not. a* may lx* desired ; and the Lowery gang bad been arrested, after a des ­ A Rome eorre*j*omient deacrilica a re­ of large size, the female measuring two Detail* of the South American Earth­ stronghold. tlie l nuil of Horang. was perate struggle, and lodged In jail. markable suicide of recent occurrence nearly surrounded hy European soldiers, he n*Hch(sl catnp not long after the disap- tel. The w indows were two stories upup. • it has the conation table, showing the and____ aqU qnager inches in expanse of wing. quake. iiearanre of Haringsma IxH-amc known I ditien oce of cl*x k anil sun every day in Over 3,000 Indian* celebrated the birth- tlierc, which has caused much sadneflfi aad | l***iiiff not much more than half w ho, oven*unc by tropical heat and the and he did nol exactly the point of an N a*'Y ork July 4. fatigue of continual warfare while guard His arrival had given new energy to the the year. day of our country at Atoka, I. T., on the ith. An Iiorror among the professional nndartistic the size They swarm in vast numlter*. exit that wav. And even* minute his din- Roman*. The victim wa* the distin ­ Mail ad vires from BarntnguHla, l it i ted iug their post*, felt that a desperate sortie already excited spirit of tlie soldiery. An ner w aa growing cold and his temj*er cor- , educated Indian presided, and speeches were 1 but are so eagerly preyed U|>on by inmx- guished .luvara, an engraver of the high­ livorous animal* tfiat but few of the fe­ State* of Colombia, bring additional o< l would l»e hard to w ithstand. attack had ijuen imUKdistely reaf»)red np rftfljv'nilingly hot lie mttk*l the dr, Mn*lr a* Medicine. made hy white orators on, when the Bag m truce Interfeh-d f»r est reputation and a pupil of the celc- males e*< ape the slaughter to f*»un*l new counts of Uie destructive eartliijuake at “ I tell you. General.'* *ald Haringsma. tried to pick the lock w ith a shingle-nail, The additional circulation iviuxl during bmtoa l'anna engraver, Whi. He was Cucuta. Tlie story of the catastrophe i**rou- tlie army chnplain, the M'rond evening twenty-four hour*. The horse known what lie f*we* to hia enlonies. anil repeated softly to himself choice ex­ June aggregated fl.fl1fi.DB: legal teuder not "» de sixty-seven years old, ca*v in mean*, mar­ Resembling the sattlm. in l* ing vegeta­ firuu-d in all it* horrible details. A prin nfter their encampment, “ the men cannot Haringsma slated hi* iuc **nc , together tracts from profane history, hut Lhare he ltell*. The factory girl* have l*ccn in ­ posited daring th* *ame period, ad with the {vartieular* just narrated. lie n - ried tn a good wife and lived in a quiet, ble fend era, are tlie harvest ant*. These letter, »l»t<*l Salazar. May 2-’».f-ays Uu nuni- Iwar this long. I have l**en around and stayed and relief seemed appallingly re­ stinctively forcetl »nt«» ringing, finding in dittona> circulation Issm-d atnre June >•. 1974, orderly, old-fashioned way. On the morn ls-r of tbe dead to cnlculati-d at three-k hand- with the olfieer*. f'anTha«l it repeated to Detroit, Mx h., inu*ir. the health giver—w hat an untrod ­ •ame p« rtod. fP.*/7.nR; actual iucr as# of bank of cereals and gnawing off tlie grain*, who liosicged him w fth questions and con ­ in his private *tu«li«» ann liera of the ftoklicrn are lying down, and “Ism a prisoner, ” said he. “at the !'a< ific office here on Main *tr«*et. the re umler the stiinulu* of music? Have you during th«- year, forming the horrible act, and lias left a be obliged to retire, a* tlie putrefaction would not eara if die iufhlel* inode an end inert y of a men ilea* fiii after hi* key and bring it to hi* of eye *parkle, an alcrtne** and rlp*r take 1 sumption of th# rontmsnd of th** ConttafBtil that time. At H o’clock lie rut a vein in It to heart-rending to*ce tlie woundnl, win* Rather Irani. ” answ-cred the General, !f rot, I remafn a prisoner, nnd must |H*flae*si(m of the whole frame, and aui- has seen them in the act of collet ting re flee to release himr—B*faU Vomritr. srBiT orcnirrd »t ('»mt»rtdgr. Ma**., on Ihr fid. his f**ol and collecUxi the a (liah, seed*, and has trac«*l seeds to the grana­ can have no care, and w ho cannot remain ** after auch brave fighting to come to turn to redeem my plighted word. ” mation succeed to apathy? What doefl Ths city we ttaboraUdvflccsratMl, and #p#.* hrs. 44 Me ratehee one velly nice Cliina- then w ith a l»ru*h painted w ith it on the ries; he ha* seen them bring out the grain* long alive in their present condition such a pass! If we break up and retreat all this mean? It mean* a truth that we poerr.*. etr.. wrre made sail r**s4 t>y Fr«>f. !'<•*- The General gave orders to have a I wotnan nnd lually now. like Mclican wall, on a gnat larbwn. various sentence* to dry after a rain, and nibole off the radi- Four hundred mules were killed in tin* we shall never reach home; for I am sure jht »w>4y, J*m«* Ruserll LnwslU Oliver Wendsll council of war assembled; he thought - \ man, ” were the fif*t «T„I. uttered i h»" no ‘ faHyjrypqt. • |*"P “} at tlifien nt hour*, For instance, ony of j frVmt th'*# which were gennimiting streets, and, os there to no ouc to remove the Sultan of Soerang is on the lookout, hap* some concession* might lx: made, | i-aili. n wtio i nu rrd wilh v ‘f ” ”j, J' Holme*. CJor. Oastoa *n<( otb«?r*. In the e^entnc them, the stench to Ix'couiing frightful. well-dressed younf heath the city wo brilliantly Iliumin*l«-«l nnU statural* these* sentences wt id o’clock. With Their deprrdation* are of such an extent and will join Mush a as soon a* he lias a which. Ix'sitle* saving Hariugsina. would mean* that music atta« k* the nervous •>*- a serene an*l cheerful conscience I am Tlie village* **f San Cri*tobal. Tarina, chance. ” prevent a deadly fight and bloody struggle. I the iMilk-r otlb * this morning, h ailing by fio^ work* were rtl#|*ls>e*l- ' as must extux serious loss to cultivator*. tlie hand a young Chinese woman, whose tern direetlv, reaches and rouse* where t awaiting nty tleath.” Another is: *10 Texas ami Northern Mexico furnish a Ouastimo Capocho, San Antonio T.*b,»»« r a, “ Metliinks we might* propr»se such f Tli« council w a* riavly, and j‘l«ringsma phy*ie aud a change of air can neither ■ face wa* hall Uul iu a huge bandanna Alw>ut fljO.OHonnn w.*rtb t*f U»n«l* have o'clock. Death ha* not yet arrir«*«l. I rvmnrkubtc specie# in U»e honey-making S,an Juan *to Irttu, Rosario an*l San (’ay* term* a* would lead to pant.1' said liar- iiitro*hic< <1 to slate again the (imditiotb" of reach nor rotate. Music will a»>me day been *old by the Trrssnry IVpartm* nt nn«ler th« tano are completely destroyed. The *t«»r« - Ingama; “ami if thou wilt, I shall be the Mu*ha “Two bad Chinaman.” continued the now cut tlie vein in my antt. ’’ At 10:30 sints. The site chosen for their ntat is become a pawtfffil ami *»rkiv*w le«lgeut mount* to my head. G«*l pard*»n me, for |il ,-hhc .,—come from disorder of tlie nerve*. I The Wisconsin Stale Republican Con cred my reason. My Gtxl, what have I iiouM* remained standing, and monument* officers in council." Hocrang would la: then witli numerous 1 catf hce and runaway. Chinamaneatchee IIow many ill* of the mind precede tlie! They form two line* of defense, moving little woman, lake her l*ack to ha4l place. vent Ion met st Msttcuo on lb#Tib »nd nominated done! What a rash act! It is to** late, different way*, their wareli being always in the cemetery were thrown down and “ M< antinie,” said Haringsma, rising trnnjM r” } Hhe naollv me. me mallv she. How you ill* of the I**dy ? Boredom make* more lion Harrison Ladls tftoo. of Milwaukee. forGo*. however, to repair the evil. I w ill now many of them removed a considerable dis ­ “ Ho much the Ixiter!” exclaimed 0*1 along thrnr -id* * of a square; one c«*luntn from hi* seat, “ I shall noike a round In Mel ban way? IIow mu |i4>u>U tluu fever ; w ant of inten*»l and , emor, H. L Eutonfor Lieutenant -Governor lUn# put an end to myself st own. ’' \N here utoviug fr»»ni llic south* a*t to tl»e south tance front U»cir original site, in Ihirtv the camp. There are m»me who will not Wendel. “ We can u»ahe an end *4 the rXriteim lit, stagnation of tin* emotional B W%rnvr for Heeretnry of *l*te, 11* nry B**' t* for upon it seem* that he took a revolver anti second.* the rity of C'ltc iita waa eonverted two—my 2.UH11 men are worth 2mWs» c»f The fond imir were emoftad to the Count? wc*l corn* n* <*f the fortification, wrhih the the morning sun. In an hour 1 will , Clerk’si>fn« «',« marriage license prowurMl. fife, urftis fatinueof overwrought emotion SUtr Trsstnrrr. John K B*nnstt for At- shot himself In the mouth, which killed «itber proceeds in tbe *rt Gruhain f"? Hu- him instantly. V|>on entering U»c studio Most of the m^t* lie to the •M»tnh, tlie Mow resulted in the death of more than “Gentlemen. ” said Harimr^mn, with joung men and women. Can we doubt the e. w, I Alaa! It wa* not to be ao. The kind i>»uwert>f music to break up that *t.tgnatii*n ? KKey# was elected Chairman of thr Mste i man dead, sitting in an arm-chair, holding soldiers. In ca*e of an rneniv approach sand* who were *eriou«lv wounded and answer? ” wh # afraid to lake Ins britie away w ith him . . _«... u. _ ___ r.intl of mercy. Many w»w encourageti tor fear that her late ow ners would1 kidatnkidnap 1 ”r» again, t an wr doubt it* power , r,llr*j ( „mnu;tee. Tt»< platform *i'P«asii the revolver in one hand! The bloody inir, a ntimberof gimr»l* sally fortli to n»ect bruised. Great numbers of hacienda* “ It is,” answered Gen. Yelden ; “ and soothe, to recreate an overstrained emo­ President Grant * letter relative to the third u in ; hy hia cheering wtiftl*: many went in her, and she wa* sent to the Chinese inis- w ritlng on tin' w all t<*l tional life by landing the !*ow the other other in *<* is an*, if they r»mie 1«*> near the houses in the country overthrown, leaving said “ Fsf 3/<*ym ltominir.’* 4 who never to-morrow morning they may la* ready. ” w ay ? There an* nttaxl* of exhausted the policy of International arbitration: fn%«*r* • l*'»t. Wlilte Tarlatan Dre**e*. hive, savagely attacked, am! the dead Uie people homeless and consigned to saw the morrow. Al*sorl*d in what to fifled of that,” wa* thetlH *!"\v , tun feeling in which certain kind* of musk tariff for reveaot; advocate* th# gradual resump Ualie* spts-dily rentovisl from t)»e neigh* ertv. Many of tbe tree* were b>rn ui b\ him was his life work, tlie chaplain not reply. “lam the me**engt*r, annate an»l mtt B**cb*r ’» itltrj to $ 100,00c i ror tho. It to thought the Government will blue forget-mc-mas. The silk skirt is of squares about om-quarter iiu li .-m ps-s, and as a prize of value they brought him HaringHnuapAhxl. Hi* habit waa simple, and the good monk* steal sympathy,ihv. willwifi partly be your guide, The Mlnne»o(a Opposition HtaU? ( on tbe end* of tilt Web Iteing bsICOfd finnl)' apixunt a sclentifl< commission t«» Invest!- to the kraal. “ Don ’t let her know. It is hard, a lit­ took him for one of thr royal foresters, but experience must dixidc. I^ct some merely a foundation fi*r the tahlirr a»*sfble real for thee fi* 8o he paaard the night in And the hero left tbe amazed council. {lookedooked on witliwith an appropriate smsmile at the self. Tula wdl happen i “ l>» not P'Y er. J. W fl*nc*rboi ; flerretary offltste. Adolphus C’aUtedral to it) ruins. ’' longerion «»n the left side than on the right— Tlw* wtirker* pcovkia tU* iu a Ui* * eonatant anxious prayer, until the moraine sun With steady f^fit he walketi umler escort hearty ru!y, I would give 11 am{consist* of easy fold* draped r«« arose and cast iff fleam of light over the of flag and aofldtar* until the gab s <4 the Hi* Grace wear* tne out. I cannot bear it;it;"” or, “Tea | All4||lor x Do^aa; U*rk of the 8upr*m* Cnort. the silk, trimmed w ith Hut*long garland*, ppxc** anaiogou* to that of the bee, tner Parrn to President Perez. dat»*1 Hiteant dark and gloomy bmal with it* mud walla kraal orw and *hnf am f lfltn; your master the half of my rrvenue* for no A. A. McLeod. Th» name ” l>ero«*cr*tlc to-pohll- tnanga. May M, afiya: “The earlhipiake* were ned —king that ‘ l)u bi$t 4%e HuA,’ and aftae j pliw wl quite far apart and arranged diag «*»overt iu Ui biHiiy. I b« huoey t* ntm h and narrow galea, B»en over tbe «urrouad When in tne afternoon the far off Intflc good an appetite.” Three aay* pa*»ed; that ftttuat bear Meuilcbaohn ’* ' Notturno/1 cm" wa# adopted. The platform fRv«*re *p*el* ocoUy. All that part of thr akirt that is sought after by t»e Mexicans who mK omtinue. I^a*t night tlie ( atliwlral in the aldxM was suddenly arrested in the ing brush, where could be sren here and sounds and dnmu of the approm huu; out of ths ’ Midsummer Night’s Dream pe> m*ut : a urlff for revenue only; tfi* legtelative n<»t covend lrythf* apron bs* pb at.ngs ex- ( only um - it a * a l>a^ ffticlc «»f food, hut Pamplona fell. Groat alarm prevail*. there the tenia of Veldcn ’* much reduced troops of Soerang were heart! it was diffl. King’* name, nnd hurried to ike Tower, anti Uien —and then —wtial | must come control of carporattone. e*e ., etc. tending from tlie belt to tbe foot; down I ascribe to it gnmt lieaEntf ppqwrtWw. There ii great devastation throughout the UDf. culfl to restrain tb< Dutch soldier* from w here a iflet of bread fnd water wa* as- next must be left to Uie tart and quick Gen Fmarto P Blair, Jr., dte»l at hia the middle of the back are clustera r»f long The worst jmMCtpeat of tropical A mer. Valley or Cucuta.” All at once there wa* a roar of drums assaulting the kraal. But Gen Veldcn •ignedliim. Tbe e»d of tlie story may be sympathy of the musician. J have known residence la 8|. Lonle on th* tilght at the Rlh. lo**p* of white gP*» grain ribbon about two . ica is U*e U mbk nrt^anT. wlios#- ” ,n * l% A dispatch Bo Provident Perez. fp*m and horns in the camp. From the prison kept hi* word of truce and employed the imagined. Before a month was over the rase* where art torwf of th to treatment did i|#d flfty-thrre. inche* wide. Tim low. nmod, cloaeflttlng 1 likened R»ri»c puiuiuroot a nal-hot needh (*liina<'und* alive, or avenge him if dead. .UihhornI»plrlt to conquer or m di. nr.' from ID appearance An alligator was tender human uae—Good Words. held la that city oa the third Wedaeaday ta No- the whole aoil ia nmtermined by it; the (‘hi'iuif.'iuim. of M.jr J*. Of*: "Thr Two rough Hiking Malays took hold of ▼adsd all ranks. t Itaae, ami has it>wa of flnclv^rlinped lisae shoiAs are repeating—two last night and once the rauae M a curious case being at top and IxKtom . the »ieerea are half- ground to perforated with fjo* entrimrm to llaringama and dragged him Into the Tbe *nik gl» ara# long and Mw-h I , triad at New Orleans A young lady A t a dinoer-party recently Rivex* in Prof Jenney Mya tlie aoil in the Black their aiilitnTanean poaaxge*. hornet arc one to-da '. nierels great alarm among troRM of SvHan M - Malay* an^w their xuperiorirv in numbers long. ami ara puffed w 1th three row s of the peopfe Appchto for help were lx ing brought an action against a neighbor for Ia>nrioa hy Mr. Lowe, «x*difldcellor *f Hills reft on I* sJsslrsHlj Msptefl ha sertrnwnfwl riand reaat. "I kneel before none but with a few trusty follower*, and ths Rajah ta* *t». with to* hooatlon at maklaeaa «•«*•H roraage. ending low down on the left hip, —Zo4 hariah L Jamisoli, a Sett** * In wtoaewi eoanpeiied fto do aa. she wa* In surdity of fl tn*o wfcc had pc property mrtf# to tha Aitontt-' coast. Owing lo IBs |*<»r thu* making f»mr diagonal vine* in tne are carnivorou* and hunt in '*■• armiaa, Allah." rMjgiit of Soerang was forced to surrendor. and fear of her frfk. The iefrndant. who Ivad whatever gravely declaring that he en ­ exciting terror w henrver they gr*. dian more than atxty years old. sustained “ Thou art right for ooce, 0 Dnbe for tbe time there was an end of blood- quality of fas. aftor Hein* up «Bfo* hwsr*. thov front of the dffili- The wide belt to throe nt a recent meeting of tbe Proabytcry of dowed hia oride with the whole of kto poo- \ma4a4 twoatjr-right odlos sooth ri thrir riartlaf brood hlgno. In Liber tt m nection with tbe »afe burglary job sod | OF Tllk ..•uigagee, M pegr kftg. un wbn-n m -Mgag* ther* THHBIDA Y 4JULT 16, 1876. other shameful transact loon, hie friend* I • A K l>- is eirusaed te be due at the date .4 tbi* mdb-e. ih- tew of oee hundred and twenir-l*mr4*>Uor» boasted that he was ouly expelled from with interest ml tOgrr sen*., twite *n 6i«sfWi mAiBi m aiuiMim. one depart meat of the public service to , F'NrlMf te / .u fee ..f thirty 4*Rnm, sMpetiilsd In snid m**ctgag. Make wo Mistake. to he fete ftkoaU n mj prnnsa d ingi he tehee u be given a better place m mother. It j fwwlwrwftiiff liter mte ao #et« oft law nr ia has been said that LaaJauUt Williams! •unity having hoea insUtnted to moovnr *#'##»• ,l 1 l.r debt secured by ^aid 11 nfga*. Men irovided the di^gract-.l detective will) a ul i*l« in said fucralivu berth in the Department of Justice. If this is true, we can hardly nLrrtc eAccK.«tci\v * I i " ft I HI ft, at one o'nbs:h U ih*U afternoon. A oorrtopondeftt vritiac to the N«w bslievs that Attorney-Genera! Pierre- ' Tlte HMtllr 4'rreh Wffftwite oj the Cewfl Meuse of Cliaftoa York Boo from Wool Point, Mm, pout will be disposed to keep a man io e<.uiit>■ Michignii.M». bu in the vtllnge of Nt. John*. 10 •aid oounty, tl e will be sold at puklie teuda - uDilor dole of Juoo 28tb, oojro; 11 This Governincut employ as a reward for johns mioh to tbs highest htdftec. the premise* in •#»*! utoti State has boon under the role of Kadi suoh services as those whieh commend­ L. HALL & Cl's VIBRATOR »T. , . gage dsst-nbed. vis:' » oiutaeui iug at a Point forty rugs warn and ftfteen rods south uf th* cals for the pool tea years. Up to the ed Whitley to the favor of Williams. IS Tilh Pl.At'K TO SPY r»ortb -east surasr *4 th* south east quarter of th# •oath-east quarter, sm-tiou ftfteen, in Ufftfthip beginning of the present year the tend­ Tie InprUeettf Iwfoalatcrera. sis lij north uf rang* two Ctj west, ta Miehtgan ency of affaire had been downward in running theuce north ftfteen rods Ur th* mirth Mr. Logan, one of Joseph Loader’s Tkresker, SeparatorACleaner, This setablishmenl nhlch hat 6eeneb4e«* some t lias of the sard o.yib4 *0*1 quarter of th* south- erery point of view. The State debt tlms, owlug to th* fsilnre of O. W Barker, ha* ill _ of section ftftesn. thence weal nloug lawyers, yesterday applied to JuHties l«4n pure base. I Ky Jffessrs. \xn I A Wise, and no thirty rods, thsan* south slg aoJ has been ran from a few hundred dol­ Gilbert in the Supreme Coart io Boots A Manutartmed by Nk-heie, HhrpMd a Battle every department will be operated by competent one- half rod*, thence in n direct line to the pines lars far np into the millions. Brooklyn to have the bail of bis client Creek, Mb-h and 1 borough merhautce, thereftnre. they are en ­ of beginu 1 ng. together with »be water-power on abled ti- nffer unprecedented advantages in reepon- NEW •aid land sod the right ef Aownge connected When the ut grwi first began to vote fixed at lens than $5,000, the amonot The guestbma ef aimplb ity, durahiiil), ease of slhie nr essH-pnring pafrnns therewith. 'I>nte«l Jane Uth. 1*73- ni * nni"-'* “ , ease| andiim t-brapnr*.rbenpnes* ofu repair are W1LUAM K. MOOKK. Mortgagee. they were marchjd to the polls. The? designated by the District Attorney. Shoes. •olred, and IU grain saving qualities supeilnr to j oM fiihi: tiLh. j*cf.urrcvTii farmer's grain | voted in battallions, their votes being He acid that hia client could obtain all. This Marline cue the fs been made in the conditions of a certain from the large wastage *0 InevitaMeIneilUd-ir with nlhrr • Mmortgage csccnted October 7th, 1ST*, by Lnhen J. hsndod them by the party leaders with­ bail in a moderate sum. Justice Gil­ kinds. The BlaeksMithlng K\er**i and Martha J. Everest, bl* sals, to Wil­ It ia adapted to threshing FURNITURE EMPORIUM! liam B Everest, and rororded October 7th,lfl72. in one foot of the ballot box. , bert refused to take bail iu a less however, has risen in the politieal seals amount than the sum named, and Load­ OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE llavir>«rsiNovedourstock of FnrnJmre lo the PUmstendc-ernev, w« aek the ntMntlen of tbn ,ubl| In the offlre of the Register Deeds lor Clinton I .<*••! DKPA IITM KIST to oei large rnrietf of coast). Michigan, iu Ubrr #7 of mortgage*, on in this State until to-day a negro fills er still sweats in Kay mood street jail. l imn, Tiinsih*. Wet brain, ap Ufton which mortgage ther* Is claimed to kirnnr , e due at the date of this uotlee, the inn of two the Governor ’s chair. Gov. Ames be­ The Grand Jnry adjourned vcNturday AND Will be eoM«lueie>l by thundred and thirty live dollars and seventy-five -ent*. with internet al seven per rent , besides an ing absent, Lieut.-Go?. Davis, colored, at noon for the day, and made no pre­ And wherein all other mar Mat-# are defeeti*#. attorney fee of forty dotiais, stipulated In said is acting Governor. He is noted as a sentment to tbe Court of Suasions. Increase profits to farmers and threshers be* *u*e • mortgage u be paid should any proceeding* be oftbmr facts Csll on -*s taken to tore*lose said iaoit*age. and no suit 4*dt N° 01 KV KHY DEMCIIimON tier is hereby given that o« the SOlIl daf •> son accused oi the brutal murder of a JY. r. Nun, July 10. Ht. Johns, Mleh., for rirculars and price lists. Jwlp • I SI ft* at *m* o'clock ia the aftemoo* CAM. AND O US Threshers do not bll te eall before you buy. HORSE-SHOE INC To which we areoenetantiy adding at 1 he Weal front door of the C ourt Mouse si widow. Tbs (X>nrts are of little effect I Clinton county. Michigan, In the vU:r«» of St. Feed D ocolas , in his Fourth of Ju­ while Davis is Governor. Last year ha i Johns, in said <»>UBty, there will be sold at public ly speech at Hillsdale, near Washing­ We Sean Mtsalttene. \\ ill lie made a spe.-lallt with them, as Mr. Lott | ) vendue te the highest bidder . the premises in said pardooed about twenty-five peniteutia- is conceded by all who bar* tned bint, io he the . New Styles of Chamber and Parlor Suites. mortgage described, vlt : The South half of the ton, spoke of that clam of individuals I most competent snd enrc-eafnl slmer in 47llnlo»i South half of th* ftonth-west quarter, section Ty convicts. Ames is very little bet­ c<»uniy ; while Mr. Wise ba* an envtaM* reputa­ who bavc.beeu doing a fat business in I, HALL * CO RICTURg FRAMINC A SPECIALTY. < w< idy-00*. »n Utwnehlp eight North of Man«* one ter ; be cares nothing for the State, tion as s carriage ironer. 'Year, t'Hntou eouaty, Muhigan, according te the tramping about the country asking as­ Uoverumeat survey of mid section. The shot* Johns. lwtEPsW save the money he makes out of it. sistance in behalf of the “poor black ST. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO. •ale will be made *ub>eet to a further pat incut en He is here but little of bis time. 441 if said moitgage not vet dua —Dated April 2ft, IF76 people of the South,” io this wise May Ikth , ls73,- 344 Wn.LlAk B XVK.RX h T. Mortgagee W K Monas, Alt') for Mortgngne, Nine-tenths of the crime in the State ‘‘They are lawyer* without clients, broken«k>«n CBOCKEBY .■! » "■ i* committed by negroe*. In one minister* without church**, wandering M*rhrr« ffRTBABK BALK. I)cfa«li hnvtnr without schools. Thf) ar* growl beggars. They I teen made in tbe rwndlito'i* of a cer'siu county court four murderers were sen­ have lha gift of begging Sown to a Meaty . They THE WOOD-WORKING Mmortgage elecuted July Slat, |»72, by XHiabeth tenced to be banged last month, all ne ­ ar* great at getting out circular*. Th#y scatter RARE CHANCE j Parker, (only surviving heir oi Dinah Kahy, late of them broadcast over the land aa loaves before au­ Clinton county, deceased,; to Wm F Mourt, and groes ; in another county eight Here tumnal galea. If yog are worth anything, they 1)KPA If I'M KM’ A Ugui will And oat whom you lire, and if you never got a ister of I >reds for Ctiuton eouniy, Michii u, in sent to the penitentiary for ten years letter before yeu will get one now. Follow citi each—seven were colored, one white. xena, we must atop the**- men from begging for u*. Will be earned en Hy ro >1 AKIi MOYEY. | gage there I* claimed to he doe at the date rof thl* They misrepresent ua and run the country to lock notice, the sum of two hundred and ftfty.flv* dol At the February term of the Circuit upon a* a* a poor and helpless people. They my, l*r* sod fifty cent*, ioc admg sundry tales paid, Court of this county thirteen negroes * Planar give something to help to educaU the poor with Irteieet at ten per cent , legos an aiUwne) black people, bnt do, I pray, pay It to me.' And KELLOGG fee sf thirty dollars, stipulated In said mortgags to were sont to the penitentiary, moat of if It ia a hundred la red need to about a O te paid should any proceeding* be taken to 7efV hundred cent* when It gets to the ‘poor biaek peo close said mortgage and no suit or proceeding at them for five yeara, for stealing cotton. pin.* We do not want, we will not hare there see Who has heals iars, viiurrlence in this branch, law er tu equity baying been instituted lo recover Ooa of the thieves was an Alderman ond rata men begging for ns. W« protest against and who bo-1* ronftdent ih*i he ru .to work which any part of the debt aeruit-d by said mortgag* , IL- *11 pi-•**•• and prwre pmfftshle to his «-u*toiuer* Terms Positively Cash! Mow, therefore, t) virtu* of the power of aair It, of this city. ll»e County Treasurer, a JtlHHIX. in bl* line will b# prunrptly aMend said inorigagr contained and of th* statnte in Mrh colored divine of the Baptist persuasion, —Another stock of thorn beautiful *d tn <-ane made ami provided. Notice Is hereby gives that on the Oft ft 14 dUV Wf ft*plsnk*r« IftT:, was also implicated. embroideries and edgiugs, cheaper than at one u'eiork In the afternoon, at the West front ever, just received at Stephenson ’s. 0. door of tte t'ourl lions* of Cltnioe eeunty, Mich: • | Many negroes are losing confidence gan, tn the village of St. John#, la aafcf county, in the Kadical leaders here and are &cn. can ' The benior member ol the oldent aiul moat reliable business there wlil be aold at public vendue to the highest BUNDAY house of St. Johne, wiehing to dinpoae of htfl half interest in bidder, th# premises In aeid mortgage deecrsen bed. joining the Democratic party. There viz: l^>isftan<14. tn Block 114. In the village Of has been a Urge immigration of negroes COMMERCIAL. lias now on band a larg« and varied assort me ni of SWEEPSTAKES THE PAINTING the well-known firm of St. Johns,Clinton i-ounty, Michigan.—Deled June 30(h \iT.i. WILLIAM F MtXiRX • the best brands of from other States in which the Demo­ ST. J OH US MARKET. crats have carried tbe day. A promi­ DKPABTMKNT yaoilfeixIET n-ai * ofsf Micntg-M .<-aig .< nent Radical lies io jail here to await l*rlcea for Faratrs'Fradacia. County uf Clinton, *• At s scanton 1 of the Maple Sugar...... Io <4 If robate Court for thsconnty ofCilntoa holdenat s him for obtaining money under false Beeswsi per lb...... 26 W 00 thousand eight hundred and arvent j-fly*. Present, Joel H .Craason .Judge wf Probate. pretences. He went to Alabama last Batier per lb...... Ik <4 17 Tl»e undersigriol has a!*>> procure*! th* sale of , This lirrn will, for the Barley per ha...... <4 1 )ft In tbe matter of the Estate of HENRY ti th* Old Reliable Hweeetaiakes Thresher, manufac ­ NA<41 IlltOS j THOMPSON. In-ceased. On reading and •*!>« fall, after tbe election, represented him­ Buckwheat pei 100 lbs ...... ruo 4 ] tured by Anliman A Co.,Canton, O. The Hweep- 14 30 Of ||»e rue*I desirable pwtlera*. the pet it Ion, duly vcrlffe*!, ef John G Thompson, self to tbe negroes as an immigration Clover *#*<1 per ba...... Aug S ! • takes la too well known to need any 1ntr«yducth>n. Executor of the last will of said deceased, pray ins Corn per bn ...... 66 qr ok 1 Call and etamiite prices and term* a^ent, and sold many poor colored fam­ Cider per gal...... mu w u) Who, Ilia well-known, air promluent among th« I that hi* first and final account may be sett led anu Carrots per ba...... td <4 au test palmers In Norlhem Mlcf.ig«u< allowed. ilies out, broke up tneir homes, and Dressed hog*...... Q ft <« u uo NEXT T hereupon 11 la Order* d . Tkat Moi*day, the pi day of August, 1176, at ft o'clock in th* furromi , gare them spurious tickets for their Dressed chickens per lb ...... la w 12 . be aasigued for the bearing of said petition,and that money. We have many new and ex­ Dressed turkeys pet lb...... 12 <4 13 I the heirs at iaw of said deceased, and nil Kggsperdoi...... 13 a 14 ▲ superb alosk of other per so ns interested i naaid estate, ore reqnir cellent citisena among us from Ohio, Hams ...... I* (4 tiu Sell goods at the following very Low Prices: *d to appear at a session of said Caart then lo te Shoulders...... Io (4 uo who are delighted with our soil, cli­ liar per ton...... fe 00 iglioo k old# u at the Probale Offlo-.ln tbs village of St Glass-ware Johns, sad *bnw cause, if any ther* be, why mate, and facilities UIdes,trimnisd per lb...... * w 0 THE Men v tiu* Drew* Suite for...... 120 00 worth i the nrs> ev of th* petitioner should not be granted Honey perlb...... II ig lo And it is Partner OrdereJ, that notice te given t«* Tbe future is brightening for us. flop* per lb...... 30 <4 2s “ Cftmituere Suits for...... 10 00 worth and 00 the persons iotercste*! In snid «»*lnte, of the Hickory nuts per ba...... 1 6« 14 3U6 8 00 worth >g' The Democrats are organising in every Lard per lb...... I* W uo DKPARTMKNT “ CftHaimer** Suite for.. ! denry of said pet It too and the heating there- »> county in the State, with a strong ho;ope Lire hogs per loolbe ...... f M WOW “ Far Htlff for...... 2 00 worth ()0 1 causing a copy eft hia order to be published In tb* Oat* per bu...... ie W *0 Stone-ware. ' into* Independent, a newspaper printed ar. : of success, they have carried all tbe Will be n«**.aged b) •* Fur Hftte for 1 50 worth •*»* J tinted in said eouaty > f A lston for lh» » Oatoaeperbu...... 1 Mi (4 2 02 ,11 [ etasive weeks previous to *ald day of hearing chief city elections this year. The fell* ...... 60 W 1 00 Alwa>a on hand, and 44 Wool Huts for ...... _ 1 00 worth * JUKI. II 4 RANroy Jndgeof Probate Potatoes per bu...... HO W 1 00 N l 25 and 12 00 worth $2 00 *ud DU I (A true copyi 461 > crops are finer than ever before sinoe N*w Pot*toe* ...... 1 00 W 1 2k Ladieft’ SbftuU for ...... tbe war. The acreage of ootton is lar­ Tallow per lb...... 6 <4 • Ladie* Conu*tft for ...... 45e and 75c. worth 75c. and oo pHOIMTI oiiniK. dints ef Micm Tarcipe per ba...... oO <4 uo AT LOW PRICES. TRIPP ... _ I |)A. I I sen,count) of Clinton.**. At n seseiosul ger than that of last year, and that of Walnatsperba...... 76 W 1 00 White Pique* for...... ‘20c )»r'l *°rth •* C the Probate Court forth* county if CHaton i« Ht. Johna. April 22d. l»73 _____ 33ft ...35c. p«-r Yiitl worth 50c. den at the Probate Offlrg. ia the village of grain is over one hundred per cent to 2a tnebee per rord...... 1 00 W 1 to And s>l work entrusted to hi* rare will te prompt­ White Pique* for Wool...... 3* W 4* f ns | .-j | Johns, on Tuesday, the fbk day ef #o*r, Is ly and aattalartortly dun* Nutblng but th* beat -«»C. per jrwr« 1 worth Oi 1 «c. thsyear .netiioussn *1 elgh’ hundred sudsevsM » greater. Rye per bn...... 1ft 4 00 material will be used. 4‘<0 Via tori ft Lftuoft f«»r ... - wl» * - — Wheat- Extra pet bo...... Out) W 1 17 MILK I5c. per phir worth 25c. I “ No. 1 per bo...... 0 Mi W 1 S« White Cotton Hone for Present oei II Crsoson Jndge ofProbate Kail av U hen sick. AND Kruhroiderieft for.... . - - . .. .5c. pv^r j*r*l worth 10c. In the mailer of the Kstst# of JOHN b Knell Prlrrt, Trunks! l.*»C aiui 25c worth 25c. and 40c. PoX, I>*«•»■ ae^d . On issuing esc filing thepe'i It ia the custom among a certain Baliper bbi...... 12ft ft 0 04 Embroideries for ...... Uon of Ailie J Fob , praying that an Anetmmeii' class of people, when a member of the Flour per bbi...... ft ko W 0 00 Bleached Madion for...... 12 l-2c. worth 15c. dated Augnst 34 r, 1*74, rasy be proved and at <4 FANNI.W KILLS. lowed as the last will andteetanewt at sold d%- Corn meal per ion I ba.... 1 76 . 2 off ...... 50c. worth 75c. family falls sick, to begin at once to Utone lime per bn...... 46 THE ROBBINS Trunk*! Bu*At.p****for eeas^d ask, “Now, what can you eat ?n Ev Water lime per bbl...... 2 2ft ft 3 on Black AUpacat for. ...37 I-2c. worth 50c. Thereupon Ilia Ordered .That Tburadavjhe 12*1 Bloabnrgheoal per ton...... 14 00 W 0 00 •lay of Juiy, (476, at ft o'eloek in tha forvnoo* ery one has beard tbe old story of the Corunna coal per ton...... ft Oft ft 0 fto ON UAKD, AT THE Figured AlapftCftft for...... - ...... ,25c. worth 37 l-2c. hr assigned for the hearing ef nald petition.and tlmoksd llama...... 1ft ft 00 ...... 6c. per jsrd. that the heir* at law and legatee* of sold decease .1 man who always ate eighteen apple 100 piece« good Standard Prints for. and allother personalntcrested In enid mill, arc . 25c. and 5Uc. worth 50c. «od 85c. required loappear at a session ofaaid Court,the* dumplings when he was aick. On one Ladira' all Silk Neck-tiei for.. to be h olden at the Probate OSee, lath* village occasion when he was engaged on the BUSINESS CARDS. CULTIVATOR! Ladies’ Silk Parasol* for...... II 25 worth 12 00 of St.Johns.and showeause.lfany there be. why ...... 75c. worth $1 OF) th* will should not he approved. And tl Is Fnrtb 18th bit little son said, “Pa, give me a FAKHIKG MILL FACTORY, Is the only d tooth Cultivator iu '.he market. Ladies’ Ginghsm Parasols for r Ordered. That not ice te gi v en to th* persnr>* The teeth on this machine lap K of an inch, con ANOTHER FINE LINE 25e. ind 50c. worth 37 1-2 ftnd 75c nterested In said estate, of the pendeney ef the piece.” “No, no, my •on, ’1 replied the DR. GEO. E. BLISS, l.slrv bllslk rd 1466. acqueolly It ruts ail the ground it passes over, and Ladies’ Cotton Parft*ol« for . OMKorATRlC rnVHIOlAH Ofllrc on ...... 3 for 10c fhearing thereof, by causing a enyy of ihl* father, “go away ; pais sick.” When Main Street. Fowler. Mich. All fprufeselonnl dors net cut sod rover as Is the roe# with all oth­ Ladieft' Ruches for...... orderto te published In Tbe Clinton lade H A large stock of Fanning Mills and Milk Safes, er* In use. Tbe driver has perfect control of th* a young man has surfeited in season an< calls promptly attended to, a! t er day Ml warranted superior 10 ail other Mills and Sato now Gcnl'tt Pftpcr Collmiw . for 10, 15 Riid 25c. p»*r boi. worth 15, 25 and 40r’ peod«-ni,a nsaspsper printed and circulated tu Tiiea a specially ; cot standing machine with his tel, leaving bis bends free to said eountv of Clinton, for three sa<-c#eeJ»e 30 years offered to the pnbhe. All we ask is te have farm drive end handle the team ('a 1 and Moraine h* vw out of season, until exhausted nature speedily cared. r era set one of our Mills by th# side of one from any week* pievlou# to said day of hearing gives way, and a fever is coming on other manufactory, and then test for themselves for* buying. JUKI. II CHANSON . IndgeofPratet* A. T CROSS. the working qualities of both. W* sell on time, This is no Humbug. t Aim* ropy.) 464.3n the good mother is in trouble. She for good notes. T~#i aa many foreign mono far TTORNXY AT Law and Notary Public. anxiously inquires, “Now, John, what All eolleettons promptly attended to. < >19ee l a rod Fanning Mills as you plena*, bnt do not Ulll Klil 1 MLE.-ftUle of M.chigsa. Alast sid# of North Maple Arena*, two door* from purchase until yon have witne ssed th* practical Partlea deal ring to purchase thin half interent will pleane cvnatv of Cllntoo, as James H Upton, Wi! can you cat '' You must cat some­ comer of Msln Street, Maple Rapids. Mich. 447 workings of our Mill. Drop a line to use'. Kureks j |tam Brown. I'siUy Union nnd William Brook* or St. Johns, end ws will reepood promptly. Oar call on ! vs Leonard Feuton and James F< nton By vir thing ? People can t live without food. agents are constantly upon th# r«>od#,_ deli voting ^TRUNKS! i me of a writ of fieri facias issued out of sad aodcr Then conu s toast and tea, etc. Tbe L. A. LAWRASOR, M. D . our Mill* and Safe* to purchaser Th* fli G. W. STEPHENSON & SON. seal of th* Circuit Coart for tberoanty of Clin 1)HY*1CIAN AND SURGEON oflk# on bush Mill is aa improvement upon • ton. State of Michigan, m me directed and debt stomach is exhausted, sod no more 1 Mai0 Street. Fowler, Mich 442 ly m p •red against th* g<»>, iee# forty *ew*» k. H. S. HILL, ».A, SB to I** v 11 M. Miller and the Earn fraction*. a few hoars’ abstinence when the first (Graduate of Toronto Univernlty, Canada,) The beet Mill manuftsvtured In the Cnited State* ‘ half of the Ntvrth east quarter of sect ton twenty nine (2ff>. all the above in tewnshlp nunUr iu indications appear, and taking a nioc f harsiois* asd Sonaing. Office. Clinton Are* A 1nue.orer R J Woodruff ’s, St.Johns, Mtch. . W . T. A H. ft. BATIKB. ! (A I North »f Range number one (1) Weal. State ol warm bath. We don ’t mean complete I Michigan, containing about eighty nine sere* All tireeubush. May 14. 1F7* 447tf Carpets! ) vf the Intereet of Ibe said Janus Fenton In and to abstinence in every instance, but per R. STRICKLAND, the forrtfotng descriiwd property, 1 -hail expos* A MII.WAI - DON’T BUY hape a piece of coarse bread, with oold A W and Chancery Business Particular at­ KT KO IX 2 Lap Dusters, f #r sale to tbs highest bidder at public unction or tention given to the eaamlnatlon and settle­ ■ revalue, as the iaw directs, at the Weat float on *a«mr4taff*«l4e purchase of land. Oflfc# at residence B X.Corner the marker. asd fully warraated. overtake the medical profeaaiou. How Court Hons* Square, Ht Johns , Mich *76 Until further notice, train* will leave Saint For Carriages, FI Y Y• * t R t'AKPt I’M id ’ lour lee nth ftny wf A ng aul* A. D. »17» I at owe o’clock in the afternoon ofaaid daf. —Dated many physicians would lack for patients! John* aft under: KIPP R FOWLER I9t. Juhrn. June 26th, 1*76. DENTISTRY. GOING WENT— OALUSIIA TENS XU.. Nherifl. UX BEIT IS TUX i'HKAPBftT t Through Freight nt 3.3t» n, n Over 75,000 Now in Use. Hrsctnive ft Cassso*. Att’ya ______ABO Mixed nt Iftfffta.m. for Grand Rapid* only. Tks Differs ICS. T Might Express, with sleeping ear. at 3 > a.u*. For light nes* of draft, ease of management, sad DON'T BUY ^OTIfE TO Mai bo procured of I>K O X CORBIN for aa for Grand Rapids nnd Grand Haven aa a general purpoeoplow. It has ooeqnsl, Ovir JUST The question is asked why money little moaey aa at any oUceln Michigan. Ilnrd's Dunn&Upton Mail ntittlts 143 p m. torfor ortooGrand Havennor* SftO hnvs been said In St. J bn* and vl a FLOW sail I yeu have «s*n tha NK W O A I.X should be begging three per cent, in Building,St Johns. 3*4 ly Grand Ropldo Express, ft 4ft p. m daily during th* neat year, lias been awarded CHILLKD that has bant all competitors in i & vestments in Wall street at the earn* GOING First Premiums whenever exhibited. Do not Mil every trial. Our money says they eae*! be i Builders Contractors. A. STOUT Grand ■Rapid*-» Express.^. -MW------». tu. | te try before yeu buy. For sal* by the under- AT bent by the tMIvor er **y other one: else have From and alter tb* flfih until th* Iwenty-fiftL time the people of the Weet are paying ttorney at law , at John*. Michigan Mail al lft.33 p tn. for Detroit. I slgm-d a good a soon meat ef nil common plows and are day of Jely, 187ft, al noon, sealed pr*p**hl« wlU he Office In Bank Block, south door, 2d floor. Mixed at V3ep.rn.for Owosso. not undersold. J reodvwd hy tb* uteeraigned Building Committer from twelve to twenty per cent, inter­ A Night Kxpro** at l.ftofla-m for Detroit, with THK FIMKffT ffT«*t X i»F lor the eonstniclion of Clinton County JaJI and est on foreign moosy, giving real estate BATLIS 4 COOK, sleeping ear attached TAYLOR’S KIPP * FOWLER, Sheriff's Residence, In fft. Johns. Mirhignn n* TTORNEYS and Conneollore nt Uwaid Through Freight ft:46 a- m. { wording to plana and • perIftontions fnrniahsd hy at oae-third its rains for security. The Solicitors In Chancery, St. Johns, Michigan Norff.—Tbe (rrand Rapid* Express, former)* • tael Tffffth Hay affft Grain Porter. Watkins A Hidden, Architects. May City. reason is simple. In the West, with ARichard Bay 11*. Circuit Court Commiaaioner. Moknown na tb* ** Hi. Johns Aerommodstioa,* ’ Mtch. The plans and sMrUlraUon* can he found now leaves Grand Rapid* st •.■*>* am. nod nt. PAD LEY’S. DON'T at the office of County Tree surer, St. Johns, and land as security, the money has to be John* nt ft.ftff n-m.. arriving in Dstmitat It.lft at the offlre of the above named ArchUsda, wher* L. W. FASClUELLE, I. D , noon - returning, leaves Detr- it at ft.ftff p m., ar K\V ARRANGEMENT aWflEEL CULTIVATOR uutll yen base they son be inspected. loaned on long terms, and the lender itsiciai **# scaeaoff OSes at hia residence riving in Hi. Johns at ft.ftff- By thD train pamen esamined the M IN 11A W A K A , t he lent and All proposals must be addressed to the Bulldtsg oaonot get it again just as be wants j on Walker street, east of Clinton Arena#, St gar* can leave here go Vi Saginaw and spend W N cheapest made Commutes, fft. Johne, Michigan. PJohns, Michigan. Cull* promptly attended to. 1264h<.ora and_retnrnjh* same day._ Th# beet Rake ever offere<1 the laiming comma Tapestry, The right tewlect any and all bvds reserved and many times has to take the aeeuri D4V EXPRESS; ttwr • t# ally, and acknowledged to I# the leading Hake In KIPP R FOWLER, BY ORDER;r BUILDBU I NO COMMITTEE ty as payment. But when men lend WiLBRIDGES * FEDEWA, every Utai* and Territory In th* Unltri Stnioe, TTORNXY8 and Conneeliorsat Law and So JMPThrouxht tickets to nil points East and Canada*, British America and Kurope iBiffl J i American lftNOfot’TIftl*. - The C»par« seven Is mousy Cor three per cent. In Wall street IlnMorstn Chancery. All bustnessentruated to West can be purchased nt the Depot prises sad premiums awarded. heretofore existing under the firm oao*e and A Sleepin g Cmro on mil Nig ft I TV sInj . DON’T styleD of French ft l.o*sy . agenis for Ib* sals of me they take United States bonds as their care will he promptly and faithfully attended Refreshments at Detroit. Ow land Gmnd and English •leal Instrument* In this village was dissolved •« te. (MBs* with Proeecntlng Attorney, In the aven. and up«n Company rity, and. the borrower agreee to pay it Court Hones, Bl. Johns,Michigan. Mo *• r< Steamer on sSULREY HORSE RARE nan: yen have the ftffth day of June. It76, l> mutual eeaesai, _*troitDetroit River.Rivnr. 1Comfortable hotel above depot seen tbe (IA I.X conceded Ik* test 1%use All accounts due and against the old ftrm wvli bu bask whenever the lender calls k>r it. at Grand Haven. Body adjusted by them eqeaUr.- listed fft. Jobes. June A. J. WIGGINS, C'enrseefteMS At Detroit, with Great Wsot- kipf a 2gtn,l87i ft. C. FRENCH, If he is unable to pay according to his HYSICIAN AND BUBOMON Office ever era and Grand Trnak iRailways for oil point* 464 3 O.MXUIT tbe bonds can be sold and Manger A Dana's store. All professional calls East and Mtch Central and Mieh.Hontkern R'y Brussels Pnight er day. promptly attended to Pertleolar imilTTIKr^Ti m OopurtneeoLip Passengers far GremkWeeierB Kailwny, on on 'ecu |. M Sherman realised in a day ’s tints, attention given to Chronic and Surgical cnees Ike Company'* Ferry Rteamer at I). A If. R. R. herrtnfnr# existing betv IF YOU WANT In fft John*, ranging In pric-e Item . andD Sarah L. Towns, undei the ftrm name aad be transaction is aaads in Dock at F» an t 11 J* n.m. and ft.ftff p m. The name of this Wagon ton recommendation ' style ef L. M Sherman ft Co., forased tor the pur SPAULDING A CRANSON, W. K. MV I*. of itself. It was awarded Ih# First Premlam at to buy n WAGON remember keep th* I made that | pose el carry tag oa th* ntarhl* and bonding nton* New York en tbe spot, with no papers TTORNTYS aad Coun sellor*at Lnw,and Solid Geovral H n peri a leaden I. th* State Fair last Wait, as ttewal. which goes to ; MTUDEBAEKR. th* only ws - sstn se* . in ft Johns. Mich, wen dlennhred *a tbe tom In Ohaneery , #1 Johne, CBwton Co. Mleh. |). ft M Office 1t?ft prove thst It Is still the lending Wagon of the any yurt can be depurated an •xoept a simple power of attorney, and jnnrnnml They are th* heel | rwi*®c. to S2.50 a Yard. 16lh day of May, 1*76. by mstnui consent. AS At.i.irmkiat. I j. o.onanaon. con a try . They sea warranted in every- respect, note* aad account# due and against the tale firm U ewtaila no anxiety upon the fender. and ars wlthoet doubt the meet durable Wagon vie* in th* United State* We have )**t re­ ceived another ear load . will b- settled by same. When money ia ml weal for invest ­ First Nationztl Bank ms dm ft rt tired (Tolland examine '464 3 U M SHERMAN rpHK CENTER H L TOWNER, ment, agents meat be eesployed and OF ST JOHNS. A ten, agent for (be Mowing veil known lapis- KIPP * VOW1.ER. fft Johna. Jaa* fo 167k. hy H. I. Tow**i paid, and there is delay, tronbie and tents DON'T FAIL TO nek throughout, which is another canes CAPITAL, 180,000 THE NPJ IkllH MEAT!MARKET Mnrplna, • 00.000 hr the advance in rates. What is W4W wfilT XOOK AT THEM ! ^O^lsr C&rri»«mpt>y end natdfoeftnrtiy pie ef the United States, or by the I Dostrlets In this nod adjoiningsenn- dated Dnltee. ffsf tsmtevftftk. IffTft one doe la mm had urn now pi spur* I to attend fonetei* ftithet la _ * fft year Na date, wMh one. the sum of on* * 100,000-"??LffAII tlee dootring I# penewre means te bwlld hn wess hy t»f and repairing ef Wi 0tasks fail the v:ling* ev eewvriry W# keep h good neonvt- Few for. Oei. 1074. 4 Iff • t Wariringtoa Ring. Theta in m axhamt- *#< v ef tte shove Mthismt ftswoth tbMa M Ball oar awn Dm Been nil pin sun In Bugle ad Walter etnst, Wwt, tee their n*> went has All ftftll. Fr—Ftl/ ftMo.ft.ft lit “4 4— Grout aad hia firicuda wfll do thair hast R. RLlwRlIuKT. •■mtRoo. rftM and Bevmesy, and tranenei s Oener* • Itfoor day ftp fflHL Ml fiT TRW affirk to km teR Ml UT. JOHNS, MICH. •t. Johan Jaffa iftk, lift. luMiin

* 4 TEAS-—A large stock of from first hands just received, and selling low, at GRISWOLD'S.

T JOHX C. CKOtTL, —Oui Kiioy cermporxicot cams to } tm«s i mtiv .. «*•» BVSINBM MMXVITIKS. , T* ikeRonMaM. Board of Trtadrw of tS« Village band Jaat ten minnim loo late for this No «ord« eta rondatun loo strongly ll it reported tkat ib« breed of, Huxrr, and choice Italian bees fori ^ ‘sgur ibo and oiore MtlifDAiii foriua graskhoppera tk*i bar* broagkt sorrow •ale. Pcrr , clear, thick honey, gatb- mdmmlm* •*• U Mil 'Omumui . .r year ST. JOHNS, FRIDAY, JULY 23. AfiENT erod from while clover. None belter. bottorahi* My «• a ru N k ioN um m« *.iat.*g INSURANCE * 9 —Rj costc ilt«arrsu|«taeiii, Jirasr*. of back biting sod scandal. Tbs aw- sad dmiUboa to tbs psopls of Kao Call aud See U WSIIUU* OUt Of the ' •• »*• k*rth balfaf L«t I, Block »,hU* Vllk|« ttcfrMMU lie r«Uu«iN CweOTkto* VaacNsasaiit & LsIsihJ srsare fxrluU-drxrlu l. *i oisot»*«out laws, “‘Thou shallsnail not Dearboar raisefalse saa sod Nsbisake,rsebiaaBs. barshave made taairtbair apap- coatb in a “Melextractor." The pro- Ufa.JilH —4 iwyeiaty Miksi it UiUm from tbs interior of tbeir safe. witness against tby neighbor." ‘Thou nearanee in Allegan county, in this ceaa la novel. Kight pounds fo^ one jaiaase. J-T. williams OLD MONTH AMKNICAN, — A rousing Granger picnic is now •halt not go up and down as a tala- State. We think we bear tba poet say : dollar. IS cents for one pound. tirvitt or ttoiMM caruimim The World’s Wonder l?SB. talked of, to take plaoe in this Tillage bearer anions thy people/’ are for all, rs« gromhoppri: M;4wJ O. K.CoaaiN. i rii commium w coayuuns i« vim •um > 4SiXri as soon aa the bountiful and golden bar kme The divine opinion of suob coo- iiJniJtkunmmvuai). —Ladies, when you wish to purchase i*rr#d th. ««uumimim *r j. T wtiiiam.. atoms Th* most Startling AmuMmint Enterprise of thg Age. for Ik. rUl«a*Ri of mi aiiagod* aa lb. vest is ended. duet is ooneiaely and judiciously given J^JjejJkWetoasUft a Corset, at a very low figure, go to PHtKNIX, Or BROOKLYN, — Mr. John Hieks will leave here, —for example: “He who utterelh Ana si« £>»Jd~ 8tephcoeoa‘a. north kaJf #4 Lot I, Btook 7, would rapwtfullf ro gart tkat Ik*? bar* had Ik* mm* «ad*v oonMd**#- LU«v 1m IS mol Set ill*. —Ladies Kuehee, Linen Collars and in company with bis family, urxt slander is a veryvary fool.” “He wbo And bet friend*. lion, and would r*coaua*ad tkat lb* Maivkai b* NIAGARA OF NEW YORK. f°^ hia accustomed aunual trip aud $<>•*!* about aa a slanderer rcvealelh A. well u all I Sal Sale Set. Cuffs, all atylea, at Stephenaon s. UMUuct*d to rd*r tb* aud auianar* to b* r*Ntor*d Deluge of Attnetieu, under u Ocean of Cum. And line* am lagto* —Mr. C. E. Pulfrev baa a complete at osm ; u «it aol m raaorad wlibta fort/-*igkt * vacation down the 8t. Lawrence Hiver » but be who ia of a faithful TSe ariaaota of aaa pataik ik.ui aal M'rr* • tmfm* I —The Maple Hapida poet office was ■ wpirit conoealeth a matter.'* “The Tfcty ala the .prtngi ^■sa. outfit of household furniture (nearly boar* from Ik* Um *f aouflealioa, tkat tb* Bu Thee devour iSe frag I •mob ipro* 1 ikal b* i n*t rue tod to ffopaJ la raatara Ik* Mra«|at An/th. m new) which he will diapose of ata bar­ Cad Urnuk fir* !*•«.•• loe m say : robbed of between $26 and $40 ia cur- vor< h of a tale-bearer are like sportive tk* *»gaa*. af tk* ovwr of .aid peporty . A b4 laxurtai* »• tWjiuvy Io Sbmo . CIDOT nI AQQ PHMPANIF^ Tuesday afternoon. A man ones, yet they go down into the inner gain. Call on him at the hardware and Tba royort of Ik* f’oias»itto* va* noo*ytod .ad rlnSl-LLAi>0 LUMrANItO. naBic(1 W illet was arrested on suspicion, n»o* V*'* of the body." There ia, TW wk«u fl*id Is id kaoku, X»^Bo^frw»a Ik lac ran I a. Ik vkata Um hopptr agricultural store of J. H. Corbit. [62 —Thu largest and the cheapest as- ornvK i but finally discharged. j however, a somewhat milder form of HI. palkw.y UI k« aboMilnaUoit of AaaoUUoa. ■ IM1LUIMV. IVIIIH*. At HoTfirUn A OrffXl'fi HfiTdwfiTfi- ‘ —We understand that Mr. K. Plum-1 •*»!, °f which too maoy are more Tk« raockaan atour»«lk for kla fioaa Said, ikal sortw.eut of Linen Coats, Pants, White A ealitMU of atabmbip of lUaru. liook aud vara, and in ms. dtc., Ladder Com |vui No. I, witk tk. fcllaviag .ndor Mi l, 1 * U>‘J “ "o* on in taking orders °r 1* "PI**™ in the use Ml) kap Ur i.Mrdl- Vests, ia at Stephenson's. ngaged moat upoa tb. b**k tb.roof, va* ptv**ntad sad ro- about the city of Deitroit for au ex ten- of tllc maignifioant, sneaking, half- Vomtbljr ka aajrclk •udiLI), and cr>a«h a)ub A — — Dulcimers aod Acoordeoos re­ dlBMlk paired and toned at Tripp’a Music f.rr*d to Ik* CokRMitt** oa Fir* aad Wator ^ t wig m % A •»?« wholeaala grocery bouse, and that apologetic phrase,14They any------, ’ the WbBA aaratk lb. hoDpar gr.aa f T* tk* lloaorabl* Board #* Tru.trr* of Ik* Village ll tmaklaik hi a. not Store, St. Johns. 452:tf sen tenoe being generally completed A.k lk« prspUU of Kanaaa, of At. John. : She .vndfpe#dent with something damaging to the char­ ▲ ad Ik. wtea mm of H.kraoka ; Fox 8 a lb.—Two beautiful lota on Oivnasi* Tk. vtibia cartiftoat* ibar. tkat A a«l llwr vlU auawar hkavtaa; Oakland street and iny present real 1 bar. boon aa attiag mwabar of tk. Fir. Itopart being played by Mr. J. W. Lewis and acter of the pereon spoken of. Several Bal lk« liallaf Coaaailiu i|fni, ll to as oi. raloo friends meet at a social gathering, or and lb. MlU# gnMakoppar k^oMd. deoee oa Wight street, for sale on time. at«ot of lb* TtlUfpDf 84. John* fur .*ron yaaro, Mr. Will. Cutler, on the grounds of Tko pBlrtarok arao.kopp«a cumui from iko atvik vbtrh oatitlm m. to a c Mil float* a* aa honorary Gao. 8 . Cobbit. HOME MATTERS. Get. O. L. Spaulding—boat 3 in 5 for in the street, when the name of. some *«•! voaiorn Uad. abtn tko glortoao ork of number of Mid D*parUa*at. Kl«a*e grant tb. dap oiok. la roaaoi# g>lmdoi la hk rroaiag f OH MLC OH EXCHA.1UC. a puna of $2 one not present ia mentioned, and forth- eoack. auor and oHIiga H F ADAM8. (I«IB| of Walla. Tk. raalaao of Hrigbaai One single wagon, iron x and half On motion tba Uuard .Jjournod . Utile lea.lag Ik. Mm. Kaat tad Wrat. will —The Congregational Social will be , with one of the oompany speaks quietly, Tko land of Mumoo*, spriog, nearly new. J II. COLL1XH, Vtliaga Clark. eioae as loilems: held at the residence of Mra. Geo, T. I g«»Gy, aud with professed sympathy, W boon, ruinrtb atanp oad Iking* *ad m um ora ttlf-f Xtet it Used sea r M.. Undag W«et One second hand buggy. Ballinger on Tuesday evening, July regret, or mild censure, or solemn ■BM— •ad aaa P. M Tkf koppot M on. of Ihoai ; One good 6-year-old home. ALTAK. ornca nor rh -i jo a . m to am •* m 120th, at which time raapl^rrica will be ^approbation *n the tones of bis or Uavaml of lk«aa - ia.|*>«. lflk* to 1 •» P M. Bat bo to Bol good, One good siuglo La rocs*, nearly uew. allXBMAN —LOBBY —In Olir*, Jul bib, H7b, uxo A. WILLI, r M served. her voice, to the following effect : (1. oomoi U ia tko tailor .amaior day. ; One 5 octave melodeon, portable br U K. Cw*n, K#q , Kmnklln * krrmna to | —A railroad excursion from Lansing j“T^y •** b« has a great many bills in la .aa darkoalag myriad., Cynlha La**y. All af Ultra. A* Ik. vlad. m>bm vkoo Ik# Ibraai. ata roadarod ; oa*e. Auy or all of these may be bad —Good second-hamleewing machines to Niagara Falla, for the benefit of lb# ®* rbet, and will probably find it CAHWXLL—HUOULXT—In Olir*, July ub, ▲. vavoa coot* whrn oarica at a bargain by calling upon 1.71, by L*. K. Ov.a, B*o . John Ca.w«ll to •old very cheap by M. V. Brown. Plymouth Chorch, of Lansing will ‘‘liXkult to meet them. Or, ,‘7%iy Lika B»lo a mtorton. array, Harriett iiugul.t. All of CNtr*. H. Oli.hioth ob tko potato tIro , L. M. Shkbuam . —Mn. Lewis Vauconeant, of this taks place August 11th. Single tickets, ‘ he didn’t marry the woman he And ob tb. fragrant tomato uoo. ABBBT—FAYNK.—In LanHog, Jalr 3d, by lUr And oa tko weeibat rua»Uug mu , *blUi u U yol lb. liri.l MiU. Bi.|Jukiia, Mi*k. A. A. Bnnpp.o, at (b. pamonag*. Mr. T. D. Ab- GREAT EUROPEAN village, died last Saturday night, Icav- gfi.fH); two or more, $5 each, forthe wauted. Or, “7^Wg say that he is a b*r and Mr.. Min.rra L. F.yn*, both <4 Ml. la tba mlik aod tootboomo. To A ll Pabtikn Indbbtku to lx . a l*sbe about not week old. round trip. This will necessitate two 'P^-'r^* ’01 be* r home. * tfr,And “ 7'A^y apon say all motbor trait of tbo Said tkat tomotk Juana. lata la tka m.rkot — We have waited patiently on Notes HL'RNHr* HOOM - 1'»tb. townabip of Magi*. — Every gn*ecry ate rid is now well night’s ride for ono day's viewing about tbe v#rJ dress, and gets a »4 /k« iad> graMbopprr mak»«h k« and Accounts past due, and cannot do July 4th, by Oliver Duty, £*q , Mr Jam*. U. •locked with new poUtoea. We notice the beautiful Niagara j things unknown to her husband. ’ Or, £»£ *** " Burn** tu Mr. Ch.riolt. 11 Moor*. Both of ao any longer We therefore advise Rllry. ZOOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION! •uiiie very fine one*. The retail price J —Aa we are now in the midst of the T’Asp tay sbe ia not what she pretends Jto4j "P0* ,K* ain-we*. those who are owing us to call aod pay Ma.tato I Rtyal Csloaocnm t Eeuc.trlan Congreaa I HIrIrlly is from $1.25 to $160 per bushel, fly scaeon. wo reprint the following ‘o be,” ITicee are fair average speci- a !j M„ the same immediately. On accounts, TOMB. .vioral Ctrrna aad Thrilling HmIoor * Hare ! Mrs Elisabeth Cady Stanton ia recipe for the benefit of our patrons. of “saymgs” that may not, F* r* I wtih rgg. . An d lboa .bo eoaUaooth to *aoat htdo' for ovary if they cannot be paid, we must have WATBON.-At Bath, J«n* »b, ll7l,J*nn*Ult. preparing two uew lectures for next and which ia claimed will prevent (bei called slanderous, but which <1.7,day, a at II tba viator d.ya rmaoik and tko settlements by notes, or we shall be WauoB, wtf* of Aib*rt Watooa. *g*d » y*M*. ground (raaoolh Lard. wb*-a DograMbopoar r*a season Subjects^ “Greeley, Seward, flies *::g your picture frames, furniture, tr* decidedly mischievous. It ia not mak. bo*U obliged to plaoe the same in the bandit Mr. W.i*ou . family va* among tb* flr.»**t- and Weed and “The Home.” Cle.: Boil three onioncin water, paint u«cesiiary t0 look for the teaaoo of their And tk# ogg*. •»» «koy and ranrh egg. » tier, of Both, wk«r* they bav* Hdc « r*#14*d. Th* ,f?. /**/? ^ **tabltohm*Bt ha* .wept tbo country Ilk* a tidal wars, eompalilu* many oof With doubt* yolk t of the proper officer for collection. We dKMiH kaa for **r*ral year. Ivon a m* in her of v** known shows to fl** fn>m it. ron** Ilk. guilt before nn »v engine Sememe. Olnd —Since the disagreement of the jury your frames with the liquid, and the u* e- hlen believe evil of others more A»4 varraaiad to batch f hereby give fair warning in time. th. Fr*. Will Haptt.i Church. A tru* frleod and donod bv paenninry *uoo m., Ui* manaaor. have tin. year *ogin*nl*d It to four lime, ll* former Hit, in the Kcecher-Tilton ease, Mr. Bceelt- )«,©* wa| keep ata nwpeotful distance readily or more easily than they believe Tea,Torlly.and tbo varranly boldogood; on* of tk* boot of noJfhbora. • km* l» a lowering giant among tu follow.. And tko lady grao.hoppor'. mala akat of klm Mc Fablax A Croil . Tb* K-ulplurod martil* may point lo her la*t re* , _. *1 *®^* c** In It. stop*ndiion* magnltode, a grM? national natural kingdom, rgntaialar tk* I Ung ptar* ; but ta tb* boarto of Minrlvta* frrrad* •r has bad bis »alary iwised to fr..m them pood. A late writer expose* this sad \ i-rlij, I aa> uato you. ke Htt.ik oa tbo avaod po-| St. Johns, June 4, 1875. I 450. boauty. May*.!*, .ablimlty, mamlT*n*M. ferocity, dociu'.y, and Mv*g*n*M of tb. wild beast ervattou tato rise aud Mogeik all tk« gUdeorn* and notghbor. her memory vlil b* er*r frimii, for #U“* la h*f* '•Fr*u*u«ad. Tk* doaart .»f ArnMa, tb. foreoi* of Africa, tk* Ira Arid, of 000. — Iirmtmitr uh*t / My. Bou t buy of human nature in the follow tbe unlvorml t«*t1mony U «• .ball ml** h* r. If ■OT ,1k. paMfi* and .louglia of Aouth Amonca, th* va.t plain, of North Am Mira, Se. d*y : — Reapers aud Mower* repaired and tru* ay .apathy eoabi comfort tb* l*rr*ral It va* — The Lansing Kepublicao saya a Sewing Machine’till you ace the New in K incisive terms: “How comes it, H.11. cllmbotk np tko cora .talk sad loppeih nW it. lb*.VII RI,I VI 1. replete with .tartllng cufiowtle., and l* an epttom* of tbo rarrat eolfoetioa v.rdant hmnebo. Extras furnished at the St Johns ode red by many b*arU, No comfort* but Iboa* Nalnrc . wonder. • ancient wonder., .utomatl* and mochantCai tilumpb*, together with man? Ilv • M isn Katie Baron of this city gradn American. You will -ay it is the moat whal tb« •*] apreada ao wide- ,letaknk______ao bnd for iko morrav Foundry. ______[2w that com* from Him wbo ha* crowned with )oy T“K * OIAL tOMWEI M proaenu many o«w and nov*l porformanco* and Bled lau week at the State Normal valuable machine uow made. It baa a aod ,M,> i0 ,0D$' ^hile our good, tk# grvao. aad e*n— «f t'k* trat. raark tk* departed can avail Is *ea*oa* ilk* tbt* to a faitbnil repra.«niatlon of iU andont prototype at Bom*, tb* “Mental *»ty,M that “Mt on her m«m Kar.B.flPun. kill., and .iom bar throne of bennty ruled tbo world,'* introducing troop*, front A t. diflorent nation, School, io modern language. j so If-adjusting needle; lias the most hind words don’t seem, somehow, to Aad^ia t’k. i*o«t—i iHt«mn day, h. iMd.ib tb* ('o.w.wo.i cor act i.. af Ika Mftk. It la tb. grand**! .xhibltion of caievibrnte oport* aod rierriw. .ver moo In any .bow —llic Michigan State canip meeting room under the arm ; never skip* i*ke root and bear idoaaom ? la it A*b*rman lb* babbllag water. .raciAL BBm**. Aod up tb* Map mountain Md« council kooM, er johnh , # HI. J*k»s Uuultrjr N*. 24, K. T. of Seventh-Day Adventists will be held stitchca or bicaka thread, running for- * n lbe ktonv hearts of mankiod, j Aad *r*r tk* prickly paar. r«va***T K vuim , July I, 1171. | Thrr. will b* • Begtilar Cone lav* of 8l. John. in Aagnat. from tb* w„d or b«k««a; uo ihrending tbe »!*•*» prelty Howcr* e«n » find ■ pine* 132S3u«.TL*IJ!"' The Equestrian C’ongreiui at Battle Creek Tb* BuajJ a*t, purauant t* Mil, nod va. 0.11*4 Command or y No. 34, K T., nttbolr A*ylum, on tbo following da!** , . 4th to the 10th inclusive ! shuttleshuttle: ; runsrnu* the lightcat and makesmskeit tol<> grow ?r CertainUertam it ia,is, that scandal And wimv at ia*i tk* au.*» !»»-• b“ to order by tk* Pr**id*nt. Friday. May 7. 1*T». frlday.Jaa* |*, IW7S ■• •vlflssl featarw mnW raibrara. cfor l ending K.ur.trlsn. af caw —hat’s the ditference between the ! the least mono ; always takes the first '• • good, briak talk, whereas praise of *b*r«nt*i * On at«rttoa Mr Carriagtua ru .ppotatod Clark >i « j| •• July 7, * U wrlrf ! Alan, k« I* Bullk*r*. pr. Um •« June 4, M “ “ »•. “ lower part of the leg, ami the late' premium wherever on exhibition. Sold ooe ■ neighbor ia by no meaun, livel ______Roil oaltad Prn- tit TntHee* Bund*y, Carringtoa. Hr 0*o*i or rss X C. Hut k**oar*4h aloft, H B XMMONB, Recorder. c *mrt One's khin an«l I« ir, and the on easy teru»s hv 'I V Brown, Agent, hearing. An acquaintance__ gFtlled,grill 1 And rrark*ih hi. b**U tug«tk*r, Fowl** anJ Padley.* m*rvi.(l with And laugb.tb oat of kl. kft opur at tb.A«h*iman THE HTRICTLY MORAL other’s been aud ahoue. 8l. Jolina. 56:2 "^red, and devilled, and acrviu wun who i. **ai*d «• ta* hiuvd* Oa motioa tk* rulo* v*r* *u*|>*nd*d, and tb* ; arA ||t I* i> | M _The twenty-fourth meeting of the —------mustard and cayenne pepper, excites Digp^ogoana.tbura. froat ki« band. Bo*r..4 l proc**d*d u bu,.«. ,h. i m.i.i SI. Jik» L*4f* *• * * -s* American Association for the Advance- Postfobxmibt .—A a my real estate the apetite; whereas a slice of cold Ar«i/bi"w»iTnJ^rVilMiany mor*. r.SM.TATIO* ttt CLAIM* . Tbrre vtll b* a r*««lar Communlcatloii of At. Tk. a*«ouat of tk* Itolrrtt fl Mil»aukr* Ball- inent of Science will be held in the city nmiaio* unsold 1 shall be compelled to friend, with currant jelly, is but a *■ tk*flkUa*a> a# ta* n— tb* viatry John. Lodf*. So. ISk. F. A A M . on tb. follow road t omptiix for 216 car load, of (rird, at |fl G X; B G of Detroit, commencing Wednesday, remain in St. Johns until negotiations, sickly, tmrelinhing meal." The ex- And »uii*d'ktovoto* ia d««ik. f*r car load (total #64t> va* i rwratH, .ad r*ter- Ins dal*. I. cofDpo*4Hl of th* .hiningjlirhu of th« .rente t r Monday, January li, lk7k Monday, July 12,lf7k. August 11th. now pending, can be consummated. In prenaion “ITiay aay ia moat generally " Uu>^to fIthIr,*'** lUaboul Mm ** ,u#,b h#oc* rmd to tk. Coaxmiti** on Claim* former. ThcTMAINFD iVlNIL IUPtKTt||>T I* a charnel*rtooc' foatiira of lb. F.bruarylk, *♦ •* Au< Ifl. •» Oroat European Hbow, introducing trained Klrphnnt., Cam«la, I .ion*. Tiger*. Zebra*. l>*op«rd*, liar _ • Whv did vou pass, yesterday, tbe meantime will sell goods as low as used in retailing small bits of aaandal. ('omwi vitk tb* auing ruw* to a w*iiap«bi aw, itroir. os fTiHiiii. comsi mta •• Marrh Ik, “ ** Brpl.lA. “ •*., Poni*., ifogn. Goat* and Monkey., brought to n dngr<-« of learning bordering on the marreion.. without looking at m* . said a beauti- ever, aud shall endeavor to please our Tha speaker, in effect, saya : “Now, I An‘iJ^w"htohct»rrdr*?.*rUu,i tK* hr " * '* •• April IS. 44 M <*«t 11, “ Tk. Committ** m Claim. r*port*d Sack tk. #*• •• May 17, •• Bor. •, ** tul woman to Mr. B.------“Because, numerous customers. Wo have a few 1 am not responsible for this, I do not Wb** g**u* *pn«g *haii eom* again uosat of tk* D*troit A Milvauk** Matlruad Com- - Jan* 14. - ** !>*«■■ • “ rin.i-— if I had looked I could not piece** of Grenadines which we otter at vouch for its truth, but you wera J And again, furrier, paa> for 114 load* of f rar.1, at (441. vtth tb. r*- Hr (lirti 01 tii W M. bava passed." the following low prices 15c, *20c, 25e, j speaking just now of Jones Well, la tk* eternal cycle of returning year. commm4>Uo» tkat it to all«v*d ky tk. Board. o. r WICKH, A*c ’y. | *Tt. opring. Tk. *r*y*n of tb* Cummin** va* a*c*yi*4 aad Mr. II. L I pton, of the tow nship 30c and 35«. M. 11 BAYBSItlCtf. ihay my- and out comes something w im« im ioon.a*d hi.» t*vley f*f*u*r». tooyivd. and tka Cl*rk dir*ct*4 to Arav aa or tor for IL>b4n redlnoaot. carol la th* Cottoavooda , Si. Jihis 4 hxpter, Xt. 45, R. I. W. of Viator, wwa iujuted quite badly one • ~ no. »ll>'geth«r to J..n« crr.i.t Ob- ?SVSSSSjSSSXil tk* Mont upon tk* tflfbway Fuad. iik kaaox serve, lb«* six-akrr does not wish to And geaul •■nabia* again bath*. tb« nr'.h On Mud*, d Mr Padl*y tk* Board *4)wu«r4 day UsC week while uriving through T Bank* S . — In tbe ab- r | Am tba.. ip4Ml Ttroro will to a rnftilar C jnvucalton of Cl. John. you the unclean thing aa from n Li i'j*» ' ll W CARKJNOTON, Ctork |»r* f<*a. a piece of woislisnd, by a limb striking sence of the straw berries we are in the give you t Not by a jug fall 1 Cbaptor, No. 4k, B. A M .. .mi tbo folloslug rial*. : In tha car Hum warm .unayaay darndata. him in the face and tearing the flesh in midst of the black-caps. Mr. F N. himnell ; he carries, aa it were, a pair Fortk rom* a frv million* af th* jarentl* hopp*i* Tu**day,J«n IS. !S7k, Tu**dny.J*ly 1*. Ii7k K*b. Id, “ “ Au* 10. •• a terrible manner ab<»ut one of bi« eyes. Carr, who owns a small farm just on o( moral toog«, with which he haudles 1 Ttuy, mltjr >nt igrta . kftolsl Ur*llH«. Tb* pic , tb* *eout*, tb* “a*aal cunrUiW*' af *« Mar. 17. ** “ t4, 44 — \Ye understand that a atrangrr, a the outskirts of this village, in a south- j the mitter, and when he ha* pnt down rout.i tea. boat. th*t no»n will follow Bomv X*s.i»a, Ju!) 12, irk. •• Apr 13. “ “ “ Y* boa**t ranchman lau«b*th Is hi. .I**raa **4 Tk* Buard ns, vur*aarU to rJjwrtMul, and *•, •• May IS, 14 “Nor >, 44 Irw nights since, wan thrown upon the easterly direction, is the moat extensive the toog* he says, “I um not dirty.” •• J*n*U. “ Ifo*- “ Myaik, cal>*d to ardot by tk* fiaiknl ;fMd*r*on head of Clinton avenue, east side. He fair, will reach upward* of 150 bushels, bJ °*r advertising cmumtia, this I k* lltti* hopper ralta# on Pn.Tld« ocr, Tb* minut*. *4 llw •••< mr. tiu.- ««.*■ ,r*d *nd mr«ed the village sod its officials. They are the nicest now, and thorn* who g™11® combination will exhibit ln St* And hi* rrltaor* |* niMla#, ! It palt*tb lb* ‘shoddy rpllglua' of u>aa to .hatu* ; nyysvvW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. —“Red” Smith, once a merchant in desire good, frv*sh berries will do well , •**;/ “*■ Drown him la flood* that would bar. appal led r.**asr*Tto* or claim *. If oak, 1 this village, spr»eared upon our atreets to call upon him thia week. Storjia Journal in ajicaking of the street „ him ,narcu* .now.; 1b. Mtovinf a«ro*Mt. v.r. pnwuird aod ie- 'OTIi'fl:. Hl»U-of MuhWrao- Tb* Uirrint Bury him in arctic .now* ; Court fur tb* County of Choton Noll** to aa a stranger to many of bia old ac------parade, saya: “ The gratuitous display ,BaOMt bimio frnat. ibai fr**Mih tb rar. ofl a f.rred to tb* Uoiomitt** on Htr**<* and Ciaiv a pant Nhereby *iv#n that th# aiMler»»*n*J Doury*. W. ouaintanrea, one day last week. Trou Wool —The following ia tha amount hy the Great European Show, in U of a. **•.**. fr. rts Ammo.*, bu ibl. day fll*4 hi. petition wuh the Aoc*l of M. U. Brovs, caak yaid for labor and tcom Ctork|of Mid court, oaktnf for th# Toeatm* of Me .d .1 ioUoapermoce hu brought of wool porcb..ed io «M, m.rkrl by i iu grood o more!.ter.1 ( « that porttoa of Ih* villa** of Ki*in»oi..*tll*, In Clin votk on *tr.*u, aa follov. : ton roMBty. Mkhi«in. which I to* .oath of CHbU»b about the wonderful change. A little the principal buyers this aeaaon : ; concession to public curiosity than was I -aimly fold* hi* irwa, draw, up bl. i.etbar S. W Uitto, kk A»y« *ttk i«un...... f U 2i •fri-*i in Mid Tlliaa* rod w*#t of tbo north and limb*, and waiU’h ; David Wm, mao and toan,...... 22k •..ulL line which runt from tb* sortb oaat emar pnrw iu mo.le op t« defr.T bio eipeu t>*«> * t>~...... SQM w. «»er mode by ony other e.Ubliehtnent. WaM*th for fb. a*xt iunna, wh*t. ha *oM*tb L to Ur*od Rapid'. itJL*rSLiac...... 'SHOMU Aud P* •» - bu‘ •• •»»««*aated .ode* J Mandifo. staa aad i*ra DA day*,...... 10 to of lot J In block 14. wrath olon« tb* ***4 »l«* of Mid ^RBOTNOT^ ,*••••#•• « ne» #4fl • oflAM- ... lowue _____ * ______. forth to break foal, gay aaa * hoot girl, with ao J. N. ViioiN, man aad t«am Ik dan, ...... IS ko lot and aloof tk* M.1 li*# of lot 1 lo block IX afl .... i.euu to a superb volume whose everv page You'cITVfonViV.* * * M>* a,T* ‘““•'T Sylvo*(*v Brown, maa aad loam 1 7-10 4a)a,, k 10 In Mtd vlllac., to tb* *ooih Uo* of Mid vUfaf* — Another ol.gbt ebenge io the time v*iLi,„" ...... i2. of running trains on tbe D. A M. went teems with rarest beauties. IO the N*Ubar caa ytm a*ar* him; H*nry Kvy*. araa and tom fl A-l* daya,...... • Ml Mid Court at I bo a*»t rofnlsr trrwi th*roof, ontb* Total.. E. Fbolya, au aad loam 2 A daya,...... 7 to Aral day of Mid Una. or •• *o*a tb*r*aft*r M into effect last Monday. Tha Grand every day grand j iftvio may be seen ii« di*o> oaiy of old ag.*aud tat* la tka fail. K B. Bans, Maa aad twain k 7-10 day., ...... 17 10 cob no* I eon W board, for tko roealin* of *w*b por­ Rapid- Kxpren now arrives here all "<"»«•Besides taeacthese amoontaamoonta there has tbe great Golden rar of Cleopatra car- ...... —------F. O. M«frtll, maa and tMm •% day*, ...... flb 2k tion of Mid vlllafo 1* aerordaoa* with tk* prayer Honry Kaya, man and torn 1 % day*, . 4 to of Mid poflllo*.- Datod July 14th, 1t?6 9;4d ioeteod ol 7:45 on heretofore, thu* • * number of .moll lot* putehoecd1 rying tbe celebrated Bavarian Pioneer . , *•* Y#t r#4, B Moo**, maa aad loam 1 A day t,...... 4 M Oaoui W taaon, Petitlon*r , Band dressed in their ten thousand Ed . IkDiMMiiuT Syl***t*r Bruva.manaad t**m 1A d*y...... 4 20 Psssis* a Balsvib , Au’y. tor PriiUoaor. Tit TlnlliM Balia Race! afford tat/ fall Jfr/ Jbttrf in Detroit The by parties wbo we were unable to see, Band dressed to their ten thousand to. l*0*r*>DE*T —1 sea by a notice S W. Oik to, man nad Iran 1 7 10 day*, ...... I 10 Will take place front ike lot ml I .’clerk P. ,vf. The nam- l , K i on# w;|| without which, together with the above, would dollar uniform. Following, will be tbe in the Republican that the firm of H. B B Bunn, maa and tout U daya,...... 4k 00 IMiOBATE OHDtH.—BtateofMlebig.n. ■ •Ih Hainan., the largcat over luaiiufarlurcfl, will Bo 10*4104 with ’ - . mmake.L. a- e total.-l .tof 75,000-t AAA (xuinda ______1. IT'in.«ji* droveJ.__ ___ of#LM Elephanta,__ L__ n ______Camels- and“ Drome- A. Itoee A. Co.,^ baa* *been dissolved*■ * * *b J*kn Fry, maa and taam IA daya, ...... 4 kO X(7o*nty of Clinton, ... At n mmtonofth. doubt increase the patronage of the ruo. J. Mand%». nan and tonm I a daya,...... 4 kO ProbateConn ter th. Oonaty of Clinton, boid.n human heisg. mnd ascend lo flio rlouflt, end whllnt In Hid sir roan* average price paid for (bis amount is darica elegantly caparisoned with the mutual consent of Rose, French |1 F. O. Momli, man and toam Id daya,...... 4k 00 nt lb. Probat.OfBce. in the rlllag.of tlt.John*, pete In a rsr. ! —Almost every soldier who was in N. Brown, tA day* Into*...... k Ik on Hatord*). the 10th day of Jnly, ta th.yenr tha service during the late war is en 40o. amounting to the handsome income richest purple aod gold bouaiogi; after Loeey. Thia 1 emphatically deny ! w ■. QiSiauuvHn v .i •I dayusj Into*tswt •...... • • . * * * • * * . • • • * * # • • 1I kOot / onethourand*igbt handrodnod .er.nty Bv*. of $30,000. which, cornea the beautiful tableau ear, It is ooly a mutual coepiracy between Ed. Mom*. * A day. labor,...... k 03 I’nurnt Jo*IH Cr*n*on Jndgeoff Pvptoto titled to a pension, bounty or commu­ A. Stout, k day. labor...... 4 to In tb. mnttor of tb* EaUt* of RICUAKD “Aurora,” gorgeous beyood deacrip Rev. H. A. Rose and Charlea Loaey Edvard Vane*. 2 A day. labor,...... 4 IS A. JKNNK. (terawd On reading and flllag lb« THE WONDERFUL tation, and ta ora than half wbo are J A Hal*, ) A day. tltion, duly verified, of Lora Jaa* J.nn* nad ANOTHER 4. Hl.tT III DI ( TIOV,- tion, and bearing upon its summit a to take advantage of my tuppoeed ig- » Si drawing a pension are entitled to ao John OUtotona.ina. flS Aa day. labor,...... 6 26 jron i. Mom , Exoentora of Ih* la*t wlU of mh I OHkl.RVt: THIN I.INT. C increase, lou should write at once to beautiful young lady representing the norance aod me out like a dog, aa O. H. Uroom, 3A day. .ator,...... 6 63 dmonmd, proving that tholr drat nud Anal account Goddess of Liberty, aod at her feet lies Loeey baa already remarked they bad !{£I?ourt!^£Vro, A A Nf* labor...... 6 S3 may bo milled aad allowed Frank 1. Darling. U. S. Claim and MiMoa Clark, IA i labor...... t SI Thereupon it I* Ordered, that Saturday, I be 21*t Is .rJrr is .yrrdlly clear «sl a.y a savage Brazilian Tim, loose and uo- , done. But I have a copy of tbe ooo- tom 1 ro*, 2 day. bur, s oa day of July, A D. 1*76. at t e’nlacfc in th* Pension Attorney, Mason, Mich., for J«ku~Flinn, • 0-ld day.C labor,...... fo«vDOon.henmlgnedfort be hearing of**Id petition —OPER ONICON— ~ ,4 Slid 5 S9 •tack «n4 la k* ready la laava restrained, after wbieh will appear the tract between ua, and think I know O Morrtaon, daya labor...... A S3 and that tb* b*lra nt law of mid deran* hia circulars; it may be to yonr advan- laws, a* taau aa aay raal cwiaia Is 0 E Goodyear k k days labor,...... 4 M nd, and nil oth*r p*mon.lni*ro*t*d tn.nld mtale Or Steam Car of the Mama, th* largoai, londeet and roatliwl rau.ical Inatrameot in th* world, will open den of Liona anti Tigers, with what I am about if I am “craiy on the e* «« n.*d. w*nk Jokn Flian, to. M day* labor...... M to li«hed In th* Clinton Independent, a n-w.papor MXLE LINNETTA, real balance , and io case of lues, 1 pro­ Honry McVinud, lflA day. labor...... n as printed and cirenlatedln.ald eouaty of Clinton, pounds weight, and not over ten dollaisj ur.. 37 sc. and Mr. far itsc. y’d. I moves through the street.’’ pose to bear my ooe-thiid like a mao. Ooorys Irra, T A day. totor.-...... ll 36 for tbr** .accemlrr wmk. provtou. lo .aid day (nd rronrhed Ot her feel, loner and tin real rallied, will sspesrsasr* value, may be -ent to any office in the Flat* H#naa lhawli warik «4 A •ylr.olrr Brovn, I daya labor,...... 7 to of hearing. _ . . age KH I1IM 43 TIGEH. lirovrai>rovru of Ktophant.Kieph.nt. and Camel, attended ny native Arab*. A Itrmylrd ftslrldl In 4Dvld. 1 shall remain in said firm until either Jumpb Wtlkina, 4 day. labor, I • to JoEL n. CRANBON, JudgeofProbnt*. Friday and hto pint. gin*, den of performing Her pen to. Coiled State- for 15 eeots. Also, on far tt. Chart.* X oUmg, • s 4ay» labor...... 12 76 I___ Wlklta fkrraa l.a.dt r* art h 9Ae.v a satisfactory compromise is effected, (A Ira, copy )______U*lm •mall amoonta of m^ncy the rates have : A special to the Detioit Evening John 1 a, 11J•to), labor...... K to far I Ac• Newt, dated Ovid, July 12th, says ; or the whole matter adjusted aooordiog iiewry Noaro, 6% day. Inbu*,...... • 68 M 14 Keen reduced to 10 cents. a. If t.AX MRI( II. J oka Ira. ham, A flay labor, ...... 71 OHTtitern mad* * in tb* eonditton* ot n rartain “ A German barber uamed Frank Sha- to law. After which I shall probably J ••* Al len. 1 d.y to hoc 1 to mortgage, eseentod Jua«* 3d, 1S00. by Juba Atilt The Great XMEolaeh! —A special school mooting for the Herbert Kit*, 4 flay* labor...... A to nad Fra act. F. Htitt, to lxruim Ferrto, and roootd- principal purpose of determining the for attempted suicide Saturday evening cootinuc the music business alone, and Marcn. On*, fl flar« labor, ...... 7 m ad In lb# office of th. Kegtetor of Dood* for Clin Tko Groat VfNlarl. I* .rated nmld.t n group* of Ll*n. and Tlf*ro ( FOWLER. io an outhouse attached to Joseph RRall only ask a merited share of the John Gladotoae, 4 day- labor,...... s to ton eoanty. Michigan, on th* 3d day of Jnn*. lisa. • pen IN Vftow* Tbe aialalnre Menagerie, miniature cage*, drawn by Ijtlpntian Poaie* length of time our schools shall be lJartd know, • day. labor,...... 4 to In Liber 24 of Mortgage*, on page IS, which mid Hoyser's residence, by severing tue public patronage. RespectfulIj, K Whaley. 4 * dar. Iakov ...... a sa mortgage wu duly aaNgnod by l^>ntoa Mitchell tanght the ensuing year, and whether (foriMn) i/oui.* Keirt.) to Wm. F Moor*, oa the Julv 14.—Vegetables of thia vicini ­ sibcr MIU* Buarf’man, labor...... to ty male or female teachers, or both, « 1 veins of the left wrist and cutting a Sguiax C. F Ephraim Ka*o(, IA day. labor,...... t 26 7th adayof July, 1S76, and wbieh oeoignmoat wu 5 >6 duly rarordod Ik th* Regieter’. office, on th* Slh QUEEN MAY’S FAIRY CHARIOT. .ill bt b«ld .t tbe Cnion School il/ •rPr^1* ‘r, °»r *** ™<» loep gash in his throat with a raaor.— Heal LaUU TrssMcil B. Bgu«r, IA flay* labor,...... A. Stoweli, IA day. labor,...... 2 26 day of Jnly, lt7fl. In Uber > of Mortgnoeo, on page Carrying Ring Dsrwls and kin Br 14 •« followed by House, next Werlnesdsy evening Prof. Haying ifl in full blast among our The doctors «aj that if the weather Tk. fclloNBf «r* tk* tmartioN ia root **t«t*, Stephen Looey, 1 day labor,...... 1 to 1: on which mortgage there i* claimed to b* due farmers \\ heat begins to assunio a not become too warm he will live, rroorfloJ ta tk* Bo«tW*r*. oSloo, for two w#*k. end­ Jokn Johneoa, 1 day la hoe,...... 1 AO on the TU day of Jnly, lfl7*. tb* earn of three hun ­ Bunker, has already been hired bj tbe ing July 141 h ; J. Carr, 1 day labor...... 1 60 dred and fort j -three dollar* and twenty ran to, School Hoard for another jear, at a golden h«»e, in anticipation of tbe bar There is a ladj in (be case—the wife L. A. Lawraar.n to L. P Lawmoon, I of a I .ofl a Kd Moeto*, 1 a IS day. labor,...... 1 to with in to real n*. ten p*r ratal, b*Nd*a an attorney venter ’s sickle. of Henrj Rtiberman, of Owoao. Mr. block 7, vlilaa.- of Fow lor, 06*0 Henry La Uoo, 1 day labor,...... X to foe of thirty dollar* in raid moetgng* Nlpulated to l salarv of $1,100, being 9100 advance G*<-rs* D. Sowar. iu C.’kano. A liuwa, w A of *• Brown, 1 day labor,...... U S* paid lo can* nay proceeding, .houid b* toh.n to Fowler's tin smith, Mr. John McGu- Ruberman was hereon 8aturdaj and a w A at me. ll. Or id, rimtlni wm aero, ofl Herman BoD a win. I day labor...... I SO fnr-ckom tbe mir.a, aad ao *uTl or peoraoding. nt over last year. from ooa«k rod of Mid pmolm Edward Vance, I day labor...... I to law or In equity having boon loMIlnted to rorover contemplates removing to North- charged Shafer with havio injured Hoik Haro, to Maria* Mr^Harrll. .err. Melvin Oibba, labor...... to any part of tb* debt menred^ by mtd mortgage r —M r. L. M. Sherman, prop n* tor of tf,n' J0", f .. ill* old m.rl>U .bop. o«.r th. gn.t, "** lo prv-.,r, h,.prof„.,oo him bj going to hia bed. .\Tr. Shafer •** U Ifoll**. floorrlbtol by •>**<* *afl boonAa, B. key*, A day labor...... 76 Now,■ therefore, by ~frirtn* of — tb* powerpo off a*!* In Henry La tree, 2 day. la tear...... 6 OO mid mortgage contained and of tb* .taint* In oorb mill, j«*t «..lo Mother «Uiti«n of ^ lo“ °f, " "* *«'■•«• » replied first by rotting hiAtbrost. aod Oot-igr W Falor to Mary Falor. • w fr A of • 23 day* labor at 92 par day,...... 40 V* mode and protldod, Notle* D berebr given, toarbl. «S cal *too* to |b former .•»! b* K*p*tUd ky BM7 . w fr. |,wr 4, lfollaa, M acre*, fmoa. , B B**i*y. *harpruing pikm...... 66 that on the Slh day of Oclokor. |S7B. st r-e Vb when be waa brought to by the doctors, L A. Dwrwt. lo A hagai I Lawra*»a,lot f. blk. Haa4.ll k Bon. repairing Mraper and )!»•,. 00 on* o’clock In th* afternoon, nt th* WeN front We have hfard a strange voice here declared that ha tan inoocrot, io that Sk. rtlUs* of Footer. D« door of the Court llo«a*e for Clinton connty, Mlcb- large atoek. making now the most com­ tt*crg* W HtCrnnih to A nan I m X. I >ra, T*ui ...... fltos »• n, in tbe village of At John*. In mid connty. of late, jet its *ource is quite “Com it waa Mrs Rubennan who made the __ >r. will be M>ld nt public vendue to th* hlgbrat plete stock to select from to be fouod • A of Ud. 6 .nd S, Work )fl, village of Eagt., f|f). Tb* Commute*. t« whum were referred tb. tore n »o* —a Taler of Rilej, wbieh has ta Willram J. M.naah la Oiaatn. Tbowipoaa, * A bidder, th* prernim. In mid mortgage deoeribed. in these parts Mr. Sherman ia a advances and came to where he va* af a w A of *o*. 2B. W ratphalm, S0 ocroo, fflau. going aroouat reported tk* mm. back, with tbe rw- vis The eaot fifty three feet of Iota clown aad practical mao. and baja none blit Artt kea upon itself Vocal powers by being , sleeping Waite M Gilbert to M.ry ll* »l*), lot 14, block comnmddlN tkat it b. allowed by tk* Board i wet re, In block II; and n piece of land commeno- disturbed bv “No. twelves" from Fow • fl, riling* of Ond. 9120 foor rod. wwt of the north woat corner of tf moldy mf morbU Ha la a thorough* N 1>« Witt bn Jokn B Hooker, . w « of On motion tk* report -I tb* Crmmiti*** wm am block lire, to tbo village of St. Jobna. and running KsroftTiB. mechanic, aad with hia large experience lev. Thb 11 a avaar. —The harvest in this n w a,.** J2. I to Will, 91«m oepted and adopted, and tk* Clark ordered to draw ihonco auntb thro, roaa, throve wool half way to Walter t. Mary A. taiuM. tk* nndtrtdod an order for tk* amaant upon tk* Highv^jr Fund. Imnalng Nrt-et, thence north thru* rod., tbon n e ia tha business, cannot well be under­ pert of the county haa commenced and I .only Nr* lift) oce -nd pari* of tko walk AS orro* to place of beginning All being in th* riling* ^ ii Th* following were promoted .nd refer­ Tme Poo a Fabm .—One day thia of . % of n o 4, MO. a, Eoooi S7&. JtilySth,John*. 1ST6 CHnton county, Michigna.-Dated sold. Sea his atoek and learn hia prices next week the mu*ic of the rasper may Itontol Ito.ronN. tt ta J**o b Drno*no«atC, o A of red to to the Committo* on Claim*, eto i WM F. MOORE, before vou give your orders to others. week we made a brief call at tbe Poor be heard ia every direction The wheat . w fr. A, oo*. a, W.iertown, flSto Ant of th* Ctork *f th* Const? *f Clinton, for Awdgwe* Farm—waa kindly received by Over ­ Asaato* Dmrown rntt to Jacob, o copying nil th* pnp*r. on flto l* the cam of Th* —Tue following coo? eras Don was this year ia ripening very uneven, A of . w fr k, so*, fl, B*«i«, VUtoe* *f At. John* or. J. W Me Vartan, In Chan- overheard the other daj among a lot seer Waldron and hia family, who which feet may be attributed to the HulMr.n Bow-n la Randal Ipb Sirtck'aad, * ) of eory on appeal from mid Court to the Hnpram* * w M,ras. 4. Oiiro, Siam Court *f the tftai. nf Mtohlann, 117 foitos. at 0 of school-girlfo^who eoogrega taTia froot showed ns about lbs premises, and sl­ manner in which the mow of last win­ Edward fl. Hill to John Borgrr, fa acre* on w*. wall par Nia,...... 9 7 to MONEY TO LOAN! ot a house Each owe in laytarn appeared •rt4^ tbemerlvea in every way Is make ter waa left upoo tb# ground. In Gra­ 17 W .tortown, 91X00 Making rrtnm to Supreme Oourt...... | 00 Tk* andcraigned having been appo atad agent, v , ot —. —: Job* Sorgor to iL'bort Xllwongor, w A •#• • A. Esfraas dsifii on mme,...... 26 of tko to be holding up the domestic skeleton pleaaaat aad interesting Twtn- tiot county, where mors snow fell and ooo. aa, WoSortowo, flt.lao. Mb)#c» to roortgago or m which afflicted their several homes ‘J'1** now q®*rtered there, Total...... | ifl win distributed mors even than hers, An.Woo X. Drneoaotatt to Do.ioi, Jmb*. D. Bale*, printing...... 11 66 SQUITABLI TBUST C0EPAN7 -TWO GAGES OF Oos told how her little brother bad | •*®o«ng whom, and who) appears to at the crop is very regular and fine. NotJ a p4* * o of kind on noa. SO, Bngfo, #000. * Chart** B. Grtmon. «nah paid to H. D. ■dwavdn k On for 4 rn*)Woe mat* or H lew I.O*IH>S. broken his leg; another about how j tract the most attention and elieita the withstanding there is mors or Ism cbem for Fir. DmartmonL...... 16 to N oticb to Darroaa.—All persona stek her mother was, aod still soother most sympathy, ia Mrs Weeks, mother amoog the wheat iu this eouaty, the * Jokn B Unto, mhto sad «*oh pnid out 0 ao Are prepared I* mak# loan,•--on. oaon Improve-!improve-1 FormKara of Horace Weeks, of South Ovid, who having pent due notrg or book aeoounts ** Mortimer CUrk. labor and wntce lime 4 7fl Property, to iki. ead adjoining ecu at tee, toe term. told about how drunk her father would yield will be good, and mo»t farmers with us, srs requested to esll without ** J - MlSIWltWi onuatoag oSondere 2 60 oi ir* year* at redne.d rate*. W. bare at owr corns home everv night. Ia abort, they bea been rendered loaane by the lorn of ** O. B Stout, poll** Mcwire.,...... I to • ommand abo largo Nipplte* *f otbor KaNorn look buoyant over tbs final result. The further daisy aod adjust the same.— L X Monger, potto* mrnom...... 2 60 fond, tor foaalng oa Farm I*report? In .am* lo WILD BEASTS! her property She, alone, is confined rail and for lias# a* desired. all apucarsd to have noma grief to held weather for a fortnight or so pest has Those who fail to honor this request * D. Tnmm. mretoMM Dop. Marnkai , t to Tk* flNgo mi mil kkllsns nr. wnvlni kl*kg tko line, mid Bringing •p—all hut sue little bean tv, who is tha insaae department, sod during * Uwrm W. SNa*. patora rare torn...... » OS tko roar will be tko wwmderfal OPrBSflfrsS .r ktenm Ur wf tko been very hot, aad at present quits dry. within a reseonabia length of tins from 2 N Liiou.1 i-T . .'t...... i to ■earned only unhappy to think there the day walks her sett and repeats, 440, * Ed Kellogg, drawing gravel,...... 70 at Jobs*, Jnn* Mh, IF76. #1 V. The hay on new meadows was very the date of this notice, will be eubjeet- waa nothing that ehs could tell to ex­ well ! O, well f ’’ aad ealU for Horace, heavy, while oa old ones, about oos Tk* Cwamkto* mi Claim, rap.rfl.fl to krw *f #6- Her ma. She ia very filthy ia her hah ed to trouble anJ costs. So, do not towing tk* amount of Ed Kellogg .t pt to . ata* T. JOHNN WILL EXHIBIT AT cite the auvv or sympathy of the rest. half a crop waa reset red. Oats and that of Mortimer Clark nt 04 7» ; atoa that of John S 8W InUMd to tb* rcriuil of *11 tb*M •#d “ ®"u‘"l7 • «“•* t»i upon grumble. A. Tbacroct 4 Co. corn are looking wall ; aud ia coocla Johns, May 18, 1876, 448 1 Bale at 0B to troubles aa Ion? as she could, and*o4 loot- to Wddro* mkJ bi* eioa, ws hows, when the harvest Is end The riywt *4 the Unotolw mi .mopOd and FOUNDRY ly she nrsassd herself ia this 1 family Th* pl»«* i* «uh*d oal*v*r; ed, those who now wear long faces will end ih* Ctoth day ao*l kept very clean, aa is the case Tribb abb Last Call .—Unless you AND “Well, girls, ws all have our troubles exc banes them for semathing mere some aod settle your accounts aad notea, with nearly every other apartsaeat. Friday, July 23d, 1876 . Sets have sisk brothers ami drunken i Me ta man or beast Large to- it will put me ender the osesemty of Asrricultural Works. fathers and agly msthsra. Some of as The farm is being nicely improved aad tnrufl and good prices will bring shout made profitable under the manages**! leaving them with the third person for hare got the measles aad small pox and the last result C'til^cttoo M. Y. toft *4 lb* Si flltll Urnrlsg i for to red to md*e ONE TICKET ADMITS TO A.L.3JI of Mr. Waldron, and the paupers free­ CT. boll Bog Tnoh nt scrofula. We’re got something awful Amo*, a sasossoewosi t ion mi Ekglsso nod nil kind* of Mmbtnory iu ear family.” “What is HV7 asked ly exprsm themselves aa well pi ism4 —U ysu wish to nave labor aad —It ia now lawful to B.pal rel on abort * ^ aevsral. “My Httls brother Beany b with the sere aad attention they ra­ for a Hy- but lo not morel to AdmiMion AO C.nU, Children under 19 year, old 96 Ceuta. il ore to ika sssr— thumb off. AlflflTOB, ProprWtort. Men a* . mi v r. w. I /

—r?*- * Vh'HHMN HTATK NEW8 . ll«h An BgypUnh Wedding. MR'AU home . e(fin Ofim hen •\cr, is every where the chroak prim*me renovator of soils. Thus, wheat low of my klTUtaget amountx ofo( tteaelt Mitsuu* Ism tee-watenug pliNlkii The Donsocraia of lnwa ex tended an in It was nearly eight o'clock when wc —The w ay to clean coral is Orel jo soak tuey be sown on a clover or timothy sod , vltntiou to ail Liberala and Anti-Monopo- ciuitb-d the hotel 1 cast a lingering glance ft In soda and wafer for srtfhe flminr ^Then com and mots may foftww; then oat* and IteaMulMKANiiii- jrftr and no niiuke. ai the dianer just served in our dining j make a lather of soap, and with a soft i%/H4 iANtmaf iWllevr It I* the be»t arti lista u> units with thsm in thsir reosnt barley. .... % cle in th« world for rbruinfilMs ' !'«'f Al lan % lias bm> a|»|«ilntsil convvnkoa at Deg Moiase for the purpose n*nin ; but my husband, who thinks I hair brush rub Uio coral lightly, jetting A portion of the farm may lie broken Af«inlf^nfh«iu ally affirmed in their platform would not allow me to spoil my au|>etite, oil the water, and replenish it with clean more grass raised and the moreniock kept, once been a good Lorae, ao matter how old This union of the Opposition Is effected in ami we went directly to the I'anha's constantly, and then let the coral dry in the easier, and, as a rule, the more profita­ or how ia«( h run down he aiay be, he ran Ja < kson rtjjukn la the iMiMMiim of a the most harmonious spirit, and augurs hiHiae, At the door the gentlemen were the sun. ble, liit farming. he greatly improved, aad la many respect# horta h My-suit year* oki wjihoat a yuff or highly favors Ns results. There ia a spirit directed one way and a great strapping —Chicken Cheese —tloil two chickens If untoward season* interfere w ith the Biadc aa good as new, by a liberal use of a wmdcatt. v abroad In lows that promises to wrest the eunuch seized upon me In the most affec­ till tender, take out all the bone* and c hop sjrstem adopted, the only way ia to gt*t lunk tiKar%di»n a Cavalry ComditUm /*«wders. Hate from the hands of those w ho have so tionate —I should say ceremonious-man ­ the meat fine , season to tasfe with salt, to tlie regular rotation a* soon as |xa»sible Hon C. C. TaowaaiTMiB ha* beca ap­ Wn.non ’s A nti 1‘kkiooic oa Esvaa and long misdirected and inisrenrcsemtcd it— ner, for OrieoUl hospitality gties to make j tapper and butter; pour in enough liuuor This tlie particular necessities of Uie ease pointed receiver of the Detroit A Milwau­ A m t Tonic .—This Invaluabla and standard the Harlans. Bclknapa amt others Unless a guest understand that not even the they are boiled In to make mol*t Mold it must suggoat. family medicine is now a household word kee Railroad. the signs wholly mislead the political ob­ trouble of walking Is nermitud In the ha- j In any shape you choose, and when cold If, for in*tanee, gra*a tail* to catch, sud uiaiutaius ita reputation unimpaired. It Tub total expanse of UicHuu Insurance server, the present blending of all the ele­ rem No sooner had 1 passed the thresh* turn out and cut in slices. It is an excel­ more must Ik * sown the next year, and Is Indorsed by thu mt-dlcsl profession, and o| our mind — Oil will ba (Dead ia taestaable UaRnew a»4 wrihr adherence to the doctrine of political gov­ old women yelled as ban! and as discord ­ worthy «»f ani h ladorsemrut. Wnsai-oca, Wtafltak tee SMssasssr tout, HgWasCiOsrftlas.... — ------Bridge and Iron Works were damaged by and boll twenty minute* rarer k (d«»ar fire, • and thi* is the result of tixpcricncc— is I'im.u A Co T/opifotors, New Orleans. of iwe bf r*rr% raetdral la th< land We know of no proprt^arj a»**dlctaa or articte »*w-4 la iae ernment as taught by Jefferson. Madison antly as possible. By this time I wan up- * Stalea wto. h share, tha RooU wlll of ihe propfe lo a grrsier drfraa than UUa Taliow wra«<*«r fire the other morning to the extent of skimming off tlte nenm »« H rim-A When ' that land run* out. Tbe fact is, any nat ­ Foa saLa sr at.*. ooista . and Ihe fathers of the Republic. They stairs, ami aUnit to pass Into the saloon, about $25,0U0, redd tie down with brnudy |iapu>. To; urally fertile Mill may Ik * cultivated Indef ­ affirm the supremacy of the Federal and when renewed howl* announced the ap- some tA<*tns tills jatu la improved by a«UUug initely, and without impairment, if a d|- p prr tor at iioiua. Tarns rear. AS'lraas Fanxt ScartTB, a young German girl, 8late Governments ia their respective pnMM'h of Die unhappy husband. A | one half pint u| currant juice u> every I proper rotation Iwr established and nusuis Fr*a • • ' i* * i ■' .t,.i m»:u * auiallalaa, K reau. hiuail alaa tur Usui if uar. V ccols. JSauulactarad at te-esP'-rt. T, 1 OanrlliMT OU ( on*aay. JOHN HUlXiK, *• of East Saginaw, gratified her ruriosity by spheres, and denounce all military inter ­ crowd of females rushed to the door* to i pound of fruit, nn»l one and oneToitrtn are used to save the manure resulting • n<»utn to uu a*er/*herc. AdUroas ference ia elections and Hate Legislatures caU h a glimpse of him—pushing, crowd* | rJtnl EicItAIOKM VU m.. Rw iabU. Mk * handling a revolver. She t arries her arm I*>und* of sugar. Made this last way Hz' in un the material fed to stock. Tbc*c, bEtTS WtelKI) for Uwalar* < ealeaalal except aa may b« directed constitutionally. ing each other, and pretending to hide j and keeping the mechanical texture of the VEIt^rr AXUlTir(VASTS IT, UonWtsR. AMiaiory of tha I'niiei! Staiea, wmieaAowa r« lSY\ la a sling now quart* of slrawberrien will make tvi lrc aJU Ilf Anaiila Addraaa M K LOVELL. Krb. f» OniarUtu* sar other bala. t*y Xn fTTYrat*, 1i«is to..* i. are to be appointed after a competitive weighed la-fore stoning, allow* oye-half. Infertile by plowing and cultivating when VINCSTONE’l Vgal rights of all citizens without regard over 1 entered the saloon. In the corner wet than by any other means whatever < I i I Per Ibr. Af*'* ta wanted, either set. Cant examination, and no salaries hereafter art pmnd of sugar; to every six pounds' O I * rtai raoai<* d lie. (My Noveltf pE . to race or color are insisted upon The was a large, low, round table, or rather And the older the country, und tlie longer ist i to be paid advance of fruit allow one pint of red currant a Ith ■ % L J Wn.«»TiS.«l! la public lands are declared to be a reserva ­ platter, with a pedestal uot more than six tift COR hr«rti*i( •Wtagw*. .-onplrte Ufa aad terming advatiUiresto Afro a ot the juice, and to every pint of currant Juice I die land i* cropped, the more apparent the ' grrmt hero Kiploeer la bis own )anm>A#r ( he*neat our edmikr tion for actual settlers, and opposition ia inches high, upm which w»xc many hits •9 IV r Jj. Ii ft« r» »0 MS, UaateA Rtssa. J H waa killed the other day one pound of sugar. Mode —alone the necessity for rotation, and hrat—oaljr R.W stdendldly IUs-r N*-ir n Work, aend ft su for of his boraaa. They were frightened at an to corporation* for any purpose whatever. and a dish in the middle, while around it raise a particular crop nc nwM vely until o I II JI j»*i( I'a A*«» i IWrrkeu. Mlc A fall outst to feautne aUUrcaa, Livia«*aiw>a's Co As for the Presidential office, which ia ihe iuice i* absorbed, then add the sugar, Liaacaa. Csireau, li L. wen- grouped as ninny children and nurse* the constituent* ne<-e*sary to this crop Ik * VPW OV r. LT1 ra b*r A psa Address umbrella ia bit wife's hands. become, through the Republican party, well crushed, llicu the c urrant Juice and IX Fj Vf ft II. tuber A Ca., M ! aE*l !••!,< hK«re as could get one hand forward —armed gin to fail. Then it will rai*e souia other JO. SMITH Cta OO., such a pestiferous element in politics and with wooden each made good her 11,• \tr i (MHind sugar i<> erery pin! i f O ver 88,000 arret of land were recent ­ the latter. Boil alt4»gether till It iellic**, 1 crop for a lime. But, if this course is d.,)/k l DAY. MOW TO WihK IT *imrU ■ ist rei rvaaas or so ditngertms a question for the country, right to the umu«u of the di*h. It was r*-wlr /'AAA C OA. KOX.A A V0^ M. Leato. MA riasler t>alrr»FI« r», Urachrta, ly ofl<*red for sale at the State Land Office. which w ill Ik * in tweoty or thirty tulnutc**; pursued, in time the land I* exhausted tha Iowa Democrats and Liberals pro­ the last of their last dinner! RODILLItf%S 7 be bidding was spirited and lively, rang­ nounce explicitly against a third term and skiiu well and stir constantly, and a lew lienee the necessity of rotation, U> enable J>‘)A PKH W KKK. • vyawre. Clrewtar IKSA A* I* AU IISM or ing from $ 1.95 to $ 1.50 per acre. Imagine my slate of tuind and how minutes Is-fore it is done acid some of tbe the soil to reacquire its pro|x*r pabulum C*)!/ Addreaa tttVaf At- C(A. ll^tauapvUa, U* *i. PI.A8TEJI ORNAMENTS, in favor of the restoration of the Executive hungry 1 wa* —but having come to see as 1*4 A I— ■TATE aT^owi.Fahnrr llama, salary to its former standard. Bpecie pay­ cdierry kernels; these impart a delicious from the depth* of the soil, the air. and the THE WEEKLY SUN."|*af«ai, SS broad col- OHIOACXO, XliU A nti »ikettk Stater a deaf and (lnrnb well as to eat 1 determined to do enough flavor to the Jam. This is very fine. manure applied. Cultivation enables tbe uinna. frtrni now to woman, wai recently run over by a freight ments are demanded as soon as they can of the first lo make up for the latter, ami Sew Years, ixwtfwul, M*t . Aten 1 aa *t*>, N. V. f ^I’srllea wlaldaf Centers would do wail to sood he reached without any further — Ihs'f Jelly Mud —An excellent and soil to reacquire pre>|H*r constituents from sire of rooma. car backing over the railroad track at sat down tswide a fat, painted, dowager- Uiut great storehouse, the air, in which is Thr yioruta A(/rtf'ulturxt. Wr a **rr AorraJi SeasrlbdsColumns. Pll*A(era,etc shock to business A revenue tariff and cheap dish, 'fake one or two shank* of FLORIDA. Wwklr. Aim • 0.1, head Perfect luittatlos of »ba diBerea>*-eio|orod Marbles. Grand Rapids. She had l oth legs cut oft looking ladv, hoping to enter into a eon- constantly held the elements of fertility XK. for apeeluieu frocaadlnir*lavs KhtridaKlorlda KniltKru entire freedom for agricultural interests verection of If not of words, w hen, beef, well broken up by the btitelu-r. But AuocisiM__ kkh -mmHuBafiafli-uieettUK...... of 1*7V -Jfcta. Addrvas WtLiul l)r. J. Walkorfe California Tin- are the other points of this distinct and to 1**11 in wafer enough to cover them. and wlihh only require proper conditions A co., Jacksonville,sTrla Say where you aaw this Tlse Rhokkr noses seem fashionable m Bay to my delight, a pretly little girl with a HOOK AO ENTS Pr«»rte’s< omi cs?ar Bitten am a purely Vegntabit 1 vigorous platform. The nominations that Skim off the foam that rise *. Boil till the to enable dc|»o*iiion In the soil. h« war VIedit si Adviier. ” It 1* the clHsatirat Imju X City. The l'rtbnna says that a woman was black wafer between her eve* came up, Some *oil> —alluvial river-bottom*, for everjvniillalird ; **> {>**•-*. over i.V I Illustrations; preparation, made chiefly fr^ui the ua- followed it are worthy of the principles kime and said in broken English: meat dn»|»* from the l**oc* and the mus­ )I A«. Tk«nieands litiy It at st^ht who could not be there a firtr day# since looking for a man thus enunciated. Iowa ran do belter for cles are dissolved, and until there is ltare-, instance, as the Miami lunda in Ohio, the (lidnretf Ut purchase the htgb-|»rired hooka treating »»ksso|d Ihniuch the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor­ with a broken nose and was referred le Dutaocracy this year than she did last (tbe bridegroom) told me you would come. ly enough water to keep the meat front asrents this work Is tboi-mglklr a/lvertlsed throughout seven different persons. The |»endtng election of a United States btiming. Then take a large dish or pan. * Isittom on the Mississippi River —produce PEN DtT Coinin'*-l**n <>f •:W a we* k Sal* I N .rth America. This fact, barether with the h*rwe nia, the medicinal iiropcrties of which Ik welcome.” 'Hun came two other*, heavy crop* year after year without ap­ , •77'awtJ ary, and cio* nx-s. We otTur It andan*I will- II p.iri>.» sice. el*«ant aitnearanre, and many new featnrcsof the Senator imparts a donlde iutcrest to the younger and prettier than lie reel!', with and pul into it all tin* meat that ean lie . (i, Web*»er A to.. Mari'tn u tx-.k, i snses it to sell mks say (hat tn all me likewise and sat down, of course I po>u» of silt and mud ate left. and Ker»*ale ev ••rywarre. Ad<1reas | llielr previous raavaaslu# they never met with such daily axkcd, “ What U the cause of the pm ipinning four u. n to the hux-inmi long eztierience has relaxed the sinews of per over it to tA**fe. Allow the broth that $3 THE l MON PI U OI>. Naaark. E. J- . eaa. or aisde ao large wage*, aa sinee comment in* unparalleled aucccsa of V ixcgar Bit- her faith. By steady degrees she is throw a-ked alsiut the wafer; it i* the sign of Ulaiits of different kind* require differ Ihe sale of iuy work . For terms and territory address floor. One named Jackson was instantlv . family felicity, and each female member is left in the |*ot to stand on the fire till the AUKATS 1VA4TKD. Addraas (TiiCloalng t*u postage stamtsi and statliiKeipcrieucc) TERsf^ 0ur answer is, that they removo ent find, ju*t rh animals do. It i* the i . • —1*1 * W. IMBLK, ». V. PfKKt h. M II.. killcd, and the others Uuily injured. ing off her garmvuta of submission and was *o adorned. Presently the girls were grca*e rise* to the surface*; then skiin it 1,000 the causo of disease, aud tho patient re­ making ready to join the galaxy of States province of the good farmer to know BOOE « a ;. MAP IIOI eo. lu. W’orld's IM»|*cnsary. UnfTsIn. X Y. called away, and an American lady (a off, and |K»ur the l»roth over the meal in AVKe.—Mark envelope ** Kor Publishing LK*|>'t. M covers his health. They are tho great O hio paj»ers say that Michigan lathe that are revolved tn preserve l*>th the form the pan. When cold, it will lie in a solid enough of these necessary requirement* to to lO.tMio liallars 'hshr birth place of all the mosquitoes. The and the spirit of constitutional republi­ doctor's w ifc. 1 believe, resident in Cairo) so adjiot hi* crops and rotation that they 1,0Q0ri e <#r fSruiale wh«> a n a tilrcAA st ••are, blood purifier and a life-giving principle, ! caiue up and expressed her delight at Jelly. T1m ii slice thin and serve with any o* b(« * < o..Herrlen eprlafA.Mlch Itetroit /Tea Prr»a gets even by saying can government Last year the Duno- relish dc*in*d. It is a good plan to make , may he properly supplied. The wheel- NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO.’S a perfect Renovator and Invigorator | meeting some one with whom she could plant, for inulaucc, delights in a soil rich WANTED, AUEtTa »l,ere. f-r tSk of the system. Never before in tlie that Ohio has more fleas and bigger fleas crate sent a Congressman loan Iowa, and this meat on ironing day, a* it requires tr ( ruti nnlal lltsimry ftlNJ |*ir* t ID > t «YT*v . n that was accepted as the forerunner of a converse. She had lieen there since three in the phosphate*, corn want* potash and Iravtnfi aelllnr wel A II o iToCotiTOJf kiatory of tho world has a medicine been to the square foot than any other Hate in o'clock, and gave me detail* of tiie never- nearly all day to boil it, ami the same sweeping political change. It c&noot hut fire serve* the i»urp* luu. Maas . compounded possessing the remarkable the Union. * ending r« n monies. She w as a friend of the application of rypnuin, for it sets free qualities of V ihkoar Bimti* in heating ths i excite a more intense opposition to wholesome, very delicious and very cheap A MONTH . Agvbta Ws.ilrd every the families, fell such sympalhy for the elements contained in the air and soil nec- sick of every fhsease msn is heir lo. t hey Tur. citizen* of Grand Rapids held a Radicalism that Harlan is again In ■ . - MM M whera. H oh • honors*. « and flr»t • bride, who w as nearly fainting from fa emtary to sustain growth. cU*t l*artt« ulara s-ut true, A hit css The HillL.L.I ART HlCt ERR of thia Oraln- are a gent.o Purgativo as well as a Tonic, the field for the Senate. In case of JOHN VVOKlIi A CO.. M. Louis. Mo. meeting the other evening and unanimous. tiguc, He Vcnrs ago a summer-fallow w a- < on-id. S250 Buvlng, Tlme-Kavlng TllltKXIIKIl U us relieving Congestion or Inflammation of any unexpected mischance, Belknap is Forest Tree Leave* for Fodder. 1 y adopted a resolution asking the Com­ Presently a fat, good-natured looking end neci-sMry u> the renovation of the 4- a (D^ftft laveaud tn W all Street precetlented la the anuala of Farm Machinery, las the Liver and Vuccral Organs, in Bilious . the alternative. This, therefore, makes tply vvJ tPvvV often leads to fortune A brief period It baa bvxoine widely known aad mon Council to expe] the Chief Engineer the canvass especially national, and person entered, whom 1 thonght I recog We have endeavored, from time- to time, •oil. The tilth brought a!s*ut by siiccca Diseases. ni/.ed. Bhc looked at me. I at her, and ni*rftl»iii|. «nd tof»y »»r the XX til —(serf Itevlew rt LLY KsTiBLlNlIKUto Uie “ LEA1>»U of the Fire Department for insufficiency ought to bring out the full strength of the to show the ini|wtrtADec of plaining forest, -i\e plowing*d(K*s enable soil* to take lip QCgr core job* iiuki.i« * tu.. iu..w* ».* TIUiKalU.NO MAI III MC.’* The proportion of D r. Walker 's and incapacity. united Oppo-iUon. Iowa ran infuse ad ­ then wc shook hands. It wa * the first tre<** w hi rever they arc not to Ia * found in much valuable matter from the air; but OCR I a II C C ■ Itrokera. 7 ‘A Hr. >ortant ts-rsonagt* in this monthty for balanes—wlttCn t «li«rt distance of r;fy lew days ago, at a depth of 150 feet silver the overthrow of RadiraliMii in October.— ural i»ur;M»se*. ITairic countries are ( |h >m is subserved. Recent experience has limits, with t*ourlv trs. .s and rl ra;> fare, head for cu. live, and Anu-Bilious. ore was discovered, which has been sent to Union /*« *sf. cfMintry, it app-ar*. Blie came escortrel s#*areely inhaliifablc*. or at least fitted IV»r j shown that naked fallow* are not the ls-st IliA DHOW V. I ft 4 I.s -mile M . 1 hUago, 111. proclaim Vac- by a trTlie of eunuchs, she in her carriage, means of renovating the boil, nor are they Oralofbl Thousands Detroit for analysis. The ground rearm, the priKluetion of fruit*, or even farm . fealrnslsl Ktyaslllon of egar BiiTEits the moet wonderful In- National Expenditures. and follov.ed lo them on horn-lMu k. Aft crops, until forests are reared to protect neec-'.'iry where a judieioua sy-icni of a a_ . Amertran l“rs»idenl» M ««t mawniS- bles the California silver bed*, and the 1 er s|s-aking to the different important cultivation is pn*eti(*ed. rigorant that ever sustained the sinking them from severe winds, which generally 1 3 f^h Wm mar*t» -end for «»or -1-< tai rlrenlar system. people are groetly cxrllcd. Congress, in 1872. with the incentive jiereonH present she eaiuc 1mm k to me, prevail in all sparsely-wmslitl regions. It ! What is nets led i* that every farmer R* taw ta* uni ,Tl jehm-krd me under her arm. sent the lu|Ca, SI I W. Ms], soji-at, Chicago. No Porson ran unwell, provided their bones are not de ­ being employed A pier is to be built oo ! session it had to vote upward of eleven where; but 1 *aw everyl**ly envied me. l«ut it i* the sweeping away of moisture : get the lest pre-cut return-consistent w ith CA-xaful remedy of thaj sow lit day. Kend (••- iNicros stroyed by mineral poison or other the south side of the new canal. At Tl»e doctor*a wifi* did her lw*t w» follow , 'Oldam 1juh .s. i. ..ih. isd million dollars to suptdy deficiencies. The fn»m an <*|»en, treeless country, both in the eoiitiniH-i fertility of his soil. Na­ fSKAIV-R UNKIt* HKFI'SE to snMntt to means, and vital organs wasted beyond Neebish Rapids, on the Canada tide, crib- great popular demand for retrenchment but tbe chief eunuch unceremoniou*ly summer and winter, that i* so disastrous ture's rotation i* a very simple otic, and nr p a ft the aastrful and lni|H*rfi><-t work of uth-r Thrrahers, repair. 1 K rt O s . .-a — I ar, a hen |e*a*(*d «*a the «m| •Hp+rloritw of this one Sir work U to be built the whole length of the bad a material influence upon Congress at pihdnsl her Imw k and dcfend«*d the pas­ to vegetation. yet very effective. Oaks succeed pine-, A li ter lea-staple arttrle |ilrawv every h.«d) Trade sage. My guide knocked at a dixv, and rontlnnallv ln< reaein* — Arrnts wanted cvcrvwher* — ■av lug irn»m, saving tiuac and tiding laal, thwfuugk Bilious Romittont and Inter* ita last aesaiou, and the appropriations Moist, wet climates are improved by particular soil.* produce particular cIakm -s heat tadwes ’ioeata—d**n t » uie Uni* md for rireular cron>>iiitrad *»r . rapids. after an exi hange of quc>tiar*T WRi.t.A. Vcsey-at., N. V. I* O B<»« vjf; run a inarhfn** that !im im ** Iteatcrs.** ** |*trker•,* , of The shipments of the Saginaw Valley flaral year ending June 30, 1876. were sev ­ we were admitnsl —to the bride ’s bed-room. given soil may grow together. A- one ‘•Apron;" that handle* rhinp (irsin, t^mg fUraw, lent in tho valleys of our great livers long and severe drouglita by the extensive l KOTt T(»r. fte!U at riiM. Heading*. Flar. Timoilo, Millet and alt such difficult by water for the season to July 1 were: eral millions leas than for the present fis­ She sat u(s»n a rovcrwJ with gold and tree tall- and decay » an«»th*-r sort spring* sum i i itiMi^BHHHi* AU> .'a u'in iuoi < y. throughout the United States, ^specially planting of tree*. TheacarclliC well known WeIr'uir* '*k stk ! molo y f..r ail turn or a« me*/, hov* grain and K\TIKK K l»K \ ID KV- Lumber, 142,468,109 feet; lath, 11,555,200 cal year and about twenty-five millions jewels, looking sadly tired, p»»or thing! effects of foreata on elituali*, leaving out up in its place, and so the succession is orr nrl*. wlM,lrsr»|a,'‘lln>e -end aisnip LrCsialucue. FK< TIVRNKSS. Cleans t.» perf* tmu; asves thoeo of the Misaiaeippt. Ohio, kl'ssoufe, ib-sidr her sal the Ik y. a handsome young A.ddrww Kli.\NK OLL'CK. New Ik-lford. Mao*. tl>e fanner hi* thresh-htll byevtra awing of grata; Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan ­ pieces; shingles, 34.480,000; salt, 57,750 less than those for the fiscal year endiog of i(moderation the nuM>U*d question kept up from ( entury to century. makes no ** Uttrrlmr* ." ee»jnlrr« I |'>w THlX OXK June 30, 1874. The sum appro|»riated . man «*f twenty-three (brother of my Uirw The prairie- produce a variety of grase- MAI V the a»*iaJ j..,,. sas, Red, Colorado. Brazos. Uio Grantio, barrels; slaves, 841,584. The lumber whether they have any influence in de- \ 4 i t L'' k* UV i sita(ra(vlac simI U|> k tu . VU V% altaati a«^ i kkssn, at the same time last year. the Government. Unless, however, far But all these points and others relating a part, and these, again, are* devoured by Four atvea mnrle, with A N, jo and 1*4 their vast tributaries, throughout our ! greater care than has laren observed here* He row at once, and in perfbctly gt**l Thk engineer of a tug U>atin Detroit has to the value ot trees, l>oth for Use nnd carnivorous animals. The rest decay, or U: I’YTSi l(* ( \>\ A-- Kill k%. horse ** Mirunnd" Pow«-*s, also m. *p«tlal« entire country during the Summer and tofore la taken with c.X|*enditnrra by French said: * ’.1frrrt\ t/ntf-imr Ut .1/<>r- ornament, we have referred to very fre- , else are burned up to rcfertillze tlie soil. tLft I ft l.\K(;i\o PKTt KKd. wo Ijr of Repo iwlni « “slanr," espreaaly for just received a fortune of over $1,000,000. 7 »/m, ti* rotrr »» nmutltU rink, ” etc. I 11’ A .srjfrv niionMons, NTKAM 1X1X4 KIC, and tu tuaUh other Autumn, and remarkably so during sea­ ! the Administration the coming year Ihe qtiently in these columns. Wo w ish now In the end tlie animals die and are re­ "" .1 A g fner work and mskltvc a sons of unusual heat and dryness, are The property had been in litigation ever first session of the Forty-fourth Congress had never s<*en him, and wa» *tirpri*cd at to say a word in regard lo leaves of turned a part to the -oil. while the greater *r*-i(«r variety ot Pieturea than anjr other Horae Powers. boum lathe I'ntta-d -talcs. J. II. RAKSya. If Inferestr-d In graln-ralsfng or threshing, write fr>r invariably accompanied by extensive de ­ sine* the war, and the young man had re­ will have to vote a large sum to make finding he was mueh at his ea*«‘ in ad- woody plants a* forage for sh* k. Of jtonion i- thrown off into the air, to !k - 414 A *414 State fttrvrt, 4 ts la syo, lllustrati'd 4 trrvjlars • saw!/rre >, with full particulars signed all hop* of recovering it. He is up deficiencies. Though the appro­ n "ing in- btif T 1< .rn* d later Him i,, course we do not suppose men will plant wafted hitlu-r und tliillier until a -oil in Of »i/•■«, styles, price*, terms, etc. rangements of tho stomach and liver, liad t*en educated in Knglaml ami in and other abdominal viscera. In their engaged to be married to the daughter of priations are smaller than usual in tree* in their ln*t pa-tun ’ lands or mead , pre»|K*r (-ondition is found to again take up SIMI.II imiCIHITKLt! NICHOLS. SHEPARD A CO.. the aggregate, it is worthy of note, Pari*, nml w an acquainted w ith tnv bus- ows with the expectation of keeping their and a —imilate them. Battle Creek* Michigan. treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow­ a tanner living near Detroit. ; laind. lie pirs-nlol me to his bride. Kis -f O Yotnvcv m sorer to as showing how expenses in some cattle altogether ui*»n leave*; still then* Wliai Hre these proper condition- ? It ANN T CLECR APHV, erful influence upon these various or­ A i oermvn Carey , of Jackson, dug a departments have increased, that the j sister* and mother were there All had Porosity and friahility. wlrh t ■ ■ m > ,» a • gans, is essentially necessary. There an* many thousands of acre* w hich an* not W'tiif Auitrcss. • stamm -up*t t .T C..Oberlia,(»i4io Tbe lii’ge.f Msnnfarrory of Threshing Marhtaes Intba potato bug out of the ground two feet be amount voted for what are classified in the disfiguring Mai k wafer between their tillable, but could lie made to produce 1 Here is a life long h--*on fi»r the intelli- L n:ie . -tales Over i.W made ana sold mvsllj, is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to eye*, and the bride had her brow* painUsl low the surface last April, lit put it in a the Treasury tables as miscellaneous ex­ heritage in the sha|K* of leaves cm low - g»-nt and progressive cultivator of Ihe soil Agents Hunieil for «s \ew Book. J. I. CASE A CO.. D r. J. Walker 's V inegar Bitters. penditures reaches $64,159A38. 91, or near- to meet. Ugly enough, poor thing' par- growing bushes or tree* lieiirtng nutri to study. — Farm and iianir*, in Chimg* bottle to sea if it would ** thaw out,” which iy $8,000,000 more than w « expended for i tn tilarly whin she raised her crosncd HAC'I X W, « WISOORl as they will speedily remove tbe dark- tiou* foliage. Recent investigations of T ritrrru. a* mrsort-1kbs or taraovgo colored viscid matter with wbicn the It did in one night, and u still live#,” al­ ’ miscellaneous purpose* during the Ud ryes; but Kinir Bey had married without chemists have show n that many kind* of JtaftSC ». ' year of Johnson ’s Administration, and in ­ having *^-cn her, on his sister's neom •*mw »*-r» (■.(. Mr«s fb, r4rr.Ur.. bowels are loaded, at tbe same time though it haa had nothing to eat or drink forest tree leave* afford a very superior ! —Edward M«sire, of East ham plot). r w Klauuat * cw., m »«a etM* vum , n«ws xu. ttimnlatiog the secretions of the liver, during its confinement. cluded in the Utter was $7,200,000 forth* memlalion, tin* advantage of a g»**l dot, fodder. In allHiminoids (». e., muscle* M««- , a yewmr man ol twenty, several urchase of Alaska. In reality, there- and, above all. in order to earape having pnxlucing properties) they an sujx*rlor to | months ago swallowed a small whistle for and generally restoriog the healthy The Attorney-General haa given an l re, the sum which the Grant Adminis ­ one of the Viceroy’s slaves forrul ujtori the be**! grasse*. Mm kfiardt found that counterfeiting the voice of hints, etc., and Cash Salaries functions of the digestive organs. opinion to the Board of State Auditors that , him But as men may have as many D AIH TO AUT7XTS srriprn tration has at iudi*|Hi*a] for miscellaneous alllnuigh dried oak lc*avc«a at the eml of it is n<*w hslgcd near tlie entrance of the r.M I U w vrn, SO u>mi Fortify the body against disease the claims of the soldiers of the Fifth, expenditure* for the ensuing year is $15.- w ives aa their fortune w ill allow in this July contained 13 jht cent, of tannin, j pw-'- age from the stomach tn the bowels. by purifying alt its fluids with V inegar Sixth and Seventh Regiments of Michigan 008.000 larger than was expended in the country, even this may not save him. The sheep ati- these lc*avo greedily and with- | The safety of the )Vfljhg man ih-jN nd- Per Week Bitters. No epidemic can toko hold fiscal y»-ir ending June Jk», I860. It 1mA t was so excessive, and I tiegnn to fis-1 J-NHt-tutor- MIX Particulars PDtata Infantry for service* when mustered into ont ill effects. U|M»n tin* corroding qualities of the whis­ MELVVl.I.fC A to., rREc of a system thus fore-armed. should be slated, however that the mis­ si faint, from want of dinner prolmhly, the Hate service cannot be paid under the Every' fanner who ha* had any experl- f tle, made of two thin piece* of tin alntni lhUiaaauwlls Costnoi -tilrt Karsury. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ­ cellaneous expenditures under Grant hare that I was very glad when tny amiable ence in pasturing in uew' clean-d fields an inch long, half an inch wide and ______Houjomi LU, In. * law passed by the Legislature of last w in ­ averaged folly 50 per cent, more than they guide row- to withdraw. The family very ache, rain in tbe Shoulders, Coughs, containing brush wikk I, or in forests, is wound w ith tw ine. BCEi MILLS FOE CORK, FLOUR ft FEED. THRESHING MACHINES, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, 8our ter. were under Johnson, and this without any pditely begged me to remain longer, but well aware of the avidity with which , Ja*f» •••fh Moant«d aad Dow* Hors*- Powers. O fom. Mi wWlf S Eructations of the Stomach. Bad Taste A armors accident occurred at the new reason whatever for an increAse. A Dem­ on the plea of indisposition I withdrew, or stock cat the leaves, and sheep csficcially. : It wak ax Axcnorr Ctstom of the QtU V-L . /«« ocratic House at the next session of Con ­ rather was about to do so, w hen my guide Spartans, in oreler to inculcate among PORTABLE THRESHIN6 ENGINES in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita- Capitol a few days ago. A portion of the The composition of leave* depend* very Of osr own malts. All Marklwery wtrrsnted Call oa gress w ill see to it that the Administration IsvkonrH me to the end of the mom, where much upon their age, am! like the com­ their youth vi abhorrence of int<*tn|ierance a M w «* .a sar l>val *geni» in sny of the towns In the W eot, snj tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the s* allohling in the third story gave way. ts given less rein ia the last year of ita ex a heavy damask curtain, einl*midered with and its kindrevl view, w> tnakti their slave* ala»f*l*.»7 »4 •ak tor pamphlet, or look at rample Marktnrw. Wears Lungs, Pam in tho region of tho Kid ­ mon grasses the woody filler increases >i—. all that was exiMaUxI of me, I of land in the older Hate* which have be- ► well, perhs]x, to-tlitv, could -nine t»f our economy, etc., etc., haa counseled it to w as allow«*l to withdraw. \ -imil«r ii -tmrb Goitre, Scrofulous InflamnteiioBs, Indolent the 28th and elected the following Direct­ come unfertile through long cultivation, ! Inflammation*, Mercurial Affections, Old ‘‘forgive and forget” the course of the Suhaeqncntly the three sisters came and and are really too |hmw to support the low - i Ive lr**oa drawn Irom the life, -how ing ors; Geo. F. Talman. Moses Taylor, J. J. Liberal Republicans who, in 1972, desert, them, by a shar|d\ -tirywicutitrasl, the wl Sores, Eruptions of iba Skin, Sore Eye*, etc. whispered to me that, having beard wc eat kinds of grasmw, aad it is a question In these, u in all other constitutional Dis­ Astor and Isaac flloan, of New York; Na­ ed its ranks for those of the Op|>o«ltion, hail not dined, the gentlemen were lieing worth considering whether they could not vantages and true* love lint-* of abstinence v or til. and virtue. It ui»o r»t»* r«al iVdiMMai eases, Walker 's Y iskoar Bitters haro thaniel Thayer, J. W. Brooks. II If. and stigge»b*»noiuy. shown their great curative powers in tho For sueh its appreciate tfvse, V ivko ar 40 ll». norr Hroait to bhl. flour. Hunnewell and Sidney Bartlett, of Boston, them back with open arms. And now nerved in an adjoining room, and that they at least, restored by planting with some MII.L most obstinate and intractable cases. cornea a Liberal Republican organ and in ­ BrrrmfiS i* Uie beverage he-t adap(**d, it R XX Fa Ml t.K, K4.4.K, iM4. and James F. Joy, of Detroit. There being w ould din»* with me. Needle** to *ay 1 of the rapid growing forest tree*. Forest ' 4>iS}OrX*«* tag* artll bur quires. in substance, what if they w ill not did nat wait for a serond invitation. At l)eut|( purely a vi-getahk* draught, devoid Ml MoitK KOI It lllfF. XI*. Every Man Hit Own Painter. ^ For Inflammatory and Chronic but one change in the directory, it is con tree* will grow in soils which are tfN#|«M»r W kHrMlfhirr. Sarrt*-r, Klrhrr, return to the arms stretched out so loving 1a *i I was to see a true Orii-ntel tneai! We for tin* common gra^sc**, UiatN* the* roots of alcohol or mineral poisons, an-l •**. KVKRim>i)l Pralar* It- RhcumatiHiii, Gout, Bilious, Remit­ ceded that Mr. Joy will lie rc-clectcd Prcai ly to receive them? And what if they do hail the low, round table; the little rush- |x*nctratr deeply, drawing sustenance Ing all the virtue*, but noov of the damn TV l^kdir* are all la l<>vr with It tent and Intermittent Fevers. Diseases of Ing curses, of the different poison* which NI.I.M like HOT 4 4KIX IIT SBSEIraPCUWniRto JET BUSK dent of the company. not wi»h to be forgiven, although they lit* ions to *it cross-legged U|ion ; the little jug from lower depth* than are reached by j gPT4»n«1 at tiurr f<*r C trrutar W tbe Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, tie care whether they are forgotten c>r not? : of wnter. out of w hich all were to drink ; yaar by year are sweeping away thott-anda DKO. F. <• % M 7. K ( (»., - Our Ht’IttlFR PAIXT ho* tieea a*r*d rm many ikm* the*© Bitters have no eoual. Such Difeeaes Tint nomhrr of insurance companies lierttecoous plants. When the tree* have lift Dunne Ht„ Xn* 1 »rk. •sod bulWDag* and ba* alwaya nonrrd *-ntlrely nt-lko* There has been no evidence of a desire on each two spoon* —one w have nnm* n*w* t*-»tim * ( O., Tran X aa. X . Y.t meats and vegetable*, the other ivory, for they improve its condition very rapidly ** w e believe It to be tee HMT TAINT mao u fart a red. ** Mechanical Dismsrs.—Personscu- the Michigan .Mutual, is thirty-six. The received bark into tbe party, that anyone lite sweets. To rut my diwcrifition abort, through the annual de|»o«iln of leave* Ai.most every new*pa|H*r man In Amerh-s W. W. I.KI.AND. ** hulaw 1100**-. “ DalUaiore; gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as has discovered; and there is no reason to has tr»n*artrd more or Ir-a htialness with MOODY AND SANXEY. “ Having u*»i1 nmr Taint na the (irand Il'KeL, Kara- Railway Passengers’ and the Hartford Ac there were ai h ast twenty courv*, com­ and other vegetable matter Cast off during 'Xltn«.« kitr* Xo. T. t *M XHK «i* *lin- Niner*. as they advance in life, are subject that they think they hare done any hing lle ot w hleh I* gl v ra don riucm ereeg pi« lL Bhall I Southern Hales which might in a great trratmeni »t tin ir " LanUs. —Gmltn* (JU.) NKXX XOlUt IAXII.X XX I I >!-.-■» It was not without good reason that the ever forget it? I, so hungry, and not one JiSUlit. Itoficd «-vrry looming. All tbe N<*w*. 4H>I) ft4 a Branch (Hire* S KaU-rlo. V» Wrat-*t . 5F. W TOUK- koar Bitters occasionally. Hate during 1874 was 5.4H5, against 7,075 measure l*c: restored to fertility b) tcttrir- { ror. Try It one month Rr .14 fot». p>v»tag« TUASototb Third -t .. MT. LoCIs. Md. Liberals descried the Republican party. f thing I could swallow ! Huch seasoning! H X«l Vaa Uiirca atrect, CHICAGO, ILL. For Sk ill DinnifcON. Eruptions, Tot- The reasons that impelled theui to leave ing them again with forests, and if uxisl* rfKta r»;* who »e!l Pru-alnz ’s White Wine .IMIIX IMH 4. 4 I I. the preceding year. They covered $10, And Uien my charming hostess, w ho fum­ fo |«AHture the (lrsppin of the animals *4 Rptwcc Rt., H«w York. ter, Ball Khenm, Blotches, Spots. Pimples continue to o;*erale at ill, as they have op­ Yibi-gar will nevtr hears • oiuplaiut atMiitt iL 788.048, against $15,164,597 in 1873 bled alrtiut in the dishes like "little Jack wo3l^s**«*n make the* soil rich enough to | This new True !• wont I*U«tules. Boiia, UaVbunclee, King worms, Amount received in premiums $1,781,55?.. erated from the date of their departure out Horner who sat in the corner, ” and present ­ proilfll first rate crop*. The dc*caying With p-rfrrt comfort, Scald head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch. of ihe rank* and control of Republican ism. Senate, (iras- and Milk. blgtit aad day. Adaptr DONT NEGLECT YOURTEETH 28. against $1,844.202 95 in 1978. The ed me alwny* with the best ldt —sometime* roots in tlie soil of wade woodland*, a* lUirlf to overj ront)..n «f Scurfs, Discolorations of tbe Skin, Humor* The only thing for th# Liberal Republk touc hing it to her lip* and then giving it to tee budy. ref a ) slog IJup and Disease* of the Skin of whatever name amount of losses and claims paid to Mi< h well as the A«he» produectl in burning tbe J At a Isle meeting of the 1*ond«»n Chemi­ terw a toder harden cans to de is to join the Democratic party inewith her finger*. I would pretend to eat. cal Society Mr. A. II. Smce re:wl a pa;M*r or nature, are literally dag up and carried igan policy holders during 1874 was $563, and adopt ita principles. A* Indc;indent brush and timlier, add greatly to its fer­ • I- rfUr or l4YC** on Milk in Health and strain mri I —r man'-vi* ly out of the system in a short time by the use 859.58, again*! $542,887.00 the previous they can expect nothing. They are not morsel under my huge piece of bread. Dl*m-e,** which contains Information cur.-d. hold exeap by tea of these Bitter*. sufficiently powerful to defeat * either of clearing. Planting tlmiMT tnrs, or their year Fortunately this last resource wa * g«Mid seeds, may at first sight apiiear like a slow worthy of Mlh-ntion bv all con«umer« of Pin, Tape, and other Worn* tbe great historical parties; and they must and kctu me from starving, and as I was ELASTIC TRUSS CO., lurking in the system of so many thoasanda, The tornado which created such havoc way of reclaiming worn-out soils; still it this staple Article of tfiet. We condense war, M* T. € l«y, therefore waste their em gie* or’ unite offered ice a glaaa was ncreAsary, which from the report as follow*: It wa» first ob- 1 or -cod for Hre*lilar and V cared. SOZODONT are effectually aestrnyed and remoVed. No at Detroit put in ao appearance in the with the Demor racy .—{'A icmgo Cowrior. la a pretty certain method, and the pastur­ saved me from the “ gargolette.” age furnished is also an item to be taken tarvtd, aa the n -ult of reneatcil experi­ sv»tem of medicine, no vermifuges, no an township of Spring Arbor. In Jackson Of course I was almost as hungry after into consideration. The needs of elms ment, that aithmturb milk taken from herds the!miniUcs wili fret, tbe system from worms County, scooping up trees, limbs, lumber A Lucky Mb-Ir -Uw. dinner as before, but really felt excessively and silrer and red maple* are at this time of cow* exhibits great nnifonnity In coin- lik* these Bitters. : arou*cri, for Ut errmt tU fo ssrtWs kept me po-'ilum yet milk lroiu individu-il cows is For Female Complaints, In young and fragments of bouses and carrying One of the gratifying evidence* of the ripening throughout the Northern Btatcs, them along In the air like fenthcrs. Pass­ ; company and, beside* the broken English and those who bare waste lands, or even liable to con«idcrahle variation Tlie qm * or old. married or single, at the dawa of wo­ usefulness of having a powerful friend at j of the young .adie*. several spoke Italian, lion of the efl**et of sew agr-grass upon the manhood. or tho turn of life, tbeee Tonic ing about taro miles north, it took court ia shown in the rate of Lieut. Hook, prsiries yielding little or nothin? In the1 ao I got on famomly. Certainly they are wsy of grasses, could scarcely do better milk of cows to vhk h it is fi*d was care- Bitters display ao decided an influence that the Miiith half of the obi Clinton House er, of the narythe son-in-law of ex-Sena ftilly roneidered and tbe disco very made improvement is soon perceptible. tor Btrwart. This talented young man has tJtfsfird n ‘* •^mingly so happy than to scatter these seeds upon them or off its foundation and carried It. leaving it *e»l that one ia temiKed to say ; plant in nursery row-*, and then transplant that, when thi) food was given the milk Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ­ not seen a day of sea duty since May, " Where 1ignorance is bUss, ns folly to be went putrid after thirty.six hour* and the ever yon find ita impurities bursting through demolished a number of rods east of the 1863, and, since his mania*? to Stewart’s when they are of proper size. old stand, and picked up a new barn on w iwr ’ 1l»s confused Interior of that Planting woody plants for grazing ani ­ butter Ixv4in« rancid rapidly compared the akin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sore*: daughter, haa been assigned to duties that housebrfid K never tn be forgotten En- with that made from the milk of cost * fed cleanse it when you find it obstructed and the McNaughton farm and carried it in would enable him to follow the Stewart mals is no new thing in Eastern conn nig lia, slave* and children, tired out with trie*, and It mi^bt be adopted uuilc ex , on meadow gra.*s. ft was ai-o noth ed that JilSpliiSu sluggish tu the veins ; clean no it when it ia fragments along its course, unroofing one family about wherever they have to go. the three-days ’ fete, were to be seen in when tbe milk from sewage grasa waa foul i yonr tee!ing* will tell you when. Keep When the family went to the seashore last tensivelv in this country with valuable re­ or two ether building*, and carrying of! every corner, with pillows and without sult*. We should have no waste or un placed on a dializer the caeciaa pawed the blood pure, and the health of the system fences, chimneys, clothing, etc The next summer Hooker followed !»eing always pillow*, fast asleep, ami ho com seeming to through the membrane, showing flint ft wifl follow. assigned to some special duty in that di- productive lands, but every acre would he heard of it was in the township of Napo Lake any more notice of them than if it made to produce something, even if it i* must liave assumed some modified form It. N. NrDOX 4LD * CO.. red Ton During the family's —idtere were an every- EVERYBODY BUYS IT! reived an alignment to ditty at Mare Isl­ luxury consists of a mattress, which a had been washed with *ew age-w.tier in the Bute during the week ending June and, Cal. The old officers In tha nary slave bring* and places anywhere her mk E T. Y.f Its (IKK. Wis., ssks: What is which ia rartain Instances had also hern Oae Agas* made $!§ fit throe hoar*. RK 58, 1875: Established —Maxwell, Bay have borne this favoritism very well with­ i tress happens lo br, adding »heels and used In dilute the tuilk it-elf. Tha quea HARDENS THE OHMS I out any serious grumbling, but a recent the proper course of rotation for farm It imparts ft delightfully refreshing ; WwSr&aaSiSL County, William Michta, Postmaster; ’ blankets according to the temperature of crops? And how Is the rotation to be kept lion as to whether the fever gcrui^ mav —a South Board man, Kalkaska County, Geo order m Hooker s favor haa destroyed die weather, and a portable mosquito-bar penetrate the milk •reru* vet n<4 to lie ftil. taste aad feating to tbe mouth, remov­ their last shred of patience, and upon ev ­ up when had seasons intervene to brcaE in ­ moOD ft JOSEFS, ItMAvmiN, Drt when necessary Tbe wedding ceremo­ to the plan laid down? ly devilled Knottgh ta known, however, ing all TARTAR and SCURF from W Briggs, Postmaster. Discontinued — ery hand there Is the fiercest grumbling. to call fora she di-crimination in Ihe nies were to coottnue until three o'clork The rotation must be adapted to the soil the teeth, completely arresting the pro* Bearer Cush, Grain* County; Kami. The Hewari family haa decided upon a j la the tn^mtag. a c onffiant repetition of kinds of fond given fo milch cow*. —Jp Clinton Owwty Name changnrt —Mead European tour and the favorite I looker has and climate. In Central Illinois, for in- < gresa of decay, and whitening such llfim ing fiod howling hut M f wasohHgeton«iof ' to gel up very early next morning I ex- or should be, fed to cattle and hog*. Now, J parta aa have became black by deoay. aaikaw Ur oae aw s*m W M only one example —Filth, dLeaae and moral death are as L. P. Cole appointed Postmaster. Post, *4 Robeaon * detnurniiaing system of fa- cased myself from remaining after the if a proper proportion of the farm la in masters appointed — Avertll ’iHalloa. MW r or it Ism The pels of tniumitial politi­ fsast. and a runnch was sent for my grass, to produce pasturage and hay; if •ox >4iod lug<:UM-r in ail limes and places. IMPURE BREATH laod County, George W llowu j Ball cians are the only *mm that thrive u, the hiiobmel and «wri, make way for q man who wQi Mad tn get hark to the hotel and Have some grata; and ia this way, if the soli be not Kit Tin Clark; Crystal Valley, Ocean County taka his share of the work - impper Now that It is over, tin- wedding lowed or cultivated when wet. Its fertility frnoi tew try iko* ceremony in Cairo remains a Pleasant Jefferson 8 Loveiidge, Ferry, Oceans Cor Chir«ff9 Ti ay be kept pretty wail mlaoL. rliUrRtk'w wins K&4QLmm ..^1 SOZODONT •ftuvimtr amd i tfipfnclHt* my u. I in bar Ip Wisconsin, wheat* ante and. bsvlqyi County, William H Hubbard; Liberty R«'im4B* aa* how * MIDM m are la W—4 by rwUowalpmvyb* as innMofrs It is as harm Ioffe m waUr. Jackson County. James Hilton; Orchao •* Fsxxw! os your aew motive power'” ing had this occasion to peep into tbe constitute an important part of the rota­ bring wwralit all say they ara fie •» fi| Rosserk, Jkree and „ •ay* a Green Ban woman; 6 d’ye see that > Ifzpx —Alormutrio Lm*+. ia C?S2l5tanh ot feet made fi reasovw s ofofrwerioaa witkoai sat* 8*M ly Draggjsts aa4 Dsakrs la Faasy Lake, Oakland County, J. T. Copoland. tion ; and no*atne» and other root-craps ton mr 1**(eBt stamp tonguf MtDer?r’ take the piacs. in some measure of the XII ethers a« Oas bottle will last six