=> TALIM TRACKS OF TROPICAL IN 2017 <SEP (),   ! " Daily Positions at 00 UTC(08 HKT), :; SANVU the number in the symbol represents <SEP the date of the month *+ Intermediate 6-hourly Positions

,')% Super NORU ')% *+ Severe Typhoon JUL ]^ BANYAN LAN AUG )% Typhoon OCT '(%& Severe Tropical Storm NALGAE AUG %& Tropical Storm NANMADOL JUL #$ Tropical Depression

Z SAOLA( 1722) OCT



de KAI- TAK DEC 更新記錄 Update Record

更新日期: 二零二零年一月 Revision Date: January 2020

頁 3 目錄 更新 頁 189 表 4.10: 二零一七年熱帶氣旋在香港所造成的損失 更新 頁 217 附件一: 超強颱風天鴿(1713)引致香港直接經濟損失的 新增 估算

Page 4 CONTENTS Update Page 189 TABLE 4.10: DAMAGE CAUSED BY TROPICAL CYCLONES IN Update HONG KONG IN 2017 Page 219 Annex 1: Estimated Direct Economic Losses in Hong Kong Add caused by Super (1713) 二零一 七 年 熱帶氣旋


二零一九年二月出版 Published February 2019

香港天文台編製 香港九龍彌敦道134A

Prepared by: Hong Kong Observatory 134A Nathan Road Kowloon, Hong Kong

© 版權所有。未經香港天文台台長同意,不得翻印本刊物任何部分內容。

© Copyright reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the Director of the Hong Kong Observatory.

本刊物的編製和發表,目的是促進資 This publication is prepared and disseminated in the interest of promoting 料交流。香港特別行政區政府(包括其 the exchange of information. The 僱員及代理人)對於本刊物所載資料 Government of the Hong Kong Special 的準確性、完整性或效用,概不作出 Administrative Region (including its servants and agents) makes no warranty, 明確或暗示的保證、聲明或陳述;在 statement or representation, express or 法律許可的範圍內,對於提供或使用 implied, with respect to the accuracy, 這些資料而可能直接或間接引致任 completeness, or usefulness of the information contained herein, and in so 何損失、損壞或傷害(包括死亡),亦 far as permitted by law, shall not have any 不負任何法律承擔或責任(包括疏忽 legal liability or responsibility (including 責任)。 liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information.


封面 二零一七年八月二十三日上午8時的雷達圖像,天鴿的風眼清晰可見。

Cover Image of radar echoes at 8 a.m. on 23 August 2017 which clearly shows the of Hato. 3


頁 1. 引言 1.1 熱帶氣旋刊物的沿革 16 1.2 熱帶氣旋等級 17

1.3 熱帶氣旋命名 17 1.4 資料來源 17 1.5 年報內容 18

1.6 香港的熱帶氣旋警告系统 19 2. 二零一七年熱帶氣旋概述 2.1 二零一七年的熱帶氣旋回顧 29 2.2 每月概述 30 3. 二零一七年影響香港的熱帶氣旋 3.1 強烈熱帶風暴苗柏(1702):六月十一日至十三日 52 3.2 熱帶風暴洛克(1707):七月二十一日至二十三日 68 3.3 超強颱風天鴿(1713):八月二十日至二十四日 82 3.4 強烈熱帶風暴帕卡(1714):八月二十四日至二十七日 126 3.5 強烈熱帶風暴瑪娃(1716):八月三十一日至九月四日 142 3.6 熱帶低氣壓:九月二十三日至二十五日 154 3.7 強颱風卡努(1720):十月十二日至十六日 162 4. 熱帶氣旋統計表 176 5. 二零一七年熱帶氣旋的位置及強度數據 194 附件一: 超強颱風天鴿(1713)引致香港直接經濟損失的估算 217 4


page 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Evolution of tropical publications 20 1.2 Classification of tropical cyclones 20 1.3 Naming of tropical cyclones 21 1.4 Data sources 22 1.5 Content 22 1.6 Hong Kong’s Warning System 23 2. TROPICAL CYCLONE OVERVIEW FOR 2017 2.1 Review of tropical cyclones in 2017 38 2.2 Monthly overview 39 3. TROPICAL CYCLONES AFFECTING HONG KONG IN 2017 3.1 Severe Tropical Storm Merbok (1702): 11 – 13 June 54 3.2 Tropical Storm Roke (1707): 21 – 23 July 70 3.3 Super Typhoon Hato (1713): 20 – 24 August 86 3.4 Severe Tropical Storm Pakhar (1714): 24 – 27 August 128 3.5 Severe Tropical Storm Mawar (1716): 31 August – 4 September 144 3.6 Tropical Depression: 23 – 25 September 155 3.7 Severe Typhoon Khanun (1720): 12 – 16 October 164 4. TROPICAL CYCLONE STATISTICS AND TABLES 177 5. TROPICAL CYCLONE POSITION AND INTENSITY DATA, 2017 195 Annex 1: Estimated Direct Economic Losses in Hong Kong caused by Super Typhoon Hato 219 (1713) 5

圖 頁

卷首插圖: 二零一七年北太平洋西部及南海區域的熱帶氣旋路徑圖

1.1 年報內提及的測風站及潮汐測量站之分佈地點 28

2.1 二零一七年在北太平洋西部及南海區域的熱帶氣旋出現次數之每月分佈 48

2.2 二零一七年七個影響香港的熱帶氣旋的路徑圖 48

2.3 二零一七年十月二十一日上午8時超強颱風蘭恩(1721)的紅外線衛星圖片 49

3.1.1a 二零一七年六月十一日至十三日苗柏的路徑圖 59

3.1.1b 苗柏接近香港時的路徑圖 60

3.1.1c 苗柏橫過香港時的路徑圖 61

3.1.2 二零一七年六月十一日至十三日的雨量分佈 61

3.1.3a 二零一七年六月十二日下午8時20分香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風 62 速

3.1.3b 二零一七年六月十二日下午11時40分香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和 63 風速

3.1.4 二零一七年六月十二日至十三日天文台總部及橫瀾島錄得的海平面氣壓 64

3.1.5 二零一七年六月十二日下午8時左右的紅外線衛星圖片 65

3.1.6a 二零一七年六月十二日下午9時36分的雷達回波圖像 66

3.1.6b 二零一七年六月十三日上午10時的雷達回波圖像 66

3.1.7 赤柱大潭道一幅護土牆在暴雨下倒塌 67

3.2.1a 二零一七年七月二十一日至二十三日洛克的路徑圖 74

3.2.1b 洛克接近香港時的路徑圖 75

3.2.1c 洛克橫過香港時的路徑圖 75

3.2.2 二零一七年七月二十二日至二十四日的雨量分佈 76

3.2.3 二零一七年七月二十三日上午10時正香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風 77 速

3.2.4 二零一七年七月二十三日上午9時至11時在塔門及大美督錄得的十分鐘平 78 均風向及風速變化

3.2.5 二零一七年七月二十三日早上在塔門錄得的十分鐘平均風速 79

3.2.6 二零一七年七月二十三日打鼓嶺錄得的海平面氣壓 79


3.2.7 二零一七年七月二十二日下午5時左右的可見光衛星圖片 80

3.2.8 二零一七年七月二十三日上午5時的雷達回波圖像 81

3.3.1a 二零一七年八月二十日至二十四日天鴿的路徑圖 93

3.3.1b 天鴿接近香港時的路徑圖 93

3.3.2 天鴿中心附近最高持續風速的時間序列 94

3.3.3 二零一七年八月二十二日至二十四日的雨量分佈 94

3.3.4a 二零一七年八月二十三日上午10時正香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風 95 速

3.3.4b 二零一七年八月二十三日上午11時正香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風 96 速

3.3.5 二零一七年八月二十三日在長洲、香港國際機場及北角錄得的十分鐘風速 97

3.3.6 二零一七年八月二十二至二十三日香港天文台、長洲及香港國際機場錄得 98 的海平面氣壓

3.3.7 二零一七年八月二十三日香港各潮汐站錄得的最高潮位及水浸報告 99

3.3.8 二零一七年八月二十二至二十三日在鰂魚涌、大埔滘及尖鼻咀錄得的潮位 100 及風暴潮

3.3.9 二零一七年八月二十三日上午11時左右的可見光衛星圖片 101

3.3.10 二零一七年八月二十三日上午10時的雷達回波圖像 102

3.3.11 二零一七年八月二十三日上午7時由雷達數據估算的雲頂高度疊加過去三 103 十分鐘閃電位置的圖像

3.3.12 天鴿襲港期間本港多處有樹木倒塌 104

3.3.13 天鴿襲港期間,紅磡碼頭巨浪拍岸 107

3.3.14 灣仔及中環分別有商業大廈的玻璃幕牆被吹毀 108

3.3.15a 杏花邨一帶嚴重水浸,海水湧入邨內 110

3.3.15b 杏花邨有地下停車場完全被海水淹浸,多輛汽車被淹沒 112

3.3.15c 海水湧入小西灣運動場 113

3.3.16 大澳水浸嚴重,部份地區水深及胸 114

3.3.17 沙田城門河及吐露港沿岸一帶的單車徑及行人隧道被淹浸 116

3.3.18 元朗明渠及山貝河暴漲,附近一帶水浸 118

3.3.19a 將軍澳海濱長廊行人路被海浪破壞 119

3.3.19b 長洲東灣一帶的圍欄被海浪破壞 119 7

3.3.20 多艘貨船在香港西南約30公里的水域擱淺,共39名船員獲救 120

3.3.21 澳門有住宅大廈的窗戶玻璃爆裂 122

3.3.22 位於澳門十月初五馬路的颱風委員會秘書處遭受風暴潮破壞 123

3.3.23 澳門各區受風暴潮影響,出現嚴重水浸 124

3.4.1a 二零一七年八月二十四日至二十七日帕卡的路徑圖 133

3.4.1b 帕卡接近香港時的路徑圖 134

3.4.2 二零一七年八月二十六日至二十八日的雨量分佈 135

3.4.3 二零一七年八月二十七日上午7時正香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風 136 速

3.4.4 二零一七年八月二十六至二十七日長洲及大美督錄得的十分鐘風速 137

3.4.5 二零一七年八月二十六日至二十七日天文台總部及長洲錄得的海平面氣壓 138

3.4.6 二零一七年八月二十七日上午5時左右的紅外線衛星圖片 139

3.4.7a 二零一七年八月二十七日上午5時48分的雷達回波圖像 140

3.4.7b 二零一七年八月二十八日上午7時的雷達回波圖像 140

3.4.8 荔枝角附近長沙灣道有大樹倒塌 141

3.5.1a 二零一七年八月三十一日至九月四日瑪娃的路徑圖 149

3.5.1b 瑪娃接近香港時的路徑圖 149

3.5.2 二零一七年九月二日至四日的雨量分佈 150

3.5.3 二零一七年九月四日上午7時10分香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風速 151

3.5.4 二零一七年九月二日上午八時正的可見光衛星圖片 152

3.5.5 二零一七年九月四日上午七時正的雷達圖像 153

3.6.1 二零一七年九月二十三至二十五日熱帶低氣壓的路徑圖 158

3.6.2 二零一七年九月二十四日的雨量分佈 159

3.6.3 二零一七年九月二十四日上午八時正的可見光衛星圖片 160

3.6.4 二零一七年九月二十四日上午十時十二分的雷達圖像 161

3.7.1 二零一七年十月十二日至十六日卡努的路徑圖 169

3.7.2 二零一七年十月十四日至十六日的雨量分佈 170

3.7.3 二零一七年十月十五日下午2時50分香港各站錄得的十分鐘平均風向和風 171 速

3.7.4 二零一七年十月十五日長洲泳灘及大美督錄得的十分鐘風速 172


3.7.5 二零一七年十月十五日上午8時左右的可見光衛星圖片 173

3.7.6 二零一七年十月十五日上午10時正的雷達回波圖像 174

3.7.7 深水埗有鍍鋅鐵片墮下,損毀兩部私家車 175


FIGURE page FRONTISPIECE: Tracks of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific and the South Sea in 2017

1.1 Locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this annual 28 report 2.1 Monthly frequencies of the occurrence of tropical cyclones in the western North 48 Pacific and the in 2017 2.2 Tracks of the seven tropical cyclones affecting Hong Kong in 2017 48 2.3 Infra-red satellite imagery of Super (1721) at peak intensity at 8 a.m. 49 on 21 October 2017 3.1.1a Track of Merbok on 11 – 13 June 2017 59 3.1.1b Track of Merbok near Hong Kong 60 3.1.1c Track of Merbok moving across Hong Kong 61 3.1.2 Rainfall distribution on 11 – 13 June 2017 61 3.1.3a 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 62 Kong at 8:20 p.m. on 12 June 2017 3.1.3b 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 63 Kong at 11:40 p.m. on 12 June 2017 3.1.4 Traces of mean sea-level pressure recorded at the Observatory Headquarters and 64 Waglan Island between 12 and 13 June 2017 3.1.5 Infra-red satellite imagery around 8 p.m. on 12 June 2017 65 3.1.6a Image of radar echoes at 9:36 p.m. on 12 June 2017 66 3.1.6b Image of radar echoes at 10 a.m. on 13 June 2017 66 3.1.7 A retaining wall at Tai Tam Road in Stanley collapsed under the heavy rain 67 3.2.1a Track of Roke on 21 – 23 July 2017 74 3.2.1b Track of Roke approaching Hong Kong 75 3.2.1c Track of Roke moving across Hong Kong 75 3.2.2 Rainfall distribution on 22 - 24 July 2017 76 3.2.3 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 77 Kong at 10 a.m. on 23 July 2017 3.2.4 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at Tap Mun and Tai Mei Tuk 78 between 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on 23 July 2017 3.2.5 Trace of 10-minute wind speed at Tap Mun on the morning of 23 July 2017 79 3.2.6 Trace of mean sea-level pressure recorded at Ta Kwu Ling on 23 July 2017 79 3.2.7 Visible satellite imagery around 5 p.m. on 22 July 2017 80 3.2.8 Image of radar echoes at 5:00 a.m. on 23 July 2017 81 3.3.1a Track of Hato on 20 – 24 August 2017 93


3.3.1b Track of Hato near Hong Kong 93 3.3.2 Time series of the maximum sustained wind speed near the centre of Hato 94 3.3.3 Rainfall distribution on 22 - 24 August 2017 94 3.3.4a 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 95 Kong at 10 a.m. on 23 August 2017 3.3.4b 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 96 Kong at 11 a.m. on 23 August 2017 3.3.5 Traces of 10-minute wind speed at Cheung Chau, Hong Kong International Airport 97 and North Point on 23 August 2017 3.3.6 Traces of mean sea-level pressure recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory, 98 Cheung Chau and Hong Kong International Airport on 22 and 23 August 2017 3.3.7 Maximum sea level recorded at various tide stations in Hong Kong and flood 99 reports on 23 August 2017 3.3.8 Traces of sea level and recorded at Quarry Bay, Tai Po Kau, and Tsim 100 Bei Tsui on 22 and 23 August 2017 3.3.9 Visible satellite imagery around 11 a.m. on 23 August 2017 101 3.3.10 Image of radar echoes at 10:00 a.m. on 23 August 2017 102 3.3.11 Image of cloud top height estimated using radar data at 7 a.m. on 23 August 2017, 103 overlaid with lightning locations during the past 30 minutes 3.3.12 The passage of Hato resulted in fallen trees in many parts of the territory 104 3.3.13 High waves affected Hung Hom Pier during the passage of Hato 107 3.3.14 Glass curtain walls of several commercial buildings in Wan Chai and Central were 108 shattered 3.3.15a Heng Fa Chuen was seriously flooded with sea water rushing into the estate 110 3.3.15b Sea water flowed into an underground car park in Heng Fa Chuen, submerging a 112 number of private vehicles inside 3.3.15c Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground was flooded by sea water 113 3.3.16 Serious flooding in Tai O with water level reaching the chest high in some places 114 3.3.17 The cycle tracks and subways near Shing Mun River in Sha Tin and coastal area 116 of Tolo Harbour were flooded 3.3.18 The surge of water level in Yuen Long Nullah and Shan Pui River resulted in 118 flooding over the areas 3.3.19a Waterfront Promenade at Tseung Kwan O was damaged by sea waves 119 3.3.19b The fences near Cheung Chau Tung Wan were damaged by sea waves 119 3.3.20 A number of vessels ran aground about 30 km southwest of Hong Kong and a 120 total of 39 crew members were rescued 3.3.21 Window panes of residential buildings in Macao were broken 122 3.3.22 Typhoon Committee Secretariat at Avenida de 5 de Outubro, Macao was 123 damaged by storm surge 3.3.23 Serious flooding in Macao under the influence of storm surge 124 11

3.4.1a Track of Pakhar on 24 - 27 August 2017 133 3.4.1b Track of Pakhar near Hong Kong 134 3.4.2 Rainfall distribution on 26 - 28 August 2017 135 3.4.3 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 136 Kong at 7:00 a.m. on 27 August 2017 3.4.4 Traces of 10-minute wind speed recorded at Cheung Chau and Tai Mei Tuk on 26 137 and 27 August 2017 3.4.5 Traces of mean sea-level pressure recorded at the Observatory Headquarters and 138 Cheung Chau on 26 and 27 August 2017 3.4.6 Infra-red satellite imagery around 5 a.m. on 27 August 2017 139 3.4.7a Image of radar echoes at 5:48 a.m. on 27 August 2017 140 3.4.7b Image of radar echoes at 7 a.m. on 28 August 2017 140 3.4.8 Fallen trees at Cheung Sha Wan Road near Lai Chi Kok 141 3.5.1a Track of Mawar on 31 August - 4 September 2017 149 3.5.1b Track of Mawar in the vicinity of Hong Kong 149 3.5.2 Rainfall distribution on 2 - 4 September 2017 150 3.5.3 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 151 Kong at 7:10 a.m. on 4 September 2017 3.5.4 Visible satellite imagery at 8:00 a.m. on 2 September 2017 152 3.5.5 Radar image at 7:00 a.m. on 4 September 2017 153 3.6.1 Track of the Tropical Depression on 23 - 25 September 2017 158 3.6.2 Rainfall distribution on 24 September 2017 159 3.6.3 Visible satellite imagery at 8:00 a.m. on 24 September 2017 160 3.6.4 Radar image at 10:12 a.m. on 24 September 2017 161 3.7.1 Track of Khanun on 12 - 16 October 2017 169 3.7.2 Rainfall distribution on 14 - 16 October 2017 170 3.7.3 10-minute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in Hong 171 Kong at 2:50 p.m. on 15 October 2017 3.7.4 Traces of 10-minute wind speed recorded at Cheung Chau Beach and Tai Mei Tuk 172 on 15 October 2017 3.7.5 Visible satellite imagery around 8 a.m. on 15 October 2017 173 3.7.6 Image of radar echoes at 10:00 a.m. on 15 October 2017 174 3.7.7 Fallen galvanized iron sheets damaged two private cars in Sham Shui Po 175


表 頁

1.1 二零一七年一月一日起生效的熱帶氣旋名單 24

1.2 年報內各氣壓表的海拔高度及所處氣象站的位置 25

1.3 年報內各風速表的海拔高度及所處氣象站的位置 26

1.4 二零一七年香港熱帶氣旋警告信號的意義 27

2.1 在香港責任範圍內(10°-30°N, 105°-125°E)熱帶氣旋出現之每月分佈 50

2.2 影響香港的熱帶氣旋之每月分佈 51

3.1.1 在苗柏影響下,本港各站在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高陣風、最 56 高每小時平均風速及風向

3.1.2 在苗柏影響下,熱帶氣旋警告信號系統的八個參考測風站在熱帶氣旋警告 57 信號生效時錄得持續風力達到強風及烈風程度的時段

3.1.3 苗柏掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 58

3.1.4 苗柏掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 58

3.2.1 在洛克影響下,本港各站在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高陣風、最 72 高每小時平均風速及風向

3.2.2 洛克掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 73

3.2.3 洛克掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 73

3.3.1 本港各站在天鴿熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高陣風、最高每小時 90 平均風速及風向

3.3.2 在天鴿影響下,熱帶氣旋警告信號系統的八個參考測風站在熱帶氣旋警告 91 信號生效時錄得持續風力達到強風及烈風程度的時段

3.3.3 天鴿掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 92

3.3.4 天鴿掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 92

3.4.1 在帕卡影響下,本港各站在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高陣風、最 130 高每小時平均風速及風向

3.4.2 在帕卡影響下,熱帶氣旋警告信號系統的八個參考測風站在熱帶氣旋警告 131 信號生效時錄得持續風力達到強風及烈風程度的時段

3.4.3 帕卡掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 132

3.4.4 帕卡掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 132

3.5.1 在瑪娃影響下,本港各站在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高陣風、最 146 高每小時平均風速及風向 13

3.5.2 在瑪娃影響下,熱帶氣旋警告信號系統的八個參考測風站在熱帶氣旋警告 147 信號生效時錄得持續風力達到強風程度的時段

3.5.3 瑪娃掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 148

3.5.4 瑪娃掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 148

3.6.1 在熱帶低氣壓影響下,本港各站在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高 156 陣風、最高每小時平均風速及風向

3.6.2 熱帶低氣壓掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 157

3.6.3 熱帶低氣壓掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 157

3.7.1 在卡努影響下,本港各站在熱帶氣旋警告信號生效時所錄得的最高陣風、最 166 高每小時平均風速及風向

3.7.2 在卡努影響下,熱帶氣旋警告信號系統的八個參考測風站在熱帶氣旋警告 167 信號生效時錄得持續風力達到強風及烈風程度的時段

3.7.3 卡努掠過期間,香港天文台總部及其他各站所錄得的日雨量 168

3.7.4 卡努掠過期間,香港各潮汐站所錄得的最高潮位及最大風暴潮 168

4.1 二零一七年在北太平洋西部及南海區域的熱帶氣旋一覽 178

4.2 二零一七年為船舶發出的熱帶氣旋警告 179

4.3 二零一七年天文台所發出的熱帶氣旋警告信號及警報發出的次數 180

4.4 一九五六至二零一七年間每年各熱帶氣旋警告信號的發出次數及總時段 181

4.5 一九五六至二零一七年間每年位於香港責任範圍內以及每年引致天文台需 182 要發出熱帶氣旋警告信號的熱帶氣旋總數

4.6 一九五六至二零一七年間天文台發出熱帶氣旋警告信號的時段 183

4.7 二零一七年當熱帶氣旋影響香港時本港的氣象觀測摘要 184

4.8.1 二零一七年位於香港600公里範圍內的熱帶氣旋及其為本港帶來雨量期間, 186 天文台錄得的雨量

4.8.2 一八八四至一九三九年及一九四七至二零一七年間十個為香港帶來最多雨 187 量的熱帶氣旋

4.9 一九四六至二零一七年間引致天文台需要發出十號颶風信號的颱風 188

4.10 二零一七年熱帶氣旋在香港所造成的損失 189

4.11 一九六零至二零一七年間熱帶氣旋在香港所造成的人命傷亡及破壞 190

4.12 二零一七年天文台發出的熱帶氣旋預測路徑驗証 193


TABLES page 1.1 Tropical cyclone name list effective from 1 January 2017 24 1.2 Elevations of various barometers and positions of weather stations mentioned 25 in this annual report 1.3 Elevations of various anemometers and positions of the weather stations 26 mentioned in this annual report 1.4 Meaning of tropical cyclone warning signals in Hong Kong in 2017 27 2.1 Monthly distribution of the occurrence of tropical cyclones in Hong Kong’s area 50 of responsibility 2.2 Monthly distribution of tropical cyclones affecting Hong Kong 51 3.1.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 56 wind directions recorded at various stations when tropical cyclone warning signal for Merbok was in force 3.1.2 Periods during which sustained strong and gale force winds were attained at 57 the eight reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropical cyclone warning signals for Merbok were in force 3.1.3 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 58 and other stations during the passage of Merbok 3.1.4 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 58 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of Merbok 3.2.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 72 wind directions recorded at various stations when the tropical cyclone warning signals for Roke were in force 3.2.2 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 73 and other stations during the passage of Roke 3.2.3 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 73 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of Roke 3.3.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 90 wind directions recorded at various stations when the tropical cyclone warning signals for Hato were in force 3.3.2 Periods during which sustained strong and gale force winds were attained at 91 the eight reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropical cyclone warning signals for Hato were in force 3.3.3 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 92 and other stations during the passage of Hato 3.3.4 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 92 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of Hato 3.4.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 130 wind directions recorded at various stations when the tropical cyclone warning signals for Pakhar were in force 3.4.2 Periods during which sustained strong and gale force winds were attained at 131 the eight reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropical cyclone warning signals for Pakhar were in force 3.4.3 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 132 and other stations during the passage of Pakhar 3.4.4 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 132 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of Pakhar 3.5.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 146 wind directions recorded at various stations when the tropical cyclone warning signals for Mawar were in force 15

3.5.2 Periods during which sustained strong winds were attained at the eight 147 reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropical cyclone warning signals for Mawar were in force 3.5.3 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 148 and other stations during the passage of Mawar 3.5.4 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 148 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of Mawar 3.6.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 156 wind directions recorded at various stations when tropical cyclone warning signals for the Tropical Depression were in force 3.6.2 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 157 and other stations during the passage of the Tropical Depression 3.6.3 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 157 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of the Tropical Depression 3.7.1 Maximum gust peak speeds and maximum hourly mean winds with associated 166 wind directions recorded at various stations when the tropical cyclone warning signals for Khanun were in force 3.7.2 Periods during which sustained strong and gale force winds were attained at 167 the eight reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropical cyclone warning signals for Khanun were in force 3.7.3 Daily rainfall amounts recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters 168 and other stations during the passage of Khanun 3.7.4 Times and heights of the maximum sea level and the maximum storm surge 168 recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of Khanun 4.1 List of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific and the South China Sea 178 in 2017 4.2 Tropical cyclone warnings for shipping issued in 2017 179 4.3 Tropical cyclone warning signals issued in Hong Kong and number of warning 180 bulletins issued in 2017 4.4 Frequency and total duration of display of tropical cyclone warning 181 signals :1956 - 2017 4.5 Annual number of tropical cyclones in Hong Kong's area of responsibility and 182 the number that necessitated the display of tropical cyclone warning signals in Hong Kong : 1956 - 2017 4.6 Duration of tropical cyclone warning signals issued in Hong Kong: 1956 - 2017 183 4.7 A summary of meteorological observations recorded in Hong Kong during the 184 passages of tropical cyclones in 2017 4.8.1 Rainfall associated with each tropical cyclone that came within 600 km of Hong 186 Kong in 2017 4.8.2 Ten wettest tropical cyclones in Hong Kong (1884 - 1939, 1947 - 2017) 187 4.9 requiring the issuing of the Hurricane Signal No. 10 during the period 188 1946 - 2017 4.10 Damage caused by tropical cyclones in Hong Kong in 2017 189 4.11 Casualties and damage caused by tropical cyclones in Hong Kong: 1960 - 2017 190 4.12 Verification of the tropical cyclone forecast tracks issued by the Hong Kong 193 Observatory in 2017


∉΋≡ ຫⰺ  ᰔỲᠣ㑙إᮘชឳ፞  ㎢ώং΋ςॗ㐋♟΋ςॗ׍ึज़ϑ᛿િგ┞Υፑશ㥳ીጲ݊♚΋׋׋ॗึЈѸҗ΋  ׈ɺإፕḉીጲؚ݊᯾ỲʁឳⶊⷝጻʂึحἼ⿾⬎উ㑖ឳⶊⰕᤥ㥳Ρ಩ጢᴺ૲Ỳጦኸኛ Ꭵʁឳⶊⷝጻشء㦁ךႼ׊ءҗإીጲ݊ং΋ςॗ΍ึ㌯଩⿾⬎㙗↗ឳⶊⰕᤥ໷㥳Ⲇึ ךϑ∌إ㥯㙗↗Ⱅᤥ㥰ʂɺ΋ς׋΋ึ㥳ึך㥯উ㑖Ⱅᤥ㥰ʂܰʁឳⶊⷝጻ∉ϑך΋∌ ϣፕ΋ς׋΍ึዾⅫᬀʁ㖖ᤨউ㑖ⰕᤥึךዾⅫᬀʁᬽ⏡㐐ᇚ↗ջⰕᤥቛ⯫ʂ㥳┞∉΋ ᰔნܵІɺ⿮Еإᰔḉ΋ᑍݝᬀʁ㖖ᤨឳⶊⰕᤥቛ⯫ʂỲፍإਤʂɺ΋ςςΐึ㥳Ⲇ׊ ώউ㑖ܰ㙗↗Ỳឳⶊጦኸɺح⽕ቛ⯫  ⽕㥳ᐪЈ㎎㈚໗ວޏಯ㖖ᤨ⿵Ⴜ‛ઘỲ㔞㔘Ỳਤء΋׋׋ॗ♟΋ςΐςึᑂ㌷㥳み  ׈ɺ┞ং΋ςॗ΍♟΋ς׍΍ึؚ᯾Ỳʁીጲ݊ึਤʂ㥳ᐤዊֱώإፕʁឳⶊⷝጻʂึ څح⌶إ໷㥳ึבɺޏᬅ㔘Ỳᮘชឳ፞Ỳਤނᐲ㍪ᮘชឳ፞Ỳ׈౶㥳ዻ⍆ნᐲರ♠㖖ᤨ ৤ნᐲᮘۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋ㥯ᮘชឳ፞ቛ⯫㥰ʂ㥳Јⱋ⽕᝶ึךᇟʁឳⶊⷝጻ∉ΐ ⏱๗ɹۋ♟〔ᅕ΋ς׍׋ึ⸞ڽ΋ᑂং΋ς΍΋ึؚ᯾㥳׈౶∌ךชឳ፞Ỳⷝጻɺᜰ Ỳ⯯⡟≣ॴךɺḉ΋ς׋ϗึ㌯଩㥳∉ΐޏᑻ⎮♟๗≣ॴ׈ნᐲᮘชឳ፞Ỳਤ ዾⅫᬀʁᮘชឳ፞ึਤʂ㥳ךᑻ㑖あḛḉᑻ⎮๗ж೛♟๗ɺ΋ς׋΍ึ㥳∉ΐ ⱖ㐐◸ֵ⁖᯾㥳څ㥳΋ึ໷܀إ׈౶િ♠Α⎿ᅪΔⵝɺึਤḉ΋ςς΍ึ⸭ЈΥ✗㏸ⲥ ᯾ɺـ܀ϑ㐋㐋㐋ึЈ⏄Α᯾ܵІ  ৤Ỳᮘชឳ፞Ỳ⺆໹ॸゐዻ㈚ፕۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋং΋ςΐςึܰЈٍ㥳᝶ึ ʂ׈ɺךፕʁឳⶊⷝጻ∉΋ح⽕و׈ɺ΋ςॗ΍♟΋ς׍΍ึỲ⺆໹ॸإʁឳⶊⷝጻʂึ ⎗ᰔ׈㥳ᮘชឳ፞Ỳ⺆໹݄㔒⃁᝶፰х⒡㥳┞᝶፰ౢхᎯ㌷ংᓁ⅑๗Α〽ᑋإং፳ᑂỲ 㐋Ꭿєౢхɺᜰ㓆ዾⵝ 65$ ΋Ἴ⎿ᅪЈ᝶፰۳ⲺΛḛᎯوώ΋ςॗॗึЈ໷㥳غ΋ɺр ʂ׈ɺḉ΋ς׍΋ึ㌯଩㥳ნᐲך΋⦍∉΋ۦ∌Ỳⷝጻⲇ⽕ፕીጲؚ݊᯾Ỳʁᄌ⬒ⱋ㈚ ᮘชឳ፞Ỳ⺆໹ॸゐ㔒⃁᝶׍ಱᎯỲх⒡ɺ  ϼᐲ㍪ϬઠჁॹ㙓Ỳ㐓៊㥳ીጲ݊♚΋ς׍㐋ึ㌯଩בᬀώ▸ख़ႍՁபɹ⚉」ḛܰ Ꭿ㥳ીጲد㥳Ἤ፳ᬀᐲ㐓⯫ỲϬઠᇻ҈ⷝጻɺޏᮘชឳ፞⏬ಚ♘Ꭿਤشು໢㓀㖖ᤨỲӊ ɺ♚΋ς׍ޏುこϛᐪರ♠ીጲ݊Ửؚᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍ЈΑỲᮘชឳ፞⏬ಚ♘Ꭿਤ݄݊ ɺޏҴ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞⏬ಚ♘Ꭿਤޏ׋ึ⸭㥳ીጲ݊ᬀნᐲຫ♠ીጲ݊Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ    17

ᮘชឳ፞∜⍓  ᬀءᇻ㙗ⵄⰐ㥳ીጲ݊ংϑ㐋㐋ςึ㌯଩಩ʃ㔞㔘ʄشᬀώⵢ෩ឦಯ⽑ເỲ㔞㔘ᰠ ΐ⍓㥳܃ʃ㔞㔘ʄɹʃເ㔞㔘ʄ޹ʃ⸶ເ㔞㔘ʄɺᔆኸᮘชឳ፞Υ༞㎎⾼Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫উ 㦁شᬀЈΒ׍ӊ⍓ء㑖㔘⿴㥳ᮘชឳ፞׏  㥯J㥰ġ ᮘชцឳ઎㥯5%㥰Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺЈΒɺ 㥯JJ㥰ġ ᮘช㔘ᏺ㥯54㥰Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ♟׌ㄺɺ 㥯JJJ㥰ġ ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ㥯454㥰Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ♟׌ㄺɺ 㥯JW㥰ġ 㔞㔘㥯5㥰Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ♟׌ㄺɺ 㥯45㥰Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ♟׌ㄺɺ 㥯W㥰ġ ເ㔞㔘 㥯4VQFS5㥰Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺჁЈΑɺ 㥯WJ㥰ġ ⸶ເ㔞㔘  ᮘชឳ፞ޮݝ  ৤Ỳᮘชឳ፞㑒ᜯວউᇙḀⒻۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋ༁΋ςॗ΍ึ♟΋ςςςึ㥳  ॲ⼩ፓʃ╗ݘ㔞㔘ⵄਤΥ༞ʄნ⏬ⰻỲݝࢂΑỲݝవɺḉϑ㐋㐋㐋ึ㌯଩㥳፰ᑍឳⶊດ ᮘช㔘ᏺເ๗Ỳᮘชឳ፞ޮݝɺ⿮૚ݝࢂ㥯⬟㥰⎮㔞㔘غ〗ᔆኸ΋૚ፍݝࢂᬀ᝶ӊ ᇻ҈ɺ⿮ϛݝవ㎢ώḀۥ׈ӊॲ౴ჁউۥḉϜુشءଲ߳ᐮ⿯【㥳׏ᐲӊݝవ㥳 ፕᬀॲ㏊⚉↗ܰ⚉ᢧḛỬጁỲ㓏ᤥ޹ⵄਤશ㥳τᎥݡॲ㏊ՁபỬጁᮘชឳ፞ᢷྔᎯᇙḀ Ỳ⯵≣ݝⅫɺ┞ݝࢂᐮ᝶ึᚯⱂ޹ᐤፍ㥳⿯ฌರ♠िㄻՅϟỲᮘชឳ፞ᐮҊ᭫ܶ໢㓀ॲ ᐮບⵌፍݝవܵІɺۥỲ⯫៊┞⭐∇㎢ɺᇻ҈ⲆݝవỲॲ౴Ⴡউۥ౴Ⴡউ  ৤ؚᴳۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋશ㥳፰ᑍឳⶊດং΋ς׋΋ึ⸭෠᳑ଲⱊᬀ᝶ӊং݁ ᮘช㔘ᏺເ๗Ỳᮘชឳ፞⏬プ΋ӊॗхጦవ⏬⦍ɺѼ૷⏬⦍ÇÈІ⬟ংϑغ〗┞ 㔅ᬀᮘช㔘ᏺჁᐤເỲᮘชឳ፞ɺংึਤ׈㥳ᜰ⏬ء׈∉ϑӊ⭐፰ᑍឳⶊດۥ㐋΋΍ึ ᐮ㔒⃁ংᮘชឳ፞ݝⅫ໷Ỳᅕຶ׈㥳Ѽ૷ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ㥯㥰ɺ⦐  ⷝጻѸᥬ  ਤ׈Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ܰউ㑖㔘ⷝጻ㥳Ꭵᔆኸીጲ݊ឳⶊ⇔ܰᤥ㔘⇔⏄⎊ნ㈚໼Ỳጦึ  ᎥⲆϛ⏄⎊׈ݕ⇔Ỳх⒡ܰᢧᅋ㙗๗ɺشءኸɺ⬟ܰ  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ϑ㐋㐋ςึЈٍ㔞㔘Ỳᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺჁЈΑɺ ϑ㐋㐋ςึፍ੮∜⍓ɺ 18

 ᮘชឳ᷽፞᷻Ỳᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑᎥḉ⭳⒡ং㖖ᤨહ⦇Ỳᨑ៓ᤥㄽईㄽ๗ɺॸᎥᑍึ тউ㢜ɺءਤ׈ᇻܰỲݕӊ㔘⿴⬟ܰᨑ៓ᤥㄽ⇔Ỳ  ෘ⅑⦇Ỳ㐃ㄽ⇔ɺڃਤ׈Ỳ㐃ㄽⷝጻѸ♚ીጲ݊ឳⶊ⇔޹㐃ㄽ⇔⏄⎊ܰॾึ  ㋝׈㔘⿴Ỳีওӱ㦂᝶ಱᎯีءᎏશ㥳ึਤ׈ᇻܰỲᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ওᬀحش㎢ᰠ ㋝׈Ỳีও㔘⿴㦂᝶፰㐃ㄽᬀḲી㖖ᤨᎯ㌷۫઺ٍಱᎯ׈Ỳءও㔘⿴ᬀⲆಱᎯٍ ␮㐃ㄽɺ 

ਤ׈౶ึ  ৤Ỳᮘชឳ፞Ỳᗨ⿐ɺۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋਤ∉ϑ≡Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึნᐲ໢㓀ึ   ᅕ㦁ڽ㥳׈౶ޏⲇ⍢ਤشਤ∉ΐ≡Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞Ỳӊึ   㥯J㥰ġ Ⲇᮘชឳ፞ಯ㖖ᤨ⿵ႼỲ໢㓀㦂 Ҵ⦍Ỳ【⅑㦂ޏ㥯JJ㥰ġ Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ 㥯JJJ㥰ġ 㖖ᤨݕউ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡㔘㔘⿴ܰᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴㦂 㥯JW㥰ġ 㖖ᤨીጲ݊㈚໼Ỳᐬцีওᢧี㑖ឳ઎㦂 ϼউፓ㈚໼Ỳ᝶፰␮㐃ㄽ㦂ב㥯W㥰ġ 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ܰ 㥯WJ㥰ġ 㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓ᤥㄽ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ㦂ܰ 㥯WJJ㥰ġ ឳⶊ⬘᎙㐉ॸܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺ  ᐲ㍪ᮘชឳ፞ỲݕⅨⷝጻܰ⎗ⰿ⬟⽕ፕึਤ∉ॗ≡׈ɺ   ϑ㐋΋΍ึ᝶ӊᮘชឳ፞Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡㥳⿸ݜḲᎯỲᐬцΥ༞ឳ઎ܰᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘 ፕึਤ∉ϗ≡׈ɺح⬟و㥳⿴  㥰ᬀ$65܃ਤҊ᭫׈ጲ㐓⯫ᇙḀώΔݜỲᎯ㌷⌶⎗ɺᜯວỲᎯ㌷Ј۳ⲺΛḛᎯ㥯ึ ᥰɺ♟ፕংᮘชឳ፞Ỳ጑⿐Υ㥳Ḁє⬟⃁᝶ીݕᎯᝣỲⱷ໔㥳Ѽ૷ÇΑ۫ÈɹÇΒ۫Èɹ ׋ಱᎯɺڅᎥᅭ㖖ᤨᎯ㌷ɺ㖖ᤨᎯ㌷ᬀ۳ⲺΛḛᎯو∜Ç፳ΑÈɹÇ㢋᎐È  19

1.6 㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄޏ⌶䶝

⬟  Ꭵ㖖ᤨᮘชឳ፞ⵄޏҴ⦍Ỳౢⓐɺ

Ϝᤨዊ೛♟ḉ׋ӊطॴḉ⎿હ≣┘ܭḉϑ㐋㐋΍ึ㌯଩㥳Ửؚ  ⦍޹  ⦍Ҵ⦍Ỳ ܭॸ  㔒⃁  ึნᇙḀỲ׋ӊ ᤥ㔘⇔⍴ႼỲ⏄⎊┘ܭᣏ⡟׉ᤨΡᇝ⾼ᢧี㑖Ỳ ㏄㥳ءỲ♚ᭉڨᅕ೯◁উڽɺ⿮ϛᤥ㔘⇔⦇ፕ⽑ᬀ↗ᐖỲх⒡㥳উᴺΑỲ┘၊τ ᤥ㔘⇔┘ ɺڨᗨᅕউܳ᎚׉ᤨỲ㔘݉

ᅭᙕỲ㔘⿴㎕ӱ㥳┞Ιغ〗⿴ΥۭጦჁЈΑỲᤥ㔘⇔㈚໼Ⴡ㓏ጻᅪ⑫㔘⎊⏄┘ܭḲ ᅪ⑫Ꭿ㥳ીጲ݊ᐮ┘၊Ửؚ  ⦍Ⴡ  ⦍Ҵ⦍ɺ▸݉ڨ㔘 20

Section1INTRODUCTION  1.1 Evolutionoftropicalcyclonepublications   ApartfromadisruptionduetoWorldWarIIduring1940Ͳ1946,surfaceobservationsof meteorological elements since 1884 have been summarized and published in the Observatory’sannualpublication“MeteorologicalResults”.UpperͲairobservationsbeganin 1947 and from then onwards the annual publication was divided into two parts, namely “MeteorologicalResultsPartIͲSurfaceObservations”and“MeteorologicalResultsPartIIͲ UpperͲairObservations”.ThesetwopublicationswerereͲtitled“SurfaceObservationsinHong Kong”and“SummaryofRadiosondeͲRadiowindAscents”in1987and1981respectively.In 1993, both publications were merged into one revised publication entitled “Summary of MeteorologicalObservationsinHongKong”,includingsurfaceaswellasupperͲairdata.   Duringtheperiod1884Ͳ1939,reportsonsomedestructivetyphoonswereprinted asAppendicestothe“MeteorologicalResults”.Thispracticewasextendedandaccountsof all tropical cyclones which caused gales in Hong Kong were included in the publication “Director’s Annual Departmental Reports” from 1947 to 1967 inclusive.The series “Meteorological Results Part IIIͲTropical Cyclone Summaries” was subsequently introducedtoprovideinformationontropicalcyclonesoverthewesternNorthPacificand theSouthChinaSea.Thefirstissue,publishedin1971,containedreportsontropicalcyclones in 1968 within the area bounded by the Equator, 45qN, 100qE and 160qE.The eastern boundaryoftheareaofcoveragewasextendedfrom160qEto180qfrom1985onwards.In 1987,theserieswasreͲtitledas“TropicalCyclonesinYYYY”butitscontentsremainedlargely thesame.Startingfrom1997,theserieswaspublishedinbothChineseandEnglish.TheCDͲ ROMversionofthepublicationfirstappearedin1998andtheprintedversionwasreplaced bytheInternetversionin2000.   TracksoftropicalcyclonesinthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSeawere publishedin“MeteorologicalResults”upto1939andin“MeteorologicalResultsPartI”from 1947to1967.Inearlierpublications,onlydailypositionswereplottedonthetracksandthe timeofthedailypositionsvariedtosomeextent,butthenremainedfixedat0000UTCafter 1944.DetailsofthechangesaregivenintheObservatory’spublication“TechnicalMemoir No.11,Volume1”.From1961onwards,sixͲhourlypositionsareshownonthetracksofall tropicalcyclones.   Provisional reportsonindividualtropicalcyclonesaffectingHongKongwereprepared since1960toprovideearlyinformationtomeettheneedsofthepress,shippingcompanies andothers.Thesereportswereprintedandsuppliedonrequest.Initially,provisionalreports wereonlyavailablefortropicalcyclonesforwhichgaleorstormsignalsorabovehadbeen issuedinHongKong.From1968onwards,provisionalreportswerepreparedforalltropical cyclonesthatnecessitatedtheissuanceoftropicalcyclonewarningsignals.  1.2 Classificationoftropicalcyclones  Toenhancepublicawarenessofstrongertyphoons,theObservatoryfurthercategorised 'Typhoon' into 'Typhoon', 'Severe Typhoon' and 'Super Typhoon' starting from the 2009 21 tropicalcycloneseason.Tropicalcyclonesarenowclassifiedintothefollowingsixcategories accordingtothemaximumsustainedsurfacewindsneartheircentres:  (a) ATROPICALDEPRESSION(T.D.)hasmaximumsustainedwindsoflessthan63km/h. (b) ATROPICALSTORM(T.S.)hasmaximumsustainedwindsintherange63Ͳ87km/h. (c) ASEVERETROPICALSTORM(S.T.S.)hasmaximumsustainedwindsintherange88Ͳ117 km/h. (d) ATYPHOON#(T.)hasmaximumsustainedwindsof118Ͳ149km/h. (e) ASEVERETYPHOON*(S.T.)hasmaximumsustainedwindsof150Ͳ184km/h. (f) ASUPERTYPHOON*(SuperT.)hasmaximumsustainedwindsof185km/hormore.  1.3 Namingoftropicalcyclones  OverthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSeabetween1947and1999,tropical cyclone names were assigned by the U.S. Armed Forces’ Joint Typhoon Warning Center according to a preͲdetermined but unofficial list.With effect from 2000, the  Meteorological Agency has been assigned the responsibility to name tropical cyclones attainingtropicalstormintensityaccordingtoanewlistadoptedbytheTyphoonCommittee. Itcontainsatotalof140namescontributedby14countriesorterritorieswithintheAsia Pacificregion(Table1.1).Apartfrombeingusedinforecastsandwarningsissuedtothe international aviation and shipping communities, the names are also used officially in informationontropicalcyclonesissuedtotheinternationalpress.Thelistisreviewedevery year,andusuallynamesoftropicalcyclonesthathavecausedseriousdamageorcasualtywill beretiredupontherequestsofcountriesorterritoriesaffected.Countriesorterritories providingthosenameswillthenproposenewnamesasreplacement.  Besides, since 1981, Japan Meteorological Agency has been delegated with the responsibilityofassigningtoeachtropicalcycloneinthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouth ChinaSeaattainingtropicalstormintensityanumericalcodeoffourdigits.Forexample,the second tropical cyclone of tropical storm intensity or above, as classified by Japan Meteorological Agency, within the region in 2017 was assigned the code “1702”.In this report,theassociatedcodeimmediatelyfollowsthenameofthetropicalcycloneinbracket, e.g.SevereTropicalStormMerbok(1702).  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #Priorto2009,themaximumsustainedwindsoftyphoonwasdefinedtobe118km/hor more. *Newcategoriesadoptedsince2009.            22

1.4 Datasources   Meansealevelpressureandsurfacewinddatapresentedinthisreportwereobtained fromanetworkofmeteorologicalstationsandanemometersoperatedbytheHongKong Observatory.DetailsofsuchstationsarelistedinTables1.2and1.3.   Maximum storm surges caused by tropical cyclones were measured by tide gauges installedatseverallocationsaroundHongKong.Thelocationsof anemometersandtide gaugesmentionedinthisreportareshowninFigure1.1.  Rainfalldatapresentedinthisreportwereobtainedfromanetworkofmeteorologicaland rainfallstationsoperatedbytheHongKongObservatory,aswellasraingaugesoperatedby theGeotechnicalEngineeringOffice.  Throughout this report, maximum sustained surface winds when used without qualificationrefertowindspeedsaveragedoveraperiodof10minutes.Hourlymeanwinds arewindsaveragedovera60Ͳminuteintervalendingonthehour.Dailyrainfallamountsare computedovera24ͲhourperiodendingatmidnightHongKongTime.  1.5 Content   In Section2, anoverviewofallthetropicalcyclonesoverthewesternNorthPacificand theSouthChinaSeain2017ispresented.   ThereportsinSection3areindividualaccountsofthelifehistoryoftropicalcyclones affectingHongKongin2017.Theyincludethefollowinginformation:Ͳ  (a) theeffectsofthetropicalcycloneonHongKong; (b) thesequenceofdisplayoftropicalcyclonewarningsignals; (c) themaximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindsrecordedinHong Kong; (d) thelowestmeansealevelpressurerecordedattheHongKongObservatory; (e) the daily amounts of rainfall recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory and selected locations; (f) thetimesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandmaximumstormsurgerecordedat varioustidestationsinHongKong; (g) satelliteandradarimageries.   Statisticsandinformationrelatingtotropicalcyclonesarepresentedinvarioustablesin Section4.   SixͲhourly positions together with the corresponding estimated minimum central pressuresandmaximumsustainedsurfacewindsforindividualtropicalcyclonesin2017are tabulatedinSection5.   Inthisreport, differenttimereferencesareuseddependingonthecontexts.Theofficial referencetimesaregiveninCoͲordinatedUniversalTimeandlabelledUTC.Timesoftheday expressedas“a.m.”,“p.m.”,“morning”,“evening” etc.inthetropicalcyclonenarrativesare inHongKongTimewhichiseighthoursaheadofUTC. 23

1.6 HongKong’sTropicalCycloneWarningSystem


Starting from 2007, the reference for the issuance of No.3 and No.8 signals has been expanded from the Victoria Harbour to a network of eight nearͲsea level reference anemometerscoveringthewholeofHongKong.Theeightreferenceanemometersadoptedin 2017 are depicted in Figure 1.1.The reference anemometers have good exposure and geographicaldistribution,takingintoaccountthephysicalseparationcreatedbyHongKong’s naturalterrain.Together,theyareusedtorepresenttheoverallwindconditioninHongKong.

TheObservatorywillconsiderissuingtheNo.3orNo.8signal,asthecasemaybe,when half or more anemometers in the reference network register or are expected to register sustainedstrongwindsorgale/stormforcewinds,andthatthewindyconditionsareexpected topersist. 24

⬟ ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΋ᐱ΋፰⸭᷻ጇỲᮘชឳ፞ݝࢂ TABLE1.1 Tropicalcyclonenamelisteffectivefrom1January2017

I II III IV V Ѹᥬ Contributedby ݝవName ݝవName ݝవName ݝవName ݝవName 〖⎿ ๦଒ ୤৻❶ ℰ⒲፾ ❻❶ࣆ ᓗয়ಗ  Damrey KongͲrey Nakri Krovanh Sarika ᢧ⠤ ᳦ֺ 㔘⃞ ᑯ㞪 ᢧ㖡 Υॲ China Haikui Yutu Fengshen Dujuan Haima ৻ ⋞㐌ڃ♸ 㞜㏣ ᔎ⛘ ᢧ㠖 ᑀ㛦 DPR Kirogi Toraji Kalmaegi Surigae Meari HongKong, ࡇ༔ ⟩౤ 㝭ؒ ໛㐉 㖡㑴 Υॲ㖖ᤨ China KaiͲtak ManͲyi FungͲwong ChoiͲwan MaͲon ⦂⨹ ಱᮀ סۋ ીℼ ીֺ ፰ᑍ Japan Tembin Usagi Kammuri Koguma Tokage ෪ᅀ⟩ ෴෪ ෢⡲ ⣵ᵚ ᡩঢ ┗ኣ LaoPDR Bolaven Pabuk Phanfone Champi NockͲten ΐ෢ ⩝⩟ 㢋⨁ ᭞⛬ ᔲ⛬ Υॲᩆ㌩ Macau,China Sanba Wutip Vongfong InͲfa Muifa ᑺᅀ⟄ ╊෴ 㡎㞹 ᓑ෴۹ ✃ᓀ 㖡Ѹ⯪Ϝ  Jelawat Sepat Nuri Cempaka Merbok ⛄㐉ೈ ᑊྎ ᕾᅀֶ ೈаᰠ ۴ᵼゐ ⒲ೈ⯪Ϝ Micronesiaֶ⋟ Ewiniar Mun Sinlaku Nepartak Nanmadol ፌ έ୤⎘ 㢒ᔉ᝺ ἱ⁝ ਽ᅀፌڃ㖡 ⟇໶ⷥ  Maliksi Danas Hagupit Lupit Talas ᔉⒻ Ữݘ ⣵⣪ ㆹ᠘ ૡ㡘 㒥ॲ ROKorea Gaemi Nari Jangmi Mirinae Noru ᢈ᝺౗ 㒟෴ ⋞ֶᅀ ଒କ ᳺᶀ ᡎॲ  Prapiroon Wipha Mekkhala Nida Kulap ᵼ❶Ϝ ✦ፌ㙗 ᢧ㙗ፌ ૡ㡹ፌ ᡩֶ Ⓕॲ U.S.A. Maria Francisco Higos Omais Roke ૏㖡 ෢ୖ ๦ᕾ ᔚ۹ط ೯⃞ ⸸۴ VietNam SonͲTinh Lekima Bavi Conson Sonca ౗᝺ ⒲❻ Ⓕ❻ֶ ᯀゐ ⍆᠌ ᓗয়ಗ Cambodia Ampil Krosa Maysak Chanthu Nesat ྱ↗ ử㡘 ᢧ⃞ 㐐᝵ ᢧᕳ Υॲ China Wukong Bailu Haishen Dianmu Haitang 㐉㏢ ᖻᓞ ⌾㐩 ⡌׌✗ ೈᔉ ᑀ㛦 DPRKorea Jongdari Podul Noul Mindulle Nalgae HongKong, ᴑᴑ ᳽᳽ ửᢧⶆ Ჯయ೯ ᗲᙦ Υॲ㖖ᤨ China Shanshan Lingling Dolphin Lionrock Banyan 㚴 㜉㚴 ॶ⯵ ી㞟ٺ ቨⓓ ፰ᑍ Japan Yagi Kajiki Kujira Kompasu Hato 㡭ᵚ ᠷ✳ ᯀ㞜 ۴ි ෴۹ ┗ኣ LaoPDR Leepi Faxai ChanͲhom Namtheun Pakhar 25

⬟ ⑫  TABLE1.1 (cont'd)

I II III IV V Ѹᥬ Contributedby ݝవName ݝవName ݝవName ݝవName ݝవName

Υॲᩆ㌩ Macau,China ⶸ⁝ࣆ ᵚᵛ ⡳⛬ ᵼᵯ ᴑᵰ Bebinca Peipah Linfa Malou Sanvu ᦂ᝺Ϝ ਽෢ ᢝ۹ ➔⥪⠬ ᵼୗ 㖡Ѹ⯪Ϝ Malaysia Rumbia Tapah Nangka Meranti Mawar ୤ ᠌༔᯶ 㐌П ܿ⸶⋟ ڃ⥐ ⒲ೈ⯪Ϝ Micronesiaֶ⋟ Soulik Mitag Saudel Rai Guchol طᡎ ۹ڛ⯪㖡҄ ᢧⶸམ ➔ᅀ⟇ 㖡 ⟇໶ⷥ Philippines Cimaron Hagibis Molave Malakas Talim 㔳᮳ ᢖᮀ ી㞵 㛐㚴 ᑯ⥐⛩ 㒥ॲ ROKorea Jebi Neoguri Goni Megi Doksuri ډ೯⇤ ۵⒲Ҋ ⛄❻ೈ ᏾⛨ ۹ ᡎॲ Thailand Mangkhut Bualoi Atsani Chaba Khanun ྎ⥪ طỮㄺࣆ 㡹༔ଥ ⛄ᩫ ⛄ Ⓕॲ U.S.A. Barijat Matmo Etau Aere Lan ᨐⒻ લᢝ ᶪ㙗 ᔚ〖 ⥐ᅀ ⸸۴ VietNam Trami Halong Vamco Songda Saola

ᡜ޹۴ᢧỲᮘชឳ፞ݝࢂΑ㥳ፍ੮ώॗӊፍݝవʃಱᮀʄɹʃ᠌༔ีુۋⱝ㦁ংϑ㐋΋΍ึ㥳⯪ І♲ᐲݝవʃෛᯯʄɹʃ⥐⿌⒲ʄɹʃ✬❶ʄ޹ʃ໛⦡ʄɺܵشء৻ʄڃ♸᯶ʄɹʃᓑ෴۹ʄ޹ʃ Note:In2017,fournewnames"Koguma","Saudel","Cempaka"and"Surigae"havebeenadoptedfor tropicalcyclonesinthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSea,replacing"Koppu","Soudelor", "Melor"and"Mujigae"respectively.

⬟  ึਤ׈ݕឳ઎⬟Ỳᢧᅋ㙗๗ܰნ⦇ឳⶊ⇔Ỳх⒡ TABLE1.2 Elevationsofvariousbarometersandpositionsofweatherstationsmentionedinthis annualreport 

х⒡ Position ឳ઎⬟Ỳ ᢧᅋ㙗๗ ⋞ ⇔ Station Elevationof ⏱ ᑻ⎮ barometeraboveۋ LatitudeN LongitudeE M.S.L.(m) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮み HongKongObservatoryHeadquarters 22°18’07” 114°10’27” 40 ㌤᡼ CheungChau 22°12’04” 114°01’36” 79 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ HongKongInternationalAirport 22°18’34” 113°55’19”7 Ϧઠᓀ King’sPark 22°18’43” 114°10’22” 66 ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan 22°28’08” 113°59’01” 36 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 22°10’56” 114°18’12” 60 26

⬟ ึਤ׈ݕ㔘⿴⬟Ỳᢧᅋ㙗๗ܰნ⦇ឳⶊ⇔Ỳх⒡ TABLE1.3 Elevationsofvariousanemometersandpositionsoftheweatherstationsmentioned inthisannualreport

х⒡Position 㔘⿴⬟Ỳ ᢧᅋ㙗๗ ⋞

⇔Station Elevationof ⏱ ᑻ⎮ anemometerۋ LatitudeN LongitudeE aboveM.S.L.(m)

㢋㢅Ⱆ ⸞ᓜ  BluffHead(Stanley) 22q11’51” 114q12’43” 103 Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier 22q17’20” 114q09’21” 30 ㌤᡼  CheungChau* 22q12’04” 114q01’36” 99 ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃ CheungChauBeach 22q12’39” 114q01’45” 27 㑌᡼ GreenIsland 22q17’06” 114q06’46” 107 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ  HongKongInternationalAirport* 22q18’34” 113q55’19” 14# ࡇ༔  KaiTak* 22q18’35” 114q12’48” 16 Ϧઠᓀ King’sPark 22q18’43” 114q10’22” 90 ᢋᢠ೯  LauFauShan* 22q28’08” 113q59’01” 50 ᎃদ NgongPing 22q15’31” 113q54’46” 607 Ⱆ NorthPoint 22q17’40” 114q11’59” 26ۋ দ᡼ PengChau 22q17’28” 114q02’36” 47 ี᡼ PingChau 22q32’48” 114q25’42” 39 ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung* 22q22’32” 114q16’28” 32 ᠌᡼ ShaChau 22q20’45” 113q53’28” 31 ᠌⪒ᫌ ShaLoWan 22q17’28” 113q54’25” 71 ᠌Ḉ  ShaTin* 22q24’09” 114q12’36” 16 `൒ ShekKong 22q26’10” 114q05’05” 26 ς炖ી᎙㓣 StarFerry(Kowloon) 22q17’35” 114q10’07” 18 ძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing* 22q31’43” 114q09’24” 28 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk 22q28’31” 114q14’15” 71 િญ೯ TaiMoShan 22q24’38” 114q07’28” 966 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 22q26’33” 114q11’03” 11 ਽㌩ TapMun 22q28’17” 114q21’38” 35 િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn 22q21’28” 114q13’04” 587 ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO 22q18’57” 114q15’20” 52 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛  TsingYiShellOilDepot* 22q20’48” 114q05’11” 43 ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ TuenMunGovernmentOffices 22q23’26” 113q58’36” 69 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 22q10’56” 114q18’12” 83 ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark 22q28’00” 114q00’32” 15 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang 22q14’52” 114q10’25” 30 ⹬〕⾼Υ㌷х⒡ۋნᅭ㔘⿴⬟ং # Refer to the wind sensor at the middle of the north runway

ܭ┘ᤥ㔘⇔ *Reference anemometer 27

⬟ ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㖖ᤨᮘชឳ፞ⵄޏҴ⦍Ỳဆⓐ TABLE1.4 MeaningoftropicalcyclonewarningsignalsinHongKongin2017

ᾉ嘇 栗䣢䫎嘇 ᾉ嘇䘬シ佑 Signals SymbolDisplay MeaningofSignals ᐲ΋ᮘชឳ፞㏨⍼ፕ㖖ᤨ⌽׌ㄺỲ ≣ॴ ႾԱ ׈㥳݉▸໢㓀ᑍᤨɺ 1 Standby Atropicalcycloneiscentredwithinabout800km ofHongKongandmayaffecttheterritory. 㖖ᤨ⾼ᢧี㑖⦇ᴳᜯჁ㓏ጻᐮᏋ』ނເ㔘㥳ᅪ 】᝶ಱᎯ♟׌ㄺ㥳㎡㔘ᐤ݉▸⸶〗ڃ⑫㔘 ᅪ⑫ɺ▸݉ڨ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺ㥳Ι㔘 ເ㔘 3 Strongwindisexpectedorblowinggenerallyin StrongWind HongKongnearsealevel,withasustainedspeed of41Ͳ62kilometresperhour(km/h),andgusts whichmayexceed110km/h,andthewind conditionisexpectedtopersist.

ۋ⯪ ۋ⯪ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘 8 NW NW’LY GaleorStorm 㖖ᤨ⾼ᢧี㑖⦇ᴳᜯჁ㓏ጻᐮᏋ』ܶᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ ᝶ಱᎯ〗ڃ⯡㥳ᅪ⑫㔘ނ㔘༁Ҵ⦍ნ⃁ፓݡ ⯪۴ ⯪۴ ♟׌ㄺ㥳㎡㔘ᐤ݉▸⸶【᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺ㥳 ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘 8 ᅪ⑫ɺ▸݉ڨSW Ι㔘 SW’LY GaleorStorm Gale or storm force wind is expected orblowing generally in Hong Kong near sea level, with a sustained wind speed of 63Ͳ117km/h from the ۋᑻ quarterindicatedandgustswhichmayexceed180 ۋᑻ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘 8 NE km/h, and the wind condition is expected to NE’LY persist. GaleorStorm

ᑻ۴ ᑻ۴ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘 8 SE SE’LY GaleorStorm

ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘 ເɺڅ⠌ᴳᜯჁ㓏ጻᐮ㔒ڃᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ỳ 㔘 ੮ເڃ㔘 9 Galeorstormforcewindisincreasingorexpected Increasing toincreasesignificantlyinstrength. GaleorStorm

〗ڃ㔢㔘⅑๗㥳ᅪ⑫㔘غ〗ᴳᜯჁ㓏ጻᐮڃ㔘 ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺჁЈΑ㥳㎡㔘ᐤ݉▸⸶【᝶ಱ 㔢㔘 10 Ꭿ׌ㄺɺ Hurricane Hurricaneforcewindisexpectedorblowingwith sustainedspeedreachingupwardsfrom118km/h andguststhatmayexceed220km/h. 28

ᮘชឳ፞ⵄޏ⌶⎗Ỳܭ┘ᤥ㔘⇔⏄⎊ Networkofreferenceanemometersinthetropicalcyclonewarningsystem 

ᤥ㔘⇔Anemometers ᤥ㔘⇔Anemometers BHD 㢋㢅Ⱆ ⸞ᓜ BluffHead(Stanley) TMS િญ೯ TaiMoShan CCB ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃ CheungChauBeach TUN ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ TuenMunGovernmentOffices CP1 Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier WLP ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark EPC ี᡼ PingChau WGL ᚎ᪱ാWaglanIsland GI 㑌᡼ GreenIsland ⍫侫㷔桐䪁 *Referenceanemometers* HKO ીጲ݊ HongKongObservatory CCH ㌤᡼ CheungChau HKS 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang LFS ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan JKB ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO HKA 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ HongKongInternationalAirport KP Ϧઠᓀ King’sPark SE ࡇ༔ KaiTak NGP ᎃদ NgongPing SHA ᠌Ḉ ShaTin Ⱆ NorthPoint SHL 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛ TsingYiShellOilDepotۋ NP PEN দ᡼ PengChau SKG ⯪ⶼ SaiKung PLC િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk TKL ძ㣀඿TaKwuLing SC ᠌᡼ ShaChau SEK `൒ ShekKong 㼖㯸㷔慷䪁 TideͲgauge SF ς㤙ી᎙㓣 StarFerry(Kowloon) QUB 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay SLW ᠌⪒ᫌShaLoWan SPW `ઃ ShekPik TAP炲 ਽㌩ TapMun TBT ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui TME炲 ਽㌩ᑻ TapMunEast TMW િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan TC િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn TPK િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau TPK િয়ᦩTaiPoKau WGL ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland

㥪਽㌩ᑻᤥ㔘⇔ংึᐱ፰ܵІং਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ 炲TapMunwindstationisreplacedbyTapMunEastwindstationon6July2017 тউ㢜ءॸ ึਤ׈ᇻܰỲᤥ㔘⇔ܰᨑ៓ᤥㄽ⇔η Figure1.1 Locationsofanemometersandtidegaugestationsmentionedinthisannualreport 29

∉ϑ≡ ϑ㐋΋΍ึᮘชឳ፞ᗨ⿐   ϑ㐋΋΍ึỲᮘชឳ፞ख़㔍


⏱๗ɹᑻۋ♟〔ḉ⸞܃৤㥯ۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋϑ㐋΋΍ึᐲӊᮘชឳ፞໢㓀 ᅕỲ≣ॴ㥰㥳ḫહፕึ⌽ӊỲ㌤ᑂึีওጦἶɺ׉ึᐲڽ๗ნ♟⎮ Υᐲב㔞㔘ჁЈΑເ๗㥳ಳፕึ⌽ӊỲ㌤ᑂึีওጦἶ㥳غ〗ӊᮘชឳ፞ ɺ ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺჁЈΑغ〗⿴Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘 ⸶ເ㔞㔘⅑๗غ〗ॗӊᮘชឳ፞ᐤ


Υϗӊং㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ׈Ỳ⟄۴ᠣഝừבϑ㐋΋΍ึ׈ᐲςӊᮘชឳ፞ংΥॲừ㎰㥳 ᐱỲ⸶ۦ㎰㥳׊ӊᚎ【݊ᫌɺॗӊᮘชឳ፞ừ㎰፰ᑍ㥳ςӊᚎ【⟇໶ⷥܰ΍ӊừ㎰⸸۴ɺ Υב৤ᐬເỲᮘชឳ፞㥳ۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋ㥯ॸ㥰Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึ  ເ㔞㔘⥪ྎ ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺ㥳┞ᐬцᢧี㑖ឳ઎ᬀỮ෴ፌ۹㥯⬟㥰ɺ


⏱♟๗ɹۋ܃ংϑ㐋΋΍ึỲӊᮘชឳ፞Υ㥳ᐲӊؚᴳং㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ㥯 ᑻ⎮♟๗㥰㥳⽑ึ⌽ӊỲ㌤ᑂึีওጦἶહ㥯⬟㥰㥳ḲΥᐲӊ 㥯⬟ޏং㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ׈໗Ⴜɺึ׈㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮׏Ửؚӊ҈⚔⚑ѱḀỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄ 㥰ɺ


⏱♟๗ɹᑻ⎮♟๗㥰㥳ۋ܃৤㥯ۥϑ㐋΋΍ึ׏ᐲӊᮘชឳ፞໢㓀۴ᢧ ⌽ӊỲ㌤ᑂึีওጦἶહ㥳ḲΥᐲ׋ӊং۴ᢧΑ໗Ⴜɺึ⽑

 ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞  ং۴ᢧΥみ  ΋፰㥳Ḳીᮘชцឳ઎✃ᓀۦϑ㐋΋΍ึ㖖ᤨỲ㔞㔘ఽ≡଩ፕ׍ᐱ  ډ׍፰ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ۹ۦᐱۦ㥳ીጲ݊Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍ɺۥ໗ႼΡⅉ⾼ຉᑻᠣഝউ ┞⦐Ҵޏⅉݡ㐌ීۭാܰᤗຼ㥳ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㔞㔘ఽ≡㏒⠌ીጲ݊Ḳીܵᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ⍼ᑲɺ  30

׈׏ᐲ΍ӊᮘชឳ፞໢㓀㖖ᤨ㥯ॸ㥰㥳ḫહፕึ⌽׍ӊỲ㌤ᑂึีওึ ɹ΍ᐱỲᮘช㔘ᏺᡩ  ᬀ׍ᐱỲເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀشءɺ⿮΍ӊᮘชឳ፞ ⬟ ጦἶ ɹςᐱỲເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ  ܰເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹  ɹ׋ᐱỲ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟  ֶ ɺી㞟໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ીጲ݊  ډᐱỲເ㔞㔘۹ۦܰ΋ӊᮘชцឳ઎ɹ޹  ᵼୗ Ҵ⦍㥳τᎥ♚ϑ㐋ޏ㔢㔘Ҵ⦍㥳Ꭵึ׈ỬؚỲᐬ㙗ᮘชឳ፞ⵄ⦐ۦΐ፰ᐪỬؚۦং׋ᐱϑ Ҵ⦍ɺ✃ᓀɹᡩֶɹ෴ޏỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄش΋᛿Ửؚᐬ㙗⍓כ΋ϑึເ㔞㔘㒟ᕾᰠ⯡ᤨЈѸ ♠ຫشء⯡ᑂ㌷ીጲ݊ᐪỬؚ׋⦍ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍ɺςᐱỲᵼୗܰᮘชцឳ઎ނډ۹ܰ۹ ીጲ݊Ửؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍޹΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍ɺ 


♟ḉᮘชឳؚ፞ᴳፕ㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴ׈܃ϑ㐋΋΍ึᮘชឳ፞ᬀ㖖ᤨชѸỲ㐃ㄽ㥯 ⋟ᢷ጗Ⴡ㐀㌯㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴη໷ಱᎯᑂ㌷ીጲ݊␮み㈚໼Ỳ㐃ㄽ㥰׏ᬀញב η㥳᝺ึ㌤ᑂึีওӱء㥯⬟㥰㥳⌽ьึ׈␮㐃ㄽញ⋞ỲỮ Ỳញ⋞હ⌽ɺ

㥳Ꭵึ׈㐃ㄽ ⬟ ᬀીጲ݊␮みชѸញ⋞Ỳ㐃ㄽ  ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ ᐬહỲᮘชឳ፞ɺ


৤Ỳᮘชឳ፞ᗨᠥɺ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲݕۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋ⿮΋≡⿨ᐱϷ⍩ϑ㐋΋΍ึ ⲇ⿐ፕ∉ΐ≡ɺوޏᮘชឳ፞ܰՅϟਤ


΋ӊᮘชцឳ઎ፕ΋ᐱ׋፰Β۫ং㖡ೈᅀηᑻ۴⌽׌ㄺỲ⟇໶ⷥ۴みᢧ৤Α໗ Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ⓬፰Ⲇב㥳ڝӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉۋᎯᇙܵ⯪دႼ㥳 ɺۥ፰ᤔᏈং⥐⃴ᢧΑᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۦ㥳ᐬ໷ፕ΋ᐱڝᮘชцឳ઎⾇ݡ⯪۴ӿ⯪ፓݡⅉ





ॗ፰Β۫ং㖡ೈᅀηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲ⟇໶ⷥЈᑻᢧۦ΋ӊᮘชцឳ઎ፕॗᐱ Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ㏒໷ב㥳ڝӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉۋ৤Α໗Ⴜ㥳ᇙܵ⯪ ɺۥ΍፰ং۴ᢧ۴みᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۦ׊ીⲆᮘชцឳ઎ᚎ【⟇໶ⷥΥみ㥳ᐬ໷ፕॗᐱ


ᡜ⯪ีુۋϗ፰፳Αং㖡ೈᅀЈᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲۦፕॗᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᔲ⛬ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎בغ〗㥳ڝፓݡⅉۋɺ⓬፰ᔲ⛬⾇ݡӿڝӿ⯪ⅉۋみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳Ḳ፰ݡ⯪ ีુۋ׋፰፳Αং⟇໶ⷥЈᑻỲ⯪ۦᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺ㥳ᐬ໷ፕॗᐱϑ⾼ ɺۥᡜᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎



׍ᐱ  Ꮘংᑻ᠌Ј۴⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳؂΋፰ۦፕ׍ᐱ  ᮘชцឳ઎✃ᓀ 㥳ḲᎼ੮ເۥ㥳Ḳ፰Β۫੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ⓬፰✃ᓀ①⑫ⅉ⾼ຉᑻᠣഝউڝⅉۋӿۋݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ۫઺בغ〗ᬀເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺΡ ໹ᚎ【ຉ⺆ۋӿۋΐ፰Α۫✃ᓀᇙܵᑻۦᓀংિ㞿ۭാừ㎰Ρᤗຼᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳׍ᐱ✃ٍ ᑻ㥳Β۫ং៝⯪ᢷ጗ɺ  ؚᴳេᢨ㥳⸶【⟩Ϭܶ᫛㥳Ἴۥᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳✃ᓀᬀຉᑻชѸ᱔㔘િ㐃㥳હ⦇উ ႍܶ໢㓀ɺ҈ڃᇝ⎮ᩦሦે〖տ֯Ϭឦศɺ៖೉ᐲ⸶【ზ㐐 

΍ᐱ♟ςᐱ  ᡜ⯪みΑีુۋηᑻ۴⌽׌ㄺỲۋᏈং݊؂ፕ΍ᐱϑ፰  ᮘชцឳ઎۴ᵼゐ 㥳ڝፓݡⅉۋӿۋ㥳Β۫Ử೛ᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ⓬፰۴ᵼゐ⾇ݡᑻڝፓݡⅉۋ໗Ⴜ㥳િ♠ݡ⯪ ⿴ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘בغ〗િ♠⹎ݡ፰ᑍ㥳Ρ⿾΋ᜱ੮ເᬀເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳 бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ۴ᵼゐፕ΍ᐱॗ፰ᚎᇀςීɹॗॲܰᑍී۴みᢧഝ㥳Ρ⿨᧪ᤗຼ㥳 ᐬ໷ፕ΍ᐱϗ፰ᤔᏈং፰ᑍЈᑻᢧ৤᧍ⵝᬀ΋╹ᦂชឳ፞ɺ  ⟨⯡፰ᑍᑂ㌷⿵Ⴜ♟ಳϗϬܶՅ㥳હ⦇Ử᷻೯ᡄՊ᪆㥳⾼΍ނᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳۴ᵼゐ ზԇ㐐㥳ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯િܶ໢㓀ɺ 32

 ϗ፰Β۫ং⯪᠌Ј⯪⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳ۦፕ΍ᐱ  ᮘชцឳ઎਽ᅀፌ ׍፰㙐ΑႼᬀເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳Ρۦみ㥳Ρ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳ፕ΍ᐱۋӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉݡ⸸۴ۋᇙܵ⯪ ۋᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ⓬፰ᤔᏈ਽ᅀፌং⸸۴בغ〗 ɺۥみᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋみừ㎰Ρ㌯଩ᤗຼ㥳Ḳ㙐ংᡎॲ  ⯡⸸۴ᑂ㌷⿵Ⴜ♟ಳϬ᜻ϟ㥳ጦۧ㌷მ೓⭐ᝪɺނᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳਽ᅀፌ  ᡜ⯪ีુۋ⌽׌ㄺỲۋ፰ᎼΑংୖֶാη⯪ۦፕ΍ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ૡ㡘 ᑻ㑖݁΋ӊᮘغΐ፰Ử೛ᬀ㔞㔘ɺܶۦΡ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳ፕ΍ᐱϑڝみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳ݡӿ⯪ፓݡⅉ ׍ܰۦชឳ፞ᳺᶀỲ໢㓀㥳㏒໷ΐી⥌㡘⏭၀উЈ⿣Ꭿㅈፓݡ⾇ώ΋ӊ९ɺૡ㡘ፕ΍ᐱϑ ׋ᐤ⾇ݡ⯪۴ܰῩᏴউᤗۦ㥳΍ᐱϑڝӿ⯪ܰη໷Ỳӿ⯪ፓݡⅉۋݡ⯪⿴څ΍፰㌯଩ۦϑ ⹎ݡᴽᴷⓋാЈᑻỲᢧ৤㥳ڝӿ⯪ⅉۋ΋፰ݡ⯪ۦ๗੮ເɺૡ㡘ፕ΍ᐱΐכ፰ۦ㥳΍ᐱΐຼ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯבغ〗ᐤ⿾΋ᜱỬ೛Ⴜᬀ⸶ເ㔞㔘㥳Ρ Ἴ⹎ۋ㥳Ρ⿨᧪ᤗຼɺ׋ᐱϗ፰ૡ㡘㌯଩⾇ݡᑻڝⅉۋ׌ㄺɺ׋ᐱ΋♟ॗ፰ૡ㡘િ♠ݡ⯪ Ỳᢧ৤ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋᇘ【ॗॲܰᑍී㥳ᐬ໷ፕ׋ᐱ׋፰ংᑍීЈ⿴څ፰ᑍ㥳㏒໷׊ી ৤∉ΐᐬ㌤઩ۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋɺૡ㡘Ỳ᷻ޮ⿽ᑂ㌤〖ી㥳Ⴜᬀ♚ึЈѸংۥ ޮỲᮘชឳ፞㥳Տ᛿ፕึỲ㡭କܰึỲ㒟ྎɺ  ⿍⯡፰ᑍᑂ㌷㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳ׊᜻ɹϬՅܰςϬે⻦㥳ጦ⟩Ϭ⭐ނᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ૡ㡘 ໢㓀ɺغႍܶ҈ڃኔ㐀㥳ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯िㄻܶ㎆㥳ᇝ⾼⟩ზỲ㐐  ᡜีુۋ⌽׌ㄺỲۋ΋፰፳Αংୖֶാηᑻۦፕ΍ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᳺᶀ ᐬ㙗ເבغ〗Ρڝ㥳Ḳ㙐੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺᳺᶀ⓬፰⾇ݡ⯪ⅉڝⅉۋᎯݡد⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳 ӿۋॗ፰ᳺᶀᇙܵ⯪ۦΐܰϑۦ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ΍ᐱϑ ᤗຼᬀ⿴⾶ܰڝ⾇ϗ፰ᳺᶀॴ⑈ૡ㡘ۦ⯪⺆໹⿨᧪㑔⾼ૡ㡘ɺܶૡ㡘Ỳᶪᢋ໢㓀㥳΍ᐱϑ ɺۥ΋ӊц઎  ΋፰፳Αং⯪᠌Јᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみΑ໗ۦፕ΍ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᔚ۹ ⏭၀㥳ংᢧ۴ാᑻ۴Ỳᢧ৤໽໵ɺᔚ۹ፕ΍ᐱϑڝɺ⓬፰ᔚ۹ⅉڝӿ⯪ፓݡⅉۋႼ㥳ݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬבغ〗ݡ⯪ⅉݡ⸸۴㥳⓬፰፳Α⿴څॗ፰㙐Α੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺΡۦ ϗ፰Β۫ং⸸۴ừ㎰Ρᤗຼ㥳⓬፰፳Αۦ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺᔚ۹ፕ΍ᐱϑ ɺۥং┗ኣᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  みЈᑻᢧ৤᷻ႼỲ΋ӊᮘชцឳ઎ɺᡩۋౘމ΋፰Β۫ংۦᎥᥬ♚΍ᐱϑ  ᡩֶ ӿ⯪⺆໹↋ౢউⅉݡᴢΐⰖۋみ໷ᇙܵ⯪ۋౘᢧൃ㥳⿾ׇ۴ᢧᑻމ】ϑ፰ᚎۦፕ΍ᐱϑֶ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌בغ〗΋ช㥳ԩᎼ੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺΡ 33

ΐ፰፳Αং㖖ᤨ㎎⾼ừ㎰㥳፰㌷ᤗຼᬀᮘชцឳ઎㥳ԩᎼংຉᑻ׈㎰ۦㄺɺᡩֶፕ΍ᐱϑ ɺۥᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ᡩֶᬀຉᑻชѸ᱔㔘㘫㐃ɺ΋⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨЈᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲេ৤៾᠆㥳 ⚔Αݝ⚔߳׉み᳑ጋɺ  ᡜ⯪みีુۋᏈং㖡ೈᅀЈᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲ؂׍፰ۦፕ΍ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎⍆᠌ ׋፰ۦ㥳િ♠⹎ݡ݊ᫌ㥳Ρ⿨᧪੮ເɺ⍆᠌ፕ΍ᐱϑۋ㥳⓬፰⾇ݡ⯪ڝⅉۋᎯݡدΑ໗Ⴜ㥳 ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌בغ〗㙐Α੮ເᬀ㔞㔘㥳⓬፰፳Α み໷㥳⓬፰፳Αং⃼ບᠣഝừ㎰㥳Ꮌ㌷ং׈㎰ᢷ጗ɺۋς፰㙐Αᚎᇀ݊ᫌۦㄺɺ⍆᠌΍ᐱϑ  Ꭿং۴ᢧد׋፰፳Αংᑻ᠌Ј۴⌽׌ㄺ໗Ⴜ㥳ۦፕ΍ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᢧᕳ 㥳Ρ੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ۋⅉݡᑻ⿴څς፰㌯଩ۦみ໽໵ɺܶ⍆᠌Ỳᶪᢋ໢㓀㥳ᢧᕳፕ΍ᐱϑۋ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бבغ〗ౘᢧൃ㥳Ḳ፰Β۫މ፰ᢧᕳᚎ⸸ۦᏺɺ΍ᐱΐ 㥳⓬፰፳Αۋӿۋ໹ᇘ【݊ᫌ⯪ഝ㥳①┞⾇ݡ⯪⺆ۋⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ㏒໷ᢧᕳᇙܵӿ ΋፰ᎼΑۦᤗຼ㥳ᐬ໷ፕ΍ᐱΐ܃ংᇝ⾼⍆᠌ພॗಱᎯừ㎰Ỳউ㢜ᚎ【⃼ບᢧഝɺᢧᕳ㏒ ɺۥং⃼ບ׈㎰ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳݊ᫌᇝ⿸ܶ⍆᠌޹ᢧᕳނ⯡㥳♟ಳᐲϬܶՅܰ΋Ϭે⻦㥳々⟩ Υ⃼ບ々⟩Ϭ㐓בზԇ㐐ɺ⍆᠌޹ᢧᕳᬀ⃼ບɹᢎ៝ܰ៝⯪ݕউชѸᏺ㐃޹िㄻᠼᩰ㥳 ⯫⏙ཞṂ጗ɺ  ᡜ⯪みΑีુۋ⌽׌ㄺỲۋӿۋፕ׋ᐱ΋፰ংୖֶാη⯪  ᮘชцឳ઎ೈᔉ בغ〗㥳Ρፕ׋ᐱΐ፰ڝⅉۋᎯݡᑻ۴ӿᑻᧀⅉ㥳⓬፰੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺܰ⾇ݡ⯪د໗Ⴜ㥳 ⓬㥳ڝⅉۋݡ⿴څᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ׋ᐱॗ፰ೈᔉ ᡜ᧍ⵝᬀ΋╹ᦂชឳ፞ɺีુۋ፰ং፰ᑍЈᑻỲ⯪  ᡜ⯪みΑ໗ีુۋ΋፰ংୖֶാηᑻ۴⌽׌ㄺỲۦፕ׋ᐱ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᗲᙦ ϗ፰፳Α΋๗ۦ㥳Ρ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳ፕ׋ᐱڝ໹ⅉ⺆ۋ㥳㏒໷ጦીᇙܵӿڝⅉۋᎯݡ⯪دႼ㥳 ׍ۦᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ׋ᐱבغ〗੮ເᬀເ㔞㔘㥳 㥳Ρ①⑫ᤗຼ㥳⓬፰ংॲ㏊ህ፰⏡Ј⯪Ỳᢧ㑖᧍ⵝᬀ΋╹ᦂชឳڝⅉۋ፰ᗲᙦ㌯଩⾇ݡᑻ ፞ɺ  ᡜ⯪ีુۋ፰ᎼΑং㙗㏦ηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲۦፕ׋ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ી㞟 み㥳Ρ੮ເۋϑ፰⿾ׇ۴ᢧᑻۦౘᢧൃ㥳׋ᐱϑމ】㥳ᚎڝみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳િ♠ݡӿ⯪ፓݡⅉ ΐ፰ી㞟⹎ݡᴢܾ៝΋ชܰ⿾΋ᜱ੮ۦӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉݡຉᑻᠣഝɺ׋ᐱϑۋᬀ㔞㔘ܰᇙܵ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бבغ〗ເ㥳፳Αং㖖ᤨЈ۴ᢧ৤Ử೛Ⴜᬀ⸶ເ㔞㔘㥳 34

ⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺᜯ۫【໷ી㞟ংᩆ㌩ܰᴢᢧ㎎⾼ᠣഝừ㎰㥳ⅉׇຉᑻ⯪みܰ⿨᧪ᤗ ɺۥɺ⓬፰ી㞟ᚎ【ຉ⯪㥳ᎼΑং㐉۴ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ຼ  ી㞟ᬀᴢܾ៝ᠣഝชѸिㄻỲ㔘ᏺᨑ㥳હ⦇㈚໼ᐲ⌹㈚ЈѸỲᐬ㙗េх㥳ḲΥᴢᢧ⇔ ᅕ฿ӊউΒԇ⼦ਧ⭐ᢧេᤍڽۥᬀ⋞ɺᴢᢧᠣᢧউو㈚໼㔘ᏺᨑ⋞㥳┞ᐬ㙗េх 㔵េ҈ႍΔ↋ౢɺહ⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨ⯪۴⌽׌ㄺỲេ৤዇ᤎ㥳ݝ⚔߳᳑ܰڃᢨ㥳׉෩㐐 ۦؚᴳिㄻ‛ઘܰេᢨ㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳۥ㔘ᏺᨑ㥳ຉᠼউܰڃጋɺી㞟ᬀᩆ㌩ชѸ‛ઘའỲ㔘 Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳⸶【ϬܶՅ㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦે⸶【տ֯ᩆ㌩ศɺொ㍀⇔ᐬ㙗េх۪♟⋞㥳 ໢㓀ɺી㞟ংຉᑻɹغ㔵េ҈ႍϣܶܰڃᎥᩆ㌩♚΋ςϑϗึᐲ⌹㈚ЈѸỲᐬ㙗ᨑхɺ㐐 ຉ⯪ɹ⃼ບɹⷋීܰ㐉۴♟ಳ⿵ႼϬ᜻ϟ㥳΋Ϭે⻦㥳⌽ᐲ⟩Ϭܶ᫛㥳⸶【㌷ მ೓Ӑਸ਼㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦે⸶【տ֯Ϭឦศɺ  ᡜ⯪みีુۋॗ፰㙐Αং㖡ೈᅀЈᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲۦፕ׋ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎෴۹ ౘɺ෴މ】໹㨑⺆ۋɺ⓬፰෴۹Ử೛ᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳Ј⯪ڝᎯિ♠ݡӿ⯪ፓݡⅉدΑ໗Ⴜ㥳 ⅉݡຉᑻᠣഝ㥳㙐㌷੮ເᬀເ⿴څ໹⺆ۋ׍፰፳Α⿾ׇ۴ᢧ㥳Ρ①⑫ᇙܵ⯪ۦ۹ፕ׋ᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ෴۹ፕ׋ᐱבغ〗ᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳 ΍፰፳Αংຉᑻ⯪みᠣഝᴢᢧ΋ชừ㎰Ρ⿨᧪ᤗຼ㥳Ḳ㙐ংຉ⯪ᢷ጗ɺۦϑ  ᝏ㕙ংຉᑻɹຉ⯪ɹⷋීܰ㐉۴ชѸ᱔㔘ᏺ㐃㥳♟ಳ⿵Ⴜבᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳෴۹ܰ ⯡Β㥳ᩆ㌩ᐬಳᐲނϬ᜻ϟ㥳ᇝ⾼⟩Ϭܶ᫛㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦે⌽տ֯Ϭឦศɺং෴۹Ỳ ؚᴳេᢨɺ΋⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨЈᑻ׌ㄺ៾᠆㥳ݝ⚔߳᳑ጋɺۥ׋ϬܶՅ㥳હ⦇উ  ᡜ⯪みΑีુۋ׋፰ং‴㢋ാηᑻ۴⌽׌ㄺỲۦፕ׋ᐱϑ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᴑᵰ ⿾΋ᜱܰڝ㥳⓬፰੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺᴑᵰ㏒໷⿨᧪⾇ݡӿ⯪ፓݡⅉڝፓݡⅉۋ໗Ⴜ㥳ݡӿ ᐬ㙗בغ〗ᢧ৤໽໵㥳ςᐱ΋፰፳Αۋ΋፰Ử೛Ⴜᬀ㔞㔘㥳ং‴㢋ാЈۦ੮ເ㥳ፕ׋ᐱΐ ۋӿۋເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺᴑᵰፕςᐱϑ፰㌯଩ᇙܵᑻ ᡜ᧍ⵝีુۋᢧ〕ЈᑻỲ⯪ۋ໹ᚎ【፰ᑍЈᑻᢧ৤Ρ⿨᧪ᤗຼ㥳ᐬ໷ፕςᐱΐ፰ᎼΑং⺆ ᬀ΋╹ᦂชឳ፞ɺ  みۋ΋፰Β۫ংᑻ᠌ηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧۦፕ׋ᐱΐ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᵼୗ 㥳Ρፕςᐱ΋፰ᎼΑ੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ㏒໷׊ીᵼୗિ♠ᇙڝⅉۋӿۋΑ໗Ⴜ㥳⏭၀ݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳בغ〗໹⏭၀㑔⾼ຉᑻᑻみᠣഝ㥳ςᐱϑ፰Α۫੮ເᬀເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺΡ⺆ۋ⯪ܵ Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺᵼୗፕςᐱΐ፰ᤗຼᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳ḲᎼং៖ ɺۥ೉㎎⾼ừ㎰㥳⓬፰ংຉᑻ׈㎰ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  હ⦇ؚᴳिㄻេᢨ㥳ۥᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ܶᵼୗชѸỲ᱔㔘ᏺ㐃໢㓀㥳ᨑ៖޹ᴢΐⰖউ ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯િܶ໢㓀ɺຉᑻᐲ⌽⟩ზԇ㐐㥳┞ᩆ㌩હ⦇উፓϣؚᴳេᢨɺ  35

ౘᢧൃΑ໗މᏈং㙗㏦ηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽׌ㄺỲ؂ፕςᐱ׍፰  ᮘชцឳ઎ܿ⸶ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀבغ〗ፓݡᧀⅉ㥳ḲીΒ۫ۋӿۋႼ㥳િ♠ᑀ⯪ ɺۥ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ⓬፰ܿ⸶ং݊ᫌᢧൃΑᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  ᡜ⯪みΑ໗ีુۋ⌽׌ㄺỲۋፕςᐱς፰㙐Αং㍪ാη⯪  طᮘชцឳ઎ᡎ ΋፰㙐ΑỬ೛ᬀ㔞ۦংςᐱִطӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉݡ݊ᫌЈᑻᢧ৤Ρ⿨᧪੮ເɺᡎۋႼ㥳ᇙܵ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫בغ〗ॗ፰፳Α⿾΋ᜱ੮ເᬀ⸶ເ㔞㔘Ρۦ໷ፕςᐱב㔘㥳 ۦ΍ܰۦ⿨᧪ᤗຼ㥳ςᐱطɺ㏒໷ጦીᡎڝⅉۋ㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺ㥳Ρ㌯଩⾇ݡᑻ Ỳᢧ৤᧍ⵝᬀ΋╹ᦂชۋᢧ〕Јۋᢧ〕㥳ᐬ໷ፕۋ׋፰ִ໷ᚎᇀ፰ᑍςීɹॗॲɹᑍීܰ ឳ፞ɺ  ⯡፰ᑍᑂ㌷㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳ׊Ϭ᜻ϟܰΐϬે⻦㥳ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯િܶނطᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ᡎ ໢㓀ɺ  ౘᑻഝ໗މ⾼Ꮘং㖡ೈᅀЈᑻ⌽׌ㄺ㑔؂ϑ፰ۦፕςᐱ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᑯ⥐⛩ ӿ⯪⺆໹㨑【۴ᢧΥみΡ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳ςۋౘɺ㏒໷׊ીᑯ⥐⛩ᇙܵ⯪މ】Ⴜ㥳፰㌷ݡ⯪㨑 ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀבغ〗ϗ፰ừ㎰⸸۴ΥみٍỬ೛ᬀເ㔞㔘Ρۦᐱ みᢷ጗ɺۋ׍፰ংᡎॲۦ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺừ㎰໷ᑯ⥐⛩⾶⿴ᤗຼ㥳ፕςᐱ  ⯡⟇໶ⷥᑂ㌷⿵Ⴜ♟ಳॗϬ᜻ϟɺᑯ⥐⛩ϣᬀ⸸۴ชѸ᱔㔘ނᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ᑯ⥐⛩ ᏺ㐃㥳♟ಳςϬ᜻ϟ㥳⸶【ϬܶՅ㥳⌽⟩㌷მ೓ܶሦɺ  ΐ፰ᎼΑং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみΑ໗ۦ΋╹ᮘชцឳ઎ፕςᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱבغ〗㥳⓬፰፳Αڝӿ⯪ⅉۋႼ㥳િ♠ݡ⯪ ϗ፰㙐Αংۦみᫌ㥳ፕςᐱϑۋ໹㨑【ᢧ۴ാܰ⺆ۋᎯ׌ㄺɺⲆᮘชцឳ઎㏒໷ᇙܵ⯪ ɺۥみᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋ⸸۴ 

΋ᐱۦ♟ᐱۦ  ۋᐱς፰ᤔᏈং⯪᠌ηᑻ۴⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳ݡ⯪ۦ΋╹ᮘชцឳ઎ፕ Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺⲆᮘชцឳ઎ፕ⓬፰፳Αב㥳ڝӿ⯪ፓݡⅉ ɺۥみừ㎰Ρᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋং⸸۴  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳Ⲇᮘชцឳ઎ᬀ⸸۴ชѸᏺ㐃㥳ຫỬ೯ᡄՊ᪆ܰिㄻេᢨ㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳ Ϭ᜻ϟɺ  36

ᡜีુۋӿᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲۋϑ፰፳Αং㖡ೈᅀηᑻۦᐱۦፕ  ډᮘชцឳ઎۹ み㥳⿾ۋౘމ】ᚎډ㥳Ḳ㙐੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ⓬፰۹ڝӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉۋ⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳ᇙܵ⯪ 㥳⓬፰ڝⅉۋॗ፰⾇ݡ⯪ۦᐱۦፕډׇ۴ᢧ໷ㄻፍ⍴⑀Ρ⏭၀উݡ⯪۴ӿ⯪ፓݡᧀⅉɺ۹ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫בغ〗ӿ⯪⺆໹㑔⾼⟄۴ᠣഝ㥳Ρ੮ເᬀເ㔞㔘㥳ۋᇙܵ⯪ ׍፰ᤔᏈᚎ【㐌ීۭാ㥳፰㌷ۦᐱۦ㌯଩⾶⿴ᤗຼ㥳ډ㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ㏒໷۹ ɺۥみᫌᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋং  ۋᑻܰډংᩆ㌩⿵Ⴜᐬಳ΍ϬܶՅ㥳ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯િܶ໢㓀ɺং۹ډᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳۹ ఽӗ㔘Ỳ׏ݜጇႍΒ㥳ຉᑻɹᢧ۴ɹᢎ៝ɹຉ⯪ɹ⃼ບ׏ᐲ⸶【⟩Ϭܶ᫛ɺ݊ᫌຉᠼউ ႍΥፑɺ҈ڃؚᴳિ㐃㥳みЕ〕⺆ሦᝪ㥳⌽΋⟩ॗۧზỲ㐐ۥ  ᡜ⯪みΑีુۋϗ፰㙐Αং㏧⡌ാЈ⯪⌽׌ㄺỲۦᐱۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎⥪ྎ ໹㥳િ♠ⅉݡ⺆ۋӿۋ⯪♟ۋ፰ᇙܵۦ΍♟ϑۦᐱۦ໷ፕבɺڝӿ⯪ⅉۋᎯݡ⯪د໗Ⴜ㥳 ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳בغ〗΋፰੮ເᬀ⸶ເ㔞㔘ΡۦᐱϑۦᴽᴷⓋാЈᑻᢧ৤Ρ①⑫੮ເɺ⥪ྎፕ ⅉݡ፰ᑍ㥳Ρ⿨⿴څۋӿۋΥ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ⥪ྎ㏒໷ݡᑻ ΐ፰ᤔᏈᚎᇀᑍීᑻみ㥳፰㌷ং፰ᑍЈᑻỲᢧ৤᧍ⵝᬀ΋╹ᦂชឳ፞ɺۦᐱϑۦᤗຼ㥳᧪  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳⥪ྎނ⯡፰ᑍᑂ㌷⿵Ⴜᐬಳ΍Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳々ϬܶՅ㥳ጦỮ㌷მ೓ሦ ႍܶ໢㓀ɺ҈ڃᝪ㥳⌽⟩ზỲ㐐  ᡜีુۋΐ፰፳Αং㍪ാηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽׌ㄺỲۦᐱϑۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎⥐ᅀ 㥳⓬፰ۋ΍፰㙐Α⾇ݡۦᐱϑۦ㥳ڝፓݡⅉۋӿ⯪♟⯪ۋ⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳㏒໷ጦીિ♠ݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯבغ〗ᚎ【ᴽᴷⓋാΡ੮ເᬀ㔞㔘㥳 ς፰ፕ፰ᑍЈ۴ᇘ【㥳㙐Αং፰ᑍЈᑻỲᢧ৤᧍ⵝۦᐱϑۦ㥳⿴څۋ໷⥐ᅀݡᑻב׌ㄺɺ ᬀ΋╹ᦂชឳ፞ɺ  ႍܶ໢㓀ɺ҈ڃ⯡፰ᑍᑂ㌷ᐬಳᐲ׍ϬܶՅ㥳ᇝ⾼ΐ⟩ზỲ㐐ނᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳⥐ᅀ  ΋፰㙐Αং⸸۴Ј۴Ỳᢧ৤Α໗Ⴜ㥳хፕ▦༪ᎏ෩ηᑻ۴ۦᐱΐۦ΋╹ᮘชцឳ઎ፕ Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺⲆב㥳ڝӿ۴⌽׌ㄺ㥳િ♠ݡ⯪⏭၀ⅉ ɺۥ΋ᐱϑ፰ᤔᏈং⸸۴Ј۴Ỳᢧ৤Αᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۦᮘชцឳ઎ፕ  Ꮘং⟇໶ⷥ㎎⾼ɹ㖡ೈᅀηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽׌؂΋ᐱ΋፰ۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎〖⎿ ΋ᐱΐ፰Β۫Ử೛Ⴜᬀ㔞ۦ㥳㨑【۴ᢧ۴み㥳Ρ⿨᧪੮ເɺ〖⎿ፕڝㄺ໗Ⴜ㥳િ♠ݡ⯪ⅉ ΋ۦᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ〖⎿ፕבغ〗Ꮘ؂㔘㥳⓬፰ ɺۥᐱॗ፰፳Αừ㎰⸸۴۴みΡ⾶⿴ᤗຼ㥳Ḳ㙐ংᓗয়ಗᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  37

ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳〖⎿ং⸸۴⿵ႼᐬಳϬ᜻ϟɹϬܶՅܰϬે⻦㥳⸶【㌷ ⿵Ἷ㍪Ỳિ㐃ຫ♠㖡Ѹ⯪Ϝᚺ৛હ⦇উፓؚᴳिㄻេᢨ㥳ۥმ೓⭐ᝪɺ♯〖⎿Ỳᝏ㕙ц઎ Ⴜ♟ಳ׍Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳々ΐۧϬṂ጗ɺ  ΋ᐱς፰㙐Αং⟇໶ⷥ㎎⾼ɹ㖡ೈᅀηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽׌ۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎ᢧ⠤ ΋፰ۦ΋ᐱۦ⿾ׇ۴ᢧ㥳Ρ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳⓬፰Ử೛ᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺᢧ⠤ፕڝⅉۋㄺ໗Ⴜ㥳ݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ⓬፰בغ〗㥳Ρڝ㌯଩⾇ݡ⯪ⅉ ɺۥᢧ⠤⾶⿴ᤗຼ㥳Β۫ং۴ᢧΥみᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  ΍፰ԩ㙐ং۴᠌ാЈᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧ۴みΑ໗ۦ΋ᐱۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎㞜㏣ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗בغ〗⹎ݡ⸸۴ɺ⓬፰㞜㏣੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺΡڝႼ㥳િ♠ݡ⯪ⅉ ς፰㌯଩ᤗຼ㥳Β۫ừ㎰⸸۴۴みΡᤗຼۦ΋ᐱۦᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ㞜㏣ፕ ɺۥᬀ΋ӊц઎ 

ϑᐱۦ  ีુۋॗ፰፳Αং㖡ೈᅀηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲۦϑᐱۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎ࡇ༔ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎בغ〗⏭၀ɺᎼΑࡇ༔੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳⓬፰ڝᎯⅉدᡜ⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳 㥳ᚎڝ΍፰ࡇ༔ݡ⯪♟⯪۴ӿ⯪ⅉۦ׍ܰۦϑᐱۦᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺ⾼ ۦ๗੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳Ρፕכ⟇໶ⷥΥみ㥳Ρᤗຼᬀᮘชцឳ઎ɺࡇ༔⿾ׇ۴ᢧ۴み໷】 ϑ፰ᤔᏈং⸸۴Ј۴Ỳᢧ৤Αᤗຼᬀ΋ӊцۦϑᐱϑۦ㥳ᐬ໷ፕڝς፰⾇ݡ⯪۴ⅉۦϑᐱ ɺۥ઎  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ࡇ༔ং⟇໶ⷥຫỬिㄻេᢨܰ೯ᡄՊ᪆㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳϬ᜻ϟܰϬે ⻦ɺ  ુۋ፰ᎼΑং㖡ೈᅀηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽׌ㄺỲۦϑᐱϑۦፕ  ᮘชцឳ઎ીℼ 㥳ᚎ【⟇໶ⷥڝᡜ⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳Ρ⿨᧪੮ເɺ㏒໷ΐીીℼᑀ⯪۴ӿ⯪ᭉ໷ӿ⯪ፓݡⅉี ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬבغ〗ॗ፰੮ເᬀ㔞㔘㥳ۦϑᐱϑۦ۴みɺીℼ⿾ׇ۴ᢧ۴み໷ፕ ׍፰ং⸸۴Јۦϑᐱϑۦ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺɺીℼ㏒໷㌯଩ᤗຼ㥳ᐬ⍲ፕ ɺۥ۴Ỳᢧ৤Αᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ીℼᬀ⟇໶ⷥชѸ᱔㔘ᏺ㐃㥳ຫỬिㄻេᢨܰ೯ᡄՊ᪆㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳ Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳⸶【Ϭે⻦㥳々΍⟩Ϭᬽ౴݉᜹ɺ


Աⱝ㦁ϬޮՅϟܰⶻᰔሦᝪጦኸᎥᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ⽳㈚┞Ⴜɺ 38

Section2TROPICALCYCLONEOVERVIEWFOR2017  2.1 Reviewoftropicalcyclonesin2017 2.1.1 TropicalcyclonesoverthewesternNorthPacific(includingtheSouthChinaSea) In2017,atotalof32tropicalcyclonesoccurredoverthewesternNorthPacific(WNP)and theSouthChinaSea(SCS)boundedbytheEquator,45°N,100°Eand180°,slightlymorethanthe longͲterm(1961Ͳ2010)averagefigureofaround30.Duringtheyear,12ofthetropicalcyclones attainedtyphoonintensityorabove,lessthanthelongͲtermaverage(1961Ͳ2010)ofabout15, withfourofthemreachingsupertyphoonintensity(maximum10Ͳminutewindspeedof185km/h orabovenearthecentre). Figure2.1showsthemonthlyfrequenciesoftheoccurrenceoftropicalcyclonesinWNPand SCSin2017. Duringtheyear,ninetropicalcyclonesmadelandfalloverChina,withfiveofthemcrossing thesouthChinacoastwithin300kmofHongKongandtwocrossed.Fourtropicalcyclones madelandfalloverJapan,ninetraversedthePhilippinesandsevenmadelandfallover. With an estimated maximum sustained wind speed of 205 km/h and a minimum seaͲlevel pressureof925hPanearitscentre(Table4.1),SuperTyphoonLan(1721)inOctober(Figure2.3) wasthemostintensetropicalcycloneoverthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSeain 2017.  2.1.2 TropicalcyclonesinHongKong’sareaofresponsibility Amongstthe32tropicalcyclonesin2017,22ofthemoccurredinsideHongKong’sareaof responsibility(i.e.theareaboundedby10°N,30°N,105°Eand125°E),morethanthelongͲterm annualaveragefigureofaround16(Table2.1).13ofthemdevelopedwithinHongKong’sarea ofresponsibility.Altogether,427tropicalcyclonewarningstoshipsandvesselswereissuedby theHongKongObservatoryin2017(Table4.2).  2.1.3 TropicalcyclonesovertheSouthChinaSea 18tropicalcyclonesaffectedSCSboundedby10°N,25°N,105°Eand120°Ein2017,more thanthelongͲtermannualaverageofaround12.EightofthemformedwithinSCS.  2.1.4 TropicalcyclonesaffectingHongKong In 2017, the typhoon season in Hong Kong started on 11 June when tropical depression Merbok(1702)formedinthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSeaandedgedclosertothecoastof Guangdong,necessitatingtheissuanceoftheStandbySignalNo.1.Thetyphoonseasonended withthecancellationofalltropicalcyclonewarningsignalson16OctoberasSevereTropical StormKhanun(1720)movedtowardsLeizhouPeninsulaandweakenedthatday. SeventropicalcyclonesaffectedHongKongduring2017(Figure2.2),slightlymorethanthe longͲterm(1961Ͳ2010)averageofaboutsixinayear(Table2.2).TheywereSevereTropicalStorm Merbok(1702)inJune,TropicalStormRoke(1707)inJuly,SuperTyphoonHato(1713)andSevere Tropical Storm Pakhar (1714) in August, Severe Tropical Storm Mawar (1716) and a Tropical DepressioninSeptember,andSevereTyphoonKhanun(1720)inOctober.TheNo.10Hurricane 39

SignalwasissuedbytheHongKongObservatoryduringthepassageofHatoon23August.Itwas thehighest tropicalcyclonewarningsignalissuedin2017 andforthefirsttimesinceSevere TyphoonVicentehittingHongKonginJuly2012.TheNo.8GaleorStormSignalwasissuedduring the passage of Merbok, Roke, Pakhar and Khanun. Mawar and the Tropical Depression in SeptembernecessitatedtheissuanceoftheStrongWindSignalNo.3andtheStandbySignalNo.1 inHongKongrespectively. 

2.1.5 Tropicalcyclonerainfall

Tropicalcyclonerainfall(totalrainfallrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquarters fromthetimewhenatropicalcyclonecomeswithin600kmofHongKongto72hoursafterithas dissipatedormovedmorethan600kmawayfromHongKong)in2017was922.1mm(Table 4.8.1).Thisaccountedforapproximately35.9%oftheyear’stotalrainfallof2572.1mmandwas about27%abovethe1961Ͳ2010longͲtermaverageof728.8mm.

Severe Tropical Storm Merbok (1702) brought 292.9 mm of rainfall to the Hong Kong ObservatoryHeadquarters(Table4.8.1)andwasthewettesttropicalcyclonein2017.

2.2 Monthlyoverview

Amonthlyoverviewoftropicalcyclonesin2017isgiveninthissection.Detailedreportson tropicalcyclonesaffectingHongKong,includingreportsofdamage,arepresentedinSection3.

JANUARY  AtropicaldepressionformedovertheseaareasinthesouthernpartofthePhilippinesabout 810kmsoutheastofManilaontheafternoonof8January.ItmovedwestͲnorthwestwardsat firstwithanestimatedwindof45km/hnearitscentre.ThetropicaldepressionturnedwestͲ southwestwardsthenextdayandfinallyweakenedintoanareaoflowpressureoverSuluSeain thesmallhoursof10January.   FEBURARYTOMARCH  No tropical cyclone formed over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea in FebruaryandMarch2017.   APRIL  AtropicaldepressionformedovertheseaseastofthePhilippinesabout1020kmeastͲ southeast of Manila on the afternoon of 14 April.It moved westͲnorthwestwards with an estimatedwindof45km/hnearitscentre.Thetropicaldepressionmovedacrossthecentralpart 40 ofthePhilippinesinthefollowingtwodaysandfinallyweakenedintoanareaoflowpressure overthesouthernpartoftheSouthChinaSeaon17April.  Accordingtopressreports,thetropicaldepressionbroughtfloodingtothecentralpartofthe Philippinesduringitspassage.Atleast10peoplewerekilled.  TropicaldepressionMuifa(1701)formedoverthewesternNorthPacificabout1730kmeast ofManilaonthemorningof25AprilandmovedwestͲnorthwestwardsonthatday.Muifaturned northwardsthenextdayandreacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedwindof55km/hnear itscentre.ItfinallyweakenedintoanareaoflowpressureoverthewesternNorthPacifictothe eastofthePhilippinesonthemorningof28April.   MAY  NotropicalcycloneformedoverthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSeainMay 2017.   JUNE  Merbok(1702)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSea about580kmsouthofDongshainthesmallhoursof11June.MovingnorthͲnorthwestwards,it intensifiedintoatropicalstormthatafternoon.Merbokcontinuedtomoveclosertothecoastal areasofGuangdongon12Juneandintensifiedintoaseveretropicalstormthatnight,reaching itspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof105km/hnearitscentre.Itmadelandfall overtheDapengPeninsulabeforemidnightandweakenedintoatropicalstorm.Takingona northͲnortheasterly track, Merbok moved across Guangdong on the morning of 13 June and dissipatedoverJiangxiintheafternoon.  Accordingtopressreports,MerbokbroughtheavyrainandsquallstoGuangdong,causing flooding in many places.At least 120 000 people were affected with a direct economic loss reaching260millionRMB.Electricitysupplytomorethan45000householdswasinterruptedin Shanwei.   JULYTOSEPTEMBER  Nanmandol(1703)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout 990kmsoutheastofTaibeiontheearlyhoursof2July.Itmovedgenerallynorthwestwardsand developedintoatropicalstormthatafternoon.NanmandolturnednorthͲnortheastwardsinthe general direction of Japan the next day and further intensified into a severe tropical storm, reachingitspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof105km/hnearitscentre.Itswept across Kyushu, Shikoku and the south coast of Honshu on 4 July and weakened gradually. NanmandolfinallyevolvedintoanextratropicalcycloneovertheseaseastofJapaninthesmall hoursof5July.  Accordingtopressreports,atleastfivepersonswereinjuredinJapanduringthepassageof Nanmandol.Therewereextensivelandslidesandelectricitysupplytonearly70000households wasdisrupted.Transportationserviceswereseriouslyaffected.  41

Talas(1704)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSea about60kmwestofXishaontheafternoonof15July.TalasmovedwestͲnorthwesttowards northernVietnamandintensifiedgradually,becomingaseveretropicalstormonthenightof 16Julyandreacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof90km/hnearitscentre. ItmadelandfalloverthecoastofnorthernVietnaminthesmallhoursof17Julyandstartedto weaken.TalasfinallydegeneratedintoanareaoflowpressureoverthenorthernpartofThailand thatnight  Accordingtopressreports,atleast14personswerekilledandthousandsofhouseswere destroyedduringthepassageofTalasinVietnam.  Noru(1705)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout1160km northwestofWakeIslandonthenightof20July.Movinggenerallywestwards,itintensified gradually and developed into a typhoon on 23 July.Under the influence of another tropical cycloneKulaptotheeast,NorumadeaslowcounterͲclockwiseloopinthenextthreedays.It startedtoacceleratewestͲnorthwestwardsandthenwestwardson26and27July,beforeturning tothesouthweston28Julyandtemporarilyweakened.ItthenreͲintensifiedagainon30July. TurningtothewestͲnorthwesttowardstheseaareaseastoftheRyukyuIslands,Norubecamea super typhoon on 31 July, reaching its peak intensity with an estimated sustained wind of 195km/hnearitscentre.Norumovedgenerallynorthwestwardson1Ͳ4Augustandgradually weakened.ItstartedtoturnnortheasttowardsJapanon5AugustandacceleratedacrossShikoku andHonshuoverthenextcoupleofdays.Norufinallydegeneratedintoanareaoflowpressure overtheseaareasnorthofHonshuon8August.Noru’slifespanreached19days,makingitthe thirdlongestͲlivingtropicalcycloneoverthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSeasince 1961,afterRitain1972andWaynein1986.  Accordingtopressreports,atleasttwopersonswerekilled,36injuredandninereported missinginJapanduringthepassageofNoru.Tensofthousandspeoplehadtobeevacuated,and transportationserviceswereseriouslydisrupted.Electricitysupplytonear200000households wasaffected.  Kulap(1706)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout1270km northeastofWakeIslandonthemorningof21July.Movingnorthwardsatfirst,itintensified intoatropicalstormthatnight.Itturnedwestwardsthenextdayandreacheditspeakintensity withanestimatedsustainedwindof75km/hnearitscentre.KulapheadedwestͲnorthwestwards on23and24JulyandgraduallygettingclosertoNoru.UndertheinfluenceofNoru’scirculation, KulapmovedaroundNoruon25Julyandweakenedrapidlyintoanareaoflowpressure.  Sonca(1708)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSea about260kmeastofXishaonthemorningof21JulyandmovedwestͲnorthwestwards.Itslowed downthenextdayandlingeredovertheseaareassoutheastofHainanIsland.Soncaintensified intoatropicalstormonthenightof24JulyandacceleratedtothewesttowardsVietnam.It reacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof75km/hnearitscentrethenext morning.SoncamadelandfalloverVietnamontheafternoonof25Julyandweakened.Itfinally degeneratedintoanareaoflowpressureoverLaoPDRthenextmorning.  Roke(1707)originatedfromatropicaldepressionthatdevelopedovertheseaareaseastof northernontheafternoonof21July.ItmovedacrosstheLuzonStraiton22Julyandafter enteringthenortheasternpartoftheSouthChinaSea,tookonawestͲnorthwestwardcourseand headedsteadilytowardsthePearlRiverDelta.Itintensifiedintoatropicalstormthatevening, 42 reachingitspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof65km/hnearitscentre.Roke madelandfallnearHongKongonthemorningof23Julyandweakenedintoatropicaldepression duringtheday.ItfinallydegeneratedintoanareaoflowpressureoverinlandGuangdonginthe evening.  Accordingtopressreports,RokebroughtsquallyshowerstoGuangdongduringitspassage. Avesselsunkovertheseasabout70kmeastofHongKongandall12crewmembersonboard wererescued.  Nesat(1709)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout810km eastofManilaontheearlyhoursof26July.Movinggenerallynorthwardsatfirst,itturnedtothe northwest the next day in the general direction of Taiwan and intensified gradually.Nesat developedintoatyphoononthenightof28Julyandreacheditspeakintensitythenextmorning withanestimatedsustainedwindof145km/h.AftersweepingacrossthenorthernpartofTaiwan on the night of 29 July, Nesat made landfall over the coast of  the next morning and dissipatedinlandduringthenight.  Haitang (1710) formed as a tropical depression about 150 km south of Dongsha on the morningof28JulyandlingeredoverthenorthernpartoftheSouthChinaSeaatfirst.Underthe influence of the circulation of Nesat, Haitang accelerated northeastwards on 29 July and intensifiedintoatropicalstorm.CrossingtheLuzonStraiton30July,Haitangreacheditspeak intensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof85km/hthatafternoon.Thenitsweptpastthe westcoastofTaiwanonanorthwardtrackandturnednorthͲnorthwestwardstostrikethecoast ofFujianthenextmorningnearwhereNesatmadelandfalljust24hoursearlier.Haitangthen weakenedandfinallydegeneratedintoanareaoflowpressureoverinlandFujianonthenightof 31July.  Accordingtopressreports,therewereatleast131peopleinjuredandonereportedmissing inTaiwanwithNesatandHaitanghittingtheislandinquicksuccession.Morethan670 000 householdswerewithoutelectricitysupply.NesatandHaitangalsobroughttorrentialrainand severefloodingtoFujian,andJiangxi,withmorethan200000peopleevacuatedinFujian.  Nalgae(1711)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout920km northͲnorthwest of Wake Island on 1 August and drifted eastͲsoutheastwards initially.It intensified into a tropical storm the next day and turned northwestwards, reaching its peak intensity with an estimated sustained wind of 75 km/h near its centre on 3 August.Nalgae acceleratednorthwardson4Augustandevolvedintoanextratropicalcycloneoverthewestern NorthPacificeastofJapanthenextday.  Banyan(1712)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout460km southeast of Wake Island on 11 August.Moving northwestwards at first, it took on a more northerlycourseoverthenextfewdaysandintensifiedgradually.Itoncedevelopedintoasevere typhoononthemorningof15Augustwithanestimatedsustainedwindof155km/hnearits centreatpeakintensity.Banyanstartedtoturnnortheastwardsandcontinuedtoweakenon 16August,evolvingintoanextratropicalcyclonethenextdayovertheseaareaswestofthe InternationalDateLine.  Hato(1713)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout740km eastͲsoutheastofGaoxiongonthenightof20August.Itmovedgenerallywestwardsacrossthe LuzonStraitandenteredthenortheasternpartoftheSouthChinaSeaon22August,intensifying 43 into a typhoon and tracking westͲnorthwest towards the coast of Guangdong.During its approachtowardsthePearlRiverestuaryon23August,Hatointensifiedfurtherandbecamea supertyphoonthatmorningovertheseaareassouthofHongKong,reachingitspeakintensity withanestimatedsustainedwindof185km/hnearitscentre.Aftermakinglandfalloverthe coastnearMacaoandZhuhaishortlyafternoontime,HatoenteredwesternGuangdongand graduallyweakened.ItmovedacrossGuangxithenextdayanddegeneratedintoanareaoflow pressureoverYunnanatnight.

HatobroughtseverestormsurgetothecoastofPearlRiverestuary.RecordͲhighsealevels wererecordedatmanyplaces.Amaximumstormsurgeof2.79mandamaximumsealevelof 6.14mwererecordedatZhuhaistation.ThecoastalareasinZhuhaiincludingsomeunderground carparkswerefloodedbyseawater.Electricityandwatersupplyinthecitybecameunstable.A numberofvesselsranagroundabout30kmsouthwestofHongKongand39crewmemberswere rescued.HatobroughtdamagingwindsandstormsurgetoMacao.ExtensiveareasofMacao suffereddamageandwereseriouslyflooded,resultinginatleasttendeathsandmorethan240 injuries.Thedirecteconomiclossexceeded8.3billionMOP.Amaximumsealevelof5.58metres wasrecordedinAͲMastation,arecordhighinMacaosincerecordsbeganin1925.Electricityand watersupplieswerealsoaffected.InGuangdong,Guangxi,Fujian,GuizhouandYannan,there wereatleast15deathsandonemissingduringthepassageofHato.Around740000peoplewere affectedandover6500housescollapsed,withdirecteconomiclossexceeding27.2billionRMB.

Pakhar(1714)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout570km eastofManilaonthenightof24August.Movinggenerallywestwardsatfirst,itdevelopedintoa tropicalstormthenextdayandmovednorthwestwardsacrossLuzon.AfterenteringtheSouth ChinaSeaonthemorningof26August,Pakharmaintainedanorthwestwardtrackand acceleratedtowardsthecoastofGuangdong.Itintensifiedintoaseveretropicalstormduring thenight,reachingitspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof110km/hnearitscentre. AftermakinglandfalloverthecoastofwesternGuangdonginthevicinityofZhuhaionthe morningof27August,PakharweakenedgraduallyanddissipatedoverGuangxithatnight.

According to press reports, Pakhar and its remnant brought heavy rain and squalls to Guangdong,Guangxi,GuizhouandYunnan,resultinginatleast12deaths.Around100000people wereaffectedwithdirecteconomiclossaround370millionRMB.Eightpeoplewereinjuredand manyplaceswerefloodedinMacaoduringthepassageofPakhar.Acargovesselsunkabout 120kmeastofHongKongand11crewmembersonboardwererescued.

Sanvu(1715)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout880km southeastofIwoJimaon28Augustand,movingnorthwards,intensifiedintoatropicalstormthe nextday.Turninggraduallywestwardsandintensifyingfurther,Sanvudevelopedintoatyphoon on31AugustandlingeredovertheseaareasnorthofIwoJimaandreacheditspeakintensity withanestimatedsustainedwindof145km/hnearitscentreonthemorningof1September.It startedtotracknorthͲnortheastwardsacrosstheseaareaseastofJapanandweakenedgradually. SanvufinallyevolvedintoanextratropicalcycloneoverthewesternNorthPacificeastof onthenightof3September.

Mawar(1716)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthenorthernpartoftheSouthChinaSea about 270 km eastͲsoutheast of Dongsha on the afternoon of 31 August.It drifted northͲ northwestwardsslowlyandintensifiedintoatropicalstormonthenightof1September.Tracking slowlytothenorthwesttowardsthecoastofeasternGuangdonginthenexttwodays,Mawar intensifiedintoaseveretropicalstormonthemorningof2Septemberandreacheditspeak 44 intensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof90km/hnearitscentre.Itthenweakenedintoa tropicalstormon3September,makinglandfallnearShanweithatnightanddegeneratingintoan areaoflowpressureoverinlandGuangdongthenextday.

Accordingtopressreports,torrentialrainandsquallsbroughtbyMawarseriouslydisrupted transportationservicesandcausedseverefloodingintheChaozhouͲShantouregionandthePearl RiverDelta.Electricitysupplytoaround110000householdswereinterruptedinGuangdong,and therewasreportsoffloodinginmanyplacesinMacao.

Guchol(1717)formedasatropicaldepressionovertheLuzonStraitabout310kmsouthͲ southeast of Gaoxiong on the small hours of 6 September and drifted generally northͲ northwestwards.Itreacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof55km/hnear itscentrethatafternoonanddegeneratedintoanareaoflowpressureovertheTaiwanStraitthe nextday.

Talim(1718)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout290km northwest of Guam on the night of 9 September.It moved generally westͲnorthwestwards towardstheseaareaseastofTaiwanandintensifiedgradually.Talimreachedtyphoonintensity onthenightof11Septemberbeforeintensifyingfurtherintoasupertyphoononthemorningof 14Septemberandreachingitspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof185km/hnear itscentre.Aftertakingaturntothenortheast,Talimgraduallyweakenedoverthenextfewdays. ItsweptacrossKyushu,Shikoku,HonshuandHokkaidoofJapanon17and18Septemberbefore evolvingintoanextratropicalcycloneovertheseaareasnorthofHokkaido.

Accordingtopressreports,atleasttwopersonswerekilledandthreewerereportedmissing inJapanduringthepassageofTalim.Transportationserviceswereseriouslyaffected.

Doksuri(1719)formedasatropicaldepressionofftheeastcoastofLuzonabout230kmeast ofManilaonthesmallhoursof12SeptemberandmovedwestwardscrossingLuzonduringthe day.IttraversedthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSeaandintensifiedgraduallyoverthenext coupleofdays.Doksuriintensifiedintoaseveretyphoonandattaineditspeakintensitywithan estimatedsustainedwindof165km/hnearitscentrebeforemakinglandfalloverthecentralpart ofVietnamon15September.Afterlandfall,Doksuriweakenedrapidlyanddissipatedoverthe northernpartofThailandon16September.

Accordingtopressreports,DoksurileftatleastfourpeopledeadinthePhilippinesduringits passage.DoksurialsobroughttorrentialrainandsquallstoVietnam,causingatleastninedeaths withmorethan110peopleinjuredandabout150000housesdamaged.

AtropicaldepressionformedoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSeaabout620km southͲsoutheast of Hong Kong on the night of 23 September and tracked generally westͲ northwestwards.Itreacheditspeakintensitythenextmorningwithanestimatedsustainedwind of55km/hnearitscentre.Takingonanorthwestwardcourse,thetropicaldepressionthen movedacrossHainanIslandandBeibuWanbeforeweakeningintoanareaoflowpressureover thenorthernpartofVietnamonthenightof25September. 45

 OCTOBERTONOVEMBER  AtropicaldepressionformedoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSeaabout130km southeastofXishaontheearlymorningof9October.IttrackedwestͲnorthwestwardswithan estimatedsustainedwindof45km/hnearitscentre.Thetropicaldepressionmadelandfallover thenorthernpartofVietnamthenextmorningandweakenedintoanareaoflowpressure.  Accordingtopressreports,torrentialraininducedbythetropicaldepressioncausedsevere floodingandlandslidesinVietnam,resultinginatleast72deaths.  Khanun(1720)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout650km eastͲnortheastofManilaonthemorningof12October.ItmovedwestͲnorthwestwardsand intensifiedintoatropicalstormthatnight.KhanunmovedacrossthenorthernpartofLuzonthe next day and drifted westͲsouthwestwards slowly as it reͲorganized after entering the South ChinaSea.Itturnednorthwestwardson14OctoberandthenwestͲnorthwestwardsthenextday asitapproachedthesouthChinacoast,intensifyingintoaseveretyphoonandreachingitspeak intensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof155km/hnearitscentre.Itthenstartedtoweaken rapidlyandmovedacrossLeizhouPeninsulaintheearlymorningon16October,degenerating intoanareaoflowpressureoverBeibuWanduringtheday.  Accordingtopressreports,atleastsevenpeoplewereinjuredinMacaoduringthepassage ofKhanun.Transportationserviceswereseriouslydisrupted.Underthecombinedinfluenceof Khanunandthenortheast,atleast970000peoplewereaffectedinGuangdong,Hainan, Zhejiang, Guangxi and Fujian.There was also widespread heavy rain in Taiwan, with roads damagedandelectricitysupplyto14000householdsdisrupted.  Lan(1721)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout140kmwest ofYaponthenightof15OctoberandmovedwestͲnorthwestwardsatfirst.Itstartedtotakeon anorthtonorthͲnorthwestwardtrackinthegeneraldirectionoftheseaareaseastofRyukyu Islandson17–20Octoberandcontinuedtointensify.Itdevelopedintoasupertyphoonon 21Octoberandreacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof205km/hnearits centre.LanthenacceleratedtothenorthͲnortheasttowardsJapanandweakenedgradually.It sweptacrosstheeasternpartofHonshuontheearlymorningof23Octoberbeforeevolvinginto anextratropicalcycloneovertheseaareaseastofJapanduringtheday.  Accordingtopressreports,atleastsevenpersonswerekilledandmorethan130people injuredinJapanduringthepassageofLan.Hundredsofhousesweredamagedandelectricity supplytoaround130000householdswasdisrupted.  Saola(1722)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout570km southͲsoutheast of Guam on the morning of 23 October.It moved generally to the westͲ northwest and northwest over the next few days before turning northwards on the night of 27October.ItsweptacrossRyukyuIslandsthenextdayandintensifiedintoatyphoon,reaching itspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof120km/hnearitscentre.Turningtothe northeast,SaolaacceleratedandskirtedpasttothesouthofJapanon29October.Itfinally evolvedintoanextratropicalcycloneovertheseaareaseastofJapanduringthenight.  Accordingtopressreports,atleastsixpeoplewereinjuredinJapanduringthepassageof Saola.Electricitysupplytonearly30000householdswasdisrupted.  46

A tropical depression formed over the sea areas south of Vietnam about 390 km southͲ southeastofHoChiMinhCityonthenightof31October.Ittrackedslowlywestwardsingeneral withanestimatedmaximumsustainedwindof45km/hnearitscentre.Thetropicaldepression weakenedintoanareaoflowpressureearlyinthemorningon2Novemberovertheseaareas southofVietnam.  Damrey(1723)formedasatropicaldepressionnearthePhilippinesabout400kmsouthͲ southeastofManilaonthesmallhourson1November.Movinggenerallywestwards,itcrossed thesouthernpartoftheSouthChinaSeaandintensifiedgradually.Damreydevelopedintoa typhoonontheafternoonof3Novemberandreacheditspeakintensityonthesmallhoursthe nextdaywithanestimatedmaximumsustainedwindof145km/hnearitscentre.Itmadelandfall overthesouthernpartofVietnamonthemorningof4Novemberandweakenedrapidlyintoan areaoflowpressureoverCambodiathatnight.  Accordingtopressreports,Damreyleftatleast89peopledead,174injuredand18missing inVietnamduringitspassage.Over2000housesweredamaged.Theheavyrainassociatedwith theremnantlowpressureareaofDamreytriggeredseverefloodinginmanyplacesofPenangof Malaysia,leadingtoatleast6deathsandtheevacuationofover3000people.  Haikui (1724) formed as a tropical depression near the Philippines about 100 km southͲ southeastofManilaonthenightof9November.MovingnorthwestwardsintotheSouthChina Sea,itintensifiedgraduallyanddevelopedintoatropicalstormthenextday.Haikuistartedto turnwestwardson11Novemberandreacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedmaximum sustainedwindof85km/hnearitscentre.Itweakenedrapidlythenextdayanddegenerated intoanareaoflowpressureoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSeaintheafternoon.  Kirogi(1725)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthesouthernpartoftheSouthChinaSea about290kmeastofNanshaDaoontheeveningof17November.Itmovedgenerallywestwards inthedirectionofVietnam.Kirogiintensifiedintoatropicalstormthenextday,reachingitspeak intensitywithanestimatedmaximumsustainedwindof65km/hnearitscentre.Itstartedto weakenon19November,makinglandfalloverthesouthernpartofVietnamanddegenerating intoanareaoflowpressureintheafternoon. 

DECEMBER  KaiͲtak(1726)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout820km eastͲsoutheastofManilaonthemorningof14Decemberandmovedslowlyatfirst.Itintensified intoatropicalstormatnight,reachingitspeakintensitythenextdaywithanestimatedmaximum sustainedwindof85km/hnearitscentre.KaiͲtakthentrackedwesttowestͲsouthwestards acrossthecentralpartofthePhilippineson16–17Decemberandweakenedintoatropical depression.AfterenteringthesouthernpartoftheSouthChinaSea,KaiͲtakreͲintensifiedintoa tropicalstormandturnedsouthwestwardson19December,beforefinallydegeneratingintoan areaoflowpressureovertheseaareassouthofVietnamearlyon22December.  Accordingtopressreports,KaiͲtakcausedseverefloodingandlandslidesinthePhilippines. Atleast54peoplewerekilledand24peopleweremissing.  47

Tembin(1727)formedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout1350km eastͲsoutheastofManilaonthenightof20December.Itintensifiedgradually,movingwestͲ southwestandthenwestwardsacrossthesouthernpartofthePhilippinesoverthenextthree days.AfterenteringthesouthernpartoftheSouthChinaSea,Tembindevelopedintoatyphoon andreacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedmaximumsustainedwindof130km/hnearits centreon24December.Itthenstartedtoweakenandfinallydegeneratedintoanareaoflow pressureovertheseaareassouthofVietnamon26December.  According to press reports, torrential rain and squalls brought by Tembin caused severe floodingandlandslidesinthePhilippines.Atleast240peoplewerekilled,morethan180people weremissingandover70000peopleweremadehomeless.     

Note:Casualtiesanddamagefigureswerecompiledfrompressreports. 48

Јᮘ тء৤Ỳᮘชឳؚ፞ᴳ᛿ጦη᝶ᐱۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋॸ ϑ㐋΋΍ึং ᐱ㖓᛿੮ເᬀۦ᛿ؚᴳᬀᥰ㥳ӷ૷΋ᮘชឳ፞ংςᐱ໗ႼΡংدชឳ፞ংⲆᐱ ⰿشءʄỲ⎗ⰿጦవ಩شʄܰʃ㔞㔘ჁЈΑ⍓ش㥳౒ংʃნᐲ⍓ش㔞㔘ჁЈΑ⍓ ɺ ᐱЕ׈ۦংςᐱܰ≍ Figure2.1 Monthly frequencies of the occurrence of tropical cyclones in the western North PacificandtheSouthChinaSeain2017(basedonthefirstoccurrenceofthetropical cycloneinthemonth;forexampleifatropicalcycloneformsinSeptemberandfirst intensifiesintotyphoonoraboveintensitiesinOctober,itsrelatedstatisticsfor“all intensities”and“typhoonoraboveintensities”willbecountedinSeptemberand Octoberrespectively).

ॸ  ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ӊ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞Ỳ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure2.2 TracksoftheseventropicalcyclonesaffectingHongKongin2017. 49

楁㷗 Hong Kong

嗕】 Lan

Ỳ⌾શ⏡⬘  ΋፰Α۫Ꭿ⸶ເ㔞㔘⥪ྎۦᐱϑۦॸ ϑ㐋΋΍ึ ᎙ॸ᯽ɺḲᎯ⥪ྎỲᐬ㙗㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ׌ㄺ㥳┞ᐬцΥ༞ ឳ઎ᬀỮ෴ፌ۹ɺ Figure2.3 InfraͲredsatelliteimageryofSuperTyphoonLan(1721)atpeakintensity at8a.m.on21October2017.Theestimatedmaximumsustainedwind and minimum seaͲlevel pressure of Lan was 205km/h and 925 hPa respectivelyatthattime.

ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤8⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [The satellite imagery was originally captured by the HimawariͲ8 Satellite (HͲ8) of Japan MeteorologicalAgency(JMA).] 50

 ᛿ؚᴳᬀᥰدЈᮘชឳ፞ংⲆᐱ тءᮘชឳؚ፞ᴳη᝶ᐱ PP& PP/ ⬟ ং㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ׈ Table2.1 MonthlydistributionoftheoccurrenceoftropicalcyclonesinHongKong’sareaofresponsibility (10oͲ30oN,105oͲ125oE),basedonthefirstoccurrenceofthetropicalcycloneinthemonth ϑᐱ ׏ۦ ΋ᐱۦ ᐱۦ ᐱЕ Month ΋ᐱ ϑᐱ ΐᐱ ॗᐱ ϗᐱ ׍ᐱ ΍ᐱ ׋ᐱ ςᐱ ึЕ Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 1961 3 5 2 5 4 3 1 1 24 1962 3 4 5 4 1 3 20 1963 3 3 3 2 2 13 1964 1 1 5 3 6 3 6 1 26 1965 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 16 1966 2 5 2 3 2 2 1 17 1967 1 1 1 2 6 1 2 3 17 1968 2 4 2 1 3 12 1969 3 3 4 1 11 1970 1 2 2 3 4 5 3 20 1971 1 2 2 5 3 3 4 20 1972 1 3 2 4 2 1 1 1 15 1973 4 4 2 4 3 17 1974 3 2 4 2 4 4 2 21 1975 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 12 1976 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 10 1977 1 4 1 3 1 10 1978 1 1 2 2 4 5 4 1 20 1979 1 2 1 3 5 2 2 1 1 18 1980 1 3 1 5 2 3 1 1 17 1981 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 15 1982 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 16 1983 1 3 1 3 5 2 15 1984 2 2 4 2 2 2 14 1985 2 2 2 4 4 1 15 1986 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 2 16 1987 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 12 1988 1 1 3 1 1 2 5 2 1 17 1989 2 1 4 2 4 3 1 17 1990 1 4 2 3 3 3 2 18 1991 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 3 14 1992 2 3 2 2 2 11 1993 1 1 2 3 2 2 3 14 1994 1 1 2 6 5 2 2 1 20 1995 1 1 5 5 3 1 1 17 1996 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 15 1997 1 1 4 1 2 1 10 1998 1 3 4 3 3 1 15 1999 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 12 2000 2 1 3 5 3 3 2 1 20 2001 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 14 2002 1 1 3 2 3 10 2003 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 12 2004 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 15 2005 1 2 3 4 3 2 15 2006 1 1 3 3 4 1 2 1 16 2007 1 4 3 1 3 12 2008 1 2 1 2 3 5 1 2 17 2009 2 2 3 2 3 4 1 17 2010 3 4 2 2 11 2011 2 3 1 2 2 2 12 2012 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 14 2013 2 3 4 4 3 3 19 2014 1 1 2 3 1 2 10 2015 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 13 2016 1 3 1 4 3 1 2 15 2017 1 1 1 6 3 4 2 3 1 22 ีও Average 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.6 3.1 2.7 2.1 1.7 0.6 15.6 (1961-2010) 51

   тء⬟  ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞η᝶ᐱ Table2.2 MonthlydistributionoftropicalcyclonesaffectingHongKong  # ᐱЕ Month   ϑᐱ ׏ۦ ΋ᐱۦ ᐱۦ ΋ᐱ ϑᐱ ΐᐱ ॗᐱ ϗᐱ ׍ᐱ ΍ᐱ ׋ᐱ ςᐱ ึЕ Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 1961 ġġġġ1 ġ 3 ġ 2 ġġġ6 1962 ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 1 ġ 4 1963 ġġġġġ1111 ġġġ4 1964 ġ ġ ġ 1 1 1 4 3 ġ 10 1965 ġġġġġ12 ġ 2 ġ 1 ġ 6 1966 ġ ġ ġ 1 ġ 3 1 1 ġ ġ 6 1967 ġġġ 1 ġ 113 ġ 1 1 ġ 8 1968 ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 3 2 ġ ġ 6 1969 ġġġġġġ1 ġ 2 1 ġġ4 1970 ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 2 1 2 ġ 6 1971 ġġġġ12311 1 ġġ9 1972 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 1 ġ ġ 1 ġ 5 1973 ġġġġġġ232 2 ġġ9 1974 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 ġ 2 4 1 1 11 1975 ġġġġġ1 ġ 12 3 ġġ7 1976 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 1 2 1 ġ ġ ġ 5 1977 ġġġġġ1313 ġġġ8 1978 ġ ġ ġ 1 ġ ġ 1 2 2 2 ġ ġ 8 1979 ġġġġġġ222 ġġġ6 1980 ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 1 4 1 2 1 ġ ġ 10 1981 ġġġġġ1211 ġġġ5 1982 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 2 ġ 1 1 ġ ġ 5 1983 ġġġġġġ3 ġ 2 2 ġġ7 1984 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 1 2 1 ġ ġ ġ 5 1985 ġġġġġ11 ġ 2 1 ġġ5 1986 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 2 ġ 1 ġ ġ 4 1987 ġġġġġ1 ġ 21 1 ġġ5 1988 ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 1 1 ġ 1 2 ġ ġ 6 1989 ġġġġ112 ġ 1 2 ġġ7 1990 ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 2 1 1 1 ġ ġ ġ 6 1991 ġġġġġġ312 ġġġ6 1992 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 3 1 ġ ġ ġ ġ 5 1993 ġġġġġ1123 1 1 ġ 9 1994 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 ġ 1 1 ġ ġ ġ 4 1995 ġġġġġġ142 1 ġġ8 1996 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 2 2 1 ġ ġ 7 1997 ġġġġġġ11 ġġġġ2 1998 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 2 ġ ġ 5 1999 ġġġ 1 ġ 1113 1 ġġ8 2000 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 2 2 1 ġ 1 ġ 7 2001 ġġġġġ2211 ġġġ6 2002 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 ġ ġ ġ 3 2003 ġġġġġġ211 ġġġ4 2004 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 1 1 ġ ġ ġ ġ 3 2005 ġġġġġġġ12 ġġġ3 2006 ġ ġ ġ ġ 1 1 ġ 3 1 1 ġ ġ 7 2007 ġġġġġġġ11 ġġġ2 2008 ġ ġ ġ 1 ġ 1 ġ 2 1 1 ġ ġ 6 2009 ġġġġġ2213 ġġġ8 2010 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 1 1 ġ ġ 5 2011 ġġġġġ21 ġ 1 1 ġġ5 2012 ġ ġ ġ ġ ġ 2 1 2 ġ ġ ġ ġ 5 2013ġ 2121 1 7 2014 1 1 2 4 2015 1 1 1 3 2016 1 2 1 2 3 9 2017 1 1 2 2 1 7 ีওAverage 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.7 1.5 1.3 1.5 0.9 0.1 0.0 6.0 (1961-2010)

.Ҵ⦍㖓᛿ỬؚỲᐱЕɺ#Themonththatthetropicalcyclonewarningsignalwasfirstissuedޏᮘชឳ፞ⵄ 52

∉ΐ≡ ϑ㐋΋΍ึ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞

ΐ፰ۦ♟΋፰ۦ3.1ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ (1702)㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ

✃ᓀᎥϑ㐋΋΍ึ㖓ӊ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞ɺ✃ᓀނ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ીጲ݊㐓 ϑ፰ᎼΑᚎ【㖖ᤨᑻみេ৤㥳ۦ⯫Ửؚ׋⦍ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍ɺ✃ᓀỲΥ༞ং׍ᐱ ᛿ᐲᮘชឳ፞ỲΥ༞⿾ׇ㖖ᤨ੝׈ɺכᎥ♚ϑ㐋㐋׋ึ׋ᐱ㔞㔘㡎㞹໷

Ꮘংᑻ᠌Ј۴⌽ 580 ׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳؂΋፰ۦᮘชцឳ઎✃ᓀፕ׍ᐱ 㥳ۥ㥳Ḳ፰Β۫੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ⓬፰✃ᓀ①⑫ⅉ⾼ຉᑻᠣഝউڝⅉۋӿۋݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱבغ〗ḲᎼ੮ເᬀເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺΡ ✃ΐ፰Α۫ۦᎯ 105 ׌ㄺɺ۫઺ٍ✃ᓀংિ㞿ۭാừ㎰Ρᤗຼᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳׍ᐱ ໹ᚎ【ຉᑻ㥳Β۫ং៝⯪ᢷ጗ɺ⺆ۋӿۋᓀᇙܵᑻ

ؚᴳេᢨ㥳⸶【 12 ⟩Ϭۥᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳✃ᓀᬀຉᑻชѸ᱔㔘િ㐃㥳હ⦇উ ႍܶ໢㓀ɺ҈ڃ᫛㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦે〖 2.6 տ֯Ϭឦศɺ៖೉ᐲ⸶【 45000 ზ㐐ܶ

⍼Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯ✃ᓀ㏨ء ΋፰ᎼΑ 7 Ꭿ 40ۦ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ং׍ᐱ ޹⏭ӿᑻ㔘ɺ㏒⠌✃ᓀ㑔⾼ຉᑻᠣഝ㥳ނং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽ 530 ׌ㄺɺᎼ㌷ᑍᤨ Ửؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯ✃ᓀхፕ㖖ᤨηᑻء ϑ፰፳Α 10 Ꭿ 40ۦીጲ݊ং׍ᐱ 㔘㥳㐀ഝ㌷Υۋເ㔘⅑๗Ỳᑻ♟ᑻ♟ړᤔނ⾇᧪۴ӿ۴⌽ 210 ׌ㄺɺΒ۫ᑍᤨ⿨ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯ✃ᓀ㏨⍼ংۋીጲ݊Ửؚ׋⦍ᑻء ᬅ㔘ɺΒ۫ 5 Ꭿ 20ނ ເ㔘♟ᬅ㔘⅑๗ނ『㔒⠌੮ເ㥳Ꮛڃ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽ 90 ׌ㄺɺᑍᤨ㔘 ᏺ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ᐤ㌷Υڃ㔘㥳㐀ഝܰ㙗উ㔘ۋᑻ♟ۋỲ

㔘㥳ીጲ݊ংᎼΑۋ⯪ނ⾇㥳ᑍᤨڝ໹ⅉ⺆ۋᓀ⹎⾼㖖ᤨᎯ㌯଩ᇙܵ⽑ӿ✃ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍ɺ✃ᓀᚎ【㖖ᤨᑻみេ৤㥳ᎼΑ 9 Ꭿ 30ۋዾỬ׋⦍⯪ء Ꭿ 20 8 Υ༞ংીጲ݊␮みЈᑻ⌽ 25 ׌ㄺ⦇ᇘ【ɺ۫઺ٍ✃ᓀংિ㞿ۭבᐬᬀᇝ⾼㥳ء ዾỬ׋⦍⯪ء ΐ፰Α۫ 12 Ꭿ 10ۦ⯪۴㔘㥳ીጲ݊ং׍ᐱނ⾇᧪ാừ㎰㥳ᑍᤨ⿨ ⏭޹㥳ીጲ݊ፕΑ܃㏒ڃ۴ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍ɺ㏒⠌✃ᓀⅉׇ׈㎰ܰᤗຼ㥳ᑍᤨ㔘 ዾỬΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ܵІ׋⦍⯪۴ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ΡፕḲ፰፳Αء Ꭿ 40 4 ۫ Ҵ⦍ɺޏᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄܵء Ꭿ 10 11

ং✃ᓀỲ໢㓀Β㥳ς㤙ી᎙㓣ɹᚎ᪱ാܰિ┗೯㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘 ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 77ɹ113 ܰ 131شءوᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 59ɹ87 ܰ 85 ׌ㄺ㥳┞ᐬ㙗㎡㔘شء⿴ 53

㈚໼ᐬિ㔘ᏺو㈚໼ᐬ㙗ᨑх 2.86 ⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)㥳┞િয়ᦩޱ׌ㄺɺಶ㣠 ᨑ(ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)0.55 ⋞ɺݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎૷Β㦁  ᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎ ⇔ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ (Ữ෴ፌ۹) ء 㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮み 995.5 12/6 Β۫ 8 Ꭿ 08 ء 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 998.4 12/6 Β۫ 7 Ꭿ 53 ء Ϧઠᓀ 995.5 12/6 Β۫ 8 Ꭿ 23 ء দ᡼ 996.1 12/6 Β۫ 7 Ꭿ 44 ء ძ㣀඿ 996.7 12/6 Β۫ 10 Ꭿ 16 ء િয় 996.0 12/6 Β۫ 9 Ꭿ 50 ء Ḉ 995.1 12/6 Β۫ 9 Ꭿ 51᠌ ء Αេ 997.2 12/6 Β۫ 9 Ꭿ 46 ء ᢋᢠ೯ 998.2 12/6 Β۫ 8 Ꭿ 47 ء ㌤᡼ 996.0 12/6 Β۫ 7 Ꭿ 39 ء ᚎ᪱ാ 989.7 12/6 Β۫ 7 Ꭿ 51  ۦ΋፰ᑍᤨિ♠ીᏐ㥳፰㌷ીឳヹᮘɺܶ✃ᓀἿ㍪Ỳ㐃ช໢㓀㥳׍ᐱۦ׍ᐱ ΐ፰፳Αᐬિ㥳ḲᎯીጲۦং׍ᐱڨΐ፰ᑍᤨᐲ᱔㔘િ㘫㐃ܰ㐌ᏺɺ㐃ۦϑ፰ܰ ɺ⿮ޏ㐌ᏺⵄܰޏਤشみេᢨᰠۋɹፍḛޏɹ೯ᡄՊ᪆ⵄޏᐪỬؚ⌾⚽ᏺ㐃ⵄ݊ Ỳ㐃ㄽᐤ⸶【 250 ញ⋞ɺۥ׊ીᑂ㌷ᑍᤨᏋ』㈚໼⸶【 150 ញ⋞㐃ㄽ㥳෩  ɹ20౟េᢨޏϬܶՅ㥳݁ᐲ⸶【600౟ਸ਼ᙦਤۦ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ᐬಳᐲނᓀ✃ ɺΑᶪ΋๘࠸ᗙિ๰Ỳᴅᶌผ᯼ᯖ⭟㥳┞ॾ᷆ᫌ΋๘િޏ׊౟೯ᡄՊ᪆ਤܰޏਤ ؚᴳ⺆〔ۥΐ፰፳ΑỲᏺ㐃ᑂ㌷㥳હۦ๰ᐲ㇩↭੬Β㥳׊みΩ౴⼦ܶሦɺং׍ᐱ េᢨ㥳ϡ⿯િܶ໢㓀ɺ⸞ᓜિᨐ〕΋ณⵎॾ᯼ংᏺ㐃ΒӐਸ਼ɺፍḛ⌽300׌㓄Ỳ ໢㓀ɺ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧᐲ⸶【500ᴪ⚉ᴪܵᢷჁຖⲩɺغউܶ⾭  غ〗ڃᎥ✃ᓀ໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹᅪ⑫㔘شء⬟3.1.1Ͳ3.1.4 ✃ᬀشءເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣɹ㖖ᤨỲ፰㐃ㄽܰᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ3.1.1Ͳ3.1.2 тॸɺॸ3.1.3㔒⃁㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡ޹㔘⿴ɺॸءᓀỲ⺆໹ॸ޹ᑍᤨỲ㐃ㄽ ᬀ✃ᓀỲ⬘شء3.1.4㔒⃁ીጲ݊␮みܰᚎ᪱ാ㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺॸ3.1.5Ͳ3.1.6 ᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺ✃ᓀং㖖ᤨ⿵ႼỲ‛ઘ݉ܭ⯴ॸ3.1.7ɺ 54


3.1 SevereTropicalStormMerbok(1702):11–13June2017

MerbokwasthefirsttropicalcycloneaffectingHongKongin2017andtheNo.8Galeor StormSignalwasissuedbytheHongKongObservatoryduringitspassage.Thecentreof MerbokmovedacrosstheeasternpartofHongKongwatersonthenightof12June,thefirst timethecentreofatropicalcycloneenteredtheterritoryofHongKongsinceTyphoonNuriin August2008.

MerbokformedasatropicaldepressionoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSea about 580 km south of Dongsha in the small hours of 11 June.Moving northͲ northwestwards,itintensifiedintoatropicalstormthatafternoon.Merbokcontinuedto move closer to the coastal areas of Guangdong on 12 June and intensified into a severe tropical storm that night, reaching its peak intensity with an estimated sustained wind of 105km/hnearitscentre.ItmadelandfallovertheDapengPeninsulabeforemidnightand weakened into a tropical storm.Taking on a northͲnortheasterly track, Merbok moved acrossGuangdongonthemorningof13JuneanddissipatedoverJiangxiintheafternoon.

Accordingtopressreports,MerbokbroughtheavyrainandsquallstoGuangdongwith extensive flooding.At least 120 000 people were affected with a direct economic loss reaching 260 million RMB.Electricity supply to more than 45 000 households was interruptedinShanwei.

InHongKong,theNo.1StandbySignalwasissuedat7:40p.m.on11JunewhenMerbok wasabout530kmsouthͲsoutheastoftheterritory.Localwindsweremoderateeasterlies duringthenight.AsMerbokedgedclosertothecoastofGuangdong,theNo.3StrongWind Signalwasissuedat10:40a.m.on12JunewhenMerbokwasabout210kmsouthͲsoutheast ofHongKong.Localwindsgraduallybecamefreshtostrongeasttonortheasterliesinthe afternoonandoccasionallyreachinggaleforceoffshore.TheNo.8NortheastGaleorStorm Signalwasissuedat5:20p.m.on12JunewhenMerbokwasabout90kmsouthͲsoutheastof the Hong Kong Observatory.Local winds strengthened significantly, becoming generally strongtogalesforcefromnorthtonortheast,withwindsreachingstormforceoccasionally offshoreandonhighground.

WithMerboktakingonamorenortherlytrackonitsapproach,windsstartedtoturn northwesterlyandtheNo.8NorthwestGaleorStormSignalwasissuedat8:20p.m.Merbok traversed the eastern part of Hong Kong waters and came closest to the Observatory Headquartersaround9:30p.m.thateveningwithitscentrelocatedabout25kmtotheeast. MerbokmadelandfallovertheDapengPeninsulabeforemidnightandlocalwindsgradually turnedsouthwesterly.TheNo.8SouthwestGaleorStormSignalwasissuedat12:10a.m. on13June.WithMerbokmovinginlandandweakening,localwindssoonsubsided.The No.8SouthwestGaleorStormSignalwasreplacedbytheNo.3StrongWindSignalat4:40a.m. on13June,andalltropicalcyclonewarningsignalswerecancelledat11:10a.m.laterthat morning.

UndertheinfluenceofMerbok,maximumhourlymeanwindsof59,87and85km/h andgustsof77,113and131km/hwererecordedatStarFerry(Kowloon),WaglanIslandand 55

Tate’sCairnrespectively.Amaximumsealevel(abovechartdatum)of2.86mwasrecorded at Tsim Bei Tsui, and a maximum storm surge (above astronomical tide) of 0.55 m was recorded at Tai Po Kau.The lowest instantaneous mean seaͲlevel pressures recorded at someselectedstationsareasfollows:  Lowestinstantaneousmean Station Date/Month Time seaͲlevelpressure(hPa) HongKongObservatory 995.5 12/6 8:08p.m. Headquarters HongKongInternational 998.4 12/6 7:53p.m. Airport King’sPark 995.5 12/6 8:23p.m. PengChau 996.1 12/6 7:44p.m. TaKwuLing 996.7 12/6 10:16p.m. TaiPo 996.0 12/6 9:50p.m. Shatin 995.1 12/6 9:51p.m. SheungShui 997.2 12/6 9:46p.m. LauFauShan 998.2 12/6 8:47p.m. CheungChau 996.0 12/6 7:39p.m. WaglanIsland 989.7 12/6 7:51p.m.  Locally, it was mainly fine and very hot during the day on 11 June.The  associatedwithMerbokbroughtheavysquallyshowersandthunderstormstoHongKongon 12and13June.Therainwasmostintenseonthemorningof13June.RedRainstorm Warning, Landslip Warning, Special Announcement on Flooding in the Northern New TerritoriesandThunderstormWarningwereissuedbytheObservatorythatmorning.More than150millimetresofrainfallweregenerallyrecordedovertheterritoryduringthesetwo days,withrainfallintheurbanareasexceeding250millimetres.  InHongKong,atleast10peoplewereinjuredduringthepassageofMerbok.Therewere morethan600reportsoffallentrees,20reportsoffloodingandtworeportsoflandslide. TheglasscurtainwallofacommercialbuildinginSheungWancracked,andanaluminum windowfelldownfromabuildinginToKwaWan,damagingtwoprivatecars.Trafficwas seriously disrupted as many roads were flooded during the rainstorm on the morning of 13June.AretainingwallatTaiTamRoadinStanleycollapsedundertheheavyrain.About 300hectaresoffarmlandintheNewTerritorieswereaffected.Morethan500flightswere cancelledordelayedattheHongKongInternationalAirport.  Informationonthemaximumwind,periodsofstrongandgaleforcewinds,dailyrainfall andmaximumsealevelreachedinHongKongduringthepassageofMerbokisgiveninTables 3.1.1Ͳ3.1.4respectively.Figures3.1.1Ͳ3.1.2showrespectivelythetrackofMerbokandthe rainfalldistributionforHongKong.Figure3.1.3showsthewindsrecordedatvariousstations inHongKong.Figure3.1.4showsthetracesofmeanseaͲlevelpressurerecordedattheHong KongObservatory’sHeadquartersandWaglanIsland.Figures3.1.5Ͳ3.1.6showrespectivelya satelliteimageryandradarimageriesofMerbok.SomedamagescausedbyMerbokinHong KongareillustratedinFigure3.1.7.     56

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡㔘ɹᐬ㙗ޏ⬟ 3.1.1 ং✃ᓀ໢㓀Β㥳ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.1.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociatedwind directionsrecordedatvariousstationswhenthetropicalcyclonewarningsignalsfor Merbokwereinforce

 ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time ӿᑻ ENE 68 12/6 15:50 ᑻ E 31 12/6 14:00ۋ㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ) BluffHead(Stanley) ᑻ ӿ⯪ WNW 51 12/6 22:00ۋNE 81 12/6 18:12 ⯪ ۋΥᶪ㓣 CentralPier ᑻ ӿ⯪ WNW 58 13/6 00:00ۋӿ⯪ WNW 92 12/6 23:08 ⯪ۋ㌤᡼  CheungChau ⯪ NE 51 12/6 16:00 ۋ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ⯪۴ SW 79 13/6 06:10 ᑻ NNW 63 12/6 22:00 ۋӿۋ⯪ 㑌᡼ GreenIsland ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 96 13/6 08:21 ⯪۴ SW 63 13/6 07:00 HongKong NW 51 12/6 23:00 ۋ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ⯪۴ SW 79 13/6 06:04 ⯪ InternationalAirport ࡇ༔ KaiTak ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 85 13/6 06:16 ⯪ W 41 13/6 00:00 ӿ⯪ WNW 30 13/6 00:00ۋN 77 12/6 20:30 ⯪ ۋ  Ϧઠᓀ  King'sPark NNW 52 12/6 22:00 ۋӿۋNW 75 12/6 23:34 ⯪ ۋᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan ⯪ ᎃদ NgongPing ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 110 13/6 05:38 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 77 13/6 06:00 Ⱆ NorthPoint ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 96 13/6 05:18 ⯪ W 59 13/6 00:00ۋ NW 49 12/6 22:00 ۋNW 83 12/6 21:16 ⯪ ۋদ᡼ PengChau ⯪ ี᡼ PingChau ⯪ W 68 13/6 00:20 ⯪ W 36 13/6 01:00 N 49 12/6 21:00 ۋ NNE 99 12/6 20:34 ۋӿۋ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung  ᑻ N 58 12/6 20:00 ۋ N 79 12/6 19:54 ۋ ᡼ ShaChau᠌ N 23 12/6 21:00 ۋ Ḉ ShaTin ⯪۴ SW 59 13/6 04:20᠌ ⯪۴ SW 23 13/6 07:00 ς㤙ી᎙㓣StarFerry(Kowloon) ⯪ W 77 12/6 23:38 ⯪ W 59 13/6 00:00 ӿ⯪ WNW 22 13/6 00:00ۋძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing  ⯪ W 54 12/6 23:41 ⯪ NNE 54 12/6 21:00 ۋӿۋNNE 103 12/6 20:21 ᑻ ۋӿۋિⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ᑻ NW 124 12/6 23:10 ⯪ W 77 13/6 02:00 ۋિญ೯ TaiMoShan ⯪ ӿ⯪ WNW 40 12/6 23:00ۋӿ⯪ WNW 75 12/6 23:24 ⯪ۋિয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ⯪ ਽㌩ TapMun ⯪ W 94 12/6 23:16 ⯪ W 58 13/6 00:00 N 85 12/6 21:00 ۋ NNE 131 12/6 20:14 ۋӿۋિ┗೯ Tate'sCairn  ᑻ NNW 23 12/6 21:00 ۋӿۋNNE 68 12/6 18:58 ⯪ ۋӿۋ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ᑻ 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ TsingYiShellOil NW 31 12/6 21:00 ۋNNW 65 12/6 20:59 ⯪ ۋӿۋ⯪ ᠝๛ Depot TuenMun ӿ⯪ WNW 25 13/6 01:00ۋӿ⯪ WNW 72 13/6 00:24 ⯪ۋ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ⯪ GovernmentOffices NNE 87 12/6 20:00 ۋӿۋN 113 12/6 19:53 ᑻ ۋ ᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland NW 22 13/6 00:00 ۋNW 52 12/6 23:34 ⯪ ۋ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark ⯪ 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ⯪ W 77 12/6 21:35 ⯪ W 31 12/6 22:00 ᠌⪒ᫌܰ`൒Ͳ᠆ᐲⷝጻShaLoWanandShekKongͲdatanotavailable  57

Ҵ⦍᷻ޏᤥ㔘⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ┘ܭҴ⦍⌶⎗Ỳ׋ӊޏ⬟ 3.1.2 ং✃ᓀ໢㓀Β㥳ᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣغ〗ڃጇᎯ㈚໼ᅪ⑫㔘 Table3.1.2 Periodsduringwhichsustainedstrongandgaleforcewindswereattainedattheeight referenceanemometersinthetropicalcyclonewarningsystemwhentropicalcyclone warningsignalsforMerbokwereinforce   #  #ᬅ㔘غ〗ᬅ㔘 ᐬ໷غ〗دເ㔘* ᐬغ〗ເ㔘* ᐬ໷غ〗دᐬ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Starttimewhen Endtimewhen Starttimewhen Endtimewhen ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) galeforcewind galeforcewind Station(SeeFig.1.1) strongwindspeed* strongwindspeed* speed#was speed#was wasattained wasattained attained attained ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time ㌤᡼ CheungChau 12/6 16:30 13/6 10:09 12/6 23:08 12/6 23:23

HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ International 12/6 18:56 13/6 06:52 Ͳ ᚄਧ Airport

ࡇ༔ KaiTak 12/6 21:01 12/6 23:58 Ͳ

ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan 12/6 19:40 13/6 06:23 Ͳ

⯪ⶼ SaiKung 12/6 12:43 12/6 21:46 Ͳ

ເ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ᑋڃḈɹძ㣀඿ܰ㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛Ỳᅪ⑫㔘᠌ ThesustainedwindspeeddidnotattainstrongforceatShaTin,TaKwuLingandTsingYiShellOilDepot.  ⿴ᅭౢỲ㔘غ〗Ͳ ᑋ Ͳnotattainingthespecifiedwindspeed  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 41Ͳ62 ׌ㄺءۦ * *10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof41Ͳ62km/h  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 63Ͳ87 ׌ㄺءۦ # #10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof63Ͳ87km/h  㙗ፕ▸݉ڃ㌷㔘בເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗Ỳ⸭଩ܰ⍲⍼Ꭿ㌷ɺغ〗ڃؚᅪ⑫㔘حⱝ: ᑍ⬟ ɺڃჁцፕᅭౢỲ㔘 Note: The table gives the start and end time of sustained strong or gale force winds. Windsmightfluctuateaboveorbelowthespecifiedwindspeedsinbetweenthe timesindicated.        58

ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽב⬟ 3.1.3 ✃ᓀᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰ Table3.1.3 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquarters andotherstationsduringthepassageofMerbok  (⋟ΐ፰ ␮㐃ㄽ (ញۦϑ፰ ׍ᐱۦ΋፰ ׍ᐱۦ㍋ॸ 3.1.2) ׍ᐱܭ) ⇔  Station(SeeFig.3.1.2) 11June 12June 13June Total(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ ༏ㄽ 37.7 219.4 257.1 HongKongObservatory Trace 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 0.0 11.0 71.0 82.0 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 0.0 7.0 118.0 125.0 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 0.0 42.0 171.0 213.0 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 0.0 26.5 173.0 199.5 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 0.0 35.0 165.0 200.0 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 0.0 61.0 213.5 274.5 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 0.0 54.0 186.0 240.0 MidLevels 0.0 38.0 260.0 298.0 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 0.0 46.0 150.0 196.0 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 0.0 42.0 243.0 285.0 SEK `൒ ShekKong 0.0 36.0 125.5 161.5 K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 0.0 52.5 197.0 249.5 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk [0.0] 41.5 159.5 [201.0] R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok [0.0] 23.5 92.5 [116.0] TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir [0.0] 24.5 [126.9] [151.4] N17 ᑻᢻ TungChung 0.0 10.5 109.0 119.5 ⱝ :[] ৻ፕΔౙጢỲ᝶ಱᎯ㐃ㄽጦኸɺNote:[]basedonincompletehourlydata.  ⬟ 3.1.4 ✃ᓀᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Table3.1.4 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recordedattidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofMerbok  ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ) Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m) Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 2.35 12/6 10:12 0.24 12/6 14:10 `ઃ ShekPik 2.57 12/6 10:06 0.28 12/6 10:09 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 2.28 12/6 11:46 0.55 12/6 15:19 િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan 2.36 12/6 10:35 0.38 12/6 19:44 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 2.86 12/6 11:13 0.45 13/6 07:44 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 2.42 12/6 09:29 0.29 12/6 19:59  59

ΐ፰✃ᓀỲ⺆໹ॸɺۦ♟΋፰ۦॸ 3.1.1a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ Figure3.1.1a TrackoftheMerbokon11–13June2017.  60

 ॸ 3.1.1b ✃ᓀᇝ⾼㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure3.1.1b TrackofMerboknearHongKong. 61

ॸ 3.1.1c ✃ᓀᚎ【㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure3.1.1c TrackofMerbokmovingacrossHongKong. 

т(∜㐃ㄽ⏡ࢂхᬀញ⋞)ɺءΐ፰Ỳ㐃ㄽۦ♟΋፰ۦॸ 3.1.2 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ Figure3.1.2 Rainfalldistributionon11–13June2017(isohyetsareinmillimetres). 62

 ㋝ีও㔘ݡءۦ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳء ϑ፰Β۫ 8 Ꭿ 20ۦॸ 3.1.3a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ ᏺ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ڃ޹㔘⿴ɺḲᎯᚎ᪱ാܰિ┗೯Ỳ㔘 Figure3.1.3a 10Ͳminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstationsin HongKongat8:20p.m.on12June2017.WindsatWaglanIslandandTate’s Cairnreachedstormforceatthetime.  ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 19 ܰ 14 ׌ㄺɺشء⿴㋝ีও㔘ءۦⱝ㦁 㢋⇤জܰ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃ḲᎯ㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedsrecordedatthetimeatWongChukHangand CheungChauBeachwere19and14km/hrespectively.   63

  ㋝ีও㔘ءۦ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳء ϑ፰Β۫ 11 Ꭿ 40ۦॸ 3.1.3b ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ ᬅ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ڃݡ޹㔘⿴ɺḲᎯς㤙ી᎙㓣ܰᚎ᪱ാỲ㔘 Figure3.1.3b 10Ͳminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstationsin HongKongat11:40p.m.on12June2017.WindsatStarFerry(Kowloon)and WaglanIslandreachedgaleforceatthetime.  ㋝ีও㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 19 ׌ㄺɺءۦⱝ㦁 ᠌᡼ḲᎯ㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedrecordedatthetimeatShaChauwas19km/h.  64

  (ΐ፰ીጲ݊␮み(Αॸ)ܰᚎ᪱ാ(Βॸۦ♟ϑ፰ۦॸ 3.1.4 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ ㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺ Figure3.1.4 Traces of mean seaͲlevel pressure recorded at the Observatory Headquarters(toppanel)andWaglanIsland(bottompanel)between 12and13June2017.  65

香港 Hong Kong

苗柏 Merbok

   בغ〗Ỳ⌾શ⏡⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯ✃ᓀݍϑ፰Β۫ 8 Ꭿෙۦॸ 3.1.5 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 105 ׌ㄺɺ  Figure3.1.5 InfraͲredsatelliteimageryaround8p.m.on12June2017,whenMerbokwasat peakintensitywithestimatedmaximumsustainedwindsof105km/hnearits centre.  

ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [Thesatelliteimagerywasoriginally capturedby theHimawariͲ8(HͲ8)of Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA).]       66

 ⾼Ỳ㐌〖ख़ᡂॸ՘㥳ḲᎯ✃ᓀᐬᇝء ϑ፰Β۫ 9 Ꭿ 36ۦॸ 3.1.6a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ 㖖ᤨɺ Figure3.1.6a Image of radar echoes at 9:36 p.m. on 12 June 2017, when Merbok was closesttotheterritory.

 ΐ፰Α۫ 10 ᎯỲ㐌〖ख़ᡂॸ՘ɺ✃ᓀᬀ㖖ᤨชѸᏺۦॸ 3.1.6b ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׍ᐱ 㐃ɺ Figure3.1.6b Imageofradarechoesat10a.m.on13June2017,asrainstormsassociated withMerbokaffectedHongKong. 67

 ෘ⅑⦇ܰॾᑊෘ⅑ᅊڃॸ 3.1.7 ⸞ᓜિᨐ〕΋ณⵎॾ᯼ংᏺ㐃ΒӐਸ਼ɺ(᭫᯽ḉॾ ೛⒤ᇻ҈) Figure3.1.7 AretainingwallatTaiTamRoadinStanleycollapsedundertheheavyrain. (courtesyoftheGeotechnicalEngineeringOfficeandtheCivilEngineeringand DevelopmentDepartment)    68

ΐ፰ۦ΋፰♟ϑۦ3.2ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ (1707)㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ  ᡩֶᎥϑ㐋΋΍ึ∉ϑӊ໢㓀㖖ᤨΡರ♠㖖ᤨીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚ׋⦍ᬅ㔘Ⴡ ᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞ɺ  みЈᑻᢧ৤᷻ႼỲ΋ӊᮘชцឳ઎ɺۋౘމ΋፰Β۫ংۦᡩֶᎥᥬ♚΍ᐱϑ ӿ⯪⺆໹↋ౢউۋみ໷ᇙܵ⯪ۋౘᢧൃ㥳⿾ׇ۴ᢧᑻމ】ϑ፰ᚎۦᡩֶፕ΍ᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘בغ〗ⅉݡᴢΐⰖ΋ช㥳ԩᎼ੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺΡ み㥳፰㌷ᤗຼᬀۋΐ፰፳Αᚎ【㖖ᤨᑻۦбⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ65׌ㄺɺᡩֶፕ΍ᐱϑ⿴ ɺۥᮘชцឳ઎㥳ԩᎼংຉᑻ׈㎰ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎  ᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ᡩֶᬀຉᑻชѸ᱔㔘㘫㐃ɺ΋⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨЈᑻ⌽70׌ㄺỲ េ৤៾᠆㥳⚔Α12ݝ⚔߳᳑ጋɺ  ⍼Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯᡩֶ㏨ءϑ፰Β۫3Ꭿ40ۦ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ং΍ᐱϑ ং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽460׌ㄺɺ㏒⠌ᡩֶ⾶⿴ⅉ⾼ᴢΐⰖ΋ช㥳ીጲ݊ং΍ᐱϑ Ửؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯᡩֶхፕ㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽150׌ㄺɺءΐ፰Α۫3Ꭿ40ۦ ເ㔘ɺᡩֶ㑔⾼㖖ᤨᎯ㥳ނ㔘㥳㙗উ㌷Υۋӿړ޹⏭♟ᤔނ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳ڨᑍᤨ㔘 Υ༞㎎⾼Ỳ`᠝ี݊בፓỲឳⶊᢠᙕɹ⚔㏞Јܰિ㞿ۭാỲឳⶊ⇔޹ݍ໹⺆בং ও㈚໼ᬅ㔘ɺḉፕᡩֶᐮং፳ΑἿḲᇝ⾼㖖ᤨ㥳ಯᑍᤨᘠႼୖ▾㥳ીጲ݊ং፳Α ӿᑻۋᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯᡩֶ㏨⍼ং㖖ᤨીጲ݊ηᑻۋỬؚ׋⦍⯪ء9Ꭿ20 ⌽35׌ㄺɺ  ⎁㥳㖖ᤨڝη⺆໹ⅉۋং⯪ⶼ㎎⾼ừ㎰ٍᇙܵ⽑⯪ݍෙءᡩֶፕ፳Α9Ꭿ40 〗㙗উᐪ㈚໼ء⯡㥳ᑂ㌷݄ᐲ਽㌩޹みނፓỲᬅ㔘ݍᶪᢋבָܶ┞ज़ۥউءિみ ᬅ㔘⅑๗Ỳ㎡㔘ɺᡩֶ⌽ং፳Α10Ꭿᐬᇝ⾼ીጲ݊␮み㥳ḲᎯ౒хፕીጲ݊ηᑻ ዾỬΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵء⌽25׌ㄺɺ㏒⠌ᡩֶ㌯଩〟㐀Ρᤗຼ㥳ીጲ݊ংΒ۫1Ꭿ20ۋ ᢷნᐲᮘܵءዾỬ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍ɺીጲ݊ংᎼΑ7Ꭿ40ء㥳ΡፕḲ፰Β۫3Ꭿ10⦐ ᤥ㔘⇔Ỳᅪ⑫㔘┘ܭҴ⦍᷻ጇᑂ㌷㥳ᑍᤨ׋ӊޏҴ⦍ɺংᮘชឳ፞ⵄޏชឳ፞ⵄ ເ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ওᑋᐲڃ  ㈚໼ᐬ㙗ᨑх(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)3.18⋞ܰᐬિ㔘ᏺޱংᡩֶỲ໢㓀Β㥳ಶ㣠 ᨑ(ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)0.28⋞ɺݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎૷Β㦁   69

ᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎ ⇔ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ (Ữ෴ፌ۹) ء 㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮み 1004.0 23/7 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 47 ء Ϧઠᓀ 1003.7 23/7 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 49 ء ძ㣀඿ 1002.5 23/7 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 25 ء િয় 1003.1 23/7 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 53 ء Ḉ 1003.3 23/7 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 21᠌ ء Αេ 1003.1 23/7 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 48 ء ᢋᢠ೯ 1004.0 23/7 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 05 ء ㌤᡼ 1004.3 23/7 Α۫ 8 Ꭿ 18 ء ᚎ᪱ാ 1003.3 23/7 Α۫ 8 Ꭿ 12  Ꭿ㌷ᐲ㎲ֵܰીឳヹᮘɺܶᡩֶἿ㍪Ỳ㐃ช໢㓀㥳ءϑ፰ᑍᤨ፰㌷みۦ΍ᐱϑ ۦᏈᑍᤨ㌷Υᐲ᱔㔘િ㘫㐃ܰ㐌ᏺɺીጲ݊ং΍ᐱϑ؂ॗ፰ۦΐ፰ܰϑۦ΍ᐱϑ Ꭿ㌷ᐲ㎲ֵɺءॗ፰፰㌷ીឳ૲⾇㥳みۦɺ΍ᐱϑޏΐ፰ᎼΑᐪỬؚ㢋⚽ᏺ㐃ⵄ ㈚໼⸶【 40 ញ⋞㐃ㄽɺۥউء⿮ΐીᑂ㌷㥳ᑍᤨિみ  ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷Ρ᠆ᐲ⿵Ⴜिㄻ‛ઘɺ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧᐲ⸶【550ᴪ⚉ᴪܵނᡩֶ ᢷჁຖⲩɺ  Ꭵᡩֶ໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹ㖖ᤨỲ፰㐃ㄽشء⬟3.2.1Ͳ3.2.3 тॸɺॸ3.2.3ءᬀᡩֶỲ⺆໹ॸ޹ᑍᤨỲ㐃ㄽشءᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ3.2.1Ͳ3.2.2ܰ ɺۊ㔒⃁㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡ޹㔘⿴ɺॸ3.2.4ᬀ਽㌩ܰિⒻᾊ㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡܰ㔘⿴ⵝ ㋝ีও㔘⿴ɺॸ3.2.6㔒⃁ძ㣀඿㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺءۦॸ3.2.5㔒⃁਽㌩㈚໼Ỳ ᬀᡩֶỲ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺشءॸ3.2.7Ͳ3.2.8 70

3.2TropicalStormRoke(1707):21–23July2017  RokewasthesecondtropicalcycloneaffectingHongKongin2017andnecessitating issuanceoftheNo.8GaleorStormSignalbytheHongKongObservatory.  Rokeoriginatedfromatropicaldepressionthatdevelopedovertheseaareaseastof northernLuzonontheafternoonof21July.ItmovedacrosstheLuzonStraiton22Julyand afterenteringthenortheasternpartoftheSouthChinaSea,tookonawestͲnorthwestward courseandheadedsteadilytowardsthePearlRiverDelta.Itintensifiedintoatropicalstorm thatevening,reachingitspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof65km/hnearits centre.RokesweptpastthenortheasternpartofHongKongonthemorningof23Julyand weakenedintoatropicaldepressionduringtheday.Itfinallydegeneratedintoanareaof lowpressureoverinlandGuangdongintheevening.  According to press reports, Roke brought squally showers to Guangdong during its passage.A vessel sunk over the seas about 70 km east of Hong Kong and all 12 crew membersonboardwererescued.  InHongKong,theNo.1StandbySignalwasissuedat3:40p.m.on22JulywhenRoke wasabout460kmeastͲsoutheastoftheterritory.AsRokemovedrapidlytowardsthePearl RiverDelta,theNo.3StrongWindSignalwasissuedat3:40a.m.on23JulywhenRokewas about150kmeastͲsoutheastofHongKong.Localwindstrengthenedgradually,becoming moderatetofreshnortherliesandoccasionallyreachingstrongforceonhighground.As RokeapproachedHongKong,galewindswererecordednearitscentrefromoilrigandonthe rightsidealongitspathfromweatherbuoy,ship,aswellasweatherstationsattheDapeng Peninsula.WithRokecomingveryclosetoHongKonginthemorningandposingathreatto theterritory,theObservatoryissuedtheNo.8NorthwestGaleorStormSignalat9:20a.m.on 23Julywhenitwasabout35kmeastͲnortheastoftheHongKongObservatory.  RoketurnedslightlymoretothenorthwestasitmadelandfallnearSaiKungaround 9:40a.m.andasaresult,HongKongforthemostpartwasnotexposedtothegaleonthe rightsideofitscirculation.OnlyTapMunandsomeplacesonhighgroundreportedgust reachinggaleforceduringitspassage.RokecameclosesttotheHongKongObservatory Headquarters around 10 a.m. that morning with its centre located about 25 km to the northeast.WithRokemovingawayandweakening,theNo.3StrongWindSignalwasissued at1:20p.m.on23July,followedbytheNo.1StandbySignalat3:10p.m.Alltropicalcyclone warningsignalswerecancelledat7:40p.m.thatevening.Sustainedwindspeedofalleight referenceanemometersdidnotreachstrongforcewhenthetropicalcyclonewarningsignals forRokewereinforce.  UndertheinfluenceofRoke,amaximumsealevel(abovechartdatum)of3.18manda maximumstormsurge(aboveastronomicaltide)of0.28mwererecordedatTsimBeiTsui. ThelowestinstantaneousmeanseaͲlevelpressuresrecordedatsomeselectedstationsareas follows:     71

Lowestinstantaneousmean Station Date/Month Time seaͲlevelpressure(hPa) HongKongObservatory 1004.0 23/7 9:47a.m. Headquarters King’sPark 1003.7 23/7 9:49a.m. TaKwuLing 1002.5 23/7 10:25a.m. TaiPo 1003.1 23/7 9:53a.m. Shatin 1003.3 23/7 9:21a.m. SheungShui 1003.1 23/7 9:48a.m. LauFauShan 1004.0 23/7 10:05a.m. CheungChau 1004.3 23/7 8:18a.m. WaglanIsland 1003.3 23/7 8:12a.m.  Locally,itwasveryhotwithsunnyperiodsduringthedayon22July.Therainbands associatedwithRokebroughtoccasionalheavysquallyshowersandthunderstormstoHong Kongon23Julythatlastedtillthesmallhoursof24July.AmberRainstormWarningwas issuedonthenightof23July.Theweatherimprovedduringthedayon24Julywithsunny periods.Morethan40millimetresofrainfallwererecordedovermostpartsofHongKong duringthesethreedays.  RokedidnotcauseanysignificantdamageinHongKong.Morethan550flightswere cancelledordelayedattheHongKongInternationalAirport.  Informationonthemaximumwind,dailyrainfallandmaximumsealevelreachedin HongKongduringthepassageofRokeisgiveninTables3.2.1Ͳ3.2.3respectively.Figures 3.2.1Ͳ3.2.2showrespectivelythetrackofRokeandtherainfalldistributionforHongKong. Figure3.2.3showsthewindsrecordedatvariousstationsinHongKong.Figure3.2.4shows thewinddirectionandspeedrecordedatTapMunandTaiMeiTuk.Figure3.2.5showsthe traceof10ͲminutewindspeedrecordedatTapMun.Figure3.2.6showsthetraceofmean seaͲlevelpressurerecordedatTaKwuLing.Figures3.2.7Ͳ3.2.8showrespectivelyasatellite imageryandaradarimageryofRoke.  72

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡㔘ɹᐬ㙗᝶ޏ⬟ 3.2.1 ংᡩֶ໢㓀Β㥳ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.2.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociatedwind directionsrecordedatvariousstationswhenthetropicalcyclonewarningsignalsfor Rokewereinforce

 ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴  MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time

㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ) BluffHead(Stanley) ᑻ E 38 23/7 15:23 ᑻ E 20 23/7 16:00 Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 40 23/7 15:37 ᑻ E 25 23/7 16:00 ㌤᡼  CheungChau ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 52 23/7 15:53 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 34 23/7 17:00 ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ᑻ E 49 23/7 15:55 ᑻ E 36 23/7 17:00 NNW 40 23/7 09:00 ۋӿۋNNW 59 23/7 08:05 ⯪ ۋӿۋ㑌᡼ GreenIsland ⯪ HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 41 23/7 16:44 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 27 23/7 17:00 InternationalAirport ӿ⯪ WNW 22 23/7 09:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 45 23/7 15:37 ⯪ۋࡇ༔ KaiTak ᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 13 23/7 15:00 N 41 23/7 07:13 ۋ  Ϧઠᓀ  King'sPark ᑻ۴ SE 13 23/7 16:00 NNW 31 23/7 10:00 ۋӿۋNNW 45 23/7 09:32 ⯪ ۋӿۋᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan ⯪ ᎃদ NgongPing ᑻ E 68 23/7 14:08 ᑻ E 41 23/7 19:00 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 40 23/7 09:42 Ⱆ NorthPoint ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 30 23/7 10:00ۋ ᑻ E 40 23/7 15:41 দ᡼ PengChau ᑻ E 45 23/7 15:53 ᑻ E 25 23/7 17:00 ӿᑻ ENE 67 23/7 09:13 ᑻ E 19 23/7 10:00ۋ᡼ PingChau ᑻี N 23 23/7 08:00 ۋ N 54 23/7 07:50 ۋ  ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung N 23 23/7 09:00 ۋ NNW 41 23/7 09:36 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 27 23/7 17:00 ۋӿۋ᡼ ShaChau ⯪᠌ ᫌ ShaLoWan ᑻ۴ SE 38 23/7 14:29 ᑻ۴ SE 14 22/7 20:00⪑᠌ N 34 23/7 08:08 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 14 23/7 11:00 ۋ Ḉ ShaTin᠌ ӿᑻ ENE 19 23/7 16:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 41 23/7 15:20 ᑻۋ൒ ShekKong ᑻ` ς㤙ી᎙㓣StarFerry(Kowloon) ᑻ E 40 23/7 15:51 ⯪ W 27 23/7 10:00 NNW 14 23/7 10:00 ۋӿۋNNW 34 23/7 09:05 ⯪ ۋӿۋძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing  ⯪ NNE 62 23/7 08:37 ᑻ E 31 23/7 15:00 ۋӿۋિⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ᑻ N 70 23/7 09:20 ᑻ۴ SE 49 23/7 14:00 ۋ િญ೯ TaiMoShan ᑻ۴ SE 70 23/7 13:21 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 49 23/7 17:00 ᑻ۴ SE 70 23/7 13:26 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ⯪ W 47 23/7 09:36 ᑻ E 25 23/7 16:00  N 72 23/7 09:18 ᑻ E 36 23/7 15:00 ۋ *਽㌩* TapMun N 45 23/7 08:00 ۋ N 68 23/7 07:55 ۋ  િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn NNW 14 23/7 08:00 ۋӿۋ⯪ NNW 40 23/7 08:30 ۋӿۋ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ⯪ NNW 14 23/7 09:00 ۋӿۋ⯪ NW 38 23/7 06:58 ᑻ۴ SE 19 22/7 16:00 ۋ⯪ 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝ TsingYiShellOil NW 38 23/7 07:00 ᑻ۴ SE 19 22/7 17:00 ۋ⯪ ๛ Depot NW 19 23/7 08:00 ۋNW 38 23/7 07:10 ⯪ ۋ⯪ TuenMun ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ᑻ۴ SE 31 23/7 13:37 ᑻ۴ӿ۴ SSE 16 22/7 16:00 GovernmentOffices NNW 40 23/7 08:00 ۋӿۋNNW 59 23/7 07:57 ⯪ ۋӿۋᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland ⯪ N 30 23/7 08:54 ۋ NNW 12 23/7 10:00 ۋӿۋN 30 23/7 08:58 ⯪ ۋ ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark N 30 23/7 09:02 ۋ 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ᑻ E 34 23/7 16:05 ᑻ E 12 23/7 16:00 *ፍ਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ং 2017 ึ 7 ᐱ 6 ፰ܵІং਽㌩ⵄ൒೓㓃Ỳ♲ᤥ㔘⇔ *TheoldwindstationontherooftopofTapMunPolicePostisreplacedbythenewTapMunstationon6July2017. 73

ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽב⬟ 3.2.2 ᡩֶᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰ Table3.2.2 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquarters andotherstationsduringthepassageofRoke  (⋟ॗ፰ ␮㐃ㄽ (ញۦΐ፰ ΍ᐱϑۦϑ፰ ΍ᐱϑۦ㍋ॸ 3.2.2) ΍ᐱϑܭ) ⇔ Station(SeeFig.3.2.2) 22July 23July 24July Total(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ 3.3 46.5 3.3 53.1 HongKongObservatory 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 0.4 9.1 1.6 11.1 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 1.0 9.0 0.5 10.5 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 0.5 48.5 4.5 53.5 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 5.0 32.5 8.5 46.0 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 14.5 36.0 21.5 72.0 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 0.0 19.0 17.5 36.5 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 0.0 14.5 8.0 22.5 MidLevels 4.5 70.5 11.0 86.0 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 5.5 31.0 9.0 45.5 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 2.0 29.5 7.5 39.0 SEK `൒ ShekKong [0.5] [17.5] [5.0] [23.0] K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 1.0 17.5 6.5 25.0 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk [0.5] [27.5] [35.5] [63.5] R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok [0.0] [30.0] [4.5] [34.5] TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir [0.1] 46.0 16.4 [62.5] N17 ᑻᢻ TungChung 0.0 17.0 2.5 19.5 ⱝ :[] ৻ፕΔౙጢỲ᝶ಱᎯ㐃ㄽጦኸɺNote:[]basedonincompletehourlydata.   ⬟ 3.2.3 ᡩֶᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Table3.2.3 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recordedattidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofRoke ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ) Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m) Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 2.66 23/7 08:53 0.19 23/7 08:53 `ઃ ShekPik 2.75 23/7 08:04 0.22 23/7 08:03 િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan 2.61 23/7 09:06 0.26 23/7 09:07 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 3.18 23/7 09:04 0.28 23/7 09:04 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 2.71 23/7 08:58 0.22 23/7 18:33

િয়ᦩͲ᠆ᐲⷝጻTaiPoKauͲdatanotavailable 74

ΐ፰ᡩֶỲ⺆໹ॸɺۦ΋፰♟ϑۦॸ 3.2.1aϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ Figure3.2.1a TrackofRokeon21–23July2017.                75

 ɺޏॸ 3.2.1bᡩֶᇝ⾼㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ⎵㢜㔒⃁ংᡩֶ㎎⾼Ỳᬅ㔘ਤ Figure3.2.1b TrackofRokeapproachingHongKong.Greendotsrepresentreportsof galesnearRoke. 

 ॸ 3.2.1c ᡩֶᚎ【㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure3.2.1c TrackofRokemovingacrossHongKong. 76

  т(∜㐃ㄽ⏡ࢂхᬀញ⋞)ɺءॗ፰Ỳ㐃ㄽۦϑ፰♟ϑۦॸ 3.2.2ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ Figure3.2.2 Rainfalldistributionon22Ͳ24July2017(isohyetsinmillimetres).  77

 ㋝ีও㔘ݡ޹ءۦΐ፰Α۫ 10 Ꭿᜯ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳۦॸ 3.2.3 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ 㔘⿴ɺḲᎯᡩֶỲΥ༞ং⚔ᫌ᣷េ᥊㎎⾼㥳Ρᐬᇝ⾼ીጲ݊␮みɺ  Figure3.2.3 10ͲminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstationsinHong Kongat10a.m.on23July2017whenthecentreofRokewasnearthePlover CoveReservoirandclosesttotheHongKongObservatoryHeadquarters.  ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 9 ׌ㄺɺشء⿴㋝ีও㔘ءۦⱝ㦁 ᎃদḲᎯ㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedsrecordedatthetimeatNgongPingwas9km/h.  78

  ㋝ءۦΐ፰Α۫ 9 Ꭿ♟ 11 Ꭿং਽㌩ܰિⒻᾊ㈚໼Ỳۦॸ 3.2.4 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ みᎯ㥳਽㌩Ỳ㔘ݡЈ㓇Ꭿㅈፓۋɺংᡩֶᚎ【ᑍᤨᑻۊও㔘ݡܰ㔘⿴ⵝี Ј⿣Ꭿㅈፓݡ⾇ⵝɺوݡ⾇ⵝ㥳┞િⒻᾊỲ㔘ݡ  Figure3.2.4 10ͲminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatTapMunandTaiMei Tukbetween9a.m.to11a.m.on23July2017.WhenRokemovedacrossthe northeastern part of Hong Kong, wind direction in Tap Mun shifted in a clockwisedirectionwhilethatinTaiMeiTukturnedantiͲclockwise.  79

 ㋝ีও㔘⿴ɺءۦΐ፰፳Αং਽㌩㈚໼Ỳۦॸ 3.2.5 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ Figure3.2.5 Traceof10ͲminutewindspeedatTapMunonthemorningof23July2017. 

 ΐ፰ძ㣀඿㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺۦॸ 3.2.6 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ Figure3.2.6 TraceofmeanseaͲlevelpressurerecordedatTaKwuLingon23July2017.            80

楁㷗 Hong Kong

㳃⃳ Roke

㟹⌉ Sonca

 غ〗Ỳ݉⯴ֵ⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯᡩֶݍϑ፰Β۫ 5 Ꭿෙۦॸ 3.2.7 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 65 ׌ㄺɺ┞ংᢧ۴ാ㎎ב ɺڝỲᮘชឳ፞ᔚ۹ᜯݡ⯪⏭၀ⅉ⾼  Figure3.2.7 Visiblesatelliteimageryaround5p.m.on22July2017,whenRokewasatpeak intensitywithestimatedmaximumsustainedwindsof65km/hnearitscentre. Meanwhile,tropicalcycloneSoncanearHainanIslandwasmovingwestwards slowly.  

ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [Thesatelliteimagerywasoriginally capturedby theHimawariͲ8(HͲ8)of Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA).]  81

 ΐ፰Α۫ 5 ᎯỲ㐌〖ख़ᡂॸ՘ɺۦॸ 3.2.8 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ΍ᐱϑ Figure3.2.8 Imageofradarechoesat5:00a.m.on23July2017.   82

ॗ፰ۦ፰♟ϑۦ3.3⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 (1713)㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ  㔢㔘Ҵ⦐ۦી㞟Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึ∉ΐӊ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞㥳ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚ ޏỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄش΋᛿Ửؚᐬ㙗⍓כ㥳Ꭵ♚ϑ㐋΋ϑึເ㔞㔘㒟ᕾᰠ⯡ᤨЈѸ⦐ みᑂ㌷㔒⠌੮ເ㥳ংۋみᢧេᦂ๗⽑ᜯฌӿ㙗㥳ી㞟ᚎ【۴ᢧۋҴ⦍ɺḉፕ۴ᢧ ΋᛿ᐲ⸶ເ㔞כ㖖ᤨЈ۴េ৤ᐤῩᏴỬ೛ᬀ⸶ເ㔞㔘㥳Ꭵ♚΋ς΍ςึ❨ⶸЈѸ Ҵ⦍ɺޏ㔘ຫ♠ીጲ݊Ửؚ׋⦍ჁЈΑỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄ  ีુۋ፰ᎼΑং㙗㏦ηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽ 740 ׌ㄺỲۦᮘชцឳ઎ી㞟ፕ׋ᐱϑ ϑ፰⿾ׇ۴ᢧᑻۦౘᢧൃ㥳׋ᐱϑމ】㥳ᚎڝᡜ⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳િ♠ݡӿ⯪ፓݡⅉ ΐ፰ી㞟⹎ݡۦӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉݡຉᑻᠣഝɺ׋ᐱϑۋみ㥳Ρ੮ເᬀ㔞㔘ܰᇙܵ⯪ۋ ᐬ㙗בغ〗ᴢܾ៝΋ชܰ⿾΋ᜱ੮ເ㥳፳Αং㖖ᤨЈ۴ᢧ৤Ử೛Ⴜᬀ⸶ເ㔞㔘㥳 ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 185 ׌ㄺɺᜯ۫【໷ી㞟ংᩆ㌩ܰᴢ ᢧ㎎⾼ᠣഝừ㎰㥳ⅉׇຉᑻ⯪みܰ⿨᧪ᤗຼɺ⓬፰ી㞟ᚎ【ຉ⯪㥳ᎼΑং㐉۴ᤗ ɺۥᬀ΋ӊц઎ຼ  ી㞟ᬀᴢܾ៝ᠣഝชѸिㄻỲ㔘ᏺᨑ㥳હ⦇㈚໼ᐲ⌹㈚ЈѸỲᐬ㙗ᨑх㥳Ḳ ᅕ฿ӊڽۥᬀ 6.14 ⋞ɺᴢᢧᠣᢧউوΥᴢᢧ⇔㈚໼㔘ᏺᨑ 2.79 ⋞㥳┞ᐬ㙗ᨑх 㔵េ҈ႍΔ↋ౢɺહ⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨ⯪۴⌽ 30ܰڃউΒԇ⼦ਧ⭐ᢧេᤍᢨ㥳׉෩㐐 㔘ᏺᨑ㥳ຉᠼܰڃ׌ㄺỲេ৤዇ᤎ㥳39 ݝ⚔߳᳑ጋɺી㞟ᬀᩆ㌩ชѸ‛ઘའỲ㔘 Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳⸶【 240 ϬܶՅ㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦેۦؚᴳिㄻ‛ઘܰេᢨ㥳⿵Ⴜ♟ಳۥউ ⸶【 83 տ֯ᩆ㌩ศɺொ㍀⇔ᐬ㙗ᨑх۪♟ 5.58 ⋞㥳Ꭵᩆ㌩♚΋ςϑϗึᐲ⌹㈚ ໢㓀ɺી㞟ংຉᑻɹຉ⯪ɹ⃼ບɹⷋීغ㔵េ҈ႍϣܶܰڃЈѸỲᐬ㙗ᨑхɺ㐐 㐉۴♟ಳ⿵Ⴜ 15 Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳΋Ϭે⻦㥳⌽ᐲ 74 ⟩Ϭܶ᫛㥳⸶【 6,500 ㌷მ೓Ӑܰ ਸ਼㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦે⸶【 272 տ֯Ϭឦศɺ  Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯી㞟㏨ء ϑ፰፳Α 8 Ꭿ 40ۦ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ং׋ᐱϑ 㔘ɺܶ㙗ᦂⰴỬۋ༏♟޹⏭Ỳӿ⽟ނং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽ 660 ׌ㄺɺ፰㌷ᑍᤨ⍼ ɺ㏒⠌ી㞟ⅉ⾼ຉᑻᠣഝ㥳ીጲ݊ংΒ۫ 6 ᎯۥỲ᱔㔘㐌ᏺΒ۫໢㓀ᑍᤨહ⦇উ Ꮘ؂Ửؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯી㞟хፕ㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽ 410 ׌ㄺɺ⓬፰ء 20 ᬅ㔘㥳ીጲ݊ংΑ۫ 5ނ㔘㥳㙗উۋເ㔘⅑๗Ỳӿ♟ړᤔނ⿨᧪੮ເ㥳ڨᑍᤨ㔘 ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯી㞟㏨⍼ং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴⌽ 160 ׌ㄺɺۋỬؚ׋⦍ᑻء Ꭿ 20 ᏺ㔘ɺḉፕ㓏ጻીނᬅ㔘㥳㐀ഝܰ㙗উۋᑻނ੮ເ㥳હ⦇উፓ⿴⾶ڨ໷ᑍᤨ㔘ב ੮ເڃỬؚς⦍ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘㔘ء ⯡ᴢܾ៝㥳ીጲ݊ংΑ۫ 8 Ꭿ 10ނ㞟಩ᐮᜯ㑖 83

⿾΋ᜱڃҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯી㞟෠ⅉ♟㖖ᤨીጲ݊ηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽ 100 ׌ㄺɺ፳Α㖖ᤨ㔘 㔢㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯી㞟хፕીጲ݊Ј۴⌽⦐ۦỬؚء ੮ເ㥳ીጲ݊ংΑ۫ 9 Ꭿ 10 ނ㔢㔘غᅪ⑫ܶو㙗উܰۥᬅ㔘♟ᏺ㔘⅑๗㥳۴みউغ〗『Ꮛڃ׌ㄺɺᑍᤨ㔘 70 ᐬᇝ⾼㖖ᤨ㥳хፕ㖖ᤨીጲ݊η⯪۴ӿ۴݄ᐲ⌽ 60 ׌ݍ⯡ɺી㞟ং፳Α 10 Ꭿෙ ㌯଩ᤗຼ㥳ીጲڃ⿨᧪⾇ᬀᑻ۴㥳㔘ۋㄺɺી㞟ং㖖ᤨ⯪㑖ừ㎰㥳ᑍᤨ㔘ݡḉᑻ ዾỬ׋⦍ᑻ۴ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍ɺ㏒⠌ી㞟ᤗຼܰ〟㐀㥳ીጲء ংΒ۫ 2 Ꭿ 10݊ ዾỬΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍ܰ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍ɺᎼء Β۫ 6 Ꭿ 20ܰء ংΒ۫ 5 Ꭿ 10شء݊ Ҵ⦍ɺޏᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄܵء ㌷ી㞟⿾΋ᜱⅉׇ׈㎰㥳ીጲ݊ংᎼΑ 8 Ꭿ 40  ᧥㥳〥⿷ીጲિᨑܰݍી㞟ნชѸỲ㔘ᏺᨑЇᑍᤨេхᏋ』۪㙗΋♟׊⋞ෙ ጇႍರ♠ᑍᤨڅϜᤨ׈㜒㚴ᢻḲ፰፳ΑỲᐬ㙗ીጲᨑ⌽ᬀ 2.4 ⋞)㥳Ḿطᨑ(⎿હ ⭐ᢧេᤍᢨɺ㜒㚴ᢻỲᨑхᐬ㙗۪♟ 3.57 ⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)㥳Ꭵۥહ⦇ц↷উ ᐲⱋ㈚ЈѸỲ∉ϑ㙗㥳Տ᛿ፕ΋ς׍ϑึ⸶ເ㔞㔘ᦂ㢙⯡ᤨᑂ㌷㈚໼ึ 1954 ♚ Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑх⌹㈚ 3.96 ⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)ɺಶ㣠ޱ㈚໼♚΋ς΍ॗึᐲⱋ㈚ЈѸ Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑх 4.56 ⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)ɺી㞟ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗 ᨑх݉ܭ┘ॸ 3.2.7ɺ  Ⱆ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ۋ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ᚎ᪱ാɹ㌤᡼ɹિⒻᾊܰނΐ፰ી㞟ۦ׋ᐱϑ ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 193ɹشءوᬀ 130ɹ124ɹ94 ܰ 85 ׌ㄺ㥳ᐬ㙗㎡㔘شء⿴᝶ಱᎯีও㔘 171ɹ140 ܰ 137 ׌ㄺɺݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎૷Β㦁 ᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎ ⇔ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ (Ữ෴ፌ۹) ء 㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮み 986.3 23/8 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 39 ء 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 982.9 23/8 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 57 ء Ϧઠᓀ 986.6 23/8 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 40 ء দ᡼ 983.6 23/8 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 52 ء ძ㣀඿ 990.9 23/8 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 01 ء િয় 990.4 23/8 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 20 ء Ḉ 989.6 23/8 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 19᠌ ء Αេ 990.1 23/8 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 25 ء ᢋᢠ೯ 988.3 23/8 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 18 ء ㌤᡼ 980.1 23/8 Α۫ 10 Ꭿ 33 ء ᚎ᪱ാ 982.0 23/8 Α۫ 9 Ꭿ 34  84

ϑ፰ᑍᤨીឳ྾ᮘܰᐲ᭞㐩㥳હ⦇উۦી㞟ٍᠣΒ៾ឳᢋნ໢㓀㥳׋ᐱϑܶ ીጲ݊Ỳឳᦂᐤ㙗〖 36.6 ๗㥳ݍỲឳᦂΑ۪♟ 37 ๗ჁЈΑ㥳┞ḲીΒ۫ϑᎯෙۥ ٧Βᐲⱋ㈚ЈѸỲᐬ㙗ឳᦂɺ┞㙗ᦂⰴỬỲເᬅಯᢋংΒ۫⅓໷ᬀᑍᤨชѸિ㘫 ΐ፰ᑍᤨᐲ᱔㔘િ㘫㐃ܰ㐌ᏺ㥳ۦ㐃ܰ᱔㔘㐌ᏺɺংી㞟ᶪᢋỲ໢㓀Β㥳׋ᐱϑ Ꭿ㌷ᐲ㎲ءॗ፰ીឳ૲⾇㥳፰㌷みۦɺ׋ᐱϑޏીጲ݊ং፳ΑᐪỬؚ㢋⚽ᏺ㐃ⵄ ɺ⿮ΐીᑂ㌷㥳ᑍᤨᏋ』㈚໼⸶【 60 ញ⋞㐃ㄽɺֵ  ી㞟ނ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ᑍᤨᐬಳᐲ 129 ϬܶՅ㥳݁ᐲ⸶【 5300 ౟ਸ਼ᙦਤޏɹ Ϭ߳ংፍ⡌൒ڡɺ׊ݝⵄޏહ⦇េᢨਤܰޏહ౟㙗↗੬ᰔဆશɹ΋౟೯ᡄՊ᪆ਤ ⦇ᴺਸ਼ᙦᎯ⭐ᇅ⟹ỲᙦᒠኬՅ㓣み㥳΋ϬংⰕੀ⭐༁㙗⦇੹ΒỲᏘ⬢⇤ᒠኬՅɺ ⌾₆΋วч౔િ๰ᐲݚ⚔ংເ㔘Β㙶◔Ρ᲏ኡ኏ᝪጦზࢂхỲᴅᶌ↭ɺᫌϺܰΥ ᝪ㥳Ⱅੀܰ❒ᫌᐲᕮᒬӐਸ਼ɺિව೯ခᏌᫌᐲނᐲ࠸ᗙિ๰Ỳᴅᶌผ᯼⭐شءᶪ Ϭ౗׉ኔ㐀ɺۦⷁ⚔ংഝあ዇ᤎ㥳⚔Α  ᅕڽؚᴳिㄻេᢨܰ‛ઘ㥳ḲΥۥી㞟ნⰴỬỲ㔘ᏺᨑರ♠ᑍᤨહ⦇ᠣഝউ િᩆɹ`ઃɹᔲ↶ɹ㌤᡼ɹᑦ⛬しɹಱ⯪ᫌɹ㛶㚴㌩ɹ಩⼩ᩆɹ᠌Ḉɹિয়ɹ⯪ ɺኸਤિᩆỲេᢨ⽑ϑ㐋㐋׋ึ㢒ᔉ᝺ᐤᬀिㄻ㥳ۥⶼɹ֯ᐽܰᢋᢠ೯∜હӊউ 㥳હݝ೎ឦ㐓⯫Ṃ጗ɺ㛶㚴㌩΋ชϣؚᴳिㄻេᢨ㥳ڝេᢨ㓏ⵄ⌶⎗ং㔘ᏺᑂ㌷ࡇ Ṃ጗ɺᑦ⛬しᢧڈᢧេᥙׇહ㌷ᑨ೓ܰ๎♻㥳હݝᑨឦ⭐េॴ।㥳㐓⯫ᢷ㎂߳۳ ᩶㌤๲΋ชिㄻេᢨ㥳ᢧេᥙׇし׈㥳ᐲউΒԇ⼦ਧ⭐ᢧេᤍᢨɺᢧេϣᥙׇಱ ਧɺ᠌Ḉ৛㌩᠘ɹݠ㐼ᤨᠣഝܰિয়ᒛᑨ᠘΋ชỲࢂ⼦໹ܰ⬎Ϭ㏑〕⭐ڝ「⯪ᫌ ႍ҈ڃᤍᢨɺ⯪ⶼɹᢋᢠ೯ܰિয়ϣᐲહ㌷ᑨ೓〧ܶេᢨɺિয়ᐲહ㌷ᑨ೓Ỳ㐐 ᐪܶ໢㓀ɺ಩⼩ᩆᢧ᩶㌤๲⭐ᢧᢝ᠊ኬܶሦɺ֯ᐽᎏᤛܰ೯ⶸ᠘ᏺ᧥㥳㎎⾼΋ช េᢨɺ`ઃἭᲮႥጒ╞߳౷♵ϣؚᴳिㄻេᢨ࿌ᠥ㥳ᐲ⼦⽥⭐ᢧេ᠊⸨ɺज़ֵ⑲ ໢㓀ɺغܶڡ㐐⑸ܶሦ㥳㌤᡼ܰদ᡼Ỳಯશ⿯ⱀᐶ  ᐪ΋๗Ᏼڡી㞟ϣिㄻ໢㓀ᑍᤨỲᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯㥳ᤨ㋫ნᐲᒬ↗⺆ᝣỲ㋫⺆ᐶ ज़ເ㔘ɹਸ਼ᙦჁេᢨ㐓⯫ಥ㌮ɺહӊᤜ⽰㓣ⱖፖؚᴳिㄻሦᝪ㥳⺆〔ۥԇ㥳હ ౒উב໢㓀ᤜ⽰༊⚉ɺ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧᐲ♟ಳ 480 ᴪ⚉ᴪܵᢷ㥳ςᴪ⚉ᴪ㐓⯫⾇㔳 ፓɺ  〗ڃᎥી㞟໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹᅪ⑫㔘شء ⬟ 3.3.1Ͳ3.3.4 شء ເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣɹ㖖ᤨỲ፰㐃ㄽܰᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ 3.3.1Ͳ3.3.2غ ᎥᑍᤨỲ㐃شء ᬀી㞟Ỳ⺆໹ॸ޹ી㞟Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴ɺॸ 3.3.3Ͳ3.3.4 ۋтॸܰ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡ޹㔘⿴ɺॸ 3.3.5 㔒⃁㌤᡼ɹ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧܰءㄽ 85

Ⱆ㈚໼Ỳ㔘⿴ɺॸ 3.3.6 㔒⃁ીጲ݊␮みɹ㌤᡼ܰ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ ɺॸ 3.3.8 㔒⃁㜒㚴ᢻɹિޏ઎ɺॸ 3.3.7 㔒⃁ݕᨑ៓⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰេᢨਤ ᬀી㞟Ỳ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸشء ㈚໼Ỳᨑхܰ㔘ᏺᨑɺॸ 3.3.9Ͳ3.3.10ޱয়ᦩܰಶ㣠 ⯴ܭ㌫㐐х⒡Ỳॸ՘ɺી㞟ং㖖ᤨ⿵ႼỲ‛ઘ݉څ՘(i)ɺॸ 3.3.11 Ꭵ㐉㓃㙗๗Ḿ ॸ 3.3.12Ͳ3.3.20(ii)ɺ┞ી㞟ংᩆ㌩⿵ႼỲ‛ઘ݉ܭ⯴ॸ 3.3.21Ͳ3.3.23ɺ  

ḮڝJⳄ⎩Ὅીጲ݊⏄㓂ᐲ㍪ી㞟Ỳ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ (https://www.weather.gov.hk/informtc/hato17/hato_uc.htm)ˤ JJⳄ⎩Ὅીጲ݊⏄㓂ᐲ㍪ી㞟ᬀ㖖ᤨชѸỲ㔘ᏺᨑỲῩ᯽ (https://www.weather.gov.hk/informtc/hato17/hato_uc.htm)ˤ 86

3.3 SuperTyphoonHato(1713):20–24August2017  HatowasthethirdtropicalcycloneaffectingHongKongin2017.Thehighesttropical cyclonewarning,No.10HurricaneSignal,wasissuedforthefirsttimesinceSevereTyphoon Vicente hitting Hong Kong in July 2012.Hato intensified significantly as it traversed the northernpartoftheSouthChinaSea,momentarilyattainingsupertyphoonintensityoverthe seaareassouthofHongKongandthefirsttimeasupertyphoonnecessitatingtheissuanceof tropicalcyclonewarningsignalsNo.8orabovesinceHopein1979.  HatoformedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout740kmeastͲ southeastofGaoxiongonthenightof20August.Itmovedgenerallywestwardsacrossthe Luzon Strait and entered the northeastern part of the South China Sea on 22 August, intensifyingintoatyphoonandtrackingwestͲnorthwesttowardsthecoastofGuangdong. DuringitsapproachtowardsthePearlRiverestuaryon23August,Hatointensifiedfurtherand becameasupertyphoonthatmorningovertheseaareassouthofHongKong,reachingits peakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof185km/hnearitscentre.Aftermaking landfalloverthecoastnearMacaoandZhuhaishortlyafternoontime,Hatoenteredwestern Guangdong and gradually weakened.It moved across Guangxi the next day and degeneratedintoanareaoflowpressureoverYunnanatnight.  HatobroughtseverestormsurgetothecoastofPearlRiverestuary.RecordͲhighsea levelswererecordedatmanyplaces.Amaximumstormsurgeof2.79mandamaximum sealevelof6.14mwererecordedatZhuhaistation.ThecoastalareasinZhuhaiincluding someundergroundcarparkswerefloodedbyseawater.Electricityandwatersupplyinthe citybecameunstable.Anumberofvesselsranagroundabout30kmsouthwestofHong Kongand39crewmemberswererescued.Hatobroughtdamagingwindsandstormsurge toMacao.ExtensiveareasofMacaosuffereddamageandwereseriouslyflooded,resulting in at least ten deaths and more than 240 injuries.The direct economic loss exceeded 8.3billionMOP.Amaximumsealevelof5.58metreswasrecordedinAͲMastation,arecord highinMacaosincerecordsbeganin1925.Electricityandwatersupplieswerealsoaffected. InGuangdong,Guangxi,Fujian,GuizhouandYunnan,therewereatleast15deathsandone missingduringthepassageofHato.Around740000peoplewereaffectedandover6500 housescollapsed,withdirecteconomiclossexceeding27.2billionRMB.  TheHongKongObservatoryissuedtheNo.1StandbySignalat8:40a.m.on22August when Hato was about 660 km eastͲsoutheast of the territory.Local winds were light to moderatenortherliesduringtheday.Squallythunderstormstriggeredbyhightemperatures affectedmanyplacesintheterritoryduringtheafternoon.AsHatoedgedclosertothecoast ofGuangdong,theNo.3StrongWindSignalwasissuedat6:20p.m.whenHatowasabout 410kmeastͲsoutheastofHongKong.Localwindsstrengthenedgraduallyinthesmallhours of23August,becomingfreshtostrongnortherlies,reachinggaleforceonhighground.The ObservatoryissuedtheNo.8NortheastGaleorStormSignalat5:20a.m.whenHatowasabout 160 km southeast of the territory.Local winds strengthened rapidly afterwards, with northeasterlygalesinmanyplacesandreachingstormforceoffshoreandonhighground. WithHatoexpectedtomakeadirecthitoverthePearlRiverestuary,theNo.9IncreasingGale orStormSignalwasissuedat8:10a.m.whenHatowasabout100kmsouthͲsoutheastofthe Hong Kong Observatory.Local winds strengthened further that morning and the No.10 HurricaneSignalwasissuedat9:10a.m.whenHatowasabout70kmsouthoftheHongKong 87

Observatory.Gale to storm force winds generally affected Hong Kong, with winds persistently reaching hurricane force over the southern part of the territory and on high ground.Hato came closest to Hong Kong around 10 a.m. that morning with its centre passingonlyabout60kmsouthͲsouthwestoftheHongKongObservatory.AsHatomade landfall to the west of Hong Kong, local winds gradually veered from northeasterly to southeasterlyandstartedtosubside.TheNo.8SoutheastGaleorStormSignalwasthen issuedat2:10p.m.WithHatoweakeningandmovingaway,theNo.3StrongWindSignal andNo.1StandbySignalwereissuedat5:10p.m.and6:20p.m.respectively.Hatomoved further inland during the night and all tropical cyclone warning signals were cancelled at 8:40p.m.  ThestormsurgebroughtbyHatoraisedthewaterlevelinHongKonggenerallybyabout one to two metres.Coinciding with the high water of the astronomical tide (the astronomicalhightidewasabout2.4matQuarryBayintheVictoriaHarbourthatmorning), theaggregatedeffectresultedintheinundationofmanylowͲlyingareasinHongKongbysea water.ThewaterlevelatQuarryBayreachedamaximumof3.57mCD(metresaboveChart Datum),thesecondhighestsincerecordsbeganin1954andonlylowerthantherecordhigh of3.96mCDsetbySuperTyphoonWandain1962.Amaximumwaterlevelof4.56mCDwas recordedinTsimBeiTsui,thehighestsincerecordsbeganin1974.Forthemaximumsea levelsrecordedatvarioustidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofHato,pleaserefer toFigure3.2.7.  AsHatobatteredHongKongon23August,maximumhourlymeanwindsof130,124, 94and85km/handmaximumgustsof193,171,140and137km/hwererecordedatWaglan Island,CheungChau,TaiMeiTukandNorthPointrespectively.Thelowestinstantaneous meanseaͲlevelpressuresrecordedatsomeselectedstationsareasfollows:  Lowestinstantaneousmean Station Date/Month Time seaͲlevelpressure(hPa) HongKongObservatory 986.3 23/8 9:39a.m. Headquarters HongKongInternational 982.9 23/8 10:57a.m. Airport King’sPark 986.6 23/8 9:40a.m. PengChau 983.6 23/8 9:52a.m. TaKwuLing 990.9 23/8 10:01a.m. TaiPo 990.4 23/8 9:20a.m. Shatin 989.6 23/8 9:19a.m. SheungShui 990.1 23/8 10:25a.m. LauFauShan 988.3 23/8 10:18a.m. CheungChau 980.1 23/8 10:33a.m. WaglanIsland 982.0 23/8 9:34a.m.  ThesubsidenceeffectaheadofHato’scirculationbroughthazyskiesandoppressive heattoHongKongon22August,withtemperaturesinmanyplacesreaching37degreesor above.TemperatureattheHongKongObservatorysoaredtoanallͲtimerecordͲbreaking high of 36.6 degrees around 2 p.m. that day.Intense convection triggered by high temperaturesbroughtheavyshowersandsquallythunderstormstotheterritorylaterinthe 88 afternoon.UndertheinfluenceofHato’scirculation,therewereheavysquallyshowersand thunderstormson23August,andAmberRainstormWarningwasissuedbytheObservatory that morning.The weather improved with sunny periods during the day on 24 August. Morethan60mmofrainfallwererecordedgenerallyoverHongKongduringthe3Ͳdayperiod.  InHongKong,atleast129peoplewereinjuredduringthepassageofHato.Therewere over5300reportsoffallentrees,manyincidentsoffallingobjects,onereportoflandslideas wellasanumberoffloodingreports.Twopoliceofficerswerehitontheheadbyfalling branchesnearSanPoKongwhenclearingthefallentrees.Onepersonwasinjuredbya falling clothesͲhanging pole in Kwun Tong.A suspended work platform at an apartment blockinHungHomcamelooseunderstrongwindsandrammedintothewindowsofseveral unitsofthebuilding.GlasscurtainwallsofseveralcommercialbuildingsinWanChaiand Centralwereshattered.SomescaffoldinginKwunTongandTsueuWancollapsed.Avessel ranagroundnearDiscoveryBayinLantauIslandandtencrewmembersonboardweretaken tosafety.  StormsurgeinducedbyHatoresultedinseriousfloodinganddamagesinanumberof coastalareasinHongKong,includingTaiO,ShekPik,MuiWo,CheungChau,HengFaChuen, SiuSaiWan,LeiYueMun,TseungKwanO,ShaTin,TaiPo,SaiKung,YuenLongandLauFau Shan.ThefloodinginTaiOwasreportedtobemoredamagingthanthatofHagupitin2008. ThefloodalertsystemforTaiOwasactivatedandmanyresidentswereevacuated.Serious floodingalsooccurredinLeiYueMun,withseawaterflowingintoanumberofvillagehouses andshops,trappingmanyresidentswhohadtobehelpedtosafetybyfiremen.TheHeng Fa Chuen promenade was inundated, with sea water flowing into the estate and its undergroundcarpark.SiuSaiWanSportsGroundwasalsofloodedbyseawater.Thecycle tracksandsubwaysnearShingMunRiverinShaTin,coastalareaofToloHarbour,LamTsuen RiverinTaiPowereflooded,aswellasanumberofvillagehousesinSaiKung,LauFauShan and Tai Po.Electricity supply to many village houses in Tai Po was interrupted.The waterfrontatTseungKwanOwasdamagedbyseawaves.ThesurgeofwaterlevelinYuen LongnullahandShanPuiRiverresultedinfloodingnearby.ShekPikPrisonStaffQuarters wasalsoseriouslyflooded,withvehiclessweptawaybyseawaters.Externalcommunication servicesinCheungChauandPengChauwereaffectedasaresultofdamagedopticalfibre cables.  TransportationservicesinHongKongwereseriouslyaffectedbyHato.Trainservices alongtheopensectionsofMTRwereoncesuspended.Manyroadswerecloseddueto strongwinds,fallentreesorflooding.Resumptionofferryserviceswasaffectedduetothe damageoffacilitiesatanumberofferryterminals.Morethan480flightswerecancelled andnineflightsweredivertedattheHongKongInternationalAirport.  Informationonthemaximumwind,periodsofstrongandgaleforcewinds,dailyrainfall andmaximumsealevelreachedinHongKongduringthepassageofHatoisgiveninTables 3.3.1Ͳ3.3.4respectively.Figures3.3.1Ͳ3.3.2showrespectivelythetrackofHatoandthe maximumsustainedwindspeednearthecentreofHato.Figures3.3.3Ͳ3.3.4aretherainfall distribution for Hong Kong and the winds recorded at various stations in Hong Kong respectively.Figure3.3.5showstracesofthewindspeedrecordedatCheungChau,HongKong InternationalAirportandNorthPoint.Figure3.3.6showstraceofmeanseaͲlevelpressure recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory’s Headquarters, Cheung Chau and Hong Kong 89

International Airport. Figure 3.3.7 shows the maximum sea level recorded at various tide stationsinHongKongandfloodreports.Figure3.3.8isthetracesofsealevelandstormsurge recordedatQuarryBay,TaiPoKauandTsimBeiTsui.Figures3.3.9Ͳ3.3.10showrespectively asatelliteimageryandaradarimageryofHato(i).Figure3.3.11isanimageofcloudtopheight overliadwithlightninglocations(ii).Figures3.3.12Ͳ3.3.20arethedamagesbroughtbyHatoin HongKong.Figures3.2.21Ͳ3.3.23arethedamagesbroughtbyHatotoMacao.

i TheanimationsequencesofsatelliteandradarimageriesareavailableontheObservatory’swebsiteat https://www.weather.gov.hk/informtc/hato17/hato.htm. ii ThevideosofstormsurgebroughtbyHatoareavailableontheObservatory’swebsiteat https://www.weather.gov.hk/informtc/hato17/hato.htm. 90

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡㔘ɹᐬ㙗᝶ಱޏ⬟ 3.3.1 ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংી㞟ᮘชឳ፞ⵄ Ꭿีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.3.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociated winddirectionsrecordedatvariousstationswhenthetropicalcyclonewarning signalsforHatowereinforce  ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴  MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time NE 139 23/8 09:06 ᑻ۴ SE 87 23/8 11:00 ۋ㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ) BluffHead(Stanley) ᑻ Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier ᑻ E 137 23/8 09:55 ᑻ E 70 23/8 10:00 ㌤᡼  CheungChau ᑻ۴ SE 171 23/8 11:01 ᑻ۴ SE 124 23/8 12:00 NE 121 23/8 10:00 ۋӿᑻ ENE 193 23/8 10:15 ᑻۋ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ᑻ HongKongInternational 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 144 23/8 11:55 ᑻ E 90 23/8 11:00 Airport NE 130 23/8 08:54 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 67 23/8 12:00 ۋࡇ༔ KaiTak ᑻ Ϧઠᓀ  King'sPark  ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 113 23/8 10:49 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 52 23/8 11:00 N 65 23/8 09:00 ۋ NNE 112 23/8 08:55 ۋӿۋᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 131 23/8 11:00ۋᎃদ NgongPing ᑻ E 224 23/8 11:07 ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 85 23/8 10:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 137 23/8 09:49 ᑻۋⰖ NorthPoint ᑻۋ দ᡼ PengChau ᑻ E 151 23/8 10:53 ᑻ E 96 23/8 11:00 ӿᑻ ENE 25 23/8 09:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 77 23/8 08:57 ᑻۋ᡼ PingChau ᑻี NE 70 23/8 10:00 ۋ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung  ᑻ E 112 23/8 10:00 ᑻ ᡼ ShaChau ᑻ۴ӿ۴ SSE 137 23/8 12:21 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 88 23/8 12:00᠌ NNE 104 23/8 09:27 ᑻ۴ SE 38 23/8 13:00 ۋӿۋḈ ShaTin ᑻ᠌ NE 106 23/8 09:52 ᑻ E 45 23/8 12:00 ۋ൒ ShekKong ᑻ` ς㤙ી᎙㓣StarFerry(Kowloon) ᑻ E 112 23/8 09:54 ᑻ E 59 23/8 11:00 NNE 41 23/8 10:00 ۋӿۋNNE 99 23/8 09:42 ᑻ ۋӿۋძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing  ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 94 23/8 10:00ۋᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 140 23/8 10:20ۋિⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ᑻ ᑻ E 94 23/8 11:00 િญ೯ TaiMoShan ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 196 23/8 11:22 ᑻ۴ SE 90 23/8 13:00 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 113 23/8 11:38 ᑻ E 68 23/8 11:00 ӿᑻ ENE 94 23/8 10:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 122 23/8 09:22 ᑻۋᑻ ਽㌩* TapMun*     ӿᑻ ENE 122 23/8 09:29ۋᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 118 23/8 09:00ۋNE 187 23/8 08:37 ᑻ ۋિ┗೯ Tate'sCairn  ᑻ NNE 36 23/8 09:00 ۋӿۋᑻ ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 96 23/8 11:04 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 36 23/8 12:00 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝ TsingYiShellOilDepot ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 106 23/8 10:40 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 43 23/8 12:00 ๛ TuenMunGovernment ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ᑻ۴ SE 112 23/8 11:52 ᑻ۴ SE 43 23/8 13:00 Offices NE 130 23/8 09:00 ۋᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland ᑻ E 193 23/8 09:10 ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 38 23/8 11:00ۋNE 76 23/8 09:57 ᑻ ۋ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark ᑻ 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ᑻ E 117 23/8 10:00 ᑻ E 43 23/8 11:00 *ፍ਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ং 2017 ึ 7 ᐱ 6 ፰ܵІং਽㌩ⵄ൒೓㓃Ỳ♲ᤥ㔘⇔ɺ *TheoldanemometerstationontherooftopofTapMunPolicePostisreplacedbythenewTapMunstationon6July2017. 㑌᡼, ᠌⪒ᫌͲ ᠆ᐲⷝጻGreenIsland,ShaLoWanͲdatanotavailable   91

ޏᤥ㔘⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ┘ܭҴ⦍⌶⎗Ỳ׋ӊޏ⬟ 3.3.2 ংી㞟໢㓀Β㥳ᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣغ〗ڃҴ⦍᷻ጇᎯ㈚໼ᅪ⑫㔘 Table3.3.2 Periodsduringwhichsustainedstrongandgaleforcewindswereattainedatthe eight reference anemometers when tropical cyclone warning signals for Hato wereinforce  #ᬅ㔘غ〗ᬅ㔘# ᐬ໷غ〗دເ㔘* ᐬغ〗ເ㔘* ᐬ໷غ〗دᐬ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) Starttimewhen Endtimewhen Starttimewhen Endtimewhen Station(SeeFig.1.1) strongwindspeed* strongwindspeed* galeforcewind galeforcewind wasattained wasattained speed#wasattained speed#wasattained ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷  Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time ㌤᡼ CheungChau 23/8 05:13 23/8 16:51 23/8 07:33 23/8 13:45

HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ International 22/8 16:11 23/8 15:26 23/8 08:41 23/8 13:32 ᚄਧ Airport

ࡇ༔ KaiTak 23/8 08:49 23/8 12:41 23/8 10:26 23/8 12:05

ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan 23/8 06:33 23/8 14:55 23/8 08:24 23/8 10:36

⯪ⶼ SaiKung 23/8 06:16 23/8 16:13 23/8 08:08 23/8 12:26

᠌Ḉ ShaTin 23/8 12:08 23/8 12:50 Ͳ

ძ㣀඿ TaKwuLing 23/8 08:56 23/8 10:35 Ͳ

㑌⬝ാ TsingYiShell 23/8 10:37 23/8 13:34 Ͳ ⨅ᝧ᠝๛ OilDepot ⿴ᅭౢỲ㔘غ〗Ͳ ᑋ Ͳnotattainingthespecifiedwindspeed  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 41Ͳ62 ׌ㄺءۦ * *10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof41Ͳ62km/h  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 63Ͳ87 ׌ㄺءۦ # #10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof63Ͳ87km/h  㙗ፕჁ▸݉ڃເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗Ỳ⸭଩ܰ⍲⍼Ꭿ㌷ɺᑂ㌷㔘غ〗ڃؚᅪ⑫㔘حⱝ: ᑍ⬟ ɺڃцፕᅭౢỲ㔘 Note:Thetablegivesthestartandendtimeofsustainedstrongorgaleforcewinds.Winds might fluctuate above or below the specified wind speeds in between the times indicated.    92

ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽב⬟ 3.3.3 ી㞟ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰ Table3.3.3 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquarters andotherstationsduringthepassageofHato  (⋟ॗ፰ ␮㐃ㄽ(ញۦΐ፰ ׋ᐱϑۦϑ፰ ׋ᐱϑۦ㍋ॸ 3.3.3) ׋ᐱϑܭ) ⇔ Station(SeeFig.3.3.3) 22Aug 23Aug 24Aug Totalrainfall(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ ༏ㄽ 2.0 67.1 69.1 HongKongObservatory Trace 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 20.4 58.7 2.4 81.5 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 1.5 32.0 0.0 33.5 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 1.5 51.5 0.0 53.0 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 3.0 49.0 1.0 53.0 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 17.5 46.0 0.0 63.5 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 2.0 66.5 0.0 68.5 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 0.5 82.0 0.0 82.5 MidLevels 3.0 71.0 0.0 74.0 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 0.5 88.5 3.5 92.5 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 8.5 62.5 0.0 71.0 SEK `൒ ShekKong 1.0 96.0 0.0 97.0 K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 3.5 89.0 0.0 92.5 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk 2.5 66.0 [2.5] [71.0] R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok 19.0 82.5 [3.0] [104.5] TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir 4.6 73.2 0.0 77.8 N17 ᑻᢻ TungChung 29.5 56.5 0.0 86.0 ⱝ :[] ৻ፕΔౙጢỲ᝶ಱᎯ㐃ㄽጦኸɺNote:[]basedonincompletehourlydata.  ⬟ 3.3.4 ી㞟ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Table3.3.4 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recordedattidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofHato  ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)  Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m) Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 3.57 23/8 10:27 1.18 23/8 10:27 `ઃ ShekPik 3.91 23/8 11:30 1.54 23/8 11:32 િ຅ᫌ* TaiMiuWan* 3.14 23/8 07:53 1.05 23/8 07:53 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 4.09 23/8 10:58 1.65 23/8 10:58 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 4.56 23/8 13:42 2.42 23/8 13:42 ᚎ᪱ാ* WaglanIsland* 2.97 23/8 07:35 0.76 23/8 07:35

*ጦኸΔౙጢ*incompletedata 93

ॗ፰ી㞟Ỳ⺆໹ॸɺۦ፰♟ϑۦॸ 3.3.1a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ Figure3.3.1a TrackofHatoon20–24August2017. 

ॸ 3.3.1b ી㞟ᇝ⾼㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure3.3.1b TrackofHatonearHongKong.


 ㋝ีও㔘ݡءۦΐ፰Α۫ 10 Ꭿᜯ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳۦॸ 3.3.4a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ڃ㔘㥳㌤᡼ᡑ᫃ɹિ┗೯ܰᎃদỲ㔘ۋᑻ♟ᑻނ『޹㔘⿴ɺḲᎯᑍᤨᏋ 㔢㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗 Figure3.3.4a 10Ͳminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstationsin HongKongat10a.m.on23August2017.Windsweregenerallyfromthe easttonortheastovertheterritory,withwindsreachinghurricaneforceat CheungChauBeach,Tate’sCairnandNgongPingatthattime.  ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 36 ܰ 20 ׌ㄺɺشء⿴㋝ีও㔘ءۦⱝ㦁 Ϧઠᓀܰ಩⼩ᩆḲᎯ㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedsrecordedatthetimeatKing’sParkandTseung KwanOwere36km/hand20km/hrespectively.           96

 ㋝ีও㔘ݡءۦΐ፰Α۫ 11 Ꭿᜯ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳۦॸ 3.3.4b ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ 㔢㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ڃᑻ♟ᑻ۴㔘㥳㌤᡼ܰᎃদỲ㔘ނ『޹㔘⿴ɺḲᎯᑍᤨᏋ Figure3.3.4b 10Ͳminute mean wind direction and speed recorded at various stations in HongKongat11a.m.on23August2017.Windsweregenerallyfromthe easttosoutheastovertheterritory,withwindsreachinghurricaneforceat CheungChauandNgongPingatthattime.  ㋝ีও㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 30 ׌ㄺɺءۦⱝ: ೮㌩ḲᎯ㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedsrecordedatthetimeatTuenMunwas30km/h.             97

 133  攟㳚攟㳚 Cheung Chau 桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Hurricane (t118 km/h)  㙜桐 (88-117 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Storm (88-117 km/h)  䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Gale (63-87 km/h)  ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Strong (41-62 km/h)      楁㷗⚳晃㨇⟜ Hong Kong International Airport 桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Hurricane (t118 km/h)  103 㙜桐 (88-117 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Storm (88-117 km/h)

 䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Gale (63-87 km/h)

) Wind Speed (km/h) (km/h) Speed  Wind ) ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Strong (41-62 km/h)

 ⮷㗪 / 


 (  ⊿奺 North Point 桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  桐忇 Hurricane (t118 km/h)  99 㙜桐 (88-117 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Storm (88-117 km/h)  䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Gale (63-87 km/h)  ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Strong (41-62 km/h)       楁㷗㗪攻 Hong Kong Time   ㋝㔘⿴ɺءۦⰖ㈚໼Ỳۋΐ፰ং㌤᡼ɹ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧܰۦॸ 3.3.5 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ Figure3.3.5 Tracesof10ͲminutewindspeedatCheungChau,HongKongInternationalAirport andNorthPointon23August2017.     98

       ⣑㔯⎘ Hong Kong Observatory  )    䘦ⶽ㕗⌉

 (    攟㳚 Cheung Chau 


 Mean Sea Level Pressure (hPa)      楁㷗⚳晃㨇⟜ Hong Kong International Airport   22/08/2017 23/08/2017  楁㷗㗪攻 (㗪) Hong Kong Time (Hour)   ΐ፰㖖ᤨીጲ݊ɹ㌤᡼ܰ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ㈚ۦϑ♟ϑۦॸ 3.3.6 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺ Figure3.3.6 TracesofmeanseaͲlevelpressurerecordedattheHongKongObservatory, CheungChauandHongKongInternationalAirporton22and23August2017.                 99

                        ΐ፰㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑх(ࢂхᬀ⋞㥳ᢧॸ৻ۦॸ 3.3.7 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)ܰᔆኸጂ๑み㌩ɹፍ═ܰ⃃ϡப㙓Ỳេᢨਤޏɺ  Figure3.3.7 Maximumsealevel(metresaboveChartDatum)recordedatvarioustidestations inHongKongandfloodreportsfromgovernmentdepartments,newsandsocial mediaon23August2017. 100

 ⮎㷔㼖ỵ (㴟⚾➢㸾朊ẍᶲ) ⣏❼㺀 ⮾滣␨  Observed sea level (above chart datum) Tai Po Kau Tsim Bei Tsui   殪欂㴴  Quarry Bay            桐㙜㼖(⣑㔯㼖檀⹎ẍᶲ) ⮾滣␨  ) Height (metres) Storm surge (above astronomical tide) Tsim Bei Tsui 䰛 ⣏❼㺀  ( Tai Po Kau   檀⹎  殪欂㴴  Quarry Bay          22/08/2017 23/08/2017  楁㷗㗪攻 (㗪) Hong Kong Time (Hour)     ㈚໼Ỳޱΐ፰ং㜒㚴ᢻɹિয়ᦩܰಶ㣠ۦϑ♟ϑۦॸ 3.3.8 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ᨑх(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)ܰ㔘ᏺᨑ(ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)ɺ Figure3.3.8 Tracesofsealevel(abovechartdatum)andstormsurge(aboveastronomical tide)recordedatQuarryBay,TaiPoKau,andTsimBeiTsuion22and23 August2017. 101

楁㷗 Hong Kong

⣑泧 Hato

  Ỳ݉⯴ֵ⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯી㞟ݍΐ፰Α۫ 11 Ꭿෙۦॸ 3.3.9 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 185 ׌ㄺɺבغ〗

Figure3.3.9 Visiblesatelliteimageryaround11a.m.on23August2017,whenHatowas atpeakintensitywithestimatedmaximumsustainedwindsof185km/h nearitscentre.   ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [The satellite imagery was originally captured by HimawariͲ8 Satellite (HͲ8) of Japan MeteorologicalAgency(JMA).]  102

  ΐ፰Α۫  Ꭿી㞟ᐬᇝ⾼ીጲ݊␮みᎯỲ㐌〖ख़ۦॸ 3.3.10 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ᡂॸ՘ɺ  Figure3.3.10 Imageofradarechoesat10:00a.m.on23August2017whenHatowasclosest totheHongKongObservatoryHeadquarters.  103

 څΐ፰Α۫ 7 Ꭿḉ㐌〖ጦኸб≍Ỳ㐉㓃㙗๗Ḿۦॸ 3.3.11 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ㋝㌫㐐х⒡Ỳॸ՘ɺᑻ۴ፓὯઃ㎎⾼ؚᴳ㑒ฌເᬅỲಯᢋءۦΐܫ】 ޹㓬౾㌫㐐㥳㐉㓃㙗๗⸶【 16 ׌ㄺ㥳Ἴ〖ಯᢋ೥㓃みɺ  Figure3.3.11 Image of cloud top height estimated using radar data at 7 a.m. on 23August 2017, overlaid with lightning locations during the past 30 minutes.Veryintenseconvectionandfrequentlightningappearednear theeyewallofHatooverthesoutheasternquadrantwiththecloudtop reachingover16kmtothetopofthetroposphere.  104

ಱ⯪ᫌġ SiuSaiWan

Ⓕషġ MeiFoo  ॸ 3.3.12 ી㞟⯡ᤨᑂ㌷ᑍᤨહ⦇ᐲᙦᑊӐਸ਼ɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:EmileHoɹW.O.Wong ޹ (ɹDavidGrundɹ៝ӹ޹ᑥయ⃥(ٲીឳⰕᤥⰿۥY.K.Chow(⃃ Figure3.3.12 ThepassageofHatoresultedinfallentreesinmanypartsoftheterritory. (PhotoscourtesyofEmileHo,W.O.WongandY.K.ChowfromCommunity WeatherObservationScheme,DavidGrund,W.Kong,andT.C.Lee) 105

ಶ᠌ޱ TsimShaTsui

㌤᡼ CheungChau ॸ 3.3.12(⑫) Figure3.3.12(Cont’d) 106

ಶ᠌ޱᑻġ TsimShaTsuiEast

೮㌩ġ TuenMun

ॸ 3.3.12(⑫) Figure3.3.12(Cont’d)   107

 ॸ 3.3.13 ી㞟⯡ᤨᑂ㌷㥳⌾₆㓣ෛᢝᅄഝɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:JamesReynolds) Figure3.3.13 High waves affected Hung Hom Pier during the passage of Hato. (Photo courtesyofJamesReynolds)  108

  ᝪɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: ℽ༪ⶑִ᷻ނᐲ࠸ᗙિ๰Ỳᴅᶌผ᯼⭐شءॸ 3.3.14 ᫌϺܰΥᶪ ޹ KevinCampbell) Figure3.3.14 GlasscurtainwallsofseveralcommercialbuildingsinWanChaiandCentral wereshattered.(PhotoscourtesyofW.ChunandKevinCampbell)  109

 ॸ 3.3.14(⑫) Figure3.3.14 (Cont’d)  110

 (ॸ 3.3.15a ᑦ⛬し΋ชिㄻេᢨ㥳ᢧេᥙׇし׈ɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:SteveLee ޹ഀಂ⃥ Figure3.3.15a HengFaChuenwasseriouslyfloodedwithseawaterrushingintotheestate. (PhotoscourtesyofSteveLeeandF.C.Sham) 111

 ॸ 3.3.15a(⑫) Figure3.3.15a(Cont’d) 112

ॸ 3.3.15b ᑦ⛬しᐲউΒԇ⼦ਧౙ׉⭐ᢧេᤍᢨ㥳હ⽥៳⼦⭐ᤍ᠆ɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:Steve Lee ޹ഀಂ⃥) Figure3.3.15b SeawaterflowedintoanundergroundcarparkinHengFaChuen,submerging anumberofprivatevehiclesinside.(PhotoscourtesyofSteveLeeandF.C.Sham) 113

(ਧɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:CharmaineMokڝ「ॸ 3.3.15c ᢧេᥙׇಱ⯪ᫌ Figure3.3.15c SiuSaiWanSportsGroundwasfloodedbyseawater.(Photocourtesyof CharmaineMok)  114

(޹΋෩ឦ⦈ڡេᤆܰ△ɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: ᤛۥॸ 3.3.16 િᩆេᢨिㄻ㥳みЕউ Figure3.3.16 SeriousfloodinginTaiOwithwaterlevelreachingthechesthighinsome places.(PhotoscourtesyofDrainageServicesDepartmentandamemberof thepublic)  115

 ॸ 3.3.16(⑫) Figure3.3.16 (Cont’d)  116

 :ॸ 3.3.17 ᠌Ḉ৛㌩᠘ܰݠ㐼ᤨᠣഝ΋ชỲࢂ⼦໹ܰ⬎Ϭ㏑〕⭐ᤍᢨɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ (HowlHo,(ٲીឳⰕᤥⰿۥToniFung ޹ DaisyHo(⃃ Figure3.3.17 ThecycletracksandsubwaysnearShingMunRiverinShaTinandcoastalarea ofToloHarbourwereflooded.(PhotoscourtesyofToniFungandDaisyHo fromCommunityWeatherObservationScheme,HowlHo)  117

 ॸ 3.3.17(⑫) Figure3.3.17 (Cont’d)  118

 ીឳۥॸ 3.3.18 ֯ᐽᎏᤛܰ೯ⶸ᠘ᏺ᧥㥳㎎⾼΋ชេᢨɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: ጲ㈶ⶑ (⃃ ((ٲⰕᤥⰿ Figure3.3.18 ThesurgeofwaterlevelinYuenLongNullahandShanPuiRiverresultedin floodingovertheareas.(PhotoscourtesyofManKamͲhoofromCommunity WeatherObservationScheme)  119

ીឳⰕۥॸ 3.3.19a ಩⼩ᩆᢧ᩶㌤๲⬎Ϭ⺆⭐ᢧᢝ‛ઘɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:BowieWong(⃃ ((ٲᤥⰿ Figure3.3.19a WaterfrontPromenadeatTseungKwanOwasdamagedbyseawaves.(Photo courtesyofBowieWongfromCommunityWeatherObservationScheme) 

ીឳⰕۥॸ 3.3.19b ㌤᡼ᑻᫌ΋ชỲॴ᛭⭐ᢧᢝ‛ઘɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:RemingtonYu(⃃ ((ٲᤥⰿ Figure3.3.19b The fences near Cheung Chau Tung Wan were damaged by sea waves. (Photo courtesy of Remington Yu from Community Weather Observation Scheme)  120

ॸ 3.3.20 હ⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨ⯪۴⌽ 30 ׌ㄺỲេ৤዇ᤎ㥳׏ 39 ݝ⚔߳᳑ጋɺ(ॸ᯽ (㎽ڡ㝮ⴉ: ጂ๑㔳⬎ᐶ Figure3.3.20 Anumberofvesselsranagroundabout30kmsouthwestofHongKongand atotalof39crewmemberswererescued.(PhotoscourtesyofGovernment FlyingService) 121

 ॸ 3.3.20(⑫) Figure3.3.20 (Cont’d)  122

  (ॸ3.3.21ᩆ㌩ᐲч౔િ๰Ỳ↭ზᴅᶌᯖ⭟ɺ( ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: ፓ༪ٕ Figure3.3.21WindowpanesofresidentialbuildingsŝŶDĂĐĂŽǁĞƌĞďƌŽŬĞŶ͘ ;WŚŽƚŽĐŽƵƌƚĞƐLJŽĨůĂƌĞŶĐĞ&ŽŶŐͿ 123

 ϗ㖡⺆Ỳ㔞㔘ଲ߳ᐮℵᐧ⦇〧ܶ㔘ᏺᨑ‛ઘɺ( ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: 㔞دᐱۦॸ 3.3.22 хፕᩆ㌩ 㔘ଲ߳ᐮℵᐧ⦇) Figure3.3.22TyphoonCommitteeSecretariatatAvenidade5deOutubro͕DĂĐĂŽwasdamagedby stormsurge.(PhotoscourtesyofTyphoonCommitteeSecretariat)  124

 㔘ᏺᨑ໢㓀㥳ؚᴳिㄻេᢨɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ:TomasChoi,Deniseܶۥॸ 3.3.23 ᩆ㌩ݕ Lau) Figure3.3.23 Serious flooding in Macao under the influence of storm surge. (Photos courtesyofTomasChoiandDeniseLau  125

 ॸ 3.3.23(⑫) Figure3.3.23 (Cont’d)  126

΍፰ۦॗ፰♟ϑۦ3.4ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ (1714)㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ  ෴۹Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึ∉ॗӊ໢㓀㖖ᤨΡຫ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚ׋⦍ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘 Ҵ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞ɺ  ᡜีુۋॗ፰㙐Αং㖡ೈᅀЈᑻ⌽570׌ㄺỲۦᮘชцឳ઎෴۹ፕ׋ᐱϑ ໹⺆ۋɺ⓬፰෴۹Ử೛ᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳Ј⯪ڝᎯિ♠ݡӿ⯪ፓݡⅉد⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳 ⅉݡຉ⿴څ໹⺆ۋ׍፰፳Α⿾ׇ۴ᢧ㥳Ρ①⑫ᇙܵ⯪ۦౘɺ෴۹ፕ׋ᐱϑމ】㨑 ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бבغ〗ᑻᠣഝ㥳㙐㌷੮ເᬀເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳 ΍፰፳Αংຉᑻ⯪みᠣഝᴢᢧ΋ชừ㎰Ρۦⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ110׌ㄺɺ෴۹ፕ׋ᐱϑ ⿨᧪ᤗຼ㥳Ḳ㙐ংຉ⯪ᢷ጗ɺ  ♟ᝏ㕙ংຉᑻɹຉ⯪ɹⷋීܰ㐉۴ชѸ᱔㔘ᏺ㐃㥳בᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳෴۹ܰ ނಳ⿵Ⴜ12Ϭ᜻ϟ㥳ᇝ⾼10⟩Ϭܶ᫛㥳Ἴᇝ⎮ᩦሦે⌽3.7տ֯Ϭឦศɺং෴۹Ỳ ؚᴳេᢨɺ΋⚩ⷁ⚔ং㖖ᤨЈᑻ⌽120׌ۥ⯡Β㥳ᩆ㌩ᐬಳᐲ׋ϬܶՅ㥳હ⦇উ ㄺ៾᠆㥳11ݝ⚔߳᳑ጋɺ  ⍼Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯ෴۹㏨ء׍፰፳Α9Ꭿ40ۦ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ং׋ᐱϑ ޹⏭ӿᑻ㔘ɺ㏒⠌෴۹㑔⾼ຉᑻᠣഝ㥳ીނং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴⌽730׌ㄺ㥳፰㌷ᑍᤨ Ửؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯ෴۹хፕ㖖ᤨηᑻ۴⌽370׌ㄺɺᎼءጲ݊ংḲᎼ8Ꭿ40 ᬅ㔘ɺ㏒⠌෴۹⾶⿴উ㑔⾼ᴢ៝ނ㔘㥳㐀ഝ㌷Υۋເ㔘⅑๗Ỳᑻ♟ړᤔނΑᑍᤨ Ửؚ׋⦍ᑻ۴ء΍፰Α۫5Ꭿ10ۦ①⑫੮ເ㥳ીጲ݊ং׋ᐱϑڃ΋ช㥳ᑍᤨ㔘ܾ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯ෴۹㏨⍼ং㖖ᤨીጲ݊Ј۴⌽100׌ㄺɺ㢏ᎏᎯЕᑍᤨ㔘 ⿨᧪⾇ᬀᑻ۴ɺۋḉᑻو㔢㔘㥳┞㔘ݡނᬅ㔘♟ᏺ㔘⅑๗㥳㙗উ㌷Υغ〗『Ꮛڃ ᐬᇝ⾼㖖ᤨ㥳хፕ㖖ᤨીጲ݊η⯪۴⌽90׌ㄺɺ㏒⠌෴۹ⅉݍ෴۹ং፳Α7Ꭿෙ Β۫5ᎯܰءংΒ۫1Ꭿ40شء㌯଩ᤗຼ㥳ીጲ݊ڃׇຉᑻ׈㎰㥳፰㌷⅓໷ᑍᤨ㔘 ዾỬΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍ܰ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍ɺᎼΑ෴۹ংຉ⯪ᢷ጗㥳ીጲ݊ፕΒ۫10ء40 Ҵ⦍ɺޏᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄܵءᎯ10  ᬀ᝶شء⿴ং෴۹Ỳ໢㓀Β㥳ᎃদɹિⒻᾊܰ㌤᡼㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘 ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ173ɹ146ܰ155׌ㄺɺಶ㣠شءوಱᎯ118ɹ103ܰ101׌ㄺ㥳┞ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ㈚໼ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ(ીጲᨑ㙗و㈚໼ᐬ㙗ᨑх2.63⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)㥳┞િয়ᦩޱ ๗ЈΑ)1.05⋞ɺݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎૷Β㦁   127

ᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎ ⇔ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ (Ữ෴ፌ۹) ء 㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮み 996.5 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 21 ء 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 995.5 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 35 ء Ϧઠᓀ 996.7 27/8 Α۫ 5 Ꭿ 53 ء দ᡼ 995.5 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 32 ء ძ㣀඿ 999.1 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 22 ء િয় 999.1 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 47 ء Ḉ 998.1 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 01᠌ ء Αេ 998.2 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 42 ء ᢋᢠ೯ 997.7 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 27 ء ㌤᡼ 993.8 27/8 Α۫ 6 Ꭿ 18 ء ᚎ᪱ാ 994.0 27/8 Α۫ 5 Ꭿ 49  ׍፰ᑍᤨિ♠ીᏐ㥳፰㌷ીឳヹᮘɺܶ෴۹Ἷ㍪Ỳ㐃ช໢㓀㥳ᑍᤨۦ׋ᐱϑ ׋፰ᑍᤨᐲ᱔㔘િ㐃ܰ㐌ᏺ㥳ીጲ݊ং⿮ۦ΍፰ܰϑۦḲᎼ㌯଩ᐲ㘫㐃ɺ׋ᐱϑ ׏㈚໼⸶【250ۥউءɺ⿮ΐીᑂ㌷ᑍᤨિみޏ׊ીỲ፳ΑゐᐪỬؚ㢋⚽ᏺ㐃ⵄ ញ⋞㐃ㄽɺ  ɹ16౟េޏ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ᐬಳᐲ62ϬܶՅ㥳݁ᐲ⸶【2000౟ਸ਼ᙦਤނ෴۹ Ӑɺ㔘ᏺᑂ㌷׊Ϭংނ㥳⯪ᶪܰς㤙৛ᐲશ᯼ᕮᒬ⭐ޏ΋౟೯ᡄՊ᪆ਤܰޏᢨਤ ۦΥܶՅɺ׋ᐱϑڝ㔳㞵೯〟⹖ᎯܶՅ⭐।㥳㐓⯫ᢷ㎂߳ᅘጋ㥳΋ݝᢷ㎂߳ং⬎ ؚᴳេᢨɺᑻ㋫િొ⇔㎎⾼ᐲિᙦ⺆〔ۥ׋፰፳ΑỲᏺ㐃ᑂ㌷ರ♠હۦ΍፰ܰϑ ⚉΋๗ܶ㎆ɺ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧᐲ⸶【670ᴪ⚉ᴪܵᢷჁຖⲩ㥳50ᴪڡᐶ⼦حӐਸ਼㥳 ౒উፓɺבᴪ㐓⯫⾇㔳  〗ڃᎥ෴۹໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹᅪ⑫㔘شء ⬟3.4.1Ͳ3.4.4 ᬀشءເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣɹ㖖ᤨỲ፰㐃ㄽܰᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ3.4.1Ͳ3.4.3غ тॸܰ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡ޹㔘⿴ɺॸ3.4.4㔒⃁㌤ء෴۹Ỳ⺆໹ॸɹᑍᤨỲ㐃ㄽ ᡼ܰિⒻᾊ㈚໼Ỳ㔘⿴ɺॸ3.4.5㔒⃁ીጲ݊␮みܰ㌤᡼㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺॸ ⯴ॸ3.4.8ɺܭᬀ෴۹Ỳ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺ෴۹ং㖖ᤨ⿵ႼỲ‛ઘ݉شء 3.4.6Ͳ3.4.7  128

3.4 SevereTropicalStormPakhar(1714):24–27August2017  Pakhar was the fourth tropical cyclone affecting Hong Kong and necessitating the issuanceoftheNo.8GaleorStormSignalin2017.  PakharformedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout570km eastofManilaonthenightof24August.Movinggenerallywestwardsatfirst,itdeveloped intoatropicalstormthenextdayandmovednorthwestwardsacrossLuzon.Afterentering theSouthChinaSeaonthemorningof26August,Pakharmaintainedanorthwestwardtrack andacceleratedtowardsthecoastofGuangdong.Itintensifiedintoaseveretropicalstorm duringthenight,reachingitspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof110km/h nearitscentre.AftermakinglandfalloverthecoastofwesternGuangdonginthevicinityof Zhuhaionthemorningof27August,PakharweakenedgraduallyanddissipatedoverGuangxi thatnight.  Accordingtopressreports,Pakharanditsremnantbroughtheavyrainandsquallsto Guangdong,Guangxi,GuizhouandYunnan,resultinginatleast12deaths.Around100000 peoplewereaffectedwithdirecteconomiclossaround370millionRMB.InMacao,eight peoplewereinjuredandmanyplaceswerefloodedduringthepassageofPakhar.Acargo vesselsunkabout120kmeastofHongKongand11crewmembersonboardwererescued.  InHongKong,theNo.1StandbySignalwasissuedat9:40a.m.on26Augustwhen Pakharwasabout730kmsoutheastoftheterritory.ModerateeasterliesaffectedHong Kongduringtheday.AsPakharedgedclosertothecoastofGuangdong,theNo.3Strong WindSignalwasissuedat8:40p.m.thatnightwhenPakharwasabout370kmsoutheastof HongKong.Localwindsgraduallybecamefreshtostrongnortheasterlyduringthenightand occasionallyreachedgaleforceoffshore.AsPakharmovedquicklytowardsthePearlRiver Estuary,localwindscontinuedtostrengthenandtheNo.8SoutheastGaleorStormSignalwas issuedat5:10a.m.on27AugustwhenPakharwasabout100kmsouthoftheHongKong Observatory.Gale to storm force winds generally affected the territory around dawn, occasionally reaching hurricane force on high ground and with wind direction gradually veering from northeasterly to southeasterly.Pakhar came closest to Hong Kong around 7a.m.thatmorningwithitscentrepassingonlyabout90kmsouthwestoftheHongKong Observatory.WithPakharmovingintoinlandGuangdong,localwindsstartedtoweaken laterthatdayandtheNo. 3StrongWindSignalandNo. 1StandbySignalwereissuedat 1:40p.m.and5:40p.m.respectively.PakhardissipatedoverGuangxiduringthenightand alltropicalcyclonewarningsignalswerecancelledat10:10p.m.  UndertheinfluenceofPakhar,maximumhourlymeanwindsof118,103and101km/h andgustsof173,146and155km/hwererecordedatNgongPing,TaiMeiTukandCheung Chaurespectively.Amaximumsealevel(abovechartdatum)of2.63mwasrecordedatTsim BeiTsui,andamaximumstormsurge(aboveastronomicaltide)of1.05mwasrecordedatTai Po Kau.The lowest instantaneous mean seaͲlevel pressures recorded at some selected stationsareasfollows:     129

Lowestinstantaneousmean Station Date/Month Time seaͲlevelpressure(hPa) HongKongObservatory 996.5 27/8 6:21a.m. Headquarters HongKongInternational 995.5 27/8 6:35a.m. Airport King’sPark 996.7 27/8 5:53a.m. PengChau 995.5 27/8 6:32a.m. TaKwuLing 999.1 27/8 6:22a.m. TaiPo 999.1 27/8 6:47a.m. Shatin 998.1 27/8 6:01a.m. SheungShui 998.2 27/8 6:42a.m. LauFauShan 997.7 27/8 6:27a.m. CheungChau 993.8 27/8 6:18a.m. WaglanIsland 994.0 27/8 5:49a.m.  Locally,itwasmainlyfineandveryhotduringthedayon26August.Showerssetinat nightundertheinfluenceoftherainbandsassociatedwithPakhar.Heavyrainwithsqualls and thunderstorms affected the territory on 27 and 28 August, and Amber Rainstorm WarningswereissuedbytheObservatoryinthemorningonbothdays.Morethan 250 millimetresofrainfallwererecordedovermostpartoftheterritoryduringthe3Ͳdayperiod.  InHongKong,atleast62peoplewereinjuredduringthepassageofPakhar.There weremorethan2000reportsoffallentrees,16reportsoffloodingandonereportoflandslide. SomescaffoldinginSaiWanandKowloonCitycollapsed.Twohikerswerehurtandstranded onKowloonPeakandhadtoberescuedbyfiremen.Onefiremanwasinjuredduringthe rescue operation.Many roads were flooded during the rainstorms on the mornings of 27and28August.FallentreesneartheUniversityStationoftheEastRailLineresultedina disruptionoftrainservices.Morethan670flightswerecancelledordelayedattheHong KongInternationalAirport,and50flightswerediverted.  Informationonthemaximumwind,periodsofstrongandgaleforcewinds,dailyrainfall andmaximumsealevelreachedinHongKongduringthepassageofPakharisgiveninTables 3.4.1Ͳ3.4.4respectively.Figures3.4.1Ͳ3.4.3showrespectivelythetrackofPakhar,the rainfalldistributionforHongKongandthewindsrecordedatvariousstationsinHongKong. Figure3.4.4showsthewindspeedrecordedatCheungChauandTaiMeiTuk.Figure3.4.5 shows the traces of mean seaͲlevel pressure recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory’s HeadquartersandCheungChau.Fugures3.4.6Ͳ3.4.7showrespectivelyasatelliteimagery andradarimageriesofPakhar.SomedamagescausedbyPakharinHongKongareillustrated inFigure3.4.8.  130

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡ޏ⬟ 3.4.1 ং෴۹໢㓀Β㥳ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ 㔘ɹᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.4.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociated winddirectionsrecordedatvariousstationswhenthetropicalcyclonewarning signalsforPakharwereinforce   ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time ӿᑻ ENE 117 27/8 05:33 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 68 27/8 07:00ۋ㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ) BluffHead(Stanley) ᑻ Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier ᑻ E 113 27/8 05:13 ᑻ E 63 27/8 06:00 ㌤᡼  CheungChau ᑻ E 155 27/8 06:18 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 101 27/8 08:00 ӿᑻ ENE 146 27/8 06:17 ᑻ E 101 27/8 07:00ۋ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ᑻ HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 101 27/8 07:59 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 68 27/8 08:00 InternationalAirport ࡇ༔ KaiTak ᑻ E 121 27/8 07:31 ᑻ E 52 27/8 07:00 Ϧઠᓀ  King'sPark  ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 108 27/8 06:54 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 47 27/8 07:00 ӿᑻ ENE 54 27/8 07:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 99 27/8 06:52 ᑻۋᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan ᑻ ᎃদ NgongPing ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 173 27/8 08:14 ᑻ E 118 27/8 08:00 ӿᑻ ENE 72 27/8 06:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 128 27/8 06:14 ᑻۋⰖ NorthPoint ᑻۋ দ᡼ PengChau ᑻ E 122 27/8 06:26 ᑻ E 79 27/8 07:00 ี᡼ PingChau ᑻ E 75 27/8 05:40 ᑻ E 22 27/8 05:00 ӿᑻ ENE 67 27/8 06:00ۋNE 128 27/8 05:44 ᑻ ۋ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung  ᑻ ᡼ ShaChau ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 110 27/8 07:49 ᑻ۴ SE 77 27/8 09:00᠌ ᫌ ShaLoWan ᑻ۴ SE 117 27/8 09:26 ᑻ E 58 27/8 08:00⪑᠌ NE 31 27/8 07:00 ۋN 112 27/8 05:46 ᑻ ۋ Ḉ ShaTin᠌ NE 41 27/8 06:00 ۋӿᑻ ENE 101 27/8 07:12 ᑻۋ൒ ShekKong ᑻ` ς㤙ી᎙㓣 StarFerry(Kowloon) ᑻ E 112 27/8 06:34 ᑻ E 58 27/8 07:00 NE 34 27/8 07:00 ۋძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing  ᑻ E 88 27/8 08:08 ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 103 27/8 07:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 146 27/8 06:06 ᑻۋિⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ᑻ િญ೯ TaiMoShan ᑻ۴ SE 182 27/8 09:00 ᑻ۴ SE 121 27/8 10:00 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ᑻ E 110 27/8 06:10 ᑻ E 68 27/8 07:00 ӿᑻ ENE 149 27/8 07:12 ᑻ E 101 27/8 08:00ۋ਽㌩* TapMun* ᑻ િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn  ᑻ E 169 27/8 06:19 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 108 27/8 07:00 ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 90 27/8 08:29 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 27 27/8 09:00 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛TsingYiShellOilDepot ᑻ E 92 27/8 07:28 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 31 27/8 07:00 TuenMunGovernment ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ᑻ۴ SE 110 27/8 07:57 ᑻ۴ SE 40 27/8 09:00 Offices ᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland ᑻ E 144 27/8 05:49 ᑻ E 108 27/8 06:00 ӿᑻ ENE 31 27/8 07:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 81 27/8 06:27 ᑻۋ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark ᑻ 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 110 27/8 06:24 ᑻ E 40 27/8 07:00 *ፍ਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ং 2017 ึ 7 ᐱ 6 ፰ܵІং਽㌩ⵄ൒೓㓃Ỳ♲ᤥ㔘⇔ *TheoldwindstationontherooftopofTapMunPolicePostisreplacedbythenewTapMunstationon6July2017. 㑌᡼Ͳ᠆ᐲⷝጻGreenIslandͲdatanotavailable   131

ޏᤥ㔘⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ┘ܭҴ⦍⌶⎗Ỳ׋ӊޏ⬟ 3.4.2ং෴۹໢㓀Β㥳ᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣغ〗ڃҴ⦍᷻ጇᎯ㈚໼ᅪ⑫㔘 Table3.4.2 Periodsduringwhichsustainedstrongandgaleforcewindswereattainedatthe eight reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropicalcyclonewarningsignalsforPakharwereinforce  #  #ᬅ㔘غ〗ᬅ㔘 ᐬ໷غ〗دເ㔘* ᐬغ〗ເ㔘* ᐬ໷غ〗دᐬ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Starttimewhen Endtimewhen ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) Starttimewhen Endtimewhen galeforcewind galeforcewind Station(SeeFig.1.1) strongwindspeed* strongwindspeed* speed#was speed#was wasattained wasattained attained attained ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷  Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time ㌤᡼ CheungChau 27/8 0051 27/8 2121 27/8 0510 27/8 1718

HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ International 27/8 0451 27/8 2047 27/8 0631 27/8 0901 ᚄਧ Airport

ࡇ༔ KaiTak 27/8 0506 27/8 1438 27/8 0622 27/8 0735

ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan 27/8 0505 27/8 0945 Ͳ

⯪ⶼ SaiKung 27/8 0315 27/8 1727 27/8 0505 27/8 0656

㑌⬝ാ TsingYiShell 27/8 0642 27/8 0647 Ͳ ⨅ᝧ᠝๛ OilDepot ເ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ᑋڃḈܰძ㣀඿Ỳᅪ⑫㔘᠌ ThesustainedwindspeeddidnotattainstrongforceatShaTinandTaKwuLing.  ⿴ᅭౢỲ㔘غ〗Ͳ ᑋ Ͳnotattainingthespecifiedwindspeed  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 41Ͳ62 ׌ㄺءۦ * *10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof41Ͳ62km/h  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 63Ͳ87 ׌ㄺءۦ # #10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof63Ͳ87km/h  㙗ፕჁ▸݉ڃເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗Ỳ⸭଩ܰ⍲⍼Ꭿ㌷ɺᑂ㌷㔘غ〗ڃؚᅪ⑫㔘حⱝ: ᑍ⬟ ɺڃцፕᅭౢỲ㔘 Note:Thetablegivesthestartandendtimeofsustainedstrongorgaleforcewinds.Winds might fluctuate above or below the specified wind speeds in between the times indicated.  132

 ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽב⬟ 3.4.3 ෴۹ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰ Table3.4.3 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquartersand otherstationsduringthepassageofPakhar  (⋟׋፰ ␮㐃ㄽ(ញۦ΍፰ ׋ᐱϑۦ׍፰ ׋ᐱϑۦ㍋ॸ 3.4.2) ׋ᐱϑܭ) ⇔ Station(SeeFig.3.4.2) 26Aug 27Aug 28Aug Totalrainfall(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ 6.3 165.3 98.3 269.9 HongKongObservatory 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 2.5 136.2 25.7 164.4 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 2.5 73.0 24.5 100.0 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 2.0 121.0 90.0 213.0 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 13.5 143.0 92.5 249.0 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 3.5 143.5 120.5 267.5 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 6.5 184.0 80.0 270.5 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 4.0 170.5 100.0 274.5 MidLevels 3.0 171.5 89.0 263.5 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 6.5 198.5 76.5 281.5 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 0.5 176.0 89.5 266.0 SEK `൒ ShekKong 8.0 188.0 [39.5] [235.5] K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 4.5 207.5 113.5 325.5 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk 16.5 183.5 [58.5] [258.5] R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok 1.5 110.0 [36.5] [148.0] TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir 4.4 132.0 31.0 167.4 N17 ᑻ ᢻ TungChung 2.0 176.0 37.0 215.0 ⱝ :[] ৻ፕΔౙጢỲ᝶ಱᎯ㐃ㄽጦኸɺNote:[]basedonincompletehourlydata.  ⬟ 3.4.4 ෴۹ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Table3.4.4 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recordedattidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofPakhar   ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)  Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m) Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 2.23 27/8 02:45 0.72 27/8 06:57 `ઃ ShekPik 2.38 27/8 12:22 0.67 27/8 06:52 િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan 2.23 27/8 00:51 0.82 27/8 05:49 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 2.28 27/8 02:14 1.05 27/8 07:54 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 2.63 27/8 12:51 0.96 27/8 10:36 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 2.27 27/8 02:48 0.49 27/8 02:49 133

 ΍፰෴۹Ỳ⺆໹ॸɺۦॗ፰♟ϑۦॸ 3.4.1a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ Figure3.4.1a TrackofPakharon24Ͳ27August2017.               134

ॸ 3.4.1b෴۹ᇝ⾼㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure3.4.1b TrackofPakharnearHongKong.  135

  т(∜㐃ㄽ⏡ࢂхᬀញ⋞)ɺء׋፰Ỳ㐃ㄽۦ׍፰♟ϑۦॸ 3.4.2 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ Figure3.4.2 Rainfalldistributionon26Ͳ28August2017(isohyetsinmillimetres).               136

 ㋝ีও㔘ءۦ΍፰Α۫ 7 Ꭿᜯ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳۦॸ 3.4.3 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ 㔢㔘⅑๗㥳┞િ┗೯ɹ㌤᡼ɹ㌤᡼ᡑغ〗ڃݡ޹㔘⿴ɺḲᎯᎃদ㔘 ᏺ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ڃ᫃ɹ਽㌩ܰિⒻᾊỲ㔘  Figure3.4.3 10Ͳminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstations inHongKongat7:00a.m.on27August2017.WindsatNgongPing reached hurricane force, while winds at Tate’s Cairn, Cheung Chau, CheungChauBeach,TapMunandTaiMeiTukreachedstormforceatthe time.  ㋝ีও㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 13 ׌ㄺɺءۦⱝ: ḲᎯ೮㌩㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedsrecordedatthetimeatTuenMunwas13km/h.        137

  桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪) 攟㳚 Cheung Chau Hurricane (t118 km/h)  113 㙜桐 (88-117 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  Storm (88-117 km/h)

 䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪) Gale (63-87 km/h)  ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪) Strong (41-62 km/h)   

) Wind Speed (km/h) (km/h) Speed  Wind ) 桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪) ⣏伶䜋 Tai Mei Tuk Hurricane (t118 km/h)  108 ⮷㗪 㙜桐 ℔慴 ⮷㗪 / (88-117 / )  Storm (88-117 km/h)

 ℔慴 䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪) ( Gale (63-87 km/h)  ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪)

桐忇 Strong (41-62 km/h)     26/08/2017 27/08/2017  楁㷗㗪攻 Hong Kong Time  ㋝㔘⿴ɺءۦ΍፰㌤᡼ܰિⒻᾊ㈚໼Ỳۦ׍♟ϑۦॸ 3.4.4 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ Figure3.4.4 Tracesof10ͲminutewindspeedrecordedatCheungChauandTaiMeiTuk on26and27August2017.          138

⣑㔯⎘ Hong Kong Observatory ) 䘦ⶽ㕗⌉ ( 攟㳚 Cheung Chau 㴟⸛朊㯋⡻

26/08/2017 27/08/2017 楁㷗㗪攻 (㗪) Hong Kong Time (Hour)

΍፰ીጲ݊␮み(Αॸ)ܰ㌤᡼(Βۦ׍፰♟ϑۦॸ 3.4.5 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ॸ)㈚໼Ỳᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɺ  Figure3.4.5 Traces of mean seaͲlevel pressure recorded at the Observatory Headquarters(toppanel)andCheungChau(bottompanel)on26and 27August2017.               139

楁㷗 Hong Kong

ⶽ⌉ Pakhar

Ỳ⌾શ⏡⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯ෴ݍ΍፰Α۫ 5 Ꭿෙۦॸ 3.4.6 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 110 ׌ㄺɺבغ〗۹

Figure3.4.6 InfraͲredsatelliteimageryaround5a.m.on27August2017,whenPakhar was at peak intensity with estimated maximum sustained winds of 110km/hnearitscentre.  ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [The satellite imagery was originally captured by HimawariͲ8 Satellite (HͲ8) of Japan MeteorologicalAgency(JMA).]   140

                 㑖ۋỲ㐌〖ख़ᡂॸ՘㥳ḲᎯ෴۹ء ΍፰Α۫ 5 Ꭿ 48ۦॸ 3.4.7a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ Ỳເ㐃ชᜯᬀᑍᤨชѸ᱔㔘િ㐃ɺ Figure3.4.7a Image of radar echoes at 5:48 a.m. on 27 August 2017, when the intense rainbandstothenorthofPakharwerebringingheavyrainandsquallstoHong Kong.                  ׋፰Α۫ 7 ᎯỲ㐌〖ख़ᡂॸ՘ɺ෴۹෠ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊۦॸ 3.4.7b ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱϑ ᝏ㕙Ἷ㍪⿸Ỳ㐃ชᜯᬀᑍᤨชѸᏺ㐃ɺב♯㥳рۥц઎ Figure3.4.7b Image of radar echoes at 7 a.m. on 28 August 2017. Pakhar had already weakenedintoanareaoflowpressurebuttherainbandsassociatedwithits remnantwerebringingrainstormstoHongKong. 141

  (KitLo ٲીឳⰕᤥⰿۥॸ 3.4.8 ❢ᒠⰖ㎎⾼㌤᠌ᫌ〕ᐲિᙦӐਸ਼ɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: ⃃ Figure3.4.8 FallentreesatCheungShaWanRoadnearLaiChiKok.(photocourtesyofKit LofromCommunityWeatherObservationScheme) 142

΋፰♟ςᐱॗ፰ۦ3.5ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ(1716)㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱΐ  Ҵ⦍ỲᮘޏᵼୗᎥϑ㐋΋΍ึ∉ϗӊರ♠㖖ᤨીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ชឳ፞ɺ  ΋፰Β۫ংᑻ᠌ηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽270׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧۦᮘชцឳ઎ᵼୗፕ׋ᐱΐ 㥳Ρፕςᐱ΋፰ᎼΑ੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ㏒໷׊ڝⅉۋӿۋみΑ໗Ⴜ㥳⏭၀ݡ⯪ۋ ໹⏭၀㑔⾼ຉᑻᑻみᠣഝ㥳ςᐱϑ፰Α۫੮ເᬀເᬅᮘช⺆ۋીᵼୗિ♠ᇙܵ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ90׌ㄺɺᵼୗፕςבغ〗㔘ᏺΡ ᐱΐ፰ᤗຼᬀᮘช㔘ᏺ㥳ḲᎼং៖೉㎎⾼ừ㎰㥳⓬፰ংຉᑻ׈㎰ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ ɺۥ  ؚᴳिㄻេۥᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳ܶᵼୗชѸỲ᱔㔘ᏺ㐃໢㓀㥳ᨑ៖޹ᴢΐⰖউ ᢨ㥳ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯િܶ໢㓀ɺຉᑻᐲ⌽11⟩ზԇ㐐㥳┞ᩆ㌩હ⦇উፓϣᐲេᢨਤޏɺ  Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯᵼୗ㏨⍼ং㖖ء㖖ᤨીጲ݊ፕςᐱϑ፰Α۫2Ꭿ20 ء༏㔘㥳ીጲ݊␮みፕḲ፰Β۫3Ꭿ21ނηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽400׌ㄺɺςᐱϑ፰ᑍᤨᤨ ㈚໼ᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎1002.8Ữ෴ፌ۹㥳ḲᎯᵼୗং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿᑻ⌽310׌ 㔘ɺ㏵ۋ޹⏭⯪♟⯪ނ『ㄺɺ㏒⠌ᵼୗ⿨᧪㑔⾼ຉᑻᠣഝ㥳ςᐱΐ፰፰㌷ᑍᤨᏋ ᭉᵼୗፕςᐱΐ፰ᎼΑং៖೉㎎⾼ừ㎰ܰ⿨᧪ᤗຼ㥳рϸᭉ⿾΋ᜱᇝ⾼ᑍᤨ㥳ી ӿᑻ⌽190׌ㄺɺۋỬؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯᵼୗ㏨⍼ং㖖ᤨηᑻءጲ݊ং10Ꭿ40 ເ㔘⅑๗Ỳ⯪۴㔘ɺᵼୗፕςᐱ♟ړᤔނ『ᑍᤨᏋء⿨᧪੮ເ㥳㢏ᎏᎯڨᑍᤨ㔘 ⌽120׌ㄺ㎎⾼ᇘ【ɺ㏒⠌ᵼୗۋӿۋᐬᇝ⾼㖖ᤨ㥳ংᑍᤨηᑻݍॗ፰Α۫8Ꭿෙ Ј΋ء⏭޹㥳ીጲ݊ংςᐱॗ፰Α۫10Ꭿ20ڨ㌯଩〟㐀㖖ᤨܰ①⑫ᤗຼ㥳ᑍᤨ㔘 㥳ીጲ݊ۥႾԱҴ⦍ܵІΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍ɺΒ۫ᵼୗংຉᑻ׈㎰ᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎⦐ Ҵ⦍ɺޏᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄܵءፕΒ۫2Ꭿ10  ᵼୗ໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ಶ㣠ޱ㈚໼ᐬ㙗ᨑх2.89⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)ܰᐬિ㔘 ᏺᨑ(ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)0.44⋞ɺ  ΋╹׈㎰ឳᢋ໢㓀㥳ςᐱϑ፰ᑍᤨᐲ᭞㐩㥳ῩᏴᎯ㌷ᐲ㎲ֵ㥳㢋᎐ᐲ᱔㔘ܶ 㐌ᏺɺᵼୗỲ㐃ชংςᐱΐ፰ܰॗ፰ᬀᑍᤨชѸ᱔㔘િ㘫㐃ܰ㐌ᏺɺςᐱϑ♟ॗ ፰⿮ΐીᑂ㌷ᑍᤨᏋ』㈚໼⸶【50ញ⋞㐃ㄽ㥳┞િව೯ɹ㌤᡼ɹ⠤ᢻܰ೮㌩Ỳ㐃 ㄽᐤ⸶【100ញ⋞ɺ  143

ᐶ⼦ح⎽⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳⯪ᶪܰિॴᐲિᙦӐਸ਼઎ᝪ฿⽥Ω౴⼦㥳⽟㋫ނᵼୗ ϣज़િᙦӐਸ਼┞΋๗ܶ㎆ɺςᐱΐ፰㢋᎐િ㐃ᑂ㌷㥳િව೯េܾᑨᐲᑨ೓〧ܶڡ េᢨɺ  〗ڃᎥᵼୗ໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹᅪ⑫㔘شء ⬟3.5.1Ͳ3.5.4 ᬀᵼୗỲشء ເ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣɹ㖖ᤨỲ፰㐃ㄽܰᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ3.5.1Ͳ3.5.3غ ᬀشء тॸܰ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡ޹㔘⿴ɺॸ3.5.4Ͳ3.5.5ء໹ॸɹᑍᤨỲ㐃ㄽ⺆ ᵼୗỲ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺ 144

3.5 SevereTropicalStormMawar(1716):31August–4September2017  Mawar was the fifth tropical cyclone necessitating the issuance of tropical cyclone warningsignalbytheHongKongObservatoryin2017.  MawarformedasatropicaldepressionoverthenorthernpartoftheSouthChinaSea about270kmeastͲsoutheastofDongshaontheafternoonof31August.ItdriftednorthͲ northwestwards slowly and intensified into a tropical storm on the night of 1 September. TrackingslowlytothenorthwesttowardsthecoastofeasternGuangdongoverthenexttwo days, Mawar intensified into a severe tropical storm on the morning of 2 September and reacheditspeakintensitywithanestimatedsustainedwindof90km/hnearitscentre.It thenweakenedintoatropicalstormon3September,makinglandfallnearShanweithatnight anddegeneratingintoanareaoflowpressureoverinlandGuangdongthenextday.  Accordingtopressreports,torrentialrainandsquallsbroughtbyMawarcausedsevere flooding in the ChaozhouͲShantou region and the Pearl River Delta, seriously disrupting transportationservices.Electricitysupplytoaround110000householdswasinterruptedin GuangdongandfloodingwasreportedinmanyplacesinMacao.  InHongKong,theStandbySignalNo.1wasissuedat2:20a.m.on2Septemberwhen Mawar was about 400 km eastͲsoutheast of the territory.Local winds were light on 2September and the lowest instantaneous mean seaͲlevel pressure of 1002.8 hPa was recordedattheObservatoryheadquartersat3:21p.m.on2SeptemberwhenMawarwas about310kmeastͲsoutheastofHongKong.WithMawarmovinggraduallyclosertothe coastofGuangdong,localwindsbecamemoderatewesttonorthwesterliesduringthedayon 3September.AlthoughMawarmadelandfallnearShanweiandweakenedgraduallyonthe nightof3September,itcontinuedtoedgeclosertoHongKong.TheStrongWindSignal No.3wasissuedat10:40p.m.thatnightwhenMawarwasabout190kmeastͲnortheastof Hong Kong.Winds strengthened gradually and became fresh to strong southwesterlies arounddawn.Mawarcameclosesttotheterritoryaround8a.m.on4September,passing atadistanceofabout120kmtothenorthͲnortheastofHongKong.AsMawarstartedto moveawayfromHongKongandcontinuedtoweaken,localwindssubsidedandtheStrong WindSignalNo.3wasreplacedbytheStandbySignalNo.1at10:20a.m.on4September. With Mawar degenerating into an area of low pressure over inland Guangdong in the afternoon,alltropicalcyclonewarningsignalswerecancelledat2:10p.m.  Amaximumsealevel(abovechartdatum)of2.89mandamaximumstormsurge(above astronomicaltide)of0.44mwererecordedatTsimBeiTsuiduringthepassageofMawar.  Undertheinfluenceofacontinentalairstream,theweatherinHongKongwashazywith sunny intervals and evening squally thunderstorms on 2 September.The rainbands of Mawar brought heavy squally showers and thunderstorms to the territory on 3 and 4September.Morethan50millimetresofrainfallweregenerallyrecordedinHongKong duringthe3Ͳdayperiodof2Ͳ4September,withrainfalloverLautauIsland,CheungChau, KwaiChungandTuenMunexceeding100millimetres.  InHongKong,severalprivatecarsweredamagedbyfallentreesinSaiWanandTaiWai. Fallentreesalsoledtoadisruptionoflightrailservices.VillagehousesinShuiHauTsuenof 145

LautauIslandwerefloodedduringtheheavyrainontheeveningof3September.  Information on the maximum wind, period of strong force winds, daily rainfall and maximumsealevelreachedinHongKongduringthepassageofMawarisgiveninTables 3.5.1Ͳ3.5.4respectively.Figures3.5.1Ͳ3.5.3showrespectivelythetrackofMawar,the rainfalldistributionforHongKongandthewindsrecordedatvariousstationsinHongKong. Fugures3.5.4Ͳ3.5.5showrespectivelyasatelliteimageryandaradarimageryofMawar.   146

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡ޏ⬟ 3.5.1 ংᵼୗ໢㓀Β㥳ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ 㔘ɹᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.5.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociated winddirectionsrecordedatvariousstationswhenthetropicalcyclonewarning signalsforMawarwereinforce   ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time 㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ) BluffHead(Stanley) ⯪ W 51 4/9 01:37 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 25 4/9 02:00 Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 58 4/9 09:43 ⯪ W 22 3/9 15:00 ㌤᡼  CheungChau ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 65 4/9 02:42 ۴ S 45 4/9 03:00 ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ⯪۴ SW 59 4/9 05:22 ⯪۴ SW 38 4/9 08:00 HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ⯪۴ SW 63 4/9 06:50 ⯪۴ SW 45 4/9 08:00 InternationalAirport ࡇ༔ KaiTak ⯪۴ SW 59 4/9 08:06 ⯪۴ SW 25 4/9 10:00 Ϧઠᓀ  King'sPark  ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 43 4/9 08:57 ⯪ W 16 4/9 08:00 ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 75 4/9 07:14 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 40 4/9 08:00 Ⱆ NorthPoint ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 54 4/9 11:38 ⯪ W 31 4/9 12:00ۋ ⯪۴ SW 25 4/9 07:00 NE 63 3/9 18:12 ۋদ᡼ PengChau ᑻ ⯪۴ SW 25 4/9 08:00 ี᡼ PingChau ⯪ W 43 4/9 00:25 ⯪ W 22 4/9 01:00 ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung  ⯪۴ SW 43 4/9 11:22 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 16 4/9 12:00 ᡼ ShaChau ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 67 4/9 05:39 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 47 4/9 06:00᠌ ᫌ ShaLoWan ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 67 4/9 10:55 ⯪۴ SW 31 4/9 07:00⪑᠌ Ḉ ShaTin ⯪۴ SW 49 4/9 08:14 ⯪۴ SW 23 4/9 09:00᠌ ൒ ShekKong ⯪۴ SW 31 4/9 13:06 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 12 4/9 12:00` ς㤙ી᎙㓣StarFerry(Kowloon) ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 70 4/9 07:48 ⯪ W 31 4/9 08:00 ძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing  ⯪۴ SW 36 4/9 11:29 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 13 4/9 11:00 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ⯪ W 51 4/9 13:22 ⯪ W 31 3/9 23:00 ⯪۴ SW 81 4/9 06:13 િญ೯ TaiMoShan ⯪۴ SW 59 4/9 12:00 ⯪۴ SW 81 4/9 11:35 NW 16 3/9 23:00 ۋӿ⯪ WNW 47 4/9 09:38 ⯪ۋિয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ⯪ ਽㌩ TapMun ⯪ W 51 3/9 23:26 ⯪ W 27 4/9 00:00 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 81 4/9 07:57 િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn  ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 52 4/9 11:00 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 81 4/9 09:48 ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ۴ S 52 4/9 07:49 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 12 4/9 02:00 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝ TsingYiShellOil ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 40 4/9 07:47 ۴ S 20 4/9 04:00 ๛ Depot TuenMun ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ⯪۴ SW 54 4/9 07:13 ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 16 4/9 08:00 GovernmentOffices ᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 81 4/9 09:40 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 63 4/9 04:00 S 12 4/9 07:00 ۴ ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark ⯪۴ӿ۴ SSW 40 4/9 10:02 S 12 4/9 08:00 ۴ ӿ⯪ WNW 13 4/9 14:00ۋ㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ⯪۴ӿ⯪ WSW 40 4/9 05:55 ⯪ *ፍ਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ং 2017 ึ 7 ᐱ 6 ፰ܵІং਽㌩ⵄ൒೓㓃Ỳ♲ᤥ㔘⇔ *TheoldwindstationontherooftopofTapMunPolicePostisreplacedbythenewTapMunstationon6July2017. 㑌᡼ɹᎃদͲ ᠆ᐲⷝጻGreenIsland,NgongPingͲdatanotavailable       147

ᤥ㔘⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ┘ܭҴ⦍⌶⎗Ỳ׋ӊޏ⬟ 3.5.2 ংᵼୗ໢㓀Β㥳ᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ເ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣغ〗ڃҴ⦍᷻ጇᎯ㈚໼ᅪ⑫㔘ޏ Table3.5.2 Periods during which sustained strong winds were attained at the eight referenceanemometersinthetropicalcyclonewarningsystemwhentropical cyclonewarningsignalsforMawarwereinforce  ເ㔘*Ꭿ㌷غ〗ເ㔘*Ꭿ㌷ ᐬ໷غ〗دᐬ Starttimewhenstrong Endtimewhenstrongwind ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) windspeed*wasattained speed*wasattained Station(SeeFig.1.1) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Date/Month Time Date/Month Time

㌤᡼ CheungChau 4/9 0126 4/9 1103

㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ HongKongInternationalAirport 2/9 1737 4/9 1106

ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan 4/9 0659 4/9 0727

ເ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ᑋڃࡇ༔ɹ⯪ⶼɹ᠌Ḉɹძ㣀඿ܰ㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛Ỳᅪ⑫㔘 ThesustainedwindspeeddidnotattainstrongforceatKaiTak,SaiKung,ShaTin,TaKwu LingandTsingYiShellOilDepot.  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 41Ͳ62 ׌ㄺءۦ * *10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof41Ͳ62km/h  㙗ፕჁцፕᅭ▸݉ڃເ㔘⅑๗Ỳ⸭଩ܰ⍲⍼Ꭿ㌷ɺᑂ㌷㔘غ〗ڃؚᅪ⑫㔘حⱝ: ᑍ⬟ ɺڃౢỲ㔘 Note:Thetablegivesthestartandendtimeofsustainedstrongforcewinds.Windsmight fluctuateaboveorbelowthespecifiedwindspeedsinbetweenthetimesindicated.                   148

ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽב⬟ 3.5.3 ᵼୗᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰ Table3.5.3 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquartersand otherstationsduringthepassageofMawar  ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 3.5.2) ςᐱϑ፰ ςᐱΐ፰ ςᐱॗ፰ ␮㐃ㄽ(ញ⋞) Station(SeeFig.3.5.2) 2Sep 3Sep 4Sep Totalrainfall(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ 1.0 23.8 32.8 57.6 HongKongObservatory 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 16.1 32.0 41.3 89.4 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 21.0 35.5 63.5 120.0 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 0.5 16.5 32.0 49.0 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 2.0 35.0 32.5 69.5 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 0.5 8.5 31.5 40.5 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 0.0 6.5 59.5 66.0 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 1.0 62.0 55.0 118.0 MidLevels 5.5 49.5 55.0 110.0 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 0.5 5.5 19.5 25.5 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 0.5 12.5 30.5 43.5 SEK `൒ ShekKong 9.0 29.5 20.5 59.0 K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 5.5 46.5 55.5 107.5 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk [0.5] 0.5 [39.0] [40.0] R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok [4.0] 14.5 [60.5] [79.0] TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir 5.8 21.2 59.9 86.9 N17 ᑻᢻ TungChung 18.5 78.0 53.0 149.5 ⱝ :[] ৻ፕΔౙጢỲ᝶ಱᎯ㐃ㄽጦኸɺNote:[]basedonincompletehourlydata.  ⬟ 3.5.4 ᵼୗᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Table3.5.4 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recordedattidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofMawar   ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)  Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m) Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 2.41 3/9 06:22 0.35 3/9 03:32 `ઃ ShekPik 2.48 3/9 06:42 0.29 3/9 04:28 િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan 2.39 3/9 06:39 0.41 3/9 02:56 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 2.36 2/9 07:23 0.40 3/9 03:15 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 2.89 4/9 08:11 0.44 2/9 18:08 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 2.42 3/9 06:33 0.27 3/9 03:24  149

΋፰♟ςᐱॗ፰ᵼୗỲ⺆໹ॸɺۦॸ 3.5.1a ϑ㐋΋΍ึ׋ᐱΐ Figure3.5.1a TrackofMawaron31AugustͲ4September2017. 

ॸ 3.5.1b ᵼୗᇝ⾼㖖ᤨᎯỲ⺆໹ॸɺ Figure3.5.1b TrackofMawarinthevicinityofHongKong.  150

т(∜㐃ㄽ⏡ࢂхᬀញ⋞)ɺءॸ 3.5.2 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ፰♟ॗ፰Ỳ㐃ㄽ Figure3.5.2 Rainfalldistributionon2–4September2017(isohyetsinmillimetres).           151

㋝ีও㔘ݡ޹ءۦ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳء ॸ 3.5.3 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱॗ፰Α۫ 7 Ꭿ 10 ເ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ڃ㔘⿴ɺḲᎯ⸞㝝Ⱆɹᢋᢠ೯ɹિ┗೯ܰᚎ᪱ാ㔘 Figure3.5.3 10Ͳminute meanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstationsin HongKongat7:10a.m.on4September2017.WindsatChekLapKok,Lau FauShan,Tate’sCairn,WaglanIslandreachedstrongforceatthattime.  ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 23ɹ14 ܰ 9 ׌شء⿴㋝ีও㔘ءۦⱝ: ḲᎯ᠌᡼ɹ೮㌩ܰ㢋⇤জ㈚໼Ỳ ㄺɺ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedsrecordedatthetimeatShaChau,TuenMunand WongChukHangwere23,14and9km/hrespectively.       152

楁㷗 Hong Kong

䐒⦫ Mawar

ᐬ㙗בغ〗ॸ 3.5.4 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ፰Α۫׋ᎯᜯỲ݉⯴ֵ⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯᵼୗ ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 90 ׌ㄺɺ

Figure3.5.4 Visiblesatelliteimageryat8:00a.m.on2September2017asMawarreached itspeakintensitywithanestimatedmaximumsustainedwindof90km/hnear itscentre.

 ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [The satellite imagery was originally captured by HimawariͲ8 Satellite (HͲ8) of Japan MeteorologicalAgency(JMA).]


  ॸ 3.5.5 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱॗ፰Α۫΍ᎯᜯỲ㐌〖ॸ՘㥳ḲᎯᵼୗᜯᚎ【ຉᑻ׈㎰㥳 みɺۋἿ㍪Ỳ㐃ชᜯ໢㓀ຉᑻܰ۴ᢧב♯

Figure3.5.5 Radarimageat7:00a.m.on4September2017whenMawarwasmoving across inland Guangdong and its rainbands affecting Guangdong and the northernpartoftheSouthChinaSea. 154

ϗ፰ۦΐ፰♟ϑۦ3.6ᮘชцឳ઎㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ  ΐ፰ᎼΑ΋ӊᮘชцឳ઎ং۴ᢧΥみ໗Ⴜ㥳Ⴜᬀϑ㐋΋΍ึ∉׍ӊۦςᐱϑ Ҵ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞ɺޏರ♠㖖ᤨીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ  ӿ⯪ⅉۋᮘชцឳ઎ং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽ 620 ׌ㄺỲ۴ᢧΥみ໗Ⴜ໷㥳ݡ⯪ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 55בغ〗ݡᢧ۴ാ㥳⓬፰፳Α ϗ፰㙐Αۦみᫌ㥳ςᐱϑۋ໹㨑【ᢧ۴ാܰ⺆ۋ׌ㄺɺⲆᮘชцឳ઎㏒໷ᇙܵ⯪ ɺۥみᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋং⸸۴  Ửؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯᮘชцឳ઎ء ΐ፰ᎼΑ 11 Ꭿ 10ۦીጲ݊ፕςᐱϑ ᑻ♟ᑻ۴㔘㥳㐀ړ޹⏭♟ᤔނ『㏨⍼ং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽ 560 ׌ㄺɺ⓬፰ᑍᤨᏋ ᐬᇝ⾼ᑍᤨ㥳хݍॗ፰Α۫ 8 Ꭿෙۦເ㔘ɺᮘชцឳ઎ፕςᐱϑނഝܰ㙗উ㌷Υ ㈚໼ᐬц᾽Ꭿء ⒡ং㖖ᤨ⯪۴ӿ۴⌽ 470 ׌ㄺɺીጲ݊␮みፕḲ፰Β۫ 2 Ꭿ 16 ᢧี㑖ឳ઎ 1007.7 Ữ෴ፌ۹ɺ㏒⠌ᮘชцឳ઎〟㐀ᑍᤨ㥳ીጲ݊ፕԩᎼ 7 Ꭿ 20 Ҵ⦍ɺޏᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄܵء  ᮘชцឳ઎ᇘ【ᑂ㌷ಯ㖖ᤨΡ᠆ᐲ⿵ႼДэिㄻ‛ઘɺܶᮘชцឳ઎Ỳશॴ ㈚໼⸶【 10 ញ⋞㐃ۥॗ፰ᑍᤨᐲ᱔㔘㘫㐃ܰ㐌ᏺ㥳હ⦇উۦ㐃ช໢㓀㥳ςᐱϑ ㄽɺಶ㣠ޱ㈚໼ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)2.61 ⋞ܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗Ј Α)0.35 ⋞ɺ  Ꭵᮘชцឳ઎໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹ㖖ᤨشء ⬟ 3.6.1Ͳ3.6.3 ᬀᮘชцឳ઎Ỳ⺆໹ॸܰᑍᤨỲشء Ỳ፰㐃ㄽܰᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ 3.6.1Ͳ3.6.2 ᬀᮘชцឳ઎Ỳ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺشء тॸɺॸ 3.6.3Ͳ3.6.4ء㐃ㄽ  155

3.6 TropicalDepression:23–25September2017  AtropicaldepressionformedoverthecentralpartoftheSouthChinaSeaonthenight of23September,makingitthesixthtropicalcyclonenecessitatingtheissuanceoftropical cyclonewarningsignalsbytheHongKongObservatoryin2017.  The Tropical Depression formed over the central part of the South China Sea about 620km southͲsoutheast of Hong Kong on the night of 23 September and tracked westͲ northwestwardstowardsHainanIsland.Itreacheditspeakintensitythenextmorningwith an estimated maximum sustained wind of 55 km/h near its centre.Taking on a northwestwardcourse,theTropicalDepressionthenmovedacrossHainanIslandandBeibu WanbeforeweakeningintoanareaoflowpressureoverthenorthernpartofVietnamonthe nightof25September.  TheObservatoryissuedtheStandbySignalNo.1at11:10p.m.on23Septemberwhen theTropicalDepressionwasabout560kmsouthͲsoutheastofHongKong.Localwindswere generallymoderatetofresheasttosoutheasterlythenextday,occasionallystrongoffshore andonhighground.TheTropicalDepressioncameclosesttotheterritoryaround8a.m.on 24Septemberwhenitwasabout470kmsouthͲsouthwestofHongKong.AttheObservatory Headquarters,thelowestinstantaneousmeanseaͲlevelpressureof1007.7hPawasrecorded at2:16p.m.thatday.WiththeTropicalDepressionmovingawayfromHongKong,alltropical cyclonewarningsignalswerecancelledat7:20p.m.intheevening.  TheTropicalDepressiondidnotcauseanysignificantdamageinHongKongduringits passage.Itsouterrainbandsbroughtsquallyshowersandthunderstormstotheterritoryon 24 September, with more than 10 millimetres of rainfall recorded over many places.A maximumsealevel(abovechartdatum)of2.61mandamaximumstormsurgeof0.35m (aboveastronomicaltide)wererecordedatTsimBeiTsui.  Informationonthemaximumwind,dailyrainfallandmaximumsealevelreachedin Hong Kong during the passage of the Tropical Depression is given in Tables 3.6.1Ͳ3.6.3 respectively.Figures3.6.1Ͳ3.6.2showrespectivelythetrackandtherainfalldistributionfor HongKong.Figures3.6.3Ͳ3.6.4showrespectivelyasatelliteimageryandaradarimageryof theTropicalDepression.  156

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ޏ⬟ 3.6.1 ংᮘชцឳ઎໢㓀Β㥳ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ㎡㔘ɹᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.6.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociated wind directions recorded at various stations when tropical cyclone warning signalsfortheTropicalDepressionwereinforce   ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier ᑻ E 54 24/9 08:46 ᑻ E31 24/9 10:00 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 47 24/9 16:00 ㌤᡼  CheungChau ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 85 24/9 05:30 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 47 24/9 17:00 ӿᑻ ENE 49 24/9 09:00ۋ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ᑻ E 77 24/9 05:31 ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 40 24/9 03:00ۋ㑌᡼ GreenIsland ᑻ E 62 24/9 10:26 ᑻ HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ International ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 52 24/9 14:39 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 34 24/9 15:00 Airport NE 54 24/9 09:24 ᑻ E30 24/9 15:00 ۋࡇ༔ KaiTak ᑻ Ϧઠᓀ  King'sPark  ᑻ E 51 24/9 05:54 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 22 24/9 15:00 ᑻ E22 24/9 10:00 ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan ᑻ E 47 24/9 15:27 ᑻ E22 24/9 11:00 দ᡼ PengChau ᑻ E 51 24/9 10:29 ᑻ E36 24/9 10:00 ᑻ E7 24/9 08:00 ӿᑻ ENE 36 24/9 08:17ۋ᡼ PingChau ᑻี ᑻ E7 24/9 09:00 ӿᑻ ENE 30 24/9 10:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 56 24/9 06:19 ᑻۋ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung  ᑻ ᡼ ShaChau ᑻ۴ SE 47 24/9 14:40 ᑻ۴ SE 31 24/9 18:00᠌ ᫌ ShaLoWan ᑻ۴ SE 51 24/9 17:36 ᑻ E23 24/9 10:00⪑᠌ Ḉ ShaTin ᑻ۴ SE 43 24/9 11:58 ᑻ۴ SE 14 24/9 14:00᠌ `൒ ShekKong ᑻ E 47 24/9 09:53 ᑻ E22 24/9 10:00 ς㤙ી᎙㓣 StarFerry(Kowloon) ᑻ E 56 24/9 10:19 ᑻ E27 24/9 15:00 ᑻ E16 24/9 14:00 ӿᑻ ENE 47 24/9 10:48ۋძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing  ᑻ ᑻ E 16 24/9 16:00 ӿᑻ ENE 36 24/9 11:00ۋિⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ᑻ E 67 24/9 17:29 ᑻ િญ೯ TaiMoShan ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 88 24/9 11:07 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 58 24/9 11:00 ᑻ E31 24/9 09:00 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 49 24/9 17:33 ᑻ E31 24/9 10:00 ਽㌩* TapMun* ᑻ E 96 24/9 10:23 ᑻ E45 24/9 13:00 િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn  ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 87 24/9 10:11 ᑻ E45 24/9 08:00 NE 13 24/9 09:00 ۋ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 41 24/9 12:56 ᑻ TsingYiShellOil 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛ ᑻ۴ SE 52 24/9 13:37 ᑻ۴ SE 19 24/9 15:00 Depot TuenMun ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ᑻ۴ SE 51 24/9 15:54 ᑻ۴ SE 22 24/9 15:00 GovernmentOffices ӿᑻ ENE 56 24/9 08:00ۋᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland ᑻ E 79 24/9 05:04 ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 31 24/9 10:08 ᑻ E14 24/9 15:00ۋ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark ᑻ ᑻ E 52 24/9 07:44 㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ᑻ E20 24/9 11:00 ᑻ E 52 24/9 07:50 *ፍ਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ং 2017 ึ 7 ᐱ 6 ፰ܵІং਽㌩ⵄ൒೓㓃Ỳ♲ᤥ㔘⇔ *TheoldwindstationontherooftopofTapMunPolicePostisreplacedbythenewTapMunstationon6July2017 ⰖͲ ᠆ᐲⷝጻBluffHead(Stanley),NgongPing,NorthPointͲdatanotavailableۋ㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ)ɹᎃদɹ      157

ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽב⬟ 3.6.2 ᮘชцឳ઎ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰ Table3.6.2 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquartersand otherstationsduringthepassageoftheTropicalDepression  (⋟ॗ፰ ␮㐃ㄽ(ញۦ㍋ॸ 3.6.2) ςᐱϑܭ) ⇔ Station(SeeFig.3.6.2) 24Sep Totalrainfall(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ HongKongObservatory 5.6 5.6 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 7.8 7.8 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 10.0 10.0 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 10.0 10.0 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 19.5 19.5 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 21.5 21.5 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 6.0 6.0 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 3.5 3.5 MidLevels 10.0 10.0 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 7.0 7.0 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 8.0 8.0 SEK `൒ ShekKong 8.5 8.5 K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 6.0 6.0 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk 25.0 25.0 R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok 2.5 2.5 TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir 1.4 1.4 N17 ᑻᢻ TungChung 5.0 5.0   ⬟ 3.6.3 ᮘชцឳ઎ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Table3.6.3 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recorded at tide stations in Hong Kong during the passage of the Tropical Depression   ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)  Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m) Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 2.07 24/9 11:46 0.19 24/9 11:41 `ઃ ShekPik 2.23 23/9 23:32 0.26 24/9 11:17 િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan 2.09 23/9 23:29 0.23 24/9 08:09 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 2.18 24/9 00:20 0.27 24/9 12:05 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 2.61 23/9 23:47 0.35 24/9 12:02 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 2.04 24/9 11:55 0.08 24/9 08:49   158

 ϗ፰ᮘชцឳ઎Ỳ⺆໹ॸɺۦΐ♟ϑۦॸ 3.6.1 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ Figure3.6.1 TrackoftheTropicalDepressionon23Ͳ25September2017.   159

т(∜㐃ㄽ⏡ࢂхᬀញ⋞)ɺءॗ፰Ỳ㐃ㄽۦॸ 3.6.2 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ Figure3.6.2 Rainfalldistributionon24September2017(isohyetsinmillimetres).               160

楁㷗 Hong Kong

䅙ⷞỶ㯋⡻ T.D.

ॗ፰Α۫׋ᎯᜯỲ݉⯴ֵ⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯᮘชцۦॸ 3.6.3 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 55 ׌ㄺɺבغ〗ឳ઎

Figure3.6.3 Visible satellite imagery at 8:00 a.m. on 24 September 2017 when the TropicalDepressionwasatitspeakintensitywithanestimatedmaximum sustainedwindof55km/hnearitscentre.

 ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [The satellite imagery was originally captured by HimawariͲ8 Satellite (HͲ8) of Japan MeteorologicalAgency(JMA).]


Ỳ㐌〖ॸ՘㔒⃁ᮘชцឳ઎ỲءϑۦᎯۦॗ፰Α۫ۦॸ 3.6.4 ϑ㐋΋΍ึςᐱϑ શॴ㐃ชᜯ໢㓀ຉᑻᠣഝɺ

Figure3.6.4 Radar image at 10:12 a.m. on 24 September 2017 showing the outer rainbands of the Tropical Depression affecting the coastal areas of Guangdong.


׍፰ۦ♟ϑ፰ۦᐱۦ㦁ϑ㐋΋΍ึ(1720) ډ3.7ເ㔞㔘۹  Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึ∉΍ӊ໢㓀㖖ᤨỲᮘชឳ፞㥳ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚึ׈∉ϗډ۹ ӊ׋⦍ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ีώ΋ς׍ॗึܰ΋ςςςึ΋ึ׈Ửؚ׋⦍Ҵ⦍᛿ጦ ᐬહỲ⌹㈚ɺ  ુۋӿᑻ⌽650׌ㄺỲۋϑ፰፳Αং㖡ೈᅀηᑻۦᐱۦፕډᮘชцឳ઎۹ 】㨑ډ㥳Ḳ㙐੮ເᬀᮘช㔘ᏺɺ⓬፰۹ڝӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉۋᡜ⯪みΑ໗Ⴜ㥳ᇙܵ⯪ี ॗ፰۹ۦᐱۦみ㥳Ρ⏭၀উݡ⯪۴ӿ⯪ፓݡᧀⅉ㥳⿾ׇ۴ᢧ໷ㄻፍ⍴⑀ɺۋౘމ ډ㥳ΡΔፑ੮ເ㥳ংᎼ㌷෠ḉເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺỬ೛ᬀ㔞㔘ɺ⓬፰۹ڝⅉۋݡ⯪⾇ډ ⾼ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎בغ〗ӿ⯪⺆໹㑔⾼⟄۴ᠣഝ㥳Ρ੮ເᬀເ㔞㔘㥳ۋᇙܵ⯪ 㔘ۋ㥳Ρܶᑻڝᇙܵӿ⯪⺆໹ⅉډᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ155׌ㄺɺ㏒໷۹ Јᮘช㔘ᏺເ๗ᚎ【㐌ීۭാ㥳፰ډ׍፰ᤔᏈ۹ۦᐱۦఽ㔘໢㓀㌯଩⾶⿴ᤗຼ㥳 ɺۥみᫌᤗຼᬀ΋ӊц઎ۋ㌷ং  ংᩆ㌩⿵Ⴜᐬಳ΍ϬܶՅ㥳ᢧ㎰↗ϡ⿯િܶ໢㓀ɺং۹ډᔆኸਤ⇘ਤರ㥳۹ ఽӗ㔘Ỳ׏ݜጇႍΒ㥳ຉᑻɹᢧ۴ɹᢎ៝ɹຉ⯪ɹ⃼ບ׏ᐲ⸶【97⟩Ϭۋᑻܰډ ႍΥፑɺ҈ڃؚᴳિ㐃㥳みЕ〕⺆ሦᝪ㥳⌽΋⟩ॗۧზỲ㐐ۥ᫛ɺ݊ᫌຉᠼউܶ  ⍼㏨ډỬؚ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳ḲᎯ۹ءॗ፰፳Α10Ꭿ40ۦᐱۦ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ং 㔘㥳ۋނఽӗ㔘Ỳ׏ݜ໢㓀㥳ᑍᤨ΋Ἴۋᑻ♯ډং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴⌽700׌ㄺɺܶ۹ ⅉ⾼⟄۴ᠣഝ㥳ીጲ݊ংḲᎼډເ㔘ɺ㏒⠌۹ނ㥳㐀ഝܰ㙗উ㌷Υړᤔڨ፰㌷㔘 ᤔނхፕ㖖ᤨηᑻ۴⌽570׌ㄺɺᎼ㌷ᑍᤨډỬؚΐ⦍ເ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯ۹ء7Ꭿ10 ①⑫㑔⾼ຉᑻᠣഝܰ⿾΋ډᬅ㔘ɺ㏒⠌۹ނ㔘㥳㐀ഝܰ㙗উ㌷Υۋເ㔘⅑๗♟ړ ᬅ㔘Ⴡᏺ㔘Ҵ⦍㥳ḲᎯۋỬؚ׋⦍ᑻءϗ፰Α۫8Ꭿ40ۦᐱۦᜱ੮ເ㥳ીጲ݊ং ۋເ㔘♟ᬅ㔘⅑๗Ỳӿނ『㏨⍼ং㖖ᤨηᑻ۴ӿ۴⌽260׌ㄺɺᑍᤨ፳ΑᏋډ۹ ᐬᇝ⾼㖖ᤨ㥳ḲᎯхፕ㖖ᤨη⯪ݍংḲ፰Β۫3Ꭿෙډᏺ㔘ɺ۹ނ㔘㥳㙗উ㌷Υ 㐀㖖ᤨܰᤗຼ㥳ᑍᤨ〟ډ㔘ɺ㏒⠌۹ۋᑻނ⾇۴ӿ۴⌽210׌ㄺɺΒ۫ᑍᤨ㌯଩ ܰ⦐ዾỬΐ⦍ເ㔘ҴءᎼΑ10Ꭿ40ܰءংԩᎼ7Ꭿ20شء⿨᧪⏭޹㥳ીጲ݊ڃ㔘 Ҵ⦍ɺޏᢷნᐲᮘชឳ፞ⵄܵء׍፰Α۫2Ꭿ20ۦᐱۦغ΋⦍ႾԱҴ⦍㥳  ᬀشء⿴Ỳ໢㓀Β㥳િ┗೯ɹᚎ᪱ാܰ㌤᡼㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘ډং۹ ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ151ɹ106ܰ99׌ㄺɺಶ㣠شءو᝶ಱᎯ104ɹ85ܰ65׌ㄺ㥳┞ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ㈚໼ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ(ીጲᨑ㙗و㈚໼ᐬ㙗ᨑх2.96⋞(ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ)㥳┞િ຅ᫌޱ ๗ЈΑ)1.05⋞ɺݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎૷Β㦁 163

ᐬц᾽Ꭿᢧี㑖ឳ઎ ⇔ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ (Ữ෴ፌ۹) ء 㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮み 996.2 15/10 Β۫ 3 Ꭿ 00 ء 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 997.5 15/10 Β۫ 2 Ꭿ 52 ء Ϧઠᓀ 996.2 15/10 Β۫ 3 Ꭿ 04 ء দ᡼ 996.6 15/10 Β۫ 2 Ꭿ 29 ء ძ㣀඿ 998.4 15/10 Β۫ 3 Ꭿ 11 ء િয় 998.1 15/10 Β۫ 3 Ꭿ 03 ء Ḉ 998.1 15/10 Β۫ 3 Ꭿ 02᠌ ء Αេ 998.5 15/10 Β۫ 2 Ꭿ 31 ء ᢋᢠ೯ 998.6 15/10 Β۫ 2 Ꭿ 59 ء ㌤᡼ 995.6 15/10 Β۫ 1 Ꭿ 54 ء ᚎ᪱ാ 995.4 15/10 Β۫ 3 Ꭿ 02  ᐱۦỲશॴ㐃ช໢㓀㥳ډॗ፰ᑍᤨિ♠હ㐉㥳ᎼΑᐲ΋׊㎡㐃ɺܶ۹ۦᐱۦ ⋟׏㈚໼⸶【40ញۥউء׍፰ᑍᤨᐲ᱔㔘㘫㐃ɺ⿮ΐીᑂ㌷ᑍᤨિみۦϗ፰ܰۦ みܰિව೯⯪みỲ㐃ㄽᐤ⸶【70ញ⋞ɺۋ㐃ㄽ㥳ፍḛ  ❒ɺ΋Ϭংޏ⯡㖖ᤨᑂ㌷㥳ᐬಳᐲ22ϬܶՅ㥳݁ᐲ⸶【580౟ਸ਼ᙦਤނډ۹ ᫌ⭐ᙦᒠኬΥ㓣みܶՅɺᤆេৡᐲ㉎㇭㋫᯽੹Β㥳ሦᝪ׊みΩ౴⼦ɺᐲ12Ϭং㔘 ാޱɺ݁ᐲ22х㐼ᮺϬઠং⯪ⶼᙴڈᎯ《㏔㥳㐓⯫ጋሚϬ߳۳ڝᏺΒ⿾⬎េΑᢅ 㐀㌯ɺংિ㔘Ỳ࿌ᠥΒ㥳㑌වฺ⏡㐓⯫ಕፖ♘Ꭿϡ⿯ᇡڈ㐼ᮺ⭐।㥳㐓⯫េⵄ۳ ፖ㥳Ѹ໭ᚄਧỲ〕⺆िㄻኺ੅ɺ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧᐲ⸶【600ᴪ⚉ᴪܵᢷჁຖⲩɺ  〗ڃ໢㓀㖖ᤨᑂ㌷ݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹᅪ⑫㔘ډᎥ۹شء ⬟3.7.1Ͳ3.7.4 ᬀشء ເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣɹ㖖ᤨỲ፰㐃ㄽܰᐬ㙗ᨑхⷝጻɺॸ3.7.1Ͳ3.7.3غ тॸܰ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳ㔘ݡ޹㔘⿴ɺॸ3.7.4㔒⃁㌤ءỲ⺆໹ॸɹᑍᤨỲ㐃ㄽډ۹ ډỲ⬘᎙ܰ㐌〖ॸ՘ɺ۹ډᬀ۹شء ᡼ᡑ᫃ܰિⒻᾊ㈚໼Ỳ㔘⿴ɺॸ3.7.5Ͳ3.7.6 ং㖖ᤨ⿵ႼỲ‛ઘ݉ܭ⯴ॸ3.7.7ɺ  164

3.7 SevereTyphoonKhanun(1720):12–16October2017  KhanunwastheseventhtropicalcyclonetoaffectHongKongin2017andforthefifth timeintheyear,theNo.8GaleorStormSignalhadtobeissuedbytheObservatory,equalling therecordin1964and1999intermsofthenumberofNo.8Signalsissuedinayear.  KhanunformedasatropicaldepressionoverthewesternNorthPacificabout650km eastͲnortheastofManilaonthemorningof12October.ItmovedwestͲnorthwestwardsand intensifiedintoatropicalstormthatnight.KhanunmovedacrossthenorthernpartofLuzon thenextday,driftingwestͲsouthwestwardsslowlyandreͲorganizingafterenteringtheSouth ChinaSea.Itturnednorthwestwardson14Octoberandkeptintensifying,evolvingfroma severetropicalstormintoatyphoonbynighttime.TurningwestͲnorthwestwardsthenext daytowardsthesouthChinacoast,Khanunintensifiedfurtherintoaseveretyphoon,reaching peakintensitywithanestimatedmaximumsustainedwindof155km/hnearitscentre.It thenmovedgenerallywestwardsandstartedtoweakenrapidlyundertheinfluenceofthe northeast monsoon.Khanun became a tropical storm by the time it crossed Leizhou Peninsulaintheearlymorningon16October,anddegeneratedintoanareaoflowpressure overBeibuWanduringtheday.  According to press reports, at least seven people were injured in Macao during the passage of Khanun.Transportation services were seriously disrupted.Under the combined influence of Khanun and the northeast monsoon, over 970 000 people were affectedinGuangdong,Hainan,Zhejiang,GuangxiandFujian.Therewasalsowidespread heavy rain in Taiwan, with roads damaged and electricity supply to 14 000 households disrupted.  InHongKong,theNo.1StandbySignalwasissuedat10:40a.m.on14Octoberwhen Khanunwasabout700kmsoutheastoftheterritory.UnderthecombinedeffectofKhanun andthenortheastmonsoon,freshnortherliescontinuedtoaffectHongKong,occasionally reaching strong force offshore and on high ground during the day.With Khanun edging closertothesouthChinacoast,theNo.3StrongWindSignalwasissuedat7:10p.m.that nightwhenKhanunwasabout570kmsoutheastofHongKong.Localwindsbecamefresh tostrongnortherlyduringthenightandoccasionallyreachedgaleforceoffshoreandonhigh ground.As Khanun continued to move closer to the coast of Guangdong and further intensified,theNo.8NortheastGaleorStormSignalwasissuedat8:40a.m.on15October when Khanun was about 260 km southͲsoutheast of Hong Kong.Strong to gale force northerly winds generally affected the territory in the morning and occasionally reached stormforceonhighground.KhanuncameclosesttoHongKongaround3p.m.thatdaywith itscentrepassingabout210kmsouthͲsouthwestofHongKong.Localwindsstartedtoturn northeasterlyintheafternoon.WithKhanunweakeningandmovingawayfromHongKong, localwindsmoderatedgradually.TheNo.3StrongWindSignalandNo.1StandbySignal were issued at 7:20 p.m. and 10:40 p.m. respectively, before all tropical cyclone warning signalswerecancelledat2:20a.m.on16October.  UndertheinfluenceofKhanun,maximumhourlymeanwindsof104,85and65km/h andmaximumgustsof151,106and99km/hwererecordedatTate'sCairn,WaglanIsland andCheungChaurespectively.Amaximumsealevel(abovechartdatum)of2.96mwas recordedatTsimBeiTsui,andamaximumstormsurge(aboveastronomicaltide)of1.05m 165 wasrecordedatTaiMiuWan.ThelowestinstantaneousmeanseaͲlevelpressuresrecorded atsomeselectedstationsareasfollows:   Lowestinstantaneousmean Station Date/Month Time seaͲlevelpressure(hPa) HongKongObservatory 996.2 15/10 3:00p.m. Headquarters HongKongInternational 997.5 15/10 2:52p.m. Airport King’sPark 996.2 15/10 3:04p.m. PengChau 996.6 15/10 2:29p.m. TaKwuLing 998.4 15/10 3:11p.m. TaiPo 998.1 15/10 3:03p.m. Shatin 998.1 15/10 3:02p.m. SheungShui 998.5 15/10 2:31p.m. LauFauShan 998.6 15/10 2:59p.m. CheungChau 995.6 15/10 1:54p.m. WaglanIsland 995.4 15/10 3:02p.m.  Locally, it was mainly cloudy with one or two rain patches at night on 14 October. UndertheinfluenceoftheouterrainbandsofKhanun,thereweresquallyshowerson15and 16 October.More than 40 millimetres of rainfall were recorded over most parts of the territoryduringthe3Ͳdayperiod,andrainfallevenexceeded70millimetresinthenorthern partoftheNewTerritoriesandthewesternpartofLantauIsland.  InHongKong,atleast22peoplewereinjuredduringthepassageofKhanunandthere were more than 580 reports of fallen trees.One person was hit on the head by falling branchesinTsuenWan.Twoprivatecarsweredamagedbyfallengalvanizedironsheetsin ShamShuiPo.Therewere12peopleindistresswhileengaginginwatersportsactivities understormyweatherandrequiredtheassistanceofrescuers,and22campersstrandedon Sharp Island off Sai Kung were taken to safety by marine police.Temporary traffic arrangementswereimplementedinLantauLinkasaresultofthewindycondition,leadingto serious congestion on the roads to and from the airport.More than 600 flights were cancelledordelayedattheHongKongInternationalAirport.  Informationonthemaximumwind,periodsofstrongandgaleforcewinds,dailyrainfall andmaximumsealevelreachedinHongKongduringthepassageofKhanunisgiveninTables 3.7.1Ͳ3.7.4respectively.Figures3.7.1Ͳ3.7.3showrespectivelythetrackofKhanun,the rainfalldistributionforHongKongandthewindsrecordedatvariousstationsinHongKong. Figure3.7.4showsthewindspeedrecordedatCheungChauBeachandTaiMeiTuk.Figures 3.7.5Ͳ3.7.6 show respectively a satellite imagery and a radar imagery of Khanun. Some damagescausedbyKhanuninHongKongareillustratedinFigure3.7.7.   166

Ҵ⦍᷻ጇᎯნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㎡㔘ɹޏ໢㓀Β㥳ᑍᤨݕ⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄډ⬟ 3.7.1 ং۹ ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ܰ㔘ݡ Table3.7.1 Maximumgustpeakspeedsandmaximumhourlymeanwindswithassociated winddirectionsrecordedatvariousstationswhenthetropicalcyclonewarning signalsforKhanunwereinforce   ᐬ㙗㎡㔘 ᐬ㙗᝶ಱᎯีও㔘⿴ ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) MaximumGust MaximumHourlyMeanWind Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㔘ݡ 㔘⿴(׌ㄺ/Ꭿ) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Direction Speed(km/h) Date/Month Time Υᶪ㓣 CentralPier ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 79 15/10 17:07 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 36 15/10 18:00 N 99 15/10 07:46 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 65 15/10 19:00 ۋ ㌤᡼  CheungChau ӿᑻ ENE 101 15/10 16:39 ᑻ E 68 15/10 18:00ۋ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃  CheungChauBeach ᑻ NNE 65 15/10 13:00 ۋӿۋNNE 96 15/10 11:10 ᑻ ۋӿۋ㑌᡼ GreenIsland ᑻ HongKong NE 49 15/10 17:00 ۋNE 67 15/10 15:03 ᑻ ۋ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᑻ InternationalAirport NNE 83 15/10 11:25 ᑻ E 31 15/10 18:00 ۋӿۋࡇ༔ KaiTak ᑻ NE 34 15/10 09:00 ۋNE 81 15/10 08:37 ᑻ ۋϦઠᓀ  King'sPark  ᑻ NNE 65 15/10 12:18 ۋӿۋᑻ N 40 14/10 21:00 ۋ ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan NE 65 15/10 16:12 ۋᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 43 15/10 13:00ۋNE 76 15/10 11:26 ᑻ ۋⰖ NorthPoint ᑻۋ ӿᑻ ENE 47 15/10 16:00ۋNNE 81 15/10 10:23 ᑻ ۋӿۋদ᡼ PengChau ᑻ NE 14 15/10 15:00 ۋNNE 51 15/10 06:12 ᑻ ۋӿۋ᡼ PingChau ᑻี N 51 15/10 10:00 ۋ N 90 15/10 10:24 ۋ  ⯪ⶼ  SaiKung N 77 15/10 14:00 ۋ NNE 101 15/10 13:36 ۋӿۋ᡼ ShaChau ᑻ᠌ ӿᑻ ENE 67 15/10 18:25 ᑻ E 25 15/10 20:00ۋᫌ ShaLoWan ᑻ⪑᠌ NNE 27 15/10 13:00 ۋӿۋNNE 56 15/10 08:43 ᑻ ۋӿۋḈ ShaTin ᑻ᠌ ӿᑻ ENE 19 15/10 12:00ۋ൒ ShekKong ᑻ E 49 15/10 18:43 ᑻ` ς㤙ી᎙㓣 StarFerry(Kowloon) ᑻ E 76 15/10 18:00 ᑻ E 36 15/10 18:00 N 31 15/10 11:00 ۋ N 68 15/10 08:46 ۋ  ძ㣀඿  TaKwuLing NNE 68 15/10 15:00 ۋӿۋNE 104 15/10 10:59 ᑻ ۋિⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 87 15/10 13:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 121 15/10 12:12 ᑻۋિญ೯ TaiMoShan ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 68 15/10 15:38ۋᑻ િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ESE 34 15/10 15:00 ӿᑻ ENE 68 15/10 15:39ۋᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 51 15/10 18:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 76 15/10 18:51 ᑻۋ਽㌩* TapMun* ᑻ NNE 104 15/10 11:00 ۋӿۋN 151 15/10 11:04 ᑻ ۋ  િ┗೯ Tate'sCairn N 22 15/10 10:00 ۋ NE 62 15/10 10:23 ۋ಩⼩ᩆ TseungKwanO ᑻ 㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝ TsingYiShellOil NW 19 15/10 12:00 ۋNW 56 14/10 18:00 ⯪ ۋ⯪ ๛ Depot TuenMun NNE 23 15/10 20:00 ۋӿۋNNE 62 15/10 11:31 ᑻ ۋӿۋ೮㌩ጂ๑ݘ⒤ ᑻ GovernmentOffices N 85 15/10 10:00 ۋ NE 106 15/10 14:24 ۋᚎ᪱ാ  WaglanIsland ᑻ NE 22 15/10 16:00 ۋNE 52 15/10 15:21 ᑻ ۋ᩟উ׌ॵ WetlandPark ᑻ ӿᑻ ENE 27 15/10 15:00ۋӿᑻ ENE 67 15/10 13:47 ᑻۋ㢋⇤জ WongChukHang ᑻ *ፍ਽㌩ᤥ㔘⇔ং 2017 ึ 7 ᐱ 6 ፰ܵІং਽㌩ⵄ൒೓㓃Ỳ♲ᤥ㔘⇔ *TheoldwindstationontherooftopofTapMunPolicePostisreplacedbythenewTapMunstationon6July2017. 㢋㢅Ⱆ(⸞ᓜ)ɹᎃদͲ᠆ᐲⷝጻBluffHead(Stanley),NgongPingͲdatanotavailable   167

Ҵޏᤥ㔘⇔ংᮘชឳ፞ⵄ┘ܭҴ⦍⌶⎗Ỳ׋ӊޏ໢㓀Β㥳ᮘชឳ፞ⵄډ⬟ 3.7.2ং۹ ເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗ỲᎯᝣغ〗ڃ᷻ጇᎯ㈚໼ᅪ⑫㔘⦐ Table3.7.2 Periodsduringwhichsustainedstrongandgaleforcewindswereattainedatthe eight reference anemometers in the tropical cyclone warning system when tropicalcyclonewarningsignalsforKhanunwereinforce  #  #ᬅ㔘غ〗ᬅ㔘 ᐬ໷غ〗دເ㔘* ᐬغ〗ເ㔘* ᐬ໷غ〗دᐬ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Ꭿ㌷ Starttimewhen Endtimewhen ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) Starttimewhen Endtimewhen galeforcewind galeforcewind Station(SeeFig.1.1) strongwindspeed* strongwindspeed* speed#was speed#was wasattained wasattained attained attained ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷  Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time Date/Month Time ㌤᡼ CheungChau 14/10 17:13 16/10 02:20 15/10 05:32 15/10 19:44

HongKong 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ International 15/10 01:35 15/10 18:13 Ͳ ᚄਧ Airport

ᢋᢠ೯ LauFauShan 14/10 20:31 15/10 11:46 Ͳ

⯪ⶼ SaiKung 15/10 05:40 15/10 18:00 Ͳ

ເ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ᑋڃࡇ༔ɹ᠌Ḉɹძ㣀඿ܰ㑌⬝ാ⨅ᝧ᠝๛Ỳᅪ⑫㔘 ThesustainedwindspeeddidnotattainstrongforceatKaiTak,ShaTin,TaKwuLingand TsingYiShellOilDepot. ⿴ᅭౢỲ㔘غ〗Ͳ ᑋ Ͳnotattainingthespecifiedwindspeed  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 41Ͳ62 ׌ㄺءۦ * *10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof41Ͳ62km/h  ㋝ีও㔘⿴〖᝶ಱᎯ 63Ͳ87 ׌ㄺءۦ # #10Ͳminutemeanwindspeedof63Ͳ87km/h  㙗ፕჁ▸݉ڃເ㔘ܰᬅ㔘⅑๗Ỳ⸭଩ܰ⍲⍼Ꭿ㌷ɺᑂ㌷㔘غ〗ڃؚᅪ⑫㔘حⱝ: ᑍ⬟ ɺڃцፕᅭౢỲ㔘 Note:Thetablegivesthestartandendtimeofsustainedstrongorgaleforcewinds.Winds might fluctuate above or below the specified wind speeds in between the times indicated.      168

ϼݕ⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳ፰㐃ㄽבᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊␮みܰډ⬟ 3.7.3 ۹ Table3.7.3 DailyrainfallamountsrecordedattheHongKongObservatoryHeadquartersand otherstationsduringthepassageofKhanun  (⋟׍፰ ␮㐃ㄽ(ញۦᐱۦ ϗ፰ۦᐱۦ ॗ፰ۦᐱۦ (㍋ॸ 3.7.2ܭ) ⇔ Station(SeeFig.3.7.2) 14Oct 15Oct 16Oct Totalrainfall(mm) 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ 0.4 20.7 17.1 38.2 HongKongObservatory 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ 0.1 26.2 9.0 35.3 HongKongInternationalAirport(HKA) ㌤᡼ CheungChau(CCH) 0.5 20.5 14.5 35.5 H23 㖖ᤨϺ Aberdeen 0.5 22.5 7.5 30.5 N05 ⋭඿ Fanling 0.5 59.5 17.0 77.0 N13 〈⚔ᫌ HighIsland 1.0 27.5 18.0 46.5 K04 шጚ⵬ JordanValley 0.5 38.5 13.5 52.5 N06 ⠤ᢻ KwaiChung 0.5 29.5 24.5 54.5 MidLevels 0.5 29.0 12.5 42.0 ۥH12 ۭ೯ N09 ᠌Ḉ ShaTin 0.5 64.5 9.5 74.5 H19 ∵≋ᫌ ShauKeiWan 0.5 22.5 27.5 50.5 SEK `൒ ShekKong 0.5 61.5 29.0 91.0 K06 ⥐೓し SoUkEstate 0.5 38.0 23.5 62.0 R31 િⒻᾊ TaiMeiTuk [4.5] 65.0 [37.0] [106.5] R21 ⺜`Ⱆ TapShekKok 0.0 14.0 [9.0] [23.0] TMR ೮㌩េ๛ TuenMunReservoir 0.0 30.5 21.5 52.0 N17 ᑻᢻ TungChung 1.0 42.5 17.5 61.0 ⱝ :[] ৻ፕΔౙጢỲ᝶ಱᎯ㐃ㄽጦኸɺNote:[]basedonincompletehourlydata.   ᇘ【ᑂ㌷㥳㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓⇔ნ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗ᨑхܰᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑډ⬟ 3.7.4 ۹ Table3.7.4 Timesandheightsofthemaximumsealevelandthemaximumstormsurge recordedattidestationsinHongKongduringthepassageofKhanun   ᐬ㙗ᨑх (ᢧॸ৻ᥰ㑖ЈΑ) ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ (ીጲᨑ㙗๗ЈΑ)  Maximumsealevel Maximumstormsurge ⇔ (ܭ㍋ॸ 1.1) (abovechartdatum) (aboveastronomicaltide) Station(SeeFig.1.1) 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ 㙗๗(⋞) ፰ᑂ/ᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Height(m)Date/Month Time Height(m) Date/Month Time 㜒㚴ᢻ QuarryBay 2.81 15/10 05:12 0.99 15/10 17:22 `ઃ ShekPik 2.88 15/10 19:02 1.04 15/10 19:04 િ຅ᫌ TaiMiuWan 2.86 15/10 05:55 1.05 15/10 16:59 િয়ᦩ TaiPoKau 2.83 15/10 06:02 1.04 15/10 17:27 ಶ㣠ޱ TsimBeiTsui 2.96 15/10 19:47 0.98 15/10 19:32 ᚎ᪱ാ WaglanIsland 2.85 15/10 05:27 0.81 15/10 18:07 169

 Ỳ⺆໹ॸɺډ׍፰۹ۦ♟ϑ፰ۦᐱۦॸ 3.7.1  ϑ㐋΋΍ึ Figure3.7.1 TrackofKhanunon12Ͳ16October2017. 170

 т(∜㐃ㄽ⏡ࢂхᬀញ⋞)ɺء׍፰Ỳ㐃ㄽۦ♟ॗ፰ۦᐱۦॸ 3.7.2 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ Figure3.7.2 Rainfalldistributionon14Ͳ 16October2017(isohyetsinmillimetres).                     171

 ㋝ีও㔘ݡ޹ءۦ㖖ᤨݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳء ϗ፰Β۫ 2 Ꭿ 50ۦᐱۦॸ 3.7.3 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ ᏺ㔘⅑๗㥳┞ᚎ᪱ാɹ㌤᡼ᡑ᫃ɹ᠌᡼ܰિⒻغ〗ڃ㔘⿴ɺḲᎯિ┗೯㔘 ᬅ㔘⅑๗ɺغ〗ڃᾊỲ㔘 Figure3.7.3 10ͲminutemeanwinddirectionandspeedrecordedatvariousstationsinHong Kongat2:50p.m.on15October2017.WindsatTate’sCairnreachedstorm force,whilewindsatWaglanIsland,CheungChauBeach,ShaChauandTaiMei Tukreachedgaleforceatthetime.  ㋝ีও㔘⿴ᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 12 ׌ㄺɺءۦⱝ: ḲᎯძ㣀඿㈚໼Ỳ Note: The10ͲminutemeanwindspeedrecordedatthetimeatTaKwuLingwas12km/h.        172

桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  攟㳚㲛䀀 Cheung Chau Beach Hurricane (t118 km/h)

 㙜桐 (88-117 ℔慴/⮷㗪) Storm (88-117 km/h)  䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪) 76  Gale (63-87 km/h)  ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪) Strong (41-62 km/h)   

) Wind Speed (km/h) (km/h) Speed Wind ) 桞桐 (t118 ℔慴/⮷㗪) ⣏伶䜋 Tai Mei Tuk  Hurricane (t118 km/h)

⮷㗪 㙜桐 (88-117 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  / Storm (88-117 km/h)  76 ℔慴 䁰桐 (63-87 ℔慴/⮷㗪)  ( Gale (63-87 km/h) ⻟桐 (41-62 ℔慴/⮷㗪)

 桐忇 Strong (41-62 km/h)     楁㷗㗪攻 Hong Kong Time ㋝㔘⿴ɺءۦϗ፰㌤᡼ᡑ᫃ܰિⒻᾊ㈚໼Ỳۦᐱۦॸ 3.7.4 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ

Figure3.7.4 Tracesof10ͲminutewindspeedrecordedatCheungChauBeachandTai MeiTukon15October2017.  173

楁㷗 Hong Kong

⌉≒ġ Khanun

 ډỲ݉⯴ֵ⬘᎙ॸ᯽㥳ḲᎯ۹ݍϗ፰Α۫ 8 Ꭿෙۦᐱۦॸ 3.7.5 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ ᐬ㙗ເ๗㥳Υ༞㎎⾼ᐬ㙗ᅪ⑫㔘⿴бⰿᬀ᝶ಱᎯ 155 ׌ㄺɺבغ〗

Figure3.7.5 Visible satellite imagery around 8 a.m. on 15 October 2017, when Khanunwasatpeakintensitywithestimatedmaximumsustainedwinds of155km/hnearitscentre.   ʋᜰ⬘᎙ॸ՘ᇝዻ♚፰ᑍឳⶊດỲݡ፰⠤ 8 ⦍⬘᎙ɺʌ [The satellite imagery was originally captured by HimawariͲ8 Satellite (HͲ8) of Japan MeteorologicalAgency(JMA).]    174

 ỲΥ༞хډϗ፰Α۫ 10 ᎯᜯỲ㐌〖ख़ᡂॸ՘㥳ḲᎯ۹ۦᐱۦॸ 3.7.6 ϑ㐋΋΍ึ みɺۋἿ㍪Ỳ㐃ชᜯ໢㓀ຉᑻᠣഝܰ۴ᢧډፕ㖖ᤨЈ۴㥳♯۹  Figure3.7.6 Imageofradarechoesat10:00a.m.on15October2017whenthecentreof KhanunwastothesouthofHongKong.TherainbandsassociatedwithKhanun wereaffectingthecoastofGuangdongandthenorthernpartofthe South ChinaSea.                    175


 (ॸ 3.7.7 ᤆេৡᐲ㉎㇭㋫᯽੹Β㥳ሦᝪ׊みΩ౴⼦ɺ(ॸ᯽㝮ⴉ: ⴽᐈᏞ  Figure3.7.7 FallengalvanizedironsheetsdamagedtwoprivatecarsinShamShuiPo. (PhotocourtesyofTamHiuFai) 176  ∉ॗ≡ᮘชឳ፞⎗ⰿ⬟

⏱45๗ɹᑻ ⎮ 100๗♟180ۋ♟〔ḉ⸞܃৤㥯ۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋ⬟4.1Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึং ؚỲ፰ᑂ݄Ⲯᎏᓁᮘชឳ፞ংΑ⿐≣ॴ׈حᅕỲ≣ॴ㥰Ỳᮘชឳ፞΋Ⱂɺ⬟׈ნڽ๗ნ ϼ֯⍙ϣݜᙜ〥Ḁɺבᅕጢӊ㔘ᏺ【⅑ɺ⿮ӊ㎕ؿಯ⬟׈ڽؚᴳỲᎯ㌷㥳ज़┞Δ΋ౢ

ޏỲ᛿ጦɹᎯᝣɹ㖓ӊܰᑌӊⵄޏ⬟4.2Ꭵીጲ݊ংϑ㐋΋΍ึᬀ⚔⚑ỬؚỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ⏱10♟30๗ɹᑻ⎮105♟125ۋḉ܃ỬؚỲᎯ㌷ɺḲᐲᮘชឳ፞хፕ㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ׈Ꭿ㥯 ɺ⬟׈ѱḀỲᎯ㌷ᬀ۳ⲺΛḛᎯɺޏᅕỲ≣ॴ㥰㥳ીጲ݊ᐮỬؚ⿮ϛⵄڽ๗ნ

ᎯᝣỲቛ⯫ɺ⬟׈ϣᇻ҈᝶᛿ᮘชבҴ⦍ỬؚỲ᛿ጦܰޏ⬟4.3Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึᮘชឳ፞ⵄ Ҵ⦍᷻ጇỲᎯ㌷޹ỬؚⵄਤỲ᛿ጦɺ⬟׈ѱḀỲᎯ㌷ᬀ㖖ᤨᎯ㌷ɺޏឳ፞ⵄ


⬟4.5Ꭵ΋ςϗ׍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷᝶ึхፕ㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ׈Јܰ᝶ึຫ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ử Ҵ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞␮ጦɺޏؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ

Ҵ⦍Ỳᐬ㌤ɹᐬῩܰีওޏ⬟4.6Ꭵ΋ςϗ׍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷ીጲ݊ỬؚݕⅨᮘชឳ፞ⵄ Ꭿᝣɺ

ᅕᮘชឳ፞ᐬᇝڽ⬟4.7Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึḲᮘชឳ፞໢㓀㖖ᤨᎯᑍᤨỲឳⶊⰕᤥቛ⯫ɺⷝጻ ⾼㖖ᤨᎯỲх⒡ܰᎯ㌷޹ḲᎯбⰿᮘชឳ፞Υ༞㎎⾼Ỳᐬцឳ઎ɹϦઠᓀɹ㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄ ਧܰᚎ᪱ാ㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗㔘⿴ɹ㖖ᤨીጲ݊㈚໼Ỳᐬцีওᢧี㑖ឳ઎Јܰ㖖ᤨݕᨑ៓ᤥ 㥳ࢂхᬀ⋞㥰ɺءಕ㏊េх㙗ؚᨑ៓⬟Υ㓏ⰿỲみ܃ㄽ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ㥯


ӊᬀ㖖ᤨชѸᐬહ㐃ㄽۦ⬟4.8.2Ꭵ΋׋׋ॗ♟΋ςΐςึЈܰ΋ςॗ΍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ Ỳᮘชឳ፞޹ᐲ㍪Ỳ㐃ㄽⷝጻɺ

㔢㔘Ҵ⦍Ꭿნ㈚໼Ỳឳⶊⷝጻ㥳⦐ۦ⬟4.9Ꭵ♚΋ςॗ׍ึ♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷㥳ીጲ݊Ửؚ ⯡㖖ᤨᎯỲᐬ⾼⹷㐀ܰፓхɹીጲ݊㈚໼Ỳᐬцีওᢧี㑖ឳ઎ɹ㖖ᤨނᅕᮘชឳ፞ڽ ㋝ีও㔘⿴޹ᐬ㙗㎡㔘ɺءݕ⇔㈚໼Ỳᐬ㙗60

ώݕጂ๑み㌩޹׌׏ϐᗙ┘ܭ⬟4.10Ꭵϑ㐋΋΍ึᮘชឳ፞ং㖖ᤨნ⿵ႼỲሦેɺⷝጻ ᚄᘠნᇻ҈Ỳਤޏܰᑍউਤ⇘Ỳਤರɺ

┘ܭ⬟4.11Ꭵ΋ς׍㐋♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷ᮘชឳ፞ং㖖ᤨნ⿵ႼỲϬޮՅϟܰ‛ઘɺⷝጻ ᑍউਤ⇘Ỳਤರɺܰޏώݕጂ๑み㌩޹׌׏ϐᗙᚄᘠნᇻ҈Ỳਤ




TABLE4.1isalistoftropicalcyclonesin2017inthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSea(i.e. theareaboundedbytheEquator,45°N,100°Eand180°).Thedatescitedaretheresidencetimes ofeachtropicalcyclonewithintheaboveͲmentionedregionandassuchmightnotcoverthefulllifeͲ span.Thislimitationappliestoallotherelementsinthetable.

TABLE 4.2 gives the number of tropical cyclone warnings for shipping issued by the Hong Kong Observatory in 2017, the durations of these warnings and the times of issue of the first and last warningsforalltropicalcyclonesinHongKong'sareaofresponsibility(i.e.theareaboundedby10°N, 30°N,105°Eand125°E).TimesaregiveninhoursandminutesinUTC.

TABLE4.3presentsasummaryoftheoccasions/durationsoftheissuingoftropicalcyclonewarning signalsin2017.Thesequenceofthesignalsdisplayedandthenumberoftropicalcyclonewarning bulletinsissuedforeachtropicalcyclonearealsogiven.Timesaregiveninhoursandminutesin HongKongTime.

TABLE4.4presentsasummaryoftheoccasions/durationsoftheissuingoftropicalcyclonewarning signalsfrom1956to2017inclusive.

TABLE4.5givestheannualnumberoftropicalcyclonesinHongKong'sareaofresponsibilitybetween 1956and2017andalsotheannualnumberoftropicalcyclonesnecessitatedtheissuingoftropical cyclonewarningsignalsinHongKong.

TABLE4.6showsthemaximum,meanandminimumdurationsofthetropicalcyclonewarningsignals issuedduringtheperiod1956Ͳ2017.

TABLE4.7isasummaryofmeteorologicalinformationforeachtropicalcycloneaffectingHongKong in2017,includingtheposition,timeandtheestimatedminimumcentralpressureofeachtropical cycloneduringits closestapproachtoHongKong, themaximumwindsat King’sPark, HongKong InternationalAirportandWaglanIsland,theminimummeanseaͲlevelpressurerecordedattheHong KongObservatoryandthemaximumstormsurge(theexcess,inmetres,oftheactualwaterlevelover thatpredictedintheTideTables)recordedatvarioustidestationsinHongKong.

TABLE4.8.1tabulatestheamountofrainfallassociatedwitheachtropicalcyclonethatcamewithin 600kmofHongKongin2017.

TABLE4.8.2highlightsthe10wettesttropicalcyclonesinHongKongfortheperiod1884Ͳ1939and 1947Ͳ2017.

TABLE4.9 providessomemeteorologicalinformationforthosetyphoonsrequiringtheissuingofthe HurricaneSignalNo.10inHongKongfrom1946to2017.Theinformationpresentedincludesthe distancesandbearingsofnearestapproach,theminimummeanseaͲlevelpressuresrecordedatthe HongKongObservatoryandthemaximum60Ͳminutemeanwindsandmaximumgustpeakspeeds recordedatsomestationsinHongKong.

TABLE4.10containsdamagecausedbytropicalcyclonesin2017.Theinformationisbasedonreports fromvariousgovernmentdepartments,publicutilitycompaniesandlocalnewspapers.

TABLE4.11presentscasualtiesanddamagecausedbytropicalcyclonesinHongKong:1960Ͳ2017. Theinformationisbasedonreportsfromvariousgovernmentdepartments, publicutilitycompanies andlocalnewspapers.

TABLE 4.12 shows verification of the tropical cyclone track forecasts issued by the Hong Kong Observatoryin2017. ৤Ỳᮘชឳ፞΋Ⱂۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋ⬟ϑ㐋΋΍ึং TABLE4.1LISTOFTROPICALCYCLONESINTHEWESTERNNORTHPACIFICANDTHESOUTHCHINASEAIN2017 ⺆໹⸭㢜 ᐬ㙗ເ๗ бⰿ ⺆໹⍲㢜 Beginningoftrack 1FBLJOUFOTJUZ FTUJNBUFE Endoftrack DISP:ᢷ጗ ឳ઎ х⒡ Dissipated ڃ⏬⦍ х⒡ 㔘 ᮘชឳ፞ݝⅫ Nameoftropicalcyclone ፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Position XT:ⵝᬀᦂชឳ፞ Ữ෴ፌ۹ ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ Code ፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ Position ⏱ ᑻ⎮ Becameۋ +⏱ ᑻ⎮ Winds Pressure Date/Month Timeۋ +Date/Month Time oN oE (km/h) (hPa) oN oE Extratropical ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression Ͳ 8 / 1 0600 9.6 126.4 45 1000 9 / 1 1800 9.3 122.3 DISP ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression Ͳ 14 / 4 0600 10.4 129.3 45 1002 17 / 4 0000 13.3 118.0 DISP ᮘชцឳ઎ᔲ⛬ TropicalDepressionMuifa 1701 25 / 4 0000 12.6 136.9 55 1000 28 / 4 0000 18.4 135.4 DISP ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ SevereTropicalStormMerbok 1702 10 / 6 1800 15.5 117.5 105 984 13 / 6 0300 24.3 115.1 DISP ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ۴ᵼゐ SevereTropicalStormNanmadol 1703 1 / 7 1800 19.2 128.7 105 982 4 / 7 1800 35.4 142.4 XT ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ਽ᅀፌ SevereTropicalStormTalas 1704 15 / 7 0600 16.9 111.8 90 985 17 / 7 0900 19.0 100.8 DISP ⸶ເ㔞㔘ૡ㡘 SuperTyphoonNoru 1705 20 / 7 1200 27.4 159.5 195 935 8 / 8 1200 38.3 138.8 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺᳺᶀ TropicalStormKulap 1706 21 / 7 0000 25.2 177.2 75 995 25 / 7 0600 32.8 155.0 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ TropicalStormRoke 1707 21 / 7 0600 18.7 123.7 65 998 23 / 7 0600 22.7 113.3 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺᔚ۹ TropicalStormSonca 1708 21 / 7 0000 17.1 114.8 75 992 26 / 7 0000 16.7 104.8 DISP 㔞㔘⍆᠌ TyphoonNesat 1709 25 / 7 1800 15.0 128.5 145 955 30 / 7 1200 26.0 117.2 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧᕳ TropicalStormHaitang 1710 28 / 7 0000 19.3 116.8 85 985 31 / 7 1200 27.8 117.2 DISP

ᮘช㔘ᏺೈᔉ TropicalStormNalgae 1711 1 / 8 0000 26.6 162.4 75 992 5 / 8 1200 35.7 160.8 XT 178 ເ㔞㔘ᗲᙦ SevereTyphoonBanyan 1712 11 / 8 0000 16.7 170.0 155 955 16 / 8 1800 37.8 170.5 XT ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 SuperTyphoonHato 1713 20 / 8 1200 19.3 126.5 185 950 24 / 8 1200 23.5 104.9 DISP ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ SevereTropicalStormPakhar 1714 24 / 8 1200 15.5 126.2 110 980 27 / 8 1200 23.3 110.1 DISP 㔞㔘ᴑᵰ TyphoonSanvu 1715 27 / 8 1800 19.0 147.2 145 955 3 / 9 0600 41.6 152.7 XT ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ SevereTropicalStormMawar 1716 31 / 8 0600 19.4 118.9 90 990 4 / 9 0000 23.3 114.6 DISP ᮘชцឳ઎ܿ⸶ TropicalDepressionGuchol 1717 5 / 9 1800 20.0 121.4 55 998 7 / 9 0600 23.8 119.1 DISP SuperTyphoonTalim 1718 9 / 9 1200 15.2 142.8 185 935 18 / 9 0600 44.3 142.3 XT ط⸶ເ㔞㔘ᡎ ເ㔞㔘ᑯ⥐⛩ SevereTyphoonDoksuri 1719 11 / 9 1800 14.7 123.1 165 950 16 / 9 0000 18.5 101.2 DISP ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression Ͳ 23 / 9 1200 17.3 116.7 55 996 25 / 9 0600 21.1 107.1 DISP ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression Ͳ 8 / 10 2100 15.9 113.0 45 1000 10 / 10 0000 18.3 105.8 DISP SevereTyphoonKhanun 1720 12 / 10 0000 17.2 126.4 155 955 16 / 10 0000 20.1 109.9 DISP ډເ㔞㔘۹ ⸶ເ㔞㔘⥪ྎ SuperTyphoonLan 1721 15 / 10 1200 9.3 136.8 205 925 23 / 10 0000 37.5 141.6 XT 㔞㔘⥐ᅀ TyphoonSaola 1722 23 / 10 0000 9.0 147.3 120 970 29 / 10 1200 34.8 140.1 XT ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression Ͳ 31 / 10 1200 7.5 107.8 45 1002 1 / 11 1800 7.6 106.4 DISP 㔞㔘〖⎿ TyphoonDamrey 1723 31 / 10 1800 11.1 122.0 145 960 4 / 11 1200 12.5 106.5 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧ⠤ TropicalStormHaikui 1724 9 / 11 1200 13.8 121.4 85 992 12 / 11 0000 17.7 112.9 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺ㞜㏣ TropicalStormKirogi 1725 17 / 11 0900 10.1 117.0 65 995 19 / 11 0900 11.3 108.6 DISP ᮘช㔘ᏺࡇ༔ TropicalStormKaiͲtak 1726 14 / 12 0000 11.7 128.0 85 994 21 / 12 1800 6.0 107.4 DISP 㔞㔘ીℼ TyphoonTembin 1727 20 / 12 1200 8.7 131.8 130 965 26 / 12 0000 8.4 104.8 DISP Ꭿ㌷ᬀ۳ⲺΛḛᎯɺ +TimesaregiveninUTC. 179


ỬؚỲ፰ᑂܰᎯ㌷ Dateandtimeofissueof Ꭿᝣ ޏỬؚⵄ Ỳ᛿ጦ 㖓᛿ⵄޏ ᑌ᛿ⵄޏ ಱᎯ ᮘชឳ፞ Tropicalcyclone No.of Firstwarning Lastwarning Duration warnings ፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ (hours) issued Date/Month Time+ Date/Month Time+ ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression 5 8 /1 2100 9 /1 0900 12

ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression 13 15 /4 1800 17 /4 0300 33

**ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ SevereTropicalStormMerbok 23 10 /6 2100 13 /6 0300 54

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ۴ᵼゐ SevereTropicalStormNanmadol 8 2 /7 1200 3 /7 0900 21

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ਽ᅀፌ SevereTropicalStormTalas 16 15 /7 0600 17 /7 0000 42

ᮘช㔘ᏺᔚ۹ TropicalStormSonca 30 22 /7 0300 25 /7 1800 87

ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ TropicalStormRoke 11 22 /7 0600 23 /7 1200 30**

ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧᕳ TropicalStormHaitang 26 28 /7 0600 31 /7 0600 72

㔞㔘⍆᠌ TyphoonNesat 17 28 /7 0900 30 /7 0900 48

**⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 SuperTyphoonHato 23 20 /8 2100 23 /8 1500 66

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ SevereTropicalStormPakhar 23 24 /8 2100 27 /8 1500 66**

**ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ SevereTropicalStormMawar 33 31 /8 0600 4 /9 0600 96

ᮘชцឳ઎ܿ⸶ TropicalDepressionGuchol 12 6 /9 0000 7 /9 0900 33

ເ㔞㔘ᑯ⥐⛩ SevereTyphoonDoksuri 31 12 /9 0000 15 /9 1200 84

SuperTyphoonTalim 15 13 /9 1800 15 /9 0900 39 ط⸶ເ㔞㔘ᡎ

**ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression 14 23 /9 1500 25 /9 0600 39

ᮘชцឳ઎ TropicalDepression 9 8 /10 2100 9 /10 2100 24

SevereTyphoonKhanun 34 12 /10 0600 16 /10 0600 96 ډເ㔞㔘۹**

㔞㔘〖⎿ TyphoonDamrey 30 31 /10 1800 4 /11 0900 87

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᢧ⠤ SevereTropicalStormHaikui 26 9 /11 1200 12 /11 1200 72

ᮘช㔘ᏺ㞜㏣ TropicalStormKirogi 18 17 /11 0900 19 /11 1200 51

ᮘช㔘ᏺࡇ༔ TropicalStormKaiͲtak 22 16 /12 1200 19 /12 0300 63

׏ Total 439 1098

Ҵ⦍ɺޏ⿮ϛᮘชឳ፞ຫ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ * Ꭿ㌷ᬀ۳ⲺΛḛᎯɺ + * TropicalcyclonesforwhichtropicalcyclonewarningsignalswereissuedinHongKong. + TimesaregiveninUTC. 180

Ҵ⦍ܰⵄਤỬؚỲ᛿ጦޏ⬟ ϑ㐋΋΍ึીጲ݊ნỬؚỲᮘชឳ፞ⵄ TABLE4.3 TROPICALCYCLONEWARNINGSIGNALSISSUEDINHONGKONGANDNUMBEROFWARNING BULLETINSISSUEDIN2017 ቛ⯫SUMMARY Ҵ⦍ Signal ᛿ጦ No.ofoccasions ␮Ꭿᝣ Totalduration minء Ꭿ h 1 12 139 30 3117350 NW 2 7 50ۋ⯪ 8 8 大⋿SW 1 4 30 8 㜙⊿NE 3 16 30 8 㜙⋿SE 2 11 30 9 110 10 150 ׏ Total 33 259 40


ⵄਤỬؚ Ửؚ ܵᢷ ᮘชឳ፞ Ỳ᛿ጦ Ҵ⦍ Issued Cancelled Tropicalcyclone No.ofwarning Signal ፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ bulletinsissued Date/Month Time* Date/Month Time*

1 11/06 19:40 12/06 10:40 3 12/06 10:40 12/06 17:20 NE 12/06 17:20 12/06 20:20ۋເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ 55 8ᑻ NW 12/06 20:20 13/06 00:10ۋSevereTropicalStormMerbok 8⯪ 8⯪۴SW 13/06 00:10 13/06 04:40 3 13/06 04:40 13/06 11:10 1 22/07 15:40 23/07 03:40 ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ 41 3 23/07 03:40 23/07 09:20 NW 23/07 09:20 23/07 13:20ۋTropicalStormRoke 8⯪ 3 23/07 13:20 23/07 15:10 1 23/07 15:10 23/07 19:40 1 22/08 08:40 22/08 18:20 3 22/08 18:20 23/08 05:20 NE 23/08 05:20 23/08 08:10ۋ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 55 8ᑻ SuperTyphoonHato 9 23/08 08:10 23/08 09:10 10 23/08 09:10 23/08 14:10 8ᑻ۴SE 23/08 14:10 23/08 17:10 3 23/08 17:10 23/08 18:20 1 23/08 18:20 23/08 20:40 1 26/08 09:40 26/08 20:40 ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ 48 3 26/08 20:40 27/08 05:10 SevereTropicalStormPakhar 8ᑻ۴SE 27/08 05:10 27/08 13:40 3 27/08 13:40 27/08 17:40 1 27/08 17:40 27/08 22:10

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ 69 1 02/09 02:20 03/09 22:40 SevereTropicalStormMawar 3 03/09 22:40 04/09 10:20 1 04/09 10:20 04/09 14:10

ᮘชцឳ઎ 24 1 23/09 23:10 24/09 19:20 TropicalDepression

1 14/10 10:40 14/10 19:10 08:40 10/15 19:10 10/14 3 53 ډເ㔞㔘۹ NE 15/10 08:40 15/10 19:20ۋSevereTyphoonKhanun 8ᑻ 3 15/10 19:20 15/10 22:40 1 15/10 22:40 16/10 02:20 ׋ಱᎯ㥰 *HongKongTime炷UTC+8hours炸څ㖖ᤨᎯ㌷㥯۳ⲺΛḛᎯ * 181

Ҵ⦍ỲỬؚ᛿ጦܰ␮Ꭿᝣޏ⬟ ΋ςϗ׍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷᝶ึݕᮘชឳ፞ⵄ TABLE4.4 FREQUENCYANDTOTALDURATIONOFDISPLAYOFTROPICALCYCLONEWARNINGSIGNALS:1956Ͳ2017 Ҵ⦍ ␮Ꭿᝣ 8ᑻ۴ Totalduration ۋ8⯪۴ 8ᑻ ۋSignals 8⯪ 13 910 ء Е NW SW NE SE Ꭿึ Year hmin 1956 5400000019125 1957 4911220129545 1958 450010002145 1959 110000003635 1960 11702221143235 1961 6712101119255 1962 4301101115810 1963 4500100017550 1964 111413533257015 1965 7600110023940 1966 6500220028440 1967 8600210033910 1968 7701101129010 1969 4200000011015 1970 6821200028645 1971 91013221132325 1972 8600110028820 1973 8611101041650 1974 121000211052520 1975 8610011129220 1976 6600120035130 1977 8600100039510 1978 8911320046210 1979 5510221128115 1980 1080011004145 1981 5400110020220 1982 7400000024735 1983 8701221128942 1984 660010002802 1985 5410010019335 1986 670110003050 1987 6100000016545 1988 6400000020410 1989 7800220030610 1990 6400000024510 1991 8600110034955 1992 550011001675 1993 8900240032540 1994 4300000013810 1995 8622110034850 1996 720001001890 1997 230110109730 1998 5200000018835 1999 10134320215200 2000 730000003295 2001 6611210025335 2002 3200010014425 2003 451111101580 2004 321110007735 2005 3100000014245 2006 10300000031750 2007 430100008650 2008 892232103470 2009 13911121025530 2010 830000002200 2011 850001002130 2012 9700231125245 2013 10711010029250 2014 6300010014545 2015 4310000013650 2016 1172200002830 2017 121121321125940 ׏Total 418 348 29 35 63 52 21 14 16249 19 ีওMean 6.7 5.6 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.8 0.3 0.2 262 5 182

Ҵޏ⬟ ΋ςϗ׍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷᝶ึхፕ㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ׈Јܰ᝶ึຫ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞␮ጦ TABLE4.5 ANNUALNUMBEROFTROPICALCYCLONESINHONGKONG'SAREAOFRESPONSIBILITYANDTHENUMBERTHAT NECESSITATEDTHEDISPLAYOFTROPICALCYCLONEWARNINGSIGNALSINHONGKONG:1956Ͳ2017 Ҵ⦍Ỳᮘชឳ፞␮ጦޏЕ ᝶ึхፕ㖖ᤨⷅД≣ॴ׈Ỳᮘชឳ፞␮ጦ ᝶ึຫ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄึ Year Annualnumberoftropicalcyclones Annualnumberoftropicalcyclonesnecessitating inHongKong'sareaofresponsibility thedisplayofsignalsinHongKong 1956 23 5 1957 12 6 1958 15 5 1959 18 2 1960 18 9 1961 24 6 1962 20 4 1963 13 4 1964 26 10 1965 16 6 1966 17 6 1967 17 8 1968 12 6 1969 11 4 1970 20 6 1971 20 9 1972 15 5 1973 17 9 1974 21 11 1975 12 7 1976 10 5 1977 10 8 1978 20 8 1979 18 6 1980 17 10 1981 15 5 1982 16 5 1983 15 7 1984 14 5 1985 15 5 1986 16 4 1987 12 5 1988 17 6 1989 17 7 1990 18 6 1991 14 6 1992 11 5 1993 14 9 1994 20 4 1995 17 8 1996 15 7 1997 10 2 1998 15 5 1999 12 8 2000 20 7 2001 14 6 2002 10 3 2003 12 4 2004 15 3 2005 15 3 2006 16 7 2007 12 2 2008 17 6 2009 17 8 2010 11 5 2011 12 5 2012 14 5 2013 19 7 2014 10 4 2015 13 3 2016 15 9 2017 22 7 ีওMean 15.6 5.9 183


᝶᛿Ꭿᝣ ᝶ึ␮Ꭿᝣ ᛿ጦ Durationofeachoccasion Totaldurationperyear Ҵ⦍ Number ีও ᐬ㌤ ᐬῩ ีও ᐬ㌤ ᐬῩ Signal of Mean Maximum Minimum Mean Maximum Minimum ءᎯءᎯءᎯءᎯءᎯءoccasions Ꭿ h min h min h min h min h min h min

΋⦍ჁЈΑ 382 4232 161 0 4 30 262 5 570 15 36 35 1orhigher ᔎ㡭〖Tilda, ᮘชцឳ઎ (1964) (1959) 1964 T.D.,2000

ΐ⦍ჁЈΑ 255 29 3 124 15 4 5 119 30 306 35 15 5 3orhigher ᵼ㡭Mary, ᮘชцឳ઎ (1974) (2004) 1960 T.D.,2006

׋⦍ჁЈΑ 95 14 18 66 502 40 21 54 100 55 0 0 8orhigher ᵼ㡭Mary, 㐉❆Wynne, (1964) 1960 1984 NW 29 5 48 15 45 1 30 2 43 18 0 0 0ۋ8⯪ 8⯪۴SW 35 4 58 10 45 2 0 2 48 16 10 0 0 NE 63 7 35 35 35 1 35 7 42 40 20 0 0ۋ8ᑻ 8ᑻ۴SE 52 7 28 21 45 0 20 6 15 31 15 0 0

ς⦍ჁЈΑ 226511225 2 0 2 26 19 25 0 0 9orhigher ,ᑯ㞪Dujuan ⌽ֶYork, (1964) 1999 2003 14 6 11 11 0 2 30 1 24 12 10 0 0 ⦐ۦ ,ဏ㡭ፌAlice ⌽ֶYork, 10 (1964) 1999 1961 Ⲇⱋ㈚Ỳᮘชឳ፞ݝⅫܰึЕɺ⿵׈ᬀ٧  ⱝ㦁 Note:()aretheyearsandthenamesofthetropicalcycloneswhichcreatedtherecord. ⬟ϑ㐋΋΍ึḲᮘชឳ፞໢㓀㖖ᤨᎯᑍᤨỲឳⶊⰕᤥቛ⯫ TABLE4.7ASUMMARYOFMETEOROLOGICALOBSERVATIONSRECORDEDINHONGKONGDURINGTHEPASSAGESOFTROPICALCYCLONESIN2017

㖖ᤨીጲ݊㈚໼Ỳᐬц ⋟ ᐬિ㔘ᏺᨑ Ữ෴ፌ۹ Ḳᐬᇝ⾼㖖ᤨᎯ ᢧี㑖ឳ઎ NearestapproachtoHongKong MinimumM.S.L.pressure(hPa) Maximumstormsurge(metres) attheHongKongObservatory ᮘชឳ፞ бⰿᐬц ݝⅫ Υ༞ឳ઎ ᾽Ꭿ ፓݡڝⅉ Ữ෴ፌ۹ Nameof ⹷㐀 ܰ⿴๗ Inst. 㜒㚴ᢻ િ຅ᫌ િয়ᦩ ಶ㣠ޱ ᚎ᪱ാ `ઃ Estimated ᐱЕ ፰ᑂ Ꭿ㌷ ׌ㄺ ፓх tropicalcyclone ᐱЕ ፰ᑂ Ꭿ㌷ Quarry TaiMiu TaiPo TsimBei Waglan ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ Month Date Hour* Direction Distance minimum Month Date Hour* ᝶ಱᎯ ShekPik Movement Bay Wan Kau Tsui Island (km) central Hourly (km/h) pressure (hPa) ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ 20:08Ͳ ᑻ ⋾ 995.5 SevereTropicalStorm 6 12 21:30 25 15 984 6 12 20:35# 0.24 0.28 0.38 0.55 0.45 0.29 E N Merbok 20:00 995.6 09:47Ͳ

奦⋾‶奦 1004.0 184 ۋᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ ᑻ 7 23 10:00 25 26 998 7 2309:52# 0.19 0.22 0.26 Ͳ 0.28 0.22 TropicalStormRoke NE WNW 09:00,10:00 1004.1 09:39Ͳ ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 ⯪۴ӿ۴ 奦⋾‶奦 986.3 8 23 10:00 60 30 955 8 23 09:42# 1.18 1.54 1.05+ 1.65 2.42 0.76+ SuperTyphoonHato SSW WNW 10:00 986.7 ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ ⯪۴ 奦⋾ 06:21 996.5 8 27 07:00 90 33 980 8 27 0.72 0.67 0.82 1.05 0.96 0.49 SevereTropicalStormPakhar SW NW 06:00 996.6

奦⋾ 15:21Ͳ17:07# 1002.8 ۋӿۋເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ ᑻ 9 4 08:00 120 15 1002 9 2 0.35 0.29 0.41 0.40 0.44 0.27 SevereTropicalStormMawar NNE NW 16:00,17:00 1003.0 14:16Ͳ ᮘชцឳ઎ ⯪۴ӿ۴ 奦⋾‶奦 1007.7 9 24 08:00 470 29 996 9 2417:15# 0.19 0.26 0.23 0.27 0.35 0.08 TropicalDepression SSW WNW 16:00 1007.7 ⯪۴ӿ۴ 奦⋾‶奦 15:00 996.2 ډເ㔞㔘۹ 10 15 15:00 210 25 960 10 15 0.99 1.04 1.05 1.04 0.98 0.81 SevereTyphoonKhanun SSW WNW 15:00 996.2

׋ಱᎯ㥰 *HongKongTime炷UTC+8hours炸څ㖖ᤨᎯ㌷㥯۳ⲺΛḛᎯ ᐬ໷㈚໼ỲᎯ㌷ #Firstandlasttimerecordedܰدᐬ ᠆ᐲⷝጻ Ͳdatanotavailable ጦኸΔౙጢ +incompletedata ⬟ ⑫ TABLE4.7(cont'd)

⿴㋝ีও㔘ݡܰ㔘⿴ ᐬ㙗㎡㔘㔘ݡܰ㔘ء㋝ีও㔘ݡܰ㔘⿴ ᐬ㙗ءᐬ㙗 ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ  ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ  ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ  ᮘชឳ፞ ݝⅫ ᐱЕ Maximum60Ͳminmean Maximum10Ͳminmean Maximumgustpeakspeedin Nameof Month windinpointsandkm/h windinpointsandkm/h km/hwithdirectioninpoints tropicalcyclone Ϧઠᓀ 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᚎ᪱ാϦઠᓀ 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᚎ᪱ാϦઠᓀ 㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ ᚎ᪱ാ HongKong HongKong HongKong King'sPark International WaglanIslandKing'sPark International WaglanIslandKing'sPark International WaglanIsland Airport Airport Airport ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ ۋ ⯪۴ ۋ ۋ ⯪۴ ۋ ۋ ۋӿ⯪ ⯪ۋ⯪ SevereTropicalStorm 6 30 52 92 34 63 99 77 79 113 WNW NW N N SW N N SW N Merbok

ۋӿۋᑻ۴ӿᑻ ⯪ ۋ ۋӿۋᑻ۴ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ⯪ ۋӿۋᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ ᑻ۴ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ⯪ 7 14 27 43 20 31 49 41 41 59 TropicalStormRoke SE ESE NNW SE ESE NNW N ESE NNW 185

ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ ۋ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ ᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ ᑻ 8 54 92 137 63 103 142 113 144 193 SuperTyphoonHato ESE E E ESE E NE ESE ESE E

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ ӿᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻۋᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ ᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ ᑻ SevereTropicalStorm 8 49 72 108 58 76 113 108 101 144 ESE E E ESE E ENE ESE ESE E Pakhar

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ ӿ⯪ ⯪۴ ⯪۴ӿ⯪ ⯪۴ ⯪۴ӿ⯪ۋӿ⯪ ⯪ۋ⯪ ⯪۴ ⯪۴ӿ⯪ ⯪ SevereTropicalStorm 9 16 45 65 22 49 68 43 63 81 W SW WSW WNW WNW SW WSW SW WSW Mawar

ӿᑻ ᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻۋӿᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻۋᮘชцឳ઎ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ ᑻ 9 22 34 56 27 38 59 51 52 79 TropicalDepression ESE ESE ENE ESE ESE ENE E ESE E

ۋᑻ ۋᑻ ۋᑻ ۋᑻ ۋᑻ ۋᑻ ۋ ۋᑻ ۋᑻ ډເ㔞㔘۹ 10 34 49 87 40 52 92 81 67 106 SevereTyphoonKhanun NE NE N NE NE NE NE NE NE 186


ᮘชឳ፞хፕ ⋟ញ 㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ 㖖ᤨીጲ݊㈚໼Ỳ㐃ㄽ (ॴ׈ỲᎯᑂ RainfallattheHongKongObservatory(mm≣ ᮘชឳ፞ Periodwhentropical (ݝⅫ cyclonewithin600km (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)+(iv

Nameof ofHongKong ং㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ׈ ং5 η໷ ং5 η໷ ং5η໷ ׏Total tropicalcyclone (T1 T2) within600km ỲಱᎯ׈ ỲಱᎯ׈ ỲಱᎯ׈ T1

፰ᑂᐱЕ Ꭿ㌷ ofHongKong 24Ͳhourperiod 48Ͳhourperiod 72Ͳhourperiod (T2+72ಱᎯ hours)

Date/Month Time* (T1 T2)afterT2 afterT2 afterT2

ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ (T1) 11 /6 1500 SevereTropicalStorm Ͳ 227.7 45.0 52.4 65.2 292.9 Merbok (T2) 13 /6 1100 ᮘช㔘ᏺᔚ۹ (T1) 21 /7 0800 Ͳ 6.6 46.5 46.5 46.5 53.1+ TropicalStormSonca# (T2) 23 /7 1700 ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ (T1) 22 /7 1100 Ͳ 3.3 46.5 46.5 46.5 49.8+ TropicalStormRoke (T2) 23 /7 1400 ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧᕳ (T1) 28 /7 0800 Ͳ 0.0 0.0 2.2 20.7 20.7++ TropicalStormHaitang# (T2) 30 /7 0700 㔞㔘⍆᠌ (T1) 30 /7 1200 Ͳ 0.0 0.0 5.2 20.7 20.7++ TyphoonNesat# (T2) 30 /7 2000 ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟 (T1) 22 /8 1100 Ͳ 69.1 0.1 0.1 39.4 108.5+++ SuperTyphoonHato (T2) 24 /8 0500 ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ (T1) 26 /8 1500 SevereTropicalStorm Ͳ 166.8 103.1 103.1 103.1 269.9+++ Pakhar (T2) 27 /8 2000 ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ (T1) 31 /8 1400 SevereTropicalStorm Ͳ 63.6 9.5 11.0 11.0 74.6 Mawar (T2) 4 /9 0800 ᮘชцឳ઎ܿ⸶ (T1) 6 /9 2100 TropicalDepression Ͳ 1.0 1.5 2.8 27.7 28.7 Guchol# (T2) 7 /9 1400 ᮘชцឳ઎ (T1) 23 /9 2100 Ͳ 5.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.1 TropicalDepression (T2) 25 /9 0300 T1) 14 /10 1700) ډ⸶ເ㔞㔘۹ Ͳ 23.4 55.9 56.1 56.1 79.5 SuperTyphoonKhanun (T2) 16 /10 0800 ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᢧ⠤ (T1) 11 /11 0500 ༏ㄽ SevereTropicalStorm Ͳ 14.7 27.4 27.4 27.4 Trace Haikui# (T2) 12 /11 0800 ׏Total 922.1 ׋ಱᎯ㥰ɺڅ㖖ᤨᎯ㌷㥯۳ⲺΛḛᎯ Ҵ⦍ɺޏⲆᮘชឳ፞Ρᑋರ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚᮘชឳ፞ⵄ 

ᮘชឳ፞㖓᛿ؚᴳፕ㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴ׈ỲᎯ㌷ɺ 5 ᮘชឳ፞ং㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴ׈ᢷ጗Ⴡ㐀㌯Ⲇ≣ॴỲᎯ㌷ɺ 5 ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶỲ㐃ㄽ♯ᮘช㔘ᏺᔚ۹Ỳ㐃ㄽؚᴳώញ⋞ỲㄻḾみЕɺ 㔞㔘⍆᠌Ỳ㐃ㄽ♯ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧᕳỲ㐃ㄽؚᴳώញ⋞ỲㄻḾみЕɺ ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹Ỳ㐃ㄽ♯⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟Ỳ㐃ㄽؚᴳώញ⋞ỲㄻḾみЕɺ * HongKongTime炷UTC+8hours炸. # TropicalcyclonewithoutissuingoftropicalcyclonewarningsignalinHongKong. T1 Thetimewhenatropicalcyclonewasfirstcentredwithin600kmofHongKong. T2 Thetimewhenatropicalcyclonewasdissipatedwithinormovedoutside600kmofHongKong. + RainfallamountofT.S.RokeoverlappedtherainfallamountofT.S.Soncaby49.8mm. ++ RainfallamountofT.NesatoverlappedtherainfallamountofT.S.Haitangby20.7mm. +++ RainfallamountofS.T.S.PakharoverlappedtherainfallamountofSuperT.Hatoby39.3mm. 187

ӊᬀ㖖ᤨชѸᐬહ㐃ㄽỲᮘชឳ፞ۦ⬟΋׋׋ॗ♟΋ςΐςึܰ΋ςॗ΍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷ TABLE4.8.2TENWETTESTTROPICALCYCLONESINHONGKONG(1884Ͳ1939,1947Ͳ2017)

ᮘชឳ፞ 㖖ᤨીጲ݊㈚໼Ỳ㐃ㄽ ញ⋞ TropicalCyclone RainfallattheHongKongObservatory(mm) J JJ JJJ JW J   JW

ং㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ׈ ং5η໷Ỳ ং5η໷Ỳ ং5η໷Ỳ ׏Total

Е ᐱЕ ݝⅫ within600km ಱᎯ׈ ಱᎯ׈ ಱᎯ׈ T1ึ

Year Month Name ofHongKong 24Ͳhourperiod 48Ͳhourperiod 72Ͳhourperiod (T2+72ಱᎯhours)

 (T1T2) afterT2 afterT2 afterT2

1999 8 ᕾଥ Sam 368.1 178.9 248.1 248.4 616.5 1926 7 ᮘชឳ፞ T.C. 34.8 # 534.0 # 561.1 # 562.2 # 597.0 1916 6 ᮘชឳ፞ T.C. 494.8 # 27.9 # 59.4 # 67.2 # 562.0 1965 9 ဏ୤ፌ Agnes 404.6 8.9 64.3 126.1 530.7 1978 7 ဏ୤ፌ Agnes 502.4 12.3 12.3 16.6 519.0 1976 8 ဏӧ Ellen 90.7 394.2 421.0 425.4 516.1 1993 9 㢙⠬ Dot 459.6 37.9 37.9 37.9 497.5 1982 8 㢙⠬ Dot 41.2 322.5 403.1 450.5 491.7 2016 10 ❻❶ࣆ Sarika 195.6 223.2 223.2 295.7+ 491.3 1995 8 ᢧӧ Helen 241.4 146.2 235.2 239.5 480.9

ᮘชឳ፞㖓᛿ؚᴳፕ㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴ׈ỲᎯ㌷ɺ 5

ᮘชឳ፞ং㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴ׈ᢷ጗Ⴡ㐀㌯Ⲇ≣ॴỲᎯ㌷ɺ 5 㔒⃁Ḳ౒хፕ㖖ᤨ׌ㄺ≣ॴ׈Ỳ፰య⭶㥳ીጲ݊ნ㈚໼Ỳ␮፰㐃ㄽ㥳 J ಯፕ΋ς׍΋ึЈٍỲᮘชឳ፞㥳᛭  ໷΋♟ΐી⍡ⅼỲ፰㐃ㄽɺבᎥᅭشء JW ♟ JJ ᛭ ḲΥỲញ⋞㐃ㄽ♯⸶ເ㔞㔘ᢧ㖡ㄻḾؚᴳɺ

T1Ͳ Thetimewhenatropicalcyclonewasfirstcentredwithin600kmofHongKong.

T2Ͳ Thetimewhenatropicalcyclonewasdissipatedwithinormovedoutside600kmofHongKong. # Foryearspriorto1961,column(i)isthesumofdailyrainfallonthosedayswhenatropicalcyclonewascentredwithin600km ofHongKong,columns(ii)to(iv)showrespectivelytheaccumulateddailyrainfallonthefollowingonetothreedays. + 72.5mmofrainfalloverlappedwiththerainfallofSuperT.Haima. 㔢㔘Ҵ⦍Ỳ㔞㔘⦐ۦ⬟΋ςॗ׍♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷ຫ♠ીጲ݊㐓⯫Ửؚ TABLE4.9TYPHOONSREQUIRINGTHEISSUINGOFTHEHURRICANESIGNALNO.10DURINGTHEPERIOD1946Ͳ2017

ᐬцีও ⿴㋝ีও㔘ݡܰ㔘⿴ ᐬ㙗㎡㔘㔘ݡܰ㔘ء㔞㔘 Ḳᐬᇝ⾼ીጲ݊Ꭿ ᢧี㑖ឳ઎ ᐬ㙗 ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ  ׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ  Ữ෴ፌ۹  ݝⅫ Nearestapproach Name totheHongKongObservatory MinimumM.S.L. Maximum60Ͳminmeanwindinpointsandkm/h Maximumgustpeakspeedinkm/hwithdirectioninpoints of pressure(hPa) typhoon ⹷㐀 ࡇ༔ ࡇ༔ ᝶ಱᎯ ᾽Ꭿ 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ Ϧઠᓀ ᚄਧ ᚎ᪱ാ ㌤᡼ િ┗೯ 㑌᡼ 㖖ᤨીጲ݊ Ϧઠᓀ ᚄਧ ᚎ᪱ാ ㌤᡼ િ┗೯ 㑌᡼ ׌ㄺ ፰ᑂᐱЕ ึЕ ፓх Date/Month Year Direction Distance Hourly Inst. HongKong King's KaiTak Waglan Cheung Tate's Green HongKong King's KaiTak Waglan Cheung Tate's Green (km) Observatory Park Airport# Island Chau Cairn Island Observatory Park Airport# Island Chau Cairn Island

ͲͲ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ ۋͲ ᑻ 985.7 70 ۴ 71946/ 18 - SNE

ӿᑻ 185 ͲͲͲۋӿᑻ 158 ᑻۋୄ⒲❶Ϝ 22 /91957⯪۴ 55 986.2 984.3 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 115 Ͳ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 72 ᑻ 113 ͲͲ Ͳᑻ 187 Ͳ ᑻ Gloria SW ESE ESE E E ENE ENE

ӿ⯪ 10 974.3 973.8 ᑻ۴ӿ۴ 96 Ͳ ᑻ۴ӿ۴ 92 ⯪۴ӿ۴ 112 ͲͲ Ͳᑻ۴ӿ۴ 191 Ͳ ᑻ۴ 164 ⯪۴ӿ۴ 194 ͲͲͲۋᵼ㡭 9/61960⯪ Mary WNW SSE SSE SSW SSE SE SSW

ӿᑻ 135 ͲͲۋӿᑻ 139 ⯪۴ 128 ᑻۋӿᑻ 76 ͲͲᑻ 166 Ͳ ᑻۋӿᑻ 83 Ͳ ᑻ 70 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 90 ᑻۋဏ㡭ፌ 19 /5 1961 0 981.6 981.1 ᑻ Alice ENE E ESE ENE E ENE SW ENE

ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 284 Ͳ 232 ۋ⯪ 216 ۋӿۋ⯪ 229 ۋ Ͳ 259 ۋ ᑻ۴ 189 Ͳ 118 ۋ⯪ 148 ۋ⯪ 108 ۋ Ͳ 133 ۋ ᦂ㢙 1/91962⯪۴ӿ۴ 20 955.1 953.2 Wanda SSW N N NW NW SE N N NNW NW ESE 188

ᑻ 268 Ͳ 216 ۋӿۋᑻ 230 ᑻ 203 ۋͲ ⯪ 227 ۋӿۋᑻ۴ӿᑻ 167 Ͳ ᑻ 113 ۋӿᑻ 148 ᑻۋᑻ 118 ۋ 㐼᝺ 5/91964⯪۴ 30 971.0 968.2 ᑻ 110 Ͳ Ruby SW E N ENE NE ESE NNE NW E NNE E

Ͳ 220 ۋӿ⯪ 205 ᑻۋ⯪ 184 ۋ 198 ۋ Ͳ 175 ۋ Ͳ 157 ۋӿۋᑻ 96 ۋӿۋ⯪ 117 ۋ 67 ۋ Ͳ 88 ۋӿۋ㢙⠬ 13 /10 1964 ᑻ 35 978.9 977.3 ⯪ Dot E NNW N N NNW NNE N N N WNW NE

Ͳ 203 ۋӿۋ⯪۴ӿ۴ 167 ᑻ 209 ۋᑻ 151 ۋ Ͳ 133 ۋ Ͳ 126 ۋӿۋ⯪۴ӿ۴ 90 ᑻ 124 ۋӿۋᑻ 75 ۋ Ͳ 68 ۋ 㐅㡭 21 /8 1968 0 968.7 968.6 Shirley N N NNE SSW NNE N N NE SSW NNE

㐼⎘ 17 /81971⯪۴ӿ⯪ 20 984.5 982.8 ᑻ۴ 103 Ͳ ᑻ۴ 122 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 140 ᑻ۴ 131 ۴ 148 Ͳ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 224 Ͳ ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 211 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 189 ᑻ۴ 194 ۴ 221 Ͳ Rose WSW SE SE ESE SE S ESE ESE ESE SE S

167 ۋᑻ 180 ۋӿۋᑻ 158 ۋӿᑻ 176 ᑻۋᑻ 140 ۋ 137 ۋ 140 ۋᑻ 118 ۋӿۋ⯪ 130 ۋᑻ 106 ۋ 118 ۋӿۋᑻ 67 ۋӿۋ⯪ 75 ۋ ӿᑻ 58ۋဏ✳ 14 /10 1975 ۴ 50 996.4 996.2 ᑻ Elsie S ENE N NNW NNE N NE NNW NE N N ENE NE NNE NE

ӿ⯪ 229 ⯪ 167ۋӿ⯪ 182 ⯪۴ 198 ⯪۴ӿ⯪ 185 ⯪ۋӿ⯪ 166 ⯪ۋ⯪ 108 ⯪ 175 ⯪ 115 ۋӿ⯪ 79 ⯪ 115 ⯪۴ 144 ⯪۴ӿ۴ 117 ⯪ۋ⯪ 75 ⯪ 961.6 961.8 10 ۋӿۋⶸ 2/81979⯪❩ Hope NNW W WNW W SW SSW NW W W WNW WNW SW WSW WNW W

*ӿᑻ 218 ۴ 220ۋဏӧ 9/91983⯪۴ 45 983.9 983.1 ᑻ 92 ᑻ 88 ᑻ 112 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 169 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 171 ᑻ 126 ۴ 137 ᑻ 185 ᑻ 167 ᑻ 203 ᑻ 227 ᑻ۴ӿ۴ 238 ᑻ Ellen SW E E E ESE ESE E S E E E E SSE ENE S

Ͳ Ͳ 182 ۋᑻ 234 ۋӿۋӿᑻ 142 ᑻۋᑻ 149 ۋӿۋͲ Ͳ ᑻ 137 ᑻ 113 ۋӿۋᑻ 153 ۋӿۋᑻ 59 ۋӿۋᑻ 68 ۋ ⌽ֶ 16 /91999⯪۴ӿ۴ 20 976.8 976.1 ᑻ 63 York SSW E N NNE NNE NNE E NNE ENE NNE NE

155 ۋᑻ۴ӿᑻ 117 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 110 ᑻ 135 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 149 ᑻ 184 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 166 ᑻ 92 ۋ㒟ᕾᰠ 24 /72012⯪۴ 100 986.3 986.0 ᑻ 56 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 56 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 70 ᑻ 108 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 128 ᑻ 117 ᑻ Vicente SW E ESE ESE E ESE E NE ESE ESE E ESE E ESE NE

Ͳ 187 ۋᑻ 193 ᑻ۴ 171 ᑻ 130 ۋӿᑻ 118 Ͳ ᑻ 122 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 113 ᑻۋી㞟 23 /82017⯪۴ӿ۴ 60 986.7 986.3 ᑻ 62 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 54 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 67 ᑻ 137 ᑻ۴ӿᑻ 128 ᑻ Hato SSW E ESE ESE E ESE ENE E ESE NE E SE NE ⸞㝝Ⱆ㥳ࡇ༔Ỳឳⶊნ෠ፕ΋ςς׋ึ΍ᐱ׍፰㍪㌮ɺࡇ༔ᤥ㔘⇔ፕ΋ςς׋ึςᐱॗ፰㌯଩」єɺغ㏒⠌㖖ᤨॲ㏊ᚄਧ〰ⅉ бⰿ㥳⸶ؚ㔘⿴ⱋ㈚ॸỲΑ㎕ɺ #WiththemovingoftheHongKongInternationalAirporttoChekLapKok,themeteorologicalofficeatKaiTakwasclosedon6July1998.KaiTakanemometerstationstartedoperationon4September1998. *estimated,exceedingupperlimitofanemogram. 表 4.10 二零一七年熱帶氣旋在香港所造成的損失 TABLE 4.10 DAMAGE CAUSED BY TROPICAL CYCLONES IN HONG KONG IN 2017

物質損毀 金錢損失(百萬港元)* Damage in physical terms Damage in monetary terms (million HK$) 保險索賠總額# 估計直接經濟損失@ (百萬港元) (百萬港元) 熱帶氣旋名稱 月份 山泥傾瀉及 受到損壞的 The total amount of Estimated direct Name of tropical cyclone Month 公用建設 (處) 斜坡倒塌 (宗) 船隻數目 (艘) 公用建設 私人物業 共 insurance claims economic loss 農業 公用業務 (處) 物業單位 (個) 農業 公用業務 工業 Public works facilities Landslip and Ships lost or Public works Private Total (million HK$) (million HK$) Agriculture Public utilities (site) Property (unit) Agriculture Public utilities Industry (site) collapse of slope damaged facilities property (a) (b) (a) + (b) (case) (number)

農地 Farmland: 強烈熱帶風暴苗柏 道路 Road: 2 鐵路 Railway: 1 360 公頃 hectares Severe Tropical Storm 6 小徑 Footpath: 3 安全護欄 2 9 2 39.78000 0.00101 39.78101 農作物 Crops: Merbok 公墓 Cemetery: 2 Road barrier: 1 2547 噸 tons

熱帶風暴洛克 7 2 2 Tropical Storm Roke 189

農地 Farmland: 547 公頃 hectares 道路 Road: 1 電信設施 超強颱風天鴿 農作物 Crops: 避雨亭 Telecommunication 8 66 1 36 78.6151 3.9816 4.8908 0.0035 9.5459 97.0369 1107.8445 1204.8813 Super Typhoon Hato 3274 噸 tons Rain Shelter: 2 facilities: 1 塘魚 欄桿 Railing: 25 變電站 Pond fish: 983 噸 tons Substation: 1

鐵路 Railway: 5 強烈熱帶風暴帕卡 變電站 工地 Severe Tropical Storm 8 Substation: 4 3 3 15 1.78846 1.78846 Construction site: 1 Pakhar 搪瓷牆身板 VE Panels: 1

強烈熱帶風暴瑪娃 Severe Tropical Storm 8 8 0.00640 0.00640 Mawar

強颱風卡努 10 1 3 Severe Typhoon Khanun

#保險索償數據由香港保險業聯會提供(截至2019年3月16日),有關數據已經按參與調查的機構的所佔的市場份額作調整。請注意2017年的保險索償數據只涵蓋超強颱風天鴿。 # The insurance claim figure is provided by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (up to 16 March 2019). The data have been adjusted by the market shares (80%) of the companies participating in the survey. Note that the insurance claim figure is only available for Super Typhoon Hato in 2017

*資料由各有關政府部門及公共事業機構提供,並已扣除相關的保險索償 (截至2019年10月31日)。

* The data is provided by relevant government departments and public utility companies (up to 31 October 2019). Items with insurance claim made have been excluded.

@ 直接經濟損失估算僅供參考,可能受到調查數據和分析方法的各種不確定性的影響。估算詳情及免責聲明可參考附件一。 @ The estimates are for reference only and may be subject to various uncertainties in the survey responses and analysis method. Please refer to Annex 1 for details of estimation and disclaimer. 由於四捨五入關係,表內個別項目的數字加起來可能與總數略有出入。 The sum of figures may not add up to total due to rounding. 190

⬟ ΋ς׍㐋♟ϑ㐋΋΍ึ㌷ᮘชឳ፞ং㖖ᤨნ⿵ႼỲϬޮՅϟܰ‛ઘ TABLE4.11 CASUALTIESANDDAMAGECAUSEDBYTROPICALCYCLONESINHONGKONG:1960Ͳ2017 ሦઘغܶ ᝪઘჁغܶ 《ϐ⸸ᡜ ┑៾Ỳಱ⚝ Ỳಱ⚝ ึЕ ፰ᑂᐱЕ Nameof ᮘชឳ፞ ᜻ϟϬጦ ે⻦Ϭጦ ܶՅϬጦ ⚔⚑ ጦἶ ጦἶ Year Date/Month tropicalcyclone ݝⅫ Persons Persons Persons OceanͲgoing Smallcraft Smallcraft dead missing injured vesselsin sunkor damaged trouble wrecked 1960 4 /6 Ͳ 12 /6 T. Mary ᵼ㡭 45 11 127 6 352 462 1961 17 /5 Ͳ 21 /5 T. Alice ဏ㡭ፌ 4020* * * 7/9 Ͳ 10 /9 S.T.S. Olga ૡࣆ 700 0 1 0 1962 28 /8 Ͳ 2/9 T. Wanda ᦂ㢙 130 53 * 36 1297 756 1963 1 /9 Ͳ 9/9T.Faye ⟇᯶ 30510 2 0 1964 26 /5 Ͳ 28 /5 T. Viola ⎿ૡ୤ 00415 1818 2/8 Ͳ 9/8T.Ida ⛄㢙 5 4 56 3 7 60 2/9 Ͳ 6/9 T. Ruby 㐼᝺ 38 6 300 20 32 282 4/9 Ͳ 10 /9 T. Sally ❻❶ 90240 0 0 7/10 Ͳ 13 /10 T. Dot 㢙⠬ 26 10 85 2 31 59 1965 6 /7 Ͳ 16 /7 T. Freda ᠷ଒㢙 20160 1 0 25 /9 Ͳ 28 /9T.S.Agnes ဏ୤ፌ 503 0 0 0 1966 12 /7 Ͳ 14 /7 S.T.S. Lola 㐼୤ 106 0 * 6 1967 19 /8 Ͳ 22 /8 S.T.S. Kate ୄ⠬ 003 3 1 0 1968 17 /8 Ͳ 22 /8 T. Shirley 㐅㡭 004 1 * 3 1969 22 /7 Ͳ 29 /7 T. Viola ⎿ૡ୤ 000 0 3 0 1970 1 /8 Ͳ 3/8T.D. Ͳ  2+ 00 0 0 0 8/9 Ͳ 14 /9 T. Georgia ࢀ᠟Ϝ 000 2 0 * 1971 15 /6 Ͳ 18 /6 T. Freda ᠷ଒㢙 20308 0 0 16 /7 Ͳ 22 /7 T. Lucy 㐼✳ 0 0 38 10 2 13 10 /8 Ͳ 17 /8T.Rose 㐼⎘ 110 5 286 34 303 * 1972 4 /11 Ͳ 9 /11 T. Pamela ᓀⒻ୤ 108 3 0 0 1973 14 /7 Ͳ 20 /7T.Dot 㢙⠬ 1 0 38 14 * * 1974 7 /6 Ͳ 14 /6T.Dinah ვ୤ 000 1 * * 18 /7 Ͳ 22 /7T.Ivy ⛄⟇ 000 2 * * 15 /10 Ͳ 19 /10 T. Carmen ࣆᐩ 100 5 * * 21 /10 Ͳ 27 /10 T. Della 㢙୤ 000 2 * * 1975 10 /8 Ͳ 14 /8T.D. Ͳ  210 3 1 * 9/10 Ͳ 14 /10 T. Elsie ဏ✳ 00467 2 1 16 /10 Ͳ 23 /10 S.T.S. Flossie 㐝⥹✳ 000 1 * * 1976 22 /6 Ͳ 4/7 T. Ruby 㐼᝺ 322 0 0 0 21 /7 Ͳ 26 /7 S.T.S. Violet ⎿ૡ❶ 211 0 0 0 5/8 Ͳ 6/8 S.T.S. Clara ࣆ㡭 004 0 0 0 21 /8 Ͳ 24 /8 T.S. Ellen ဏӧ 27 3 65 0 4 7 15 /9 Ͳ 21 /9T.Iris ဏ❶ፌ 00276 0 1 1977 4 /7 Ͳ 6/7T.D. Ͳ  002 0 0 0 3/9 Ͳ 5/9T.S.Carla ࣆ୤ 001 1 0 0 22 /9 Ͳ 25 /9 S.T.S. Freda ᠷ଒㢙 10372 0 0 1978 24 /7 Ͳ 30 /7 S.T.S. Agnes ဏ୤ፌ 3 0 134 0 25 42 9/8 Ͳ 12 /8 T.S. Bonnie さ଒ 000 2 0 0 23 /8 Ͳ 28 /8 S.T.S. Elaine П⥪ 10518 5 8 Ͳ 26 /9 S.T.S. Kit ݙ⠬ 070 0 1 0 9/ 22 7/10 Ͳ 16 /10 S.T.S. Nina ⡳୤ 002 0 0 0 17 /10 Ͳ 29 /10 T. Rita 㡭କ 003 1 5 0 ፌ 000 0 2 0طͲ 6/7 T. Ellis ⛄ 7/ 1 1979 26 /7 Ͳ 30 /7 T.S. Gordon Ⴖừ 000 0 2 0 28 /7 Ͳ 3/8T.Hope ❨ⶸ 12 0 260 29 167 207 6/8 Ͳ 9/8T.D. Ͳ  000 0 3 0 Ͳ 24 /9 S.T.S. Mac 㡹ֶ 10672 120 9/ 16 1980 5 /7 Ͳ 12 /7 S.T.S. Ida ⛄㢙 000 1 0 0 18 /7 Ͳ 23 /7T.Joe ࢀП 21594 0 1 20 /7 Ͳ 28 /7T.Kim ᷶❆ 000 0 2 1 Ͳ 2/11 T.S. Cary ۹ㄺ 000 0 0 2 10/ 29 1981 3 /7 Ͳ 7/7 S.T.S. Lynn ᒛ❆ 00320 0 3 1982 27 /6 Ͳ 2/7T.S.Tess ვ⎘ 00160 1 0 22 /7 Ͳ 30 /7 T. Andy ౗⿌ 000 0 0 1 5/9 Ͳ 16 /9T.Irving Пጲ 000 0 0 2 191

⬟ ⑫ TABLE4.11 (cont'd)

ሦઘغܶ ᝪઘჁغܶ 《ϐ⸸ᡜ ┑៾Ỳಱ⚝ Ỳಱ⚝ ึЕ ፰ᑂᐱЕ Nameof ᮘชឳ፞ ᜻ϟϬጦ ે⻦Ϭጦ ܶՅϬጦ ⚔⚑ ጦἶ ጦἶ Year Date/Month tropicalcyclone ݝⅫ Persons Persons Persons OceanͲgoing Smallcraft Smallcraft dead missing injured vesselsin sunkor damaged trouble wrecked 1983 12 /7 Ͳ 19 /7 T. Vera ⎿୤ 000 0 1 0 29 /8 Ͳ 9/9 T. Ellen ဏӧ 10 12 333 44 135 225 10 /10 Ͳ 14 /10 T. Joe ࢀП 00582 0 3 ઠ 000 0 0 1ڃ Ͳ 26 /10 S.T.S. Lex 10/ 20 Ͳ 7/9T.Ike ⛄ֶ 001 0 0 0 8/ 27 1984 1985 19 /6 Ͳ 25 /6 T. Hal ߪ᯶ 01130 4 2 1/9 Ͳ 7/9T.Tess ვ⎘ 20126 1 3 13 /10 Ͳ 22 /10 T. Dot 㢙⠬ 001 0 0 0 1986 3 /7 Ͳ 12 /7 T. Peggy ⡧ୄ 10263 0 3 9/8 Ͳ 12 /8T.D. Ͳ  003 0 1 5 18 /8 Ͳ 6/9T.Wayne 㒟ྎ 3115+ 0 3 0 11 /10 Ͳ 19 /10 T. Ellen ဏӧ 004 1 2 1 1987 16 /10 Ͳ 27 /10 T. Lynn ᒛ❆ 001 0 0 0 1988 14 /7 Ͳ 20 /7 T. Warren ⟄ӧ 01121 2 1 Ͳ 22 /9T.Kit ݙ⠬ 000 0 0 1 9/ 19 18 /10 Ͳ 23 /10 T. Pat ෴ᰠ 201 0 0 0 21 /10 Ͳ 29 /10 T. Ruby 㐼᝺ 004 0 0 0 1989 16 /5 Ͳ 21 /5 T. Brenda ෪ӧ〖 6 1 119 0 3 5 11 /7 Ͳ 19 /7T.Gordon Ⴖừ 20311 0 8 8/10 Ͳ 14 /10 T. Dan έೈ 000 1 0 1 1990 15 /5 Ͳ 19 /5 T. Marian ᵼ㡭౗ 000 0 0 1 15 /6 Ͳ 19 /6 S.T.S. Nathan ໋ጚ 511 1 0 2 21 /6 Ͳ 30 /6 T. Percy ᴉ⯪ 100 0 0 0 27 /7 Ͳ 31 /7 S.T.S. Tasha ᡎ❻ 001 0 1 0 25 /8 Ͳ 30 /8 T. Becky ⶸୄ 010 0 0 0 10 /9 Ͳ 20 /9T.Ed ⓐ༔ 001 0 0 0 1991 15 /7 Ͳ 20 /7T.Amy ⛄Ⓕ 001 1 0 2 20 /7 Ͳ 24 /7 S.T.S. Brendan ෪ӧừ 0 0 17 1 1 13 13 /8 Ͳ 18 /8 T. Fred ᠷ㐌༔ 000 0 1 0 1992 9 /7 Ͳ 14 /7T.Eli ⛄ㄺ 00230 0 1 17 /7 Ͳ 18 /7T.S.Faye ⟇᯶ 20241 0 3 ㄺ 00182 0 0څ Ͳ 23 /7 S.T.S. Gary 7/ 19 1993 21 /6 Ͳ 28 /6 T. Koryn 㙗⡳ 0 0 183 0 0 2 16 /8 Ͳ 21 /8T.Tasha ᡎ❻ 00350 0 7 9/9 Ͳ 14 /9T.Abe ⛄ⶸ 100 0 0 0 15 /9 Ͳ 17 /9 S.T.S. Becky ⶸୄ 1 0 130 0 0 10 23 /9 Ͳ 27 /9T.Dot 㢙⠬ 01480 1 0 28 /10 Ͳ 5 /11 T. Ira ⛄ᅀ 20300 1 0 1994 23 /6 Ͳ 25 /6 T.S. Sharon ❻ᐽ 005 0 1 1 25 /8 Ͳ 29 /8 S.T.S. Harry લㄺ 102 0 0 2 1995 7 /8 Ͳ 12 /8 S.T.S. Helen ᢧӧ 30350 0 0 25 /8 Ͳ 1/9T.Kent ▂ᰠ 005 0 0 0 28 /9 Ͳ 4 /10 T. Sibyl ፌಢ 00140 0 0 1996 5 /9 Ͳ 10 /9 T. Sally ❻❶ 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 طୖ Ͳ 23 /9 S.T.S. Willie 9/ 18 Ͳ 3/8T.Victor ⎿ֶჭ 10580 0 0 7/ 31 1997 20 /8 Ͳ 23 /8T.Zita མ⠬ 003 0 0 0 1998 7 /8 Ͳ 11 /8 S.T.S. Penny ໟ଒ 101 0 0 0 12 /9 Ͳ 14 /9T.D. Ͳ  00100 0 0 15 /10 Ͳ 27 /10 T. Babs ಢ⎘ 00140 0 0 ૡ 00140 0 0ط Ͳ 2/5T.Leo 4/ 28 1999 2/6 Ͳ 8/6 T. Maggie ᵼୄ 005 0 2 0 25 /7 Ͳ 28 /7T.S. Ͳ  00180 0 0 19 /8 Ͳ 23 /8T.Sam ᕾଥ 4 0 328 0 0 0 * * Ͳ 17 /9T.York ⌽ֶ 2 0 500 3 9/ 12 24 /9 Ͳ 26 /9 S.T.S. Cam ㈶㐆 10230 0 0 192

⬟ ⑫ TABLE4.11 (cont'd)

ሦઘغܶ ᝪઘჁغܶ 《ϐ⸸ᡜ ┑៾Ỳಱ⚝ Ỳಱ⚝ ึЕ ፰ᑂᐱЕ Nameof ᮘชឳ፞ ᜻ϟϬጦ ે⻦Ϭጦ ܶՅϬጦ ⚔⚑ ጦἶ ጦἶ Year Date/Month tropicalcyclone ݝⅫ Persons Persons Persons OceanͲgoing Smallcraft Smallcraft dead missing injured vesselsin sunkor damaged trouble wrecked 2000 15 /7 Ͳ 16 /7T.D. Ͳ  016 0 0 0 27 /8 Ͳ 1/9 S.T.S. Maria ᵼ❶Ϝ 200 0 0 0 5/9 Ͳ 10 /9 T. Wukong ྱ↗ 001 0 0 1 2001 30 /6 Ͳ 3/7T.Durian ᘎᘪ 001 0 0 0 1/7 Ͳ 8/7T.Utor ಻ᰠ 101 0 1 0 Ͳ 26 /7T.Yutu ᳦ֺ 00100 0 0 7/ 23 28 /8 Ͳ 1/9 T.S. Fitow ⟇ᰠ 200 0 0 0 2002 15 /8 Ͳ 20 /8 S.T.S. Vongfong 㢋⨁ 002 0 0 1 10 /9 Ͳ 13 /9 S.T.S. Hagupit 㢒ᔉ᝺ 00320 0 3 2003 16 /7 Ͳ 23 /7 S.T.S. Koni ી㞵 00150 0 0 17 /7 Ͳ 25 /7 T. Imbudo П෪ゐ 10450 2 8 17 /8 Ͳ 26 /8T.Krovanhℰ⒲፾ 00110 0 2 29 /8 Ͳ 3/9 T. Dujuan ᑯ㞪 04240 1 4 2004 14 /7 Ͳ 16 /7 T.S. Kompasu ॶ⯵ 00120 0 0 2005 10 /8 Ͳ 14 /8 S.T.S. Sanvu ᴑᵰ 000 0 0 1 16 /9 Ͳ 19 /9T.S.Vicente 㒟ᕾᰠ 200 0 0 0 21 /9 Ͳ 28 /9 T. Damrey 〖⎿ 005 0 0 1 2006 9 /5 Ͳ 18 /5 T. Chanchu ᴔᴢ 006 0 1 0 27 /6 Ͳ 29 /6 T.S. Jelawat ᑺᅀ⟄ 100 0 0 0 31 /7 Ͳ 4/8 T. Prapiroon ᢈ᝺౗ 008 0 1 4 6/8 Ͳ 10 /8 S.T.S. Bopha ಢ㐩 000 0 0 1 23 /8 Ͳ 25 /8T.D. Ͳ  000 0 0 1 12 /9 Ͳ 13 /9T.D. Ͳ  001 0 0 0 27 /10 Ͳ 6/11 T. Cimaron ⯪㖡҄ 004 0 0 0 2007 5 /8 Ͳ 11 /8 S.T.S. Pabuk ෴෪ 10170 0 0 2008 15 /4 Ͳ 20 /4 T. Neoguri ᢖᮀ 002 0 0 0 18 /6 Ͳ 26 /6T.Fengshen㔘⃞ 00170 0 0 0 0 00370 סۋ Ͳ 8/8 S.T.S. Kammuri 4/8 17 /8 Ͳ 23 /8T.Nuri 㡎㞹 2 0 112 0 0 0 19 /9 Ͳ 25 /9 T. Hagupit 㢒ᔉ᝺ 00580 100 2009 15 /7 Ͳ 19 /7T.Molave ➔ᅀ⟇ 005 0 3 0 1/8 Ͳ 9/8 S.T.S. Goni ી㞵 40100 1 0 9/9 Ͳ 12 /9 T.S. Mujigae ໛⦡ 001 0 0 0 12 /9 Ͳ 16 /9 T. Koppu ෛᯯ 00740 0 0 2010 19 /7 Ͳ 23 /7 T. Chanthu ᯀゐ 40300 0 0 2011 18 /6 Ͳ 25 /6 T.S. Haima ᢧ㖡 003 0 1 0 25 /7 Ͳ 31 /7 S.T.S. NockͲten ᡩঢ 004 0 0 1 23 /9 Ͳ 1/10 T. Nesat ⍆᠌ 00260 1 1 27 /9 Ͳ 5 /10 S.T. Nalgae ೈᔉ 001 0 0 0 2012 26 /6 Ͳ 30 /6 T.S. Doksuri ᑯ⥐⛩ 002 0 1 0 20 /7 Ͳ 25 /7S.T.Vicente 㒟ᕾᰠ 0 0 138 0 1 0 12 /8 Ͳ 18 /8T.KaiͲtak ࡇ༔ 001 0 0 0 18 /8 Ͳ 30 /8 S.T. Tembin ીℼ 101 0 0 0 2013 9 /8 Ͳ 16 /8 SuperT. Utor ಻ᰠ 019 0 0 0 Ͳ 23 /9 SuperT. Usagi ીֺ 00170 0 1 9/ 17 2014 14 /6 Ͳ 15 /6 T.S. Hagibis ᢧⶸམ 001 0 0 0 14 /9 Ͳ 17 /9T. Kalmaegi ᢧ㠖 00290 0 0 2016 31 /7 Ͳ 2/8T. Nida ଒କ 00120 0 0 16 /10 Ͳ 18 /10 SuperT. Sarika ❻❶ࣆ 012 0 0 0 20 /10 Ͳ 21 /10 SuperT. Haima ᢧ㖡 00130 0 3 2017 11 /6 Ͳ 13 /6 S.T.S. Merbok ✃ᓀ 00100 0 2 Ͳ 23 /7 T.S. Roke ᡩֶ 000 0 0 2 7/ 22 22 /8 Ͳ 23 /8 SuperT. Hato ી㞟 0 0 129 1 0 36 Ͳ 27 /8 S.T.S. Pakhar ෴۹ 0 0 62 0 0 15 8/ 26 2 /9 Ͳ 4 /9 S.T.S. Mawar ᵼୗ 000 0 0 8 3 0 00220 ډͲ 16 /10 S.T. Khanun ۹ 10/ 14 ώᑍউਤ⇘ΑỲሦᝪਤರɺ┘ܭԱⱝ㦁 ⷝጻḉݕᐲ㍪ጂ๑み㌩ܰ׌׏ϐᗙᚄᘠᇻ҈㥳ݜᎯϣ * ⑼κጦኸ + ⭐㐌㐐ኬΥ N.B.: Basedoninformationsuppliedbyrelevantgovernmentdepartmentsandpublicutilitycompanies.Damagereportsinthelocalpress werealsoexaminedandcollated. * Dataunavailable. + Struckbylightning. ⲩෝࢂхᬀ׌ㄺ ⬟ϑ㐋΋΍ึીጲ݊ỬؚỲᮘชឳ፞⺆໹㓏ᤥ㘦ⱞ TABLE4.12VerificationofthetropicalcyclonetrackforecastsissuedbytheHongKongObservatoryin2017(Errorintheunitofkm)

24ಱᎯ㓏ᤥх⒡ 48ಱᎯ㓏ᤥх⒡ 72ಱᎯ㓏ᤥх⒡ 96ಱᎯ㓏ᤥх⒡ 120ಱᎯ㓏ᤥх⒡ 24Ͳhourforecast 48Ͳhourforecast 72Ͳhourforecast 96Ͳhourforecast 120Ͳhourforecast ᐬ㙗ເ๗ ᮘชឳ፞ Nameof ⏬⦍ position position position position position Maximum ݝⅫ tropicalcyclone Code ีওⲩෝ 㓏ᤥጦἶ ีওⲩෝ 㓏ᤥጦἶ ีওⲩෝ 㓏ᤥጦἶ ีওⲩෝ 㓏ᤥጦἶ ีওⲩෝ 㓏ᤥጦἶ Intensity Average No.of Average No.of Average No.of Average No.of Average No.of error forecasts error forecasts error forecasts error forecasts error forecasts ᔲ⛬ Muifa 1701 T.D. 188 5 281 3 341 1 ͲͲͲͲ ✃ᓀ Merbok 1702 S.T.S. 87 6 53 2 ͲͲͲͲͲͲ ۴ᵼゐ Nanmadol 1703 S.T.S. 97 7 231 4 ͲͲͲͲͲͲ ਽ᅀፌ Talas 1704 S.T.S. 64 6 196 2 ͲͲͲͲͲͲ ૡ㡘 Noru 1705 SuperT. 74 16 131 14 214 12 317 10 390 8 ᡩֶ Roke 1707 T.S. 42 1 ͲͲͲͲͲͲͲͲ ᔚ۹ Sonca 1708 T.S. 111 12 195 8 234 4 ͲͲͲͲ ⍆᠌ Nesat 1709 T. 94 12 155 8 290 4 752 2 ͲͲ ᢧᕳ Haitang 1710 T.S. 85 10 87 6 109 2 ͲͲͲͲ ી㞟 Hato 1713 SuperT. 88 14 154 10 225 6 390 2 ͲͲ ෴۹ Pakhar 1714 S.T.S. 89 9 190 5 150 1 ͲͲͲͲ ᵼୗ Mawar 1716 S.T.S. 65 12 77 8 145 4 ͲͲͲͲ ܿ⸶ Guchol 1717 T.D. 49 2 ͲͲͲͲͲͲͲͲ 193 Talim 1718 SuperT. 67 24 145 22 276 19 343 15 469 10 طᡎ ᑯ⥐⛩ Doksuri 1719 S.T. 81 13 202 9 445 5 1103 1 ͲͲ Khanun 1720 S.T. 76 14 128 10 157 6 162 2 ͲͲ ډ۹ ⥪ྎ Lan 1721 SuperT. 78 17 137 15 193 11 319 9 252 7 ⥐ᅀ Saola 1722 T. 85 10 238 7 412 5 427 3 381 1 〖⎿ Damrey 1723 T. 56 12 105 8 107 4 ͲͲͲͲ ᢧ⠤ Haikui 1724 T.S. 66 8 87 4 ͲͲͲͲͲͲ 㞜㏣ Kirogi 1725 T.S. 78 5 64 1 ͲͲͲͲͲͲ ࡇ༔ KaiͲTak 1726 T.S. 66 24 83 19 142 17 196 13 244 9 ીℼ Tembin 1727 T. 80 16 136 8 207 6 262 4 313 2 ᮘชцឳ઎ ᐱ፰፰ TropicalDepression(8Ͳ10Jan) Ͳ T.D. 62 3 ͲͲͲͲͲͲͲͲ ᮘชцឳ઎ ᐱ፰፰ TropicalDepression(14Ͳ17Apr) Ͳ T.D. 155 8 180 4 ͲͲͲͲͲͲ ᮘชцឳ઎ ᐱ፰፰ TropicalDepression(23Ͳ25Sep) Ͳ T.D. 53 4 ͲͲͲͲͲͲͲͲ ᮘชцឳ઎ ᐱ፰፰ TropicalDepression(9Ͳ10Oct) Ͳ T.D. 62 1 ͲͲͲͲͲͲͲͲ ᮘชцឳ઎ ᐱ፰ᐱ፰ TropicalDepression(31OctͲ2Nov) Ͳ T.D. 41 2 ͲͲͲͲͲͲͲͲ ีওⲩෝAverageError 81 142 224 324 345 㓏ᤥ␮ጦTotalnumberofforecasts 273 177 107 61 37 ⱝ㦁 ⏱♟๗㥳ᑻ⎮♟๗׈㥳㖖ᤨીጲ݊ỬؚⰕᤥᎯ㌷ᬀ۳ⲺΛḛᎯᎯɹᎯɹᎯܰᎯỲᮘชឳ፞⺆໹ɺۋᅕḲᮘชឳ፞Υ༞хፕڽ㘦ⱞ ܰ㓏ᤥх⒡Ỳ⹷㐀㥳ࢂхᬀ׌ㄺɺ ⯴∉ϗ≡ ⲩෝᎥᅭ㖖ᤨીጲ݊ᐬѥ⺆໹х⒡ Note: 1. VerificationincludestropicalcycloneforecasttracksissuedbytheHongKongObservatoryat00,06,12and18UTCfortropicalcycloneswithintheareaboundedby7°Nand36°N,100°Eto140°E. 2. Errorreferstothedistancebetweenthetropicalcyclonebesttrackposition(seeSection5)andforecastpositionoftheHongKongObservatory,intheunitofkm. 194

∉ϗ≡  ϑ㐋΋΍ึᮘชឳ፞Ỳх⒡ܰເ๗ጦኸ

⎮⏱๗ɹᑻۋ♟〔ḉ⸞܃৤㥯ۥᡜ⯪みܰ۴ᢧีુۋЈΒᎥϑ㐋΋΍ึхፕ ፕᑍ≡ɺإ᝶׍ಱᎯηх⒡ܰເ๗בᅕỲ≣ॴ㥰Ỳᮘชឳ፞ɺڽ๗♟๗ნ

ᮘชឳ፞ݝⅫ 㓂   ፰ۦ♟΋ᐱ׋፰ ᮘชцឳ઎    ΍፰ۦ♟ॗ፰ۦॗᐱ ᮘชцឳ઎ ᮘชцឳ઎ᔲ⛬   ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ       ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ۴ᵼゐ ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ਽ᅀፌ    ⸶ເ㔞㔘ૡ㡘    ᮘช㔘ᏺᳺᶀ       ᮘช㔘ᏺᡩֶ    ᮘช㔘ᏺᔚ۹ 㔞㔘⍆᠌    ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧᕳ    ᮘช㔘ᏺೈᔉ    ເ㔞㔘ᗲᙦ    ⸶ເ㔞㔘ી㞟       ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ෴۹ 㔞㔘ᴑᵰ    ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺᵼୗ    ᮘชцឳ઎ܿ⸶      ط⸶ເ㔞㔘ᡎ ເ㔞㔘ᑯ⥐⛩      ϗ፰ۦΐ፰♟ϑۦςᐱϑ ᮘชцឳ઎   ፰ۦ♟ᐱς፰ۦ ᮘชцឳ઎    ډເ㔞㔘۹ ⸶ເ㔞㔘⥪ྎ    㔞㔘⥐ᅀ     ΋ᐱϑ፰ۦ♟΋፰ۦᐱΐۦ ᮘชцឳ઎ 㔞㔘〖⎿    ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧ⠤    ᮘช㔘ᏺ㞜㏣    ᮘช㔘ᏺࡇ༔    㔞㔘ીℼ   

㋝׈Ỳีওӱ㥳ࢂхᬀ⋞᝶ℱ㥯⋞᝶ℱ⌽ᬀᢧㄺჁءংᑍ≡㥳㔘⿴ওܵ  ᬀ㦁ء׌ㄺ᝶ಱᎯ㥰ɺᮘชឳ፞Ỳເ๗ B  5%   ᮘชцឳ઎ C  54   ᮘช㔘ᏺ D  454   ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ E  5   㔞㔘 F  45   ເ㔞㔘 G  4VQFS5   ⸶ເ㔞㔘 195

Section5 TROPICALCYCLONEPOSITIONANDINTENSITYDATA,2017 SixͲhourly position and intensity data are tabulated in this section for the following tropical cyclonesin2017overthewesternNorthPacificandtheSouthChinaSea(i.e.theareaboundedby theEquator,45°N,100°Eand180°). Nameoftropicalcyclone Page TropicalDepression(8Ͳ10January) 196 TropicalDepression(14Ͳ17April)196 TropicalDepressionMuifa(1701) 197 SevereTropicalStormMerbok(1702) 197 SevereTropicalStormNanmadol(1703) 198 SevereTropicalStormTalas(1704) 198 SuperTyphoonNoru(1705) 199 TropicalStormKulap(1706) 201 TropicalStormRoke(1707) 201 TropicalStormSonca(1708) 202 TyphoonNesat(1709) 203 TropicalStormHaitang(1710) 204 TropicalStormNalgae(1711) 204 SevereTyphoonBanyan(1712) 205 SuperTyphoonHato(1713) 206 SevereTropicalStormPakhar(1714) 206 TyphoonSanvu(1715) 207 SevereTropicalStormMawar(1716) 208 TropicalDepressionGuchol(1717) 208 SuperTyphoonTalim(1718) 209 SevereTyphoonDoksuri(1719) 210 TropicalDepression(23Ͳ25September) 210 TropicalDepression(9Ͳ10October) 211 SevereTyphoonKhanun(1720) 211 SuperTyphoonLan(1721) 212 TyphoonSaola(1722) 213 TropicalDepression(31OctoberͲ2November) 213 TyphoonDamrey(1723) 214 TropicalStormHaikui(1724) 214 TropicalStormKirogi(1725) 215 TropicalStormKaiͲtak(1726) 215 TyphoonTembin(1727) 216  Inthissection,surfacewindsrefertowindspeedsaveragedoveraperiodof10minutesgivenin theunitofm/s(1m/sisabout1.94knotsor3.6km/h).Intensitiesoftropicalcyclonesareclassified asfollows:Ͳ  (a) T.D.:Ͳtropicaldepression (b) T.S.:Ͳtropicalstorm (c) S.T.S.:Ͳseveretropicalstorm (d) T.:Ͳtyphoon (e) S.T.:Ͳseveretyphoon (f) SuperT.:Ͳsupertyphoon  

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗ ፰ۦ♟ḉ΋ᐱ׋፰ ᮘชцឳ઎ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5301*$"-%&13&44*0/0'+"/6"3:


΋ᐱ +"/   5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      5%      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗ ΍፰ۦ♟ॗ፰ۦḉॗᐱ ᮘชцឳ઎ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5301*$"-%&13&44*0/0'"13*-


ॗᐱ "13   5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      5%      5%       5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 

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ॗᐱ "13   5%      5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      5%      5%       5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗  ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ✃ᓀ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 4&7&3&5301*$"-4503..&3#0, 


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ᐱ +6-   5%       5%      54      54      54       454      454      454      454       454      454      54      54     ⵝᬀᦂชឳ፞ #FDBNF&YUSBUSPQJDBM

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗  ເᬅᮘช㔘ᏺ਽ᅀፌ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 4&7&3&5301*$"-4503.5"-"4 


ᐱ +6-   5%      5%      54       54      54      454      454       54      54      54     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗  ⸶ເ㔞㔘ૡ㡘 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 461&35:1)00//036 


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ᐱ +6-   5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      54      54       54      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 

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бⰿᐬц бⰿ Υ༞ឳ઎ ᐬ㙗㔘⿴ ⋞᝶ℱ Ữ෴ፌ۹ &TUJNBUFE &TUJNBUFE Ꭿ㌷NJOJNVN NBYJNVN ⎮⏱ ᑻۋ DFOUSBM TVSGBDF ۳ⲺΛḛᎯ ᐱЕ፰ᑂ 5JNF ເ๗ QSFTTVSF XJOET -BU -POH .POUI%BUF 65$ *OUFOTJUZ I1B NT P/ P& ᐱ "6(   5%      5%       54      54      54      54       454      5      5      5       45      4VQFS5      45      5      454      54       54      5%      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

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ᐱ "6(   5%      5%       54      54      54      54       54      54      454      454       454      54      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 

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    ׋ᐱ "6(   5%  5%      5%     ςᐱ 4&1   5%      5%      54      54       454      454      454      454       454      54      54      54       5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

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Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗ ϗ፰ۦΐ፰♟ϑۦḉςᐱϑ ᮘชцឳ઎ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5301*$"-%&13&44*0/0'4&15&.#&3


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бⰿᐬц бⰿ Υ༞ឳ઎ ᐬ㙗㔘⿴ ⋞᝶ℱ Ữ෴ፌ۹  &TUJNBUFE &TUJNBUFE Ꭿ㌷NJOJNVN NBYJNVN ⎮⏱ ᑻۋ DFOUSBM TVSGBDF ۳ⲺΛḛᎯ ᐱЕ፰ᑂ 5JNF ເ๗ QSFTTVSF XJOET -BU -POH .POUI%BUF 65$ *OUFOTJUZ I1B NT P/ P&     ᐱ 0$5   5%ۦ  5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      54      54       54      54      54      54       54      54      54      54       54      454      454      454       454      5      5      454       454      454      54     ⵝᬀᦂชឳ፞ #FDBNF&YUSBUSPQJDBM

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗ ΋ᐱϑ፰ۦ♟΋፰ۦᐱΐۦḉ ᮘชцឳ઎ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5301*$"-%&13&44*0/0'0$50#&3/07&.#&3 бⰿᐬц бⰿ Υ༞ឳ઎ ᐬ㙗㔘⿴ ⋞᝶ℱ Ữ෴ፌ۹ &TUJNBUFE &TUJNBUFE Ꭿ㌷NJOJNVN NBYJNVN ⎮⏱ ᑻۋ DFOUSBM TVSGBDF ۳ⲺΛḛᎯ ᐱЕ፰ᑂ 5JNF ເ๗ QSFTTVSF XJOET -BU -POH .POUI%BUF 65$ *OUFOTJUZ I1B NT P/ P&     ᐱ 0$5   5%ۦ  5%         ΋ᐱ /07   5%ۦ  5%      5%      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 

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    ᐱ 0$5   5%ۦ     ΋ᐱ /07   5%ۦ  5%      5%      5%       54      54      454      454       454      5      5      5       5      454      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗  ᮘช㔘ᏺᢧ⠤ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5301*$"-4503.)"*,6* 


    ΋ᐱ /07   5%ۦ  5%       5%      54      54      54       54      54      54      54       5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 

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    ΋ᐱ /07   5%ۦ  5%      5%       54      54      54      5%       5%      5%      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗  ᮘช㔘ᏺࡇ༔ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5301*$"-4503.,"*5",  


    ϑᐱ %&$   5%ۦ  5%      54      54       54      54      54      54       54      54      54      54       5%      5%      5%      5%       5%      5%      5%      5%       54      54      54      54     

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    ϑᐱ %&$   54ۦ  54      54      54       54      54      5%      5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE

Ỳ᝶׍ಱᎯх⒡ܰເ๗  㔞㔘ીℼ 4*9)063-:104*5*0/"/%*/5&/4*5:%"5"0' 5:1)00/5&.#*/ 


    ϑᐱ %&$   5%ۦ  5%       54      54      54      54       54      54      54      454       454      454      454      454       5      5      5      5       5      454      54      54       5%     ᢷ጗ %JTTJQBUFE 217 218 219

Annex 1 Estimated Direct Economic Losses in Hong Kong caused by Super Typhoon Hato (1713)

1. Data collection

(A) Losses reported by government departments, public utility companies and other organizations The Hong Kong Observatory conducted a survey to collect data on damages and economic losses caused by Super Typhoon Hato from the following government departments, public utilities and other organizations between April and October 2019:

Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Architectural Services Department, Building Services Department, Civil Aviation Department, Civil Engineering and Development Department, Drainage Services Department, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Environmental Protection Department, Fire Services Department, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Government Property Administrator, Highways Department, Home Affairs Department, Housing Department, Lands Department, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Marine Department, Social Welfare Department, Water Supplies Department.

China Light and Power Company Limited, China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited, City Bus Limited, Discovery Bay Transportation Services Limited, HGC Global Communications Limited, Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited, Hong Kong Airport Authority, Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited, Hong Kong Electric Company Limited, Hong Kong Red Cross, Hong Kong Railway Company Limited, Hong Kong Telecommunications Limited, Hong Kong Tramways Limited, International Global Communications Network (Hong Kong) Limited, Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited, New World First Ferry Services Limited, Park Island Transport Company Limited, Peak Tramways Company Limited, Shun Tak China Travel Shipping Management Limited and the “Star” Ferry Company, Limited.

As of 31 October 2019, the losses reported from government departments, public utilities and other organizations amount to HK$ 97,036,855. To avoid double counting the insurance claims data in part (B), items with insurance claims covered have been excluded. 220

(B) Insurance claims data The insurance claims statistics incurred by Super Typhoon Hato in Hong Kong are provided by the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers (HKFI) based on its member surveys. The statistics were collected from 54 insurance companies in Hong Kong, accounting for around 80% of the market share according to the Annual Statistics for General Business 2017 issued by the Insurance Authority. The insurance claims incurred as of March 2019 are as follows :

Total claims incurred (HK$) (i) Property Damage, Business Interruption and 838,973,952 Contractors’ All Risks (CAR) (ii) Employees’ Compensation (EC), Motor and Travel 47,301,608

Adjusted by market share of the participating companies (80%), the insurance claims incurred by Hato is estimated to be (HK$ 838,973,952 + HK$ 47,301,608) / 80% = HK$ 1,107,844,450

2. Estimation of direct economic losses caused by Super Typhoon Hato

The estimated direct economic losses due to Hato in Hong Kong are considered to be the sum of (A) total reported losses of government departments, public utilities and other organizations (net of related insurance claims) and (B) insurance claims (adjusted by market share of companies participating in the survey): = HK$ 97,036,855 + HK$ 1,107,844,450 = HK$ 1,204,881,305 (around HK$ 1.20 billion)

3. Disclaimer

The estimated direct economic losses are based on the best available information from the responses of government departments, public utilities and other organizations to the survey conducted by the Hong Kong Observatory, statistics on insurance claims collected from the members of the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers and other relevant government reports at the time of assessment. The estimates are for reference only as the data collection are by no means exhaustive and may be subject to various limitations in the survey responses and analysis method.


The Hong Kong Observatory gratefully acknowledges the government departments, public utilities and other organizations involved in the survey, the Hong Kong Federation of Insurers for providing insurance claims, and the Census and Statistics Department for providing professional advice to the survey and analysis methods of economic losses.